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Marvel's Symbiotes vs Tau Empire.

Who wins ?
Tau have flamers, so venom auto loses
Some marvel artist steal tau designs for there comic?

I thought GW was lawyer heavy

You fucking thick or something?
Its photoshop dummy.
Powerman appears and defeats them both.
Nope its legit


Guess some artist got lazy and just used his minis for the designs
Venom gets stomped.

I love him, but he'd stand no chance against their shit.
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Comkc book Artists use and reuse references all the time so I'm not surprised at all
The moment when GW finds out about this. Just the thought it's making me smile like an idiot
Well he did add a second head to the suit

Maybe its enough to claim as new?
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Its a fucking balant RIPOFF not just reference, it even has the Tau insignia on it there.
btw. aint this mechs from Terminator or something to?
Well marvel is now part of disney

They got access to the legal firepower to scare the shit out of anyone

Did the comic artist really just search for sci-fi on a CAD database and think they were generic enough?

Even GW?

With something so balantly stupid it will be a cakewalk for GW.

...or GW is now Disney to but we don't know it yet.

You can see he just upscaled the Devilfishes while letting the doors, engines and drones stay tiny.
Who still has rights to Warhammer comics?

They outsourced to another studio didn't they?

Not the big 2 though

HAHAHA oh fuck you are right
he just thrown a CAD model there
resized one part and left it there

Shit, people take big money for shit like that?
Those look ripped right out of DoW, wtf comics
Sonic cannons are more effective, because they're harder to dodge. On the other hand, this dude's about Spider-Man fast. Pretty sure he's going to tear a very large number of them to shreds, before they just bombard him and hope that works on him.
Wow, just wow.

Im just waiting for some pleb to point to my tau army one day and say my game stole that from marvel.
it looks like skyrays, you can see their itty bitty widdle seeker missiles along the tops of them.
Is this the end for GW?

There become so weak that cant protect their own ip anymore?
Probably never going to happen

Its look its only in one of the shitty spin offs series that last for 12 issues

Thanks, completely forgot their name.
GW could sue Disney and win, imagine the ego of those fuckers if that happened...

>imblying in couple years your Tau Army will be playable in new "Age of Emperor"!

holy shit who drew this thing?

looks like early 90ies digital transformer cartoons

>Haha look at GW so weak they can't protect their own IP!

>Fuck GW greedy assholes suing everybody and their mum!
Ariel Olivetti

Man done AVP, iron man GL, tomb raider,

Seems hes done jobs with all the studios
The guy is a vet

Why he do something so sloppy?
How does that mirror image work? His left side is closer to the mirror and his left arm is stretched out, but in the mirror image his right side is closer and his left arm bent.

I understand it's bulbous, but still doesn't feel like it's showing the reflection correctly.
Dude, youre really late to the party. It really doesn't matter. They rip off everything
Shit this issue just got released today


Because it was done by a fucking amature.


Im pretty sure he done the Symbiote and the whole background including awful generic space crap and ripped assets was done by a bunch of overworked, unpaid, shitty "Art Student" interns.
Well then those interns just cost marvel some coin if GW sues

I stopped reading comics long time ago so its possible. What else did they ripped?
Reminds me of that mid 90s comic pilot that was a complete and blatant Jojo ripoff, before anyone in the west really knew about JoJo.
Liefield has drawn Evagleion rip offs

The original fantastic four issue was literally copy paste from a monster comic and they added the fantatsic four in.

Thanos was ripped off from Darkside

Deadpool was a ripoff from Deathstroke.

This is small stuff
Those look like DoW:DC models
>Deadpool was a ripoff from Deathstroke.

Ah-ah-ah! Dudepeel is a PARODY of Deathstroke.
It'll obviously be the Tau Ultramar alliance in AoE.
well that guy sucks.

Give me a pencil and a paper sheet and even i can do a better job than the shit i see on this image

k i know them all besides the fantastic four one
but there is a difference between this and literary ripping CAD model from somewhere based on original IP. They made Deadpool at least funny and red, they didn't bother changing the name to but still.

Like i said, this shit even has Tau insignia on it.
Damn that tank still has a tau symbol on it

Forces of Grater Good and Forces of Chaotic EEEEVIIILLL!!!
>Deadpool was a ripoff from Deathstroke.
And Deathstroke is a ripoff from Captain America.
You forgot Apocalypse who is a ripoff of Mongol who is a ripoff of Thanos who is a ripoff of Darkseid, like some sort of Marvel/DC ripoff hot potato.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence. If you have enough people coming up with designs, eventually two guys are going to make similar things.

Besides, there's no way an artist would ever take a risk like that when their work is going to be published for thousands of people to see.
This isent a homage this is outright theft
I never thought I would be on games workshops side in a legal matter.
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Jesus fucking christ, the guy couldn't even be bothered to color the skyrays white to match the other presumed stolen assets from last gen games?

Are they literally dow 1 dark crusade model rips?

Whatshisname Leib? Loeb? The guy who drew proportions unironically terrible, as in guys having pectoral muscles larger than DDDD cups, females having an arch to their back that could be measured in acute angles, and everyone having tiny ankles. He used to draw the main characters and such and would just write 'background' on the white areas and pass it off to his assistants.
Is that thing made of fucking Lego?
looks like it.
Not when Liefeld introduced him, he made like one joke and got shot a bunch by cable. Three or four completely separate writers and artists made him Deadpool.
Its a snowspeeder without the top. He didnt even cover the studs.

Someone send a line to GW so we can watch the fireworks.
Venom and the symbiotes have been shit since the bendis guardians retcon.
>Venom has pauldrons.
A sure sign of a 40k ripoff.
I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Liefield.
Emailing GW about this right now.
Never thought I'd actually want them to sue someone, but this infringement is just to obvious to be allowed to stand.
Serious someone archive this as a good example of a thread being driven off the OP question by the OP picture
More power to you. I dislike all the super hero shit these days more than I dislike GW.
And sent. I sent it to the customer service department though, does any one else have any other emails (like their legal team) that might garner even more sucess?
Anyways, here's to hoping for some free models are given to the whistleblower, for lack of a better term.

Yep. Hell, this might even bring GW and it's customers together. And besides, this is what marvel gets for making shit comics like she-thor.
You turn your back on your fanbase, don't be suprised when they turn their back on you

There's a line between kind of pushing it and egregious IP theft.


Yeah... DC and Marvel, even Darkhorse to a degree, are stagnant, horrible entities that deserve no leeway. They're not even comicbook companies anymore, they're horrible to their own artists, and they're staffed with absolutely garbage people.

Sometimes they actually make a compelling product, but it's quickly forgotten and swept under the rug in favor of the next big retcon or stupid plotline they're trotting out. Really, GW is lite on being a shitty corporate entity compared to nerdom's comic touchstones.


It is referred to as a "Classic Blunder," a reference to that scene in The Princess Bride but paraphrased for 4chan's own purposes.
Nigger, you don't get to bitch about people turning backs if you are backing GW after the living abortion that is Age of Shitmar. They literally used your face as toilet paper, and you are begging for more, you miserable fuck.
I actually mentioned how people don't like AoS. Reffered to myself as a long time fan of 40k and WHFB, but not a fan of AoS. I figured that being told about a very obvious theft of IP might be one of the few times they listen to customers.

Besides, I don't play AoS, and it's not anywhere close to as disrespectful to the fans as what marvel has done.
I really doubt much would come of it either way unless there's a lot more of it. It's just a few pages in a newer comic
There's a few of those. Another one I remember off the top of my head is Fantastic Four to Doom Patrol to X-Men
>If you become aware of an infringement of Games Workshop’s IP, please drop us an email at [email protected]. Please provide as much detail as possible and include links to the infringing material if possible. We appreciate the support of the hobby community in helping us to protect our intellectual property, and are extremely grateful for all infringement reports received.
Fucking. Laughable.

Keep desperately justifying why your husband beats you a bit more, you pathetic cunt.
So since we're on the topic (loosely) does anyone know if there's any good Warhammer comics? (Fantasy or 40k) I wouldn't mind getting a chance to read up on all the cool shit in a visual form.

I'm beginning to suspect the artist did this shit on purpose. Like, who outright steals from that many IPs so blatantly?
Keep sucking she-thor's dick while the new muslim captain britian fucks you in the ass, cuck.
sent this to gamesworkshop for the lols
I did
Here's an imgur page with links to quite a few of them, like damnation crusade, though it's missing the redeemer, and possibly a few others

Thanks anon.
Good man. Now we watch Marvel burn.
Alright, the both of you shut up. Both companies were horrible to their fans. Now lets watch them butt heads.
Well, that's the point, innit?
All their posturing, all their rage and anger, and a bigger fish just takes what they want, and GW has to just stand there and take it like a bitch.
That escape vessel looks familiar.
Also is that a Necron on the last panel?!
They've also recently released a few of the older 40k stories like Daemonifuge as hardback comicbooks too if you want to flip physical pages.

omg your right... just wow.
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Holy sweet Emperor this is fucking gold! How long have comics been doing this for?

Since Greg Land and other blatant tracers got into the comic industry
What the flying fuck...
I don't think so. In this case, it may just be a generic robot
greg land trace porn for facial expressions
no the point is that autists like you will always find something to criticize
Don't be an idiot, it's pretty clear that OP intended people to discuss this.
someone got paid to make this page
This can't be a finished page, the last two panels look like a screenshot of garrys mod or something
I've seen sketches of some of those pages and things that was sketched, especially the robot, looked NOTHING like the final version.

Its like someone sketching an entire page and going: "Ah! Screw it! I'll paint over an entirely different stuff!"

I really wonder what actually happened in the production process.
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>tfw disney, to avoid suing, decides to erease the problem at it's origin and buys GW

Not sure if i want this to happen
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The redeemer.
Prepare for She-Marines and other progressive things if that happens.
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Games-Workshop vs Disney!
So, how long till GW's inquisitors find out about this?
Should we help them find this heresy?
Well done anon, the =][=nquisition shall perform the duty of its office now...
It's disney man, the better question is how long it will take for them to stop GW from producing things found in marvel comics.
At least three people have already sent emails. It's safe to say GW probably knows, and is considering what to do now.

Which is most likely send a C&D to disney, who will probably just stop the comic and settle with GW, to avoid any problems
>if GW sues

GW tried to sue Spots the Space Marine. You can bet that when GW hears of this they'll be cracking open the pain-gloves where they threw their legal team after the Chapterhouse debacle and unleashing their wracked and ravaged forms upon the world once more.
EA though the same thing, remember that baneblade ripoff?
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But the Legal Department merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant; to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hands of the Legal Department. With some fortune, they may foster this hatred into purpose, and further rule their own fate by coming to the Games-Workshop's service.
God damn it EA.
yes, Venom: Space Knight fucking sucks. I want Agent Venom back.
>Shit, people take big money for shit like that?

Less and less every year, this is why most comic companies are getting desperate and started pandering to different audiences.
Marvel and DC are terrible, if you still pay for Big 2 books then you are a horrible person.
Everything they've done to the symbiotes via retcon is terrible
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This always makes me smile.

He just mashed a snow speeder 3d model into another model and drew over it. Fucking hillarious hack work.

Only beaten by the master tracer.
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>Yfw the unthinkable happens and GW buys Disney instead
>Come to Disney Land
>Mr. Maus wears Ultramarine armour
>Donald is a Commisar
>next Avengers movie is rated R and has Iron Man rip peopl's arms off
Land is disgusting, he need to have his hands broken.

Its even worse when he's blatantly tracing from random porn.
Absolute madman.

Hey, at least lands tracing is on point. What the guy in OP did was just toss a filter over the autocad/googles ketch model.
I wonder what /co/ would think about this?
Who owns the DoW franchise now? I think sega owns relic.

Should mail be sent to them too?
The more the marrier
Sure, why not.
Good god why do they keep him? Surely they know.

Because he produces good quality and does it fast.

There is no honor in this kind of business.
Take your bets now.
Disney vs GW
Disney settles out of court.

Man i want something super exciting, but probably >>46962823
Most likely disney settles out of court.
If they don't, GW wins. That's basically garunteed. What the repercussions of that would be, I don't know.
Here's a little bit of wishful thinking from my part.
>Disney and GW enter in legal war
>GW's case is so un-refutable that Disney tries to get this shit through at least some court (multiple court cases)
>Ultimately disney has to give in, pays the astronomical legal costs and pays GW for using their licensed material
>In the end GW gains enough money and attention that they can avert the destruction of their business model
>Meanwhile Disney, which is suffering from the court case losses and the fact that Marvel is turning in negative winnings forces them to axe marvel and several other parts of themselves (very fucking hopefully the star wars department)

Is this likely?
Most probably not, but a man can dream.
I'm pretty sure GW won't risk tangling with Disney. Its pretty blatant, but on the other hand Disney has so much more money for lawyers that they could keep it tied up forever and bleed GW until they give up or settle (much like GW itself did to the Chapterhouse guy).

How much do you think Nottingham wants to tangle with The Mouse?
>disney axing star wars
not happening

that thing is a money machine, and they fucking know it
Of all the flavors to be, you choose salty. What, did your dad dress like Vader when he touched you?
No, disney dressed like mickey mouse while they raped star wars.

That's why i want it to have a merciful and quick death.
Gonna tell the truth, didn't think you would comeback with a coherent response. I am in no condition to have a real conversation on the intertubes so I concide the point.
Its hard to imagine someone thinking the new SW is anything worse than Return of the Deathstar: Now with Ewoks.
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I don't know if the ones at the bottom middle are as bad, to me it feels more like an intentional homage to the original image. At least the full cover one does.

A little like Malifaux's Trixiebelle.
I'm sorry, you are ascribing Star Wars troubles to Disney when Lucas fucked it over LONG before?
The new one wasn't the second coming, but it was far and away superior to the prequels, if only because you could tell someone gave a shit and was willing to accept criticism.
Not only did we get the new movies, we also got the rebels series.
Ah yeah, I was in a hotel for about a week last year and greatly enjoyed watching it.
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Now you are just being heretical there mate.
Christ, this art's so bad it's making me nostalgic for Reboot.
I want to see a comic storytimed where every traced image is replaced with what ti was traced on

Fookin prawns, man.
Oh they can because it's a clear cut case. Come one, who just draws Tau tanks "randomly" complete with all the bells and whistles?
That movie was so goofy
Why is there a panda in a pink shirt?
that ship looks like a lego ship.
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Wow, I never knew this industry was so bad. Sure, the superhero movies are bland as fuck and about as entertaining as a bowl of eggs, and the whole thing looks like one of those TV series that should've ended a long time ago, but this is a new definition of bad.
Churn out as much shit as you can, as fast as you can. Wonderful, just like all those moeblob animes.

We're living in bad times, anons.
>Churn out as much shit as you can, as fast as you can. Wonderful, just like all those moeblob animes.
I don't know shit about comics but reading this thread made me feel the same way.
Actually it's even worse because it seems that tracing is common for at least some author.
>Churn out as much shit as you can, as fast as you can.

...this is news to you? Shit's been working like that since long before we had comics in the first place.
Writers in american comics very, very rarely also draw. Hell, it isn't even rare that they didn't even write the general outline.
The higher ups in charge of Marvel's comic division need to be purged and replaced with people without any ties to the writers.
>no u
Sure thing, sempai.
Don't worry, anon, this company is already led by an AI
A few years back ? Perhaps. Now ? You would see Sigmar Marines and some tamed down version of the Chaos Gods.
I kinda wanna see a crossover between Marvel and 40K now. Or Star Wars and 40K, since Disney owns both.

Fuck it, all three. Let Captain America wield a lightsaber in one hand and a bolter in the other while he fights a Heretek Tony Stark.
>the whole thing looks like one of those TV series that should've ended a long time ago
That's basically the problem. A lot of these cape comic stories SHOULD have ended a long time ago to rotate in new characters and ideas but they only print what sells so it's fucking Batman and Spider-Man doing rehashed stories they've already rehashed before for the next seventy years.
GW sues people
>bitch and moan
GW dosn't sue people
>still bitch and moan

please continue to prove >>46966037 right
the hypocristy is as always delicious.
It's matter of case. This is legitimate theft of IP that contain the model and the iconography.

Not some claim over a product that doesn't exist
>Did the comic artist really just search for sci-fi on a CAD database and think they were generic enough?
Anon... Somebody please post the images of comic book panels and the porn stars from which they were traced.

Meanwhile, I'll point out that back in the time before Internet, it was common for comic artists to trace panels from other comics. Probably because the odds of getting caught were lower.
What the absolute fuck am i watching here
If GW doesn't sue, can't you at a later date, when someone does get sued for using GW IP or something, use this as an example of them failing to protect their IP?
Friendo, it's like if a man first kicked a toddler and then handed his wallet, shoes and virginity to a man with a bit imposing appearance. It deserves ridicule on both examples.
This case is open and shut uncredited tracing by a major business on a for-profit product.

Not suing fan artists.
Yes. You have to protect your IP or lose it.
But it also depends on the country as not all laws are universally the same.
>This entire thread
Holy shit. I never go into comic books, but I can see why there are people who bitch about their declining quality. I can't believe that they would just use 3D models or traces of them.
Looks like an eldar wave serpent.
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Why is the facebook dressed like Julian Assange?
>he actually thinks the Tau can harm Venom.

Nigga Venom can shrug off RPG's to the face and tank explosions that destroy skyscrapers. The Symbiotes massacre the Tau.
But the Tau have no way to beat Venom, let alone every other god damn symbiote. Symbiotes are practically immortal and invincible in modern marvel thanks to regen. You can blow their heads off with a shotgun and it doesn't even phase them. You can torch them with a flamethrower and just leave some cells behind and they'll come back.
You underestimate Disney lawyers. They managed to convince judges that Nemo being a slightly different shade of orange than the children's book they ripped off was enough to say that they totally didn't rip it off when every single other detail was blatantly stolen.
It's actually alot worse than you think.
I've decided to hold back on ranting and point out how clearly almost noone at Marvel actually knows about the characters they're writing.
One wonderful example is the full retard moment in this week's Dr Strange.
To sum it up in /tg/ terms.
The BBEG hates magic and is attacking all the wizards.
The party of wizards is locked in a dungeon after he erased/absorbed the patron deities that power their spells (or erased most of the spellbooks)
One member of the party has an explicitly non-magical ability to teleport that can also cross dimensions, time travel, and may be capable of stellar distances.
"Does anyone have a teleport spell?"
And no she does not just teleport them all out.
Has this series always used 3d models? And here I was, almost impressed with the art.
Not familiar with marvel, but lemme look up the wiki...
>The Symbiote is however particularly vulnerable to both sonic and heat-based attacks.
>heat-based attacks
Well, that settles it. 95% of Tau weaponry is heat-based, firing bolts of plasma.

(And on top of that, the Tau have enough technical skill to be able to design something dedicated to fighting symbiotes, and sonic-based weapons already exist in 40k...)

>Nigga Venom can shrug off RPG's to the face and tank explosions that destroy skyscrapers.
Obviously you're unfamiliar with 40k. Carnifexes can do the same, and the Tyranids deploy them by the thousands - yet the Tau still won in the end.

>You can torch them with a flamethrower and just leave some cells behind and they'll come back.
The Tau have enough firepower to reduce a few acres around a target to glass if they need to. And if they can reterraform worlds exposed to the Tyranids...
This will actually be a WH40K crossover so...

Farsight wrestling with Venom mid-air GO!
>dcucks still mad
>Symbiotes are actually Slaaneshi
You and me both, brother.
Rick Remender's issues are among my favorite reads..

"I've been trying to tell you-- If the choice is between dishonor and protecting my family..."
So Venom leaves a Tau hanger, in an Eldar Fireprism with a Necron firing at him.

I hope GW take Disney to the cleaners.
I think that's actually a medical droid from Star Wars.
>not bringing the Symbiotes into the glorious Tau collective
>not teaching them the wonders of the greater good
Imagine Tau with decent WS, wounds and toughness.
To be fair, Land is pretty universally hated as one of the shittiest artists currently employed.
> yfw GW counter-attack to OP pic by introducing a new auxiliary race to the tau.
Good thing tau killed Slaanesh :)
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>pic related is from an official marvel comic
I'm not surprised just disappointed.
God, I can't believe that shit got printed. And if they had just had a decent inker and colorist go over it by hand it would have turned out fine.
Really? Good God now i'm glad that i don't usually read comics.
There's no way. This has to be tongue in cheek or satire or something.
Maybe they just printed rough outline/reference by mistake?
It makes me so angry knowing how hard life is for real comic artists.
Well I'm both
Would make more sense.
Someone paid money for this.
Someone was paid to make this.
Someone greenlit this.
This is a level of terribleness I expect from someone's first efforts with SFM, not a multi-million (or is it billion?) dollar company.
There's also a sex scene
That actually doesn't surprise me as it looks like bad porn
Anon you can't say that and not post it.

Rom: Space Knight is superior.
Deff Skwadron
but I can't seem to find the 1st one of the two
Who the hell are the two other war machines next to war machine?
Absolutely disgusting, some people just have no shame.

And don't forget: someone will buy this.
So who's telling GW so they'll get assblasted by Marvel's lawyers? Then maybe Disney will take over and we'll have an actually good game
May The God Emperor have mercy upon your soul

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