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thread #1.
thread #2.
imgur page of character designs artwork
>prosthetic lungs
Your lungs are cyborg replacements, capable of filtering out poisons and extracting oxygen from whatever you inhale so long as it has oxygen, air, water or perfluorocarbon sludge. Disadvantages are that your lungs constantly making a very noticeable Darth Vader wheezing impractical for stealth and a number of unscrupulous individuals who want to kill you so they can steal and cut out said lungs and use them as a filtration system.
Any update on stats for prosthetics? I noticed the mutations come with modifiers is it the same for prosthetics? Also, what system are you using again?
>organ autonomy
All your organs are actually independent symbiotic creatures clinging together into a humanoid shape, held together by some form of clothing. Medieval or modern SWAT team armor, a hazmat, diving or spacesuit, etc. Disadvantages are that if said suit is damaged, some of your more cowardly components will run away and attempt to find a host who risks them in combat less frequently, also, you may already be missing and trying to track down and retrieve a few and your enemies might try to take runaway organs hostage.
Jesus, what a throwback. I remember when people were going nuts thinking it was real.

What would the wearer of this this symbiotic colony suit be like though? Is it more like an example of biotech rather than mutation?
>What would the wearer of this this symbiotic colony suit be like though?
They remember being human once. It was a voluntary transformation, replacing themselves piece by piece until eventually nothing was left, they wanted immortality in the sense that any dying part could again be substituted.
There are more than one of them. Occasionally an lost organ finds replacements and becomes a new individual. All of them have the same general memories of their origin.
holy fuck, how can yo not hae enough stuff to put in the setting you're totally building for the game you totally have??
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So kinda like the Modular People from All Tomorrows?
Yes, but they've all got increasingly copies of the same memories of being one baseline human schmuck from before the collapse of civilization.
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Hey OP, where can we find more information on the mechanics of the system please?

Also, what do you think of Destiny as a post-apocalyptic setting?
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The grippy surfacing of the prosthetic arm's fingers is a neat touch. Reminds me of the feet here.
The imgur album doesn't have this character yet.
A cybernetic eye that can be unattached to the eye socket, allowing it to active two side silent rotating fans, allowing it to fly and record footage and transmit it back to the owner at instant. More expensive ones has access to infra vision, night vision, or other types. The eye when unattached has a 30 minutes battery and must remain in X feet from the owner in order to maintain the signal

>Spider eye
Same as above, but instead of fans, this eye has 8 spider-like limbs that allows in to crawl and hike on steep surfaces. Can be implemented with more vision types and has the same restrictions as above

>Visual neural implant "Cyber Eye Socket"
Implant that allows more eyes to be connected and increase the users vision. Beware, multiple implants may induce severe brain damage due to the increase in visual stimulus. Can be installed on the back or sides of the user head , granting and scented field of vision

>Spider eye
>transparent skin
Sunburned organs are no joke.
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The previous threads had an implant for a detachable eye that had rollers to move around.

>Visual neural implant "Cyber Eye Socket"
This one sounds cool though.
So, I wanted to share and idea for a game I want to run in a mix of Post-apoc, body horror, biopunk and cyber implants.

The players simply "born" in some kind of cave from a tube or something. They don't know each other, but something inside their minds unify them as a team and know that they could trust each other. There are computers, consoles, screens and alot of shit like that. They are really fragile, with ash-like skin color, weak flesh, lack of muscles and in general inferior.

They find guns, and a screen tells them about the world (or the really low information it has) and where they can get out. They are given guns, and they find a nuclear waste land with weird plants of different colors, mutated fauna and all that.

It will play like a rogue-lite game: They don't have any information at all, and they will discover things and mechanic with experimentations. They will find thess needles, and once they inject themselves with them, they will discover that are either medicine, mutagen or any other thing that I came up with. They will find what their mutations does or have once it's acquired, it's effects and all those things they can come up in the gameplay. Once they die, they are re-born in the bunker, write the data of things they discovered and that information is locked for them, and unless they make some upgrade (Like that each time they are reborn they get a free mutation or just more hit points that normal when they re-born) they will born in their weak initial mutant form.

And so with all of this, what do you think of it? Do you like it? Do you know any system that I could use to make this possible besides GURPS?
>They are really fragile, with ash-like skin color, weak flesh, lack of muscles and in general inferior.
>a screen tells them about the world (or the really low information it has)
Since you seem to be setting your players up to be quite unprepared to face the outside world, I'm guessing you're going for a high lethality playstyle?

>and unless they make some upgrade (Like that each time they are reborn they get a free mutation or just more hit points that normal when they re-born) they will born in their weak initial mutant form.
What if the players can find items around the world that can upgrade their spawning base? What if they have to choose whether to use their resources to either upgrade themselves, or upgrade their HQ? Like increasing their chances of survival versus mitigating their losses from dying?
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Can OP get use a write-up on the following prosthetics?
>Explosive Bolt Driver Forearm
>Kintsugi Mechanites
>Decapoidal array
>Hand Cannon
I did a cursory search of the previous threads and couldn't find stuff on some of them.

Also, do you think Piston Joints and Bone Configuration Index work a little too similarly? Both use pistons augmented skeletal structures to increase the user's strength, the only difference is that the Configuration Index can extend limbs and upgrades the entire skeleton.
>Since you seem to be setting your players up to be quite unprepared to face the outside world, I'm guessing you're going for a high lethality playstyle?
Yeah, something like that, and being factions from mutant hulk-like brutes to mutants with psychic powers, and going to other factions with relying more in guns or even vehicules like Mad Max. A bunch of action, lethality and crazy mutant shit.

>What if the players can find items around the world that can upgrade their spawning base? What if they have to choose whether to use their resources to either upgrade themselves, or upgrade their HQ? Like increasing their chances of survival versus mitigating their losses from dying?
I have ideas for that. For example the weapons they find at the start are the only ones there's in the respawning base, so if they go scavanging and things go well, they will come with more guns and loot for the next run. If they find scraps and blueprints, or even rob equipment capable of making guns, then they could have a permanent suply of low-tier hand guns, which they wll need to upgrade for better quality of guns and other types beside hand guns. I'm also thinking in mixing some survival elements (Either for "energy" they need to gain from food), or maybe just letting so that food and other supplies gives buffs, so that they could found a way to make their own cloning machine (or even use the one that clones them, but making it so that they also get mutated with either beneficial or detrimental traits) and so they could make canned meat for example.

If they think in other ways for upgrading the base (Like a hard drive so if there's a radioactive pulse and everything shuts down they don't loose the data they collect), then I could permit it, with the conditions that they should find the materials and know how to actually make it, and with time and more upgrades make them more effectives
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I don’t get it. And what’s with the quote?
If cybernetic prosthetics were common and easy to work with then why would anybody choose to look creepy or plain ugly?
>muh changing perceptions
people wouldn't start to use them widely until they looked appealing enough, meaning there would be no shift period
>muh poor quality
poor people would just live without any enhancements just as they live now without teeth or eyewear
>muh utility
if you needed certain characteristics due to the nature of your job or environment, you'd put that on and swap for something more comfortable the moment you come back home, just like we do with work clothes.
>changing perceptions
For all we know the first widely adopted biological augmentations looked pretty normal, then they started pushing the envelope. Same thing can happen with cybernetics. Once it becomes a regular thing, people will ask "where do we go from here?".
>poor quality
A core theme of the technopunk genres is the redefinition of humanity and life itself provided by new technological frontiers. The cruelty of it all is that those who have absolutely no means to fit into this new definition to any extent are essentially non-persons, and that's the incentive of whether society is vehemently against such advancements or is essentially coerced into accepting it. So while it is true that some simply won't have the means to take part, there's great incentive/coercion for as many people as possible to do so, and those who can't will be at the mercy of those who do.
Arguably that's the strength of biological enhancements over technological ones. Why rely on support systems when you can adapt yourself to your environment? Cut out the middleman so to speak. That said, I can only really imagine that being required in drastic cases.
>If cybernetic prosthetics were common and easy to work with then why would anybody choose to look creepy or plain ugly
Money, rich people have access to all sorts of beauty products, surgeries and implants. A rich 100 old might look like he is in his 20s or 30s due to medicne and surgeries. You only "age" if you are poor.
>people wouldn't start to use them widely until they looked appealing enough, meaning there would be no shift period.
>poor people would just live without any enhancements just as they live now without teeth or eyewear
They would, even a poor person today has more access to cosmetics than years ago. Stomach reducing surgeries and other things like rhinoplasty and similar are way more common than they were before
>if you needed certain characteristics due to the nature of your job or environment, you'd put that on and swap for something more comfortable the moment you come back home, just like we do with work clothes.
Get back home from my factory work, swap my Hydraulic Lifting Arms for my Simple Utility Arms. I totally dig this.
My question is why would you coerce your underclass into undergoing radical augmentations in the first place?
If you want to do something cheap then use augmented people. If you want to invest some money into it then why not use robots or highly qualified personel?
Equipping your impoverished worker with hydraulic loader arms provides minimal efficiency increase while forcing you to chop off his arms once you lay him off. Giving him a fork lift or even an exo suit seems like a better solution. It's cheaper, requires less preparations on your part and resources can be easily moved.
And if your work environment is surface of a gas giant, then you are more likely to hire engineering graduates with necessary certifications and skills rather than kidnap a hobo from back alley. Not because you care about your workers, but because complex systems require complex oversight or none at all.

plastic surgery is becoming more common among the middle class, but remember that these kinds of settings tend to go towards increasing wealth gap between classes. Poor bottom tier peoples, genuinely can't afford medical care we take for essential right now, let alone body modification and quality of life improvements.
>My question is why would you coerce your underclass into undergoing radical augmentations in the first place?
Control. Augments can be enslaved by overrides or wage slavery to pay for a continual maintenance regimen to keep ahead of planned obsolesce.
>why would you coerce your underclass into undergoing radical augmentations in the first place?
What would you consider radical? I said "to any extent" for a reason. for the lower class, they'll only need as much as would allow them to fit into the infrastructure that provides for them. That's the incentive/coercion.
>If you want to do something cheap then use augmented people.
To compete with already augmented people is another incentive/coercion.
>why not use robots or highly qualified personel?
If you can't afford either, you get lower class people and augment them to split the difference. It would also in the interest of the employers to have their employee's means of production in their hands.
>if your work environment is surface of a gas giant
Why keep the gas giant as just a work environment? Just adapt the people you need there to live in it. Of course you'll need qualified personnel to do whatever needs doing there, I didn't argue otherwise.
>plastic surgery is becoming more common among the middle class, but remember that these kinds of settings tend to go towards increasing wealth gap between classes. Poor bottom tier peoples, genuinely can't afford medical care we take for essential right now, let alone body modification and quality of life improvements.

The middle class is closer to the dirty poor than to the dirty rich in terms of wealth. Let's say a high tier corporate drone job and Wagie.INC nets you 10k a month. It is way better than trying to scrap for 1k a month, but it is closer to the 1k a month than the CEO that makes 100k a month. Social gap is already real, but the middle class get's bunched with the lower than with the "high" class. Also, in a "no-state" scenario, butcher-doctors or other less-qualified personnel could provide "medical care" for the poor, for less money of course but with less quality too. Interface Zero has a nice definition of gutter-were or dead-were, ripping they are in setting accessible to the lower class but with a drastically low quality
I was going to develop a "medieval-punk" setting or something like that, shit was just overall weird with heavy inspiration in KSBD. I wanted combat to feel dangerous,so I came up with all sort of injury tables with loss of limbs or permanents damage. In order to prevent PCs lasting 2 or 3 fights, I came up with in-setting "prosthesis" and augmentations that made sense in setting.
>Flesh Parasites
Ass the name suggests, flesh parasites attach themselves to a Living character made of flesh. They can be found in certain places of nature or raised by certain groups of "parasite herders". Lost and arm? Attach an Flesh Parasite with extra calcium and iron in it's diet, for stronger bone and muscles, while giving you the ability to turn your arm into as bone-weapon of your choosing.

>Plant and Fungi saps.
Similar to the above, special plants and fungi found in nature or raised by druids, you can attach a seed to your leg stump and in some time you get a new leg back. In can release a cloud of spores or allow you to drink water from the cround

>Runic Limp
By engraving runes in stones or other high quality materials, you can control you new runic limb the same way you could control your lost hands, but now you can discharge runic energy with a Shock Bolt

Pay a necromancer to graft the bones of something dead into you. Your "new" bony arm doesn't look so good, but at least you don't fell pain in it
The issue is cost. We already have an essential way of completely controling our subjects. It's called slavery. We don't do it though because it's too inefficient. Same here, why control your wage slave using augments when you can do the same using housing bills. He always needs a place to sleep but he doesn't necessarily need robo arm or whatever.

>f you can't afford either, you get lower class people and augment them to split the difference.
I'd argue that it isn't really a viable way of gaining qualified workforce. The only exception would be a way to download skills and knowledge into your workers minds. Nowadays workers are more limited by what machines they can operate, rather than their physical capabilities and I can't see it reversing anytime soon.
I also don't understand what kinds of

My rationale is that ultra rich aren't going to do any work and there are some specialist jobs that require some level of expertise that dirt poor can't do.
You don't want your secretary or shopkeeper to come out of slums.

Also I ran out of cyber bimbos.
>My rationale is that ultra rich aren't going to do any work and there are some specialist jobs that require some level of expertise that dirt poor can't do.
You don't want your secretary or shopkeeper to come out of slums.
Agreed, the rich aren't going to invest is cyber-were for jobs that they don't need, instead they will spend ludicrous amounts of money in new and exotic were for clout and compassion. Rich kids at their version of high school try outdo each other in the augs (even if purely visual) they use. Literally that old Robots film bu with cyborgs
This reminds me of a scene from Shadowrun: Dragonfall where the PC meets parents shopping for brain augs for their kid, worried that without it they will lag behind at school.
The wealth disparity isn't just for "I have more money than you". Education, healthcare, security, nutrition, and even in this threads subject, prosthetic. Cheap ones or work related augs are visible. They are function over form, poorly adapted, have malfunctions and the need for constant maintenance or a short-life span. The more expensive augs should have 4 to 5 functions while still resembling a beautiful or at least stylized appearance. You can know how much money someone has by the quality of their augs. It is not more about your clothes (at least not entirely) but about what you are (in sense of augs). Parents install hormone booster to faster their kids height or physical/mental development, gene edit the unborn fetus to be born with the desired characteristics. You can see from a glance who got themselves born "au naturale" and who is the result of expensive gene editing. Gattaca level shit
What are viable reasons to not include transhuman elements in particular group or society?
Let's assume this isn't a new technology, so initial scepticism does not apply.
>he doesn't necessarily need robo arm or whatever.
Collage educations might make a better comparison. Even if you don't actually need one to do your job, they become the basic bare minimum as a means of wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.
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Previous OP here, thanks for making this thread. I'm really glad to see people are enjoying the concept and adding so much to it. I've been really busy with moving, but I'll try to answer some of the questions in this thread in the next few days if it stays up. Honestly, everyone gave me so many cool mutation ideas that I'm comparatively lacking on the prosthesis/augmentations side. I've thought up a few more since the first thread when we were spitballing them, but any cybernetic/augment ideas of either poor or high quality would be greatly appreciated.

I'm using the Punkapocalyptic system. It has a stat spread that's more or less split to individual body parts (eyes, hands, feet, brain, meat, muscle, etc), so it seemed to fit the bill pretty well. I've been slammed at work though so I haven't done much to balance the prosthesis or mutations. I plan on essentially scrapping "leveling" mechanics in favor of upgrades to the body, so each implant will give a stat modifier as well as a special mechanic. I'm hoping this would translate to a more organic and unique way of character progression, where they hunt down specific implants and mutations to build their own class and level progression. I'll try to give some updates by tomorrow - I won't have any free time today sadly.

I'm using Punkapocalyptic for the base setting mechanics. Though I'm changing a lot to fit the theme and style of campaign I want to run. I've been slowly adding all my material to a Gdrive folder for my players to access, if y'all would be interested in something like that. Just don't dox me.

Also I've never played Destiny sadly, but from what I've seen it doesn't necessarily seem very post-apocalyptic? Might be wrong.

Yeah, I'll try to find some time tomorrow to do so if the threads still up. The Kintsugi mechanites was another anon's idea which I happily stole, but the others are mine since the first thread.

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>if y'all would be interested in something like that
We absolutely would be.
The idea for the piston joint is as a crude augmentation for an unarmed user. Imagine a primed piston on the arm or hand, when the user gets a successful unarmed hit on a target, the piston fires and strikes them for extra damage, then begins a slow priming process (one round cool down) before it can be used again. The bone configuration index was for some extra combat utility rather than damage. I'll post the descriptions of all these prosthesis/mutations at some point. They're unbalanced atm, so I could actually probably use some help differentiating and tweaking them mechanically.

In my setting there are substantial cultural reasons for using even crude prosthetics. It's essentially a way to maintain a bare minimum cultural cohesion and shared identity, like a sort of extreme version of Korean plastic surgeries. They want to be seen as having an untampered genome compared to mutants, so they get the augments as a form to showcase it.
I'm either tired or you're having a stroke. What did you mean by this?
Faggot is baiting. To translate: 3 threads is too many. You aren't building a setting, nor using it for a game.
Fuck 'em I dig this thread.
In an apocalypse setting, it's lack of functional infrastructure to maintain a transhuman. The biggest advantage the organic body has is it's self repairing nature. Every day parts of you die off and are seamlessly replaced with new, functional cells. Everything, from skin to bone to brain are all replaced eventually, at the low low cost of eating, sleeping, and drinking.

For a fully augmented human, they'd need replacements that simply no longer exist. They can't go down to the cyberdoc and have that hardware issue patched up, they'd need to salvage around for whatever specific part is broken. Eventually they'd all break down due to lack of new parts or go feral and hunt down other augmented beings to salvage them for parts and prolong their existence.
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I like to think this kind of setting would create societies that highly value scientists, engineers, and biomechanics above all other professions. Sure you can be a successful trader or a head priest, but only a scarce handful of people can repair their parts that keep them functioning and their professions running. No one fucks with the town mechanic.
Even the best mechanic needs the occasional replacement part. They can jury rig, kitbash, and duct tape as the day is long, but eventually something is going to suffer a critical malfunction and require replacement. Know how to make highly specialized parts does not give you access to the highly specialized equipment needed to make it. You can't go from sand on the beach to a silicon circuit board without miles of infrastructure to refine it down.
Just got off work. I'll try to bump once or twice before I pass out, but here's a quick screenshot of those prosthetics
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One I thought up the other day. Pretty hefty but I think it has lots of potential.
Would you say that it's possible that in a post-apocalypse, there's a timeframe for people to rebuild enough of that infrastructure with what's left over to keep maintenance of such technologies somewhat sustainable before they fall into a death-spiral of constantly recycling an ever dwindling pool of spare parts? I suppose it depends on how much of the required materials are left to work with versus how important said tech is to bother keeping around.

What do you prefer for your post-apoc settings? Technology reverting to simpler and more sustainable means, the aforementioned technological death-spiral, or enough infrastructure being rebuilt to maintain advanced tech in a smaller scale?
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Last bump, I'm passing out. This time with the timeline I haven't touched in months. Keep the thread alive, friends. I've got some free time tomorrow.
In fiction, anything is possible if you try hard enough. Realistically, I doubt the period of apocalypse would be less than a generation or two. Show me any modern machine you'd expect to survive 20 years of use and hostile environment. One of the reason why so many folks turn to industrial designed things, because those are actually designed to last as a whole, but still require constant repair work. There'd be steady degradation of the pre-apocalypse stuff, but you'd have just as much apocalypse kitbashing to make due.

I like the reverting backwards but still managing to move forward apocalypse. Necessity is the mother of invention, and you know any crazy nerd who manages to find a way to turn scrap into functional, useful equipment would be highly valued. So long as civilization rebuilds itself, tech will advance in new and exciting ways. Imagine the surge in biological technology with all the mutants to examine.
>those are actually designed to last as a whole
WERE actually designed to last as a whole. Planned obsolesce and always-online business models put an end to that.
For consumer goods, yes. For high end industrial stuff, not so much. You can't make much money selling someone a washing machine that will last thirty years. A specialized, multi million dollar machine? Not so much. A certain level of "Return on investment" is required. If they weren't designed to maintain operation long enough to pay themselves off, no one would buy them, because the people buying them aren't looking for some flashy bells and whistles fashion accessory, they are looking for a tool that will make them money, even if it takes 20 years of operation to pay off the initial investment.
>I like the reverting backwards but still managing to move forward apocalypse.
Yeah, I like those too. Kinda makes you think about what interesting things people would come up with given their means and new frontiers.

I suppose it's better to look at things from a historical point of view, all the scenarios mentioned above could happen in a single timeline, so it's really just a matter of what point in time you choose your setting to take place in. Events could start with the technological death-spiral, which then leads to a time of regression, which then advances to some smaller scale equivalent of old pre-apoc tech that's adapted to new post-apoc needs.
Good stuff OP. Take it easy now.
Just take a look at that snout!
Being able to hide your Orbiter in clothing, or disguise it as something else seems like it'd be a useful addition.
Been inspired by this thread, did a quick write up on a concept for fun.
Necrotech: Necromancer, meets mad doctors, they operate uncontested inside of their own districts. Say you lose an arm, and you don't have the metric fuck tons of cash needed to replace, or repair the sucker, and you could go full black market and get a parasite to mimic your arm, but those are dangerous, and taxing to your mental health.
So instead you head down and enter into a shop that looks like one of those old hokey voodoo shops from new Orleans, just with a bunch more tubes with strange liquids leading to random places in the walls, and zombie body guards watching your every move. The owner cuts you a deal, they strip your old arm of its flesh, and, and string up the bones with bizarre scripture, cold iron nails, and wrap it in cloth. To your surprise just by holding what used to be your arm, you can feel your literal phantom limb, you can even move your fingers, and pick things up to a certain limit.
Maybe you have a bit more cash, and they sow on your old arm, and zombify it. Maybe you use someone, or something else's arm and sow it on. Hell why stop there? Sow on extra limbs, get yourself a liver that can never quit, a heart that won't stop working even with you 6 feet under. Why stop even there? Become an immortal, and sculpt yourself your perfect undead body.
Aren't voodoo zombies traditionally under the control of the witchdoctor who reanimated them? So essentially, you're committing suicide to give them a new puppet.
Sure, every deal has its price, you replace a limb and whats the worst they can do? But you go further, and further, you might end up under their thrall. Pros, and cons to everything.
Furthermore, I never rooted necrotech purely in voodoo, you could go to a whole host of nercomanticly inclined gentlefolk, team up with a Dr. Frankenstein, or a guy who listened to too much black metal, and dreams of becoming a lich, hell one is way too far into cordyceps, but he seems like a funguy.
Victor was the first european scientist to take seriously the ramblings of the conquered savages?
That doesn't stop anyone from changing things up a bit. I mean, witch-doctors could probably get some use out of someone with a little more independence, more like an agent rather than a simple slave laborer. What if you technically keep your free will, but you're essentially under threat of death to stay in your respective witch-doctor's good graces? They can undo the spell if ever they see fit.
Why would witch-doctors offer such services? Sounds more appealing to the average customer than being turned into a thrall, and the doctor gets someone who's more than just a farmhand under their employ.
More so using the trope of a corpse stitcher, Ed Gein might invoke some bad imagery, but I actually like the concept of some alt universe renaissance, where necromancy becomes mainstream due to Victor's notes being found a hundred years later. Throw in some lab grown body parts, mixing some cyberpunk tech, and some mad fool reaching a bit too deep into the occult, and you got a stew going.
I like the concept that its more so a promise, if they all just made anyone who comes into their store a meat puppet, no one would come in, or trust them. However, every so often one calls in a favor, because zombies aren't very good with the hand-eye thing, hell maybe if you do something big for them, they might do a quick upgrade, or replacement for no charge, they become symbiotic that way. That and the understanding that if you die, before your necromancer does, your body is all theirs.
>We Wuz Techno-Necromancers
Dig the concept, but this sounds like a fantasy setting type of affair, no? What kind of setting would you stick this necromancy stuff in? I'm imagining if it was discovered in a post-apoc world like fallout or OPs setting it would drastically change the political and cultural landscape which could be really neat.
Neat concept, but I feel like the utility one could use even a basic sort of function likd the other two to round it out a bit more and make it more fun to use. As it stands it's just a glorified Stat booster
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Conceptually, it could work in any fantasy land, but probably would work best in dark fantasy, something like The Last God would welcome it wholeheartedly. Personally I'm setting it in a urban fantasy post-apoc horror mishmash. I always like the classic trinity of Tech, Magic,and Bio but I wanted magic to be fairly kneecapped and away from PC's hands, or at least based heavily on ritual so its hard to just have magic be an answer to every problem. Reading this thread inspired me to create an answer to the problem of "how would magic deal with prosthetics?"
I also agree, I think a guild of necromancers holding high political/cultural power is a solid idea to explore. Even more so since they would be checked by internal politics, and have a nice occult, and wizard/mad scientist in their tower vibes. Both are greatly welcome in my games/worlds.
You could get really into the nitty-gritty of moral and ethical conundrums with nechromancy in the post-apocalypse also. Depending on how strong you make it of course.

>The village that revives all the dead into soulless husks to till the fields and sustain the living
>Organ-donation system where the more of your body you promise to the local "witch doctor's" craft the more credit you're extended up-front
>Punishment is having your souls dragged back to a rotting corpse for x amount of time, essentially integrating hell itself into the legal system
>Your aforementioned body-upgrade tier system. Who do these parts come from, how are they found, and did their previous owners consent?
>Zombies used as unwilling slaves to scavenge bio-hazardous and radioactive filth that no living man could safely touch

I could go on. Sounds dope af though anon. Glad you're enjoying the thread
Flight is a classic.
Would a grappling augment similar to AoT's omnidirectional mobility gear be based or cringe? I'm really considering writing something up for it
Those things were all lab rats? Gross.
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Sounds pretty god damn based to me, lad. Would like to see that
Why carry two swords if you only have one hand and your mouth is mostly covered?
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Took a break from packing to update the prosthetics info I've got so far. These are all I've got written down atm, but I've still got a half dozen or so ideas kicking around and would love to hear some more of y'alls. The picture is fucking massive so I hope it's legible. Top is just a quick backdrop loredump. First table is the table the PCs will be rolling on. Second table are all the high-tier ones they can find or purchase later. Third are extras which I'm trying to find a way to introduce into the campaign/economy.

As a side note, high on my list of priorities is to balance the economy so the prices (marked by XXXsg on the tables) actually make some semblance of sense.

Christ, nice job man. You said earlier you plan on players essentially "leveling up" by adding augs and mutations to their characters along with the stats? That's a cool concept.

How do the mechanites work? A sort of fuel system for the parts? How much do they cost?
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Yeah that's the idea - they complete a mission or get to the end of a dungeon and find a few misc parts and mutagen serums, as well as enough cash to purchase a few of their own and some upgrades to their gear, then use the new toys to find more.

I'm still trying to figure out how to balance mechanites in a game mechanic sense, but yeah they're sort of like fuel for the more demanding prosthetics. At the moment I have no idea what they should cost and how much fuel they should provide. It's a mechanic I'm gonna have to actually sit down and figure out sometime.
Metal as all hell
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What kind of characters would you have as reoccurring NPCs in a post-apocalypse setting?

>didn't read the filename
>got caught up in the narrative
>finally see last panel and flashbacks of badly drawn porn imediatelly appear

fuck me that sure was a wild ride
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I've been thinking of a loose network of mercenaries and killers that can be hired across the major settlements. They'd mostly operate in their base of operations unique to each settlement and compete with each other for fame and recognition.

Rocket Girl:
>Lunatic merc with two compact smgs and a jetpack
>Imagine Rich Piana with a set of Strider legs and a hyper-upgraded sledgehammer
The Doc:
>A hunched-over mad scientist mutant with a gun that fires various syringes full of all sorts of toxic, bio-hazardous poisons
Talented sharpshooter and generally nice guy, with a set of bionic eyes that he uses to deadly effect. Hates his moniker which has become ubiquitous with his style of work
Rat King:
Mutant with an uncanny ability to communicate with vermin. His prey are picked apart to the bone
The Dollset:
Part-time prostitutes, part-time contract killers. The Dollset are an infamous cohort of bio-augmented women that look completely identical, artificial and uncaring, almost robotic. They act in unison and carry out their tasks with deadly efficiency
I like the idea of a traveling philosopher. Something like Uncle Leo in your pic or Shepard Brooke in Firefly. The "chill ass philosopher who's not afraid to blow your brains out" trope always got me goin.

>Imagine Rich Piana with a set of Strider legs and a hyper-upgraded sledgehammer
Fucking kek
How about prototype A.I.s that escaped the lab during the chaos? Would that work?
How long should rebuilding civilization take? Just a ballpark average.
is a warning sign to mark nuclear waste for future generations.
Combot with some odd looking elite pools it can be a bit unnerving to read/view.
Sounds neat. Like a malfunctioning AI Walmart greeter who's looking for purpose
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True-kin brawler armed with a Piston Joint.
Depends on where you started and what type of apocalypse I suppose. If it happens around the industrial revolution it might take a century or two for things to stabilize enough. If you're in the digital/nuclear age and things go tits up you may never truly recover. Societies that can sustain the production of certain high-tech comodities tend to need a large amount of support. They either are massive enough to produce all the things they need to sustain their economies (food, infrastructure, transportation, resource refinement [China, US, etc]), or they rely heavily on an interconnected international economy that lets them specialize in one area while importing what they need from another (Korea, European countries, etc). If the disaster is nuclear or biological, the rebuilding process would likely be limited to the Earth's ability to bounce back and support agrarian economies. Tens of centuries?

At the end of the day, I think the best kind of postapocalypse is one that you never completely recover from. You might recover parts or grow in a different direction, but things will never truly be the same again. Some scars never heal.
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God damn! That's pretty much exactly what I envisioned the bolt driver would look like. That's sick as hell, thanks man
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Such a thing would be so impractical.. Am I an edgelord for wanting something like this attached to me? Why can't this be real bros...
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OP here. For anyone who's interested, here's the place I'm uploading the info for the setting. I'm currently working on getting the mutations formatted so I can add them. Got a super busy couple days ahead of me though so it may slow down for a bit. Can't begin to thank you all for the great ideas you've shared, and especially >>80088871 for the amazing artwork. You're all truly wonderful people.

Please no dox:

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Bro what i those disgusting parasites that live in the throats of fish was a girl?
Sounds like an interesting biological equivalent to an exo-suit or mech.
Thanks! Glad it's up to snuff. Honestly I kept going back and forth on whether I wanted it to be a Pistol Joint or Bolt Driver.
>that's so impractical
>i want one
Rule of cool accomplished!
Lookin neat so far dude
Might steal these. The Rat King in particular sounds pretty cool depending on the settlement you build around him
A thread about postapocalypse enemies/baddies would be neat honestly
Sounds cool. How would it have come about though?
Can someone sauce me on this. I've seen a lot of nice pics with this art style but couldn't find the author
Easiest would be to chalk it up to bio-engineering, essentially a meat puppet you get inside of. Another would be the product of long term symbiosis, to the point where mother nature sees fit that it'd be best for both organisms to let the "parasite" do most of the thinking. I could be wrong, but perhaps due to the parasite's brain evolving much more rapidly than its host's?
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Agreed. We need more mutant/abominations in tabletop
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>My setting has a subculture of cyborgs called "Junkers". Basically as a fashion statement, they get the most jarring and grotesque upgrades they can find while remaining functional. They might have wires running through their skin, metal plates just bolted on their bodies in random places, pistons seemingly growing out of their spines, just stuff like that, nasty and industrial.

>Problem is, people are reporting sightings of Junkers that literally should not exist. A guy with an empty metal bowl replacing everything above his forehead, no room for a brain. A spindly pneumatic skeleton with a stretched-out human face as the only visible flesh left on its body. People so infested with machinery they shouldn't be able to move their limbs, much less sprint like they do. And it's definitely not corp tech, because the corps are just as freaked out by this development as the local beat cops. Even the meat cults don't know what to make of it. They aren't some world-ending conspiracy, just something a little off that lurks around the edges of the setting, in the slums and bad parts of town. You'd have to be a mechanic to even notice that these "cyborgs" are physically impossible, normal people might not even realize something's off.
What about centaurs?
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Why would someone make such a horror? What purpose does it serve?
I don't have much to add but thanks for sharing your artwork, I love it.
Robots living in a world with variable laws of physics in the style of Vernor Vinge's Fire Upon The Deep. To escape death in no-high-tech-computer-technologies Zones, they sought substitutes. Human skulls contain lots of useful CPU alternatives for example, even if you have to keep replacing them as they decay beyond functionality.
>Vernor Vinge's Fire Upon The Deep
Never heard of that.
then google it and find out what it is, you absolute child. Post something of meaning you dickhead.
That's pretty creepy, I dig it. Are the players meant to get to the bottom of why they behave and function this way? I'd be curious enough to try and figure it out if I was playing. Is it just some sort of zombification or are they completely normal besides the bizarre tendencies and impossibility of it all?
Reminds me of Tetsuo: The Iron Man, especially the concept of "metal fetishists".
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>Unseen: the unseen use a mix of cybernetics and biotech derived from cuttlefish DNA to make themselves masters of camouflage. The group is (like you would imagine) very secretive and individualist. The unseen are mostly drifters, they tend to fundamentally distrust government and prefer tribal or anarchist nomadic social structure.

>Egregore: a kind of cybernetic hive mind of many brains that occupy a single body. An egregore has a handful of independent constituent minds and a single group mind that exists from the shared neural input of all members. Egregores tend to be philosophical and extroverted, enjoying discussions of reality and consciousness with those they find interesting.

>Ultrahuman: a group of cyborgs meant to test the limits of humanity. Ultrahumans are extraordinarily powerful both mentally and physically.

>Pixie: one of the smallest human clades. Pixies have appeared convergent many times for unknown cultural reasons. they make use of cybernetics and biotech to make themselves incredibly small and light and often (but not always) capable of flight. Pixies range in size from just under a foot to 5 inches.

>Mentanai: a species of posthuman made to be as intelligent as possible without the use of cybernetics. Their brain size leads to many unique challenges to the species; for one births are a lot more risky, even with hip size adjusted to their massive skulls many mentanai mothers require c-section, Mentanai also have a ravenous appetite due to the energy demands of such a prodigious brain. They only exist because of cultural taboos regarding AI and cybernetics.

>Phyter: Phyters are a group bioborgs that have photosynthetic skin to boost respiration and energy. Many phyters like the one in the picture have symbiotic plant life attached to their person.
>Superhumans: one of the earliest posthuman groups, superhumans posses the culmination of human genetic potential. They have many abilities genetically or technologically engineered into them like the ability to regrow limbs, slow their perception of time, hibernate, change sex, photographic memory, genius level intelligence and many other abilities unique to a given group.

>Biv: a cyborg consisting of disembodied brain on life support. They exist as a stepping stone between an embodied human and an upload. some choose to stay in the form as a fashion statement.

>Volantian: a group of sub sapient humans that have bio-engineered themselves into the niche of a flying arboreal frugivore for god knows what reason.

>Merfolk: a popular clade of posthumans designed for aquatic life. Often found in cetacean majority systems. Many mermaids wear symbiotic biotech clothes made to look like sea stars, coral or anemones.

>Zol: a truly visually arresting clade possessing the ability to enter suspended animation like a tardigrade. The decision was originally made out of practicality after the advance terraforming probe malfunctioned and made a planet with little very water. For cultural reasons over time they began to make themselves look as if they were desiccated all the time, giving them a mummified appearance.
A hivemind between an infinite number of parallel versions of yourself in very similar parallel universes. If any given individual diverges from the rest too much, their connection breaks. Simplest use would be 360degree vision, have one parallel you per direction and merge the sensory input.
Some of these are pretty damn cool. You come up with these yourself, anon? I've been thinking of something similar to Mentanai in my setting, but there essentially born as a massive skull only with an evelutionarily disposable shriveled body. They requre a large amount of infrastructure to create a sort of hover-plate prosthesis which allows them to interact with the world.
Fucking a anon, do you not outline any of these or have you just hidden the layer? That's looks dope
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Thanks! That's basically the "sketch" phase where I just block in the rough shape of everything. I think it just goes to show my lack of confidence with drawing machines compared to humans with how much more pre-prepared the decapoid legs are.

Pic related. How it was done for the skinless guy.
As an aspiring artfag myself I commend you. It's rare to see things done not "by the book", and you have a great product using a non-conventional method
... What am I looking at here?
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Why isn't this in English?
They're fanart of dougal dixon's after man, not the original. Apparently his work is big in japan or something.
They are weeb friendly modifications of an existing work. I believe it's "Man after Man"
Hey, my network implant got in! You planning on adding in a mutation sheet? I'm curious if any of mine make it into your setting. >>80112567
You've been a right proper gem for these threads, good drawfag. OP should commission you if they plan to expand this into a full blown setting. Good art is what really sells books.
it's korean though
Kinda reminds of the hound from Fahrenheit, but with flesh
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Yeah I added the mutation sheet to the gdrive I posted with all the other material >>80090723
I'll add it now regardless. But yeah if you were the mutation poster from the last thread I added a bunch of those ideas. I've also got about 10-12 mutation ideas shelved atm. I'll add them in as I/we all come up with more prosthetic ideas which were comparatively slimmer.

Honestly though I've been giving some thought to blowing this up into a legit setting when I have more time in the future. I didn't think people would enjoy it so much, and I love a creative timesink. If I ever do, drawanon will definitely be getting a nice chunk of money haha.
>the gdrive
Do you have a link to the google doc? Also, has anyone put this thread up on sup/tg/ yet?
Yeah i linked it here >>80090723
It's set to view only for obvious reasons. I tested it from another pc and it should be accessible
These are neat. Are they playable races or factions or what?
What would make a good topic for next thread? Thinking along the lines of post-apoc wildlife, factions, or locations.
I'm more partial to wildlife or locations. Got lots of pics I could dump
Definitely seconding wildlife.
Open muscles will get damamged way too easily, at least some substitute of skin must be present
That is not a very accurate self-portrait.
Why is the idea that cybernetics destroy “humanity” so popular? It’s very cringe.
Take me hand and walk with me for a second. Imagine that you're a super cyborg. Your body is made of steel and carbon fiber. You can lift monster trucks and shrug off anything smaller than a .308. Your nervous system is made of fiberoptic cables and runs on that level of speed. You don't feel fast, everyone else just feels slow to you. Your eyes can see several types of light and you can tell details on distant planets. Your memory is perfect, and committing things to it is easier than pressing a button. Your brain can do everything a smartphone can.
Tell me, what the fuck is a human to you? They're slow, weak, and stupid. It is an objective fact that you're simply superior to them. You can't relate to people being hungry or tired, because you don't feel those things anymore.
Also it's a simple way of promoting character diversity when you have to pick between things instead of just having it all.
Also also the original cyberpunk was about how technology in general killed your humanity. Read Neuromancer.
i think its a combination of >>80141512 and the fact that the people who go out of their way to sever their limbs are already not exactly mentally stable
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Thanks! Artists often use this technique to come up with simple character studies to quickly pin point key elements like silhouette and visual motifs, so I'm kinda making use of the expedience it can provide over doing a full-on sketch. I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but learning some level of drawing fundamentals always helps too.
Thanks, much appreciated! Glad you think my work can sell books.
Awesome work OP! Best of luck going legit. Thanks for the generous tip a few threads back, by the way!
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Nah thank you drawanon. You made these threads worth it. When I showed my friends the stuff you drew they got noticeably more pumped for the campaign. Publishing this might be a pipedream, but either way I'll keep in touch

I just hope we can keep the creativity going. I've really enjoyed seeing people post their post-apoc campaign ideas
What about non-limb augmentations? Like a internet connection in your brain?
Same. Let’s keep this thread alive.
I dunno about that take man. The way I see it people are already halfway to ducktaping their fucking iphones to their head. Seems like only a small stretch to assume they would hack off a limb for the Apple ihand.
>halfway to ducktaping their fucking iphones to their head.
No they aren't, they couldn't use apps that way! XD
Would you let your players choose there starting mutation/augment or have them roll it mandatory? I think rolling is the best option for fun and character creativity, but maybe they'd wanna play something specific.

Also, from what y'all have seen, which one sounds the most fun to play as: mutant-kin or true-kin? Which one should get some more attention
Hell, I think even if you just count all the people out there who are amputees and cripples getting cybernetics, we'd already be seeing a lot of augs. Just recently went down a rabbit hole on youtube looking up bionic limbs and the number of universities, tech companies, and private individuals developing bionics is crazy.
I've always enjoyed rolling over choosing certain things like that, and most of my players agree. Hard to say though because those starting mut/pros tables of yours are pretty varied in scope and price

the number of universities, tech companies, and private individuals developing bionics is crazy.

That's fucking sick dude, post some links
Why not? Cybernetic parts are cool.
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No problem, man. It's a cool homebrew you got going. Glad to know your players are getting hyped, looking forward to hearing about how the campaign goes, if ever.

Anyway, here's the decapoid gal done. Would've put it out sooner, but I dozed off.
Holy fuck dude, you're a legend. Love the small intentional inconsistencies like the metal joint plates being damaged, replaced, or missing. Is this based on a particular kind of robot or something? I feel like the design is a callout to something.
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Thanks! If you'll notice in the lineart posted above, I started out with a relatively fresh decapoid then I had fun adding the wear and tear and fix ups.
>Is this based on a particular kind of robot or something? I feel like the design is a callout to something.
Initially I didn't really set out with anything particular in mind besides going for a more insectoid look, but a lot of the mechanical detailing as I went along was inspired by a cross between the Tachikomas from GitS and the Walker Gears from MGSV.
Roll or no fuckin balls
Based. Imagine being such a ludite you wouldn't wanna get a cyber aug
Fuckin hell, killer art m8
Agreed. Please post more art here.
His album is linked in the OP

You planning on taking anymore prosthesis or mutations? Got a few basic ideas from topics other anons didn't explore too much

>Mutation: living tract

The mutants ribs are bare, exposing their flesh and inner workings. The stomach of this mutant can inflate and grab hold of prey, grappling it with a sticky enzyme that grapples and digests prey.

>Prosthesis: Neural Projector

The augment appears to be no more than a colored crystal sporting from the forehead, no bigger than a small caliber shell casing. Despite its size, it is deceptively powerful, and overwhelmingly despised. The device allows the user to [upon successful check] insert themselves into the dreams of their target. This is often used over long periods of time to subconsciously alter the targets thoughts, or in intense sequences to quickly find out information - although this reveals the user to the target.
Somehow I missed that. Thanks.
that would drive you insane in one of two ways
1. constant stream of information directly uploaded into your brain like chinese water torture makes you go insane
2. even the most minor of glitches or malfunctions completely fucks up your neurons. if even the cooling system fucks up and it gets a little too hot you will have a stroke and die
people who have minor personality disorders or predisposition to addiction could easily start to overdo it
most people think they would just get a robot arm for cool stuff and leave it at that but i think people would start treating their bodies like hot rods with parts that can be replaced and improved, disconnecting themselves from the physical world and forcing themselves deeper inside their own heads
>people would start treating their bodies like hot rods with

Yeah I think a certain percentage of the population would become so obsessed with these prosthetics that they would just start hacking off limbs to replace them with anything, even if it was a direct downgrade.
Neural Projector is neat. Maybe higher tiers get some sort of laser or illusion projection?
Thanks, guys!
Yeah, been meaning to get around to that. Here's a dedicated album for the relevant artwork, so OP doesn't have to shill my entire gallery in case of future threads.
Probably not one for the PC's, but a neat idea I had for enemy augs.

Prosthetic: Explosive Killswitch

The heart is fitted with a sensor that connects to a high-yield personal explosive devise buried deep within the user's ribcage. When the user's heartbeat flatlines, the orifices begin to fill with smoke and the entire body explodes violently a few seconds after.

Mutation: Cloak of Daggers

The mutant's back, neck and shoulders are covered in a thick mat of iron-tipped barbs, glowing red hot from some ferocious and unwieldy bodily chemical reaction. Any opponent attacking the mutant from the side or back must make a (check) or suffer X damage. Additionally, these quail-like appendages can be launched from by the user for a range of 30 feet.
What about making it a proximity explosive rather than timed? Seems like it can have more utility that way. Dangerous to the unattentive, and possibly advantageous to the resourceful.
>red hot barbs launching from a person's back and shoulders
I like this one. Makes me think of a biological equivalent to the Typhoon aug from Deus Ex.

I could see it. So what, the chest or stomach starts blinking a red color then it's a proximity activator? Like if they move in the radius, or in or out or what?

Mutation: Nyarl Tentacle

Everything above the shoulders of this mutant transforms into a featureless pale, red tentacle. This is a highly adaptive and intelligent sensory organ, and bestows the user unparralled locative abilities as even the most minute reverberations are translated into the mind of the user. They can see and hear things at twice the distance of most humanoids, and can do so in complete darkness. And while they lose the ability to speak, they do boast the ability to whip targets with their tentacle at a range of 10 feet, packing a substantial amount of power.
I don't get it
I don’t either. And I am glad that I don’t.
>years of drought leads to years of failed harvests
>failed harvests leads to famine
>famine leads to high infant mortality
>earl's friend and perhaps others have resorted to eating their plentiful dead offspring
>plentiful dead offspring is ironically the result of their famine
>earl's friend is content with this
>earl is despondent.
or dead, I dunno
Are you only pretending to be a stupid bitch?
Maybe the body will emit a continuous beeping sound? Or maybe just make more imperceptible and require some kind of level of detection. I was thinking the it'd detonate if the body is moved/touched and or if there's too much motion near it. It'd be dangerous for players too eager to examine corpses and useful if the players manage to lure enemies near it, and if the players fail to detect it and stick around the body for too long it'll pretty much function the same as you originally mentioned.
Oh, and making it more imperceptible will also add utility to mutations like psychic antlers and augs like eye drones and orbiter modules.
>psychic antlers
That sounds based.
Gross. Cringe to the tenth power.
Yeah check out the mutations posted earlier. I think those were one of OPs
lol it's even the mutation show in OP image.
ive seen your art on this board before and i really dig your style bro
How powerful could a cyborg arm theoretically get without other, internal. alterations to support it?
Depends on what you're measuring and what you mean by "other internals"?

If technology allows I could see it having the grip strength of the Jaws of Life and punching like a runaway truck. But other than that, without an exoskeleton or something else to support it, it probably wouldn't make you that much "stronger"
Talk like a real person.
>"other internals"
Like, boosting the shoulder and joints to be able to support the weight, etc.
Then yeah pretty much my earlier post. Depends on the tech you wanna give it, but apart from crushing strength (psi) I don't think it would make you that much stronger.

Now a prosthetics spine though...
Punching a truck seen a bit much.
That sounds like a pretty useful one actually.

A prosthetic spine has a ton of potential. It could let you carry more, run faster, support all of your heavier augs, even give you faster reflexes and I'm sure y'all could think of more
Could you even survive having it implanted though? Seems doubtful to me.
Sounds like the first implant you're supposed to get.
maybe not a prosthetic spine but one that's been reinforced
Supposing that the settings are set in the future and have access to more advanced technology I'd say it's feasible. Then again, in the postapoc it might be a bit more dubious.

Sounds a lot more realistic and a lot less based imo, but I could see it. Like a wolverine-tier injection to turn it into a more durable metal or substance capable of sustaining more stress.
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is it reasonable and humorous for a hormonal strength enhancing organ to give secondary female characteristics if too many are implanted?
my father as a doctor has seen some men irl who have temporarily gained secondary female characteristics from overdosing on injectable testosterone
Unpowered endoskeleton, purely for redistributing forces from bionc arms (i.e bones shouldn't shatter from overweight or too hard strikes). Can it work?
i dont think anyone would get their bones replaced without replacing the whole limb
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An anon had an idea for a system called ATLAS which I added to the prosthetics table. It was essentially an internal structure upgrade that let you do all this. I personally like the idea of the bionic spine to allow for this though. Sounds a lot flashier and has more potential to upgrade
Well shit man, I dunno but that's a pretty neat jumping point for """potions""" in this setting. I'll have to give that some though. Maybe certain hormone compounds could be injected to give quick temporary bursts of speed, strength, senses, and bravery for use in certain situations, with some kind of drawback after as your endocrine system winds down and you get a withdrawal?
No, not replaced. Added to existing bones, as an exoskeleton for skeleton, hiding under skin.
still i think the surgery required for that would be too difficult to be cost effective, and it would probably hurt just to have it
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Thanks for sharing this. Where’s it from?
my own homebrew, I saw the thread and thought someone might enjoy it
Hey OP, where can we talk to you more when the thread dies?
I would like to know as well please.
Well, people seem to be enjoying these so I'll post the next one again (this one was made by someone else). I'm packing and flying in the next few days though so there might be a small break.

In the meantime, I'd like the next thread to have some more direction. What'd y'all like to discuss/craft in the next one? We had some takers for enemies/wildlife, but I'm down for suggestions. Also my email is [email protected] if ya got problems or questions about the gdrive where I'll be posting more material when I get some free time again:
Enemies and wildlife sounds cool. I'm also partial to just random shit you could find in a postapoc setting. Random encounters or locations might be neat sometime down the road
Cool, hope that you have a good time.
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True-kin merc with Hand Cannon and one relatively cruder model of Eye Drone.

Hopefully there's enough time to squeeze in another thread before your flight. If not, then safe travels!
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Thanks, it definitely won't be fun tho. International flying right now is a bitch.
Here's my first take on """potions""" in the setting. Any thoughts?
Incredible as always, friend. Thank you.
Now I've got enough to replace all the other random ass images on the true-kin doc haha
I'll try to reply properly when I've got some time.
No kidding. How long will you be gone for?
No problem, man. Still got two more planned to even out with the mutants.
oh, this got a second and even third thread? Guess I've got stuff to read up.

>Mutation: Gunpaste Oyster
Your digestive track(or maybe a hollowed out wound) tries to get rid of foreign substances by encasing it in a hardened shell. Once excreted and exposed to air, said pearl is quite explosive. A variety of novel payloads can be used in the pearls, but more normal ones like shrapnel are not agreeable to stomach lining.
Alright, how long do you think it'll be until you're ready for the next thread?
It'll be rough for the next week or so.
In about 7 days thingsll be a bit more stable.
I could start the next thread if this one dies soon and occasionally phone post though.I just won't be quite as active. Airport wifi and all that
You're a goddamn legend haha. Any ideas what you're planning for the last two?
>Any ideas what you're planning for the last two?
Just few vague ideas, but I am following a bit of a rough framework here in that the true-kin I've drawn so far are supposed to somewhat mirror the previous batch of mutants.
Anyone do this one yet?
Part of the patient's liver is replaced with a cyber organ which synthesizes batches of an imprinted drug compound using naturally ingested materials. Commonly used when given a life prescription it is also highly sought by burnouts and deluxe quality corp security.
Wait, so the idea is that the Aug produces a sort of synthetic drug or compound over time? That could be neat
>deluxe quality corp security.
Why that group?
Well, If it's that hectic, maybe we should wait. Do whatever feels most comfortable to you.
Nice art. Did you make it yourself?
Yeah, let’s see what happens with this thread before we decide what to do about the next one.
What is this fucking thread?
3rd thread about a setting OP is making based in a post apocalypse. Their are two main races, humans with bionic prosthetics and mutants with genome altering serums. First thread was about theorycrafting some bionic parts and mutations. 2nd thread was geared towards more of a post apoc general. This thread was a continuation of those two. The other two are on sup/tg/ I believe.

The setting sounds pretty neat so a bunch of people are coming up with shit and sharing their own post apoc settings. And there's a draw anon who's making a fuck ton of really cool art based on OPs stuff.
>13 days and 10 hours ago
>271 replies
>60 posters
Boomp alert
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So the idea is that you can literally eat or otherwise ingest poison/flammable material and turn it into a concentrated pellet? Also what does that last sentence mean exactly?

Yeah some people have bumped it. Nowadays you need a bump every once in a while on /tg/ if the topic is anything other than coombait, wwypd, or 5e circle jerking. Feel free to go back if that makes ya uncomfortable, bucko
No that's not mine haha. It's a placeholder, and I'm not quite happy with it. Was looking for something between a fallout stimpak and a syringe gun but that was the closest I could find.
Other way around. The pellet is already explosive, the thing inside is just the type of shrapnel the bomb will have.

Normal stuff like sharp bits of metal won't work because they'll rip up your insides, but poisonous or flammable stuff will give a different sort of kick to the bomb.
Yeah, I know right? Isn’t it sad?
Ah so the idea is that the body produces the combustable material and adds the effect of any secondary agent they consume. So you could eat certain things to make biological weapons and dirty bombs. That could be useful depending on how the gm handles ingredients I suppose. How big would you make the explosion/damage and how often would you have the user produce a capsule?
Probably X/day situation. Much faster than real oysters, but chalk it up to continuously sequestering post-apoc air toxins.

The base should be relatively weak, but easy to stack explosives on. Good for starting fires in multiple locations, or making one big boom, but too easily lit for long term planning or stockpiling.
Careful letting players stack damage like that. Could bite you in the ass if they're that kind of player to use that in cheeky ways.
That's why they're easily lit. Leave them out in storage too long and they'll blow on their own.
>the body produces the combustable material
What dietary changes would that require?
go fuck yourself bumpboy
Yo this art is great.
SS and GOPAD (gallon of petrolium a day)
Thanks. Do you have any pictures that you would like to add here then, please?
How long might it take a post-apocalyptic world tp regain a sense of hope and wonder, and why? What about rebuilding?
Rebuilding? Probably a couple of centuries at best unless someone was really well prepared.
>gallon of petrolium a day)
Where would you even get that much?
The general concensus in the last thread was that it depended on the type of apocalypse, what natural laws govern the setting, and what kind of society it was that crumbled. But in general I'd say no less than a few centuries at the very least, but that in most cases you never truly recover fully from your apocalypse.
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OP here, stuck waiting for the next few hours. I've got the next thread typed up so feel free to let this one die. Next up is baddies, hazards, and wildlife. Y'all are amazing, looking forward to the next topics
Next thread

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