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You're pretty sure you're dying. That has to be the only explanation for your current state. The last thing you remember was burrowing into a slab of crab meat in the faint hope it would protect you from a magical explosion. This was shortly followed by ridiculous amounts of light and pain. It's not terribly hard to recall since you're still in pain everywhere that you aren't numb. Also it feels like someone hung you up on a clothesline to dry, which is a secondary annoyance to the feeling you might be blind. You sure as heck can't see anything.

>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
>Turn on the glow, maybe it's just dark
>Catalog ouchies
Places I say things (like imminent threads): https://twitter.com/Predhack

The story to now: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Re:%20Lizard%20EX%20Quest

Character sheet: http://pastebin.com/dLa1ayJX

You can ask me questions in my off time here:
ask.fm/LambQM (only answered one question though)
I WAS going to sleep in 1 hour... well, who needs sleep?
>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
If there:
>Turn on the glow, maybe it's just dark
Then we can decide if we want to wriggle or not.
>>Catalog ouchies
>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
>>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
>Catalog ouchies
Can we eat the crab or it's too poisoned? Because we deserve the gigant god-crab
By the way guys, I think I know one of the meta iguana challenges, and I think it is to acquire ""flight"", presumably this is extremely ambiguous and can probably be accomplished in any manner that has us ignoring gravity even briefly, I doubt exploding counts sadly.
Worst case scenerio we shove it in a vat and eat it anyway.
Probably befriending a dragon is enough. He can teach Sunny to fly. Find a dragon
Or just tying a bunch of those lamps to us and floating off into the sunset.

>Catalog ouchies
>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
Oh... that's a good idea. If we are not too big we need to try.

There's also the 'no time' one, which I assume has to do with the sundial in the village.
>>Feel eyes to check presence of eyes
>Turn on the glow, maybe it's just dark
>Catalog ouchies
List off the injuries then check for eyes.
Maybe just glow like the sun and run around it backwards?

That'd be my guess - "turning back time" such as it is.
Surely it can't be that simple
Just existing in a state of floating not feeling anything except a tightness across your chest isn't going to get anything done. If you figure out a full list of what's hurt you can begin working on whatever comes after that.

A moment after starting your list you decide it'll be faster to list what doesn't hurt. This takes a little longer. Your tongue feels alright. And some of your non-vital organs don't hurt. And inexplicably your right pinky claw feels fine along with half of the claw next to it.

Everything else just feels like hurting or nothing. The not feeling anything bit is somewhat disturbing. You really hope your parts are where they belong. Like your left hand. You were rather attached to it. You hope that remains the case.

You're still blind though. You carefully shift a hand to prod at your face around where your eyes should be. Instead of the pit with ball you're used to you feel an irregular coating of cooked meat. That isn't good at all.

>Okay, we're blind, don't panic <panic>
>Claw at the place your eyes used to be. MAYBE THAT WILL FIX IT
>Wiggle now
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
>Okay, we're blind, don't panic <panic>
>>Okay, we're blind, don't panic <panic>
>>Wiggle now
>>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
>Okay, we're blind, don't panic <panic>
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
Lick your eyes, it's crab meat or lizard meat?

>Wiggle now
>>Wiggle now
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
Ok a crab just exploded around us. Finding cooked meat in strange places is par for the course. Let's just not claw at it. For reasons.
>Turn on the other senses to figure out where you are.
Do we hear water, or voices, or the fleshy sounds of being inside a digestive system?
Hone your sense. Maybe panic just a little
Really hope the parts we can't feel are because of shock and not that they're missing. The tail at least might regrow.
Sunny can become a legendary Cyber Sun Lizard.
You try to keep it together as you focus your other senses. The sound of leaves fluttering in the wind and the surf crashing on the beach meets your ear. Just the left one. You feel the right one and find it's clogged with something. You're going to need such a long bath.

A sniff gets you the smell of fresh tree. Or sap. Also the smell of the sea but that's a constant anywhere within a mile of the sea so not terribly helpful. Though now that you're awake you're starting to want more crab brains. It's like an overwhelming hunger filling your mind to the point you're even starting to imagine you can smell it.

You lick your lips then spit. You taste like crab, which is hardly surprising but the stale flavor isn't so great on your skin. Yuck.

So you're somewhere with a lot of trees near the beach. That's good to know. You feel the bar that's been pressing against your chest painfully since you woke up. The texture of wooden bark meets your fingers.

Ah, correction. You're UP a tree, in a wooded area, near a beach. Blind and up a tree. This can only end well. The last thought is punctuated by a cracking noise to your left.

What do?
>Dig your claws in and scamper around the tree at high speed while trying to identify source of noise
Move to our right then find down and move down try.

Rub eyes? Check for missing limbs.
was supposed to link here
Clean your eyes and then go down the tree. Check your body and sorroundings.
Did you guys miss the bit where we don't actually HAVE those anymore?
We have the magic. We can rebuild her.
No, there was a layer of scorched meat.

Sunny is probably covered in fried crab.
can't help but wonder how mom is going to react once she finds us.
Rub eye sockets move away from cracking noise
Rubbing at the spot your eyes used to be in, you start shifting away from the ominous cracking. Your body wiggling along the branch and causing it to bob up and down. Also, it crack again and you realize your error. Holding perfectly still you try to think of a way to correct what you've just done.
The branch you're on gives way anyway and you scramble to grab something to prevent your fall. Your claws land only on empty air though. Your face finds a branch as it collides with it. Followed by your hip. Then your other hip. Then other body parts, many of the collisions are accompanied by the sound of more branches cracking and ALL of them are accompanied by your swears.















Finally you hit what is either the ground or a very large wide branch. You're pretty sure you hit every branch on the way down the tree and the only part of you that escaped punishment was your tail. In other news you can see black, orange and purple in your right eye but it's blurry and unclear what you're looking at.

>Clean eyes as best you can
>Crawl towards ocean
>Take a minute to catch your breathe
>Take a minute to catch your breathe
>>Clean eyes as best you can
>>Clean eyes as best you can
>>Take a minute to catch your breathe
this is not our day.
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Next evo, we need crazy lizard regen.
>Clean eyes as best you can
>Take a minute to catch your breathe
>Call Mommy
>Take a minute to catch your breathe
>Clean eyes as best you can
>Add 'acquire tree-chopper' to list of long-term goals. These bludgeoning branches will rue the day!

Hopefully the vat wouldn't get poisoned in the process. This is Kasha we're talking about.
Usually Sun/light = heal so... it's posible.
Just... just give Sunny a minute
>>Clean eyes as best you can
>>Take a minute to catch your breathe
Nah, Sunny will be a tiny nuclear reactor
As a general rule, neurotoxin usually doesn't affect plants, something to do with them lacking a nervous system.
You wipe your eyes ineffectually before deploying the claws. Digging under the edge of a cracked bit of meat you carefully peel and manage to remove a thick layer of crab meat that was stuck on them. Your vision returns, albeit somewhat blurry. You may need to wash your face.

Sighing, you flop back on the ground and look at the sky. It's apparently getting into the evening now with the sun rapidly setting. The tree behind you is now a quarter bald after you broke nearly every branch it had. Maybe it'll learn to give you better support in the future if it doesn't want you to destroy it.

Today's been a long day. First skeletons. Then all manner of crabs small and giant. If you never see another living crab it'll probably be too soon.

You close your eyes but open them again at the sound of something moving in the brush coming from the beach.

>Camouflage self
>Prepare to fight
>Forget everything
Eyes! Yes!

>Camouflage self if no response.
>Prepare to fight

It isn't fair
>Camouflage self

>>40432876 works, I think. Maybe camo first.
>Camouflage self
>Prepare to fight
Nope, done with this, day's been too long already.
>>Camouflage self
>>Camouflage self
camo and calling
Groaning quietly you fuss with the color of your scales until you get them to something that seems hide-y. Then, satisfied, you call out, "Mom?"

The thing in the brush stops and you wait to see what it does before hearing a response, "Miss Sunniva?"

What. No. God lizard were you even listening to one thing you said? You couldn't go one day. ONE HOUR without throwing you request into the dirt. You groan and rub your face into the dirt. Maybe the world would have pity on you if you really were blind.

The nail in the proverbial coffin is hammered in as a crab with a stylish hat and a monocle appears from the brush in front of you. He takes a moment looking around before he notices you glaring at him with all the hate in your body. Cornelius the Crab. Enterpreneur Extraordinaire.

"Cornelius," you grumble in greeting.

"Miss Sunniva!" he says cheerily, and loudly. "We've been looking for you. Your mother was quite sure you'd survive and so before she left us she hired my people and I to scour the beach for you. It never occurred to me that you might have gotten more... distance... as it were, than your mother did. She landed in the sand, you see."

>She can come get me now
>Take me to her
>Screw the world and politeness, I need a nap
>Question the crab <specify>
>Take me to her

Sorry for killing Crabthulu but he looked really tasty.
>Question the crab <specify>
so what happened between the giant crab explosion and now? Was kinda out of it for a bit.
>She can come get me now

>Take me to her
>>Question the crab <specify>
We killed the evil crab?
>Take me to her
>>Take me to her
>Question the crab <Before she left? Where did she go?>
>>Take me to her
Crab is dead right?
Somebody already archived the thread.
>Take me to her
>Question the crab <specify>

Did the merfolk survive? Also brag that we killed their dread god.
Some guy is intentionally archiving quests really badly. He realised that blatant misarchiving was just going to get them all fixed, so now he's attempting to be subtle.

Lamb, I would heavily recommend that you adopt a policy of archiving as soon as you create a thread for the foreseeable future.
Oh wow, yeah. Bad tagging, bad description, the whole nine yards.
I don't really like to early archive description though. If something really interesting happens it won't be mentioned, and trying to predict what will happen in a thread leaves a pretty small and boring description. One that may be wrong depending on the anon's actions too.
can't it be edited?
If we kill the crab god, do we take its place? Does Cornelius have to worship us now?
Better than getting a completely shitty archive.
Nope We just get their eternal thanks and gratitude, since we punched out cthulhu.
Ask some questions and let's go
>wri- hold up

What. Wait. Seriously? What the hell. How did you even tell that and whose ass am I going to have to kick to get it fixed?
Check for yourself.
The guy who runs the archive, LordLicorice.
I saw. Shit

And how do I bug him about it and is his response time anywhere within this millenium?
Email him, and no. You can find his email somewhere on the sup/tg/ website. Check the news page, I guess.

The other option is bugging him on IRC, but I forget where he hangs out.
They have there own IRC channel and server.

Its publically listed but I can't be arsed to find it.
"Left you? Where'd she go?" you ask, forcing yourself to your feet then collapsing onto four limbs when your balance suddenly fails. You decide to stick with quadrepedal movement for now. Your head took a beat and two legs might be difficult right now as evidence by your lack of balance. You don't like the way he put that.

"Ah, well she pulled herself into one of the legs that were dragged on shore and started eating. We haven't seen her since," Cornelius explains.

"Legs. On shore. What did I miss?"

"Ah, well, you see. Your people are working with the merpeople to get as much of the meat of Crab'thulu onto the beach as possible, so it can be prepared and preserved. A 47.5/47.5 split, with a 5 percent amount given to my people for our assistance in this instance. Mostly there's been a lot of dragging the intact legs of the god onto land and then mining the meat out of them. The body's remains are nearly a complete wash I'm afraid. Scavengers have already covered it."

"So we killed it?"

"Quite thoroughly my dear. Truly your mother is most impressive."

>That was my kill
>Isn't the meat poisoned?
>What happened to my loot?
>Other question <specify>
>That was my kill

If ever there was something worth getting angry about, it is Mom stealing credit for killing crabthulhu.
>>What happened to my loot?
>That was my kill
I stabbed it in the brains. I fought it inside it's brains, it blew up because I stabbed it.
>Isn't the meat poisoned?
Mom is poisonous as a mean spirited swamp.
>What happened to my loot?
Please tell me you found some of it? It was a dagger, a saber, a fire stone and an air stone.
>>Isn't the meat poisoned?
>>What happened to my loot?
>That was my kill
I killed, I got inside and ate his brain.

Search for you'r loot and check your things (Sword, fire rock, etc)
>That was my kill
>What happened to my loot?
>That was my kill
>That was my kill
>That was my kill

Tell the crab:
>Long version
>Short and Bloody version
>>Long version
While we look for our loot.
>>Long version
And check our equipement/search loot around
>Long version
Long version
Time to work on that barding skill
"That was my kill," you grumble murderously, noticing for the first time that your belt with all your stuff is gone.


"I killed the Crab'thulu. I did it," you tell the crab as you look around.

"Oh, well I had no intention of belittling your contributions," Cornelius says, backpedaling, "But as you disappeared partway into the fight in your mother's account we had no way of knowing what exactly your contributions were.

You spot your belt back up in the tree. It apparently came loose as you were falling. Indicating it to Cornelius he does a crabby nod and calls a coconut crab from nearby to go up after it while you tell him your side of the story. By the time you get to fleeing the heart room the coconut crab has returned from the tree with your things, which check over quickly before thanking him and tossing him a little tooth, at Cornelius' suggestion.

Cornelius begins guiding you back out to the beach while you continue the story. He is an excellent listener. Only interrupting to ask for clarification on parts you failed to explain fully. He seemed very interested in the crabs that were operating inside Crab'thulu's body in particular.

The beach is a hive of activity, with lizard pulling ropes to pull large pieces of crab onto the beach while normal crabs scurry about piling up chunks of meat collected nearby. No doubt ejected pieces of meat from the blast, if your being in a tree is anything to go by. In the water you can see merfolk doing what they can to help maneuver the large pieces onto land.

You're nearly done with your story when you round a leg to see mom splayed out enjoying the last rays of the rapidly vanishing sun.

"And then I dug into the crack that was still healing to try and get away from the blast. I guess it was bigger than the first one," you say to Cornelius.
"Yes, quite," he agrees, "I'll make sure your side of the story is bandied about. It sounds like you did a lot of the heavy lifting. Ah, but here is your mother. Safe and alive."

Mom opens her eyes and smiles at you. "What's this about heavy lifting?"

>My kill. MINE
>I'm glad you apparently got out uninjured.
>Can we go home now?
>How much of this meat is mine? Is there other loot?
>Other question for mom <specify>
>My kill. MINE but I'm glad you apparently got out uninjured. How much of this meat is mine? Is there other loot?

>My kill. MINE
>I'm glad you apparently got out uninjured.
>Can we go home now?
>How much of this meat is mine? Is there other loot?

>thinking we won't do all of these

You're cute sometimes, Lamb.
>>My kill. MINE
>My kill. MINE
>How much of this meat is mine? Is there other loot?
>Other?(Tell her your story)

Sunny needs the glory, her mom has too much, it's time for the next generation to be a legend.
>So, was this enough to share, or should I go look for more?
>And was there any other loot?
omg yes, something like ''THAT was enough crab for you or should i go look for more?''
>My kill. MINE
>I'm glad you apparently got out uninjured.
>Can we go home now?
>How much of this meat is mine? Is there other loot?
Snark and line drawing

I love snark
Sunny needs to snark more
Try e-mailing him.
>[email protected]

or click the name on the bottom right.

Other threads are subject to this right now.
Already talked to him in IRC and sent an email. No worries. I'm also going to copy the story posts into a pastebin JIC it takes a while to fix.

I would but I'm terrible at snark as far as I recall. My dad beat that out of me in my youth.

>returns to writing
Then we need to do more snark write-ins to help you
"My kill," you tell your mom firmly, pointing at the massive crab leg she's laying next to, "Mine."

"Okay," mom huffs with amusement, "You'll have to tells me how you figure that later but I'll takes your word for it."

You nod. Good. No arguments. "So is this enough crab for you and Milly's Mom or shall I go finds another?"

Mom seems to process that for a second before letting out a bark of laughter. At her full volume. You spend the minute waiting for your hearing to come back glaring at her. She has the good grace to apologize once your hearing comes back.

"It is enough," she says, still letting out little giggles every couple words. "Thanks you Sunny."

You look at the meat and notice the grey veins in it still standing out among the pinker flesh and muscle.

"Is that safe to eats? You're poisonous like dad is spineless. Should everyone be eatings this?"

Mom rolls her eyes at your patriarchal commentary but shakes her head to your question. "The meat is safe. The poison I useds doesn't last long outside unless it gets into the blood. Eatings it is safe."

She rolls a bit to reach her arm inside the crab and scrape out some meat to hand to you. You accept it and chow down with little reservation. Oh wow. This... this is good. Normal crab meat is really good but this is SPICY. Super spicy. It's like your mouth is on fire! You chew through the portion she gave you and commend her for her flavor.

Mom laughs, quietly this time. "Why do you thinks I ate so many poisonous things when I was your size? They are very full of flavor! I was so happy when I started makings my own poisons. It's like cookings but the only waiting you need to do is for your prey to die."

You share a laugh at this. "So if I killeds it all this meat is mine, right?" you ask. "Were there any valuable insides the crab?"
"You can haves as much meat as you want, though it's probably best you shares with anyone who wants some," mom corrects you. "It builds good will. And is the kind of things people remember you did when priests start sayings you're a poison not only to your prey but to society itself. Which reminds me you shouldn't try healing anyone after eating this meat. The poison will probably stays in your system for a while if you eat too much."

"I thought you saids it wasn't poisonous."

"I saids it doesn't stay poisonous long outside the body. Eatings it will still be fresh and you'll absorb it. The weak stuff in the meat won't affect lizards or merpeople though."

You nod.

"As for the valuables, we haven't seen any. You can go looks at the remains if you want, though it is getting dark, and it will be there another day.'

"So since we're both fines we can go home, right?"

"Well, you cans," mom allows, then leans over and you notice something you didn't before, seeing as she was laying on it, "I will haves to stay here a couple days though.

Mom's missing her arm and leg. Panicking you point this out to her and she defensively fires back, "Well you're missings a tail, you don't see me freakings out about it."

You turn around and look at your tail. Or lack thereof. Your tail is gone. Most of it anyway That sorta explains your balance issues.

>Start panicking about your tail.
>Start panicking about mom's limbs.
>Keep calm and lizard on
>Demand information <specify>
>Snark? <write-in I don't know if you can snark about this>

By all means

Wait, when am I cute? What'd I do?
>Start panicking about your tail.
>Start panicking about mom's limbs
>>Start panicking about your tail.
>>Start panicking about mom's limbs.
>Start panicking about your tail.
>Start panicking about mom's limbs.
>>Demand information <specify>
These grow back right? Please tell me they grow back.
>Start panicking about your tail.
>Start panicking about mom's limbs.
>Demand information <They grow back?>
Not snark time. It's panic time. Sunny is too little to be that calm about this.
>>Start panicking about your tail.
YOUR TAIL! OH NOT YOUR BEAUTIFUL TAIL! It was such a nice tail! You roll around in the sand desperately trying to get a look at the spot where your tail used to be. Like if you could just look into the stump you could see the rest of it jammed in there and pull it back out. You frantically call for everyone to not move but carefully look around and see if they can find your tail.

You spot mom reaching for you and you remember HER ARM AND LEG ARE GONE! How can she... there's no... You're both missing parts. You've got to find them! They've got to be somewhere nearby they can't walk away by themselves. Okay maybe the leg could but that'd be creepy and OH GOD WHAT IF YOUR TAIL COMES BACK AS A ZOMBIE.

Then the world turns into sand as tremendous pressure presses you into the beach. You look up and see mom leanin on you with her remaining arm. You sometimes forget she's ten times your size. She holds you there for a while before speaking.

"Feelings better?" she asks. You nod.

"Calmeds down?" she asks. You nod.

"Can I let you up now?"

You nod.

She let's you up. You look back at your tail desperately then at her missing limbs and she interrupts whatever you were about to say.

"My arm and leg will grows back in a couple days. I just needs to wait. Also, lots of food helps," she explains indicating the crab leg beside her.

"So my tail will grow back?" you ask.

Mom shrugs. "Maybe. You'll have to ask a healer. Or maybe your sister. My limbs grow back because I am bigger than you."

You wave the little stub left of your tail. It looks really pathetic. You're also not sure you can balance standing up without it. It was such a good tail. You feel bad for losing it.

>Any other questions for mom or mom's friend? <specify>
>Get yourself home
>Stay on the beach with mom
>Try to swim without a tail to investigate crab corpse
>Something else?
>Stay on the beach with mom
>Start devouring the crab meat, you need your tail back.
RIP LIZARD TAIL 2/22/2015-6/6/2015.

>Any other questions for mom or mom's friend? <How is Milly doing?>
She did get hurt getting us inside the beast. Hopefully she faired better than we did. If not, I suppose we can be rehab buddies as well as surf and turf buddies.
>Something else?
Grab a stick, use it as a temporaly tail to help mantain balance.
Lamb, I am outraged right now! How could you just suddenly kill off our waifu like that?
>Stay on the beach with mom
>Loudly List off the Loot you lost, Promising gratitude for the person who finds it.
>>Stay on the beach with mom
Snack on meat, tell her the story.
>>Stay on the beach with mom

Explain to her how it was our kill
I think we got all our gear back when our belt was retrieved.
>Stay on the beach with mom

Where is Milly? Where is our loot?

It was our kill, by the way.
Prosthetic Tail
Stay with mom. Ask about Milly
You spend the rest of the evening hanging out with mom and eating crab. The poison just makes it so deliciously spicy! You really can't get enough.

Over the course of the evening you remember to ask about Milly. You left her outside the crab and last you saw she'd been cut up fairly badly. Mom assuages your fears though and informs you that Milly hid underneath the crab until you burst the first gas bladder, at which point the mermom took advantage of the crabs distraction to get Milly out, her dad completing her evac to safety. Apparently the cut was bad but she'll be fine once it has time to heal. The whole family went home hours ago.

You also spend a long time going detail by detail and point by point, explaining why the crab was YOUR kill. The poison may have helped a little but you smashed like four of the bastards brains and killed him like twice. You deserve credit luckily mom agrees with you.

You fall asleep listening to mom talk about her end of things. Apparently she lost the limbs to errant pincers, then was nearly crushed when she tried to tunnel into a hole in the crab.

You're really not good at staying awake long into the night.


The next morning you wake up with the sunrise, as always. You swallow a rather large chunk of crab meat whole, check your tail to see if it grew back at all, it hadn't, and begin basking. It's a brand new day.

What do you want to do today?

Build a small monument to our tail, then ask priest/sis how we can help in growing a new tail
check on mom and see if she wants us to pick anything up for her while we go exploring. Then find a nice little clearing in the woods and try to learn to stand and possibly walk without our tail. Because if we're going to be stuck without the damn thing for awhile might as well get use to it.
Make a tail with wood and ropes. Go see the healer in the clif (it wasn't so far, right?)
Wrong stretch of beach. Koma is closer at this point
How close?
1 hour vs 6-7 hours
Off to do a day's things!
Wait we haven't rolled any dice today. Roll me 2d100
Rolled 17, 67 = 84 (2d100)

for the tail!
Rolled 93, 52 = 145 (2d100)

Rolled 96, 90 = 186 (2d000000100)

Fear my malformed dice! They were the ones that struck us last thread with a critfail! As they will again!
shit son, calm down
Nice rolling anon, way to make up for past mistakes.
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Or, they could blow all other rolls out of the water, thus "redeeming" me and making the inevitable betrayal even more so devastating. That's fine too.

Also, with Sunniva's disposition towards birds, we should have a smart, cunning, manipulative avian nemesis that loves traps and keiku.
After a long bask, and mana emptying, which you've been doing regularly enough you think that it's becoming habit, you check on mom. She's laying where you left her, but you notice that she's most of her upper arm and leg in the night. This strikes you as unfair as your tail doesn't appear to have recovered at all. She's fine and seems happy enough to sit here chatting with whatever mysterious talking crab or non-mysterious talking merperson shows up. You tell her to call you if Milly comes by and head off into the woods.

It doesn't take long but you manage to find a decent clearing not far into the forest, near the border where the swamp resumes. You spend a couple hours trying to walk around on two legs without a counter balance. Your brain doesn't have anything helpful to say but it's fairly quiet. Probably mourning your tail too. After a couple hours of using your sword as a crutch you manage to walk without making a spectacle of yourself. You can even jump around a little and recover. It's a start.

You look at the spot where your tail used to be and sigh again. It's not fair. Your tail never did anything to deserve this fate. It was a good honest tail. It comported itself with poise and dignity. It strikes you that a tail like that should be remembered. So you gather up a bunch of rocks of gradually decreasing size and stack them. Then you pull out your dagger and use your fire stone to melt them together. It doesn't work particularly well. The dagger is hot enough to melt stone but it does so very, very, VERY slowly. And you have to rebuild the stack a few times. When done you have an approximation of your tail. If your tail was made of rock.

You stare at the tailstone and consider for a few minutes. It's missing something. Maybe some words to put on it?

>what write on tailstone? <specify>
>it's good as is
>Time to go see Koma, learn about tail growing
>Back to mom and more crab, gotta eat lots to regrow that tail
>Something else! <specify>
There was never a tail that served better or more faithfully.

>Time to go see Koma, learn about tail growing
Tell mom we're your going first.
>Back to mom and more crab, gotta eat lots to regrow that tail
Burn the mark of the sun onto it.
>>what write on tailstone? <specify>

Ever the Companion bringing up the rear, my friend, my counter weight, the one who brought balance to my life, forever may you live in this stone and my memory, rest in piece my precious tail.
>May you help keep the balance of all lizards, in this life and the next.
>Time to go see Koma, learn about tail growing
Say >>40437766
And then
>Back to mom and more crab, gotta eat lots to regrow that tail
>Time to go see Koma, wake up Koma, learn about tail growing
>>what write on tailstone? <specify>
>Time to go see Koma, learn about tail growing
Here lies the best companion a lizard could ever ask for, who always had their back, and never tried to direct the path of life.
RIP Tail 0001-0001
>>what write on tailstone? <specify>

Cauda angeli

>>Back to mom and more crab, gotta eat lots to regrow that tail
>Time to go see Koma, learn about tail growing
Yeah alright that works.
>counting then writing
You light up your dagger again, keeping the magic to the proper trickle so you don't overpower it, and start carving in Words

RIP TAIL 2/22/2015-6/6/2015
Here lies the best companion a lizard could ever ask for, ever bringing up the rear, my friend, my counter weight, the one who brought balance to my life, forever may you live in this stone and my memory, rest in piece my precious tail. There was never a tail that served better or more faithfully.

You weren't sure of any dating system, though you're sure that's a thing that has to exist, so you make up some numbers that sound about right. The words of the final section rap around the base of the tail pillar several times. A sun carefully carved above all of it. It came out pretty well, even if it took you most of the afternoon to do.

Now to go see your sister about a new tail

>That's it for tonight. Standby for one last thing. Thanks for coming everybody
>Next thread Monday. Because I don't work Sunday.
>I'll be around for any question and the like.

To save time I'll tell you what Koma will tell you. Tails that grow back tend to take anywhere from 3 months to a couple years to come back at full size. Barring evolution induced heals.

One thing after this
thanks for running
>RIP TAIL 2/22/2015-6/6/2015
>Here lies the best companion a lizard could ever ask for, ever bringing up the rear, my friend, my counter weight, the one who brought balance to my life, forever may you live in this stone and my memory, rest in piece my precious tail. There was never a tail that served better or more faithfully.

Fucking Beautiful

Meat presses down around the two of you as you struggle in the crabs flesh. Behind you the meat fails to seal up as tightly as before you passed through it. You'll need to find a turn off or small offshoot from this or else the blast will just follow you up the channel and obliterate you both.

You find one of the terminating ends of a crab tunnel. The other side a bleeding scarred ruin. But there's not half the room you need to hide you both in here. Every time claw meets flesh it just slashes ineffectually. You can't dig through here.

Below you hear the explosion begin and realize what you have to do. You brace yourself against the wall opposite the tiny cavity and push. Forcing her into the rubbery cavity and out of the blast's direct line. You see her eyes look at you with confusion followed by realization and you have to press harder to keep her from turning back to help you. Then the blast wave hits and the force of the blast shreds you in instants and presses her into the meat. She presses her face into the meat crying and you're glad she doesn't have to watch as you burn away in moments.

The last thing you remember as she disappears is the sound of her voice calling out against the roar of the explosion.


Goddamnit Lamb that actually made me sad
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Why Lamb, why?
Now you need to write cute things to compensate for that.
Flash back of all the good times with our tail
Like right now or just eventually?
Damn it Lamb, now I feel the need to write cute fluffy stuff to make me feel better, but I know I won't have time until at least tomorrow, maybe Monday.

Tail, RIP in Craberino

Good job on tonight's thread
I just want some of the events we went through, from Tail-chan's perspective, like when we were high
I will try. No promises
No worries, we're just giving ya grief. Eventually works fine.
This is how you die. You're going to die here and there's nothing you can do about it. You should have never trusted the fuzzy little thing. Now your fate is sealed. You asked, for this, sure but you didn't expect that your wish being granted would mean your end.

You helped her set up the fetishes to keep the goblins aways. It isn't hard, they're not magical. She kept the corpses buried nearby and a couple half rotted goblin skulls are nearly enough to scare the little bastards away. The hard part is making them stink less. The poles and the small acoutrements were no harder to make than Sunny's crow ornament.

But making the fetishes, and showing her how to store the extra crab meat took time and it was dark by the time you were done. You can't sleep out tonight. So you asked the cat if she'd be staying awake all night. You noticed she'd slept til nearly sundown when you found her and she confirmed she was mostly awake at night. She offered to stay up with you. The two of you had made yourselves comfortable and you swapped stories.

After that you aren't quite sure when you got a lapful of fur and cuddles but you know it had to have happened at some point after telling the cat about Sunny's adventure to find her mom. You're a master of stealth in your own right and you didn't even notice the cat move until its paws repositioned your arm to better serve as a pillow.
You stare at the fluffy headed traitor. Dozing peacefully and purring like the world will end if she stops. This is not staying awake with you. This is the opposite. Granted, with your back up against the wall you're not comfortable enough to sleep. But this isn't what you wanted. You stare at the head again. It looks soft. Maybe if you pet it she'll wake up?

You run your claws gently through the fur of the cat's head and back and the purring redoubles. The cat's body settles onto you more firmly, even more relaxed. Your lap is warm and full of soft cat. She seems so comfortable she probably won't wake up this week, you're sure. She just looks to content.

This is how you die. A cat in your lap, too adorable to move. Kasha will never let you live this down

I tried
omg, you did it and it was worth. Good job Lamb.

And we seen what happened to those two. That's a good extra.
so how long until catty and sunny meet?
Soon tm?
Why did you railroad us away from tail waifu like that? I trusted you lamb!
So we could meet her hotter younger sister
It's our oportunity to evolve into hydra-tail lizard
I just adjust to the die's whim and the way the characters would behave. Tail-chan did what she would do. There was nothing I could do but to convey the situation.

This could totally happen. But what does it say about Sunny's character if she immediately forgets Tail-chan for Tail-chan's sister?
Alt+0153 buddy
>This could totally happen. But what does it say about Sunny's character if she immediately forgets Tail-chan for Tail-chan's sister?
All it says is that Sunny was still reeling from the loss and Tail-Imouto-Chan was there to comfort her
I need sleep. I stayed awake 4 hours more than I should to be here.

Good job Lamb and bye everyone
I could get behind that. Multiple tails!

Is the werecat going to be a party member? Milly, too?
Party members are your call
Well, my votes would go towards Milly, Unnamed Werecat, and Jho.
You want to put a cat on the same team as a couple of mermaids? Poor Milly and Jho.
jho is no merrow

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