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Previous Thread:

All Previous Threads:

Hero list:

Tech list (Please note I update this every two threads):

Hello and welcome back to the Minotaur Civilization Quest! In the previous thread:

>A) We discovered the radio.

>B) We sent a diplomatic envoy to the Western humans, who were subsequently shot while leaving William alive and in shock

>C) Found the cure for AIDS

Also, someone archived the thread before me and said we nuked ourselves. That doesn't seem very accurate, but there's fuck all we can do about it.
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>Population (Minotaurs) 11247
>Population Growth 883
>Population (Minotaurs) 6637
>Population Growth 268
>Population (Minotaurs) 1526
>Population Growth 293
>Population (Human) 1196
>Population Growth 195
>Population (Minotaurs) 3161
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Human) 3314
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Minotaurs) 7500
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Human) 830
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Minotaurs) 330
>Population Growth -75
>Population (Human [Free]) 246
>Population Growth -82

Eight actions and a tech please!
Fuck, meant to say four techs. My apologies.
Present and accounted for.

Rolled 70 (1d100)

>White Beast Skull (Y U NO PAY ATTENTION TO ME)
I've got no ideas.
Just read the tech and hero lists, read old threads a bit, and watch something fantasy-y
thats what I do
Got it.
Though right I'm watching Rick and Morty
That counts as fantasy, right?
Of course.
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>R1: White Beast Skull
>70+15=85: Great Success!

After a long day of working (i.e. dealing with two crying children and wondering why the third wasn't so much as cooing) Catherine collapsed into the Royal Bed, only to be interrupted by a gruff and annoying voice.


Assuming she was hallucinating, she just nodded and went back to sleep. She was then woken by the skull of a White Beast hitting her right in the dome.


Groaning, she grabbed the jabbering skull and simply asked "What are you?"

>"I am Tyuot, a 'White Beast' that your leader, what was his name, Drozen? Somethin' like that? No wait, that's the city name...Ah fuck it. Point is, you bastards never bothered to kill me, so I got to get a front row seat to everything you guys've been doing!"

Catherine eyes him wearily, assuming she's just having one hell of a dream.

>"Gotta say, you guys sure are funny to watch. But I would like to stop being a spectator. Not entirely sure how you could do that, but if you could, I should be able to give your magic a little 'oomph', if you know what I mean."

Shrugging, the Queen then tosses the skull besides her bed, and with a loud thunk it lands and she drifts off to the sound of him screaming bloody murder.
What next....
So I'm guessing this thing is more or less Ryuk? Should be fun.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Stab Tyuot with a White Beast Tooth
Make sure we are guarded
Hell yeah!
New Hero?
Satanic trips deems it so
I keep forgetting to check the post number, lol
Satan Blesses this Post
First Minotaur quest thread and I have to say it is a huge blast to be here. I am a a major fan and mq has inspired my own game design and the template for what a quest is.

It is an honor to Roll theae Roles with you ladie and gentlemen
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>A1: Stab
>93: Amazing success!

The following morning, Catherine realizes she was not, in fact, dreaming an incredibly lucid dream. After a short time fucking with the skull, she gets an idea. Digging around in the Royal Treasury, she finds a small fragment of bone that, upon closer inspection, appears to be a tooth. Summoning a squadron of guards, she places them outside the door to her chambers and, behind the skull's back(?) she lightly scrapes him. Well, no that's not the word. It's more of a quick thrust to the back of the head.

>"What in the three Hells were you hoping to-"

He is cut off by a blinding burst of light erupting from the hole left by it, and, upon ending, Catherine sees the skull has turned to ash...

>"Heh, this is new."

Tyuot's voice comes from above and Catherine looks up, eyes still readjusting. The figure in front of her has a midnight black skin tone, sans his face which appears to be more of a grey. Spiky hairs sprout from his scalp, and his ribs are visible right through his chest. A pair of feathery wings, like that of a crow's, have sprouted along his back, with his eyes taking a beastly nature.

>"Thanks hon. Mind if I stick around? Been a while since I've been able to move, and I think I need some reintroductions."

Thank you good sir, it's an honor to play with you as well.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Send another voyage out

We are at the north pole, so we shpul be able to send a crew the opposite direction to the other hemisphere
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Ask him to boost our magic, and when he is done, capture and experiment on him.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Someone should draw these characters

Set up a Mine in Hevok, see what we find
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Investigate the Fungals in preparation foe a final solution
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>A2: Voyage
>30: Failure!

After receiving news of William's failure to MAP THE WORLD, Catherine begrudgingly authorizes a second attempt. Ships are built, supplies are made, a crew is hired, all seems set. They set sail to the cheers of friends and family. Later on that same day, a storm sweeps through the area careening them into an iceberg. None would make it out alive.

>A3: Boost
>20: Below average failure!

>"Oh yeah, I should try an' boost your magic shit, shouldn't I?"

Tyuot places a hand, or rather a claw, on his chin, thinking this over.

>"Not entirely sure it'll work, but I can give it a shot. Oh, and I can see that armed squadron outside the doors. Try anything and you'll end up dead."

He cackles a bit to himself, then performs some rather elaborate motions with his hands, all the while going "GIGGITYBOBBITYFLIGGITYHOBBITYGERBATYBOBBIDYBOB!" Frankly it's hilarious to watch, though it does fuck all in terms of actual use.

>A4: Mine
>82+5+5=92: Amazing success!

Meanwhile in Hevok, land of somewhat rational people, a few miners decide to go digging. Right along the shoreline I might add. The ground is quite easy to dig through (past the first layer of sod and dirt), and they soon hit hard rock. After some quick excavations, they find, among other things:

>A thick, viscous black liquid

>Various gems

>Gratuitous amounts of coal


>A small book marked "The Book of Misery"

Other than that, they also find signs of some kind of underground civilization, as there are numerous places wear there should be an ore vein but instead there is only air.
This will be done on Cuth's turn
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Have one read the book of misery.

If he gets super powers yay for us.

If he goes mad, we can mass produce it as use them as weapons
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Good, if the book curses him to a grisly death we just need to spend a thousand or so lives to write down copies then we can air drop them on our enemies,
Rolled 23 (1d100)

No, I do. I just like watching.
He will probs summon The Old Gods and they will destroy Hevok
Hey a question, was the whole

>scaring the black people with 2spooky and then enslaving them

A deliberate play at black humor or just a darkly hilarious coincidence
Kek didn't realize that

>A5: Book of Misery
>15: Complete failure!

Upon picking up the Book of Misery with one's hand, that individual loses much of their will to live. Opening it up, they find a set of rules.

>1: This Book of Misery has the power to cause and individual to commit suicide.

>2: The individual in question must have a date specified, as well as a name and how painful the suicide is to be,

>3: Any individual who uses this will be unable to pass on to the spirit realm.

>4: This book will have a name written in it every month. If not, the individual who last touched it will spiral into depression and commit suicide by hanging.

After this, he writes his own name after taking a bet. He's found the next morning, dead by way of blood loss.

I assumed both. There's more nations in the area with the same people.
Then we entice them with the far more widespread, reproducing and filling fungals.

Hevok dies and we herd them right to the jungle.

Go full Herald of Galactus
There's more effects but I would not like to reveal them just yet.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Ah man I was cracking up reading the archive.

I was like

>No fucking way they go there

and then you did!
Was like an episode of south park

good show.


Write down every Dark Elf name we know
>More effects
This is like your DM saying 'However' or 'I need some more D6's...'
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Capture Tyout and experiment on him
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Breed Ty with the queen, demon blood in the royal lineage will give us great power.
Can we do an action like that twice in one turn after failing one time? I'd hope so.
I lost count how mamy actions do we have?
8 Actions and 4 Techs
8. You finished up them all so we've got three techs left.
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I could try drawing them. It might even turn out half decently.


>A6: Dark Elf Names
>54: Average!

Word of this book spreads on the winds of the sea right to Catherine's ears, and she immediately acquires it from a disgruntled Tsunami. A dark idea begins to take hold in her head as she slips on a pair of heavy iron gauntlets, and she writes down the names of both Dark Elf leaders. Sending a human spy (seeing as how it'd be kind of hard to blend in a Minotaur) and she reports back that there has been no change in leadership. Catherine quickly rechecks the rules, and finds a small annotation on the 2nd rule.

>"Must be a full name."


Catherine mutters this to herself and tosses the book aside.

>A7: Capture
>42: Average!

Tyuout is less than pleased at your attempts to capture him, and takes his complaints straight to the Queen.

>"Look hon, I know I'm incredibly handsome and all, but I'd rather not be locked away and tested like some kind of fetish toy! So kindly tell your boys in the labs to stop trying to catch me."

>A8: Bowchicawowow
>76: Above average success!

>"Besides, I'd rather be experimented on by you."

He winks as he says this, and Catherine feels a certain kind of power envelope her in primal lust. A somewhat evil giggling is heard as her vision slowly begins to turn a vibrant punk hue, and she blacks out. The following morning, she awakens completely naked, pale, and next to Tyuot. She also feels a thick white substance leaking from down there.

>"Heh, so that's what Brakky was hittin'! Not bad!."

>Catherine is pregnant!

Also, can someone tell Captcha that hamburgers are noodles?
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Research Eugenics.

We have a variety of races at our disposal. Tauren, Human, Elf, Orc,Dwarf and Demon

And we love sex anyway.

If we learn how these various races can and cant interbreed we can start rasing a super hybrid race.
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Come on we already went full Congo.

Let's have some fun Satan.
FYI depending on sucess may I draw out the breeeing tables?
We went that way because they thought we were evil demons, and we didn't even get any bananas out of it.

By the way, can all the anon name up, you dont have to, it just helps Civvie with votes and stuff
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>R2: Eugenics
>61+15=76: Above average success!

It's no secret that some races have advantages over others, the same with people. Minotaurs are stronger than anyone else, no one can move like an elf can, no one's a better barterer than a Halfling. And humans...Well, humans are the best at being average. This has led some of your researchers to begin looking into the idea of a single hybrid race, with all of the fine qualities of the races to mush together into one. Needless to say, this freaks out a few of the others, leading to them continuing their work in secret.

>Eugenics invented!

Yes please do.

We're half human half bull people that shoot fire, break the earth, exterminate other races, ride giant spiders, and colonize and enslave distant lands. This is fun!
How long till Cordie's a good age for leading?
(Is Cordie still his name after being gender bent?)
Currently Cordie (if you choose to keep that name) is one and a half years old. If Catherine were to die when he is 16 or higher, he would take the throne.
Shit we left William all alone with the Texans for a turn.
I'm Tex-Mex, trust me, he'll be fine.
Hello? Where'd everyone go?
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Fuck it. Research some magic shit.
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Ok here it is.

We breed William's daughter with his orcspawn, if the first orc is a daughter just have another.

We then mate the demon tauran spawn in catherine with the psychic twin if it's male. If female, mate with the futa queen.

We then take the Human Elf Orc double granddaughter of William and mate it with the futa queen. If it's boy we just have them try again.

There child, the Royal Tauren Human Elf Orc will mate with there Psychic Demom Tauran double cousin to give us the Royal Tauren Human Elf Psychic Demon ruler of our Multiehtnic Nation.
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>R3: Magic
>58+15=73: Above average success!

After the 67th consecutive hour of Civ, a Minotaur mage gets up to go to the bathroom. However, he appears to have forgotten where the room was. After wobbling around, he eventually says "Fuck it" and just sprints to the lab to try and eliminate his waste with a shitton of magic. After relieving himself, he finds that a new idea for a school of magic has entered his brain.

He tests out his theory on a rookie mage late that night. And, after a few minor incantations, he is able to force the student to perform various acts by commanding the blood within his body.

>Blood magic discovered!
>School of Blood founded!
Rolled 30 (1d100)

One tech left

Research Socio politics.

Our empire is huge and diverse we need a way to manage them a
Brakla and Cathrine were husband and wife
All hail the future Pheod Tauran Empire!
Question: Where'd the futa come from? I don't remember that
Yes, but the demon spawn mewns we have a house catherine that isn't part of house Brakla.

Now that I think about it, we shoukd encourage miscegenation or at least, make it so the demon and psychic bloodlines defuse to our geberal population and or military.

If we use our next tech on magical artificial insemination we can start a breding program and have Super tauren within a generation.
MAGIC gave the crown princess a dick.
Oh yeah. But didn't it flip her entire gender? Not just making her cunt a dick?
Nah, turn her into a full boy, not just gave her a dick
Why not just research magic genetic splicing and make the Master Race instantly.

We can even add in Giant Spider DNA.

That pokemon guy may want to get in on it.

Can we make him head Genomancer?
She hasn't hit puberty, how do we know she won't grow boobs?

But really I just like saying Futa Queen.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Create Genomancy

>R4: Socio-political shit
>30+15=45: Average!

Catherine knows full well that her nation is expanding, with numerous ethnic groups and races she has to keep track of. As such, it can get a little bit overwhelming to have to rule over these bastards. Fearing for the worst, she orders the organization of these people into different "parties." Those with similar beliefs and ideals can join together to have their voice heard. I see no way this can go wrong.

>Congress invented!
>Socio-politics invented!

>I'll write up the parties next thread.

You want to do this in Cuth?
A military city full of mad science that blew itself up once ?

Hot damn!
Sure, can't think off any thing that would be Cuth only techs right now

Hang on, why are we still having a separate turn for Cuth? I mean, Hevok is on another continent, but we do actions for that the same time as the mainland
Hevok is close enough to the Capital it can be counted with the first turn. If you would like I can put these together and you would have 10 actions and 5 techs per turn.

>Population (Minotaurs) 1375
>Population Growth 260
>Population (Awaken) 270
>Population Growth 20
>Population (Human) 1395
>Population Growth 280
>Population (Dwarf) 1084
>Population Growth 265


>A1: Fungals
>78+15=93: Amazing success!

Milomir, after somewhat keeping the army in line, receives reports from his away teams that the Fungal infestations have all but disappeared. In their wake they left ruins, desolate and abandoned, but seemingly untouched by time. There’s no trace of their kind, and trekking into their territory yields no friendly deaths. It’s honestly a bit creepy. How could they move an entire civilization’s worth of beings without anyone noticing? The only thing of note was a pale, deathly looking man walking around the ruins with a black robe and rather large scythe. Reports conflict as to what race this man was, with Minotaurs saying he was one of their kind and humans saying he was theirs.

>R: Genomancy
>92+15=107: Holy shit

Now, those working down in the Totem Labs have a lot of down time, mostly due to them having to carve out each and every individual totem. As a result, they've begun experimenting on what they call "genes." After a bit of experimentation (i.e. lots of hot steamy ballslapping sex) they're able to individually manipulate the different make ups of the "Cells." This can lead to good things, or bad. It's up to you.
Oh, and one more action/
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Start a super soldier progam

Via a combination of genomancy, magic injections, welding sleep and adamantium and the like into living flesh, mind altering experiments forming crazy hybrids and application of radiation, start a program to make living perfect weapons by any means necessary
Civvie, do you still have the list of races you made for the Thread ages ago? Or did you deside to get rid of that?
Holy shit, save this for mainland, it would be better there

We need something Cuth related here
Yeah, I have the list. I just stopped posting it.

Writing up right now.
Scratch that, I'll write it for the mainland.
How hard would it be to get the genomancers and secret eugenics masters in one location.

Also wouldn't this be best done fsr away from our main city?
Secret government programs are always done like off the coast and in alaska and shit right?
Can we name the Program

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Here's the list, if I didn't butcher the thing too badly. I should mention this is also and outdated backup I keep
I guess they could go across by Mag-Rail, but that takes to long we should do something like 'Diplo with Dryads' or something
Hey you'been here longer, I defer.

All I did was show up ib my first thread and get a string of lucky rolls to start a master super race.
I think we should pick an action before Civvie throws something at us.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Its fine, dont worry about it, It's nice to see new guys! Just that Cuth is so far away from the Mainland that Things that happen in one place isn't realy connected to the other

Ok, got something
With the Fungals gone, make a new City!
Find out how to reproduce the explosion of Drozen as a weapon
Rolled 10 (1d100)


>A2: New city
>46: Average!

Despite recent claims, people are still more than a bit apprehensive about heading out into the unknown to found a new city. As such, only about 20 humans, 30 Minotaurs, and 10 Dwarves volunteered. This was to the Dryad's dismay, and she was rather vocal about your expansion into the now clean wilderness. Despite this, she allowed it, and your new settlement will be founded in however many turns I roll.
Whelp it's only Cuth.
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>Population (Minotaurs) 12130
>Population Growth 883
>Population (Minotaurs) 6637
>Population Growth 268
>Population (Minotaurs) 1526
>Population Growth 293
>Population (Human) 1196
>Population Growth 195
>Population (Minotaurs) 3249
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Human) 3212
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Minotaurs) 7575
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Human) 905
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Minotaurs) 265
>Population Growth -75
>Population (Human [Free]) 164
>Population Growth -82

>A1: Nuke
>10: Abysmal failure!

Please roll me 1d10.

>A2: Super soldiers
>91: Amazing success!

The same scientists who had researched into eugenics present Catherine with their plans to make a super soldier. One with only the best traits from all of the realm's races. Surprisingly, despite ethical and moral issues, she allows it. A secret facility is established out in the wastes, with only the researchers and Catherine's knowledge. This should turn out profitably.

>I'll be rolling behind the scenes to see what comes out of this every thread.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Nuke roll is the first

eugenics roll is the second

Start arranging marriages for the royal family.

Using the eugenics plan posted here
Rolled 50 (1d100)

ok so nuke already rolled

rolling for royal eugenics plan
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>6/10 destruction

A few of those who survived the blast from before have come together to try and recreate it as a weapon. This type of power would be useful after all. Unfortunately, they make the same mistake their predecessors made. A similar ball of fire and death erupts from the labs, wiping out 3/5ths of Drozen. Fortunately, no one in the Royal Family seems to have been harmed, though Tvuot is laughing his ass off.

>-7278 population in Drozen!
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Clean up Nuke fallout from old and (Guessing) new Nuke
Institute Genocracy

What with the population crash, let the Eugenics and Genomancers plan how the realm breeds, ultimate goal making natural super beings while the secret projects focus on the artificial

>A2: Eugenics
>50: Average!

Catherine sees no problems with the Eugenics team's plan for a "Hybrid race," though she is uncertain of how to feel about William's involvement. After all, he is still away with the other humans. What's taking him so long. Nonetheless, Catherine gives the go ahead for the plan, so long as those involved all accept.

>A3: Fallout
>61: Success

Your people have been through this traumatizing experience before, and with heavy hearts they set to burying the dead and plowing away the ash. It's a sad day when this is normal to them. There also seems to be a second blue zappy portal wisping around now.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Set up a nuclear test site.

FAR AWAY from our population
How many techs and actions we have left?
5 Actions and 4 Techs
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>A4: Genocracy
>84: Great success!


An elderly researcher stands before the Royal Palace speaks to a massive gathering.


Somehow this doesn't cause an uproar, and most people simply return to their normal lives. Albeit with them fucking every day of the week.

>2X growth worldwide!

>A5: Nuke site
>50: Average!

It's not hard to find a big empty space to test giant explosives. This is the North Pole after all.

>Nuke site established!

>Special Event!

A lone dark elf approaches the Drozen gates, wearing no armor and only simple clothing befitting of a low noble. She is carrying no weapons, though her face is covered by a brown hood that resembles a tattered blanket. She motions for the guard to let her in, and when he (reasonably) doesn’t, she speaks up.

>”I am Dai’Ly, sister of the Queen of the Dark Elves and you will let me in.”

Unsure of what to do, he complies and she is able to enter the city. She makes her way to the Royal Palace quickly, appearing under the guise of a merchant and manages to somehow get to the Queen.

>”Your highness, I would like to extend the aid of the Dark Elves to your realm.”

She says this in a slightly panicked voice.
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Concept sketch of William I made in the past 30 minutes, no where near done. If you guys want I can finish this and make the other heroes/characters.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Let her in and negotiate the heaviest fee for our service
She want to help US

Ask her why she asks us this
derp misread yeah
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>A: Negotiation
>56: Average

>"Fee? I don't think you understand. We have heard and seen the recent explosions that devastated your lands, and we would like to help you rebuild as a symbol of friendship."

Her eyes dart behind Catherine, and she appears to be looking right at Tvuok, though she doesn't seem to notice.

>"Why, exactly?"

Catherine's commanding voice pierces the awkward silence.

>"Well...There's been a small incident involving my sister. She has become unable to rule effectively and I have been instated as regent Matriarch. I figured it would do some good to not have more than one neighbor that hates my people. Plus I have some personal interest in this."
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Invite her to unite out lands by having her join our breeeing program
>"What, personal interest of your should make us trust you?"
Sorry meant to link to >>42176002
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>A: Breeding program
>15: Complete failure!

>"Hmm, would you and your people be willing to join our recently instated breeding program?"

Her normally pale greyish-purple face turns absolutely beet red as Catherine says this. She tries to hide this, muttering something in Elvish.

>"Nononononononononono, but I'm fairly certain none of my people want any part in that. We simply want to help you get back on your feet."

She kind of shuffles around a bit, and Catherine hear's Tvuot's voice whisper into her ear.

>"Hey, I'm thinkin' this chick has got the hots for someone you know. And no, I ain't talking about myself, much as I would like to."

>"What personal interest of yours should make us trust you?"

>"I'd rather not say."

Tvuot begins laughing like a hyena.

>"Yep, that confirms it."
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Tell her if she joins, we pair her off with William.
You and I think alike. Remind me to save you a spot in Hell.
So uh... did we just skim over the Queen getting raped?

Shouldn't she have reacted to Hyuok in some way?
So all in favor of marrying off William to Dai'Ly?

Yeah, more or less. Kind of fucked up but yeah. Was waiting for you guys to do something but since you didn't I took a bit of her sanity away
I bet your got written down things like stats for the heroes like sanity and fuckablilty

Yes. Yes I have. If you want I could post the sheets next thread.
I am already redesigning the chart
Rolled 87 (1d100)

I support it. Though she might be a bit peeved he's being held more or less hostage by the Texans.

Also, after all of this is done, I would like to have Catherine confront Tvuot about the whole impregnation thing.
Nah, its good, a DM needs his behind the seens stuff, even though you probs have more
This has been an interesting thread so far.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

the new chart is well designed but we could add a race or two.

Are dwarves really that ideal though?

We got anything better to use ? Ask Daily

roll for better breeding stock
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Catherine gives a slight sigh as she thinks all of this over. It would be free help, and it would prove beneficial in the long run. Though who is it...Oh, I know.

>"I'm guessing one of the main reasons your here is to see if William'll go out with you, or something along those lines?

If Dai'Ly could turn any redder, her face would have all of the blood in her body, she slightly nods.

>"Very well. Seeing as how I cannot simply accept your gift without some kind of return, I would like to offer William as-"

>"Deal. Where is he?"

Slightly annoyed by the interruption but happy to see she'll be getting some kind of aid, Catherine motions for the Dark Elf to see where on the massive map hanging on the far side of the Royal Chambers William is. Her head droops down, and she simply nods a thank you as she leaves. No one stops her.

>The Dark Elves will aid you in rebuilding efforts!
>William has now been married to Dai'Ly!

>"Excuse me, Miss Catherine? Why did the Evil lady marry my dad?"

It appears Sophie was listening in on the entire conversation. This is gonna be fun.

>A6: Confrontation
>87: Great success!

Catherine, growing tired of hearing Tvuot's cackling, gently pushes the small Snow Elf child out the door.


That's all she says.

>"Why what?"

>"Why did you force yourself on me?"

The demon places a hand on Catherine's shoulder.

>"Thought it'd be fun, plus you haven't gotten any action in a while so I figured-"

He is subsequently interrupted by the armored fist landing right in his jaw. Catherine proceeds to go absolutely mental on the demon. There is no decent way to describe how vicious the woman was, and Tvuot was lucky she held back just enough for him to continue living. Albeit with several fractured everythings and a missing wing.
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>A7: Breeding stock
>32: Failure!

Though people understand the idea behind eugenics, they strongly disagree, to put it politely, with being called "stock." As such, no one steps forward to act as a donor for the better of society. The whole thing seems a bit convoluted, with many trying to keep track of who is "ideal" and failing miserably.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

I actually meant asking daily if the drow knew of any races we could find.

Ayway, have the Genomancers do tests on the royal family and the broken heap that is Hyuok.

See if any of the children show any special genes.
Before we do anything, remember that William has that demon inside him when he gets pissed.

Rolled 92 (1d100)


>A8: Tests
>2: Evillaugh.wav

Roll me 1d20
Hey, I'm the QM here! But please do this. I need to pick the effect.
Don't worry we good with>>42176905
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Sorry, I just had an idea of what you would do.
Can we have the reroll please
thank you based snow
I'll allow it. This will have affects later down the line though.
phew, thats better than nothing

based A tiki boom boom.now

We dodged a bullet.

We might have gotten the whole royal family killed
Lets see what happens first, something else bad might happen
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>A8: Tests
>92: Amazing success!

In the dead of night, several researchers performed secret tests on the young royals. The results were as follows:

>Species: Unintelligble
>Notable genes:

>Innate magical disposition
>Mental connection to something we cannot tell

>Species: Half human Half Minotaur, human side predominant
>Notable genes:

>Enhanced adrenaline
>Above average immune system

>Species: Half human Half Minotaur, no distinguishing from a normal human child
>Notable genes:

>Inability to speak
>"Genius" gene
time to draw charts
Four techs por favor mis compadres
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Nuclear bomb

now mass murduer free!(Except when we want to)
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Upgrade the Gliders
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>R1: Nuclear bomb
>35+15=50: Average!

Meanwhile at Site Uno, the scientists have begun testing a bomb utilizing the power of the explosives they've used before. Unfortunately for them, the material always blows right the fuck up, taking them with it.

>R2: Gliders
>16+15=31: Failure!

The gliders, to the pilots and those who make them, are perfectly fine. Any attempts to improve on them are met with a collective "nah" by the people.

Sorry that was so short, my puppy needed to head outside.
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I made a chart!
This is why we rolled for the arctic research lab.

They all die horribly and we just start again until we become gods of the atom.

Or we get Dr Moohaten

Which ever comes first.
OK, I'm off, I got work tommorow, and I need to sleep
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Site Dos tries to make a nuke.
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You get +1 to a roll for that pun.



>R4: Nuke
>77+15=92: Amazing success!

After the complete failure that was Site Uno, the researchers establish Site Dos in the crater. Using up roughly 10 years worth of material they have managed to devise a 200 pound bomb that carries a payload big enough to flatten the entire city of Drozen, and then go and take out Grok and Gorric with the aftermath. Unfortunately it took a month's time to prepare, and the materials needed to make a new one won't be available in sufficient quantities for years.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Ok so two techs left right?

research gender swapping like what happened with the Crown Futa Princess

And research advanced exploration ships
1 more tech
Pick one please.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

advanced ships

rollan for gender swap
Sorry, got confused for a moment
no it's fine

6 something on ships

3 something on gender swapping
Wait, we only have 1 tech left this turn. Save one for next turn?
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>R5: Gender swap
>31+15=46: Average!

Some of the eugenicists have tried to swap the genders of "volunteers" however, all of these have ended in their deaths or horrible, horrible mutilation. Well, lots of blood as well.

>Jesus Christ Tumblr would be so pissed right now, I love it!
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>Population (Minotaurs) 5530
>Population Growth 883
>Population (Minotaurs) 6905
>Population Growth 268
>Population (Minotaurs) 1819
>Population Growth 293
>Population (Human) 1281
>Population Growth 195
>Population (Minotaurs) 3347
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Human) 3410
>Population Growth 98
>Population (Minotaurs) 7650
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Human) 980
>Population Growth 75
>Population (Minotaurs) 190
>Population Growth -75
>Population (Human [Free]) 82
>Population Growth -82
>Population (Minotaurs) 1635
>Population Growth 260
>Population (Awaken) 290
>Population Growth 20
>Population (Human) 1675
>Population Growth 280
>Population (Dwarf) 1349
>Population Growth 265

10 actions and 5 techs please!
no it's fine

6 something on ships

3 something on gender swapping
Additionally, I will need to go to sleep soon. This will be the final turn until next week.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Ten actions eh....

The fungals seems to have been on retreat and our army is just sitting there.

Full scale military invasion against the fungals, genocide mode, leave no survivor (ok, one for research)
William has now been stuck with the Texan humans for two turns. Not going to suggest anything, just sayin'
Civvie do you have an emial or something I would like to chat in google chat or the like for advice on a game of my own.

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rip out Hyout's rape eyes.

He will never rape again,but more importantly we can reseach them later
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>A1: Invasion
>67: Success!

Milomir gives the order to charge right into the jungle leaving no survivors. They do so, and they find...

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No Fungals, no Kech, nothing. The whole jungle feels completely empty of intelligent life. It's kind of emberassing.

I'll message you if you can send me yours.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

[email protected]

Send the army to Texas
whelp not like were were using our army anway
Now hold on. They've been very friendly to us, I don't see why we should invade them.
Not to take over, just to get Billy back
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>A2: Tyuot
>54: Average!

>"Oi, the hell are you doin-AH!"

Catherine scrapes out the eyeballs of the demon in a swift motion, and he...He laughs again. A milky yellow substance begins pouring out of his eye sockets and begin forming up into spheres. Then his eyes return, while those Catherine is holding remain.

>"Heh, funny! Thinkin' that'd work."
I don't think an army is necessary, just send a simple envoy. Who knows what he's been up to.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

They killed our entire expedition save one who they kidnapped

Give Rape eyes to the Moobermench Program
Well we can't send an army now can we?
Have Tsunami and Rolda stand trial for the crime of slavery.

No one is above the law

They thought we were demons! The same thing happened with the Zulu guys! They didn't even really kidnap him, he was invited in and we never went and got him
Yeah I didn't say kill anyone, I just rolled to have the army go get him and set up a dialouge with the state.

Given the primary reason for them assembling was gone, figures we could use them as a land versiin of the great white hope. Exploring the world and staking claim with the full force of our army.

But ya know... 4 u
Civvie, kindly shut up/
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I'm sorry, I overreacted. You have my sincerest apologies.


>A3: Eyes
>94: Amazing success!

The researchers thank the Queen for her contribution, though they seem a bit perplexed about how they're supposed to use this pair of floating balls. After a bit of experimentation, they find that they're able to teleport a small distance with them, though the action consumes the eye used.

>A4: Army
>4+5=9: Abysmal failure!

The Army in Drozen heads out to the West, hoping to get William back so that further diplomatic incidents can be avoided. All 50 of them. Unfortunately, the same red-headed sheriff appears with an armed militia the entrance to the town.

>"Now I'm gonna need you to stop right there you demons. Ah've been auth'rized to use lethal force. 'Course, I was going to anyway."

>What do?
Rolled 89 (1d100)

We come in peace!

Throw down the weapons and bullshit some Thomas Jefferson tier freindship speach.

The weapons are gifts!
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>A: We come in peace!
>89: Great success!

The expedition drops their weapons, kicking up a massive cloud of dust that contrasts the baby blue sky like white against black. A look of confusion crosses their face, though the Sheriff's revolver is still raised and trained.

>"We come as friends! These weapons are simple gifts, as is a common tradition in our lands!"

Miraculously, she buys it.

>"Very well. Come with me. Boys, keep yer rifles at the ready."

The four-legged beast she sits atop neighs, and the sheriff motions for you to follow her. The envoy pass by numerous buildings, one marked general store, another marked saloon. Eventually, the group makes it to what can be assumed to be the royal palace. Stepping inside, you see a simple throne, with little ornamentation or fanfare, with (pic related) sitting on it.

>"Y'all the demons Cassie's talking about?"
I like this. I don't know why, I just do.l
Rolled 33 (1d100)

We are no demons, we are merely men and woman with furry bodies pointy heads and healthy sexual appetites. We come to see how our human freind is doing for in Tauren land, all races are equal.
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>"We are no demons, we are merely men and woman with furry bodies pointy heads and healthy sexual appetites. We come to see how our human freind is doing for in Tauren land, all races are equal."

She laughs similarly to Tvuot, and smirks.

>"That's a pile of horse dung. You ain't human. But, seeing as how you've been a lot smarter than those friends of yours. I s'pose I could send that William fella with ya."

She motions for the sheriff to get along with it. She nods, with a bit of a smile on her face. She disappears out a side door and returns about 10 minutes later with William in clothing to match the locals.

>"Not gonna lie, I'll miss'm. Always was fun havin' him as a drinking buddy."

Upon seeing the Minotaurs, William's eyes go about as wide as Jupiter is big.

>"Please tell meh you lot brough' beer, the stuff 'ere's dry as tah desert!"

He appears to be unharmed.
Let's take him back and do that whole great white fleet thing.

A large showing of our magic, science and militarily culture that will show Everyone that we are a civilized and advanced raced to be freinds witj and show them not to fuck with is if theu choose otherwise.

We have no other pressing military engagements and if caught with oir pants down we can use the nuke in a pinch.
Let's take him back and do that whole great white fleet thing.

A large showing of our magic, science and militarily culture that will show Everyone that we are a civilized and advanced raced to be freinds with and show them not to fuck with is if theu choose otherwise.

We have no other pressing military engagements and if caught with oir pants down we can use the nuke in a pinch.>>42179484
Roll please.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

fucking roll isn't working for some reason

try now

also how many actions left after this one,

>A6: Great White Fleet
>68: Success!

The suggestion of having a massive showing of your technology culture, and the like to compare to their own excites the humans greatly, with numerous whoops and hollers coming all throughout the town. They offer to bring themselves to Drozen, as the Queen said it would be "a way to keep the folk from thinkin' yer a demon race or something like that."

>Relations boosted to Friendly!

>I will write up a full report of their culture by next thread.
Rolled 4, 41 = 45 (2d100)


Ask Daily about all the Drow intel


work on advanced explorer ships
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>A7: Drow

>"While our people are friends, I do not believe it beneficial for my kind share our secrets with yours. Please do not bother me for more."

Dai'Ly says this every single day, every single time Catherine asks her. It gets to the point where she gets a bit pissed as time goes on.

>Relations reduced to neutral!

>R1: Advanced ships
>45+15=60: Success!

The ships are outfitted with new, top of the line gear. New rudders, silk sails, and etc. It's quite a show, with several ships given numerous ornamentations and improved equipment.

>Your ships now have a +5 bonus to all rolls!
Rolled 28, 50 = 78 (2d100)

Explore the other hemisphere with superships

When Bill gets back have him work his maximum swag mojo magic on the Drow queen

tell him this works OR WE ARE ALL FUCKED
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>A8: Exploration take two
>28+4=34: RULE 34 BITCHES!

Now, some people have fetishes. This can be anything from feet to completely different species. As such, many people with an interest in foreign men and women have taken to the sea to, quote, "explore the lands and pillage the waifus." No one knows what they mean, but they do know a massive expedition is on to find the rest of the world's peoples.

>A9: William
>50: Average!

After returning home and getting blackout drunk, William spends a bit of time with his little baby girl Sophie before heading up to see Catherine.

>"Yesh, I was tol' you needed me to do sometin'?

Catherine's face is devoid of emotion as she hears this, and it frankly looks a bit uncanny.

>"William, you are to marry Dai'Ly, acting Queen of the Dark Elves, to ensure we're able to rebuild. If you don't, we are beyond hope."

William stares for a moment, then bursts out into maniacal laughter. Rolling around the floor and drinking more than an Irishman, he just won't stop.

>"Wait, yer serrious?"

She nods.

>"So, lemme get t'is strraight. You wan' me to marry the woman 'ho was one o' tah people to nearly murder me daugh'er? And her sister gave tah order? I'm sorry, but fook t'at."

A slight sound of sniffling is heard, and turning around William she's Dai'Ly, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks.

Rolled 98 (1d100)


Wish upon a star or some shit, emotionally manipulate a french librarian while holding her prisoner,fuck a fish, I didn't know just salvage this with sparkly romcom fantasy bullshit!
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>A9: Disney!
>98: Amazing success!

William goes into full-on damage control mode, and decides "fuck it. I'm drunk so I might as well act it."

>"Now you lis'en 'ere lass *hic* if we're gon' be toget'er yer gonna need *hic* tah know one t'in..."

He says this as he places his free hand on her shoulder, trying to keep his eyes locked with hers. His other hand brings up the canteen to his mouth, spilling little droplets of beer onto his and Dai'Ly's chest.

>"Ah love me alcohol, an' I say t'at shit ya just 'eard a lot...I don' mean anyo' it, I'm just fookin' wit ya!"

A microscopic smile appears on Dai'Ly's face.


Before he can answer, he take another drink and is then interrupted by Dai'Ly's lips meeting his.

>"Awww, ain't that sweet."

Tvuot appears to have been watching this whole time, though how no one else has noticed him is beyond belief.
how many actions?
1 more, and 4 techs.
Alternatively, we could end here and I would give you guys a +10 to all tech rolls next thread.
Send Hyuok to Project Moober for experimentation, he gets to fuck a lot of shit so he should like it

Research wider civics so we can form a UN.

Research cosmology and how all these gods work

research necromancy

Research teleportation
Rolled 82, 56, 98, 40, 88 = 364 (5d100)

fgot rollz
We've already got Necromancy

Holy fuck on a fuck nut
i know it was a buff we have a lot of dead guys to use.

zombie ghost army for research, an eternal golden hornz.

possibilities are endless
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>A10: Tvuok
>82: Great success!

>"Wait, so you're saying all I need to do is go out into the wastes and fuck some things? And you'll stop trying to kill me, however entertaining that may be?"


This about sums up the conversation between Catherine and Tvuot regarding his participation

>R2: Civics
>56+15=71: Above average success!

With the recent diplomatic events, your diplomats have come to a truly massive conclusion, one that will shatter the very fabric of diplomacy as you know it.

>"Fucking is not the only way to get what you want!"

>Trade deals invented!
>Alliances invented!
>Protectorates invented!
>Vassalization invented!

>R3: Cosmology
>98+15=113: HO-LEE-SHIT!

>Again, I will provide a full pantheon next week.

>R4: Necromancy
>40+15=55: Average!

Necromancy is seen as a taboo art among your people, and all who even so much as think of practicing it are shunned. That's not to say they don't do anything mind you, they just go about it...discretely. Using bodies from local graveyards they have begun to perform various gruesome experiments with them, hoping to find a way t o achieve eternal life.

>School of Necromancy founded!

>R5: Teleportation

It appears that Hannah has developed the ability to teleport, as demonstrated by her repeatedly changing positions and crawling around bare butt naked. This is how teleportation was discovered by magic.

The OFFICIAL story was that several high ranking mages came together to work out a way of instant transmission, and have created a short range teleportation spell for use by the most powerful mages available!

>Teleportation discovered!
Interesting thread guys. Can't say I expected any of this to happen.


5:30 P.M. EST 10/5/15
5:30 P.M. EST 10/12/15

well you have my mail and number fun stuff

can't wait to see the poltical parties,pantheons and power soldiers.

enjoy the spergy eugenic chart!
Wrong date, meant to put September. My apologies.

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