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The Peace Keepers have demanded that the 3C deliver the black market arms dealer Richard Irving into their custody; as if throwing Irving to them was some act of penance to absolve the 3C of it's crimes rather than blackmail.

Still, at least they were paying, and a job is still a job...

>All pilots assigned to the Capture Irving mission please step forward and be counted.
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Cable Guy: “The Peace Keepers have tracked Irving to a dockside on the island of Glaeos. Can’t say I’m surprised, that place has a reputation for being a hive of scum and villainy. This will basically be a mech sized sting operation; Irving’s hiding out in a warehouse compound where he stores his merchandise, a landing craft will take you up to the quay and you’ll rush in to bust down doors. There are five warehouses in the area and Irving could be hiding in any one of them. Being a black market arms dealer he probably has an escape plan. The intel department estimates you’ll have about 5 ‘turns’ –to use the tactical planning term- before he bolts.“

“Once you find him you can call in a helicopter to deploy infantry to apprehend him. Make sure the area is clear of AA units before you call the choppers in, you’ve only got 3 on standby. Now the warehouses will be stuffed with military hardware. The good news is Irving doesn’t have enough manpower to bring all of it online. He’s also leery about using his own merchandise to defend himself since it makes them ‘used’ and considerably lowers their sale value, but in the end he will start activating more and more units if you back him into a corner. If you bust down a warehouse door and find something you really don’t want to join the battle, call in a chopper and the infantry will make sure nobody tries to bring it online. Just remember to keep one squad in reserve to nab Irving.”

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“Aside from whatever Irving has in his warehouses expect to fight drones and infantry since those units will be the fastest to mobilise. Irving’s goons are well equipped; they’ll have ATGM launchers and satchel charges in addition to their RPGs. However they’re just hired guns so they won’t fight to the last man. Gun one or two down and the rest of the squad should break. Now if you’re looking at that map of projected enemy positions and thinking you’re walking into a killzone, well… you’re not wrong. Take solace in the fact that the landing craft will launch a smoke screen once the mission starts. Other than that I’m confident that you guys can break through. That landing craft is cramped though so make sure you don’t stumble into each other when disembarking.”

>Please be aware that air support must be requisitioned by an officer BEFORE the mission starts in order for it to be available for the NCOs to call during the mission. Hiring an air support unit will make it unavailable for the other missions during this campaign turn.
>Additional intel may also be bought for 5 cred at this time.

>All costs may be payed later and deducted from mission payout.

>All pilots please post your deployment builds.
Why am I always late to join.
Why am I living in the wrong timezone.
Why have I found this skirmish so late.
Why live.
"Hey, drones. I'm guessing they're controlled by stealthed mechs. Leave the scanning to me, wherever they hide, they can't escape my Active Scanner."
Chassis : Stratus
HP : 16/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (2/2), Swarmer pod (2/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Hi Irving.

This is Spare - 3C. I just wanted to contact you and express my appreciation for our working relationship. I understand we met each other at gunpoint, back when you fled that harbor in Droerus. Ah, good times.

Now, the world being what it is a pilot always appreciates getting an edgeand it's been good to have access to your delightful wares. The HIGH CLASS MECH PAINT that you sell TOTALLY LEGALLY really puts a MASSIVE SHINE on the mechs.

Ah, anyway - the IF's asked us to come have a chat with you, so we'll meet in about a week. I look forward to once again experiencing your hospitality. It's just good business. You're a busy man. I hope you can fit us into your schedule.


"Mr. Kerry? Oh, thank you for the coffee. I've told Irving we'll be coming to see him in a week.

Please inform the IF that we'll be standing by to commence operations today"


>Stash SatCom Jammer in Company Stash
>Sell HammerPod (+3)
>Acquire Longbow Pod (-4)
>Acquire PD Turret (-6)
>Acquire Advanced ECM (-5)
>Acquire Regressive Knife (-10)
>0 Credits remain, as usual, grumble grumble.

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0

Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline
Before the mission begins some bookkeeping is in order.

We'd tentatively assigned Malek to this mission since he'd allowed himself to be botted while he was out, but he's since expressed a desire to participate instead in the Task Force operation (and he intends to bring a Zenith along with him, which would be a big help). That operation is currently full, so if anyone from the following list wishes to appeal to Command to join this mission instead please do so, the Irving team needs all hands on deck, though if he disallows it then you'll just have to make do.

Bob Doe

I might have tried to do this, but I really don't know if I'm sufficiently well equipped for something like this at the moment (everyone else on the squad is a turbo elite).

Additionally, I have a potential crunch issue to raise.
Last patch, HESH rounds were given the demolisher attribute to allow them to damage terrain. However, this attribute also allows the weapon to instantly destroy any body part if even 1 point of crit damage is dealt, and the other trait of HESH rounds is that they always deal 1 point of crit damage. In other words, it would take at most 4 hits from a HESH weapon to utterly obliterate every single body part of a mech. That just doesn't seem right, especially considering that linked mech pistols can get off 6 shots an action.
"Bludhawk, reporting ready op."

Skills: Gunner (Vigilance), Gunner (Suppression), Gunner (Alpha Strike) Redline

Right Arm - Heavy Laser
Left Arm - Heavy Laser
RNG: 8 ROF: 3 DAM: 3 PEN: 2 (3) CRT: 19 (17) Special: Beam, Doubles Damage
Torso - Stiletto Targeter, Hunter-Killer Missile {1/1}, Enhanced Autoloader
Armor - Composite Armor
Legs - Thruster Array
Excellent, HaxKid. I don't think they have active mech controllers though - judging from last time they're going to be running the entire network through a series of mobile servers.

Given the neccessity of having nothing go wrong with our limited window, I will opt to shop around for slightly more intelligence by buying 5 Company Credit.
>Buy Intelligence
>21-5 = 16 Company Credit.

This leaves 16 Credits for the Company Pool, which can be used to hire Glory Boy (8), Shrike (15), Waffle Hut (15) or Bird Man (15).

Given Irving's preperations and his lack of access to a full scale military compound, I'm unconvinced of the need for this. We will not be facing fighter jets and I'm not gonna order a bomb-drop on a civilian dock.

Likely Irving can deploy VTOLS, like last time. Should it be felt to be absolutely neccessary, I would like to recommend that we pay Shrike stand by to run either ground interception or air clearing. Given adapatible multi-role capacity, this is likely the best option. But again; should we maintain sufficient speed, extra support of that nature will not be neccessary.

Kail - I think you can take out a Drone+Infantry section on your own.

Tentatively, Bludhawk you can do this as well by spraying the heavy laser across drones + infantry.

I know Gunman can handle a section as well.

The drones - they're vulnerable to ECM Overrides, we can make them fight for us. Concentrate on the infantry sections, they'll flee.

But 16 men and 4 drones does not a stable perimeter make. Irving likely has some cloaked vehicles or tanks offering heavy support. I would wager 2, maybe 3, and they will be the most dangerous target.

Be as aggressive as you can in the initial push, and we will not have to worry over-much since we dictate the field of play as they scramble to bring weapons online. Once the smoke clears, I want that entire defensive section gone.
I will volunteer if it needs be, but there are some points I want to make out:

- I do have stealth armor.
- Drones!
- Tacnet!
- Railgun!
- Something came up and I will be in a bit of a mess at friday, so doing my deployment now will make things easier for me IRL.

- Drones. very slow for an assault mission.
- No autoloader. I need to make my shots count, and with drones and movement I will be REALLY tight in terms of turn economy. I would be barely able to move once I walk out the transport
(Posting stats for reference)

=Bird of Prey=

>DEF: 12
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5 (4+1)
>Stealth rating: 8

>Torso: Tac-Net Hub (Malek's property)
>Right Arm: Railgun
>Left Arm: Recon Drone, Combat Drone
>Legs: Thruster array
>Armor: A. Camo

>Redundant Subsystems (1/1)

Recon drone
>DEF: 16(14+2)
>E-Def: 12(10+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5
>Stealth Rating: 14
>mech pistol(-)
>high tech, jump, scan

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>Smart Gun(-)
>Longbow Missiles(3/3)
>high tech, jump

Credits: 25
Stiletto targetng suite(1)
Enhanced Autoloader(1) (On Production Cobra)
Defective missiles (3)
A. Sensor(1) (Malek's property)
>I'm unconvinced of the need for this. We will not be facing fighter jets
> I would like to recommend that we pay Shrike stand by to run either ground interception or air clearing
Command mentioned that if we take an air asset for one mission we can't have them again in the same campaign turn, and more concerning is that we know for sure the enemy forces in the other two missions will have air support, making them more pressing possible uses of those assets.

I mean, I don't want to underestimate Irving here, but it looks like you may be able to pull a repeat of the strategy from the Warlord mission and destroy any reinforcements as they stick their heads out.

Yeah, you make good points. I'm not so sure you're suited for this one, given your lack of mobility and the need for speed. You could still hang back and pick off priority targets, but at a rate of one a turn it doesn't seem all that efficient. It seems like you'd be a much better fit for your original mission, given its static defence nature.
>You could still hang back and pick off priority targets, but at a rate of one a turn it doesn't seem all that efficient.

Sure, but these shots Penetrate. Also, with the tacnet and drones, I will be throwing out Locks to everyone. like, three locks per turn, with +6 on two and +2 on one. seeing how Locks would benefit people in this mission, I'm certain that I'll be of good use if needed.

Boss, I really think we should keep the air support in-reserve for our other missions, especially the defense mission. I'm not sure what their AAA looks like there, and an interceptor could save our lives with that, just a thought.
We can use you just fine. Essentially, if you park yourself near A3 you have full rail-gun coverage of most of the area - and the drones can cover more as well. A tacnet is always useful, and you need much less speed on these things than you think.

I believe pilots for this one is
Me, Spare
and then Malek

If you'd rather tag along, Kestrel, then that can be arranged. I trust you'll be fine and a rail-gun is never a bad friend.


Speaking of paperwork
>Sell Ablative Armor in Company Pool (12)
>Transfer Eisensturm's Lord Mech, Sell 7x EMP Missiles, 2x Mech Pistol (30)
>Transfer Eiseunsturms Pilot Credit (16+28 = 44 => +8 Company, 4 general)
>42 credits bulk sale ->, 75% reduction to 31 credit total gain from sales
>31+4 = 35 credits available for company shopping

>Buy 1 Composite Armor, 1 Reactive Armor for Company Pool (12)
>Buy Zenith Cluste Rocket Launcher for Company Pool, earmark for Malek (8)
>Embezzle the 3C for 15 Credits
>Invest in Exotic Islands
>Get Overcome with guilt
>Convert to 3 Company Credits instead

>+1 Composite Armor, +1 Reactive Armor, +11 Company Credits, +1 LORD mech in company mech stash.
You may be right. No collateral to worry about this time, you could reach out and touch most of the stage from the right spot.

Also, it occurs that with his new Onager, Gunman (when he gets here) could obliterate half the enemy starting lineup by himself, so you probably have some leeway.

>When you realize it's mission 13, and we're all going to die.
Alright. I'll deploy for this mission, and I'll prioritize locks or elimination depending on how it plays out on the field, or by command.
Hopefully this mission gets done before friday.

the stats are here:(>>48845660)
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Oops, I only wanted HESH to be good against structures, not become this super criting monstrosity. This was an oversight that occurred when assigning attributes to HESH. It does not insta-kill the body part. I will find a way to articulate this in the rules and amend them for the next hanger phase.


To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Real nice of you to be straight with me like that Merein so I'll return the favour. We're both in a tough business and I get that this isn't anything personal, but when you plan to show up on my door step on such short notice to "have a chat" on the IF's behalf I can't help but feel put upon.

Tell you what: When you get here I'll tell my boys to give you some free samples of our finest ordinance... I insist.

See you soon



>Intel bought

Cable Guy: "We managed to bribe one of Irving's men. He spilled the beans on what's in the warehouses. Apparently Irving himself will be waiting for his evac in the south-east warehouse. If you catch up to him before then he'll ride into battle on a fully loaded Mammoth Mk2. The south warehouse contains a mobile command center which controls the drones as well as acts as the cloud server for the two mecha on site. The other warehouses contain MGPs, most have adaptive camo. Irving's guys will start deploying more and more of them as he gets more desperate."
"Huh. the server truck is right in the front direction of the deployment zone. I've got a clear shot even if I don't move."
Yes? What exactly do you wish to talk about?
Do you know when the mission is starting?
"I can get you a lock on it. I tag 'em, you bag 'em, as Malek once said."
"Sure. But after that I'll return the favor. With more locks."
"Sounds good, I'll need those."
Sounds like a viable plan, Kestrel, Kail.

I suggest we ask the IF to secure the two western ware-houses, swipe the defenders and prevent bringing those units online as they look like most of their effective AA.

Then, following, Kail and Kestrel take out the server, Gunman, Bludhawk and I move forward.

Kail and Kestrel you take out the eastern warehouse, we deal with the mechs and everyone moves to secure Irving.

Might conider asking Glory Boy to buzz A1 and B1
Right, by the way. We might want to take a turn before stepping out, the mission briefing mentioned mines. Let me get a scan first, alright ?

Izzy has one of those EMP missiles.
She doesn't as those are from a different source.
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"looks like if I stand or advanced to the highlighted tiles, I can takes a shot at the server, turn 1. it might count as shooting through a wall though, if I can get a lock that'll be helpful. Or I can just blow it up with a redline if command thinks it's a good idea."
>Desperately override last conversion of 15 Pilot Credit to Company Credit

>Bulk Buy 15 Defective Missiles in Memory of Eisensturm, The Missile Man.
"Hey, boss, if you need defective missiles, you could have used mine, I got three mission's worth of them."
Yes, well - Kestrel.

"...Oh god. I'm crazy, spare's crazy, Everyone's going crazy..."

I think you'll find I'm not crazy, Kestrel. I think you'll find the proper term for a man in my position is "eccentric" and "heavily armed".
If Gunman doesn't post by tonight (8 hours as of this post) then I'll deploy everyone else and he'll just have to deploy late.
Uh, a problem, cognis.
If such a thing happens, I might not be able to participate this mission. well, Maybe halfway, but I've got 12 hours to spare now. If it looks like the mission might not end before friday(Thursday afternoon~Friday morning in your time), then I might be better off at the siege than here.
Although if people can bot me well that might not be a problem.
"Eccentric? With all due respect sir, how are we going to use all of them? What if the PK finds them?"

(crud, forgot trip.)
Careful there, you almost added a beach side chalet to the company assets.
Which would have been perfect for the beach episode

Well I suggest you arrange a transfer or get botted. I'm sure Spare will be more than happy to bot you.
well you think the PK or the IF or the Zanvra National Army in any way dare get in our way when we have enough missiles to BLOT OUT THE SUN?

Now quiet down and help me load these fritzy missiles into this badly duct taped crate marked "Baked Beans". I bet you me come a day we'll need enough wonky explosive power to level Monus Islan--

ahshit, sorry.
Well, I guess I can trust spare if it comes down to that

"Wouldn't these missiles be better off in the vault of horrors that got made some time ago by someone, in the midas range base? It's- wait! these missiles have a really messed up inside, be careful with the weight distribution. gently does it."

Also if you hack a bloodhound can you have it deploy a mine and then walk over its own mine?
Yes you can.

Also if you hack enemy units and use them to place mines, the enemy will know where they are.
*waiting drone noises*
Bump for great justice

20 minutes left until premature deployment. Gunman please respond
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Commencing Deployment. Looks like Gunman will have to deploy late.
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Cable Guy: "Cloud threads secured. Bringing the tactical display online."

Yellow Star: Sparebits
1: Kestrel
2: Kail
3: Bludhawk

Landing Craft Captain: "Ramp's down camels! Go!-Go!-Go!"

>Declare actions. Remember to bot kestrel. Processing deadline is 9am GMT +8 on Saturday. I'll process early if all the actions are in by tomorrow morning or evening.
>Cough and bang on the tactical display a little until Blue 2 appears
>The adorable-ness is off the charts on this one, that must be why the drone is cloaked.

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1 & 2
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
>Remember to bot kestrel.
I'm not busy yet! I still have now and tomorrow morning until stuff goes down. I might miss turn 2~4 depending how fast turns process, and might put out orders for turn 2 if the first turn processes fast.
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"All right. Based on our intel, (>>48846409) I should be able to land a shot at the mobile server even before the mechs step out of the hangar. there's two ways to do this.
First, I use redline and land a perfect shot.
Second, I don't use redline and take a shot.
what should I do? How important are shutting down servers in this mission? Please advise."
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For those who haven't seen it yet, here is the stat block for the command truck (plus a bunch of static defences).
(Yup. And the good news is that mobile command has 10 health. Which is perfect because Railgun.)
All-right Pilots, here's my operating assumption:

Irving would not have mined the shipping lane of the port he is in. The bloodhound drones WILL, if we give them time to do so - but we won't.

Here's my plan. Keeping in mind that these dense clouds of smoke block lines of sight, so you cannot get a clean firing solution through them.
>You can't actually shoot through them at all
So you'll have to maneveur to stand in the cloud or wait until it disperses - but when you're in the cloud, you're also protected
>+4 Def

So rush now, truck later.

I will I'll attempt to override the controls on B4, B3 and B1 and tell them to fire on their own soldiers.

Bludhawk, you can attack the section containing B2 and A2 - then fill it with laser fire. If you move, you're still within the covering cloud and should be fine.

Kail, you can move out of Kestrel's line of fire and fill the two infantry groups A1 and A2 with swarmer missiles.

Kestrel, your drones have guns that do wonders against the entrenched infantry. Send the Combat Drone and the Recon drone to deal with A3 and A4, then move yourself into a position for a good shot with the railgun *next* turn, where Kail can give you a guided lock.

Doing this we hit every section, and the infantry should crumple while the drones remain inoperative.
It can hack too, and it has a crazy long range. Definitely don't treat it like a passive structure.
Rolled 13, 2 = 15 (2d20)

"Affirmative sir! Engaging!"

"Cloud thread connection confirmed, Tac-Net Hub Operational! Drones, engage!"

>Jump 44445
>Drone Control
-Move 444333
-Fire Smartgun at A4(+6 to roll)
-Move 44443
-Fire Mech Pistol at A3(+6 to roll)

=Bird of Prey=

>DEF: 12
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5 (4+1)
>Stealth rating: 8

>Torso: Tac-Net Hub (Malek's property)
>Right Arm: Railgun
>Left Arm: Recon Drone, Combat Drone
>Legs: Thruster array
>Armor: A. Camo

>Redundant Subsystems (1/1)

Recon drone
>DEF: 16(14+2)
>E-Def: 12(10+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5
>Stealth Rating: 14
>mech pistol(-)
>high tech, jump, scan

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>Smart Gun(-)
>Longbow Missiles(3/3)
>high tech, jump
Rolled 18, 14, 9 = 41 (3d20)

Shoot, I only rolled for the Combat drone in a hurry. Rolling additional 3 dice for the Recon drone's mech pistol.
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Oops, sorry. Assumed you had the Sat-comm jammer on your back, which actually makes no sense for this mission.

Corrected the pic, with an extra dose moe blob banter.
Rolled 1, 1, 19 + 3 = 24 (3d20 + 3)

Well let's begin this operative bait and switch. Irving's promised a full delivery of his finest goods, so I - for one - am eager to experience the joys of deligtful bullet banquets and all-you-can-shoot fire feasts.

Now, let's see - back in that siege mission I belieev a snippet of code was injected into my machines. How'd it go again? DestroySentientLife.Exe?


>I am so sorry for the following headache.

>Operate Drones
>Send *-1 to move 3, 3, 4, 4, 3
>Hack B4: (+3 to roll)
>If controlled: B4 deploy mines in front of hangar door and fire Marksman at A4

>Send *-2 once it appears on the map to move 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
>Hack B2 (+3 to roll)
>If Controlled, B2 to EMP B1 and gauss A1

>Self Action: Grumble quietly about smoke screens and sensors
>Hack B3 (+3 to roll)
>If controlled, B3 to EMP A2 and gauss A3

We have spotted no active AA on site, so if our IF.... friends... swoop in from the west, they can secure those two warehouse and prevent any AA from ever going up, but they'll have to act now.

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1 & 2
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
>1, 1

Well that didn't work. Did you know almost self-aware murder inducing programes eat RAM nothing like else? Hang on, i need to reboot my console.

... allright, what'ave'we'got...

B4 and B2 are still online, as is B1. That means our friends have a hefty emplacement of bloodhounds and drones. Kail and Bludhawk, you can turn either into scrap metal but you'll have to choose. Stick to the smoke cover and any return fire should be mostly neglible.

A4, A3 and A2 may all have taken some light damage, a bit more and they'll likely crumple.
Bump for the night.

"Riiiight. Let's see here."
>scan (+4, Active Scanner)
>lock on Mobile server (+4, free action)
>hack B4 (+4, drone control)

>drop mine 5 (among the infantry squad)
>move 5

Chassis : Stratus
HP : 16/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (2/2), Swarmer pod (2/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
Rolled 11, 5, 9 + 4 = 29 (3d20 + 4)

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Bump. Man, where the heck is everyone? I'm especially surprised by Gunman's absence, he was chomping at the bit to take a crack at Irving, and his volunteering for the mission was the impetus for the company accepting it in the first place.

In the interest of doing something with my bump, here's a schematic that came to me in a mad fever dream. The name that occurred at the time might have been slightly overwrought, but it's still a nasty little slicer, especially if it had a commando in the cockpit.
>where the heck is everyone?
(I'm confused as well.what the heck is happening?)
Well, many of us aren't involved in this mission. Also, it's somewhat divisive, and I don't think we want to reignite the arguments.

So, can emplacements like these be concealed inside roofs? And, if so, can scanning reveal them?
Fair enough I guess. Gotta remember that not everyone likes to shove their noses into everything like me and Kestrel.

>So, can emplacements like these be concealed inside roofs?
You'd have to ask Command. My best guess? You could probably set up the mobile or deployable versions indoors, I can't really imagine anyone would ever build a permanent fixed turret inside a warehouse, that'd just be strange.

>can scanning reveal them?
The question is, can scanning reveal indoor units in general?
I could deploy in Gunman's place if you really wanted me...I've got both a stealth and heavy support mech ready to go.

==Fiddler Crab==
Lord (Cost:41(Upkeep:8))
HP 12 DEF 10 ED 10 SR 12 MV 4 StR 16
Armor: Stealth Armour
Right Arm: Lancer Cannon
Left Arm: Cross Bow
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader, Stileto Targeting Suite, ECCM Pod
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem
Onager (Cost:52 (Upkeep:10))
HP 20 DEF 8 ED 8 SR 8 MV 4
Armor: Reactive Armor
Right Arm: Howizter
Left Arm: Shell Plating, Repair Arm, Recon Drone
Torso: Shell Plating, HK Missile
Legs: Heavy Servo
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem
>not everyone likes to shove their noses into everything like me and Kestrel.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Gotta deal with warehouse elves somehow. A rail gun turret with automatic targetting might be just the thing.
>So, can emplacements like these be concealed inside roofs?

It's possible. Depends on the roof.

>can scanning reveal them?
If they were built specifically to be hidden then they will likely be shielded against scans. Depending on the quality of the shielding you might be able to detect them at close range.

>can scanning reveal indoor units in general?
It's possible depending on whether the buildings are shielded, but even then a scan would only reveal that there's "something" there, without line of sight to confirm you wouldn't know what it is.
Rolled 13, 17, 16, 4, 7, 13 = 70 (6d20)

>Move 4, 4, 4, 5, 5
>Alpha Strike with Dual HZ, one shot on A2, one shot on B2 (+4 to hit)

Sir, shouldn't we make a deliberate push to secure Irving first, rather than spread ourselves out so much?

Skills: Gunner (Vigilance), Gunner (Suppression), Gunner (Alpha Strike) Redline

[Summit] - HP 20/20
DEF 10 - ECM 8
SEN 8 - MV 4+1
DR 1

Right Arm - Heavy Laser
Left Arm - Heavy Laser
RNG: 8 ROF: 3 DAM: 3 PEN: 2 (3) CRT: 19 (17) Special: Beam, Doubles Damage
Torso - Stiletto Targeter, Hunter-Killer Missile {1/1}, Enhanced Autoloader
Armor - Composite Armor
Legs - Thruster Array
Thankfully, the very rare breaks and lunch break gives me a window of opportunity to post. although it doesn't look like it's doing much, apparently.

Cognis, is it possible to shoot through smokes? I mean, I can fire my railgun through walls and stuff, although taking penalties to hit chances of course. But if that's the case I don't see why I can do the same against smokescreens.
If you want, but Gunman was the one who pushed heavily towards joining the IF, so he should really put his money where his mouth is himself.
I'm already firmly in the pro IF camp, though I don't exactly approve of their methods. But the Saint help us if people like Irving continue to sell nuclear material to the highest bidder.

Deploy =Atonement= in place of Gunman assuming approval of an officer.

Onager (Cost:52 (Upkeep:10))
HP 20 DEF 8 ED 8 SR 8 MV 4
Armor: Reactive Armor
Right Arm: Howizter
Left Arm: Shell Plating, Repair Arm, Recon Drone
Torso: Shell Plating, HK Missile
Legs: Heavy Servo
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem
Gone on vacation for a bit (School just started up, so I'm hammering out my schedule) -someone in the IRC channel (Moony) really rreeeeally wanted to play, so I offered him my spot while I'm away. RP-wise, I'm just going to say that Tragedy has to tend to emergency family matters. I don't know if Moony has posted yet, but he did accept the spot.
Maybe Gunman has had some RL stuff to deal with.

I've been thinking about this on and off. I've decided that you can fire through smoke at -4 to hit but the enemy still gets the +4 to def, so you'll be effectively attacking with -8.

For any other obstacle, unless you're using an indirect fire weapon you can't fire at it without LoS. The one exception is if you're using a penetrator weapon. Then you can fire through a non-smoke obstacle IF you have a lock on the target.

I've decided this will accommodate the rule of cool that is shooting through walls with railguns without letting people red-line one shot everything.

If Gunman doesn't show up by the time I process tonight's turn I'll deploy Goose in his place.

Sure. When he shows ups I'll let him join one of the other missions.
Thanks, I was looking forward to blasting flak at air units but we clearly need the 5th slot filled. Hopefully LT Gunman will show up and save the day if not on this mission the next one.
(Well I guess that could work. All that's relevant to me is that I need a lock now, compared to how it was before. Thank goodness I brought the Tac-Net.)

(Oh yeah, that reminded me, I forgot that blast weapons can be airblasted for AA fire. I really need to remember grabbing a backup cobra...)
Malek here, checking in briefly. Going to lose all internet again in an hour, so going to make this quick.

>Borrow Reactive Armour and Cluster Rocket pod from company stash (thanks boss!)
>Current Cred 19
>Buy Zenith, new Cred 1
>Assemble components, new designation "STORMLORD"

== Stormlord ==
[Zenith] - HP 14/14
DEF 10 - ECM 8
SEN 12 - Move 4
Armour - Reactive {4/4}
Right Arm - 2x Combat Drone {3/3} {3/3}
Left Arm - 2x HK Missile {2/2}
Torso - Advanced Sensor, Cluster Rocket {3/3}
Legs - Smoke Pod {2/2}
Value: 45 +20 in drones (maintenance: 13)

Malek regards the behemoth in front of him. A skirt of reactive armour blocks and smoke pods drape over the legs, a crown of sensor surround the head like a strange helmet, and the back is a forest of missile tubes and reloading arms. Smoke from the cooling systems drifts lazily around the base. The overall impression is of a primitive tribal idol, built by a mad engineering firm.

"She's so beautiful," ~Sniff~ "I think Eisensturm would be proud."
"...I hope the pioneers can keep up with reloading her..."
You got an ETA for when you'll be back so Command knows when to run the task force op?
Monday, maybe. Thursday for certain.
Great, we'll see you there. I look forward to my first time seeing cluster rockets in action (there's gonna be *fireworks*).
wait, you can equip smokes on the legs?
Huh. I thought smoke had a square universal hardpoint, but it looks like it's for arms and torso only.

Well, no biggy, Malek can sort it out before the mission.
wierd. Seems strange that demo charges canisterate and mech-mines are universal, but smoke isn't.
I know right? But then again Melee sub-processor is a universal while advanced FCS is torso only. Maybe balance reasons?
Well, the FCS is straight up better (all hit rolls instead of melee ones), so that makes balance sense. And I guess I can see why chaff would only be useful on the arms or torso (no sense scattering it at your feet). But yeah, it seems like smoke could go on the legs.
that makes some sense. The sub-processor is basically just a computer and can fit anywhere, while the FCS has sensors and things that need a stable platform. Not being able to mount smoke on your knees/hips/feet is slightly stranger.
(shoot. I just remembered that being inside smokescreens gives a +4 DEF bonus. so the drones should have the following stats:

>Recon drone
>DEF: 20(14+2+4)

>Combat drone
>DEF: 18(12+2+4)

which is pretty impressive, if I would say.)
Beginning Turn processing
Well, the goal of demo charges and mines is generally to hit the ground, while smoke wants to airburst, or at least be airborne during some of its release. That, and the spread-shot of it seems to imply that a more elevated launch is better.

The real question is: What exactly is canisterate?
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Kail: Mines Detected, sensor contacts in southern warehouse, lock failed.

Bludhawk: Crit! RA Heavy Laser destroyed!

>Standby for NPC phase
I always imagined canisterate was basically a grenade full of netting, chewing gum, and superglue. To gum up the legs.
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The dice gawds were not kind this turn

Cable Guy: "Bludhawk! No! Saint preserve us... multiple missile hits. He didn't get a chance to bail out..."

Bludhawk Status: KIA

Repo 1: "This is Repo 1 moving to lock down the south west ware house. Be advised the enemy have just deployed an AA unit! I repeat: AA units in play."


Cable Guy: "Thanks for transporting our guys in on such short notice captain. By the way, why is your submarine painted yellow?"

Submarine Captain: "Funny story that. Yesee in the town were I was born, lived a man who went to sea..."

Cable Guy: "Err... you know what? Maybe another time I need to verify some cloud threads."

Goose: 4

>standby for aftermath
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>Declare actions people. Processing deadline will be sometime on Sunday since the weekend means my schedule could be disrupted for family stuff. Might process earlier if everyone posts their actions before then.
It was foretold...
Rolled 7, 1 = 8 (2d20)

"Acknowledged, Repo 1, priority target set to hostile AA. Taking- Ack!
Ugh, what- What!? NO! Blud! NO! DAMMIT- HELP! I NEED HELP!"

>Drone control
-move 5555566
-Lock On C1 (+6 to roll)
>Fire Railgun at C1 (+2 to roll as well as additional +4 if lock successful)

=Bird of Prey=

>HP: 6/12
>DEF: 12
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5 (4+1)
>Stealth rating: 8

>Torso: Tac-Net Hub (Malek's property)
>Right Arm: Railgun
>Left Arm: Recon Drone, Combat Drone
>Legs: Thruster array
>Armor: A. Camo

>Redundant Subsystems (1/1)

Recon drone

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>Smart Gun(-)
>Longbow Missiles(2/3)
>high tech, jump
>Second most Important mission of my Career and I'm late

Crack Shot

=The Grave Digger=
Chassis: Onager
HP: 20/20
Armor: Reactive Armor
RA: Howitzer
LA: Howitzer
Torso: -
Legs: Heavy Duty Servos
Don't panic, just redline a shot at the server to cripple their drones and mechs and move away from the infantry and you will be fi--
>stays put and fires at c1

Okay now you can panic
C1 could mince that chopper and cause mission failure, so it's not that bad a call. Of course, he missed (Blud was right, this mission is cursed), but he still got a lock and he has a hub. Someone with missiles, please save the day.
Pilot deserves to die for flying straight past a bloodhound drone that almost killed it ( drone missed ). Next turn that drone will shoot again. Taking out c1 accomplishes naught. If not it or the drone, some new enemy spawn.

replacement choppers exist. 2 of them. So Repo 2 or 3 will just have to do better.
Well since Gunamn is finally here and Goose has yet to process AND he just so happens to be piloting an Onager too... I'll let Gunman act in Goose's place if it's okay with him.
(basically gunman is the new number 4 and the recon drone disappears)
Rolled 8, 10, 7, 20, 20, 18 = 83 (6d20)

In that case:
>Fire Howitzer at A2
>Fire Howitzer at C2
Rolled 2, 14, 5, 7, 15 = 43 (5d20)

"Bludhawk ! You fuckers ! I'll rip you all to fucking shreds !"
>hack 2 (+4, High tech equipment)
"Shutting down Jammer. "
>move 44444
>lock on B3 (Active scanner autolock, free action)
>fire Linked Smartguns at B3 (free action, +2)

Chassis : Stratus
HP : 16/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (2/2), Swarmer pod (2/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
Rolled 6, 12, 20 = 38 (3d20)

"Repo 2, where in the name of the Saint /are/ you? Secure both warehouses. Another tank is going to roll right on out of there when they bring it online. Get in the air and get it done. Both warehouses on the west side and I want that over with five minutes ago! If this entire op goes pearshaped because you people can't handle a simple seize and contain order I will PERSONALLY FIST FIGHT YOUR ENTIRE ASSAULT SQUAD AND I WILL WIN.

Kestrel, you need to pull ba--- oh you silly heroic goose, that was beautiful but suicidal. These mercenaries have premium grade ballistics.

Kail, buddy! Now or never! I need you to advance and deal with C1 and that Nimbus Mech. The way is clear now and the mech softened up, so blow it sky high!

>Redline for +10
>Operate Drones
> *-1 to hack B3 (+13 to roll)
>Control: B3 to gauss Mech-2, then drive on top of mine 6, 6, 1
>*-1 to advance 333, 4, 33 and shout mean things at the workers in the warehouse

>**-2 to hack B1 (+13 to roll)
>Control: B1 to deploy mine at A1, then step 3 to detonate mine
>**-2 to advance 6 * 4 straight towards the central warehouse

>Self to Fire Longbow Missile at Mech-2 (+9 to roll)

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1 & 2
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
"Can't get through its firewalls, boss. It'll be in Swarmer range soon. Sorry about that."
Be advised, the chief blew B3



>full move and free action fire at both targets
>why must this mission be so full of mis communication
It's a nimbus! It has the armor plating capability of a wet tissue bag! I should know, because I'm sitting in one - you can drown it in missiles and it'll crumple like a decidedly beautiful cake hammered with a mallet because we've already worked it over.

Repo 1 & 2 countermand my last order, the enemy AA is still active and you're flying your squads straight into a killzone
--- grah---
Crash-land the chopper or something, take evasive actions, just do not get blown out of the sky. I will not add another two full assault squads to the tally of the people getting killed indirectly in my presence trying to secure a tiertary objective. I'm sorry for challenging your competence with rash words about fisticuffs.

>since *-1 cannot hack B3 (it being a pile of scrap), *-1 to threaten any workers in the warehouse with really mean words and a fully automatic smart-gun
> AA is still active
You might still have one shot a this. If Gunman moves straight south he can take a direct shot a that MGP.

Also, all personal be advised that the Errant is almost certainly cloaked and outside the front of the southern warehouse.

Command, that informant knew how the tanks and MGPs were outfitted didn't he? Any chance he also knew what the mechs were equipped with?
I could shoot the AA, or the Nimbus, or A1 and C2.
Unless Goose wants his spot back
You tell me what's most important, I'm not entirely aware of the tactical situation.
make that "A2 and C2"

The mech smelled new. Displays showed more power and agility than Bludhawk had ever felt in a military-issue mech, the cramped cockpit alive with new and exciting displays.

Through it all, Christian "Bludhawk" Devereaux had remained quiet and pessimistic. The 13th Mission, any good soldier distrusted a lucky number, but his pride and resolve had pushed him into this mission, stomach flipping and twirling as they cruised through the water, closing on the target.

Through it all, the CO had been alive with chatter, prioritizing targets and explaining the mission plan. Finally, it kicked off, the countdown.






"Go, go go!" Bludhawk pushed every bit of the Apex mech's systems, dashing into the swirling smoke, flicking a tiny button to search with thermal optics through the smoke, small arms fire cascading around him.

He found a drone first, sitting short and squat, searching for targets. He slid the left joystick back, locking the arm on the little target and pulling the trigger, watching as it turned into a puddle of slag from the laser. He barely noticed the computer blaring at him in the calm school-teacher voice: "Missile Lock" He did the only thing he could, raising the right arm to cover the mech, and it was gone...alarms blaring as the arm exploded to so many fragments. He leveled the laser on the trooper without a moment's hesitation, crosshairs glowing over the white outline of the soldier's heat, and then fired.

Too late. He saw the plume of heat as the missile launched.He felt the blast shake and throw his mech as it hit. And then the secondaries, Bludhawk's own missiles turned into his own demise.

For one instant, he saw the small sun envelope him, flame digging into his cockpit to take him. He returned to his days as a child studying for the Norden tests that would prescribe his life, his commission into the military, his time there, and finally his stint as a mercenary. As he died, he regretted nothing.
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>Those twin hack natural 1's
>That lock fail
>Those multiple overwatch missile crits against a concealed target
>Those missile hits on a recon drone
>Those multiple other missile crits against a concealed target
>That railgun natural 1 (when anything else would have hit)
>That hack fail

>This mission
Fuuuuuck man...
You took your shots, and they were fine shots. Can't really change that now.
Haaaaah...well, I should probably log everyone's actions.

Kestrel >>48883357

Gunman >>48884957

Kail >>48885167

Sparebits >>48885177

If the chopper team suffers losses or Irving escapes and that IF spook gives us shit about it I'll rip his fucking head off, Peacekeeper guards or no.
I swear, Irving is not running away this time. I'm not letting Blud's death go to waste.

And once we go underground, the Peacekeeper will regret sending him to his death.
You know, they wanted him alive, but if they're going to be picky they can go straight to hell. One railgun round in the front of that tank of his and all the fancy reactive armour in the world won't save him.
I agree, mysterious cat person. Your tactical assessment is flawless and measured.

And it won't. It's under control now, we'll simply have to add a few more heaps of slag to the pile than we otherwise would.
I mean, you say that, but I can already see that Nimbus pulling a you and charging into jamming range of all four of you, and that Errant is still running around...
(No problem at all from my end, I wanted Gunman to take part in the first place I was just stepping in)
I try avoid assuming my opponents are as mad as I am; usually they display at least a modicum of self preserveration and reasonable tactics since they're reasonable, clever people.

Even if it did though it'd just delay us. We've cleaned their perimeter and gained control of the central plaza. At this stage we have won and it's all over but the dying. So the few more heaps of slag, alas.

We'll have to grab some on the way out to fashion into proper crosses.
That is true. It might be by far the most potent tactical option, but it's also certain death for a pilot with such little support, and I highly doubt Irving's people are willing to die for him. If he does do it he's toast. Burnt, crispy toast.

Does anyone from the task force mission have stealth? Because with Kestral here they're shorthanded and after the mess that has ensued every single time we've attempted a five cap mission with four people I feel like they could use the help more. We've seen time and again how much difference one pilot can make when one pilot is an increase of 25% in fighting strength.

>Movie shoot
>Horst arrived late, Wechuge killed by a remaining enemy

>Red Creux
>Eigan joined late, team got bogged down and supressed in starting area whole mission

>Gunman deployed late, enough enemies left on turn one to obliterate Bludhawk

By contrast the desert escort went off like clockwork in part because all five pilots were there from the start.
(you know, I COULD re-deploy to the siege using the EEV, like how I tried to do so last time. as long as I survive and hang back, I should be fine.)
>the desert escort went off like clockwork in part because all five pilots were there from the start.
Any reason why we don't have LOS into warehouses with open doors?
Goose's Fiddlercrab is stealth-equipped.
With Kestrel on this mission, Malek has a slot in the Taskforce mission, so it should still be full-up
Woops, it's late and I worded that wrong. What I meant was that I thought Kestrel was supposed to be on the kidnap mission, but I was confusing him with Nyx for some reason (same mech?). So yeah, they should be fine and we get Malek instead of Kestral, so all is ironed out on that front. I just wanted to be sure, since the kidnap team will have basically the same job as this, only with no backup against an enemy with air support.
(for balance, maybe. like the same way I need locks to actually shoot the goddamn server.)
>no backup against an enemy with air support.

No, we're going to be calling in our own air support, either the multirole or the air superiority.
Sounds expensive.
Hopefully this mission will be paying for it. My basic plan is buy pioneers and Bird Man at the start of next mission, but only call in Bird Man if it's looking desperate (like if all the IF Sam-sites are dead and we have bombers incoming).

Then either he'll still be available for the kidnap, or you can buy Shrike and have some ground-attack support as well.
Hiring an air support for one mission makes it unavailable for other missions this campaign turn, even if it isn't deployed.
Looks like everyone has posted their actions so let's start processing.
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((Since I forgot to add a second helicopter in the last turn I'll add it in now as if it had come in last turn.))

>standby for NPC phase.
Ooooh this is gonna suck...
"Uh. guys?
where did the server go?"
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Repo1: "The AAA has been distracted by the drone, we can still do this! Side gunners are opening up on enemy infantry... boots are on the ground... squad reports warehouse secure"

Repo2: "Make up your mind Commander! I'll hold position behind the warehouse till you give the all clear."


Irving: "Did they just seize an entire warehouse full of my MGPs!? Dammit! I could have made a profit on those! Call the number one guy and tell him to fuck up one of their guys... yeah the fancy Apex guy with the railgun. Let's see how he likes losing money."


Cable Guy: "Kestrel's mech has been disabled, but he managed to bail out safely."

>standby for the aftermath
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>Declare action people. Processing deadline is Monday Morning GMT +8
>Let's see how he likes losing money.
Oh Irving. There are some things money can't buy, like seeing your enemies driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their accountants.

(For the love of god nobody missile the Nimbus without redlining a lock, its ECM is just too good).
Whoops forgot to take into account that last action from Spare. Number 2 has been hit by a longbow this turn. I'll amend my records so it has the correct HP.
Has gunman used his redline +10 yet? Putting a howitzer she'll into both enemy mechs would really help the situation right now.
"-ACK! Goddmait- wait what?

(Hey, cognis, a question. would it be possible to board and operate those MGPs?)
Forgot to ask, what are mechs were visibly loaded with.

Hey Kail, watch yourself, you're getting close to that jammer. Advise either letting Spare and Gunman down it first or skirting the edges.
MGPs require a minimum of two crew members to be combat effective. For this mission you could go over to the captured warehouse and hop in one with one of the infantry, but I warn you: MGPs are not as resilient as mecha and you stand a higher chance of dying if yours gets destroyed.

The nimbus has a sat-comm jammer, twin smart guns, a longbow pod and a hammer pod.

The Errant has a marksman rifle, cross bow, smoke launchers and scrambler field.
"Hey, Infantry guys, could you ready up the MGP-C near the right doorway? The door that opens towards the loading bay, I mean."

"Guys, I'm moving to board the MGP. Hopefully I won't die easily this time, but I worry about that mech, as well as the MGP-F."

>Move 555
>Run 565

>but I warn you: MGPs are not as resilient as mecha and you stand a higher chance of dying if yours gets destroyed.
(So be it.)
Kestrel, let it go it's not worth it! We can't lose another pilot this mission!
"No way! Blud DIED fo this, and we're making this COUNT! I'm going to board that thing, and DRIVE it up into that goddamned black market guy's butts!
...well, at least after the mechs are wrecked, until then I'll be hacking from inside the warehouse. I'm not stupid."
I wouldn't worry about that, see, I have an ace up my sleeve. My Active Scanner will lock on his mech, no matter how high his electronic defense is.

Just leave him to me, he's as good as dead.
Right on.

You crazy diamond.

Gunman, if you drop an explosion on our pals here the Nimbus is badly damage (8-9 dmg taken, depending on DR), so one howitzer shot and it'll be gone. The errant will take damage and then Kail can move to eat that AA piece and fire at the Errant through the opening in the smoke. Advancing up and we can rush Irving next, all together.
>Not 100% on how free actions actually work, but it looks lke you could move, swarm the errant, shoot C1, then move towards Irving? Whatever works.

Blue 1 & 2 are positioned to move on Irving's warehouse and give him a bit of a shock which might force him into the tank to come at us or deal with anything you miss.

And of course I did buy this shiny regressive knife exactly for this reason, so I would like to teach this Errant pilot a thing or two about filling the battlefield with smoke-cover your opposition can walk into and enjoy while stabbing you with very shiny tech.

Alternatively, Gunman you can flatten that Errant and Kail you can take apart the Nimbus and C1, and then my drones can kick down Irving's door.

So Gentlemen, you can take the lead on this one and I'll react to what you do. Let's make it hurt.

Apologies Repo-Men, I've had... bad experiences with assault teams. You're doing fine. That AA piece will be gone in a second, and you can secure the southern warehouse.
"Check this shit out ! Showtime !"
>move 5544
>lock on Nimbus 2 (autolock thanks to Active Scanner, free action)
>fire at Nimbus with linked Smartguns (+2, free action)
>fire Swarmers at C1 (+2, lock shared via Tacnet)
"Enemies annihilated !"

Chassis : Stratus
HP : 16/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (1/2), Swarmer pod (2/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
Rolled 8, 7, 5, 9, 14, 19, 7, 10, 5, 4 = 88 (10d20)

Oh, and let's see if I crit.
"Crazy diamond? Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Either way, I'm not backing off without a fight! Not until I drive up this tank up the black market guy's butts!"
And that's the sound of 0.7 T of TNT-Equiv turning the AA into small twisted bits of scrap metal. Nice going Haxkid.

Repo 2, you're free to enter that last warehouse. Repo 3 can you begin your approach now? If you follow the flight-path of Repo 1 & 2 you'll arrive just as we secure the warehouse and our friend Irving and your friends have cleared the way.

Hey Gunman!
>Point at Errant
Turn that Errant into dust with overwhelming artillery ordnance!

... eh, it's not a cruise missile but turning things into constituent atoms by pointing at them still feels pretty good.
Bump for the night, and with Gunman's build he'd have to have excessively bad luck to miss.
I refer you to this post>>48885958
stop it
you're calling in bad luck
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Unless I missed it and someone besides Kestrel has a tacnet, you're going to want to either dumb-fire those swarmers or hack the drone.
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Active scanner is automatically lock on but suffer then suffer power surge.
I think he's fine. He got three hits even if he was dumbfiring, so the MGP either takes its gun out of action for the turn to intercept or dies. Also, Kestrel's remaining drone is on auto and has lock, so it'll probably finish the job.
I called my mech is called Aimbot for a reason.
>"Crazy diamond? Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Sure. It's from that old Mink Lloyd song, you know: "Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!"

It was about a brilliant prodigy that burnt out before his prime after a meltdown caused by the stress of his career.

...Actually that might be a little too on the nose.

Anyway, you've got to make your own calls about your own life, but since I can't convince you not to further gamble with it I can at least implore you to follow through in Spare's footsteps and miraculously survive it somehow in spite of all reason and logic.
>in spite of all reason and logic.
Well, you know the old saying

The gods favor the drunkards, fools and the heavily armed individuals encased in metal plating and protected by expendable drones.

It's a Droiqaran saying. I think.
Are you sure you're not thinking of "Fools ensconced in the armoured cockpits of giant robots rush where angels fear to tread"?
Is that how it normally goes? The version I remember was

"Ye verily, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I shall fear no evil for I have enough missiles stockpiled to blow up a chunk of the moon"

But I could be paraphrasing.
It could fire from a point in the knee or hip. Maybe using an articulated projector like a ball turret.
"So command needed a replacement for tragedy, and well I was the closest person that was willing i guess,
and command didnt want anyone valuable to be lost so i was chosen i guess..."
>Attempt to secure position as replacement for tragedy

=The mook=
Chassis : Crocodile
HP : 20/20
DR : 10
ED : 10
SR : 10
Mv : 4
Damage reduction :0

RA : Laser rifle: Rng:6,Dmg:2, Rof:3)
LA : Tactical shield (Dr:2, front only)
Torso :
Legs :
Armor: Ablative armor
Pilot skills: Fortified systems
Fortified system: Free Redundant system installed onto mech, sub system does not take a hardpoint. Also increases ED by +2)
Also this is moony
Believe your HP should be 18, for a Crocodile with Ablative Armour.
>Chassis : Crocodile
>HP : 20/20
that should be 18...
Command how will overwatch for AA work?
I guess Spare can bot Gunman and the turn can end?
He's got 14hours yet to post. It's hardly a rush, but maybe some botting just in case he doesn't make it.
>Nimbus is badly damage (8-9 dmg taken, depending on DR)
What's the source of this again? All I saw hit it was a single gauss round for 3. Add 8 from Kail's DU rounds and it should have between 3 and 7 HP, plus DR maybe.
Don't trust your eyes, rookie. The flow of light and sounds will lie to your and your oracular visions cannot be trusted because they are flesh and not mettal mettle and metal is more trustworthy than the moere organic material that makes up your brain tissue.Close your eyes to the flow of battle and you can FEEL the way the tactics will direct the course of the RIVER of VIOLENCE that is the natural chaos of the BATTLEFIELD. Don't see with your EYES see with your superior INSTINCTS that you have HONED to a KNIFE EDGE that will allow you PREDICT the UNPREDICTABLE and so survive that which would KILL lesser PILOTS


you can read Cognis' Updates and see it gets hit by Gauss + Longbow
>Hurray for Redlines.

I'll totally take 9.99 credits six times though.

Hey Spare, I was just reading up on the specs for that point defense turret you have installed. Did you know you can make an attack with it as a free action as long as your target is the nearest enemy? I didn't. You could totally rush up to a guy, knife him, then machinegun his face off. You can load them with special ammo too. Not too shabby.
I briefly considered the following nightmare:

Assault, Close Quarters, Berserker
Regressive Knife + Actuator
(2x8 dmg)
Thruster Array
4x PD Turret

Move 10, charge with berserker, getting 8 + charge bonus + point blank bonus + point blank to hit
blade sweeps frontal arc
Regressive knife bypasses armor DR and EMP shocks primary target

PD Turrets fire 16 shots of 2 dmg each for free at everything in range.
Always I post right after someone else has already done it..

Ah, serves me for only reviewing the map. I'm making progress, but it looks like I still have a ways to go.

Guess that means the Nimbus is either gone if it has no armour (unlikely), or has 1 or 2 HP left.

>I'll totally take 9.99 credits six times though.
Hell, that was good advice. So good that I'll give you the entire contents of my bank account:

>0 creds
>Transfer all creds to Sparebits
>0 creds remaining

...Hmmn yeah, once again I have no money. My future prospects aren't looking great either, Summits aren't cheap to run.

Don't PD turrets have 3 attacks, so they'd get 12 shots? It could do with DU rounds too, make sure you get your damage.

Funny you should post a Reg knife build, I was working on one myself as a fun little exercise, inspired by Borealis's speculation on the use of the Apex blade with berserker. The blade got bumped to 2 slots, and he opined that reg knives would be too hard to get, but with the likely upcoming access to the Peacekeeper arsenal I concocted this thing to fit his preferences:

Assault, Point Blank, Berserker
==Mighty Kali==
Armour: Composite Armour
Torso: Stilleto targetting suite, Sabot cannon
RA: Regressive knife, Regressive knife
LA: Regressive knife, Regressive knife
Legs: Charge booster
Cost 76

8 tile charge in one action, use the other pair of knives to followup.
Perhaps not the most efficient design, but the concept amused me.
So do you up its tank factor with Composite armor, or make it even more of a running explosive cloud with the Hedgehog system?
Rolled 14, 19, 16, 14, 7, 12 = 82 (6d20)

There is, of course, only one answer. Hedge the hog.

>Transmitting orders for

Crack Shot

=The Grave Digger=
Chassis: Onager
HP: 20/20
Armor: Reactive Armor
RA: Howitzer
LA: Howitzer
Torso: -
Legs: Heavy Duty Servos

>Has not moved, Marksman applies, +2 to hit and -2 to Penetration Modifier
>Fire Howitzer at Errant-1 (+4 to hit)
>Fire Howitzer at Errant-1 (+4 to hit)
>Howitzer rng 14, shot 1, dmg 10, crit 3 pen 17

Reminds me to tell Gunman to get a Stiletto Suite, 6x Pen 15 means it's impossible not to crit at rng 14 explosive 10.

>Crack Shot might need to be reworked? Because it's /really/ a crack shot, wow.
>Errant receives 14 damage, 9 crit damage
Jesus. I'm getting uncomfortable flashbacks of Hetro's demise.

>Crack Shot might need to be reworked?
Kinda feels like if anything needs to be reworked it's the howitzer, they really are absurdly good. The Onager in general seems a cut above. Thick armour, absurd weapon space with very powerful and long range guns to put in them. It's like a Wimp that doesn't suck.
All the LHI and Apex mechs are fabulous, for different reasons. LHI is better in general, but Apex is better at killing LHI.
Honestly, I still think LHI is flat out better. Their mechs are all absurdly tough, without any of the Edef deficiencies that plague Guye Co. They have a ridiculously tough shield, their general purpose weapon has 10 range and can be twin linked, and the Onager is unmatched in long range firepower (AESR accepting).

> Apex is better at killing LHI.
Like, a Predator against an Onager? I'd still give it to the Onager, it can pack twice the long range firepower (without needing to use space on a reloader) and has much more HP to take hits with.
>RA: Regressive knife, Regressive knife
>LA: Regressive knife, Regressive knife
how will he even feasibly use this?
>Operate Drones
>I forgot the format for multiplative same direction moves

>*-1 to move 33333 4 | 5(3), 4
>*-1 to run 4444, (+2 def)

>**-2 to fire at Nimbus Mech 2 just to ensure its demise (+3, +3)
>**-2 to move 6(3)

>Advance 4444 off this sodding boat.

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1 & 2
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
Don't know, but it'd be fun to find out.
Mechanically, using berserker to use two of them in a charge, then another two in a melee action. Fluff wise I guess having them on sub-arms/waldoes or strapped to wrists or elbows or made into a double bladed weapon or something. It is mechanically legal (for now), though Command'll probably just implement a rule against more than one melee weapon per arm on the perfectly true grounds that it's very silly, the big thpoilthport.

All actions in.

Kestrel: >>48897307
Kail: >>48897849, >>48897856
Gunman (botted): >>48920412
Sparebits: >>48921852
(I'll admit, assault and gunner looks fun.I didn't know Drone operators would be this fund intensive. I just cheched how much the repair cost will be this mission and hoo boy.)
I figure it's because drones are basically whole extra units. They certainly help in terms of adding to numbers, and in a way they confer their own version of Alpha Strike, since you can use two drones with one action.

Aah, the things you can do with Alpha Strike.

Here's one I prepared earlier:

==Prism Lattice Mk2==
HP: 16/16
Armour: Composite Armour
Torso: Advanced FCS, Threat Assessment module
RA: Laser, Laser, Laser, Laser
LA: Tactical Shield
Legs: Thruster Array

The original came from my investigation of alternative weapon options for the Summit. Then I realised the Predator was a better platform for it. 32 damage in one action baby. I'll probably never use it though, I like having range too much.

(I admit that it would make more sense to put the shield on the right and split the lasers for redundancy's sake, but then I wouldn't get to write LaserLaserLaserLaser, and that just wouldn't do.
If only the leg slot of the Predator was moved to the torso, like the Lord, it could have been as good as a lord in terms of drone capability. although the railgun is good enough I guess.
Processing Turn
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Kail: The tacnet hub is no longer in play.

>standby for NPC phase...
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Irving: "Aww you're killing me here! Do you know how much I have to mark down the price on an MGP-E if it's used!? This mammoth tank I'm in was a custom order for a high roller! Now I'll have to toss it in the bargain bin and get the guy another one WITH a discount for the delay."

Cable Guy: "Irving has entered the field. Repo 3 is standing by to nab him. If you could just... soften him up a bit the infantry can move in and breach the tank."


*: Warning Malicious software: yandere_drone.exe detected.

>Standby for aftermath...
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>Declare actions, you have until whenever the hell I get off my ass tomorrow morning. (At least 18 hours, probably more.)
"Hey, one of you guys, help me get this thing online!"
"This is kestrel, I've reached the platform!"

>Move 454
>Run 5, Board MGP-C

>HP 6/6
>Def 8
>E.Def 10
>Sensor 12
>Mobility 5
>Special: Hack, Sensor
>Stealth rating: 8?(If A.Camo is present)

=Bird of Prey=

Recon drone

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>Smart Gun(-)
>Longbow Missiles(3/3)
>high tech, jump
>Combat Drone
>Longbow Missiles(3/3)
Isn't that at (1/3)?
Yep, you're right. looks like I pasted the wrong one in a hurry. whoops.
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Random question: what does MGP stand for? I tried google, but all it gives is a clothing company. Is it a bastardisation of MBT?
AFAIK it means Mounted Gun Platform. I'm not certain though.
I would have thought it was Mobile Gun Platform.

Hmm, if I was calling shots I'd have Gunman down the MGP and the tank, then have Kail active lock and use his swarmer pods to remove the mammoth's reactive armour. That's probably the best chance of taking Irving alive.
Oh wait, the mammoth probably has an anti missile system.

Better make that *two* volleys of swarmer missiles, not like they can damage the actual tank on the front arc after all.
Yeah, I wanted to do that too. And not because I want to unleash twelve missiles on him. Haha.
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Well, if you do that make sure to ensure you hit him from the front. Even if it has an AM system that's still 5 hits for 10 damage, enough to destroy the tank outright if hit from the rear arc. Shredding its defences ought to be enough, Spare's drone could plink at the rear armour a bit if it needs some actual damage.
Rolled 12, 19, 20, 19, 19, 13, 6, 9, 5, 13, 15, 13 = 163 (12d20)

Well don't mind if I do.
>move 33332
"Oooh Irviiiing ! Remember me ? Well, you're going to after THIS !"
>lock on Mammoth Mk2 (free action, autolock with Active Scanner)
"Target acquired. Firing Swarmers !"
>fire Swarmer pod at Mammoth Mk2 (free action, +2)
>fire Swarmer pod at Mammoth Mk2 (+2)
"Hahahahaha ! You can still come out of this tank with your hands on your head, y'know !"

Chassis : Stratus
HP : 11/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (0/2), Swarmer pod (1/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
(Wait a minute, doesn't the Mammoth MK2 have a 3 DR shielding on the front?
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since the swarmers removed the reactive armor, what now?
Gunman still hasn't used Redline, so he can wipe the two tanks with ease (MBT has 8hp and DR2, vs a 10-damage howitzer). Meanwhile Spare's drone can soften up the mammoth some more, and then we send in the IF men to peel Irving out of the metal coffin.

"Repo-3, how soft do you want him? Lightly tenderised, or just shy of mush?"
I can tickle him with my Smartgun loaded with DU rounds next turn. If I only use one, he'll survive. That should be enough.
If Spare's drone moves to shoot it in the back it can deal 4. That puts the tank at half, which should be plenty for the IF boys.
MGP stands for Mobile Gun Platform.

They are wheeled armored vehicles that carry heavy guns. IRL vehicles like these are classified under the umbrella term of Armored Fighting Vehicle and I had already used AFV to refer to another class of vehicles in the game.

Since I couldn't find an existing term that referred to these types of vehicles I took my cue from the Stryker Mobile Gun System and called them Mobile Gun Platforms... maybe calling them Mobile Gun Carriers would have been better since the word platform implies something static, I dunno.

Repo-3: "As long as he can plead guilty at his trial you can rough him up as much as you want."

((Dealing a maximum of exactly 8 damage to the tank will disable it without killing Irving. Of course the infantry can finish it off if it still has some health left but the closer the better.))
>the word platform implies something static
It kinda does if you rely on video game logic, but in reality a weapons 'platform' is just a term given to the supportive structure for a weapon - it can be mobile or static or made of jello.

You can find better examples in a few WWII era tanks where the same hull was used for tank destroyers, artillery and regular tanks - the 'platform' would be the original hull, with the turret (or lack thereof) being more or less interchangeable to suit the role of the main cannon.
>Dealing a maximum of exactly 8 damage to the tank will disable it without killing Irving.Of course the infantry can finish it off if it still has some health left but the closer the better.

Spare's drone can deal up to 4 depending how well it does with it's gun. Depending how the Peacekeepers are armed, and if they can jump out of the helo behind the tank, that should be enough. Spare also has a Longbow and a Hammer pod, but I can't see how they could get into a position to fire it successfully.

It's a real pity Irving isn't one hex to the left, as that would have let Kail shred all his armour and health in one go with DU-rounds from his smartguns.
The infantry will almost certainly have demo charges (4dmg) and ATGMs (6dmg), so however much the drone does or doesn't they should be able to handle the tank. Reactive armour and AMS were the important parts, and Kail has taken care of them very smoothly (and even if they deal no damage, half-a-dozen missile impacts can't exactly be fun to sit through).
Rolled 19, 1, 6, 7, 8, 18 = 59 (6d20)

Lot of would be crits there.

Thank you for taking the wheel, I'm terribly sorry for my inconsistency. RL stuff keeps happening unexpectedly. And my phone is with the manufacturer, getting fixed.

If putting Irving at exactly 0 doesn't kill him, Kail should totally shoot him with his Smartguns.

"I'd have liked to get out of Irvings LOS and the LOS of tanks coming out of that Hanger in front of me, but apparently you're counting on me to shoot things. If someone (Sparebits) could provide overwatch so I don't eat a ferrous hyper velocity slug and die, I'd love that."

>Fire at the Tank closest to me (+4 to hit)
>Fire at the MBT close to Irving (+4 to hit)

Crack Shot

=The Grave Digger=
Chassis: Onager
HP: 11/20
Armor: Reactive Armor 2/4
RA: Howitzer
LA: Howitzer
Torso: -
Legs: Heavy Duty Servos
>That natural 1, with no redline
>So the MBT is still alive
>So Spare has to try and kill it before the infantry can land
>So Irving will remain undamaged
>So the infantry won't be able to arrest him this turn
>So he'll get another turn firing gauss
>So another mech will likely get blown up
Crack shot, he is rolling 3 time for each shot and taking the best.
Nope. Crackshot: roll three and keep best.
That's two crits right there, two dead enemies, and suddenly Irving is all alone.
Damn, crackshot is ridiculous. I anticipate a nerf next hanger thread. Maybe roll two dice would be more balanced?
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Actually I believe (luckily) Crack Shot rolls 3 dice and applies the best available, so from the first lot it selects 19 (howitzer crit) and from the 2nd lot it selects 18 (howitzer crit because of marksman -2 penetration modifier). So both of those delightful MBTs ate a critical shot.

Well if you buy it, Gunner, who do I rely on for larconic commentary about my percieved incompetence?

>Move 3, 4 4 4
>Move 3, 3, 3, 3
>-Wave missile pods and knife at Mammoth Tank
>PD on Missile interception (2)
>Autonomous Ecm Drone

I have a business proposition.

Tell me who, Irving. Someone out there got access to slightly too much nuclear material. You're an armsdealer. You either sold it, or you know who did and I'm confident you know who to. Monus Island didn't deserve to be turned into a mushroom cloud. So tell me who, when, where.

Tell me who. And you can take your little tank and turn it all the way around and roll right on out of here. I won't stop you.

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
But on multishot weapons it can do nothing!
Oh, Haxkid - do me a favor. If Irving turns around, would you please fill his threads with uranium rounds?
Well gee Boss, if you ask so nicely, I'll do it. To be fair, I was planning to do that anyway.
And it looks like it's all over but the screaming.

All actions in:

Kestrel: >>48927886

Kail: >>48932467

Gunman: >>48936481

Sparebits: >>48938097

That's the whole point. It increases the reliability of single (and to a lesser extent double) shot weapons. The gunner skill tree is meant to split sharpshooting and dakka. You want to use multishot weapons, take suppression.
yikes, you guys are wiping the floor, and that makes me think if boarding the MGP was necessary.
Yeah, they are, but it came at a cost.

It really sucks that Gunman was unable to get on in time for mission start. If he'd been there his Onager could have cleared out fully half the enemy starting forces on turn one, and Bludhawk almost certainly would have made it. Just one more point in favour of ensuring full starting squads for small missions I guess.
Are you a Moedrone?
what? no.
I was just checking in to see if the turn has processed.
Processing Turn...
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>standby for NPC phase...
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Irving: "I don't believe for a second that you'll let me leave this battlefield a free man. I know why you're here; you didn't go after me for shits and giggles. The Peace Keepers have a gun to your head. You're not in a position to defy them. But I'll tell you what I know anyway: Nothing! I have no idea who bombed Monus island. The people I sold the nuclear material to wouldn't have been able to penetrate it's defences."

"You've got your info, now I'm gonna ride this tank out of here, in reverse. You try and stop me and I'll take at least one of your boy's down with me."

Repo-3: Boss I can grab him now! Just say the word.

What will you do with Irving? (Spare must choose)
>Let him go (Mission ends in failure.)
>Capture him (Repo 3 will move in, and the players will engage in one last round of combat.)
>Kill him (Engage in one more round of combat.)
Until somebody overrides I say attempt to grab him alive with what little clout my rank can give to back the choice.
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>the MGP gained green colors after I boarded it
(heh. I love it.)

(Since I can't stay online for long, allow me to post actions in advance, just in case we start to go for another round of combat:)
>Move 33333
>(Free action) Hack MBT-B2, Sensors
>Run 22222
(this is for just in case he tries to tusk missile one of us down. Are we going to capture Irving anyway?)

>HP 6/6
>Def 8
>E.Def 10
>Sensor 12
>Mobility 5
>Special: Hack, Sensor
>Stealth rating: 8?(If A.Camo is present)

=Bird of Prey=

Recon drone

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>Smart Gun(-)
>Longbow Missiles(1/3)
>high tech, jump
Are you sure you're not a moe drone?

It's why we're here.
>Urge to attack IF assault chopper repo-3, rising...

>Hey, man! That's a lot of responsibility to lay on a person. Don't we have a commander to take these sort of call--- ah bugger.

Thank you, Irving. If it was solely up to me, you could roll right on out of here. But this is just business. I appreciate the generous serving of your munitions, earlier. Don't think of what's to come as a life sentence for smuggling, think of it as a forced vacation from a business that's about to get explosively volatile.

But you're coming with us this time. Give it a few months. Might be we can work out a discount jailbreak.
>We're here to capture him, so that is what we will do.

Repo-3, this is Spare. We have Irving's mammoth cornered and his defenses disabled. Move in subdue the man, please.
>Nat 20

>Are you sure you're not a moe drone?
Maybe a thread bumper, maybe a drone enthusiast, I dunno.

>Might be we can work out a discount jailbreak.
"Uh... spare?
is it-
-nah. nothing. I got something to ask you later, when we get back to base, sir."
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

So as I said, just business. Now come on out of your metal shell, Irving. It's a beautiful machine and if you force us to damage it, its resale value goes down.


Let it be noted that it really is a beautiful machine.

>PD to intercept missiles (2)
>move 2 2
>Charge Irving Tank, +2dmg from charge = 8 dmg Regressive Knife Penetration + Emp Shock
>+1 to roll
>Trigger Overwatch and take fire instead of Kail? pleasepleasepleaseplease

=Blue Screener=
Chassis : Nimbus
HP : 18 / 18 DR 1
DEF : 10
EDef: 18
SR : 12
Mv : 4

LA :EccmDrone, HammerPod(2)
RA : RegKnife, LongbowPod (3)
Torso : PD Turret, A-ECM, EccmDrone
>Redundant SubSystem
Legs : Hopefully.
Armor : Composite (+4 hp / +1 DR)
Creds: 0
Pilot skills : Fortified Systems, Enhanced Drone Control, Redline

Ecm Drones Blue 1
Hp 4
Def 12
E-def 14
Sensor 10
Move 6
Smartgun, EcM, +2 to drone control actions
>That's 2, 2, 1 - I seem to have dropped a 1 from the writing. The charge bonus is +1 / 2 hexes, so clearly I desire to be 4 hexes away from Irving upon commencement, not 3 hexes.
He IS a moe-drone!
what no thats not mne
"Aaaah, boss, what are you doing ! I had a clear shot !"
>hack Mammoth mk2 (+4, hack sensors)
"Repo 3, package might be trying something here. Be careful.

And Irving, we had a good run. Hope the Peacekeeper don't execute you. Or that you manage to escape against all odds. Take care of yourself, and thanks for all the goodies."
>move 66666

Chassis : Stratus
HP : 5/16
DR : 12
ED : 14 (10)
SR : 16 (12)
Mv : 5 (4)
Damage reduction : 1

RA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
LA : Smartgun (DU rounds)
Torso : ECCM pod, Active Scanner, Swarmer pod (0/2), Swarmer pod (1/2)
Legs : Thruster Set
Armor : Composite

Pilot skills : Advanced Electronics, Target Acquisition, Automated Agression
Rolled 5 (1d20)

This dice is the bane of my existence
>hack Mammoth mk2 (+4, hack sensors)
(I already hacked the Mammoth though.)
I don't think you've got the sensor range to hack it before running though (you're 1 short), which is what you did.
If I were you Kail, I'd just bail out and leg it. You and Gunman really can't take any more fire, but Spare has full hp and is staring Irving down.
Don't I get enough range after I run towards the sandbags?
shoot lost trip
You do after you run, but in your post you took the hack first. Maybe you should amend the order of your actions, just to be sure.

I concur. Kestrel (hopefully) got the tank's lock covered, but it might still get a shot at you with the gauss. You'll probably survive, but why take that chance? You won't have to salvage your mech unless it's actually destroyed, so no reason not to bail out.
>but in your post you took the hack first.
shoot. you're right. I'm dumb.
what I intended to do was 'running' to sandbags so I get the run and cover bonus, and hacking with the free action since MGP-Cs get that.

I fudged up. In >>48946256 I listed the hacking action before the run action. which wasn't my intention.
Well, you guys make a good point. Bailing out of here.

>override action
>move 66666
>run 66666
"I'm leaving the rest to you, boss. Don't get blown up"
Ugh dammit.
Eh, I never plan to but usually the high impact munitions have different ideas.

I appreciate you not risking your life buddy. Sorry if I stole your thunder a little.
>Stole his thunder
After that flourish he pulled with the missiles? I think Irving is going to remember that just as much as what's about to happen next...

Tank surgery
"Am I the only one who wants a front row seat at Irving's Execution? Hanging sounds appropriate to me."

> 2* Overwatch
>Shoot tanks that don't have Irving in them while they're more than one hex away from Irvings tank.

Smoke rounds would be a cool adition for AoE weapons.
Rolled 17, 15, 18, 4, 13, 10, 13, 6, 1, 9, 12, 7 = 125 (12d20)

>Misspelled my dice
Also, off by one ;_;
Alas, you can only Overwatch once (with both guns) since taking an overwatch action immediately ends your turn.
Okay, *now* it's all over but the screaming.

Kestrel: >>48946256, >>48950897

Sparebits: >>48946394, >>48946592, >>48946629

Kail: >>48951602 (overriding >>48950048, >>48950068)

Gunman: >>48954889, >>48954927
Gunner skill
That lets you perform two overwatch attacks per overwatch action. But not take two overwatch actions, no matter how many guns you're armed with.

For Gunman, that means firing two shots from one cannon, or each cannon once. But not both cannons twice. This means he'll only count the first 6 dice out of the twelve he rolled.
No mate, I rolled too many dice for just that.
That other anon is right.

I wonder if I could fire 4 times if I had Alpha Strike and Vigilance?
Fraid not. Overwatch works by delaying an action performed on your turn, which means that it counts for the purposes of the once per equipment limit (I recall Bludhawk actually trying this in the Guye Co. op and only getting two shots). And since a single overwatch action ends your turn immediately you can't set up two.

I guess you could shoot with one gun then use Vigilance to shoot twice with the other though.
With the reaper +1 shot per target is that six shells in a round?
Nah, Scythe Fire Control doesn't work that way. What it does is let you split however many shots you have between different targets, then each of those targets will receive an extra shot in addition to that (to compensate for the drop in power).

So, if you had, for example, a gauss rifle (RoF 2) you could fire 1 shot each at 2 separate targets, then you would then gain a bonus shot at each, so you'd be shooting both twice. Or, say you had a minigun (RoF 3) instead, you could use the skill to divide shots between three targets and hit each twice (1+1), or at two targets, one for three (2+1), the other for two (1+1).

In short, it's useless for single shot weapons like the howitzer (which is just as well, it didn't need to get any more broken).

It is, however, compatible with the ion cannon...

Wow, try and control yourself. I thought Alice was the one who took the most joy from killing.
Yeah, I've noticed that too. For some reason Gunman's been really frothing at the mouth over this ever since the job offer came in.
I agree with this reading of the Scythe Fire Control but as written it looks like it should add +1 to rof 1 weapons.
As written it says that you may allocate each of a given weapon's shots to different targets, and that each shot allocated as such gains +1 hit ("Gain an additional shot against each *separate* target you choose"). It seems fairly clear that you only get the extra hits if you divide your shots in the first place.
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Irving: "Everything has it's price. And if you want to hand this arms dealer to the IF you're going to pay it in blood!"


Cable Guy: "He missed, guess you get a discount."

>standby for NPC phase...
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Repo-3: He's down! I'm moving in for the capture.


The infantry quickly surround the stricken tank, covering all the exit hatches. Once the squad is in position two of their number breach the hatches and eventually pull a shell shocked looking Irving and crew from the wreckage.


Player Rewards:

Mobilisation Fee: +10 Cred
Primary objective complete: +30 Cred

Remember to remove all expendable ammo upgrades used in this mission and deduct the upkeep fee that's 20% of your mech costs.

If you lost a drone you get a +1 Cred rebate to salvage their controller and they do not count towards your upkeep.

If you got wrecked you can restore your mech for 50% of it's total cost (excluding drones) or scrap it and gain 25% of the cost back.

Company Rewards:
Mission Pay: 20 Cred
Salvage: 23 Cred

((Right I need to put the game on another Hiatus till next week since I need to entertain some guests.))
(Kestrel leaned on the controls inside the MGP, head sunk.)
"God dammit. Why?
We completed our mission, but at what cost?

>Mission rewards: +40
>Previous cred: 25

Pred 16
Railgun 8
Tacnet 5
T.array 4
A.camo 3

R.drone ded(+1)
C.drone (0)

66-(36/2)= 48 creds total
>(Right I need to put the game on another Hiatus till next week since I need to entertain some guests.)
He means next mission won't be until next week sometime. Because he has guests. That require "entertainment."
>Cue scene of Cable Guy facing various mid-sized megafauna in a gladiatorial arena
Haha! If I could draw, I'd totally do that scene.
Well, on the plus side this ought to shut he Peacekeepers up about us for a good long while. Not only did you go in there against a very dangerous and sly enemy, you were precise enough to successfully ensure his capture rather than killing him, not a single peacekeeper soldier suffered so much as a scraped knee and most importantly we all lost a good man to accomplish all of this. If they're still sneering down at us as filthy criminals after this then they can go to hell.
>Cue scene of Cable Guy facing various mid-sized megafauna in a gladiatorial arena
wait what
is this for real?
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I have a video still from the event.
What the hell
Is this because of Peacekeeper meddling/threat or something
I am officially back with regular internet! No more occasionally nabbing thirty seconds worth every three days, it's business as usual once more. So, what's been going on since I...
Oh god.
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Well, no point crying over spilt nukes I suppose. Lets get back to the matter in hand: getting through this giant international clusterfuck without dying, becoming terrorists, or living the rest of our lives in the Midas range.

To start with, I've attempted to bring the Three-C pilot list up to date. I would be very grateful if everyone could check that their entry is at least vaguely correct.
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Secondly, when I was trawling the hanger thread for everyone's build I noticed that pilot Nihilus never showed up to spend his loot. Nor has he been seen in this thread either.

Luckily we have a little while till the next mission for him to show up, but if he doesn't then we're down to 9/10 pilots. I heard a rumour of a rookie pilot named Moony around these parts, who might be able to sub in?
My apologies Malek, the tacnet might be a bit... busted since the last time you saw it.
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>pilot Nihilus never showed up to spend his loot
Aha, found 'im! I dunno if he's AWOL, but he did buy stuff.

I knew I'd seen him grab a Linebreaker, so I looked for that. You probably missed him because he misspelled his trip.
Thank you Repo-3, that was deftly done. I appreciate your effectiveness in not getting blown out of the sky.

Irving; no hard feelings. I'm sorry about the roughed up suit. We'll see you at the trial. Thank you for the premium product, I must say you do sell the best weapons in the land. It was a bountiful bullet buffet and a massive missle meal.

Peacekeeper Overwatch, that's it from the ground. We're done here, Irving is in custody and your people are pulling out. 3C returning to the hovercraft and leaving Glaeos.

I think you'll find our contract and agreement fulfilled in full; with a curtesy addition of every single MGP in 3 warehouses and a fully functional mobile server farm that likely contains the detail of some of Irvings recent deals.

>Mech Value 60 credits
>Hah! Blowing an ECCM drone means it's not 70
>God this mech is expensive; I've been here since day one and I'm still broke
>Once again considers Emblezzeling 3C
>Acquire 40, pay 12 in repair and upkeep and maintenance and CAMEL OS SOFTWARE UPDATES
>Ultimate mission payout 28
Busted is an understatement, there's a five-foot armour-piercing crossbow bolt straight through it! Ah well, so long as you replace/repair it. Though your rapid mission switch means we no longer have a Tac-Net on the Taskforce Defence mission.

There he is! Don't know why I didn't see that.
You appear to have Alice down as an assault rather than a commando. Also, Gunman recently respecced to a sharpshooter gunner.
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Updated, thanks.

I have also been informed that Tragedy is going on leave, and will be missing next mission. She has recommended rookie Moony takes her spot, and was wondering what was in the Company Inventory.

Here is the inventory. I am not 100% certain on all the present items, so if anyone has borrowed anything that is written down here please post.
You read to much emotion into Gunman.
"I really had it out for Irving since he got away the first time we met Mission 5. But I would not talk bad about business associates.
It may also have something to do with recent Nuclear bombings and the early passing of our Messmate Bludhawk, whom I will never know as well as I wish I did."

>cue the music

Still says I'm trained in E-Warfare, should be Gunner. As Cryptic already mentioned.

Pay: 40 Cred
Upkeep: 6 Cred
New Balance: 34 Cred

And in case I miss the next Hangar Thread:
>Buy 2 Redundant Systems and put them in the Grave Digger
>New Balance 32 Cred
Man, I've returned that stiletto suite twice now but it just keeps clinging to me like a bad smell. Let's see if the third time's the charm:

>Return stiletto suite to company inventory

>the early passing of our Messmate Bludhawk
(Crpytic holds his tongue. Now is not the time to make a point of contention. Maybe later.)
The bent dog-tag twisted in the wind at the end of a stained chain. It had been pristine once – probably – but now half the metal was sheared away and the identification reduced to BLU, sharply cut off. It wasn’t prophetic. The little metal bit couldn’t be symbolic, couldn’t mean anything, and yet Spare couldn’t stop staring at it. A whole life reduced twisted metal. On the horizon a dock-side lightly wreathed in smoke, small figures in full combat armor milling around to secure the site. The final chapter of Richard Irving’s gun-running career played out as a miniature war, complete with mechs, tanks and corpses.

“Good job team, the IF--” The words wouldn’t come. The entire thing suddenly seemed trite.

“Whatever. The IF can go stuff itself, and I'm sure the next Spook will be along to make grandiose demands soon enough. We lost Bludhawk. The most reliable man I knew. It’s hard to comprehend he’s gone because, well, this isn’t even the first time he took a face full of missiles. Did you know the Cognis mega mecha? That almost did his lights in. He fired a full compliment of lasers at it, and they bounced off and then instead of turning around and running away he just… “Fire had no effect! Changing targets!”, blew up a support unit to clear the way. Siege mission. Bears. Goats. BOSS. Anuncian Assault Group.Ten sorties. Just like that. I’d call it bravado but it was really just a kind of effortless determination. He said he’d do something and then he did. Even if meant standing in place to soak up enough munitions to level a warehouse. He saved my life. Twice? Thrice? After a while I lost track because it was just what he did. You stop noticing the easy perfection, the effeciency. And of course he bites it walking straight into a wall of fire. Didn’t even hesitate.

Here’s to you, buddy. Thank god every Norden soldier weren't like you because if they were, they'd rule the world.”
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I gotta ask boss, is this because they took away our right to call in Cruise Missile strikes?
Nice RPing, gonna be hard to write a decent Eulogy for Bludhawk after that.

Didn't know KIA was a rank now...
Of course not, don't be silly.

It's a perfectly meaningful memorial to Eisensturm which just so happens to be a giant pile of discount high explosive missiles with variable payloads.

And of course if we drive this giant timber pole into the ground and attach *this* 15 meter elastic cord, then have a mech pull on *this* end and ignite the booster on the missile once the apex of the sling-shot curve has been reached, then it's entirely a conicidence that I'll be showingthose greedy traitors in the Noblese Oblige what happens if you take away my cruise missiles, I will. Duran thinks he can just take away my capacity to rain hell on the feeble insects that walk the ground? Oh, but Duran is wrong. They're all wrong.

uh wait forget I said that last part out loud.
>Spare is slowly turning into willy-coyote
So... has anyone checked the boss's PTSD meds lately? No? I'll get on that.

As someone who's going to be firing Cluster Rockets next mission, I'm going to take a vote: who'd feels safe standing next to me, knowing that they were built by the lowest bidder?
(Back at base, Cryptic listens to the CO's impromptu eulogy over the radio as he awaits the ground crew's preparations for his own deployment. He leans back in his folding chair, looking thoughtfully up at the ceiling, then digs out his battered laptop and opens up his compiled 3C personnel files and selects the one belonging to Bludhawk. He highlights the "Status" field, then hesitates, his finger hovering over the backspace key for several seconds before he sighs, and hits it, erasing the digital imprint of his comrade's life, then resignedly he types in the word DECEASED, each keystroke feeling unusually heavy, like the swing of a guillotine.

This done he digs a small bottle of whiskey from his kitbag. He's not normally one to drink strong stuff if it can be avoided, but he still keeps a little on hand, for there are occasions that demand it. He pours himself a shot, knocks it back, then pours another, swirling it about in the glass as he leans forward again, adding to the file one last time. There'll be a formal eulogy later during the funeral, of course, and he needs to put his feelings into words about the man who was his mentor, even if he'd never realised it.)

I concur

>has anyone checked the boss's PTSD meds lately
When I was reviewing the old mission logs after I joined it caught my notice that Spare has a bona fide medical prescription for LSD, so I looked it up and bugger me if he wasn't telling the truth. Goodness knows where he got it , but as far as I can tell it checks out.

I have commando skills, and I think Horst is taking the errant on the kidnapping mission.
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Of course. Would I lie to my team? I had some

... issues ...

with squash plants of the curcubita peto variety. Seeing a plethora of beautifil colliding galaxies exploding into a fragmentary sizzling reality colliding the most explosive of ways was a good way of dealing with my gourd related problem.

But let's not talk about that right now.

DIY projects are a perfectly reasonable way of dealing with grief, Pilot. Mine just so happen to be able to level a hardened bunker. Or would you prefer I made another drone maid custome?


Now, a bit of house-keeping and a reminder.

We currently have 59 Company Credits. and if you check the prices here for advanced flight assets that's a fair few.

Air support assets need to be bought during the pre-planning phase, so I recommend for those going to kidnap Dr. Ammerit that they first acquire additinal intel and then figure out what support they might like.

I also recommend that people consider strongly how much they actually need, given how expensive paying for these assets actually are. Any air support we do acquire is also permanent money we cannot invest in our company and between you and me using 50 to buy a Sam Site and Sensor Network Defense Grid for our Midas Base is looking like a pretty good investment.
(suddenly a rather exhausted voice can be heard over the radio.)

"Pardon me, sir. But, would that even work? With all due respect, these missiles are roulettes! You know, like the revolv- revolver thingsy to the head the dumb people do, but much more dangerous!
And about what you said earlier-
wait, no. I was going to ask it later. nevermind."

"hold, hold on. He takes what?"

(Since the tacnet was wrecked in this mission, it's impossible to return it to you in time, is it?)
As much as I'd love air support on our mission, I feel like if one team has to have it it should be the Ammerit squad. We'll at least have numbers and backup from whatever Peacekeeper forces are left, but they'll be deep in enemy territory and cut off from any help, and piloting fragile stealth mechs to boot. It'll just be the five of them against the entirety of Zanvra, they need all the help they can get.

> a Sam Site and Sensor Network Defense Grid for our Midas Base is looking like a pretty good investment
Agreed, it's a two-for-one deal. We'd get reliable air defences and an infinite range scanner/AA tac hub.

Command, can player units shoot at enemy air assets that pass over the map, like strafing fighters? Could you conceivably use overwatch to shoot them down if they enter firing range?
I agree on the SAM and Radar. The Alternative Arms Dealers are high on my shopping list as well.

And while we are at it. Should we give the Base a more memorable Name?
>The Alternative Arms Dealers are high on my shopping list as well.
Don't we need black market access for that?
Well, they sell Legal ammunition, and technically we still have bought Black Market Contacts.
I thought the reason there's an arrow there is because they were added in that order.
A wrecked Tac-net is most definitely done for until the next Hanger thread. No amount of EEC speed-delivery will help put it back together in time. I was talking with Spare about perhaps buying one for the Company Stash in general, since they're so useful to have in each mission.

>Air support
For the Task Force I am definitely requisitioning the Pioneers in support, since they are so useful in defensive missions. (Though I regret we didn't have the cred last hanger phase to buy them defence turrets.) Usefully, you requisition Air Support generally, then call it in when you need it. So if we buy an interceptor before the Task Force mission but don't use it, then we'll still have it available for the Zanvran mission.

I don't anticipate we'll need an interceptor however. If the IF base doesn't have some kind of working AA grid that implies we've mostly been blown up already, and many of our Artillery mechs can do AA in a pinch.

We have that already, it's why Irving was selling to us. Though we've lost access to his gear, we can look up some less terrifying people to sell us basic ammo types. Anyone able to source us terror drones Command?

I'm another vote for the AA-battery. As an elite mech company we're some of the hardest and most dangerous ground targets an enemy can face, and forcing any interlopers to fight us square-on sounds like a very good plan.

As for a name, I dunno... the Camel Cave?
>Usefully, you requisition Air Support generally, then call it in when you need it. So if we buy an interceptor before the Task Force mission but don't use it, then we'll still have it available for the Zanvran mission.

That's a negative.

>>Please be aware that air support must be requisitioned by an officer BEFORE the mission starts in order for it to be available for the NCOs to call during the mission. Hiring an air support unit will make it unavailable for the other missions during this campaign turn.
I don't see why we should, everything they sell is completely legal.

>Should we give the Base a more memorable Name?
If we do elect to do this I say we call it "Fort Hetros". The man was second in command of the company, with it from the start and one of our most distinguished pilots. And he fell to ensure we could take that base, it feels fitting to honour him for it.
Huh. That's not really what the asset sheet itself says. Is it a quote from Command? Or maybe I'm just interpreting wrong:
>Once bought the asset is available to be used in a single mission of the current campaign turn. Air support can be bought in a mission briefing and paid for out of the company payout.
Top of this thread; I was a bit surprised as well but it kinda makes sense. We're hiring someone to stand by after all, so they do.
I'm going to tentatively say yes for now, but I really want aircraft to operate on another level of the game and have to be countered by specialized AA units. Expect rules amendments for the next campaign turn.

Spare has it right. You pay the air support to standby during the mission briefing. Once you do that you can't hire that unit for the next mission whether you use them or not, so choose wisely.
2nd for Ft. Hetros.
>mission rewards : +40 creds
>maintenance : -11 creds
>new account balance : 49 creds
>one crate of DU rounds expanded : two remain in storage

I miss Hetros. He was reassuring. Fort Hetros is good. It's like having him around in spirit.
Yeah, it will be. And we miss him. So it's a good way to pay back a little.

Oh, and do you think the IF would mind if we grabbed a few of those MGPs or guns before we left?


"Before i formally join you and the company in your battles let me formally introduce myself my name is franz. Other than that theirs not much interesting about me unlike you people, other than that personally i hope our relation with the IF goes well. Also if i may I check out a few things from your company armory? I promise I will return them back including paperwork. Also it will be a bit fun using the weaponry i have always installed for you people.
>Attempt to check out the following: Composite armour, and a ecm pod
=The mook=
Chassis : Crocodile
HP : 18/18
DR : 10
ED : 10
SR : 10
Mv : 4
Damage reduction :0

RA : Laser rifle: Rng:6,Dmg:2, Rof:3)
LA : Tactical shield (Dr:2, front only)
Torso :
Legs :
Armor: Ablative armor
Pilot skills: Fortified systems
Fortified system: Free Redundant system installed onto mech, sub system does not take a hardpoint. Also increases ED by +2)
Approved, and welcome to the team! This next mission is likely to be war at it's most grindy and brutal, so good luck!
You need to specify where the Redundant System is installed.

You have Damage Reduction 3 on the front with Composite Armor (shield +2), damage reduction 1 elsewhere.

An ECM pod means your ED is 14.
Duly noted, and i didn't know i had to specify where it was i just guessed it was installed there somewhere

=The mook=
Chassis : Crocodile
HP : 18/18
DR : 10
ED : 14
SR : 10
Mv : 4
Damage reduction :3 (one from composite +2 from shield)

RA : Laser rifle: Rng:6,Dmg:2 beam, Rof:3)
LA : Tactical shield (Dr:2, front only)
Torso : Ecm pod and Free redundant system
Legs : Natha
Armor: Composite armor
Pilot skills: Fortified systems

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