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GURPS, Hero System, Mutants and Masterminds and more

The place to discuss debate and analyze all things Super.

Previous Thread>>47093356
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How to stat Aku?
Good question.
He's obviously got shapeshifting powers, but a lot of what he can do seems more on the level of being a plot device more then anything else.
He may as well be cosmic-tier, considering his capabilities.
Sounds like a Variable Power Pool.
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How well does Savage Worlds handle high power supers?
Never played it, sorry.
I hear good things about Savage Worlds in general though.
Reposting from last thread: I'm part of an M&M 3E game in which we swap GMs every so often when burnout kicks in or we reach the end of a story arc. We're looking for one or two more players, contact tommy.middleton8 on Skype if interested.
Can't be worse then GURPS.

Are you playing on skype?
When do you guys usually play?
What's everyone's thoughts on Heroes Unlimited?
I'm going to play a cross of Batman/Punisher with a dash of Lex Luthor, and despite being one of the only human characters, I'm somehow the tankiest/ hardest hitting guy on the team.
How does that even work?
That it's great for generating random characters, and nothing else.
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Bumping with the best member of /shg/ team
Dude was a member of a billionaire family who lost his wife, son, brother-in-law, and Father during two superbeings major fight. His sister was also permanently crippled as a result, leaving only him and his niece unscathed.
He at that point decides that ANY superbeing, heroic or villainous, is too dangerous to be trusted, and trains to peak condition. The idea being that if he takes care of crime in his own city, then supers won't have any excuse to show up and wreck more shit.

Stat wise, I boosted him using the randomly generated 'Special Operative' template, which then let me access enough physical skill to become this fuck-mean tank. Plus I get a car, access to guns, grenades, and an organization that reimburses me for what I use.

The group I'm playing with all have wild characters ranging from alien snake-man to sentient robot that has a locomotive engine for a fist.
What do you guys think of the Valiant Universe RPG?
Any system that has a random character generator that can result in your super-strong brute thinking he needs to eat spinach to activate his strength is a-okay in my book.
DM question, how much should secret identity/personal life pop up in the game?
It should come up as a point once in a while. Maybe a coworker is begging them to cover their shift at work, but a crisis is trying to pull their attention away.
Am I the only one who thinks the /shg/ team is way too normal and perky?
Their perkiness of Doc and Baron makes them appealing to me but that's just my two cents.
Most members of the team are actually level-headed and quick on the draw. Baron Bizarre, Doc Chase, Blue Cobalt and PSInobi are all rather perceptive and aware of their surroundings. It's Trinity/Threesome that's the real loose cannon.
To be fair Baron has that alliteration thing going and Doc has his massive boner for new inventions/discoveries.
It's more about how they're sane and happy people with normal powers. I was expecting more weird from /shg/
So should we write up an actual setting or villains something for the /shg/ team?
We could randomly generate their rogues gallery or something?
My players are going to Murderworld.

What would be some good stuff to put in it?
Murder. Lots of Murder.
A jack-in-the-box.
That shoots knives.
Does anyone have a Mutants and Masterminds 3E editable pdf character sheet? Or am I just going to have to use excel sheets?
Nevermind, got good
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Have the players know a likable character then murder the shit out of him.
Also "Welcome to Murderworld." is hopefully a given.
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free retroclone of the old faserip system
Expect everyone to hate you by the end of it.
I appreciate what Heroes Unlimited tried to do, but balance is fucking impossible and I hate like... Making a crippled catboy with a metal lasso and the power to jump really high.

Sometimes the power generator gives you some interesting results, but more often you end up with shit that has exactly zero theme. And it's Pallladium.
Heard of it. Catalyst pushed it on my tumblr feed super hard for a while. Never played.
Do old school Murderworld. Monty Python references. Mirror halls that send out warped clones to fight the heroes. Roller coasters that turn into starfighters. Trapping characters in pinball machines. A tied up hero suspended over a dunk tank filled with piranha, but the robots cued up to dunk them are programmed to act like drunk rednecks.
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>Trapping characters in pinball machines.
>Here's a perennial favorite! EXPLODING BUMPER CARS! Try not to drown, heroes!
Yeah, the tables are a bit too much of a crapshoot. It's fun to see what it'll turn out, but you're often better off just making something cogent by hand or rolling only for some things.
Arcade is such a hack, he's used the pinballs and bumper cars thing over and over again on like every single superhero he's ever caught.
I think that what a lot of people forget is that Arcade was, at the time of his introduction, legitimately the greatest assassin in the world. So much so that killing people was boring and that he had so much money that he really didn't even need to keep doing it.

He started building these multi-million dollar death parks that people had a chance of escaping because he was honestly that bored of killing people normally. And the only time he fucks up is when capes get involved.
What timeframe do you guys run in?
Hell, he was good enough for Doom to hire him and a Doombot to think that Doom might need him again.
Apparently it's the only time he gets involved at all, when he can capture a superhero and make a game out of it.
>lost his wife, son, brother-in-law, and Father during two superbeings major fight. His sister was also permanently crippled as a result
Wow. Did they crash his skyscraper penthouse while he&niece weren't in it or something?

>The group I'm playing with all have wild characters ranging from alien snake-man to sentient robot that has a locomotive engine for a fist.
Well the RP question is why is he working with what looks like a crowd of mavericks?
Baron a bestie.

>normal powers
That's a courtesy of using the M&M quickstart. It's not designed to get you something weird-ass, it's designed to get you guys that are easy to use.
Some of his earlier appearances had him still killing off normal people. He killed one guy via Monty Python foot drop when the dude couldn't tell a joke to save his life, and kidnapped (IIRC, unbeknownst to him) Captain Britain's ex-girlfriend and tried to finish her off before Excalibur got involved.
I loved Excalibur.
It was basically Doctor Who with Nightcrawler in it, which is like the best possible description of anything ever.
Actually, the one character BASED on The Doctor (who wasn't physically patterned off any specific one) looked WEIRDLY like David Tennant, same hair and everything.

Over a decade before Tennant became The Doctor mind you.
I'm gay as shit for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and am crazy fucking hype for the new generic edition they're doing.
Wait, Pete Wisdom was supposed to be based off of the Doctor?

I don't see it.
I've never played high level. But it kicks ass at street level and city level. I would guess it doesn't handle super high leveled supers very well though. For me personally, I like really rules light or narrative systems for games with high power level.

Fate, for example, instead of having a stupid high number for my godlike ultra powerful character, I prefer to just have an aspect that says "super fucking strong". In Savage Worlds I would imagine things would start to get silly or fall apart when everyone has at least 12+9 for all their stats. That's just me though.
Or are we talking Alasteir Stewart of the Weird Happenings Organization?
No, not Pete Wisdom.
A character during Chris Claremont's run on the title in the early 90's when it got started, I forget his name.

Pete Wisdom is Garth Ennis' self-insert.
>the new generic edition they're doing

Will it have character creation?
Probably, but MHRP had basically the same character creation outline as the old FASERIP game.

i.e. do it ya got damn self, fgt
I think you mean Warren Ellis.
Ugh, I need more sleep.
I'm always up for some random gen to pass the day.
Feed me some d20s?
Rolled 16 (1d20)

16 is a...
Classical supernatural monster.

Dang, they don't have much variety. But oh well, giveme some more of them dice.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

One of my favorite heroes I ever rolled was a Supernatural Creature.
Still have fond memories of how crazy awesome that entire campaign was.
And we have a vampire.
>6str, 5agi, 8fgt, 2awe, 2dex, 2int, 2pre
Gimme two d20s for skills and advantages
Rolled 19, 13 = 32 (2d20)

19 advantages: wilder
>animal empathy, great endurance, some favoured environment, tracking
13 skills: teen
>deception 8, expertise popculture 4, streetwise 4, perception 4, technology 4
So we have a guy from modern world, who nonetheless enjoys cutting loose from it

3d20 for powers
Rolled 10, 9, 18 = 37 (3d20)

been a while since I rolled dice on /tg/, let's see if i fuck it up somehow
This was asked in one of the threads that spawned the general, but I thought it was interesting and deserves some more discussion:

What should you ask your players to figure out what sort of Supers game you should run?

This is a genre that covers virtually every other genre, after all. Power levels vary wildly, you have slapstick comedy and the grimmest darkness, punch-em-up comics and philosophical discourse, and everything else.
10: devilish speed
>close attack 4, improved initiative 2, quickness 2

>baseline vampire power: Regeneration 10, requires blood drinking
primary power: 9 for undead invulnerability
>immunity to fortitude effects (30), imprevious protection 8 (except against blessed or magical weapons)
utility power I: 18 for mist form
>insubstantial 2, flight 5 (60 mph)
aand I miscounted a bit, give me one more
I usually just ask them.
Even if they aren't familiar with the question they're not so dense that they don't understand the concepts involved.
Rolled 2 (1d20)


Just ask what they're interested in/what stories they want/ etc. Also seeing what characters they create/want to create can inform that sort of thing.
just ask them

use movies,shows, or cartoons as a way to get an idea
and the last bit is darkvision

So what we have here is a teen gone vampire. He is survivaly, quick and hard to catch.

So for the nemesis factor, he can be one of Trinity's schoolmates, who has taken fancy to her, but she's having none of it. Perhaps even the typical double life with her having a crush on the handsome guy in his secret identity, but she wants none of the crazed bitey monster she meets in her heroics.
While he is all "oh sweet, threesome for the price of one, gotta get it".
>What should you ask your players to figure out what sort of Supers game you should run?
I do not really do that.
I just run the medium-serious style I'm comfortable with and vet the characters to fit it.
Exactly what I was thinking as soon as we rolled teen

Also this, this works. If you're dealing with people who don't know capeshit at all, I'd do that.
Could someone link me an editable m&m 3e character sheet?
linked earlier in thread, should work
Thank you.
How about >>47109030 >>47109189?
It's more likely to be Roll20.
Group hasn't confirmed a time yet.
Are we doing any other villains?
Haven't ever done this before but I do have the quickstart/GM kit open for other reasons so, might as well.
Be the change you want to see and all that.

Give me a d20, anon.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Just gonna do this slowly so I don't fuck up.

5 gives us Energy Controller
another d20 for his/her abilities, anon
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d10)

No fuck your d20.
alright, getting this show back on the road maybe

3 gives us a Charismatic Energy Controller

>STR 0, STA 3, AGL 3, DEX 3, FGT 3, INT 0, AWE 2, PRE 3

4d20 for Advantages and Skills now
Rolled 18, 10, 1, 16 = 45 (4d20)

Oh, 4chan ain't ded anymore?
Only dead on the inside, like all of us

Daze (Intimidation), Startle
Fearless, Taunt

Interesting. So this Energy Controller is a smart-ass piece of shit who don't afraid of nothing.

Acrobatics 4, Athletics 4
Technology 4, Vehicles 4

And, for the freebies that this archetype gets
>Ranged Combat: Energy Control 5
>Choose one: Deception 7 or Intimidation 7

1d20 for offensive powers now
and if we want to randomly determine the descriptors for this person's powers, I'll need another d20
Anyone want me to state up some weird powers or ideas for Wild Talents?
He thinks the world works like Twilight

Your thoughts, /shg/?
The TMNT RPG isn't that good. Hilariously, I think it's most famous for saying that a developed psychosis can turn you into a gay pedophile
You mean they don't?
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Here's your reply.
Are there any good superhero roleplaying forums that anyone knows of?
Well, there's a fairly small roleplaying community on Dreamwidth, only about a hundred and fifty players. There's a few different games on there, some of them dedicated to superhero shenanigans.
Rolled 3, 11 = 14 (2d20)

That or you could pull the hallmark "villain is threatening someone who just so happens to be close to the hero."
Rolled 4, 14, 17 = 35 (3d20)

So our hotshot Energy Controller spews fire, being able to "produce flame and heat."

Rolling for alternate effects on their offensive array.
What system and book are you even using for that?
Rolled 16, 13, 4 = 33 (3d20)

>Energy Control: Array (24 points, plus 3 points of Alternate Effects)
>>Energy Blast: Ranged Damage 12 • 24 points
>>Disintegrate: Ranged Affects Objects Weaken Toughness 8 • 1 point
>>Environmental Control: Environment 12 (8 miles; Choose two: Cold, Heat, Impede Movement, Light, Visibility) • 1 point I say Heat and Light
>>Snare: Cumulative Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees • 1 point
>Quick Change: Feature 1 (transform into costume as a free action) • 1 point

So our firespitter can shoot fire so hot it disintegrates objects, radiate heat in the area around him, catch people in fire traps, and can even quick-change into his villain outfit at any time (presumably in a flash of fire). Rolling 3d20 for his defensive and utility powers.

We're using the Mutants & Masterminds 3e GM kit, specifically the quickstart character generator. You can build characters on the spot using premade lego blocks of stats and abilities.
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>Energy Immunity: Immunity 5 (Energy Control type damage [Fire]) • 5 points
>Energy Absorption: Enhanced Strength 10, Fades; Enhanced Stamina 10, Fades • 20 points

>Energy Sense: Senses 1 (Energy type Awareness [Fire]) • 1 point
>Energy Aura: Reaction Damage 4, Activation (Standard Action, -2 points) • 14 points
>Flight: Flight 7 (250 MPH) • 14 points

So our second /shg/ villain - an Energy Controller - is basically an evil Human Torch. They're a hotshot pilot and racecar driver with a major ego and a mean streak. He can control and radiate fire, to the point that he can even temporarily increase his strength by absorbing it and can fly.
Forgot raw defenses.
>Dodge: +4
>Parry: +1
>Fortitude: +5
>Toughness: +0
>Will: +6
Sounds like he can be a Blue Cobalt villain

In GURPS terms it's not too hard - though he'll have a very high point total.

He has Injury Tolerance (Homogenous), because he's made of evil goo.
He has Unkillable that is bypassed by Jack's sword or equivalent holy powers.
He has a LOT of Shapeshifting, with the limitation that he keeps the same colour scheme and weaknesses.
He has a special Affliction that causes anyone who eats a part of him to be infected by pure eeevil.

And he has fairly broad ranging magical abilities, of which the basic energy blasts would just be a regular Innate Attack, and the would be fairly appropriate to call Ritual Path Magic - because that lets you pull magical plot devices out of your hat - mainly with the Path of Matter, Energy, Crossroads and Spirits.
Does our hotshot pilot have a thing against aliens, or does Blue Cobalt just get in his way?
M&M 3E, 1 Power is 1 Powerpoint, right?
Forget I asked, found it in the handbook.
You don't really buy complete powers. You get power effects, then you take levels of these effects to see how powerful they are, and then you take modifiers called Extras for bonus effects at a higher point cost or Flaws for a weakness in exchange for a lower cost.

For example, if I wanted wings that let me fly silently at the speed of a car, I might grab the Flight power effect at level 3 (3 x a 2 point effect = 6 points), with the Subtle extra to fly silently (+2 points) and the Wings flaw which means my power is disabled if my wings are bound. (-1 point per rank.) In the end, this is 3x2+1=7 points, with an additional 1 point for each rank.
You screwed up the math there.

Going over it:
base flight effect: 2 points per rank
subtle: 2 standalone points
wings: -1 point per rank

So it costs 1 point per rank, plus two extra points.
I'm thinking she accidentally got in his way at some point and he's developed an irrational hatred
UPDATE: We have now confirmed that we can't get a fixed schedule, since one of us is 8 hours ahead of the GM, but he's completely free on two random days each week and we'll just play whenever we can on one of those days.
Wanted to test the quickstart character generator, before I man up and look for a game to create a speeder and I´m currently stuck 148 points. I lack 2 in defense. Are they in cluded in Protection 8, Impervious? Defensive Power is Bullet.

Kinda new to this system.
Anyone down to draw some art for my current M&M character?
Ahh, across the pond games. Been there, had to settle for getting up at 5AM local time saturdays to join up.
They may have counted your innate stamina for Impervious.

(I.e. you have 2 Sta which gives you 2 toughness, then add 8 Protection and then 10 Imprevious to cover it all)
although hold on, no. That portion of the powerset is listed as 28 points so it doesn't have in it to be 10 ranks.

What's your full selection, maybe you've missed things somewhere else?
My full selection? I went:

Speedster Youth
STR 1, STA 1, AGL 5, DEX 5, FGT 4, INT 0, AWE 2, PRE 2

Nimble Advantages
Evasion, Instant Up, Move-by Action

Skills Athlete, Thief
Acrobatics 4, Athletics 8, Perception 4, Deception 4, Stealth 6, Technology 6


Flight - Hypersonic, Sonic Boom, Anchor, Bullet

The End Result was Abilities 40, Skills 16,
Powers 77, Defenses 12,
Advantages 3, Total 150 and Defenses should actually be 14. I filled everything out on the character sheet except Defense (Toughness, Fortitude, Will) and still came two points short.
You're doing it in HeroLabs? Get print preview and screencap it, but so far seems like you really forgot to give it two last defences points.
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Man I really gotta draw the rest of these guys.

I was thinking of working on Trinity next.
Should she be all casual superhero a la superboy? or is there a certain aesthetic to aim for?

I also gotta redraw blue cobalt since the arms look wonky.
Trinity can be casual.
I personally was imagining her in some circus/acrobat get-up when superheroins. Dee Dee are definitely influencing.
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how the fuck do you handle pushing someone in M&M?
you can't just take him and use the strength's rank distance, that would be too far
>page 192 in Gamemaster Guide

Super-powerful attacks can send opponents flying. A
character failing a Damage resistance check by two or
more degrees may be knocked back. The distance is based
on the rank of the effect and the target’s mass and durability. Take the Damage rank and subtract the target’s Toughness rank. Subtract the target’s Growth rank (if any). In addition, effects such as a Feature defined as extra weight or
density should subtract its rank. Add the Strength modifier of a character with Shrinking (so +2 for a character with
Shrinking 8, for example).
knockback = damage - toughness - modifiers
The target is knocked back that distance value. A result
of –5 or less results in no knockback. –4 or –3 means the
character falls prone in roughly the same spot (although
a knockback distance of a few feet may matter if the char-
acter is standing on a ledge, for example). So a knockback
result of 5 means the character is knocked back 900 feet!
(distance value 5).
The character suffers additional damage equal to the
knockback result or the Toughness of any obstacle (such
as a wall), whichever is greater. The obstacle suffers damage equal to the original attack (which may damage or
break it). If the character breaks through the obstacle, he
keeps going the remainder of the knockback distance.
If the obstacle is another character, treat the result as a
slam attack (see M&M Hero’s Handbook, page 198) doing
damage equal to the original attack to both parties. The
character ends up prone and must get back up normally.
You can choose to inflict less than your attack’s maximum
knockback (just like you can choose to do less than your
attack’s maximum damage).
Example: Junkpile strikes Ultramarine with an
enormous rusting fist resulting in two degrees
of failure on her Damage resistance check. The
armored avenger may suffer some knockback.
Junkpile’s strike does Damage 16. Ultramarine has
Toughness 12 and no other modifiers for size or
immovability. So the knockback result is 4, sending Ultramarine flying 500 feet and striking a wall
before she skids to a stop. The wall’s Toughness is
8, and it suffers Damage 16 (equal to the original
attack). Ultramarine breaks through it and goes
the remaining distance. She has to resist Damage 8
(the wall’s Toughness), which she does easily. She’s
dazed and prone as Junkpile continues his rampage. Ultramarine picks herself up, flies back to the
scene, and blasts Junkpile with her blue-green laser
using the Power Attack maneuver for +2 Damage
and scores a critical hit! Her laser does Damage 10
damage, +2 for the Power Attack, +5 for the critical, or 17 total. Junkpile has Toughness 16. He also
has Growth 4 for a total knockback modifier of –20
and a result of –3. If the blast dazes Junkpile, it will
knock him prone (and drive him back a mere 3 feet
(distance value –3) if that’s important). If it weren’t
for the critical hit, the knockback result would be
–8 and have no effect.
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Thank you my good sir.

Actual Nightcrawler, or Nightcrawlers Daughter from another now dead timeline? Because I loved Exiles and would like to know what happened to Nocturne in the end.

Because lord knows if she's still alive then she's probably the only member of the original team that is at this point.
GM Guide says on pg.192:

Knockback = Damage - Toughness - modifiers (Growth/Weight ranks subtracts and Shrinks adds)
Anyone with an actual copy of herolabs mind throwing my stats in it and then printing it?
>Can't be worse then GURPS.
GURPS is good with high-powered supers... for a player. But it is hard to GM them.
Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler.
Nocturne didn't exist in 1989-91.

When WAS exiles anyway? It definitely feels 90's...
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how's this? Little Middleground-y?
I'll admit when I heard "acrobat" I thought Robin first.
Got more books like Soon I Will Be Invincible? Was pretty nice.
I can live with this design. I wasn't expecting the domino mask.
I figure a diamond shaped mask would compliment the diamonds on her design. Again I'm willing to play around with it.

A Once Crowded Sky by Tom King if you want a bit more of a watchman-y drama vibe in a super hero novel.

I haven't read it myself yet but I've heard good things.

Tom King himself has actually got into comics writing proper, with stuff like recent Vision series, the new Batman Run, and Omega Men.
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Might redo the costume. But here are some concepts for how "tripling" might look.
The top row seems to make the most sense, since they're three separate individuals and it's easier to tell them apart than just by using a single diamond like the middle row shows. Then again, the middle row is the most subtle and would make it hard to tell one clone from the other (which is partly the point).
I find it neat that a system can be so straightforward yet granual in its computation of effects.
>Damage overrides toughness, sends dude flying a distance rank of the difference
>Dude hits a wall at the same strength as the original attack suffered
>Dude goes through the wall, resisting damage equal to the toughness of said wall
I imagine once you get good at the math and can find the reference material quickly enough, actions like this can seem so seamless.
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Masks just dropped their prerelease core books and playbooks.

Obviously not final, but worth a look.
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>The text itself is done, and the layout is near to being finalized! Right now, there’s placeholder art in many parts of the book, and we’ll be filling in those slots as pieces are finalized, but the text of the book won’t change. It contains all the rules for the whole game, with the exception of the playbooks—so enjoy reading it, and please let us know if you see any issues or have any questions!

>Second, we’ve got a close to completion version of the playbooks!

>There are still a few touch-ups to put through in layout, but again, the rules are all there, and these look several hundred times better than the version you have currently! Again, let us know if you see any issues or have any questions! You can send any emails to [email protected].
The Protege's costume probably looks the best out of that bunch
A bit more rules-lite than expected.
I'd go middle
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I leaned more top or bottom myself. Mostly because I was trying to suss out how the "Duplicating" might work.

Would it be like energy duplicates? or would they just be copies of herself?

I also tried adding a bit more circus flair to her costume. Any thoughts?
i woulda named her "triathlete" and given her a cool bicycle

or maybe a tricycle that like, splits up into unicycles when she triplicates.
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... that is really good. Especially if we go the whole acrobat/gymnast angle.

Trinity could still be her ironic given name as already established.

Also I might make an attempt at either Baron Bizarre or Psinobi next. at least as far as design goes. a preference as to whom should go first? and ideas for the designs?

Like while I got a good face/head for Baron, I have to say the outfit i had for him is very Steven Strange derivative.
I think Trinity's duplicates would be straight copies of each other. Being in three places in once is a very handy power to have.

>poofy princess shoulders
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Mm.. yeah. upon looking up a ringmaster's outfit they have the little tassel things on the shoulders instead. which kind of might fit better into a design.

Poofy shoulders are a bit of a go-to for me. Let me try this out.
A superpower that puts the hero in stasis (unaffected by everything, unable to move or perceive, etc) whenever hit by another (targetted) power, preventing the effect. Cannot be consciously controlled to allow good powers or be activated any other way.

Best system to stat this in and how would you do it?
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I feel Baron just dressed with class
Sumfin like this, maybe?
That might be putting a bit too much emphasis on her acrobatics, weird as that sounds. She's not a circus brat, even though she could pass as one. She's the daughter of Doc Chase.


The thing that made old Arcade fun was that he was fun. When the X-men beat his first Murderworld he actually put out fireworks for them. He had a sense of honor.

He's doing Murderworld because he's rich and bored and likes being a big Dungeon Master. If you want Murderworld to be fun make the Dungeon Master a fun personality.

>Cool stuff

The characters play Candyland with themselves as the pieces. Mollases quicksand. Candy Cane and licorice whip assasins. Familiar super villians dressed up as gumdrop princesses.

It also helps if you have there be some other "carrot" in front of the player besides their escape. Have the Dungeon Master kidnap someone or hold an area hostage with hidden time bombs. Every time the heroes beat one of his challenges he tells them where one of the bombs is hidden.

Another fun idea is to make the challenge less of a "trapped in an arcade" situation and more of a "Die Hard 3" situation. A hidden bad guy makes the heroes jump through a bunch of hoops otherwise they detonate the bombs. It could be an interesting way to flesh out a location if you're going to make the city the heroes are protecting a major part of the campaign.
For Arcade Style villians it depends on what gimmick you want.

Heroes trapped in a video game?

Heroes trapped by a burnt out screenwriter into acting out his movie in real life?

Heroes trapped inside a prison filled with super baddies?

I always wanted to run a Arcade bad guy that was a bored asshole wizard that wants to play Dungeons and Dragons with the party. He'd assign everyone a class and character and they better stick to it OR ELSE and do thinks like turn the police into friendly NPCs and non-powered jailbirds with grudges against the party into mighty monsters.

Think Mr. Mxyptlik plus Arcade. Call him the Fate Master.
I assumed she got her acrobatics from Doc using her to squeeze into right places in some death trap Egyptian temple.
Only if you bitch them out to get them into Murderworld. No one wants to have their hero bushwacked just to wake up in Murderworld. It makes them feel weak in lame.

Rather, kidnap someone and place them in Murderworld. The heroes are then rescuers and feel powerful and important rather than feel like impotent victims.
This is important.
>Swear to GOD, dad, if I get cursed by a mummy, you will never hear the end of this.
>Aw, come on, Trini. You know I'd never let you get cursed by a mummy. You're too adorable for that.
>Yeah? Remember when I almost got sacrified to a blood god back in Mexico? Something about my blood granting immortality to that high priest or something stupid like that.
>...Well, you didn't.
>That's NOT the POINT, dad!
> Trinity's life from 8-12 was getting kidnapped by cults and super villains
Does anyone have the Champions complete PDF? Basically it's hero system 7th (or 6th) edition.
Trinity calls the Baron "Uncle Brian."
The Baron is the only person that tries to explain to Doc that Trinity is his daughter
6th ed. 7th hasn't arrived, but hopefully they won't keep the buster, arthritis-inducing, divorce of stats that 6th has.
Does anyone have any ideas for "place themed" super teams? Like how a super team would be in Hollywood or Las Vegas or Mexico City, some place with a lot of color?
I would hate to be on the receiving end of a Hollywood super team rescue. They never shut the fuck up.
I remember one game had a Genie-girl from Iran who punked its government, stopping the executions and freeing political prisoners while at the same time protecting Iran from her genie kin that want to raze the country to the ground for following Muhammed who banished the old gods of the mid-east when he conquered the Kabbalah.

She was constantly being targeted by assassins hired by the remnants of the old Iranian government and Islamic terrorists for being a powerful woman who dressed like a belly dancer and gave no fucks and for being a blasphemous Genie-demon. It provided the GM an opportunity to throw random super assassins at the party. We went through one session that was just a gauntlet of guys trying to kill her during her UN speech.

She was a lot of fun. She was like a combination of Plastic Man and Golden Age Sueprman in terms of personality. She rode a magic carpet and served as the team bus through teleporation magic.
Imagine their leader being the ultimate stereotype of American Blockbuster Action Heroes. He swears he has no super powers but everyone calls bullshit because he does stuff like John McClane and Jason Bourne ever day.

His support team lobies to prevent Metahuman Scientists from changing the legal definition of "super powers" to fit him because he makes a lot of money on his image as a "non-powered" superhero.
>Paparazzi constantly trying to prove he's a Superhuman.

>He blames all his miraculous feats on his super suit and gadgets to reflect the popularity of Iron Man to normies.

What would his name be? Something big and marketable. Like "All-Star".

>His power suit is functionally useless. It's just a prop, and the money the city spends on it is embezzled by his support team. Whether or not he's aware of this is going on depends on how much the GM wants him to be a good guy.

>Reflects Hollywood's long history of corruption

>Hilarity ensues when his suit is stolen by a super villain. "What the hell? It's just a costume!" "Ah! You fell for my trick! I tricked you into stealing a FAKE super suit!"
What's wrong with being just a general issue Joe?
Nothing if that's how you want to play him. I just think it would be amusing if he was Iron Man but the costume does nothing. It's all him. It could be a commentary on the fickleness of Hollywood fads. People want an armored hero so they stuck a costume on an invincible guy that shoots lasers out of his hands.

Another name: Stuntman.
I think not-Iron Man and Action Hero should be two separate guys. There's enough here to divide into two supers.

Fake Iron Man is Superstar and has a big black suit that looks like it came out of Nu Tron.

Action Hero guy is The Stuntman: The man that does all his stunts. Or "The man that does all the superhuman stunts". Or whatever.

He wears a lot of blue and has a big orange tan to reflect digital coloring trends.
Body Double

a Shapeshifter
>Hollywood Super Team

The Blockbusters? Would they have enough of an ego to just call their team "The Super Heroes?"

Maybe they try to trade mark "Super Heroes"?

I imagine they have this play every time they show up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY

So Superstar and The Stuntman. Any other ideas for members?
>Shape Shifter
Ohhhh neat!

I imagine his "default" form would look like a character taken out of a black and white thirties film complete with grainy texture.
>Body Double
Studios pay him mega bucks for staying the hell out of movies, because ever sense he developed his shape shifting powers he's trained his ass off to be an actor and can now convincingly impersonate any actor male or female.

He's active in the independent movie scene and fancies himself something of an artist and friend to artist. He makes his own movies with himself as the writer, director, and all the actors becoming the world's first "super auteur". He helps out filmakers with just a script create their movies by becoming all the roles they need.

Throw in limited body cloning for even more fun. Now Body Double is a stealth mob.

The customers and tellers the bank robbers took hostage? Turns out it was a sting, and suddenly they're being beat up the cast from The Warriors.
I would prefer if Superstar were more in the vein of Commando. He's constantly portrayed as a man's man, with improbable feats of strength, guns for days, and surviving things he has no business surviving. I mean, if he's the embodiment of every 80s-90s action movie star, he has to be the likes of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis, Norris, Van Damme, Seagal, shit like that. SHIT FUCKING BLOWS UP
Superstar is Not-Iron Man. Stuntman is the "Really guys I don't have super powers I'm just a guy no really" guy.

Nice personality. We just need to flesh out Superstar and Stuntman (Action man?) more beyond their gimmicks.
>Conspiracy nuts go over ever frame of recorded Stuntman footage.

>"See that explosion? He had to have caused that with his super powers! It's too large!"

>See this frame? The bullet clearly went through his bullet proof vest. CLEARLY. He has to be bulletproof.

I think it would be fun if it was never said one way or the other if he was superhuman and not. Have him be like Captain America and just ride that line.
If Superstar is a fake Iron Man, then what are his real powers?
Probably just a typical Paragon/Superman kinda guy.
Role Player

puts on mask
becomes the mask

in danger of "getting lost in the character"
He was HUGE back in the 80's and single handedly toppled the government of Val Verde (10 points for catching the reference). In the 90's he got even MORE popular and served as a one-man strike team against all sorts of shit (think the 90's anti-hero boom).

But he's older now and he's slowing down, and he's looking for a successor to pass on the torch but his "agents" don't want him to retire just yet and sabotage his attempts to find a worthy successor.

Guy that lacks confidence and is naturally nervous and shy. Relatively a lot of people have his powerset and he knows it. He's worried about letting down the city. He's worried about letting down his family. He worries a lot, and his "agents" prey on this to make him their pawn.

Sure, he's lying to the people by claiming to be an armored hero, but if its what the people want what's the harm?

His "agents' constantly remind him that he can be replaced. Anyone can be Superstar under the suit and mask. The keep telling him he's nothing special, only Superstar is special. And he's starting to believe them.

He's invincible, can fly, and project energy. The suit is just a costume.

The suit is so either he or his support team can embezzle funds because the city pays for the suit which is really useless, and because some guy published a study that "proved" armored heroes were better than non-armored heroes because REASONS and now every town wants one of their own.

The idea is to satirize Hollywood trends and corruption.
So the guy from Tropic Thunder meets The Haunted Mask?

I can get behind it.
>Shape Shifting Multi Man

That's actually a really neat idea for a power. The potential for infiltration is insane.
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If we're going to do this Hollywood/LA team, we need the obligatory "hot (and vapid) actress/model/heiress" girl. Being from Beverly Hills optional.
We already have Body Double.
Most likely, copnsidering they're not bound by a Marvel contract anymore to not include
>Literally Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets The Thing

Jesus Christ Body Double is horrifying. Just be glad he's a good guy.

Indy film hipster auteur guy that wants to make deep films starting only himself is secretly grade A nightmare fuel. Sheesh.
nah, this guy gains the abilities/powers of the costume he's wearing

dresses up Jason Voorhees, gets as strong and durable as him

he'd also risk becoming as murder crazy though

becoming the mask etc etc
>Body Double secretly ballot stuffed the local awards show so that his hipster movies would win

>He recently held an awards show ran by himself, for himself, and only featuring films by himself.
>People are starting to question his sanity.

>He's a metaphor for the self-centered nature of Hollywood. It can create wonders, but its obsessed with vanity and self-promotion.

>He doesn't care if you don't like his movies. He does. And there's more of him than there are of you.
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>A piece of the Body Double collective breaks off and goes rogue.

>Body Double vs Body Double in the Ultimate Spy Thriller with the entire city as the dueling ground.

>It ends with an overflowing morgue and a Body Double his team mates aren't sure is the real Body Double.

Fuck me how did Body Double become so scary?

Maybe some sort of trade off where the more powerful the character he's emulating the more damage to his psyche?
I can't even begin to think of what her powers may be.
She creates a mental degradation field, lowering the collective IQs of those around her.
American Idol

the potency of her powers are equivalent to her popularity?
drains intelligence as well as inhibitions, making for an easier time for her "charms" to succeed
Nah. That's going from a joke power to magical realm.
That's a bit insidious. I think it ought to be a bit more straightforward. She's an heiress/actress-turned-superhero, after all. She probably takes her beauty very seriously.
Well, what if, under her intellectul dampening field, they're usually easily swayed by a pretty face into just giving up and sitting there for police?

Have the vapid girl be a descendant of a famous superhero. Have her be a foil to another character based on all the sad "country girl tries to make it in Hollywood" stories.

She's a super hero from somewhere like Kansas or Louisiana brought in just to up the ratio of females to male and be sidekick to The Heriess, and her handlers tell her this. They remind her that she can be replaced, that she's only here to make the Heiress look good and she better not try to ever upstage her as top superheroine. They remind her that she's not as pretty, hot, powerful, or important as the heiress.

She's a nervous wreck with low self-esteem. She's embarrassed as hell of her accent and past as a country girl tomboy, but she keeps her head down and remains the Heiress' sidekick.

She kicks it off nicely with Superstar who understands first hand the kind of shit she's going through and they make a cute, wonderful couple.

Another point of drama comes from the handler agents manufacturing a tabloid relationship between Superstar and The Heiress in order to drum up attention.

Superstar and this "country girl" character (name? powers?) see each other only in secret out of fear of what the tabloids will do if they find out.
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Why not just turn her into not-Jubilee? Give her lots of flashing lights so she can have a dance party on command? I think the heiress should embody hedonism and selfishness more than raw stupidity.
So, Dazzler?

She has a variety of psychic powers based on how much people think about her?

When she was just a little girl she could barely make spoons bend, but now that she's a global phenomena she can summon light and sound, mind control people, and throw buildings with her mind?

She's a vapid hedonist but she is so because she thinks her popularity depends on being a marketable image. She's terrified of becoming a has been and not being able to use her powers.

When someone becomes more popular than herself she takes it personally because it eats into her powers.
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I like it. The "wholesome country girl trying to make it" as an explicit foil to the "native-born talentless bitch."

Her name is Lara Belle Johnson. Her hero handle back in Kansas was Barnstormer, but in Hollywood, she was forcibly rebranded as the horribly generic (and partly offensive) Country Gal. She's a totemic, meaning she can call upon the spirits of animals to grant her strength and abilities. Her most famous totems are "flight of the eagle," "speed of the horse," "strength of the bull," and "cunning of the wolf."

Here she is in an obligatory Hollywood pinup, because "you gotta work hard if you wanna make it in Hollywood, girlie."
Powers of hard light and some psychic powers would be good.
The Seven Silver Screens

A para-physicist investigates a theory that works of fiction are gateways into other worlds (think Multiversity) and accidentally bonds with characters from classic Hollywood Cinema when he tries to open a gateway into their worlds.

Now he seeks to return his new friends to their own worlds by creating the "Ultimate" movie, an abstract 7 hour mindfuck whose script he swears exists in his mind somewhere but he can't find it let alone visualize what the "Ultimate" movie would be. But until he crates this movie he and his friends work as members of The Blockbusters.

By saying a memonic phrase the para-physicist can switch places with six beings made out of black and white "hard photons".

The Rogue (Errol Flynn Swashbuckler from a fantasy epic)

The Warlock (Dracula+Karloff Mummy+Vincent Price roles like Doctor Phibes. A powerful user of black magic not from this dimension. A bad guy in his own picture, he seeks redemption)

The Cowboy (Western Hero in the Shane/John Wayne vein. Believes his world has moved on (think the ending to Shane) and wants to stay in this one)

The Robot (Robby the Robot basically. A 1950's style robot with an atomic ray built in. Physics warp in his presence. For instance radiation makes things grow. He longs to return to his world and his master that he watched over and protected)

The Detective (Same Spade + Philip Marlowe. His world was the most like our own, and he wonders if he isn't just from the past, but can find no mention of himself in this world besides fiction. He thinks the whole experience is like his ultimate case, the case of the man that never was.)

The Cartoon (Fleischer Studios era cartoon character with the power of toon physics. Powerful, but his powers can have random effects. Desperately wants to get back home. He finds this world strange and chaotic)

The Seventh Silver Screen is the para-physicist himself.
>"Bob! We need to hammer the midwestern and female demographic!"
>"Why not both at the same time?"

She has a lot of potential as a character. As a comic she would be the audience surrogate, the new member of the team brought to Hollywood.

She can but heads with The Heiress, have a tender and sweet romance with Super Star, and be the daughteru of The Stuntman who goes all overprotective dad around her not wanting the system to break or corrupt her.

>The distillation of 80's action hero will never act like an overprotective dad for you
That seems a bit complex. Doable, but complex.
It's all about keeping the core of the character in focus, which is "help I accidentally abducted characters from movies into my head".

The satire part of the character comes from the six refugees being "taught" the world through the distorted lens of their Hollywood handlers who see them as living, breathing movie promotions. They want to, in a surreal display, create a interconnected cinematic universe based on remakes of all their pictures.

Team dynamic wise he's the versatile member of the group. The Cowboy can snipe. The Rogue is an acrobat. The Detective solves mysteries, The Robot deals with super science, The Warlock with magic, and The Cartoon is for a quick burst of toon physics power.

The Stuntman

Body Double

The Heiress

Country Gal

The Seven Silver Screens

The Blockbusters have a surprisingly solid lineup. Six Members so far. Anymore ideas?
Only Superstar and Stuntman call Country Gal by her original/true handle, Barnstormer.
I really like the idea of Stuntman being this veteran sort-of father figure to most of the team. The one with the most experience, both on the field and dealing with Hollywood in general.

>tfw hoping one of your younger team mates will take up your place
>tfw watching their agents slowly corrupt and keep them from their true potential
>tfw ultimately feel powerless to stop the machine that is Hollywood

Stuntman a best
>Country Gal has a rough day, gets chewed out by The Heiress and her agents
>Stuntman sits down with her on a rooftop and drinks some beers with her.
>Her accent starts to slip but for the first time sense she got to Hollywood she doesn't care
>Turns out Stuntman grew up on a farm and bonds with her over this fact.

>Country Gal gets her scantily clad clothes blown off during a fight
>Paparazzi takes compromising pictures of her and intends to sell the negatives to the highest bidder
>Stuntman uses his old contacts in the CIA to track him down and pay a personal visit to his house.

>Barnstormer is actually the name of her old man, she's inherited the title from him.
>Hollywood doesn't give a fuck about the legacy of some midwestern super
>She feels horrible over dropping the name
>Stuntman cheers her up by telling her about the time he teamed up with the her dad back in the 80's.

Stuntman and Country Gal are great together.
And Barnstormer/Country Gal is among the only legitimately good people on the team. She still tries to keep on the straight and narrow and is genuinely friendly towards anyone who meets her, moreso if they say they're a legitimate fan of hers, and she wants to honestly be a good role model for others. It's not that she's scared of the big city, but she was unprepared for the rampant corruption that keeps its heroes in check.

Which makes you wonder: if the heroes of Hollywood are this fucked up, hedonistic and sometimes downright detestable, what does that makes the villains?
>Paparazzi is actually the name of several low-level super baddies that use their powers to infiltrate peoples' private lives.
As we know from The Blockbusters, it doesn't matter who or what you really are so much as the public perception of who or what you are.

The villains probably aren't all that villainous; at least, not every single one. Quite a few are just 'villains' because they go against the 'heroes' and the machine that makes the Hollywood super community what it is.

The media will paint them as villains and the public will eagerly believe it because it gives their favorite prime-time entertainment even more pizzazz.
In a genre where every other character's parents/SO/loved ones/planet are DEAAAAAAAAAD!!!, being normal, well adjusted people IS weird.
Most of the 'villains' in Hollywood are paid workers, literally jobbers, who are paid by a hero's managing agents/company to be fought and defeated by their hero. The most dangerous villains are the ones who are real villains; they have to be, for every other hero, villain and agent in the city would want them gone, as it disrupts the business.
I like that everyone on the team has issues.

Superstar is a sell out and knows it. He's horribly afraid Barnstormer is on her way to living a lie like he is.

Body Double is 32 flavors of fucked in the head, but leave him alone with his cameras and mirrors and he's fine.

Stuntman is a good man but he's killed a lot of people. A LOT of people.

The Heiress is obsessed with her image and popularity and believes she's nothing without her powers/popularity. Goes on hedonistic benders to hide the empty hole that is her life.

The Seven Silver Screens either just want to go home or struggle to find some sort of connection in this world. It doesn't help that like all ideas Hollywood treats them as a disposable commodity, even if they are living ideas.

>Bad Guys

Either like >>47126569 where they're manufactured like in that one comic series American Way to fight the good guys and look good doing it or they're the worst kind of human scum, like something out of LA Noire.
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Here's an attempt at something.

Messed around with some patterns in photoshop.

Not sure how i feel about them. but i'm definitely digging the outfit. Just gotta figure out how to make it scream "superhero"

B/Lightning bolt shaped buckles, cufflinks, or monogram and the like?
No no. "Welcome to Murderdrome (tm)."

Don't want Marvel's lawyers coming after you.
This is true, but the Blockbusters are edging into Doom Patrol levels of fucked up. And I love it.
It could be kind of sweet for Barnstormer/Superstar/Stuntman to form a friendship with a couple of the bad guys. They sit around having drinks and smokes and then go play cops and robbers for the camera, discussing ways to make it a better show and making sure everyone has the routine set.
Sooner or later, there will be an episode/comic where Lara Belle finally snaps and has it out with The Heiress, coming to blows. Heiress would beat her down initially and remind her that she is the bottom bitch, that everyone on the team answers to her (in her head), that she'll never be as pretty or as popular as her, and that no one will ever love "some uneducated backwoods redneck hick who can't even spell her name. You are Country Gal: that's C-O-U-N-T-R-Y-G-A-L, and don't you fucking forget it, because I own you." Also, she disses her dad.
>Now what's your name, bitch?
>My name...is Barnstormer.
>Did you not fucking listen to me? Your name is Count--
And then Lara Belle beats the fuck out of the Heiress, to the point where the Heiress - at least privately - legitimately fears her.
This. Superheroing is a business through and through and everyone is in on it for the ratings and merch deals.

>tfw a hero from out of town comes in and is actually disturbed by the way things work
I like the lightning-B cufflinks. That could even be one of his emblems and calling cards: the lightning-B.
At some point, to preserve their characters, the Barnstormer/Superstar/Stuntman trio will have to either abandon Hollywood entirely and let the city rot, or go super deep to try and break the cycle of corruption to give it a fighting chance of survival.
I do, too. But, I also love the idea of a well adjusted team of friends and family out having fun while saving the world.

And, the beauty of comics is that you can have both, and every other type of character imaginable, and it all works.
I was not expecting to give the lovable country girl a Kunta Kinte moment.
Like Trinity in her superhero persona... Doc doesn't know?

I quite like that.

Especially if its ... sorta obvious to everyone else.
Then... [spoilerr] lesbian scene [/spoiler]
I took that post as Doc not seeing what's the big deal with him endangering his daughter
No, I'm pretty sure Doc Chase knows his daughter is Trifecta/Threesome/whatever her hero handle is. He still refers to her on a first-name basis.
>She beats the fuck out of her using moves Stuntman taught her.

I love this team so much.


Other cities can have different "super hero cultures". Its part of why its cool to brainstorm "place specific" heroes. You get a team and a culture to build that team around.

Japan would be very interesting. I see some sort of corporate/zaibatsu based superheroing like in My Hero Academia or Tiger and Bunny. Heroes compete amongst themselves, even at a young age, for job positions on super teams.

Endgame I see Barnstormer taking on the mantle of Stuntman, in position if not in name, because she's the purest one of the team and managed to avoid corruption.

Stuntman retires and lives out his golden age in peace away from cameras.

Superstar is outted and humiliated as an "Iron Faker" but with Barnstormers help he redeems himself and becomes (insert new name here). The two settle down and arrange a marriage in private away from prying eyes.

The Seven Silver Screens open portals to the six worlds and move away from the Hollywood system as they become ambassadors to these extra dimensions and work with the government and scientists to arrange for peaceful multiversal existence.

How's this for an endgame?
What of the Heiress and Body Double? I presume they ultimately turn heel at some point.
Two more characters to round out the roster.

The first is the "burnout" character. In public he's a jolly, happy guy. Almost a parody of Superman. He claims to believe in hope and the human spirit but its all a lie, its all an image. He's actually a burnt out loser. He was a big hero once but unlike The Stuntman he hasn't aged gracefully and is paranoid about new members. He's a grouchy, mean, drugged addicted old man who just does not give a fuck anymore.

He lives life like sleepwalking and is a walking example of what the other characters could become if they aren't careful, saying one thing and being another thing entirely.

The second is "good guy Mysterio". This hero is actually a well coordinated group of engineers. They were originally a production company dedicated to using traditional special effects over CGI but went belly-up after their last picture tanked hard. They got a job creating and enhancing "fight scenes" for Hollywood super heroes and "villains" but when one of them found out that the powers that be were starting to cover up real super criminal actions to "protect" their talent they all decided to go full vigilante and strike back against both the criminals and the system. At first Barnstormer and Superstar think he's a joy riding vigilante but they all begin to trust each other and work to expose the system.

The suit is a robot enhanced by holograms. That's the hero. The production company works behind the scenes setting up traps and devices and what not. They fight like a heist movie. It's all in the planning.

Heriess's punishment is to be like she is until the day she dies. No heel turn necessary.

Body Double becomes his own little Hollywood town. No one leaves and no one is allowed in. But eventually a Body Double leaves, determined to be a link between the insular Body Double City and the outside world.

The "burnout" superhero OD's and dies. Good-guy Mysterio becomes an official member of Barnstormer's reformed Blockbusters.

It's tooting my own horn, but I really like my good guy mysterio idea. At the start of the story the only real hero in Hollywood is a literal fake hero.
Heiress could come to terms with becoming a small fish and try to live her life peacefully with a nice big family. Which would, appropriately, make her powerful enough to protect her town
That's a much nicer (and better) idea than I had. She learns to step out of the limelight but between her family and friends she has enough power to protect Hollywood. She winds up able to protect everything that matters to her. She appologizes to Barnstormer and the tow become best friends. Barnstormer even teaches her how to ride a horse.

Now, if the system is going to be covering up actual super villain activity the question becomes what super villains are we looking at here?
Since we're in the LA/Hollywood area, there's plenty to work with. Crooked and abusive cops, Bloods/Crips, so on. Don't forget protecting the populace from any particularly bad earthquakes.

The Slasher, a superpowered serial killer frustrated that Hollywood movies "never get it right". He's frustrated that his crimes are covered up and written off as "normal" serial killings by the establishment which cause him to kill in more outlandish and creative ways.

Rogue Body Double. The Conspiracy that walks like a man. He's obsessed with destroying any connection Body Double has to people outside his collective, which means he wants to destroy The Blockbusters. Alternative name: The Sequel.

The Eight Screen. A seventh person came through from the disastrous experiment, a mad scientist from a pulp Flash Gordon-ish serial. He's come to the conclusion that they were pulled not only through space, but through time, meaning that even if they do find a way back through the "Ultimate Movie" their worlds won't be like they left them. All they know and loved will have moved on. So he vents his frustrations by trying to destroy the town through super-science. He uses an Earth quake generator and disguises the first few activation as natural phenomena.
I'd think it'd be fantastic he doesn't know about her super persona
Some miscellaneous Barnstormer quotes I just couldn't leave to die in my head.
>You okay? I didn't smash you too hard, did I?
>I've wrestled steers more ornery than you!
>When yer the only girl in a family fulla boys, you gotta learn to get tough.
>I know it sounds stupid and cheesy, but I gotta say it 'cuz it's true: ya mess with the bull, and ya get the horns.
>Man, all thiss rolling around on the ground makes me wish I were rolling in some hay right now...Wait, did I just say that out loud?
>That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. And I've worked with rodeo clowns!
>Man, sometimes, my spirit animals kinda bleed over a little bit if I use 'em too much. Anybody got a carrot and some sugar cubes? The horse in me is starving.
Just wanna say, I'm from one of the earlier threads and I could write whole comic issues or entire stories from the details of this Blockbusters team.
Admittedly the stories would be incredibly scathing at times due to the nature of the theme ("Hollywood is a piece of shit"), but that's part of the point I think.
I think there should be some details on Barnstormer's powers and origins because she's the clear viewpoint character from a writing standpoint and one of the only "genuine" people on the entire team.

I like the idea that her powers are a sort of skill she'd inherited from her family; some kind of Native Shamaniam like Nahualli, the ability to totemically adopt animal traits that her great great ancestor learned from a Native who once saved his life ages about.
She'd see it as an honor she upholds because the settlers did a huge injustice to the Natives and that by upholding their spiritual beliefs (even just a little) is her way of honoring them, and the fact that she emulates quintessentially "American" animals makes her proud of her country and it's heritage.

Of course when she gets to Hollywood, nobody actually wants to her she has Magical Native American Powers because she herself is not native, so they just tell her to call herself a mutant so that nobody asks questions and she never breaks character from the folksy T&A show that she'd expected to be all the time.
I really love the brainstorming and collaborative character creation we've been doing the last few threads. Randomly rolling up characters and connecting dots is kind of my thing.
Just some ideas:

The Eighth Screen keeps performing unethical experiments in an attempt to find a way to go home before deciding its impossible. One involves killing people in charge of remaking the eight movies under the belief they're "dirtying and changing" their worlds. Another involves uploading the eight movies into the minds of everyone in the planet in the hopes of producing a "platonic" perspective of the movies that'll reflect the "real" movie worlds. Another tries to "fix" the movie refugees under the idea that they have been contaminated by this world and can't return until they're like how they were in the films exactly.

The Eighth Screen provides for a lot of trippy Grant Morrison metafiction, and you have to talk about metaficiton if you're in Hollywood.

People aren't sure if Seven Silver Screens is just a schizophrenic super or if he really found the worlds inside fiction. After all, Body Double is more than one person and he's just one 'being".

The reason Seven Silver Screens stays in Hollywood and works on the Block Busters is because they own the rights to his characters, and sense he can't prove legally that the movie characters aren't just figments of his own imagination and because the studios own those imaginary images they can decide where he goes and what he does.

The living ideas are slaves of Hollywood. I'm not being subtle, but I think it would be fun.

What we need is a god rogues gallery of legit villains. Heroes need good baddies. So far we got three.

I'm actually sort of curious what a Hollywood bad guys team would be like. Probably composed of elderly starlets and ex-child stars. They're jealous of the Blockbusters and although they aren't killers they want to upstage the Blockbusters, humiliate them, and defeat them.

Any ideas for this "Legion of Doom"? The "burnt out" member of the Blockbusters could turn traitor and lead them.

It's fun as fuck and I love it.
More or less, yeah. When the industry goes so far as to even spin your heritage and the origin of your powers, that's fucked up.
We still haven't made a connection between the original /shg/ team (Baron Bizarre, Doc Chase, Threesome, Blue Cobalt and PSInobi) and our new Blockbusters team, if there even is one.
>Girl sees Barnstormer on TV and recognizes where the powers are from.
>Rival Full-blood Native American shaman joins the "badguy team" believing that its insulting for a blonde white girl to use the ancient powers of "her" people.
>Barnstormer kicks her ass and tells her that she's earned every right to use the powers.
>"If you're so proud why are you Country Gal, and why do you hide the origin of your powers?"

This leads to Barnstormer dropping the "Country Gal" title and coming clean about the origin of her powers, and possibly to her big fight with Heiress.
>folksy T&A show
Folksy YET STILL SOMEHOW WHOLESOME T&A show, to be clear. She can show up on kids shows no problem and be someone teenagers can look up to, but they still expect her to look good for the men, hence glamour shots like >>47125834.
I know a girl who's acting agent basically told her to not admit she's Latin (she's from Puerto Rico originally) because she's "too white-looking" and if she did then she'd be typecast as a "Spicy Latina" character over and over.

So she's basically being told over and over to say she's a white American.
Technically, there doesn't really have to be one. They could be in the same 'world' though. /shg/'s very own super setting, if we wanted to get that damn dumb with worldbuilding.
She's Bravestar?
Kiiiiiinda. She's not a sheriff, though; she's just pure country Wonderbread from the Midwest with a strong work ethic and a very healthy tan. It just so happens that her great-great-great-however-many-greats granddaddy saved a Native American shaman, and said shaman taught him their ways and how to call upon the powers of nature. It's a power that's been in her family ever since.
No I get that, I've just always love the idea of a guy using American totemic animals.
I think what does it for me is Barnstomer/Country Girl's personality and powers.
For a new "team" story to take off either everyone needs to be immediately familiar with all the characters (impossible with new ones) so you can have them be the viewpoint with which to relate to the rest of the team, and also can provide an objective and outsider's view of the entire theme of the story.

The themes with the Blockbuster's being Image and Relevance and how Hollywood is MASSIVELY obsessed with both, and each character struggles with in their own way; Heiress struggles with maintaining her image because without it she looses her relevance, Stuntman wrestles with his image as the Ultimate Action Hero he's told he must ALWAYS live up to even though he's over the hill and questions not only his current usefulness as a Badass Violence Commando but seeing how little the crazy black ops shit in the 80's accomplished wonders what good he EVER did, Country Girl struggles with an image she feels forced upon her because she's told that without the relevance it provides her she won't amount to anything and make a difference, and so on and so forth.
They call it Hotel California for a reason.
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Working on Psinobi now. just trying to sort out what her outfit should look like and also her civvy look.
It works rather well at high power. Really awesome at street level shit. It kind of caps at something like Superman or Silver Surfer -- but the RIFTS books are supposed to be basing the mega damage rules around how the Super Heroes Companion did it. RIFTS has shit in it like gods, cosmic beings, etc - so I'm sure once the RIFTS books are out, there will be actual rules that could be applied to super-duper-cosmic heroes.
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I loved the Palladium system as a kid, but can't handle it now. It's not the "unbalanced" thing nerds constantly cry about -- I actually like that part. I liked the random powers too -- really made you use creativity to come up with a suitable costume and name. I just can't stand the l-o-o-o-o-ng character creation time. Fuck that noise.

Plus Kevin Siembieda a stank dick.
How about some "Bad Guys" as in the jobbers set up to fight the good guys?

1. An old super heroine. She used to be sexy and powerful but that was long ago. Now she plays an evil witch, and she honestly doesn't need to put makeup on to hide her identity so few recognize her in her old age. She's a grandmotherly figure to Barnstormer.

2.A young starlet eager for any chance to work with the stars. The powers that be secretly look down on her as a loser and use her as an example of what Barnstormer will become if she doesn't toe the line. Barnstormer and her become best friends as the series progresses.

3. A super powered thesbian that takes the mock fights seriously. Often buts heads with the powers that be over his motivation a character.

4. An ex professional "super fighter"--sort of like pro wrestling meets super powers. They put on super fights that everyone knows aren't real for entertainment. They're big in Las Vegas. He sees what he's doing in Hollywood as simply another job, although the deliberate deception is starting to stress him.
talk about faserip




Country Gal


Body Double

Seven Silver Screens

The Hollywood Hero (The burnout)


Old Hollywood(Hollywood hero ODs and dies, the Grandmother figure from the "Bad Guys" team takes over and takes an identity and themed costume to honor his memory "from the good old days")

Barnstormer (Country Gal takes back her old name, and armed with spirit upgrades given to her by her rival and training from Stuntman takes over the Blockbusters and makes sweeping changes)

Shooting Star (No longer Superstar, he's fine being out of the armor. Did a little time for being involved in embezzling money for his suit, dedicated to being a family man and good husband for Barnstormer)

Mr. Silver Screen (The Seven Silver Screens become interdimensonal ambassadors and Hollywood loses control over their images. Their role is taken by the "Good Guy Mysterio" team and their robot who now looks like one of the silvery, glowing, black and white refugees from the movie-lands)

Body Double (Body Double isolated his collective in his own town following fallout from the Rogue Body Double incident, but a single Body Double left in order to bring outside perspective into the collective. Instead of being obsessed with creating movies he's obsessed with watching movies)

Heiress (considerably less powerful sense stepping out of the lime light. With Barnstormer's help she's turned her life around and has reconnected wither her estranged family. No longer one of the stronger members she can still fight and protect whats important to her)

Stuntwoman (The mantle of Stuntman was passed to Barnstormer, but she decided to honor both her father's and Stuntman's legacy and pass the name of Stuntman down to her friend from the "Bad Guys" team whose dedication to honest hard work earns her the right to carry on the name)


I need some powers for a couple of these characters of course. Any ideas?
The other members of the "Bad Guys" team become reserve members on emergency call. They learn to use their powers either to put on legitimate "super fight" shows or in other "non-superhero" ways.

Barnstormer's Shaman rival trains with her and they both improve their abilities. Barnstormer invites her on the team, but the rival decides to start her own team out west. They meet up to train and spar from time to time, their friendly rivalry helping the both of them improve as Shamans.
This is one of those great moments, because it directly challenges the character's beliefs and what they stand for. You need those belief-challenging moments in a campaign to make it feel personal and fulfilling.
Well, of the core team, Heiress could use more character development. If she's going to be Barnstormer's bitter rival, there needs to be more to work with.

I think Stuntwoman (real name: Jenny Cowell, from LA proper) would be your typical Crime Fighter: she uses a polearm and fights tricky with all her various tools to keep the others on their toes. Barnstorm stands at least a full head taller than her, but she manages. When she's not a Crime Fighter, she does commercials, some voiceacting, and even a couple appearances on Disney.

Old Hollywood was, back in the day, the Dame of Diamonds: a bright and sunny superheroine of the black-and-white era (and actually something of a sex icon back in the day). With her resolute poses and unflappable enthusiasm, evil would cower at her ability to craft constructs from geodes, including diamonds, such as armor, weapons, and other implements; she even could travel through the earth and turn herself into a diamond form that rendered her practically invincible. Long after her retirement, she came back rebranded as the "villainess" known as the Earthmother, using her geokinetic powers to "terrorize" Hollywood.
>the Hollywood B-team has more depth than the /shg/ team
>feels bad
To be fair, no one on the Hollywood team has actual stats to their name. The original /shg/ team has full statblocks for everyone, and even for two of their villains.
What are some good cape web-serials that do not star a angsty teenage girl as the main character?

Most serials/books i find star a MC that goes around complaining about the fact that they can fly and throw cars like it makes life so hard.
>The "burnout" superhero OD's and dies
better idea would be him briefly getting back in touch with his inner hero and going out with a bang, taking out one of the heads of the Hollywood Conspiracy with him(although an idea popped into my head about revealing shortly beforehand that Hollywood Hero's powers are amplified by how hopped up on drugs he is, which is part of the reason why he's almost never sober, so before this final fight he intentionally OD's himself to ramp his powers up to their absolute maximum)

I like
The Legit Bad Guy Team:

They want to show the world that without the bad guys on the company payroll the Blockbusters can't fight and can't defend the city. They don't want to take over the city and they don't want to kill anyone. They just want to beat up the Blockbusters.

Hollywood Hero (Betrays the Blockbusters and leaks their secrets and weaknesses. Considers it his retirement, and his way to burn all bridges)

Barnstormer's Rival (The champion Shaman of her people. Thinks Barnstormer is just a weak ass white girl in need of a painful reality check)

Nostalgia (Child Star with superpowers. Starred on a show that portrayed the lives of WW2 era superheros where he played a Bucky type character. He was discarded after the show and wasn't ready at all for the real world which ate him alive. Blames Hollywood for ruining his life, but in truth he never had the guts to live his own life. Even this act of defiance is something Hollywood Hero talked him into doing)

Showstopper (A braggart and fashion model passed up for Barnstormer and only offered a chance on the "bad guy" team. She wants to get back at The Blockbusters and Hollywood for not "giving her the chance she deserves")

Spencer "Space Monster" Samson (Illusion hero who worked in numerous sci-fi movies as the monster, making complex suits out of bending light. A hero figure for some of the "Good Guy Mysterio" crew. Like Dame of Diamonds and Hollywood Hero he was one of the old crowd. He took the lumps, he lied, he did everything his backers wanted and in the end in his golden years he was allowed to keep making money off his powers by working as an SFX man...until cgi proved cheaper than his powers. The invention of CGI did not violate his contract due a loop hole, and he refused their offer to play bad guy so he left Hollywood after years of service nearly penniless in his old age. He had to bum money off his old friends Dame of Diamonds and Hollywood Hero. Eventually Hollywood Hero recruits him)
I'll admit I don't like the idea of Hollywood Hero going villain, especially since I feel the whole "member of hero team goes traitor/villain" is beyond stale and tired by this point
To be fair, Hollywood does bad things to good people and worse things to bad people.
The jacket pattern could use some work

Hard Rock (Hair Metal Fan who's just in because he thinks its really cool to get a chance to fight super heroes "almost like, for real". Kind of dumb. Hopes the notoriety can help launch a punk music career. Despite his name and appearance his powers have nothing to do with sound, earth, or rocks. Rather he has ice powers. "Hard Rocks". He thinks this is clever.)

Blackstone III (Grandson of Blacksploitation star Blackstone. He tried a long time ago to get a job on the Blockbusters and was told to basically play his grandfather. He left, but holds gratitude toward Body Double for being the cast of one of his movies. Now older and wiser he's an investigative journalist that like the good Mysterio Crew found out about the fake super baddie fights and hidden legit supper baddie crimes like The Slasher. He believes the best way to deal with this corruption is to humiliate the Blockbusters rather than work with them. The powers that be can't make money off a humiliated super team. What better way to beat them than by taking away their revenue?)

Miss Symphony (In the rapidly-becoming-posthumanity society new forms of media are being invented every day, but the old guard of Hollywood is trying to slow them down just as they slowed down the development of VHS and torrenting. Miss Symphony is a psychic show of sound, feeling, and emotion--and her shows can even be recorded on certain psy-sensitive devices. But Hollywood used its pull to stonewall her attempts to market herself. Now she wants revenge. In her mind The Blockbusters are just as guilty as the rest of Hollywood for keeping her down. She knows and has worked with The Seven Silver Screens attempting to create their "Ultimate Movie" and sees them as manipulated--she doesn't extend the same consideration to the rest of the Blockbusters.)

I think that's a good "Legion of Doom". Outnumbers the Blockbusters even with "Good Mysterio" helping. And they should. They don't fight fair.

The Legit Bad Guy Team is very lightly bad guy. They aren't like Slasher or The Eight Screen or The Rogue Body Double. Most are actually pretty good people. They just want to defeat and humiliate and expose the Block Busters for a variety of reasons, some selfish and some not.
Stupid question, but how do I deterrmine what kinds of offensive attacks I have in m&m 3e?

Melee is I think covered by close combat, but what do I need for ranged attacks? Do I have to take Powers or Equipment for that?
You can always just throw stuff (there's even an advantage for it), but if you want a fancier ranged attack it needs to be a power or equipment like a gun, yeah.

Once you've got something, you'll use dexterity to make ranged attack rolls and the damage (or other effect) depends on what you're attacking with.

If you don't want to pay for the other bonuses from high dexterity you can also just buy the Ranged Combat advantage, or you can buy a skill to increase a single kind of attack roll (Like Ranged Combat: Guns, or Ranged Combat: Radiation Beams).
There's a PBTA Superhero game that's in pre-release right now that might be interesting called Masks
There are playbooks from it upthread
A pattern that stays still no matter how he moves?
Stan pls go
But think about it

He's enchanted the jacket and linked it to a series of fabrics he owns back home. Whenever it gets damaged, the fabric takes the damage, not the jacket, leaving his outfit pristine no matter what. It stays still because the fabric at home isn't moving at all and he's got a few dozen yards of each roll, so it doesn't matter if it collects some scratches and cuts here and there because one of his bound spirits will just roll the fabric until the scratch/burn/scrape/stain isn't visible.

This also allows him to change patterns instantly, since he just needs to send a command and they'll move a different bolt of cloth into the circle he uses to send the pattern to his jacket.

At least once, someone has dropped a message into the circle with the fabric, only for it to show up on his sleeve or something.
"The original /shg/ team"

I know what you mean, but we created them last thread. Feels weird to say.
How much time did they have to build that all up with actual adventures? We've just got bare skeletons of characterisation.
It was about two or three threads, I think. Mostly rolling up stat blocks but we did brainstorming/characterization along the way.

With the Blockbusters here, though, it's been 100% characterization.
Bumping and also replying to this because nobody's going to read through the whole thread so it might get overlooked.
Savage World sucks for supers games, for example it is literally impossible to lift more than 1 ton of coerce, you could house rule stuff like that but why not take a better system instead?
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>Legit Badguy Team Name
The Exposure

>Good Guy Mysterio Name
Movie Magic, then Mr. Silver Screen post story.

I like that we have a comic arc with an ending planned out. So many cape comics just peter out without coming to a satisfactory conclusion.

There's a few blank spots, particularly with power sets, but I think we have a pretty good package of information here with the Blockbusters.

Now here's the question of the day: What's the Superhero Scene like in Las Vegas? In many ways its like the ultimate cape city.
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For ease of use, any of you gents know where someone could find a cracked copy of Herolab?
Vegas is still entertainment city, and what better entertainment than supers?

Unlike Hollywood they're open about their super fights being staged. It's all apart of the show ladies and gentlemen. They also have "Super MMA" which attracts more gamblers than horse races. They also experiment with cutting edge entertainment. VR environments. Psychic landscapes. Casinos that grant you limited superpowers when you walk through the door. All made for or powered by supers.

But Vegas' bread and butter has and always will be gambling.

Culture wise Vegas is a great place for supers. The city works hard to attract and maintain a large super population. They have prestigious schools for superhuman children and plenty of lucrative employment options. Vegas supers are big on hierarchy. There are the "House Supers" at the top. Every big casino has two to three "mascot" characters that form their own in house super team. And at the bottom are the washouts. The super porn stars and jobbers that go 0-5 in "Super MMA".

People get discarded by Hollywood for not toeing the line the agents set. People get discarded in Vegas by not being good enough.

Vegas Supers are highly trained and they're treated very well by the populace and casino owners, but they usually but heads with supers outside the city. The stereotype is that Vegas supers are "super entertainers" instead of super heroes. They aren't EMTs or peace keeper fighters like traditional supers and they don't use their powers to build homes or push the boundaries of science. They use their powers to entertain and make the big bucks, and a lot of supers find it a waste if not outright morally wrong. The typical Vegas Super response is that a person has the right to be an artist or a firefighter regardless of abilities. And indeed, the "Super art" scene which pushes the bounds of post modernism by incorporating super powers into displays and installation pieces is a big draw in Vegas.
Are there extra cities/countries in your setting?
I remember in the JLA/Avengers crossover Superman mentioning that DC's Earth is a little bit larger than Marvel's, allowing for more space, people, and new cities like Metropolis.
Arguably the best super themed museums and art galleries in the world are found in Vegas. The powers that be have used their connections to gather up the mementos of super-ages past. Some even build casinos themed around their collections of super memorabilia. "The Golden" is themed on WW2 Supers for instance. There's a lot of potential here. Maybe a memento is deadlier than it seems to be. Maybe the owner of the memento wants it back, arguing that legalities be damned it belonged to him in the past and it belongs to him not and certainly doesn't belong in a damn casino.

The key to making Vegas work as a cape city is having each casino be themed around its mascots. Some go as far as to present their casino as a kind of "alternate reality" with their mascot heroes as the protectors of the little snow-globe world. "Super entertainment" is the popular buzzword the describe Vegas casinos. "Don't just watch heroes-be the hero!"

What we need for Vegas is some sort of narrative to bind the city together like we had with Barnstormer in Hollywood. Any ideas?
>And indeed, the "Super art" scene which pushes the bounds of post modernism by incorporating super powers into displays and installation pieces is a big draw in Vegas.

"Atlas Unbowed" was particularly impressive, where chrome-skinned heroine Titanianne held 500 tons of gold bullion on her shoulders, unmoving, for thirty days straight.
So the short version is that Las Vegas is still the Sin City we know and kinda love, the proverbial pleeasure dome of the USA, but instead of trying to dictate the super culture like Hollywood does, Vegas embraces it and even markets around it. Different establishments have their own in-house supers, and they regularly put on staged spectacles for entertainment; again, unlike Hollywood, everyone KNOWS it's entertainment. It's also a major font of super research and super history, ironically enough.

In other words, Vegas supers are basically an extension of the Vegas culture.
Both Hollywood and Las Vegas use supers as an entertainment industry. The difference is that Las Vegas is more honest about it and even allows for more self-expression.
Waxworks- a mystery villain who every few years brings the city to its knees by replacing the powerful and influential with wax automaton duplicates. Comes close to conquering the city completely, then all the automatons melt away or disappear. Presumably, to show that he (she?) can. Speeches by said villain are given by well known deceased celebrity duplicates. Waxworks is particularly fond of using Vincent Price for this purpose.
I can see Las Vegas being a place villains go to with their ill-gotten gains. (And Vegas doesn't mind that much, as long as they don't cause trouble). I also had in my campaign that anyone with mental powers, luck or probability powers is asked to step into a back room and given a single piece of paper with an incredibly lucrative offer on it. If they agree, they then can come and go as they wish while helping enforce the rules for the house.
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Let's try this.

One of the most famous casinos/hotels on the Vegas strip is Caesar's Palace, so it makes sense that their house supers would be Roman-themed, at least ostensibly. The biggest house super would be a Wonder Woman-style Amazon, classically trained in the arts and in warfare and endowed with the typical paragon hallmarks and armed with all manner of weapons, though she's most commonly seen with a spear and shield, and an owl perched on her shoulder. She is Minerva (or Athena if you're being cheeky), claimed-to-be avatar of the same-named Roman goddess of wisdom and warfare.
For a Hollywood Hero

Am thinking a Lightning McQueen kind of guy

a solo act

Cocky and Headstrong but Likable

"Saves The Day and Makes The Front Page"
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Of course, you can't have a Roman themed casino without one of the most famous goddesses in the Roman/Greek pantheon, especially since she embodies so much of what Vegas offers. This is Venus (again, Aphrodite if you're being cheeky), Roman goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and sex. In the myth, she was Minerva/Athena's half-sister. Here, she's a super with the power of illusions and hard light projectiles. While not actually related to the meatspace Minerva, they've come to be good coworkers and friends.
The mayor has bumped Waxworks to public enemy number one sense he's kidnapped and impersonated him four times counting. He's trying to push a ban on wax figures and galleries in the city, convinced they all secretly support him.

>Mr. Black and Mr. Red, Supervillian gamblers.

Mr. Black and Mr. Red are mysterious figures that constantly bet with each other. Are they bored gods? Interdimensional beings? Bored billionaires? Ploys by the powers that be to hype up Vegas? Whatever they are, they love gambling, especially when they can use Vegas as the board and its supers as the pieces.

They usually kidnap someone or something priceless and hold them for ransom, usually cutting a deal with waxworks to make the abduction. They they opening up betting as they challenge super beings to solve their challenges. Think X-men's Arcade meets Die Hard 3. They're very careful to make sure no one dies during their gambles, lest they attract serious attention from higher level super groups. Most see them as nuisance, and the casinos tolerate their existence because their challenges bring in the big betting and provide a way to "prove" which casino has the better supers. Some believe they don't really exist but are instead created by he Las Vegas tourism board.

Mr. Black and Mr. Red work through social media a lot, offering citizens the chance to vote on the next Big Caper. Their most common tactic is to force Casino supers to fight one another. "Loser has their Caino's fountain detonated", stuff like that.

"Harmless" or not, the Las Vegas Security Force want them in the stir for continually thwarting their otherwise spotless record for apprehending super criminals, The mayor wants them busted even more for their association with waxworks. All this negative publicity and condemnation from the higher ups of Vegas give Mr. Black and Mr. Red an even greater aura of "premier Vegas bad guys".
Casino supers have mixed feelings about Mr. Black and Mr. Red, "The Roulette". Some see the drama they stir up ridiculous. Friendships between Casino supers have been broken over them fighting in their "games".

"The Roulette" provides an interesting way to critically examine the "who will win" fetish in cape comics. People are obsessed with knowing which Casino super can kick whose ass, even if most just want to be entertainers. Most Casino capes are not fighters nor do they want to be fighters, but people demand they fight.

They find it sad that the public seems to demand that they fight one another.

Can't superpowers be used for something besides beating people up? Can't they be used to make people laugh or enjoy their evening without resorting to violence and high stakes?

"Does a hero have to be a fighter" is the theme of "The Roulette".
Funny how Caesar's Palace doesn't actually have Caesar himself as a super. He'd probably just get stabbed a lot.
"Knives! My only weakness!"
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You know that show Deathbattle? Imagine how horrified some capes would be if it was an in-universe show. "Can Venus beat Minerva in a fight to the death? Find out in our digital simulation!"

That's got be awkward as hell for the Minerva and Athena, especially when the clips hit youtube.

I think "Real life Deathbattle" would be an interesting feature of Cape Vegas. People bet lots of cash on the outcome of simulation fights, and it'll be interesting seeing how different characters respond to being featured in Deathbattle.

It also ties into the "Vegas is actually very advance in metahuman science". The Deathbattle sims could have spun out of legitimate metahuman research projects.
How do you guys come up with superhero names?
Keeping with the theme of "advance metahuman science" The Las Vegas Security Force is one of the most highly trained counter-metahuman squads on the planet composed of normals and supers alike. They butt heads a lot with the Casino supers. "If you see a problem happening on the streets say in your little Casino and let the professionals deal with it."

Magnetic supers rigging slots? Psychics cheating at blackjack? Probability manipulators? Guys that can walk through walls? They have ways to detect and counter them all.

Good fucking luck cheating in Vegas. Their track record is phenomenal...then they come to Waxworks and the Roulette and it drives them crazy that they can't stop them, and they dislike that Casino supers are starting to become more proactive in protecting the city feeling that they "need to pick up the slack" from the Security Force.

They're so desperate they've started calling in bounty hunters to take down Waxworks and The Roulette. So Vegas attracts Bounty Hunters and tough guy cape hunters hoping to score big. Usually they end up catching a wax dummy that melts when they get to the police station to collect their bounty.
>procure feces
>apply to nearby wall at high velocity
>examine wall for feces that has adhered to its surface
>Venus consoles a sobbing Minerva on a rooftop
>"Oh V, it was horrible, they showed me cutting off your head and-and-"
>"It was just a stupid simulation. There There."
>"Oh god, I'd NEVER hurt you, NEVER EVER! You're like a sister to me V!"
>"Shhhh...don't cry. I know, I know."

And then The Roulette has the two of them fight or they dynamite the high rollers suites.

Shit, I like Cape Vegas better than Cape Hollywood
This is how Mr. Red and Mr. Black look when they appear through their hologram ransom-bots.

Mr. Red draws on the folklore of "heroic" great depression outlaws such as Clyde Barrow and John Dillinger. He's a young looking guy in a red suit and tie. Looks something like a Chicago gangster. Wears his fedora with the brim down low and often carries a Tommy Gun

Mr. Black draws on the Las Vegas cowboy bandit aesthetic. He looks older than Mr. Red and dressed in black like Johnny Cash. He has a black ten gallon hat (naturally) and conceals his face with a bandanna.

I like this entire Cape world we're making.

That's a good name for this project. Cape World.
>That's a good name for this project. Cape World.
Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
>That's a good name for this project. Cape World.

Well, looks like we need a Wiki now. Or at least a Google doc. We can keep it setting agnostic as possible, so you could slot Hollywood/Vegas into a M&M game or a Champions game, or whatever as needed.
Well, yeah. We don't want to do the whole WORLD. But this Hollywood/LA and Vegas dichotomy we've got going is pretty fun.

I'd like to get all the creations at least listed somewhere so more could be done with them. I know I'd like to use the City of Heroes character creator to make some visuals!
>City of Heroes character creator
That's still a thing?
I think not.
Too bad: literally the only MMO I ever played or was ever interested in playing for any length of time and it got canceled for the piss-poor Champions Online game.
>Whole world

I think we should push this as far as possible. How are supers in Tokyo? New Orleans? Malibu?

I agree we should aim to make it "setting agnostic". The cities should be able to be slotted into any campaign world comfortably.
>Super Tokyo
Oh, don't get me fucking started.
Well, you want to start small and achievable. Don't bite off more than you can chew, that's all. When /tg/ does "get shit done" it's with projects that have concrete goals.

The game is no more but as it was free to play, the files were given away freely and when the game closed, people made it possible to use the character creator and participate in a chat-like world using what's left of the game.

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you know that guide in the second volume of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that covers how the globe is and brings up a bunch of fictional countries from old literature, well most of that is canon for most of my Supers settings, also there's occasionally some fiddling around with the composition of the States in the US in my settings(so for example Deseret is a state, while Texas got divided into 5-8 smaller states when it joined the Union), also I sometimes have the US be more imperialistic in nature then it was in the real world(so most if not all of the New World, and chunks of Africa and Asia are under US ownership)

also there's a primary fictional city I use in most of my Supers settings, that's basically the epicenter for Superpowered, Supernatural, and Super Science activity, I call it Gernsback City(after Hugo Gernsback; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Gernsback)

kinda makes me wonder how other countries integrate them into their entertainment industries, especially India and Japan
I think it should be a little like Tiger and Bunny and My Hero Academia. Super heroes are highly regulated and controlled by the government and corporations and heroes compete among each other for good positions as early as high school.

Like in real life Japan is an extremely safe company. Bad guys rarely level cities and fights tend to be what you'd see in a Kamen Rider show. Low collateral damage. But supers are under an incredible amount of pressure. They are expected to be perfect in public and private. And the turnover is savage. Think the Idol industry. They're obsessed with youthful supers. When you even -think- you're beginning to slow down and age you'r expected to resign with grace and surrender your seat to a younger super.

Japan has the highest rate of super suicides in the world.

Also like in real life (see Yakuza, Freakanomics Sumo Wrestling, and the disturbingly low autopsy rate that conceals homicide figures under the suicide figure) Japan is shiny on the outside but casts a dark shadow like any other nation. Yakuza has a scary amount of muscle, fueled by super hero academy washouts and Korans/Burakumin/Ainu supers that feel oppressed and discriminated against.

Japan also does not tolerate secret identities. At all. It doesn't gell with their cultural collectivism. You sign your real name and address on the government/corporate charter or you're a super criminal. It's that simple.

Japan is also big on "power control". Which means using drugs and technology to limit super powers. You accidentally blow up a car with your super powers in America you get sued. You accidentally blow up a car with your powers in Japan you get a collar that limits your powers.
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>Super Bollywood
And that's what the NATIVE heroes have to deal with. Imagine international heroes coming to Japan for some reason or another.
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>kinda makes me wonder how other countries integrate [supers] into their entertainment industries, especially India and Japan
Japan makes an entire cottage industry of bringing their long and large catalogue of anime and manga characters to life. It worked for Tiger Mask.
You have to register when you come to Japan as a Super and they assign you a security detail to be your "escort and protection".

They basically assign one of their supers to place you under house arrest for the duration of your stay. You're treated like a walking atom bomb.
>American hero Atom Man visits Japan
>Makes comment about touring Nagasaki
>International incident
Why not use the Champions Online character creator?
Shit, I've got a lifetime account with them from a few years ago. If someone scrapes together the descriptions, I'll pop together some stuff. If anything, it'd at least work as an art model.

A Casino themed on heaven and hell. The upper levels are heaven themed and house super Abdiel has the power to levitate herself and others. People can fly in heaven, which is very classy and very neoclassical. The high roller rooms are in Heaven. Classical music plays.

The lower levels are of course Hell themed. The dealers are scantily clad succubi. Women painted like demons (with caveats) sleep with slot machine winners. Ariel is the house super and uses her power over fire to perform a sexy hard rock show for sweaty, noisy masses every night.

Ariel and Abdiel are depicted as rivals throughout the "lore" of the house even though they're best friends. Instead of betting on red or black you bet on Ariel or Abdiel. The two colors of the cards are Angel and Demon. The suits are Halo and Wings vs Horns and Tails.

Ariel is loud, fun, and carefree. Think She-Hulk or Tigra. She helps the newer and more reserved Abdiel get used to life in Vegas. Abdiel wants to be a serious artist like the post-modern artists in the gallery section of the city, but is nervous that she'll only be seen as a house super. Ariel encourages her to take that risk and get her levitation artwork out there.
cause a lot of Champions Online's cosmetics for it's character creator is locked behind paywalls
see >>47137348
not bad overall, but a little too grim and realistic for my tastes, even if it is kinda accurate
Story in Cape Tokyo should be about a Catgirl heroine having her position on the super team challenged by a recent high school graduate. She refuses to go quietly and instead challenges the upstart to a old fashioned duel as her samurai ancestors would.


The story is about her training up and getting ready for the duel, interacting with all sorts of supers and getting their opinion on her defiance. her mother for instance who was a catgirl heroine herself disproves of her not giving up her seat. She believes she's being a disruptive nail that stands out for not retiring and getting a normal life. "Do you think you're better than me daughter? You're certainly more prideful. Why won't you just quit like I did? Don't you dare think humility is a weakness!"

That could just be Tokyo. Certain districts in Japan might be less uptight about rules and regulations.

I imagine a rural Japanese super team keeping the peace between a small farm community and ancient kami would be comfy as fuck in a Studio Ghibli sort of way.

What do you think? Would something like that be a good contrast to big city Tokyo capes?
don't really like the whole forced retirement angle, cause while that's how it works in the Idol industry, it doesn't really match up with a lot of other aspects of Japanese culture, especially their Superhero one, which is both deep seated(Ogon Bat, the first Japanese Superhero was created in 1931), and is big on both heroic legacies and heroes having long careers and coming out of retirement when needed

maybe, although I'd say the Tokyo scene still needs some tweaking
So the heaven and hell party from Hitman: Blood Money, made into a full casino? I can dig it.
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This. In Japan, heroes live forever (metaphorically). Legacy heroes are a big thing; in real life, there's been FIVE Tiger Masks. If you're a super and not making your own legacy, you're usually taking on the legacy of another, and it's considered an honor to do so. Plus, they really like it when the old veteran comes back as a special guest, or even fights alongside the current owner of the persona.
New thread: >>47137832

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