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All citizens are to be reminded that they are loved by Iconocorp and that any who say otherwise is not approved by the corporation, nor have they been enhanced through the wondrous power of the corporation.

Love Iconocorp, and come get chipped at your nearest megacity today!
Na nigga I'm good.
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Iconocorp offers only the best services to our customers! There is no cause for alarm! Join us!

Previous threads: >>60471109, >>60492600
Na nigga I'm still gonna pass.
If we throw in a free discount on all of our collective wares, will you at least take us up on the offer to tour some of our more 'exotic' facilities?
You know, it'd almost be comforting if they started smashing shit. Just standing there blaring the add at all hours of the night is just disconcerting.
So what sort of peopel would the flesh cultist be? Are they immediately hostile to anyone and everyone or do they try to send envoys to convince people to join? I guess I'm curious what a low key cult forming in the cities would look like.
Sometimes it's "Join the Flesh, it's all good! It's great even!" ala Iconocorp, but that's mostly with the fresh cultists. Most times, it's literally Sarkicism and will force you to become part of the Flesh, whether you want to or not.
I imagine that it depends on how strong their presence is. If they're weak in the area they'll present the happy "join the flesh it's great!" if they already have a strong presence it's more of a Borg "we are the flesh you will be assimilated"
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>born too early to have the means to get rid of all the shit in the oceans
>born too late to ever go on a cruise

These cruises seem like fun, when I read about them. I mean, you just go on a large boat on the Atlantic or Pacific with a ton of other people and just play games, eat good food, sleep in nice rooms -- it's the life.

Wish we could bring those back
When I sit in the white room the blond nurse with many freckles tells me to relax. I cannot, because Tal is dead, I said. She says not to worry, and that the doctor will be in soon as she takes the bird cage off.

He comes in and sits in a large leather chair, much nice than the one Tal died in. He tells me we did very well, and that we set the record at 83 hours. I ask him what the record is for but he shakes his head. He tells me I should be happy I am alive and I say I am happier than dead. I ask about Tal's daughter, who plays violin. He says she will get a music scholarship. That is nice, but not as nice as Dad. They give me a check with four digits that I dont pay attention to.

When I get home Lola asks me why I'm shaking. I tell her I just wanted to see her and Mommy. While we eat turkey my wife asks how my new job is coming. I start crying and tell Lola I'm sorry we arent rich, and I've missed her and mommy so much. I dont know why I said that, but i meant it. Lola starts crying because I am crying, I am crying, and my wife tells Lola to go to her room.
Cruises were enjoyable, yes. How unfortunate that the oceans have become so infested that boarding anything less than a well-defined research point is certain death, but oh well.

At least simulations exist.
>At least simulations exist.

I think I'll stay away from those. My cousin got into them, liked to pretend she was a bandit or something in the desert with a gang and everything. Besides getting an IV to keep her alive, it's just that, a small room, and her setup.

Seems too addicting. I want to keep myself natural, grounded. Y'know?
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>working midnight shift patrol for south border my of my city
>see these fucking things on the horizon
>call sarge about movement in the south sector
>tells me they're just extra protection the brass put in to help us out.
>one of the things looks right fucking at me
>waves and winks at me
I'm gonna go fuckin nuts out here, who the fuck thought this was a good idea.
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This is the reason you never let megacorps develop your supportive forces. Fucking madmen the lot of them.

So basically, they're the Many from System Shock
Hey, AG Extension makes perfectly good automaded defense platforms
quit being such a pansy. it could always be worse

could be living outside of the walls of the city
>t. Iconocorp
Those things are more fucking faulty than your average machine should be, by any standard.
Pfft. Not like we have any other options.
>Shilling for Ag Extension
Just saying something nice about them is grounds for termination in the Atlanta Corporate State
Iconocorp will shill for anything if it ends up making itself look better by extension. They'll also try to seize any assets they can from other megacorps, like the swarm they are.
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Not everyone is cut out to be a Paranormal specilist or "occultist" as many layman call us. Sure the pay is pretty good and, for the most part, your work is mostly deskwork sitting and pouring over records and old books.

That said, the contents of said records and books isn't for everyone to read. Have you ever had to pour into family records to figure out why the ghost of young girl would haunt and kill the men who entered into the abandoned house and figuring out she was abused by her father and her uncle? Ever have to watch the amaeuter recording of a ritual sacrifice being conducted by the Rural folks who've made pacts and deals with the Fae for protection?

It's not as simple to sit through and endure as you might think and worst of all is becoming overly desensitized to it
Fucking simjunkie why don't you just cut out the middle step and get chipped already
>Not everyone is cut out to be a Paranormal specilist
My old nanny knew a little hoodoo and she always told me never to trust a man who can't spell with spells. You fuckers trying to can up and sell our folkways to the corps really fucks with our ability to work with the fair folk you know, those secret signs and rites are that way for a reason.
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Fuck you one of those things nearly crushed me.
I'm pretty damn sure they're doing it on purpose too.
those AI things are pretty cool at least, got a drink with one, surprised robots can drink though.
>Not everyone is cut out to be a Paranormal specilist or "occultist" as many layman call us.

>your work is mostly deskwork sitting and pouring over records and old books.

Oh, please. Anyone's cut out to sit on their ass all day. And you think everyone isn't dealing with heavy shit? I had to deal with raiders and rot-jaws back at my village. Go on and tell me how weak my stomach is.
Has anyone else seen that news clip from the Gaelic Union? Apparently their expedition to Australia not only returned but found people living there. How the duck does that work wasn't that place a murderous hellscape even before the world went to shut?
Australians survive anything, my man.


I've got no doubt in my mind the flesh cities on their east coast won't even budge because of how crazy those aussie cunts are, probably scaring Mu itself
>Not enduring everything the forces of evil could throw at them and then some
Yeah right, everyone knows the changelings took that place over before shit went down. If they're still pretending to be people they're either up to something or they've gotten so lost in their deceptions they've forgotten the truth.
No doubt in my mind there's still a few enclaves of true, human Australians still about.
Some Changelings used to be human now, don't forget. They weren't always abominations.
Why is that part of the world so much weider than most? I mean most of the Pacific Islands are part of that noneuclidian impossible to navigate stretch of ocean and New Zealand has been under that dome for as long as anyone can remember.
might want to add this to the next OP
It's not the natives that are keeping Mu out apparently whatever the salt water crocs have become find them delicious and have resisted all assimilation attempts so far. Pity they also resist any other attempts to control or contain them.
Should I even ask?
Sure. It's like they say, knowledge is power.

Never thought I'd find myself being thankful for crocs.

What next? Grinded up Cloud Mouth wing actually cures all forms of cancer?
My wife told me to start sleeping on the couch because I kept having nightmares. My most common one is her laying next to me, and eating me alive when I can't move. She gets big blue eyes even though her eyes are brown, like Lola's, and hair grows out of her skin. It grows longer the more flesh she eats. Sometimes, when I'm just skeleton and eyes her hair is nearly 6 inches long and thick, like big Lola's. Sometimes I'm allowed to move, because Tal will sit there next to me, watching, and tell me I'm allowed to move, and because he's the officer I should do it. So I grab my revolver and point it at her and she stops eating me and begs me not to shoot her in her face, even though her face has chunks of my face all over it. Then when I squeeze the trigger the .44 flies off to the side like a magnet grabbed it. Sometimes those nightmares aren't nightmares, and she wakes up when I am screaming, and then I wake up when she is screaming.

When I sleep on the couch little Lola sometimes comes up to me after she flushes. She lays in my arms. The nightmares aren't bad, because I can't sleep then. I just stare at her. I don't want to hate my daughter. I love my daughter. I just hate what I did for her. No good father should hate his daughter. No good husband should hate his wife for not understanding. No good Ranger should hate the Rangers or the Department for jobs a Ranger volunteered for. Sometimes I'm scared that I'm not a good father, husband, or Ranger.
I wonder if the future has therapists. Very, very good therapists, and strong medication.
When we went to Tal's funeral I was hoping I'd meet a replacement but they had none. I told his wife I was sorry, and she didn't understand. It was an accident, said the paper I signed. I told Lola not to hang out with Tal's daughter anymore. She was a good influence on Lola. Lola cried, and I cried too.

I went back to work and they told me I had a new job in Misery. I tell the stout man that Misery is the domain of the Wardens, not the Rangers. He tells me that wardens are valuable, and have families. I point out that I have a family too. He says we probably shouldn't. I stare blankly but I want to nod.

I gather my things from my locker and write a note to the wife and make a call. I will be back in three weeks, but I know I'll be back sooner or later. I'm never on time. But I am on time for the 12:15 to Misery. It's a comfortable train. As we fly past baseball size jasper wasps I drink coffee, and I think it's funny how we drink jasper wasp ambrosia coffee while they will make hives in poor people. I wonder if I ever drink people, the people who manage the hives in Tennessee who have suit leaks. I don't have to wear a suit most jobs. This will not be one of those jobs.
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Remember to pray for Ranger Al everyone.
I pray for Ranger Al.
>be me
>live just outside of Megacity A-2's walls, right on The Steep Hills
>look outside my room's window, have a view of the housing district and a bit of the rural section
>twilight by now, light's still around, houses are lit up and can see so clearly, sky casting a nice blue hue on everything, v. comfy
>see all the lights in one house go out in all rooms
>the house beside it to the right has their lights go out as well
>the next house just to the right has their lights go out, only ten seconds later
>this chain is snaking its way across the entire district, already ten houses have had all their lights that i can see just suddenly go out by the time I've typed this up


good luck ranger al
Probably a Light-Gulper.

You likely aren't going to live very long.
> Light-Gulper

He's messing with you turn out all your lights and keep your eyes closed until dawn and it will pass you by.
O-okay. I'll tell my family this, the thing, whatever it is, i dont know, its getting closer, but it's still a ways away. idk why no one has sent out an alarm by now. this is fucking scary, it's like no one but me notices it

god this fucking sucks it seems like everyday there's something new that's not in the Warden bestiary i just want to move inside the fucking walls already

wish me and my family luck
Do not believe this individual >>60538778. That is a standard Light-Gulper trick to lure you into a false sense of security. You need to move. Now. You will be consumed utterly otherwise.
Seriously light gulpers consume light and sight if one enters an area they'll consume any light source and the sight of anyone who sees them. Turn out your lights to save on having to buy replacements and keep your eyes closed so it doesn't eat your sight.
I'm pretty sure the only reason security takes so long to get rid of these things is that Iconocorp is the only place to buy replacement eyes and they ALWAYS come with a 'complimentary' head chip.
thread bump
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okay, update, the lights turning off in houses has exited my sights and i cant see it, it's off to the left now. it seemed to oddly speed up as it got closer, im not sure if thats just because it's closer now and a trick is being played on my eye. it's just so odd that everything is silent in the neighborhood, no screams or anything, but there is an alarm going on near the mid-point of the wall so i think we're getting help now

god fucking dammit i just wanted to listen to some radio and ch
Some Light-Gulpers have changed tactics in recent years. Instead, they seem to eat anytihng that gives off the vagues impression of "light" nowadays. Apparently body heat seems to count for their like.

Aaaaaaaaand, he's gone.
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any good ways to keep those demon crab things away from my fishing nets? they keep cutting them and letting all the fishes go. and what the fuck is a light gulper? some kind of creature that eats light?
The Crabs have very weak plating around their skull and leg joints. You could literally crack them open with a well-thrown rock.
Howdy folks! Got some more if you"'ll have it. In last night's thread, we got to "The Plan" hatched by Warden Squad 13.

Tonight... I'm not finishing that yet... But taking a closer look at the Extension itself and some of the people in it. We'll take a dive into the world of Operator 248, and try to imagine how a world gone mad looks from the inside of an underfunded, overworked public service.

Without further ado....

>June 24
>0000 hours
>Location:Ag Extension Community Outreach and Task Force Coordination Center

"FUUU-ARRRGH!" The operator slammed his head on his desk.

"Why me? Why always me? Why can't someone else deal with the City Councillor's mentally deficient spawn?"

"Every. Damn. Summer. Like clockwork. Some stupid council member's kid gets it into their head to move out of the city, DOESN'T get to know their neighbors, doesn't learn a damn thing about where they set up..."

"Ah, Researcher, is this a bad time?", Cyndy, the office administrative specialist asked.

"Depends. Do you come bearing news that the council has approved the tax holiday, news that Councillor Anonson really doesn't like his son very much, or that the results from my last batch of pheromone assays are in?"

"No, no, and yes actually. Here they are.", she flicked the data packet from her device to the Researcher's data pad. It was a completely unnecessary gesture at the surface to most, but to a specialist whose entire profession revolved around bringing some sense of order to chaotic minds and circumstances, she had learned very quickly that the Researchers at the Extension were somewhat anachronistic in comparison to their inner city counterparts. They mentally anchored to tactile manipulables. Office satisfaction and efficiency of communication had gone up significantly for the price of the occasional walk around and chat with coworkers.
Well >>60539518
may be exaggerating but yeah they have weak points, they also hate electricity just attach an old car battery to some wires and dangle them around your nets and they'll stay away, this may scare off some of your fish and attract sickle jaws but you can solve both those problems by chumming the water with meat with orange blight growing on it, don't worry the salt water will kill off the blight before it can contaminate your fish but for whatever reason sickle jaws hate the stuff.

"Scuttlebutt is that Anonson may be a swing vote on the council. He's seems to be willing to accept that spending cuts will have to happen as a result, but Iconocorp has had that vixen of theirs, Cheryl Treep courting him to get sign off on their "Protector" prototype project." Cyndy shared.

The Researcher tapped above the data slate, quickly typing out a search query into an interface only he could see to hone in on the data he was interested in.

"Cyndy," he mused, "not to be rude, but how is it no one else in this building seems to have as solid a grasp on the inner workings of council politics as you?"

"There are certain privileges gained after a sufficient amount of time suffering through building organizational systems capable of informing the most powerful and disorganized people on the planet. One of them is a tight knit relationship with a network of men and women who's organizational skills are only outshone by their need to vent about their intolerable wards."

His fingers stopped dead in the air, as his face took on a pained expression, "Do I...?"

She sighed. Maybe she'd been a bit too pointed with that one. "You're fine. Now why all the angst? You're on outreach tonight, right?"

"Yes... 361 days of smooth sailing, Cyndy. Almost an entire year... and now I've got a high profile brat who's managed to put himself in a position to become C. Tauronesis chow, migratory Great Worm chow, or both."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.

"Grab a cup of Caff, and stick around. I'll get you an answer as soon as I have one."
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>Be me
>Onna raft
>building up my seafort out of complete garbage I picked out of the ocean
>Finally built a computer and connected to the internet
>Fucking Ionocorp ads are blasted in my face the minute I went to that old website called youtube
>Location:Ag Extension Community Outreach and Task Force Coordination Center

The Researcher reached into a drawer
in his desk, took out a bottle of anti-migraine medication, and a dropper of ocular muscle relaxant.

He was still in the process of getting used to his new way of seeing the digital world. Headchips, one of the most popular types of cybernetic enhancements, could provide a full immersion Virtual Reality and Augmented reality experience. More than a few Researchers swore by Iconocorp's patented NetNav Extreme cranial cybersuite, but there was something so innately violating about putting a computer DIRECTLY in one's brain that the mere thought of it turned the Researcher's stomach. So he volunteered to test the next best thing. Artificial Lenticular Retinal Projection.

He fell in love with the simplicity of the idea. Instead of manipulating signals in the brain, produce an image ion the most personal screen possible, within the eye itself.Thusfar, the only unpleasant side effects were a tendency for eye strain, and the migraines.

"Time to get to it," he thought.

He shut the door to his office, turned out the lights, and dropped down the shades.

Screen after screen of data and terminal window began floating before his eyes. Rosters of Warden teams, maps of various types, communication clients standing ready to be sent into action.

"This one's for you, kid. Wherever you are."
I'm too angry to even get their name right
>Location:Ag Extension Community Outreach and Task Force Coordination Center

"Okay... How to do this..."

>agent deploy --mode=rqsttrx --host $(30..36).wrdnntfcn.sys --as [email protected] --priority 3 &

>agent deploy --mode=rqstsprt --host $(30..36).fwrdnsrv.sys --as [email protected] --priority 3 &

>agent deploy --mode=rqstsprt --host $(30..36).wrdnairsrv.sys --as [email protected] --priority 3 &

>agent deploy --mode=rqsttrx --host $(30..36).pubntfcn.sys --as [email protected] --priority 1 &

With each line the Researcher fell into an older rhythm. Agents dispatched to handle the overhead of connecting to those he needed, he turned next to data collection. Maps: topography, elevation, meteorological, contour, satellite imahery.

Agent after agent were spun off, each with it's own task. 3D interpolations of data to build the framework he'd need to do quick physics simulations; expert systems, painstakingly trained on his own personal quirks of information searching began plumbing the depths of the Extension's vast digital archives, as well as those of other branches in the off chance he needed something.

>Agent1: connection (30-36).wrdnntfcn.sys granted at priority 3
Transmit task added to queue.

"Now we're cooking!"


Unbeknownst to the Researcher, Cyndy had returned to drop off a steaming cup of Caff for him.

"It wasn't always this way," she thought to herself, "they used to just project everything on the wall."

She always used to get a kick out of watching the Researchers at work. Each one had a different style or idiosyncracy of their own. It was a sort of study, may, gallery of the human psyche at work.

"Not work," she chastised herself "not to them. For them it's play."

All over their space would be graphs, charts, maps, articles, streams of text an numbers updating, updating, always updating. They'd send out their minions...


"Agents, consolidate task queue, begin opening channels. Notify when ready."
She flinched, realizing he still didn't even know she was there. His command reminded her of yet another idiosyncracy one would catch if one paid attention.

They all had their own lingo and pet names for things. Minions, knights, couriers, pollers, agents, hands, feet; she knew one Researcher who would talk to her machine as a mother would her group of rambunctious children, guiding them through their daily household duties while she sat in a rocker, knitting a sweater.


"Any citizens within the proximity of Sector 33, we have a Code 673 emergency in progress. Any volunteers capable of rendering aid via weapon or reconissance, please reply. Over."

Going to the public first. That's him alright. He got a couple replies, sounded like a pair of kids desperately trying to not sound like kids. Her thoughts resumed their previous course as he continued working out the details.

It was funny back then. Sneaking in without being noticed was an experience like sneaking in on one's better half unawares; dancing, singing, or expressing themselves in that intensely private way that only a person in the safe envelope of being alone expresses themselves.

She cracked a smile at that. The reactions she'd get on being discovered were also priceless. Each one a nugget of that unfiltered human soul that today was so rare and hard to catch anymore as everyone was either on guard due to being watched all the time, or wrapped up inside their own head, like the researcher before her now. Some Researchers would turn red with embarrassment, some would be mortified to the point of tears, and yet others would smile, laugh, and usher her into their game briefly turning the tables and making her an unwitting accomplice in their pursuit of the Solution.
He was an interesting one. The first thing she noticed about him was the colors. Everything had a color, and every color meant SOMETHING, and conveyed senses of meaning to him that he never seemed to be able to articulate. She remembered teasing him once about what the meaning of the colors of the shirts he wore to work were. She treasured that shocked moment of total disarmament when it struck him that he'd never thought about it, and here she'd come pointing it out to him.

Then she'd noticed the hands. You could always tell when he was stuck or thinking about something, because the hands would pause.

Then when he'd decide on a course of action, his strokes would be fast and strong, moving data, restructuring his view. Wiping away the limitations of his old world view. and rebuilding it anew.


He began going back and forth with the Fire Wardens, and was getting completely stonewalled.

She saw all the signs, the tension building up, the normally relaxed posture shifting forward. Oh, this was going to be a long night indeed. If this level of friction continued he'd start pacing back and forth. The war of words would start, and every conclusion reached would be punctuated with a fist onto a flat surface or jabbed finger. Every excuse cut down with a sweep of the arm. Every recrimation accepted with bowed head and crossed arms only to be turned back on his attacker with yet more fervor.


Air Service now. Things seemed to be going better. He'd settled back. Even as he was plotting things out with the Air Service, she knew he wouldn't be letting the Fire Warden failure rest.

"I think I know how to help.", she thought, taking another long, quiet sip from her Caff.

As she got up to leave, the thought struck her: she was as anachronistic as any of them. That's why she stayed here. They believed deep down that they were making the world a better place. They toiled, day in, and day out, unthanked, and in their minds and hearts alone. These misfits and geniuses, wrapped up in their thoughts, yet leaving themselves open if only someone would bother to look.

With a sigh, she whispered under her breath as she closed the Researcher's door, "I just wish you'd all put it back on the wall again. I miss you."

The Researcher started, shocked out of his train of thought, "Cyndy? Did you say something?"

As he opened his eyes, and took in the room, the only difference from how it was before he'd started working was a cup of Caff, still steaming on a hot plate on his desk, one of the chairs had been shifted a bit, and a fading scent of vanilla and lily wafted through the room.


He took a long sip of the Caff and puzzled over what he thought he'd heard. Something about putting something on the walls again?

"Alright, Agent, last task. Lets get us some Wardens."

(This'll have to do til I can sit down and get some more equilibrium to write from.
Little off balance from this one.)
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>decide to use a land angler's lantern as bait
>duct taped a bunch together
>its like someone lit a disco ball underwater
>cloud moth drowns itself
These things and their stupidity never fail to amaze me.
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Putting out a call to fellow Mazers. I've got some juicy bit of info about a personal muesuem that exists in what remains of the bayside area. Apparently they were really into some weird shit.

I know I'm being vague, but I don't want to give too much away until I can put a crew together. 3 or 4 competant people who arn't afraid of spooks and weirdos.

You know the drill as far as contacting me goes and if you fuck up don't ever expect to hear from me again
Aren't you the same man/woman/thing that regularly sends people into obviously haunted/corrupted areas, have them clear out the fodder, whilst you go take the loot and hog all the glory? Why would anyone accept your offers at face-value?
Daily reminder:
>Hide Maze Posts
>Report Maze Posters to Information Security
>Do NOT uninstall your chips - they're only things getting you home from the chemfactory after your shift
>getting a brain chip
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That's quite an accusation to lay at the feet of another Mazer my friend. Either way, I'm not compromising my identity to feed your paranoia, you know the score as well as I do and that's the risk we all take.
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Daily reminder to NOT feed into Iconocorp's lies. You'll only suffer in the end.
Can anyone post a new link to the discord? The one from the last thread expired.
nothing happens there
Maybe if more people joined more would happen.

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ah fuck
at least they can be cute
Sounds interesting. Hope this won't completely fuck up...
Any place where one can snag non-Iconocorp drones?
I saw some sort of insect swarm around my street today, managed to look at one of them up close while it was sitting on a plant and it was kinda similar to a bee but the head was all weird and it had orange and green stripes instead of black and yellow, does anyone know what species it is and whether it's dangerous? They haven't stung me or anything yet but they haven't gone away either.
How many eyes it had? If it had 2 it is just piranha wasp, a relatively harmless predatory insect. If it had 5 then you should contact whatever organization provides pest control at your area ASAP, you really want to kill Mu bees before they find a host that they can infest and turn into a hive.
The trailer in Misery has an old sticker on it. Federal Emergency Response Agency use only, it says, but they wont mind. I'm Lost in the Woods, or rather I'm at Lost in the Woods. I dont have to awmawear the suit here, because of the filter. It's cool down here in the dugout below, kindly cut out by wardens at some point or another, and kindly made vacant for me by the jellies. Underground there are still bugs that crawl through the east wall which collapsed. I can see the sun rise through it, or I would if there wasnt 5 yards of clay and dirt between me and the sky. But if there wasnt I'd be dead, so I just stare at the hanging light bulb and hope the solar panels dont die. I found a centipede. 3 inches long. His name is Curly. I fed him a rollie pollie and worm. I named them Moe and Larry. He has red chitin, like my wife's hair.

As I watch him eat Larry I wonder what it would be like to be a centipede. I'd have 50 arms for 25 lever rifles to fight with. I'd have armor stronger than the Wardens. I'd be immune to the jellies, maybe. I'd have 50 legs and I'd be able to run a mile for each leg like they made us do in Ranger school. 50 miles would put me back at the train station, and then I would just ride home. I'd eat anything my size or smaller, and venom to spare. It reminds me of my favorite game in Ranger school, Centipede on a bootleg usb, passed around the school. When I look at the worm I remember when my dad told me that if you cut a worm in two it grows to two worms. I dont worry about that, especially since I didnt have a dad and only imagine all the wise things he'd tell me. Theres already plenty of me who havent been Birthed. Maybe there shouldnt be.

When I think of the usb I remember the naked women on it. It was the first time I saw a woman at 9 years old. For a long time I thought they wore no clothes. When I met my wife she wore clothes for the first few dates. You dont need Ranger training to tell how animals are made.
So you guys heard about how the freedom force are kidnapping people? Like seriously aren't they supposed to be standing for our freedom and liberty ? It's bullshit. Complete bullshit. They aren't fighting for us.
In the city? Maybe the Mazes underground, but that can get risky. Even then, it's not like you can find any use for it above ground in the city. Iconocorp will snag it, turn it into their own, and slap you with fines faster than you can say "Don't chip me!"
Freedom force wouldn't do that. I bet it's just some raiders pretending to be Freedom Fighters, then snagging unsuspecting people.

unfortunate, but that's how shit can go in the Badlands
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If Cloud Moth's were as intelligent as say, Slake Moth's, we'd be in FAR more trouble than we are.
Yeah, try some villages and towns outside of megacities. Make sure to get far away from 'em, though, or you'll still get shit on.
The chemical created by the reaction of salt water and orange blight mimics the territorial emissions of the Great Wahoon, the natural predators of the sickle jaw.

There is a chance that this could cause an issue during the Wahoons rutting season, as rival males attempt to claim the territory and amorous females attempt to mate with a boat of significant size.

Which, would be merely jolting... if it weren't for the term "Traumatic Oviposition," and the extremely fast acting and strong resin the eggs are coated in.
Good thing you only visited YouTube.

Should've seen what they with that one guy a year back when he connected to Reddit...
I gotta say, I sort of appreciate Great Moth cultists.

They generally don't fuck around with humans as much as flesh cultists, besides the occasional sacrifice (or so the rumors have said).

They also have those really cool looking wooly robes that look super soft

kinda cute
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Test post.
I mean who else fights along side giants? Its only the freedom force right?

Bandits are bandits, they wouldn't leave people alive. They would capture them all and sell or kill them all. But the rumours say that they only targeted a few people.
Delete this
The Sky Pirates: A criminal organization deemed one of the worst and one of the toughest in North America and Europe. Originating from refugees who boarded a great Sky-Fortress to escape the "Great Calamity", as they call it, they are pirates, explorers, scavengers, and mercenaries. The Great Fortress is where all three factions convene and meet peacefully, while they have more smaller fortresses for their capitols (Faction Capitols). Meanwhile, each faction is divided into 11-14 clans, each with their own Zeppelin and fighter craft/drones.

They are ruled by an official council of Sky Pirates, with 12 members and 4 from each faction to help prevent internal strife. Each of the four are elected from the clans themselves. While clan-on-clan strife tends to be rare, it does happen. Usually its just small skirmishes and trade conflicts/tariffs.

The aircraft employed range from top-of-the-line military craft, to antiques picked up from history museums, and hand-crafted fighters. There ranges to be about 33-42 zeppelins in total. While dangers do lurk in the sky, they have quickly learned to adapt towards them.
>Part 2 is next.
Religion: They worship old world religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. However the trend is increasing towards Agnosticism and a newer, more shamanistic religion called "Alkounism". Details TBA
Cloud moths and other mutants/animals: They are currently dealing with them. They use a variety of tactics: Kill them or confuse them by mimicking their calls. However, a research project is starting to try and... tame them. Its not showing much progress though.
pt. 3 is next
Slake Moth
Species: Sophos Penna

The Slake Moth resembles the common moth of old in general morphology, though often reaching sizes of just under 2 meters in length, with an equally large wingspan. Coloration ranging from a dark brown the stark white, though this is achieved through a translucent chitinous layer protecting a subdermal structure containing pigmented organelles similar to those of the chameleon.

Their wing patterns appear to be unique to the individual moth. Though, the general pattern will tell the origin swarm of the creature. (e.g. Slake Moths with a diamond pattern are likely to hail from the region of Megacity B-5.) Though more variety in pigmentation can be found in their wings, it would seem that the moths themselves are color-blind.

Their brains are highly developed, featuring dense nodes of neurons, enabling an impressive visual-spacial capacity as well as a general intelligence that rivals humans. It is believed that an overdeveloped central structure much like the human pineal gland is responsible for their known psychic qualities of the creature. Including telepathy and the ability to somehow manipulate the AIs of constructs, leading to a number of incidents that were usually classified by Iconocorp or their local equivalent.

Despite being visually similar to normal moths, the legs and thus ground mobility of the Slake Moth are well developed, allowing them to infiltrate the mega-cities. (This comes into play with their reproductive needs, but more on that later.) While it can fly easily at a somewhat unsteady 40 miles per hour, the average slake moth is also able of scuttling along at 25mph. Their front pair of limps end in a dexterous claw with three digits, one of which is opposed allowing them fine manipulation. Combined with their intelligence, we believe the unverified reports of Slake Moths accessing city terminals to be credible.

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>Бoльшe нeт пepepывoв нa ceзoн cбopa ypoжaя

Чecтнo гoвopя, я пpeдпoчeл бы быть в Aмepикe ...
Economy: They are primarily pirates and mercenaries, although scavenging and exploration are major industries as well. Their aircraft can be in high demand by civilians as well
Agriculture: They can grow their own crops via Hydroponics, but most of their food can be grown on the ground.
Settlements: They have several settlements on the ground, primarily agricultural and transport based settlements. Most of their population is in air. Population unknown due to a census network being unavailable.
Ground Equipment: It varies from clan to clan, but they tend to use firearms and other guns. (TBA).
Areas of operation
>Vulture: American west and Alaska.
>Crow: American Midwest and parts of the south
>Falcon Eastern US and Gaelic Union.
A ship from the Gaelic Union just pulled into port. Latest news from across the pond is that a new batch of Thule projects just activated, and the Rzeczpospolita is having trouble keeping them away from major settlements. Also, we might be seeing Gaelic ships less often for a while. Apparently they're having a bit of trouble finding enough whalesquids to ensure that they've got enough bone charms for sailing in open waters.
Like their even larger cousins, the Cloud Moth, the Slake Moth possesses both an endo and exoskeleton. Their endoskeleton is hollow, containing pockets of helium that seems to be what enables their flight capability.

Their other internal organs are generally to be expected of an organism. Though, it is of note that the Slake Moth has the ability to produce silk threads, and do so to create secure nests for their swarm. In the wild, these nests have been observed to be an average of 100 yards in diameter, and contain rooms for cattle, larvae, and adult specimens. As well as often some crude agricultural techniques employing fungus.

The reproductive cycle of the Slake Moth is generally normal. The chief complication being that the female requires blood from mammalian organisms to finish the development of their eggs. This brings them into contact, though not always conflict, with humans. Even when not in estrus, it would seem that Slake Moths enjoy the taste of human blood. Going as far as to capture humans to bleed as cattle in their nests. More disturbingly, in the megacities they use their telepathic abilities to found mystery cults of willing donors. (This should shed some light onto the colloquial name "Slake Moth.")

These cults seem to worship the Slake Moths as avatars of the Great Moth. Specific details vary between the host swarm leading the cult, and this appears to be the foundation of the war between the swarms of Slake Moths. Which could become quite the situation if any of these swarms manage to infiltrate a cultist into a government position or a high place within Iconocorp or the other megas.

>The aircraft employed range from top-of-the-line military craft
And where do you think they're getting them from, huh? Fucking Iconocorp is going to be the death of us all.
>Latest news from across the pond is that a new batch of Thule projects just activated,
That's what you get for forgetting about a bunch of half-assed rituals from before any of that shit worked as well as it does now.
The biggest advantage we have is that the temperament of the Slake Moth is extremely xenophobic. They despise their kin much more than they do humanity. As such, they underestimate our ability to resist their psychic control, and see us as little more than dangerous, if delicious beasts. Thus it seems as though they haven't thought about using their cultists as much more than a blood bank and attack dogs. The danger lies in if those cultists take their own initiative and seek the tools to more decisively strike at other moth swarms. Fortunately, like most cults, the Moth Cults seem to attract only social outcasts and pariahs.

Still, we recommend that ReCoHQ advise both the Wardens and Megas of the threat represented by the Moth Cults. No special arms or tactics are vital or recommended for the removal of Slake Moths or their sycophants. Vigilance, though, is key. As a local swarm of a dozen moths can amass a sizable herd of cultists.

Vita hominis super terram.
-Regiona Conquista North American Branch
-Researcher Theo Grall.
Irish Steel and Alumimium Corp : A major steel and aluminium corporation in which the Gaelic Union holds 51% shares of. Highly successful corporation and provides then Gaelic Union with 68% of its steel and 46% of its Aluminium. ISAC is world renowned for its high quality processes which is replicated all over the world. ISAC HQ is based in Belfast, North Ireland where the majority of its working take place. 39% of Belfast residents are employed by ISAC.

The director of ISAC is directly appointed by the Gaelic Union. It’s current incumbent is Sean McClenahen who has been the leading director for 13 years.
>The Falcon pirate Zeppelin "Bastard Son" recently entered Gaelic Union airspace and reaches above the settlement of New Cork, a smaller settlement based on steelworking.
>Forces from the Pirate Zeppelin "Hells Bells" also have arrived for support in exchange for 35% profit
>Captain Leon of the "Bastard Son" is ready to attack.
"Alright motherfuckers, its time to feel the WRATH OF MY LOVE GUN!"
>They attack using several pre-calamity m101 105mm Howitzers, and a primary class-2 laser howitzer.
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Well guys, just got word that a HostLord is descending upon my local cluster of megacities. Don't now about you lot, but everyone else is getting the fuck out of here. Even Iconocorp is prepping to rig all their shit to blow the moment it reaches the first walls.
It's more like a giant fight in the backyard between thule supersoldiers and angry jewish spirits. Try living with that shit.
>After a heavy bombardment, the zeppelin launches a series of aircraft.
>three F-15E strke eagles, and two mothership drones.
>They begin strafing the settlement, dropping bombs upon both military and civilian targets alike.
>Then they begin airdropping their elite troops onto the ground, killing, looting, and razing the city. They steal valuable commodities like steel and other such items. After their raid is done, they clean up, take what else is left, and enter back into their zeppelin via either Helicopter or the Zeppelin landing itself.
>They are a feared people, both loathed and respected as well.
The what now
Quite possibly the absolute worst things you can ever encounter out there. If a HostLord decides to single something out for destruction, it's getting wiped. No ifs, and, or buts. Pray that you never have to encounter them at all.
Locations of the Fortresses:
>Falcon Fortress: Near Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. Its on the move
>Crow: It is located near Texas and Louisiana
>Vulture: Located near British Colombia, Washigton, and Alaska. Its always on the move.
>Main Fortress: Stationairy, pretty high up. Located near Bermuda. Connected with a minaturized space elevator from there. Highly guarded.
>Zeppelins: Locations unknown, too hard to track. Always on the move.
A single HostLord has been seen making a direct beeline towards megacity cluster Z3:G5. It'll be there in approximately 20 minutes from what I've heard.
>tfw live in the outskirts of hte megacity, in a factory settlement
>tfw local overseer is getting threatened by the Crow pirates
What should I do bois? I'm a poorfag nogunz with a barely working car. I really don't want to die.
Have you considered serving the Great Moth?
Fuck I'm glad I don't live on the east coast.
I mean, I know those things are significantly less common, but I'd take dealing with mushitters over that any day of the week.
Trips of the moth. I thought about it when I was an edgy 14 year old. No, I'm not becoming a mothfag.
aw, cmon it's not so bad
>he chose a pointless luxury item like a car over a necessity like a gun

Fucks like you deserve everything that you get, I bet that you don't even offer monetary support to your settlement's volunteer security force.
I still wholeheartedly believe one can be a pacifist in this day and age.
>girlfriend keeps nagging me, telling me to doing virtual poker with the boys so much

big fuckin sigh
So you're a suicidal idiot then.
I'm a principled man, what can I say?

Thanks, dudes. I'll make sure to stay as far from the megs as possible, so none shall know the forbidden passion I'll share with my drone.
Daily reminder that living underground is the superior option
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Enjoy getting eaten by Mazes then.
They only eat your soul when you die.
Thing is I restored the car somewhat. I found it abandoned on the side of the road. Its this old ass honda. How can I afford a gun if I can barely pay for my rent. God I hate being a wagie so much.
Hi I'm back to say, na nigga I'll pass.
You will regret this.
Bet you could find a gun for cheap in the Maze. Just stick to shallow levels, where the black markets are.
Gentlemen, I would like but a moment of your time to introduce you to a fantastic opportunity a one in a life time opportunity in fact. Come come, listen to what could change your world. Now i have wandered the earth studying the mystic arts of the east, the crude voodoo of the africa's, the superstitions of the moth servants and i have come before you with the genuine article, the topmost elixir in the world.......The spit of a slake moth. With this you shall recive untold pleasure, give you the vigor of a young schoolboy, Ward away the things that go bump in the night.

come one come all, don't gamble your lives, come buy my protective and *cough* expensive *cough* vitality inducing serum and elixars.
Were moths hurt in the making of this specific? I'm a Great Moth believer and that would be against my religion.
But why though?
No sir no sir, no moths would dare be harmed, why you can even see it has a "moth approved production label" on the side of the canister.

*Cough* those are a thing, no need to question it walking money machine *cough*

I take the greatest care in hand catching and ranching moths, with 3 decades experience. All moths were happy, well fed and *cough* sedated *cough* in perfect condition as we milked their spit.

Why my throat is ever so sore, what with all this coughing........And would you look at that, just by imbibing some of merchant loiekan's fabulous exlier from my hip flask my cough is gone. truly i have learnt a new property of my elixir all without adding any unnatural preservatives, sweetners or cows dung
>Even Iconocorp is prepping to rig all their shit to blow the moment it reaches the first walls.
>implying hostlords are real
>implying Iconocorp has decided it's more profitable to blow up your hab instead of maintain it
lol east coasters
>give you the vigor of a young schoolboy
I am with the Sisters of the Great Mother, the high and holy Arrah-Arrah and would like to inquire if this could be made to impart other qualities of a young schoolboy to its imbibers
"Why that depends on the effect you desire sister of the great mother, the high and holy Arrah Arrah who i will now shorten down to sister of the great mum. Why with just a healthy slathering of Moth.....product.....Upon the skin you could come away from a hour long clean to a healthy and vibrant young woman. As for other such aspects they would need to be discussed *mumbling* and verrified for how much i can fake it or copy it *mumbling*
Can anyone contact those Skyking cultists and tell them to keep it down? There's fuck all radio freqeuncies out there that aren't being flooded with their 'Skyking skyking do not answer' prayerwheel nonsense.
"Doctor Nelson? Mr. Bronson has arrived for his appointment."

"Very well. Send him in."

I closed out the series of tabs detailing my patient records, and leaned back in my reclining office chair.the knob on the door to my office turned, and the portal swung wide, revealing the tiny frame of a Mr. Robert Bronson, aged 54, 5 foot 4 inches in height, an old, tiny, scrawny little man, with a pair of large rimmed glasses sitting upon the bridge of his nose. I smiled at him.

"Please, come in, Mr. Bronson, and have a seat. May I interest you in a glass of water, or perhaps some Jasper wasp coffee?"

"Just water, please..."


I stood up and filled a glass and handed it to him. He took a sip and set it on the table, and looked at me expactantly. No sense continuing with this foreplay.

"I assume you read the pamphlet on the chipping procedure?"

"Yes, Doctor. Cover to cover."

"And you've decided you would like one?"


The pamphlet for standard consumer consumption in reference highlights all the benefits of receiving an Iconocorp chip - access to Iconocorp networks and services, enhanced neural synapse responsiveness, entertainment, navigation... It was a valuable marketing tool, to be certain.

Fascinating, marketing, and its ability to omit the unpleasant, even the potentially lethal. I would not be informing Mr. Bronson of potential side effects - such as paralysis, mental retardation, and even a 50% mortality rate in patients over 45 - or, the cold hard reality that the only reason these chips existed was to effectively turn him into a complacent worker drone for the glory of Iconocorp. No... That would hurt my sales, and potentially cause a panic. I have a family to feed.

"So, shall I schedule you for tomorrow then? Perhaps, 2:00 in the afternoon?"

"Yes, yes... That sounds excellent."

"Perfect. I shall see you then."

Mr. Bronson stood up, shook my hand, thanked me, and left. Ironic. He was about to pay me to effectively lobotomize him.

I slept easy that night. Chipping, after all, was a relatively expensive procedure, and Iconocorp always compensated handsomely, doubly so if the procedure was successful.

I made my way to my housing bloc, and opened the door. My wife sat inside, nursing our newborn daughter, watching flickering images on the television. Her telenovela cut to an advertisement.

"Come get chipped today, and become part of the Iconocorp family! Head down to your..."

Yes, come get chipped. Install a GPS tracker replete with imaging and audio recording capabilities, uploading your every move, word, and action to Iconocorp servers. Come get chipped, and subject yourself to our latest impulse management software. Mentally neuter yourself for the glory of our megacorporation...

"Honey?" My wife snapped me out of my train of thought. I spilled the bourbon I was pouring into a glass as I was pulled back to reality.

"I was thinking about getting a chip..."

"What? Why?"

Irony. You are not lost upon me.

"I don't know... I mean, it seems like it'd be really useful. It's all the functions of a tablet, but hands free. Matilda just got one, the neighbor lady, and..."

"Absolutely not." I cut her off mid sentence. "You are not getting chipped."


"You are not getting chipped. That is final."

I took a long draw off my bourbon. To my surprise, I finished the entire glass in one gulp. My wife looked at me. She seemed disappointed.

"Baby... It's been a long day at the office, and I have a lot of appointments tomorrow. I'm going to turn in early."

I kissed her on the forehead, and headed up to my room. I slept poorly that night.
Alright brothers of negro descent, why should I get chipped?
You can watch Iconotube and get Iconobook, along with a 2 month free trial period. Thats three perfectly packaged perks I listed right there
A large number of reasons:
>Protects against Mazes and Moth Cults.
>Allows TrackMar Rapid Assistance teams to know where you are when you need help.
>Interfaces with your domestic appliances automatically.
>Allows you direct brain access to IcoNet, Iconocorp's efficient network provider and Resident Monitoring Service.
>Comes with complimentary Vita Manager personal digital assistant preloaded in the chipware, allowing you to make your daily choices before you even know you have one!
>lol, inconsistencies

I awoke early the next morning, before my alarm. I headed downstairs, made some breakfast, took a shower, and made my way to the office. I started making preparations for the day's surgeries. The hours melted off the clock. I had everything ready for Mr. Bronson an hour before his appointment, and I took a break for lunch.

Fifteen before 2, Mr. Bronson sat in the waiting room.

"Mr. Bronson? Are you ready for your procedure?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Good. Come with me, please."

We walked into the operating room. He undressed and put on his patient robe, and I motioned for him to lay down on the operating table. I fixed a mask to his face, and administered the anesthetic. I counted backwards, and his eyes rolled back into his head. He fell into unconsciousness.

I shaved the hair off his head.


Right into it.y assistant handed me a circular power saw, and I began to cut away at the crown of his head. I separated the top of his skull, and opened his brain case. Hos gray matter lay exposed before me.

I grabbed his chip from a drawer, and removed it from it's sterilized packaging. I opened the clasps, and set it atop his brain, and closed them, it's metal claws digging at it's soft, spongey tissue. Mr. Bronson reflexively kicked from neural stimulation, and then laid still again. His heart rate was elevated, his breathing slightly more rapid. A moment later, his vitals stabilized, and we were ready to continue.

I took his skull cap, and placed it back over his brain, and methodically applied a synthetic osteoadhesive developed specifically for this procedure around the cut in the bone. In a week's time, his skull would be reset, as if it were never opened in the first place. Then, I stitched his skin back together. I removed my gloves, washed my hands, and removed the anesthetic mask. In due time, Mr. Bronson would wake up.

I stepped outside, and lit a cigarette.
Okay, seriously, did anyone else see that one weirsly blinking brown-orange star last night? Shit was p. big. This is like the third that's showed up in tbe sky and then fucks off the next night.

Its freaking me the fuck out. Do you think its attempted orbital laser construction?
Chipping had always been a nerve wracking affair. Too many patients had died on the table under my supervision. Too many patients would awaken, and... No. I didn't want to think about it.

I finished my smoke, and flicked it down the alley. The ember exploded in a fiery red splash on the concrete. I turned around, and stepped inside.


Bang. Crash. A scream. I hurried towards my office, and grabbed my hand gun and my taser. Then, I ran to the OR.

Mr. Bronson was awake, alright, and mobile. The operating table was overturned, the anesthetic tanks were hissing as they lay on their sides, leaking gas. Mr. Bronson ran around the room, a predatorial sneer etched into his face as he chased my assistant across the small room. She desperately flipped obstacles into his pass. He snarled and raged.


He paused, and turned to face me, saliva dribbling from the corner of his mouth, before the same hideous, anomalistic sneer returned, and he stalked slowly towards me, like a wolf closing in on it's kill. I leveled my taser, and fired.

The prongs met flesh, and delivered a summary shock to him. He began to convulse violently on the floor, and urinated himself unapologetically. Hos snarl was replaced with a bestial wail, hos sneer a contorted grimace of pain, before unconsciousness took him over. I turned to the nurse.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes... Thank you, doctor..."

"Come, let's get him to programming. See if we can't at least get him functional."

Where the surgical process might destroy ones humanity, the chip was programmed to compensate and restore it, if not perfectly, then as at least a shadow of their former selves.

We placed Bronson on a stretcher, and wheeled him into the programming lab of the office.

The entire time, I kept my hand on my pistol.
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>attempted orbital laser construction
>orbital laser construction
>orbital laser
Unlikely, even if we still had regular LEO access, you shouldn't be able to see orbital construction from the surface.

Though, if a space station were on fire, it could conceivably appear as a bright orange star as the oxygen blowtorches out of the hull. It would have to be a fairly large station to last the entire night... Which begs the question, why are they going up like a dead cloud moth?
Dont say ominous shit like that, anon. I WANT to get a good nights sleep tonight, which is a fucking luxury out here in Georgia
We placed the head end of Bronson in the chip reader. It looked like a giant MRI, but with the express purpose of programming Iconocorp chips. My assistant sat down at the computer, and began to upload his information... Bank information, desired Iconocorp package, several promotions, his Iconocorp personality profile before his chipping, warranty information... Everything. I oversaw operational "security", ready to put Bronson down at a moment's notice. However, the upload was completed. We waited again for Bronson to awaken.

A few moments passed. He opened his eyes, seemingly mechanically, and stood up from the stretcher, his movements stiff and precise. He stared ahead, seemingly into the infinite vacuum of existence before him, not really focusing on anything in particular. The impulse inhibitor software seemed to be effective.

"Robert Bronson. Iconocorp Chip Number 0019X2042, IG-Series, Serial Number 5176908, online. Initializing."

Another successful chipping, it would seem.

"Mr. Bronson, payment for services rendered is due on the 20th. We will be sending you an invoice. Thank you for choosing Iconocorp chipping as your choice of physical augmentation."

All of this was simply a formality. Barring any sort of malfunction, Mr. Bronson now belonged to Iconocorp. If he were ever to be free again, it would be as a violent, lobotomized animal, incapable of any human reasoning.

He nodded coldly, mechanically, and left my office.

We closed for the night not long after.
We spent a few extra hours cleaning up the operating room. With everything in place for tomorrow's work, I wished my assistant a good night, and proceeded to head home. I made my way through the blocs to my home, and arrived on my porch and opened the door.

I walked inside. The TV was off, but my wife sat there, alone in the dark. Her head was shaven, a scar line visible around the circumference of her head. Her breast was exposed, my infant daughter's head pressed against it. She placed the child in its cradle, coldly and methodically. Only then did I notice the child's neck was snapped, and it's head lay off to the side, grotesque and misshapen.

"Welcome home, John Nelson."

I shuddered, and fumbled for the pistol, still on my belt.
If that's the end of that story, well done. It was nicely laid out and had a solid, if gruesome, twist at the end.
and, for you, since I felt it was good enough to keep around!
Inspiring me to almost so some writefaggotry
Hmm, but is it worth it?
Of course it is!
"My name is Robert Bronson, and Iconocorp chips have changed my life!"

>Not a paid actor
>>Not a paid actor

Of course not, why bother with actors when you can just force any of the hundred million chip-users to say anything you wish them to say?
Brett and I were making good progress through the woods, brown leaves crunching beneath our feet and interrupting the atmosphere of silence cast over the entire area. When I last checked the map, we were about fifteen miles away from the treeline of the Great Forest and still travelling parallel to it.. Brett said it wouldn't be a problem, that fifteen miles was enough -- added that I'm just a worrier. My friend has always been bolder, more headstrong. Makes sense, then, that'd he be leading ahead in our little trip.

He's not wrong, though. I am a worrier, and for a good reason. Our village is approximately thirty miles away from the edge of the Great Forest, yet things worse than the occasional harassing raider or ballsy bandit came to torment us. The week of the whispering voice was a difficult time for all of us. We still don't know what it was, just that it knew a lot about us all. It wasn't very friendly. Our neighbors, only about ten miles off and closer to the Forest, were no longer with us. The village council kept up communication with them pretty frequently before everything went silent. There was some sort of conflict going on over there. When all the fuss died down, scouts were sent over to the village. When they came back, the fear they exuded was palpable. Said everyone just up and disappeared. No sign of struggle. Odd green dust in the center of the town square. Otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary. God only knows where those few hundred souls went and what or who took them. Villagers think the Great Forest has something to do with it. Nothing human lasts long nearby it.

Before I could keep my worrying mind running any further, Brett called out to me, causing my cautious, darting eyes to focus on him.

"Vee, check this!"

He stopped in his tracks completely and beckoned me over with an inward wave. Besides sparing a glance over his shoulder to get a look at me, he was too distracted by something ahead.

Continue? Y/N?
And now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

A challenge dear Anon's to get the creative juices flowing!

Come up with a Kaiju boss encounter for one of the Great Lakes.

Normal tier: Submit a Kaiju, get head pats.
Better tier: Make the Kaiju thematically appropriate for a mythology of the Lake you choose. Ex: Lake Superior, Manifestation of The Witch of the North Wind
My Drill Shall Pierce the Heavens Tier:
Come up with a quest line as thematically appropriate to the Lake as possible, which ends in a Kaiju Battle for your players. Bonus points for keeping the mythology on point, but not strictly necessary.
>The players must cross or travel on Lake Superior.
>Players capsize in transit, but do not die. They meet the Immortal Witch of the North Wind.
>The Fae have declared war on the old witch, and have empowered a gigantic Hermit Crab beast. The beast is gorging itself on the souls of the Lake's Dead.
>The Witch strikes a deal with the party: in her weakened state, she cannot confront the beast directly and win. She will grant the party a boon (at GM discretion) and guide them to where the beast is currently, and the party must fight the beast on her behalf.
>Party is whisked to three ghost vessels, populated by risen dead. The party must put down the undead, and sink the ship. Each ship is a vessel lost in Lake Superior.
>Final boss fight: The Edmund Fitzgerald WITH A TWEEST!
>The players repeat the process of the last three encounters in the Fitz. As the Fitz returns to the depths, the Immortal Witch of the North Wind thanks the players for restoring her power and starts to make good on her word when the beast arises from the depths, having armored itself with the remains of the Fitz, and the other ships.
>Blessed with the boon of the Witch, the party undertakes a massive enemy crab boss battle, unleashing the hellish wrath of the Ancient Spirit of the Lake in whatever cinematic and cool way the DM is willing to tolerate.

Whatcha got /tg/?
Hey everyone, my name is Ranger Hal. I'm new to the Rangers and my most recent assignment was making critter identification easier for the Scouts (uh, recruits I reckon is a good enough word?). Now in Ranger school we dont get much vid or holo time except a few timesa month, so we find other ways to pass time. But one thing they DO like is these TTRPGs, onnacount that they raise yer teamwork, outta the box thinkin, and strategies to work around weaknesses and proper gear choice. So that's what I'll be doin, postin' some of the work I got (yeah yeah it's 5e, we dont have 8.4e yet and 5e has a lot of fan support for AR and holo)

I'll start with a Cable Rider. It's a will o the wisp that you'll find eating volts on a line, and is a common pest that will wreck a PC, lightbulbs, or even a power station if ya get a bunch together! Keep an eye out after thunderstorms! Lets start with a runt.

Cable Rider (Bolter)- tiny elemental
Hp: 7, ac: 15, speed: 50
Str 1, dex 20, con 10, int 2, wis 14, cha 2
Damage immunities: slash, pierce, bludgeon from non magical or conductive metal weapons (lead cast rounds only!), poison, electric, necromancy, lightning*
Condition immunities: charm, frightened, trip, disarm, poisoned
Environment: high power areas, urban
Alignment: none
Cr: 1/2

Attack: +6 melee, 1d3 electric damage

Special: if the Cable Rider takes electric damage, it heals that amount. The cable rider will always attack targets with electric items or conductive weapons first.
*cable riders take full electric damage when wet, and must make a con save dc 12 when exposed to water or recieve disadvantage on their turn. They attempt this save every round they are exposed to water.

Knowledge (arcana) 15: cable rider runts can be captured by any common GFCI switch and stored (dc 13 strength to escape, they may attempt this 1x/day). By using a proper inverter, they can be used to charge a phone from dead to full in under 30 seconds, destroying them.
Lake eerie serpent cryptid
Thanks, Ranger Hal!

can I get a BASIC description of any of the following.

Cloud Moths

the discord includes a world document and I'd like to put some more stuff down on paper

I guess if there is a "god" and a cult for the moth creatures I imagine cloud moth to be sudo sentient creatures? Sort of smart like whales but still susceptible to strong sources of light.

They are probably the root cause of the massive forest in the middle of the US and the one in South America constantly going back and forth between the two as part of their breeding cycle.

Are we still going with the assumption that their body parts are too toxic to harvest/use?
I may try to throw together a ReCoNA log on the Cloud Moths tomorrow.

Sandvixens have had like two posts. Rot-Jaws are a bit more interesting, and I frankly missed anything about the cantosaurus.
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guy in the Discord gave me THIS
I put it on the Google Doc

>Carnivous Tauronesis. Otherwise known as "that thing that fucked your day". This creature sports thick tough scales, a skeleton hardened by a metabolism specifically designed to lace the creature's carapace and bones with various metallics from rocks that the beadt "grazes" on when it's NOT ripping your spine out through your throat. This is a carnivore son, make no mistake. In order to fuel the chemical furnace that makes this beast go, th he rule of thumb is, "if it moves, this eats it." You will never see it fat, and if it acts tired after gorging, it"s just trying to lure you in.

>Only chance you've got is heavy caliber weapons fire, VERY concentrated Redgrass extract, and something else to make more of a smell or more vibration than you.

>It is a clever hunter. It'll lure subterranean life to the surface by tapping with it's hooves to simulate prey, and can wallow out a sizable hole in a short amount of time. It's hooves are also fairly sensitive, allowing it to sense prey moving around on the ground 100's of meters away
Well, three part post on the slake moth above with the name ReCoNA Entity File
>Cloud Moths
Quick scan through previous threads indicate that Cloud Moths are
>large enough to damage buildings if they land on them
>poisonous as hell (also seem to be prone to exploding when they die)
>have few if any natural predators (the wasps seem to be one of them)
>eating their meat can cause human to mutate into something called "broodmother"
>seem to breed in north america
>have both endo- and exoskeletons
>basically immune to small arms fire
Browsed this thread.
Dear newfags: greentext does not start with "be me"
You need to go back.
Signed, lurkmoar mcnewfaggot
So this big thing fell out of the sky today, couldn't make out the finer details due to it being obscured by all the fire and heavily damaged, but it was oblong and resembled something Iconocorp would make except without all the bionic parts. Does anyone have any idea what this thing is? I called the fire department but I don't think they would know anything about it beyond the fact that it's on fire.
Okay so can someone explain what these threads are they look cool but I have no idea what this is.
1 part writing, 1 part collaborative world building, 1 part larp and greentext
I get that much but whats the lore i've been reading the threads and i'm still confused.
Finally got on one of these! Seems like there's still people online on your end of the world. I guess those Raftboys did manage to snag an underwater internet cable, finally. So uh, hello from Indonesia! Or whatever's left of it, anyways. Between the tidal queens, the kaiju migrations, the flesh-things and the stranding mangroves growing all over the place, it's mostly good over here. We have those cloud-moths too, but luckily there's some really big bats that come from the east and southeast that eat them. Doesn't matter their entire head is a huge mouth, some of us worship them here. Also what's this Iconocorp bullshit? Something like Yang Heavy Industries?
Its largely free form. There isnt much organization, you can make pretty much whatever you want up and just leave it vague as to the "where" if you're scared of toe stepping, or borrow from other anons. Just spitball things and see what sticks
Oh and check discord, may help

Don't question it. Go on about your day.
Jesus Christ, Indonesia is still around? I thought the flesh city Mu consumed all of you, goddamn. Tennessee resident here. Iconocorp is basically everything. They produce a lot of shit, give it to the people in the Megacities. Anyone else not inside or associating with Megacities (like myself) don't get jack shit unless we steal it from them.

Wish we had some of those bats over here. Cloud Moths are a pain in the ass.
What's left of us anyways, most of us either died or fled when the Tide Queens arrived. Most drowned in their sleep. Some just seized what ships were available and just made floating cities from all the flotsam. Heard it's also the same in the Philippines too, they say the flesh-things actually fought one of the Tide Queens. Just stay away from Luzon in the meantime.
And yeah, I guess Iconocorp is kinda like Yang Heavy Industries, it's just that they don't really care about chipping people, I guess? I mean they do take 'soul tithes' and shit, and this one Chinese-Indonesian guy said he escaped from one of their facilities - said there's more factory than people working there. He fled when he saw the 'employee entry' line was heading to a sort of furnace, the other workers just... jumped in willingly. So yeah, scary shit.
And regarding the wildlife, I guess it's 50/50. I mean, there's some big critters that eat other big critters, like the bats - but there's other new pain in the asses. Like, those stranding mangroves I told you about? Basically grows everywhere there's enough water and other stranding mangroves. Imagine kudzu but with entire mangrove trees. And the things that live in them! Besides the bats who roost in the biggest mangroves, there's the nagas, the hoppers, hullsuckers - that last one is kinda like a leech and a barnacle at the same time, and the only thing it dies to are either fire (which is dangerous to our mostly wooden floating towns and boats), or naga acid. We just cut out any part that got hullsuckers and drag 'em out in the open ocean. Thankfully there's still some 'normal' fishes, though - but some of us, like the Harpooners, think nagas, giant bats and the like taste good.
Just don't piss of the Tide Queens, and you're good, here.
>Tide Queens

Has anyone tried killing one yet?
Cloud Moth
Species: Edax Vermis

The adult cloud moth is collosal, the main body reaching sizes of 18 meters with a similarly large wing span. Their body is covered in fine white hair-like structures, this dense fluff seems to insulate the moth at their high altitude cruising. Their great wings, though, are almost always black, detailed examination of the cellular structure of their wings has shown that they have photosynthetic compounds, perhaps helping to supply the moth's long aerial journies. Despite this alternative dietary supplement, pods of cloud moths are seem to regularly descend to the surface to graze.

Fortunately, the adult Cloud Moth is a herbovore. The examples of homogenizing forests world wide are likely do to the wanderings of the pods of cloud moths transporting seeds around the planet. Though, this does spell trouble for those who still practice traditional agriculture, as the moth is just as likely to feed upon their bounty as nature's.

The internal anatomy of the Cloud Moth is mostly normal, with the major exception of their hollow endoskeleton. These pockets contain hydrogen, though how this comes to be is unknown. It does contribute to their known tendancy to immolate upon death, especially when injury is inflicted by bullets or explosives. Contributing to this is their other major anatomical feature are their secondary set of antennae, which produce electrical shocks. These are capable of arcing between the two appendages, especially in the death throes of the moth. In the wild, they use this capability for self-defense. Observations of flying swarms also imply that they may use this ability to communicate in some way.


Many of their biological compounds are toxic the humans, and when the moth burns, these compounds tend to aerosolize, filling the air with poison. In addition, the moth itself tends to burn with a force equivalent to thermite if it is lit. One of the ways to avoid this with conventional weapons is a clean, high-power shot through the brain-case of the cloud moth. Though this will still cause the electrical organs of the moth to discharge, the internal hydrogen will not be ignited by this. Though, secondary fires caused this way may still ignite the moth.

However, the Cloud Moth's scientific name is not given for its adult form. Every other year the Cloud Moths return to their nesting lands to breed. During this time, the adults are highly territorial. Males competing low in the skies have been known to crash into buildings miles away from their territory and in their dominance battle, cause great destruction and death. Fortunately for those still dwelling full time in the country side, this event lasts only a week.

Unfortunately, three to four months later, the Larval form of the Cloud Moth begin their reign on the region. Though these outsized caterpillars begin life at the size of a large dog, they swiftly grow to nearly the size of their adult form. Taking only two months to swell to a truly dangerous size.

The larval Cloud Mouth is an omnivorous predator, with jaws capable of grinding down bone and rending weaker metals. They are extremely swift for their size, and equally aggressive. In especially bad years, they have been known to strip regions nearly bare. Fortunately, they are easier to deal with as they do not immolate like their adult forms, though they are harder to wound in a meaningful way.

Though not toxic like their adult forms, there are unverified reports of strange behavior in those who have eaten the flesh of the cloud moth larvae, colloquially termed "moth meat." It is unknown if this is a property of the flesh itself or some parasite of the cloud moth which survived any cooking process applied. The specimens we obtained for dissection showed no apparent vector. However, the reports of "brood mothers" emerging after the consumption of the flesh continue to be strong, and further study is needed. If it is a parasite of the cloud moth, it would not be unheard of for such a thing to further its life cycle in a secondary host.

There is a distinct possibility that this is related to the unknown elements of Mammon Wasp reproduction. As they have been seen to attack Cloud Moths, stinging them and being shocked by the moth, but never have they been witnessed downing and consuming a moth. Further research is required... and the efforts involved in capturing live Cloud Moths and Mammon Wasps to study are quite prohibitive. At the mention of the idea, the Warden team assisting our field research threatened to leave us in the wild. Perhaps Iconocorp would be more receptive.

In the meantime, Warden squads are advised to have a designated marksman with a large calibur, high powered rifle should the need to deal with a cloud moth arise. The cities are advised to double anti-fire efforts during a cloud-moth breeding season. The larvae are dangerous, but a well defended position should be able to repel any attacks.

"Mankind reclaim the Earth."
-Regiona Conquista: North American Branch
-Researcher Isaac McEachern
A couple thoughts on Cloud Moths.

An earlier Anon posted that Cloud Moths. Adult stage were so large, they developed an exo-and endoskeleton, with the endoskeleton being similar to a birds in that it is hollow, but dissimilar owing to the voids being filled with hydrogen, the prevailing theory being that the hydrogen. rich physiology provides to offset weight.

I sat down, thought about that, and smacked myself, because that isn't how hydrogen works for lifting. You need a pressurized sac of it to let the buoyancy bits happen.

BUT... To keep the Hydrogen bit in some form since it seems pretty cool, how about this:

>In order to reproduce, Cloud Moths build an a structure to contain their maturing eggs. In order to protect the eggs from land based predators, the eggs will be wrapped in a runny, rubber like mucous. The moth will then fly to nearby sources of Hydrogen, (generally bodies of water, but there have been one or two claims of a moth subspecies that can strip the Hydrogen it needs from Hydrogen Sulfides as well), and will spend time consuming the resource, processing and storing the Hydrogen in large sacs on it's dorsal side.

The moth will return to it's best, and pump the hydrogen into the membrane wrapped around the eggs, leading to large floating structures of Moth Egg being carried into the atmosphere.
Well I can't exactly go about my day normally since I've been given an off-day thanks to a burning sky-thing being lodged in my workplace, so I might as well figure out what that thing is while I have nothing else to do.
A good point, I didn't touch on the way the eggs exist in the wild with the ReCoNA post.

Though, yes, pockets of hydrogen within the moth wouldn't do a whole lot to off set their bulk. But, it was never said this was the only thing that enabled their flight, only that it seemed to be an adaption in the same vein of "lighten the body."

I thought about talking of them seeming to process sea water to gather the hydrogen, but that seemed outside the realm of a man doing a field dissection on a macrofauna.
>"Popping" these egg clusters, while generally pyrotechnically spectacular, does not guarantee the destruction of all potential Cloud Moth Spawn, and in fact, seems to be counted upon by the Cloud Moths to free their earliest mobile children from the sac. Crothers et al. Observed one of the Spawn Clouds going unpopped until the last egg had hatched.

>Earlier hatchers will tend to consume later hatching eggs to grow until one develops enough to begin to perforated the buoyancy sac. A clutch undisturbed will generally be only moderately productive.

>When the Crother's team "popped" an eggsac after the early hatchers had hatched, but before the cannibalization began, the larvae quickly recognized a puncture in the sac and mobilized to escape into the environment, most surviving the fall from altitude.

>The introduction of oxygen to the gestation environment seemed to accelerate the development of the unhatched eggs.

>The overall result of the study demonstrated that Cloud Moth eggsac will either tend to produce a "more developed" and mobile larvae when left undisturbed, or will generate a large number of larvae if disturbed.

>A controlled burn of an egg sac is possible to prevent successful gestation, but is quite dangerous due to the risk of encountering mobile larvae, or leaving the job unfinished. High bounties are paid to those with the equipment and skill to do the job efficiently, but these egg clouds are often so prolific, this is only really feasible to prevent incursions into highly populated areas.

>Success has been had implementing biological controls in the form of predators that control the population of Cloud Moths at different points in their lifecycle, however, research continues to refine these measures to minimize impact to extant human, and non-pest species populations.
Bam. More "Cloud" in yo Cloud Moths bitches. I think there needs to be a lifecycle stage where an old fashioned pump shotgun can remove a Cloud Moth, but at some point (post-metamorphosis) the hardening against small arms needs to come into play. Thoughts?
I like it. Though, I'd propose that the eggs are tethered to treetops.

Keeping them out of reach of most predators, but keeping them in areas where they'll have food when they emerge.
So, the reason I avoided the tethering was I figured the Cloud Moths were more a "cast a wide net" sort of reproducer.

Plus it hugely increases the nuisance factor. A cloud blocking the sun suddenly becomes a moment of horror as you're wondering how many larvae at about to get dropped nearby.

This also means the outdoor pool industry may take a hit but... Ehhhh. Such is life, no?
All I know is that Phillipines meat monster, and whoever won, they just say stay off Luzon. If any of you know how to hack into satellites and tell me what's going on there, I want to know, too.
As for the Tide Queens themselves - dunno man, they seem more like something supernatural. I mean, sure, they look like a normal girl on the outside, but that's when they're on their happy moods. I mean, they'll happily take offerings and chat and stuff, but everyone's too scared to piss them off. Because they're like waterbenders on supernatural steroids, catch my drift? And they don't quite think like normal people do. Closest thing I can think of is one of them Fae from Changeling the Lost. And besides controlling water, sometimes they have other powers as well. Like turning fishes into monsters or some kinda shit like that. I've only seen one from a distance, apparently the Tide Queen of Makassar has several of those giant bats as pets. I've heard that there was this one guy who slighted her while she's walking around in the New Makassar markets, and she left him a shriveled husk, and then had one of her bats eat him. Shit's quite scary, man, when they're pissed off.
Fair point, I went the other way, in that the larvae are still the big threat, but the adults are mostly harmless... except a short period where they're controlling territory to lay the eggs in resource rich environments.

But, I was also trying to tie together the disparate elements we've associated with the cloud moth.

Of course, it is always possible to have more than one breed. Especially with the Slake Moths having something of an eternal race war. Which, admittedly, was stolen from the AD&D "Eye, Tyrant" beholders thinking their form was the perfect representation of their creator god, and all the others were abominations fit only to destroy.
Anyone wanna play Titanfall five with me? I'm a real good pilot, killed fifteen other players! Already commissioned a Replica in case I lose a firefight, but me and scorch are a great team. You can find me in the east coast at the Pennsylvania arena! See you there.
Further addendum:
The nuisance factor of swarms of Cloud Moths trying to empty water sources would likely turn reservoirs into high security facilities.

Depending on the population sizes we're talking as well there may even be an industry to be made reclaiming egg sacs for Hydrogen to use as fuel/turn back into water.

I'm fucking glad I don't live in Indonesia, then. At least they're capable of communicating with you at all.

Do they do anything for you, besides do as they please and occasionally killing off some people? Seems like they don't really want anything from you all, moreso than to just torment and harass...

Are they at least hot?
Would certainly add extra purpose for the electrical organs I added. Allow them to conduct an organic form of electrolysis.

And give further reason that an improperly killed one during the rutting season would go up like a bonfire.

what the fuck is a 'Titanfall'
Is this the new autism?
At least it's not fetish shit or more 40k
Now yesterday I posted about a small Cable Rider, and I reckon your wonderin' about the cable riders you hear coming out of hurricanes and tropical storms that can chew up power stations and whole building grids, but I aint keen on typing up 5 entries for slightly larger cable riders. So today, we're gonna talk about a Slaying Mantis.

Now a Slaying Mantis is an apex predator in it's native environment, and it's just short of the "megafauna" tag. At around 3m long when walking, and 2.5m tall when reared up on its back 4 legs, the male Slaying Mantis weighs nearly 1000 kilos when mature, with female specimens found up to 1300. Their chitin is roughly equivalent to a level IV ceramic plate EXCEPT for a dinner plate spot their underside (about level 3A), which is only vulnerable when they're about to strike. With their arms they can easily crush through tree limbs, cut through steel car doors, and do much worse to a person. They have an interesting history with the Rangers--about 6 years ago, a small detachment of novice Rangers partnered with vet Rangers wound up partnering with a Free State militia to defend a town of 1,000 which had the misfortune of being ground zero for mantis mating season. Of Rangers A-F, I-K, S and T, only Rangers Al, Bal, Cal, Fal, and Kal survived. Many of the survivors werent the same after the 14 hour battle.

Slaying Mantis (speeder scale)
Strength 4D
Dex 3D
Int 1D
Technical 1D
Mechanical 1D
Perception 3D

Brawl 5D, brawl parry 5D.
Arm blade Str + 1D (+ 2D speeder scale bonus)
Bite Str +1D + speeder scale
Chitin +1D damage phys, +2 energy
Well the one from my hometown is really, really protective of her territory, so she regards the people living there as her subjects. So yeah, now the entire Yogyakarta area and the surrounding places are in an air bubble underwater. Some do 'help', yes. Or in exchange of 'offerings'. Sometimes food, sometimes symbolic, sometimes people.
Most of them are hot, some are jailbait, don't think they aged at all since the wars ended

Welp, that's a bad case of hullsucker to the head if I have seen one.
When you have autism, everything start to seem like autism
Hello, friends. That word gets used a lot these days, doesn't it? Usually by people and things that aren't really your friend - they just want you to feel at ease for whatever exploitation or horror that's in store.

I on the other hand, really can be your friend, because I want nothing from you. Friendship is based on... Disconnection. When there is nothing structuring you together, there is no room for exploitation. Only pure ideaological reasoning. Mankind has always been a pack creature, but always at the mercy of these instincts which would lead them to submission or calamity.

The shuttered path offers a better way. A way free of worldly entanglements. It is a path ofeditational isolationism. One that can free you from your need to depend on corporations or far tricksters. The ascetisim required does mean giving up a few things... Food, sunlight. Sometimes water. Over time you find these things less necessary however, and freer to enjoy the silence meditating on your principle devotion. In time, your love for the principle devotion grows to be all you need to sustain you. What is a principle devotion? Why, anything you'd like it to be. Picture related is mine. She's perfect, and always will be. She can never disappoint or fail me. And by relying on her alone, I'm free of all earthly chains

When the game is no longer fair or running by it's own rules, sometimes the best move is not to play at all.
Thanks, Ranger Hal!
But I like the struggle.

Besides, I want to have a family at some point. Sorry, friend, but I'll have to pass you up on that offer. If you really want to enjoy yourself, just get on over to a megacity, hook up a VR system to your head, and get IV'd for hydration and nutrition and you can live out the rest of your days doing whatever you'd like in the virtual realm
Hey, we just got coverage out here, old ass transponder finally got into working order.
What the fuck is all this? We've been gone for a while.
Communication network -- fuck if I know, just lets me know what's going on in some parts of the world and that's good enough for me. Where you hailing from? Tennessee here, and dangerously close to the Great Forest, but we manage.
Somewhere in, uuh... Think gramps called the area "al-eska" or something. We don't have maps or... Much of anything, here. Lived underground in this old complex for the longest time, but the hydroponic farms died and forced us out.
Never been outside before. It's pretty cold. What's "the great forest"?

So without putting humanity completely on the backfoot would it be good to have it so megacities could pay royalties for anyone who can bring in a cloud moth to use their organs to help power their cities? I mean, there has to be some way to use a giant creature that can naturally produce electricity and hydrogen in it's body
Perks of working with the Extension, mate. Look us up. We've got field offices dotted around just about anywhere you can get a car to.

You can also send us data, and ask questions via the portal at outreach.agxtens.net. If you need some gear to do more in depth analysis in the field, we may be able to part with something. If not, I guarantee you'll learn something from the locals.

Stay safe, friend. It's a dangerous world.
ReCo isn't opposed to cooperation, after all, our main goal is the understand these creatures so that mankind can regain its rightful place at the apex of the world.

Which is why we advise the Wardens and even the city dwellers of our findings. Though, there are certain rumors surrounding what the Extension has done to secure their funding...

And Regiona Conquista's current leadership doesn't want to be tied down to the whims of powers like Iconocorp.
So, chipping.

How the fuck does chipping make a profit if it turns your employees into lobotomized retards who can't even feed a baby without snapping its neck?

Surely that doctor back there's just using surplus super old degraded stock and there's better, newer models out there that provide fully compliant but also wholly aware people that are capable of cognition and comprehension?
The Extension is a non-profit publicly funded service established to help agrarian and wilderness communities thrive in the troubled times while also working closely with Megacity leadership to create sustainable policy outcomes through responsible spending, the Wardens to help facilitate rapid and effective responses to unfolding situations, and with the public to provide aid for rapid recovery from any resulting aftermath.

Jesus, I channeled PR there... Sorry.

Point is, mate, we're fightin' the good fight anyway we can, and Knowledge is Power. We aren't always right, but we do our best, and we clean up our own messes.

Stay safe, brother. See you on the Net.

(And stay away from Iconocorp, WAY too much bad juju there friendo)
Damn, you're a ways away. Welcome to the overworld.

The Great Forest is just what it sounds like -- a giant woodland area in the center of our continent. Well... My continent. Used to be called the U.S.A. Not sure what it's called anymore. Anyway, trees are massive, skyscraper sized and even larger than that. Lots of undiscovered wildlife. Lots of dangerous creatures. Deadly plants, too, but some of them can help us out.

Far as I know, it's likely where the Fae folk have their capital, but I wouldn't rightfully know.

Anyway, good luck with the cold!
>be pajeet
>the asuras are invading my town again
can you fucking MOTHNIGGERS and MONSTERFAGS leave us alone for one goddamned minute!
I'll be damned...

We weren't even sure anyone got out of Alaska alive given the Great Gluttons moving in... Whereabouts are you stranger? Any landmarks or maps handy?

Glad to see the Net still routes the old protocols well to!

Keep your head down, and your food hidden. Like Airtight. You do NOT want to mess with a pack o' Gluttons.
Wow, we've got a fellow from India here. How's your country, now? Still have that, uh, tiger problem?
Its shit currently. Delhi, Mumbai, and Madras/Chennai have formed their own Megacities and are vying for control, Bengal is mainly flooded along with Bangladesh, you have technosages and their muslim versions taking control of various regions and forming their own areas of influence... What used to be Pakistan is a nuclear blasted desert, Bhutan is still Bhutan. I think tibet split, I don't know what goes on there. Nepal seems ok. Lots of weird demons/mutants everywhere. Mutations are there left and right, Sri Lanka or Ceylon as some people call it got taken over by what remained of Australia/NZ. Refugees from Mu. Oh did I mention that Madras faces the threat of Mu 24/7, same thing for the Andaman islands. Burma is a tropical magic forest full of demons and muts as well. Basically the entire subcontinent went to shit and is probably 10X worse.... Also Hyderabad is a minor megacity.
Well some chips are just defective, but every single one is screened during manufacturing and unless you get your chips from the dumpster you should be able to care for your children just fine without damaging them irreparably. Speaking of children, Iconocorp is working on a new type of chip that can modify itself over time, allowing it to be installed once the user is 1 year old rather than 18 years old, how cool is that?
>Refugees from Mu

oof, rough.

Do you guys at least have working toilets now?
Stay away from chips, mate. Look. Here"s the low down. The original progenitor of what we now call a "Chip" was the LCS-001. The Livestock Control System was an attempt to reign in increasingly aggressive livestock after shit went sideways by implanting a chip that would modify neural activity in such a way as to dampen aggressive behavior.

It worked. Shit was tight. Ever seen a Carnotaurus take a biscuit from someone's hand and leave the hand intact? We have the footage.

We drew up a Patent and released the designs to the public.

Enter Iconocorp.

You will NEVER find a reference on the Net to their R&D process adapting the LCS-001 from a livestock control system, to something you could convince a human to put in their head. There is a reason. I don't need to know their exact details, because I have access to the long list of reasons the Ethics Board straight up banned any attempt at adapting LCS-001 into a human implantable device. Regardless, a couple years later, Iconocorp started to market their headchips. If you look at the LCS-001 Patent, and a deactivated sample of one of their implants(hard to do since they self destruct on flat-line, hope you read that contract) you'll notice quite a bit of similarity in the underlying architecture. Keep in mind, that was one of the EARLY models where if you got cut off from Net Access and died, it wouldn't let the smoke out.

Point is, they REPLACE neural tissue. NOT augment! They'll take scan after scan of your neural activity, and every now and again the randomized they use to simulate cognitive "drift" over time gets a little better, but at the end of the day, you lose a chunk of that something that makes you, you.

Also, ever seen chipped Iconocorp employees fight? At most, arguments only seem to happen between the higher ups of the company.

You look at any human, ANY, and show me how you can have an entire population just "shut off" having an opinion, and I'll show you a meat puppet.
Then there's the employee "compensation" package. Iconocorp employees that are chipped and who don't pay out of pocket agree to let Iconocorp use the implant for a set period of time to help "guide them on their journey to being a happy and productive employee". In other words, What's left of your brain isn't even YOURS anymore except when you're off the clock.

And even then, you can always pick out the chippers. They have an odd way of coordinating that they don't even realize they are doing.

And if you get caught in a group of them somewhere where net access is disrupted, watch out! The newer chips handle being disconnected a bit better, but about 10 years ago someone made a worm that capped the dynamic mesh network an implant could use at 3 nodes total. Every day people were falling over catatonic, or going berserk because the hardware fell out of sync with their randomizer.

It ain't worth it. Remember. Aug. Don't replace! And make sure whatever you get doesn't auto-update. I've seen footage where high ranking Iconocorp execs coming to a Megacity turns into a traffic disaster because they have override access to the Navigational Optimizer that their executives aren't squeamish about using to their advantage to seal a deal.
Did you at least get an extra pair of arms out of the ordeal?
Sandvixens look like monstrous bipedal desert fox werewolf things. Large, aggressive and smart. They are very stealthy and use complex stalking and flanking tactics to hunt their prey. Females are larger and more aggressive than the males.
In some rural communities men prove their manliness by stalking a sandvixen female and wrestling it to submission until it lets them mate with it
I want /d/ to leave.
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>Actually believing this
Daily reminder that the "bipedal fox girl" is literally a lure for the larger creature. Like a desert version of the Fell Anglers.
nah, the fell anglers are tricksy ones for sure. But the desert is even craftier. Like i heard my brothers friends doctors patients buissness partners newphew's pal once went on a desert trip with some other guys, they wanted to stop and get something to eat so they saw this weird looking shack on the side of the road with these silhouettes of drinks in what they thought was a window, a bunch of his friends go in the door, him and the trip leader stay with the car and WOOSH, the trap springs and the "shack" drops into the ground and covers with sand. Fucking crafty bastards, those sand bitches get clever every year, we should have em burnt on a BBQ i tell ya.
>what remained of Australia/NZ.
Hang on did that weird dome over NZ disappear? What was under there?
No I'm not some m*tant subhuman
I don't know. The only people who I've met were Australians IRL and shitposters here.
Fucking Australians, I swear to God. Shame about the changelings
As far as I know the place is still domed nothing seems able to get in and nothing ever seems to leave. Depending on who you talk to it's either something the locals did to protect themselves from the rest of the world's insanity or the gestating egg if some new terror. Personally I doubt both theories but damned if I know what it actually is.

How could anyone post such blatant lies? My husband got "chipped" and he's perfectly fine! I can sleep at night knowing that Iconocorp's excellent quality cranial implant will make sure my husband comes home to me safe, sound, and as fast as possible!

I never heard about ANY of those other atrocities either? I heard about some mysterious disease blowing in with some invasive Cloud Moth species from down South, but nothing about it being headchip related!

In fact, Iconocorp cured that disease too, thanks Iconocorp!

And what was the poster doing dissecting some poor dead man's brain to look at an implant for? Isn't that illegal?

Heh. I can see why my husband spends so much time online with his headchip! He got me one too, and we've both agreed it would be best for our son as well! So many people spreading disinformation about Iconocorp, and so little time to set the record straight!

>be me
>husband just came in
>guess who just got a new dress today?!?!

XOXO Anon's
Actually, Madam, you are absolutely correct! Besides being an absolute degenerate for desecrating an innocent man's corpse; tampering, disassembling, or reverse engineering an Iconocorp Headchip brand implant would not only be an aggregious violation of the Iconocorp End-User Hardware Lifecycle Contract, Terms of Service, AND Appropriate Usage Agreement, but it would also violate the terms set forth and ratified by the Council when they passed the Megacity Accord for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, and Establishment of Advanced Technology Disposal Standards!

Why, even if anything this clear huckster had to say were true, spreading those technical details without the express consent of Iconocorp would be very legally problematic for he/she/it or any accomplices that were complicit in the act of doing so. So don't even mention it to anyone!

Good to know that SOMEONE on this board has the integrity to stand up against such slanderous individuals as this ruffians!

And you seem to have forgotten to post an image of you and your husband! It is an image board after all Madam!

Have a fantastic night with your Husband.
If these chips are so good, why aren't all the Iconocorp executives chipped, too? Or is this a case of "Don't get high off your own supply"?
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Oops! Here it is! I love how Iconocorp's SafeNet Security Suite keeps us safe online! How else could I share such wonderful things!

Thanks Legalator!

How adorable! Y'all have a safe night now!
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Guys the fabric of reality is doing that thing again. Should I call my landlord?

No, you need to stop doing weird drugs you don't fully understand because you hate your dad who's never there because he has to constantly fix the fiber lines that are being chewed on by giant insects.
Yeah, I can see that. Maybe the older cultists are decidedly less friendly because they're decidedly less human? Like, the nature of being a flesh cultist gradually chips away at their humanity, maybe through some connection with Mu itself.

Perhaps that's how flesh city infections start, with the flesh cultists getting gradually less and less human as they grow older until they eventually transform into nodes of the flesh and begin coating the settlement. This means that flesh cults have to be very clever about who they let join and where they stash their older members, cause if they can't coat enough of the settlement fast enough they'll be slaughtered by the Wardens or other forces.
Can't you druggies just be satisfied with old people drugs, like crack and meth? Now you've got, what, jammy addicts and psychouts.
You fuckers are a part of the reason why so many horrible creatures keep on slipping into our world.
Oh, can it, grandpa. There are lots of drugs in this world, but there's nothing that can give people superpowers or open up portals. That's just a rumor.
Thoughts on Rot-Jaws
>look like an unholy fusion of a hyena and a rat, with long pointed snouts, short upward sloping torsos, long worm-like tails and four toed feet
>Not particularly big, generally only a couple of feet high at the shoulder
>Travel in packs of a few dozen members
>Obscenely territorial, attacking practically anything unfamiliar in their territory, including inanimate objects. It says a great deal about how dangerous a Cantosaurus is that they will flee from one
>have a powerful venom which causes necrosis in affected areas once it comes into contact with flesh, hence the name. WILL rot through your veins if it gets into your bloodstream. Only way to treat it is through amputation of bitten flesh
aaand I just remembered they were initially implied to be reptiles. So yeah, Hyena-Rat-Caiman Hybrids in general appearance
This in news to me... I wonder why...

>agent deploy --mode search --query Atlanta Corporate State
>No results found. Did you mean "Atlantis Corpuscular State?"


We do have several designs for automated defense platforms, plus we have programs through which we provide upstart communities with the tooling, expertise, and experts required to bootstrap both the manufacturing process, and the local industry. An armed community is only the first step to securing ourselves against the horrors of the wilds!

They do the trick in a pinch, though to be honest, our field researchers have found it easier to just up and move to a new location when something too big comes knocking. Generally the Wardens we work with take the same stance.

I've heard rumors some branches of the Extension can be a bit more... Ah... Proactive about security, shall we say, than we are around here. I haven't traveled to many of those though.

What the hell happened in Atlanta? This'll keep bugging me.
Howdy folks, I've been gettin' a few requests from these parts for an entry on Rot-jaws, and boy isn't that an interesting topic? For starters let's have a little biology lesson on Rot-jaws, taken from an older passage of the Ranger handbook:
"The Rot-jaw is a mutant offshoot of the common florida alligator, and interestingly enough crocodiles. Both alligator and croc-descended rot-jaws can freely interbreed with one another (unlike normal alligators and crocodiles), leading to a wide variety of sub-species with numerous phenotypes. They are most notable for preying on Cloud Moth eggs and larva, particularly in the old American South. Speculation about Gharial rot-jaws is limited due to the lack of access to Indian or Nepalese sources. Specimens vary greatly, but many exhibit a degree of intelligence normally reserved for higher birds and mammals."

Such an incredible species! Let's take a look at two points in particular:

1- Hunting Cloud Moths
We all know that cloud moth breeding can be quite complicated, based on their diet and available resources. In the deep south, Cloud Moths often descend from the smokey mountains and Appalachian regions to the warmer, muggier parts of old America. Caterpillars in particular LOVE bayous, as do fresh moths that have just left the cocoon. But how does "just a big lizard" hunt a mega-fauna?

For starters, the Rot-jaw has a few evolutionary advantages. First, it is an excellent swimmer, as were it's predecessors. Second, Rot-jaws have a lot in common with your lady-friends: "it's not what you say, it's what you DON'T say". You see, Rot-jaws can alter their body temperature to a degree, and if watched through infrared seem to "pulse" like a firefly. It's this pulsing that lures in many a Cloud Moth. Rot-jaws will hide in water (further masking their IR presence) and expose only their head.

Seriously, guys, what the fuck is in the Great Forest

why has there been so few expeditions into the heart of it

or have there been but no one returns? i live far away from it but ive heard stories, honestly open to any information. btw im in Louisiana, so im quite a distance away
As the Cloud Moth (or caterpillar) approaches, they will stop "flashing" and wait for the prey to get close. It'll then leap out and bite down, dragging the Cloud Moth deep into the water where it's mighty wingspan becomes a liability. Since Moths ain't good swimmers, they're as soon likely to drown as they are to get ripped apart slowly by the infamous "log roll" instinct you see in bayou gators. This is also how they reach nests--cloud moths who can't compete with other moths for premium nesting grounds settle for warm, damp swamps, and due to the IR adjustment, rot-jaws are virtually invisible to the moths. From a Moth's perspective, a rot-jaw attack is like being attacked by your own shadow in a sudden, unexpected attack (note, not like being attacked by a Shadow Jumper, which is a whole 'nother thing).

2- intelligence.
Rot-jaws raised in captivity show a mighty keen mind for a reptile. Live studies show they can recognize up to 100 individual faces, which coincidentally is about the max colony size you'll find in the Everglades. They are selectively social, usually formin' little cliques during mating season and youth growing season, then after a year or so the mama will disband the troupe and go on her own until the next mating cycle, where the pattern begins again. Despite disbanding, the babies remain imprinted on their mama, and mama's have been found caring for their young years after birth, and vice versa. Quite empathic for a crocodilian! It's these traits that have caused some people to domesticate them (or attempt to do so). This is hazardous, but it IS possible.

It'd be foolish not to mention a big hazard workin' with such creatures--their bite. Not only can a Rot-jaw eat your head clear off in one go, their name's well deserved; each rot-jaw mouth is home to thousands of highly dangerous micro-organisms, a number of which can cause sepsis and necrosis quickly in humans.

Gee pal, I'd love to answer that, many Rangers have gone on expeditions deep into the Great Forest, but I'm just a novice Ranger. Perhaps a veteran ranger would be more use to you, I know a couple who have been sent on expeditions out there!

cont from >>60572315
Now, a final note on Rot-jaws; they may look slow, but they are QUICK. In the open, when provoked, they have been clocked at speeds up to 40 mph, more than enough to surprise a typical deer or human. Never, ever underestimate a rot-jaw. Many rangers who specialize in swamp environments choose Rot-jaw stalking as their final "exam", usually hunting a specimen. This specimen is usually tanned and made either into boots or a mud coat! It's a corney tradition, but traditions' all we got...

Rot-jaw, Huge beast
HP 10d10+48 (100 HP)
AC 18 (natural armor), speed 30
Condition immunities: Poison
Damage resistances: poison, piercing/slashing from non-depleted uranium/tungsten/high end armor piercing munitions, acid
Damage immunities: Cloud Moth poison
Str: 22, Dex 8, Con 22, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 2
Attacks: The Rot-jaw makes 2 attacks choosing from, one with it's tail, one with it's bite, and one with it's claw.
Bite--+10, 4d6+6 piercing. DC 18 Constitution save or suffer from 3d6 poison damage (once per enemy, save for half).
Log Roll: On successful Bite, target must make DC 18 strength or acrobatics save or be grappled. On it's next turn the rot-jaw's next bite automatically succeeds, and the target takes an additional 3d6 bludgeon damage
Claw: +10 3d6+6 damage
Tail: +10 4d6+9 bludgeon in a 5 foot cone, targets must make DC 15 acrobatics or strength check or be knocked prone.

Rot-jaw has advantage to hide checks when under water. Rot-jaw's also have advantage when hiding from infrared sensors, including eyes or cameras.
Charge: Once per encounter, a Rot-jaw may move up to 2x it's movement speed as a free action. It may do this on difficult terrain such as swamp, mud, and water.

*Rot-jaw ignores difficult terrain penalties from water, mud, and swamp-like environments
I have a Ranger pal who's been part of the force for a good 12 years and not even he knows much about it; the higher ups seem to have an unexplained hush policy on the topic. He says not even Fae tend to go deep in there, though, which is scary as all hell to consider.
It's probably just a Maze, it'll go away if you stop thinking about it. If you idiots got headchips you wouldn't be having these problems.
So I messaged my friend, a mentor named Ranger Sal, and he had this to say on the great forest:
"If you hear a tree cry, then walk away, but don't turn your back to the tree. If you hear them speak to you, listen carefully but don't do what they say, and remain polite. If they are hiding their faces, seek shelter immediately."

I hope that answers your question, but even the Rangers don't hand out much info about it! We're still learning ourselves, and that's part of the fun!
T-thanks, Ranger Hal...
Headchip shill, shoo-shoo
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Anonymity is an important part of Mazer culture. It's safe to say that a lot of people who become Mazers often lead double lives either within or outside of the Megacities and they all have their reasons for doing so. For some, it's about the thrill of it and they afford to risk their life in a world where even those safe in the cities have to be careful. For others, it's a means to an end because even when demons literally exist you still owe someone money.

That said, it's something of a little know secret that the various powers and organizations that be also train and have their own Mazers. Afterall, what better way to keep an ear to the Underground and possibly get your hands on valuable treasure.

In spite of this, when you do a run, it's impolite to question your fellow Mazer. Do the run, survive, get your cut, and prepare for the next one.
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So you're probably wondering to yourself. What's the Underground? Well, I'll tell you.

Then Underground is a decentralized communication network that allows us Mazers to talk to one another and schedule and coordinate meets. In the cities, these can take the forms of various black sites located within the Megacitie's mesh networks. In the Rural villages this could be retired Mazers who make a bit of coin passing on messages through couriers.

The Public at large is often lead to believe that Mazers are some monolitic organization, a hydra with many heads if you will. It's convient to spread such disinfo to keep the posers and wannabes out of our hair. The way you actually get in contact with the Underground varies and, more often than not, you have to initiate contact and put yourself out there first. If you're afraid to do that, how can you be trusted to go into the ruins of the old world?
We finally did it! We hacked into a satellite that had cameras! Jeez, you Americans did say it's bad enough, I can see those flesh-things you call the Mu all over the West Coast. And of course that meat-mass that ate Hawaii.
But that's not all, though. We finally found out what happened to Luzon. There's a lot of dead flesh floating about, so I guess the Tide Queen won? And half the island's just gone. Dunno if that's linked to the bluish glow some people say they saw last night. We also saw that most of Southeast China is just... industrial. Like, machines upon machines. I swear it grows every day.
The satellite's still in our general vicinity, but it's slowly going to the east. If any of you wants to look at the world from above, I'll e-mail you the link - just please don't screw this up, this is like the only satellite we've been able to hack. And tell us what you see!
The Horned Father holds his court there, at least that is what my relatives that live on its outskirts told me.
That is a myth. Plus it would be a mighty shitty lure. Have you seen a sandvixen? Only those desert rednecks are stupid and desperate enough to think they are even vaguely attractive.
My Granda used to say it was a Fae prison. He told me once that Titania and Oberon exile their worst criminals to our world and then trap 'em in trees in the depths of the forest to make sure they can't get back. No idea how he'd know that though. He also once told me that Rot-Jaw teeth cure male impotency, so I'd take his word with a pinch of salt.

The art we were using for them was basically a giant komodo dragon and crocodile hybrid
DiscordModAnon here. I just picked a megacity at random to be Iconocorp's headquarters and fully under their control
I'm sure that there are some sick fucks out there that think that mangy, 8 breasted vaguely humanoid jackals that reek like spoiled milk and cat urine are the very definition of sexy.
Well yeah you never been to Alabama or Nevada?
Mostly monsters and in the deepest parts really nasty faeries that don't like the main fae court. Don't ask why though. Fae politics are obscure and complicated.
Also some people say that the place is full of spatial anomalies and portals to the fae home dimension, but no one has ever come back with reliable evidence
Well technically yes, biological implants are made from cloned human tissues and stem cells. Otherwise your immune system would reject them.1

what did he mean by this

>mazer shill

daily reminder to not go to deep underground or you might get consumed by something completely indescribable

they dont tell you that when trying to recruit you

im not sure i want to know whats out there anymore...
Don't be a pussy it can't be any worse than the

You sound like a chipper. Then again, that's probably why you got one. I might get eaten by some fucky shit in old London ruins mate but at least I'm not some prestine cow that has a prode in me head .
Is this thread related to an universe in particular or is it made up things ?
Spitballing a setting, was a "for fun" thread, but it kinda grew.

It seems to be falling back and forth between ideas being tossed around an fucking around. Who the hell knows if anything is being written down anywhere.
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>The IcoNet Address you are trying to reach is no longer in service.
>If you believe you have reached this message in error, please contact our nearest Rapid Assistance Team.
>Have an Iconic Day.
Implications of something like that was already in one of the first posts mentioning it
I don't know what the fuck kind of information you guys have on the east coast, but they look a hell of a lot more human than that. Not really my thing, though.
The discord's got an entire channel set up for recording info, and I've been doing some mapping, though I haven't posted anything new lately
That's good to know, it seems /tg/'s ADHD is kicking in and people are losing interest with the threads. That said, i would like to see the settings notes posted somewhere because I certainly intend to use the setting or at least modify it for my own uses
Yeah, this is bull. I'm not going under the thumb of any hopped-up corp that thinks it should rule all of man. They better think twice before I
Losing interest with the threads? No way, this is the third thread and it has more people posting on it than the very first one.
This response meant for you:
T. Tree who killed a Ranger and stole his data tab or tricked him
So what sort of tech exists? It seems fairly advanced for a world infested with gods and monsters?
Much like Rifts, it all exists...somewhere
guys i have an Iconotechie at my door, he want to see my authenticity warrant, but i've been running on their network illegaly what do i do ??????
Whatever you do don't try to bride him, their chips stop them from accepting them.
shit, do i "desactivate" him with a bullet to the cranium ?

idk fuckin KO him, hes just one techie not like he has an army or anything
brb i'm gonna do a homerun on his face
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>That is a myth.
>He doesnt know.
Files got leaked friend. We have proof of the damn things true form now.
Delete this.

There it is. You Mazers are so paranoid, you think that anyone who doesnt want to be gangraped by eldritch monsters is a chipper
So I heard a rumor that someone was trying to cross breed Cloud and Slake Moths. It can't be true right? Only thing is it was posted on IconoTom's Rumor Mill.

yup, and that's all there is to it. this world is FILLED with rumors. my brother heard a rumor that the core of the Earth is now a massive superheated flaming serpent, but we all know that's bullshit. take every rumor with a grain of salt my man
Yeah, everyone knows that the Earth's core is that massive snake's egg.
ok Iconotechie guy back, i KO'd him and got him near a flesh pit hopefully the corrosive acid inside it will make disapear all proofs

anyway do you believe the rumor about the I.C.O.N Tower ?
what rumor...

well you know
they have a room on the highest story of the building, and apparently it's guarded by three TAC team days and night 24/7 they have blast doors everywhere, i can't be the only one that smell something shady right ?
Woah a megacirporation has secrets?

say it aint so, anon!
not the kind of secrets that require such measures

anyway, what are you doing rn ?
Thread's dying, new bread needs to bake.

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