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Beach Sunrise

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics are up in the air. Suggestions are welcome. We'll be trying some new things out so I appreciate your patience as we fine tune it. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. I also want to try a more varied turn system so you and your opponent can do a few things in a row more often.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Name TBD (Buduw)

Recently: You and Laki had a harrowing trip deeper into the caves than you expected. You scared off a kabutops and got a big haul, though. Your egg hatched! It's a shiny budew!
First for butts
Toasting in epic bread!
[We won't be going too late today. This will be a short one.]
Supporting Belladonna for Budew!
you owe us a butt already damn Gobble
New Record
Anyone else thinking of going back after the Magcargo, or Kabutops! In light of our friends/party members already having sweet Mon's?
No and no. We already have 3 cool Pokemon.
Lord knows we can only have three, huh?
Awesome, I'm hype!
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Not saying that, but we don't need to go out of our way to catch Pokemon that may not want to come along. Besides, Mace is best rock.
There's no hurry to get a full team, I'd rather we just bond with the ones we've got for now.
Kabutops is way out of our league. I'd rather have nothing over Magcargo because an empty slot could theoretically be filled by a pokemon that I actually like at some point.
You wake up with the sunshine warming your face. The sound of the waves and a few flapping wings in the distance give you no incentive to open your eyes any time soon. Things are peaceful. You roll over onto something soft and nice. This feels great.

You’re forcefully pushed in the other direction. “Woah! You mainlanders aren’t so uptight after all.” You look over and see Laki getting up. “But you’d better at least buy me a drink.”

“I-I didn’t mean to-”

“Relax, Soft Hands. Just bustin’ your balls.” She smirks down. “Speaking of, why did you sleep out here if you had a tent?”

You look up at her confused. Slowly, your eyes fall to your shorts. You quickly curl up under the sound of her laughter. She tosses you your pokeballs along with Chatot's. “Here. They’re still dirty from the caves. Clean those, and your mind, up.”

She puts her hands behind her head and walks off towards Keira.

You polish the balls while hunched over. As you look around the beach, you get the impression that the group isn’t in a huge hurry. You can probably do something quickly.

>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about Gobble
>Get to learn more about Mace
>Play with all of them, even if that means you won’t get a chance to learn much
>Something else
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew

Fair enough, I had a feeling that would be the consensus. Personally I would love to do an actual Catch em All! Type. Kat was all about making a few close friends, seems like doing something different could be worthwhile.
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You do realize who this looks like, right?

And this is the fighting style Mace wants to emulate, right?
>Get to learn more about Budew
Mace probably wouldn't like the water too much.
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew
Learn personality to figure out a name for the future.
>>Get to learn more about your Budew
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>>Get to learn more about your Budew
The way I see it in this quest we're even less about catching pokemon than Kat was, it's more about the actual journey and the people. That's the vibe i'm getting so far anyway.
>>Get to learn more about your Budew
By the end Kat did have 2 full teams of Pokemon, and Catch em All would be a pain to deal with for a quest.

Eh, Metaknight is too much about the sword.
haha I didn't even realize the sheer similarity mace has with him, even the body shapes the same!
>Get to learn more about your Budew
>>Get to learn more about your Budew
I could get behind this. I agree, anon.
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Feeling extra lewd today?
>Learn more about budew
So mace is going to be dodge master
Gobble is gonna be tank
We need to learn more about budew
Jesus, Gobble. I wasn't ready for a mach 2 boner.
So do you crop these pictures yourself or find them this way?

Gobble keeps the real lewd away from the thread
Also man,how many fucking rare Pokemon are on this island

We met a kabutops and a guy caught a spiritomb with a basic bitch Pokemon

If any scientist from another region came here and saw half this shit they would have a fucking heart attack

Now that I think about it there's probably a shit ton of poachers here and the rare Pokemon are also probably caused by some special thing on this island like the super plants
Are contests going to be a thing in this quest? Are we going to collect ribbons and shit?
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[Cropped this one. Low on new butts, so it looks like I'll be doing more of that.]
I'd rather not
I wouldn't call Aron a basic bitch Pokemon.

Depends on how they are done, I'd like to try atleast one.
Contests/Tripokalon are pretty cool in the XY anime. I wouldn't mind participating.
Probably not the right choice of words
I meant a super weak Pokemon with little to no training
I'm happy either way really, it's something new and our background is connected to it
Tripokalon isn't really a contest and is basically completing to be a pop idol.

Contest could be interesting since I don't think they would detract too much from regular Pokemon stuff.

I'm sure the Elders would explain it somewhat.
10/10 brown butt
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Behold, the Tripokalon
Still really fucking weird

I feel like SOMETHING is up but I have no proof

The fact that the resident lore book was suprised by spiritomb is showing that it may not be a natural resident

We could go investigate down at the beach but we have little to no reason to do that besides being bitter which is kind of ooc
Yes, that is what I said it was. It was idol showing. I'd prefer the contest from earlier in the show.
What's wrong with contests anon? They 're pokemon battles where you style on the opponent as hard as possible.
I was supporting your statement, anon. No offense was meant.
Right, sorry for being a bit hostile.
You take out your Budew. You want to get to know her.

She joyfully smiles up at up. Her little buds expand very slightly in the warm sunlight.

“How are you doing?”

She makes another cute noise. After a short bit, she starts looking around. She goes from happy to increasingly nervous.

“What’s wrong?”

You both see Laki walk by, and she calms down.

“So you like her, huh?”

She makes another cute noise. You pet her head. For a while the two of you just enjoy the sunlight. She climbs over small sand dunes and stumbles a bit, but she’s having fun.

You ask her if she knows any moves. She looks confused at the concept at first, but you explain it with some pantomime and she lights up. She knows some stuff! You take out your Pokedex and watch.

The first move she does is Absorb. She squeezes her eyes closed and extracts a tiny blob of green energy from a rock.

The second is Growth. That makes sense. It’s in the Pokedex as something they learn young. She takes in the sunlight and looks really strong after. Well, strong for her size, anyway.

“Wow! Tough stuff!” You compliment her. You’re about to put the Pokedex away when she shows a third move.

She fires little sharp missiles at the rock! They don’t look very effective, but it’s still a big surprise. You look at your Pokedex and see it’s Pin Missile!

You pat her on the head. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

She snuggles into the headpat, then starts running around. She gets a few feet before tripping and faceplanting. She doesn’t care at all, though.

You overhear the others talking. Looks like the plan is to go along the beach to town, then to the temple afterwards for whoever is up for that.

>Great! Let’s go
>Suggest we go back through the caves
>If we’re on the coast, can we hitch a ride on a boat?
>Something else
>Great! Let’s go
>Great! Let’s go
>>Great! Let’s go
>>Great! Let’s go
>Name our lil Bud-dy
Too cute. Gonna die over here.

>Great! Let’s go
>>Great! Let’s go
>Great! Let’s go

>She gets a few feet before tripping and faceplanting. She doesn’t care at all, though.
Man life without arms is rough huh.
>Great! Let’s go

And let's let our pokemon out for some exercise for a bit. Mace might have some problems rolling through the sand, so we can return him to his ball if necessary, and we'll have to carry Budew, but Gobbs might like a short walk.
>Great! Let’s go

I'll back this >>687929

She's cute as shit.
>>Great! Let’s go
>>Great! Let’s go
Adorable. Our new friend is much too adorable.
agreeing with this.
>Great! Let’s go
>She joyfully smiles up at up.
>great,let's go!
Pin missiles
>Great! Let's go

She knows Pin Missile huh? Odds are good then that her dad is a cactus of some sort; maybe she'll be able to pick up Spikes later.
add poison to the pins
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>she gets a few feet before she falls over and face plants
Holy shit
Reread the post
She's just like us
And then add leach seed
That's about as much bs as trunks spooky sheild right there
>Great! Let's go
Think when she evolves she's going to pin flower petals onto other people's clothes to make them more fashionable?
If she doesn't, we'll teach her how to do it.
Our influence is probably already affecting her

Laki is gonna end up catching a fighting type thats gonna Bully Bedew

So we're going to get graceful, refined, beautiful and pack a fucking mean wallop when forced to fight?
we're already getting gains from carrying Laki everywhere

and no one expects the guy in a peacoat to fight well
Spines are not meant to do that.

Nobody bullies the baby.
You let your other pokemon out and go along with the group. Valerie politely asks how you’re feeling after yesterday and offers you a water bottle.

“Feels quite a bit different out here, doesn’t it?”

You nod. These islands are full of surprises already. These rare Pokemon, the different customs. It seems like as soon as you got out of the town you found a whole new world.

Your pokemon have a little trouble on the sand. Mace sticks to more firm areas, and Budew needs to be carried. Gobble does okay. There aren’t many distractions for him to want to eat.

Polu walks next to you. “Careful around east facing beaches like this in the morning. Staryu like to rest on the sandy beaches at night and go back into the water when the sun comes out. They should all be gone by now, and they don’t usually don’t want any trouble, but even they aren’t so chill if you step on one.”

“Thanks.” You watch where you’re stepping.

“No problem, bro.”

>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>Ask how he found that Spiritomb
>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>So you’re just going to release that Larvesta? They’re really rare where you come from
>Something else
>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>So you’re just going to release that Larvesta? They’re really rare where you come from

Here is your shot obsessed anon.
>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>Ask what he wants to do on his journey

>and they don’t usually don’t want any trouble,
You have quite the streak going Gobble.
>Ask how he found that Spiritomb
>So you’re just going to release that Larvesta? They’re really rare where you come from
>and they don’t usually don’t want any trouble
>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>Ask how he found that Spiritomb
>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>So you’re just going to release that Larvesta? They’re really rare where you come from
>>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
>>So you’re just going to release that Larvesta? They’re really rare where you come from

Let's get to know him a bit better. Also I'm guessing his board is just some plain solid color or something? Unless there's another reason like certain colors/patterns attracting Pokemon you don't want I'd say spice that up.
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[I'm tired, but this is just nuts.]
>ask how he found spiritomb
>throw in some facts about how spiritomb is fucking public enemy no.1 and how people ward there houses so they don't get haunted in our region
But that's wrong though.

>Ask what he wants to do on his journey
>Ask how he found that Spiritomb
>Some stripes on your board would look really cool
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gobble's running low on butts
No gobble don't encourage them

I don't want people to want lewds of us fuging our Pokemon
I didn't realize it was that bad.
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I blame OBEC

Organization of the Booty Exporting Countries
You trying to suggest something, Gobble?

There will be no second base with our Pokemon in these threads. I/we are here for cute.
If gobble does shit like us getting bullied by our Pokemon or just in general comfiness with something like gardivore people will be lusting for lewds
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“So, have you decided what you want to do on your journey?”

He puts an arm around your shoulder and points to the sea with his board. “Bro, I want to ride where the waves take me.” He thinks. “But to be honest, Jane beating all of us back there got me thinking. I want to learn more about Pokemon battles. Not everyone in the world is chill, you know? And there was a bit of a rush when me and Aron were fighting.”

“You’re going to battle competitively?”

He nods. “Guess so, bro. I know Aron likes it.”

You look at his board. “You know, some stripes just up along here and here would look pretty slick.”

He looks at it. “Dude, I think you’re right. That’d be wicked. I’d look like a laser on the waves.” He laughs.

You’re not sure if that means he’ll do it or not. You can’t tell if he’s being polite or genuinely likes the idea.

“So that Larvesta-”

“What’s that?” Hana points.

There’s a large blue Pokemon on the beach in the distance. And...is that Jane? You all run to check it out.

She turns to your group when you all approach. “You’re all traveling together?” She looks surprised and a little offended.

The large Pokemon makes a wailing noise. It's stuck.

“Is it okay?” Valerie asks.

She huffs. “It’s fine. I’m the one helping it, so don’t try to get in the way.”

>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>Someone should catch it
>Stand up to her. She’s got a real attitude problem
>Stay out of it
>Something else
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>>Stand up to her. She’s got a real attitude problem
>>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>Stand up to her. She’s got a real attitude problem
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
What is this girl's problem?
>if we work together we can push it back to sea
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
She's super competitive, remember how she pushed us into a puddle when we fouled her match?
Probably thinks she needs to be the best thus she thinks that in order to be the best she needs to work alone

I want to fucking stomp her face in the ground and shatter her dreams when we get good

But she's also probably the perfect foil for us
Abandonment issues.
whats to be the very best, like no one ever was
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
>Stand up to her. She’s got a real attitude problem
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea
Maybe say that eventually someone's going to get her because of her pride.
>Stand up to her. She's got a real attitude problem.
>If we work together, we can push it back to sea

Its probably for the best for both her and everyone around if she gets over whatever her problems are. And far as the Wailmer goes, its not even 300lbs so we shouldn't even need everyone to pitch in to get it further back into the ocean.
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>tfw you can deadlift a wailmer
>tfw you will never be able to deadlift a wailord
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“If we work together, we can push it back to sea.”

She steps in your path. “So you mess with my battle and now you think I can’t handle this? What, are you just trying to earn a shard by yourself or something? Nudge me out of the competition?”

“It’s not a competition.” Hana is barely audible.

“Yup! And alone this probably isn’t enough for a shard.” Keira thinks. “Well, maybe. Depends. But it’s about more than one good deed. You’ve got to really make a difference.”

“It makes a difference to her!” Jane protests. You get the feeling that she’s saying that more out of a competition than empathy.

Keira steps back. Not out of being bullied, but to seriously consider Jane’s point.

Jane and Laki exchange glares.

The huge blue Pokemon groans again.

“I told you all, I’ve got this under control. If you’re so desperate to get recognized, go help someone that needs it.” She stands in front of you. "Unless you're looking for a battle."

>We already did something to (maybe) earn shards. We just want to help
>Ask if she’ll work with everyone if we agree to give her credit
>That’s it! Challenge her to a battle!
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
>Ask why she didn’t just catch it and release it
>Something else
>Ask if she’ll work with everyone if we agree to give her credit
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
No wasting time
>>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
don't make a pokemon suffer for your ego Jane
>>We already did something to (maybe) earn shards. We just want to help
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
>If you REALLY want to be a snooty patootie we can battle AFTER we get the Wailmer back into the sea.
>>That’s it! Challenge her to a battle!
A pokemon is suffering and she wants to fight over it?
>Ignore her,get everyone to help
Say fucking nothing
>>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
the sooner we finish dealing with this and get away from this awful woman the happier i'll be.
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
>That's it! Challenge her to a battle!
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
Fuck off Jane, nobody gives a shit about your reputation.
>>Something else

>"Okay, let me know if you change your mind." And just wait for her to ask for help. You can't push someone like this, they'll just push back.
>>Ask why she didn’t just catch it and release it
>>Ask if she’ll work with everyone if we agree to give her credit

First because... well, seriously its like the simplest thing to do in this situation. Second just to try and get her to agree with it and hopefully be a bit diplomatic about things. Though unless shards are given out by people and not like the island making you stumble upon one for good karma I don't see the point in needing all the credit for it.
>Something else
There's no competing when a pokemon is suffering, don't ask us to sit back and not help!
>That’s it! Challenge her to a battle!
>We already did something to (maybe) earn shards. We just want to help
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go

If we do end up battling her just have the others push it back in while we distract her
>We already did something to (maybe) earn shards. We just want to help
>That’s it! Challenge her to a battle!

Tell her we'll battle her after helping the wailmer. I want to see how we stack up to her.
theyre good karma rewards, from what Keira has said

good deeds without selfless intent are worthless

2/3s of our team is weak to her starter, and the other is a baby
>Ignore her. Get everyone to push on go
No time to fight
So I see two possible scenarios here. Either Jane is desperate to collect shards because she feels alienated and wants to prove that she belongs here, lashing out because she believes the world is against her, or she's a jerk who wants glory.
Even if it's one of the first two, she's still a jerk.
Even so, that doesn't mean we don't stand a chance. In this case, just trying to stand up to her is important, especially if it means the others will have a shot at helping the wailmer. The others seem to have backed down, so it's important that we step up.
I voted to ignore her, we need to help the wailmer, it's the priority

battling her is a poor choice, imo due to major type disadvantages
We should plop our asses down to and see how long she'll struggle with this before she admits she needs help.
Wailmer needs help.
Jane is a huge bitch but I don't think she'll let it die for her pride.
>letting a Pokemon in danger of dying struggle
>thinking that Jane would even ask for help before it's to late
Gobble is kill
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“Come on, everyone.” You ignore Jane and move around her. “On three, okay?”

Laki gives Jane a smug grin as she goes around her. Hana avoids eye contact. Keira just hops over Hana’s shoulders.

Polu and Valerie come up next to you, ready to push.

“One. Two.” You brace. “Three!”

All of you struggle and your feet sinks into the sand. You move it a few inches. Alright! You can all do this easily!

It wails loudly and protests.

“Wait!” Keira stops everyone. “There’s something poking under it.”

Everyone stops. The poor creature looks like it’s in pain from that.

“I’m sorry.” Keira apologizes to the huge pokemon. “I didn’t know that’s what you meant.”

“I told you all that I had this.” Jane folds her arms.

“Did you know it was on something?” Valerie looks shocked.

“No.” She turns to you. “I just know better than to rush into things without thinking just to look like a hero.” She shoves your shoulder.

Laki has had enough. She takes out a Pokeball and taps it against the pokemon. It vanishes in a huge burst of light. “There. We’ll take it to a Pokecenter.” Underneath it is a bent metal beach chair. It doesn’t look like any parts would be poking in any deadly way, but it must have hurt a lot.

Polu steps forward. “Aren’t you from Akaneki?”

Everyone but you, Valerie, and possibly Jane seem to understand what that means.

Hana sees your confusion. “People from Akaneki Island believe that you should only catch a Pokemon you intended to bond with.”

Jane half glares, and half smirks at Laki.

Laki looks at her Pokeball like she just did something really reckless. She must have not considered that. She turns to Keira. As a priestess she can probably act like an authority on this. You get the feeling that if Laki weren’t surrounded by her peers, she might not keep it.

Keira seems like she’s open to considering things from different angles. If she makes a call, the others will probably follow her.

>But this is an exception, right Keira?
>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>Ask Jane if we can all just try to get along now
>Tell Jane that her attitude stinks
>Something else
>>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
Hey, Wailmer is rad
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>She should release it.
>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
>>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>Just release it after we go to the Pokemon center
If Zinnia is what Jane looks like then we have even more reason to hate her.
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
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>>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
hope the big guy can survive on land
>>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!

Wailmer's well being is priority, and besides, it wouldn't make any sense for Laki's actions to be judged differently from anyone else's.
>But this is an exception, right Kiera?
They can, they bounce
Air sacks
Once again Jane has done literally nothing wrong.
Yeah but she was a bitch about it
She is a bitch that wanted to battle as opposed to try and help the Pokemon quicker.
>Congratulate Laki on her new friend!
>>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!

She may not be a terrible person but she's certainly an idiot.
1. she was being a bitch about it
2. She didn't actually know there was a chair under it,she just wanted the shard
3. Instead of focusing on helping it she got all pissy when we tried to help out too
4. There was actually nothing she could do in the situation yet she went mega bitch
>Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!
>But this is an exception, right Keira?

"This is the best way to make sure it makes it to the pokemon center okay. You did the right thing, Laki."


>Tell Jane that her attitude stinks

"Instead of yelling at us, you should have just helped."
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“Come on! Let’s hurry to the Pokemon center!”

The group all agrees with that. Even Jane comes along.

Laki holds her ball in front of her while she runs, looking at it.

“Congratulations,” you tell her. “That was really nice of you.”

She doesn’t say anything. She just gives you a weird look.

“Hello!” The nurse greets you. “Oh my. You’re all out of breath. Is it an emergency?”

Polu explains the situation. The nurse quickly takes the ball and starts working the machines. “We’ll have your Wailmer healed up in no time.” She seems a bit new to the job, but you guess if anyone is qualified to make that call, it’s her.

While you’re there, you all hand over your other pokeballs. The nurse quotes on you two hours. You guess they don’t have the most top of the line centers here.

“Guess that’s that,” Jane says as she starts walking away from the nurse. “I’ll be back then.” She pauses when she has to walk by you. “Way to screw it up. I could have gotten Wailmer out without hurting it.” She bumps your shoulder and keeps going.

You look out the window. This is actually pretty close to your new house.

Laki is sorting through the mushrooms. “Cha-ching!” She says to herself. She glances over to you. “Hey Soft Hands. I’ll go sell these and give you your share later. Valerie said we can have hers.”

Keira and Polu sound like they’re going to hang out on the waterfront until the two hours are up. Hana and Valerie are staying near the center and getting a fruit smoothie of some kind.

>Go with Laki to sell the mushrooms
>Catch up to Jane
>Go visit home
>Stay here with Valerie and Hana
>You still have a decent amount of money right now. Go shopping
>Something else
>Catch up to Jane
And chew her out a bit, where does she get off being such a bitch to everyone she meets?
>Catch up to Jane
We need to talk with her eventually
>Catch up to Jane
>>Go visit home
we need to get a goddamn phone
>Catch up to Jane
>You still have a decent amount of money right now. Go shopping
Survival crap.
>>Go visit home
>catch up to jane
It's time for our first battle
We either put her into her place or we lose and know what we need to work on
>>Catch up to Jane

It's learning time! Remember, she's going to be defenseive, so we can't go around being accusatory. We need to be happy to see her, tell her you wish you had waited, ask her how she's enjoying her journey.
Our Pokemon are being healed Anon.
>>Go with Laki to sell the mushrooms
I want absolutely nothing to do with Jane and the sooner we can get away from her the better.
>>Catch up to Jane

Yeah, lets give her a piece of our mind. Though after that I'm not really sure where I'd want the conversation to go; don't want to just fully blow her off, but damn if she doesn't make it sound like a good option.

We just dropped off our Pokemon at the Center; so if we do have any it'd probably just be Budew.
>Catch up to Jane
Chew her out for putting her own pride before the suffering of a Pokemon.
>Go visit home
I hate her too, but we can't blow off interacting with her forever.
This guy has the right idea. Jane thinks the world is out to get her, so we kill her with kindness.
why not?
Yes. Yes we can. Unless she's gonna be our rival who shows up all the time at the worst possible time because some cosmic force thinks its funny.
>Catch up to Jane
Tell her she's got a crummy attitude, and that we wish she wouldn't antagonize our friends.

Then, if we have time:

>Stay here with Valerie and Hana

Go back and hang out with the fancy tent crew.
>Go speak with Jane
>She just challenges us to a battle
>No Pokemans, she takes our money and wanders off

Calling it now.
Cause that's not how you deal with problems,at least not what John would do in this situation
She's being a mega-bitch and needs to be put in her place

With kindness
Then we call the police for mugging us.
>Literally getting robbed
>Not calling the police and getting her kicked from the Pokemon league
“Hey!” You jog out the door to catch up to Jane. “Wait up.”

She stops and turns to you. Her eyes bore into you. “What do you want?” She sighs. “I’m trying to be the bigger person here, but you keep trying to ruin my day. Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?”

>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends
>Ask about her goals
>What’s her problem with Laki?
>Something else
>Go with Laki to sell the mushrooms
>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends
>Ask about her goals
>Something else
>Tell her that she's being selfish, and challenge her to a battle!
>>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>What’s her problem with Laki?
Holy shit. No you're not jesus christ I hate her gobble.
Our Pokemon are being healed for the next 2 hours
>Ask about her goals
I didn't say a pokemon battle.
we have no pokemon/only a level 1 pokemon
>>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends.

We started our journey together, it's only right we get along. We should apologize for being pushy and ask how her journey is going.
>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends
>>Ask about her goals
>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
yeah, lets fist fight a girl

when we're right near our house

where our mom is

sounds like a good idea
>>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends
>Ask about her goals
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>Are you serious? Give her a piece of your mind!
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meant to link to
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
to >>688807
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>What’s her problem with Laki?

I have zero desire to be friends with Jane.
In all seriousness, can the anons that are voting for "telling her off" explain why they think it will go well? Jane send extremely defensive. She will very likely just shut down. I think we she either ignore her even possible or double down on being nice in hopes of changing her for the better.
>people actually wanting to be friends with this bitch
For what purpose?
Are we playing the retard who wants everyone to be friends and give everyone hugs?

Because fuck that bitch, that's why.
It doesn't have to "go well". She deserves to be told off, plain and simple. We don't have to befriend everyone we meet, and we certainly aren't under any obligation to change her. Whether or not she decides to change in the future, she deserves to be called out for how much of a bitch she's been.
Because being aggressive won't get anywhere. Trying to be friends IS John's character so far. Also she is a massive bitch and I hate her too, but John can see the good in people.
>Trying to be friends IS John's character so far. Also she is a massive bitch and I hate her too, but John can see the good in people.
So we are retarded, or at least autistic?
>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
Both of these!
I think you need to relax anon.
>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
>Tell her you got off on the wrong foot. You want to be friends

I do want the last one, but who knows how well that will work after the rest of the stuff I'd want to say to her.

"Trying to be the bigger person here"? Yeah, I could see that with you insulting us and pushing past us when you left when all we did was try and help out.

It probably won't go well right now, but maybe she'll reflect on some of the things being said and change at least a little bit later on. Hard to say though.

I don't feel it'd be entirely out of character. Like with the egg being cracked for trying to help out earlier; with Jane we've been trying to be friendly and keep everyone from fighting, and have basically been met with aggression the entire way.
White knight instincts taking over, apparently.
Or were a well adjusted teenager raised by loving parents who taught us to be nice
We just have faith in people. People do things for a reason, we don't know what hers are.
Thus far she hasn't shown any good. And no one's saying we need to be aggressive. It's entirely possible to tell someone off without getting up in their face and yelling. John isn't saintly. He doesn't have infinite patience for someone who is outright hostile to not only him, but to his friends as well; people who actually do treat him well. He doesn't need a friend like Jane.
Gotta go full friendship and fourze
Personally I don't think it's very in character to yell at her, but Herb would say something at least.
It is obviously voting to yell at her.
Hugs and friendship white knight characters are the worst and most boring to play.
She's either a complete bitch, as some anons say, or there's something more complicated going on that is obscuring her real character. Either way, there is no way that telling her off is going to do anything but earn us a rival.

You want someone to tell her off? Let Laki do it. That's her thing. We have bigger fish to fry. Jane is seriously not a priority to me. I would rather spend this time talking to interesting, social characters or grabbing gear.
It isn't white knighting. It is trying one more time to actively see if someone isn't a huge sack of shit like we think. If Jane was a bitch after we tried to be a friend of hers then fuck her. Just because I hate her OOC doesn't mean I'll vote against her constantly every single time when it may be best to try and talk with her.
It's not even that, it's the-
"Let's spend our time with a total bitch instead instead of our pals, when we could just delegate her to being an occasionally seen background character and not bother."

And role-playing having your panties in a bunch over Ms Shoulder-check is so last Tuesday.

Just stomp her into the ground with our Pokemon in the future and be done with it. Don't give her any more screentime.
Well-adjusted people aren't doormats. That's why voting to tell her off makes sense.

Even if that's the case, that still makes way more sense than running after her and trying to be friends with her after she's demonstrated without question that she doesn't like us and has been hostile toward our friends.

Even if we go full doormat, this conversation isn't going to end with Jane suddenly being amicable, because Gobble isn't a terrible writer. If your criterion for dismissing her is "if she's still a bitch this time", you may as well dismiss her now.

I'm sure there's a lot more to her than meets the eye, but calling her out just plain makes more sense than anything else, and revelations about her character can come later.
You keep using words incorrectly.
>Are you serious? Give her a real peace of your mind
>Tell her you think she put her pride ahead of Wailmer’s wellbeing
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I'm not sharing an opinion. You are using the terms Doormat incorrectly. My bad, I thought you were the same guy that claimed it was white knighting because I'm tired and your ID colors are similar.
If someone is shitty to you and your friends, and rather than either ignoring them or defending your friends, you desperately try to get them to like you (in this case, running after them and trying to convince them to be your friend), that's being a doormat. That's letting someone walk all over you and your friends. You might disagree, but that would just be your opinion.

Either way, it's a non-issue, so no harm done.
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“I think you put your pride ahead of that Wailmer’s well-being.”

She opens her mouth in shock, but doesn’t say anything right then. Her eyes narrow.

“I-I mean-”

“I know what you mean!” She cuts you off. “You’ve got a lot of nerve.” That’s the first time you’ve been accused of that. “I was helping! Help doesn’t come from here,” she flicks your chest. “It comes from here!” She flicks your forehead. “If there was anything in there, maybe you’d understand that.”

“How come you wanted us to go away?”

“Ugh!” She looks really mad. “Because you already screwed up my match before and everyone already thinks I’m the bad guy now. Thanks for that, by the way.”

“Me?” You’re not mad at that, you’re shocked.

“Yes you!” She looks ready to murder you. “I know your type. You’ve already got everyone hating me, but that isn’t enough, is it? Now you’ve got to rub it in!” She takes a deep breath. “Whatever. Hate me all you want, but everyone always respect the champion.”

“So...you didn’t want a shard?”

“Of course I wanted a shard! I just didn’t-” She stops herself. “Forget it. I’m not falling for whatever mind games you’re trying to pull.” She grabs your collar, pulling you close. “Next time I see you, me and my Pokemon are going to cream you, you got that?” She pushes you and you stumble back until you fall on your butt. “Stay out of my way!”

She walks off in the other direction.

>Oh yeah? Well you’re a big jerk meanie!
>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!
>My Pokemon won’t lose to you!
>Say nothing.
>Wait! You never meant to do any of that! Come back!
>Something else
>>Something else
laugh, this is so stupid its funny.
Jesus, the victim complex is strong with this one.

>Something else
"Well, maybe they wouldn't think you were the bad guy if you didn't treat them like crap."
>Say nothing.
>Go visit home

>Says help comes from using your head
>Tries to move a heavy Pokemon by herself and tries to send away help
Fuck off Jane.
>>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!

This sounds like about the right amount of tact for us.
>Say nothing.
Yeah, in the end so long as Gobble isn't kill everything is fine.

>Say nothing.
>Say nothing.
"Well, maybe they wouldn't think you were the bad guy if you didn't treat them like crap."
>Oh yeah? Well those colors don't work for you at all!
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>>Oh yeah? Well you’re a big jerk meanie!
>My Pokemon won’t lose to you!
Get her flustered. Do it. Roll to seduce, anons.
>It's sad when you're so wrapped up in your own ego that you think everyone is out to get you. Moreover, you're making it happen on your own. You're a jerk, so everyone treats you like a jerk, not because you of the match, but because you feel the need to push me down to feel better about yourself.
>Also you clothing choices clash horribly, are you color blind?
>>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!
>>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!

too hilarious to not vote for
If you are ever tempted to burn someone with a line starting with "Its sad" just don't.
>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!
Agreed. There's no reason to try and turn thus into one of those call-out speeches people on tvtropes pretend they totally did to that bully at school who talked shit about their favorite political candidate that one time.
That was an oddly specific example. You aren't projecting or anything, are you?
Its a pretty common trope on the internet.
>>Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!

I kind of want this if only to see if she wears blue next time we meet her.

Otherwise I really have no idea what to really say to her; she seems to take fucking everything as a personal insult and gets aggressive way too easily.
If she takes the other shit we did to her as a personal attempt to undermine her how will she take a personal insult
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so changing subject a bit...
do you guys think a misdreavus/mismagius would fit john and his team?
Would be cool and could fit well.
Maybe? a Frosslass would fit better but they are one of the few stylish ghosts. Our only alternative would be the litwick line for cooking.
Possibly. I tend to prefer other ghost types, though. Someone suggested Banette a ways back, and I think that might be neat.
I like it, though I'd prefer a frosslass.
meh, not a ghost pokemon that really stands out

if we decide to get a ghost, sableye or gastly would be more fun
Frosslass is another good one, yeah. Ice types need more love, and she's a stylish little ghost.
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“Oh yeah? Well those colours don’t work for you at all! Can’t you even tell how much blue would bring out your eyes? Shows what you know!”

She turns around for a second and gives you the most confused but still angry look before stomping off.

“You really showed her.” A fisher says as he watches you dust yourself off. "She's probably going to buy a burn heal right now."

You thought so too. “Thanks.”

There’s a giant clock visible from where you’re standing. You’ve still got some time to kill. The fisherman picks up his supplies and heads to the dock.

>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something
>Go home and visit
>Go shopping
>Go meet up with one of your peers
>Something else
As far as ghosts go, Keira isn't going to be able to keep her Shedinja.
since we're sort of talking pokemon I'd love it if we could get hold of a Mantyke/Mantine.
>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something
>Go home and visit
>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something
Social Link, Go!
>>Go home and visit.

We don't know when our next chance will be.
>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something

Fuck yeah Fisher guy. Teach us the ways of the rod!
>Go meet up with one of your peers
See what Keira's up to.
>>Go shopping
>>Go meet up with one of your peers(Keira)
gotta gear up
>>Go home and visit
>>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something
>>Go home and visit

Why not. Maybe ask for advice on what they would do in your situation.

And on ghost chat: I think Mimikyu would be a good fit; we could hand sew Pokemon dolls for it to wear as costumes and stuff like that. Shame it'll take at least a month until we have any real information on it, so it doesn't really work as an option until then.
>not wanting to surf on a Starmie
>not wanting comfy rides on a Lapras
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say... what about Cofagrigus? got that not!Egyption swag and could help with fashion stuff with all those arms.
I love him, but I feel like he is one of the more region locked ghost. Granted people are saying this want Frosslass the most in a tropical region so we would have to go to the highest peaks.
>Ask the fisherman if you can follow along. Maybe you can learn something
>>Go home and visit
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found a nice pic of misdreavus with a scarf, i still think she'd be fun to accessorize.
Wouldn't be opposed to him, either. If what Keira has said is true, this quest should give us plenty of opportunities to find cool ghosties. We just need to stick with her, and she can help us look for those spooky dudes.
I like her and feel like she would make more sense then some of the other ghost. Mismagius is also one of the less harmful ghost in its lore.
Cute. Plus, their necklaces harness energy from fear!
If that's what she looks like instead of the wicked witch, then cool. She looks really elegant in that picture. I can dig it. I think either Mismagius or Frosslass would make a great addition to the team. Either way, our ghost needs to be very fashionable.
So I guess fishermen won because 10 minute timer?
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whoops... sadly I don't have any pokebutts to give in apology, have a cute shuckle instead.
I know we've been making big plans about how we want to train our pokemon, but I really think we should ask them if they want to try competitive battling first. Mace is a dynamo, so he'd probably be into it, but Gobs might not enjoy it. And budew should probably hold off until she's a Rosalia at least.
D'aww Shuckle is great. I hope one of our friends gets one so Budew can have a playmate.
>Mace is a dynamo
Dynamo Buster as his super move that combines rock wrecker and explosion?

as for your point, yeah we'll have to see what they think of battle.
Agreed, but Gobble seems to not mind battle. He fought off a Magcargo, remember? Still, we should ask them how they feel about it.
Laki would probably like one, but I say that mostly going off the idea of using it to make Berry Wine.
>>Go home and visit
You follow after fisherman and ask if you can watch him work. You’re sure you can manage that before visiting home.

“Huh? Really?” He seems to brighten up a bit. “Sure thing, kid. Just don’t scare anything away.”

You walk down the the docks. The first thing he does is start checking traps. They all have Luvdisc. He checks it, grunts, and frees the fish. After a few, he grins. “There we are.” He reaches down and grabs a small shiny heart-shaped scale. “Heart Scales.” He explains. “And here’s your reward.” He grabs some food from his bin and gives it to the Luvdisc as he sets it free.

“So you don’t eat the Pokemon you catch?”

He looks offended. “No! Is that what they think of us on the mainland?”

You stumble over your words.

He laughs. “Kidding. Kid, you’ve got to learn to read a person. Relax.” He gives you a sideways glance. “Why, do they eat Pokemon where you’re from?”

“No.” You throw up your hands. You’ve heard about Slowpoke tail rings being busted, but that wasn’t near where you lived.

You talk for a bit. He tells you that you remind of him of his grandson. He casts his rod out and keeps coming back with a new Pokemon or a regular fish. He tosses the fish into a cooler, but he releases the Pokemon after checking the items they have.

“Woo!” he jumps. “Another pearl.” he tosses the shellder back. “Oh ho! A big pearl this time! Kid, you’re my lucky charm!” That’s another first you’ve been accused of today.

You look at the time. If you want to visit home, you’ll have to hurry.

“Wait. Kid. Before you go, grab something. Whatever you want.”

“Are you sure?”

He laughs. “Absolutely. It’s a good haul today, and you’ve been letting an old man like me yap your ear off.”

>That’s okay. Thanks for letting me watch
>Grab a fish to bring back for dinner
>Grab one of the heart scales
>Take a small pearl
>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>Something else
>>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>Is it okay to take this old rod?
teach a man to fish... and he can feed his waifus when near any body of water
>>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>>Is it okay to take this old rod?
>You follow after fisherman
Unless his name is Fisherman, it should be *the fisherman.

>You walk down the the docks.
Knowing our luck we'll just keep catching useless Pokemon like Feebas instead of anything usable for food.
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Is it okay to take this old rod?
Water-type mons here we come.
>Is it okay to take this old rod?
We should ask this guy his name. I like him. For a character who first existed for some friendly ball-busting about our terrible comeback to Jane, he's pretty nice.
want that milotic huh anon?
>>Is it okay to take this old rod?

Teach a man to fish...
A milotic would be fantastic
So what kind of water mons can we catch on this islands coasts, anyone know?
Cool, what type of mons are most common here?
I see, which water mon in particular anon?
Did someone say water pokemon
Probably Tentacool? Magikarp? Basculin? Clampearl? Shelder apparently. I bet we can learn to make great bait.
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“Is it okay to take this old rod?”

He looks back over his shoulder. “That old hunk of junk? You’d be doing me a favor hauling it away.”

“Thanks!” You start running up the docks. You turn around and go back. “I’m John, by the way. My friends call me Herb, though.”

“Aisake.” He says back.

“Gesundheit.” You go running back. You want to say hi to everyone back home and tell them you already have three Pokemon. You bet your little brother will be really impressed. Even your sister might be.

[That’s all for tonight, everyone. Thanks for coming! I’m not exactly sure when we’ll be running next. At the latest next weekend, but if my workload isn’t heavy I can probably run Wednesday or Thursday. It all really depends. I’ll update here and twitter as I know for sure.

In the meantime, I want to organize information better than just using a pastebin. I was thinking some shared Google Docs or something. Does anyone have any suggestions?]
I find pastebin typically works out fine.

But you do you boss, thanks for running
Google docs can work. Really whatever works best for you is the best. Thanks for running!
Google docs are sorta shitty cause it forces people to sign in to their google account to make the docs I believe. So you'd have to make a fake account, just seems like a hassle.
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Pic related and Inkay
Google Docs are often more trouble than they're worth in my experience, but if Pastebin isn't doing it for you then there aren't that many other options. Either way, thanks for running Gobble!
Thanks for running Gobble, pastebin is my preference
That's a cute picture anon.
Thanks for running! And yeah I like pastebin personally.
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Thanks, google is great.
Pastebin is fine. Thanks for running.
Thanks for running Gobble, I'm sure pastebins will be fine.
I think I can do cuter.
We have the most adorable MC ever.

Its a shame that Jane is going to hatefuck away his purity.
Thanks for running! It's been a ball. I'm looking forwards to more... more everything really. This quest makes me smile for days afterwards.
Thanks for running.

Shame my tablet couldn't post.
Google docs can work, but they play up when loading if you hit the ninety-plus page mark.

On the upside, you can colour code information though.
Goddamn this quest is so comfy. Every fanmade Pokemon project is always too edgy.
It's great, isn't it? I hope this keeps up.
Gobble said they wanted a light hearted Quest. But we can't avoid the Kabutops in the cave forever.
I'm okay with mostly comfy punctuated by moments of PANIC.

Mace is getting a cape, right?
That is mostly because the ppl whom make that stuff are either
A) Edgy Teens
B) Trying to apply "real world" logic to a world were you enslave superpower monsters to fight for you.
Yes, FUCK HUGE PAULDRONS can come later. Those are gonna be hard to make.
Is Herb going to end up being an innocently lewd manslut?

Because I'm okay with that
I think with the amount of hate she is getting that will be our "bad end" lewdbin.
Fashion challenge!
I mostly meant because we need metal for the good stuff.
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Golurk is best ghost, support Golurk!
I am completely alright with Herb getting passed around between the girls
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what do you folks think of these possible additions to the team
I think many of us are okay with that.
They are alright, but I wanna take what the world gives us. If we get too attached to what could be we might miss a cool, but forgotten Pokemon that shows up.
I'm not.
I'm pretty tired of lewds in stories, and wouldn't mind at all if there weren't any in the story at all. Maybe some harmless flirting, but no lewd.
>inb4 'where do you think we are' and whatnot
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Mawile definitely, I like Vespiqueens design and attacks but I prefer Heracross for a bug type, Golurk is best ghost.
Well you called it, where do you think you are?

Also where do you think we are?
I just don't know how you guys don't get tired of it all the time.
Because Gobble does it well, usually takes time between lewdbins, and I'm a degenerate.
Seriously though where do you believe yourself to be?
I want a Clauncher
Clauncher would be super cool. I'd be fine with most water types though.
Froslass so hard. They're massively unappreciated and have a nice aesthetic. Not to mention Ghost + Ice is a cool typing.

Love Mawile, and while I would really like to have one on our team, I can't help out at all since Gobble runs when I sleep.
That would be cute and lewd.

Clauncher is cool. I like a lot of water types

Also a fan of Froslass and Golurk
Ever since Gobble mentioned he/she pictures Herb as a blonde, can't get Barry out of my head
Eeeh, make the hair point up less and I could see it.
That fits pretty well if we fix his hair.

Pokemon hair can get pretty fucking wild. I think the character designers had their parents murdered by cosplayers and this is their revenge.
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Tried to look for pictures of him with his hair down and came up empty, unless you count cosplayers. Have a butt, I hope a drawfag or someone with photoshop can help us with this.
I would, but that doesn't feel nearly stylish enough.
That's fine, eventually we will find something to agree on to be Herbs character art
Found this on Google. Barry might work for Herb
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I still see him as a young Spark
How about a young Dio?
I mean the looks are about right. Personality is the polar opposite.
Only if we include the posing

And getting /fit/

All of these work great.
If John keeps carrying people he will be pretty /fit/ by the end of this. Mace would approve of the posing, so I say yes.
Is Laki going to make a man out of him?
skinny /fit/ though. If you bulk up it severely limits your /fa/ choices
>implying looking like zyzz doesn't make you look better than a skeleton in /fa/shionable clothes
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>Jojo shit
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>doesn't like lewds
>doesn't like JoJo
I don't think 15 year old Herb is going to go bear mode in a few months.
I personally don't think that guy looks that attractive. I don't have anything against /fit/ dudes, but I prefer if Herb get s /fit/ to have a less muscular physique, maybe more like a runner's physique.
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>You polish the balls while hunched over.
That's what we call a double entendre.
Yeah, I think Gobble had a hot date or something right after this run.
Considering Zyzz was 6'3, could bench more than 315 and was on roids, I doubt Herb will be able to match him in the year or two the quest will (likely) cover
I keep remembering the normal gym leader last quest who ran laps with her snorlax. I can just imagine John, Mace, and Gobble all training together and taking turns being coach.
Just imagine John and Gobble tossing mace back and forth like a weighted ball.
I think we have a training regimen.
Pinsir would be a good pokemon to catch
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How do we make it happen?
Hopefully we don't.
Eh, not a fan of that idea. Noncanon lewdbins might be okay, but we should be monogamous.
Is this an American puritan thing or what? What's wrong with consensual hookups?
Yeah, I'd rather have the sort of lewdbin where John gets hot and heavy with someone, realizes that neither of them has any form of birth control, and has to just stop. And then they just go to sleep cuddled up or something. Just generally being more sexually conservative. Hell, I wouldn't mind if he decided he wasn't going to be ready for that kind of physical intimacy just yet.
Because banging everything that moves is not what a 15 year old would go for at all. Herb must be chaste and wait until after marriage.
I'm here for the pokemon, not for a bunch of sweaty neckbeards circlejerking to internet porn.
No it's just that harems are shit in general
less characterization due to split focus. It seems to happen a lot in quests where there are multiple waifu's being pursued. Usually results in a shallow feeling relationship.
Besides; we did the semi-harem shit last time.
Basically what this anon said is why I dislike lots of casual relationships in quests.
It's not wrong, but I doubt it's something a bunch of teens are going to be able to handle. And choosing who to pursue a relationship with is more interesting than not.
We already did semi-harem in canon. Leave it for the non canon lewdbins.
That's actually really reasonable and it's something for me to consider.

Not so much.
There are a lot of ways to handle that besides going to sleep with blue balls.
this honestly sounds more fitting, both for John and the general feeling of the quest. The characters seem more innocent than Kat, which makes sense considering their different childhoods. Plus, how many people were in a harem/had one when you were in high school? Its not how most people start their romantic lives
Well it's because of all the other shit anons said
But also because it kind of makes no sense for the character so far
Between roserade, who learns weather balll, and mace, who learns sandstorm, we might just have the makings of a weather team. As our team already looks pretty bulky, this might be a good combination, as we can likely "weather the storm", so to speak, longer than our opponent.
Maybe, it would be interesting to do if we get more Pokemon that is works well with.
That would be really interesting and a nice change from Kat's brute force/status queen strategy
>But also because it kind of makes no sense for the character so far

But it does make sense for him to roll over to what more socially assertive people want, like Laki or Keira.

I'm just saying that if a slightly pushover teenage boy is propositioned by a hot island girl, there's little reason why he'd push her away.
But our character arc is probably going to be learning how to not be a complete pushover

Whether it's a waifu who teaches us or it's wise old fisher man Sensai it matters not

It's our character developing that matters
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pretty sure we're gonna see throughout this quest John becoming more assertive and less of a doormat. We've already seen him stand up to someone yelling at him(Jane) and take charge in a crisis.

And most guys are faithful if in a committed relationship, doesn't really matter if they are a bit of a pushover. And most people don't lose their virginity because of a one night stand, especially when they're 15. Most of the time its in a relationship, at least in my experience

unrelated, but if theres a Halloween episode, I'm hoping we can be as fashionable as possible
Nah, if its Halloween, its gotta be a scary costume.
And what's more terrifying than an outfit that doesn't match?
>And most people don't lose their virginity because of a one night stand, especially when they're 15

Funny enough that's literally what happened with me. But I see your point.

>That pic

I know it's a different world and all, but looking like a 17th century Spanish explorer on an island that has some people that dislike "mainlanders" might not be a great idea.
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theres a difference between scary and horrific anon
I think we would try something like that and then every fiber of our being will push against it and then we make an actual costume
Why not just make a Gobble costume and Gobble a Herb costume
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I doubt there was colonialism, though obviously this quest isn't big on the history of the world. However, it doesn't seem like Loanah was ever conquered by the other regions. Most of the characters are either mainlander immigrants, or natives. We've met one mixed race person, implying that the region has been relatively isolated from the mainland, compared to South America were youd be hardpressed to find a pure blood native.

but a fencer/musketeer would be a cool costume, considering how elaborate you can make it and our plan for Bella's training
No, he's right. Fuck off with your jojo shit. Also, get that dumb meme out of here, it's older than the internet.

If you don't like lewds you're in the wrong thread though. Go play MTG or some shit.
I don't think he wants to act like Dio, but the pic does match Gobble's description.

I don't even watch Jojo, so it just looks like a blond kid with weird eyes. Other than them, its pretty close to how I see John

obviously everyone is free to picture him how they want, we can wait until a drawfag makes something or gobble gives an exact description. Till then, post pics that are close
This anon gets it.

Herb should be in as many lewd situations as possible, and Jojo is overrated.
What do you want in a flying type?
A Skarmory we can bling out, maybe a Talonflame
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Everyone's favorite Bug/Poison/Ground/Dark/Flying type
>wanting smogon mons

It's a quest. Don't worry about game mechanics.
I have no idea what you mean, I just like Skarmory an the fire birbs aight?
He could just like them you know...

christ man
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Oh, or best fossil mon
I liked the idea of Tropius, but that's kind of out of the picture (for us anyway).

I personally like Natu/Xatu too, decent movepool plus if we got one with its Hidden Ability it can basically wall Pokemon that abuse Status Effects, Hazards, etc.
This or an aerodactyl
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Talonflame, maybe Noivern.
Or a Honchkrow. Just look at this guy and tell me he hasn't got style.
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Popping in to say that I can't run today and likely not tomorrow either. But Thursday is a strong possibility.

Friday I'll be busy.

I want to get some sort of quick infographic for your Pokemon and companions. I'll see about working on that in the mean time.

I have a few outstanding emails and twitter messages to respond to. Sorry about the delay. I'll get on that in a little bit.

Thanks for being awesome, everyone. If there's anything you feel the quest is lacking or has too much of or anything else, don't be afraid to tell me. I promise I won't get salty and throw a fit.

If I can answer any questions about the setting or characters or whatever, let me know too.

Have a flying type related gif.
No worries. Also at this point I'm tempted to say every flying type is cool that isn't a legendary or delibird.
Can we keep wise old fish guy as a mentor and older brother figure to look up too?
If so will he have the chance to become a majorly badass trainer?
>inb4 he has a brother on every island
>become a majorly badass trainer?

Who says he isn't?
Is Keira wearing a shirt or just paint?
Herb did not notice anything resembling a shirt when he touched her shoulder. If she's wearing one, it's clinging pretty tightly to her underboob.
What does everyone think of us so far?
Pretty sure she confirmed it was paint when she said it wasn't waterproof but her face paint is
Shirts aren't waterproof.
That's what he said
I don't think it is.
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Jane thinks you're a manipulative asshole that has it out for her. What's your problem? Are you just playing dumb to mock her? She knows some people find her hard to get along with, but the speed that you turned everyone against can only mean that you're a master manipulator. You're right about blue bringing out her eyes, though. Still, you probably only aid that to mess with her.

Hana thinks you're nice. You were willing to take a blow for strangers even more than her (after all, you beat her to the punch) so it makes her feel a little inadequate. She likes talking about movies with you but worries about showing her true power level and scaring you off.

Valerie thinks you're kind too. A bit of a pushover, but you're nice enough. She sees a lot of similarities between you and her Lillipup. But then again you were willing to set some firm boundaries with her, so that counts for something.

Laki thought you were just some pampered kid from some rich place that would be too soft to handle any real challenges, but she has to admit that you'd exceeded those low expectations. You're irresistible to pick on. She also feels very guilty about all the problems and worry she's caused you and wants to clean the slate. You're pretty adorable and helpless, and that brings out something in her that's both protective and predatory.

Polu thinks you're nice. He's always thought of mainlanders as being cool and hip. Seeing you as just a human being with foibles and not being too cool for him is a bit of a relief. When he heard mainlander would be at the professor's lab to start their journey he pictured people a bit more like the movies. Valerie is richer than he thought anyone could be, and you're fashionably dressed, but he assumed you'd both be more rebellious and developed for some reason. Still, you're nice. He could see you being bros.

Keira is intensely curious about you whenever she's not distracted. She believes strongly in living in the moment and sees you as clinically reserved. It's her duty to help lost souls, right? Well you and Hana and to a lesser extent Valerie seem to fit the bill. She's spent most of her life doing priestess training and duties and the little she's heard about outsiders is conflicting. The only thing she's worried about is offending you and whatever strange beliefs you might have. The fact that you'd even ask about her face paint says there's a lot of differences. She's never, ever been asked something so forward. She wonders how you'd react to seeing her face, but that's way too much to think about, even for her.
>Jane thinks you're a manipulative asshole that has it out for her. What's your problem? Are you just playing dumb to mock her? She knows some people find her hard to get along with, but the speed that you turned everyone against can only mean that you're a master manipulator. You're right about blue bringing out her eyes, though. Still, you probably only aid that to mess with her.

Um shit we need to get this girl to a doctor quick, she has some shit she needs to work out.

Glad she can take fashion advice though
Oh shit
I'm the reatard now
I kinda like her. She's a fun character to bug with our naivety.

We must recruit Keira though.
...what the fuck happened to Jane to make her so maladjusted?
Or is she just an average 4chan user?
Even the vast majority of 4chan users are better adjusted than that. She's like the worst of the worst of paranoid, trench-coat wearing neckbeards in female Pokemon trainer form.
Keira's body paint is not waterproof at all. Her face paint is pretty water resistant, though. Who cares about a chest. Her face is what's private.

Maladjusted? Herb's the one that's maladjusted! Why else would you have such a problem with her! You're a little psychopath is what you are! Your little act doesn't fool her.

But yeah. She's got a lot of issues about fitting in and where she belongs. Combined with her very competitive personality it causes a lot of issues. She thought this would be a fresh start and a chance to see where her mom comes from but you'd already made her alienated.
People don't eat pokemon? I thought there were no non pokemon animals in pokemon world. Is everyone vegan? Don't they have ranches?
>Tries to prove how alpha they are
>normie interrupted
>show the cuck who's boss
>suddenly everyone hates them
>must be the cucks fault
>obviously a master manipulator
Seems like a greentext You'd find at /b/ or an equally cancer board
Rolled 86 (1d100)

So we inadvertently alienated her by trying to stop her from accidentally sending people to the hospital

How would she react if the chatter actually sent us to the hospital? Would she even apologize?
She'd probably call us an idiot for not getting out the way.
I avoided the issue entirely during the last quest and thought this time I'd just dive right in.

The anime has a lot of references to real world animals and a few Pokedex entries that refer to elephants and whatnot. I know that's mostly because early on there wasn't as many Pokemon, but I thought it only makes sense to include them.

If you were sent to the hospital? She'd say it was your fault for diving in front and also Laki's fault for commanding the attack. She'd visit and call you an idiot once she sees you're not permanently hurt.
And what if we were permanently hurt? How would she react then?
She'd stop calling you an idiot, but only admit some culpability in the rarest of moments. She'd visit once in awhile to make sure you're doing okay.
>She wonders how you'd react to seeing her face, but that's way too much to think about, even for her.
Keira can literally not get any cuter
How cool is the old fish guy

Is he actually a thing or is that just a character you created to make fun of us
Like most things, just a random character made up on the stop. A little something extra to help highlight Herb's naive innocence.
So what would convince Jane we aren't an Asshole short of saving her life?
What would her response be to getting the shit kicked out of her in a match? Like Kat Vs Drew level or Oberon sweep level?
What do you think about our conversations earlier on John's appearance?

What's your stance on the types of relationship the players want John to get into
Strongly suspect Gobble will run with anything, but I am also interested.
Gobble,how hard can we modify weather moves?
Nobody would call a ghost priestess cute. You're silly, anon. Either that, or you're actually living in the moment on a level that Keira can't even think of.

Time, consistent gestures of showing you actually respect her as a person without some sort of ulterior motive, and enough one on one chatting for her to realize that maybe you're not playing 15 dimensional Mouse Trap with her and you might just be some kid after all.

Both absolute shock at being so bested, and at the same time, exactly what she'd expect from such an opponent.

I can't say Barry or a young Spark are far from how I'd picture him.

>What's your stance on the types of relationship the players want John to get into
Anything is possible with enough effort put into it. Islanders are a lot less uptight about hookups for the most part, but they're not just 'anything goes' sex fiends either. Laki and Keira would be the most willing and open to a temporary or less traditional thing. Keira's pretty much down to try anything at least once. Herb's innocence and non-threatening nature make it less worrisome. But at the same time, it also seems less likely that he'd be aggressive or assertive enough to try to go for a threesome or anything else like that. He'd have to be really lucky, really uncharacteristically suave, and prove himself as both an attractive but trustworthy person more.

Laki has been pretty impressed with Herb so far. She'd currently only do anything with him at her most drunk and least fucks-giving, assuming nobody would ever find out. Like a 1% chance, basically.

What do you have in mind?
>Nobody would call a ghost priestess cute.
Keria is gonna be in for some surprises

>15 dimensional Mouse Trap
Ok what if we tried to get her to play an actual game of mouse trap with use?
>Both absolute shock at being so bested, and at the same time, exactly what she'd expect from such an opponent.
I meant more like herb doing it over say Kat but alright.
>Keria is gonna be in for some surprises
Yeah. Okay. You're an outsider but even you should know how crazy that sounds. Obviously you're learning the art of the prank.

>Ok what if we tried to get her to play an actual game of mouse trap with use?
She'd assume it's some sort of metaphor with some sort of hidden message. Maybe she's the mouse and you're the diver. Or maybe she's the ball and you're the bathtub. What does it mean? What sort of intimidation game are you playing?

She considers Herb some sort of weird mastermind. If Herb kicked the crab out of her she'd be pretty crushed, but expect it from someone like you and see it as proof she needs to be even more competitive to get stronger.
Shit like bringing down an actual thunderstorm with actual thunder and everything

Shit like a fully controllable sandstorm

Shit like using sunny day to shoot heat rays at opponents

The last ones a bit over the top but you get the geist
>Laki has been pretty impressed with Herb so far. She'd currently only do anything with him at her most drunk and least fucks-giving, assuming nobody would ever find out. Like a 1% chance, basically.

Well shit, new goals, get her drunk and flirty
So what in your opinion is Herb's nature? I think Kat was fire/dark like Devon by the end of it, and Robin was Bug?
Well we aren't that manipulative

Unless everthing Jane said about is is actually true and were just making her look completely insane to everyone until she just drops it
So what would her reaction be if we just blanked her every time she tried to challenge us to a battle or try to one up us?
I think you mean new goal: get Keira to show John her face
Robin was fire fairy
Not quite sure. You could get a reading in game, though
Infuriated that you don't consider her a worthy opponent. Or maybe she's actually strong enough to scare you and you have to hide behind weak excuses. She can't tell.
She'd need to trust you almost more than she trusts herself, but it's possible. It's like the spiritual equivalent of giving you power of attorney and seeing someone in their most naked and vulnerable state at the same time.
What if we called her cute.

Also, for the eventual swimming, it it just kinda normal for her to be topless after swimming?
Is it still possible to get psychic powers or into aura stuff?

When are we going to name our Budew?

How much money are we going to get from the shrooms?

Did Gobble enjoy the meal he got after Shroom harvesting?

Anyone hear of the Slugma stopping or the Wailmer saving?
I have a feeling our interactions with her will be us shouting that she's delusional and that she needs to go see a therapist about her self esteem issues as she ignores us saying while telling everyone that were a part of the illuminati
Let's just go swimming at the next available chance and find out
she's the Sarada to Herb's Takeshi
In away
We as far from takeshi as possible but the relationship is somewhat similar

Anyone knows when minis Internet will stop shiting itself
Are there ferries between the major islands, or are people expected to have pokemon that can fly/surf?

whats the black dot mean to the left of Akaneki?
The 14th
Well Herb and Takeshi are both at their core, really nice guys. I mean disarmingly nice. One's a child solider genius who has a plan to kill everyone he meets out of necessity. The other is a kid on a journey with super powered monsters. The only real difference is degree of danger they experience. Takeshi has a lot more meaning he could not be naïve.
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>What if we called her cute.
Try it and find out

>Also, for the eventual swimming, it it just kinda normal for her to be topless after swimming?
She grew up in an isolated and almost all girl environment. She's not sure how you'd react, but if you don't make a big deal out of she'll assume it's fine.

>Is it still possible to get psychic powers
Psychic, maybe. Nobody will be a prodigy like Clair, but who knows what sort of potential Herb has.

Yup! It'd take a lot of focus and effort, but someone empathetic like Herb might be a perfect student for it. Or he might be too naive. Hard to tell without giving it the old college try.

>When are we going to name our Budew?
Probably in a thread or two. I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to get a general sense of her.

>Did Gobble enjoy the meal he got after Shroom harvesting?
He ate it way too fast to really taste, but when he calmed down and had the remaining crumbs, they were delicious.. He was right to follow you. Maybe one day he'll learn that food is for savoring instead of instantly devouring. Not eating something the second he sees it is a new concept, but he's very slowly understanding why you do it.

>Anyone hear of the Slugma stopping or the Wailmer saving?
No, but the small charred area and indent in the sand show some evidence. Keira can vouch for it too, which counts for a lot to most people.

A bit of both. Lots of people hop between islands. Of course, some others just stay in the same place their own life. But the increase in boat traffic and shipping of larger amounts of goods is a bit of a newer thing. Used to be that anything you couldn't carry on most Pokemon or a small boat didn't move often between islands. The boat makers and boaters used to have a lot more clout and respect. Now power tools, imported wood, or even metal frames make boats much more common and easily available. It's not just boaters and young healthy people on their strong Pokemon moving around now. Large modern ferries are still a rarity, though, but depending on the are even those are becoming a more common sight.

The islands to the right are very difficult to navigate and most boats do poorly there without a skilled captain.

>whats the black dot mean to the left of Akaneki
Something like pic related
wonder if theres a legendary in the hole

how does Dive work, if its a thing. Can we go scuba diving in a coral reef with whatever water types we have?
>Can we go scuba diving in a coral reef with whatever water types we have?

Sure. There are plenty of breathing solutions, and it only makes sense to go with a water type.
I really want Hana to show us her power level. I also want to bro it up with Polu more, maybe him teaching us how to surf would be nice. I want to get through to Jane eventually.
Me too, anon. That and Keira's face and Laki's drunk lewdness.
I want to see John freak out about Keira after swimming

the spaghetti will be fit for a 5 star restaurant
So I've been thinking. The system we have going on right now is great for short and medium-term planning. But we aren't quite as able to set long term goals. I was thinking that, as an end-of-ingame-day type of thing, John could get a chance to reflect and we could get a chance to vote on plans. Either stuff that we want to keep an eye out for, or make time for. Or we could do it to decide how we'll handle certain situations.

It isn't super necessary, because so far this sort of thing seems to be done by you just gauging our interest in things. But it would be nice to have it be in-character too.

Right now John is sort of just going, and that doesn't clash with the tone of the setting.

I'm imagining we would use it to decide things like how whether or not and how seriously we want to prepare for Jane's challenge, where we want to go, if we want to dedicate time to practicing making bait or reading up on local ingredients, deciding how we feel about people, etc.

Alternatively, these between thread conversations do a lot of the same things too.
Fuck yeah. I wanna be cool friends with everybody! You know how people on reality shows say they didn't come here to make friends? We're like the opposite of that.
>Laki's drunk lewdness.
I can't get the image of her asking Herb to show her how soft his hands really are out of my head
Damn anon, that's a good image.
I'm still waiting for her to make good on that promise that we'll have to give her a nice, totally platonic, shirtless, backrub.
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if John gets a legendary which one would you guys want it to be?
I'd like a regice.
regice for ants
a fashionable one or one good with food. So Cresselia or Xerneas
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this better?
I kind of want to see more out of the lake trio. Not necessarily capture, but mention at least. They seem really important and it's weird not to hear much about them.
I feel like Shaymin might be a pretty decent fit. Also its Sky Forme can be pretty amazing far as potential goes.

Yeah, lake trio is pretty fun too. Though unless there's another group wandering the world or something I feel their lore sets them pretty firmly in Sinnoh.
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shaymin would fit the region, but I don't think we would want to catch it
I'd rather have no legendary. But if we so have one, Shaymin or whatever could be neat
we should offer to help Keira with her fashion. I'm sure we could think of something that works with face and body paint.

We'd have to mostly focus on her hair and skirt though. We can think of something though, especially if her makeup is mostly to look like a type of pokemon we could just match the colors and style of that pokemon
A light, floaty sundress, maybe? That seems like it would suit her. I for one am looking forward to seeing how she reacts to being called cute, and how she takes John seeing her without her body paint for the first time. It might not even occur to her that a mainlander could see what she's wearing as arousing. I get the feeling she'd think we were prank in her by calling hee cute because she's not used to thinking of herself as cute. She seems to think of herself as more of a medium between a ghost and a human, hence why she sort of acts like a mischievous ghost a lot of the time.

Actually, that brings up something I hadn't thought of: what's her opinion on other people's faces? Obviously she's usually going to be the only one wearing facepaint, but she doesn't seem bothered by that. Is it something only ghost priestesses need to hide? Was her upbringing part of it? Or is she secretly turned on by all the fact that everyone keeps their faces uncovered all the time, like the brazen sluts they are?
>Legends or Mythics
No thank you
How bout Anduin? Still kinda soft but has some solid badass potential
Only problem with Anduin is that he is wearing a marching band outfit.
I'm in the 'wait' camp and still want this.
I'm also in the wait camp, I like Hana and Keira too. If we can get through to Jane that may be interesting, I don't have strong feelings about Valerie but she has been pretty good so far.

I hope we find a mangrove with Totodiles
Even if we get through to Jane her personality is still toxic as shit to everyone else. Down the road I'm sure we can make her just a bitch and not straight hostile to people though.

In a mangrove?

Sounds like Mudkip habitat to me.

No, this isn't a meme.

Actually, Treecko would fit as well.

I agree on Hana and Valerie, but I much prefer Keira as a companion and friend, rather than girlfriend material.

There's too much culture shock.
By the time we think about a girlfriend IC I'm sure we will be used to the more common cultural aspects of the islands.
True, but if it comes to it, I think I'd veto Jane as an option.

As you mentioned, she's established her personality as 'cancer'.
Yeah, Jane can go to hell for now.

On another note, I look forward to John's first battle and seeing how well Gobs and Mace will do.
Yeah, that ought to be fun.

I think trying for a water type might be in order though.
With time. We got that old rod for a reason, and we are either gonna haul in a zero to make a hero or some big game. I'm sure of it.
If we go for a zero to hero, then I am all for a Feebas.

Maybe a Wooper or Skrelp, but Feebas works better for it.
There are plenty of interesting water types out there. I'm sure whichever one we get can make sense in some capacity and that Gobble will give it a fair share of quirks that we can capitalize on.
>Not training her to be nice through hot dickings
A drifblim would be cool, a hot air balloon would be fun to travel on

Assuming we don't get murdered by it carrying us away
It'd probably take like 400 of them
Drifloons are the ones that kidnap babies and toddlers.

I actually could really dig having a Drifblim riding on ocean breezes though. Also a cute ghost that could be accessorized and is on the less evil side of things when you consider ghost Pokemon lore.
Please I would love to fly on a Golurk, and surf on Gobble
It is always good to have multiple forms of transportation. In some cases it may be better to have a Pokemon that goes slower, but can cover longer distances or vice versa.
Laki has a Wailmer. If we travel with her we can get between islands quickly. We'd probably be shit out of luck for streams or just being on our own until Gobble evolves, though.
Options field
Rolled 15 (1d100)

dice+1d100 in the options field.

I'm rolling for getting a consequence free handy from Laki because she's bored and we make funny faces.
Rolled 64 (1d1000)

Trying again
>Technically only rolled a 6.4
Anon, put the dice down.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

How do you guys feel about a snek Pokemon?
eh, not a fan of the ekans or seviper line.
I love the sneks. You never see them being treated well in the anime or manga.
Which ones?
There's more then them anon
Snivy,dunsparce,dratini to name a few
I don't really like the ones that are available

but damn would a Snivy fit into the region
How cool would it be if there was an Alola version of the Dratini line where they actually keep the serpentine body type? Maybe Dragon/Grass or Dragon/Fire type?
Well,all of them

The reason I bring this up is because sneks get no love in the world of Pokemon
There usually shit mons that can't do any worthwhile shit and job in both the anime and manga
If we want to zero to hero a mon I say we do it with sneks
seems more like they would be Dragon/Water since you find them by fishing in Silver/gold

cant remember how you get one in red or blue
That would be really big jump from dragonite
I'm not even sure how they would explain that shit
I'm not even sure how dragonite makes any sense in the line to begin with
they could always give it a split evolution

I stand by the theory that magicarp was supposed to evolve into Dragonite
The only theory like that I believe is the Butterfree and Venomoth one.
Could be that because of all the water they just stay as Dragonair, and get really xbox hueg and grow the head whiskers/fins. Weird color optional.
I wonder how different it would be if they kept the original plan of having an Air type and a Bird type instead of just Flying.

What would be weak to what?
eh that was always iffy to me.

Carp jumping over the waterfall to become a dragon is one myth and snakes finding a dragon pearl to become a heavenly/high/imperial dragon, (the gold ones) is another
But where does Gyarados come from then?
I think it was done in early drafts of the designs, which is why they have the overlapping design elements.

the snakes and dragon pearl is Chinese, and Chinese dragons don't look like Dragonite. The resemble Gyrados a lot more, though I can see it being more serene to match Dragonair, rather than the rage machine it is

obviously just a theory, no real way of proving it unless the designers come out and say it
>cant remember how you get one in red or blue
Didn't it cost like 9999 coins in the Casino or something?
gyarados would have been Dragonite, while Magikarp evolved into the current dragonite
>and Chinese dragons don't look like Dragonite
to be fair neither do Japanese dragons unless we're counting Godzilla.

The only feature feature magikarp shares with Dragonite is the little mustache tentacles it has that are on dragonite's head. And grarados while blue and snake like is a huge jump from dragonair.

I can see the jump from dragonair to dragonite if you follow the myth even if he's more western then eastern in design, I can't see why'd they would jump from dragonair to gyarados.

Similar feelings on Magikarp jumping to gyarados rather than dragonite
Who do we want to hook Polu up with? Should we bro it up and go look for island girls together?

Is he the secret BBEG?
Is Hana?
Fishing in the safari zone.
We need a Pokemon that can handle fighting types. Who do you want to see?
obviously we need to get Jane to chill out and become a surfer chick with Polu
Budew can technically by type.
I wouldn't be surprised if he his team was stacked with rare Pokemon but he was utter shit at battling

It's either that or he's the bbeg
Oh yeah, pin missile, huh. Also, I looked into it, and I think we should wait until she's learned worry seed to let her evolve. I assume she'll probably want to do so before gobble does, as buses really seems like more of a baby than munchlax, who can at least use his arms.
I meant that poison resist fighting
>Convincing a person THAT maladjusted to calm down
>especially when she thinks we're some evil super mastermind who's out to ruin her life
It's safe to say that's going to be basically impossible unless we somehow end up grouped with her
Wait fuck you're right. Don't know what I was thinking with pin missile, fighting resists bug.
I like the idea of a homing pin missile maybe add in lech seed or some poison move for that extra "fuck you" that we all love so much
It's pretty clear to me that we need to stick up for her in a group setting. She thinks we're manipulative specifically because she blames us for her not fitting in with everyone. If we show her that we're not doing that, she might think about what else might be the cause.
rather than pin missile, how about bullet seed since it has STAB bonus? hell if she learns worry seed and leech seed we could change the seed ammo she uses for bullet seed to those, thus negating an opponents ability by making in insomina and draining health from them.
I think we need to get some mileage out of pin missiles since,you know,special egg move and all

That's if I'm right and my memory isn't fucked up right now
Gobble has stated that the only way to convince her we aren't super evil is several one on one conversations and life threatening situations
Everything else she'll see as some ploy to get her to drop off our scent
What if we could down the line combine Pin Missile and Toxic Spikes?

But for now I think we are abit ahead of ourselves. Our team just needs raw stat training and to learn their natural moves.
Yeah the only one we should consider doing special training with right now is mace,for the dodge training
One thing to consider is that I don't think we did specific HP training last quest. I'm sure we can, but we just never did. That is something I think every Pokemon could want one or two advances in.
it is an egg move, just... its pretty much inferior to bullet seed (which it learns naturally) in that it has no STAB and has less accuracy.... though if we take this >>694573 anon's suggestion...
combine pin missile with spikes and toxic spikes that way missed shots become hazards, then do the altered bullet seed too and you've got something nasty. that's all for the future though basic stat training and move learning is what we should look at for now.
If I recall correctly Gobble said move training may be more difficult this time around. But Pokemon will learn their level up moves easier.
Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Pin Missle.

We're the bullet spam trainer, aren't we?

Because I'm cool with that. It's a nice theme.
whoops, bullet seeds an egg move not a natural move, my bad.
what nickname would that get us... Kat's was status viscountess...
Bullet Hellion
Fashion Shot
Ballistic Baron

also the bulletproof ability would fuck us up i'm realizing... actually... no it only works on bullet seed not on pin missile or rock blast nvm.
That means we need a Minccino in the worst way.
If we pick up more things that can learn weather moves we can throw in some weather strates too
We have mace who can learn sandstorm for tricks and GET OUT AND DODGE moments
Roserade can learn weather ball
And the premise of weather moves could be taken to the extreme if done well
Think of all the shit a sudden burst of water could be used for. Could make muddy ground, be used at point blank as a water typed Sand Attack, resist fires moves. Keep in mind fights in the quest tend to last longer than the 1HKO fest the games are, so a turn to set something up could actually be useful.
I think with how stylish minccino would be perfect for us
That and we need a fast Pokemon to compensate gobble who's slow as shit and mace who needs speed training
our roserade would have to wear goggles as her hold item for sandstorm stuff, still sandstorm with stealth rocks, leech seeds, spikes, toxic spikes and maybe venom drench would cripple just about anything that entered the battle field...
would we be called the Duke of Hazards then?

also, a minccino would be cool, but so would a cloyster!
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we'll get a Loanah Cloyster

I just want a water type that can walk this time around. I loved Destiny, but one that can hang out with us would be fun. Bonus point for being able to act as a boat for multiple people
Honestly I like mudkip, staryu, or feebas. Totodile a best though
totodile is number 2 water starter for me, but swampert will always be my first bro

plus I couldn't find the picture of Lyra riding on the back of a Feraligatr
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found it
Do you think Keira has messed around with other girls?
Probably, she did get trained with all girls. At the very least she would be willing to give it a try if not.
>I liek Mudkips
Nostalgia memes
they're good pokemon, despite the memes
Cmon guys, a feebas is like mandatory. We could evolve it in like a week
yeah, but they can't walk on land.

At least Destiny was able to hop around, a Feebas will be near useless on land. Once it evolves it can travel like a snake, but the transitional stage is annoying

meanwhile, Mudkip and Totodile can walk around and be effective throughout their whole evolutionary tree. Plus, how are you supposed to ride a Feebas or Milotic? Theres no space for you to sit on
I propose Ludicolo for water mon.
It doesn't have to walk on land, we can carry it in a papoose, like the man we are.

>How are you supposed to ride a Milotic?
Have you ever seen Never Ending Story?
I like Lanturn. Even with the land problem.
Mah, nigga. Lanturn is one of my favorites. I would love to get that mon.
Hopping around is exactly what Splash is, and Feebas is a natural at it. Plus I don't imagine finding water around islands to be particularly challenging.

Far as riding goes; Milotic is a 20' long serpent, passenger space shouldn't be hard to come by. Feebas on the other hand, while you can teach it surf I imagine it would mostly be like swimming while holding on to a fish for dear life than riding.
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have the bigger version anon

a Lanturn would be a very good water type though
Mudkip or bust
Why can't Gobble be our surfer?
When he evolves he can be our surfer for sure. We should still get a water type mon though.
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Ya'know what's great about Lanturn, as a Chinchou he can walk!
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we'll have to find a swamp anon, just drive towards it whenever we can

it seems like mudkip and Totodile would be native to the islands though, both fit into the climate
So you're saying that we should never evolve him, and keep him as a little Bon Bon. Sounds good.
I think Starmie would be neat to have
I like the idea of surfing on it
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Hey guys not sure if this has been brought up yet as I'm trawling through the archives. But on the subject of Rowletts evolution. With the second being the emo and the third possibly being the hooded archer. At first I thought how the fuck do they fit then I realized dartrix is a chuuni. Also new dragon awesome dragon.
It just likes its hair anon. Robin Hood was a noble before master archer and thief.

There are tons of cool water types.

I could imagine it floating slightly because muh electricity.
Underrated Pokemon.
Yeah, new dragon is frigging cool.

We need one.
No we don't.
Wait is it dragon fighting? Do want, not in quest but in game
Dartrix isn't chuuni or emo or anything like that. He's just a teenager going through an awkward phase of his life.
If we got an Eevee, what would you want it to become?
Whichever it prefers.
What if it doesn't know and wants our guidance, then?

Or how about we remove the attachment for it. What Eeveelution do you want to have? There are a few like Flareon that get no love because of their moveset but fit well in a quest.
Oh, well Umbreon is my favorite. It being a friendship based evo also makes sense for John.
Espeon is my favorite, praise the sun and all that jive.
I want super sayian evee
Fineon or Lumineon.
That's not an Eevee
Yeah but because of the naming conventions I think "Wait, was it vaporeon or fineon?"
>tfw there will never be fighting type Champeon
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I love that Sylveon is such a goddamn metagame beast. Not OP, but a fantastic answer to previous generation's dependence on dragon sweepers like Garchomp.
>metagame beast
I would say Azumarill was the beast.

Speaking of faries, Klefki being such a little shit has gotten it to be my favorite fairy.
So to go over waifu options
Jane is going to be the extremely hard route will take a lot of work
Keira is going to be the middle ground will take a lot of trust before were able to see important shit like her face but will also cement the relationship
Laki is low hanging fruit,probably the person we get along the best with and probably the person it would be easiest to slip into a relationship
Personally see her as more bro tier tho
Hana is cripple friend,already sees us as brave but probably has heavy trauma
Cool fish guy is true forbidden fruit, is elusive and probably not a pedo so it's hard to get him in a relationship
Also apparently thread is unlikely today
Valerie has been pretty cool to us, and other than Laki is the only other girl we've done any adventuring with. She seems like she's been sheltered, and Herb could actually teach her a thing or two about the world.
Polu is really easy to get along with, but there just isn't nearly as much demand for m/m smut, so I doubt we'll pursue that option. Chances are he's straight, too.
>Jane is going to be the extremely hard route
Might be a bit of an understatement. Her not being a total bitch requires us getting permanent injuries.
Or saving her life multiple times and showing her actual respect and having some 1 v 1 conversations
With the end result of her only being a semi-bitch that is willing to mostly tolerate our presence?

Sounds totally worth.
But we would also have to deal with her being a complete bitch for most of the quest
We either spend copious amounts of time developing her so that she stops thinking that were an evil mastermind that's a part of the illuminati and wants to ruin her life for some reason or we deal with that shit the entire time
I'm not sure which side I favor tho as the latter sounds entertaining while the former has character development and could be interesting
>implying we won't accidentally flirt with her, causing her to get crazy competitive and try to out flirt us
Your cynicism is more annoying than her bitchiness.
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Yes, how terrible of me to not want to waifu and spend a ton of time with Jane.
The strawman doesn't help.
You forgot Valerie.

Also screw Jane, she's assaulted us repeatedly.
Been going a little too hard. I'll lay off on the ARGH BITCH ARGHH.
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Hey guys, I actually started my very first quest last night, and Gobble said it was cool if I did a little advertising for it here. It's a retelling of Final Fantasy 9, for anyone who's familiar with that, with a different perspective character.

Rather than running a lot at one time, I'm starting out just posting throughout the day, and I think it's been going well so far. I only have a few players, but for my first quest, I'm pretty happy with how it's going.

If any of you guys are interested, I'd be really happy to see you check it out. Even if you're not a Final Fantasy fan, or if you're just not familiar with that game in particular, I'm trying to make sure anyone can get into it.

So yeah, that was my moment of pimping my quest. Gobble has already helped me a bit with some feedback, so hopefully it ends up running for a while.

>she's assaulted us repeatedly
She pushed us after we intentionally ducked up her battle. And that was after she made sure we were okay.

Jane did nothing wrong. She was right then, she was right about wailmer, and she'll be right again.
>She pushed us after we intentionally ducked up her battle.

And then again after helping Wailmer, pretty much every major interaction with her has resulted with Herb being on the floor. She's a self righteous little shit who attacks others who call her out on her hypocrisy.
What if we pick a waifu to persue and Jane tries to get her first?
We cook and feed Jane to Gobble and proceed as if nothing ever happen.
So regular operating procedure for any conflict we face?
Pretty much.
Good god, I needed that laugh.
Also, this still isn't archived.
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Thanks, anon! On it now
I'll check it out. Never played the game so hopefully I can keep up
we need the new Espeon
I'd prefer Umbreon
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meh, the tail wings looks silly

I love normal Umbreon though

I have no idea if these are real, I just found them on /vp/
Agreed, umbreon best eeveelution
They are fan art. Also
>new megas
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take one of my finest butts in apology
No need for a butt anon. Thank you anyways.
This pleases me.

Man am I glad those are fake. Those look terrible.
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Does Keira have tanlines?
her face probably does, which is kind of weird to think about
I imagine her face and her more private bits do, since she's usually wearing body paint whenever she's out in public. That'll block sunlight just like clothing will.

Usually not much of an Iris fan, but that's a good one.
New trailer has dropped:

I think we might just need a Bounsweet now.
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Bounsweet line looks like shit,is waifu bait,and we already have one of the best grass types
Wouldn't mind a jangmo-o tho
How come Gamefreak is so good at this stuff?
Jangmo-o and its whole line is cool.

And just go read Steenee and Tsareena's lore.

It fits, if only in the /fa/ sense.
We already have Budew, pass.

Also is there an email to catch Gobble at?
There's porn of her already, isn't there?
No idea.

And I guess you're right.

I suppose this'll be one for Laki or Hana then.
[email protected]

It came out like an hour ago or something, so probably
So when S&M drop we need someone to have an Alolan Muk to be Gobble's rival in eating.
I vote Polu.
Thanks anon.
Polu is the BBEG, so it fits
That seems like a story line
>Jane thinks we're the BBEG
>Somehow convinced everyone
>Turns out the polu is actually the BBEG
>All the Pokemon he got were just exported by the evil team
Did the 4th quest thread accidentally get sticky-ed or something? How the hell is it still at the top of the catalog?
It is on page 8.
Huh, then the catalog must be borked something fierce. Because for the catalog at least it's the first thing you see. Or maybe it's something up with my computer.
Do you have a filter turned on, on the catalog? All filtered threads are displayed on top of the list.
You're on reply count.
Well I feel like a dumbass now. I sure did have the filter on. It was sorting the threads by reply count. Rather than by last reply. Thanks for the tip.
>It was Keira all along
>it's Budew
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well, guess we have to become evil
update, there is now porn of Olivia

good job internet
The rules must be followed after all/
true, just seemed really fast
It's the internet, someone probably started drawing the moment the new characters were revealed.

Possibly even before.
Psychic artists, hide your women!
post a link or something
Leaks, more like.
Not porn, but very quick fanart http://www.funnyjunk.com/channel/pokemon/Olivia+the+kahuna+porn+down+below/DyulLQl/
Thread in like an hourish.
Jangmo-o when
>games still aren't out yet
Yes but the demo will be out soon
Meaning data miners
Pls just let me dream for once
No dreams allowed.
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