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/tg/ - Traditional Games

What is Gloria-Etalia? It is a setting which sprung up into existence when OP gave /tg/ an Empty map and people doodled things onto it. The world of Gloria-Etalia is one in the phase of the post-post-apocalypse where remnants of the once great civilizations remain like wandering cities of mimics or missile silos considered to be pyramids, but most of the ancient technology has decayed beyond recognition and barbarians control the world. Still the world is far from a dead ruin.

> Thread Questions
What was GE like in the past? What other sort of creatures roam these lands? What are the coat of arms for your nations? What is your preferred mount, Wyvern or Landwhale?

> 1d4chan Link
> 1d4chan;cache (1d4chan is ded)

> Thread 1:
> Thread 2:
> Thread 3:
> Thread 4
>Thread 5
> Thread 6
> Thread 7
> Thread 8
Thread 9

> Picture Standardisation
Pick whatever image you want for your nation, use your image editing software of your preference to make it 500x500 (it's much easier to work with squares, trust me)
Then go to lunapic.com, upload the 500x500 image, go to the tab 'art', select the effect 'fairy' and post the result on the thread.

> Pic Related
Ms. Sanukinuiq, Snow Elf Pinup Girl from local drawfag
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Political Map
Damn, Snow Elves must be extremely populous if they all have hips like that.
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Composite image of all for now made local maps. Basically maps made either from the perspective of a specific nation or just emphasizing a local area.
Do they practice the tradition of letting the wife sleep with the traveller to show hospitality?
>completely new map for a completely new setting
>still follows the trope of having a quasi-China in the Far East
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Blank map for if you want to make custom maps
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But Anon, we also have QuasiChina bordering not!Europe. There is 2 of those.

Landwhales of GE
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Westerasi Mercenary. Rolling table
There atre two quasi chinas, separaded by tatars and mongols. Thoight i think Qu-Fi should go in more Vietnam+Korea+Japan way
There are*
Reminds me of Snaiad for some reason
Thought* sorry i should start sleeping like normal person
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Sisilian Citystates - additional notes:


It is often noted that for a nation referred to as the "citystates", Sisilia isn't very urban. Its five small cities barely meet the regional definition of a city, and would generally be considered towns in more developed areas.

Sisilia (the city, not the nation) is technically the capital, but has little else going for it. An ancient, compact city sitting at the intersection of the main trade road, and the Thrax River, Sisilia City has a gloomy reputation thanks to its crowded multi-story townhouses and perpetual dampness from the waterfall located in the middle of the city. The Count (locally known as the Marlkont) lives in a converted cathedral-monastery that looms over the city thanks to its large size and location on the edge of the escarpment dividing uptown from lowtown.

Farbank is the newest of the cities and is considered the main port. Built around a natural harbor where the Thrax River meets the ocean, Farbank is a lively if a bit ramshackle city of docks, warehouses, and densely packed wood townhouses. It is known for its (relative) wealth and multiculturalism, including a surprising number of elves from the Westrasi Sea area.

Mirhaus is a partially ruined city located in a swampy river delta in the southern part of the territory. Once a major port city, changing tides clogged the bay with silt, creating a maze of sandbars and marshes around (and through) the city and blocking the main harbor. Although fishing vessels still use the docks, cargo vessels rarely visit since goods now have to be onerously transported into the city via shallow bottomed barge. Despite the decaying mess of abandoned buildings in the outer districts, fisherfolk and craftsmen still live in parts of the city, as well as a decent number of merchants selling goods to southern Sisilia.
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Geography (continued):

Wyvernroost is an old fortress located in the northeastern corner of Sisilia, on top of a large outcrop in the foothills of the Lazari Mountains. Although lightly populated even by Sisilian standards, and geographically isolated from farms, ports, and major roads, the city enjoys great wealth thanks to several gold, silver, and iron mines in the area. Processed goods are painstakingly barged and portaged down the Thrax River to Sisilia City and Farbank, through dense forest said to hold bandits and worse.

Cattericup is a mid-sized town deep in the forests of central Sisilia. Quaint and comfy, it does little international trade and is instead mostly famous for its skilled craftsmen and small university

Recent Events:

The Marlkont of Sicilia City is Ezbellia Spikre, a powerful magic user of some 70 years of age, though she only appears about half of this. She has ruled her county for 23 years and is known for strict but reliable leadership. She has a fondness for both intrigue and vigilantism, and a steady stream of disappearances among the foreign agent, evil cultist, and bandit communities has been attributed to her.

The Count of Farbank is Hasser Gnoss. A charismatic man in his late fifties, he has been ruler of his county for several years, but is more famous for his time spent as the Ambassador of the Sisilian Citystates, when he was known as the "Prince of Sin" for his rumored fondness for nuns and married women, and his pagan faith. Farbank has continued to grow rapidly under his leadership, and aside from trade deals and politics, his main concerns are pirates, merfolk, and worse raiding his city's ships, as well as frequent brawls between the soldiers of rival trading companies in the docks and warehouses districts.
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The Countess of Mirhaus is Eviane Greye. A diffident woman in her thirties, she holds her recently acquired position since no one else in her clan has the patience for ceremony. Mirhaus hit rock bottom several decades ago, and appears to be on the mend, though the empty neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city attract drifters, criminals, vermin, and minor fey creatures.

The Marlkont of Wyvernroost is Kassen Bront. A tall, muscular man in his sixties with a massive mustache, Bront has become extremely wealthy thanks to a recent string of gold rushes near his city. His main concern now are the constant disappearances in his county, some of which are due to bandits, but others are likely due to rogue fey.

The Count of Cattericup is Josep Josepher. A perpetually bored looking man in his early forties, Josep holds the positions of both Count and Head Scholar at the University, since all the senior members of his clan have resigned to work on pet projects or travel the world. Josep's recent decision to marry an elf was the most interesting thing to happen in the town since a Lahailan heiress got turned into stone while attending the university thanks to a short-sighted deal with a hag, nearly two decades ago.
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Someone made a local map for the Chiefdom of Uraka
Continuation of creation of Lichlords.
If you want create one on your own just pick their sphere of influence, and describe their lore in few (or more - no one stops you) sentences.
If You want to join, but can't find lore about necroswampers its all here.
Ofcourse its all general, and there can be exceptions from norm
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Hello Flag Anon, can you use this one for Merchant Empire?
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Will do!
>prefered mount
Snow elves
Working on a new Wiki
It's an actual real life custom practiced by certain Northern tribes, anon
there are also people in real life who enjoy watching their wives being fucked by black guys. I mean, very likely in sheer numbers they outweigh the northern tribes entire population...Yet I don't think that should be a setting element.
One is a degenerate fetish made up by a decadent bourgeoisie, while the other is a traditional custom rooted in the specifics of the tundra nomadic lifestyle
I think he just means that, the Nearby Trolls of Skrugs Kingdom are happy.
And yet, in case of worldbuilding both of them are magical realms
This must not be allowed to happen. Abomination. (I think I've seen this hentai)
Anon, OP pic is literally a cheesecake picture. Ironically, the wife-sharing concept is much more grounded in real life, than a Northern tribeswoman wearing a modern type bikini
> Implying that snow elves feel cold
Only if it's a setting that is mostly non-sexual in theme. Which, judging by the OP post, it isn't
why is every setting based on fucking Europa? Can't you stupid autists create anything original?
I was talking more about the style of her bikini actually
Why don't you?
The rest of the world is just inferior.
I mean those are just memes, the setting itself is mostly goofy-grimdark.

That's like saying that because there is fanart of sexy SoB 40k is a a smut setting.

It's not, there is regions corresponding to various cultures, the not!Europe part makes up like what 1/7th of the map?
A young halfling traveler from Lemba is travelling through Sanukinuiq and has to spend the night in the home of a motherly Snow Elf matron
Fair enough, but then again, who's to say that our posts about the Snow Elves' wife-swapping were serious attempts at worldbuilding?
You know, not everything has to be puritan in nature or extremly sexualized. Its literaly one picture of cute elf, nothing wrong with that.
First of all europe says nothing, because european cultures are too diverse.
Secondly most of the world is not based on anything european, or just not based on history in general.
Thirdly only autists want everything to be orginal.
> based of Europa
The Op is literally an Inuit Elf. He nation borders a nation of Trolls and a nation of Sumer who sealed their nation in a glacier.

South of her nation is an asiatic interpretation of Russia bordering not!Mongholia which borders Inca-Technobarbarians which border Azteks with Mecha, Tatars, China and a hole full of amusement parks.

The Treat Empire is all basically Native Americans. The Storm Islands and Black Sand Islands are ethnically black. Ram's Head is mostly indian.

Funnily Enough Midland is also a form of not!Europe. But that is because the setting goes with a theme of 2's. 2 alien Gods. 2 Chinas, 2 Mongholias, 2 Europas etc.
I thought that was trolling too. ngl

Originality emerges from unique interactions of generic ideas.
>extremely sexualized
It was literally just a joke based on similar cultures' real life customs
Chill out anon (pun intended)
Yeah, i might have not voiced that in best way, but thats the general idea.
But when it comes to people that call everything that is based on something else "unorginal" i just start fuming at their ignorance when it comes to culture.
I miss the era of Cultist-chan when /tg/ would either ignore jokey sexual "lore" or play along
What happened to you /tg/?
I wonder how you say "Ara ara~" in Snow Elf?
Whole world changed and got polarized.
There is no coming back now.
Also people are just generally anoyed by coomerposter.
I think anon is right, the world did got polarized. But the sheer number of horny posters everywhere also made people a little less tolerant of the occasional sexual joke. It's kinda like having that cool friend who occasionally does a racy comment and everything is fine. Then you go to work in a place full of horny 14 years old who are giggling about penis and pussies all day long, and suddenly your friend occasional jokes just ring wrong and you can't help but roll your eye. Except now you can't tell what is your friend and what is a 14 year old cause anon.
I honestly haven't seen any difference in the amount of cheesecake or horny posts on /tg/ lately than there were 10 years ago. If anything, back then there were more of those
I've been coming here since 2005 and I can assure you coomers are a very real thing, you might just not notice it cause the increase was gradual.

Considering 1d4chan is RIP I am setting up a new Wiki.

It'll take me a few hours to copy over whatever I can from the cache, but I'll link it for now.

There were literally ELF SLAVE WAT DO threads back then, and lots of borderline furry cutebold and goblin threads. Nowadays it's the occasional cheesecake thread, or a random horny post.
And no, there was no gradual increase for me because I stopped going on /tg/ for about half a decade, and only started visiting it again recently
Not to count the coom interference in other threads, these are the currently 'coom' threads on the board. Considering the easily 1/3rd, maybe half of /tg/ is generals, this amount of purely coom threads is a big chunk of boardspace.
>coomers are a very real thing
Only if you hate anything sexual, then anything sexual becomes "le coomers" for you
Doing god's work anon.
Which is pretty much how I remember /tg/ always being. The only exception is the fucking furry (which would've been instabanned back then). And the last thread is just a normal genderbending concept thread. /tg/ used to be paired with /d/ for a reason

If anything, the major difference I've seen is the sheer amount of politics (and /pol/itics) which is annoying
Since I don't like leaving things undefined and in broader categories, no, I do not hate 'anything sexual'. let me show you what I consider the perfect example of 'coomer' behavior:

Thread asks how you like your golems:

Or this on a thread about historical kitchen sink

I am very comfortable with sex and I am in no ways a prude, but I find this type of thing very obnoxious. It's not funny cause it's very obviously coming (I didn't even read the golem thread, I just knew i'd find a comment like that there. I was right) and it's often really just someone wanting to let everyone else know they are horny.
>tldr tired of coomers
8 out of 152 threads
If anything, that's a downgrade for how it used to be
Guys, please, there is no need to swamp this thread with needles discusion on state of the board.
There are better threads to do so, and if they are not good enought for You just start a new one.
fair. Dropping the subject and apologizing for ther anons, it was poor form to take the thread space with my anti-coomer venting.
>inb4 we split the board for this yet again
If quests stayed here, half of those would be quests. Which means coomerposting would have been halved.

But enough talk! What are the martial arts of Gloria-Etalia?!
The golem one is just a joke about fucking the unfuckable, like bards or monstergirls
The second one is cringy tho
One person occasionally producing art of big titty snow elves doesn't poison the well. You're welcome to debate the nature of posting smut if you like but in this case, it's literally just a couple of light-hearted images.
If any thread started with a cheesecake image is a "coomer" thread, then this thread is a "coomer" thread as well
Euraxians have a specific martial art taught to knights to fight in armor. It has no name though, as locally they just call it 'fighting'. But it has all the trappings of a formalized fighting style, including named stances.

Euraxian Armored Fighting focus on using warhammers and polearms to perform take downs of other armored foes, and using two handed swords to fighting lighter armored foes. Euraxian armored fighting also puts a lot of emphasis on CQC, grabbing, grapple and ground fighting in armor. it's expected that, if not overwhelmed, if fighting 1v1, even a knight on the floor on his back should be able to defeat a standing foe with a dagger. Many peasants in levies have died because they saw a fallen knight, thought them an easy prey and went in to finish them with a dagger, only to have them wrestled away from them and stabbed with their own weapon. Of course, there's no miracles and if the knight is injured or if the attackers are many, there isn't much a knight can do to prevent himself from being stabbed to death.

Euraxian give their stances animal names, Lion being a mid guard stance, Boar being a polearm stance, etc. The grappling stance for a disarmed knight is called 'bear'.

>>74422786 is actually a decent thread with people legitimately posting campaign stories
>If any thread started with a cheesecake image is a "coomer" thread, then this thread is a "coomer" thread as well

meanwhile in the witch thread:
Im not knowledgeable enought about irl martial arts to make something up, but id love to see what other anons create.
There was talk of the Celestial Empire having some Wuxia, but I think that was dropped in favour of raw numbers and wealth. I don't think martial arts are a major thing in the setting.

Maybe we could do some Wuxia stuff with Qi-Fu?

Stop shitting up the thread you niggers
The furry pic thread, despite the atrocious OP image, is not a fetish thread, it's a pretty chill discussion on whether people would allow open furries at their table and why
>What are the martial arts of Gloria-Etalia?!
You mean marital arts?
If Martial arts are domain of Qi-Fu then i'd assume steppe people, and their (once) colony on rams head also adopted it. And from them it could go throught Radmir to Beanfarmers and Marshes.
Maybe there are martial arts schools created specificaly to combat undead, that would be less efective against mortal opponents?
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Do you need more artists\art to your setting?
Celestial Empire has a lot of martial arts. The real ones that actually can be used in combat are taught in the Celestial Fighting Academies, since soldiers come from a warrior caste and Celestials have a standing army, every soldier goes through a fighting academy. They teach mostly marching drills, how to read flag signals from the commanding officers, and very basic survival stuff like navigation and so, to allow scattered troops to find their way back. But aside from that, the 2 year training also includes usages of the long spear and the straight sword, the Celestial infantrymen main weapon. Those from rich families in the warrior caste learn horseback riding and fighting with the sword and the spear as well as how to use the celestial naginata.

Temples dedicated to the patron god of the warriors teach fancier fighting techniques which are good for duelling but not super effective in pitched battles. These warrior monks are still often skilled fighters though.

The Crane School teaches how to fighting with naginata
The Boar school teaches how to fight with the celestial square axe
The Tiger school teaches how to fight with the sword
The hawk school teaches how to fight with the butterfly knives
And the Wasp School is for archers. Teaches firing the bow but also techniques to 'survive' in melee and try to get out.
We do sir. That's a very neat art and I like it a lot. Congratulations on your drawing skills which I am sure were hard earned through years of practice. I admire the followthrough you artists have to achieve your leve of greatness. So it is we all do respect I say that I admire your drawing but we have enough snow elves, art of literally anything other than a snow elf girl would be greatly appreciated.
Artists are always welcome
>literally anything other than a snow elf girl would be greatly appreciated
Name it then
Yes please draw moar
Disregard >>74443226 , more snow elves are always appreciated
Maybe some fantastical animals like >>74441403 ?
There are few already described but not drawn like Windjelly:

Human-sized aerial jellyfish that use the strong winds of Windhell Valley to move around and feed. These jellies are a primary source of food for the locals. Windjellies come in a variety of sizes and range from white to light blues, purples, or grays in coloration.
Of course we do. Drawfags are always welcome.
If you are looking for inspiration on what to draw the 1d4chan;cache is linked and so are the old threads.

Also damn, I was about to say that we should stop putting snow Elves in the OP because it attracts tards, but this one is sure as hell worthy of being the next OP.
>A knight from any westrasi nation
>Urakese warrior women
>Orde horse archer
>Ruskata Ice Witch
>Ruskata Baba-Ostrog
>Halfling and giant doing something together

Those are just a few handful ideas. Particulary what I'd really like to see is like, two people of different nations interacting, like a Celestial Suoxi and a Ecinevan merchant talking in Glass Island, or an Euraxian knight explaining battle tactics to a giant mercenary. Or Ruskatan Ice witch receiving a Skrug troll or dwarf emissar.
Skrug in chariot pulled by four groundwhales
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Baba-ostrogs are a military unit used by Ruskata. These fortified wooden towers are animated by their magic to walk and function as a large sized war-wagon, often with archers on top.
Fucking "Fandom" wiki it deletes everything if I try to edit it ;.;
Oh fug yes
Sounds like that Netch from Morrowind
Halfling not-Marco Polo entering the Celestial empire
For now I managed to add Westerasi Geopolitics, Religion, Races etc.

There is no pictures as I am retrieving shit from cache. Please post new lore here and help transfer lore from 1d4chan

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Good job anon
It would be great to play a game in this setting. I offer myself as a player if someone else is up to it.
Maybe more like a jelly windsock, but I'll leave the specifics to the artists tackling it.
That being said, I might draw up some Morluxian armor that's inspired by the Stone Giants.
The issue is, which part of the setting? It's literally an entire world and unless you're wanderers who never spend more than a session or two in a single region, you'll never see more than a fifth of the setting in a single campaign.
that's up to the would be DM
Im fine seeing just a tiny bit. It can also be useful for some practical world-building. Imagine a scientist company trying to reach treant lands, a snow elven clan on a dangerous hunting trip, a merchant ship ready to stablish a new colony in the last frontier. I dont know, i would like to give it a shot!
I wanted to make a GURPS Gloria-Etalia book, and I know gurps gets a lot of flak here but it's actually a good fit for this setting. Given how kitchen sink it is.
Yeah, i too would like to try it, but there would be some problems that would have to be answered:
What system?
How would session even take place?
Who to DM?

But beyond that i'd give it a try, even thought im ESL.
Hey set it up, im willing to give it a try. Played gurps once like 6 years ago, i dont remember anything
Ah, it's you! Hope you do it.
The Uroxian Federation is home to a peculiar form of wrestling known as Orthopale. Originally devised by the Euhaematicians of Caedox as a method of testing and comparing the strength of adolescents, it has transformed into a popular spectator sport in the country.

During a match of Orthopale, two competitors must wrestle with each other in a square arena. A competitor has two methods of scoring points. First, he may force his opponent's back or either of his opponent's shoulders to touch the ground. Second, he may force his opponent to make contact with the ground outside of the arena. The victor of the match is the first competitor to score four points. However, the wrestlers are limited by a list of rules, the most important of which is the exclusion of the legs. The legs must not be used offensively or defensively, and targeting the legs is prohibited. For this reason, throws are the dominant technique of Orthopale.

The most common competitors in Orthopale are young men from the exemplary families, the federation's aristocracy. Eager to earn fame and prove the strength of their blood, every year they gather to compete in the Alithiox, a tournament held during the summer equinox in the northernmost duchy of Urox.

The greatest peculiarity of Orthopale is the nudity involved, as the competitors must wrestle each other naked. The other countries of the Westrasi Sea consider this barbaric, as the Church of the Divine Duality takes a dim view of nudity and considers it uncivilised. Though Orthopale has been gaining some traction in the Saramese Kingdom, most of the Westrasi region still scoffs at the sport, declaring it little more than “naked men throwing each other around.”
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I need to go now. I spent over 4h doing the Wiki-Transfer and got to:
> Geopolitics
>Ram's Head

So about 3/4ths of the way. Please feel free to rewrite and continue setting the wiki up. If we get the wiki working we can update shit from thread 9 and this one. I honestly fear that if we don't get a wiki going the project will die as 1d4chan seems now where near returning. (and even if it does were are not contained to one page then)

Doing gods work anon!
I tried to upload the crests of the nations we have in this and the former thread but I was too dumb to figure how to upload images to this new wiki
There is tutorials. I dunno. How to put up images yet either but there is "Fandom University" which explains everything.
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I like how instead of 1 realm that's a clear successor to the Verani Empire, like In Real life with have Eastern Roman Empire and Rome, or no clear successor estate, there's a number of at least 5 countries who claim to be some sort of continuity of the old empire. And since Verani has roman aesthetics, I was thinking maybe the renaissance/medieval look of a roman soldier could be like pic related.
I hope people transfer stuff, then. Will do.
It's neat.
We need a better intro page that has hyperlinks to the actual articles
>pullo model
Doing god's work, anons.

Good thing I know a couple things about building a wiki.

>we should stop putting snow Elves in the OP because it attracts tards
My thoughts exactly after reading a third of this thread. Bringing elf tits was both a blessing and a horrible curse

maybe, maybe not
Pro to sexy elf as the thread pic: we get a bunch of new anons in here. Con: they complain that the map is stupid and whether or not to fuck the elf.

>What is your preferred mount?
Landwhales are steadfast and hardy creatures. I Wyvern has the temperament of a bird and will drop an untrained rider to their death.

Depends on your GM

YES YES YES YES. Anon you are the best! I'll go through the old threads making sure everything is up. After learning how to edit this site, which I hear is fun.

That is a great drawing anon, thanks! Agree with >>74443329, this would be wonderful for the OP pic but I think people would be getting the wrong idea. It needs to go on the wiki though as it is OC art. Maybe put it in the first posts of the next thread? IDK. Was not really a fan of the 50ish comments on wether or not to fuck the elf.

I have actually ran a one shot of the marshes (and might run another this sunday in a westrasi nation), and find that each section of the map is a almost a different genre and playstyle. The way I see it you should pick an area that they would like to play, but make your players aware that the is a completely different world across that mountain pass. Giving them little plot hooks to interest them and whatnot. This is what I like so much about the setting: you have an entire map of completely different places to explore. It gives the players a lot of agency in what they want to do.
>(and might run another this sunday in a westrasi nation)
Which one are you thinking about using?
Also, the wiki compesses the images to 10migs and they look like shit. I'm going to make a mega to place all the images in for high quality storage later. By later I mean it's on a long to do list. But I'll get there eventually, right after the wiki is set up properly.

...why did 1d4 have to go down? It was so much easier to use.
Honestly, as a former wikifag, fandom wikis used to be a lot easier to work with a couple months ago. I don't know when it became like this and why it's now all janky and rigid.

I've never been this annoyed with a wiki before.
Coomer pics attract coomers who ruin everything, what did you expect
literally nothing is ruined
>Considering 1d4chan is RIP I am setting up a new Wiki.

What happened to 1d4chan?!?
it is RIP
Its dead
Yeah it was. Fuck...

I mean one of you can buy a server to run a wiki with the same specifications as 4chan on.

Because fandom is the only truly free wikifarm
But there are good coomer-drawfags who would do neat OC
I mean... At least we don't have to host everything on one page? But yeah 1d4chan is much better...
Oof, it's my first time working with a wiki other than 1d4chan.
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Returning to drawing non-coomer OC with some more wyverns
Great, I hope you never draw women again
One on the right is looking cute
Perhaps you could draw a Sarcatian Wyvern knight?
Considering that it died similarly early this year, perhaps the servers they migrated to isn't that good.
looking really good anon!
Naga are a serpentine race ative to the Nanj peninsula. With the build of large snakes, they’re colors range from green to gold to black and they are known for growing multiple heads.

Naga are naturally skilled in magic use and built up several petty Naja kingdoms in the peninsula over time. Early Naga cultures ranged as far north as the Kanna knot. The Knot itself was the site of first contact between Naga and other species. While Naga mouths cannot verbalize most other languages, their large size, intimidating features and mystical abilities led them to be seen as divine by several humans of the ancient Kif migrations. Said Humans would be integrated into the Nanj peninsula and built the Kingdom of Ivory as a state in service to them. The Naga exist as a sort of “state within the state” they are given tribute and support by the humans within the Kingdom that still worship them, and at times give followers magical boons in exchange but most of the time they keep to themselves. Naga magic and chemical knowledge was what let the early Soux immigrants to the peninsula's first domestication of Elephants, which have since become linchpins of Ivory culture.

Female Naga found the most attractive will assemble a cadre of male mates around themslevs. They often compete for the chance to breed in “Brood-Pits” while any given female may have up to dozens of male hangers on, she often will only allow a choice few the right to mate with her.
Naga have a deep seated resentment of Oni, dating back to a legendary conflict on the Kanna Knot between Oni and Nagas that led to the original split in the Kif Tribes of the Great Migration. The exact nature of this conflict has been interpreted in different ways across the Sou-Xi, Naga Worshiper and Oni religious traditions.

Naga Scales are embedded with magic that lets there large bodies stand upright, so they are often sold to humans in exchange for free labor and physical service, these in turn are trafficked from the Ivory Kingdom into the wider continent for the profits of the Kingdom’s elite.

Naga are sensitive to moisture and rain and ten to live in underground caverns supported by human labor. Step wells hold water for these plantain underground systems. Birds are seen as a delicacy amongst Nagas and Hellchicken and other jungle fowl are often bred by human servants for this purpose.

Hydras, a non-sentient related species were domesticated by Hydra for large scale manually labor. They have been mostly phased out in support of Human servants in modern times.
The current Naga queen is Mucalinda, a 450 year old “Nagaraja” that is worshipped as the god of the naga curls. Currently five headed, ti is said when she grows her sixth a new age of apocalypse will come to the world an the Naga gods will rule all.

Most Naga ont leave the KIngdom, as even the lowest among their culture and find a cadre of humans to serve there very whim and wish.

Currently the Naga religions is losing members and influence in the Kingdom as foriegn cultures continue to mix and gain influence, leading some Naga to which to push there influence of hte humans of the kingdom even further.
IDK yet. They want a classic fanstasy feel after the darkness of the mindlands. Any suggestions?

Nice anon! They look like dragon mashups and that is a very good thing in my book.

Interesing read, thanks! Also, try to put it on the wiki as we do have a working one again, no matter how weird it is to edit.
I'd say Eastern Westrasi or around the Sea. If they are fans of the feudal feeling common to a lot of fantasy, the Commonwealth is dominated by feudal lords. They might also like Euraxia, which, if I remember correctly, is dominated by chivalrous knights. Of course, it's all about what you think that everyone would enjoy the most.
Avoid the Wyrd and Goldland, they are not very classic fantasy. Remember the Church if Gloria-Etalia worships progress so it's not the classical rip-off of the Catholic Church fantasy likes to use.
Chill, some pin up didn't hurt nobody.

Remember to contribute to new wiki Bros.
New wiki is pain in the ass. 1d4chan cant get ressurected soon enought
Yeah... the problem is on 1d4chan we got only one page. We can't stay there forever.

I wish we just had a server to host a proper wiki :/
I got a concept in mind, but I would like to express my idea before delving too deep into it.

For #2 the ruler of this part of land would be a Dracolich. What is different about him is that he is not bound by the same rules as other liches since he was first raised as a mount long, long ago (perhaps by members of the original 10). After generations of masters have passed, he eventually gained his freedom, and began consuming the souls of liches and other necromancers to acquire power. Unfortunately for the beast, consuming souls takes a toll on its mind, driving it insane.
A neat idea for the setting's 3rd Dragon.
Thats interisting idea, but i think its something that fits more whole necroswampers teritory, than one of lich sphere of influence.
Like the difference betwen upstart lich, and lich lord that can survive centuries is ability to face this Dracolich in battle and survive.
is that lich lord can survive*
Also i think it would fit better as just apex-predator for the area, because i think smaler thinks like this glue setting together.
Not everything has to be tied to settings politics
Wait a moment, i think i recognize your artstyle
BTW for anyone looking to re-add lost lore when the wiki went down, thread #8 - we're making a CYOA is were you should look for missing lore. I uploaded the magic system, but there is plenty left in there and in thread 9 as well.
the bard tried to fuck the AKHLUT in her AKHLIT
I don't know, I'd divide the Westrasi Sea into like, four different groups. But this is just my interpretation.

>We are the rightful heirs to the Verani Empire! Bring on the renaissance!
Principality of Suezi
Veranese Cities
Vashian Republic
>We admire the fallen empire that came before us and we respect its achievements.
Saramese Kingdom
>The ancient empire is irrelevant. It's pointless to reminisce about the good old days.
Chiefdom of Uraka
Chiefdom of Voroi
Wyrd Tribelands
Yoroslovan Kingdom
Yoroi Tribelands
Farisian Republic
Leixi-Airoxian Commonwealth
Euraxian Kingdom
>It is good that the Verani Empire fell and if we have any say about it, it will remain dead and buried.
Araxian Kingdom
Uroxian Federation

Though again, that's just my interpretation.
The OG lore has not even been fully transfered yet... I miss the 1d4chan format...

But how they say in Poland: if there ain't fish, crab is fish

I'll try to add the remaining 1/4th lore and then go through thread 8/9/10

What things haven't been transferred yet? I'd work to add more things onto the wiki, but I just don't have the time to check every single page and see if it's missing any lore.
I stopped before Geopolitics Ram's Head. Everything beforehand was added.

So Ram's Head and everything after needs adding.
I know for sure that Urakese lore from past thread hasn't been transferred, I believe there was expansion on the Commonwealth lore too on the same thread. All nations, at that point, had received some lore so, any nation that is not present is missing.
Betranox is so sad at been excluded from the list. Although likely they fall on the 'The Empire is Irrelevant' group not for disdain of the empire but because they are really preocuppied with a Saramese invasion.
I want to do a regional map of the Westrasi Sea, but I only created a handful of the nations there, and don't want to assume city placement and naming scheme for the others. What do?
Westrasi Sea campaign is a very easy sell. It's relatively low magic and a lot of the cultures around it are easy to relate to medieval Europe, however there's enough exotic ones to attract attention. Furthermore there's sufficient tension between nations to make interesting plots.

Particulary I feel that Free City of Betranox is a good start for a 'sandboxy' campaign in the Westrasi sea. Run a couple urban adventures until players either become crew or owners of a tiny ship, then they can sail anywhere they want, do missions and when shit goes down, sail back to the city to flee authorities. It's kinda like pirate campaign, but cogs instead of galleons, and no cannons.
Go for it anyway. No one really owns a country they created. Its community project
Giant balistas and catapults instead of canons?
As the creator of the Uroxian Federation, the Farisian Republic and Voroi, I can give you more depth regarding those countries.
But like >>74452270, I say go for it. If you're worried about naming schemes, just read the lore of the country, decide which real life nation it's most connected to and use naming schemes from that nation.
Out of this list i think this armor would fit best suezi. They were described using state mandated plate armors, and they go hard larping as literaly the lost empire, and i think this would better than what anon that created suezi proposed - modern legionares having modern set of armor they use in combat, and old school legionary armor as ceremonial armor.
>cogs instead of galleons
Call me crazy, but I imagined the Westrasi Sea full of galleys, not open-ocean sailing ships.
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For naval combat in the Westrasi Sea, I'd look to the Battle of Lepanto for inspiration. Though the boats were still oar-driven, they were quite sophisticated and while cannons were used in the battle, it doesn't take much to imagine what naval warfare would be like without it. Most battles would involve pelting enemy vessels with missile fire for anti-personnel purposes and then boarding them, after sufficient pelting. 'Spurs' might also be mounted at the front of ships for the purpose of destroying an enemy ship's oars, as was the case with the Byzantine dromon. I don't imagine any of your typical land-based siege engines being used, as they lack accuracy when it comes to hitting moving targets and being positioned on moving platforms. The only exception to this is probably ballista, which would mostly just be used for anti-personnel purposes and the deployment of incendiary weapons like Greek fire.
Thank you, I appreciate it

If we want to push the Apex Predator, unless LichLords are extremely powerful, it would mean that they escaped the Dracolich right? I do agree it should be something covering the whole territory rahter than a small part of the land.

Should I attribute to it the rumored name of Ghostflame? Also do dragons breath fire in this setting? It hasn't been made clear I think...

Fyrrnallam, the Infernal Omen.
This was the name of the powerful beast that has ravaged the land millenias ago. It fell during one of its heat, inside what is now known as the Necroswampers, at the frontier between the land and The Marshes of Drache. While it lived, this monster could darken the very sky leaving only desolation and burning ruins wherever it went.

After centuries of eternal rest, ambitious beings brought back the dragon from the cold grasp of death and to a new unlife. It is said that three of the original 10 Liches united their power to awaken this monster. While not much has been recorded from this time, the first three masters then made way for a new one, who then was overthrown by another... for each necromancer that owned Fyrrnallam who perished, the dragon gained more and more sentience... and freedom. Its last rider was Hal-Hazir, a nomad from the desert and possibly last? Necrolord.

When the Infernal Omen broke free of its chains, he not only devoured the corpse of Hal-Hazir but also his phylactery and rallied under its wings the army of the now vanquished Necrolord.
Galleys are manpower intensive. 5 people can crew a cog, but you can crew a galley with less than 50. I figure cogs do a lot of the trading and galleys are perhaps for warfare use. Galleys definitely better for a closed sea as you don't rely on wind and if the distances are short enough, might be able to not have to dedicate a lot of cargo space to feed the oarsmen.

I think different nations would prefer cogs or galleys depending on: Their overall density of population, how much slavery they have going on, how much they are dedicated to trade through sea.
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This is a work in progress, there's a lot of empty space to fill, but it shows the type of map I want to make. Something a DM can legit use to plan a Westrasi Sea campaign. I would appreciate if any anon could help me set up a scale for this, though. How long/large is the sea?
It's easy for PCs to manage a cog than a galley, though.
Great piece of lore. I'd say that Hal-Hazir wasn't the last Necrolord, but he probably was most infamous one, and menaged to pillage his way to heart of treant empire, or something like this. Ones that came after him were also a threat, but not as big one.
Maybe there is even a legend between necromancer cults, that if lich lord were to dominate or kill Fyrrnallam they would become greatest Necrolord to ever be.
On the matter of flame i think that even if they don't, Dracolich would just use magic flame breath.
And when talking about lich lords, i was thinking more in terms, it was a draw, with dragon just deciding its not worth risking continued fight, just in case scales tip in enemy favour. To best such creature like Fyrrnallam would be an task next to impossible.
Sea was described to be size of italy in early threads, so its probably around 300.000 kilometers^2.
Also small note - Suezi should be more to the inside of land, or just middle of its coast. It was described as conquerring surrounding city-states first, so i assume they wouldn share border with veranese until recently.
That's the sort of thing that can be included or ignored at your digression so I wouldn't think too hard about it.
>I think different nations would prefer cogs or galleys
Ecinev will use both galleys and sailing ships. Galleys (which can be ferociously fast and maneuverable) are preferred for the Sea of Ecinev, as it is virtually enclosed. Sail is the preferred approach for the ocean, and for trade. (As the saying goes, why pay to feed a big crew when the wind will blow for free?)
>Snow Elves' wife-swapping
Now that I've thought about it for awhile, I'm not totally against it. There might even be a necessity for it given what I assume is a low elven population. That and it is a legit IRL aspect of some cultures. I don't really want to open that door but at the same time I can appreciate the novelty of little known cultural influences in the setting.
damn, I was gone for like five days, y'all don't rest do ya? don't even know where to start back up





Neat, I like how you handle the coastline. Makes it look pretty organic. Just a couple of details, regarding my own creations:
>The geography of Faris is mostly deforested flatland, with rolling hills and thin woodland here and there at best. Any settlements (I take no issue with the names you've used, they're great) other than Faris are small and mostly insignificant, which you've respected, so I approve.
>As for Urox, it's mostly a combination of steep, rocky hills and deep, fertile valleys and is split into twelve different duchies. I can help you come up with names for them/their capitals, if you like.
>When it comes to Voroi, the northern portion is mostly deforested hills, the east and the coastline is mostly deforested flatland and everything else is extremely dense forest which contains lots of small settlements, use Serbian naming coventions. The capital of Ulkasy stands where the Belaran colony of Alsonne used to be, probably somewhere along the coastline.
As for the scale of it, going by the scale of the main map, it appears to be roughly seven hundred miles from the southern shores of Taurian Sea to the northern shores of Auratic Sea, and roughly six hundred miles from the eastern shores of the Tirian Sea to the western shores of the Taurian Sea. The three hundred thousand square miles suggesting of >>74453436 was correct.
What type of software are you using? It might have been mentioned before but I cannot find it.
It's inkarnate, a website that lets you create your own fantasy mals, they have very neat features and i find the yearly price affordable. Free version is not bad either
I'll take that into advise while editing the map, I'm mostly going by the new wiki which is why some countries weren't contemplated yet, or lack capital, but slowly I'll get there.
If it isnt too much trouble, could you add the city of Tharnux where I marked on the map?
I'm too lazy but someone please roll on this table and see what comes up!
I'll do it when i get back to it anon
Thanks man.
Thanks! I've been meaning to make a map of the Duchy for a while now. I just suck at graphic design.
I have two questions:

Is the proper spelling Westrasi or Westerasi?

Should Groundwhales technically be unicorns?
I'm pretty sure it's Westrasi.

Does it have hooves?
Hi I'm completely new to this setting. Are there any extant islands that exist within this setting? I was thinking of making island based tribes of lizardfolk that came from amphibious lizards. On a semi related note, has anybody minded to create a map with tectonic plates or biomes for that matter?
There are Black Sand islands, but those are ruled by pirates. There aren't really any super isolated islands that I can think of, sorry.
I agree with you!

Here's some name of dragons, if we want more in the setting (most likely in the past, in case people want to play when there were more).

>Gaothoighir, the Everlasting Blizzard. A dragon living at the very edges of the world where human and elf hesitates to ever venture. It is said that it ever attacks only when there where storm, so it could stay hidden and strike as quick as lightning.

>Oarnfhang, the Ruler of the Eight Winds. Among its species, Oarnfhang must have been the one who has travelled the most. Most legends or common knowledge attributed to dragonkind may have been inspired when it came down from the sky.

>Vihreagift, the Bane of the Earth. Long before man has begun to settle the Marshes of Drache and the swamp of the Necroswampers, it was the domain of Vihreagift. Its poison had such potency, then even after centuries had passed sinc ethe creature was killed, the drops that had been preserved still decimate anyone who touches it.

>Delmadv'hid, the Black Tyrant. Among its kind, Delmadv'hid was one of the most violent dragon that went into heat. Even if its destruction was on a smaller scale than Tharsa, it has claimed the lives of more dragonslayers and tamers in the history of Gloria-Etalia.

Each dragon that I named was from a game of D&D I never had the chance to play. Each were inspired from a kind of chromatic dragon, but we haven't made clear the physical description of dragons and stuff like if they breath fire or not.
A complete lack of a pacific ocean equivalent would do that. Adding my own islands to the map would defeat the purpose of adjusting myself to the setting. I'll make a faultline map, elevation map and biome map regardless then.
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We do have a biome map and lizardfolk, but no isolated islands that are free from already established lore.

>does it have hooves?
It has feet similar to rhinos, do those count?
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oooooo fuck checking the archived wiki I think it's westrasi. Shit. The category tag for Westrasi on the wiki is Westerasi. Now I get to spend 20 minutes fixing a spelling error. Dammit.

Sure, here. IDK why OP stopped posting all of the maps.

Gotta say, those are some odd dnd call names. I think Gaothoighir takes the crown for the oddist.
I'd recommend Skrug but I need to make a map of the region. I'll do that within the next few hours.
Fourth after Uggmuss
Wanna get back into this, but not sure to really add, I was the guy who fluffed Boro and Maag, and the amazon tribes a bit. I like the region in ram's head but kinda lost on where to go from here.
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I tried to give each dragon a unique name (and I remembered in Dofus/Wakfu that dragons are reputed to have unique and long names).

Funny thing, Delmadv'hid means home of chaos in drow. It was reference to a character I made who became the concept of chaos in a LARP
Where do the largest concentrations of lizardfolk live? I'll continue on with my aquatic lizardfolk idea but that would be for my own setting.
>Where do the largest concentrations of lizardfolk live?
Marshes of Drache.
>I'll continue on with my aquatic lizardfolk idea but that would be for my own setting.
We could have a sort of origin added for them or more to their biology.
I'll focus on biology since I study quite a bit of it.
I would suggest going through the wiki and seeing what needs standardisation/lore. It's a little tricky to even see if we have unfluffed nations left bc the wiki crash took out everything from thread 8 onwards. I do know that the thoughtcrafters commute needs lore, and the the Sanukinuiq need to be standardised. They only have lore for their culture and nation. Here is a link to their page, free of charge!


I've also been placing links for all of the important nation pages on the homepage of the new wiki for the past few hours now. Literally for three hours now. I'm gonna call it a night after placing in the midlands.

I'm hoping we can get at least 5k words of lore for every nation for the final product. The easist part would be adding to culture. Festivals are easy pickings and say a lot about the surrounding culture when made well. We havn't made a calender yet (added to the to do list!) so just keep it vauge or base it off of days from the summer solstice.

In the southeastern islandish area is all lizardfolk. It's being worked on ATM but the anon working on it might need some help. You could also put them in the marshes of Drache. Just make them able to hold their own, the marshes are deadly. ...Actually, yeah, the marshes need lizardfolk because of Ruk. Please put your aquatic lizardfolk in the marshes! Here is a link:

I'm probably gonna detail the Epic of Conchobar, and probably add at least two other important figures in Borose culture, also gonna fluff more of their culture; importance of craftsmen and the semi-civilized society they have, thinking they have a thing for tattoos> The Tattoos are created as ink trails of a strange fanged slug-like creature that chews its way across the flesh of the target, leaving behind the scarring/tattoo, though that would mostly be done by the druids and warrior cults that hang in the more hilly regions.

Ok I'll add what I can, will have to wait until tomorrow though.
Both are useable. Like Fish and fishes.
Swamp lizardfolk:
lizardfolk are larger than humans, with an average height of around 6 feet and an average weight of 180 lbs. They generally have a dark green to black coloration, to better camouflage in their native biome of the Drache Swamps. lizardfolk are somewhat stronger than humans. From an outsider's perspective many would deem a lizardfolk to be less intelligent than most sapient races. However, their brains are wired to be a lot closer to put more resources into their senses (Might add the ampullae of lorenzini here). They hadn't had a need for the social nature of other races as they solely have relied on their own might and instinctual ambush tactics. In comparison with other races' social structures, they have figured out that congregations of them have a far higher chance of survival than individuals trying to hold a large swath of territory, but they have no concept of doing what is best for the colony. To outsiders this may seem selfish but lizardfolk rationalize that only the strong hold their own. They have a difficult time grasping abstract concepts like mercy, altruism, and most emotions beyond basic hunger, fear, and pleasure. Despite this, some lizardfolk learn how to mimic mammalian emotions to the point where they seem to have mammalian thought processes and are no longer limited by their more instinctual brains. lizardfolk have an average lifespan of around 50 years, though some have made it to 70 years of age. These are also the most common type of lizardfolk.
Saltwater lizardfolk:
Compared to Swamp lizardfolk Saltwater lizardfolk are shorter but stockier in appearance. Their skin pigmentation goes from grey to black, eschewing green completely. Their scales are also thicker on average and have shorter snouts. In addition they have webbing in between their fingers and have loose integument running the length of their tail dorsally and pectorally. They also have a far greater lung capacity than Swamp lizardfolk which helps them swim great distances. They are found on the coasts of Drache. In terms of intelligence and mental capacity they are the same as Swamp lizardfolk. Where Swamp lizardfolk and Saltwater lizardfolk differ is that Saltwater lizardfolk don't get into fights with other Saltwater lizardfolk. Their way of life is similar to how one would see a mangrove living compared to other plants: They live in the salty marshes and go into the sea as the rest of their kind can't do that. They go where others can't go. Other races might find Saltwater lizardfolk more agreeable on the notion that they aren't as aggressive.

Desert lizardfolk:
Desert lizardfolk are comparable in height to Saltwater lizardfolk but are far more slender in appearance and far lighter in weight. Desert lizardfolk don't have the strength of other lizardfolk but they make up for this in their speed and ability to run long distances. Their scales are the thinnest amongst all lizardfolk but are still thicker than regular skin. Their scales are also considerably softer. Their pigmentation ranges from a dusty arid yellow to a deep brownish red. They have longer necks compared to other lizardfolk and have larger eyes in proportion to their body. They also have frills located on their neck that can cover half their torso. These frills can flare out to regulate their internal temperature or to intimidate non sapient animals. Due to the frills Desert lizardfolk are the most tolerable to temperature changes amongst the three lizardfolk subraces. They tend to live past the mountains surrounding the Marshes of Drache and into the desert. Due to their choice of habitat they can retain water far longer than either the Swamp lizardfolk or the Saltwater lizardfolk. In terms of intelligence it is on par with other lizard folk although Desert lizardfolk tend to be more skittish. They reflect this in their tactics of intimidation using their frills as deterrents before trying hit and run tactics.

General notes:
- All lizardfolk are capable of breeding with one another, although generally most prefer those of the same subrace.
- Most lizardfolk use stone age tech, using iron tools that they have received either by trade or plunder.

This is the first draft regarding an expanded upon lizardfolk biology.
Sweet. Looks nice to me anon. I added it to the wiki.
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Its a work in progress but here's a very rough map.
looks good.

what software?
I should point out that the swamp lizardfolk is a modified version of the general lizardfolk entry and so they have some of the same sentences.
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I din't expect a (You) visiting a random thread....
From where?
fucking coomer
Welcome back brotha.
It's great!
Could you change the climate of the Pash Kingdom for hot and arid? It's supposed to be an arid land with desertic plains between the city-states.
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All of 1d4chan as been transferred. I will start going trough threads 8-10 now

UGH, so much work. I wanna write more lore ;.;
Are all the lich lords accounted for?
You can see in upper right corner what spheres of influence dont have their lichlord added. Fell free to do so
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The third lich is an oddity like the others. Much of his time is spent in a dream-like state, projecting his consciousness out into the worlds and all parallel to this one. Rather than simply increasing his knowledge of the arcane he craves an understanding of the purpose of life. Ghostly apparitions flood his lands and all who live there must vigilantly fend of possession by spirits of all kinds from this world and others. His cultists are an odd collection of raving lunatics, singing lullabies to him in his slumber, only stopping for the bare necessities. Singers of unique talent but little means, are often kidnapped from other lands and forced into his choir.
His mantle is made of a collection of golden T'lc-Kha shells, the markings upon them are said to have all been modified in some way to aid in his studies.
Just name him anon, unless you want him to be just Sleeper
How'd he get them? Goldland is on the other end of the world.
>How'd he get them?
Soon to be lches come from all around the world. It wouldnt be out of place for him to get the somehow during natural lifetime
Mercs+Magic, Merchants?
Just added lizardfolk in the Marshes of Drache page.
thank you, that is cool.

After I make the wiki up-to-date I will work on hyperlinks and then restoring pics.
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Here you go anon.
Only five left, im sure we will finish it up in this or next thread.
Guys, cache is no longer avivable. Does that mean that there is no way 1d4chan gets back up?
We don't know... Luckily all the data was already transferred to Fandom.

F 1d4chan
If someone make a list of nations who are not in the standard format, I'll take some time this afternoon to rewrite them.
Praise Gloria!
Im sure Yugr wasn't converted, but i'd do it myself.

Beyond that nations withouth full standarizaiton on wiki are:
Dou Qian - The Twin Cities
Nulamore (Morlux colony)
Treant Empire (itself)
Almost all nations in Tnz'qran Raiders section
Uruzataar Khanate
Itzil - Technobarbarian Mountain Tribes
Queendom of Ruskata
Cannibal Cults
Seem Standardizing them does not "seem" like good idea thought
Thoughtcrafters Commune
Araxian Kingdom
Chiefdom of Uraka
Chiefdom of Voroi
Sarcian Mountain Tribes
Yoroi Tribelands
Yoroslovan Kingdom
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Would this be good enought visual representation of glutton?
Sure, but isn't the OG pic better?
To be honest, the pirate hat isn’t necessary. That kind of hat was associated with only one group of pirates that only existed for about a century. The vast majority of pirates in history didn’t wear that particular hat and wore a wide variety of clothing items. The original image of the glutton is fine as is.

Also it looks rather tacky.

This, also the Glutton is a not!Asian Pirate. The classic Pirate Aesthetic is moreso tied to the Black Sand Pirates.
There was OG pic?
Thread 8 inserted, gonna go trough Thread 9 now.
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This one
Looks good, definietly fucking unnatural
Is there some kind of price for head of Glutton? If yes how big?
Also how many pirate ships serve under him?
It is hard to say honestly just *how powerful* he is. The Black Sand Pirates which is a coalition of basically all Westerasi Pirates don't think they could take him in an all out war (but that is likely because they knowthat a vast majority of their Pirates would refuse to participate in the war)

When attacking the Celestial Empire the general claimed to see "100 000 ships" which is a ridiculous exaggeration same as his 99.9% kill-count. He did mere months after attack the Halfling-Giant-Alliance though.

It's honestly hard to say how many ships he could have under him. As for bounty I am unsure if they'd bother putting a bounty on him, but it's likely something ridiculous.
Thanks anon! I'll double check everything and add all of the links.

I downloaded the page. I'll put it with the good images in the mega.

Seem needs some worldbuilding. I was thinking playing off the "sun never sets" bit in the lore?

Nice! Thanks anon for all of your hard work :).
Anon, could you post your collected Necroswamper lore to the wiki?

You have it collected and it's easier than me looking for it trough archives.
Yeah sure, i'l post it in necroswampers article in a moment
Ok, i posted it. As a thing of note there is something bugged at end of article, because it shows:
The Marshes of Drache[edit]
The east wetlands consist of a hodgepodge of races, cultures, and ethnicities; from necroswampers and goblins to ogres and various beastfolk. It's often seen as a savage mess by outsiders. There is no official nation in the marshes, but there are small or barbaric groups that do call this place home.

I think it should be in main marsches article.
Yeah, you can delete that.
Ok, already did so.

Hey, map anon here. Haven't been doing much since I felt unmotivated but I'll start working again. I want to redo all the maps without anti-aliasing so that others can more easily make custom maps when I'm away and also update it to fit all the new lore and locations.

Also for the last two threads, for some reason, OP has included an older version of the political map. Here's the the most up to date map, although far from representing all the lore. I'll add all that in once I start working on the cleaner map.
Thank you based Map Anon
We didn't mean to base it off the moon of Jupiter. Sorry.
There's an entry for beastmen under the Marshes of Drache but there isn't one under races. Was there a beastmen entry in the cache?
Went trough thread 9. Hope I didn't miss much.
(knowing me I sure missed something tho, oof)

Gonna get to this thread. Not much lore in this one due to lots of Meta-Discussion and 1d4chan stuff.
To be fair Europa has great sufrace to use in fantasy. All those lines could be coresponding to leylines or some other magical shit.
No, we never had one on 1d4chan, feel free to create it. We need some standardization.

I wonder if beastmen, are related to the Werewolves somehow.
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Better pic of moon itself
>It has feet similar to rhinos, do those count?
I'd say that's close enough. They can be unicorns if they want to be.
Werewolves could be breed of beastmen that was caught in eternal night of Dutchy.
Maybe outside they act as curse that only activates under night, but there is always night in there.
In the piece of lore the General is trying to justify sacrificing entire villages to set a trap, and basically taking control over from Imperial administration to prepare battleground, so he could very well have exaggerated the enemy's forces and the damage inflicted upon them to try and sway empress from having him executed for overreaching his authority.

The Halfling raid was written before the celestial raid and a given anon wrote a piece of fluff after both, establishing the order as Celestial First and Halfling later. While I don't mind the order, I think the timeline of the fleet being in prime fighting shape in a couple of weeks was a bit exaggerated and diminish the impact of Celestial Victory. But that's just my opinion as this is a group project with several authors, these things are bound to happen.
*Couple of months

It lacks what has been written about the Pash kingdom, and also the Gold Coast Tribes
In the meeting with the representative of the Black Sand Pirates the Glutton basically admitts that his fleet was in a bad state when he attacked the HLA.

I'd see it less as prime fighting condition and more as, a desperate maneuver which paid off.
Im preety sure thats outdated map. South-eastern pation of Radmir is much more closer to sealevel
Thank you o' great map maker. I actually have a suggestion, in which we remove the words missile silo from under the pyramid. It it a bit of a spolier for players looking at the map directly, and the lore for the pyramid already conveys the same information. it would look something like this.

I'll look it over. You've done us a great service anon!
Feel free to input what's missing yourself.
Then I stand correct, those two pieces of information actually have it make much more sense to me.
>I stand corrected*
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Since a lot of people have asked how to run a game on Gloria Etalia, I made this map representing areas that I feel deserve a regional, more detailed map, and included a list of campaign ideas that could be played with focus on that area.
Goldland, Desert, Itzil and World Scar are the lands with most tech-stuff
We need a DM section for running games and canpaign ideas. While this is I think a good start, ideally the entire map should be used.

Speaking of maps, here is the begining of the high quality image/thread archive:


Included is the google cache and all of the threads, including the big images. When I go through the new wiki and add where they are needed, I'll add them with the same name here as well.

The username is [email protected] and the password is gloriaetalia.
Thanks for the Archive!

btw. The new Wiki is up-to-date.
Post apoc tech stuff
Yes, yes -_-
Where did you save the campaign ideas list? Sounds neat.

Also, why is the continent only 6000 by 4000 km? That is only slightly bigger than North America. Is the world mostly ocean or is there other continents?
This is as big as the world gets. Because Westerasi countries have colonies on the other side of the world.
this is empty. There is just a "Welcome to MEGA" pdf.
I am pretty sure at some stage new continents will appear but it's way too soon in the project to worry about what's 'out there'. Personally I like to think that the planet northern hemisphere is just water and Gloria Etalia floating in the middle, and the southern hemisphere is most land that's entirely barren except for a coastl city name 'Carolina', which is under a glass dome and inhabited by 1950s housewives that reproduce assexualy
... This is both great and awful. They could be the same species as the people from the Chiefdom of Uraka.
Wrong link, my bad. Here is the right one:


Also, to be clear most of the up to date maps are here. If you need a map, look here for it. I'll add the rest when I'm free again.
>Even from leagues away across the wasteland, the scent of Tuna casseroles can be smelt drifting in the breeze, taunting any foolhardy enough to brave the deserts in search for the domed city.
Thank you! This needs to be in the OP
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Female General of the Celestial Empire
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Thank you o' great chad cartographer.
I kind of just assumed the main continent was the size of Eurasia, but these measurements correspond to roughly Scotland to Algeria north/south, and Portugal to Kazakhstan east/west.

You could fit several similar sized continents on an Earth sized globe.
Great art anon.
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Treant Empire view
Incoming Beastmen post

Beastmen come in all shapes and sizes and in turn would have drastically different lives from one another. However, there are some things that apply to all beastmen. Beastmen have the same mental capacity as humans, meaning they have a capacity for culture and complex social structures. Their lifespans are about as half as long as humans, many die by the age of 40 but none have past the age of 60. All beastmen have low light vision and have an enhanced sense of smell compared to humans (presence of turbinate bones in their skulls). All Beastmen are covered in fur which come in different colors and patterns. Beastmen have also adopted armor and tool use, most of which they get from trade in exchange for flora or fauna endemic to the region.

Beastmen minisculis:
These beastmen are the smallest of beastmen, many are no taller than a foot and the tallest ever recorded did not surpass two feet. These beastmen are expert climbers and burrowers, many having long slender bodies. Some have been known to be capable of flight or gliding. Their coats range from black to white, with some having brown fur. Beastmen minisculis are either strict carnivores or strict herbivores. There is very little in between. They are content with living within trees or burrows they make themselves and use the tree highways to traverse the Marshes of Drache. Beastmen minisculis can travel far and because of this they encroach on other people's territory without noticing it.

It's bad that I like this?
I assumed it to be also the size of Eurasia or a bit bigger. Shoudl we retcon the size then?
Considering how densly populated this continent is with widely different cultures, id say there is no need to add more landmases.
Just stay with pangea, and if scale is too small and its a problem - increase it.
Beastmen rotundus:
Beastmen rotundus are roughly 5 feet in height and stocky in appearance. They have thick fur and loose skin. Some are capable of releasing an unpleasant odor that can incapacitate their enemies. They live in clans and have cleared out parts of the marsh to establish their homes. The larger settlements have been seen to use wooden palisades and most live in a variety of wooden or adobe huts. Their low light vision makes it impossible for night time raids on their settlements. They prefer to use shield wall strategies when it comes to fighting, using spears to poke holes into their enemies. Their fur tends to be mostly black with white stripes running from head to toe.

Beastmen muscularis:
Also known as Beastmen canis due to their canine attributes. Out of the three types of beastmen these are the most belligerent. They do not have the same loose skin or capability of producing foul odors as Beastmen rotundus. Instead they are faster, more agile and far stronger in exchange. Some confuse these beastmen for werewolves, given the only real difference between werewolves and Beastmen canis is the ability to regenerate. They live in caves or plundered settlements as they have a culture of raiding and pillaging. Aside from their natural claws and bites they prefer to use swords and daggers in combat. They use daggers since they're self explanatory to use and they use swords for opponents like Beastmen rotundus. In battle they excel in guerilla warfare and packs of them are incredibly well coordinated. They exploit weaknesses in the enemies' defense and create mismatches from there.
This. We at most cod add a not! Australia, but it'd need to be some outlandish shit.
Maybe not just not australia, but go full Lemuria+Atlantis shit if it really needs to be added.
Where's the link to the "post to roll" thread, or was there no worldbuilding done like that for this setting?
No, not this setting
Personally I would retcon the main continent to Eurasia size, then maybe do some small continents full of weird stuff at a later date if needed.
You mean like using a table and basing lore on resoults? There is mercenary army roll table, and it even had 2 editions, but i don't think anyone used it i wanted but im too retarded to use roll function on 4chan properly
Here the table
New Thread
> New Thread
Just a note: The Souxi ethnic group is supposed to have white/light grey hair. Looks great otherwise.
That looks awesome anon, but as >>74466136 said, celestial are light-haired with slightly darker skin. This was used in a past thread to represent their look
Is there any lore surrounding Gloria-Etalia's moon? Is there only one? Does anything live there?
A mixture of hair colors wouldn't be unprecedented.

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