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Your name is Jack O'Connor, and your life would be considered pretty interesting by most people's standards even if you WEREN'T a superhero.

Of course sometimes it seems "interesting" in this context is used more appropriately in the Chinese curse sense, given just how absurd your life had gotten since the day you first discovered your grandfather's costume in the attic when you were sixteen years old.

There's perks, no doubt about it. Flying is definitely the single most awesome thing in the world (even now after doing for years), even if you don't have natural flight like say, Captain Thunder does or the Centurion did.

On the other hand, sometimes seven-foot hairy nutcase with claws and fangs who looks like he was rejected from the WWE after being convicted of abusing mountain lion nut juice or something to gain muscle mass puts you through a glass window like a rag doll.

You cough as you get up, gauntleted hands crunching the glass as you get to your feet and take stock of what he threw you into (looks like a women's clothing boutique).

Catamount, as your current headache of the day has cleverly named himself walks over to you, his bare clawed feet clicking against the concrete pavement, cracking his knuckles. You can hear the sound from here.
It sounds like bones breaking.

"Funny," he growls. "I heard you mostly hung around Freedom City, Wings. Used to be this town was pretty nice. Why capes like you gotta come in and shit everything up?"

"Heard complaints from the locals," you cough, leaning on one knee as you ready yourself to stand up. He's FAST for his size, so you have to be careful. "Said you weren't using the litter box properly."
>Superhuman Quest won't run today
>Another superhero quest shows up
Different kind of quest.

This is more traditional superheroics, since I noticed there's lots of "guys with superpowers" but not many actual superhero quests at all.
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>another superhero quest where you fight against super villains
Can't anyone make a Quest ala Year One where your main enemy is the mafia and the corrupt officials?
Oh, you'll not JUST be fighting villains, trust me.
To be fair, the other one running didn't have any supervillains yet.
No, Nutshot doesn't count.
>>Superhuman Quest won't run today
what do you mean it wont run today
He said it on Twitter he's running tomorrow.

Sounds interesting, very. Will wait and see
>He said it on Twitter he's running tomorrow.
ok thats good to know i mean i love Thomas Cain i even thought up a good name for tech company we're going to start Cain Technological Advancements or C.T.A. for short
You're still running right?
He grits his teeth in obvious rage at your comment.
It's like he's never even engaged in heroic banter before or something.

You size him up; he's got a simple brown and deep tan-gold costume and dirty blonde hair the same color, with tufts of fur accenting it on the arms and sizes of his legs. You wonder idly if he made it himself.

"You're gonna regret that Wings!" he growls in rage.

>Abilities: Self-propelled flight via antigravity harness, highly durable body armor, low-level superhuman strength (6 tons) provided by gravity gauntlets, highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant, indestructible psuedometal wings (acts as shields), flares, smoke pellets, "talon" grapnel launcher, throwing blade "quills", extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant.


>Wait for him to move first, keep talking. He's huge, but WAY faster then he should be.

>Lunge at him and try to tackle him out of this store before anyone gets hurt!

>Go for your flares or smoke pellets and try to create a distraction by blinding him!
>Wait for him to move first, keep talking. He's huge, but WAY faster then he should be.
>Go for your flares or smoke pellets and try to create a distraction by blinding him!
Wait, blind/disorient, and attack
>>Go for your flares or smoke pellets and try to create a distraction by blinding him!

do we have stink pellets cause animal mutation means sensitive sense of smell
>Go for your flares or smoke pellets and try to create a distraction by blinding him!
>Go for your flares or smoke pellets and try to create a distraction by blinding him!
Preferrably while jumping and covering ourselves with the wings, better be prepared in case he manages to act or react quickly
>stink pellets

Afraid not; his equipment is fairly simple and he doesn't have a full "I have everything I need in this belt"-level utility belt.
damn then one day we will
As QM for the SuperHuman Legacy Quest, I wholeheartedly approve of this quest. I got the whole migraine thing messing with writing effectively. I think an actual Superhero Quest is a good thing. I saw the attempt yesterday, which is why I decided I shouldn't overexert myself while sick. Good Luck!
Here kitty kitty kitty, I'll give you a ball of yarn to play with!

No one would ever disapprove of witty flierman. It's like Patriotic Spidey, so it's great.
"I'll regret that?" you echo, smirking enough so that he can see it. "Wow. That's right up there with 'you'll rue the day' or 'I'll get you next time'. Maybe throw in an evil laugh too? Just to top it off?"

People hugely underestimate the importance of battle banter. You can learn a LOT about a guy by how he banters on a fight.

"aaaRRRRGH!" Catamount roars in fury (and it DOES sound like a lion's roar), lunging at you.

Like for instance, this jackass.
He's so dense he can barely string two words together in a fight, let alone notice you were palming a flash pellet.

Now bad guys who can monologue AND fight? Those guys you worry about. They're either smart enough to multitask (or worse) so powerful they don't even need to pay attention to you in a brawl.

You toss the pellet to the ground and hear a pleasant roar of agony and surprise from him as your flare compensators block out the flash.

He's CRAZY fast (that's how he got his hands on you last time) for his size, but there's downsides to that. See, as fast as he is, his size means when he gets going in one direction it's hard for him to stop. You've exploited this trick before with other big guys.

You grab his collar and arm as he flies through the air blinded, deftly tossing all 300+lbs of this guy to the ground, cracking the floor!

You begin slamming your right fist into his face as you punctuate it with further banter.


Just to add insult to injury.
Cat-themed villains give you so much to work with, it's awesome.
Fat cat tats
He keeps trying to get back up (jeez he's persistent), but your superhuman punches disorient him enough that he's having a hard time getting a grip on you.

Plus you're inside that long reach of his with you holding him down by the neck. See? Size isn't ALWAYS an asset here


>Just keep wailing on him until beddy-bye. You got this guy where you want him.

>Toss him outside, see how he fuckin' likes it!

>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!
Tweety Bird actually.
Though I'm guessing most folks got it.
>>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!

can we call him Silvester now
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>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!
Threaten him with the height?

I got it too, but I had to mention Fat Cat Tats.
>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!
Protect the civilians from our brawl. Maybe toss him at the ground from high up once we're at a clear area.
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>Just keep wailing on him until beddy-bye. You got this guy where you want him.

Is this a Victor Creed analogue, if so, I don't want to take unnecessary risk
>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!
That is indeed the reference, though his more early-appearance Sabertooth and not late-80's/90's Sabertooth.

>Carry him outside while flying to get him as far away from folks as possible!
>>Just keep wailing on him until beddy-bye. You got this guy where you want him.
talk shit and get hit
Didnt we vote for the light character last time?
Yeah. The original incarnation of the quest had people voting for the "hard light" hero.
>more Year One plots
>We want the CW crowd

Go back to Spacebattles or tumblr you faggot
You haul him up with just one arm, mostly for psychological effect.
Big guys like this are used to being the meanest and strongest guys around so they like to play pro-wrestler with everybody.

A lot don't realize that it's not THAT impressive to toss someone when you can bench a Buick without much effort, and most big guys with super-strength don't actually mass any more then a normal person of their size would, so it kinda freaks them out when YOU do the heavy lift.

You spread your golden pseudometal wings, the incredibly sophisticated cape-like fabric around your shoulders suddenly extending into a truly unbreakable ten-foot wingspan as you fly out with a rush of wind into the open air.

"So I'm curious," you say to him as you pass 30 feet into the air in less then one second and reach 100 feet in three. "Do you have a 'land on your feet' power?"

At first he struggles, but when you reach 100ft he seems to realize how stupid that would be, and simply holds onto your arm as you hold him out one-handed.

"Flying is cheating asshole! Let me go!" he growls.

Bravado even now?
Gotta admire that kinda balls.


>Oblige [Intimidate]

>KO him from up here where he can't do any damage.

>Ask him some questions, like what the hell he was doing robbing an upscale fashion boutique.
>KO him from up here where he can't do any damage.
>>Ask him some questions, like what the hell he was doing robbing an upscale fashion boutique.
batman asks the intimidates
Guess OP retconned it to do what he wanted.
Kinda sucks, i always thought in settings with tons of people flying that the use of robot wings when there are better alternatives is kinda stupid
>Oblige [Intimidate]
>Ask him some questions, like what the hell he was doing robbing an upscale fashion boutique.
>Self-propelled flight via antigravity harness
>Has other stuff up his sleeve
What are you complaining about exactly?
In fact the wings are NOT how he flies, but I'll get to that later.

>Ask him some questions, like what the hell he was doing robbing an upscale fashion boutique.
"Phrasing!" you say loudly, pulling him back for a throw.

"WaitwaitwaitSHEEEE-!" he says as you toss him like a kitten through the air one-handed.

"Heh," you chuckle as he sails through it, and you bolt forward like your namesake, shining wings pointed behind you and slam into him just as he reaches the peak of the throw and starts to fall!

"Oof, we gotta put you on a diet big guy. They got diet Meow-Mix at triple-max you think?" you quip, flying back to the starting point.

"You won't kill me Wings, I know your rep!" he accuses, but he's nervous now.

"Didn't say I WAS going to kill you," you point out. "But I'm perfectly content to play football with you until you talk. I mean seriously, you already have a record. It's not like talking will hurt at this point."

"The hell do you think you know about ME, Wings?" he swears as you hold him upside down by his right foot.

"Martin McCabe," you begin. "Popular alias 'Catamount'. Subjected to illegal genetic testing because you needed the money. It worked and now you're hired muscle and mercenary. I gotta admit, you're careful, you don't leave many tracks. Except yeah, your DNA is absolutely EVERYWHERE on your suspected kills. Which is why you shouldn't use your claws and teeth, by the way, sloppy."

He pauses his threats and bluster as you continue.
Is it alright if I imagine him singing the "sloppy"?
"Some of the people you've helped off or injure seem pretty important too. International-level stuff," you say, pretending to think. "Hey, if they catch you thsy'll have to DNA test you right? I wonder how many other 'animal attacks will get attached to your name?"

His face briefly gets panicky.
Well, that answers that question.

"You...you won't kill me though!" he continues to fall back on.

"Don't need to Sylvester. We're in Washington. Washington has the death penalty, remember? I mean, I'm guessing you'll qualify with just a FEW of the stuff you've done,"

"Wait...you wouldn't let them...," he begins, but you interrupt.

"Sure Marty. I would. I UPHOLD the law. I don't MAKE the law. If they vote death row then death row you a-go. Unless you tell me EXACTLY what the fuck you were doing here, then you might get a lenient sentence," you note, mirth leaving your voice.

He pauses again.

"Kidnapping. I was gonna kidnap someone. Tiny little Asian girl, okay? Don't know her name. Was hired from halfway across the country."
>Tiny little Asian girl
Tiny little Asian Magical girl
"Good kitty," you compliment, flying back to the storefront with your cargo in tow.

Waiting below you see a SWAT van.
And a crowd too, actually. You forgot folks aren't as used to capes here in Emerald City.


>Talk to the cops first, get him secured away.

>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
>>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
I swear if her name is Takamachi, my sides will be done.
>Tie him up for them and go check on the kidnapee-attempted. Gotta make sure she's okay.
Her name is Kaname and her life is suffering
>inconsciously letting the villain have a bigger escape chance
Just like in the comics
"Stay," you command, blasting him with a high-tensile pressurized liquid cable under your gauntlets which wraps around him, forming incredible durable restraints around his arms and legs that even HE would have a hard time breaking.

You once successfully anchored a speeding Mack Truck with that stuff.

The inside of the store has wounded; a bunch of suited guys with broken shades and injuries like animal wounds, look like bodyguards to you. The torn undercover ballistic vests and pistolsconfirms the theory.

"Hold still, I'm going to put something on these injuries," you say to them, spraying a transparent antiseptic dual-purpose liquid bandage anesthetic on their injuries.
It's not stitches, but it'll stop the bleeding at least.

You see an unconscious Japanese girl in her early-20's lying, knocked out but uninjured. She's wearing a bright red dress with red pumps and a short skirt and a matching purse.

"Might as well just hold a sign that says 'I'm wealthy, please kidnap me'...," you mutter under your breath as you lift her head.

No visible injuries. Fainted? No, he strangled her out, you can see the bruises on her neck. The dick.

"Miss? You alright?" you ask as her eyes flutter open.

She blinks twice, seeing your costume and you holding her lying form in your arms.

"Wow. Pretty bird," she says with a purr.

That was....not the reaction you thought you'd get.


>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]

>"What's your name? Do you remember what happened?"
>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]
>>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]
>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]
>"What's your name? Do you remember what happened?"
>>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]
>"Stay still, you might have more severe injuries, I'll check." [Scan Her Biology]
Consumate professionalism until we're sure she's okay. THEN we can flirt back.
"Hold still, I'm going to check your vitals," you say, activating the cybernetic controls in your helmet visor. Your suit isn't quite Iron Man-like, but it definitely is pretty advanced for it's size. You like your gear to augment what you already have, not supplant it entirely.

Think Batman Beyond.

"Will there be pawing involved?" she purs again, wiggling a bit to settle into your arms.

"No," you say without any real inflection, as the scan completes. "No serious damage. What's your name?"

"Tomiko," she says, as you help her up with one hand. "Takazumi Tomiko. Who are you handsome?"

Your wingspan retracts, taking up less space before the pseudometal reverts to fabric-like form, your wings draping around your shoulders like a cape split down the middle in back.

Think the Gargoyles from...Gargoyles.

She blinks at the sight.

"Freedom Eagle," you say simply. "You seem okay. I'm going to make a guess and say your parent's are rich?"

She raises and eyebrow, and her expression changes a bit to mild confusion.
Hm. She's surprised at your statement. You're missing some puzzle pieces here.

"Yeah, usually my bodyguards dissuade any kidnsppers," she says, pushing her hair back over one ear flirtatiously. "Guess I should hire you instead, huh?"

She phrases it like an actual offer.
Also interesting. She's taking this calmly. Her heart rate is normal, pupils not dilated.

"Sorry, strictly charitable," you say, leading her outside as paramedics come in.

"Your loss handsome," she says, still smiling. She puts a lollipop in her mouth as she walks out with you, and you roll your eyes behind your visor.


>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.

>Fly off. You got places to be.
>>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.
>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.
>>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.
>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.
>Head over to the cops, check on McCabe. They'll likely have him, but never hurts to check. You can give them a number for the court date later too.
Professionalism, ho!
> She puts a lollipop in her mouth
Pls stahp that's my fetish
you think shes good with her tong.
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batman is DC's equivalent to Marvels spider-man

as in they are both sluts.
>batman is DC's equivalent
A Batman, yes, but not Bruce Wayne
You walk out to the SWAT van, where maybe six armored and armed men are loading the struggling Catamount into the armored vehicle.

A huge guy an inch taller then you are at 6'1" with a weightlifter's physique walks over, an M4 carbine held in his hands. He's got rugged good looks and a regulation moustache with his brown hair kept in a high military cut. The tats on his lower arms say "Army" to you.

"Captain David Wroth," he introduces, holding a hand out which you gladly shake, smiling back at the guy. Seems a LOT friendlier then Maddicks was back in Freedom City.

"Freedom Eagle," you say with a nod and a smile yourself.

"Won't pretend not to know your name, Mister Eagle. You've got a famous one," he notes. "Thought you stayed in Freedom City mostly? How'd you get over to the Pacific Northwest?"

"Was in the neighborhood working a case," you say, which is sort of true. "Like the weather up here though. And I heard after last month you guys could use some help."

He nods, his face grim.

"The Storm, yeah. That's why my unit was put together, actually. We're trained in anti-super tactics and given the gear needed to do the job, what with all these Stormers around here now."

"So, a unit of...Stormbreakers?" you ask, with a smile.

He blinks.

"Wow. That's...actually pretty good. I'll remember that," he admits with a broad grin.

"It's a gift. Comes with the costume."


>"Need any help with him? Escort maybe?"

>"How's things been since the Storm?"
Fun fact; Jack is pretty much Dick Grayson with Hawkman's thematic costume.
>"How's things been since the Storm?"
>>"Need any help with him? Escort maybe?"
>"Need any help with him? Escort maybe?"

>"How's things been since the Storm?"

>"How many men have you got?"
Batman has nothing on his adoptive son. Everybody in the DCU loves The Dick.
>>"How's things been since the Storm?"
But do we have dat ass?
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Everybody DOES love Dick.

>>"How's things been since the Storm?"
this pleases me to no end
Having Dick's butt pleases you
how could it not.
"Captain, if you don't mind me asking...," you begin but he cuts you off.

"The Storm?" he says, trying to keep his voice neutral.

You nod.

"It's not been easy," he admits after a second. "The Silver Storm messed up a lot of stuff. This isn't Freedom City, or even New York, you know? We weren't really equipped for all these people just...randomly turning into supers. We're doing the best we can now with my guys, but...yeah, we could use you serious help."

He looks hopefully at you as he says it.

You smile again.
"I think I could he persuaded to stay, Captain. Like I said; nice weather up here," you say, wings spreading as you lift yourself up into the air.

"Be seeing you soon officer,"

As you fly off into the sky you divert your course to the look over Emerald City's famous Yellow Brick Row, where five months ago a massive explosion that somehow became a silver tornado changed random people all over the city, especially nearby into superhumans, dubbed Stormers.

The Silver Storm was a disaster; superhumans were never common on this side of the country, and unlike Freedom City there was no existing infrastructure to help smooth over such a massive jump in the superhuman population.
You still here op?
The worst part is nobody actually know what caused it....yet.

You have places to be though.
Not as Freedom Eagle either.

You fly towards downtown at the office building where you've made your recent home as Jack O'Connor and where your offices are located beneath your penthouse.

It's really just a coincidence, but you actually WERE moving here before the Storm even happened.
Freedom Enterprises, your tech and holding company, was sort of reaching the height of it's growth over in Freedom City. Your headquarters WAS there, but frankly as much of a hub of superhero activity as FC is it doesn't always have quite have the kind of people you want being involved in a multi-million dollar tech startup company.

Emerald City with it's "Silicon Circle" companies DID, so you picked here to move the headquarters.
The Silver Storm only happened DURING the whole moving process, and though your people sort of wanted to pull out; you convinced them of the opportunities involved in coming here now.

Plus, what the hell were you supposed to do? You were already moving here AND this place suddenly has a much-needed desire for a hero.


>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.

>Just hear inside and change while there. You're a bit late anyway.
>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.
>>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.

is it wrong that i want superhuman legacy and this quest to give nods to one another
>>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.
>Just hear inside and change while there. You're a bit late anyway.
I don't see the problem, but it depends on the QM's wills though.

I'd laugh my ass off if Tom got a job offer from Freedom Enterprises
i dont think my sides could handle that.
>Freedom Enterprises moves in
>Not a week later Freedom Eagle moves in
>Nobody suspects a thing
Faithful to the source material/10, just like in my comics
I love it
That'd be funny, but this takes in the pre-established M&M-verse (though it's a REALLY generic supers setting), which could conflit with a lot of things in the other quest you know?
>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.
Actually it's called Freedom Enterprises for very different reasons, which I'll explain during the quest.

But yeah, that's the joke.
That's what interdimensional travel is for! Didn't you learn anything from your old pal, the Comics Jew?

>>Get to the Aerie and get changed. Call the office while you do.
that and Superhuman legacy isnt in a large universe the only place in that quest so far are the collage and city (whos name eludes me right now)
You hop inside The Aerie through the window access...which is really just a cool name for your executive penthouse you suppose.

Still, the place is hugely improved over how you purchased it, with an advanced security system, a computer system uplink that would make the FBI jealous and make AEGIS's mouth water, a gym, and a shitload of other great stuff.

You activate the radio in your helmet while you undress.

"Jack? Dammit, where have you BEEN?" comes the voice of Larwrence "Larry" Barnes, your junior exec.

"Sorry. Was downtown, going for an early breakfast down at Yellow Brick Row. Got held up when a supervillain attacked a storefront," you say honestly.

I mean, you left out some crucial parts but you know how that works.

"Jesus! Are you okay?" he asks.

"Sure. Freedom Eagle stopped them. Looks like the Freedom League or AEGIS sent him to keep an eye on the city after the Storm, if you want my opinion," you explain.

"Wait, does Freedom Eagle work with AEGIS?" Larry asks, confused.

"He's been known to. I should know, remember?" you point out.

Which is ALSO true in a manner of speaking, as you are he and you publicly joined AEGIS's recruit program after high school.
It was tricky NOT passing the physical like you'd been say, fighting supervillains as a teen hero since you were sixteen.

"Speaking of which, the local Director for AEGIS is here to speak to you. Probably about the tech development contracts you're negotiating with them."

You pause at that.
You'd like to say you believe in coincidences like that, but you don't.


>"He say that for sure?"

>"Be right down then."

BRB, I have to walk my whiny-ass dog.
>"Be right down then."
>"Be right down then."
>>"He say that for sure?"
>>"Be right down then."
>"Be right down then."
Dickbats and Damian was probably the most interesting the Batman comics have been these last 15 years.

>>"Be right down then."

Also are you still going to include City of Heroes?
Yup, some bits and pieces of it.
Too awesome to let lie fallow, wouldn't you agree?
Makes sense.
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"I'll be there soon," you say, hanging up the "phone" in your helmet and unclasping your gauntlets and boots, putting on your proper business suit and shoes on.

Your costume is a modern rendition of the original costume your grandfather wore in WWII.

It's primary colors are black and gold. The gold parts (parts of the boots, the wings, the helmet, and your gravity gauntlets) appear metal to most observers but in actuality are a substance of your own invention called "pseudometal", a highly advanced mesh composite that changes in consistency based upon cubernetic commands from your helmet when wearing it.
When "disengaged" it's like a heavy metal cloth, easy to fold and store in bags, suitcases, and under your clothes. When "active" it's consistency and texture can be anything from hard rubber to a surface that's literally indestructible.

The suit itself is all black except for the gold elblem on the front, and the torso is made out of a kevlar/boro in a ceramic matrix (which looks mostly like simulated leather) with the limbs covered in a micro-mail titanium nitride (looking like simulated cloth), the whole thing treated with a sheer-thickening fluid. The is basically the best conventional body armor ever, but that's only PART of what helps protect you.

The flight harness antigravity field is tuned to emit a low-level inertial dampening barrier to protect you from high-speed flight, but this has the added effect of "reducing" the mass of attacks that come your way.
Most bullets won't penetrate (though massed gungire hurts like a mother), but fists, melee weapons and punches get through. Helps your survive superhuman impacts without breaking like glass.
is that pic the modern rendition or the classical?
I am not opposed to making a nod or two if it fits in place, but I will never include another QMC in a quest. Maybe a description of something similar, but of course it won't be anything too important. Really, I enjoy all the things this is based off of, but poaching plot isn't cool.
The gauntlets manipulate gravity to provide enhanced strength (by both reducing the effective mass of objects you touch and increasing the effective mass of blows you throw), but the helmet is what all ties it all together.
The cybernetic controls pretty much make EVERYTHING work, and it has an extremely sophisticated HUD that allows broad-spectrum visual scanning as well as flight control and life support.

The wings basically direct your flight; you don't need them to fly, but they "guide" your flight.
Plus you can flex them into indestructible shields, which combined with the Interial Field Generator lets them block ANYTHING that comes their way most times.

Think Cap's Shield.
Plus character crossovers have been ruining mainstream comics and disrupting ongoing plots since forever now.

No need to replicate THAT bit of stuff on /tg/.
"Plus character crossovers have been ruining mainstream comics and disrupting ongoing plots since forever now.

No need to replicate THAT bit of stuff on /tg/."

True dat but it really depends on how the crossover is executed. Which is to say, nothing like how it's done almost every time.
Finally! Somebody agrees that crossovers take away what makes a comic special. I hate that, Eail is even doing it in SAQ, besides, I make my universe based on what the readers want to do, so it REALLY wouldn't work. I like the quest so far, do you have a twitter?
Dang this guy is pretty badass.

The heck is an Eail?
You get dressed in your other work suit and head downstairs to the office, where Barnes is waiting.

"She's in your office now. She looks kinda pissed Jack," the rail-thin redhead say. Larry's awkward sometimes, but otherwise a great guy. REALLY helps out on the business front.

"Yeah, probably wants to strong-arm me. No worries, I'll stand up to her," you say, heading into your corner office.

Seated inside is a middle-afed woman with dirty blonde hair and a business suit with a silver pin of the American Elite Governmemt Intervention Service, or AEGIS.

"Director Calpurnia Maddox," she says, not getting up while you sit down.

"Jack O'Connor," you say with a nod.


>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]

>"Should we even bother with small talk?" [Frank]
Another QM and the only example on hand for cross-universe BS that contributes nothing to the story.
>>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]
>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]
>Which is to say, nothing like how it's done almost every time.

It requires a shitload of planning.
Crisis on Infinite Earth's took two years to plan properly, so it worked well.

Most are set up within a few months as a shitty cash grab, and inevitably somehow involve Batman, the Avengers, or the X-Men without exception as the "main" characters.
It's not as uncommon an opinion as you'd think.
I'm setting up a Twitter for this soon.
And thanks for the compliment!
>>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]
>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]
>"So; what can I do for you? Need a drink?" [Friendly]

>shitty cash grab
Summed it up well.
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Here, have a humorous parody.
Really says something when parodies like Muh Phoenix has more substance and entertainment then anything from the actual comic.

>"That's bullshit my eyes are fine."
Like a true american
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>Herro Elik.
Hype is an amazing thing. It somehow manages to make something shitty while also making it popular, but please continue your thread.
Apologies for slow response, doing several things at once.
"So, you want a drink or anything?" you begin, to say, but she interrupts you.

"So I just heard from the ECPD that Freedom Eagle showed up and stopped Catamount from kidnapping someone on Yellow Brick Row," she says bluntly.

Oh. Great. She knows.

"Powets told you?" you ask.
Horatio "Harry" Powers is the Chief Director of AEGIS and SOMEHOW knew your secret identity when you joined without even trying.
You never found out how.

"Bonham, actually," she says.

Luke "Rockstar" Bonham is the Director of AEGIS for your old burg in Freedom City, and learned the same way Powers did presumably. He's also annoying as hell.


>"So? What now?" [Blunt]

>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
>>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
>"So? What now?" [Blunt]

>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
>"Is this some kinda strong-arming method thing?" [Curious]
"If you're trying to strong-arm me into joining up again...," you warn, but she interrupts.

"I won't bother. You superhero types are notoriously independent-minded, even when you DO join up. You joined as yourself instead of your alter-ego and left, which tells me all I need to know."

Your frown. Maddox is direct.
You heard that about her when you were with the Service still. Most agents dubbed her "the Wickef Witch of the West" for her cold and professionally direct command style, because apparently folks in Emerald City just cannot get enough of the whole Oz metaphor thing.

"So then what the hell is the point of all this?" you ask with a shrug, confused. "A 'now you know I know you know' meeting?"

Spies. Even when you WERE one you didn't like the weird double-talk shit. You were more...direct in your operations style.

"That, and also here to show you who you rescued," she says, sliding you an AEGIS file. "Keep it. I'll be in contact Mr O'Connor. And good luck with your contract with AEGIS as a whole, I'm sure you'll provide the best scientific advancements available to the Service."

Then she leaves as promptly as she arrived.

You find yourself bemused.
You're tempted to say she doesn't like superheroes, but she basically have you a classified AEGIS Intel report without even checking your credentials, which says a lot.

Your eyes drift to the file, then to mirror and you see your black-haired, green-eyed face looking back at you.

"Not an agent anymore Jack. You don't owe them anything," you tell yourself.


>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?

>Get back to your straight job. Multi-million dollar tech companies don't run themselves.
>>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?
>>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?
>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?
>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?
>Read the file. Couldn't hurt, right?
>>Get back to your straight job. Multi-million dollar tech companies don't run themselves.
After staring at the file for a second like it's a snake about to bite you, you open it and start reading.

It's not, as it turns out, a file on Tomiko Takazumi, as you thought it would be.
It IS a file on Kaneda Takazumi, Oyabun (Chief) of the Takazumi-gumi Yakuza in Emerald City.

"Oh goddammit!" you say in frustration.
If Catamount was telling the truth that means he was hired anonymously to kidnap the daughter of a goddamn Japanese mafia boss, which means someone out there didn't give a shit about pissing him off or offending him.

And you stuck your foot in it and made the entire thing your business and made an enemy of whoever was trying to kidnap her as Freedom Eagle without knowing what you're doing.

"Wonderful. Not even two days in town and already making friends....," you mumble, closing the file.

You'll have to look into this later. You're familiar with how Yakuza operate from your time in AEGIS, but they were never a big criminal force in Freedom City (sort of on the other side of the world from Japan after all), so you'll need to brush up sometime on the entire thing.
Bump, and sorry agan for delays.
Transferring posting to my phone.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly but uneventfully...based on your standards anyway.

You've been setting up the offices in the building for two days, and it's time-consuming but important work.
You also begin finalizing some of the contract details with AEGIS to provide them with new quick-analysis computer systems of your design.

You try not to make weapons for AEGIS. It's not that you don't trust them with them, it's that to grow as a company you would inevitably need to sell more of them to the civilian market and the Pentagon, and when working with AEGIS you saw thing that suggested to you that the Pentagon is not always 100% above the board in why it wants advanced technology.

At 6:00 you eventually pack it up as there's nothing more you can do, so you finally have a chance to relax in your new penthouse if you want.


>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.

>Go flying!
>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.
>Go flying!
If there's anything being a superhero has taught you, it's that there's no problem that can't be solved by flying around and punching things.
>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.
We master detective now
>>Go flying!
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>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.
Posting on phone too, don't worry about it, you're already doing better than my first thread

>>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.

I'm an Exposition kinda guy.
Like to just say I read a bit of your stuff to make sure there wasn't any overlap.
Didn't want to step on another QM's toes with another quest identical to his, you know?
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Is it weird I liked Beast better as an Avenger?

Because X-Men kinda spend a lotta time shitting all over his character.
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Totally understand, I appreciate it, the only other quest running that may have overlapped is HMQ, but this is DEFINITELY not going in that direction.
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>>Go flying!
you mean the most depressing quest on TG
I kinda wanna read it, what mindset should I have?
I'm more used to quests like this one, and MCs like Eagle.
>Head upstairs, maybe take that AEGIS file on the Yakuza and do some research.
the MC JJ his homeless, a recovering addict, and ex-gangmember that has the ability to turn invisible thanks to his x-gene which has decide to go slightly out of control and cause him to adapt to other mutants and heros powers
he can grow claws and heal like wolverine because he meet X-23 Laura kiney

he lives in NYC has meet other mutants and has a group of friends living with him and is currently dating Laura

he has a sister who thinks he is dead
>and inevitably somehow involve Batman, the Avengers, or the X-Men without exception as the "main" characters
This is one of the things 52 did so well. Supes, Bats, and Wondy are all missing. They won't be appearing in this book, although their disappearance DOES drive a good bit of the plot. But the stars are Booster Gold, Ralph Dibny, Steel, Animal Man, Renee Montoya, Adam Strange... You get the idea. Additionally, because it takes place during a gap in the timeline, it doesn't need every single other book to either tie into it or for some reason have the heroes ignoring the major events currently going on.
Huh, still seems interesting.
How much of it is OC and how much of it is marvel content?
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You take the private elevator from your office upstairs to the penthouse, where you sigh as you let yourself in, reading the file that was given to you.

The Takezumi-gumi seem like a pretty big syndicate here in Emerald City (the only syndicate worth noting in Freedom is the Mafia, who are definitely on the decline), and this file pans out the suspicion.

They are in engaged in gambling, loan sharking, pornography, prostitution, and smuggling (drugs, weapons, people) mostly. They're low-key compared to supervillains, but you'd argue that this makes them more dangerous.

The Oyabun, Kaneda Takazumi, is some kinda badass who immigrated from Japan. He has a reputation for being a fair man to his underlings but incredibly ruthless to his enemies, with rumors suggesting he personally deals with them.

Great. You HATE "fair" crime bosses.
They're a lot harder to get info on from underlings because they inspire legitimate loyalty and not just fear.

Kaneda has two children, his elder son Ryu (interests include male fashion, racing, martial arts, etc) and his twin sister Tomiko (interests include female fashion, shopping, and spending money), with no notable record on either, meaning they either haven't done anything or haven't been caught and charged.

You idly wonder how this syndicate got so big. You heard Emerald City was a quiet place before the Silver Storm up and cranked the superhuman population through the roof....

You notice you cellphone has two messages on it. You left it up here when you changed into you civilian clothes.

One is from Uncle Mike, and the other is from Fletcher Beaumont III, a long-time friend of yours.
52 is one of my favorite comic series ever.

>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.

>Call Fletch, see what he wants.
>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.
Family first?
>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.
almost all the characters JJ meets are marvel except the main villains and JJ's sister

the main villain's are JJ's old gang leader Creeper and mad scientist that idlozed JJ's fathers work(JJ's dad was a scientist) and forced him self to become a mutant by kidnapping JJ and experimenting o him
>>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.
>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.
Good uncle or bad uncle?
He's been pissy since 2009

got a hair up his ass that Scott didn't risk all of mutantkind (house of M bs) to save him from being tortured by Norman Osborn and Dark Beast.
>Call your uncle. Haven't talked to him since you moved here.
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To be fair, Scott is an asshole. It doesn't justify that, but it is a point
You pick up the cell and hit the speed dial.
"Hiya Uncle Mike," you say into the receiver with a smile.

Your Uncle, Michael O'Connor Jr, has been your guardian and more or less effectively raised you for the majority of your life, even as he was campaigning to be the Mayor of Freedom City.

He helped make sure you had the best of everything after your parent's died in the Terminus Invasion of '93, so you could have a decent education and enough to choose whatever you wanted to do in your life.

You feel a slight twinge of sadness.
You lost your parents a long, long time ago, when you were six years old.
You aren't really "over" it, because you don't precisely get over something like that, but it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. You're hardly the only orphan created by the extra-dimensional invasion, and you don't think it makes you special, even among superheroes. You and your peers to NOT be the product of happy childhoods, you've noticed.

But it probably helped influence what you wanted from life when you found that old costume in the attic when you were sixteen years old.

"Heya Jacky," he says back with a smile. "How's my favorite nephew. Saw you on the news fighting that furry guy?"

"Yeah he was a jackass," you say with a shrug as you sit on a leather chair nearby. "Dangerous, but I've definitely fought worse."

Uncle Mike wasn't really sure about letting you don his father's costume at first (worried about loosing his nephew after loosing his younger brother you guess), but he's been supportive since you made it clear what you wanted in life.
"Still surprised you even moved at all Jacky," he says.

"Me too, actually," you admit. "I know Freedom Eagle has a long history in FC, but they need somebody with training and experience out here to help. Besides, my company just wasn't going to grow there, and I didn't want it tied so closely with your administration that it made you look like you supported nepotism or anything," you explain.

Your parents had money, and so did you when you inherited it, but every dime of the millions you used to start up this company you got through your own personal hard work, inventions, and investments.

You're damn proud of it too.

"Smart boy Jacky. When you gonna get a girlfriend? You could use one," he says jokingly.

"Sure, let me just find time between running a multimillion dollar holding and technology company and being one of the only legacy superheroes apart from Fletch who's legacy stretches back to the first appearance of superheros in the world," you lightly quip, speaking of Fletcher Beaumont III, who is also known as the superhero Bowman.

You've HAD girlfriends, but all of them were sorta temporary most of the time. You were always more career-focused, you might say.

"Smartass," he says back. "If anyone could do it, you could. Besides, just look at the women in your line of work! They make supermodels look frumpy and awkward!"

"Yeah, I've just never had the....," you say, then head to out to the balcony window, squinting your eyes.

You can see Malory Bay from here.
Something...something LARGE....is burning.

You go and turn on the police scanner.

>"...still have nothing yet on what caused the explosion, but reports say more then one boat was involved in...."

"Hey, Uncle Mike? Gotta go," you say, heading to your costume.

"Up, up, and away?" he asks.
You smirk with a chuckle. "Yeah. That."

"Knock 'em dead kiddo," he says, a note of pride in his voice.

You hang up. Time to go back to work.

You begin suiting up (a process which takes a lot less time after you've been doing it as long as you have), and put on your helmet, checking the radio feeds so you can keep updated on what's going on.

You break out into a run and place one leg onto railing of the balcony outside and spring off into the air about ten feet away (you're in DAMN good shape even without the suit), and fall into a headlong dive, your cape flaring behind you in the setting sunlight.

As you fall the cybernetic controls in your helmet activates, and the flight HUD lights up, your wings reflexively spreading out from cape form into their full solid ten foot wingspan as you pull out of your dive barely twenty feet above the ground, feeling the incredible exhilaration of flight as you streak above the early-night lights of the city's main roads, people looking up as the shining winged gold and black blur speeds ahead between the steel canyons of the city.

You don't need to fly so close to the ground.
But it helps. When people look up they see you.

And they see you, a message is sent.

>"I'm here. I hear you. I can help."
>"And you don't have to be afraid anymore."

You speed up, pulling away from the street at your highest possible speed, blazing away from the long main road towards the harbor.
Your top flight speed is around 500mph, so it takes you maybe a minute and half to reach the harbor, but before you even get there you focus your lenses to x1000 magnification so you can plan out the rescue.

The ship that's on fire is some kind of huge cargo container ship, a massive boat around 400meters long, but you can't see what started the fire.
There's other boats around it, but they're tiny compared to it, some of them Coast Guard ships.

You begin to mentally calculate the proper course of action well before you even get to the ship.


>Get onboard, see what's causing the fire and try to neutralize it.

>Help with the evacuation, get as many people off the boat as need to be off it.
>Help with the evacuation, get as many people off the boat as need to be off it.
Rescue first, figuring out later.

>Help with the evacuation, get as many people off the boat as need to be off it.
>Help with the evacuation, get as many people off the boat as need to be off it.
>>Get onboard, see what's causing the fire and try to neutralize it.

dont need to save people if the danger is removed
good argument
>Get onboard, see what's causing the fire and try to neutralize it.
>Help with the evacuation, get as many people off the boat as need to be off it.
>Get onboard, see what's causing the fire and try to neutralize it.
You key into the Coast Guard radio transmissions, listening to their chatter.

>"Can't figure out where the fire started! I'm hearing chatter from the crew says they saw people onboard before the explosion, but no word if they're alive!"

>"We need more men! We don't have enough to put out the fire AND rescue people inside the main crew compartment, we need more guys!"

"You have one, Captain," you say in open channel so they can all hear you.

>"Who the hell is this? Identify yourself, this is an emergency channel you're broadcasting on!"

"Look up," you simply say with a smile as you arrive over the site of the accident, golden wingspan catching the light of the fire just enough to let everyone see you.

>"Holy shit. It's HIM!"

"Tell me where the stranded are and I'll get them out Officer, you just focus on that fire," you say, your voice calm and reassuring, as if you've done this a hundred times.

Because you have.

>"There's maybe about twenty people in the crew quarters cut off by some of the fires, we need them out before we can begin putting out the rest of them safely!"

"Consider them saved Captain. Stay safe," you say, and you bolt down like an eagle sighting it's prey towards the crew compartments!


>Shortest route; right through the windows!

>You can take the side deck entrance and work your way through to the compartment!
>Shortest route; right through the windows!
wave them away first.
>Shortest route; right through the windows!
Fast and with minimal casualties
>>You can take the side deck entrance and work your way through to the compartment!
dont want to miss anyone
>Shortest route; right through the windows!

>>Shortest route; right through the windows!
"You in communication with the survivors?" you ask voice on the radio.

>"It's how we know where they are!"

"Tell them to get away from the windows!" you say, turning and swooping for the one you can see people in!

You shield yourself with your wings at the last second, unbreakable surface shattering the thick glass without you feeling a thing!

The 20-odd people inside the cafeteria are crying, choking, and scared, but they look at you, see the wings.
And then there's hope in their eyes.

"Everything's going to be alright," you say reassuringly, the one thing everyone needs to hear at least once in their lives.

You approach the ranking officer, a brown-haired young man who is lean but fit.

"Is anyone injured?"

"No, I managed to gather anyone I could find in here where we have extiguishers! Something like a gas line inside the ship blew and we were cut off!"

You look at the sealed compartment door, running a scan.
According to your visor, very quickly it'll be too hot to even touch. All the fire inside of here is building up and causing more smoke and heat from the sealed bulkheads.

There's far too many people to carry out by hand, it'll take too damn long!


>Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!

>Try to put out the flames outside the cafeteria and evacuate them through the ship!
>Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!
> Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!
>Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!
>>Try to put out the flames outside the cafeteria and evacuate them through the ship!
>Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!
I was planning on trying out a superhero quest, but whatever, I like this one so far.
>Find a way to relieve the pressure inside the crew compartment bulkheads, give the fire somewhere else to go!
>I was planning on trying out a superhero quest, but whatever, I like this one so far.
you can still do one just dont have them be a goddamn scientist
you can have them be a super soldier(captain America) , power hero (ms marvel), or mutant (spiderman)
You decide the safest way is to eliminate the fire problem, at least partially.

"Were all the other bulkheads open?" you ask the officer who nods.

"Yes, we don't close them down except in emergencies, and here we didn't have enough time to lock anything but that one!'

"Good! Use the emergency fire hose the room has to cool down the door, and keep spraying it! Don't open the door until I tell you, I'm going to release the pressure on the fire and burn it out! That should give you enough breathing room to evacuate!"

"Sure, but how-" he asks, and you turn and leap out the window.

This is going to be tricky.

You swoop into the air, banking and turning as you blast through the window of the next room over! You speed through the open hallways of the ship, your helmet's mouth visor sliding down upon your cybernetic command to prevent the smoke from asphyxiating you and providing you with an oxygen supply!
You finally reach the windows on the opposite side of the ship and smash through that one as well, turning and repeating the process!

The heat is incredible, causing you to grit your teeth as you fly through steel hallways, banking and turning at high speeds to avoid corners, each time passing out the far end of the crew compartment, like a bird diving in and out one both ends of a burning barn, fire chasing him all the way!

As you move through the ship you periodically toss small concussion flashbangs from your belt to blast away what little oxygen the flames have, helping the fire die down even as you blow open all the windows one by one to relieve the internal pressure off the fire!

After the twentieth window your arms are sore as hell, but the fire inside is much less intense now that it's not all trapped inside a box, and you radio into the officer in the mess hall!

"Open the door and get outside! Be careful, I've tried to blow away as much of the fire as I can, but there's probably still some left!"
They were going to be a mutant.

MC's dad would have been a scientist though.

Actually, considering the age of the MC and tone, it would definitely be most similar to Spider-Man.
thats pretty close to HMQ so if you do go through with it their has to be very obvious differences

will you be having your own heros or will you be pulling from marvel or DC
It would be all my own heroes in a setting mostly unfamiliar with super powers.

The MC would be one of the first real Super Heroes if they chose to do that.
You wait for a minute, hovering above the crew compartment, and are gratified when you see the stranded crew escape via one of the side bulkheads to where the Coast Guard is helping evacuate the others.

"Okay, time to see about this fire....," you say, turning in the air and bolting down to the massive cargo crates, where a group of them seems ablaze with light.

One of them is truly blasted apart, the metal blackened and charred, and you're guessing that's where the explosion originated from.

You land, carefully scanning the deck (the fire is mostly put out now with those huge seawater hoses they're using) with your visor, trying to discern clues from anything left.

Huh. Some of this wreckage of whatever went up was some kind of of advanced alloy. Not alien (you have a database of a some alien alloys anyway), but highly advanced none the less. Maybe some sort of sophisticated but unstable super-science gadget blew up?

Your visor scanner indicates biological readings nearby in the wreckage; a heartbeat, a pulse, etc.


>Ready your throwing quills; they might be the guys who caused this hiding in the confusion or still trying to salvage what they can.

>Call out. If you're lucky it's more survivors, though you'll be damned if you can figure out how they'd have lived this close to the fire and explosion all this time.
>>Call out. If you're lucky it's more survivors, though you'll be damned if you can figure out how they'd have lived this close to the fire and explosion all this time.
OK sound good

im interested i have noticed a lack of super hero quest when alot of people actually like them

>Ready your throwing quills; they might be the guys who caused this hiding in the confusion or still trying to salvage what they can.

i dont trust this one bit
>>Ready your throwing quills; they might be the guys who caused this hiding in the confusion or still trying to salvage what they can.
>Call out. If you're lucky it's more survivors, though you'll be damned if you can figure out how they'd have lived this close to the fire and explosion all this time.
I think whoever caused this managed to gank himself, maybe it ain't a trap
call out
>Call out. If you're lucky it's more survivors, though you'll be damned if you can figure out how they'd have lived this close to the fire and explosion all this time.
Okay, I think I will try it out just to see how it goes.
>Call out. If you're lucky it's more survivors, though you'll be damned if you can figure out how they'd have lived this close to the fire and explosion all this time.
"Hello? Anyone there?" you call, moving forward through the metallic wreckage of the massive cargo crate.

You gently begin lifting with your superhuman strength a large piece of metal, seeing that the life-signs are just behind it.

"If you need h-" you begin, but then a tremendous force kicks the huge sheet of crate metal from the other side hard enough that you go flying back while holding it, hitting the deck hard enough to blast the air from your lungs seven feet away, you hands both still holding onto the metal sheet larger then you are!

"Wha-?!" you say, surprise, then feel a human-sized weight land on the sheet of metal, and a golden blade stabs through it at you!

"Gah! Holy shit!" you shout, always the model of superhero decorum, and are forced to dodge as the blade stabs through again as you still hold the piece of metal up as an improvised shield! You jerk your head to one side as the blade stabs though yet again, this time getting close enough to pierce through the deck next to your head!

It's either REALLY sharp or who ever is holding it is REALLY strong. Maybe both, given how far that kick they gave this thing sent you....


>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!

>Counterattack! Punch through the sheet metal and try to grab the attacker and get a grip on them! Might startle them enough so you can hit him hard!
>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!
>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!
>Try to ID the assailant
>>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!

>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!
>>Throw the metal away from you with the stabbing-bastard on it! That'll give you some room to stand up and put your wings in place if you need to defend!
You should do it Friday, that way you aren't competing with me or Shadowboss for players.
>>Counterattack! Punch through the sheet metal and try to grab the attacker and get a grip on them! Might startle them enough so you can hit him hard!

its the Japanese chick we rescued
I also happen to not have work or practice on Friday so that works.

>Counterattack! Punch through the sheet metal and try to grab the attacker and get a grip on them! Might startle them enough so you can hit him hard!
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Hooray for cooperation!
>Why do I get the feeling this would have happened if we had played as Beacon?
"Get! OFF!" you grunt, getting your leg braced between you and the metal as the blade stabs through yet again, it's point barely missing your stomach just as you kick the huge sheet off of you with a gasp of surprise coming from whoever's standing on it!

You kip-up to your feet agilely, taking a fighting stance just as the huge sheet of metal lands on your attacker! There's a shuffling sound from the other side and the blade cuts a person-height cut, and powerful arms pry apart the sheet like it was tinfoil as the sword-wielder steps through it.

So, at least as strong as you then. Shit.

Out of the torn hole steps a tall woman, maybe giving an inch or two to you at the most in height. Her creamy white skin covered in grease and soot and is wrapped around what is obviously incredibly fit musculature, and her black curls are long and disheveled.

She's wearing weird clothes; looks kinda like a toga, but...more silvery, and belted with gold. Material analysis says it's a synthetic fabric. She's wearing long sandles laced up around her legs to the knees. Her sword is short around 1 1/2 or two feet long, with a small round shield in her left arm that's just barely wide enough to cover her torso, but heavy-enough looking to REALLY hurt if you were hit by it.

The short sword and shield suggest she favors close-in fighting tactics, you'll have to be careful about that.

Her bright blue eyes are fierce with anger, as she looks at you with naked aggression beneath her dark curls.

And oh yeah.
She's pretty much one of the most spectacularly gorgeous women you've ever seen. And you've seen a few, mind you.

"You'll not catch me off guard THIS time, winged one! Return what you stole!" she says in a voice as melodious and beautiful as her features.

And instantly you realize what's going on, what just happened, what's ABOUT to happen, and how this ends.

And there's not really much you can do about it if you're being honest with yourself.

"Ugh," you grumble to yourself.

>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?

>Rush her and tackle her. Maybe if you can disarm her this'll go by quicker!
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>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?
>>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?

ya she gonna throw her shield at us.
is that a dog with a blue lantern corp ring as it collar?
>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?
Don't know Hopecorgi?
>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?
no. . . but i want to.
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Similar to Ragekitty?
Only time I d'awwwed at a comic. Blue lantern is best lantern.
/co/s homemade opposite to Dex-Starr the Ragekitty.
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And WillSquirrel.

>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?
You leap up into the air, trying to hopefully distance yourself from her before this mis-aimed superfight starts!

Much to your surprise she JUMPS right after you, covering the distance between your current position and the mid-air point you arrive at! She shoulder-checks into you with her shield, slamming the wind out of you and tumbling with you to the ground!

You let out a "HUUF!" as you painfully land on your back (the gravity barrier helped break the fall a bit at least), but she lands on her feet like a cat!

Before you can even get up she closes the distance between you with incredible speed, pinning you to the deck of the boat with her sandled right foot, raising up her sword to stab down!

"No! You'll not escape from me THIS time!" she loudly proclaims. "Return what you stole or I'll cut the truth from your hide!"

You sigh inwardly. You've been through this crap before.

She was probably knocked out by the explosion and disoriented. When she woke up and saw you, she assumed you were a supervillain come to finish her and just reacted.

She was here protecting whatever got stolen.
You're in one of those stupid cliched fights where one hero fights another over a misunderstanding and beat the crap out of each other until one of them wins.

And if you don't win this fight it looks like you'll be dead before she figures it out.

>To Be Continued....
Nice, thanks for running, see you next thread.

Oh is it archived?
thanks for running.
>Next Issue:

>Freedom Eagle and the mysterious known only as THE ENVOY begin their superfight. Can wings find a way to stay alive to explain the confusion to the warrior woman!

>Later, Wings must solve the mystery of the stole AZURE RAY, a weapon of such advanced super-science that it's usage could prove catastrophic!

>Featuring THE POWER CORPS, and guest-starring THE ENVOY!

Thank you.
Figured it wouldn't be a classic superhero plot without a preview of the next thread.
i wonder how stupid she is gonna feel when she realizes she attacked Freedom Eagle
Pretty stupid, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking of.
i know why

we are not the person that committed the crime and she acted unprofessional which will make her look bad in front of law enforcement

How recent are supers?
Is it World War II like most things, or does it go back to Odin, Ra, Marduk and the like?
whats the name of the quest so i know what to look out for when you run it.
Hmm, hadn't even thought of that.

Probably something along the lines of Super Powers Quest or maybe just Powers Quest although that might make people think it's based off that one comic book.

>Jump up and catch some air. Maybe at a distance you'll diffuse this before it starts? Hopefully?
Fuck me forgot to refresh before I posted

yfw there is an immortal that's been around before writing was invented

All of this has happened before.
All of this will happen again.

I have no face.
you stated that the MC could be one of the first superheros why not call it like Age of heroes or Rise of Heroes quest some thing along hoes line because no offense those are some weak names
Nope, not even that.
As per classic comics, they've TECHNICALLY been around since basically forever, but what the public truly considers "superheroes" only showed up in WWII.

"Ancient Egyptian Superhero Origins" is a trope that Golden Age comics loved a lot, which I myself will reference once or twice in this very quest.

Jack O'Connor's grandfather, Michael O'Connor (Jack's uncle is Michael Jr) got his start in WWII as a solo hero and then as a member of the Liberty League (analogous to the Justice Society of America), this universe's precursor to the Freedom League (analogous to the Justice League of America).
She hurt such a handsome fella?
Again, nope.

Long-term comic readers (or at least knowledgeable ones) will probably figure out who Envoy is a fairly deliberate reference to by next issue, if my description hasn't given it away already.
ohhh god damn it i just reread and it clicked for me

I suck with names, so I'll probably steal one of those or do something in the same spirit.

My guess is that the old Freedom Eagle did some shit she didn't like and her immortal ass doesn't forget.

If you do have a old as fuck guy can he please be just some unassuming guy who only power is immortality?

He doesn't need to be like Logan or Victor.
Someone more like John Oldman from The Man From Earth.


If your not familiar with movie where people basically just talk and there is little to no tension.
no problem
Still no.
And she's not EXACTLY Wonder Woman.

There's actually another analogue to WW in the Freedomverse setting who serves in the Freedom League currently as well.
Doesn't really fit the classic comics theme I'm going with.
And truly immortal superheroes are actually fairly rare in this setting.
ok in Freedomverse are we technically not!Batman or is there an already not!Batman

Fair enough
No, there is an entirely different person who's a Batman analogue called The Raven who is pretty much the most straightforward expy in the setting honestly.

Freedom Eagle is mostly a reference to Hawkman, though his origins are different.

So far how Mutants and Masterminds Freedomverse setting works is that rather then making 100% expies of characters they borrow like three or four different sources and combine them at the same time, so that's what I did with Freedom Eagle.

He's a Golden Age Legacy hero (to a Hawkman analogue) but he has origins and personality similar to Nightwing (parents dead, raised by a single wealthy father, was a superhero from a young age, best friends with a red-headed archer hero, etc).
alright good to know if you excuse men im gonna go brush up on my hawk man then.
Won't be too helpful; what's mostly similar is their powersets.

There's a completely DIFFERENT character who's origins are similar to Hawkman, whom we'll definitely be meeting later.
hey, OP, question

need a drawfag?
When does a quest op ever not need a drawfag?
Thanks for running, got a twitter set up?
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I'll fag up a drawstorm, if there is need for it, but just so you know

I am not 'good'.

I am, however, available.
>I'll fag up a drawstorm
So? You expect an invitation or what? If you are gonna do it just do it faggot.
OP isn't here, need to speak with him first
What do you think he'll say? "No, you can not drawfag in my quest." ?
Wouldn't say no to one, right?
Hell, the Freedom Eagle symbol I used isn't even the right color, it's supposed to be gold.
Should have it up by next thread.
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anything else?
Off the top of my head, not right now, no. I have reference images (or even actual images) of characters to work with in this quest.

Jack's Freedom Eagle costume is pretty heavily inspired by the Young Justice design of Hawkman for instance, as seen here >>40501779, and The Envoy is clearly a more visibly Greek-inspired Wonder Woman expy.

If you feel inspired though, I certainly won't say no to posting images! I enjoy when folks do that sort of thing. Creativity is awesome!
So are we going to have the skeleton of an 80 year old man by the time we hit 35 thanks to all the little minor injuries adding up over the years, or are we getting a waiver on that because it's not that kind of comic?
Not that kind of comic, but unlike DC or Marvel Freedomverse heroes DO retire once they get older and let the next generation take up the torch rather then perpetually staying between 22 to 28 years old depending on how old their "set" age is.

Superheroes often age differently (if you have one-third of your strength when you get older but when you were young could could bench press a city block when you were younger "weak" is a relative term), but most DO age with the exception of a few notables and characters who aren't precisely human.

Also, I highly doubt the quest will last until he's thirty-five years old considering he's in his mid-to-late twenties now.
More just trying to wrap my head around potential medical issues.
Is our personal doctor "in the know" and trustworthy, or do we lie to him regularly?
The Freedomverse actually takes some fairly logical steps that others completely overlook that I'll explain now.

A basic example is that rather then beat someone up and leave, superheroes often appear at court to provide witness testimony to put away super criminals (otherwise some cases might get thrown out without enough witnesses). Therefore a superhero's costumed identity is considered a legal identity for the purposes of the law, and they aren't required to unmask or reveal their ID's to go into court or get medical attention.
Evidence gained purely through extra sensory means is inadmissible since basically only other people with the same power can correlate the evidence as real, but other then that they can get up on the stand and testify like everyone else.

Similarly they can get medical assistance and it's an offense in most places to unmask them without their permission, as it's considered an invasion of privacy.

One important thing to note is lethal force laws in regards to superheroes. Like police officers, there are acceptable levels of force applicable in certain situations to apprehend super-criminals, based on escalating levels of danger and threat involved.
Since superheroes are often ridiculously more competent then police officers the ability of force they can precisely exert without killing someons is much greater, so genetally they're expected to capture villains so they can stand trial.

REALLY dangerous supervillains who kill tons of people or who are civilization-wrecking dangers it's okay to use lethal force on because there's no real way to expect you'll be able to take them down otherwise.

Since the death penalty also exists in this world and there's no contractural obligation to keep villains alive so they can be exploited as intellectual properties as long as possible, most villains are NOT psychopathic murderers.
Rather, most long-term supercriminals (there aren't many, but they're there) are dangerous but try to limit their crimes to ones that DON'T authorize usage of lethal force or execution on their part.
Murder during crimes even in real life isn't really common, and death-by-spouse is vastly the leading cause of homicide pretty much everywhere.

Generally there's sort of an unspoken "gentleman's agreement" between most professional or classic villains and capes to NOT use lethal force on each other, the same way most criminal syndicates tend to not kill huge numbers of cops so the cops don't do the same to them.
In the late 80's and early to mid-90's of the Freedomverse this agreement wasn't held up very often, resulting in this universe's version of 90's comic book success with lunatic heroes and villains alike.

Exceptionally dangerous supervillains ARE cold-blooded murderers though, and they tend to be extremely hard to catch for this very reason.

This isn't including non-human villains who are more like insane forces of nature or extragalactic conqerors who pretty much are capable of causing so much damage that normal criminal law is just to small to apply to them.

In short, there is no get out of jail free card for villains in the Freedomverse, and any prison break WILL have an explanation for it (who, how, and why), rather then it be like the joker who just gets out of Arkham (despite not really qualifying for the insanity defense any more by any court of law anywhere) without even needing a fucking explanation because Batman needs to fight the Joker in every Batman thing ever.

The Freedomverse version of the Joker actually DIED decades ago in fact.

If ya get a second, email me -- I'd love to talk a sec about some things, no need to shit up the thread

[email protected]

Going to a doctor's appointment, so be back in an hour or so

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