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“Essex, put those torpedoes to your stern!” you command.


“Turn away from them and run from them,” you clarify quickly.

“What!?” Essex breathes as her impressive secondary and teitary batteries saturate the sky and sea with high-explosives. A 5-inch shell lands just short of an zigzagging boat and detonates under the keel, lifting the bow out of the waves and dropping it again with awful force. The shiny black carapace is fractured and crumpled, but it turns away and makes decent speed in retreat; saved by its flexible light plywood construction. “Essex, lead ship of her class, running from THIS rabble!? I THINK NOT!” She reaches for a quiver on her waist, and produces something that gleams like steel along its impressive length. You're about to zoom in the camera yourself when the drone operator pre-empts you, getting a good look at the long, graceful blade of the sword she's just drawn - the forward-swept crossguard sporting distinctive teardrop shapes on the wingtips. She lays the blade flat against the shaft of her bow; a gracefully tapering shape that belies its strength; the unpainted titanium shines brilliantly in the summer sun. She settles into the proper stance; upright, one foot forward, turning the bow diagonal as she takes up the slack on the string, drawing down from the waist. It's laborious, slow, and necessary - the power of the bow is obvious; sufficient to hurl the heavy weapon she's nocked on the string.

And until those fighters clear her deck, she can't turn out of the wind.
inb4 the real navyfag
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“Behold the [ENGINE SCREAM] of the BANSHEE!” Essex declares grandly. Kaga's palm claps to her face with an audible impact as the sword hurtles off the bow, the violent vibration of the thin braided steel bowstring visible even on the shaky Global Hawk feed. The sword dissolves in a streak of flame that parts in twain, the dark shapes of wickedly forward-swept wings resolving into tangible aircraft at the head of each flaming dart. The F-2 Banshees bank hard, wide wings digging into the air as pull hard to put their noses on the incoming PT boats. Another two have already launched before Essex puts her rudder hard over to evade.

“This isn't happening,” Kaga says bluntly. “I was sunk, and this is Hell.”

“What makes you say that?” Goto says.

She jerks her thumb at you. “It's full of Yankees, for a start.”

The JDS Kaga's compliment arrives just as the Banshees begin their first runs, quad Colt autocannons chewing the water to foam around their hapless targets. The Bush's F-18s are making their own runs; white smoke trailing in their wake as the GAU-61s fire long lethal bursts. The ocean is so thick with little darting PT boats, towering palls of smoke from burning and smashed enemies and columns of spray from the few guns Essex can still bring to bear that it's hard to count the number of enemies.

But someone is trying - the computerized plotting board shows northwards of twenty of the bastards; and the subs are still unaccounted for!

“DICKBADGERS!” Essex cries, visibly shuddering as her bow swings through the emergency turn.

“Essex, you okay?” you ask.

“Of course!” she replies. “I'm the-”

“For fucks sake what HAPPENED!?” you demand.

“Uh, got hit by a torpedo?”

You didn't see the characteristic column of spray, so- “what, in the bow?”
“Yes! I'm fine, though!”

“No,” you mutter. “No you're not.” The weapon probably blew clean through her bow from left to right - a luckily weak hit, structurally - but now water's pouring straight into her at thirty-plus knots from both sides. The abyssals are already splitting up into two groups, angling to each side to execute a proper hammer-and-anvil attack. They have to chase Essex down to deliver it, but she's already slackening speed lest the incoming water batter down her internal bulkheads - there's no hope of waiting for the Bush to launch more cover with Paveways or cluster bombs.

Fortunately, help is closer. The first JMSDF Seahawk reaches firing range and lets fly with a Hellfire. The abyssal PT boat turns hard to avoid, and a second Hellfire charges off the rail for a bracketing salvo. The picture from the Hawk is clear enough to see the awful snarl warping the monster's face as it slams its right prop into full reverse and the left into flank, the power differential throwing the creature into a turn so violent it's leaning into the maneuver like a rollerblader cornering fast. The first Hellfire loses track at the last second, the violent spray of water from the boat's fantail diffusing the laser, sending the shot into the drink to one side. The boat's just turning back for an s-shaped evasive maneuver when the second Hellfire screams in with a good track and strikes directly...
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“RIGHT IN THE ASS!” Hate crows with amusement.

“The technical term is abaft,” Kaga says dourly.

“Abaft,” Hate repeats thoughtfully. “Huh. Not sure I understand.”

“Want me to use it in a sentence?” you ask him.


“Kaga has a stick up her abaft.”

Kaga's nose twitches with the iota of disdain she deigns to allow you as you and Hate slam a high-five.

Another Seahawk is screaming in low towards two abyssal boats almost within drop range of Essex, should they try their luck with a stern shot - but this one is lugging torpedoes, not rockets. The JDS Kaga kept Seahawks with Hellfires prepped for just such an attack, but only a pair - the rest were needed for ASW, like this one. Regardless, the pilot's pushing in for an attack at maximum speed, the door gunner's M-240 swiveling forward for the shot. With its runners skimming the waves, it flies right into the teeth of the abyssal tracer fire. You hear the task force commander screaming something about calling that crazy sonofabitch off, but it's too late - he's committed to the attack. From the overhead vantage you can see the Seahawk's nose turning to starboard as its true course wanders to port. The tracers follow the nose, drawing lead on a velocity vector that isn't there. The two vehicles scream past each other at two-hundred miles per hour combined closing rate, the M-240's tracers scattering over the boat from two hundred yards away - phenomenal shooting, all things considered.
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“Uh, Commander Shuttlecock, they're kind of getting close,” Essex's nervous voice harangues you.

“Can you call back your fighters?” you ask.

“What about the guys on the island, though?”

She does have a point there - a deckload of Corsairs is a fine contribution, especially considering the in-the-weeds gunruns they can make that no Hornet driver would risk.

Or be allowed to risk by the JTACs, that is - the F-18s are coming in again. You watch them scream over the enemy boats again and again, kicking into supersonic to add insult and shattered windows to injury. Their guns are silent - you can see the big green 0s in the HUDs ammo counters - but they draw their fair share of triple-A no less. Two more have taken up orbit and are busily communicating with the JMSDF chopper pilots, providing buddy illumination for their Hellfires from better angles. The two Hellfire-toting Seahawks are pressing to within fifteen hundred yards before launching, close enough to attract clouds of .50 cal and big, heavy 37mm shells that loft lazily past like glowing footballs. The Hellfires find their mark, laser designators burning through the mist and interference with sheer power from close range, twenty-pound tandem-charge warheads blowing clear through their bodies and punching out the other side, the fragmentation-sleeves shredding their insides. One of the Seahawks is packing the thermobaric variant - its first shot is a near-miss that envelops the target in a horrific fireball anyways, the boat emerging burning, smoking and with much of its rictus grin simply blasted off the superstructure. The torpedo-toting choppers are pairing off before attacking now, making their runs perpendicular to each other to split hostile fire while still bringing their starboard door guns to bear.
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The abyssals have had enough. Those that can loose their fish at Essex's stern from extreme range before they turn as one to flee, thick palls of choking, ugly smoke rising in their wake as their smoke generators go to work. The Seahawks break off, unable to lase through that muck, but the Banshees make a few more runs on the deck, quad Colts thundering violently till they've emptied their bins.

The door slams behind you; drawing every eye in the room. A rather harried looking Admiral Thomas has just entered, a travel mug in one hand, a manilla folder in the other and a small army of bleary-eyed aides in his wake.

“Sorry I'm late,” he says. He glances at the screen and his tired eyes go wide. “What the hell is going on?”

“Fifth Fleet's nightmare,” you reply succinctly.
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best portions
Admiral... Sir.... What the actual fuck?

Fuckin' Boghammars.
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Oh god
oh my god, Essex is fighting the Jews
>heartshaped bellybutton hole
Planefag, i found a Ballad for Arizona. Kinda sad.

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You're a thousand years to young to fuck with me, bitch!
>Hal literally tracing over his own fucking art.

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It really is the US version of Kongo.

A weapon to surpass Kongo Dess.
>literally Heather Crunch traced

lmao you honestly picked Halley to draw this bitch over pixel or the other drawfag
>Halley is so fucking lazy that he literally traced his own art

>big tits
>wearing a corset
>proudly displays traced art of a character from another quest renamed for his own purposes

Oh wow, you are serious
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>literally Heather Crunch traced

What, the art or the character?
What was the original?
Maybe she only LOOKS like she has big tits because of the corset?
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Essex is RED MAN.
Anyone else remember the story of the guy playing cmano who accidentally sunk a Russian SSBN with his Seahawk's doorgun?
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I thought it was an Archerko retrace. What's the orginal?
Both, it's good to see you admitting to scraping the bottom of the barrel for your latest anime endeavors.
Here come the tears, the screams and the rage.

Glory awaits.

Yeah, no. I don't care anymore.
>heroic spirit aircraft carrier
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>YOU'RE DIRTY he shouts at the pig wallowing in the mud-pit!

We're at a level of shitposting you cannot comprehend
she's also not wearing a bra
emiya pls
Well well Shoukaku was right girls pull off the sexy apron look much better.
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As usual, the Navy can't be bothered to try!
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Does C:MANO allow modelling for WW2 ships?
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>le trolle king

You're at a level of mediocrity nobody can comprehend.
told you she wouldnt want to run
them titties have bulkheads. Why would they need a bra?
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>not six feet below the bottom of the fucking barrel to begin with


I don't get it?

Now I wanna see Arizona try.

Emphasis on fucking try.
>Implying I ever save any of Hal's art.

That would require lots of internet digging.
planefag please
I want to see what happens next

Steel donuts.

Wink wink.
>"please give me more attention!"
>*cuts threads short and whines that he doesn't know how to deal with his popularity*
It's not the worst Halley picture ever.
In fact, compared to some of his earlier work, it's downright excellent!
No, I don't have any of it saved, I'm not a masochist.

Damn son. I thought you and Ari were cool?
Not really, no. In the cold war database there are a few hulls, but basically no unless it found use after the war
It has begun, as it was foretold.

The great shitstorm of our time.
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I feel a pain at that.
>heart-shaped bellybutton cutout

But they can be modded in, right?
Shouldn't you be writing more of the most fun to ever emerge from the depths since Kongou?

Or fairies, fairies are good too.

Holy hopping hollyhocks, that is...

Christ almighty, she and Kongou must NEVER be in the same room as one another! Thank GOD she's not Admiral-sexual as well. Still, that's fuckin' amazing. I love it.

We are.

That's why I talk shit about her. And to her. What, you fucking think I was gonna be nice just cos she's my buddy? please.
The question being, when she shows off an apron, does she go straight for naked apron or hold back on the first attempt.
Not really, no. CMANO doesn't let you fuck with the database without the pro version, because support and compatability nightmares
Hate pls dont bully
>Thank GOD she's not Admiral-sexual
She's not admiral-sexual... yet.
Quite a handicap game you got there considering she doesn't even really talk.

It's the truth and you fucking know it. You got the hips to make a shot at it, but you ain't got the tits.
You can't eat steel donuts. Why are they made of steel?
he mad
>That's why I talk shit about her. And to her. What, you fucking think I was gonna be nice just cos she's my buddy? please.
So, this makes Settle the best bro you will ever have then, right?
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Classic tsundere behavior, fucking harder with people the more you care about them.
You'll never be able to take back those drunken confessions, Lt.
Stage one.
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you ain't from around these parts

Jesus, I figured she'd be smaller.

In literally every way.
it'll be fine she just needs to stuff some donuts in there or something

what the actual fuck is the point of this quest anymore
yaoi, right?
I for one, am fully on-board the Essex train.

Or rather, I'm on board the train to CarDiv town.
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Who would steal someones steel donut that you cannot even eat? That's silly.
Listening to Homo-Zepelin's Master Bait!
To stroke planefag's ego. He's like Kota if Kota was successful at quest writing, and remotely confident in his abilities.
Ari probably could eat steal donuts, honestly.


Settle is being forced to deal with yet another obnoxious balloon-chested temptress!

He needs your help like he did during the Yakuza fight!

Do not fail him now that you actually have a chance to come to his aid!
>Steel donuts.
Where's my voting options, faggot?

Good fucking question. I honestly think it's just Deme trying to see how much shit he can dredge up.
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We can tell you how. You just have to become a magical counter-guardian first.
No, it's yaoi.
Are you dense?
I suppose you are.

Looks like a cross between Kuro's outfit from Prisma Illya and EMIYA's own outfit.
I think he re-used his own Heather Maid art and then worked on it from there.
Seeing how much he can jerk anon around and fan the flames
Naval combat interspersed with utterly batshit trauma-ridden superwomen?
i was expecting 50% Lori Petty and 50% Mae West
seems not too far off the mark
She's still pissed at him. It's been about 24 to 36 hours since the Yakuza fight.

And the point of AWiY was to drink up the bitch tears of the voters.

Sub Solem, Nihil Novus.
And shipping.
What's the point of any quest?

To enjoy the wild fucking ride, panic about making the wrong decisions and follow the characters we've grown attached to.

At least, those are my reasons. No idea why planefag puts up with this shit, unless he secretly likes us
I already said naval combat
Jesus, did you and Deme have a domestic or something?
I was looking forward to TeleGraf being canon, too.
planefag is a Masochist seems bout right
So did we make the right choice in telling Essex to evade?

Or did we minimize the damage?
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He doesn't like his readers, he puts up with them. Honesty I thought he would have grown up after quitting both AWiY and SWQ, but he's going down the same path as both of those quests. He'll eventually write himself into a corner and stop writing the quest again.

The correct answer, as told by deme himself, is to just troll for as long and hard as possible. The story doesn't even come in second or third anymore. Probably closer to tenth in his order of shitflinging.
Fucking more shots for me. Damn you both.
Like you can't dish it out as well as you can take it.

Especially through electronic means.
Navel combat?
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I haven't seen an all-out effort like this for a long time. I give you points for sheer DETERMINATION, if nothing else.
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long time writefags have been dropping from the sekrit club IRC for the past 2 months or so, right about when deme declared that his primary goal in this whole thing was just to troll as many people as possible, including the other writefags.

>naval combat

You keep acting like that and Frank's gonna find himself a new home in your jacket.

Along with however many of his buddies Jintsuu manages to acquire and deploy between now and then.
That can't be true, since he can't even be bothered to actually put in the effort to remember the number of turrets some of his battleships have, and his grasp of combat literally comes from a sperg sim of dubious accuracy.
please planefag
what happens next
where are my vote options

The bow hit's not fatal, but its gonna slow her down. It was that or her taking like a slew of torpedoes all along her length, so yeah we made the right choice.

And of course you have evidence of this beyond testimonials.

Quest's over.

Everyone can go home.
What are you going to name them?
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I dunno if this is shitposting, or just depressing.
The line is getting blurred.
No, navel combat. It involves baby oil, a kiddie pool, nude shipgirls and a lot of grinding.
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salt-kun is that you
Arizona don't get sad.

get even
WOOT!!! Finally on time, well for part 2 anyway. Enjoy some Atago.
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Pretty much this.
Parts and pieces from both outfits. I didn't think Kuro's was armored enough for a boat.

I never asked for this.
I was asked to draw Heather as a boat.
I went to Deme for advice and he helped me out a ton.
Deme adopts Heather and asks me if he could use it in KCQ.
And everything snowballed from there.

FYI, this was done back in *October*. I was working on Heatherboat and Heathermaid at the same time, and Planefag has been sitting on this for months.
what are the choices faggot!
Oh hey did you just realize that you lost your waifu to her waifu....or in this case your husbando to his waifu?
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it is a mystery
Will we get and Eleanor shipslut too?
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you didn't work on shit you tracing hack, you traced your own god damn drawing

god damn this is fucking delusion
Yeah, this exuberance I'd expect from someone shorter.

... No, it's pretty much true at this point. Outside of Hate/Ghost and Naka, most of us 'veteran' writefags have dropped out.

Literally the only reason I finished the last TeleGraf was to get it out of my system.

Yeah, Deme? It's all yours, now.
Get back to writan so we have a vote option or let me go sleep, damnit.
>small c
deviantart pls go
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>People thinking they can actually troll Planefag

>you didn't work on shit you tracing hack, you traced your own god damn drawing
Better to trace art than be someone who gets their jimmies rustled on the Internet.
Heather's whole character concept was being the Gilgamesh of magical girls in MGNQ (Final Fantasy Gilgamesh, not FS/N)
The best way I thought to translate that to boats would be a carrier that launches sword arrows, hence the EMIYA theme.

If Deme asks for her, sure I guess.
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Navy, idk if you're trolling or not but I kinda hope you're just trolling. Cause I'd be legit sad if you weren't. I enjoyed your stuff.

Captcha please, enough with the boats.
You know, I don't really think it counts as tracing if you did the original. Then it's just an edit?

Myself, RCNAnon, Bamalama, Lex, Scribs, Venom...
>big k
What're the choices, man
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Odd. Doesn't seem like he's trolling to me.
its not him idiot
>the EMIYA theme

Oh... oh god. How did I not see this earlier?!

planefag, you enormous faggot! You've gone too far this time!
good riddance

The only one of those I know/care about is RCN and that's cause I'm a Canuck.

The rest of you are welcome to GTFO Planefag's Wild Ride.

Yeah, I'm not trolling. I'm gonna take someone else's advice and write for myself, first.

I'll probably be continuing my stuff elsewhere as just a plain ol' fanfic now.
Disregard that, I suck cocks
planefag doesn't know anything about fate except what memes he's sort of picked up
Oh thank god, it's just the bad ones. I was worried for a minute.


You could at least fucking try.
>Falling for the anons posing as Navyfag
Navy's away tonight. He told us as much.
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Admiral Thomas stares at the screen, trying to process the chaos that has overtaken the orderly air ops as laid out in his neat manilla folders. “The...” his eyes widen as they find the new arrival, CV-9, who's waving with excitement at the drone, all bubbly and happy-go-lucky now that imminent death is out of sight and apparently out of mind. “Who the hell is that?”

“What Kon-go's around comes around!” Goto replies, and begins giggling till the hiccups hit him again.

“Fifth fleet?” Hamp asks curiously.

“Stationed in the Persian Gulf and nearby areas,” you clarify.

“And they're... afraid of... those?” he nods at the screen.

“Kind of.”

“Ah,” he says, the word so clipped it kind of trips out of his mouth to roll away across the floor. “I. Uh.” Hamp purses his lips and sips at his starbucks slowly, clearly giving the matter some thought. “Uh. The Marine gunners love shooting them up and the Navy hates them having fun...?”

“Actually, we don't have standing contingents of shipboard Marines anymore.”

Hamp's mouth begins moving as he tosses words around on his tongue, trying to jumble together a complete sentence. “So the... Navy mans the guns?”

“We typically don't *have*guns anymore.”

Hamp's lower lip is sucked up beneath his upper as he absorbs that. “Mmhm,” he hums faintly. “.... kay.”
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look i just want my votes man fuck all this writefaggotry
>Oh thank god, it's just the bad ones. I was worried for a minute.

He missed Crix in that list
You were asked for it? Or was it you that pushed for it? This is important. We need to know how much of this is your fault, how much is Deme's fault, and how much is what'shisface's fault.
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“They use guided rockets now,” Kaga tells him. “Flying bombs without pilots for long-range anti-surface attack.”

Hamp opens his mouth.

Kaga raises her palm for a hard bitchslap.

Hamp closes his mouth and swirls his coffee around in one hand as he decides on a new comment. “How the hell do you guide them? Chimps?”

Kaga's hand comes up and Hamp cringes. “Hey, hey, honest! They were kicking around this daffy pigeon bomb idea at one point, it's a valid question!”

“It's complicated,” Kaga replies. “It is sufficient to know that it works.”

“So you don't actually know.”

“It is *sufficient*,” Kaga replies, her words embossed and edged, “for our *operational needs* to know that they *work.*”

“So you don't have a goddamn clue, gotcha,” Hamp says, turning to you. “So, how do they work?”

You flick your eyes between Hamp and Kaga, put on the spot.

[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
[ ] Write-in?
please stop the cosplay image
The funny thing is how easy it is for people to just Namefag and pretend they're someone else who doesn't use a trip code. Makes for very easy trolling and wonderful bait.

>“We typically don't *have*guns anymore.”

>Navy is nogunz


>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
>[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
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>Navyfag hasn't been on IRC all night

somebody's going


who the fuck is lex and RCN

that's shows how much they mattered to the quest I guess
>[x] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
Case in point.
>[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
Also planefag does not like what i found him :(
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
Include Essex and other ships as well
>[ ] Write-in?
Gesture hamp to come closer

"Pigeons were too dumb.

Wee Men."
>“So, how do they work?”

>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
[ X ] Get Essex under control.

She's probably about to do something stupid.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

Get hate to help set up some live fire examples!
>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.

Make him watch the SHARP pic too.
>[X] The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
>[Y] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
I gotta give him credit, he started out slow with that tripfag shitposting in the first thread but he's really picked up the pace.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
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>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
>mfw I have that webm about the THE MISSILE KNOWS BECAUSE THE MISSILES KNOWS WHERE IT ISN'T WHERE IT WAS and 4chan won't allow audio webms
>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
>[x] Write-in?
Google it.
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ahaha wow
>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
The missile knows where it is
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Hey Arizona! If you want to fight against Shoukaku just go ask her sister Zuikaku for her breast pump.

pomf it
do >>44476280
[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
and then when they still don't understand because I can't imagine that navy training videos are any good
[X] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

Should probably give them the quick gist of "Radar master race, computers, shit like that" immediately though
>[X] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.

Lex was the other drawfag that showed up with Graf Spee and Alabama. He's pretty good, but he got driven out of #saltmine for some reason.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
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[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.

We can embed youtube!
Post it on >>/wsg/ and link the post here.

There should be a thread for the purpose of linking sound webms for other boards. If not then make one.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
underrated post and also a very relevant answer
[x] write in - quick explanation of the basics of how it works, then check on the status of the invasion. That's kinda still going on.
>[x] Write-in?
It's called a USB line. I'll show you later.
Best part is its an explaination that cant be immediately thrown out.

Because fairies.
>[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
i take mine >>44476251 back for this write in
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>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

Hamp if you keep doing this Kaga /will/ bitchslap you.
I am amused. And gonna run out of air if I keep laughing like this.
lactation with not-enormous breasts is my fetish
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You found it before me anon.
Even so, I'm not sure I'm happy to see it again.
[ ] this
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
oh, so he was just another shit drawfag

somebody shed a tear
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>Settle's face when Higgins comes back and can recite THE MISSILE KNOWS WHERE IT IS AT ALL TIMES from memory
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Tingermajigger is, that's actually one of the more popular hypotheses for why human females have consistently swollen breasts as compared to other mammals.
Another shit drawfag, just like pixelanon, who is also out, drawing for Merc's quest instead.
>[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
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Nowhere is it written that an imitation cannot surpass the original.
What seriously? Damn. Graf and Parker were my favorite side characters in this quest. Say it ain't so man! I was getting into that storyline.

pic unrelated: MOAR Atago!
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

I'm not enough of a sadist for option B
Is she doing a victory dance? She fucking is, isn't she?
I'm going with this option.

He's a fake, anon. Rest easy.
Navyfag hasn't been in IRC all night. It's just a troll. Don't worry too much about it.
Please refer yourself to this, misguided anon.

you've been trolled. Hes off for today.

Also the writings ended since they're coming to yokosuka.
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>Settle's face when Higgins comes back
>[ ] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.
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Every thread.
Hey does anyone have any pics of Miss Stacked?
Halley still hasnt improved his eyes. No fucking justice in this world.
[X] The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.

In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
>[X] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
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>[x] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

Haley's FACES are still fucked.

The eyes are just a single part of it.
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>tfw STACKED never
You know they're small enough they'd come back as dogs in this quest, right?
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>[ ] Write-in?
>[ ] The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
>[ ] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
>This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.

pic: The Last Thing Goto Ever Sees
>posting worst drawfag
What are you talking about she loves having torpedoes against her stern

if you catch my drift.
But what if its REALLY GOOD cosplay?
It's not like there's much art of Stacked.
Never say Never!
>not scribbs

scribb's art is actually shit.
Can someone explain to me why a lot of the people who follow this quest hate the Kriegs, the RCN, the Bongs, and Bamalama?
I feel like they've got some issues to deal with.
>It's called a USB line. I'll show you later.
going old school with these dank memes
What ship is that supposed to be?
>[x] This seems like a problem only Navy training videos can solve. If you have to suffer, SO DO THEY.

Another one for Hamp's harem as the harem manager
Mama Lexington.
Shitposters, what else?
Lexington from Chincolle
Lexington, the Chinese knock-off version.
>[x] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.

As a programmer, this still cracks me up.
[X] The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.

In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
I'm just sad you had Halley do the art. Anyone is literally a better choice.
No, all of us are one-hundred-percent genuine and not at all trolling because we don't like this. Also everyone is leaving IRC i have proof and i won't show it

I don't hate them, but trying to keep track of what is/isn't canon pisses me off.
>[x] Make an appointment to explain it all - if you let the intel geeks give the explanations the poor bastard will nod off halfway through like Harder did.
She's cute.
9/10, not Showboat but still would dock with.
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Dude, just.
Just stop. Yo.
You're giving the ACTUAL navyfag a bad rep, here.

What worth is your proof if you won't show it?
LurK, you're good at this cultural sensitivity shit, right? Would it be a bad idea to welcome the German ships with a bake sale?
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>most of us 'veteran' writefags have dropped out.

Listen, chucklefuck, it's my own channel, I'm IN it. I know who the fuck writes for my quest and who doesn't. At present, the sum-total of people who have thrown a tantrum and quit boils down to you, and you alone. And nobody's got to take my word for it, either; they can ask *every other fucking writefag in the fucking channel.*

What really blows my mind is how we were talking on perfectly cordial terms not a few days back - hell, I even opened up tonight's first thread with the gag you specifically requested. Are you the one who's been sending me nasty questions on ask.fm and making all the salty posts - not just tonight, but starting several weeks ago? I really fucking hope it wasn't, because you never struck me as someone too cowardly to bitch me out to my face on irc with your own nickname on. But considering that you seem to have lost all interest in KCQ long ago and just finished your part of the story to see it done - and that nobody had the foggiest inkling that you were so fed up with the whole thing - well, you're really the only candidate for Mister Supersalt right now, especially because I know that asshole has access to the writefag channel.

Please tell me I'm mistaken, because you struck me as too much of a working, taxpaying adult to be this much of a whiny bitch.
>i have proof and i won't show it
tits or gtfo
Given the hate from the shoukaku sisters and the wo-class headgear, probably Entreprise
3d not allowed
cosplay only allowed if anime characters are cosplaying
>planefag fell for the bait
Planefag, pretty sure you just responded to a troll.
Ok. I still maintain that if anyone is stupid enough to actually believe the shitposting at this point there's not helping them.
That was my only post this thread.
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Planefag are you retarded?
About as insensitive as feeding the jap ships microwave dinners

you have indeed posted a most angry post.
either this is an epic but too obvious at this point troll... or I am quite torn with my feelings.
I don't like the writing
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Unless the troll was able to log in to the writefag channel with Navyanon's hostmask just now, I doubt it.
>memeral Luna
nigger u wot
You are replying to a shitposter.

He is biting your blatant bait to try and draw out idiots.

But there are no idiots here.

Only shitposters trolling other shitposters.
Worse...he's Greek!
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Planefag, please. You are better than falling for something so easy to spot.
Just to clarify, I'm not shit-poster guy, he's someone else.

At current I'm not in the IRC because I'm focussing on the non-cannon HMS Thunderchild writeup.
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And they said you couldn't troll planefag
Planefag knows that the troll that he's responding to is a troll. This is the counter-troll
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I didn't get driven out, I left because I didn't see a reason for me to be there anymore. I have more fun drawing for the other writefags, which doesn't necessitate me being there anymore to get in more silly arguments or give technical advice on ships that nobody followed anyways.

I didn't leave on particularly bad terms with anyone, nor was I forced out. I just left.
Well, shit.
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here fluff, have a better one.
please confirm which drawfag


Aww, Navy, no...
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Votes called, writing, etc.

All y'alls see >>44476806
Hey we need a shipslut to remodel her full ship self right?....Well what about putting bigger fuel tanks on Fubuki?
Oh! thanks, that is new to me.
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oh my god is it real
well, the names on the IRC can require passwords, but not always. It was actually a couple weeks before I actually set a password and registered my nick. If navy hasn't registered yet, it's entirely possible that someone logged in on his nick.
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am Lex, very cute and sexe
Why would you do that to Bucky???
>Hey we need a shipslut to remodel her full ship self right?....Well what about putting bigger fuel tanks on Fubuki?
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Back in the old days we used to have quality shitposting in quests. You people are not even trying anymore. Only good things lately are the carrier lewds.
Well, if it's one of Rizon's vhosts, they just need to guess his password.

If it's his naked hostmask then he's fucked.
Then I very much thank you for Graf, and I would appreciate continued work on the quest.
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>We don't call older destroyers 'pre-fubukis'
>Willie isn't a 'super-fubuki'
No justice in this world
It was his naked hostmask.
He never had a vhost.
I don't think it was even a registered nick.
stackedfag i want to see more of your work
Die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.
I second this.
Well that's just lovely then.

At least it wasn't one of the writefags I cared about.
That's because naming conventions are set by brits, despite their inability to navy since the Washington treaty.

(This is also why I don't read about them in the side stories.)
Fubuki was a MILF all along...who knew?
You probably won't at this rate. Every time his art gets posted, some asshole shitposts relentlessly about it.
Well, that's a damn shame
I am honestly fucking floored that people get this salty over a fucking quest.

Blows my fucking mind.
Never in my life have I seen shitposting of such magnitude. It's kinda impressive really.
Welcome to... well a lot of things but quests in general in this case.
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Happy New Year's Eve, buddies
One dude has been trying to start up shit between drawfags for at least a month now.
Likely all the same person.
Maybe NAVYFAG didn't say anything for so long because he thought things would get better? Lets not call him out for leaving suddenly, lets see WHY he left and talk about it like adults. Just because he hit his limit now doesn't make him a coward from not saying something sooner.
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You aren't the only one.
Look at who is running the quest, and what his primary goal is for running said quest. If you farm salt, inevitably it gets thrown back in your face.

What is really funny is how he keeps doing this even when it's obvious he can't take it when it gets turned back on him.
Op success. Send grath an email for your srp etc etc
Son, I've been in planefag quests since 2012 and this shitstorm doesn't even rate in my top 5.
Planefag should open a fuckin' saltmine
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>Lets not call him out for leaving suddenly, lets see WHY he left and talk about it like adults.

He passed over that option a month ago when he started with the nastygrams on ask.fm and the passive-aggressive bitchy salt-posting in the threads. You could say... that ship has sailed.

He did, except he doesn't actually like to use it very much.

Man I was there for SWQ, and I don't remember it getting this bad.
And I take a shot. Please Deme, my liver grows tired of alcohol.
quick post planefag waifu for updates
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>art anonymously
>sempai doesn't troll me
>drinking every time I meme

are you insane

Your memory is fucking awful. Remember any one of the dozen or so waifu wars or shitstorms over awful decisions? They even happen in this quest too. This is tame.
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probably not for the main quest anymore (not that I had done anything for it in a while anyways)

Shits just getting too weird now, I'm not sure whats really going on in the IRC anymore, other than that I was getting blamed for being the shitposter for some reason.

The world wonders.
daughterus are better than waifus anyway
>nastygrams on ask.fm
like what?
What a bunch of amateurs.

At least the Minna vs Trude waifufag war parties were fun.

Even when best girl is obviously Perrine.
Planefag please REEEE
Please tell me your stories, oldfag.

See the last two I replied to.
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this is god-tier shitposting now

Well I remember the "Good Night Trude Pride" shit, but it didn't seem like real anger.

Oh well its been a couple years I guess I'm not remembering all the shitstorms.

why would I go to that shitheap of a site
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dat docking.
USS Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and Nevada with the armored cruiser Seattle during a visit to Australia,1925
Are there going to be any more updates tonight, or should I just pack it in? I need to get some sleep for tomorrow.
i think you misspelled Trude there anon
No... no, just with the boat puns.
>Colorado Class > Nagato class
But it is
Whats ask.fm? Link?
what's with that one twin turret? Did it not get a memo or something?
>Not Sakamoto

You have the worst fucking taste in the history of bad taste.
We're still good for awhile yet, nigga.
BB-64 (Wisky) at launch, Dec 7, 1943. She's still being fitted out here.
>why would I go to that shitheap of a site

got a point there m8
It's an old-style pre-dreadnought armored cruiser.
Most of it's guns were casement mounted (mounted inside the hull rather than in turrets).
I dunno, it's a Wednesday, planefag tends to turn in early. Plus all this shitstorming might have discouraged him.

I'll stick around until he says something.

I'm writing right now. As someone who stayed up till 4AM regularly and almost failed two classes due to Maid Quest, I can tell you flat out that you should just sleep and catch up on the thread the next morning. With the auto-archive grace period you don't even need to go to suptg for it.
forgot your pic
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sir you must have posted the wrong picture
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And I forget the picture! Go me.
>>44477209 Top right? I think that's the Seattle
If those count as "nasty"grams, you are just as softskinned as any other anon. Have you SEEN some of the shit that other QMs have posted at them on ask.fm, bro?
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no you have
>As someone who stayed up till 4AM regularly and almost failed two classes due to Maid Quest
>Maid Quest

Oh god, that is a blast from the past.
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I know! :(
'Two warships, two eras, one idea'
I meant on the battleships. They've got three tripples and one random twin each.
The autoarchive is a great thing
Thanks for writing as always!
I snooze now
But you didn't specify which waifu!

Pity it didn't finish its full run but at least we got that final chapter.
Actual marriage material, unlike that thirsty slut you posted there.
It's been five and a half years since the last true update (not counting the epilogue).

We still don't know if we would've fucked Kat or not.
>As someone who stayed up till 4AM regularly and almost failed two classes due to Maid Quest

I'm in the university library, the sky's getting light, I have a paper due in six hours, and I'm playing Maid Quest.

Still worth it.
No, two triples and two twins. Ten Guns. It's the Nevada-class, that was their designed turret layout.

Something something topweight, i'll look up the reason in a sec.

The one on the Right is the successor class, Pennsylvania, with 4 triples.
Is the author still around or ....?
I've only seen PF get personally involved one other time, so that part is a bit unique. But the overall level of butthurt is nowhere close.

My personal top 5 shitstorms
1. Young screwing cupcake
2. A long ass debate over weather the US/GB should have invaded the USSR at the end of WW2 (only other time I've seen pf get involved in an argument)
4. "y u no post more planefag?"
5. Young and Minna officially getting together

Kongou and Shoukaku are for tender loving.

So brothers, I leave you with the Impossible Question.
which maid was best maid and why was it Koyomi?
Nah, he left a while ago. Got tired of running quests, like a lot of QMs do.
What is a good game for designing my own ships and earning my victories?
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Different eras, different philosophies/treaty limits/etc
That's the Nevadas. They were designed to equal the ten-gun armament of the New Yorks with just four turrets.
Those are the Nevadas. 10 guns in 14 turrets. (as I understand, triple turrets at that point were too heavy to be put in superfiring mounts)
Arizona is for anal devastation.
is Iku's girl now. That's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
>2. A long ass debate over weather the US/GB should have invaded the USSR at the end of WW2 (only other time I've seen pf get involved in an argument)

We really should have
Was it possible for the US/GB to invade USSR?

That seems like a very fascinating conversation.
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>those trudefag tears
Trude was fucking great and I loved that bitch but damn son those tears were fabulous.

Ahhh, I thought they had 3-3-2-3. Makes much thanks, anons.

Absolutely no idea. Probably not.


Bullshit. Alicia a goddess. Alicia a best.
Most likely not. He was an angry drunk and always had some sort of booze within arms reach.

He even ran while sloshed more than a few times. You could tell if the tone of writing was angrier than usual.
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Last one from me for now, can't find anything I really like in the usual haunts. So I'll go back to dabbling at writefaggotry and leave this here... https://digital.lib.ecu.edu/11462#details a recognition manual for IJN/USN/RN/KM/RM ships
But those were hilarious. This one is just tasteless, peasant salt.

The rockets vs fuel one should get a movie.
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And take out communist china at the same time.

Do the world a fucking favour.
Basically it was 20% topweight concerns and 80% "We want the previous class's broadside without the retarded turret layout", yeah.
You misspelt Felicia.

>10 guns
>14 turrets
>not carmine the angry marine

I've played online with that username and only one other person has gotten it. We've been friends for years.
probably meant 4
drown in your trolling and die
>1. Young screwing cupcake

I'd have fucked her too, till the bitch couldn't even fucking walk.

But then I'da been burning the crabs out with fucking napalm and good fuck that's not fun.
>not carrying spare turrets
What a kuso admiral.
Ten 14 inch guns in four turrets.
He probably meant the 14 inchers on the main batteries.

I know, just some mental whiplash there when I thought about it.
more like the 1 is right below the 4 and i'm Captain butterfingers.
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>posts Kongo
>talks about other girls being thirsty


Anyways, Shokaku only has eyes for her admiral

...that's not fun?

Not that "doesn't sound" fun, but it ISN'T?

You have experience with burning crabs out with napalm?!
I mean was it possible, well without the nukes I mean?
>Not having decoy turrets
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>Using the numpad for ordinary numbers
He's a marine, of course he does.
...you don't?
shocucku for a reason anon
Now what about the extra four turrets?

Do we leave them empty or do we put logs in them for reasons?
why withhold the nukes
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>anal devastation
Will Pixelfag do art of Essex or does that need monies?

Some people type on those fucking things all day, anon. All day.
Churchill actually came up with an op-plan for it.


Patton was also a big supporter of the idea, but the vast majority of the American, British, and Soviet population was uninterested in starting another war after having just watched 80 million people die in the worst conflict in human history.
>carrier lewds

That's more like it.
It's possible in theory.

And looking back we probably should have done so, but at the time it was better to just leave it be and not risk millions of casualties.

On the plus side, we would have seen TD battalions working like doctrine says for once.
I guess but if we look at material, planes, tanks, and equipment would we be able to beat the Soviets.

I mean Navy wise we have them beat but in terms of men and tanks we might have a problem.
So we ever find out what happened to science?
Out of curiosity, why would the TD battalions have operated differently against the commies?
science died
magic is the new science
Broke her brainwashing due to her love of teitoku

How powerful can love like that be to banish the likes of NTR?
With the US of A pumping out only roughly 50% of the global GDP, all we were missing was manpower and a plan.
If he really called the EMTs, he's probably still taking a rest at home. That's a lot of caffeine.

The idiot who brewed coffee with monster?

The idea of Tank Destroyers, as they existed in American doctrine, was basically as a dedicated maneuver unit. "Infantry" tanks were most certainly expected to engage hostile tanks - such as hostile infantry tanks doing the exact same job! TDs sacrificed the kind of comprehensive protection an infantry/assault tank had in exchange for cross-country mobility.

That's the kind of thing that comes into play a hell of a lot more on the wide-open steppes than in Western Europe. Same reason Xerxes army had so much light, fast infantry.
Thank you new science for bringing us Shoukaku in jeans.
But is she waifu
Hey Hate, you keep saying she's your sister, and that you aren't into her. Fine. But, she might be into you. She keeps asking you to go places with her. And then there is the fact that incest is one of the top fetishes in Japan. Probably wants you to call her "imouto-chan" while y'all are banging.
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Thanks Planefag.
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That's fucked up, bro. Really fucked up.

And I fucking doubt it. She asks me to go places with her because who the fuck else is she gonna go with?
all this doki doki

all this denial
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sasuga dense onii-chan harem-lead
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That's a debate for the historians, but realistically Churchill was living in a fantasyland. When he devised these plans he was already on his way out of office, his country had no interest in starting another war.
>who the fuck else is she gonna go with?

Remember what you told Settle?

It's not what you think.

It's what SHE thinks.

YOU offering to go shopping with her? Ya know, since she has to have SOMEONE around to keep her from being outed, and the best someone is a fucking round eye so she's not out of place with how fucking tall she is?

or are you just joining in the shitparade trying to tell me to put the dick to her?
That's a good question actually. Who all even knows Yamato is back anyway?
Reversal is sweet and delicious.
I guess...

Though I do wonder Interms of developing tank models between the allies and the soviets who will come out on top.

Also with Aircraft as well. I'm not that familiar with Soviet planes/
Just how tall IS Yamato?
Hate, Settle, Goto, Shoukaku... Arizona and Naka maybe?
It's pretty obvious that Yamato is a lesbian and Hate is just her little-big brother she still loves. When Musashi comes to the quest, there's no doubt in my mind that feelthy will write the two of them going at it.
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I'd go with her but I doubt you'd trust an army nurse to do it.
Soviet planes pretty much just get memed on by what the US and Bongs were making by that point in the war.

In terms of tanks, it would be like an early Korea. M46 Pattons, Centurions, Comets, Easy eights, Sluggers, you name it. All fighting hordes of T-34 models, IS-2's and IS-3's.
Tall chicks are hot
Unless you are a manlet.
You aren't a manlet, are you?
Find an American battleship, one who's her size... perhaps an Iowa-class?
And you are the ONLY American on the base? There are NO female Americans tall enough to help her "blend in". Convenient. Also, I got girl friends, they don't ask me to go shopping with them. That's something a girlfriend does.

cosplay pic: because FUCK that guy telling me its "not allowed"

Obviously we send her with crab.

Nothing can go wrong.

Any shenanigans will be cut down.

Like a cherry tree.
Tall chicks are even hotter if you're a manlet, yo
>or are you just joining in the shitparade trying to tell me to put the dick to her?
Thread's not over yet, SB guys. Calm your tits.

Also just take off your name and blast away. It's a lot of fun.

And yes, Essex is Archerko.

Well it would have been m26 Pershings at that time, but I'll let my autism rest now.
>YOU offering to go shopping with her?

Not tall enough, and Fuckbucky isn't allowed off post.




Not many people. Not even all the ships do.


Freakishly, she's got a couple inches on me. Maybe... Fuck, i don't know. maybe 6' 2-3"?




Depends on how tall she is. The Yamato-class were freaking huge, she might be well over six fee.
I would disagree actually, Korea came around the early 1950s , if the war with the Soviets came after the war in Japan was over,

We will still have Cromwells, Shermans, Persings, Churchills, and finally replace the stuarts with Super Hellcat and the 75mm light tank.

Also Memed?
What was the original picture that was apparently traced?
depends on how long it lasted

>Freakishly, she's got a couple inches on me. Maybe... Fuck, i don't know. maybe 6' 2-3"?
Gaddamn, I would love a chick almost as tall as me.
The T-34 vs M4 debate will rage on forever, but he's an opinion from a Soviet tanker who fought in both


In aircraft it would have been no contest, the US and GB would have rolled over the USSR.
Supposedly it's one of his pieces from MGNQ, but I can't be assed to track it down. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
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So you are part of the shitparade. GOOD. NOW I KNOW.
>Thread's not over yet

might as well be, closing in on two hours since the last post, deme doing his best decu impression right now
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Man, that attitude is not helping matters.
It sucks having that particular fetish when you're 6'3 and otherwise surrounded by fat womanlets.
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with her crazy boat heels on she could give michael jordan a boob hat.
I'm sure he'll get something out before he leaves. He's not full decu yet.
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Something something IRC shitfest probably.

Something we literally have no hand in that's going to end up fucking us over.
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Not sure how quickly they started upgrading the M26 with the better powerplant and slightly better gun.

Anyway I would guess it wouldn't be too quickly considering the conditions in Europe would have been more friendly to the transmission than the hill of Korea were.

This probably making some of the short comings of the Pershing less noticeable.

That 90mm gun though, would really fuck up some soviet armor.

No, she SAYS the same thing you do. Do you REALLY know what she's thinking?
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Yamato is a proper height for a Japanese girl.
HAHAHA! I expected nothing less of you marine! Carry on!

Well Naka is pretty short right?
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You manage to collect Akagi and Zuikaku before leaving the CIC - apparently fawning over the arrival of the icon of Japan's last defeat wasn't a high priority for them. They were already edging out of Admiral Thomas's line-of-sight when you beckoned them over. Hate follows along, knowing or at least suspecting what's up - the coffee cart being towed by four leashed Corgis tied to it like a tiny chariot team, sniffing and farting their way along the hall behind you. More than one petty officer comes to a dead halt in the hallway to stare at your passing entourage, the sound of belated salutes hitting their caps echoing in your wake.

“Settle?” Shoukaku asks. She's walking by your side, hands clutched before her demurely.


“Those helicopters - do they usually engage small boats with the machine gun like that?”

“Not boats like that, not if they can help it.”

She looks at you, amber eyes sparkling under the florescents as her long hair shifts and slips off her shoulder. “Why did they?”

You shrug. “They couldn't help it.”

“Where the hell are we going, anyway?”
Are you in there? any details?
Them thighs.

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“Conference room... A-3?” You check the post-it-note Goto scribbled out for you. “Apparently nobody's using it all day - here, this is it,” you exclaim as the little sign placard catches your eye. “Come on in.” You push the door open and freeze so suddenly in the doorway that Zuikaku walks into your back.

“Bah!” she exclaims, rubbing her nose and thumping your back with the heel of her hand. “Keep moving, you big ape!”

Across the room, ensconced in a little fortress made of stacked folders, paperwork and an honest-to-god Underwood typewriter is Arizona, a small pair of reading glasses perched on her nose. The shock lasts for a long startled second - and then her eyes go to Shoukaku, standing close by your side.

“Arizona!” you say brightly to buy some time as you nearly bolt into the room to reveal *everyone else* with you. “No wonder Goto told me this room was empty, he wanted you to see this training video too!”

Arizona processes that quickly and decides to lean back in her chair, studying you through her small glasses like some sort of small insect. You recognize that look from many a senior NCO - you've just fucked up, and they're very interested to see if you'll realize without being told.

[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
[ ] You wouldn't have bothered her while she's busy with paperwork, of course. Damn that Goto!
[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

SHe's thinking "FUCKING.... whatever passes for a god in her jacked up shinto shit... DAMNIT I WISH PEOPLE WOULD STOP SAYING I WANT TO GET A DICKING FROM HIM."

That's what the fuck she's thinking.
How so, I'm not too familiar with Russain planes besides the I-16, the I-15 and the LaGG-3

>Corgi chariot team

I never knew I wanted this.

Look up "Just As Long As Me" by Jonathan Coulton.
>[ ] You wouldn't have bothered her while she's busy with paperwork, of course. Damn that Goto!

Right! out the door.
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Iowa is the proper height for an American lady.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>F U C K E D
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
Bitch please we are your Admiral not the other way around.

[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
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Been ruthlessly surfing the net for a week gathering KanColle cosplay pics just for tonight.
>[X] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
No, have you read the fucking thread at all though?
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
lol shit
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>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
OL Arizona!
with GLASSES!!!
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
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>[X] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

>Arizona with glasses
Holy shit yes
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
[ ] You wouldn't have bothered her while she's busy with paperwork, of course. Damn that Goto!
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

Apology time?
[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
[X] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

You should probably say that you're going to talk to her later in private though.
There's literally nothing happening in the IRC right now except mild incredulity and entirely unrelated fawning over anime girls in chinese dresses.

It's orders of magnitude calmer than in this thread.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

Hate was born on a boat and thus has issues
>[X] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.

Not more waifu bullshit fuck.
>[ ] You wouldn't have bothered her while she's busy with paperwork, of course. Damn that Goto!
[x] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
but are you in the super secret irc

I bet theres spicy drama in there

Just kidding there's jack shit in there.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
glasses make every girl cuter
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[X] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

Let's not lose our heads.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
So, in memory of science-anon, does anyone want to know what happens to an overworked research officer when they down a gram of pure, anhydrous, analytical grade caffeine?

>[X] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>So, in memory of science-anon, does anyone want to know what happens to an overworked research officer when they down a gram of pure, anhydrous, analytical grade caffeine?
they die
>>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
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>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.

>Arizona, a small pair of reading glasses perched on her nose
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.

Actually fuck it changing my vote
Not even this one knows, and I worry for you.

[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.
>[x] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
>[ ] ... fuck it, you really don't have time for this bullshit. Play the damn video.

I want to show shipgirls modern technology
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video
>[ ] The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
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Of course we do! Why are you even asking?

ahahahahahahaha that would literally be suicidal but man how Hate would laugh
Try not to die, anon.
> [X]
The only thing you should say to her is best said in private, and as soon as possible. For now, play the video.
Is that a pregnant Shou? Are we getting new carriergirlbabies?

She is pretty good looking, though, I'll give you fucks that. I can see where you're coming from with the whole dickings thing.

Still not ever gonna happen, but, you know. I can see where you're fucking coming from.
Ok but consider the following:
Arizona... AND Naka wearing glasses, working on paperwork together
Where are the draw anons?
So when is Settle gonna give Arizona the dick already?
>Hey, ari, can you pass me another of that typewriter ribbon? I'm out.
>ari hands it over but makes a point to slather the inked part of the ribbon on Naka's hand
>Jeez, get over it already, boss.
A second carrier girl anon.
Well, try to report in before your heart explodes in tachycardia.

That's my last update for the night; I'm out of planned material and after the HAPPENINGZ tonight I'll need to recalibrate a few things.

Don't jet just yet, we have another NAKATIME update inbound!
apparently got cucked

now we just have tactical meido

Arizona Shoukaku and Naka
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I'm serious, they actually die, don't do it
What is our plan for dealing with Essex-dess?
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>Aris fw
Just came more from that thought than I have in the last 3 weeks.
think he was closer to 5 grams
words don't really convey how nasty
please no
Very well, time to rest.
Cheers, boss. I love the quest, haters will hate
When are you gonna post your C:MANO LP?
nah, she just needs to lay off the donuts
But what did we do?
Shoukaku is not good with computers, she said so herself

Thanks for the thread, man.

I always look forward to them.
Rule the Waves
Thanks for that, chief.
Say, is it gonna be a WED-SUN schedule now or what?
That's fine, Ari's using a typewriter after all.
Settle foolishly and drunkenly fought two Yakuza to the death.

The thing to be said to Arizona "in private" is "I'm sorry".
Thanks for the thread AircraftHomosexual!! It was fun!


nakatime going up now wait warmly


Nah I want to stick to Wednesday/Saturday.
Pirate version when?
nah i'm not feeling it
it's not special
>Nah I want to stick to Wednesday/Saturday
That's all I needed to hear. Thanks chief! I'm with you all the way.
Arizona's not on a computer though
Thanks for the thread, Deme. See you...

Well, probably next week if the next thread is on Sunday. Maybe.

Sex the Essex.
g'night boss. Thanks for the fun.

I'll catch Nakatime over breakfast

So we should have turned around and marched out and not bother her?
They all ditched the quest. Except for Hal, but that's a net loss in my eyes.

You feel the forgotten sensation of legs around you, a weight--a body--atop you.


Gentle, rhythmic tapping of something cold and sharp against your chest. After you stir, the tapping stops. A palm comes to rest--cool and metal, over the center of the spreading fingers of rust under your collarbone.

She's here.

You open your eyes. Straddling you, your double, eyes closed in silent reverie, a half-smile on her--your--face, swaying lightly back and forth to an unheard rhythm. The silence is--

Your heart's not beating.

"Not long now," she murmurs, massaging your chest, her thumb flaking at the rust like Wainwright's a few hours before. "Not long now at all."

"You're heavy," you mutter. "Get off."

She opens her eyes--sharp, blue, piercing, cold--and they swivel to yours as she breaks into a grin. She taps lightly on your collarbone, earning a hollow 'tink!' of metal on metal. "I don't hate you, you know," she replies, cupping your cheek, icy talons of black steel drawing a shudder out of you.

"I do," you reply darkly.

"You shouldn't," your double chides, voice airy and light. "The sea loves you. It misses you. Come back. Life will out, Naka. One form just gave rise to another."

You stare at her, her eyes a deep portal to something further and deeper than you can wrap your head around. The room is freezing--you can feel it in a great pang of loneliness, a frigid ocean of bare walls and stark decor, and a cold body atop you instead of the warmth of...

She picks up on it. "Why do you love him?"
pixel is still there....right?

I've only seen him doing stuff for the other quest lately.
It's a damn shame, pixelfag does amazing stuff
Nailed it.
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>Implying pixel wasn't always Merc's pet drawfag.
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>She picks up on it. "Why do you love him?"
Because he's a runty, scrawny ass, premature blasting, dipstick sub who can't into girls.
"...I don't know," you reply, honestly. She laughs--covering her mouth with the back of her hand, making an airy, cute little giggle like a rumor-trading schoolgirl.

"It won't end well, you know. It never does."

"It's his... confidence, I guess," you continue, ignoring her. "His fire. He's so happy to be back."

"It's baffling, isn't it?" she teases. "You can't figure it out. That must be it. It drives you crazy."

"He's allowed to be happy."

She hunches over and taps your nose. "So are you."

"Just as soon as I figure out how," you mutter.

She leans back, folding her arms. "You know how, you stubborn girl. Stop fighting it. They didn't want you anyway."

You try to wriggle free from under her. "And yet, here I am."

"Here we are. They tore us in half. Twice." She reaches down and pulls up her blouse, revealing... nothing. A great rend in her body with an aggressive emptiness, a swirling darkness, within, around ragged steel tinged with blue embers. "He'll never accept you, you know. You're one of 'them,' to him. Just another Jap."

You don't have anything to say to that.

"Every time he sees you--any of you--it's just another memory of every war crime, every aggression we visited on him." Her voice takes on a hollow, chiming quality--like wind through a steel tube. "He's obsessed because you're the first one he saw as a person, because you were clumsy."

"I was tripped," you respond drily.

She gestures dismissively. "Tripped, then. It doesn't matter. You know I'm right. He'll get past it. He probably already has. Count your blessings he can't figure out a google search."

"Maybe." You look away as she lifts your ascot, feeling the fabric between her claws.

"Even that doesn't matter. It would fail anyway. Look at how it began."

"Get off of me, already."

Huh thought it was just NAVY throwing a shit fit, but if they're all gone I'll miss 'em.

The show will go on anyway. It's not like we come here for the drawfags.
She leans back down, slowly gliding that talon down your neck. "You just wanted him to stop tormenting your destroyers and get along, play nice. That's not partner material, that's parenting."

"I have a motherly streak, sue me."

"No respect for him in that, no respect for him at all. You think he can't tell? You think, even if your wildest dreams came true, that wouldn't stand between you?"

"If I didn't respect him," you grunt, trying and failing to shove her off, "I wouldn't have bothered with him at all."

"Just keep telling yourself that, Naka," she purrs. You fall into an uneasy silence, as she straightens up and looks to the side, as if hearing something. "You're tired."

"...I'm tired."

She turns back, smiling, a blue cast overtaking the icy room, her features alight, licking with blue flames that soothe and relax where they burn you. "Go back to sleep."

For a moment I'd hoped it was about Settle and Naka.
Remember how Settle got shitfaced with Naka, tried to walk back to his flat, and ended up killing the shit out of two Yakuza? Arizona was his semi-official bodyguard at the time, but he sent her home for the night before he started drinking with Naka, airily promising that he'd get someone to drive him home safely. In his drunken state, he forgot that promise, tried to walk home alone, and came within inches of getting shanked.
She's pissed at him for a] sending her away, so he was unprotected when he really needed protecting, b] getting drunk enough to forget his 'I'll get a ride' promise and try walking home undefended, c] almost getting murdered. Let's face it, if Settle hadn't suddenly realised he had a SURPRISE SWORD-CANE, his part in this quest would have ended that session.

Well, I won't die, unless I fuck up real bad and stab myself with a pipette in the lab. Lower bound LD50 for an 88kg human male is approx. 13.2 grams oral intake.

Very mild muscle twitching 15 min post oral intake, heart rate steady at 165bpm. Somewhat increased blood flow to muscles. For the record, I have been riding the 500mg daily caffeine train for 5 years.

Cheers for the thread planefag!
You bolt awake as the alarm yowls--fucking thing, it's been less than an hour since you nodded off...

Your head is dizzy, senses clouded as you fumble and thrash your way out from under the covers. The floor is warm--next to the cold air in the room, anyway--as you shuffle out of bed. Your left eye is stuck shut, blurry and hazed over with sleep, unable to see out of it. You rub at it in annoyance, trying to stumble your way to the desk.

You brush away the thin coat of condensation to find a blue eye staring back at you.

Shoulders trembling, you lean in close, your breath fogging the cold mirror as you inspect the blue, unfeeling optic--metal and glass, steely flesh. Your left eye is... no longer yours.

Your breaths come in a low, slow shudder, ringing in your ears. Like wind through a steel tube. Closing your eyes, you steady yourself, and open them again to greet the unfamiliar woman in the mirror.

"Signal it to keep going," you mutter, reaching for your colored contact lenses.

And that's it for tonight! Tomorrow I think I'll get drunk and throw bottles at crows on the lawn! SEE YOU SATURDAY!
>colored contact lenses.
I never asked for this.jpg
Get the Corspmen on speed dial he won't last long
I ain't down with this sickness man.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Cheers boss
>"Signal it to keep going," you mutter, reaching for your colored contact lenses.

>stealing Swayback Marus meme

booo, be original shipslut

Well cock.

Looks like we won't have to catch an abyssal.




now that you say that anon, you make a good point
Yeah, RIP.
>She's already a demon
Unto Saturday, Deme. Unto Saturday.
>Admiral, I'm already a demon.
>No response
>Naye, I feel the Abyss overtaking me
>It is a good pain
Thread end and probably won't finish this, so have ESSEX DESS: http://i.imgur.com/mImyrNo.png

Thanks for the thread!
Naka's theme right now
And we have to depend on Harder or Settle to notice Naka is turning to The Dark Side (and I don't mean lesbianism)!!! NO ONE will notice till its too late!!!


Wait wait wait.

She's still in control of herself. Still on our side.

This could be a better thing that it seems.
Could be. Maybe.
She might be banking on the 'see I've been helpful and loyal all this time please don't murder me' defense
Yeah it's a balancing act at this point.
It's been a long time since I last had stuff to post here. But either way, a few threads back a few anons asked about getting a HMS Thunderchild writeup.

And well here it is, enjoy it in all of it's non-cannon-ness.

Since the writefags were so discussed this time, any ideas when we will get more about Iku? Cause damn, I want some more of that!

In b4 "The Ex" turns out to be Ro 500.

Which won't mean jack shit if someone FINDS OUT rather than she TELLS SOMEONE, unfortunately.
Editing that picture of Sayaka crying, right before she witches out, to be Naka would be very fitting right now.
I don't know how, but settle NEEDS to figure this out. She needs to 'feel pain' before this can stop. This isn't FNAF. We CAN save her. Damn it, we still need our drinking buddy. She can heal. It'll just be an uphill battle unfucking whatever the jap summoning Corp did to Fuck her over so roughly.
She needs a snot and tears confession from Settle and Freedom in the oven to get over this.
When we first talked to Naka in the hospital I thought she needed to be one of the first ship girls into an upgrade program, however that works out.
You need to kill the other one to be honest. The Japs are literally retarded. They tore her in half. And our half cannot convince the other half to come to our side but apparently we seem to be doing a REAL good fucking job of driving our half away from us.
>balloon-chested temptress
Dems pedo words.
How do we know they don't some fucked up "two bodies-one soul" bs? Killing one could have adverse effects on the other.
Assuming that there's only one Light Cruiser Hime, and/or that killing that particular CL-Hime will do the trick. It might take wiping out the entire CL-Hime class to pull it off....
Flat is pedo
Well if that is the case then there is very little we can do that already haven't done. If it is really a battle of wills at this point its pretty much up to the Naka's. And i am willing to bet the Abyssal Naka is having severe internal structural issues as well. Of course what with Abyssal warpspace horseshit being a thing our Naka is VERY likely to give in first, because they probably CAN fix her abyssal half.
So would anything at all like this be happening with Naka if she had died back at the start of the quest? Would Abyssal Naka have been some plot point?
Probably not, honestly.
I do wonder if the writer would have adopted another ship.
I'm so glad we got all this though, as painful as it is
Flat is low-test. Flat is pedo.
Jesus Christ, was there a writefag holocaust tonight or something?

>Alabama gone
>Canadabotes gone
>bong BOTES gone
>Navyfag gone
>Deutschland gone
>Lexington drawfag gone
>pixel fag gone

Is this all memes or something?
You've been mostly rused.
I say just leave the chat drama to the chat channel
I think its just navy
Nah, that list is correct with the exception of Alabama.
You have a source on that? Because Canada has been gone for ages, and bong posted in the last session.

I have no idea the circumstance that led to them leaving, I would like to know, but I doubt we'll ever get a clear answer outside of


I'm not "gone", I'm mostly just too damn busy to get on IRC or even follow threads live at the moment with holidays and work, much less write coherently and my updates have always been slow.

Plus I don't namefag unless I have something to post or say that regards me.
Probably got tired of planefags passive aggressive trolling ( he then proceeds to get pissy when people troll him back and he can't figure out who they are)

He even switched off anonymous questions on his Ask for a while because he couldn't handle the banter, despite being a self proclaimed ruse master
>Flat is pedo.
Australia bans flat porn actresses for a reason. It leads to pedo.
Yeah, it's not like "writers going off to do their own thing" is some barometer of the sky falling and imminent dissolution of the quest.
It's not like y'all fuckers made a contract with planefag. Right?

It's not trolling when people are trying to stir up shit in the threads for no other reason than to cause unrest.

When Planefag is trolling us with something in quest the purpose is usually to pull a "gotch-ya" later when more shit comes up that we didn't know about.

I am fine with the later because it keeps things interesting. The former just shits up the thread.
It's kind of telling when that many people fuck off at once though.

Especially people like Navy and Pixel, they've been here since day 1.
Wait, this isn't subscription based? Then who the hell did I give my credit card information to? I just assumed that [email protected] was legit.
No, he's literally a man child. Did you see his fucking explosion at Crix, after weeks of supporting him just because he loved the salt he generated?

As soon as anyone does something he doesn't like, he gets real serious and starts wondering why people are so angry
>I thought pranefag nukes Canuckgrills off the face of the world because "NUH-UH, NO WAY AVERAGE PEOPLE WOULD BE TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF SPOOPY SHIP THINGS THAT LOOK LIKE GIRLS." because he's never been to Halifax

Lets say that altruism and empathy are evolutionary traits, to get us to actually take care of sick or injured pack members and shit like that, short term loss for long term gain on a communal level.

Canadian Maritimers are fucking metahumans. The next step in human evolution. Those sci-fi stories where human society is peaceful and we've eliminated conflict? Written after a vacation in Nova Scotia.

I'm underselling it a bit but Martimers are just fucking nice people.
I hate to say it but maybe this way more things will actually get done. If he has less people to shitpost with then maybe he will actually focus on the quest instead of "rusemastering" the namefags/writefags. Like yknow, posting more than ten minutes of in universe time over the course of two/three threads.

Or he will probably just get bored of anon again and leave.
No, they don't. Some old wanker on the backbench in one inconsequential territory proposed it and it was promptly shot down immediately.

Of course, the internet has taken the idea that was somehow enshrined into law to memetic levels...
This. Planefag encourages shitty behavior among his followers, and then when said shitty behavior bites him in the ass, he literally cannot comprehend that he was the root cause and finds someone else to blame.
That many people *didn't* fuck off though. Lex and Navy are the only ones who've actually jumped ship. The rest are still around, just in varying states of 'haven't got shit done yet'.

To my understanding, only Navyfag, Deutschland, and Lexington are gone.

Of those three, I couldn't get up with Deutschlandfag for direct for sure confirmation. Navy and lex are, for sure, done.

For those of you wondering, as of right now, this doesn't affect canon as such. All the navyfag writeups are still considered canon, at least for now. I'll have more concrete information for you guys later, but right now this does not change existing canon.
what is true is Navyfag, Lexington, and Pixel leaving for various reasons.

I can say this; Navy left because he couldn't stand Planefag's usual MO (most of which goes without warning or discussion)

That's always been the case, he can never take as much as he dishes out. He's so infamously conflict-seeking yet he's surprised when parts of his reader base are at each other's throats.

YUP and he wonders why some are worried about this quest burning to the ground.
As far as I know, Planefag along with most anons, doesn't read my story.

I have no problems with this and as far as I know I've only ever been in the weird semi-canon area with the occasional nod from the Tele-graf stories.

You are, to the best of my understanding, considered fully canon.

I still don't understand how people get so riled up over the various in quest shit.

Just can't comprehend how any of this would generate actual anger.

I come here to read something I find enjoyable and take a load off after work.

News to me.

Welcome news, but still news.
Same here. Its a fucking game people. Who gives a shit about the fucking Hurr Durr shitposting stuff that happens between self-important namefags of all people. Im sorry but why should i care. All i want is to see an actual ending to this quest that isnt
>and then they fucked
because that was a really lame way to end SWQ. I get Planefag had had enough with it for reasons or whatever but fucking still.
It's a vicious cycle. Planefag runs a quest, attracts the standard shitposters and haters. However, rather than ignoring them like any other sane QM would, Planefag goes out of his way to engage them, and then writes his plot in a very specific way to piss them off as much as possible, which then has the side effect of pissing off regular readers who just want to play the quest without all the bullshit, and then Planefag confuses these people with the shitposters and starts engaging THEM, as well. Rinse and repeat.
It doesn't help there's other factors that fuel such rage/etc. Even underlying issues with the quest and PF's methods. He's fanning the flames then acts surprise when something burns down.

Because the reasons behind their actions might be revelant to normal readers.

Gotta say you're certainly optimistic if you're expecting this to end on a proper note.
Literally who?
The "reactions" are fucking metagaming horseshit at best, outright lying/trolling at worst.

>Gotta say you're certainly optimistic if you're expecting this to end on a proper note.
Honestly i just want to know what in the fuck is causing all of this. Like i for "reelz" just want to know what force of nature/evil-whatever-the-fuck powers a shitty fetish-fueled nightmare like this. Because i enjoy find out the BBEG's or whatever motivations. The character interaction, when nopt buried in a mountain of "MAI WAIFU!!!!!!111111oneoneeleven" dogshit are also a really good motivator as well. I knew the war was probably going to be wrapped up in SWQ in like one thread of "AND THEN THE MARTIANS FUCKED UP EVERYTHING THEY EVER DID AND ALL OF THE HUMANS WON AND EVERYTHING WAS BETTER! DA END!" But i would have like to find out why they invaded in the first place.
Also if the quest will never reach an even remotely satisfying conclusion then there is literally no point in participating.
I read this for the same reason i play the lottery: the chances are low but the payout's gonna be high.
Same. Planefag needs to get it through his greek skull that people enjoy his writing, and will stick around for it even without engaging him in mortal shitpost.

I was really enjoying that story. ;_;
Ah, right. His work was nice, but it's even more foolish to expect free art to keep pouring in from one source. pixelfag's the anomaly there.

I haven't talked to him to ask a direct yes/no question, but IDK if he's going to be around anymore, judging by what he was saying in steam. We'll see, but don't count on it.
That eye is now able to look around and see everything that's going on, other Naka could sit there and take notes on everything, hell she could be the Abyssal secretary for all anyone knows.

And now she has a mole in the organization.
>Naka was in charge of all the shipgirl paperwork during the Bonin islands battle.
>Disposition, fuel levels, munitions, a front-row seat in the CIC for all of the travel plots
>The Abyssals snapped us into a basically flawless trap that almost had to have required knowledge of where our fleet was
holy fuck.
Holy fuck I really, really hope it doesn't work that way.
>They knew who was answering the phone, by name
terror level: high
Ok now that is just AMAZING!!! Its a real shame they seem to not be able to bring heavier weapons to bear.
>It's a real shame our eldritch foe doesn't seem to bring even more overwhelming force against us
that is the opposite of a shame
are you an abyssal, you have to tell me if you are
Let see, we have faced all of WHAT in this game so far? Dinghies, ironclads, pt boats, Oh wait there were like all of 2 battleships at the VERY FUCKING START of this quest, why in the fuck where they not there for a guaranteed trap to annihilated a major number of Humanities' defenders? Shit they even have san loss, instant revival horseshit AND unknowing spies (the VERY BEST FUCKING KIND, they dont give themselves away, everyone trusts them because they MEAN it even as their very presence is fucking everything up) in the Court. And your telling me the ONLY thing they could bring to bear in that fight were.... sub and Torpedo cruisers and a few light Carriers? Seriously?
it's a feint
is getting violated in way unimaginable by the human mind right now
Uh, are you ignoring the fucking pincer trap of a carrier fleet and a fucking built-up island airbase?
In terms of shipsluts that carrier fleet matched our own strength. That island base had three fucking runways, which would have ground us into scrap if we hadn't prioritized them. Those subs were using wire-guided torpedos with active sonar, aka fucking cold war-era gear, along with what may have been a SAM-equipped soviet boat.
That surface fleet wasn't torpedo cruisers, it was light cruisers and destroyers and heavy cruisers and a FUCKING BATTLECRUISER AKA A BITCH ON PAR WITH KONGOU.
That was not an easy fucking fight, nor a pitiful fucking foe.
So what your telling me is that was all they sent to the fight? They have this "Perfect Trap" set up and they dont send any knockout blow ships with them? None of those BBs we saw at the start? Ie the grills that take on Arizona and Yamato? or shit any of the corrupted stuff they have more than likely retrieved from that one massive ship graveyard in the Pacific that has literally dozens of American ships that were scrapped and sank for nuclear tests or whatever, when we sent...what damn near everything that wasnt Arizona the Americans had and like a fifth of the Jap fleet into a PERFECT TRAP?!?!?!

Methinks this theater isn't very important. However, if this ISN'T an important theater of war, then what the fuck is? The Persian Gulf to cut off half the world supply of energy? (And yes they would MORE THAN LIKELY know about this shit by now if they didn't before. Why they arent annihilating anything coming out of that place with a prejudice is beyond me.Yet the fucking IRANIANS hold them off with apparent ease.
Ok so not important enough. How about raiding American Harbors and attacking American Shipping all over the world. After all destroying the largest navy in the world piecemeal would CERTAINLY leave the other nations that have been utterly reliant on the American Navy for protect or whatever crippled right? Well apparently we are able to transport everything we need all over the world as if its a normal fucking day, no rationing or ANYTHING so clearly thats not motive enough.
Ok rethinking it, they HAET DA HOOMANS!!! right so maybe they are off murdering everything human looking they can find, after all they did send some pretty TERRIBLY disciplined ships to that big scrap off of Bonin right? (Seriously this was the force that was supposed to wipe us out?) Well lets see, none of the weaker countries have been attacked yet....no reports of anything other than minor skirmishes, no African or SE Asian countries annihilated....
We heard about islands in SEA getting literally massacred. Vietnam was suffering starvation because they were hitting fishermen. Rationing has been brought up as something we're barely able to avoid.
The ocean is really fucking big, and it's entirely possible that the Abyssal capacity to wage war is not infinite.
The fact that we observed fucking oilers, logistics vessels, in the fleshmetal, confirms this. They cheat, but they have constraints. They appear and vanish, but they can be tracked. They don't need to be capable of forcing Decisive Battles~ in their favor to be a credible foe.

Like, let's consider what would have happened if we'd lost that battle. With the help of the leveling effect and its capability to shit out aircraft, Iwo Jima would basically be a fortress requiring outright ballistic missiles to crack. They could have launched a strike at the home islands themselves from there, I'm pretty sure.
There's always us new writefags?
>Says the writefag who's not done anything in fucking MONTHS

See, this I'll agree with. I'm a lazy bugger.

Why the fuck did Navyfag abandon ship though (pun fully intended)? I thought he was one of the long-time fans. Well whatever: I'm here until the end, whatever that is. Hopefully the end of the war and some wedding bells... Or at least cheesey 80s porno music.

I read your shit, Canadianfag. You're more popular than you know.
I'm sorry, but that's just a retarded reading of what happened. Her eye is a spy?

A less batshit reading is that she is or is turning Abyssal, but that she struggles against it and wants to be loyal to the fleet and her country. She's covering up because she doesn't know how to deal.

But remote viewing eye Naka? If that's the route planefag goes I'm going to be disappointed, because that's straight pants on head retarded.

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