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After the recent losses sustained the corps outside of Megacity R-5, the Wardens have announced a special partnership with the Ag Extension to collect a new crop of Warden recruits. Join today and defend the frontier from the Cloud Moth menace!

Previous threads: >>60587793 >>60471109 >>60492600 >>60529899
Cloud moths can't get you if your house has been swallowed up by the earth and transported a mile below the surface alone with the rest of your city. By the way, does anyone know any recipes that can be made with spider legs, hendersons relish, and these funny mushrooms I found yesterday.
Nice try god, I'm not giving you my spiderlegs recipe so you can remanifest again.
I'll get that recipe you son of a bitch, and when I do I'm getting that rent you owe me you fucker.
Yeah but then the Landworms can get you
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For those who are interested, we've been cataloguing all the worldbuilding done in these threads on a Discord channel. Feel free to join us. https://discord.gg/2j3Jt5


Looks promising. Do I detect a /tg/ homebrew coming on..?
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Yep. I've taken personal liberty of cataloging as much as I can in a Google Doc. The hope is that eventually there will be enough material to use as a campaign setting.

He meant what he said. You've never heard of a Landworm? Christ, what kind of bullshit is Iconocorp peddling you people? Let me guess, you've never heard of a HostLord, either.
Cool. From what I've skimmed, this is potentially good stuff. Like trying to piece together a coherent narrative based on the art of Simon Stalenhag whilst tripping on acid.
Watching my own long leg in the elementary bathroom stall, I think back to the long leg with the jellies. They float, speared by a sharp leg 30 yards long. As usual the giants ignore me, just as I ignore the ants as I walk, the squirrels as I mow my non-existent lawn if I had one like the rich, or the kades. Unless it’s sundown, then it’s hard to ignore the kades. Because of the dive bombing. And the fwop of the cartilage in their fleshy neck. And the sound of flesh re-forming as its shape. The point is, the spider only thinks of me if I make Al’s long leg think of me. Instead I waited. I saw the steel wool, an inch across, weaved around the jelly. I wonder if the spider knows its prey is dead, or if it’s reflex. Much as how I carve an animal’s throat when I put it down. I’ve never seen them get up when I’m done, but I’m not willing to let that ratio change. I wonder if the spider and I had that in common.

In a small steel cannister I have what I came for. Perfume au natural. More specifically, jelly pheromone. The warden protectors set up here. I know they did, because when I walked up to the fence I heard a clickcliclickclickclickclickclick from a turret, one they lovingly forgot to mention. Each click of the steel cicadas was seven point six-two by fifty-one, traveling at nearly twenty-eight hundred feet per second towards my head. I wonder how lucky I am that the fleshchrons took the last rounds on my behalf. I also wish the protectors marked their minefields. I wonder how I’m going to get back with their precious canned migration. I wonder how fast they expect to get these rails working when the train crosses the path of a floating jellyfish dripping hydrochloric acid on cicadas that somehow live here, unchanged in a world of acid, cyborgs, and monsters. I wonder if my next step will
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I shall re-post what I have gathered regarding the Powers and Forces of this world for you all.

>The Loving Sky: Power of the Air, freedom, breath and purity. Its Blessings manifest as white swans dancing through the air.

>The Mourning Earth: Power of Earth, storm, growth and the dead. Its Blessings are vast multi-colored trees that hum with the prayers of the dead.

>The Yellow Serpent: Exiled Power of Vengeance, strength, wrath and judgement. Its Blessings either manifest as titanic serpents of molten gold, or writhing seas of yellowed snake skins.

>The Lost Star: Power of the Moon, night, the lost and space. Its Blessings are strange stars that shine in the skies to lead those who have lost their way.

>The Grand Wheel: Power of Ages, time, development, love and knowledge. Its Blessings manifest as assorted configurations of wheels that cover the skies

>The Radiance: Power of Hope, warmth and dream. It has no specific Blessings, and instead manifests through the warmth and compassion of the Sun and life abundant.

>The Endless Calm: Power of Waves, the ocean, distance, rhythm and feeling. Its Blessings are strange sigils and creatures that flow and weave from the foam of the seas themselves.
>The Roaming Prince: Power of Movement, travel and dance. It has no Blessings, instead preferring to wander the land in its own personal avatar.

>The Dawn Hammer: the Power which took the Yellow Serpents Seating following its exile. Shares its domains with the exiled Power. Its Blessings take the shape of impressions of a vast hammer wrought from storm and lightning, to punish the wicked.

>The Rays: not Powers in and of themselves, but are instead messenger spirits in service towards the Loving Sky. Manifest as either strange 'beads' light in the air or as gold-colored sea life floating in the skies.

>The Cycling Song: Power of Music, sanity, logic and reasoning. Its Blessings take the form of abstract musical notation that glide through physical space, and quell the rage or anguish of all those they touch
>The Great Moth: Force of Blood, poison and decay. Its Curses take the shape of great tides of blood that wither whole cities before fading back to their master.

>The Dreaming Flesh: that which sleeps within the wretched city of Mu, it commands all abominations of flesh and its dominion is mutation. Its Curses manifest a titanic growths which spread their influence and force the infection onto all within range.

>The Paradox: Force of Madness, unreason and temporal rot. Its Curses manifest as breaks within the fabric of reality, capable of scouring clean whole portions of the worlds history.

>That Which Sings The End: this Force holds no known dominion, but is known for its Curse which drives people to heights of impossible frenzy, a twisted song that hails from nowhere and everywhere.

>The Lightless Emperor: Force of Tyranny and injustice. Its Curse takes the shape of a great titan of ebon darkness which swallows all light and life in its path.

>The Binding Key: Force of Imprisonent, torture, manipulation and corruption. It has no true Curse, instead opting towards causing the moral and spiritual decay of large corporations and political powers, locking away what makes them human.

>The Sightless Eye: Force of Lies, abandonment and observation. Its Curses manifest as great burning eyes that are only visible to lone individuals, constantly inspiring terror and weariness within their spirits.

>His Timeless Plague: Force of Disease, ruin and slaughter. Is locked within a great tomb both within and yet beyond time itself. Its Curses manifest as an ethereal decay within the flow of magic itself, fighting those practitioners who do not protect themselves carefully.

>His Consuming Maw: Force of Consumption, starvation and greed. Does not manifest any known Curses, devouring souls in-Astral.
what the fuck is a hostlord
Ranger Al? AL!?
Get your ass over to Human Resources and tell them you just flunked your orientation, fella. You're so goddamn ignorant that you're a danger to yourself and your workmates.
As if, the only thing I owe you for that litteral rats nest was getting me and Lola together.
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Oh boy guess who's now gonna be stuck in shadowlands for three months.
Why the hell do we even have a base in there? There isn't shit there, no sun, no vegetation, I don't even think any animals live there!
Also tips when in there, as in something I should know beforehand

The ShadowLands are what was left of Northern Canada after the Cataclysm. For some reason it seems like its in an eternal winter and the sun seems to not shine hence it's name.

There's not a whole lot to say except to keep your wits about you. When the storms get really bad you can feel the cold even when your right next to a good source of heat and I can personally atest to hallucinating a bit.

That said, don't leave base during those times unless you absolutely must. The outline of Wanderers can be seen and the worst thing you want is to have them notice you.
So no roaming spirits and such? Good

I mean, I'm no expert on that shit but I can say that i've seen something that looks like a bunch of giants wondering across the wastes. Could be the hallucinations.
Where the shadows black with 2 short legs that walked on two long arms, or were they slate grey with two long legs only.

This is very important.
Oregon fellow here. Haven't left my home in two whole years, but I really need some pure, fresh air and sun. Going to go on a hike.

Wish me luck, and pray for me.
You might hear noises during your stay, just remember that you should ignore them and that under no circumstance should you do anything that they tell you to do.
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H-hey guys, girls, whoever. There's this rat that lives down the hall from me in my complex. I was thinking about asking here out but I don't really know what they like, and I feel really embarrassed to approach her on account of my gene splices. You think she'd be offended or something? What should I do?!
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>Fucking the Ratfolk
Different strokes I guess, but if she gets pregnant it needs to be abortion or bust. That baby is gonna be more fucked-up looking than a Flesh-infected Grue.

Grey with long legs. You could kind of see them when the rare beam of sunlight pokes through the clouds
Yeah that's definitely a Wanderer then. Steer clear of those
the fuck is a wanderer

am i going insane or are you insane conspiracy theorists just high on hallucinogenic mushrooms?
Whoa! That's a little. Ahead of plans, I'd just settle for coffee or a movie at this point. They don't just up and do that do they?
Who knows, rats breed like crazy but maybe ratfolk are different in that regard, being sentient and all, just...relax and settle for a coffee for now...or tea, I heard ratfolk get jumpy when drinking coffee
They're a type of wild fae that moved up north when they got the boot from Titania's court, apparently. Cursed to never find rest or some shit
O-okay, I'll try that, are there any kinda of tea houses I should look for or avoid?
I dunno, I'm from a megacity and I'm sure as hell I'm not from the one you are in, so just pic one that looks more traditional, that's at least how it works in necropolis, usually
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Howdy, folks. Ranger Ballard Young here. Again. Ranger Hal's been MIA for something in the ballpark of a week now, and I guess I drew the metaphorical short straw on givin' you these little PSAs about the dangers of local wildlife until he either comes back or they find a permanent replacement. Today we've got a special treat for ya'll. We're takin a break from the forests and megacities of the mainland and drawing our attention out into the ocean for a nice little "double feature", I suppose, on two aquatic predators that will ruin a perfectly fine Saturday afternoon if you let 'em.

First up, the Sicklejaw. Sicklejaws are ten shades of ugly on account of their namesake- a jaw that unhinges and opens on two sides. They tend to range in size depending on the sub-species, on the small end about 7 feet long and on the bigger end about 20 feet. A Sicklejaw diet is typically just made up of school fish, but here's the kicker. Sicklejaws are attracted to electromagnetic activity, as well as- get this- radio activity. Warden RnD tends to agree that this is because of a special organ they got in the back of their skulls they call the "Interference Sensor". This little guy is so sensitive that it can track an Iconocorp Aqua-ball from nearly 5 miles away (in case you needed any further proof those things were floating death traps). Sicklejaws will tear fishing nets to shreds, and the occasional diver if you aren't careful. Once you actually ENCOUNTER one of these things, though, your chances of coming out on top are slim.

Sicklejaws tend to CHARGE their prey, and since they can swim up to around 50 miles per hour, chances are if you see one coming at you it's already too late. Their basic strategy, as it were, is to get the prey as far away from its pack or school as possible- which means that if you get nipped by one of these things you might be 500 yards from your boat before you even realize what happened. They also tend to travel in packs (usually three to four adult mated pairs and their spawn), and for some reason, getting a few of these guys together causes radio communications to jam. Chances are that this has to do with the Interference Sensor organ, but jury's still out on that one. The point is, get a pack of these things on your ass and you only got yourself to rely on.

The best way to deal with Sicklejaws is not in the moment, but preventatively. A simple mixture of Orange Blight (obviously, bring your gloves and a gasmask) and sea water spread around your vessel or raft is usually enough to do the trick. The mixture will dissolve quickly, but the smell will tend to linger- driving off many would-be predators, including the Sicklejaw. See, the smell is pretty close to the emissions that our other aquatic menace uses to mark its territory. Which brings us to the natural predator of the Sicklejaw, the Great Wahoon.
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The Great Wahoon is goddamn huge- on average, an adult specimen will end up somewhere around 75 feet long. Due to their colossal size, Wahoons need a pretty abundant food supply- which means they ain't too picky, especially because of its powerful digestive enzymes that eat through just about anything. Their jaws are extremely flexible- they're made of cartilage, so they can open as wide as needed, up to 30 feet. The sheer vacuum power of such a large space being opened underwater is usually enough to suck in most unwitting creatures or vehicles in its path, which is convenient for them because they move REAL slow. Despite their glacial movement, Great Wahoons have been known to devour entire schools of fish, packs of Sicklejaws, and entire flotillas of Iconocorp Aqua-balls. Strangely, Wahoons mate for life and maintain a hunting territory with a radius up to 50 miles, which they mark with their signature emission fluid with compounds similar to- you guessed it- Orange Blight.

Now, I can see that look in your glazed-over headchipped eyes. You're wondering- if these things are so damn big, how do they ever catch prey? An excellent question, my brainwashed friend. There's two main tactics these things have under their evolutionary belt that makes them pretty damn nasty. First, Great Wahoons have excellent camouflage. Particularly hard to deal with because sightlines in the ocean aren't great anyway. They typically sneak up on prey before de-cloaking and opening those big-ass gums, giving them the jump and by then it's too late. My recommendation is just to keep an eye out for what looks like strange or off-putting light patterns passing by your ship. It's good camouflage but it isn't perfect.

The second strategy is a fake-out tactic that make use of their pair-hunting behavior. One Wahoon will de-cloak and give pursuit to a designated prey specimen. Then, as the prey, distracted, attempts to make its escape, the second Wahoon appears from below, sealing its fate. This tactic is not as easily dealt with as Wahoons that have not mated will usually still hunt alone, meaning you won't really know if it's a single or pair encounter until the fateful moment when the second Wahoon is supposed to emerge. If you're really unlucky, you'll get a third, albeit smaller, Wahoon- that is, if the pair has recently given birth to a Wahoon calf. Best advice I can give is to stay the hell away from Wahoon territory. If you've noticed a distinct lack of fish in the last few miles, it might be time to turn back. Your local Warden station (or Fire Department, if you live in the city) should have a list of sections of ocean that are confirmed to be Wahoon territory.

Steer clear of 'em, for Christ's sake. There's nothing scarier than minding your own business and then seeing a mouth the size of a house open in front of you.
Thanks, Bal - I'll take it from here, and we all hope Hal's back amongst us soon.

Ladies, gentlemen, and rodent-things - a big hand for Ranger Bal, to thank him for coming down here today and giving a truly enlightening PSA.

Don't forget you can catch more of his PSAs after each episode of WETSUIT, aired weekly at 9 (8 Central). And if you always wanted to join the crew of the Beacon on their adventures, keep an eye out for the role-playing game, on sale soon at all good bookstores and games stores!
Hey guys
Checking in before I get sent to Factory 2, you know the place, used to be one of those 13 somethings, now a huge Factory that's in disrepair. I keep hearing shit about looters and stuff.
Any of that true?
Well if its a giant factory then its bound taht there are people who want to loot it
>Any of that true?
No. Not at all.

There's worse
Well yeah I get looters, makes sense, addicts are everywhere, but people say that they're almost addicted to violence.
I've met my fair share of murderers, but these rumors are fucking with me.
No fucking way. Looters I believe, but that talk about sewage people and swamp beasts is just that. Talk.
I'm sure of it.
>I keep hearing shit about looters and stuff.
>Any of that true?
Not if you do your job properly, Hank. The whole point of being a security guard in a derelict building is that you keep the looters out and the dimensional incursions in...

... uh, forget about the dimensional incursions thing, right? The official line is that we haven't had any extraplanar trespassers on that site.
We literally live in a world where gods, cosmic horrors and Fae are real, and yet sewer people and Mulch Spawn are the straw that breaks the camels back for you?
Look, there's levels to this shit.
It's way too fucking basic. I'm supposed to believe that it's so simple? I can believe Fae infested ruins and all that, I know about that shit, I get it.
But the thought of animals and humans adapting to such a place, even thriving, is pretty fucked. To the point where I don't believe in it.
Correct. No Incursions have or are happening in Factory 2.
>But the thought of animals and humans adapting to such a place, even thriving, is pretty fucked. To the point where I don't believe in it.
Isn't what they said to Charles Darwin when he told the world that nature finds a way to exploit every niche and that we were descended from monkeys? You can't deny nature. Or supernature. Some of those fae cryptids are enough to make even Australian fauna look benign and normal by comparison, though...
I think its been established that there are at least psychic ethereal monsters. Sentient animals arent out of that considering we have monkeys in the stone age irl, bulletproof moths, etc
Remind me to call Denise in R&D about that. Those monkeys are behind on their research project. I think we're going to have to expose them to the black monoli... er, scratch that. That would be deeply unethical, not to mention a real health and safety issue. Memo to R&D, no Artifacts of Exosapient Origin to be deployed in high metathaumic radiation environments, especially not earlier in our prime timeline.
>That would be deeply unethical
Finally somebody says it.
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Back again folks! Just woke up this mornin' to my arm fully grown back, all the way up to my fingers! Except not really since I'm missing a finger and it's all covered in really tough green skin. But other than that it works fine, except for when I accidentally cut myself with these sharp claws I got when I try scratchin' an itch. I went down to the local docbot we got in town, friendly ol' bot for being about 40 years old but we keep 'em going with fresh batteries and supplies and he keeps on healin' all us country folk. One time me and Harold were tryin' to fix up some generator for a neighbor of ours and the damn thing exploded on us! Harold forgot to plug one of dem tubes leading to the reactor core, which leaked and heated up then exploded! Blasted Harold's hand off and killed the neighbor. We weren't too sad about it he was kinda mean to everybody we were just doin' it for the money anyways. So Harold is missing a hand and we're lookin' all over the place for it maybe it didn't burn up when I notice the neighbor's arm laying in the yard. I was really tired at this point of searchin' so I pull out my knife and chop of the hand and told Harold I found his hand. He was pretty happy about it so we went to the docbot and got his (well, the neighbor's) hand put back on good as new. The next day Harold comes over askin' me to scratch his back saying he can't reach this itch no matter what. I just start laughing like a fool realizing the new hand was a little smaller than his old one and couldn't reach all of his back with it! Anyways back to my problem I went to our docbot and he started exaiming my arm taking samples all that when he just freezes up for a second. His lights are all going crazy for a bit then he suddenly asks me to leave. Man I just got there and he wants me gone he's never acted like this before! So I walk out and notice he closed down shop with a full line of people! Somethin' about my arm must have messed with him, I dunno what though.
The flesh welcomes you brother.
No, Landworms. Powers, you are greener than Rotjaw vomit, aren't you?
Giant Landworms are exactly what the name sounds like. Worms, but giant. Up to two meters in diameter and forty in length. Usually they live in the deserts in the southwest, but some packs have been spotted all the way to Atlanta. They can live almost two miles underground, and can eat anything in front of them, organic or mineral As far as animals go, they are not too bad if you leave them alone, but if you make too much noise when they are close buy they jump out from below you and swallow you whole, and boy, let me tell you, is it HARD to cut through that leather to get something out of them. Poor Larry barely got out alive and still can't sleep in a sleeping bag anymore, I tell you. Also, for the Power's sake, stay away from the orange sand a colony produces. That shit rots your brain

Thanks, Ranger Bal!
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>That shit rots your brain
Literally, by the way!
You must be eating some of it. Sandvixens are something completely separate from Landworms. They are just angry, ugly bipedal coyotes that hunt in packs. Not to be underestimated though. Those bastards are sneaky and clever
Rory, your info is outdated. The connections found between Sandvixen manifestations and Landworm nestings have been well investigated by both Church members and other explorers.

Whilst it is doubtful that they are the same creature in the least, they almost certainly have some form of shared monstrous ancestor between them.
Praise be to the Paradox.
A special post today folks... The first installment of a series to look into the life of a Mazer..



The Initiates had been marched through the streets, disoriented, and completely blind. Several of their number were heard to stumble and curse, usually to be cut short as they disappeared.

The march forward was halted by their Initiator.

"You may remove the bags Initiates."

They were in an alley none of them recognized.

The only resident besides the group, and their Initiator was an old man, clad in tattered robes, sitting under an awning by a burning heap.

"Who's the Geezer?" one of the initiates asked.

The man looked up at the question. His eyes were completely white. His face was dark, and his features creased with a look of timeless age, as if Death itself had forgotten him.

"It's you..." a young woman with raven black hair pulled back and held up with a pin whispered to herself while clutching a small charm she wore around her neck.

She remembered as a child, losing her parents, and becoming completely lost. Something horrible had found her, so she ran, and ran, and ran until she was sure her legs would fall off before turning a corner and running into the man that now stood before her again.

"Where do you run, little one?", he'd asked her.

"I want to go home! I want my mommy and daddy! I want the to get away from ... It..." She pointed back from whence she came, her face buried in his robes. "Please don't let it get me!" she blubbered.

"There, there... Look..there is nothing to fear."

She peeked out of his robes, and saw they were somewhere else... a bus stop. That wasn't there before was it?

"Take this little one. It has served me many moons. I gift it to you that it may see you safely home, wherever you go.", he continued as he put the charm around her neck.
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"A City is a living, thinking, feeling, being." The ancient man bellowed.

"Like each of us, it grows. It dreams, it hopes, it has desires, and the capacity to surprise."

"They," the man pointed up with his gnarled, skelaletal hand, "believe themselves above the City. They," his words became sharp with disgust, "see the City as a tool. A thing to be mapped, charted, subdued, and controlled. A means to their personal hedonistic ends. Ends culminating in imagined kingdoms and authority over all below them. And yet..."

"Even they too are part of the City... A part to be reminded, and guided. It is their folly to believe themselves superior to the very organism that gives them strength."

"They call us Mazers. They believe us to be as rats. Pests to be extinguished underfoot. Yet, they have never succeeded at bringing us to heel."

"This is because we understand and Honor the City's true Nature, and in return, the City graces us with it's Protection."

"Their maps are useless in the corridor's of the City opened to the faithful. When the rats of the Street need to bolt..."

"The Maze provides." chanted his audience, unbidden.

"When the homeless wanderer needs shelter, refuge, or sustenance in their travels..."

"The Maze Provides." they chorused.

"When the Oppressors block the path, and the faithful are lost in the Den of the Enemy..."

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The man's voice echoed painfully as if from the walls themselves were giving voice with him.


"THE MAZE PROVIDES!!!" the initiates hollared, their voices picking up the character same omnipresent character that the man's had wielded just moments before.

As the Initiates scattered, running on the journey to their Ultimate Destination, one Initiate walked behind the man, placing a charm on a chain around his neck.

"I gift this to you Ancient One, that it may serve youagain, and any unfortunate lost you may encounter on your journeys... Thank you..." She spoke, before dashing off to join the others in the initiation rite.

The man looked at the charm the girl had gifted him back.

"Sweet child, the City's will resonates strongly within you."

>The man's surroundings blur slowly resolving to a shadow cast by the dying rays of the setting sun, blocked by an antenna array atop some high building. He placed the charm around an outcropping.

"You will find this again. I am sure. For this, as in all things..."

"The Maze Provides..." the words were carried as a whisper of wind as the man disappeared once more, swallowed into the Halls of the Deep that only the Lost can tread.

good writing anon
Excellent shit anon
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Absolutely wonderful, you brilliant bastard.
It's a symbiotic relationship. Sandvixen packs stick to the surface above the worms (not sure how they avoid detection) which means that anything big enough to threaten the vixens gets eaten by the worm before it can reach them.
We need to capture a Sandvixen and a Landworm. For science.
>grabs muscle relaxant drops for eyes
This is Ground Control to Ranger Al, do you copy?

Ranger Al, this is Ground Control, can you hear us? The signal has gone dead.

>Can you hear us Ranger Al?
>Can you hear us Ranger Al?
>Can you hear us Ranger Al?
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You wot m8?!
No, because we don't want to lose the battle of Waterloo. Again.

If you're gonna worship a Force, at least choose a good one, like The Great Moth or His Timeless Plague. You know, something with a little class.
>shoot a wiijigoo last winter
>stuff its corpse in the freezer (after cutting out its heart and decapitating it of course) in hopes of getting paid a bounty once the okanogan regional militia's annual outlying settlement reconnaissance mission shows up
>5 months later
>the corpse still occasionally twitches

Guess that I found out why pa always told me to chain up carcasses before freezing them.
Ground control to major Al
Ground control to major Al
Take your magazine and load your F A L
Ground control to major Al (ten nine eight seven six)
Commencing countdown prepare for fall (five four three)
Check your chamber and may god's love be with you! (Two one drop)

This is ground control to major Al, you've really made the grade!
The papers want to know whose flag you wave
Now its time for you to enter the cave

This is major Al to ground control
Ive been rowing for an age
And im floating in the most peculiar way
The jellies look so dofferent today
For here am i drifting in my small raft
High above their plumes
The ocean depths are blue and theres nothing i can do
>go to work
>eyeball plants stare at sun
>return 12 hours later
>eyeball plants are still staring at sun
>take a quick peek at sun myself
>the sun is bleeding

No wonder that they were staring at the sun, you don't often see things like that around here.
Also, this. Last time that happened, I heard the Duke of Wellington cursing through the ground for LITERAL DAYS.
>eyeball plants

where'd you cop those?
>Implying it wasn't all according to plan
The Church lost many things in that battle. Books and pre-Cataclysm secrets abundant. We may have lost the physical conflict, but Paradox consumed the world's hopes just a little bit more then.
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Aren't those them banned livestock chips?
They're Iconocorp headchips, which were based on the livestock prototypes. They were never meant for use on humans, but well, Iconocorp.

Any references to implementation details of Iconocorp HeadChip Brand cyber cranial augment, or dissemination of speculative researche methods is illegal under the MegaCity Accords for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, and Establishment of Standards for Advanced Technology disposal! The punishment for infraction can be quite severe, and van be enacted within the Jurisdiction of any Iconocorp holdings!

Just a friendly reminder fellow Netizens!
As I thought. What kind of monsters would trick their customers like that?
>What kind of monsters would trick their customers like that?
Iconocorp would. They're by far the most monstrous and utterly inhuman of the local megacorps.
We actually have at least two sapient, sentient walking talking animals so far, thanks to the Maze. Dogs and Rats, and who knows what else.
>and who knows what else
HR knows. But thanks to pesky data protection regulation, they won't tell you unless you're that sentient's line manager, no matter how nicely you ask (and even if you have their staff number).

You do see them in the canteen occasionally, though.
Human brains aren't that different from cattle brains so creating a completely new design instead of just adapting old and proven one would had been pointless waste of time and money.
You have to get me imported from Old London if you want to guarantee a good strain. However I'd recommend the arm hedge over an eyeball plant any day.
Fun fact despite looking and acting like animal bits all the 'Body Double' products are actually a mix of plant and fungal matter.
And I guess they are the most powerful, because that's how the world works.
It's a waste of time and money to make a product that actually works as advertised, instead of a bad product that tanks the company's goodwill and gets them sued into bankruptcy?
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>And I guess they are the most powerful, because that's how the world works.
They actually aren't. That would be DragoNet.
DragonNet? You mean those assholes who overcharge for wi-fi? I don'tunderstnad why anyone would buy their overly expensive gadgets that, while still a bit higher quality, do not justify the price in any way

I see the problem here, sir. You seem to be operating under the auspices of false information. There was a huckster spreading disinformation a while ago about our Flagship HeadChip product that just isn't remotely close to Reality.

The Iconocorp HeadChip is revolutionary new technology, decades ahead of it's closest competition! It provides full compatibility with the OtherLife Brand Full Immersion VR cyber Suite as well as the DigiKnow line of high quality knowsofts. Why, their knowsofts are of such high quality you could probably make a good run at making a HeadChip competitor yourself!

Not that you would, or should of course! At Iconocorp, everyone is part of the family, and all ideas are valued in our quest to bring the highest quality augmentative products to the lives of everyone the world over.

Just find your local HeadNet CyberCafe and try one of our non-invasive Transcranial HeadChip emulators. We're sure you'll find the experience so rewarding, you'll make an appointment as soon as you try!

Someone has been listening to the HostLord again. Remember:
DragoNet is run by an actual Dragon, so it's no surprise that all their shit is horrendously overpriced. I think the only reason why they haven't subsumed Iconocorp yet is because they're trying to milk them dry first and seize what assets they can.
Dragon suits Vs. AI suits, never thought there would be a day I would root for those buckets of scrap
>Someone has been listening to the HostLord again.
Goddamn you brainwashed simpletons are utterly moronic. Have you even read the first hundred volumes of "Forces & Their Spread", which gives the basic outline of any HostLord manifestation?
I wonder who's bright idea it was to let overgrown monitor lizards to own stuff. Sure they're more eloquent in their speed than most humans but they're all to prone to get involved in scandals, all of them are paranoid sociopaths on human standards, and less said about how they recruit people the better.
throw some baking soda on it

should keep it stiff

fuck. alright thanks anyway man
>Dear MegaCitizen,
>Your friends at Iconocorp would like to invite you to join the Neighbourhood Lookouts. Help support the Ranger Corps by keeping a lookout for vicious cryptids! Protect your friends, loved ones, and home!
>Please click here for more details and our schedule of volunteer orientation sessions, coming to your area soon!
Always nice to see someone swallow that Iconocorp propaganda whole so the rest of us don't have to. Your sacrifice will be remembered anon. To deal with your statements in reverse order:

A: For the most part, they recruit people the old fashioned way - by hiring them. By putting ads in newspapers and having people fill the positions. Sure they turn the odd sod into a Kobold, but they're all reasonably high up the chain, so it's hardly a recruitment tactic. Anyway, being a Kobold ain't so bad. They're basically just dragon larvae, so being made into one is less about controling the person and more about making sure DragonNet's management is all dragon all the time.

B:I'm pretty sure you just described all businessmen there bucko. At least your average dragon is decent enough to not pretend they're anything else.

C:... Okay , I'll give you that one. They do have a bad habit of burning people alive, but, I honestly think it ain't that bad considering the grade A shit Iconocorp has pulled over the years.
I say, I say, I say: what do you get when you cross a human test subject with a cloud moth?

Immediate cessation of your grant funding and a stern rebuke from the ethics committee.

Seriously, don't any of you fellas bother going to your mandatory orientation and induction sessions? Knowing what a thaumatologic field is could save your ass if we have another Three Mile Island in the grimoirs section of the Restricted Library.
>Anyway, being a Kobold ain't so bad.

Sure, if slowly&painfully mutating into a 3 ton flightless lizard that vomits flammable gasses is your thing.
This sounds an awful lot like a generic ad. Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer my brain to be a closed system, thank you very much.
Hey, the starting point and the end result ain't that bad, it's just getting from A to B that's a pain in the ass. Quite literally I believe. I bet most Kobolds really wish their senses had been deadened instead of heightened when they hit that stage.
Someone... Read the orientation?

Holy shit. It worked! THAT'S PROGRESS!!

(If there are any drawfag lacking anything pressing to do... A picture of a CENSURED stamp by the Ag Extension Ethics Board would be an awesome thing to have made for the lulz.)
>t. Satan
Serpents spreading lies about phantom corps again.
Just like my spider milk
>I keep hearing shit about looters and stuff.
as a guy who used to clean up abandoned buildings for personal reasons, not really.
Anyone got any good leads on freshly trashed gear? I've been looking for any parts that can or have been used in pedal crank generators. The grid has been down this far out for a few weeks now but my pedal generator just keeps taking a shit every few hours and I'm afraid of letting it completely stop.
>but I really need some pure, fresh air and sun
Personally i'd just save up and buy some, and make sure the supplier actually ships it to you. Fucking scammers man, i hope they enjoy their payload.
t. haven't left my terminal in roughly 5 years
I don't who the fuck you are, but you must be eating Landworm powder. This DragoNet shit is an ancient Mazer meme after a former CEO of them who went crazy and assumed a retarded dragon persona and everyone started to make fun of him. I'm mean, were "Secret emperor of Mu" and "In direct contact with all the Powers and Forces" not enough for you to realize it was all an elaborate joke? Are you stupid or is it true that amazing bait and terrible bait are identical and I just fell for it?
Check out Cleveland or Detroit, if you can make it.

The city should be a gold mine, or so I've heard.
Loidenfyr, we all know that Titania and Mab want your fucking head on a platter after all the shit you pulled against them, but please. Don't make your attempts so obvious.
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>Check out Cleveland or Detroit, if you can make it
I meant something that's literally not just not!ElDorado. Every junker hears about Cleve and Dedroid, but none of us ever hear back from dumbasses who go there and try to live long enough to set up shop.
https://discord.gg/52gpyG here friendface, keep this tip to yourself.
>Titania actually being able to use a computer or show up in court over a libel case
puhlease, enough with the conspiracy theories.
thanks my guy
>implying Fae would even consider touching something as unnatural as computers

im p. sure they just barely tolerate most modern technology, my dude. they wouldnt want to touch something like a computer, i think

Maybe they couldn't handle the danger. High risk, high reward, know what I'm saying?

But hey, if you're gonna wuss out, then best I can recommend is the outskirts of the megacity clusters near the east coast. That's where all the other junkers flock to for basic pickings.
Just set out for it friend. Don't worry about a map. The Maze Provides.
>Maybe they couldn't handle the danger
No shit? You'd think scavengers and basically marauding droid fucks would be nicer about wanting to take away their garbage.
>basic pickings
Come on man, I already said i'm looking for specific parts and if you can't help then fine, but don't act like I'm one of those bottom feeders.
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>Implying Titania and Mab would need to actually use computers to get at someone
Mab once froze over the entire Net, at once. And not just in the sense that it was slowed to a crawl either. I mean actually froze it. It took five months for things to defrost properly.

Do not fuck with the Fae mate.
Alright folks, time for some more Moth Droppings.

Today's installment: Anon accidentally into descriptive writing instead of Action Sequences.

(It'll pay off.)
>I hope.

Without further adieu, enjoy. the FINALISH (I SWEAR) build up to the thrilling action-packed conclusion of

MOTH BALLS: Moth Droppings
Rescue of Anon Anonson (The Tax Holiday Rescue)

"Oh crap! Todd, dude, wake up!"

"Janette, why do you keep shoving me, I'm almost out of couch...

"Dude, I"m not your girlfriend, and they're doing something to your truck."

"WHAT?!" Todd shot bolt upright from where he had nodded off waiting for the team's air support to show up over to where Hank and Sanchez were working on his Dad's truck.

His father's pride and joy, was an antique FORD pickup from before things went to shit. He had been working on that truck since as far back as Todd could remember. His Mom had always scoffed at the paint job, a garish red, white, and blue flag with stars and stripes stretched and waving from the front all the way back as quaint, a relic of a bygone age. His father told him stories though, of times when Men were Men. When millions of vehicles like that would crisscross the country on a daily basis. Cloud Moths didn't ruin everything, and a man would live and die by his vehicle. Todd had been in awe at the majesty of this truck since he was old enough to understand what it was.

As he ran toward the truck he began to pick out snippets of conversation.

"Hank, you sure this is gonna work?"

"Eh, bout 94%. That's why I'm redoing the timing and ECU maps. His old man has this poor thing fairly good and neutered. Honestly not sure how he expected the kid to learn to drive properly."

"Bro, if the way you drive is properly, everyone else is wrong, and I for one agree with them."

Finally cresting the hill blocking his view, Todd was greeted with the sight of one of the most important things in his life.

...And Hank and Sanchez were cutting holes in it.
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You mean the time that IcoNet servers went offline because they accidentally sold a massive chunk of their beijing network that connected their undersea cables holdings and they passed it off as 'fae'? You bumpkins will believe anything, I bet you believe the ten pound salamanders living in your backyard can shitpost too.
Don't you talk about Salty the salamander like that, he taught me how to shitpost
>You mean the time that IcoNet servers went offline because they accidentally sold a massive chunk of their beijing network that connected their undersea cables holdings and they passed it off as 'fae'?
No, I legitimately mean the time when Mab flash-froze entire megacities and their Net connections in a rage after some Mazers managed to slight her by taking a Winter Court artifact that she requested be re-delivered to her.

She even used the giant ice-cubes she made of the cities to spell it out for us.
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As he ran toward the truck he began to pick out snippets of conversation.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAD'S TRUCK?!" Todd screamed in panic, "Oh man, did you drill HOLES? I'm screwed man... Totally screwed."

"Whoa. Hold on, kiddo, calm down" Hank began, "I'm adding and tweaking a few things to make sure we get through this. Let me walk you through it."
"Firstly, we're adding these babies," Hank rested his hands on a pair of pressurized gas canisters fastened to some sort of quick release, which itself was securely attached to the bed. "These are going to be REALLY important.They're topped off with a ton of pure Nitrogen gas. One blast o this at anything that gets close will either send it into the next county, or displace so much air around it, they'll go out like a light."

Hank moved his hands to a system of pipes and valves, and hoses hooked up to a manifold connecting both tanks near the back cab window.Two lines went up and over the cab's roof and down the windshield before splitting and either going into the engine bay through the hood, or through holes drilled in the front quarter panel through the sides. Beneath his horror, Todd actually kind of liked that touch. The four holes with pipes coming put made it look kind of like the old P-51D picture on the calendar his father had had on the same page in the garage for years.

"These lines here will route the pressurized gas into the engine compartment to provide emergency cooling and fire suppression. I've got the release valves wired into a switch by the steering column for easy access."

Hank gestured to an ultra rugged looking device plugged into a port on the driver's seat.

"I've undone whatever janky tune was put on this baby before. Training wheels are off, so you should have the max power this engine can give you. And that's a lot given the other stuff your old man threw in there. You'll spin your wheels if you aren't careful, but if you pay attention you'll get all the power you need."
"It's not going to blow up on me is it?" Todd asked.

"See the red light on the dash? That's wired up to a temp sensor. If that baby lights up, let off power, and pop the switch to On until the light goes off. Do that, andyou should be be fine. Do the same if stuff starts smoking. The engine should be fine, but there's still enough rubber and other materials that will be more than happy to ignite if you push it. A lot of older components were made for dealing with combustion temps in a much less O2 rich atmo, and your Pa has every trick and gizmo that actually worked around that time to work around it installed. I had to whip this baby," he waved around a little box shaped gun with a radiation trifoil, "just to double check your old man put in beefy enough parts to take the stress."

Hank gestured to the tires, which were noticeably fatter, with way more tread.

"These are Tac Tires. Warden special issue. They have a computer system that manages the structure of the tire based on what driving conditions are detected. They're expensive as hell, add a few tanks of really nasty science goo to the weight of the vehicle, but goddamn will you get the best ride and response of your life. This baby will be a whole new experience to drive, and will have a significantly lower center of gravity thanks to some of the kit we added, so don't be afraid to give it WOT for."

"WOT?" Todd asked, confused.

"Exactly," Hank said, noting the continued stare, "W-O-T. Wide-Open Throttle. The Beans. Gas. More Dinosaur. More Moth Juice. Maximum Boom..."

"I think he gets it, mang."

"Right.. Point is, we don't know what we'll end up facing, and we aren't taking any risks. As soon as we button up the installs, and get Dmiri"s ATV and arsenal in the back, our helo friends over there are going to start the OP." Hank finished.
"One last thing. We have a tradition. Once the OP starts, hit this", her gestured to a small button on a music player, "Music is an incredibly effective tool at syncing a team's actions."

"Okay... I will." Todd assured him. "I'll take anything to keep me alive long enough to get murdered by my Old Man."

"Good lad!"

>Location: Ag Extension Community Outreach and Task Force Coordination Center

>agent deploy --mode=search --host geosurvey.rangers.net --query "MIME=map, subject=GIS,TOPO,SOiLTYPE, coordgrid=33" | simpose | prender --prefprofile TAC | tee lrender /dev/wall | rrender --hostpool tacnet13.agxtens.net

>Processing.... please wait.

"So... What does that mean in English?" Cyndy asked happily, noting that her friend had switched back on the wall projectors.

"Well, it's a pipeline, see," the Researcher started, gratefully taking the proffered steaming cup of Caff, "I want to make sure we have as much info on the lay of the land as possible.

>A window opened simulating the datastream of the running agent pulling the requested data from the RGS regional datacenter.

I'm querying the Ranger's Geographic Survey database to get as many charts on Sector 33 as they have. Topogrophy, contour, Soil type analysis, etc... I'm taking the output of that query, and running it through a program one of the other Researchers hacked out that does a surprisingly good job at superimposing orthogonal datasets in a visually intuitive way.

He took a long chug of his drink.

"She really did an amazing job, I just wish she'd take my patch to make the characteristics of the superimposition configurable so I could get rid of the prender wrapper, but she keeps rejecting it because it ruins the shape of the code in her environment... Honestly, who cares if it doesn"t look like a butterfly in the whitespace anymore? ANYWAY..."
"So I'm passing the output of her program through my render wrapper, prender, which applies a color profile to the output of the simpose call. That output is then sent to the render program to get translated into a manipulable 3+d representation.

"And then?"

"Then that data structure goes into a program which duplicates the datastream, routing one to a local render instance controlling the holo-imager in this room, and another to the rendering interfaces in 13"s tactical equpment."

"Wow... Just like that?"

He raised his cup with a cocky smirk "Yep. Just like that. Every time."

"That's exhausting even thinking about "


"How long did all that take to write? What if something changes?"

Before she even finished the question she could see the change in countenance. "Eroded" would be the word she'd use. "We try to avoid that as much as possible. And too many hours to count."

>Task Complete. WARNING: You forgot to xref with Ag Extension assets/field research taking place in this locality, Add now? (Y/N)

"Huh. That's new! When did she add that?"

>Recompiling map...

The Researcher absorbed, opening and plumbing the bowels of the source code was completely oblivious when the holo projector beeped.

>Render complete
>The holo imager sparked to life projecting the agglomeration of data in the center of the room.

Cyndy began to rotate and zoom the image her eyes wide in awe, taking in the cornucopia of information, each layer color-coded and meshed unobtrusively so as not to distract from the desired point of focus. She felt like a god gazing down on his creation.

She let out an excited squeal, she loved it when they put it on the wall!
>In the field
"Are we being ready to load up, Comrade Hank?" Dmitri queried, "Operator has compiled TAC map. Downloading now. Helo pilots ready to go. Phillips reports Anon's house is now barn. Maybe Sanchez can now actually hit."


"Just need to get you loaded up. ATV's and truck are gassed up and good to go."

>A set of three high speed recon drones whiz in front of Dmitri's face

"Lights..." Issued forth from one of the drones as a small high power light flashed on and off.

"Camera!!!" Issued forth from another.

"If you say action, I will crush toys with bare hands."

>DRONES! DROOONES damnit! And they were a gift!!!

"Get my ATV loaded in back of truck. How are boys?"

"Ehhh.. After talking with Hank they seemed okay... But they look a bit grim. A bit of a pep talk may be in order."

Dmitri nodded, satisfied, "Operator, go time in T minus 30 minutes. I've updated TAC map with proposed route. Analyze and report back any discrepancies or developments."

"Wilco, 13. Out"

Location: Stump of Gloom

"We're going to die, aren't we Chet?"

"Nah, man. Don't be like that. We got this. You can drive that truck like nobody else. You have me riding shotgun and helping with drones. Heck, we got up here just fine. We have multiple tiers of backup planned, and you have a godmachine assault truck! Why are you worried?"

"I'm going to have a helicopter drop a man currently on the roof of a house surrounded by carnivorous bovine atrocities into the back of my Dad"s truck. A bunch of battle hardened Wardens have brought full kit, called in Air Support, commandeered and modified my Dad's truck in such a manner that I have no idea if I'll be able to drive it, much less NOT have it blow up." Todd said deadpan "This has gone a little beyond we're helping Wardens to get ass and bragging rights Chet. We're in deep."
"Well... Shit." Chet dulled, looking a bit impotently at his 8 gauge pump action in his lap, "When you put it that way..
Maybe this has gotten a bit out of hand."

"You have woman?" Dmitri asked sneaking up unheard.

"Oh, hi Dmitri. Time yet? And no. I don't. Todd does though."

Dmitri sat down between the two teens. His bulky gear making him look larger than life. "You have picture? Should always carry picture if have woman."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Here.", Todd pulled out a picture his Dad had taken of the two of them lounging together in the remnants of a square bale of hay in the back of the truck.

Dmitri touched the girl's face with a finger, tracing her cheek "Is keeper, yes? Bring happiness? Joy? Laughter? Tears? Stick with through best and worst times?"

"I don't know, Dmitri. To be honest, it"s me I'd worry about breaking."

"Don't. Man can take much when have someone to live for. Even more for someone to die for." the Slavic man intoned as he stretched his legs.

"You have much life to live. Many troubles to overcome. Many women to stand in front of. Today will be first of many trials. Loss will come. But will persevere and bear to survive another day. Trust Dmitri. Have lost much. Still here."

"And you," he looked at Chet, "no woman?"

"Nope. Just stuff."

Dmitri gestured to the shotgun.

"Oh yeah. It's clear."

Dmitri took the weapon gingerly, examining it, checking the chamber, looking down the sights, testing the weight of the trigger, and racking the slide.

"You maintain this well. You've stripped it yes? See no markings, so right tools have been used. Attention to detail. Trigger is smooth. Pumps moves like on ice.
Treat woman with same care, and you will find one too. Today though, gun is woman. She will serve you well." Dmitri finished, returning the weapon to Chet.

"OP is in 30 minutes. Have you studied map? Also take these." Dmitri tossed both boys a small pill in a foil package. "You will need to stay alert until we reach safety."
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Did you guys hear about the kaiju sighting off the Australian coast? Yeah, apparently Arkeos made it all the way across the goddamn ocean. Wasn't his last sighting in Canada? How the hell did he get so far away?
Arkeos is considered to be the fastest amongst his ocean-dwelling brothers by far. It's no surprise that he managed to get so far in such a short amount of time.
Thump my head says, telling me to see red, and asking why I got knocked down. My leg is dragging, or rather something drags my leg. And me with my leg. As I stare down my leg I wonder what it is and I see the bottom of my leg and see the fleshchron and it’s cow-like, gaunt face carry me by my boot. I make no noise and count my blessings. Fleshchrons like prey alive for their young. I happen to be alive, but bruised. My other ankle is rolled. My I look to my .45-70 and the sling is catching on an old stump. I look to my holster and my .44 sits, reminding me I should do something with one of them. As it tries to pull me past the sling I make a grab at the revolver. Bang goes the first, and I kick as hard as I can manage. The pain of my rolled ankle reminds me that it was a dumb choice to use that leg, but my only choice is a dumb choice. The blood is warm, and the shriek is loud. But not as loud as the mine that it backed onto.

I don’t look around as I back away. The fleshchron’s back leg is gone, lucky for me. Since I’m in a Warden’s minefield, the sporadic craters remind me I have the rest of my life to pick my next step. There are no signs standing, nor any paint. My comms pack is broken because it was cheap Iconocorp plastic. For a moment I miss the old aluminum ones more than my family. It could be a 10 meter field, or 100, or 1000. In a sort I am lucky. Warden mines have a simple construction. In the center is a plunger plate, which breaks a detonator crimp when pressed with 20 pounds force. That crimp sets off the explosive charge. It is activated or deactivated when the top is turned, the turn is unlocked with a simple #2 Phillips bit, then it will say “A” or “S”, which is a nice way to tell if it will kill you. Animals don’t deactivate mines on purpose, no countermeasures needed. Iconocorp is too cheap anyway. I have no #2 Phillips bit.
They don't eat like normal things do they? Water is water wherever you go and even if something or someone owes a part of it, it's all home to them.

I'd be less worried about how fast he got there and more about what he left behind him.
Remind me how many active kaiju we know about again?

Obviously we have Arkeos (who was in Canada but I guess is now by Straya)
There's the three off the African coast, the two in China, the one in Japan, and the two by Russia, right? Am I missing any?

I wrap my ankle best I can, which does nothing since I will be crawling. I have a ka-bar. I use it to probe and dig as the fleshchron bleeds out. Number one is only three feet from me the way we came. I slid over it. I wonder why I’m not dead, but I shouldn’t overthink it. I probe and hit the plastic shell. A little work with the knife is all I’ll need. Just a little work for the next few hundred yards. Crack goes the twigs as I shift, and I try not to wince. In an hour I will hold a picture of Lola and Sierra and cry, because my ankle hurts and because I don’t know where I am. I want out by sundown. Wouldn't you know it, my watch broke again, I notice as I find number five, with it's 29 gram charge to keep my company.
I don't know if it can be classified as one but there is that creature traveling the great lakes of the US.

It has the size if not the territory.
Oh great, just what we need, a god damn inland kaiju.
It's not that bad. Sure you can't drink the water where it goes, and the fish become carnivorous but it could always be worse.

It would probably help to define what a Kaiju is by weight. Megafauna is defined (in some areas) as anything over 1,000kg. I propose we go grander:

Anything over 100 tons is Kaiju scale, based on the fact that only a few animals in the history of earth approach that (a few sauropod dinosaurs, blue whales). it's probably better to go on biomass than dimensions.
Ranger Al is back! Hurray!
REMINDER that ICONOCORP makes excellent, high-end products with proven durability, light weight convenience, and only the finest of weaponry, more than suitable for any hiking or armament needs. These slanderous accusations are NOT representative of product performance and should be removed by the site moderator.
How do you get the weight thought? I guess it can be eyeballed by images and math but where can you get a clear photo when those things are flailing and slaying?
Ideally a corpse
>Location: Ag Extension Community Outreach and Task Force Coordination Center

"So... What are we looking at here?" Cyndy pressed eagerly.

"That's contour/elevation mode. See how everything is broken up into rings? See how on the NE face here by the edge of the property everything piles up on top of one another? That indicates a very sharp change in elevation. That'll be a no go."

"So that means they'd have to go through here to the northwest, right? Everything else is blocked by forest."

"Correct. Now if we change to the infrastructure view, we can see there are already some roads up that way. I did a bit of napkin math and they should be fine with the equipment I rounded up for them."

"So now it looks like they have two options." Cyndy posited switching between the infrastructure and contour layers. "They can either hang a right at the fork and follow this winding path down by the river, or they can hang a left it looks like and run through this field."

"Check the Ag asset/Bio Survey levels!" the Researcher yelled from the other room, refilling his cup.

"Ooooooo," she winced, "That's a lot of Cloud Moth activity down by the river. I'm thinking to the left through the field. What's the red box though?"

"That would be an active experiment zone. Pull that up.... Oh shit, that's Rudy's... Lets see. Species list... Oh."

>Meganeura monyi
>Vespa mandarinia
>Apis cerana

"Remind me to ask him where he found the DNA for the first one. Regardless, they are all daytime hunters so SHOUDN'T be hugely problematic."

"What about this spot right here after the next set of switchbacks? The old highway. Another Cloud Moth advisory?"

"That indicates eggs that could hatch and start dropping larvae at anytime."
How many corpses have been made though? One, two?

There has to be better methods.
"Okay, so they run east as fast as possible, then back north along this dried up part of the river. Will the migratory worm path be an issue?"

"Only if they manage to encounter one of the Giant's that hasn't eaten really."

"Seems pretty straightforward. Should we send it to the team?"

"Yes," the Researcher chuckled, "send it to them. See? Other than compiling everything, you didn't even need me. I could have taken a nap."

And that's a wrap for the build up... I will return with the action piece after way too many rewrites most likely. Always open for comments, criticism, accusations, etc, etc...

Need... SLEEPZ.
I know you always insult we headchippers for being mindless, but cmon now sweety, wake up and smell the creosote.

If this is really the level of outright fantasy you're on... I mean, it's Fae. You ward them off with horseshoes. Didyouforget yours that day and get glamoured for the next two weeks?

Wouldn't have had to worry with a HeadChip! I always know where I am!

O.M.G. PIPPUS! I LOVE THOSE! Look me up at [email protected]
I'll take as many as you can get. XOXO Anon!

P.S. That's right Captcha! I'm not a robot!
>They are just angry, ugly bipedal coyotes
Look, I think people who are into them are weird as fuck, but that's objectively not true. I don't know why the fuck people on the east coast keep insisting on this.
>If this is really the level of outright fantasy you're on... I mean, it's Fae.
The Fae have boiled whole continents for less than the minor slights we see today my poor headchipped drone.

>You ward them off with horseshoes.
Only the most minor of fledgings can be awarded away with those. Something on the level of the Red Cap or the Wild Hunt will paint the walls with your entrails in especially grotesque fashion if you try to pull that trick on them. And the Princesses and Queens can literally blink you into a fate worse than death if you make the attempt.
>The Fae have boiled whole continents
They aren't gods, moron. Fucking with them is stupid but they don't have that level of power. You know, you sound an awful lot like a cultist. You realize they're not interested in that kind of thing, right?
I'm checking in from earlier. I decided to take the mazer's advice and take a nice stroll to see if anything came my way. I noticed that there are what look to be recently scrapped Iconocorp branded droids. I haven't ever seen recent tech dumped this far out before and it feels sketchy. If I start seeing more dumps like this I'll probably have to report it and any other junkers distant from mcs should do the same.

Good news is that i'm pretty sure i can jury rig some of these limb segments to fix my crank gen issue.
>They aren't gods, moron.
Actually, according to old scriptures, many were. Whether they still count as such is what's really up for debate however.

For instance, Danu and Dagda of the Tuatha De are deities amongst the Fae, though few have communed with them in recent times
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Forgot image.
See, that's kind of funny, sweety.

My cousin works for Transcontinental Rail Line, who have been running tracks right through the So called "Fae Wilds". Apparently the Railway companies have rather good bounties for these critters, because he's doing about as well as my honey is in the big city.

I'll get worried about your little diva's tantrums about as soon as the trains stop coming back with stains smeared all over them.

Fae, hah! More like Fae-lure!
This really isn't helping you look like any less of a cultist.
>My cousin works for Transcontinental Rail Line, who have been running tracks right through the So called "Fae Wilds". Apparently the Railway companies have rather good bounties for these critters, because he's doing about as well as my honey is in the big city.
Holy fuck, I didn't think people were retarded enough to do that. Do you think the Fae are the only thing in those fucking woods you goddamn moron?
Anon, I'm a follower of the Church. If I don't catalogue these things and report back, someone is going to disturb some ancient ritual set long before the Cataclysm, and some ancient deity shall take offense and blight us. We do NOT need any more enemies than we already have, I hope you can understand. Especially not amongst the gods of Faerie.
Glad to hear it, friend! It's all about the journey, and the Maze rewards those that walk it's twists and turns freely and with respect! Be humble, and may you always reach where you set out for!
>Holy fuck, I didn't think people were retarded enough to do that.
It's an Iconcorp head-dorne. What were you expecting?
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Is this, dare I say, Paradox?
So, what is your excuse of not permanently living underground?
Landworms. I'd rather not have my dinner interrupted by one of those buggers chewing its way through my wall. I know that happens on the surface with Cloud Moths and with Gigaceros over in ol' blighty, but you can generally run from them. There ain't many places to run when you're underground, especially if things start caving in
No it's loss
Ever seen what happens when a migratory Great Worm path meanders through geo-engineered spaces?

It ain't pretty. I'm not certain, as any records I've been able to find aren't even remotely close to first hand accurate, but apparently they came out of some company's fever dream to create underground railways beneath the Great Forest.

There was some consultation with the Extension on best practices for genetically engineered life form containment, and I found a scan of a literal napkin doodle saying "lampreys and earthworms aren't so different from borers right? Just need some extra chemistry, to get the teeth to lay right, and to avoid the gill thing."

They can digest just about anything given sufficient time. They have a catastrophically toxic metabolism compared to most things on the surface, and about the only thing that seems to keep them away is quite literally chaotic vibration transmitted through bedrock. Or at least according to this old ass feasibility study covered with more red ink than anything else. They also don't appear to be that fond of backing off when they hit some of the more common bunkering reinforcement materials.

They tend to migrate through areas consistently enough we can pick up transits on seismographic equipment, but every now and again we get reports of new worm sign.

All these docs aren't the most recent, and with the sparsity of seismographic survey data coming in, there's really no way to know whether there is just a handful of these things, or if somehow they found themselves a biological niche to fill, and have reproduced.

Likely? Maybe not. But its enough to make me think twice if I'm innaground and start picking up seasonal tremors.
Your attention, please. This is the public emergency announcement system.
Citizens should note that the aroma of burnt sugar, stale urine, and capsicum currently blanketing an area between the 4800 and 5200 blocks of West Pine and West Freemont, and the 800 and 1300 blocks of First and South Bismarck, is completely harmless as far as we are aware.

However, due to the sudden appearance of several sinkholes in the area, the Rangers are currently investigating and request that all citizens remain calm, take shelter indoors, and keep their doors and windows closed until further notice.

This announcement will repeat at fifteen-minute intervals. We will sound the all-clear when the situation has been contained.
haha Westcucks BTFO
To: All staff
From: Ag Extension HR Director

We would like to remind all staff that vandalism of any kind, including graffiti, is strictly forbidden. There have been a number of recent incidents of sexually violent phrases written in fae dialects being noted on the walls of men's restrooms across the campus. HR believes that we are close to identifying the culprits. However, it has been somewhat distressing for the newer Wardens and their trainees to read these threatening messages, especially during vulnerable and often introspective moments.

Ag Extension would like to reassure its employees that there are no recorded incidents of vagina dentata amongst the fae-folk.
the absolute state of westside lmao
Still the only place to have been improved by the Cataclysm.
Air is too stale
i'm living underground, got that spider milk real good, living at the surface is litteraly for loser who can't afford a good ol' IconoVault
>Buying an IconoVault
That shit is designed to break down five years after purchase
nah dude, i've gone premium this shit is guaranteed 500 hundred years

laughing at all the worm people with their pale skin
Sorry to break it to you anon, but, depending on how long it's been since you last saw the sun, you may be that very same colour yourself.
n-no i have UV session to keep the perfect skin tone, a light orange
I'm stuck underground for the next 25 days, but I don't know how long I have until the Fae find me.
Let me tell you, you wouldn't believe the shit my family stuffed in this bunker I'm trapped in.
I don't know if I have enough time, so I'll make this quick. If you're using any Iconocorp or Drago Corp tech, whatever you do, don't
I have always wonder what they were thinking when they decided to mix shrike with haast eagle. Sure the end result is a handsome bird of prey that hunts pests that most animals avoid but kid nappers also hunt humans and I for one am starting to get annoyed due to constantly having to remove impaled children, pets, elderly, hobos, etc. from utility poles.
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>Be living in Megacity R-3
>Flesh infected attempting to breach the city walls for the last two weeks
>Mu going all out, sending city-seeds and everything
>Meanwhile the Fire Department, Wardens, and CorpSec all getting fucked by these things
>Suddenly two days ago all the infected leave
>Not a sign they were ever even here
>City in celebration, huge parties, everyone takes the streets and the drinking is excellent
>City evac alarm goes off somewhere around 3am
>Turns out the Flesh left because a fucking HostLord was approaching the city

It's been fun anons, but I'm probably not making it out of this one. Pour one out for me tonight
will do, try to dig a hole and hang in there buddy get any vehicle you can and flee while you can
Just ignore the HostLord and hope it'll go away
Tommorow is my first day in the wardens, what should i take with me ?
Officially, they issue you with everything you need. You're not supposed to have any personal items about you while on duty; something to do with "imprimatur" and misuse for arcane purposes. I kid you not, they issue you everything from the skivvies up. Even things like prescription glasses. You're not even meant to carry your wallet, you'll get a contactless payment card.

Unofficially? Salt. Pure sea salt works best.
in small bags like redfern or a pot of salt will suffice ?
EXSR HANDSHAKE......success
ORB: 372,385m, VEL: 7.74 km/s
////4/7////"Happy Birthday"
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear America
Happy Birthday to you!
GEN QUERY: are you still there?
The fuck?
Just run! Run and keep running! The Maze Provides!
I thought HiveLords were an east coast thing. How the fuck is there any Mu activity there? Also, how the fuck do we still have megacities if HiveLords destroy them constantly? This doesn't check out.
Anything you can easily open, easily grab a good handful from, and easily conceal from the management.
HostLord can manifest anywhere. Being the High-Priests of the Forces themselves gives them major benefits compared to anything else.

They also don't wipe us all out in one go because we are literally ants to them. Probably less than that.
>HostLord can manifest anywhere.
I've literally never seen one, or heard of one showing up on the west coast before.

>Being the High-Priests of the Forces themselves
I'd find this all a lot more believable if people could ever keep their story straight about what the fuck these things are. This all sounds suspicious as fuck.
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>I've literally never seen one, or heard of one showing up on the west coast before.
You're probably just lucky then. Either that, or you've never been near the areas where they do manifest. You'll know them when you see them.

>I'd find this all a lot more believable if people could ever keep their story straight about what the fuck these things are.
Don't believe the bullshit that Iconocorp tries to peddle. They don't want people knowing about the HostLords because it impacts them in terms of how much they can steal from people.
from /qst/, ''In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process''
doesn't apply here anon
>Don't believe the bullshit that Iconocorp tries to peddle.
Iconocorp are probably the ones pushing this bullshit in the first place, or maybe one of their competitors.
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>Iconocorp are probably the ones pushing this bullshit in the first place, or maybe one of their competitors.
Anon, if you don't want to open up your eyes and actually look at the info we've compiled regarding HostLords and their manifestation, then I'm not sure how else to help you.
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The goop sure was a nice change of pace wasn't it?

Now im sad. Fucking Funcom ruined great game.
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There you go. A bit on the small side, but I'm not particularly comfortable working in the macro scale.
Might make more later.
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Clear version as well
Some sort of old tech. Is there anything still working in space?
Well, if it's moving at nearly 8 kilometers a second it better not be down here. its probably just broken shit
Wait a minute, pull up that feed again. ORB LAS-CAN?
Did that madman actually convince someone to launch the thing?
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And an approval stamp, just as a bonus.
EXSR HANDSHAKE......success
ORB: 372,383m, VEL: 7.75 km/s
EXSR videokilledtheradiostar
/////////////////////////station? USB 6840.0 kHz
/Mozart's Magnum Opus is NUMBER 25.
/Chopin's Magnum Opus is OPUS 53.
/THE KEY IS A-flat.
1210 9194 1220 9921
9874 4400 7125
8000 9194 9900 5792 2456
6112 6666 9992
/THE KEY IS A-flat.
/Chopin's Magnum Opus is OPUS 53.
/Mozart's Magnum Opus is NUMBER 25.
GEN QUERY: what is MOTH?
>GEN QUERY: what is MOTH?
Which "Moth" is it referring to?
>D-DAY: 640 DAYS

A-are we going to make it anons??
I'm more interest in the "The key is A-Flat" stuff, than any apocalyptic warnings. The comments above and below seem to refer to old composers, but I'm not sure of the numbers' significance.
Seriously, does this actually translate to anything, and should I be wasting my time on it, or is it just giberish?
it says something, but what it says may not seem like much... much like a test, sometimes the formula is more important than the answer
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This looks like an interesting homebrew in the works here. Can I get a quick rundown so I know where to start?
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