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What is happening ?
The 5th Volgon Warmachine [Pest Control] has pressed their assault into the [Moth's Flame]. An observatory said to be at the front seat of Celestial affairs. Its usefulness as uncharted territory ended when the stars indeed had become charted [and outdated] but has found life again as a summoning conduit.

>Ok But what's Happening.
One of our Ghouls just got blasted by a Forcehead rocket launcher smashing her into 1/x pieces. The foreign kid with the two swords got double tapped and that demon lady is doing demon-y things. Also I think that pumpkin headed guy is about to summon half a screen's worth of monster and feth you. Also Ghouls gonna Ghoul and Slayers gonna Slay. Aw yissss my KeroDokis jump for joy.

>That was vulgar Questi.
Thank you, Nezera And without further ado. ACTION PHASE !

[Phase Ends in 1H]


Owl you need to kill that Scholar before he releases that spell! And also avoid all those guns.

Boss my gun in mostly loaded and there's a smörgåsbord of enemies to shoot, who needs to to be removed? I dunno if I am in range of the flame thrower but I could be with one firing solution.
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More meat for the endless meat grinder!

I can't tell Burk, the target spread is too high and there's more Volgon's coming in. We've got what we came for, you might just want to pack up and get out of there.
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Rules to live and die by. Mostly die. Mainly die. Rules to die by.

We'd be leaving Owl and that Fencer behind of we haul out now, do we want to make that sacrifice?

Can he at least steal that Sniper Rifle and run like the blazes?
>Ward Wendigo so he can be Reversed
>Ward myself
>Face SW if possible

ATK: 1 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 2+1
M.HAND:Wand, Mag 1 Rng 3
OFFHAND:Shield(Knightly Shield?)
BAG: Hammer(???)
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward
Yeah, I think we should get Swordbro back up, then retreat slowly with him in tow. If we're lucky, we'll attract enough attention to allow Owl to get out too.

We are going to need wards. A lot of them.

>Move North 1 West 1
>Grab the wheel and move the crane as far West as it will go.


[I4] Kilroy
Level : 1
Equipped : Blunderbus, lv1 uniform, Irondrop 4AP 9/10
Ammo Load: Irondrop 4AP + packed round +1
Bag : bread x3, water x2, binoculars, Molotov
HP: 4/4 Mv: 3 ATK: 2 DEF: 1 MDEF:1 ACT: 2
Skills: Friendly fire, packed round
>Load Iron Drop + Firing Solution
>Fire on Sergeant 7W of me

[I] Isaac Lvl 2

>Lvl 1 Old Hunter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 1, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>Current Load: Irondrop (4AP) + Firing Solution (+1RNG)
>Ammo: 7/10 Irondrop (4AP), 8/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE)
> Lvl 1 Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1, Molotov x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire
>Move 1 S, 3 E, 2 N

ATK: 0 ACT: 2 DEF: 0 + 1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 4 + 1(Mask)
M.HAND:Book of Water Words:2, Mag +1
GEAR:Mask, Def +1, Mag+1
BAG:Chalk, Llama Water x 5, Old Star Log x 1, [It Came From the Sea] x 1

Banked: Book of Fire, Iron Maiden
Skills:Ball, Ring, Block
Prepared Spells: WaterBallRing(Hydro Bomb) x 2, WaterBallBall(River's Kiss) x 2
>Botting N1 in case they don't show up

>Reversal on Wendigo
>Pulse on Wendigo
>Pulse on K1
>move 2 west
>spin slash
Thanks for healing, will try to stem tide a bit to grab wendigo

HP 4/4
Str 2(+3) Def 1(+5)
Mov 3 Mdef 0

Skills: shield bash, spin slash
Equipped: axe(+3 str), helm (+2 def), shield (+3 def)
Those are all full heals so you don't need to check any stats.
Actually are you on a ward? I thought you were but now I'm not sure. The smoke is really not helping.
Judging by the situation at hand and past history we have a few options on our hands.

A. Annihilate the 5th Unit to gain control of the facility.
a. It will cost us time and lives.
Result. Possibly Save Wendigo and Owl's undead life thereby keeping Latvian's infernal rage at bay.

B. Rescue Qauzar Extricate from here.
b. This is the safest option and will cost us the least time and lives. Owl may end up getting abandoned unless he hitches a ride on the way out.
Result. The Tower remains to be contested by the 5th and the residents here. Also Armistan will probably be mad at us.

C. Save Everyone. [Ally with Latvian, Wendigo, Quazaruuuuun and whoevery we like ]
c. Be prepared to lay down your lives to save a few favorite people. It's not wise but I can't stop you from burning through the clock and picking a fight with either a dark old one and a Volgon Deathsquad at the same time.

D. Ally with the Summoning.
d. Our chances go from 1:3 to 2:3 against but we will have to live witht consequences of what Horace wants with us.
Result. Depends on what we want. Notes ? A pact with a dark god ? a seat in the Board of Education ?

E. Ally with the 5th Warmachine.
e. Our Chances go from 1:3 to 3:4 against but it's quite possible that the 5th Warmachine would not want to deal with us unless we excercise a show of force that would cost us TIme and Lives. ALso we'll be subject to Horace's schemes to feed us to an Outsider.

=Our Fighting Power=
-28 or so undying souls armed with Might, Magic, Esoteric Horrors and 9 Turns. Our rare armored units is the perfect counter against these guns but alas we only have 2 knights and a Slayer.
-3/5ths of the Tower under our control.
"Jan ! We need to cover Wendigo and the guides !"

>Switch Knight's Shield lvl 1 for K. Shield.
>move NWW
>face S
[K] Kail
Level : 1
Equipped : Raider's Axe, Knight's Helmet lvl 1, K. Shield
Bag : Sword lvl 1 (+2 ATK), Knight's Shield lvl 1 (+2 DEF)
HP : 4 Mv : 3 ATK : 3 DEF : 1+2 (+3 shield) MAG : 0 (Aethernumb) ACT : 2
Skills :
Spin Slash
Shield Bash
Good job Kilroy! Someone give it a kick, drop it on the guy with the Forcehead to get him out of the way.

>>42516894 (OP)
"Dammit Pest Control! Cease Fire! There's an Outsider coming in to eat us all and you're wasting ammo! We're the group that released those Vosskon Research Notes! You damn well OWE US! Cease *fire* you gits!"

"Oh I'm so going to regret this, bugger the lot of my day"

>Run N N N N
>Throw Sleep Bomb at [Scholar]
>>rng 3 with 4 square aoe juuuust clips him

"YOU! Stop this absolute madness at once and get on the ground!"

HP: 4/4 Mov: 3+1 Atk: 1
Def: 0+1+3shield --> 4 front def
Mag: 1 Act: 2
Stub-03 2*/2*, [Spread] SR
Sgt. Uniform (+1 def/hp/mov)
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): x16
Happy B-day (4 crush 5aoe) x20
Salamander Rounds (5fire cross AoE) x2
DumboRounds (6 dmg, square aoe, heavy knockback) x3
[5x InstantCoffee + 5x Llama Water], Invader(rng:5, ammo3), 5x Sleep Bomb (4square), [Books!]
# Firing Solution
# Spreadshot
# Friendly Fire
# Packed Shot

>Move 1N, 1W
>Snipe the Flamethrower guy, I think he is in range but I can't see him.
>Shoot another Adept otherwise.

[I2] Burkhard - Level 3

HP: 4/4 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

2 x Breads, 1x Binoculars, 1x Blank Space, 5x Llama Water

GUN: Invader - Range: 5 Ammo: 2/3 Atk: 1+ - Contra (5 Dmg) +1 Rng +1 Dmg
SUIT: Sgt's Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP, +1 Mov
Contra Bullets (5 Dmg): 5/10
Happy Birthday (4 Crush, 5 AOE) : 10/10
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): 18/20
Iron Kisses (5 Dmg): 25/25
Salamander Round (5 Fire Cross AOE) : 1/1

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot

I'm in a rush right now, but I think this'll help either way.

Voting for B, although I'm fine with A.

>Totally want that sniper rifle

The 5th Warmachine
-Conscripts from multiple worlds out to be used like a tool for someone's quest for power.
-There's about 30 of them.
- They have guns ranging from level 1 all the way to 4.
- They have a ship that is of a newer model than ours but far more lightweight despite being designed for ferrying troops across floors.
- Range, lots of it. But letting them sit is the worst thing you can do. Once the pressure is up , don't stop attacking. Catch them immediately after a big attack and always keep track of their battle rhythm. Catching them from behind and at the front at the same time will confuse them possibly kill them.

Alternatively Having high physical defense will save you from all but fire and some types of explosives. When that happens, changing the field's terrain could limit what weapons they can use.

Dont let them control more than half the map. If you do, fighting them will be extremely difficult.
Dont get in their line of sight one or 3 of them will be capable of hitting you.

The Moth's Flame.
- Its possible a Summoner is working towards his own selfish ends and will summon all kinds of thigns to stop us including daemons and outsiders.
- Runes are essential to summoning but asides that we don't know how they go about it. I'ts possible that Latvian, Horace, Quaz or even Wendigo is the Summoner.
- What's Known is that today is the 11th Day of the 9th Sign: Oracle, Pyras. This is important for some reason, maybe you can ask La- never mind. I'll look through these tomes you collected and see if I come up with something in [3 turns] or so.
It seems a lot of folks are not here right now. Shall we switch to Slow Phases ?
[Party Leader can End Phase.]
I was about to ask for a Phase Extension. Switching to Slow Phase would be good, thank you.
Where is the enemy Slayer that was right next to us
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We've Converted to slow phases. I would suggest botting and ending phase once more than half of your are able to post. A suggestion.
That was a spare asset ignore it. [I may have left a bunch of cut outs in that area as well... better clean the boss room before the guests arrive]
Do we have to vote to influence the game or is this just a GM suggestion?

It's up to the players what to do. That's just Monday offering advice.
Oh true but we cant make a decision without everyone here. And some of our actions involve killing people so...We gotta make up our mind now before we kill everyone around us by reflex.
Screw this whatever happens I need to prepare some spells.

>Prepare Earth Ball Ring
>Move 2N 1W on the ward.
>Wendigo's Condition.
Technically he is perma dead. He was in the middle of healing at around 4/6 then got brought down to zero again. I ruled this as a perma-death but left his body intact.
If you let me I can g-g-grab you and toss you further ahead and you can s-s-snipe the crazy vegetable man close to the circle!
Monday, I do have to ask how the Rocket guy saw me? I couldn't see me.
If his body is intact how is it a permadeath? I understand we can't reverse Becky, she's in pieces, but why would reversing Wendigo not work?
T'is a beautiful democracy.

Assuming actions as they are now are set (I can't change mine, anyhow), here's what would be good:

[G4] Poka, [M3] Jackie, [U1] Ziegfreid moving north and smuding, wiping out or otherwise defacing the GIANT RUNIC EYE. If Summoning relies on runes, then getting rid of that giant bloody chalk rune around the thing in the middle is very smart.

[S1] can kill both Militia with a [!] above their heads.

[U2] Owl can gloriously sacrifice himself to throw the [Scholar] of off the ship, OR move SEEES to jump into the Militia Formation - they're all Militia, and so likely don't have friendly fire and will shoot each other or scramble. Alternatively jump over the side, pick him up later. It was a glorious attempt at dropping in.

[K2], [M4] and [G2] can push forward up W then N, which will pincer that side - [I2] and [G2] can join since that's the access side.

[M5] Golbez should Withdraw, hasn't been here since part 1

If these Volgon won't quit trying to kill us, I guess it's only fair we kick their ass. First wave is down, leaving only the ones visible on the ship and an adept group in the darkened square right E of the ship.
Then we can try to stop who-ever from bringing down YIG

[Reminder] - if you don't want to [Die gloriously] you can always [Retreat] on your turn - keeping your life and levels but losing any items you picked up on this floor. It *could* be worth it.
I appreciate the thought but my action is set and done and I can't change it at this stage. Hopefully I'll scuff some of those ward circles when I move across them.

Besides I'm still on what looks like solid-ish ground. And I'd prefer not to shoot the man. Someone here is summoning monsters and demons and worshipping Dark Gods, and I'm not even sure it's Horace. Perhaps a sleep bomb will calm him down, and if not and I walk into a dimensional intersect and cease to be a composite of matter recognizible as myself, it t'was an honor serving with you all.

Hp 4/3
Str 3
Def 1
Move 4
Act 3
Mag 3

Ghoul Teeth
Restraints (Removed)

Mini Bomb
Daggers x5

>Grab axe N of me
>Move 4N
>Smash part of the runic circle with Axe
>Move 4W
>Grab notes on the ground E of end position, face south.
The rocket is designed to destroy level. And people. The fire is indiscriminate but blowing a hole at the center of the level was reason enough for them.
It would work. Just saying that normal pulse wont work here.
>Move 1 W

[S] Jenny
Level : 3
Equipped: Slayer's Armor, Slayer's Spear
Bag: Jerky x 3, Red Solution, Green Solution x 2
ATK 3 + Slayers Spear 2 + Slayers Helm + 1 : 6
DEF 1 + Slayers Helm 2 + Slayers Spear + 1 : 4
HP 5
Ah, okay.
I take it that means all the items are gone as well.

Completely disregard this post, I can't delete it, and now I am not tying my self in a knot in panic that I had to make hasty orders during work time, I can actually look at this map.

And I don't think actually is in that fireball so I am going to choose to not walk out of my cover.

>Overwatch 2 shots Westwards

[I2] Burkhard - Level 3

HP: 4/4 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

2 x Breads, 1x Binoculars, 1x Blank Space, 5x Llama Water

GUN: Invader - Range: 5 Ammo: 2/3 Atk: 1+ - Contra (5 Dmg) +1 Rng +1 Dmg
SUIT: Sgt's Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP, +1 Mov
Contra Bullets (5 Dmg): 5/10
Happy Birthday (4 Crush, 5 AOE) : 10/10
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): 18/20
Iron Kisses (5 Dmg): 25/25
Salamander Round (5 Fire Cross AOE) : 1/1

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot
>Move 3N
>Cast Eye of Darc on the eye rune 4N, attempt to inverse the magic there.

[M] Jackie
Level 3
Equipped : The Lost Word, Mask of the Forgotten,
Bag : Chalk, 4.5 x Cookies (two bites), Book of Iron
HP: 3/3 Mv: 3 ATK: 0 DEF: 0+1 MAG:4+2+2 ACT: 2 WORDS : 2
Prepared Spells : Eye of Darc (Darc Arrow Ring Ring), Field of Hands (Darc Arrow Block Block), Darc Arrow, Iron Needle (Iron Arrow Arrow), Steel Rain (Iron Arrow Ring)
Spells : Arrow, Block, Ring
[G3 - lvl2] Meterios

>Move 3N
>Overwatch N with Snub-3

Wand (lvl 1, Mag 1, Rng 3)
Snub-3 (lvl 1, Rng 3, Ammo 2/2)
Acronaut Helmet (lvl 1, Def 2, Prevents Destruction.)
Bag: Happy Bday ammo (4crush dam 5 aoe) 10/10
Iron Drops Ammo (4ap dam) 10/10

HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+2 MAG:2+1 ACT: 2

Bank: Cloak (lvl 1, Def 1, Mag 1,)
Hammer (lvl 1)
>Attack the sparkling sergeant twice

HP: 2/2 Mov: 4 Atk: 2+1+1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Chain Blades
Atk+1, Range 3

Atk+1, Def+1
8 Chains, Slayer, 1 Iron Maiden
#Hook and Pull
>Respawn! South of k2
>Move 3W
>Throw my bomb 4 NW
>Attack the guy to my NW

Beck Rogues Forever!

Skills : Weapon throw
Phase End ? I can still process at this hour.

Livia, I am currently firing on that sergeant. I should be able to kill him.

I'd recommend hitting him once (just to make sure he's down) then moving to cover.

I have an effective range of 7, so in theory, you can use Hook and Pull + Rig to yank the Volgoss into my range.

Your call though.
Private reporting for duty

>Deploy. Next to [G4], W of her
>Load packed round
>Fire at the Militia to my West

HP: 4/4 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

2 x Breads, 1x Binoculars, 1x Blank Space, 5x Llama Water

GUN: Bluderbuss - Range: 4 Ammo: 0/1
SUIT: Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP
Irondrop x 10 : 4AP

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round
YOU MAD THING. Glory be The Beck Rogue's Guild!
This takes us to 57% active posters. [G4] Poka is deciding modus operandi.

Official Phase time has been extended by 1½ hours. Bot Posting to people's stated earlier preferences commencing now:

[G2] Gilda (S of Forcehead Impact)
>Stalker Fast Climb WW
>Overwatch Pulse on [S1] Jenny


[G3] Meterios ( w from Event Marker)
>Move W W W
>Move W S W
[M4] Meave (S of [Q] Quarz]

>Move S W W, end on Ward
>Prepare Lux Arrow Arrow Block

[M5] Golbez

[M6] Moore (Behind [I1] Isaac, W of Latvian]
>Move W W W
>Attack Militia WWS with [Fire Ball Arrow]

[R2] Varian
>Returns to Ship! WITHDRAW

[K2] Kaz (EE of provision 75-2)
>Attack enemy Militia with [!] from above since he's down in a channel, ha ha
>move SWW, shield NW

[H2] Hetros (far centre S)
>Move NNWW
>Drop into Channel W

[U2] Owl (on enemy ship)
>Move EES
>Move EE into Miltia Basic Formation, hope they all shoot each other in a cross fire
>> make ghoulish sounds, scream, laugh, giggle

>Flutter back to life from Ward+Reverse
>Dash towards that enemy [adept militia] that just shot me
>Just utterly hit him with fancy foreign swords, otherwise defend self

>Move N W N
>Smoke Screen WWWWWWN
>>It's the area E of Forcehead Launcher and S of militia that shot [Wendigo], it covers our advancing team from return fire from the new militia.



"Go Jackie unleash your power!"

[G4-Lvl.3] Poka
HP: 3/3 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1 MDEF:3 MAG: 2 ACT: 2
MHAND: Wand L1
ARMOR: Adept's cloak
BAG: Hammer L1,
Skills: Pulse, Cleanse, Ward, Channel

>Act1: Ward myself
>Act2: Channel [M3] Jackie
I shall allow this to go through. Magnanimous leader that I am.
Also, echoing Trigger's PHASE END

Thank you for the help. I do appreciate it.
This job is so much easier when everyone unflinchingly follow my orders like automatons. Give me command, I'll have this army whipped into shape in no time flat. Hut hut, push ups for everybody forever! Mandatory gun training! For everyone! Yes, also the mages!

Our policy seems to be [C], but everyone's too darn desirious of blowing apart the Volgon's. Here's hoping crumping them a bit and cashing in our favour might turn the tide, because if they don't damn well saddle up and join us we'll batter ourselves bloody on the lot of them. And if they don't quit and we're alive on turn 8 we'll blow their light-weight ship straight out of the sky.

Alas for our policy of "no deals with dark gods"
>Keep quiet Moore, we're not doing it, no
I probably would have been better off just plain resetting and going with 2 skills because damn I was almost at 4, all I have in my bank is that crystal pick and a measly 200z. But once a Beck, always a Beck. Even if Monday is out to kill me.
Also Kilroy, you're hereby promoted to Rookie First Class, with our new Rookie Watchful taking over the open Rookie position.

Mind your shots, try not to stare into the pulsating void what lies between the worlds of Aether and Pitch and if you have the time do avoid getting killed too much.

Haha, that's the spirit! Ah, you remind me of myself back when Armstrong was around.

[sniff]. Oh the rookies. They g-grow up so fast. He's even speaking in complete sentences now. Makes me right proud, it does. Right proud. Be a great runner assuming you don't get ripped to bits by some sort of multiple-armed nega-creature from inverse dimension space.

Well, I better get back to cursing over the Volgon Frequency and hoping they see reason while marching straight towards this gap between dimensional joints. Tally ho. Soldering, it'll take you places!

Now, what's that Volgon phrase for "son of an inaccurately delivered missile barrage"?

(( Gentle reminder that I'm not actually capable of designating rank or ordering people about, and everyone is utterly free to completely ignore Trigger's orders, but shouting at people is amusing ))
I havw acted you know
I vote C. Rescue the moth's flame and extract ourselves. Unless the 5th war machine ceases hostilities.
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Because you forced my hand. And I no longer feel bad for getting you killed over spatial rules.

Things of note:
-I will NEVER post Northfacing walls.
- Levels are considered HighGround/Lowground in terms of mechanics so knowing what is HIGHER is enough
Phase is over, also you would have killed K1 and Beckie you monster
Quick question.

What happens if the Mal eats this YIG fellow? Do demons get eaten by the Mal or does it just ignore them?
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Ima sleepa few hours once more and get up for work in like 3 so you guys know
But you didn't so no worries.

Ah well. I have to run off for 2-3 hours.. Please continue to bot me, I guess, thanks!
Ok so I know you are mad, but I laughed at the *asshole stairs* on the map.
Monday, you do realise that we're going to need a guide like this every map right? I'm terribly with telling which is above and which is below and by how many people get it wrong I am not the only one. I mean in IRC you just broke Trigger's brain.

Non-Euclidean rooms tend to do that to people. Do not worry; such a condition is fleeting and is not known to have any ill after-effects.

Live and learn Or die and learn. Whichever.
what if you color coordinated the floors each map?

The lighter the color of the floor? The higher up it is?

So lvl.0 for a map has the darkest shades,
Lvl.1 the next lightest,
Lvl.2 further up

Use the same 'color' for the same terrain type but increase the brightness of the shade over time?
The thing is is that for each map we'll have to learn it the hard way, by trying to move into walls and learning that yes, that is up and not down. And that is going to be for each individual person almost, as the maps are a bit too chaotic to watch every single other person like a hawk.

We're looking at this from a top down view, and telling levels from that is downright hard to impossible in a lot of cases.

Not really? I'll admit the south west corner was a bit confusing, but you do this long enough you start to see it. Trigger got confused I'm guessing because he forgot there was a door there. Which would make that whole section wall.
> There will be no northfacing walls
> Elevation changes are bordered and shadowed.

If you know geometry or zelda you will not fuck this up.
It's okay. I get it now. It actually makes a lot of sense when you can see the entire thing and the rooms slot together, but the mis-alignment in my head compounded by the assumption of the small rooms SE and SW being below us rather than above us.

Now excuse me I've burned out my inferior visual cortex and have started being able to smell the color purple. I have to go reformat my brain.
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nothing to see here honest
We never see the whole map like this. It is obvious when Monday lays it out like this because we're seeing everything and we can look at that and say ooooo so that is where that leads and that is how that stands over that. When we're in the early stages of the map? Pure guesswork for the most part. That central corridor and the eastern raised platform was hell on perspective for me personally.
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Horace: Inversions ! I didn't think it would align from the other side too ! Quick- You Fool - Ask It. Ask the Eye. ASK OF IT WHAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE Ma- Ma- - "

" Jackie, you can complete the spell, shut the eye but Trigger's fate is unknowable.... Don't even think about doing what Horace is asking, the other side is not something our souls can comprehend "

Close The Eye ?

Any other mage care to explain the mechanics of switching books to cast another spell? I may have to try something soon and I have been loading up on sweet sweet aoe madness.
>Any other mage care to explain the mechanics of switching books to cast another spell?
I don't think we actually know.
Please stand on a ward before trying it. Just in case.
I am! I am prepared in case we have visitors from the eye.

Trigger! Dammit get out of there!
"What is.... the best flavor of ice cream?"

"Oh sweet Science."
Of all the questions.....At least ask for something useful! Like who should we make friends with! Or why are bagheads so stupid looking!
"Oh... hello Sergent... I don't suppose you'd be willing to uh... not perforate me?"

"Through smoke and fire and shot and shell"
>Aim Stub-03
"And to the very walls of hell"
>Shoot other side with 2x spreadshot Salamander round

"Over the hills and far away"

>Discombobulate from this dimension

(( Close it! ))
"I owed him money, damnit. Are you trying to make me build up karmic debt here?"
Through Smoke and fire and shot and shell

A nd To The V y walls of he

Over the hi an a y "

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He did it, the absolute madman
He actually did it.

Also is that a head on Owl's face

It's the Mothman. And I think it's the thing that I took a potshot at earlier.
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*Clap *Clap
Well well, that was a rousing performance. But I'm afraid with the Once eye, the show is now well and truly over. However, I am none too none-plussed by such a development, indeed I came not for the eye at all. In fact I came for but one person only. Horace Heigel himself, and perhaps Latvian Lestat if the good lady chooses that is. My name ?

My name is Redcap, a mere gentlemon from the House of M. You seem like amiable runners so how about it ? Horus here will be safe with us, and Latvian can choose her path. Choose wisely, and know that handsome rewards will come your way if you agree ~ !

"Jackie, Horace tried to kill all of us, even if he didn't exactly mean to, and well, Latvian is getting a choice. I don't see a reason to fight these folks from what we know of the House of M already."
"I have no objections personally. Miss Latvian?"

"You offered your hand to me without judgement"
" I know full well what the House of M wants with me, I refuse their offer and siding with these Runners. Take Horace for all I care, he will learn of the other side one way or another but I nor Wendigo will suffer it no longer "
Will you ensure that he does nothing like this again? I will not contest your seizure of him as long that is true.

I think he was simply overwhelmed by the harsh truth of our lives and the fact that we are all Running on borrowed time. If you can do well to him I will wish him all the best.

Miss Latvian we too have a place for here among us for you. We are not a large group, nor the strongest, and in truth we need all the help we can get. So the request to stay with us is selfish. But I think you would find a home here.
Alright, this is an homage for Trigger, who sacrificed himself : I call it "Trigger : Repercussions of Volgon"

Trigger waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were Volgons in the base. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Scholar Questi were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. Trigger was a militia for three Floors. When he was young he watched the Runners and he said to dad “I want to be on the Floors daddy.”
Dad said “No! You will BE KILL BY Volgons”
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the Furiosa base of the Runners he knew there were Volgons.
“This is Questi” the radio crackered. “You must fight the Volgons!”
So Trigger gotted his Snub-03 and blew up the wall.
“HE GOING TO KILL US” said the Volgons
“I will shoot at him” said the sergeant and he fired the Napalm Hugs. John snubbed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must kill the Volgons” he shouted
The radio said “No, John. You are the Volgons”
And then John was a Yig.
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"Outsiders are not to be meddled with, this truth is well known even amongst us monsters. We require Horace for his skills in Celestial reading, and also because he would be too dangerous to hand over to the Volgons. And we were interested in Ms. Latvian for her skills in... well I suppose she'll tell you the rest. "

" It there is nothing else I will take my leave here, and let it never be said that Red Cap forgets his promises. Collect your reward if when you survive this floor. I may... or may have not... invited a few more guests over in a few turns to eat some Volgon Food. Better hurry !"

Why? Why? WHY?! I should have gone...You were my friend...

REDCAP! How do we reopen the eye? TELL ME!
I-I'll give anything for Trigger back..."
"Boss Jackie? Can we get the fuck out of here now?"
Yes. But the quickest way out might be through the Vogons and seize their ship. Too many of us are in knife range of them.
"If you say so boss. I think they're likely to just scuttle their ship or abandon their remaining folks here with us though."
I'm sorry. I had a choice and I said yes. You may blame me if you wish. I do.

No, I don't think that is likely.
"alright boss."
Damn you Jackie, get out of my way now, I have some Volgons to eat. And then...and then.......
Anyone else impressed with the fact that Becky has been the toughest son of a gun in this entire game so far?

The only way to kill her was to finally have an enemy directly hit her with an AP, Crushing, Fire damage weapon that bypassed the armor that neutralized her fire vulnerability.
Going Ghoul helped. I don't know if I'll ever make that choice voluntarily though.

It was the crushing that killed her not the fire.
It's still crazy as fuck.

I had assumed the crushing is what got through the armor... mostly because I'd like to think that Monday wouldn't deploy two units that can one-hit-kill any of us on the damn field of battle without any chance of revival.

Either way, we need to use Ghoul to erradicate the two bazooka dudes near him if he survives the next turn.
Death touch units exist. Just like how death touch classes exist and insta revive classes exist.
fair enough, but it seems like this goes a step beyond that if it makes sense? The bazooka doesn't even leave anything around to be revived.

But then again, if there wasn't our massive number of guides would probably make instant-revive classes like the navigator too strong if there wasn't a 'trump' to instant revive.
Such is life, now move it! Volgons need to learn that they aren't always the top dog.
>The bazooka doesn't even leave anything around to be revived.
its a
>Death touch unit

>a 'trump' to instant revive.
Quick question for Monday?

Is the Slayer's Jump

3 Base + 1 Armor + 2 Lance + 2 Jump +2 Dropping Attack

Or is the +2 from dropping attacks what gives jump it's +2 damage?
"Nooo Trigger! Damn it Jackie! We could have tried to handle the other! We could have done something dammit!!! Now we lost another comrade! How am I supposed to save anyone when everyone keeps being outside my reach! This is like my home town All Over AGAIN!"

Well, what is it now? Are we running away, or fighting to the end. Now is the time to decide.

Jackie? You've made a tough choice, I saw, but now you've got to make another one. Do we fight these sons of bitches, or do we grab the rogues and run the hell away?

Clock's ticking, think fast.
(I'm not sure how to treat these weird global interactions that defy space. It weirds me out.)

"W-what happened to Trigger?" Meave looks up from her book, suddenly aware of the increase in chatter.
"He got sucked into the Pitch we think..."
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We must escape our reasons for staying here are compellingly low !

Action Phase:

Armistan: Don't be shy about that withdraw action kids if theres nothing around you worth taking then don't take that chance ! Grab your buddy and go !

Questi: That handsome goblin was telling the truth. I spot a fishing boat coming up from the southwest. Brace yourselves people, this isn't a battle about honor anymore !
(He was up in the eye I think when you closed it)

"He stood too close! He was too close to the eye when it closed so it sucked him along with it! Damn it! Damn it all! These Volgons gonna taste my fury if that is the last thing I will do!"

Meave almost drops her book, "w..wHAT? Are we able to get him back??"
>Pulse Wendigo
>Pulse Latvian

ATK: 1 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 2+1
M.HAND:Wand, Mag 1 Rng 3
OFFHAND:Shield(Knightly Shield?)
BAG: Hammer(???)
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward
>Move 1W, 1N
>Face W

[S] Jenny
Level : 3
Equipped: Slayer's Armor, Slayer's Spear
Bag: Jerky x 3, Red Solution, Green Solution x 2
ATK 3 + Slayers Spear 2 + Slayers Helm + 1 : 6
DEF 1 + Slayers Helm 2 + Slayers Spear + 1 : 4
HP 3/5
Why did I not move? I was botted, I watched it.
Jenny you stupid muscle brain! You'l never take them all out! Run for it!
Allright... So all in character things aside... Time to pull out?
yes, be safe

" Sir, the gate is lost I advise that we pull out.
" Pull out ? Pull OUT ? And let these traitors to humanity get away ? No. Someone's paying for our boys' deaths And I paid my part ! "



" What about the soldiers sir ?"
Hmm... Can I like throw a pulse heal in the middle of a move action? Like move one step, pulse, then move the remaining two steps? (I am guessing no but need to ask.)
>Stow one of the fallen Volgon soldiers' guns
>Move 3E while facing W
link it :v [its 9am here]
>[G2] Gilda (S of Forcehead Impact)
>>Stalker Fast Climb WW
>>Overwatch Pulse on [S1] Jenny
I might be still dead, but I'd be on a ward. That makes all the difference in the world.
>Can I like throw a pulse heal in the middle of a move action?
Here scholar.

>Move 1W 3S(grab note on ground while im at it).
>Move 1S 1W
>Devour Volgon west of me if he's dead. If not, Attack face with raider axe and steal his shit when he's dead.

Hp 4/3
Str 3
Def 1
Move 4
Act 3
Mag 3
Raider Axe (+3 Str?)
Ghoul Teeth (+1 Str)
Restraints (-1 Move, -1 Str, -1 Act, Def 2)(Removed)

Dagger x5
Bomb x1

Skills: Steal, Devour
Bad News. Looks like if I process it you'll die from the sensor mines placed there. [They do like 4 damage]
That ... changes things! Finish the soldiers on the loading deck! Get our wounded healed and fallen revived only then we fall back east. No one else has to die today.
Does Llama water stop bleeding?
>Move 3W
>Load HappyBday + Firing Solution

[I] Isaac Lvl 2

>Lvl 1 Old Hunter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 1, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>Current Load: HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE + Firing Solution (+1RNG)
>Ammo: 7/10 Irondrop (4AP), 7/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE)
> Lvl 1 Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1, Molotov x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire
Aren't the sensor mines on the door?
I can reach you with a heal though Gilda, and then you might be Ble to reach thar poor H2 to the southwest maybe?
They face north. [otherside of the door. your side ]
Given a Beck rogue was the one who placed them... they should be facing south.

[R] Beckie
Level : 1
Equipped : Knife, Prisoner Uniform
Bag (2/4) : Knives x 3, Keys x 2
Ammo Pouch : Nothing
HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 3 DEF: 1 MDEF:1 ACT: 3
Skills : Throw weapon
[G3 - lvl2] Meterios

>Move 2W
>Pulse G2
Wand (lvl 1, Mag 1, Rng 3)
Snub-3 (lvl 1, Rng 3, Ammo 2/2)(2 Iron Drops loaded 4 AP dam)
Acronaut Helmet (lvl 1, Def 2, Prevents Destruction.)
Bag: Happy Bday ammo (4crush dam 5 aoe) 10/10
Iron Drops Ammo (4ap dam) 8 /10

HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+2 MAG:2+1 ACT: 2

Bank: Cloak (lvl 1, Def 1, Mag 1,)
Hammer (lvl 1)
>Prepare WaterRingRing
>Prepare WaterBlockRing

ATK: 0 ACT: 2 DEF: 0 + 1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 4 + 1(Mask)
M.HAND:Book of Water Words:2, Mag +1
GEAR:Mask, Def +1, Mag+1
BAG:Chalk, Llama Water x 5, Old Star Log x 1, [It Came From the Sea] x 1

Banked: Book of Fire, Iron Maiden
Skills:Ball, Ring, Block
Prepared Spells: WaterBallRing(Hydro Bomb) x 2, WaterBallBall(River's Kiss) x 2
Especially since when I set them I was standing where G2 was going.
>Move W S W
>Spin slash
>face West
No bazookas allowed
Level 1
Equipped: Raider Axe(+3 atk), lv.1 Helm(+2 def), lv.1 Raider Shield(+3 def)
Skills: Shield Bash, Spin Slash
Bag: Sword(+2 attack)

Hp: 4/4
Def 1(+5)
Str 2(+3)
Mov 3
Mag 0
Did use up that Fire spell and get a kill?

>Inscribe on the floor N, Shadow Pit (Darc, Ball Block: MAG 7), using Book of [Fire]
>Inscribed spell triggers upon stepping on it or from the trigger word: Excelsior!
>Move 3E
>Face W

::Spells 1/2::
>Shadow Pit (Darc, Ball Block: MAG 7)

[M6] Moore Lv. 2
> HP 2/2, DEF 0+1, MAG 4+1
> ACT 2, MOV 3, ATK 0
> Main: Book of Fire, Gear: Mask
> Bag: Chalk, Book of Darc, x5 Llama Water
> Arrow, Ball, Block
> Carried: 0
> Banked: 877
As in, I open the door and BAM puppy surprise South ?
I had it on southside of the doors and potentially got a bunch of people killed way back when south ? "
Gilda, if you get a chance after you're healed and nobody else is in danger? Could you hit me with a heal?

>If I'm healed up
>Attack the Sgt. SW of my position twice

[H-lvl.2] Hetros
-Chain of Goya (Lvl1,Attack+2,-1Mov,Range3 Arcing)
-Overcoat (lvl1,Def+1,Atk+1)
(1/4)Chain*3, (2/4)Minibomb*5, (3/4) Baton, (4/4) Books[4 Nor-Wystrn Knights, Old Starlog*2]
HP:2/2, Mv:3(4-1), ATK:5(2+2+1), DEF:2(1+1), MDEF:1, ACT:2
[H]Bloodlust, [H]Hook and Pull, [H]Rig
Bank:Stalkers(Atk+2,Fast Climbing)*1,Hunting Chain(lvl1,2hnd,Rng3,Atk+1)
Group Bank:562z
>Move 1E 2S 1E 2S

[M]Coffee Level *3*
Hp : 2/2
Atk : 0
Def : 0+1
Mov : 3
Act : 2
Mag : 4+1
Skills : Ball, Block, Ring, Arrow
Lv1 Book of Tera (Mag1, Word2)
Lv3 Spook's Mask (+2 Mag, +1 Def)

-Book of Fire
-Iron Maiden


Spells : Spice Bomb, Spike Bomb

I'm running back to the ship! I'l prep spells and fortify our escape!
This was the order I gave
Plant and set 2 sensor bombs inside the large doors, facing so that they take out anyone trying to go this way

So yeah, it was intended to trigger upon opening the door.
dis schrodinger's unibomber tho
I am a ghoul. I will survive this. The others who depend on me may not.
If someone would feed me some Jerky that I have in my pocket I will heal who I can.
Level with me. "Inside the large doors could mean anything. But in the context of this action anyone coming [This Way] could also mean on the northface or the southface and I assumed north since you bailed out of that zone. Southface at the time potentially meant explosing anyone moving there to Fire. So I figured " No that's too dangerous " Because I haven conscience sometimes too.

I have proceeded with the rest of the game on this assumption. Those bombs are northfacing or they are duds. Pick one.
G2 is a Ghoul, Pulse hurts her.
I won't cheat to say they are duds just because they proved pretty useless after all. So I guess they are northfacing if I must pick that.
My english is degrading rapidly. I think I've been awake for like 25 hours now. I kind of want to see this mission to the smoldering fiery end.
>Move 6 W

HP: 4/4 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

2 x Breads, 1x Binoculars, 1x Molotov, 5x Llama Water

GUN: Bluderbuss - Range: 4 + 1 Ammo: Irondrop
SUIT: Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP
Irondrop x 8 : 4AP

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round
>Move 4 S, 4W

HP: 2/2 Mov: 4 Atk: 2+1+1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Chain Blades
Atk+1, Range 3

Atk+1, Def+1
8 Chains, Slayer, 1 Iron Maiden
#Hook and Pull
The bombs face north. Be careful.

>Move: N, W, W
>Grab [H2]Hetros and pull him onto the ward to his N

[M4] Meave
Level : 2
Equipped :
• Chalk
• Lux Codexia (Mag0, Words3)
• Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF)
Bag :
• Book of Fire (Mag1, Words2)
• 1x Llama Water (5 Uses)
• 2x Sleep Bomb
HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 0 DEF: 0/+1 MDEF:4/+1 ACT: 2
Skills : Arrow, Block, Ring

Spells Prepared:
• Fire Block
• Lux (Lux?) Block Block (Nodus Volta)
• Fire Arrow Block
• Lux Arrow Arrow Block
Doing a few early bots to get things moving.

>Move to attack the remaining Vogol still on the observatory deck

>Feed G2 her own Jerky
>Overwatch W

>Drop sword\shield
>Pickup R1
>move 3 E
>Place R1 on Ward

>Move 3S
>Fire Abyssal Leyline, through the wall and into the place where the rocket hit.

"Have a good trip."

[M] Jackie
Level 3
Equipped : The Lost Word, Mask of the Forgotten,
Bag : Chalk, 4.5 x Cookies (two bites), Book of Iron
HP: 3/3 Mv: 3 ATK: 0 DEF: 0+1 MAG:4+2+2 ACT: 2 WORDS : 2
Prepared Spells : Field of Hands (Darc Arrow Block Block), Darc Arrow, Iron Needle (Iron Arrow Arrow), Steel Rain (Iron Arrow Ring), Abyssal Leyline (Darc Arrow Arrow Arrow)
Spells : Arrow, Block, Ring
Changing actions!

[G3 - lvl2] Meterios

>move 2W
>pulse H2 through Ward

Wand (lvl 1, Mag 1, Rng 3)
Snub-3 (lvl 1, Rng 3, Ammo 2/2)(2 Iron Drops loaded)
Acronaut Helmet (lvl 1, Def 2, Prevents Destruction.)
Bag: Happy Bday ammo (4crush dam 5 aoe) 10/10
Iron Drops Ammo (4ap dam) 8 /10

HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+2 MAG:2+1 ACT: 2

Bank: Cloak (lvl 1, Def 1, Mag 1,)
Hammer (lvl 1)
>Reverse R1
>Move 2W 1N
>Move 3N

I haven't moved in 48 hours, but now is the time to go.

[N]Khya Lv3
HP: 3/3 MV: 3 ACT: 2+1 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+1 MAG: 3+3
Main hand: Academic Writing Pole (Mag+1 RNG4 Runes=rng)
Off hand: Watcher Lv2 (ACT +1)
Gear: Cloak Lv2 (DEF +1 MAG +2)
Banco de Llama: 1802z
Llama Vault: Hammer, Cursed AcroNaut Helm, Eye of Eld, Cloak

Skills: Pulse Channel Ward Cleanse Reversal
I am healed

>Move 1S, 2W
>Pulse S1

[G] Gilda
Level 2

Wand level 1
Cloak level 1
Stalker level 2

Hammer level 1
Stalker level 2
Jerky x 2.5

Thanks, I mean it wouldn't mean much if I died again but thanks.

>Move 2W, 1N, 3W
>Throw a knife at the nearest Vogon still breathing.
>Drop all my knives
>Pickup ALL the guns and ammo

[R] Beckie
Level : 1
Equipped : Knife, Prisoner Uniform
Bag (2/4) : Knives x 3, Keys x 2
Ammo Pouch : Nothing
HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 3 DEF: 1 MDEF:1 ACT: 3
Skills : Throw weapon
Phase End Mark
Thanks for that heads up, was doing a terrible mistake otherwise.

"Maeve got you within my reach Hetros so don't worry I got your back this time, we have lost too many already."

"Thank you Maeve for that intervention, its heartwarming that you are looking out for our fellow friend."
Becky I'm sorry, but my bot won't hold. [K2] Kaz had already moved. I had missed it when going over the thread earlier. That is my fault.
Last minute bots. Only have 1 missing.

>Channel M3
>Move 3 S

Just reminding you Monday

Sorry to say but your botted action would'very gotten us both killed anyway.
Errr, no. My bot would have moved you 3E... in fact you moved 3E in your own action. The only nearby enemies are already dead.

Dropping a shield that is the only thing protecting me from guns, with at least 2 soldiers in range would've been the issue, not the move.
All those people are very, very dead.

Maybe with some of the actions posted. But gambling on 2 lives is a choice that should be made by the controlling player, no?
If I'm not back in time for the next action phase, please withdraw me.

If you really need my gun on the field, all you really need to do is load (firing solutions preferred) and overwatch west.

Also, I'd like to suggest that the party leader/botters hold off their botting actions until AFTER action phase has ended (the exception, of course, being slow phases). This would, in theory, prevent incidents of someone posting an action after they have been botted.
It wasn't a gamble. And I'm not asking you to give up your control. I'm just sad I managed to save Becky, then realize I didn't actually do it.
not allowed. Botters either post before the phase is over or the actions aren't processed.
Gonna have to nap this out body finally gave in.
Have a good rest
sleep well!
Good night Monday sleep well
Good night sweet prince.
Party Leaders
- Can Bot
- Can Bot override [at risk]
- Call Phase End
- Appoint tasks
L Squad Leader[s]. Responsible for keeping track of their party's actions.

Processor will process.
Turns recieved in order.
Replies to botting orders that happen to be of the real player
Botting Orders
Botting Orders overrided by late player.

See ya'll 5-6 hours.
I know I can override people, I just don't want to unless their actions cost the entire group dearly. Kinda sucky for the player in question to have their action taken over and I'm going to avoid it unless I have no other choice. As it is the Beck Rogue Guild can send in another member shortly.
I get my bomb back!

I'm going to start recycling names before I start looking grasping at straws.

[R] Becka
Level : 1
Equipped : Knife, Prisoner Uniform
Bag (3/4) : Knives x 3, Keys x 2, Bomb
Ammo Pouch : Nothing
HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 3 DEF: 1 MDEF:1 ACT: 3
Skills : Throw weapon

Interesting, how many of them do you think are really, /really/ keen to lay down their lives for a commander that left them to die how many can we convince to surrender now?
"Hey, I'm more than willing to make the offer, but these guys were probably chosen for their loyalties... and we killed a WHOLE bunch of their pals... We also don't have time to patch up their wounded."
"Of course the statement 'you guys can run with us right the fuck now, or you can be eaten by the monsters coming here right the fuck now. Is probably a compelling argument."

"Your commander thinks you are a bunch of worthless tools and left you here to die a horrible death or worse", would probably work towards that also.
I could be wrong, but I think every single vogon on the observatory is dead.
"if they are we should begin double moving the hell out of here, grabbing any volgon guns we can as we go to sell. I'm tapped out on that front because of the books. What do you think will sell for more?

Questi? Runner? Floria?"
If the Vogons are clearing out, grab what you can and withdraw, we have no other reason to stay here besides looting. Getting 7 or 6 turns on the next floor would be great.
I'll say this about this level. It really drove home how important class interaction is. Those guys were scary in DPS but they had almost no staying power without the classes to back them up.
Hey guys, I'm going to bed. Bot me next round by ear, but in general I only see three possible situations

1) The monsters haven't landed next action phase or land weeelll out of attack range of me or anyone else.
>Hook and pull the books located 2SW,1Sish to myself, they'll go in the slot with all the other books
>Pick up books in own square
>Run like buggery for the ship.

2) The monsters are too close, and somebody is in trouble and needs to be saved
>Hook and pull in danger friend to safety
>Pick up books in own square
>Run like buggery for the ship.

3) The monsters are too close, and there's no one else in danger
>Pick up books in own square
>Run like buggery for the ship.

Good luck guys.
Action invalid due to lack of actions:
Switching equipment. Will cast shadow pit with book of darc instead
wait a moment.
action investigation pending.
Action is a little oddly worded, but Moore has Shadow Pit prepared already so he's "Activating" it by inscribing it as a rune on the ground, then moving

Also, no one botted U2 Ghowl despite him saving us from 5 bullets and taking a grand total of 17 damage.

This seems a little unfair; can he opt to
by slumping over the side somehow?
if he is no longer "in battle"
he may.

Btw whats the resolution on Kaz's actions. go with botted or Kaz's move ?
I think the party leader didnt want to overrule the controlling player for Kaz in the end.
Jackie opted to forego control
( >>42528953, then >>42529588
). This invalidates part of N1 actions (can't reverse R1) and R1's following action (by reasons of being dead)

U2 Ghowl is surrounded by 4 Volgon Militia and 1 Volgon Paperbag Scholar. He's actively on their Ship. I think this might qualify as "in battle". 1 of them (Forcehead Man) and the Paperbag Scholar gets Spinslashed, but there's still 3.

He can easily move E S E of off the ship before it detonates, however. If we go with K2 Kaz' own action, R1 Becka's is invalid, so if U2 Ghowl opts to

>Move E S E
>Attack Adept Militia SSE with two bullet holes in his head.

That volgon then still dies, but not from Becka's knifes rather from Ghowl's chains. This solves the "floating" action, and clears up the field (although R1 Becka is thus still dead)
Obviously even processing this is your prerogative Monday, I'd totally understand if the answer is "That's way out of phase"
He is also "dead"
Oh, apologies. I didn't see a skull or otherwise signifier that he was. I guess the -17 damage should have been a clue, but Ghouls tend to stick together so well it's a bit difficult to see when they're disabled or not.

How about I just shut up and leave ya to it, then? :b
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" South Group and Mid Group has reported silence ! A knight has broken through our li- "
( Explosions )

" S- Sir there's no identifying marks on them- they they're Runners ! "

" Runners Just wiped out half my damn Unit !"

" Boarding dock has been bombed ! "
" Pull out no - "
" Commander ? Commander !? Commander is down .. "
" The ship's core is reverse fluctuating.. oh... we're finished "

Antigua: Calm down Hadley, reduce output and just keep us afloat for the next minute. Heigel I want you to inverse polarity on those crystals using the Quagmire Solution"

Heigel: But that 's only a theory !

Antigua: Do it ! Or we're dunked !
Antigua: Squads A and B abort the mission, take back as many as you can. C.. I ... I
C squad: It's fine Antigua. I'll cover the retreat alright. It's been a pleasure working with you and not that asshole Kirk.

Antigua: ......

Antigua: Dungeon Phase.
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ii Attention Occupants of the Moth's Flame. For the time being I hold your people hostage in the south Library,comply with a non aggression order and we will see to it no one receives further harm. We have a man down there with a Chicago Type 03, capable of firing 3 rounds in a single burst and a pocket full of bombs. If he even hears so much as a peep over the comms he will pull the trigger and smolder your friends. What say you ? "

"So this is a we don't further massacre you, you don't further massacre us sort of thing? Start backing away...we will keep ours in check"

Alright someone forcefully grab the Ghouls, this is our best chance to pull out!

"How 'bout you defect and join us instead for a whale hunt?"

"Barring that, we, and by that I mean I, would be much more inclined to accept if sniper boy over there gives me his gun."
Trade 'em! We want our Owl Ghoul! Pull your men out, then kick Ghowl into the loading dock when you're all aboard. Hostage for hostages. No one else has to die.
Don't be greedy Isaac this isn't the time. Scrumage around you and run back to the ship, we're gonna make a break for it, save time for the next floor.
I owe my life to the Volgon Technocracy and all it stood for. I will not dillute myself to aimless runners on a quest for megacide and our men are less inclined to be accessory to a /Summoner/ either. We at pest control were formed for this exact reason. "
(A lot of smoke and all, not sure what happened around me and what I did)

Sounds about right. We'll go our separate ways. We had no quarrel with the Volgon before this day and only preserving our own lives caused this battle to occur, nothing more. If no more death happens today I will be glad for it.

Get your men out of here.


>Grumbles about looting things
You ate Jonathan whole, it was disgusting.
I request the Scholomance wand.
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" The conditions of word has been met. Now for the insurance. Don't take it personally, I never trusted you to begin with... "

Someone needs to feed that ghoul.
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????: Ahh and there he goes finally realizing his path. Lightspeed, Antigua

Beckie: "W- What are you doing What kind of magic is this !? "

Squad C: " First Aid. It stops bleeding. "

Beckie: W- Why


Squad C: I remembered when the Volgons stood for a better tomorrow. A world of progress and ingenuity.

In the end we're all the same humans, running away to another day. Perhaps old fools like myself and Heigel didn't realize it soon enough. We were dogs of war, but I remembered. I remembered a time when we were fighting to prevent war... and I remembered people's names.

Now I don't even remember my own. So this is it for me. Let this old dog rest with his brothers around him.

We do have a place for you if you wish. Perhaps a place to remember your name. And if not, it'll be a place among those who have not given up fighting for the people around them.

A guide nearby can patch your wounds if you are willing to fight for another day's breath.
Ah... this is good.... Here I can see the stars...


" Hardy... I'll see you on Valhalla "
" A- Action Phase "

Runner: He's out like a light. Moreover you have wounded to cart out of here.
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Back to the present people ! We got a floor to climb !
>Ward S1
>Ward I5 (I6?)

[G] Gilda
Level 2

Wand level 1
Cloak level 1
Stalker level 2

Hammer level 1
Stalker level 2
Jerky x 2.5

So, does this mean we have achieved a peaceful resolution to this conflict?

>Search bodies for ammo to loot
>After looting ammo, return to the Furiosa

"I need a bigger bag."
Yup, now.... could you pulse G1 for me please? I kinda zapped them with Darc magic. I really gotta watch what I'm shooting with this thing. It could be deadly.
Sure, is Mibbit down? The serve list seems dead.
No, its still up for me. I do use an IRC client instead of a browser one so maybe its the website that is down.
You may
>Withdraw with your character anytime if they are capable of walking. And party Leader may launch the ship.

>Those affected by stun are capable of walking
I know how it works but there is just no list to select Rizon like normally, it is just blank. I have been trying for an hour now...
Yeah just realized that.
What I did was a fix to the usual client I used.
It seems like mibbit is experiencing some trouble.
>Move 1E, 2S
>Grab flamethrower\ammo

HP: 2/2 Mov: 4 Atk: 2+1+1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Chain Blades
Atk+1, Range 3

Atk+1, Def+1
8 Chains, Slayer, 1 Iron Maiden
#Hook and Pull
Dont hold your breath, it's probably going to get patched out.
> It was actually inconsistent with setting too :<

>This is the last day to use it tho.
>All actions to run back to the ship (at work and cant check map properly)

>Move 6W
>Assuming a free action: Check body for gun/ammo and take them
>Free up space in my bag by dropping molotov if I have to
>Withdraw to the Furiosa
Gonna bot someone to make things a bit easier on us

>Cleanse S1
>Cleanse I5
>Loot Volgon I ate
>1S 7E
Woops, deleted the wrong post.

>Move 3S
>Inspect crate
>Inspect nearby guns
>Feed Beckie Jerky.

[S] Jenny
Level : 3
Equipped: Slayer's Armor, Slayer's Spear
Bag: Jerky x 3, Red Solution, Green Solution x 2
ATK 3 + Slayers Spear 2 + Slayers Helm + 1 : 6
DEF 1 + Slayers Helm 2 + Slayers Spear + 1 : 4
HP 5
Skills: Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash, Jump
Zenni : 200
Bank : 0
So this is the last turn yes?

>Pick up bazooka south of me
>Pick up cane to the west of me
>Pick up invader
>Move S
>Feed owl some flesh

Level 1
Equipped: Raider Axe(+3 atk), lv.1 Helm(+2 def), lv.1 Raider Shield(+3 def)
Skills: Shield Bash, Spin Slash
Bag: Sword(+2 attack)

Hp: 4/4
Def 1(+5)
Str 2(+3)
Mov 3
Mag 0
If this enough to heal me.

>Drop all my knives, including the one in my hand.
>Loot all the guns! Probably Ammo too.
>Pick up Squad C, sling them over my shoulder.
Owl feeding confirmed
Sort of tempting to deploy now and grab some stuff. But the battle is nearly over, isn't it?
Thank you Sir!

Thank you Ma'am

>Drop gun, molotov, bread and water
>Move 1W, 1S, 1E, 1E
>pick up all I can along the way

HP: 4/4 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

1x Binoculars, Dropping : 1x Molotov, 5x Llama Water2 x Breads,

GUN: Dropping : Bluderbuss - Range: 4 + 1 Ammo: Irondrop
SUIT: Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP
Irondrop x 8 : 4AP

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round
>Move 3W
>Browse bookshelves
>Grab anything interesting

[M] Jackie
Level 3
Equipped : The Lost Word, Mask of the Forgotten,
Bag : Chalk, 4.5 x Cookies (two bites), Book of Iron
HP: 3/3 Mv: 3 ATK: 0 DEF: 0+1 MAG:4+2+2 ACT: 2 WORDS : 2
Prepared Spells : Field of Hands (Darc Arrow Block Block), Darc Arrow, Iron Needle (Iron Arrow Arrow), Steel Rain (Iron Arrow Ring), Abyssal Leyline (Darc Arrow Arrow Arrow)
Spells : Arrow, Block, Ring
>Draw rune to my southwest
>Draw rune on wall to my east

ATK: 0 ACT: 2 DEF: 0 + 1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 4 + 1(Mask)
M.HAND:Book of Water Words:2, Mag +1
GEAR:Mask, Def +1, Mag+1
BAG:Chalk, Llama Water x 5, Old Star Log x 1, [It Came From the Sea] x 1

Banked: Book of Fire, Iron Maiden
Skills:Ball, Ring, Block
Prepared Spells: WaterBallRing(Hydro Bomb) x 2, WaterBallBall(River's Kiss) x 2
Phase End Mark
>Move 3S
>Move 1S 2E
>Pulse 2 E

[N]Khya Lv3
HP: 3/3 MV: 3 ACT: 2+1 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+1 MAG: 3+3
Main hand: Academic Writing Pole (Mag+1 RNG4 Runes=rng)
Off hand: Watcher Lv2 (ACT +1)
Gear: Cloak Lv2 (DEF +1 MAG +2)
Banco de Llama: 1802z
Llama Vault: Hammer, Cursed AcroNaut Helm, Eye of Eld, Cloak

Skills: Pulse Channel Ward Cleanse Reversal
Asking for an extension since people are still trickling in.

Poka I need you to heal G1!
P.S. I found two I4s but no I6 ? So I changed one and it was probably wrong.
One was me Sir. I was in the north and I think I became I6.
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Now that the phase is safely over, I'm just going to post this.

I'm proud of you team. Nice job.
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Phase Ends on your mark then.
God speed DoomTrigger.
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Apologies, it is done!

To be fair I am not sure about my bag state since the axe at the corner on the right of the room is still there I assume I did not pick up anything until now. That and the skeleton skull/helmet I am standing on is actually there and not just some glitch in the special effects.

"We have both suffered in this conflict and I am glad a peaceful resolution has been achieved. We are but people after all in a dangerous world. No need to war among us with no reason."

[G4-Lvl.3] Poka
HP: 3/3 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1 MDEF:3 MAG: 2 ACT: 2
MHAND: Wand L1
ARMOR: Adept's cloak
BAG: Hammer L1, ???
Skills: Pulse, Cleanse, Ward, Channel

>Act1: Pick up the skeleton skull/helmet I am standing on and put to bag, Cast Pulse on [G1] Charon
>Act2: Move N3
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I feel sorry for you.
>Pulse Wendigo
>Move 2 N
>Examine Bookshelves

ATK: 1 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 2 MOV: 3 MAG: 2+1
M.HAND:Wand, Mag 1 Rng 3
OFFHAND:Shield(Knightly Shield?)
BAG: Hammer(???)
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward
Thank you.

Blanket Botting of people who haven't acted yet

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I must also add that I am very sorry for missing most of the events that occured during this session and thanks for Monday for running it any the Team leaders for botting me.

I am saddened to hear that we lost some of our long standing members and that I missed it all, your will be remembered.
"So, Miss Lestat, I don't suppose you could teach me any new tricks once we make it out of here? That spell you used earlier was impressive."
Well it is meant to be Hell. I guess Hexes really were kind of a given.
Gentle Reminder that while Withdrawing is doable at this phase it is by no means a free action.

> Withdrawing is a Full Turn Ending Action.

Those with the Withdraw command at the end of their action line do not perform extraneous actions. Anyone who performs a full turn will remain on the field and suffer the next phase.

Result: An extra turn will be taken away.
Nix the part where people don't collect.
That was left there in a not so gentle reminder.

> You just lose the extra turn so we can all proceed already
Well I want to collect what is around me now, so I can withdraw safely next turn?
This Should be doable Within the two turns.
Great to hear this!
I already grabbed stuff this turn and I am running away. I think I can actually make it to the ship with a full move. Or I can withdraw next action phase. Same result I think. Anyway good to know.
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" At the eve of the 11th night, on the 9th sign we arrived. The haunted halls of the Moth's FLame was beset with Demons and Hollowed knights followed by the 5th Volgon Warmachine who took a few souls from our grasp. After a heated battle the Volgons disappeared, the mysterious guests from the House of M absconded with Horace, while we picked up Latvian, Wendigo, Quazar, with Armistan in Tow.

Nezera, Ismael and Questi were quite pleased with the results of our find but with the peaceful night simply sat around eating like warrior conquerors: Grubmeal from the Tower salted with gunpowder and piscoons from the water made for a very surreal calm the lasted only hours... "

Floor Results
Turns Remaining:5

Armistan: I'm gonna show you a fun trick to gain more time.

Stair Ascension Bonus [+3d6]
Navigator Bonus [+1d6]
Overclock [Armistan]
[1] Firacyte crystals spent. [+1d6]

Seasoned Pilot [Graves]
[D6 Rolls do not go below 3]

Turns Gained:
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To clarify, everything listed has been extracted from the field.

How else can you know what object you emptied the tower of ??
"Sweet, got me an invader."

>Lvl 1 Old Hunter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 1, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>Ammo: 7/10 Irondrop (4AP), 7/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE)
> Lvl 1 Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1,Invader x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire
Darn I was hoping someone would get the SW corner and check those books. Maybe under the bed too. Ah well. The 5 turns are well worth missing out I suppose.

Thanks as always for hosting these Mondays, I had a blast even if I didnt get to cast Field of Hands.

"The moon and the stars shine bright, all seems so tranquil and charming from this distance. We made peace with each other and went our paths stopping senseless bloodshed. If only it were always like this..."

Does that mean the "Overdue books" were also taken or we can still examine them? Also please shed some light on what I picked up, is it a skeleton's head or just a living helmet fueled by some evil sorcery?

"Well, I guess that since I am now the most senior Militia with Trigger's passing, the Chicago is mine."

"Rest is piece man, i'll drink to your name"

"T-Trigger isn't really dead is he, S-sir?"
Acronaut's Helmet [Lvl 2 required]
[Def+2] Prevents Destruction.

Raider's Axe [str 2 required]
Yup, you can have it. I am going to need more bombs.

Also... damnit I'm going to miss that crowbar and unibomber jacket. It was perfect for a rogue.

>Talk to C Squad
"Hey old man. You need a name right? How about becoming a Beck Rogue. I mean we don't really get along with soldiers for obvious reasons, but all of us here are looking to get away from our old lives. There is a reason they give us a bomb, instead of something like a smoke grenade to hide in. "

That is amazing. But +22 turns? There must be something we can trade time or energy for. And fuel sells! And so much stuff! And a lvl 4 chicago rifle, a rifle that fires 3 shots with one pull. That's incredibly bad-ass along with everything else. Guess Burkhard is our only level 4 militia now, so that's one boon for him.

So it turns out we went for Option C, sort of, and managed to get everyone out. Well, mostly everyone. I'm pretty damn impressed! Nice job team!

Thanks for running these Monday. This was all sorts of fun, even if we messed up the action-posting (a lot) and the geometry (a little). Hope we didn't get too annoying at any stage.

Oh, and as a final spam with this name (after which I promise I will stop), here's a cluster of screen grabs from the session of Roguelike: Doom I only booted up to make the joke "Trigger in Hell" screenshot above. Turns out? Hell ain't so hard. Rip and tear!
Anything written you got.

Anything unwritten you simultaneously are not aware and that you didn't get. But pretend it's a lot. So you'll have a baseline of how successful you are.
"Probably not yet. He may be worse than dead, though. We can't know what's on the other side of that gate. Well, not unless we decide to go looking."

"Lad as much as I would like to think, that after him jumping into a portal to god knows where that he is alive and well...

Well i'm not keeping my hopes up in any case. Congratulations lad, you survived your first battle in one of the most dangerous professions in the world, not many people can say that."
We're getting Trigger back whether he likes it or not.



I need you to email me, sincerely, I would like to know. [email protected]

I'm a fellow drawfriend by the way

First replace your blood with coffee.
Second replace the rest of you with robot parts.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge but how is the "Str" stat calculated? Is it the base Melee attack of the character on the character sheet?

Going by this sheet, a Knight has a strength 2, Guide has a strength of 1 and Mage has a strength of 0? Is this correct?

From another fellow drawfriend, he used Photoshop and his art skills.
That is my understanding. I don't THINK additional points from gear count for that, but Monday would have to clarify that one probably.
Could I get the stats on the Napalm Hugs?
Worn gear that upgrades str is applicable in the use of weapons that are stat gated. Obviously weapons do not apply even if those weapons are hand shaped or something >>42537963
After seeing that demon rune message, is it possible to replicate that rune on the floor?
We didn't see that one, because it was under those beds.
Any chance a noble soul would tally everything we have on the map?
>8x Overdue books
>4x Invader
>Lvl 3 [Instructor's Staff]
>Damage Bazooka
>Fed Owl
>Napalm Hugs
>Part 3 of Notes...
>Orange Solution
>6/6 Star Logs
>Vol. 2 Notes.
>38x Contra Bullets
>50x Airship Supplies
>x3 Electrocyte
>x6 Pyracite
>Squad C
4x Invaders (rng 5, ammo 3, lvl2 gun)

1x damage bazooka

1x lvl 3 Instructors Staff (Guide-Scholar used it)

8x Unused Books

2x Old Star Logs (Hetros)

Horace Notes (Zeigfried)
Recent Starogs (Zeigfried)

1x Chicago-03, ( 3 shots / action, lvl 4 gun, rng?? ammo??)

Orange Solution!
2x Green Solution (Jenny)
2x Red Solution (Jenny)

38 Contra Bullets, 50 Airship Supplies, 3x Electrocyte, 6x Pyracite, 1500 zny

New crew!

Pending "Handsome Reward" from "RedCap"

Napalm Hugs (flamethrower)
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I must say it is a pretty good haul for Militia players grats guys!
By the way, is the Frost element being patched out or was it the the method I used to obtain the element?

>forgetting the D on damage
Alright now to examine what the boys here are playing with.

Invaders: lvl2 [2Hands]
Range 5
Ammo: 2

Chicago Type-03s
[2 Handed] [Lvl 4]
Firing: Fires 3 Rounds selectively with one pull. Can only switch between targets in the shooter's immediate facing angle.
Ammo: 6 [2 sets of 3]
Range: 5
Mov: -1 Walk Speed. [Run speed discounted]

This harness mounted machine gun allows the user to lug around the hardware with relative ease. However this thing's biggest strength is being able to attack, defend, and own area in a single attempt. However the mobility issues with hoisting it on the ready slows down the shooter's approach forcing them to commit to thorough sweeps or tactical run and guns

Napalm Hugs [1 handed] [-1 Item Slot]
Ammo: Solution Tank [00]
Range: 2
Firing: Starting from the point of origin a 3x1 tile line or row of fire will be targetted. Depending on the solution the tiles will be considered a fire tile for the duration of 1 phase [depending on tank solution] but may remain longer if the surface tile happens to be flammable, allowing it to "catch"

Damage: Obviously up to the Solution but industry standards hits victims for 2 fire damage from the initial burn +1 for every phase or move that they remain in it.

Other solutions include Toxic puddles, Stickystroper, Acid or plain ol sea water. Don't stick sand in it however....

Well holdon... this guy's a little dinged up but... it looks like a model i haven't seen before...
no. you simply never investigated it.
The method. Realizing that the action economy to getting 200% more spells is not equal.
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>It's been a pleasure working with you and not that asshole Kirk.

(and then I notice the typo in the filename. herp)
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I wonder what happened to the third one...
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Looks like you made a graves mistake!

>Those stats
>*Holds back a tear*

It's like all my Christmases have come at once.

-1 Walk Speed basically means I am at normal militia speed again, not a huge loss

He got his request for a reposting with Antigua approved and took off?

Speaking of which, did they actually manage to rescue C, or did he bleed out?


That was a pretty Moore-bid pun
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Is the instructor's staff two handed? And what does it do
Fights Crime
>Learn Battle Rhythm

Maybe I should get some extra Armour bolted onto my suit.

And I should probably pick up a handful of contra rounds from a shop, just in case.

[I2] Burkhard - Level 4

HP: 4/4 Mov: 3 Atk: 1
Def: 1 Mag: 1 Act: 2

2 x Breads, 1x Binoculars, 5x Llama Water, 1x Blank Space.

GUN: Chicago Type-03 - -1 Mov, Range: 5, Ammo: 3|3/6, Load: Unloaded
SUIT: Sgt's Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP, +1 Mov
Contra Bullets (5 Dmg): 7/10
Happy Birthday (4 Crush, 5 AOE) : 10/10
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): 18/20
Iron Kisses (5 Dmg): 25/25
Salamander Round (5 Fire Cross AOE) : 1/1

Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot, Battle Rhythm.

>I should also probably ask very nicely for some cool character art.
Instructors staff is cool for when I now turn into a scholar xD

[G3 - lvl3] Meterios
Lvl up! Skill learned, channel!
Wand (lvl 1, Mag 1, Rng 3)
Snub-3 (lvl 1, Rng 3, Ammo 2/2)
Acronaut Helmet (lvl 1, Def 2, Prevents Destruction.)
Bag: Happy Bday ammo (4crush dam 5 aoe) 10/10
Iron Drops Ammo (4ap dam) 8 /10

HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+2 MAG:2+1 ACT: 2

Bank: Cloak (lvl 1, Def 1, Mag 1,)
Hammer (lvl 1)

"So am I able to learn the abilities of scholars now?"
Other than the obvious books you did run into something interesting here:

[Instructor's Staff]
Casting Rng: 3 Tiles
Reach: 2 Tiles

WeaponSkill: Hook and Pull*

*weaponskills only apply with this weapon only.
Napalm Hugs means I could cook my meals before eating them...
Kan. May I request the Instructor's Staff from you? I am willing to pay.
This was resolved a while ago remotely but progression goes like this.

Do one floor.
Floor is done
Gain Skill.
== Corridors
Decide to remain as class or
Roll an advance class.

If advance class: Gain 1 Skill

If Remaining: Stay as is, get your next skill after the next floor.
Anyone want to examine Horaces Notes?

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saved for future use, as I know it will come up again
I would like to remind everyone to wait for big class and gear decisions until we reach the corridor and see what happens there (both story wise, and OOC wise with class unlocks and whatnot).

Well, I already really like what I will get for reaching level floor

So I will stick to my


Exceptions always. You did not request an item nor do you have other choices. I will most likely class change instead of getting my 5th mage skill, as I do not like how it is used and doubt I<l get any use out of it.
Then ignore this level up. I guess I can stick to my gun and wand since other people seem to be wanting that new staff.
Work in Progress, Item and Coinage accounting pending

>Level Up (3)
>Obtain Word: Ball
>Obtain Spook's Mask
>Bank Level 1 Mask, Equip Spook's Mask

[M4] Meave
Level : 3
Equipped :
• Chalk
• Lux Codexia (Mag0, Words3)
• Spook's Mask (+1DEF, +2MDEF)*
Bag :
• Book of Fire (Mag1, Words2)
• 1x Llama Water (5 Uses)
• 2x Sleep Bomb
HP: 2/2 Mv: 3 ATK: 0 DEF: 0/+1 MDEF:4/+2 ACT: 2
Skills : Arrow, Block, Ring, Ball
*In Tandem: Two Casters with this ability may cast a "Fused Spell"
Spell must use same runes.

Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF)
>Then ignore this level up.
You've earned it. Learn Channel, it is super useful.
If you are going to go Scholar, it my be worth it to hold off 1 more level and learn Radiance from the adept skill set. But the choice is yours.
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Questi: So who are we going to get as a 4th scholar it's already decent with the three of us.

Runner: I wasn't aware we were colluding on anything I don't even have my mask yet !

Florianne: Oh that does remind, there is a package here for you that came in weeks ago. Perhaps they thought you were staying longer in Lanternreap, Runner.

Runner: A- mask - you mean ?

Questi: Oooooh good job ! It looks like Running with ..Runners is your forte after all !

Floor: As for the 4th one...

Questi: Mmmhmm

Runner: Yes yes I see...

What does Radiance do now again? I really want the knowledge of the Scholars
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AoE heal based on your Mag stat, but if you want Scholar go for it. You have earned it after all.
After this I will be able to get "Aether Wind", that will change A LOT of things.

Btw, everyone please who patience and respect to Monday. Save your level ups and discussions for the official Crystal Corridor thread!

If you ask me I think Scholar is much more suited for Mage but the choice is yours.
I am going for that geometry. I simply love the scholar setup, and I wish for gainkng spells through spell books... Which I think I can save in the new offhand?
Mysteries abound.
Thread limit soon.

It's been fun.
I think I will go for the Scholarhood. The only thing I would want is Aetherwind for geometry aetherwind combo...
As you wish, I am still hoping an advanced class that will fit Poka.
Reason I want scholar is cause pulse geometry heal within the square ward area. (Aoe heal of Pulse.)
I think Guide to Scholar advancement can make an interesting combination, and help the team.
Level up to 3.
>Gain Bloodlust
>Claim Justice Overcoat
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I understand, if I weren't so damn picky I would have gone Scholar long ago.

But I just don't want to see Poka with a friggin' bag on her head.
Im curious, Latvia, how you brought that skeleton knight back to life...
Huh, I guess I can get that Spooks Mask now as well. I'll probably keep my Mask of the Forgotten however. having an immunity to darc when my primary magic is darc is bound to be useful.

You could always find something else, or combine it with something you are willing to wear.
>But I just don't want to see Poka with a friggin' bag on her head.
that would be a crime
That would be your personal notes. Anything and everything you encountered in the world of magic is compiled there !

> The Scholar notes is used to store your mage or guide spells as well as act as a repository for runes learned. However the notebook itself doesnt have element, you would be relying on the wand's element or the book on your Main hand to cast spells. Still, it does the job of allowing one to cast Runic or Ley.

Interdisciplinary spellcasting:
A Scholar would need a wand to cast Ley, or a book to cast runic. But nothing is stopping them from having both a wand and a book at the same time !

Spell Synergies:
You may cast a fiery pulse with a Flame book, or a long range Block spell with a prepared spell and a wand with range stats ! But how do you learn the spells of a base class you ask ? You study !

And be Poooooorrrrrr.

The [Scholomance] offer many courses for these alien spell styles and they're proper expensive for it But us scholars learn faster and therefore allows us to spend twice as much anyway !

Fold the bag into a headband?
I'm contemplating what manner of spook's mask to put on Meave myself

You could always go for a frog hat instead.
Hooded Pumpkin in a heartbeat.
Coffee you can do both. Leveling up and getting the class skill does not impact advancing to a new class.
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Well I was also musing about other suitably spoopy masks
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That's right, at the time you blocked fatal rounds from Hitting Wendigo , what was that I've seen spells give things life but I've never spells actually come /to/ life before !

Latvian: I suppose from your prodding you're extremely interested in a response, but I'm afraid I can't help you. To explain would tear a hole in what you believe this universe is and would simply render your learning moot. However- "

Latvian eyes a mage.

" Children gifted with the insight of the universe knows full well the necessity of remaining intact when faced against cosmic horrors especially those dreamed up from the Floors itself- "

" You don't mean- "

" Aye, I speak of the heretical practice of summoning. You'd do well not to tell the order of my existence, and in exchange I can continue with my studies under your protection. I can offer nothing yet in that regard, however Quazar and Wendigo always did itch for a lab partner.. or a sparring ...buddy. I'm sure Wendigo gets enough practice fighting my fabrications....
Something Fighter
Probably Dual Fighter.
I would very much like to further my studies under you, if you would ever need my help for anything in particular.
Weiss is "White" in German.
Thanks, I'm still learning.
What is [R] [T] and [S]?

We'll be finding that out later down the line I assume.

That person from the House of M said he would be sending something our way for our troubles, no idea what it could be but it should hopefully not kill us?
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Ah yes, allow me an explanation."
" Wendigo here descended from the Warriors of Norr who have been proferred a hand of friendship by the ruling kingdoms of Ignyll prior to their journey to the stars. Wendigo himself recalled a time when floors were vast and round, having no walls. Interstellar travel made him lose track of time, see and the Ignyllian fleets never saw a shortage of battles so when it came time for Wendigo here to do his ancestors proud, their ship had run afoul ... with something... he can't recall it. And it was there that we found him farther from home than he's ever been.

Oh... you were asking about how he fights ? How the bloody spiral would I know ? He uses two swords and one time used an oar to fight off a serpent. AN OAR. If you can't speak ancient Hraesvill then just learn the hard way - Fight him !
Can we get an updated guild-class list?

^^ there,
No no, I meant the list of which classes can trade skills within one of the guilds!

Scholomance: [M] [O] [G] [Q] [?]
Shiraiya Clinic: [H] [U] [V] [A] [?]
Skyward Order: [G] [K] [N] [P] [S] [?]
Blood Market: [H] [R] [V] [U] [S] [?]
Volgon DMZ: [I] [X] [A] [Q] [?]
House of M: [U] [V] [R] [S] [?] [M]

[W] is a new one! I'd not ask otherwise, but I'm assuming they go into the Skyward Order at the very least?

Also has [O] been added to the Volgon DMZ?


>Scholomance: [M] [O] [G] [Q] [?] 4/5
>Shiraiya Clinic: [H] [U] [V] [A] [?] 2/5
>Skyward Order: [G] [K] [N] [P] [S] [W]? 5/6
>Blood Market: [H] [R] [V] [U] [S] [?] 4/6
>Volgon DMZ: [I] [X] [A] [Q] [?] 2/5
>House of M: [U] [V] [R] [S] [?] [M] 4/6


[W]eiss Krieger -
Al[Q]uemist -
Jester Dick - ?

[?] - ?
[?] - ?
[V] - ?
[A] - ?
[P] - ?
[X] - Scifax?

I've been making a short list of what we gots so far, we've revealed most of the classes that the guilds employ thus far, though I think we have yet to actually meet the Shiraiya Clinic even once.

What guilds hire the Weiss Kreigers, the Skyward Order are one I assume, any others?
New thread stat!


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