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This is still an experiment. It will develop similarly to a Civ or a Skirmish, but the setting is a Low Fantasy Victorian-era world where magic is present. Similar to an Isekai, your character has died in the real world, having lived an unfulfilled life. Perhaps you gave your life to save someone else's. Perhaps you missed the chance to do something while you were alive. Perhaps you simply ended your life, uncontented with its many facets.

To your surprise however, you've awoken in a strange, yet familiar world. You feel fundamentally different, as if there is a new power stirring within you. You know this feeling as the gift of magic, with potential far greater than many of the people in this world. You are an Outsider; a person whose soul had been wrought from another dimension.

You're not alone, either. You've awoken alongside other Outsiders from Earth, too. Whoever you were back in the old world is mostly inconsequential now.

You were greeted by several humans with clothing that looks similar to what someone from the 19th century London would wear. They then introduce themselves as members of an organization called the Xerenith Order.

Your summoners have brought your soul here to help fight against threats that they cannot fight against alone. The Order promises to give you funding, safety, and a roof over your heads, so long as you continue to work with them.

Ultimately, there is no explicit way to 'win'. As a player, you are encouraged to set your own goals. Maybe you'd like to amass power, or return to Earth, or even rebel against your summoners. The choice is yours.

Keep in mind that this is an experimental thread; there may be radical changes to the game as a whole, later down the line.
How to join: - Currently closed.
Make your character. It can be a male or a female. Post your full character info in each of your Action posts like in a regular civ or skirmish.

You have 3 "Skill points" from your backstory. Skill points can be used to gain Skills, which are categorized into six different archetypes: Might, Finesse, Sorcery, Resolve, Inspiration, and Industry.

a. Name (trip/namefag yourself)
b. Give a short description of your character. Pictures are also appreciated.
c. Allocate your skill points. These can be skills that you knew in your old life on Earth(i.e. Mathematics, Firearms Proficiency, etc), or gained when you became an Outsider(i.e. Magic Missile, Lightning Bolt, etc). Do note that these skills can be as general or as specialized as you like, but must be within reason(i.e. Magic Missile is an acceptable starter skill, but Create Matter isn’t).

How to play: -
To start you post your character sheet with actions for each turn.
a. Action Economy. Each turn you will be given 5 [Action Points]. Post your character sheet and your chosen actions. Major actions use 2 [Action Points]. Social and minor actions only use 1 [Action Point].

Examples of major actions: Training, spellcrafting, building, etc.
Examples of minor actions: Social interactions, resting, etc.

For every action(whether it be major or minor), you must roll.

-General formula uses [General Dicepool] + [Archetype Bonuses]
-[General Dicepool] is 1d100
-[Bonus] are added to the action you are making.

Each tier into an archetype related to the action now grants a +5 Bonus.

If you have Bread Baking (Industry) and your action is to Bake Bread you roll 1d100, and add a +5 to your action.
If you had 12 Finesse, you had a Well-Rested Status that gave you a +10 bonus, you had a skill that gave you +5 to actions related to Stealth and you posted an action related to stealth, you'd roll a 1d100 and get a total boost of 25:
10 from the Finesse, 10 from the Status, and 5 from the related skill

b. All players must wait for the "TURN GO" post before submitting any action posts. After which you must post your actions only to that post.

c. After all actions are processed and a new turn begins, update your character sheet.

Discord: https://discord.gg/XWb8hdB
Detailed Rules: - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZBCNA9jh-dqVZllbqO4EVunLAlrNjWOWGNbr9-FhMAE/edit?usp=sharing
Turn 2

The Factory
An old metal processing plant that was closed down decades ago. Chosen for its proximity to the city of Burhtic, this building is close enough to get to the city, but also far enough to make sure that if something were to happen, the Xenerith Order would have ample time to stop it. The factory floors were cleared of machinery, meaning that there is plenty of space for development. The lack of comfortable amenities might leave something to be desired, however.

Default Buidling:
>Sleeping Quarters
>Dining Hall
>Free Space for Development (9/15 left)

Expansion Units: 4/15
Structures: Forge, Library, Spell Repository, Chemist Lab,

=====[Xenerith Order News]=====
Library Status:
It turns out that demon innards are actually very poisonous and that it takes a steady slow pace and proper supplies to clean it without assuming major health risks. The Order’s staff did most of the job but the terrible odor refuses to be exorcised from the place.

Due to the recent Imp fight, the windows in the library are broken and need replacement; also the self-help section of the library got damaged.

Does anyone know how to clean Demon Brains out of the floor?

[Helping takes a Major Action with a roll for it, 3 successful rolls are needed to repair it, until it's repaired no bonus from it should be received for any test. If repaired in this turn the usual bonus will be applied in retrospect to any relevant tests made during it.]

Spell Repository Status:

Looks like one of our members had an accident in the spell repository that involved lightning, there is a big mess of burnt wood and broken windows in the main room and most of the recent logs on magic development have been lost. The Order’s staff is too occupied with unloading supplies right now and can’t focus on repairing it, any Outsiders that volunteer to help with that should expect to get at least a small reward for it.

[Helping takes a Major Action with a roll for it, 3 successful rolls are needed to repair it, until it's repaired no bonus from it should be received for any test. If repaired in this turn the usual bonus will be applied in retrospect to any relevant tests made during it.]

Weather Report:
The weather is unusually dark and rainy for this time of the year, there is suspicion that magic may have been involved, but no real usual signs of it. It's better to stay inside.

[Failures involving outdoor activities have harsher consequences, but the things that go bumping in the night doesn’t expect company during just harsh climate, no one does, really. Stealth rolls receive +10 bonus. Also, the nature energies are strong during such storms, crits on rolls involving magic may receive special rewards, if done somewhere exposed to the elements.]

Dinner is served at 7 p.m.
Great opportunity for Outsiders to catch up and talk after a long week.
This week we have a special victory commemoration special for celebrating the success of our first oficial mission. Also, this month we will be giving you access to a special menu of pork based meals, feel free to ask our cooks about it, but remember that it’s also an limited offer, so hurry before it's over!

=====[QM Announcements News]=====
Since we are still experimenting with the system, check out the 0.7 Rule book. Linked in the OP.


[Live Action Mode - Librarian Imp Fight - Results]

[From the Xenerith Order]
The Xenerith Order has brought a small medical team to take care of your wounds.

>[Mediteam] - Your HP has been restored by the Xenerith Order Medical Team.

>(Major) Time to go help killing that demon.

That fight was brutal; at least for your body. But at least you have learned a few new thing about yourself, your body and the other Outsiders. You now know that you are capable of creating things beyond what you thought were possible. Also, you have noticed that everywhere you go, there’s a tiny blue flame that follows you around. You try to touch it but it doesn’t burns you. It feels warm to the touch.

>Acquired Skill:Summon Super Giant Wisp (Sorcery): Costs 300 TP. As a Major Combat Action, allows you to summon a wisp and look through its vision. It has HP equal to your AP*20. Its Speed is always equal to your Speed*0.5. The rest of its stats are 0. You may not take Major Combat Actions while controlling the wisp. The Wisp may detonate itself as a Major Combat Action, making an attack against everyone within 15 feet of it, dealing AR (Kinetic Damage) equal to its remaining HP. Sustaining the Super Giant Wisp costs 30 TP at the beginning of each combat round, otherwise it loses half of its current HP. You may dismiss your summoned creature as a Minor Combat Action. You may only control one Wisp (of any size) at a time.
*A gigantic version of the Summon Wisp spell*

>Acquired Condition: Greatly Flooded Circuits: Grants +10 AP and −10 MR. Lasts three turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*

>[Pet] - A tiny blue flame that follows you around.
[Hubrecht Minett]
>Go deal with that demon in the library

You didn’t tried to fight that demon in conventional ways. But you have learned more about your own powers and what you are capable of doing with them. But also, you have suffered some damage from the Giant Wisp sucking up your vital energy. Now you are sure that you can boost the power of someone else to ridiculous levels.

>Supreme Magical Boosting: Cost 300 TP. As a Major Action, you can imbue a target within 15 feet to give them double the Effects of a spell on their turn.

>Acquired Condition: Greatly Flooded Circuits: Grants +10 AP and −10 MR. Lasts three turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*

>(Major) Go help kill the demon in the library now that he is properly armed and armored.

This was the battle that splattered, some, blood on your sword. You suffered more from your own peers, but the threat was eliminated. You struck your sword at that Imp with force and passion. This experience in a real combat against the forces of evil has helped you to get some idea of how to attack more effectively and making more attacks per opportunity to attack.

>Acquired Skill:
>[Cross Strike (Finesse): Uses a Major Action and consumes 40TP, you can attack the same adjacent target twice with your sword.]
*Do two fast slices in different directions with your sword, drawing a cross of slashes that seek to cut the opponent.*

>Acquired Condition:Flooded Circuits: Grants +5 AP and −5 MR. Last 2 turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*
[Taku Weebson]
>M - Use animate object on our doll, while Taku doesn't want to fight he is really pissed that the demon had intruded the library, after all the library is of strategic importance. However he focuses on making the doll dodge and distract as it is not big enough to sustain a good offence.

You realized that your doll wasn’t much of a distraction and you ended up, somewhat, fighting the demon and watching the hellish creature alive.

Learned New Skill:
[Fast Reading(Industry): Gain +5 for learning or researching info from books and other reading material, if the information can be found or learned rom them. Doesn’t help on learning magic or any other thing that requires practice.]

One of the books that you’re investigating ends up getting hold of your attention; it's a theoretical anatomic essay of the common biology of different types of demons, as it seems to you that Imps shouldn’t be one of the more uncommon types then as there is an entire chapter dedicated to them, and as you have an real specimen to consult as comparison you manage to discard what doesn’t really turn out to be real and draw some sketches about its proportions and anatomical minor details that would interact with it other. You are pretty confident that you could reproduce that into one of your statues.


[Imp Schematics: Allows you to make Imp figurines, their slimmer torso and skinny legs make them have only ¾ of the usual HP for their size, as they need to sacrifice structural resistance to get material for the wings. Their tail gives them a +5 bonus on rolls to keep their balance or avoid falling. Their wings can slow their fall, allowing them to ignore fall damage up to ten times their height in falling distance, after which they start stacking damage as usual. Their lesser concentration of mass through its torso and arms should have reduced their damage, but the point claws and horns actually can compensate for the lost brute force.]

>Acquired Condition: Greatly Flooded Circuits: Grants +10 AP and −10 MR. Lasts three turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*
[Alejandro Valencia]
>[MAJOR] Fuck, a Demon? In the library? I guess I'll research photography later. I attempt to use Minor Suggestion against it to suggest to it to attack the bulkiest, tankiest looking Outsider here, and then warn everyone of what I've done so that they can strategize accordingly.

Well, you realized from your fight with the Imp that you are not much of a fighter. But you know that your suggestion powers work extremely effective on fiends; and maybe that your face can take a hell of a beating.

>Acquired Skill: [Facetank] - As a reaction, attempt to block an incoming attack with your catlike... face... reflexes. Block Check 3. On a successful block, decrease DR by 50 (to a minimum of 0). Each combat, the first 100 damage to your face is ignored. However, once 100 damage is ignored this way, you gain the unique negative status effect [Utterly Destroyed Face]. While you have [Utterly Destroyed Face], take a -1 penalty to all Accuracy Rolls, and take a large penalty to certain Charisma-related actions, as decided by a QM. Overuse of this skill may incur permanent negative effects. (Resolve)
*Blocks an incoming attack with your face.*

>Acquired Condition:Flooded Circuits: Grants +5 AP and −5 MR. Last 2 turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*

[Malcolm York]
>A minor demon huh? Sounds like an opportunity to get some work in experience with my spells and scope out what exactly I'm working with here in regards to the others here. Needless to say, I won't be directly fighting myself, but I can keep any of these other sods from biting it to soon. Their deaths would be a waste. [Major]

The combat went safer to you than what one could reasonably expect for when dealing with extra dimensional demons in another world for the first time, you have focused on healing your allies, but suspect that it may have not done much difference to the long game if Valencia’s face is any indicative. You would heal him again, but the order’s personnel seem to have everything under control now, so you stick around for a bit to make sure everyone is okay and get out before the duty of cleaning the mess end up falling in your lap.

[Outward Projection: You learn how to channel better your healing powers from within you to be projected out of your body, reduce the cost of healing others by 10TP.]
Proficiency at healing others.

>Acquired Condition:Flooded Circuits: Grants +5 AP and −5 MR. Last 2 turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*
[Fredrick, the Librarian]
>m.Throw book at whoever is running in his domain
You feel like your book throwing abilities have improved, especially when you got a headshot kill with that demon. You are unsure if it was just blind dumb luck, or an genuine skill that you have acquired. Maybe you should try to test your skills at some shooting range to see if you can repeat your amazing feat.

>Acquired Skill:
[Unusual Throwing Skills(Finesse): You can use unusual objects as throwing weapons capable of dealing damage, they aren’t very aerodynamic and can only reach reduced range, but give AD bonuses depending on their size and weight. Because of this you never run out of ammo as long you have something that you can reach and lift. +1 to attack rolls involving throwing things that usually aren’t weapons.]

[Headshot] - You are proud of the kill you have made. Add +5 to a roll of next turn.

>Acquired Condition:Flooded Circuits: Grants +5 AP and −5 MR. Last 2 turns.
*The aftereffects of your magical circuits being flushed open by a truckload of magical energy.*

[Melchior Santos]
>It seems that everyone is panicking because of a demon or something... It may be my chance to surpass Neo in our hunting competition! But lets play smart here, I will call my best boy to go with me in this hunt.
>(Major Action-Hunt the Imp with Neo)

You fought the Imp. You transformed and tried your powers. You have come to term with them and you feel more in control of them. Maybe, during the fight, you didn’t quite noticed but you feel that you can control better your powers of transforming, making them less demanding on your own body. You feel like this is a way of training. About competing with Neo, you realize that neither of you won this. Since it was the old librarian that got the kill on the bugger.

>Acquired Skill: Variable Form: All self-mutation skills bind 2 fewer TP (to a minimum of 10). (Inspiration)
*Proficiency in changing one’s form.*

[Kuro Sengen]
>Yo this bitchass demon in the library needs to be taught a lesson, I'll go there and beat the fuck out of it with nothing but my fists, it'll regret messing with Galish Man Gal! [Major]

Kuro died from demonic corruption due to direct exposure to hellish fluids. There was no saving him.

The Order unceremoniously buried his body.

[Sean Markovich]

Rifle Proficiency (Finesse): Grants +1 to Accuracy Rolls made with Rifles. +5 AR when attacking with a rifle.
Proficiency at using rifles.

First-Aid (Inspiration): Costs 20 TP. As a Major Combat Action, choose a living target within melee range, and recover their HP by an amount equal to 3d20. Without using the appropriate first aid supplies, roll at a disadvantage.
Technique regarding the emergency treatment of injuries.

Gunsmithing (Industry): No Combat Effect.
Experience in the manufacturing of firearms.

>2 (1d6)
>Get to know what in the absolute FUCK is going on.

You are too startled to know what the absolute fuck is going on in here. One moment you are biking home from the local gun range, and then you are here, in an empty field with two men dressed in Victorian-era clothing. They introduce themselves as the Xenerith Order.

You are still freaking out about what they fuck has happened and why you aren’t in Kansas anymore.

>9 (1d6)
>Get to know who the fuck is here.

The Members of the Order explains their proposition to you; they would pay you, protect you, and supply you with things you need, so long as you help them out. In these lands, there are beings of magic, like Demons and Old Ones who seek to sow chaos in the world. Aside from them, there are also criminals and rival organizations who want to gain power through their own unscrupulous means. The Order tells you that it is your job to stop them.

You've awoken alongside other Outsiders from Earth, too.

Apart from them, there are the normal inhabitants of the City.

>3,2 (1d6)
>Think on how i could get the resources to make an AK pattern rifle.

Ignoring what they say to you; or seizing the opportunity to create everything you ever wanted, you think on what resources you need to make an AK-Pattern Rifle. You start to wonder about the tools that you need: a forge, a workshop filled with tools, and a range for testing your creation. Looking around and wandering in the city, you realize that almost everyone is using muzzle-loaded guns around here. So maybe starting on the production of normal bullets is a good place to start, too.
[Alisa Gaschamber]

Summon Skeleton (Sorcery)
Animate Skeleton (Sorcery): Costs 50 TP. As a Major Combat Action, allows you to animate a skeleton under your control for the remainder of combat. For 50 extra TP, you can use this spell to create such a skeleton with magic. After 25 Combat Rounds (or at the end of combat), it crumbles into dust. It has 50 resistance to every damage type except Bludgeoning and Holy. It has Complete Immunity to Poison and Necrotic. It has the following stats:
HP: 100, TP: 20, AD: 100, AP: 0, DF: 0, MR: 0, SPD: 5
*Animate a skeleton under your control.*

Command Undead (Sorcery/Inspiration):
Command Undead (Sorcery): Costs 20 TP. As a Major Combat Action, target an undead within 30 feet. If that target is intelligent, contest your Sorcery against their Resolve. Target undead will follow a course of action (limited to a sentence or two) that you command. Non-intelligent undead can only follow basic commands such as “come here,” “go there,” “fight,” “stand still,” and so on.
*Magically force an undead creature to follow your commands.*

Curse (Sorcery/Inspiration):
Curse (Sorcery): Costs 30 TP and 50 HP. As a Major Combat Action, make an attack against a target within 30 feet. The Attack Roll uses a 1d50. Inflicts [Cursed] upon dealing 10 or more damage. Deals Necrotic Damage.
*Place a curse on an opponent.*

>6 (1d6)
>Alisa landed in the soft grass. Rubbing her eyes, she looked around in confusion. This wasn't the local cemetery! Slowly, she stood up, wiping the dirt off of her dress.

You are completely confused on what this place is or where in the world you currently are. As you said, this was not the local cemetery and the field is currently empty. You notice a pair of men in Victorian clothing waving at you. You are still trying to adapt yourself to where you are to notice them. You successfully wiped the dirt and grass from your dress.

>6, 3 (1d6)
>Off in the distance Alisa sees a large column of smoke rising in the distance. Upon investigating, she discovers it is the local town. Curious, she enters through the main gate, stopping to ask people where exactly she is.

As you enter the town, you realize that people look at you differently. Some are gazes of disgust, and some others are confusions and some other just roll their eyes. As you try to approach them, some of them are plainly rude. “Get lost, Outsider.” It’s the most common phrase you hear. You are confused by this.

When you reach a small Plaza, you notice the men that were waving at you in the field. You approach them and they introduce themselves as the members of the Xenerith Order. The Members of the Order explains their proposition to you all; they would pay you, protect you, and supply you with things you need, so long as you help them out.

>1, 1 (1d6) - Crit Fail
>Realizing she is probably going to be stuck here for a while, she goes off in search of a job. Perhaps some sort of herbalist store would be a good place to look. Failing that, a tavern is always a nice alternative.

You decide that sticking with these weird dressed guys it’s a better idea than searching for a regular job. Especially, when you start to see more and more signs of “Outsiders Unwelcome Here” at some pubs and stores.

>4 (1d6)
>In addition, it would probably be wise to find at least a temporary place to stay for the meantime. She should be able to support herself living out of a local inn or hotel for the time being, at least until she finds a more permanent place to live.

You get your own bedroom with a bunk bed at The Factory. You are in the female wing of the dormitories.

[Atom Glass]

The effects of your Skills are as follows:
>Pharmacological Knowledge (Industry) No Combat Effect.
*Knowledge on pharmaceuticals, medicines, and drugs, concerning their uses, effects, and modes of action.*
>Biochemical Knowledge (Industry) No Combat Effect.
*Knowledge on chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.*
>Perception (Inspiration) +1 to all rolls involving Perception.
*Proficiency at perception and detection.*

>Major Actions:

>2, 2 (1d6)
>Awakening alongside other people, Atom takes a few moments to process the new information suddenly brought to him as soon as he woke from his slumber, until a sudden realization comes to his mind, telling him or to be more accurate, it informed him that it lacked the information of how he ended up there and how these people were, seeing these strange people with anomalous abilities was more than enough to surprise him, asking around he tries to get some insight on why he was brought here and where 'here' is.
You awaken in an empty field, where you are greeted by a man in Victorian-era clothing. He explains that you are an Outsider; a person that holds much power in these lands. You were summoned to this world to assist the Xenerith Order with the defense of their lands. When you ask about where this place is, the man tells you that you are on the outskirts of the city of Burhtic. He tells you that should you assist them, they will give you a place to stay, keep you fed, and provide what you need. You decide to go along with it now, and he leads you to the Factory, a safehouse where the other Outsiders are staying.

>1, 6 (1d6)
>The Doctor decides to explore the place a bit, perhaps he could find out more about the place if he just look around a little, and because he had little bit of curiosity of what could be out there in that new 'old' world that he found himself in.
Now that you know where to go and what serves as your “base”, you decide to take a tour around the area. Inside the factory is the sleeping quarters, which is fairly regular by military standards. Bunk beds, footlockers, and the like. Next there’s the kitchen and attached dining hall. You note that there are multiple tables here, rather than a single, large table. There is also the forge and armory, where weapons are crafted and stored respectively. Lastly, there’s the library and spell repository, where information about the world and magic is kept for future documentation.

Satisfied with your search, you decide to take a walk around the city. The ancient stones underneath your feet hide the city’s long history. As you suspected, the technology level seems to be roughly on-par with the Victorian era of your own world. Most houses are constructed from wood, stone, or the occasional brick and mortar. Upon further inspection, you find that the city is divided into several sectors out of economic disparity.

>2, 3 (1d6)
>With all the exploration coming to a close, the doctor resolves to search for a shelter for the night, perhaps he could pay with his money a room for himself with some food for himself.
You contemplate going to a tavern or inn for the night, but realize that you have no money. Knowing that the Factory is where most of the Outsiders are basing themselves, you decide to go there as well. You’re quickly given a meal and a place to stay, namely one of the beds in the sleeping quarters. Today has been a little stressful, and more than a bit informative, so rest is a welcome change of pace.

>[Relaxed} +5 to one roll of your choice next turn.

>2, 3 (1d6)
>Is quite tiring to only walk around all day long, although a quite fun practice, Atom could not stop thinking about the possibility to know some local inhabitants, especially some of the local scholars.

You go around the factory looking for some human interaction with educated people, unfortunately for you all of the upper echelons of the order’s personnel are too occupied with how the preparations of this new building and the day to day tasks required of them to give you much attention. You end up taking a break from it and sit on a tree stump next to the back gardens. Then some young lady in a mix of apprentice robes and gardner clothing asks you if everything is alright, you two end up making small talk for almost an hour, and even if she doesn’t seem the most well informed person around, she was a nice company for discussing banalities.

Met- Anne Honeyrose, gardener and summoner apprentice.
[Cerulian Fate, aka Catboi]
>Minor Illusion (Sorcery)
Minor Illusion (Sorcery): You create a sound or an image of an object within 15 feet that persists for 1 minute. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it (freely). If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream and it can be a voice, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. However, its quality will be quite distorted, marking it as an illusion. If you create an image of an object, it must be no larger than a 3 foot cube, and cannot produce light, sound, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with or close inspection of the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things pass through it and the image shimmers. Any character seeing/hearing the illusion must contest their Inspiration against your Sorcery. If they win, they see the illusion for what it is. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.
*Create the illusion of a small object or sound.*

>Bartering (Industry)
Bartering (Industry): No Combat Effect
*Proficiency at negotiation, bargaining, dickering, and haggling.*

>Charm (Inspiration)
Charm (Inspiration): Target
*Magically influence a target to be amiable to you.*

Major actions:
> Now that I'm not longer freaking out about having the last thing I remember be a barrel against the back of my head and the slam of the hammer as a bullet entered the back of my skull, time to learn a little abo- Really? A demon? Fuck, gonna have to take care of that if I want to learn shit…
>Have an existential crisis over new identity

Who said you stopped freaking out? You are pretty much still freaking out. You are still wondering how a world and life after death is possible. This might be a dream. Maybe. You don’t know. You try to make memories about yourself. You remember the sound of the trigger and then the bang. You feel a sharp pain in your head and you touch your head. It feel more fluffier than usual and… Wait.

You have cat ears.

Like actual ears you can find on a cat.

On your head.

And they are yours.

Your cat ears.

You can't handle your new identity. You pass out.

>[Passed Out] - Lose 1 Action Point next turn.
>Also test out my magic and prank some guys.
You manage to fool some local young men with random fruit stains and illusions of the ground suddenly falling down below them. You get such a grasp of illusion arts via going around and enjoying yourself with just instinctively using Illusion magic, that you gain the following:

>Acquired Skill: Prankster (Inspiration): Gain +2 to all combat rolls intending to fool someone.
*Proficiency at trickery*

>Other than that... Try and find some sewing gear, time to test out the finesse of this new body.
After requesting it to an Order member, one of them lends you one of their sewing kits. (You can return it without spending an action for this). They mention that they don’t mind you having it for as long as you need it though, and that they use it mostly to sew their robes when mishaps happen.

>[Basic Sewing Kit] - The kit is contained in a round tin can. You can see that is has some picture of butter cookies.

>Since the library is occupied, scrounge around for any helpful books that I can to gain information of how this world works.
You find, thrown in a trash bin, a book called “The Complete Touristic Guide to Burhtic!”. It's a pretty thick one too, and after wiping off some banana peels from it, it seems to be in pretty good shape - nearly new.

>Acquired [The Complete Touristic Guide to Burhtic]: +5 to all rolls related to urban, local activities (such as finding certain locations, avoiding bad neighbourhoods, or cultural savviness).
Minor actions:
>Socialize a little too at dinner, see if I can strike up some chats.
You spend quite some time chatting away with the other outsiders day after day, before-during- and after Dinner, as well as at least being there during most of the other meals that also happen in the same place. Unfortunately your fellow Outsider companions usually don’t spend their time talking about anything much useful other than maybe boasting about their powers, sharing their fears and making conspiracy theories about this world or its inhabitants. You do manage to get a grip about the personalities and usual capabilities of the most usually present of them:

[Tabatha:Teenager, lived in an orphanage back on Earth, died in her sleep, helps around in the kitchen and doesn’t have any magical powers.]
[Vira:The appointed leader of the Outsiders by the Xeneriths, seems a responsible and mature person, was from some important background involving big pharmaceutical business back on Earth, has ice and light magic.]
[Frederick:Probably the oldest of the outsiders, was a librarian or something in his last life, spends most of his time reading or at least around books, conducted a big research on demons recently and knows a lot about Earth’s history.]
[Melquior: Young man on the last of his teenager years, otaku, wanted to unite everyone who was genre savvy under the same banner or something, likes to train with Neo, can’t keep quiet about his mutant powers, has an origin story similar to Vira but doesn’t talk much about it, has been followed around most of the time by Blumelein since she appeared.]
[Blumelein: Came from an alternate timeline of WWII, has 8 years and is probably the yougest of the Outsiders, her father was a german named Heinz and her mother was a russian called Katyusha, has an incredible knowledge of geopolitics for such a young child, had a difficult life in the URSS before getting here, fears hunger and cold, and doesn’t have any skill worth of notice.]
[Sean: Is an asshole but also a gunsmith, got here later than most, but at least before the Imp fight, likes “dog-girls”, doesn’t like Crusaders.]

>In the meantime, chat up some women using my charismatic cat-like form.
You find a young woman who also has cat ears! From the Order, you soon find out, as you chat her up. However, her ears are more of a tool to channel her druid-like magic. She admits to be a summoner of natural animals, and her name to be Harriet.

>Met [Harriet, Xenerith Order Summoner]
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>(Major) Try to get someone to introduce myself to nobility and an etiquette teacher.
You don’t manage to find BOTH a noble and an etiquette teacher - but you do manage to find a volunteer who seems very noble-looking after snooping around and asking about how things were dealt with the social elite here.

He introduces himself as “Magnaglory Excellentius” - and you can’t immediately discern if he’s mocking you or if that is really his real name. He mentions that a handsome lad like you should definitely have the privilege to visit him whenever your heart desires - he will be at your disposal to teach you all about etiquette.

>Met [Magnaglory Excellentius]

>(Minor) I might As well show up for Dinner every night.
You spend quite some time chatting away with the other outsiders day after day, before-during- and after Dinner, as well as at least being there during most of the other meals that also happen in the same place. Unfortunately your fellow Outsider companions usually don’t spend their time talking about anything much useful other than maybe boasting about their powers, sharing their fears and making conspiracy theories about this world or its inhabitants. You do manage to get a grip about the personalities and usual capabilities of the most usually present of them:

[Tabatha:Teenager, lived in an orphanage back on Earth, died in her sleep, helps around in the kitchen and doesn’t have any magical powers.]
[Vira:The appointed leader of the Outsiders by the Xeneriths, seems a responsible and mature person, was from some important background involving big pharmaceutical business back on Earth, has ice and light magic.]
[Frederick:Probably the oldest of the outsiders, was a librarian or something in his last life, spends most of his time reading or at least around books, conducted a big research on demons recently and knows a lot about Earth’s history.]
[Melchior: Young man on the last of his teenager years, otaku, wanted to unite everyone who was genre savvy under the same banner or something, likes to train with Neo, can’t keep quiet about his mutant powers, has an origin story similar to Vira but doesn’t talk much about it, has been followed around most of the time by Blumelein since she appeared.]
[Blumelein: Came from an alternate timeline of WWII, has 8 years and is probably the youngest of the Outsiders, her father was a german named Heinz and her mother was a russian called Katyusha, has an incredible knowledge of geopolitics for such a young child, had a difficult life in the URSS before getting here, fears hunger and cold, and doesn’t have any skill worth of notice.]
[Sean: Is an asshole but also a gunsmith, got here later than most, but at least before the Imp fight, likes “dog-girls”, doesn’t like Crusaders.]
[Gabriel Logan]
>Continue to preach to the people. Teach them the evils of magic, and that this Order of Xenerith are heretics, for no God serving man would use sorcery.
Finding a good spot on the edge of a street, you start preaching about the evils of the order. “These heathens known as the Xenerith Order deceive you all!” your words draw only two passersby but they seem interested in what you're saying.
“You foolishly follow those that use the wicked powers of demons. Do not be influenced by their poisoned words and empty promises of peace.” More people have gathered around now and are listening intently.
“Open your eyes my fellow man. No God serving man would use perverted witchcraft. God granted us the powers of strength and knowledge to overcome obstacles, these men have made unholy pacts with evil beings to gain unnatural strength. These evil practices being perpetrated in the sight of the LORD provokes his anger. We must remove these blasphemous men from power and wipe the land of their profane ideology!”
By now the young and old, the rich and poor surround you. They are enthralled with your speeches and shout words of agreement like “No more heresy” and “Magic is evil!” as you talk. You get a feeling you're making a bit of headway with influencing these people.

>Gained [Cult] you now have a group a followers that will spread the word of the LORD. You can use a minor action to tell them to do something.

>Try to procure a sword and shield. A warrior of the Lord must always be ready to smite the forces of Satan.
Out on the town, you find yourself searching for fine weapons to defeat any heretics you come across. You stumble upon a general merchandise store and when you enter you are greeted by a bored flat faced man. “Welcome to Jensons Emporium” he says in a bored voice. Asking for a sword and shield that can help you destroy the armies of Satan, he hands you a nice sword and a big square shield. You manage to pay him with some of the ‘donations’ that you acquired from your following. “Thanks for your business” he says bored out his mind.

>Received Iron Sword and Square Shield
[Iron Sword]
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 60 Slashing/Piercing
Special Effects: None

[Square Shield]
Quality: Fine
Off-Hand Shield
Combat Actions: Block - 10 TP, As a reaction, attempt to block an incoming attack with your shield. Block Check 6. On a successful block, increase DR by 60.
Special Effects: None

>Met Jenson
>Pray. May the Lord hear our prayers in these accursed lands.

The Lord has heard your prayers. In your dreams, a messenger of the Lord has presented himself in front of you. You, Gabriel, loyal servant of the Lord, has come to this world with a purpose, as nothing that happens under heaven come to pass without his knowledge or permission, and as such, it is your role in this existence to follow his will through this ordeal and make it know for those unfortunate populace that until now wasn’t graced with his word. The angel then departs from your presence in a carriage made of fire, but not before blessing you with a touch of his fiery sword, it doesn’t burn you, instead making you feel overwhelmed by the presence of the holy spirit.

[Overflowing Faith]- Gain +5 in all Christian related actions next turn, and +10 in any non-herectial action of your choosing.

Your followers inform you that a trespasser was captured while trying to invade the holy abode that was arranged for you in the outskirts of the city, and that he is probably some foul heretic, as he tried to cast a spell on them when challenged. They don’t know what to do about him and wait anxiously for your orders.

[You may decide to RP with Jim before taking any decision, keep in mind that you didn’t have much time to harden the loyalty of your cult yet, and they may still question your judgement or harbor moral limitations against some orders.]
[Tabatha Ofelia Nana]
>M. Help out with the dinner. Try to make it extra special for the heroes that fought the Demon. (+5 Cooking)
You help the cooks out with dinner preparations and such. At first, they have you delegated to basic food preparation, but when it becomes evident that you are quite experienced at cooking, they begin to treat you as if you were another chef. You slice the ham and help prepare the sauce. It turns out many of the spices that existed on Earth exists here as well. Some salt, honey, and a blend of spices help make a delectable coating that should blend well with this ham.

Hours of preparation pass, and eventually, the roast comes out of the oven. You can see steam emanating from the ham’s pores. One of the chefs cuts a slice of the ham, revealing a perfect pale grey color. Everyone looks pleased at the result. Well-cooked to prevent disease, but also just enough to still feel the juices. You help apply the glaze to the boar meat. The final product looks tasty. You’re certain the heroes will appreciate this.

>[Heroes’ Feast] - All Outsiders who participated in the Library event have +10 to all their rolls next turn. Other characters gain +5.

>M. Practice with the knife in the Field. Try swinging it and slashing with it. (Small Blades Handling +5)
After seeing the other Outsiders sally forth to eradicate the demonic threat in the library, you decide that it would be a good idea to begin practicing with the knife you were given. A kitchen knife is admittedly far from the most effective weapon, but it does feel familiar in your hands. You make a mental note to perhaps acquire a knife more suited to combat at some point, but for now, this would suffice.

You head to the empty field that you were summoned to, finding it mostly empty. A gentle breeze sweeps through the plain, filling you with cool and invigorating energy. There was nobody around, just you, your knife, and an invisible target. You swipe, slash, and stab at the air, creating illusory target dummies in your mind. You only hope that you won’t have to do this on another human being.

Training alone can only give you so much new knowledge, but you’d say that this was a worthwhile experience. You feel more familiar with your knife, and even came up with a technique that should help you close distances quicker. This will definitely be useful, should you be called to service.

[Lunging Strike] Costs 40 TP. As a Major Combat Action, move up to 15 feet then make an attack against a target within melee range. Deals additional AR equal to AD.

(These are the stats of your weapon in accordance with the new system)

[Kitchen Knife]
Quality: Simple
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 40 Slashing/Piercing
Special Effects: +1 Accuracy when attacking with this weapon
>(Minor) Give the boar to someone in the kitchen.
You sling the fallen boar over your shoulder and deliver it to the kitchen. The people quickly take it from you and commend you for your hard work. They get to skinning and butchering the boar with finesse borne from experience. The chef then tells you that the boar meat, in its relatively fresh state, should make some good eating for you and the rest of the Outsiders. You part ways from the cooks in the kitchen and return to your business.
>[Prime Cuts] - For the next 3 turns, all cooking-related actions in the kitchen receive a +5 bonus.

>(Major)Go get a Sword, Shield, and some Heavy Armor from the order's Armory since they just said they are covering whatever we need.
After delivering the boar, you head over to the quartermaster and requisition some arms and armor. The man takes some time to size you up and take your measurements, mostly to fit your armor. For someone of your size, they had a few suits of armor for you. The man did however, say that he would send you the one that was least battered. Upon asking why, the man explains to you that most normal suits of metal armor have been phased out due to the existence of firearms. Armor still has its uses, but it’s typically reserved for shock troops; and since you’re an Outsider, this means you get your request fulfilled.

After a few minutes of suiting up, you take a look in the mirror. The armor is quite weighty, but it’s a good fit. It’s a chainmail suit with an iron chestplate. It’s not a full set of plate armor, but it should suit your purposes just fine, for now. Your sword and shield have some decent weight to them as well, but are fairly ubiquitous on that front. Still, these should help you immensely.

(These are the new stats of your weapon and armor in accordance with the new system.)

[Iron Sword]
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 60 Slashing/Piercing
Special Effects: None

[Small Round Shield]
Quality: Fine
Off-Hand Shield
Combat Actions: Block - 10 TP, As a reaction, attempt to block an incoming attack with your shield. Block Check 5. On a successful block, increase DR by 50.
Special Effects: None

[Medium Iron Armor]
Quality: Fine
Defense: 30 DEF; 0 MR
Resistances: 30 Kinetic; 30 Acid; 15 Cold; 15 Poison; 15 Acid
Weaknesses: 30 Heat; 30 Electric
Special Effects: Reduces the wearer’s Speed by 5.
[Fredrick, the Librarian]
Feel free to replace those +1d6s in your skills to +5 bonuses. Also, list [Gather Information], and [Head of Research] as skills. Since they do provide actual bonuses to rolls and actions. Also don't forget the description of Fireball Casting.

>M. Find out more about demons in the library
You spend some time researching about the different types of demons in the library. It seems there are many different kinds of demons, but they are mostly separated into seven types. There are demons for each “Deadly Sin”; Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Greed, Lust, and Pride. Typically, these are held in accordance of power, with Wrath being the weakest and Pride being the strongest. Despite this however, it is still possible for extremely powerful demons of a certain Sin to exist and even overpower those higher in the hierarchy. It is believed that demons are beings from another dimension, much like Outsiders. The most popular belief is that they come from "hell", but no one actually knows much about their native dimension, with the only exception to that probably being the demons themselves, but whatever they said couldn’t be assumed as truth, and all the experiments on making them talk only obtained contradictory accounts.

While Old Ones have a tendency to be mostly detached from the world at large, demons love meddling in the affairs of mortals. Many demons make pacts with people in exchange for power, turning them into Contractors. Some demons can even possess the body of a person, taking their form and walking the lands in their guise. It is even said that demons can reproduce with humans to create Demonspawn(or as they prefer to be called: Devil Children). Demons typically have excellent control over their powers, with the ability to manipulate magic.

Thankfully, you also learn that demons are vulnerable to Holy magic and silver. Written in that passage of the tome is a chant used by priests and clerics to weaken demons. You figure with an actual connection to magic, you should be able to use it effectively. Sure enough, you find that you can fire off a blast of holy energy from your fingertips, though it is quite draining.

>[Demonology - Industry] No Combat Effect.
*Knowledge on the various demons that plague the world.*
>[Holy Fire - Sorcery] Costs 30 TP. As a Major Combat Action, make an attack against a target within 30 feet. Deals additional AR equal to AP. Inflicts [Burning] upon dealing 150 or more damage. Deals Holy Damage.
*Fires off an orb of radiant energy at the target.*

>M.Find out if there are more than one sentient race in this world
You spend some time looking into what the other races in this world are. As it turns out, barring a few exceptions, there are only humans. Demons and their ilk, while technically sentient, are ostracized and hunted for their use of magic. The book also seems to consider Outsiders as a different race as well, even though they are exactly the same as humans, except from another world.

[Melchior Santos]
>Melchior at first didn't know that they ended up here by dying... And has been keeping himself occupied training since he got here to not succumb to this terrible feeling eating his heart... It didn't manage to allow him to avoid crying himself to sleep since he got here everytime he went to bed... But this morning he spent hours alone in the nearest woods, mourning the life he will never see again, his parents, his friends, his animus, and even his irresponsible sister that now is probably going to get everything that he as the first child would have got... He tries to found his peace with this, and discover in his heart the resolve he need to keep living without wondering about it the rest of his life... Even if he is still curious about how he died, the last detail that still eludes him.
>(Minor)Come to terms with his loss and mourn his last life one last time.
You find a quiet place in the forest to brood, and to reflect on your situation. Memories of your past life come and go as it starts to rain. Your face feels wet, and that’s when you realize that it wasn’t raining at all. After mourning the life you lost, you proceed to find solace in the fact that you at least have a new one. Your sadness and sorrow turn into determination as you rise from the forest floor.

Your chance at a normal life may have been ruined, but you will make the most of this new one.

>[Determination] +5 to one action of your choosing next turn.
>Now I finally know what was that strange feeling that heppened every so often... there was a psych-guy trying to read my mind... now that I noticed that I can cancel this its time to focus on this feeling just to be certain.
>(Major)Create new "Nulify Magic" sub spell: "Snap mental link"(reactive block against mental intrusions)
After learning that Alejandro can read minds, you begin to worry that others might have similar powers. You decide to develop some countermeasures after that. You make a few changes to your Nullify Magic spell, focusing on psychic effects on the mind. It takes quite a bit of work for you to create it, seeing as you’re mostly working on theoreticals rather than the application of magic.

Despite these hurdles however, you manage to make it work. This spell should make it easier to disconnect anyone linked to your mind; though of course the only problem is that you must know that they’re in your mind in the first place. Still, this should give an esper second thoughts about getting in your head.
[Neural Damping - Inspiration] Costs 20 TP. As a Reaction, you gain Advantage on all rolls to resist mental intrusions for the next three turns.
*A spell made to resist mental intrusions.*

>Store his Nekopara shirt in a safe place that he has access to. It's the biggest remainder of his life.
Seeing as you were given a new set of clothes, you stash your Nekopara shirt somewhere safe. Since you lack a proper room to yourself, your footlocker will have to do. You bid farewell to Chocola, Vanilla, and the rest of the catgirls of that visual novel. You briefly wonder if you could ever visit that world, before shrugging and stashing it in your trunk.

>Give his rainbow-acid-spit to and Outsider scientist to analyze.
You secrete some more acid for one of the researchers; as you figure that they’ll probably find some use out of it. The man in question gives you a strange look before storing it in a sealed glass container. He tells you to come back and see him after a while for the results in case you wanted to learn some more information.
[Hubrecht Minett]
>Since I am about to go demon hunting I hope the order can provide me with some armor and a staff
You head on over to the Order’s armory, where you ask for a staff and some armor. It turns out that despite the lack of ability of most people to use magic, magical staves are relatively easy create. Their shape and natural channels make it easy to cast spells. The weight of the staff feels good in your hands.

The leather armor you receive on the other hand, is a little snug. It probably won’t stop arrows or blades, but it’s certainly better than nothing. It keeps you warm, which is good enough for you. You do ponder ordering a heavier set of armor, but you don’t want to be encumbered.

[Ironwood Staff]
Quality: Fine
Two-Handed Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 40 Bludgeoning
Special Effects: Grants a 5 TP discount to Spellcasting.

[Leather Armor]
Quality: Fine
Defense: 20 DEF; 0 MR
Resistances: 20 Cold
Weaknesses: 20 Heat
Special Effects: None

>Free (60)
>You have chosen to RP with Vira Vesperia.
You feel inspired by the attention and spare words of wisdom you got from your new fuhrer, this added to you burning passion for writing results in the production of dozens of pages of brand-new poetry. You wonder if you’ll be able to gain more success here than you did back in Austria with such writings, but you’re proud of the result.

[Many Pages of Austrian Poetry- Its filled with passion and a love for nationalism, your parents would be proud.]

>Sign up for the demon dungeon raid (Minor Action)

Dungeon Raid? What dungeon raid? Do you even know about a dungeon raid? You only know about the Imp in the Library.

But sometime after having the creative passionate release of writing your new masterpiece, you come upon a bunch of pamphlets and newspapers laying on the floor of the corridor in where the mail office of the building is located. Someone in a hurry must have dropped it! You give them a quick look before trying to return the bunch of papers to the office, in one of them you see an request: And its a call for action for a raid on the local demon dungeon, signed by the Order of Xenerith. After returning the papers to some young assistant in the office you ask him where you should sign up for this, and they point you to Master Harriet’s Office. You look for it and discover that it's the smallest and most distant room on the masters aisles on the top floor of the adjacent building, but there is no one there, just a sign “I will be back next week” written with lipstick. You wonder why they would someone be so informal at sign making for such a austerous aisle.

Now you can:
>[Report to the Order and Explain that you would like to Join the Raid.] [1 Major Action]
[Hubrecht Minett]
>Since I am about to go demon hunting I hope the order can provide me with some armor and a staff
You head on over to the Order’s armory, where you ask for a staff and some armor. It turns out that despite the lack of ability of most people to use magic, magical staves are relatively easy create. Their shape and natural channels make it easy to cast spells. The weight of the staff feels good in your hands.

The leather armor you receive on the other hand, is a little snug. It probably won’t stop arrows or blades, but it’s certainly better than nothing. It keeps you warm, which is good enough for you. You do ponder ordering a heavier set of armor, but you don’t want to be encumbered.

[Ironwood Staff]
Quality: Fine
Two-Handed Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 40 Bludgeoning
Special Effects: Grants a 5 TP discount to Spellcasting.

[Leather Armor]
Quality: Fine
Defense: 20 DEF; 0 MR
Resistances: 20 Cold
Weaknesses: 20 Heat
Special Effects: None

>Free (60)
>You have chosen to RP with Vira Vesperia.
You feel inspired by the attention and spare words of wisdom you got from your new fuhrer, this added to you burning passion for writing results in the production of dozens of pages of brand-new poetry. You wonder if you’ll be able to gain more success here than you did back in Austria with such writings, but you’re proud of the result.

[Many Pages of Austrian Poetry- Its filled with passion and a love for nationalism, your parents would be proud.]

>Sign up for the demon dungeon raid (Minor Action)

Dungeon Raid? What dungeon raid? Do you even know about a dungeon raid? You only know about the Imp in the Library.

But sometime after having the creative passionate release of writing your new masterpiece, you come upon a bunch of pamphlets and newspapers laying on the floor of the corridor in where the mail office of the building is located. Someone in a hurry must have dropped it! You give them a quick look before trying to return the bunch of papers to the office, in one of them you see an request: And its a call for action for a raid on the local demon dungeon, signed by the Order of Xenerith. After returning the papers to some young assistant in the office you ask him where you should sign up for this, and they point you to Master Harriet’s Office. You look for it and discover that it's the smallest and most distant room on the masters aisles on the top floor of the adjacent building, but there is no one there, just a sign “I will be back next week” written with lipstick. You wonder why they would someone be so informal at sign making for such a austerous aisle.

Now you can:
>[Report to the Order and Explain that you would like to Join the Raid.] [1 Major Action]
[Malcolm York]
>Having a Healing spell and a Speed spell is great, but I'm going to need more than those two buffs if I'm going to keep myself (and whoever is my wall at the time) alive. In that regard, I try to develop a defensive spell to make incoming blows hurt less, if not hopefully nullify entirely. [Major]
You spend most of your free time trying to develop a new protective spell from what you read around, watch from the other magic practitioners and feel from within yourself, it's not just a matter of finding some perfect formula or being knowledgeable in the theoretic underpinnings of a certain type of spell, even if it does help, but your outsider peculiarities make your magic to be somewhat of an exception to the usual workings of the practical appliances of magic for the people of this world, and this make your research a matter of finding out what better works for you from mostly trial and error.

You channel the usual energies around through your body and make it change vibrations and forms as it goes around your magical circuits, you take some time to make it stable enough to be held as a projection outside of your body, and it takes a few more days with hours of practice being spend on each of them to become able to control the density and form of the projection, and even so you still spend even more days into fine-tuning it to the best input-output energy expenditure relation you can achieve with just so much effort and to be able of spawning the projection at distance.It isn’t exactly perfect, and it sometimes may have it’s form affected by your metal state of the moment, but it ends up being useful for your purpose by managing to deflect the strength of the blows applied to it.

After that much effort you try training to fast cast it with almost the speed of a thought, as it won’t be useful if you need to keep your total attention to it every time you need it or if it didn’t had time enough to form before an attack connects, and you’re mostly successful with this, the only problem is that it ends up making the spell consume more effort than it usually would, limiting the number of times who can summon it before your mind becomes too numbed to be fast enough to cast it in time.

Barrier: Costs 10 TP. As a Reaction, increase your (or another target’s within 15 feet) DR by 10 against an incoming attack. May be judged by a QM to be ineffective against certain kinds of attacks. (Resolve)
*Produce a magical barrier to ward off incoming attacks.*
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>As a way to build up a rapport with the citizenry, I'll go around and, with my healing and first aid knowledge, helping the sick and injured as best I can. [Minor]

Your healing incursions to places with those in need become quickly noticed by the Order’s personnel after the first week and after calling you for anything you could help with in the factory they guide you to one of theirs charity institutions on the the town, an big and old adapted manor turned into a hospital, the “3rd Xenerith North Burhtic Community Hospital”. You’re a bit overwhelmed at first by the size of the place and the number of patients they deal with, but the workers there are quite pleased with any help they can get, and even more as soon they discover your magical healing capabilities.

It doesn’t take much time in your first day for you to become tired of using your powers again, but the personnel of the order there are way more used to the healing applications of magick than you are, and they use that knowledge to allocate the use of your powers and skills to the best output they can manage, calling you for stabilizing the worst cases, focusing on speeding the recovery of patients that could soon be transferred to lesser intensive ailes to open space for those more in need for extended treatment, and letting you help around with first aid during your “recharging” breaks to not make you tire too fast.

As soon as the last days of your first week come to an end you manage to find yourself taking care of an entire, even if small, segment of the pediatric ailes for orphan children who went through any type common accidents(such as, but not limited to; falling from high places), and with small spare bed in the aisle stock of supplies for you to pass the night if the need should occur. You also start to be recognized by some of the patients you’ve helped and their families, overcoming the initial apprehension they have with the fact of you being an outsiders, but you only really start having your name remembered around as the [Amelie Goldheart], a young looking lady that is the second in command of the place, gets words of your recent efforts and start striking casual conversations with you during the lunch breaks, she seems curious about yourself and your life before coming to this world, and about what motivates an outsiders to go help the sick and the hurt as its rare to see any of you show up around. She also make it clear that its good having you around to help and that you should feel welcomed to stay in the building when you need.

Met- Amelie Goldheart
[Known Face(Hospital)-You’re not a total stranger to the people of the hospital, their patients and the people who live closer to it, that may have its perks in the future.]
[Storage Access- You have access to a small supply storage room in the hospital, in which a bed resides, you can use it to sleep or to get medical supplies, those supplies can mostly be freely used inside the building, but shouldn’t be moved to outside of its premises.]

[James Ciregna]
Major Actions:
>James, highly intrigued by the ghostly wolf he can summon, takes it upon himself to improve his brand new pet's ability, and thus trains his Familiar Summoning.

While your day-to-day needs are taken care of by the Order you have plenty of time to practice with your powers without having any bigger worries for the immediate moment. You mentally flex your magical circuits or whatever the theory calls the thing that makes you magic work for hours and channel you innate energies around you body to out of if, it doesn’t manage to actually do much until you try pouring that just as your familiar materializes, and then you discover a connection, a deep flux of energy between two beings that have never really felt before, you’re taken in awe by the new sensation and spends at least an entire afternoon staring into nothing and lazing around while contemplating it and re-taking control of the energy flux, eventually you manage to snap yourself out of it and take mental notes of what caused it, but your continuous testing demonstrates to be unable of replicating that same level of connection between you and the spiritual extension of your powers. Nevertheless, you learned to strengthen the connection and the energy feed that goes into your familiar and how to actually waste less effort in materializing and keeping it existing as a consequence of that.

The other people who were around the spell repository that day are still giving you weird looks for that, though.

Familiar’s Lesser Spiritual Link: When summoning a familiar, its HP is increased to 25% of your maximum, instead of only 10%. (Inspiration)
Proficiency at conjuring your familiar and controlling the energy feed to it.
>He decides to work many odd jobs for the people of the city in order to gain a lot of whatever currency this place uses.

Unfortunately, looking for a job in the city ends up being a task much harder than what you expected, most of the shops and stores around the town make any excuses possible in order to avoiding giving you any hope of being contracted by them, as if they were both apprehensive of having you around and fearing angering you by giving you a straight “no”. You soon find out why as some places with less nice folk just straight up tell you to “Get lost, we don’t need you or anyone of your ilk around here.”, nevertheless you end up finding your way to the least fortunate parts of the city, in which people aren’t that choosy and suspicious figures can found in plain daylight, even if they stick to their shadows and alleys. It doesn’t take long there for you to find some people okay with paying something for undesirable things that need to be done, you find yourself cleaning the streets of some very poor-maintained neighborhood, doing repairs on the dangerously degraded roofs of old houses, chasing away wild dogs from old parks on the outskirts of the city, and clearing out nests of spiders in abandoned houses on the limits of the town. Your pay isn’t really that much, but you manage to find some good looking silverware in one of the abandoned houses and sell it for some money.

[Very Modest Savings- You have a modest sum of money to spare, you can make use of it as an free-action, or spend it to give a +10 modifier to an Minor Action related to commerce(ex: searching for the most cheap but still useful “X” on sale.)]

The guy from the “nice-store-that-doesn’t-ask-too-many-questions” also tells you that if you’re really that in need of money and doesn’t want to deal with the anti-outsider bullshit you can test your luck at the “Hangman’s Noose” as the owner usually takes interest in outsiders.

Met-”Nice Guy” the owner of the “nice-store-that-doesn’t-ask-too-many-questions”.

[Directions for the “Hangman’s Noose”]
Minor Actions:
>He decides to play with his Familiar so see it's capabilities.
You go outside of the factory to find enough space to test your familiar’s capabilities in its full potential, you spend quite some time in the outskirts of the nearby forest playing with it by giving it commands or almost directly controlling it around, it can’t go that much far from it without getting weaker, and does disappear when you try risking it to the edge of its limits, making you have to summon it again. First, you become sure that it can mostly do anything that a trained dog could, or at least what you could do if you were trying control a dog’s body at least. Then you try some harder tricks a dog could pull out, and you manage to find that it can reproduce them even if it is with some difficulty when not receiving direct orders. It has difficult with fine control of objects, though, and cannot reproduce tasks that should be possible with a basic human intellect on its own, barely managing to get some result with it when you were focused on ordering it around.

You then try to test its senses by ordering it to find specific things, like berries of a certain color, or locate a bird from its sound, and realizes that it may have more acute senses than you have and that it probably is at least able to see the whole spectrum of color visible to humans, but you can’t really be certain of that as it is impossible to you to see through its eyes.

You finally try to test its skill as a hunter and isn’t let down by its skills of finding things by smell, however you quickly become frustrated by the fact that all the “easy” prey have a good advantage of either being able to outrun you and your familiar to out of its limited range or being able to bury themselves deep enough in the earth or between rocks that it would take an whole afternoon to excavate them from out of their place of hiding. Not willing to waste your daylight in hunting lessons without being able to know the full extents of the physical abilities of your ghostly companion you then set your focus to hunt something that would put more of an fight and tell your companion to find a boar, what it manages to track down from its smell to dark a very hidden whole between the roots of a tree. Unfortunately, there isn’t much of a boar anymore, as it was already almost reduced to bone and leather by an horde of spiders of the size of a human fist each that starts pouring out of the pit infuriated by your insolence in disturbing them.You sit this one out while lurking behind a tree a good distance from the fight, as you don’t really have any weapon and are probably more vulnerable to any venom they could have.The horde of spiders manage to put up an heck of a fight against your familiar and almost reduce it to dust before finally they stop moving.
Before leaving the accursed burrow you find out that its filled with bones, and somewhat rotten remains of local animals that are filled with eggs, your morbid curiosity also makes you find out what looks to be human remains at the bottom of the crevice, old and deteriorated clothing can clearly be seen even with the sparse sunrays of the afternoon that are mostly blocked by the leaves of the great tree but the bones seem too small to be of an adult, in between them, something metallic shines as the wind over your head make the leaves shuffle and the rays of the sun reach it.

>Free Action: Decide what to do about the hole, there could be loot inside, but who knows what else waits for anyone “brave” enough to extend an arm into it for reaching the bottom?(Roll 1d100)

[A Pile of Dead Spiders- A pile of dismembered dead spiders, there seems to be something faintly glowing on their fur, but you aren’t sure if that's usual for them or something else entirely.]

You decide that this was enough adventure for a whole week.
Major Actions:
>Get a coolio revolver pistol from somewhere.

Gurdis, the Armory Man, has no problem giving you a small single-shot gun. But the “cool looking” part would take some effort in order to deal with it, and probably would have to be arranged with the Forge.

Fortunately, though, today is an exception for that, as the shipment of donations of older equipment of other outsiders of the order just arrived, and there is some rare finds in between them.

“Oh, it was quite some time since the last time I saw this one, I still remember the day that old fellow asked me to get something special for that one time with the vampire party, good times… Ah, pardon me, you can have it, the old owner has moved on to bigger things now, and I’m sure he would like to see it being put to use again.”

[Vampire-Slaying Derringer]
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 30 ft.
Damage: 50 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.
Description: *A very nice looking pistol full of silver-made decorations, it has the initials A.V.H. carved into its handle.*

Minor actions
>Ask around and see if slavery is a thing in this world.
It was a thing and still is a thing, but it is more like classic antiquity slavery than the racial slavery of XIX century Earth. The Xeneriths that you question tell you that barring some exception everyone can be a slave, including outsiders and even any other intelligence magical beings, however it's usually very hard to keep them under control because of their powers. There is at least three ways of becoming a slave, by crime, debt or war, but the last one don’t usually happen anymore because of international policies and the other two are being slowly phased out by the states since the last great technological discoveries changed the economic priorities of society and abolitionism became a growing fad between certain nobles and influential people. Still, the still existing slave owners are usually powerful people with great money on their “investments” to lose in case slavery is abolished, so they keep being a steady opposition for the changing views about that, and most people think that the number of living slaves will still have to diminish much more before they stop caring enough about it to keep using their influence to keep it existing.

They also tell you that slavery is even more uncommon in Burhtic than it is in its neighbor countries, mostly because Burhic’s nobility always prefered having very well-trained servants than slaves, the people you talked with also think that slavery may be much more common outside of the island, but you don’t manage to find anyone in the factory that can confirm those rumors.

>Ask around and see where I can get an extremely comfy couch. Cause every cool hangout needs a comfy couch.
You ask around the factory for a comfy couch, but even after explaining it to them you don’t manage to show to the Xenerith Order members the vital importance of having a comfy couch in order to save the world, nonetheless they still point you to a guy specifically in charge of the furniture, probably the youngest dude in the whole administrative sector of the place, he informs you that his role is mostly symbolic as the internal bureaucracy of the order sometimes need to appoint people to redundant administrative roles to fit in with other bureaucracy directives of the government… Lots of complex stuffs that you don’t really care about or pay attention to, anyway, he tells you that he doesn’t really have much of an decision on furniture but might be able of giving you an okay for the couch if you get it for free or at some reasonable price… And this sets you on a sacred quest for the holy comfy couch.

You go to the city the next day, and take your time to breath in the atmosphere of the architecture of some places and lazy around some cool plazas and small parks in one zone of the city known for its furniture stores. You finally locate some shops related to the order, but unfortunately they tell you that they are all out of stock, and the only store that wasn’t just sold out his last couch yesterday, for some new weird cult led by some guy in armor. You try asking around for the people who make the couchs then, but discover that there is no way any really comfy couch are being made anytime soon, as the old couch tendencies and fads for the last years have been harder and stoic couches made more for visual impact than confort, and the new fads of comfy couches among the nobility just didn’t catch on to the general population yet, also, to make things even worse, one of the most recent demon attack stole a supply of material that usually goes into making the more accessible version of comfy couches, making the prices go higher.

You still try to go around non-order-related stores to find comfy couches for a reasonable price, and even try to haggle with some of them, but to no avail. The only place that really seem okay with making one is owned by some old artist dude that wants months of wait to give in time to make an “masterpiece” and even him isn’t under budget limit of the order. You were halfway back home when you catch a glance of a couch over a pile of other older furniture, all of them marked with the symbol of the order, you don’t get much time to make sense of it, though, as some random people start turning the whole pile into a bonfire.

The cultists on the edge of the city seem really happy about it even with your protest, you try finding the crazy crusader to put some reason into them, but he isn’t around at the moment.

Defeated, but not completely hopeless, you go back to the factory, this may be a dark era of no comfy couch sitting, but you’re a hero brought from another world or something, you can save this world from this terrible darkness!

Met-”Furniture guy” whatever is his name.
Met- Tonio Bella, Old and Excentric Furniture Artist
Met- Cultists, a lot of them.
>I've been hearing about how we need to fight these demons and old ones and I heard some the xenerith dudes talking about a half human half demon kind of people. Learn more about that from the xenies.

This isn’t most comfy subject to talk about with people, but the xenies that pay you any attention try to explain you the basic, sadly, the higher ranking people how really know their stuff tell you that, even if they want to help, they think that giving you only partial info about such important and complex topic could be irresponsible, so they just point you to the library and return to their tasks, so the only ones who actually sit down to spend some time with you are the students and lesser ranking personnel.

It is believed that demons are beings from another dimension, much like Outsiders. The most popular belief is that they come from "hell", whatever that is, they have strong natural magic and are usually inhumane in most of the definitions of the word, even if a few could use some tricks to pass undetected among people or exhibit higher levels of intelligence or maybe even human-like motivations. They can make new life with humans, and the result of that are Demonspawn, but they usually call themselves “Devilmen” or something, and are not welcomed by most of the populations and mostly ignored by the higher classes if they do not create problems.

Old Ones are eldritch beings that defy human comprehension. They come from “the dark void between the stars”, or at least that is what is usually written in the Order’s textbooks. They wield powerful ancient magics that dwarf demonic energy completely. Unlike demons however, they are almost never directly seen, and it's theorized that that’s because they can’t come into this plane under usual circumstances, so instead they use their powers to touch people here with their powers, by promising their followers things if they work for bringing them into this plane, and that is what makes their cultists and servant abominations so dangerous, as they can exponentially increase the amount of destruction they create if left unchecked.

You’re end up somewhat unsure of the complete veracity of the info you’ve got, as there seems to be some blanks left to fill and maybe even some superstition mixed into the views of the people that were okay with telling you this, but you’ll probably need to delve into books if you want more profound info about such exoteric creatures.
[Alejandro Valencia]
>[MINOR] I go to Mabel's Mystery, the corset store, and suggest myself as an investor to them, who wishes to help grow their business. Mention photography advertisement to them - no more drawings! *Real* people! That's the gimmick that can make us stand out.
You get as ready as you can before leaving the factory and prepare your best confident smile, it is as Sun tsu once said, the war is already decided the moment it begins… Or something like that. You take a nice and pleasant stroll to your first stop on the city, and take your time to admire the visage of the place before going in, however you find out that the place isn’t as much interesting from the inside as it seems on the outside: It's clearly understaffed, and while extremely clean it lacks any sort of “spirit” in its decorations, as if someone just arranged everything on the inside of the place with the least amount of effort possible, to make things worse the few employees inside seems like the most uninterested and lazy bunch possible, just droning out and doing their work in some sort of focused by really slow pace. They don’t receive you well as if not taking you much serious when you introduce yourself and try to talk your way to the owner, but as soon as you lose patience and start “suggesting” yourself into their minds you find out that its as if they don’t possess any mental resistance at all, and just happy and euphoric follow your suggestions as if it were the most natural course of action to take, it reaches unusual levels of vulnerability, you clearly perceive, to the point that any minor suggestion goes through as “reasonable” and you even get a little carried aways and make a secretary show you some dance steps.

Its too odd for you, but maybe its just some type of coincidence, or at least you thought untill you entered the main office, then…

You wake up with a terrible headache and pain across most of your body, as if someone had scrambled your brains and then used the rest of you as punchbag. There is some high walls around you, and pile of garbage and junk under you, it seems to be some kind of back alley of the building.

[Battered-You are now at half HP]

A female voice in a russian accent can be heard talking to you from the opposite direction of the dead end in front of you, “You may be quite the cute thing, and it takes a lot of courage to walk in head-on into the tiger’s den and ordering our prey around, but courage is a dangerous mix as it is made from one fifth of bravery and four of foolishness… It would ruin my day to have hurt even more of that handsome face, but I’m the one in charge here and I’ll not hesitate in doing so again if you show up here a second time.”
“Don’t try to play an adult game while being just a little cat, my любимaя.”

You try turning around to see her face, but are paralyzed over the pile of garbage, it takes some long minutes before you manage to make yourself move again by working the extremities of your body and slowly gaining control again, as if you were stuck in some sort of sleep-paralysis. And then, the woman was long gone.

Still, you try to salvage the situation by cleaning yourself up, taking care of your bruises and coming back to the city next day for a second try at the other business, it passes through your mind the possibility of telling the others about that, but then maybe you also shouldn’t have mind controlled the secretary, and maybe you were going out of your limits with your magic, the rest of the things are still too suspicious, but you aren’t sure yet about what is going on there, and as such refrain from revealing the event to the other people at the factory, and the Xeneriths just assume that you got your ass beaten by some angry crowd not happy with the sudden influx on outsiders around.

>[MINOR] I got to T. W. Browning Co., the modelling agency, and request an initial overview of what we can arrange. Tell them that I'm a budding investor in the fashion industry (corsets, specifically) and looking for the most eye-catching and attractive young woman for advertisement purposes. Yes, I'm that ambitious.

This time you don’t even go much far from the door before phasing out, or at least, if you did, you don’t manage to remember.

You aren’t really sure of how much hours had passed when you regained conscience after that, and probably you didn’t even lost it in the first place, you memories are jumbled after many hours of psychic abuse intercalated with physical punishment for “not cooperating”. The minutes become hours, the hours become days, and the days seem to stretch to infinity, you actually wonder at some point if this is what losing sanity feels like, or if the interrogatory just pushed you into the edge of some cosmological discovery, but the least affect parts of your minds pull yourself together for time enough to concoct a plan, and you start implanting beliefs into your own mind in the form of relatories of memories, as to keep you from forgetting them even if their mindwash you repeatedly.

They go by the name of Tiger Mafia and are some criminal society of psychic-power users, everyone of the members you’ve met seem to have at least some variation of psyonics, and at least four or five of them take turns in interrogating you, when they do let you alone you’re still watched by some cloud of very small wisps that looks like fireflies, and at least two of them, the leader and the woman who talked to you are outsiders, and you manage to memorize the face of the russian lady… Her boss is some italian dude with scars in his face, but you can’t remember much about him and even less about the other ones.

They want to know who you are, they want to know what you are actually capable of, they discuss between themselves what they should do to you and if they should recruit you, the woman try to defend this possibility but the others think that you would be too much of an risk to be worthy of it, because of this the whole thing drags on and on, and they try to get info about the order, the other outsiders and even about the factory layout from you. They also want to be really sure that no one is coming for you and that you wasn’t sent by someone in the first place, but as the days pass they give up on that possibility.
>[MINOR] Make some small talk with the corset store owner or the model I manage to get (if I get a prospect at all), whichever I seem to get along with the best.

Well, you didn’t manage to strike up a conversation with any of them, but you did indeed talked with other prisoners and some mind-washed servants they had around, maybe that was how you get out.

You aren’t really sure about that last part, maybe they let you go, maybe you escaped on your own, or maybe someone helped you get away, what matters is that when your mind starts regenerating from all that ordeal and starts paying attention to little things such as “time” and “where am I?” you realize that you’ve been walking for maybe hours deep into the coolness of night, and that you’re also almost passing out from hunger. For one moment you almost panic while considering that you may end up like that little girl and become dinner for some forest creature, but then you detect the familiar shape of the factory on the horizon, you are safe!

The people who greet you at the entrance are very startled by the fact you showed up severely beaten up, in the middle of the night and only wearing your undergarments after days of disappearance. They also look very scared by the fact that you’re muttering names and things that you should remember but can’t.

[Very Weak- You are now at 15% of your HP, and receive a -10 to any physically focused actions for the next three turns.]

[Bruised Body-You’re not looking your best right now and may even have some difficulty to speak, you receive -10 in all your social rolls for the next turn, and -5 on the turn after that.]

[Mentally Scrambled-You were involved into a long lasting and intense psychic warfare against more powerful and experienced opponents, as such:
Next turn: All mental power uses against you gain advantage.
Next two turns: All psychic power uses from you are at disadvantage.
Next three turns: You need to spend the double of the usual amount of TPs to activate your psychic powers.]
[Taku Weebson]
>M - While it is distracted look into sneaking into the library, checking for useful books. If he could find the spells section he would be happy, an offensive spell would be useful to know.

Just a few minutes after the fight you notice that there are no spell tomes. No knowledge on magic other than objective viewpoints on them. As it turns out, magic is mostly feared here, mostly because it is attributed to the many evil forces that control it. Humanity has compensated with technology that they’ve developed, but aside from that, magic-users here are few far in between.

After the fight you find plenty of time to look around the books on the shelves of the spell repository for techniques of magical warfare, and for your luck a new supply of books from the main base of the order has just arrived, you actually manage to find a section just focused on Outsider’s spells with even a subsection of books written by other Outsiders about it.

The first odd thing that you notice is that the content of the books not written about outsiders is pretty vague on the actual “how-to” part, just going at length about how certain powers were observed to behave under x, y and z conditions and theorizing about how they were able to do that, but never really teaching you directly how to reproduce it’s workings.

The second odd thing is that when the Outsider’s themselves try to explain their power in written form, they just plainly say to you that not even them are sure about how they really work on a deep and precise level, it's just like reproducing some muscular movement, you can teach it by a series of examples or very precise wording, but you can’t really make someone perfect it by just watching without training. They theorize that it may have to do with every innate outsider magic working in form very specific to the being it originate to, as if the process of crossing words had made the mana channels of their spirits go through millions of unique evolutionary process linked to their own each specific background. But thats all theory, they don’t even have any certainty that such things such as “mana channels of the soul” exist in the first place, but the “magic circuits” theory seem very popular with them.

The third last thing, and the one that saves the day, is that 90% of the books of the Outsider-written section are written by the same author, being just dozens of copies of many different editions of the “Complete Guide to Explosion Magic!” from the mysterious “Yanyunnyan of the Red Eyes”. You’re actually pissed at the level of normiefag taste of such non-creative creature when you finish reading the title. And delve deeply into the lore of explosion magic just to know what sort of person is actually so retarded to commit such blasphemy upon getting isekai’d and realizes that the author actually wrote enough about herself to make it clear that she claims to be from another world entirely, not being from earth. Still… The similarity of the names she refers to and the expressions she uses make you still suspicious that this may be just a very insistent ruse of someone who had plenty of time to make a complex background in order to be “special”.

You’re persistence on discovering the truth make you go through all the editions of that damned book, and actually learn more about explosions, fire, loud noises, types of smoke, and magic related summoning of those elements that you could have ever hope of knowing before knowing that this masterpiece on unusual magic existed.

“Met”-“Yanyunnyan of the Red Eyes”


Small Conflagration: Costs 60 TP. As a Major Combat Action, you focus your magic into a single point within 60 feet, before causing that energy to detonate violently. Make an attack against everyone within 15 feet of the target point, without the need for an Accuracy Roll. Deals additional AR equal to AP. Deals heat damage and inflicts [Burning] upon dealing 100 or more damage.

There is still much to learn from the forty years of volumes about exploding things with magic, but you’ll need to practice a lot, and survive it, before being able of advancing with that. You wonder if the author is still alive, as the last volume was written only twelve years ago, she does refer to places in Burhtic a lot, so she might be actually closer than what you would usually expect

m - If Taku survives this mission he must learn from the people of this world, the order sees us as people with incredible power but do they realise we are human all the same as them? Try and ask about the root cause for outsider involvement, and have they done this whole summoning thing a long time ago?

You ask around the factory for such answers, but you quickly discover that the xenies aren’t really much comfortable of having those topics being brought up bluntly, so you try to be more indirect and take your take making very indirect questions to the most naive or inexperienced personnel and to lurk around to hear their conversations when they think that no outsider is hearing them. You already knew that there were other outsiders before you because of the books, but you get confirmation of the summoning ritual existing around for at least half a century in the past, and mentions of outsiders from even before that.

The Order don’t exactly see you as normal humans though, as normal people can’t really use magic, and usually being able of using it already makes you some kind of pariah in a certain way, like with people with the most common types of magical heritage, that is, demon heritage. But that's not why they are pushing things to be done by you, it's just the way things are done by the governments of the island, they even seem to have some sort of slavery, so for them the kingdoms have the right to push people around to do things if they think that it is most appropriate course of action, and as outsiders are already one step out of the usual social limits, they end up being more vulnerable to such authoritarian mandates.

The Order’s most common view of the Outsiders is a little more permissive, though, as they have a long experience dealing with them and feel like that its very hard to actually manage to pursue them and force them to do things if they decided not to, as the usual Outsider has some unusual powers up their sleeve and tend to amass even more of them with time.

You don’t manage to find out much info about the exact event that has triggered the Order into summoning this last group, but you discover that they were apprehensive about doing that so soon since some incident two years ago ended up summoning people without their complete approval, and that they only repeated the summoning ritual so soon because some island on the sea, just across the horizon if going in on a straight line from Burhtic, was completely taken over by an army of monsters with some giant flying thing accompanying them. Burhtic has defenses in case the monster army try to get here by air, but the Order hopes that having you at their disposal may help avoid a bigger confrontation with whatever is out there.
[Vira Vesperia]
>I spend a good deal of time in the newly constructed Spell Repository. I'm very interested in this 'magic' we have, and precisely how it operates. To that end, I practice with the other of my original two spells, Cast Light. With any luck, I think I should be able to form a spell that brings forth a blinding flash of light. That's the plan, anyway. (Sorcery)
+[Spell Repository]

You make an habit of spending most of your time in the spell repository, only leaving to go to the laboratory, eat, make use of the bathrooms or sleep. You go through most of the usual mundane books on magic in a few days, but quickly lose interest on them after they stop being useful at adding anything practical to your knowledge, you also go through the essays on Outsider’s powers that are unloaded along with other supplies sent from the main building of the order, but they also offer poor help other than some degree of recognition about the possible practical applications of the powers of the other outsiders, and even them most of the powers listed are very specific things with obscure peculiarities that doesn’t match any of the least common powers of the Outsiders you’ve met since you came to this world.

There are also some books written by other outsiders, but they seem clueless about how to actually teach other to use the magic they are most familiar with, and that's without even mentioning the dozens of copies of that series about exploding things, oh boy, let's not even get into that.

Ironically, you end having to follow the advice you gave for the small girl and trying to discover things on your own, you steel your heart and concentrate on the light power that you’ve become used to. You focus on trying to concentrate that orb of light in the palm of your hand, and detonating it at the same time you summon it.

That last detail make you the most possible annoying person possible to have around the place when trying to train magic, as you keep flashing lights at an unconstant pace, causing small but very loud explosions without warning, and accidentally summoning wisps that follow the nearest source of light and explode at it. Its a good thing that the place is prepared from the inside to sustain such attacks and null most of the magic energies that go out of control, but even the Order’s employees in charge of taking care of the place are growing anxious with the repeated displays of power happening around. The only guy who didn’t really had a bad reaction at you practicing was James, and that's is just because he was too high on magical energies and too distract by looking deeply into some mana ghost wolf to actually notice your failures.

At the end of the week, however, your efforts finally reach your expectations.

Blinding Flash of Light: Costs 40 TP. As a Major Combat Action you can cast a very bright flash of light from the palm of your hand, make a Sorcery roll, everyone that is in visual range from the flash has to make a contested Inspiration roll against your roll to avoid being Blinded until the beginning of your next turn. This power doesn’t have a limited range as long as the targets can see the flash, but they get a +1 bonus in their rolls to resist it for each 10 ft of distance between them and the caster. The QMs may decide that obstacles may give partial or even complete protection against this power, depending on the circumstances.

>I also spend time in our newly constructed chemistry lab. It reminds of my life back on Earth. I mean, biochemistry was closer to biology than chemistry, and I was only a first-year student so I mostly was in classrooms, not labs, but... Anyway, I want to perform some basic experiments to see if chemistry works the same way here that it did back home. If it does, I can infer that other things, like the structure of DNA, cell theory, germ theory, genetics, and other modern concepts also hold in this world. In the best case scenario, we could introduce this entire world to a significantly higher standard of living. (Industry)
+[Chemical Lab], [Biochemistry Knowledge], +5 from being awesome

You use the rest of your free time out of the spell repository to hang out at the laboratory and do some studying and research. You manage to confirm your suspects to the best of your capabilities that, as far you can observe with the technological limitations of your instruments, things work almost perfectly equal to how they worked back on earth. The problem relies exactly on the things that shouldn’t not work if they were back on earth, has the implied consequences of having alchemical composts and magical interference going on at primordial levels should make all the usual biological systems to fall into disarray, and the result for chemical interactions could be even worse. But surprisingly, as if it were some miracle, things manage to work just fine without any major rearrangements that you can detect, sure, there is some peculiar tendencies on the samples you observe, but nothing that really points to much of inconsistencies to what you already know.

But you worry that this may be because they just “look” to work as you are used to, but may be simulating the effects through many different ways invisible for someone like you who is inexperienced with the most primordial underpinnings of magic in this world, so in the end your research is somewhat inconclusive.
>Lastly, I spend more time getting to know my fellow Outsiders. We're all in the same boat from now on, so I'd best make a note of their names, their quirks, and... which ones are likely to cause problems for the group. (Industry)

What is left of your time goes in taking mental note of all the people around you. It’s too much to remember, really, as they all have some peculiar powers and sprout out a lot of random information that in your perspective say very little about themselves in any useful way, there is also the fact that some of them just ignore the rest or avoid social interactions.

After many dinners together, though, you manage to get a some info on most of them, and even start to have some fun listening to their random talk and erratic behavior. You theorize that maybe some bound started to form between most of you, but that reminds you of your family back on earth, and confuse your feelings about it.

Further info: https://pastebin.com/3a8k9HSj
[Jim Farmer]
>Speak with people of the order about magic in the world beyond demons, old ones, and their contractors.

All the Order’s people seem to be very occupied through most of the day, and extensive explanations about the nature of magic seem to take too much time, so they mostly just apologize or avoid giving you much attention. But you find one nice, and maybe somewhat naive, young girl taking care of the herb garden of the factory, and she doesn’t seem bothered by answering your questions while she does her duty.

Magic comes in many forms, but the main one is mana. Mana is raw magical energy that is used to fuel the effects of spells and other enchantments. All beings have mana within them, but very little have the potential to use that mana. It is surmised that mana comes from the soul of a being, whether it is an animal or a person.

Most normal humans do have mana, but do not have the capacity to harness it. Very few people have the potential to use their mana. As for objects and artifacts, they simply harness that mana for their own magic. As if mana was the fuel that keeps the artifact going. Certain artifacts can allow the person to use the magic of their own, but it's akin to a crutch or prosthetic that allows you to use it rather than the true "opening" of the magical circuits. It's said that the ritual of summoning that brings Outsiders to the world is what gives Outsiders their power, as their souls are bombarded with the latent magical energy of what lies between dimensions.

As for its applications, mana has a tendency to grant beings power, but overexposure may cause mana burn, mutations, or even death in extreme cases. There have been recorded cases of elementals, but they're less "natural beings born of an element" and more "the effects of high concentrations of mana on the landscape".

You thank the young lady for her help, as she says that you’re welcome to spend more time around if you need any more explanation, but she warns you that this is her first time actually working for the Order and that she isn’t that far into her own studies yet, you bid her farewell and both of you return to your usual doings.

Met- Anne Honeyrose, gardener and summoner apprentice.
>Begin experimenting with making basic enchantments such as lights, creating and removing heat, and the like. +10

You take your time at the laboratory to delve into more properly elaborated foundations of enchanting and many of its theoretical underpinning, but you don’t go very far with practical applications, you manage to imbue materials with mana and mark them with complex markings that make them more successive to accumulating heat or dispersing it to the ambient, and almost manage to get a rune of reflectiveness to actually work to make something reflect more light than it actually receives, but your crafting is imperfect and fails to bind a permanent effect on an item. Your activation based enchanting end up even worse, with unexpected collateral effects or just causing minor damage to the object and the artificial magical circuits every time that it is activated. That goes on for days and you only manage to get a better grip on the theory and make a pile of discarded material polluted by unbalanced amounts of mana and weird minor effects.

[Small Pile of Alchemical Waste- Should be properly discarded if not recycled. Keep away from children.]

>nat 1
>Request/ collect some samples of base elements, as many as I can get of each type.

You try requesting more sample for your studies, and the order obliged in helping you in what they can. Sadly, they don’t have everything you want, but some of the more science savvy members point you to some places near the factory in where you can collect some samples if needed, they are all “near” only in some vague sense in comparison to getting stuff in the city it seems, as you need to go on a walk for quite some time to actually reach them, but their location near the most distant districts of the city make them somewhat safe to be around, as people would probably find you even if something happen, and wild animals tend to keep away from those spots.

You start collecting supplies without much problems, and things go uneventful for a while, or at least until some bright colored fosforescent spider come out from a well hidden burrow and bite your hand, you hit it instinctively, but the thing is bigger than your fist and takes a surprising amount of hits before retreating to where it came from. You try sucking out any venom that may exist and keep it from spreading, but you start getting dizzy and very cold even before managing to take the necessary care to your injury.
You start going back as quickly as you can back to the factory, but you end up getting lost at some point and start losing your sense of direction while try to traverse some woods that looked familiar enough. Before losing you hope, though you manage to reach the outside wall of the complex, and start following it until you find the entrance gate, unfortunately, you must have been gone for many more hours than you realized, as it is currently locked. Not having many options you try to jump the walls, and end up hurting yourself upon falling on a lot of remaining of burnt wood.. You stand up dirty, hurt and confused and walk out of the pile, only to be greeted by mysterious looking people using brown cloaks and carrying crosses around their neck, you try to gesticulate for them to stop while you try explaining yourself and asking what's going on, but you’re slowly voice make them recoil from the direction your hand is open to. Then someone throws a brick to your head, and the ground hits you hard.

[Bruised- You are now at 50% of your HP, and receive a -5 to any physically focused actions for the next turn.]

[Mysteriously Poisoned- You feel stranger than you’ve ever felt before, you’re not sure if that's going to kill you or turn you into spiderman, but are you really going to risk it? Maybe you should get help as fast as you can.]

[Captured- The Crusader’s Cult have captured you for trespassing their property and trying to cast a spell on them! They do seem to like burning things, so maybe it's better for you to escape as fast as you can!]

[Trying to escape requires a Major action, talking to the leader of the cult can be freely done through RP, if he so desires.]

>Replace sword, a longsword is better for a weaker warrior, something a proper armorer would know.
You go back to the amory after the Imp incident, but you find out that they are unloading a lot of wooden crates into the place, something looks to have gone wrong, though, as the guy in charge of the place does not seem to be much happy and won’t stop storming angry orders around the place. You wait a bit for them to cool off before approaching the scene, and then they tell you to wait a bit more. So you wait…

...You spend at least an hour waiting before losing patience, going to the dining hall for dinner and getting back to the entrance of the armory, just to wait another entire hour again.

You decides to nag them about needing to exchange your sword anyway, and they just take the rapier back and give you whatever longsword they have at hand on the moment just to make you shut up and leave them alone. Its some old looking piece with the M.M. initials marked with fire on its leather clad handle.


Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 70 Piercing/Slashing
Special Effects: None
>Dismiss the imp, unless he can help me get what I was actually looking for.
QM Notes: Because of the critical fail, you were never in control of the Imp you spawned. So dismissing it wasn’t an option.Nanato jumped the gun by doing the Imp fight this turn.

When you go back to dismiss the Imp, you find out that it's too late for that, as that was already taken care of, you go take a look to see if they have any clue about who summoned it and find half a dozen young summoners inspecting the magical energies of the place.

“You there!” One of them starts “I sense the same residual summoning energies of the Imp on your person, did you happen to be here at the time it appeared?” you throw your best excuses of just having been around on a coincidence and distracts them by bitching about the terrible smell of the room, you deftly escape the scene without getting caught.

[Suspect-Using the library will have risks until the investigations are done.]

>Take a hot bath, the all around incompetence on the part of myself and others is very stressful.
The incompetence of Order’s follow you even into the bath, as they don’t even have proper plumbing yet!
This won’t do, you’ll have to do things the old way, but you also refuse being subjected to this! Isn’t the Order’s job to take care of your needs? Then you will charge them for that!

You go around looking for the newest and greenest personnel to push around, and you manage to find this one girl who is too entranced by your personal magnetism to look away from the barrage of orders and complaints you throw at her, she just keep uttering surprise sounds such as “Eh!? Ha? Uhhhh….? Ehhhhhh!?” until you finally manage to make her move around and stop taking care of some garden in order to take care of making the best bath she can get for you. Surprisingly, she does a very good job at it, preparing some hot water for your tube and even getting some bath salts for it. She tries to slowly leave the room as you prepare to undress, but you rant on her “incompetence” so strongly that you persuade her to massage your shoulders while you relax on the tub. She just looks like she can’t decide if she should be honored by “doing a good job”, crying for being subjected to this, or blush at your naked form that she is trying to not look at. She doesn’t seem to know that you actually doesn’t have the authority to really push her around like this. Good, it could only be better if she was some handsome boy, but the xenies are incompetent even with that.

[Hot Bath- You get +10 in one action next turn, doesn’t stack with any other bonus.]

Met- Anne Honeyrose, gardener and summoner apprentice.
[Nico Abrera]
The effects of your skills are as follows:
>Firearms Proficiency (Finesse)Grants +1 to Accuracy Rolls made with Firearms.
*Proficiency at using firearms.*
>Chemical Engineering: No Combat Effect.
*Experience with applying physical sciences, life sciences, and mathematics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy.*
>Dimensional Pocket Inventory (Sorcery) No Combat Effect.
*Magic used to seal small objects away into a pocket dimension for storage.*
>M: Find work as a bartender in this world. Working for the Order is the last thing he'd want to do right now, and the same goes for accepting anything from them including food and a place to stay.
You slink away from the Order, avoiding any of the other Outsiders and people in the process. You’re not sure what’s up with them, but it almost feels… too easy. You managed to get away without so much as a second glance, and it’s almost like nobody’s looking for you. It’s almost surreal, really; if escaping the vigilantes was easy as this, maybe you wouldn’t have died.

The first thing you find is that it becomes very difficult to find work. So much so that taverns and bars would turn you away. Most claim that they’re not hiring, but judging by the look in their eyes; they seem like they’re afraid of you. Your suspicions are confirmed when the owner of a tavern tells you that “We don’t serve your ilk, Outsider”. Figures that there was a catch somewhere. Still, you soldier on, looking around for a tavern to serve.

You eventually find it in the form of a run-down tavern called the “Hangman’s Noose”. How quaint. in one of the seedier districts of town. Here, people only spare you a glance. Standing at the counter is a silver-haired woman, who greets you with a look of sympathy. When you ask if there’s a job available, she nods. “Another Outsider down on their luck, eh? Don’t worry, we’ll help you get on your feet.” The woman introduces herself as Silva, and apparently owns the place around here.

When you ask how someone like her has a place like this, she gestures you to look around. Some of the patrons sport unnatural colors of skin, while others have an assortment of horns, tails, wings, or even legs. Silva tells you that she and many of the patrons here are Devil Children; humans with demonic blood flowing in their veins, granting them some degree of magical control, as well as physical features that change them. Because of this, they are looked down upon by the general populace. In this tavern, they would have a safe haven to relax and enjoy a drink. You think about asking Silva about what makes her different from a human, but you wisely hold onto your tact and put the question away for now. Since you’re an Outsider, she tells you that you’re welcome to work here for pay and lodgings as well, so long as you earn your keep.
>Met [Silva, Tavern Owner]
>M: Find some reading material related to this world so he can learn about it more.
You spend some time reading about the world itself. Judging by the newspapers, you realize that the world is much like the Victorian Era of Earth. The technology level is about the same, if not a little more advanced. The city state is ruled by a Constitutional Monarchy, with Queen Margaery II being the current monarch. Overall, the city of Burhtic is in a bit of disrest with the appearance of Outsiders such as yourself, but is otherwise fine.

You also get some info about recent news, it seems like train wagon disappeared while coming to Burhtic from the nearest city-state, being abducted by flying creatures mid-travel, any of the serious and respected new sources say that it's a work of the demons, even if its unusual for them, but some unpopular tabloids and conspiracy papers that circulate around the less noble public blame the outsiders for it, some going as far as to affirm that some group known as “The Phantom Thieves” is behind it.

There is also some notes about the population of the forest dwelling “Hunter-Spiders” having being specially bold this year, going as far as to make their nests inside the limits of the city, it seems that its common for them to be more agitated and numerous this time of the year, but usually they keep distance from human-populated areas.
>m: Interact with some customers that pass by (contingent on finding a job).

One day, Silva ask you to take care of the counter during an unusual time of the day while she deals with some personal matters out of the city, before leaving, though, she points to one of the patrons sitting alone at a table positioned far from the bar and from both the entrances and tells you “He’s an another outsider with space magic, shouldn’t give you much problems, but don’t refrain for scolding him and kicking him out if he tries to offer any strange substance to the other patrons.”. As soon as she lefts the place he comes to the counter and strike a conversation with you, “Hey, don’t bother with Sil’s paranoia my friend, she might still be somewhat uncertain after the incident with the royal guard, but I’m pretty okay with not bringing job related stuff here anymore… Let me introduce myself, I’m the Masked Phantom Thief… But you can call me just Mask.” he smiles to you, while getting up from his seat to do an exaggerated measure, “You can also just call me bro if you want, as I’m somewhat of an older brother for most outsiders who end up around these parts, not that I’m really older than you or than most of them, but I’m around here for at least a couple years, and most don’t stick around for so much” he gives a smug smile that makes you uncertain of what he is really bragging about:fidelity or surviving.

“Anyway, I’m sure that our pretty haired lady is taking good care of you as she once took care of me, and I don’t really want to give her any more problems than I already did, but I can’t just really ignore a brother in need when I see one, and I’m also sure that such an elegant fellow as you would want to repay the kindness of our lady friend… So I’ll suggest you this, if you ever consider the need for a simple, hardworking, high pay, one-time job to give you that edge we sometimes need to invest in our self-development… You call me when Lady Silver isn’t around, believe me, its best not to bother her with worry for our personal security.”

After that he takes some time to talk about how he met with Silva for the first time, after he was expelled from the Order’s protection after they discovered his “true identity” when he tried to pull “a big heist” on them, he says that he probably have most of the answers you could reasonably ask him for related to the outsiders, the order’s agenda for them and the magic resulting from that, but he deftly avoids giving you any real information about that. He keep avoiding giving you any useful info and continues to distract you with tidbits of random information about this word until Silva comes back, and as soon as she enters the place he disappears just in front of you, in the blink of an eye. You find the payment for his tab laying on his seat… With a sizeable tip along with it.
[Very Modest Savings- You have a modest sum of money to spare, you can make use of it as an free-action, or spend it to give a +10 modifier to an Minor Action related to commerce(ex: searching for the most cheap but still useful “X” on sale.)]

>Ask the Xenerith Order for a rifle and a pistol, and maybe some common clothes as well. If there are demons and shit, it'd be a good idea to be able to defend myself, and I don't want to stand out too much.
You ask around for who you should talk to in order to get some weapons, and a few of the younger Xenerith magic students give you the directions for the armory. It's impossible to miss Gurdis checking around weapons and giving orders to his direct apprentices, but they seem to be in the middle of something when you arrive, so you end up waiting for a while next to the door. Almost after one hour of waiting they finally take a break of inspecting the contents of the wooden crates laying around and start planning how to allocate them to their supply storage, and that's when they finally remember about you and decide to check what you want.

“Sorry for taking so long, lad. What can this old fellow help you with?”

You ask for him for the best rifle and pistol he has and he gets back to work again, “You see… We’re in the middle of unpacking some donations of old equipment from our veteran outsiders, so everything is in a bit of a mess right now and we don’t really have much space to call more stuff from the forge in here until we move the most of this to the storage, but I’ll make an offer to you, if you manage to find whatever you’re looking for in the midst of this mess you can immediately check it out with one of my apprentices, but until we’re through with this we’re in no way of helping find what you want.” As you want your weapon sooner than later, you start sorting out the weapons on your own.

After some hours of searching between tons of badly maintained stuff and damaged weapons of all sort, you manage to find a “newer” model of rifle from just one decade or so and still in fine condition. It seems that the hardship turned into opportunity and that it may be your lucky day when you also find some old Derriger in mostly perfect shape… But it seems that it got damaged in the way under a lot of heavier weapons as it was mixed in the wrong lot of crates, and will take some time to repair.

To you surprise though, a paper note falls from it while you were examining the pistol, it reads “Find me and I shall reward you. V.V.”, you have no idea of who is “V. V.” and nor do Gurdis and his apprentices.

“Probably some early outsider from before my time, or some who wasn’t around for long, don’t worry about that my boy, it’s bad luck to seek dead people, and you should believe on the words of an stranger so easily.”
Something on that note still instigate your curiosity, though, but you got no clue about this person at the moment, so it’ll have to wait.

[Old Trusty Single Shot Rifle]
Quality: Fine
Two-Handed Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 60 ft.
Damage: 100 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.

[Damaged Derringer]
(These are its stats after repaired, it takes at least one minor action from you or another person to repair it.)
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 30 ft.
Damage: 50 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.
???: It has some flower pattern carvings along all of its handle, was owned by some mysterious person who left a note in it.

>Help out around the city, whether it be through volunteering time up or trying to stop petty crime. With what seemed like every one of my fellow Outsiders going to fight that demon, they probably had it under control. If they didn't, I wasn't going to be of much help, and I might as well try to do something productive with my time. It'd be good for distracting myself from, well, my death.

You easily discover that if it wasn’t for the order you probably wouldn’t find a place in which to work or to live in so easily, the locals seem very suspicious of Outsiders and afraid of being involved with them for any non-short amount of time. Most of places deftly avoid any of your offers of help, and the less nicer of them outright refuse to associate with you in any form, you end up being pushed out of a bar before a passerby who worked for the order finds you and guide you to a place that wasn’t directly related to the order but would let you work at the background, a business specialized in making riverboats to be more specific.

Met- Ned Moonshine, river-boat engineer and ex-Xenerith order member.

You spend some days carrying stuff around and helping people to adjust great pieces of metal through specialized machinery, there is plenty of guys like you around for the job, but most of them are away more physically prepared for the hard labor involved in this and you barely are of any help during any of your time around. Barely managing to not getting fired by your small productivity. At least they don’t ask many questions nor seem to care about where you came from, and you aren’t even the most strange guy around, has you see some people with hooves, horns or even man-sized bat wings and there is at least one lady that is just too muscular for any healthy human being, maybe that's why she also has blood-red skin.

One of your regular human colleagues tells you that you could just go help around the closest order’s hospital if that's more of your thing, they look worried just by seeing you try at their line of job.

Meanwhile, you spend your spare time wandering about the city while trying to not rouse up suspicion for you, in hopes of catching some petty criminal, you actually manage to chase around to pickpockets, but you don’t get to catch any of them. One day, though, you’re relaxing after work in a plaza in a richer part of the city when you hear an explosion, you quickly get on your feet at rushes into its direction, only to see some guy running down the street with a sack full of stolen jewelry in one hand and a magic staff on the other, you try chasing after him, but he points the staff at the opposite direction of the one he is running to and shoot something like magical cannonball through it, you easily evade it even in your tired state, as he wasn’t really aiming at all, but the effort slows you down just enough for him to slip away from your chase.

Before losing him you hear him boast “You won’t ever catch Wilhelm Abraham Smithson! The greatest thief on this side of the Great River!”.

You may have had bad luck with the crime fighting, but the simple but hard work made your more resilient.

[Toughness: Grants additional HP equal to Resolve] (Resolve)

Minor Actions:
>Eat dinner. Might as well take advantage of the free food. Be sure to stay the hell away from the literal Crusader, the guy furiously eating apples, the guy who literally just dragged in a goddamn boar, the guy talking about Hitler in some German accent, the guy with cat ears, the guy with the very colorful anime shirt, and most definitely the guy autistically screaming about guns. Actually, it seemed like safest option to just stay away from all of the other Outsiders. He didn't really care all that much about reporting in to their leader anyway. Pick up a conversation with someone from the Xenerith Order and learn a bit about them.

You do your best to eat dinner without meddling with the affairs of other people, and by people I mean outsiders. You spend your time at the factory mostly at peace because of this, as you don’t have anyone to worry about nor do you have people to care about you, it doesn’t mean that you don’t know anyone, you actually listen to enough of their conversations to know a bit about any of the more socially prone outsiders.
Someday, however you finally manage to detect the presence of a guy even more inconspicuous and reserved than you, and you actually worry about how you didn’t noticed the huge guy in religious robes with glasses who is the first to appear to dinner everyday and the first to leave undetected, always looking lost in thought, but with a ferocious determination in his eyes when he focus in someone or something. You actually wonder if he is using some kind of magic to go undisturbed with that maybe freaky persons around, but he doesn’t seem to care about any of them even when they are whispering conspiracy theories or being loud about random crap, as if they were just part of some kind of background noise he could turn off at will.

One night you stare at him for too long of a few seconds and he stares at you back, intimidated you mutter the first thing that comes to mind and end up making conversation with him, he just stays quiet most of the time and nods accordingly every so often to something you say, but asking simple but very incisive questions everytime you try to break away from social contact with him. At some point you’re very unsure about why you were talking about the differences between living here and the life on earth to some scary dude you’ve just met for so long, but then he replies “It was nice talking to you, young man, you actually reminds me of my Grandfather, always talking about his life with this “intranet” stuff at every family dinner… I’ll tell you what, I’m very occupied and don’t have much time for chit-chatting or mundane distractions when I’m here at work, but if you ever have something more harder to requisition just ask me directly that I’ll take it into consideration, just don’t abuse your luck, see ya later kid, try not to get yourself killed.” He puts his plate always at the kitchen and just happen to remember something just before leaving the room “Oh, by the way, I’m Grandmaster Kjellberg the Third, sorry for not properly introducing myself before.”.

Met- Grandmaster Kjellberg the Third.

[A Favor from the Grandmaster- You can requisition something that would be otherwise outside of the usual reasonable range one time, after that your favor will be spent, you still have to roll for it and the difficulty will be based on how far from the usual range of requisitions you’re going. If you fail you still get an +10 in your next requisition, but you’ll have surpassed the Grandmaster’s patience, making it harder to ever get this bonus again. Also, if you ask for too much, you’ll automatically fail the test and will not even get the +10 bonus, the Grandmaster is easily disappointed by such jokes.]
Someday, however you finally manage to detect the presence of a guy even more inconspicuous and reserved than you, and you actually worry about how you didn’t noticed the huge guy in religious robes with glasses who is the first to appear to dinner everyday and the first to leave undetected, always looking lost in thought, but with a ferocious determination in his eyes when he focus in someone or something. You actually wonder if he is using some kind of magic to go undisturbed with that maybe freaky persons around, but he doesn’t seem to care about any of them even when they are whispering conspiracy theories or being loud about random crap, as if they were just part of some kind of background noise he could turn off at will.

One night you stare at him for too long of a few seconds and he stares at you back, intimidated you mutter the first thing that comes to mind and end up making conversation with him, he just stays quiet most of the time and nods accordingly every so often to something you say, but asking simple but very incisive questions everytime you try to break away from social contact with him. At some point you’re very unsure about why you were talking about the differences between living here and the life on earth to some scary dude you’ve just met for so long, but then he replies “It was nice talking to you, young man, you actually reminds me of my Grandfather, always talking about his life with this “intranet” stuff at every family dinner… I’ll tell you what, I’m very occupied and don’t have much time for chit-chatting or mundane distractions when I’m here at work, but if you ever have something more harder to requisition just ask me directly that I’ll take it into consideration, just don’t abuse your luck, see ya later kid, try not to get yourself killed.” He puts his plate always at the kitchen and just happen to remember something just before leaving the room “Oh, by the way, I’m Grandmaster Kjellberg the Third, sorry for not properly introducing myself before.”.

Met- Grandmaster Kjellberg the Third.

[A Favor from the Grandmaster- You can requisition something that would be otherwise outside of the usual reasonable range one time, after that your favor will be spent, you still have to roll for it and the difficulty will be based on how far from the usual range of requisitions you’re going. If you fail you still get an +10 in your next requisition, but you’ll have surpassed the Grandmaster’s patience, making it harder to ever get this bonus again. Also, if you ask for too much, you’ll automatically fail the test and will not even get the +10 bonus, the Grandmaster is easily disappointed by such jokes.]
Major Action
>nat 1
>Learn Parkour! (finesse)with the trees or buildings in Burhtic

You decide to risk you luck at parkouring in the town, it takes a nice stroll to reach it from the factory, and you also take some more time to take in the view and appreciate the small details of such a nice victorian looking city, it's probably the closest you’ll get to europe in a long time it seems, so why not appreciating it why you still doesn’t have to worry with whatever the order wants from you?

You find the perfect place to practice in the form of an administrative government building in the center of a park with a lot of trees, the building has somewhat of an “U” shape at its entrance, with a big tree full of long and strong branches residing in the middle of it, juts in front of the big marble steps that lay the path to the door. You decide to get up on one of the lateral aisles, jump in one of the tree’s branches and then go for a second jump aiming at the other aisle… And you actually manage to do that! Unfortunately, you jumped with just a little too force and go direct through the roof tiles of the building, falling inside of some office at high speed.

Well, on the brightside, you have learned on how to NOT parkour.

>[Full Body Cast] - You have broken everything in your body. Minus 10 to all actions that require movement for 3 turns.You’re at 15% of your maximum HP.

>Practice sprinting in hope to get more fit with fluent and speedier movements. (finesse)

You end up being brought into the “3rd Xenerith North Burhtic Community Hospital” for the rest of the week, it's a somewhat nice place made out of an adapted manor, but it's a bit too crowded for your tastes, well, at least you’re not the only outsider around, if that's worth something, as you see Malcolm going around healing people, but he is just so occupied, and you are just so immovable, that you actually doesn’t manage to catch his attention.

When you get a bit better, though, you decide to “go for a walk”.

In your current condition, you find it difficult to sprint and how to be more fluent and speedier, you still try, though, making the order’s nurses at the hospital get very angry at you and carry you back to bed every time they find you trying to escape.
Minor Action
>Ask for a list of specific jobs or anything needed to be done from the Order.

Maybe your Outsider biology does have something of special, as the nurses say that you are recovering faster than the expected, but maybe they are just trying to get rid of all already for giving up much trouble by trying to “go for a walk” every time they get distracted. So they transfer you back to the factory, where other Order’s personnel try to take care of you and assure that you’re going to get some rest, but they are more used to outsider’s peculiarities and doesn’t really care about keeping you in bed, so your little game of escaping comes to an end.

Bored out of your mind for having to “rest” all day and not having any cool thing to do, you decide to go for an adventure to explore the Order’s mail office to get some news, even if its overprotected by the terrible “Old Man Jensen”, the ninety-six years old bureaucrat in charge of organizing the mails.

You charge in without any strategy, challenging the domain of the old guardian with your head held high and your cast making you almost dance around at an weird pace for trying to run with it.


He chases you around the office trying to beat you up with his cane, to your honor you actually manage to grab the umbrella of one of his assistants and defend yourself to the best of your ability. The apprentices that help him with his duty are probably used to his display of overprotectiveness of his office from Outsiders trying to mess around with it, as they hide under their desks without protesting, just a little before he starts throwing things at you. You can’t survive that, it's too OP for your level, even a demon couldn’t compare to the precise skill that goes into use to make the barrage of office supplies that he is showering you with, you deftly steal a bunch of newspapers, pamphlets and posters before retreating to your room.

You spend some time reading the most recent news, it seems like train wagon disappeared while coming to Burhtic from the nearest city-state, being abducted by flying creatures mid-travel, any of the serious and respected new sources say that it's a work of the demons, even if its unusual for them, but some unpopular tabloids and conspiracy papers that circulate around the less noble public blame the outsiders for it, some going as far as to affirm that some group known as “The Phantom Thieves” is behind it.

There is also some notes about the population of the forest dwelling “Hunter-Spiders” having being specially bold this year, going as far as to make their nests inside the limits of the city, it seems that its common for them to be more agitated and numerous this time of the year, but usually they keep distance from human-populated areas.

The posters and pamphlets you grabbed are mostly just marketing of all sorts of commercial establishments and products, but some are in fact job offers, and one of them is actually about raiding some demon underground fortress or something!

>Choose a quest to complete. Each one requires a number of Major Actions to complete.

>[Rescue Mittens, the orange tabby cat. ] [2 Major Actions: Locate and Catch]
>[Catch Evelyn, the local jewelry thief] [3 Major Actions: Track, Locate, Fight and Catch]
>[Report to the Order and Explain you would like to Join the Raid.] [1 Major Action]

Met-Old Man Jensen, the mail office manager.


[Damaged Umbrella]
Quality: Crude
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 20 Bludgeoning
Special Effects: Old people trying to attack you with canes receive -3 on all their attack rolls.
???-The old owner doesn’t care about it anymore, as it is too damaged to really be of any use, so it's yours now.

[Blumelein Von Abenthot]
>Blitzkrieg (Finesse)
[Blitzkrieg (Finesse)]: +10 Speed during the first round of combat. +5 Speed during the second round of combat.
A fighting style intended to bring about a swift victory.

>Burned Land (Might)
[Scorched Earth]: Costs 15 TP. As a Minor Combat Action, make an attack against a part of the environment in melee range. May be used with a weapon.
A fighting style intended to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy.

[Marksmanship (Finesse)]: Marksmanship: +1 to Accuracy Rolls when attacking with projectile (but not thrown) weapons.
Proficiency at using ranged weapons.

>Ask the order for guns to defence of german invasion(Major)

When you find the armory, you discover that they’re in the middle of a mess, with lots of crates and weaponry laying around as they try to organize some recent shipment of refurbished supplies. You prance around the piles of armor and guns with easy as your size let you avoid such obstacles with no much problem, at least when you aren’t trying to go over them that is. The very occupied men in charge of the armory listen to your request and say that they are mostly done with with organizing and checking the new stuff, so they ask their boss to help you while they finish it.

The Xenerith Order has no problem giving you a small single-shot gun. Gurdis, the Armory Man, say that they had even younger Outsiders that were great marksmen. It’s small and compact; and while it might not hit as hard, you can still do damage with it.

“If you ever need something else, or some other shots for it, you know where to find me, kid. ”

[Single-Shot Derringer]
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 30 ft.
Damage: 50 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.

>Ask the order for a personal stock of food to not die of starvation (Major)

The guys at the Order look at themselves, confused.

“You have total access to the kitchen, and there’s this girl, Tabatha, that is helping Alrid, the Quartermaster. You should ask any of them if you ever need something. Don’t be shy about it.”

You encounter Alrid on your way to the kitchen. He’s carrying a few boxes of supplies for the pantry. You ask him for a personal stock of food. He grumbles and throws you a small bag of dried fruit. “Now get lost.”

>[Packet of Dried Fruit] - Delicious - When consumed, grants a +5 to your next action.

>Eat as much I possibly can stuff in my belly(minor)

You take advantage of the all you can eat menu of the Dining room. You have never had so much of food at your disposition and eat everything you get your small hands into. You actually worry a bit about how many people should have been put to the camps and beaten up to produce this amount of food, but you’re malnourished body was too desperate to give this much thought.After your small feast, you claim triumph and fall asleep.

You repeat the process everyday at every meal, and keep returning for the kitchen at any opportunity you have to get something more, people start worrying about how that much of food can fit into such a small body, and some of the strange people that work here make theories about how you probably have an “pocket dimension” in your belly or something, whatever that means.

Someday your voracious eating habits catch up to you, though, and start having terrible nightmares about spiders, you tune down your eating habits during the night because some of the strange people suggest it, it helps, but you’re still mostly certain that the spiders are really lurking around the place at night.

You miss your mommy and dad, they would know how to deal with it.

>[Bloated] - Next turn status - Add +5 to all non-physically focused rolls. -5 penalty related to physical training or movement.

[Isaac Thorne]

>Major Action: Go and requisition a weapon and some armor. Spears are easy enough to learn, right?
>Relevant Modifiers: [No Worries] - +5 to an action of your choice next turn.
You go on a quest for a weapon and is soon guided to the armory, the whole place seem to be in a state of disarray, “Don’t mind the mess! We’re almost done with it!” one of the lesser assistants of the place tell you as soon you pass through the door. “What can ‘e help you with, lad?” an muscular older men ask you while he wipes off some dust out of his naked torso, you ask for a spear as you heard that they are easy to learn to use, “A spear, huh? Quite some time since someone asked us for one of that, they aren’t as much in vogue as they used to… I see what we’ve got around here, feel free to give a look on the new supplies to decide if anything else grabs your interest, I’ve bet there is still some thunder in those old weapons that we received today.” he says before going to look for spears in the storage.

You give a look around, but there isn’t much that would really grab your attention, weapons weren’t exactly a part of your life back on earth and you can’t see much of a difference in the many designs and models of weapons spread around the place, well… You can “recognize” their difference, but you have no idea of how much the curvature of a certain part of a blade will actually impact in practical use or things like that. To make things worse, you’re constantly distracted but this continuous humming noise coming from some place around the back, it sounds like some type of metal or glass vibrating but keeps shifting its tone and intensity. Gurdis is taking too long in the back and you’re not patient enough to be here with the annoying sound for much longer, so you ask one of the armory guys how they deal with the humming.
“Humming, ‘hat are you speaking about?”

You repeat the question at the other assistants and they also seem confused, and say that they have been shifting things around the place all day but didn’t had any real problem with sounds, as the armory is located in one of the more quiet places around the factory, distant from all the usual sources of noise, except maybe the forge, but it has a good sound isolation because of its thick walls.

Okay, that is strange, and even somewhat scary, but you’re pretty sure that the sound exists out of your mind, and fearing some sort of magical attack being put in place you search for the origin of the sound, and it does not take long for you to find it, under a pile of rifles lay a forgotten metallic lance made uniformly of the same material, with a surface like a mirror, dirty but having not lost with its reflective capabilities… It sings to you, the humming now assuming beautiful tones as you approach it, but when you finally manage to grip it and pull it from under the pile, it stops.

You look at it confused, as if just being awakened by some type of trance, when Gurdis finally comes back.

“Oh, so you found that old thing, uh? That's a singing spear, its made of some very rare magical material or something.. Uh, you can hear it, can’t you?”

“Well, uh, I… Not at the moment”

“Eh, don’ worry about it, it's not like its alive or something, the metal just starts draining the energy from around it to recover its mirror properties when it isn’t being feed by some user, that's why it has become silent. But if have heard it thats a sign that you ‘ve some affinity for the type of magic of this thing, as it’s rare for someone to be able to hear it, I can’t hear it myself, for example, I just know these things because I met the guy who had it made… He was a good and responsible fellow, it's just a shame not having him around anymore, he used to practice his lightning magic everyday with this thing… Oh well, how this old stuff is taking a toll on me today, with all the memories stored in it… Keep the spear young man, I don’t think it would have any better owner than someone who can hear it sing.”

Gurdis goes to take a rest after all the reminiscing about old outsiders and his early days of work caused by seeing that much old stuff again. His apprentices help you find a suitable set of armor, but there is no more heavy armor around that could fit you, as it as fallen into disuse after the firearms becoming common place, instead they fit you with some light leather armor.

[Humming Spear]
Quality: Fine
Two-Handed Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 80 Piercing
Special Effects: As a Minor Combat Action, extend the range of 1 attack with this weapon by 5 ft. It’s made of some highly conductive metal, but that isn’t exactly a good thing.

[Studded Leather Armor]
Quality: Fine
Defense: 30 DEF; 0 MR
Resistances: 20 Cold
Weaknesses: 20 Heat
Special Effects: None

>Major Action: My control over lightning is quite impressive; though I do wonder if I can do anything... creative with it. I'll try spreading the energy around my body to create a shield that should shock anyone who touches me.

Reinvigorated by having obtained some kind of magical weapon you feel extremely confident in training your powers, so you go to the spell repository, and after a quick research on magic like yours you get disappointed that while electric magic isn’t that far from common inside exoteric circles, your specific applications differ in practice and content from it to the point that don’t have much to gan from trying to apply the usual foundations of that school to your “channeling” as it isn’t even close to “channeling” it to begin with.

You remember that thing that gurdis said about another lightning user using your new weapon to train, though, and decides to play around with it a little.

You spend the next minutes clearing away any furniture that could be in your path of movement, and open up the windows to avoid crashing the metallic thing into the in case you miss your imaginary targets. The other people who usually use the place get somewhat annoyed by it, but you’re mature enough to actually know how to ask things and show your points in a reasonable manner, and take special care to not disturb someone with your practice, keeping your movements steady but not fast, focusing in channeling the energy without making much noise. You repeat your training for hours everyday, and manages to discover that the lance works as an extension of your magical powers, allowing it to conduct your energy in a symbiotic way, it also seems to make you able you hurling energy a little bit far than normal, but aren’t sure if that's an effect of the launching point being more distant from the core of your body or from some magical property of the thing.

One day the sky turns gray while you’re testing your power in the room, and it then starts to drizzle, you wonder about needing to close the windows and stop your training for day, but the bad weather actually seems to inspire you and help you focus your energy, it hurls itself to the point of the singing metallic companion as it usually does, but then, it stops at the tip, with the bluish purplish light getting weaker as it recedes through the extension of the lance and then starts spreading through the surface of your whole body, joy fill your mind and you struggle to keep concentration, and manage to keep control of it, however, as soon as it tries to cover your shoes and the energy touches the ground... It also connects to the sky through the point of the lance, and a explosion soars through the whole room as you are hit by a lightning.

[Weak- You are now at 25% of your HP, and receive a -10 to any physically focused actions for the next two turns.]

[OVERCHARGED/”The Blessing of the Thunder gods”- Your MR is added to your AP for three turns, but it is also assumed to be 0 for any of its usual protective purposes while the effect last. All your electrical related powers consume only half of its usual cost in TP, but also consume the same amount in HP in order to activate. This also last three turns.]

>Minor Action: Look into the world's development of technology; particularly electricity. Maybe I could put my skills to the test.

The Thunder gods talk to you. The spear talks to you. The spiders under your bed talk to you. Your mom talks to you. They hate, they love you, they find you boring, they find you funny. They come from the dark void between the stars, and they don’t come from anywhere at all. It is waiting for you, in the clouds, but it doesn’t actually exists, only in your mind. You shouldn’t have tried to drive that day, and you never gave goodbye for your parents, you wonder about who will miss you. You ask the nice lady that talks to you at night about the technological level of this world to help you focus out the hallucinations, she tells you that she isn’t really sure about it, but start relating every random things about technology that she has seen through her life. She likes your company, and tells you that you reminds her of her father, she wonders if someday she will able to talk to you in the same level, and live as a normal people, you ask her about what she means by that, she doesn’t answer you, instead she asks if you would like to hear her sing, she doesn’t wait your response and just start humming. YOU KNOW THAT HUMMING.
You awake screaming about the lance talking to you during your sleep, and you notice that you were tied to the bed, the Order’s medical personnel tells you that you’ve been hallucinating from the shock during all night. They had to tie you up to make you stop trying to shock with your hands anyone who came near you. The lance is resting upon one of the walls, humming softly, but the medics assure you that it isn’t talking, didn’t talk and that there is isn’t any spiders under your bed, you probably just started hallucinating because of the magical overcharge in your biology, and any “new” info is just something that were already in your subconsciousness.

You aren’t all sure about that yourself, but you do want to believe.

[Assorted Info about technology- You gain +5 in your next test to seek info about technology on this world.]

Helsing Ludwig

>Ask around to find out where he is (Minor)

After arriving on this new place you meet some men claiming to be members of the Xenerith Order, who answer your questions to the best of their abilities before leading you to a large, rundown factory. They tell you that there are beings of magic, like Demons and Old Ones who seek to sow chaos in the world. Aside from them, there are also criminals and rival organizations who want to gain power through their own unscrupulous means. The Order tells you that it is your job to stop them. Whether you agree or not, this is happening. You might not like it, and you might not agree with it, but it’s in your best interest to follow them for now and see where this leads. Currently, you find yourself in Burhtic, the capital and largest city in the Island of Oshaelys Tail. Burhtic is home to a large amount of Nobles and working middle class and is located in the middle of the island and control the lands and manage it toward the other cities. Their current government system functions as Constitutional Monarchy The long standing royal family declines as the queen’s influence diminishes. The current Queen is Queen Margaery II, a newly appointed one to the throne.
The other cities/lands other than Burhtic is Tatedil the traditional city which holds mostly forests and uses some land to the west of Burhtic for farmlands and mostly agriculture. Swadedal the most technological city holds tons of power and many inventors and builders live here. Many educated painters and stone carvers from Burhtic end up here to create something original in hope to bring it to Burhtic and advance society. Luteshvia the mountainous and rugged city though small territory, holds the largest bays and coastal defense. They manage other posts around the island and from the shore, can be often seen scouting. Goyavetland the dry lands have a more lower land area and is more arid and hot. Forest fires are common here and stop settlements from spreading. Then there is the mines of Nauerndern to the far west of the Island that holds high rock formations. Entering caves usually ends up into lakes inside or tunnels around the island.

Everyone around you mostly wear clothing that reminds you of the time of your grandparents, but the people of the order also use some commonly use some robes and eccentric garments that reminds you of the illustrations of fiction books or old legends. The factory facilities are comfortable within their limits of capabilities, but you find it hard to get used to living without proper plumbing and easy access to the modern commodities that you could rely on.

>Gain Information on the Current Eras Medical Knowledge: (Major)

You start out your adaptation for this new place through extensive research deep into the medical treaties and essays present in the library. Your best approximation to earth would be that this world, or at least this nation, is currently under medical development equal to the levels of it at the end of the XIX century, with some interesting exceptions that reach into the range of post WWI technologies. It seems that most of that improvement happened in the last five decades through the diligent dedication of a few very influential scientists that are mostly not around anymore, leaving a legacy of improvement of technical instruments and creation of new theories that seems to derive from basic introductory notions of far more advanced applications that they don’t have access to. They seem to have also found a problem with newer and more complex medication that should theoretically work being far less effective that it should, probably related to some supernatural factor present in either the people or in the process to make those medication, as it seems that people around here have at least a minimal resistance to magic even if they usually can’t use it.
You also learn that there is a few very unusual aspects of specific applications in this world, for example, they have very advanced prosthetics that can simulate regular limbs through “enchanting” but that have limitations in operation and production. Another example would be the fact that they do know about organ transplants but had very poor luck experimenting with it, and the only people who are know for exploring it are deemed crazy scientists or cultists, as most of the knowledge about its workings derive from cases in where monster organs were implanted into people to give them special powers. Lastly, there is something akin to radiation that they only refer as “of blighted nature”, and all their knowledge about it is just so theoretical and superficial that can only be closely compared to the miasma theory of medieval ages, to the point that you can’t really infer if it is of biological nature or caused by another thing entirely.

Practical Knowledge of Wordly Medicine: +5 for rolls related to knowledge about the most commonly known forms of medical applications and demands of this world.
Knowledge of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease most commonly present on this world.

>Requisition Medical Tools and Supplies (Major)

You talk to the people of the other to see if you can get any medical supplies to get back to work and maybe improve something, as it is an unusual order they just send you to talk with the guy on the infirmary. You express to them your desire of being useful somehow and your opinions about the information you have acquired about their current technology and how it relates to what you knew from your previous life, they are actually impressed by your points and compare you to other outsiders who gave substantial contributions to their knowledge before, they hope that you can add to their ranks. As such they give you one of their professional medical supplies that their medics and combat healers carry around, it contains a great variety of basic medical supplies, some instruments with minor enchantments for better sharpness and durability and even a portable laboratorial kit that allows minor testing to be done in camp. It doesn’t really compare to the laboratory installations or the supplies you has access back on earth, but it’ll have to do for now.

[High-Quality Order Issued Suitcase of Medical Supplies- A great and heavy suitcase full of the best usually accessible medical supplies for extended treatments and combat applications, gives +5 to medical action while still with supplies to spend, can be used for quick treatment out of combat or even for minor laboratorial uses with time and proper conditions, within its instrumental limits.]

>I should probably try to meditate and try to 'tap' in the natural energy of a garden, maybe I can gain a better understanding of my own abilities. (Major Action)

After becoming familiar with the facilities at the factory, you make a routine of waking up very early to meditate on the gardens. It doesn’t take much time until the gardners stop being surprised by your presence there everyday, and they do their best to not disturb you from your meditations. Each day, your grasp on the flux of the natural energies of this place grows better and better, until you not only have grown used to the positioning of the ley lines near the factory but also start to feel as if the specifications of the energy flow of this world had become a second nature to you, something that you can instinctively tap into when you want and become one with its force. One day while letting your conscious be guided by the waves of forces of the world you move your spirit in synchronicity to it’s movements and feel you material form receding into the earth that compact itself in walls to make space for you.

You find yourself in some sort of recently created natural cave limited by walls of a strange material that can only be described as many layers of earth occupying the same space at the same time in some impossible manner. The floor is littered by some scraps of metal and old and very rusted remains of garden supplies long forgotten into the earth. The gardeners are surprised by this and look at you through the only hole in the ceiling “Are you okay?” one of them asks, but there is no need for him to worry, as you’re perfectly at peace with this. When you finally sate your curiosity it comes time to dispel the effect by letting the earth move again back into its original state, gently expelling you through its only entrance.

Recede into the Earth’s Embrace: Uses a Major Action and Binds 60TP, you retreat into ground by creating a natural cave made of walls of compacted dirt. The entrance to it can be closed at will, but will remove the only natural source of light and air that the place has, and wouldn’t really offer much protection from someone trying to get in (They only need to dig “50 HP” of dirt to get in). Any objects that aren’t of natural occurrence that may be find inside the area you are “digging in through” are found in the cave as if the dirt around them had suddenly turned into air. The place has 5 ft radius of area, 7 ft of height, and has good Feng Shui. You can only create one such room at a time. The cave will remain in existence until dismissed as a Minor Combat Action.
*Descend into the ground by magically creating a cave of compacted earth.*
>Well, I should hone and see if my martial knowledge, corporeal fitness is still good.

You keep training as you’ve always done for the last years that you had retreated into isolation. You practice the same movements and clean your chi channels through precise and fluidic flow of bodily movements. It helps you to have energy for the rest of the day and focus on your activities. Today in special you feel very happy and inspired with the success of your meditations into the energy of this universe, and because of this you put even more energy than you usual into your training efforts.

You surely are in perfect condition, and your daily training seem to make your usual movements more faster and less tiring.

[Perfect Condition- All your physical focused actions in the next turn gain +10.]

As such I do search a sort of fighting academy in this city to test my abilities. (Major Action)

You finally decide to leave this place for a bit and visit the nearest town on your own, upon getting there you start doubting if this was really a good idea, as all of the fighting academies and other centers of martial arts practices that you manage to find are very apprehensive about your outsider status and refuse to have you actually getting involved into any spar, even if they look curious about your actual capabilities. Fortunately, after getting physically removed from a boxing club, you are found my a tall and very strong lady with a horn and blood-red skin, she introduces herself as Emily and takes pity on your unsuccessful quest for a place in with to test your skills, she too went through it in the past, as the “normie-folk” isn’t really much nice to people of her “condition”, so she guides you to the place she usually goes for some sparing and even some extra coins once in a while.

You walk to the opposite side of the industrial district than the one in which the factory is located, it takes some time, but at the end of the long stroll through some shady parts of the city you are greeted by an large industrial complex in ruins. The place wasn’t just abandoned, it really look like some huge battle had taken place on it, and you manage to recognize some same symbol sculpted again and again in many of its walls and entrances. You don’t get to explore much as the girl introduces you to one of the many sparing circles that practice during the afternoon as to wait for the opening of the only non destroyed building that serves as a regular arena. You’re not interested in money or glory, as those are just distractions of the true path, but you accept their help in measuring your skills against the inhabitants of this world.
You go through at least a half dozen fights before the moon starts rising in the sky, sometimes against more than one opponent at the same time, and even end up fighting a strange guy with the same unusual condition that Emily has. Some of your opponents are fairly strong for normal people, but most of them have little to no experience with techniques like yours, and none have the amount of experience that you have with training discipline. In the end you’ve made a name for yourself in the lesser skilled fighting circles, and some of them even offer to pay a beer for you. Nevertheless, they still manage to get some good strikes on you, but there is no more any rust in your fighting style.

[A Little Bruised- Begin the next turn at 90% of your HP. Do not recover HP this turn.]

Martial Arts: Grants +1 to Accuracy Rolls when attacking with bare fists.
Proficiency at unarmed combat.

Met- Emily “The Ogre”, a very muscular nice young lady that fights for money on rare occasions.

When you comment about your adventure at the city to one of the gardners the next day, though, they get worried about it and advice you to not go to such dangerous place with strange people again, they also say that you could have warned the order before going to the city, so they could at least get you some more normal looking clothes. One of them gets a set of gardner working cloths to you, just in case.

[Gardener’s Clothing- A Set of working clothes made for resisting dirt, pointy stones, thorns and extended use.]
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RULEBOOK v0.7: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f0it79jDenJQN3ufLu05Xd6fwEzWSspUjlEIiKkijis/edit


(Link your actions to this post as usual)
Rolled 50, 49, 61 = 160 (3d100)

Character sheet for this turn (Because it's starting to be rather long) https://pastebin.com/0zUfXVNd

[Major] With a tutor found, Priere spend time with him getting acquainted with the way the upperclass does things.
>Magnaglory Excellentius

[Minor] Try to get some rations for a small expedition outside the city limits.

[Major] Head outside the city to explore for riches and glory (Mostly for fun). See what Hanako the Wisp can do along the way.
>Hanako the Wisp [pet]
Rolled 87, 22, 47 = 156 (3d100)

Name: Neo

Character sheet:

1(Minor). Ask Everett to help me out with some training. Also Introduce him to Melchior while I am at it. (relevant modifiers: +10 Hero's feast)

2-3(Major). Apparently the weather is good for magic or something. Spar out in the field we were summoned in with Melchior with Everett watching to give us pointers. See if I can sap TP from people I hit like I can sap HP. (Attempt to create skill: [(Inspiration) Draining strikes- (passive, improves sapping strikes) Sapping strikes additionally drains TP when it is active, successful hits restore 10 TP to Neo and drain 10 Tp from the enemy.]) (Relevant modifiers: +10 Heroes feast, +5 Everett(general melee), bonus if crit from magic weather.)

4-5 (Major) While outside in the field, try to create a skill to get rid of debuffs using magic. This seems like something a front line fighter might need, so ask Everett if he can help with this too.(Attempt to create skill: [Inspiration: Cleanse- remove debuffs at a TP cost as a bonus action.]) (Relevant modifiers: +10 Heroes feast, +5 Everett(general melee)?, bonus if crit from magic weather.)
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47 KB
Rolled 63, 41, 96 = 200 (3d100)

Name:Fredrick Helmharden, current Head of Research

Character Sheet:

Status effects:
>Flooded Circuits: Grants +5 AP and −5 MR. Last 2 turns.
>Heroes’ Feast - All Outsiders who participated in the Library event have +10 to all their rolls next turn
>Headshot - You are proud of the kill you have made. Add +5 to a roll of next turn.

>M:Fredrick is very angry that janitors of the order can't even clean a blood of otherworldly abomination, so he decides to do it himself
>M:Find a gun or some other ranged weapon, you can't rely on throwing books and casting fireballs forever
>m:Find whoever summoned that imp and yell at him until he learns his lesson about summoning otherworldly beings in the library
NO, ROLL 3d100.
File: Best(you).png (384 KB, 1000x1000)
384 KB
384 KB PNG
Oh right, I should get
>Heroes’ Feast - All Outsiders who participated in the Library event have +10 to all their rolls next turn
on all my rolls too
Rolled 87, 82, 55 = 224 (3d100)

Gabriel Logan

>Find some writing material and begin copying the Bible from memory, so that you may spread the Word of God.
+5 Christian
+10 non-heretical

>Find the fighters of the group. The Lord needs soldiers willing and able in the fight against evil.

>Sadly I am just one man, and more people will be needed to spread the word and aide others in finding Him. Find the most pious among the believers, and personally teach them all I can of the Lord.
+5 Christian

>RP: Jim
One of the followers of the magic order? You have no business with their ilk. But, the Lord has taught you patience, so you will find out his business here before making any drastic decisions.
"You. I'll be direct and cut straight to the point, what is your business here?"
Rolled 96, 3, 41 = 140 (3d100)

Character Sheet:

[Major] Record all of my Medical Knowledge into a Journal of Sorts, and if I personally believe the quality is good enough (Roll above a 70 on its specific roll), give it to the Infirmary. If not, I attempt to create another until I believe it is perfect. No use keeping secrets if it can save lives, no?

[Major] See about having a Multipurpose Medical Room created in the Factory

[Minor] See if this town has any Pet Shops that specifically sell Domesticated Doves. Not to Buy them, as I don't believe I have any of this worlds Currency on me, but to see if it Exists.
Rolled 12, 56, 89 = 157 (3d100)


Tabatha Ofelia Nana
Or as it was written: Nana, T. O.

Tabatha lived a solitary life in a North Yorkshire orphanage. Small and shy, Tabatha was often bullied by the other kids. She usually took refugee with Amelia, the cook. Tabatha helped Amelia to make the meals in the Orphanage and she teached Tabatha how to use the knifes and blades of the kitchen.

Tabatha died misteriously in her sleep.

- [Small Blades Usage] (Finesse) - Provides a +5 when handling small blades.
- [Cooking] (Industry) - Provides +5 when cooking.
- ??? - Skill Locked.
- [Lunging Strike] (Finesse) - Costs 40 TP. As a Major Combat Action, move up to 15 feet then make an attack against a target within melee range. Deals additional AR equal to AD.

[Kitchen Knife]
Quality: Simple
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 40 Slashing/Piercing
Special Effects: +1 Accuracy when attacking with this weapon

>NPCs Met:
Alan, Summoner of the Xenerith Order.
Alrid, the Quartermaster of The Factory

>M. Help out cleaning the Skill Repository. I don't think someone would get much use of it if it's in this state.

>M. Try to practice rolling for combat situations. Rolling to avoid damage and strikes.

>m. Visit the local marketplace. Learn about the fruits and vegetables of this place.
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Rolled 72, 69, 63 = 204 (3d100)

Name: Zoot
I'm starting to remember a few things now. My parents were rich powerful people who controlled the city of Las Vegas. I was never loved by my parents and was raised by maids and babysitters and guardians that I hate. I now know I was born in Las Vegas. Hmmmm, Oh and I think the girl with the blue hairs name starts with a B.

Firearm Proficiency (Finesse)
Speechcraft (Industry)
Time Slow (Sorcery)
[Gather Information - Industry] Add a +5 when gathering information

Buddies: Joseph, Low rank of the Order, NanaT.O., Vira, Virgil, The medicinist, Blume, Fredrick, Tonio Bella, Old and Excentric Furniture Artist, ”Furniture guy”

Stuff: [Commoner’s Clothes],[Vest] +1 to DEF, [Small bottle of Opium Aspirin] As a free action, Taking a drink from the bottle removes the pain and gives you temporary double (Resolve) and +3 damage reduction for a turn,[3 Rolls of Weed] As a free action, smoking a roll grants you temporary double inspiration but halves your social actions with strangers until the end of one turn, [Vampire-Slaying Derringer] Quality: Fine Main Hand Weapon Type: Non-Scaling Range: 30 ft. Damage: 50 Piercing Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload. Description: *A very nice looking pistol full of silver-made decorations, it has the initials A.V.H. carved into its handle.*

Major Actions
Huh, that's pretty cool that slaves are a thing. Maybe I can go have my own cutie slave girl.
>Go to a slave market somewhere and attempt to get my own cutie slave girl!

You know what really sucks after coming here? The lack of music. I'm gonna change that. I'll bring music into this world and become rich and famous for it.
>I know this will be hard but invent the Phonograph and pioneer the music industry in this world!!!

Minor actions
>Inquire where I could find one of these half demon half human devilmen. I want to befriend one. Bonus points if she's a cute devil girl!
I see.
>Fredrick sips some tea and continues readin newspaper
B, B, B, hmmm Brenda? Barbara? Maybe Britney?
Isn't she Blue Mel Ain?
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>Melk, who was chilling out drinking some juice on the main table while waiting for the final preparations of the grand meal, has his attention moved back to "earth"(oh wait, I guess I shouldn't word it like this anymore) after hearing the last snipped of random talk.
>he squints at Zoot, Frederick and Nana as if confused as to why they care so much about things that happened back on Earth, its not like things such as corporational conspiracies and government machinations from back there mattered to them anymore, even less the names of important strangers or the like.
>Still... He himself felt different about it in a emotional standpoint, so he didn't say anything to distract them from their unproductive quest.
>He tried to ignore Blume for a second before he forgot what he was thinking about... Oh yeah, the time for testing his new mental powers had finally come! But...
"...Sorry to interrupt your conversation about names... But has anyone seen Alejandro?"
"Jeez, could you keep it down?"
"Hmmmmmm need to think harder. Hey Fredrick my man, you ever smoke any weed?"
You guys are not jews?
"Is he the guy that tries to act suave around everyone?"

Tabatha ponders for a second.

"Well, I haven't seen him since last week"

"Kid, that's rude. "
Rude? you know what jews and mancheviks do?
my parents said they eat kids for breakfast!
"Nobody eats no one for breakfast here. Stop worrying about such things."
"oky... i will try to not kill any jew or manchevik.."
Rolled 84, 57 = 141 (2d100)

>(Minor) While everyone is probably frustated about the unusable state of the spell repository, Melchior isn’t really worried about it at the moment, as he can’t really use it for researching some applications of his powers without risking that others realize what his reading material and tests imply... From the moment he came to this world he knew that he couldn’t really trust any of its habitants to a great extent, He still has no idea of what the true objectives of the order are, and he isn’t just going to be a pawn in someone’s game. So instead of spending his time testing his powers where someone could see his efforts, he takes the precautions of choosing a very specific target far enough from the factory range of view but near enough as to assure that he doesn’t get lost when going to it in the dread of night, and then everyday he will sit under that great tree and meditate, purify his feelings from any confusion and outside influence, focus his mind and the metaphysical structures that allows him to shift across the infinite dimensional possibilities, channeling a feeling of peace and security, letting the energy flow through him and out of him into the target as if extending his nature and self into it, to mold it and let it shift into a form deriving of its combined existences.(try to get a bonus to the next action while assuring the secrecy of my experiments)
+10+5(Maybe also +10 from the climate?)

>(Major)Through this process I let the blood from within my veins move from outside of my body through a small injury that I artificially created in the limit of my fingers, falling between the large roots of the tree and all around its superficial extension. I repeat this process every night, trying to extend my being into the other being, corrupting its original nature meanwhile fusing it with an extension of me that I’m projecting into it, shifting it with my transmophization magic through the whole process, transforming it as it were a part of myself, I don’t care about controlling what it is shifting into, even if I’m conducting positive emotions and specific sensations with it to avoid having it become something dangerous, but its more like trying to allow it to flow into a new form that fits its own “nature” or "will" permanently through my magic... With the purpose of also using it next to attune my magic into beings and places, or to allow my servants to unlock their own mutations by being “corrupted” by my powers... I don’t word it like this with a negative conotation to it, as something imposed... Maybe I should call it “Attunement” them...
>(Create new skill: Corruption, not for combat, but for blessing other with mutations of their own, be it as a toggled power, or has an permanent buff, if possible it should be preferably related to the nature or will of the subject, just flowing as according to it, but it could also just be random.)
+10+5+5+(result of the minor action)

Rolled 60, 24 = 84 (2d100)

>(Minor) The Imp probably didn’t get into the library by himself, I don’t really worry about WHO brought it to existence, but I investigate to discover how it ended up there and what caused it.

>(Minor) I tell the outsiders about my upcoming duel with Neo, and even get a good seat for Blume. When the day comes we duel.
"Don't worry, there aren't any jews here that we know of... Should worry about the commies though."
"Suave? Eh, I don't know, what do you mean with it? He looks a bit gay, though... But you know... the bussiness guy, black hair, somewhat muscular, has that asian prettyboy face or something..."
"Yeah, yeah. You are getting it. He has like this air of confidence..."

Tabatha pauses.

"Didn't he went to check on the library demon?"
"Uhum, he checked so closely that the marks are probably still on his face... Well, to be more exactly, his face did all the checking."
"What do you mean?"
"Se took a beating to his face, a lot of beating... he mostly just survived because I managed to get the demon off of him and Malcolm Healed him... but Neo almost killed him by trying to it the demons with the sword and striking both of them."
Tabatha visibly cringes as she imagines the pain he must had felt.

Rolled 17, 22, 64, 27, 16 = 146 (5d100)

Character Sheet: Nico Abrera

>Minor: Make small talk with the barflies, specifically the Devil's Children. Try and get to know more about them, specifically about their origins or how it's like being one of them.
>Minor: Ask Mask more about the job offer, but only when Silva's not around.
>Minor: Tidy up the bar.
>Minor: Go and buy a decent Hunting Rifle with my [Very Modest Savings +10]. Make sure Silva doesn't notice.
>Minor: Take a break by having a drink. Call it a day from here.
Rolled 1, 4, 12 = 17 (3d100)

-Read Surface Thoughts (Inspiration): - 2 TP. As a Minor Action, learn the surface thoughts of a visible target within 30 feet.
-Minor Suggestion (Sorcery): - 2 TP. As a major action, suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two) and infuence a creature you can see within 30 feet that can hear and understand you. The suggestion must sound reasonable to the target. If it fails a Focus roll, it pursues the course of action you described and thinks it was its idea.
-Business (Industry) - Grants +5 to all actions involving Business
-Implant Belief - 2 TP. As a major action, implant a single belief in a willing or unconscious target. If this contradicts with something they already know or strongly believe, it will fail. There is a random chance for their beliefs to revert.

[Very Weak- You are now at 15% of your HP, and receive a -10 to any physically focused actions for the next three turns.]
[Bruised Body-You’re not looking your best right now and may even have some difficulty to speak, you receive -10 in all your social rolls for the next turn, and -5 on the turn after that.]
[Mentally Scrambled-You were involved into a long lasting and intense psychic warfare against more powerful and experienced opponents, as such:
Next turn: All mental power uses against you gain advantage.
Next two turns: All psychic power uses from you are at disadvantage.
Next three turns: You need to spend the double of the usual amount of TPs to activate your psychic powers.]
[Heroes’ Feast] - All Outsiders who participated in the Library event have +10 to all their rolls next turn.

M: I rest. Like holy balls I have so much to recover from. (I do 2 minors if resting is a minor)
M: I do the action above again
m: Hit up conversation with people at the infirmary
I don't think anyone would name their child as a colour, then again her parents could've been hippies
I don't believe anyone in my lineage was a jew
Dear Diary,
This past week has been one of getting into a routine. I feel most at home working in the Spell Repository or Laboratory. Perhaps because it distracts me from the harrowing situation I've been placed into. I try not to think of the life I've left behind any more than necessary, but I still sometimes feel pangs of sadness and regret.
I've met some interesting characters here at... I've forgotten where this place was called. Well, there's Hubrecht, who's nice enough if you can get past his allegiance to Hitler. Tabatha is a nice girl. Blume is much too young, and needs to be protected. Zoot had trouble remembering things. Most of us here are nice people at heart, with one or two jerks. But I don't think they'll cause any real trouble either.
I'm still considered "Leader", and everyone here mostly accepts that. Maybe because I haven't actually done anything as leader, except help to keep the peace. A laissez faire policy is probably for the best, anyhow.
Going forward, I'm not sure what direction I should take. Should I try to master this new and exciting force we call "Magic"? Should I try to bring the biological, chemical, and medicinal science in this new world into the same heights it was in my old one? Should I focus on trying to be the best leader of this group I can be, and give everyone else in the same situation more guidance and camaraderie? Or something else entirely? I don't know. I'm not sure at all. ̶I̶ ̶w̶i̶s̶h̶ ̶P̶a̶p̶a̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶.
>A Priere dressed for outdoors activity show up at the communal dining room
"Does any of you know where I could get some dry food? I'd like to do an excursion outside the city limits for a day or two to test some stuff and I'd rather have something to eat should things not go as well as planned."
Hmmm...you could go to some general goods shop or take something from the table, like crackers and such
" I haven't Ze slightest on an Idea. Although, Ze city is your best bet. I'm sure someone has something. Oh, and do tell me if you find any Pet Shops looking around."
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"Are we going to keep derailing things from what matters? When we have such a banquet in front of us!?"
"I call dibs on that entire boar, ITADAKIMASU!"
>Melchior starts making a huge pile of food in his plate.
>Fredrick slowly eats his plate of baked potatoes, beef and salad
Manners young man, don't forget about manners
"UHUMhuhfumf uhumfthufunf!"
>Melchior replies while eating, furiosuly.
>Taking a seat for the fest Priere start putting some food in her plate
"I'm going to sound cliche here but I really miss rice, not that this food is bad or anything. Also do you think wisp eat? Should I get a smaller plate for Hanako?"
>he focus his gaze on Priere as if he would start to cry at any moment.
"You have no idea of how much I miss rice."
>He looks at the wisp
"Can it interact with the physical world? What even is this thing? Light? And Ilusion? Is most of his body in another dimension?"
I'm sure this world has rice somewhere.
As for your wisp, it's likely a creature of magical energy and feeds on such
>Throws a duck leg to her.
"Its food day, eat while we still can, loli!"
>remove all flesh and leave only the bone
"thanks melk you are my hero, i am not a loli i am Blümelein Von Abentrot!"
"Uhumfufuf Yhumtrupt, LOLI!"
"do not talk with full mouth melk this is uneducated"
>sit on the side of melk
"... I don't think you're in much of a position to point out what is uneducated, you know."
>Squints at the loli.
>look at melk face with a serious expression.
"Are you saying I'm rude? that my parents did not raise me well?"
>flashback of everything that my parents and I have been through.
>Look at Blume doing the "FLASHBACK FACE" again.
>"Pfff, I won't let this last."
>Give some strong knocks on her helmet to get her out of the depressed mindset and wave another duck leg in front of her.
>back to having the expression always happy
"Melk, how do you feel about founding a political party?"
Rolled 7, 32, 72 = 111 (3d100)

After hearing of the catastrophic damage to the library, I'll try my hand at glassblowing, in order to set up some new windows.
> Minor Action: Acquire basic glassblowing tools from the Order.
Then, I'll work on repairing the windows of the library.
> Major Action: Repair Library.
...And also the Spell Repository, too, since I was informed that the windows in there are /also/ blown out.
>Stops eating
>Squints in a very serious way.
"Hate democracy, no can do, kid."
>psycho laugh
"Hahahaha hahahaha... it seems that we will be mortal enemies... but i can help you destroy democracy, if we do a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? we kill democracy after that we go to different paths."
>give the hand
"what you say? lets kill democracy?"
>Knocks her helmet even harder.
"WTF are you going about with this "now we archnemesis" stuff loli?"
>Knockes her helmet again.
"You're jumping the gun HARD here, I don't even think they have a proper democracy yet, you fool, and even if they have, using it as a mean isn't necessarily the best idea."
>He squints at her.
"...And here I thought that we were like family to you, is that how you treat the people you care about?"
Neo walks into the dining room soaking wet and piles some food onto a plate.

“What’s up guys?” He asks while grabbing himself a seat with the other outsiders.
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"is right melk ... sorry, I do not want to see anyone go through the hell I passed...I'm going to make a group about politics then ... maybe write some things my parents taught me... i sorry melk i like you soo much"
>try to hugs melk
"Hey Neo, how is your week going?"
>Pats he helmet in a halfhearted way while still squinting at her while focusing his gaze on her eyes.
"Look, kid, I'm not really angry at you, but you shouldn't be sprounting such serious things around, we may have food on our plates and a roof over our head, but tomorrow we may be sent to the frontlines of some war we do not know about or something... And rushing things and making yourself be a target wouldn't be of much help."
"I don't want to see anyone go through hell either, and I... Hmmmmm... Don't dislike you..."
>He seems a bit embarrassed with the last part.
"...However, I don't know what you mean about writting things down or making a politic group... What is even crossing your mind, loli?"
"I will try to write and publish some books before making the group ... what you think melk?"
"First... What is your objective? Second, what sort of books? Thirdly, what sort of group and why?"
"my objective is do a powerfull country with bread for everyone... my books will be about my fight my history the ideology i have in mind and a little about the tatics of war of my dad i need a group of mad people to destroy "democracy" or whatever they call here understand melk?"
“Decent enough. I think I am getting better with this thing.” He says gesturing to the sword on his hip. “It’s a bit different that what I’m used to. What are you up to man?”
"I don't know, kid, jumping on the spotlight and playing the hero of the common man looks too risky for now, we don't know what these people want, and we don't need a nation to secure or survival... We could being modestly, securing a self-sustaining organization and workings things indirectly."

>Looks interested
"Hmmmm.... Sounds like a decent plan, but I think that we should avoid using weapons in our next duel, could be too risky. I'll also not use my claws or the acid spit to make things fair. But a sword could be a decent weapon to rely on for most situations, the only problem is that this world already has firearms, so there is that."
"Me? Hmmm... I got somewhat paranoid with the mindreader you could say, he seems perfectly the type of guy to have as a bussiness part and all... But I can't be at ease knowing that he can read my thoughts and outplay me, so I spent this whole week working on a trick to negate his advantage."
"first things first... the book"
"...The book?"
“Yeh, probably best not to use real weapons for a duel, but it kinda defeats the purpose if we don’t use our magic. Don’t worry too much about me, I am a lot tougher than I look.” He says despite the fact that he looks like an MMA fighter who just served in Vietnam. “I know a guy who is like a teacher for fighting in the order, so he can probably lend me a wooden sword for it too.”

“So there is a mind reader, huh? Man there really are all types of magic aren’t there. Can’t say I really like the idea of someone reading my thoughts either...”

“By the way, who’s the loli and why does she seem to want to build a new country?” He asks pointing at Blümelein.
"Are you SURE? Acid really burns and my claws going at all speed in your neck could be very lethal, and taking in consideration that their damage is based on their edge, I don't think that we coudl just put some gloves on me to balance things..."
"Didn't you had some regenerative magic and supernatural resilience too? I could just use my other arm and maybe some improvised transformations... No need for us to go all power."
"And yeah, there is all sorts of magic, but I guess that some are way rarer than other are... I didn't even see any mention too anti-magic magic, for example, even if I seem to have an aptitude for it. Its the only reason I got the attention of Mr.Mindreader, in fact... Maybe its like the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer" you know? Me and him may be bound to stick together for the time being."
>He munches on a piece of cheese for a second.
"You know... I was expecting to see him around, but I'm actually getting worried that he didn't show up yet."
>Stares at the door
"Oh, and loli is just loli, she is from WWII and very traumatized, the usual stuff you know."
>Light footsteps would faintly be heard coming towards the group, Until Dr. Helsing, slightly winded, came to the table.

"Hello, my Freunds! Apologies for my tardiness, I vas caught up in Writing a Journal for bringing zhis world further into Medical Progress!"

>The man would take a seat at the table, and leisurely put some food onto a plate

"Did I...Miss somezhing?"
"Are you okay? You seem tired... Nah, you didn't missed much, just loli wanting to be evil dictator and Neo wanting to go all out on our next duel."
"All...Normal zhings, I assume. And I am fine, I Assure you."
Neo shrugs. "No pain no gain. If I don't learn to fight against magic, whats the point? Practice is the best time to get used to it rather than in a real life or death situation. I don't mind only using a wooden sword, but don't hold back on me, alright?"
He takes a generous bite from his meat before continuing.
"Which one is the mind reader anyways? I don't really know who does what other than your transforming and Vira's ice using."

"Also, its nice to meet you Loli, I'm Neo." he says extending his hand across the table for a handshake.

Neo politely waves to him. "I would bet they will find it useful, it still seems pretty Victorian around here aside from the magic users. Since I don't think we have been introduced yet, so I'm Neo, nice to meet you."
every damned time...
"Wait... Are you serious on this? You want me to go all out and use all my powers on you... Are you certain? Do you also want me to activate my transformations before the fight, then?"
"Sure, whats the point otherwise?" He says as if its the most natural thing in the world.
"Neo? diferent name i see nice to meet
"The book... you never read? mein kampf"
"Helsing Ludwig, PHD and Clinical Surgeon. A pleasure to meet you."
"So, should I just keep calling you Loli, or do you have a proper name?" He asks her with a smile despite her mention of Mein Kampf.

"PHD? Wow, nice! I'm nothing special, just a gamer, but its great to meet you too."
His tone and face tell you he is telling the truth, but with even a cursory observation, the impressive condition of his body makes it obvious that its a half truth at best, if not an outright lie. "So where are you from Doc?"
"You madman... I'm blaming you if one of us end up in the infirmary."
"About the mindreader, he is that one charming muscular somewhat gay looking dude... The one with the very nice hair, you know?"
"Eh... Just talking about him already sound too gay... And I'm not really sure that he is gay."

"Just...*sigh* You really plan on making a parody of the Mein Kampf?"
"How.... There is too much questions to be asked... I'm even unsure from where to begin."
Neo nods. "Thats fine, and I'll try not to do too much damage to ya." He says with a grin."And I think I know who you mean, thanks."
"I'll try to not burn you face off then... Oh wait, But isn't it exacty what you just had asked me for?"
>Melk replies with another grin.
"Vestern Germany, In a Small town by ze name of....Vhat was its name...Odd, for ze life of me, I can't remember..."
"my name is Blümelein Von Abentrot. you are jew?"
"not a parody... a original book with my perspective..."
>study the geopolitics of the country. (major)
>write a part my book on communism, fascism and autobiography called Naked Kampf (major)
>go buy clothes on the city with Vira(if she accepts, if not me go with anyone who is ok with going) (minor)
He laughs a bit and says "See? now you are getting it!"
"You can't? That's weird... Were you from world war 2 too?"

"Blumelein? That's a nice name. It means flower or something, right? And no, I'm not a jew. Look, my nose is normal size." he says pointing to it and smiling.
"A time Shortly after, Actually. Troubling, but it vas, and still is, all zhat I know."
"Give me a taste of what you have in mind, then."
"bluemelein means little flower, and yeah you dont look like a jew"
"I was thinking of creating something beyond fascism and communism to make my socialism or just try fascism like my dad says"
"Neo, pls help... I... Everyday that I spend with her, more I'm sure that I'm not prepared to have children..."
"i think if we work together we can do the real fascism, melk to destroy democracy ... just to destroy democracy..."
>Helsing would shoot the child a look of Deep Concern, before moving on to address the Table"

"Perhaps...Ve could steer ze conversation to somezhing other zhen Novels about the Destruction of a Countries Operating System?
Vhat about ze ever approaching combat I hear ve will be partaking in, in ze future? Vith...Demons, and such of ze like."
"Maybe you can use magic to figure it out somehow? I dunno, just... Not remembering where I grew up would really irk me."

"Nope. 100% goy here!" Neo says with a laugh. "And let me tell you what, Little flower is a perfect name for a cutie like you." he says ruffling her hair from across the table.

"Somehow, I doubt most other kids will talk about any of that man. Then again, maybe they do in this world, who knows, maybe if you have kids they will be magic kids?" he jokes. "Anyways, I'm not sure how much of a help I will be, but sure."
in the options field
She is probably drunk... AGAIN.
"you dont like to talk about it?"
>I'm embarrassed but let him run his hand through my hair.
"So what do you think about this world so far Blumelein? Its pretty nice, right?"
"Y-Yeah i like this world but... i miss my parents... I'll try to fulfill their dream!"
"I Simply feel zhat zhere are better topics to be adressed at zhis point in time. Perhaps later ve can all talk of your...Dream to dismantle Capatilism."
"What do you want to talk about then? hahaha i will call you zhat or zavatski hahaha"
> I started to laugh
"That's the spirit! Let me tell you a little secret, ok?" He walks over and tells her in quietly "When I was still on my way here, god talked to me and told me that we were here because its where we can make the most of ourselves. We aren't here for random chance or because a bunch of robe guys needed us, but because god wants to let us live to the fullest. If god has that much faith in you, I'm sure you will do great things and make your parents super proud, right?"
He backs away from her ear again. "Remember, its a secret, ok? But don't worry too much about letting it out, if any outsiders seem like they are down in the dumps, you can tell them too!"
>The Doctor would put his hand over his head and Mumble to himself for a moment, before snapping back to attention, and saying

"...Vell, perhaps ve could talk of ze deadly situation ve all have been thrown into? Or the Magical powers ve all now seem to posses?"
"OK thank you"
>I come close and whisper in his ear.
"its our secret"
"That a girl." he says and ruffles her hair again.
"Zavatski... i dont have magical power... my only magic is this...
>shows the derriger
>ashamed I say
"can you pat my head more? this remenbers me my dad"
"Vell, unless you had come here vith it previously, zhat still is somezhing to be curious about. Vhere did you get a Gun?"
"You got it kiddo." he keeps on patting. "So what were your mom and dad like? Want to tell me about them?"
"i asked to the order its not a luger but..."
"my mother was very beautiful and my father was strong and intelligent"
"To be Fair, it is ze equivalent of ze Medieval ages in zhis world. I'm Suprised zhey have Such Veapons in ze first place."
"Thats good. My dad was strong and smart too. I think a lot of what I am now comes from what he taught me as a kid, so if your dad was strong and smart, and your mom was beautiful, I am sure you will be all those things too." he says while continuing to pet.
"i was thinking in a mozin... but that do the work to."
"the name of my dad is Guderian... and the name of my mom is Katyusha"
>The Doctor looked at the two, and realized that perhaps, his efforts for Conversation were in Vain, and he got up from his chair, saying

"Vell, It has been..,Fun, Freunds, but It is getting late, and I should be returning to my Quarters, I do have zhat Journal to vork on. I vish you all a good Night."
"They must have loved each other a lot, huh?" he says recognizing the sound of the names as German and Russian, "I bet they loved you a lot too."
"Goodnight Doctor, good luck with your book."
So could Lifting, Cleave and Rage be considered/accepted skills for a level 1 character? I'm not sure I follow, entirely.
"good night"
"yeah... my dad was a german general and my mother was a soviet pilot... they loved each other they loved me..."
"That's good, how did they meet eachother?"
"he was invading the mother country so he killed the plane of the mother ... she was imprisoned maspapai fell in love with her and ran away"
"That's quite the love story, huh? I would say that is fate. Just imagine all the other possibilities. If he wasnt in that exact place at that exact time, maybe they never would have met? But they did. If even a few tiny details were different, everything that comes after it would change. When you think about it, the universe just works in interesting ways, doesn't it?"
"yes, but now tell me your story, you're a nice, cute guy should have an incredible story of life"
"Haha, I wish that were true. The story of my life isn't that interesting at all. If you want to hear it though, I don't mind. When I was a kid, probably a few years younger than you, my mum died, so I never really knew her all too well. After that, my dad raised me on his own. He was a busy man, but he was strong and smart, so he did his best at raising me while working. Since he was out late every night, he put me in a lot of sports clubs, but my favorites were always the martial arts ones. Part of why fighting is so important to me is because he taught me that a strong mind comes from a strong body. Not because working out makes you strong, but because effort does, and very few things take as much effort as martial arts. I have always loved them since then." he says.

"The only sad part is that after doing them for so long, I didn't really have a lot of use for them. Part of fighting is having a purpose to fight, and the way I was, I never really did. Eventually, I joined the military, but that was just as empty. It was all just pointless wars for Israel... Sure I was good AT it, but it never gave me any real sense of accomplishment because I wasn't doing something good WITH it, you know? After I served my tour, I think i lost alot of the hope I had as a kid. In the end, I came back home and became a gamer. Wasted my time scraping by with a dead end job and spending my free time playing games for a false sense of adventure and the ability to pretend to be a hero. Pretty lame, right?" he sighs. "Modern day Earth just doesn't have anything left for violent wanna be heroes like me I guess, so it was only natural that I jumped on the chance to come to a world like this when God told me about it."
"wait... Israel? you are english or something?(colony of UK) what type of marcial arts you know?how you died and what year?
"Oh no, I'm American. The UK doesn't really fight wars anymore, they are lame now. Too many migrants and leftists. As for martial arts, I have done a whole bunch of things, from Karate to Krav Maga and Tai Chi to Systema. My favorite was probably Judo, tossing people around like that feels great. All in all I was fairly high level in at least 20 and probably proficient in about 20 more, most of which were the military ones I took up later on in life, they are more utility than sport though."

"I "died" in 2018, so it was a long, long time after you did. One night, I was just having a dream, and then out of nowhere it all went away and I saw god. He talked to me for a while, then asked me if I wanted to come here, and I told him that I did. When I woke up, here I was. I know everyone else died to end up here, but for me I don't actually know for sure if I did. Either way, I may as well assume I have since it doesn't make any real difference now." he says and shrugs.
"wait 2018? how is the reich in that year? and the soviet union?"
"Both of them are gone." he says. "A long time ago too. Germany lost the war in 1945 and got kiked into oblivion. The USSR collapsed in 1991 because everyone was basically starving to death. The rest of Europe didn't fare so well either. The Jews and leftists have basically turned the entire continent into some kind of sick parody of a police state that hates its own citizens. America is, or was I guess, on the verge of going the same way, but our new President seemed to be on the path to reversing it. If you asked any of the soldiers who fought against Germany though, I would be willing to bet half of them would say they fought for the wrong side at this point." Neo says that all a bit bitterly except for the Trump bit, its quite clear he doesn't like 2018's politics.
"My god ... it can not be true you are telling me a joke, haha i laughed... but now i will go sleep good night neo"
>hugs neo and go sleep
"Good night Blumelein." he says and ruffles her hair one last time before she heads to bed. "Don't we all wish it was." he says sadly under his breath when she leaves.
Being the midnight munchiest I am I head to the kitchen and get some of the left over food and head to the dining hall. Hopefully nobody else is around.
They would indeed be acceptable skills for a level 1 character. However, the game is currently closed, as we're still handling a large number of players. Keep yourself updated here, or check out our Discord for more information.

>You find Melchior bloated on some chair, chilling out after eating too much.
"... Is that you zoot? MAN THERE IS STILL FOOD LEFT!"
"Gah... who are you?"
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>He says in a happy and too excited tone for his current stomahc weight, poiting his thumb to himself.
>He falls back onto the bench he was lying on.
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Posting a missed turn. Be sure to link to the TURN GO next time so that we do not miss your post.

>Create arms for everyone else to use.
You heat the forge's fires and begin the familiar process of blacksmithing. Thanks to the materials you acquired, you manage to create several blades of decent quality. You're certain that you could probably do better, if you had proper metal, a good forge, and some better tools, but these will suffice for now.

>Received four(4) Iron Swords
>You may give these to fellow Outsiders as a free action after RPing with them. Likewise, Outsiders may also requisition these swords from you.

[Iron Sword]
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Martial
Range: Melee
Damage: 60 Slashing/Piercing
Special Effects: None

>Create armor for everyone else to use.
After creating some weapons, it's only fair that you start creating some armor, too. While you're working however, the forge runs a little too hot. You can't get the temperatures right, as it keeps overheating the metal to the point of weakening. It makes you more than a little bit angry, and you begin to find it hard to focus. After taking a short break, you return to the forge, only to fail some more.

When several failed attempts go by, you decide to inspect the iron itself. By the looks of it, you can only guess that it's far too poor to make anything passable for armor. Even if you could shape it into a proper breastplate, it's more likely to break apart upon impact rather than deflect a blow. Sighing, you toss the brittle iron away. You'll have to order some more materials from the Order, or perhaps find your own source.

>[Irritated] You feel a little angry at your fruitless efforts, maybe you should take a break. You suffer a -5 penalty to all crafting rolls next turn, but gain a +5 to relaxing.
>[Out of Materials] The forge cannot be used until you replenish the materials.

>Spread word that I'm creating some more weapons and armor.
You decide to let the others know that you've made some weapons for them, leaving the bit about the armor out. It looks like it will fall to you to inform the others about your new equipment, but you do make an effort to tell the Xenerith Order about your progress. They seem pleased about it, and soon enough, they send you an apprentice to assist in your work.

He seems eager enough, if a little quiet. You learn that his name is Oscar, and that he has a little bit of experience with the forge. Not enough to know all of its intricacies as you do, but you're certain that he can speed up your work quite a bit if you use his assistance efficiently.
>Met Oscar, smith's apprentice.
"Huh, hi."
"...So... I assume its already late?"
Rolled 1, 71, 23 = 95 (3d100)

Vira Vesperia

Freeze (Sorcery)
Deep Freeze (Sorcery)
Cast Light (Inspiration)
Blinding Flash of Light (Inspiration)
Biochemistry Knowledge (Industry)

Commoner Clothes

Leader of the Outsiders

>I think I shall keep to myself this week. I'm more used to that way. And I'm not sure people really want me distracting them from their own goals right now. I'll practice magic alone. Other than the magic part, that is how I have lived my life up until now, and I will continue living this way. As a matter of practicality, the magic I will practice will be the Ice branch. (Sorcery)
>And I will focus on practicing ice magic. Without anyone else interfering. I wonder if it's true that a person's personality impacts the type of magic they receive. Ice for cold-hearted folk like me, fire for hot-heads, psychic for the cool-headed businessman. If so, I can't imagine why I have anything to do with Light. Could it have been some kind of fluke? Ah,
I'm probably overthinking it. (Sorcery)
>If I have any free time, I suppose I'll check the library for another subject I was interested in: Alchemy. Alchemy was, on Earth, a shoddy mix of actual chemistry, occult superstition, and Pagan beliefs. Given that magic and demons are real here, I think it best we investigate all of the occultish nonsense people believed on Earth. Since alchemy is, loosely speaking, a science, I'll start with it. (Industry)
Well the sun did set
"Yep. I'm a night person... I think."
"Oh, hi Freddy."
Hello Zoot
"Well... I think thats it for me then... Gotta get going, see you guys later!"
>He heads out of the dinning hall...
>... And then go directly to the quarters to find Vira's room.
>He knocks three times.
"Hey, Vira, can we talk?"
>He says in the most serious tone possible, while assuming a more fitting body stance, and crossing his arms while waiting.
Rolled 62, 45, 6 = 113 (3d100)

Blumelein is having technical problems, so I'm rolling.
I open the door for Melchior.
"Yes, I'm not too busy. What did you want to discuss?"
>His eyes are somewhat different than what they use to be, not in a physical sense, but they carry a focused intensity in them, as if trying to read your mind.
"Aren't you at least going to invite me in, first?"
>he says in a joking but deeper tone.
"You have my permission to come in."
>Like a good vampire, he enters the room and sits on a nearby stool.
"I know that we don't really know each other too much, that we didn't even had time to, and that even if I asked I would never be certain about your sincerity on this... But I've been meaning to ask you something for quite a while now."
>He adjusts his stance, his his legs open, his back erect and one hand caressing his chin while other holds the elbow of the opposite arm.
"Vira, lets be fair, Ice magic or no, you are no Ice Queen, I think we both know that... I don't say this as an offense, but I don't see you being at ease while being a leader."
>He expects her reaction before continuing.
>wake up
>go search someone to talk
I show no change in facial expression.
"What's your point?"
>"They always react like this..."
>He gives a ironic half smile.
"Do you really believe in your own authority?"
>He stares her in the eyes while undoing the smile.
"There is no point in looking strong if you don't know where you are heading to: Blindmen can't guide one another."
"I don't follow what it is you're trying to say. Are you trying to criticize my style of leadership?"
"Hmmmm... No, Its not about how it is done, but why it is done and where it goes..."
"For example, are you even a leader afterall? The order simply assumed that we are bound to help them against some dangerous menace that we have nothing to do with, and then pointed you as an leading figure... But they never really care about what we would prefer, and maybe not even about what YOU want."
"We can continue to do this little dance if you want... But thats all games and mirrors, Vira... Who are you? What does you want? Are you just going to follow the plan blindly and hopes that all goes well?"
>He finnaly looks to be getting slightly annoyed.
>*Sighes Deeply*
"If you were the type to not really have a plan and don't know what you are doing, we wouldn't be having this conversation... What are you doing, Vira?"
I think for a minute, trying to piece together what the Brazilian boy is trying to get at, and how I should respond.
"Alright, I think I might understand what you're asking now. In other words, you want to know whether I'm going to lead us to do what I'm told by the Order or to lead us to follow my own plans.
"The answer is that I'm not going to force anyone to do anything. I have my own plans, and I'm sure everyone else has theirs. I'm not your boss, I'm your leader. And if the time comes when a threat appears that we all need to deal with, it's always going to be optional. But I believe that we'll all do the right thing. Now that we have the capability to deal with threats that nobody else can, we also have a responsibility to do so. Does that answer your question?"
"Its not a case of being able of dealing with things that no one else can handle, even if it were, it does not imply a responsability for doing it... We could always just let them die, it may not be "good" or even usefull, but its impossible to prove it "wrong"."
>He waves his hand in a dismissing manner
"But anyway, it doesn't really matters much, the thing is... What you told be is nothing other than an acessing of facts.. joining plans will always be optional, has it is really impossible to force someone to do something, even if you hijack someone body, it would just be a case of using their body as a tool."
"Does you trust the order, though? Are you planning on going along with their plans?"
>He snaps his neck joints loudly and crosses his arms.
"... We have being forced into a war that isn't ours to fight, Vira, and if we don't like "this is what is happening" on their own words... Why should you care?"
"Don't be so melodramatic."
>listening to the conversation without them noticing
>He starts sincerely laughing.
"...Ha ha ha ha, Girl... I would prefer that this was just me being melodramatic... But thats reality, we're being sent to fight some great evil against our will do that some people of an far away island doesn't need to help themselves... Why should we care? What is there for you in this? Did you already thought of that? C'mon, you died, yeah, but you're not an blank slate, you must have some dreams or at least somepreferences and aversions more than being someone who just cares about fullfilling your basic needs."
>he keeps an almost aggresive smirk on his face.
"You're no saint, Vira, no of us are, you want something from this... But are you sure that just following orders is the best way of getting there?"
>eye through a small gap in the wall
"My name is not 'Girl'. It's Vira Vesperia. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You're living rent-free, and you're being actively being provided with food, weapons, tools, and whatever else you want by the order. And you're being provided, should you choose to accept it, the opportunity to actually do something meaningful with your life. Obviously you don't want to accept it, and that's your choice. Nobody is forcing you into any war you don't want a part of. So you can take your delusions of victimization and self-importance, and get out of my room."
"A slave also lives "rent free" with a bunch of given stuff... And I don't remember there being much of an choice, it was already implicited in their recruiting speech, don't you remember? I'm not making this up, and you're still just changing subject. But whatever, its "your" room... "
>He stand ups and go for the door.
"But you should think about what I told you, where are you planning on going with this?"
>He starts to turn the knob.
>Shit he is coming.
>I try to hide behind a box.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Roll 1d20+2
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>Fails Hardly at hiding
>Melk pretends to not see you while he goes away, so that maaaaaaybe Vira won't notice you.
>> I'm in a fetal position thinking about EVERYTHING
>Blume thinking
>i sleep behind the box
Rolled 25, 74, 58 = 157 (3d100)


m - Beg for metals to help with his projects.
M(+5 Industry) - Go to the blacksmiths to turn metal into weaponry for your figurines.
M(+5 Sorcery) - This explosion magic gives him ideas, however the area of effect is dangerous for allies. Taku tries to find a way to direct the blast upwards instead of outwards, this way it will be more focused on a single target.
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Rolled 12, 81, 94, 70 = 257 (4d100)

Name: Malcolm York


Major Action(s):
>Going back to the hospital, I spend most of the time helping the orphans in the small wing assigned to me, using my first aid skill on the minor ailments and my magic on the more problematic injuries. (First Aid +5, Heroes Feast +10)

Minor Action(s):
>Spend some time talking to Amelie Goodheart about my past. That the reason why I started to help is that I can actually be of use here with my new skills compared to my feelings of uselessness back home. (Heros Feast +10)

>Go to the order and ask for a bow and either a protective cloak or light armor. While I know guns are a thing here, the bow would be a less noisy weapon in combat and therefore better for someone like me. (Heros Feast +10)

>I look for someway to make some coin. If I'm ever going to start up that guild, I'm going to need some serious coin. (Heros Feast +10)
Rolled 13, 82, 20 = 115 (3d100)

Name: Isaac Thorne
A twenty-four year old electrician who died in a car crash on the way home. Having accomplished nothing of note in his life, he awoke in a new world.

SD: Sorcery 2 / Resolve 1 / Industry 1
>Large Lightning Bolt (Sorcery)
>Lightning Bolt (Sorcery)
>Toughness (Resolve)
>Electricity Knowledge (Industry)

>Major: Focus on resting. I'm far too injured to really do anything strenuous.
>Major: Help clean up the Spell Repository. Shouldn't be that difficult, and it's only fair that I pitch in after causing it.
>Minor: Investigate the spear I got. There's something strange about it, and I'm not sure if it's merely my delirium or if it's something magical.
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Rolled 48, 50, 43 = 141 (3d100)

>When the day comes, Melchior marches into the small plain that extends behind the factory up to the treeline of the forest.
>He wonders if its going to rain, for a second, before activating his powers.
>Firstly, a pale white giant arm with golden veins sprouts from his back.
>Then both his hands and the giant hand transform to something closer to eagle talons.
"Are you ready Blume? You're going to be the one to announce the begining of the fight."
>He decides to change himself to something more fitting for this fight, and change his shape by expanding his height and the muscles of his body.
>pic related.
>...And finally he taps into the deepest essence of his powers, and, appearently unmoving, dive through many dimensions trusting on destiny to touch him as it wills.
>Neo stand at the opposite end of the field clad in his iron armor, holding a simple wooden sword in one hand and a small round shield on his opposite arm.

He takes a stance and looks ready to fight.
>Bull Horns sprouts from Melchior's head, meanwhile his feet turn into hooves and gills become apparent in his neck.
"Hahaha, not bad, so this is how it goes, huh?"
"Well... I think there is no reason to wait more... Blume?"
>He assumes a casting instance.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

initiative roll
Rolled 5 + 35 (1d20 + 35)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

TP:50 Binded of 102(52 left)
>(Shift) Change into Precision Stance.
>(Major) "SPIT ON HIM" Acid Spit -20TP.
Rolled 13 + 35 (1d20 + 35)

Rolled 8 + 27 (1d20 + 27)

>Neo tries to dodge out of the way
Rolled 18 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

+Flooded Circuits(5)
>Neo is hit by the acid, but thanks to his armor it doesn't seem to bother him much.

>He runs up right next to Melchior then braces himself to take an attack.
> shouts in German
"Gewinnt diesen Kampf Melk"
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>(Shift) Change to casting instance.
>(Major) SPIT ON HIM -20TP
Rolled 14 + 35 (1d20 + 35)

Rolled 12 + 27 (1d20 + 27)

>Neo attempts to avoid it again.
Rolled 24 + 75 (1d100 + 75)

Rolled 84 + 51 (1d100 + 51)

>Neo takes a little more damage this time, and retaliates!
Rolled 68 + 86 (1d100 + 86)

>Neo follows up the slash with another!
"i cant see melk suffering"
>aim in the leg of neo
>Melks get it in the stomach and almost falls back, having to force his poison sacks to not hurl acid everywhere.
>The Next attack go directly to the side fo his head and break one of his horns off, his left eyes bleeds and he pukes blood.
>I try to help Melk.
>Neo looks like he is about to strike again with his Cross slash, but he stops his wooden sword a few centimeters from Melchior's head.
"Lets stop here. I don't want to hurt you too much man."
He pulls the sword away and extends his hand with the shield to help him up.
>thinking: one day i will have the melk revenge
"You will pay in a duel with me NEO!">>2333336
>Shakes his hand, still looking down.
"... I Have to recognize when I'm not in shape to fight anymore... Heh... It was a good fight... Didn't expect the weapons to make that much of a difference."

>Spits some blood
"Hey... Neo... Take Blume away for a second, will ya? I need... Some... Time to rest..."
>Looks very winded
>Accepts the help, and kind of hug him... More like is about to pass out on him.
"Alright, easy, easy... I think I overdid it a bit, sorry man, I'm a lot stronger than I used to be..."
>He takes Melchior over to Everret to see if he can get some help.

"Not right now Blume, first things first, we need to get melchior taken care of."
>i follow him
"Boy, you gotta use that dinning plate on your arm!"


"Well you are a good sport."

"That was a good fight boys. Neo, Im glad to see that you also pack a punch instead of yous taking 'em"
"Naaaahhhh... Relax...*Spits Blood*... Its just that I'm usually more specced up to dealing damage, not taking it"

"Hehehehe, I like this guy..."*Passes out*
"Thanks man. Do you think you can get someone to take care of him?"

Everett takes quiet easily the boy in his arms.

"Havent seen someone this beat up, since my fight with that Sailor a few years back. "

Everett puts Melchior on his shoulder with ease like a sack of potatoes.

"I know a guy near that helps at our gymnasium. He takes care of fighting injuries. Not that nonsensical magic stuff."
"Thanks man, take good care of him, and lets practice again some time."
"Well, if you allow me. Ill take him there. And when I came back, let's talk about this combat, aight mate?"
"You got it, later man."
Everett, with Melchior body on his shoulder , waves goodbye and heads back to his Gymnasium.
Rolled 90, 18, 20 = 128 (3d100)




>Ugh, I can't study magic with the spell repository in this condition! Seeing as it's not just going to fix itself, I might as well lend a hand. I let out an exasperated sigh

>These conditions are woefully inadequate for me to practice my craft. It's almost as if these people have never met a proper necromancer before! I begin to organize and aquire supplies for a small potion making/necromancer supply room.


>Find whatever idiot blew up the spell repository. I'm going to give him a strong verbal lashing
Rolled 29, 93, 62 = 184 (3d100)

Cedric Daniels
A tired, unsociable man with a peculiar sense of justice. He died confronting a mugger trying to rob a woman while walking home from his office job. Relatively unamused with most everything, and willing to do anything in order to save the most lives.

Marksmanship (Finesse) - +1 to accuracy rolls when using projectile (but not thrown) weapons.
Persevere (Resolve) - Once per combat, if HP would fall below 0, HP becomes 1 instead and cannot fall below 1 until the end of your next turn.
Gunsmithing (Industry) - No combat effect.
Toughness (Resolve) - Grants additional HP equal to Resolve.

[Old Trusty Single Shot Rifle]
Quality: Fine
Two-Handed Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 60 ft.
Damage: 100 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.

[Damaged Derringer]
(These are its stats after repaired, it takes at least one minor action from you or another person to repair it.)
Quality: Fine
Main Hand Weapon
Type: Non-Scaling
Range: 30 ft.
Damage: 50 Piercing
Special Effects: After attacking, you must take a Minor Combat Action to reload.
???: It has some flower pattern carvings along all of its handle, was owned by some mysterious person who left a note in it.

Minor Action:
>Repair the Derringer myself. It's been a while since I've worked with guns, and hopefully my skills still apply to older guns.

Major Actions:
>Go running in order to try and increase my speed. If I'm going to be catching any criminals, I'll need to be faster.
>Track down Wilhelm Abraham Smithson, the self-proclaimed greatest thief.
Rolled 15, 59, 56 = 130 (3d100)

Really an interesting place that town, they doesn't seem to like strangers too much, at least in that city, anyway...as I see the clouds in the sky on my area, I think about yesterday, I could feel nature itself, being one with me, could I reach any closer? I should test that ability again, but it is permanent, I should probably search some proper place to do it, but...

I stretch my muscles, my body is in perfect condition for some training, so instead I take that time to train. (Major Action)

In the end, maybe some training is in order before a rest, it is not like I am that tired, also I feel ny own energy as nature itself, it is never good to lose contact.(Major Action)

After seeing those new clothes, those are of a gardener, I remember my own clothing as a monk, then closing my eyes after the training, I take a decision, I should find some sort of work to gain some money, I will need clothes as food...

Obviously not before dressing myself and thanking the gardeners for then, it is a gift from kind hearted people, as such it can't be dismissed.(Minor Action)

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