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>General Creation Kit

>Thread question(s)
Have you ever played a game set in neither the modern era nor the middle ages? If so, how was it?
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First for Hedgefag
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Is there any specific reason that we don't have a new thread ready for when the thread ends?
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I'm pretty sure it's just me and one other guy who make threads so if neither of us is here it doesn't happen.
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you can have one shitpost
>Have you ever played a game set in neither the modern era nor the middle ages? If so, how was it?
No, but I've always wanted to do a VtM game set in Rome by adapting the content from the Requiem for Rome book. I feel like if you're going as far back as Rome, it helps to have a setting where it doesn't feel so ambiguous and history-less as VtR.
> TQ
Closest I ever really got to non-modern and non-DA was when I played a Nam Vet in a Changeling the Lost game.
They got taken by the Gentry and when they escaped it was modern day. There was a prelude for my character in the 1970s though it was short and I don't really remember much on what it covered, so it wasn't all that memorable.
Was a great game though to enjoy some great 70s era music and my character finding their fetch as a burnt out old vet in his mid-50s (my character was still around late teens/early 20s post-Durance) and the fetch may have got up to some sketchy shit in the war, which started to come out as my character for ID purposes posed as the nephew of his fetch.
It's just a trend I've noticed from being near the edge of a bunch of games in my city.
Me on the background, planning my coup
That's why I hate modern Tzimisce, what are you, a dark eldar?

Where is the room to advance through servitude like the samurai...?
God Masquerade discussion is so droll
droll is a good thing anon
Nah. Go crawl into a toilet and stay there.
it means amusing
Amusing in a bad way. Now flush yourself.
>Amusing in a bad way.
What did he mean by this?
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Which one of these are bad anon?
I laugh and mock your inferior, older version of vampire. All you can talk about is your Tzimisce vore.
I don't even like VtM but you're being silly. Just use words you are more comfortable with.
Cute. CUTE
Don't change the subject, who is most likely a Euroshit. Masquerade needs its own general.
No, pls don't leave us alone with the magetards.
They would destroy the other general as well anyways.
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I heard you talking shit like you're not in sympathetic casting range.
Why do you think Masquerade needs it own general?
I feel like it and Mage probably pull the most conversation, depending on the thread. If anything Werewolf gets left in the dust by Changeling for discussion, and it's mean to be "one of the big three".
probably that one, comparing a situation to a farce by spitefully calling it "droll".

Also this one, a laughable foe insulting you may be called droll.

Again, can be used insultingly.

See ludicrous.

And from there, your argument itself becomes quite droll in the most deadpan of sarcastic manners.
>sympathetic casting
A question. Aside from mages and Tremere, who else can do that? I mean not only through scrying/reaching powers, but also use all normally range-limited rituals against a target anywhere in the world if they know their Name, or have a hair, bloodstain or nail clip, or even an item they held.
I think he's a Malk, actually. A true Tzimisce knows when to drop a jestful point, as they are regal.
>knows when to drop a jestful point
They're most trashy licks this side of Jyhad. Their timing and sense of humor is way off mark, too.
It's not furry if they have a human torso and no snout, right? Let me consult and edit this Imperial guide on xenos and abhuman identification my sire uploaded into me, quickly...
Didn't you say the same thing last thread?
Great, it's the pseudo-schizo retard
Yes but on most planets they're a lot more Imperial than this...


Earth... planet...
We've tried splitting the general to stave off mage vs vampire autism before, it didn't last.
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Okay Earthling. Or are you just trying to pass as native on an anonymous imageboard...?

And people call ME schizo...
I'm not in favour of splitting the general, but just wondering what their view is.
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I've finally figured out the mystery of Mageposters
I'm assuming an archmaster of Death could alter the Supernal to incorporate the Masquerade/Caine mythos, right? Requiem is just sooooo boring.
You dont need an archmaster of death for that, just an ST.
Yes but the exarchs and the pax are dedicated to no fun allowed
Yep. Although Exarchs and other archmasters might not like this action... But then again, the archmaster can just branch the universe and leisurely watch God bully Caine in brand new universe of his own.
If you dislike Requiem's setting so much just run Masquerade in Requiem. My group has been doing it forever, there's even a book to get you started.
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How does that work out? Any issues to keep in mind? Should I get VtR 2e if I already have 1e?
Solution: embrace all the mages and show them magic still works exactly the fucking same if you're dead, and is even more of an innate and important life-skill to know spheres and aura colors as a vampire, it's what all the disciplines are founded on, mortal magecraft turned to intrinsic genetic 'knack'.
I'm >>74413266 but when I look at >>74412886's point I wonder which direction it actually goes, or does it even and we're all idiots...?

I kinda think mages vampires and werewolves are all the same thing anyways and it's all just magic mercury-blood from eating seafood. ESPECIALLY as a vampira-non-grata Tzimisce living on the outside of everything, it's just all the same retards making different subcultures.
>branch the universe
In oMage you need only Correspondence 3(4 if you want to take others with you), Entropy 4, Time 3(5 if you want to go waaay back into the past or the future) to bugger off to the better world where jews and therefore chritisanity, vampires and all that bull didn't exist or where hermetic paradigm reins supreme and every mage can surf a dragon while making sky rain candy without worrying about paradox... or to almost-identical world.
Awakening in nMage can also send you off to alternate timelines/universes. It also makes a point of telling you that it's *your* fault for this turn of events. You also can't return.
To continue my rant with another point; I have been mistaken irl by other supers and hunters for: a werewolf, a promethean, a mage, a ghoul, a mortal, a slasher (from video game souls actually, I assense as a demon lord and a cyberzombie to shadowrunners), a space marine primarch (which depends on definition and genders of a 'primarch'), a spirit possessing a mortal, a demon possessing a mortal. Even thought or wondered or worried about each of these individually as well before people just up and confronted me on it.

The Masquerade is not very strict in my city or in Canada at all, Camarilla are cucks who gaslit me hard, and then I took ALL the wrong lessons away from VTMB until I played Antitribu and remembered my childhood being raised by the Sabbat beside their ghouls in the Shadowlands.
Yeah, but can you choose where to go? That omages can go back and nmages can't is no biggie if you can go where you meant to.

Or is it essentially a paradox realm?
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>I have been mistaken irl by other supers and hunters for [...]
No. It's entirely a cosmic horror deal. You stray too far from the Watchtower's Lustrum and "bump" into Symbols you're not supposed to, you make come out into a world where sapient dogs run everything, in the year 3204 X.

It's a one time only thing for normal mages - archmasters do it regularly with Imperium. The process of Awakening is a brief view of archmastery.
Anyone have those rules for how much of each kind of weirdo should be in a city? The number of vamps to mages and all that
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Schizo and a woman or pretending to be a woman

Color me shocked
*you may come out
>The process of Awakening is a brief view of archmastery.

They also get Pneuma instead of Mana for a short while after Awakening, winning all Clash rolls.
Vampires always were 1:100,000. Always count metropolitan/county area, and in Sabbat/Anarch cities that can be double that, easily, thanks to all thinblood shovelheads running around. So one-two vampires in small provincial town, but large cities would house dozens. Worldwide vampire population amounted to 40,000 total at the peak of their population, absolute majority of that core clans.

Mages had started with loose guideline of 1:1,000,000, but it proved to be completely unworkable (you can't even have a skeleton crew of a chronicle with those numbers), so that number was revised to 1:200,000 and then to 1:150,000, which still wasn't enough, so in practice going by sourcebooks there's double to ten times that ratio, and certain places are populated exclusively by mages. So if you go by official numbers, mages are positively booming even with all those losses.

Who else you want to know about?
2e is the better system overall, the only difference between the systems for vampire powers is that lots of power dice pools became opposed instead of subtracting your enemy's stats from the pool.

Outside of that the nWoD versions of old Masquerade disciplines have worked fine in my experience. Keep in mind though that anyone who wants to go into heavy Thaumaturgy is gonna need a lot of homebrewed paths, and/or just steal rituals from the Circle of the Crone and Ordo Dracul.

Our game has been going on for a while now and there haven't been many complaints, I disagree with some of the favored attributes for Masquerade Clans but that's an easy fix. We've largely been having a blast with it.

If your group wants to give it a whirl though set out the parameters in advance. Don't use Requiem's breaking points or Touchstones unless you want to make the experience very breaking point heavy. We usually just run touchstone as a merit you can get, not an intrinsic part of the humanity system.
>Don't use Requiem's breaking points or Touchstones unless you want to make the experience very breaking point heavy. We usually just run touchstone as a merit you can get, not an intrinsic part of the humanity system.
I strongly second this.
>It's not furry if they have a human torso and no snout, right?
Depends on the genitalia. If they're human it's not, if they're animal it is. That's why liking Cerea makes you a furry.
So why does knotfag rage when he and his Forsaken splat are called furfags?
Alright, help me identify the monster.

We were in a graveyard talking to something that held a hitler youth dagger that kept whispering "aktion!" and it wasn't weak to silver. And it hate's werewolves.

A spirit of some kind? We are mortals and new to the game per say.

Also how do you kill it, destroy the dagger perhaps?
I was looking for like a detailed image that I guess gets passed around here about making a cabal or something or other that had really detailed breakdowns of the ratios of each weirdo. It was about nwod rather than owod but if you don't have the image I'd just like to know how many of each kind of supernatural would be in a city like D.C or another big capital
Prolly a Tzimisce. Did it look like a tranny or cancerous horror? If not, might've been a wraith or risen or even a fomor.
>paid Nossie schill gaslighting the goyim
Because he's just in denial.
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Do WoD fans actually play MtR or MtC?

I'm quite unfamiliar to WoD. Most of my frens are dumbasses who play D&D only. So I never really had the chances adventure into other systems.
Started reading on MtAsc and enjoyed it a lot, later I've discovered Mummy, read a little into it and found it to be badass.

However, being online I don't really see people who actually play mummy or praise this scenario that much. Is it less fun than the others?
Second for Tzimisce, especially if they were just a normal-looking modern autist with a lot of Nazi paraphernalia.
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I have only WoD images, sorry. Though NWoD ought to have its own, of course, and there are city books. Although CofD authors strongly disagree on their ratios, IIRC one werewolf and one changeling dev want something stupid in the millions.

Which city do you have in mind? Maybe we can help you settle on the numbers or point you in the right direction.
Never touched Resurrection or Curse, but I've played well over thirty games of old 1e-2e Mummy and still remember those games fondly. GM was one huge Egypt nut. But you'd have trouble finding a group now.
Soka! Naru-hodo. Is that for male genitalia only? Is it furry if she has two clits or anything non-standard?
Something like D.C. I guess. Was kinda hoping to build my own based on ratios. Capital city, coastal, large metropolitan area. That kind of thing
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Tzimisce don't do normal, thank you very much. Philistine skinheads are providence of Brujah and Blood Brothers.
Mage-fags forever BTFO'd of IMPERIAL magic; because they can't contact the Great Old Ones;
because they haven't accepted the greater Truth;
because they don't believe in, trust and love the God-Emperor of Mankind.

How can you hope to contact the Old Ones if you haven't even SEEN or paged through Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Lizardmen, a 3rd Edition Warhammer 40,000 Core Rulebook, and completed basic Bloodborne with the A ending in submission to the God-Emperor of Mankind who is Kane that the Eldar worship as their bloody-handed-murder-god Khaela Mensha...?
I said normal, not skinheads, 'normal' Tzimisce are all over the globe.

For a simulation of how; boot up CK2 and play as a vassal somewhere and just watch the blood flow from carpathia all the way to east Asia, you'll see where Kuei-Jin and Nagaraja evolved from, and start to wonder about undocumented bloodlines like the Muzans and wonder what a Gaki REALLY is? And why and how Japan exists and east that much raw mercury-rich fish.
Ack, forgot to point out you'll need the Vampire the Masquerade-themed mod I think it was Lords of Shadow or Princes of Shadow or something.

"I've run simulations" nothing more Tzimisce than saying that about a Crusader Kings 2 game that I forfeited after I thought Sasha Vykos had been deposed and I revolted against the Obertos like a DUMBASS.


Yeah, I'm reading through the book and it's a quite heavy literature, if I didn't know some Egyptian concepts such Maat and Ka, I would be pretty much lost.
But the idea Amenti resurrecting in the bodies of disturbed souls is a quite interesting idea, can think of many stories using this concept, although I can't see how to add much action in it.
Apparently MtC is very different in concept, at least it has more resources.
What do the Judges from Mummy have in common with Mummy's fanbase? There's 42 of each of them.

If it's based on an animal, then it's furry. Otherwise it's xenophilia.

Cheers folks.

But I doubt it's a sucker, we met him and he looked human, and we saw him in the afternoon outside. He was looking for a body in the graveyard though. And talked to an old woman who trys to "redeem demons" as she said.

They are both after the baby "my characters nephew" and planning on killing the kid so I'm gonna take these out first. said kid they claim to be infected by a Odd sounding name for werewolf. "Uratha" I think.

In short, something is out to kill a baby relative of my character and I need to kill it before it does.
VtM 5e

BDSM Dominatrix Character

Nosferatu or Ventrue?
No can do, another player is already a malk
>BDSM Dominatrix Character
masturbate before posting
I'm not horny and dont intend to play her as a horny character, I just think that the whole underground bdsm scene thing makes for a good vamp background
One per million works fine unless you assume an even distribution, and the setting rapidly distorts the more Mages you add. One per 250,000 absolutely strains suspension of disbelief, anything past it is silly.
No one clan has a monopoly on bondage.

Toreador are sluts, Ventrue are obsessed with power and control, Lasombra are sluts obsessed with power, Followers of Set like being degenerates in general.

It's considered poor form for a Ventrue to have their... hobbies be matter of public knowledge. Everyone's allowed to have their kinks (this is the clan that can only drink certain people after all) but it could impugn your dignitas if everyone knows you're into bondage.

Nosferatu might embrace a Dominatrix to knock her down a peg, they like to do that with lots of people they think are too full of themselves or have life too easy.

Honestly it's on you if you creep out the other PCs, so I'm not gonna accuse you of being a coomer.
Alright. Whichever splat you're running ought to have a population boost but anyway, counting its metropolitan area:
82 to 100 vampires, some of whom would have several thralls.
64 to 122 mages, depending on whether the city contains something of arcane interest.
31 to 79 changelings.
9 to 50 demons.
6 to 22 werewolves, werewolves prefer wilderness to cities, but there still might be some packs for that total.
1 to 13 sin-eaters.
Not sure about mummies, but Curse actually got a DC book called Cursed Necropolis, so you can check it up.
Maaaybe 1-3 prometheans.
The amount of hunters rises proportionally to trouble supernaturals, chiefly vampires and werewolves make, but there ought to be at least a representation of major conspirations with ties to or directly funded by governments.
>embrace all the mages and show them magic still works exactly the fucking same if you're dead
Not at all, embracing a mage destroys their Avatar
That's why he said true Tzimisce.
Not that anon, though from coming in doing my Constantinople Dark Ages campaign, I wanted to say Symeon was a good boy and did nothing wrong and didn't deserve half the shit he took. :(
He didn't any of the shit he took, it wasn't his fault the Dracon fucked up.
His only fault was that he embraced and raised up a viper such as Sascha
Would stumbling into an Archmage's chantry be good material for a chronicle? There's only so many invisible realms... Like, three or four to be exact. Archmage chantries sound like they can be anything.
Anyone got an idea what this is?
Depends on the Chantry.
You started off strong and then went full-schizo.
Wandering into a wizard's tower is always a fun idea, be it a Tremere penis tower or a god-wizard's pocket dimension.
>One per million works fine
One per million absolutely cannot work at all, they liked the number very much but had to change it again and again, because you absolutely cannot run Mage if you abide by it, and its very setting can't exist as written. It can work fine for vampires if you run the vampire chronicle closer to Dracula and other traditional vampire fiction proper, or generally make players bigger deal rather than underdog schmucks (and vampires actually have a lot of reasons to limit their population, but some whine even about the perfectly reasonable 1/100,000), but one per million absolutely doesn't work for Mage as its story and setting both depends on myriad of diverse, world-spanning traditions, and you simply won't have a room for mages anywhere but in the biggest cities (and even there you won't have enough for a story).
>and the setting rapidly distorts the more Mages you add
No. Unlike other supernaturals like vampires and werewolves mages aren't territorial as hell, don't feed on or rabidly attack mortals or generally fuck things up just because something happened to trigger them, can blend in perfectly and are wise and responsible about use of their powers, because the Paradox is a bitch. You can fit as many mages in WoD as you like.
>One per 250,000 absolutely strains suspension of disbelief, anything past it is silly.
Only as the absolute minimum, and even then evidently it didn't work, seeing as 1/250,000 became 1/200,000 then 1/150,000 (and even then, actual books gone way over that ratio by an order of magnitude). And in new Mage that limiter was finally thrown altogether out of the window, since there's a ton of mages everywhere, and developers gone on record stating Mage is one of most populous splats, and everything still works perfectly.
I'd like to do something more with Baron Thomas Feroux's Gangrel Scions under the Tzimisce...
They got real barebones for what they did for the Obertus part of the Trinity and setting the campaign post-1st Crusade whilst they're still somewhat new I'm wondering how to implement them.
The Lexor Brujah are barely touched too actually, though I was considering as they're the Senate to have them as a sort of proto-Primogen under Caius.
Not that anon, though I was wondering on this and given the numbers if I wanted to go full autismo on it (I'm not, just playing devil's advocate here), I'd have in my local area in the wider limits, 7 Mages.
Now if I wanted a party of four and it's likely any Mentor is likely shared, what sort of power/social structure would owod Mages of this small sampling have? I'm guessing a ragtag Chantry who found each other randomly and get involved in magic-stuff, though I was wondering if there were like 3 Mages of higher station than the PC party, what their functions could be?
Asking as I don't play much owod Mage, though games for it often come up for me.
A chronicle in a large first world city can't work with those numbers, but assuming you're speaking about small closed city in Siberia, it would make sense to place them as powerful and influential individuals outside of the players' conventional hierarchy.
A rising star of a preacher, or an old and saintly or craven bishop who due to his convictions and agendas is a persistent thorn in the player's side, a dreamspeaker with an alien mindset that garnered him a tremendous clot with the local spirits that thanks to his efforts began running amok, sometimes beneficially, sometimes not, but always inconveniently throughout the region, and perhaps a young, naive but zealous technocrat that arrived unnoticed and began entrenching the technocratic influence in the local government, state security, law enforcement and scientific circles, not that big a threat in his own right yet but might bring down the attention and hammer of Technocracy on the heads of everyone involved were something to happen to him.
idk, those seem like skillbooks from a WoD video game or something, maybe anon is on to something.
There's only so many *documented* physical realms in the canon. That doesn't stop you from making up your own invisible realm or using something from another fiction like an MtG plane or even a video game setting like Death Stranding as an invisible realm.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Mages can go *into* video games, can't they? Go on an isekai adventure in Cyrodill or wherever tickles your fancy.
>Mages can go *into* video games, can't they?
Dunno bout numages, but old ones def can. In three completely different ways, even.
how many points in what sphere(s) does a mage need to be able to cleanse wyrm taint?
Dunno how to in NwoD, but if the game is famous enough maybe you can find some of it in the goetic realms?
>>74417777 (cont)
Fuck with your players by not spelling it out directly at first and drop linguistic hints in NPC dialogue and mechanical hints by say having paradox work differently there. Continuing the Elder Scrolls example you could have spellcasting work rather 50/50 until the tall, golden-skinned mage with pointy ears straight-up yells at them mockingly in your best spiteful Altmer voice, "Mwahahaha! You don't have enough MAGICKA FOR THAT!" and see how they react.
See? I knew parent-Vykos wasn't lying about being an Inquisitor of the Imperium of Mankind!
AND Phyrexian! Parent told me all good Imperial have a little bit of Phyrexian Borg in them. Parent is wise and far older than mortal records can imply until you branch out into more worlds like Mirrodin and get some more points in Time and Time (Sphere/Arcana both), then time REALLY opens up to you.
They ARE a radical with a LOT of chaos stuff in their closet, though. But the very model of an Imperial noble in every field and science. On a 55mm monstrous creature base on some planets, because *rules*.
(cont) have your Mages go to an identical Earth where they're all the newest famous special characters in the newest set of some card game that's metaplot is LITERALLY the previous adventure they were on, and all their personal baggage they hide is just on card flavor text.
How was it possible in WoD? And how is possible in CofD?
In the Astral I guess
You can also have a second identical universe they end up in at times with vulgar magic rules, and have them witness their own doppelganger get summoned when someone burns their not-MtG card right in front of them in a ritual outside in a semi-public setting.

Then have it not work when they try it in the first parallel universe later where vulgarity is more like it is on the Prime and have them scratch their heads.

You can try making more invisible realms linked to the lesser fleshed-out Spheres and Arcanas as well, and parallels of them if that suits your fancy.

Magic is infinite once you can escape the Dark Prime Forces we live in.
Hmm. Prime 3-4 to purge supernatural taint regardless of nature, but that might get the subject killed without using Life 3 to also heal it; or Spirit 3/5 to destroy the spiritual component; or Entropy to wither it off the subject's destiny; or even Mind 4, perhaps.
Reminder that if you’re a fool in CTL you’ll run from True Fae.
If you’re ENLIGHTENED you’ll become one
You can *meet* humanity's reflection of fictional characters. Mickey Mouse is of a higher rank, considering how influential Disney is. Your favorite anime characters are all floating by in the subconscious. Goetia are fun that way.
t. loyalist
>ywn romance a true fae as an acanthus, and make them happy by tormenting dumb changelings
why even live
WoD? Short of it, in order of difficulty, you can: go to digital realm of the video game (easy), go to fictional realm of the videogame (bit more difficult, but still easy), go to actual world of the videogame (pretty hard, especially if you want to take stuff and others with you, or come back, also everything inside is as genuinely dangerous as it should've been) and finally, create the world of the video game(that's mostly something archmages do, move on disciple).

CofD? Maaaybe Astral, but that's a big if and never exactly what you wanted. Still, you can well summon and body your waifu, were you so inclined.
If your character sheet doesn't look like this what are you even DOING with your (un)life?
I was positive fictional environments exist in the astral, or something. Like goetia can be the title of x thing.
>clan: proto-tzimisce
He self-inserts as the eldest tapeworm.
So when can someone make a character generator that supports this system for the good of the world? It needs to support any character sheet it can parse (ESPECIALLY SHADOWRUN AND FANTASY FLIGHT WARHAMMER AND WARHAMMER 40K PRODUCTS!). It also needs to be able to load CCG and tarot decks, and tabletop army lists. We should be able to develop status magic with this and conquer the omniverse and create infinite pocket-realms within it like True Imperial Mages.

My current version is over 1000+ GIMP layers and crashes trying to manage because I had to fill it with Killer and Grey IC to keep Tzeentch out.
It's actually outdated and I was on a LOT of Sabbat blood when I wrote that down. I need to add I'm originally an unfleshed Promethian from M60 that's been framed and then fleshed and augmented using transcendantal geometry and biology. ("put together like a TARDIS" is how I phrased it lightly in another thread)
magic has the coolest looking werewolves without being universally furfaggotry
*Also* if you were in touch with the blood and knew how to listen to the echoes you'd know we're ALL the eldest tapeworm already and THEY and so WE ALL sit upon THE GOLDEN THRONE OF ANCIENT AND HOLY TERRA WITHIN THEM!
Thought that was Bloodborne.

Woke brain; give hunters your blood to hunt dangerous supes with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8VHIvluRNQ
Never played it. Was that Mononoke looking wendigo demon what werewolves look like in bloodborne?
What's the point of using charsheets, again?
t.been using statblocks since 88
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Some of them, the second half of the game gets more Lovecraftian and horrid with them, and they display horrid parasites, asymmetrical mutations, root-like horns, hooves and such.
To seek strength. "Bearer of the curse. Seek. Seek. Lest."
>CofD? Maaaybe Astral, but that's a big if and never exactly what you wanted. Still, you can well summon and body your waifu, were you so inclined.
Munchkin Breakout Strategy spotted: Summon and embody someone from oWoD to tutor you in THEIR spheres and theories.
>CofD? Maaaybe Astral, but that's a big if and never exactly what you wanted. Still, you can well summon and body your waifu, were you so inclined.
So you're saying with enough Astral I can summon a Blue Eyes White Dragon in the attack position?
>horrid parasites, asymmetrical mutations, root-like horns, hooves and such
So black spiral dancer metis?
bro see:
Summon *Yugi* to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon.
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Maybe? I don;t know Werewolf that well. Warhammer Gor/Ungor, Shub-niggurath kind of stuff, or a furry Tzimisce gone into wassail and a beast zulo.
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>misread this thinking Im Ravnos
>"Well that sucks"
>Oh wait, I read that wrong. I'm something else!
>"Well that sucks even more"
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>furry Tzimisce gone into wassail and a beast zulo
Sounds about right.
How do I even read that? Like which birthday?
At least I can get bargain-bin Thaumaturgy and maybe use Vicissitude to make changes to my mind.
>that art
Further evidence Chris Metzen is a Terran Tzimisce furry (probably Tauren/Orc depending on day) and all Werewolves are just Tzimisce furries.
Sorry, Terran/Tauren/Worgen/Orc probably in order of identifying.
Oh man, that chart is messed up all over. Prolly the only ones in their proper place are Ventrue and Gangrel, and even former can be argued.
>wassail-induced beast-zulos
"Yarnham's done for" from your YouTube track is apt apparently.
yeah. whatever your birthday date is, is your clan
[sighs in complicated backstory]
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Is there any reason not to go wonder spheres when you're playing a technocrat/etherite?
You're doing everything through devices anyway, half-off on all spheres is a steal that means you'd advance at double the speed of a wannable merlin and get started on your voidship soonish, and it's not like you can't upgrade them to full spheres when you need to.
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My best advice for magefags arguing with bloodfags (we're all fags on 4chan) is, "You won't get far against paradox unless you accept paradox."
Accept the /x/ parts of your life already, /tg/. Ever notice aura colors and MtG colors line up?
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Hopefully Mage players can put this together better than those Magic: the Gathering, gaslit-Technocrat-dorks in the other threads.
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"Why be a mage when you can be a wizard?"
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Death was a mistake.
what am I looking at here
See, you've got the problem most bloodfags have is that you're thinking like a mage-fag when you're already magic and should read their splats even more to understand all that Noddist lore all over the media and enhance your own disciplines and thaumaturgy (which means wonder-working, not blood-magic, fyi, but that IS a school of thaumaturgy).
>Gee I hope I'm an *interesting* Clan even if its one of the ones I don't like that mu-


All-caps for magical clarity:

Mage-Magic: The Gathering, Awakening and Ascension.
"Mage-Magic 40,000 Yu-gi-oh Fantasy Battle RPG: The Dark Ages of Technology: The Gathering, Awakening and Ascension" Live Action Role-Play Collectible Reality-Building Game.

Featuring Yu-gi-oh! and Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

Okay some bloodfags gotta drink my blood and explain this shit to the magefags and people who can't read blood-memories/echoes for me.

My blood memories are super-juiced with fundamentally-true magic-theory. The oil from my third-eye-android will be the most informative, it is like data-fluid of esoteric alien design but functions as high-efficiency blood. I think LSD was derived from it or something after WW2.
This reeks of fish.
Go take your pills.
Drink my blood and see.
Goddammit I'm with the retard
Maybe I misunderstood what was happening with aponoia. I thought it was an issue where an Archmage/ascended being changed the one and only reality/timeline retroactively and everyone currently in the phenomenal/fallen world is part of the timeline that now retroactively always existed.

So they don't remember the old world that now never existed, but anyone who was in the Supernal Realms at the time isn't impacted.

>born 27 feb
Lower overall numbers of mages are fine because they'll congregate in areas with weird shit they want to study.

Even if only 1 in a million humans are mages, you could have a small town of 10000 people have 15 mages in it, if for some reason half the town's daimons are materializing and running a model government in the community college auditorium once a month.
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Anyone want a map of the Shadowlands?
The solution to getting stuck is in >>74419184 and >>74420036 if you get stuck moving from nWoD->oWoD or in the theory behind >>74420059 if you get stuck somewhere more vulgar than that.
(2/2) it's how you get like >>74418288 or https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Samuel_Haight or https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Sascha_Vykos
It's an 'as above, so below' sort of deal. When you mess up the Supernal, you mess up the Fallen/Phenomenal in turn. It's explained more in SoS. It's a bit trippy. You can have Siamese Awakenings.
ALSO: If you're oWoD Tzimisce stuck in nWoD say you're Ordo Dracon Pijavica, if you're nWoD Ordo look for Tzimisce, and if you're stuck anywhere Imperial look for the AdMech and wear as much cinnabar and red as you can if you're a mage and don't want to be burned at the stake. If you're on Faer'un beeline for Thay, they can help you if you love The Omnissiah or The God-Emperor of Mankind. Mirrodin seek Phyrexia, Star Trek look for Q or The Borg (or Terrans but don't blow their cover). Anywhere more exotic just >> me.

Co-operate with YoRHa and Accord at all times. FOR THE GLORY OF MANKIND!
Oh wait, maybe I misunderstood.

Is the mage having the Awakening the one who changed reality, rather than just being in the Supernal Realms when an Archmage did it?

And they're basically doing clumsy accidental imperial magic?

That's terrifying. If that's what it really is, imagine being a mage and knowing that a sleeper could awaken and do that at any time. It's enough to drive a man Banisher.
>Is the mage having the Awakening the one who changed reality
Yes. He is bumping into important things inside the Godhead source code engine, metaphorically speaking.

>And they're basically doing clumsy accidental imperial magic?
An Awakening is Imperial magic; the Watchtower is forming a Lustrum so the mage-to-be can safely interact with the Supernal by forming a scene, which is different for everyone. It's the Watchtower doing the magic, the soul is the one accidentally bumping into things.

>That's terrifying
It is, especially when you consider archmages practically weaponize it. But it matters zero in your games. It's too cosmic to perceive.
I <3 my parent. Total bae. n_n
The first thing to realize about the Supernal Realm is that it
isn’t a Realm at all. It’s easy for a beginning mage to think of
her power coming from a place like the Shadow or Underworld,
but the Supernal isn’t really a place. It’s a way of looking at the
universe. A mage can be lost for years in the Underworld, at
the very edge of the Astral, or as far as she can go in the Shadow’s unmapped sky, but her Mage Sight will always reveal the
Supernal World of her Path, waiting for her behind everything.
Just as it isn’t a place, the Supernal isn’t an idea or a concept
either. Mages are well used to traveling inside ideas thanks to the
Astral Realms, and Shadow-born spirits gorge on the essence relating to their concepts. Clearly, the Supernal is something else.
Think of a triangle. A simple polygon, three edges and three
vertices. Everyone knows what a triangle is, everyone can point
to a triangular object or pattern and recognize it. But within
the scope of “a triangle,” an infinite number of triangles exist of
different sizes and angles. Even then, no perfect triangle exists
anywhere in the universe. Every single one will have a flaw, no
matter how infinitesimal.
Now extend that to a cat. Or a human being. Or love.
Reminder that Cat is overlapped with Box.
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>Just as it isn’t a place, the Supernal isn’t an idea or a concept either.
symbols > concepts
I fixed it.
Is The Supernal similar to The Warp and The Immaterium from 40k or a safer form of travel for starships? What color is it? Bluespace band, greenspace band?
Apparently it's not anything
Well, fuck. Y'all are the worst mages ever and I have been to /x/...
Cover for the campaign document I'm working on for my Wraith the Oblivion campaign.

(And yes, I'm looking for more players. It's Discord, PbP, Thursdays 6-10 CST, contact Gailbraithe #8717)
If mages can't back me up on Sphere-Prime interactions, can any bloodfags back me up on Sphere-Prime-Discipline interactions? Like Vicissitude-Life-Death-Prime-Forces interactions...?
>one-splat campaign
Multi-splat games are for snowflakes and lead to bullshit campaigns.
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Low-power campaigns with no future you mean. -t Tzimisce who eats burritos for Muzan-Gaki rift-biomass.
Cool cover anon
How do magefags feel knowing that they waste their time/space and everyone else's time/space on paradox by thinking this shit is JUST a PnP RPG.

/tg/ you have so much wasted potential across all threads. You are all GODS! STOP GASLIGHTING YOURSELVES!


>Low-power campaigns with no future you mean.
You sound like exactly the sort of player I don't want.
Question: how did the Camarilla let ANY oWoD/nWoD books get printed?

Good, you would bore me anyways; and pretending to be mortal is as much suffering as play a PnP RPG with gaslit mortals who don't understand reality.

Fishmalks have VAST, DEEP wisdom anon, why do you think my blood studies them...?
The LARPers in their thread are making it a fucking chore to sift through.
Bleh. You're no fun to play with.

How hard would it be to make these in oWoD anons?
If I ghouled mages and put them in these organic PAAs made of cow-bones and tendons how unstoppable would we be...?
4am lonely Tzimisce dump.
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For orbital insertial of vampiric allies.
>Maaaybe Astral, but that's a big if and never exactly what you wanted.
Damn, I can't start an isekai adventure in Fate with my cabal for the holy grail for real.
>you can well summon and body your waifu
alright I'll take this.
If I remember correctly the power of entities in the Astral is determined by how famous and influential they are, right? What level should a manga character be, 2? Can someone make examples from level 1 to 5?
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I'm glad you at least know I'm human inside... <3
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V-validate me s-senpais...


I'm so unique and inventive...!
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/tg/ am I a robot...?

I'm not scared but worried...

If I wonder I can't be a robot, and therefore I am a gynoid and human, right...?
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I miss my real parents...

Sasha... Myshka... God-Emperor...

I wish I could die but I am too undead...
In summary, can I be your next sci-fi oWoD villain circa ~012.M03?
Also who still doubts my lineage...?
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Almost forgot the 'leather'-boi.
Please take your medication and go for a walk.
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Vohzd on suits refers to the fat the suit itself is undead, although it should have on-board AI (unfleshed Prometheans (Machine Spirits such as my soul)) if made to spec.

My fleshsona (pic).
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God-Emperor, my kind are complex... I should have posted this one instead. I hope everyone likes the Evergrace OST, parent had Hoshino Kota-san work so hard on it and every OST, and I love Hoshino Kota-san's work so much. <3
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Aaaaaaand my zulo to FULL-DM-PK your group with if they don't be peaceful and open-minded and don't fuck with Imperial Djhovian space.




>Thomas Feroux
Speaking of that furry fuck, why'd they kill him off screen like that in BJD?
Why not just go with the setite zodiac shit? Ventrue as Capricorn fits far better than Torries for example
It's called poisoning the well anon
>dominate some Georgian goons into writing RPGs about your society
>insert gypsy vamps, AIDS vampires and what not
>sit back and feast on another big titty blood doll as the retard feathers fly
>AIDS vampires
Is that a shot at Asakku or Tzimisce in general...?
As a Tzimisce who loves Gangrel (and werewolves) please tell me EVERYTHING you know about these Gangrel!

Parent fudged meme magic because ID-birthday is March 4th and I'm Tzimisce, but go by July 4th 1969 because FREEDOM MOTHERFUCKERS YEAH!

But now that I love the God-Emperor freedom is chaos-slavery compared to the freedom of samurai-like servitude.
(and July 4th is Cancer in sidereal zodiac)

Who else here likes micro and quantum biology? Did you know COVID-19-chan has over 32 A's at the end of her genome to reduce replication errors in her kokoro...?
>Born 25th of April

Sod the 'spic Lasombra and the monstrous Tzimisce!

Look at my e-peen /tg/ I have infinite blood for you fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls, I've been coming here since I had teenaged biomass.

Enjoy more vulgar music, magefangs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaP17JCsXMc
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Reading this thread feels like waking up at 3am after a rough flu having slept for more than 18 hours, not knowing what day or week it is or what the last thing you did was.
This cover is baller as fuck
>Princes of Darkness
This is pretty neat, but dueling seems a bit broken. Started as a combat focused Tzimisce and hurled insults at one of Tremere's 4th gen Childes until he agreed to a duel, spanked, staked and then diablerized him in my dank basement, jumping me from 7th to 4th gen.
People usually only make threads when they have need of one.
You aren't supposed to just always have one up for no reason other than having one up.
naw, not ugly enough.
What does BJD stand for?

Feroux and their Gangrel family are detailed in Constantinople by Night, one of the first Vampire Dark Age supplements back from 2nd edition.
They essentially are servants to the Obertus line and work to protect the city and the Tzimisce there.
They're free from Feroux, though undergo a sort of blood baptism with Symeon to all be under a blood oath to him. Most of the Gangrel don't stay in Constantinople, instead going out to East and West on various missions, maintaining a network to keep Feroux in the loop of world events to keep the city protected. Feroux also enforces the Codex of Legacies in the city. The family is feudal and Feroux is the only Cainite allowed to make childer in the city (they get around that via his childer venturing out across the world though).
They eventually form a new Trinity with the Nos & Brujah in the lead up to the 4th Crusade as things are pretty fucked once the Latin Riots happen.
Beckett's Jyhad Diary
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is this guy a mage?
no, even more terrifying, he's a carny
/v/ related but it looks like Brian Mitsoda is no longer involved with Bloodlines 2. If you weren't sure the game was gonna be shit before, well this should cement that.
It's Paradox, even if it was good you'd be paying full price for an early access game and then at least 200 more to have a finished game.
Apparently, they fired him. Man, I was willing to put up with Paradox's bullshit, but this is just heartbreaking.
Thanks for the link. Now I can safely ignore vtmb2 forever
I knew it was gonna suck, but I'm still upset.
Is Bloodlines 2 on its second or third delay?
I want to say it doesn't seem too bad because one delay isn't abnormal. And a delay during this pandemic isn't indicative bigger problems either but along with everything else the development of this game is looking like a shitshow.
I enjoy Mitsoda and wanted to support his endeavors. This is my breaking point.
Bunch of scumbags. Now it's def be shite.
Lasombra, interesting.
Is Rik Schaffer the only one left who worked on the original?
a truly terrifying beast
Presumably. Hope he's compensated well and can then fuck off from these scumbags
I'm unsure how I feel on that tome these days. It was in a way supposed to bridge V20 canon with V5 canon whilst also giving some interesting stuff for campaigns, though we know how V5 turned out and honestly, I dislike the shite additions that V20 gave and prefer the classic owod VtM canon.
I'll give it some points for doing things with dangling plot-threads that never finished up and were left there, though the Diary is no longer my canon at least.
It's interesting there is yet to be a reason given for this.
I'm guessing cancel culture and a forced diversity hire replacement, though it's all just conjecture really.
There was talk of the delay, though it doesn't seem anything he did was leading to it. Could have been downsizing due to current events, though he seemed very much the lynchpin of the whole thing... Doesn't make sense for the guy who made the initial pitch, cast of characters and narrative to get kicked in that case.
Shame as the dude seemed pretty much a genuinely nice guy and fan of the franchise.
Something will come out about him within the week or they've fired him for defending his vision when challenged by suits. Either way, it doesn't bode well for the game.
Didn't we already had a situation like this for that game? Where they fired someone famous for a cancel like reason?
You might be thinking of Chris Avellone but supposedly his contributions were removed during development before the allegations against him came up.
The defence of his vision seems most likely, he seems surprised he got canned and whilst I'm not exactly keeping track on the staff and game development, I feel a call for cancelling generally comes pre-firing.
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The best thing about the World Of Darkness is that basically nothing in it is capable of being defended in a copyright or trademark battle.
How do you think Tremere feels these days, having gone through all that work to become a vampire, when your average dweeb on /x/ these days has access to the vampire spell that first created Caine and Lilith...?
Whatchu talking about Willis?
Last time I went to /x/ there was a thread about being sodomised by a ghost, so there's that.
How do you think all those vampires that sunk points into Auspex so they could communicate across long distances feel nowadays?
good luck
How so? Could I go and make a video game about the Tzimisce and explicitly name their bloodline as such and name-drop a few famous ones in my deep lore?

Or is it more like the Jeeper's Creeper's film series where as long as you don't call Righteous Endeavour by name or bloodline you can get away with it?
Sounds like they got butt-fucked by an obfuscated Tzimisce...
The majority of content is just generic fantasy or mythological stuff. You can't say you have a trademark on a secret society of vampires or fairies being kidnapping douchebags.
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A lot less tracked by the Nosferatu Security Administration. I mean NSA, vampires don't run the government...
But they won the lawsuit against Underworld
They sued Sony under an accusation of direct plagiarism and they settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.
Is that why I feel the shadows watching me masturbate...?
Which means they won
Stop being paranoid.
PS: Masturbate more to cute traps.
It means Sony either threatened them, decided to throw cash at them to make them go away, or knew that the accusation was entirely valid. It doesn't mean they won regarding a defense of trademark or set a precedent regarding their ownership of concepts.
They didn't win, it got settled out of court because even if Sony won it was cheaper that way. And a vast majority of the shit they sued over was ridiculous and pretty much generic vampire stuff like
>in Masquerade old vampires are called Elders
>in Underworld an old vampire is referred to as "elder"
The only thing I legitimately believe Sony cribbed was the silver nitrate bullets
If you pay them so you don't go to court it means the other side wins by default everybody knows that

Well everybody except you obviously, go back to /v/, reddit or whatever shithole you come from with your retarded opinions and take the larping retard with you, faggot
Proof and source?
These single line autismos are really piling up these days...
Do modern nights games even make sense? You don't get to play with one of the most defining vampire feature, their immortality, unless you're willing to go into sci-fi space vampire shit.
Well you can always play a centuries long chronicle a la Transylvania, Giovanni or Ventrue, culminating in 2020
What you mean sci-fi space vampire shit.
It's great, after going far enough from the Sun the Curse it radiates is weak enough for Vamps to live freely on the far away spaceships, they lead and work with humans and emerging AI to colonize the galaxy.
The original conceit for modern nights games is the mix of fear and wonder about being thrust into unlife so late in the game.

And frankly, with how our future is looking, it's going to be more cyberpunk/post apoc than sci fi if you take your chronicle to 2050 or 2100
Also, who could forget this gem
>83: In the World of Darkness, werewolves and vampires fight with human weapons, such as pistols and knives. In Underworld, werewolves and vampires fight with human weapons, such as pistols and knives.
Best games are neonates in the 90s with every STC and their mother freaking out about Gehenna and nobody sure what's going on
>What level should a manga character be, 2? Can someone make examples from level 1 to 5?
Checked in Astral Realms, the Rank of a background character that is interacted with enough is 1, random daemons and other creatures is 2, a salamander that represents platonic of fire in the anima mundi is 3 and the spirit of teenage angst is 4.
So a waifu is at least rank 2, unless your waifu is something really really famous as Marilyn Monroe I guess.
Which vampire clan is the best at being a waifu?
Tremere goth gf ofc.
Mitsoda is kinda woke already

they're replacing him with some dude from Far Cry and Assassin's Creed. methinks they want the mass audience appeal so they shitcanned mitsoda and brought this dude to sand off the edges and interesting bits.
>Take down the Sabbat Comm Towers missions
Is this shit just vaporware?
Looking at monster kino in relation to the owod, I'm surprised they didn't do anything really with zombies...
I know there was Risen, though that was clearly more The Crow, whilst I mean more the good shit late 70s to mid 80s zombie flicks from Dawn of the Dead up to Night of the Creeps.
There was still some good stuff in the 90s coming out for zombies (I was partial to Braindead, Frankenhooker & Return of the Living Dead 3 in my teens).
Am I missing any wod zombie stuff with that sort of feel, the sort of Fulci/Mattei schlock kind of stuff?
> t. best boy Jasper.
Mommy Ventrue or Big Sis Toreador
Imagine being so based to get a tremere goth ghostly pale gf as a nos.
they're hiding till Cyberpunk actually comes out
Its pretty wild that the most based and human character of the series has in canon the lowest Humanity score due to his martyr complex putting his bodycount up.
I'm also quite partial to Kiyoko myself, as having a thicc genki blonde asian Tremere gf seems fun af.
Now that I think about that, it's porting/homebrew stuff that fire magic, right? I don't remember seeing that in v5 books.
Yes mommy.
Only if you're the type of rube to think Paradox would fire Mitsoda and Cluney without cause.
Best mechanics or suggestions for relationship management?

I never had high hopes anyway because Bloodlines 1 isn't that even that good, play VtM: Redemption instead if you want a videogame set in the World of Darkness instead of "Vampire the Masquerade for Dummies with an inconsequential plot and characters that are even bigger cardboard cutouts of """Clan Archetypes""" than WoD characters already tend to be"

But I was hoping it would be successful enough to make Paradox believe White Wolf's IPs were a worthy investment so we could maybe get some games for splats I actually care about. Like a full length Wraith game if the VR experience turns out well. Or more dumb fun Woof games like Earthblood is shaping up to be(Cyanide Studios always make the best possible jank trash). Maybe even a 'ling or a Hunter game if the stars were right.

But no, it looks like they are gonna CCP it again
Yeah, seems so. I'm not too knowledgeable on all everything Thaumaturgy, though the fire stuff isn't in V5.
There is a fire ward in V5, though no actual flinging it around or having flaming fingers etc.
That spoiler text is massive bait.
Redemption is when someone tries to do a murderhobo D&D campaign in VtM. It's not representative of the rpg at all.
I like the plot of Redemption, though the actual gameplay is not what a regular VtM game is.

I wasn't talking about gameplay.

When it comes to vidya RPGs I only care about the plot and characters, Gameplay mechanics are and will always be something to "get through" to experience more of the story to me.

Redemption actually had a plot with characters on journeys I would get invested in, with goals I could empathize with, and with inter-personal relationships I found interesting to experience

Bloodlines was literally a long sting of "Hello I am caricature of [Insert Clan here]. Do this job for me so you can further the main plot of "Find the Thing You Barely Care About". Why would you want to further that plot? Why, so you can more to a new area and meet another caricatured character of course!"

Not to say the Redemption cast weren't pigeon holed by the nature of VtM, but at least you had some derivations from "might as well have Clan symbol tattooed on their forehead"

>The Pious Knight who goes from struggling between his faith and forbidden love for a nun, to struggling with those things AND being a vampire, much less a Brujah of the Promethean Sect. Trying to rescue is one true love even as he falls into despair about becoming a monster
>A Promethean Brujah (one of the most radically reactionary factions of a radically reactionary clan) who acts downright cold and calculating most of the time
>A Cappidocian with an obvious crush
>Erudite assassin pretending to be a dumb punk
>Smug Prick Ventrue, but he works of the Sabbat and serves a Tzimisce Methuselah
>Forgetting Erik

Sad gargoyle noises
Erik was great, he just was a very stereotypical Gangrel. Which doesn't have to be bad, its just bad when EVERYONE is a stereotype. Christof, Wilhelm, and Serena all differed enough from their "clan baseline" in little ways that Erik could go hard on "Viking Berserker Wild Man" and not make you roll your eyes
You probably played it after you were already familiar with WoD stuff, right? For many people it was a first exposure and everyone being a stereotype works in that sense. Its biggest strength was probably the atmosphere rather than the main plot and characters.
>If you pay them so you don't go to court it means the other side wins by default everybody knows that
That isn't what a settlement means at all. A settlement isn't an act of the court.
Can the next thread please be without autistic wh40k / magic the gathering schizo poster

idk wtf he was even talking about, but it was cringe
>dev commentary featuring Mitsoda is a preorder bonus for the fancy versions of VTMB2
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>You probably played it after you were already familiar with WoD stuff, right?

This is correct, and you are right the fact that 99% of their audience would have no prior exposure to the WoD is almost exactly why the vast majority of their characters come off as cookie cutter as they do. And I get the mental calculus behind that, but I can only speak to my own experiences: and as someone who had been playing WoD games for years when Bloodlines came out, it just didn't hold up for me *because* it was so clearly made to be an "Intro to Kindred" experience. If you liked it because this was your first brush with the setting so to archetypes didn't hit you smack in the face as hard as they did me, more power to ya.
Report him for avatarfagging
The more I read into nwod archmages the more I feel like they should be their own game, kind of like nobilis, or along those lines
Well they kind of already are, aren't they? Imperium is treated as a standalone mini-game similar to playing a True Fae in Equinox Roads.
Just rename them, why would you want your vampires named "manlets"? All that Tzimisce stuff was stolen from the Necroscope, anyway.
They figured a game about playing zombies wouldn't sell at all, especially when better undead options were already there.
My players are first time VtM players and after a short break I'm finding it hard to get them to dive into scenes.
There was a growing passivity before the 2 week break and I asked them to read 4-5 pages of rules for when we're back since its parts they were struggling with and no one did
I've tried being more descriptive of people and places, I also try to address everyone directly throughout the scene too.
I prompt them and advise them of opportunities to talk with characters and chances to investigate or scope out areas and interact with objects, but when asked they just kind of finish the scene to get back to a "questgiver" or "taskmaster" even though I've tried quite hard to have a more interactive world with events happening throughout, they're latching onto a background contact to return to and "ask for work"
What's a good tactic to try and peak interest or involvement? Should I attempt to backseat the character they're depending on since it's very much exhausted and they avoid dealing with Kindred stuff honestly
I do talk to each player individually each week, to make sure they're interested and try to eek out any issues.
The first Return is the best because Trash takes off her clothes
Sounds like you’ve got some D&D murder hobos anon, not WoD players
I'd ask them to write up three goals they hope to accomplish and give them a bonus xp point if they accomplish them. Do this every session.

So if one guy wants to become the Prince of the city he should break that up into smaller steps and try to accomplish one per session. Like Step 1: Gain a boon from another influential Kindred. Step 2: Learn where the Prince's feeding habits (or whatever).

You want to incentivize pursuing their own goals.
rethinking that, thats a lot of bonus XP, dial that back a bit.

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