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This is a quest set in the world of Wildblow's "Worm" web serial, in which heroes and villains battle for the fate of the city, and for street-level drug feuds.
We follow James Case, a young man with newly discovered powers…
TWITTER: @QmJim, make sure to subscribe for updates on cancellations, excuses, and general whining.
LAST THREAD: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/7829/
ORIGINAL INSPIRATION: https://parahumans.wordpress.com/
KNOWN HEROES: Forthcoming
CURRENT MONEY: 745.32$ (-10$ last time, lunch and “”””””””dinner””””””””)
>You step forward…

After the briefest moment, your eyes adjust to the bright spotlights of the fighting ring. It’s larger than you expected, roughly the size of your elementary school gymnasium. Whatever its original purpose was is obscured by crudely erected stands on either side, packed with noisy spectators. You take a few short strides forward, gauging the room from behind your reflective black mask. It becomes quickly apparent that the crowd isn’t cheering for you, in fact few seem to notice your presence at all.

On the far side of the arena, a feminine shape struts toward the centre of the room, pointedly not looking in your direction. Her costume is unusual to say the least: she is wrapped head to toe in what appear to be a series of black leather or cloth straps, festooned here and there with metal rivets, studs, and ornaments. The costume continues up her neck, wrapping around the bridge of her nose and forehead to create an ersatz mask: the lower half of her face flashes with a toothy, hungry grin.

Though you’ve never seen a picture of her before, it’s not hard to guess that this is Belts, one of Meatgrinder’s lieutenants. You’re not entirely sure what her power is, but you know it utilizes her costume in some way.

“Fuck,” you hiss under your breath. This is why Blue Line sent you out first.
She draws to a stop about halfway to the centre of the room, equidistant between you and the back wall. Her eyes glance over you, briefly making contact with yours, before looking back on the crowd on either side. A crackling voice cuts through the din of the audience,

“Hope you got your bets down, cause the first fight of the night starts now! We’ve got Belts, long time house favourite, up against a rookie challenger! Does this newbie got the chops to take on one of the toughest motherfuckers in the Red Boys?”

The crowd cheers, fistfuls of bills and papers quickly changing hands at the last minute.

“You know the rules! No killing, no maiming: it’s bad for repeat business! Everything else is fair game!”

Belts eyes you nonchalantly, posture more akin to a popular teenager hanging out at the mall than a supervillain. You take a deep breath.

The bell rings.

>Bum rush, try to catch her by surprise!
>Taunt her, hoping to draw an attack.
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.
>Hold your ground, see what she does first.
>Write in.
>Hold your ground, see what she does first.
Obviously wanna just use our power to pick up weak points here.
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.
>Hold your ground, see what she does first.
Get away from the wall a bit, give us some maneuverability
> do a fake out, then taunt her to see what she does

Let's see if she gets mad and slips up we need to know what she can do.
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.
gotta be a crowd pleaser. make a bdsm joke.
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.

We need to draw it out, the longer it goes the more our thinker power contributes.
>Taunt her, hoping to draw an attack.
Find that emotional weakness
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Going to give 15 minutes for first round of voting, then after that shorten it to 10. I have to leave at 10pm my time (5 and a bit hours).
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.

>hold back

lets do the darksouls method, dodge around and see what happens guys.
The darksouls method is retarded irl, because humans are much smarter than AI and don't only have the same 1-3 moves that are all exactly alike.
>Banter, no tactical advantage but may facilitate better future relations.
Gonna fill ur poofer full of my shiet cunt
all these banter votes when it specifically says
>no tactical advantage

>but may facilitate better future relations
it still helps if you want to observe their fighting method, just not as clearly as it does in Souls.

thats why you banter+
that where you banter and do other things.
It also lets them observe you, wears you out much faster than them unless there's a massive skill difference, and gets you hit a few times. We can't just dodge, we need to present some kind of threat.
calm down, calm down. this does not necessarily imply Waifuing

maybe we can swing a sort of stundere opponent that might go easy on us in future combats because "its not like I like you, I just need to save my strength in case the Protectorate arrives". no sexing them, just amusing infatuation.

>It also lets them observe you,
nothing ventured nothing gained, but our power gives us the edge in the observations
>unless there's a massive skill difference,
which there is from our other power
>and gets you hit a few times.
not if we're ready to get out of the way
>we need to present some kind of threat.
nope, we could just antagonize her with our words.
Banter it is!

I'm sorry if my using /qst/ triggers people. I realize it is largely populated by /b/ level trash, but I really want it to work: text formatting, IDs, drawings, etc. I'd prefer if this were possible on /tg/ but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Dude, she's part of a gang that beats on middle schoolers for fun when they aren't selling them drugs. We also got her boss arrested. Oh and we're fighting her for cash in front of a live audience. Damn, why couldn't I see it? Prime waifu material right there.
I have zero issue with /qst/. Hasn't been bad at all from what I've seen, apart from occasional autoupdate issues.
I like the /qst/ I've been trying to convince Languid and Exabyte to come here too...any fun playing with the different features

NO, BAD, BAD QUESTER, NO WAIFUING. lets avoid that as long as possible
Eh, there are plenty of crappy lol random quests but I've been seeing more and more serious quests and quite a few charming one shot draw quests in the past few days.
anon, that was sarcasm, I wasn't actually suggesting we waifu her.
>nothing ventured nothing gained, but our power gives us the edge in the observations
And just dodging gives her the edge

>which there is from our other power
She also has a power

>not if we're ready to get out of the way
Yeah that's why you see people do nothing but dodge in combat sports like boxing. Oh wait, that has actually occurred about zero times.

>nope, we could just antagonize her with our words.
Bro you need to stop taking anime so seriously, this is just fucking embarrassing.

>And just dodging gives her the edge

>She also has a power
but our power benefits from pre-clash observation

>that has actually occurred about zero times.
I'm not saying do nothing else, just the first step.

>Bro you need to stop taking anime so seriously, this is just fucking embarrassing.
have you never annoyed people to violence before?...it's satisfying as BALLS
No worries here. There was a Pokemon Civ quest on here, just ended a bit before you started. Pretty good if you like pokemon at all.
What's waifuing in quests?
I said that about future relations, but I didn't specifically mean romanticism towards her.

Is adding romance in quests bad?
I don't know what the other Anons are thinking. Guys can be friends or be partners with women. It's not like we're "Ey, babe. Wat sum dic?"
>but our power benefits from pre-clash observation
Exactly why we should have watched a few fights first instead of jumping right in.

Pretty much, get more than one interesting female and suddenly everyone is fighting to spend all the quest time with them trying to romance them.
>Is adding romance in quests bad?
nah, it's just over-done for the sake of drama and for smut-bait

>what is it?
it's generally picking early who we're going to romance(as opposed to other types of waifuing) and then doggedly pursuing them.

I would NOT mind cultivating a tsundere, no-sex rival. it would be, in my awful opinion, very funny...

>Exactly why we should have watched a few fights first instead of jumping right in.
too late for that, so now we're gonna have to get our observation firsthand.

do spoilers work on this board? system test.
Just dodging expends more energy than going on the attack, despite what anime would have you believe. It also lets her observe our dodging habits with no interference, whereas we have to analyze her entire style at once.

>but our power benefits from pre-clash observation
hers might too, we only know that it probably is part clothing related

>I'm not saying do nothing else, just the first step.
There are way better first steps out there. We've gotten in one whole fight, we're still new, a shitty first step could decide the fight.

>have you never annoyed people to violence before?...it's satisfying as BALLS
True, but satisfaction doesn't win fistfights.
Even if it isn't a question of romance ( and I don't have anything against romance in quests as long as it's done well) given what gang she's part of and the general circumstances we're in I don't think it's reasonable or particularly natural to try and befriend her.
Ah well, I thought that befriending other capes might not be bad.
I mean, the disco dude is supposedly a bad guy and he helped us. I don't think that we should just classify anyone that has a relation to the red caps as evil.
Evil or not, MeatGrinder's crew is probably at a minimum Bad News
You force yourself to relax your stance a little, trying to copy her seemingly carefree posture.

“So,” you venture, “come here often?” Cliched and lame, even to you, but you figure it might put her off her footing a little.

“Only when I get to fight cute boys,” she responds without smoothly, the words rolling off her tongue like honey from the mouth of a snake. No such luck.

“You think I’m cute?” you scramble for something clever to say, “you’re making me blush.”

You notice you’ve been unconsciously mirroring Belts’ movements, slowly pacing opposite to her in a lazy counter-clockwise circle. You practically have to fight to keep yourself from balling your hands into fists.

“Maybe I should take you out to dinner, get a look at those rosy cheeks without that mask in the way.”

Someone in the crowd guffaws, an ugly, drunken noise.

Your eyes scour the costumed woman, searching for a weakness. You begin to see faint wisps of an indescribable aura flit about her body, yet unable to form into anything meaningful, concrete.

“Don’t stare,” she breaks your focus just a little, “you’ll make a girl feel uncomfortable!”

You try to focus yourself on the auras again when she suddenly lunges forwards, moving to close the gap!

Give me d20 rolls folks. Top 3 are used.
Oh, my sweet summer child.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Oh boy
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Literally my first roll in /qst/ is a one
Fuck my life.
I followed few quest (two I guess), and I'm following 3 now, so I'm not that informed about quest yet.
Please tell me we're not doing d20 with critfails
Rolled 19 (1d20)


Christ shes also a thinker isn't she.
>It also lets her observe our dodging habits
...when we actually ARE dodging...

>True, but satisfaction doesn't win fistfights.
yes, but an angry opponent is more likely to make mistakes.

>There are way better first steps out there.
maybe there are, but this is certainly right up there with the Safest, and in the Worm-verse, Safe is king...world is way too lethal for us to be getting into unsafe habits first.

>despite what anime would have you believe.
you seem to think I watch far more than I do...

>hers might too,
given the breadth of power options in this setting I'd almost bet actual money that she doesn't...

>I don't think it's reasonable or particularly natural to try and befriend her.
agreed, however getting on speaking terms may prove useful regardless.

in Worm a villain is just someone who breaks the law, Blowout is a villain. meatgrinder is also a villain, for all we know Belts runs a prostitution ring for them making her also a villian

It's true that we want more friends in the cape community, but Blow Hard is not a vicious criminal that preys on others, the Meatgrinders most definitely are and you don't get to be a lieutenant in a outfit like that by being a decent human being.
No worries. If you wanna see something from the beginning and like pokemon at all, there's a Pokemon Civ quest that started yesterday and just ended the first thread about an hour ago, people still talking/planning. QM's a good sort, seen him run other things.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>“you’ll make a girl feel uncomfortable!”
"barring personality, you aren't really all that hard on the eyes."
Wasn't anyone who wasn't in the protectorate or willing to be on a registry considered a Villain?
They referred to 'neutral' capes as vigilantes or rogues or something.
thought the word was "rogue"
>...when we actually ARE dodging...
You seem to think that dodging is just an all powerful strategy. Think for a bit about how you would defeat an opponent that uses this strategy. Then think: are you really that smart? Is it impossible that another human might also come up with the same anti dodge strategy you did, or is everyone else really just a gibbering retard?

>yes, but an angry opponent is more likely to make mistakes.
Last update killed these chances. She's cool as a cucumber.

>this is certainly right up there with the Safest
It honestly isn't. It might work once, twice, but I doubt it'll keep going past that, and she'll have picked up on our dodging by then, we'll have lost it as an option in the fight, which will be very bad.
Ooohh, I'm retarded. I need to read it again, been forever.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Let's see what she's got
19, 19, 15! Quite good! Let's see where it takes us.
>is just an all powerful strategy.
nope, its a way to not get hit while we do the observation thing, once we get useful data I think we need to put her ass down hard and fast witha minimum of flash and a maximum of savagery.

>She's cool as a cucumber.
even that type breaks sometimes

>It might work once, twice,
thats all we need really...

he's been editing the series for readability too. might be an improvement.
is it top 3 of first 5 or something??
top three in the first ten minutes or something similar.
Where can I re read our powers and the villains?
Is there a pastebin?
Here's the stuff that was on /tg/

yup, all thats at the top of the thread.
The stuff from the villains in the op is for the pastebin?
thought it was, my mistake.
Lightning blasts through your veins and you jump back, body twisting in anticipation of a strike. However, the super-powered punch you expected does not come. Instead, Belts throws her right arm back and then whips it across the front of her body limply; a fraction of a second later, you are struck across the shoulder with a glancing blow. You use the momentum of your dodge to increase the distance between the two of you, spinning ot get eyes on your opponent.

Where her arm had a moment before been wrapped in black straps, bare skin was exposed; the sleeve of her costume attached only at the wrist. With a flick of her hand, the now two meter unravelled belt whips back towards you at disproportionate speed like a viper. You see the attack coming this time and jerk out of the way at the last second, whip cracking like thunder just in front of your helmeted face. You take the opportunity to move, darting inside her reach before she has time to bring the studded length to bear again. Without thinking, the heel of your hand flies towards her left flank, where the flitting aura is strongest. It strikes soundly against the straps that make up the belly of her costume: they feel hard on impact, almost like plastic. Despite the blow being softened, she grunts and stumbles back a few paces.
“Can’t help it,” you growl as you follow up with a knee jab to her thigh, “you’re pretty easy on the eyes. Your padded knee connects with her leg and she is driven back another pace, chased after by two light quick jabs to her ribs. She starts yielding ground under your assault. You start towards her to continue the barrage of blows, but are kept at bay; in the blink of an eye, a belt uncoils from around her midriff and snaps at you seemingly of its own volition.

You back up, leaving about five meters between the two of you. Any sense of nonchalance is gone from her now, her stance reminiscent of a panther prepared to pounce. The sleeve of her left arm slowly unravels, creating a third length of whip. They seem to move with a mind of their own with motions like snakes.

That’s where she gets her name, you imagine.

Give me d20s for round two, and feel free to add suggestions for specific moves!
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Next time she lashes out with a belt, grab it and pull her into our attack.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Get goin
Rolled 15 (1d20)

keep nailing that same spot, get an elbow in
Rolled 2 (1d20)

come in low, once close, pop straight upwards and plant our feet into her now exposed middrif, springboard away then return.

power focus, knockout strikes
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

try and grab a belt, use the momentum to throw her or at least trip her up and go for a sucker punch
Rolled 17 (1d20)

keep dodging, tire her out
Top 3 rolls in the first 10 minutes.

"So people know, system wise: I'm going to avoid rolling as much as possible. Success/failure will try to rely on past action/on the spot decision rather than rolls where possible. When rolls are necessary, it's going to be top three, compared to a DC:
0 passes = critical failure
1 pass = failure
2 passes = success
3 passes = critical success
I'm slowly putting together a character sheet as James' skillsets become more apparent/you take certain actions. All in all, expect loosey goosey, inconsistent nonsense."
^This is the gist of the rolling system. Haven't actually done the character sheet thing yet, but the gist of James Case's skillset is: talking to people, fighting, getting drunk, getting angry. Expect to succeed more than not at those things.

There's a gdoc in the OP with some basic info on known villains, still working on the heroes one. Our known powers are the ability to sense physical weaknesses, and super-enhanced martial prowess (it appears to cover thrown weapons, melee weapons, and fists so far).
Thanks man!
OFFICIAL THREAD PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyIFQr1wryPI6uj3BiTarGtcduk2ZG38N

Let's see what we got:
17, 15, 15... good, but is good always enough?

Wow, they didn't add embedded youtube links?
it's a playlist link not an individual video, nobody can embed those yet.
The crowd roars all around, jolted to life by the sudden burst of action; you try your best to ignore the background noise.

You focus on her sinuous belts, trying to keep track of all three as they sway back and forth. Belts’ mouth is set in a toothy smile. Where before it was almost coy, it is now just above an animal baring its teeth.

“So charming,” she practically purrs as she takes a step towards you, “it’s like my clothes can’t help but come off!”

The last word is punctuated by a crazy, off kilter kick that throws her entire upper body backwards at a near ninety degree angle. You see it coming a second too late: a belt whips upwards along the trajectory of her foot, striking you heavily across the chest. Despite the kevlar and padding, the blow is enough to drive a gasp of air from your lungs and send you stumbling backwards for better footing. You turn the movement into an opportunity to crouch low, like a hunter.

A fourth tendril leads from her ankle, leg exposed to just above the knee. She swings an arm back, and your mind vomits forth a plan. Aided by your power, you snap a hand out and catch the whip mid-air, impact stinging your gauntleted palm. Capitalizing on the momentum of her attack, you pull hard on the studded length of plastic.
Her frame sharpens, edges caught in wisps of colourless colour that only you can see as she stumbles towards you. You bring your free arm out wide at an angle that would be sure to connect with her head. This time, it is you who is pushed off balance as you feel the belt tighten around your hand and jerk hard backwards, forcing your body to spin and jab to miss. The strap keeps its momentum as does Belts, who appears to be using your own attack as a way of reeling herself closer to you. One arm now tightly caught by her whip, you try to fend off her advance with your free one; she uses her grip on you to force your jab astray. Practically face to face, your armoured body now constricted, she cracks,

“Getting so grabby on the first date, I love your enthusiasm,” you try to formulate a comeback, but the thought is dashed as Belts whips her arm out and pushes off from you, straps sending you reeling out like a yo-yo. You break your wrist free of her grip when she cracks the whip back towards her, momentum sending you scrabbling along the dirty floor.

You manage to keep on your hands and feet, bringing your eyes up to glare at the smug Belts, a fifth length of plastic uncoiling from her other leg to leave more bare skin.

There has to be a joke in here somewhere.

Roll for round three, it may just be the final one!
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Those rolls weren't good enough to do anything?
Rolled 6 (1d20)


Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Sup Jimmy
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

I wish we had something to cut those straps with
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)


Rolls are tricky when they get a variable number submitted.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

charge, towards her, aiming for the space behind and to the right of her, clothesline around the middriff or fist to middriff, follow with kick to side of head, end with flurry of blows.
Hit the bare skin, simple.
Call me Dumplin' for the Saviour has arrived!
Yeah this
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>49 hours in photoshop

20, 19, 17, that's a maximum success!

Belts is big-time, yo. The real Shaquille O-Neal, so to speak.
Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt.


Also, Jim, I ran the Powers From Trauma threads and I also GM some Weaverdice, I will message you on twitter later with my Trigger/Power archives and some useful links you MIGHT be interested in.
if we were clever we'd make a comment about fantasy armor and skimpy costumes.

but we're the sort of person who browses 4chan
so at some point make the comment "you got nice tits lady."
James isn't a total robot.

What kind of nickname would /ca/ users have?


and he may not be a robot, but I and a few others who follow this quest don't necessarily want him to be the wittiest snarkiest or quip-throwenist character out there.

and a comment like that would be bound to irritate her...it would imply to here that she's been beaten by a simpleton...
But he isn't a simpleton, you don't get to make the calls just because you're a namefag
not dictating calls, just expressing a preference.
This time, you don’t wait for her to strike first.

Your muscles practically explode with energy; you catapult yourself forward from all fours to a breakneck dash in the blink of an eye. You twitch left, a plastic whip slamming the floor an inch away from you.

You’re close now, almost within striking distance. A leaping roll forwards, under and past the swishing whip-crack of her abdomen strap.

No thinking, no looking, you shoot your left elbow out, feel it connect with soft skin instead of plastic, and keep your momentum.

You feel, not see, her body torque to follow you, arm swinging wildly in an attempt to tangle you up. A studded tendril skims across the back of your head, just enough to feel it.

You’re moving behind her back now, almost gone around full circle. She twists back the other way to face your new trajectory, just as you anticipated. She brings an ankle-whip to bear but you’re too fast; an electric shock of power as your legs blast you in a near 180 degree change of direction.

Your vision is a muddled blur of black belt, dirty concrete and dazzling spotlight, but you can almost feel the aura painting a target on your opponent. A heavy, padded thud greets your head, helmet sinking into what you know has to be her now unguarded midriff. Caught off guard by the near-instant change of direction Belts is swept off her feet, whips lashing around you blindly, striking your arms and legs to no effect as your takedown carries you too into the air.
With a heavy thud, you channel your body weight through your shoulder into her naked gut, a sharp cry of pain ripping from her lips. You lift yourself up off of her and she tries to wriggle free, only to have you fall hard on her once more. A whip lashes across your back, but you are unshaken as you draw your head back in a wide arc. With your sharpened senses, you see a combined look of panic and resignation ripple across her eyes as you smash your helmeted head down into her face. Hard.

You breath a sigh of two reliefs: one for Belts ceasing to struggle, the other for the fact that her hardened mask seems to have taken the brunt of the blow. She may be a villain, but there’s something about smashing someone’s face like a boiled potato that just doesn’t quite sit right with you.

You heave yourself back to your feet, and suddenly notice the spectators once more. A horde of faces alternatingly cheer and scream at you as bets are won and lost, beer sloshing and cigarette haze furthering the chaos of the crowd.

You look down to Belts who lies groaning in the dust, belt-whips laid out like dead snakes, a stream of bright red blood trickling from her mouth.

>Offer a hand to help her up.
>Taunt the crowd.
>Write in?
>Taunt the crowd.
Help her up, we're sportsmen and she gave us an entertaining match. It's not a gentlemanly thing to do, it's a non-faggot thing to do.
>>Offer a hand to help her up.
"Good fight, I got lucky there at the end."
>Offer a hand to help her up.
>Offer a hand to help her up.
She doesn't seem the type to appreciate a hand up.
>>Offer a hand to help her up.

We're not a dick. Part of the whole cape thing is that there are lines you don't cross, imposing the "don't kick people while they're down" rule seems like a good moral high ground to use.
>Offer a hand to help her up.

>Taunt the crowd.
"who wants to see some more?"

of reaction isn't good enough
>Offer a hand to help her up.
Good Fight!
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>Offer a hand to help her up.
"Good Fight don't get to wrapped up about it "
>tipping ensues

jk lol

>Taunt the crowd.
That art is tight.
>rapes of cane city
Also we should become a hero for the common people with bum fights and an army of the homeless
>Offer a hand to help her up.
All fun and games.
>Taunt the crowd.
"So, who's going to have to buy me a shitload of beers?"
You extend a hand towards your fallen foe.

“Great fight,” you offer, “you’ll definitely get me next time.”

You leap back into your power as a whip lashes out around your wrist, tightening, you can feel it pulling against your braced stance. You’re a second away from body slamming the prone Belts once again, but pause when the strap doesn’t pull any harder; she reels herself up from the ground, quickly bringing her face an uncomfortable distance from yours.

She squints up at you as if to peer through your visor, slightly upturned chin traced with a rivulet of blood.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Her voice is tinted with a disgusted inquisitiveness; the task of asking such a question an unpleasant necessity like taking out the garbage.


Her stare intensifies, crawling across your featureless helmet, nowhere to fix onto. She tightens her grip on your arm almost painfully: you restrain yourself from action, you know you could drop her again easily in this weakened state.

No surprise attack comes.

She wipes the blood from her chin with a thumb, and smudges it onto the visor of your helmet. Two curved lines: a macabre heart.

The whip slithers off of your wrist like a snake, and Belts strides away, exiting the way she came. The door slams and you find yourself standing dumbly in the centre of an empty arena, crowd as unsure of how to react to the proceedings as you are. You decide your best course of action would be to follow her suit: you do so.
Blue Line shoulders past you as you step back into the “green room,” face concealed by his hockey mask. Probably better to not pick a fight right now, you let it slide.

You lower yourself into his vacated chair. The table hasn’t moved from where it was shoved at you, though Redline now perches atop it, doing something on her phone. You sit awkwardly for a moment, drumming your fingers on your lap.

“You can go, unless you want to sit around waiting to get your potatoes mashed by Hockey Puck.”

A certain bit of venom lingered in her reference to Blue Line.

“Who do I get my winnings from?”

She looks up from her phone for the first time since you entered the room, red motorcycle helmeted head studying you. At least, you imagine she’s studying you: it’s really hard to tell anything at all with the mask in the way.

“Shit, you really are the guy that sent MG home, aren’t you?”

>Play dumb.
>Write in.
>Write in.
Bitch I might be.
>Play dumb.

I'd like my pay in non-sequential cash please
>Play dumb.
also, after we get our winnings, can we see what we'll have left over after we pay the months rent?
Yeah had to do something when he crashed the party
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before we clean that off lets get a selfie

might be a good thing to have or remember.
and backing
This one's a good un
Blowout was doing an awesome set

This will likely be my last update tonight, I think. Shorter sessions spread out throughout the week seems like it will be better for me for the next little while at least
>tfw working 9 days in a row, 9 hour shifts
We're going to die in agony...
quiet Dinah.
who'd you piss off, or did you ask for more hours?
>working 9 days in a row, 9 hour shifts
glory in the overtime and the privilege of having a job.

>got laid off friday
the oil industry kinda blows right now.
“I was hoping no one would recognize me in my real costume,” you start looking for exits. Getting ousted here, in a den full of Red Boys seems like a great way to get real fucked, real fast.

“What happens now? Revenge?”

She visibly snorts.

“For MG? Nah. Blue Line can do that,” the remark is punctuated by a loud crash from the other side of the door as fighting ensues. You keep analyzing the slight Redline. She didn’t look like much of a physical threat, but you never know what to expect with a Tinker. You *do* know that her specialization, as all Tinkers have, is in vehicles, but that didn’t mean she was limited to them. She was here, wasn’t she? You push yourself up to your feet and start slowly pacing the room, moving gradually towards the hallway you first came from.

“Not a lot of loyalty,” you venture, “hired gun?”

“What’s it to you?” she adjusts her red jacket with a pair of red driving gloves. What she visually lacks for in substance, she makes up tenfold in style: her entire costume looks like it was designed to bleed cool.

“Trying to get a feel for the neighbourhood.”

“All you need to know about this hood is that it’s not one you want to get a feel for. With MG gone, it’s gonna get worse, not better. You already met Belts, crazier than a tub full of batshit. Blue Line might be a bit more put together, but that’s comparing something smashed to a thousand pieces to something smashed to nine hundred ninety nine pieces.”

“Picked up on that,” you nod.

The sound from the arena comes to a crashing halt, met by a chorus of cheers. Redline nods to the hallway,

“That’s your cue.”

You look back at the arena door, nod, grab the case of your clothes and head down the hallway.

“And nice facepaint, bro,” echoes after you. You quicken your pace. The heavyset doorman merely nods as you approach the door, and hands you a thick envelope. You nod back.
The door closes behind you, leaving you alone in the darkness of the night. The rain no longer falls as you pick your way around puddles, searching for a well hidden place to count your winnings. You find a gap between a few dumpsters and tear open the envelope eagerly: five hundred dollars in tens, twenties and fifties, illuminated dimly by the moonlight. For most people, this would be nearly a month’s rent covered. You, fortunately, aren’t most people.

This is going to buy a lot of beer.
>This is going to buy a lot of beer.
>this is going to buy a LOT of gear.
ftfy...I hope.
The text formatting worked, Jim Mac thought as he typed, but could the effects be combined?

Thanks for reading folks! I'm looking at my work schedule and thinking Wednesday, same time?

Comments? Critiques? Hate mail?
Let me know what you thought!
Thanks for running Jimmy, see you Wednesday.
Loving it all, Thanks for running!
if I thought this was less than stellar I wouldn't be here, get some sleep dude.

so whats our rent cost? rough estimate is fine...

Enjoying reading. I'm not always good at coming up with ideas as a player since I'm a perma-dm.
Dice system is jank.

Other than that, sweet as fuck thread.
Always awesome I look forward to these
Works for me Jimmy
I fucking love this.

Manager, bunch of people quit for the summer, bossman hasn't okayed any new hires yet so I'm left holding the bag as it stands.

>implying I get paid overtime
haha oh i am laffin

James Case doesn't pay rent, the apartment was bought by momma and poppa Case.

I know it is, I'm trying to think up a better one, but most of my spare /tg/ time is spent working on my homebrew game which is already a system creation pain in the buns.

I know that feel, bro. Got lucky and joined two games in the last few months as a player for the first time ever. It's a harder transition than I thought.

Thanks guys <3
Who are case's parents?
Archived http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/33827/
Did we just get in a yandere relationship with Belt?

so for near-term goals what do we have?
we might call Blowout or our costumier and thank him for the awesome that was bestowed upon us.

lets go and troll /ca/ guys! in other news lets not clean off Belts Blood yet, send some trolling messages to the Yandere because it'll add spice to our lives.

though as ever more is better, usually.

not yet
am I the only one who thinks we need to look at this? climbing rope, a carry pack, actual weapons...

not yet;
we going all dark knight on people? or are we Mumen Rider?

so what're we doing next guys? fighting crime? a few days on the job? PARTY HARDER? or what?

>James Case doesn't pay rent, the apartment was bought by momma and poppa Case.
oh, alright...could have sworn it was just a gift of cash...

>haha oh i am laffin
Canada has no overtime?

>Manager, bunch of people quit for the summer, bossman hasn't okayed any new hires yet so I'm left holding the bag as it stands.
is Dheeraj an expy of you?
Thanks that was action packed
Alright everyone
Who will rule the Bricks Red Line? Blue Line ? Belts? Blowout? Another Faction ? Us HAHAHA Yeah like it would be that simple
I was thinking our power is benefited by something versatile, rope definitely would be useful, as would something fast and precise like a rapier or some kind of knife (I'll leave that to the /k/ommandos to get more specific). I was thinking something subtle and exotic.

Alternatively a metal baseball bat would work pretty well too, and would fucking hurt.
Plan of Action
We need to Train our Powers
First by continuing our MMA training !
Then try find a way to practice and train our weakness detection.
What is The plan if we run into some local heroes ?
>Alternatively a metal baseball bat would work pretty well too, and would fucking hurt.
you might try a secret beat-stick
>take a plastic whiffle-bat
>cut a hole in the ends
>insert bracing length of rebar
>fill with concrete
its cheap($30 makes like 30 of them and most of that cost is in concrete)
its easily hidden/disguised
and we can justify it to a police officer as an ice breaking tool

anyone think we should get a scooter or motorcycle?

>What is The plan if we run into some local heroes ?
my suggestion

evasion, escape, and non-hostile negotiation for our not being rampantly hunted for being mislabeled as a villain

>red line
does Merc Work probably doesn't want a leadership position
>blue line
most likely
too crazy to get a following that doesn't also want to sex her up
maybe, doesn't seem to prefer violent crimes...
>anyone think we should get a scooter or motorcycle?
Yes! might want to get a tinker to help could we hire/trust Red Line?
>evasion, escape, and non-hostile negotiation for our not being rampantly hunted for being mislabeled as a villain
Mislabeling will bite us in the ass we might avoid that if we do some more good deeds before anyone decides to label us

What if we get an offer from the Protectorate? do we take it
>do we take it
politely decline with comments to the effect that we could possibly be convinced at some future date and time convinced to join given suitable incentives

just so long as we can be assured to never use it against her. she WILL put a coded killswitch in it, and possibly a tracker and a self destruct as well.

I was thinking a little street-bike, like a cheap honda. granted, we don't have funding to buy anything good at the moment, but if we plan with that goal in mind we'll be prepared to deal with various options in the future.
Hey Jim Mac, I'm interested in starting out a Worm-based quest as well, can I get your e-mail so I can shoot some awkward questions your way?

[email protected] is mine if FOR SOME REASON you didn't want putting your mail address in public.
Remember to use irc.parahumans.net also if you need more help or resources.
Already there, it's more quest related.

The editing of the gdocs is fucking awful.
I know man, I've been trying to get access to clean it up but thats slow going
Look up "Deniable Assets" in the /tg/ archive.

I think that might be something of interest to you, considering the type of rolling system you're leaning towards right now.
Get a twitter, then PM him. Much simpler, and you need a twitter to run a quest.
You need to be mutual follows to pm each other.
I heard that was really good. I'll check it out tomorrow, it looks like my game tomorrow night is cancelled due to lack of players.

My email is in the gdoc, I think, as the creator. I'll email you anyways though.
Leading a gang is not what I would call simple.
nor would it really be risk efficient in the Worm-Verse without going fullblown evil
Dunno about that, would need to know more about the current state of the city.
primary gang is falling apart.

redboys have a Bakuda to keep them going but depending on how crazy Belts actually is they won't last long.

gang wars are not pretty. but they can be worse if you're a clear member of either side. and worse still if we're important or powerful.

AND we'd have the Protectorate on our ASS no question if we got too public.

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