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Is there an in universe reason for witches being green other than MGM thought it would look cool in a movie?
they don't pump blood in their veins, but some nasty black ichor.

or, y'know, because that shade of green is used to give people a ghastly shading in black and white movies, where the trope originated from?
Connection to nature
so you know they're evil
most witches live out in the forest and get a large portion of their energy from photosynthesis. All the chlorophyl needed for this leaves them with the green complexion.

I thought that basically got its start in Wizard of Oz
Because witches a shit. A shiiit!
They're envious.
The Wicked Witch of the West was the only one that was ever green and that was only because the people making the film wanted her to stand out and look more evil apart from the good witches.

There is no fluff reason for anything else because they are not green anywhere else.

>Witches are actually plants
This sounds like some Delta Green shit
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So is that pic supposed to be hot or something?
That witch is clearly trying to con people, she's sitting on a broom so even if you hit the target she'll remain undunked.
Never trust witches.
It kind of just annoys me. I don't really want to spurg out and go into every detail, but I feel like it kind of misses the mark in every way I can assume they tried to me
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Anon can you try using a less shit tier cringe inducing OP pic next time?

Nobody wants to see your nasty trailer park bitch on this forum.
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Jesus fucking Christ

Can someone show OP what the fuck we want in a witch pic?!
Well magic user types aren't too keen on technology. Maybe she didn't have it in her to design a dunk tank, and just decided to fucking kill herself if someone hit the target for some reason
It kind of just looks incredibly fucking ugly
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you tell me
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Congrats OP you just made me puke a little bit in my mouth
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>pic of really nasty old bitch in 90's EXTREME comic style

Yea no, this is how you Witch anon
You first
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Green is also the color of creepy undead spooky magic too. Since the traditioal witch is halloween related, maybe the green comes from using necro type magic way too much.
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Anime is a fucking plague.
Witches are hundreds of years old, and after that long your skin looks pretty nasty no matter how much you moisturize. Also, the vile deeds you have to engage in to outlive your mortal life are unkind to body as well as soul.
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yfw Minas Morgul is clearly described as a city of white, ethereal, ghostly light

Nasty old bitches are great, anon.
Dude... I'm pretty close to full weeb, and I still prefer >>49336009's green meanie.
I would let her bully me.
Only worthwhile post in the entire thread.

Including this one.
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The answer is that orc witches are quite common.
>Random fag who never read the book, only watched the movie but still considers themself to be an expert on Tolkien

This shit again, here we goo.....
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wow guys, I never claimed to be an expert or even give a shit if the image is book accurate or not, I was just grabbing the first damn thing that came to mind when I thought of spooky green fire stuff that appears in media

Find whatever 100% book accurate example your autism needs but it does not matter with the point I was trying to make.
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>anon tries real hard to look super edgy and different by pretending to not like superior art

wow you sure convinced me, yep you definitely are the edgiest showflake in the the room with the most obvious sophisticated sense of art ever,
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I'm in it for green anon.
>it's a smug anime girl poster successfully trolls me into posting pin up witches thread

Side note, there are barely any green pin up witches.
>ITT how fucking DARE you insult my loli waifu fapbait so slanderously etc etc

I mean I don't have any real problem with anime tits but really /tg/ way to fuck up an otherwise interesting thread
so is the orc witch in your pic stewing in the pot?

Dudeā€¦no. That is tame Bronze Age AT BEST. There is no Liefeld in that image.
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Goodness, no.
That's a muscle tonic. You wouldn't brew anything short of slimy cologne that smells like swamp or a heinous poison with orc flesh.
Why did half of the thread lose their shit because OP pic was not anime style art?
Green and black are colors often associated with illness death and decay. Thus, evil characters tend to sport it. This is most commonly seen in comic books now, but since the reasons are evolutionary (cavemen with an aversion to rotting corpses lived longer than those who didn't), green=evil is a common association.
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>This is literally my first fucking day here

Welcome to /tv/ faggot
There's a fucking witch right there
Not even close
>pic of some generic weebshit
>doesn't even post LWA
fuck off m8
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>Iron Man was Gray and did not change to red and yellow until 2006?

/tg/ posters are complete fucking retards.
OP was asking for an in universe explanation

Oh my god those eyes are fucking badass.

Why don't more westerns do that fucking badass eye glint
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Best witch coming through!
>Looked like this was going to be an interesting thread with fluff explanations
>sees nothing but weeb bitching

god damnit
Venomous blood of their fiendish patron flows in their veins, making skin and flesh green and rituals and alchemical knowledge intuitive
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Looking at the post times, very likely a samefag trying to stir shit up. Best to ignore.
Because they are filled with chloroplasts which are filled with chlorphyll which is green because it absorbs all light except green, presumably because it tastes gross, which it reflects giving its green color.
There are so many things wrong with this image.
>Is there an in universe reason for witches being green
in the book, she wasn't.

though seeing as MGM saw fit to give the Winkies green skin, we can assume that the Wicked Witch of the West was a Winky too, and that's why her skin was green, and had nothing to do with her being a witch.
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So you're just going to skip over bestwitch like a complete pleb then, are you?
He skipped over the part in the OP when they asked for a fluff explanation and not a movie makeup one, so yea probably.
But for real for real? Most folklore started as a way to keep children out of places they shouldn't go. Medieval babysitters, just scare enough of everything nearby and they won't wonder too far. A lot of the folklore about witches, and more particularly hags, places them in the swamps, with some versions having them made out of algae or pond scum, and rising out of the ater to snatch any child who wonder too close. But even if they wren't made out of it, I would imagine the constant exposure could very well coat them in it or stain their skin.
That's a fairy, not a witch
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Better question is why are their teets so cold?
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Venereal disease from fucking Fucking Satan
>was a Winky too
A what?
More like that's a fucking dragon.

But really though, her original design was only inspired by the Grimm fairy godmother. Marc Davis called her "a wicked sorceress." The first source to actually call her a fairy is the Disney Insider in 2014. 55 years after the fact.

World of Oz's version of a black people
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pedo please go, nobody cares about your shitty meme fetish.
Because they're orc witches.
>pic of gay faggot weebshit in shitty WEEBTARDED art style

Yea no
That sounds hella fucking boring and lame and not nearly as menacing. Jackson clearly knew what he was doing, especially when he got rid of that stupid fucking singing Gnome that.
Working off fairy tales and similar European folklore, witches come in an extremely wide variety of appearances and personalities. Some are wicked, some are nice, some are straight up monsters who barely resemble humans in their thinking anymore. Similarly, they can look like disgusting old hags, kindly grandmothers or a beautiful young woman, or they can be Baba freaking Yaga. Just about anything goes, really.

Green women though? Can't say I've ever seen witches depicted that way aside from OPs witch and gruntilda. It's a fairly vanilla way to show that a witch is evil.
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The first source to call her a fairly was the original story that Disney adapted.
Legitimate autism
If witches are plants, then why does water hurt them?
fucking pedos everywhere

That's really more like a corpse-like pallor desu
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Now THIS is edgy 90's aesthetic.

In fact, I'm invoking Poe's Law.
Why are some of them inbred?
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Its more like emo witch.
This is pure 90's
Nah man, she's got Nipple Bayonets with Skeleravens perching on them.

Shit's intentionally goofy 90's shit or I'm a Rob Liefeld toeless elastic mutant.
Couldn't agree with you more. I refuse to let anyone use an anime image for a character portrait. I'd rather a character have no portrait.
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Tarot started in 2000, so while you are technically correct, you are not actually correct.

Pic unrelated.
Welp, guess I'll have to get used to arching my back seductively whilst firing two guns and sailing through the air.
Yes, but she is the edgy emo witch, the bajonets are clearly emotastic.
This is the hentai board? Thought it was a Tg or traditional blaming board. I'll go look for mature not sex or lewd hunting yards later.

This is a board a out witches not your fetish.

Yo, check my dope reference.
>No female under the age of 18 has breast growth.
You should get out more.
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What was meant by this?

Pedo specifically refers to PREpubescent children. So unless you know how a prepubescent girl has teets that can be called teets, you might want to give this one up.
(It'll only make you look ing'nant.)
Because her father drank a faulty potion meant to prevent conception when he had sex with her mother, leading to her being born green due to the faulty magic of the potion.

I'm serious.

>Pedo specifically refers to PREpubescent children
Turns out you're right. The more you know.
Pedophilia has come to denote anyone under 18 for many people. Trying to talk about how it's only ephebophilia just gets people thinking you're a child molester who doesn't want to be called a pedophile for his attraction to children.
>A what?
The Winkies were a group in Oz's wizard of Oz that were enslaved by the wicked witch through fear.
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>She's under 18. Ew!
15 seconds later, after midnight. It is now her 18th birthday.
>Well OBVIOUSLY I'll bang her.

The joke is society...
As >>49340290 pointed out.
While speaking in terms of psychology and/or physiology there's a difference between pedophilia, ephebophilia, hebephilia, etc, the common definition and the legal definition of pedophilia is just anyone below the age of consent. As a result unless a conversation's context is specifically within the fields where the aforementioned distinctions are actually made and spoken of it just comes across as being that guy who says "ACKSHULLY" just to define a term that doesn't meaningfully change the discourse in any way.
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The line has to be drawn somewhere although in Britain it's 16.
>Pedophilia has come to denote anyone under 18 for many people.
And many people are idiots. Coincidence?
Lolis are infinitely higher cringe you degenerate child fucker autist
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Here's a proper witch.
And to think I once thought Tarot was the king shit when I was younger.
Witches in my setting are sometimes thought to be green because more than a few ancient magical rites involve painting themselves in a greenish-blue woad.

Also, they discovered beauty mask thing which leads to some rumors they have cucumbers for eyes.
cucumbers are delicious

eyeballs are delicious

I see no problem
>calling a bokor a witch
But why?
What is with black men and large cocks?

They're touched by plants, add too much water in a shocking fashion and nature overwhelms their human self and destroys them, undoing the very magic that bound the plants into them in the process.
Jesus christ, I hate anybody who insists that "Emo" is a distinct aesthetic; they just rummaged around in the offcuttings of Goth and Punk and picked out of the normie-friendlier bits of tat to steal.
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Two girls looking concussed at a lollipop?

seriously they look like they've got head injuries.
>Not solid advice, not solid dick.
>All the chlorophyl needed for this leaves them with the green complexion

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Fel magic!

They claimed their destiny!
She's wearing a brass bra.
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>nobody has posted best witch yet
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forgot the picture
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>magic types not being keen on technology

That's some serious bullshit
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In 30 US states it's 16. In another ten it's 17. People just think it's 18 because the place where all media is made is one of the ten states that has it at 18.
>In 30 US states it's 16.
>the ten states that allow bestiality are all in this group
Federally the minimum age of consent is twelve, are you going to argue that too?
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Just because OP is questioning why some witches are green does not mean that all must be green.
I was considering bringing it up.
>Just because OP is questioning why some witches are green
reread the OP, the thread is about green witches. You shouldn't spam elf images in an orc thread, so don't spam non green witches in a green witch thread.
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>Is there a reason for witches being green?
>People suggest reasons as to why witches within a universe would be green, not green, or a mix of both, with pictures to match
I don't see the problem. It's more like a thread where someone asks about why there are chocolate elves and some people suggest that there could be other kinds of elves, in place of or in addition to those.
>title of the thread is "fluff reasons for witches being green"
You ignoring this shows you're being obtuse. The thread is about brainstorming reasons witches would be green.
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ITT: People who don't know what witches should be.
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Yes, and many of those reasons
leave space for witches that are also not green in the same universe.
That said, the anime shitposting and armchair Chris Hansen in this thread has gone too far.
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I wasn't trying to autism police all the non green witches, I just felt compelled to say something when the green ones are outnumbered 10 to 1.
>I wasn't trying to autism
>I just felt compelled
Anon, why do you lie to yourself?
You misunderstand. I'm staying I wasn't autisming all the things, just that specific thing.
I'd dunk that witch. As in, dunk my dick into her.
>aspergers is a plague

Fixed that for you.
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Now listen here, you haughty bitch, and let me show you what's a REAL witch!
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Why even live

Would you drink a solution of 50/50 witch/water?
She has green skin because her mum got smacked up on Green Elixir before her dad shagged her
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im sure you're also the anon you're "responding" to.

are you fapping rn?
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>Born too late to explore the planet
>Born too early to explore the cosmos
>Born just in time to watch cute girls tenderly dominating cute boys

>tfw I'm always princess-carrying my female party members
Is there anything hotter than an attractive, filthy witch?

Because I can't think of anything hotter.
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who is this mattress enchantress?
I have absolutely no idea, anon, but she's enough of a qt3.14 to make me want to drink a love potion she's brewed up
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I like you.
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Can we all agree that a witch is just a female wizard?
>Fluff reason.
The witches all practice a strange magic discipline that has druidic magic as its base, but also has multiple elements from other magic disciplines, and this even includes some forbidden lore.

This results in a unique way for them to harness magical energies from their surroundings (especially anything nature related) and manipulate them to cast spells or to preform rituals that would never be possible for others. This also results in them gaining great longevity to the point of living a couple of centuries (witches that come from species that already have longer lifespans can live even longer). And no. This does not require eating people.

The drawback however is that witches become green with age (probably due their unique discipline having basis in aforementioned druidic). Additionally they gain the ability to shapeshift their body-structure at will to the point that they can look either as horrid hags or ladies of unearthly beauty at any given moment.
An OC by the artist Lack. she's just called "The White Witch."
But green witches are extremely rare and almost exclusively exist in that one American thing and works that reference it. It's like making a thread about red-skinned elves and being disappointed when all you get is demons and regular elves!

That said, the best reason for a witch to be green is that she intentionally (illusion or transformation) made herself so as a warning to others not to mess with her, similar to how some animals have colors that signal "I am poison!"
>that one American thing
But American Halloween witches are almost exclusively green, as are animated ones.
That's the lightest fucking green i've ever seen you fucking fairy, get the fuck off my board that ain't no real green
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>hating Maleficent
This is my first time witnessing a real, honest "Man With No Taste."

Maleficent was ruined by that Angelina Jolie movie.
Maybe for you. Malaeficent as into /ll/ was great.
Don't worry anon, I got your reference.
Samefagging is possibly the third most autistic thing you can do on this board. Please never post again.

Whoa now! You could put an eye out with those things!

They've been farmers for several generations so they'd know how to raise em big.
>swamp cologne
You need ogres for that
It's a shitty picture but I've just spent so many years around goffic ladies I have a pavlovian response to the spider bikini and tattoos. Dammit.
no, we absolutely fucking cannot. depends on the setting is trite and cliched, but seriously, it depends on the fucking setting
Who gives a shit about the color as long as it is not western HARDCORE EXTREME 90's comic crap?
And it was answered anon, the bitch in wizard of oz was painted to stand out in one of the few colorized movies of the era. Case closed and moving on.
>whitu piggu go home grorrious nippon art folded over 10000 times!
>open ended question
fuck off you non-contributing waste
Wizards have beards, witches have boobs

worlds different anon,
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Americans are fucking stupid and only look to a single Hollywood movie for all their info on thousands of years old folklore. So what else is new?

All their knowledge of elfs come from Tolkien, dwarves from Snow White, and fairies from Peter Pan.
>haha so stupid they didn't spend years reading up on the history of made up BS like I did
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>Because her father drank

Elphaba's MOTHER, *sir*, was the person to consume the drug, which was clearly a form of roofie rather than a contraceptive.

And while neither McGuire's book or the broadway musical are technically canon, the book is much more true to the source material, and vastly superior to the stage production in every way.

Is this any good? A friend of mine recommended it to me, but I also got tricked into reading twilight before it got big because she said it was good.
>but since the reasons are evolutionary (cavemen with an aversion to rotting corpses lived longer than those who didn't), green=evil is a common association.

Fucking evo psych. Your answer is unverifiable bullshit. 9 out of 10 times evo psych just works backwards to justify whatever results they see in the real world.

>people are scared of red
Evolutionary, must be blood. Blood is bad.
>people are scared of grey
Evolutionary, pallid corpses.
>people are scared of green
Evolutionary, rotting corpses
>people are scared of yellow
Evolutionary, urine is bad and also aposematism
aposematism or fire
bruises and scary fruits and stuff dude

You're on the wrong board.
This is board for creative fiction, not regurgitating thousand year old stories about blumfenrumpers that steal your toenails if you don't hang a stuffed fish over your door.
You know that most of psychology is purely speculative and experimental, right? Also Freud was a fruitcake who didn't theorize anything that wasn't theorized by others before other than his massive mommy issues that Westermarck exposed It's the youngest of all sciences, so clearly it'll be filled with questionable shit until we can either affirm or reject them. A bit like how ye olde dentists recommended their patients to rinse with urine -which was actually somewhat effective in preventing cavities- because fluoride wasn't a thing they knew about.
Your shitposting doesn't even rate a 0/10.
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You both seem to be in agreement, but your tone is as though you're arguing
I meant to clarify that it's not evo psych, but all of psychology that is speculative. You therefore can't just throw evolutionary psychology out of the window with arguments that apply to all of psychology and not throw out the entire branch of science.

Evolutionarily speaking, arguments are how tsunderes get fuck, and so exposure to their own cum socks causes them to absorb hormones that make them angry.
All this image is telling me is that western comic artists are unoriginal.
My guess is that the filmmakers just wanted bright, saturated colors. Three strip technicolor was brand new and they wanted to show it off.
If I recall correctly, the traditional name for a male witch would be warlock.
I think those words have drifted since then.
"And her Name Was maleficent" Eighty fucking billion times.

I didn't even watch the film; I was in the other room and I swear they repeated this line every eight and a half minutes.

The classic character design is timeless but the movie was utter ballsweat.
Because they're bad, hurr.

Therefore they have to look different, because things that don't look like you are bad. Durr.
The only good thing about that movie, was how the fairies were bumbling fucking idiots, and how Maleficent was no longer "can't find gurl for 16 years", but rather toying with the shits.
How do these people deal with countries whose age of consent is lower than 18?
Was I a paedo when I, at 14, fucked another 14 year old?
They would call you one if you were 18+ and banged that 14 year old.
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Great Fucking Movie
There still exists some Hope on /tg/ of conversations with people of good taste and not endless bickering between the infinite different Weeboo factions and their Westaboo cheesecake equivalents.
I once saw a raggy newspaper going on about "pedophiles as young as 12".

I read that and I'm thinking "Yeah, those 12 year olds should be having sex with adults"
Probably because witches are strongly associated with hags, and among those hags are the likes of Jenny Greenteeth, a vicious water fairy that drags children down to drown and eat.
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off by one faggot
Half blooded hags in D&D.
She did.
Well, the majority of them are not stupid, and due to the visual aids of this day and age they had to adapt. In short, it's camouflage from night vision due to them engaging in mostly nocturnal activities.
This is dumb but it's an adequate explanation of why some witches are not green and therefore it's better than average.
Face looks like Rachel Ray. Call Toki.

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