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Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice odds for best of 3: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.
Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the the PTU system, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves and also may leave you open to an interrupt, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first.

Pokemon and trainers are unique, and may have certain specializations, skills, or other things that the video-game mechanics might not allow. Some examples: That kung fu Bellsprout in the anime, that crystal Onix, or a Roggenrolla that can fly. Herb's perception skills, pokemon knowledge, context clues in general, and other things will hopefully come into play to avoid completely unfair, unforeseeable bullshit, but expect more bullshit from more advanced trainers.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola) - Elsewhere
Belladonna (Roserade) - Elsewhere
Dice (Croconaw) - Elsewhere
Sorbet (Vulpix) - Elsewhere

Location: Akaneki, a small, wooded area not far from Laki's parent's house

Recently: Hana worked her butt off, you cheered her on and backed her up, and you had a chat with Laki about her ambitions.
[Sorry about being gone so long. New job, my computer needed reformatting and still has hard drive issues but at least it isn't shitting itself constantly, I'm in the process of getting laser eye surgery and my friend is getting married so I just sort of vanished for a bit. We're diving back in hard today and tomorrow.

I'm pretty burnt out because it's all training and that saps the old brain juices, and I had to be up super late because I drove a friend to the airport, so I apologize in advance for typos and whatnot.

I hope everyone's doing well!]
>laser eye surgery
Just like Robin!

But seriously, hope everything goes smooth for you.
I hope everyone's doing well!
I'm going to be homeless in about a week gobble.
[Really well. I feel bad for neglecting the quest lately but I'm improving my life a lot.]
“Sure, success is hard, but that’s what makes it worth it. Dreams are worth chasing even if you never catch them.”

“Says you, aura master.” She shoots back. Her tone is jovial and teasing, but you can sense a tiny speck of bitterness about her situation in there too.

You have to pause for a second. You’ve been making progress, but you haven’t really thought of yourself as particularly good at it. You guess you’ve been so absorbed in learning that you haven’t really thought about the implications. “I’m probably not going to become an aura master.” You conclude for now. “But I practice because I love the way it lets me understand people better, and because it’s useful. I like doing it. Do you like competing? You like history. Battling? Home-making?”

“I like baby making.” She says, giving you a sly look to show that she gets what you’re saying but still feels the need to deflect a little. “But out of all those, or other options, I don't know. I like a lot of things, but I don’t know what I want to commit to. I think it’s committing itself that messes with me. If I don’t really try, I can’t really fail.” She flicks the pole from hand to hand with ease while she thinks, despite its size and weight. “It sounds like you’re saying that the real failure isn’t in winning, but in failing to try or have fun doing it.“

“Sort of.” You confess back. You don’t really have a better way to summarize it, but it feels like she’s missing something. You can’t put your finger on it. Still, that’s mostly it, you guess.

She gives you a playful bump with her hips. “I hope daddy,” she coughs, “my dad wasn’t too rough on you.” She changes the subject.

The two of you hang out for a bit. She jokes about how she could probably do a better job vaulting if you didn’t make her so sore. She tries a few more times, feeling less self-conscious in front of you. When she comes back, she holds out the poll in offering for you to try.

>Sure! You’ll do your best! [will require roll]
>No thanks
>Ask about something on the island (specify)
>Ask about how she’d feel about what Hana brought up with bringing in other girls
>Let’s exercise!
>Let’s practice battle to train and work out the stess of the day
>Let’s look for pokemon in those woods
>Something else
[Oh shit! want to talk about it? Need any help? [email protected]
I'll think of something. Thanks though.
>Sure! You’ll do your best! [will require roll]
>>Sure! You’ll do your best! [will require roll]
>Let’s exercise!
>>Let’s exercise!
I'm doing alright, but Shit, man. That's awful.
>>Sure! You’ll do your best! [will require roll]
>Sure! You’ll do your best! [will require roll]

>Ask about how she’d feel about what Hana brought up with bringing in other girls
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

>stess of the day
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“Sure! I’ll try my best.”

“I know you will.” She shoots an almost motherly smile before positioning herself behind you and gets down to business. “Here’s how it works.” Laki adjusts your posture a bit and describes the basics to you. The way she explains it shows she clearly knows what she’s talking about, and she has a lot of good tips about what to expect and how it’ll feel when you’re in the air. “And remember, don’t panic. Wailord will catch you, right Wailord?”

Wailord, who was trying to peek over the bushes separating you from it, quickly goes back into position. A happy, deep noise comes from the other side of the bush where Wailord is waiting.

You start running, doing your best to follow Laki’s instructions and keep your form correct. It feels wrong, or at least unintuitive. Flying up at this speed and height sends your body into a state of alarm, but you somehow fight the urge to hug the poll or grab the branch or yell to Mace to help. You come falling down, landing a little gruffly, but safely on a very welcoming Wailord.

You feel awesome! You know it was a lower branch than Laki was using and you probably looked goofy, but there’s still a strong surge of confidence. You’re accomplishing everything you set out to today and it’s really fluffing your pancakes. Like you’re getting inch by inch closer to being the man you feel you should be.

“Good job, Soft Hands.” Laki compliments. “You won’t be winning any medals, but you’d beat my 12 year old self.”

Somehow you can’t imagine Laki that young. She doesn’t look like an old lady, but she’s just so...developed.

But you take your eyes away and point them towards a nearby tree. You swear you saw eyes up in that tree over there. Eyes deep in a dark, shady spot, watching you.

>Probably just a curious wild pokemon. Ignore it, exercise
>Try to coax it out
>Send Mace in to investigate, he’ll be careful
>Suggest a different type of “exercise” somewhere private
>Go work out at Laki’s house instead of here
>Something else
>Probably just a curious wild pokemon. Ignore it, exercise
Let it come out in it's own time.
>Send Mace in to investigate, he’ll be careful
>Wave, move on

>talk to Laki about what you were talking to Hana about
>Try to coax it out
* I want to see if it's anyone we know.
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[I need some sort of tie breaker here. First post to reply wins!]
A couple things I’ve been thinking about during the intermission:

We’ve never traded a Pokémon, other than to evolve it and trade right back. It would be interesting to have a Pokémon who wants a life (say, of competitive contests or doing search and rescue or leading a flock) that we couldn’t give it.

Also, when Jeneane was introduced last quest she gave a palm reading. Can we do that?

Let’s just wave hello and move on to talk about foursomes!
>>Try to coax it out
You give the dark, shady spot with eyes a casual, friendly wave, then turn your attention back to Laki. “Ready to do some exercise?”

“Didn’t you spend the day at work with my dad?” She puts a hand on her hip, but there’s an impressed look on her face.

“Well, yeah, but it’s important to make it a habit anyway, right?”

The two of you get to work, and your pokemon follow. You do situps, pushups, Laki has a jump rope here for some reason, planks, squats, and a few others you forget the names off. To be honest, you just can’t keep up with Laki, but neither can some of the pokemon.

Laki calls for a break time.

“Ah. I’m out of shape. We need to do a lot more exercising.” She says, whipping a towel over her shoulder and pulling at the neck of her shirt. “Jumping hurts more than I remember, too.” She sounds both happy and sad about that.

Bella scrambles to the nearby dark, wet soil after her workout, and plants her feet in a little. She sucks up nutrients, restoring some of her strength and looking relieved.

Laki passes you her water bottle. There isn’t much left, but she insists she’s had her fill. “So, what’s on your mind? Mom and dad didn’t scare you off, did they?”

You laugh. “No. I like your family.”

“Even my older brother?” She asks. She doesn’t wait for a response, or even for your brain to think of one, and instead runs her fingers into your ribs to tickle you. You try to escape, but she wraps her legs around you from behind and pulls you back. “Tell me!’

Well, what’s on your mind is how she’d react to the theoretical idea of foursomes. But how are you going to broach that subject?

>Hana had a funny idea...
>Ease the conversation in by bringing up Valerie first
>Ask about the cultural side and issues with inviting more girls into your group
>Approach it like a joke to gauge her reaction
>Something else
>Ease the conversation in by bringing up Valerie first
>Hana had a funny idea...
>Hana had a funny idea...
>Ease the conversation in by bringing up Va-KEIRA first

"Hana's being Hana."
>Hana had a funny idea...
>Ease the conversation in by bringing up Va-KEIRA first
>You’re brother and I didn’t exactly hit it off. He was making moves on Hana, so some big points against him there.I can’t really get a read on him.

>Say, speaking of Hana, she brought something up...
>Yeah not your brother, he's definitely a flake.
Yeah super late but her brother is a cunt.
>>Yeah not your brother, he's definitely a flake.
> and not very nice to people
“I didn’t really get along with your brother. He flaked out on his promises and hit on Hana!”

“No!” She says, sounding sort of, but not entirely surprised. “That’s ballsy for him. What happened? Did you...oh shit Soft Hands, did you punch him out?”

“What? No. I just wanted you to know.”

“Guess I will later. Sounds like he needs it.” She mutters. “That’s all that was on your mind?”

“Have you been talking to Valerie recently?” You ask.

“Yeah!” She says. “Just before you got here.” She perks up. “You heard about her contest? She’s in the semi-finals for the entire region! It’s sort of why I got the gear out and came here.”

“Oh, I didn’t hear. How about Keira?”

“Not today.” She shakes her head. “But I’ve been a little worried. She’s sweet and naive, like you sometimes.” She doesn’t even hesitate to point out your flaws. “I hope she finds what she’s looking for. I hope she comes back to us.”

“Me too.” You say, leaning back into Laki’s lap.

“Why’d you ask?”

Okay. Here goes. “Well, Hana had a funny idea, and...”

The arm she had around you tightens and cuts you off.

“She’s been banging you for a short time and she’s already trying to get other girls in.”

“You already talked to her?”

“No.” She says flatly. “Let me enlighten you on my culture a bit..” She says, grabbing you and spinning you around so she’s sitting eye to eye with you. “I’m going to throw a bunch of information at you and you need to absorb it, okay? A harem isn’t some jerk-off fantasy. It’s a declaration that you can provide for each girl as well as any normal single husband could. It’s incredibly hard to manage and you need to be able to put your foot down and take command when things get catty or a girl oversteps on another girl. You’re like one of those kings that needs to have the consent of your lords to do stuff, and the worse they get along, the harder it is. And the more there are, the more room there is to feel left out or insecure and that’s what ruins most relationships.”

“Oh.” You say, letting it sink in for a moment. “So in terms of us, including Hana, you’d want to keep-”

She cuts you off. “It really, really depends.”

Wow. You didn’t expect that answer. That sounds close to a yes.

Laki’s eyes fall down to her pokedex that’s sitting on a rock for a second. She has a chatlog with Valerie open. When your eyes meet again, despite not saying anything about it, you feel a lot of information coming from the embarrassed and then confessional look in her eyes. “So yeah,” she says, “if you did, and the girl was serious, or at least understood that you and I and Hana are people never to get in between, and you gave me some reassurance that you still lo-...care deeply about me, I don’t mind. Just remember that all that cardio doesn’t make my heart strong enough to play with, okay?”

Also gobble did something get deleted? Because it went from talking about her family to a foursome out of fucking no where.
The awkward, Hana-like play on words and vulnerable look on her face touches your own heart. You give her a big hug. “I’d never do that.”

“Good. That’s why I let myself care about you.” She mumbles. “So Valerie and Keira, huh?” She pokes you. “You give me and Hana a few tiny deaths and you think you’re going to seduce the entire region?” She’s teasing again. “Why them?”

“Well, actually, Hana and I started the conversation about Abigail.”

Her legs lock around so tight you can’t breath. “ABIGAIL?”

Uh oh. Your brain struggles to say something with the precious bits of air you’ll be able to expel.

>You take it back! Sorry!
>It was just theoretical conversation! She’d never go for it.
>You just said you trusted my judgement
>Try to overpower your way out of this death grip
>You’re positive you can convince her with time
>Something else
>Try to overpower your way out of this death grip
[Ah sorry if that wasn't clear. I meant to write it in a way where Laki knew Herb had something on his mind and wanted him to come out with it.]
>Well Hana did, when she asked me I gave her answered her jokingly.
>It was just theoretical conversation! She’d never go for it.
>Ha, yeah. I told her that was the least likely scenario.

>I don’t know if it would be a fun activity for us to do together or super uncomfortable.
>>It was just theoretical conversation! She’d never go for it.

I really have no desire to increase the harem size, sorry y'all
Laki does realize we’re talking about casual sex and not romance/expanding, right?
From what I understand she does, but it can still hit a girl in the self esteem if you keep wanting to do causal stuff with new partners, kind makes the girl question if they are good enough by themselves ya'know.
Laki keeps you stuck in place with her strong, vice-like legs. Your mind briefly goes back to that one time your grandpa’s daycare had a Pinsir that liked to crush things for fun.

“Air.” You risk asking for with some precious breath.

Laki ignores you, picking up her pokedex and tapping into it rapidly. Her eyebrows bend with more displeasure, and she adjusts to keep you even more locked than before. “That Hana.”

“Theoretical. Conversation.” You manage to get out.

Laki ignores you and keeps typing. Each response she gets seems to make her more upset. “That stupid redheaded...”

Her face looks a little surprised now. You have no idea about the conversation she’s having, but it seems to shift her tone a little. She’s still fuming as she looks up at you though. When she sees your face, she relaxes her legs. “Can you breath?”

You gasp. Sweet, sweet air! You motion that you’ll speak in a moment and you’re good now, but she’s not letting you go and she’s still tapping away at her pokedex.

“It was just a theoretical conversation.” You explain again, gasping. “There’s no way she’d go for it. I was explaining that she’d be the least likely.”

“Why is she saying she plans to take over the harem when I asked?” She says, holding up her Pokedex. It’s moving too much for you to see the conversation.

“Do you think she’s doing that to bug you?” You offer. You’re incredibly embarrassed that now Abigail has been informed of this private matter.

Laki’s face softens a lot, but then bursts with even more anger. “That bitch! Come on! Get up!”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to find Abigail and make her watch while we have the sweatiest, sloppiest, loudest, ass-slappin’est, complete draining of your...UGH!” She releases you. “Get my stuff together!” She shouts. “And I’m really pissed off but I’m sorry for hurting you!” She adds on quickly.

You help gather stuff up, but as you go to pick up the pole, you find some resistance. The other end is in a bush, and it’s stuck. You’re about to go over and see how it could be stuck, but something pulls you forward.

It’s strong, but not that strong. You’re also pretty weak right now.

Those same eyes from before are visible for a second, but vanish as it pulls the pole away.

>Have your pokemon help
>Call Laki for help
>Let go
>Try shoo-ing it away
>Something else
>>Have your pokemon help
>Follow it, maybe it wants something.
>Follow it, maybe it wants something.
>Yell to Laki that something just stole the pole and you're chasing it.
>Have your pokemon help
>Yell to Laki that something just stole the pole
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“Hey!” You say, drawing everyone’s attention. “Something’s got the pole!”

Laki and your pokemon immediately turn to look. Laki is the fastest to react, running right at it. But the pokemon all form ranks. Mace immediately flies forward, ready to intercept anything coming your way, and Gobble grabs the pole to help. Dice also bites the pole, but he just hangs off of it, not really understanding the point. Bella leaps onto Laki’s back to go with her, but her new weight from evolving is slowing Laki down more than either of them wants to admit.

Laki dives into the brush with reckless abandon. She’s not letting that thing take the pole at all! She reaches in, not knowing what to expect, and you’re already feeling a sense of dread and worry for her. But she lifts the perpetrator out

Still holding the pole, lifted by the scruff of it’s neck, is a small pokemon with a cracked, semi-floppy looking skull for a head. No, on it’s head. Cutebone, right? Something like that. Things are happening too fast for you to worry about the name right now.

“Let it go!” She demands.

The little creature looks extremely worried and kicks at her. She almost tosses it away out of worry, but instead adjusts to try to pry it away from the pole with both hands. She gets it loose, but the pokemon scrambles back and raises a hand. It’s going to karate chop and break the pole!

“Nononononono!” Laki pleads, sounding like she’s almost begging.

>Yank the pole hard, even if that might smack Dice into Gobble and yourself (roll dependent)
>Plead with it to stop, or at least wait
>Bella! Stun Spore! Hurry! (may not be fast enough, roll dependent)
>Don’t risk a stunning attack, order pokemon to knock it out now and deal with things later (easy roll)
>Something else
>Tell Gobble to Eat the Pole then Recycle it when everyone calms down.
>Mace tackle
>Plead with it to stop, or at least wait
Hello 6th team member!
>Plead with it to stop, or at least wait
>Plead with it to stop, or at least wait
>>Plead with it to stop, or at least wait
I trust Herb's persuasive skills over his reflexes, especially if there is a high DC.
Oh boy I'm super excited, Cubone and Marrowak are awesome
Please no, I want at least one mythic or legendary pokemon on our team and a lot of people don't want more than 6 pokemon.
This is like my Totodile dude, I didn't even have to beg for three threads.
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“Stop!” You shout to it. “Just wait, please!”

Things stop for a moment. The small pokemon looks scared, but determined.

A stalemate, or rather, a hostage situation, forms. Laki moves a little closer and the pokemon swiftly raises it’s hand, demonstrating that it will do it if she gets any closer.

“Alright.” Laki says, keeping her hands visible. “I’m backing away. Just please don’t break it.”

The skull flops and creaks as the pokemon looks between the two of you and all the pokemon. This clearly didn’t go according to plan, and it definitely doesn’t look like it wants to fight. But it doesn’t trust anyone around without it’s leverage, either.

“Hey, you.” You say as softly as you can. As you take a tiny step forward, still holding the pole, the pokemon flinches and loosens it’s grip just slightly. It raises it’s unsure striking hand again and you stop in your tracks. “We don’t want to hurt you.”

“I will if you break it.” Laki promises. That didn’t help the situation, but you think she knows it because she gets that look on her face. “It’s got a lot of sentimental value.”

The pokemon is unsure, but doesn’t budge. It looks stuck. It jumps a little as Dice drops from the pole, looking bored with that game. Dice, being the closest pokemon, casually rolls over while keeping a curious but entirely unhostile eye on it.

>Slowly but firmly keep pulling the pole away until it’s safe
>Encourage Dice to try to solve the problem. Maybe he’ll surprise everyone
>Offer a trade of some sort
>Appeal to it’s decency. It understands sentimental attachment to objects, right?
>Now that Dice is off the pole, you can probably fling this pokemon off of it before it could break anything
>Something else
>Offer a trade of some sort
Shoulda kept the frying pan.
>Appeal to it’s decency. It understands sentimental attachment to objects, right?

Let out some food and talk to the little dude.
this >>2496032

Let's talk to it, it must've lost its club somehow
Well in that case don;t be surprised if we ever encounter a legendary pokemon I want to capture despite people only wanting 6 pokemon.
>>Offer a trade of some sort
>>Appeal to it’s decency. It understands sentimental attachment to objects, right?
Gesture to the skull it wears.
I'm not hating on anyone's choices, a legendary would be sweet too.
>we’ll trade, okay?

>Laki, go get another pole or something.
If we get him to calm down we could probably help him/her find another bone to use.
we should adopt the shit out of him.
I was assuming Laki would.
I'm pretty sure Abigail is her next pet project.
I wish Laki had called Hana and not Abi.
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“It’s okay.” You reassure the pokemon again, letting go of the pole, but letting Gobble keep his grip just in case. Laki’s eyes go a little wider when she sees this, but she doesn’t say a word. It’s not distrust of you, it’s just worry.

“We’ll trade, okay?” You offer. The pokemon barely registers the words, keeping the panicked posture. “This pole probably isn’t that useful to you, but it means a lot to her.” You note a little resistance in it’s posture when you mention that it’s probably not useful for it.

Laki nods. “When I told my dad what I wanted to do, he and his coworkers made it for me. I had others but I couldn’t throw this one away. It’s got everyone’s support and cheers inside.” Her voice cracks. You had no idea she was so attached to it. You’re really glad you didn’t mess up your attempt at vaulting and broke it or something.

“Sentimental value.” You reiterate to make sure it understands the concept. The Cutebone adjusts it’s loose, creaky skull helmet and lives up to it’s name of being cute. It is Cutebone, right? That doesn’t quite sound right in your head but you can’t place why.

The pokemon seems to tacitly agree to hear your trade offer out, but it could just be standing still because it doesn’t know what other options to take. It’s hard to gauge a reaction when it’s face is covered. Sometimes you can get a good look at it’s eyes, but they’re deep in skull and hard to see if it looks away. You’re mostly judging by body language.

“Do you want a new helmet?” Laki offers.

The pokemon jerks and holds it’s helmet with both hands protectively. Gobble flinches but doesn’t act, and it quickly realizes it’s mistake, grabs the pole, and raises it’s chopping hand again. Fear and sadness cling to it.

“I won’t take your helmet.” Laki says. “We’re not thieves. It doesn’t feel nice to have your stuff taken.”

You and Laki exchange a look. She seems to communicate that she’s not trying to have that edge to her voice, and she’ll try not to make it more upset, but she can’t promise anything if it breaks the pole.

“I could bring you another pole.” Laki offers. “A different one. I just need a day for my dad to make one.”

That almost appealed to the pokemon, until she mentioned the timeframe. Then it seemed to sour on the idea.

>Promise to bring it back a balanced club made by her dad instead
>Offer food
>Promise it won’t be harmed if it lets go. You won’t reward thievery but you won’t take any revenge or anything
>Offer your Super Rod
>Offer to teach it a move to protect itself
>Offer to unlock it’s potential (very hard when it’s so stressed)
>Offer the bone you found way back in that cave
>Offer to repair the helmet. It looks like it’ll fall apart any second now
>Promise to bring it a frying pan
>Something else
>Offer your Super Rod

>Here, we’ll trade you this for now and get you something even better later. Okay?
>>Promise to bring it a frying pan
Couldn't the bone be used to make a pokemon or am I remembering wrong?
>>Offer your Super Rod
I think it was just a thick club, there's no fossil mon that uses a leg bone to revive iirc.
The bone that the great devourer was after. You would condemn this poor cutebone to being hunted and possible hurt by whatever poor sap gets manipulated by Nega-Fug? That's cold man.
That bone has significant meaning to Ratquaza, remember? Is this worth upsetting a dragon god? I’d rather offer our rod as a holdover until we can get it a proper thick club.
Oh shit, yeah yeah yeah

I'd forgotten
>>Offer food
>Offer your Super Rod
Switching to this.
Alright he seemed open to the idea of the new one made by Lake. How's about...
>Cubone holds onto the pole for now on the condition he comes back with us.
>Tomorrow Lake and Laki can build him his own pole and can trade back for it.
Hopefully something more club like
Backing this. Sorry for the mess gobble.
[Not at all. The fact that people discuss and change their minds is a great sign to me. When everyone always votes the same or never changes their mind, that signals to me that maybe the writing prompts are encouraging a certain path without much actual engagement.

Some options have more direct benefits than others, but I like to avoid it always being a bunch of "wrong" choices that punish players and one "right" option that players "are supposed to pick." I'd rather have people discuss options and convince others of their positions or think about long term vs short term, etc.

But I could just be projecting from my many years of playing under railroading DMs and whatnot.]
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“One second.” you go to your bag.

“Don’t rush but don’t take too long.” Laki asks of you.

“How about this?” You say, coming back with the Super Rod. “It’s worth a lot of money, you can carry it around, and you can catch fish with it.”

Cutebone looks receptive, but confused. It seems nice, but it wasn’t exactly what it was after. And Dice playfully moving around it and getting a little too close is confusing it’s already overwhelmed senses and worries.

“You can hold onto it for now, and when we make you a nice pole, you can have that instead. How’s that sound?”

The pokemon still hesitates. You can tell it wants to end this standoff, but it’s still worried about letting go. It’s stomach growls after a moment of contemplating fish, though.

“And we’ll seal our deal over a meal.” You try to be a little playful and upbeat.

“It’s a tradition to never harm someone you’re sharing food with.” Laki says. “You live on this island. I bet you’ve noticed how seriously we take our traditions.”

The pokemon thinks. It really wants to believe this will end so well for it. You’re so close. You can feel it. There’s a huge barrier of mistrust and fear. A suspicion of things that seem just a little too good to be true. All it has to do let go of this, pick of that Super Rod, and it’ll get a free meal now and a free item later?

It just needs a tiny bit more convincing that this will be okay. A push or gesture or just the right words. It’s guard is dropping, but it seems to have such deeply rooted worry about having a dropped guard in the first place that it almost puts it more on edge to just relax.

>Put down the Super Rod, and have every back far, far away
>Slowly approach and place the Super Rod directly in it’s raised hand
>Start cooking. The smell will do the trick
>Ask Dice to vouch for you
>Use that fear and try to intimidate it into accepting your offer. It’s for its own good
>Throw in something else to sweeten the deal
>Something else
>>Slowly approach and place the Super Rod directly in it’s raised hand
>>Start cooking. The smell will do the trick
>>Start cooking. The smell will do the trick
>Put the super rod next to it.
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>Start cooking. The smell will do the trick
>Start cooking
>>Ask Dice to vouch for you
We're good to our word. Though we still owe Gobble icecream and the princesses their contest debut.
Gals you remembered ice cream because I don’t remember that at all.
We didn't technically promise but Gobble was so excited, it would be remiss not to do that. He's been very understanding about it (or GobbleQM forgot too).
>>Start cooking. The smell will do the trick
>>Ask Dice to vouch for you
Bit of column A, bit of column B

Glad I finally came around for the end of the session
>“if you did, and the girl was serious, or at least understood that you and I and Hana are people never to get in between, and you gave me some reassurance that you still lo-...care deeply about me, I don’t mind. Just remember that all that cardio doesn’t make my heart strong enough to play with, okay?”

I never was interested in just flings anyway, the Herb Bowl is deep, wide, and more than enough for a buffet.
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You decide to start cooking, figuring that will do the trick. It’s a pretty reliable fall back for wild pokemon, and people too!

That’s the great thing about a good meal. Everyone, from friends and enemies, rich and poor, people and pokemon, all, regardless of their positions or interests, love a good meal. Tastes may differ, but we all share that feeling of joy and satisfaction of eating something that just hits the spot.

Laki and Bella haven't moved an inch. They don’t want to risk anything. Gobble is holding onto the pole, but only with one hand while the other catches a yawn or scratches his belly.

“Smells good.” Laki both compliments you and also tries to give a subtle nudge to the pokemon to go enjoy the food. “It’s ready, right?”

“Just...about...now!” You put the last dashes of salt in. “Food’s on!”

Gobble looks so conflicted. He wants to rush back, but he doesn’t want to abandon what he sees as his post. You’re not sure if Laki wants him to, either.

Sorbet and Dice have little hesitation to come back and eat, although Sorbet has the awareness and class to feel awkward about it while Laki is still so noticeably tense. Mace takes his food but never lets his position of being somewhere between you and the foreign pokemon change.

The pokemon very cautiously begins to let go of the pole, watching for any sign of trouble. Then suddenly, it bursts into a sprint and picks up the Super Rod. The rod comes up and gets pointed like a sword at all your pokemon, but besides some mild concern, none of them react.

Gobble finally gets to come over to you and eat. But he doesn’t devour his food yet. He takes two servings and takes one to the Cutebone. It leaps away from him and uses the rod to mark it’s personal comfort range.

Gobble, who you suppose is getting used to this sort of thing, just places the extra food down next to him, and enjoys his own meal.

Slowly, with a lot of sniffing, Cutebone uses the rod to try to nudge the food closer. When that proves to be messy and not as easy as it hoped, it approaches, grabs it, and eats within a foot of Gobble.

Laki, holding her pole tight, laughs. The scene of a Cutebone rapidly gulping down it's food next to the refined Munchlax who savors it with small nibbles is too much.

Gobble's head whips up in concern. What's she laughing at?

[That’s it for tonight! We’ll start again tomorrow earlier in the day but also end earlier too!]
Thanks for running gobble!
Adorable, thanks for running Gobble! Hope the new job's treating you well!
Goodnighty! Man, what a relief.

(Hopefully this puts Laki in a less violently sexual mood. Spite sex doesn’t seem like it’s something Herb’d be ok with.)
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just missed it, but a good read.
Missed due to other engagements, but I had a question occur to me after seeing the All Guardsman Party threads being put in audio format on youtube:

How do you think Pokemon Quest would go as an audiobook\drama?
Not knowing the first thing about All Guardsmen Party, I have to wonder how much is lost in translation when you no longer have things like people’s reasonings for their votes, character analysis, watching the dice rolled live, the q&a sessions, etc.

I also don’t know how one would go about finding a cast of voice talents, an audio editor, a script editor/voice director, and a project manager.

Plus, starting that so far in will inevitably mean most people have already assigned voices in their heads.

I’m not saying it’s a bad idea but it does sound like a whole lot of work.

Hey you may very well have already thought of this but if you need some transitional housing you can see how little no your state will allow you to stay in a hostel.
Well, the channel is Cloak and Dagger and even if it's just the storytime itself that gets posted, it's still great background noise for painting.

It might not translate over as well and frankly, I pity the sorry bastard who tries to convert the original to first person to make it flow better.

It still might be interesting though.
YES, we need to capture this cutebone. I want an alolan marowak so badly, plus fire+ghost are types that would cover our missing areas as well as give something fun for Kiera to deal with
Also, based on how Laki was acting, was she already pushing for Valerie to join?
A. Marowak might throw Keira for a loop, since it doesn't die when it evolves, it's just a ghost type.
[Thread in 90ish minutes or less]
Really? That's really early. The sun's still out here!
Awesome, Gobble! I'm so excited!
quest running early enough that I can participate without staying up half the night and cubone is one of my favourite pokemon, this gonna be good.
Thanks Gobble
Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice odds for best of 3: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.
Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the the PTU system, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves and also may leave you open to an interrupt, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first.

Pokemon and trainers are unique, and may have certain specializations, skills, or other things that the video-game mechanics might not allow. Some examples: That kung fu Bellsprout in the anime, that crystal Onix, or a Roggenrolla that can fly. Herb's perception skills, pokemon knowledge, context clues in general, and other things will hopefully come into play to avoid completely unfair, unforeseeable bullshit, but expect more bullshit from more advanced trainers.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Belladonna (Roserade)
Dice (Croconaw)
Sorbet (Vulpix)

Location: Akaneki, a small, wooded area not far from Laki's parent's house
It is time. I'm about to get on a cruise and yet im more excited about the thread...
Woah, I know Pokemon is great, but damn cruises cost lots of money man. Hopefully you are a little excited for that!
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Gobble, having noticed the Cutebone finished all of it’s food and is staring at his longingly, looks uncomfortable. Eventually, and with great willpower, he slides it over. He quickly hurries over to you to get a replacement helping, though.

“That was really nice of you Gobble, but that was the last of it. I don’t have any more prepared right now..”

He tears up, but holds it back. He gives you a solemn nod before turning away.

“Wait, wait!” You call. “I didn’t mean to scare you. There’s still bread!” Gobble’s iron willpower shakes a bit to only take what you offer instead of the whole loaf, but you end up just offering the whole loaf anyway. He takes it, but distributes it evenly among all the other pokemon, including the shy skull faced one, leaving himself with a much smaller portion.

Gobble’s always done his best to make sure others get food first, and he tries not to eat more than average. It’s always been a really nice display and one of the things that makes him such a nice, special guy, but it’s also beginning to bother you a little. Is he neglecting his own needs?

>Make more food and insist Gobble eat it all
>He won’t starve himself, he’s just being fair.
>Try to explain to him that he has different nutritional needs than the others, let him come to his own conclusions about how to act
>Put that on the backburner for a better time, and try to approach the Cutebone
>Something else
>Try to explain to him that he has different nutritional needs than the others, let him come to his own conclusions about how to act
A little more information never hurts.
>>Try to explain to him that he has different nutritional needs than the others, let him come to his own conclusions about how to act
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[Awesome, anon! Enjoy the cruise when it comes!]
>Try to explain to him that he has different nutritional needs than the others, let him come to his own conclusions about how to act

>The point isn’t that everybody eats the same, it’s about nobody being left hungry. Well, Meditite seem to like being hungry, but their bodies are supposed to work like that.
>Make more food and insist Gobble eat it all
>Try to explain to him that he has different nutritional needs than the others, let him come to his own conclusions about how to act

The lax family eat a lot and Gobble has been under eating most of the time. As one who feeds people we should be a bit more proactive on his dietary front.
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Gobble goes back to gently greeting the newcomer. Dice is there too, and together, both of them are at least keeping it from running away. Gobble seems to appeal with his gentle, nice, but unassuming attutide. Dice is putting it at ease by being so relaxed and goofy. He playfully rolls in some tall grass, pops his head up a few times, or his tail, and at the end up pops up a bent stick that has vague resemblance to the shape of his own head.

“Gobble, do you have a moment?”

Gobble waddles over to you.

“Good job exercising today. You’re always trying your best!”

He lights up. But also, he points to you. He wants you to know he feels the same about your efforts. Awww.

“Thanks! I’m learning that fitness depends a lot on nutrition too. Do you know that different pokemon have different needs for food?”

He cocks his head. He sort of gets it, but he figures there’s more to it than his vague understanding.

“For example, look at the size of Wailord and Sorbet.”

Gobble looks at Sorbet a lot more than Wailord. But he is paying attention to the lesson. You point out how you mixed a few things into Sorbet’s plate that you noticed she likes better, and served it cooler than the other plates. Mace, despite being older, eats a lot more than Bella, who eats the least. “See how Bella is bathing in the sunlight? That’s where she’s getting some of her nutrition. I need a little sunlight too, but it won’t fill me up. We all have different needs.”

Gobble takes that in, thinking.

“The point I’m making is, it’s more important to make sure nobody is left hungry, instead of eating the same. It’s not fair to stuff Wailord’s diet into Bella. She’d never be able to eat that much, right? But you also can’t give Wailord the small amount Bella eats.”

Gobble nods.

“Great! If you notice anybody isn’t eating well, let me know, okay?”

He nods again, looking down. After a moment, he tugs on our hand. He’d like more.

“Sure! I can make you some, but if you want, you can practice cooking yourself. I don’t have my old pan, but-”

He already rushes into the cooking supplies. He’ll whip something up quick.

You turn your attention to the the newcomer. That skull on its head looks like it’ll fall apart any second. You don’t think it should be that fragile. And if it wanted a piece of that pole and now a club, it might mean it’s being bullied.

You want to talk to it to make sure it’s here when you come back. It’d be a bad thing if it just left and took your rod. You begin to approach it. It hasn’t seen you yet since it’s cautiously watching Dice. Sometimes it backs up or waves the rod if he gets too close.

>Ask it to be back at the next sunrise
>Ask it to come with you
>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club
>Offer to leave some pokemon here so it's safe overnight
>Something else
>>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club
>>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club
>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club

It’ll give us a chance to try and work up to getting him to let us heal pulse his skull.

Don’t forget that we’re calling Val, Keira, and home tonight gobble!
>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club
GIVE ME that alolan marrowak
>>Offer to stay here overnight with it while Laki gets a club
I dunno, if we do end up catching him (and I’m not especially fond of the cubone line, I’d rather see Laki catch him and bring out her maternal side even more) I’d kind of like to see him evolve while we visit our hometown and become a ground type Marowak.
I like the A. Marowak more, but I'm not entirely sold on the idea of anyone catching the little cutebone yet.
Sure. I do like the “Herb has lots of wild Pokémon friends” route.
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“Hey, Cutebone.” You say, approaching. It spins it’s head fast and wields the deadly Super Rod at you.

“It’s okay.” You try to assure it. “I just want to talk. I can talk from here.”

It lowers the rod very slightly, but still backs up a little.

You casually take a seat. Well, as casually as you can, anyway. “I was thinking, it can be a little scary out here all alone, and since you don’t have a watch and all, it might be hard for us to arrange a time to meet up. I’d like to stay here with you overnight while Laki gets you something to trade.”

It raises the rod again.

“It’s just a suggestion. I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable.

It doesn’t seem to mind you that much, but it points to the empty pokeballs at your belt and all the pokemon around here. You think you understand what it’s trying to say.

“You’re worried about being outnumbered by a bunch of pokemon, just in case, right?”

It doesn’t respond, but it doesn’t deny it either.

“What if I only have one pokemon with me? I’m worried about other wild pokemon too. I don't have my frying pan either so I feel a little vulnerable.”

It lowers the rod a little. It understands that feeling.

You consider who you want to stay with you overnight. Gobble seems like an obvious choice, but he’s got things to think over right now and you don’t want to risk overwhelming him. Dice seems to get along well, but he’s also a little unpredictable. Belladonna is strong and might have some of Laki’s more motherly instincts rubbing off on her, but she’s also prone to causing mischief from time to time. What about Sorbet? She’s the most skittish and would be the least comfortable, but she could also benefit the most from something like this and has the most recent memories of being a wild pokemon. How about Mace? He’s older, wiser, but also pretty wary of unknown pokemon and your safety lately. It could do him well to see nice wild pokemon like this who are just scared and not out to get you or anything.

>Just you and Cutebone
>Something else
>>Just you and Cutebone
She could use some attention.
We could really use the one one time with her.
We need to give the cutie some love
What's up with your name, friendo.
> Dice
“How about me and Sorbet?” You point to the ice pokemon over there. “She’s the newest member of my team.”

It looks at Sorbet. She notices you staring at her and looks self conscious. She grabs the remainder of her food and moves behind a tree to eat it.

Oddly enough, her disinterest of Cutebone seems to be a plus. Cutebone nods, but pokes you back with the Super Rod to make sure you understand it’s personal space.

“It’s okay.” you tell it. “I’m just a little worried about you.”

It definitely doesn’t trust that.

Laki comes over to see how things are going. You explain that you’re going to stay the night with Cutebone.

“Cubone.” She corrects. “You know, you come talking to me about inviting other girls into bed, and you’re spending the night with a strange girl, it’s liable to make me jealous.” She says.

“Cubone’s a girl? How can you tell?”

“You need to study pokemon more, Soft Hands.” Laki laughs. “Need anything for the night?”

>Wait, before you go, please tell me everything you said to Abigail
>Ask to borrow an empty pokeball just in case
>Ask her to check in some time tonight, just in case
>Ask for Gardevoir to come by to help translate
>No, you’re good, thanks
>Something else
>Wait, before you go, please tell me everything you said to Abigail

It’s important yo
>>Ask to borrow an empty pokeball just in case
>>Ask her to check in some time tonight, just in case
>Wait, before you go, please tell me everything you said to Abigail
>Ask her to check in some time tonight, just in case
Yeah information would be good
>>Wait, before you go, please tell me everything you said to Abigail
>Ask her to check in some time tonight, just in case
>a goodnight kiss
>Goodnight kiss
>Ask to borrow an empty pokeball just in case
“First, a goodnight kiss.” You say, feeling a little playful, but also wanting to make sure she knows you care.

She lifts you by the shirt and plants a good one on you. Wow, that was some tongue. She must still be feeling that jealousy a little. That leads you to the next thing you want to ask. You really dread bringing Abigail up, but you also want to communicate clearly.

“What did you say to Abigail?”

Her eyes narrow. “I told her she better not do anything I wouldn’t approve of.” You feel like she’s massaging her words as she paraphrases, but don’t interrupt. “And when she said she got me riled up, I told her she couldn’t handle you. Anything else?” She quickly moves on. You get the feeling it’s because she doesn’t want to get further into it.

“Um, yeah. Could you come by tonight just to check up on us?”

She’s got a little smirk, but it gives way to real concern. Still, her voice keeps that semi-smug tone. “Worried someone’s going to come get you in the night?” She asks. “Sure. I can do that. But if I find any redheads, you have to help bury them.”

“Oh, and a pokeball? Just in case?”

She glances at Cubone. “You thinking of catching it?”

You haven’t decided or know what Cubone wants, so you just shrug. “Were you?”

Laki shakes her head. “A different Cubone, maybe. This one didn’t exactly win me over.” She holds the pole slightly closer without doing it intentionally. She glances over at the sad, lonely pokemon and loosens up a bit. “She doesn’t seem bad, I guess, but I’m still mad. I don’t want to be but I can’t help it.”

You feel like you should say something before she walks away.

>Just give one last peck on the cheek and say good night
>It’s actions that matter, and she didn’t do anything wrong, (except maybe destroy your ribs)
>She’s made a lot of progress on her anger issues. It shows
>Ask her not to mention more to Abigail
>Take her somewhere private and make her feel wanted and appreciated
>Something else
>>Just give one last peck on the cheek and say good night
>>She’s made a lot of progress on her anger issues. It shows
>Just give one last peck on the cheek and say good night
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You lean in and give her a gentle peck on the cheek. Slipping you tongue didn’t make her blush, but this does. “You’re making a lot of progress with your anger. It shows.”

“Well it pisses me off that you noticed!” She says, before calming down. “But it also feels nice. Thanks. I’ll see you later.” She mumbles a three syllable sentence after that you can't quite hear, but it sounded nice.

That last, honest smile she gives you as she turns around. The sweetness in that one look sends your heart all aflutter.

You, Sorbet, and Cubone sit around in silence for a bit. The sun will be going down soon. You’re planning on calling everyone in a bit, but don’t want to start your time alone with these two by ignoring them. You’re not far from civilization at all, but it still feels lonely out here. You didn’t feel as lonely with Gobble when it was just the two of you, but you also have a much closer bond with him than you do with Sorbet.

“So, what do you two want to do?”

Sorbet coldly curls up near you in a way where she can keep her profile low and watch the open area in the direction she’s facing. Cubone keeps a tight hold of the rod, but starts playing around it with over time, trying to figure out the reel and other parts. You guess it’s never seen a fishing rod before.

Neither seems particularly interested in interacting with you. At least, they’re not making any movements to do so.

>Offer to teach it how to fish
>Give Sorbet scratches and cuddles
>Train Sorbet
>Study pokemon on your pokedex
>Close your eyes and meditate
>Open up and talk about your feelings in general to them. Talk about whatever’s on your mind
>Something else
>Offer to teach it how to fish
>Give Sorbet scratches and cuddles
>ask about it’s helmet

>talk about your feelings. Other than that one ghost with the vague plans, everything in your life seems to be going better than you could have imagined

>maybe now you’re in a place where you can set more ambitious goals. Maybe it’s time to pursue something more seriously.

>like your aura training? Invent that coffee?
>>Offer to teach it how to fish
>>Give Sorbet scratches and cuddles
>Open up and talk about your feelings in general to them. Talk about whatever’s on your mind
Good compromise between ""meditating"" and actually engaging with the Pokemon.
We need to remember to call that fire temple chick for more spicy dishes at some point.
gobble is kill
It was fun while it lasted.
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You lean back and scratch Sorbet on the head and chin. She’s not very receptive at first, but you eventually find the spot she likes. Or at least, doesn’t dislike. She expells some happy little cold mists that chill you a little, but aren’t too uncomfortable on your digits.

“So, want to learn how to fish?” You ask the Cute-...Cubone.

It looks confused and suspicious. It quickly holds up the rod with a faux confidence, as if it knows what it is and doesn’t need any help.

“Well, the offer’s open.” You say, getting the feeling, or at least hoping she’ll relent later.

More silence, then Cubone goes back to trying to figure out the rod.

You lay down and keep scratching Sorbet. After some time, she crawls up onto your chest to receive optimal scratches. She’s a lot more open with you now in the quiet of the forest.

Is that a purr you hear?

Your head turns as you see Cubone walk to the nearby pond with the rod. It puts the rod down, pulls the sting out, and starts trying to tie together a net.

Wow! That’s wrong, but it’s the most impressed you’ve ever been with someone being wrong. Of course, the net it’s trying together looks like a mess and it can’t possibly hold anything of any consistent size, but there’s definitely some smarts on display here.

“That’s amazing!” You say, approaching, but keeping a respectful distance as you go closer to the stream.

Sorbet however, does not look impressed. She seems a little jealous, even. She goes to a different section of the stream, watches the waters closely, and after a few minutes shoots freezing air at a section. A frozen fish floats up and she runs to the edge of the water to collect it.

>Help Cubone make a net out of the fishing line. It’s not right, but it might work
>Try to explain the right way to cast the rod
>Wait, maybe Cubone could learn a move similar to what Sorbet did
>Something else
[Sorry about the delay]
>compliment Sorbet

>Watch Cutebone. Maybe You’ll be the one to learn something. Or maybe she’ll ask for help. Either way.
The ancient magic still holds power!

>Compliment Sorbet, ask her if she wants us to cook it for her
Supporting as well!
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“Wow! Good job, Sorbet! That’s amazing.”

She smuggly nibbles on her fish popsicle. You note that she’s not nearly as enthusiastic about it as when you prepare food. You’re learning about her a lot.

You both watch as Cubone tries to tie it’s net together. She’s getting a little frustrated, but she’s determined to figure it out. She just can’t quite understand what the rest of the rod is for if all she needs is the string. She knows something isn’t right but can’t quite get it. At least, until she has an aha moment. She takes the net and ties it to the rod so it can but swung through the water. Cubone just needs to find a fish to attack with it.

And after some time watching, she spots it. She swings the rode through the water, causing the net to spread open. The fish gets caught for a second, but the uneven and poor quality of the way the net was tied together fails to hold it in well. Cubone pulls the net out of the water and the fish comes with it, but it’s loose and out of the net now and flopping about. Cubone jumps back, wielding the rod like a sword and ready to battle!

The fish flops back near you and near the water. Cubone rushes forward to stop it.

The sudden excitement puts Sorbet on edge and she leaps back and puffs out.

>Grab the fish before it flops back into the water
>Stay out of it
>Have Sorbet freeze it in place
>Ask for the rod back for a moment so you can untangle the mess of string
>Offer to cook it for her if she catches it
>Something else
>Stay out of it
>Grab the fish before it flops back into the water
>Offer to cook it after asking to show her how to fish
>Grab the fish before it flops back into the water

We don’t want cubone busting the rod by using it as a club
>>Grab the fish before it flops back into the water
[roll it!]
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

lets try that again
Rolled 77 (1d100)

I am okay with fucking up this time.
Continuing in the grand tradition of rolling best when nobody's around.
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Cubone whacks at it with wild abandon, whipping at the soil and ground all around. The vicious reckless, very quick series of blows strike like a machinegun.

“Hey hey!” you say, trying to grab for the fish. “Calm down! I’ll get it!”

The whips keep coming, so you reach one hand out to catch the end of the rod, and the other to catch the fish. You’re working purely by instinct and surprise yourself with both hands accomplish their mission.

Cubone dangles from the rod, flopping a little as it adjusts it’s grip. The fish mimics the action but for different reasons.

The awkwardness of the situation, and it’s incredible vulnerability to you, dawns on Cubone quickly. It lets go of the rod, hits the ground and scrambles back.

You place down the rod and fish. “It’s okay, see? I was just trying to help.”

Cubone cautiously approaches and grabs the rod with a quick snatch. A moment later it grabs the fish and pulls it into the bush.

You hope Cubone isn’t scared. Less importantly, you also hope the rod is okay.

Cubone doesn’t take you up on the offer to cook it, but it does come back with a clean fish skeleton. It sits a lot closer to you and seems a lot less fearful. You don’t want to speculate too hard, but you think your physical competence just now showed it that if you did mean it hard, you wouldn’t need to resort to tricks.

You, Cubone, and Sorbet sit down again. This time, everyone sits a lot closer. Cubone sets the fish bones and fishing rod down in front of itself and examines them, like it’s trying to figure out puzzles.

It’s getting pretty late. If you’re going to call friends, you should probably get on it now.

>Call Valerie
>Call Keira
>Call Jane
>Call home
>Call Abigail, just in case she got weirded out
>Spend more time with Cubone and try to help it instead of calling anyone
>Ask Sorbet to help Cubone out while you call people
>Something else
>Call Keira
I miss the pan.
>Call home
>>Call Keira
>Call Valerie
>Call Abigail, just in case she got weirded out
>>Spend more time with Cubone and try to help it instead of calling anyone
Show it how to do the net with some extra string? Would Herb have some extra thread on him for emergency sewing?
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Call Keira
>>Call Valerie
>Call Keira
>Call the pan
Good work, anon!
Well, first thing’s first, you’re going to call Keira. It’s been awhile and you’re curious to see what she’s up to. You’ll give Valerie a ring right after.

What jumps out at you right away is how incredibly clear the signal comes in. You don’t see Keira’s face though. “Keira?”

“Herb!” Her voice “One second.” A scary looking mask appears. “Sorry, I’m not wearing any makeup.”

You laugh. Coming from any other girl that would sound like vanity. Even if you can’t see her mouth, you can hear the smile on her face. “You sound happy.”

“I’m just glad to hear from you. I was just meditating.”

“Oh, sorry to interrupt.”

“No! I’m glad you did. I wasn’t getting anywhere. I thought I’d find something clearer up here. A final sign to tell me what to do. All I have is confusion.” She sighs. “Still, it’s beautiful. I can see the sun setting. It’s probably already dark where you are, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but...wait, where are you?”

“Eelilee mountain” She whispers into the pokedex. “At the second highest point. I had to do a lot of favors, but now that I know that’s how things really work, it’s a lot easier.” She says, half sad, half glad.

>Ask about her quest for knowledge, see if you can help
>Ask about her thoughts on Cubones
>Just chat and catch up
>Ask for harem advice
>Ask about general Loanan culture and Akaneki information
>Inquire about the pan
>You miss her
>Something else
>Just chat and catch up
>Inquire about the pan
No need to bug her.
Let's just catch up like pals.
>Ask about her quest for knowledge, see if you can help
>Ask about her thoughts on Cubone
>Ask for harem advice
>Ask about her quest for knowledge, see if you can help
>"Can I talk to my pan?"
>Ask about her quest for knowledge, see if you can help
>Inquire about the pan
>You miss her
>Just chat and catch up
>Ask for harem advice
>You miss her
>Ask about her thoughts on Cubones
>Just chat and catch up
>Ask about general Loanan culture and Akaneki information
>Inquire about the pan

And then maybe this
>Ask for harem advice
With out Keira there to make Laki at least a little pious, but now shes going to break our pelvis. You doomed us to this fate Keira!
Adding harem advice to my vote plz.
>Just chat and catch up
>You miss her
>Ask for harem advice
>Ask about her quest for knowledge, see if you can help
“Has the pan been any help?”

She nods enthusiastically. “It’s a fantastic tool! I have to keep it away when I meditate though. It interferes.”


“It’s really heavy with your aura residue. I can tell you’ve really put a lot of emotion into using it.” She says cheerfully.

“I had no idea that was even a thing.” You’re shocked. Keira’s a real aura master!

“Well, it’s not common, and most of the time that sort of thing is too subtle to really tell, but it’s possible. I didn’t really know either, before I really started researching. So I thought that was throwing off the signs and meditations.”

“Oh. Sorry.” You just wanted her to have something that kept you safe.

“Don’t be!” She jumps, causing Cutiefly to fly around rapidly on screen . “It’s been so helpful! And the goggles helped when the snow picked up, and when I was diving too!”

That’s really good to hear! You both catch up a bit. She mentions the temples and libraries and lesser known holy sites she’s been too. She sounds like she’s been going into some unorthodox stuff.

“Can I ask some advice?” You have a bit of a laundry list, but you for sure want to ask about harem stuff, and then about what she’s been learning and seeing if you can help. And you want to tell her how much you miss her, but you’ll old off until the right moment in the conversation.

“Of course!”

“Harem advice?” You’ll start with harem questions first.

She giggles. Oh jeez, you forgot that giggle. You miss your friend. “I’ve never had, nor been in a harem. I’m not even supposed to copulate unless I want to become a priestess of fertility and rebirth. But I’ll try.” She giggles. “To give advice, I mean.”

Her giggles never have any self-consciousness to them. She just lets out however it is she feels without pretense. She’s so open and honest that way.

>How do I keep the peace between the girls?
>I’m worried about getting worn out, uh, pelvically
>What’s should I know about bringing in more girls?
>Joke about how it’s missing a priestess
>How do I keep everyone happy?
>Something else
>>Joke about how it’s missing a priestess
And then seriously
>>How do I keep everyone happy?

Feeling like we're playing with hot fire here but goddamn if I don't wanna see the dish that comes outta this oven.
>>How do I keep everyone happy?
Yeah basically this.
Whoops, forgot to quote.
Laki's going to break us
Ah, I was mowing the lawn and missed some stuff.

Thing is, are we (/is Herb) really that worried about harem stuff? Sure, recently we saw something Hana would like is something Laki might hate, but we’ve been good about talking through it all. Hana, Herb, and Laki all seem like they’re really happy with the relationship. I think it’s time for Herb to relax into that security a bit.
I agree. All the questions here we already have answers to. I was more hoping the talk about harem option would be more venting or something.
Honestly yeah, it seems like it might be a good thing to just talk about in general.
We don't necessarily have any major questions but she grew up in an all girl group environment. If anyone has a base line knowledge of the interpersonal struggles of a large group of females cohabiting it would be her.
Plus, I think a lot of characters with a familiarity with the idea of harems and not swinging are putting some baggage onto the idea of swinging culture that doesn’t really apply. If there’s a girl who Herb, Laki, and Hana all find attractive and she’s okay with the idea of platonic group sex then cool, assuming Herb ends up being comfortable with the idea. We (he) might end up backing out if it doesn’t feel right. If there isn’t such a girl, no big loss.

Personally, I think of swinging as a maybe and expanding as an almost 0% probability. They’re very very different things.
Thats interesting. Herb doesn't strike me as someone who does casual and the only reason its even a possibility is because Hana wants ALL the sex. While on the other side his deep deep down flaw wasn't that he would bang them and leave them, it was that he wouldn't match up to his own responsibilities in a full forever relationship with ALL the girls.

In essence expanding feels like a certainty along with swinging the former being all Herb while the later is a lock because of Hana.
“Well, it could use a cute priestess.” You say, giving a wink to let her know you’re just fooling around.

All you can see through that mask is her eyes, but since you’ve been spending so much time today trying to tell what Cubone is thinking, you feel like you’re in the right zone to interpret it. Her eyes and pupils go wide, and she backs away from the screen, then looks away. “H-Herb! I just told you copulating would cause me to have to be a fertility and rebirth priestess. Not that I’d mind that role but I haven’t really thought of-”

“I’m kidding!” You panic. “Oh jeez! Sorry! I didn’t mean-”

“Oh!” She laughs, putting a hand on her heart. “You surprised me! Herb, you’re never that forward! Laki and Hana must be rubbing off on you.”

The little Hana voice in the back of your head that proudly, lewdly, but unintentionally says “I sure am” backs up Keira’s assessment a little. “Well, maybe. I feel like I’ve been getting a little less shy about that sort of thing. I can make jokes now I guess.” You still feel the sharp burn of a hard blush on your face, though.

“I thought you were propositioning me!” She says, looking like she wants to push the pokedex in place of your shoulder.

You both laugh some more, but as the laughter dies down you think back to that sexually charged night in that shed that one time. The silence lasts a little too long.

“But really, I could use your advice on how to keep everyone happy.”

“Are you having difficulties summoning your pride?”

Are you having trouble summoning your...oh “OH! No! Not that.” Well, one time it was pretty ropey, but that’s not important. “No. I meant keep the girls happy in general. You grew up in an all-girl environment so I thought you might have some insight. Things are going well, but I want to keep it that way. I feel like I’ve got a lot to lose sometimes. I really want to make this work.”

“That’s sweet.” She says before putting her hand on the masks gigantic chin. “Girls like to feel safe, but not too safe. Like having our own little territory, but still being able to venture outside of it for adventure when you get bored. I think if you’re worried about keeping your bonds strong, you should find one thing that’s special and unique between you and each girl. A ritual or inside joke or nickname or activity. Something like that. You also should reassure them that they matter all the time, but always mean it, and don’t be afraid to tell them how you feel if it’s not always positive. Open, honest communication is best.” She thinks. “But don’t expect it to look like it works.”

“Don’t expect open and honest communication to look like it works?”

Keira thinks again. “I just mean that girls are complicated. We don’t like to be so exposed with our feelings. It’s exciting but so frightening. I’ve noticed boys are much more literal and open about how they feel. A woman’s heart is hard, but fragile. We don’t like to risk exposing it, but some girls can still use it to strike out if they feel threatened. So even if you’re open and honest and consistently so, don’t expect that from Laki or Hana or any other girl. Well, at least not in a way a boy can understand. You won't see it right away.”

“You seem to know a lot about boys too.” You say, surprised at her wisdom.

“All the old men I’ve seen in their last moments are boys, deep down.” That’s not an insult, it’s an insight. “They let it all out and like sweet young children. A lot regret not telling their women how they feel. They think they were fools for holding back their feelings, or letting girls outbursts and ‘inconsistency’ scare them. We’re not inconsistent though. We just have more complicated patterns. Boys are metronomes and girls are...what are those things with the long hands that tell time?”


“No, clocks are those things on electronics that show numbers for the time. I’m thinking of the thing that tells time with the two hands and little notches for each hour and minute.”

“Those are clocks too.” You say, trying not to sound judgemental of her ignorance. You guess she’s never been exposed to old analog clocks until later in life.

“Really? Oh. Boys are like metronomes and girls are like clocks. They seem similar, but the clicks and gears all work differently and mean different things.”

Up until her clock talk, you were mostly following along. But you think you get the general picture. “Thanks. I’ll try to be consistent, open, and make everyone feel special.”

“You’re already good at it.” She says, smiling in her voice. “Don’t worry so much. Keep being Herb.”

“Thanks.” You really mean it. It puts you at ease to be able to talk to a good friend like this. You felt like you already knew the advice she was giving, but needed it put into words by someone else. “So what are trying to figure out?”

She hesitates for a moment. “I’m not sure if I should tell you.”

“Oh, is it personal?”

“I don’t know. When i saw you in meditation before, I took it as a sign. And another time when I was searching for what to do, I thought a spirit directed me to your pan. But I’m worried I’m just fooling myself because I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” You say, meaning it a lot.

“That makes me happy.” She says. “I can tell you more, but do you really want to know? It might be unpleasant to hear.”

>Please, tell me everything
>On second thought, I’ll stay out of it
>Ask about stuff not directly related to yourself
>Wait, can you clear up some of your harem advice? (specify)
>Something else
>>Please, tell me everything
>>Please, tell me everything
>>Please, tell me everything
it begins
>It's up to you. You know what it is and I trust your judgement.
>It's up to you. You know what it is and I trust your judgement.
>Please, tell me everything
>Please, tell me everything
>Ask about stuff not directly related to yourself

But maybe also mention that we have the distinct impression that there are two Uber-Rayquaza. One that likes pancakes and one that doesn't and to be careful.

I don't know if she's still fragile about us kind of skipping ahead of her in the whole spirit connection thing. But the one who tried to make Jane its dread knight was snooping around when we interrupted her last time.
“Tell me everything.” You ask.

She hesitates. “I think the lost temples need to be reestablished, and I think you have a role in it.”

“Me? But I don’t know as much about Loanan culture!”

“Not in your head, but you do in your heart.” She says. You get the sense that she never really put that into words before, because it sounds like a revelation to her too.

“I don’t understand, what role could I have?”

She looks around. “I don’t know. I don’t know how important or central you are, but I think you’re important. It could be as small as helping someone out at the right time, being a sacrifice, building the temples yourself and becoming the head priest of one, or something else. It’s not a vision of the future, but a signal of need for you by some spirit or spirits in the afterlife to do something here for them in the living world. I don’t think you’re the only one either, but you’re the one they direct me to.”

“Why us? What can we do that others can’t?”

She shakes her head. “Spirits don’t see it that way. Not usually. It’s not what someone can or can’t, it’s what someone will or won’t. They can see our souls, but not our future actions or tell our abilities better than any living person or pokemon. They can be wrong about us, depending on the spirit. The old they are, the wiser they usually are.”

“What spirits have you been talking to?”

“I feel like there’s a malicious one, but also a helpful one or group. The malicious spirit hasn’t bothered me since I saw you in my vision, so that’s part of the reason I feel so strongly about you being important.”

“Why do the temples all need to come back?” You say, looking at the storm clouds forming overheard. You notice lightning start to highlight clouds in the direction you think Eilee is too, but that cold just be your imagination reacting to her intensity.

“When we had the great schism; the war that destroyed the Normal temple and the temples that followed it, the Ghost temple and others stepped in, but some of these are not our territory. Not our place.” Her voice cracks when she says that. “It’s heresy to say it, but that’s why it has to be said. We don’t have many heresies. Many serious ones like this, anyway. Each temple serves a special purpose, cared for particular spirits and concerns. For example, the electric temple is why the Pikachu population is strong, why spirits with that aura are happy, and why we were able to adapt electrical infrastructure so quickly and well. So, I think the sicknesses growing in our society are made worse for lack of the right temples. That’s what I’m starting to believe. And I think the spirits, the ones beyond the veil that want to help us, are trying to let us know. Look at this badge I found when searching for a sign unrelated to you.” She holds it up to the screen. “A balance badge from a far off region. I asked around and it’s a Normal type badge, made of Steel. And I found it in water, like the water temple. All temples lost or taken over by the temples that won the war. I know that sounds strange, but I felt such a connection and revelation when I saw it.”

There’s stress and desperation, but also conviction in her voice. She sounds like she hasn’t been able to talk to anybody about this at all. You believe in her a lot, but you also know how easy it is to see patterns that aren’t there when you’re desperate. You don’t think Keira is the type for that, but you also know that good, smart people, like your mom, sometimes fall into certain patterns. “How strongly do you feel about this?”

“I don’t know what to do right now.” Keira confesses. “I thought I’d get a confirmation or something up here, but all I find is that I’m bored, cold, and hungry.” She glances somewhere off screen. “Maybe the answer is at the peak.”

>If she believes that, she should go
>Come back to the group. You can’t figure it out for her, but you can solve being bored, cold, and hungry
>Encourage her to keep studying and meditating as she has been. She’ll figure it out
>You have no advice, just well wishes
>Something else
[That's the last update of the night. Take it easy everyone! The Polu bin should be coming soon. If for whatever reason I fail to deliver it, I'll gladly give an overview and answer questions.

If anyone has questions about what's possible, things they're unclear on, or anything else, please let me know!]
>If she believes that, she should go
>But she can always come back to the group, and you'll all go with her.
>If she believes that, she should go
>Encourage her to keep studying and meditating as she has been. She’ll figure it out
What were the missing temples, again?
I'll support this.
Sounds pretty good, supporting!
Thanks for running Gobble! Hope you have a good week!
Thanks for another run! I really enjoyed hearing from Keira again. Man, really makes me want her as part of the group again even more.
>Well I hope I'm not supposed to be a sacrifice, heh.

>Do what you think you need to. I trust you.

and then

>Pray to Fug for guidance.
back this >>2499549

also hopefully we can contact rayquaza and ask it to help her out
>>Come back to the group. You can’t figure it out for her, but you can solve being bored, cold, and hungry
We need our priestess back
>If she believes that, she should go
>But she can always come back to the group, and you'll all go with her.
>Which temples need to be restored. There are 18 types....
Tell her about the normal shrine and that the old dude who lived there would probably say to get warm, eat something filling, and then do something to fix those three problems of hers. Ifthat thing might be go to the peak then that's what she do.
We should have Keira come back so we can use the time flower together. Looking at the temples before they were banned might help clear things up.
This is an intriguing idea.
Also, I don't think she should go to the park alone. Climbing mountain peaks is usually dangerous, and she already said she's cold and hungry.
Maybe Herb can offer to go with her?
We should at least warn her that the weather looks like it’s turning sour.

Of course, it’s stepping on sacred grounds she doesn’t have permission to be on that’s most likely to have consequences. Whether they come from spirits, priests, or her conscience.
that is a good idea.

I think it might be sleep deprivation talking but my shadowrun senses are buzzing. She just bold faced said she was on a holy mission to undo the entire political status quo of the loanan clergy. and shes caught on quick to how politics works to go on this hike but she had zero clue that anything of the sort was even possible until we visited the corpratised temple.
>Herb's trivia knowledge finally comes into play!

"That badge is from the Hoenn region. They have their own legends about Rayquaza. Maybe that's important too?"
>Warn of impending weather
>Come back to the group. You can’t figure it out for her, but you can solve being bored, cold, and hungry
> We'll meet her
> Offer to go up there with her, if no then
> well wishes
this too
>If she believes that, she should go
>But she can always come back to the group, and you'll all go with her.

I think her going alone, when she's tired and hungry, is a bad idea. She obviously wants to do it, so lets be Herb and support her from there
I like this idea but worry sending a ghost preistess to his house without checking first might give him a heart attack
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2.11 MB PNG
[Sorry I responded like a week later, but here is the breakdown.

Existing Temples:
Ghost - Temple on Eelilee, but the gym on Kontote
Grass - Tabo
Electric - Kaitwe
Ice - Huka
Dark - Terichi
Fighting - Akaneki
Psychic - Neaka
Bug - Opala
Ground - Puku
Poison - Take

Special cases:
Fire - Eelilee Mountain. Temple was moved to Eelilee from Kontote after the schism. Leadership was entirely replaced by clergy from other temples, mostly Ghost. That was a long time ago though, and they’ve since built up their own identity)
Steel - Kontote. Similar situation as the Fire temple, but a much softer leadership takeover due to the specialized knowledge and need for the metal after the schism. The Fire leadership purge really hurt production here as well unintentionally. There was a heavy abuse of lower ranking people for the sake of trying to up production of metal manufacturing after the schism, and the scars are still around today.
Water - The Water temple(s) are actually a loose association of ships run by the clergy or just spiritually inclined people. There is a flagship that usually takes the role as the leader. They all must navigate in such a way that part of the ship has line of sight to Eelilee Mountain, making them easy to spot because they usually have very long poles. This isn't that strictly followed except among the more hardcore, though. Workarounds are always being debated, especially the idea that since only part of your ship needs to have line of site, and all of the ships in their group are part of the temple, then they just need to form a line of line of sight with each other.

Hidden/lost/nonexistent Temples:
Normal - Northern Kontote
Fairy - unclear if there even was one. Differing theories about it abound for the few people interested in it.
Rock - was on the peak of the smaller island to the southwest of Huka, circumstances of its loss remain a controversy. It used to be a very tall tower with a monastery at the top that had line of site to Eelilee.
Dragon and Flying are said to be laid to rest in the giant undersea hole where the spirits enter the next world.

The picture is a google maps screenshot I used as a base for the region.]
Thanks a lot Gobble!
>Keira becomes the new priest of the Normal temple
>Herb becomes the Fairy's priest

I could see shenanigans there.
Dragon and Flying seem pretty okay to leave alone, sounds like it's supposed to be like that due to Rayquaza; his mere existence as the guardian sort of handles that from a spiritual perspective. Rock seems like it could essentially work itself out if we just jumpstart some shit and install some clergy in the tower, should come back online with no real controversy, depending on what the deal is.

Normal is going to be the real motherfucker and the crux of our issue with the temples. That's endgame shit. Fairy as well we will probably have to just straight up found, but the conflict there is that we would be presumptuous as fuck. Not exactly something that might start a civil war though.

Other than that though? Seems like we should be fine. Found fairy temple, reinstall normal temple. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
You know, I wonder if a living rayquaza demands temples in the living world just as a spirit rayquaza demands dragon and flying temples in the spirit world.
He seems chill, I doubt he gives a fug.
Not that kind of demand. I mean demand as in “means is needed”, not “is requested.”
I don't think you ought to be really making distinctions between the living world and the spirit world in this case. As far as coverage goes on the religious level, it just matters that they be covered regardless. For example, the fire temple is in the living world, but that doesn't mean that coverage needs to also be in the afterlife as well because it's already been handled for the spirits while they were alive. Reverse that and it's still the same deal; why cover it in the living world when it's already going to be handled in the hereafter?
Because think of it like the electric temple. If that were in the spirit world then the islands wouldn’t have gotten the boost to adapting to electric infrastructure.
Electricity is a very material concept, and is not of a fundamentally spiritual nature. It wouldn't make any sense to have a temple devoted to that at the gates to the afterlife souls need to pass through.
[Sorry guys. We'll be running early tomorrow, Monday, and maybe Tuesday.]
Its fine.
The way it’s put here, can any of the temples really be “reinstated”/restored other than rock and normal? It seems like water and steel, which Keira was concerned about, are doing ok.
Fairy probably.
I bet its just a teleporting door or some shite.
It’s run by Pokémon.
Damnit Gobble if I have to archive this for you one more time....
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[Possibly Fairy, if it ever actually existed. The ones like Fire and Steel are a bit tricky because they still exist as a concept, but the way in which they do certain things is different from before. But maybe that's okay! It's one of those things where the devil is in the details.

[I just want to put it out there that I often have an idea, and then anons suggest a different idea and I like do sometimes just go with that instead because it sounds more interesting. But at the same time it's pretty common for anons to guess pretty accurately as well. So if you continue to have good ideas please put them here. I won't swerve course to avoid a prediction even if I'm waiting to drop it as a big surprise.]

[Thanks anon! I got it! I keep waiting until the next session but I guess I should get into the habit of doing it right after a run. I just want to get as much of the after-discussion as possible.]

[Hope you're doing okay, anon!]
Ideas for the rock temple:

A: it collapsed because it’s weight limit was overloaded by rock collections. (Perhaps the personal finds by the clergy or offerings from the public.)

B: tragic and ironic meteor strike (and maybe that meteor is still buried in the mountain with Deoxis inside)

But basically, whatever traditions or secrets or techniques or wisdom has been lost to time, we can use the time flower to just learn them.

Also, Gobble, please give the Loanan faith a proper name. You said you liked Mewori before.
[Mewori it is! I want to avoid more direct references to real world places and religions and stuff, but that does fit, it does feel clever, and I don't think anyone will care. It's not like the franchise hasn't been direct sometimes.

New thread soon!]
[We're up!]

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