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Hey /tg/, I just stumbled upon the fact that Wakfu is currently doing a Kickstarter to raise money for a fourth, and apparently final, season. That got me thinking, how would a Wakfu and/or Dofus tabletop RPG work? What system would work best, or would it require an original system tailored to the various Wakfu classes? Does anyone have any ideas, I wouldn’t even know to start with the mechanics of it all.

Also, what is your favorite class and why? I like the idea of manipulating time like a Xelor, personally.
We've had threads like this before, and I still maintain that a genesys hack would be the best fit for a Wakfu game.

Feca is my waifu!
who the fuck am I kidding, as if I could choose only one
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It is Eni for me
Genesys definitely.

Honestly the French bought themselves a lot of goodwill with this one.
Oh cool, I was left wondering if they'd manage to finish the series after season 3 or if we were gonna get stuck on a cliffhanger.

Also last season was slightly disappointing.
I've thought about designing a Wakfu TTRPG based around the core mechanic for the game I make (that uses d12s exclusively), but I've got so many projects on the backburner, it never happened.

Personally, I'd have some sort of job system for all the skills characters can learn not tied to their race/class and have their race/class/religion all tied together with varying progression. For example, a Sadida could focus more on summoning plants or more on their dolls.

For combat, I prefer theater of the mind because maps and minis are expensive and a pain, but I can't help but think about incorporating some elements of D&D 4e and the MMOs to add a bit of turn-based grid combat.

Also, I saw a post in a similar thread years ago that suggested the stats should be Health, Intelligence, Power, and Speed. The H.I.P.S. system.
How would the stats vary between the classes?
I never got that far into the process, or even deciding if the HIPS system would make for the ideal stat spread. That said, I'd imagine different classes would use certain stats more than others and possibly grant a bonus to the stats they use most.
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You know it's already a computer RPG, right?
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The problem is that a computer can always do the math for you and everything is a specifically-written spell which interacts with everything else.
What would be the best way to handle progression? Like a level system where your stats and whatnot increase at a set rate and you get points to either improve non-class related jobs or go down your class's paths? Perhaps with higher level stuff locked behind a level so you can't progress too far down a particular path too early.
Dividing everything by 10 seemed reasonable.
You start at level 1 and get a set amount of points every time until you reach 20 and can go no further.
You get a few spells available at the start, but the rest are locked away behind three or so class paths based on element/stat. As well as some points to invest in stats, paths and jobs at the start.
Every level you get to invest in a stat (or multiple stats) and either a Class Path or a Job. Some levels you get both Class and Job.

Spells could be just a few riders on top of an attack, but since area and distance is so important, I don't know how to deal with that. Maybe Zones on a map + Line of Sight?

Monsters will always have stats higher than what you should be able to deal with "naked"so the incentive to go get and make gear will always exist.
Gear you could simplify down to a few key numbers, maybe even spells and monsters too, so that the numbers and bonus effects remain lessened. Since gear is based on the same level system as the players, maybe each of the 20 levels of gear can have a few riders based on element and whatever special thing and otherwise have their effects be based on level.

I'm channeling a lot of Shadow of the demon Lord, but that's an outline I have tried to use before, until staring at all the spells I had to convert and balance made me give up.
Sounds like a solid system. Trying to convert the MMOs 1-1 into a tabletop sounds like an exercise in misery. My thought for abilities would be to make them more conceptual so you could use them for out of combat situations to solve puzzles and whatnot like they do in the show.
Yeah that would work, you wouldn't need to do much either, just maybe have a note saying that a spell can be used anytime, even in non-combat situations so long as it fits the description of what the spell does.
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When in doubt, use GURPS, it could most likely run it as long as you can do the basic math.
Also Xelors are the best
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What if I don't like GURPS?
Try BESM 3rd ed
Or start homebrewing on nWoD with mortal as base
What's the difference between BESM 2/3/4?
No idea, back when I was looking it up I couldn't find 2e and 4e wasn't even annouced
Is Genesys that weird one that FF games made?

Every girl is best girl to somebody.
yeah, basically the same chassis behind Edge of the Empire, but with some differences to how verticals and talents are done.
>an rpg based off shitty french ecchi
wow so fun
This is already half-done and with amazing world-building by the standards of /tg/.
Wakfu levels all spells equally now and unlocks spells automatically.

Yes I know it's worse, but just thought I'd let you know.
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>shitty french ecchi

> the best French ecchi, with amazing wordbuilding, probably some of the best fight scenes in the medium, and an overall aesthetic quality that leaves most other settings in the dust.

There, fixed that for you. The French did something amazing with this one.
>having no taste
Stick to crying about SJWs in Magic or something.
>Also, what is your favorite class and why?
Sacrier, berserkers are a lot of fun.
Iop. Combining all the best parts of honorable and determined paladins and meathead, fun loving barbarians.
...so basically just well done fighters when I think about it.

One of my biggest regret for this serie is not having more Maude in it.

This. Iop not only seems like the most developped class, it's also probably one of the most fun to play, because you mix the best of being a big dummy and being noblebright. That and Enutroff, but then you have to want to start as an old dude/lady...
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This is why you'd want to go with Genesys. The weird prop dices are annoying at first, until you get a feel for them and how they can be used to help construct the narrative, and then they become amazing (well... it's still a pain to build pools but it works really well afterwards). It's a system which emphasizes everything else around fighting, a bit like L5R but less deadly inherently. Its incredibly moddable, and if you check the pastebins you already have dozens of different subsystems built out of it, some of them putting a lot more emphasis on combat then others.
I wouldn't want to use a system that requires special dice i don't already have on hand. Hence why I'd rather use the core mechanic for the system I made. Plus d12s/world of 12 is a fun thematic comparison.

Is there some sort of hack to use non-gimmicky dice with Genesys?

Just use the application. Otherwise you can make a table to read results out of d8s and d10s but it looks to me to be a hassle instead of using the app.

What if I don't want to fuck around with apps and just want dice? It's great you like Genesys, but it looks like it's not for me.
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The mug says it, so it must be true
This series is great

I like the ecaflips
Never has a bestest girl chosen such a worstest boy.
Why the cat people?
Who would you pair her with, then?
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Ecaflip. Luck fuckery is funny.
Refluffed dnd 4e is a good system. Maybe homebrew some stuff like the races, and maybe some paragon paths, but that might be enough
How do their luck powers work, again?
I can't find the gif, but in the Dofus cartoon, there's a part where the main ecaflip gets into a battle with a talking shark and they roll some dice. The shark rolls three 6s. The ecaflip gets all fancy and rolls three 9s. On six-sided dice.

In the MMOs, it's variable damage and a tarot skill that assigns random buffs/debuffs with beneficial effects happening more often the more you invest in the skill.
Real Yugo
I ship him and a certain green-haired princess, personally.
Sounds like an Ectaflip gets tons of re-rolls in a p&p rpg, maybe discarding bad ones after a certain point or only picking the highest of a set.

Plus a random table of stuff that happens when they apply their power like a D&D Wild Sorcerer.
I definitely took inspiration from Ecaflips when designing a gambler class for my homebrew. Though Luck is a stat, so that made it easy to have something for it to run off. There's a random buff/debuff skill, something that let's you substitute Luck for other stats a limited number of times, something that let's you reroll or force an enemy to reroll, and something that let's you change a single die roll to any result.
That relationship is forced and the drama that came from it is stupid.
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funny thing: according to lore they're humans: they just take on some characteristics from the gods they worship with few exeptions like the steamers in wakfu mmo all being stasili-powered robots
All humans. All of them.
Isn’t she married?
Much like the vast majority of romance arcs.

Really is, it fucking comes out of nowhere.
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What's the relevance here, exactly?
Anon thinks the world building is pretentious, bad and is covering a weak setting.
Fair enough, fantasize all that you want.
Which others do you like, then?
The dog girls are actually a completely different species, though the panda people and cat girls? Yeah, they're 100% human.
I recall I found the RPG first.

Never found the show, beyond knowing it exists.
Wasn't it revealed Ouiganaks are mutated Ecaflips because Ecaflip likes to cosplay as a dog sometimes just to fuck with people?
If so, that was since I last checked the lore - I remember Ouginaks being seen as basically Gnolls, but Google says they're a class in both MMOs now and there's a god by that name who is to Ecaflip "two sides of the same coin", so fucked if I know.
Never has a bestest boy chosen such a worstest girl.
I think Ankama likes to change their minds about shit. They wanted dog people in Dofus and portrayed them as equals in society, but didnt want it to be bestialty when they jack off to Lou so they made the Ouiganak god Ecaflip in disguise. If the shark and owl and all the other talking animal people in the Dofus cartoons had waifus associated with them, they'd probably become alternate versions of other classes too.
>changing the lore so you can fap with a sound mind
Yeah, that sounds French
> 4th edition is bad because it's a MMO
>> Powers
>> Vulnerability/Resistance Mechanic
>> Balanced to a fault
>> Same roles

Here. You'll have to use Google translate, but that's the Enutrof. He was based over Earth (mining, Phorzerker), Water (saving, lower but increasing DPS, makes money) and Fire (spending, strong DPS, exhausting, spends money)
Here's the Xélor as a bonus.

> this is a show intented for 7 years old

I've never been this proud to be French.

If nu-/tg/ is uncharacteristically serious about getting shit done I could always translate this for you.

From what I gather all classes have some relations to elemental types and modify them in some ways. Xelor's fire spells "friction" time, their water spells freezes it, and their air spell quickens it. On any natural 20 whatever action they where doing only takes half the time required.
I remember going to a con and there were skimpy cosplayers promoting the game around. It was great.
French translations are always welcome on /tg/, there is a whole mix up of 4e and GW 7e (based on D&D 4e) that only exists in french. That could be a good basis.
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>you will never have a psycho gf willing kill thousands to resurrect you
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Huh, didnt know.
Well just from checking the two doc here it seems incredibly standard fare RPG language. It's even a bit weird to read it in French (it always trips me when someone translate "to hit" as "on touch") because it's so clearly written for an eventual translation...

I have a lot of shit to do today, but later on tonight I should be able to post something if the thread is still alive.

here, bit simplified from base 4e though and only goes up to level 10.
I wonder how the class abilities mix in him?
Strike! would work pretty nice; you might want to tie the Classes to Jobs more directly (since it's an in-universe thing), but it would work pretty well as long as you are playing normal-ish adventurers and not Iop with amnesia.
It's a sort of simplified/generic-ized 4e spinoff, so that should about tell you what to expect.
And that’s a bad thing? Seriously though, when is that coming out in English?
It's subbed, though.
>wanting the dub of all things
Yeah, I'm not translating all of this, but I can keep posting if someone wants. I'll claim no credit, and the test play we did was fun.

Was first level of course.

Got Iop, Sacrier, Osamoda and Eniripsa still. Here: Eniripsa

When we played, the bad guy was a Iop. Funny as shit.
Where can I get a good version of the sub? Best version I could find on youtube has 60% of the screen as some guy's living room.
torrents my man
Also, here's some base rules, with the Cra at the end. Basically refluffed 4ed defenses, changed some values around, removed action points and added Wakfu points which fuel your "daily".

This basically means you might have 3 daily powers, and three uses of daily powers, but are not limited in individual powers' use.

Originally, I planned for each class to have two roles between Tank, DPS, Controller and Healer. For example, Sacrier would be a Tank/Damage Dealer and Feca would be a Tank / Controller.

Each role was tied to a stat (refluffed Strenght [Force], Desterity [Agilité], Wisdom [Volonté] and Charisma [Courage]). Therefore, tough (Earth) Sacriers were tanks and Agile ones (Air) would be a maneuverable DPS.

I also twisted my mind to get a meaningful choice for every element and role combo. For example, Earth Tank was Sacrier, Fire tank was Iop, Air tank was Pandawa and Water tank was Feca.
I can only find one torrent of it and the file doesn't work and Brotherhood of Tofu appears to be ded.
Its on american netflix right now as well.
Only thing popping up in the search is Wakfu and the OVA, not the Dofis movie.
In the series? Cra or eliatrope(yugo), in the games xelors, or foggernauts with the mask dudes close behind those.
It COUKD have been organic and well done...but then again notjing is perfect and even wakfu had to fuck something up.
Not that guy, but what are some places to start torrenting?
Why those classes in particular? Any advice for a newbie?
No wonder peoplepeople are ignoring me, I look like a god-damn FBI agent.
Well, you are glowing.
Tried the usual places?
So is the mmo any fun? I thought the show was cool and want more
I tried it in beta and there was fuckall to do. Just run around, kill monsters, collect material. Quit when someone took over the server and outlawed killing monsters and collecting material. Tried it again a few years later, and Everything but running around and looking at stuff was locked behind a paywall. Tried again last year and it actually had a story and more stuff to do, but was still grindy as fuck and didnt run very well.

Any advice for a new player, please?
no, fuck off bumpfag
What? I genuinely like the franchise, and want to know if they have any advice for the game since I'm considering taking it up.
Dragonpig’s Iop guide is still pretty up to date for Wakfu. Don’t know about Dofus.
Out of curiosity, how similar are the games? I know there's some changes to the classes between the two eras in the lore, but how much does that affect the mechanics?
How would you have done it if YOU were in charge of the show?
Dofus is a lot more focused on crafting and selling your own materials, the stats are a little more generic and the world has a early 2000s feel like Ragnarok Online. You have only 4 zones to interact in (though you can go anywhere) if you don’t pay.
Wakfu is a little more focused on building up item sets, you can mint your own money and Facilitating party-based play. To make up for low numbers you get a free companion at a certain level (plus a rotating cast of buyable extras) and you can team with your alts.
The storyline’s are a little more involved with more puzzles and the art shifted from natural colours to very bright colours. You can play anywhere but the super-important mountain where a number of quests go. Soloing some bosses is not recommended.
Dofus you have spells you spend points on and unlock as you level. Characteristics are normal sort like Strength and Charm.
Wakfu you now get all spells available and decide how to spread your points.
Characteristics are limited and all explicitly about improving various combat abilities.
The characteristic reset quests for both games can fuck off though.
What are some other rpg settings carried only by their art?
Ankama isn't that good at anything else.
So, are you? XD
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Kabrok is living the fucking dream.
Any source on these or main doc? It has all 12 or just these classes?
>d12s exclusively
Bretty good meme

French anon here, just bumping to let you know I'm starting to translate this. I'm doing this while at work so it might be a while.
Slightly related here
Thank you based french anon
Busy-translating bump!
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How do the French get away with putting this in a kids game?

i used this for a wakfu game.
very little modification needed.

english version is in the making but its not difficult to understand.
Osamados are for pet play.
As are the other animal themed classes.
Please tell me Setsinbol is also a name from within the game and not player picked.
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No idea, I found that screencap on /tg/ and it looks like from well after I stopped playing. Really though, how do the French do it? There was that episode in season 2 where Tristepin just flatout said he'd already seen Eva naked too.
I mean, I'd argue it's more of a question why do people get so hung up on keeping kids away from all sex and sex humor like it's some sort of deadly contagious disease and yet I go watch a Tarantino film at the cinema and there's parents bringing their kids to the front row.

Who the fuck even takes front row at the cinema? It sucks.
Yeah, that's a good point. If you keep the kids away from it, you'll just turn them into bigger deviants when they get older.

Also, I had to take the front row last year when literally every other seat was taken at a small theater. Personally I think they should even put seats that close since you need to slump halfway down and twist your neck like a SHAFT character to see the screen.

It's a character. Who is also a Chad.

But he's also supposed to be Enileda's lover, so she's clearly offering you to cuck him here.

We have been coomS O I-infused weebs for at least a hundred and fifty years longer than you. Really, until recently, both Coomer & S O I meant "being French". We have embraced it. Made it ours. Turned it into an artform. And we have been doing so for a long time now.
papyrus had a supernaturally shitty ending.
it was all a dream. im still pissed about it.
theti was hot, admittedly.
Thrust me, in French it's way worse.
I should know...
J'en suis un.
I would say that Savage Worlds could mimic a lot of the powers.
What about the powers that it CAN'T mimic? What are they and can we homebrew something?
Gawd no, I'm not qualified for that shit.
Xelor AP theft and Enutof money-related powers.
>But he's also supposed to be Enileda's lover,
Sauce on that?

> Setsinbol est le représentant Crâ au Conseil d'Astrub. Il semble toujours occupé, et demande souvent aux apprentis Crâ de garder sa fille, Ticra. D'un naturel séducteur, il ne laisse pas la gent féminine indifférente. Allisteria l'apprécie énormément, tandis qu'Enileda le nomme "mon bien-aimé". Cette dernière considère tout de même Ticra comme meilleure archère que son père.

Setsinbol is the representative Cra at the council of Astrub. He always seems busy, and ask often of the Cra apprentice to babysit his daughter. A talented seductor, women always notice him. Allisteria appreciates him a lot, while Enileda calls him "my beloved".
How could we homebrew that, any ideas?
Savage Worlds is easy to homebrew.

For Xelor time stop power, just give them extra actions. For Enutrof, just make the Power Points that they must spend be based on % of their money.

In the doc I'm translating now, Enutrof have two unique stats, Reserve and Budget. Reserve represents the amount of Kamas the Enutrof requires to feel comfortable, can be boosted by investing a lot of kamas, and boost various attacks. Budget starts at 0 at each beginning of fights and rises when you make Expensive attacks and lowers when you make Cheap attacks. At the end of the fight the Enutrof must pay 5×(Budget)× (Player's level) in Kama or lose sp instead of winning it.

Xelor's powers depends on the elemental type of their spells. Fire spells fracture time, allowing you to cast a second fire spell at -2 after a hit. Water spell freezes time. On any natural 20, the action performed only takes half the time required.
I thought Xelors got three elements?
Omnimyth Fables is on itch.io and is a stripped down, gridless D&D 4e clone with 4 stats. It could be worth a riffle to find interesting mechanics.
What is element number three, then?

You are right, the third element is Air. Casting air spells "fluctuates" time: the Xelor may, upon hitting with an air spell, bank an action they have left to perform this turn and use it on their next turn.
I don't know what this is, but it looks gay.
no it's just French
>gridless D&D 4e clone

for what reason would you clone 4e but leave out the grid

> it looks gay

I have bad news to give to your parents regarding your sexual orientation, if that's your take on it.
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Season 1 Eva is best Eva in terms of design.
Hey, the Kickstarter is getting close to the point where we get the first bonus, anyone here going to donate who hasn’t already?
I’m waiting for payday
I need to get new tires for my car. So no.
Computer games alway seem like they can be adapted to tabletop before people realise that computers can do all the complex math.

But Wakfu and Dofus are ultimately is Your Number vs Their Number
So Tunnels and Trolls must be the best system for it.
Did the 249 Europoor currency tier. Might want the BD collection one if they end up having that as an option but don’t know if I have spare money because I’m getting ready for the new Necron release since I play them. I’m lucky I don’t smoke, drink, or drive or I’d never be able to afford the dumb shit I want and pay the other bills I have.
Just realized that no one ever posted the link, here you go.

I wonder what her sister is doing in the season 3 timeframe?
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Unknown, last heard she went back to travel with Elaine and her dad.
Getting fucked by me>>73254477
For me, it's Miranda
She went back to travel with the those two but apparently at some point they split off again. So she's seemingly just another adventurer in the world of Wakfu.

I wonder if she ever learned she's actually the sister-in-law and almost one time lover of the literal Iop god.
That'd be hilarious to see, yeah.
What did she actually say in that scene?
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Oh. I guess I'll keep posting then. I didn't do all classes, but those I did had a real mechanic so that Eniripsa is not just a Xelor-who-Heals and stuff.

Those were the weapons chart my players could use. Very basic. Weapon damage ([A] in the classes' PDF) would be d12 and go down by one step each time an ability would be added.

For example, the Enutrof's Shovel was the most powerful weapon of the game with 1d12 damage and no ability. Two-handed swords would deal 1d10 but would have the Agile trait, giving a boost to initiative of +2. A rod (baguette lourde) would deal 1d6, but Ranged, Point blank ([A] is 1d6+1d4 in close range) and Trauma-inducing (Critical give a D.O.T. effect)

Come to think of it, maybe I'll create a puppet GMail account just to share them.
Derp. Agile makes you a DnD 4th' Kobold (Shift with minor action). Quick is the initiative bonus.

I am source. And no, not the 12. This was for one campaign which did not last long, and I focus on the classes my PCs wanted to play.

Iop and Sacrier incoming tho.

Iop is a melee fighter that is tank (fire) / damage dealer (Air / Earth). It is unique as its tanking is a vengeance ability:
> Huge bonuses when allies are K.O.
> If it declares itself tanking (status one activates at will called "looking for a fight" all characters can use and all tanks can weaponize), attacking one of his allies gives him Fury Points he can use to punish his foes.
Aaaaaand the Sacrier. One of my players played ONLY Sacrier. So... Tank (Earth) / DPS (Fire) and Control-ish (Air).

Sacriers basically have tresholds. Bloodied (En Péril) gives +1 hit and for each 20% missing health he gets extra damage. He affects terrain, moves opponents, become much harder to damage as he is wounded, and his Fire element usually deals more damage to foes and himself.

This makes DPS viable, and accelerates his tanking abilities. So Fire/Air is a terror on the field, Air/Earth controls the situation very well while Earth/Fire gives you a powerful engine to run.

That's all I have. So with these lines, I am no longer the creator of these documents, merely an anon like you guys who copied from this thread. Enjoy.
I'm a designer and I love wakfu. Loved it for years! I've always wanted to make a system like OP mentioned. If anyone was making some major progress or wanted to crowdsource development stuff, I'd be happy to help.

Any solid/stable google docs? I usually end up starting projects like this, but never finishing them. But if I can be of service to a bigger thing, I'm in.

I've always thought 4e would be a good base. The MMO is practically 4e. Sacrier for best girl.
I will only add this. I worked with templates a lot. Each monster type would have a basic set of stat based on level (for things like accuracy and defenses) and the type of monster it was (e.g. Celestial Gobball, elemental weaknesses and resistances, basic attack). Add one template to make it a monster, 2 for an elite, 3 for a boss.
The post before you is part of what you seek, and an anon says he's working on a translation. Google translate got a lot better in the last decade too. Would give you a sneak peak.
Mutants and Masterminds. Perfect fit.
Not that anon but I wouldn't have done it at all. Tristepin and Eva's relationship felt really natural and organic because it started developing from the very moment they met and it followed a normal progression throughout the series where you could really tell at which moments they each feel for each other harder.

Yugo and Amalia felt like they were trying to pair the spares, it just came out of nowhere. One might argue that when the story began they were both too young, but then there's several times when Amalia lusts after some other guy throughout the series (even before starting to get into drama triangles like with Count Harebourg or the S3 villain) and yet she never once pays any particular attention to Yugo, or viceversa.

Even more, I don't really see the chemistry between them. Yugo is a boy that grew up in humble conditions, is content with just having his family and friends and a chill, relaxed life in his village, and he's usually the most moral member of the group (where sometimes Eva feels she has to make the tough calls, Tristepin is a bit too trigger happy despite his good intentions and Ruel is too motivated by greed even though he still stands up for his friends in the end). On the other hand, Amalia is a princess born with a silver spoon, and even though she goes through that rebellious adventuring phase she's often bitching about the lack of luxuries she used to live with, and she is the most amoral member of the party (I distinctly remember her being the designated "Ugh, why are we stopping to help these peasants with their peasant problems?" person, and she was bitchy enough to have Tristepin call her out despite his firm belief that knights should protect princesses). That whole "opposites attract" thing doesn't usually refer to absurdly opposite lifestyles and a complete flip on morality. Maybe if Amalia had ever been shown to admire Yugo for his selfless actions and reconsider her own, it would have been more believable.
Has she even met her niece and nephew yet?
She was in the wedding at the end of the OVAs.

Speaking of that, can we take a moment to appreciate the fact it took Tristepin 7 years of living with Eva, and having had 2 kids already, to actually fucking ask her to marry him?
There was a bunch of good ones right after it came out on /co/

Could maybe try the Wakfu/Dofus thread there. There's probably a pastebin still.
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> Sacrier for best girl
You'll never have a black-clad Iop Waifu who became a (very famous) villain just so heroes could rise, beat her and be strong enough to repel an invasion of Shushu, using every trope to make sure the PCs remain motivated in their climb... while somehow remaining oblivious to this.

> You see? You're not heroes. Were you heroes, something would come to prevent me from finishing you, so you could come back later when you,re stronger and challenge me.
>> Ma'am?
> What!?
>> Amaknean army is mobilized to counter-strike and retake the weather crystal, ETA 6 minutes.
> Fine. Soldier, I need you to finish off these interlopers. You may then ditch the uniforms and equipment and join the panicked hostages.

> Soldier, I don't care about the risk of infiltration by adventurers, the right to wear an open-faced helmet or none at all is reserved for officers, Lieutenant and up. If you wish for your individuality, you'll strive for excellence!

> We'll raid Brâkmar next. If one nation has no excuse not to be able to repel our assault, any assault, that would be it. Let's kick that hornet nest, and see what happens.
>wakfu tabletop game
now you have my attention, bumping this so i can get the translated pdfs

It will be a while. I'm moving this week. And I didnt help myself by starting with the biggest doc. I have a couple graveyard shift coming, they usually are super dead, I should be able to post something during the weekend.
Some one should gather all the stuff together once the translations and everything else are done.

I will keep on doing this even if the thread dies, and I'll repost it up.

BTW I just started translating the Enutrof class and holy fucking christ, I dont know what was the standard back in 4e but this boy is a fucking brute. As long as you have Kamas you can stack bonuses to damage, regardless of your Level. In fact, at lower level you can even go into uge debts to stack damage bonuses, knowing you cant pay, and the lower Level you are the least of a problem it is.

And if you face easy opponents, you can actually stack maluses to your damage rolls instead to farm extra Kamas at the end. At least on paper, it looks fucking glorious.
>20 minutes

I like TRPGs better, can we translate it into one?
So new to this what would the classes and such be? I just know waifu from art
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Wakfu doesnt have classes, your "race" (more like religion) determines all your abilities.
Go to bed Kyle.
It's not really a kids game, it's now more a game for people who play the game they played 12+ years ago out of nostalgia.
>Wakfu is currently doing a Kickstarter to raise money for a fourth, and apparently final, season
... I don't understand. It had 3 seasons, and that didn't generate enough money for a fourth? What retarded monetization model are they using?
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>we're going to throw money at dozens of different projects only to not follow through and canabalize what little they poduced to make a product!
>also our first major project after our mmo cash cow is to make a game that competes directly with our cash cow for player

>make a movie
>don't advertise
>release it the same weekend as Star Wars
>all that money thrown to the wind and poisoning any investor's opinions on the franchise
Um, IIRC, those are referred to as classes in the lore, so it technically "does" have classes. See >>73185832 for an example of that.
> At least on paper, it looks fucking glorious.
That was the intent of the class. you make my heart warm. Tell you what, that comment made me so happy, I'll translate one of them this afternoon, after work.

I tried to have some very interesting mechanics with each class, based on the MMO. Xélor uses the clock summon that allows for teleports, Sacrier's chrage making it more dangerous and tough, etc

I just realized I did not actually do the Cra. I just set the text format by copying the Eniripsa, and never ended it.

I'll do it this afternoon, after work.
Technically, race/class are the same choice, much like the first D&D had "Elf" as a class.

Oh, and I'll do it in English right away.
ankama makes thicc brown girls
ankama does not make sound decisions
>ankama does not make sound decisions
What would you suggest, then?
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He had to make sure she was still fuckable after having two kids come out of her. An iop has standards.
> Xelor AP Theft
Unless you want to create an RPG with multiple actions (I've seen one with an initiative wheel where actions would push you back X so quick characters acted more often), this alone is too broken.

The french PDF here that got >>73234299
riled up have the Xelor have two keywords.

> Freeze
By spending a move and minor action in addition to its standard action to attack, the Xelor's water spell remove its opponent move and minor action. Time has dilated and the "extra space", expansion, makes the area colder.

Inversely, Xelor can go for pure DPS. Contracting time to allow himself for more actions, he can launch two standard-action fire spells with one set of actions. The second is less precise (he does have to hurry and it is unstable), but the extra friction often adds useful abilities.

Air makes random fluctuations. While these spells have minor control effects, those can be delayed to mess with the target's actions. Push once at the right moment in the enemy move and that charge pretty much failed. Pull 1 at the right moment, and that costly maneuver to evade the tank? kek.

More thicc brown girls?
I mean, it's a very sound business model, they just gotta keep grinding at it a bit longer.
>also our first major project after our mmo cash cow is to make a game that competes directly with our cash cow for player
I don’t understand why they not only do this, but at the same time refuse to use the setting in other types of games. Imagine Wakfu breath of the wild or Dark Souls. Also they need to make TTRPG stuff. Wakfu is wasted potential for games.
After using google translate to try to get an idea of what's going on here I gotta say I really like these takes on the classes. They capture the flavour of the classes better than Wakfu has managed after years of endless revamps adding on unnecessary complexity.
The only criticisms I have fall into the vein of wishing that some of the powers were more generally named and that there's not enough here, but those are both more accurately levied at the property itself and the system these are based on.
These are really cool and I'm looking forward to the real translations.
Well, you're in luck. All the positive feedback gave me incentive to work on it a bit more. I not only completed the Crâ that was at the end of the unfinished rulebook, I did it straight in english.

And I fucked up. Still had a french paragraph as a duplicate and one of the defenses not properly translated. For simplicity, where terms have changed, on the first use of a new term there is the D&D 4th's one in parenthesis following.

I wanted to use the fluff of the TTRPG, and Charisma as a stat always annoyed me.

Sooo... another anon is working on the Enutrof. I might do Iop next because, fuck it, it's my favorite class. But I'd take requests. I can even work on a new class.
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Fuck it. Feca (Water tank) incoming :)
you're a water cooler
Nice, Feca's such a cool class. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Shields that protect allies and damage those who attack them, devious traps, and force the GM to reveal one foe's next action (which makes the two prior powers much more useful) when foes ignore him.

I can see fishes through its eyes.
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Yup, I'll be posting the Enutrof translation at some point during the night.

I guess I'll take Sacrieur next?
Why is that one your favorite?
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Here's the Féca. I think IF I go on, it'll be to create new stuff, especially among the original 12s (Osamodas, Ecaflip, Pandawan, Sram, Sadida)

Big goddamn heroes, stupid and courageous who have a feel about the narrative side of things. It's like a bard, superhero and barbarian hybrid without the music and lore.

In the MMO, Fire and Air moves were so goddamned fun to use. Fire would allow me to charge, then after chugging Wakfu points getting angry, go as close as "literaly" nuclear as the game allows.

Then spends its move points and action points on combo attacks. I would press the "End turn option, but the animations queued would last for an extra 10 seconds.

Don't get me wrong, I think my love for other classes like the Enutrof and Sacrier do show as well. I just have a special place for idiots with power and virtues.
> replaces the PDF with a picture before posting
And with this, I'm stepping away from the keyboard for the night. Peace all.
> Effects that come from the Gadgeteer class ability are not powers and may be used
normally while Vortex is active. Have fun.
Night! We'll try and keep the thread alive until you wake up!
Thanks, which one is next?
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For fuck sakes goddamn drunkards keeping me from working on my translation, it's called a graveyard shift cuz it's supposed to be dead motherfuckers.
Dude I can't agree more about Iop. It was so fun. I kinda feel like they ruined it a bit when they revamped the class in 2015 or so.

I don't know if I just didn't play it long enough afterwards or what, but the gameplay seemed to go from simple to 200 IQ overnight. I used to have no trouble figuring out what I was going to do, and would use most of my time during the round thinking tactics for my party, but after the combo system I had to figure out exactly what I was going to do in terms of the new Power state, Focus, Super Iop Punch and all the air combos.

All the new stuff was cool and all, and nuking someone with Focus and Super Iop Punch never got old, but I really enjoyed the simplicity Iop offered prior.
... is this a character? I might have to renew my Netflix.
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It's a character, although she's there for what, maybe two episodes? They are probably the best episodes of that season tho.
She's like a... hot, female Zuko, with tig bitties.
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She's got more of Azula's personality.
.... I unironically love the French now.

Sufokian women are a gift to the world

I salute your good taste, anon.
Prince Primps His Cheeks might looks like a pansy and be a total idiot but damn if he doesn't have good taste.
>it's called a graveyard shift cuz it's supposed to be dead motherfuckers.
In reality it's more that working such hours will be the death of you.

Meh, it's only one weekend a month. And the bonus pay makes it worthwhile.
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Morning! Well, we've got a Tank (Féca), 2 DPS (Crâ, Enutrof), I think it's time for an healer / controller. Sadida it is.

I'll probably do the Osamodas next.
There's other three games in the same universe, though.
I hope you guys like to summon shit loads of stuff. Cuz' my Sadidas heal (and Earth Attacks) depends on sprouting Brambles.
This time with Blinding Gust fixed. it is ranged and does not need extra move.

Creating an actual Water encounter power. brb in 10 minutes. I think.
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>Been wanting to make a Wakfu RPG for ages
>But the work was always super daunting
>And playing it requires a knowledge of the World of Twelve
>Which my players don't have and probably won't want to learn
>See this thread

Christ on a bike, how long has this been going on? Have I been gone that long?
Well... those pdfs I've been sharing, in french, existed for well over 3 years and lied dormant in my files.

>But the work was always super daunting
I 100% agree, but the positive feedback helps a lot with that.
Just wanna pop in and say good job translation anon because of this thread I decided to give wakfu another shot and I'm glad I did
So the Voodoll is linked to someone in range, and then depending on the element of the next attack made by their link they gain a power?

And it seems like they can cycle through Water/Earth/Air but Fire alone severs the link and turns them into autonomous berserkers. Interesting. So if I understand correctly they're kinda like the dolls from the MMO but far less disposable. Nice. Great work on these so far.
The card game, 360 game, and what else? Nothing really ground breaking gameplay wise if I remember.
Can we get a drive where the pdfs are stored so we don't lost the work already done in case the thread dies?
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Here's the translated Enutrof Class.
Yup. You can link it to yourself, but as all classes only get powers of 3 elements, you can only get berzerk doll if you link it to an ally who uses fire power.

This was inspired from that episode where Amalia got poisoned by monstrous roses. Fever led her dolls to madness.

Very nice, let's have a look at it.
2 details. Sharp Eye result of 6 gives a potion. Probably a typo.

[A] stands for Arme, which is the power deals damage based on the weapon used. I'd replace it by [W].

Great work on the wordings tho.
Well, I saved them myself. You could do the same.
Oh, and "En Péril / "In Danger"" should be "Bloodied" in english.

And damn. I missed something completely with the newest classes. Daily Powers had to have restricting prerequisites to be used.

Looks like I'll mull thing over a bit.

Thanks! I kinda expected the [a] thing, nothing else made sense, but I haven't played 4e in... I dont know... last time I played D&d was over 20 years ago.

Just to get a sense, when you say damage is 2 [a] + Strength, for example, is that 2 times the weapons damage roll plus the entire Strenght stat, or just the Strenght bonus? Because I seem to remember damages being lower than that, no?

My last d&d campaign was an Iron Kingdom game, and I distinctly remember that everyone had looked super impressed when I had managed to do something like 35 damage at level 3 with a single super boosted gunmage spell attack, gunmage being supposedly the range dps Class of that game... ?
I should add a lot of [mod]. The only place you use the whole stat (except when explicitely stated) is on lvl 1 HP.

My bad.
If you're willing to translate Sacrier, we have 2 tanks, a lot of DPS, and a lot of Controllers... so I would do Eniripsa. Or a brand new Healer which means Ecaflip or (Ugh) Pandawa

Got a preference that is not Pandawa?

If you want to start looking into Ecaflip, I'll work on those you have already cooked up, cuz I wont be able to help homebrewing the classes.
Alright. Makes sense to me. Ecaflip should come before 23:00 EST :)

Wait, are you in Montreal?
Close enough.
Écaflip done. I'm not terribly happy about this one tho. Maybe I should have made it Air / Fire / Water, because now I'll have two Water Healers and no Air. Plus, I think I overdid the Flea thing. Core race/class ability I'm really proud of however.

(Pandawa and their link to Not!Alcohol will heal with Fire.)

Feel free to provide feedback as you see fit.
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Now, more than ever, is time for me to eat something. And I won't be there tomorrow, possibly allowing the thread to die.

I will form a new google account, put all these files into Google Docs and give read access to everyone. I'll also accept non-pdfs versions of the translations you send it via e-mail so I can edit them so they all have the same look.
I think it's hard to escape from the basic idea behind the elements that Ankama seems to follow themselves. Most if not all healing classes in the MMO are Water elemental, and in much the same way most tanks are Earth.

Alternatively, Ecaflip does have somewhat of a history of having all 4 elements, having had Air in the beta in place of Fire. I dunno, how important is the 3 element cap in your mind?
> I dunno, how important is the 3 element cap in your mind?
Might be my autism speaking, but Stats linked to elements is something the Wakfu MMO did. 3 Elements per class is something the MMO did. And classes that work with 3 stats is something D&D 4th does. If my goal is to make a Wakfu game with D&D 4th's core mechanics, it makes sense to keep the parts that mesh well together.

No, the part where my own preferences hinder my judgement is by having the possibility that each major role be combined with each element. I felt like there would be more freedom when making a team comp, as the resistance/weakness mechanic permeating everywhere in the setting favored a form of diversity in your team's elemental attacks. Especially when you hit monsters like Whisperers and their Boulder mounts.
Well, this thread's gotten a lot of attention, is a follow-up thread something anyone else would be interested in?

Yes, very much so. The main pdf will probably take me a couple weeks to translate.
Alright then, should we wait a few days once this thread hits the bump limit, or make the new thread ASAP?
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I don't really care either way. There was a discussion on the lore too among this, so they may keep it alive without us doing the work.

Keep those around:
Féca: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S1pdTM-yC-f5eVf_Q22WaxUs4-8o_lSPSBBbgQo6p30/edit?usp=sharing
Crâ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XO5Kt_LPOwIpeRzWDLsfanrTmr1eQey-zW_NN7cWUiM/edit?usp=sharing
Crâ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qHi0ue1HptqR9BVzS2YNgcQLhEM0xO1IQ07ZCW4sPr8/edit?usp=sharing
Écaflip: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T9sYHsh1fo7AeGs2Bi23RhIg7H9JJUQkZNRiVW-v60Q/edit?usp=sharing

If you translated my prior work, send it via e-mail to this brand new adress [email protected] and I'll reformat it so it fits the rest, and give you fags access to it.

You're all able to comment. Feel free to suggest rewording (especially you non-french-speakers). You may also send request e-mails on which class you want to see more of (or anything at all).

Fair warning, if your request is Pandawa, or one of the deviates (except rogue, they cool), you might want to do it yourself.

See y'all Monday. At best.
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Welp, I need sleep.
The second instance of Crâ was Sadida https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qHi0ue1HptqR9BVzS2YNgcQLhEM0xO1IQ07ZCW4sPr8/edit?usp=sharing
One last thing before I really go: Is it me, or is a squad of Sadida Warriors really terrifying with their extra healing, Branbles everywhere and huge air hazards?

Too OP?
Ok so wait, how do the races work? Everyone worships a god, and the more devout the more you look like them, so everyone looks the same if they follow a particular god? This pic has me confused. Also, do all of them have wobbly tiddies like female Zuko?
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Meh, most classes can probably be considered OP if they are spammed. Enutrof squad would be brutal with deposits everywhere, the ability to mass push back adversaries with Earth spells, and possibly gaming the Budget/Reserves mechanics...

Is the Spirit of the Forest heal buff stackable?

Classes/races are weird in Wakfu. With the exception of Eliotropes and Steamers (I think), everyone is human. Depending on your personality (and not your devotion or strength of faith), before your puberty, you may align yourself with a God. You will then start changing physically into the form of its followers. The form of a follower is not the form of the God, btw. The Enutrof God is a Dragon, for example, or looks like one. Souls reincarnate after death, and if a soul is aligned with a God it will remain so throughout its reincarnation cycle. Since souls choose their parents, they tend to choose parents of the same class.

In the end it's really just a very roundabout way of making sure everyone can fuck everyone without there ever being the question of race mixing/beastiality/racism thrown into the lot. Iops are dumb, Cra are arrogant, Rogues are distrustful... because if they weren't they wouldnt have turned into those classes in the first place.

And no, some Gods are less generous than other with the boobage.

Just to be clear, that pic is one of the Sufokian Navy, which is why they have the same uniform, hair and overall look. The leader of that Navy is a Prince who seems like the gayest dude ever, but seeing as he filled the entire rank of his army with big tittied girls... But they arent aligned to any specific God I think. Big tittied fem Zuko is the General of the Marines of that Navy (her name is General Mofette).
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I took the Sadida and tried to clean up some of the language and spruce it up a bit with the Homebrewery and some of my own HTML and CSS. I'm no designer though so it's amateurish at best and I'm really just following 4e style guidelines. I don't have Photoshop any more so I had to slap together some terrible CSS to place the image semi-properly too, so they probably look a bit off.

Last page is just some templates and test stuff, like how I originally had the first page setup with the entire image as a background.

Might be some British spellings in there too, I tried to stick to American English but old habits die hard. Anyway lemme know what you lads think. If you've got an idea on how to display the elements of the powers in a novel way too, let me hear it.

Here's a link to the CSS and HTML if you want to tool around with it yourselves, too. https://pastebin.com/6zKej53G
Oh right I should also probably mention it's not a complete transcription yet either. Working on that Elemental issue I mentioned before.
>Wakfu reduced to Kickstarter while the CNC is happy to keep the incestuous corruption train going with Ducobu 4 and Camping Paradis XIII.
Burn this whole fucking rotten system down.
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The way I get it:

Mechanic-wise: Pick a race. There is no class. Your class and your race are a single pick. As you choose your stats, it is recommended but not obligatory to prioritize the stats your race has bonuses in as it determines your powers accuracy and the damage you deal.

This is kinda how the MMO works too. Except in the MMO, stats and the linked elements are hard-wired, making intelligent (Fire) Iops a good thing, while the lore gives them better abilities when they're both courageous and stu... simpler.

> Fluff-Wise
Basically as it works mechanically EXCEPT:
> Rogues are an off-shoot of the Sram specie
> Zobals are an off-shoot of the Sadida specie
> Eliotropes' are literal aliens to the world, reincarnate into themselves, and share a dragon's egg.
> Not sure about the 3 newer classes

It is to note that the Anime established a few things as well.
> Some (if not all) species can interbreed. The offspring is of one of the parents' classes.
> The 12 gods are not static and eternal. A character that becomes such a badass may be invited (and I suppose for class like Sacrier and Sram, force himself into) the place of a god.
> There are multiple body-types for a single specie. Pic related. Left-most two characters are Iops AFAIK.

That is freaking awesome. I saved the link, I don't have time to work on it today (flexible hours are fun, but I still need the work done by 7 am).

Now, it does mean we could create templates called classes to allow more versatility in a character's creation. Reach a level, choose between 3 racial powers and 1 class power (or improve a power you already have that you find cool so it keeps up). Not sure I want to do that just yet.
Trying to go quick. Part in green was meant for >>73316679

> Now, it does mean we could create templates called classes to allow more versatility in a character's creation. Reach a level, choose between 3 racial powers and 1 class power (or improve a power you already have that you find cool so it keeps up). Not sure I want to do that just yet.
Fuck, >>73314695
Stepping away from the keyboard for the day now. Have fun.
>> Not sure about the 3 newer classes
Ouginak seem to have been retconned from their own thing to an off-shoot of Ecaflip, so chances are they're humans too now.
The Foggernauts are just regular humans using stasis powered machinery in the Age of Wakfu AFAIK, but they used to worship an aspect of Osamodas, called Oktopodas.
And the Huppermages worship some representative of all the gods in some perverse lust for balance, and they can use modified spells from various different classes in all 4 elements, as well as their own Light elemental spells. They're a bit weird in that their powers seem to be learnt rather than granted to them, so even individuals of a regular class can learn their abilities to a point. They're kind of somewhere in between a Class and a Paragon Path in 4e terms. They're fucking weird.

Stasis and Light spells have special methods for determining which element they count as. From memory Stasis always targets the lowest weakness but the bonus is equivalent to the average of all 4 bonuses. So the trade off is that your bonus damage is lower but you're always hitting weakness. It was kind of broken back when I played Wakfu, huge damage from range with little risk.
Light works a little differently. Light takes your highest bonus and pretends that it's that element. Huppermages can use their elemental spells to steal bonuses and resistances from the enemy to pick and choose which element their Light spells will hit. These guys were pretty strong but Light has a higher investment to hit weakness than Stasis does, so in practice it wasn't useful nearly as often.
Oh yeah, and Huppermages don't have Wakfu. They have some meme resource that builds up over time and on elemental spell usage called Quadramental Breeze to power their Light spells. And a Rune system too. I dunno, they're very complicated.
Speaking of Huppermages, what's up with their treatment of messenger tofus?
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For me, it's sacriers
This is a french kid's show!?
It's magic bro, they ain't gotta explain shit.

Probably some of that degenerate BDSM magic they swiped from Osamodas.
>casual nipples in a non-erotic context
What's the context here?
What is with the censors in France?
They just don't believe there's much trouble in showing nipples, considering that most people have them.
the show was made pre-sharia
So they choose before puberty... but it was already chosen because they're reincarnated. Wha?
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Agree. Wish there was more of that.
There's a lot of conflicting information that's trickled out over the years, basically. The IP is pretty old now and I doubt that Ankama has an internal bible on how the Krosmoz works or anything like that, knowing how they are with their games and media.
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I guess the way it works is that a soul chooses what they'll be born as, but since reincarnation wipes their old memories there's room for them to change their mind afterwards.
I love Wakfu.
I hate smug ducks.
If one of the episode in Dofus is anything to go by, changing "religion" and actually switching looks simply because your personality changed might be a possibility. There was an episode where Kerub pretended he had switched from ecaflip to iop. It was fake, but nobody said it was impossible or anything.
i am in possession of the uncensored images.
I wouldn't say no class per say. Its been shown anyone can learn magic or learn to use a weapon despite racial / clerical origin.
Perhaps have it like your race is an advancement tree in itself, but you choose a secondary generic tree to add more variety?
Like, the anyone worthy can join the huppers. So you could see a good bit of varity there where a Iop hupmage largely just used the magic for flight and enhancing himself, where as a Escaflip hupper could be about pushing their luck and using, whatever the equivalent of wild magic would be.
Plus just think of all the nice mixes.
Osamodas that uses fire magic, acts like a rancher with a large burning brand as his staff.
Xelor who got into guns and makes some crazy clockwork revolver. Every now and again can shoot / reload multiple times a turn due to his time-fuckery.
A Sadida knight equipped with heavy, living wood armor that rides around on their doll like a mount.
Its even more funny when you learn more about Kerub in the movie.
Escaflip is good boy. Teaches good lessons.
Me too. I put the censor bar so I could post that pic without getting 72h of vacation from 4chan.
>Osamodas that uses fire magic, acts like a rancher with a large burning brand as his staff.
"Well shoot, call me one ova them Enutrofs ifin ya want. But them wild beasties are just beggin to make us some kamas."
Yeah... I think I'll leave the options of careers up as a form of multiclass, since traditional multiclass would me crossbreedings.

There's already Bounty Hunters (Ruel), Boufbowl players (Kriss), Shushu Guardian (Tristepin, Goultard), Bodyguard (Evangelyne), Noble (Amalia).

Uppermages and Rogues would fit up there.
I think you could take the Waksu MMO and turn it into an RPG by using Legend of the Five Rings as a template.
... Are the French always so casual about nudity in their children shows?
Sacrier demi-god bitch is chopping people's heads off with her face.
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Pretty much.
It depends where you are, but the closer to the South the more acceptable it is. I've met folks that started going out to bars at 12. Most folks in the Midi are (or were, back in the 90s) completely comfortable with girls going to the beach in mono-kini at all ages.
There's Wakfu comics? Neat! Where can I get them in English for free, please?
Pick krosmaster minis, make a party and put them to fight custom stat units for enemies in a big dungeon board.
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Not just nudity but reference to prostitution too.
There's this book written for children that has a movie adaptation. It's called "Jack et la Mécanique du cœur". There's a scene in the book where two 12 years-old kids fall in love and the guy describes how appetizing her tits look, comparing them to some sweets.
In the movie he sings about ripping her clothes off with his teeth.
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For me, it's Miranda
Isn't there a scene in the Dofus anime with a burlesque club... for women?
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In reference to elemental restriction, there are number of classes in Wakfu, like Hupper and Fogger, that dance around just having three. Waven, the newer game Ankama's developing, lets classes use all four elements, giving them synergy that is enhanced depending on the extra abilities your sub-class is.
Tell us more about this Waven game, please.

Can you post a link, or is that ban-worthy too?

Yeah, it's possible, though IIRC from something posted upthread, it usually needs to happen prior to the end of puberty, cases like that, or Nox going from an apparent normal human to a Xelor as an adult, are rare.
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Waven (currently in Alpha testing) is simpler take on the tactical combat of the previous games, like Dofus Arena but with PvE dungeons for those who prefer it. All of this is accessed not from an open world, but from a personal, customizable hub. PvP is the focus, because muh e-sports, and so the arena is standardized to be set on a 7X7 grid, be it PvP or PvE.

Players choose a Hero of their Class (5 for each of the the 7 current classes) which provide a single active an passive ability on top of a specific weapon fighting style. Currently the classes are: Iop, Cra, Eni, Sacrier, Sram, Xelor, and Osa. You get up to 8 hand-picked spells, which are held in a hand of 7 and drawn like cards each turn to refresh. All elemental spells share similar statuses, regardless of class, allowing for ease of synergy. Hybrid spells also exist.

Most complexities have been streamlined: only one status can be inflicted at a time on anything. Melee can only be done after, or instead of movement, but does not cost Action Points like a spell. Spells have no range restriction, and melee-range locking is no longer a thing, likely due to the random chance involved in it succeeding.

A roster of 4 extra units can be added to a loadout, summoned with an elemental resource gained when casting spells.

Heroes in oddball elements include icy, spell-blocking Water Iops, dirty fighting Earth Srams that charge and disable, and gadget-wielding Earth Xelors that tank with armor and buff their mechcanical summons, but most Heroes (definitely not Osas) are uniquely-designed takes on their respective class. Eniripsas especially seem to have been given a broader range of themeing, from doctors to vampires to necromantic alchemists and dimension-hopping scientists, on top of the brush-wielding fairy we usually see.
I take it that the guy with the sparking at is one example of the Xelor example, and the is one to the right of them is Enripsa one, a Sacrier, or some other class?
Eniripsa for sure, with that weird syringe sword and no tattoos.
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The one on the right is an Eniripsa. Sacriers are more like wandering monks, outlaws and martial artists.
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I tried a new colour scheme on the spell blocks based on the in game windows but I don't know if I like it or not. I also don't really know 4e well enough to say if I'm reinventing the wheel here but the Reach keyword is referring to weapon reach regardless of if it's melee or ranged. I've also made assumptions about terminology and stuff so it might not be accurate but here it is.
it goes from left to right:
what happens to saddia?
We have no info on sadida in waven as of right now.
I'm going to be asleep when the thread gets bumped off the board, or I would make a new thread myself, is anyone else up for it, please?
WakfuFaguette here. Won't be able to post work until wednesday at best. See ya then.

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