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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Whether it are reaction pics, funny pics, cursed pics, filename pics, random pics and whatever you have. The point is to make an interesting setting based on them. You can also take a pic that has been previously posted and edit it if its OK with everyone. Just post something and add a bit of fluff to it, then let the magic do the rest!
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picture = basic summary of each area (out of date)

1d4chan page:
https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Autia (somewhat out of date)

Other Threads:
1- http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/77082863
2- http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/77123700
3- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77198244/
4- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77262004/
5- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77299284/
6- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77438293/
7- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77597774/
8 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77633881/
9 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77733759/
10 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77863557/
11 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/77967285/
12 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78116186/
13 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78248159/
14 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78394248/
15 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78604370/
16 - http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78764922/
17 - >>78936923
18 - >>79099665
biome map
underground/under ocean map
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I hereby claim this thread in the name of the Khimere Em- what d’you mean the empire’s gone?
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A new thread rears its head, and yet there had been no change in the map to speak of since thread 17. I may have completed K’eyi Meda and might start something else when I have some spare time, but for the moment I’m completely out of ideas with the only important premodern culture I can currently think of that we haven’t adapted or can be explained into the lore of a different nation being that of Carthage/the Phoenicians. Pls anons just think up cool stuff to finish Tismo, I think the timeskip idea sounds cool and want to see how that goes.
That reminds me, I wanted to do a series of maps for the setting at different points of history

Starting off would be a map of what the world looked like during the time the Sartyrians and Orgillons were first forming their empires

I figure a lot of cultures would still be just primitive tribesmen at this point, or not even arrived yet. But certain other extinct or diminished cultures like the Khimere Empire, Bridge Tribe Empire, Alateans, Portal Builders, Copper Plains kingdom, fey kingdoms, etc would appear on the map, plus maybe some new ones that haven't been mentioned before.

Let me know if anyone has ideas of how much territory different nations in this time period would have.
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This political compass could work for an entire setting of its own
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Did a quick one for some nations off the top of my head
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updated the simplified map

too lazy to try to integrate the new national boundaries and land masses properly, but I think it more or less gets the point across
Aukenfolk where?
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didn't notice the map got updated last thread, aukenfolk added to simplified map
also latest political map if anyone is going to add anything
By the gods, these things fucking stupid. An endless series of nonsensical BS lore expressed with wojaks on some convoluted political compass.
also updated the climate map
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>some convoluted political compass.

could be worse!
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Fine, I claim this territory for Dhu'lka-ruu'xa

It is a stretch of savannah where the ties to the fey worlds are unusually strong, so lots of African themed shape changers, spirit animals, weird fairy spirits, etc.

Most of the human inhabitants are Medan and Jinsan type peoples who live under the protection of the spirit animals, but there are also some exiles from Sostenfiel.

It is pretty empty, but the people who live there are pretty skilled at guerilla warfare, and if things become to hostile, they just bail back to the spirit world and wait things out.

Will write more for them eventually.

Also what is the relation between the Khanate, Ghaubo, and the Jinsan peoples back in Autia?
there has, some anon added a race of Great Auks in the north last thread
May as well write up some lore for Sauri-La.

66 million years before the present, a a great set of creatures ruled this world they achieved feats far beyond anything capable since. But despite all this they were powerless to stop their downfall, as it came not from this world but from beyond, Travelers from beyond the stars so advanced that even the creatures found their tech incomprehensible made a fatal mistake, regardless of whatever it was the result was devastating. Their craft slammed into the north pole at an unimaginable speed. within seconds of the impact everything including rock was was instantly incinerated for thousands of miles. The entire world was consumed in an unimaginable conflagration as it rained molten molten rock thown into the atmosphere by the force of the impact. within hours the great civilization that had stood proud for 165 million years was ended. For the scattered few that survived the ordeal was just beginning, For the skies were filled with the ash and debris thrown up by the impact and the subsequent global firestorm. blocking the sun. Soon the world was encased in ice and the few that had survived perished in a frozen wasteland. But a few tattered bands managed to make it to the site of the impact only to find a mountain range standing in their way. but a glimmer of hope shone, the winds blowing down from the moutons were warm and inviting. So the few survivors made their way across to find that in the decades following the impact, The crater became a lush paradise, salvation from an apocalypse.
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When the survivors took stock, of the thousands of groups that made up their civilization, scarce but twenty had been able to make it to the crater. They were a pale shadow of what once was. in their past civilization each group had is place, its own unique task only it was able to do, its own order. each order was grouped under its faction war, research, construction ext.

The survivors consisted of:

The Tyrants, order of guardianship, guild of war.(tyrannosaurs)

The Haemorrhagers order of frontline battle, guild of war(allosaurs)

The Fisher kings, order of fisheries, guild of production.(spinosaurs)

The Behemoths, order of logistics, guild of infrastructure(brontosaurs)

The Shatterers, order of shock troop, guild of war(ankylosaurs)

The Scythes, order of harvesting, guild of production.(Therizinosaurs)

The Sycles Order of husbandry of the domestics. guild of production.(dromaeosaurs)

The horned ones, order of oversight of production, guild of leadership.(ceratopsians)

The Boned Heads, order of policing, guild of leadership(pachycephalosaurs)

The Gifted Ones, order of scientific research. guild of technology.(troodons)

The Crested ones, order of public relations, guild of leadership(hadrosaurs with crests)

The Uncrested ones, order of rearing, guild of social affairs.(hadrosaurs without crests)

The Leviathans, order of public transport. guild of social affairs(titanosaurs)

The gnarled skulls, order of postal and massaging infrastucture)(abelisaurs,)

The flyers, orders of scouting and surveying, guilds of war and infrastructure.(pterosaurs)

The Spined ones, order of second line troops guild of war(stegosaurs)

The Clawed, order of infestation control, ministry of social affairs. (alverosaurs)

The Tall ones, order of spiritual leadership, guild of leadership(brachiosaurs).

The Runners, order of agriculture, guild of infrastructure.
As they got to re-establishing their society the stratified social order began to weaken with many orders and guilds being wiped out it became increasingly nessicary for the orders to intermingle and take on new duties, while the majority stayed within there birthed order it became more common to see orders and guilds that were a lot more cosmopolitan.

Over time the guilds began to form into a defacto government managing the rebuilding of civilization as an oligarchic collective. Gradually the guild of technology managed to recover fragments of the vessel deducing that the remains of the craft were what was created the abundant life In the crater and began to reverse engineer many Technological marvels. However this caused great upset to the order of spiritual leadership who began to worship the wreckage as a divine gift, and as the gods deliverance of the faithful whom they smote in the cataclysm. Eventually the Order won out and annihilated the guild of Technology, under charges of heresy, and forcing the gifted ones into an eternity of indentured servitude as petty manufacturers of the same technology they once strove to understand. The other Guilds quickly capitulated to the order, fearing an outright civil war. From then on the Saurians were a an absolute theocratic triumnavate. lead by the three highest ranking members of the order.
The Order formed a theology around the crashed ship. The now long prehistoric Saurian Civilization was cast as a corrupt and degenerate place that had forsaken the gods, so as punishment the gods smote the Saurians, but took pity on the few faithful and transformed the crater into a paradise and then instructed the Tall Ones to gather the faithful and guide them to their promised salvation. and all was good for a time. But the Gifted ones trespassed on the holy sites, and committed profane acts that defiled the Gifts of the Gods thus the Tall ones had no choice but to gather the faithful from across the orders and destroy the heretical Guild of Technology.. that dare to try and understand the ways of the Gods.
Saurian society quickly fell into a state of stagnation, with millions more years passing by until a fateful day 230 years ago an ogre platoon on its way to fight the fire giants got lost in a blizzard and ended up stumbling upon the same mountain pass that the saurians used to enter the crater. reporting back to their king about the discovery, He sent a exploration party into the pass inadvertently stumbling on the Saurians. Contact with the outside world sent shockwaves through Saurian society, million of years of doctrine stated that outside the crater was a lifeless wasteland a graveyard of sinners, The gods smote all life but them and the gifts bestowed upon them in the crater. The revelation that life and civilization still existed beyond the crater shook the Saurian to the core. The Tall Ones degreed that the Gods work was to be done and that the world was to be purged anew by the Gods chosen ones. Ever since the Saurians have been launching genocidal campaigns southwards to see the Gods will be done!
>Also what is the relation between the Khanate, Ghaubo, and the Jinsan peoples back in Autia?
Ghaunbo and Dalavchtai hate each others guts with the Ghaunbo having been the only tribe of the steppes to not join the khanate once it was established. The Jinsan people don’t know too much about the Dalavchtai or Ghaunbo but the Union have records of a diminished force of griffon that was destroyed by a typhoon on the way landing on their shores and are fearful something like that might occur again as their shores are open to attack without the protection of the Iron Crown mountains.
I meant relation in terms of ancestry

Dalavchtai are described as Jinsan at one point, and Ghaunbo are also likely related
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Two saurian Great Drakes battle it out in a territorial dispute
Ah, apologies. I just called them Jinsanic because the Dalavchtai resemble Mongols and as such resemble Chinese. I could write an explanation for why there are Jinsanic peoples this far away from eastern Autia but I can't think of anything. Once I do of course, I'll explain it in better detail.
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So Tismo now has an untamed magical zone too. That makes Lapus the only continent without some directly stated magical anomaly in it, though given the weird shit the Lepre-Khans get home to it probably has something going on there as well.
Lapus has similar areas where there are large numbers of portals to the fey worlds like Bloodsap Forest and Lepre-Khan territory.

Also the big Malorite deposits.
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Oh right, Malsolia would count wouldn’t it?
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Some bird hybrids utilized by the sky-lords as either attack beasts, rides or messenger birds (spared from Smelters Disease given how isolated the Peaks of the Heavens are) depending on their size.
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One of the Marchmen warriors, thankfully such soldiers are highly rare.

A Dalavchtai captain who has been possessed by a powerful daemon of the Deadicorn or Khar Mori as he appears to the nomads. The daemon in question is one of the nightmarish Tri'coofs as is evident in this captain's magical eyes which belie the incredible power over the mind that those oft-seen creatures possess.
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Some warriors from the western reach of Tartes, or Occidens Terras as it known in those lands. Out of all the territory of Tartes, the people of the west have commonly suffered the most to retain their land and stand bulwark against the hobgoblins and crude Medans. As such, a highly resilient and proud culture has built up in those lands that has adapted to the skirmishing nature and monsters of their foes. This adaptation has had seemingly archaic techniques like the phalanx, which the Belkans may mock in favor of their tercio (which in turn is rapidly growing out of fashion as artillery improves) once again become invaluable in their ability to hold down and gut the beasts of the Medans. Unlike that aforementioned formation as well, far less commitment and preparation is required in deploying one with only a battle mage being required to defend from possible enemy projectiles, artillery, ambushes and flanking maneuvers in time for those spears to do their work. Aside from their silver-shielded phalangites, there exist many other deviations in the western guard from the forces of other Tartean lands such as the peltast skirmishers who are made up from the heavily militarized citizens of the region. These warriors use a mix of weapons, from javelins to bows and now even to flintlocks which they use to thin out their foes from afar. One last deviation from Tartean doctrine would be in their cavalry, as the Occidens Terras is too close to the Plain of the Red and its arid climate for pegasi and the finer boned donkeys of the Tartean coast to willingly dwell. In fact, the difference between the specially bred donkeys used as cavalry by both the east and west is clear enough to reasonably confuse the two for different species for those donkeys of the western reach are far stouter and hardier in appearance. These steeds make up the light politikoi cavalry and the far heavier cataphracts that are used here in tandem with their very own trained war elephants.
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These war elephants, much like the mounted warriors of the cataphracts (not to be confused with the Mycinian kataphraktoi which is a regiment of heavily armored warriors, both mounted and unmounted) are armored head to toe in the finest of plated armor with a magnificent crest atop their head, one which is also seen on the mercenary tanks of the westmen and greater Tartes humorously enough. The heavy enchanted armor of these elephants is a noticeable variation from most other forms of utilized war elephants, save for the war elephants of the Sultanate and in tandem with the howdah on its back resembling a tower in design which usually have wizards in them can mean these elephant can withstand repeated cannon fire until the power of their mage or the enchantments of their armor given out from strain. One last fact of note about these elephants; they are found during expeditions into K'eyi Meda leading to their great size of about 10 metres in adults (comparatively small next to the largest Medan elephants, but then again these elephants live near the border while the largest ones live near the center and make up for it with superior morale from training and better disciplined riders) and are brought back to Tartes for training. The pachyderms are quite friendly too when out of combat as per their training, often letting children climb up for rides on their back during parades.
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Sneedian general.
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Kangoo mutated by Malorite.
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One of the most powerful Garudas who dwell in the rainforests of the Miqdaadites swallowing some children of the ancient Khimerian nagas who spread into Flickfowl following the collapse of that empire. A person drawn in white is visible looking up at the creatures, a testament to their incredible size.
Sallow-skinned natives of the Fantal islands battling.
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Is the anon was was writing the War of Ice and Wrath still here?
Part of the magical anomaly in Flickfowl, right in between the Copper Plains and the Peaks of the Heavens.
One of the creatures locked away in The Tower of Rust
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Another artist's rendition of the same event.
mother fucker, is that some Fingolfin?
Goodbye, sweet Noldor prince.

depiction of the first monster slaying. it was done by a father who lost a all of his children to a hydra dragon after killing the one he went on to kill all hydra dragon and disappearing afterword's
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God fucking damn it Peters
an embellished and fanciful drawing of an eyewitnesses description of one of the races of the saurians.
A highly isolated group of Skyr-Nadans talking about Saurians.
Don't you die on me now, thread.
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some scholars wonder if this based on some true event or myth but many believe that there is some truth to the story because the extinction of the hydra dragon
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A Khimerian white elephant t being ridden by one of their summoned and bound demons.
Napanese depiction of a Saurian drake. While they may be no elven dragon, the great drakes can grow to gigantic sizes with all sorts of futuristic weaponry mounted to them. At least, within the crater. Their tech seems to always freeze up when outside of their comet no matter how much they research technology to prevent cold. Whenever they can preserve their lasers and other such weapons, they have to be preserved in heated containers which are difficult to transport leaving them as sitting ducks for the Orgrillons. As such, the Saurians generally have to resort to more primitive measures having to fight using both their dinosaurs and decidedly less advanced weaponry which isn't powered by any form of technology.
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this internationally recognized piece of art, attributed to a master of canvas known only as De Gauss, is titled "Defiance". its earliest appearance in the catalogs of national museums places it at around 1300 years old, but this does not match with De Gauss' official birth and death years, and thus cannot be verified. additionally, it was believed to be destroyed no less than eight times, yet continues to reappear. it has been theorized that it is a replica of a replica (ad nauseam), yet the painting appears identical to that of the one mentioned in historical records.

the figure, who is believed to be based on a real person, remains unidentified, as their depiction and contextual environment fits neatly into the mytho-historical records of several modern nations, including the Union, Alkor, Soukos, Sostenfiel and the Maritime Khurultai.

the painting itself has had a storied past, and has traveled the globe as part of stolen treasures for dozens of major and minor nations. currently, it can be found in the national archives of Sostenfiel, but there are dozens of claimants of ownership to the painting, and its mere existence is a hotbed of international protest and debate.
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Time to start a museums
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A memorial stone to fallen Pengu warriors being observed by two of that race.

Also, here is an image of a Pengu Ship. The ships of the Pengu are varied, ranging from whales outfitted with a platform (later adapted by the elves into their submersible battleships which are built into a whale shaped construct) to patrol ships with multiple sets of sails that look like fish fins to what is shown here, enchanted moving icebergs stuffed with magical anti-air weaponry and all sorts of other artillery. The largest of these iceberg ships can have great citadels be built upon them, which can grow to the level where they eclipse even that of the Tortles' castle ships and even in the cases of a rare few, surpass an iron ark of the Nicsenoreans.
>later adapted by the elves into their submersible battleships which are built into a whale shaped construct

One of those whale ships used by the Nicsenoreans I mentioned here. Lore has been written for them earlier, I just found a good reference image.
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I just found this image and I think that it summarized the absolute insanity that is Autian warfare well.

maybe a civil war or some rogue captain going A-wall and destroying a city
those boats are far too small to be part of a nation's military. how can they even withstand the sea serpents?
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"Martianware" ceramics
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Tartean scythed chariot.
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Do I have a condition or something where I find this shit fascinating?
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The steps of a deadly plan being formulated by the Fleshmolder to make people fly away into the sky with rain.
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Saurians stumble across technology from High Magitek
you just know
Daemon trapped inside the form of a duck in the Alkor Demonology Museum. The enchantment hiding it from the view of outsiders has failed for now and it’ll be a while before it’s fixed, so who knows if the demon will escape.
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do we have a race of bigfoots?
They're probably just chilling in Skyr-Nada. Also, does anyone have any more nation ideas? If so, please add them because I have some ideas for an interesting plotline to happen in the Khanate and am waiting for the timeskip to start to say it.
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is there anything that hasn't been done yet yet?
Phoenicia/Carthage is about the only real world culture I can think of that can't be explained into the lore of into another nation. Naturally, someone doesn't have to do a culture based off the real world to fill the region out but that is just an example.

Most recent map. The missing region is a bit large, so unless you know your nation will be large, try not to fill the entire thing out.
i want to say a race of sentient Carthaginian elephants but that sounds far too uninspired...
besides we have plenty of [insertanimalhere] but sentient
meant for
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God this is massive and kind of creative, I hope whoever made this writes something for a living or at least cultivates their hobby
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What about an estranged caliphate descended from the Sultanate that set up in Tismo and through some means became independent and through some means gaining the trapping of Phoenician society instead of the weird Indian/Arabic thing the Sultanate has going on? There should be some distinction to make it different from just fantasy Carthage, but that could work. Maybe they could be fierce enemies of the Tartes Imperium. Because, you know, Romans.



The people here are mostly of Medan descent, though often with significant Sostenfielian, Jinsanic, and/or nature spirit admixture, and follow a somewhat primitive version of the Medan way of life. They frequently adopt outcast Sostenfielian or Jinsanic people, and live alongside so called nature spirits.

The nature spirits are essentially the Tismo version of the fey races found on other continents. Some nature spirits are vaguely familiar to the inhabitants of other continents like local variants of ents, ogres, nymphs, minotaur, stone giants, fairies, harpies, snake people, dryads, lycanthropes, hags, spirit animals, and monkeymen, while others are strange and exotic. Some are perhaps rare forms of demon, since known demons are also sometimes encountered alongside nature spirits, as natives do not distinguish between the two.

Aside from the locals, prospectors, poachers, and occupation soldiers from Sostenfiel are common, as are merchant caravans, raiders, and nomads from Ghaundo and the Khanate.


Much like their cousins to the east, the Medan people here worship the nature spirits of the land, though in Dhu'lka-ruu'xa, said spirits are much more likely to interact with humans. Some tribes of Jinsan people have assimilated to this religion, while others still follow their old faiths. Exiles from Sostenfiel either keep to their old faith, or convert to spirit worship, though some communities are very secular. The spirit peoples tend to worship so called “big spirits”. Much like the fey gods on other continents, these are essentially more powerful versions of the more common type of nature spirit.

The “big spirits” run the gauntlet from “good” to “evil” though most are fickle and egotistical. They often demand tribute from their followers, and small groups travelling through their territories, and when they are bored, they will often fabricate reasons to harass travellers, or followers of other “big spirits”.


Much like the Priest-Kings of K'eyi Meda, the shamans of Dhu'lka-ruu'xa are known to display a wide range of powers depending on the nature of their patrons.


Dhu'lka-ruu'xa doesn’t really have a military to speak of. The nature spirits and their human followers will sometimes harass small groups if that is the will of their “big spirit”, but will typically cross over to the spirit world if confronted by a superior military force. Skirmishes between Sostenfiel and the Khanate are not uncommon here however.

Dhu'lka-ruu'xan tribes mostly use primitive weapons, but frequently loot old gear from other nations as well.
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Historically a bit of a no-man’s land, this region was originally on the outskirts of territory conquered by the Kokebi Gēta, but was separated from other Medan peoples by the conquests of the Khanate and other Jinsan peoples. These days, it frequently changes hands between Sostenfiel, the Khanate, and smaller Jinsan groups like the Group of Ghaunbo, though locals rarely pay attention to who is supposedly in charge.


Dhu'lka-ruu'xa is a largely empty expanse of dry grassland of little obvious economic value. Gold and diamonds are occasionally discovered, but large finds are rare. However, small groups of independent prospectors from Sostenfiel are fairly common.

Most inhabitants are hunters and herdsmen (and occasionally poachers), though during the brief rainy season, some tribes switch to primitive agriculture.

The largest source of currency tends to be the trade caravans that pass through here on the way to more prosperous lands. Some locals trade with these caravans, others get coin to serve as trackers and escorts, and others turn to banditry.
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Added the Kingdom of Bodcat Bándearg, one of the lost kingdoms of the Balorian people along with Ar-Haugthra and Skvoenbard.

Left some space for the potential new Phoenician inspired nation, though personally I think it should be added via an offshore island / island chain off the southern, eastern, or western coast of Tismo.
Iron Age northern Euro deep forest setting
PCs are shamanistic warriors who get certain powers from their totem animals
BBEG can be anything from rival tribes to surviving dinosaurs to spirits to higher tech level conquerors from beyond the Big Sea

Atmosphere: oWoD Werewolf + LOTR + Conan
You know what, fuck it. Seeing as I was thinking about having my Phoenician inspired nation be on an island chain as well, should I just expand the borders of the Dalavchtai Khanate into the empty space? I mean, I described the harsh steppes they live in as being absolutely massive and seeing as most of it minus a few sections which stretch into the Group of Ghaunbo belong to them. it wouldn't feel immensely out of place.
Sounds good

Did you want me to change the biome map so the empty area is grasslands instead of forest? Or did you want to write something about forest mongols?

Also, did the Balorians or Jinsan arrive on Tismo first? Need to know for the history of Bodcat Bándearg. I assume Medans were probably the first of the human cultures.
>Also, did the Balorians or Jinsan arrive on Tismo first? Need to know for the history of Bodcat Bándearg. I assume Medans were probably the first of the human cultures.

Medans were actually not the first humans, there were tribes before them and they were the banished ones who gave up their evil ways and became civilized. It is in this way that they were the first proper human culture as you said. Also, the Jinsanic humans arrived first through a land bridge a very long time ago and became the Dalavchtai while their kin became the Jinsan Empire and then the Union.
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Alright, here's the new map with expanded borders.

I was somewhat vague in this one when explaining how the Medans were the first culture so I'll just elaborate a slight bit. There were hunter-gatherer tribes prior to K'eyi Meda's founding but nothing resembling a proper society. The first Medans, as stated in their history were exiles from these tribes, banished to the Plain of Red as punishment because of how dangerous it was. Eventually as stated in said history, a (possibly divine) leader showed up seemingly from the sun itself and taught them how to outsmart the many monsters living in K'eyi Meda and make a home for themselves. This life was still hard, but through it the Medans learned to give up their former evil ways and created the first proper society as shown from the age of some little iron statues discovered by Alkorian archaeologists investigating the borders of the nation to prove this theory who stumbled across an abandoned hut meant for an early Medan chief. These archaeologists promptly stole these historical artifacts and placed them in the Royal Alkor Museum in the capital of their homeland.

>Did you want me to change the biome map so the empty area is grasslands instead of forest?
If you're willing to, I would like if you did that.
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Some horses of the Dalavchtai, even with some of their fabled greathorses who are said to be the most durable and fearsome horses in the world, even against the other demons of Deadicorn. The mightiest horses among them, typically cultivated by the court of a khan can easily grow to the size of the tanks in the nearby Yrrian colony or the Khurultai's dire tigers as is proven in this image. Sometimes when being reserved for later, as is the nature of the nomads who bring with them multiple horses, they serve as creatures of burden who carry great baskets shown in this image where the sons and daughters of the riders often hide in and cause much mischief from. Other times, they carry with them great caravans full of supplies that could be likened to an oriental version of the Sneedians chuckwagons. Though, unlike that invention which carries just food, these caravans carry both a larder and other goods which are peddled by Dalavchtai merchants. These goods can vary greatly with a well known example being their fine crafts of porcelain, creations that take the shape of teacups and vases that find themselves far beyond their homeland as part of the silverware of some Westphallican noble. Flavorful tea leaves to go with the cups, colorful clothing, silken pennants and dao blades meant for cavalry are all treasures available to those willing to push aside their fears of horses and strike conversation with a travelling Dalavchtai merchant. Of course, there's just as a high a change they'll take your stock by force!
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A nice looking accompanying image I thought could go with this post. Here is the carriage (simply a version of the yurt tents used by the nomads when travelling on wheels) of a roving Dalavchtai merchant heading through the steppes near the border of the Sheeple Confederacy with the procession of a regional khan travelling in a different direction behind him. It is guarded by multiple bodyguards with the warriors at the entrance to the yurt bearing the pennants of their tribe. It is custom for those who see a wandering merchant to be allowed to approach their carriage as a prospective buyer and browse their wares, free to start haggling over prices. Haggling is particularly enjoyed by these traders, as the steppes have little to see and such argumentation serves as a good way to pass time. The tribes to the far west of the Khanate are of a more mercantile sort than their eastern compatriots and as such choose to trade with the Sheeple to their south more often than not with raids being few and far between. The wool of the sheeple has been a commodity in western steppes for centuries so this will most likely not change in the following years, though the peaceable nature of these nomads can be quickly shed in order to repel some particularly trigger happy Sostenfielians who in their hate of all Dalavchtai from past aggression regardless of their nature recklessly fire from their airships and defile the plains of the nomad's forefathers. The griffon riders sent in retaliation will teach them a lesson.
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Why did the image turn into a single pixel? Here's the proper image, sorry about that.
Since map is full for now, should we develop the current state of politics during the time the timeskip occurs?

Yeah sure.

How long should the timeskip be? Our tech levels are a bit nebulous, a lot of the time it seems only firearms are lagging significantly. I figure about 100 years should do the trick.

I figure tech levels for most nations should be approximately 1920s to 1940s, but don't get too carried away copying WW2 stuff, lots of weird steampunk/dieselpunk inspired stuff should still be viable. Bolt-action rifles are widespread, but machine guns are also fairly common, and assault/battle rifles are becoming available for some elite forces.

Magic should get a power bump (potentially for reasons that vary by area) so that it remains relevant.

For nations that I have adopted / I am pretty sure the creators have left, I figure things would look like the following:

- Nantic nations have joined together in an alliance of democratic-ish nations. They have magic users, but tend to use them more for support roles, though there are some exceptions like Belkan and Ercaenmedi (who still fight sometimes despite both being in the alliance). Also avoid many types of magic for ethical reasons

- Most of the southern Autian nations are now part of / allied with the Second Empire. Although they have similar tech levels to the north, they have lower numbers and are less politically stable, so rely heavily on front line magic users and unethical magic like fleshshaping, demonbinding, and dark aether to make up the difference

- Union is mostly the same except with better tech, basically a lower tech North Korea with shades of 40k religious grimderp

- Yr is basically nazi demons now

- Tribal peoples on the northern continent are basically the same except with guns

- Afrolia/Afrozil had to abandon slavery, now a member of the Nantic alliance

- Napan is also in the Nantic alliance, but they also have to play nice with the Union

- Minor non-Nantic northwestern states have mostly degenerated into failed states or bandit strongholds
While I was waiting to see if we are going ahead with the timeskip, I also wrote down all my thoughts on the history of Autia-Tismo, outlining two key periods

I didn't really research it well, so probably a fair number of mistakes. Maybe I will fix them/add to them if there is ever a strong interest in the past.
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>The Age of Empires:

Much of Autia-Tismo’s early history is lost in time, but it is believed that in early times, it was split between the fiefdoms of thousands of minor magic using kingdoms separated by countless primitive tribes of hunters and farmers. However, at some point, which has never entirely been clear, much of the world fell under the influence of one or more empires, though local cultures often varied greatly within the borders of these early empires. Attached map shows the world in the early stages of the Sartryian-Orgrillon War.

Orgrillon Empire: Massive, intelligent, and expansionist minded, the orgrillons were able to take over much of Dead Man’s Hand, Rinolsol, Autia, Lapus, and northern Tismo before being all but wiped out after 700 years of warfare with the Sartyrian Empire and its vassals.

Northern Frost Giants: The most powerful of the giant races, they were unreliable allies to the Orgrillons, and had largely abandoned them to return to their traditional way of life by the end of the war.

Alatea: An old human empire known for their magic, friendship with demons, and decadence. They became vassals to the Orgrillons, but were largely wiped out by the Sartyrians, and the remainders were eventually absorbed into the Sorgos people.

Proto-Jinsan: One of the oldest human races on Autia-Tismo, they had many primitive nations allied with the Orgrillons scattered throughout the world. Although many suffered badly under Sartyrian occupation, most of their nations survived and continued to spread around the world following the war.

Wild Fey, Orcs, Eritroans, Tortles, Aukians, Trolls, Lizardmen, and Hiisi: So called savage races (which also included some human races) were widespread on all continents at the time, but rarely appeared in large enough concentrations to justify being placed on this map. They were quick to switch sides depending on who was paying in their area, and remained common for long after the war.

Lily Elves: A largely forgotten Elven nation named for a lily-handed goddess whose likeness appears in many old ruins. They resisted assimilation into the Sartyrian Empire and fled back to the fey worlds allowing their nation to be sacked. So called swamp elves and valkyrie elves are their descendants.

Empire of Tzjiltaekuo – This ancient human empire was already much diminished by the time of the war. They were strong enough to remain a neutral party for much of the war, but near the end the Sartyrian Empire did significant damage prior to collapsing. The Empire of Tzjiltaekuo continued its long decline for many centuries, but had been reduced to primitive tribes long before its absorption into the Jinsan Empire.

Khimere Remnants – Once another mighty human empire, it had largely imploded by the time of the Sartyrian-Orgrillon War. Minor successor kingdoms survived by submitting to the Sartyrians, and gradually rebuilt, only to destroy themselves once again during the time of the Nantic Empire.

Bastmen – Another decadent, demon worshipping people, they survived the war by submitting to the Sartyrians, but destroyed themselves not long afterwards.

Southern Frost Giants – Despite their large territory, they were already rare by the time of the Sartyrian-Orgrillon War. Losses against the Sartyrians and self inflicted destruction thinned their numbers further, but a handful survive in modern times.

The Jade Empire – Still fairly young at the time, the gnomish empire survived the war via misdirection and hiding underground.

Proto-Medans – The dry grasslands of the early Medans and their nature spirit overlords were largely ignored during the war, and the Sartyrians collapsed before they could conquer the area.

Hobgoblins – The hobgoblin tribes of northeastern Tismo proved to be one of the easiest races for the Orgrillons to assimilate into their empire. The Sartyrians collapsed before they could fully conquer Tismo, allowing the hobgoblins to resume their normal ways of life following the war.

Lapus Elves – The Lapus Elves had many small kingdoms built halfway in this world, halfway in the fey worlds. During the war, they lost their coastal territories, first to the Orgrillons, then to the Sartyrians, but proved impossible to dislodge from the mystical forests of the interior.
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>Age of Exploration:

Sometimes also known as the Age of Man, during this time period, corresponding roughly to the two centuries leading up to the collapse of the Jinsan Empire, the Nantic and Sorgos peoples spread rapidly due to improvements in shipbuilding and navigation techniques. Much of the world is claimed by one kingdom or another, though many areas are claimed in name only. Also some nations have much in common with their modern iterations, others are explained further below:

Northern Proto-Nantic Nations – The highly successful seafaring people of the Dead Man’s Sea forged many small kingdoms during this time, some of which were absorbed into the Nantic Empire, but others became isolated and largely forgotten.

Central Proto-Nantic Nations – Believed to be the oldest of the Nantic peoples, their kingdoms went on to form the backbone of the Nantic Empire.

Southern Proto-Nantic Nations – The often forgotten Southern Nantic Nations were only briefly part of the Nantic Empire prior to being absorbed into the Eldrian Empire.

Balorians – Although the Northern Nantic peoples were more famous for seafaring, the Balorian Kingdoms were in fact settled mostly by Central Nantians fleeing their homelands, where large, centralized kingdoms were increasingly conquering smaller clans.

Jinsan Empire – Although often thought of as being contemporary to the Nantic and Eldrian Empires, the Jinsan Empire would in fact split into several nations before the formation of either.

Afzen Empire – A corrupt, hedonist Empire resembling the demon worshipping human empires of ancient times, the Afzen Empire lost most of its territory to the Eldrian Empire, while other areas simply collapsed into tribalism, leaving just Afrolia.

Khimere – Having partially rebuilt following their destruction in ancient times, Khimere is once again destroyed in a civil war about a century after the formation of the Nantic Empire, this time seemingly for good.

Gnome Empire – Although frequently mocked in modern times, during this time period, the gnomes dominated much of Tismo. Following the collapse of the Nantic Empire, they even tried to colonize parts of Autia, but by this point they had made too many enemies, and went into rapid decline not long afterwards.
>Alatea: An old human empire known for their magic, friendship with demons, and decadence. They became vassals to the Orgrillons, but were largely wiped out by the Sartyrians, and the remainders were eventually absorbed into the Sorgos people.
Oh, they're new. Very interesting. State of affairs in the Khanate is coming soon by the way.
>Bastmen – Another decadent, demon worshipping people, they survived the war by submitting to the Sartyrians, but destroyed themselves not long afterwards.
Second question; are they the fellows who the golems of the Copper Plains killed?
The name comes from one of those short image caption posts, in this case about an ancient civilization of demons, I fleshed them out a bit in the big info dump I did about the various major demons

Very likely unless the original creator had something else in mind.
what the fuck happened to the saurians?
Why are the Caridians not there i doubt the gnomes gave a shit about wasteland jungle?
I wrote the lore for Caridia and Greater Aukia,

the Aukenfolk are a major naval power building huge dreadnaughts out of steel and ice, and are still to a degree piratical and raiders, but less so then in the past as firearms now pose a much more serious threat to life and ironically for flightless sea birds are the first to develop powered flight.

The Caridians are for the first time venerable to the advancing gunpower technology, while their inhospitable homeland still gives them a measure of defence they now face the fact that their unique biology no longer renders them nigh invulnerable to most races. They are still formidable natural born mages and wielders of magitech.
Too isolated from the outside world at these times to be counted as part of the greater world.
I figure they arrived sometime fairly recently like Dright and the IBRU, otherwise someone would have tried to reverse engineer their technology by now.

Like the trolls and the lizardfolk, they are still there, but I figure as an imperial power, the gnomes would have at least set up some ports and mines, which would be enough for most other imperial/trading nations to respect their claim to the area. Judging by their lore, it seems few races aside from the gnomes and lizardmen even know they exist.

Mostly for the sake of simplicity, I made the historic maps more like traditional political maps that show boundaries that are widely acknowledged, while the current year map shows a lot of stuff that won't normally be on a political map like ruins and provinces with unusual political situations
fair enough
If I might make a note, the area controlled by the Sartyrians on Autia would have been held by the Orgrillons initially. This would be after the commencement of the war between the Sartyrians and the Orgrillons. It was written in much earlier threads that when the fire elves made first landfall in southern Autia, it was an invasion of lands held by the ogre-kind. So that orange holding would be roughly a century after the conflict firsr erupted and the Sartyrian held land would be freshly conquered. The Orgrillons originally holding that territory is part of the origins of the devolved Ogre Clans that live in southern Autia.

I am the guy that wrote on the Orgrillons btw. Checking in after a hiatus. Everything looks great btw.
I wrote "early stages of the Sartyrian-Orgrillon War" but didn't put a date. About a century in makes sense though.
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Oh my bad. I should read more closely. I like what you did with the timeline maps though. Good stuff.
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Average Orgrillon. Also, I have a bit of spare time at the moment so I'm going to get a start to writing up one of two things. I can't decide which one I should do first so I suppose I'll just let you anons decide. Should I first write up what the wandering elves who fled Ignis are up to or what's going on in the Dalavchtai Khanate at the moment?
Either one works.

Kind of excited to see what some of the factions look like with some tech upgrades and more modern-ish politics.
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Thread live. I didn't see an active thread but I am still working on Sartyrian War.
We did the timeskip because we thought you were gone and we ran out of space on the map, but I am very interested in seeing how the Sartyrian War goes...
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Napanese reporter being noticed in public.
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One of the ferocious khans of the Dalavchtai Khanate, a champion who has gained the notice of Khar Mori himself in his might.
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Oh shit, the map's done?
pretty much unless people add islands or put stuff in the northern and southern continents
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Crocuban with a swamp elf whom he rescued from some trolls of Murk.
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sometimes you just know
Belkan knight visibly infected by the smelters disease.
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Belkan chomped up most of Ercaenmedia so maybe the remnants expanded to the south? I'm thinking some kind of confederation of small states joining together in opposition to the larger powers.
Speaking of confederations, should we roll for the coalition war against the Burned who are trying to reach the Eldr called by all the nations of southeast Autia that are willing to fight? If they fail, the elves could show up next to try and stop the empowered fire demons. Essentially, seeing as if the World Flame gets to Eldr the world's fucked, there are going to be multiple waves to see if the invasion gets anywhere.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolling for the Burned
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Damn, it'd have been really funny if the coalition somehow won that. Not to worry, because out of the blue the now united southern elves and the allies they've gathered (friendly human nations like the Temple Isle and elves former colonies like Solar Elves and Desert Elves) to fight the encroaching threat arrive! Could some anon roll for the Burned and their response?
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Burned are burning.
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Rolled 91 (1d100)

May you unrestrained spite come to an end here, scions of the World Flame.
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He died doing what he loved.
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Unless people want to continue the Belkan versus Ercaenmedi conflict into the timeskip, it may be better to just assume they made peace at some point.

It is unlikely, but not impossible that Belkan deported or exterminated everyone living in the parts of Ercaenmedi they conquered (which is probably in the low tens of millions). The Belkans never really seemed that ruthless though despite the nationalism memes, it is mentioned in their writing that many Ercaenmedians were living in Belkan territory before the war.

Controlling occupied territory becomes a lot harder when everyone starts getting access to submachine guns. Also it becomes harder to justify politically once industrialization replaces farming as the main employer, and there is no longer as much pressure to acquire more land.

If Belkan is still occupying parts of Ercaenmedi, there is probably a long standing insurgency going on there. Though more likely they had to come to a compromise at some point since occupying a country with similar population and tech levels to your own is very difficult to do for extended periods of time.

If someone is actually going to write for this, let me know. I intend to do write ups for the post timeskip situation in many countries eventually, but I will wait for areas where stuff is still being written
Does anyone have any idea what the now seemingly reformed Sartyrians and all their offshoot races will be up to during the timeskip? I remember some anon said he would write some lore for what's happening but that was a day or so ago so I'll just ask what others are thinking about what they would be doing. As in, it looks like all the nations who were formerly Sartyrian colonies have allied
based on >>79410736 and might be a combined nation now. But what about the other elf nations like the Lapus Elves? Do they care about the newly formed elven superpower?
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This feels deeply, entrancingly schizophrenic.
Anybody have the sauce?
...are we be certain all of that is in the same setting?
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Spartician mounted archer on donkeyback. These Amazonian archers were a perpetual threat to the peoples of Afrozil and the Voluntas Pact with the grasshopperfolk of Eritroans being slightly better prepared to fend them off due to their skilled archers. The Soukons struggled against these warriors much in the early settlement of the Pact as the Soukon army was sorely lacking in any form of professional mounted archers aside from their pegasus chariots which were beyond the wealth of the colonists to requisition. As such, these Spartician warriors devastated the Soukon city-states set up here by outranging and outspeeding the archers among their hoplites and would do so until proper walls were built and more mages arrived to snipe out cavalry from a distance.
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Maybe just have Belkan and Ercaenmedia join together into a new state? I mean potentially that could be a solution to the Belgan-Ercaenmedian Wars and the current Great War going on.
Experimental Yr soldier

Orc worshippers of Lolth raid a homestead in Hagarta

Demon of Lolth

Traditional upper class wedding in Soukos

Alprobe implants fantasies into the mind of an Alkor tourist

Strange creature of the Aetherite Islands

Harlbourgian poachers in the Crescent Islands

Creation of some Unraveler followers of Deadicorn

Inhabitant of IBRU who makes a living scavenging The Great Ruinlands as more and more tech in the IBRU ceases to function

Party in the Tartes Imperium

Demon of Glyce

Rare swan griffon of Napan

Soukos religious pamphlet cover

Duel between followers of Glyce

Mage apprentice of Ercaenmedi has an unusual magical mishap

Fairy Elf war trophy

Demon of Deadicorn trades some captives for a crystal egg guarded by some magical guardians in an old Eldrian ruin

Witch of Hagarta
that nice art.......hellboy?
>Does anyone have any idea what the now seemingly reformed Sartyrians and all their offshoot races will be up to during the timeskip?
Probably depends on how the war with the Burned goes

If the Burned are still a major threat, they will probably have a large chunk of their combined armies hanging around wherever the front lines are.

If not, they will probably remain close political allies, though they are dispersed geographically. The reformed Sartyrians would probably disperse among allied and/or open minded nations, unless Ignis is completely cleared of the Burned, in which case they would resettle it

>But what about the other elf nations like the Lapus Elves? Do they care about the newly formed elven superpower?
Probably not, they were never part of the Sartyrian Empire, and don't remember it too fondly. At best the Lapus Elves would have decent diplomatic relations, while the rest are mostly isolationist/xenophobic.
How can power armored Germans look this cute?
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Some twitter artist idk
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The incantation of a Soukan mage tearing apart some Unionary mercenaries.
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What even are these Sneed memes anymore.
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It was an earth-shattering event in the lands of Sneed, when it was revealed that "Sneed" impersonated the real Sneed, and that "Sneed" was Chuck all along.
Pictured is an artist's rendition of the moment when Chuck confessed to his crime, and Sneed was officially coronated as the rightful ruler.
It is yet unknown what fate Sneed has in store for Chuck.
War elephants of the Shahdom. They are typically ridden by a team of warriors and can be deployed in the hundreds at any time, though should such rapid deployment occur, the quality of their equipment will vary drastically.
Does anyone know how to add images to 1D4chan articles?

The wiki page is pretty bare.
We have a wiki page that isn't the 1d4chan?

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A meeting of the Ercaenmedian hwarang, an elite warrior society in Ercaenmedi much like the knightly orders of Belkan and the Sultanate. They are currently drawing up battle plans against said enemies during the ongoing war to prevent further pushes inland.
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So what do reformed Sartyrian elves look like?

Are they still all fire-y, or do they go back to something resembling their original shape
I’m thinking that they now look more like Noldor elves from the Silmarillion in appearance but with some slight traces of their former appearance in glowing eyes and things like that.
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Some particularly tricky and large birds employed by the Sky-Lords are both warriors and pets. While mocked by the Second Empire, who believe such a creature couldn’t do any substantial damage, the fleshmolded monsters brought by them who were sent back home in a letter with their head seemingly pecked off by multiple birds tell otherwise.
Duchess Karaban of the raiding party known as the Night Raiders. The local villagers believe that she has sold her soul to the devils of the seven hells and have desperately sent out messages to the high priest asking for reinforcements. Her raiding party keeps intercepting letters. She intends to break the will of the town until she can claim victory and begin her conquest into the next town, creating a lingering network of messaging henchmen.
The Oxxo market in Calath is pretty much the entire town, outsiders often mistake the town as "Oxxo" due to the large yellow and red sign in front of the store. The main shopkeeper is Trisha Oxxo, the daughter of the late Sam Oxxo, who offered his goods one year during a particularly terrible harvest and thanked generously and paid well the proceeding five until his death. The most common drink is a sweet cola poured from ice tubes behind the counter.
All of the children in Calath of the last five years have been told a story about the death of the local unicorn by a wolf. Some said that the wolf walked on two feet, while others said it was simply one of the wolves from the winter five years ago. Children are warned not to look for unicorns in the forest as the wolf still lurks there waiting.
Skela the water nymph has been allegedly seen at Sapphire Lake at three in the morning playing a beautiful melody, nobody has even gotten close enough to hear the melody well. Teh water nymph is known for the large round finn that sits behind her shoulders, and her vibrant blue and green scales that blend itno her humanoid features. Her lyre is made of curved steel with clam shell decals.
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fukken ded
Oh hey, anon added pictures like he said he would. Thank you, but you added an outdated map. This >>79348051 is the current map which is fully filled out.
Saurian nomads
Saurian and rogue Sky-Lord warrior-pets
Fix it

I had both images in the same folder, but picked the wrong one

Also, not the guy who was asking about how to add images, just did that one as a test to ensure the instructions I linked were enough to actually tell someone how to post an image
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Do you anons know the names of the three cities the Niscenoreans attacked in the most recent War of Ice and Wrath post?
Just check for yourself by looking in the 1d4chan and after that, look at previous threads for the posts that weren't added yet.
Niscenorean army severely lacking in reserves as much of their warriors had already been wounded or exhausted in previous battles. Following the withdrawal of the Tyraian army, Lord Tomadoya imprisoned the Mage Priest Holacca citing his failures as leader of the army allowing the Niscenorean military elite to take command with Knight Lord Merranaix serving as both Cavalry commander and second in command of the army. The Monks of the Order of the Golden Moon withdrew their support from Lord Tomadoya's campaign in protest at his treatment of the Mage Priest.

With these changes in effect the battered Niscenorean army marched northwest to the city of Empiogas, arriving at the plains surrounding it in three days time. Mercenary eagle riders hired from the Nantic states of Autia reported seeing large fortifications outside the city wall with several pits dug for artillery pieces along with trenches, all of these defenses located on a large artificial hill outside Empiogas. The reports seemed to indicate that the majority of the city's garrison had been mobilized to man these defenses and that the city itself seemed unguarded.

Tomadoya and his Knights decided on their course of action, under the cover of their own ballistas and trebuchets the majority of the army would rush forth across the fields of Empiogas and use their superior numbers to win the day in melee, his infantry would effect a false retreat when they reached the walls to goad the Sartyrians into following them and a charge from the Stag Knights would crush them on the open field.
The following day the Niscenorean artillery pieces began their targeted attack on the strong points of the Black Elves. Magic blessed ballista bolts and rocks began coating the positions of the enemy in carpets of ice and snow as the Infantry began a quick march to the enemy battlements, facing a barrage of black iron as surviving scorpions and bolt throwers among the enemy host replied in kind. As the Niscenoreans approached to five hundred yards they saw the sight of Sartyrian battle phalanxes as Spearmen in charred iron armor began assembling into bricks of bristling steel, Archers began assembling in long lines ahead of them and launching volleys too accurate for the bows of mortal men. At two hundred and fifty yards however, the Niscenoreans began to burn as if consumed by the fire of a thousand suns.

At close range Mages skilled in the dark arts of Plasmomancy began drawing forth bolts of blue and white fire, drawing flames from braziers scattered all across the fortifications as using the power of the aether to superheat and compress them with the balls of white flame exploding magnificently among the ranks of Elven Warrior. In their hundreds the Niscenoreans died from this first volley, blinded by the light many ran face first into the lines of the waiting Sartyrian Militias, the Dark Elven Warriors wisely turning away to avoid being blinded by the arcing Plasma. Suffering such casualties the Niscenoreans began a very disorganized but very real retreat, blinded Elves stumbling over each other and fleeing backwards anywhere they could.

Knight Lord Merranaix seeing what he believed to be the agreed upon false retreat, began charging his Knights through the retreating soldiers towards the Sartyrian lines, only to see for himself that the enemy was holding their ground and preparing another volley. The Knight Lord along with three hundred stags and their riders were incinerated as his Cavalry struggled to turn around, with many mounts panicking
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A non-sentient Saurian being prayed upon by the vile Moon Demon Squal.
Dwarf of Gabaet and a mutated Pumkin who tries to emulate the elves that race so loves fighting side by side.
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