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Last time on Champion of the Key Quest (fucking shorthand)

We met our MC Vasi and went along with her on a journey through a very strange dream.

Battles with adorable little shadowy figures turned into a pretty disturbing showdown with a sickley shadow looking version of ourself.

After beating the shadow doppelganger, we woke up from the dream to the sounds of our childhood friends Ranos and Tala at the door

Screw waiting for an appropriate time, it's always time for ice cream.

Unfortunately, ice cream lead to Ranos running into two older kids that were giving him a hard time, one thing lead to another and now Ranos and the older blonde kid are out cold while Vasi is left against the pink haired one, with Tala on the sidelines.
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“You and me Pinky, let’s do this!” You growl out, your opponent merely leaping out of your range with an extravagant twirl, coming to a rest with her staff held point down, like she’s some sort of pro fencer.

You’ll show her! You rush in, bat swinging, but like it or not, you have to admit it, the girl IS an tough opponent, coupled with being willing to fight dirty, she blocks most of your hits and is more than willing to smash her handguard into you if her weapons shaft isn’t viable.

On the other hand, you’re forcing her back, powering through her hits and jabs, you nearly have her backed up into a wall, before she decides to be a big old cheater. With a slight grunt, she leaps upwards, grabbing onto some old pipes embedded in the wall behind her.

Another grunt and she pushes off, leaping over your head, she twists in the air, throwing her weapon at you, the hard handle headed straight for your eye. Resisting the urge to flinch, you react instinctively.

>Block: DC10
>Dodge it, the weapon will roll out of her reach: DC14
>Grab it and turn the tables: DC 18
>>Dodge it, the weapon will roll out of her reach: DC14
>Grab it and turn the tables: DC 18
>Dodge it, the weapon will roll out of her reach: DC14
>Dodge it, the weapon will roll out of her reach: DC14
then we rush in and beat the fuck out of her with the bat
Lightning is a goddamn cheater.
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Heyo Chuckles, Eail. Found this image while browsing and thought it might fit well for the character considering the details thrown around last thread, Whaddya think?
is that pyrrha or some other red headed fit chick

also you're 14
A Kingdom Hearts Quest?


Also, where'd you get that lightning picture?
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Was thinking about Keyblade designs the other night, and wondered why not go for a more different direction.

Something that looks more akin to a flanged mace that's used in pic related instead of what we're used to (plus with the symbolism a mace represents).
I have no fucking clue also Ichigo looks older than he is as an example
saw it on /v/ some time then just googled Lightning Kingdom Hearts
A Keymace? Blasphemy!

Thread #1 if you want it, and I knew that pic was laying around from some rumors a few years ago.


1d20 best of five to beat a DC 14 please
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Easy peasy.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

damn we should have tried and grabbing it
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Goddammit, I love you anon.
That's what I said, but you all had to vote for dodging.
We totally dodged her and then headbutted her ass to the ground didn't we?
Well, it was either that or an Axe or Barmace
What can I say? I got the touch. Now that my ego has been sufficiently stroked, onward we go!
DC 18 is newer a good idea. Too easy to fail.

Maces are hard to do in interesting way. And they end up looking like magical girl wand/scepter thingies.
We headbutted her yeah? Yeah!
The day we let that prissy pink bitch beat us is the day hell freezes over.

Well if we're gonna go all the way, might as well go for a polearm like a Key-Halberd or Key-Spear.
No we are doing the dildo key blade, we already decided on that last tread.
Nah two handed keyblade man, We're a brute character
No, our keyblade should be ice cream themed.
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Have the dildo shoot ice cream out the end?

I am thinking 12 foot long dong, that changes from white to blue as gradient in the middle, and shoots ice cream.
But Anon, Ice Cream is Serious Business.
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You know, as unsettling as it is to see this girl actually throw her freaking bat at you, you can’t help but think, why throw the thing, seriously. Who just throws a struggle bat at people while jumping around through the air.

Jerks, that’s the answer, but you’re not gonna let this one get the satisfaction of catching you off guard so easily! Acting quick on your feet, you throw your weight to the side and cartwheel out of the way, letting the bat impact harmlessly with the ground, while you’re completely unscathed.

The older girl scowls at you dodging her maneuver so easily, she’d evidently been planning on that doing at least something to throw you off guard. Still, it appears that she’s not done just yet, already sprinting at you, though it’s unclear if she intends on engaging hand to hand or if she’s gonna try to get by and grab her struggle bat again.

She wants to play dirty? All right, well, you can play dirty too! People always said you were hardheaded, so why not put that to the test. As the girl approaches you, you’re quick to intercept her, something that seems to throw her off guard. She’s able to react fast enough to dodge the bat blow you were sending her way, but not the follow up.

Cracking your heads together in a terrible sounding headbutt, woah… okay, maybe not the best idea ever, that actually hurts a lot.

Rubbing at the impact zone where you just messed up your poor skull, you’re still able to see that she seems to be in a lot worse shape than you, stumbling about after the hard impact, clearly thrown off balance.

HP: 22/25

>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
>Let her grab her bat, let’s be fair
>Let her grab her bat, let’s be fair
>>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
If not
>>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
and if that fails
>Let her grab her bat, let’s be fair
>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
>FINISH HER like the generous lover you are
Even joking about /u/ing HER is disgusting anon, Have some class
How old are we, anyways?
14. The default KH protagonist age.
>Tell her to get lost before you do it again
Calling the vote now
>Let her grab her bat, let’s be fair
So, out of curiosity, where exactly ARE we?
Probably twilight town or a place they made up on the spot
Nvm. Read it as "what are we"
Where. Not what. Where.

Some place where dudes can make a living selling salt-flavored ice cream.
So, Twilight Town?

Also, that's a real ice cream that people buy, by the way.
>Also, that's a real ice cream that people buy, by the way.
It is a strange world we live in.....
We live on a giant rotating ball hurtling through the void, flying around a giant ball of fire. I think sea salt ice cream is relatively minor.
This world is too small
They sell it at Japanese Disneyland. Or at least did sold it few years ago.
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The pink haired girl stares at you groggily for a few moments, trying to refocus her eyes, looking like she’s about to run at you again, until you kick her struggle bat even further out of her reach. “Alright kid, whatever…” She sighs, still managing to sound annoyingly bored, even when she seems half concussed. “Come on Villiers.” She grabs her blonde companion and drags him off by the collar of his ridiculous jacket.

With the two older kids gone, you rush over to check on Ranos, Tala squatting by his side, poking his cheek incessantly. “Ranos. Ranos. Ranos. Ranos. Ranos.” She repeats with each poke. “Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.” She inhales deeply, lifting his face and yelling in his ear. “WAKE UP!”

He startles as his eyes fly up, “Huh? Wha- You bully, you’ll pay for that!” He declares, grasping at his staff.

“Vasi already told them to get lost.” Tala informs him, giving him a mostly playful shove that he rolls into, moving to lay on his stomach on the cobbled courtyard.

“Awww, that’s no fun.” He whines, “You didn’t even properly beat them up.”

Tala shrugs, “It was more practical, if she’d kept fighting that older girl, she could have ended up hurt just as badly. She did take you down in one hit after all.” To demonstrate, Tala even lays a finger on your forehead, right over the sensitive spot which you’d smashed into your foe. “You’re already gonna end up bruised for that.”

“Wow, you sound really concerned Tala. Thanks for being the team mom.” You reply with just a hint of sarcasm, pushing her prying finger away. “Still, it was kinda fun to stretch out, wasn’t it?”

“Says the girl who didn’t take a bat to the temple.” Ranos grunts, before slipping his perpetual grin back on, bounding up to his feet. “Still…. you guys probably didn’t finish your ice cream, right?”

>No biggie.
>Yeah, you owe us.
>We can worry about it later, we’ve got stuff to do, like
>>Grabbing a book from the library
>>I want to see the view up from the Postern
Salt and sweet stuff go great together. You know nothing.
>Grunt noncommittally
>>I want to see the view up from the Postern
>We can worry about it later, we’ve got stuff to do, like
>>I want to see the view up from the Postern
Skateboarding and postern.

C'mon guys, let's fight with a skateboard.
ded thread kek

Ice cream talk was evidently more interesting
>We can worry about it later, we’ve got stuff to do, like
>>I want to see the view up from the Postern
we can skateboard to the place
That sounds completely gay
>>No biggie.
>We can worry about it later, we’ve got stuff to do, like
What else would you expect from KH?
You can do it in KH2.
votes closed
So we're still totally going with the hakama pants right?

Bandage wrapped chest under a vest or something like that?

Bigass keyblade?
Fuck yeah, Although i can settle for baggy pants instead if that's what the other's want
Definitely. Though the Hakama pants should have horizontal zippers circling across the leg near the bottom. And there should be belts on the arms.
No, We aren't an edgy fucklord
If there's consensus for it, sure
Look mate, it's Kingdom Hearts.

We need our daily dose of Belts and Zippers.


>An Edgy Fucklord
He DID go through an edgy phase.....
If anything, Vanitas is just an Edgy Sora.
The edgiest I remember Sora being was in CoM and even then it wasn't that edgy.
Zippers is an essential part of the setting.
No it really isn't, Plus it looks stupid as all hell
He was literally a heartless in KH1, and was a complete tool in KH2
to be fair, it kinda is
hell, donald has a fucking zipper on his hat
As i said, It looks stupid as all hell
It really is though. Zippers everywhere.

He was a tiny shadow for one segment. And he was still all happy happy sunshine for most of 2.
Welcome to Nomura character design. embrace the impractical and stupid looking.

Seriously, it's fiction, and it's not even trying to be realistic. Who cares?
“We can worry about the ice cream later, let’s just move on and put Pinky and the Brawn behind us.” Motioning with your thumb in the direction that the girl left in with her friend. “I wanted to go check out the view from the postern anyways.”

“Ooooh, that sounds fun. It always looks lovely up there this time of day.” Tala agrees, collapsing her weapon back down to fit on her belt.

“If we’re gonna go sight seeing, can we at least skate on the way?” Ranos asks, hands behind his head as he looks at the two of you. He was always the best one at skating of the three of you, and certainly liked it the best.

Glancing over at Tala, she gives a small shrug as an answer. “Sounds good, now c’mon, let’s get out of here before she decides to come back for round two.”

With that the three of you make a quick exit from the area that had served as the arena for your little street brawl, a quick jaunt back by your houses to grab your skateboards and soon enough you and your friends are flying up the street,heading for the highest part of town that normal civilians are allowed to go. The three of you make quick work to the town’s postern, you and Ranos give Tala boost onto the guard house’s roof, before she hauls you up, then you both haul the boy up.
Tool =/= edgy and even as a heartless he was good, all he did was run up and hug Kairi
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Wandering out on to the centre of the roof, the three of you sit, staring crosslegged around at the city, the town laid out below you, the castle above, and beyond that, nothing but sky, dusky and purple.

Tala pulls a few loose pieces of candy from her pockets, sharing them between the three of you. “It seems like… I don’t know, every time we come up here, the town’s lost a little bit of it’s shine.”

She has a point, the castle above seems to have a grimy look to it’s walls, pipes criss crossing it’s surfaces of it’s many twisted spires. “Eh. Still wish I could live in it.” Ranos shrugs, jumping to his feet and dancing around the rooftop, “I’m king of the castle, bow down before me and I shall show mercy.” He bellows, trying to adopt a regal grace.

“You’re the king of getting beaten up by girls.” Tala points out, poking him harshly in the back of his knee, making his leg give out, he rolls to his back, recovering smoothly.

“Maybe when I’m Queen you can be my jester, if I’m feeling nice.” You tease the boy, giving him a poke in the shoulder while he’s laid out.

“If I ever took over, I’d have the guards throw you two in a dungeon, so you couldn’t tell people embarrassing secrets about me.” Tala admits, a smile on her lips suggesting she’s at least partially kidding.

“Like that you’re scared of thunder?” Ranos grins. Tala just makes a face at him and tosses another piece of candy in his mouth which he gratefully bites out of the air.

>Geez lighten up Tala
>Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying
>Screw ruling this place, I wanna be queen of the universe!
>>Screw ruling this place, I wanna be queen of the universe!
Damn you anon
>Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying
Queen of the universe. Let's do this, guys. Let's take over the KH multiverse.
>Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying
Being a ruler sucks ass, No thanks
>>Screw ruling this place, I wanna be queen of the universe!

This world is too small!
Why the hell do you guys want to rule? You have no freetime anymore and you have a shitton of obligations
We just assign such menial tasks to our underlings.
>Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying
>Screw ruling this place, I wanna be queen of the universe!
You KNOW it doesn't work like that

>Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying
It's not the ruling part we want but the thrill of the conquer
Yes it does.
Queen of conquest? Not doing the whole political bullshit i can get behind
We can just take over the universe and then give it to Tala and Ranos as a present.
Calling the vote
that doesnt sound very LIGHT of us anons
You know from the current characterization, I kind of see us with some potential anger issues.
We are grey We do what we please
We don't have to be LIGHT, Anon.

We don't have to be DARK either.

We're just a simple gal with simple goals, and a big stick.
>Geez lighten up Tala
Ohhhhh yeah definitely, Anger up the wazoo and definitely a fight junkie, I'm personally fine with the latter, It's a fun characteristic to have
So, with our clothes, anger issues, and big keyblade, are we FemTerra?
We're definitely less composed, and also less dark.
Hell no, We're a lot better and simpler than him
Going with that idea, whose keyblade do you think we're gonna steal when we get ours?

Sora stole Riku's which was Terra's

Kairi had Aquas in her heart

Sora also had Ven's which ended up with Roxas

So what do we get?

But on a serious note, Yen Sid's.
I believe Chuckeails has something special in store for us on that part....
“Ranos as king…. sounds terrifying.” You mutter aloud, earning a good natured laugh from both of them.

“He’d burn the entire world up just cos he left a stove on in some room and left it there for a week.” Tala agrees.

Not to mention he’d probably make that nasty salt ice cream stuff a staple of everyone’s diet. Horrifying.

“Bored now.” Ranos announces, “Can we leave? My head’s still a little swimmy after that cheater hit me in the face.”

“Oh, wah.” Tala snickers, “Walk it off. I like it up here a lot more than grimy old Lowtown.” She lays out, resting up on her elbows. “Besides, the bubbles should start up any minute now. That’s always the best part.”

Ranos glowers at her, sticking his tongue out. “Whatever, I’m gonna hit the hay early. Wanna come with Vasi?” Both your friends look to you expectantly, Ranos smiling woozily, Tala arching an eyebrow upwards

>Nah, the bubbles are pretty
>Sure thing
>I’ll just head straight home actually
>Write in
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Gravity falls is up there with Steven universe, Adventure time, Homestuck, Life is Strange, Scott Pilgrim, Teen Titans and Frozen as essential tumblrcore.
>Sure thing
Sleepover time! We should paint our nails, and braid our hair.
>Sure thing
just as soon as the bubbles come up. Besides, if you're as woozy as you say you are might not be such a bad idea to just set down for a minute and let your head clear up a little. And there are worse spots to do that then right here.
>Nah, the bubbles are pretty
I can't say no to pretty bubbles. It's against my nature.
Nah, The bubbles are pretty.
>Nah, the bubbles are pretty

It's the simple things in life that are the best.
>Nah, the bubbles are pretty
>Nah, the bubbles are pretty.
>Sure thing
Are you fuckers serious? Ranos probably has a concussion and you are voting to send him home alone.
Send Tala with him and we can watch the bubbles ourselves.
>Sure thing
Did you happen to get lost friend?
I believe he means that, as people were expressing a desire to visit a Gravity Falls world last time, he should state that he doesn't like what Tumblr likes regardless of its own merits because Tumblr.
I don't like any of those things either to be fair. So long as he meant TT GO instead of the original Teen Titans.
>Sure thing
Calling the vote now
ignore him, vote is a tie
first person to respond to this post wins it for their side
Plus they aren't even disney
Nobody likes TTGO. Nobody. And I say that liking three of those other things.
Better stay away from those High Intellect enemies that love tricks. We'll just get frustrated.

Aaaaand we just killed Ranos, oops
Can we watch bubbles, while Ranos sleeps in our lap or something, and then go with him?
>My vote did not win! I know i'll imply that Ranos is killed now! That'll make them see how right i am!
Now >>41051995 is starting to make sense. ..
Jeeze. It's Kingdom Hearts, nobody actually dies. Plus even if he has a concussion he should be fine as long as he doesn't cartwheel the entire way home or something REALLY stupid. Though, given what we know right now, he doesn't seem the smartest...
Ain't that guy but seriously, he's clearly concussed. The fuck kinda friend is Vasi if she's letting a hurt friend go off alone?
Xions's dead. Roxas fell off a clock tower. We see a guy get randomly turned into a heartless in traverse town.

A friend with a good sense of priorities. Now let's watch some goddamn bubbles.
He should git gud
Maybe then he wouldnt be a faggot that gets rekt by pink haired lesbians
We're gonna be Roxas' awesome big/little sister that makes him not such a total autismo maximus right?
Sure thing, Mr. Fuck-Vasi's-Characterization-I-Want-Watch-Shinies
He doesn't have a fucking concussion you moron, You're making assumptions
To be fair, her hair is just a lighter version of ours.
Ah, but Anon, don't you see?

This is her characterization.

Screw Roxas. We're Hayner's big sis.
Yes because hair color OBVIOUSLY determines peoples personality, Please get the fuck off the internet, You're to stupid for it
>“Can we leave? My head’s still a little swimmy after that cheater hit me in the face.”
> Ranos smiling woozily
Sure, assumptions.
Actually, as of KH3D, we learned that Xion is only dead enough for Sora to save her, apparently.
I never said it determines personality. I never even implied it. Where are you getting this from?
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You rock backwards and forwards, “Nah. The bubbles are too pretty to pass up, you can get home on your own right?”

Ranos scowls, “Sure, whatever. Later jerks.” He leaps down from the roof with a loud ‘oof’, before skating off back towards the lower parts of town. The two of you can see him swaying slightly as he descends the spiraling road downhill, quickly building up speed, before the rooftops of the lower city swallow him from sight.

“When the bubbles are over we should probably go see if he passed out.” Tala off handedly comments while getting comfy and waiting for the bubbles to start showing up.

You settle in and wait, and sure enough, you can hear them ‘gloop’ into existence on the edge of hearing, slowly rising upwards over the castle walls, the extravagant water feature inside the castle the only sign of life from the building these days.

Still, it does make a marvelously pretty sight, the bubbles reflecting the light of the setting sun, bathing most of the higher part of the city in an assortment of rainbow lights, a long strip of blue shining along you and Tala for a moment, followed by pink, yellow and green, as the bubbles shift and blow about through the air.

It’s nice and peaceful, almost making it feel like the town is back to it’s old self rather than all this doom and gloom that seems to be going around these days.

The show lasts all evening, until the sun disappears over the horizon, the bubbles still rising from the castle's inner walls, but without anything to project light into them, it’s back to regular old High town.

“That was nice.” Tala declares, “Not to mention quiet, without a certain someone around.” She lifts herself to her feet with practiced precision, while you roll onto your feet and bounce upright. “So, should we check in on him, or would you rather have a girls night in? Do our nails, watch some crummy movies…?”

>Ranos could use a check up
>Movie night, woo!
>I need to sleep off this bruise on my head. Alone.
>Ranos could use a check up
>>Ranos could use a check up
>Movie night, woo!
>Ranos could use a check up
We're building up relationship points with these two, aren't we?

>Movie night, woo!
>Ranos could use a check up
>Do our nails? Really Tala?
>>Ranos could use a check up
>>Movie night, woo!
>Ranos could use a check up
he has been having a rough day, wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure he's ok
"This is her characterization."
>Being alone and without others to help me
>Forging strong bonds
From her original characterization, these bits really seem to heavily imply she's the kinda chick who cares about her friends to the extent she fears losing them.
I mean, hell, she went so far as to shout
>“Together!” You cry out, rushing forward.
during the fight, showing moreso she values them even in a dangerous situation.

Sending Ranos off alone when he's hurt is a shitty thing for Vasi to do and honestly goes against how she's been played and created, hence my buttanguish.
>Ranos could use a check up
>>Ranos could use a check up
>>Ranos could use a check up
>Ranos could use a check up
At least to make sure he actually got home at all.
landslide win
votes closed
*inspects ChuckEails, finds his mainspring has wound down, and turns the key on his back for a while*
What the actual fuck
Silly anon, Chuckles runs on smut and that means chuckeails also runs off smut
“Considering how often I end up in street fights these days, any sort of nail or toes stuff probably isn’t worth it.” You reply while stretching out, getting a satisfying pop from your back. “Anyways, I should probably go check on Ranos, make sure he got home alright. If not, I’ll just drag him there myself.”

In a very Tala move, the girl gives a small shrug, she never really let’s anything bother her, so you checking up on Ranos certainly isn’t going to push any buttons to upset her. “Let’s get going then, I want to be home before it’s night time.” She declares, already jumping down from the area you were resting at to get back to ground level.

With nothing else to do up here, you’re quick to follow the girl, staring at the horizon the sun had set over. The ride to Ranos’ house is quick now that you’re moving downhill, Tala even lets out a small trill of excitement as she begins to build speed on the the steep hill down to Lowtown. The two of you bank hard and fast between foot traffic, Tala catching your eye with a twinkle in hers. “Race you to his place!” She calls your way, bending her knees and speeding up.

You can’t keep up with her and hope to stay on your board, yours’ just isn’t stable enough to keep this speed up on the rough streets near Ranos’ house, near the lowest sections of Lowtown, the cobbles get rough and uneven nearly making your board lose a wheel before you dismount.
Tala just ‘tch’s in annoyance as you approach the door, finding the boy laying on the floor, literally just inside his doorway. “He’s not unconscious.” She sighs, pointing at his arms, curled up under his head, “He just laid down and fell asleep. To lazy to climb in bed.” She rolls her eyes. “Should we leave him here then?” You give her a long look and she sighs, “Fine, let’s put him in bed.”

To Ranos’ credit he manages to sleep through you and Tala hauling him up a flight of stairs and being half tossed onto his bed, snoring loudly the whole while. You dragged him this far, but you sure aren’t going to tuck him in and read him a bedtime story.

“I’ll swing by my place and get some stuff, then movies and junk, right?” Tala asks.

Now that she mentions it, you are starting to feel the effects of the street brawl today, limbs heavy and a heavy headache setting in…

>Sure thing
>Raincheck, I need to sleep this off first.
>Sure thing
>Sure thing
>Sure thing
HAH when has being hurt ever stopped us from doing something?
>Sure thing
>Sure thing
>>Sure thing

We ain't letting now wounds stop us. We are stronk!
>Now that she mentions it, you are starting to feel the effects of the street brawl today, limbs heavy and a heavy headache setting in…
Drink some water, dumbass. Those are symptoms of dehydration.
>Sure thing
Another landslide, calling the vote here.
“Sure thing. See you in a bit.” You tell her. She heads out, but you swing by Ranos’ kitchen, trying to alleviate your fatigue with a long drink of water. It eases the rising tide of pain in your limbs, but not as much as you’d expected it too, and your headache only seems to get worse as you skate home, pounding a rhythm into your temples.

You quickly change into your pj’s before Tala arrives, the dark of the evening setting in quickly, as she knocks. You have a hurried dinner before you crack out the junk food, ice cream, chocolate and popcorn all carried up to your bedroom as Tala puts on a movie; some horrible cartoon about a green ogre who lives in a swamp and has an annoying sidekick animal. It might just be the headache making your mood worse, but you feel active contempt for the movie as it continues.

Tala prattles on loudly, giving her own running commentary on the movie, as you feel your eyelids begin to droop, head picking back up as your chin bounces off your chest. Tala looks over to you, slapping you on the knee, “Oh come on, don’t fall asleep already. You still haven’t even done my nails.”

Your chin bounces off your chest again, eyes snapping open, Tala rolling her eyes. “Okay, fine just lay down and I’ll braid your hair for you.”

Laying down does sound nice, you face hits your pillow and Tala quickly starts wrapping your hair into strands, then those strands into a loose braid, still complaining and nitpicking the movie as it plays on and on, her words sounding far away, until she pats you on the shoulder. “Here, since you always insist on pulling us into a fight, I’ll put this bangle on the end of the braid.” You feel her slip something onto your hair, a gentle weight. “It’s made of metal, you know. Heavier than it looks if you swing it around. Might be able to get a sneak attack on somebody if they’re not expecting it.”

>That underhanded, I couldn’t use that
>Sweet, thanks Tala
>Grunt and sleep
>Sweet, thanks Tala
>>Sweet, thanks Tala
>Sweet, thanks Tala

We're going to kick so much ass with this.
>Sweet, thanks Tala
>Sweet, thanks Tala
We are of one mind.
>Sweet, thanks Tala

Now we just need a Power Fist
>also you're 14
>Implying the stopped Yoko
>>Sweet, thanks Tala

We must pant her nails as gratitude.

Also we might want to get some pimp rigs to use as knuckle dusters tomorrow.
Fuck no, We don't paint nails
Can we paint them using Lightning's blood?
Why not? Everybody loves painted nails.

Especially when you do that thing, when you make multicolored rings, and pictures in water, and then press the nail in. It's freaking sweet man.
We fight to much, Fighter's don't paint their nails mate it'd be useless
Cote the fuckers in poison, and scratch people.

Also have you ever gotten chipped paint in your wounds?

Plus we are painting our friends nails.
We don't paint our nails, we paint hers.
We're the simple and straightforwards way, Not a roguish type character who would do that mate, And fine if it's just Tala's nails.....
We should totally paint Ranos's nails while he's asleep as a prank...
I second this.
Calling the vote
“Sweet, thanks Tala.” You mutter into your pillow, as Tala ties the end of the braid into a thicker knot, ensuring that the ring won’t come flying off. Half out of obligation, half because you’re a good friend, you fight through your headache and push yourself upright, offering to paint Tala’s nails.

She smiles brightly at the offer, nodding along. “Sounds like a plan.” You fetch a tiny bottle in a glittery pink that clashes awfully with your own hair, and apply a base layer to Tala’s fingers, while she continues to mock the movie, a different one now actually, a terrifying looking fish who has a job cleaning larger fish and sings funky songs.

Tala seems happy with the job you did with her nails and obliges you by turning the TV off, instructing you to get some sleep, as she plucks a book from her bag, reading in silence by your feet.

Your headache lessens slightly as you close your eyes, pulling the blankets over you, Tala humming quietly, the occasional crinkle of pages lulling you to sleep.

It doesn’t last long, you feel yourself being shaken awake, a loud pounding on the door. “GUYS! WAKE UP, SOMETHING BAD’S HAPPENING! REAL BAD!” You hear Ranos bellows through the door, voice shaking.

Bushy haired and bleary eyed, you and Tala whip the door open, finding Ranos resting on his knees, breathing a mile a minute. “Now what?” Tala grumbles, gently brushing sleep from her eyes.
Ranos just shakes his head, pointing downwards, “S-s-ss- Something’s just eating the town down there, it’s all just going black, and these black things with these glowy eyes are just attacking people in the streets! They’re moving upwards, we have to get out! Get dressed!”

“Are you sure you didn’t just have a nightmare Ran?” Tala sighs.

The description he gave sounds familiar… those funny creatures from your dream, where you’d had the sword. “Guys, we only have like a few minutes, we have to MOVE!” He insists, thumping a fist against your doorframe, startling Tala. “The boards are by the door, come on!”

Tala squeals in fear as she peaks out your window, sure enough, a tide of black is rising up the streets, those funny monsters wandering the parts still lit. Up above, up near the castle, you see a dark sphere hanging in the air, it’s purple core pulsating with electricity You can see entire chunks of lowtown, land, building and people being sucked up and into that portal to parts unknown. Beside it is a bright light shining from the castle, keeping away the powerful suction of the sphere.

>Let’s mosey!
>Get dressed first
>Grab your struggle stick and move
>>Grab your struggle stick and move
PJ Warrior
>Grab your struggle stick and move
>Grab your struggle stick and move
>Stick together and don't lose sight of each other!
>Explain about the weird dream you had
>Grab your struggle stick and move
>Grab your struggle stick and move
>Grab your struggle stick and move
Put on shoes, and stuff tho.
Ahhhh we're going to have to sacrifice our selves to save Ranos and Tala aren't we.....Damn was hoping they could be our donald and goofy
Donkey or Shrek and the fish from Fish Tale will be our Donald and Goofy.
Oh god i hope not, Ranos and Tala are cool and fit perfectly, I mean Tala is our goofy since she's a defender and Ranos is our donald since he's a mage
That's Dreamworks, not Disney/Pixar.

So thankfully, that shouldn't be an option.

just, uugh.
We are the Shrek all along.
Calling the vote

this isn't ogre.
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All right nerds so we've got a bit of an issue at the moment that isn't going to pop up just yet but might cause a few problems down the road if it's not hammered out now.

Keyblade design, for your first one at least.

Would you lot like to pick it/choose from a selection, or have the two of us choose your starting keyblade?

I've got a few images saved that we're thinking of using, and if Chuckles wants me to, I can post 'em.
You both choose, Don't trust us
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This one works.
>Trusting chuckles
Does that mean you trust me anon-kun
Trusting Chuckles is the best way for us to end up with the Dildo Keyblade.
You choose
Hold up, let me find my 8th grade notebook with all kinds of edgy keyblade designs
This, we'll pick a literal dildo.
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More than I trust Chuckles. At least you're from freedomland.
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There's always the Keyblade for mooks if it's too hard to decide.
I don't trust us or Chuckles. Let the dice gods decide
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This one. There are no better offers for now.
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We could go with last treads art?

I still voted for dildo beforehand.
I fucking despise the handle on that thing
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we will NOT have a dildo keyblade
No fuck that evil thing you created!
Bad anon

HELL no. Looks like shit.
That handle looks pretty unwieldable.
Can we have the one that looks like a sword. The one on the far left?
Google keyblade images. Look at those handles.
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Christ are all these things ugly as sin?
At least there's something to grip with those.
posting keyblades

I like the one of the far left.
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Either this one or >>41056982
the one on the left
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Dear god all these are fucking aweful....Just pick your's chuckles/Eail
Pissing in the wind here , but how about a flanged mace or axe?
No, That's not a fucking keyblade
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what kinds of handles looks good?
I think this one is as good as we're going to get.
The problem is that keyblades are shit weapons. They make no fucking sense.
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You snatch your struggle stick up and jump into your shoes, hauling yourself out your bedroom door and tossing your board out the door, all the while trying to explain that crazy half remembered dream to the other two, to little avail. They’re much more interested in trying to flee uphill from the seemingly endless horde of yellow eyed abomination streaming out of the sections of the city swallowed by the rising black tide

There’s gotta be thousands of them, yet you and your friends are the only ones that are running. Are you really the only ones that know what’s going on? The city is silent, despite the roving monsters and the sections of city flying upwards, ghostly silent.

Every so often a scream punctuate the still air somewhere about you, but is quickly cut off. The dark tide is constantly pushing the three of you upwards, towards the top of the city, as Low town, your own home is ripped up and sent into that dark sphere.

“Head towards the postern!” Tala calls, if the castles safe, we should try and get in there!.”

The three of you angle towards the building, Ranos dismounting his board and shoulder checking the gate to the postern open, hurrying through, he pushes on, out the other side, the one approaching the castle.

The three of you gasp in surprise, a rectangular platform of solid looking light connects the usual broad cliff face by the postern with the castle walls, providing a path straight up to the safety of the castle by the looks of it.

Ranos tests it gingerly, and his foot rests on it like a solid. “Cool! C’mon!” He assures you both, only to yelp as it jerks about, floating off around the left side of the castle wall at a rapid pace, rising as it goes. “Hey! Get me down!” He yelps in fear. Before he looks over the edge at the dark of the city below, “Never mind! MEET ME INSIDE!” He calls back to you and Tala as he disappears from sight.
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Tala stares after him, before gripping her struggle stick tight in one hand, skateboard under her other arm. The platform reforms and she leaps onto it, dragging you with her.

Your platform moves right, around the opposite side of the wall to Ranos’ quickly bringing you both atop the wall and fading as the two of you step off. On the inside of the walls, far below you see a body of water, and a complex mish mash of plumbing and tubes being eroded slowly.

Tala shrieks as a monster flies through the air, only to dissolve as a bright light bursts out of the floor, dissolving it in seconds, before fading back into the floor.

Glancing around, you can’t see Ranos anywhere, but the castle itself does stand between you and a good half of the far wall, he could be anywhere. A staircase nearby leads down ont a platform embedded in the castle wall wherein an entrance leads inside the castle. To your left is a guardhouse built on the wall, spider webs on it’s handle.

>Head into the castle itself
>Check that guardhouse
>Jump into that water below, it’s not a far jump
Can we go with the one on the left here?
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>Head into the castle itself
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I really like this one
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That one is like two steps short of being an actual sword. Would wield.
>>Head into the castle itself
Grab some stuff to barricade yourself in, or tossing at them on your way.
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head into the castle itself
>Head into the castle itself
>Head into the castle itself
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last one
>into the castle
And these Papal keys could be hammers if they were converted into keyblades.
That would fit if we went with the staff instead of the sword
I like this one. Very warrior-like. And it's probably about as close to being actually usable as we're gonna get.
Calling the vote
None of these posted keyblades work as babbys first keyblade. We need something simpler to start with, then we can obtain some of the ones posted this thread when we visit other worlds.
I think the dildo works? Its pretty simple design.
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Wherever Ranos is, you’re just going to have to find him later, it’s way too dangerous to just be standing around right now.

Grabbing Tala by the arm you start to drag her behind you as you head into the castle proper, you came all this way in the hopes that it was a safe place and you might as well stick with that idea at this point.

Approaching one of the large stone doors, you’re surprised when it gives way so easily to a bit of pushing on your part. With how big the thing is you were expecting more of a struggle to actually force it open.

Hustling inside with Tala right behind, you’re quick to shut the door behind you, it might open easily but at least if you shut it, there might not be any proof that you came this way.

“Hello?” Tala calls out hopefully, but her voice just echoes back to you. “Ranos?” Nothing.

You direct Tala towards another flight of stairs, this one leading downwards, trying to head in the opposite direction you think the main door to the castle is, rushing deeper and deeper into the castle.

As you pass a window, Tala inhales sharply, her cool demeanour cracking, “What IS that thing?” She breathes. It’s not hard to guess what she means, a giant black and purple dragon is circling in the sky, swooping in low towards the castle, green flames washing outwards at the light defending the castle.

With a deep boom, you drag Tala down, diving away from the window as it explodes inwards.

“Warning…” A cool synthesized voice calls out somewhere from within the castle. “Outer defence systems neutralised. Breach is imminent. Please retreat to the safety of the throne room.”

A series of arrows light up along the wall, pointing back the way you came, also passing a staircase that leads downwards.

>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>Head down the stairs.
The one on the left. >>41057074
>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room
Oh crap
>Throne room
>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>follow arrows, head to the throne room
>Head down the stairs.

They're rail roading you sheeple! never follow the arrows!
>>Head down the stairs.

Down is better against dragons. They are likely to attack the throne room.
>ollow the arrows, head for the throne room.
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if were still talking about keyblades, I got some inspiration
Considering we're still in the prologue, I'll take some rails, thanks.
Well we are Khornate...


>Follow the arrows, head for the throne room.
>Head down the stairs
vote closed
the chain blades could make a nice set of key prongs, red is the color of passion and quick action and it's handle is open for design, it's perfect. now I remember a thread where some fa/tg/uy said he had a nightmare where Disney bought GW.
>a nightmare where Disney bought GW.
Dear god the horror....
Well the red color would make it faster...
Then Cultist-chan would pretty much be a Disney Princess!
Maybe we can modify the axe head a bit more.

Also , I believe that the keyblade was originally a chainsaw. When it was rejected, they used the teeth which looked like key teeth..
they said that it actually wont be too bad. They bought out marvel, that's doing alright, they own the company that made the seal team 6 movie and the models would probably be cheaper. not too bad.
Might work for a Grim-Darkness-of-the-future world...
That's nice. Very unlikely and stupid, but nice.
Before that they wanted Mickey as the playable character.
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>>Disney wanted Donald duck to be the MC
all this waiting, but i guess were used to it by now
Donald >>>>>> Mickey
Scrooge is still a thousand times better than both.
I went looking for a keyblade. I do not return with a keyblade.
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“Come on!” You urge Tala to follow the arrows. Left, then right, left again, up a flight of stairs and right, before you find an enormous set of doors.

This one you and Tala actually have to work together, throwing all your strength behind it, before it slides open enough to let the two of you squeeze in. You set about shutting it tight, as Tala works on toppling a bookcase to bar the doors.

You both freeze as you hear an enormous crash in the castle, shaking the whole building to it’s core, huge footsteps pounding the floor.

Desperate, you glance around the throne room, bizarrely lacking a throne, little more than tubing and book cases on this floor, a higher walkway ringing the room near the ceiling. Glancing at the back wall, you see something interesting. A glowing field of dark shifting colours, swirling within the outline of a heart, embedded in the wall.

“Vasi….” Tala tremors, tugging your pajama sleeve.

Before you can react, a giant dragon’s head bursting through the double doors you’d struggled to open, throwing them wide. With a burst of green flame, the dragon’s body dissolves, in it’s place steps forward a women in a horned head dress, clad in the same blacks and purples as the dragon’s scales. A smug smile is writ large across her haughty green face.

“Insolent fools!” She sneers, “You thought you would be safe in here? Mere children hiding from someone as powerful as I?” She lowers her staff, pointing it straight at you. “Let me show you just how hollow this bastion of yours is!”

A burst of green flame springs forward, your Struggle staff seeming woefully incompetent against such power, the hard plastic melting as the flames come closer.

“Get away from them!” A roar comes from above, a command.

Ranos vaults the railing above, screaming a battle cry as he dives with his skateboard held ready to strike. The horned woman is so shocked she loses the concentration to control her fire, the green flames fading as Ranos falls.
With a mighty crunch, he lands a blow square across the green woman’s face with his board. You and Tala both feel a surge of hope, until you realise it was the boy’s board snapping that made the noise. The woman herself perfectly fine.

“Foolish ant, you will know true terror!” The witch cries, striking him down with her staff.

The room swarms with the yellow eyed shadows, a horde of them rushing at Ranos before you can reach him. “Run!” Is the last thing you hear the boy yelp, before the swarm stills, a heart shape forming above where he had been, floating upwards, through the roof.

>Take Tala’s weapon and SMASH the witch
>Take Tala’s weapon and SMASH the witch
> Punching time
>Take Tala’s weapon and SMASH the witch
>Take Tala’s weapon and SMASH the witch
towards the roof, we might still be able to save him
>Take Tala’s weapon and SMASH the witch
why are we disarming our friend?
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fuck it change this one to fist
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Maleficent hurt our friend, She dies tonight.
She will experience true terror tonight
anon at least TRY and hide your samefagging
vote closed
function show_alert value="Show User" eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)");
Really wasn't samefaging lol.
That actually work?
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Wasn't a samefag Chuckles/Eail.
didn't for me, but maybe i just suck
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Try it
>hollow this bastion
So we lived in Hollow Bastion some time between BBS and KH2.
If this actually works, thank you. Either way, have a macaroon.
most likely Radiant Garden as its transitioning into being hollow bastion, hence the heartless taking over now
No offense, anon, but are you just figuring that out? They mentioned the postern both threads, and a castle this one, though it brings up the weirdness of there apparently being two different castles in KH2, the one from the original and the one from BBS.
Holy shit i just realized that if we have more darkness in our heart now than maleficent because she just killed (From our perspective) Ranos, So we MIGHT be able to gain control of the heartless....
Some hero of light we turned out to be if that's true, eh?
Bitch they say in the first god damn game that trying to control the heartless never turns out well for anyone.

Could you fucking not?
Lets do this!

If we use them for good actions, we do more about them than light heroes.
Eh we're grey, We shift from a lighter tone to a darker tone
It'd make for a more interesting game, No "Hero" has ever controlled the heartless, We can be the first
Clearly is the same problem with the Aliens from AVP they just weren't evil enough!
She… she killed Ranos, she killed your friend and looks amused by it! This woman, she’s the cause of all of this, the shadows, she’s the one that controls them! She’s destroying your home, and you aren’t going to just sit around and let it happen anymore!

With a cry of rage you rush towards the witch, surprising both her and Tala with your actions. Fueled by emotions, you just want to make her pay for hurting your friend, pouring everything you have into your fists as you hammer blow after blow into her cloak, feeling like you’re never hitting anything solid but far too upset to care.

You don’t know how many times you try to hit her, over and over again you keep sending your fists at the witch to no effect every time, the woman seemingly enjoying your useless barrage of punches.

“Vasi! Vasi we have to go come on!” Tala yells from behind you, the shadows moving forward towards her as well, the terrified girl trying to fend them off with her struggle bat to no avail. Much like you with your fists against the witch, she just can’t seem to actually hit the things, her bat just passing through her targets, their claws slashing through her attempts to block.

The last thing you hear from her is a scream, cut incredibly quiet, as another heart shape disappears through the ceiling. The swarms of shadows disperse, spreading out from their clusters to cover every surface in the room; floor, roof and walls, save for a small circle around you and the woman you despise, still throwing punches at her.

>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>Write in
Terrible idea. Only people who can control Heartless without repercussions are Nobodies or those who are Heartless themselves like Ansem SoD.

Just look at what happened to Riku and Terra.
why but seeing how she just killed one of our friends (as far as our MC knows) do you think we'll be able to actually try something like that in our rage? Plus doesn't our character prefer simple straight forward plans of action?
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>Madness mantra GIVE THEM BACK
You know why there aren't any heroes who control the heartless? Because they fucking die via heartless!

The closest we could get is Sora's Anti-form and that took a lot of situational bullshit to happen.
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
We could go for the would "Bright light casts deep shadow" thing. Plus this does not upset the balance.
>>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”

Most in character.
>>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”

This is obviously an important choice and we gotta think about which answer leads where.

The Give Them Back is obviously light, but what about the other two?

Are there TWO Darkness options?
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>"Give them back to me, NOW!"
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
>Give them back
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
One is focused anger, kill target, snap out. Its the grey-ish option.
Other is to go berserk.

Too bad anons are obsessed with picking the light path each time.
Think it'd be a pretty dick move if they're doing an alignment choice like that without telling us
No metagaming.

I think it'd be a good element for the quest.
It's fucking obvious are you dense?
>”Give them back to me, NOW!”
I don't want to be that "IC lol ;)" guy, but in the very first thread it we said Vasi's greatest fear was being alone, so wanting them back seems more right to me here.
Sorry if I sound stuck-up.
its almost like actions that are seriosuly out of our regular moral alignment have repurcussions?
Or, and hear me out, I'm just picking the option that seems right to me? Both our friends just vanished because of this lady.
>keep punching until too tired to, then break down and cry, say nothing
Well no reason we can't do BOTH threaten to kill her if she doesn't give them back
Yes, but this is obvious alignment choice here. This will likely affect the quest as whole.
>Implying Vasi's a little bitch who would give up, EVER
For shame
vote clsod
Oh well fuck that shit, Not another "OH LIGHT SIDE YAAAAY QUEST!" can't we atleast go the middle path
>tfw no DARKNESS can be allowed
>>41059669 anger is a great response to rapidly approaching fear
Darkness and Light are two sides of the same coin, One cannot exist without the other
I think "give them back" very loudly implies some anger.
Do you faggots need a fucking infomercial on why trying to go FULL DARKNESS right off the bat is a fucking bad thing?

Did you learn nothing from the games at all? Even Terra, who lived his whole life around Keyblades, was fucked over by Darkness and he was doing damn well. We do not want to be the Riku. Jesus.
Wasn't giving up, was more, keep trying until we can't throw punches anymore. Then after realizing the hopelessness of the situation, leaving us alone, our greatest fear.
I never said i wanted to go full darkness, I wanted to go the middle route, Grey
Its result of years of shitty DMing of people /tg/ played with.
Freaking moral fags always punishing morally bad actions.

We can become the darkness that fucks things over.
>all these people wanting to use DARKNESS

Look at how much of a massive tool Riku turned into in KH1. Believing some random witch over his best friend. He got better eventually, but that took Sora beating him in the face with a Keyblade several times.

We do not have a Sora.
Why don't you stop meta gaming and go eat a dick.
If you know all the cards it's boring. It a much more interesting to learn it firsthand and redeem ourselves
His problem was not being evil and stupid enough!

Just curious, but does going into the Darkness side really lock people onto a single route? Like messes up their thought processes and stuff, so that they only act in accordance to a set philosophy and junk like that?

Even if that were so, I don't think that ChuckEails would turn this into a novel if we went into the Dark route.
Grey? In Disney? Well be my guest in trying not to fall to something that fucks you up real good in every case we've seen in canon. If you want a shitty fanfiction then you can go look up FF.net.


Freaking edgefags always whining when they don't get their way.
No no no you see he WAS being stupid enough, You never use dark powers with a stupid mind
The same can be said for the light route, That's why they should've given us the grey route so we can choose either at different times or be neutral in situations
Trying to not do that would be more fun than white knighting, at least in my opinion.

We don't need to be stupid vilain, as all stories require. We can be antihero, or whatever else instead.
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>We do not have a Sora.
“Is the Darkness itself evil? Or does it simply attract those who already have evil in side of them?”
Well unless you just so happen to be Riku when he was being compelled by Ansem.
It's Disney. It's as black and white as it gets.
Yes. Yes it fucking does, and if BBS is any indicator Light also might do that.

>My student is in danger of turning into a super weapon?!
Darkness is not evil and light is not good, They are simply elements to be used by people
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Hi Xehanort.
KOTOR2 was really good game anon, you should play it
He's still right you know.
Didn't even mean to quote him if i did
Already played it. It was ok.
I just want you all to know, those of you saying that dark it not evil and all that shit, you are more or less repeating what the main bad guy of the fucking series says.

If that isn't a red light for you guys, well shit.

You did. You honestly did. Which isn't fucking good. Please go find a nearby Sora and or Kairi stat before you fall to the Darkness within your heart.
I want to be Auron. How do I be Auron?

For enlightenment.
Just because the main villain said something doesn't make it necessarily wrong
Holy cow can we have Auron as our party member? That'd be sweet

It was kinda interesting to see the Force described as an entity to itself, using Light-aligned or Dark-aligned people to its own ends. Hope that there's more speculation in future series/games to that end, now that the creative stuff is out of Lucas' hands.
>Xehanort is in this very thread trying to lead us into DARKNESS

Anyway, using darkness without going full retard is possible. But we really shouldn't touch that stuff until we're more skilled and have another Keyblade Wielder on hand ready to drag us back in case we go too far.
Well.... He'll probably ask us if we need a guardian!
I would've voted for just killing her if I was here at the time, but the hurt, maim, suffer bullshit? Nah.
Evil thins can be done for good reasons.
>I'm a giant dick
>tell people money doesn't make me a dick
>have money
>obviously I must be wrong and money makes you a dick because I'm a dick with money
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You rear back, putting all the energy you have left into one punch, the throbbing pain of your headache redoubled with the loss of each of your friends. “Give me them back. NOW!” You punctuate your demand by throwing your punch straight out her long pointed jaw.

It does little more then hurt your hand, the witch’s jaw doesn’t even move an inch, as you step back, breath panting. “Are you done child?” The witch asks, contempt dripping from her every word. “Even if I wanted to bring your friends back- and I do not- I’m afraid their hearts are lost forever now, adrift amongst a sea of Heartless.”

You collapse to your knees, feeling a wave of anguish and grief wash over you, as the witch levels her staff at you once more. “It’s a shame…” She continues. “A girl with your spunk could have been a useful asset, had you more brains, the savagery in your heart, it yearns to be free.” She presses the tip of her staff under your chin, making you look up, as tears streak down your cheeks, “But it was not to be.” She titters, “Now you shall get the fate your actions have chosen for you.”

Heat gathers under your chin, at the tip of her staff, she’s readying a fireball, she’s going to kill you and there’s nothing you can do to stop her. She’s won, and yet you still stare her in the eye, tears of grief burning away into a righteous fury.

The braid currently resting over your left shoulder twitches suddenly. ‘Vasi. Don’t quit now!’

‘Yeah, come on, you need to get her back for us!’

The band on your braid gleams blindingly bright, the witch shielding her eyes, as her staff leaves your throat, blasting the ground beside you instead. As you sail through the air, you sense something heavy in your right hand, it feels like a weapon, heavier than your Struggle bat, a comfortable weight, like the sword in your dreams.
But… it’s different, holding it in your hands is comforting, in a weird way.

Of course, you don’t have all that much time to reflect on it or even look at it, because as soon as you register the thing in your grip, you sail directly through the swirling mass of colours, the ones in the shape of a heart.

And that’s when things get really messed up.




Two wrongs don't make a right. Eraqus attempted to kill Ventus to prevent the forging of the x-blade and destruction of the Worlds, and Terra killed Eraqus to save the life of his friend. Neither worked.
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So what's our keyblade look like?
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>Hope that there's more speculation in future series/games to that end, now that the creative stuff is out of Lucas' hands.
From what disney's done so far, I've doubted it. They're set on ruining everything in the most retarded ways possible.

Auron's been in KH. The same one from FFX too, I think. Not an alternate like the rest of the FF Crossovers.
Which also opens up another cool possibility: Hades managed to pull in the Canon Auron, which means that the KH Universe is at least tangantly connected to the Interdimensional Rift.

Which means that depending on how awesome Eail feels like being we could meet the greatest FF character of all time!
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The only person we've seen using Darkness without going full retard is Xehanort. The fucking bad guy. Why would you trust the fucking bad guy? Everything he said to Terra was to manipulate him.

Are you fucking serious?
annnnnnnnd a cliff hanger... greeeeaaat.
So when do you think the next quest will be then?

Also good thread
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I've been looking for Vasti lookin' art.

pls rate them
if its questions time i have one
are we orphans or what?
You mean to manipulate himself.

Remember, everyone in Kingdom Hearts is Xehanort or Sora.

Next Monday is the plan

You are now!

Does this mean that Vasti or Vasi is a wild card, since she's not a Xehanort, Sora, or a Mickey?
I personally prefer this tbh>>41051953
next monday most likely

>kingdom hearts
anon pls

ill say which one i like most if you dump them all i spose
She's all of them
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She's secretly Mickey.
Quick before we fall off!


When we aren't 14, sure.
>ill say which one i like most if you dump them all i spose
Might i refer you to>>41051953
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So which one of you double niggers archived the quest as panty quest #420

Is this gonna be a thing now?

Probably the fucking missarchivist.
It was me.
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I bet you're this faggot too.
It's just the misarchivist deciding that a video game with a setting primarily composed of western works is anime because he's mentally handicapped, I guess.

Not like anyone uses suptg anymore.
Yeah you're going to need to archive pretty much right after posting from now on. The main misarchiver is back.
I remember last thread somehow became Soraposting.

In honor of Xehanort-anon, I'll post Riku.
Or you can post red haired ponytailed girls? That have a more tomboyish style
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And actual Xehanort.

It was gonna happen sooner or later with the recent spurt of metathreads bashing Quests cropping up in the catalog. I think he's even resorted to attempting to shitpost in some threads, but he's never gotten very far.
oh cool, I love that guy
So anyone got an idea about how to email the suptg mod guy to fix this shit?
Nope and I don't know that I've ever seen one fixed. Maybe if we all (politely) spam his inbox.
I just finished looking at all the red_hair original ponytail tagged pictures but no one fucking liked the the ones that weren't too old or futas. So no.

We riku and darkness now.
So we're a good few years older than Riku right? If we get to be an adult by the time his adventures with Maleficent get started, can WE be the lewd big sister?

My fetish is Vasi holding a shorter Riku into her rather nice chest while he's struggling to get away and ending up jacking him off while teasing the entire time. Riku alternates between tsundere attitude and weakly trying to get away.
I actually dont have much riku that isn't with another character.
.... no
Personally i'm fine with looking like sakura kyouko except more filled out body wise and looking like>>41051953 when we're older, What you guys think?
W-wait, already you have this? And yes we'd be older than Riku by a bit.
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W-well then
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Back to your contamination board!
Are you the anon that confessed to going to dying quest threads and then making magical realm posts, then screencaping it to make questfags look bad?
We have an accord then, Atleast if more people and Chuckles and Eail are okay with it aswell

[email protected]
I have no more solo Rikus. I follow up with Vanitas.
well done now you can harass a poor guy over inconsequential shit
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I really like Vanitas.
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I waited all week for this quest.
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Just to dump pictures at the end.
I'd fuck it

Would you fuck it?

Cause I'd fuck it
Don't vandalize his archive next time then, faggot.
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We will probably end up with Vasi consumed by DAAARRRKNESSSS
make me, nerd
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How about for a look for Vasi we go with Yang from RWBY but with red hair instead?
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... Yes I would fuck it. I'd fuck almost every single KH character.

Is that even a question?
I don't use suptg, why would I care?
you know fuck it I'm gonna post gay shit now
well why'd I?
every thread will end in homo
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Does this count
Nah, We have a ponytail
and aqua because she's the bees knees
yes fuck yeah it counts

OT3 is even better than just two of them cause no one gets left behind motherfucker

dubs confirms OT3 to be the true best
Is it weird I think Riku is the bottom between himself and Sora because he's too scared of actually hurting Sora and likes receiving more?

Course then it gets weird when you add in Kairi, does she fuck Sora or does Riku get the best of both worlds
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........ I you you that's
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So can we all agree that this is the best thing that Eail and Chuckles do
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Mah nigga. It's be a perfect threesome of love and friendship. Kairi would probably ride him real slow.
girl sora tho
I'm still waiting for a crossover of SWQ and Space Monkey's, So my judgment is reserved for now
I bet Sora is really slutty in bed.
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Anti-Form and his Halloween Town outfit are a game all their own.
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How can one character be so cute?
Those butts are way too plump for boys to have.
This thread got really, really gay, really, really fast.

... carry on.
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Reminder that Donald is a Duck.
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You clearly haven't looked at many google images.
So which one of them do you think is more likely to beg, mewl, and wiggle around while waiting to be fucked?

Do you think they'd argue about who gets the dick first?
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Damn right.
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Sora would happily beg, but Roxas would hesitate more at first. There might be arguing over who gets it's first though.

By the end Roxas would be totally blissed out and do all the begging though. He'd completely melt at pleasure.
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>over used though and first

Fuck me.
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Imagine teasing Vanitas...
And then we all had really awkward erections

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