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>What is Dragon Ball Mega?

Dragon Ball Mega is an RPG I, Naga Sake, am starting on the 4chan /qst/ board. It’s more story than mechanical. As with all my games there ARE stats, but not really rolling that often. The world of DBM is more inspired by dragon ball than the same world, as I’ve changed alot in the story (an alternate history of sorts)

>What did you change with your story?

I’ve changed alot and will most likely make the “alternate lore” it’s own wall of text

>How do you play?

Well this is a story with very little, if any rolling. It’s text and story based, and more about telling an interesting story and describing an interesting fight than winning. If you want to play, you simply create a character sheet, get it approved by me the storyteller, and then play. I will describe the story and you describe what your characters do. I will be taking a max of 4 players, and will start when we have 2 players.

>What is a character sheet set up like?

A character sheet consists of the following


You can choose from the following races. For non earthling/saiyan/majins please give a bit of an explanation of why they’re on earth:

-Earthling(Human or animal type allowed)
-Earthling(Bio-android)[please tell what special ability they’ve been modified with]
-Saiyan(Tailed or non-tailed allowed)
-Other(Please explain what they are/why they are on earth. GMs discretion)


Your school is where your character learned their martial arts skill, and vicariously what style they fight with. You can choose from the following options for schools

-Turtle School(Roshi)
-New Turtle School(Krillin)
-Wolf Style School(Yamcha)
-Crane Style(Tien)
-Raging Monkey Style(Saiyan traditional style [can only be learned by saiyans])
-Sword Fighting(Trunks)
-Self-taught/other(Please explain. GMs discretion)


You have 6 key stats, and 70 points to spend amongst them. 20 is the max a stat can have at start. This shows what kind of person your character is in combat and in abilities.

Strength: raw physical power
Speed: your agility and ability to move
Ki: the amount, and control you have over your ki
Endurance: How much damage your body can take before you give out and die
Will: Your force of will. How hard can you push yourself
Wisdom: Your knowledge of the world around you and things work.

>Signature move:
Name and describe your signature move. This is a technique you will start out with (keep in mind you’ll start at around saiyan saga levels of power for this. As always GM discretion)

>Optional Bio

>Finally a picture of your character

>Changed lore:

This story of dragon ball mega takes place around 100 years after the end of the Buu Saga. Z fighters, and Ki users in general, live around double the lifetime of normal people. In this alternate timeline many saiyans (around 50) where part of the frieza force, as opposed to just Nappa and Vegeta. After the defeat of frieza, most of the saiyans slowly migrated to earth. After the Buu saga, Mr.Buu started the majin race, wanting a family he created more majins, who eventually found earth as their home. As more and more powerful alien races seemed to just plop down on earth, and the Z fighters became more public figures than secret heroes, martial arts became more popular, specifically the kind using ki-control. Some members of the Z fighters, such as Yamcha and Tien, went to start their own martial arts schools, while some like Goku and Vegeta, stuck to their own and cared more about making themselves powerful. After some time, Hercule died, and the Majins believed he was killed by the earthling king. The entire race loved Hercule, seeing him as their best friend, and a was was started between the Majins and the Earthlings. Even with the help of the saiyans and the Z fighters, the war was hard fought. After some time, the earthlings used discoveries made by the long dead Dr.Gero. Fitting their own soldiers with cybernetics and even genetically modifying some, turning them into bio-androids with a multitude of different abilities. Soon the war was won by the earthlings. Majins still existed, but in smaller numbers. Some of the bio-androids mixed with the general population, creating even more variated and odd abilities found within earthlings. While Bio-androids are accepted within most martial arts circles, cybernetic enhancements, like those of android 17, are frowned upon in many circles

Here’s how it works, we have 8 stages. You fight until you get knocked out and the next contestant comes up, the last 8 contestants on the stages move onto the tournament!
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Forgot image. Sorry for all the text to read at start before anyone even replied
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Tatsu Tsurugi

Human (Olibu-descended)



Neo Mutaito School


Speed: 11
Ki: 12
Endurance: 12
Will: 12
Wisdom: 11

>Signature Move
'Fist of the Spirit King' Draws on life energy to boosts power level dramatically at the cost of one's health. (Creates a powerful blue aura with plasmic sparks)

>Bio: The descendant of Olibu and heir to the Mutaito school style. Born to a martial artist family and the weakest of the group until he took upon himself to recreate the old master's style after visiting his training grounds and being inspired by his spirit at a young age. Training for years under the guidance of the spirit of Mutaito and living on his own. He is instructed to return to civilization with his training completed to see if he is ready to become a true master by competing against the strongest on Earth at the Tenkaichi Budokai.

No one's in my rp so...let's try this.

I was not aware individual characters per players was a thing.
Alright, this is fine. I'm still waiting until we at least have a second player. (Also really Seishinken? I'm fine with it, but it's just blue kaioken XD )
Natsuko Lastname



Ambiguously aged 17 years old

Self taught/Orange Star Delinquent (An antimeta urban style based on hit and run tactics with kicks and grabs)

Ki: 19

>Signature move
By focusing ki on the legs the user enhances her speed and power of her kicks, and slides around the battlefield leaving a trail of light.

>Bio: A bizarre example of misleading appearences, Natsuko is a well known cute faced, foul-mouthed delinquent with an easy rage and a prowess in battle very unseen in pure blooded earthlings. Having picked fights with most fighters of (Cardinal direction) City now she will test her might at the World Tournament due to social pressure.
do we REALLY need more db stuff?
Clearly not seeing it how more quest are being made about it.
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Mechanical Android


Raiga Chip, a component whick allows him to transform his ki electrical energy and magnetic force.

Strength: 10
Speed: 10
Ki: 10
Endurance: 10
Will: 15
Wisdom: 5

>Signature Move:
Spark Field: Focusing his ki with his electrical output to create a field of electrical force around him, which partial disrupts other ki attacks and shocks those up close

>Bio: This odd robot was found in a hidden facility under an amusement park, and after being repaired became its star attraction. Energetic and fun loving, this robot is entering the World Tournament to have fun and gain publicity for the themepark. His name is derived from having a design similar to ancient Red Ribbon army androids...

Earthling Bio Android

His modified body is capable of producing any kind of weaponry, as long as he comprehends its workings and functionality. Effort, understanding and energy goes into it improve the weapon quality, while lacking in these degrades it.

Sword Fighting

Strength: 10
Speed: 12
Ki: 12
Endurance: 16
Will: 12
Wisdom: 8

>Signature Move
Chi no Tsurugi
As the weapons he makes can be considered an extension of his being, he can imbue them with his Ki, enhancing the weapon's normal functionalities. For instance, a sword would be enveloped by his energy, greatly improving its durability and offensive power.

Originally developed by an offshoot of the Red Ribbon Army, Isen is a biological field factory that could replenish an arsenal on the spot.
The project was soon abandoned once it was verified the mass produced bioweaponry were far below the usual quality of normal weapons, and creating better bioweaponry would greatly reduce their quantity.
Set for termination as an obsolete project, Isen only survived by sheer luck - the base where he was born was raided, allowing him an escape opportunity.
The android began wandering the Earth, trying to learn more about the world and seeking his purpose as a fake-man.

is it fine this way? I'm on my phone and didn't proofread yet. It's clearly inspired by pic, but I hope it's not too bad. English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.

7 (I mean, it's a vat born man)
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>just blue kaioken

I like to think of it as a 'Blue Raio-Ten'.
4 characters and none of them Saiyans, I guess we are all sick of them.
I would've played one, but I figured it'd be more fun if we had some diversity.

I'm curious if OP will run with us 4 or wait for more.
I'll play with 4. Sorry I was gone, let's get this started......
RRobot is ready to have a fun tournament!
Diversity? Eeesh, half of us are "regular" people, the other half are artificial people.
Oh hey, he's back.
"So..." The tournament announcer says "which one of you I is up first?" The monk scans the room and his eyes land on a cute little girl "heh, how about you? >>2599472. You look tough"the sarcasm rings heavy in his voice.
(Feel free to have your own character volunteer, I just chose her first randomly)
"Start your prayers motherfucker :3"
I say before jumping to the ring.
"RRobot is ready to battle" I yell excitedly! It was gonna fun to meet and fight new people today, the only other person I've fought before is the Ron, our strongman for the circus. Who knew Namekians were so strong!
(It's 8 different stages right?)
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The Monk with the clip board laughs.
"Alright, who's up first again her?"
A buff grey Majin, simaler in build to super buu, steps up on stage.
"HEH!" his deep growly voice is intimidating "Bring it on little girl" He stands in a ready stance.
(Yes, Natsuko is on stage 1)
"Wait, is that an android!? Look, we don't allow cybernetic enhancements. I don't know who let you in here bUT you gotta take the armor of buddy"
"Aw man, but the armor's part of the brand. I painted the Amusement Park Logo on the back and everything! Ah well, they'll understand."
(-3 endurance)
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>"You asked for it :3"
Natsuko slides and flanks him, throwing a kick to his right side.
(Is it just armor? I thought you where a full robot?)

Sorry guys but I'll brb to the game. Eating dinner with the family.
He removed some pieces. He is a full robot just he's now more vulernable. He'll do crazy stuff like that just to get to fight
(-3 endurance, +3 speed)
"I am ready", Isen said, a bit hesitant.
The boy jumped up on one of the empty stages, sword in hand. Assuming a fighting stance, he nervously waited for his opponent.
>Hey dude take off your armor
"Hey, neat sword! How do ya fi- HEY WAIT A MINUTE, WHY DO I HAVE TO TAKE OFF MY SKIN ARMOR WHILE HE GETS A SWORD?!" the robot yells indignantly, quickly turning from the boy to berate the judge.
Monsteradong Bigcockinurmom


Extremely fast. His body can withstand the intertia of any sudden acceleration or deceleration and he has the ability to travel at 99.999 light speed. This ability carries over into his limbs and penis.

Telepathic Instadeath. A Once fabled but now confirmed martial art that allows him to win any fight any time if he so chooses by killing his opponent via thought. This attack is unblockable and although they once attempted to ban it it remains tournament legal because its practitioners killed everyone seeking to outlaw it. Monsteradong is the soul living master of this art, having killed the rest of its practitioners with his massive penis, without any actual use of the martial art itself becuse he is so strong and his cawk is so massive.

Strength: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69
Speed: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69
Ki: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69
Endurance: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69
Will: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69
Wisdom: Sum of all opponents combaned + 69

>Signature Move
Giganticcocku inyur mums anus new-dad-jitsu
Monsteradong uses telepathy to instantly sever the opponents limbs with 100% affectiveness while simultaneously luring over the opponents mother, ad lover, as well as any daughters and female siblings. They initially line up to recieve his seed, but after smelling the ranchy vinigar/ranch dressing esque scent of Monsteradongs never washed cock, they all dive in together and take turns pleasuring Monsteradong while you bleed to death on the ground. This IS part of his power but it usually isnt necessary as they want to fuck him anyway. As his opponent is dying the last thing they experience is a snowball of Monsteradong's cum compliments of their mother. Don't worry though, as it was only a small portion of his emission. Everyone is already pregnant with a being that will grow up to be almost as powerful and will listen to every word Monsteradong says because they will die for no reason if they ever hurt or disobey him.

Bio: In west Philidelphia born and raised, banging your mom was where he spent most of his days. Chillin out maxin and relaxing all cool and fucking your mom in the ass, then the mouth, in that order, outside of the pool, when a couple of guys, who were up to no good, started making trouble in his neighborhood. He murdered them all with no effort and impregnated their mothers and wives. The sex was so good not only were they not missed but everyone who once loved them was happy they died so they could experience such ecstasy.
Whelp, there goes this quest.
After pondering on whether or not to divulge the nature of his ability to another contestant, Isen opts for honesty.
"Technically this sword is part of me. Does this tournament have any rules against weapons?"
Just ignore it.
You cant ignore my girth
"I'm made not at you or anything, I'm frustrated cause now I can't show off the logo. It took forever to paint that on my armor" Rrobot explains, quickly whriling back to his opponent, giving the closest he could to a smile.
"Wait, how about this: You get your sword, I get my rocket feet. It and the raiga chip are a part of me too, so it's fair." Rrobot already considers the idea of skywriting the logo during the fight.
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Oh wow, good shit right there.
>>2600971 and >>2601027 are going to be pitted against each other!!!

The kick lands in his side and his body simply squishes in. "HAH!" He chuckles "simple little girl relying on simple tactics" He swings his arm back to hit her in the face.

Also yeah we're just gonna ignore >>2601010
The monk looks over at rrobot..."wait are you ALL tech? I'm not uh..."he looks down at his clipboard and then asks another monk "is that allowed?"
"I believe that is... Fair"
Looking at the ref quizzically, the naive boy asks
"If I am willing to fight him, does it really matter?"
"It's not about a single opponent. This is martial arts, natural hand-to-hand combat. He is unnatural in every sense....give me a moment" the group of monks huddle up for a moment... "we will need to know your capabilities before we can assess weather or not you're allowed to participate".
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"You'll be back home RIGHT NOW Eee tee"
Natsuko charges an Energy Wave and shoots!
Isen nods, bot fully grasping what they mean.
"I am sorry for that, Mr. RRobot"
Turning back to the monks
"May I fight another opponent while we wait?"
-_- bitch, you don't have an energy wave. You have the ki skates. You have the one move. You should have chosen a ki wave as your signature technique if you wanted it.
RRobot had gone off somewhere not a second before his mom showed up. I had just gotten to the room where I would be during my stay at the tournament. It was kind of a good thing he hadn't stuck around much longer, because looking down now, I was sporting some serious wood between my legs.

I needed to relieve myself sexually eventually anyway, so it was an excuse to get naked and jack off before the energy built up too much and ended the world. I hadn't had a good cum since I fucked every female that everyone in my last tournament cared about 3 days prior, and with that thought and the accompanying arousal returning tenfold, well..you know the rest.

In the midst of some good stroking, I hadn't realized the door was still a bit ajar, and then it had opened. In an instant, before I could react, RRobots mom suddenly burst in

Mortified of being caught totally nude and masturbating, my hand froze on the tiny portion it could grip of my cock

Whatever she'd come in for, it apparently evaporated from her mind once she saw me in that state

"Need a little help with that?" she purred.

"Um" I began

"I thought so," she said, not taking her eyes off of me as she moved closer to the bed

The next thing I knew RRobots mother had crept between my legs, leaned forward and began licking the shaft of my cock, flicking her tongue over the head before beginning to engulf the entire twenty-eight inches of my throbbing shaft. It takes a special woman to deep throat a cock with a bigger circumference than a basketball, but then again, RRobots mother is a notoriously rugged hoe. She unhinged her jaw like a snake and went to town.

It was halfway into her talented mouth when I started practically fucking her face.

The rumors I had heard weren't kidding; older women really COULD suck dick!

Taking her mouth off of my wood for a minute, RRobot's mother swirled her tongue across the head before swallowing the entire thing again.

I put my hand on the back of her head and fucked my cock up into her mouth as she sucked me, squeezing and playing with my balls at the same time before sliding a finger slowly up my ass, pumping it in and out in time with her cock sucking. She would briefly remove the finger and suck up the remnants of whatever she could find up there. I
was disgusted, but who could blame her.

That did it; I exploded, sending shot after shot of cum down RRobot's waiting throat. The blast was...too much for her. It was clear that she was unable to take such a strong ejaculation

She swallowed every drop of my load without complaint, licking me clean and then licking her lips when we finished

"Feel better?" she asked, trying to hide her wounds

"Mmmm, that was one great blow job," I grinned at her.

Her smile faded into a blank look as her eyes rolled up in her head and I realized a sizable portion of my seed had shot clean through her head, as if she had sucked off a shotgun. She smiled faintly, before cumming from just the blowjob and dropping over dead.
"Yes yes..uh you, go up and fight" A 7 foot tall ripped black man steps on stage. "Hehe, pipsqueek! Let's do this" the man let's out a roar and charges at you, a projection of a bull appears around him.
"Well, I know I have rocket feet, and the armor protects most of my inside bits. Ooh, and the Raiga chip, that's how I fight. Basically, it turns my ki into electricity-" RRobot begins to look down at his hand, counting out his abilities on his fingers, being very nonchlante, but getting confused as he gets to the end. "-the armors pretty good, but namekian hits dent it pretty badly, and I can hit real hard. As for everything else, I don't really know. We'd have to ask my creator, and I don't know who that is."
But we have basic ki blasts right?
trying to urgently avoid the attack which would possibly throw him off the arena, the boy creates a simple pole on his other hand and uses it to vault over the charging bull.
Yes, but only the basic yellow blasts.

"Okay let's take a vote. All who wish to allow him in?" Everyone in the room other than the monk himself raises their hand. You can hear contestants yelling "I CAN TAKE ON ANY ROBOT!!" the monk pauses for a moment. "Alright, you'll be up on stage 2 against whoever wins. (Stage 2 has isen and the bull guy.
The man barely manages to stop himself, balancing on the edge. "WOAH!" THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!
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Eh? Its such a basic move and I have Ki nearly maxed.
Anyways, forget that.
Natsuko slides behind the Majin and pushes, putting extra energy in her legs trying to get a ring out.
RRobot clenches his fist and raises it into the air and cheers "Alright! I'm in! I can't wait to see what these guys can do", and he then turns to the 2nd stage, remembering how the sword was 'part of' the boy. "Or what that sword can do."
(Note: I will be gone for an hour getting dinner. The other guys can control my character if they wish. Please don't let Monsteradong do it.)
You send him flying against a wall, but before he bits it he simply flies and stays off the ground. The referee yells "HEY! DISQUALIFIED! THE ONLY FLYING ALLOWED IS THROUGH NATURAL MEANS LIKE WINGS! FLYING USING KI IS PROHIBITED!!!"

Also, you can shoot basic yellow ki blasts though.
Like a cat, playing with an insect Monsteradong motions with his hand while using his abilities to push you the rest of the way off the edge!

In his best fake russian accent he jokingly says, "If he dies, he dies."
I can wait for you and have him fight others until then.
"I can do this!" Isen turns to face the bull's back. He steps in and strikes with pole and sword against both of his foes' knees, praying that will be enough to break his balance.
Based Skater.

Ill wait for ya man.

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"Hah, I totally knew that. Go home, scrub." says Natsuko.

I guess those will do.
The man falls off the stage "RING OUT!" yells the ref. "NEXT UP, THE ROBOT!" The other start cheering, one of the contestants yells "let him get the armor back!!" (I'll wait for rrobot's players to come back)

"Alright next opponent!" A woman with seafoam green skin, pink hair, and a monkey tail walks up. She's overly agressive, like she's roid raging. "YEAH I'M READY TO DESTROY THIS BITCH! RAAAAAAAAGH!!!" She screams and a red aura appears around her, it's not kaioken, but it is strong. She throws the first punch!
(If we lose can we take over another contestant?)
Not really. You just gotta deal with loosing. You could always try to cheat your way back in, or simply help one of your allies.
Greatly offended by the Shrek Tumblr OC, Natsuko jumps on her shoulders, grabs her hair with one hand and pummels her face with the other.
Awaiting players responses....
I'm ok with fighting someone else while RRobot recharges.
"YOU BITCH! I'LL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF THE SAIYAN RACE YOU EARTHLING SCUM!!!" She grabs Natsuko's legs and falls to the ground, slamming her in the process. She gets back up and starts charging a small ki blast.
"Next up, brief!" A cat-man walks on stage. He takes out his claws and readies himself "you're not the only one with weaponry!"
Im back! Rrobot, without the weight of that armor he threw off, manages to only get clipped by the hit. Something about this lady is like fighting with Ron at the Park, she can't be human.

Knocked to the side but not off balance, his fist starts to crackled with purple electric arcs, swinging as he calls his attack.

"20v Taser Fist!"
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"It's high noon!"
Natsuko answers with her own energy blast.
wait, I fight the other guy, sorry. How about we give me a custom opponent after these two finish their fights
I guess you could just fight a custom one in stage 3 since the Cat guy stole your place against me.
What are you talking about. You aren't in a fight yet. Let's just take back what I said about brief, isen and Rr are fighting now. "Alright, here it is, man vs machine. GO!"
The two blasts hit off each other, and she pauses for a moment.
"Wow, those look pretty cool!"
Deciding to switch things up, Isen goes on the offensive, using pole swings to try and keep the opponent out of reach and deal some damage. Keep the sword ready to defend in case the Cat manages to get in range of striking.
Cat guys gone, lets go.

Rrobot, giddy as a child at his chance to fight the sword guy, jumps onto the stage and gets in a fighting stance. Looking as if he is tensing up, he looks upon his opponent and teases "Hope your ready. This is gonna so much fun!"
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"If you insist" Natsuko quickly gets back on her feet and continues her blast barrage.
Okay I guess you are fighting brief.
Brief runs at you and attempts to jump on top of the poll. He does a flip in the air. (Roll a d20 and add your speed to the roll)

Rrobot steps onto stage 3 and across from him stands a asian man in a yellow suit. He speaks no words and simply stands at jothe ready.
"W-what? Where did that cat... Nevermind that. I am ready!"
Pole and sword in hand, Isen takes a defensive stance. Pole up front, used to control the field, and sword drawn back ready to strike.
"I won't hold back, Mr. Robot!"
She dodges every single one like it's nothing. Suddenly her Visage dissappear before your eyes, with only a slight warp and an audio cue. She seems to be gone.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

I'm gonna assume I just beat him.
Taking the initiatize, such is his excitment, Rrobot charges at his opponent, quickly lowering into a qiuck gut jab.
Yeah I ret conned brief never haooening, you're fighting rrobot now.
"Hey you are pretty fast!"
(Rrbot with no armor has +1 speed over Isen)
"But I've got the advantage here!"
Using his added reach the boy swings his pole for a parry and attempts an overhand slashing strike with the sword.
"You gotta be kidding.. 'I'll try spinning, thats a cool trick!'" Thinks Natsuko as she begins to skate like no human being has skated before, hoping to hit something in the process.
Rrobot, getting caught upon the pole, does his best to shift his weight and braces his arms to deflect the sword. Sparks fly as it connects, sliding away but leaving a small dent upon the arm armor
As you spin you hit her in the side (she was behind you) it doesn't send her flying, but it does paralyze her, her tail is open.
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Thanks to their size difference, Natsuko slides under the saiyan's legs, pulling her tail with all her might. "SO LONG GAY OGRE"
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Should we roll or something?
"GAH!!!" She screams and falls to the ground as you rip her fucking tail off.
If that's how you wanna figure out who wins. Roll and add a stat depending on the scenerio.
Alright. I guess in this scenario it'd be speed, so 15 +2 = 17 (assuming this is + over 10)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Barely deflecting the blade, Rrobot decides to jump back to gain distance. With an quick double stomp, he activates his root feet and goes for a low, superman like grapple
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Oh wow, that's not growing back.
"Eww, I didn't think this through... Oh well, see ya'!" Natsuko proceeds to kick her adversary out of the ring.
Oh wait, is kicking while down forbidden? Forget the last part.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

(Should we do one post each, with rolls, then write the next wave according to the results?)
"Not so fast!"
His opponent's loss of momentum caused by deflecting that sword strike gives Isen time to prepare. He jumps, avoiding the grapple. He then kicks his feet directly at the robots' now unguarded back, using him as a platform for yet another jump to open up some distance.
sure. And finish your attack for this one
I figure Isen just kicked at RRobot's back and opened some distance.
He's now defensively waiting for the opponent to get back his bearings.
"Hey, no need to go easy on me, Mr!"
actually, what if we do this. We write down our dialogue and what we want to do, thing we roll, and Naga describes what happens, like a GM

I would prefer that, yes.
"Alright, you asked for it!" He changes his stance, legs wide with his arms in the air and calls "Raiga Chip activate! 100 Volt limit!"

Suddenly, the air begins to smell of oozone, as a strange purple sparks start to come off from Rrobot
Rolled 12 (1d20)

I charge forth at him, my fist emiting sparks as I call out "20 Volt Taser Fist!"
Rolled 8 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"Alright, now we're talking -"
Dropping both his weapons, Isen charges at the enemy with maximum speed. Midrush he focuses in creating a large round Shield, which he immediatelly infuses with Ki.
"Chi no Tsurugi!"

(adding Ki)
Naga, your verdict?
Hey I'm back.

She falls out of the ring. Seems you're the last one standing in ring 1.

Please add your ki to that rI'll. What's your ki stat?
You only added 12.

Alright get the numbers settled and I'll describe what happens.
*you only added 2, add 12 please. I'm a dumbass
Oh, so
8+12 (20) for me
12+10 (22) for him?
The punch hits the sheild and Isen gets shocked and pushed back, but not out of the ring. He's hurt and stunned for a moment. ( -4 to ant roll and -5 to speed roll fstr this turn)
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"Jeez, what a bunch of pushovers."
The other contestants laugh at the men you fought "beat by a little girl how pathetic"

(Ight after the rr vs isen fight is over the qualifying rounds will be done)
Rolled 2 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"You managed to tank the hit, not bad. Now lets see if you can dodge." Saying this, he cocks his finger like a gun at Isen, and calls his attack

"Thunder Gun!" and shoots out a bullet of ki and lightning.
Rolled 12 + 16 (1d20 + 16)


"Who said I'll dodge?"
Isen readies his stance, making sure his base is steady and he won't get pushed back. He steps right into RRobot's aim and holds up his Ki-infused shield, ready to just endure the enemy's blast.
That should be 12, my mistake.
The bullet does nothing at all to him. This fumble could cost rr the match!
Rolled 7 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"Huuuh? Did you misfire or something? Well..."
Isen charges towards RR, readying his shield. Once he gets close enough he bashes the ground with the shield, using his hands to propell his body into a dropkick.
"Take THIS!"
Rolled 20 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rrobo, shocked how Isen was able to absord a shot that could give Namekian pause, has little time to counterattack, and simple braces his arms to catch.
Aw bollocks, you took that hit like a champ.
Well, I am a robot
The charge, just like the shot before it, does absolutely nothing

"It looks like these two are all defense and no offense.This could be a while" The ref says "If you cant get a winner in the next 2 turns, we're deciding this using points!"
Rolled 4 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rrobo, hearing the ref, decides to charge up his best attack. Activating his rockets and charging everything into one mighty fist, he charges with a mighty, metalic yeal:
"100 Volt Shell!"
Rolled 4 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"P-points? I've gotta wrap this up fast!"

Seeing the enemy will put everything into one attack, Isen opts to charge in. He creates a blade for each hand and empowers them with Ki, readying to barrage his foe with slashes.
His fist and the first attack of the planned barrage hit at each other with maximum force, an explosion causes you both to fly back. You both stand at the edge of the stage. your enemy 20 feet away from you. you have one last chance before the refs decide the battle for you>>2601629
Rolled 14 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Isen pours all he has into his legs and rushes at maximum speed towards the robot, readying one last attack. He sets both blades to strike from different directions and heights, decreasing their power but making sure the RRobot has fewer options.
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rrobo, fried from the high output of his latest attack, can only just react to Isen's charge, readies himself to catch the lower weapon and perhaps use his momentum against him.
Aw, Robo...
Since you're a bio-android, I assume these weapons are made of biological material right?

don't worry you'll get your chance to RP in a second.
Yes. I'd say they're probably bone-like structures, with variable strength.
Isen's blades go right through Rrobot, coming out of the other end. Rrobot falls to his knees, the crowd can't tell if he's dead or alive, and starts panicking.

Rrobo roll a d20 and add your will or your endurance.
Rolled 20 + 15 (1d20 + 15)

Robo has a body as strong as steel, and a will that's even stronger.
That's a tough cookie

Based Robo
through sheer force of will, robo gets up. A thought, "I will not die here", goes through his head. Everyone goes fucking wild.

"Allright alright calm yourselves!" A man with a popmador, leather jacket, and glasses, holding a clipboard walks forward. "This is the end of the qualifying rounds! Everyone on stage look around, these will be your opponents, and of course, the reigning champion is automatically allowed in." He chuckles.

On the stages are:
>An namekian with white skin
>A wolf man
>A small child with pointed ears and bright blue skin
>A Human Bio-Android with some odd facial markings and a cell tail
>A blonde human man wearing a red "robin" style mask
>A mantis-man less than 6 inches tall.

"Now," the announcer starts "Those of you participating in the tournament tomorrow will get free housing and food in the temple for the night, and will have time to get to know your opponents. Everyone who participated in the qualifying rounds will get free admission to the tournament tomorrow. Good luck, all of you! Now go get some rest!"

The crowd starts to shuffle out of the large room. Near the crowd of officials you can see the Great Mr.Satan (Forget your meta knowledge from the anime, as far as anyone in this world is concerned he's an immortal god among men).

(You now have some free time to spend as you wish.)
I'll go congratulate RRobot for the match. See if he plans to stick around.

How fucking old is Satan though?
He was in his late 40s around the end of DBZ, so he would be like 150 by now. Nobody knows how he does it, since he refuses to use ki, says it's "cheap".
(Therr is a reason in the alt-lore, I'm just not telling you yet)
First guy didn't show, Natsu kinda waned and RRobot just lost, so I dunno if they're around.
I'll still go on with just isen. So after congratulating robo, what next. Satan is just kinda talking to the officials.
I suppose it's fitting to go try and talk to him, since Satan is hyped by everyone around him.
Alright. Isen goes greet the idol and perhaps ask what he thought of the battle.
Mr.Satan looks up at you "Oh, uh. Yeah I only saw the tail end of that, but it looked pretty cool. You seem tough. Not tough enough to beat me of course, but maybe a runner up!" He puts his hands by his sides and laughs. "Your an android right? I sure hope your the cell types and not the robo types!"
"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you sir! And yes, I'm a bio-android. But what's... what's wrong with normal robots?"
Low wis.
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"Well come on now, we don't allow unnatural weapons at a tournament like this, and what is a robot but a big weapon! They're built like that, people like you and me, we WORK for our power."
"Yeah. I'm, like, right here. Cause, ya know. Nobody picked me up after I got stabbed."
Looks to Isen.
"Say, could you check the pocket near my side. I was gonna pass out pamphlets for the Amusement Park, but, ya know. Stabbed."
(dude you're totally fine. You rolled a nat 20 on a death save.)
Mr.Satan looks over to Robo, then goes back to talking to the officials.
Isen ponders but doesn't seem to reach a conclusion. He is very confused by RRobot participating, and ponders about his own unnatural abilities.
"I hadn't thought about it before, I guess you must be right, sir."
Isen will wait a sec, see if he has anything to say, if not thank him for his time and comments and go scout out the competition. See what they're up to.
Oh, if Robo is alive then I'll go help him pass out pamphlets, use our fight as advertisement. And maybe invite him to go check out the other tournament qualified contestants.
What exactly are these pamflits for?
I work for an amusement park, remember? That's part of the reason I entered the tournament, to act as advertisement
I'm gonna be honest I didn't read Robo's bio.

You pass out posters and many people walking by are interested, and ask if the two of your will be in the tournoment.

As for the other contestants, the only ones that you seem to be able to find are the Albino Namekian, The earthling with the mask, and the mantis-man.
rip thread? :/
I have now read robos bio, please don't leave the thread
I was taking a shower
Still alive?
I'm just waiting for your response.
Gonna go talk with the Masked Man.
"Hey there, I'm Isen, what about you? Cool mask there."
"Name's underhand. Nice to meet ya." He gives a smile shakes your hand. Though it isn't very strong, it feels as if his energy is ready for combat, even though he seems calm, you can sense alot of agression.
"I know this might be a weird question, it's because I am younger than I look and very curious about people: what do you want to win the tournament for?"
"Well the prize is 100,000 zeni and the five star dragon ball, but I want to win to show people what earthlings can do. The whole competition has become aliens fighting for earthling amusement, and while he's still the champion, Hercule's a fucking cheating joke!" You can see the anger in his face, and his energy flares up. This surprises you because you're whole life you've only seen Mr.Satan as a hero who holds his own without any 'cheap powers'. "I want to show the world that earthlings aren't just pathetic weaklings. that we can be as powerful as any saiyan! I will achieve super human if it's the last thing I do! Earthlings need hope!"
"I-I see!"
Isen takes a short step back, slightly shocked by the sudden energy flare.
"I suppose that's a good motivation.
Hey, what's that about Satan. Why do you say he's cheating? That's the first I ever heard of that"
"Are you serious?! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S SEEING THIS!? DON'T YOU-" He stops for a moment realizing he's yelling "The opponents he fights suddenly become weak for no reason. Their energy starts to fade. He's a normal man doing nothing but strength and aerobics training. He doesn't use ki in any way what so ever! Have you ever fought a normal man with your abilities? It doesn't add up! I heard through a few sources in the tournament administration he isn't even planning on fighting this year! I don't know how he's gonna manage that, but I don't doubt it." You can feel the anger and hate in his energy, though he seems calm on the outside.
"Maybe he's not a man? Wait, that makes no sense"
Isen rubs his chin and tries to come up with a possible explanation.
"I got nothing. What you say makes sense, but I figure we just have to beat him hard enough with our own hands to win, yeah? If he does fight.
Well, it was nice to talking to you, Underhand! I'll keep your words in mind".

If you want to just skip to the meaty bits, I plan to ask the others the same question - why do they want to win.
>Albino namekian

"I am the next messiah. I am the last tuffle, I must spread my name and gain followers, and show I am not a foe to be messed with!"


"I just want the money to give to my kids. I want my family to have a better life than I did."
Pat the mantis man on the and smile awkwardly at the namekian. I guess that's it for the day. Go check out the temple and see to the accomodations.
Your accomadations are a small monk's cell that is not in use, with a simple bed and shelf, and a window view into a small empty feild. In the feild you can see the other bio-android training with what looks to be a robot specifically build for sparring against.
Hey I'm back, sorry I kind of fell asleep.
You've qualified for the tournoment, you get a free room and food at the temple, and have downtime for the day.
"Hmmm, huh, oh, what? What, I made it?" Says Natsuko as she wakes up on her room "Oh wow, well, now the guys at school can't say I didn't tried". Natsuko proceeds to find some food while pondering what to do next.
Oh neat, let's go check those out. Watch his fight.
The main hall contains an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the only other person currently eating is a large, white namekian.

Do you go out into the feild or watch from your window.
Out into the field. Maybe waiting to see if I can give the training bot a shot later.
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Natsuko reaches the main hall and pushes rice down her throat like the niponese mad woman she is, and notices the abominable snow man that's there "What's up Doc"
The man, with shoulder length brown hair and an oddly shaped tail, proceeds to beat the ever-loving shit out of this robot, almost too fast for your trained eyes to see. He tends to float in air while preforming combos, only touching the ground to move. He delivers one final kick to the robot's stomach and sends it shattering into tiny peices, he then holds out a small device and all the peices fly back into it. He looks over to you.

"Yes? what is it?"

"I'm no mere doctor, I am the biwa! REMEBER IT! TODAY YOU MET GOD IN THE FLESH!"
"Cool moves. Are these robots just out here for us to practice with? Ah, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm Isen, and you?"
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Consuming this quantities of teriyaki can't be healthy for a little young woman but Natsuko doesn't care "Sure thing buddy, what makes you say such a egotistical statement?"
"The robot is mine. I my father built it for me." he doesn't answere your question about his name. He points out the small box again and a flash of light comes out as the robot parts reasemble and the robot gets into a ready stance.
"I am the last tuffle! The son of a dead race! I have known since I was born I am god in mans form. I hath earased my own memories of being a god so to make my journey a true one! But the biwa is no mere "god", I am biwa. Biwa is biwa!"
"Huh, he must be pretty smart. The only thing I got from my... makers was my ability"
Isen makes a small dagger in his hand and flicks it a few times.
"So, why do you wanna win this tournament, if you don't mind me asking?"

Those goddamn PTE images followed by the text you post always crack me up
"I am a war machine. My father was part of the bio-android program during the Majin war. He was built to fight, kill, and absorb. This is but a test of my abilities. Nobody here is worth assimilating. I'm just here to see how far I've come. I don't expect anyone who participates in regulation tournaments to be competition."

He has very little emotion in his voice, other than a hint of anger/motivation, though very slight.
Natsuko doesn't have a facial expression that can give away her confussion, so she stays fixated in her :3 stare. "How interesting, I'm sure your so high divinity will make a great show at the ring. See you later!" Having finished her meal Natsuko goes her merry way to find more participants, while wondering what in the world is a tuffle.
Aww thanks man, I try.
Man, this guy is gonna be trouble. That said I gotta go to bed, got stuff to do early in the morning.

See ya Naga, you plan on continuing later on?
It's a subterranean fungus that rich people eat. No, wait a sec that aint right.

I'm out now.
(do you IRL not know what a tuffle is either? It's alright if you don't)

You mannage to find a blonde human wearing a red "robin" style mask, a small mantis man less than 6 inches tall, and notice a brown haired man speaking to Isen in a feild behind the temple

Yeah, I'll keep going with Natsuko until she finishes her in-game day and MAYBE her first tournoment round if we say she's the first fight, then I'll get off for the night and wait for you to get back on.
(I do know but Natsuko doesn't know shit about anything. 1 wisdom is a bitch. She would't be able to tell apart a saiyan or an android from a normal person, and for her all aliens are the same shit)
Natsuko decides to greet the blonde person "Alo', my name is Natsuko. Cool cosplay."
"It's not a cosplay. it's a costume of my own invention. I don't want people to know my identity, but the tournoment only allows for 1/3 of your face to be covered." he says "Nice to see another human in this."
"Another... oh yeah, this event does attract a suprising amount of creepos. So, what are in here for? Not the fame it seem, is it the prize? Or you are a "Warrior looking for a challenge" kind of huy?
He has an odd expression at your small vocabulary but then becomes impassioned at his cause. "I'm here to show the universe that humanity isn't weak, I'm here to be a hero for the world!"
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"Oooh, I'm sure humanity will thank you for it. That's if I don't steal the show before!"
"uhuh....well it was nice meeting you" He looks worried by you, and pretends to read a notebook.
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"Good luck!" Natsuko goes on to wait for the tourney to begin.

Alright, it's a bit late now so I'll be going. Good night and thanks for running!
I'll be stickin around.
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Me 2
Tatsu sticks to the shadows. Hiding his ki and watching everyone fight. He's silent and unless you looked at him, it was hard to tell he was even there.
>Inb4 he was planning to crash this tournament
>With no survivors
Back, is there anything isen or tatsu or rrobot wish to do before the end of the day?
He might just jump out and try to fight the champion at the end.
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Pssshhh, guys, are you there?
I can wait a bit. This is a rather long-form rpg. I plan on doing an episode 2 after this and hopefully I can get the same players on.
If possible, I want to go check out the rules with the monks.
you see the issue here is those are two different tags, and you don't have a tripcode so IDK if you're the same guy but, alright.

When checking with one of the monks, he says "The rules are simple, there's 8 of you, when one wins you continue onto the next round, until there is only on person left, after that, that person fights Mr.Satan for the title of world champion. A loss is considered landing on the ground outside of the tournament stage, leaving the temple, or being unable to fight, weather that's being knocked out or killed. On that note, killing on purpose is illegal and will get you disqualified immediately, but if it happens on accident, we understand that happens sometimes. Ki blasts are and ki attacks are allowed, as they are natural, however, we do not allow flying using ki. Wings and stuff like that are allowed. Same goes for weapons, if it comes from your body it's allowe'd, but you cant just walk in with a normal sword.
Tatsu simply wishes to confirm he's still willing to rumble.
I'm the same guy, I'm just switching devices because of work stuff.
Alright, I'm okay with going forward to the tournament, so it's up to the others now.
confirm who's willing to rumble? dude you posted a char sheet and weren't playing during the qualifying rounds, as far as I'm concerned your character is just sitting arounnd waiting for the tournoment to happen.

alright then I'm gonna skip to the next day unless tatsu or rrobo has something to do. (I'll give them 6 minutes)
Then nevermind, I'll rescind my stuff.
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The next morning the compeditors wake up to the cheering of fans. They have a half hour to get ready and then the first battle will begin, Natsuko vs Erin (or Isen vs biwa if Natsuko's player is slow to respond.)
"All right! I'm ready!"
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"Go Skater girl!"
You step onto the large stage, 50 feet by 50 feet, surrounded by a 30 foot gap of grass, and then a large set of seats. Opposite to you stands a small child with pointed ears and blue skin, wearing a plain white gi and a pair of sunglasses. He looks overly confident in his abilities.


He steps to the side of the stage and puts his hand in the air. "Combatants, get ready...FIGHT!"

Immediately the boy's visage seems to warp and he leaves your field of vision.
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"C'mere!" Natsuko starts skating around at incredible hihg speed, ready to punch the smurf as soon as she sees it!
while aimlessly skating like a madwomam, she comes to a dead stop, when erin appears in front of her and kicks her right in the stomach. He's small, weak, but hard to catch, for a split second he's still, right after the kick impacts.
"Mu'ffucker..." Natsuko answers with her own, way flashier kick!
The kick sends him flying into the air. without any wings or a destruction wave to propel him he falls right back down at Natsuko, giving her another oppertunity for attack. The crowd is going mad. the announcer yells "Did you see that!?!? DID YOU SEE THAT!?! Natsuko was able to not only withstand an attack faster than the human eye, but counter it!"
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Natsuko likes to mix sports and hurt people at equal parts, and merciless she goes for another kick! "Off you go!"
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As he's sent flying towards the edge of the arena into the outside area he yells "STONE STATUE MODE!" He puts his right hand up and turns into stone, and stops moving. He falls down to the stage and leaves a crack in the tournament stage tiles. He doesn't move, simply waiting.
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"Ugh" Natsuko shortens the distance between her and the statue, and prepares herself to attack "Your motherfucking life ends any minute from now"
He waitt
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Rolled 13 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Suddenly the statue breaks open, the broken pieces flying around like a frag grenade, while he does a sliding kick at you. (roll a d20 and add your agility twice please)
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Rolled 14 + 20 (1d20 + 20)


Agility? Speed times two right?
I meant to say speed, but I ment roll and add speed, then roll and add speed again. please do that.

(I run an actual tabletop DBM with more complex rules and they have agility instead of speed, and speed is another thing in that game, sorry got mixed up)
Rolled 17 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Okay then, here it goes.
4chan pls
roll a second time my nignog

brb gotta cut the fucking grass
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Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Cut those motherfuckers.
You manage to dodge the frag grenade of shrapnal, but don't dodge his kick! Your spinning out in the air. WHAT DO?
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Point the ki skates to the sky and land quick, doesn't matter if its back or face first!
Rolled 17 + 14 (1d20 + 14)

And you do. Landing head-first on the stage, bending your back backwards. Your skirt falls down and the whole crowd sees your undies!

Erin then broceeds to kick you in the back (roll a d20 and add endurance, if it's lower than the number I roll, your back is gonna break.
brb gotta rake the grass now (FML)
Rolled 18 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

I'm back again for another probably unknowably short ammount of time.

He snaps your back, and you fall to the ground. The crowd is cheering, and, medically speaking, you shouldn't be able to move from your mid torso down. (it now requires a sufficiently high will roll to do anything. Get to rolling when you describe what you wish to do and I'll decide if it's tall enough.)
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Rolled 6 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

And I was starting to think I wouldn't use those 20 Will any time soon.
"AAAAAAH!" Natsuko shoots a ki blast barrage!
Still laying on the ground, the barrage you fire totally misses. He does a backflip over all of them and laughs. (remember to roll will again for your next attack.)
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Rolled 1 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

Ook, I can't use my legs but I have my arms and skates. Natsuko manages to pull herself on a squat and with the force of her arms and her ki skates at max she tackles torwards the blue elf.
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Oh wow, I haven't rolled a nat 1 since forever. RNGesus has forsaken you Natsuko.
it's not that you cant use them, you just didn't mention getting up.

anyway, you cant move, and fall to the ground...the announcer starts

"Folks it looks like our first match might have a winner. Natsuko has 10 seconds to get back up, if she can't erin wins!"

(One last will roll, if you get this not only will you get back up but you'll stay up like you never got your spine broken.)
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Rolled 16 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

All right, here goes nothing. Go, Natsuko!
your back up, hurt but not done yet (I'll have to go again for a bit, sorry my nigger)
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"YOU'VE DONE IT!" Natsuko launches a raging punch with all the force she has!
back for real this time, for the rest of the night.

He is launched out of the stadium and lands in the crowd.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!" The crowd goes wild! "Alright, Natsuko, go take a break while the others have their rounds!"

Isen you're up next
Also, as Natsuko walks off stage she's approached by a paramedic with a back brace and a senzu bean.
Boy oh man oh golly gosh, I sure hope my players haven't abandoned me.
"Winner? Did I win? Ah sorry, I dozed off while watching her match"
Isen goes up to the tournament stage and waits for his opponent.
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Natsuko gets herself fixed up and takes a break.
"Go red head..."
Up on the stage, across from you, stands a 7 1/2 foot tall white namekian. Wearing a red gi with the letters "TqZ" on the chest.

"The second match, "Biwa the Biwa" VS Isen, "The Biological weapon"! "


The namekian before you becomes even more of a monster, as the battle begins he roars and his two arms split into six, wings appear from his back, a tail appears from his back, and HORNS grow on his head. This transformation, however, leaves him open for attack.
The wings are Isen's biggest concern. How could he possibly fight against a flying opponent? Rushes in with a sword in each hand, ready to slash against one of his arms and misdirect Biwa's attention from the off-hand strike against the wing on the same side!
The plan works well, he blocks one of your swords with 3 of his 6 arms, and you do manage to clip the wing in half, but his entire body is shielded. He then sweeps at your legs with his tail (roll agility)
Rolled 4 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

as he sweeps your legs you fall to the ground, but before you can hit it, he kicks you in the stomach, "BOW BEFORE YOUR NEW GOD!" you fly 20 feet into the air. your remember what leaving the ground did to the opponent before you...or where you asleep for that? either way you're in the air with a white shiva monster waiting for you on the ground.
Thinking fast, Isen comes up with a way to use his abilities and try to avoid a fatal injury.
Using both his strength and gravity - he throws as many Ki-infused daggers as he can right where he'll be landing, hoping to clear his ground and get there safely.
"Chi no Tsurugi - Steel rain!"
(as a clarification, if I understood correctly the guy is right below me hence this maneuver)
He simply stands there and takes the daggers. they land in his body and he just deals with it. When you land down he punches you up into the air again.


Nobody seems fazed by the fact he just took the daggers.
The daggers which are made of Isen himself are inside Biwa.
Which means Isen is inside Biwa, and thus -
"That's a GREAT IDEA, I'll take it!"
Ready to be juggled again, the boy simply accepts gravity's reign over him.
It'll take him right where he should be.
But before he gets within Biwa's range, Isen makes a pole with which to strike the ground
This will allow him drive his out of harm's way without flight.
That's not all, however, once he's clear, the boy tries to go for one of the daggers embeded in the albino's body hoping to get a hold of it and...
Pour his energy into it!

(if the description is too verbose or excessive, I apologize)
(*fixed typos edition*
he manages to grab a dagger lodged in Biwa's top right shoulder, the energy is enough to rip his arm off. this, however,reasonably angers him, and he fires an energy beam out of his mouth (speed to dodge, or ki to beam battle it)
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Rolled 12 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Deep within Isen's mind a voice echoed...
(are these opposed rolls or DC rolls btw?)
DC rolls. I, like a good GM, prefer to have total control. Say you roll way lower than the DC but I let you pass for dramatic reasons, or vice-versa, I like to have control over that

You are unable to dodge the attack, and are blasted with with the beam of energy! You lie near the edge of the tournament stage, you didn't think you'd have to fight anyone this strong. He slowley starts walking towards you, methodically, powerfully.
"It's true, you're indeed a God."
Isen quickly drops on his hands, one knee bent to the floor.
"A Truffle God!" (typo intended)
Waiting for his foe's reaction, Isen readies himself to dodge the enemy's onslaught, avoid the stage's edge and reach for the swords he dropped at the start of the match.
Can I see a speed roll please?
Rolled 13 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Coming right up
He comes at you with a single kick "REMEMBER THAT NAME BIWA! I WILL BRING UNITY TO THE WORLD AND YOU CANNOT STOP ME!!!" You easily dodge the kick, and grab your sword. He's lingering by the edge, off ballance from his missed kick.
With a roar Isen steps in for an attack.
Right sword thrusts at the right arm.
Left sword thrusts at the left arm.
Front kick at his chest...
But what's this? The left sword is a feint: by thrusting it against his arm, Isen frees his left hand to parry Biwa's extra left arm!
Everything hangs on this! Can he win?
despite all the flair, all it takes is the kick to knock him off the stage.

"And it seems our second battle's winner is Isen, the biological weapon!!!!" The crowd goes wild "Just goes to show you that with human enginuity and determination, not even a god can stand in our way!"

you're rushed off stage and given a senzu bean.

The next battle us underhand the human vs gerard the mantis-man. What do Natsuko and Isen do during the next 2 battles (No players involved, I can give a quick rundown, or you can plan some sabatoge, or some other stuff if yo want)
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Oh, I know. I want to try to steal some senzu beans.
Ya gotta cover your bases, you never know when a three armed namekian tuffle will grab your leg or suplex you.

I'd like to just sit down and watch the rundown. That said is Natsuko online rn?
ight, you wanna steal from the medics? roll a d20 and add speed and wisdom.

During the Underhand v Gerard fight, you see the small mantis man be absolutely destroyed by the 5 and a half foot tall man. Underhand fights at full force, even though he's literally punching down. He moves onto the next fight.

During the Anderson(bio-android) v Wolfrom(wolf man) fight, The wolf-style school, known for it's speed and power, is completely outclassed by this android who's rich family has payed for his training his whole life. Underhand at least had to fight, Anderson is absolutely toying with his opponent, before knocking him unconscious. He almost instinctively, opens his tail to assimilate him, before being stopped by the ref.
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Rolled 16 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Nothing to see here.
You are able to steal 2 senzu beans from the medics, but your crimes have been observed by forces unknown.
So it's Natsu again right?
Ominous... Natsuko keeps them in her mouth just in case she gets too beaten up during battle.
You realize you cant speak now right?

The battle begins. before you stands a blonde human with a red pulp-hero mask, a pilot's jacket, and jeans. Even when he isn't powering up, he has an intense red aura, you can feel the anger and hate in his heart. He rockets forward with a punch, around his fist is a spiked pair of brass knuckles, made of energy.
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Psshh, dude, you've seen those cheeks? She can keep enough food for winter there. Or do like Bubble Bass and put them under her tongue.

Anyways, Natsuko skates forward, goes under and does a leg sweep.
he isn't touching the ground, I mean he jumped forward at full force, flying through the air. So all you did was sweep at the air.

He rolls on the ground and catches himself, stands up and turns around "GOOD! YOU'RE GOOD!" he's pumped up "SHOW THE WORLD WHAT A HUMAN CAN TRULY DO!!!"
also I legitimately don't know what anime this character is from, I've seen her around, but I don't know where she started. Any time I ask people refuse to tell me.
Pop Team Epic
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Oh well, not a total loss, keep the momentum to do a U-turn and do the fan favorite move, spinning!. You know it, let it rip!
Oh really? She's from Pop Team Epic. The anime came out a little while ago, the manga has been around for longer.
roll speed please
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Rolled 17 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

he just stands there and takes your kicks, flying off the stage by his own volition, overacting the dammage he's taken. You can see the anger fade from him. After your first kick, he whispers to you "You got this, kid. Show them what humanity can do!"


back to the sidelines, the medics don't even bother giving her a senzu bean.

"Next up, Isen versus Anderson! Which model android is the strongest!? lets find out!!!"

an official walks up to you, before you get on stage, "look man, you can still back down if you want. Wolfrom's in critical condition."
"What did you guys run out of those magical beans?"
Isen asks, a puzzled look on his face.
"It's hard to feed someone a bean when you can't tell where their mouth is anymore"
"Haha! That was a funny joke. Well I'll be back in a bit then"
Isen jumps to the stage, ready to rumble.
"Hi again!" - the kid waves to his fellow bio-android.
An unwise course of action? We'll find out soon.

(wis 8)
(your fellow player has a wisdom of 1. Keke)

The moment the ref says "fight", before you can even realize what's going on your flying across the stage toward the wall. I-it doesn't even feel like you got hit, you can't even see where Anderson is!!!
Wait, I'm out of bounds?
no, you're still above the stage, but if you don't react soon you will be out of bounds.
Nevermind. it's a bit late.

Isen quickly makes a spear and impales it on the ground, using it as a pivot to launch himself back to the center of the stage.
Spear in hand, the boy creates another ancient weapon:
A net! Multiple nets, all thrown around him.
It's a stupid plan, but it just might work -
if the guy is moving fast enough, the nets will react slightly before he comes close enough to strike.
This might be Isen's chance to guard himself... with his spear rather than his own body.
"GAH, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" You actually manage to catch anderson in one of the nets "are you kidding me!?" he strugles to escape. you have a chance to strike!
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"Oldest trick in the book! CHI NO TSURUGI!"
Pour it your all into crippling his fighting ability and level the playing field.
Without killing of course, that's against the rules. Ki-powered spear to the leg!
"Though I can't actually read"
He takes the spear to the leg without flinching. "Can't read huh?"

He literally just spins while in the net, with the spear in his leg, ripping his own leg off, and jumps back. With the net still around him, he ballences on one leg.

"KI SHOTGUN!" He holds one hand out, grasping his forarm with the other, and a wide blast of energy shoots out (speed to dodge, energy or will to endure it)
Rolled 9 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

"Third time's the charm!"
A wide blast like that, he might need the extra push -
so he leaps for it, but readies a shield to brace against the blast's corner and give him an extra push.

(I'm using speed for this one but I'm not sure if it's the most fitting)
(is it will or endurance?)
>tfw my strong suit is actually getting hit but I keep dodging
I ment to say endurance or will to endure it, I'm just a fucking tard. also jumping forward with a sheild would be endurance or will. you aren't dodging.
So 9 + 16?
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You manage to plow through the blast! What will our hero do next!? FIND OUT TOMMOROW ON DRAGON BALL MEGA!!!
(going to bed for tonight, will be on ALL DAY tomorrow, starting at like 12PM, so no more sparratic gaming tommorrow. but for now, bed.)
which timezone tho

seeya Naga
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Goodnight Naga, goodnight Isen, don't get killed or you'll die.
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Hehe, night

Alright, thanks


Isen successfully blocked the blast with his shield, his enemy caught up in a net with one leg. While it may seem he has the upper hand, his enemy is so skilled that they're merely on an equal playing field. What is his next plan of attack!?
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Keeping on the offensive, the kid rushes in for a shield bash.
At the last moment he switches gears and reaches for the net:
Infusing it with ki to hurt and stun Anderson, Isen attempts to throw his wrapped enemy like a sack of potatoes!

(Pic unrelated, that's just Biwa's final form perhaps?)
Sorry for the delay, I ended up having to attend to some business outside.
(Biwa wasn't even in his final form during the match)
(Sorry for wait, I was at the store)
>>2605488 it's aight, we all have a life.

As you throw the net, Anderson in it, he yells "SUPER KI EXPLOTION" and destroys the net, landing on the ground, holding himself up entirely by his tail. He simply waits for your next move.
Aw crap let me think for a sec.
Early afternoon is a bit hectic but I'm free now, thankfully.

If he got caught in an explosive wave like that it would be pretty bad.
So Isen opts for another tactics which he hadn't used before.
Ranged combat! With a bow in hand, he creates arrows and fires them immediately, barraging his opponent.
To make things more difficult on the extremely strong Anderson, Isen keeps himself on the move, hopping through the stage.
Can I get a ki roll and a speed roll please?
Rolled 6 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Rolled 8 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

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Have I done any non shit rolls since yesterday?
Anderson easily uses faster-than-eye movement to dodge the arrows, and even more easily gains on you. before you know it he's right in front of you. He stabs you right in the stomach with his tail and laughs "Well let's see what we got here!" The evil look on is face pierces your very soul. This is just some sick game to him! You're giving it your all and he's just toying with you!

The crowd is going ma, the announcer yells "Looks like Anderson is fighting dirty! But there's no rule against it!"

They can see the pain on your face. The crowd starts cheering "ISEN!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ISEN! ISEN! ISEN! ISEN!!!!"
You now have +4 will until the end of the fight.
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"Chi No Tsurugi..."
Isen tries to clear his head. It's time to give Anderson everything that's in him!
His body is steel and his blood is fire. Like a blacksmith's forge.
Making unlimited blades to suffocate the vortex of evil that swallows his power -
The boy starts pushing out swords into and out of the tail's tip, as fast and as strongly as he can.
Even if it kills him or drains all his energy, he - will - give Anderson everything he has until he chokes on it!
(oh buddy, this is DBZ do you really think you can end a fight that quickly. hehehehe, this is where it actually starts getting tough!)

Anderson starts screaming! Like earlier, his response to this is to take the new ability he's stolen, and turns his hand into a blade to cut off his tail. With this very lase fare view of removing his own limbs, you wonder if he has healing of some sort. He rolls back away from you. You've actually hurt him this time though, and he's been slowed down. He's weakened, and open to attack, what now?!
(DBZ is filled with super moves mid fight, it makes sense IC to do it too, since while not true, the characters expect to give it their all e.g. gallick gun vs goku, first makankosapo vs raditz, vegeta's sacrifice against buu, genki dama vs frieza, etc)
(k, I was just telling you this wasn't hte abosolute end, what do you do now though?)
Not wanting to be outdone, Isen rips his cloak off and ties it against his abdominal wound.
Knowing that his opponent now has the same ability, the boy expects to be met with his own tricks.
So he readies a blade of his own. If it comes to swordsmanship, then he has the upperhand:
Even if his opponent has a blade, he was born and a molded into one himself.
"Did you change your mind yet? About all of us being weak"
Isen takes a swordfighting stance, ready to rush in and trade blows with the other android.
(I figured, this guy sounds more like a final boss!)
"heheheheh" He laughs under his breath, you can hear the spite in his voice. He yells and holds his arm. His leg and tail grow back almost insantly, but he looks gaunt and emaciated (think evil Buu)
He gets into a ready fighting stance again
Not eactly a final boss. He's the strongest NPC right now, considering your opponent if you beat him is Natsuko, and after that is Mr.Sata, I figured this is the only chance for a real hard fight for a while.
"Then I guess I've still gotta prove you wrong"
Isen throws a pair of chakrams at short range towards his knees, hoping that will make him dodge them.
Once that's out of the way, he takes the initiative to feint a strike -
Only to attempt roll under the enemy's counter!
His true target is... THE TAIL!
If he stops his enemy from draining anything else and keeps damaging him, then even a fake like him might have a chance.
you manage to slide under him. He's in the air above you, his tail perfectly exposed.
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Strike it with your sword! Strike it with your blasts! Bite it if you have to!
Isen can't give up this opportunity, he needs to take as many shots as possible while he still can.
what do you do? give a specific ation, and an associated roll.
Rolled 18 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Basically rush strike the tail with swords and if that fails just keep hitting with everything else, don't give him time to re-establish his guard.

You manage to cut off his tail and as he lands he fails to ballence himself, simply landing on the ground. In his current state he wont be able to heal it back.

He stands up, and turns around. From the distance you can hear him whisper "this is it, finally a match for me...another android as well..." then he yells as he charges up a destruction wave "Jinko senshi taiho!"
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Rolled 8 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

"You're going to do what to my w-"
It seem like it'll come down to a Ki-Battle.
Isen's own energy blasts aren't that strong.
If this is how it is, then his best shot is to utilize the tools he's proficient with.
Thinking quickly, he makes a baseball bat and infuses it with all his Ki, readying to hit it against the enemy's blast.
If this fails... he'll be the one thrown out for a homerun!
(to clarify, I used the ki hence 12 sta
Isen is unable to knock it back, but is able to block the blast. It pushes them both back though. Anderson is worn out, barely able to stand up, huffing with every step he takes towards you. it looks like he's coming at you with a regular punch
Parry his punch, hold his other arm and headbutt him!
He may be tough, but nobody's as thick headed as the moron Isen.
He's knocked to the ground. It looks like he's out. the refferee and the crowd starts counting.







You'll be fighting each other next. You have an hour before your next fight.
Isen tenses up.
He didn't even think he could actually come this far.
But now he might've won.
Looking down at his opponent, despite the guy's hostile attitude and excessively violent attacks, he's happy he got to fight someone so strong.
He puts one last stance and waits for the countdown to end... or not.
Hahaha I was too late on my post.

If we have one hour Isen will check out the defeated contestants, and maybe try to get a replacement cloak since he used his old one as a bandage.
You find gerard sitting in the crowd, sad, and underhand at a consesion stand. Anderson is simply sitting in his room. You cannot find the others.
Hmm, go ask Underhand if he has any tips in case we end up facing Satan.
I'll be back in a bit.
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Hey guys, I'm ready whenever you are, would have been here earlier but I had to fry some steaks.
Alright. Also might wanna check out Anderson in this hour, see if the fight changed his outlook a bit or something
I feel bad for mantis man too, maybe ask if he wants to partner up to train in the future.

See you in the semi finals! Are you gonna do anything before the match?
See you there and good luck! I think I'll pass, I can see what's up with Wolfman after the tourney and the senzu bean stunt can still bite me in the ass so doing it again is obviously a bad idea.
Underhand simply says "I'm still not sure what it is exactly, but all I can say is it's pretty obvious that he steals his opponent's energy somehow. So don't rely too much on energy attacks. Stay physical"

You end up hearing wolfrum was in the hospital because the two senzu beans they had prepared for that fight had gone missing.
Oh, that's all? Okay then. Sucks to be him.
is that all then?
Right going for Ando-san then.
Yep, lets get going.
he's in his room, you see him gorging himself on food and charging up his energy. He's raging the fuck out.
Shit. Sneak out, it doesn't seem healthy to talk to this guy right now.
I'm up to fight then.

The crowd is cheering, and you can see Hercule near the entrance. You're both motioned onto the stage.

"Ready? FIGHT!"

alright so how we're gonna handle this is like so. you both say what you want to do, and roll an associated stat. Then I, as the GM, decide what happens based off of that (a higher roll doesn't ALWAYS garuntee success but it highly helps)
Rolled 17 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

"Let's go Harusuko, I know you've got some really cool moves!"
Isen readies dual poles, one for each hand, and takes a defensive stance.
His plan is to allow her to use her mobility, then block and counter attack aiming for the legs.
It's not like he could match her speed, but if only needs to move a little it's that much easier!
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Rolled 13 + 19 (1d20 + 19)

"Alright! Here I go!"
Natsuko decides to take a more sensible aproach this time, since her partly artificial opponent clearly beats her in resistances, she starts circling around him with her skates while shooting dozens of ki blast, slowly wearing him down.
Isen please roll speed to see if you can properly react to the attack, being as you expected a kick.(Don't worry it doesn't have to match her 32 roll, I've established a DC for it)
Rolled 6 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

The first one was speed tho. Unless you'd say that should've been STR, which I definitely could see

Well here goes nothing
I honestly would have thought hte first move should have been endurance or str (defense). So I'll stick with the first roll for speed.

You are unable to dodge her blasts and she starts barraging you with small blasts
Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

'There's my chance!' After Isen is seemingly stunned by her attack, Natsuko uses to opportunity to land as much kicks as she can!
"GAH! That surprised me Akisuko!"
Knowing he can't possibly dodge all those small blasts, Isen opts for a different tactic.
If he renders them inneffective he can force his opponent's hand, making her switch tactics.
By encasing himself in an armored shell he'll make this a battle of endurance and stamina!
"This will tire me out too, but I'm confident - time to go... Chi no Tsurugi, fullmetal!
You'll get tired before you break through this armor, Fuyusuko"

(If you think this is too big of an asspull I'll rescind it and issue a more understandable command)
Rolled 10 + 16 (1d20 + 16)

I think this is endurance but I might be incorrect.
(BACK FORREAL THIS TIME, sorry I had shit going on but I'm back)

Natsuko barrages Isen with a flurry of kicks, all meaningless as he stands in his armor casing, which limits his mobiliy. Isen has the attack advantage now, but Natsuko has the mobility advantage.

what next?
Rolled 1 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Isen goes for a tackle, hopping to pin his opponent down.
"Man this thing sure is heavy!"
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Rolled 9 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Astroboy has made the mistake of sacrificing mobility, sin that will be punished by gravity itself. Physics are weird for superpowered people but sometimes the basics stick. Natsuko gathers distance and at full speed goes for a low sweep!

This fucking gifs take too much time...
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Natsuko goes for a low sweep a Isen tries to tackle her. While Natsuko completely misses, Isen is so clumsy that he is pulled to the ground on his own. The wheight of his exoskeleton gives him a -4 on all rolls until he gets off the ground or dispells the armor. Natsuko has him right where he wants him!
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Rolled 10 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

'Just what I needed!' With no hesitation Natsuko already knows what she's going to do, give Rockman a taste of her cute school girl feet!
this is a SFW board. keep that foot fetish shit off here.
kek jk issa joke my nig
She wants to hit Isen with her foot?
No way he's gonna let that chance pass up.
Roll away from the stomp and grab both her legs.
Use her as a support to get back up!
Rolled 10 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

He is unable to roll fast enough and ends up just being pushed along by the kicks like a log!

Right by the edge of the stadium, this could be the end for Isen!!!
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Rolled 15 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

'I got this on the bag' Natsuko has no chill and is ready to take victory. All or nothing, one last kick!
Rolled 4 + 16 (1d20 + 16)

Sorry, back.

Isen ispells the armor, losing the extra weight.
he then pierces the ground with a sword with which to keep himself up on the stage.
That's right. The kid - braces - to receive the full impact of the blow!
Isen's manuver goes through perfectly, but the kick is so strong it breaks the sword out of the stage. Isen is sent flying and hits the wall. Isen remembers the rules

>If you land on the GROUND outside of the stage, you loose

he has less than a microsecond to react!!! this could be the end
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

So, if - I - hit the - ground - I'll get DQd?
And to get the rest of the way, throw a chain and hook to the stage!

(a microsecond? jeez)
In case this is unclear, I mean kick the wall.

see >>2598684 for the way the stage looks

You manage to get back onto the stage. now what? use your momentum to kick natsuko? What will natsuko do!??!
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Same as back in the series then? And the games.

Isen will take the momentum to dislodge his chain and hook,
then swing it at Natsuko in a wide sweeping attack, around waist height.
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Rolled 20 + 19 (1d20 + 19)

Natsuko greediness tells her to kick him out again, but her reason arguments against it while it still can be heard. She hasn't gotten hit yet and still has 2 senzu beans hidden, she can keep up enough to win. She decides to regain some ground and go back to her first tactic, ki blast barrage at the distance.


she hits him with the barrage hard. While he's back on the stage, he's down on the ground, hurt. (not knocked out, just knocked down)
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Rolled 8 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko thinks about letting the guy get a breath for a second... and decides against it. He'll get his well deserved rest after he hits the ground. "Well Fuckboy, we had our fun but is time we part ways. Goodbye~!"
Natsuko rushes to push him off the stage!
Rolled 8 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"Not so fast!"
Or precisely, way too fast.
Use her momentum to throw - her - off balance!


Both of them, using the same amount of force, resulting in a net 0.

the crowd gasps!
Rolled 13 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"Damn! You're pretty good!"

Isen decides to take the initative and tries to grapple again.
She can't be allowed to keep running all around like that.
Plus, if he pins her down, he can just beat the crap outta her!
Rolled 13 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

God damn...
"Dude... you gotta learn when to STOP!" Natsuko slowly loses her patience. She tries again!

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Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"GGRRRH... I said stop it!" Natsuko's patience is on it's last leg! She tries once more!
Rolled 20 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"No, YOU learn when to STOP!"
Isen gives up on his old tactic of tackle and grapple.
It's time to rush her and strike as much as he can!
Make this chick back off!
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Finally on equal ground, this is payback for the last one!
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Welp. Lets dance then.
Fuck it. Now Isen's android mods are canon biological nanomachines.


Isen proceeds to beat the everloving shit out of Natsuko. Forget her broken spine earlier, he destroys every single one of her ribs, shatters her pelvis, and snaps her jawbone into two!

This could be it



Right.... no way...

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r i g h t ?
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Rolled 1 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

Natsuko aura flares!
"Now you've done it..."
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An attack like that could almost kill someone...no way she can survive that....

r i g h t ?
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Oh come on, that's anticlimatic.
you didn't even say what you where trying to do.
Isen's left leg literally just gives out for a second and he falls over like an idiot.
"I thought you were gonna eat that b- "
Suddenly Isen notices he tripped over himself for some reason.
"Why am I on the ground?"
he waits to see what Natsuko does.

But I dindu nuffin
Rolled 14 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

I thought I would need a will roll to survive. Alright, fuck it.


Natsuko just goes at him to fuck his shit up!
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Rolled 9 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

She just forgot all about the ace up her sleeve!
Isen just dodges her attacks as the incredibly injured woman attempts to beat him.
you rolled. As far as I'm concerned you tried to do something.

you could use a will roll, but I assumed you would eat one of the two fucking senzu beans you have.

so yeah

either eat a bean

or make a will roll
Except that was Natsuko, not me rolling

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Eeeh, I wanted to do it the fun way. Fuck it, take the bean.
also, brb


hold up

go back to >>2606937

everyone just forget everything past that.

natsuko needs to make a will roll or eat a bean to do anything. both take your turn.

I'm sorry for all this confusion.
ok, her turn is taken up by eating the senzu bean >>2607001
what do you want to do while she's occupied doing that.
Rolled 10 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Alright, back. While she's eating the bean I'll take the opportunity to throw a ton of ridiculously oversized caltrops all around the stage stop her from running away.

It'll work, I saw it on looney tunes once;.
you throw a few......you realize, like, she uses skates right? that puts her feet a good 3 inches above the ground....

ight what now nigges?
She hovers? Nevermind that, when I say oversized I mean they're the bastard offspring of a czech hedgehog and a caltrop.
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Oh no, field hazards, the meta greatest enemy!
Lucky you, Natsuko's OU moveset has Rapid Spin on it! See you later fellow Showdown users!
You're gonna try spinning the caltrops away?
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Spinning hasn't failed me yet, how could I ever doubt on it?
well maybe you should make a roll of some sort (probably strength to kick them away spinning)
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Rolled 15 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

If you're gonna try spinning, then Isen'll get the high ground.
Plant two spears on the ground and rise above the caltrop tornado!
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Rolled 14 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Well, here it goes!
Natsuko spins the caltrops away, throwing them into the crowd! A PANIC ENSUES!


Isen is able to avoid them easily using his high ground and super human strength.
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Rolled 5 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rolled 9 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

"Don't try it Natsuko! I have the high ground!"
Isen holds his sword and prepares to deflect back anything she throws at him.
Natsuko sweeps the spears out from under isen, sending him to the ground, and making him loose his high-ground advantage!
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Rolled 16 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Dang it.
If she's going to keep spinning like that then we'll have to give her something good to kick.
Time for the shield bash run, meet every spinning kick of hers with an equally strong shield bash!
Brace yourself for a contest of raw power.
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Rolled 18 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Okay I'm back. Sorry, sorry, I got called and I needed a shower with urgency, where were we at?

Oh yeah, you spin me right round baby...
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AND THIS IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwMqRaFeHWw
Just two points over baby, don't worry I can still dish out
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Oh ho ho, you haven't seen anything yet...
Natsuko barely makes it through the sheild, but considering how worn down Isen is, it still hurts.

Isen really is fighting an uphill battle though. she still has another full-heal, not that Isen knows that in the meta narrative.
Rolled 13 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko recklessly continues her endeavor with the fury of a demon!
Why did I get this gifs if i'm not going to use them.
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Rolled 4 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

When it comes to endurance, Isen's pretty tough.
But he can't just tank every hit.
He needs to stop them from ever being made in the first place.
That's right, he can't just be fast, he's gotta be faster!
Intercept one of her kicks and bash her knee in with the shield's edge.
Isen fails to stop one of the kicks, and takes it directly to the jaw! he's knocked over to the floor.
Isen tries to roll on his back and recover.
Switch from shield to dual ki-swords, that way at least she'll have a harder time kicking those.
He needs to parry the flurry of attacks no matter what.
Rolled 6 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

the heck
ki swords or ki-infused bio-swords. as far as I'm concerned you can't make a sword out of ki
ki-infused, just thought I'd shorten it, it's the same chi no tsurugi technique all the way down baby
Rolled 4 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko is still spinning! Natsuko is reaching spinning levels that shouldn't be possible!
can fused characters participate in a tournament?
no, you two cant just fuse. Though it is allowed in the rules that you can give up your place in the tournoment to let someone else fight for you. so if one of you wins and decides to let Isuken fight in your place (keeping the fusion a secret) that's totally allowed. (I as a GM will let you attempt anything, but the tournoment itself has rules you have to keep in mind, or try to get around.

you do more than parry, some of those strikes are enough to actually cause dammage. Natsuko's legs are torn up, but not broken. lots of blood though.
I mean if someone used potarra or the dance, can they canonically fight in the tournament? I'm trying to think of how Satan can drain people but I only have 2 theories.
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Race to the other side of the arena and keep on the defensive.
Blood loss is a slow killer that will drain stamina the more she moves!
Therefore, it's imperative to use the greatest technique Isen ever learned:
<spoiler> well like I said, the rules say it's not allowed, but Mr.Satan has been the champion, and lived, over 100 years, without any known explaination for why. </spoiler>
not knowing how to do spoiler tags

>just newfag things.
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Rolled 20 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko finally gets tired of the same thing over and over, and switches to just beating shit! Starting with a knee to the face!
Rolled 4 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Ygotta use [ ]

Also rolling
Goddamn it
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A-at least I invested my p-points in edurance

Natsuko knees Isen in the face, breaking his nose, and giving him whiplash. He's sent to the ground for the Nth time this battle

actually yeah, roll endurance for a sec. You've gone through alot of shit in this battle.

is this how I do it?
You're a gay
Rolled 9 + 16 (1d20 + 16)

>You think being a man can save you from the wrath of Natsuko

yeah you're up, but barely. Keep fighting niggy.

next turn!
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Rolled 9 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

"Let's see you grit those teeth, Fuckboy!"
Natsuko goes for Ham-to-Ham combat!
Rolled 13 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Hoping that the pain will get his focus back, and wating to allow his breathing to stay decent...
Isen puts his nose back in place, likely while shouting a lot.
Deciding to take a page from his opponent's early moves, he starts blasting away with his ki.
The last few rounds:
Natsuko manages to fucking PUNCH THE KI BLASTS! but, like, they're still energy blasts, so she's slowly turning her hands into mash potatoes.
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Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

With steady feet, Natsuko keeps punching forward!
can we get a will roll along with that?
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Rolled 7 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

I'm gonna admit that's pretty badass.

Rolled 8 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

Sure, I maxed this damned stat for something.
A goddamn Buddha in the face of physical suffering.
Natsuko attempts to punch the ki blasts more, not working of course. She's getting more and more hurt, loosing more and more bloo~~the room is spinning! but she keeps pushing forward, like the fucking terminator!

At this point you're both on the brink of passing out.
Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rush in and headbutt her! Do it before she can do anything, Isen!
An unwise decision, but perhaps it make sense that someone like Isen would do that.
A bold, desperate move, but at this point this entire fight is a desperate bloodbath.
(unsure if str or end so going with str)
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Okay fuck it. Natsuko eats the last senzu bean.
Now I really want natsuko to punch me and roll the same so I can faceplant my broken nose on her gored fists.
both roll speed please, do see who gets their action in first.
Rolled 19 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Aye aye
also an unwise desicion. You realize this isn't the final battle right? You still have to fight the world champion after this.
Rolled 9 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Here you go
Whoops, I already used my turn but have this anyways.
Got sauce?
Before she can eat the senzu bean she gets headbutted. This single attack could knock her out at this point. Roll endurance to see if you get knocked out please. If she isn't knocked out than she can eat the senzu bean and get a full heal.
Rolled 1 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Eeeh, I can't remember the name... I'll look for it in a bit.
Here it is, all or nothing.
Oh man, come on, that's anticlimatic as fuck
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Man, the dice gods went crazy but I'm glad is over already.
Giving it all he's got, after all this struggle, isen knocks her out with a headbutt. He's dizzy and barely awake himself.

"f~**lks we*~have a w*`" you can barely make out the announcers voice as two vault humanoid figures rush towards you.
*vaugly humanoid
If you had eaten the bean, Isen would've just one wide eyed and conceded. Or just gotten KOd, whichever came first
You're both given senzu beans to help you recover.

When Natsuko in particular, when given the senzu bean, and being made to chew involinterily, becomes a bit chubby when fed one. (you where made to eat the one you still had saved as well, sadly) the medic questions "Wait, what? Why is she-she only ate one, it shouldn't have this effect. she'd have to have ate 3 in an hour to have this kind of effect" she awakens.

There's an announcement that the final battle will happen in 15 minutes. Mr.Satan can be seen on the opposite side of the areana, talking to some officials, and a girl wearing an orange bandana.
Huh? How old of a girl are we talking?
she's an adult. Sorry, I said "Girl", I should have said "woman". She appears to be in her early 30s, small build, with straight black hair
Ah that makes more sense!

So, I've really gotta crash and sleep, mind if we continue tomorrow?
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I mean..if we HAVE TOO, sure I can wait.

also, from a distance you can hear her yell something about "Grandpa Goku wouldn't make me do crap like this!"

>Grandpa Goku!?

>what does this mean?



And who is this 'Goku'?

And more importantly, how will Natsuko manage to steal the show by stealing Isen's skin and wearing it to the finals in just 15 minutes?

Cya tomorrow.
dude you definitely should know who goku is. He only earased people's memory of the Buu saga. The Saiyan saga was literally broadcast on live telivision. A few namekians have also made it to earth and Goku's known as a hero there for sure. He's known for saving the earth from the saiyans working in the frieza force, and killing frieza himself (the first time at least)
"Aaaah, damn, now I'll have to do diet all over again... later."

Holy fuck that fight dragged a lot. I know this is DBZ but usually when fighting an armed person barehanded the chances of winning are very low, but it still was stupid even. It's baffling that the superpowered bioandroid and the school girl have the same fucking strenght.
Okay then, see you tomorrow or whenever I get to do something.
it's not stupid! >:/ I thought it was fun and cool. Also the only reason you survived was the senzu bean. I thought you as the players where having fun. The way I saw it, the characters where pushing themselves hard. I'm sorry you didn't-

okay now I'm realizing you meant "stupid" like "very" and "even" like "it was a fair fight"

-_- I'm a moron.

anyway he might need your help.
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Of course it was fun. But keeping track of like 5 quests with this FUCKING HEAT starts getting to my head!
I did my fair share of planning for the fight, the senzu beans and the first turn I had prognosticated them since yesterday's yesterday, but then the fight devolved into a slugfest at some point and wtf this is domestic violence why do they let kids watch this.
Have some /u/ for the troubles.

>this is domestic violence why do they let kids watch this.

>Christian moms against dragon ball ftw.

So is isen from another anime? Is this story just two characters put into the wrong anime world?
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Yeah kind off, Isen is Shirou from fate/stay night, Natsuko is Popuko from Pop Team Epic, with pretty much the same personalities. But Shirou isn't an android and the skater thing was something I came up with, so they are more like expys.
I mean >>2600369 Sengo but not that there's much of a difference, UUGH, I can't into this tranny historic figures date simulator.
what? what do you mean tranny historic date simulator?

>I cAn FuCk A fEmAlE cEaSaR?!
Isen's pictures are Saber Sengo Muramasa (Fate: Grand Order) and Emiya Shirou (Fate: Stay/Night), which are actually the same person because Type Moon finds excuses to reuse character models more often than you switch underwear.
The powers are loosely based on Shirou's ability, which involves making copies of swords and creating what amounts to a pocket dimension filled with swords.
Because his elemental affinity is literally "swords".
The stats aren't super representative, and the personality/characterization is a bit tweaked since Shirou is an even bigger doofus with PTSD and a hero complex, but it's definitely an expy.

Anon summed up better.
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Why, yes, you can.
>pic related

Last time on dragon ball mega!!!

>After a long fought battle Isen was able to defeat Natsuko, despite her cheating and upper hand, honest work and dedication won the day

>Going onto the finals, Isen saw Mr.Satan talking to a woman in an orange bandana, yelling something about "Grandpa Goku"

>Who is this mysterious woman

>What does Mr.Satan have to do with her

"Yey, Fuckboy did it. You do your stuff, I'll be here with mine."

So, first canon characters we meet are Mr. Satan and Pan from all people, I guess we are leaving the best for the last.
"Natsuko really fought hard, though I wish she'd teach me that regeneration technique!"

I'm here
Well this is the WMAT, meeting Mr.Satan isn't that weird.

mostly I'm waiting for isen, though you can do stuff if you want.
>"I wish she'd teach me that regeneration technique!"


well what do you do my nigga?
Oh, do I have time to do shit?
Well damn, I'll go congratulate the pair before the match and thank the organizers for the opportunity, shake their hands and try to ask the woman how she knows Goku!
>honest work and dedication
That and weapons. So many goddamn weapons.
also alot of the cannon cast are dead. it's been 100 years since the end of the Buu saga. Ki-users live about double the lifespan, and saiyans, well vegeta is 80 in dbs, so that shows your their aging. Krillin or yamcha are probably dead, but goku and vegeta and gohan are probably still alive.

she looks at you kind of worried "Oh, Goku is a...an ancestor of sorts." She looks worried, and Mr.Satan looks at her looking upset, like she wasn't ment to say that. "Uh, I got some work to go do, see ya later!" She runs off.

Mr.Satan looks at you. "Well boy, you ready? This is gonna be the hardest fight of your life!"
"Yes sir, that's what I came here for! I promise I'll do my best."
Isen grins and enters the stage, awaiting the announcers' introduction.
I just checked, we are a few years before A Hero's Legacy, so Goku would be like 140 or so, not knowing if Super, DBO or anything else has any bearing
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"Now" The announcer says "Before the final battle, we have one more announcement, from Mr.Satan himself"

Mr.Satan, cape and all, walks up to the stage with and grabs the mic. "As you all know, I am the strongest man in the world! And this year, I've decided to go easy on these challenger. I am temporarily giving up my title to my grandaughter, The Great Pan! If you can't beat her, no way you can beat me!" He motions to the woman walking up onto the stage. She looks annoyed.

A few choice phrases run through Isen's head

>I heard he isn't even planning on fighting this year!

>You can give up your position in the tournoment and give it to someone else if you wish.
So Underhand knew that.
"Wait, does this mean I need to fight both of you?"
Interjects the slightly confused boy, not known for his bright intellect.
"No, just me" She speaks "As far as the rules are concerned, I'm the champion now."

Mr. Satan butts in "Yep, I gave her my title, temporarily of course. But don't worry she's WAY weaker than me ;) I'm going easy on ya!"
"Ah I see" he responds relieved "Well no need to go easy on me Pan, I'm sure you must be pretty strong"
He assumes a fighting stance and readies a kanabo.
damn, you didn't take my advice from earlier.

Which was?
If you mean give in my spot, then I figure I could let Natsuko fight but I don't see how that'd help.

>Though it is allowed in the rules that you can give up your place in the tournoment to let someone else fight for you. so if one of you wins and decides to let Isuken fight in your place (keeping the fusion a secret) that's totally allowed.

but, if you wanna keep your integrity that's okay as well. I'm not gonna force you to do anything.

We know how to fuse then? Alright if that's the case I'll just go grab Natsuko and see if she's up for it.
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"Uh? Ok, yeah sure. I'm already got neck deep in this shit, mught as well see whats at the bottom"
Natsuko would be less sure if she didn't know how easy is to cheat this place.

Now, the question is... Who gets to be the Dom?
"Hold on a sec, I've got someone who can challenge you or Satan himself in my stead, let me go grab em"
Isen runs off to find Natsuko, the boy and the girl fuse together (w-what?) and come back as Isuken.

At this point I'm just curious. Plus even IC Isen is starting to think something's off... Might as well break a few eggs.
DESU I kinda wanna draw this fusion, especially considering alot of times a man and woman fusing just kinda turns them into an androgynous kid (XD)

Anyway, take all your stats, add them togeather and then multiply them by 2, those are your new stats as Isuken.

Hercule looks over at you and looks shocked "WAIT WAIT, CAN HE DO THAT!?!?"


Also if you wanna come up with a new move exclusive to Isuken, come up with one togeather.
*multiply* them by 2? DAMN.
Strength: 40
Speed: 44
Ki: 62
Endurance: 52
Will: 64
Wis: 18

As for the new move, I'm unsure let me think for a sec.
Natsuko has any ideas?
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So far I've thought of doing a combo Chi no tsurugi and ki skates, covering our legs in edges and maiming people with kicks, Or doing hockey moves with a hammer and a cannonball, simpler but it might work.
those are combo moves. I mean like, a new move, like how gotenks have ghost kamakazi, but goten and trunks don't have any thing like taht
Those sound fun

Eeeh if that's the case then how about Railgun?

Chi no Tsurugi is about infusing weapons with Ki to hit harder
Beamskating is about infusing legs with Ki to move faster

So what if we... shoot ki infused weapons at hyperspeed.
do whatever you want I gues, maybe make it up on the spot

anyway, ready for the battle? Both of you will need to agree on an action, but you're way stronger now so it's probably worth it.
I'm ready, and voting just turns this into a usual quest so hey
Oh well, in that case it could be anything, like a fucking Stand.
Railgun, now that's what I like. What else could go with that? Portals, we can make Cave Johnson proud.
Sure lets go, I'm used to start circling around but not like we need to right now.
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>a fucking stand
He did say whatever
keep it reasonable for your power level (saiyan saga level), but you can get creative. You should only have one new move for the fusion though.

it's only temporary, i still like a character for each player.


Immediately pan turns super saiyan and starts rushing towards you while charging a kamehameha!
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I would like something with a little more SPIN.
Alright, how do we do this...
>Isuken makes a Mace and rushes to attack!
Okay sure, I like that, let's high speed skate rush and smash her with a mace before she can kamehameha our face.

Do we roll?
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Yes, speed roll please. I'll take the first roll you make.
Rolled 18 + 44 (1d20 + 44)

Damn, look at those abs. Cool.
Now there's a question, who rolls...
I take it
Now what's under those shorts...

Awesome, damn 62
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Even as a fusion, you can barely make it over to pan and swing at her before she finishes charging up. She dodges the attack, but has to stop charging her kamehameha.

forgot to draw the rest of the cape.
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Does the Skate have an effect on her speed rolls?

Also, voting to just make another lead pipe and keep swinging at her, don't give her time to pull any big moves. Welcoming better suggestions by Natsuko
sure, +2 to speed
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Sure, lets go with that while I brainstorm some ideas.
>Chi no tsurugi is now able to make flying laser drones (Pic related)
>Chi no tsurugi makes a huge fucking railgun (Look up Fortune's gun from MGS2)
>We get a cool looking robot ghost that
throws punches, wields weapons and (insert special ability here)
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Fortune's railgun pic. It doesn't seem to have a consistent size.
strength roll please
Rolled 9 + 40 (1d20 + 40)

my turn to fuck up!
You swing and pan grabs the pipe. She then proceeds to kick you in the stomach, and pull the pipe off of you, throwing it off the stage.
Isuken summons some nunchucks and goes at it again!
Fair enough
Rolled 14 + 40 (1d20 + 40)

I'm gonna guess we'll need a roll for that.
'Flow like water, crash like water. Be water, Isuken'
Brb, gonna shower for the first time in two weeks.
much better than the last one

Your attacks are meaningless to a super saiyan. She blocks every single one of them, and headbutts you.

Roll will or endurance.
Rolled 15 + 64 (1d20 + 64)

Yare yare

you are at a -10 on all rolls from now on.
Eh screw it.
Let's feint with a sword slash, but go with the Railgun instead: send a hypersonic cannonball at her.
Ok, we better come up with a trump card soon or we wont get to do anything. The drones, the railgun, the stand or the portals or two of those at the same time, whatever, but it has to be something that uses our Ki stat.
If it uses Ki, then lets go for it. It's your turn so you choose.
roll ki please
I figure it's Ki that will be used to launch it with such power and also to empower the canonball.
Wanna do the honors and roll? My luck hasn't been good
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Rolled 6 + 52 (1d20 + 52)

Alright motherfuckers, here it goes.
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God damn it.
you also forgot the -10 to all rolls.

your gun fires, extremely telegraphed. Pan dodges it with faster-than-eye movement, appearing behind you and kicking you high into the air.
That's already counting the -10, adding two modifiers is impossible iirc.

It was +62 and went down to +52, so it's 58, and not 48 as you must've counted.
oh is see. sorreh. anyway take ur turn m8
I did include that in my roll.
Okay, my turn, accepting suggestions.
>Get a big ass hammer and use gravity crush her into the ground
Rolled 8 + 52 (1d20 + 52)

Sure, I'm guessing we can Railgun accelerate the hammer's head as well so we're doing some high speed Smash?
that would still be ki, IMHO
Yeah, I rolled ki. 62-10 = 52
I'm such a dipshit, I staight up didn't even see the roll. I'm sorry for all my dumb-assitry.

the hammer has enough force to get you back to the ground, but the fall is so much that pan has ample time to get out of the way, before barraging you with small ki blasts.

She's not even trying at this point.
Kami damn it...
Let's try clamping down on the ground with a spear, using it as a pivot to start accelerating the oversized hammer around the arena with Railgun's power.
Sweep it all to DUST!
Since she can't fly it'll make things hard for her.
tl;dr ki-hyperspeed hammer spinning special
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Rolled 4 + 52 (1d20 + 52)

Sure, I'm all for it.

'The Natsuko part of Isuken is loosing her patience at warp speed, and the Isen part does nothing to stop it'
hmmm....speed + ki.

You're basically spinning around the spear, no?
Rolled 2 + 36 (1d20 + 36)

I'll roll speed

Yes, basically Railgun accelerating while using the spear as a pivot
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>these rolls
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Ah-I'm sure the 20s will come... if we survive long enough.
>fighting a super saiyan

Your hammer means nothing

"Alright I'm ending this" pan says




Rolled 6 (1d20)

lemme test something
Are we supposed to do something?
If yes, then just endure it physically and mentally, since it's our strongest point as Isuken.
Rolled 4 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

AH, maybe armor up too

Rolled 9 + 54 (1d20 + 54)

Fucking fuck

you have time to armor up physically OR mentally. one or the other.
physically, it's the second one either way
Well shit, how does shielding mentally is going to help us against a Super kamehameha
well it still isn't enough. You're overwhelmed by the power of the super saiyan's blast, parts of your body start burning off, you have never felt such pain.

it's over









just keep fighting. ignore the pain and keep pushing.
It's what you used to keep fighting against getting your hands gored

Ok so we died or some shit? The fuck.
Not dead

maybe not dead

depends on if you try to fight back.

what's your reaction.

everything is fading around you.

I'll wait for Natsuko's input.
I want to keep fighting, consequences be dammed. But if thats too stupid then lets just concede.
will please
Yeah I want to get up as well, I think if we just give in while getting blased we're gonna be toast and this bitch will get off with it.
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Rolled 20 + 54 (1d20 + 54)

Well then, I'll make the honors.
what's more worrying is what happens to a fusion when they're knocked out
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You may kill us, but our hope will never die.


You're suddenly overcome by a power, a will to keep going, determination beyond compare!

not just that, you feel like you've been fully healed. You feel a burst of power surge through you. You even feel a bit lighter than before.
"Is that all you've got?"

Alright, Natsuko, I think she'll be surprised by this so it might be a good moment to surprise her. Any ideas? I think we can just go for a high speed rush skate-kicks + sword combo.
Sword rush is just what I was thinking.
speed please
Rolled 4 + 46 (1d20 + 46)

Rolled 6 + 44 (1d20 + 44)

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We really are in sync in this fusion, our rolls are shit and we post our disapointment reacts down to the same second
Oh shit that's true.
Despite feeling like you're going super slow, the world around you seems like it's frozen. You absolutely obliterate her with sword slashes. you hear the announcer's voice, distant and slow

"Isuken seems to have tapped into some sort of power up! I've never seen a technique like this before"

Pan just takes it, unable to fight back.

what you don't know is your stats have been secretly multiplied by 5 for reasons unknown by you
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Kick her to the skies and shoot her with the Railgun!

ki splease
Rolled 13 + 310 (1d20 + 310)

With this powercreep we are gonna have to drop the stats at some point.
1. this is only temporary, and only achievable by the fusion at this point. 2.I will most likely change the core die from 20 to 50 to 100 when you get certain power ups.

she is launched into the air out of the stadium

the whole crowd is cheering. Mr.Satan looks mad and scared. Confetti is getting shot out of cannons, there's fireworks, and suddenly you feel the power flowing through you stop, and your stats go back to normal
Well that was weird.
Should we receive our prize and hastefully retreat?
Also look to see if Underhand is watching.
He is and you should. You can feel the fusion running out soon. The announcer hands you a five-star dragon ball and a check for 100,000 zeni.

You also see Hercule, with the saddest face ever, taking off his world-champion belt and handing it to a man in a suit, who carries it over to you.

you then remember that technically a nonexistient person is now the world champion
That seems like a reasonable decision, yes.
>50% Natsuko
>top lel
Oh shit, now how do we divide the money.
Hmm I kinda wanna tell Hercule that this isn't over.

I mean, we didn't win the belt from him. So it's fair to tell him not to be so dejected.
"You need to come and take this back next time, that's the only way it'll really be earned!"
Or something.

True shounen style

Anyway, we need to go somewhere and undo the fusion after this is trough, I think. But I really do wanna tell Hercule to come face us next time, to show what the "former" world champ can do.
alright you run off then after that?
But call him bitch or something on my part.
Sure. Isen + Natsuko = good natured but then suddenly snaps at you tourette style
oh, we got a disagreement. well since this is a fusion, both personalities shine through.

"Come back next time and win in back, bitch! You gotta earn it!"
You run into the temple and unfuse. anything you want to do before the next plot thread?
Hmm for my part I wanna go see how Pan is doing, and Underhand's reaction to his thing succeeding. After that I'm cool with skipping
We'll go get our money and Isen can keep the Dragon ball since he won, and this too >>2609362
Pan is completely fine. The only reason she went flying so far is she wasn't allowed to fly. She apologises for doing it at all, stating that "My Grandfather is kind of a scumbag. He called in a favor in me fighting for him. I was kinda going easy on you anyway. Also you're lucky not many people know about fusion" she leaves with a smirk

Underhand says "Dude, what happened with your friend? Their eyes went blue, and their tattoos lit up! It was like some kind of- Don't tell me, they've achieved a super-human form?!?!"
"I don't know if there's such a thing, but maybe. I guess the only way to find out is reach it ourselves! Right? Hahaha"
Pan's a good lass.

fair enough, I'd be okay with you getting a bigger cut if I take the ball.
"also" pan adds "if you're looking for the next ball, my dad has it" as she walks away
Underhand doesn't respond?

Well, what next.
what next?

>"if you're looking for the next ball, my dad has it"

If you're not going for the dragon balls then I'll do a timeskip and have some alien invade or some shit.
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"Natsuko! Are you okay?
"I felt more pain today than I did in my entire life, but it was almost worth. I'm never listening to anyone who tells me to go get my shit kicked on television ever again"
"Ooh, but you were so cool."
"You think so? *w*?
"Of course."

To be continued...

And that's it from my part!
And I guess Natsuko trains a bit since she really needs more energy attacks.
would you prefer a timeskip so you can go train?

also if you want your tallgirl friend to be a character that's totally fine.
Sure to both things.
I wanna look for the balls, I just didn't know if you wanted to timeskip or go along with it.

Figure that getting the ball from Hercule isn't gonna be as easy, maybe if we wager it in the next touranment, so it'd be better to search for other ones for now.
Her dad has it, that means you have to find Gohan.
so is natsuko gonna train while Isen goes looking for the next ball? or are they gona team up and train togeather a bit then go looking for the next balL? or just go on without training at all?
Lmao, you're right, I'm fucked in the head.

If Natsuko and... Namimi (?) wanna tag along and train together I'm cool with it.

Are scouters a thing that's available, knowing that CC had the tech?
I'm up for the team up.
Scouters are available but they're expensive, about 5,000 zeni each, when ordered from the capsule corp online store. dragon radar is not publicly available, though.
I'll get a scouter with my cash and check our team's PLs. Senzu beans are available?
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>Popuku Saber Muramasa fusion
I've seen some shit. Pretty cute tho.
for public consumption, no. There ready-to-eat meals made by capsule corp using "senzu bean powder" that can heal you (though not fully) that cost about 100 dollars each. Origionally they where made for the military, but now the public can buy them.
I didn't expect the fusion to somehow work, not like the characters have anything to do with each other.
BTW are Metamo-rings from Fusions a thing? We could use them to get unlimited fusion time to train and see if we can get the power up again.
I'll buy 10 along with the scouter then, leaving me at 44K Zeni.

Check our PLs and try to find Pan's father.

Oh interesting idea.
Metamo-rings? wot? I mean...they COULD be a thing. Dragon ball is known for it's constant asspulls.....maybe you have to find something to help you stay fused for longer during your quest. For now you can only stay fused for a half hour.
Also I'm glad you like the fusion. I don't know anything about the two characters you took to make yours, so I just combined the designs
power levels
check our power levels then try to find Pan's father, and train along the way. Maybe we can talk to someone to see if they know something.
Gonna be gone probably until t9mmorow. I've tried to post this message 5 times and my shitty computer keeps crashing. UGH
no problem dude
I'm back if y'all wanna play.
I'm around, but I'd rather wait for natsuko's player
alright, well I can still tell you your power levels.

>Isen(passive): 1,250

>Natsuko(Passive): 2,500

>Isen(Combat ready w/weapons): 6,000

>Natsuko(Combat ready w/skates): 4,500

>Isuken: 50,000
Nice, thanks Naga
I'm here, let's go.
ight so what you doing next?

as far as finding Pan's dad, you know her grandfathers are the legendary hero Goku and the former world martial arts champion Hercule. so maybe a martial arts master would have some clue on finding her father?

The famous martial arts styles of the world are:

New turtle school
New Crane school
Raging monkey school
Sword fighting school

you also know of the origional turtle school, that Goku himself trained under, but finding the mythical Master Roshi, well you don't even know where to start.
New turtle school sounds like a good starting point.
After a few days of travel you find the new turtle school. It seems headmaster Krillin is teaching a class at the moment. Would you like to wait until it's over, or enter now?
Hmm how about we enter and watch?
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what about Natsuko?

You enter the small Dojo and see The old master Krillin demonstrating to a group of 6 young students how to preform a kamehameha. The inside walls are painted to look like an ocean, with some palm trees painted on the wall as well. An odd aesthetic, but not out of place considering a turtle's natural habitat. He looks over as you walk in and says "Oh, hello!"
I'll go too
"Yes, did you need something? I was teaching my class. Uh-I am krillin, master of the New turtle school" He smiles, proud of himself, as if this is the first time he's said that out loud.
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"We are looking for Son Goku's son and since are turtle school master as Goku we were hoping you could give us any leads"
>Inb4 we end up going after Goten instead
Ah, Isen takes the time to bow respectfully. He's not used to such formalities but it might as well be done.
"What she said!"
don't spoil my twist, cunt

"Uh, he has two sons, uh-" He looks over to his class "Okay, students, I have some business to attend to. Make sure to practice your form for the Kamehameha." You notice his students are wearing turtle shells on their back. odd.

"Yes, I know Goku. He's my best friend. Why exactly are you looking for his kid?"
"We are looking for his balls!"
Says Isen with a beaming smile.
"Yeah, you're not the first to come looking for the four star ball." The thinks for a moment "What do you plan on doing once you get them all?"
"What... to do with them?"
The boy pauses.
"I hadn't really thought that much about it.
I'm just looking for them because Pan mentioned her dad had the another dragon ball and we earned this one -" he shows the one he owns
"At the tournament!"
"Do you wanna wish for something Natsuko?"
"Hmm, that power up we got at the finals, maybe we could ask the dragon about it?
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"Oh clever. Just as expected of you, Natsuko"
"Powerup you say? I didn't watch the tournoment. Wait, aren't you both human?"
"That's what I've been told. Not the worst thing I've been called."
"I'm a... I'm human but I was made in a lab. Why do you ask?"
"well I've heard rhumor recently of some sort of "super human". I don't buy it myself, I know some of the strongest earthlings ever. If there was such a thing, I'd know of it. As far as being made in a lab, you might want to meet my wife, 18, she was- well, that's for her to tell."
"I see, a guy at the tournament was talking about that too. Hmm, perhaps we could stay here, and perhaps train too! If you would have us, of course.
What do you think Natsuko?"
Now I wonder what happened to Krillin and 18's kid.
"I'm fine with that. Not the way most would spent their vacations tho. Still, we have the Dragon Ball topic on the back, what about that?.
Honestly she's not involved in anything. Marron is a normal woman as far as I'm concerned. Well as normal as chichi and bulma are considering their crazy surroundings.

"I'm always happy to take in new students. Heck, I don't even charge people as long as their willing to learn. Say, maybe you two could show me a demonstration of what you already know?" He looks over at his students "How about it kids, wanna see what the turtle school can really do against a world-champion?"
Ah yeah, that's right we still gotta ask.
Though I feel curious about seeing if we can try and mimick the Kamehameha, if only because we severely lack anything like it and beam battles would be hell for us.
Oh damn, that escalated rather quickly.
"I-it's not- I just got to the finals, but I didn't fight Pan, rather that was..."
Isen turns to Natsuko
"Should we... go get them?"
"wait, you're not the champion? Is your friend outside? I just wanted to test you to see how much you already knew. The way you where talking it just sounded like you won."

>You know and the fucking belt Natsuko is wearing.
"I think that would be a bit of overkill. Isn't it a bit too soon to go skywalker?"
>your scouter identifies master krillin at a power level of 20,000,000 and each of the kids at 45-60
>keke the extra 0. He's 2 million, not 20. XD
"Well, it was a group effort to even get us there you know!
But yes, I got to the finals, Satan let Pan fight and I let my well... friend uh... fight. It seemed like a good idea"
I mean, iirc from DBO Krillin was all about teamwork.

"That's true. Let's just keep this simple!"

Isen can't think too hard or his head overheats, so gets into a fighting stance.
it's so late I'm tripping on my own thoughts, my bad hahahah
Oh, of course Krillin would beat us if Pan gave us problems, I was thinking we would murder the kids, if we were going to fight them ala Baba's arc.
"Ok then, here goes nothing"
"Yeah, that seems like something Hercule would do. If I where you I'd have fused with your friend and fought her. Wait, do you know about fusion? " Krillin gets into a fighting stance "Anyway, Come at me! Two against one!"

do you want to stop for the night? I could keep going for a while but then again I have a weird sleep schedual.
1.holy fuck child murder!? I thought you where chaotic nuetral, not chaotic evil! 2.He never said you had to beat him.
I can go for a bit longer
"Yes! Natsuko, let me give you a hand -"
Isen summons a shield and a sword, and points to his shield.
Hoping to use it as a platform to launch her and boost her speed.

If we went Railgun in here that'd be pretty bad.
Krillin looks suprised "woah! I see, that's what they did to you." He looks serious for a moment, and then just fucking dissapears from your view.
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"Okidoki!" Natsuko jumps and aims a downward kick!
what's your tall friend's name in this? I assume she's just sitting there.
Quick thinking, tortoise formation, fill your surroundings with shields but slightly delay one shield to give a fake opening...

Hey I'm assuming he's just fooling around.
Okimi(Pipimi)? I haven't thought of bringing her to the journey, just making her a recurring character whenever we aren't doing anything important.
okay, ight. so she's more of an oolong, and less of a yajirobe.

After you do that, he stops and becomes visible agian "Wow, I guess I don't need to go all out for this!" He laughs, a bit emberrasingly and looks at you "Defense, good! That's very important. let's test that defense out!" He kicks at your sheilds. roll str or end please.
The idea of her having been just sitting there watching all along is kinda funny
Rolled 19 + 16 (1d20 + 16)

"Aaah! Natsuko a little hand?"

If I infuse them with energy (signature move) would I roll both?
Rolled 20 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

In the anime and manga they are almost always together but I already struggle with just writing Natsuko, doing the whole script would take too much effort. And having her there without making her fight wouldn't make justice to the character.
"Sure thing"
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lady luck finally smiles upon us

>Can Natsuko and Isen take on master Krillin?

>Will they be able to prove themselves and learn the way of the turtle school

>Will they ever be able to track down the owner of the four star dragon ball?

>will the players ever recover from their blue balls?
Just kidding, cya, 12 EST yea?

You do a good job by the way
Classic hero plot device, the more difficult is the task the more likely is that they do it.
Ah yes, though it should've kicked in when we fought the damned super saiyan!
It was kind of a mix of both, you joining in?
Nah. Will follow along, though.
Dub names? I'm sorry but I watch the english version. The only name difference I know is Mr.Satan Vs Hercule, and I've combined the two, giving him the full name "Hercule Satan", and having more casual people call him Hercule, and people call him Mr.Satan as a sign of respect.








Also I'm not calling him "Krirrin" because I have an american accent anyway and those rs become ls. I don't say "Godzirra"
The kick does absolutely nothing to your sheild. "Good!" He smiles and goes for a punch!
Did Natsuki manage to get him from behind with that str attack?

As for me, let him punch the shield and try to open and counter his punch with a ki-infused gauntlet punch.
Natsuko sidesteps and kicks to the ribs.
I she didn't say what she was doing, but yeah sure. when you said "a little hand" i thought you ment a hand sheilding. If she wasn't helping you then you got your shit kicked in.
allright new seris of events. Krillin kicks straight theough your sheild, and the kick from Natsuko knocks him down on the ground.

please take your turns again with this new knowledge in mind.
Rolled 3 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Oh, I see. Wait was she doing that? I mightve just been mistaken. Well, either way, let's deal with the here and now

Isen dispells his broken shield
"Nice hit Natsuko!"
And rushes in to help her stop K-man from getting his bearings once he gets up, mostly by striking at his with Ki-infused swords (since he's far too strong for us to actually even harm him it's okay to go in strong).
Rolled 13 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko gathers distance and after Krillin gets up goes for a front flip.

He is able to sit up and catch the sword, and hit natsuko out of the way, before throwing isen across the room.
Just so you know this krillin isn't much stronger than he was in the buu saga. Alot of people don't realize how far the power scaling went in this show, but someone like tien or god forbid goku himself, could literally kill you with one punch at full force
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Rolled 9 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Natsuko goes back to old habits, skating in circles and attacking from all sides.
Rolled 1 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Isen makes a bow and starts throwing Ki-infused arrows to support Natsuko's tactic.
Did I
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just shoot my own foot
Isen misses and hits Natsuko.
Stop the fight and go give her those capsule senzu powder things.
Or rather, go in while still in the fight?
Do I roll for that?
"Well, I've seen enough."
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Natsuko angrily takes it.
"C-can't you just regenerate like you did before when I broke all your bones?"
"Alright, you've shown enough skill.How about training with me and the kids for a while? Considering your level of skill it'le only take you a few weeks to learn the kamehameha. Plus I can get to know you better, see if you really deserve the four star ball.
The mention of their fight only fuels the blaze of Natsuko anger "OOOOH, is that an invitation?! I'm gonna break you something else, c'mere!"
it's not just a capsule of senzu powder. It' a ready-meal in a capsule. you actaully have to eat the whole thing before you're healed.
"I think that's a fine idea, if it really isn't a bother. What do you think Nats-"
Seeing her anger he quickly reacts.
"-flavoured senzu-meal here it'll heal you right up!"

I see, tried to add it into this one RP. Yes this is a reference.
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"I'll spare your life... for now" Natsuko proceeds to consume her meal.
He laughs at natsuko

"Alright, well for now I was thinking, it's getting late, we should probably all have dinner. That is if your friend is still hungry." He looks over to the kids "Good work all of you, We're heading in for dinner now!"

He motions for you to follow him into a door in the back of the dojo.
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"Hmmm, yeah sure let's go" Natsuko follows.
Isen goes after them
Sorry for the wait, my computer froze.

You follow them into the back. There seems to be a house built. there's enough chairs for you all and an extra empty seat. the children take off their turtle shells when eating, but krillin does not. the table is currently empty.

"So you want to find gohan?"
"He's Pan's dead right? Yeah!"
Isen takes the time to give his thanks for his meal.
"Are you friends with him, what about... Goku?"
>The table is currently empty

"Oh. Well, Gohan and I fought on planet Namek when he was a kid. He and I helped Goku defeat frieza...the first time at least" He laughs. "I actually havent seen Goku in a long time. Some 50 or so years ago he left to go train Maj- uh, well it's a long story but he went to go train someone, and I havent seen him since. Nobody has....."

A beautiful, young woman, with blonde hair, comes into the room, pushing an entire cart of food.
>when eating
Made me confused

Also, politely introduce myself and Natsuko?
I guess I should have phrased it "getting ready to eat"

"Oh, hello." She says, almost dismissively, before putting out food and sitting down neer the head o the table, next to krillin.

There is alot to eat. things are placed out for you to put on your plate as you please.

there's an entire roast chicken, a bowl of noodles, a salad, a lasagna of sorts, and a roast ham. along with some sides.
Man they sure eat a lot in DB.
But it's only fair to give our thanks and dig in.
Hmm I want to ask Krillin why he wanted us to meet her, since he just said he'd let her explain it.
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Natsuko takes lasagna and ham. "Nom~Nom... So, about Gohan, how is he? Did he took after his father and is a training alcoholic? Because I'm not up to go against another super saiyan for a ball..."
"Ooh they're drunken fist masters then?"
"What are you talking about?" Killin status before being cut off by the woman, speaking in a monotone voice

"Gohan and Goku have trained in many styles, from my knowledge drunken fist is not one of them."
(I was joking because she said they're training acoholics)
"My mistake. But I am also curious like Natsuko, what are they like"
"It was an expression, the way Goku left reminds me of the classic story of the family man who left to buy cigarettes and never came back..."
Killin completely ignores Natsuko

"Goku's a child at heart, but he's nothing to mess with. The legends really are all true. As far as his son, gohan was never much of a warrior, he more or less got strong because he had too. Nowadays he's a doctor like his mom always wanted."
"I never heard that one before"

"So he's... the world's strongest doctor?"
My status as the Chaotic Neutral character compelled me to point out Goku's selfishness but it kind of came off as Natsuko having daddy issues, eeeeugh.
"Oh well, that makes it easier, I meet doctors all the time" Natsuko attention gets caught by the noodles.
But NOW that I think of it, daddy issues IS a delinquent thing, Jotaro is the first case that comes to mind... Okay, fuck it. Is canon now, Natsuko has daddy issues.
"Uh, I guess you could say that. Anyway, you mentioned being an android before? My wife is actually android android as well."

She starts "one of the origionals. Android number 18"
But which type of daddy issues?
There's many strains to choose from

At that Isen smiles.
"I'm actually kinda glad to learn that... If you've found a place you belong to, maybe I can too right?"
"Right...you do realize androids are commonplace now right?" She looks at you confused. "I mean, humans where modified in mass during the Majin war...or are you another one of...."
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"I thought the author had retconned that
or something >>2598675 y'know, since Mr. Satan is alive and fine" Says Natsuko, Motioning a chicken leg on her hand
Oh wait fuck I forgot my own continuity.
>he faked his death and the war ended when he revealed he never died
Just to verify, what's in our backgrounds is canon right? Meaning I was indeed raised as an experiment by an RR offshoot (or maybe restarted RR itself if you'd prefer?)
You can keep your background, totally fine, but you need to remember there was a war between the earthlings and Majins in this timeline where alot of humans willingly became androids. You, being made by the red ribbon army, could still have ab internal Conflict though.

>but yeah, juse to rub salt in the wound, hercule faked his death and then the war happened, only ending when he reemerged. ThaTs kinda funny so I'm rolling with it.
Yeah, that's what I'm going with.

"I know. But I was made by the Red Ribbon army, my only purpose was..."
He looks to his food and frowns a bit.
"And then I was discarded anyway. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bringing this up"
"Now that we had our little character defining moments, can we get change the topic? Hearing historic moments from people that lived through them is more fun that reading it on the books."
yes kek
"Uh, what topic?" Killin says "you guys just kinda showed up and started asking about gohan."
I think she meant change it from Isen's sad background back into Z-fighter lore.
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"I had to since Isen here seemingly can't do it himself but I'm tagging along for the experience." Natsuko is already halfway through the ham.
>what new topic though. I don't know what to have happen next
I wanted a recap of the series events since there's probably lots of things the characters don't know. I'm not sure if we'll ever use the knowledge but just in case to prevent metagaming or something.
And I also want the super saiyan to come up so we can point out the similitude of our power up on an organic way.
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Sorry for the wait, I'll be back tommoroew, I git some shit going on.
Hey I'm back, and will give a condensed DBZ history in a sec y'all
(Should we make a new thread? Bump-limit got reached. should we wait until it gets archived?)

"Well, me and goku met when we where kids. Both trained under the wise turtle hermit, Roshi."

The children at the table look annoyed, as if they've heard it a thousand times before, while the woman looks like she's hearing the most engauging story ever.

"Our training was hard, every day we'd wake up and deliver milk, work construction sites, and search the woods for rocks in the woods.

Well time went on and the evil king piccallo emerged. He and his children, well...they killed me. But goku killed him and ressurected us!

Then, when we where all grown up, the world was attacked by the first saiyans on earth...."

He continues to ramble on about the good old days for a while.
Sure, new thread
I'm awake. Yeah, lets go to a new thread. Should we archive this thread on suptg?
yes, please do.I'll start the new thread.
It's done.
this is naga btw
>>2613717 new thread

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