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You are a 4chan anon isekai'd into another world apparently filled with random weirdness, crazy girls, and irresponsible plantlife.
What will you make of it?
You are sitting at you computer, taking a sip of your favorite beverage, when you remember to check that thread on 4chan to see if anyone replied to your post. You go to grab your mouse and your hand passes straight through the mouse and the computer desk itself. To your amazement, the computer, computer desk, mouse, and pretty much all your stuff is slowly becoming transparent. You reach out your hands and wave them through the area where your desk is and they pass through as if you were a ghost. But your hands and arms seem solid as ever, everything else seems to be fading and disappearing into a... forest?

You are now sitting on a tree stump in the middle of a clearing in a very strange forest. The first strange thing you notice is that it appears to be midday. True, you haven't exactly checked the time recently but you're fairly certain that it was dark outside. Also, it is in the beginning of fucking February with several feet of snow outside and this feels like a bright spring afternoon.
Also, you're fairly certain that a tree to your left, that has no eyes, just winked at you. The clearing itself is fairly simple and pleasant. It's damn idyllic. The trees surrounding the clearing look to be covered with kudzu-like plants. The only path out of the clearing you see lies a good distance behind the blonde girl in thick rimmed glasses sitting on the grass in front of you.
"So, are you going to say anything or what?" she asks in a pleasant voice hinted with a touch of frustration.

What. The. Fuck.
>The Quest Rules:
>Rule 0: The rules will probably change. You might be informed of the changes.
>Rule 1: This will be a highly narrative quest and therefore stats, abilities, modifiers, and dice rolls will be extremely important. Unfortunately, we don't know what any of them are yet.
>Rule 2: In order to break the ice, after the first vote of the thread, only "write-in" votes will accepted by voters with 1 post. This will make complete scents, trust me.
>Rule 3: There are at least four rules and I will not stop this nonsense until we have achieved our goal. We should probably look into having some sort of goal.

Any questions? Excellent. Let's go!
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There is an attractive but somewhat awkward looking blonde girl sitting in front of you, expecting a response. Unfortunately, you have no idea who she is, what she's talking about, or where you are. On the other hand, you also haven't been with a pretty girl for a minute and haven't technically had sex since the summer after graduation.
After the great plot contrivance fire that took your family, friends, and everything you cared about, you pretty much just lived off the insurance money and only worked just enough to sustain your hobbies...
What were you thinking about again? Oh, right. The girl:

>Fake It: Pretend everything is perfectly normal until you get your bearings.
>Come Clean: Spill your spaghetti and explain that you have *no* idea what the fuck is going on.
>Pragmatic Third Choice: Turn the tables on her. Ask her questions to trick her into giving you info like in your stories.
>You Damn Psycho: Threaten her until she explans herself.
>Refuse to Grow a Pair: Run off into the woods and hope she doesn't follow.
>Write-In: Any attempt in character is fair play
>Come Clean: Spill your spaghetti and explain that you have *no* idea what the fuck is going on.
As a great man once said, fuck it, I've got nothing on the line here.
>Rule 2: In order to break the ice, after the first vote of the thread, only "write-in" votes will accepted by voters with 1 post.
So you’re encouraging samefagging? Well fuck.
>Refuse to Grow a Pair: Run off into the woods and hope she doesn't follow.
I think he's saying that voters with only one post will be ignored unless they post a fresh write-in. i.e. trying to discourage samefagging via a weird method.
Imagine the scent
Yeah, it's either one or the other. The wording confused me a bit.
>Refuse to Grow a Pair: Run off into the woods and hope she doesn't follow.
Time for a tactical retreat
Sounds reasonable enough.
>trying to discourage samefagging via a weird method.
Discouraging samefagging while encouraging Write-Ins.
A bit.
>>Refuse to Grow a Pair: Run off into the woods and hope she doesn't follow.
>Come Clean: Spill your spaghetti and explain that you have *no* idea what the fuck is going on.
samefagging is not that crazy here but it's a way to get better write ins
Remember your training and disregard the femoid. Tagalong onaholes will only slow your progress. Begin exploring the forest.
>>Come Clean: Spill your spaghetti and explain that you have *no* idea what the fuck is going on.
>Refuse to Grow a Pair: Run off into the woods and hope she doesn't follow.
Should us mobile posters use names?
>Should us mobile posters use names?
Well, the rules are the rules. So even with names and trips, "1 post by this ID” posts will not count. My hands are tied. Sorry.

Looks like running is winning. Closing voting soon.
They aren’t really tied when the knot is loose and you have the loose end in your grasp but whatever.
>Super Run Away!
You bravely decide to stand up, look the girl square in the eyes, and run away from her into the woods. It's probably for the best. It will give you some breathing room to figure out what to do next.
"Wha- Hey! You are just leaving me here? But my powers still aren't fully working right!" the girl shouts after you as you race quickly through the trees until you find a place where there are less funky plants around and hide in a large hollow tree trunk.

Once it seems clear that she is not following you, you step out and look around. And the distance you can see a path running through the forest. One end seems to go deeper into the woods where the other end seems to stretch on where the trees are thinning.

>Left: Deep innawoods.
>Right: Leave the forest for the trees.
>Forward: Forge your own path through the bizarre plant life.
>Back: Head back to the clearing, maybe the girl is gone by now.
>Back: Head back to the clearing, maybe the girl is gone by now.
Seriously though, we need to find out what's going on by talking to that girl.
>Forward: Forge your own path through the bizarre plant life.
Where’s the fun in that?
Well, the chance to find civilization and get the fuck out of this godforsaken wilderness would certainly be fun.
You’ll have plenty of time to ride the railroad later anon. The QM isn’t going to kill us for taking a little walk.
>Head back to the clearing and spy on the girl
Real stalker hours
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>You’ll have plenty of time to ride the railroad later anon. The QM isn’t going to kill us for taking a little walk
>Forward: Forge your own path through the bizarre plant life.
Never look back, never compromise. Create your own way with your own strength.
>Forward: Forge your own path through the bizarre plant life.
Over and onward.
What are you guys, six? We didn't run off just to come back as soon as mommy calls for us.
Hey, I didn't vote for running off in the first place. Choosing to get lost in the woods as your first thing to do in a new world is absolutely braindead.
You laugh as if the same trademark /qst/ occurrences won’t occur. If anything, you’ll engage in them wholeheartedly.
Trust me, I like playing as smart characters and I normally wouldn't have voted to run but I wanted to see what would happen if we did. Like >>4077796 I want to see how elastic this quest will be.
Close one.
I'm going to start writing and check bsck.
I'm voting for watching her bathe you nerd.
I don't see a river and I doubt we're so far from civilization that she would do it out here.
So we follow her home and peek
Well we can certainly try as soon as we take a tour of these sacked-out woods.
Inside: Assess our burgeoning homosexuality
>Be an explorer, like Kirk.

You forge your own path through the forest, brushing past the many bizarre and strange plants. Some of the plants look like they are growing on top of other plants and trees.

As you trudge through the forest, you think about that girl. You can't even imagine what could possibly make her so attracted to you. Maybe it was because you were wearing your cool T-shirt, maybe it was because you had such well defined calves, or maybe it was because she just wanted to get to know you better.
All you know is that all these things combined must have made you seem like the perfect guy to her. Yeah. Then, you begin to think about how much fun you would have if we were actually together. But would she really leave you alone to focus on your hobbies? She seemed so clingy. What kind of relationship would that even be like?
Fuck that. Then again, she was kinda cute. But how would you ever learn to trust her completely?

Suddenly, you realize that you're being irrational and crazy. All these thoughts are making you feel dizzy and nauseous. Your mind is racing and your body feels like it wants to fall asleep. You steady yourself against a tree.
What the fuck are you doing?

You need to be pragmatic. You try to focus on one thought at a time. So, you decide you'll keep thinking about the girl and how you'd spend every waking minute with her.

You smile at her as you stroke the green skinned girl's face. Your fingers trace her eyeless features. They graze along her curled lips and carnivorous teeth surrounded by a leafy maw. Sleepily, you realize that something is very, very wrong here. But you can't quite put your finger on it.
Ah yes, your fingers... Your hands move down to touch the girl's hairless chest covered in thick, rough bark. The girl stares at you with a widened mouth, saliva gracefully dripping from her glistening jagged teeth as you gently caress her tendril vines. Her thorns are hard and erect against your shirt.
She slowly begins to stir in bed, pulling back the leafy covers and silently inviting you to join her.
Maybe nothing is wrong after all.

>Reconsider: Take a step back and clear your thoughts of thots.
>Accept: It would be rude to turn down such an invitation
>Safety first: Check pockets for condoms.
>Run Away!: Signiture move?
Rolled 15 (1d100)

I'm torn, honestly. I'll roll for it.
Safety first:1-50
Run Away: 51-100
The dice have spoken
>Safety first: Check pockets for condoms.
>Reconsider: Take a step back and clear your thoughts of thots.
This quest certainly lives up to its name.
>Safety first: Check pockets for condoms.
>Run Away!: Signiture move?
When we join this world’s equivalent of the WWE, Running like a Bitch will be the title of our signature move for sure.
Really dude? Not to be a dick but carnivorous plants that use pheromones to lure in prey is nothing new in fantasy land or real life.
It's the presentation. You don't think this is a WTF moment?
>Escape and then reconsider.
It seems like we're in one of those rapey monstergirl dimensions where betas fantasize about being some horrific chimera's cumslave. We'll need to remain focused and keep thoughts of women out of our mind, lest we join the Lotus Eaters in their hedonism prisons.
Considering the setting, no. I did like getting a look into the MC’s thought process though.
>What have I got in my pocket?

Mechanic Time!
Ah yes, our Inventory.
To determine the contents of our main characters pockets, simply describe the current contents of your actual pockets and roll a 1d100. The anon whose roll is closest to the last two digits of their post number is correct.
Now remember, the mc only has cargo shorts pockets and I will be checking the hidden camera feeds to ensure that nobody is fibbing.

Once our mc has assessed his Inventory, he will:
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

I’ve got an AR with a beam on it and a Micro Draco with a drum. I even have the key to the city.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

My pockets contain...
1 (one) cell phone
...that's it, unfortunately.
My phone, some change, a 20, and crackers.
So, your pockets are empty?
Ah, I see.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

One shitty Motorola cellphone encased in a near impregnable phone case covered with the scars of various battles and one relatively fresh orthodontic elastic.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

I've got two rubber bands and a lighter.

You have a cell phone, some change, a 20 dollar bill, and crackers. No condoms. Damn.
Unwilling to have unprotected sex, you take a step back and reconsider. You look at the carnivorous plant girl before you and wonder what the fuck you are doing as her mouth snaps at you even as you pull away.
"Are you alright?" you ask.
The plant girl nods her head quickly. She doesn't say anything. You start to feel a inexplicable panic and try to explain yourself. "Listen, it's not a judgement on you, I just don't feel comfortable having unprotected sex with..." But she just shakes her head.
You feel a deep pain in your head, pinching your eyes shut. She starts to cry and begs for help. "Please, please, someone help me!" she cries. "Someone save me! Someone save me!"
The sound startles you and your eyes pop open. The plant girl is gone. What you see before you is an Audrey 3.5 flytrap monstrosity. It's then that you realize that the cries for help are coming from you. You turn and run the fuck away.

You've put a good distance between you and the chomping willow when you hear a voice call after you.
"Are you done with whatever was so important in the woods? I hope you covered it with some leaves or something. And what was with all that yelling?" This time, you think it really is the girl from the clearing.
"I'm okay." Out of breath, you try to compose yourself. "I'm fine... There was just this, uh, big maneating plant."

"It was just a nightmare." she states matter of factly, ignoring the fact that you were obviously awake. "And, well, I don't want you running off again. You still haven't told me anything." she rushes. "Come on let me check you out. After a few cursory glances at the scratches on your legs, she nods sagely and says "Yes, yes. Not too bad. A few hours in my celestial aura and you should be fine. Fine. Yes. Now..." She stands up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!”
>"Why do you think that I was trying to tell you something?"
>"How do you know that it was a nightmare?"
>"Whst do you mean 'celestial aura'?"
ShortTrip, do you have an update schedule or do you simply run whenever you can?
>"How do I know this isn't a dream too?"
>"Why do you think that I was trying to tell you something?"
So much for “no railroading”. Two votes in our decision to run and you start rubber banding. I’d be disappointed if I didn’t call it earlier.
posting now to avoid rule 2 later

>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!”

Screaming incoherently and running around got us this far damn it.
>"Why do you think that I was trying to tell you something?"
>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!”
>>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!”
I won't lie, that was pretty lame. I guess this won't be as wild and adventurous as advertised.
It’s more than just “lame”, it’s indicative of a larger problem. I know it’s very early in the thread but I’ve seen enough that my bullshit detector is going off. I was right before and I don’t want this to become a pattern so I’ll just declare that the QM is a massive, cum guzzling faggot and take my leave. This is just the beginning you won’t find elasticity here, friend.
>ShortTrip, do you have an update schedule or do you simply run whenever you can?
Nothing set in stone, unfortunately. But The Plan is to run sessions like this on Saturday and Sunday around the same time, and updating at least once a day, probably several times a day, Monday through Friday.

Well, there really, truly are no tracks. I have no idea what happens next.
But when you run screaming in the forest, the one person you know is nearby, might find you. She didn't disappear because you refused her.
Sure, your first prediction was right to a frightening degree but this is only day 1 of the thread. At least give him another chance.
Trust me, my bullshit detector is never wrong. Maybe you’re ok with this kind of behavior but I’ve seen it all before far too many times and I’m not gonna waste my time only to be proven right once again. See you in the ozone, fellow adventurous anon.
>Trust me, my bullshit detector is never wrong
Never believe anyone who starts their sentence with the words "trust me".

>Screaming incoherently and running around got us this far damn it.
Damn straight. Pity your vote doesn't count.
Ok then happy trails, psychic anon.
>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!”

yeah, I think I'll give it a few more posts before I write this quest off.
At least I don’t go back on my word so blatantly Enjoy this load in your mouth, you pretentious, passive-aggressive hack.
Wait, why doesnt my vote count?
the QM has a zero single id poster rule, your vote doesn't count but hey on the bright side next vote post you can. Don't bother asking the QM to change his mind we have already tried.
Technically it was only Psychic Anon who tried but he was ignored.
Wow, what an absolute retard.
Change your shit, dipshit.
Some people have dynamic IPs or can only post via mobile.
You are being retarded.

Oh well, I'm only here to see how long it takes till you flake anyway.
It won't be long. In case it wasn't obvious from the OP, he made it pretty clear in the /qtg/ that the quest is a joke.
Good to see you lads have standards.
Only a few hours in and a shitstorm has already broken out. Is this some kind of record?
>"I have no idea what the fuck is going on!"

Startled, she raise her hand to her mouth. "I know that! I'm not stupid!" she shouts. "Of course you don't know anything, they wouldn't have told you any details. That's how they operate."
"'They?' They who?"
"The demons of course. They're who got you to bring me out here, right?" she blurts.
"Although, it could have been the celestials I suppose..." she continues, "they sometimes work the same way. They're jealous of me because I am half celestial and half demon. But my wings and horns are ephemeral..."
Urge to run away rising...
"That might be because I'm half vampire as well..."
"That's not how halves work."
"...but I don't need to drink blood and I can walk in sunlight fine." (My God, she's still going) "I'm still waiting for my teeth to come in and-"
"Stop!" You interrupt her before your brain hurts anymore. "You think *I* brought you here?"
"Of course! I'm not stupid! I just... can't remember how you got me here. Or figure out how you are suppressing my powers."

You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. "I am telling you that I don't know how *I* got here either. I just appeared in that clearing like magic."
"Magic?" she scoffs. "Magic isn't real. I mean, not for mortals like you."
You stare at her obliviously condescending face.

She might not be the font of exposition you were hoping for.

>Take Command: search for clues in the clearing.
>Take Your Leave: Split up and go deeper into or out of the woods (specify)
>Take off Together: Stick together and go deeper into or out of the woods
>Take More Punishment: Keep talking to her in the hopes of learning something useful.
>Wait, why doesnt my vote count?
Counts just fine now.

>You are being retarded.
Thank you.

>Oh well, I'm only here to see how long it takes till you flake anyway.
Strap in.
>Take Command: search for clues in the clearing.
"Alright. I don't know where we are or how we got here. You don't know where we are or how we got here. Let's try and work together to find out, huh?"
>Take Command: search for clues in the clearing.
>he made it pretty clear in the /qtg/ that the quest is a joke.
It's a joke in terms of being a random isekai mess with waifu frosting, blackjack, and hookers.
The idea is to have fun.
But what happens, happens.
>Take More Punishment: Keep talking to her in the hopes of learning something useful.
>"Alright. I don't know where we are or how we got here. You don't know where we are or how we got here. Let's try and work together to find out, huh?"
She bites her lower lip in the first genuinely cute action she's done since she started speaking. Then she nods once. "Okay." she replies in a serious tone.

The two of you search the clearing and find, in addition to a fuckton of boring forest stuff, traces of a strange sparkling dust on the ground near where we appeared and also an oddly shaped crystal in the treeline.
"This looks like it could be some sort of crystal or gemstone. Let's take a look at it." You show the girl. It seems rounded on one end but sharply broken on the other, as if it had been snapped off a larger stone. It looks vaguely like the big end of a carrot made out a brilliant light blue crystal.
"Wait, so you think this is some kind of gem?"
"...Yes. I literally just said that."
"I know that. You think that I don't know that? I know that... What kind of gem? What does it do?"
"I dunno, maybe it's some sort of magical object that will protect us from whatever evil plants are out there. Or maybe it opens up portals to other worlds. Or maybe it's just a piece of junk."
"No, no, this isn't junk. This is definitely a gem!"
"Sure. But we need to find someone who can tell us for certain. Somebody out there must know something."
"Do you want me to try summoning my celestial cousins?"
"... maybe we could just try walking down one of these paths?"
"Fiiine." she sighs. "I wish my wings were strong enough to let me fly..."

>Explore the path deeper into the woods
>Follow the path out of the woods
>Experiment with the crystal first [suggestions]
>Follow the path out of the woods
Maybe the crystal is a save point.
>Experiment with the crystal first [suggestions]

See if we can tranfer energy into it. Somehow. You know, like mana or some shit.
Supporting this
Ah, I get it now! She's retarded or something right? What do they call it again? Chu-something?
The term's delusional, not retarded. It's an important difference. One is a choice, the other's an affliction.
Update delayed by the time it takes me to scrub some dishes.
Delusions are often the result of a disorder so not really.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Opposed roll to develop the ability to "transfer energy into a crystal like mana or some shit"
I need rolls, let's say, higher than the the one I've rolled to determine the level of success or failure.

If nobody objects, if the results don't prevent it, I'll move right onto
>>Follow the path out of the woods
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

>"Yer not a wizard, Gary."

"Before we go I'd like to try something."
"Oh? What do you want to do?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"I'd like to see if I could maybe, I dunno, charge this crystal. Like with magic?"
"Oh." She rolled her eyes. "I told you, mortals can't do magic like that. But whatever."

You sort of sit in the grass indian style, resting the crystal in your palms, and try your best to channel your energy into it.
Every so often the girl would make snide little comments about how you were trying to "get in touch with the elements of earth, fire, and wind" and giggle to herself.
Eventually, you start to feel something. An odd pressure deep within you. You try to relax and concentrate on it at the same time. You try to harness it and channel the energy. Just as you think you have it completely under control, it slips and... you are in touch with wind gently, but not quietly, leaving your shorts.
"Windmaster!" the girl giggles hysterically.
"Whatever. Let's go." you grumble. As you are leaping to your feet, you catch a glimpse of the crystal, for the briefest of moments, completely colored a shiny mettalic chrome. You try to get it to repeat the action, but nothing happens. But you definitely saw it and did not imagine it. It was real, whatever it means. But it was almost certainly *some* kind of magic.
You pocket the crystal and the two of you set out onto the path out of the woods.

+1 Harmonics!
You have gained a bonus to any Harmonic magic rolls! I wonder what that will mean!

Continued update to follow, feel free to make any Write-Ins you like...
As the two of you walk down the forest path, you see all the bizarre plants growing amongst the normal plants deeper within the forest and it creeps you out. "I wonder what all those weird plants are..." you comment out loud to yourself.
”Oh, they're Trifflids!” The girl chimes in. "The Shadow People planted them because they can walk amongst them without being seen. Shadow People are sooo creepy. Some are just tourists and voyeurs. But many are super nasty and just want to hurt others."
”...How do you know this?"
"I saw them with my demon eyes!” she tips down her glasses dramatically. "Before you had your little nightmare in the woods, I saw them creeping about. They make themselves look just like plants so you can't tell the difference. But I can tell..."
Thankfully, the trees thin out and the path extends towards a deep chasm where it splits off to the left along the cliffside and up to stone pillars supporting a bridge across the chasm. The bridge seems to be made of sturdy planks of wood, although there is a scorchmark several feet wide in the center.
You can make out a village a small distance away across the bridge. You can hear rushing water coming from the depths of the chasm.

>Walk the path along the cliff
>Cross the bridge carefully
>Try to scope out the village from this side of the chasm
>Examine the depths of the chasm
>Blatantly stealing the name for her made-up nonsense from a classic sci-fi novel
Damn it, nameless chuuni girl...

>Cross the bridge carefully
>Try to scope out the village from this side of the chasm after You check how deep the chasm is.
I'm going to leave this vote open until the morning. It's time for my beauty sleep.
>Try to scope out the village from this side of the chasm
Maybe it's a village of man-eating plants! Or plant-eating men! Wait...
>Try to scope out the village from this side of the chasm
first post, so I guess I have to make a meaningless write-in before the rest count
>This is getting kind of annoying. Push the girl into the canyon and see if she really can fly.
>Cross the bridge carefully
>Surveying and surveillance

You step up to the edge of the chasm and peer down the edge of the cliffs. The cliff walls are at least 40 feet up and the river is rushing by quickly, so you can only imagine what lies beyond it or how deep it is.

From your position, you can see the edge of the village, but only two or three villagers. The villagers look skinny, emaciated, and sickly pale. A few seem to be paused in the middle of working on simple mundane tasks.
Most of them appear to be either asleep or dead. One villager appears to be trying desperately to keep his balance as he walks across the edge of the simple wooden huts.

You creep down low, so you won't be seen. The girl stands there for a moment, looking from you to the villager. Then she flashes a conspiratorial grin and crouches down next to you, closer than she really needed to.
You watch the villager walking. He seems to be struggling to stay upright, but he keeps going until he reaches a hut the other side of the small village.

He reaches into a leather satchel hanging on a hook and tosses a handful of seeds onto the ground and just stares at them. Nothing happens. You are bored and about to give up when a small bird flies down to peck at the seeds. The villager pounces on the bird with lightning speed, pulling it to his mouth and biting down hard. He is holding it to his mouth and it is hard to tell from this distance, but he seems to be sucking on it like an orange wedge. Ew.

"The birds have mostly stopped coming." a light voice pipes up directly behind you. The unexpected sound makes you jump like a scared little bitch, bumping into the girl pressed next to you. She stumbles forward and grips the edge of the cliff.
"Hey!" She stares down at the river frozen in fear for moment before turning back to you. ”You nearly got me wet!"
Ignoring her, you turn towards the voice. Crouched next to you, like you were all friends and everything was perfectly normal, is a young girl in a simple white dress with brown hair so long it touches the ground as she squats. Standing up, you remember the villager. A quick glance confirms that he is still nursing his bird wedge and hasn't noticed you.
As the girl stands, you realize that she is quite a bit older than you first thought. Your initial impression was that she was, like, twelve or something, but she is just very small and petite. While you and the blonde struggling to her feet next to you are clearly in your early twenties, you would guess this girl is as old 17. No way she wouldn't get carded.
The brown haired girl stands, smiles and offers a wave. "Hi. My name is Anna."
You open you mouth and the blonde blurts out ”Hello Anna, my name is Alicia Angelfire Morningstar, but everyone calls me Alice." The blonde apparently named Alice does a sort of stilted curtsey for some reason.
"Yeah..." You say, returning Anna's wave. "My name is Gary. Wha-”
"I knew that!" Alice chimes in with a wide grin, her eyes excitedly fixed on Anna. "We've been walking through the forest together."
"Uh, yeah." You continue. "What was that about the birds?"

Anna's smile fades slightly. "Oh. Yes. The birds don't fly over to village much anymore. I think that they somehow know it isn't safe. My whole village is cursed. They're vampires, you see."
"Oh my god! ME TOO!" Alice shouts as you facepalm. "Well, half vampire, half celestial, and half demon anyway..."
”That's not how halves work." Anna replies with a confused look.
"Oh my god! So, how did it happen for you? Were you visited by a handsome clan prince with gorgeous purple eyes too? Did he sweep you away in a whirlwind romance?"
"Er- no. Not at all!" Anna replies. Noticing Alice's disappointed look, she adds "But maybe it is because we aren't really, real vampires. I guess. We were cursed by whatever dark things live in that forest and just became this way in a flash all at once. Sunlight doesn't burn us but we need to drink blood and can't cross running water. Our shaman could have explained it better, but he tried to make a protective spell but it didn't work." She points sadly to the scorchmark on the bridge.
"Wait." You say. "You are saying that you are actually a vampire?"
"Yep." She smiles big and toothy like a little kid and points to her clearly long, vampire canines.
"That is SO cool!” Alice gushes, uninvitedly sticking her fingers in Anna's mouth, touching her teeth, pulling her lips up to better look inside. The entire time, Alice is excitely squirming, shifting from one leg to the next."
What the fuck.

>Press "A" for Exposition: Ask Anna all about her village, the curse, life, the universe, and everything.
>One of These Is Not Like The Others: Question why Anna is suspiciously not as weak as her fellow villagers.
>Skip to the Fetch Quest: Ask Anna if there's anything she needs to help with the curse
>Nice Blog: Ask Anna about the crystal
>Write-In something better.
>Nice Blog: Ask Anna about the crystal
Not everything is about you Anna, maybe we need someone to do a fetch quest or something for us instead, y'know?
>One of These Is Not Like The Others: Question why Anna is suspiciously not as weak as her fellow villagers.
Really nogs my jogs
Gonna leave the vote open for a bit and keep checking back while I do stuff. Hopefully I can post the next update in the next couple hours. I figure three or four updates spaced throughout the weekday will work.
>One of These Is Not Like The Others: Question why Anna is suspiciously not as weak as her fellow villagers.
Is it because she's been eating travellers?
Going with this and closing voting. I'm going to try my best to post the update in the next few hours but I've been shanghaied. I can't typewell my hands are tied but so I have to use speech to text to post this.
>I've been shanghaied
Everyday a new word to learn
About time you /qst/ lot stopped whining and found a solution to your problems. It may be weird, but at least OP is taking out the trash as far as samefagging is concerned.
Bitched and bitchpilled.
Why do I get the feeling that you typed that while choking on some cock?
Good one, faggot.
Top kek
Rude though.
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>Nutritional Content Warning

Wait, why is Anna so much healthier than the other villagers? What has she been eating?
"Anna? Can I ask you a question?"
"Yeshmph?" Anna replies as she gently pulls Alice's fingers away from her mouth. "Yes, Gary? What is it?"
"I was wondering why you seemed so healthy when the rest of your village is, well, not doing so good."
"Oh" she says looking down. "I was outside the village, just over the bridge, when it happened. The river splits and the chasms go all around the village. It used to isolate us from danger, but now it traps them in and keeps me out."
"Right. But since you're free, does that mean you've been eating..."
Alice's eyes widen as she realizes what you're asking.
After a short, quiet pause, Anna looks up, tears in her eyes, and bursts out sobbing. "It's true! I have been! It is so horrible!"
Showing surprising empathy, Alice rushes forward and hugs Anna, consoling her. Grateful for the comfort, Anna wraps her arms around Alice, buries her face in her soft sweatered chest, and sobs.
"There, there." Alice says. "It's okay. We've all had to eat people before. Especially, if you're part demon or vampire."
After a moment, Anna stop sobbing, holds her head back, and wipes her eyes and cheeks with their hands. "Wait, what? Eat people? No, I've been eating mice! I don't think I could ever eat a person, or even feed off of one."
"That's okay." Alice responds, patting Anna on the head. "Not everyone is cut out to be a real vampire. There's no shame in that."

"...So Anna, you've only ever fed on mice?" You try to confirm.
"Yes, well, and other rodents. I leave the birds for the others. Mice are good but they don't last very long. Sometimes... Sometimes I feed on rabbits. I... I didn't know that rabbits screamed when they died..." Her lip trembles slightly, then she turns and collapses back into Alice's arms. As Alice strokes Anna's hair with sisterly compassion, you stare down at the path before you and realize you have to make a very important decision.

>Plus One Party Member. Invite Anna to join you and Alice in your travels.
>As You Were: Leave Anna to her own devices while you and Alice continue on your way.
>Alone At Last: Convince Alice to stay here and help Anna while you go on ahead.
>Plus One Party Member. Invite Anna to join you and Alice in your travels.
Yay, we have our own Shalltear
Btw, regarding freedom:
>>Head back to the clearing and spy on the girl
>Real stalker hours
>I’ve got an AR with a beam on it and a Micro Draco with a drum. I even have the key to the city.
>>This is getting kind of annoying. Push the girl into the canyon and see if she really can fly.
All of these were acceptable Write-Ins, they just didn't win. They would have established certain traits in our mc though. And then, actions contradictory to those traits would be more difficult.
Just FYI.
>Quietly leave the autists to their own devices and try to find a way out of the Forest of Chunnis.
Support, we'll find helpful party members but not here.
Well, it's going to be at least an hour and a half before I can start to write up a proper update, so I will close voting then.
All's fair in love and questing.
Yeah OK OP, you can stop samefagging.
I know it's you.
Take off the tinfoil hat, Snu Tronx.

Looks like we have our decision. Voting is closed and so is the chuuni chapter, apparently.
Writing something now.
>Everyone Remember Where We Parked the NPCs

You try to quietly slip away and leave the strange girls to their own devices....

Turning towards them quickly, you try something else. "I was just thinking... Anna, you couldn't help feed the other villagers because you can't cross the bridge, correct?"
"That's right. I tried, so hard, but I can't even step onto the bridge without it feeling like I'm going to explode."
"But since Alice is a completely different kind of vampire I'll bet she can cross with no problem. I bet you cross running water all the time, Alice. Correct?"
"That's right, I do..."
"Well then, it seems to me that Alice could stay here and take all the mice and whatever that Anna hunts up and toss them to the villagers until they get their strength back. What do you guys think?
Anna adds "And while we're doing that, you can search for some answers and maybe some help!"
"Or something like that, sure, yeah."

"Wait." Alice interjects. "You want to leave me here to stay in the middle of this forest and feed armfuls of rodents to half-starved frenzied vampires for who knows how long while you go off traveling?"
"That is so fucking cool! Oh my god! This is the best idea!"
"...great! So, I'll leave you girls to it-"

"Wait, Gary! I have something." Alice starts digging around in her sweater pockets. She pulls out a fur lined slipper stuffed with a black sock. She pokes around in the sock for a minute, shakes her head, and hands it to you without looking up. Reaching into her other sweater pocket she pulls out a matching slipper and starts digging through the black sock in that. Looking down at the slipper in your hand you notice that the fur is actually quite soft. You think it might actually be real fur. And the sock is actually a black silk stocking. "Here." Alice shoves a small hard object into your other palm and snatches her slipper back. "It was a gift for my mother, well, I mean my surrogate mother, and I always hated it. She got a sapphire to match my eyes."
Sapphire? You look at the object and it looks like a gold sapphire ring. "Wait, your eyes are brown."
"They're amber actually. But she also got me matching contacts and made me wear them for two years. Anyway, take it, sell it, or trade it for, I don't know, beef jerky and a mule or whatever."
"I can't take this." It's probably fake, but still.
"Please. What do I need with it?" Now go." With that, she stands rigidly straight, arching her back to puff out her chest, and forms a kind salute. "Good luck, Gary... ... Windmaster." She smirks, stifling a giggle.
To her side, Anna stares curiously at Alice's pose and her stretched tight sweater. Turning to face you, she puffs out her own small chest, raises her hand, and waves. "Fare well, Gary, Master of Winds." She says cheerfully. Alice collapses into a fit of laughter, nearly tumbling to the ground, as Anna stares at her confused.
You pocket the ring and, this time, slip away unnoticed.
Yes now it's time to leave them to die and forget about them then start on our own journey. Great
>Gary whistles nonchalantly while walking thinking of what to do now.

You walk alone down the path which eventually pulls away from the edge of the cliff and you can no longer hear the river. The wind blows through your hair and tickles your face, and you smile at how happy you are to be alive and free. The tree line fades away and you soon walking a path through field which then connects to a rural road heavily marked by wagon tracks. You pick a direction and walk down it for a ways until you find a signpost.
You have a hard time making out with the sign post says. The letters seem extremely stylized to you. But eventually you're able to work out that it says that "Ironshod Market" is in the direction that you are calling North. And "Rockcastle" is to the South. Whatever units of measurement they're using, it seems like Rockcastle is further away. The sound of slow hoofbeats draws your attention and you see a large hay wagon being pulled by a truly massive horse coming towards you in the direction of Ironshod Market.
The wagon rider is wearing a large straw hat slid forward, covering their face.
You are considering asking them for help and maybe a ride, when you notice two short men sitting in the back with the hay. One is covered with green scales like a cracked lizard and the other seems to be made entirely of flickering black smoke. The two look to be talking with each other, but are far too distant to hear.
What the fuck?

>Simply greet the fellow travelers in a friendly manner.
>Ask for a ride north.
>Ask for a ride south.
>Run Away!
Pretty much.
>Anons will even abandon cute girls to spite the QM.
This is valuable information.
>Ask for a ride north
> Simply greet the fellow travelers in a friendly manner and ask where they are headed while complimenting their ride, to get on their good side.
>Punch the lizard looking asshole.
Obviously a lizardman mob.
We need the exp.
OBVIOUSLY a fkin mob
>Everything is Perfectly Normal

As the hay wagon approaches you simply greet them. "Hey there! Where are you headed on such a nice day? That's a mighty fine steed you have there.
"Ayup." The driver lifts his heads as he slows and you can see his face, revealing a man somewhere in his thirties and forties. But with such a sun-baked face it's difficult to say precisely. Long brown hair sticks out from underneath the hat as he squints down at you. "Ol' Gus 'ere has been making this run up to Ironshod fer thirty winters now."
"Oh what's this meatsack crowing about now?" The man with skin like a cracked and broken lizard barks. When he speaks, you can see a glow deep within his mouth and a thin wisp of smoke puffs out. You can also see a similar glow in the deepest parts of the cracks in his skin. It has the effect of making it seem like he has a red hot molten core, despite sitting in dry hay. "Has he gone inkbutter on us? I don't want to find another..."
"Hold on..." The slippery, flickering smoke man makes you eyes feel oily when you look at him. Distracted by trying to make out his features, you miss that he's holding up the black fingers of each hand together, forming a hex pattern and peering through them... In your direction.
After a tense moment, the smoke man shrugs and says "I'm not sure, he seems to be chatting to a signpos-"
"So, I'll be heading on, less'n you feel like riding a spell." The driver spoke over smoke man as if he wasn't even talking. "Don't mind 'n neither does Gus iff'n you don't touch 'em. Then he bites." The drive makes a little laugh and makes room on the wagon for you.
"-amnfool humans talk to dogs. Did you know that? And they name cats. Cats!"
"They're all inkbutter and this one's more than most."
Struggling to makes sense of this, you climb onto the wagon mostly on autopilot. The two men in back ignore you completely. "M'name's Seth."
"Uh, Gary."
"Ayup." The horse lurched the wagon forward.
"Naw, my little meatsack." The green fellowpulls himself forward and thrusts an ornate and delicately carved silver dagger between you and Seth and twists it to place against Seth's neck. "Your name is Entrails and Bait!" Then he falls back into the hay cackling madly. Seth doesn't respond at all.
"Yes. Clever. Delightful." The smoking man snarks. "Just keep your antics to yourself until we get inside."
"Ugh, weird!"
"Now what?"
"That horse's farts smell like beastman blood."
What the fuck now?

>Run Away: Ditch Seth and take your chances alone.
>Try to warn Seth about the men in the back
>Experiment with interacting with the others.
Well this is interesting!

>Experiment with interacting with the others.
By kicking them off the cart. Anyone who objects to naming cats deserves punishment. Also they're evil and creepy.
Seth clearly can't see them so warning him is unlikely to succeed.
>Experiment with interacting with the others.
This, but try to subtle about it. Maybe see if the crystal affects them.
>Addendum: steal all their shit before kicking them.
welp didnt expect that shiet about the anime girls
>Experiment with interacting with the others.

anyways my choice
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>The Scientific Crystal Method

>After a few moments, the green fellow clambers up closer towards you and Seth. The smoking man asks him, "What are you doing now?"
"Shush! I just want to believe myself haha. The disgusting green fellow puts his foot up on the bench next to your arm and begins on doing the front of his filthy leather pants."
"Your kind and your fluids are so disgusting." The smoking man turns away.

Surreptitiously, when they're definitely not looking, you fish the crystal out of your cargo pocket and slowly jab it into the greenfellas foot.

>Experimentation time!
Everyone roll against the opposed roll. We'll count rolls higher than the target as successes and multiple successes vs. failures as degrees of success, whynot?
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Ok, good thing our surname is bacon
Rolled 25 (1d100)

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>Ok, good thing our surname is bacon

....I don't get it.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

why do you persist.
Google Francis Bacon
>why do you persist
Have to.
Rule 3
Rolled 20 (1d100)

dam at least short rolled worse than myself
I'm not OP faggot.
You’re not fooling anyone bitchboi.
>It's Super Effective!

As soon as the crystal makes contact with his skin, there is a sound like a photo flash charging or an autist approaching from a great distance:
A brilliant flash of light blinds you for half a second...
And the greenfellow is violently kicked off the wagon by an unseen force.

"See! This is what I told you about your antics! If you get us in trouble I'm telling her it's all your fault!" the smoking man yells after the green fellow who is rolling on the ground clutching his foot as Gus pulls the wagon further away.
Wasting no time, you jab the crystal into the back of the smoking Man. Your hand passes freely passing into his back like water and there's a cool sensation on your skin as another sound, like warblering electricity, builds...
This time you are prepared for the flash of light and see the smoking man explode into a dissipated cloud of smoke that hovers over the road as you move on with Seth and Gus, neither of them apparently noticing anything amiss.

After a moment, you recover, ensure they aren't retuning, and pocket the crystal. "So..., uh, Seth? Do know anything about, well, small, invisible people?"
"Whatcha mean? Like boggarts? No reason to worry about them as long I've got..." Seth reaches around back behind him and feels around on the wood, eventually his fingers finding an empty nail sticking out. "Well, bugger my hump, it's gone! Damn thing must've fallen off. Happy you mentioned it. I'll need to pick one up in town. Them boggarts can play fair mean sometimes. And ol' Gus won't be sharin' his, eh?" He let's out another short chuckle.
"So, where can I learn about magic things like boggarts and such?"
"Justice! Near 'bouts everyone 'round here know 'nough to keep clear of them. Although, folk do tend to disagree on the details on such..." The seems to be thinking the subject over as you ride in silence.
"I reckon iffin you want regular, useful learning on everyday magic, you can't go wrong with Maggie the Midwife. She lives just west of town, can't miss her. Great lady.
"Iffin you want fancy learnin on all things magic and an earful of everything else, little John is usually drinking tea in the tavern, wearin' out somebody's ear.
"But iffin you're lookin' to mess with magic like a fool girl after a love charm, or iffin you think got hit wit a bad love charm 'cause you start fancying pigs or somethin', the Red Witch in north town is where folk go. Can't says I remember her name and I don't think she's calling herself Red Witch, but she's a witch and is always wearing them red robes. So...."
After a minute you realize that he's done talking and you ride on in thoughtful silence.

Arriving at the town of Ironshod proves uneventful and passing through the massive wooden palisades involves little more than a disinterested nod from a teen in simple leather armor holding a spear and doing a great impression of every bored mall employee ever.
The town itself is fairly active, with many horses, wagons, and people going about their way. The people's clothes and such seem medieval to you, but the buildings, aside from a few older stone ones, appear more like something out of a western. There are false fronts, horse hitches, water troughs, and no magic or fantastic creatures around. Just humans. The normalcy seems odd at this point.
"Ayup. This is where we part ways Gary. I got to go unload the wagon."

>Say goodbye to Seth.
>Try to encourage Seth to join you. >Do everything you can to recruit Seth to the party.

>Next action:
>Go find Maggie the Midwife
>Go find John in the tavern
>Go find the Red Witch
>Francis Bacon
I'd like to think that I would have put together eventually. But thank you.
>Say goodbye to Seth.

>Go find the Red Witch

>Say goodbye and ask for a nearby shop so that you sell something.

>Go find the Red witch (After shopping hopefully)
We didn't steal the boggerts' shit. I'm disappointed.

>Say goodbye to Seth.
>Ask how big this town is
Unless this world works on RPG logic, there's no way we can sell the ring in a dinky township. Nobody will have enough money, nor the connections to sell it further. We need to find a jeweller, or in the worst case a fence.
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470 KB PDF
Gonna close voting and start writing. I think shopping is entirely possible. It's a small town but far from a podunk. They have a town guard, but not much of one. They have trade. Their cartwright is well known in the region.
You can sell the ring here, but anon's right in that we won't get the best price and that it'll be largely store credit.
But I'm not sure how else you'd get any money. You're just not pretty enough to sell your body in this town.
Just factors to consider as I write and hopefully post tonight.

Anons looking to make a Christmas List might as well know that I am simply lifting a selection of items from Grain into Gold rather than generating a whole store. No Bags of Holding or Heads of Vecna.
>Goodbye Seth

You climb down off the wagon. "Thank you for the ride, Seth. Make sure you replace that boggart thing."
"Will do..."
"Hey Seth?"
"How big is this town? Do you know where I might be able to sell a bit of jewelry and buy some things?
"Town's not too big. No more than five hundred I reckon. Still, Overland's general store should suit you. Tell Peter that Seth says you're a wary lad. He'll do right by you."
"Thanks, I appreciate it."
Seth gives you a friendly wave as he goes off to his business.
As you walk away from the gate, you notice that there is a small group of people standing outside a central building that could be the town hall or a meeting hall of some sort. The people seem to be waiting for someone or something. You'd normally be curious but as you're looking you spot the general store and head towards it and go inside.
You see several other people inside, but they don't seem to pay any attention to you. They must get travelers fairly often. You're surprised at how the shop is not too dissimilar from a rural country store you stopped in a while back.
A few minutes pass before a man with a short beard approaches you.
He's wearing a blue tunic over a light brown shirt and has dark hair that falls past his shoulders. His face shows placid friendliness and he seems nonplussed by your presence.
"Ah, hello customer." He says. "What can I do for you today?" He only now begins to examine your odd clothing.
"I'm a wary lad."
"Excuse me?"
"Seth sent me, he said to tell Peter that I'm a wary lad?"
Recognition washes ovee the man's face. "Ah yes. You're a friend of Seth's? What can do for you?"
"I have this ring I'd like to sell and perhaps buy a few things." You pull out Alice's ring and show it to him.
He politely takes it from you and examines it. He lets out at low whistle before handing it back. He walks towards a counter in the back and motions for you to follow. Flipping through a thick book of notes on the counter, he makes a few scribbles and says in a lowered voice "It's a fine piece but I don't get much call for such. You could get more in a place like Rockcastle, if you tried. I can only offer you about fifty gold for it and I don't have more than twenty in the shop. I could give you credit and maybe see about some more coin tomorrow. Would that work for you?"

>Accept terms

>What are you looking to buy?
First of all, do we have any money ? This dictates whether or not we can wait to sell it for higher
On one hand, 50 gold seems just too low. On the other hand, here we have an in from Seth which presumably will safeguard us from being robbed and murdered for this ring.

Realistically, I think we should sell it here, because otherwise trying to sell it will consume the whole plot and that's not something I'd like to play.

>Accept terms. Get as muc hcoin as we can, including more tomorrow, take the rest in store credit.
We want to visit the Red Witch anyway, so returning tomorrow isn't a bother.

>What are you looking to buy?
- Trail food
- Water canteen
- A good knife - the universal tool.
- Firestarting equipment
- Rope - always useful on an adventure
- Heavy woolen cloak - is warm, protects from rain, can serve as a blanket
- A hat to protect from sun and rain
- A bag or backpack to carry our stuff in.
Take the rest of the store credit in small, light, valuable, easily sellable goods. Salt is a good trade commodity, for example, but ultimately it depends on what the shop has in stock.
Ah, and we should buy some local clothes to not stand out so much.

Agreed, but I'd say to buy a tent too.
Oh, and a ten foot pole. You can never go wrong with one of those.
That's why you're still reading this thread cunt.
>A weeks worth of trail food
26 sp

>Water canteen
3 sp

>A good steel knife, the universal tool, complete with leather sheath
7 sp

>Firestarting equipment
9 cp

>Cotton Rope - always useful on an adventure
4 sp per 10 Head
Wait. What the fuck is a "Head"?
You ask the shopkeeper what it means and he says "It's ten Twings." Seeing your confusion, he holds his hands roughly twelve inches apart from each other.
"Oh, it's a foot."
He glances down at your feet and looks up at you quizzically. "I don't envy the cobblers where you're from, sir."
50 Hd Rope - 20 sp

>Heavy woolen cloak - is warm, protects from rain, can serve as a blanket
8 sp

>An oiled leather backpack to carry our stuff in.
17 sp

>local clothes:
>Cotton shirt
20 sp
>cotton breeches
20 sp
>brown leather coat
60 sp

>A hat to protect from sun and rain
Apparently, everyone around here uses homemade strawhats for that. The only hats he has are for cold weather. A couple more expensive fur hats and some wool knit caps for 6 sp.
(None of the shoes are remotely as comfortable as your sneakers which are, like, brand new)

>Coin purse
6 cp

>tent too.
30 sp

>a ten foot pole
Peter says he can give you directions to the carpenters, if you like.

>Take the rest of the store credit in small, light, valuable, easily sellable goods
After searching around for something that won't weigh a ton, you find a bottle of fine rum in a metal jug. Overland confirms thatbyou should have no trouble selling it for 30 sp and gives it to at that price with a friendly smile.
30 sp.

50 Gold Pieces = 500 Sliver Pieces = 5000 Copper pieces
500 sp -241 sp -15 cp = 2,575 cp
He gives you your coins in 20 gp, 55 sp, and 25 cp.
The copper coins seem to be marked with what looks like to you to be a simple horseshoe stamp. The silver coins are all freshly, but simply, minted with an engraving of a lantern and waves of light shining from it. 15 of the gold coins have a sort of roundish circle broken up in a jigsaw pattern. Five of the gold coins have a crude engraving of a skull upon them that's been stamped off with an X. Seeing you take notice of the five coins, Peter comments that they are supposedly "pirate gold" but they spend just the same. Some of the locals don't like taking them so they've been jangling around his lock box for a while.
Peter thanks you warmly for your business, wishing you well on your travels.

Before you leavee you ask the man if he knows anything about the Red Witch. He looks at you confused for a moment before replying. "No, nothing of importance." He says. "Just that she lives in a house to the north with three large windows. Ileska likes to keep to herself, mostly. She seems nice enough when comes into the store."

>Have stuff, wat do?
This update took longer than I wanted for technical reasons. So I'll follow up with you going to the Red Witch if there's no additional input.
Wait, did we buy the woolen hat? I don't think we need one (who knows if we even live to see the autumn)
>Go to the Red Witch
Aw, did I strike a nerve bitchboi? Maybe I wouldn’t call you out if you weren’t such a neurotic looking faggot. I occasionally tune in to watch your pathetic ass get btfo by the players.
Actually I had to double-check that before clicking "post". No you did not.
I pissed away a perfect opportunity to say "Because I choose to." here, didn't I?

Still 'n all, the serendipitous synchrony in this quest is damn near miraculous.
Question Qm is there a slave system in this world and if there is, can we ask if there's a slave shop in this town although i am doubtful about that
Also when we go to the witch we could ask if she knows about curses or atleast something useful to help those vamp villagers before
>help those vamp villagers
I'm rather we never do this. If we head back to chuuni forest that means that the inhabitants will start following us around again.
no additional input

I understand that but we could atleast actually try to help and if we Can't well we leave it at that
Oh stop it you fuck.
Except you're the lifeless faggot who keeps coming back. You can't show up to Wednesday Night Fights, get bodied, and come back and say "Oh I'm BrokenTier Yipes now!"
>At least she's not ginger

You find the house easily enough as it's the only one with three large, frosted windows in front. You cross her small garden along the cobblestone path and knock on her door. A woman wearing lush, fine crafted set of hooded red robes opens the door. She looks to the left and right as if searching for something then she calls out in a sing-song manner. "It isn't very wise to prank a witch!" Then she lets out a soft chuckle and mutters. "Nicker-knocking little scamps."
She pulls her hood back and you can see her ageless face. she has lovely features and high cheekbones and long, curly silver hair held back by a simple white ribbon. You find it difficult to place her age and she appears to you like an actress in her thirties portraying a woman in her fifties or sixties. She breathes in the early evening air and exhales in a gentle sigh while gazing at the view of the town over your shoulder. You open your mouth to say something but halt when she squints at something around your chin. She slowly reaches her hand towards you as if to snatch away a pest. The moment her slender fingers touch your cheek, she pulls her hand back in surprise. "Peace me! Oh my goodnes. You startled me. Your shroud is amazing! Wherever did you get it?" Seemingly seeing you for the first time, she suddenly says "Oh it's you! I've been expecting you for weeks. Have you been shrouded in town all this time? Please, come inside." She turns and beckons you to follow her into her home.


The inside of the large, front room of her house is well lit with a fine floor rug, a comfortable looking sofa, and several chairs arranged in a circle. Small tables and shelves around the walls of the room have books and knick-knacks tastefully arranged on them.
"So tell me why you've come for my help." She says, gesturing to the chairs.
Preferring to stand for the moment, you begin to explain. "I have a lot of questions and I was hoping you might be able to help me with them. But first, well, you seemed to recognize me a moment ago, but I am certain we haven't met..."
"Oh, of course. That must be unsettling for you. Please allow me to explain. Well, roughly once a month or so, I do a little divination work, to help me prepare for the unexpected. Mostly just glimpses, or flashes, of possible futures. But on rare occasions, I receive full visions, like I did with you, standing here in my home."
"With me?" You respond as you back away slightly. "I'm sorry, I don't-"
"Please watch out!" she interrupts, looking behind you.
Turning to see what she means, your backpack accidentally brushes against a translucent blue mask propped up on a shelf behind you. It falls to the floor and shatters into pieces. Bending down to examine the damage, you pick a piece up and see that it's hopelessly broken. Still holding the piece in your hand, you turn to the woman to apologize. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"That's okay." She assures you. "It wasn't anything special, just something I liked. ...Wait. I've seen this. This is it. This is the vision. Yes. You were stand right there, holding that piece, just like that. And I..." The woman looks back snd forth before taking a step to the left. "I... I stand here, right here, and I'm supposed to say something... I say... 'Gary of Earth, I will make every effort to help you in your goal and in exchange, I ask only that when you find the Familiar Symbol, you take it and give it to me. "
She had sort of stiffened slightly when she had repeated the line, but now visibly relaxes as she offers an apologetic smile. "Terribly cryptic, I know."
She steps over and, gathering her robes, settles into a composed but casual position on her sofa. "Hopefully I can answer some of the questions you have and it may convince you to accept my help. I am awfully curious about what the Familiar Symbol could be. Although, there are a great many things I don't know. For example, I've never even heard of the town of 'Earth'. It must be quite far away."
What the fuck.

>So many questions. There is no real time limit at play in this instance, so what you ask is up to you, various topics can lead in various directions.
>Ask about how she can help
>Ask about boggarts
>Ask about the "shroud"
>Ask about the crystal
>Ask about magic
>Ask about her
>Ask about the cursed village of vampires
>Ask about slavery for some inexplicable reason
>Ask about how you got here
>Write-In any questions you like. Supported ones will be added
>is there a slave system in this world
In the world, yes.
In the region? I will be honest and say that I hadn't generated that. I will, so that I will know. But you have to earn free answers... with... boxtops? No, something though.
Anyway, the mc has seen no clear signs of slavery.

>can we ask if there's a slave shop in this town although i am doubtful about that
Technically, you can ask, but this town doesn't have a shop just for clothes, let alone just for slaves. There'd probably be a specific family that handles most of the slave mastering, and everybody would just go through them. No need for a shop, just go see Ma Shackleford. That kind of thing.
I apologize for the delayed post today. I was not given advanced warning that I wouldn't be able to mobile post. And then I deleted half the update when transferring it, like a tired idiot, and had to retype it.
>Ask about how she can help
>Ask about why would she help
>Ask about boggarts
>Ask about the "shroud"
>Ask about the crystal
>Ask about magic
>Ask about her
>Ask about the cursed village of vampires
>Don't ask about slavery because the reason is completely explicable and it's that anon's dirty fetish
>Ask about how you got here
>Ask about WHY you got here
>Ask how to get back (we don't have to, but having the info is better than not having)
Seconding this >>4084750
Woah Anon dirty fetish ... I wonder who's that about Lol >>4084750 no its not a fetish I just thought we could buy someone useful for either combat, luggage carrier and the sorts cause we are not even sure of our fighting power. So my good man there's no dirty thoughts here.
>Ask about the slavery system
Except for the slave part, pls do ask , sheesh it's not like we have to get a female slave you dunces
>>Ask about her
I have some general deets, but open to any specific inquiries.
Dropped my name.

>I just thought we could buy someone useful for either combat, luggage carrier and the sorts cause we are not even sure of our fighting power
What's the reason that you slipped past "mercenary" or "hireling" and went straight to "slave"?
The fact that we would only have to pay once and keep them forev and that I did not think about mercenarys :P so ya if slaves are no good, mercenarys it is.
Also is there adventurers and that place in nearly all isekais where the MC goes to register? Sorry i'm to lazy to recall the actual Name
Although I gotta say if it's one of those slave systems where we buy them and then they are put under a contract that somehow punish the slave for disobeying or try to kill us would be nice, if not fuk slaves
>Buying a slave who you can't defeat in combat
He'll just kill us and escape. Holy shit, anon, slaves aren't robots.
But they could be... They could be
Oh boy exposition, exposition. Support.
You act as if it takes effort to get to this thread. When it gets bumped and stays on top for a minute I come over to see you get your salad tossed by your own players. I hope you enjoy those warm BBCs sliding down your throat, faggot ass slut. Your quest is nothing speacial and I wouldn’t even call it decent. The fact that your a cowardly, pretentious cunt doesn’t make things better.
>Thog Edit Needed

"How do you feel you could help?"
"Well, it largely depends on what it is you are trying to do. But I have studied longer than I would prefer to say and possess a great deal of mystical knowledge, experience with the local creatures of nature, and more than a fair bit of experience as a wandering shaman and journeyman alchemist. I presume that I can be helpful to whatever your goal is."
"Can you handle yourself in combat if we get attacked or something?"
She raises an eyebrow at your question. "Well, I prefer to avoid violence, but I am more than capable of deflecting and incapacitating, if needed. I would rather not harm others unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Why are you offering to help me?"
"Well, because of the vision of course! 'Familiar Symbol'? Why would I see a vision of myself blanket agreeing to help someone for such a mysteriously vague reward? I am desperately curious and I am convinced that it will be worth it. Besides, it could be fun. ...and you have a sort of... unmolded clay sort of charm about you."

"I had a question about boggarts..."
"Boggarts! You've been talking to the locals haven't you? Do you know what boggarts care about? I'll tell you what they care about. Mud. That's it. Their mud. If you aren't fussing about a boggart's mudhole, they're totally harmless. But one day, some Ironshod housewife comes home to find a boggart in her kitchen after a pie she'd left cooling, and suddenly everything is a boggart. Can you guess how many boggarts are in this region? Three! In the whole region! Boggarts.... Please."
"What about a creature that's all made out of black smoke?"
"Heard stories about False Wraiths? The Shee? Don't worry. They may be dark and violent, but they are hardly ever have been seen unless by someone marked for death. They're mostly just inflated reputation."
"I see... What about green creatures with cracked, scaly skin?"
"Hmmm... Do you mean Chufs? They are awfully rare and tend to stay away from areas with people. Or humans anyway. They can be so destructive, usually, that they get hunted with enchanted iron. Especially when they get as large as draft horses, they just become too unmanageable for their own good."
"Well, this one was less than half my size."
"Wait, you've really seen one?"
"Yeah. Today, he was riding with one of those Shee things on the hay cart I took into town."
She breaks out with a little laugh then quickly silences herself. "Justice. You are being serious. They were really together and riding on a hay cart? What in the world for? I wonder..."

"They said something about 'getting inside' and were threatening Seth, the driver."
"I'm not sure what magic they planned on using to get inside the town walls, but it probably would not have gone well for him. I'm surprised that they didn't harm you."
"They didn't seem to see me. Most people seem to be able to see me fine, but you and they couldn't. What's with this "shroud" you mentioned?"
"Well, my guess is that it is a spell or enchantment that hides you from those with Fair Sight like the Forest Folk and myself. Do you really not have any idea how you came by it?"
"Actually, I think it might have something to do with this." You pull the crystal out of your pocket to show it to her. She reaches to take it and have a closer look. After a moment's thought, you hand it over.
"Oh my, yes. As soon as you let go of this crystal, your shroud vanished. Whatever the source of it is, it is connected to this. But... What is this? Clearly it's a crystal, but it is no naturally occurring one that I have ever seen before. And I have seen quite many. No. I would wager that this was created by someone intentionally, and masterfully so. A pity that this piece seems to have been broken off... It has amazing harmonic structure and seems to be attuned to you, but... I am sensing no magic, no enchantment, nor any spiritual attachment. Either whatever powers this is magic of a very powerful and equally secretive god-level entity, or it isn't magic at all."
"What do you mean? What else could it be if not magic? I touched it to each of those bog- er, Folk, and they were blasted off the wagon."
"Really? Then it's even more powerful than I thought. Definitely not magic." Seeing your confusion, she continues. "Magic, magery, or wizardry is at heart, touching into the true essence of things. Those with the sense can sort of manipulate those true essences with the right practiced methods. The sense allows you to detect active or even passive or potential magic. This crystal has none. Sorcery derives from stellar and cosmic powers that, while I don't fully understand, are even easier to detect. There are also methods that allow certain people to commune with various kinds of spirits. Those sort of techniques leave traces of the spirit. Enchantments leave harmonic resonances and the one I could feel was simply an attunement with you. The kind that can be achieved by an beginning enchanter. Shamanic energy is instantly recognizable to another shaman and alchemy can achieve wondrous things, but simply doesn't produce the kinds of effects we're discussing.
"Of course, there are many wonders in the world, and this could be a power that I am wholy unfamiliar with. There is a monastery in the northern mountains that I learned some shamanic methods from. I saw things there that I cannot explain.
"I'm sorry that I can't tell you more about the crystal, Gary."

"Can you tell me something about yourself?"
"Well, much of my past, my childhood, and learning the ways of the Forest Folk, are all deeply personal to me and I don't really like to discuss it with others. But a while back, I found myself free of obligation for the first time in what seemed like forever. So I wandered around, surviving with what I knew and learning as much as I could. About eight years ago, I found a family here in Ironshod that needed aid and helping them gave me a sort of satisfaction that I never really had before. So I kept returning here, helping others, until I made it my home. I hope that helps you understand me a bit better."

"Speaking of helping others, there is another thing. There is a village between here and the dark forest..."
"I know the place."
"Yes, well, they've been cursed. Cursed into vampires."
"What? I had heard some rumors of a vampire girl on the paths, but the whole village? Are you sure?"
"Definitely. I left a, uh, someone, there to help that girl feed them, but I wasn't sure if there was something that could be done, by someone."
"Help feed them? The forest is full of- Oh! The river! Vampires can't cross running water! How cruel! And ironic, turning the river that protected them into their execution... I know who did this. That bastard."
"What? How? Who?"
"There is a sadistic piece of work Slyph that works for- well, is one of the more powerful Forest Folk. He delights in twisting ironic torment on innocents. I hadn't heard from him since that fool kingdom to the east tried to make war upon the dark forest. I had dearly hoped that he was dead. But this is too perfectly him. Cinnamon."
"I'm sorry?"
"That is what he's called. Cinnamon, Lord Cinnamon, Cinn, or some variation of that. He's just evil. The good news is that he's probably already forgotten about the whole curse and won't cause trouble if someone tries breaking it. But any sort of spell that size would take more fairy dust than I can acquire and they'd need an equal amount to break it."

"Could fairy dust be used to teleport a person?"
"Certainly. A pinch could easily teleport a person thirty feet or more."
"How about from a different world?"
"Like from another plane? Like demons?"
"More like alternate worlds with different humans on them."
"I don't know Gary, that would require more than I could imagine. More than a roomful, I don't know."
"Oh. I think that I found some in the clearing where I arrived in the dark forest, but it was only a little..."
"...what? ...Gary, are you telling me that you were transported here from another world into a clearing in the dark forest? Did this clearing have a stump? Were there any Forest Folk around when you appeared?"
"Um, yes, yes, and no. There was just, uh, just no Forest Folk around."
"This makes absolutely no sense."
"I know right? What the fuck?"
"No. No Gary. Don't you see? Somebody put forth a tremendous amount of power to bring you here and specifically to the dark forest. The Forest Folk could have gathered and done it, I hesitate to guess why they would, but if they did, they would be there to... Um... 'Greet' you. And the paths, and that clearing especially, are where they cannot reach you. So, if it was them, they wouldn't teleport you there. But if it wasn't them, nobody else would teleport you to the Dark Forest at all! It makes no kind of sense."
"Any chance you know how I could get sent back?"
"Well, you and your world share a resonance. So if you find someone powerful enough and knowledgeable in teleportation, there is a good chance. But eventually, your resonance will adapt to this world and I'm not sure how it could be done after that... Oh!"
Ileska the Red Witch blushes in front of you and gently rests her face in her palm.
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing. It's just... 'Earth' isn't the name of a town. Is it?"

>Accept Ileska's offer and choose a goal for her to help you in (This will be her goal with you, not necessarily the quest goal)
>Something Else
>Imagine paying student debts to Fair Folk

It is interesting that chuuni acquaintance also didn't know how she ended up in that clearing. So quite possibly whatever brought us there wasn't targeting specifically us. Or the chuuni is somehow connected to us.
I think we should return and speak to her more, however some anons may object.
I also find it suspicious that the QM avoided mentioned her to Ileska. This makes me want to have them meet even more.

>Accept Ileska's offer
>Goal: find out why we're here and how to get back
If we obtain power, riches and waifus in the procress, we can always stay, but having an exit is always good and we don't have anything else to do anyway.
Seconding this >>4086697
>Accept Ileska's offer and choose a goal for her to help you in (This will be her goal with you, not necessarily the quest goal)
We can go back and see about Vampire village. The other vampire girl may know something about the Macguffin. Once we have the information we need though, we get out of there with none of those girls clinging to us. Let's not have our moment of autonomy be ruined so easily and let's hope this return trip doesn't give the QM an excuse to railroad us again.
>>Accept Ileska's offer
>>Goal: find out why we're here and how to get back
Voting Closed
>Shake on it

You agree to accept her help and she looks at you cautiously.
"So...you're certain about me helping you?" she asks. You nod. "Alright." She stands, rolls up her right sleeve to her elbow, and extends her hand. After a moment, you push back your jacket sleeve and shake her hand. She smiles and says "Like this." With her other hand, she moves yours so that you are clasping each other's wrists. "This means it is a deal. I will make every effort to help you find out why you are here and how you can get back. And in return, when you find the Familiar Symbol, you will take it and give it to me."
"Does this mean I have to steal it, whatever it is?"
She shrugs. "A person 'takes' a purchase. I presume it will be up to you. Now then, it's gotten late. We should get started in the morning. I have a bit research I would like to do before we get into it. And I should make some preparations. Did you get a room at the tavern? I suppose you could stay the night here, but I'm not used to having guests. I don't have much in the way of supper as I am a light eater. You could always have a meal at the tavern and come back if you are looking to save coin. I'll be up late preparing. I don't really mind you sleeping in here, although my neighbors my wag their tongues over such a young man staying over. But it's good to give them some harmless gossip now and then." She gives you a little wink and begins looking through her books.

>Get supper and a room at the tavern
>Have supper at the tavern and return to Ileska's for the night
>Stay her and try to be helpful to her, eating your rations
>Have supper at the tavern and return to Ileska's for the night
>Have supper at the tavern and return to Ileska's for the night
Rolled 1 (1d1)

Rolling a tie-breaker.
1. Have supper at the tavern and return to Ileska's for the night

2. Stay here and try to be helpful to her, eating your rations

3. Get supper and a room at the tavern
>Potatoes, Hold the Sidequest

You head to the tavern where you find that it isn't too busy. You order a drink and a meal and sit down at one of the tables near the door. A few people walk by, but nobody comes up to speak with you.
The woman brings you a bowl of meat and vegetables. It appears to be some sort of stew made out of mostly potatoes and a meat you cannot identify, but actually tastes damn good and is filling. The drink is a thick brown beer that slides across your tongue like room temperature Guinness. (Okay, more like a Guinness knock-off made in New Jersey.) After paying the 8 copper pieces, you begin to eat slowly while the woman seems to linger near the table.
"My name is Natalia, but everyone calls me Tala." She is a young woman who looks around twenty and has olive skin, loose black hair that falls past her shoulders, and a small, faded scar running along her left cheekbone.
She wears a short sleeved dress that goes just above her knees and an ample figure mostly concealed by an apron.

She speaks softly and slowly, looking down often when speaking to you. "I'm sorry about this, sir, I don't mean to bother you, I was just wondering if you had heard anything about that thief that broke into the Cartwright Manor. Have you?"
"No, I haven't."
"Oh... Well, I won't bother you then." she says, sounding slightly disappointed. "Please, enjoy your meal." With that, she turns to walk around, absent-mindedly wiping down tables.
Looking around, it seems like most of the other people in the tavern are older farmers and such talking amongst themselves and relaxing after a hard day's work.

>Ask Tala about this thief
>Chat with Tala to pass the time
>Simply eat your food and drink your beer
>Ask Tala about this thief

It was boggarts. Mud-loving bogarts.
>rolling a 1d1
Dádiva OP-sama
>Ask Tala about this thief
>Ask Tala about this thief
Start singing, get a karaoke session started.
>Eat your meal quietly while listening to conversation nearby.
We don’t want to stick out, but we do want to know what is going on.
Your mom was special last night, twat.
>"Boggarts Stole Me Mud!"

"Who is this thief?" you ask Tala.
Seeing your interest, she flashes a small smile and walks back over. "He's a man named Thomas who was caught with a bag full of valuables in the Cartwright Manor."
"And why were you so interested in him? What is so special about this thief?"
Tala blushes a little and says
"It's because they say he's a thief! That he stole from the Cartwrights."
"A thief stealing from someone else is nothing unusual, it happens all the time. Are you sure that's why you're so curious?"
She fidgets a little. And then she confesses "Well, sir. I met him. He was in here yesterday..." She whispers conspiratorially "...and I think that he's innocent."
"What? How could you possibly know that?"
"Well, he was in here for a long time. He said he was looking to sell some valuables, for travel expenses. I think that's what he was caught with. Plus, he has such kind eyes and a ticklish, I mean, roguish little beard..."
"Really? What are they saying happened at the manor?"
Her eyebrows furrow a bit "That's just the trouble, sir. People are saying so many different things. Several folk said that he got caught with the second daughter in her bedroom! A few say he fought the guard captain. Elsbeth said she heard that he fought off the whole guard naked, but everyone knows she couldn't carry the truth with both hands and a bucket. I even heard that Thomas, the thief rather, saved someone's life and the whole manor from a fire."


"So what do you think happened?"
"That he was caught naked in the daughter's bedroom? That's what some people say, sir."
"But do you really believe it?"
"Yes, I do. He has that sort of quality to him. He's like The Highwayman stepped out from the bard's song, seeking his love... Er, but I also think that he might have been fighting the captain or something like that, because they seem upset with him."
"Hmm...do you think that there was a really a fire?"
Tala shakes her head quickly. "No. We would have seen the smoke. But I think that the captain was injured. His wife ran across the square earlier and she seemed in an awful hurry."
"You think that the captain was hurt badly enough to need help?"
"I don't know, sir. I guess so."
"Do you think he died? Or did he survive?"
Worry flashes across her face. "I think Thomas saved him after he was injured. I'm sure of it! He was so sweet to me, I can't imagine him hurting anyone!" She clutches her hands to her heart and it seems to you like she's trying to convince herself more than you. "I want to find out more about him. If he was a hero or something, I would like to know. I have been here all day so I haven't been able to find out for myself. Please, sir, come tell me anything you hear. ...I just hope he isn't judged too unfairly."
"Is that possible? How does the law work around here, in this town?" This seems like good information to have.
"Same as most small towns I suppose. The law in town is very strict but little things get overlooked if nobody was hurt. Mostly just about repaying what you owe and the like. Of course, all oathbreakers get branded. And, there aren't many thieves that get caught and even fewer are executed."
"Hm, well I suppose that makes sense. So how much punishment will the thief get?"
"He may get branded, sir. Hopefully not on his lovely face. It depends on the magistrate and the Cartwrights."
"The injured family gets to decide punishment?"
She shakes her head. " No. What the Cartwrights say pretty much goes around here, when they care to speak up. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of others. But there's families, and there's the law, and then there's the Cartwrights."
"So, could he get executed, just for theft?"
"I don't know, sir. The law is very strict. They may hang him or they could just burn him."
"Oh that seems a bit severe. What would you do if they did that?"
A determined settles into her fierce green eyes. "I wouldn't let it happen, sir. Even a brand would be too harsh a punishment for such a gentle man."
"Ah, yes, I think I know what you mean. Thank you for telling me all this and speaking with me. You are quite charming."
Nalia nods at your compliment and smiles for a moment before a tavern patron calls for her. She steps away, seemingly in a brighter and more confident mood, leaving you alone again with your meal.


As you eat, you can't help but consider whether or not the thief deserves execution. On one hand, if he stole from a rich family and others, he's a criminal. On the other hand, does that really deserve this punishment? Still, the fact that he didn't kill the captain when confronted does make him look much better than some thieves. Perhaps he really was a good person who had bad luck. Still, the thief has committed crime and you still understand why that shouldn't be overlooked. Or maybe Tala was actually right and it was all a mistake. Mostly to help push these meandering thoughts out of your head, you sip your beer and say outloud to yourself:
"Maybe Thomas should be given mercy instead."
"Sir, what do you think of the thief?"

You turn around to see a young woman standing near you. She must have just entered the tavern. Her skin is pale and smooth. Her long hair falls down past her waist. She has long, beautiful legs revealed by her short black dress slit to show off her white thighs. Okay, you might have just spent longer than is technically socially appropriate looking at her legs. She doesn't seem to have noticed though. The gold trim on the dress matching a golden necklace, her utter lack of any tan or callouses, and general appearance all scream "wealthy" in contrast to the farm community around you. She seemed nervous as she nervously asks the question and is now looking at you with quiet anticipation.
What the fuck? Why the name of almighty Kek is every woman in this world coming to you with their issues?

>Redirect her to Tala, you don't want all this attention, but listen in if you can
>Invite her to sit down and discuss it
>Run Away: Make an excuse, finish your beer, and duck out of the tavern and back to Ileska's before the full waifu assembly arrives

>Optional Poll:
>What do you feel is, or should be, the mc's opinion on crime and punishment, law and order, and other procedurals?
This may influence the tone of his characterization.
Unfortunately, their karaoke machine is out of order. Boggarts.
Oh I’m sure she was. You must have really enjoyed it when she pissed all over your face. Alright, I’ve kicked the shit out of your dummy IP enough. I’ll deal with you in a more personal manner.
Alright bitch, readjust your tampon, tighten your thong, and stop acting like a prissy little shit. Pretty much everyone agrees that you’re both a jackass and a faggot.
I'm not going to say that you're wrong Psychic Anon, but what are you still doing here? The shitstorm is over at least for now. Why bother getting into another slap fight with this guy?
Sorry QM, this seems like a lengthy sidequest without a tangible reward, and we hadn't even properly started on the main plot.
>Run Away: Make an excuse, finish your beer, and duck out of the tavern and back to Ileska's before the full waifu assembly arrives

You're being a little cunt on your lonesome.
I don’t need any “bullshit detector” to tell me what this pissant is all about. This sorry excuse for a QM has a track record for being a little bitch among other things. And I wouldn’t call it a slap fight. Anyone can call him out on his wrongdoings, but he’s literally drowning in his unwarranted ego. All he’ll do is hide behind a mobile IP and ignore or brush off any legitimate criticisms. Just read this thread, the last few posts he made in the /qtg/ and those Mythic threads.
You can fuck off too. Clearly I’ve been arguing with someone else here so I’m not “on my lonesome”. Just shut the hell up and lick a few more pairs of boots.
You've got a lot of issues. More than the usual 4channer starter set. You should get counselling. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
That statement would’ve had a lot more weight if you A: actually knew anything about me and B: weren’t the QM samefagging. I’m not giving up (You)s to these imposters anymore and since I know you’re too much of a faggot to respond as Shorttrip or whatever the hell you want to call yourself, I think we’re done here.
>Invite her to sit down and discuss it
Let’s save our nigerundayo points for a time that we need
Even your fellow psychos are telling you to chill. See >>4089176 and >>4089184. When even your own kind agrees with me, I think it's time to hang it up.

Aw, who am I kidding? You're too disturbed to quit. You get off on this shit because you're otherwise unworthy of anyone's concern. This is the height of your week, I'd bet.
I decisively object being called a psycho based on 3 completely civil posts.
I'm with this guy >>4089288. You're just as insufferable as him the only difference is that you don't talk as much. Besides, he already said he wouldn't bother arguing with you anymore. Why antagonize him further if you're so well adjusted?
You must really like karaoke.

>a track record for being a little bitch among other things
>those Mythic threads
Okay, feel free to criticize me for this quest and in the /qtg/ if you like, but you really are conflating me with someone else here. I don't know what Mythic threads you're talking about.
I'm not going to banter with you though. I don't feel like it would add to the quest.
Oh come off of it. You deny any fault you may have regardless of how many times they are pointed out or the amount of people who point them out. I know you’re a disingenuous prick so you won’t answer this, but what do you have to gain from all of this lying and deflecting? Virtually no one is buying your shit, at best they tolerate you. Do you simply avoid verbalizing any and all uncomfortable truths for your own sake? I could easily link you back to those threads and you know this but you’re so deluded and two-faced that I don’t even know if it’s worth the effort.
>Invite her to sit down and discuss it
Another side quest. No need to make it a priority, just a detour.

>What do you feel is, or should be, the mc's opinion on crime and punishment, law and order, and other procedurals?
The law should be followed by those we don't know. If its light enough and no one is hurt, we don't care. If we break the law, we know better than to get caught.
>I could easily link you back to those threads and you know this
Well, I assumed that *you* knew what you were talking about, yeah. But I am not sure what you are even talking about. For one, you're calling them threads, not quests. I am not lying when I say I don't know what you are talking about. Were they titled "Mythic"? Is that a thing? My mind immediately goes to rare Magic cards, then just myths in general.
Consider the possibility that, whatever you say about this quest aside, you might actually be capable of making a mistake.
I’d give you points for actually responding but since you did your typical “duck and dodge routine” I can’t even give you partial credit. Threads, quests it’s all semantics when we’re talking about stories run by a QM. Pushing your bullshit aside, it’s obvious that you are the same guy who ran the Mythic Quests//threads. You both cover the same genre, the same concepts and use the same techniques such as using generators to form characters and locations. You utilize the same currency system, you utilize aspects from real life to influence aspects of the quest such as what objects the players possess on their person IRL.

As far as the personality goes, it’s practically one to one. You’re arrogant, disingenuous, you essentially wave off all criticisms with weak excuses and jokes, The most offensive thing about you is that under that veneer of an easy-going, reasonable QM, you’re actually a control freak, and unapologetically petty.
Just leave then anon? Who gives a shit, there are a dozen other quests you can read not run by the guy.

>write in
“I have no idea. I really don’t know anything other than what she just told me, and from what she told me it doesn’t sound like she knows much of what actually happened either, at least other than the supposed thief is a rather charming sort of person. Maybe he is guilty and maybe he isn’t, I got no clue. For all I know it might as well have been boggarts.”
For the poll
>If he stole something really big or is a repeat offender or something, maybe he deserves death, if it was something else like sleeping with their daughter he probably doesn’t. We don’t know the full story so it’s not our place to say, nor do we have any reason to get involved in the first place. Even if he is innocent we aren’t enough of a moralfag to go around saving every person we hear about, especially ones that would likely get us killed. Even if we were we are still weak as shit and in out of our element, so we have no reason to go around picking fights with powerful wealthy families. Just make a mental note not to steal anything from people around here since we don’t want to get killed, burned, or branded.
What exactly did you see when you read my post? If you even believe and agree with a fraction of what I explained in my post, shouldn’t that make you think if only for a moment? Keep in mind, this guy has abruptly dropped his last two threads within a timespan of 3-4 weeks. This is also the same guy who in this very thread, lied straight to the players’ faces and then utilized samefagging to insult everyone who voiced their concerns and criticisms. When you look over the QM’s track record and his behavior in this very thread, what exactly makes you say “Hey I’m ok with this” because I’m at a loss here. Obviously, I can’t make you do anything and I never planned on driving people away from the quest but I am legitimately curious about your thought process here.
Anon, 50% of the quests these days are shitposts or drop after 1 thread. That’s just how the board is. Three of the last 6 I was playing dropped after less than 3 threads. Scp remnant quest and pants quest each only lasted one and were still fun/ interesting while they did On top of that about a third of them are isekai and most of them use some form of tables. Rolling on tables is actually really fucking useful for DMs sometimes and base 10 currencies in a fantasy setting are a dime a dozen. Heck he could even have seen it in whatever thread you hate and thought it was useful for his own plans. In the end, it doesn’t fucking matter. Just stop spamming the thread and move on if you are really convinced it’s the same guy and you don’t like him.
>Begin Journal Entry

You gesture towards an empty chair. "Please sit and down and we can discuss it."
The woman nods in gratitude and sits down next to you. "My name is Adelle. My father's company is called the Cartwright Company. We are an independent merchant house that specializes in making high quality wagons and carriages as well as fine furniture for nobles."
"My name is Gary." After seeing her politely sit, watching me patiently and silently for a moment, I add "I am a traveling scribe of Yelp, seeking information and possible routes of travel." Apparently, announcing one's status or profession is a custom among some locals.
"Yes, I believe I have heard of Yelp. It is located quite far to the northeast of here, is it not? Have you tried visiting Rockcastle yet? It is a great place to find information on potential routes of travel. Are you looking for a way to travel home?"
"Perhaps. It always helps to have the information available to you, even if you never use it. You were asking me what I think about Thomas... Can I ask you why you want to know?"

Adelle smiles slightly and maintains steady eye contact with you. "I would be happy to answer your question, sir. Gary. If would please be so kind as to continue to first answer mine."
"I feel that, although the law should generally be followed, those that break the law, and get caught, don't necessarily deserve punishment if the crime is light enough and no one is hurt. You explain with a smile.
"Just so." Adelle smiles. "And even accidental harm can be... forgiven. I agree."
"So you're saying that they should forgive the thief?"
"Of course. That is how we humans work. We aren't dwarves! But, there is another reason why I asked you."
"What is it?"

"Miss Cartwright!" Tala interrupts. "I'm surprised to see you here. Tonight, I mean. That is, um, wow, you look so lovely tonight!"
"Thank you," Adelle replies.
"But really, I just wanted to thank you. Because I've been thinking about this since earlier today and it occurred to me that maybe I should tell someone. Not because I want to, but because it's the right thing to do."
"The right thing to do?" you reply.
"Definitely." Tala responds to you before turning back to Adelle. "You see, I was talking to sir here before and it helped me decide what I should do. I want to ask you to talk to your family and the guard. I don't think Thomas was out to hurt anybody. I think he is innocent!"
Adelle looks at each of you and nods. "I have spoken to my family. Unfortunately, my father will hear none of it. He wants this over with quickly before the townspeople will talk. Although, clearly it's too late for that. And I don't need defending from the truth, anyway. Nothing untoward or illicit happened. It was all just an unfortunate incident."
"I knew it! It just had to be." Tala sighs and turns away. "It's not fair! He didn't do anything wrong!"


"So what was the other reason you wanted to ask me about Thomas, Adelle?"
"Well, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to help me. I thought that perhaps you might not like the idea of being involved in something like this. Or maybe you wouldn't want to. So I thought it wise for me to ask you."
"Oh, well that makes sense. Well, then let's start with the basics. What did Thomas do?"
Adelle looks down for a moment and says "If we're talking about this we're going to need rum. Tala? Please fetch three glasses and a bottle of the rum I like, you know the kind?"
"Yes Miss Cartwright." Tala says. "But I can't drink. I-"
"Tala, my family isn't here. You can call me Adelle. Now fetch that rum and glasses and sit a spell. I insist."
"Yes Mis-, right away Adelle."
Tala gets the bottle and fills the three glasses, sitting down while looking at Adelle with a curious expression.
"Now, what exactly happened?" you ask.
"I found him in our front hall shortly after he entered our home, obviously, he was there to do business with my father of some sort. Unfortunately, father wasn't there and as I spoke to him I noticed that his shirt was torn."
"His shirt was torn? How did it happen?"
"He didn't mention, but I thought I would be polite and fix it for him since it was just a simple tear. And, I had last left the sewing kit in my bedroom because I had been darning some socks..." Adelle draws a long sip from her glass.
Despite this thin story, Adelle sounds very sincere, so if she is not telling the truth, then it is because she is a very good liar.
"That's why he was in your room! I knew there was an innocent explanation!" Tala exclaims.
"Yes, exactly. And then Captain showed up and mistook the situation for something it wasn't. And poor Thomas tried to get him to understand but the captain wasn't hearing any of it. The two of them struggled for a bit and, well, I've never been around violence before. So when they began bumping into furniture, I snatched up the wash basin and pitcher before they could spill and the captain accidentally bumped his head against the basin I was holding."
"And that's how the captain got hurt? He hit his head?"
"Yes. Of course, the second hit probably didn't help." Adelle calmly emptied her glass and set it infront of Tala, deftly snatching up the untouched glass there. "You see, I was so startled and flustered that, well, I dropped the basin on him."
"That is pretty unbelievable." You reply, unable to handle the pretense.
"Of course it is. But I'm telling you, I saw him fall after bumping into the basin and then when he came to rest on the floor, the wash basin slipped out of my hands!" Adelle swallowed half the rum in her second glass. "And when Thomas saw some blood coming from his ear, he rushed to help the captain and stayed with him while I fetched Maggie Goodwin. When Maggie and I arrived, the guard had already captured Thomas."


"Did you tell anyone else about what happened?"
Adelle shakes her head. "Just my family, but none of them are listening to me. They're going to hurt Thomas tomorrow, badly. We have to do something!"
"We?" you ask.
"If we don't do something now, nobody else will. We won't have much time."
"What should we do?" Tala asks.
Adelle whispers "I can have most of the guards come here. Tala, you can keep them here for as long as we need. Then I can distract whoever's left. But Gary, you are going to have to get him out of the locked room in the town hall they're keeping him in. There won't be any trouble after that, I'm sure of it."

>Agree to help free Thomas with Adelle's plan
>Try to talk the girls out of a jailbreak
>Agree to help Thomas, but come up with a better plan
>Thank Adelle for the rum and get out now
>Thank Adelle for the rum and get out now
Wish the best of luck for them
>You both cover the same genre, the same concepts and use the same techniques such as using generators to form characters and locations. You utilize the same currency system, you utilize aspects from real life to influence aspects of the quest such as what objects the players possess on their person IRL.
Okay, a small of that portion of that is coincidentally similar enough that you seem less crazy now. The rest is just generic. But that isn't me.

>in this very thread, lied straight to the players’ faces

>and then utilized samefagging to insult
That wasn't me either.

I don't think I can convince you or prove it, but I am not that other QM and not the anon wasting time insulting a stranger on the internet. If you believe otherwise and wish to die on that hill? What can I do?
Party on, anon.
The last few iterations of the quest he ran were in fact dropped in one thread so most of your argument is moot. As for the generator, this one obviously makes his use of them well known and implements them in virtually everything he does. Most isekai quests only go as far as Bo3, DC:75. They don’t use dice to generate characters and locations. I’ll give you a bit of leeway on the currency but most QMs mostly stick to one unit if currency is even considered at all. You completely ignored a crucial part of my explaination and also ignored the question I directly posed to you. Since you have been fairly direct, I won’t accuse you of anything but you’re handwaving the softballs and ignoring the main issue.
Then you're just as much of a twatmuncher as he is. Typical though. You lot always throw hissy fits when you don't get your way. Come off it, poofster.
If anyone else is curious, I think that he's talking about the guy at the bottom of this search.


I definitely read through one of those because it seems familiar, and if the pockets mechanic is the same, I probably stole it and don't remember.
I personally think our approaches are significantly different. But that's just my opinion.
>I don't know what you're talking about
>"Mythic"? is that a thing?
>I definitely read through one
I don't even have a horse in this race, but what the fuck are you doing.
Yeah, no. I have yet to insult anyone here though I am tempted. This whole thing has become a mess and people like you aren't helping matters.
I'm just being honest.
I didn't read all that or learn the system.
I just read through some of a thread once so I recognize it. It is rare to see a link to the system offsite in the OP. (The whole dense structure of the start is unusual to me, but I don't play too many multiplayers, and none that weren't nation builders.)
Also, I don't bother to memorize the name of every quest I check out and don't like.
>This whole thing has become a mess and people like you aren't helping matters.
And not the kind of mess I was hoping for either. Now that I understand that anon, I'll go back to ignoring the pointless insulting and I encourage others to do the same.

But if anyone wants to criticize me on something or change anything, I'm open for discussion.
You do realize you just contradicted yourself right? One minute you act as if the Mythic threads were about cars and the next you “knowingly stole from them after reading a few”. The mechanics don’t have to be exactly the same people are capable of tweaking mechanics and s their styles. There’s more than enough evidence to tie you to those threads and though nobody here will bother reading through them, I can say with full confidence that you are Oracle/Wuxian. If anyone is curious, this thread showcases pretty much everything you need to know about him
I'm not taking any sides here, but obviously everything here isn't on the up and up even when you disregard what that anon said. Despite everything, I'm still willing to stick around but we should all be more open and direct when dealing with issues like this in the future. More than enough people have already left due to lack of or poor communication.
“What happens to me if I get caught? I don’t have any sort of experience sneaking into places and I really don’t want to be killed for some guy I never met, even if he is innocent.”
>I definitely read through one of those because it seems familiar, and if the pockets mechanic is the same, I probably stole it and don't remember.
>“knowingly stole from them after reading a few”.
Either your reading comprehension is flawed or you typed that wrong for some reason.
I remember ideas I like. I am not shy about stealing snippets for fun. Like the mask scene, for example.
I don't remember the name of clunky quests or systems I didn't like.

>I can say with full confidence that you are Oracle/Wuxian
Which is funny to me, because I am not.
Let's agree to respect each other's beliefs there. Hate me for things I do in *this* thread, okay?
>obviously everything here isn't on the up and up
I don't understand that. I really don't, but I fully support your message of communication.
>“What happens to me if I get caught? I don’t have any sort of experience sneaking into places and I really don’t want to be killed for some guy I never met, even if he is innocent.”
>Wish the best of luck for them
Gonna close voting here so I can try to crank out one more update before sleeping.
>Either your reading comprehension is flawed or you typed that wrong for some reason.
Obviously I used a bit of hyperbole, but that doesn’t invalidate my point or the point the other anon made when he caught you in a lie here >>4090261

>Which is funny to me, because I am not. Let's agree to respect each other's beliefs there. Hate me for things I do in *this* thread, okay?
If I thought I was wrong (which I’m not) I would apologize and move on except there’s just one tiny little problem. Even if you weren’t him, you act exactly like him in every regard. Everything that I said applies and while you can obviously deny it, that won’t change anything. I’ve already pointed out plenty of reason to be wary of you which I pulled from this very thread. Obviously you’ll never fess up no matter how much damning evidence is set against you. You could be caught breaking into someone’s car on camera and deny everything all the way up until they hand you your prison uniform.

It hardly matters, I’ve called you out and exposed you. You can have fun with your other IPs and your two syncopants. My job here is done. Anyone with some sense will be leery of you and this thread if nothing else.

Fair warning, I won’t be responding to any of your snarky retorts, denial, or pathetic attempts at psychoanalysis. Any attempts to goad me on your part would be both childish and a waste of time.
>Thank Adelle for the rum and get out now
That Farscape reference
>tfw I manage to type the update before falling asleep and pass out proofreading it.

>Even if you weren’t him, you act exactly like him in every regard. Everything that I said applies
Except for the lying, samefagging, and anything else that you insist I do but haven't actually done. You assumed I was him, used that false assumption to convict me of misdeeds I haven't done, and then used those convictions as evidence that I'm him.
You say I'm him because I am "lying", when the only "lie" is that I'm not him.
I am not and never have been. All of this has been an, almost understandable, artifact of your confusion.

>Any attempts to goad me on your part would be both childish and a waste of time.
Please tell me this was intentional humor.
If it wasn't, please reread all of your posts in this thread. Especially if you were engaged in the nameless banter earlier that also wasn't me.

For the record: I have not lied in this thread. And generally don't, especially on 4chan. I don't see the point. Any player can ask me what they like to clarify anything.

“What happens to me if I get caught?" you ask. "I don’t have any sort of experience sneaking into places and I really don’t want to be branded or killed for some guy I never met, even if he is innocent.”
"Oh, that's a good point." Tala notes. "What would happen if sir Gary did get caught?"
"I..., well, I really don't think he would, but I suppose I understand. We will need to find a different way..."
"If you will excuse me ladies, I wish you both the best of luck. Thank you for the rum, Adelle."
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Gary of Yelp."
"Fare well, sir Gary! And don't worry, we will save him, I'm sure of it."
You decide that you should go back to Ileska's house. The pair watch you leave the tavern before returning to their conversation as you walk through the streets. You feel the alcohol in your stomach burning and are feeling pretty good despite leaving the two girls to their own devices... again.

Your feet suddenly stop. Your eyes widen and you realize that you are no longer walking straight forward anymore. Instead, your body is floating in mid air and you are unable to control your movement as your legs can no longer reach the ground.
This is the first time you've ever experienced anything like this. There is a warm sensation that washes over your skin that feels strange, almost unnatural, but somehow comforting all at once.
You try to speak, to call out, but nothing comes out. All you can hear is the sound of your own breathing. It seems as though you are falling through a void and everything becomes blurry and distorted. Then, suddenly, you find yourself falling through a swirling black vortex. You look down and see that you are not in the town but rather in the middle of an empty field. There is nothing here except darkness and silence.
You hear hard clacking footsteps and see a naked woman approaching out of the darkness. As she gets closer you see that she is not quite a woman. Her pale blue skin is bald from head to toe but also smooth entirely, like a Barbie doll or that one look Marilyn Manson had once. She stares at you with cold, emotionless eyes. She looks like a living statue.
You stare back blankly for several seconds until she speaks in a familiar voice. "Are you alright?"
"Yes," you try to reply, still trying to process the situation, but no sound emerges from your throat.


"Return," you finally say, having no idea why you said it.
"Gary, you are acting really weird. Do you remember when you were talking to me earlier today?"
"You..." You start to say before realizing that you cannot control what you are saying and that lack of power makes you feel like shutting down. You start to feel a little panic. Staring in fear at the strange woman, you shout "ARE!", and are unable to make sense of it.
"What?" the woman-thing says. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
You struggle to say "No!" or "Of course I'm fine!" or just scream for help, but only one word is coming and you feel an irrational fear of it.
"Gary, you are safe. Just speak to me. What are you seeing? I can help. It's-" Ileska. That's whose voice it is. You recognize it just before she says it. But you can't speak any other word but one...
It comes out in a shuddering whisper: "... necessary."
"What?" you ask out loud.
With a sound like an glacier crumbling, the desolate field of blackness shatters like glass and you are standing in the middle of Ileska's front room. She looks concerned, standing where the other woman had been, staring at you.


"I think we both know what the Justice just happened," Ileska says.
"We do?" you ask weakly, confused.
"Well, yes and no," she acknowledges. "The thing is, Gary, you've been having a vision, but were not responding to anything. Like the crystal, there was no sense of magical energy. And you didn't seem to be getting any better."
"A vision, like that was the future?" Damn you're tired. "Thanks for saving me."
"Don't thank me yet," Ileska says. "I didn't do anything."
"The vision ended on its own once you said 'Return. You are necessary.' Do you have any idea what it could mean?"
"Only that I'm needed back on Earth. I can't imagine what for. Heh. Maybe somebody's thread needs a bump." God you're so tired.
Ileska holds her palm up with some crushed leaves on it. "Gary, I want you to smell these."
"Why?" You ask through half-lidded eyes.
"Please. I promise you that this is the best way I can think of to help you now. Please smell."
"Okay," you say.
"Now, hold your nose close and breathe deeply into it."
You open your mouth to protest, but then close it again. It smells really good. Hey, is that chamomile-


Your body feels so light as you drift off to sleep. You don't even realize that you've fallen asleep until you wake up. The next day, you find yourself lying on Ileska's sofa, completely rested. You try to sit up and suddenly realize that you are lying naked under a sheet. The only thing you are wearing is apparently the crystal with a leather chord wrapped around it to hang it around your neck. Looking around you see your belongings neatly folded and arranged in a pile next to the sofa. Ileska is awake and appears to be eating a hard boiled egg on a large leaf.

"You seemed quite unwell after that vision, which I remain convinced was some form of communication. So, I thought it best to examine you for injuries and illness. You seem intact and as healthy as I imagine you were before." She walks over and hand you your own egg on a leaf. You take and eat it, not certain if you're supposed to eat the leaf. "I have been trying to find out what is going on in the Dark Forest and I have learned something promising."
"Is it already mid-morning?
"Yes, but don't worry all of my guests so far have been local chipmunks." Seeing your reluctance to get dressed in front of her, she smiles and turns to face the wall while telling you what she has learned as you pull yourself back into your clothes.. "Apparently, all the Forest Folk of the Dark Forest are working together, which almost never happens, to find "The Lost Treasure". Whatever this Lost Treasure is, they are putting all their efforts into finding it. I strongly believe that it directly links to why you were summoned. It's possible that you are destined to find it. Or maybe not. But if we did find it first, we could easily leverage it to the Forest Folk for some of their power to get you an explanation or maybe even home."
"We have at least three options for how next to proceed:"

>Train magic knowledge with Ileska for the next few days until you are more capable.
>Check on the vampire village and see if it's related
>Search the Dark Forest paths for clues of your teleportation or this Lost Treasure
My man!
I didn't realize it until posting that this update also features an unintentional reference, but in my imagination, It's an entirely different shade of naked blue and
I didn't make the connection.
>Train magic knowledge with Ileska for the next few days until you are more capable.
People like me? Your boyfriend is the one who started it you freaking faggot. Scroll up and learn to read before opening your mouth.

I was on your side. Don't be a faggot.
I'm referring to the fact that there's an anon in this thread who's sole purpose is to insult anyone who criticized you be it unfairly or not. He hasn't even voted once.
>Train magic knowledge with Ileska for the next few days until you are more capable.
Who are you again? I honestly can't be bothered with any of this drama. If it's a fight you want, you're not getting it.
Sorry. I was focused on the "Let's stop the bickering" idea and overlooked the possible "people like you" connotation of what I supporting. I did not mean to be a faggot. But in a second glance in hindsight, I could see how I was.

"Never fight a pig. You just end up dirty and, besides, the pig likes it."
>I'm referring to the fact that there's an anon in this thread who's sole purpose is to insult anyone who criticized you be it unfairly or not. He hasn't even voted once.
Ah. That makes sense. Thank you for clarifying.
And thank you for the vote.
Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. You’ll become a bad guy when you where the good guy shoes.
Care to explain yourself, Chet? It looks awfully suspicious.
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d5 + 2)

>>Train magic knowledge with Ileska for the next few days until you are more capable
Okay. Closing voting and going to work up some training. Rolling to see how many days we train for.
>Care to explain yourself, Chet? It looks awfully suspicious.
I can't explain him. That's not me. I just assumed it was an anon who was on 4chan "for the bantz" or whatever. I was trying not to get involved, but here we are.

Makes it seem like an obtuse riddle, Krispy.
It’s far too early for you to have a rabid fan base. Could it be that you’re throwing stones and hiding you hand?
I'm sorry, what?
It seems that this thread is 75% shitstorm and 25% quest. I think this fact is attracting trolls who are both for and against you. Or maybe it's just a few guys dicking around.
You're a faggot who can't read. Got it. If your parents weren't related, you'd see that a) my IP is dynamic and I've been keen on voting; b) I only went off on your little mini-me for shitting up the thread by attacking QM. It's not my "sole purpose" to get at anyone criticising the OP. Criticism is a part of life. Attacking the QM while foaming at the mouth from a delusion where he's Mist/Som/QM-Monster-Of-The-Week is NOT criticism, you brain-busted piece of shit.

God you're stupid.

You're right. I shouldn't stoop to their level. My thing is: If you don't like a quest, state your peace and move on. Don't sit here and create a fantasy in which the current QM is whichever one /qst/ likes to shit on at any point in time. That's childlike. I was fine with the criticism, but, as my QM myself, found the shitposting and trying to get you to stop writing to be unnecessary. Though I clearly went about it in the wrong way for giving them fuel. I apologise for it and hope we can get back to the quest.

For what it's worth, I don't think you're any of the randoms he brought up. Isekai is in vogue right now, so obviously you'll see that reflected on /qst/. No one owns the genre.
You're not worth my time. Take your issues out on someone else. By the way, I was referring to this guy
Ahhhhh. So you -are- a faggot. Dude in green is right. If you want to fellate an obvious troll who can simply leave the thread rather than shit it up, that's on you. Don't ask those of us in the non-faggy realm to hop on your track though. Ride them rails solo the way you ride the troll's cock.
Rolled 84, 62, 43, 25, 39, 35 = 288 (6d100)

"I think it's best if I learn how to be more capable before we go searching for any treasure or try to help the village or anyting."
Ileska smiles and nods. "Very wise and sensible of you, I agree. I was hoping that was the direction you were going to choose because it will allow me to study up on that vision you had."
Now I think we should start with teaching you the basics about the forest Folk and how to deal with them. Then I might try my hand at teaching you wizardry and possibly enchantment. Shamanism might not be something you're adept at but if I teach you the core principles, you'll at least be able to make a healing poultice. and I'm not sure how much alchemy will be able to help you but it is another skill that I have I can teach quite well. Let's get started, shall we?"

>I'm going to need some rolls.
Roll 6d100; Rolling higher than the opposed above
First roll is enchantment, +40 for Ileska's lack of expertise, -10 for your talent
Second roll is wizardry, +30 for Ileska's lack of expertise
Third roll is shamanism +20 for your inexperience
Forth roll is alchemy +10 for your inexperience
Fifth roll is fairy lore, unmodified.
Sixth roll is vision research, unmodified.
Ileska sucks at enchantment and, while she can cast a few spells, that doesn't mean she can teach very well. Since enchantment is impossible, drop your lowest of the six rolls. But the rest go in order. Okay?
For quick reference:
Enchantment: XXX
Wizardry: ≥ 92
Shamanism: ≥ 63
Alchemy: ≥ 35
Lore(Forest Folk): ≥ 39
Vision Research: ≥ 35
If you can explain when I took his side that would be nice. If you can stop picking fights, shitting up the thread, and at least pretend to be an adult that would be better. If you really want to be an overachiever, simply fuck off forever.
Shut your filthy, disgusting mouth. Do you understand me?
File: source.gif (539 KB, 300x169)
539 KB
539 KB GIF
No, I don't speak autist.
Fuck off then twatmuncher. You're worse than the troll at this point.
Rolled 11, 7, 61, 39, 31, 92 = 241 (6d100)

Stop polluting the thread
That's it kid. You are grounded for a week and I'm putting you down for a nap. If you can behave yourself you just might get dessert tonight.
Go suck your troll friend's dick. The rest of us are trying to enjoy the quest. Thank you.
Rolled 15, 69, 32, 100, 40, 6 = 262 (6d100)

Thank you anons.
>The rest of us are trying to enjoy the quest. Thank you.
Insulting posts crafted:10
votes casted:0
That's another week for lying boy!
>Rolling in Knowledge

You asked to learn about enchantment and wizardry first but the more she talks about enchantment, the more Ileska sounds like a hippie asking you to simply "feel the vibrations" of everything. it doesn't help that she doesn't know enough about enchanting itself to demonstrate any of the theory.
Wizardry lessons go fairly the same. She teaches you about the True Essence of things and how you can command them through the use of their True Names in dragon tongue. But it doesn't help you to actually do any of it even when you see her demonstrate the simple candle lighting spell or the pebble tossing spell that she taught you. You just haven't been able to "feel" the magery yet, if you ever can.

You weren't even able to feel anything when she cast the mind spell to protect you from the vision you had. She had felt that the alcohol had lowered your mental ability to the point where the vision was triggered by whatever was causing it. She couldn't identify it, but she could cast a simple spell to ward your mind from outside influences and it seemed to work.
Things go considerably better when she teaches you about Shamanism. As she talks about achieving unity and drawing power from the united life force and imbuing it in potions and powders and such, you come to understand it as a sort of combination of practical Buddhism, herbalism, and sensing the Force like a Jedi. She does, however, inform you that you cannot move things with your mind or shoot lightning with Shamanism, which is a bit of a let down. Although by the end of the third day, you can make that sleep powder stuff yourself and even imbue it with a little power through ba form of directed meditation, which was pretty exhilarating.
You've Gained +10 Shamanism!
Any attempts involving Shaman abilities will be at an advantage.

On the final day, you learn about Alchemy. Alchemy turns out to be a lot like the science of magic. There isn't a whole lot of feeling and detection and such involved. It's more about learning all the little tiny intricacies of how magical forces interact with the world and how everything is built of and hell together by those forces. There are things like actual divining rods that really work and other thing is you still have to study on, but it is impressive and you understand it. Transmutation seems to be real, too. You aren't very good at it yet and making transmutation circles seems to be a combination of a mathematical language and improvisational art. However, you were able to get the basics down and managed to transmute the shape of salt crystals into, well, differently shaped salt crystals. But it was still cool.
You've Gained +10 Alchemy!
Any attempts involving Alchemy abilities will be at an advantage.


That night, you have dinner with Ileska, which was a thick vegetable stew that she had made that was quite tasty especially when you dipped fresh bread into it. (You aren't sure, but you think she might be a vegetarian. You don't remember seeing her eating meat in the entire time you've known her.) That's when she gave you a final warning regarding the Forest Folk.
She had been giving you lessons over the last few days and you would learned quite a bit:
All Forest Folk, or fairies, are incapable of lying. they can deceive and manipulate truth, but they can never outright lie. It is weaved into the fabric of what they are by the Bright Lady herself.

Slyph are what are, on earth, typically regarded as regular fairies. They often resemble slight, impossibly beautiful humans. But they often wield tremendous magical power and, unless they are bound by iron which is quite painful to them, they become entirely intangible and invisible at night. They can only truly be harmed by iron. They are often the folk guiding and controlling other folk because they seem to have the most focus.

Sprites are water-bound, have ephemeral wings, and often have blue skin. They are by far the kindest and most peaceful of the folk, often only acting and cruelty under the direction of others. They also can only be harmed by iron.

Iysahgs, called ice hags or harpies by humans, are foul, petty, viciously violence winged and clawed Folk. They are brutally intelligence, devoutly loyal to the Bright Lady, but also extremely isolated as they usually hate everyone, including their own kind. They can only be killed by iron. Ileska warns you that, if you happen to encounter one, you can fight one and incapacitate them, but you should never, ever kill a hag. Unlike other folk, all hags share connection and if you kill one, every other hag feels it and will seek you out in vengeance.

Dryads are usually nonviolence and none trouble speaking folk of the forest but can easily be provoked into savage violence if there home forests are threatened in any way. Dryads are fairly weak and can be killed with iron easily but they, along with trolls and chufs, are the only folks that can breed. As such, they are some of the most numerous.

Trolls are odd. Apparently, it used to be that trolls were only ever seen as massive, 9 hd tall, grey-skinned, mindless brutes that could only come out at night because they turned to stone in sunlight. At some point centuries ago, a new race of trolls emerged with green skin, roughly the size of humans, far more intelligent, and that could come out in the sun just fine. Green-skinned trolls could still be burned by acid or fire though. All trolls heal very rapidly unless burned by the sun or other means and are not affected in the slightest by iron.


Shee, or False Wraiths, you have seen. They are very reclusive and can only be damaged by magic or enchanted iron only.

Chufs breathe fire when they grow strong enough. It is unknown exactly how they grow in strength, but it is believed that they do it by sowing chaos and destruction. They are only mildly damaged by iron but are very vulnerable to magic.

"Finally, there are the Djinn."
"Djinn, like genies? But they aren't fairies!"
"They areshape-shifting troublemakers of awesome power, mercurial temperament, and are bound by contracts. They most certainly are fairies."
"Huh, I guess they are."
"All djinn are bound to this world by enchanted iron and despite what you may have heard, they do not want to be freed. Summoning one to bind to the enchanted iron takes a voluntary participant."
"Why would they volunteer and isn't the enchanted iron painful?"
"it brings them pain, but it finds them to this world. Otherwise all chin live in an intangible realm of magical cosmic energy. The only time they can never experienced mortal existence is if they are bound. Often, they view servitude as a fair exchange for pleasures of physical existence. They vary wildly in power and ability, but all of them can shapeshift at will. I know that there are five of them that dwell within the Dark Forest, but they are bound to someone who does not let them out of his sight. We should be able to steer clear of them easily enough in any event."
"Now Gary," she warns "I want you to listen closely to me. No matter what you see, no matter what you hear, and no matter what happens to me if we encounter Forest Folk. Do not intervene. Let your shroud hide you and keep you hidden. I will be okay. I can handle the Forest Folk, but if you reveal yourself to them, I'm not sure what will happen to you. Promise me that you will leave me to what seems like a certain, horrible and painful death at the hands of the Forest Folk, if that is what it comes to."
"I am serious."
"Umm... Okay, I guess."
"Alright then." Ileska relaxes a little. "Oh, but if it's humans or something else, by all means, please help me. I can take care of myself, but I'm far from invulnerable and people can be dangerous too." she adds with a warm smile.


After 4 days of study of working with Ileska, you command a greater skill and knowledge of magic and Forest Folk lore. More than you started with, anyway. On the second day of your study, a neighbor informed you that the thief, Thomas, that they had caught earlier had managed to escape in the night. So apparently that worked out without your help after all. Also, the things that Ileska had discovered about the vision you had been seized with had helped prevent you being incapacitated by another.
While you had been independently practicing, she had been furiously studying and sending out "agents" to discover what they could about the Lost Treasure that the Forest Folk were looking for. She had learned very little about the nature of it, but the intensity of the Forest Folk's search had not lessened any. She felt The only way forward was through greater divination. But for that, she required a powerful divination tool such as a crystal ball or a secret relic. She knew that Rockcastle had one, although she was reluctant to deal with the bureaucracy involved there.
Much further south, along the caves in the coast, she said there was a hag that lived amongst the caves who possessed an extremely powerful crystal ball. The hag might be compelled to let you have, or even just use it, for the right price. The hag owed loyalty to no one and would never cave to the Forest Folk. Ileska also thought that it was possible that the crystal ball might even be useful in a ritual to send you home, should you desire it.
Also, there was a mage far to the west that held great power and was said to entertain guests of strange oddity and often helps them in there troubles as repayment for their stories. Ileska assured Gary that his stories would easily be odd enough to entertain the wizard. The wizard had the added benefit of being in the opposite direction of the Dark Forest.
Finally, the most direct route was to search the Dark Forest for clues and answers, but even with your new skills and knowledge, it would be dangerous with the Forest Folk out in large numbers searching for the treasure.


Making your decision, you and Ileska set out in the morning on two horses she had provided.
She had offered to help you onto your horse, but you managed to clamber on yourself. You tried your best to direct the horse the way you thought you were supposed to, but it wouldn't respond until you also gave it little vocal commands along with the gestures. You asked Ileska if they were magic horses that understood human speech, but she just shook her head "no" and commented on your continually odd Earth behavior.
"Now Gary, remember the conversation we had yesterday. It is very important and it could mean your life." Ileska reminds you, concern in her voice.
"Don't worry. I remember. I'm not likely to forget something like that." And with a quick kick and command, the two of you set out for your destination.

>Your Destination:
>Rockcastle, grand city and powerful divination tool
>Seaside Caves: salt sea air and powerful, coniving hag
>Western Wizard, the wonderful wizard of odd
>Dark Forest, head for the source

I wrote the last two posts first, when it looked like I might not get any rolls at all.
>Western Wizard, the wonderful wizard of odd
That’s the problem of shitposters
>Dark Forest, head for the source
>Western Wizard, the wonderful wizard of odd

>We're Off to See the Wizard

The two of you ride west out of Ironshod and, after half a day's travel, took a less traveled road further west towards great inlet spanned by a large bridge. Unfortunately, when you reach to the base of the bridge, you see it is all but destroyed. The wood is smashed as if something fallen upon it from a great height, but there was nothing nearby that could have done it.
"What do you think happened?" you ask Ileska as you look out over the landscape. She simply shakes her head silently. "I thought we were going to reach the Wizard's tower."
"We will," Ileska says. "But it looks like we will have to take the road further north," Ileska says. "It will take us past the ruined city of Oren, around the inlet, and then we can continue south again."
You look at each other for a moment before speaking up again. "How far away is it?"
"The full route is about three days' ride," Ileska says. "We should reach Oren before nightfall."
"Can we camp there for the night? We don't want to spend all night riding through the wilderness."
"Of course. But we need to get there first."
"So, what do you think could possibly have caused that damage? Do you think it was the Forest Folk?"
"No, I don't think so. I believe it was a meteorite. A large piece of rock fell from the sky and hit the ground near the bridge."
"Isn't the bridge being destroyed by a meteorite as we are riding toward it probably more than a coincidence?"
"Well," Ileska says with an odd wistful look, "As my teacher used to say, 'I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. I do not, however, trust a coincidence.' We should be alert."
"Good idea." you say. After riding quietly for a few minutes, you add "Well, maybe it was just a natural disaster. Maybe it was a storm that hit the area?"
"Or perhaps it was an ancient demon that had been imprisoned beneath the bridge for centuries and released its power when it felt threatened by approach of an Earth man." she snaps. "Who knows?" Clearly the unknown threat was troubling Ileska. She had never acted like this before. It might be best to leave her alone.

"... maybe it was termites?" you suggest. Ileska remains silent.

"... maybe it was boggarts?" you try.
Ileska's laugh is stifled into an abrupt "snerk" sound. She doesn't look over at you and suppresses a smile.


Further down the northern road you both spot a large of blood, freshly splattered alongside the road. Ileska couldn't identify any tracks and couldn't tell what the blood came from. It was hardly a good sign. You find a few more, smaller blood splatters along the road before you reach Oren.
As you approach Oren, again the impression is closer to that of a large western ghost town, rather than medieval ruins. The entire town seems to be deserted. There is no sign of life anywhere within sight or hearing. Most of the wooden buildings are in some state of disrepair. "What happened here?"
"What do you mean?" Ileska responds as she guides her horse down a side street, looking for a good building to make camp in.
"I mean, why is this whole city dead and deserted? If there was a plague or a curse or a monster or something."
"The beast that killed this city is an ancient one that has destoyed many cities, towns, and people... economics." she smiles at your face. "The bridge. When the kingdom built it, there was not as much reason to take the route around the inlet anymore, trade withered, the city withered, then it died. It happens... Hold!"
She reins her horse to a stop and points to a crushed wooden building. At first you don't see it, but then you spot a man in plate armor, bent in an unnatural way, lying on top of the wreckage. Some of the wood looks freshly broken as if the man were dropped or thrown at the building, adding to the damage.
Ileska hops off her horse and approaches cautiously. After a moment, she nods to you and you join her.
The man's face is bloody and his hair is disheveled. He appears to be some sort of soldier or guard. The parts of his body you can see are covered in cuts and bruises. His neck is broken and his throat has been cut. There are several other wounds all over his body including several deep stabs through his chest, straight through the armor. It's obvious that this was a very violent death.
The body is lying on the broken remains of a house. You can't see how he got on the wreckage unless that's where he died. There are several footprints leading away from the scene. The tracks lead straight towards the north woods where you can only guess that they're made by someone trying to escape from a killer, or are themselves the killer.


You don't know if you should go investigate or not. If you did, would you be able to catch up with them? Would they try to kill you too? What would happen if you caught them? They could also just need help.
If you stay and camp here, maybe they would attack you in the night.
If you try to ride through the night, you might get ambushed later when the road turns west past the north woods and you're exhausted. Or maybe they won't bother attacking you since they know that your horse will make it hard for them to chase after it.
Also, there was the matter of the dead man.

>Dead Man:
>Leave him where he is
>Loot the corpse
>Bury him respectfully
>Loot the corpse under pretense, then bury him respectfully.

>Plan of Action
>Make camp in a strong building and sleep in shifts: Better safe than sorry
>Investigate the footprints: Know what you're up against
>Run Away!: Ride on and GTFO

Wrong image in the last post, but it was an Ileska reference, so I'll leave it. Ileska does not have gold skin though.
>Loot the corpse under pretense, then bury him respectfully.
>Plan of Action
>Investigate the footprints: Know what you're up against
>Loot the corpse under pretense, then bury him respectfully.
>Make camp in a strong building and sleep in shifts: Better safe than sorry
>Loot the corpse
>Make camp in a strong building and sleep in shifts: Better safe than sorry
Closing voting and hopefully churning out a quick update.
The QM has abandoned us boyos let’s riot like we did in the old days!
Now that the fags are done I can get back into the quest.

QM, just some things. 1) You may want to put a break in paragraphs, especially dialogue. Usually you break a line of dialogue when a new person speaks. And then 2) the typos. Breaks up the flow a bit. Other than that, you're doing great and I am keen on reading more.
I did qualify with "hopefully".
I'll finish it up and post it in less than 90 minutes from now.

Thank you for the input. I was worried about some of that. I'll be more careful in the future..
>Now that the fags are done I can get back into the quest.
When these
are your first few posts, you have no right to say such things. Back to the gutter with you, twat.
What kills me is the fact that all of the people who claim to want to "focus on the thread" have never voted and were waist deep in all the shit flinging that went on.
Both the bright green anon and the teal anon use the same insults and they never vote. Very suspicioso if you ask me. Aw who am I kidding, they’re probably the same sweaty, balding neckbeard.
Sorry, 140 seconds late.
>Watch and wait to see what the man does
That’s it. Rioting now.
>With His Boots On


We should bury him.
You clamber up on top of the wreckage and examine the body, checking his pockets and gear. His armor is scrap and there are no weapons on or around him aside from a worn, but well kept iron knife on his belt in an oiled leather sheath. You tuck the knife in your pack and also find a coin purse, a sharpening stone, and a half-done wood carving of a woman with oversized breasts and hips. The purse contains 15 sp, 8 cp, and a lock of brown hair braided with a faded blue ribbon.
"Gary!" Ileska called up. "What are you doing?"
"I was, uh, just checking to see if there was something to mark the grave with to identify him."

You start sliding the body towards the edge and Ileska, showing surprising strength, helped pull him down. To dig the grave, she cast a spell to soften an area of earth and you used salvaged wood as shovels. You ended up marking the grave with his gauntlet and the lock of hair tucked inside.

You decided to hole up in one of the standing stone buildings with the horses tied up nearby. You took the first watch, staying awake and alert through half the night until a horrible, inhuman howling scream tore through the night from the direction of the forest. Ileska woke and checked on you. You both looked out in the direction of the forest barely lit under the thin light coming down from the Moon.

"That wasn't... human."
"Definitely not." agrees Ileska. "But there are plenty of animals in nature that make ferocious sounds. It could even have been an owl. Anyway, it's about time for my watch. Get some rest."

You lie down, but falling asleep was easier said than done.

The next morning, the two of you pack up and ride on at first light. It is a couple hours later, as you are passing around the north end of the inlet, that you see him in the road. He is wearing a tattered and bloody tunic and seems to have something gold colored sticking out of the back of his right shoulder. His skin is extremely pale and his hair and beard are a very neatly trimmed reddish brown. At the sound of your approach, he turns and calls out to you.

"Oh thank heavens!" he says in an unmistakable British accent. "I feel I have been lost walking forever! I have no idea how many kilometers it is to the next town, or even which direction I should be going.
"I was walking to my home village last night when I was viciously attacked by a madman. I fled into the woods to escape him, but he stabbed me with something. Could you please help me pull it out? I can't reach it."

Ilseka dismounted her horse and cautiously approached the man, looking very concerned.

>Watch and wait to see what the man does
>Subtly warn Ileska to come back
>Call out the man as a liar
Fixed a bit, my riotous player.
Do you really think hiding behind a wall of edits might save ya? I’m burning this place to the ground!
>Subtly warn Ileska to come back
I want to ask him what he's doing out here. Is there any way we can detect lying?
>Is there any way we can detect lying?
You don't know of any spells or anything. However, as an elite 4chan anon, and former frequenter of /tg/, you are adept at picking up on details indicating stories that never happened.
Even as many as three distinct details that you are uniquely qualified to detect.
Just saying.
Not my problem dude.
Subtly warn Ileska, ask her if she knows what a kilometer is or what kind of accent he has, if she doesn’t, tell her we do and the guy is probably from earth.
Supporting, if she doesn’t know these 2 things, we call him a liar, otherwise we wait and see
>Watch and wait to see what the man does
Bro, you have 3 posts in the entire thread bro. Since you don't know how IPs work, just kill yourself by drowning in your father's cum and let us enjoy the quest. Fucking cunt.
>Since you don't know how IPs work
>Doesn’t realize I’m on mobile
I’m sorry, have many votes have you casted? Oh right, none. Everyone knows you’re a worthless troll of the homosexual variety. Either participate for real or gtfo.
Bro you have one post bro. When you finish guzzling radioactive cum and your IQ returns to room temperature, get at me. Until then, sit at the small table with the other mongs.
What part of MOBILE do you not understand. What are you too busy giving head to a pack of BBCs in the back alley to read my post correctly?
Bro why are you doubting me bro?

Okay. Keep being like all these fake ass niggas out here who are homeless.
>Good Heavens!

"Ileska my dear!" you call out in a sweet tone. "I think you should use the healing pack! It's in my saddle bag."
After the briefest of pauses, she responds, "Of course, sweetie, what was I thinking?"

She walks over to your horse and struggles with opening up a saddle bag. "What is it, Gary?" she whispers. "Whatever that is lodged in his shoulder, it's the most powerful magical object I've ever felt. And that's saying something."
"Do you know what a "kilometer" is?"
"Something that measures whatever "killom" is, I suppose. He used it in the manner foreign mechants use the word "trot": as a measure of how far a horse could travel at half a day's trot. I thought it was comparable. Why does it matter?"
"Do you recognize that accent?"
"No. Why-"
"Because I do."

Her eyes widen. "He's from earth. ...which means that he is not walking to his home village." She nods, turning back towards the man holding a leather bound bundle of herbs.

"Let's see to that back wound, shall we?
"Yes, please pull the bloody thing out."
"You don't seem to be bleeding terribly..."
"Yes, yes, just pull it out!"
"Okay, let me take a closer look..."

In a flurry of movement, he grabs Ileska by the throat with his left hand and pulls her close to him. She claws at the hand gripping her neck while her right hand presses up against the side of his face and neck, futily trying to push him away.
Pain flits across his face as he raises an iron knife, similar to the one you looted, to her throat.

"You on the horse! Come pull this dagger out of my back! And you, my 'dear sweetie'..." he says in a perfectly calm voice, devoid of any fear as he tightens his grip on her neck, producing a tiny gasp from her. "If you want to deceive someone like *me* you need to have been trained by the absolute best!"

In a soft little voice, Ileska replies. "I was." And smiles.

His skin on his face and neck underneath her hand chars black and sizzles. He releases an inhuman howl and throws her several feet away, where she tumbles to her feet. She races to your side with a frightened and confused look on her face.

"I don't understand! That was supposed to put him to sleep!"
The two of you look back at him as he still writhes in pain even though the burns are already disappearing from his face.
"...I don't think it's working."

>Super Run Away!: Seriously. Get on your horses and ride as fast as you can away from this creepy fuck
>Finish Him!: Enter combat. Suggest possible tactics to improve modifiers, whynot?
>Question the Earthman: Interrogate him from a distance.
Dropped my name and trip, it's so short, after all.
>Question the Earthman: Interrogate him from a distance.
Curiosity killed the cat, we’ll be fine since we’re not one, right ?
>Finish Him!: Enter combat. Suggest possible tactics to improve modifiers, why not?
>Use the horse and donkey kick him in the skull.
Rolled 74, 61, 100, 62, 20 = 317 (5d100)

>>Finish Him!: Enter combat. Suggest possible tactics to improve modifiers, why not?
Going with this so I get rolls in before I have to write the final update of the night.

>>Use the horse and donkey kick him in the skull
Cool. It's 2 horses though.

Okay, so that's
Gary luring him into position
Horse on his right kicking with an advantage. +20
Horse on his left kicking.
Ilesska doing sneak attack sleep spell again.
And finally, his counter-attack.
So I need 5d100 opposed rolls, higher wins, succeses and failures stack
Rolled 77, 27, 36, 97, 73 + 20 = 330 (5d100 + 20)

Rolled 14, 35, 13, 7, 31 = 100 (5d100)

Horse Combat
Ileska's horse is acting like a donkey.
You'll need a hundred to make it kick.
You forgot the +20 advantage.
Combat status so far...

Gary; mild failure.
Gary's horse;: mild failure
Ileska's horse: grazing.
Ileska: somehow great success and great failure.
The enemies counter-attack is also a failure.
Everyone a shit

>Failing Fast as Lightning

The man was recovering quickly, but you have an idea. You tell Ileska to step behind her horse and get ready to hit him with everything she has. You try to move both horses quickly, but Ileska's horse ignores you completely. Yours is in position and you are whispering your plan when you hear the British accent again.

"You little bitch. You are going to pay for that, you-"
"Seems like you're the little bitch to me!"
"...what?" the turns to you, genuinely stunned.
"I mean, damn! I haven't seen a burn like that since Hetfield!" He is stepping towards you holding out his iron knife. Trying to draw him closer, you hold out your hands in front of you, expressively. "I'm not saying you're a punk, but, you're a punk."
"I'm going to filet you." he says with that same emotionless tone.

In what is probably a needlessly ambitious maneuver, you try to draw your steel knife and slash open his guts in one quick Kenshin-like motion. To the utter astonishment of you both, it actually works. Sort of.
Your arm is still stretched out from your swing as you see a flap of his tunic fall forward and a thin red line of blood arc across his emaciated stomach. The line immediately heals and fades to pale skin.

He is looking at you as if you are the stupidest thing he has ever seen. "What you-"
"Kick it!" You thrust your left hand into the air and he is interrupted by a steel-shoed hoof to the skull, a red chunk flies off, and the man topples over.
You cheer for your bro of a horse!

The man stands up.
Blood is pouring from the massive open wound on his head. A portion of his skin, hair, and skull from the top right side of his head are missing. From underneath, a two inch long, grey horn is protruding from inside his skull.
What the fuck?

Ileska's hands flank either side of his gruesome mug and she loudly chants "Grant slumbering peace, With the purest of blessings, Oh Bright Lady, please!"
This time, he is entirely consumed in immediate fire. He lashes out at her blindly, barely contacting as she dodges, but still sending her flying several feet away. She crumples to the ground but is quickly pulling herself up.

The man srands screaming in pain and rage as the fire burned. But he is still standing and the fire is fading.

Rolled 98, 5, 16 = 119 (3d100)


The only things you know that have really hurt this guy have been Ileska's magic and the thing in his back. Your every gamers instinct is telling you that the thing in his back is what you need to use to defeat him. Unfortunately, you're not sure how to use it without pulling it out of him, which is the one thing he's been trying to get you to do. And it's never a good idea to do what the bad guy is telling you to do.

>What the fuck do?
>Try to destract him again, keep hitting him with melee, and have Ileska keep burning him until you wear him down
>Pull the thing out and immediately stick it back in him [Where?]
>When the fire dies down, jump on his back and twist the thing in his shoulder, what could go wrong?
>Is it too late to run away? Probably, but you'll never know if you don't try!

Give me 3d100 regardless and independent of winning vote.
[Disliking fire, the horses have removed themselves from combat]
Rolled 50, 70, 51 = 171 (3d100)

>When the fire dies down, jump on his back and twist the thing in his shoulder, what could go wrong?
If possible I’d add to also push the thing inside him
>[Disliking fire, the horses have removed themselves from combat]
Perfect. It might be better to simply tackle him to the ground. The force from the fall would be far greater than whatever we could possibly generate. with a simple stabbing motion. I'm kind of 50/50 about this because there's a chance that shard may be responsible for his regenerative abilities.
Rolled 74, 86, 65 = 225 (3d100)

Almost forgot.
>When the fire dies down, jump on his back and twist the thing in his shoulder, what could go wrong?
Closing the vote. This should be interesting.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

I needed one more roll for something.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Why not jump on him or push him, so that he fall on his back allowing the gold thing to push further into him.
That 2 lol pls accept mine
I suggested that here >>4096231
>Indian Burn

Ileska and you share a look of determination. She claps her hands together as if she were in prayer and, after a moment, both her hands start glowing red. She looks at you, nods, and charges at the man. Grabbing him by the wrists, she holds him in place as the fire dies down.

Making a charge of your own, you leap onto the man's back and try to grab the golden handle sticking out of his shoulder. You attempt to twist and plunge it further into his back when you are battered and beaten off his back by his huge, grey, leathery wings. You fall to the ground in a heap where a large, clawed foot painfully pins your leg to the ground.
As Ileska pushes the man backwards, you curl yourself into a ball and protect your tender bits by raising up your knee.

He trips over your body and falls downward even as Ileska pushes him harder, throwing her weight into her shove. He lands with a crash onto the ground next to you and there is a terrible roar coming from him like a building inferno.

The look on his face before the man exploded is a demonic visage of confusion and fear. Or at least that's what Ileska would later describe it as. Your view of the event is somewhat different. You may never forget the visual of squirming gray demonic taint flailing in front of you before cleansed mercifully by blinded explosion and the soothing darkness of unconsciousness.


You awake sometime later to Ileska applying a paste that smells like lavender and gingivitis to your lightly burned face. There's nothing left of the man anymore besides a scorchmark on the ground. She was able to recover the blade that was stabbed into the shoulder.

"Almost all the magic is gone now," she says as she hands it to you, wrapped up in a cloth. "But I still would avoid touching it directly, just to be safe. I was able to clean most of it and I was curious if you recognized it, as it might be from Earth."

You examine the blade, trying not to read into the fact that she cleaned the blade off before tending to your burns. The handle is elaborate and seems to be actual gold with a very ugly Buddha-like face on the end. The blade itself is three-sided, a bit like a tent stake. You honestly can't remember seeing anything like it ever before.

"Sorry, no. But then, I'm not exactly an expert."
"Neither am I." she shrugs. "Considering how powerful your shroud is, I think it's best if we keep this in your pack though. It's drained so much that nobody is likely to detect it, but again, just in case."

You agree, pack up the blade, and get back to riding. The danger may have passed but you still have a long way to travel.
Eventually, you pass the other end of the bridge and head up a steep hill. Cresting the hill, you see a little hamlet in the valley on the others side. Unlike Ironshod, this village has no exterior wall. However, Ileska takes you up a small path further up into the hills instead.

"The wizard makes his home in a tower overlooking the village." she explains.
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As you get closer, you can see a four story stone tower peeking above the trees. Hearing the sounds of gutteral arguing, you secure the horses and approach on foot.
Spying from behind a bush, you see the tower. It is surrounded by an eight foot tall stone wall with a few modest wooden buildings within it. There is a large wooden door in the wall at the end of the path. In front of the door, several "people" are arguing.

The people are very large, muscular, are wearing mostly crude looking fur clothes. There are eight of them. Several of them are carrying heavy wooden clubs. One is standing still, holding a thick metal axe, looking very angry. They have greenish grey skin, deep sunken eyes, tusks, and piggish pink noses.
"Hurrenk." Ileska whispers.

"Hurk beastmen." she clarifies. These seem like the typical breed, strong, slow, often stupid. I have no idea how they could have gotten this far in country though. Baccus in Rockcastle is supposed to be handling this sort of thing."
"Can you put them to sleep?"
Ileska shakes her head. "I've cast too much today already."
"We could head back down to the town and come back with some help."
"We could, but I'm worried about why the wizard isn't taking care of these guys. Wait here for a few minutes while I circle around and and see if there's another entrance. I'll be right back."

After far more than a few minutes of watching these beast-men arguing and bickering amongst themselves, You decide to go looking for Ileska. Circling the entire tower 3 times, you find no sign of her or another entrance. You check back with the horses and they're still there but she is not. She's disappeared without a trace. The beastmen aren't acting like they've just captured a red robed witch, in fact they haven't changed their activities much at all. They seem very frustrated by the door.
You have to decide what to do now.

>Run Away!: Take the horses back to town and come back with reinforcements. It's the safest method, but it means possibly abandoning Ileska here when she might need your immediate help.
>Silent Assassin: Try to take out some of the beastmen, and thin the enemy ranks, with sneak attacks.
>Frontal Assault: Challenge the beastmen directly in a suicidal show of bravery and honor, whynot?
>Sneak Past: Find a way to sneak over the wall. 8 feet isn't that high.
>Communication: Try talking things out with the filthy savages.
>Write-In: Tactical Tactics or better ideas!
In case anyone is worried that you won that battle too easily, know that twice you were very, very close to having Ileska stabbed 8 or 9 times in the face. Solid tactics of pushing it in deeper with the ground helped too.
>Sneak Past: Find a way to sneak over the wall. 8 feet isn't that high.
I would want to talk to these guys but I'm not sure how aggressive they are.
>Sneak Past: Find a way to sneak over the wall. 8 feet isn't that high.
>In case anyone is worried that you won that battle too easily, know that twice you were very, very close to having Ileska stabbed 8 or 9 times in the face.
My favorite part was when everyone but Ileska got a crit fail
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>Everyday a new word to learn
4chan is nothing if not educational.

A plumbing disaster has delayed my writing, so consider the voting still open for now. I will do my best to give you guys two updates today.
After 10 you answered my post, dog bless
QM, how can we learn magic in this setting?
Different ways to go about it depending on what you want to do and how.
Generally, it is taught by apprenticeship.
>"Magic, magery, or wizardry is at heart, touching into the true essence of things. Those with the sense can sort of manipulate those true essences with the right practiced methods. The sense allows you to detect active or even passive or potential magic. This crystal has none. Sorcery derives from stellar and cosmic powers that, while I don't fully understand, are even easier to detect. There are also methods that allow certain people to commune with various kinds of spirits. Those sort of techniques leave traces of the spirit. Enchantments leave harmonic resonances and the one I could feel was simply an attunement with you. The kind that can be achieved by an beginning enchanter. Shamanic energy is instantly recognizable to another shaman and alchemy can achieve wondrous things, but simply doesn't produce the kinds of effects we're discussing.
>"Of course, there are many wonders in the world, and this could be a power that I am wholy unfamiliar with. There is a monastery in the northern mountains that I learned some shamanic methods from. I saw things there that I cannot explain.

And also:
>the serendipitous synchrony in this quest is damn near miraculous.
Okay, I closed voting earlier when nobody was looking. Going to put out one proofread and polished update tonight instead of two roughly tumbled ones.
>What The Cluck

You decide to avoid beastmen altogether. Sneaking around to a portion of the wall where there don't seem to be any milling around, you examine the wall and consider your possibilities. Eventually you decide to quickly drag over a thick three-foot log and lean it against the wall. Standing on the log, you're able to reach the top of the wall and pull yourself over without being seen by any of them.

Once over the wall, several chickens scatter out of your way as you land on the ground. And there are a lot of chickens. Many dozen chickens are freely wandering around the inside of the walls. All of the chickens are either black, white, or mottled black and white. There's something else strange about the chickens but you can't quite put your finger on it.
One of the buildings is a chicken coop filled with yet more chickens. Another building appears to be some form of storage shed. The third is a small, modest living quarters, like a simple cottage. The only other structure is the large stone tower. There is small set of stairs leading up to a tall wooden door in front of the tower. A man with heavy hooded black robes concealing his face is standing at the top of the stairs.

The man strides towards you with a short rod in his hand. Chickens scatter. Before you can react, he shoves the rod into your hand and... nothing happens. You look at the rod and it seems to be just a simple brass rod. The man pulls back his hood to reveal a man in his twenties with a receding hairline and a pinched face. He squints at you, squints at the rod, takes the rod back, and then pulls out a notebook and start scribbling in it muttering something about "inconclusive".


"Excuse me, I-"
"Shush!" The man interrupts as he finishes writing his note. "Okay, now are you an intruder or a guest?"
"Obviously he's a guest!" Calls out a woman's voice.

A lovely woman, also in her twenties, with long blonde ringlets cascading alongside her face. She is emerging from the cottage wearing a simple white dress and as she walks towards the two of you, chickens scatter. Suddenly, you realize what it is about the chickens it isn't right. None of them are bawking or making any sound at all. There are dozens of chickens and, while you hear their footscratches and the fluttering of their feathers and wings, you don't hear a single cluck.

"What do you mean?" the man asked.
"Well, first, he's not going to say that he's an intruder."
"He might. If he were an honest intruder, he would. He leans towards you, examining your face. "Were you going to say that you were an intruder?"
"Uh, no."
The man scribbles notebook. "Not... Honest... Intruder..."
"and anyway, I don't think there's any way he could have gotten inside our walls unless he was a guest of the wizard."
"Yes, well, technically, he could have overpowered the wizards defenses." the man offered.
The woman is close enough now that you can see she is holding up silver pendant by the chain, letting it dangle from her hand.
"Did you defeat the wizards defenses?" She asks you sweetly.
"Uh... I don't think so."
"I don't think so either." She agrees in a whisper loud enough for the man to hear.

"Whatever." the man grumbles. "Although, this does it raise some interesting questions about the nature of intruders versus guests. I mean can someone simply turn an intruder into a guest by inviting them?" he drones on.
She then turns around and starts searching around the chickens picking up a rather large black chicken and draping the pendant across it. An oval on the pendant turns black and then she pulls it away.
"I mean..."the man continues. "What do you even call an intruder that comes a guest?"


"Dinner?" She asks you, holding up the chicken. Not waiting for an answer she turns and walks over to a stump with an axe on it.
"That's your issue, Deirdre. You are too practical. You lack poetry."
"Oh, stow it Leonard."

"Listen, I am here to see the wizard. But right now, I'm also looking for my friend. Her name is Ileska and she was wearing red robes. Have you seen her?"
"Oh! Ileska, red robes, about so tall, silver hair, and pretty features?" She asks bringing up the axe with one hand while holding the chicken down to the stump.
"Yes! Exactly!"
"Haven't seen her. Sorry."
She hacks the chicken's head off. Blood sprays out of its neck, splattering across her face, hair, and white dress. She blinks and lets out a short chuckle but otherwise doesn't react, maintaining a pleasant smile.

"But if she's joining us for dinner, we'll need another chicken." She stands up, leaving the bloody axe and chicken on the stump, as she wanders through the chickens again.
"I... You... What are you doing?"

"Oh this?" she says, holding up the silver pendant.
"This is just a simple alignment charm. It just detects alignments. See?" Dierdre drapes dependent over the back of her hand and the oval change color from silver to green.
She walks over to you and touches the pendant to the back of your hand. This time, the oval change from silver to reflective silver. The blood splattered girl looks down and her pleasant smile disappears. "What? Leonard? What is it doing?"
"Let me see that!"
He takes the pendant from her and touches it to the back of his hand. And the oval turn to light gray. Then he touches it to the back of yours and it turns reflective silver again.
"It's not working!" He says.
"It's it's working fine." she says. "It's just showing a silver alignment."
"There's no such thing as a 'silver alignment'!"
"Don't you think I know that? But there it is."

"Okay, whatever." You aren't particulaly interested in their mood jewelry right now. "Hey, I'm looking for Ileska right now, but there's nobody outside these walls but beastmen and they look dangerous."
"Cocks." says Dierdre.
"Excuse me?"
"Filthy, aggressive, and violent cocks. All of them. I'll be glad when they're gone. Ooh, there's an idea!" She rushes over and grabs the axe. "Do you want to pop out there and kill them all real quick while I make dinner?"

"...who are you people?"
"Oh, right. I'm Dierdre. I'm the wizard's apprentice. That's Leonard. He's the assistant."
"I'm the wizard's apprentice. Dierdre is the assistant."
"What are you?" they both ask in unison.

>Chopped Ham: Make a plan to go kill some beastmen.
>Cluck Tongues: Interrogate these two further. [What are you?]
>Roland On: Fuck this, go into the tower
>Cluck Tongues: Interrogate these two further. [What are you?]
"I'm just a guy trying to get back home."
Bonus Mini Game
Since I haven't cast the wizard yet, I will take the seed idea (for me to interpret) of whichever anon first correctly identifies the mist of:
Alice's Phobia
3 sentences in 2 posts that indicate it

>inb4 reality is her phobia
Not what I mean.
Just a little detail I put in that might become irrelevant now.

And it let's random players shove ideas into the quest, whynot?
What are you doing ShortTrip? Have you not learned your lesson? Do I have to invoke the shitquake?
“Does the wizard’s defenses turn people into chickens?”
>Cluck Tongues: Interrogate these two further. [What are you?]
“I’m Gary, someone who encountered some weird things along the way. Does the wizard defenses turn people into chicken ?”
Damn, I’ll say that it’s feeling powerless
>Cluck Tongues: Interrogate these two further. [What are you?]
"I'm just a guy trying to get back home."
Closing voting.
I'm going to start writing, but I also have to finish plumbing repairs today.

>What are you doing ShortTrip?
Well, I didn't want to reveal subtly imbedded details that might still matter.
>subtly imbedded details that might still matter.
So you’re bringing her back despite the will of the playerbase. Clearly, you haven’t learned anything so I’ll give you a warning. If you railroad the MC into meeting up with those two again, you’ll find yourself riding the shit tornado all the way to Kuwait.
Ah shit, here we go again.
Dude, she knew about the summoning and is very powerful, do you think she would just forget us ?
Your question is nonsensical. Her power has no correlation with wether or not she wants to see us again. OP just can’t stand the fact that we didn’t worship the first pice of shit he flung at the wall. The players decided that we should leave the girls and forge our own path without them and OP should respect that.
That doesn’t mean we can’t find her later on anon, that’s a story after all
>that’s a story after all
A story with an expansive world to explore. I hope you realize that this setting is larger than your local Walmart. I already know he’s going to pull something out of his ass to make the meetup happen and then repeat that little party trick in order to chain us to her forever. I’m calling it now so I just want to call it right now and also say that you’re a simp and that OP is both stubborn and unreliable.
>and then repeat that little party trick in order to chain us to her forever.
What trick and how am I a simp ?
Jesus Christ, am I the only one here with an IQ that’s bigger than my shoe size? What the fuck is going on here? Look, if you can’t understand what I just said, go to a hotel and jump off of the roof, because your ignorance will inevitably lead you to an even more gruesome and drawn out death. Trust me, I’m doing you a favor here.
Is it that difficult to explain ?
No, but something tells me that a mind like yours can’t be swayed by facts and logic. Call it a hunch.
That’s sad, I thought you had a real reason to dislike QM
I’m not “pyschic anon” or “Sherlock” and I couldn’t care less about OP as a person or otherwise. I just hate railroading.
The option was to leave the 2 there and we did, I wasn’t to never meet her again. Your argument isn’t a strong one anon
All right, Class is in session and you have some required reading to do. Go back to when those votes were casted and relay what you’ve learned back to me. Tell me what you think motivated those anons to vote as they did.
Well, there were people saying that he was a QM from another thread and that he was bad and the others who thought having a “waifu” was bad and wanted to get rid of her
I’m not concerned with whatever he may or may not have done in the past but everyone made it clear that they wanted to go it alone for awhile or at the very least go without Alice and Anna. Now OP is saying “fuck all of youi I’m doing it anyway and you better like it”. What he fails to realize is that /qst/ is about give and take. If you as a QM provide a way of escape and they take it, you shouldn’t throw them back in or try to railroad them back into your flowchart.
>I didn't want to reveal subtly imbedded details that might still matter.
...so I specifically used Alice because pointing out that she has a phobia, and revealing the correct answer, doesn't matter, because players seem to range from ambivalent to violently opposed to her return. Her phobia won't matter in Gary's story.
Whereas details about Ileska or whatever might actually matter.

>So you’re bringing her back despite the will of the playerbase.
If you players choose to circle back around to the cursed village, she might be there though. She didn't evaporate.

>I’ll say that it’s feeling powerless
Fair guess but that's not it.
That’s not what your sentence structure told me. You’ve got plans to bring her back but I don’t have to argue with you, just know that when you do it, I’ll be there along with the whistling, winds of shit.
Crisis averted, I guess.
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um, I'm new to /qst/ . Is this a good place to start? It looks fun
Sure! Feel free to ask any questions.
First piece of advice is when looking through the catalog for a quest, sort by Last Reply instead of Bump Order. Threads can remain active over a week after they stop bumping.
Sorry guys, I fell asleep while proofreading. Update shortly.
>Winner, winner!

“I’m Gary, just a guy trying to find a way back home who has encountered some weird things along the way." you answer. "Does the wizard's defenses turn people into chickens?”
The two blink at you, thankfully not in unison.
"You seem both clever and wary, Gary." Leonard replies, frowning at his clearly unintentional rhyme.

"They're not just people you know. I'm pretty sure that one..." Dierdre points back to the bloody stump, "was a really nasty woodpecker. And the white one on top of the coop used to be a hawk."
"So you just turn any people or animals that intrude on the tower into chickens and then eat them?"
"Well, not the ones that still have their souls, just the black ones. Besides they're free to leave anytime they want, technically. They just don't, because, well, they're chickens."
"That's why those dreadful beastmen out front want back in. They've roosted." Leonard adds.

"Wait, is that why you were scanning the chickens with that pendant? Were you making sure that you didn't eat a chicken with a soul?"
"Actually, not at all..." Dierdre replies looking guilty. "That was just a ruse to get a chance to test you. I wasn't expecting such a remarkable result, though."
"So what did that result mean anyway? And why are you guys so curious about me? Is this some kind of game or test to determine if I'm worthy of seeing the wizard or something like that?"
"With the wizard, everything's a game and everything's a test. But you aren't being tested, we are. Speaking of which, I think-"

Leonard is interrupted by the cutest little piglet you've ever seen in your life squealing and running out from behind the shed towards the three of you.
"Don't tell me you guys turn people into pigs too!"
"Oh no, that's just Winnie. She's always been a piggy. She's such a little cutie!"
"Don't worry, Gary. She's always skittish around strangers and... seems to trying to get up your pant leg. What are you, Gary?" Leonard asks, perplexed.
Meanwhile, an adorable little piglet was doing it's best to work it's nose between your shoe and pants, despite your best efforts to pull away. Her cold wet nose on your ankle tickles and you suppress a giggle.

A sudden gust of wind carrying the scent of jasmine through the room causes you to jump backwards and you hear a loud noise of splintering wood behind you. You turn around and see a large, silhouetted figure standing before you holding a sword. The figure raises his sword and points it directly at you.
"I am the new Dark Lord of Undeath, I know where you are." He says with an evil grin that reflects the green light. "Now let me show you what happens when even a mighty princeling of war dares to oppose me!"
He swings his sword and you dodge. Stumbling, you fall backwards onto the cold stone floor. There is a terrific, piercing pain and you struggle to stay conscious as his sword starts cutting into your body. Your mind goes blank with cold fear as blood pours down your chest. Some mad part of your mind acknowledges that your cool t-shirt is ruined. His blade cuts deep into your heart, killing you instantly.


You awaken from the horrifying vision. The world has gone completely still and quiet. A cold wind blows across you and you find yourself lying on a cold stone floor. There is nothing around you save for darkness and silence.
You check and your chest is unwounded. You stand up and call out "Hello?! ...Oh, at least I can talk this time."
You hear loud clacking footsteps as a familiar female figure walks towards you. You recognize her immediately... because she's professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter movies.
She staring at you with a disapproving look as if you've just told her that you didn't do any of the assigned reading. She begins speaking in the same voice as the actress from the movies.
"Return. You are necessary..."

You very much expected her to finish with "Mr. Potter". Instead, she finished by shattering into hundreds of tumbling ice cubes that skitter across the cold stone floor.

You find yourself lying on a cold stone floor.
This time, you feel something soft and comfortable under your head and shoulders. Looking up, you realize that you are lying with your head on Dierde's lap. Your mind immediately goes to the fresh chicken blood on her dress and you sit up probably faster than you should have. Looking back at her, you see that she is completely clean and so are you. The cumulative confusion proves to be too much for you.
You simply point at her chest and utter "Blood?"
She glances down at her white dress and shrugs. "Simple cleansing spell."
"Here, you should probably drink this." Leonard hands you a metal mug filled with crisp, refreshing water. "Winnie has never done that before. usually it takes a lot of coaxing to get her to share a vision, let alone force it upon a a new stranger."
Dierdre adds, "They're really not supposed to be viewed by just one person either or they tend to be overwhelming. Can I ask what you saw?"
"Nothing much. Just my death and a Harry Potter remake by Clive Barker. The usual."


You and Deirdre are sitting on the floor of what appears to be a small kitchen attached to a decent sized dining room with a large table fit for 8 to 12 people. It's probably the first room you've seen since you've been in this world that looks properly medieval, with that nice lived-in aesthetic that makes fantasy comfy. Leonard is standing near you looking sympathetic, which is the first indication so far that he isn't possibly an emotionless golem.
On the far wall is what looks to be the reverse side of the wooden door at the front of the tower. The door opens and Ileska walks in.
"Hello? Is anyone- Gary?! Gary, how in the Spires of Justice did you get in here so fast? What did you do to those beastmen? When I circled around, you were gone and there only a few roosters outside. Um, hello. Sorry. I'm-"
"Ileska!" Deirdre stands up, moves towards Ileska, stops, rethinks it, and waves excitedly. Leonard rolls his eyes and pulls out his notebook, rereading his notes.
"Um..., Yes?" Ileska waves back to Dierdre, looking to you for some sort of explanation.
"I dunno... I think she's a fan of yours."
"...what you just said makes no sense, Gary. Anyway, if those were your roosters, you should know that one of them is dead. I think the others pecked it to death."
"Good! That reminds me, I have to get dinner. If you'll excuse me. Ileska," Dierdre does sort of small, respectful bow. "It is a true pleasure to meet you."
Dierdre rushes out of the tower.

"Gary? What's happened?"
"Oh, let's see... soul chickens, apprentice wizards, beastmen cocks, prognosticating pigs, I died and had another vision, and you've been missing for over an hour." Ileska's eye widen.
"I feel I should explain that last bit." A man in bluish grey robes is descending a stone staircase that somehow escaped your notice before.
Leonard stands up straight as the Wizard enters the room.

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"I already knew how you, Ileska, would react. I've seen you in Ironshod." The man was remarkably handsome. His face was well aged with many wrinkles along laugh lines, framed by short trimmed, pure white hair. He wore a simple golden circlet upon his head, like a modest king or something.
"I saw the two of you handle that Archdemon and I wanted to understand this man. Gary, was it? But free from your influence. So, when you separated, I turned you into a tree for a little bit." What.
"Oh, that's what that was."
As if that were a perfectly normal thing to do. You return to sitting on the floor, quietly sipping your water. It is making more sense.

"Sir? Dierdre and I have made some conclusions and I was wondering if you were ready to tell us if we're correct."
The Wizard sighs and looks at Ileska.
"See, I love teaching in the classical druidic fashion, but it tends to leave your students with the impression that you never ask a question without knowing the answer."
There is pause in the conversation as he slips out his robes and hangs them on a nearby wooden hook. Wearing a simple but well tailored brown tunic over a fit and toned body, he looks perfectly normal aside from his striking, piercing blue eyes.
Ileska says " So, you were asking your apprentices to answer the questions you had about Gary, so that you could learn what you didn't know?"
"I knew you were clever. You would have made an excellent student. Now, let's sit down for dinner." He invites warmly.

After Ileska's repeated assurances that this wizard could be trusted, you agree to agree to sit down to conversation over a dinner of chicken and rice.

>Dinner can't last forever, so time is a factor. Feel free to ask anything you like. They will be asked in the order you put them in your post, compiled with the other votes, and you won't get to ask more than eight.
>Ask about:
>learning wizardry
>soul chickens
>your alignment
>how you got here
>how you can get back to Earth
>golden dagger
>death vision
>Lost Treasure of the Forest Folk
>Winnie the Piglet

Any one-line Q&A Write-Ins can be added easily and don't count towards the 8. For example, asking why he doesn't have a pointy hat wouldn't count, but asking him to explain the national tax system would.
so uh, how do I join in? Do I reply to the first event with the blonde girl?
Well, in many quests, like this one, there is one protagonist, main character, or mc. All the players decide what the mc does by voting.

There are some quests where each player runs there own character, or instance of the character. In those, replying to the first event with the blonde girl would be exactly right. Nation Builder quests are like that. But those are less common with story quests, probably because the same players can't be relied upon to return and be around to continue.

So in this quest and many others, it is like one story. So, the ideal practice is to read the story from the start and join in when you've caught up and know what's going on in the story. But nobody can stop you from joining in right away.
Some consider it very aggravating though, when new players jump in and make decisions without understanding what they're voting on. (Voting for Neo to take the Blue Pill because it is prettier.)

But, no. The story has moved on from the scene with the blonde girl. Sorry.
oooh so thats how it works. Thanks for the noob info anon. I'll lurk a bit more for now and see how it works.
No problem.
There's also the Quest Thread General: /qtg/

There, you can ask all kinds of questions and receive a mixed bag of helpful advice and shitposting.

/qst/ is a weird niche of 4chan where we need to encourage interaction to keep quests active so just telling anons to lurk moar and git gud isn't helpful, so we urge lurkers to make their presence known, but also we still want anons to not ruin the quests by being thoughtless. Results vary.

At least for most quests. This quest is a delicious descent to delirium.
>how you got here
>how you can get back to Earth
>golden dagger
>Winnie the Piglet
>learning wizardry
>Lost Treasure of the Forest Folk
>learning wizardry
>your alignment
>how you got here
>how you can get back to Earth
>golden dagger
>death vision
Gotta run an errand so I'm leaving the open for a bit. When I get back, I might close voting on the first half, post the update, and then write up the second half. We'll see how that works.

Vote Status:
>how you got here 14
>how you can get back to Earth 12
>golden dagger 10
>learning wizardry 10
>your alignment 7
>Winnie the Piglet 5
>apprentices 4
>Wizard 3
>shroud 3
>crystal 2
>Lost Treasure of the Forest Folk 1
>death vision 1
Seconding this >>4101161
>About the vampire village
>about learning wizardry
>about the crystal
>about how we got here
>about the shroud
>about the visions
>about our alignment
>how we get home
>>the serendipitous synchrony in this quest is damn near miraculous.
Put that in non-autist if you don't mind.
>Tastes Like Chicken
After beginning the meal by giving the Wizard an abbreviated version of your story, you ask him directly how he thinks you got here.
“Well, I have a strong theory about that.” he says, setting down his fork and wiping his mouth with a cloth. “I have been monitoring a situation in that Dark Forest of yours that may shed some light on it. There has been a force, an entity let’s call it. This entity is remarkably powerful and has been summoning other great, powerful beings through the veil between worlds.”

“What? How have I not heard of this?” Ileska starts.
“Because, my dear, as soon as the being is summoned, the entity immediately destroys it. Typically, no trace of the event leaves the Dark Forest and, as you know, most scrying attempts into its leafy depths fail.”
“True. Still, that must make the ‘entity’ incredibly powerful. What is it doing?”
“At first, I thought it was amassing greater power.” Ileska and the apprentices nod. “However, each new summoning drains so much power that the overall gain is negligible. I’ve come to believe that the entity is doing this simply to destroy powerful beings, because it can. I’m not certain how, but that Archdemon escaped after being summoned. I was tracking him when I saw his end at your hands.”
“I had no idea she had grown this powerful or reckless…” Ileska says, looking troubled.
“’She’? Ah, the leader of the folk rabble. No. This entity is distinctly male in form and spirit.”

“So do you think this entity summoned me to destroy me?”
“Oh my no. I would say not. Firstly, there seems to be very little power about you Gary. No offense.”
“As the only one at the table incapable of casting magic, none taken, um… Wizard? Is that what I call you? Do you have a name?”
“Of course I do, but names can be powerful things and I don’t like to leave mine lying about. Besides, it is quite rare that I am ever in the same room with other wizards for any other signifiers to be necessary. Wizard is fine.”

“What was the second thing after Gary being powerless, sir?” Leonard asks.
“Thank you Leonard. The other thing is that Gary’s summoning was wholly different in every way besides the method. You see, the entity uses a sort of lattice out of five bound djinn to conduct the summoning, powering the spell himself. Although, frankly, I can’t work out how he can manage to do it with less than eight.
“Anyway, the entity follows the same pattern, it summons, it destroys, it ‘digests’ for at least ten days, and then it starts over. However, when Gary was summoned, it had been only five days since the last summoning. Also, instead of a spell cast in search of a, I suspect random, powerful being, two extremely specific individuals were purposefully selected from one world and brought to ours.”


“Two?” Ileska asks.
“Wait, we were selected? Someone actually picked Alice on purpose?”
Ileska turns to you, confused. “Alice? Who is Alice?”
“I, uh, sort of appeared with a girl named Alice. She’s the one I left to look after the villagers with Anna. I kinda skipped over her before because we really, really don’t have anything in common. I mean it. There is no relation. And I figured you would want to talk to her and, well, she really doesn’t have anything useful to say. Trust me.”
“Still. You should have told me. It could be important.”

“One thing is clear.” The Wizard interjects. “The two of you are very important to whoever cast that spell. The only way I can reason it was accomplished was by someone else, besides the entity, using a tremendous amount of power to use the lattice for their own purpose.
“It is safe to say that you were summoned here by the darkest of fairy folk, Gary. And I’m sorry to say that I can’t imagine why or why they would purposely summon you to a clearing that they could not enter. And such a thing is far too precise to be an accident.”

“Do you think we could make a lattice to send Gary home?” Ileska asks.
“Oh, well, I suppose one could. I certainly don’t have any of the tools or ingredients here. I’ll have Deidre check the chicken coop later to see if I’ve overlooked a stockpile of bound djinn.”
Deidre snorts, sending a mouthful of rice onto the table.http:
Chuckling, the Wizard continues. “Yes, it is certainly possible. I could write up instructions for you, or even help you assemble it. But it would be outrageously expensive or difficult to construct. What’s worse, I wouldn’t begin to know where to aim it.
“I might be able to match Gary’s harmonics with his world, but he would age to dust before I compared him to a fraction of the worlds out there. And, honestly, I have better things to do with my time.”

Seeing Ileska’s disappointment, he adds “Don’t worry, my dear. There are others. A sorcerer is what you need. A good one will know more than enough to steer you right. Might not want him to build it, but sorcerers know far more about the cosmos than I do.
“There was that one I always liked to the southwest, lived near the mountains…”
“Sliver sir?” Leonard asks
“Ah yes! Sliver. Funny fellow. Not too bad for a sorcerer. I would go see him.”
“I heard he was eaten by gremlins sir.”
“Rubbish. He would taste terrible.” He gives you wink. Because cannibal humor is great while eating soul chicken. “Well, if he actually did manage to get himself eaten, which I doubt, there’s always the bastard in Rockcastle, if you can pry him out of Baccus’ fist for two minutes.”


“Wizard, I was wondering if I could learn magery. You know: wizardry.” Deidre and Leonard look at each other and then focus on their plates.
“Well, I am quite full up on apprentices and assistants at the moment. But I could spare a moment tomorrow to show you a few things. Let me see your wand.”
“Well yes, you don’t expect to learn to cast without one, do you?”
“Ileska never said…”
“I was never taught with wands!” Ileska protests. “I was going to move on with power gems, but he never got any traction.”
“Well, of course you were never taught with wands! Think about who taught you!”
Ileska stops and blushes beet red. “Gary, I’m sorry… I…” She hides her face in her hands.

“Ileska, don’t feel too embarrassed. If one were born on a ship they might not think anything of teaching someone to boat without a sail or oars.
“Gary, we might be able to scrounge up a wand for you, but it won’t work as well as one that fits you, if you understand… which you don’t… because you were never taught...”
“No, I think I get it. It’s like Olivander’s.”
“What’s that?”
“A, uh, story about a maker of magical wands.”
“Hmmm, sounds like it might be right then.”

“Would something like this work?” You pull out the golden dagger from your pack and unwrap it to show the Wizard.
“Ah, is that what you plucked from that Archdemon?” He lets out a low whistle. “That is very well crafted. Some kind of ancient religious magical weapon is my guess. To answer your question, yes. Absolutely.
“However, artifacts like this one are often designed to only be wielded by ‘The Pure of Heart’ or ‘The Chosen One’ or some such. It’s like a unicorn horn. It could work, but I personally wouldn’t risk touching it myself. I don’t exactly consider myself ‘pure’. Powerful conductor of magical energy though. I’d keep a hold of that. It’d be worth quite a lot to the right buyer.”


“When Deidre tested me with that pendant, it showed I was “silver” alignment. What does any of that mean?”
“Well Gary, your alignment is your nature. When the Gods of Creation created this world, they did so along their eight axes. And people tend to develop natures that align with those natures. For example, people that are drawn to justice and change have red, or Fire, alignment.”
“Wait, let me guess, the first four gods were Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, right?”
“Close, actually. Wind, Fire, Water, and Stone. Then came Earth, Ice, Smoke, and Magma. Then, many many ages after the Creator Gods had faded from the world, the Bright Lady formed the Wood alignment when she created the Fairy Folk from the Wraith, however she did that little trick.”

Ileska, Deidre, and Leonard were all nodding along to this.
“However, a little known fact is that someone, possibly the Precursors or possibly somebody else, tried to replicate that process. They tried to create a new race with a new alignment.”
“Wait, what!” Deidre exclaimed.
“There’s a tenth alignment?” Leonard asked.
“No, there isn’t.” The Wizard explains.
“But you just said…” Deidre started.
“He said they tried.” Ileska points out.
“Exactly. They failed. They created races of savage chaos unaligned with anything. They created an alignment with the absence of alignment.”
“Beastmen.” Ileska said. “That’s it. That’s why Gary’s aura smells like beastmen!”

“Exactly. My theory is that in pulling weak, soft, malleable people through the magical barrier between worlds, it imbues them with some of those energies, whereas already powerful beings remain unchanged.
“I believe that, through a fluke of chance, Gary came to our world with a perfectly balanced imbalance, a perfectly aligned unaligned alignment. It’s fairly remarkable, actually.”
“So what does that mean?”
“It means that you are, to my knowledge, the world’s first and only person with a Metal alignment.”
“Metal, huh? Does that mean I can only cast metal-based spells?”
“Oh Peace no! You can cast whatever you can cast. Alignments have no bearing on that. They’re more representative of your nature.”

“So, what is the nature of a Metal Alignment?”
“Fantastic question. I have no idea. This is entirely unprecedented.”
“So, this is… maddeningly unhelpful.”
“But it is uniquely unhelpful, at least.” The Wizard offers. “Although it might just be why you were summoned, if they could have predicted this would happen, which I can’t see how they could.”
“Is Alice…”
“Alice is as Wood Aligned as she could be, a bit more than Deidre here.”
“Is there any way my alignment might be changed?”
The wizard shrugs. “What can change the nature of a man?”

“I do feel bad about that village we left her with. Is there anything we can do to help them?”
“Certainly. I can have Leonard draw up a countercurse spell for you. He enjoys working on those. Ileska should manage it without issue. You will need at least a pound of fairy dust to uncurse a whole village though. You’ll have to acquire that yourself I’m afraid. I find it distasteful to keep around.”

“How do you know so much about what is going on everywhere?”
“Well, I am blessed with a powerful and sacred conduit of great scrying power.”
“He means Winnie the Pig.” Deidre chimes in.
“Yes. I mean Winnie the Pig. The ability to convey powerful visions of past or future events has been passed down her lineage for generations. Winnie is particularly gifted as her visions are invariably accurate. I can direct them, usually, to scry what I choose to.”
“Pig bloodline divination magic?”
“Okay. That’s fairly normal considering everything else.”

“What can you tell me about this?” You remove the crystal from around your neck.
“Ah the crystal you found where you were summoned? Well, Ileska was right, it doesn’t have magic and it is casting that shroud over you. Unfortunately, my experience with psionics is limited to shutting them out and Ileska’s ward seems to be protecting your mind without impairing the shroud so I wouldn’t change a thing there.”
“Wait. What is ‘psionics’?” Ileska asks.
“It is an esoteric form of magic without magic, using only one’s mind.”
“What, so casting spells by thinking hard?” Ileska laughs. “That’s silly… Wait, seriously? How can that exist?”
“It is a strange world, my dear. And I think that’s about it for tonight. Deidre and Leonard can make you up beds in the cottage. I’m sorry, but I don’t allow others to stay overnight in the tower.”
Deidre whispers “It’s true. He’s very persnickety about some things.”
“As I was saying, it has been interesting and pleasant and I wish you all a good night.
He gets up and starts walking towards the stairs.
“Oh! There is one thing I can tell you about that crystal Gary. I may not be an expert on constructed crystals and I am certainly no expert on psionics. But I have extensively studied anatomy. That is a crystal toe hanging around your neck.”
What the fuck?

You have a lot to think about and decide on where to go and what to do?
>Do you accept the free magic wand lessons from a Wizard?
Okay, of course you do. But what else?

>Do you search for Fairy Dust to help the village?
>Do you visit the nearby town?
>Do you seek out the sorcerer in Rockcastle?
>Do you take the obvious adventure plothook to investigate if Sliver was really eaten by gremlins?
>Do you seek out a buyer for a golden dagger religious artifact?
I will be around Sunday/Today and will answer questions, and might post a little vignette, but I can't promise a full update.
>Take wand lessons from the wizard
>ask him and Ileska where to find fairy dust since we have no clue
>ask the wizard if firearms exist
If he doesn't get firearm say mechanism/Weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullet, shell, or material/Missiles are propelled explosive force making a loud noise.
So you're still here because . . . ?
I can't believe I didn't think of this. We can also go deeper and find out just how deep the "technomancer" hole goes in this setting. Bridge the gap with machines and inventions, just in case magic doesn't cut it for us.

Closing voting.
Hoping to write up a vignette, but I expect exhaustion to take me.
Teaser answer to the firearms question: "Yes, but..."

>I can't believe I didn't think of this. We can also go deeper and find out just how deep the "technomancer" hole goes in this setting
Now we're talking.
Information Gary has that you all don't: The Wizard has the nicest latrine you've used since coming to this world. Stacks of cornsilk paper to wipe with and everything. Smells like pine needles and rose water. Wash basin and polished steel mirror. Very nice.
>Down time

You settle into the bed that Deirdre had made up for you. Ileska was already snuggled into hers a few feet away. The two of you shared a small, cramped room in the cottage nestled within the tower courtyard. Ileska seemed comfortable, but you still had some reservations. The down mattress being extremely comfortablebhad helped until you considered where the feathers might have come from.

You were considering asking Ileska about some of the many questions twirling about your head when she asked you one of her own.
"Gary...?" She asked. "Is 'Heaven' a place on Earth?"
"Well, Belinda Carlisle would say that it is. But it's really our imagined afterlife. A place of perfection that only good people go when they die."
"Ah, so it is like Peace, the afterlife we have here."
"Do you have proof of your afterlife here?"
"Of course. Many people have come back to describe both Peace and Justice. I haven't met any personally, but I believe that it is true. There's more than enough stories and spirits that have confirmed."
"We don't have anything like that on Earth. Everything that is guess work and mystery. Many people believe that there is no afterlife at all."
"That's sad, Gary. Everyone deserves either peace or Justice."

"Speaking of Justice, Ileska, does this world have firearms? You know guns? Metal tubes that fire metal projectiles propelled by an explosive force making a loud noise?
"Oh yes, they exist. Blunderbusses, Boomsticks, Flintlocks, Rifles... They were invented, oh, I don't know... about a hundred and fifty years ago?
"They became very popular, very quickly, especially the cannons upon ships. But it quickly came to an end when that spell started circulating."
"What spell?"
"Oh, that's right you wouldn't know. ...Actually, that's a very good spell for us to try tomorrow. It's a very simple, easy to cast spell that was widely circulated after guns became popular. It ignites gunpowder. Even within a bullet or a gun. So without expensive magic wards, most guns or anything that has gunpowder, is terribly dangerous to have.
"Because of any low level wizard, even you, could easily cast that spell and ignite the powder and destroy the gun and possibly kill it's wielder."
"That is interesting and horrifying."
"Yes Gary, most things are."
"So there aren't any guns anymore?"
"Oh, they're around. But they're expensive, so they're not widely used. I heard there was a tiny, prosperous trade kingdom in the far south that had an army of riflemen, but that could be just rumor."

"Well, I hope you have dreams similar to heaven tonight, Gary."
"I wish you heavenly dreams too, Ileska. Good night."

>How does Gary wake up?
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>How does Gary wake up?
With a fluffy companion by his side

Also, crap. That's actually good worldbuilding to counterbuffer use of guns. Damnit, OP.

. . . Wait just one cotton-picking minute! OP, does this setting have any analogue to symbology? You know, drawing runic patterns and whatnot?
>You know, drawing runic patterns and whatnot?
That is a chief component in creating enchantments, when Ileska was teaching you that. Enchanters deal exclusively with runes and harmonic resonances. Transmutation circles are kind of similar too, but that feels closer to calculus mixed with improvisational jazz than symbology. If that helps you at all.
Then I have a way around the "wizards can counter your gunpowder by casting ignite" thing. And it's the info YOU just verified so no take-backs.

We learn some runology and inscribe our gun to have anti/countermagic against the gun and its contents.

Thank you, thank you. I'll take my award now.
^Nobel-prize right there honey.
Symbology isn’t a word. You can’t just make up words!

No need for sarcasm. It's /qst/, not wikipedia. Relax.

>Symbology isn’t a word. You can’t just make up words!
Ever hear of a RPG called Star Ocean?
>No need for sarcasm. It's /qst/, not wikipedia. Relax.
Um, sorry... wasn't going for that, but I can see how that would be the first assumption.
I haven’t, but I was just referencing one of my all time favorite golden age quests. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Log%20Horizon
Symbology is in fact actually a word.
>Put that in non-autist if you don't mind.
Just remembered that I never responded to this.
What I meant was that I'm seeing a lot anon input directly matching randomly generated content such a generated nerdy blonde girl and a chuuni girl, or anon asking about how to learn magic (apprenticeship) as I am generating apprentices for the wizard.

[This has been a translation for the non-autistic]
Oh. My mistake. Thank you, anon. Hugs.

Log Horizon, huh? I wonder if I should get into the anime. I'm skeptical seeing how SAO went. Tainted the RPG ieskai genre. Maybe things will be different if I spend some time in the DATABASE!

Oh. I think I get you. Wait--are you actually randomly generating new things/characters behind the scenes? I've only known one QM to ever do that and it's awesome.
>are you actually randomly generating new things/characters behind the scenes?
Yep. I've discussed it more in the current and previous/qtg/. Basically had an idea of how to do it, tried it, it worked, and now must run it.
Keep in mind that I filter, fold, spindle, and mutilate in order to get things to fit. Also, once it's in the world, it's there. I am assembling the setting and "plot" Tetris style.
That's legit.

I read a quest (it's off-site) where the QM would roll background die to introduce characters and such. Also, encounter rates and enemies and such were also die-related. It's definitely an interesting mechanic, and I remember nodding with a smirk at the time when the quest was active and they revealed that information to us.

I won't ask for the specifics of your background mechanics as I don't like getting a peek behind the curtain until after a quest is fully resolved, but just know that you have at least one dedicated reader. It's not much, and you don't owe me (or any of us) anything, but if it inspires you to keep tapping those keys and giving us an interesting quest, then I figure I'd make it known.
I hear you on that, the genre is crowned with tons of garbage, but LH is exceptional, it actually feels like an MMO and isn’t a garbage pile with retarded mechanics and MC powerwank like in SAO or most other “MMO” anime. There is a lot of attention to detail as well, overall 10/10 would recommend. Aside from that, Tinyshepherd’s quest was a hell of a ride and my favorite /tg/ era quest, shame he never finished it, but I understand, especially since he lasted way longer than the knockoff quest I ran.
Sorry the update got delayed guys, I survived Subday, but that just made Monday kick my ass harder.
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>Terrific, Radiant, Humble

You wake up feeling very well rested after a comfortable night's sleep in the down bed. You feel a familiar, heavy warmth nestled on top of your blanket. Reaching out of your blanket, you reach down to pet the fluffy cat. Your hand strokes the sparse but soft and fluffy fur, feeling the warm skin of the fat cat. It stretches it's little legs and utters a soft oink in response.
Folding back the covers, you confirm that it is the piglet that has joined you in bed. Sensing something, Winnie clambers up and hops off the bed, scurrying out the slightly ajar door.

Deidre opens the door and steps in wearing another simple dress, this one being a lovely red.
"Was Winnie in here? I was looking for her earlier. She missed her breakfast, and so will you if you don't hurry up to the tower kitchen. Ileska's already finished, but she's having tea with Leonard. Come on."
"I'm, uh, coming, just going to get dressed first."
"Don't take too long or Winnie's getting your eggs!" Deidre calls as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

You quickly get dressed and join the others in the tower. Aside from the wizard, they're all there, even the piglet, who seems to be patiently waiting for Deirdre to make good on her threat.
Over a delicious breakfast of eggs and a rich, dense toasted bread with butter, Deidre and Leonard explain how the day's practice is going to go.

The wizard is mixing up some black powder to place in a box with protective enchantments on it. Then, a tiny spoonful will be placed on a table that Deidre will set up out in the courtyard. And then you'll practice the spell until you can get it to work reliably.
"The wizard seems to think that this exercise will help you get a feel for magery, but I've never seen it done quite like this at a beginner level. It should be fun!" Deidre

"Oh, yes. Standing in a courtyard watching a..." Leonard says, pausing from sipping his tea to rethink his statement. "...person fail to work one of the most simple spells there is for however long it takes. ...What fun."
"Don't mind him Gary. He's just grouchy because he still has to dig through the storage looking for an old one for you to use." Deidre says.
"I am not and I do not."

Leonard reached into his black robes and produced a simple polished stick of wood approximately 6 inches long with a pointed tip at one end and a polished dome of quartz at the other end.
"Leonard! Isn't that your old quartz wand you had from when you were younger?"
"Well, we can't have any student of the wizard failing on account of a substandard wand. Now can we? You are welcome to keep it, Gary."
Leonard slides the wand across the table and returns to sipping his tea with a small, peaceful smile on his face.
"Um, thank you Leonard."
Taking the wand in your hand, you still don't feel any sort of magical power or anything but you are very excited to try it out.


Not long after, everyone is outside in the courtyard. Deidre has set up the table and found a broad flat gray stone to place on it to keep the table from scorching.
The wizard simply appears, not necessarily magically though. One moment he didn't seem to be there and the next he was. He is holding a simple wooden box painted gold with strange dark writing carved in a circle all the way around it and on the lid. He walks up to Deidre who is standing by the table with a little silver scoop spoon, kind of like what you use to spoon out coffee grounds.
"Deidre, is that the correct size spoon? We want to be precise and careful now." The wizard asks in a serious tone.
"I think so." Deirdre says cheerfully.
The wizard simply stares at her in response.
"I mean, I'm almost certain of it." Deirdre chuckles nervously.
Leonard sighs.
"I can go check the book, I left it over on the tower steps in case we needed it. I didn't want to leave it on the table."

"Allow me." Says the wizard as he holds out his hand.
The wizard intones: "Come here, book I am currently thinking of."
The book floats gently through the air and into his hand.
You completely fail to suppress a tiny laugh at his "magic words".
"Something amusing Gary?" The wizard raises an eyebrow at your response.
"I'm sorry." You immediately apologize. "I'm not sure what I was expecting. I didn't actually expect 'abracadabra' or 'accio book', but 'Come here, book I am currently thinking of' just struck me as funny. I meant no disrespect."
Why is everyone staring at you?


"Gary, what-" Ileska begins before silencing herself when the wizard raises his hand for her to stop.
Taking a step towards you and looking at you intently, the wizard questions you.
"Gary, the world, 'Earth' I think it was, that you come from, do they have dragons there?"
"Well, no. I mean, just stories of them. They never really existed there."
"In any of those stories, did the dragons speak a language of their own?"
"Well sure. In some of them."
"Do you know it?"
"No, I don't even know any stories where they bothered to make up a full language for them. For elves and dwarves maybe, but not dragons."
"So you don't know any dragon language?"
"No. All I know is English and a little bit of high school Spanish. What is this about?"
The wizards stands there looking at you thoughtfully.

It is Ileska that speaks first. "Gary, the wizard summoned that book with Dragonspeak, a language only the dragons and trained wizards know."
What the fuck?


"No, he used English. I heard him."
"What is Anglish?"
"Oh for- whatever you call the language that were speaking right now."
"Flametongue, common tradespeak. It's what most people speak."
"'Common' then. He was speaking common. I heard him."
"No I wasn't. I was speaking dragonspeak. But I believe you when you say that you heard 'English'. This is remarkable."

After a very long explanation, only half of which you really understand, the wizard explains his theory that part of the magical resonance that you absorbed when you came into the world has granted you the passive ability to translate languages you hear into English.
"So it's like I have a Babel Fish or a universal translator?"
"If I take your meaning correctly Gary, it's actually more like you yourself are the translator."

After some experimenting with all the spoken languages the four others could summon up between them, all of which sound exactly like English to you, the wizard has you try reading different languages.
You are able to read tradespeak, even though it still has that overly stylized quality and a bit like old-school captcha. Dragonspeak looks like spanish graffiti tag that you could almost make out a couple words of. But everything else is gibberish wingdings.

"I suspect that the more you hear a language, the more you will be able to read it. But I'm afraid I don't quite understand the mechanism of this portion of the effect."
"This power seems kind of, I don't know, convenient, doesn't it?"
"Actually, the nature of that magical barrier between worlds is such that it could have grafted any sort of ability onto you. You could have come to this world with power far beyond that of wizards or sorcerers."
"So you're telling me that out of all the possible powers in existence, I got the slightly less lame version of the X-Men power that was so lame that they killed the character off?"
The wizard simply stares at you for a moment, thinking.
"What I am telling you is that the magical barrier has changed you and given you this ability. Anything else it did, I'm afraid I can't yet be certain of."

Rolled 12 - 30 (1d100 - 30)


"There is also a benefit to this ability that you may have not realized yet. One of the difficulties of learning wizardry is learning to speak the true names of the components of the spells. Dragonspeak is comprised only of the true names of things, so it is an excellent tool to focus on the essence of the magic that you are working.
"Learning the language can take some students a long time to learn. You, however, can understand it perfectly. And I suspect that you can speak it as well. Let's give it a try."

Once Deidre has placed the proper spoonful of black powder on the stone and backed away, the wizard prepares to cast.
He explains how the spell simply agitates the powder on a fundamental level to create a spark.
He shows you the proper way to point your wand and "feel" the magery, which you still can't.
Then he recites the spell: "Pop."
The powder explodes with a loud but small explosion.

While Deirdre sets it up again, the wizard takes your wand and says "Charge."
The quartz dome glows briefly and then fades.
Leonard watches with fascination. "I am always amazed at how effortless you make that look."
The wizard shrugs. "Gary's not the only one to ever be blessed with an advantage."

Your wand in hand, now it is your turn to try.
And again.
And over again.
You try repeatedly with no success. Each time, the others tell you that you're still speaking common.

Eventually, the wizard has an idea.
"Try again Gary, but this time, while still focusing on the target, imagine that that you are talking to a dragon.
Once more, you try:

>Roll a 1d100 against my opposed roll of 1d100 -30 for proper Wizard training to see how you do.
Damn. So, at a DC of -18, I say you succeed, but any roll above an 82 gets ridiculous success.
Lets see if I can remember how to roll
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Clearly that’s not how, round 2
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Ridiculousness achieved.
Gonna start work on putting out another update later tonight.
Proofreading is better than Ambien. Formatting and posting update now.
>Table Flipping

You feel a strange sort of tingle emanating from your hand, dipping into the wand, and then releasing. It all happens in a moment, but then you hear the loud explosion of the black powder on the table. And everyone cheering.
Then it registers to you that you just cast a magic spell.
Several more attempts confirm that, as long as you imagine that you are talking to a dragon, the spell works just fine.

Each time, the tingling feeling gets more noticeable. Soon, you can sense the magic in your wand, in the others, and even in the golden dagger in your backpack. As you prepare another practice casting, you wonder about pushing more of that tingling energy into the spell.
Normally as it is cast, you feel your tingling flow into the wand, dip into the wand's power, and sort of magnify through the wand pulling a small fraction of power. You feel that if you tried, you could push power through as it casts, like a gentle blow of air through a straw.
You try it as you cast again, but the spell won't let you. The power is constrained.
As you cast the next time, a thought comes to you and, without thinking, you cast: "Pop...Puff."

A terrific flash of light momentarily blinds you as an explosion rocks the table. Chickens long jaded by the "pops" scatter silently across the courtyard. Slowly, the charred and broken table falls apart, torn in half by the explosion.
"What was that!?" Ileska exclaims.
"He didn't..." Deidre says concerned.
"Well, that was interesting." Leonard comments.
"'Puff'?" The wizard asks you.
Turning to meet his gaze, you feel a little dizzy.
"Sorry about your table..." You begin.
Then someone very rudely throws a planet upside your head.


You are lying on the cold stone floor with your head and shoulders resting on something warm, soft, and familiar. You look up at Deidre's face.
"What happened?" You ask, sitting up.

"You fainted. Rookie mistake." She says. "You channelled energy into the spell without putting a limit or cap on it."
"You drained yourself and your wand of all power." Leonard comments.
Leonard and Ileska are preparing tea.
"Please be more careful in the future, Gary." Ileska pleads, placing cups on the table.
The wizard offers you a hand getting up and into a chair. You note that, despite his apparent age, he has a firm grip and a strong arm.

"What I want to know is how you did that... Let me show you what I mean."
Pointing his wand at a teacup, he intones: "Puff."
A gust of air puffs from his wand, rattling the cup before Leonard steadies it.
"Even if you put all your energy into it, it should have been a giant blast of air, not a magical explosion."
The wizard studies you.
"It is as if you added essence to the word. I don't understand how that's possible. You are inscrutable, Gary of Earth... Tea?"

As practice is officially over for the day, you all enjoy a tea with sandwiches. It occurs to you to ask a few things.
"That charge spell..."
Leonard answers. "Most casters use it at night. Sleeping restores your magic reserves. Draining your unused magical energy into a crystal or wand to store for later use helps for when you need it."
"I find it that it helps me fall asleep nicely, too." Deidre adds.
"Very few casters have the kind of reserves the Wizard does." Leonard finishes.
"You should get into the habit of doing it." Deidre suggests.


"I was also wondering about getting some fairy dust to help with that village."
"Oh right, I still have to finish that counter-curse spell for you. I'll have it by morning." Leonard assures you.
"Uh, thank you. But I still don't know what fairy dust is or how to get it."
Deidre looks at Ileska. "You never told him?"
"It's just so... unseemly. It's hard to talk about."
"Gary," begins the wizard. "Most fairy folk, aside from green trolls, aren't really biological. They don't function in terms of tissues and organs. They function through magic. So, when they bleed, they technically bleed magic.

"Fairy dust is what is left when fairy 'biological material' decays, which happens fast. It is made when a fairy dies, bleeds, or produces ....other 'biological material'.
"The safest way to get it is to alchemically produce it from grinding up petrified trolls. They can are rare and difficult to find, but generally undefended. The process is easy enough for a layman to do it.
"The simplest way is to trade for it from a fairy creature. Which, as you can imagine, has its own issues.
"The most dangerous method produces the highest quantity. That is by simply killing one of them. It produces a considerable amount, but killing the fair folk is no small thing."

"We'd rather help the village without resorting to violence." Ileska interjects. "I know of a dryad that lives just north of this village. I helped her when she ran into some trouble with the locals a number of years ago. She absolutely detests the Dark Forest Folk and definitely won't be involved with them. She might not be able to directly help, but she may give us some direction."

"I know the creature you speak of," the wizard comments. "She sounds like a fine person, although I have never met her."
"Oh, why not? She's nearby and perfectly lovely."
"The wizard shrugs. "I'm a wizard. People only ever come to see me when there's a problem. The only problem involving her was resolved by clever travelling witch in red robes."
"Thank you, wizard." You think you spot Ileska blushing over her tea."


"Oh! That reminds me, wizard. The villagers!" Deirdre bubbles.
"Oh that's right." The wizard sets down his tea. "The villagers have already come to the tower asking about the bridge. I've assured them that the threat is over, but before explaining what happened, I thought I would ask you what your wishes were.

"You see, I have no problem telling them that you two handled the beast. And I won't get into the details of the 'beast', as it would just cause more concern. But I wasn't sure if you two would want the kind of attention that would come from such a tale. Celebrity is a double edged sword that cuts both ways, as they say."
"That's true." Ileska nods, looking to you.

>Multiple Decisions Time!
>Tale of the Archdemon:
>Let the wizard take the credit and avoid complications
>Let Ileska take the credit but keep yourself out of it
>Accept credit with Ileska and reap the fame and accolades of small-town villagers
>Write-in ?

>Tomorrow is Another Day:
>Do you seek out the dryad for Fairy Dust?
>Do you seek out petrified trolls for Fairy Dust?
>Do you visit the nearby town?
>Do you seek out the sorcerer in Rockcastle?
>Do you investigate that Sliver sorcerer eaten by gremlins?
>Do you try to sell a golden dagger religious artifact?
>Do you try to find an enchanter or gunsmith to learn from?
>Write-In anything I might have overlooked

>Bonus Question:
>If Gary could ask this world one question, what would it be? (Most 'appropriate' answer selected, no need to win majority)

[Magery Skill Unlocked]
[+10 to All Mage Rolls]
Mana Level: [0/8]
Wand Charge: [0]
You now have the ability to cast wizardry spells and sense magic!
You are familiar with one mage spell, "Pop", but with your natural dragonspeak, can attempt new ones at any time. Attempting to cast spells beyond your power may cause you to drain yourself and faint however.

[Gary Spells Unlocked]
You have learned a "Gary Spell"!
These spells are unique spells to you. They can only be unlocked through discovery and casting using specific spellwords. You will have to discover additional Gary Spells, their trigger words, and their effects, on your own.

[Gary Spell: "Puff" Learned]
This spell adds variable explosive magical power to a chemical reaction, such as fire or ignition.
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A few notes about Enchanted Gunsmithing and Technomancy

>We learn some runology and inscribe our gun to have anti/countermagic against the gun and its contents.
This is clever and a great idea and I'm impressed that you came up with it so fast.
Runes protecting the gun and ammunition containers are why guns are prohibitively expensive. On the battlefield, mages have even managed to ignite ammunition as a weapon is being loaded causing some to enchant individual bullets. Although, this just made me realize something that I'll keep to myself.
Anyway, enchanting the guns and everything yourself is an inexpensive workaround. It remains unpopular because enchanters can generally make plenty of coin without it and won't work for free. That kingdom to the south is said to have an enslaved master enchanter, but that's unconfirmed gossip.

The main point is that guns can work.
Becoming an enchanted gunsmith can work.
Neither will automatically make Gary uber elite.
But the more important thing is that enchanted guns are a means to an end, as is all Technomancy. Gary still needs an end, a goal to work towards.
Right now, he's looking for a few answers.
Will enchanted guns help him?
What will he do once he has his answers?
What is a man?

The answers to these questions and more are for you all to decide!
“How much does this world know about electricity?”
“And as a follow up, how much is known about magnetism if it exists?”
Nice, I also thought about why not just make a gun that just use magic as ammunition or a conduit or something like that, basically a magic gun, when I first saw what they said about guns.
Potential magic railgun?? Laws of the world
I think that trying to make a magic railgun is just an unspoken rule of /qst/ at this point.
Appreciate the flattery, Trip. I actually had something else to question/bring up but I've forgotten it in my old age. Damn. It was a good one too.

So you want to make us Tanya Dorbachev? I can dig it.
While I'm at it, here's a random question (not the original one I forgot about): How possible is it to become a "spelldodger" in this world? If we went full-on Adeptus Mechanicus and built epic magitech or means to counter magic.
>How possible is it to become a "spelldodger" in this world?
It's certainly possible to build and maintain wards and protections from various kinds of magic, but as far as universal protection, that's difficult to come by.
>“How much does this world know about electricity?”
>“And as a follow up, how much is known about magnetism if it exists?”
>Potential magic railgun?? Laws of the world
Great discussion!
Am I to assume these are in response to >>4108674
>Bonus Question

Because they totally work.
...but I also kinda need answers to the other two questions.
Slipped, Dip. Trip Fandango.
So making, say, "anti-magic" tech is a 99% no-go? Keep in mind I'm applying concepts from a roleplay I did when I was a kid. We differentiated tech from magic by making the latter more universal, since it's almost always some kind of energy or aether or something. Whereas tech requires time and resources to prepare, but cannot be countered universally, since every country/tribe/race/philosophy/etc has different technological specifications.

Sorry if I'm being autistic. I don't find too many quests that let us play in the sandbox.
>Accept credit with Ileska and reap the fame and accolades of small-town villagers
I like fame and gossip

>Do you seek out the dryad for Fairy Dust?
>Do you seek out petrified trolls for Fairy Dust?
Either of these two. Whichever one is the least violent.
Oh, the questions about electricity/magnets were just things we could probably ask the wizard about before we leave.
>So making, say, "anti-magic" tech is a 99% no-go?
Well, it's entirely possible. But in order to discover it yourself, you'd need either a genius level intellect combined with expert knowledge of magical energy, or absurdly ludicrous good luck. Neither of which Gary currently has.
If someone else discovered it, they'd be more likely to keep it secret, using it to amass power while waiting for the right moment to strike, rather than let others know about its existence and come ask if they can use it too.

Also, there is magical energy, spiritual energy, cosmic energy, harmonic resonance, shamanic energy, and psionic energy. Shutting them all down would be quite a trick. Also, I think anything that inhibits psionic energy might reduce the IQ of anyone who isn't their own grandfather. But I'm not certain on that last one.
Oh, one more question for the wizard. Ask him if he has ever seen this 卐 symbol. Since it seems like other people from earth have ended up here and Nazis were big into the occult, I’m curious.
>Accept the credit with Ileska.
Was originally against the idea, but who knows who else Gary would meet should they hear of the foreigner with awesome power.

>Try to find an enchanter/gunsmith.
>Dryad for fairy dust.

Hope two are allowed. I mean, Gary doesn't fully grasp magic yet, and on top of that we were told BY THE QM that gunsmithing is a possible and feasible route to take. We're getting handed a bone here, gentlemen, and I say we take it.

>Also, there is magical energy, spiritual energy, cosmic energy, harmonic resonance, shamanic energy, and psionic energy.
I really love how you're putting everything in the sink here. You're really showing up to throw down, QM. You need to keep this quest up for however many threads it takes.

>their own grandfather
I didn't understand this at first, but I thought about it a bit and chuckled. Nice one.
>we were told BY THE QM that gunsmithing is a possible and feasible route to take.
Well, yeah. Technically, cryptozoological taxidermy is a possible and feasible route to take.
Come to think of it, we should probably figure out a way to determine Gary's level of /k/ as a 4chan anon.
>Accept credit with Ileska and reap the fame and accolades of small-town villagers
>seek out the dryad for Fairy Dust
>Try to find an enchanter/gunsmith
Closing voting.

I will try to hammer out an update before the Sandman roofies me.
>Sorry if I'm being autistic.
Btw, no worries about the autism.
All amiable autists are accepted in the land of the Forest of Chuuni!
>No worries.
Then in that case, I'm gonna take this quest to the old town board. I'm gonna . . . vote until I can't no more.

Votes are in the back.
Creatures will attack.
We will learn some spells.
Put a gun on our back.

Leave the chunni in the past.
She can kiss our ass.
Dude had a crystal in shoulder.
What the hell was tha-a-at?
Update ready. Waiting to return to the OP IP to format and post.
>Minimal Momentum

You tell them that you are fine with just telling the truth and sharing the credit with Ileska.
"It's better just to be honest, right? I mean, as long as we don't scare them about the demon." You say.
Ileska smiles in agreement.
"Absolutely!" Agrees Deirdre.
"Truth and beauty share much in common with each other, and little in common with villager gossip." Leonard smirks.
The wizard agrees.

After the tea, the wizard says he has work to do and is not seen again for the rest of the night. Leonard and Deidre assure Ileska and you that this is not uncommon.
You help Deidre tend to the chickens as well as straighten up the courtyard and storage shed while Ileska helps Leonard gather herbs. Later, the four of you sit down for a dinner consisting of large bowls of spicy stew and thick slices of delicious bread.

"I've been thinking about guns and enchantments."
"Guns? Whatever for?" Leonard asks.
"Well, we didn't have magic spells on my old world and guns helped change the world. I'm curious if something similar could be done here."
"Oh, it's been tried. I mean, a kid with a gun could take down a trained warrior." Deidre says. "But one amateur mage could lay waste to an army of gunsoldiers with plenty of power left over, if they lacked proper enchantments.
"Pfft! Gary could lay waste to them if they didn't have enchantments..." Leonard snorts, adding "No offense, Gary."

"Uh, none taken. But that's why I want to talk to an enchanter as well as a gunsmith."
"Hmmm.... Well, the engineer of Rockcastle definitely has made guns, and I'm sure you'd find a couple enchanters there." Deidre suggests. "But the best enchanters are always dwarves."
"It's the stonesense." Leonard interrupts.
"Leonard! Don't be racist!" Deidre admonishes.
"It is isn't racist. It is fact." Leonard calmly states. "Have you ever heard of a dwarf getting lost?"
"Yes! Yes I have, as a matter of fact! A poor old dwarf lady got lost in the stacks of North Arbor library. Betty told me all about it!" Deidre retorts. "Oh, wait, that reminds me. There's a skilled gunsmith in Arbor. I heard he's a bit unsavory, but his skills are well known. Plus, there's a dwarven community in the mountains east of there. They simply have to have an enchanter."

"...old bat getting lost in a wooden building doesn't prove anything..." Leonard grumbles.
"What was that?" Deirdre asks as Ileska chuckles.
"I was saying that the wizard always recommended against learning multiple disciplines." Leonard says. "He feels that a person should focus their studies in one area rather than spread themselves thin amongst many."
"Oh, I agree." Deidre says before looking across the table at Ileska. "Oh! Except you, Ileska! You're amazing!"
Ileska laughs, waving the girl off.


After dinner, you decide to head to bed early. You're still kind of exhausted after your misstep during training. Once you're in bed, Winnie trots into the room and oinks in your general direction until you make room for her to hop up on the bed. She snuggles up against you and gently presses her snout against your arm.

You spread the map across the table on top of the others. The scent of jasmine mingles with the musty aroma of old parchment. This map is one of the finest you've seen yet, it will do nicely. "How much coin was it?"
"100 gold." The young man next to you grimaces.
Not taking your eyes off the map, you pull a coin purse out from one of your desk drawers and toss it on the desk surface in front of him.
William is standing by your side, looking at a map as well. He doesn't look happy. His dark blonde mop hangs around his spectacled face in a disheveled mess.
"Look, I know you hate me," You say. "But there's something going to happen today that will change everything."
"You're always worried." He says. "...and I don't hate you."
"William, I'm telling you, this isn't good," You say, your hand idly scratching your beard. "There's a war coming..."

"Yes, yes," he says. "That's why I was so worried about the conduit earlier."
You sigh and shake your head. "I wish we hadn't relied on such things... Anyway, that path is closed to is now. No, no, it's bad," You say. "I think we should leave."
"Wait, wait!" He says. "We need to band together! We need to fight the war!"
"Yeah, yeah... I guess we'll see..."
You pull a square of thick red cloth from your pocket and, rubbing the material with your fingers, stare at it thoughtfully. You feel William's eyes watching you and, not for the first time, wonder if any of this has been worth it.

The two of you walk outside where the sky is darkening. The sun is setting and darkness seems to be falling everywhere. Suddenly, you hear a loud noise from somewhere nearby. Then, a bright light appears above your heads. You recognize the shape immediately.
"Whoa!" William says. "Is that...?"
Suddenly, the ground begins shaking violently. You both jump back in fear when you notice a huge sinkhole opening up beneath your feet. Stone and earth tumble down its dark depths drawing you both into it. Reflexively, you grab a nearby wall, holding tight as William falls to his doom.
A massive explosion rips through the earth and rocks begin flying overhead. The blast knocks you off your feet and sends you tumbling down the hill.
You are left alone and unharmed. Your hand reflexively presses down on your black, runic leather chestplate and confirms your medallion is still in place. Before you can rise to survey the damages, you hear a large boom from the mountain that causes a small earthquake which shakes the entire area.


Climbing to your feet, you look around. Everything is dark, in all directions everything around you is a blank, dark field. You hear the approach of clacking footsteps. This time, you do not see an approaching woman.
A short man approaches, over a foot shorter than yourself. He seems oddly proportioned. His shoulders are broad with long arms that extend down to his knees. His legs seem shorter than normal as well. The general impression of his figure is that of an elderly gorilla, which contrasts greatly with the poise and grace with which he moves and the elegant clothes that he wears. He is clean shaven with tightly cropped grey hair.
He opens his mouth to speak, pauses with a confused look, and goes to speak again.

"Return. You are necessary..." He says in a familiar cadence that matches his appearance in some way you can't place. "Good grace! What was that? Peace! Was that the message? The entire message?"
Blinking in confusion, you simply nod.
"Well, that was awful and terribly vague. Do you know what it means? Who sent it? Where it's coming from?"
You shake your head.
"Well then, this has been a disappointment. Plus, it is colder than Justice here..."

A large, roaring fireplace with two leather chairs in front seem to pop into existence nearby. He settles into one and offers you the other. You sit.
"My name is Athon...."
"...uh, mine name is, I mean, I am Gary."
"Hello Gary. Sorry to interrupt your message, I've just been picking up this psionic background noise for days and I was hoping to identify it. But I guess my attempt was unsuccessful.
"Since you answered my questions, perhaps I could answer one of yours?

"Uh..." Thousands of questions race through your head. You pick one, almost at random. "What do people know about electricity and magnetism in this world?"
"Ha! Not what I was expecting, but fair enough.
"Plenty of people know all that's needed to about lightning. Never swim in a lake or fix a tin roof during a thunderstorm, lightning rods, that sort of thing. But generating, harnessing, and using such power is a skill lost since the Precursor Powersmiths. A few alchemists know a few tricks to generate a few sparks and redirect them with specially transmuted hematite or hematine, a barium-strontium ferrite, but mages, sorcerers, and enchanters can accomplish much more quite easily. Now if you want to direct energy..."


It was driving you crazy how familiar this guy was. He was small enough that you think you could take him down with a few kicks to the face, but he still commanded your attention and respect immediately. There's some sort of draw he had and you could almost put your finger on it...
Suddenly, it occurs to you and you snap your fingers.
"He's exactly like a Christopher Lee dwarf!"
He stops talking and stares at you.
"Fuck me sideways with a Christmas bicycle." You think to yourself. "I just said that out loud."
"Well, I don't know what 'kristofferly' means, but from your enthusiasm I choose to take that as a compliment."
You pinch your nose and shut your eyes in embarrassment.

"Gary? Are you okay?" Ileska asks.
You open your eyes and you are lying in bed with the vision inducing piglet snuggled on top of your blanket. It's early the next morning and Ileska is already up and dressed before you again.
It occurs to you that you never really told her the details of your vision. And now you're wondering if you should tell her about it and the most recent one too.

>Tell Ileska everything.
>Tell her that the piglet gave you another vision but it's nothing to worry about.
>Don't tell her. It would just unnecessarily add to her worries and concerns.
>Tell Ileska everything.
>>Tell Ileska everything.
It's obvious she knows more about this stuff than we. Now isn't the time to alienate anyone.
>Tell Ileska everything.
>tell Illeska everything.
What shape did we see? Can we remember?
Rolled 1 (1d5)

>What shape did we see? Can we remember?
Damn. Generated one great answer with 4 possible meanings...
Rolling for it!
Rolled 5 (1d5)

Does this mean Nazis? Please tell me it means Nazis.

5. Somehow, All of the above

What's with your fascination with Nazis?
I mean, they had stylish uniforms, sure.
You mentioned red cloth(armband/flag/etc), a war Gary is part of, and the description of the explosion sounded like a nuke after I asked a question about Nazis. I’m just wondering if the vision was the answer to the question.
As for why in general? Nazis just seem like they are made for isekai. They were into magic and wonder weapons and did all kinds of cool and/or wacky shit with technology that makes me want to see what they would do with actual magic.
>I had a dream...

You tell Ileska everything. As much as you can remember from both visions. Well, those are deeply troubling, Gary. Are you sure you don't remember anything else that might help tell us when or where these events might happen?"
"No. Just that the first one seemed much closer to now. I seemed older in the second one."
"Hmm..." Ileska nodded. "Yet the first one showed your death. Well that means one of three things.
"First, it could mean that these are only possible futures, but I doubt an oracle as powerful as Winnie would show such ephemeral visions.
"Second, it is possible that by showing you the vision, Winnie changed the outcome of events by giving you advanced warning. Although, it's mot much warning is it? I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with any 'Dark Lord of Undeath', new or old."
"It sounds so edgy, but he was pretty scary."
"And you don't remember any details about him?"
"No. He was silhouetted, though his voice was distorted a bit."
"Hmm." Ileska considers. "Then there's the third possiblity. You could still die and be resurrected to experience the second vision."
"Wait, what? That's real? Like that can really happen? Actually coming back to life?"
"Certainly. I'm told that there are religious orders overseas where the practice is not uncommon. Here however, it is exceedingly rare and difficult to accomplish, but it's still possible. If you were to die, I'm not sure how I would go about trying to resurrect you or even if I could. But it remains a possibility."
You take a minute to process that.

"What about the second vision? You said you saw a symbol that you recognized, what was it?"
"Well, it was fuzzy, white light inbthe night sky, but it was pretty clear. Here..."
You sketch her a crude drawing of the symbol...

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"On Earth, it was a made up symbol. Completely fictional."
"As fictional as dragons, demons, and witches?" Ileska smiles.
"More so. More fictional than Ironshod boggart tales."
"Ah. I see." Ileska chuckles. "But what does it mean?"
"That's the weirdest thing. It means 'Alternate Reality Entered'."
Ileska stares at you for a moment. "Like another world? Like our world?"
You nod quietly.

Ileska studies your mediocre drawing. "The symbol kind of reminds me of one used by a coven that some witches that tried to recruit me into a number of years back. Nearly twenty years ago. They were far to political for me though.
"Trying to solve problems 'at the source' by influencing society and other nonsense. Last I heard they had all but fallen apart and were resorting to road maintenance work.
"Of course, I might be mistaken. I remember their symbol being less elongated, I think. I'll look in to it.

"Have you decided on our next course of action?"
"Yes. We should check in with your dryad friend to see if we can get enough fairy dust to help that village... after breakfast."

Over breakfast, Leonard gives Ileska his counter-curse spell and she deeply compliments him on it's construction. Afterwards, the two of you ride north of the town.

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"There's this grove that she adores near here. We should check that first and then..."
You and Ileska had been riding along side each other up a forest path when she suddenly stops.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
She shakes her head putting her finger to her lips and quietly dismounts, looping her reins around a tree branch. Taking her lead, you do the same.

She slips through the trees and you quietly follow her. As you approach a grove you notice three people standing around a fourth in the distance. The standing three people look like regular villagers, one woman and two men. The one lying on the ground seems to be a young woman partially covered with bark.
Her exposed skin is pale white, and it's unclear if she is wearing a slip covered in plants or if the plants are growing directly on her. Her eyes are entirely, unnervingly black and her fingers end in sharp-looking claws. Her hair spikes upwards and might also be plants growing on her.
Her exposed pale skin is covered with small red gashes. One of her feet seems to have an iron spike pierced through it, pinning it to the ground. There is steel pitchfork piercing her other foot and pinning it to the ground. Her face is smeared with dirt, blood, and tears.

There are three villagers with her. One is a massive, brawny man with dark hair and beard. He is pacing with a long-handled mattock, using it more as a walking stick than anything else.
Sitting near the dryad is a woman with long dark hair and a curvy figure. She would be quite attractive if she wasn't scowling at the dryad so much that her face was a mask of hate. She grips an iron knife glittered with blood and occasionally menaces the dryad with it.
Behind the first man is another man with short sandy hair and a hatchet. His face shows no emotion whatsoever, only his eyes showing that he's been crying. He and the dark haired man are bickering over how long they're going to be out here.
It's clear from the scene that they have been torturing the dryad for some time.

"They're killing her!" you gasp.
"Oh my god, they're doing it again..." Ileska mutters. "The bastards!"
"This is terrible!" you say. "Why can't they just leave her alone? Do they even know her?"
"It's because they don't even consider her a person, Gary." Ileska says. "She's just 'some sort of tree spirit' or something to them so they don't treat her like a person."
"Yeah, well what's stopping them from killing her?" you ask.
"If they haven't already, they must need her for something." Ileska reasons. "I'm sure if we tell them she's a person, they'll at least spare her life."
"No! We need to free this woman!" you insist.


Ileska gets a strange look in her eyes.
"Gary, why do you want to help her so badly, even after the fairy folk caused you so much trouble?" Ileska asks.
"Because she's your friend and so I believe that she has done nothing wrong. Besides, she deserves our respect as a person."
"You are a noble and decent man, Gary..."
"And plus, torture is always a dick move. Those pricks deserve justice."

"Okay Gary," Ileska agrees. "We're going to help my friend Serena, this dryad girl, this woman who has done nothing wrong. But we need to do it carefully. I'd like to handle this non-violently, if at all possible.
"Very well," you nod. "Let's go save her then."

"Okay, let's go."
You and Ileska walk towards the dryad girl pinned to the earth. She looks very scared and weak. The two of you approach the group slowly, but carefully.
Behind the villagers, the dryad girl sits seemingly terrified by everything around her and doesn't seem to understand what is happening.

"What's going on here?" you demand. "This...this isn't right."

"Who are you? What do you want?" the large man with the mattock demands.
"My name is Ileska, and these are my friends."
"It's her! Should we, shouldn't we..." The sandy haired man starts nervously.
"Friends? Who are they?" the woman asks, ignoring the man. "They don't look like any 'friends' I've ever had."

"They're my friends." Ileska repeats. "This is Gary. And I have known Serena there for years. They are good people."
"Good people? Friends? Where is their village?" the man asks. "What kind of 'good people' live there?"
"Gary's village is far away, and Serena lives here in these woods, as you well know. What is this all about?"
The man yells "This beast and her friend took our daughters!"

Turning back to the dryad, he screams
"I'll kill you! I'll rip out your throat!"
Serena flinches tries to move and winces as the iron digs further into the black charred holes in her feet. She is starting to panic.
"Please, calm down," Ileska says soothingly. "He's just mad because his daughter is being held captive by a fairy. He just wants his family back."

"We can explain everything later. First we need to-"
"No! You won't get away with this!" the man shouts. "You will pay for this!"
He swings the mattock at nobody in particular.
"Please... this is all a mistake... It's not worth anyone dying over..." the dryad pleads. "Please..."
"No! We'll find them both!" the man screams. "We'll hunt him down and kill you both!"
"Oh dear," Ileska says. "This may be difficult, but we'll try to save everyone."
"Get out of here!" the man yells, turning around to threaten Ileska.
"But, the bell..." The sandy haired man begins.
"It's too late for now," Ileska says. "We're involved now. We will save Serena and bring your daughters home."
The man turns back to the dryad.

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He looks very angry.
"How dare you?!" he exclaims. "Do you think that you can just walk into our village and take our children from us without consequence?! Do you really believe that your kind has no fear of retribution? How many times must we see this before it ends?"
"No more!" Cries the woman. "Let's gut her!"

>Time for action might be upon you!
>Fight: Enter combat; suggest tactics for advantages.
>Magic: Use that new wand of yours to try out a spell.
>Item: Rummage around in your backpack at a time of crisis like an autist, whynot?
>Run: This dryad girl seems to have everything under control. Let's go.
>Write-In something better.
>Fight: Enter combat; suggest tactics for advantages.
Kick the big guy in the balls and punch his windpipe
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As far as combat strategy goes, that is not without its charm.
Okay, let's try this.
I need 6d100.
Gary, Ileska, Beardo, Bitchface, Sandy, Serena
Rolled 92, 26, 3, 85, 76, 69 = 351 (6d100)

Like so.
Rolled 29, 49, 62, 1, 7, 72 = 220 (6d100)

Nat 600 incoming
Well, this will be interesting
Rolled 18, 61 = 79 (2d100)

New Mechanic!
Somebody is getting shanked!

I'm rolling to determine who and how badly.
You can roll to oppose it.
If you roll under it, the damage is raised by ten. If you roll over it, the damage is lowered by ten.
Or you can leave them be. I'll write up the results.
Rolled 82, 62 = 144 (2d100)

Can you explain how the numbers determine who is gonna be shanked ?
Yeah. I actually meant that only the second roll should be opposed. But that's not what I wrote so I guess we can change it:
1-45 = Gary
46-90 = Ileska
91-100 = Serena

So, the first role will have to work opposite of the second. If you roll under the current roll you lower it by 10. If you roll above the current number it's raise it by 10.

>Who: Gary 18 ; How Bad: 61

>Rolled 82, 62

>Who: Gary 28 ; How Bad: 51

Rolling high shifts the target further from the MC and lowers damage.
You can choose to roll only one d100, but say what you're rolling for.

Ok, I think I’m getting the hang of it
Rolled 65, 62, 10, 63, 83, 69 = 352 (6d100)

Rolling if its not too late
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>Better than an arrow to the knee

The bearded man makes to swing the mattock at Ileska and you charge to stop him, lifting your leg in a kick.
"Stop!" Ileska cries.
Your kick misses the tender target, but throws off the man enough that his swing misses dramatically.
As he turns, Ileska reaches forward, placing her hands forward and clasping the man's face. A quick murmur and he drops heavily to the ground, asleep.

The woman pulls the pitchfork free of the ground and Serena's foot. The dryad lets out a scream of pain as the pitchfork leaves, then sighing a little as the charred wound begins to heal.
She lets out another horrified scream as the woman plunges her knife into Serena's foot instead. Chuckling, the woman turns towards you and Ileska.

As Ileska separates from the sleeping man, the sandy haired man rushes towards her swinging his hatchet downward. She braces herself and assumes a stance to deflect the blow when it swings and imbeds into the ground.
The man drops to his knees and reaches into the sleeping man's coat. He pulls out an object wrapped in yellow silk cloth with a look of relief. Ileska stops with a confused look upon her face.
"What the..." she says quietly.
"Die!" The womans screeches as she charges you with the pitchfork.

You deftly smack the tines of the pitchfork to your left with your right hand, and catch the handle with your left. You move to pull it from her grip, but the pitchfork is stuck in your leather coat.
You slide your right hand down the tines to free them and they lead into your gut, on the left hand side. You pull your hand back sticky, red, and wet.
The woman's face twists into sinister mirth as she twists the pitchfork.
All thought is banished by pain.
A great distance away, from the other side of the world, you can hear Serena and Ileska screaming.

>You've been stabbed in the gut by a pleasant with a pitchfork!
>Fight: Summon all your reserves and press on. Tell me what you do.
>Magic: Perhaps there is a "Remove Pitchfork" spell?
>Item: No healing potions or first aid kits...
>Run: Severe gut wounds are no fun. Take a time out.
And that’s after we managed to reduce how shanked we would be
>Fight: Summon all your reserves and press on.
Blind the hag with our blood then break her little finger while she’s distracted so we have time to remove this pitch fork
>Fight: Summon all your reserves and press on. Tell me what you do.
Pull out the pitchfork and knock her out with it. Then run over to Ileska.
Rolled 98, 14, 58, 59, 29 = 258 (5d100)

I like the moxy!

>Blind the hag with our blood then break her little finger while she’s distracted so we have time to remove this pitch fork
>and knock her out with it. Then run over to Ileska.

Let's try it again!
I need 5d100!
It's a race against time!
Will Gary lose too much blood?
Will ShortTrip fall asleep before updating?
Where'd they get fucking silk?
Let's find out!
Hate to say it, but that 98 is kinda realistic.
I'm routing for you!
Rolled 58, 37, 32, 63, 50 = 240 (5d100)

This has got me thinking.
If it happens that Gary is knocked unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, should I switch perspectives to the next most viable character or simply have Gary wake up in the new situation with the players learning what happened as he does?

As always, ensuring that "waking up" is interesting is on me. I wouldn't want players to feel cheated by missing out on action while Gary was snoozing or bleeding out or whatever. But it might shake out that way.
>Gary wakes up with nine fingers on a giant eagle flying away from Mordor... "What'd I miss?"

On the filp side, part of the quest is Gary's perspective. Switching to Ileska's view might not flow well.

>Fat Hawk Down:
What should we do if Gary is incapacitated?
>Time Skip
>Switch Perspective

This vote will stay open until the end of the thread, but I will use the current vote tally if the situation comes up.
Rule 2 is suspended in Jello
>Time Skip
If we switch to Ileska or someone else crucial, I wouldn't want to risk playing out of character
Rolled 82, 1, 49, 53, 4 = 189 (5d100)

>Time Skip
>Just a fleshwound!

You desperately slap your bloody right hand against the woman's face, trying to blind her as she screams in anger. Then you frantically grab at her hand, trying to break her little finger as she grips the pitchfork.
Her arm twitches slightly but you fail to either blind her or break her finger. As you struggle however, she wrenches the pitchfork from your wound tearing it slightly.
You gasp in pain and clutch your bleeding side, but you are free and begin to come to your senses.

The woman glares at you with a face contorted in hate when she suddenly closes her eyes and her face relaxes in serene beauty before her body drops to the ground.
Ileska stands behind the woman. Looking at you with concern.
"It's not over yet," she shouts. "but let me help you first!"
With your vision clearing and blood staining your tunic, you stumble towards her.

You look over the scene as Ileska pulls her white ribbon from her hair and presses it against your wound. You feel a pleasant warming sensation there as you see Serena crumpled on the ground a step or two away from the iron knife sticking out of the ground, her other foot remains pinned.
The sandy haired man is unwrapping whatever is in the yellow silk cloth.

"Are you alright?" Ileska asks.
"Yes, thank you," you lie. You have stopped bleeding but you still can't stop clutching your side in pain. "I think ...you saved my life."
Ileska simply nods and offers a smile in reply.

Ileska turns to the remaining man.
The sandy haired man removes the yellow silk and discards it on the ground, revealing a porcelain bell trimmed in gold. He starts frantically ringing it.
"What is he... Oh no." Ileska gasps.
Standing in the grove, as if he had always been there, is a white skinned man in strange, dark red military garb. His features are pinched, sinister, and distinctly inhuman.
He is wearing a tricorn hat, further disturbing your perception of this world as a medieval realm.

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Ileska moves to block the line of sight between you and the sandy haired man.
"Remember what I said about fairies!" Ileska shouts firmly.

"Oh, but my dearest Ileska," the white skinned man protests, his voice brimming with false sweetness. "You have said so many things about fairies! And not all of which are fit to share in polite company..."
He smiles, talks, and moves like he's imitating Mark Hamill's Joker. It's damn creepy.
"Hey!" The sandy haired man shouts at him. "You said! You said if she came! You said you'd give us back our daughters!"
The smile runs away from the white face as he turns to address the villager.
Ileska makes a subtle "hold back" gesture with her hand, never taking her eyes off the newcomer.

"So I did. And so she did. And so you did." The fairy slowly opens his coat revealing an eight inch silver dagger. He dramatically reaches into his coat and pulls out a rolled parchment that he tosses to the man.
"A deal is a deal. I promised that I would return to you your two daughters alive, and I have. Their locations are marked on this map of the forest. Go collect them.
"Oh my! I can see you had a lovely time with Serena there while you waited. Nicely done! Hehehehehe!"
His laugh was maniacal and grating. It reminded you of Kefka. He had a 16 bit MIDI laugh.

The man quickly unrolled the parchment and studied it, his face immediately screwed up in confusion and alarm.
"But there are over twenty locations marked here!"
Laughing that awful laugh again, the fairy exclaimed "Of course! I promised them alive and returned, but I never said in how many pieces!
"...I can't imagine how you'll put them back together. I hope you like puzzles!"
Rolling his eyes, the fairy snaps his fingers and a glittering wind rushes through the grove and when it fades, the three villagers are gone, leaving only their iron weapons, Serena, Ileska, and yourself with the strange and powerful fairy.

"So, my favorite niece, nobody believed me, but I knew, I just knew, that you had found the Lost Treasure and were rushing away to hide it from us. You did such a masterful job hiding it too." He pulled out the silver dagger. "I'll make you tell me how you managed that after you tell me what you did with it..."
"Cinnamon, stay back..." You're not sure that she's talking to him.


Faster than you can see, the fairy rushes forward and stabs Ileska through the belly with the dagger.
"Gah!" Ileska yells in pain.
"Don't!" He stabs her again.
"Ever!" He stabs her once again.
"Tell!" And again.
"Me!" And again.
"What! To! Do!" He stabs her three more times and finally lets her fall to the ground.

Ileska gasps. "Don't-" and begins coughing up blood. The front of her robes is tattered and darkened with gore.
"You know, I've always preferred the sound of your voice with blood in your lungs. Hehehehe!"
Well, that escalated quickly.

>Ileska is down!
>More Combat: Strike the bastard while he is distracted. Gain advantages by telling me how.
>Free Serena: Make your way to her and remove the spike pinning her to the ground.
>Help Ileska: Do what you can to help her wounds.
>Wait: Don't move. Watch and wait.
>Run Away: This guy is out of your league. Cheese it!
Mortality Clarified in a series of strikes
>Free Serena: Make your way to her and remove the spike pinning her to the ground.
I fairly certain physical attacks won’t work on him and we don’t have a good magical skill
>I fairly certain physical attacks won’t work on him
Well, it depends on how you mean. From his appearance and Ileska's description of Slyph, Gary strongly suspects that physical attacks with iron would work to harm him.
Of course, physical attacks with iron could also harm Bruce Lee, that doesn't necessarily mean Gary's physical attacks would work on him.
It remains uncertain.

>and we don’t have a good magical skill
This is also true.
>Attempt to jab him with the crystal since it previously had some strong effect against the lizard and smoke man, then go for the iron dagger. He might not even see us considering how effective our shroud was against the “bogarts” and Illeska before.
Oh right, the crystal, I guess I don’t need to shit my vr pants now. Supporting

Backing this. It's all we have right now.
It’s called immersion
Rolled 28, 4 = 32 (2d100)

>>Attempt to jab him with the crystal since it previously had some strong effect against the lizard and smoke man, then go for the iron dagger. He might not even see us considering how effective our shroud was against the “bogarts” and Illeska before.
Rolling to determine something here.
I'm going to start writing now, so if nobody rolls to oppose before I post, I'll use a DC of
65 to 75: mild failure
75 to 85: mild success
85 to 95: success
Maybe we’ll actually stay down this time.
We good, right ?
Rolled 98, 78 = 176 (2d100)

I think I was unclear about what the dice meant, but I rolled so low that that it effectively doesn't matter.
You were clear, but it seems you take failure even worse than the readers, so much so that you would stoop to rerolling to avoid it.
What he said, prepare to become dust cloud fairy
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>Sprinkled Cinnamon

Remembering how effective it was with the chuff and shee, you reach into your tunic and pull out your crystal.
You approach the bastard as he gleefully stands over the bloody Ileska as she coughs violently and tries desperately to gasp for air.
Either her suffering has so engrossed him that he doesn't notice you, or your shroud is keeping you hidden.
You reach out and jab him in the chest with the crystal.

There is a large, electrical spark like hooking up jumper cables and you pull back as he swats the spot where you touched. A confused look flashes across his face.
"'Return. You are necessary?' What is that? What was that?" Cinnamon asks.
Looking down at Ileska, he gives her a sharp kick.
"Was that you, dearest niece? ...no. And it was far too cryptic for Serena the Boring Bark Bitch..."

Fearing your window of surprise is closing, you put the crystal away and draw your iron knife.
Still clutching your left side with your left hand, you poise the blade with your right and jab it straight at his chest with all your strength.

Faster than you can see, his hand catches your wrist in a vise-like grip.
"Ah! Not so fast, invisi-ling! That is an amazing shroud..."
His eyes scan blankly in your general direction, still not seeing you.
"...but I could smell that iron blade the moment you drew it. Now, what shall I do with you?"
His other hand raises up in a strange gesture.

You don't think.
You act.
In one motion, you wrench your left hand from your side, thrust it forward to grab the knife as you drop it from your right, and plunge it forward.
There is a bright flash and a painful searing around your wrist. You pull free and stumble backwards.

You stare at the monstrous fairy as he gapes down at the iron knife lodged in his chest. He just blinks at it and looks up at you, seeing you for the first time.
There is a look of recognition in eyes.
"I... knew I was right." He says weakly. "When that fool 'Dark Lord' finds you... tell him that Lord Cinnamon beat him... I found the Lost Treasure first!"

Hearing Ileska gurgle on the ground nearby you growl "'Cinnamon' is a stripper's name."
You take a step towards him, not sure what you are doing when Ileska makes a loud gasp.

Turning to her, you see amber light pouring out of her every orifice and wound. Her whole body tenses and spasms. When the light fades, her wounds are healed and even her robes are restored.
"Gary?" She asks, concerned. "What happened with Cinn?"
You both look over and he has collapsed to the ground, unmoving with your knife sticking from his chest.


Ignoring him for the moment, you stagger over to Serena. She isn't moving or visibly breathing, but you don't even know if dryads breathe.
Trying to be as gentle as possible, you pull the iron spike from her foot, freeing her. She gasps and clutches her foot. Looking around, confused, she sees Ileska climbing to her feet.
"Ileska? Is that you? What's going on?" Serena asks.

For good measure, you toss the spike several feet away.
Turning to Ileska, you say "....gwah..." And pass out.

You awake to the sensation of a sweet, thick honey being poured into your mouth. It heats as you swallow and you feel something warm and soft pressed against your lips. Opening your eyes, you see Serena's black mirror eyes looking back as she pours the thick liquid from her mouth into yours.

Blinking. You gather your bearings as Serena pulls away.
You are still in the grove.
Your side feels significantly better.
And Serena looks a little healthier.
Several feet away, Ileska is tying shut a canvas bag about the size of a turkey.
Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she walks up to you and hands you back your knife.

"That was very foolish, Gary." She admonishes. "You could have been killed or worse. You can't count on that shroud to save you."
Rubbing the scorch mark around your wrist where he had gripped it, you nod. "I know. I got lucky. I couldn't just let him kill you though."
"Gary, he couldn't kill me."
"Many of the Dark Forest folk have promised to never permanently harm me. It's a large part of why I can deal with them.
"They can torture or 'play' with me, but then they have to restore me when they're done. I try not to talk about it because it can provoke them into getting creative."

"Well, I thought it was very brave." Serena says, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek. "And the world won't miss that evil slyph."
"It was well done, if ill advised." Ileska admits. "It's hard to believe that his evil is really over.
"Now that the fairy dust issue is resolved," she says, patting the canvas sack. "What do you want to do?

>Return to the cursed village
>Return to the wizard to figure out what to do about these fairies
>Seek out an Enchanter and Gunsmith in Rockcastle
>Seek out an Enchanter and Gunsmith around Arbor
>Relax in town for a day.
>you would stoop to rerolling to avoid it.
Wasn't rerolling. I was confirming that an opposed roll wouldn't have been be under a 28 or a 4. But whatever.
That’s why it took you almost two hours to roll after your first set right? 75 was the DC, you rolled for success and got way below that. Immediately after that you commented on how damaging this failure would be.Then you went into panic mode and had to brainstorm a way to avoid a serious failure for the second time in the span of three days. After a few hours, you figured you would just cheat and hoped that nobody would notice. I see why everyone gives you shit in here and in the /qtg/ when you go there looking for validation and to shill endlessly. You’re spineless and you can’t write your way out of failure legitimately.
>Return to the cursed village
>Then you went into panic mode and had to brainstorm a way to avoid a serious failure for the second time in the span of three days.
What was the first time ?
Anon, the first roll is the enemy’s roll/the dc of an action, the second roll is our roll, he just rolled it for us to save time. That’s literally how the rolling has worked the entire quest so far. He’s not rerolling to prevent failure, he’s rolling to determine the outcome.

Does Illeska know how to do the spell for the cursed village? The assistant of the Wizard said he would get it ready, did she get it from him before leaving? If so let’s head there, otherwise head back to the Wizard and get the spell.
>Does Illeska know how to do the spell for the cursed village? The assistant of the Wizard said he would get it ready, did she get it from him before leaving?
>Over breakfast, Leonard gives Ileska his counter-curse spell and she deeply compliments him on it's construction.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>Return to the cursed village
>let’s head there

Okay. Let's keep this clear. (and as out of my hands as possible) Alice is still at the cursed village, but not necessarily right there when you arrive.

>Where is Alice?
I am rolling to determine her location.
You may roll 1d100 to adjust the outcome. Rolling higher than the current value, raises the value by 8. Rolling lower than the current value lowers it by 8.

>Alice is
1 = Dead
2-15 = Restrained
16-45 = Asleep
46-75 = Exploring
76-90 = Nearby
91-99 = Welcoming
100 = Expecting You
Rolled 43 (1d100)

I'm gonna chance it. 8 points ain't that bad.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Let’s do it
Your choice if you want to adjust it.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Let's bump it up by 8 points.
Okay, so that's a current value of 67.
I'll be busy for the next few hours, but I'll check back.
Honestly I don’t mind interacting with her. She clearly has something to do with us even if we don’t know what, and avoiding it seems pointless to me. I think a lot of the reason we left her behind was that one guy who thinks you are some other QM trying to sabotage the quest and other anons going along with it to try to avoid railroading.
Rolling is closed, btw. I'm writing but fading fast. Expect update in the morning.
Fuck off ShortTrip alt #29. I told you I would unleash the storm if you railroaded us into staying with her for any significant length of time. This is your last warning, if you do it prepare to kiss the express train.
I'm not a fan of her chuuni personality either, but I don't like loose ends in quests. Plus, she was our first interaction period. Theres a story there. We just have to deal with that personality of hers.
This isn’t about the personality man. This is about principles, decency, and stamping out ignorance wherever it lurks! She will be dealt with then left as quickly as possible. Such blatant railroading and samefagging can’t continue unabated kind citizen! Do not be enticed!
Jesus Christ, why do you even come here with that attitude? It’s not railroading, it’s people having an opinion. It’s a collective game, not a one man show for you. Maybe you should let the qm drop a plot hook rather than running away every time he does? I suspect that would make the quest more interesting.
I never ran away from anything. I have however made it my mission to ensure that the QM keeps his word.
>Return to the Forest of Chuunis

"I think we should remove the curse from that village as soon as we can." you decide.
"That's an excellent idea, Gary. I'll get the horses."
Before Ileska can leave the grove, however, Serena limps to her and embraces her in a tight hug.

"Thank you for your help again, my friend! I can never repay you for your kindness!" Serena says, her face buried in the red robed shoulder.
"Nonsense. You never should have had to endure this. You are welcome to my help any time." Ileska says, patting the petite dryad on the back.
Pulling away from the robes, Serena smiles up Ileska, blinking away tears. "And you are welcome in my forest any time!"

She turns her black-eyed, beaming face to you. "You too, Gary! I shall have to give you a proper tour and a proper thank you some time. Oooh... But not for a while... I think I'm going to spend about a month curled up in my favorite old oak tree."
The girl waves and walks off into the forest where she seems to literally disappear into the trees.

"I think you now have a 'fanatic ', Gary." Ileska smiles playfully.
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. And it's just 'fan'." You reply, rubbing your aching left side. "Let's get going."

The ride back to the village is uneventful and significantly shorter since they managed to clear away the damage to the bridge.
When you cross, you notice that there are two guards posted wearing armor similar to that of the man you found and buried in Oren. You decide against asking about it just now.
Instead, you ask Ileska if you'll stop in Ironshod, but she says she plans on cutting south to get to the village faster.

Sure enough, it is early evening when you approach the familiar chasm.
As you near, a brown and white animal suddenly speeds towards you along the road, faster than a cheetah.


"What is that?" asks Ileska.
As it rapidly gets closer, you can see that it looks like a person almost like a little girl-
"Oh! It's Anna!" you realize.
You hop off your horse, anticipating her arrival, your side instantly protesting. She slides in the dirt as she reaches you.
"Gary! I thought that was you!" She leaps forward and hugs you tightly.
You and your injury are very grateful that she lacks vampire strength to match her speed.
"I didn't know you were so fast!"
"Yup! I've been getting faster, too. I-"
Looking up, she notices Ileska sitting on her horse and freezes in place while still hugging you.

"... you're beautiful!" She whispers.
Ileska smiles down at the youthful brunette woman. Quickly catching herself, Anna releases you, turns, and bows to Ileska.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I am Anna of the village down the way. I am pleased to meet you. Are you a friend of Gary's?"
"Why yes I am, my dear. My name is Ileska." Ileska nods, holding her horse's reins.

Anna studies Ileska's robes while pulling at her lower lip for a moment. Then gasps.
"You're the Red Witch of Ironshod! Does this mean you're-" she shouts, turning to you. "Gary! Is she here to help our village?"
"Yes sweetie, we are." Ileska replies.
Anna does a rapid circle run around the horses in excitement. You manage to calm Horse-bro, but Ileska's horse remains skeptical as you walk the rest of the way to the village.

The three of you make quick work of spreading the fairy dust in formation around the village border. You offer to help Ileska cast it, but she politely declines, citing the precision necessary is "somewhat beyond" you.
While she prepares the incantation, you watch the sunset with Anna and talk.

"Are you going to miss being a vampire?" You ask.
Anna shrugs. The running fast is neat, but I hate having to kill the animals and I really just miss being home with my mom and everyone. Although Alice has been great company." She adds quickly.

"Where is she?"
"She's exploring the forest. I told her it's dangerous, but she's been super brave since she fell through the bridge."
"She what?!"
"Yeah, remember that burn mark on the bridge that our shaman made?"
"Not really."
"Well, anyway, a couple days ago, Alice was carrying a bucket of, uh, food over and just sort of fell through."
"Was she hurt?"
"No, she landed in the river and hated it so much she hopped back up here like a soaked rabbit!"
"She jumped? That high?"
"Yup. I think it's because she's a 'See-Lest-Tee-Al'." She sounds out. "That's Eng-Ghlish. Alice forgot how to speak tradespeak after you left, so I teach it to her and she teaches me that weird language. It's fun. 'Fuhn'! 'Vamp-Pi-Er'. 'Sen-Say'. That one means 'teacher' in Eng-Ghlish.
"Also, I won't need it now, but she's been teaching me to be a fierce, scary vampire to defend the village. Wanna see?"
"Sure. Show me what you got."

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She strikes a pose making a fist with one hand and a claw with the other and does her best to look scary as she lets out a cute roar.
It's like watching a field mouse fearlessly try to scare an alley cat.

"Ha!" You can't help but laugh. She smiles back. She doesn't mind the laugh, but your side does. You grimace and clutch the site.
"Oh, are you hurt Gary?"
"I'll be okay. Ileska patched me up good, but my muscles need to stitch together."
"What happened?"
"I, uh, met the one who cursed your village. They called him 'Cinnamon', if you can believe it."

"Oh." Her face grows cold and still for a moment. When she speaks again, it is with a calm, deadly serious tone. Hairs stand up on the back of your neck and for the first time, you truly feel like she is both an adult and a vampire.
"Did they hurt you Gary? Tell me if they hurt you."
"Oh, uh, actually, they tricked someone else into doing it. But I got him. I got Cinnamon." You make a little stabbing motion with your hand back and forth a few times before it feels kinda lame and you let your hand drop.

Still in that calm tone, Anna asks "Did you kill him Gary?"
"Yes. Yes I did." You choose to omit the fact that Anna has had her arms wrist-deep in his remains for half the evening.
"Good." A little of her chipper attitude creeps back into her voice as she nods. Then, she quietly sits with you and watches the sun's last rays slip behind the horizon.


The two of you walk back to Ileska's position overlooking the village. Ileska is making various Trance movements with her hands and arms.
No sooner than the thought occurs to you that she needs a set of glowsticks, then her hands start actually glowing. First red, then green, then whitish-grey, then a cascading rainbow of color.
Anna and you can see similar rainbow lights emerge from everywhere you had scattered the fairy dust.

The light suddenly bursts forth from Ileska's hands in beams and a third beam bursts forth from her chest. The lightbeams merge as she Care Bear Stares into the sky above the village.
Beams erupt from all the different points surrounding the village. The lights collide in a booming sparkle as the most impressive fireworks that you've ever seen.

As the lights in the sky dim, you see faint pink glows light up the village, coming from the anemic villagers. Anna begins to glow pink as well.
A healthy, color rises to her skin that you've never seen before. She opens her mouth and feels her normal canines.

"Wow..." Anna simply utters.
"That... was... exhilarating!" Ileska chuckles, looking at the two of you.
"Now that was some seriously impressive fucking magic!" you exclaim, shaking your head in amazement.
Ileska and Anna look at each other and then at you.
"People from Earth talk strangely." Ileska wonders.
"I know, right?" Anna agrees.

"Oh!" Anna gasps. "My mom!" And she runs off towards the bridge as fast as a normal woman can run, hesitating only slightly before crossing the bridge into her home village for the first time in far too long.

"So, should we head back to Ironshod?" You ask.
"You don't want to stay?" Ileska gestures to the village. "They'll probably want to thank you."
"Thank us." you correct her. "Maybe, but I'm tired and I'm afraid that when you meet Alice, you'll think Earth girls are mental."
"What's 'mental'?"
"She is."

As you discuss your plans, you hear the sound of a twig snap beyond the treeline.

>Two Decisions to Make:

>Return to Ironshod
>Stay the night in the village

>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
>Ignore the sound. Forests make sounds, right?
>Wait for whatever made the sound to show itself. Inaction is the best action.
>Stay the night in the village
>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
>Return to Ironshod
>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
>Stay the night in the village
>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
For chuuni and daughteru
ShortTrip, calm yourself.
What do you mean ?
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>I don't like loose ends in quests
Don't worry. I plan on an old school style epilogue before this is all over. This quest is splintering like crazy and I doubt you'll be able to dovetail everything.
But who knows? I've been astonished by all of you so far.
I’m not here to play games with you. Like it says in the song: I’ll whup your ass, and this time I’m doing it my way.
>Return to Ironshod
>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
Not gonna lie, what made me stay at first was your crazy comments, specially the Shanghaid one
Great song.
I always kinda liked the Gary Oldman cover of the Sid Vicious cover.
>Not gonna lie, what made me stay at first was your crazy comments, specially the Shanghaid one
I'm glad you appreciate it. I quickly realized that embracing the madness was the only way to run this quest. The random results I get before I translate them into the quest are fairly insane.
It takes considerable mental leeway to cobble together a narrative and have everything fit together and make complete sense, at least from this side of the screen.
Fortunately, my mind has snapped so many times that it no longer retains any elasticity. So, you know, I've got that going for me.
>Stay the night in the village
>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
Rolled 7 (1d7)

>>Investigate the snapping of a twig in a forest at night. What could go wrong?
So that's decided.
I'm going to find out what snapped that twig but leave our destination open until I get a chance to write it.
>Stay the night in the village
Going with this
I'm liking how this update is progressing so far
>Stay the night in the village
>attempt to cast a spell by saying “Flashlight” in dragon language and pointing your wand. See if words from English that probably wouldn’t have a native equivalent will work.
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>Why don’t you take a seat right over there?

Both hearing the sound, you share a concerned look. Ileska places a finger to her lips, gestures for you to go to the left, and then she circles to the right.
You slink off to the left and try to quietly slip into the forest, looking for anything that could have made the sound. You don't get too far before a figure bursts through the treetops and into view. You duck behind a tree trunk to observe.

Defying the laws of physics, a woman is hovering about ten feet above the ground by slowly fluttering thin chitinous wings about three feet long. Her long strawberry blonde hair hangs in a wild tangle around her head.
Emerging from the messy mop and protruding from the front of her head are two thick antennae. Ears with sharp points stuck out at wide angles from the sides her head like a deer's would. Her eyes are dark, reflective pools, but not as black as Serena's.
Her skin is a flawless pale blue and fully exposed as she is also completely and utterly naked.

"I've never seen a water sprite this large before. She must be ancient..." Ileska whispers.
Her creeping up on you unnoticed as you watch the fairy makes you feel a bit like a peeping tom.
Come to think of it, the two folk on the hay wagon, Serena, and even Cinnamon, despite his large presence, all were small and slight of build. This creature was as large as you and decidedly curvy and... ample.

"...can you feel her power?" Ilesks asks.
You can. Now that you think to concentrate on it, the fairy's magic power feels even greater than the wizard's did.
"Gary, I don't think this sprite is from the Dark Forest. Sprites are often peaceful, but I can't guarantee our safety here. Fortunately your shroud-"
"It's not polite to whisper about people, you know!"
The sprite swoops around and flies down a few feet away from the two of you looking both of you in the eyes.
"Oh shit!" You think. "She can totally see me! She- wait, that voice..."
"Oh. Hey Gary! Is that you? Did you see those fireworks? They were amazing!"
"Uh... Alice?"

"Why are you see through? Wait, are you a ghost? Did you go out there and die as a frail mortal and now you've come back to haunt me? That is so cool!"
Yep. This is definitely Alice.
Ugh. Now you feel like Chris Hansen is going to jump out from a bush and accuse you of perving on a crazy girl.


Stepping away from the tree you focus on eye contact.
"I'm not actually dead. That crystal I found kind of hides me from some... people... So, Alice, you look different..." You begin.
"Oh my god, yes! It's my wings! I finally unlocked my celestial wings! Don't you love them?"
She does a spin, giving you a good look at her clearly chitinous wings and everything else. Suddenly, you feel the need to tie your shoes. Repeatedly.

"It's my own fault really..." She continues. "I mean, how did I expect to ascend when I couldn't even confront my fear? But now I do. I go in the, um, in the... water, every day.
"God! It is so nice to talk to someone in pure English! I love Anna. I adore her, I really do. But the moment you left, she started pretending she couldn't speak English. It's been frustrating, but I think I'm learning Esperanto pretty well."

Shoes securely tied, you begin searching for interesting pebbles on the ground.
"That might be because of me, actually. Sorry." You apologize.
"How could it be because of you?"
"Well, you see, when we were brought here, we went through this barrier that changes people. It sorta gives normal people magic. It gave me the ability to translate languages around me.
"So Anna always spoke... Esperanto, but when I left, you two couldn't understand each other any more. And I think when you went through..."
You gesture in the direction of her wings as she floats nearby.
"Ohhh... I see... I think you're totally right, Gary. The barrier obviously had no effect on me because I was already a celestial demon vampire!"

"B-but-" Ileska stammered. "You're clearly a water sprite!"
"Shows what you know!" Alice flies around to point a finger angrily at Ileska. "They don't have any soda on this world! I know! I asked Anna! And I think she would know!"
Ileska closes her mouth and simply watches as Alice fumes, pointing her finger.


Sighing, Alice lowers her hand and drops to the ground. Lowering her gaze, she walks a few steps towards Ileska, her wings drooping behind her.
"I'm sorry. I was being a demon bitch, see the horns?" she points to her antennae. "..and I shouldn't do that. You didn't deserve it. You... You're just so pretty!" She says almost defensively as she looks up at Ileska.
"You are very pretty and tall and I really like your robes and I guess I was being insecure- No. I forgive the past and accept all of myself. I am insecure, even though I know that's silly because you're just a mortal.
"But I will practice self-approval, embrace non-comparison, and develop trust in the moment: Hello. I am Alice from Earth and I love your robes. Can you please tell me where you got them?"

"Hello Alice of Earth. I am Ileska, the Red Witch of Ironshod. I am pleased to meet you. And my robes were a gift from my teacher, but I would be happy to help you shop for some of your own."
"Wow, you are so nice even after I was being a total bitch! Wait, did you say 'witch'? As in real magic? Magic is real here?"
Ileska blinks in confusion. "Um... yes?"
Alice nods. "That is cool...

"Oh! Hey! I bet you cast a spell to make those fireworks, didn't you? Like Ganondorf did?"
"Well, that was me, yes. I was lifting the curse from the village."
"Aww, I'm going to miss feeding them. But it's nice Anna can see her mom and stuff." She pauses and seems to be thinking for a moment, her wings fluttering.
"Oh, poor Gary!" Alice flies up and hugs you.
Hands out to your sides at first, you eventually pat her shoulders in return.
"You get transported to a world full of magic and vampires and cool plants that try to eat you, and you get stuck being Uhura..."


Ileska uses the brief lull in the conversation to ask Alice a question.
"So, you do wear clothes then?"
"Hahaha!" Alice leaps into the air laughing. You so sound like Anna right now! She's always telling me to put on clothes like that blue dress she got me. Even though I keep telling her that modesty is for mortals and I'm half celestial, half demon, and half vampire!"
"That's not how-" Ileska begins. "Wait. You mean to say that you are a person who is half celestial and half demon and then became halfway transformed into a vampiric state? I see."
You stop and look at Ileska, stunned that she's making sense of this.
"Ha!" Alice flew down between you, bending down to hug Ileska's shoulders, floating her posterior in front of you. "Finally, someone who is smart enough to understand me!"

"Alice dear? Perhaps you could put on that dress now?"
"Can't. Somebody else needed it worse. Why?"
Ileska nods to you for some reason. Your face feels hot as Alice turns and looks at you.
"Ah... Fine." Alice says, sighing. "...boys."

She lands on the ground and shakes her hair loose, sprinkling water from it like a dog. Suddenly, Alice is standing before you looking exactly like she did before. She pulls her glasses out of her green coat pocket and puts them on.
You sense her magic level drop away to almost nothing.
"My human form is less fun, but okay."

A twig snaps in the forest not far away. The three of you turn and see what is approaching.
A skeleton shambles out from behind a tree. It has clearly been rotting outside for a long time. Most any trace of skin or tissue is gone.
The bones and skull are covered with grime, mud, and decay. There appears to be a dead mouse stuck between two of its ribs. Through its empty eye sockets, you can see some rotten brain matter clinging to the inside of the skull.
It is wearing a simply-made but pretty, powder blue dress that is ill-fitting and far too petite. The dress appears to have been recently clean and only dirty where it has contact with the bones.

"Oh." Says Alice. "That's just Sven."
"Hi!" replies the skeleton. "I'm Sven!"
What the fuck?


"Uh... Alice? Do you know this... person?" Ileska asks cautiously.
"Sure! I mean, not really. I just met him. He was stuck inside a plant that was trying to eat him, so I fished him out. I was taking him back to the village. It seemed like he was looking for someone. And I figured a super gross skeleton guy-
"Oh, no offense, Sven." She turned to the skeleton standing patiently nearby.
"I am not offended, flying female called Alice!" the skeleton just opens his mouth when speaking and a deep, enthusiastic voice seems to come from deep within it.
"So, I figured a skeleton might upset a few of the villagers, so I tried to cover him up. But all I had was the dress. It doesn't look very good, does it?" Alice bites her thumbnail studying the skeleton.

"I think it will be fine." Ileska says diplomatically. "So, Sven?"
The bones rattle slightly as it turns to regard her with empty eyes.
"Please pardon the question, but did you die out in the forest?"
"No, female in red robes! These are not my bones! They were simply the most convenient vessel adjacent to my Target. I am a bound spirit commanded to:
"One: Find my Target!
"Two: Deliver message to my Target!
"Three: Help Target proceed to Location!
"Four: Return to Master Rah!"

"Do you need to keep, you know, shouting like that?" You ask.
The skeleton seems to be thinking, or at least it stops moving for a moment. "No!"

"So..." Ileska continues. "Do you need help finding your 'target'?
"No." The skeleton points a bony hand at you. "I have found my Target."
"For fucks sake, why I am I so popular?" You ask, resting your face in your palm.
"Unknown, Target. Objective One complete. Proceeding with message: 'Target must return to Location. Target is necessary at Location.' Objective Two complete. Shall I help Target proceed to Location now?"
"Oh for..." You sigh. "Look, Sven, or whatever. Do we need to do this right now?"
Again, there is a motionless pause. "No!"

"Fine. Great. It's settled then. Let's go back to the village, have dinner, or whatever, and deal with all of this in the morning. Okay?"
"Okay!" says Sven.
"That sounds like a fine idea, Gary." says Ileska.
"What's for dinner?" asks Alice.


The four of you return to a healthy welcome from the village. Anna introduces you to everyone, especially to her very grateful mother, and Alice introduces Sven to everyone. They are not as put off by him as you expected, perhaps because they'd been vampires themselves for so long. Or maybe it is just because he seems so agreeable.
In fact, the village children try to help him by scrubbing his bones. The are delighted when his bones come apart and then reassemble magically. Then, they try wrapping the bones in scraps of cloth and leather and putting old clothes on him to make him feel "less gross and creepy". The effect is comical and unconvincing, like a bad mummy or scarecrow, but it's still an improvement on the filth and blue dress.

The celebratory dinner turns out to be a simple barley stew with flatbread. But it is delicious and everyone seems to really enjoy it. Except Sven of course.
The whole evening feels a lot more like camping by a bonfire then a real party, even when the village leader brings out some jugs of strong wine. It feels very cozy.
You are getting tired but still have time to talk a little after dinner.

>Choose no more than two, posted in order of preference:
>Talk with Ileska [ ]
>Talk with Anna [ ]
>Talk with Alice [ ]
>Talk with Sven [ ]
>Talk with village leader [ ]
Do you cranked up the smut potential with Alice to 11 and tied her to a character is guaranteed to follow us everywhere unless he’s somehow locked away since killing him is off the table. If I were less intelligent I wouldn’t find this at all suspicious. You still have a chance to secure a shred of credibility and honor ShortTrip, don’t waste it.
>Talk with Ileska [ ]
>Talk with Sven [ ]
>Talk with Alice [ ]
>Talk with Sven [ ]
>>attempt to cast a spell by saying “Flashlight” in dragon language and pointing your wand. See if words from English that probably wouldn’t have a native equivalent will work.
This is very cool. I will definitely work this into the next update.
Taking suggestions on English words and phrases to try...
>Talk with Anna and Alice
How about Radar?
>tied her to a character
I'm not sure what you were paying attention to in Boy Scouts, but it clearly wasn't identifying properly tied knots.

>since killing him is off the table
There are precious few things there are truly "off the table" in this quest. With actual smut probably being one of those few things.

>You still have a chance to secure a shred of credibility and honor ShortTrip, don’t waste it.
Your concern is understandable and appreciated, but ultimately unwarranted.
Be not afraid. I took risks for my art.
Damn. That's good.
Bro, if you and your ilk don't piss right off I swear to god senpai. If you ain't down with the quest/QM, GET LOST! It's that simple.

Sorry, ShortTrip. Doing Camp NaNoWriMo so I've been taking a break from /qst/, but I make sure to come back and catch the updates. God, are people STILL being spergfags over the false-QM/sockpuppet/QM samefagging/Alice hatewagon antics? Mate, we're over 500 posts in. Why can't they grow up and let it go? This is why 4chan gets the rep it does as a bastion of the mentally ill.

The board is dead. Any good, dedicated QM it can get is much needed. Guys, you don't have to suck Short's dick, but give him respect as a non-ghosting QM. You need every good QM you can get right now senpai.
Why does the word F-A-M get autocorrected to senpai? This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Joke all you want, but I’ve warned you plenty of times. You and I both know where this is going.
Well if it isn’t the loyal gaurdog who voted a grand total of one time. I wish those other anons hadn’t given up on setting ShortTrip straight because I don’t have the time to continuously spank you like they did.
Thanks famalam.

>Why does the word F-A-M get autocorrected to senpai?
I asked once and the answer was like "something, something, /b/, something" and I realized that truly didn't care.
>You and I both know where this is going.
I'm going to live with you here: I have no idea where the hell this quest is going.
>I'm going to live with you here
I meant "level with you here", but now I'm kind of excited about my new roomie. I call top bunk!
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>because I don’t have the time to continuously spank you like they did.
>other anons had GIVEN UP
>is the only one out of the others to continually shitpost and harass others
>claims to "not have the time" despite being the ONLY ONE doing so

Oh. Your parents are brother and sister. I get it now. It's okay, anon. I'll personally PayPal you 5 dollars to get you another box of crayons to eat.
You'll regret that come time to wake up.
Here’s what you do know. You want Alice to become a mainstay in the story and despite your audience voicing their displeasure at this, you’ll do everything in your power to make it happen because in your mind your opinion is the only one that matters.
If I had to guess, I have about half as many posts here as you do. The other anons had far more posts than that. Maybe you should save those five dollars. A bricklayer like you who can hardly count needs it far more than I do
Jannies got mad people were spamming it so they word filtered it. Jokes on them because now you can use it to make fun of newfags when they haven’t been around long enough to know which words are filtered.
>You'll regret that come time to wake up
That's okay by that time I'm standing in the kitchen by the coffee pot.
By the way, I use a two filter technique to keep the ground out of my coffee. I'll teach it to you later.
Instead of your typical go-to strategy of sperging like an inbred baby, why don't you explain why you think QM is planning to railroad us? That's what an intelligent, reasonable person would do. If you need your medicine to engage properly, go take a couple pills and then come back ready to have a chat like men.

Coffee? I think you mean tea. I'm a tea fellow. I hate coffee.
Well Mr. Syncophant, when you have a character that no one likes and wants go adventuring without, what is a self absorbed priss to do? This is the important part, stop drooling and pay attention now: You deliberately make them an inescapable part the plot, All you have to do continuously push the players towards interacting with that character even when they actively choose to run away from them and if you’re feeling particularly sleazy, you have them shove their assets in the MC’s face in order to activate the waifu receptors on all of the simps in the audience. Finally, you add a walking plot hook who has the persistence of an automaton and ally it with the unwanted character. If you didn’t get any of that, I could translate it for you but I must warn you, my retard is a bit rusty.
Had a tightly packed and roughly handled morning.
The update is more than less than halfway done and less than more than almost proofread. I will post today when I can.
>asked not to sperg like a petulant child
>first FIVE WORDS of their reply contains insults

Yeah, so I didn't read any of your psuedo-intellectual diatribe, buddy. I'll chalk this one up to "another wild one the jannies let out of the attic" and wish you well. I'd start with a psych or specialist if this inability to be a pleasant, sane person is chronic (and I think it is).

Since you seem to be the only one with two brain cells to rub together, mind translating that mong's venomous rants? What exactly are they so butthurt about? I doubt they can give a straight answer.
That guy is mad because he thinks OP is the same QM as some other quest the guy hated. On top of that he thinks the quest is being railroaded because other anons, including me, voted to interact with a character he hates. God only knows why he is here if he hates it so much.
So he's STILL on that QM identity thing? You know, this is partly why /qst/ is dead. You should learn how to treat good QMs. If a QM is shit and doesn't care (Mist for example) then okay--run them off. If they're like Short here . . . try to give them the tools to be better. Rant over.

This is about Alice? I know she isn't popular, but you guys literally voted for her and QM rolled for her to show up. What is the issue?! Where is the "railroad"!?
I wasn’t speaking to you anyway. Why don’t you cast a vote instead of bitching you room temperature IQ bricklayer.
I’m not that guy, I’m pretty sure he gave up over a week ago. One of those “people” who voted to stay was just the QM samefagging in his own thread for the 30th time.
Okay, well I'm speaking to you. If your punk ass is still butthurt over being shown how stupid you are, I can offer you an address and you can pull up. After I whoop your ass, you'll hopefully gain the sense to stop shitposting in active quest threads.
I find it funny that this thread is a much of a shitshow as that one Star Wars quest without even having an audience half as large. Like I said before,this thread is mostly comprised of internet slap fights.
I don’t know how I’ll get to you through all of those proxies and body pillows you have at your disposal.
Imagine this scenario:
>Show kid Star Wars: A New Hope
>Kid scoffs because it's obvious that Luke and Leia end up together.
>Laugh to yourself
>But it's a fair conclusion
>Show kid the next two movies
>Kid doubles down on his opinion
>Kid is more convinced than ever that Star Wars is a super obvious and lame love story about Luke and Leia
>Showing him more movies, using reason, nothing changes kid's mind

At a certain point, you just have to accept that an individual has mental problems, has emotional problems, is just fucking with you, or some combination of those three. At any rate, it's simply not worth interacting with them anymore.
Update shortly fellows, weather permitting.
I already told your goons that I’m a different guy. I’m coming after you because of blatant railroading and samefagging. I don’t know anything about your past all I know is what I’ve seen from you on here and the /qtr/.
>blatant railroading and samefagging = Luke & Leia romance
Does that help, Chicken Little?
>Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

After dinner, you are relaxing, sitting on a lo by the bonfire with your mug of wine when you notice a few kids get bored of chasing Sven around and come watch the flames.
An idea strikes you. You pull out your wand and aim it at the fire. Holding back as much energy as possible, you say "Puff".
The flames roar up and then fade, burning almost no magic. The kids grow wide-eyed and beg you to do it again, over and over, drawing a crowd as you delight them with the simple trick.

After wandering out to water some trees, the darkness on the way back makes you wish you had a flashlight. It occurs to you to try to use your wand. Aiming it like a flashlight, you try "Flashlight".
A bright flash, like that from a camera, flashes at the end of your wand. It draws more power, so you only do it a couple times for the kids, but they love it.

Sitting back down by the fire you watch as Ileska teaches the children, and a few adults, an unusual, arm waving dance as an elderly villager plays some lively little tune on a flute.
Watching them, you smile into your wine. You feel a weighty flump on the log next to you.

"Did you know that they call 'Esperanto'
'tradespeak' here?" Alice asks.
"Weird huh?" you say non-committally.
"Yeah... I talked to some of the villagers and they said that the, um, teachers, elders, or whoever, are very good at teaching the language, so they think I might learn quickly. You know, after you go."
She sips her mug of wine.

"Have you decided if you're going to go to Sven's location, or whatever, tomorrow?"
"I chose not to decide. So I still have made a choice." You say, smiling.
Getting no response, you sigh. "I'm going to figure it out tomorrow, Alice."
"Well, if you want my help, I'm pretty good at kicking those plants' butts, or whatever plants have for butts... roots maybe?

"...anyway, I'll help if you want." She offers. "I know you'll have Ileska and Sven, but Anna is spending the day with her mom, so I can hang out with you for the day."

"But if this 'returning' business has anything to do with returning to Earth," she continues. "I'm out! I'm not going back, ever."
"I understand." You reply.
"I mean it. Not ever. I don't care anymore if this is real, only a dream, just a break, or whatever. I'm not leaving. If there's any hint of that, I'm gone. I'll leave you guys in a second. Got it?"
"Got it."
Alice nods her head firmly and turns to stare into the fire for a bit.


"Yes Alice?"
"There's something I want you to take." She reaches into her shirt and pulls something out.
"Alice, you don't have to give me anything else..." You start to interrupt her.
"No, it's not a gift. I want you to take this in case you do ever go back to Earth. I want you to give this to my mother."

"Alice, I don't think I'll-"
"Please, this is important. I want you to give this to her. I want you to tell her that I'm better here. Do you understand?" she looks at you imploringly. "I want you to tell her that I am better here and that I'm not ever coming back. And..."
Alice pauses, and turns back the fire.
"...I want you to tell her that I know she tried, but I am not her problem anymore. Can you do that for me, Gary?"

You want to explain to her that the chances of you going back to Earth are remote and even if you did, the chances of you also finding her mother are even less.
But then it occurs to you that she has to know that. This might just be her way of saying goodbye; a sort of message in a bottle with the comforting delusion that it will find its intended recipient.

"Alright Alice, I'll do it." you reply softly, taking the small laminated square she's holding. "You know, that is, if I return..."
"Yeah, if..." she nods quickly, using the back of her hand to wipe her eyes on her sweater sleeve.
"Wow! This wine is good, huh? What do you think they make it with?"
She quickly takes a slow sip and makes an obvious effort to seem casual.

"I don't have any idea, Alice." You say, leaning back and stretching, your hand rubbing your healing wound. "They could make it with snozzberries for all I know."
Alice snorts and waves her hand frantically as she tries not to spit out her wine.
"Snozzberries! Oh my god!" She laughs, once she can breathe. "Wasn't Veruca Salt such a little brat?"
You can't resist chuckling a little at her reaction.

"Hey Gary, I know you and Ileska have this trip planned, or whatever, but when you're done, it might be good for you to come back and visit sometime."
She shrugs. "You know, to talk about Earth stuff with somebody who knows about, like, Willy Wonka, or whatever."
"Maybe." You shrug yourself.
"Cool." Alice empties her mug of wine and sets it down on the log as she stands up.

"I'd better head to bed now. I don't want to stay up too late. Anna's mother is letting me sleep over... Ooh! Did they tell you?"
You just shake your head at the excited girl.
"Ileska said that just me being here, and flying around the village and stuff, probably kept all kinds of nasty bad creatures away from the village. It's probably because of my aura...
"So anyway, they're going to build me my own hut! I'm going to be a homeowner! Oh, tell my mom that. That will make her happy. Ha! Goodbye Gary!"
"Goodnight Alice." You say, shaking your head as she walks away.


After she is out of sight, you take a look at the laminated square she gave you. On one side there is a scan bar code with the name "Baker, A." printed underneath. You flip it over and you see a logo for something called "Elysian Meadow" and the words "Day Pass".
You slip it into your backpack for now.

Alice got you thinking about tomorrow and Sven. Even though you had decided to wait, you call him over.
He sits down on the log and stiffly turns his eyeless skull to face you.
"Yes, Target?"
"I have some questions for you, is that okay?"
"Yes. I am happy to help Target."
"Are you? I mean, do you actually feel emotions?"
"Yes. Being stuck in that plant made me feel frustrated. Finding Target made me feel satisfied. Teaching the village children to hunt me made me feel joyous."

"Well, I suppose that's something. Are you some kind of ghost? Did you used to be someone else who was alive?"
"No, or at least I don't think so. If ever had any sense of identity or self before the spell was cast to summon me, I do not recall it. I feel like I might have been an animal... I'd like to think a predator. I enjoyed hunting for my Target."
"Well, that's slightly creepy coming from a skeleton. Why are you in a skeleton anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to find me if you were a spirit?"
"I remain intangible, inaudible, and invisible without a vessel. I require an animal vessel and living vessels are very difficult to control. This vessel suits me well, although without muscles, it is not very strong."


"Wait, so if you have no identity, where did the name Sven come from?"
"Master Rah named me that shortly after summoning for my task. He said it was because the first six failed and then laughed for an unknown reason."
"What can you tell me about Master Rah?"
"Very little. I left shortly after being summoned. I can say that Master Rah is a powerful Spirit Binder that lives far to the north of here, deep within the mountains. Also, Master Rah appears to really like yaks."

"Why do they want me to go to this location?"
"I do not know."
"What can you tell me about the location?"
The skeleton's bones make a muffled rattle as it does a stiff shrug.
"Only that it is a short walk into the forest from here and that Target has presumably been there before as Target is 'returning'."
"Hmm... Is there any reason that I should trust you?"
"I can think of no action I could take, or words that I could say, that would compel Target to trust me. However, if Target can think of a way, then I would be happy to oblige."
"Is there any way I could stop you from 'helping' me go to the location?"
"There are a number of ways Target could delay me, most of which I believe would sadden me, but I do not believe that I can be stopped."
"Well, you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you"

Sven simply sits there on the log for a long stretch of time without saying anything before wordlessly standing up and walking away for no apparent reason.

A short while later, you see a bat flying in the distance and that gets you thinking about magic again. Wanting to try something, you pull out your wand and point it in the general direction you saw the bat and say "Radar".

As the magic drains from you, your mind is flooded with the exact location and distance of the bat. The alien entry of the information directly into your mind kind of gives you a headache. You quickly shut down the flow of magic to keep from being completely drained, but you still feel quite exhausted afterwards. You slip down from the log, resting closer to the fire while leaning up against the log, and drift off to sleep shortly thereafter.

You awake the next morning curled up in the same spot, wrapped in a blanket that someone had covered you with. Hearing the sounds of Ileska feeding the horses, you stagger up to go ask her about that spell.

"Radar" you demonstrate, being sure to cut off power to intentionally let it fizzle.
"Well, I'm certainly no expert, but I've never heard that word in dragonspeak before. I am aware of a military spell that does the very same thing that you described.
It's often cast using multiple casters and a large power source so that it can be used at great distances and duration, but it is over four times more expensive in power.
"The elegance of your spell is nothing short of remarkable, Gary. I think with your talents, you might be a natural Spellcrafter!"

While the spell itself seems to be somewhat expensive in power to use, the implications of this discovery could be very useful.

"So, have you decided what we're going to do today?"
>Follow Sven to the location with Alice.
>Follow Sven to the location without Alice.
>Ditch Sven and go to Rockcastle.
>Ditch Sven and go to Arbor.
>Follow Sven to the location without Alice.
Maybe she can act a little less chuuni? Anyone gifted in magic is a useful ally here.
No, faggot. Your bullshit has never been mistaken for helpfulness.
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As an apology for posting an update nearly 24 hours late, have Gary's Character Sheet.
It's not 100% filled out yet, but neither is Gary.
>without Alice.
>Maybe she can act a little less chuuni? Anyone gifted in magic is a useful ally here.
Yours "useful ally" comment makes it sound like you want to go with her, but you selected "without".
I just want to be clear.
My mistake. I meant with Alice.
>>Follow Sven to the location without Alice.
>Follow Sven to the location with Alice.
How does the loli/brown loli meter work ?
>Follow Sven to the location without Alice.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>How does the loli/brown loli meter work?
Great question. Let's find out:
1 = This kills the loli.
2-24 = From left to right.
25-46 = Like a cheap toaster, poorly.
47-69 = Purely portrays polarity of perversion preference
70-92 = As you acquire "Loli Biscuits", you slide in either direction. When the gauge is all the way to the left or right, the character, Gary in our case, becomes said Loli.
93-99 = Exactly how you think it works
100 = All of the above.

Feel free to oppose this roll if you feel like adjusting it by 8, whynot?
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Right now is good, but I wanna 93-99
>adjust rolls in 8 point increments
>Randomly roll an 84
>anon wants 93-99
>rolls 90, adjusting it to 92
>next higher roll puts it at 100
>dice deny anon his choice forever

>dice deny anon his choice forever
Actually at 100 it will be all other choices, so it’s a win
You're right, QM. For a second I thought that you were railroading because Alice is back in the picture and in the EARLY PHASE of the thread she was hated. However, as one anon pointed out, she was VOTED BACK IN THE QUEST BY US, so . . . ???

But I get it. People like >>4123014
>>4123153 are simply products of their environment. Time to stop spanking the retarded monkey, you know? Anyway, let's get back to this lovely quest!
>Follow Sven to the location with Alice.
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Okay, so it starts like normal.
Coffee maker and filter, only there are two filters. Put coffee in one filter before putting the filter in the maker.
I also add the tiniest bit of salt to remove acidity and a sprinkle of cinnamon (no relation) for flavor.
This is optional.
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Place the empty filter in the maker as normal. Fold up the filled filter in four directions like a box or wrapped present.
The wonderful present of coffee.
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Keeping the wrapped packet of coffee tight with your fingers, place it upside down in the other filter. This makes the weight of the coffee hold down the filter and prevents any loose grounds from escaping.
Result: Tasty coffee with zero grounds in it, ever.
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Didn't notice that pic was blurry until posted it. Hazards of taking photos before coffee.

Tea is fine.
But it necessarily has the drawback of not being coffee.
>Anyway, let's get back to this lovely quest!
Coffee in hand, I concur.
I hope you voted.

I'll give it a bit before closing voting. I'll start generating the results and replace Alice with a fern or something if she loses the vote.
>and replace Alice with a fern or something if she loses the vote.
Cucumber Alice !
>Follow Sven to the location without Alice.
>tie on an Alice vote
I might need to do a roll on this one
Rolled 7 (1d7)

Let the dice decide:

1-3 = with Alice
4-6 = without Alice
7 = Alice is not invited but threatens to follow you (splitting the difference)
8 = Gary and Alice run off, get married, and construct the world's first international maglev railway system

What I'd like to do is settle the tie by giving extra weight to >>4123136 for his reasoning, but ruling that after the fact feels disingenuous.
So, going forward:

>Rule 6: All tied votes will be recalculated with votes that include reasoning given additional weight (perhaps 20%, so that five reasoned votes outweigh 6 unreasoned.)
You worthless, deceitful, obnoxious, arrogant little slut. In less than a month you’ve proven yourself to be nothing more than human garbage who would suck a miles worth of cock before standing for anything resembling decency, humility, or honesty. Think about some bitch in India making $10 a week at a textile factory whilst whoring her self out on the side. Now consider the fact that her shit contains more value than you could ever hope to possess.

You’ve used every truck in the Shit QM’s Handbook. You’ve lied, rigged votes by samefagging, pretend to be your own detractor and defender to garner sympathy, shilled and whined endlessly on the /qtg/. You’re a child with no consideration for his audience and yet it is you who are beneath all of them. You've forced my hand and I can no longer hold back. I will summon a shitquake so fierce that it will rupture the very fabric of your corrupt, putrid ass. Now witness my power, asshole. ENJOY!!! SMELL MY SOCKS!!! AND CRY!!!
0/10, didn’t call QM a simp liberal sjw tranny, known social democrat
I'm not going to go full tilt like >>4124279 but there is no denying that this was rigged. Obviously, 8 was a joke which is why you left it off, but 1-3 and 7 are basically the same. It should've just been a 50/50.
Best result
Based dice
>but 1-3 and 7 are basically the same.
This is a totally justified concern.
Which is why I immediately crafted a mechanic to decide when or if Alice shows up. I'm calling it the Fair & Equal Returning NPC mechanic.

This update should be quick guys...
>Based dice
Can't argue.
The last part is obviously bants but at the same time . . . as much as I hate cursing, FUCK OFF!

Don't let the doorknob hit you where the good lord split you!

Actually, QM . . . are you intentionally trying to work Alice back into things if she's unwanted? If you rigged dice it's honestly in bad spirits as per the culture here (and I'd have to agree there). You don't owe us anything, but running a quest works a certain way. I want to make sure I know what's going on before I bang my gavel, so to speak.
>are you intentionally trying to work Alice back into things if she's unwanted
Last votes showed that’s actually split my dude
NGL that vote was sketchy at best.
Also, where are all of these 1 post IDs coming from? Yes, I see the irony in my statement.
Dynamic IP happens, specially with phone posters. I know this isn’t convincing, specially when you already distrust the QM
Rolled 71, 99, 30, 4, 35, 82, 33 = 354 (7d100)

>Chuuni Gully

You explain to Ileska that you've decided to follow Sven to the "location" and try to unravel some if this mystery. You add that you'd like to leave Alice here.
"I understand, Gary. The girl is very sweet, extremely brave, and with some training she could be quite formidable..." Ileska begins, surprising you with her positive impression of Alice. "But that girl is one of the most delusional people I've ever met. Well, one of the most delusional human beings anyway."
There it is.

Your conversation with Alice does not go nearly as well.
"I just think that the village would be safer with you here while we're gone." you try.
"Bullshit! You just don't believe I can kick plant butt, or root!" She pouts. "You know, I could just follow you after you leave!"
"Yeah, I know. We'll see you when we get back, Alice." You say as you turn to walk away.
She stamps her foot in frustration, but makes no move to follow.

The three of you walk along the path into the forest. Ileska had explained that bringing the horses would be a terrible idea because, while people may be able to manage the plants, the horses never could.
Ileska was pretty adamant that they stay on the paths for as long as possible. This became a problem when Sven wanted to cut across the forest to a spot further along the path because it was more direct. The two stops to argue about it, if you can call Sven's amiable disagreeing "arguing".
Uninvested in the argument, you took the time to examine the local flora that wasn't trying to eat you. There was a large, particularly healthy-looking fern nearby. You regarded the fern but it had nothing interesting to say so you turned back to the two fighting and the three orcs that are emerging out of the forest behind them.

They are three large, green-skinned orcs similar to the ones you saw outside the wizard's tower except these one are wearing gaudy purple fetishes around their necks and are brandishing wooden clubs as they charge to attack now that they've been spotted by you.

>Sneak Attack! You have entered combat!: Take action!
>Attack!: Pull your knife out and leap into the fray! Tell me what you do.
>Defend!: Block! Parry! Dodge! Avoid death!
>Magic: Name the spell!
>Item: Poke one with a crystal toe?
>Run: Leave the other two and Run Away!

>specially when you already distrust the QM
Who said I did? I dropped off after the first few days because I was busy.
>Sneak Attack! You have entered combat!: Take action!
Who is F ?
>Magic: Name the spell!

Blind them. Can't take much energy to block the light that would go to their eyes, right?

>Who is F?

What action are you taking?
Sneaky slash an orc throat
>Blind them. Can't take much energy to block the light that would go to their eyes, right?
Distance, number of Targets, and duration are factors.
Distance is negligible.
Targeting all three triples the drain.
Duration shouldn't matter if you capitalize on it.
Alright then yeah blind, Naruto run behind them and tell them it's nothing personnel before stabbing them.
>are you intentionally trying to work Alice back into things if she's unwanted?
No. I just saw multiple ways to handle the tie.

The strongest evidence that I wasn't Pro-Alice is the four hours I didn't close voting while "with Alice" was winning 3 to 2.
I mean, I was posting during that time and everything. I could have just closed the vote.

>"I can think of no action I could take, or words that I could say, that would compel you to trust me. However, if you can think of a way, then I would be happy to oblige."
Preach it Sven.
>Sneaky slash an orc throat
>blind, Naruto run behind them and tell them it's nothing personnel before stabbing them.
So, Blind all three. Slash nearest one like an edgy edgemaster.
Seems like a solid plan.

Gimme dem opposed rolls!
Without getting deep into the mechanic, you rolling higher for the fern keeps the Chunni away.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Nada pessoal, garoto
Rolled 30, 71, 91, 42, 21, 30, 74 = 359 (7d100)

I have no idea how many dice I should roll
Rolled 90, 65, 16, 60, 52, 20, 41 = 344 (7d100)

Wait, it’s a 7d100 right ? Fug
7d10 is correct.
My bad.
7d10 or 7d100 ?
Fern My Life.
7d100 is correct.

Okay, I have a good sense of this round of combat. I'll get resettled in a bit, check for additional rolls, and write it up.
Rolled 55, 58, 89, 98, 69, 40, 38 = 447 (7d100)

>Nada pessoal, garoto.

"Hurk?!" Ileska exclaims as she turns and sees the approaching orcs. "Hurk are never in the Dark Forest!"
She twists her hands in a strange motion and shouts "Break Glamour!"
A bubble of glowing red energy spreads from her hand, expands over the area and... absolutely nothing happens. She blinks in confusion.

The first orc rushes past Ileska and charges you.
Sven stands in front of the second orc, blocking his path. "Halt!"
The third orc is larger, heavier, and slower, but is nearing Sven and Ileska.

Pulling out your wand, you point it at the orcs and call out "Blind!"
You immediately feel more than a third of your magic drain away. You can feel the spell take hold and know that maintaining it will drain you in a matter of seconds.

But it might be enough.

The second orc collides with Sven, audibly smashing the skeleton's bones, but the cloth bound bundle of limbs entwines around the beastman adding confusion as the Hurk looks about wildly with reflective white eyes.

The first orc staggers to a stop several feet from you, his eyes shiny white as well.
Pulling your knife, you slip around past him and deftly slice his neck open. Dark red blood sprays out quickly and the orc drops, grasping at its neck.
That's one third of your spell cost lessened.
You turn to Ileska, about to say "Nothing personal, kid." even though she won't get the reference.

The third orc, similarly blinded, wildly smashes his wooden club into Ileska, slamming her arm into her chest and sending her flying several feet where she rolls into a heap on the ground.
Again, there was the audible smashing of bones at the hit.

>Revenge!: Kill the ever-luvin' fuck out of the third orc
>Cull: Take out the second orc effortlessly
>Magic: Cancel the Blind spell and cast another
>Medic: Rush to Ileska to help her

I might change the math on the magic later. Current power costs are working off old memories. Any such changes are to be considered corrections, not retcons.
Rolled 6, 37, 82, 78, 51, 100 = 354 (6d100)

Like a breadless guest at Thanksgiving, I forgot the rolls.
Gonna need 6d100 opposed.
That 100.
Each roll under it is going to subtract the difference from the FERN HP. If it reaches below zero at the close of rolling, then the way is open for the return of even the most dreaded of chuuni. Rolling closes when I get coffee or thereabouts.
FYI, FERN HP started at 100. The difference between the QM roll and the opposed rolls is applied to the HP. The difference from the last three rolls added to 54, so the HP is 154.
Rolled 1, 90, 63, 44, 69, 64 = 331 (6d100)

>Revenge!: Kill the ever-luvin' fuck out of the third orc
Rolled 29, 98, 25, 11, 46, 71 = 280 (6d100)

>Revenge!: Kill the ever-luvin' fuck out of the third orc
Their accursed champion falls
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Going to brew some coffee, then close rolling, use this roll on the 36th critfail chart, and start writing.
>use this roll on the 36th critfail chart
What ? Also fug
>This is totally personal.

Seeing Ileska smashed and flung to the ground sends you into a rage. You scream and slash at the hurk/orc. The massive warrior easily steps out of the way of your blow despite still being totally blind.
Enraged, you spin and growl as you slash again. He effortlessly deflects your blade with his club, frustrating you.

Several feet away, the second blind orc is blindly flailing about, trying to disengage from Sven. Sven keeps wrapping himself around the orc, reknitting together the smashed bones.

Roaring in growing frustration at your opponent, you see something amazing: Ileska is standing behind the orc, her right arm is hanging limp from her body but her left hand reaching out towards his neck.
"Yes! Ileska! He's blind! He can't see you behind him!"

Ileska blinks at you with a look that says you might be the stupidest man in all of creation.
The orc swings his club in an arc behind him and Ileska drops low to avoid it. He steps back and turns his up-pointed ear and listens swaying his club defensively.
...ah. Revealing intentions in battle to an opponent is probably a bad idea. Right...

Ileska darts her left hand forward, gripping a layer of green fat, and says "Sleep". The orc's blind eyes roll up into his head and he falls to ground in a loud crash.

The remaining orc is still grappling with Sven and draining the last of your magic away. You and Ileska turn your heads to a sound you almost recognize: a "Thwip!" "Thwip!" and a short rustling of the underbrush.

>Vote on Magic and Action, then roll 9d100:
>Magic: Let the Blind spell drain your magic until the orc is down
>Magic: Cancel the Blind spell and cast another
>Magic: Cancel the Blind spell

>Kill the second orc
>Let Ileska knock out the second orc
>Ignore orc and investigate sounds in underbrush.

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As I think I explained to an anon in the /qtg/, I'm not rolling on a custom crafted random chart, populated with only appropriate results. I'm rolling on *all* of them.
It could have gone much worse, actually.
Rolled 27, 19, 44, 78, 22, 15, 56, 52, 93 = 406 (9d100)

>Magic: Cancel the Blind spell
>Kill the second orc
Since these orcs aren’t the Black Forest folk, she won’t get a free heal, right ?
Rolled 62, 48, 3, 37, 47, 50, 4, 55, 81 = 387 (9d100)

Forgot to roll again, damn it.

>Since these orcs aren’t the Black Forest folk, she won’t get a free heal, right ?
Correct. Ileska explained (offscreen whynot?) she only gets healed up because most of the Dark Forest fairies have promised to never *permanently* harm her. And they are incapable of lying or oathbreaking. So they can do anything they like to her, as long as they restore her. If a fairy had made the promise, but was incapable of healing her, they literally couldn't hurt her.

These porkers ain't no fairies.
Rolled 40, 94, 13, 74, 17, 42, 27, 24, 22 = 353 (9d100)

yea def cancel the magic

1/3rd per round is expensive. Now we know!
You forgot the action vote bro
Indded I did

>Kill the second orc
Rolled 18, 84, 93, 26, 25, 36, 51, 80 = 413 (8d100)

>Here comes the spider man!

Ileska swiftly wraps her loose robes to strap her right arm to her torso, immobilizing it. Aside from looking paler than usual, she seems okay.

You quickly stifle the blind spell, ending it. The orc blinks and his eyes comes into focus.
You hesitate with your blade inches from his throat. Somehow, this seems closer to murder than battle.
The point is rendered moot when the orc, thrashing against Sven, impales his own neck on your blade and collapses, bleeding out.

A red line appears on the back of your hand. You examine the thin cut as Sven reassembles into human form. His boney hand raises and he makes a fist just as-
Sven is suddenly holding an arrow, its point aimed at his skull.
"Archers, Target!"

A sharp pain in your left arm as a crossbow bolt grazes your arm and lodges in your coat sleeve confirms: You are being fired upon.

"This way, Target!"
Sven rushes off into the forest without waiting.

>Choose one and roll 8d100
>Hide: Duck for cover in the underbrush
>Run Away!: Follow Sven's lead and run.
>Charge!: Run in the general direction the shots are coming from. These guys shoot like stormtroopers

Rolled 1, 30, 56, 30, 60, 92, 43, 32 = 344 (8d100)

>Run Away!: Follow Sven's lead and run.
Sven know something and they have a crossbow, not only it fires faster, with an hook in a belt they could fire a lot more per minute than an archer (see genoa crossbowlers)
Rolled 25, 97, 42, 97, 77, 2, 46, 78 = 464 (8d100)

oh no another crit fail

good thing alice is ready to rescue us
>Damn Gary, back at it again with the nat 1
pls be a damage related penalty, inb4 we slip while running
And of course I again miss the vote

>Run Away!: Follow Sven's lead and run.
Rolled 95 (1d120)

Rolling on Fumble chart #42....
We really want something low here.
Well, it says our attack ricochets back, so we escape since we didn’t attack, r-right ?
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Different chart.
Don't worry, Gary didn't get the worst possible results.
Pic related.

Going to the store. Will close rolling and write up the update when I return.
+20hits means we take 20 damage ? Also I curious to what would happen if we died Anna becomes the MC
Spoiler: technically, the vote is still pending. See >>4113974
Time Skip beyond death?
Do you mind voting dude ?
Rolled 53, 14, 59, 71, 86, 60, 68, 77, 44, 25, 21, 83, 26, 50, 91 = 828 (15d100)

Sorry. >>4126390 was me in line at the store. Dropped my name.

No respite from the crit.
Pay no attention to these rolls. I'm sure they're nothing to worry about.
>Pay no attention to these rolls. I'm sure they're nothing to worry about.
>”Hey Alice, remember that time SmallTravel did Stalingrad reference ?”
>Broken Bones

This is not the time for indecision. You bolt after the fleeing skeleton. After all, one of those arrows nearly got him right in the face.
Running through the forest, you see more of those strange plants, including a tangle of strange-looking vines that Sven leaps over. You follow suit and as you leap over, the vines reach up and snag your leg, causing you to stumble.

You quickly regain your footing only to immediately slip on the swampy water in front of you. You catch your fall with your left hand in the muck, striking something hard beneath the water.
You feel, more than hear, the crack of a bone in your wrist. It hurts like a motherfuker. You pull yourself up, clutching your injury to your chest, and look for Sven.

In front of you, you see a thick wet pool of soupy mud and one bony hand emerging from it pointing forward before it slips underneath the muck.

With no guide to lead you anymore, you stand and prepare to race around the pond of goo. You intend to head in the direction Sven had been pointing.
Then you feel another crossbow bolt graze your left arm, embedding itself in your sleeve again. Fuck!

That bastard is too consistent to be missing. They are trying to wing you.
Running as fast as you could, you try slipping through the trees and out of their view, still managing to take an arrow to your right arm, this one deep enough for it to stick in your flesh.

Cresting a small rise on the other side of the pond you realize the other side is a steep slope down to what looks like a rocky quarry. Pausing to rethink your path, your decision is made for you as an arrow grazes your right leg and you fall.


You stumble down the slope, scrambling in the mud and rocks until you land with a solid thud at the bottom of a small ravine.

Crawling on all threes behind a rather large dead tree for cover, you hunker down and take stock.
You have a broken left wrist, two cuts on your left arm, and arrow in your right, and a cut on your right thigh.
Also, Ileska seems to have completely disappeared.

A clatter of stones and mud behind you silences ypur inner thoughts. You grip your knife in your good hand and are poised to attack behind your fallen tree when the sight of familiar red robes causes you to relax.
"Ileska!" you whisper.

Turning and seeing you, she rushes to join you behind the tree. She doesn't seem to be any worse than before they were shooting at you.
"Sven?" she asks removing the arrow from your arm and whispering a spell that takes much of the sting from the cuts away.
"Swallowed by a mudpit." you say, shaking your head.
You want ask her if she could help your wrist, which still hurts like a bitch, but her own arm makes you rethink it. Obviously, there's nothing she can do about it now.
Her face is drawn, tense, and pale.

"Gary, I need you to get a small metal vial on my belt for me. It's on my right side between two copper vials, silver colored with a black cork.
Reaching across her, you find it and pull it free. Immediately after you hand it to her, she pulls the cork out with her teeth and snorts the contents up her nose.

"Oh Peace and Justice, that's better..." she exhales, visibly relaxing. You notice that her eyes are fully dilated and you suspect that might not have been magic in that vial.

The two of you wait for a few minutes until some sort of commotion further away and above convinces you that the archers aren't watching your position. You quickly race along the ravine and turn around a corner, further removing line of sight.

"If we keep to the sides of the ravine and stay alert, we should be able to spot them before they can hit us." Ileska says.

You turn a corner and reach a part of the ravine that is completely devoid of plant life. This part of the ravine is filled with sculptures.
Many of them are perfect likenesses of people in poses of adoration, fear, or there's one of a mother and two children beaming happily at each other.
Several of the other sculptures seem to be far more abstract and almost cubist in design. They're barely recognizable as figures, but still expertly carved.
There is a sharply carved cave entrance in the side of the ravine out of a grey stone completely unweathered by the forest elements.

Your every instinct is telling you that this is where Sven was taking you.

>Enter the cave. You've come too far to stop now.
>Run Away! Maybe you can find some other place to regroup and heal before going further?
>Sightsee: Kill some time by investigating the statues.

FERN HP: -8; Status: Unlocked

>Enter the cave. You've come too far to stop now.

Maybe whatever's in here will protect us from whatever's out there?
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For those interested, the fumble chart.
>Enter the cave. You've come too far to stop now.
Obrigado, LittleAdvance
>did Stalingrad reference ?”
Okay, this one stumped me.
I have no clue what you're on about, but I'm happy it triggered an association for you.
By the number of rolls, I thought that we would be surrounded and that came to mind.
Running away counts as a hard maneuver? harsh bro
>Running away [through rough terrain filled with moving carnivorous plants while trying to avoid getting shot and keep an eye on your skeleton guide] counts as a Hard Maneuver
More or less?
>Necessary Return

You step past the statues and enter the cave. It's dark and cold. Ileska whispers "Magefire" and a halo of red flame surrounds her hand. She holds it out so that the two of you can navigate the cave with it's light.
After a turn or two into the tunnel, the air gets much colder, dryer, and smells cleaner.
You notice crystals, not dissimilar from the one around your neck, growing out of the walls. As you progress, the walls become thick with them. Soon, every surface is covered in a mosaic of crystals.
There seems to be intricate fractal patterns to the way they're laid out that seems more deliberate than organic. Then, the tunnel opens up to a large chamber with one solid wall and many tunnels leading off in different directions.
Imbedded in the large crystal wall is a seven foot tall statue of an austere-looking woman, created in a chunky, blocky style with her head and ears topping with many sharp points upward. The statue is missing a toe.

"Can you guarantee our safety?" Ileska asks.
"What?" You ask. "No, of course not. What are you even talking about?"
You look at her but she is just staring off into space at nothing as if deep in thought.
"Alright." She states. "Yes, this should be fine except..."

She looks at the magefire on her hand, shakes it, and when the flame doesn't dissipate, she mutters "How do I, oh, yes, I see..."
And the flame disappears, plunging the room into darkness. "Oh."
A crystal on the ceiling the size of a melon starts glowing bright orange, illuminating the room.

"It is excellent that you've returned." Ileska says. "You are necessary for the next steps of my research. I would like to get started immediately."
She stands up straight and places her hand behind her back in a somewhat scholarly fashion.
"But you will probably want to waste time trying to understand concepts beyond you and ask a number of silly questions. Very well. Proceed."
"What are you talking about, Ileska?"

"I am not familiar with the term 'ileska', however, I am talking about you asking me questions before we begin work on my research. That was technically your first one. I expect that you have others. Proceed."
What the fuck?

>Any questions for her?
Who are you?
Are you aware you are possessing my friend?
What research?
I've never been here before and you say I've returned?
>Fair & Equal Returning NPC mechanic.
>Brings Alice back in 4 voting periods and less than 24 hours in-game time

You kind of did this to yourself man.The Last Defender is a whack bag but he probably would've kept quiet if you didn't insist on inserting "fair" systems and dice rolls that are designed for the sole purpose of bringing Alice back without sacrificing your "fair and honest" reputation.
What do you know about me ?
Why do you need my help ?
Where you the one that sent Sven to guide us here ?
>Who are you?
"The full truth of who I am is a tale nearly as long as the history of this world. I am one of the first. My race is one of the first eight races to inhabit this world, crafted by the Gods themselves. I am Ice Clan."

>Are you aware you are possessing my friend?
"I am not possessing the mongrel. I suppose you might view it as such. She is a possession. I possess her. But I am not residing within her. I am merely using her to speak with you comfortably."

>What research?
"I, and indeed most of the remaining members of my race, have been researching possible avenues for our continued existence for a short while now. Just the last few thousand years or so.
"The God of Ice created us perfectly, of course. But we grow brittle inour ancientness and cannot reproduce. It is an unfortunate thing to outlive one's god. We must now solve our own issues.
"Other, weaker-willed, members of my race chose imperfection over caution and lived mortal lives out in the world and are now lost forever.
"I sought a perfect vessel. One born of a balance between order and chaos, between mind and body, between reckless action and rigid thought.
"I needed a perfectly average vessel like you."

>I've never been here before and you say I've returned?
Ileska's hand pointed upwards.
"The clearing I shifted your summoning to lies directly overhead."
>What do you know about me ?
"I know anything thing I need to about you. I am quite powerful here, within my... Yes, within my 'Fortress of Solitude'.
"Most importantly, I know that your essence is perfectly balanced between that of Ice Clan and that of Magma Clan. That makes you necessary."

>Why do you need my help ?
"Your help? Ah. Your difficulty with concepts is understandable. I do not need your help. I need to study your essence. It is necessary in order to replicate it."

>Where you the one that sent Sven to guide us here ?
"No. What is a 'sven'? ...Ah. In seeking your return I came into contact with an individual that called themselves 'Rah'. They asked me to stop. I refused. I suspect Rah acted on their own, correctly believing that I would stop only after you returned."
>Brings Alice back
>bringing Alice back
Hallucinating chuuni is it's own form of delusion, you know?
Relax and don't worry about Chuuni Boogeyman.
Will studying my essence harm me in any way? How long will it take?
>Will studying my essence harm me in any way?
"Not in anyway that cannot be healed. I will need repeated tissue samples, all of which your body will naturally grow back, unassisted. I am afraid that the bone marrow will be painful, but I can erase your memory of the pain afterwards if you like. Previous subjects seemed quite pleased by forgetting. I have no preference after the sample is taken."

>How long will it take?
"Oh, hardly any time at all. I anticipate that the process should take no less than 75 and no more than 90 winters... I believe that you call them years. Yes. 75 to 90 years.
Are you aware of how long the average human lifespan is?
>Are you aware of how long the average human lifespan is?
"Of course. Hued men normally don't live nearly as long as would be preferable. Previous testing confirms that, by keeping you here under controlled conditions, I can extend your lifespan by 100 winters, or years, at least. Well more than I should need by a significant margin. I am certain of it. Don't worry. I have every confidence that this research will succeed."
Alright. Um, if 75-90 years is no time at all to you, do you mind if I take about that long to get all my affairs in order before doing this?
>FERN HP: -8; Status: Unlocked
So what does this mean exactly?
>Alright. Um, if 75-90 years is no time at all to you, do you mind if I take about that long to get all my affairs in order before doing this?
"I would much rather prefer to get started immediately. There is also the concern that you might be damaged, lost, or have your essence changed in that time. No. It would be most prudent to begin immediately.
"However, I have worked with unwilling and uncooperative subjects before. They are decidedly unpleasant and decrease efficiency. Wildborn Hurenk are particularly disruptive. That is why I am choosing to answer your questions and solicit your compliance.
"I am not unreasonable. If there were another method of studying the essence and biologically extracting it and learning to replicate it, while still safely allowing you to order your affairs. That would be agreeable. Unfortunately, you are singular in existence. There no other source I can sample from. The hued man female the Wood Clan summoned is irrelevant to the research and attempts to create such an essence intentionally have always failed."
"You are necessary and there is only one of you."
Ok, I’m not liking my options. Would the girl that was summoned with me be of use for you as well ?
>Ok, I’m not liking my options.
"That is unfortunate. I am not practiced at the understanding options that your species likes. It seems they mostly include self-destruction or reproductive efforts. I fail to see how those activities could be safely incorporated into the research."

>Would the girl that was summoned with me be of use for you as well ?
"No. The hued man female the Wood Clan summoned is irrelevant to the research. Her essence was altered differently than yours was. I simply redirected the summoning once I sensed your essence. And separating out the irrelevant female was not worth the effort."
Do you know why I was summoned here ? What is this treasure that I must seek ?
dammit QM you’re scaring me
>Do you know why I was summoned here?
"That is difficult to discern. I do not allow the Wood Clan into my domain, even though their shrubs have sprouted up around it. I never cared for their mercurial thought patterns. Ever since my sister grew reckless and joined them though, they've been getting more organized, more focused. It seems unnatural but it's none of my concern, at least it wasn't until you arrived.
"Since then, I've listened to stray thoughts. They had recently fought one of those wars your kind loves so much. After the war, they found a treasure that they enjoyed for several weeks, but then lost beyond reach. That's the reason they summoned you. Because they lost that treasure and could not get it back. I don't understand the connection, but the Wood Clan connections are often disjointed."

>What is this treasure that I must seek ?
"I know little about it. There seems to be a massive spell, such a foul annoyance magic is. That spell seems to actively disrupt thoughts centered on the small kingdom they defeated. Hmmm. Ah! They did not destroy records!"
Ileska's body walked over to a far wall and began rearranging crystals in the wall. As she rearranged them it reminded you of science fiction somehow...
"Wait... That's a computer! This whole place! It's a giant computer, isn't it?"
"It's hardly limited to computations, and mostly what you can see is mere data storage. But yes. A 'computer' is not inaccurate."
You are at lack for words.

"I have it. The city-kingdom to the east tried to eradicate the Dark Forest Wood Clan. My sister led the Wood Clan to victory. They destroyed they city and all within it, as well as any thoughts of them... Then they found survivors of the city led by their General, Tabor Baccus, and killed them all too. That's when they stopped focusing on the war and focused on 'enjoying the treasure'... That's all that they say. I have no other relevant records on the treasure.

When all the doors seem closed, look for the one or two open windows, or just make your own...
What this treasure was ? Do you know what could have made it lost ?
>What this treasure was?
"Hmm. What I know about it is extremely little. I know that it was never mentioned before the Wood Clan found those survivors. I know that once there were no more enemies from their war to find, they became focused on what they called 'enjoying the the treasure'.
"I know they consistently use the same terms and phrases, even in their own minds. 'Lost treasure' and 'enjoying the treasure', never anything more explicit. It is as if keeping the treasure secret is part of one of their little games.
"Wait... There is one thing... from your mind... Your mind is so much more pleasant than that of a Wood Clan member... Ah. The individual that called themselves Cinnamon seemed to believe that he had found it, but then had no possessions on him."

>Do you know what could have made it lost ?
"Before my sister lowered herself to join them, their ability to become focus, chase distractions, and lose things was common. However, as it was, they were very focused on it. There are three options that I can consider.
"The first is that their own foolish actions lost or destroyed the treasure. They are spoiled children and it seems the most likely.
"The second possibility is that there was an entity powerful enough to take the object of focus from a host of powerful Wood Clan while also avoiding my detection. I strongly doubt this occurred but I cannot disprove it.
"The third possiblity is that a fundamental principle of reality prevents it. Such as the causality that prevents going back in time and preventing the death of the Ice God. Or any number of of things that, once broken, cannot be made unbroken.
"It could perhaps have something to do with the Wood Clan's inability to speak an untruth, although they seem to have grown quite comfortable with that limitation."
>”The individual that called themselves Cinnamon seemed to believe that he had found it, but then had no possessions on him."
I’ve met him, he was hurting the woman you’re using to communicate and I ended up killing him with an iron knife. Before he died he looked at me and said that he beat the dark king because he found the lost treasure.
Do you know why your sister joined the wood clan ?
I meant Dark Lord
>Can you clone me and use the clone? Because 75-90 years is an entire lifetime for my kind. Even if you extend my life, by the time you're done all my friends and family will be dead.
>Do you know why your sister joined the wood clan ?
"Of course. She was more brittle than I and allowed her fear of death to drive her to the reckless act of taking an unworthy vessel. She foolishly felt that an ageless, nearly unstoppable body was better than her own brittle, but Godcrafted body. So she took the leader of the Wood Clan as a vessel, consuming her utterly."

Ileska coughed and swayed briefly.
"Odd. This mongrel's injuries are not severe enough to cause such a reaction."

"Which simply proves my point. Unbalanced, untested bodies are not capable of withstanding our vastly superior minds.
"It inevitably leads to death or madness. Of course, madness seems to be a common condition among your kind and a persistent state among the Wood Clan.
"Her logic was flawed. She acted recklessly. And now, she's obviously mad, trapped in an inferior body, unleashed that abomination that keeps meddling with the barrier between worlds, killed and tortured all sorts of you mortals, and worst of all, has cost me the loss of a suitable research partner.
"It's unacceptable behavior."
Who was your research partner ?
Now that I think about it, Cinnamon told me before I died that he beat the Dark Lord and found the treasure first. Is it possible that their treasure was my alignment and they lost it when I was summoned here ? Also do you know who this Dark Lord is ?
>Who was your research partner ?
"My sister was. I find that only Ice Clan members make suitable research partners."

>Is it possible that their treasure was my alignment and they lost it when I was summoned here?
"That is clever thinking for a hued man. But no. Your 'alignment' never existed in this world before you were brought through the barrier. It makes sense that the treasure is connected to you. But it cannot be that."

>Also do you know who this Dark Lord is?
"I know that the Wood Clan sought agents from beyond their bushes when they could not find the treasure. Like those degenerate failed vessels out there that tried to capture you."

>Can you clone me and use the clone? Because 75-90 years is an entire lifetime for my kind. Even if you extend my life, by the time you're done all my friends and family will be dead.
"That is true. I considered that I might be able to compensate you for your losses. I have noted that your kind often value mineral trinkets. I could perhaps craft you some. I am extraordinarily adept at working with most materials.
"I have never worked with 'clones'. What are 'clones'? ...Ah. Biological duplication. Fascinating. I will need to review this thoroughly for a moment."

Ileska's lips stop moving. You stare at them. They are a pretty shade of... that lighter shade of red... shade... Shades make things darker but some shades are lighter like... that word... Dark Shade of the Moon... ...pink!
You blink your eyes. What the fuck was that?

"Cloning is a remarkable concept." Ileska's voice continues. "Your mind lacks the technical expertise to act on it, of course, but I am confident that I can replicate the process. While there might not be any guarantee that clones of you will bear the same essence, there is a very strong likelihood of it.
"It is an agreeable compromise. I can take suitable samples and you can go order your affairs and then conduct them as you would.
"I can then begin cloning, and call you back for comparative testing when I am done. I expect it should take no less than 5 winters and no more than six winters, or years.
"Please take greater care of yourself. I will be focused on my work and no longer able to lend you power as I have before, through my toe."

"If this is agreeable, I would like to take the samples immediately and begin work. Obtaining the samples will likely take several hours.
"Do you agree to be my... What was the term... Ah. Yes. ...my Jango Fett?"

>Ask more Questions first [post questions]
>Agree to the Deal
>Renegotiate the Deal [specify how]
>Run Away!: Escape? I don't see how, but I'm open to suggestions
>Agree to the Deal
>Ask for a bit of compensation

>Can she craft us an AK47 with infinite ammo? >Does she want her toe back?

Is this a window we found, a window we made, or you taking pity?
>Ask more Questions first [post questions]
So you were responsible for my shroud through the crystal ? I gotta thank you because it really helped me.
Do you know what those archers and crossbowler are ?
And supporting these after getting the answers >>4127731
I think it was the rowing boat, slow and steady
>So you were responsible for my shroud through the crystal?
"Yes. The 'shroud' is an easily achieved effect. The communication required directed effort, however."

>I gotta thank you because it really helped me.
"Your gratitude is irrelevant. You are necessary."

>Do you know what those archers and crossbowler are ?
"They are agents of the Wood Clan, clearly sent to capture you, same as the the ones with clubs. I do not believe they knew you were coming here, but simply 'happened' into you while leaving the forest."
>Ask for a bit of compensation
>Can she craft us an AK47 with infinite ammo?
"No sane being would agree to craft an infinity. The weapon would be possible if you have sufficient information in your mind. Otherwise, I could provide you with sufficient trinkets to exchange for such an item."
"I will not allow explosives of any sort here."

>Does she want her toe back?
"Certainly. In fact, I insist. I can craft you a smaller crystal, to use to call you back with and keep the 'shroud' you have found useful."

>Is this a window we found, a window we made, or you taking pity?
It was a window you found with almost no hints whatsoever. It was the most feasible resolution I could imagine. I am quite proud.
Ask for a trench knife instead and accept the smaller crystal. Also ask if she can heal us.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>The weapon would be possible if you have sufficient information in your mind.

I never determined a fair mechanic to determine Gary's /k/ score.
We'll go with a cumulative opposed roll, whynot?

The difference between your rolls and my roll is added together to form Gary's total score. If I roll a 1 or a 100, I will reroll.

The total /k/ score will cap out at 100 for Gary having the sum total knowledge of all of /k/, and 0 for Gary knowing the proper way to load a magazine into a revolver.
I am hoping for a low roll as my own personal /k/ is less than the legal driving age, probably.

>Roll a 1d100!
>Ask for a trench knife instead and accept the smaller crystal.
"Easily done. I know just the material.'"

>Also ask if she can heal us.
"I can set your bones and cast them. As well as provide catalyst towards healing. Accelerated healing is only possible through your prolonged presence here. I do not believe any of us would prefer that."

I still want that /k/ roll though
File: HandTool.jpg (197 KB, 600x520)
197 KB
197 KB JPG
To illustrate my lack of /k/nowledge, I had to Google this
Rolled 68 (1d100)

boo no explosives

I also have no /k/ knowledge

That shroud is hella handy though so ask if she can give us an enchanted item that confers similar boons.
The shroud effect will be conveyed onto the smaller crystal. The zap-zaps will not.

I will be heading out in a minute. I will return.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

ok, danke comrade
Oh good, so far, Gary only thinks he knows guns.
Since we’re on page 11, do you plan to create a new thread before this one get’s archived ?

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