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Hours ago in the skies above capital, a very nervous inventor looks out the window as the grand city comes into view.

Deacon: Look alive ladies and gents. We’re finally here, Capital.

Samuel: Sis. You’re nervous?

Samantha: How could I not be?! I’ll be showing dad’s work to the world. I’m just scared everyone will think they’re useless or a toy like when he tried to show it.

Deacon: BAH! You’ll do fine Sam. You convinced us didn’t you?

Samuel: You guys were kind of desperate when I first showed you the prototypes

Gerald (chuckling): The boy is right. Even I was sceptical then.

Lily: Yes but look how far we’ve come. You’ve done amazing Samantha. We’re all proud of you.

Gerald: Indeed

Samantha gives a soft smile before feeling dizzy again and desperately looking for a bag. She always hated flying. There’s a tense air around the cabin of the airship with only the din of the engines occupying everyone’s mind and Samantha coughing. As the atmosphere grows more tense, a small figure pokes her head out of one of the airship’s maintenance shafts.

Emilia: Uncle Deacon doesn’t say you’re all crackpots anymore since I turned eight so you must be doing good Samantha.

Everyone: EMILIA!?
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Welcome to Gyrocite.

You play as an all-around "handy man" for an upstart company whose invention could change the world along with its partners. Your current job is keeping your bosses alive while figuring out dastardly schemes via spy games

Don't worry about catching up or trying to understand it all. Just play along

Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1804824/

The crew was sent to disrupt the development of automatons and get back at Eldson by destroying a lab right in Laissez territory. The {Automagineer} responsible was Erevu, an old friend of Samantha’s father who was slated to be killed by his own inventions. After the lab was destroyed by Erevu and the crew finished off the last of the combat automaton prototypes everyone prepared for the upcoming fair.

A quick start guide is there to explain general concepts. The full rules are here:


Don't worry about all the math. A character calculator is provided to make things easier here. Just make a copy for yourself. Sorry, can't give edit rights:


In over your head? Feel free to ask questions here:

Channel name is #skirmish
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You don't need to read all of the guide to play. Try out these premade loadouts here:

Loadouts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uRMvILWgQcC_R96y6GH7uUTRKu4DOMtjkt9DrbOL7nA/edit

Pick Fencers for decent tanking, Gunslinger/Brawler for DPS, or try your hands at keeping your fellow handymen alive as a Medic. If you try to make your own character, and I invite you to, there's a basic template to follow below

Also, you can get more updates on my twitter:



DR:# LI:# RE:# RES:#/#(#/#) EN:#/#

Mer # RES #
Mar # AP #
Ven # MOV #
Jup # MOD #

CC ##/##

[Example] [@Example] {Example}
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During the break the there were some minor updates. I was delayed mainly due to crazy weather stupid hurricanes

>Pugilist has been worked out: Combo multiplier is actually relevant and now builds at a significant rate. The Brawler line in general now works off of the base damage of the weapon being used. In addition Puglist now unlocks 3 weapon PRTs instead of 1. Remember that weapon PRTs can used for the weapon or Pugilist/Brawler
>Striking PRTs are directly built for Brawlers. There are more weapons to follow.

>Grenadier has new PRTs

[%Total Mayhem] If downed drop all grenades armed
[@Preparation is key] Before throwing a grenade, invest AP to increase its effect +(AP*(MER*3%))

>Nik and Leo’s shop was modified slightly

Weapons General:
Ꞥ1000⟨Solide Connectors⟩ -1 EN cost; (May only reduce cost to half)
Ꞥ1000⟨Venatine Grip⟩ -1 AP cost (May only reduce cost to half)

>[Jupimer Grav System] on the Helios was modified: It only takes 2AP to toggle now

>New GFE
GFE Mk. 1 “Nyx”
EN: 24/24; RE 3+MAR LI3 EQ1 (Ꞥ6000)
[*-Preimbued] [*Compact]
[*!Soljupiryz Stealth System] 2Ap to toggle; RE set to 0; bend light around you to become completely invisible. You still make noise. Using equipment disrupts the cloak.

>Players please [Clock-in]
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Months of preparation led to this day. Everyone departed the airship and made their way to the rented warehouse that would be home for the coming days. We were finally in Capital, the largest city in the Capitus Conglomerate, for the Vitas Fair. Samantha stepped off the airship with the help of her brother. She was airsick since the beginning of the trip and her nerves weren’t helping. Once on solid ground everyone made their way to the warehouse. Deacon and the others were waiting for them. Greetings and drinks exchanged, Samuel began the awaited meeting.

Samuel: Okay everyone. Preparations have been made and everything is going according to plan. Now to review your roles….

>3 weeks earlier….

As preparations are completed and everyone readies themselves for the fair the air gets noticeably cooler and the nights longer.

The crew meets the bosses for one final briefing and any last minute changes to the plan.

Deacon: Good to see you all. As we’ve stated before we’ll be pretty busy with the following:

>Show off Gyre tech at Capital Mall via a “simulated combat demonstration” (PVP)
>Intercept spies and prevent any possible casualties (Overwatch)
>locate and infiltrate the Chrysian meeting (Servant duty)
>Security detail for VIPs (Protection/information gathering/ pretending to be Samantha’s date)

Samantha: We’ll be in Capital for several days. The first two days we’ll be working and the rest we’ll have some time to network and potentially unwind. I’ll be at the Maynard hotel both days. The first will be for the Entrepreneurs conference and the second night during the Capital Ball. Both will be held in the Maynard Hotel. We don’t know what Eldson or any of his cronies are up to but as such we’re extending your contracts to be my bodyguards. Samuel, Lily, and Gerald will be with you at the fairgrounds across the street while Deacon accompanies me. During those two days you’ll be doing double duty as security and exhibiting our technology. You’ve been given clearance to wield your weapons. I don’t believe I need to say it but be mindful of the civilian population.

Samuel: I should clarify that you’ll only have clearance to wield your gear on the fairgrounds, so crossing the street is prohibited.

Deacon: Baahh. Everyone knows a Capitian is armed to the teeth as soon as they can walk. Just don’t have weapons out if you walk out the park. The security they hire is always subpar contractors. Little more than rentable soldiers. Well aside from you lot. *Ahem*
In any case as much as we tried Hotel Maynard said they would immediately have any patron arrested that bears any arms. In a stroke of luck that doesn’t include swords. Seems the Chrysians went in a tizzy some time ago when they tried to ban them. The old-fashioned fops. And they wouldn’t dare look under a lady’s dress either were you to hide anything there.
Gerald (sighs): Moving on, Benson and his network were able to guarantee one thing: Sir White and Sir Donel will be meeting with some Capitian officials during our “demonstration”. It seems they’re quite interested in our technology.

Deacon: It’s likely they’ll have a good view of the action. In any case we need to know what that meeting is about. We found another bunch of their lackeys with the damn Gyre bombs.

Lily: Agreed. It’s too suspicious. I’ll be accompanying you all if there are any mishaps during the demonstration, should there be any need for medical attention. I wish my brothers and father could attend this year.

Samuel: Deacon I really wish you wouldn’t call those things Gyre bombs. You make it sound like we made them. Now while we had talked briefly about what everyone would be doing, I’d like to review the main plan. Odele, would you please?

Odele (wryly): Gyre bombs do have a nice ring to them though. Also Lily honey, where has Antonio been? It’s been ages.

Lily: He’s been working some deals out in Pyreite. Basil and Aster are with him for the time being.

The siblings refuse to respond. Odele chuckles

Odele: So, what we’ve devised so far is since Samantha will be occupied being a newly fledged world class inventor, she’ll be holed up in the Maynard Hotel during the conference and ball. There will be several heads of state and high ranking officials from the world over so security will be extremely tight already. We’re expecting Eldson or some representative there so he’d be an idiot to try anything when he or his allies can be caught in the crossfire. Nonetheless we’d like some backup if possible, so two of you will accompany her along with Deacon.

Deacon: I have my own reasons for going. I heard Aquila arms is hurting and could use a buyer

Odele: Yes dear, we’ll deal with our rivals soon. Now, since we know there will be some movement, it will be easier to pick out any of their lackeys if we were to have everyone’s attention somehow. Since we need to demonstrate what our technology is capable of anyways we will have a technical demonstration with two of you. This should be a large enough distraction that our own movement’s should be covered. We’ve modified everything to be non-lethal but it may still hurt. As Lily said before she’ll be there to treat you if you become too rowdy.

Lily: While I’m very skilled I’ll be limited in supplies and I still have my own work to attend to at the fair so keep injuries to a minimum if you can help it.

Samantha: It took some time but Nik and Leo were able to help me get a new GFE out that can help us.
Odele: During that time we’re expecting the two Knights to be spectating as well. We’ll need to locate them and eavesdrop somehow. We’ve secured an extra booth on the first floor of Smith tower. Since it’s a booth about adopting Phantasmites we doubt you’ll see much attention going your way. It’s an ideal spot for overwatch if the need for such support arises.

Gerald: I advise extreme caution is taken when dealing with any “bomb” carriers if we see any. Try your best to incapacitate them as they may be carrying the defective GFEs on them and significant damage could trigger a collapse.

Odele: Elm has supplied us with a healthy cache of .30 “Marshmallow” Non Lethal mags. Take what you need but we’ll have to compensate him later.

Deacon: Don’t get too greedy or you might get a pay-cut. Heh!

Gerald: As for those using more traditional means you can strike non-lethally with some more effort.

>[*@Blunt attack] 2AP; deal non-lethal damage to a target.

Odele: Now that we’ve laid out the general plan I’d like to hear what each of you can bring to this mission.

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Before deploying decide what roles you would like to accomplish, what PTRs, and what equipment you will be used.

Assets earned during Story Phase:

>You will be provided an exterior map of the area.

>Assistance from Crusher and his mates. Look for the Ashen Uniform. (Pic related)

>Julien is accompanying Samantha and can take his gear with him as he’s a Chrysian Nobel

>Work Uniforms are provided should you decide to change clothing for any reason. Wearing the uniform will make you instantly recognizable as a Gyre employee and is worn over your armor.

>Participants accompanying Samantha may wear the following. Since the garments must be custom made they will be yours to keep once the mission is over.

Ball Gown
-1 Mov 4EQ
[*Frills] May hide equipment in dress
[*Ravishing] +2 to social rolls; people admire you

-1 Mov 3EQ
[*Dashing] +3 to social rolls; people respect you
Alternatively you can wear a servant's uniform and blend in as the help.
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Odele: with the help of our servants we have a good layout of the whole complex. The Maynard hotel will be holding the conference and ball in it's large complex. Luckily both buildings face Smith Tower which is where the fairgrounds will be right across the boulevard. As was said earlier your weapon clearance is only allowed within the fairgrounds. Getting that costs quite a bit of Notes.
Odele: I should also mention since Deacon was supposed to watch Emilia, she'll be accompanying him and Samantha (Under her breath) as punishment. She can be a handful so besides our own Noble we'll need another volunteer. Preferably a women as it'll be easier for get access as Deacon's guest.
>Clock In

My charming self. I think I was on Overwatch with Prefect, until we find out where the Chrysians are hiding and sneak in there.

Do I have to wear a dress? I d-don't want to wear a dress.

=Lirenis Theraski==
DR 1 || Li - 7 || Re 9 || RES 12/12 || EN - 16 / 16
=Attributes, 2200notes==
MER 4 Mar 3 Ven 3 Jup 2
Res 12 Ap 12+2 Mov 3 Mo 11+3+5 CC 9+3
GFE Type 3. “Sophia”
EN: 16 RE: 6*1.5 LI: 7 EQ
[*Soline Neural Link] +3 PRTs
== βGFE v1 “Hades” ==
CH:0/8 --> [Jupasatine // Solmeryzt ]
[*Dynamo charge] 4AP - Max [7]
[*Catalyze] CHd3 4AP: >[7] = risk overload
[*Whip] 3AP 3d3+[3] cm R2
[*#Suffuse] Equipment is imbued as long as Dynamo holds charge
[*Venmertine weave] Damaging Shields charges your dynamo
Field Kit: [*Aid], [*Stabilize]. 8 SP
[E], armor
The Black Cap, +1 DR, [*Slightly Darker Black],[*Greedy]
-AB Binoculars: [*Solderite lenses] See in the dark, [*@Zoom] 2AP Increase your vision by 4 squares uncovering the FoW. Structures blocking LoS will not uncover FoW, [Spotter]
[@Improvised Medicine]
BandAid, Booster, Venticine
=Union Member=
[@IronCladContract], [Solidarity], Representative
=Dynamo Engineer=
Catalyse, Launch, Bounce, Expand, Sense
CQC, Disguise
=Street Rat=
[@Smooth Talker]
Well Bathed, Extra Pockets, Bandolier
[^Solide Wiring]
{Jaunt Mastery} Jaunt to safety when taking overflow damage while imbued with Jupasatine. Disregard vertical movement costs when moving via Jaunt. Have minor control of where targets are jaunted when catalyzed.
{ Melon Manic} -400% competence when near fruit
I mean I /can/ wear a dress. That doesn't mean I want to wear a dress, but I *can*.
F-fine I'll wear the dress. It can't be that bad. And it does come in green, right? Oh it does?!
No I'm not looking forward to it at all, it's hardly ergonomic or usefull or comes with pouches! And it's so poofy. And are all these frills really neccessary?!

>Join Samanatha & Deacon at the ball

=Lirenis Theraski==
DR0 || Li - 7 || Re 9 || RES 12/12 || EN - 16 / 16
=Attributes, 2200notes==
MER 4 Mar 3 Ven 3 Jup 2
Res 12 Ap 12+2 Mov 3-1 Mo 11+3+5 CC 9+5
GFE Type 3. “Sophia”
EN: 16 RE: 6*1.5 LI: 7 EQ
[*Soline Neural Link] +3 PRTs
== βGFE v1 “Hades” ==
CH:0/8 --> [Jupasatine // Solmeryzt ]
[*Dynamo charge] 4AP - Max [7]
[*Catalyze] CHd3 4AP: >[7] = risk overload
[*Whip] 3AP 3d3+[3] cm R2
[*#Suffuse] Equipment is imbued as long as Dynamo holds charge
[*Venmertine weave] Damaging Shields charges your dynamo
[Custom Fit]
Field Kit: [*Aid], [*Stabilize]. 8 SP
[E], armor
Ball Gown
-1 Move, 4 EQ
*Frills, *Ravishing
Sticky Tie [Spray, Bind]
The Brute [Compact, Et Tu]
=Union Member=
[@IronCladContract], [Solidarity], [Representative], [Collective Bargaining]
=Dynamo Engineer=
Catalyse, Launch, Bounce, Sense, Imbue
CQC, Parlour Trick,
=Street Rat=
[@Smooth Talker], [Hustler], [People Person], [PickPocket]
Well Bathed, Extra Pockets+1, Bandolier
[^Solide Wiring]
{Jaunt Mastery} Jaunt to safety when taking overflow damage while imbued with Jupasatine. Disregard vertical movement costs when moving via Jaunt. Have minor control of where targets are jaunted when catalyzed.
{ Melon Manic} -400% competence when near fruit
>Clock in
Julien gives a nod to everyone before
Bowing his head to the women

"You all look especially beautiful tonight, yes including you little Emilia"

turning to Samantha he hesitates for a moment before giving her his most reassuring smile
"Steel yourself my lady, think of how your father would be beaming in pride if he saw you now, you'll be fine"

As Julien turns to liren his eyes widen in shock though his face turns to impassive stone, his experience at courtly intruige serving him unconsciously.
"Ah.. lady lirenis...you look beautiful as well."

Julien Delacroix de la Fleur
DR:3 LI:6 RES:17 EN:24/24 RE:8

Att CC 16/16
Mer 3 RES 17
Mar 4 AP 16
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 4 MOD 11

[E]Sabre "The tacit rebuke"
-Chrysian grip
-Heavy pommel
2d6 (Hit: 8<)
4AP (6EN if attack lands) Fnc/Slsh

-Antonio vibroblade (1d8)2ap 3en

[E]LA-86 “Lament”4d3 (cm) 4AP 4EN 4-8R AM 3/3 (Gumdrops only) 2EQ
Alt Fire(Shotgun): 8d2 4AP 4EN 3-4R AM 2/2 (Jellybeans only)1xreload, gumdrops

2x maraid

The Beaten Lion: A battered armor that's seen better days. It bears a crest that may draw attention.
-Extra plating
[*Family Crest] People may recognize who your house is
[Duelist blood] +2 bonus on parries
[Lion's Pride] If wounded, challenge the wounder to a duel. Winning confers a reward. Participants do +30% damage.
Gyre:GFE Mk.2 “Athena”

{Expert Fencer}*[Pimento Corgi](Secret techniques)
[Absence of blade]
Incoming medic/duelist. I'll be hanging around the combat simulator for the most part, but I have a little bit of bite too.

"Right then. Which one of you lot must I keep an eye on the most?"

[Clock in]

Name: Bayode Visser

DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

Mer 2 RES 11
Mar 5 AP 14
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 2 MOD 10

CC 12/12+3
GFE Mk.2 “Prometheus”
EN: 24/24; RE (3+MAR) LI4 EQ1
Item is small enough to not be noticeable
-LA-86 “Lament”
4d3 (cm) 4AP 4EN 4-8R AM 3/3 (Gumdrops only) 2EQ
Alt Fire(Shotgun): 8d2 4AP 4EN 3-4R AM 2/2 (Jellybeans only)
-Lily Venesol Field Kit
SP 8/8 4EQ
-Lily Field Smock
1DR SP4/4 (comes with 4) 3EQ
-Bandolier 1EQ: Gumdrop|Gumdrop|Jellybean
-1x Capacitor
[*#Link-up][*Compact]{Medic}[Bandaids][Extra Pockets][Faulty Fuse][#Close Quarter][Speed Loader][@Aim][^Bandolier][^Superconductive Coating]
[*Aid] 1SP 4AP MARd4 RES
[*Stabilize] 1SP 6AP; Heal RES
[Venticine] 2SP 6AP: target moves up to VEN w/o AP
[Adrenmerlyne] 2SP 6AP; no wound penalty
[Booster] 2SP 4AP; +6AP -3RES next turn

>Brief description; thinning brown hair atop a rail-thin frame, with blue eyes that always seem to straddle the line between hesitant and pissed. Male, white, late twenties, though he acts like someone a good deal older than that. Fond of pipes, hates beer, enjoys whiskey the way a pimp enjoys sex; passingly, with the last vestiges of pleasure pressed thin under the weight of habituation.
Meat. Or Nevergreen; they both keep getting shot something repetitive.
>-Take 1x Marshmallow mag, load it in Emil
>-Preliminary {Overwatch} and {Foreman} Assignment.
>{Clock In}

DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24

Mer 4 || Res 11
Mar 5 || AP 16
Ven 5 || Mov 5
Jup 2 || Mod 13

Equipment [CC 14/11+3]
-[e]GFE Mk.2 “Athena” EN: 24/12+12(MER*4); RE 10(MAR*2) LI6 EQ3
-[e]LR-11c “Prefected Emil”: 6d2cm* 8AP 8EN R6-16(6+MAR+VEN) AM:3/3 4Pen 1EQ (Marshmallow)
2h, Rifled <PIQ5: ``Fitted; `Merisol Dampener; `Ventinyn Propellant>
-.31 “Candy Corn” mag ×2 (Bandoliered)
1 Reload +Pen 2EQ
-BDR “Starburst” Single shot 1EQ; Target is jaunted to a pocket dimension; reappears in 5-MER or 1 turns. (Bandoliered)
-.30 “Marshmallow” Non Lethal mag ×1 (Bandoliered)
2/2 Reloads 1EQ No RES dmg, ½ damage goes to AP; 3*AP damage on overflow
-.501 “Liquorice” mag ×1 (Bandoliered)
1 Reload +25%R 2EQ
-[e]Stylish DUSTER-armor: 1DR 1EQ
[*Vest Straps] -2ap to switching weapons/reloads <PIQ3: `Fitted; `Pouch>
-Lily’s Quick Patches: Treats 1d3 wounds 2/2 1EQ (Pouched)
-AB Binoculars 2EQ
[*Solderite lenses] See in the dark
[*@Zoom] 2AP Increase your vision by 4 squares uncovering the FoW. Structures blocking LoS will not uncover FoW.

-[\Extra Pockets] +3EQ
-[\\^Bandolier] 3EQ: +5 ammo/catalysts slots
-[Camouflage] Configure armor to better blend in with the environment.
[^Jupimer Springheels] 4AP 6EN; Jump towards a spot of your choosing
-[@Aim] *AP; +5% damage per AP
-[@Hold Breath] 2AP +3R
-[Spotter] 12AP; Target is {Spotted} for MAR turns. {Spotted}: +20% damage taken, tracked
-[#Stake out] Staying Still and Prone reduces Visibility, Cumulative.
{§Street Smart}
-[#Look out] Increased vision cone.
-[#People person] Gain extra info from [Observing] people. Spot Lies.
-[I know a guy] 3AP 2d12+MER Hit: 14(18-4)<; Use street connections to find info, items, etc...
-[#Smooth Talker] -4 hit to “social rolls”; People easily like you
{§Servant} Benson Bros. Employee. Increased wariness from employers. 2×stealth and +50% backstab dmg
-[^Quiet now] 4EQ; Gear is modified to be quieter; Smaller equipment makes less noise; Pistols already silenced are undetectable
-[Like a Snake] -2AP to movement for prone or couch
{Hunter eyes} +50% duration to [Spotter] tracking. Bonus to revealing hidden foes when observing. Revealed foes give a 30% competence bonus for MER turns.
A coded missive finds its way to the doorstep of Bellway Manor. It finishes:

Rworucajcrxw xo cqn nwnvh ljvy bdllnbbodu, bnn hxd jc cqn yjach.

- V.V
Bdyna Byh Oxa-Qran


> [Clock In]

NAME: Marcel Meyer

DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24

Mer 5 RES 11
Mar 3 AP 14
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 2 MOD 11

EQ 9/12
GFE Mk.1 "Nyx" (1)
Servent's Attire (2)

[Consummate Professional]
[Part-time job]
[Dead Drop]
[On-site Supervision]
[%I’m the temp]
[Extra Pockets]
[^Always prepared]
[^Always prepared]
[Sharing is caring]
[Well Bathed]
"Describe for me this phantasmite adoption stall; The elevation, the proximity to the elevator, the common level of pedestrian foot-traffic upon the upper levels of the Tower. I feel hesitant to avail myself of such an obvious lookout position, but the advantages cannot be denied.
Furthermore, a description of the physical characteristics of these two knights would be a fair boon."

"You should, perhaps, partake of our newly refurbished bathing facility prior to beginning work?"
>Upgraded baths provide New Players with a starting Mar of 2. As well as access to the [Well Bathed] prt.
>By my counting, you have one more point to spend (1mer, 3mar, 2ven, 1jup, medic=8)
>You appear to have spent 1 point too many, stranger. (4mer, 1mar, 2ven, 1jup, temp, inconspicuous=10)

"As I doubt my ability to maintain visual contact with the interior of the hotel, it may be prudent for us to split the duties of {Foreman} between the two key locations."
> Mer was 5, should have been 4
> Servent's Attire was misspelled
> Removed Sharing is caring, traded Grappler for Shove
The ring of honor stopped to be of honor. There's no place for El Mamut there anymore. El Mamut has to look for another job.

[Pugilist] description in the PRT list still says "+1 PRT"

>[Clock In]

El Mamut

DR:1 (+1 vs Guns) LI:6 RE:9 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:26/26 CB:0/10

Mer 2 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 12
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 3 MOD 7+4

EQ 12/12
GFE Mk.2 “Athena” EN: 12+MER*4; RE (MAR*2) LI6 EQ3
-Basil Pike Gauntlets 1d3 1AP 1EN (EN 6/6)[AM: 2/2 (3AP reload)] 2EQ (paired); Strk/Cmbo ⟨Enlarged Arm Guards⟩
-Basil Audoplate 1DR (+1DR vs Guns) 2EQ
-2x JellyBean

{§Brawler}, {Pugilist}
[*Pike Buster] 3AP 4EN 3d3 cm; uses 1 ammo; launches target dmg/2 tiles
[*^Basil’s Self Winding Capacitor] Weapon contains a capacitor with 6EN that can be used for attacking. Recharges when GFE repels damage.
[*@Wind up] +2AP +2EN: add 1d3 to Pike Buster
[^Self winding Capaci-Joggers] 2EQ gain 1 EN per unit moved
[^Solide Wiring] 1EQ: +50%RE
[^Extended battery] 1EQ +6EN
[#Ground Game]
[%Parry] 1 AP
[Disarm] 3AP: 2d12+VEN Hit: 16<; disarms target
[Elbow Drop]2*b cm 1.5*AP 2*EN
[Rising Dragon] 2CB *AP *EN Uppercut, launching yourself and your foe in the air JUP tiles. Foe is {Vulnerable}
[@Mountain Stance] 6CB double GFE limit and Regeneration from all sources for current turn
[%Monkey’s Dance] 3AP 2d12+VEN Hit: 15< Prepare to dodge an attack. Successful dodges build CB and Multiplier.
[Boar Rush] 1CB 1.5*AP 1.5*EN (per attack) Run taking foes with you. Do a basic attack per tile moved. May only push JUP foes.
> Actually, [Sic] is neat, I will keep it.
> Remove [On site supervision], the phase where that would have been useful appears to have passed.
Looks good but you'll be defaulting to bare hands which is 2 ap far 1d2 damage. You are prepared though ;) I should also mention that Benson's gear must be bought if you don't have the Servant PRQ normally. You should have the money already and can customize it later. [On Site Supervision] would show you ALL of the map.

Odele: it will be opposite the elevator to the west on the first level approximately [10 tiles] up. The Knights are northern Chrysians so have lighter complexions with dark hair. One of them is much older so his hair is Greying. It's been months so appearances may have changed.
> The intention is to pull weapons out if and when I need them, yes.
> Does two ranks of Always Prepared give me 6EQ worth of 'floating' equipment, or two shots at pulling out useful gadgets?
> Benson's Gear? The Nyx gyre? I thought that the passage 'Note that all characters ... can borrow all equipment lent by their employers' applied to it. I will downgrade to a Prometheus if I was incorrect.
> That does sound useful, if you don't mind the constant shuffling then I would change it back.
6eq worth of stuff however you see fit.

Benson's gear I'm specifically referring to the Servant's attire. The main companies are Bloom Gyre Flouris and Rose & Tower. There's others like partners and subsidiaries but they aren't your main employer. You have 2k starting so you could just use that to purchase the armor or take the PRQ and have access to the gear for free since you'd be working for them as well.
> I will purchase the clothing and some Mar-aid, always going to be useful.
Didn't manage to post my stat purchases before archive last time, but here they are.
>19000Ꞥ remaining after repairs
>+1 Ven
>Purchase {Pugulist} (-8000Ꞥ; 11000Ꞥ remaining)
>Final statline: Mer 2 | Mar 6 | Ven 6 | Jup 3

Still allocating my PRTs though. Some questions first off:
>The character calculator has some slight differences with the stated formulas in the doc (I'm looking mainly at RES being 2.5 JUP+1.5 MER as opposed to 3 JUP+1.5 MER). Which should we assume to be correct?

>How does Always Prepared interact with items that have to be purchased, like consumables or prototype equipment? Do we deduct the cost from our accounts (retroactively? (and what happens if we don't have enough to pay?)), or assume that we're only borrowing them and/or our employers are paying for them?

>Do bare hands count as Striking weapons (or any other weapon types)? What about Benson's The "Brute" or the Whip generated from the Hades?

>I recall you saying that Viper Cutter is intended to be a situational upgrade to Elbow Drop. Should I assume it's intended to be used only with Elbow Drop, since it lacks an AP or EN cost?
"Of course. It shall be nice to be clean again."

Name: Bayode Visser

DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

Mer 2 RES 11
Mar 6 AP 16
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 10

CC 12/12+4
GFE Mk.2 “Prometheus”
EN: 24/24; RE (3+MAR) LI4 EQ1
Item is small enough to not be noticeable
-LA-86 “Lament”
4d3 (cm) 4AP 4EN 4-8R AM 3/3 (Gumdrops only) 2EQ
Alt Fire(Shotgun): 8d2 4AP 4EN 3-4R AM 2/2 (Jellybeans only)
-Lily Venesol Field Kit
SP 8/8 4EQ
-Lily Field Smock
1DR SP4/4 (comes with 4) 3EQ
-Bandolier 1EQ: Gumdrop|Gumdrop|Jellybean
-1x Capacitor

[*#Link-up][*Compact]{Medic}[Bandaids][Improvised Medicine][Extra Pockets][Faulty Fuse][#Close Quarter][Speed Loader][Well Bathed][^Bandolier][^Superconductive Coating]
[*Aid] 1SP 4AP MARd4 RES
[*Stabilize] 1SP 6AP; Heal RES
[Venticine] 2SP 6AP: target moves up to VEN w/o AP
[Adrenmerlyne] 2SP 6AP; no wound penalty
[Booster] 2SP 4AP; +6AP -3RES next turn
A spy.

A wrestler

And a fellow operative with a penchant for drugs

Welcome aboard, the lot of ya. Couldn't have chosen a better time to join GyreCo.

Mamut, would you mind handling crowd security in the fair grounds? You should be handily able to disarm any hostile interlocutors.

Marcel, we have Chrysian Delegation we need to locate and peeter around near - you seem like the perfect type for the job.

Bayode, an extra medic to bag up Odette would be a sight for sore eyes.
El Mamut is ready for any job! Can disarm, dislocate arm, disjunct, discombobulate and disparage!
And thank you. There's a whole lot more More than I'm used to. And no pockets. Where do noble delidantes and divas store their oilrags and spanning wrenches?

Are you absolutely sure I can't just wear a Servan'ts Uniform? I hardly see why one nust be burdened by eight layes of lace.
Ooooh. I am so ready for this.

Unless plans have changed I think I am taking part in the "combat demonstration". Though I could certainly do security.
>Clock In

Last time I gained a Personal PRQ from the story phase. Unless you say otherwise I am going to assume I cannot use it until I spend a stat point to learn it.


DR: 2 LI: 11 RE: 12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38

CC 13/10+3
Mer 5 RES 13
Mar 4 AP 14+2
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 14+2+3

[e] GFE Type 3. “Sophia”
EN: (4*MER)+6=26 RE:(2*MAR)=8 LI:MER+MAR=9 3EQ
[*Soline Neural Link] +3 PRTs
-Venisol Coils

[e] “Compassion”
3d6, (Hit: 11<, Ignores DR)
3AP (8EN if attack lands) Fnc/Prc 2EQ
[*#Coup Double] [*!Miséricorde]

DR2, 3EQ

{Fencing Expert}

[^Solide Wiring] +50% RE 1EQ
[^Jupite Transistor] +2 LI 2EQ
[^Extended Battery] +6 EN 1EQ
[^Extended Battery] +6 EN 1EQ
[%Parry] 1+AP: 1d24+6+1/2AP
[En Garde+]
[#Absence of Blade+]
[#Pris de Fer+]
[%Moulinet] Prepared actions affect everyone within Range
[#Esquive] Reposition to foe’s flank as part of Riposte
[@Remise] ½ AP follow up attack. Choose what to do with AP if first attack hits.
[Fleche] 12AP (Attack)EN: Move 6 in one direction and attack, +1 Damage per square moved.
[@Coup Lancé] ½AP
[#Vital Strike] May cause Bleed
[#Sideswiped] +20% Damage vs Flanks
[Extra Pockets] +3EQ
[Well Bathed] +2AP

[*#Coup Double] Attack again without using AP
[*!Miséricorde] 1ap to change your stance. Attacks that would kill, maim instead. Instantly maim foes who are nearly down.
[*@Blunt attack] 2AP; deal non-lethal damage to a target.
1000 Notes
You already have it. It also unlocks a quest. Because reasons.

>It's 2.5 Jup + 1.5 Mer. I likely got the EQ formula mixed up

>you just magically have the item that you need. You can't pick exactly what you want but what you get will enable you to succeed at the task you are doing. Assume any item gained this way is only used for this mission.

>hands count as striking weapons. Brute is a piercing dirk and the Hades whip is Esoteric which means it nearly get's it's own PRTs

>Viper Cutter is 2*AP 2*EN (forgot its cost.)
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good choice. If you can please give me a description of what you look like that makes it easier to make sprites. That or you just get a random one.

Also you get three consumables for free per mission. That's provided by your employer.

Everyone please give me any more details if you'd like any changes made to sprites OR if you haven't given me a description already. Serval basically got you a "everyone gets to look cool" roll
Julien is left handed
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> Mercel is exceptionally average

NAME: Marcel Meyer

DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24

Mer 4 RES 11
Mar 3 AP 14
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 2 MOD 11

EQ 10/12
GFE Mk.1 "Nyx" (1)
Servant's Attire (2)
Mar-aid (1)

[*!Soljupiryz Stealth System]
[Consummate Professional]
[Part-time job]
[Dead Drop]
[On-site Supervision]
[%I’m the temp]
[Extra Pockets]
[^Always prepared]
[^Always prepared]
[Well Bathed]
> Using tinted skin creams, hair dyes and a large repetoir of local accents, Marcel aims to blend in as thoroughly as possible into his environment.

> His task is to find the Chrysians and spy on them. Marcel expects them to be in the building somewhere, opposite.
> Marcel would like to contact a temp through [On-site Supervision] to receive information on the guests staying in the hotel and in which rooms they are staying.
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I'm nearly compelled to just use this

>[On-Site Supervision].... loading event
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After quadruple checking if there were any tails and dumping his 6th disguise Marcel checks under a loose brick and finds the dead dropped map along with a note. Using his cipher her decodes the message:

"Thanks for the quick work with the Boiler's convention we had 2 months ago. There's thousands of guests staying within the whole complex so I didn't know what to give you, but I thought you'd might be interested in hearing about this. Some big wigs from the kingdoms rented out the entire second floor of Milton's. Not sure what's going on but the frilly bastards took over the two main bathrooms too so I already know that shift is going to suck.

Thought you might want to see the Ballroom too. It's old and garish but I have to say the skylight does make it look romantic.
>mfw I want to post my PRT/PRQ list in full for reference but it makes the post too long

>[Clock in]
“There! You almost can't tell that anything ever happened. Almost. Shame I couldn't get around to doing the front door.”

DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30

CC 14/15
Mer 2 | RES 11
Mar 6 | AP 18+2
Ven 6 | MOV 6
Jup 3 | PRT 11+1+3

1+2 = 3DR EQ 2+6 = 8
[*Vest Straps] -2ap to switching weapons/reloads
[^Shock Pads] See Particulars
[^Extra Padding Lvl 2] See Particulars

[e]GFE Type 1 “Helios”
EN: 30/30; RE0 LI6 EQ3
[*Boost+] Spend 2AP to produce MAR energy
[!*Jupimer grav system] 2AP to toggle: -4 RE +2 MOV; Can transverse terrain at no penalty; including vertical terrain. Knockback is 2x effective
[-Prebued] Unable to be imbued or modified

GFE Mk.2 “Prometheus” (currently inactive)
EN: 24/24; RE (3+MAR) LI4 EQ1
[*#Link up] [*Compact]

[e]Basil Pike Gauntlets
1d3 1AP 1EN (en6/6) [AM: 2/2 (3-2 = 1AP reload)] 2EQ (paired); Strk/Cmbo
[*Pike Buster] 3AP 4EN 3d3 cm; uses 1 ammo; launches target dmg/2 tiles
[*^Basil’s Self Winding Capacitor] Weapon contains a capacitor with 6EN that can be used for attacking. Recharges when GFE repels damage.
[*@Wind up] +2AP +2EN: add 1d3 to Pike Buster

Of note, I assume the only tradeoff with Viper Cutter over Elbow Drop is the slightly higher AP cost, which is something I can generally deal with, so I've dropped Elbow Drop in favor of other PRTs.

[Well Bathed] +2 AP
[^Always prepared] 3EQ have just the right item for a situation (have some bandaids if you’re low on health, have ammo that can give you an advantage, etc...)

[^Shock Pads] -1EQ immunity to fall damage. React with 3AP to negate force damage.
[^Extra Padding Lvl 2] -5EQ +2 DR

{-Beta Wave Beacon} Effects from dynamos are more potent.
{Imbuement Tolerant} Add 1/2 of MAR rounded down to imbuement durations
{Brawler} allows you to use “Combo” PRQs; +1 Melee PRT
{Pugilist} Requires Brawler; Access to tier 2 Brawler PRTs; Can build [Combo] (abbr. CB); +3 weapon PRT
[%Parry] 1 AP roll (1d24)+(JUP+VEN)+1/2AP vs. Parry an attack if successful. Agents can prepare an attack to happen right after the parry. Parried targets are {Vulnerable}. Attacks done through parrys always hit.

[Disarm] 3AP: 2d12+VEN Hit: 16<; disarms target.
[#Tackle] Running into a target causes both you and target to fall to the ground.
[%Grappler] +35% competence when target is crouched/prone

[Uppercut] 3*b cm 3*AP 2*EN; Launch a target upwards JUP tiles. Target falls on next Action phase and takes 1d2 damage for every vertical level fallen when landing. Target is {Vulnerable} while in the air and lands prone. 1 turn cooldown
[#Ground Game] Getting up costs no AP

[Viper Cutter] 3*b cm 2*AP 2*EN Grab an airborne target and lock yourself with them so you both fall to the ground. Add 1*b damage per vertical level. Inflict ½ Dmg AP damage as well. User takes damage after falling more than VEN+JUP distance.
[Royal Guard] Successful parries build CB and Multiplier; Prepared attacks cost no CB
[Rising Dragon] 2*b cm 2CB 3*AP 2*EN Uppercut, launching yourself and your foe in the air JUP tiles. Foe is {Vulnerable}
[!Gentle Fist] 4 CB ½ of shield damage and all of overflow damage reduces AP; Effect lasts for VEN turns
[%Monkey’s Dance] 3AP 2d12+VEN Hit: 15< Prepare to dodge an attack. Successful dodges build CB and Multiplier.
[Dragon Strike] 1CB 2*AP 3*EN (JUP+MER)R 3*b cm; Fire a concentrated blast of energy at a foe.

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{Foreman} I'll need a list of participants and presumed roles.

You all have vocavens so you don't need to have LoS to order people

Since you're the first temp I'll give some details and advice

[Part-time job] will net you extra cash following the next story phase. It's pretty potent if you can wait for the payoff. If that's what you want to do that is fine but you will not completely benefit from [%Consummate Professional] except for the flat 10% to doing mission tasks. You can benefit if you take [▲Sub-Contractor] [▲^Courier] [▲Temp-to-hire] as completing their tasks will net you a permanent +5% to [%Consummate Professional] as well as their own rewards. I'll show you the current mission for [▲Sub-Contractor]

>===Waiting to Dine===

Head chef Figiori: Ah there you are. Listen temp, we're swamped with all these tourists and nobels faffing about so your job will be basic. Simply wait hand and foot for our guests and get them anything they desire.

>[Dead Drop] Extra gear is in the kitchen cabinets (please specify what exactly is there: limit 8 EQ)

I forgot your description so take this bitching luchador mask instead.

I think I'll only really need your base stats such as:

DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30

Keep the rest of it on a pastebin since I have 4chanX it just embeds it for me anyways.
> If that is an offer to switch, I will take it. Thank you for bearing with me. [▲Temp-to-hire] seems to fit nicely with [%I'm the temp].

> Lily Venesol Field Kit (4)
> SP-29 "Silver Dollar" (1)
> Marshmellow (1)
> Capacitor (2)

Marcel nods and straightens up, replying with a clipped "Of course, Chef," before moving to collect a drinks tray. As he is leaving, he glances around the kitchen and tries to judge how long until the guests on the second floor are to be served.
>Alexander {PvP} >>1891030
>Aleid {PvP} >>1889706
>El Mamut (Swing-PvP/Security/Overwatch as needed) >>1888583
>Marcel (Spy vs Spy/Temp) >>1890076
>Prefect {Overwatch/Spy vs Spy} >>1888456
>Bayode {PvP/Overwatch} >>1888722
>Julien {Security/Intelligence Gathering/Dancing} >>1888266
>Lirenis {Security/Intelligence Gathering/Dancing} >>1888239
>Everyone ok with these?

Alex and Aleid, I believe the two of you will be best suited to displaying the more practical yet impressive uses of GyreTech, please prepare to give a good show.
El, I would like you to be prepared to step in if their display needs more. Else-wise, please keep your eyes open and be ready to act as support for anyone that requests it.
Marcel? Who is Marcel? (I presume you know your business.)
Bayo, how well do you think you can narrate the demonstration for the crowds? As you will be on stand-by to provide medical attention, see what you can do about selling the product. And remember: Sell, not Oversell.
Lire, Jules, you know all this, but it cannot be over-said: keep the VIPs safe and do not hesitate to call for backup. I am certain we would all rather deal with fines and possible expulsion over a fatality.
Everyone: eyes peeled, on task, and maintain communication. We have a long Fair ahead of us. And yes, try to have some fun, not every job is this nice. Speak now if you have any concerns or objections regarding your assignments.

Deacon, Sam, kindly stick with your escorts, and listen to them if a crisis occurs. Recall that their primary concern is to keep you alive, not happy.
Ems, if shit goes down and you get separated, ghost. You will not be permitted to bring your Emil into the ballroom, and I would hate to see someone try to make a hostage of you.
The rest of you VIPs, if you are onsite, find one of us if anything seems suspicious. I do not care if it is just the hairs on your neck standing up because of a stray breeze. Tell us.

Oh, yes, I would also like all our GFEs to be inspected before we activate them, day-of. We are all targets, it would be prudent to expect sabotage."
El is not a name, Mamut is not a surname. El Mamut is the name, the surname is not necessary!
Affirmatibe, Foreman. Willco. We'be got this thing on lockdown.
"Aye, sir. Time to see if I've been graced with the gift o' the gab."

Name: Bayode Visser

DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

Mer 2 RES 11
Mar 6 AP 16
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 10

CC 12/12+4
GFE Mk.2 “Prometheus”
EN: 24/24; RE (3+MAR) LI4 EQ1
Item is small enough to not be noticeable
-LA-86 “Lament”
4d3 (cm) 4AP 4EN 4-8R AM 3/3 (Gumdrops only) 2EQ
Alt Fire(Shotgun): 8d2 4AP 4EN 3-4R AM 2/2 (Jellybeans only)
-Lily Venesol Field Kit
SP 8/8 4EQ
-Lily Field Smock
1DR SP4/4 (comes with 4) 3EQ
-Bandolier 1EQ: Gumdrop|Gumdrop|Jellybean
-1x Capacitor

[*#Link-up][*Compact]{Medic}[Bandaids][Improvised Medicine][Extra Pockets][Faulty Fuse][#Close Quarter][Well Bathed][^Bandolier][^Superconductive Coating]
[*Aid] 1SP 4AP MARd4 RES
[*Stabilize] 1SP 6AP; Heal RES
[Venticine] 2SP 6AP: target moves up to VEN w/o AP
[Adrenmerlyne] 2SP 6AP; no wound penalty
[Booster] 2SP 4AP; +6AP -3RES next turn
Expect to deploy around 11pm EST.

Please ask any clarifying questions before session begins. Once mission starts I'm less inclined to "break character".
I'd like to warn everyone that I'll be unable to post often this next week. I'll even be unable to deploy at 11pm.
Maybe I should just deploy later.
In chat you said the ball will be happening in the evening, is this still true?
If so, how will it affect our player interaction?
Actually, I'll probably be unable to post at all. Unfortunately, it seems I'll have to sit this week out.
It's fine - we're slow at the fastests of times.

I will deploy 2 turns late because of catalyst induced foolishness it takes forever to put this dress on.

Can I deploy at an arbitary location if everything is fixed in one end?
You'll be accompanying Samantha to the conference being held at Milton's. The Ball is tomorrow evening.

Turns are done daily with a deadline of 5pm EST. Which has about a 18 hour time frame. These missions take about 20 turns which is around three weeks

You can pick a deployment that's reasonable.
Deployment will be delayed.
"No rest for the wicked."
>Clock in
>-1500 gyrobucks for two Marshmallows

NAME: Serval

DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11(11/11) EN:30/30

Mer 3 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 13
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 3 MOD 9

CC 12/13
GFE Type 1 Helios (3 EQ)
WEAPON Dual SP-29 "Silver Dollar" (e) (6/6) (6/6)
Bandolier (Marshmallows (2 reloads) / Gumdrops / Gumdrops / Spearmints (2 reloads) / Marshmallows (2 reloads)
Marshmallows (2 reloads)
Money : 16500 gyrobucks
[Gunslinger] [Ambidextrous] [Glamour Shot] [-Semi-Famous] [#Two in the Bush] [Dead Eye] [@Unload] [Trickshot] [Ricochet] [Self Winding Capacijoggers] [Bandolier lvl2] [@Aim] [Speedloader]
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Working on deployments now. Keep in mind some of you will not have your weapons equipped immediately. Please pay attention to your sprite (pic coming SOON). As of right now I have the following:

>Show off Gyre tech at Capital Mall via a “simulated combat demonstration” (PVP)
Alexander and Aleid: On the main stage
>Intercept spies and prevent any possible casualties (Overwatch)
Prefect: 1st floor of Smith Tower overlooking fairgrounds
Serval: within the crowd in the fairgrounds
Bayode: In the front of the stage as the MC (Your gear will be unequipped at first)
>locate and infiltrate the Chrysian meeting (Servant duty)
Marcel: Milton's Kitchen
>Security detail for VIPs (Protection/information gathering/ pretending to be Samantha’s date)
Julien and Lirenis: Milton's first floor dining hall

>Standby (not deploying yet)
El Mamut

Due to the map's "functioning size" of 4000 x 4000 I'll be posting snapshots of your events due to upload limits and rendering taking forever. What this means is that you'll get smaller cropped details of the map instead of the entire massive picture. As you walk along the map more of it scrolls like old school RPGs.

PS. Blue text is OOC QM talk

Odele (over the vocaven): Alright everyone I'll be stationed here in the warehouse. Me and the new hires are finishing up but if you need any backup feel free to call. We're all clear?

Everyone: Yes.

Samantha (taking a breath): Okay here we go. My first major Entrepreneurs conference.

Deacon: Relax Sam. I'll be with you and I've done this before. Just mingle with the big wigs and lets try to get more investors. It's also a good time to scope out the competition. I want to see if we can talk to Valentino Aquila.

Odele: Valentino? You really are serious about trying to acquire Aquila Arms?

Deacon: Just planning for the future. We'll need to expand our stock especially if this takes off. If we can convince him to sell we'll be able to expand our gun selection.

Gerald: Pragmatic as always.

Samuel: Sis you'll do fine. Just remember the notes we went over. Lily Gerald and I won't be that far away.

Samantha: You're right brother. [Samantha takes another deep breath to calm her nerves.] Okay Emilia let's go.

Emilia: Okay~ I hope they have those fruit things you got me last year
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Head chef Figiori: We have quite a few important guests coming today and tomorrow. I understand some of you are new but it is of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE that our guests are COMPLETELY SATISFIED. No request is too big or too small.

The first floor holds the annual Entrepreneurs Conference. We are only tasked with serving refreshments and starters for the time being. Later tonight we will need to make the full course.

The second floor there is a major meeting between some VIPs. They've rented out the entire second floor and have also asked to have their meal served on the balcony. They said they need to see the fairgrounds for something.

>To go between rooms you must interact with doors and stairs. Doing so costs 1AP.

>Dead drop placed: You must be within 2 tiles to interact with it. Putting things away or taking things out costs 3AP. You can also immediately equip items from your dead drop for the default cost of 6AP

>Marcel will need to take orders and bring food/refreshments as part of his [▲Sub-Contractor] gig. Just interacting with the kitchen door is enough to get the food so you do not have to enter the kitchen. Try to avoid bumping into anything as there's a chance you may drop your tray. This could of course be done on purpose.

>To expedite the process you can spend a full turn to "fast travel" back to the kitchen from any location within the restaurant.

>Using the [Observe] action may provide more information. It costs 3AP and you may spend more AP to possibly get more information.
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Samantha looks around nervously. The inventor is clearly lost. She looks at Deacon for help with tears slowly welling up.

Deacon (whispering): Hey kiddo relax.

Samantha: I..I don't know what to do.

Deacon: It's easy. All we do is listen to some schmuck drone on and on and after that we mingle with the crowd trying to find some partners.

Samantha: Samuel's better at this than I am. He convinced you guys how can I...Why isn't he here instead of me?

Deacon: Yes he did but it wasn't all him. We saw how much you believed in your technology. That' why we gave you a shot. And besides Samuel is speaking to the public in Capital Park right now. Would you rather do that or talk with a bunch of boring business people?

Samantha goes pale for a second before looking down and nodding

A tall blonde man with a red tuxedo comes down from the stairs and begins talking.

Cecil Hampshire: Good day everyone! I am Cecil Hampshire from W.G.M.N Capital Radio. I'll be your M.C. for today. Thank you all for joining us. Just as we do every year we ask you to first meet with your party so that you know which table is yours. Servers will be coming around shortly. Today's first starter are fruit tarts. Our key speaker will be Don Umbridge of Umbridge electric this year. After his....

As the man drones on, Emilia taps on Deacon's shoulder

Emilia: Uncle Deacon is Samantha in trouble? And Where'd that green lady go? She talks a lot; it's funny.

Deacon: Sam's going to be okay sweetheart. Lirenis ran to the bathroom...I think.

Samantha: It's not only that.. It's the fact that I just can't even walk around without looking over my shoulder, or wondering if maybe my food was poisoned.

Deacon sighs for a moment and recollects his thoughts. He looks out nowhere in particular clearly remembering days gone by.

Deacon: I wish I could tell you things get easier but with our type of work this is to be expected. [Deacon looks at Julien] Just remember we're around and you have hired help. And about the food poisoning. We have an inside man already, but who even does that?

>Deacon and Samantha will be speaking with other business owners and high ranking Capital officials. Use this time to assess any threats and [Assist] where you can. While your main job is to protect Samantha,

>Lirenis' deployment will be delayed due to traumatic fruit related events

>Julien's [Courtier] enables a passive [Observe] Please list ">-[Courtier]" as a tap so that it the bonus may not be missed. You may also spend more AP increase observation efficacy

>Julien has his sword in a scabbard while Lirenis has her equipment in her dress.

2/4 deployments. Please do not act until phase is called.
First point didn't copy properly

>While your main job is to protect Samantha, try to gather information as well using [Observe] actions. You do not have to attached to Samantha or Deacon but stay where you can respond to any threats.
>Lend all my monis to Horst
>Make him sign an IOY for it, maybe some day I'll ask for my monis back
>Be horst/Julien
>Receive monies
>Put tye monies into house fund
>House fund total:12kmonies
This goes through by next story phase. Come back any time.
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Samuel (Over the Vocaven): Alright we're set up here. Prefect you're our eyes up there. We can send someone over to back you up but we're pretty understaffed down here. That's your call.

>Prefect may [Observe] through his rifle's scope but sight is limited to a 7 tile diameter circle (Normally it's 5 but you have [#Lookout])

>Please note >-{Hunter eyes} as a tap action for ease of tracking

>Prefect's position is {Prone}

>Prefect's position is 12 tiles higher than the base level. (Use the picture and green line to see.) Range is still calculated normally despite vertical values however minimum range follows from the original position. In other words vertical positions don't necessarily increase your range but you need to know where the "start" of your range is. This will be marked by recognizable shadows. Minimum range starts from the origin regardless of where you are so if you were to shoot straight down at someone who is technically 1 tile away you would not incur a minimum range penalty.
". . . Fruit tarts"


Green like her dress, Lirenis scrambled towards the oppulent doors

Final deployment will occur tomorrow as it will take the most time and life is yapping at me. I would like to propose a schedule and some norms for this next session based off the last two experiences.

-Daily turns will be in effect
-All players actions must be in by 5:00pm EST
-Players who have not posted by the deadline will have their characters botted by the {Foreman}
-After two missed phases {Foreman} has the right to make your character go on a {Coffee Break}
-{Coffee Break} saves your position on the map for an additional phase but you are effectively {Dismissed}. You may join again when reasonable (This is usually any time. Your character has to have a way to "join" the map again. No teleporting into submarines)
-Actions may still be posted after the deadline but I reserve the right use the {Foreman}s botting orders
-{Foreman} is required to do his reasonably best to preserve the well being of his subordinates however safety is not guaranteed (Whoever bots can't use your character as a human shield or bot you to do dangerous stuff you as a player would not normally do. If you are suicidal *cough* Alex *cough* they can go right ahead. )

One last request. I only really need your basic stat line of DR:# LI:# RE:# RES:#/#(#/#) EN:#/#. Having a link to your stat sheet via pastebin is preferable. (This helps the phone posters somewhat too) Please post which dice you use and how much AP/EN you spend on your actions. This can save me literal hours which in turn means faster phase turnover.

Following these should enable me to have the next action phase by 9:00pm every night. This gives a reasonable window to plan and deliberate.
Gairan the poor "stocky" man was fit a military suit, clearly meant for someone doing demolitions in a warzone rather than meant for acting secruity for a party. Other than that, he was happily chomping on a piece of candy, while handling the repurposed mining tool outfitted with military grade explosives. And waving at little kids with their parents clearly concerned about the large fat man in EOD juggernaut armor.
>Buy venitian grip, and custom fit for the "PULVERIZER" -2000
>Buy 6 various types of grenades worth 3000 in total.

DR:4(+6 if explosive.) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30

Mer 3 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 13
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 9

CC 13/13
GFE Type 1 “Helios”
EN: 30/30; RE0 LI6 EQ3
2DR (+1DR) 3EQ
Pike Hammer "The pulverizer"
2d4 cm 1EN 43AP Amo 3/3 [J-V8,J-V8, Sprinkler]
[*@Combustion Pike] 6EN 3AP; Strike with the Pike carrying the grenade's load. Confers grenades' effect with the strike.
1eq worth of duct tape.

-Grenades to be determined when its game time...
{§ꞤGrenadier} Less scatter throwing grenades; 50% discount; discover information related to explosives when [observing] +1 PRT
[%Parry] 1 AP roll (1d24)+(JUP+VEN)+1/2AP vs. Parry an attack if successful
[Personal Recipe] +1 aoe
[^Flak pads] 3EQ +6DR against grenadesn
[Chemistry Community course] roll twice when determining length of turns grenades are in effect; have extensive knowledge in chemistry
[Special Delivery] Throw a grenade for free if taking overflow damage
[^Extra Padding] lvl 2: 5EQ +2DR
[^Bandolier lvl 1]-[Vitamier, Solvenite flare, Marmirite]
[Greedy] Using items costs 4AP.
[Long Arm] Pass consumables to targets in MOV range. Add a multiplier to thrown objects
[Metered powder] Can decrease the AOE and can shape of the explosion
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Everyone gathers beneath the stage for one final meeting before their scheduled appearance.

Samuel: Show time everyone. Let's remember what we're here for:

>Serval and Gairan will cover security and react to anything they see.

>Prefect is on top of the tower providing overwatch for us so he'll call out if he see's anything suspicious.

>Bayode you're on stanby in case any mishaps happen. I'd actually like you to MC this fight as per Prefect's request. I believe a user of our technology would have better insight and if I'm being honest I'm feeling ill.

Lily (chuckles): I guess you're as nervous as your sister?

Samuel: Yes, I haven't slept in the last 3 days properly. I can hold out until the demonstration starts though.

Gerald: Looks like everything is in order. However there is one more... transaction that needs to occur.

Samuel: Transaction?

Gerald: Yes. Deacon and I are placing bets to see who wins, and as a way to offer incentive 20% of our bets go to whoever wins this little "demonstration".


Gerald: Everyone back home liked the idea so much that we have a solid pool right now. (Gerald turns to the crew) If you'd like to drop your money in the pool you may.

Samuel: I think it's best I don't.

Lily: If the Game Room finds out about this we'll have {Gamblers} and {Bookies} all over us.

Gerald: Who do you think helped me with this pool? They are getting their cut, so will play fair.

Lily (holding the bridge of her nose): I can't believe you two.

Final preparations are made. A small crowd gathers as Samuel begins.

Samuel: Welcome everyone. I am Samuel Gyre, Co-president of Gyre Applications. Over twenty years ago my father Samson Gyre discovered a natural phenomenon he coined "Gyre Waves". My sister and I have taken that discovery and have created new stupendous technologies for you to marvel at today. I along with our partners such as Bloom Appliances and Flouris Blade Co. would like to present show a demonstration today.

Lily (Vocaven): Hey you two can you hear me? I know those two are riding money on you but don't get too crazy. We need this fight to last a couple of rounds at least

Gerald (Vocaven): I hope to see a spectacular show. Don't disappoint

>Alex and Aleid will demonstrate Gyre technology via a simulated fight

>GFE's have been modified to do non-lethal damage

>Falling to below 1 RES will stop the demonstration

>Falling off the stage will be considered a "Ring-Out"

>Please standby for PVP rules

>Bayode has been requested to "MC" (crowd reaction will be determined by 2d12+MER+"How well you sell" Hit: 16)

>Gairen and Serval are our main reaction force. Keep people in line and take care of any mishaps
>Bayode to narrate
>Has two mer
Go get em' slugger!
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Damage calculations and core rules change slightly during PVP to enable fluid and fair gameplay. I will list basic mechanic changes as well as provide simple examples.

-Turns are done synchronously AP to AP.

-”Relative distance” accounts for final damage output. Take a -10% damage penalty for how far away an attack is from a target rounded

-Facing is vital to reconcile targeted actions

-Stats affect relative “velocities” and “reactions”
--Ven determines physical speed
--Mar determines reaction speed

Here is an example of a fight scenario:
Bob swings his sword for 3AP at Alice who runs away for 4AP. Alice has 3 MOV from her base 3 VEN. I compare when both actions would “stop” and determine that by the time Bob finished swinging his sword Alice was about 2 tiles away. Bob has 1 MAR higher than Alice so is able to adjust his swing mid attack enough to catch Alice some more. Bob’s attack then does 10% less damage as Alice is 2 tiles away from where she started her action but Bob’s superior MAR enabled him to account for her speed. If their MAR attributes were the same Bob would do 20% less damage. Guns follow a similar trajectory, thus having high VEN will enable you to get out the way quicker but MAR negates that speed bonus. Having both high VEN and MAR will mean you’re fast but also tissue paper.

PVP participants, in order to not give either any single person an advantage you may use the following website to encrypt your actions


You may email me a password to use at [email protected] or PM my moniker on the IRC.

Alternatively you may spoiler your posts as well but that will be done on the honor system.

Some final details about the stage:

>The scaffolding is 6 tiles high but is climbable
> It is 1.5 tiles higher than the base ground

Action Phase imminent
Rolled 12, 4 + 2 = 18 (2d12 + 2)

>DC 16
oh hell

Name: Bayode Visser
DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

"Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and prepare to be amazed! A display of martial skill and technological wonder the likes of which you have never seen! To my right is Alex; a duelist of fearsome repute and ferocious skill! To my left stands his opponent; Aleid, a fighter most fierce, with a rapier so quick it puts lightning to shame!

Both are protected by a Gyre field, shielding them from all but the most grievous of blows. No hyperbole shall convince you of its ability as well as the display you are to see, and so let us begin!"

(Quietly, over vocaven) "I'll put five hundred on Alex."
It's not phase yetbut you rolled well so I'll keep it>:^)
Do we declare a full turns worth of AP all at once, or do we break it up as in your description?
Full turn like any other action. You have your actions processed like normal during Act Phase with Enemy phase being the "crowd"
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As Umbridge finishes the attendees begin to leave their seats and mingle amongst each other. Cecil walks over to your table.

Cecil: Ah Deacon! Long time no see. Who is this adorable girl with you?

Deacon (Chuckling): Which one?

Cecil: The young one.

Emilia: Hello? Where’s the food.

Deacon: Sit down tike it’s coming soon

Cecil: Is that Samantha Gyre?

Samantha sits quietly unsure of what to do.

Deacon [under his breath]: No time to be getting stage fright kiddo

Deacon looks at Julien mouthing “Do something” over Cecil’s shoulder.

>In the Kitchen....

Head chef Figiori: You have your trays now go serve our guests.

Mercel grabs his tray and begins to leave.

How do parries work here? Do they still end the parried combatant's turn as in non-PVP?

Either way, I do foresee this fight being determined by who parries harder.

Shall we spend a few turns circling around, bantering and making ineffectual probing strikes, or just jump into it?
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Bayode starts getting the crowd pumped.

Samuel: Guess my delegation was successful

Gerald: Let's go Aleid do me proud (under his breath) I have a lot riding on you and I want to make Deacon shit up


all actions are synchronous so you parry in what ever order your AP is in :)

If someone can do me the kindness of getting all PC stat lines up that'd be great. You'd save me some time tomorrow. Enjoy!
Rolled 20 (1d24)

Julien gasps in feigned embarrassment before placing a hand on Samantha's and giving it a firm (and hopefully trance breaking)squeeze

"Ah, ehem, excuse me and my lapse of attention, I believe she's waiting for me to introduce us" he smoothly nods to Sam "this is lady Samantha gyre, yes, the lauded inventor that's been rousing the Press so much, I'm sure you've spoken highly and often of her these past few months, she really is a genius. I am her date for this evening, Julien, a pleasure to meet you in this fine hall"
Julien reaches out his hand for a handshake
>Use whatever AP isn't consumed in the conversation to boost observe

>Bet 500 on aleid
Julien Delacroix de la Fleur
DR:3 LI:6 RES:17 EN:24/24 RE:8
> what is considered walking pace? It would look strange if I were to run through the door.
> do I know of any other temp staff in the kitchen and waiting service?
Naturally, as is fine tradition of swashbucklers anywhere. It just isn't a show without a few quirpy oneliners and a zinger from Bayode.
You can mark that you're walking but mechanically there's no difference. Let's just pretend Capitians REALLY like their food getting there faster. :p
Due to paperwork mishaps you're not exactly sure who the [Enemy Faction] is but they will likely reveal themselves to you when needed.
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Rolled 8, 15, 5 = 28 (3d24)

As I'm as unaccountably trusting of faceless strangers on the internet as I am lazy, I'll probably just spoiler my turns once the fight begins in earnest.

For at least this turn, I'll assume the opening moves are slow and testing and telegraphed (or possibly just staged) and leave my actions unspoilered so that we don't accidentally end the fight on the first turn.

Also a warning in advance: I might disappear for a day or two after tomorrow.


"Aleid! For some time now, I've been hoping to... well, never fight you, ever."

>If I forget to note them in the future, [Royal Guard], [#Ground Game] and [#Grappler] always active.

>[4 AP] Circle slowly clockwise W2 N4, facing north.
>[4 AP] Prepare Parry for next movement.
>[4 AP] Dart in E1 N1 E1 N1 E1. Tackle may trigger; remain standing if so.
>[3 AP] Monkey's Dance to dodge any incoming attack, rolling 2d12+6.
>[1 AP 1 EN] Throw out a short Pike Gauntlet regular attack for 1d3.
>[2 AP] Back quickly off S2, W1 (facing north during and after movement).
>[2 AP] Boost+ for 6 EN.

"Still, here we are. I'd say 'I hope you live up to my expectations'; but if you do, I might not be walking off this stage."


DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
CC :14/15 AP: 20 MOV 6
Rolled 9, 17, 11, 11, 20, 17, 24, 10, 5, 3, 20, 3, 18, 5, 5 = 178 (15d24)

>-[Stake Out] Begins
>-{Hunter's Eyes}, [#Lookout], [People Person]
>Starting from the southern end and panning up, Obseverve Milton's. 9Ap, 21×7area (9d24)
>Observe the crowd in front of the stage, 3Ap, centered 3E of Bayode. (3d24)
>Observe more Stage crowd, 3Ap, 6E of Aleid. (3d24)

DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24

Mer 4 || Res 11
Mar 5 || AP 16
Ven 5 || Mov 5
Jup 2 || Mod 13
Rolled 23, 24, 21, 24, 9, 15, 20, 18 = 154 (8d24)


"Sure, give them a show before we have our fun."

>4ap Move e1 s3
>2ap %Parry #Riposte
>Face Alex
>4ap @Lunge Attack at Alex #Coup Double
>Coup Double action
>4ap %Parry #Riposte
>2ap 1/2Move S S
>Face N
>-{Observant} Vs Audience


DR: 2 LI: 11 RE: 12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38

CC 13/10+3
Mer 5 RES 13
Mar 4 AP 14+2
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 14+2+3

[e] GFE Type 3. “Sophia”
EN: (4*MER)+6=26 RE:(2*MAR)=8 LI:MER+MAR=9 3EQ
[*Soline Neural Link] +3 PRTs
-Venisol Coils

[e] “Compassion”
3d6, (Hit: 11<, Ignores DR)
3AP (8EN if attack lands) Fnc/Prc 2EQ
[*#Coup Double] [*!Miséricorde]

DR2, 3EQ

{Fencing Expert} +1 to Hit
{Coup de Mains} *AP *EN; 2d12+VEN Hit >16; Strike a hand disabling it for 1/2 VEN rndup turns.

[^Solide Wiring] +50% RE 1EQ
[^Jupite Transistor] +2 LI 2EQ
[^Extended Battery] +6 EN 1EQ
[^Extended Battery] +6 EN 1EQ
[%Parry] 1+AP: 1d24+6+1/2AP
[#En Garde+]
[#Absence of Blade+]
[#Pris de Fer+]
[%Moulinet] Prepared actions affect everyone within Range
[#Esquive] Reposition to foe’s flank as part of Riposte
[@Remise]+ ½ AP follow up attack. Choose what to do with AP if first attack hits.
[Fleche] 12AP (Attack)EN: Move 6 in one direction and attack, +1 Damage per square moved.
[@Coup Lancé] ½AP
[#Vital Strike] May cause Bleed
[#Sideswiped] +20% Damage vs Flanks
[Extra Pockets] +3EQ
[Well Bathed] +2AP

[*#Coup Double] Attack again without using AP
[*!Miséricorde] 1ap to change your stance. Attacks that would kill, maim instead. Instantly maim foes who are nearly down
"Oh please I won't hit you THAT hard."

"Assuming I hit you at all."

>Though, that first roll.
>These rolls
Win me money you redheaded hellion!
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{Foreman} please bot

pic related
>Worst foreman reporting.

>Be fabulous

Stats: ???

>Move Towards nearest foodstand, Mov4×6Ap=8tiles

DR:4(+6 if explosive.) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30
Full sheet >>1903144

Marcel acts during enemy phase?
(Sorry, battery ded, will double check after Transit)

I don't actually want to end this quickly, I only attacked twice because I have a 50% or less chance of even hitting assuming no parries.

And the stat line changes you will see fixed next post.
Mercel acts during normal player phase. Only people with [Under cover] may act during enemy phase.
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Cecil returns the gesture and firmly shakes Julien’s hand

Cecil: It’s a pleasure to meet you Julien. That armor of yours… are you of Chrysian descent perhaps? I’m surprised to see that. I guess our fair lady here has refined taste. (Cecil chuckles before continuing) I actually haven’t covered much on Samantha or her Gyres as everyone is calling them. (Cecil faces Samantha) Perhaps a tour of your workshop is in order?

Samantha squeezes Julien’s hand while inching behind him.

Deacon (under his breath): Seven hells….

>In the Kitchen

Head Chef Figiori: What are you waiting for head out!

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Specators: Woah! Gyre’s can’t do that. What was that rush of wind?

Samuel: This sounds promising.

Gerald: Heh, the boy saw right through her.

Lily (dumbfounded): That’s what those things are capable of doing!? I have my work cut out for me.

Alexander darts around Aleid and Parries her attack! The force of her attack reverberates throughout the stage

QM Note: Alex pulled that parry off by 1 degree of success. Parries work vastly different during PVP. Mainly they don’t {Interrupt} whole sequenced actions but will stop sequential attacks


{1} Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38
{2} Julien | DR:3 LI:6 RE:8 RES:17 EN:24/24
{3} Prefect | DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24 Prefect gets a good view of Milton’s and sees a very excited crowd. (Forgot to mention that [Observe] was changed to something more sane. For ease of processing I roll for you: [*Observe] 3AP 2d12+MAR+AP Hit: 15< Observe to discover information. The higher degree of success the more information revealed.)
{4} Alexander | DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
>+6CB +60% multiplier Please keep track of this.
{5} Lirenis | DR0 LI:7 RE:9 RES 12/12 EN: 16/16
{6} Serval | DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11 EN: 30/30
{7} Gairen | DR:4(+6 Expl) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30
{8} Mercel | DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
{9} Bayode | DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12
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Deacon: I'm sure that can be arranged. Please remember Cecil that there's actually a partnership here so there's plenty to see. I hope you have someone from your team at our demonstration now.

Cecil: Ah yes we do. It was said th-

Cecil is interupted by the distinct sound of windows shaking as if from a sudden breeze.

Cecil: A breeze that strong? I've never seen that happen here before.

Deacon: Heh. That might be our doing actually.

Cecil: Really now!?
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Spectators shout and gasp from the immense air pressure that had just occurred. Some still in disbelief others in awe. Once the dust settles and the two fighters are seen unscathed from such an assault they stand there stupefied silently. Suddenly they all burst into applause.

Gerald: Well this is interesting

Lily: I knew Samantha's technology was impressive but this is the first time I'm seeing it do this.

Gerald: Well we were able to make some improvements and our help is more capable now.

Samuel: Lily...I'm not feeling well.

Lily: !!!?

>no changes in status
>Lirenis may now act

>Hype Meter activated: continue stupendous feats to excite the crowd. Like barley parrying 18 damage

And since this is turning into a top 10 animu fight: https://youtu.be/o43-jO93OIU
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Rolled 15, 22, 16, 2, 9, 14, 21, 7 = 106 (8d24)

>mfw that attack would have cut through my GFE's Limit and one-shot me

Did someone say 'anime'? Guess it's time to use the first of my flashy-but-ultimately-mechanically-ineffective maneuvers. It's only when you notice that I can't consistently outdamage Aleid's ridiculous combined LI+DR and RE that you realize all my maneuvers are flashy but ultimately mechanically ineffective.

Anyway, Aleid, I can't do an Elbow Drop for you to parry right now, but here's the next best thing.


"Whew. That was 'not that hard'? If I'd been a hair slower, I'd be a kebab right now."

"Guess I should start stepping up my game too, huh?"

>[3 AP] Monkey's Dance to dodge during the next sequence, rolling 2d12+6.
>[2 AP] Activate Jupimer Grav System.
>[4 AP] Move N2 E1 to begin the run-up. Run S5 towards Aleid.
>[3 AP 4 EN (from capacitor) - while running S] Pike Buster down at ground for 3d3 cm, flipping self into an arc through the air for 2*dmg/2 tiles, expending 1 ammo (1/2 remaining).
>[2 AP - while spinning through the air] Deactivate Jupimer Grav System.
>[3 AP 4 EN - landing on Aleid's previous tile] Pike Buster down at Aleid (so she doesn't get knocked off the stage on a failed parry) for 3d3 cm, expending 1 ammo (0/2 remaining).
>[1 AP] Dramatic reload.
>[2 AP] Boost+. Regain 6 EN.


DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
CC :14/15 AP: 20 MOV 6
+6CB +60% multiplier
Rolled 10, 7, 8, 12 = 37 (4d12)

>Move 2S
>Move 2E
>"Run" 1S
>Parlor Trick [Blue Operator] SE - 2d12+Mer+Social = [2d12+10]
>--Mer, Ability to Connect : Wink at Operator and nod towards Julien & Cecil
>"Oh-my-gosh, is that Handsome Hunk Cecil' Hampshire interviewing a Mysterious Old Money Noble Chrysian??? Those GyreCo people must be DESPERATE for MORE INVESTMENT FUNDS for their CRACKPOT DEVICES. Iiiiiiiiiiii heard *that* Super Rich Chrysian Noble wanted to buy Aquila Arms and hand it over to GyresCo Lock, Stock & Firing Pin to get a massive share. Wouldn't that just be the coup of the century?"

>PickPocket [Blue Operator] SE
>I'll take that [Communications Device], please, while you're Distracted.
>-- 2d12+Ven+4 = [2d12+7]. Servant PRQ may apply because of 2x stealth?

"Uuurgggh--- "Don't get any on the dress don't get any on the dress don't get any on the dress oh calibrations, focus, focuuusssss--"

Just had to block out the gut wrenching sensation of being watched by thirty-six eyeballs in eighteen curious heads, all stuffed inside stiff suits and stiffer dresses and the gentle, glistening surfaces of porceplain plates stacked ceiling to floor with malicious fruit tarts. How had she ended up here again? In six layers of lace and frills, no less? She was a tiny green coment caught in the gravitional pull of Milton's, and way out of Union Regulation depth. Maybe she should just stay in here. Prefect had stoic hands on his sniper rifle, anyone with pretense of troublemaking was apt to get a full cranium ventilation two steps into their plan. If Julien stuck it out with Samantha, the two of them could brave the horrors of a room full of eyes belonging to entrepeneurs with cold capital interests and their insidious fruit plates. Theraski relaxed, cold shiver tension abating with the last hewing . She could simply stick it out in Milton's exquisitely lacqured restrooms, adjust some dials on the Hades, maybe get the last equations for the Theraski-Cucurbit Transform worked out and no one would be the wiser. . .

>We'll get the Luchian on board"
Unless someone wandered in the restroom in an attempt to have a private conversation with a mysterious, meanspirited benefactor, plotting murder most foul.
>"Eldson can use Valentino. If it's a no, he dies."
Theraski glared at herself in the goldframed mirror. Her reflection stared back, eyebrows quirked in mock appraisal.
"What are you looking at?"
"They're professionals, they'll handle it!"
"I c-can't deal with the *people*!"
"Yes I know Emilia spent an hour picking out this dress and she's adorable but---"
". . . Fine. But if you get us killed, I'm going to be upset."

Lirenis Theraski
DR: 0 || LI:7 || RE:9 || RES:12/12 || EN: 16/16

Mer 4 || Res 12
Mar 3 || AP 12+2 [14]
Ven 3 || Mov 3-1 [2]
Jup 2 || Mod 11+3+5
>[Ravishing] +2, Social
>[People Person] Hear Lies
>[Smooth Talker] +4, Social
>[Servant] 2x Stealth, +50% Backstab
>interrupt fabulousness
>move 4E 4S (8AP)
>observe Ashen Uniform man from afar (4AP)
"I'll put 2000 bucks on Aleid. Sorry Alex."

DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:12/12 (12/12) EN:30/30
Rolled 8, 2 + 2 = 12 (2d12 + 2)

Name: Bayode Visser
DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

>Pump up the crowd.
>[@Observe] the crowd.

I guess I keep rolling to help build Hype? Also, I know I have nothing equipped right now, but if I wanted to retrieve my stuff quick-like, where would I go?

"A vicious blow, deftly turned aside by Alexander and his Gyre field!

Do not be fooled into thinking that a Gyre user is merely impervious- other, more amazing feats are still yet to come!"
>-[Stake Out] 2nd
>-{Hunter's Eyes}, [#Lookout], [People Person]
>[*Observe] the sniper on the roof of Milton's, 4Ap
>-Specifically, try to determine if he is recognizable, and where he's aiming.
>[Spotter] The Sniper (Mar5+50% turns), 12Ap
"I have eyes on a gunman on the roof of Milton's. Mercel, Liré, you two are closest. Gair, start ambling in that direction?"

DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24

Mer 4 || Res 11
Mar 5 || AP 16
Ven 5 || Mov 5
Jup 2 || Mod 13
Rolled 14, 10, 7 = 31 (3d24)

Julien Delacroix de la Fleur
DR:3 LI:6 RES:17 EN:24/24 RE:8

Using the distraction provided by Deacon
Julien turns toward -the now nearly behind him- Samantha and whispers in her ear, squeezing her hand a bit more firmly.
"Samantha, listen. I can't keep you safe if I can't watch the room, and I can't watch the room if you need me around to carry your conversations for you, you're a confident, intelligent young woman, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, for all of our sakes you need to act like it right now. Think of how proud your father would be to see you here, finishing his legacy."
Giving her a nearly imperceptible nod he shoots her a wolfish grin and a wink before turning around and faking a "dreamy-eyed" look.

"Aaah...*ehem* yes, the fields can do many things, mister Hampshire, I've seen some of the things myself, they've taken my breath away"
>Use 6ap to boost the observe on the quiet couple
>Use 5ap to boost the observe on the blue woman
>Use 3ap to boost the observe on Samantha
Do I roll individually or once for all, since the observe is technically a single passive roll?
Rolled 1, 4, 15, 4, 14, 4 = 42 (6d24)


"Haha. I knew this would be fun! You are better than you think Alexander. Careful. Next one is for real."

>2ap 1/2Move N2
>2ap %Parry #En Garde+ #Absence of Blade+ #Riposte+
>6ap Attack @Lunge @Coup Lancé W #Sideswiped #Coup Double
>Coup Double
>6ap %Parry #En Garde+ #Absence of Blade+ #Pris de Fer+ (Alex E) #Riposte+ %Esquive W (if Adjacent)

Trying not to read your action now. Spoilers would make it easier. Though I may try and post first this time.

DR: 2 LI: 11 RE: 12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38

CC 13/10+3
Mer 5 RES 13
Mar 4 AP 14+2
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 14+2+3

[e] “Compassion”
3d6, (Hit: 11<, Ignores DR)
3AP (8EN if attack lands) Fnc/Prc

psst, make a pastebin
That is NOT what I copied. What the heck 4chan.

>For 4 ap fufill the bodyguard roll by looking intimidating ocasinally grunting and trying not to have to shift the pants on the Juggernaut suit every 4 minutes..
>Do a perception check on the crowd for anything suspiciouso
>Take a good look at the stalls for anything interesting one could buy, or just to browse around..
>........Flex for 1 ap.

DR:4(+6 if explosive.) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30

Mer 3 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 13
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 9

CC 13/13
GFE Type 1 “Helios”
EN: 30/30; RE0 LI6 EQ3
2DR (+1DR) 3EQ
Pike Hammer "The pulverizer"
2d4 cm 1EN 43AP Amo 3/3 [J-V8,J-V8, Sprinkler]
[*@Combustion Pike] 6EN 3AP; Strike with the Pike carrying the grenade's load. Confers grenades' effect with the strike.
1eq worth of duct tape.
1000 moneyz left.

{§ꞤGrenadier} Less scatter throwing grenades; 50% discount; discover information related to explosives when [observing] +1 PRT
[%Parry] 1 AP roll (1d24)+(JUP+VEN)+1/2AP vs. Parry an attack if successful
[Personal Recipe] +1 aoe
[^Flak pads] 3EQ +6DR against grenadesn
[Chemistry Community course] roll twice when determining length of turns grenades are in effect; have extensive knowledge in chemistry
[Special Delivery] Throw a grenade for free if taking overflow damage
[^Extra Padding] lvl 2: 5EQ +2DR
[^Bandolier lvl 1]-[Vitamier, Solvenite flare, Marmirite]
[Greedy] Using items costs 4AP.
[Long Arm] Pass consumables to targets in MOV range. Add a multiplier to thrown objects
[Metered powder] Can decrease the AOE and can shape of the explosion
>Botting Mercel
>Move 1E 2N
>Open the door
>Move to the nearest table, mov3, offer foodstuffs
>Observe with remaining ap

NAME: Marcel Meyer
DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
Stats >>1890076
[Observe] is 3AP and you're getting 1 observation for free. roll 2d12 for observations I'm smart processing this because I'm not exactly sure what you want so results will vary.

I'm noticing it's very easy to process when you roll the "true" dice i.e. rolling 2d12 for a skill check. Please continue to do so UNLESS YOU'RE ROLLING MORE THAN ONE DIFFERENT TYPE OF DICE.

On a related note the reason for the 1d24 bit is because there are certain weapons that use multiple different dice within their calculations.I just haven't introduced that cancer yet. :D
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Deacon: If I’m not mistaken I believe that would be two of our associates demonstrating the combat ability of our Gyre tech.

Cecil: Well that is quite the surprise. How would that even be possible?

Samantha regains her composure: Seeing as it’s a modified Epee and standard Pike Buster model the users probably expended enough energy for the two Gyre fields to coalesce for a moment and pressurized the air to super condensed levels once equilibrium was reached.. I uh…. Now about what you said earlier I… I would love for you to come my lab and see our products. We come up with new things every day. I must say none of this would be possible without my father however.

Cecil (slightly confused): I’m sure. Well I accept your invitation. Now I must be going now as there’s more guests to attend to. Enjoy yourselves!

As Cecil leaves Deacon sighs from relief: Okay one crisis averted. You survived your first interview you know.

Deacon looks out the window, barely making out the gathering crowd: We’re drawing more attention. Hope the rest of em can find out what’s going on…

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Gerald: Alex has gotten more creative I must admit.

Samuel: Gerald….you’re paying for the stage….

Lily: Can you be cheap later!? You fainted.


Alex moves away from Aleid runs at her using the pike buster to launch himself in the air and directly land on her with another pike buster. Aleid’s attacks miss and she fails her parry while taking the second pike buster to the face. The force pushes her into the stage.

>Aleid must spend 4AP to free herself and can’t turn around

Force damage that can’t be reconciled by moving tiles means it’s counted as a straight bonus to damage ignoring DR. It also has the added bonus of embedding foes sometimes. Alex has done this before.


{1} Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38

Aleid takes a heavy hit but her shield doesn’t falter. It quickly regenerates the damage taken but she’s having trouble moving.

{2} Julien | DR:3 LI:6 RE:8 RES:17 EN:24/24 Julien helps Samantha snap out of her nervous trance and spots the couple moving upstairs. They must be from a far away land as he’s never seen people like this before. From his time in the courts he can tell they are important by the way they carry themselves.
{3} Prefect | DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24 Prefect gets a better view of the sniper. He can’t tell where he’s looking but years of being a lookout tells him the gunman has their finger on the trigger.
>+30% competence for 4 turns. Please note with >-Hunter +30% comp.
{4} Alexander | DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
{5} Lirenis | DR0 LI:7 RE:9 RES 12/12 EN: 16/16 Lirenis distracts the mysterious women and is able to steal her vocaven.
{6} Serval | DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11 EN: 30/30 Serval confirms the man is one of Crusher’s guys. He figures the man may be able to help if speaks to him
{7} Gairan | DR:4(+6 Expl) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30 Gairan notices another of Crusher’s men.
{8} Mercel | DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24 Mercel starts to serve drinks to his guests and can immediately tell they are all business men prattling about pointless deals of no interest.
{9} Bayode | DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12 Bayode keeps the crowd entertained
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The mysterious woman walks over to Deacon and co. They group is surprised by the woman’s beauty: Hello there. Deacon Rose is it? I hear you’re making quite the splash in these parts now.

Deacon: You’d be right miss and your name was?

Opal: Opal Molvite. I’m an acquisition specialist. Mostly freelance. I hear you and your partners are the main event.

Deacon You’d be right. It’s going on right now.

The restaurant shakes a bit after another gust of wind hits the building. Glasses and silverware rock and chime slightly at the force.

Opal: You wouldn’t be trying to expand now would you? Given your current standing it’d be a great opportunity to.

Deacon: Is that so?

Opal: Why yes and with so many companies here you’d be hard press to not find quite a few chances, no? You wouldn’t happen to know about Aquila Arms’ financial trouble would you?

Deacon barely hesitates: Not in the slightest. I knew they had trouble launching their Raptorous line.

Julien catches the slightest of imperceptible smirks from Opal. She’s got what she wanted.

Opal: Yes poor Valentino. First one of his factories burn down and then his Turkey line of grenade launchers need to be recalled. The poor man must be at his wits end.

Opal bends down to whisper to Deacon, exposing her ample cleavage: Funny how luck can change like that.

Opal smiles and begins walking off.

>Meanwhile only several meters behind Deacon and Co.

Lirenis hears a gruff voice from the vocaven she pilfered.

???: Opal come in. Be cautious of Gyre and her associates. They are in the building as well. It seems our plant was able to find out Rose is trying to purchase Aquila Arms as well. Focus on getting Valentino to sell to Eldson. We’ve dropped blackmail for you in the third tree on the south end of the boulevard. If that’s still a no sell proceed to plan Epsilon. Do you copy?

???: Opal come in….Opal?!

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Gerald: Well those stage repairs are coming out of the betting pool...

Lily: Sam? Sam! Damn I’m losing him. Bayode a little help here. Sam’s passing out from severe fatigue. He won’t die but if he falls asleep we’ll have a hard time waking him up and we'll need him later..


{1} Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38
{2} Julien | DR:3 LI:6 RE:8 RES:17 EN:24/24
{3} Prefect | DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN
>Hunter Comp +30% (Turn 6)
{4} Alexander | DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
>+8CB +80% multiplier
{5} Lirenis | DR0 LI:7 RE:9 RES 12/12 EN: 16/16
{6} Serval | DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11 EN: 30/30
{7} Gairen | DR:4(+6 Expl) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30
{8} Mercel | DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
{9} Bayode | DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12
Who has my gun strapped to their luscious THICC thighs, by the way?
Unless Lirenis had a gun in her sheet you don't have it at all.
"Hey, Foreman. Got a hostile operator here, name of Opal?"

"I think they're freelancers, contracted by Eldson. They're here for Valentino. Wants to convince him to sell Aquila Arms to Eldson.
Or kill him, if it's a no-sale. Then they'll probably snap up the pieces during the stockprice plummet.

I think I'm beginning to get a gist here. Eldson has some spook work with the automatons, and a new joint arms company would be a golden oppertunity to launch a new line of weapons. So he can buy out Aquilla, then roll out some "Gyre Bomb" variatons through them. If it tanks, he doesn't lose face, and if it is a hotseller, he'll rake it in.

I think the Chrysian delegation might be a shoe-in to cover that one up, maybe supply some of the financing. But he needs GyreCo to tank first, or our Samantha's GFE's will be seen as clearly superior. "

"Lots of angles here. You got anything you want us to do, Pref?"
This entire action/turn was aided by the aid of a very special song...If you can guess you get a cookie baked by gairan.

Gairans head turned towards the child confused for a minute with his horrible flexing skills. But a bright idea came to him, and while the man was clearly disgusted he did something that showed his inner child for a minute and also amused or made the child go wide eyed..And most likely horrified the poor man.
>Crouch in the EOD suit, giving gairan a turtle-like appearance. [3 ap]
>Activate: [Jupimer Grav system] and begin floating slightly. [2 ap]
>Run for 8 ap: 1 west then 7 north then 7 East and then 1 south.=total 16 move.
DR:4(+6 if explosive.) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30

Mer 3 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 13
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 2 MOD 9

CC 13/13
GFE Type 1 “Helios”
EN: 26/30; RE0 LI6 EQ3
2DR (+1DR) 3EQ
Pike Hammer "The pulverizer"
2d4 cm 1EN 43AP Amo 3/3 [J-V8,J-V8, Sprinkler]
[*@Combustion Pike] 6EN 3AP; Strike with the Pike carrying the grenade's load. Confers grenades' effect with the strike.
1eq worth of duct tape.

-Grenades to be determined when its game time...
{§ꞤGrenadier} Less scatter throwing grenades; 50% discount; discover information related to explosives when [observing] +1 PRT
[%Parry] 1 AP roll (1d24)+(JUP+VEN)+1/2AP vs. Parry an attack if successful
[Personal Recipe] +1 aoe
[^Flak pads] 3EQ +6DR against grenadesn
[Chemistry Community course] roll twice when determining length of turns grenades are in effect; have extensive knowledge in chemistry
[Special Delivery] Throw a grenade for free if taking overflow damage
[^Extra Padding] lvl 2: 5EQ +2DR
[^Bandolier lvl 1]-[Vitamier, Solvenite flare, Marmirite]
[Greedy] Using items costs 4AP.
[Long Arm] Pass consumables to targets in MOV range. Add a multiplier to thrown objects
[Metered powder] Can decrease the AOE and can shape of the explosion
"Get in contact with this Valentino. I understand Deacon has some business with him? See if you can use that.
M.M. kindly offer the lady Opal a drink, or provide service to the upper patio, they also appear hungry.

Serv, if you must engender the attention of your admirers, do it onstage. Bayo, if Serv steps up, announce a 'suprise contestant' or somesuch, then get over to Sam. We need to know what happened to him.

Aly, Alex, I fear there may be a rifle pointed at one of you, be careful.

Gair, what are you- No, nevermind, I do not want to know."
>-Meanwhile with Gairan.
Rolled 17, 5, 22, 8, 5, 21, 7, 21, 1, 21, 8, 14, 7, 19, 4, 24, 22, 18, 21, 14, 19, 1, 13, 16, 14 = 342 (25d24)

For some reason, all that plays in my head is some strange combination of the X-Files theme and the Twilight Zone monologues.

"You sure it's us they're aimed for? Not one of the less armored, more important people just a little way off the stage?"

If mistakenly reading my turns worries you, I suppose I could stick my actions into a pastebin? It would probably still be less tedious for everyone involved than encrypting them.

To avoid spoilers, here's more d24s than I'll be needing. Surely.


"'For real', huh? You want to be rid of me that quickly? And here I thought we were having fun. But, if you insist."

>Turn begins here.
>[4 CB] Gentle Fist, lasting 6 turns.
>[2 AP] Move N1, adjacent to and behind Aleid.
>[3 AP 2 EN] Uppercut for 3d3 cm, launching Aleid up 3 tiles, and rendering her Vulnerable while in the air.
>[2 AP] Prepare Parry for next movement, just in case.
>[2 AP] Activate Jupimer Grav System.
>[2 AP] Jump up 3 tiles, still (hopefully) behind Aleid.
>[3 AP 2 EN 2 CB] Rising Dragon for 2d3 cm, launching Aleid and self up 3 tiles. I assume the Vulnerability doesn't stack.
>[2 AP] Deactivate Jupimer Grav System; and, simultaneously:
>[2 AP 2 EN] Viper Cutter for 3d3 cm+1d3 per vertical level (6d3?) with half damage AP damage. Take no damage due to Shock Pads; remain standing due to Ground Game.
>[2 AP] Boost+. Regain 6 EN.

>Turn ends here.


DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
CC :14/15 AP: 20 MOV 6
+8CB +80% multiplier
Julien Delacroix de la Fleur
DR:3 LI:6 RES:17 EN:24/24 RE:8
This turn will be hard for me to type, apologies.

Julien gives Samantha a wide grin and a final squeeze before letting go of her hand and standing up, ruffling Emilia's hair as he does.
"Well done, lady Samantha, well done. Now if you'll excuse me, I've already seen several things that give me cause for alarm that I must investigate, Ser Deacon, if you would watch her."

Taking a glass from the nearby server he walks up to opal and offers it, grinning, he eyes her up and down appreciatively, affecting a hungry eyed lust.

"Aren't you just a fine drink of water..tell me, will you be around later for the ball or any other activities? I would...*savor* a dance with you if you'd have it."

Julien then walks towards the stairs after the pale people

>2ap(run) E,E towards opal(i'm assuming she's walked else were but that's you gave me)
>Wait for answer from Opal
>Move E,S,E,E(4)
>Move E,E,E,N(4)
>Climb stairs(assuming it takes four ap)
Rolled 1, 6, 5, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 2, 1 = 44 (12d6)

Rolling true dice for you here, complain if you change your mind.

"Really? What is this stage made of? Cardboard?"

>4ap Get Out
>Face Alex
>2ap %Parry #En Garde+ #Absence of Blade+ #Pris de Fer+ (Alex W) #Riposte+ %Esquive E of Alex
>3ap Attack #Sideswiped #Coup Double
>Coup Double
>2ap %Parry #En Garde+ #Absence of Blade+ #Pris de Fer+ (Alex W) #Riposte+ %Esquive E of Alex
>5ap Attack @Lungex2 #Sideswiped #Coup Double
>Coup Double

Spoilers are enough. Just so I can respond to you without reading your actions. And hey, it only takes me 12ap to need 24 dice.

"No, you see, by going for real we ARE having fun."

Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38
AP: 16 MOV: 4


[e] “Compassion”
3d6, (Hit: 11<, Ignores DR)
3AP (8EN if attack lands) Fnc/Prc
Rolled 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 34 (24d2)

"Do I have to go on stage ? I'd feel bad if I stole the show... And I don't think the two would appreciate it. Fine. You want flashy ? I'll give you flashy."
>Quickdraw Silver Dollars
"Me ? I'm no one, merely a cat passing by !"
>move 4E, jump onto the stage (4AP)
>Trickshot the spotlights to get them on me (3AP, 5EN)
>Aim at Aleid (1AP, +10% damage with Deadeye)
>Aim at Alex (1AP, +10% damage with Deadeye)
>Fire at both Aleid and Alex with Silver Dollars (Gunslinger, 3AP, 5EN)
>Unload at both Aleid and Alex (5EN)
"Servals are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone."
>twirl guns. For a long time.

DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:12/12 (12/12) EN:15/30
Rolled 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 = 9 (6d2)

>-[Stakeout] 3, Hunter +30%comp
>-Stealth effects: Prone, Stakeout 3, Camoflage, Quiet Now, Merisol Dampener, Servant
>[@Hold Breath] 8ap, +12range
>Overwatch the Sniper, 8Ap, 8en, 28r, 4pen, damage:
>48 tiles to target-100%damage, servant backstab+100% damage, spotter+20%, prone+20%, hunter comp+30%=6d2cm+70% marshmallow (1/2 dmg to ap, overflow *3)

DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24

Mer 4 || Res 11
Mar 5 || AP 16
Ven 5 || Mov 5
Jup 2 || Mod 13
>Move 9N

NAME: Marcel Meyer
DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
Stats >>1890076 #

>Announce Stuff! Act shocked by the sudden arrival of Serval! 4Ap
>Move 3W, 3S, 1W (10ap)

Name: Bayode Visser
DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

{Marcel will be going on Coffee Break at the begining of next Act Phase}
Rolled 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 7 (5d4)

Name: Bayode Visser
DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12

>Speak to the crowd.
>While moving 3W, talk on the vocaven (-4AP)
>Move 3W, 1E (-8AP)
>[*Aid] Sam (rolling 5d4, may or may not subtract 1SP depending on his RES and if he's damaged.) (-6AP)
>Overwatch: tackle Lily to the ground if the Sniper pulls the trigger.

(Crowd) "Yikes, what a hit! The Gyre field absorbing the blow with ease even as the metal warps around Alied- what is this? A surprise contestant appears! Wasting NO TIME in declaring his intentions! It is my pleasure to introduce Serval; gunslinger extraordinaire by trade, and something of a casanova by choice."
"Now, if you will excuse me just one moment..."

(Vocaven, quietly) "Aye, sir, I hear you. Please advise: what's our plan of action if the sniper decides to take a shot?"

>These rolls are for healing.
Rolled 7, 5 + 2 = 14 (2d12 + 2)

>These rolls are for speaking.
RIP Sam I'm sorry.
Rolled 4, 6, 2, 10, 10, 3 + 12 = 47 (6d12 + 12)

>4 AP [Bluff+Hustle] "Copy. But speaking of GyreCo? Sorry. They just offered me three times our rate to flip Valentino to Deacon. I like the winning side. Opal out, over".
>--2d12+8 (10 if dress applies, but why would it?)

>3 AP - [I Know A Guy] - Where would Valentino located or business be reliably conducted at Miltons?
>3 AP - [I Know A Guy] - Opal Molvite, what crew does she normally run with?
>-- 2d12+MER = +4.
>4 Ap - [Clone Opal's Vocaven Frequency to own vocaven]

Lirenis Theraski
DR: 0 || LI:7 || RE:9 || RES:12/12 || EN: 16/16

Mer 4 || Res 12
Mar 3 || AP 12+2 [14]
Ven 3 || Mov 3-1 [2]
Jup 2 || Mod 11+3+5
>[Ravishing] +2, Social
>[People Person] Hear Lies
>[Smooth Talker] +4, Social
>[Servant] 2x Stealth, +50% Backstab
[Blue] Having to process 3 people during pvp is pretty difficult but I like where this is going.

After this turn I'll consider the following rule to speed things up

-AP determines initiative with the highest AP going first.
-First actor goes until their AP is below the next actor with the highest AP
-This continues in sequence until no more AP is left.

Thanks to those who let me use the idea
I apologize for this but this turn will get delayed. This is mainly due to you guys really stretching my rules which I appreciate as it enables me to improve.

The main issues at hand and possible solutions are as followed:

-AP damage as of now is fucked as it's insanely easy to stunlock people, especially if more than one character applies AP damage. AP damage completely ruins PVP as it would delete turns immediately.
>AP damage applies ON THE NEXT TURN


>AP damage does not subtract AP but instead causes a new penalty called {Dazed}. Every amount of AP damage causes stacks of {Dazed}. {Dazed} is a -5% competency penalty that can be recovered for 1 AP. Multiple attackers can apply {Daze}


>If more than one attacker applies AP damage to a target, the highest dealt AP damage is applied while other attackers' attacks apply EN damage.
>AP damage is capped at target's AP and cannot carry over

IF OPTION B IS SELECTED, RES/3 is used to resist AP damage and is applied in either scenario C or D
>C: Take (JUP+.5*MER) and make it a natural DR against AP damage.
>D: Targets keep a minimum of (JUP+.5*MER) AP after an attack
Sabers would ignore this new resistance

-PvP past three people is cancer but is "cool"
>New initiative rules
-AP determines initiative with the highest AP going first.
-First actor goes until their AP is below the next actor with the highest AP
-This continues in sequence until no more AP is left.
-Defensive actions like Parry take precedence and apply to the closest trigger possible. (This lets you parry attacks from faster opponents)

Using our three contestants as an example the order would go Alex (20), Aleid (16), Serval (13).

Alex goes until he's under 16 AP, then it's Aleid who goes until she's under 13 AP, then Alex goes until he's down to 13AP, then Serval does an action then the process continues so each action from each player is one long sequence of actions.

As of now the turn has been processed and looks like this.

Alex runs and uppercuts Aleid, whose parry failed, 3 tiles into the air (7en dmg, 4 ap dmg; +25% damage to Aleid from being Vulnerable). She attacks in mid air but Alex parries it earning (1+3 CB earned from uppercut and royal guard; Aleid now at +45% due to failed parry). Alex jumps 3 tiles into the air strikes with Rising Dragon raising both another 3 tiles for a total of six. Aleid failed her parry again (1 CB from RD; 7en dmg again, 4ap now at +65% damage). Aleid misses both her last attacks while Alex grabs her and Viper cutter’s her to the ground for (9d3 @ +65% 11 En and 22 OF which converts to 11 EN damage and 28 AP damage; Alex gains 9 CB total because of multiplier). Meanwhile Serval took potshots at them while they were in the air. Serval ALSO IS DOING AP DAMAGE as he has Marshmalllow Magazines

If you didn’t catch that Aleid is right now stunned for over 3 turns from this sequence alone, and it takes me 20 minutes to process this
Wow. This battle I am at both 0 damage done and 0 attacks prevented. Though I do rely on position to make my chances to hit anywhere decent.
You got really unlucky with parry rolls. I would also like feedback especially as to which options would be preferable.
I assume these changes are specifically for PVP.

Depending on how much AP damage is being put out and on when the Dazed condition expires, someone could be just as screwed in Option A as before from taking a -100% competence penalty. They would then still have possibly more AP than they have in a turn to recover fully - so large amounts of damage would still be making them completely ineffective. Although, getting healed by a -150% competence bonus attack from someone else is the sort of hilarious chicanery I can't help but enjoy.

Option B is probably the better of the two, though part of me is sad for the fact that overflow AP damage won't have any effect. I don't suppose you could make the overflow have some other effect so rolling large amounts of AP damage will still have a greater effect than moderate amounts?

With option C, low amounts of AP damage won't ever have an effect. For instance, I'm rolling 3d3 damage most of the time (except when I'm plummeting out of the sky), which averages to 4.5. If all that damage went straight to overflow, an average character who has 3 in JUP and MER will be able to completely negate the average roll. (I'm wondering what if you made the AP DR something like a RES/2 roll instead of a flat number, so that low amounts of AP still have a chance of doing something useful, while high amounts of AP still have a chance of getting resisted. Though of course, it'd be harder on you administratively.)

Option D has the similar deal with making large amounts of AP damage pointless - but PVP-wise it's probably a good thing if players get to do at least something during their turns.

I did make sure to approach you from behind while you were getting out, since I assume you'd be less able to parry in that direction. Bad luck on the Pike Buster parry though, I was hoping you'd get that one.

Oh yes, I realize that it is all luck. But wow.

I'll take a look at some mechanics then, I don't usually do this for others games.

I feel like Option A should not be used since it would not be AP damage then. I see Option B could work, but the limit one source makes AP damage guns ineffective. No carry over is smart and I honestly assumed that it was meant to be that way, but I also don't have a way to do AP damage.

My big question is: By the description of the Gyre Field it prevents weapons from physically affecting us. Normal attacks are converted to EN damage so why wouldn't AP attacks, which are from a physical source, not also be converted to EN damage until our limit is exceeded?

Though you did list gentle fist as a REDUCTION in AP instead of damage.

But look at it this way: Alex can attack for

1 AP - (1d3+XX%)/2 AP Damage which at 50% allows 2 AP damage to be dealt per 1 AP spent. A 10% or 20% distance penalty basically only changes exactly how much AP I Iose.

I can parry this yes. But I shouldn't spend more AP on a Parry than I would lose by being hit. So 1 or 2 AP (more with high CB), since under PvP a parry doesn't end turns, just linked attacks, which in this case is just the one. Even At 3 I have about a 50% chance of Parry.

If I Parry I can Riposte and do damage, which is good.
>Can my Ripostes miss or are they covered under the prepared attacks part of Parry?

If Alex is somehow considered behind me in our weird flux state of locations I am screwed.

A quick breakdown.
If Alex spends 10 1 AP actions attacking.
And I spend 10 1 AP actions Parrying.
Likely results are:
5 Parries made.
20 EN and 10AP damage taken by me. I have no next turn, and that is only half of Alex's actions.
5 Riposte, if all autohit I do 5 10.5 avg damage attacks. if they only hit on 11+ I do 2.5 13 avg damage attacks. 50 Damage or 30 Damage.

Should Alex spend his entire turn attacking since distance wont matter in PvP, and I parry as many attacks as I can with all of my AP. Alex is likely to do to me 24 AP damage and 48 EN Damage. I am likely to strike back 8 times doing 11 damage each time.

AP being applied same turn would stop Parrying hard.

With AP applied next turn you see that I could do a respectable amount of damage back making this a Bad Idea. But if Alex survives the fight is over.

The combo Alex uses attacks 3 times for 3 AP (2AP Toggle, 2AP Jump) 3AP and (2AP toggle) 2 AP, spending 12 AP. 3 Parries at 4 AP each puts my parry rate around 60%.

Each of the first two attacks did 4 AP damage and 7 EN damage, vs my 4 AP 60% effective parries which do 11 damage.
The last attack can to variable damage, missing all both parries puts it at ~11 EN and ~28 AP Damage. Parrying 1 reduces this to ~6 EN and ~16 AP. Parrying both makes it ineffective. Avg DMG of ~14 AP and 6 EN. Vs my 4 AP, 60% chance of block, and 11 damage.

Do note that with a successful parry I spent 4 AP and did 11 damage, with the opponent spending 4 AP. On a failed parry I spent 4 AP, lost 4 AP and took 7 damage, vs the opponent spending 4 AP.
Obviously I should always spend 1 AP on a parry with a 50% chance.

At first, AP for AP, the AP damage system seems to be pretty fair. The unbalance is solely due to the PvP system heavily favoring Pugilist builds over Fencer builds (due to miss chance) as well as Alex focusing on the two most important stats here. The biggest problem I see is like you said, one good attack making someone lose multiple turns. Capping at one turn looks like it will fix that... Oh wait lets look at the next turn. Nevermind, so long as the attacker can spend 8 AP to keep me down I am forever stunlocked.

In current builds my only way to win the match while facing AP damage builds is to win by turn 2, which isn't exciting for the audience.

With option C a normal AP DR is 5, making most AP attacks completely useless, but large ones still basically 1hit KO.
With option D most character are left with 5-7 AP, which is a hindrance but not crippling.

Here is my question. Do you want to allow someone to end the fight despite the fact the attack wouldn't be able to do enough damage to KO the enemy normally? (9d3 would do 9-27 damage, likely near 18)

>Definitely Option B

>I am leaning towards option D, AP damage is still very effective, but not fight ending.

>I don't think that limiting AP damage to one source is a good idea.
Yeah. I guess I only got one decent roll all combat at that was during the warm up.

The fight is over now, but you will have to spend the next 4 turns punching me who is simply going to stand there before I go down.
As far as I can see, the damage bonus was from Vulnerable being applied on you (which I expected multiple instances of not to stack, but it seems they did).

Barring use of Uppercut (which has a 1-turn cooldown) and Rising Dragon (which has a CB cost - though perhaps the cost should be higher to prevent spamming it, or it should have a cooldown like Uppercut does?) to inflict Vulnerability - both of which I used in the previous turn - Pugilists don't have many ways of getting such ridiculous bonuses. So their single-attack damage most of the time ends up at roughly 3d3 (from Pike Buster or Dragon Strike), unless they find ways to inflict falling damage or use Wind Up (which would be inefficient, since Wind up is 2 AP for 1d3 extra cm, and falling damage requires finding a way into the air).

So the 20 1 AP punches is generally going to 'only' deal 20 AP damage - and this is only because fractional AP damage rounds up (rather than down as I had thought - rounding down means only rolls of 2 or 3 will deal damage, averaging to 13-14 AP damage, assuming I'm punching from adjacent for full damage and assuming the sequence doesn't get interrupted by parries). Naturally, with any amount of AP DR, this tactic becomes completely invalidated.

The thing is that I feel small amounts of AP damage should at least have some effect, since anything that has the capacity to deal a large amount of AP damage in one hit is generally able to deal large amounts of overflow damage and take out all your RES anyway, given that most AP damage comes from converted overflow.

Fencers' playstyles seem inherently based off of parrying and counterattacking - if you'd landed one or two parries, I'd be missing a huge chunk of my RES right now - but if you miss that one roll you do nothing. On the other hand, Pugilists are encouraged to do lots of relatively small amounts of damage with many attacks (and occasionally pull off huge combos). Depending on how much of the turn is lost to a parry, the balance will shift in favor of one or the other. And this isn't even considering non-Fencer-non-Pugilists, who will be using other options (like guns, which can't be parried).

Of course, if you backed up the the edge of the stage and spent all your AP on a single parry+riposte+counterattack, basically any melee-only character would have been out of luck, and would have to eat the damage.

Your GFE is just too strong to get through conventionally. I honestly wasn't expecting to 'win' like this, though.
Yeah. Like I said it is actually pretty balanced up until you add the new rules for PvP which reduce my hit chance from 50% to either 37% at -10% damage or 25% at -20%. Which isn't TOO bad. Penalties over that quickly reduce my chances to abysmal.

I said 2 AP damage per attack because 1d3 avg damage is 2, +50% from combo is 3. 1/2 of three is 2 due to the listed rounding rules (which I think are fine). I do honestly think there is not much that needs to change. It just needs to be harder to perma stunlock someone. I pointed out the 1 AP for 2 AP Damage thing because it basically allows you to keep your opponent permanently at 0 AP so long as you spend AP equal to half their total every turn.

Basically AP damage should not be treated as a gimmick but instead very deadly damage, in fact more deadly that actual damage, and thus does need some sort of defense, or failing that a limit.

I am actually not sure whether a chain of 1 AP lone attacks would get stopped by one Parry, it seems to me that only one would be stopped since they are not inherently linked.

When I saw the PvP rules I honestly expected to lose unless I got lucky, but I figured it would happen by a little back and forth, I swing a lot and don't really hit you, get you on one or two parries, then get thrown off the stage to end it. Which I recommend doing soon before the audience gets bored.

And yes, I could have cheesed the parries, but spending 12+ AP per turn on parries would have made for a boring display.
Whoops, 1.5 is average for 1d2, not 1d3, my bad.

On my side, I was expecting to lose from getting parried and counterattacked, since you've got more efficient parries to match my higher Ven.

The thing about AP damage is that it's far more effective (and less unfun) when used as part of a team, since you can't kill someone with it, only take them out of the fight temporarily until something else does so instead.

And on the topic of ending it, it seems I need to go beat up Serval now, so you'll probably have time to get back up.

A cornered underdog backed against the wall finding the strength within themself to rally one last time and unleash a devastating counter-attack is classic shounen writing, you just have to get the timing right.
No offense to Alex, but the only reason his high octane playstyle hasn't killed him yet is because he hasn't run into a fencer.
There's a power triangle, and fencers are the rock to the brawlers scissors.
Honestly (well maybe not now) but the only reason you wouldn't have won from the start, from a casual observation is because you'd need to get really unlucky, and you have, hence why you're in a shitty position right now.
Also, seeing how you both haven't joined in so far the odds are slim, but if you ever want to talk shop the chat is always open, and the QM is typically active every evening in chat if you have questions or want to playfully talk smack at each other. Channel name is #Skirmish in IRC
Personally, I am a fan of the {Daze} penalty system over the revised ap damage system. However, it has a few issues.
First, there is nothing stopping a person with 80 stacks of Daze from running away, as -400% competence has no effect on mov.
Second, it means marshamallows entirely overide [Suppress]

Suggested alteration:
>Every margin by which {Daze} exceeds ven or jup, apply -1mov. (Eg, ven=3; 3daze is -1mov, 6daze is -2, etc). Playtesting may incur adjustments to this math.
>{Daze} stacks are removed naturally, starting at the /end/ of the phase following receiving them (like RE), at a rate of jup+.5mer. (This is in addition to the option to buy them off with ap.)
After thinking it over I'll be applying the following changes to AP dmg and PVP

>AP damage is capped at target's AP and cannot carry over
>Targets normally keep a minimum of (JUP+0.5*MER) AP. There are some instances where a full turn of stun may be possible and will be decided by QM fiat. Examples include being RKO'ed into a god damn crater.

>Once AP damage has reached the minimum any additional AP damage causes stacks of {Daze}
>Negative competence can only make you roll 0. So no hurting people via healing.

This will apply for both PvP and AOE

On another note I'm considering these changes as well:

>[Suppress] will now incur stacks of {Daze} done by total damage with an added double stack bonus from overflow damage. (Math is still a little fiddly so real values aren't decided)

>CB costs for skills may need to rise a tad. [Royal Guard] is as potent as I thought it would be as you take 1/3 of the POTENTIAL damage as CB and 1/3 dmg*10 as a multiplier. Parry a guy doing 10d3 worth of punches and you'll see how broken this gets.

For sake of testing and because this fight is pretty damn entertaining I'll be applying these rule changes now so Aleid won't be immediately out of the fight.

Also some clarifications:

Parry stops any sequential attacks from happening. You wouldn't need to spam several 2ap parries to parry 5 punches assuming THEY ARE ALL HAPPENING ONE AFTER ANOTHER. Once a parry is achieved all sequential attacks are invalidated. This is pretty potent with the new initiative.

Damage does in fact round down if it's below the .5 threshold

Gyre Fields don't make you impervious to damage but are instead "softening" the blows. Light and sound would still affect you.

I will do my best to keep rules as solid as I can but there's bound to be hiccups when you have a first time QM that's never even played TTRPGs running their own homebrew. Thank you all for your patience. Unless something else is completely broken we'll now continue.
I meant to say PVP and PVE

Something I forgot

>[@Blunt attack] 2AP; Deal AP damage instead of RES damage.
>Thank you for your efforts!
I appreciate the work you put into this, and thanks for the clarifications, especially on the pvp parry alteration. And I guess I just didn't know what kind of thresholds Gyre Fields work off of.

I'm not sure how I sounded before since I was half asleep and ended up looking at it mostly mathematically, but I think the system worked fine for that situation. This should work well also.

I am thinking my comments on AP damage being more effective than normal damage may have been influenced by personally having a high LI value. For LI less than 6-8, normal attacks are probably more deadly.
I may drop by some day, but that probably wont be at least till next week due to plans.
Turn is 90% processed with both phases but I have obligations in the morning to attend to so I cannot finish it tonight. Turn ETA.... 10 hours. Thank you for your patience.
El Mamut has returned from where he'd been (most likely eating free snacks at the party). El Mamut is ready to work!

>Deploy wherever needed

((Swapped [Boar Rush] for [Well Bathed]))

El Mamut

DR:1 (+1 vs Guns) LI:6 RE:9 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:26/26 CB:0/10

Mer 2 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 14
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 3 MOD 7+4

EQ 12/12
GFE Mk.2 “Athena” EN: 12+MER*4; RE (MAR*2) LI6 EQ3
-Basil Pike Gauntlets 1d3 1AP 1EN (EN 6/6)[AM: 2/2 (3AP reload)] 2EQ (paired); Strk/Cmbo ⟨Enlarged Arm Guards⟩
-Basil Audoplate 1DR (+1DR vs Guns) 2EQ
-2x JellyBean

{§Brawler}, {Pugilist}
[*Pike Buster] 3AP 4EN 3d3 cm; uses 1 ammo; launches target dmg/2 tiles
[*^Basil’s Self Winding Capacitor] Weapon contains a capacitor with 6EN that can be used for attacking. Recharges when GFE repels damage.
[*@Wind up] +2AP +2EN: add 1d3 to Pike Buster
[^Self winding Capaci-Joggers] 2EQ gain 1 EN per unit moved
[^Solide Wiring] 1EQ: +50%RE
[^Extended battery] 1EQ +6EN
[#Ground Game]
[%Parry] 1 AP
[Disarm] 3AP: 2d12+VEN Hit: 16<; disarms target
[Elbow Drop]2*b cm 1.5*AP 2*EN
[Rising Dragon] 2CB *AP *EN Uppercut, launching yourself and your foe in the air JUP tiles. Foe is {Vulnerable}
[@Mountain Stance] 6CB double GFE limit and Regeneration from all sources for current turn
[%Monkey’s Dance] 3AP 2d12+VEN Hit: 15< Prepare to dodge an attack. Successful dodges build CB and Multiplier.
[Well Bathed] +2 AP
You can either jump into the Combat demonstration true wrestler style OR help Garian who right now is the only crowd security.
El Mamut is not in his top form after eating to many cakes in sadness. I'll work security.

This means I have to put the gauntlets away, right? If yes, I'd like to also swap [Elbow Drop] for [Viper Cutter]
Security have their weapons on them just not equipped. Gauntlets just look like big metal gloves so noone really bats an eye. You may keep what you already have.
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There’s a tense silence after Lirenis attempts her bluff. Soon the voice responds: Hope the Notes are worth crossing your fellow {Closers} for. We always knew you were greedy Opal but not suicidal. It’s a shame since you were so good.

Julien’s pass at Opal amuses her
Opal: I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunity during tomorrow evening’s events. Now if you’ll excuse me… (Opal turns around and looks over sultrily) I have some other business to attend to.

Once Opal is out of range Deacon curses to himself: Gods damn the Seven she knows. We’ll have to take care of her somehow. Sam kiddo you doing better?

Samantha: Yeah, I think I just needed a pep talk.

Emilia takes some fruit tarts from the server and offers one to Samantha: I think you could use this.

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>At the Fairgrounds

Lily: Sam honey you awake?

Samuel: Ughh...Yes… why am I so tired…

Lily grabs supplies from Bayode and examines Samuel. Her hands move deftly as she begins taking vitals and diagnosing Samuel at an astonishing speed.

Lily: Seven fucking hells he’s been poisoned. It won’t kill him but we NEED to get him to an infirmary RIGHT NOW. [Lily grabs her vocaven] Gerald! Emergency, Samuel’s been spiked. I’ll need to take him with me to a hospital. You’ll be escorting us.

Gerald: Spiked! When could that have happened?

Alex runs and uppercuts Aleid, whose parry failed, into the air. She attacks in mid air but Alex parries it. Alex jumps after Aleid and continues with Rising Dragon raising both further into the air. Aleid fails her parry again and misses both her last attacks while Alex grabs her and Viper cutter’s her to the ground for massive damage. Meanwhile Serval takes potshots at them while looking fabulous. FFA. BRAWLERS ONLY. NO ITEMS. FINAL DESTINATION. https://youtu.be/V9bPD50SGeg

{1} Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 11/38
>only have 4AP next turn. You’re at 24 stacks of {Dazed} -120% competence. You can still move.
{2} Julien | DR:3 LI:6 RE:8 RES:17 EN:24/24 (Talking is a free action but if you want it to actually do something then you’ll need to expend AP.)
{3} Prefect | DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN Prefect gets a bead on the sniper
>Hunter Comp +30% (Turn 6)
{4} Alexander | DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 18/30 (I’m going to rename combo multiplier to “Style”)
>12/12CB +100% Style
{5} Lirenis | DR0 LI:7 RE:9 RES 12/12 EN: 16/16
{6} Serval | DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11 EN: 15/30 (Tell me what bullets you have loaded. I assumed they were jellybeans) Serval enters the stage firing at the two other contestants!
>+10% comp to all actions. Remember glamour shot stacks!
{7} Gairan | DR:4(+6 Expl) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30 Gairan confuses a child and zooms away
>crouch action was invalidated unless you planned on crawling only a handful of tiles
{8} Mercel | DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
>{Foreman} can have Mercel take a {Coffee Break}
{9} Bayode | DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12 Bayode is able to manage to help Samuel come to. Lily will be busy evacuating him.
Yeah, I just assumed the starting ammo was always standard Jellybeans.
El Mamut sees he's still absent.
He's very stealthy when he needs to be!
You pop in next phase
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Deacon: Sam sweetheart. Don’t take this the wrong way but what on Vitas was that?

Samantha : I’m sorry it’s just… Samuel has always been the one that deals with people. I just make things. That’s all I’m good at.

Deacon: Kiddo if that were true you wouldn’t have made it this far. I heard how you handled yourself when you first hired your handymen.

Samantha: Yeah but Samuel told me everything to say beforehand.

Deacon: Well Samuel isn’t here.

Samantha sulks and pokes at her tart. Deacon mutters to himself about having to babysit. As frustrating as Samantha can be he remembers when he first met the siblings. Back then Samuel had to do all the talking and it was months before Deacon even knew Samantha could speak. Desperate himself he agreed to help them with their business plan and provided funding after seeing the first Prometheus. Much as her machines improved so did she and she began to open up more. Yet it was moments like these that reminded him that the Gyres were still chicklings which would not help them in the world of business. Deacon felt a light tug on his coat instinctively palming his holdout to conceal it.

Deacon: Yes Emilia?

Emilia: Uncle Deacon will you take me to see the Tower?

Deacon: Sorry tike but you weren’t supposed to come with us so we didn’t make time for it. Maybe next time.

Emilia pouts and starts to eat her tart.

Deacon:Hmm. Let’s just focus on what we came here for. Get your fill and we’ll start to mingle.
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>Meanwhile at the fairgrounds
Gerald: Lily what is wrong with the boy?

Lily: Give me a minute to figure it out. It looks like he’s just extremely tired. I’ll have to cont-

Lily is interrupted by a meteoric boom.The stage shakes and creaks from the fighters’ performance. A stunned silence takes over until the dust clears and all combatants are not only unharmed but mostly still standing. The audience erupts into thunderous applause at the feats before their eyes.

Lily: Dammit things must be getting good. Bayode head back up there and keep the crowd busy. We’re going to need to keep the crowd distracted while we get Sam out of here. Keep that fight going and that crowd on you until we’re out of here.

Gerald: I’ll go ahead and call Odele.


{1} Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 11/38
>{2} Julien | DR:3 LI:6 RE:8 RES:17 EN:24/24 Entering new area please stand by for update
{3} Prefect | DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24
{4} Alexander | DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 18/30 (Please denote CB and ST on your main stat sheet.)
{5} Lirenis | DR0 LI:7 RE:9 RES 12/12 EN: 16/16
{6} Serval | DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:11/11 EN: 15/30 (You can load other types of bullets before deployment.)
{7} Gairan | DR:4(+6 Expl) LI:4 RE:0 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:30/30 Gairan hears a whisper in his ear. The stranger is gone before he even notices.
{8} Mercel | DR:0 LI:3 RE:6 RES:12/12(12/12) EN:24/24
{9} Bayode | DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP12/12
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 = 13 (8d2)

"Well then Alex, I believe the lady needs a bit of rest. Shall we dance ?"
>Move 1N 3W (4AP, 4 EN recovered with Capacijoggers)
>Trickshot the lights, drop one on the head of Alex, one behind me. Pose as the sparks fly out. (3AP, 5EN)
>Boost+ twice (4AP, +6EN)

DR:1 LI:6 RE:0 RES:12/12 (12/12) EN:20/30

>- Due to a discussin with gearcommand and a relative error and some begging later, there has been a stat allocation error, gairan now has 1 stat up which I will now spend on upgrading his Jup from 2 to 3.
Gairan rummaged through his pack for a moment before pulling out a vox and answering a call.
"Oy, its gairan...Yeah? Something about a thing in a tree? And you want me to get it? Alright where is it, oh okay tree got it will do oh also you owe me a chocolate bar later, dont eat it? That I can never promise."
>-freee/talky talk ap: Learn about the letter in the tree via vox
>Move/8 ap: move 1 north and 7 east.
>Take a look at the sniper im sure they noticed me by now, and that sniper rifle may be pointing exactly at my temple or between the eyes.
>1 ap/free: Take a look at the cars and just wait for now.
DR:4(+6 if explosive.) LI:6 RE:0 RES:15/15(0/0) EN:22/30

Mer 3 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 13
Ven 4 MOV 4
Jup 3 MOD 9

CC 16/16
GFE Type 1 “Helios”
EN: 26/30; RE0 (-4) LI6 EQ3
2DR (+1DR) 3EQ
Pike Hammer "The pulverizer"
2d4 cm 1EN 3AP Amo 3/3 [J-V8,J-V8, Sprinkler]
[*@Combustion Pike] 6EN 3AP; Strike with the Pike carrying the grenade's load. Confers grenades' effect with the strike.
1eq worth of duct tape.

{§ꞤGrenadier} Less scatter throwing grenades; 50% discount; discover information related to explosives when [observing] +1 PRT
[%Parry] 1 AP roll (1d24)+(JUP+VEN)+1/2AP vs. Parry an attack if successful
[Personal Recipe] +1 aoe
[^Flak pads] 3EQ +6DR against grenadesn
[Chemistry Community course] roll twice when determining length of turns grenades are in effect; have extensive knowledge in chemistry
[Special Delivery] Throw a grenade for free if taking overflow damage
[^Extra Padding] lvl 2: 5EQ +2DR
[^Bandolier lvl 1]-[Vitamier, Solvenite flare, Marmirite]
[Greedy] Using items costs 4AP.
[Long Arm] Pass consumables to targets in MOV range. Add a multiplier to thrown objects [Rng: 3*Jup]
[Metered powder] Can decrease the AOE and can shape of the explosion

Act from that position :D
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As Julien enters the second floor he is met by a large Chrysian official.

>Salo gunt men. Your invitation if you will.

Name: Bayode Visser
DR:1 LI:4 RE:8 RES:8/8(0/0) EN:24/24 | SP11/12

>Move 3E, 3N, 3E (-12AP)
>Address crowd

"What a marvelous display! Let's hear it for our contestants!

Say! Let's see who's your favorite, eh? Let's hear it if your rootin' for the man that'll give you a bruisin', ALEX!

Or how about the girl that'll stop your heart twice, give it up for aaaaaAAALEID!

And last but not least, the gunslinger without equal, the showman that's afraid of no man, SEEEERVAL!"
Rolled 10, 8 + 2 = 20 (2d12 + 2)

Can't delete posts once dice are rolled :). Actions can be amended however unless it's PVP. You'll still contribute to the "hype" though.
I just had to fix my movement again. My bad.

The enemies' plots are unfolding. El Mamut will protect you.
In other news, El Mamut has found all the best food stalls. None of them were spiked.

>Move 4E 1N
>Cover Sam and Lily from the sniper with my body and GFE
>Help with Sam in whatever way is needed

I must admit I don't remember who all these people are even though I read the archives.

El Mamut
DR:1 (+1 vs Guns) LI:6 RE:9 RES:12/12(0/0) EN:26/26 CB:0/10
Mer 2 RES 12
Mar 3 AP 14
Ven 3 MOV 3
Jup 3 MOD 7+4
-Basil Pike Gauntlets 1d3 1AP 1EN (EN 6/6)[AM: 2/2 (3AP reload)] 2EQ (paired); Strk/Cmbo ⟨Enlarged Arm Guards⟩
-2x JellyBean
Julien visibly perks up to hear his native tongue
"Ah, sigo-sal, serro."

Fumbling he reaches into his pockets and pulls out an random slip of paper, he checks it over before gasping.

"This isn't it!"

He fumbles some more, letting himself seem more panicked as he runs out of papers
"I am very ashamed to say I don't have my invitation, but you only need to look at me to see I belong here, sai, please, allow me to mingle with my countrymen. These filthy demfekken capitians disgust me with their greedy money-grubbing ways and their young money airs, and I'd much rather not speak with them more than Is strictly required"
>Use whatever AP not consumed in the conversation to boost the free observe

Julien Delacroix de la Fleur
DR:3 LI:6 RES:17 EN:24/24 RE:8
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d12)

Please post by 6pm EST
Rolled 1, 10, 22, 8, 15, 16, 19, 1, 22, 11, 23, 1, 8, 22, 15, 2, 21, 13, 13, 18, 9, 13, 3, 14, 8 = 308 (25d24)

2*(MER+JUP) is 10 for me, so I've listed that as my CB cap.

"Serval! If you'd wanted to cut in, you ought to have said so sooner! For now, you'll have to make do with just me. And if a dance is what you want..."

>Turn begins:
>5 turns remaining on [Gentle Fist]. Can I actually turn this thing off voluntarily?
>[2 AP] Move N2 E1 to face Serval.
>[3 AP] Dance-fight commences. Monkey's Dance to dodge, rolling 2d12+6.
>[2 AP 3 EN (discharging capacitor) 1 CB] Dragon Strike at Serval, for 3d3 cm at 5R.
>[2 AP 3 EN (discharging capacitor) 1 CB] Continue the Dragon Strike light show, at Serval for 3d3 cm.
>[3 AP] Monkey's Dance to continue dancing, rolling 2d12+6.
>[2 AP 3 EN 1 CB] Dragon Strike at Serval for 3d3 cm, one more time.
>[2 AP] Boost+, regain 6 EN.
>[2 AP] Boost+, regain 6 EN.
>[2 AP] Boost+, regain 6 EN.

>Turn ends.


DR: 3 LI: 6 RES: 11/11 EN: 30/30
CC :14/15 AP: 20 MOV 6
>10/10CB +100% Style
>Repeat >>1911267
>-[Stakeout] at 4

DR:1 LI:6 RE:10 RES:11/11 EN: 24/24

Mer 4 || Res 11
Mar 5 || AP 16
Ven 5 || Mov 5
Jup 2 || Mod 13
>{Coffee Break}

(Not sure what your plan is, so have a skip.)
>Stare in terror at the {Fruit Tarts}
Lirenis Theraski DR: 0 || LI:7 || RE:9 || RES:12/12 || EN: 16/16

I feel it would not be appropriate to bot anyone involved in pvp in any serious manner. However, if it comes to it:
>Parry 16ap
Aleid | DR: 2 LI: 11 RE:12 RES: 13/13 EN: 38/38
AP: 16 MOV: 4
Rolled 7, 2, 11, 6, 8, 10 + 10 = 54 (6d12 + 10)

>[3 AP] Bluff: Miss! Miss! You dropped this [VOCAVEN]
>3 AP Hustle: You can have it back. . .
>3 AP Hustle . . . If you tell me who you are and what your job here tonight is! You're both beautiful and intimidating, and I'm both curious and awe struck!
>3 AP Observe+[People People]
>"Fair Warning though! I'm pretty good at guessing lies!"
>3x rolls of 2d12+10

Lirenis Theraski
DR: 0 || LI:7 || RE:9 || RES:12/12 || EN: 16/16

Mer 4 || Res 12
Mar 3 || AP 12+2 [14]
Ven 3 || Mov 3-1 [2]
Jup 2 || Mod 11+3+5
>[Ravishing] +2, Social
>[People Person] Hear Lies
>[Smooth Talker] +4, Social
>[Servant] 2x Stealth, +50% Backstab
I'm going to wait for the thread to die so expect a new thread for the new phase. Thank you for your patience.

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