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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Three miles – six thousand yards. Air-dropped torpedoes can go about two. Even with the incredible speed of your Hornets the window of opportunity for a good clobbering has already past. What you CAN do is blow their formation apart before they drop.

You push into a dive, Bat Flight following in good loose formation; the best Marine pilots in the Pacific, your handpicked golden boys. As you scream out of the heavens from 35,000 feet you see the battle unfolding below you; your eyes following the billowing contrails of missiles climbing from the two Burke's to find their terminus in bright flashes amongst gaggles of black dots; the swarming armies of the Enemy. From high altitude the vast size difference between the “ship-girls” and actual steel hulls is merely the difference between a small grey dot sprouting thin contrails and an empty space that fountains tracers and flak shells. The thing you're concerned about, however, are all full-sized: the NBE's CAP fighters; prowling and growling in 1:1 scale. You see an element of Hellcats flash by as you dive straight through the staggered high defenders; but you've no time for the unreality of the situation. Far below a full squadron or so of something is plodding towards the bandits -
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- “fuck I have'em at eleven-thirty low,” your wingman comments dourly, and for a second you agree with his summation. The inbound gaggle is *massive,* too many planes to count during your high-speed dive. Two squadrons, at least. And that's just *your* part of the fight – you're descending into the kind of battle you read about in fascinated wonder as a child, the epic tales of gargantuan conflicts involving hundreds of aircraft and thousands of lives. Not until now, in the cockpit of your plummeting fighter, did you realize how distant those battle seemed, like Arthurian legend of old. In that age planes were ten times cheaper, expended more as ammo than assets, and from the ranks of hundreds of plodding line pilots emerged a few spectacular heroes who strode among legions and slew all opposed them.

Into this titanic clusterfuck you are diving – two flights, eight Marines, the end product of the modern age where quality trumps quantity. You're diving into another age, one that's forcing you to play by its rules with powers beyond comprehension. You're probably helpless to change the outcome.

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You pull out of your dive over the waves, booking close to 700 knots without touching the afterburner and your precious fuel supply, the gaggle of abyssals only heartbeats away from you. Without time or space for a front-aspect shot you simply switch to guns and stomp the rudder, brushing the trigger as the reticule flies past a black dot banking hard to evade. Then you're through; past their screen, behind the escort fighters and already punching the afterburner to scream upwards, grabbing altitude for your next attack. With g-forces keeping your turnip nailed to the headrest you can't check the effectiveness of your move, but you know the attack has been scattered to hell and gone, their defensive firepower compromised with that big cloud of SBDs seconds away from contact. You take the Bats to fifteen-thousand feet before letting off the afterburner and leveling out inverted, surveying the battle through your canopy as you hang in the straps. Below you see the destroyers turning hard, the unseen dots of shipgirls clearly visible by the massive ship-sized wakes they trail. The SBDs hit the formation of abyssal torpedo bombers like two brick walls in a sumo match; tracers flying everywhere as they break into a mad, lethal wavetop melee. The radio is utter chaos ruled by the iron tones of That Voice, tersely directing fighters to various bearings.
Nukes when
You know Sentinel, New Zealand had a couple Flower Class corvettes during the war, the same kind Canada used. They also have a native population of Canada geese introduced (some would say unwisely) as game birds. Corvettes can make 16 knots, that's more than enough power to tow some water skiimus.

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“Level bombers!” a young girl's voice cries out fearfully. “Look! LOOK!”

“Bandits, two-o-clock!” someone in your flight cries, and you snap your eyes about to see twenty-odd planes closing on you. Flak bursts are already puffing up around them. A quick 360 scan reveals Hellcats motoring towards them, but most of them are tangled up in a furball on the other side of the battle.

“Dive-bombers!” that voice says again, the tone finally cracking. “Engage them, somebody SHOOT them!”

You roll your Hornet upright and shove her into afterburner, the throaty, hungry growl of a Sidedwinder already filling your ears as their escorts angle towards you.

[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
[ ] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...


>[x] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...

[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
[X] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
>[X] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
That is a shitty idea.
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Today's dose of happiness and sunshine brought to you by /wowsg/.
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
[x] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
Or is it the best idea?
>[x] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
because I actually know who this vote goes to now, let's finish what we started last weekend
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>shipgirls clearly visible by the massive ship-sized wakes they trail
I've been wondering about that, that is very good to know.

We still really need to ask somebody how the fuck kanmusu supply and resupply works.
>Naka had a slick of burning oil when she got shot in the dick
>The armorers are loading miniature shells and powder charges for training- is that what they're doing for sorties too?
>Harder loaded torps that were worked on by the ordnance techs
Just finished scribbling this.
>[ ] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
>Seiga nyan-nyan

Dammit planefag, at least use the extended version
>[x] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...

I want to know if Harder got so mad he murdered all the wildlife in the area.
>[x ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
Adorable, need moar

but where is braid?
>[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
Remember my words of wisdom, Anons.
Scribbler pls

Ever seen an ordinance tech directing a jeweler as he works? It's like an autism cannonball hitting... another autism cannonball.
[ ] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
You niggers. 15,600 feet below is the fucking SSNs. Harder is fucking around waaay over there, in the enemy Carrier group.
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>Harder loaded torps that were worked on by the ordnance techs
Is it time to discover the fate of our SSNs?
>[X] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below

Virginia time
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>[ ] Meanwhile, 225 nautical miles away and 400 feet deep...
And because I don't think I got to save it last run, can anyone repost the AZ one that this glorious artist made?

Least, I think it was AZ
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>[X] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below..

From Furball to the silence of the deep. My body is ready.
We are well aware.
Welp, I wasn't planning on sleeping anyway!
Thanks a lot man.
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That... is exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for.
So they still need very real munitions, just very small and just multiply the boom by a few orders of magnitude.

I'm aware. The person who said 'yay harder' voted for the other option, so I see no trouble
Never go full active?

>Select all the donuts
Welp, Kongou beckons, comrades!

It's >>41840524, but that wasn't scribbler's work. That's Halley's.
[ ] Meanwhile, fifteen-thousand, six-hundred feet below...
I'm going to mention this because it seems like it needs to be said

A Crazy Ivan is only done to check one's baffles. The sonar in a submarine can't look directly behind it. A towed array eliminates this problem, but can't look directly in front of it. Further, it's not necessary, nor a particularly good idea in a real war.
Try to avoid going active at all, really.
For reference:
Though honestly I think this might be a turkey shoot.
Or silence while we don't do anything because there weren't any subs at all
Starshadow pls
Most likely they touch whatever they need and send it to Hammerspaced ship form, explains how Harder summoned torpedoes out of thin air.
>This feature article appeared May 17th, 1948 in the Milwaukee Journal. It was illustrated with a picture of the cruiser and two cartoons reproduced from the ship's history. Contributed to the USS SLC Website by SLC
ball-red-02 Veteran, James O'Hara

>They're taking the old Swayback Maru out and sinking her. And that's more than the Japs could ever do! The news of her fate was in the newspapers a week or so ago. The item said:

>Vallejo, CA. --- AP --- The heavy cruiser Salt Lake City, radioactive from her role in the Bikini Atomic Bomb Test, will be sunk this month, according to officials of the Mare Island Navy Yard.

>This news item, to anyone who ever knew the old girl, is grossly inadequate. The Salt Lake City was not the best ship in the world. She was a cantankerous, rough riding, flea bitten, left handed old rust pot, with a past, but no future.

>Any of the 1,100 men aboard would have told you that. But they might have poked you in the nose if you agreed. She looked like something the cat dragged in. She was as glamorous as a middling beautiful warthog. She was as luxurious as a garbage truck. Public acclaim passed her by. But she could fight, brother, she could fight.

>Just to put the thing in focus, here's what she did:

>She fired the first American shells to land on Jap held soil. In one battle, she accounted for two Jap heavy cruisers, a light cruiser, a destroyer and an auxiliary vessel. She got the destroyer in a single salvo. She fought in the longest naval duel ever staged by American ships and in standing off twice her own weight, may have saved the invasion of Attu.

>She engaged in 91 days of bombardment in a period of 101 days, probably a world record. And she was, without doubt, the only modern ship whose steering wheel fell off twice in battle.
Yeah, but the question remaining was whether they needed full-sized munitions or, as planefag has helpfully confirmed, they take the tiny shit and make big booms
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It's Arizona, yeah. If she's in a maid outfit, I draw her with fluffy/curly hair.

Thanks anon
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>And she was, without doubt, the only modern ship whose steering wheel fell off twice in battle.
>fell off twice in battle.
fucking twice, goddamn
Well crap.

Hey Hal, you got my message yesterday?
Now I'm curious. Which two battles?
Look forward to the finished version, Halley

Steering wheel fell off twice in battle, and still that badass? I gotta read up on the Salt Lake City
>steering wheel fell off twice in battle.

But wait, theres more!

>To a man who came aboard later, it was odd to think that the Salt Lake City had once been a bulwark against the rising tide of Japan. That tide was receding. America had put out newer, sleeker ships and the Swayback --- now 14 years old --- was fast becoming antediluvian. Her towering tripod foremast had become outmoded. At the end of the war, it was the only one on any active cruiser in the fleet.

>Somewhere, she had picked up a perpetual list, which gave her the look of a tipsy dowager. People who viewed her in shocked awe for the first time confessed later they expected her to hiccup.

>She picked up tons of water. Her gear was old, her look shopworn. In the "passion pit" where ensigns lived their hodgepodge lives, there was whispered doubt as to whether her watertight doors were really watertight. The crew said that a seaman chipping paint had driven his hammer right through one rested outside plate. And the legend started that the Swayback kept afloat only because the cockroaches formed a ring around her hull and held hands.

>One new engineer came aboard, fresh from the States and full of "book-learning". It took seven cups of the lethal wardroom coffee to restore him to speech after his first inspection trip.

>"My God," he said. But the Swayback made her 30 knots in the second battle of the Philippines.

>Her duty at that time was mostly of the type known as detached. With her fellow cruisers, the Chester and the Pensacola, almost equally old, and a handful of destroyers, she prowled the waters north of Saipan. To its unimpressed denizens, the task force was known as the "junkyard flotilla" and the quip was that it was kept away from the newer ships of the fleet because sight of it would ruin their morale. The admiral in command was known as "the mad mariner of the Mariners."

fucking SLC, talk about a ship with character. Theres a fuckload more of this, by the way
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>kanmusu supply and resupply works
If that blows your mind try to imagine boarding actions.
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>going active
Does that mean don't go active duty?

I'd guess that the "fell off twice in battle" is a matter of falling off once due to freak accident/chance, them jury-rigging it back on, and the jury-rigging failing within the span of the same battle.

If it was really two separate battles my sides are gonna leave orbit.
I haven't seen this picture in the better part of a decade, holy shit. Where'd you dig up this fossil?
Active sonar, nitwit.
It means don't ping, don't go fast, don't surface, really just don't do anything but be very quiet, listen, and kill
So basically this ship only stayed afloat on willpower.
I bet danbooru.
read, and be amazed
>By way of variety it raided Chichi Jima, 350 miles from Tokyo Bay, the closest that American surface vessels without air cover had been to the mainland of Japan.

>When the Wheel Fell Off

>On one of those raids the steering wheel, loosened by the jar of the firing, fell off. The helmsman held it up in his two hands. And he turned to the captain with deference.

>"Sir," he said, "what do I do with this now?"

>"Switch steering to auxiliary steering aft," ordered the sweating Captain.

>The crew fell into a certain nonchalance about combat. At Saipan the officer of the deck accepted a line from a tanker and started fueling while an air attack was going on at an island two miles away.

>During one bombardment some genius of the commissary discovered caviar left over from a gala in San Francisco a year before. Officers off duty munched it in the wardroom while the guns roared.

>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."

>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.

>For the Swayback was at Okinawa and she was in on the fall of Iwo Jima too. She stayed 25 days at Iwo, bombarding continuously, as long as any major bombardment ship. And 10 days later --- six of them had been spent in traveling --- she was at Okinawa.

>She stayed there 66 days. Her task was not nearly as dangerous as that of the heroic little vessels who went on radar patrol up Amami O Shima way. But it was uninterrupted drudgery, heightened by a remark by the admiral.

>He was down to one ship then, for the Chester had been in a collision off Iwo Jima and the Japs had beaten up the Pensacola badly. The high brass at Okinawa had a plan for keeping the Jap suicide boats bottled up at night in Naha Harbor.

>"I can do it better," said the admiral, in effect.

>"You go do it" said the high brass.
Oh God.
watch as our target enemy subs show up outside our range, but our own friendlies wander into the enemy sub's torp range...
Northampton/new Orleans class boats could take a fucking beating and keep on ticking.
>tfw Salt Lake stayed afloat due to Spiral Power
>steering wheel fell off twice in battle

>a certain nonchalance
>"Signal it to keep going,"
>refueling under fire
Literally not giving a fuck.
>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."
>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
w o w
There is no extended version, that's just the song on loop like three times.
>>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."
>>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
Fucking genius
While we wait for deme, here are the continuing stories of CA-25!

>So the routine was bombard by day and bombard by night and all hands to battle stations, there's a Jap air attack coming in. Men worked until their eyes and their brains became exhausted. And the only fun aboard was the trick that was being played on Alley Oop.

>Alley was a senior officer who, by force of personality, had won a following of fanatical dislike. Men caught their sleep those days when they could --- all but Alley Oop. There was a five inch gun just outside his cabin, and when he sneaked in for a short nap, the word was passed quietly and the men on that gun went to work in unholy glee.

>Now... the bark of a five inch gun 10 feet away is something no man can sleep through, unless that man be dead. It fetched Alley Oop bolt upright and swearing.

>There was rejoicing aboard the Swayback when the trick reached its climax and the unfortunate man fell asleep at breakfast, with his face in his scrambled eggs.

>At Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Swayback fired 29,770 eight inch and five inch shells, in addition to the lighter stuff she tossed at Kamikazes.

>She went away at last with a single destroyer escort. The whiplash from the firing had so cracked the antenna of her air search radar that whole areas of sky could not be surveyed, the rifling on her five inch guns was so worn that the guns couldn't twist a star shell enough to set it off.
If this ship came back, I don't see her as a cute girl. I see her as a grizzled war veteran with more than a few scars, a limp, and stubborn as an ox.
>Swayback kept afloat only because the cockroaches formed a ring around her hull and held hands.

My sides.
>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."
>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
Fucks given = zero

Hell if I know, the oldest pics in my /tg/ folder date to around 2006-2007. Pretty sure I saved that one from /tg/ or it wouldn't be in that folder though.
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>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
Or a shota with a drill bit.

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Habakkuk shipslut when?

Just imagine her proportions!
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What was it that people were saying last thread? Something about wanting an American cruiser? Because god fucking damn
Would the nip be so confused they forgot to bomb or consider it a friendly ship?
>Tried to launch it's float plane in the Battle of Cape Esperance, float plane caught fire from flares in the cockpit and crashed right next to the ship.
>Japanese fleet sees burning plane, mistakes it as a signal from the landing party they were there to support and signal back giving away their position.
I think this is the last of it...for now.

>A Jap plane spotted her off Formosa. Six could have sunk her, or maybe four, for her worn anti-aircraft's couldn't have hit the continent of North America. But nothing happened. The Swayback was a lucky ship.

>At Marcus Island, a Jap battery had got her range and straddled her seven times, one shell falling just short, the other screaming over. Spray from one shell splashed her main deck, but nothing touched her.

>Once at Iwo Jima she went fast aground. But the Japs failed to fire while she was helpless. Her closest call at Iwo was from the shell of an American battleship that missed the low part of the island and exploded so close to the Swayback that a fragment struck her above the bridge.

>Off Kerama Retto she went through a Jap minefield at night with an air raid going on. At Okinawa, Kamikazes twice took out the next ship in line and coastal batteries sand another, but they never scratched her. In the China sea she brushed a floating mine, but it was a dud.
>And on the peacetime voyage home the luck of the Swayback almost ran out. She lurched across the ocean in heavy seas in the wake of a typhoon. At the mouth of the Columbia River, within sight of the land she had helped defend, a freak wave smashed her and rolled her 47 degrees off horizontal. She escaped capsizing by a terrifyingly small margin --- just eight degrees.

>The Swayback was selected --- what else could you do with such junk? --- for the Bikini Atom Bomb Test.

>Nobody who had been aboard would have given you a Chinese dollar for her chances. But she rode the waves that the bomb set up the way a duck rides over a ripple.

>Now they are taking her out to sink her in the blue, clean water.

>Sea creatures will crawl over the deck. The waters will close over her and she'll be forgotten. But some of us will be sad at her going.

o7 Swayback.
This nigga right here
This nigga gets it
You're misunderstanding what the signal was.
Now, there... There was a real ship.
Wait, they signaled the Nip bomber to keep going?

Balls of steel.
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>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."
>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
Probably lots of ass and tits.

Swayback gets max luck stat.
>21-gun salute in the distance
Never made, never floated, never gonna happen.
Their signal was AA fire, you twat.
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>>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.

Admiral Halsey approves of the order to cease all dispensation of fucks.
>The waters will close over her and she'll be forgotten.

Except she's not. Thanks for finding this, I'm going to save a copy.
She would be a cold girl.
>Jap gunnery
>Literally run aground during bombardment, don't get shot at
>Near-scratch from friendly fire
>Hit a mine, it's a dud
>47 fucking degrees off horizontal
This fucking ship
>Her screwing up helped win them the battle.
This could be Willie's idol.
Hot damn anon, 10/10 suddenly a Salt Lake City fan.
This is a story told from 1948? That's when wikipedia says she was sunk as a target hull.
The tale of USS Swayback. The ship that refused to go out like a bitch.
While they are chewing on caviar no less.
1 year old caviar that likely has gone bad.
She nearly sank at the Battle of the Komandorski Islands
Looks like we found our new shipgirl, planefag.

I hope she runs on spiral power
Even better.
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Haven't used this in over a year.
but she didn't, thats the important part
What it would take to make man give no fuck like this?
>This taste... it's the taste of not giving a fuck!
Combine Hate with a man with an Iron liver.

Then get him drunk as fuck.
“Splashes -”



A pause.

“Fifteen... tw- ah, high-speed screws.” The sonarman looks at you. “Air-dropped torpedoes.”

“So it's happening,” you say flatly. Six hundred feet above your head, two Burke's and a fleet of reincarnated warships are fighting for their lives; turning hard to dodge spreads of incoming fish. “About fucking time. Take us up.”

The deck of SSN Oregon begins tilts slightly as she begins to creep upwards; if you can call 35 knots “creeping.” ASW escort is all fine and good for a carrier strike group on a Sunday cruise across the Atlantic, but a battle group maneuvering at combat speed isn't so easy to keep up with.

“Passing thermal layer,” the sonarman intones as the depth needle brushes 300 feet.
The opposing cruisers simultaneously opened fire at a range of 20,000 yd (18,000 m). The ensuing battle was a retiring action on the part of the Americans, for the Japanese foiled their attempt to get to the auxiliaries. Salt Lake City received most of the attention and soon received two hits, one of them amidships, mortally wounding two men, but she responded with very accurate fire. Her rudder stops were carried away, limiting her to 10° course changes. The starboard seaplane caught fire and was jettisoned. Another hit soon flooded forward compartments. Under cover of a thick smoke screen and aggressive torpedo attacks by the destroyers, the American cruisers were able to make an evasive turn, which for a while allowed the range to open. Salt Lake City soon began taking hits again and her boiler fires died one by one. Salt water had entered the fuel oil feed lines. There was now cause for grave concern; she lay dead in the water, and the Japanese ships were closing fast.
She doesn't run on anything.
>Sway you should be out of fuel how are you still sailing
>I don't give a fuck
>I don't give a fuck
>Sway, enough enemies to fuck us ten ways from sunday like 50 times over are inbound
>We of the USS SALT LAKE CITY are sustained by willpower! Even when mocked as reckless and crazy!
>If there's a wall in our way then we smash it down! If there isn't a path, then we carve one ourselves!
>The destroyers charged the Japanese cruisers and began to draw the fire away from the damaged Salt Lake City. Bailey suffered two 8 in (200 mm) hits while launching a spread of five torpedoes at long range. In the meantime, Salt Lake City′s engineers purged the fuel lines and fired the boilers. With fresh oil supplying the fires, she built up steam and gained headway. Suddenly, the Japanese began to withdraw. This was due to the combination of the Japanese having intercepted demands for air support from the American forces, and the mistaken belief that the high explosive shells being fired in desperation by the American cruisers were air-dropped bombs. The Japanese forces were also fast exhausting their ammunition and fuel. They did not suspect that the Americans were in far worse shape in terms of both ammunition and fuel.
Save it, Cap it, Post it, I need this story too. People need to hear this.

I was about to retort venomously, but then I thought about it and you're not far off. A pensacola-class cruiser has a good chunk of what it needs to teach Willie how to success, and looks like Swayback's luck is just good enough that Willie can't steal enough to sink her.

Theory that Willie is extremely lucky, but only by sucking the specifically Willie-related luck away from her comrades. Nothing outright terrible happens to her, and noone ever got hurt by her antics in the stories, not the ones I've read. Willie Dee a secret best

May she be a good mama to her children.
So she's an inverse luck vampire?
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“It's going to be a whore to hear anything in the surface duct with that shit going on,” your XO complains, glaring at the steel roof like the battle above has offended him personally.

“Yeah. It just became the best place to make thirty-five knots submerged.”

He shrugs. Your XO is a strange duck; he bitches incessantly about everything, as if he considers himself a professional Devil's Advocate. You're your own fucking devil's advocate so his complaints are always parried, but he's always game to try.

If he wasn't terribly clever from time to time you'd blow him out the fucking escape hatch yourself.
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He contents himself by squinting at the display screens with the most current plot guesstimates for the surface fleet, a small army of sonar operators and a supercomputer laboring to update them second by second. The helmsman is keeping Oregon under the fleet as best as possible, but as the battle up there develops the battle group will disperse, the escort screen will fall apart -

- and whatever's lurking out there in the deep will slide in to take its shot. That's what you'd do, anyways.

>Move to the outside of the screen – put the battle noise in your baffles so you can hear incoming goblins (subsurface contacts) as they approach the battle – or as you approach them, at this speed. You've got the noise of a fleet to hide against, but you're listening for someone or something waiting for the battle group to steer in its direction, they won't be going fast – you'll need all the help you can get to find them.

>Camp right underneath the fleet and hide in the noise – at thirty-odd knots you need all the goddamn help you can get to hide your signature. If they're perfectly positioned to ambush you you'll never fucking hear them with a 30-knot slipstream over your hydrophones anyways – more likely they're gunning it submerged or even surfaced, trying to get in range of the predicted course track for a shot. You can't miss an old diesel boat gunning it if you were moving at *sixty* knots.

>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.

Sub anon taught us to dash and drift instead of dashing
>Camp right underneath the fleet and hide in the noise – at thirty-odd knots you need all the goddamn help you can get to hide your signature. If they're perfectly positioned to ambush you you'll never fucking hear them with a 30-knot slipstream over your hydrophones anyways – more likely they're gunning it submerged or even surfaced, trying to get in range of the predicted course track for a shot. You can't miss an old diesel boat gunning it if you were moving at *sixty* knots.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
While we're talking about old ship stories I have one I read on Navweaps. When they did sea trials for the Iowa class ships one of the tests was to see how fast they could stop the ship. A Iowa moving at 30 knots will take about a mile to come to a complete stop if all 4 screws are reversed at full power.

However there is an additional manoeuvre that can be performed called a "Barn Door Stop". To perform this both rudders are turned INWARD, blocking the blow of water between them. The Wisconsin is the only one of the Iowa sisters to ever attempt this and she managed to come to a complete stop from 33 knots to zero in about 600 feet, or the distance from the bow to turret 3.

Amusingly this led to Wisconsin having noticeably loose rudders.

I have a notepad full of ideas for a modernized Habakkuk carrier with slanted flight decks and everything. The original design wouldn't work for modern aircraft and sadly we don't really use cool prop driven medium/heavy bombers like B-25s and B17s anymore. I'll keep plugging away at it, maybe something will take shape.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>Move to the outside of the screen – put the battle noise in your baffles so you can hear incoming goblins (subsurface contacts) as they approach the battle – or as you approach them, at this speed. You've got the noise of a fleet to hide against, but you're listening for someone or something waiting for the battle group to steer in its direction, they won't be going fast – you'll need all the help you can get to find them.
>>Camp right underneath the fleet and hide in the noise – at thirty-odd knots you need all the goddamn help you can get to hide your signature. If they're perfectly positioned to ambush you you'll never fucking hear them with a 30-knot slipstream over your hydrophones anyways – more likely they're gunning it submerged or even surfaced, trying to get in range of the predicted course track for a shot. You can't miss an old diesel boat gunning it if you were moving at *sixty* knots.

ara ara as FUCK
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.

If we camp, we can't offer protection until it's too late and if we're ahead, we can head off anyone trying to set up an intercept.
Would Habbakuk be reasonable as a carrier today? She can get bunker busted but short of that no one can harm her.
Would she be the lucky motherly girl or the cankerous old granny who punches like a truck?
I doubt any fleet can keep her afloat with our current budgets.

New shipgrill?
>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
Well one question is how the hell you protect it? How many defense systems can be put on it?
And what happens if it manages to receive a hit?
Yeah, sorta. Basically the idea is that it all dissipates somewhere after some time. See, she can do her job in combat well enough, and nothing she did (specifically, incidents she caused), while strongly outside of the safe zone for good doctrine and competence, was more than a minor annoyance. and more importantly, every single sailor on that ship made it out alive when she sank. That can't be unlucky, regardless of what else she's done.

Perhaps she sucks Willie-related luck out of allies, so incidents are caused by her, but it builds up inside of her to be released when absolutely necessary for one burst of super-luck. the one-shot saving miracle, like the ENTIRE crew getting out alive.

Always a best
While we wait for votes, here's some more for Swayback

>Captain Recalls demise of USS SALT LAKE CITY

>"They pumped 50mm shells into her. Then they followed with rockets. Next came the bombers, first with 100 pound bombers, then with 500 pound bombers, finally 1,000 pound bombers.

>She still stood there, mauled but not beaten. Then the destroyers came and shelled her with their five-inch guns. She took it for two and a half hours."

>Capt. E. J. MacGregor studied the bell of the cruiser USS SALT LAKE CITY.

>It hangs in front of Utah naval reserve headquarters at Ft. Douglas. Capt. MacGregor is deputy chief for the Naval Reserve, 12th Naval District, San Francisco, here for a seminar with Utah Naval Reserve officers.

>But in 1948 he was at Bikini Atoll on the bridge of a ship watching calculated destruction. The USS Salt Lake City already a survivor of an atomic test blast, was now getting a "progressive" battering.

>But even after the destroyers had hurled hundreds of shells into her, she was still afloat.

>Capt. MacGregor had been a submariner. They called for a submarine. The under seas craft slid into position 1,000 yards away. It was like taking the challenger out of the ring in the 12th round and substituting a fresh fighter. The torpedo hammered home. Whoomph! The Salt Lake City heeled over and died.

>"Everybody walked off the bridge with tears in his eyes."

reading these is making me both happy and sad at the same time
Stick a bunch of young unemployed man on it and you are golden.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
Gah, internet cut out just as the vote came up.

The correct choice here is the sprint and drift.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
Good point. But how do you protect a super carrier? With a fleet.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>Haul ass like we're towing a trailer full of porn stars
>Implying NEETS would really like to man a carrier

That's basically Hina Kagiyama in a nutshell.

Like Benkei's Standing Death...
Even employed man would jump at a chance to man an ice carrier.
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>That's basically Hina Kagiyama in a nutshell.

but willie can't spin2win
It would make a kick ass place for people to store Ice Cream.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.
>>Haul ass ahead of the battle group while the battle's covering your noise a bit, then drift and see what you can sniff out. The abyssals aren't expecting a sub and your bearing won't diverge from the visible surface ships unless they're positioned abeam enough that they're either too late to take a shot or already have.

Sprint n' Drift, as Subanon said earlier.

>captcha what the fuck, hamburger meat is not bread
The Canadians have it good - their ice cream is delivered from home to the war front on an ice carrier.
Time to teach her then!
ngh, dem legs.
thanks conductor-kun
The Unbound regret our lack of experience in submarine matters. We could neither advise, nor vote.

Let us see the result of your choices.

>They'll tow Old Swayback Maru out to blue water sometime next week---and sink her.

>Our own guns will train on her battered, lop-eared carcass. But Old Swayback's rifles won't answer. The angry muzzles that poured steel at the enemy in the Marshalls when the US Navy was backed to the wall in 1942 at Jap-held Wake, Guadalcanal, the Aleutians, Leyte, Iwo and Okinawa---those muzzles will be cold and still.

>Maybe you know Old Swayback as "the One-Ship Navy.' She got that name at Cape Esperance on Oct. 11, 1942, when she personally promoted a Nipponese heavy cruiser and destroyer to the locker of Master Davy. Jones.

>Named Salt Lake City

>Or perhaps, if you're the precise type, you prefer to call Old Swayback, the USS Salt Lake City, CA25, oldest heavy cruiser in the US Fleet.

>Her demise somewhere off San Diego early next week won't be so ignominious at that. In World War II, Old Swayback, 10,826 tons, 585 feet, 107,000 shaft horsepower, 10 8-inch main battery guns, took everything a skillful enemy could ladle out.

>Her labors ended, in the bright summer of 1946 she joined the iron guinea pigs at Bikini. Even here Old Swayback had a place of honor --- within 400 yards of the ancient Arkansas for Test Baker, the underwater atomic blast bull's-eye.

>Sure, when the poisonous smoke cleared away, she seemed relatively undamaged, but "contaminated" forever by gamma rays.

You ever wondered why people refer to ships as women? Because they have a really long fucking story to tell no matter what, and are cantankerous old whores.

And we love them for it.
Imagine what a museum ship she would make.
After all, the ship is like the caring mother that kept her crew alive in the worst weather.
>She doesn't want to die
>Noone does, but she fought damn hard to keep afloat, to prove she was still combat-ready. She just wanted to do her job.

And we still sank her, finished her off with something she could never counter, not as she was. Overkill.

So, bets on which side she jumps on? Anyone?

She'd, uh, be highly radioactive. Good luck with getting that back to shore safely. Good luck with putting her ANYWHERE public.
But if she still comes back on our side?

I have no word to describe this feeling.

I meant before Atoll bombing.
Swayback would never come back as an abyssal. Too much soul, too many memories.
She did her job and was given a warrior's death, serving her country one last time to help train the next generation.
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Salt Lake City!
I hope that she comes back on our side.

Because if she becomes an Abyssal then we are so fucked.
Since we're about to go FULL Silent Hunter on some abyssal ass, here's a video of a Canadian sub sinking a ship with a Mk48.

>captcha what the fuck, hamburger meat is not bread
I had captcha try to convince me that cheeto fingers counted as "food" a little while ago.
Are you dense? Are you not grasping the reverence that pervades everything this anon has been posting? She was not unloved or forgotten
>Ike, Gun Funnels!
>Salt Lake City wa date ja nai!
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A warrior's death is getting the crap beaten out of you by your replacements?

I hope you are right, for all our sakes. I feel if she decided to come back against us, She'd bring the same fighting spirit that she brought against the japs, and I'm not sure we could handle that with everything we have.

I swear to RNGsus I'm not Bad Idea Anon
All of these fucking news articles

>Two weeks ago the mare Island Navy Yard announced that Old Swayback would become a punching bag for the last time. Deep waters were to receive her loyal ones, as they already have received the nautical remains of the Pennsylvania (once the Pacific Fleet flagship), the gallant destroyers Talbot, Wilson & Trippe and the courageous attack transport Fallon, Bracken and Banner.

>Naval statisticians figured it cost $100,000 a month to maintain the ghost ships that survived Atomic Tests Able and Baker in July - August, 1946. It also took 260 men to guard them, keep their deadly bilge's pumped out, repair their battered hulls.

>Last year, with a grim assortment of sister target ships, Old Swayback returned to the West Coast at the end of a towline. Nobody was aboard her. In the Central Pacific less "lucky" vessels already had found their graves; the mighty Saratoga, Arkansas and the erstwhile foremen ships Prinz Eugen (German cruiser) and Nagato (Jap battleship).

>But 25 craft in all were earmarked for scuttling this year by the Navy. They are the last. Most lie uneasily at anchor in Kwajalein Lagoon.

>It may take more than mere gunfire to finish off Old Swayback, the Navy said. Maybe torpedoes, rockets and aerial bombs will assist in the coup de grace.

>That's only right. Old Swayback was nurtured as a tough baby from the very day they laid her keel at Camden, NJ, on June 9, just 21 years ago. She was a "treaty class" cruiser---our first. Her tonnage hovered exactly at the limits set by the optimistic Washington Arms Conference, where some of the world put its best warships in the ash can while the rest put its tongue in its cheek.

>At an early age the Salt Lake City appeared to have nautical lordosis, or curvature of the spine, at least as far as unpracticed observers were concerned. Fondly, even her men called her Old Swayback. When we got into the Asiatic war "Maru" (Jap for ship) was appended.
If she comes back then it's reasonable to request a squadron of B-52s loaded with Harpoons.
Harpoons, hell.

Call the Russians to bring as many Granits/Bazalts as they can physically deploy to the theater.
How many Harpoons can we fit in a B-52?
Kancolle quest has now become Salt Lake City quest.

And I'm fine with this.
A warriors death isn't necessarily getting the crap beat out of you by your replacements, but it's a damn sight better than being turned into razorblades.

She also fought honorably and valiantly her entire career, which in turn promoted what this anon said >>41841700 the raw love and respect her men treated her with would bring her back on our side simply so she wouldn't dishonor their memory.
Last I checked a B-52 could carry 20 harpoons each.
12 on the G variant if I remember correctly.

>Implying Bazalts are enough
It's gonna have to be enough, then. She did her service and is remembered well, fondly. Entirely likely she's gonna come back on the right side, but still..

I think you may have mistaken me for someone who does not fucking drink. You, sir, are very fucking wrong. So wrong the gods of being fucking wrong are worshiping your fucking ass.
Better than any number of Harpoons.
That's everything I'm gonna post about Swayback.

I'm not gunning for her to become our much sought after American cruiser, I just felt that there was a little known story and some history worth telling. Not too many people know about her anymore, it would be a shame for her to sink into obscurity.
Nah, sic Hate on Abyssal Swayback Maru.
>She got that name at Cape Esperance on Oct. 11, 1942, when she personally promoted a Nipponese heavy cruiser and destroyer to the locker of Master Davy. Jones.

Quick question, which Destroyer was that?

Remember, that's the battle which sank Fubuki.
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The Joke

Has it really been that long since Strikers '89 started out?

>sink into obscurity
>pic related
>Hate vs Abyssal Salt Lake
>Hate is curbstomped
Well thanks for the history anon. She certainly garnered my respect.
No, getting the crap beaten out of you by your replacements, having them fail to do the job, and then getting a lethal injection via torpedo.

She most likely went down smugly
Oh great are we back on the how many X can a B-52 carry?
>Wow, it took all of you to kill me
>her steering wheel falls off again
>sails in circles for 12 straight hours as all four Iowas try and fail to hit her before running out of ammo and leaving
How many B-52s can a shipgirl carry?
... Well, I haven't read back on the older SW89 threads, man.

It's the daughterus, man.

The 31 things Admiral Settle is no longer allowed to do at Command Fleet Activites Yokosuka

(1) Willie D is not allowed near the missile store
(2) Nor is Sammy
(3) Not allowed to touch live ordinance with hands
(4) Not allowed to touch live ordinance with any other part of anatomy.
(5) Do not encourage fights between capital ships
(6) The Marines are an important part of our warfighting capabilities in East Asia. Do not mindbreak them with the secrets of NBEs.
(7) Even if he was asking for it.
(8) Not allowed to drive a golf cart during an air raid.
(9) Not allowed to ride in a gold cart during an air raid.
(10) Not allowed to be towed behind a golf cart during an air raid.
(11) Upon being informed of a potential situation involving shipgirls and civilians, the proper response is not "bring it bitches"
(12) Cpl. Hate is an important part of FORCEPRO for the Navy NBE program. As such, he is to be employed against civilians as sparingly as possible
(13) Even if it is funny
(14) 'Sieg Zeon' is not an approved response
(15) Not allowed to imply battleships are secretly male.
(16) Not allowed to threaten ships with black magic
(17) Not allowed to wager with shipgirls on combat outcomes
(18) Even the bitchy ones

(20) There is no 19, and she damn well knows why
(21) Command is not interested in why there you have a room full of shipgirls dressed in nurse outfits.
(22) As an Admiral of the United States Navy, you are expected to maintain a proper military and professional bearing at all times. As such, it is inappropriate to insinuate that a battleship has gained weight.
(23) Even if she has
(24) PT-109 is not to be addressed as "Mr President"
(25) Not allowed to requisition checkered paint or flight line from shipgirls
(26) Regardless of who asked
(27) Even if it can be made
(28) CV-8 is to procure her own undergarments
(29) "The Corgis ate it" is not an acceptable excuse for missing paperwork
(30) Destroyers are not to be used as bait for other shipgirls
Cantankerous old lady who is an absolutely loyal girl in a fight.
Upthread Reader here, is anyone capping the Swayback?
>Nice wonder-bomb you've got there.

>It would be a shame if someone were to survive the blast.
>Is it in yet~? Oh, you were shooting that whole time? I didn't feel a thing~!

Keep in mind, fucking, we don't know what causes traitor bitches to come back as... traitor. Bitches. Fucking, whatever it is they come back as.

But it seems like as long as they were pretty fucking well liked by their guys, or were treated good, they come back on our side. Usually, at fucking least.
>(14) 'Sieg Zeon' is not an approved response
A quick gander at wikipedia tells me that the US fire was so coordinated that it's impossible to tell who finished who off exactly, at least without some better sources.
(31) PT-109 is not allowed to contermand orders

Honestly I have no idea how many there actually are in the last thread. I combined, rewrote, and moved things around a bit. Feel free to change things around or if I missed anything.
West Virginia comes back, follows kaga round tapping with a wrench.
This, really I think this is what could decide abyssal and not, respect. love, and memory.

It's why I still believe Nevada wouldn't come back Abyssal even after getting nuked.
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So far its only been ships that have been lost to time.
Has to be Fubuki. She was the only Japanese destroyer sunk in the surface action, the other two (Murakumo and Natsugumo were sunk by aircraft the next day). The lost cruiser was Furutaka; hits to the torpedo tubes and engines plus general pounding sank her the next morning.
God dammit anon, we need to sleep tonight.

Catankerous Lady. Probably somewhat Tsundere.

But her breasts, her breasts. They have to be ridiculously huge.
>saint of killers
OP pls nerf
And perky.
Looks good to me, glad my suggestions got added.


I was beginning to lose hope.
Honestly I'm proud of Arizona. She hasn't shot anybody with her revolver despite being on a hair trigger, and she's managed to exist in the same room as her murderer without starting shit.
Arizona is a good girl.
don't forget; swayback

every single movement she makes has to be provocative

Arizona will always be a good girl, why the navy keeps her around. She didn't get much chance to do her job, but she sure as hell didn't complain, and she was ready anytime. Not in a lewd way.

Yeah, there's plenty to be proud of there.
Or drunken/swaggering.
Actually no, imagine her with Vince McMahon's gorilla stride
>Stop trying to hit me and hit me!
Goddamit, that annoying twerk it like miley song is now stuck in my head
Swayback just means it doesn't mount an AC/20
That's useful/interesting to know.

On the other hand, wikipedia doesn't mention her in that kill.
>During this time, San Francisco and Boise sighted Fubuki about 1,400 yd (1,300 m) away and raked her with shellfire, joined soon by most of the rest of Scott's ships. Heavily damaged, Fubuki began to sink.

Just want to make sure we don't have a repeat of SoDak's 'I don't see anything on radar, so clearly I sank them. It couldn't possibly be my radar no longer works.'
Expect Juneau to come back on the other side.

Have the scuttled ships of the Hochseeflotte come back? I'd be distinctly worried about them.

Regarding other German ships, Goeben would be nice to have on our side. Especially because the Greeks would flip their shit at the Turks getting a battlecruiser.
I'm imagining Iku levels of lewd movement here

and enjoying it
I must regretfully depart. Some events require my attention and my Bound bodies need to enter their bi-centurial REM sleep period.

Do keep our ships well and hale. All of them. I would be most displeased if you did not.
Don't RP next time. This isn't BL.
Fubuki was the victim of a brutal America-style gangbanging. All of our ships who were there got a piece of that action.
See you later Bentus.

>This guy
Until next time O7
Bentus is cool, fuck off.
I know the anons here have been reading up on ships, but what about the in-quest neckbeards and the like?

Has everyone been panicking and reading up on their naval history and gaining new respect for old ships?

would it sway a possible abyssal ship?
Don't worry, we'll only kill some of them
>this isn’t BL

You do realize that after the Akihabara trip, the fujoshi circles probably started churning out tons of Settle/Hate porn, right?
I'll put it to you like this, Fucking, the RN OWNS the fucking water around the UK and the better chunk of the north fucking sea. those brit bastards have a naval tradition going back a fucking thousand plus years, so put two and fucking two together.

The krauts, on the other fucking hand, got a handful of Nazi boats they don't seem to fucking like. That's all I got about it. Nothing from anything earlier than that though. But, fucking, remember, the scuttled ships were fucking scuttled to keep them out of Brit hands, and the guy that ordered it was considered a fucking hero back home, so they might not all be fucking pissed off.
(32) I-19 is under no circumstances allowed to be left alone in the same location as Harder is unsupervised for any length of time. He is not her play toy.
(33) This rule also applies to the rest of the female sub-hulls. Harder is not to be 'passed around until he's broken in' as explained by I-8.

Fucking, no. Well, no, I mean, fucking, kinda. What's been going on is they've been learning everything they fucking can about their favorite, then pretending that knowing her down to when the steel for her armor fucking plate was cast somehow makes her more fucking attracted to them.

Pro fucking tip: it fucking doesn't. It's fucking creepy. Knock it the fuck off.
Night Bentus
Yeah, I figured. Probably means the French ones from Toulon are either staying asleep or on our side too, then.

Mers-el-Kebir, on the other hand...
Maybe. Every so often Hate tells us about how he has to chase away guys crying for their shipfu, so they're clearly known about and popular in society at large.
I've been learning about naval history since I was a kid. My dad really loved the Swayback for some reason and that fascination was transferred to me.

Hopefully I did the same for a few anons tonight by helping remember an old and busted cruiser. If that's going to be the tipping point between abyssal and shipgirl, I'll be happy.
The french ships were scuttled due to incompetence and french posturing.

I think they might disagree.
If it transpires that the Abyssals have supply lines, cargo ships, that sort of thing, we're really going to need to twist the balls of the Krauts and get them a-summoning as many U-boats as possible.

Losing side of both wars or not, they've got more experience in raiding operations than anyone.
>Not the anon who compiled the list, nor the original, made minor suggestions in the last thread.
>Fluff drops more in a reply to me anyway

Please change fluff
I'm not vying for a shipfu here. But SLC deserves to be remembered in ways better than;

"target ship #38"

Where did you think the abyssal submarine force was coming from.
Just depends on which direction it tips, but you did good by me, Anon.

Damn right
I think the ones who got mixed feels just stayed asleep, just like Mikasa. Japan forgot about her but the USN saved her, so between the two feelings she just decided to stay asleep... but that's wild guessing. Though I still wonder if Willie 'saw' her that day.
Here's a question.

The museum ships are all pretty firmly closed off, right? So how are they doing maintenance? I mean, as long as the ship's still in water deeper than her draft, her bilge pumps need to be functional; no ship ever built is perfectly watertight, so if the pumps go off and don't come back on, bad things are eventually gonna happen. Plus other stuff, like keeping the paint fresh so she doesn't rust. Clearing out animals that might damage the wiring and fittings. Shit like that
>If it transpires that the Abyssals have supply lines, cargo ships, that sort of thin
Closed off to the public, not completely.
Mikasa had guards and curators still, they're just not letting anybody else on and working under the knowledge that they may need to abandon ship very quickly
Not Germany. They maintained great respect for their submariners.

The KM, despite Dönitz, was the least Nazi out of all the branches and kept a relatively good rep postwar. Things like the Admiral's revolt helped too.
At Mers-el-Kebir, yeah, the ones that didn't either escape or get sunk by the Brits. Toulon was two years later, though, and that time it was done to keep the Germans and Italians from getting their hands on anything that couldn't escape.
jesus christ
Exactly, lots and lots of scuttled U-boats out there, lots and lots of shitty U-boats who's crew hated who went down.
>They maintained great respect for their submariners
And yet, they still had a ~75% mortality rate, with a lot of the boats sortieing post-1943 just getting sunk without doing much of anything
Not coming back, because he wasn't a warship.
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West Virginia after Battle of Surigao Strait
where she lead the Pearl Harbor battleship line.
Hello, Eirin here to help you with Kant-o-celle Quest.
Is there anything you'd like to know?
>only 200 posts 2 hours into the thread, nowhere near image limit
>Still on Page 1

Planefag, I don't think you'll need 3 threads
>arms bolted down
>head covered
>body deformed and bloated by abyssal black magic
>fucking body horror


Being a supply ship and coming back Abyssal is much worse than being a warship and doing the same.
Well I mean he did come back, but not as a cute girl with cannons.

They go down to the ironbottom

>"...i just wanted to sink a ship..."

And then back as abyssals.
Pasta U-boats then?
Not according to my copy of the bible
So? Most of the IJN died horribly too, and look how many of their shipsluts came back.
its normal with weekday threads. Most people go to sleep at around midnight and get up for work I the morning.
>only 200 post
Bitch we're up to 284... 85... 86
Okay, not a Christian, but if there's a version of your Bible where everyone's a warship I'd find your religion a lot more interesting.
Or maybe its the suicide weapons.

Manned torps are still a type of submarine.
Speaking of which. What do anons think supply ships would come back as?

I imagine that they would essentially be disarmed ship-girls that carry about a satchel or backpack filled with food and water (or tea if they are British ship-girls).
>its normal with weekday threads. Most people go to sleep at around midnight and get up for work I the morning.

One reason I try to avoid these if I can. However we're doing a lot of perspective-switching through "slower" moments of the battle right now, and even though I write at sanic, well, quest stuff is a pretty short read in the archive when you can go through it in one sitting. So I try to prime things for the weekend when BODIESHITTHEFLOOR as best I can.

Yes. It has been a successive series of cliffhangers just for the purpose of having enough things to cash in on Friday AND Saturday.


A good number of the apostles were fishermen, but that's about it
Refer to >>41842474
backpacks, water jugs, cranes for repair ships, and massive fucking backpacks housing mobile repair shops for floating drydocks
The crucifixion of Jesus is replaced by the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests?
I think he means non-abyssal ones
>Jesus was a fleet carrier, and the apostles were escort ships
would read from cover to cover
I like to imagine they come back as normal-looking, foul-mouthed, but rather nice girls
and there's a shit ton of them
This is now the quest thread, planefag.
Hey planefag! How would the ship girls react to hearing these?
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okay, fair enough. closer to 300. Still nowhere near needing a thread 3, as pf predicted.


You're funny, Pf.
Could be because Japan has been actively summoning ships, grabbing them before Davy Jones has a chance to. And it could be that, in their reluctance to do the same, the US Navy is dooming many of their beloved icons to un-lives filled with hatred and pain, eventually to be put down by the very people they fought alongside, the very people they *died* for.

Or, you know, maybe not.
They summon food carts and drink vendors.
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“Helm, step on it,” you instruct. “Get us outside of the escort screen.”

When a Virgina-class wants to move, it *moves.* The 688s were fast motherfuckers in their own right, but the next-gen propulsion system of the Virginias are terrifying to behold – even when you hit 40 knots, you're making less noise than the warships above...

… girls. You suppose they're girls, or NBEs or whatever bullshit acronym the Department of the Navy is pedaling now. All you know is, they sound like warships on the hydrophones, so as far as you're concerned, their ships. They certainly maneuver like ships; taking up as much space to turn as any carrier would. Your sub pulls two miles ahead of the battle group without any trouble, the little blue dot of your boat marching steadily away from the cluster of dots with growing “uncertainty” circles forming around them; the growing distance and their desperate maneuvers already confusing your carefully assembled plots.

The man on the engine telegraph is watching you like a hawk as you pull further and further from the battle. You finally nod and he chops power to a crawl; your boat slowing to a mere five knots quickly. You resist the urge to pace the cramped space of your boat's nerve center as you wait for the sonarmen to catch a whisper of the enemy – it doesn't look good in front of the crew, after all. Patience is the greatest virtue for any attack skipper...
transport ships wear video related

Doubt it.

I just don't believe for a second that most of the Kreigsmarine would go Abyssal. Or, frankly, much of the Hochseeflotte.

For all the shit Germany gets for not being a traditional naval power, the navy was a large and respected part of their military for much of the 20th century.
… but you can't shake the itch on the back of your neck. They're *here.* That sour bastard can gripe all he wants, but you *know* they're here.

As for vice-versa, well...

“Helm, dip us under the layer.”

The XO squints at you, but when he sees you tense he shuts his mouth and just taps his watch. You haven't been “drifting” for even three minutes yet.

“He's approaching aircraft carriers,” you mutter. “Don't know if he knows about MADs but he knows aircraft can spot him shallow.”

“Him?” the XO says, voice dripping with dubiousness.

You bite off a “fuck YOU” and turn away from him. You both reach out automatically to catch a handhold as the boat tilts at a 25 degree angle, your crewmen giving her a nice steep angle on the planes to get you deeper, faster, with the meager five knots headway. You hate this yo-yo shit, but towed arrays don't tolerate being dragged around at thirty knots very well, so it's all hull hydrophones for now.

You hate playing fair, but you can't complain about babysitting carriers. You couldn't ask for better bait.
>HW soundtrack
>HW soundtrack.
>THAT SONG in particular.

Its perfect.
“I got something...” your lead sonarman says tersely.

The entire CIC holds its breath for a three-count.


The XO exhales in a huff. “They won't be down here. Search planes aren't looking during a fucking air attack, he'll be up there using his periscope to follow the convoy track.”

“Great place to catch a stray torpedo from a missed bomb-run,” you murmur. “Or catch one up the ass when your own side's torpedo plane goes in the drink and the fish swims away, happy and free.”

“Do they even WORK like that-”

You snap around and give your XO a look that could've made Khrushchev drop his shoe. “Stop. Right now.”

Your XO swallows – but doesn't waver. “They. Are. Not. *People,*” he says quietly. “They're not worried about keeping their boat intact, like you are.”

“Then what the hell DO they want!?” you hiss, knowing you shouldn't be having this chat in front of the crew, but so fucking strung out and fed-up that you're willing to risk it, just in case he gives you an excuse not to confine him to new quarters in the escape trunk.

His cold, watery gray eyes bore into you. “To kill.”

“Contact,” the head sonarman whispers.
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There's already a few auxiliary ships in Kancolle. Food supply ships Mamiya and Irako, repair ship Akashi, Oiler Hayasui.
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>His cold, watery gray eyes bore into you. “To kill.”
>“Contact,” the head sonarman whispers.
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You snap about, tense and eager – but he says nothing more.

“... well?”

He shakes his head. “No sound yet.”

“Then what the-”

“The whales,” he says tersely. “They're talking about something.”

You and the XO share a Look. He catches it and glares at you both. “Some of us went to a real school,” he bites back. “They're alerting. Like birds in a-” he sighs, clearly giving up on you both, and returning to his phones.

Come to think, you'd like to blow the sound department out the escape hatch some days, too. At least you're not alone on that one.
This better not be the fucking end of the thread.

>They're, uh
>They're flocking this way
“There!” he says suddenly. “Low-speed screws...” he seems to squint. “No machinery noise. Just screws. No cavitation...”

“... no machinery noise?”

He shakes his head. “There's certainly *something,* but I wouldn't call it a machine... range, maybe four miles?” He slams a fist into his leg. “Somewhere ahead of us, but the fucking whales keep singing over him, they're in the same area-”

Which puts them ahead of the convoy track, somewhere.

“Heading, speed?” the XO demands.

He shakes his head. “Need time for a bearing-rate analysis. Never heard this noise before, and he's not in any warbooks, eh?”

You check the tactical plot. Eight thousand yards ahead of you – say sixteen to twenty ahead of the battle group bearing down him him. And just under the layer. Your gut says he's making max speed at depth to reach an attack point, hiding from any escort screen under the layer till he's close.
The itch on the back of your neck is getting worse; possibly prodded by the watery gray eyes of your asshole XO. Your sonars are better than whale ears; so why were they whining before you heard a whisper?

>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.

>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
Too slow.
>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
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>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
Well fuck, baffles check time?
>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
Why do I get the feeling that we are about to get sunk by a second sub.
If we were fighting human opponents the second one would be what I'd be counting on. But with what the XO said...
>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
Crafty ass motherfuckers
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
They want to kill.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
This makes me wonder if anyone thought to send a more coherent investigation to the great bloop once we figured we were not alone in the deep.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
Thanks anon.
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>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
Crazy Ivan?
>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.

Also the whales heard him because whatever bullshit the Abyssals use to fog sensors doesn't affect biological sonar.
>They want to kill.
Yeah US! Yknow since we happened to wander right into their line of fire and such.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.

>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.

They probably came back sprouting
>Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Keine R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Or something
Always fucking whales...

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Rolled 2 (1d10)

>No machinery noise. Just screws
Well that's some fucking bullshit right there
>There's certainly *something,* but I wouldn't call it a machine...
Rolling for SAN loss
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.

I fucking love reading submarine warfare.
This a vote?

If so,
>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.

But doesn't look like a vote, more like realization.
Realization that
1) Animals have always been known to have a 6th sense, they aren't singing JUST because they heard him first, and
2) He knows we're here, which means we lost our biggest advantage. Old tech or not, It's time to engage or gtfo.
>Would Habbakuk be reasonable as a carrier today? She can get bunker busted but short of that no one can harm her.
The old design is far too fat and slow to be a modern carrier. However the concept is not without merit. There is this idea called "seabasing" where you use offshore resources to base and resupply a fleet or land army completely from the ocean. IIRC there were tests done using relatively simple barges linked together to form long runways in the region of 6000ft. Other designs are semi-submersible like oil platforms. The main benefit of such a base, apart from the runways, is that you can resupply a ship as if it was docked in port. This is a major advantage because underway replenishment between two moving ships is a huge pain in the ass, akin to two skateboarders attempting to hold up a zipline. The ships could crash together, let the line go slack and lose the cargo, or snap the line altogether and cause massive fuel leaks. And above all it's tedious, some operations can take all day to complete.

The primary reason Habbakuk didn't work was that she was supposed to be a cheaper replacement for steel ships. Since the refrigeration technology available at the time wasn't spectacular she ended up needing as much steel for reinforcement as you would require to build a whole other fleet. The idea I had is to reverse that trend and go high tech instead of low tech. Build a large ship capable of launching multiple carrier's worth of wings as well as resupplying it's own fleet. Use engineered ice to armour it against all but the most powerful of modern weapons and make it nuclear powered to make it independent of fuel supply. It's one hell of a basket to put all your eggs into, BUT it does provide what is otherwise impossible. An island base in the middle of the Atlantic that can move and defend itself and shadow the convoys it is designed to protect.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
How common was sub on sub warfare back in WW2 anyway? It seems like everybody just wouldn't be assed with how much less maneuverable and reliable everything was back then.

Like what I'm asking is how likely is it for this bitch to even know that what's happening now is a thing?
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.
>>He cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
There is exactly one instance of a WW2 sub sinking another one while submerged, and it took hours of tracking and solution-calculating and sheer dumb luck
Can we maintain her frozen right now though, even under fire?
>cut speed long enough to verify the battle group track with his sonars, then started motoring again – he's out for blood and he doesn't intend to miss a firing window. The whales heard him while he was sprinting, we slipped under the layer and into the Deep Sound Channel while he was drifting.
>Fog sensors
Nigga there hasn't been any sonar shit. SSN has been listening. You know? Sound waves? Anything the whales can hear we can hear too, unless we were on the other side of the layer.
When both subs were underwater? It happened once. Ever.
>How common was sub on sub warfare back in WW2 anyway?

It basically never happened, but in an early thread Settle noted that Abyssals seem to be able to 'hear' things under the water.
>ITT: semi-reasonable sub warfare discussions

Ya know, part of me sees that image and goes, welp, fuck, more LA nightmares for me.

And part goes welp, fuck, not enough targets.

But, you know what most of me goes? It goes fuck. I'm going to need a bigger rifle.
We know just enough to be overconfident.
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Hayasui was already linked, so here's Mamiya & Irako.
They're not actually usable (they represent items to cure fatigue/boost morale, respectively) but they still have designs.

Presumably they'll have more battle-ready gear if they ever become playable, like Akashi & Ooyodo.
>I'm going to need a bigger rifle.
Compared to what everybody has now or compared to what you have now?
Yeah, looking over everything se've seen about abyssals and ship girls...
Sonar works just fine because it's an indirect action.
NBE interacts with the water just like a ship- see their wakes- and this also translates to things like speed and range and, critically here, Sound.
Where things get fucky are direct interactions between ship and NBE. Radar and ordnance and armor and such.
NBE <-> Nature <-> Conventional ship
is more kosher than
NBE <-> Conventional ship
>I'm going to need a steel dick
>bigger rifle
>preferably 16 inchers

More AA emplacements than anything, I guess.

True, true.
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.

The Whales know that there is something down here that is evil.
>>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.

Also planefag said THREE FUCKIN' THREADS
>How common was sub on sub warfare back in WW2 anyway?

Several subs sunk other subs when they spotted the other running on the surface and nailed them like they would've any other ship... but as the other anon said, only once was it a submerged versus submerged shot. And even that one was spotted in the same fashion; a british boat sent to intercept a German sub spotted their snorkel. The difficulty was calculating a 3D firing solution which required a LOT of sonar tracking, guesstimation and math, but they eventually figured out the right depth to fire at and nailed them.

Of course this doesn't mean it couldn't be dramatic - one US sub heard the torps incoming, crash-dived his boat under the attack and managed to fire back down the incoming bearing, nailing the japanese sub that swiped at him. Nor were WWII subs limited to periscope-depth engagements, either - prewar US doctrine actually included "totally hidden" attacks using sonar bearings for targeting, launching from 100 feet down and letting the torpedoes depth-control and gyros do all the work. (This didn't work very well, but still.) The big thing preventing sub-on-sub is not detection, but fire-control: you have no idea what depth the enemy is at, and he can change depth constantly to dodge your torpedoes in 3D, whereas ships are limited to 2D.

With all that said, WWII saw the advent of the acoustic homing torpedo, later versions of which could have conceivably engaged other submerged subs. But tl;dr, WWII sub-on-sub did share one similarity to modern sub-on-sub: it was always sudden, violent, and very fucking fast, like a knife-fight in a phone booth.
No crazy Ivan
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>the whales are singing about abyssal ships before modern technology can detect them



We need to train pods of these ASAP:

I'd say something about your thought process on that AR loader rifle, but you'd deny that anyway.
The whales are apparently on our side then?

Also, pretty much this. The only real stumbling point is that abyssal subs have been infrequently encountered, and also they're... monster alien things, so the hydrophone operators aren't sure what exactly to listen for, and what sound patterns correspond to what activity.

But they don't put halfassed crews in the newest, most expensive boats in the fleet.
So are we talking a .458 SOCOM or the type of gun usually mounted on vehicles?
And as I said earlier, extremely unlikely, given how slow this one's going. we HAVE passed the bump limit, though, it looks like.
>Inb4 abyssal Giant Squids
>Inb4 abyssal terror drones
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The whales were closer than we were.
Sound is still sound when it's underwater.
>Senpai notices my speculation on fucky abyssal mechanics
"Barrow from the GF" big
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The Giant Squids are on our side, too, Anons.
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>Also planefag said THREE FUCKIN' THREADS

To clarify, "three threads" means "I can run till 4AM." And that's presuming I've got writeups to flesh it out. I kind of hate doing that though because I remember how my grades suffered when Maid Quest kept me up till 4AM on the regular; I don't want to be that guy. Plus, I hate tucking writefag content away in the early AM, it feels rude to my collaborators.

So, I probably shouldn't run three threads tonight, upon reflection, even though I could. I'm just used to being a longwinded slow-updating asshole that always takes twice as long to get half the story distance I planned on~
>He's doing exactly what we're doing – sprint and drift, checking his six. We passed the layer while he was listening. He might even know we're here already.

Given how little we know I think it's smart to assume the worst.
>inb4 abyssal ship full of chryssalids

I was playing with something based on .577 Tyrannosaur.

Now I'm thinking something in the .959 range as a base cartridge.
Oh easily. Pykrete will stay frozen for months in a summer environment. In sub zero ocean water? No problem. The ship would be well insulated and refrigerated, so the main threats to integrity are coolant leaks and or total loss of power.

If the ice warms up above -15c it starts to slowly deform under stress because the ice is a bit "plastic". But I'm sure that's not an insurmountable challenge, they make hotels out of ice so it can't be that hard.

Accurate after action reports for ASW must be a nightmare. Unless you see the sub surface and THEN sink with a bunch of holes in it most kills are just a best guess. If debris comes up to the surface that matches a mulched sub you can make an educated guess, but still a guess.

Site recon is like, the most fun council mission in long war by far, though. Box strat FTMFW.
Thanks for writing! I go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........


So we done?
Bagle is truly the Box Ghost. All powerful boxstrats
I wonder, has the 'scale factor' of shipgirls resulted in any funny caliber coincidences?

That's basically how it worked, yeah. Take a gander at the sinking reports for most subs, debris and oil is generally the most you get
The big thing is whether you hear implosion noises.

Assuming the depth charges didn't tear the sub apart first.
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So is that a NEXT TIME ON KCQ
or what?

Yeah, but can the abyssals waste time and give away their positioning torpedoing every single dolphin they stumble across? Can they even detect a single fucking dolphin?

Just sayin', some kind of trained dolphin element attached to fleets would be... amusing, at the very least.
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>look that up
>300-600 grain bullet
I meant clothing, actually. Lose the apron, at least.
So basically from her perspective, even if she notices we're there, there's not a lot either of us can do to the other aside from long shots telegraphed by sonar spam?

Completely unrelated, what kind of great ASW shit can modern subs pull at depth?
This kills the Habakkuk
>Just sayin', some kind of trained dolphin element attached to fleets would be... amusing, at the very least.
>Sexual harassment charges filed by men and women against the dolphins constantly.


REST UP FOR THE WEEKEND, BECAUSE YOUR ASSES ARE MIIIIIIIIIINE. fuck your families they're bitchy in the morning, play with planefag and sleep in
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So Newfoundland?
Also that would encourage the dolphins to start exploding Abyssal organs with targeted echolocation.

That reduces armor support though.
I think someone archived this thread with the wrong tags. I don't think this is GuPQ. The description's right, so this looks like a genuine fuck up.
No can do, planefag. I got five and a half hours left in my night shift still.
Go watch some Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
I THINK he has ceased to care about us, so it sucks to be you.
>How many buckets of bauxite have you used in you life?
>This taste... It's the taste of a lewd submarine!... I-19!
>Kaga withdraws coolly.
Seriously? Link to Archive page pls.
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I'd be more concerned with finding the 52 hertz whale, a single living being traveling the oceans alone that makes that sound, people think it's either a deaf whale or something else.
Fuuuuck. That would be me. I'll get it fixed!
I'm sure it's sentinel's fault, kripple.
Things that happened tonight.

>we tomahawked Iwo
>Goto might be kinda sorta ok
>Some F-18's did things
>Hornet yelled at the Hornets
>sub did some inconclusive sneeki breeki
>Salt Lake City history lesson
Being night shift is suffering sometimes. Oh well, it was nice for the first seven hours of my shift at least.
Just so I'm not a jerk, much appreciation for you running tonight.
Double checking- thread over? No more updates, this vote determines next thread's op, no writeups tonight, see you tomorrow?
>Salt Lake City history lesson
And I find this the most memorable so far.
oi ya cunt I don't even archive my own threads
Any Writefags have material waiting?
>Hornet yelled at the Hornets
>So basically from her perspective, even if she notices we're there, there's not a lot either of us can do to the other aside from long shots telegraphed by sonar spam?

Knowing someone's there doesn't mean you can pin down their location precisely enough to shoot at them. (This is also the point of next-gen "stealth" features in combat aircraft.) Knowing an enemy is there, and knowing THEY don't know is a big advantage; you know right where to look. Better yet, when you know they're close enough for a shot you can "go active" to find them (after a long-range shot, preferably, kicking the torpedo to high speed after it motors away from you a bit,) but let your torpedoes do the active pinging, so you don't give away your position. Shooting first also has the advantage of taking out the assholes on the other end of the guidance wire, including their smart clever brains and vastly superior/massive sonar array, leaving you with only the rather dumber incoming torpedo(s) to dodge. Even if they know where you are and shoot back quickly, you have the advantage.

Once you open fire, shit gets wild QUICK. The guy who gave you all the ASW lesson in the last thread knew his shit. Nuke subs are fucking FAST; the Mark 48 is such a terrifying rape machine partially because it needs to be able to chase down nukes to grape'em. A sub will work to dodge and/or spoof a torpedo much like a fighter plane will work to dodge/spoof a missile; exhausting its energy to reduce its maneuverability, using decoys to throw it off, maneuvering to reduce sensor returns against the incoming warhead (hard to do if the hostile sub is on a right-angle bearing, heh heh) and other things. Typical launch range is under 1 mile (2,000 yards.) Knife fight in a fucking phone booth.
You started with the
I could post what I've got done for my RN stuff. No action yet and there's a few things to go over in it.

Give me a few minutes and I should have it going up for ya'll.
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Oh god I laughed.

>impossible mission
>no warning of its nature, so you bring a good varied squad instead of unlimited shotgun works
>did I mention a fucking impossible win condition? Just win a race against the fastest unit in the game guys no big

FUCK Canada.
Shoukaku's faith/etc in Settle wasn't shaken
>No can do, planefag. I got five and a half hours left in my night shift still.

been there quit that UGH


Correct! Thread over for tonight. On Friday we'll open up with something nasty happening with these poor blokes in the SSN and switch to Harder in the middle of DEATH, CARNAGE AND COLLAPSING BULKHEADS.
Shoukaku's desire to know Settle in the biblical sense intensifies. Arizona pouts harder.
Fuck Canada, you say?

Bring gunners. Like, 2-3. Take it in leapfrog, and don't worry about cover once the one thinman pod is gone. Cakewalk. I actually did it infantry heavy, one overwatch two crit. It was basically free XP.
Hey deme, how do you feel about a bunch of people expressing interest in making a KANCORRE mod for XCOM 2.

Turn based RNG Kancorre

with longwar

basically what were doing right now
Wait, Friday?
So no Saturday thread?
IIRC, modern diesel boats might be even scarier, because they're inherently quieter than nuke boats.
>Implying Deme has rights to, control over, and gives a shit about anything relating to Kancorre other than this quest
>free XP.
The only thing that matters less than money after a certain point?

I always let Canada deal with that shit on their own.
range is shorter though
mfw I just watched Sharknado 1 and 2.

Imaginine an abyssal spawned hurricane picking up swarms of infested sharks and dumping them all over coastal cities.

Shoukaku will settle to the bottom one of these days.
Would want, I mean the mechanics of equipment and RNG fuckery are already there, but I would have to stop laughing/cringing at the entire concept first. Also the models have to not be shit.
Along with some money and XP for your dudes if you camp the whale. A lot of long war players do it but that's because they can have shotguns as secondary weapons, two item slots to begin with on all their troops and AP grenades from the start.
Cheers boss
>something nasty happening with these poor blokes in the SSN
If we get Clever Girl'd I swear to god m8
Well yeah, no shit. planefag made the MC fucking /HOT/, and we've been playing him as -not a fuckhead-.
I still say nay to returning the (well-deserved) advances any further

IDK. I always get it early enough that it's a good chance to get a level on one of my A listers or help build a decent B list.
I didn't mean like that

just that we might all be able to experience our very own shipslut holocaust in THREEEE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Strategic limitations, not really tactical.
suptg isn't working for me, what gives?
Yeah. If you need to operate anywhere, nukes are better. If your subs are just staying near home waters, though, I’d say diesels are better.

Both of those look like giant demonic penises.
I'm reminded of the submarine cyborg whales from Blue Sub 6.
It does limit their options, particularly energy and mass budgets. They are very much specialized ambush predators. The fact that sub warfare is completely composed of such negates the majority of the penalties.

>Shoukaku will settle to the bottom one of these days.
Clever pun.
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That pic reminds me
The classic Chryssalid is so much better designed than the new one.
What gives.

MEQ never

I have one burning question

With proper upkeep and supply, are the new shipgirls effectively immortal?
>Blue Sub 6
And I thought people don't remember classic sub anime.
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Speaking of XCOM, I should make a doc for all of the speculation I've been doing that planefag's confirmed.
No one has a god damn clue.
Not before we make like the Navajo and settle in Arizona.
Are you Bad Idea anon?
Yeah, maybe should.
Well if it's confirmed already then you might as well post it, just so we have more information.
Fuck, that shit rocked. I KNOW WHA T TO DO FOR THE REST OF MY SHIFT NOW.

Thanks Anons.
We have no idea. They've existed for 1.25 years in totality, so not much evidence one way or the other as to aging or not.
Their bodies do seem humanly susceptible out of combat though- see Kongou's donut time, Iowa's hunger pangs or Hornet's implied drinking with Hate.
Please, I'm the guy who keeps screaming that we need to understand how abyssals and shipgirls work and that planefag has been laying out coherent consistent clues for us to use, trust in planefag
As in gathering posts from these threads, mostly this one
Blame crappy art direction, I think the new cryssalids look really dumb. Boring face, humanoid hands, tiny spear legs that look like they would tent peg themselves into the ground at the slightest pressure. Bleh, old Cryssalid had 200x more character, the new one is just a generic bug.

They did a great job with the sectoids and mutons at least.

No hes not, bad idea anon said he would stop posting ideas after the Chesapeake bay thing

so far I've held true to that promise
Interesting series, still remember when Toonami ran it.
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if I begin the saturday thread the same way I begin the friday thread I would be repeating a thread, instead of continuing the story told on friday

i do not understand u
But why not?
I have vague memories of when it was hosted by Moltar the Bucket Head in his volcanic lair.
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>with long war

to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
Subject: re: Takao

Hey, Yura, are you sure this is a good idea? I've gone through Takao's case file and she's... not exactly stable to begin with. Did she really, ahem, copulate with a guy until his pelvis actually broke and all? Even I find that hard ot believe, and I've gone around, so to speak. Sure, I get that it'll be good for her, but do you really want to unleash that kind of a catastrophe here in Yokosuka?


to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
Subject: re: Takao

Wainwright, I'm not exactly pleased with the whole thing either. Takao may be stable for now, and she's doing well under treatment, but there are no certified psychiatrists, let alone psychologists in your area and the world's pressed thin. My charges have already been pressed into service with the Singapore Armed Forces, and I'm doing all I can to help them adjust to modern life. Add to the whole diplomatic incident that will happen if another Musashi happens, well, I'm forced to do as I'm told.

Truth be told, I'm actually glad you're willing to help me. I could be forced to take on more patients and there's only me. My coworkers are forbidden to get near my charges and it's irking me to no end.

And as for that rather sensitive question, I have spoken to the parties involved and it did happen. On the first day she appeared. I am already breaking doctor-patient confidentiality by even saying that, you know.

Yours truly,
The important question is: do they need to use the bathroom?

to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
Subject: re: Takao

Thanks for the damn high praise, Yura. It's only a fluke I'm getting on with Naka like ducks to water and she still won't listen to me, despite everything I've said. I'm honored that a professional like you sees me that way. I'm not even trained to deal with this. I just weld things and make people feel better before they die. For some reason, the higher-ups think that's enough to handle shipgirls. And from what I've seen, you girls are...weird.


to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
Subject: re: Takao

Wainwright, one way of get people to talk is to talk about a common interest. You and Naka share an interest in music and while I am surprised at how quickly the both of you became friends, that is not really, ahem, professional, so to speak. Still, if it works, I don't see a problem with continuing it. Still, I hope you and Takao don't, well, go further than friends, because you might just break your pelvis. And one broken pelvis is more than enough on my plate to deal with.

Again, thank you for minding Takao while she's at Yokosuka, and I'll check back with you in a few months to see how she's faring.

Yours truly,
>Yeah. If you need to operate anywhere, nukes are better. If your subs are just staying near home waters, though, I’d say diesels are better.

The Virginia-class boats are a whisper quieter than the super-quiet diesel boats thanks to that new space-age propulsion shit they use.

And they can still haul ass at sanic to outrun torpedoes when they need to.



Yura is a trained shipgirl psychologist, probably the only one known in the world right now. Her charges are the heavy cruisers Takao and Myoko, and the destroyers Hamakaze, Urakaze, Tanikaze and Isokaze. They all have issues with reintegrating with modern life. Well, Myoko has sort of reintergrated, but she's handicapped. As in, wheelchair-bound. Takao's a nymphomaniac, and 17DesDiv have their own issues that can't be covered in a short note.

Yura's in charge of all the shipgirls who are either unable to or have issues reintegrating into modern society. For now, she has six shipgirls and the international incident known as the IJN Musashi, who holds dual citizenship (Japanese AND Filipino, don't ask about the latter). Musashi doesn't need treatment, per se, but she's Musashi's, erm, chaperone, for lack of a better term. Singapore keeps the existence of shipgirls a state secret and while all of the Singapore Armed Forces know and are downright friendly to her (psychology being a field that needs people), they are forbidden to actually talk about her. Or help her regarding to shipgirl issues.
Takao breaking a guys pelvis doesn't actually surprise me at all
Shoukaku specifically just rubs me the wrong way as a person, which obviously doesn't apply to her fans or to most anybody else. Just me.
Waifus in general just doesn't feel right with this situation of command and what these girls are.
If I Had To Pick A Ship is Arizona tho, but I'm not gonna be a contrary fag with my votes or anything.
"Trained" is something of a euphemism. I'd say its more like she's inventing the entire field right now.
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The fuck are they doing here with and working with our RSN.

Also, myoko is handicapped what?
Real Adventures of Jonny Quest. That takes me back.
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What on earth is this
>IJN ships serving with Singapore instead of Japan
>"trained" shipgirl psychologist
Oh are you the anon for whom shou reminds you of your ex?
Probabl not serving there, just being kept out of hatesrms way while they try to integrate them
I'm thinking she's a trained psychologist who had security clearance, and when the girls popped up she found out what she was going to be doing the rest of her life.

Jokes on you bruh, the RSN is a branch of the Singapore Armed Forces.That's a standard SAF military address.

Technically, no one in Singapore knows of the shipgirls' presence. With exceptions.

Trained shipgirl psychologist. She is a shipgirl AND a trained psychologist.. Shipgirls learn a toon of shit pretty fast.
For a moment I thought it was CL Yura and was confused.

I just reread and oh dear, its not.

Its yura the CL.

>you girls are weird
Unless you intended to imply that she's actually a Nagara-class light cruiser shipgirl, you might want to rename Yura.
Turns out you were right.
>jokes on him

He knows, by the looks of it, re-read the post.
I know what that means lah.

I mean what are they doing here.
People want more KCQ in general. Never mind the details
Ah, yeah. One must vote with their heart when it comes to matters like this
>Japanese AND Filipino
WAIT, I don't remember Musashi being registered with either Panay or Mindoro's census.
But that begs the question, how did she end up in tringapore.
Also does Musashi have flip citizenship because she showed up at the Sibuyan Sea?
See, this just cements my belief that Choukai and Maya-sama are the superior Takao class. I fear for A~che~buono now...
Is the moral of this story to run your fiction by the questmaster for basic coherency-checking?
I always found it funny how the USN Washington Treaty shipgirl designs are so reserved compared to the Japanese ones.

It because literally every aspect of them was designed to conform to treaty regulation. Japan just claimed that they weighed less than they did and tried to find creative ways to make them look the part.

So we got the Takaos, which had all of their machinery spaces above deck, and were top heavy and overweight, compared to something like the New Orleans which is the perfect treaty cruiser in every way.

Musashi is where he wants her to be so he can waifu her


She did what every foreigner who wanted to live in the Philipines FOREVER do: Queue up and file the paperwork for that.
>Heavy cruiser getting her ass handed to her by a DE
Anon, you make me laugh.
I am now wondering how Musashi would react to being considered Filipina-Japanese.
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>musushi, a proud Japanese battleship, actually wanting to be a pinoy
>Implying no Fixers
Anon pls

It's not canon to KCQ as such, guys. Just a fun whatsit. those things people do, starts with an O. Omake? That? I don't know. anyway, yeah, naw, for purposes of KCQ, not canon, for fun only. Hope that clears up any confusion! hahaha.
Out there in kcq /tg/, protoculture is busy drawing dicks all over pinoy musashi.
Ya. I was going to mention the physical appearance thing, but it's much easier if you can just SEE it.

Two words: FUCK ABE.
That's a tad implusable considering how KCQ already has a nympo in I-19 and to a lesser degree I-8. It's out of Takao's character to be a raging nypho.

She is however VERY attractive.

Eh unless Planefag says so, I'm not buying that bit as canon, too much implusable stuff.

Nice girl vs sociopath, of course the latter would win.

Thank god.
>Posting art of Musashi
Anon, you're gonna overstimulate Goast, and then he won't finish strikers '89 for us!
Are there any unwritten "rules" as to side-stories in omake, or can I (or anyone) just post his shit up after deme is done?
>Musashi hating Abe
That seems implausible, considering Abe's stand on WW2 and all...
side stories and*
Chokai was basically blown up by one 5" deck gun on an escort carrier though... thats even worse than getting btfo by a DE
I wasn't referring to the girls, Choukai actually got her ass handed to her by Sammy B IRL. Couldn't do shit to Sammy, got her superstructure, bridge, and a lot of machinery demolished. Ended up sinking in that battle.
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You can honestly do whatever you want. However, if you want to be considered "canon", you actually would have to coordinate with planefag.

Depends. if you want it to be canon to KCQ, the only real rule is don't contradict stuff already written. If you wanna do long running stuff it's usually better to try and work with the other guys (A good example is I'm planning some stuff with Z1 and Z3 later on....) but otherwise, generally, you're ok.

Otherwise, I mean, Deme doesn't own Kancolle, so... it's whatever, ya know?
>Z1 and Z3
Does this involve the both of them learning how to cook from the Anarchy Cookbook?
If it's not canon, people will probably pick it apart and laugh unless it's smut
If it's canon, will pick it apart and probably not laugh. Taking over main characters for the sake of your waifu is lame and will get you mocked (here's to you, guy obsessed with Arizona's bell). Delving into the mysteries of shipsluttery without running those answers by planefag's notes is also pretty lame, since I do trust him to have coherent notes on this stuff.
That would explain the throw down, though there's much to be said of luck. I.e. either Choukai got unlucky/caught by surprised or even the big sisters wouldn't have done better

And the USS New Orleans!
I didn't watch the anime, does this universe follow it closely or is it spun off on an original interpretation?

I've reached out to deme before regarding my ideas but that was months ago and he probably forgot it all, will probably do so again if I actually do something. New to write fagging on /tg/, you know?


please let her be a busty, extremely racist southern girl
Maman Brigitte as Nawlins is 10/10
To better expand, don't contradict anything already written and don't contradict planefag's secrets, which can be tricky because they're secrets and you don't know them.
The anime/game have even less justification for their setting than Strike Witches does, so...
This quest is "what if ships came back as girls/monsters in the real world and combat ensued. No really, what if, what about all of the implications of warships that are also humans"
If I wanted to co-ordinate with Planefag over some side-stuff, would it be best to talk with him over Twitter or is there something else I should use?
>tan = pinoy

>Musashi hating Abe/the LDP/Japanese nationalist groups they are affiliated with
I doubt it.

In fact, I doubt they care much about politics, but at the very least their government isn't going to be unfriendly to them.

It'd be different, say, if Roma suddenly steamed into Taranto and started asking about the Mare Nostrum.
I'd say she was definitely surprised. Also, by the time she actually spotted Sammy B, her guns couldn't depress enough to hit her. So not just bad luck, considering Sammy basically sat next to her for a few minutes and unloaded every gun on the deck that could point at Choukai into her superstructure. This includes AA. Luck or no, Choukai got completely Rekt by a ship that wasn't built to go 1v1 with anything but a sub.

Does it involve cooking with the skill of their doppelgangers in SWQ '89?

I didn't either! And honestly? no idea. Probably not, to be straight up with you, but, again, not sure at all.


Fair enough. To be honest, there's not that many ideas we really don't like, other than the usual spate of people who want to write specifically about their self-insert getting with their waifu. That said, there's really no formal gatekeeper or anything, just hop in the IRC if you wanna chat a bit and we can help you out if you want.


I'm thinking cajun.
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KCQ is completely separate from both the game and the anime. Besides the IJN shipgirls involved, KCQ has almost nothing in common with the "official" material.

>tan = pinoy
I wonder if she's picked up the accent.

Go on the SWQ irc!
He hangs around in #swq on Rizon, if you're familiar with how to IRC.
Not as planefag though, with his wizard name
The general personality outline is followed, but the scenario for the most part is original and Planefag seems to disregarding KC gameplay mechanics.

If you're the guy that did that, it's not a bad concept but you went and made some stupidly huge leaps of logic with personalities and the notion putting japanese shipgirls near the Philippines

IRC #swq on Rizon


So Shipgirl Bridgette?
>(here's to you, guy obsessed with Arizona's bell).
Hey, I resemble that remark!

To be honest, it was another Anon who was obsessed with Ari's ship bell. I typed up a short bit, he or some other Anon told me to pastebin that shit, and I ended up expanding it to two full snippets.

I probably won't be continuing it, though. the third snip kind of got away from me.
Gotcha, thanks. If you guys can stop complaining about jobs :^)
once again, don't forget the part where later she was almost blown in half by an escort carriers single 5" deck gun

Chokai is a fucking failure
I'm not him.

I'm Singaporean but that shit is ridiculous.
By your logic the whole Takao class would be failures.

I apologize but the point is out there now for him to read.
Ok thanks for that, what's his name? I'm not familiar with his wizard name and I don't fancy looking like an ass.
Honestly I'm really doubting we'll ever see another American CV because of the stupid FAT STACK meme.

At least cruisers haven't been ruined for us yet, and deme seems to have a thing for O'bannon.

I did run a lot of the shit past him and he hasn't responded. All I got was "WRITE MOAR"

Ok, thanks for that. I'll contact him for further guidance.
No, just Chokai in particular.

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As I said.
When that anon said Choukai was superior...

That's a good sign, though. Then again, he yells that at me, too, and I'm terrible, so... You know. take it as you will, I guess! Hahahahaha!
Uh, guys, Chokai isn't the cruiser that Sammy bullied at close range, that was Chikuma.
They hit Chokai with their torpedos, I believe
Thanks guys for the explanations!

Is there any place where someone dumped all the fanart?
Tell something about Zeros, shower glocks, and loli sisters, and he'll talk.
yeah.... that meme was effectively run its course and not even funny anymore.

apparently not well enough.

Ship classes are similar thus if one is felled through such it's safe to say barring that one ship being unlucky/etc, they all would.

Maybe in charm/etc if you like girls like her. And that remark was in response to that mess with the OOC Takao.

Choukai also got knocked around by Sammy early on.
And the knife that makes an air tight seal with its sheath.
I still think its sad that Harder is only being sexually harassed by IJN subs. We still need USN sub girls to sexually harass him.
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I like potatoes

The other half was "how do you come up with such ideas".

All the fucking time. It's a lot harder if he's not on IRC, yanno. (LIKE RIGHT FUCKING NOW) I fill his Twitter DM inbox with a lot of ridiculous shit too.
>Roberts had moved so close that the enemy guns could not depress enough to hit her and the shells simply passed overhead. Many hit the carrier Gambier Bay. Once within torpedo range, she launched her three Mark 15 torpedoes. One blew off Chōkai's stern. The American sailors cheered "that a way Whitey, we hit 'em" as if it were a ballgame, as shells were still incoming. Roberts then fought with the Japanese ships for a further hour, firing more than six hundred 5 in (127.0 mm) shells, and while maneuvering at very close range, mauling Chōkai's superstructure with her 40 mm and 20 mm anti-aircraft guns.

No, it was choukai
>Choukai also got knocked around by Sammy early on.
With her torpedoes, yes. She very specifically did NOT fire her 5 inchers during that torpedo run
>Settle won't even consider subs
>Hate has been claimed by every ship from here to New York
>wolfpack of hungry USN subgirls go after Harder

He can't even refuse them for being nips.
Uh, Planefag Boss? I think you forgot your trip.
That is true of Deme, he doesn't seem quite as picky, hence running it by other people.

Hopefully there won't be a writefag who insists on having their bit be the center of the KCQ EU.

I was talking in the story where Sammy indeed went about punching both Choukai and Chikuma.

Forgot your trip, there, dingus.

Also: I'm stealing the USS New Orleans and some kraut destroyers. Ok? Ok. good.

how did I drop my trip fuck
In continuation of >>41844201
>At 08:51, the Japanese landed two hits, the second of which damaged the aft 5 inch gun. This damaged gun suffered a breech explosion shortly thereafter which killed and wounded several crew members. With her remaining 5 in (127.0 mm) gun, Roberts set the bridge of the heavy cruiser Chikuma on fire and destroyed the "Number Three" gun turret, before being hit by three 14 in (355.6 mm) shells from the battleship Kongō. The shells tore a hole 40 ft (12.2 m) long and 10 ft (3.0 m) wide in the port side of her aft engine room.

She also fucked up Chikuma. But it was both, not either/or.
Oh, yeah. That totally happened that way, yeah.
Source? I've got my copy of Tin Can Sailors open in front of my and by my reckoning and this account they turned about as soon as they made that torpedo run and faced their fate alongside Chikuma
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It works thusly:

"SUPER TOTAL OFFICIAL CANON FANFICTION:" The sidestories written by my close collaborators (such as Crix, Naka-chan and others which have obvious story integration,) can obviously be considered canon. In fact, with writeups such as Hate's perspective on the Battle of LA, it's not even a sidestory - the story would be incomplete without it! And writeups like Naka-chans are vital to keep developing themes such as the humanity of shipgirls, etc, that I have to drop for weeks at a time in the quest proper when we enter "super major battle mode."

"STRONG INDEPENDENT WRITEFAG DON'T NEED NO PLANEFAG:" Anything written by someone not collaborating closely with me can still be considered, uh, "canon" (if we're really gonna use that word for fucking fanfiction of a shitty mobage game) if it doesn't contradict the story proper. And by "contradict," I mean "flies in the face of all logic, reason and well-established fact and cockslaps it about with mad abandon." *Every other difference you might notice could, and should, be attributed to the bias of the alternate viewpoint telling the story.* A perfect example of this is Navyfag's work - we didn't "collaborate closely," but we didn't really need to, either - he talked with me to get the general gist of things, and charged off on his own doing shit like the prize-fighter fairy. Which, incidentally, I found hilarious. This category of writefags gives me endless opportunities to kidnap their good ideas and make them my very own super-special-precious-fanfiction-canon. Note that the only difference between Crix and Navyfag at the moment is that I haven't had a chance to integrate Navyfag's writing into the quest proper with obvious interplay... yet.
Deme, do you approve of random history lessons while we wait for votes, etc?
Not as official as I'd like it to be (i.e., not always accepted, if at all as a source for college papers), but still surprisingly accurate sometimes. It's the simplest thing to pull up in minimal time for a source: Sammy B Robert's Wikipedia page.
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"DAMNED AND EXCOMMUNICATE, FANFICTION OF FANFICTION:" These stories have been cast from the Glorious Light Of Fap Angel forever, condemned to languish in the dark abyss of "FANFICTION," never to know the grace of some fat greek fucker in Michigan somewhere. They allow you to do all the things fanfiction is supposed to allow you to do, such as explore alternate universes, outcomes, endings, characterizations and so forth. In many cases they might be completely "canon" except for one crucial "what-if" point of divergence that forms the basis of the story-question. That's one of the fundamentals of classic sci-fi writing, but nobody calls it "reality fanfiction" because we haven't invented emotional robots or warpdrives yet. In these cases you can consider anything that fits with the "canon core" to be canon, and anything that doesn't to be speculative realities; possible outcomes that did not come to pass, but could have, and so on. They could even be proper stories in their own right which just happen to share many broad premises with my quest.

Ultimate summation: canon is determined organically. Very organically, because sometimes I fuck up and forget what I myself wrote, because I suck, in which case the writeups, written by people with better memories than me, are MORE canon than my own fucking words. There's no Master List, or Approving Authority. You don't get in line at the fucking Secretary of State office to submit a *form.* It forms like coral growing on a rock, and the rock at its center is Brown Tewi.

That sounded more profound in my head.
>Hopefully there won't be a writefag who insists on having their bit be the center of the KCQ EU.

The rest of us tend to chase those kindsa people out pretty quickly. Everybody's cool to tell their own story, sure, but, like... IDK how to phrase it right, to be honest, but there's no 'main' writefag or whatever. Certain guys get more leeway based on their work in the past, certain ones are on thin ice, but ultimately Planefag is the final arbiter of what goes in and what doesn't. Well, from us, I mean, but in the end the whole story is shaped around anon's decisions and planefag's writing, not what any of us do.

Like, we're free to expand upon the quest at our leisure, not direct where it goes or what happens, I guess. Sorry, it's late, and I'm more on rockstar than sleep right now, so that probably doesn't make sense.
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>Roberts then fought with the Japanese ships for a further hour, firing more than six hundred 5 in (127.0 mm) shells, and while maneuvering at very close range, mauling Chōkai's superstructure with her 40 mm and 20 mm anti-aircraft guns.[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
Thank you kindly, fap angel
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>Deme, do you approve of random history lessons while we wait for votes, etc?

You know I love the shit out of them, right? Like all that about USS Salt Lake City tonight? I didn't know *any* of that shit. These are the stories, the real *stories* that bring these units and history to life. What I have time to look up is "Ship X fought in battle Y" on Wikipedia. I don't know that the Salt Lake City was called "Swayback" by her crew, or her wheel falling off twice in battle as she slugged it out with Japanese ships, or any of that. I knew that stuff by heart for airplane bullshit, since I've read everything in print on WWII pilot's accounts/memoirs and such, but for naval matters? Not a bit.

"Random history lesson" is everything I write in a damn nutshell, I love that shit. It's what we're all here for!
The article does actually cite this book for something else, though unrelated to Chokai
>ITT: historians having fun
planefag, have you got any books on the subject? If you don't I might need to remedy that
Aye, I saw that. I trust it though, as this isn't the only place I've seen that listed as part of the story. This'll sound like bullshit to you, and I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't saying it, but I honestly do recall a few other sources I've chanced across, while researching these naval histories that KCQ and WoWS have gotten me so interested in. The BS-sounding part is that I can's recall the specifics of the sources, only that I've come across them. Might be in some earlier threads, likely the one where Sammy B first appears and beats the shit out of Choukai again.
Thanks for the info. Do you mind if I run a few things by you just to find out were they may lay on the scale?

Nothing aside from Shattered Sword, honestly. And a book written by Lockwood about the late-war patrol that slipped into the Sea of Japan with fancy new sonar gear to guide them through minefields.
I'm sorry, but is the thread done for today or is deme is writing a update?
Nah, thread over man. We're just having post-thread writeup discussions.
>sometimes I fuck up
Speaking of which
>Visual contact is lost for a second as you pitch up violently, riding the rocket motor up to a a thousand feet in a few seconds
Tomahawks are only RATO, they've got a jet engine for flying.
There is another book about Samar that I've been eyeing, supposedly one with even more fact-checking, but yeah it doesn't match up with what I've read here.
Yeah, I definitely might need to fix that once the last of my summer pay comes through. You would fucking LOVE Tin Can Sailors.
Done. We're just talking about people doing write-fagging now.
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I feel like I may have introduced a Swayback Maru fanbase by accident.
>Swayback Maru

>USS Red Castle
>USS Gorilla
>USS Auspicious Crane
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>Thanks for the info. Do you mind if I run a few things by you just to find out were they may lay on the scale?

Sure thing man!

>Like, we're free to expand upon the quest at our leisure, not direct where it goes or what happens, I guess.

Oh fuck you. My friends and collaborators are constantly kicking around ideas and plucking out the shiny ones and laying them on a table and then going GEE WHAT'S THAT OUTSIDE LETS LOOK AWAY FROM THE TABLE FOR AN HOUR and when I stuff them in my cheeks and scurry away to my squirrel-hole they turn back and go GEE WHERE DID MY IDEA GO OH WELL I'M SURE IT'LL TURN UP and it does, it turns up in MY FUCKING QUEST, but then they just raise their hands and say ALAS, IT IS THE WILL OF FAP ANGEL

>Stern view
Not enough stern, though.

I have never, ever done that.

Name one time that's happened because of me.

Can't be any worse than the folks who introduced us to the FAT STACK twins
Ach, no please, I like the character in SW89 but actually being part cajun that typed accent gives me the cringe.
Now he neeeeeeeds to do it.
I haven't gotten my hands on any books about the battles themselves, and I'm in no condition at this time of night to do an internet search more advanced than "Sammy B vs. Choukai."
So I'll cede this one. I didn't have much of an argument, and while I'd still like to believe that Sammy fucked up Choukai's bridge with her AA, I can't in good conscience say it's the honest-to-whatever-diety(s)-you-believe-in Truth.
On that note, I think I've about dried this thread of any more useful information I'd be remembering, so I think I'll head off to bed. C'yall on Friday.
It's all right, Anon. Salt Lake City proved to be a splendid belle who deserves more love. Be proud of your accomplishment, even if it be by accident.
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I really wish I had never introduced us to the Fat Stack.

I was honestly just looking for another early fleet carrier for us to use that wasn't just "Essex #21".

I though the Fat Stack thing would just be a short lived joke.

God help me.

fat stack fucker~
hordes of youngspawn probably
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>thinking he's safe because I won't risk spoilers

The cane. Everything about the cane. Everything that will COME of the cane. Absolutely everything. It is a beautiful work of writing ping-pong where every serve is a new idea or modification of the idea, fueled by high-pitched giggles of unholy glee.

He gives Settle a cane, I'm thinking.

Naw, naw. He gives him a fucking gaudy PIMP CANE.

Sure. It's a nice cane... underneath. But he has to fuck with him. He can't not fuck with him.

Exactly, so, I found the accessory. A fish-globe. A fucking fish-globe.

... and naturally he loads a DOGFISH into it, because, you know, return that devil dog joke.

Its beautiful. Nothing I write would be a fraction as interesting or as dynamic without everyone that talks to me on IRC and even the random ideas Anon hurls out in threads, and I'm happy to admit to it.
Cheers mate. I'll double check my book, and thank you for reminding me indirectly that there was another one I was interested in- I just had it in a tab like an idiot and one unlucky session wipe later it was gone from my memory
Quick, somebody write up the BS that SoDak claims as if it was true for next time!

The cane's not that major and you know it.
Well, I doubt that my write-fag ideas would end up directing the quest in any way. Unless you plan moving out to the Atlantic. Anyway, here's the ideas:
>The UK building a cruiser scale ship based on the type 45 destroyer for the Saudi navy.
>Said ship having an AGS (partially because the system was made by BAE and not by a mostly American company)
>The being commissioned into the Royal Navy after the deal fell through.
>Armed transports (such as the MV Atlantic Conveyor) coming back as ship-girls
These are just a few ideas that I have that may or may not be included. These aren't all but my notes are on my PC that is currently getting a new graphics card installed.
>Inb4 Settle slaps an abyssal with the PIMP STICK to the tune of a 2pac song
Don't you mean Kirishima?

I don't know of any SoDak claims, other than "muh Battleship X"
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It's hilarious as shit, though.

Also this thread got misarchived with the GuP Quest tags on the suptg
blame /k/ripple
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>Settle has been continually established to be a fencer
>Planefag has gleefully hinted that the cane is actually a canesword
Hopefully it won't become FAT STACK the second.

Oh I can attest to that

Good luck with that, since he clearly has a preference for them, same with a certain someone with cripples, etc.

Not with this fanbase, you should see the IRC where jokes get ran way past their end date.
Damn you all
>Settle and his abyssal counterpart duel to this
I don't think much will come of Salt Lake. It was more of a "wow, cool" and "daaawwwww" kinda deal, rather than "HOLY SHIT IMAGINE HOW FAT HER ASS IS, EUUUUGHH".

People will probably forget all about SLC in a week or two, just like they did in 1948.
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I really do love the simplicity of your arguing style - refusing to engage on anything but your chosen ground, like anyone who knows how to win battles. The cane is just a sideshow, you think. A passing gag, a detail. There's no way he can point out everything I've contributed without dropping massive mondo spoilers, he thinks.

But I know something you don't. And I'm very, very good at making vague foreboding statements that let anon know the scale of something without telling them *what it is.*

So, yeah. Remember this post. "The cane's not that major and you know it." Write that down. Frame it. Hang it on your fucking wall.
I've never heard any Kirishima exaggerations, but watching the Battleship X youtube video was bizarre because SoDak kept claiming victories and refusing to name any other ship who even assisted. Sinking Kirishima is probably the biggest, since we know that was actually Washington, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the only exaggeration SoDak's crew made.
Well, I'm depressed by work, so I'll go back on my word and post part 03 of Arizona's ship-bell so you can tear me apart and complete my feeling of misery.


The sight of the once-silent battleship fidgeting like a girl in love is admittedly adorable. It’s also terrifying.

She kissed you. Your reliable subordinate/32,500 ton battleship/nation’s beloved war memorial kissed you.

Does the fraternization rules cover ships? Ships that came back as girls?

In an attempt to regain your bearings, you cast your gaze around you. And remember just then that you are not alone.

The first person you see is Goto. The smirking bastard is taking a video with his smartphone. Typical of a treacherous Jap to launch a sneak attack on a peace-loving American. When your revenge is over, you promise yourself, the name of Goto will only be spoken in Hell.

"WOW!" Kongou flashes V-signs at you and Arizona. "KONGOU-RATULATIONS, Arizona-sempai! GOOD JOB, Admiral Settle! You've finally consummated your BURNING LOVE!"

The ebullient battlecruiser in shrine maiden outfit pumped her clenched fists into the air. "But I won't lose to Arizona-sempai when it comes to showing my LOVE for Goto-teitoku!" she abruptly adds.

"Fuck," Goto snarls. His attempt to beat feet comes far too late. He only makes five steps before the long, limber legs of the already airborne Kongou straddles his head like a salvo of 14-inch armor-piercing shells.

Normally you’d be be savoring the deliciously cold dish of revenge while snatching up Goto’s abandoned smartphone and deleting the damning video. But your attention is drawn by the soft rustle of unmistakeable silver hair and a whimpered “Settle?”

Shoukaku is staring at you and Arizona. She looks devastated, betrayed and abandoned by someone she trusted.

She’s seen everything. The bell. The hug. The kiss. The promise. It’s practically a civil marriage in public.

And this after you took her on dinner, choked out a fatass who had been leering at her as if she was a sex object instead of thirty-two thousand tons of steel warship carrying eighty-four aircraft who happened to have the form of a breathtakingly pretty young woman.

She clutches her skirt. Her golden eyes are brimming with tears, but unlike Arizona hers are of disappointment. Her forced smile convinces no one, especially not herself. “I… I’m happy for you, Admiral Settle, Arizona-san,” she sniffles.

Your heart wrenches like a dirty rag. You feel like scum. Shoukaku is a sweet… girl. The last thing you wanted to do is hurt her. And neither did Arizona, judging by the way she’s fallen silent again.

"Shoukaku-nee!" Zuikaku glares Reppu squadrons at you. She takes offense on behalf of her sobbing sister. "Settle! How dare you break Shoukaku-nee's heart by leading her on when you already had a battleship?"

This gets Ikazuchi to gasp. "Admiral Skittles and Arizona-san were really lovers?" she exclaims. “So he was cheating on Shoukaku-san right after their date by sharing Arizona-san’s umbrella?”

The Greek chorus a.k.a. the rest of DesDiv 6 follow her lead. "Hawawa," the pink-faced Inazuma squeaks.

"Admiral!" Akatsuki pouts. "That's no way to treat a lady!"

"Plokhoy," Verniy (Hibiki has just recently received her Kai Ni) grunts in disapproval.

“Not cool,” Tenryuu disapproves.

Tatsuta just smiles. It reminds you of that Abyssal in Los Angeles.
Oh god, what have you done Ghostdivision!

What have you done?

Your own destroyer is applauding enthusiastically. "I’m so happy for you, big sister Arizona!" Willie Dee all but squeals in joy at seeing her big sister figure wrapped around your arm. She’s so happy, her stutter is gone. “I’m sure Admiral Settle will make you very happy!”

“I’m sure he will!” Kiyoshimo agrees. “He’d better!”

“Um... why are you here?” Willie wonders.

“Because battleships like Arizona-san are the best ships!” The battleship addict clasps her palms upon her pink cheeks. “Ah, when will Admiral Goto upgrade me into a battleship?”

“Please don’t mind her,” Fubuki apologizes on behalf of the saner part of the IJN.

“O-okay,” Willie mumbles.

The dynamic duo of Hate and Sammy flash huge shit-eating grins at you. 'The D,' Sammy is mouthing. 'Give it to the A.'

‘No,’ you glare at the Marine and the tinier, cuter Marine. You’re revoking Sammy’s X-Box privileges for a week.

Harder rolls his eyes behind his Raybans. "At least you went American, S-man," he dismisses.

Naka subtly nudges him in the ribs. With her hip. And such a nice, pale, sweetly-scented, soft, slender hip it is, barely concealed by a way-too-short skirt, perfect for caressing and pinching and squeezing and bearing children...

Harder promptly slams his airlock shut as his overheated brain crash dives into the coldest, darkest, deepest place in his mental abyss.

Last but not least is Hornet. Your Indian princess is smiling. “Congratulations,” she tells you and Arizona.


There. Have fun stoning me to death.

Does this mean the next GuP Quest thread archived will probably have the KCQ tags?
SoDak did act as the worlds most expensive distraction for a few minutes. The only claims I've seen listed were by internet fanboys, not official Navy records.

You're kinda really easy to lead about, you know that?

All someone's gotta do is say that something's a bad idea or that you totally aren't setting something up with some minor passing detail and all of the sudden bad shit happens or your Chekhov's Gun goes off.
On one hand, I feel that Kongou would not say that. On the other, it's just too damn funny at 4:30 AM with three and a half hours left in a shift that's had too many things go fucking wrong.


What, is the cane going to be one of the few fucking things that keeps Settle close enough to his humanity later on after the others are gone or dead or fighting far away form him. And the one little piece he has left is that fucking cane from Hate with the dogfish, so he's going to metaphorically get up to say fuck you to Hate one last time?

Also Planefag which would be better to use for a carrier fighting other navies of mostly similar scope plus some abyssal shit a McDonnell XFD-1 Phantom, or Lockheed P-80A?
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>Harder promptly slams his airlock shut as his overheated brain crash dives into the coldest, darkest, deepest place in his mental abyss.

Settle is hinted to be a fencer.
He has a cane.

It's a sign. Next opportunity you get, go have yourself a short stack of pancakes with a chili, sausage, and egg breakfast burrito.
No, Settle's next cane is going to have a sword in it. Or maybe one of our current canes have swords in them. Have we even checked?

/r/ Hamsterplanefag
So, it'll really be a cane-shotgun then? It DID come from Hate after all.
>hunger pains increase.
Hate wouldn't go that low.
I bet it's even patterned after Zatoichi's blade itself.

But that would be way too obvious, which is exactly why it's probably maybe not that likely.
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>Also Planefag which would be better a first generation fighter or a third generation fighter?
The only fighter I can think of that is immune to fighter generations is the F4 Phantom.
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>Next thread there will be a flurry of votes by people wanting Settle to start twisting and tugging and fucking with his cane
>"What are you doing?"
>"Checking if there's a sword in here!"
>the looks
>the LOOKS
>he's walking through the metal detector at the security checkpoint with it, stealing suspicious glances at Hate and muttering about carbon-fiber and ceramics

if I did not know these joys I would die
>Carbon-fiber blade
The phone call fucked him up more than he lets on.
Which is better a Corsair or a Hellcat?

Wouldn't Hornet be also equipped with the former?
Nah, You've got to THINK LIKE HATE.

Hold on, is Yamato missing any of her guns?
I should probably ask- Would books be an appropriate thing for you to receive? Anime figurines and waifu pillowcases are one thing, but reading takes up time and shit and I wouldn't want to burden your shelf

You say things like this, which, to me, is funny. What, is settle going to have to engage in a swashbuckling sword duel with the abyssal admiral at some point? How, pray tell? I know only what you've told me, of course, but 'you'll see' and foreboding is a smokescreen, sir.

N'awlins when.


Nothing. Don't worry about it.
As far as carrier survivability goes, the Cat reigns supreme.
The Corsair had too much of a stability issue when it comes to carrier landings.
If it were going to be a non-metal blade, then obsidian would be one of the best possible choices. If I recall properly, some obsidian blades are used by surgeons. Granted, they are brittle.

That's me making a lame, lame, laaame pun about her loud line of CONGRATULATIONS.

You're welcome, Boss. Have fun with it.
So need a picture of Settle getting a piggyback ride from Arizona, out on the water, saying "Bring me closer so I can hit them with my sword!" While holding out a cane...when is decus next drawthread?
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We still need to spar with Tenryuu at some point
Obsidian is a terrible blade material- way, way, way too fucking brittle. It is LITERALLY glass, no matter how sharp. And one of those aztec things wouldn't fit in a cane
Then why was the Corsair so renown then?



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I didn't say it wasn't renowned. It was more of a land-based bird, though.
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Hate, the fuck did you do to Yamato?
Can and did. It fires and cycles just fine, too.

Now ask your secretary about requisitions.


now I understand why weebs sneer at dubs, holy shit
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how the fuck do you even incapacitate a Yamato long enough to steel one of her guns
Eva's dub wasn't even that bad though
It wasn't, like, Big O or anything but it was passable.
Oh my god planefag do not EVER watch the dub of End of Evangelion dub while sober. Among other things they just straight-up replaced one of the existing dub actors with a black dude
You aluminum it, you idiot.
Was the donor close by for the whole process?
Because I've got a feeling that the Scale Factor is going to break your kneecaps with its bullshit

Hate is a ship grille
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Nice try you cumgargling badgerrodgering liquid-shitbubble. She just sent me a selfie to prove she didn't get hacked up. In her Outfit, even. All nine guns, all secondaries, all tertiaries. If you made something that can take the shipgirls' mini bagged charges as ammo I don't care what you do as long as you stand far away from me when you kB! your own dumb fucking ass. It'll happen sooner or later; sooner with the number of full-power charges those old guns were rated at and your propensity to run up the ammo bill.

But I'll admit you got me. Got me good. For a second there I believed you, and I felt the sheer awful terror of a man who just saw a crab climb out of the pot and steal the chef's knife. I'll remember that wonderful moment of emotion you just gave me. I'll pay you back in kind, to thank you for that singular experience. I'll start thinking about how best to do it right fucking now.
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He slipped her a Cosby Special but upped the dose is what I'm guessing.
That one is insignificant.

If you want your ears raped/sides obliterated watch Infinite Stratos dubbed. Whoever thought they should get bad VAs to try and do fucking british/german/french ACCENTS should have been dragged behind the office and shot.

Hey, want a fast history lesson?

the IJN'a 18.1" naval rifle wasn't designed to be relined when it'd been worn out.

It was designed to be replaced. they made 27 of them.
>Among other things they just straight-up replaced one of the existing dub actors with a black dude

Y'know if they had changed nothing else that might've been fucking hilarious
...I'd forgotten about that. It's been a while since I last watched the old TV series.

Thanks, Anon, you made my day better.
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>All nine guns, all secondaries, all tertiaries
Didn't Yamato have 12 guns?
Did you turn them into a Gatling gun design?

Or did you give them to DES DIV 6?
nope, 3x3 turrets
Daily reminder that best shipgirl still hasn't made an appearance
>the IJN'a 18.1" naval rifle wasn't designed to be relined when it'd been worn out.
>It was designed to be replaced.

What. What the fuck. Why, Imperial Japan? Why? You went to war due to a shortage of steel, and yet your biggest guns are designed to waste that very same hard-earned steel. Aaarrrggghhh...
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>A total of 27 guns were produced, with the first one being completed in March 1938 and tested at the Kamegakubi proving grounds. Eighteen of these guns were lost with Yamato and Musashi, two test guns at Kamegakubi were demolished in November 1945 in accordance with the general disarmament orders of the U.S. Army and the remaining seven were found in various stages of completion on the beach in a cove north of Kamegakubi. See picture on the additional photographs page link below. Five of these remaining guns were destroyed while the last two were taken to Dahlgren Proving Grounds in Virginia, USA, for testing. These were reportedly cut up for scrap sometime during the 1950s. Two partially completed turntables intended for Shinano were also captured and later destroyed.

Yeah a 21 meter long barrel wasn't just sitting around for 60, 70 years with nobody knowing about it, cool story marine. WHY DON'T YOU GO FLY A SQUIRREL IYKWIM
Oi skip, don't bring Parker into this argument.

We're dealing with the fucking animus of a seventy year old battlefucking wagon returned as a hot brunette chick and you want to tell me that because we found and scrapped the real fucking deal 70 years ago she couldn't possibly have access to spares.

Oh my fucking god I think we could use you as fucking reactor shielding you dense motherfucker.
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This has been a good night
>More learning about the Abyssal threat
>Conventional forces fighting alongside kanmusu
>A hidden gem of amazing naval history
>Comfy historical chitchat afterwards
>Homeworld's soundtrack
>Watching Settle and Hate engage in a historical referencing-off
>Oi skip, don't bring Parker into this argument.

Those are secret squirrels. They're very very different from flying squirrels. They both live at Yokosuka, but secret squirrels are smart and crazy and crazysmart. Flying squirrels are crazy, but they're crazy fucking STUPID. Trust me on this.
Well I mean she never carried the spares in her lifetime before sinking.even when the real deal was still around
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get a room you two
>crazy fucking STUPID
It's like you don't trust R and D, admiral.
>Hate tests the new 18.1" HC shell
Dat shockwave

Has it ever occured to you that there's just some questions one should not ask? Just because we're the Enlightened Few who aren't walking chalk around the kanmusu like they're gonna go BEEP BOOP MEATBAG and transform into a mighty morphin abyssal ranger at the drop of a fucking hat doesn't mean that their very existence isn't MIND-WARPINGLY WEIRD even to me.

For instance, the carriers. They get planes. You might say they "have access" to planes. But how, exactly, does this come about? I don't know. I don't want to know. Knowing might well involve my fucking death. I brought it up obliquely, by accident when I was talking to Akagi the other day. Akagi. Fucking AKAGI, misses Sweetness and Love.


So yeah. I don't believe you. You knowing those Secrets and yet still having your limbs attached to exploit them just doesn't gel.

Hey skipper. Hey. Hey. FUCKING HEY.

Which one of us was it that spent several days inside Iowa's sickbay after LA? WHICH FUCKING ONE OF US. Also: Hornet doesn't fucking hold her booze well. But If I say any fucking more they'll make me start preparing briefings for the fucking JCS and that's even further from what I fucking want than fucking dog sitting.

Besides, Yamato's a nice girl. She gets embarrassed, not "THESE ARE SECRETES NOT MEANT FOR MAN" bullshit. Like I'd give a fuck anyway even if they were.
You should have asked Shoukaku or Hornet. They'd probably have told you.
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>Plane supply is still in the realm of 'how the fuck even', as opposed to shells and powder which are straightforward enough in method if not mechanism
Good to know! Spooky, but good.
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>Hornet doesn't fucking hold her booze well

called it

don't let Pocahontas back in the bar
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>Which one of us was it that spent several days inside Iowa's sickbay after LA? WHICH FUCKING ONE OF US.

And when I press you on this you'll start demurring with "I AIN'T TELLIN YOU SHIT 'BOUT THAT" so you can just >imply that you know the ~secrets of the kanmusu.~ Well fuck you, until further detailed notice you shot yourself up with morphine from a first-aid kit and spent SEVERAL DAYS tripping fucking balls while you crawled around trying to find the door out. In other words a typical shore leave without the STDs, itsfuckingnothing.png

Yes, Yamato is a nice girl. Which is why she's STILL texting me on your behalf even as you indulge in your favorite game "make the skipper scream." I'm sure you were up to something, at one point. That AR lower didn't walk away on its own. But if you actually completed your project you wouldn't be able to dangle it over my fucking head like the AR of Damocles, eh? Just because planefukker gets away with it with anon doesn't mean it flies with me. You think I got through Annapolis without learning what bullshit smells like?

Forgot to say how much I loved this, god I lol'd

wondered when waifuing of hornet would start
Hornet not being able to hold her liquor is exactly the right mixture of hilarious and subtly racist that this setting deserves

Fucking fine. Meet me on the range tomorrow. I already did bench tests, I need to zero the fucker.
>Implying it hasn't been going on for the past few threads now
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>Just because planefukker gets away with it with anon doesn't mean it flies with me.
forgot your trip
>wondered when waifuing of hornet would start

Not even waifuing, Hate liquored up an Indian. I'm not implying that they did fuck, just making a not-so-subtle racist remark about Indians and booze.

This guy gets it.
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Should the fire crews and HAZMAT teams also be notified for when this all goes inevitably, horribly wrong?
This reminds me that Hate/Yamato/Settle is also a wholesome and acceptable arrangement.

If it goes wrong I'll fucking hand my EGAs off to green day.
If it goes wrong everyone on the range will probably be dead
we need more drunken Hornet stories
I don't think it's really serious, at least until it's clear she's fully over her issues and even then she has Arizona and Shokaku to contend with.

That being said that pic is mildly amusing.
Being a flagship is a perfectly wholesome way to have two important men inside you at once!
you know, thats true

its been a while since we've had a drunken Hate rant

explain yourself marine

and get your hands out of your fucking pockets
Speaking of girls with flag bridges, I can't remember- were you still keeping in touch with Iowa via snail mail, or is that just one of those anon ideas
That's classified information~
yeah i'll meet you at the range and watch your gun CYCLE REAL FINE with the fucking baggecharges with the g11 bolted onto ar lower cuz magic mystical gunwhisperer fairy more like FAGGOT like submariners seeyou and ltheyr'e like who's dis fukkin lightintheloafers fuckbukiit someone make him fast to thedeck or he blow away


BECUASE I'MFUCKING DRUNK, BECUASE OF COKCSUCKMCGEE HERE FUCKNIG FUCKWAD MADE ME HEMMINGWAY SO HE'S RAESON I'M DRUNK, NOT FATGREET FAGGOT anymore no no I ghot my own fucking haterate fucker i think he flowed downhill from suicide site and milngeld with the great waters and became some knid of marintime std or something fuck I hate him so much i forget his real name even he's just hate to me becuaes fuking prick


yeah fuckyou sheholder liquier fine she can carry YOU out whenshef inds the door you know what i mean, toubh bitch shejust gets grabby whenshe's had a few like, in fights usuall yshe can just hatchetaquestion bu t anything else its like that abe circle thing. sin thing. the fucking sin thing, so tis hard

eatshit all of you i'm hitting the racnk and sleeping in i'm promoted now, suck my brassbhassl thel hate to go eat a frog and croak no it
Why aren't people commenting on this image more?
>Slowly spiraling into senseless speaking
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As per BuShips order B. U. C. & R. No 162285, section #51-3-(1)(6106-5805); EN28/A2-11;

All transcendence between the U.S.S. Iowa (Serial No. BB-61) and personnel both enlisted and non enlisted has been blocked until which time that it is considered declassified.

Any and all violators will be prosecuted to the full extant of military and civil law.

Oh my fucking god how the fuck do you do this fucking shit. I'm sending someone over.

Maybe Arizona. In fact, yes. Arizona. Fucking, stand by and prepare to receive visitors or some fucking shit.
what is there to be said that isn't clear as day?
Oh you NAVSEA boys and your hate for fun.

I think you mean 'correspondence', bruh.

Because i'm pretty sure Iowa and Hate aren't spontaneously becoming gods.
I wonder what it takes to get Arizona drunk. Shes small, but shes still a battleship.

I wonder if shes ever even HAD alcohol.
>Inb4 they already are

betchur sending someowne over pussyuling faget scard to come oyrself you know what wed o in annapolis we get your headin the fuckin gjar just needs enoguh forc e we can aplplky it think marineas on ly on ewo can hol dluqir i dlkn ;LADKS;FJLADS;LADKJSFA

fyucking capslocks fuckyou i'll fucking show yhou don't nened to type to kick your assh s trashe da bhar so bad once myholy nation was like why hsoul di fucknig bial you out you dumbufck and i'm like sir iw ash a fight and he's like so why you go braek the bar after marine took it out side and no no fight started INSIDE and marine go OUTSIDE AND HE'S like CAPSLOCKL;ADS '
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The auto correct subsystems will also be prosecuted.
As a girl? Probably not. But seeing as how the shipgirls seem to have a slightly-terrifying gestalt memory imprint from their crew, I'm sure she's well informed in how young men got stupid back in her day

betchur sending someowne over pussyuling faget scard to come oyrself you know what wed o in annapolis we get your headin the fuckin gjar just needs enoguh forc e we can aplplky it think marineas on ly on ewo can hol dluqir i dlkn ;LADKS;FJLADS;LADKJSFA

fyucking capslocks fuckyou i'll fucking show yhou don't nened to type to kick your assh s trashe da bhar so bad once myholy nation was like why hsoul di fucknig bial you out you dumbufck and i'm like sir iw ash a fight and he's like so why you go braek the bar after marine took it out side and no no fight started INSIDE and marine go OUTSIDE AND HE'S LIKE ADSERAXZaw cpaslock fuck ur so NO i helped yhim outside defensetersedaed his cockfuck jarhead

i got a window fyr you cokcfuck see if i don't
>the memory of being full of nearly 2000 horny teenagers
>all of that semen flowing through here piping
Admiral, calm your jimmies. You're barely making any sense anymore.

I called Arizona. She'll be right over. Drink water, you fucking queer.
I mean hell, wasn't there an anon in one of the earlier threads whose grandpa from the Arizona survived Pearl Harbor because he was blacked out drunk somewhere the night before
can't tell if planefag nettle is actually drunk or if this is some sort of elaborate marine bait
>called Arizona

and how did that work out for you Hate?

>Hello? Arizona?
>Arizona, Settle is drunk and needs help

fine you want sens elike a meeting righ tyeah we real good at fucking meetins in this mans fucking nayv here's a fuckn gpower point in asciiii form you fuck

a. fuckwads:
1. jarfuck hatehead

B fedthef uck up with this fuck ing fuck
1. ME

good gjob guys lokat porn on your smartphones for twenty minute sand make the it guy sthand there wiating for his fucking usb dongle back soh ecan go do actual fuckign work unllike you you're a real offcier now be proud
That sounds just about right, yeah
You the people in this vid? This is you now, admiral.
Pretty much. texting her is easier, sometimes you actually get fucking words. Fucking rare though, she usually responds in images. God only fucking knows where she finds time to download them all.

That's cute. I'm still sending Arizona over to make sure you don't drown in your own fucking puke, that's how Hendrix died.
maybe we should set up a telegraph line between Arizona and Settle

this not talking thing is getting out of hand
>Pretty much. texting her is easier, sometimes you actually get fucking words. Fucking rare though, she usually responds in images. God only fucking knows where she finds time to download them all.

just get her a pager
...what kind of images? Like, stock photo charades or dangerously memey?
maybe it pictures of her hull in various conditions

probalby form GREEK FUCKAGGOT YES YOU awlays post with a LES MUG ANIME BITCH fyucuking weeb faggot gb2v fuckign

ca;l me drunk fuck arizona break the door i don break anything cna't type who fucking arcs i smack youre ksull hate cjuset come overhere i'm fucknig eatyou r face off


but exactly the kind of degenerate shit I'd write about
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See my mind went to the morbid option of her wreck, not her "hull"

How much did that stupid bastard drink this time?
I guess mutually assured destruction but that doesn't fit.

So what is it?
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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_anomaly_detector , probably
Magnetic field detectors. Often go on sub hunting helicopters. Only go off if you're right over them, but work even if they're running silent.
suppose that says something about me huh
We already knew you were a perv Sent.
>Arizona has taken to smartphone and internet usage proficiently
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--.- ... ..-.

That fucking much? Jesus. Might wanna call the docs, that motherfucker just set himself up for alcohol poisoning. I'll be over in a fucking minute with the fucking bag. He passed the fuck out yet?

oh wait, so you actually rescued him

this is next level meta posting
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>stayed up until 6:30 when I have to be at work by 9 just so I could see Ari cuteness

worth it
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someone should update this with the New Mexico's that we got to see earlier
I hope the suptg archive doesn.t miss this.
Yeah, this has been a good night
It won't not with 4chan's built-in temp archive
--.- - .-- / --. --- --- -.. / -- --- -... .. .-.. . / .-. . ... .. ... - .. -. --. / --.- .-. -... ..--..
don't worry, archive will automatically record a thread once every two hours. Since threads go into the 4chan view only archive for a while it means that once this falls off the board the archive will get at least one more view of the thread and catch anything at the end.

>captcha: select all images with boats
hahahahaha, it keep happening
I beat that with one causality the first time I did that, no warning, no reading guides or anything, hell I didn't even check guides during the mission.

That one casualty? I got greedy and made a stupid mistake.

Oh god why the fuck can you not words on the internet. Whatever. Driving time, I'm across post in the empty armory by the fucking dock. I'd call for a meatwagon from the base medical fucks, but I don't think the fucker needs a drunk and disorderly going into the public fucking record. Fuck. On the way.
>sank in 1941

Daaaaamn, shes fucking 25. No wonder she acts mature, its because she is.

on a side note, that rules out any future development of her "assets"
>1912 to 1944
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>Oh god why the fuck can you not words on the internet.
>Any of the Iowa sisters
>Bongo is 32

this explains so much
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Perfect age to become a Flag Officer's wife without seeming creepy, really.

...How old *is* Goto?
Iowa was only technically in service for 19 years.


I swear to fucking god, woman. You do this shit on fucking purpose.
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>wife without seeming creepy

no, you stop that

25 isn't even old by naval standards
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why does settle have pictures of Kongo saved on his phone
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>using implying
Well, it's been nice knowing you, lads.
Come on, I know we don't have any other standard-types to compare you with yet, but you can't honestly say you're not a bit petite for a battleship.
Oh my fucking god i cannot fucking wait for Missouri to wake up. As soon as she fucking does I'm pointing her straight at your fucking ass.
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oh fuck my sides and heart at Arizona picture-posing at us.
We are through the fucking looking glass here, and it is equal parts bewildering and adorable
Option 1) Settle had that on his phone already
Option 2) We have severely underestimated Arizona
Option 3) Settle got his phone back from her
That's it, Arizona confirmed drunk.
Pro fucking tip. it's #2.
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>Option 2) We have severely underestimated Arizona
Missouri is going to have to contain Arizonas shitposting

what a world we live in
It's always the quiet ones, as they say
There's no way Settle didn't have that pic primed for ither purposes though
Everyone panic
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Horny then?

Please don't rape settle.
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>why does settle have pictures of Kongo saved on his phone

>Option 1) Settle had that on his phone alreadyOption
>2) We have severely underestimated ArizonaOption
>3) Settle got his phone back from her

I like to imagine that what's actually going on is that she's actually just taking pictures of Kongou *right now* and posting them. Kongou is an enabler in these shenanigans. Shame on her.
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Arizona confirmed A-cup angst

I have a picture for this..oh good

here it is
>I like to imagine that what's actually going on is that she's actually just taking pictures of Kongou *right now* and posting them. Kongou is an enabler in these shenanigans. Shame on her.

Well that, or, Settle had gotten pictures of Kongou in preparation for trolling Goto.
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I'm going to save this. This whole conversation. Such as it fucking is. Then I'm going to SHOW Missouri. You know MIssouri, right? the big one, watching over you there in pearl? Eternally guarding you? Your big sister?

That Missouri? Oh, I can't fucking *WAIT* for her to come back. It will be fucking glorious.
Well, what does this say about Settle's power levels now?!
Ok yeah, Shoukaku is a nice girl and all but Arizona is a match made in shitposting heaven on top of being best firl already. It would be a crime to do otherwise
A little old standard type like you wouldn't be ideal to be an admirals flagship anyways. Not when Iowas exist as alternatives.
You don't even have a nice butt anyways.
>planefag staying up until 7am to dick around in-character
I love you too, man
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>You don't even have a nice butt anyways.
You can't even read Japanese, can you.
Oh come on, I'm sure a few dozen half dollars could be bounced off no issue. Though think of what Pennsylvania might think...or would she join in?
I'm sure she'll love being drawn with a fat stern
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>Arizona's powerlevel
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Pennsy's a bitch.

But shes a well developed bitch.
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At this point I'm starting to think Harder is nearby and coaching Arizona.

Oi, you're too early buddy
how'd that work our for you last time hun?
From some quick checks, proportional to her overall length compared to the taper on an Iowa-class... yeah, that's a pretty healthy behind in my estimation
Ok, fucking, Arizona, buddy, pal, DARLING. Why the fuck is Settle tied up?
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>From some quick checks, proportional to her overall length compared to the taper on an Iowa-class

doesn't look that "healthy" to me
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DESDIV6 has nothing to do with this, and you and I both know it.

Arizona, why do you have the admiral tied the fuck up.
Probably because she hasn't mastered shitposting with one hand yet
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quick, post embarrassing baby pictures of Arizona for all to see!
This is like some kind of soap opera, but with shipgirls, a Marine, and Settle.

This is great. Arizona is great.
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>Dat pic
we're reaching a level of meta that can't possibly be contained. is this real life?

Arizona. How the fuck do you even know about this shit. Who the fuck is teaching you this.

And are you trying to fucking say you're scared of how strong he is? He might ravish you or fucking something?
Settle is strong like ox, Hate.
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Probably didn't want him drunkenly breaking things with his beeftruck arms
so you're afraid he might drunkenly sex you

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This is all amazing

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Maybe she's into rope play and wants him to burst his way out before ravishing her?
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who knows what kinds of kinky fetishes were imprinted on you by your crew over a period of 25 years
>Thinking Arizona is lewd
Come on, sailors.
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all ships are inherently lewd, they're filled with thousands of horny seamen that spends months away from women for christs sake
>all ships
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you am bote grille
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I'm fucking dying.
I'm guessing Hate is just standing by, shaking his head and watching nature take its course
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Are you a submarine now Arizona? Or is Harder in on this somehow.
Goodnight, Arizona. Shine on you crazy diamond
Sleep well. I still got thirty minutes left in my shift and then a one-hour ride home. Thanks for sticking around and giving me some good laughs throughout my twelve-hour shift. I know you didn't do it for me, but I appreciate it all the same.
>not grasping an >implication
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>Are you a submarine now
of course that would be the last image

now you can't even fucking respond


do we really need to buy you a speak and spell?
Got Told.
Settle is going to have an amazing morning, hangover as-
Oh my fucking god he's still on blood thinners isn't he, no wonder he went down so hard
Convenient excuse. Don't try to bullshit me woman. Alright, fucking go to bed. The dipshit will be fine and we can work on you two's highly fucking amusing mutual attraction later, ok? ok.
See, this was fun.
What will be crazy/fun is when the planefag squirrel starts weaving it back into the main quest
I figure Shoukaku would have a word in that.

Maybe Hornet too.

I wonder what happens if either get ahold of Settles phone.

We need more of this.
We return...

To see we have missed quite the fun conversation.

Patient Arizona has proven to have quite the wit hidden in her silence, we see.

Still voting for Sweet Shoukaku, though. I like the alliteration.
Too bad you were late for the exchange, bentus.

It was quite the racket.

Oh, the possibilities...

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