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Hey /tg/, I come to you a man in need.

I'm writing a post-apocalyptic underground setting to start with some friends in a few months. Probably using a slapdash combination of Godless and Punkapocalyptic for my system. There are two man races, one being hyper-augmented true-humans, and mutant-kin. I'm trying to think of some interesting prosthetics/augmentations for the humans, and equally interesting mutations for the mutants that can fill roles either mechanically in a gameplay/combat sense or in a rp function.

I'm gonna make them roll on a table for the race they pick. What would you add?
nets in stomachs/shreaders in throat. food that dosent digest quick like corn or food that sinks to the bottom of the stomach and just leaves without being digested are a thing of the past as anything is caught in the net or ground up to a fine paste after it leaves the mouth. its not huge but lets them make the most of each meal
strange pheromones' and scent glads to mask yourself from creatures with keen smelling, so no more hunters rubbing themselves in blood and deer piss
I was actually thinking of something similar to this on the mutant-side. Something like fungal spores which slightly mask their presence and make creatures that breathe them in slightly more docile. Kinda like a toxoplasmosis
What are some good guidelines for creating mutants, sapient or not?
Damn, I forgot that since this isn't a general, bait, local lord, how would x fare in 40k, what would your party do, coomer, or cr/5e hate thread that it's doomed to the last page. I'll just keep bumping with ideas I've had until people are done masturbating to orcs.

Omnivocal Jaw:

A rare bionic throat and jaw prosthesis which allows its user to mimic any voice they've heard after memorizing its frequencies with a suitable intellect check. Also allows the user to produce sounds much more powerful than their size should allow. Possibly useful for espionage tactics and intimidation/deception attempts.
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but in my setting they come in a wide variety of forms. Some are like Fallouts ghouls which are still capable of rational thought, others more akin to shambling husks of irradiated flesh. In general though they can't consume regular food without vomitting and have to get energy from radiation sources. They also can't use high-tech prosthesis because their tailored through an ancient overarching system to the human genome. Instead they can inject rare virulent strains of genetic destabilizing serum which will give them additional mutations.
Utility Hand

A common prosthetic used by field workers and craftsmen, often as a replacement for a lost hand or arm. Weighing two to three times the amount of a natural limb, iron scrap and circuitry are crudely grafted onto the nerve endings. While it isn't great at day to day tasks, it provides small boons to any task pertaining to one's profession as well as +1 damage to any successful unarmed attack.
Are you looking for direct 1:1 comparisons between augments and mutations, like retinal implants for night vision vs an extra set of eyes with night vision, or more unique stuff to differentiate the two?
Honestly I'll take anything, but not 1:1 is preferrable so there's some more mechanical differences between the two.

Subdermal power cell

One of the more dangerous implants often employed by soldiers of true-kin military units. Often located beneath the skin of the upper back or neck, this powercell is capable of synthesizing raw power from nutrients in the bloodstream. It can allow the user to remain awake for days at a time or go long stints without food and water. The tradeoff is that it requires the user to consume larger amounts of food and water to sustain themselves during it's charging period.

Same roll on the table for mutants:

Bladed bones

The bones on your shins and forearms are sharpened to a point and crack through the skin. This immensely painful mutation can also very useful as your unarmed strikes are more akin to bladed weapons.
Is this inspired by Caves of Qud, by any chance? Not a bad thing to take inspiration from.

Have some augments I thought up.

>EM Circlet
A band of implanted nodules distantly descended from early attempts at implanted radios and augmented eyes, this model has developed into a truly new human sense. Users do not 'see' or 'hear' the unseen and unheard frequencies, that would be oversimplifying the matter, but they do perceive them nonetheless. Those who have it installed long-term tend to form smaller communities among themselves - akin to how the deaf communicate in their sign languages separate from those who speak auditory languages.
>Kintsugi Micromachines
Artificial platelets at least partially made from gold. They swiftly coordinate to stem bleeding out of wounds in ways both faster and more effective than any biological process, but they leave a permanent (though largely cosmetic) gilded sheen to the tissue once it heals. Golden scars. Might make the user more likely to be targeted by the opportunistic and greedy.
A system of reengineered joints, rewoven sinew, and reforged bones, this highly invasive and extremely extensive 'implant' does not grant strength. It grants the ability to withstand great weights without breaking - to allow the user to actually USE the full power of other implants without their spine buckling or their knees shattering. Even alone, it still has its' uses. Still, the scars... it is a comprehensive procedure.
>Vassal Vertebrae
A computerized replacement for a piece of the spine, capable of commanding the Somatic Nervous System in pre-approved and programmed motions. Essentially, it allows the user to multitask, their conscious mind focusing on mental labors while their body conducts chores, maintenance, or hygienic duties. Prone to failure in novel situations which are not accounted for in files, shunting command of the body back to the conscious mind...which is often very disorienting.
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Based, thank you anon. I've only seen a few videos about CoQ but it's where some of the inspiration for this came from, yeah. I've been playing an ungodly amount of Rimworld and specifically Underrail which is where a lot of this is coming from. Are those examples from CoQ? Because if they are I'll have to seriously check that game out, I thought it was just an unfinished meme fest.

How would you implement the ATLAS or Vassal Vertebrae into a tabletop system?
Oh no, those are just me rattling off bullshit from my skull. They're not from anything, I just recognize the augmented "true" human/mutated human dichotomy from a review of CoQ.

As far as implementation goes, I'd say Vassal Vertebrae would be most useful as a downtime kind of thing. If your game makes use of it, I mean. Lets the player get away with doing two things at once, as long as one of them is a simple physical action. I suggest keeping it limited to simple things, since multitasking is very fucking useful.

ATLAS I imagine just gives you more carrying capacity on its' own, if your system uses that. making the user bear the party's burdens as Atlas bears the Earth. But I figure it might also allow other implants to operate beyond what would normally be safe, since they don't have to play nice with the limits of normal human biology anymore. Maybe as a pre-requisite for some high-tier shit, but I'm not qualified enough with game design to make those kinds of balancing decisions.
>Hey hey people

Props to you man, those are sick. I think the ATLAS is probably the more versatile one and I'll definitely be stealing it. I'll have to give some thought into the vassal vertebrae and how it might be used in the setting aside from just flavor. "Before your rest you trim your nails as you read socrates" might be underwhelming if it doesn't have a practical gameplay use to accompany it.

Any ideas for mutations? Some ideas I've had are:

Flammable blood
A fold-able elytra membrane
Fungal spores that can produce a variety of useful spores
Pheromone glands for boons in social situations
A nuclear stomache which can process energy from raw materials
Yeah, I wasn't sure how to make it practical without making it so useful as to be mandatory. You have to be careful with handing out extra actions and stuff akin to it, right?

As far as mutations go. I'm less sure of the quality of these, but here they are.
>Third "Eye"
A malformed proto-organ undeniably located in an auspicious location in the center of the forehead, it is feared more for what many assume it can do than what it actually CAN do. In truth, it is an electroreceptor, and while such things were once more useful below water, the airwaves of the New Age writhe with such power that this sense now functions beyond the seas. That this allows the subject to detect nearby life does nothing to allay the fears of the superstitious.
>Degenerate's Discerning Digestion
Generations of trawling the muck and refuse for sustenance have left the subject's digestive system a gauntlet of auxiliary stomachs, nerve clusters, and sensory nets dedicated to the identification, processing, and filtering of edible substances. In other words, the subject can derive nutrition from foul things, while their bite becomes like that of the Komodo Dragon's: containing a noxious cocktail of pathogens and toxins.
>Human Fleece
The subject's hair grows thickly and quickly, more akin to a sheep's wool than a human's. Without regular care, it may grow beyond managing, perhaps leading to heat stroke. But, it is a form of textile in this fallen world, renewable and of high quality. It is strange, and the subject should take care not to become part of a slaver's flock.
>Practical Polydactyly
From the subject's hands - and even from the wrists and forearms - sprout all too many fingers. Yet, they are not useless or detrimental, they have purpose! They are arrayed such that the subject can grip with great certainty. Not strength - for that power lies beyond mere fingers - but secure handling.
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>Bio-blood replacement
Having gone through an extensive process of having their heart modified and all their blood replaced with a Blood substitute that is both more efficient and better for sealing wounds. Mechanically have it give them bonuses to healing and being healed, aswell as more resistant to fatigue and can hold their breath longer. Depending on how strong you make it, you could have a requirement of purchasing refills if they suffer from blood loss or critical damage, as their body can't naturally replace the Bio-Blood.

>Living Blood
A mutation of the cells causes them to actively seek damage to repair, the mutant not only heals faster but may drip their viscous blood onto others wounds where it will go to work rapidly coagulating and repairing flesh wounds.

Gonna think on this, I love this style of stuff.
check out Dark, Dark, Were the Tunnels by George RR Martin, i'm not a huge fan of his writing usually but it's a post apoc underground short story thats pretty well done.
These are all great

I've been thinking about this kinda thing too, OP. The mutants in mine are much more non-humanoid. IE they have more limbs, aren't bipedal, have multiple sets of jaws, etc. From what you've said it sounds like yours are mostly the humanoid bipedal kind akin to fallout, but maybe add some sort of offshoots based on mutants from other series. The deathclaws from fallout, for example. You could also go with the Underrail-esque psi mutations, giving them non-visible mutations that translate to pseudo magical abilities.

Dope thread so far, I'll be lurking.
teeth. they're called teeth.
chew your goddamn food, anon.
>Reactive skin plating
A series of miniature armor plates are sleeved into the persons skin, granting a small amount of armor, the unique trait of this implant is it's rapid reconfiguration protocols, allowing it to change and adapt to damage on the fly, increasing it's viability to repeated attacks. Mechanically a stacking armor bonus against attacks of the same type, if the system has body hit locations, maybe give it a total pool of armor it can split into different locations as combat goes on.

>Sloughing Skin
A quirk of this mutants physiology has caused it's dermal layer to generate too rapidly, it's skin builds up and sloughs off quickly creating a grotesque form of shedding. Mechanically it would reduce the duration of negative effects such as acid or burning.
Reactive skin plating would be cool but probably needs an inherent flaw to counteract its utility in most systems. Especially since it can be abused against common damage types or dumb enemies. Maybe it's metallic nature renders the user unable to swim, or gives a penalty to stealth?
An inherent flaw all these bionics seem to have is that they need energy to properly function.
So this subdermal energy reservoir one anon mentioned could have a tracked charge wich gets depleted and the more implants you have the faster they burn through your charge.
Most of them are reactive in nature so there is no way of holding back their function once their activation requirements are met
And you need to eat ALOT and time to digest the food to recharge. Wich makes you almost worthless at sustained fighting.
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A lot of the non-combat oriented ones in this thread are really interesting. I like these blood ones because they can be strategically useful as well as helpful in a pinch in certain combat instances. Gonna riff off this for a sec.

>Bioluminescant platelets

At will the mutant's blood can glow in varying intensity. At it's brightest it has the chance to daze attackers due to the inherent darkness of their surroundings, as well as rapidly burn through any foreign object in the bloodstream. While it has a hard time disabling powerful toxins, over time it has the ability to cure the mutant most diseases and ailments.

>Rapid Iron Coagulant

A rare and exceedingly powerful mutation used in conjunction with psionics that is highly sought after in mutant society due to its adaptability and power. The psionic implant allows the user to communicate and control the iron in their bloodstream through magnetic projection. After puncturing their skin, the user's own blood can be drawn and formed into blades, bludgeons, and projectiles depending on the user's training and latent ability. Unfortunately, abuse of these powers often lead to anemia and even death if the user over exerts themselves, and will almost always result in a weakened state until they can consume enough food, water, and iron to replenish themselves.
>Bone Configuration Matrix
An intensive modification of the bones adds a series of hydraulic adapters that allow the user to modify their bone structure through brief concentration, the modification may only allow the person to change their height slightly, but the real utility is the ability to extend their limbs and fingers. Mechanically I guess it would be an activated bonus to attacks or reach (if the system has a reach rule) or the ability to wield larger weapons by increasing the size of your hands, drawback would be the strain it puts on your body exhausts you afterwards if used in such a way/ (Changing height wouldn't provoke drawback.)

>Non-Newtonian bones
This mutants bones have jellified, held together by a thick sack of calcium, the insides are left to slowly slosh about, while their musculature still holds them (mostly) in shape, rapid movement can cause strange fluctuations in their body shape. This would allow them to squeeze into tight places and briefly extending their limbs when in motion, give them a bonus to reach when attacking and speed when running as their limbs act akin to mercurial weaponry, but they're significantly weaker when using force in any extended manner, so a penalty to carrying/lifting, strength checks, grappling.
Well, I don’t know about them, but I am working on a setting with large areas of unstable reality that can twist and alter organisms exposed to it without protection, and I need some ideas for creatures created by it that aren’t just chimeric mashups. Do you have any suggestions please?
Yeah I've got something pretty similar in my setting. I'm going to bed though, so if the threads up in the morning I'll type it out before I head to work.
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I recommend you give Shadowrun's cybernetics section a once-over. It's probably going to be a bit basic, but remember that basic makes the weird stand out.
You can also crib shit from MGS
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Is this Image from a Comic if so could you please link it
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You should check mutant epoch, it has options for both mutants and cyborgs
You could go on what Cataclysm: dark days ahead does, and have a few alternative ways of recharging your bionics

>There's Joint Torsion ratchets, which when active make it so it physically takes more energy to move but transfers some of that chemical energy into actual electrical power that gets stored on internal batteries
>Cable charger- there's two points on your back you can attach jumper cables to, and fill up your batteries via your car or house power
>Metabolic interchange, when active you power your internal batteries via digestion. Also helps you lose weight! This can also be upgraded with an enhanced digestive system to extract every calorie out of your food.
>Ethanol Burner- you can choose to activate something, and your stomach then shunts any and all ethanol, methanol or denatured alcohol into a seperate furnace, where it's burned to, as expected, power your batteries
>Replaceable battery slot- This was an old one, but they got rid of it for some reason. Maybe it was too OP somehow. Either way, you put batteries inside yourself.
>Gasoline burner- Like the booze burner, but with gas. Basicallly requires a taste dampener mod or you'll probably throw up

Also there's several useful ones in there that would be great for just everyday, like an internal climate control so you're always at a comfortable heat, an intravenous port to prevent having to inject drugs and medicine, an integrated toolset in your hands (which also has one of your hands fold out for more advanced tools like drills, crowbar and saw) In fact, just all of them are pretty useful for a post apocalypse setting, considering it already takes place in a post apocalypse setting. One thing I would say is some of them should be much more visibly noticeable than they appear in CDDA. It's a roguelike, so I mean you don't see anything change when you get alloy plating on your whole body, but per the description you look like robocop after getting that.
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grey goo based body nanomachine augmantation, basicaly armstrong but 100% of the body is nanomachine even the bones
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Caves of Qud.
Unironically go look up the augmentations and to a lesser extent mutations available in Caves of Qud.

Also enjoy meme video about the game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o_PBfLbd3zw
"How do you feel?"
I figured that's exactly what he was doing, considering mutants and true kin are the two starting races in Qud.

I wouldn't go for the mental mutations from Qud though, considering how extremely overpowered they are. I guess you could balance it more by removing the ego bonus thing that levels every mutation at once. I think you'd have to get more mutation points per level though
Hello fellow RimFaggot

How about some bad roll options to spice things up

A mutation where the body produces special ice structuring proteins that makes the carrier completely unaffected by even subzero temperatures. Impressive but also completely useless out in the underground wastelands.

This mutations makes you adapted for the aquatic life. Webbed hands and feet, clear eyelids, smooth slimy skin, and the ability to store up oxygen for hours. Would of made you king of the ocean if that still existed, too bad it makes doing anything on land worse.
>tfw you can turn yourself into a biomechanical tank that quad-wields miniguns
I love it when games actually let you do crazy shit.

So with mutation a lot of the times media just portrays shit as pustual, skin rotting, radiative, etc. I think it's pretty lazy and particularly in a fantasy or pseudo fantasy setting you can do so much more. Especially when you start playing with unstable reality or dimensional concept opposed to just flat radiation.

For my similar concept I opted to make a bunch of creatures essentially alien but with a mutant coat of paint. An example is a strain of mutant humanoids that are utterly alien, almost lovecraftian, but when they find a host they kill it, enter it, and wear it in order to remain undetected. Since their inner biology is utterly alien (mutated in this case) and much more powerful, they need to consume four times the food of others to stay functioning. It's the easiest way to tell them apart.

Other examples are animals that resemble their non-mutated kin but with one or two stark differences. Packs of elk that developed a co-symbiotic telepathy. Essentially two completely separate organisms connected by their own brain waves so they move in 100% tandem with each other. Or electric eels which have developed the means to harness magnetic energy as well as electrical current, flying through the air rather than the water. Final example I use is a wolf-type mutant creature that has harnessed the ability to absorb all light in a loose field around it, essentially creating a cloud of pure darkness that it uses to confuse and hunt prey.

Take inspiration from other things in this thread, but for your idea I'd check out the movie Annihilation. It pretty much hits your concept perfectly.
OP here. Yeah that's the only video I've seen of CoQ and where I got the inspiration for the two race archetypes in the setting. As I said previously though, it seemed a bit memey for lack of a better word, as one anon said allowing you to replace your legs with tank treads and so on. I love the concept so I'll looking for slightly more serious ttrpg-tailored examples.

Btw all the suggestions so far have been fantastic. Bless you, /tg/
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This picture is strange to me. Why is the peg leg considered to be different from the chick on the top right? It's a peg leg made of wood but its still a prosthetic limb.

In that regard what separates the bionics from the archotech? Is this suppose to be some Deus Ex nanomachines (son) versus mechanical augs i.e. JC Denton versus Herman?
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It's from a game called Rimworld where you manage a growing colony of individuals who's goal is to advance to the point where they can leave the world they've been stranded on. There are 4 main tiers of prosthetics, tied to your level of research and advancement, and are pretty necessary to unlock because your colonists tend to lose a lot of limbs in combat. You can start out as a tribal colony and in a pinch jam some wood into a limb to make a wooden peg prosthetic, which will make them barely functional. The next level are basic prosthetics similar to what we have today, still a grade down from a natural limb but at least marginally better than a piece of wood jutting out of your arm or leg. Bionic is super advanced technology and is a direct upgrade to any natural body part you replace, while Archotech is from a ridiculously advanced spacer civilization that regular human minds don't have the ability to replicate.

Check out Nechronica if you want a system to run this madhouse on.
Yeah I need some bad rolls for 1-5 on the starting d10 table. I'm hoping it gives them a roleplay hook as well as a goal to at the very least try and replace later with something more useful. I like these and have some similar things like:

>Iron Marrow

A mutation which results in the bones becoming composed of mostly iron. While it may be useful in avoiding crushing type attacks, the user is absurdly heavy and intricate movement becomes more difficult.

>Double-edged Talons

Your fingernails and teeth are naturally sharp to fine points, providing you with a naturally powerful set of tools and weapons. Unfortunately they grow constantly, akin to many rodents, and require constant filing in order to keep from being burdensome, even lethally so. This is a painful process and results in a constant, daily d3 health penalty.

Never heard of it, I'll check it out!
>Never heard of it, I'll check it out!

Just don't use the default art or setting.
The system was made in Japan so the default setting is concentrated creepy.

Thankfully the you can refluff everything and change out the setting real easily.

I've never seen another system that handles HP, madness, and abilities together like Nechronica does so my group has been reskinning it for our own proposes for a few years now.
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Yeah if your gonna check out Nechronica be warned it's about mutant zombie little girls. Still a cool setting but might be a little too grotesque for the tone you seem to be going with. On a related note check out Hetza, did some art of their Necronica Campaign with designs more inline for an action adventure.
Oh, well I'm in Japan now so that'll be a good excuse to make a trip to the shop. But yeah I've got my own homebrew setting I'm building right now, I'll just be stealing stuff that I can use from it. I haven't played much Japanese stuff honestly, it sounds like a lot of it is pretty deranged?
ooh, really like that rimworld image
i tried getting into rimworld twice but for some reason i just couldnt, which is weird because i liked kenshi quite a lot and this its practically the same game but top down and 2d
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It takes some getting used to, and a handful of mods in particular make it way more enjoyable

OP I'd suggest you check out the insect expanded Rimworld mod. It's got genomes you can inject your colonists with to make them sprout random insectoid limbs. Could provide some inspiration
Let's do eyes next, some Shadowrun Inspiration

>RC Eyebots
Having had your eyes replaced with cybernetic alternatives, you've opted to have them upgraded with an internal battery and free-rolling system. You may remove your eyeball and control it like a drone, you are still capable of seeing through it out to a range of 1km, be careful you don't run out of battery!

>Advanced Proptosis
Your eyeballs never quite "fit" in, they have a tendency to fall out even! This doesn't bother you one bit though, you retain full vision and control of your eyes even when they're stretched to the limit of your optic nerves! And WOW do you have a lot of nerve a whopping 2 meters of it! This enables you to use your eyes akin to a periscope, some mutants have even taken to making weapon scope "cozies" to rest their aiming eyeball, just wink and you've got perfect aim!
Setting is pretty bleak. From memory It is set hundreds of years after the end of humanity. all that's left is a necromancer (the GM) bored out of their mind. They decide to reanimate some old war automatons called "dolls" and gives them memories and emotions of little girls (literally, they got the mentally of kids) and then just sets them off in the world as a form of entertainment. You play as these dolls who only have each other for comfort in the war torn hellscape that is what's left of Earth.
Another source of inspiration for you could be kenshi
Lots of prosthetic limbs, but also:
Humans genetically engineered for combat and bone spikes (shek)
Humans (?) Genetically engineered to be a hive mind, only the queen gives birth, rest of the hive is agender (hivers)
A human with either implants or genetic engineering to live for thousands of years, and also control skinspiders and blood spiders (the bugmaster)
Also a bunch of their wildlife. Bonedogs, beak things, skin and blood spiders, landbats, gorrilos. Pretty much the only normal life is the birds and the base humans.
>There are two man races, one being hyper-augmented true-humans, and mutant-kin
If you were going to steal that from Caves of Qud then you'd might as well steal more
Dude advanced Proptosis is fucking metal as hell. I'm imagining tribals with their fucking eyeballs taped to their bows for increased accuracy lmao. Definitely stealing this
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Most of these are fantastic but how would you balance them in a system against a norm? Ie: how would you balance the utilization of equally-powerful prosthetic and mutation-based advantages against a normal human? I'm thinking:

Prosthetics - Mechanite Injectors:

The higher tech and more powerful the prosthetic is, the more strain it puts on the organic body. To combat this, regular dosages of mechanites are injected into the body to protect the user's own organic matter from complications resulting from each prosthesis. Essentially this would put an increasing gold and resource sink on the individual scaling with the amount of extra parts they don.

Mutations - Increased consumption

The more mutations an individual accrues, the more their entire system is strained to provide energy to support them. Sure you can make your blood glow to cure disease, or equip yourself with a dual-capable respiratory, or even use your bend your own blood as a weapon, but doing so will require you to consume much higher quantities of nutrients to sustain the energy output. Essentially the more powerful and numerous the mutations the more the individual has to eat. Could also be respect towards radioactive substances similar to the mechanite example above?
I was imagining little "cup" holders, like resting spots of scrapped metal+some leather for comfort.
Does it have to be balanced against baseline humans? I can understand mutants being comparable, but the implant factions are just humans but better, why would you ever be a human when you could be human+? If you wanted to play humans in this sort of setting, you'd run the mutants and cyberjunkies as enemies like Underrail, sure you might be able to jack some useful stuff from them, but they're SUPPOSED to be better and scarier than you.

Using the OPs prompt I'd been trying to balance my augments against each other rather than a base. But I can see where you're coming from and I'd probably do something similar to your suggestion, maybe add a resource pool of Energy for Augments and Blood for Mutants, so they can only use them a limited amount each day.
I'm assuming that not every human has the means to afford or access to higher tier prosthesis. Either way it wouldn't be hard to assume that not all pure humans have access to them and could therefore be used as a kind of baseline for balancing reasons. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm not exactly the best at compartmentalizing system mechanics.

How would you use blood as a balancing mechanic? Feeding like vampires or parasites or in a nutritional sense?
Depends on the tier of play I guess, if you're supposed to be the front line of humanity you'd likely have good prosthesis, whereas the people who run the farms would be using shitty hand me downs and jury rigs.

For blood, it'd be nutritional, with usage of more powerful mutations draining you. You could even have vampiric mutants that drain their nutrition from others.
>Skull Reconfiguration
Your skull has been replaced with an advanced prosthetic skull made of a series of shifting plates, with a simple thought and a minute of grunting you can shift your facial structure to your whims, combine it with a mirror and you can even impersonate your friends!

>Cephalopoidal skull
Your skull never really solidified with age, instead it became even squishier! This mutant has a cartilaginous skull and a series of tentacles, they can squeeze their head through anything they could fit their fist through. The tentacles are prehensile and assist in simple tasks like eating, grooming and foreplay!

I don't think OPs going for that kind of setting anon
Hetza's the artist who does all the hot nazi babes, right?
Look, mutants gotta procreate somehow!
>Augmented Sensory Array
An enhancement suite of sensors is installed into the Nose, Mouth and Ears, granting the Augmentee an expanded range of senses, these senses far surpass anything a human normally processes and can cause wild sensory imbalance, so they default into an "off" state. While aside from being able to hear for miles, the Array doesn't seem very useful, some more advanced individuals combine it with a chemical data reader attached to their Array, allowing them to detect toxins, poisons and hazardous substances from a distance.

This common mutation enhances a mutants sense of smell, allowing them to track via scent, an added bonus is that the mutation runs deeper, reconstructing their teeth and stomach to handle a wider array of plantlife that would normally require cooking or processing.
My idea for mutations are ather simple, here it is below :


Just like the name of the mutations, your body are now capable of producing ink thanks to the ink producing cells in your ink gland. The ink is then stored in your ink sac and you can squeeze the ink out of your body due to muscle contraction in the ink sac and made it out trough a specialized vein.

The power of this ink spray can be as weak as droplets of ink dripping out or as strong as garden hose, with the color of the ink varies from monochromatic to polychromatic depending on type of mutational strain you are currently having.

This mutation is popular among painters, especially taggers who like to tag everything in sight.
The tank treads one is kind of a meme, but the rest of them are pretty good. I would say the ones in C:DDA are good though, here's a full list


As someone said, the game is already a post apocalypse setting so they're all sort of geared to being useful there anyway.
>Cephalopoidal skull
Could apply the same to other limbs too. Would be an interesting contrast to the Iron Marrow ability >>79713045
god damn from the look of that screenshot our mod lists must be nearly identical. Truly you are a man of culture.
Fuck ya man
I've since added Android Tiers and started a transhumanist borg run. Comfy as fuck
Anyone have an image of mutations like this that isn't cartoonish? Giving some thought to using some shit like this in my next campaign
1. It can get pretty damn cold under ground.
2. Until you start getting through the crust the deeper you go the more likely you are to go below sea level and hit W A T E R
Based and squidward pilled
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I’ve heard of it, never seen it though. Are there any similar settings to it out there?
How is >>79703847 cartoonish exactly? Maybe the features could be more malformed?
why chew when you can have your food blended by your throat, plus no one has time to chew after the world ends.
you might be retarded if you can't tell why that picture is cartoonish.
Honestly I'm not entirely sure. It's a cosmic horror movie about a sort of alien/extra dimensional mutation forcefield though so it is 1000% worth the watch. I've never heard of anything like it, but I've also not looked into a huge variety of tabletop settings. Could be you need to dip your toes into some cosmic horror or SCP related stuff?
It looks more like a comic than a cartoon to me. Do you have any issue with the mutations themselves?
who does this art?
That guy wasn't me, but no I don't have any issue with the premise. Just looking for a more serious style with maybe a wider variety? Even something like OP's pic is fine. I just like to show my players some concept art with the starting info for character creation
Never Alone Transmitter: Exceptionally rare, this small cranial implant links everyone who possesses them through an unknown network, that allows them to mentally interact with one another. Imagine a modern day VR Chat, but completely immersive. It is addictive in the highest order, because the simulated reality it provides is a paradise compared to the wasteland. Very useful in maintaining communication between settlements, accessing wide arrays of information gathered by other users willing to share, and just being a nice place to go after a hard day's surviving. Reports of users mysteriously dying leads many to believe something lurks in the network, killing those who defile it's reality.
>Acid Gland
Your Stomach is not really normal (I mean, I guess it's a luxury to use the word "normal" given that your a mutant). In it there's a tube that takes some part of the acid that it uses for process the food, and that acid get's to a part where is processed and kept.
This is a jointed mutation, and you can use it depending on which mutation this gland is attached to (Either you have a way to spray it like a dangeours gas from your throut or like a concentrated shot from below your tongue). This mutation can be used with any of the two varieties.
The cost of the Acid gland is that, in case you take part of your digestive acid it will take d4 from recovering to it's normal levels, and in that time the food wont be effective in get the nutrients it need to power other mutations.

>Combat-Nanobots swarm
Sacrifacing part of your body (Either arm, legs, a section of your chest or back) you're capable of keep a handful of Combat-Nanobots. These things can be really dangerous and are used by the more vicious and dangerous Humans. They can be made for one-use only, so each C-N can explode in a tiny fire, enough for causing a almoust-serious burn, but with each CN exploding can be letal. Others have little saws which can evapored others easily if they stay long enough.

The downside is that, unless you have a neural implant for comanding them, you need a remote controller or any implant for that, in which case if that controller or external implant is damaged (and also the place where the C-N are kept) either the Nanobots are damaged or you wont be able to use them.
>Toothy Grin
You have another set of teeths and jaws. Right behind the first set of teeths, you have others. Not like Sharks (if those are still alive), but like a second mouth. When doing a bite attack, you can also use the second set, dealing more damage than usual, and maybe be capable of ignoring armor. Once the enemy is attacked like this, you could make a grapple attack, so while the first set of teeths let's you still biting in the enemy the second can still bite several times inside your mouth, unless the enemy is free from the grapple. Any other mutations which mutates your teeths also affects the second set, but only if you gained them AFTER you gained the Toothy Grin mutation. if you gain mutations for your teeths BEFORE Toothy Grin, they won't transfer to the second set.

>Extra Arms
Two arms isn't enough for you? You can have more. They can either being implanted in your body or equipped over your body, giving you a maximum of three pairs that comes behind your shouldes of in the lower back. Of course you can use multiple weapons, but unless you have a neural-implat that improve your multi-tasking skills or using them for d8 months, you willl recibe more penalties in your multiple actions than normal.
>Kintsugi Micromachines

Dope idea and even doper Japanese terminology. Fucking based
>Two Hearts
Someone would need more time while trying to kill you if they aim to your heart. The first one is in it's place, the second is located in other part of your torso. The Mechanical effect that his have is that the damage you could recibe with Bleeding damage is reduced to the half (rounded down) because of the double of blood you produce, and you can't be killed with Bleeding damage unless one of the two hearts is seriously damaged. In case of a Heart Attack, you will recibe a +6 penalty of all your actions until treated. The good news is that after 1d4 minutes the Heath Attack will stop itself, the bad is that you'll still have half of the penalty until you rest or use any other method your GM finds appropiate.

>Hidraulic-Piston Limbs
This implants are normally used for hand-to-hand combat specialists or any labor that uses strength. The crit range increases and also the damage if used for arms. In case of being used for the legs the same effect apply, and also the jump range increase widly
Instead of their humans counterparts, this exo-skeleton is literally made from bones. The outside of the mutant is reoinforced in sometimes grotesque and sometimes cool looking armor. These exo-skeletones gives resistance to bludgening damage but someone trying to make some acrobatic prowess or trying to bend their limbs more than the normal movements someone could make, is going to have some troubles.

>White noise canon
A sound canon that is used for non-lethal damage when trying to incapacitate an enemy. Sometimes is used like a gun and others the canon is attached like an implant replacing the arm. This can also stunt the enemy, but after that the weapon needs to recover after one round so it can fire normally again and stun. If you raise the volume it can make lethal damage, but also once you use the stun ability, it makes more damage but it takes two turns to recover
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Here's some more mutant ones I came up with. This shit is fun, I'll be using these for some races I'm home-brewing.

>Psychic Antlers

A pair of solid antlers sprout from your skull in a shape unique to each individual mutant. Unlike most found in nature, however, these serve a more intricate purpose. They are tuned to the latent psychic energy of brain waves, which you can use to navigate. You can often sense intense versions of a particular feeling (determined forever by a d4 roll) or a large gathering of individuals who feel it, even mildly so.

1- Anger
2- Joy
3- Sadness
4- Fear

>Toxic Blowhole

You have an extra ever-gaping orific on your body which constantly produces toxic fumes. This hole can be plugged for up to 12 hours before bloating begins to cause internal damage, but can be uncorked to blast the surrounding area in a screen of smokey filth. [Depending on the system implement some form of check for living creatures in the gas cloud with a penalty should they fail]
Based Cataclysm poster. I've worked a couple of this:

>Frion-thermal Plasma

A strange yet highly useful mechanite injector composed of a self-replicating liquid-bionic frion solution. This regulates your thermal temperature, resulting in your own plasma preventing your body temperature from getting too hot or too cold. You have greatly increased resistance to hot temperatures and are immune to hypothermia as a result, although frost and fire based damage sources will still scar your flesh as normal.

>Biofuel Endocrine System

Your endocrine system is wildly altered, producing a rare hormone which is stored en masse in your bloodstream. This hormone is extraordinarily unstable, and when dispersed in the air is remarkably flammable. While your own liquid blood is not hazardous, you have developed the means to discharge your own blood from your gums/eyes/fingernails, requiring only a lit flame to become truly devastating.
Caves of qud basically has those two main factions, so check it out for inspiration
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Yeah I based the premise off of a CoQ vid, and I explained why I didn't just rip everything off earlier in the thread
Nah, not him. They share the same Mignola influence, but he draws faces quite differently.
This guy
This thread rocks.
Yes it does, but what exactly is that thing supposed to be, exactly?
For me the problem is that it's got no z axis. I can't build a multi-level doom fort. If I could do that it'd be the perfect game.
>Siphoner's Tongue

One of the more universally despised mutations due to its inherently parasytic utility. The mutant's tongue is formed of compact, intensely powerful muscles despite being deceptively light weight and skinny. The end of the tonque is dotted with several grotesque barbs which anchor into the targets flesh. This can be used to grapple opponents at a long range, or draw blood from the victim, as the mutant's biology has adapted to thrive off of the nutrients of others' blood.
>Omnivocal Jaw
What the fuck this is terriffying in the proper hunter
Ssseth left us
Didnt he?
I like it. Tonques have some potential.

>Serpentine Plate Tonque

One of the few prosthetics that never passed the testing phase due to its highly niche potential and grotesque nature. This rare bionic implant replaces the tonque, anchored through the muscles of the floor of the mouth all the way to the jawbone. Replaced with state-of-the-art compact and lightweight synthetic mesh plates, this tonque when fully extended practically constitutes a new limb which can jut out with explosive force. Capable of forming a tip sharpened down to the molecule in an instant and piercing flesh with ease. This prosthesis is heavily favored by assassins who want to appear as no more than normal, non-augmented humans - assassins who don't mind the taste of blood.
OP here, I love you all. Honestly it's inspired me to write so much more about the setting while stuck in quarantine. I'm rather proud of this one:

Phoenix Womb:

Perhaps the pinnacle of not only human prosthetic technology, but also genetic and biological engineering. The Phoenix Womb is renowned for it's blurring of philosophical, ethical, and legal boundaries, if not simply for it's raw power and potential.

The Phoenix Womb is an immensely rare and expensive implant nestled into the organs of the user. Its hyper-advanced genetic scanning index renders a complete copy of the user every day, down to the exact individual placement of every hair follicle and precise composition of every new memory. Upon sensing the death of the user, the primary system protocols activate, immediately burning the hosts corpse and printing a new organic copy of the individual within the protective shell of the implant. This fetus grows with remarkable speed, breaking out of the implant within hours and growing to maturity within a matter of weeks. The user slowly gains their former identity during this process and can halt the aging process at their will.
Also a new idea from me is another mutation, this one's a little bit gross and creepy :

Ever wanted to have yourself a partner/sidekick that are easy to be carried, does not take too much space, act like it's your best friend (albeit a little intrusive), and provide enough utility for you and the entire team? Use the mutation PARASITE INFANT!

If you like the statements provided in the above paragraph you know you'll like this mutation, what does this mutation works you ask? Well my guy, this thing right here is pretty much works in a slightly complicated ways :

1. Sign up a contract provided by XCorps/GovProgram (Insert name here), this contract allow you for the access of the INFANT itself later on and many programs that comes with it. And since you have signed the contract, you must comply to the rules of XCorps/GovProgram to proceed or be faced with deletion.

2. Next up, Agents of XCorps/GovProgram will extract your data, both physical data and mental data. After that, the DNA Sample they've extracted from you is then used to make said INFANT.

3. INFANT Is then made in a birthing pod with a fast forwarding process on, the process itself only took about 5 minutes instead of nine month. After that, the INFANT is then extracted from the birthing pod, from this point onward you and the INFANT will going to follow course of programs like (1. Behavioral and Biological Adjustment) and (2. Parent-child relationship training), failure on this program will resulted with you deemed unworthy and the INFANT will be terminated.

4. However, if you succeed on doing all of those courses; score a good result by your trainers, evaluators, and advisors; and the bond between you and the INFANT has greatly increased the congratulations! You have yourself a PARASITE INFANT for you to use at your command.

Cont (1/2)
Cool idea. I imagine that destroying the original body entirely would be beyond its ability to recover from, right?
5. However though, before a PARASITE INFANT can be as good as the multi-tricks up it's sleeve type attack dog you must first assign the INFANT to a training program so you can made that INFANT to be whatever you want. Examples of the training program may varies from CQC, Firearms Handling, Explosive Handling, Songbird, and many more (Up to six training programs can be given to the mutant and only six, also you can train the programs by yourself if you feel that the hassle for yourself is worth it in the end or you just don't got money enough to train the INFANT at the XCorps/GovProgram Training centre.

Additions : this mutation is inspired by Victor from The Twins in Dead by Daylight as the idea that you can hollow your organs out to fill said organ with a miniature and distorted version of you is quite amazing for me, even better that said Victor is capable to be thrown into the field to attack Survivors like an attack dog.

The INFANT has a size of min/max 45cm/90cm, with a posture like that of Silverback Gorilla and equipped with slighty long arms to ease mantling, grabbing, and covering up more radius for glomp-latching after pouncing on you and rides you like the Jockey from L4D series.

The Parasitism comes either because INFANT scoops out your organs to replace those with your distorted, miniature version of yourself and/or the fact that it cannot eat trough normal means as INFANT required to link with said parent trough a gut to gut connection as your gut is connected to INFANT's gut with a specialized connector for easing the process. You decide on which one's good or not.

Cont (2/3)
Lastly though, the INFANT want to be near you all the times, even if said times require privacy of you to focus on your own matters. The INFANT does not care if it intrudes your personal business, it just want to be with you all the times and if you ignore said thing it'll cry as loud as you can causing everyone to think you're number #1 world worst parent ever (good thing is that it only want your affection and attention and not much from material side).

Any advices on improving my mutation?

(Cont 3/3)
Looks like a drawing of Russia.
Glad to see response from OP! If you're willing to go that high tech here's another one I thought of.
>Organ Harvester
Rarely used by anyone but doctors, organleggers or psychopaths, this extreme body modification replaces the majority of the implantees torso, converting their ribcage and "spare" space into a mobile surgical station. While the high tech tools and sterile coverings allow a user to perform complex surgery in the field, the most common use of this implant is for the harvesting of organs and implants. Even if the most common use wasn't so macabre, the Organ Harvester would still get a bad rap, some people just don't appreciate seeing a mans chest splitting in half and unfurling into an almost spiderlike array of surgical limbs.

>Organ Grinder
Named so as a mockery to the Organ Harvester to which it resembles, this mutation causes the mutants chest cavity expand into a ravenous maw, allowing them to devour large portions of food at a time, rend their enemies or even spit caustic bile. The gross malformation of their torso tends to make these mutants easily imbalanced and less limber, without appropriate lower body compensation (typically by more mutation) they also suffer from hampered movement as they must lug their barrel-like torso around. Mutants with this mutation tend to be avoided even by other mutants, merely from fear and superstition that their hunger is insatiable. (Which holds to be false, they are only as hungry as any other mutant, which is to say, bordering insatiable.)
>Mutation: Adaptive Skin
in extreme climates, the affected patch acclimates over the course of a few hours to prioritize water retention, heat reflection, or other traits to more comfortably survive the area.

In battle scenarios, one merely needs a sample of the attack and a biscuit or two to gain damage resistance to flames, bullets, claws, or other arms.
>Mutation: Living Dynamo
Several organic batteries develop all over the mutants body and turn chemical, kinetic, and thermal energy into stored electrical energy, that can be discharged slowly or rapidly. Slowly, the mutant could be used to power something as large as a small electric vehicle for a short time. Rapidly, the mutant can unleash an arcing bolt of lightning to anything they touch. Every hour of power, or electric discharge, requires the mutant to make a fatigue check.

>Mutation: Dryad Syndrome
The mutant's flesh is replaced with solid lumber, their hair and fur turned into thin green needles, and their blood into a viscous, sweet tasting ooze. They only require half the average rations, but only if they travel beneath the sun's light. Water is another concern. They need twice as much to feel sated, but can go for far, far longer without it. Each day they do without water, however, the more brittle and grey they become. Fire burns twice as hot upon their dry bodies, and refuses to be extinguished easily. When they are fully hydrated, the opposite. As such, it is rare to find such a mutant far from a steady source of water.

>Mutation: Viper's Blessing
Your blood is not blood, it is poison. Or venom, depending on how you use it. It is not powerful, but you have it in great supply. It also refuses to share it's vessel, granting you moderate resistance to all poisons and venoms. The mutant may apply a dose of it to their blades by cutting a vein or soaking it from a pre-existing injury.

>Mutation: Spring Heeled
The mutant moves in great leaps and bounds, as their leg bones spiral and flex with great ease. Regular walking becomes quite difficult, however, leading to a gait that can only be described as bouncing. Triple the mutant's jump height and length.
>Mutation: Fluffy
The mutant grows an extensive coat of fur all over their body. It is incredibly soft to the touch, repels filth and grime, and would sell for a fortune as a rug. The mutant benefits from having proper bedding no matter where they sleep, as does anyone who sleeps on them. They also suffer less from blunt force trauma. The downside is quite obvious: They need a great deal more water to ward off the sun's heat, and many hunters would be quite happy to skin them.

>Mutation; Titan's Voice
The mutant's voice is amplified to a massive extent, allowing them to be heard clearing for mile around. It is so loud that anyone who bears the full brunt of it at short range will find their ears bleeding. They find it impossible to speak in anything less than a low bellow, so best learn some new ways to communicate if they wish to be stealthy.

>Mutation: Lode Stone
The mutant's skin becomes infused with magnetic iron, powered by chemical energy. Small ferrous objects readily stick to them, and they can direct the field to snatch far away objects, or hurl something with great speed. It will quickly fatigue the mutant.

>Mutation: Symbiotic Tumor
The mutant has a little friend growing on them. Fully sapient and aware, it communicates with the mutant at the speed of thought, and there is no ambiguity about the message. It's not particularly smart, but it's learned a few things over the years. The mutant gains (moderate, system appropriate bonus) to 2 skills they don't currently possess.
Look at stuff like Phoenix Point's Disciples of Anu. Their mutations are pretty fun.
>A set of crab mutations that allows the soldier to spit stuff and be more offensive.
>A set of mutations that turns the soldier into the human eel of a jellyfish.
>A set of mutations that turns the soldier into a discount Hulk.
Not to mention the Anu Priest head mutations that come in three flavors. Soothing psychic aura, psychic banshee screaming and that one that makes everyone so angry around the priest that everybody becomes Leeroy Jenkins.
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Interesting, do you have any more like that, please?
neruostim harness
a small number of the pure humans are either unwilling or incapable of having bits lopped off for cybernetic strength. precise, carefully regulated energy pulses are channeled through this non-implant to force extra performance out of an otherwise meat body.
Go fuck yourself bumpfag. You're a fucking scourge. Every post you make is making this board worse.
A part of your body (Either a hand, foot, or chunk from any part of your body) Shifts it's anatomy. Now it looks like it has grown legs like a insect and some parts splits and moves that acts like tiny hands. It also appears it has tiny eyes and, who knows? A brain maybe.

The Homunculi can follow simple orders ("When someone enters the room, shoot the gun" or "go for that weapon near in the ground") like a minion, but it can't carry things more heavy than its own weight. Some mutants that are proficient in opening locks and hacking, equipt it's Homunculi with little tools once their bond is strong enough for the Homunculi to follow complex orders and learn how to pick locks. This Homunculi can stay in it "primal" form like a chunk of meat or limb, or mutate into a tiny creature. In the first form it consumes energy like normaly when it's attached to you, in the second it can sustain it's own Energy and need to consume food, and also have a maximum of 2 Mutations (Unless you find a way to make him bigger so it can't turn in a ugli mas or strange limbs that breaths)

>Optimized Legs
Instead of your normal legs, these change in the shape of the animals before this fucking hellscape was created. Your speed is double than normal and have more jump lenght. The stronger they can be depends on other mutations and also your stability, but surely this is a good update in case you depend in running our like to use it.
What are some guidelines for making chimeric mutations, like we see with Type-Null?
I don't undestand what do you mean with Type-Null, the fuck is that? also

>Sneak Shot
The bones from the hand and the forearm are replaced by some mechanic parts from a fire gun. The forearm bone has now a cylindric metal tube that goes all the way to the arm, where's a hole in the lower part of the palm. From the forearm the ammunition is loaded (A bullet at a time), and once the security lock is unlocked, with the quick movement of the palm to the back, the bullet is fired. There can be special amunition and is the cheapest mechanical implant that the civilians use for self defense, and also is good for the people who wants to keep a more humane appearence appart from other Humans. (Also, there can be variations more powerful than this implant)
Isn't the image clear? It's an artificial Pokémon.
The older I get, the more I hate fucking generals on this board
Why do you hate them? Are they really that bad?
>Mutation: Magma Marrow
Stress responses heat up not just your body, but your blood. Altered, high temperature blood starts coursing through your body, increasing regeneration rate and dealing heat damage on contact. This comes at the cost of literally burning out your heart, accumulating internal damage as you fight.
There are just so many of them, and they produce no real funny, interesting, or thought-provoking content. It's literally just a giant circlejerk of people talking about their preferred tabletop vehicle and doing absolutely nothing cool.

It's as reddit as 4chan can get.
Pretty much this. It just makes the board stagnant
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>food that doesn't digest like corn
Humans need to process corn in a specific way to get any real benefit out of eating it. Teef alone do not cut it
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Anyone got any good images of prosthetic wings?
This image fucks with the lights on.
More like it?
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If you're going to jave people roll for their race, then do half races. Let them pick their race, and roll for a secondary racial modifier. See Gamma World for an example of what I'm talking about.
Wtf are you posting
Miscellaneous cyberman redesigns.
Sheesh, why do they need redesigns? Weren’t they evil enough already)
not him, but in the dr who universe cybermen re basically like crabs, for some reason humans KEEP evolving into them, so most of these redesigns are sparked by "what if cybermen but..."
But why? I wouldn't necessarily consider that a prosthesis
there's a z-level mod but I can't vouch for it
I'll check it out. I wasn't gonna make them roll for a race though, maybe I explained it badly. I want them to pick either mutant or human for their character and then they get to roll on a starter d10 mutation or prosthetic table respectively. After that they'll pick professions, write backstory, and do everything else based on what they end up with.
What's that about crabs now? And why would anyone want to be turned into an emotionless cyberman?
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Mutant Crawl Classics has a bunch of great tables for mutations and cybernetics.
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here's the cybernetics table
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here's a chart for mutations
Look up Carcinization. It's mostly a meme. but it's about how multiple species of crustaceans evolved into crabs completely separate from each other, and example of parallel evolution.

I may be wrong since I don't watch Dr.Who, but I think people are turned into cybermen. I remember reading somewhere that some cybermen don't even know they're cybermen.
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Is that a screwdriver? Why would you butcher yourself just to add a screwdriver to one finger?
humans are turned into cybermen, because cybermen are superior to humans by every metric a cyberman can understand.
but they have about 12 different origins, from evolving on an alternate zepplin universe, to being the solution to a ship stuck halfway in a blackhole accelerating time, cybermen just keep turning up.
in the same way creatures keep evolving into something very similar to a crab
>Daleks would've evolved into Cybermen if Darvos used an exoskeleton instead of a chair
God I wish Doctor Who remained good instead of descending into CHOSEN ONE bullshit.
These are cool. The cybernetics are pretty self-explanatory but is there anything that breaks down the effects/defects of the mutations?
people who get obviously fake skin over their cool robot arm should be ashamed. i can understand some kind of protective sleeve but at least get some cool plating or something, or maybe even a transparent sleeve so you can see all the inner workings
That would be impractical in combat scenarios. Also, budget concerns might be a factor.
I doubt budget is a factor for the particular demographic that would rather turn their limb into a multi-pronged bionic power drill, rather than say... purchase a screwdriver.
I have mixed feelings about what destroying or heavily, heavily damaging the body would do. The implant would be the prosthetic equivalent of Blackrazor in terms of rarity and price and I wouldn't want to gyp them. Though I think it would be cool if that resulted in some sort of quirk during the rebirth process. Like you come out with fucked up distrustful memories of your comrades, or are biologically driven to punch anyone who says the word "therefore"
>That would be impractical in combat scenarios
which one
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I like human turned goo people, but can't think of any reason outside of completely unintentional disaster for WHY they would turn.
Makes me think of something like Johann Kraus from Hellboy. If it can provide sufficient benefits, I can imagine some people willingly going through such a transformative process. Transhumanism is one hell of thing. On the other hand, it's not like all mutations and mechanical augmentations are always taken on willingly.

Maybe it's something that can be done to dead people?
If the system has grappling there could be a mutation where the person sheds their skin to escape a grapple.
Maybe they're forced to? Like in Evangelion with Instrumentality, except still having individual bodies, and on a smaller scale?
If the only way to stay safe is to have a solid steel wall with maybe a few cracks or grills, some people might give up having solid bodies and clothes.
the mortal form is sinful, so the best choice is to shed as much of it as you can, but you still kind of HAVE to have a physical presence, so what little remains is jammed into a holy vessel that neither ages nor hungers nor copulates, the 3 things all mortals do, rending them closer to the gods they serve.
misplaced religious zeal is my go to for most seemingly fetish shit desu.

after entering a shitty situation the human was given the choice of turning slime or perishing, either trapped in a collapsed dungeon with just enough space for a slime to slip out, or lost in a forest with nothing to eat but slimes, and their own intrinsic instability breaks down the humans biology and replaces it with slime.

bandits who are into body-modding for power, half go full monster factory, the other half are 75% peglegs
Presumably the other fingers can do stuff too. I completely agree otherwise though.
Why would that be the only way to stay safe? Any ideas?
A solid mountain without any tunnels, only cracks linking each of the hollow caves inside.
An organ that absorbs waste methane from the body or air that can be released from the palm of the hand. Combine it with an eel-like electric touch and you got a mutant that can burn things with his hands.
Generally speaking, artificial materials are harder than biological parts, so consider making offensive mutations and defensive augmentations more powerful. This is a way to prevent the 1:1 comparison >>79696163 described
What if you mix-and-match? Use both for different things?
Read the op

Hadn't considered the offensive-defensive difference honestly. What I was considering was making mutations cheaper and more abundant while bionics are more expensive and powerful. In the setting I've written so far bionic prosthetics are relics of the old world from the height of human power, while mutations are the result of a cataclysmic event and are therefore recently more easy to come by. If two of them lined up in a 1:1 sense similar to >>79715110, I would have the eyebots cost 1.5x, be slightly more flexible, and confer slightly better bonuses. I'm no balance savant though so I'm open to suggestions.
I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be mutants that 'somehow' obtained cybernetic augmentations, either by theft or trade. Especially if they lost an arm and couldn't regenerate it or something.

I thought a lot about this, and I think I came up with a solution to keep them separate and therefore make the races slightly more defined. Bionics in the setting are tailored to the human genome of the user. Mutants can't use bionics because their genetic code isn't read as human. Subsequently this means that if a human with bionic implants injects a mutagenic serum, then their bionics fail because the prosthesis they had installed no longer correctly registers their genetic structure. I also made this as a fail safe to stop players from becoming organ-harvesting murder hobos, as a bionic implant is tailor-fit to the specific genetic code of the one who first implants it, and they can't go tear off everyone's limbs to hoard prosthetics - having to go find or purchase their own rare prosthetics/serums in the world instead
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So, a mutant theoretically could or couldn't find someone willing to code cybernetics to their mutant DNA?
It would be exceedingly rare to find someone with the time, intellect, resources, and inclination to do so, but yes.

The last hundred or so years of humanity before the cataclysm used an Orwellian genetic mapping and tracking system called Archangel. Essentially you got access to better prosthetics if you allowed them to track you and your genetic structure and had good social credit. So anything tied to Archangel would have to be hacked. The more primitive prosthesis like >>79695967 that were developed pre-Archangel system don't have this genetic mapping software attached to them and thus can be easily recreated and used by Mutant kind.
I had a little collection on mutations in the forms of books being
>Mutant Crawl Classics - Core Rulebook (Updated)
>MYZ - Core Rules
>The Metamorphica
They might interest you
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whos the artist? looks like they're emulating hellboys style.
So there's a bit more opportunities to mix and match for lower level augmentations?
That's the plan. You might occasionally find a mutant with a make-shift cannon for an arm, or a crude piston leg. Anyone can use low level augments, and they usually mark the underclasses so people only use them if necessary. Most mutants choose to embrace their new nature however, because they see their mutations as the next step in human evolution. I kinda wrote it from the ground up to make it so that 99% of humans used prosthetics and mutants used genetic serums, but I think it's fun to have outliers.
these mutations are amazing.
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Retractable hypodermic fangs.
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>Cybernetics have allowed humans to carcinize.
>Mutation: Snake Fang

In order to quickly extract toxins from otherwise edible food, hollow fangs in the mouth can suck out material and shunt them away from the digestive system. They travel along the arms to be ejected from the nails or knuckles.

As can be expected, this has been weaponized to allow poisonous attacks while unarmed.
So players can eat poisonous or toxic substances and become spitting cobras? Dope. I might revamp that for a mutation as a flip-side to >>79805412
Could the same be done in reverse though? Are there any low level biological enhancements that don't mess with the genetic code required for bionics?
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Not as I have it set up currently, no. Partially because genetic enhancements are cheaper and more readily available, and I didn't want too much overlap early on. Though the basic (starter) prosthesis wouldn't fail even if you got the highest level mutagen serum, so maybe they can still do some ridiculous shit with it. Balancing this is gonna be a nightmare already even without the mixing and matching.

Also, I quite like the idea of giving nearly every human a basic prosthesis, possibly tied to their cultural identity. Something like being seen as lesser if you don't have some sort of augmentation, even if that results in them being somewhat crippled. Think that might make humans a bit more flavorful like their mutant counterparts.
Sad to see no comments on the Organ Harvester, the idea of someones chest opening up into an assortment of blades and needles like a monster maw strikes me as super cool. Oh well, I'm back since the thread is still kicking.
All humans having at least one augment as a cultural thing honestly sounds rad. Like a coming of age ceremony where on X birthday you're gifted an augment, poorer families typically getting you something that's useful in the families line of work, middle class getting a "luxury" augment, even if they can barely afford it and higher class getting the latest model to show off, typically of a class where it's flashy but also easily hidden.

>All Terrain Feet
A full foot replacement that does away with looks for efficiency, this blocky quad-limbed augment houses a series of modular internals that can be changed with the click of a button, switching between Standard, Climbing Claws, Wheeled and Flotational, with more expensive models coming with the battery draining Hover skates mode. A must have for any avid explorer.

>Liquid legs
The lower half of this mutants legs have taken on a life of their own, degrading into a controlled cellular swarm, giving them the appearance of standing knee-deep in a pool of thickened blood. Despite it's liquid appearance these "limbs" can control themselves quite finely, allowing them to propel the mutant along at ambulant speeds on any solid surface. If forcefully separated from their "legs" the cells die off within a matter of minutes and must be regrown by the mutant over the course of a week. This has led to some mutants with this mutation preferring to take steps instead of "gliding" like most of their kin, a sure sign of their approach is the sound of someone walking through mud.
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Why doesn’t she have a mouth? How does she eat or speak?
Why don't you give thinking a shot instead of asking like a retard?
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Can't remember the sauce on that pic, but isn't it like you can remove the plate and put in a bionic mouth? Could be remembering something else entirely.
There is no official comment, but reasonable explanations can range from swappable parts to actually a robot.
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Ah yeah, seems pretty vague. I figured it was something like pic related.
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Thanks! Not the anon who posted them, but I'm glad they're getting some use out in the world.
Ah are you the one who posted the organ harvester? I really really like it. I stole it actually, it's roll number 8 on my table now, I just need to give it some actual stats when I finally decide on a system to use.

All terrain foot is cool. I was considering something similar to implement >>79806282 crab boi there. Seems like a nifty augment that would give not only a boost to movement speed but also an immunity to penalties imposed by all many of difficult terrain. I would definitely axe the hover part as I have several tiers of jump pack augments that do this already.

Liquid legs: ew. Maybe good for the starter table, giving some bonuses similar to all terrain. Seems a bit cumbersome in most situations though unless it confers some other type of bonus. Maybe they absorb nutrients from the ground they walk on and don't have to eat as much?

I love the birthday idea for cultural expectations of prosthetics btw, 100% stealing that. Maybe even multiple birthdays for different types of parts, making this like a post-apocalyptic Korean culture
Only works on a cyberpunk setting.
Care to explain?
Seconding. More information is requested please.
I'm certain it's either a stroke poster or just poorly assembled bait... but I'm curious either way.
Cybernetics require lots of support infrastructure and technological understanding to build and maintain, a post-apocalyptic wasteland won't have those things available.
>muh realistic post-apocalypse
Awesome input. Now go back to your village of garbage huts that no one's bother cleaning in the last 100 years.
Brainlet response. My post-apocalyptic wasteland can have whatever the fuck I want it to have. I bet you'd complain if someone's high fantasy campaign didn't have a REALISTIC fiscal policy you fucking queer.
Yeah I've been linking my previous posts whenever I add something new. Glad Organ Harvester made it in, but yeah, liquid legs is supposed to be an almost direct downgrade from All Terrain Feet, but obviously has no associated cost and can self-repair.

OOH, in line with the cultural birthday thing, maybe make them inject their children with a nano-solution at birth that is REQUIRED to make these implants function? So their body is "rewired" to control these implants through thought from a young age, which is why the mutants can't use implants and why mutation causes implants to cease functioning? (As it changes the genetic makeup and the nanites cease functioning.)
>Lung Capacity Enhancement
The structure of this persons lungs has been augmented with additional musculature and added membranes, allowing them to not only intake more air, but process it better, allowing for a vast extension of their ability to hold their breath and added endurance, both short distance and long distance. If combined with the >>79695014 Omnivocal Jaw Enhancement, they can even weaponize their voice into a short range sonic blast.

>Lungfish Gills
This mutant has become truly amphibious, able to breathe in both air and water, while an innocuous but useful mutation some mutants have started making simple "rebreathers" made of water filled sacs they attach to their gills, so that they can simply stop "breathing" whenever they encounter dangerous gases that are prevalent in their lives.
Do they encounter deadly gases that much? Seriously?
Honestly don't know for OPs setting, I just feel like any environment that provokes rapid mutation probably has alot of bad environmental effects going on, especially if it's in caves. Caves and deadly gas pockets go hand in hand.
>Chainsaw hands
A particular violent take on implanted weaponry, this replaces the internals of the forearm and hands with a "pop-out" chainsaw, the hands split down the middle and fold back along the forearm to keep them out of the way of the spinning teeth that push forth from the wrist.

>Meat Mallets
A form of cancerous growth that causes the mutants limb (typically arm) to grow into bulbous masses of flesh and bone, thankfully the tumor has killed off most of the nerve endings allowing these mutants to crush their foes and prey into fine paste with these makeshift maces.
Dude that's a pretty dope idea, I'll have to think about that. Maybe something like a fucked up mechanite vaccine that primes them for bionic implants but also euthonizes them if they have any genetic anomalies akin to the mutant-kin. That'd be a fucked up card to pull part way into the campaign. Man you're a gold mine dude, fucking bless you.

I dig the lung augments, I've got something somewhat similar that let's mutants use a dual respiratory system while humans get a means to survive super cold/high pressure environments. Might have to slap all these together somehow.

I've been thinking about how they would go about getting some of these spacer-tier upgrades while living in a post-apocalyptic hell hole. I'm thinking of having old-world medical terminal chambers. Something like the healing machines from dragon ball, or other similar flavor pod. They insert their prosthesis that they've found, scan their genome, and enter if the match is suitable. Then the machine goes through the process of attaching it to them.

Whadya think? Too basic? Also bren thinking that advanced prosthesis can be recycled in them to produce mechanite injections which recharge the high tier ones.
Maybe the "pure" humans survived the apocalypse by going into a cryo-sleep inside medical pods designed to keep humans functioning, they run off a mechanite sludge that all the augments are made from, allowing you to break down an augment back into sludge to repair/power a different one and if the chamber has a functional printer and blueprint it can produce new augments. The apocalypse blowing everything up made it so the Med-chambers no longer have a network and can't just download blueprints, so some people have access to chambers that can only produce 1 or 2 things and others have more complete databases, new age doctors have learned to replicate the techniques of the med bays and even to program NEW augment blueprints for better adaptation.

The mutants are of course the descendants of humans who had to survive the apocalypse the old fashioned way, maybe they're not recognizably human on a genetic level and the reason they're prone to mutation is because they've "evolved" a form of rapid adaptation.

So, old world tech still exists and is around, but the med chambers were DESIGNED to survive the apocalypse, thus their prevalence and cultural significance. Probably make it so it's been a few hundred years since the first cryo-sleepers woke up, long enough for a culture to develop around these Medchambers and augments.
Archotech is off, it's supposed to be indistinguishable from normal flesh, after all. Otherwise it looks nice yeah.
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Neat. Do you have any more pictures like this please?
>shoot off doorknobs
what a retarded stupid idea
you can steal some mutations from gammaworld
every time someone posts this it pisses me off a little bit more than the last time
>big brain geniuses are a classic
>You're actually a gruesome monster, but you can teleoperate your old human body for interaction purposes.
Seems fine if it had some sort of failsafe. Or if you ever wanted to kill someone by doing pushups
>shoot once
>immediately experience mind numbing pain as your bones start to cook from the heat
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OP Here, I'm looking through a ton of different systems to run this ludicrous shit on but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed by all of it. So far I'm looking at:

>Gamma World hacks
>Tiny Wastelands
>Apocalypse World
>A nonsensical amount of Fallout systems
>Other Dust
>A bunch of random shit from the pdfs linked in this thread

Has anyone got any experience with these systems? Specifically I'd be looking for one that's easiest to homebrew so I can throw in all the awesome mutations/augments in this thread.
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Punkapocalyptic is the only one I've played and I can vouch for it. Isn't gamma world older than sin?
No experience with those systems to be honest, but I'd highly recommend FFRPGs Warhammer (40k) systems, pick whichever core has your most preferred rulings and just chop and change from there. I recommend it because it already has cyberware, mutants and psychic shit aswell as an easily modifiable base system. If you use the classless exp system from Black Crusade or DH2 you won't even need to come up with class replacements, just refluff the backgrounds and make the planets a tribe or social class thing, like mutants would have tribal bonuses and Puritans (I'm calling them that from now on and you can't stop me.) would have social class bonuses.

Most of the augments and mutations I've contributed would be easily translated to the system, or something similar already exists.
Ugh. What fresh Hell is this from, and how can I light it on fire?
From a scale of one-to-All Tomorrows how mutated does the average mutagen user look? Are they just humans with the odd limb or organ, or do the mutagens alter them so much that they're more like human off-shoots? I'm sure it depends on what kind of mutation it is, but what's the far end and how often does it go there? Thinking about drawing some of these or stuff inspired by it.
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Shit, didn't see this comment this morning. What I've got so far is that the lower-classes that were sent underground generations ago were the ones that were spared from the mutagenic affects of the cataclysm. They essentially escaped a celestial apocalypse event that fucked up the surface dwelling aristocracy and turned them to mutants. I didn't think of the blueprint angle, that's a pretty smart way to run it honestly. I'll have to think on that. Right now I've got the pods connected to the pre-cataclysm satellite system that tracks users who want upgrades. If a pure-blooded human has an augment they want installed, they can get it. If they want to disassemble it into mechanites, they can do that too... which doesn't make much sense honestly.

Funny I've actually kindof decided to run Punk since I've got a lot of familiarity with the Sotdl system already.

I hadn't thought of anything in the 40k system. Never tried anything because the fans can be GURPS-tier fanatics, but I'll definitely give it a look. Thanks m8.

This is what I've got at the moment. The average mutant commoner or tribal would just have a physical mutation (or maybe two) off the table on the left. The ones on the right (and the ones in this thread) are "radical" mutations that come from serums. I'll be starting the PC-mutants off with one physical mutation and one radical mutation to signify their experience thusfar in the world and distinguish them from the commoners. I'd say 90% of the mutant population just has one or two of the physical mutations on this table or something similar, while the more powerful ones have been able to amass more grotesque and noticeable radical mutations from rare serums they've bought or found. The tradeoff is that the more mutated you are the more you'll be feared and hated by even the more peaceful and accepting true-kin, who operate the vast majority of notable settlements.
you can go a couple routes with mutations.
> chemical or nuclear mutations
>natural mutations and deformities
Alright, what are the pros and cons of each approach?
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Not him but what are you even asking? Pros and cons of what exactly? Game play, narrative, sexual exploitation ability?
Photosynthetic skin that gains energy from light and heat.
Only need one bullet to complete the job. Because no matter how thorough the security is, there will be at least one hole that you can slip a bullet or blade or poison through.
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Drew up a relatively mild looking mutant gal sporting Reptilian Eyes and Psychic Antlers.
This is sick
Based artposter
Thanks! I'll try colouring her and sketching up another one in my free time.
Is it meant to stop halfway through the story?
Yo good job dude, love your style! Not to as cartoony as some of the other stuff lmao. Might throw it in with the other pics when it's done if that's cool with you
Why is her BRAIN exposed? And where are her organs?
Are those horns or branches? I can't tell.
His post is only 14 words long, anon.
Sorry, I don't know how I missed it. Guess I'm going to bed then, night!
>Why is her BRAIN exposed?
There appears to be a protective layer of glass or clear plastic.
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Took a bit longer than expected since I dozed off, but here's a nother one. A guy with arm tendrils (one that's a cluster and another that's retractable) and a toxic blowhole, which I assume would take the nose's place (like a whale's), though I can imagine it can appear elsewhere on the body.
>Might throw it in with the other pics when it's done if that's cool with you
Sure thing, go ahead. Thanks!
They're antlers, I made them to look like large hardened external synapses. Should look clearer once it's coloured.
Yo these are dope dude. I'm goin to bed for the night though. Hope the thread stays up till I wake up. Would love to see more
Thanks! Still more to come. Have a bump for the night.
>Mutation: Vestigal Twin
A second brain has formed, either on top of your existing brain, or deep inside the rest of your organs. The mind is malformed, but tightly bonded to the "main" personality, contributing a subconscious set of skills and reactions.

Ambidexterity and management of additional eyes/limbs is significantly easier, and intuitive guesses happen near instantly, all without the usual vulnerabilities to hacking.
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Decided to finish up psychic antlers before sketching up some more characters.
Fuck yeah man! Saved. You upload anywhere or just do this shit for fun?
I kinda thought up something like this but with occasional penalties to offset its crazy utility. Every few days they have to make a willpower check and if they fail, the brain starts to slowly take over their body/mutated limbs. They begin to act of their own accord and it seems the second mind has an ulterior motive of its own. They can regain control and subjugate the second mind after a long period of intense meditation
A second brain has many problems even without mind antics. Brains consume crazy amounts of resources, are an additional lethal weakpoint, and will overheat pretty much anywhere in the body other than the head.
I didn't notice in the original sketch, but does she have a prosthetic leg?

Anyway, what's her story?
>additional lethal weakpoint
You think on someone's back would be one of the safer location to place the second brain? Like an extension of the spinal cord? Also, would losing a brain be that lethal if you've got two?
Fuck flammable blood is such a dope idea. Imagine cutting yourself in a fight and lighting it in the same slice with your weapon. Reminds me of fucking bloodborne or sekiro.
>well earned trips
Potentially, assuming that your spine isn't ripping apart the second brain from all the bending.

But lethality?
>If that brain was responsible for certain limbs or organs, let alone control, your body might not know how to send it nutrients if it's offline.
>While there are some people who survive with half a brain, you're not really expecting them to be conscious seconds after losing that half. Same applies to a secondary brain.
>will overheat pretty much anywhere in the body other than the head.
I didn't realize that brains were so heat sensitive.
When you get a fever, the forehead is where you stick the cold thing.

Muscles and digestion keep the rest of the body warm, and the head doesn't have much of either and yet manages to get pretty toasty by itself.
>your spine isn't ripping apart the second brain from all the bending.
Oh yeah, that's like having a constant concussion or something.
All this talk\s making me wonder, has anyone suggested a mechanical or biological cooling system augmentation?
I think small augments like this are more useful In a videogame format where small buffs like this are applicable. I can't see any player going out of there way for an augment that acts as a glorified AC system unless it let's them specifically walk through fire or throat fuck a demon, depending on the setting of course. Just seems like an arbitrary buff.

>this implant worth 300 gold will regulate your body temperature!
>youll never get a fever again
>since when has that ever been applicable?
>it'll keep your organs from overheating
>cool, I can use my abdomin as an ice chest. Anyways can we get back to-
>you will never sweat in hot environments!
Glad you like it! I'm occasionally in the drawthreads.
While sometimes I like drawing stuff for homebrews.
Yeah, that's a prosthetic, I wanted to show how simple prosthetics could still be compatible with advanced mutations.
Not much to say about her though, more like a concept of what a beginning PC would be like. A simple tribal-esque spear hunter using her mutations for a sensory advantage. I imagine she either lost her leg to a predator or perhaps it had to be amputated due to some errant mutation.
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Only if it`s paired with improved guts to be able to get nutrients from everything organic. Double`s down as poison resistance.
Which are woefully brittle. I don`t think you understand how useful efficient food digestion is.
I wanted to play CoQ but goddamn does watching it make my eyes bleed. Can`t believe I got gatekept by graphics of all things.
He makes new vids every 2 months or so. Soon (tm)
>made in Japan
>default setting is concentrated creepy
I`m not seeing it...
>mutant zombie little girls
Okay, 100% made by japs
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Now for real, using Burer and Poltergeist abilities as mutation would fit just fine
Just google Dead Space art book then.
>Organ Grinder
Seems more like a deterrent than a useful mutation. Could be used while rolling hostiles.
>Mutation: Living Dynamo
Now that one is pure awesomeness.
put on some shoes like God damn
Looks ugly
Whatever, here`s my idea for the thread

>Mutation: Smoke and mirrors
This rare mutation alters your skin, causing it to develop chameleonic properties. It`s negative qualities are:
>you have to stand still or move slowly for it to work
>skin has to be exposed
But thid mutation has a twist. At most basic level allows to blend in with environment (bonus to stealth or deception), but as time moves on your mutation further improves (might require greater intake of food/energy to progress)
>Invisible step
For a limited, small duration allows to "overcharge" your skin`s chameleon abilities, becoming practically invisible during fast movement.
>Aggressive camo
For small duration of time your skin rapidly changes colors in nauseating fashion, confusing, frightening and even hypnotising enemy and overloading artificial sensors.
Your skin violently shivers, sending small scales of it in the air, maintaining the last pattern you have throught out, creating organic illusion. Apply as you wish.
Are there no tilepacks to change graphics.
Interface Zero also has some cool shit you might want to look at
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Sketched up another one. A bit more of a techy character sporting a rugged Utility Arm and Advanced Proptosis.
way to completely ruin the fun
You want a tiny shot of criticism?
I love the way you draw the prosthetics.
Sure, go ahead.
Glad you like it! I don't think I get to draw machinery enough really.
Based. Can you please tell us more about them? Also, where can we learn more about your setting after the thread dies?
A lot of physical stuff: muscles, horns, teeth, augmented limbs etc has already been mentioned. I'm trying to think more about nonphysical stuff.

I think you could have a parallel between a 'lucky' mutation - things just go right for this mutant more than they do for regular people - and an advanced suite of monitoring hardware and software. Like in both cases they don't get hit by the bullet, but in the mutant's case it's luck/probability alteration and in the augmented human's case it's that their advanced sensors knew the way it was gonna go and just made sure they weren't there.
Your lines all uniform, and it makes the image look a bit flat. I think some bolder lines could help your cool design elements pop more.
I'm getting motion sick just thinking about having to deal with that eye
Oh, I'm not the homrbrewer behind this thread (hopefully they turn up soon). Just an interested drawfag. Not much to say about them really (up to you I guess?), just throwing out character concepts. Glad you like them though!
That's fair. I can definitely appreciate how line weight can emphasize or subdue certain details. If you'll notice I do implement some line variation in my drawings, but I tend to err towards thinner linework nowadays.
Well I'm glad it looks off-putting to some extent. I felt it could look more "mutated" if you will, but I suppose its looks can vary. Maybe it comes with some kind of mitigating feature for such side effects.
A pharyngeal jaw.
>hopefully they turn up soon)
Ditto. Thanks for the art!
Fuckin hell dude, saved so hard. Might have to color this one in myself since the thread probably won't last much longer. Thanks a ton dude!
No problem, man. This was a fine thread.
If you want, shoot me an email at [email protected] I'll send you the finished pieces as well as two more designs I had in mind.
Will fuckin do, my man. Thanks for making this thread that much better. Y'all restored my faith in /tg/

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