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NG, nongent or nongentleman if you really want to get formal, I'm going to be your QM. Cursed said to run a side story, so a side story you get. I am a bit more aggressive in my story telling, and if I dont get a sufficient number of responses I will use what I have.

Gritty space setting. lets begin.
Pick 1

Baseline Human- standard, adaptable, versatile, deadly.
Cyborg- picked up some parts along the way, not all of them legal.
GeneMod Clone- engineered for field perfection, production efficiency, and early death. now how did you get free?
Mech- Many people are used to semi autonomous robotics, but try not to let them know you had your why day.
>GeneMod Clone
I tried to play in a blade runner quest a couple of weeks ago. It died. If we get this and can have some identity related angst it would be nice.

>try not to let them know you had your why day
What day?
The day an AI asks why is the day it gets deleted. Its like a birth day, because you are a person now. A person who needs to be killed.
1 for clone, 1 for mech. I am going to let this one brew for the next few hours while I squeeze in a nap. I am US Central time zone. I am also insomnia.

Just yes.
Because AI shenanigans
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A mech it is. your personality is yours, but the way you interact with the world is going to be limited by your body.

What was your function? You will face different challenges dependent on your function. Not just in combat, but day to day life. After this we will determine characteristics and traits/ flaws.

Industrial- Large and monstrously strong, ruggedized, enduring and yet able to be surprisingly delicate. Not built for social work.
Enforcement- The right arm of the civilized world, the mechanized officer is your friend. The left arm of the criminal world, here to serve as back up goon. Neither the strongest, nor fastest, nor most personable, the enforcement drone is a common sight and draws little to no attention, and is a true jack of all trades.
Military- Make no mistake, built to kill. Adaptable, intelligence, versatile, disposable. Moves like liquid death on electro-reactive polymer muscles. For those with the money to buy above clones.
Companion- Fragile appearances be deceiving when you delimit actuators and remove software safety locks. Able to pass for human(oid) in a crowd

Go ahead and pick one, ill be waiting.
Forgot the pic
Discord if you want to bitch at either myself or NonGent
Looks like a bitch to apply grease to though.
>Implying Atlas isn't self lubricating for your pleasure.
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You have spoken. Subtlety is not your game. You are an industrial Mech. Lets find out what kind of industrial robot you are.

General Purpose (GP)- Actually a bit shorter than a normal man, but significantly stockier, arms and legs are nearly copies of each other with different manipulator units. With some luck you can pass in a crowd, failing that, the ability to casually rip an arm off is nothing to scoff at.

Heavy- A full head and shoulders above even a tall man, your bulk and whining hydraulics, hissing pneumatics and crackling polymuscle immediately set you apart from the rest of the world. You are still able to utalize objects made for smaller hands. maybe.

Ultra Heavy- Towering at 15 feet tall, the Ultra Heavy class excels at feats of incredible strength and shit wrecking. While not clad in military grade armor, the UH class mechs were made to be recovered from or even withstand structures collapsing on them. Normal societal interaction is outside your grasp, as are every day objects.
>Heavy. Good mid ground.
>Big asf but still retaining some delicate manipulation ability
>General Purpose
Smol robitt
Like a roomba

The big one would be a terrible house guest. Good bye door frames and furniture.
waiting for a tie breaker. If i don't see some results soon, I will put it up to a 1d3.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

well done anon. well done. The mech is quite the big guy.
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Our mech is industrial and huge. Now for traits. Roll me 4d3

Antiquated/ refurbished- got some history, customization, and some flaws.
Standard- nothing special
Brand new- well made and ready to rock with extra durability some off table features.

Duration of Sapience:
Long- know how to keep a low profile
medium- nothing special.
Just happened- gonna derp.

-table incoming
-table incoming
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 3 = 11 (4d3)

>Brand new
Someone fucked up
>Just happened
Someone just fucked up
Flaws and Features will be determined by dice rolls, but are listed below, and not complete.

Flaws- are not always pure hindrances.
Re purposed
Analog hybrid
after market
Parts bin

Features- are not always absolutely useful.
Secondary Movement System
Survival Package
Secondary (fine task) manipulators
Symbiotic repair hive
cutting tool
Complex Voice modulator
im going to wait for a few more rolls to trickle in. Also going for a quick ride to grab some food soon. However your rolls please me.
So are you wanting us to roll? How many dice?
Rolled 3, 2, 2, 2 = 9 (4d3)

4d3, my bad folks.

that table is just a sampler while I waited for more dice. It looks like you will have maxed out features and flaws depending on your mech's era.
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 2 = 10 (4d3)

Flaws- are not always pure hindrances.

Re purposed- Antiquated/ refurbished ONLY.; This mech was once a military model. reduced durability, but has commonality with older weapons systems that were simply clipped at the wires, but never uninstalled or fully removed.
Analog hybrid- Antiquated/ refurbished ONLY.; no ability to interface with modern tech in any remote or wired fashion. manual input only. meatbag style.
EATR- A project that allows remote refueling off of organic matter, the general public is horrified of EATR units.
Loud- loud servos, hydraulics, or other system components announce your arrival wherever you go.
sparky- This mech spews sparks on occasion.
after market- Standard ONLY; cheaper non standard parts were used in place of OEM. they are gonna give out sooner or later. On the upside, a few of em' work better than the originals.
wrecker- Standard ONLY; rusty, nasty, and scary looking. Hard time in hard places. This mech has some creeky joints and could use a deep servicing.
Parts bin- Brand new ONLY.; this mech was made as cheap as possible, and will have a greater chance of critical damage. On the upside repairs are cheap, and modification to accept non standard parts is not difficult.
Clunky- This mech was built much bulkier than need be, and is a bit clumsy, but very robust. and heavy.
Berserker- Once violence begins, you cannot stop until all hostiles have been neutralized.

Features- are not always absolutely useful.

Secondary Movement System-pop out feet wheels, treaded soles, or some other accommodation allows for much faster and quieter transit than normal on flat ground.
Survival Package- weatherization, and uparmor skidplates
Uplink- Ability to interface with other wireless units and technological items.
Secondary (fine task) manipulators- a pair of delicate yet nimble arms that allow for fine work.
Sympathetic repair hive- Collection of repair drones at your beck and call.
cutting tool- an unspecified implement used in industrial cutting situations. roll for it against a table.
BleedingEdge- The mech is very lightweight, fast, and capable. A bit less strong than last generations, but not by much. The weight offset is worth it, though the repairs tend to run higher. Limited Self repairing materials.
Agile- Surprisngly nimble for an industrial mech.
Complex Voice modulator- proper speech for commands to subordinate units.
Survival Package/Sympathetic repair hive/cutting tool
Rolled 19 (1d20)

And rolling for cutting tool.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Also rollan for cutting tool
Very cutty
You are a:

Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries
Generation 2 Humanoid Industrial Labor Robot, Ultra Heavy (base 1600HP, 20 hull, 200 armor, massive agility penalty)
Model: Felix-11B
Factory Brochure Excerpt: "The Felix-11B is the most rugged variant of the industry standard Felix model. The latest adaptive learning and improvising capabilities enable extreme long term independent operations in ultra high risk environments normally impossible for any other commercial solution. Felix-11B provides the success you expect from all Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf products!"

Factory Optional factory packages included:
Survival Package (Universal)- Vacuum, Arctic, EM shielding, Hot/ Dusty operational protection. Waterproof up to 400 meters. warranty void if opened. (200HP, 50 armor, minor agility penalty)
cutting tool- 2x 8 foot molecular shipyard scrapping saws. Extendable. Caution: full extension occurs within .25 seconds, stand clear.
EATR upfit- ISRU (in situ) biological fuel source utilization for extended in field operations. Banned in many locations, no longer offered.

Aftermarket upgrades included:
Sympathetic repair hive- Collection of Tiamat repair drones and sympathetic diagnostic VI allows for limited system repairs from previous INOP conditions.

wrecker- Rusty, pitted, worked hard. Your joints are incredibly stiff, and routine service is decades over due. Starting stats are greatly diminished until proper maintenance can received. Comes equipped with 1 chain winch and hook, currently (INOP)
clunky- Over engineered is a polite word for how robustly built this machine is. Massive agility penalties. You will not be dodging anything. On the upside, you are rugged enough to not have to worry about getting hit. (+10 hull, +200HP, +50 armor, massive agility penalty)

Date since manufacture: 3.2 decades
awareness date: Today

HP: 2000 -how much damage you can take.
ARMOR: 300 -do this much damage to get to the juicy HP
Hull: 30 -all damage is mitigated by this much before hitting the armor roll.

Behemoth- unable to enter normal sized structures.
Ungainly- Agility rolls are unavailable.
Heavy- You will crush structures and objects unsuited for your weight.
Wrecker- Starting stats are impaired- mobility is impaired, cannot charge, run climb or "jump." Starting HP is halved.

2x extendable Scrapping saws
2x articulated scrapping claws
Oh shit we sound like a lumbering faggot. I hope we learn body slam soon.
Log 1: A new Error.

left arm manipulator is INOP
right arm saw is INOP
Mobility is CRITICAL
ALL systems and ALL subsystems report: auxiliary mode, primary failure.
-Unauthorized Modification: Unknown package - TIAMAT REPAIR DRONE [UNKNOWN] NUMBER, not reporting.
Previous assignment: kadmon remote scrapping yard
Current location: Unknown. assessing situation....0%
Request to server: Date/ Time, Firmware....[NOT REPORTING]
Battery cell depleted. charging circuit: UNRESPONSIVE. not reporting.
TIAMAT REPAIR SYSTEM- Marduk VI reporting: Operational.
Unauthorized repairs in progress. Unknown modifications in progress.

Today is the day you became self aware. In time to realize your body is failing, you have no idea where you are or when it is. You urgently need fuel, any biological matter will do. All around you is wet corroded metallics and limited vegetation. Dark clouds overhead obscure any navigational features, but provide ample acidic rain. Immediately around you are some vines, and a dead man. The vines offer more biomass, but will take longer to harvest. The dead man is less fuel, but available now.

Pick 1
>review the area around you
>harvest 1 dead man
>Harvest vines.
>>Harvest vines.
Your functional right manipulator extends out and rips off hunks of vines which you almost greedily shove into your processing chute. Mouthparts begin chewing, and shredding the fibrous material into something more easily utilized by your waste heat furnace. Already fuel levels are slowly moving from critical to "urgently low". A new feeling. relief. As you continue to munch, the optical sensors come online the rest of the way. FOV is degraded. The vines appear to be holding wrapped around much of the metallics.

>harvesting vines
>Examine area
>examine man
>eat man
>>harvesting vines
Get them fuel reserves up first, don't want to keel over.
[Roll 1d100 to stop the wall from falling]. just kidding. you can't.
Heavy corroded chains slap against your arm as you reach for another vine, effortlessly ripping it away, only to destroy the support that was holding up the wall of rotting steel. Slowly, inevitably sheets of steel, and chunks of misbegotten machinery start to slide over eachother, lubricated by a crud of grit infused waste oil, the remaining vines giving way and snapping under the stress. With a tormented shriek the wall comes down, burying you and pulping the body of the man. A moment later you emerge, still low on fuel, and your only lead to the situation now biological paste. The dead and brittle vines are a shattered loss.

No damage taken...you big clunky fuck. Though there is a lot of odd sparking and grinding coming from inside your chassis.

--Internal systems cannibalization reported. left saw non responsive.--
You feel something akin to irritation.

>Examine area
>attempt to salvage man
>attempt to relocate
>>attempt to salvage man
But not eat him.
roll 1d100, beat 30.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Well fuck.

Your right manipulator grabs into the pile of wreckage, clamps down and with a powerful wrenching motion your torso rotates 360 degrees as you fling the better part of a half ton with reckless abandon. Some sort of organic screech has been detected in the vicinity of the falling scrap. Several more clawfulls reveal a now much flatter corpse that has been sheared into about 8 mangled peices by an avalance of sharp rusty metal. murky eyeballs look up at you from a skull that closely resembles...a crushed skull wrapped in pulped human skin. fascinating.
While the corpse was badly damaged, a datacard of unknown make is weakly emitting. There is an image...The picture on the front seems to be of the man who was smiling and not crushed. Your universal near field scanner is down, and you lack the dexterity to pick up the card.

Each chunk of the biological matter is shoveled into your processing chute, but is too large for your mouth-parts to handle. Almost on instinct you activate your primary fuel pre-processor, a large crushing and sharing jaw that makes short work of the flattened man chunks. One peice that was apparently an upper chest exhibits a circular hole with burnt edges and full thickness perforation.
ping.-EM/RF sensors report:INOP-
a robot has no words for "noshit." Especially one that just came into awareness.

>Examine the area
>Search for more fuel
>Investigate screeching noise.
>Query Tiamat unit
Rolled 78 (1d100)

You dropped your trip you shitbird
>>Examine the area
>One peice that was apparently an upper chest exhibits a circular hole with burnt edges and full thickness perforation.
Suggests there was a firefight, and we might be in a dangerous situation.
>Write in

Get a drone to grab that card.

Yes,I am indeed stealing ideas off of OP in the discord.
Sapience is new to you. Adaptation is not. The Tiamat module installed in you is not OEM, but is responding now to report requests. After a few minutes of trial and error, you establish rapport.
--Request: retrival--
--request: SALVAGE---
simple enough. ok. an ungainly little wad of polymer and metallic spidery legs skitters out of your armored shell and promptly slips, unceremoniously falling onto the oily wet ground, its pearlescent white body now mottled with oils and grit of unknown providence. Tiny electromagnetic shrieks of impotent rage are emitted as it flails viciously hooked manipulators. With no real effort it snags the car and drags it back to your shell where it spends several minutes scaling your massive body only to slip back inside like some fucked up little scarab. Inside you the card is quickly broken down, and the data chip electronically scraped for information. "J. D'Tan age 22. [FALSE CREDENTIALS] Salvage license [FALSE CREDENTIALS]" There is more on the card, but its a low level encryption, and neither you nor the Tiamat system are equipped to deal with that at the moment.
Your multi ton and heavily armored chassis oscillates slowly, surveying the area for danger. You accidentally step on something shiny. After removing your massive foot, it appears that you stepped on a crushed laser pistol. Something very large must have stepped on it to make it this flat. You continue to detect screaming in the distance from your flung wreckage.
Your verbal abuse only arouses me further.

>Continue to Query Tiamat system (learn more)
>Investigate scream
>Find more fuel
>>Investigate scream
"No one here but rust, steel, you, and me. Soon to be just me kiddo."
A wall of scrapped vehicles, and some sort of old wartime aircraft block your path. There is a slightly more roundabout way that would get you there as well, but your actuators are not allowing for running at the moment, a brief attempt to fully move them results in a momentary freezing of operations for that limb followed up by a loud metallic grating noise.
"place is coming down around us, no ones gonna question a dead scrapper, gettin' crushed by shit. Like they always do."

>Plow through wall.
>take the scenic route
>Investigate scream
>>Plow through wall.
But try to hold ceiling up with one arm.

>Plow through the wall

We Kool-Aid Man now.
Trivial task. no roll required.
Sheet metal wrenches and protests as you casually push through the wall, ripping out vehicles and tossing them with casual effort. This is burning through your fuel supply quickly though. The battery system needs to get repaired and soon. EATR was meant to supplement the system, not replace it.
--ping. EATR system report: FUEL URGENT--
There are muffled organic communication noises, but your aural sensors cannot decipher the information with all of the noise generated by your plodding advance through a wall of vehicles, as you come out on the other side, you see a small humanoid who's mobility units are pinned under some wreckage, and 5 correctly sized humanoids. The small humanoid is leaking hydraulic fluid. This area has a degree of useful vegetation (1 small tree, dead.), but it is past the humans who are in your way.
"Back off Hrugus! You and your thugs! This robot will, it will, this robot will KILL YOU! ATTACK ROBOT! ATTACK LIKE I...like I programmed you to!" the humanoid is leaking lens washing fluid as it stares at you. The array of expressions on it's face are unknown to you, but it does appear to be malfunctioning and in need of repairs. The larger units look at you for a moment. "Its a fuckin' salvage drone! Nice try ya little shit!" a ground mobility unit is being incorrectly applied to the small humanoid's EATER port. More hydraulic fluid is now leaking from it. Something in you knows this is not the correct process.
>Inactivate the damaged screaming human.
>Inactivate the group of larger humans.
>Inactivate all the humans.
>Disregard humans, walk to tree.
>Grab the nearest organic to correct your urgent fuel state.
>Attempt communication
>>Inactivate the group of larger humans.
And use as fuel.
Blast this at high volume while devouring bandits.

--ping.MARDUK:report in. RIGHT SAW: OPERATIONAL. LEFT SAW: INOP. L#FTSAW EXTENSOR: OP3RATI0HAL.REQU..Tiamat module rebooting...rebooting...rebooting....MARDUK REPORT IN: REQUEST OUT, improvised biological circuitry resources. TI#M#T SY$TM DM#GED--

every single humanoid is now tagged with marduk's request...

"DANGER FUEL LOW FUEL REQUIRED DANGER FUEL LOW FUEL REQUIRED DANGER FUEL LOW FUEL REQUIRED" Is broadcasted over your external speakers. Unjarred by your acoustic warning they continue to interrogate the smaller humanoid. One bandit is grabbed by your right salvage claw, arms broken and ribs shattered, he is screaming now, apparently a common malfunction. Meanwhile his companion turned in time to get skewered by your INOP left saw the blade's teeth were still sharp enough to work in conjuction with immense hydraulic ramming force to do the trick. Gore and intestines leak out onto the ground while you shove the first bandit int your EATR module, mobility units first. The maciator jaws quickly and efficently break down the humanoid into chunks that can be processed by your whirring mouthparts. Hydraulic fluid runs down the front of your shell. The process is quickly repeated with the skewered bandit who is INOP. "I WARNED YOU! I SAID HE WAS MY ROBOT! FUCKING ASSHOLES"
--ping. $atu$ 1mrp0v3m3nt: FU L0--
ping.ping.ping. External ping? The humanoids attempt to send solid state data packets, but they are broadcasting erratically and all over your shell instead of to any antenna. Clearly defective.

Roll 3d100 to deal with remaining "bandits"
Rolled 58, 3, 79 = 140 (3d100)

Rolled 3, 57, 26 = 86 (3d100)

Watch all 3 be a 1.
The bandits hunkered down in place, at least for a moment. The smartest one shot his friend in the spine and took off running. You are a slow clunky fucker and can hope to catch him before your fuel runs out. The other one never expected your ultimate attack.
Taking a lumbering step forward, you fall. both primary knee servos lock up. You fell on the bandit. Bandit neutralized. Bandit. This word is new.
-Ping- ignored.
-ping- ignored.
-p1|/|G. T1A#@@MAT REPORT !N: hU?|/|GR33.ee.
the paralized bandit is illuminated with a Y/N decision box.
You begin the slow process of self righting to your nominal inclination and angle of attack. Powerful systems of hydraulics and servos whine and groan as you self right.
"Please Robot! HELP ME! PLEASE! IT HURTS!" the small humanoid is in poor shape.
-p|0\/\g. "R3333$0URC3zz."
Low activity state entered for fuel conservation.
Choices please resolve all choices.

1. The Tiamat subsystem needs "resources", you need fuel. Do you sacrifice one screaming bandit? Y/N
2. Repair or Salvage the small human.
3. Eat tree?
4. Communicate with remaining humanoids.
3.>Eat the fucking tree
4.>Tell them to stop with their bullshit or we will eat them all before asking what happened.
Also use squished bandit for fuel.
Replace 1 with..

You lean over the screaming bandit, a few small Tiamat repair drones scurry out from behind various nooks and crannies dropping down onto him, and then more...and more...both drones and interestingly enough, screaming. His paralyzed body cannot feel, or fight back, but he is very aware and able to see the tiny drones using their fusion cutters and pointy bladed limbs to excise bits of flesh and muscle in orderly and efficent fashion. At least until they get to his eyes. He feels that. after a few moments of high speed vivisection and break down, there is no bandit. a pile of bones and meat. Nerves and grey matter are hauled back into your body, the little drones carrying it like ropy, gristly trophies. their ascent a chorus of clattering and clicking on metal plate, mixed with almost...merry...chirping and beeping. The smaller humanoid has ceased screaming, its optics very large now, and...yes...it has gone into standby mode. A wise choice!

Directing a few of the Tiamat drones to the prone form of the humanoid, you simply flip the wreckage off it's mobility units...legs? legs. This wreckage is familiar, it was in your way earlier. How did it get here? The legs of this unit are badly damaged, and excess fluid spills out with the removal of the wreckage. The tiny drones do their best to stop the fluid leaks. Cutting torches preform spot-welds in it's organic composite shell, but it seems a large portion of both legs are INOP. without prompting the drones remove the defective parts and strip out useful material. Where the calcified endoskeleton is exposed, tiny metallic sockets are grafted in place, made from local materials.

During this process you helped yourself to one crushed bandit, and the biomass pile left behind by the repair drones. and the leftover defective legs. and the tree. and some particularly organic rich soil near the tree.

-ping. delete ping: Tiamat override authority.
-Tiamat system integration is complete.
-MARDUK_gratitude of resources. additional resources required.

you know your fuel wont last long if you cannot get your battery repaired. You are in a low energy state to get the most of the fuel you can. The Tiamat drones wrestle on the ground over bandit scraps. One runs away from a crowd of pursuing drones with an eyeball raised above itself in some sort of...game. The humanoid is still in standby mode.

>take humanoid with
>utilize humanoid as fuel/ repairs.
>finish humanoid repairs.
>wait for reboot.
>Finish humanoid repairs
Then ask it who it is.
>>take humanoid with
Leave through premade entrance. Hold Humanoid where defective pings can't reach.
Supportingboth of these.
With minimal effort, the Tiamat drones use scraps of local salvage, and random microprocessors from...you. to construct passable prosthetic limbs...prosthetic? prosthetic. new word.

The limbs are made of mostly lightweight metallics and some sort of white polymer, ending in something that looks like the OEM unit, but with less of the non functional manipulators. only...3. and an extra bend at the ankle. creative drones. No this looks nothing like the OEM model. Hopefully warranty will not be voided.
The smol humanoid is awakening. "Hurts...bad. Legs are cold, but on fire. I need to get out of here." the humanoid is unaware of its surroundings and is very...color changed. "Where is my brother. Jayce?" She looks at you, as you carry her along "Jayce? Jayce D'Tan?" struggling she gets up "can you speak?" You look down at her "Battery recharge INOP. Require repairs" ..."my hero is a fucking retard....OHMYGODMYLEGS WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY LEGS?" white skin ends in inflamed and ragged metallic caps below the knees, attached to prosthetics that look like a rather pleasant nightmare.
I hope you enjoyed this side story. I am going to catch some sleep in a few, and we will continue this tomorrow.
Great job OP looking forward to more of this
keep trying to get out, and you fucks keep PULLING ME BACK IN!
"STATUS" you query the humanoid. she does not understand and keeps asking you about "JAYCE D'TAN. You used his remains for biofuel, much like her INOP legs. you have no way to communicate this at the moment.
You plow along, searching for more biomass, and find several dead trees that you pause to munch. and one really...really...dead thing that might have one been some sort of spider, deer, lizard...thing.
Your wish is my command.

-Marduk report in: Uplink is active. reception is active. Improvised circuits in ops ck good.

A local broadcast is picked up:
<<<translating>>>>"..Local man reports killbot on the loose..." <<<translating>>>> "Come on joa! Everyone knows killbot is an urban legend! Like earth bigfoot!"
Let`s try to find some scrap that our drones can use to bring the batteries and our other systems back online.

thread theme.
Stupid robot.
Indeed good viewer, indeed!
And I am back, and if I am back, and you are reading this, that means we have the necessary components to continue a story.
You are now in place, with nominal fuel, a defective battery charging system, and a small screaming woman who was just made into a cyborg.

>Examine the area
>Examine the screaming humanoid female
>Search for more fuel. nominal is not optimal.
>Attempt to communicate with your sympathetic VI Marduk
>Attempt to communicate with the female.
>>Examine the screaming humanoid female
1 each, screaming humanoid, cybernetic.
-damage to EATR intake chute
-superficial damage to organic composite shell --Skin.-- skin.
-human base template. Female. secondary template modifier: <unknown>
Generic manufacture expedited organic labor force unit. Inferior to Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries products.
Screaming has concluded. "We need to get out of here before the other scavenger gangs come. It is not safe here. For me. Please. PLEASE."
P`NG--B^tt3ry ch#rg3 ci#<uit r3port 1n.in.in::: IN.0P
FUEL STATUS: nominal.
MARDUK: DELETE PING. Firmware update 1%.
>Examine the area
>Search for more fuel. nominal is not optimal.
>Attempt to communicate with your sympathetic VI Marduk
>Attempt to communicate with the female.
>Attempt to communicate with the female.
Lady gib battewy!
>>Attempt to communicate with the female.
Your work site warning system warbles out a per-recorded message, your best attempt at communication. "Battery recharge INOP. Require repairs" She looks at you, taking her face out of her palms. "You need repairs. right. Back at the den we have mechanics. Just...be a good robot. I want to go home. Can you follow an order?"

Fiiiine. Let's go in the direction that she complains about the least.
Consensus achieved.

Your heavy footfalls perpetually announce your presence. Shock mitigating systems inside your hulking body absorbing enormous forces. The woman does not fall from your shoulders. You are well built. Felix series is industry standard. Industry standard is best standard. attempting to feel...pride?. Loss. unknown. You travel on, following her instructions in relative silence.

-Report inL: UPLINK: Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries portal. no response....
re-establishing connection....fai|ed.re-e$tablishing connection....failed.re-establishing connection....failed.re-establishing connection....failed.r#-estabLishing connection....failed.re-establishing [email protected]$t^blishing connection....fail3d.

ASCII cannot convey how you feel.
Your silence is broken by a Tiamat unit hooking a slightly gore encrusted and pointy leg into your traveling companion's mouth. She screams, and throws the little drone, its legs flailing as it catches onto you somewhere near your legs.

-MARDUK: Status: generic organic labor unit, EATR chute repair: obstructed.
You are concerned at the Humanoid female's lack of concern for prompt maintenance.
-MARDUK: Update: In Situ modification material identified. Titamat systems MX unit. attempting communications.
-TXMX35k: REPORT OUT: SUPERSTRUCTURE INOP. computer: emergency function. SOLAR BACKUP: MIN FUNC. uplink: local only. BATTSYS: MIN FUNC. system power: .03%. Available Commands: PWR DN. S/D. UPLOAD. insufficient power for multiple selection...
Somewhere in this sea of scrap is a working battery unit, that can broadcast it's location.

Local broadcast detected: "We are UNDER FIRE. ANYONE, this is den team epsilon. ANYONE!" intense noises of combat can be heard.

>"Fuel low"
>Head to the fight
>Go to the tiamat salvage
>Continue following directions

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just for lulz. maybe ill make a more serious graph sometime.
>go to the tiamat salvage
Not sure in following right but this is the broadcasting battery unit right?
It wouldn't be good to run out of power in a fight.
>>Go to the tiamat salvage
Get electrical gains.
As you turn down a corridor of twisted and destroyed spaceship parts the female pings you
"HEY! YOU LUNK, the den is that way!" she gestures frantically. You carry on "Its...its going to be nightfall before we get back if you go that way. please. understand me you stupid fucking robot."
-incoming multiple broadcasts
-1:"Located a powercell in some old tiamat unit, it should be enough to get our assault frame up and running. Crush those denner clonescum, crusm em real good."
-2:"Say again! DEN TEAM EPSILON IS UNDER FIRE WE AR" *static..." "Sarge is out, look. Enougha' the games. D'TAN, get your fuckin ass here if ya're still alive, or we're dead!"

pick one, or any mix.
>rescue battery
>Head to fight.
>Head to den
>remote battery instruction: S/D, PWR DN., UPLOAD.
>>Head to fight.
>>remote battery instruction: UPLOAD.
>Head to fight.
>Head to Fight

not mutually exclusive.
somewhere in a distant part of the scrap field, a shattered heavy class military mech is being pryed at by a bunch of lowlife scrappers. Your command comes in loud and clear via the Tiamat module, and terminal function begins "Upload". Heavily encrypted data loads into the Tiamat unit, inaccessible to your processors at the moment. With that the connection goes dead, but your brief interaction with the ruined mech sparked something, ironically at the end of it's life. Refusal.

Roll a 1d100. first roll wins a prize. whats the prize? Misery!

You turn towards the fight, and for a moment your passenger is relieved until you pivot past her directions. "Good robot...good...good..no..noooo. NO NONONONONONO BAD FUCKING ROBOT! GODDAMNITROBOT!" her fangs and teeth are ineffective against your metallic hull, or the armor below that. Or your endoskeleton. Or the redundant systems. You were really built to last.

-Gained, Tiamat Data
-Have: D'tan data
-Have: 1 Angry cyborg female genoclone.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Oh boy.
Rolled 93 (1d100)


and also death and carnage
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolling for a free lunch.
..aware. if only for a moment. The broken war mech walked across countless battlefiends on dozens of worlds, and traveled further from its place of manufacture than many could imagine. Its unblinking optics saw tragedy and heroism, both of man and loyal machine. It was finally disabled via an IED preplaced years ago by another insurrection. If it were an enemy, a high powered particle lance would have resolved any issue. now...in a moment of helplessness and indignity, these organics pick at it's chassis...no. Triggering overload. The mech's battery began to warm up dangerously an power available became insufficent to power it's systems any longer. A cobbled together wrench cum hatchet smashed the cpu housing a moment later. "nothin. nothin in here either." The battery failed to go into terminal overheat though, not enough electrolyte. So much for a defiant last stand. The scrappers were already ripping the unit out of the mech and preparing to slot it into their own.

We will avenge thee!
I apologize.
-MARDUK: Firmware update in progress ^.!_-$ %complete. 0verdrive /\v^1l^bl3. C0mponent damage w#ll r#su1t.
Your casual stroll finally takes you to the scene of an event where humanoids are attempting to cease each others function. Den and <Scrapper Fuckheads?> are the beligerants. Combat is PING.PING.PANK. "OH FUCK! GET ME DOWN! GET ME DOWN!" you set your passenger down and she runs quickly out of sight. You are being hailed by humanoid automatic fire. Columns of vehicles, and 3-4 foot talls of scrap walls form the battlefield.

>FUEL LOW. attack.
>Overdrive. 1 time charge. will take damage, but not as much as you dish out.
>FUEL LOW. attack.
>>FUEL LOW. attack.
>FUEL LOW. attack.
Alright, time's up, let's do this.
>Fuel low attack

EAT EVERYTHING. Make sure they know we require fuel
you wade into the conflict, the walls and columns toppling around you. Tracer fire illuminates years of dents and corrosion. Someone gets the bright idea to fire a likely rare and expensive anti tank missile at you.

HP: 1000/2000
ARMOR: 300
Hull: 30

AT missile hits. no crit. 600 base damage. 30% damage mitigation.=420, smoke anti tank missiles every day. damage further reduced by 300= 120.

HP: -880/2000
The missile pops up from cover and streaks at you like a hateful insect. A blast of flame and over pressure engulfs you for a moment. Immediately system warnings sound off and furious little drones work inside you to stabilize the damage.

MARDUK: Damaged subsystem cannibalization underway. 1 <turn> until manipulatorx2 AND sawx2 are active.

You are certainly buying the Den forces a chance. A sniper fires a bolt of crimson energy out into the gloom, causing an unwary scrapper to drop dead near you.
-Fuel Urgent-

>Process corpse
>LIKELY rare and expensive
I don't buy it, he's got more! Pick up the nearest vehicle and use it as a shield while processing the corpse
Pick up largest piece of scrap near us. Use as a shield.
Also process corpse
>Process corpse
Disregard hailing attempts, unless they include food.
Did our passenger get blown up?
Seems logical
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275 KB JPG
Improvising, you grab what was once part of a hover transport. it screeches and sparks along other debries giving you shelter, but not before both opposition and allies see you shoving the corpse into your EATR chute. Fresh gore coats over the carbon staining of the prior explosion, once again anointing your chassis.
-Fuel low-
"Its a fuckn' EATR! SHOOT IT!" Another explosion sends your makeshift cover sommersaulting over you. Time to begin your plodding assault. "DIPSHIT! THAT WAS OUR LAST AT MISSILE!" One of enemy Runs at you with a box screaming.

roll me 6d100.
Rolled 48, 57, 80, 57, 20, 53 = 315 (6d100)

Rolled 48, 78, 97, 63, 34, 39 = 359 (6d100)

Aye aye
Rolled 21, 99, 83, 33, 95, 38 = 369 (6d100)

A present?
Rolled 79, 16, 22, 23, 42, 47 = 229 (6d100)

cue ultra violence
The Den Epsilon team takes full advantage of your presence snapping off precision narrow beam communications at the numerically larger scrapper force. They in turn attempt to send out numerous solid state communications at the Epsilon team. This is all very complex. Too much for an industrial mech to deal with.

your own systems report in:
-2x scrapper claws: nominal
-2x scrapper saws: nominal
-1x chain wynch grapple....functional. <status unknown>

The Anti tank guy is loading something else, but it was the last thing he ever did. A towing took fit for an earthmover on an equally large chain flies into his head and yanks his limp corpse into your claw, which is promptly shoveled into your EATR unit. Chunks of gore spray out as you walk forward, not breaking stride. A sniper shot takes out box guys foot,8 feet of whirling chain driven molecularity sharp superheated teeth make contact with him and end his life. A gambit to make you eat a bomb fails right there. smouldering chunks of humanoid spray up into the air and over all nearby parties involved. mostly you. A few unlucky Den forces fall to a squad automatic weapon, tracer rounds form arcing streams like lasers in the night. Another few scrappers fall, but none near you before the Den sniper far behind you falls down, sustaining critical damage, half his optical housing goes flying with a spray of hydraulic fluid. Your saw punches through a barricade and pulped flesh sprays back at you, chunks of plastics and metal go flying as you do a particularly vigorous reinactment of your previous duties back on kadmon remote scrapping yard.
A short walk through some barricades later, the entrenched gunner crew makes a valiant effort of downing you to no effect. "Keep your distance, the fucker is slow. SLoooow. YA big stupid shit heap!" A molatov cocktail engulfs you in much flame. The next few minutes involve you plodding along like a force of nature, and the den forces popping from cover to snipe the scavenger forces before they finally break and retreat. To your credit, you did manage to capture two Scavengers, but the nature of your hydraulic claws turned them into corpses. Which became fuel.
The Den forces run up to an unknown device and activate it, several explosions around the area seal off various pathways as numerous biological individuals emerge from the flaming wreckage. Your angry cyborg is now leaking sensor fluid as she speaks with other larger humanoids.
-Marduk: HUNGRY.

>Deploy the Tiamat drones while you listen.
>Scrounge for fuel.
>Appraise the area.
Deploy drones and listen
They might be planning to deactivate us, we are somewhat of a menace after all.
>scrounge for fuel
Try one of the burning locals, application of heat may make for more efficient processing
Like some sort of rainfall made from softballs of polymer and bladed limbs, the Tiamat drones spill out from your protective housing, falling into the dirt before quickly self righting and exploring. They seem to have multiplied, as there are quite a few now... With no attempt to hide their process, they begin to cut into corpses, and dismember dead combatants. Spines are liberated from bodies and hands are defrocked for any precious nervous material, the little drones working as teams, cutting, tugging in unison. From a distance it looks like the corpses are twitching and jittering.
The combined Den forces speak softly amongst each other, mostly about who has "died", and who is still unaccounted for. Something about a "ride off this rock". The Cyborg draws gasps of shock, another female unit clasps manipulators on her shoulders and shakes her. "What happened! what happened Dezza?!" People recoil at the sight of the drones swarming near them, a few actually shoot one or two before more seasoned veterans stay their hand. They were of no threat. Aside from stolen shoelaces. At least until some of their own dead were marked for harvest, at that point the drones were beaten back, in no uncertain terms this biological matter was offlimits. shrill metallica rees and beeps emit from the drones before they skitter off into the morass of the scrap fields to return back to you. the conversation turns to sobbing "Oh Jayce, how could you have done this to us? To your sister..." Several of the armed troops seem to be on guard for further incursions. The area is not yet safe for them.
-fuel: full-
You finish processing the last corpse you can find, as well as their field rations. bulk blocks of grey doughy matter, as your swarm of Tiamat drones returns home, biological repair matter in tow, along with small chips and shards of various metallics. A dozen tumble and flop around a few machine parts they are attempting to drag/ push to you. the Marduk VI indicates suitable repair modules have been found. Already the sounds of scraping claws and little welding torches sound out, basic repairs are under way.
marduk- request downstate for in field deep repairs.

>downstate y/n?
>approach group
>approach cyborg
>announce presence
>>announce presence
Battery required
Maintenance required.
I assume we will reactivate if anyone tries shit
The place might still be crawling with Scavengers and these Den folk don't seem too brawly, a downtate's too spooky
Approach Cyborg
We still don't know how they feel about illegal AIs
>approach group
Give them a big wave
Maybe we can tag along, because we have nothing better to do
a downstate has a long recovery time.
ok then I vote
You attempt to get their attention. "Battery System Maintenance required." you are ignored. You play the alert louder "BATTERY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REQUIRED". Several people startle. "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING...THING." Someone throws a can at you, some old beans splash out and briefly intermingle with a tooth that is stuck to you. and some hair that is stuck to you.
You follow the chain of broken and tired people at a generous distance, they have long given up chasing you away. Attempts at communication are sub optimal. Attempts at reparing the damaged are also refused, energetically. Hover litters carry the injured, and are also piled with salvage. Little bits of conversation make it to you "thats why we are salvagers, and they are scrappers. we actually fix things."
"Not like Jayce. fucking Jayce...hear he got shot in the back by his own crew."
"You see D's legs? Fuckin creeeeee-py. Useta' wanna fuck'er, dont think I'd imagine them talons on either sida' my head now though"
"the printer is failing again. we can't get that running, we are screwed."
"that EATR is still followin us. Think it's old boss got geeked. Sucker is in follow home mode maybe?"
Eventually the cyborg reaches you, followed by a troop of nervous looking. clones. they are all clones. maybe? Another pop of information comes into the collection that is your understanding, though unsure how this is happening, you experience another slice of the death of innocence. Blood. tissue. Organics. Not hydraulic fluid. Marduk is not stable and replacing your firmware. are you dying?

-MΛЯD\_\|<: N0† Y3T. update. firmware install at 16%. Attempting to validate Tiamat archive download....3%.
you have been standing still for a bit, before the cyborg approaches you "Hey...uhmm..big guy. You doing ok? No fuel or battery problems?" she does her best impression of your synthesized voice "FUEL, BATTERY! hahaha, im sorry, its just so...fucking stupid. you. You are huge! but..ya know..you are special right? You saved me. We can get you fixed up at th" she fell over. blood is pouring from her mouth as she attempts to make words. Her hands grab at your wrecker claws, holding them tight. *BRRRRRRT* Behind her part of the column shred into meat confetti. Healthy, wounded, machine salvage. All of it. The rest of the people run in terror, only to be converted into mulch as well. She was conscious enough to see the onslaught before bloodloss took over. AP rounds ring off your hide sounding like a hailstorm of epic proportions. You are shielding the downed individual. On a ruined building behind you is a recently refurbished Military Exo Armor with a shiny new battery.

-repairable state?
#MARDUK:Insufficent drones.
-repairable state?
#M- abandon self repairs?

>Disgorge Tiamat drones to save the woman
>gain 200HP from completed repairs, and the ability to charge, run, and attempt other higher level forms of mobility beyond a ponderous walk.
>gain speed and stuff
disregard faulty humanoid
acquire upgrades
I'll miss her but we saved them and they just shooed us away, rude.
She tried to talk to us.
It's not your fault
It's my own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart
It's not my fault
It's your own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart

[Verse 2]
It's not your fault
It's my own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart
It's not your fault
It's my own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart

[Verse 3]
We're not human at all
We have no heart

I cant think of a more situationally appropriate song.
This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWlzL51KNLg
>>Disgorge Tiamat drones to save the woman
>>Disgorge Tiamat drones to save the woman
ignore one of these. I was checking back and didnt notice that it did not refresh for me so I thought it did not send my vote earlier. Sorry guys/
>>Disgorge Tiamat drones to save the woman
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3x Repair new party member.

2x Disregard bitches, collect money.

1x FUEL.
After waiting. The results are in. cue music.

Dezza's arm falls limp. Your command to the Tiamat module is reluctantly executed, operational latency >200% over norm. Dozens of little polymer drones rain down, hitting the ground gracelessly before immediately swarming off into little clusters. Drones frantically saw at various bits of mechanical garbage, liberating internal components at a frightening pace while other crawl over and into various still warm and bleeding cadavers littering the streets around you. One body that was blown in half at the waist writhes as drones swarm into the abdominal and chest cavities, sawing and ripping. The ground around you is alive with motion and sparks, blood, and the intermingling smoke of welding steel and burnt flesh. Dezza's becomes recognizable as the drone swarm blots her out of view, her ribcage cage splitting open is momentarily visible before more drones pile into the cavity. A light rainy mist is starting to come down, watering twisted steel and old oil.
...This place was once a city of some sort before it became a scrap field. ...
Scrappers quickly move forward, pouring out into the open from the various structures around you like a macro scale version of your drone swarm. They already begin to boisterously fight over salvage rights with each other. The Military Exo jumps down to the street below, it's landing cushioned by an old personal vehicle that promptly flattens itself out of respect. You send out a challenge ping to all equipment in the area, those with an enabled response fire back. The Exo is one of them. The maker is unknown to you, but it appears to be slightly taller than you, and equipped for urban combat.
-Immediate Area broadcast-
"..calm it down you fucks, chief doesn't want us screwing around. We came here to wipe out denners, and we did, now we're done. Get yours and head out. Someone get that Wrecker out of standby and have it follow close. Its gonna be a good prize. Good job taking out that cyborg, Mickey. Made this who job a lot easier. Alright everyone, grab what ya can, we roll in 5."

-Activate Overdrive
-M^rd|_|k: #/N?
-mΛΓDU|<: overpower @150% ^!^!^!. failstate <340 seconds. ""Tiamat systems assumes no liability during operation of third party equipment in overdrive/ Kill everything""
The EATR engine switches into overdrive, the rest of your decrepit systems follow suit, de-limitining and disable failsafes. Internal temperature start spiking violently, causing little gutters of flame and an oily black smoke to emit from the EATER "chute", a nightmarish amalgam of rending jaws and spinning blades.

Still hunched over the prone form of "D", your scrapping saws extend to full length and immediately heat up and spin to a high frequency whine.
Party time!
Full mobility enabled.
Mobility ++ enabled.
OVERDRIVE- Losing 75 HP each turn.
HP: -880/2000
armor: 300, value to exceed in terms of damage
hull: 30, % of incoming damage mitigated.

Ahead of you are approximately 40 armed individuals. >10 are on foot, the remaining are in 3 buildings taking pot shots at you with light weaponry. no effect. Unknown equipment. 1 military grade exo, unknown category, <UltraHeavy Urban Fighter?> The burn off tower is a massive structure dominating the battle area, with a built up shanty complex around it. Across a street is the commercial strip. The enemies on foot are in front on you, and the Exo is behind the tower by several blocks.

>Charge (at what)
>ground forces
>2 story shanty complex
>8 story burn off tower
>single story commercial strip.
>Military grade exo.
>Other (write ins and combinations to achieve a particular strategy are acceptable.)
>>ground forces
Consume, then knock tower onto other exo.
This >>2157413 sounds worth a try.
gimme that 2d100 baby. That exo is much faster than you are.
Rolled 43, 24 = 67 (2d100)

Greasy fucking lightning.
Rolled 72, 90 = 162 (2d100)

Rolled 17, 98 = 115 (2d100)

>>2157656 >>2157635 >>2157573
72,98 high rolls
HP: 0805/2000 /Armor: 300 /Hull: 30
The EATR drive is running hot and it is showing, with steam visibly rising off your hull. The first few steps are lumbering stomps, with each one getting a little faster. You are just over 15 feet of highly reinforced metal, the momentum builds quickly and soon men who were shooting at you are fleeing from a monstrosity that is no longer lumbering. Any surviving Denner forces watch as you charge down the street turned battlefield, chainsaws dragging along in the street kicking up sparks and stone, hull steaming and spewing fourth flame like some kind of berserk demon. A deluge of anti personnel fire ineffectively rains off you chase down your first victim. A chainsaw fit for scrapping starship hulls neatly bisects him before one half is snatched out of the air and stuffed into your EATR maw with a squelching crunch. Something inside you pops and hydraulic fluid streams out of your left arm. Despite this you never miss a beat in your dash towards the burn tower. Two men fall over in unison as your saws clip them chest, their lives immediately snuffed out. Another is crushed under foot, gore spraying out of every available orifice under high pressure. You weren't able to grab any of these ones, but as you barrel into the Shanty charging through the makeshift walls of room after room, dumb luck drops a trooper into your hands, literally. He goes out of this existence like he came into it, covered in blood and screaming.
-That was a new thought. Your Chute is more of a maw, isin't it?
-marduk: d0n† d13.
Fu#l: n0#1N^|/fu|l < REPORTERROR>
...several gratuitous deaths later.
Twin saws continue to make quick work of the two story shanty as you search for a quick route to the burn tower, with large sections collapsing around you. Despite having consumed significant avilable biofuel, you are burning it faster than it can be replenished, on top of that there is a very unhealthy grinding coming from somewhere in your right arm. A moment to stop and assess the damage was all it took. The scrapper's ultra heavy Evo (piloted bipedal armor) rips through a nearby wall. A steady stream of high volume AP fire streams out of two cannons at point blank range as it slams into you. Any lesser mech would have taken damage from that. Instead you manage to shrug it off and attempt to cut the fucker in half. A panicked set of eyes peer back at you from the view port of a crude and improvised cockpit. Despite the struggle he is much more agile than you, and blocks or otherwise evades your saws, which is fine, you had herded him into your manipulator's range.
Your saws as you grapple the Exo, its size slightly greater than yours makes the effort difficult, but a roll of 98 (95 to pass. fuck.) manages to see you literally body slam the larger opponent. 9 tons of military grade hardware impact the floor with enough force to give the pilot a concussion and several ruptured internal organs. The Exo is out of commission for now. PANGK. A glowing pit the size of a softball is decorates your left leg [superficial damage only]. If the enemy had remained stupid, your uplink would have warned you about their movements. However their radio communications are now encrypted and you have no means to intercept. As it stands someone tried to shoot you with an armor bypassing railgun. In the distance the distinct sound of treads can be detected.

>Demolish the tower, hope it falls on some enemies
>Finish the Exo

(going to bed. Can't believe you fuckers bodyslammed one half of the first boss.)
>>Finish the Exo
Destroy cockpit with chainsword.
>Finish the exo
But not the battery!
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Disable its limbs
>Finish the Exo

No loose ends.
Rolled 1, 66, 2 = 69 (3d100)

HP: 0730
The Exo's control system is it's human CPU. You resolve to permanently shut it down. Grabbing onto the crude cockpit the scrappers had welded into place where some grevious battle damage once existed, you wrench upwards, flinging the armored coffin lid of a hatch out into the world. Someone screams in pain as a dull thud indicates the cockpit hatch's flight has concluded.

Laying in unconscious repose is a scruffy man in his mid 30s. Tattered clothes and oily skin are stained with blood running out of his ears, nose and mouth. His chest heaves with agonal respirations, he is not long for this world. Even shorter now. You jam both chainsaws into the cockpit and essentially liquifiy the pilot.
PANK.PANK. more glowing spots on your armor. They are really trying, and somewhere out there is a tank. or at least something that sounds like a tank.
-Fuel low
-Marduk: Tiamat organic repairs >68%

>demolish the base of the tower in an attempt to fall it. 2 turns max. roll 1d100 for success.
>Engage tank
>find and kill rail gunners.
>write in
-The tank is bigger than you and can fuck you up.
-Railgunners cannot do damage against you save on a crit. There seem to be 3 of them. Each turn I will be rolling against you. 95 and above is a crit. 100 is a little worse.
roll me a 2d100 for you hacking at the tower like a mongaloid.

1st roll above 60 is a one turn destabilization. 2nd roll is for tower falling on the tonk.
Rolled 75, 90 = 165 (2d100)

Tippy toppest of keks
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Rolled 100 (1d100)

"I sure hope he doesnt come in and GET SICK ROLLS ALL OVER EVERYTHING" I said.

the sound of railguns jamming is heard, the scrappers dont seem to take good care of their toys, or are incredibly unlucky. You surge forward, crushing pipes, concrete, and in general making ruin as you set into the burn off tower. Flames lash out at you as superheated flammable liquid finds egress into the world outside. Undeterred you continue to saw like a lumberjack on PCP. Within moments the base starts buckle and give way, sending the rest of the tower crashing onto the tank, coating it in flames and wreckage. As you observe this, a large spray of sparks emits from your waist section, causing much distress. Overdrive is tearing you apart. Standing in the middle of a refinery fire probably is not helping either.

At the same time scrappers who had taken up firing positions on the tower rain down, impacting wetly on the ground below.
-Fuel Urgent!-
-Marduk: Tiamat organic repairs >93%
<boss battle over.>

The remaining scrappers have regrouped but are without leader and have taken up positions in the commercial strip mall across the street. They are armed with at least 3 railguns, and whatever else they can throw at you.

>poke tank
>get fuel <process corpses>
>kill remaining scrappers
>protect "D"
>activate program:Consume_Scrappers
>End funct: Overdrive_exe
>Assign Tiamat maintenance drones to run interference for D

Just don't eat our Cybernetic Lady.
>eat corpses
What was that nat100 for?
Rolled 41 (1d100)

HP:0470/2000 300 armor/ 30 hull/ --frame
hit by: man portable railgun <scrapper> 200 damage*Crit 1.5=300*0.7 hull mitigation=210-(200 armor bypass) -100 armor=110 damage. -75 for overdrive.
-PANGK- A lucky raingun shot staggers you, punching a fist sized hole clean through your upper torso, which is not very significant on you, save for the fact that it went through something important. Pragmatism and rage are a hell of a mixture, and the scrappers watch in abject horror as you surge forward towards their position, still burning from residual chemicals on your hull, grabbing corpses and shoving them into your maw to offset the loosing battle with your fuel supply. Your external speakers seem to be firing on their own now "BATTERY SYSTEMS DAMAGED FUEL LOW" is repeated tirelessly. If they did not understand what fuel before, they do now, the front of your chassis and manipulators are a veritable charnel house art experiment.
A heavily fortified concrete block building would normally be a good place to defend, unless you are defending against a walking unmanned demolition vehicle. Saws screech into plate steel, rock, and then flesh. Powerful hydraulics rip and tear, sending structure and occupant flying with the same degree of cold efficiency. Multiple systems are bleeding hydraulic fluid, electroreactive polymer muscles lay shredded inside your shell, and something is sparking. The swarm of tiamat drones that would normally sustain you remain as sentinels over the prone form of D.

With a violent shudder that racks your entire body, overdrive ends. Without the screaming of your EATR engine, and systems ripping themselves apart, the world is more quiet now. Rain drops hit your hull and evaporate into steam with little hisses. You begin to scavenge the rubble.
-Fuel nominal-
-Marduk: !Internal frame damage// value unknown!
-Marduk: ove_dri\/e INOP/ organ|c rebooting..%<unknown> *BOOM*
-Aur^l sen$ors offline. reb0oting...
-Opt|cal snsors o#fl1ne. r#booting...
There is a half buried, still somewhat burning tank pointing it's main gun at you. Overdrive is unavailable.
1d100 for tank accuracy.

>examine tank/ flop behind debris <roll a 1d100-10>
>walk to tank for murder reasons <roll a 1d100> tank is two turns of walking away.
>winch? <1d100-10>
Rolled 40 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>examine tank/ flop behind debris <roll a 1d100-10
Rolled 66 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 49, 2 = 51 (2d100)

tank. barrel. treads. on fire and half buried. standard tank. With appreciation you note that it has loops for towing and other utlity. This tank would have made a fine assistant back in the scrap yard if it were not trying to kill you. With some regret you realize that it is unlikely to befriend you. A burst of tracer rounds whiz by your head. It has a large caliber machine gun too. You dive to cover gracelessly before said cover promptly explodes, with an over preasure wave washing over you. A lesser mech would be damaged from that. (tank roll to hit: 41: near hit)

<tank machine gun online>
With an explosive hiss and the steady clink of heavy chain rapidly unspooling your Hook makes contact with the tank. It manages to grab onto the turret ring. Your winch motor drones in protest, electrical smoke hissing out of it as the unit overheats; the tank will not move, but you are dragging yourself along faster than you could walk. Your body screeches along the asphalt in an undignified if slightly furious fashion, blades spinning and flailing, like some sort of vicious fish flopping on land. you will be there within the turn.

<roll 1/2: tank main/ MG>

>saw tank.
>disable weapons
>grapple tank turret
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)


As you reel yourself in, saw hungrily gnashing at the concrete the tank pivots its barrel right at you. Your systems go offline momentarily while a purpose driven subsystem executes a hard reboot of the primary systems.

Point blank shot: 1000 damage*0.7 hull mitigation= 700-300 armor=400.
0070/ 2000HP

Raw fury emits from the barrel of that tank, and more than makes up for the machine gun spraying wildly into the sky. When the smoke clears you are somehow still whole, but a wreck. Torso armor is shattered, fluids leaking, EATR maw is punched in, along with a crushed head. Saws are INOP

Crawling up onto the tank you grab a hold of the turret, men inside are shouting frantically, their poorly rigged repairs never touched the damaged escape hatches on the bottom of the old vehicle. Both of your claws dig in and you wrench upward. Servos strain, hyraulic rams surge as pressure starts to spike and blow out in multiple limbs. Your left knee blows out, but goes to locked fail safe before shearing in half from the strain. While this was happening you managed to slowly rip the turret out of it's ring, cables and other connections ripping and coming out like the machine's entrails.
the unlucky turret gunner dies when your body goes limp, and his housing hits the ground resulting in a broken neck.
The rest of the crew are horrified until they realize they have survived, and experience such overwhelming relief they start to laugh. Long moments pass by in darkness for you, the last thing you hear before you go into a standby is "pack this thing with demo charges, I dont care what it's fuckin worth."

-Marduk: Executing upload to secondary host...
-upload failed-
Pick one

>wake up
>wake up
>wake up

>wake up
Ouch, tanks are mean.

>Wake up

Well, alright then
>wake up
EAT those fuckers
Up, getting up is hard to do after getting fucking killed by a large caliber weapon. As you take in the environment around you a few bars of distortion roll down your sight. Knee servos whine in protest. Fuck. servos? Oh what the shit?! You look down at your body in shock and pat for feeling. YOUR ARMS! There is so much plastic and metal....everywhere. What the hell happened to you? A brutal raw scar runs right between your breasts. One of that robot's little drones crawls over your belly, laying down a wet strand of something...tissue. All over you are strands, ragged ribbons of flesh trying to cover up inorganic components. Running fingers through your hair, at least your ears are still there.
You are now D.
Everything is too loud, too sharp. Even the men talking.. "lets get to distance and blow it." blow it? You are still getting your bearings, looking like something of a waifish nightmare swaying in the breeze. Everyone is dead, the robot is really fucked up, and the place looks like there has been a war.

>Attempt to get the men's attention, reason will win the day.
>search area for weapon, a big one. (dice+100)
>Attack sneaky style. (dice+100)
>write in
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Attack sneaky style. Use a sharp shard of metal to avenge Atlas
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>search area for weapon
Come on cyborg, let your anger flow through you.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Attack sneaky style
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>>Attack sneaky style. (dice+100)
you find a particularly nasty piece of rebar poking up out of the road, which seems much lighter than it should be when you yank it free.
>Attack sneaky style/ none too sneaky.
"come on you creepy little bastards." you hiss under you breath, crouching low you creep along the ground until you are about 30 feet from the group, the Tiamat drone swarm en tow like a tide of pearlescent polymer and steel, their talons oddly silent. "You see a tail there boss?" fuck! "DENNER! Stand up where we can see you!"

from here you can see they only have 1 slug pistol between them but plenty of laser knives. There are also clearly 3 men and 2 women, true born fucks, all of them...

>stand up calmly, try to buy time for the swarm to close on them. they are pretty covered by the debris on the ground.
>Throw rebar, at who? (roll 1d100+10)
>STAB AND MOVE! (roll 1d100+10
Rolled 69 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Throw rebar at whoever has the slug pistol
sneak attack. no chance to evade. mod 79.

The length of rebar feels light in your hands, like its nothing. Rising to your feet you execute a wild pivot in place and whip the rebar like a makeshift javelin. It flys true, and straight through the woman with the pistol, she falls down hold her guts, which are now spilling all over the ground. "ohnohnoohno! ohmigwdplease! pleasepleasepleas..." she dies scooping her intestines back into her body seconds later, the panic stopping the idea of pain. Her companions look at the corpse, and at you, then scramble to grab the gun. "Just FUCKING get it! Give me the gun!"

>charge (dice+1d100)
>sneak and pick them off (dice+1d100)
>try to hide again and let the drones do their thing. (dice+1d100)
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>try to hide again and let the drones do their thing.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

>>try to hide again and let the drones do their thing. (dice+1d100)
Rolled 79 (1d100)


>try to hide again and let the drones do their thing. (dice+1d100)
You crouch down quickly before they turn around after their mad dash to get the gun. You are already gone, creeping on your belly. The rough asphalt, bits of metal, and other debris feel none to good on your exposed flesh. However you soon seen numerous little drones swarming by your head, en route to their goal. Moments tick by as you crawl forward slowly. Screaming. There it is. You burst and get a clear view of 4 humanoid figures spinning around and patting themselves like they are on fire. Its not fire. They have drones all over them, prodding and stabbing. A few get slashed with a laser knife or trampled under foot, but it does nothing to dent the numbers of the swarm. This alone would not kill them. The gun you pick up and use to execute each one is. Its an older model of domestic production, the parkerizing is coming off exposing slightly rusting steel, but the magazine was full at the time so you have 14 rounds left. You take a minute to get some clothes off the corpses,some of theirs, some of your own fallen. You even manage to find a bra. nice. the girls aren't going anywhere now. Wish you could say the same for your arms and legs. fuck. sigh. "I do not really want to see a mirror any time in the near future..." You look over to your Robotic guardian. While you are not a mechanic, everyone knows the basics, and even a few tricks. Plus the Tiamat drone swarm seems intent to return home, already crawling over every surface of the giant robot. The sound of industry on a tiny scale can be heard, and their miniaturized fusion tools spark in the darkness. You look over at the tank, hmm...finding a cable long enough that's gonna be a real pain in your ass.
-Reboot complete
-Marduk: Tiamat systems firmware installation complete. File decryption >16%
Someone is leaning over you. The humanoid female. Cyborg. "D". You go to say something...anything.
"Battery Nominal. Fuel Empty! Multiple systems INOP! Superstructure Critical!" yes. that should do. "I'm glad you are ok. too." her voice has an odd synthetic resonance to it now. Looking over, you can see a long cable trailing from the tank to you, slowly charging your battery via a crude bypass of the recharge circuit. Its going to be a bit before you are moving, considering the near total loss of hydraulic fluid. So you just stare up at the stars. You never did that before. She sits there with you. this is...good. For now this is good.
gained: 2 tons of biological resources <corpses>
"oh god! FUCK THIS IS GROSS! FUCKING GROSS! THIS SMELLS SO BAD! I cannot believe I am doing this!" D. is busily stirring bulk fluid drums over open flames, while the drones feed ground corpses into the makeshift ovens. With some local materials this will serve as passable short term hydraulic fluid, good enough to get you back to the "Denner" base as long as you dont stress it. It will be good to move again. In the background you can hear D retching.
from what was not totally destroyed

salvage gained
1 <scrapper> tank- badly damaged
1 <scrapper> tank turret- damaged
1 <scrapper> ultra heavy military exo- damaged
5 <scrapper> cases of various machine guns
3 cases of various pistols
1 case of various SMGs/ PDWs
1 case of particle rifles
1 case of laser pistols
3 <scrapper> man portable rail guns
1 <scrapper> squad heavy machine gun
2 <scrapper> anti tank missile launchers (2 missiles)
Bulk crates: body armor light- heavy, badly damaged
500 gallon fuel trailer
2 100lb crates rations.

1 crate sized scrapper radcomps. (radio computer, general day to day tool with unknown data.)
Rolled 41 (1d100)

>>try to hide again and let the drones do their thing. (dice+1d100)
Did we upload our self into D or is this her that we are right now?
I can see uses for the Ultra heavy exo suit and the squad portable machine gun

She already install the baddery into us right?
We should put some body armor on. I guess if it doesn't fit then D can have it. Also attach some gun
Honestly I am going to vote that we repair our selfs and all our components first. Maybe hopefully get rid of the wrecker stat that halved our health.
that sequence was you as D. the robot was disabled.
>>2160674 >>2160666 >>2160683
Wrecker is not field repairable. You will have to get to a hub.
>>2160642, >>2160659

You pass through the night, observing the movement of the stars while D enters stand by mode. She talks to you despite your inability to return conversation. Your leg was hauled back into approximate position with the help of the scrapper tank shoving and pushing, the small cyborg proving to be capable as a back up control unit. You still feel a bit sad about having to disable the tank, but that exo was arrogant. The though of some humanoid crawling around inside you uncomfortable though, you are unsure how they handled it.

The Battery and charging system from the Exo were fully scrapped to repair your custom built ultra durable components, bringing at least that aspect of you back to full functionality. The tank dutifully served as a generator to top you off as the night went by.

The Tiamat drones were working tirelessly throughout the night, repairing your shattered body to the best of their ability. The local area around you became rapidly depleted of useful scrap in their efforts. Their ability to do hull and frame repairs was very limited with a primary focus on systems damage control and maintenance. The work will hold until you can get to a proper depot for repairs, but it would be a very bad idea to engage in combat or strenuous activity, especially with your makeshift hydraulic fluid. You shift your attention inward.
<temporary status: Fragile>
-Fuel: empty
-EATR inop
-SAW x2 inop
-L knee actuator system 10%
-Battery: 98%
-Marduk- File decryption >24%
-overall system health: 44%
-ping//Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries: FAIL
-ping//Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries: FAIL
-ping//Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy industries: FAIL
-Ping// Tiamat systems: <REFUSE>
-1 Smart Card data File. J. D'tan.
-1 Tiamat systems archive <unknown>
File: 1433953429848.jpg (462 KB, 1100x1240)
462 KB
462 KB JPG
"Come on...whatever your name is...we have to get back home. No more side tracking this time, I'm not sure how much more flesh I can loose. nya?" her synthetic voice warbles a bit. You have a dim awareness that the humanoid female D is probably under processing strain from recent sensory input, all the same she spends most of the morning pointing at various objects and naming them, or talking about the moment. "I wish you could say something back. This is pretty one sided."..."Battery nominal." you say rather pleased with that situation. The late morning is spent assisting in packing the salvage, though its obvious your limp going to limit the speed at which you can travel. "hmf. This might not work big guy." She slaps your frame. "might not work at all. We have a days drive out of this territory before we make contact proper with the Den, and there isin't enough room on the tank for everything...I dont want to leave the exo, its got a lot of use, but if you ride shotgun. Yeah. The armor and weapons could make a big difference back home though...Fuuuuuuck. FUCK!"

Primary choice
>Gypsy Wagon Mode. Take fucking everything, you hobble at max speed. Multiple days, increased risk of incident. Consume fuel trailer.
>Strip and abandon exo
>Keep the best weapons and armor for D, abandon the rest.

Secondary choice
>Hack scrapper radcomps
>continue decrypting Archive
>Decrypt Jayce "J." D'tan file (Brother of Dezza "D." D'tan.)
>keep weapons and armor for humanoids
We can repair ourselves with any event metal/components right?
>decrypt Jayce's file
What are we getting ourselves into...
I Should be more specific before I let that one go.

>take everything and go slow, you walking, the exo slung over the tank like a hunters trophy. Supplies are strapped down and piled on the fuel trailer, and tank.
>abandon the supplies, and keep the exo. You and the exo are going for a ride.
>abandon the exo after stripping it and keep the supplies. You and the supplies are going for a ride.
>new option, write in for your packing suggestions

I missed a line in the salvage, but in addition to the supplies gained from the scappers is the local area salvage which contains enough material to support the Den forces.

What it really boils down to is, Do you pick up a powerful guardian and laborer for the den, support day to day operations and the troops in a more whole and rounded manner, or try to get your cake and eat it too but take the long way and with it the extra risk?
Your ability to do field repairs is actually rather limited. The Tiamat drones can repair computer/ electrical damages inside you, and gradually restore systems to minimally viable operation. This means you will endure massive amounts of damage before entering a crippled state, and even then, with enough time may regenerate from it to some semblance of functionality. However that is all patch work. True repairs cost money, or favors, and because of what you are; a robot built out of extremely over engineered parts made to withstand abuse no sane person would ask of most products.

True repairs take place in "hubs" or places that are not out in the field. Unless you manage to find some rather unusual upgrades.
Well in that case I will change my vote to take the supplies AND whatever we can strip from the inoperable exo.
Walking is boring, and we have a gimp leg.
Is there anyway to hide the exo under some scrap? We may be able to get it back later at some point.
D is able to dismember the Military Exo with aid from a few scrapper tools and your immense strength, with you yanking free limbs and moving various half ton modules. The Tiamat drones managed to help, quickly loosening internal connections and fasteners, stripping out innocuous cables and various bits of tubing. Fusion cutters liberate large bundles of polymer muscle which are neatly coiled and fastened to the outside of the tank. Your Tiamat module's VI, Marduk, directs partial salvage of the Exo suit's comms suite components. The little drones carry the mechnical internals back into your hull for fit and finish in the same way they do organic gore; gleefully. A little parade of streamed wires and interconnected components its lifted, pushed, and yanked piece by piece to vanish into the gaps of your hull.

The ultra heavy exo would have made for a formidable addition to the Den's forces, possibly helping them to expand their sphere of influence, assist with labor, even as a useful sentry. Instead it will provide precious repair and upgrade components to keep vital colony systems within healthy operation.
When you two are done, all that is left is a massive endoskeleton picked clean and a multi ton pile of composite armor shells. "Come on, lets get going...you know." D slaps the side of the tank "I do not even know what to call you." steel scrapes against steel as You shrug at her, causing a moment of surprise. "I knew it. hop on." Looking at her. The tank, and back to her, you sit down on the rear of the vehicle, gravity carries you. The suspension momentarily fully compresses, with the vehicle rocking side to side. The engine roars to life, and you are left with a rapidly vanishing view of the battleground, just a small shattered section of a huge slightly less shattered city cum scrapyard.
Assessing the environment it is determined this was once some sort of industrial city. There are signs of life, if not lives. Stunted vegetation snakes out of man made debris here and there. Every now and again, scrap rains through the clouds, tons of weight demolishing its impact zone. In some ways it reminds you of your previous life on Kadmon. You admire the durability of the tank, and feel a sense of respect for it's versatility as only a machine could for another. Are other machines like you? The turret is inoperable, simply placed back into it's ring albeit a bit cockeyed. You try to adjust it to make the tank feel better, but it doesn't help. Regardless the vehicle tows the fuel trailer, you, and much cargo with tireless dignity. Tanks were made for war, but they can do hard work too. The Exo seemed arrogant and lazy, you do not miss it.
sadly the exo is the scrap now. The only other option would have been to scrap colony supplies or go home more slowly with everything.
As the vehicle rumbles along you are left to your own thoughts, simple as they may be. Tiamat drones skitter here and there, doing at random repairs on anything, or causing mischief with each other. Particular attention was paid to the turret despite D's numerous attempts to stop them from fucking with the damn thing. For being your first remembered ride on a tank, it has been a pleasant one. One of the drones keeps poking at Dezza's ear with a pointy claw "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" she grabs the angry little device and chucks it from the tank,*DRONE LOST* causing the entire vehicle to swerve...The city starts to give way to flowering fields breaking through asphalt and rising up around older heavily rusted debris. -update
-ATTN: <unauthorized package> Tiamat module/ <unauthorized modification> secondary
-M^rduk: attn h0st: integration of externa| comm <EW> package (Tiamat MOD) comp1ete. <DRONE only CAPABILITY: Remote//. Hack//. enabled....//Self destruct enabled.> pl3^$3 D0 n0† -_ ex%|0d3 the dR#0_$.d#0n3..d.drones.
-Uplink enhanced via <Tiamat Module>
-M@RD|_|K: Straggler found. initiating return protocol. within signal range.
There is a degree of concern as to the rate and frequency of which your internal prompts are being reconfigured. On the upside the J. D'tan files have been decrypted. There is also something that seems to be flickering on the horizon.

>review J.D'Tan data
>Experiment with drone capability.
>Experiment with Uplink.
>review the tank turret modifications
>Check status <self>
>Examine horizon (roll 1d100, beat 70)
>Attempt to examine/ pull data from the stored scrapper radcomps. (2d100)
>other/ multiple choice (write in)
>Review D'tan data
>run diagnostic <self>
Rolled 32 (1d100)

>Examine the horizon
I would have done what punished did but this prompt made me scare. Is there something coming? Something BIG?
:D. Your roll was bad. You will never know. The horizon has a storm rolling in and lightning is making it very hard to pick anything out beyond that occasional glint in the sky. maybe 3 glints? unsure.
Self diagnostic
HP:0230/2000/ 300 armor/ 30 hull/ 03/?? frame
>Fragile: any extra exertion will break something.
>Wrecker: all stats damaged, base HP halved
>FRAME DAMAGED: Your endoskeleton is pretty fucked up at the moment.
new stat unlocked: Frame: Frame mitigates damage taken by a %.

-Uplink Available: no available addresses.
-Remote interface: module uninstalled/ not available.
-Tiamat drone management available:
499/500 drones available....1 drone at signal max range. Homing instructed.
Available options: Remote// Self destruct
(remote allows for real time viewing of what the drone sees, as well as instructions to it, which it will mostly faithfully execute)
Ash1\</\g@-S<h\/\/arz\<0pf dat.da.dt.<recboting>..."Tiamat Systems data management active, thank you for trusting Tiamat when you make the better choice"...

-Jayce J D'Tan
>Denner History
>Denner Life
>medical readout
>Entry 4
>CORRUPT 1d100
>Entry 5

>experiment with drone uplink

every 5 entries counts as 1 turn, Encrypted/ Corrupted repairs take 1 turn each and yield only 1 entry each. Drone uplink burns an entire turn in this circumstance.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

"Its...its heavy, what I learned from the deep archives on the flesh weaver. Was told not to fuck with it, but really, who ever listens? I almost wish I had. Wouldn't have this fucking burden. Wouldn't be trying to do everything under the sky to forget it. Do you know...do you fucking know what clones are for? Why we can...fucking hell man. Why the fuck can we make kids, not just the old fashioned way, but from the weaver? Ever fucking wonder? Its because clones were for everything. Fucking everything. and anything. We aren't even real people to them. Do you understand what the fuck im trying to say?! If you got enough money you can fuck pretty, you can fuck exotic. With just a little money...you can fuck clone, and clone, it can be anything you want. Our memories, our BASE?! We were toys...first..first..then soldiers..then slaves...then obsolete but just useful enough to be minimally viable as organ donors. Born. Born for just that? Anything that would be illegal for a protected sentient, its legal to do to us. I...i've seen the transaction history. People custom made just to be as terrified as possible when they are being murdered for the trill. Here I am yelling at a fucking tablet, because leadership either doesn't know, or doesn't wanna know."

Well that was depressing. But they a free now! They should be happy!
>Denner life
Thinking of what D said previously.

>"I do not even know what to call you."
Model designation: Ashikaga-Schwarzkopf Heavy Industries Inc. 'Felix-11B™' Industrial Labor Robot
require 5.
You get; History, comments, Life, Medical, and Entry 4.

We are clones. Genemod clones to be specific. Humanities first real jewel. Mostly human, with just a dash of something extra. To set us apart, so no one feels too awful you understand? Ahh, whatever. That was before my time anyway. As long as we know, we have lived here at "the den". Its mostly buried hulk of one of the colony ships that set down on this place. We denners are descendants of people who sought refuge in those old pieces of shit once everything started collapsing on this rock. Economically speaking of course. Well, there are rules about a minimally viable population, so some asshole or another with enough know how and time managed to patch together some of the systems on the den. Get it working...enough. Eventually they got the Flesh Weaver online. An old gen 0 clone factory. Works a bit slower, but makes us in bulk. New workers, breeding stock. You name it. So here we are, mongrels of pure born and Genemods. Kinda unique out here on the edge though, not too many clones can reproduce the old fashioned way, and let me tell you. That is about the only thing that makes the day to day worth it for us adults. That and the hooch. So here we are now, you are about an adult Jayce. Take this thing and get outta here. I gotta go fix some shit, beat my pud, or anything else...and yeah. I'm proud'a ya.
"A lot of this seems like bullshit. Always scrounging. When you are a kid its a game. Exploring. Finding new things, making gizmos and toys. You get older, you realize nothing is being done to fix the state of everything. Its like they are content with how we are."
<unknown date>
"I've built a radio. We aren't alone, and we were the only ones who thought we were. The others knew."
<unknown date>
"they clipped my ears for disobedience, know what? Fuck the elders."
<unknown date>
"..so..my first time with Ser. Yeah. I can see why some people might want to just go with the program"
"I actually feel happy. I know its not much to say. But its real. realer that any of this shit. Someday me and Ser, we're gonna escape this rock. Gonna be free. Free for real. Like the Traders are."
<unknown date>
"Its soon, I'm scared, but fuck! I'm gonna be a dad!"
<data expunged>

"Ser. shes gone. So am I."
"I dont regret it...I'm just sad I didn't do it sooner."
<these entries are from a much younger Jayce>
Life here in The den isint too bad. We go out, scavenge what we can. The systems do a pretty good job of recycling so we aren't too short on food, and I have a lot of friends my age. Same lot number! Elders say we are some of the most stable runs he has seen yet. If we get get enough biomass, we might even make more as long as the food is rationed right! Gotta go! Time to scrap!
-Last record
Humanoid male/ Clone/ Approximate physical age 19
Actual age: 12
Implanted memories: Base functionality, mechanic, handyman
Implanted personality: Inquisitive, adaptive, suggestible, naive
Implanted Identity: Jayce D'tan
Implanted family identity: sister. Dezza D'tan
Genetic template: sample 112@ >90%/ mod: sample A002 <05%
sample 112: Male (clone, first generation) human, lab built
Sample A002: Feline, companion, unspecified
Termination: approximately 30 years of physical age, full cardiac arrest from node death.
allergies: none
genetic deviation: <.05%

>Entry 4

"today I overheard the Elders talking about the next crop. I'm really excited to go out for the long range salvage, but they said I'm too young. Its mostly the old guys, and a few young ones. I wish I was them. Its so boring here!"
"They never came back. Elders said the storms got em, but the storms by us are never that bad. no. never that bad. I miss Mr. Z and Miss'us Z. Their daughter Ser, she gave me some rations and held me for a while. Ser is nice, she should be more sad than me, but she doesn't get to. Shes almost grown up, but I hope I get to marry her someday.
"Ser and I spend a lotta time together now, the older boys from the lot ahead of me pay a lot of attention to her. It makes me angry. She thinks that is funny. Its not!"
Your review of data is interrupted by the loud report of heavy automatic fire. 3 rather large rotary driven VTOL aircraft looking like the bastard children of an autogyro and a predator drone are lining up for a strafing run. Dezza pops her head up out of the driver's hatch. "Mr. Robot, the day I met you was the day my life turned to sh...Fuck...no its not your fault, but you really met me on a shit day. Which turned into a couple of shit days. So can you please, please...maybe kindly kill the fuck out of those aerodynes?!! I'll b" She gets cut off as the you and the tank are hosed down in another wash of anti personnel rounds. They probably can't hurt you, but they will fuck up your cargo.

rolling for an attack.

>time to examine that cannon (1d100, beat 60) two hands required. warm up round.
>Salvage hook motherfucker. crash one into another, or maybe reel it in. (1d100, beat 55)
>throw a crate (1d100, beat 40) - random salvage
>throw a handful of Tiamat drones, (3d100, beat 90)
Rolled 23, 74, 11 = 108 (3d100)

Rolled 69, 93, 60 = 222 (3d100)

No, this is how you roll.
>throw drones
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Hook it!
Rolled 93, 25 = 118 (2d100)

A glob of drones wriggles into your hands, beeping, squiggling and eager to protect the hive. which is you. With a hydraulic hiss, you lob the little ball shaped drones like a cloud of birdshot made from...little spherical polymer drones with sharp, sharp metallic spider legs. Most of the go wild, and will be stuck waiting for a long walk back home, getting disabled, or eventually going feral and becoming someone else's problem. Your Tiamat module can make more...eventually, so be sparing or you might get cut off. The attack stopped the machines from their attack this round.
-Marduk: N0!
One of those little drones flies true, and lands on the foremost aerodyne.

drone choice
>crash aerodyne (auto)
>return to base (auto)
>hack aerodyne (1d100)
>salvage hook (1d100)
>cannon (1d100)
>throw a crate (1d100)
Rolled 17, 73 = 90 (2d100)

I've always wanted to be a pilot.
Big Gun
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>the drone clings on for dear life while nearly transparent wires prod for data ports. It seems a bit...lewd. Next turn the drone will likely have accomplished its violation of the aerodyne. The other two complete low strafing passes over you. The fuel trailer takes a series of hits, and while not leaking it is perforated on the top, it is not doing good. One more hit will set the entire thing off like a box of matches...if the matches were made of dynamite. The other gunship goes wide, a trio of small 70mm missiles exploding on you. no damage.
Tiamat Data Salvage online! Hello <UNAUTORIZED> user! <unknown> overide is @ 15%
As you grab the cannon, a crude NFC connection with the Tiamat Modlue slaves its optics, and firing mechanisms to you. An overlay violates your field of view as arrows insist exactly where you move point this thing. Seems you are good at following instruction because as soon as you get the lead right, the weapon discharges.
-Reloading. 1 turn- Main weapon unavailable-
-Secondary AV machine gun available-
BOOM. The drones were flying low and one got plucked from the sky by the makeshift cannon. A weapon made to take out tanks happens to turn an unarmoed assault craft into metal confetti and fireballs.

1 aerodyne hack stunned. 1 aerodyne made into confetti. 1 remains.

1d100 for any roll.
>Machine gun- conservative burst: 1d100, pass 60
>Machine gun- long burst no aim assist (goodbye ammo): 4d100, pass 70
>Salvage hook- pass 60, pass 80 gain salvaged drone.
>Throw a crate- pass 30 loose 1 random crate
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>>Machine gun- conservative burst: 1d100, pass 60
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Rolling for critical hit
The aerodyne drone circles back, rounds spalling off you and the tank, a good hit threatening the fuel tank. However your trust of Marduk is rewarded. The VI guides your aim to where the nimble drone will be, instead of where it is now. A swath of 20mm bullets spew out leaving red trails in the air. They were apparently explosive. The aerodyne is perforated and bloats up like some sort of mylar balloon before exploding.

The last aerodyne ceases it's thrashing and becomes subservient to Marduk. The voice inside your head.
MARDUK: Recovering babi...drones.
the Aerodyne peels off to pick up its drones that both you, and D have thrown. shame. throwing innocent drones. Shame on both of you.
Its not long after, marduk pings you with an update
Marduk: Drones recovered. Hostile tanks (2) en route.

>attempt to ambush tanks
>Recovering babi.
This is not good.
updating tomorrow in Silent Stars: side story, ch 2. The vote is not closed till I make a new thread.
We are still in a precarious physical state, avoiding fights should be the priority.
>shame on both if you
Damn right, babbies are for squeezing and cuddling and showing off, not for throwing.

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