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>d100 for actions, rolled by the person who suggested it

Got a good few hours here, so can get a good start.
Humans plains

Simple. Could be fun.
Crystalids, Mountains
I'll give it another 15 minutes then just flip a coin between you guys

humans plains

Humans on plains it is!

You guys wanna choose a stat to bump up?

Support? I mean one of the stats with a coloured word next to it.
Haha he means he's supporting the military choice. I am supporting it too!

Oh I didn't look at which post he replied to, my bad.
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6 months ago, your settlement was attacked and burned to the ground by a Gnoll raiding party. Those of you who escaped managed to pick what they could from the remains and set off to find new homes.
Eventually, after weeks of travelling and fending off attacks from ambitious creatures, you decide to settle in a Northward patch of grassland. The terrain is flat; allowing you to see the mountains stretching from the North to the West in the far distance and the river a few leagues before them. To the South lay wooded areas, and to the East a small fork of river points into the plains.
You have spent the past few months creating a small village. The winter was harsh, claiming many lives and preventing much exploration of the area. However, now spring has come, your food supplies are running low and you have finally finished constructing the small wooden hall at the centre of your village, in which the elders convene.
It is they who say that you must go forth and prosper. Bring this community into something great, and eventually destroy those who try to stop you.

Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
Livestock: 40 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 2000 units / 5 turns (meats and vegetables brought from previous settlement, livestock may be slain for more food)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture
Weapons: Wooden spears
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry
Magic: None
Defences: None

You have 2 actions. What do you do? (examples as follows)
>Look for food. (how?)
>Scout. (where?)
>Research. (what?)
>Build. (what?)
>Other. (what?)
>burned to the ground by a Gnoll raiding party
Goddamn it our settlement sucked balls.

Let's start with the basics. We need food and crops take some time to grow.
>Build: farm plots

You can build farm plots by all means, but you can't plant anything until you research farming.
research farming
Not a single farmer from before? Now I'm not surprised we were wiped by gnolls. We got two actions and will have to build them anyways, so...

>Research: farming
>Build: farm plots

Just rearing and slaughtering livestock. Hunting too, evidenced by the furs.

Gonna need a roll for the research and another for the plots!
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)

A large portion of your population head out into the plains near the village and begin to clear the land of obstructions and start to sculpt it to accommodate a stable farm environment. Whilst raking through the dirt, your people start finding small seeds that they soon plant. A small hut is built just away from the plot to house the man tasked with tending the crop, as well as his family. [Name him: Farmer (?)]

The farmer soon notices that the plot is quite dry. The rain is enough to keep the plot alive and to grow, but it will be a slow process. If only there was a way to keep the ground moist.

Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer (?)
Livestock: 40 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 1600 units / 4 turns (meats and vegetables brought from previous settlement, livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (1/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, farm plot
Weapons: Wooden spears
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming
Magic: None
Defences: None

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
Op what tech level will we start at? Because I'd love to see a civ that starts iron/bronze age.

I'm not a history aficionado, but I'd say Bronze.
Research irrigration to water the farms.
Scout to the south.

Alright, wanna roll 2d100?
aww sorry, completely forgot!
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Rolled 10, 17 = 27 (2d100)

>tfw Dice doesn't work when it's capitalized

Damn son.
These rolls man.

Yep, wanna name that farmer too?
How about Jack Spelt?
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A scouting party of 50 men heads to the South. Armed with spears, they tread carefully; more than aware of the savagery of some beings in the wilderness. The group gets no more than an hour across the plains before dark clouds roll overhead. The rain falls heavy and fast, cutting off almost all visibility. Your people try to beat their way through the weather but it’s too much. They soon turn back, soaked to the bone and shaking like leaves in the autumn wind.

Meanwhile, Farmer Jack looks for a way to speed up the growth of the crops. He tries all kinds of wacky ideas, but just cannot figure out a way to keep the soil moist. He does however see storm clouds amassing to the South that should be here shortly. They may help boost the crop growth for a short period of time.

Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 40 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 1200 units / 3 turns (meats and vegetables brought from previous settlement, livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (2/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, basic farm
Weapons: Wooden spears
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming
Magic: None
Defences: None

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
Re-research Irrigration
Research Fishing Traps
Rolled 51 (1d100)

research irrigration
Rolled 59, 69 = 128 (2d100)

I somehow managed to fuck the dice up again. My god.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

research fishing
Rolled 53 (1d100)

think we should head south and gather wood and start building a wooden palisade
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Since we have a few more people now it'll go down to voting again.

Here's a map of what you know. I'd say for reference that the closest water source (the 2 rivers are roughly equidistant) is 1 day's travel on foot.
Irrigation roll: 51
Fishing roll: 69
Would it be possible to relocate our village? How many turns would this take?

To deconstruct everything: 1 turn.
Time to travel: Dependent.
Time to reconstruct: 3 turns.

Assuming you don't roll poorly ;)

>writing now
ugh that's a lot of wasted turns. not sure we should but it would mean better crops, ability to fish, and it would give a defense bonus if someone attacks across the river.

decisions decisions
Farmer Jack reports to the Elders that he has figured out a way to invigorate the crops and reduce their time to grow by 5 turns. He says that a small channel dug through from the nearby river, all the way to the farm, and then cross-linked throughout the crops; should sufficiently moisturise the seedlings. The Elders discuss, and predict that the task could be accomplished in 6 turns.
 you can use both actions to complete it twice as fast

Meanwhile another villager recalls a time at the previous settlement, where he and a friend would interweave reeds into a lattice shape; casting them into a nearby stream to catch small fish. He believes that, if we can find reeds at the riverbank, he can replicate this and allow us to fish the waters for anything that swims within.
Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 40 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 800 units / 2 turns (meats and vegetables brought from previous settlement, livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (3/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, basic farm
Weapons: Wooden spears
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: None

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
honestly i think it bothers me more that there is no credit, then just having credit where its due, call me autistic or some other buzzword, but honestly i spent many days and nights working on most of the ideas that are in the template

watch crog come out of no where to scold me again
Rolled 72, 65 = 137 (2d100)

have some villagers begin digging the channel from the nearby river but also have some other villagers with shovels guarding them

and send the villager to look for reeds with the group digging the channel

Why do you feel the nee to crop up everywhere and crave attention? I also worked for days, but it doesn't bother me not having credit plastered all over the image. Honestly mate, just drop it.
>irrigation in 3-6 turns
might be better to relocate. it would also allow us to build a water-wheel for a mill or power workshops.

and we cant fish efficiently when they have to walk all the way to the river and back...
Rolled 7, 116 = 123 (2d200)

Is it possible to use both actions to move?

If yes, move to the southern river, between the river and the forest.

When I said how long it would take to move, I was assuming all of the population would be posted to help.
Rolled 54, 12 = 66 (2d100)

Oh my fucking god I really cant roll like what the fuck?!
stop for the love of the humans stop rolling
Alright, so we moving or irrigating guys?
Rolled 44, 30 = 74 (2d100)

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i think we should move anyway. having a river nearby is a HUGE benefit.
Rolled 5, 66 = 71 (2d100)

Yeah change my vote to moving anyway
would we have enough food to survive making the move ?
Rolled 54, 59 = 113 (2d100)

>more and better food
>can power workshops
>closer source of wood
>better defense in one direction

we can slaughter some animals if needed
Since we're moving, do we wanna name our home? Let's me mark it on the map.


Would take 6 days. So no, but you could slaughter some of the animals. I'd say 20 cattle should see your people through the move.
ok then agreed i vote for this instead
>do we wanna name our home?
Aroostook (native american for river)
I can do a timeskip if people agree on slaughtering the animals?
that works
this is good
I'm fine with it. Have we got a religion?

Placename: New Vertrose (New because regular Vertrose got fucked up by gnolls)
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Rolled 1 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Underage & b&
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because you dont realize that the format in which you more or less copied was from my hands and tyrs, not from a collective in the form of a google document...thats why
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Your people decide that after extended scouting, there is a better place to live. Thus, over the next few weeks; they dismantle their buildings, abandon the farm and vacate to a new place. “Aroostook”.

The journey used a lot of resources, and it is now apparent that food is at an all-time low. Half of the cattle were slaughtered in the move and the farms had to be dug up to retrieve the seeds for later use.

This new area sits beside a 20ft wide river, with a moderate current. There are also a couple of wooded areas nearby, large trees that probably accommodate hidden life. Luckily, there are a few reeds nearby, which the young man from earlier notices straight away and sets to gathering.

Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: [critical] 400 units / 1 turn (meats and vegetables brought from previous settlement, livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (0/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture
Weapons: Wooden spears
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: None

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
Rolled 61, 10 = 71 (2d100)

Use reed to create some fishing traps/nets
Assemble small scouting party's of 5 men each, send one to the mountains, one down the plains, and one along the river.
If anyone seconds, roll for me, I'm on mobile and don't know if I can
Rolled 91, 29 = 120 (2d100)

start building a farm.

make some fishing tools and see if we can catch something
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Oh I was using quick reply
Fishing is locked in.

Need the 2nd action decided on.
stupor excruciatus
Rolled 68 (1d100)

building a farm
Rolled 65 (1d100)

calm the fuck down.
Rolled 98 (1d100)


Rolling for this
Rolled 48 (1d100)

i second these
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Farm too
Rolled 74 (1d100)

We all know what is going on.
This time we're going to do it the right way, we'll pin down the fuckers by the bridge and shoot them down, then we'll make the survivors into a subject state and exact periodic taxes from their settlement.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Guys what about green or red line?
Both have really good defense options and green has nearby woods and mountains and mountains=minerals 9/10
Just my ideas
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Forgot image
Rapist bridge trolls, we need to pin them down so we don't become bottoms again.

Jk I have no idea. Most likely a past civ that ended badly
Ignore the obvious troll/spammer, just report his posts.
Rolled 38 (1d100)


That's an excellent idea.
This way we could all march towards the enemy in unisson in case the worst comes to bear, and in any case rule of cool determines we must pursue this venue for the greater glory.
We also must do something to appease those amongst our ranks who dare entertain triplets are not a signal of power, but that's not a big deal and can be bumped down the priority list.
Rolling just in case.
I would say green, one river is all we need to irrigate, and settling on a floodplain would turn out like mesopotamia, floods and invasions due to no natural backstop
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Your people straight away tend to creating nets for fishing. As soon as the basic fishing nets are created they are put to use. After a week of fishing an interesting grey-coloured catfish, it becomes apparent that a constant fishing presence can sustain the populace, but it will cost 1 action each turn.

Meanwhile, Farmer Jack recreates his farm and gets people to help him replant the seeds. After a few calculations, he works out that it will take only 2 turns to dig irrigation channels for the farm.

The Elders look out at the river that may serve as our lifeline in hard times to come. Swimming it may be dangerous if we wish to cross, but they are sure that it can serve us in other ways than just defense.

Size: Small Village
Population: 200 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 1000 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (1/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, farm
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: River

You have 2 actions. What do you do?

I second these
Aw shit, didn't notice the mountains at first. We already lost half our cattle whilst moving though, but it might be a good location for a potential second settlement.
We can plant a board on one end of the river, tie rope to it, have one guy swim across, plant another board, and string a traverse. People could hang crawl across like sloths, and slide goods across. Not wasting an action, just an idea
green river is too weak to power stuff and has less fish
red is no where near wood source.

yeah, mining camp in the future. or if we're lucky the river might pass a mountain so we can ferry ore easier.
i think we should continue fishing and digging the irrigation so we can start relying on jacks return for food
Rolled 58, 65 = 123 (2d100)

Research archery. Might be handy for both hunting and fighting.
Send some scouts to follow the rivers in both directions.

Souns nice. We could potentially tie a raft to it to create a basic ferry.
Rolled 33 (1d100)


We could send someone to go check those guys up north, they've been quiet for awhile, I'm sure they're plotting something.
Rolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d100)

i agree. food is a priority right now.
can we build a fish farm/fishing net system/ fishing weir/ constant source of food from river?
Rolled 88, 85 = 173 (2d100)


There are only two possible outcomes, death and glory. I say we should give glory a chance, the other path will always be open anyway.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

If this is possible change my vote from scouting to this.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Seconding net, save 25% of fish for caviar and fish farm netted off in shallow section. If we cannot build it, research it
Scout the river.

Build a fishery.

>Sound good?
yee yee

yeah, go for it, hopefully we'll catch some mermaids
after we build a bridge across the river we can tie nets between the supports, it should help reduce the manpower needed.

a simple fish-farm is a good idea tho and would also help reduce manpower need.

no scouting.

>fish farms
>irrigation for crops
Rolled 96 (1d100)


the curiosity of mankind is endless, not scouting is never good enough

in fact, we should research an exploration branch in our army, so we can have scouts fielded all the time without wasting actions
Looks good to me.
Agreed, but set a man to guard the net and release it in case of a large river creature that would destroy the bridge
Have we got a religion? Also, would it be possible for a minor god of the Vertrose river to exist.
Rolled 91, 76 = 167 (2d100)

why would people invent a god in a magical world, lets find something powerful to worship instead
Rolled 93, 51 = 144 (2d100)

Is building a giant phallic statue ok
lets wait a bit with religion. i agree with >>42220754
I meant it in a way like "Is there a natural river god?", sorry for not being clear.
Worshiping lesser gods might be better though, since we'd probably be the only one worshiping it, so we'll have its undivided attention. A specific river god might also give more benefits, like more fish or less current.
strong current is good for powering workshops
and crushing your enemies
For our next action:
Assemble 50 people, give them livestock and supplies, send them to the mountains, and have them mine ores. They can build huts, and start a separate village. We can get another 10 people to cart loads back.

and see them driven before you
We should focus on getting ourselves off the ground before we go splitting up
Very well then.
When we are self sufficient and have more people, we split
no no, it's still too early to split up.

we need a logging camp and powered workshops before we can do anything with the ore from a mine...
Rolled 89, 95 = 184 (2d100)


Research Zeppelins.
caravans are really good ways to get raided
Might be difficult. We haven't got Picks, The mining tech and maybe we have yet to invent wheels. There will be no roads and a two day journey with a cart filled with rock won't be easy.

They could obviously also increase the current.
we should build a wall
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Following the river to the East, your scouts find that the river is threateningly enclosed by trees on each side, with more mountains towering to the South. The scouts head on for a few days, the river seems endless. They head back, but can’t help but feel uneasy when travelling through the forested area. They even go as far as wading through the water at knee-length to avoid going to deep into the woods. Somebody is watching you.

The scouting party of 10 that head to the West follow around a few bends, with nothing but plains as far as the eye can see. A couple of days later, they come into a fork in the river. It is here that they came under attack. The 3 people that return report that they had rains of spears thrown down on them. Large shadows stood on the banks looking down and throwing death down at them. One of the scouts swear that he saw a blaze of flame engulfing one of the others as he ran away.

In other news, those who remained behind built a small shack at the river edge full of spare nets, fish bait and crates to store fish in. However, it currently isn’t possible to store the fish as they decay too quickly.

>If you want to continually fish enough to sustain your people, you can have a single action per turn, and have the other always dedicated to fishing (until told otherwise)

Size: Small Village
Population: 193 males, 200 females
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 1000 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (2/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, farm, fishery
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
So then before mining we need
Enough food
More people
A formal military
Sound good?
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How do our people get laid, do we have brothels and such, are we monogamous and hook up for the sole purpose of procreation or some other arrangement.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

We need salt, fish keep forever with salt
Try to build a salt mine nearby, without using a caravan

My bad I should have explained that. I'll put a counter on the next post.

Every 10 turns, more of your population come of age.
Rolled 34, 47 = 81 (2d100)

Research drying food/fish.
Start digging the irrigration channels.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

1cation isnt good, research automatic fishing contraption
They are monogamous I would guess.
When we advance, brothels will be built, trust me
Rolled 25, 25 = 50 (2d100)

Second this
Are their any open dusty areas near where salt would collect? Or must we head to the rocks?
How did you make these maps? They look really good!
just store the fish alive in the river.... derp

also is the river to the east wide enough for something to carry ore?


>make irrigation network for our crop farms
>setup a logging camp near the forest

You can mine it from mountiains, or collect it from the sea (if you find it).


No unfortunately I didn't. I could do but I don't have the time; so I use maps from cartography sites and fog of war them :)


Do you mean a boat? It's 20ft wide, so yeah.

>3 x Irrigation
>2 x Keeping fish
>1 x Logging camp
We must stockpile a large amount of salt so we can salt our enemies lands after we burn their steads and capture their women.
What if we need to transport them? What if we send off expeditions?
Also, if the river is wild it will only have so many calms where we can store fish
It is not the most pressing thing in the list so far, but we should really increase our knowledge of architecture to both increase the quality of our settlement to ensure an easier time with survival, as well as being able to create a good enough bridge to get across the river. You said that it is 20 feet across so it is very easy to assume that we are not even getting nearly as many fish as we can so far. If we can do this then sustaining ourselves off of fish might not have to be an entire action.
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how come we didnt discover anything here

Dense forest.

>Irrigation and Keeping fish meat locked in!
Probably dense forest+not being able to cross the river.
>but we should really increase our knowledge of architecture


We've got some spear chuckers up river, stronger buildings+walls will be necessary.

Also, bows

that's where the ELVES live, they'll shoot you if you go there
we currently have no need to transport the fish and expeditions.

and it's simple to create a calm spot with some rocks

yeah, after we have a logging camp

ah ok.

that southern mountain looks like our best source for minerals later, as it's not far from the river we can use to transport the ore back to our village.

we can just store the fish in nets in the river for now

logging camp should be a priority, we cant do shit without a source of wood (tools, buildings, defenses, bows, spears)
Build wall
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Your men take their basic shovels and begin to dig the channels for the farm irrigation. They begin from the river’s edge, and start excavating at an incline towards the farm. Other already at the farm start digging small cross channels alongside lanes of seedlings to ensure efficient watering. The work will take another week before the channels can be linked and for the farm to be irrigated completely.
>1 more action needs dedicating to this build before it can be used

Meanwhile, the fishermen stall their catching and construct a small structure alongside the fishery. It is essentially a net draped along frames of timber and posted into the riverbed. It allows the current to flow through the cage, whilst keeping the fish that are caught and in excess within and alive. Currently, per turn, you are fishing 200 units of fish in excess. In other words, for every 2 turns of fishing, you get a free turn of food.

Size: Small Village
Population: 193 males, 200 females [growth 8/10]
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: [critical] 600 units / 1 turn (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (3/15)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, irrigated farm (1/2), advanced fishery
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River

You have 2 actions. What do you do?
Logging camp. Crafting of weapons and fortifying with trench and spikes
Research archery
Continue digging
Well we don't have too much choice. We should fish and finish the irrigation. After that we need a logging camp.
>finish irrigation
We need logs to make bows
And we need foods to do anything
Rolled 50, 1 = 51 (2d100)


Send emissary to the elvish lands, offer them some fish.

Establish a custom where the chief elder can ask one favor of the council before resigning and going in exile.
alright lets get food instead
we need a surplus of food before we start to give it away
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Develop a powerful magical curse.
Are we sure it's elves? The description sounded like something broad and big, which is definitely not elves.
we are definitely not sure what it is. they didnt even see what it was, just had a feeling of being watched.
they sounded like gnolls to me.
Big scary spear chuckers that murder for fun.
gnolls, orks or niggers
that was to the west. forest is to the east.
civ threads were a mistake
As were you
err i mean forest to the south
The farm is finished and irrigated! Despite that, Farmer Jack is sure that he can decrease the time by even more in the future.

The village celebrates with a small festival in the middle of the village. The fishing is done quickly and out of the way. The people dance, they wear eccentric costumes and sing to each other. They are ecstatic and feel completely invigorated. The future looks bright!
>1 extra action next turn!

Size: Small Village
Population: 193 males, 200 females [growth 9/10]
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 800 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (4/10)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, irrigated farm, advanced fishery
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River
Rolled 11, 93 = 104 (2d100)


research farming and MAGIC

Good try.


Don't take part then :)
Lumber mill like crazy. Once we get that we can make a wall and bridge.
Rolled 1, 98, 31 = 130 (3d100)

Hey, why don't we milk our cattle and sheep in order to make cheese?..
Also, start clearing some trees nearby and try your luck with magic
What kind of magic?
>logging camp
>research architecture
build logging camp
could we make some impromptu deffences? like dirt mounds and trenches around the village?
and magic
>keep fishing
>use extra action to finish logging camp faster
Build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen right in the middle of town.
Rolled 75, 88 = 163 (2d100)

Logging camp.
Research archery.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

1 more die roll
I don't freaking know.

Magic in my mind is just magic. No schools like necromancy and shit. Just manipulating the ethereal
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Have more modest goals guys.

Lets research demon magic to summon an archfiend.
wooden walls is better. also risk of eroding the river banks if we dig too close.

nice. i support these actions.
Improve Farming x1
Research Magic x 2
Lumber Mill x 4
Produce Milk x1
Clear Forest x1
Improve Architecture x1
Build Housing x1
Fishing x 2
Research Archery x2

Lumber Camp is locked in. Need 2 more voted on from this list!
I would say a wooden wall with a trench in front, and spikes coming out of the trench. If we find tar or oil, we pour it in the trench so if intruders try to climb it, we light them aflame
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Research offensive language to get a boost in diplomacy.
Or culture, since you renamed it.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Research Judaism
guys we can't even make the houses or make bows without the lumber camp to give us the wood.
I still say milking the livestock is a good idea. aaaand... magic research
Please guys, this is my one shipost free board, you have anywhere else to go
I'll change from architecture to archery.
magic is a waste of time right now TBH

Archery it is.


Let it happen. They're just giving us free bumps.
why the fuck havent they been banned yet? are you people not reporting them?
dude, just fish instead. all we can do with the milk is put it in wooden buckets, it will spoil in 1 day.
now that i think about it, i dont think we can make bows for quite a while. we can't really make a good string for bows.

we need shearing equipment to get wool, then we need to spin that into something useful.
Bowstrings were made from animal sinew.
Just butcher something
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The fishermen continue, getting more and more proficient with their nets. It’s possible that they may soon have a new idea for more efficient fishing.

The Elders demand that a logging camp is to be built at the edge of the nearby woods. The men get to building it from thatch, excited that it may be the last thatch building they may have to build. They get the camp halfway completed. There is a yard to chop wood, houses to store it and even a room to whittle and carve it.

The men who are tasked with guarding the village at night decide that they need some ranged combat capabilities. One man claims that throwing shortened spears through some sort of device could work. After a week of testing; they come up with a fur sling that can fling arrows at their enemies. It isn’t the best weapon for throwing arrows, but it’s all they could think up at the moment.

As time has passed amongst the villagers, the bounty of love has flourished. Your population has grown slightly; but with it, the need for food. (fishing will now yield 750 units of food)

Size: Small Village
Population: 250 males, 250 females [growth 0/10]
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 dogs
Food: 1000 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (5/10)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone
Architecture: Thatch
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, irrigated farm, advanced fishery, logging camp (1/2)
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets, arrow slings
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, basic carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, fishing nets, arrow slings
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River

The villagers aren't the only ones who have been busy.

Livestock: 30 cattle, 40 sheep, 25 dogs
ooooooooooohh ok. my bad.
build a palisade
research: meat smoking
keep fishing
finish logging camp
we cant, we have to finish the logging camp first.
Use wood to
1.update buildings
2. Build wall
3. Build bridge
In order
>complete log camp
>send some people into the woods to scout/hunt
>research improved architecture
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Lets get some stockades up with that new wood. What's the quality of wood?
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Finish that camp.
Guys, the logging camp isn't finished yet

And we need to research improved architecture to build more advanced structures

how did all these people pass school without knowing how to read lol
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Finish camp
Research architecture
Reading is not understanding
But their error lies in scrolling too fast
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The logging camp is complete. With it, the men who remain nearby to farm the lumber and turn it into planks or other usable materials. Whilst shaping the wood and testing it, they work out how to shape it to their will in a more advanced manner.
> + Intermediate Carpentry
> + Wooden Architecture

The others continue fishing. One man presents an idea to the rest of the fishermen. He uses a strand of catgut attached to a small wooden spike to fish from nearer the centre of the river. The other laugh at him, saying that he can only catch one fish at a time. They soon go quiet. The fish that the man catch are much larger and of different colours and shapes to the others. Before long, the nets are all but abandoned; and the sight of groups of men sat on the riverbank, lines cast; becomes commonplace.

Size: Small Village
Population: 250 males, 250 females [growth 1/10]
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 30 cattle, 40 sheep, 25 dogs
Food: 1250 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (6/10)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone, timber
Architecture: Thatch, Wood
Structures: Small hall, crude huts, small pasture, irrigated farm, advanced fishery, logging camp
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets, arrow slings
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, intermediate carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, intermediate fishing, arrow slings
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River
Replace all houses with wood houses, build pallasade, dig trench
We need a wall surrounding the place. after that we can get to improving the village
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Build a stockade around our settlement, with platforms built at the entrance for defensive purposes. Dig a trench around it.
upgrade buildings to wood
send a hunting party into the forest
Rolled 98, 1, 40 = 139 (3d100)

>build some basic defenses pallisade/staked trench
>scouting party into the woods
Forget the buildings for now, we need defenses

Also, why arent some of us roling?
i second this but instead of scouting i think we should look into archery using catgut as a string and looking into other as a glue to bind the wood

Nightfall. The dogs are barking. The livestock are unsettled. The guards douse the fires and look out attentively across the plains.
Before long, figures can be seen heading towards the village drawing a cart. They look small. There are around 20 of them, and they are about 100ft away. They must have spotted the village, as they are heading straight to you. They have no lights, and are nothing more than silhouettes under the dim moonlight.

What do you do?
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d100)

good point.

change my vote to build wall instead of houses
prep the men with spears hide the women and preper to ambush them swarming them with as many able bodied men and leaving few alive
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Have our warriors meet them halfway, spears and slings in hand, escorting an elder to parley
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Mobilize the men to protect the village. Send out one guy as a diplomat to see what they want, should they be friendly.
send 3 men to meet them outside the village

everyone else do >>42222944
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Have an elder escorted by some warriors meet them, with the others in reserve
>not defences
Let's not be chaotic stupid pls
dont think we have warriors. and we probably shouldnt risk getting an elder killed
I said to forget the buildings, not the defenses you listed. We can remain in straw huts while we have a sturdy wall for a while.
If they harm the three men, we engage seven samurai style
If they dont , we'll let them in
Able bodied men, then
We have enough men with weapons to defend against 20 strangers, our elder will be guarded of course.
Leave the elder in the village, send 3 men with the elders interests at heart

Send the elder out with as many men as we can muster in a moment's notice, weapons in tow.
That's fair, I thought you meant to just straight up ambush them.


So, an advance party, then allow a representative of theirs to enter the village and meet with our elders?

100 men take up spears and head out, escorting one of the elders. They take torches and hold them high, trying to look as intimidating as possible whilst looking to see who approaches.

Soon, the figures come into view.

They are not warriors. They are ragged and practically carrying their homes on their backs. They are bandaged and bloodied, and it soon becomes apparent that they wagon is carrying wounded Dwarves.

"Hail Humans!" The leader shouts.

"We come to you not as foes, but as beggars. A great host of Gnolls and Goblins descended into our halls and began a grand slaughter. We are the survivors."

"Please, allow us refuge. We can work, and we will not get in your way. Just let us rebuild alongside you, and let us reach strength to reclaim our home."

As the cart stops a a few meters away, the Ox that draws it collapses into a heap on the floor. You see some of the Dwarves are almost at the point of joining it.

What do you do?
Make it good op
Ask if they will comply to a search. After deeming they are telling the truth, we feed them. Keep a light guard on them all night. In the morning, we talk of mines!
Well, we've a mutual foe, we'd be fools not to take them in, it should bond us that gnolls destroyed both our homes.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Let them in of course! Also get them to share any secrets of stonecutting or architecture. With their help we can make a truly formidable defense.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Dorfs means engineering, I say we take them in and set them to work on the walls after a long night's rest and breakfast
We should agree to help them provided they teach us their smithing and other desired skills to pay their way
Let's just let them live with us and be the designated smiths and craftsmen.
We need to get a macerator going to separate ore from rock
Also, lets butcher their newly deceased oxen and feast on MEAT
Fenrir I may need some advixe about cv game design, would it be ok to email?

Also yeah, Dwarves as a free labor caste.
IF they want to stay.
for now they can help us with the palisade.

nah we shouldnt exploit them
Induct them into our society, treat them as human craftsmen.
We should look into professional soldiering
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The Dwarves are welcomed into your village with open arms.

Over the next week, your people replace all of your structures with wood, and build a crude palisade of sharpened trunk in a horseshoe shape around your community.

The Dwarves show an interest in becoming miners, smiths and builders for you in time. Your relationship with these small people is a brittle one. You are friends on the surface; but your people are more than aware of their gluttony.

Things are looking good for your people, and who knows? Before long you may crush the Gnolls underfoot, and any other that gets in your way.

Size: Small Village
Population: 250 Human males, 250 Human females [growth 2/10]
Immigrants: 20 Dwarf males
Diplomacy: Dwarves (uneasy friendship)
VIPs: Elders, Farmer Jack
Livestock: 30 cattle, 40 sheep, 25 dogs
Food: 1000 units / 2 turns (livestock may be slain for more food)
Farm: Unknown seeds (7/10)
Supplies: Furs, wood, stone, timber
Architecture: Thatch, Wood
Structures: Town hall, wooden huts, small pasture, irrigated farm, advanced fishery, logging camp
Weapons: Wooden spears, nets, arrow slings
Technology: Basic tools, basic husbandry, intermediate carpentry, basic farming, irrigation, intermediate fishing, arrow slings
Magic: None
Defences: Vertrose River, wooden palisade

>> This will be my last post for tonight folks. I will be on tomorrow around 7/8pm BST.

Thank you all of you for taking part, it's been a pleasure narrating for you, and I look forward to the next thread.

>> There will be something of a timeskip next time we visit Aroostook


I only have a work email and I don't want to post that on here. Open a Civ General and drop the link in here, I'll be more than happy to drop in and see if I can help you out!
thanks op! cant wait for the turn
>>> This will be my last post for tonight folks. I will be on tomorrow around 7/8pm BST.

Sounds good

>Fenrir bit off Tyr

no? the other way around in norse mythology
theres your post

Fenrir bites of Tyr's hand.

In my next update of my template, I'm adding an acknowledgement for you, Tyr and Crog. I cannot be bothered with any bad blood, I'm just here to enjoy these threads; been taking part in them for a long time now.
Witter? More like Bitter.

No, but for real thanks for making the initial template friend, I enjoy these threads
look, im not mad at you, i just see things differently when it comes to my work, not to mention maybe we can all come together (me,you,jyoti,crog,crucible,slow) and make a "cm guide" could be fun and would probably be a huge help to the community, let me know

Here is the advice rec based Fenrir

I for one,support our New Aesir overlords.
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6.74 MB PNG

I thought Jyoti and Slow stuck with their own long-running threads these days?

But yeah I'm up for that for sure. Anything to get more people interested in running and maintaining Civs is a bonus for me.

Checking it out now.

I didn't update, but I patched the conceptual card game mechanics a bit, but that wasn't really the core focus.

Just trying to bet translate.

Manage a City:Manage a Deck
Research Tech: Buying Packs
Shit Rollw screw acrions:Shit Draws screw plays

and etc.
anyway i can contact you? let me know- and as far as jyoti, im not sure if he will actually have time but i will ask him none-the-less; as far as slow, im pretty sure he'll do it.- as far as the credits, im very happy and will be also happy to help you with it (because tyr was actually the "designer" and i was more the "idea guy" although he did pitch in many times)
tyr does not have very much time as of lately, although i will be browsing alot more
civ threads have been an ongoing collective effort for at least six years now, all of you got into it with the snowball already rolling and there's no way to give everybody who has put effort into it credit
just keeping it anonymous is the way to go, I'm sure people can fulfil their attention craving some other way

Just made a new email: [email protected]

Glad we've sorted it now though.


Yeah I know, I've been in them for about 3 years. Actually got into them through a couple being posted on /b/ back when I used to browse that shithole.


Still reading, but I'll post in the general thread when I'm done :)

Thanks based Trannyspawn Apocalypse Wolf
that may be true but the golden age of civs started maybe a year or two ago with (imo) CyclopsOP and is still going strong, and you're retarded with this "anonymous" thing, its better to have a count and an identity when this is basically roleplaying (making and building a civ) with a large group

also were you in the cyclopsOP threads? those were 13/10 everytime

I think I lurked a few. They were good but a bit too detailed if I remember correctly. I have a memory like a sieve so aren't sure.
im sorry did you just say "too detailed" does not compute
anyways im going to email you later on and we'll talk

I'm not sure, I thought that they had modifiers on things as simple as weather and type of clothing. Am I thinking of something else? Because it just struck me as a little too much info. I like my Civs to have an even balance of narrative-driven story as well as conflict-resolution from rolls and stats.

But cool, it'll probably be morning (where I'm from) before I check it, it's pretty late here.
no, it was the one with the blue female child cyclops in the OP picture, he had a cool concept with an amazing storyline (and a cool format of doing his roll results, which i might copy when i finish my setting)
and ok np

this golden age thing is highly debateable, and the experience of taking part in a storytelling process with anonymous strangers has always been part of the appeal, means of long term identification being used sparsely mainly to provide continuity
if you feel the need to single yourself out to feel special go ahead by all means, just don't make the assumption this need is generalized
of course its highly debatable its my opinion
>if you feel the need to single yourself out
lol no its nothing like that its to seperate yourself and have a voice that is identifiable in civ games
i dont have a name in any other threads

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