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Rolled 57 (1d100)

When the aliens to invade came it was no surprise how the big governments ended up. Now its up .to the little guy to resist. To this day many cities are wrecked. Countless are dead as the aliens seemingly commenced with their purge. Maybe they didn't wanna bother with so many people. The only 'safe' place left is camps sponsored by the aliens. Monsters walk the streets now and worse. Gone are the days where there was a proper military to protect the people that wasn't filled to the brim with aliens and traitors.

Gone is the day where governments were made by man for man.

You are in control of a small rebel group resisting the aliens. The only good news these days is that the aliens primary invader forces have since departed. Replaced by occupying alien forces. Only problem is the 'gifts' they left behind. Monsters and plagues that are literally out of this world. Rumors abound of mind controlled zombies and aliens capable of peering into one's very mind.

You aren't sure about those last two but you do know the monsters and plagues are real. After they got done bombing the cites, bases, and other important locations. They dropped plagues down to deal with the of the surviving population. After all why waste bullets and manpower when you can let nature sort out the rest?

Some of those plagues turned people into...things. Terrible things. Them just killing you was a mercy in the end with what could happen instead. Yet even that didn't complete the job in the end.
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Rolled 70 (1d100)

After all your still here and that means they failed even now with all they have done. You highly doubt your the only ones left who intend to resist. After all if you survived and intend to resist how could there not be others out there?

And now with the alien invasion finally withdrew with their primary forces. Leaving nothing but those occupiers and traitors...now it was time to fight back. Thus you looked back over at your...measly forces. It's been rough trying to survive out here not in the camps that are the only 'safe' place left, but you accomplished it.

Sadly not without cost. You used up more supplies and bullets then you care to admit. Lost some good people too. Even now you gotta watch out for those mutants, monsters, and alien patrols.

There is also those camps...and you just got word the aliens are now...building new facilities. Purpose unknown as of yet, but you highly down its anything good.

Armaments: Small(human)
Supplies: Small
Medicine: Dangerously Depleted
Population(civilian 0) Fighters 10(2 are currently wounded)

Troops are 9 recruits(green) and 1 Officer(green).

Recruits are unique in that they can be UPGRADED into ANY non special class. In exchange however they suck compared to literally any other class. Officers are a class that can offer bonuses to other troops but are quite weak individually. Better recruits who are more experienced can be directly upgraded into better and possibly unique troops.

Troop upgrades require experience and equipment to be sacrificed in order to rank up.

What do?
>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
>Scout out the alien construction
>Attack an alien patrol
>Investigate the camps

Action votes require a 1d100 in order to count. Combat is squad based and tactics are strongly recommended.
>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
Realistically before we can do anything, we need to make sure we can supply our men
put it in the options field exactly how you put it there famalam
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Use the options field for dice rolling.

There is a reason why I am suck a dick about it. As it ensures there is enough dice assigned(as I use highest of 3 unless crit fail) and after I started enforcing the rule. I almost entirely stopped making mistakes in regards to what actually won.

Makes it really fucking easy to check on which option won.

So always remember to link and roll.

Mostly for my sanity and making sure I don't make mistakes about that sorta thing. Before I started enforcing it I tended to fuck up on what won a lot more. Now its almost nonexistent which I believe everyone appreciates.

Its also not a terrible idea to keep rolling even during discussion due to the roll of Crits. A crit counts even if its not directly linked.

Even a bad crit isn't a completely terrible curse due to my Rule of 3. Which states every time 3 crits are rolled for the same thing or thread then the third counts as the OPPOSITE of what should it be.

And best of all it refreshes every new thread(or not at all for something specific). Meaning if you get 3 crit fails on say scouting. Then the third crit fail even if its an entirely different thread then the previous 2 fails counts as the OPPOSITE!

I made the rule to prevent excessive dice hate. Now while crit fails can still fuck you over if it gets too much then you get some relief.
>Rolled 100 (1d100)
Do we get to use this?
Rolled 68 (1d100)

>>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
Then next turn thinking we do a once over of the camp. Since I get the feeling we lack a supply manger. We may have gear and other things unaccounted for.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Scavenge for supplies in the ruins
1) Observe for possible threads and movement of such thing
2) Identify marks with scouting
3) Do the job.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Yes I been at this way too long and while i still suffer from QM curse I never let it stop me from running. So you don't have to worry about me vanishing unless I am all likelihood dead or in the hospital.

You head out to scrounge for supplies. Sadly as per usual it would appear during the panic most stores are looted...and the apartment buildings. Well...you know from experience there are 'things' living there where previous old residents did. Probably are those old residents at one time. Even the damned alien patrols don't go near apartment buildings.

but this trip...painfully average. You barely found anything at all but normal stuff except for a lucky find of a cop car with some guns, ammo, and even a spare armored vest. As you ponder upon taking the risk of entering an apartment building for supplies one of your troops runs up in a panic.

"Aliens...Alien patrol incoming eta right the fuck now," whispers the trooper.

"What they always avoided this area fuck," you cursed.

Seriously though those alien fucks always stayed away from the residential areas. Sure enough a patrol of aliens comes around the corners...wait a second most of them aren't aliens. Fuck its a traitor patrol.

"Ah see TOLD you guys if we used these new alien toys of ours we could brave this place and get some real goodies."

"Fuck you Henry you any idea how much ammo we just burnt through just because you wanted a fucking Twinky? We nearly lost Patrick and I am pretty sure the alien is suspicious about this little 'shortcut' of ours by now."

"Hey it is a shortcut compared to what the traffic used to be like in this area. I mean come on we are cutting straight through. See there that's wait fuck REBELS!"

Combat as started. It is done by turns.

You have 8 troops at your command 1 officer and 7 recruits. The street is crammed with jammed vehicles and rubble. Plenty of cover but also a serious hazard should some cars blow up...

Enemies 7. 6 traitors and 1 alien officer.

None of your forces have body armor. 4 are equipped with shotguns. 3 with rifles. Your officer has a pistol and radio.

Enemy forces have some kind of body armor and all are carrying some SMGs except for the alien officer. Alien Officer has force shield that is shimmering to life and holds an energy pistol of some kind. Enemy soldiers are encumbered due to large packs they are carrying.

What do?
>Cautious approach
They think the rebels are unequipped and weak, which they are correct, so they should want to go on the attack
There are two fields on the top of where you type. You post dice+1d100 on the second one. Not the very top and not the writing field either.
Oh no, I was replying to the 100 you rolled.
I've noticed a lot of rolls in your quests, how many of them are actually counted?
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

Identify the person with comms, if you can't see one, assume its the officer.

4 men entrench for a firing line and call shots

>Other/Seek High Ground/Cover
One fire pair seek high ground and overwatch while the four man team provides fire support.

>Other?/Radio in whats going on
let base know we have Traitors in the area

>Last Guy
Your on watch until top cover is in position then its guard the Radio Officer.

The plan is simple main group provides suppress so High Team can get in a good position to eliminate the traitors, radio guy first, however if shots present themselves take them. Radio Officer is calling it in and last guy provides eyes so that we can see where their own flanking or over watch party goes. Bare in mind these guys are armed and likely have grenades along with any other tricks
Rolled 45 (1d100)

My rolls usually count for something or another.

Anons rolls count up to the first 3 to the attached action. Indirectly it can count beyond that but only if its a crit.

anyway some music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zZ5UArJxQA

A tactical anon...I wonder if some more shall show up. I know there's more then 1.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Dam RUST. I see you are on point.

Now who will have what weapons?

My vote...

Entrench 2 rifles and 2 shotgun.

Make the par rifle and shoutgun.

Leaving the last gay shotgun as well.

Gives everyone the chance to hold if pushed. Making use of peaking and stairways.


I think our base is just the two hurt units.
>My rolls usually count for something or another.
Oh. Is it for or against us?

>A tactical anon...I wonder if some more shall show up. I know there's more then 1.
I'd be tactical, but I'm already helping planning in another quest and there's quite a lot of discussion.
That pretty much sounds good to me.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

still no third roll? It takes 3 votes to lock it in. Otherwise your just hurting yourselves by reducing the dice pool.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

I mean I could support him
literally the same fucking roll
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Then do so from now on and preferably linking to it in case its not a crit.

It doesn't appear to be anyone with a commset. Then again in all likelihood they are using alien tech. So it could be quite hard to tell.

4 recruits taken position but they look nervous.

2 recruits are seeking hire ground and have entered a nearby building.

Officer uses the radio and gives out orders. Recruits gain +10 modifier.

Last troop is providing overwatch gain +5 to forces under watch.

Enemy forces turn.

4 traitors advance towards your position. They make some ground but are slowed by their packs.

2 traitors provide coverfire for their advance but due to the range their bullets veer around harmlessly from your forces.

Your forces provide return fire but miss.

Suddenly you hear a commotion from the building in which your two recruits went into followed by gunfire and screaming.

Your forces are now Shaken.

Suddenly mutants come stumbling out of the nearby windows and stores and...attack the enemy patrol.

Enemy patrol is Surprised and are thus Ambushed.

Your forces continue to hear fighting inside the nearby building and see the other mutants start to lurch in your direction. Your forces however are now Surprised thanks to forces going inside and occupying the closest mutants thus fire upon the encroaching mutants.

Alien officer blasts one of the mutants with its alien pistol. 2 traitors who were providing coverfire find themselves under attack.

Enemy patrol is now considered Flanked.

What do?
>focus on the mutants
>Focus on the patrol
>fire at will
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>Focus on the patrol
Rolled 79 (1d100)


>Focus on the patrol
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 32 (1d100)

>>Focus on the patrol
Believe in our boys in the building.

If we can get some shots out and drop a few enemies. We can send remaining shotgun units to bait the mutants for loot pick up.

So thinking the 2 riflemen stay if the enemy is in range. Rush up 2 shotgun units. The one shotgun with the officer remains to over watch any units coming to attack our squad.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Suddenly your new recruits have good aim even with the shaken penalty. The shotgun blasts you thought would of done little given their body armor...then you saw how they tore those mutants to shreds. Creating the perfect opening for your riflemen while the enemy was occupied with the mutants. A hail of bullets later and you could see several of the incoming traitors go down and the mutants promptly finished off the rest of them before charging at those who were held back.

Resulting in the cowardly alien scum abandoning his men and trying to make a run for it. While the two remaining traitors realized they were now completely surrounded and as the mutants came at them.

The other mutants however now charged at your own forces. Only for some of them to suddenly go down as what you realized were...corpses of mutants being thrown at them by above followed by gunfire. Taking a few more of them down.

What do?
>Go into the building
>Focus on the mutants
>Focus on the remaining patrol
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>>Focus on the mutants
That remaining patrol is gonna start running, but we should send one man with a rifle to try to nail that alien officer
Rolled 56 (1d100)

>Focus on the mutants
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>Focus on the mutants
Most Do this
>1 Man shoot the running Ayy.
no one must get out, this looks like a mutant ambush, lets keep it that way. or atleast keep it pinned
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Yeah it's best if none get away.

While it's nice to have the feeling of a story being passed around. Probably best not to draw attention to us just yet.

Should we make a path for our building boys to get out or just kill all we can? Next time we bring rope.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

As the mutants finish off the remaining patrol. The majority of them start to charge at your own forces. Meanwhile a few of them veer off to chase after the alien. Your forces fire upon the mutants taking down a few. Problem is they are closing in fast and the first of them have already reached your forces. As they throw themselves at your men howling the entire time.

Fortunately you notice most of the mutants are wounded.

Unfortunately those mutants who weren't distracted by the patrol? They are now right in front you.

What do?
>head inside
>Focus on the charging mutants
>Focus on the mutants already there
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>>head inside
We'll have to take this party inside
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>>head inside
Rolled 72 (1d100)

We need to pull back and funnel them. Probably best to not go inside unless we have a way out. Plus we would have to clear the rooms while fighting incoming. Maybe if we make it to our building units. Even then it's a risk since we don't a planed way out.

>head inside
Believe in the building boys. We can Meet up and move around to keep the bodies from flooding.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

We don't ready we withdraw in good order

Firing line lads, in ranks. Falling back in steps kiting away from the buildings they pour out of until we have killed all those that came out. We can then loot if we survive.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Yeah. Since I'm not really feeling it. I'll switch to back ya.

Move & shoot till the bodies stop.
I meant to say we don't retreat, we withdraw in good order. Bloody phone
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Any tiebreakers?
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Go inside. Get a defensive position
Rolled 71 (1d100)

You decide to fallback into the building. Fortunately or unfortuntately depending on how you look at it. The guys you sent to climb did so in the very same building you were besides. Allowing you to get inside before the charging mutant forces could arrive. Unfortunately the ones who were already right there attacking you came in too.

Good thing you have shotguns. They may not have been very useful against the traitors due to their armor but mutants don't wear armor!

So the boomsticks went a booming causing even more hearing loss in the confined room but it murdered the mutants as they tried to climb through the windows and doors.

The mutants who got inside with you weren't many and were thus handled albeit with some injuries.

Right when you thought you had caught a break was when the other mutants arrived. Trying to force their way in over the dead bodies of their fallen. They didn't seem to care and were too stupid to realize charging through such tight confines made it even so your morons could hit them. Even those who weren't using shotguns to cheat tended to hit.

This was when the mutants wounds started to catch up with them. Many of them were already wounded to begin with and there was a brief break between their assaults. Allowing just enough time to reload.

Finally after what seemed to be long time the mutants finally stopped coming. Whether this was due to there being too many bodies to get past or they all died your not entirely sure.

Sadly you burned though what was left of your ammo reserves...hopefully those traitors got ammo you can use.

That was when you took a count.

You lost 2 recruits both to mutants.

2 are heavily wounded.

1 are moderately wounded.

2 lightly wounded.

Mostly it was the mutant surprise that did the most damage. Good news is they wiped out the traitor patrol while they were at it.

roll 1d100 to loot the dead.
Take any corpses for dissection back at base?

What do?
>Finish clearing the building your in
>Patch up the wounded asap and pull out
>Take your time to pick over things properly...even the mutants
>Track the alien officer down
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>>Take your time to pick over things properly...even the mutants
>Take any corpses for dissection back at base?
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Well we need meds and we got people hurt. What is most worth it

>Take your time to pick over things properly...even the mutants
Since the traitors did looting for us. Lets just grab there stuff and head back. We don't have the ammo or healthy people to risk another fight. So I think that will leave buildings out.

If we find meds we can patch our boys up and move out in good shape.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

You decide to take your time even picking through the mutants. A task nobody was looking forward to.

"Hey Mikey remember when they were just zombies and not fucking mutants?"

"Yeah I remember they were slow back then too."

"Fuck I miss them being slow."

"We all do...we all do man."

"uh...guys come over here."


That was when a green recruit nervously picked up a crudely made mace made of pipe, wire, and bits of glass/metal. "I uh...found this near one of the mutants."

"Oh god they're getting smarter now too. Fuck how can get it any worse?"

"That's how," points a recruit at a wounded mutant that had hidden itself under its dead. After tossing a body to the side the mutant hissed at him as it had apparently been eating...one of your own fallen and its own dead given the bite marks.

"Fuck now we gotta watch out for them playing dead soon now too."

"Man you totally fucking jinxed us."

"Say you think we should bring it back with us for like...study or something?"

After searching the following has been found.

4 intact suits of unknown traitor armor.
2 damaged suits of unknown traitor armor.
6 traitor rifles with 2 full bags of their ammo.
6 bags of traitor loot. Mostly food, booze, entertainment, and drugs.

Among the mutants the following.

Mutant weapons(Few and crude)
ragged cloth.
strange herbs.
fresh meat only somewhat mangled
tissue samples
bits of bone
mutant dead

1 wounded mutant(who may or may not still be hungry)
couple relatively intact mutant corpses.

After that you head back to base a questionably intact office building that while appearing to wrecked actually had a surprisingly amount survive once you get past most of the rubble. There a small group of survivors is based at including yours truly.

"Well now looks like you had one hell of a fig-is that a mutant and...one of them is alive? What the hell is wrong with you people."

"Fuck off Jerry this is our business."

"You people are insane. What if it gets loose or attracts more of them?"

"Then we kill it until screw off we a rough fucking trip. Ran into mutants and a damned patrol at the same fucking time."

gained 2 recruits(green) impressed by your recent feats.
5 green recruits have ranked up into regular recruits.

What do?
>Investigate the mutants
>Upgrade your forces
>Try to recruit more people
>Examine the gear
>Go out again
Rolled 68 (1d100)

whoops traitor SMGs NOT Rifles. My bad.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Examine the gear
Rolled 79 (1d100)

>Examine the gear
Step 1 there
>Upgrade your forces
Then distribute it.

Find out what sorta levels our ammo situation is etc. Maybe once we level up some people a bit more we can find other survivors/rebels
Rolled 71 (1d100)

You decide to examine the gear.

The SMG's of the traitors isn't of human manufacture but it looks like they were meant to be used by humans. Their ammo is of a strange type of round that...doesn't leave any casings behind. When test fired found an entrenched somewhat bullet but carried energy weapon scarring around the entrance. Not to mention that unique flash that is typical of alien energy weapons. Peculiar weapon.

The body armor meanwhile appears to have some strange kind of webbing both underneath it and on top of it. The armor is surprisingly light given its somewhat bulky looks. Heavier then usual traitor armor clearly designed with closer combat in mind. Obviously.

available Troop upgrade options are as follows

>Assault(requires CQC ranged weapon, melee weapon, body armor, ammo pouch)
>Sniper(requires long range rifle and scope)
>Medic(requires med kit and medical text)
>Soldier(no requirements)
>Mystery(requires slime, strange herbs, blood, 'voluntary' subject, and mutant rags)
>Scavenger(requires toolkit, extra large backpack, and magnifying glass)
>Scout(requires binoculars, radio, and rope)

Thanks to having Regular Recruits you can also choose the upgraded versions of above but also-

>Saboteur(requires explosives and uniform)
>Ranger(requires rifle, survival kit, and radio)
>Grunt(no requirements)
>see Mysterious option+ requires live mutant test subject)
>Engineer(requires toolkit, engineering text)
>Heavy Gunner(requires heavy body armor, big gun)
>Pyro(requires flamethrower, extra large fuel tank, and flame proof material)

Meanwhile there is a strange commotion coming from outside but isn't particularly close. Still must be rather loud given how you could hear it through the rubble.

What do?
>Investigate the mutants
>Upgrade your forces
>Try to recruit more people
>investigate commotion
>Go out again
Rolled 20 (1d100)

You got lucky anon rolled an 88 at the examine the gear. Enabled an extra special(mysterious) option related to the mutants.

The mutant goodies meanwhile...besides crude melee weapons. You also discovered some slime and strangely colored blood even by mutant standards. The slime was a new one. The bits of bone on some of the mutants had clearly been messed with a bit. While the strange herbs showed up in some of their pockets. Not like the usual keys or wallets.

First time you encountered mutants using weapons and holding things in their pockets. Albeit they are the exception...for now.

You will have to go visit the 'docs' about the dissection. One of whom is actually a vet and nurse. As you do not have your own personal medical professional.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Send a few guys to investigate the commotion

And anyone else for the second mystery option plus 4 grunts for a stop gap force?
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>investigate commotion

>Upgrade forces
Give the good Armour to our Regular Recruits and gvie two of the Shotgunners the SMGs instead.
train them as
>Assault(requires CQC ranged weapon, melee weapon, body armor, ammo pouch)
Train two guys into
>Scout(requires binoculars, radio, and rope)

...I think thats all we have the resources for other than...
>Mystery(requires slime, strange herbs, blood, 'voluntary' subject, and mutant rags)

Basically try to operate at Section strength (8). 4 Assault/Soldier, 2 Sniper/Scout and then the last 2 slots for specifics of a mission.
Is mysterious and mysterious+ different?
Rolled 41 (1d100)

The second mysterious that requested the live subject is basically a different version. You may or may not be able to do both. No promises will depend on a roll due to limited resources.

They are rather similar however.
If we don't get them now, can we get them later?
Rolled 56 (1d100)

So long as you have the troops and resources then no problem.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

For sure 1 of the 5 for this.

>see Mysterious option+ requires live mutant test subject) 1 of 5
Based off what we just saw. We'll need to dig deeper in the mutants. Getting a specialist for it sooner could pay off.

>Scout(requires binoculars, radio, and rope) 1 of 5

>Grunt 2 of 5
Since grunt is the upgrade of soldier. Two of them for solid damage.

>Upgrade your forces

>investigate commotion
If we have a squad that's ready to go. Then I'm down to investigate. After we upgrade some units. We may need their skill to help.

I want to split the upgrades a bit more that 4 grunts. Getting the scout will help us gain info. A close range guy will come in handy for building looting. The mutant test for hopes of making it easier on us later. I'm imaging later levels will net us some mutant favor. Which will save us a lot of trouble when we loot those city areas.

I would back ya on your. Picks, but I feel we need the grunts for better range with what we have. We can add a scout and assault for next level up.


I hope we can get a medic soon.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

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Rolled 64 (1d100)

1 assault troop created.

1 Mutant Trickster created. Mutant tricksters are able to fool mutants into many things. Such as thinking your forces are also mutants or into attacking someone else.

1 scout created.

2 grunts created.

So long as they aren't severely wounded you can take them with you on missions. Though its best if they are given type to heal up unless the wounds are light.

you leave behind the scout and one of the grunts who are seriously wounded but take everyone else with you. Including the two new recruits. Creeping along the outside you discover what the commotion was about. Not too far away you saw a number of traitor squads and aliens gathering. Some of them would then enter the nearby buildings and fighting would commence as they encountered the dangers within. Usually they would retreat back outside with a swarm of mutants on their ass and get relief by the forces out there.

Good news is they appear to be rather distracted with what they are doing currently. Looks like they are looking for something...

Hostile forces are made up of the following.
Traitor Assault Troopers
Traitor Heavy Troopers
Traitor Scouts
Traitor Troopers

Alien Big Brain Officers like what you seen before.
Alien Hulks carrying large packs and weapons.
Alien Engineers nitpicking with some...robots of some kind.
Alien Snipers with their strange rifles appear to be establishing sniper nests in buildings they recently cleared.

They appear to be in combat with swarms of mutants in the nearby businesses and office buildings.

What do?
>lure out the mutants in buildings they haven't searched yet
>Keep an eye on them
>Engage them
>Withdraw back to base
>Keep an eye on them
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>Keep an eye on them
Sad that our scout is inactive.

Not sure what we should do. A part of me just wants to gain info on the enemies before us and leave. Another wants to test out our Mutant Trickster.

Ether way it's best we watch them for a bit. Gain area info and find openings.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

In hall likelihood they are probably onto your group of survivors. Its just they don't know 'where' exactly. Otherwise they would head straight towards you instead of searching by building.

good news the mutants are keeping them occupied. They got lazy during the invasion. Didn't wanna go through all the trouble once they crushed the military and governments. So they just did some bombardments and unleashed some nasty things to clean up the rest. Guess it didn't go quite according to plan given the mutants.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>>Keep an eye on them
Rolled 11 (1d100)

We needa keep an eye on them definitely. Maybe send our trickster to a building they're gonna search after ours to rally some muties. When they get to our front door, we hold them, and radio to our trickster. We have the trickster lead a mutant swarm to flank them. We should probably set up a choke point/kill zone at our front door, rig some traps, and be aware of any potential evacuation routes other than the main entrance in case things get dicey. Thoughts?
Rolled 100 (1d100)

You keep an eye on them from afar only with the scout gone it was troublesome. The new mutant trickster Josh however noticed something.

"Hey uh sir."

"Yeah what it is?"

"They aren't completely clearing the buildings."

"Huh they have snipers in some of them of course they are."

"Not completely sir they are only going in deep enough to make sure the mutants weren't being used as a cover. The sniper perches are the exception."

"Hm...then how come all the mutants aren't pouring out?"

"Simple. They are stuck. They can't go through the windows without falling to their deaths and the doors on the stairwells are likely jammed. If we can get someone in there...we could give them a nastier surprise then luring out the ones in the buildings they haven't gone to yet."

"Sounds like a suicide mission. They'll be banging at those doors."

"That they would...but if someone can fool the mutants into thinking they're friendly they'll be ignored."

"Oh sounds like your volunteering," that was when Josh shook his head. "Not my specialty. I fool mutants not convince them I am one of their own."

"So what then?"

"With some mutant corpses I can create a temporary disguise. The mutants wont likely look too closely. If I can get in there to...set some stuff up I can get them to go where they're needed."

"How so?"

"Those sniper nests? With some right trailmarkers i can lure some of those mutants to take care of them. The main horde itself will strike at their forces. If we can lure some out of the buildings they haven't yet cleared. We can get the mutants to sound the alarm and make them pour out too."

"You are aware our place isn't too far from here right?"

"Mutants unlike them are too stupid to realize that."

"But they been getting smarter..."

"Smarter yes but no less hostile. They're just mutating so some of them are gonna end up with bigger brains."

"Sounds risky."

"Well its either that or hope they don't find us eventually and if that happens we wont be having nearly as many available mutants to throw at them."

The enemy for their part keeps on moving building by building. Only their engineers have finished setting up whatever it was they were setting up. Revealed to be turrets they put up near buildings to create a chokepoint and small flying robots. They are now working on something bigger.

What do?
>Use the mutant plan
>Rile up the mutants
>Keep an eye on them
>Engage them
Rolled 51 (1d100)

...well shit that roll just changed everything.

Looks like the enemy is about to have a VERY bad day and you have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

I'm still in favor of using the muties to our advantage. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>Use the mutant plan
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Suddenly you heard that peculiar mutant howl, then other howls answered. Suddenly from the buildings they haven't yet cleared...came the mutants. Pouring out like an endless wave.

And it wasn't just from that one street. You could hear other mutants coming from other directions.

The enemy however was somewhat ready for them. As those alien hulks brought forth their heavy automated weaponry or heavy ordinance down upon the swarm.

The infantry meanwhile formed firing lines as the turrets went live and the drones beeped before opening fire along with them.

It was then the unexpected happen. From the buildings they partially cleared...suddenly came mutants pouring out of them too.

Yipping, howling, dodging, and throwing themselves at the enemy. That was when the officer looked towards the trickster.


"Woah I had nothing to do with this!"

"...Then how?"

"How would i know? At least they are distracted by the enemy over there."

That was when you heard an alien scream from up high...and that appeared to be falling and splat onto the pavement below. You along with the enemy looked up to see...heavy disfigured mutants suddenly appear and climbing down the walls. As others yank at the snipers and pull them off to their deaths down below.

Suddenly among the mutant hordes hulking figures appeared and roared before charging. It took the alien hulks to focus their fire in order to bring them down quickly. As mutant 'leapers' started pouncing. Abruptly forcing themselves among the enemy and breaking up their firing lines.

The alien officers work on rallying their forces together as their engineers desperately work on the larger machines bringing them online as quickly as they can.

The drones meanwhile flew up and fired upon the mutants but they started to go down from a mixture of thrown projectiles and...projectile vomit.

It was then you heard that tell tale whistle...of alien aircraft. As one of their damned ships zipped on over and started to rake the mutant hordes with its immense firepower. In response leapers leaped at them. Hulks threw large projectiles and flung mutants at them. The alien aircraft did its best to dodge but its doom came not from the projectiles, but rather the leapers and thrown mutants that proceeded to weigh it down and strike at it. Throwing it off balance as it smashed into a nearby building before careening into crash smashing through mutant hordes and aliens alike.

Your forces stood there watching in slackjawed amazement.

"Fuck me i can't believe those mutants were able to take down one of their alien birds before we did."

and now there is a proper fight going on.
oh jeez
Good news is they don't know about you yet!

and they are appear to be winning! Though that might not be a good thing...
Well I think we should just wait them out and then go for shock and awe and mop up who ever is left
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Make sure to roll otherwise it wont really count.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 81 (1d100)

So that is two votes any others?
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

I'd suggest we also keep an eye for reinforcements, they lost an aircraft so they will likely step things up. Secondly we don't know who else may be watching. They might still have a reserve...
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Alright so the mutants are kicking ass.

And people want to jump in for after math clean up?

Hm while mutants are getting smarter. No clue till when we could make non-aggression pacts or something.

Based on the remain mutants. We can try for killing and looting. Tho any action will depend on what happens while we wait.

I get the feeling we'll have to bait and loot. Have a group draw the mutants away and another loot.
me makes it three Genie
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Think we can all agree on waiting more.

This will be a good learning experience.
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231 KB JPG
Rolled 82 (1d100)

You decide to wait and see how things play out. Ever since those mutant leapers broke up the firing lines things started to not look so good. Mostly due to there being more leapers leaping and how the mutants are learning how to dodge.

Now they try to evade while they close the distance. At some of them due natural selection sorts out the rest. It is indeed clear they are learning...and they keep on mutating.

Things seem to turn around when the alien robots get turned on by the engineer. Bringing their weapons to bear scything through the mutants. Meanwhile alien Hulks advance forward smashing their way through the mutants as their attacks seemingly bounce off them without harm. Things interesting when a mutant hulk and alien one got into a melee. Their fighting squashing whatever was unfortunate enough to get in the way.

While it was clear the alien forces were killing a lot...sheer weight of numbers was pushing them back. As the mutants just kept on coming. Finally another alien aircraft arrived this one being larger and bulkier then the previous. It opened its doors to reveal it to be a troop transport. As its turrets go live and try to push the mutants back. Meanwhile the rest of the aliens swiftly retreat aboard it. They went first with the humans following up from behind...at least until they ran out of space. The humans who tried to grab on were rudely pushed off as the aircraft flew away. Relying upon its shields and AA turrets to prevent any...projectiles from harming it.

There the remaining humans and automated defenses were left to die. As you didn't notice any other aircraft coming to pick them up.

The mutants for their part managed to take down quite a few. With the Alien Hulks suffering the fewest casualties. Only two of them went down. One killed when several mutant hulks teamed on it and the last to sheer weight of numbers. Alien sharpshooters...there were no survivors among them. The traitor troopers took the most casualties.

The mutants for their part ripped them to shreds before scattering. Back to their holes with the mutants unlucky enough to not get any human or alien flesh settled for their own dead. With the mutants who were wounded but could still move left too. Even if they had to drag themselves. Usually only after they got done gorging themselves.

After that they left the scene of the slaughter...

What do?
>Keep your distance in case anything else shows up
>Move into the battlefield to pick over what remains
>Follow the mutants
>Head where the alien aircraft went
>Go back
Rolled 81 (1d100)

>Move into the battlefield to pick over what remains
Be aware others will be here any second, its gonna be a mad rush for this loot. With that in mind be ready to get in and out fast but also...
1) those turrets may still be on shoot everything mode
2) Muties playing dead
3) Cannibalistic Muties coming out the woodwork
4) Other Survivor cleanup crews.

Thus is sweep and clear section by section while avoiding kicking the nest again. Be back before its pitch dark otherwise its gonna get nasty. Take note of where that craft crashed so we can grab its loot later.

Priority is not kicking the nest again.

IF someone gets there fore us, kick the nest again so the looters get hit and we'll come back later. Just dont get involved while the swarm is active
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Let's hope for a good hual. If we get lucky we may gain turrets.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Seems like a good plan
Dubs, good good
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Only thing alive were groaning wounded mutants who 8couldn't crawl away. Most of whom apparently eat themselves into a food coma and...regenerate with disturbing speed. As for mutants playing dead there were a few but Josh the mutant trickster insisted on...something with their corpses and our forces. Whatever it did worked as the mutants playing dead instead of attacking were merely confused.

Though it did result in our forces having to take a bath in mutant gore and drink this god awful concoction.

Overall it was a good haul. A surprising amount of the armor was much more intact then expected...due to a very disturbing reason. The mutants peeled them open like a can opener and then proceeded to...rip the poor bastards through the entrances they made. That or they just twisted and pulled them off. Proceeded to make use of those new entrances. They left behind the actual armor itself once they got the juicy insides.

The weaponry meanwhile was left in the best shape. Usually where it was dropped. This included other things like ammo and...misc tech. That stuff was easily picked up.

The drones they used came in two varieties to be scavenged. The stuff that got smashed and the stuff that sorta...melted. Obviously one is much more useful then the other.

The turrets themselves meanwhile were all damaged...except for a few whom got their power sources disconnected. Probably by accident but as result they were left in the best condition.

The true prize came to the turret power sources and cabling. They were almost entirely intact even better shape then the weapons while just tended to be bit battered due to heavy use and the fighting. Including a strange looking pillar that wasn't fully setup but connected by cables to the power sources.

While digging through the stuff that wasn't setup there was an audible gasp as a few remaining crates were opened and a tarp pulled off. Revealing what the alien engineers had to leave behind.

An assembly of tools and most importantly battle bots they hadn't finished assembling. Good thing to as the ones that came online tended to get torn apart until they no longer fought back.

Now the problem remains...how are we going to take it all back with us? There is no way our forces can carry all the loot of just the aliens. Mostly the big bulky tech stuff the engineers had been using or working on.

and that isn't even getting into the mutant loot.

Josh the Mutant Trickster had the solution.

"Hey guys...we don't necessarily got take it all back with us right now."

"Yeah but how are we gonna keep it from being taken?"

"Simple. We use the mutants to guard it."


"The mutant hives are a lot closer then our base. We move what we can't take into the recently cleared areas. There wont be very many mutants at all right now in them. Then we come back for them later after donning some uh...well a new bath and chug some special drinks."

"Fuck no that shit tastes awful."

"You got a better idea?"
Rolled 49 (1d100)

"Question is it worth the risk though. If we move what we can't carry back with us into those hives...that will take time and who knows if those mutants are gonna see through it. After all some of them are growing smarter.

"Yeah its a gamble but it will let us keep more of the loot if we succeed."

"Why are you so intent on this anyway."

"Mutant goodies," simply states Josh the mutant trickster.

"What's so good about their stuff anyway?"

"Besides the obvious? Mutants got some serious biotech stuff in them. I mean just look at how fast they recover and their ability to mutate. Might proof useful assuming we could make sense of any of it."

Mutant loot is as follows

Loads of slime
Loads of blood
Loads of dissect able corpses
Loads of tissue samples
loads of mutant cloth
Unusual Mutant Hides(a few of them were surprisingly bullet/energy proof especially the big fuckers)
Strange growths
Strange herbs
Unidentified Mutant corpses
Mutant weaponized sludge
Mutant weaponized vomit
crude mutant weaponry(limited)
Mutant Hive samples
Comatose Wounded Mutants(small)

What do?
>Try to move stuff you can't take with into the mutant hives
>Leave the stuff you can't take behind
>Go over it again to see if you missed anything in this mess
>Overload yourselves with more loot...but it will slow you down
>Try to move stuff you can't take with into the mutant hives
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Ok take everything we can naturally prioritizing the tech. make sleds of out some of the scrap so we can carry more, if there is a ruined car around just kick off the hand break load it up and roll that fucker. Never know might be able to jump start it. The batteries would be dead long ago so no car alarms here.

What we can't take with us we
Use as a bait trap to see who else comes along...it will get us an understanding of other forces present in the area but also the intelligence of them.

Then again if anyone can get that craft working and actually have it drive for us we can use it to escape...be be careful of its IFF stuff. that goes for the turrets etc too
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Aliens were dicks and dropped some EMP's. No actual nukes though at least in the city. Guess even they considered nuclear fallout a huge pain to cleanup.

I really should go over what happened exactly...

Basically it went down like this. Aliens showed up without warning and didn't try to communicate. They utterly annihilated the governments and military apparatus which is where they focused their bombardments mostly. A lot of government buildings and military bases are nothing but glowing craters at this point. After that they bombarded a few other places with things that included bioweapons and gases. After that they got lazy instead of flattening everything else they just released some things along with the bombardment to cripple whatever remained. Including a pathogen that at first was thought to be zombie virus. Turned out that 'zombie' was only the beginning of the process. They started to mutate like crazy. Others merely died after exposure and some were immune.

They also took care to drop EMPs and according to the huge fires over the horizon apparently chose to firebomb farming areas. Entire bread baskets went up in flames. After that they sent out these...robots that broadcasted messages stating there was 'safe' places to go, liberated humanity, and other propaganda. Soon after those bots showed up actual alien forces landed securing areas and started building. Soon after that their primary forces left leaving behind occupiers who took to using traitors as part of their forces even equipping them.

You don't know much about those camps besides them being very well guarded. Behind only to their military bases and unknown facilities under construction.
What sorta state was humanity at? Modern Age, Late Digital? Cyber?
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Roughly modern but a bit more advanced. They showed before this world had the chance to enter a space age. Even one limited to just their own solar system.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Try to move stuff you can't take with into the mutant hives
For the sake of simplicity ill change to this. Just try to leave behind as little as possible. We should be able to find something to help us out, just don't go in the buildings and kick up a fuss gents

About time for my Fumble don't you think?
Sorry, I wanted to ask if we could activate the robots to help us carry stuff, but I had to shower before everyone else used up all the water.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Afraid not. This is alien tech. They didn't have any humans working on it. So unless you know alien gibberish and technology not a chance.
Even if we could turn them on i'd recommend against it, we don't know their programing, if their tracked ad feed info back to a main hub and finally we don't have any Friendly IFFs so we'll get targeted when they boot up.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

You decide to move what loot you can't carry into the hive. Fortunately Josh was correct about the absence of mutants...albeit plenty of bodies. Which even includes casualties from the alien forces...looks like they haven't even bothered to grab their dead yet.

Which means there is more loot out there...in those hives.

You were able to get most of it into the hives having to leave behind some of the mutant goodies much to Josh's anguish. He still insisted on taking some of the living mutants along. At this rate your gonna need to create a pen or something.

Yet he insists they'll be very useful. Says if you want more like him living mutants are necessary if you really wanna get some great results.

Eventually had to pull out. Due to a combination of monsters(humans weren't the only ones effected you see) and scavengers. Including some poor bastards from the same survivor group as you. Except they were late to the party.

If they wanna loot anything they'll have to fight the monsters or dare enter the mutant homes. Soon you made it back to the base your forces surprisingly tired despite having only watched and looted.

Your men were looking forward to a good rest when Josh spoke up yet again...

"Guys it would be best we don't wait too long till we go back to pick the rest of it up."

"Oh come on we are tired and its safe."

"The mutants are gonna move back eventually and the longer we wait the more likely those goodies are going to be discovered..."

"But there is all this loot to catalog and try to find people who know what to do with it. Fuck we need to recruit some professionals...no offense to the recruits."

What do?
>Go back to get your stuff
>Wait till tomorrow
>Go over the loot
Go back for the stuff!
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Forgot the roll!
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>Go back to get your stuff
We can't risk having to fight all those mutants for it.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

I uhh...i Guess we're going back...im uhhh not sure how to feel about this. Going out after all that stuff in Mutant and monster prime time is never smart..alongside night zombies... Let my roll demonstrate that for us all
Welp I tried Genie, I tried to fumble also again with the Dubs?
Rolled 8 (1d100)

I am gonna crash as i am wiped and when I try to write like this I make too many mistakes. I will be back tomorrow.
nw Genie see ya soon
If we can get this hual into base. Hell yeah we are gonna recruit some professionals.

First thing with a engineer will be a play pen (containment area) for the mutants. Since lately they are our bread winners. Plus the reduction of work on our ragtag group will be nice starting out.

I hope we can spring for a doc as well. Then we find a place from crops to make achol for disinfectant or herbs. Tho I maybe thinking to far ahead.


I wonder if we'll need to move to a cave or something. If our base grows to big. The sky will be a problem.
Take it easy, we are just starting out. I will be honest, I have no freaking clue what's going on right now. We have just gone from engagement to engagements without any pretense.

I get that we are an alien resistance with no contact with other survivor groups(do we not have contact with anything? No radio signals? Internet? Nothing?)

I have very little grip on our economics, our base of operations, or the scope of our faction.

How many people are living at our base, what is our rank relative to the rest of the occupants of our hq, we command a squad and we don't seem to receive orders from a higher power, other people around are free to join us if we sufficiently impress them? Does this not upset other commanders?

On that note I think we should spend a turn or two getting to know our hq (for the oldfags scout twice explore once rule)
>I wonder if we'll need to move to a cave or something. If our base grows to big. The sky will be a problem.
Eh, just tunnel into the subway tunnels and we can expand without much risk. At worst some mutants.

Seems like a good plan. We need to gather info, figure out our strengths and then work on expansion where appropriate.
After we finish getting the last bit of loot. I was planning to push for base exploring. Since we lacked an armour or who ever deals with items. Thought it best to get that set up. Granted we are like a group of 10 units.

Starting unit amount 10 >>1793533. Then we lost two and gained two units from >>1795534. There is a small group of survivors with us in the same building.

The other information I hoped to have gained. Then this current event happened very close to base. So once that is done I'm down for world info gathering.

(Now back to work.)
i really like this setting but some worldbuilding would be very usefull considering we could have Xcom levels of organization or just a bunch of civilians with guns and basic training

Also get the rest of the loot appoint it then get some sort of structure going on ( guard duty , scouts , medical , armory , etc )
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Aliens made sure to drop some EMPs to wreck the tech humanity had.

You are a member of alien resistance. While you heard of other survivor groups you don't know much about them. As there really isn't any big organization among them considering what happened to the military and governments.

Your the leader of your resistance group which is living in a wrecked office building and parking garage. It appears to be mostly rubble on the outside but that didn't turn out to be the case on the inside.

Basic recruits are acquired passively over time if you want some pros your gonna have to go out of your way to acquire them.

There really aren't many resistance groups with the the group of survivors your part of.

Your mostly a bunch of civvies with guns. Aliens wiped out the governments hard to prevent things like Xcom from cropping up...or so they think.

They forgot some very important details and got lazy. They spent too much time focusing on crippling infrastructure and wiping out command structures. They should of spent more time taking out prime targets that weren't just government or military. They for instance left a lot of private labs alone and gun stores.Where they melted mostly military armories.

Only problem is that stuff isn't going to be as obvious...which may be why the aliens never got around to destroying it all.
So I think our first mid/long term goal should be to link up with other groups of survivors.

what is our vehicle situation?


Also most importantly how long ago did the aliens first invade and how "looted" is the surrounding city? Sure military bases may be wrecked but how about Places like sporting goods stores or gun ranges?

Do we have gunsmiths?

I'll be back with more questions
Are we an actual combatant or do we just sit back at base shouting orders?
Also what year is it and are we in america if yes where?
>So I think our first mid/long term goal should be to link up with other groups of survivors.
Agreed. Short term we must secure our base, expand our group and scout / salvage.

>what is our vehicle situation?
Vehicles exist but streets are covered in rubble so they are useless. Spare parts would be harder to comeby without salvaging and jury rigging shit together.

Depending on how long the cars have been lying there, the fuel could've decayed away / destabilised.

Probably fucked. We'd need a computer, power source and that sort of shit to check however.

>Also most importantly how long ago did the aliens first invade and how "looted" is the surrounding city?
Both important questions. First one also gives us an idea of how quickly mutants are actually mutating.

>Sure military bases may be wrecked but how about Places like sporting goods stores or gun ranges?
They were where we got our guns or at least most did.

>Do we have gunsmiths?
Doubtful but if we do it is quite possible they lack the tools and materials. At best we might get a few blunderbusses / pipe guns until they have even decent metal working gear and materials.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

what the fuck is with all these doubles this thread.

Your forces went back to collect the loot that was left behind. Stumbling upon monsters(mutants weren't the only ones affected you see) and other survivor groups have since showed up. Forcing your forces to find a way around or so you thought. As suddenly the mutants came howling and pouring out the woodworks once again to enact yet another grand melee/slaughter.

After that they withdrew dragging the choicer bodies with them back into their hives for dining. This time they went about the slaughter a lot faster until they entered focused on the monsters. That took some time and losses before they withdrew.

After that and taking yet another bath in mutant gore as well as drinking that god awful concoction you made your way through the battlefield. Into the mutant hives to find they had apparently discovered those bodies and proceeded to rip out the juicy bits before leaving behind the rest.

It took a few trips but finally you loaded it all away. Sadly each trip took yet another bath in gore and drink...much to the misery of all. Felt like it would be easier to just drink straight poison and who knows how many baths its gonna take to get all the dried gore out...but hey at least you finally packed away all the loot.

Quite a bit of too. Most of which in surprisingly good shape if you ignore the alien sniper gear.

What do?
>Go over the loot
>Rest and recuperate
>Head back out

Vehicles are currently useless. As the streets are covered in vehicles and rubble. In the city they are pointless.

Still gone according to few jury rigged computers and power source.

Aliens invaded about half a year ago. Their bombardments were largely focused on key targets before they focused on others. Mostly to cripple rather then destroy. Hence there are ruins instead of craters.

Looting wasn't really able to take off too much in the beginning before the aliens released their special surprises. Most early looters soon got stuck between rampaging alien weaponry and their surprises like the then zombies before they turned mutant. After that period though survivors did indeed loot in order to survive.

Nope but you know there is a gunsmith with a group of nearby survivors.

Your in charge with this batch of rebels and your in analog for earth. In a city on the bay between forested mountains and farmland that went up in flames. Swamps are some distance away, but a river is close by.
go over the loot we worked so hard to get after see if we can recruit some doctors and engineers to poke around in all the robo shit
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>>Go over the loot
Rest in shifts, look at the loot and have the heavy wounded stay resting.

Once we know the loot. I think we can recruit. The new tools should make it easier to get a vet or someone trained. We need an engineer and researcher I'm sure. Same about a doctor or the books at least.


I wonder if the veterinarian would be able to help with the mutants. Since animals were effected. Maybe we can gain some insight for out trickster.
riding monsters into battle against aliens when?
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Rest and recuperate

We can inventory and recruit a bit later
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Rest and recuperate
We've been pretty busy. Give the gang some down time
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Rest and recuperate
... yeah let them rest.
they can rest when they die
Theres the consensus Genie
Well if we some how get a necromancer...
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>Go over the loot
Rolled 76 (1d100)

You have your forces rest and recuperate. Which mostly involved boiling lots of water, loads of soap, and scrubbing till red as a boiled lobster's ass. After that it involved lots of sleep and general sleeping in.

Only to wake up and find out you were nearly robbed. Except the would be robbers thought the place you stashed all the loot was defenseless given how you were all passed out...apparently you all forgot where you stashed the mutants.

If the screams, gunfire, and gruesome scene is anything to by

"...Weren't those mutants we grabbed sorta...crippled?"

"Yeah but you wouldn't believe how fast they regenerate."

"So THAT'S where we put the mutants...and the stash together? How did that happen anyway?"

"You any idea how exhausted we all were? Probably weren't thinking clearly. Good thing too I suppose otherwise we would of been robbed."

"Now we just gotta clean up the mess...and now that I am looking it at. Isn't that an awful lot of mutants?"

"Well once Josh figured out how to use them as beasts of burden we might have gone overkill..."

"You gotta admit that was pretty fucking funny using fishing rod and piece of meet followed by a sled and chained up mutants."

"Yeah thanks to that we didn't have to carry those huge fucking robots and crates by hand."

"Hey uh guys...hate to point out the obvious but how we gonna reach the loot?"

"...fuck. I don't want to take another bath in mutant guts and drink that noxious brew again."

What do?
>Look into the would be thieves
>Move the loot while the mutants are...occupied
>Leave the loot there given how safe it is
>Keep resting
>Go recruiting
>Head out

captcha has decreed you got a recruit named Antonio Vlatko.

How could this be an X-Com ripoff without psionics? Aka 'space magic'.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>>Look into the would be thieves
Rolled 24 (1d100)

I can't blame people for wanting some of the sweet loot.

So thinking we ether look into the thieves or recruit. Tho part of me thinks we should move some of the gear while they are occupied.

>Go recruiting
We can leave the trickster (I shall call them Azeban, maybe) to study the mutants and prep loot retrieval. We need someone who can understand this tech and more people to watch it.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Sorry about that something came up real quick.
I concur, any good op needs prep.


nw its all good
Rolled 90 (1d100)

And the Dice
Rolled 68 (1d100)

badly damaged alien sniper armor(few).
badly damaged alien sniper rifles(few).
Moderately damaged alien sniper rifles and armor(very few)

Traitor Rifles(Moderate)
Traitor Heavy Machine Guns(moderate)
Traitor Ammo(few)
Traitor Grenades(few)
Traitor SMGs(large)
Traitor Shotguns(large)
Traitor Pistols(large)
Damaged Traitor Assault Armor(large)
Damaged Traitor Trooper Armor(large)
Damaged Traitor Heavy Armor(moderate)

Damaged Alien Turrets(moderate)
Intact Alien Turrets(few)
Intact Alien Battle Bot(2) but not completely assembled
Damaged alien battle bots(few)
Damaged Alien Drones(moderate)
Badly damaged alien drones(large)
Alien Power Supply Micro(moderate)
Large Alien Power Supply(few)
Alien Robotics Crate(few)
Alien Supply Crate(few)
Alien Munitions Crate(moderate)
Alien Tech Crate(few)

Badly Damaged Alien Hulk Armor(few)
Alien Hulk Machine Gun(few)
Alien Hulk Cannon(few)
Alien Hulk Ammo Boxes(Very Few)
Busted Alien Hulk Shield Generator(few)

Busted Alien Officer Shield Generators(very few)
Damaged Alien Officer Uniforms(very few)
Alien Officer Energy Pistol(few)
Alien Pistol Power Cells(Moderate)
Unidentified Alien Officer Tech Module(very few)

Alien Engineer Tools(large)
Alien Engineering Manuals(few)
Busted Alien Engineer Shields(few)
Damaged Alien Engineer Armor(few)
Alien Engineer Energy Blades(few)
Alien Engineer Module Guns(few)
Alien Engineer Batteries(moderate)

1 wrecked alien aircraft
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Oh boy we seem to have gotten it all.

Now hopefully we can get people to make since of it.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

The weapons aside from some scrapes and gore are in good condition. Armor while damaged most of it can be repaired if you cannibalize some other suits of it and ignore the alien armors.(mostly the hulk and especially sniper armor is beyond fucked for the most part)

Only weapons that can't be saved are the alien sniper rifles and maybe the alien aircraft.

As for the alien engineer tools...think mass effect and the alien engineering manuals are closer to holographic blueprints with a lot of alien gibberish then actual manuals.

Now you got the guns and armor to equip a proper resistance. Only problem with that is training and ammo. The real bitch is going to be making sense of the alien technology.
Holy Mother of Loot.... Ok what i'd suggest is we round this stuff up into Kits. to reduce the amount we're lookin at.

Traitor Rifle
Traitor Pistol
Damaged Traitor Trooper Armor (naturally try to fix them up)
=1 Trooper Kit
See how many we can arm as such.

The Primary Weapon and support gear naturally will be changed depending on the Spec of said troopers. Get everything away from damaged to working order so it can be distributed effectively.

In the meantime we go recruiting specifically looking for techies we really need them. AND SOMEONE PULL OUT THAT DAMN AIRCRAFT'S TRACKING BEACON!
Ah that reminds me...

Meanwhile in an alien base somewhere.

"...So let me get this straight. A bunch of human mutants not only wiped out our forces but loaded everything up and took it away?"


"Even the aircraft?"

"Sir we got the video feeds right here from the aircraft. See the mutants are dragging it away."

"...I fucking hate the eggheads and dumb ass superiors who thought it would be good idea to use a mutagen bombs to cause infighting among the humans. I mean fucking hell the mutants are killing us more then those damned resistance fighters and they can't even use guns...how the hell am I suppose to explain this? We might as well have conquered a goddamn tribal world and try to explain how a bunch of rock throwing bone tool using savages kicked our fucking asses."

"Yeah...its really not looking good for us."

"We are going to become the fucking laughing stock of the entire goddamned galaxy just you wait. Even worse when they realize WE CREATED SAID SAVAGE..."

Alien snickers and laughter abound.

"Oh how are we ever going to live this down," sighs the very depressed alien officer.

Sorry I couldn't resist because it really is fucking hilarious when you think about it.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

"So gentlemen anyone got any ideas where we can recruit some smart people to figure out all this alien tech?"


"Nobody really?"

"Ahem I have an idea. The aliens largely focused on the military and governments right? Basically those who could most resist their rule? Well after that the got lazy...they never bothered to crater our hospitals or those private labs."

"...hm...so then guess we should poke around at the university?"

"Yeah I heard there was a group of survivors there, problem is isn't that entire place positively crawling with muties?"

"Yeah that's right. Any place that had a lot of people became the zombie havens first and then mutant ones once they started mutating."

"Well how about some private labs and places where mechanics are. Garages how many of those you think survived?"

"Garages are...tad bit useless in the city. Too many wrecked cars and rubble. I heard they tended to leave to where they could actually use their talents."

"Well fuck so ANYONE got any ideas? We need smart people goddamn it."

"Well we are gonna have to track down good sites and ask around at other survivor groups."

"Ah fuck it. Recruiting drive it is. You assholes who are fit to go we are moving out once we get some new blood. Gotta go out there and find people ourselves."

"Aw sounds like a lot of work..."

"Well its not like we can just call them up like in the old days."

Recruited 1 mechanic.
Recruited 1 gunsmith.
Recruited 1 Doctor
Recruited 1 Researcher.
Recruited 12 recruits.

What do?
>Head to the university
>Visit nearby survivor groups
>Go scavenge
>Track down leads
>Head back
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Well since we are in a office building. Lets set up some rooms for the new people.

... wait did we gain those people or is those options for finding them?

If we need to search. I would say
>Visit nearby survivor groups
Then university for at least books and knowledge.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

I think our mechanic and gunsmith needa get on our bots n turrets. Get doctor on our wounded.

As far as research guy goes, we could set that guy looking into advancing our mutagenics (which has been Workin well so far), alien weaponry, maybe tearing apart that alien ship for it's data and flight mechanisms, or maybe even alien biology. Maybe we could find a genetic weakness? Just some thoughts. But I feel like the mutants are our most readily available asset, and largely present. They've saved our skins multiple times.

We got 22 troops now, 12 new? And a large plethora of gear. We equip these guys (suggestions? What's the road to the uni look like?), send em on a mission with a couple more veteran troops (leave rest to gaurd base), to go search for survivors, en route to the uni, and then return with their finds?
Rolled 67 (1d100)

I think we would need to set up a labs before we can work. Then making sure there is no trackers on the gear goes first in my book. Otherwise I'm down for mutant research and getting some missions for the new boys.

Muh roll
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Combo these, work on internal improvements and infrastructure.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

While examining the turrets the mechanic looks over at the gunsmith and asks. "You any idea how the hell their weapons work?"

"...I am used to gunpowder weapons obviously...and these are not gunpowder weapons. Even the traitor guns don't technically qualify."

"Really I thought they shot slugs?"

"Slugs yeah energy infused ones that don't leave any casings behind. The damned things were clearly designed for humans and not as advanced as their other tech but still way ahead of ours. You think you can get these turrets online?"

"...I am a mechanic not a programmer. I think I can do some basic repairs for it but its not like I can mess with its targeting system. What do you think of the bots?"

"All I been able to tell is that there are two separate supplies of...energy? Fuel? Ammo? Not really sure hard to tell the difference with their tech but anyway their weapon systems are hooked up separately from the power supply. Makes it so if you take out or the other they don't intercept with each other. Keeping the other from being dragged down with it. I think one of those tanks...is some kind of ammo or fuel for the guns.It gets pumped into the weapon system before its ignited resulting in the energy blast."

"So sorta like a flamethrower?"

"Hard to tell to be honest, but I can say taking out the weapon's system or power wont disable the other. You think you can finish assembling or...well disassembling them?"

"Well to be honest the manuals help a lot. That and the fact those aliens were caught right when they were in the middle of it. Makes it so I get a good idea how your suppose to set up before working on them and their tools...are amazing. Doesn't hardly weigh a thing but can do damn near anything. I just wish I could understand the gibberish. As is I am having to experiment with it."

"You think you can build some tech based off their designs?"

"Bot...no but a turret yeah. Only problem is I wont know how to program the thing...but well if we don't care about what it shoots at I think I can come up with one. What about you?"

"Hm...I think I might be able to rip out their weapon systems and create a crude means of using them. I been working on a prototype over there from the scraps of the battle bots. Its going to be big and bulky whoever uses it is gonna have to carry a large pack but i think I can get it work."

"What about those alien hulk weapons?"

"...You'll need a vehicle to mount it to or something. Far to heavy to create a portable package from. I mean those 'machine guns' are more akin to rotary energy cannon with the way it sprays energy blobs. I am pretty sure its 'ammo' is some kind of hyper dense version in one of those boxes they use. Even so while its relatively small those things are super heavy, but with some lever systems to move them I think I can build it into some defenses, but making them portable will be impossible without a vehicle."
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Meanwhile the researcher starts to dissect the mutants with the aid of the doctor. Finding out that...every mutant is different from the other. Mutates differently and at different rates, but discoveries themes or niches. Clusters of connected or disconnected traits that come together. The researcher thinks that the mutagen functions by tinkering with genes and then dialing up to an impossible degree, but like how the same gene can effect very different things. The same could be said of the mutated genes. What he can't figure out is how they are able to be so accelerated and how the mutants are somehow stringing them together to create themes or to be more precise niches. Like those climbers, leapers, and those bigger mutants who could really take a beating.

What the acceleration results besides from immortality...is quick healing to an incredible degree. Mutant DNA doesn't degrade with age as instead of copying itself instead it mutates. Constantly changing, but ensuring functional immortality.

He did however find one very important weakness in the mutants. Those themes due to how genes can strangely effect very different things despite being the same gene. Can result in unexpected weaknesses and side effects. Best of all there is very little the mutants can do about it. As to get rid of those flaws will in all likelihood cripple the very purpose of those specific mutations to fulfill that particular niche to begin with.

The trick he theorizes is going to be figuring out those flaws and exploiting them.

Meanwhile among the forces heading to the college. Is mostly a bunch of recruits with a few regulars as most of the regulars are wounded and thus held back at base recovering.

"So let me get this straight we are suppose to visit the survivor groups we can find or know about on the way to the college?"


"But isn't the college positively crawling with mutants?"

"Yeah but Josh and his new...foolish friend over there say they might have a solution."

"Lets see here, there is a survivor group based in a large parking area with the mechanic right next door...there it is."

"So who are we looking for exactly?"

"People like you recruit and those with actual skills. We got the gear to equip people, so we need people to equip and people to decipher all that tech."

"Strange this area...why are all the vehicles and rubble moved to the sides creating an open stretch?"

"I got a bad feeling about this...you notice how all those wrecked vehicles been picked over? How the rubble is stacked up on the sidewalks in such a fashion as to block entrance to those buildings?"

"Well hopefully that means this isn't some new patrol area opened up by the aliens."

"Eh clearly you never seen one of their vehicles. They hover. They don't care about all the crap that is in the way unlike our own vehicles."

"Still why does it give you a bad feeling?"

"Because of how those Josh is acting. Weird guy but he does have a way with tricking mutants."
Rolled 2 (1d100)

"Halt," states Josh out of nowhere. The new recruits couldn't understand why the regulars stopped so quickly and got real quiet but followed along.

"Problem," whispers the officer.

"...The windows and the rubble."

"What about them?"

"The windows have been opened recently and there is a trail."

"Opened? Not mutants then they prefer to just smash their way through."

Josh shakes his head. "The windows show signs of mutant hive growths...yet the windows haven't been broken and the floor entrances are covered in rubble. Yet there is some paths being worn through them and some of these windows...can be opened and have."

"...Shit smart mutants ambush?"

"I think so," whispers Josh. "They just haven't sprung it on us yet."

"Why not."

"Back there...they had broken windows and signs of fighting. They know we are still on edge from that stretch..so they'll wait till we put our guard down again before attacking."

"How long do you think they'll wait?"

"Hard to tell, but its likely they already have some forces set up ahead to block us off."

"Any idea whats so different about this stretch and the previous one?"

"Well besides the obvious. This one has a lot more smart mutants."

"...You think the side streets are gonna be as trapped?"

"If we make a move to the side streets they might think we figured it out and spring it early in the attempt to catch us anyway," hisses Josh.

"Then what the hell are we suppose to do? Try to fool them again with your tricks?"

"I am afraid that ain't gonna work this time..."

"Why not?"

"They're already onto us and not as dumb as the previous ones. Plus I ain't that good yet."

"Well fuck what the hell are we suppose to do then?"

"We could make a run for it..."

"Yeah given how fast they have become and those leapers I don't think that's going to work very well," hisses the officer. "You sure you don't got any tricks left?"
Rolled 26 (1d100)

"Me? No...but I think we might have someone who does."

"Really who?"

"The Mutant Fool."

"One of the new guys how can he help us out?"

"Well...you ever wondered who was about to get all loot moved away from the mutants? Without them caring at all? It was the Mutant Fool who did it."

"So what about him?"

"Unlike me....well I can do tricks but I can't really disguise myself as one of them...he can."

"Hm...well that certainly gets me some ideas."

"Yeah...what I am thinking is a bluff."

"A bluff?"

"Yeah. If I team up with him...we might be able to lure the mutants away. Only problem is these ones are awfully smart. I don't know if we'll be able to trick them so easily."

"Sounds like a gamble," states the officer unhappily.

"I am afraid it is."

"Hm...maybe we could turn this ambush around them, outrun them, or prepare for a nasty fight."

What do?
>Try to bluff them
>Prepare for a fight
>Make a run for it
>atte7mpt Turn the ambush back around on them
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>atte7mpt Turn the ambush back around on them
Yeah sure.
i would agree but all we have are recruits and these are smart mutants so thats out of the question .
take up defensive position while still moving maybe if we look like a tough cookie they wont strike as hard or at all
Rolled 65 (1d100)

we're gonna bloody die
If they are smart they may know that we know and are trying to bluff them so do something that a smart person would overlook because they themselves think we're smart enough because we noticed.
>If they are smart they may know that we know and are trying to bluff them so do something that a smart person would overlook because they themselves think we're smart enough because we noticed.
Anon stop my head hurts
Rolled 16 (1d100)

I like that we got a budy for the trickster.

Now this situation does not sound easy. A fight in general sounds like a bad idea. We learn that twice. Both times the aliens got swarmed and we lost two people the time we fought.

Upside we got better and could possibly do that bluff.

To bad we don't know if they have wants other than flood. Makes me wonder if we can place offerings.

Any chance the scout is heal to gain area info? If we can't pull back. I think the best bet might be to move forward and break out the trap with no hesitation.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Changed my decision to bluff
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Hm... if we have a radio or beacon from the alien forces. I bet we can for sure turn this ambush to our favor. Assuming we can fake an SOS or bait them with out to much being called in.

We can then mask most of our boys from the mutants and have a few normal to draw attention. Then when the mutants attack we can pull out and mask them.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Dam unless I missed it. I don't think we could of brought something from the loot list to do that.

Hm... if it hasn't been to long for the gas to go bad. We can remove the tanks from the cars. Make some flames to, hopefully, slow the mutants. Assuming we grab a few of the grenades for our load outs. We have a way to break the line and push out.

So I'll back the bluff and prep a back up plan with remaining time. Since we'll need what we can get.

I doubt the car doors would take many hits, but hey shields to push the mutants away. (I'm thinking to much aren't I?)
ooohhhhh nat linked 100
get in there lads!
We should really get one of the smart fuckers so the doctor can dig around his brain to determine just how smart he is would be useful in cases like this
Rolled 32 (1d100)

You rip some gas tanks off the nearby vehicle wrecks as the two go off to attempt their job of diverting the mutants. That was when the waiting game began...minutes turned to hours. When suddenly a mutant howl arose in the distance. Soon it was followed by other mutant howls but these ones much closer. As you slowly pass by another block looking down the street you could suddenly see mutants pouring out the nearby buildings and charging off into the distance. They weren't exactly quiet with their yelping and howls.

Soon you heard gunfire and alien screams in the distance...where the mutants had been heading. Suddenly returned the two who went out on the bluff.

"Well guess it worked out?"

"Better then expected bluff stopped being a bluff. Ran into an alien patrol. Didn't think they would take it but apparently the smarter mutants are smart enough to prefer two different kinds of meals over just one and given the option they took the aliens instead of us."

"Are well all clear then?"

"For a little while at least."

"Alright then lets move quickly before come back decide and they want a second course."

As it turned out the next survivor group wasn't too far away the one with the parking garage and mechanic shop. There the group of survivors has been busy fortifying and building vehicles. From them you found out about a few more survivor groups but most you would have to go out of your way to get into given on how your headed to the college.

recruitment wise they have more mechanically minded individuals and construction workers. They been the ones clearing the roads and blocking buildings off. Claiming its to slow down mutants and give some new travel options. Its from them you hear that the aliens are starting to clear certain roads out too. For reasons unknown given how their own vehicles uses hover technology.

What do?
>Take a detour to visit other survivor groups
>Recruit who you can
>Arrange a trade
>Continue on to the college
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Recruit who you can
While it's tempting to visit other survivor groups, we have to stay on task
Rolled 10 (1d100)

recruit who you can
ask for robotics guys if they have them or where we could find some
Rolled 15 (1d100)

>>Recruit who you can
We do have need of builders. We need to set up lock ups for alive captures and keep our gear safe. Plus I love the idea of us getting some form of transport running sooner than later.

Then we get some knowledge.

Hm trade... if our ammo and other needs are okay. I guess we can wait on that.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Sadly the people here weren't as impressed as those at your current base of operations. While you did gain some recruits on a single construction worker and mechanic was willing to join you.

gain 1 construction worker.
gain 4 recruits.
gain 1 mechanic.

After that you continued on. The next survivor group is suppose to be based out of a library, after that mall, before finally reaching the college.

On the way to the library...

"Things...are awfully empty. Where are all the mutants? I thought we are heading to one of their main infested areas...there are way too few of them though. This doesn't make sense."

"Maybe they are gathering somewhere or left?"

It was then your forces hard a tell tale whirring sound.

"Shit alien patrol craft, take cover and hide."

Hiding in the nearby ruins and wrecks an alien hovercraft floats on by.

What do?
>Ambush them
>Let them leave
>Continue on
>Follow them
>Continue on

Let's not risk it. We've got a mission and fighting a heavily armed alien force would work against that.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

let them leave
we have one crashed at base even if we destroy this we cant do anything with it. plus we have only rookies
Rolled 95 (1d100)

We have a mission and yet they are up to something. Hm...

>Let them leave
We can at least wait to move. Our small army could hard to move unseen.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

You decide to let them leave and carry on. Making sure they are gone before coming out. Once you knew it was all clear your forces carried on...as the closer you got the college the rarer mutants became.

Finally you showed up at the library which looks as if it were abandoned. Fortunately once you entered it didn't turn out to be the case. Though most of the books had been moved and some defenses been set up.

What do?
>Trade for some books
>Recruit who you can
>Continue on
>Go back this trip seems fishy...
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Recruit who you can then trade for some books but be careful about everything around
Rolled 99 (1d100)

... recruit no one. Ask about what has been happening in the area.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Support. What we need is information now, lots of it. But then
>Go back this trip seems fishy...
"The mutants used to be they were spread out. Only a lot of them in areas that had a lot of people. So offices, apartment buildings, schools and so forth, but now the mutants are moving."


"Yeah. We don't know why though but there are areas where they are gathering at."

"So is the college like that?"

"Nope abandoned by the mutants...however they are gathering close to the college. A university hospital to be precise."

"Any idea why they are gathering there?"

"Nope. Something seems to be drawing them there...for some reason."

What do?
>Investigate the university hospital
>Head to the college
>Go back
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Well at some point we need to see what is going on in the world to stop it.

>Head to the college
We check out a fall back point and at least finish what we start. We can then leave some people to hold the college and check out the hospital.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Quick write a message to Slate, the Voices of the past will control him soon
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Rolled 59 (1d100)

You continue on to the college deciding to not visit the next survivor group. True to their word the college is...surprisingly empty. Well if you ignore the leftovers of the mutant meals and their filth they left behind. Closeby however you could tell the mutants were gathering somewhere. Not because you actually saw the hospital but because there were so many mutants they were visible from the college. Coming and going with the ones returning coming back with food. An assortment of animals, mutated critters, humans, and aliens.

At the college you leave behind some recruits to keep an eye on things. Before heading closer to the hospital. As you got closer more mutants grew ever greater in number. To the point where there wasn't any place you could go that you couldn't see mutants from.

As if something was...luring them here. At this point it became much harder to continue on. At least when it comes to taking a sneaky route.

What do?
>Keep going
>Prepare for a fight
>take to the buildings
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>>take to the buildings
Maybe we can ambush the ambushers
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Nope, nope, nope High level zone...we are leaving right the fuck now.
Aliens probably set a trap to lure in mutants and blow em all up or something. Or if they are that incompetent we have some sort or super mutant or leader mutant.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Hm... if it's the alien's doing we may need to break something. If it's mutant origin I'm unsure. Based on how the is mutants are gathering and hunting. Makes me think they are growing into something.

It's good to make note of this, but with our lack of more experienced mutant handlers. Probably best to pull back and just make sure to come back.

Unless josh and the fool feel we can get closer.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Agreed. Out of our league.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

man you just had to ruin it with that roll now didn't you?

Your forces proceed to retreat away from all the mutants. You were unable to determine the cause and obviously weren't able to stop it. Hopefully this wont come back to bite you on the ass.

Thus you find yourself back at base. Having left some recruits at the college with a radio and some supplies.

What do?
>Head out to attack the aliens
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Well hopefully the fine people holding the college can give us more info.

So before heading out to attack and train up our units. Lets get some load outs for the new people.

Troops are 4 recruits(green) and 1 Officer(green).

1 assault troop
1 scout
2 grunts

Recruited 1 mechanic.
Recruited 1 gunsmith.
Recruited 1 Doctor
Recruited 1 Researcher.
Recruited 12 recruits. (One of them The Mutant Fool ?)

gain 1 construction worker.
gain 4 recruits.
gain 1 mechanic.

I believe that's all our gains.

Not sure if we have new classes or not. So I hope we can at least get 2 more assaults, 1 more scout, 2 grunts, 2 mutants focused units, 1 Saboteur (maybe?), 2 Rangers, 2 Engineers, and I think 2 heavy gunners. That should cover a bit of everything and leave some untouched. To bad we pulled all the way out. I was hoping to get 2 medics as well. If the have the text or can gain the info from the doctor. Then those as well.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Recon, get a real good lay of the land, observe see what regular patrols are...are the Ayys gonna come back and try to wipe that area again? Once you know the cycle of the area you can adapt and plan, but also get potential private sites marked to raid for stuff.
I think we need to upgrade some people for recon. Unless our scout is healed up.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

I concur, upgrade then scout?
As far as gear goes try to have people armed in Kits like I mentioned before prioritizing field ops.
If we're able get the engineers tell us the stuff we'd need to make some of our own rides.
Am tryin to get get to close to a CIV and burn poor Genie out
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Yeah upgrade then scout. We need to find missions we can do and gain our units some exp.

These picks I believe work for what we have. The main problem we be the damaged armors.

I have a quick copy of most of the loot.
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Alright quick explanation about how the promotion system works. Its like this

Qualified Person+Kit for proper class= Unit of that class

Classes work by offering different skillsets. Once you rank them up a few times they become amazing. As obviously an Elite Soldier is a hell of a lot better then a Green Soldier.

This even sorta works for shitty recruits but I honestly don't know why you would ever want a Elite Recruit besides the absolute bad ass classes they can turn into. Unless you like Super Rookies.

Now once someone has been promoted they can possibly be promoted again into different classes or an upgraded version of what they already are.

This is most useful to do on an Elite unit because their experience is capped meaning they can no longer 'level up'. No this doesn't magically erase all those skills they learned when doing so.

Experience goes by 'levels' in that it ranks from Green, Regular, Experienced, Veteran, and Elite.

Now for raw recruits you can upgrade them into a really basic class that doesn't have any kit requirements. Which basically offers someone who is 'quite' as shitty as a regular recruit. Useful for when your in a bind and want someone who isn't a shitty fucking recruit but can't afford to promote them into a proper class. They are basically a Generalist who suck at everything but not as hard as a recruit who are 'oh gawd why' levels of suck. Those generalists are useful however because of one very simple fact besides them being cheap...

They are 'generalists' meaning all their skills and stats are average. Making it possible to reserve a group who aren't forced into any specific career path but don't suck as hard as rookies. Meaning you can delay their 'true' career path at a later date or simply raise their average stats before you promote them down a particular path. Like say a Soldier who is then promoted to Sniper. Due to their Soldier Experience they wont suck as badly as ordinary sniper at close range and their non Sniping stats are gonna be higher.

So when you promote someone keep in mind their career path that you setup for them and keep in mind its later possible to promote them yet again when they max out as an Elite.

Yes this makes it possible to create hybrids and even tailor your own unique units. Though with the latter its may take a few promotions to acquire all the skills and stats your gonna want for them.

Or you can keep forcing them down the same path turning them into the ultimate bad ass versions. Like an Assault Trooper who can wrestle an Alien Hulk and win.

I stated that even with your lack of understanding you can still fix(crudely) the human armors as the way the mutants went about...peeling them open left most of it in surprisingly good condition once you washed out the gore.

Alien armors...eh well so long as you ignore the sniper armor and to a lesser degree hulk armor its still sorta possible. Problem is you wont be able to fit in it even if it were fixed.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

The Mutant Fool was a recruit who promoted themselves using all the mutant crap nobody cared about. Unlike tricksters they are...most skilled in disguising themselves as if they were a mutant. Many mutants are gonna be fooled by them and once they rack up experience they can even start fooling the smarter ones. Sadly unlike tricksters they are not very good at having others be effected too. Probably due to their...unique means of training.

The Mutant Fool was also the one who managed to retrieve the loot from the mutants who surrounded it.

Tricksters are more of a support type role. They have a lot of mutant related tricks up their sleeves.

All the other mutant related classes are still ?????

As for classes it works like this you cannot create a class without the necessary gear. If they are a class that requires special training(like Medics need to know some medical stuff) then they will ALSO require that knowledge before creating that class is possible. Even if you have the gear for them. They still gotta get 'educated'.

So if you want other classes then you'll need to get the gear and if they require education then learning materials are also required.

The ones I offered up were basics that you already had the gear for...except for the mutants. You got that one because of a special roll. Otherwise you'll have to figure those unusual classes for yourself.

And yes mutants are not the only ones with special classes involving them. Its even possible to get ones for aliens...including those who specialize in their tech!

Have fun puzzling out how to achieve it but its possible and I already hinted about it.
I think we should organize into squads the default should be :
2 Assault
1 Sniper
1 Medic
1 Scout
1 Heavy Gunner
1 Situational ( Mutant , Engineer , Saboteur, depending on what will suit us best for the mission)
3 Grunts ( as throwaway cannon fodder )
This is pretty balanced over all and i think every time we head out this should be the default squad unless said otherwise. if its a harder mission we could bring another one along . also we can refer to them as whatever their special thing is (ie. Pyro squad) and in combat we could manoeuvre faster without having to specify in too much detail who splits up where.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

That a solid load out. Maybe take a grunt out and swap in a mutant unit. Mainly because of how much we deal with them.

If we get an alien specialist hopefully we'll know we need them.

Hm I think the sniper gear is the most wrecked.

But there should be recruits left over in my mass gear up. So we can add 2 snipers in the hopes that our gunsmith can get something worth using.

2 more assaults, 1 more scout, 2 grunts, 2 mutants focused units, 1 Saboteur (maybe?), 2 Rangers, 2 Engineers, 2 heavy gunners, 2 medics (to train under the doctor) and 2 snipers.

If I did my math right. That leaves 1 recruit untouched. Then we just have to drop some gear off at the college.

I we'll leave a scout, sniper, assult, grunt and engineer at least. Giving them enough to gain info and build up. Maybe turn the remaining recruit into a mutant tricksters for moving the protecting the college outpost.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

So once our boys are kited up >>1803380. We recon >>1802944 and find some targets to fight. Gotta get better and take down the aliens.
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

The only good thing about mutants is they are as much the enemy's problem as yours. Same with monsters but they only become common outside of urban. Mutants are common in urban terrain but uncommon outside it.

Sniper gear is indeed the most wrecked followed by the alien Hulks.

As for weapon unlocks...

Acquired 2 Salvaged Alien Bot Heavy Blaster Cannons Classified as a Heavy Weapon.
Acquired 2 Salvaged Alien Auto Ionic Cannons Classified as a Heavy Weapon.

Only troops capable of using Heavy weapons outside of vehicles are Heavy Gunners.

Salvaged Alien Robot weapons while unwieldy and require help reloading are capable of unleashing such devastating weapon barrages that only Alien Hulks and alien vehicles are capable of carrying similar amounts of firepower. Aliens apparently decided to build specialized robot weapon platforms to make it easier for them to call upon. With a lot of jury rigging our engineers and gunsmiths were able to rip out the necessary support systems along with the weapon itself and turn it into a makeshift package that specialized heavy troops outside of vehicles can use.

As for the alien sniper rifles...if we had an intact rifle to take apart. We could possibly learn how to reassemble the ones we have by breaking the damaged ones apart for spare parts to assemble complete ones that could actually function.

As for the captured alien weapons we would need to figure out how to modify them safely so that humans can use them without too much difficulty. As they were designed for alien hands...

Besides that new units have been formed by handing out kits and training. Though its gonna be some time before the medics are ready.

What do?
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Send the scouts and rangers out for recon. They'll par up in scout/ranger teams. Goal being area info and target finding. Be it alien, helping survivors or mutant. We can use some missions to build up our fighters.

Then at base I hope we can set up a mutant pen and study them, Get out tricksters and fools some training. Plus learn weaknesses for combat.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Indeed find targets and marks for us to hit, build up the experience of our lads before we hit a tougher nut.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Scouts have discovered several major mutant hubs. No idea what's attracting them to these locations but those areas are now so dangerous and crawling with mutants even aliens avoid those areas.

Mutant hubs are

>University Hospital
>Insane Asylum
>Military Base

Aliens meanwhile are painfully predictable. Most of their patrols are focused around their three main areas. Which are patrolled heavily. Outside those areas the aliens tend to rely upon mostly their human forces along with a few aliens. In other words the 'disposable' are put on patrol beyond their main theatres. Every once in awhile the aliens will get up in a tizzy for some reason and begin a major operation.

So far we have seen them strike into mutant hubs and attack other survivor groups. Usually annihilating said groups in the process. Beyond that our scouts have reported there being convoys going outside the city and some convoys coming to the city. What they carry and why we do not know.

The operation we saw where the mutants wiped them out while they were investigating is one of those 'major' operations they run off and on. Seemingly without predictable cause. Such operations unlike their disposable patrols carry some serious firepower and alien backup.

If you want to hurt them the most attacking those operations, patrol routes between their bases, and those convoys seem to be the best bet. Though the saboteur claims if we can get some people on the inside we could find out a whole lot and find even better ways to make them feel the pain...which would have to start with those camps and figuring out how those human traitor forces recruit.

What do?
Assemble 2 squads with however many sharpshooters we have and send them out to pick at the patrols . this way they dont get to see us or have an idea of out location. Send scouts and recon to check on those bases as much as they can . all the heavy and explosive stuff we have move it to ambush a convoy also bring the engineers to make blockades and fortification as well as they can .
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Supporting this >>1805854
Rolled 94 (1d100)

I propose we do something to bait the Mutants out into attacking the Aliens, using Mutant Baiters and any other tricks we can come up with. Recreate what happened before. Maybe throw in remote explosives to trigger when the Aliens pass by.

We then move in and finish off the survivors
we dont know that much about mutants yet so i say we wait until we can observe them better . Besides we can do just fine without them for the moment we are at full strength
Rolled 97 (1d100)

I suggest picking at their most isolated patrol, so we can destroy it. At the same time, I'd like to send the saboteur in to find out where the traitors are being recruited. This seems like a way we can A: Inflict our first major victory and B: Weaken their forces, as recruits are the quickest ways to reinforce their military
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>patrol routes
I think we all agree on take out a few. I'll like to take out a convoy after we get a few patrols down.

Once that's done I think our numbers and experience would be good for infiltration attempts.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

we have a shit ton of people we can do more things at once . Most of them already have some experience we dont need to swamp a 7 man patrol with 20 guys
Then we take out several. Perhaps 10 on each to be safe, take out two at a time.
From what we know patrols are 7 people most of them are traitors with an alien officer so the good old tactic of sitting in a building sniping them should still work pretty well. if we have 2 sharpshooters with like 3 other people its more than sufficent to wipe out a patrol we get the drop on we are a resistence force after all we should use tactics to make up for lack of numbers. if we split our troops correctly we could do the convoy raid the patrol ambushes AND recon without a problem . Besides attacking on multiple fronts will mean they have to spread out too so backup will be less likely.
We have 25 units and 6 non combat people ( 2 mechanic, 1 gunsmith, 1 Doctor, 1 Researcher, 1 construction worker).

4 of those units are ether training (the 2 medics) or need the sniper rifles in better shape. From there we have the units left at the college outpost (at least 6).

Josh: Mutant Trickster - Mutant tricksters are able to fool mutants into many things. Such as thinking your forces are also mutants or into attacking someone else.

Unnamed Fighters
1 Officer(green), 3 assault troop created, 2 scout created, 4 grunts, 1 Saboteur, 2 Rangers, 2 Engineers, 2 heavy gunners, 2 medics (to train under the doctor), 2 snipers ( need working weapons ), 1 The Mutant Fool, 2 mutants focused units, 2 mutant trickster

We can make 2 squads of 8 and have 3 left to watch the base. 2s (16) /6(?) Outpost of 25. We had someone try to take our stuff before. So hopefully 3 can hold with the mutant guard dogs, If we do multiple squads.
sounds good . the saboteur , the engineers and the heavy gunners should do the convoy assault its probably pay off more than just a few patrols
Rig up a buncha bombs to a daisy chain and blow up an entire convoy.
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Your long ranged units do have access to hunting rifles. So after you slap on a large scope you got yourself a sniper rifle. They do not however have access to alien sniper rifles and you have yet to loot traitor sniper rifles(which your forces could actually use without penalty).

Stealing the effects of an Outpost from my civ game. Outposts will passively acquire information of their surrounding area and actively keep an eye out for activities. They are however very fragile. Which is why they rely upon stealth as their primary means of safety.

Outposts are even better then long ranged sensors and without the hefty hitech upkeep all they require is a few troops(preferably those good at sneaking around, scouting, and exploring) and a radio to contact you with.

Heavy Gunners are best with the heaviest armor and biggest guns. Unlike assaults however they are slow but should still be used in the forefront whenever possible. Assaults are actually best used to flank the enemies that the heavy gunners have pinned down.

Plus heavy gunners are unusually well equipped with to deal with vehicle threats and breaching hostile buildings.

Before the aliens arrived heavy troopers were limited to power armor but with new alien alloys and salvage its now possible to craft heavy armor light enough that they don't required a powered frame to use. Traitor troops most notably use the stuff all the time from what you have seen.
i dont think we have the stuff to do that just yet
Rolled 70 (1d100)

The only explosives you got is what you looted from the traitors who all had grenades. Problem is there weren't very many grenades left given how much they used them up against mutants...

Saboteur has gone to the human camps. When and if he returns is unknown...

The rest of your forces meanwhile prep an ambush for an enemy patrol. The enemy patrol that shows up is the usual traitors with a few aliens. Your forces were hiding in the nearby buildings, alleys, and rubble piles. When you open fired you caught them in a devastating crossfire.

Even the alien's shields quickly buckled beneath the storm of bullets. Causing it go down in a flash of light. Shortly after that an alien shriek emerged before silence...the traitor forces meanwhile fell back nearby rubble piles for cover. After that things turned into a shootout, but you are winning.

Eventually they all fell you only had a couple wounded and no casualties.

Loot is the following...

4 suits of mildly damaged traitor armor
3 suits of moderately damaged traitor armor
2 suits of heavy traitor armor(damaged)

traitor LMG 1
Traitor Missile Launcher 1
Traitor shotguns 3
4 traitor SMGs

7 Bandoleers of traitor grenades
7 packs of traitor ammo
1 rack of alien missiles
2 racks of traitor missiles

1 suit of alien officer armor
1 functional alien officer force shield
1 alien officer pistol
1 alien power cell
1 functional alien gizmo
1 surprisingly intact alien officer corpse

What do?
All your people are either Green, regulars, or noncombatants.

Alien Officers carry force field generators. To kill an alien officer you gotta bust their shields and break through their armor.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

You don't have that much explosives. Wouldn't hurt to make or find more.
>1 surprisingly intact alien officer corpse
oh my my Xcom is tinglying
I'm more interested in the force-field and explosives. Their potential for use against aircraft, vehicles and grouped infantry is amazing while the shield could possibly be used to protect a MG position or something from heavy fire.

If we cover a vehicle in these shield generators, will they form a shield over it or interfere with each other? Can we ghetto-rig a shielded technical with an alien / traitor missile rack or heavy machine gun?
im pretty sure if they have shields they have ways of fucking them so maybe a good idea for mutants or hit and run tactics
True but logic implies that it would fuck them over the first time we used the shields for that. Plus, it'd be effective against any other humans / the traitor forces, since they seemingly don't have any amazing tech that would instantly destroy them.
I'm even more interested in attaching the shields to captured mutants we experiment on and unleashing them on the ayys.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

>Shielded Mutants

puwahah I will admit the aliens are gonna have the greatest 'wtf' moment when they first see that.

Very little is known about alien counter shielding. They probably have it but for obvious reasons haven't seen the need to deploy on your home.

Currently the best way to pop an alien shield is to keep pushing into it blows. Problem is this method typically results in burning out the shield generator.

Explosives aren't as hard as to make as many would think. Same is true with gas weaponry.

Though gas weapons are unlikely to be very effective against them. On the other hand they could be very useful against mutants and monsters...

You got a number of alien and special mutant corpses awaiting dissection.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Research the bodies while they are still fresh.

Send team to hit another Patrol
Supporting this, we are sciencying the shit outta this.
Don't forget to roll your luck when supporting.
Rolled 36 (1d100)


Where is your roll?
File: smart mutants.jpg (760 KB, 2560x1600)
760 KB
760 KB JPG
Rolled 2 (1d100)

"Bodies to be dissected assorted mutants and...alien officer. We have the recording online so the operation shall commence...uh what are you doing here," asks the doctor to a guy in the corner jotting done notes.

"Uh...taking notes. So carry on don't mind me..."

"...We shall start with the alien due to both its freshness and how difficult it is to acquire one. Alien appeared to have died not due to a bullet wound...but the result of a broken neck resulting from the impact of a bullet that failed to penetrate its armor."

"...Alien has...significant cyborg augmentation in the body cavity. Most of its internal organs have been replaced...wait a second, holy...even the veins and nerves have been replaced. Something synthetic in both cases...hold up I want to check something with the tissue."

"...rubbery...I have never even heard of something like this. The very tissue itself has been...augmented in such a way that it appears to be normal but is actually infused with...can't tell with this magnification, but those cells aren't ordinary but they are still cells. Not like what can be said for the rest of the alien. The bones have been...augmented with some kind of metal bracing reinforcing it. Now how to crack open this skull....hm those eyes are awfully large...Bingo. We'll go through the eye cavity."

Que some gruesome images later...

"Alright I have gained access to the brain. Which...is almost entirely intact and whole. Not much in terms of augments in the brain there are a few but not overwhelming. The brain is...very well developed and quite large. Its brain to mass ratio is quite a bit higher then us humans. Why the brain was largely left alone unlike the rest of the body I can't really say."

"...It might be because it is not considered 'lacking'," speaks up the note taker.


"Yes just look at this little alien...it appears weak and sickly. Yet the brain is so...large and well developed. It does not need improving nearly as much as the rest of the body."

"...With that line of thinking wouldn't they still have come up with augments for it to further improve upon it?"

"Well yes...unless there is some kind of taboo against it or maybe there is a reason why they didn't? A reason that doing so would...interfere with something."

"With their level of technology...there are mild brain augments. Its clear they are capable."

"Yes but they didn't do any extensive work on it now did they? Something has gotta be special about that brain."

"Like what?"

"Well...we are probably gonna need a live one to figure that out. Now shall we start with the mutants?"

"...Fine. Next up mutant referred to as 'smart mutants'.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

"extensive wild mutations throughout...almost like cancer but controlled. Nothing particularly remarkable until we cracked open the skull."

"Now every other time we have taken a look at a mutant's brain it has always been severely stunted...smart mutant brains are indeed stunted...but they are growing back. Given the lack of memory of their old life and their savagery. Safe to say the memories aren't coming back...but something new is arising from the rampant mutation."

"In 20% of the cadavers I have discovered growing brain matter in other parts of the mutant bodies. With smart mutants this rises to a shocking 50%."

"I can't say how much their brains will develop but ironically I can say this. Unlike with most mutants and their stunted brains that wont hardly notice any additional lost brain cells. Which combined with their rate of regeneration sees to it they can just laugh off your average headshot. They are the smart mutants greatest weak spot. Easiest way to kill a smart mutant is by blowing its brains out. Whether this will continue holding out for the smart mutants developing brains in other parts of their body I cannot say. We'll know the answer to that in a few months."

"Next mutant case...identified as 'leapers'. Of all the mutants brought forth these are the ones that seem the least 'human'. Their heads have undergone severe mutation resulting in the strengthening and widening of the jaw. Their skulls have started to slouch heavily creating a snout. The arms and legs meanwhile have the most severe mutations. Greatly increased muscle mass and changing of the bones. The legs are the most muscular and designed to provide the primary means of motion even now. The arms however in addition to evolving to assist in leaping are also developing deadly claws where the fingers used to be. Right now its small...but what used to be the nail is strengthening and enlarging. Consuming the fingers. As for the fingers themselves...they are mutating too. Strengthening and hardening. Resulting in reinforced claws."

"According to our captive leapers...they are able to 'walk' still but move in a haphazard fashion that allows for surprising speed, dodging, and their deadly pouncing even without getting on all fours."

"Primary weakness is the legs. Take out a leg and it can no longer jump or dodge."

"Body cavity meanwhile shows the least change...but there is evidence of shifting organs and changes with the bone. Can't tell how this is going to play out. Body shots will become increasingly unreliable as the organs continue to move around. Suggest taking out a leg and then repeated shots to head or body."

"Next up...mutant strain referred to as 'tanks'. Formerly known as Beefy Zombies."
Rolled 51 (1d100)

"Tanks are well...its hard to say they even 'fingers' any more. They gave up a lot of dexterity in exchange for that vastly increased strength. So good news is they are clumsy and not very agile, but well...they would hit like a truck. Currently have identified two different mutations appearing in the hands."

"First case is excessive growth and development in the arms. They have kept their fingers...even if said fingers are moving and strengthening. To the point that there are...bony spurs appearing in them."

"The second case is their hands are in the process of mutating into some kind of weapon. Hard to tell at this point in time. I think it might turn into claws...but...there is strange muscular development that doesn't quite line up with claws."

"Their bones meanwhile have been severely developed to the point of it being considered excessive. Their bone growth is such that its breaching their hides and creating bony spurs. Their heads, fingers, spine, ribs. and feet especially are affected. At this rate I would have to advise against getting headbutted by one of these mutants given how its head is apparently interested in either becoming a sledge hammer or spike."

"Muscular tissue development is so excessive that its actually allowing a type of...toughness to appear throughout the mutant but that isn't actually its primary means of defense."

"Its primary means of defense is its skin. Which has thickened and toughened to an extraordinary degree, but even that wouldn't explain their toughness. Even if it were combined with their thick muscles and rampant bone enforcement. The secret...is what was formerly the fat cells."

"They have...solidified and grown. Creating armored sacs,cushioning, and plates to form throughout the body. I don't know how this is even possible but just like how the fat can appear throughout the body and expand...well imagine if you turned all that potential and fat into armor?"

"That is what the tank mutants are doing. Their fat is entirely being replaced with this solidified new substance."

"As for weaknesses...well they are slow and stupid. All that bone and fat growth hasn't done any favors to their brain...which despite being tiny even by mutant standards is extremely well defended."

"However they DO have a weakness. The mutant must be able to ingest food and release waste. Its throat is surprisingly vulnerable weakpoint."

"Next mutant is the...Belches.Capable of vomiting deadly projectiles in the form of a spray and arching glob. Their stomachs are very distended and no its not a weak spot. Even if it does leak when shot. The fact is the mutant has the ingenious solution of using liquid based protection. Hence their...unusual appearance and strange ability to take an absurd amount of punishment. Its because everyone is shooting directly their armor reserves. No shit they can apparently take an absurd amount of punishment. Their body is...full of sacs."
Rolled 61 (1d100)

"Never the same of whats in those sacs either. In both other mutants or the same mutant...but somehow it has to know. You know those what it vomits? They are those sacs. When it lobs a glob of 'something' that something is a sac and those sprays of theirs? They burst the sac and then put it under pressure resulting in the spray as it comes out of the mouth.

"Those sacs can contain stomach. Waste. Organs. Weapons. Armor. Even stuff full of random gunk like what you would except in certain cysts. Hell some of the sacs even contain brain tissue."

"Disgusting even by mutant standards. Fortunately they do have a weakness. In this case...explosives. Causes massive and spread out rupturing. Either that or slashing at them in melee. Don't try to punch them they'll feel that even less then they do a bullet."

"Don't think they are weak in melee. Their jaws and throat are very well developed. They are liable to eat their prey alive. Plus they have good eyesight given the surprisingly accuracy of their projectiles. Their arms meanwhile are very...stretchy and closer to a tendril. Perfect for snapping up morsels and compensating for its bulk."

"As for their...sarcophagus. Well...I never seen one move and can connect itself to different sacks and even swallowing them. That's how it does it. Disgusting...but brilliant if crude means. Typical of evolution."

"If this mutagen wasn't used as a weapon...I would say it was truly brilliant creation, but why a weapon? Why not cures to genetic illness?"

"I believe that is the last of the mutants and we are now done."

"Man...I am so going to have nightmares about this last one," mutters the cameraman looking away from the belcher in much needed relief.

"Yeah...but fuck me does it give me some ideas," says the researcher taking notes. "Say...you wouldn't happen to need all the leftovers now would you?"

"I need samples for future research. Beyond that no. At least not until we get a proper freezer," answers the exhausted doctor.

"Oooh goodie now if only I had a proper chemist and armorer...we could work some real magic from these mutant corpses."

"Really not a biologist...ah wanna sleep but got to check on my patients."

"Hah I wish...and no not really. That is more for uh...actual labwork. I am saying stuff that would be directly useful and helpful here and now without a lab."

"...You know what I am not gonna say your a madman as I am so tired i probably didn't hear that right."

"Yeah I am gonna go too..."

"Woah now...hey there buddy."

"Ah fuck now what?"

"You know all those cute little mutants? I am gonna need some uh...recording equipment to be set up to watch them."

"Why? Isn't that what we have those weirdo mutant lovers for?"

"Yeah but BECAUSE they're a bunch of mutant lovers doesn't that make them quite biased?"

"Oh why not use the mutant hate-oh I get it now."

"See glad we could have this lovely understanding between us."

"...I hate my job. I swear I don't know which is worse."
Rolled 22 (1d100)

"Either trying to not get killed out there or having to record all this shit in here," bitches the cameraman as he sets up the equipment near the mutant pens.

"Oh hey its the cameraman hey why didn't you record our last outing man? It was sick it was so awesome!"


"...Well jeeze man no need to go off like that."

"Duh dude think how long he's been up? Poor bastard even had to watch the butcher show live."

"Yeah I suppose your right...well later cameraman."

"Oh I swear if that fucking nickname sticks," complains the cameraman has he gets back to work.

What do?
>Head out

And now I am gonna crash...
Let's start making our base into a nice place to live. I'm talking farms, livestock, and recreation
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Secure our base, i'm talking getting several perimeter layers, careful patrols and observation posts and proper admin. We're gonna get crowded soon enough. Once those turrets are working have htem set up in kill zones etc.

Tech crews meanwhile, i want you to make us some small remote contorl camera drones or toy car or whatever, I wanna be able to scout a building and check it for mutants before we raid it.
Hell if we feel brave down the line and find the right mutant we can have some sorta bait on there
>try growing some of those mutant herbs?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

I think we'll have to grow or non-combatant support units for that. Tho no harm in getting it started. Probably can use rubble from other places to make the place look unused.

I'll definitely want to make sure all the troops know the info we got. Get them drilled in it. Panic going to suck when you tell someone to shoot somewhere.

That was a post I did while at work.


Nice to see us grow. It will be hard to get a chemistry set I bet.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

We need to gain civilians.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Hm not sure if Genie is waiting on us or something else.

So if it is on us. I think we can combine all the wants.

First we got the survivors living in the same building. We can go around asking about security. See if there is anyone with know how and willing to help. Then get some units on that.

Have the mutant group see about gardens for growing the herds and other mutant resources.

Next we drill in the new info about mutants and the officer. After that more missions to live train that new info and gather resources.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

need more votes. So basically consensus yet to be achieved.
We should avoid setting up things that show people are living here like visible defenses and tilled land.

So more or less all of the above but do it discretely. Starting with food.
New thread then?
New bread then?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

I think it will help if we had action with supported rolls.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

new thread.

Hopefully there will be enough votes and don't forget to archive!

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