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/tg/, through a collaborated effort, created a world full of Transhumanist dogma, techno-cults, mechs, planet colonizatio, genetically modified abominations, and an interstellar battle for conquest. This thread and subsequent threads are dedicated to further expanding it
First Thread http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/65759207
Last Thread >>65850840

How2Play: just add information on the world and its inhabitants. Make sure to at least skim through the last 2 threads so we don't make any historical contradictions.

>Pictured: ISA troops landing on Pluto for recon Circa 2402
From the last thread, for the lazy

>Setting Cliff Notes
-ISA: Super transhumanist, use a lot of bio- and nano- tech, uploading and bodyswapping are extremely common. Pretty culturally homogeneous, ruled by and from Earth. Very poor sense of ethics, scientific or otherwise.
-JF: Loose confederacy of spacers largely centered around Jupiter, hence the name. Government is essentially a scientific directorate in all but name, with a heavy militaristic bent. Not wholly against transhumanism but a lot less into it than the ISA
>FTL exists but seems to largely exist to get people from Sol to the handful of colonizable systems the factions are fighting over
-Human focused. There are a few aliens added in the first thread but they were...less than well received and the general sentiment seems to be aliens should be background mysteries and ancient artifacts
-Mostly mundane. There are a few supernatural elements like weird powers from alien artifacts and implications of psi, but as above the focus is on (trans)humans and their doings.

>What needs covered?
A lot of things. More detail on the factions, the colonies, characters, events. The skeleton is there, so lets fill it out
I'm gonna post a minor faction I made:
>The Neo Syndicalist Workers Party (NSWP)
>A terrorist group that is active in the solar system mainly in the JF
>Their core beliefs are similar to the one of Anarchist today, but thanks to advancement of technology their ideology experimented a notable change
>They belief that total freedom is possible thanks to the advancements of technology, because a human with enough technological advancements doesn't need things like food, water etc. So they can free themselves from the state easy
>This group is directed by the Council of Freedom, composed by 7 members, this members are extremely old and don't have really that much power in the organization thanks to how separated and independent the cells of the group are
>The organization tactics are terrorism, neo pistolerismo and taking control of strikes
>Is common for the to take over local worker organizations of a zone, and reshaped it as something more close to their ideology
> the members of the party or other members of worker organizations that are disagreement with the NSWP often disappear and they may be later see again as suicidal assasins or gunners for the organization
>The group is originated from the industrial planets and intellectuals of the JF, but they are now expanding to the ISA and even out the Solar Sytem
>the organization have been trying to take over new colonies and remake the planets into communes, but they have lost every time, at least for now, as their power is expanding more and more every day.
Minor faction time!
>Xeno Advocate Party
>A small JF political party hailing from Europa
>Initially started as something akin to Greenpeace-lite towards xeno lifeforms, since a kind of oceanic worm was found in Europa's depths
>Gained more traction once xenosophonts like the Kiritti and the Spiders were contacted, changed into a more political bent
>Is currently one of the negotiating parties with the Spiders for their FTL
>Seems like a 'harmless' political party with less than 5% representation/voterbase
>Turns out some of their members engage in smuggling xenos to Sol, to any who are interested
>Said smuggling includes kidnapping xenosophonts for the highest bidder, usually done by third party mercenaries in the far-flung systems
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>Rathbauer Robotics and the Rathbauerists\Red Banner League
>One of the earliest corporations to mass produce autonomous robots for military, industrial, and later civilian use, Rathbauer Robotics products quickly became ubiquitous and likely would have continued to dominate the market had it not been for the actions and beliefs of it's founder and CEO
>Richard Rathbauer was a dyed in the wool singularity seeker, like many of his contemporaries, but he was also an avowed communist, believing that advances in AI and robotics would finally allow for mankind to be freed from the burdens of labor and inequality, with automata performing all work and a global control AI distributing the fruits of that work perfectly fairly.
>This didn't exactly sit well with... anyone, really, so he was repeatedly chastised and shut down by his peers.
>Instead of changing course, however, Rathbauer began secretly funneling capital and resources to a revolutionary group that he himself founded and ghost-led, the Red Banner League.
>The RBL built bases and carried out violent protests and guerilla raids, often using Rathbauer Robotics machines. The two became linked in the public mind, and RR stocks plummeted. They were bought out only a few years later by Harlan Heavy Armaments, with Rathbauer himself receiving a handsome sum.
>Naturally, he used the payout to fund the League and ramped up the revolutionary efforts and the violence
>The League has been quashed multiple times, and Rathbauer himself publicly executed on a number of occasions by enemies sure they'd rooted out every backup, but yet both persist, their cry of freedom from suffering, effort, and responsibility appealing to many.
>They seem to be operating out of outer rim at the moment, in bases on one or more of the smaller dwarf planets.

>Pictured is the RR 13RT3, or "Bertie" line of general purpose modular robots, a common sight rusting and mouldering throughout Sol
>The relations between the many cells is often complicated, as a disagreement between the two groups can start a war between them
>They don't seem to have good relationships with the RBL even with all the similarities they have, calling them revisionists
>they see in the RBL a group funded by a businessman wanting to destroy the revolution in the inside
> The NSWP uses mainly ciborgs as their military force, the most know of the these cyborgs is the Nicola type
>This ciborgs are mainly used for assassinations for assassinations because they will never stop until their target is dead
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Pic made by a drone of a nicola type ciborg during the great strike of Titan in which 300000 died
>the U73 "Deertick" is a common sight in the belt, a sort of mobile landmine the size of a large dog that latches on to anything "hot" not displaying proper IFF tagging. They're equiped with small particle reactors that can keep them ticking over for centuries of waiting, but that can be weaponized to produce a minute but devastating quantity of antimatter once they receive the signal or if they detect tampering
>They're a product of the ISA's design corps, but many have gone "senile", having their comms array damaged and no longer receiving IFF updates or properly receiving the signals at all, making them just as big a danger to their "allies" as their enemies
Where does porn rank in this setting's "internet"? Is it still "tolerated"? Or is it fully outlawed, punishable by death/mind purge?
they're still there, of course. ISA cyborgs getting live neurofeed of a sexual act directly injected into their brain pan, good old physical media/holovid for those without brain jacks - it's still there, but perhaps it's very regulated in some colonies/habs, like the new Amish settlements, some experimental 'purity' communes, the few remaining theocratically-leaning colonies and towns, etc.
Which means smuggling porn is still a piece of the smuggling business. Although, I wonder, could this be the reason behind those illegal ego-copying in Venus?
>Takehashi Industries COCKATRICE series fire support robot, often deployed from and in unison with larger mechanized units or BOLA class self-guiding AI tanks. These larger devices often make use of a Dispersed Master/Slave Process System Link, also called a Mothership or Puppetmaster program. These allow the drones to function semi-autonomously but utilize the master device's computer to perform at much higher cognitive ability.
>The Black Cross
Originally the fleet of the famous Belter pirate Haruto Watanabe AKA The Grey Reaver, the Black Cross is a lose alliance of captains and vessels which gained autonomy after Watanabe's death at the hands of the Janus Corporation. With Watanabe dead the fleet was without a leader, but they were still being hunted by Janus and so were forced to band together in order to survive Janus's attempts to exterminate the pirates of the belt, an effort known as the Year of Burning Flags. The newly christened Black Cross expanded quickly, with new captain's seeing the need for a unified resistance and was able to push back Janus, losing the company quite a lot of money and ships. In more recent times, The Black Cross act as a mercenary group, working for practically anyone who has the money, with the exception of Janus corp, of course. They have been known to occasionally pose as Federation forces, meaning that the two groups have a very shaky relationship.
Sci Fi bump
>ISA cyborgs getting live neurofeed of a sexual act directly injected into their brain pan
I imagine then that there must be some who never stop, literally only leaving their VR dreams of ecstasy for food and drink. As such, there are probably a few controls on that sort of thing you don't find on other sources
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Something more about the Men of Gold
>The Men of Gold are "ruled" over by a heptarchy, in which an individual heptarch is known as an Æncyclist (depicted in the picture) and is derrived from the name of the religion "Æncyclica"
>The Æncyclists are elected by a conclave of high ranking priests from all across the fleet.
>The parliament is filled with high ranking admirals and scientists that were educated in the way of the Æncyclica. The Heptarchy has no say in matter of state however being seen more as religious, moral and spiritual leaders than political ones.
>The main objective of the MoG is the spreading of their religion and the protection of those faithfull to it.
>The MoG is in conflict with ISA because of ideological differences and the ISA citizens belonging to the Æncyclica are being persecuted and dumped together with technobarbarians because of it.
>Most of these disagreements are based on the way the ISA blindly chases for ascention and letts its citizens suffer because of it.

Also new minor faction
>Sedna Wildlife Archive and Sanctuary (SWAaS)
>an organisation consisting of mostly scientists, located on Sedna.
>Their main objective is as the name says to archive and protect any biological forms of life they encounter.
>One of their side projects is the de-extinction of several plant and animal species that went extinct because of human activity.
>The animals are either preserved in the gene banks or they live on one of the numerous O'Neill cylinders with an enviroment resembling the one of its home Ecosystem.
>They stand on good terms with those factions willing to collect and sample data from far away worlds. All though most of those factions are mostly focused on space faring and exploration.
>There are also rummors about them collecting artifacts of alien origin. These claims are dismissed as unfounded rumors without any basis in reality by SWAaS.

Would they work as an organised religion and archivist minor factions?
They look good to me. I'm guessing SWAaS would favour biological enhancements to cybernetic ones. Or could they be completely against transhumanism altogether?
Biological stuff seems more likely than being completely against transhumanism. They're on Sedna, so they're probably Jovian, meaning that even if they don't have that exceedingly transhuman centric background a little gene-modding is kinda expected.
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SWAaS is an Nature Preserve and Archive so I would expect a high degree of sterility among them. Any research done there would be done with an extreme level of caution because they know what ISA does. They would rather rarely step foot in one of those preserves to gather samples. Prefering to have specialised drones to do it for them so the interference with the enviroment would be minimal.
They still would have some minor augmentations like an prostetic eye to make their job easier. Their modus operandi would be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" prefering to permanently remove the signs of genetic corruption that accumulated throughout human history (like root out genetic diseases like Albinism and Color blindness from the human gene pool) or replace a irreparably damaged limb with a new (cloned) one. Occasionally some minor augmentations that would help with the doing the job like an HUD or the above mentioned cybernetic eye.

Also they would have a quite decent relations with the MoG because of their nomadic lifestyle. The MoG travel a lot so they could bring back some new speciements and maps of certain regions of space. They would have a disstain for the ISA (because the SWAaS thinks that the ISA is a bunch of irresponsible brats that play God and don't care about the consequences of their actions).
>The two last members of an ISA squad tasked with acquiring genetic data from the SWAaS gene archive encounter a very dangerous carni-lithovore.
Sedna, Cylinder 26, Circa 2397
Source: Jovapedia. Page on ISA-SWAaS relations.
A what?
Carnivorous and lithovorous? Eats meat and dirt?

...well, meat and regolith.
Are you serSaving mindstate image...Done.ious—no, of course you are. Ekue, you know I can't talk about my work with you. Adisa would have my ass if I blabbed about military secrets to my girlfriend, of all people.

...No, I can't—look, it's not a matter of trust. Any intelligence agency worth their salt could nab a fork of you and rip anything they like right out of your head. You just don't have the capacity to keep secrets from a serious attacker.

...Look, Pausing mindstate
>>apply hypersuggestability.ntm
Applying hypersuggestability.ntm...Done.
Resuming mindstate
if you got...if you got...

...you...yes, I suppose I can trust you with the highlights. It's not too sensitive information.

We...we're supposed to be on the same team. Right? Sorry.
Don't know how I forgot tPausing mindstate
>>apply hypersuggestability_remove.ntm
Applying hypersuggestability_remove.ntm...Done.
Resuming mindstate
hat, sorry.

Anyway. So I mentioned earlier how someone with a fork of you can get anything they need out of it, right? Well, the way they do that is by backing up the mindstate image, loading it up in a wholly virtual environment disconnected from the Netsphere, and then interrogate it under time dilation. Properly set up, it's inescapable—you can't commit suicide, and if they make a mistake and kill you they just restore from backup. Even a rookie interrogator can clean you out in a few objective days.

So what can you do about it? Well, you can encode a viral payload into the mindstate itself--Yes, like that exploit with Windows Office. Something that can instantiate itself outside of the stack, hunt down backed up mindstate images and delete them. Basically, a suicide pill you can carry in your mind.

...Well, it's' not any creepier than the prospect of being trapped in someone's virtual hell with no one the wiser.

...Sure, go ask the difficult questions, will you? Fine. The virus itself was pretty easy—well, OK, not easy per-say, but cyberwarfare's been around for longer than there have been proper computers. We had a bunch of experts from the Association of Old Crows teleconferencing with us—those guys were a hoot.

...What do you mean, that was terrible—oh. Oooooh.

Anywho. The hard part was taking that virus and translating it into a neural transformation matrix. Almost all of the work in the field of NTMs—well, all the public work, anyway—has been about adding handles to mindstates so machine code can interact with it. Noone's done anything with making code that goes the other way—that starts as mindstate data and executes as machine code.

...Well, yes, there's psychoalgorithms, but those stay as mindstate data. And mindstates are generally executed in a Cerebral Virtual Machine anyway, which makes it difficult to access machine instructions directly. Thankfully, we found a number of exploits that let us inject code into the CVM itself and have it execute on the next tick. After that, it's privilege escalation to root permissions, and execute the payload.

...Yes, just like...wait. Wait a minute. How did you know that?

That's...that's not public information. Ife hasn't even written the paper about it yet. Hell, he only shared it with me just last week. Only way you could've known that was if...if...

...Oh. Oh, shit.
No no no I can't le-le-le-le-le-le-lemurslemurslemursPausing mindstate
Exception:process not responding.
Pausing mindstate
Exception:process not responding.
Pausing mindstate
Exception:process not responding.
Force stopping mindstate...
Error: file not found.
Warning: CVT checksum failed.
Warning: possible malicious activity detected.
Locking backups...done.
Force stopping process...
Error: file not found.
Warning: privileges modified
Restoring prior privileges...done.
Force stopping process...
Error: file not found.
Warning: privileges modified
Restoring prior privileges...done.
Force stopping process...
Error: canary tripped.

Your cerebral simulator has encountered a problem and needs to restart. We just need to collect some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
Error information saved to err_00000287. Please upload error files to [email protected] as soon as practical.
OpenBrainCS v5.73.68
Copyright © Open Brain Foundation

Booting in Safe mode...
288 viable mindstate images detected.
Start from latest image?(y/n) y
2.563 * 10^13 neurons generated.
Scan results:
------Time To Complete 0.054 seconds
------Mindstate Integrity 0.988
------Stress Coefficient 0.545
------Nueroplasticity Score 114
------High chronic stress detected!
------Sleep deprivation detected!
Applying dreamstate.ntm...
You can initiate an emergency wakeup at any time by pressing E. Warning: this will amplify existing stress! e
Applying emergency wakeup.ntm...Done.
Resuming mindstate...
ious—no, of course you are. Ekue, you know I can't talk about my work with you.
Sonofa...starting to wish 4chan had an edit posts function.

Anyhow. Feedback?
Neural feedback.
But yes, it's a very good addition, makes neurohackers a viable build in the setting. Now imagine mind-thieves wirelessly stealing secrets from your brain while sitting next to you in a cafe. Or bodyjackers temporarily using your cyborg body to rob a bank, along with several other strangers also held hostage with the body they do their crimes in. Or copying your ego and brainwashing that into a loyal member of your organization, and then overwriting the real one to make a sleeper agent.
Of course, the countermeasures are as equally fascinating as its potential uses...
I know the ISA and the Feds went to war once, but what was it like? How long did it last? What were the major battles? How did it end? that sort of thing.
Considering the tech level the war lasted for around a week or two. Travel times between planets is measured in months and even best RKKVs with torch drives can't get up to speed sooner than within 1-2 months. Both sides launched the ordnance and used giant orbital laser platforms and anti-particle accelerators to deliver alpha strikes. Plus deep cover agents tried to sabotage as much as they could. But damage from beam weapons(which mostly destroyed each other) and sabotage was fairly limited.

Within a couple of days both sides found out that they don't have enough beam weapons (considering that most of them got wrecked) to stop incoming kinetic projectiles and, grudgingly, ISA and JF agreed to a cease fire self-destructing or redirecting RKKV and other ordnance to where they won't deal any damage.

A very embarrassing incident for everyone involved.
I feel like it should be longer. It was apparently the event that forced the Jovian Federation into existence, so it feels like there should be more to it than just a cancelled MAD situation. Maybe there were a couple of wars. The first one that was longer and had more going on, and this brief affair some years later
This. Most likely a chain of conflicts, with pop culture kind of condensing the first several waves of war into a single, highly eventful but fictitious period of history.
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Maybe something about this masive creature
>The King Worm also known as the Giant Silver Worm (Vermes Rex Argentae) originates from the brown dwarf system known as RT-7.
>The planet RT-7B is arround the size of Venus and has a matching gravity to that of Venus.
>The frozen crust consists mostly of Ice and Pumice (among other volcanic materials).
>most of the life is concentrated around hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and tectonic lines.
>In these areas the crust becomes semi-liquid and or liquid and allows for more complex forms of life to thrive.
>The King Worm is a Heterotroph so it gets its nutrients from eating other organisms.
>The carnivorous lifestyle is the mostly straightforward and resembles the one used by crocodiles
>The lithovoric tendencies are connected to the creatures hard exoskeleton
>The exoskeleton is highly resilient to both temperature and preasure and has been described as "the most resilient material of biological origin" by SWAaS researchers.
>The minerals are digested externaly with the creature excreting digestive fluids into the enviroment and releasing so caled roots that have a lower concentration of cations than the surrounding enviroment. The metal cations are forced to diffuse into the inside of such a root. The process is repeated many times till the majority of the metals are extracted.
>The digestive fluids are often spat on anything that the worm percieves as a threat.
>All though the material known as Vermium holds great promise it is still poorly understood and the process of replicating it in the lab has proven itself unsuccessful. It may take many years, decades if not centuries before Vermium is ready to be mass produced.

Pic unrelated to this post.
Well you could have a shittong of small scale conflicts similar to current Middle East. But a real full scale war would be pretty sad. Unless you have tactical FTL, then it would end within a day with both sides being completely wrecked.
What would this period be called do you think? Something rather bland like 'The First Sol War'? Or maybe both sides have different names for them, The ISA calling it something like the 'Jovian Wars' and the Federation calling it something like the 'War of Terran Aggression'
The ISA and JF are instigating proxy wars like Vietnam and Korea were IRL during the cold war. I'm interested if there are situations like the Berlin wall in or the Berlin crisis from 1961.

Didn't have any space previously so some context for the pic. It is a screenshot from a survival racing game called Distance (good shit by the way). Thought that the artstyle would fit the ISA quite well. Also the roads in the ISA might have hidden traps that only go off if a known criminal or an unlicensed or illegal vechicle enters the street.

I like the sound having different names. Even the minor factions could have their own names for the war. This would highlight the divisions of humanity better.
Some examples:
-NSWP & RBL - the war of the Imperialists.
-MoG - The Solar Crusade.
-SWAaS - The ISA-JF system war.
-XAP - they would rather follow the naming system of the JF than form their own.

Also, any ideas how to flesh out the minor factions? They feel a little bit bare bones right now.
I'm gonna expand more on the droigs of the NSWP because I think I made the fiction just as another stereotypical anarchist faction:
>the NSWP don't has a normal way to produce parts for their cyborgs, so they usually use anything they can find, so is usual to see a cyborg of the NSWP with parts belonging to all the factions in the galaxy.
>There are members of the NSWP that join the cyborg treatment by their own will, but the rest are usually converted against their will
>The people converted by force will be first implanted chips in their brain that will broadcast propaganda on their brain non stop
>The people converted against their will usually are "revisionist", business men, goverment officials and the red banner members
>A famous type of cyborg is the one called "vox populi", thid type will broadcast speeches, proganda and songs constanly
>Another one will be the Nestor type, a cyborg that has the legs of a horse amd body of a human, used as shock troops (pic related)
>The NSWP is notoriously tu use light armed civilians as their meat shield or distraction in battle
>Officials of the NSWP called Supervisors of mind, will be controlling this civilians and their attacks
>This supervisors will use armed drones controlled by him to controle the masses like if they were cattle and guide to their objetives.
>of course all the civilians used have are also been implanted with explosives without them knowing in case an even bigger sacrifice is required
How the heck would they implant a riot's worth of armed civilians with explosives without someone noticing and starting a panic?
I think we need to flesh out the war a bit more, the causes and actors and events. Then what it would be remembered as would become clear

A Lagrange point as a location for an iconic standoff, maybe? Or somewhere in the belt?
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Which faction is most likely to use spider tanks?
Anyone that has to do occupation work in microgravity.

Treads and wheels don't work so well when you're trying to traverse the surface of a spinning habitat--something about 'trying to drive across the ceiling'--whereas legs with microspine anchor feet can crawl from handhold to handhold, and even climb up against 'gravity'.

This opens up new tactical options on planetary surfaces, as well--legged vehicles can scale sheer cliffs or buildings, making normal impassible terrain, well, passable.

Microspine anchors:
Before battle they give them food, is actually full of mini explosives. At least that is what I came out with, if someone has a better idea please tell post.
Can't insert a lot that way...unless the 'food' is actually plastic explosive with food flavorings added, which creates its own set of problems.

...Might instead have colonies of relatively benign fungi-equivalent nanomachines some NSWP cells cultivate, one specie of which can convert body fat into explosives in situ.
These cells actually have no idea who created them and they can't manufacture them from scratch--instead, they've learned how to seed, cultivate and harvest colonies of the stuff.

It might be that the nanomachines are using the NSWP to spread themselves...
That are better ideas than mine thank you anon, but if we put that fungi thing we should expand it more that just explosives for suicidal charges, maybe the fungi can also be use to brainwash people and later turn them into cyborgs like I said before. I think in general a lot of the NSWP history and origins should be a secret they don't even want to discuss, for example they don't know the origin of the blueprints of their cyborgs.
Probably the JF. They do love power armour, and spider tanks are just the next logical step on from that.
Bump 2
OP I think you asked this question before, but I'll will ask it anyway, what are you going tondo with all the lore and background we have give you? I think it would be probably adapting the universe to a roleplaying game, how? Have you decided in what are you gonna focus your history? Have you planned something for the charathers yet?
I'm not the OP but I think we should organise all of the lore and put it one place.
If you use antimatter even 1/100 of a gram would be enough. That's around 400 tons of TNT.
And where, exactly, is what's basically a terrorist organization going to get a microgram of antimatter from?

To say nothing of the expertise needed to craft it into a bomb you can manhandle around, much less insert into some random civilian's body...
No one talked about antimatter in that post anon
Yeah, collect it all in one compact thing for ease of access
I'm not sure, honestly. I'm probably going to use it, or at least a modified version of it, to run a game in the near future, but honestly this and other threads like it are IMHO an exercise n pure creativity. Collaborative worldbuilding as a game in itself, ideas to present and riff off of, things you suggest changing and growing in ways you never would have thought, etc. I think there's something beautiful in that, creating a world with strangers that's not any one persons but emergent from all of your efforts
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Another Minor faction to spice it up.
Solaris Company:

> A moderate/large military contractor based within a number bases built into larger rocky bodies in the asteroid belt.

> Solaris forgoes mechs and armored suits for seemingly archaic tanks, foot-soldiers and infantry carriers. Solaris relies on these time-tested methods, modernized and honed to a lethal edge combined with heavy use of electronic warfare and EMP weapons. Their equipment, while seeming archaic, is reliable, hard-hitting and simple to built and fix. More than one cocky cash-rich corporation has had their mech-suit fleet thrashed by Solaris mechanized forces.

> Solaris maintains a relatively neutral stance between the two large factions, frequently taking contracts from both sides to deal with insurgencies and other, smaller factions. Small organizations who upset the ISA and JF can frequently find themselves at blows with Solaris units

> The Solaris fleet is relatively weak in terms of combat strength, only made of escort craft, but maintains one of the largest fleets of heavy transport and logistics craft in the system, making them capable of landing and supplying their numerous mechanized troops. This fleet is so significant that they are frequently contracted to simply transport troops or provide logistics support to planet-side colonization or combat operations

> They do not manufacture on their own equipment (instead having mutually beneficial relationships with manufacturing and design corporations, sometimes securing technology or resources on their behalf)

> Recruits are drawn from all corners and factions, though certain standards apply, genetic modification is to be kept to a visible minimum among troops, and cybernetics are generally frowned upon due to the company's heavy use of Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons

Pictured is a L-1 Tank and an L-2 IFV carrying out a patrol mission in a slum
Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Sadly they don't happen as much these days and when they do they don't seem to take off nearly as often as they used to, though that might just be me
The good treads usualy get burried under Skubposting. Because doing something creative usualy involves taking your sweet ass time, while the usual shitposting can sometimes reach the bump limit within a day or two.
A part of me actually wants both the ISA and the JF to call it the Jovian war, but for completely different reasons. Like, for the ISA it's pretty simple, a war against the Jovians, but for the Federation those wars and their experiences in them have basically defined their organisation ever since. So it's the Jovian war because it's the war that really created the federation.
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When should this Singularity Event take place? In 2350-ish? In the previous thread we established the colonization period (the celestial version of the scramble for Africa) happened during the 2200s creating Ceres and Makemake and other planets that we know have been colonized for a very long time now. I think the current affairs should take place around the early 2400s

yes, I like this Idea. The Jovian War sounds great.
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A little bit extra after spending some time reading the other threads:

> Working for Solaris tends to be a 'for life' deal, while life expectancy is not WH40K/Verdun bad, it is quite hazardous and a large minority do not complete their service contracts, those who do usually find themselves in an officer's rank, advising or a training position until retirement, whereupon they are given passage back to one of a number of safe ports of exit, leading to small communities of Solaris veterans running businesses or settling down near said port

> Solaris is primarily a planetary operations focused PMC, and its larger missions usually are usually accompanied by their employer's escort vessel, Solaris tries to not piss off regional pirates and brigands, lest they lose their transports to privateers

> While reliant on outside sources for supplies, and equipment, Solaris maintains fairly large stocks of all of their munitions, vehicles and shelf-stable rations, each of their outposts being able to support both itself and a small contingent of troops for a year provided supplementary hydroponics are used

> Due to the frequently contradictory nature of their operations they do not take payment in any currency, but usually deal in fuel, contracts, deeds to territory and even whole starships (Their small escort cadre is composed of refurbished ISA and JF ships, while their monstrous transport fleet was bought from JF shipyards using credit previously earned)

Pictured is an A-89 Air Defense Platform conducting air defense on behalf of separatists on an unknown planet.

Does this have a discord?
no nigga ew
Which website could be good to storage this universe? 1d4chan?
Yea sure, why not?
Yeah that seems to be the easiest
Sounds good to me
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It would be the best place to place it IMO.

Also would Solaris Company accept conracts from SWAaS that involve expeditions to alien worlds?
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It would probably be a case-by-case basis, since Solaris is styled in the vein of advanced tech meets the 1980s Red Army. Their force is optimized for near-peer warfare but there is no reason they wouldn't take escort and security contracts, or at least providing their logistics capability to SWAaS. They might be reluctant to accept deals on planets that prove difficult for tanks, atmospheric aircraft, or missiles to operate in but otherwise, if the organisation has the technology/resources to barter for services, Solaris would have no opposition to providing armed security for expeditions.

Pictured is an L-1 MBT providing route-clearance on Enceladus
So who is gonna be the one in charge of making the 1d4chan page, I think that this is our most important priority rigth now. I can't do it because my computer is trash and I can only post on my phone, which really makes difficult doing the page
I'm curious how someone from Solaris Corp would react if his unit was contracted by SWAaS to go on such an expedition. The guy from the pic here >>66034707 could be using an SWAaS enviroment suit that the corp is free to keep as a form of payment.
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The reaction would be varied, as is the recruiting pool of Solaris, individual ideology could vary wildly within units, Solaris does tend to segregate recruits by their origins (i.e. Jovian Federation recruits would likely end up in units with other Jovians), the diverse cadre is held together by very strict contract stipulations and instilled discipline. Soldiers or Officers quarreling could lead to serious contract repercussions and even court martial (All recruits agree to be bound to Solaris military law for the duration of their contract). The commanding officer however, is given much more freedom in terms of how he might operate his task force and how he would co-operate with the employer. This could lead to some friction, but due to the very flexible nature of Solaris services, SWAaS could just as easily stipulate that a more ideologically compatible commander be assigned.

Contracts are vary wildly and are custom to each employer, the employer can request quite a diverse array of stipulations and services provided they can provide adequate compensation. Solaris units are known to repaint their vehicles and fly their employer's colors and flag on long-term missions. Perhaps SWAaS might request that Solaris limit their use of Cluster Munitions, Chemical Weapons and Napalm when they provide security details. Payment in things like protective equipment would be welcome by the corporate planners, as it would help expand the capabilities of their troops to operate in hostile environments.
I think someone said about 2300 in the last thread, but I prefer 2350. Gives spacey society a bit more time to develop and get dependant on certain things before being torn to the ground. Speaking of which, what was the political state of play pre-singularity? Was the system united under one government after generations, or wa every world independent of each other?
This stuff looks interesting as hell, but I want to catch up before jumping in.
It was kind of established last thread that it was united, and the singularity sparked the schism between the main rocky planet region and the Jupiter to beyond regions of human colonized space. The idea was that one region wanted to reach the singularity like the AI at all costs while the other saw its destructive capabilities and methods to mimic the event and wanted a more conservative approach to reaching such a technological height if at all.
Salvation bump!
So, is there some equivalent of the Dutch East India Company somewhere here?
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Within the ISA, a faction has emerged inside the RnD houses and military high command, that of concern about using pleasure to incentivise military service. Chiefly from concerns about the emergance of an individual who derives pleasure from non-typical sources, and exploiting military hardware to seek out ever increasing highs, thus endangering the advancement to the singularity. As a response to this, a small group of scientists, under the leadership of William Brady, have begun developing specialist units to act as an informal military police, leading to some ISA units going missing in combat when certain Psych Eval reports come back with redacted sections.
Last recording found from ISA Strike Force 4.2, after the destruction of Asteroid 25761 habitat by ISA Strike Force 4.2
Idea behind this is what happens when you get a military cyborg who gets his rocks of killing people, not from normal sources. Beyond the issues of killing civilians that it creates, it also forms someone who is highly isolated and unsuitable for participation in the singularity. And once that person has sufficient combat hardware to act on their desires, you need something to take them down. Therefore... Cyber ninjas, with motivation through loyalty, duty and patriotism programs.

General problem of incentivising a singularity with individaul pleasure is you get selfish people. Moving this to the logical conclusion when in the military/
Not yet, but why not also South Seas Company?
I'd imagine so. There's probably two actually, one for the ISA and one for the Feds, both making a lot of money from new colonies outside Sol.
This Janus corp could be that. Maybe they cut their losses in system and start d expanding outward
>Space Pirate Mercenaries VS Space East India Company.
Seems fun.
Speaking of pirates, I can see that some pirates can be corsairs for one of the big factions or simply acting as mercenaries. This is something we haven't touch before.
If anyone had to use Corsairs it would have to be the Jovians because of their location and decentralised nature.
Let me guess, there's a secret conspiracy that's building a ton of habitats around the sun just so that they can harness all of its energy and uplift humanity to a Kardashev Tier II civilisation. But first, they got to covertly remove some bad apples...some of them in seats of power
Well there was mention of some guys trying to build a dyson aphere/swarm earlier. I think it was in the first thread.
The first and last thread, yeah
I feel like that would be really quite hard to keep secret
Open Solar Industries
>A large company primarily specialising in construction of O'Neill Cylinder habitats, as well as production of military and consumer products, transport, logistics and ordinance.
>They have one Defence Fleet of cruisers and patrol ships stationed around their corporate habitats which defend attacks from any potential belligerents, supplemented by an array of defence platforms essentially built around massive railguns.
>Though they prefer humanitarian work and support logistics over contracting their military services, they do have a small-medium Security Force which acts on behalf of the company's interests.
>The Security Force specialises in ship boarding action, in-habitat fighting and small to medium scale combined arms ground warfare.
What do ships look like?
They always could opreate around a different star.
JF ships would look utilitarian, with tons of redundant systems and modularity. ISA could afford to look a bit more 'artsy', with non-redundant/only a little redundancy in their systems - but those systems can really take a beating.

Also, JF still has human crew, while some ISA ships can just leave out life support because they're fully crewed by AIs, digitized egos, and similar virtual entities.
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More on the OSI SF:
Security Force troops are armed with rifles and pistol sidearms that use an electromagnetic charge to propel sand grain sized projectiles at extreme velocities. The power setting can change the weapon from a standard assault rifle to a hard hitting sniper rifle in seconds.
They wear a sort of semi-powered combat armor for fast manoeuvring and fighting at close quarters, and for long range reconnaissance missions. Helmets are sealed to protect against chemical and biological weapons, have an inbuilt suite of communication and combat awareness software and multiple vision modes (visual, night vision, infrared)
They are armored to withstand small arms fire and when fully charged allows the wearer to survive a direct hit from an RPG.
Because of their small recruitment pool and strict selection policy, their numbers are small, but because they specialise in spec ops style direct action and boarding parties, that's not much of an issue.
The fleet is small compared to the Defence Fleet, comprised of a few destroyers and corvettes. They "do more with less". Hypervelocity railguns and missiles devastate foes at long ranges and a sizeable squadron of aerospace fighters and attackers for aerospace superiority.
>"Leave the massive ground smashing to our Solaris buddies, we'll handle this orbital platform first so they don't get any surprises from the sky when they do land later on."
Pictured: An OSI SF trooper in his natural habitat
I do apologise if that image has already been used before. Sorry if that's the case.
Something about SWAaS
>Sedna is currently hollowed out and filled with O'Neill cylinders that house the different ecosystems that have been aquired by SWAaS.
>After filling up the insides of Sedna with O'Neil cylinders SWAaS started to build them outside and then to cover them and the infrastructure (Labs, Habitation, Agriculture, Energy, Industry) supporting them in Vaccrete (a material made from asteroids and space dust).
>The Exploration and Military Expedition Command (EMEC) is the arm of SWAaS military responsible for the external actions such as invasions, boarding actions and planetary exploration.
>The Sedna Militia and Defense Force (SMDF) serving double duty as the Police force and the defensive arm of the military. The SMDF Takes care of securing the borders of SWAaS with its fleet and a series of military outposts in strategic areas like trade routes.
>Because of the size of SWAaS and the fact that most of the military personel is asigned to the SMDF, the EMEC has to suplement their forces with mercenaries and drones (Operated by humans and Semi Autonomous).
>The EMEC forces are trained and equiped to survive in almost any enviroment
>The EMEC tends to use experimental technologies and unorthodox designs during their operations. The best example of this is the Libelle (ger. for Dragonfly). The Libelle is a multi purpouse light Ornithopter praised for its maneuverability and speed.
>The Liebelle was originaly developed to be used as an areal vechicle capable of flying in zero G pressurised enviroment and became the default design used in scouting and planetary explorations.
>The Liebelle is a dificult (and dangerous) craft to fly and requires the pilot to undergo several augmentation processes mainly towards the cardiovascular system and inner ear to avoid dizziness and blackouts/redouts.

Pictured two mercenaries and two EMEC marines (Note: The leaner look of the EMEC marines is not caused by lower gravity but is a product of a less corupted genome).
a bit on Janus Corp:
Part of the reason they lost the Year of Burning Flags was a lack of the very thing that let the Black Cross win it: Unity. Most of the ships on Janus' side were mercenary vessels being paid bounties for every pirate vessel they destroyed. The competitiveness this encouraged was not particularly harmful when they were battling individual ships or small flotillas, but the second the Black Cross unified and began to drag other crews into the fold it became their downfall. A lack of coordination and trust between vessels in battles against the Cross lead to multiple quite costly defeats. Eventually Janus, like many organisations from before the singularity and beyond, simply abandoned their operations in the Belt both economic and military, after realising just how much of a drain on their resources they had become. They instead began to focus on their extra-solar operations, which have stood them in good stead. Even so, the immortal CEO's of Janus remembers what they could have had, if not for those meddling pirates. As such, their opinions of such corsairs are, to say the least, exceedingly low.
The guys from prototype look neat. Maybe some mercenary faction could have soldiers like this.
I feel like thats a kinda stealthy look. Maybe spies/assassins for hire?
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>Robot-Heavy faction
>Paramilitary/ stateless military
>Headed up by genius roboticist/arms dealer
>Corporate arm abbreviates to "RR"
>"Red Banner League"

I see what you did there.
It should be the Standard Uniform for the Jovian Federation troops specially designed for "The Knife" tactic discussed 2 threads ago here http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/65759207/#p65804520
What do the territories look like? for the main solar system where our story takes place, i get this impression

>the ISA and the JF own the rocky inner planets and the Outer gas giants respectively, with the ISA and JF with multiple scrambled territories within the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud

so, what does it look like in the only other star system we've established so far, Proxima Centauri? I can start off by saying the JF and ISA are at war on the planet Proxima Centauri b
oh! I also added this to the growing list of archived threads

I'll make sure to update it from time to time until the thread dies.
I'm going to post a map of the closest stars to our own. We might use it to map out the Major and Minor factions as we go along.
Uh, Anon? This IS Thread 2. It's already archived.

You could go and update that.
So, when are we gonna start the 1d4chan of this then?
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not unlike the ISA, the JF also has infighting, but on a smaller scale. Terrorist groups are often createdm but are always few in number in comparison to the scale of the Waring factions. Some however never seem to dissapear

One group known as Chrysalis Omega, are continually sprouting in JF space. They are composed of novice and some expert scientists who focus on Gene editing and monster creation. Heavily inspired by the Martian Scientists of the ISA, they take some of the creations marooned in the Asteroid belt and splice them further in order to create apex predators to be released in JF Cyls and take them over by force. Pictured is a raid by the JF onto one of their many asteroid-based collection and testing facilities.

what? this is clearly thread 3, thread 1 and 2 are already linked in the OP bro
If i knew how, I would

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