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Yuudachi takes several seconds to process the fact of a bottle in her mouth, her eyes crossing to stare at the neck. When her brain upshifts at last, she snatches it out of her maw and hurls it at Crab. The big man manages to catch it, the impact sounding like a baseball hitting a glove. With one hand he snags it in the bottle opener hanging from the keychain chained to his belt loop and opens it while Yuudachi seethes not five feet from him.
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“You filthy pig-dog barbar-”

“WHAT!?” Crab bellows through the megaphone.

Yuudachi blinks. “I'm insulting you, you filthy, knuckle-dragging-”


“I said-”

“WHAT!” Crab repeats, leaning with his back against the safety rail as he continues gunning Yuudachi down with the Megaphone.

“Stop that-”


“I said-”




Yuudachi's pretty, innocent face is flushed crimson with rage, her balled fists trembling at her sides. “I AM GOING TO-”


“WHAT!?” Yuudachi screams, the shrill, piercing note of an old steam whistle blending with the pure notes of her youthful voice.

“WHAT!” Crab rejoins.

Are sailors of modern ships doing anything to their current ship now that they know it might have a soul?

Are we going all machine spirits or just sailors talking to bulkheads?
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That does it. Yuudachi leans forward and lunges for Crab like a torpedo of murderous rage, a snarl deforming her lips as her arms swing wide, her small fists hurtling forward like the steel pistons they most likely have become. So violent and fast is her attack that when Crab takes a half-step to the side she does not arc over the rail so much as flash over it like a bolt of blonde lighting, her flat trajectory only arcing downward a good twenty feet out. So shallow is her descent that she barely clips her own forward gun-house with her slender chest, the friction just enough to set her tumbling. She hits the deck head first and squeals along it for a few feet, momentum and friction keeping her suspended in a high angle-of-attack, head against the deck and feet in the air, almost perpendicular to the plates. The last thing you see of her is a wisp of blonde hair being sucked over the gunwales, her stockings and shoes close behind.

Crab considers this for a moment.

Then he raises the megaphone to his mouth.

“AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA DIPSHIT,” he declares, then plops down in his lawn chair, happy as a clam.

You and Hamp share a momentary glance.

Time to get the fuck out of here.

Sailors are already superstitious as fuck, so
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With the crucial detail seen to, and the other operational details firmly in the hand of competent folk that tend to dislike brass hats hanging over their shoulders for no fucking reason, you decide to look in on the Corgi situation. A small building not far from the dorms (you have a vague memory of it housing lawn care tractors or something) was summarily gutted and turned into a properly outfitted kennel. According to the archived e-mail you re-read off your phone during the short drive over, it's slated to be equipped with the essentials of a veterinary clinic - and the Navy is scrambling to find a full-time vet to staff the building just in case of emergencies or various “battle damage” of the kind Crab's, uh, tender ministrations can't alleviate. A note at the end mentions that they might end up with a local civilian filling the post if the rather scarce ranks of military veterinarians can't offer up anyone with the proper psych profile to tolerate the strangeness of it all without cracking.

You and Hamp push through the double doors and walk into a chorus of synchronized howls.

“ALL RIGHT, MAGGOTS!” a high-pitched voice demands, almost squeaking on the last part. You round the corner to find Sammy standing, feet shoulder-width apart and arms crossed in front of her little “flotilla” of five corgis. They're staring up at her curiously, heads cocked, tongues lolling out.

Sammy plants her hands on her hips and leans over a bit, her freckled face screwed up in a scowl. “SHOW ME YOUR GODDAMNED WAR FACE!”
So altars and rituals to appease their ship's soul?

Giving their ship cute dresses?
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The corgis, as one, tilt their heads the other way, tongues still lolling as they pant contentedly.

“FOR *FUCKS* SAKE!” Sammy bellows, her pigtails vibrating with her rage. “THE FUCK DO THINK THAT IS, SAILOR!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT IS!?” The corgis all have their diminutive fit-outs on (they seem to be Elco boats to the dog,) including the miniature sailor's caps. Sammy walks up to the one in the middle and starts rotating the little hat with one fingertip as her other hand comes up in...

“The hell is that?” Hamp wonders.

“Knife hand,” you marvel.

“ARE YOU GRINNIN AT ME!?” Sammy asks the panting dog. It tilts its head and licks her knife hand eagerly by way of response.

You and Hamp both stare at Sammy.

You turn to look at each other.

By the time your combined gazes fall on Corporal - make that Lieutenant Hate in the corner of the room, he is dug in hard with good overhead cover. He raises the cap of his thermos at just the right speed to conceal his face behind it as your gazes land, his dull, half-lidded eyes rebuffing your questioning stares. After a long, deliberately noisy sip, he sets it down with an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction.

“Welcome,” Hate says. “Welcome to MY hell.”

Oh god, crabs a dead man.
I imagine a swarm of eggheads are about to descend on poi's hull and distract them from any further violence
Crab's a fuckin' loony.
so planefag, did you ever get gud and beat the last 3 minutes of Half Life?
Shimakaze writefag a good
I wonder if there's more dick-rubbing-against-various-equipment or less.
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Once again Tonight's thread is brought to by the new fetish.
>mobile dry docks, hospital ships, and repair ships
If they did come back, would the USN send them to us or keep them closer to home for observation/see what they can do in terms of repairing other shipgirls?

Would they be more or less effective than Crab?

Could we replace Crab completely at Yokosuka if we had a mobile dry dock-girl, and send Crab to Alaska or other rear-area bases?
Call Iku.


Text Anne again.


Go find Settle again.


Come clean to Goto, tell him you're a tightly-wound bag of multigrain and psychoses.

Fuuuuuck no.

Urgency aside, fueling and readying the plane--and wrangling the corgis--is going to take time. You have at least an hour, probably more, before you're ready to deploy.

The tension and anticipation and the silent nervous dread that you feel before every battle, waiting for the other shell to drop, all of it whirls around and around, your thoughts circling faster and faster until it's unbearable.

You find yourself pacing the halls, not really caring where your feet take you. Inside, outside(, USA!), you try not to overthink and fail spectacularly. You've made your plans, double-checked them, run them by Sendai and Jintsuu, looked at the maps, looked at the GPS, googled the area, googled male ballerinas, gone back to googling the area, and stuffed an entire box of strawberry pocky into your face.

And then you're started out of your panic-fugue by the clatter of falling tools--absentmindedly you'd been brushing your fingertips along the walls, and without the tactile sensation, you pulled a maintenance closet open, the contents spilling out. With a grimace, you go to start collecting and stuffing it back in with an equal lack of grace.
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You try and stay sane here. I dare you. I fucking DARE you.
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>he thinks the navy wouldn't just cut me loose after a mandatory extended enlistment period
>Come clean to Goto, tell him you're a tightly-wound bag of multigrain and psychoses.
Come to think of that, I hope Goto doesn't murder us for never, you know, dealing him in on the whole Naka situation.
You frown as you find one a smidge heavier than the rest--bright if cruddy-painted casings, with a long black cylindrical barrel attached to a hose, running to what looks like a bulky backpack, straps and all, and an unmistakable fanblade under the case.

You click the trigger experimentally and your hair jingles and screeches against itself like hungover angels in a sudden burst of wind.

And then you giggle.

And then you laugh.

And then you cackle.

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hate, living the dream
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I never meant to imply that you weren't correct.
Sammy a cute
Corgis a cute
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Settle had a lot to do, but he found time for a walk. He never "enjoyed" it, per se, as much as he tolerated the repeated flare of pain, even through meds, of his gimped leg. The walk was as much for the others as for himself--Goto was a damn good friend and a rock-solid admiral, but sometimes, under the strain, it was all Settle could do not to turn his goatee inside out and hang him by it.

Trying to clear his thoughts, he steeled himself for the next tidal wave of nightmares the coming battle would surely bring. Focusing on his breathing--a trick from physical therapy he still found himself repeating--he tried to spear each of his errant thoughts as they passed and string them along in an orderly line.

He was finally getting somewhere when Harder walked by, wearing knee pads, a helmet, a tube of flavored yogurt in his hand (didn't they discontinue that shit in the aughts?), and, most of all, layer upon layer of toilet paper, clinging to him steadfastly, ends fluttering in the breeze.


"...Harder," Settle finally managed after unsticking his tongue. "What...?"

"Oh. Yeah, Naka found a leaf blower. So hey, check out this shit I found in the PX!"

"...The yogurt?" Settle ventured hopefully, hesitantly, regretfully.

"Naw, nigga, naw. Look." Slowly, he turned and produced something from his pocket... before presenting it with panache. "Peanut butter and jelly... in ONE jar."

Settle just stared at the sandy-blond manlet like he had just shook an aircraft carrier out of his ear.

"This is why we won the war," Harder continued, paying it no mind. "Superior ingenuity. Who can fucking stand against majesty like this?"

Tapping his temple knowingly and giving a wink-wink signal, Harder kept on strolling right by.

In the distance, Settle thought he heard rolling wheels and primal whoops of animal joy.

Why cut you loose, when they can make you suffer in some Alaskan backwater?
more like shitty meme outfit; too many things clash.
... Never change, Harder. Never change.
>clinging to him steadfastly, ends fluttering in the breeze.

>Naka fucking around with a leaf blower
Pff, hahaha
Hey now, that was clearly warcrimes defeating themselves.
>Peanut butter and jelly... in ONE jar.
Clearly he hasn't tried it yet or he wouldn't be so impressed.
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She's a little girl. I'm a big guy. For you.
Go-Gurt is infact still for sale.
>Text Anne again.

Whos anne?
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Because my TOE is already up and now I'm just costing them money and giving them bad PR. Fuckin' duh.

>He thinks I'd suffer in the Last Frontier
>Go-Gurt is infact still for sale.

I know, right? Everyone thinks it's been discontinued because, for fucks sake, what? Really? But no. It lives on. It cannot be slain. IT IS THE GURT ON THE FUCKIN GO
Erebus I think.
The fuck did you say about Hayashimo?
Huh, a Greek that likes yogurt.
Yep, Anne is Erebus.
Well, I liked it as a kid. Honestly probably one of the healthier things I ate.
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It was surprisingly decent, in my memories.
More effective at repairing ships, for sure. They're the reincarnation of repair ships, it would be weird if they weren't.

But Crab is familiar with modern systems and probably knows the best how to integrate them with the shipgirls, or at least has the best idea.
do you know how much sugar one has? you are basically better off eating a candy bar
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Posting this for Naka-Chan, since Naka-Chan is asleep: http://pastebin.com/a58QNWx0

Yep, Erebus.
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>my face when I realize that Admiral Thomas might know how to use google

Dear Admiral Thomas and/or Admiral Thomas's staff: if you should somehow find this quest, please, please, for the love of god, please forget you saw it. Thank you.
You know this would've been the perfect moment for some good old stress relief via sex with Harder.
So then we both get what we want: you get to leave, and we get to see you leave.

I suppose the question is whether a USN or IJN ship would be easier to summon.
Yeah, I know.
That's how poorly I ate as a kid.
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Good taste, anon.
Anyone have his email, I think he'd find this amusing.
Too late.
She doesn't even look Abyssal in that, just fucking yan, not sure that's better.
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super cool story bro
He's not lying. The 626 literally takes blood from students and uses it to run. We suspect the LaHoya will need more. FriscoLulu already ate one body, so it should be appeased.

To appease testing of ~components~ blood is a decent thing to feed for lubrication though.
Thomas isn't in command of Seventh anymore.

He probably has plenty of time to websurf~
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There was also someone joking about tweeting this at Higgins' twitter a while back, but I don't think they went through with it.
When was this realized? Also, is it now officially Naka-time?
here comes the navy to Planefag's door to stop him from bullying the Admiral's waifu

It says here the last part for USS Artisan was scrapped in 2010, so I don't imagine it would take comparatively much retraining to get her proficient. Flimsy evidence, I know, but it's something.
Apparently AWOL got updated too?
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Latest thing is done, it's a bit late but at least it's ready. Here it is:


Now that that's done, I'm off to continue with the Thunderchild stuff.
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They wanted to put tomahawks on her, just kinda wherever they had space. I saw where there weren't tomahawks and I said no. No this will not do.
What is up with AWOL? How did an abyssal manage to get captured but not corrupt everything around her?
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What the fuck. GoGurt is still a thing?
This is the world where Harmony Gold has not died. Things have a way of persisting.

Nothing of the girls themselves, just that particular outfit. Ways it could be better:

In general: remove all the excessive cat touches; panties don't need cat ears and paw strings.
Sexier: have a more normal hole
Cuter: actually have that whole "filled" with a cute cat face.

>>45061384 as it right; he didn't so much win so much than Poi defeating herself.

Oh no thats not the problem.

Chances of coming across it on google is very low (I tried).

Then problem is right now.

We're gonna email it to him.
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... fuck
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Hey, I think I found a picture of Crab
But the fact that it's a cat window and cat panties is like, the entire point
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>Nothing of the girls themselves, just that particular outfit. Ways it could be better:
>In general: remove all the excessive cat touches; panties don't need cat ears and paw strings.
>Sexier: have a more normal hole
>Cuter: actually have that whole "filled" with a cute cat face.
Go Gurt is fucking delicious eat a dick
Update was last Wednesday If i remember right.

Thats for the Cabal to know and you to find out whenever the fuck i get off my lazy ass and write it.
I know for a fact Krogers sells it near me. Perhaps you can ask your local store, I know they can ship you an order of them.

No. I was so legit fed up with that last mission that I just went and reinstalled Halo 1.

Speaking of, I'll be streaming that next. Maybe tomorrow? Or maybe I'll wait till Sunday again, I dunno. Maybe both days, why not.
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Well keep up the good work, she's cute.
That post, just makes me want to see the good admiral's reaction even more.
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>Naka dicking around with lawn tools and having fun
This is a pleasant turn of events
Hey, it looks like I've found a kyte in his natural habitat.
Okay. Your reaction is hilarious.

That said, if he does indeed find the quest, I wager he wouldn't have much to be mad about. You represented him with a great deal of respect and gravitas.

Huh, Naka having that much fun with a leafblower. What'll it be like if they get a Jetlev or another of those water-jetpacks or flyboard jet-boards at the base?

(One of those puppies)
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no why
>Halo 1
Aw shit bro
Don't you have meidos to break tomorrow tho? Sunday's probably for the best.
>"Me and the other abyssals were wondering when you're going to get around to killing all humans..."
>"Can't kill. Busy playing."
Anon likes to see you suffer, it really should be obvious at this point.
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So is anyone going to comment on how Vanguard has literally no ass whatsoever?
Not intended to look abyssal.

Yuudachi being yandere is great.

You brought this on yourself.

Because questers need to be showered with the tears of QMs from time to time.
I'd take tomorrow, I could actually be there for the stream.
That's insulting even for him.

Just because it's spread on the internet by the japanese doesn't preclude it from being mostly bad.

Yeah okay even I find this cute (exceptions to rules,etc)
nah I'm not an assman
It'll start that stupid discussion of flat vs fat asses.
Hell, why don't we just email it to the POTUS?
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You caused anon to suffer, so now you too shall suffer in turn.
Thou hath hoisted thy own petard.
>"what's this weeaboo shit"
>namedropping me
why bro

Also that room's combined cost is way more than I'd ever be willing to pay for non-electronics.
What a strange reversal of the usual way of things.
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Coolio, I'll do it in the early afternoon. I could try playing through, or I could just start with Silent Cartographer. Love that level!



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Hey, it gives her some character.
>No. I was so legit fed up with that last mission
Fuck, why did I have to miss that
Goddammit, I'm working
Even the Abyssals are getting on this fetish meme.
Why did the bongs even think that was a good idea?
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MTU is getting lewder.
For the record the guy replacing Thomas as 7th fleet commander right now is a pretty cool dude. Admiral Aucoin was a Tomcat driver (or RIO its been awhile) who flew in Desert Storm and during the stuff with Bosnia.

He and his squadron feature pretty heavily in Black Aces High by Robert Wilcox
Behold, the Gary stu plot device at work.

Now he knows kung fu!
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>Hoppo nestled inside Seaport's boobs

Remember, they built a battlecruiser AFTER Jutland.
Something about that after a certain point, you just didn't need the ship anymore. So if you just cut it off there it saved on weight.
Well, so did the Alaska Class Battlecruisers. They had sterns/asses almost equally as flat.
Honestly I'm amazed at half the shit they threw together into her. Blunting off her stern is the least of the issues in her design.
"Oh dear. 4chan's fucking around again."

I'll be there!

Silent Cartographer is a pretty good early mid-point to the game and an excellent level.

Spares you from doing the entire campaign but keeps most of the great levels still before you. Halo is also a good one, but longer and less direct.

Except the fucking Library. I remember what you said about it in the stream and I did the same back in the day.
Hey Naka! How's that VN they're making of you coming along?

Isn't she making a new album?
Was a good one. So they pirates now?
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>Now he knows kung fu!
I guess taking a half-step to the side would be considered kung fu to an immobile landwhale, anon.
Eh, a transom stern like that is actually an upgrade, hydrodynamically--it fools the water into behaving like it would if you had a traditional cruiser stern, but without the parasite drag of all the wetted area that you cut off. It's why virtually all warships today use transom sterns, even if they don't have a helipad aft.
What do you think the album is for?
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Zuihou is cute.

No Elephant lady is CUTEST
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Sorry everyone. Mr. Foxx had planned on having another case file for you all but he's currently grappling with a problem. Literally.

This is your punishment for Crab.
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>that pic
... Mr. Foxx seems to know the basics of CQC quite well to fight an Abyssal like that.
Kill yourself
Gomennasai a great
The Akatsuki class as a whole are BEST Destroyers...especially if Willie is with them.
[email protected] - maybe a middle initial if there are multiples with the same name.
that pic cant be a DE Eldridge right
Hey y'all! Sorry it's been so long, but I didn't wanna keep ya waiting any longer. Here's Bamalama 4 for y'all.

Today's Nenohi is not for molesting!
sorry best class is akizuki class
but akatsuki cutest class
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Just what I needed in my life!
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Yeah more of my favorite BB
What about Thursday's?
SoDak Best Dak
More Bama! YES!
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Okay. Time out. Did anon just miss the fact that a shipgirl can in fact summon her hull entirely separate from her human form and operate them separately AT WILL? Because that's some important shit. If they can also summing their rigs seperate from their hulls -- and the hulls and rigs are both crewed then we just doubled our firepower. And even if not, we can weld some patriots and sea sparrow launchers on and solve our IJN anti aircraft deficiencies. Yamato with tomahawks, CIWS and SMs anyone? Think post-refit Iowa class but done on a wartime budget. Mark 48 ADCAPS for our subs. Hell, give the faerys MANPADS and cut loose.

Can you say: GAME CHANGER! We just opened the door to so many force multiplication possibilities that I can't even begin to list them all.
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To all anons salty over crab.

Yeah, there are people actually like that. Like the IT who's been there for 10 years and knows the entire office grinds to a halt witbout then. They are aware their importance grants them privileges none can do anything about.

But Crab is right. He's the least of lesser evils Yokosuka would've had to contend with. He might get his jollies on bullying shipgirls, but would you rather have a specialist who's secretly sexually abusing them instead?

Crab still shit tho
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We found this out way the fuck back when Akagi did it.
"For the thirtenth time that day, Joseph questioned his choices leading to this moment."

Yup, that's what I thought of. All credit to Maximillian Uriarte.
It's exciting, but not completely unsurprising.
The possibility and its ramifications were already ooh and ah'd over after Akagi and Hamp- this is just steps towards implementation.
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Yuugumo-class is here to disagree.
We Arpeggio now.
Not only did Akagi do it, but landed her boyfriend on it.
...doesn't Bama have only the three turrets, not four? Or did she go and upgrade herself into a Montana when we weren't looking?
Can the gumo's beat this?
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Well not really, but he did college wrestling, and a bit of gym boxing.

I tried. Turns out all the normal solutions don't work.

That's me! I know there's nobody else for scale but I'm actually kind of short.
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Oh, cool. I never bothered to look that sorta shit up, but its nice to know they were on the up and up on the hull design.

On the other hand, she has WW1 vintage turrets with 13 inches of face armor, mounting WIRE-WOUND 15" guns (exact same guns as Hood mounted).

Her other problem is that she has only 2 inches greater armor belt than Hood (14 inch vs 12), save the doubled deck armor thickness of 6 inches.

To be frank, she was Hood 2.0, tossed together from whatever scraps that Britain still had laying around to try and meet the threat of the German Battleships.

Did i mention she launched in 1946?

Its something thats been seen before. Probably was discussed with Fap Angel.

HMS Barham threw her loverboy over the railing before she was sunk.
Anon, we've known this is a thing since fucking Iowa walking around on herself.
So we've got a kennel for the Corgis now, right?
And it's monitored?
And we've got a accurate headcount as of a given time?

Have the dogs been tagged with RFID chips or GPS collars? Something to keep track of their numbers and locations, so that we can more accurately determine when a new one pops up?
Notice the lack of turret on the top left platform. That's just decking and seaplane cranes

No. We didn't. She was standing on her own deck. We didn't know that shipgirl and hull could be physically separated. If there isn't a distance limit, then shipgirl and hull are two entirely seperate entities and we literally have twice the force projection capabilities. Think about it -- we'd have two Yamatos, two hornets, two Kongous (one of which doesn't dess), etc.

Now, there may be all kinds of limitations - this is some voodoo shot after all -- but the possibilities (bad their limitations) just became a major priority I think.
Tineye fails me. Sauce?
A good run for their money. Also, Akatsuki looks pretty lumpy there.
>he doesn't know the source

Sadpanda has it, my friend.
See >>45062187
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It's Arizona's turret that planefag lost.
or it's a surprise!
Your 'gumo's are cute but here's the Six Sliding Division.
Much obliged, gentlemen.
can't wake up
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I'll see your slide and raise you some Santas.
You're assuming that the hull can function a a ship at the same time as the girl. Disembarking just proves she can step away from it, not that she'll function at the same time as it. Akagi wasn't able to launch planes from her bow while she was hulled out.
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Check and mate.

it is amazing how much salt crab generates every time he shows up
Physics bitches. You speak it? Having two parts of the same object occupying the same general space is one thing. The shipgirl is the physical manifestation of the ship's soul, and the hull is the purely physical part.

But having shipgirl and ship as seperate entities capable of operating in physical separation - is physics defying. Like, conservation of energy defying. It opens up an entire universe of options we didn't know we had.

For example, let's say there isn't a limit to how far a shipgirl can be from her hull. We could send Yamato's hull to the English Channel, and keep the shipgirl here. She could literally be in two places at once. That's kinda important to test and see what the limits are and what advantages we can make working around them.
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Clearly 'zona and 'bama are suffering from a horrible case of mistaken identity.
I agree we don't know that. But we sure as hell need to test some hypotheses now that we know that they can be physical seperated. Maybe we just saw the limits of that separation in time and space -- but we don't know that. So we need to find out.
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There is a dearth of good 'gumos. Artists, to me!

Is this supposed to mean anything?
C-can you just tell me what crazy traditions the world's sailors have gotten into now that ships have souls?
Has CV-9 done anything stupid since we last checked in?
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>fucking Iowa walking around on herself.
We didn't see the hull or the girl actually operating separately. We didn't test if she could fire the guns on her hull and the guns on her rig at the same time (she probably can't). We didn't test if they can swap which self is operative at the same time- my money's on, like how Akagi seemed to show, if the hull is present it takes precedence. Like how Iowa didn't have rigging.

Because, get this, it's already happened on screen
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Last one. Have a good night, anons.
Again. There may not be anything here. But I'd sure want to test to confirm that rather than just presuming this isn't a big deal.
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>It's Arizona's turret that planefag lost.

ur a witty cunt I'll give u that m8
We're not presuming it isn't a big deal.
We literally had a top-level meeting with Goto and Thomas about the ramifications and how we would explore this if we could reproduce it.
>C-can you just tell me what crazy traditions the world's sailors have gotten into now that ships have souls?

Chanting WE TOLD YOU SO when they get drunk in port.


Aside from preening as the crew of the LHD with her name catcalls like mad? No.
Okay. Sorry. Deep breath.

Iowa doesn't count, she manifested on her exiting hull. She didn't summon her hull.

Akagi summoned her hull, but only while she was ohayically standing on it.

We just saw a shipgirl summon her hull, and then physically seperate herself from it. That isn't the same thing.

Again, it may not mean anything. The hull may be totally useless without its soul present. But I'd be pretty excited about testing some theories rather than just assuming the dog and pony show we just saw with Crab is all there is to it.
>Essex preening as the ultimate Cool Mom of LHD-2
>LHD-2 and DDH-184's crews having a soccer match after they come back to port while Essex and Kaga cheer/shout from the sidelines
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Thanks, knew I'd seen it somewhere.
We are excited.
There's just basically nothing new to say because we already planned for this, and were expecting to get this breakthrough any day now.
>both Seaports
Thats a lot of fuel bunkerage.
Your ideas are intriguing.
All this posting of Des Div 6 and no Chunnimomboat?
Because she's shit and should sink.
>That tie
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>the Scott Pilgrim vidya game is no longer available on Xbox Live or the PSN store

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>Essex takes to the field in excitement
>Kaga follows suit because the line of sanity has long passed and that cunt's cheating now
>Devolves into a wrestling match on the pitch between the CVs while the crews cheer them on.
I was not expecting to be able to seperate the shipgirl from the hull. That blindsided me (perhaps because I'm an idiot). I expected to need the shipgirl to be standing on the hull to keep it manifested.

So, for example, even if the hull isn't useful without its soul - we may be able to leave it in dock for refit while the girls fight, and then have them come back aboard once the refit is competed. That alone would be a big deal.

So - maybe I'm the only one that didn't see the physical separation issue coming, but in any case I didn't so it's pretty cool to have those options potentially open now.

>Kaga and Essex captain their teams for the game
>DDH-184's football team vs LHD-2's soccer team

This has potential for the most hype match of the decade
I wonder where shipgirl piracy would fall between the sides.
>Devolves into greased up nearly naked wrestling

Fixed that for you.
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I ship it.
Enjoying pissing people off instead of enjoying making them happy results in a much smaller gain in net-happiness for usually the same effort.

Crab and people like him are faggots because they are INEFFICIENT. BAD MATH OFFENDS ME.
Topic was cute sisters, not ships to fuck.

No steam at all.
Depends on which side is getting more shipping taken.
I urge you to never come work for the Department of Defense. The last good math we had was at the Battle of Yorktown.
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That comes later. You have to build a romance based on hatred like this slowly- start off with actual mud-and-grass wrestling. Remember, Kaga managed to hold her own against Zuikaku despite being out-horsepowered, probably from being conceived as a BB
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its part of her normal outfit. She wears a suit like some sort of tough *shrug*
>Topic was cute sisters, not ships to fuck.
How about both?
There's your problem
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Nothing wrong with that.
>I don't get offended by anything ever
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moar like FATTYRYU
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Here. Have some buffyryuu
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We should get some Tenryuu action going for the next battle. God knows it's be easy to do, she's always up for a fight.
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I mean, we kind of are sending her, so.
>That moment when you realize you will never headpat a DD
>That moment when you realize you will never hug one either
Here's more of that feel.
I mean with the yakuza.

I've hugged a DD. I felt cold and hard.
In before Tenryuu is one of the casualties
>desdivsix are now orphans
>Settle is forced to adopt them
More likely they get adopted by Sammy.
Wouldn't that be a bad end for them, though? Sammy don't like nip-boats.
Or she gets taught love.
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Don't you dare talk about my shipfu that way!
Only if Tatsuta sinks as well.
In order of sinking. Cute.
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have some Tatsuta smut
danbooru post 2212834
Sounds about right
Why no link?
This isn't SB, you can just paste the full link m8
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>in a planefag quest
I love the guy, but...nah.
Never happening.
...I'm on my phone.
I feel like copying and pasting the link would still be simpler, but aight
It'll happen right after we meet a girl with zero psychological or emotional issues.
Tenryuu got me into this series, man. I don't want her to sink either!
It's a way to cut down on the cast of carriers though.
Also, who else suspects that Graf got sunk along her way to Japan, and that's why she's no longer appearing in this quest?
Nah, they're just flying in to join the stable of "oh they're busy" characters
How is that a large number of CL's came back STACKED like battleships?
Because... um... RJ suffering? Or torpedoes?
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Topheavy designs for their tonnage?
Probably just artist preference.
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>Graf got sunk
Graf Spree triddle Dee.
Isn't that Zepp though?
That'd be a dick move considering PF and navy parted on good terms.

Artist preference if not offsetting the lolish DDs (before ones with curves became somewhat common)
Did somebody say Ryujou suffering!
Why they got to have same-sounding names senpai

How many (IJN) destroyers are in the game again?
That eventuality came to mind right after I clicked 'Post'.
ALOT covering the noted DD classes would only account for 50% of the total.
For the same reason why the USN use the same name over and over and over.

That and the word Graf is a title since they are named after people who got said title. I think it like a baron or something.
77, by my count on the wiki.
I think I managed to catch all the kai doubles.
Around 78 more or less by a cursory counting.

Thank you for your assistance.
(captcha is food no Akagi don't eat my-)
Whoops, including the krautboats and ital ital. 74, out of 200 produced in real life.
I understand that ship museums sell stuffed ships for all your cuddle needs.
I want a destroyer(the steel ship, not a kanmusu) plushie


She's actually not that bad looking. Might have to talk to her.

Hopefully she's not still mad about that fucking frag.
The Alabama doesn't. Sadly.
You can get a Mo Plushie.
You sure do have a thing for strong women, eh Lt.?
It's not the same... the plush won't hug you back.
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Now that Naka-chan's admitted her ability to hypnotize people through song, we should probably keep a pair of earplugs handy. Just in case we need to go full Greek and Odysseus this siren song shit.
--200 ships that's some cast padding--

While my focus is more on the IJN-girls, not Jerry or the pastacraft, thank you nonetheless.

Hell yes. Give me a woman who can fucking fight, not some waifish crap that incessantly needs her hand fucking held and needs to be protected and coddled and treated like she's made of fucking glass. No Disney fucking princess types, fuck that shit.
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every thread
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Just give her some chocolate covered cherries, she likes those by the way, and swear you won't do that again. She'll likely to forgive you.

Just drown them out with good old rock in roll.

Hell if you are feeling evil get those fancy direction speakers things that only send sound in column and blast Green Day at them.

Captcha rivers...
Like... Iowa? (Or perhaps her sister Jersey?)
Or just offer to spar with her
I will keep this in mind, thank you ma'am.
Any of the Iowas, really.
I doubt Settle wants to be justifiably murdered by everyone in the direction he points the damn things in.



nah, I don't actually give a shit. And yeah, like her. The aviation battleships are pretty cute, too, though. I mean, that's kinda the fucking problem. All these girls coming back, none of them coming back unfuckable. Its enough to drive a fucker crazy, you know?
Eh... Ain't like they wouldn't trying to anyways. They're fucking Abyssals.
>none of them

This just in Hate wants to boink children.
>All these girls coming back, none of them coming back unfuckable.
I assume that's not counting the torpedo lolis. Right. Riiight?
>Her other problem is that she has only 2 inches greater armor belt than Hood (14 inch vs 12),

A non-problem. Iowa "only" had 12", too.

That 6"of deck armour is the big deal in survivability improvement.
Just remember that she doesn't want anyone watch her eat them. She's rather shy about showing off her more feminine side.
Uh, I would hope Willie, Sammy, and most others below CL class count as "unfuckable" in your book.

Otherwise you may have been in Japan just a bit too long.
Also filing this down. Thank you, ma'am.
even the DD DDs?
There's no shortage of busty girls *anywhere* on base.
I do not believe that Hate was thinking of the child-like DDs when he mentioned 'none of them coming back unfuckable'.

If he was, then I guess the MPs will be paying the good lieutenant a visit shortly.
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the problem with that is she was only 500 tons less displacement than an Iowa and couldn't match one for speed or firepower. Even the armor is up for debate since she was made with an external belt at a flat angle compared to the Iowa's internal belt with various decapping and torpedo protection mechanisms between it and anything trying to break through it.
No shit. I forgot I had to fucking specify around here. my fucking bad.
It's fucking 4chan. You think too highly of us, Marine.
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For reference, this is what Iowa's Tote'n
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Hate is smarter than you give him credit for, anon.

He has, after all, started construction of a man-portable weapon that would make most sci-fi infantry green with envy.

(captcha is food again no Akagi no)
>He has, after all, started construction of a man-portable weapon that would make most sci-fi infantry green with envy.
But does it have faires?
So what you're saying is that he chooses not to think?
>I guess taking a half-step to the side would be considered kung fu to an immobile landwhale, anon.

Exactly why Deme wrote it that way.
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I haven't done a comprehensive survey or anything (there are a fuckton of DDs in KanColle), but I question whether "most" of the DDs are unfuckable. DesDiv6 seems to be more the exception than the rule; the trend seems to lean more toward the mid/late teens look. Which may be considered kind of skeevy for full-grown adults to go for, but even if they weren't decades-old ship spirits the age range they look like is legal in the vast majority of jurisdictions (and I'm talking 1st world jurisdictions here, not including developing countries which often tend to have lower age of consent). And, well, they wouldn't call it "jailbait" if it wasn't tempting to most.
>Playing with a leaf blower and listening to the sounds of metal hair.

It's the simple pleasures in life that are the best.
Should voted to shove him down the dry dock lol.
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Your kinda late to the fucking party on that.
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Bit too much. What if Crab would be injured by the fall (not bloody likely, but hell, have to consider the possibility)?
Great, now the chief engineer (or whatever the hell the title of his job is) has a busted hand/arm/leg and can't do as good a job as before until it heals.

It wouldn't hurt if he would be less of a container of male reproductive organs to those around him, though...

(By the way, just thought of a way to take revenge in a manner that won't directly result in physical injury. Find Thor, and make a nice contemporary art piece out of it.)
>What if Crab would be injured by the fall

>cast of carriers
Tenryuu's a light cruiser
>Tenryuu got me into this series
and yet you can't even get her class right
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And now someone has to pay the man disability checks or shit like that while he's incapacitated (worst case scenario)

Or, he fractures something important, and can no longer work as fast as he did before the injury, thus directly fucking with overall efficiency.

On the other hand, going after his tools, which he seems to have given names to... well, that doesn't directly cause physical harm to the bastard, while also informing him of the fact that he can't get away with everything without there being consequences down the road.

"You're indispensable. Your tools aren't."
He's not indispensable in the slightest, not matter how much aggrandizing self-flattery he does.

His skills aren't unique, his combination of them and his security certainly isn't, And his insistence that everything would fall apart without him is dubious at best.

Crab is an unnecessary existence. A disability check or military funeral is a small price to pay n exchange for getting a replacement who isn't openly antagonistic.
There's some problems with that logic, though. Is Crab a caustic, "chaotic-stupid" asshat who seems to take "going overboard" as a minimum, not a max?

Is it, perhaps, possible to train someone to do his job that doesn't make me want to take a crowbar to their head, stick some Willy Pete in the new crevice, and take care of the evidence?

Yes. however, in this case we see "worthwhile investment" rear it's ugly head. He's in a position where he is, effectively, a linchpin in the current operations. So instead of being a functioning soldier, he's gone down the "IMMA MUHRINE LUUK ÀET HOW COOL I'M DAM IT SUCKS TO NOT BE ME" route. He knows he's valuable. He knows it'd take more resources to replace him than to just let him do his job (which involves throwing empty beer bottles so they break above a ship slut because of, in my opinion, aforementioned chaotic-stupid. )

What you need to realize, anon (and what I'm sure Settle and his higher ups have already realized, I'm sure) is that you don't need to like someone for them to be really good at it.

So is Crab the kinda guy I'd expect to have 4 ex-wives, 5 kids (with 3 of them having a record), a failing mortgage all while he blames his employers for firing him the umpteenth time because "what do you mean speedos don't count for casual Friday in a dangerous environment?"

Yeah, but he's admittedly good at his job and it'd cost too much to replace him.
>it'd cost too much to replace him.
I think that's the part where we fundamentally disagree.

Everyone's replaceable. Settle, Hate, Goto, Crab. There's noone who can't be gotten rid of if their bullshit becomes a problem, no matter how good they are at their job.

And Crab is either walking right on that line or vaulted right over it long ago, depending on who you talk to.
Don't talk to the resident whiny edgelords, though.
Crab's like the posterboy for their teenage rebellion/stick-it-to-da-man antics.
As shitty as this session actually was, it's still good knowing that faggots like Navy and Fellthy are gone and can't fuck up the quest more than it does by itself.

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