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"Please kill me..."

As you finally approach the Hospital with the shipment of disinfectant, a skeletal arm traces its path on the snow to your ankle, grabbing you with the sheer force of its despair. It's a Stage Three, one of many littering the ground. Bits of decaying flesh fall off, in his attempts to raise his head and look up at you. His blood injected eyes conveys only intense pain but you are immunized. Not again the diseases, for that you have mask and gloves. But these scenes are now common in the City, what you did and witness took you in a place far away from your ideal of a hero.


Still carrying a barrel of alcohol gel and accompanied by Lady Barielle's grotesque looking Fishmen to bring more you wonder if it will make any difference to help the Hospital. Like an answer to the prayer of the infected, a person white coat just emerged from the sea of corpse. Accompanied by the lamentations, he crouches to the level of the man. With shivering hands and a warm smile of his rotting jaw about to fall off, the infected welcomes the ice pick the doctor is placing on his skull. And with one decisive strike hammer it down to end his suffering.

"Who in his sane mind and body would ever come here?" he asks, tired and laying his baggy eyes on you
"We..." you hesitate, only half perturbed by the scene "We brought disinfectant."
"Oh..." he shrugs "Sure, we can resume the amputations and tracheotomies now."

Carefully avoiding stepping on another corpse, you leave one of the nine barrel on the reception desk inside. Only Stage Two are allowed inside, to rest on one of the rare bed of just lay on the floor. They wait for the nurse to help them go through this, maybe some will survive, maybe some will progress to Stage Three. Nobles and commoners alike are coughing blood and wandering aimlessly but peacefully. A feat accomplished by a mysterious local hero who convinced the two groups to tolerate each other, you. After all this time you wonder if you made the right choice.
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The Plague
It's a multiple stages disease where a patient can relapse and progress to the next stage even if he was treated. There is an appropriate level of treatment for each stage and different type of contamination that you learned. You are researching several cures, all leading to a dungeon where you will have to fight with the three main faction that have overtaken the City during the Quarantine. The Inquisition from the Church of Sol, zealots, fanatics, pyromancers... burning everything related to Arcane Magic or Science, confiscating Mystical and Iceburst Stones. The Elven Commandos, benevolent benefactors turning into a foreign occupation force, archers and elementalists you should never let ambush you. The Militia, corrupted ex-sailor using stilts, pikes and rifles, treating people like cattle and Demihumans like possessions.

The Catacombs
With the help of a Witch, you hope to find their entrance in the Cemetary. The place is currently investigated by the Inquisition, it's only a matter of time before they find the Temple of Charon. The Dark Miracle, you hope to perform there, grants the ability to remove any targeted lifeforms. You learned about it thanks to the Hammer of the Witches ( https://pastebin.com/wgWFSXFj ). Expect to fight pyromancer and zealots with the same life regenerating/pain numbing abilities as the ones you developed with Sol's Divine Magic.

The Deep
The Mermaid told you that a Kraken has laid its nest in their underwater caves. With the help of an Apothecary and a Savant she hoped to build a submarine to fight the creature and pay her partners with a miraculous algae supposed to be a hundred time more effective than healing potions. Sadly, you only have two days to contact the savant who has been sold to the Dwarves by the Elves. You also stole documents that might detail the relationship between the Ambassador and an Undine.

The Ruins
Now that you have secured the test subjects for your Alchemist friend, he will be able to create a serum by infecting them with Stage Three of the disease and treating their injury until they develop an immunity. You still have to find a place where he will not attract attention and most importantly, find the Philosophal Stone. Hidden on a secret island, this treasured artefact as well as the Demihuman-loving Alchemist are of high interest to the tyrannical Doge of the City.

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Today : 12PM, Day Preceding the Nones, Month of Sol
Tomorrow : Weekley Death Toll update



Knowledge (7/14 books)
>alchemy recipes
>Book of Genesis
>Current of the Aether
>Hohenheim's book
>The mechanical boy
>Book of Odyssey
>Hammer of the Witches
*books unlock special interactions, provide recipes and way to build magical devices

It is 12PM, what do?
>collect the 91 gold coins for the alcohol gel yourself, maybe you can steal some spend in a shop and gear up for the final fight, but you will betray the trust of Lady Barielle, the mermaid
>reveal the existence of symptoms retardant medicine at the Apothecary, but after the shop was looted once you wonder what they will do next, also the shop now belongs to Lady Barielle
>you're a butcher and you have a cleaver, maybe you can help with the amputations and save a few lives but delaying your quest to find a remedy, this should atone for your sins

Then, before the final fight, you can go to one of the shops in the Craftsmen District
very hostile toward, nearly killed you after you tried to rob him, maybe you can assault the shop (guns, ammunitions and daggers)
the Dwarf owe you a big one after you deciphered the Manifesto for the Dwarven Revolution and cured his Diogenes syndrome (armours, protections, custom orders)
now run by dumb Fishemen after the clerk was raped because you failed to catch the Organ Harvester in time (elixir to give bonus to rolls, medicine and soap)
you delivered sewing machines to increase the mask and glove production and one of your men to guard the shop (outfits giving bonus to rolls, restore outfits, masks and gloves)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>you're a butcher and you have a cleaver, maybe you can help with the amputations and save a few lives but delaying your quest to find a remedy, this should atone for your sins
Eh. One good action, one bad. Lets rob the guy. We need a new revolver.
Good to be back, Alde. Posted the thread an hour early, didn't check /qst/ 'till 8pm Eastern. Sorry about that.
Support. Let's try to find some non lethal way of bopping the guy on the head though, we've killed enough innocents as is.
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You spend one hour mercifully chopping off rotting limbs from Stage Three infected alongside the doctor. Men, women, nobles, commoners, adult and children, the disease does not discriminate. Once the first black spots starts appearing, you know that necrosis is going to sit in and without a large healing potion or a miracle healing there is no going back. Even with such radical treatment, a definitive cure has yet to be find. A child is presenting his pinkie finger, black and swollen. There's blood on his clothes from his coughing episodes.

"Am I going to get better, siniore?" he asks you
"I..." you arm the cleaver "I don't know..." you make it fall with surgical precision

After a good hour of practicing medicine, you take your leave. Meanwhile the Fishmen collected their ninety-one gold coins, laughing loudly from their inflated throat. These guys will tug your submarine pass the Elven blockade and fight for you against the Kraken, you can't get picky but will still have the possibility to bring one or several companions with you. There's of course Giusepe, the tall docker wielding a sledgehammer and keeping shut about his secret stash of gold in the Dead Zone, you have yet to earn his trust. Then there's captain Rakham, a very vocal sailor like you as well as Mario the gunsmith, your fellow mate your promised to become an adventurer with once this is all over. You also put the two street urchin thieves you saved, Melie and Arthur in the non-combatant category as well as sister Susanna a Firekeeper you failed to restore sight and hearing but who can use pyromancy and healing miracles.

Right now, only Giusepe is by your side. With him, you ventured deeper in the Craftsmen District leaving behind the Hospital. Your destination is the Weaponsmith, the honorable merchant who witnessed your heroic duel and gave you a discount on a revolver. However, after blowing the precious weapon and now without enough money to buy a new one you decided to rob him. Your gaze falls on the snow, giving you the same look as the doctor. Desperate times call for desperate measures, you think as you notice the shutters on each side of the street dancing in the winter's wind, violently crashing or opening. White crosses are painted on every door and a deafening silent has taken root in the City.

The shop is right after this corner
>use your grappling hook to get on the upper floor of the building
>use the smoke bomb to enter she shop and steal as much as possible (Mental)
>use the phonograph trap to lure the merchant out of the shop
>Giusepe will distract him and you will then enter pointing your guns at him
>give everything you have to Giusepe and ask him to buy the revolver hoping you will have something left (12 gold coins, 4 mermaid tears, 2 flintlock pistols, 5 paper cartridges and 12 FMJ bullets) (you can write-in how much FMJ bullets to sacrifice)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
resuming at 2PM EDT and going straight in the "dungeon" after this
Not going to vote on what to do right now, though I'm leaning on the phonograph route since we've almost never actually used it, but just a quick reminder to pop in at the elven embassy for a quick 'chat' with the ambassador.
>>use the phonograph trap to lure the merchant out of the shop
Lets go with this. He's sure to bring a gun with him, but lets try to be non lethal if possible. There will probably be consequences if the main weaponsmith of the city ends up dead, or ruined. We're just doing this for the revolver replacement. Maybe a bit of ammunition as well.
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-1 phonograph trap

Placing the phonograph trap in another adjacent street, you let the device attract the attention of the Weaponsmith. It starts playing the original record of a child crying and like the good natured person he is, the merchant goes out looking for it.

If you are fast enough, maybe you can enter and snatch a revolver or if you want more time and explore the shop you can try neutralize him.

How do you proceed?
>just grab a revolver while he is outside and get out
>kill the Weaponsmith using your flintlock pistol (Mental) (+10 aiming artefact +5 shooting in the back)
>kill him throwing a flick knife (Mental)
>kill him throwing your cleaver (Physical)
>stun him using the handle of your cleaver/a pistol (Mental) (-5 moving in the snow)
>just grab a revolver while he is outside and get out
Leave 10 gold coins on his bench. Also,
>3 different ways of killing him
Geez man, he only took away the discount.
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+1 revolver

Quickly entering the shop and scanning the shelves, you find the object of your desire. A six-shot revolver. Outside, the fake cries have stopped, that must mean he took the device with him. Without loosing anymore time you get out and reunite with Giusepe.

Now equipped you are considering who to bring with you to the underwater caves and fight the Kraken. The submarine has only enough space for one person, you have an underwater breathing potion that can cure decompression sickness and also the diving suit which will give you decompression sickness. Lula can cure this with a kiss but she might be reluctant to grant this blessing to someone else.

Who do you bring along with you? (pick up to 2)

And how are they going to reach the deep?
>diving suit
>underwater breathing potion

FInally, you can take more items with you from your Home Inventory in the submarine:
Current Inventory : https://pastebin.com/edit/vppFmxtd
-nailed mace (+10 against armor/+5 otherwise)
-38 paper cartridges
-1 hunting knife (+5 damage)
-3 elven dagger (+5 when sneak attack)
-1 sledgehammer
-1 Northern Explorer outfit (protect from cold but loose most of all other outfits modifiers)
-Sailor Raincoat (protect your from blood and rain, no need to wash)
-4 elven cloak (+10 sneak)
-1 medium healing potion
-2 pouche of chamomille
-1 quinquina elixir
-1 sneak potion
-2 defense potion
-1 nightwalk potion
-1 resist cold potion
-1 waterbreathing potion
-1 empathy potion
-1 memorize potion
-1 remember potion
-2 speed potion
-2 hate potion
-2 harvest potion
-3 ignored potion
-1 love potion
-1 bargain potion
-1 investigation potion
-1 crafting potion
-1 attack potion
-3 jump potion
-1 nightwalk potion
Has experience with the diving suit, and is reasonably strong.
After that, either Mario or Rakham, I'm not sure which. Definitely not Susanna or the children.

As for getting down there, I'm sure we can get a kiss from Lula and then whoever comes with us can take the diving suit and submarine, with the potion. Quick question, does the person who uses the submarine get affected by decompression sickness, or no?
Supporting this.
Lets bring Mario along, rather than Rakham. Both of them have it out for the Elves, but we're finishing this with the only mate from the Polaris remaining.
I agree with you on the Sub, and Giuseppe in the suit. We can use the potion, and avoid decompression sickness with Lula.
Leave behind the Bargaining Artifact. Doubt we'll do any barters down there.
Leave the birch twig. It definitely is capable of growing into something, and if an Elf down there figures out we have it, we're likely going to end up with a tree growing out of us.
Leave the gold. We probably won't need it down there. We need to clear some inventory room so we're not massively overloaded.
Leave the milk and eggs. Unless we somehow can make them before leaving, they're better off here.
Leave the typestamp, assuming that's actually with us and not a mistake.
Bring 30 paper cartridges. No way Mario can go through that many.
Bring the nailed mace if we can keep it in the sub. Otherwise, no. We don't want to be weighed down too much. After we reach the caves, Giuseppe can use it. I'm still not certain if he can shoot.
Bring an Elven dagger, just for a bonus if we can get the drop on any Elves before a fight.
Bring a cloak as well. Might make a decent disguise, and the stealth bonus could help out nicely. Should be stored in the sub though. If it's soaking wet, then there may be an issue.
Bring the other medium healing potion. Just in case one of us takes a bad hit before we manage to loot and potions off the Elves.
Bring the sneak potion.
Bring both defense potions.
Bring the waterbreathing potion.
Bring the memorize and remember potions. We're going into a dungeon. They may prove useful.
Bring both speed potions. These and the coca will make for some good dodges.
Bring both hate potions. Might be able to get around some difficult fights with them.
Bring the investigation potion.
Bring the attack potion.
Bring 2 ignored potions.
Bring 2 jump potions. We may need them to access something up high.
So we are not massively overloaded, I say we divide things up like this.
Giuseppe gets the mace, and defense potion. And the attack potion. I'm not sure how skilled he is, but Mario is great with guns, and shouldn't need any help shooting. He can possibly tank in the diving suit, but it could be shredded by arrows, and assuming he's still alive by the end of this, the fishmen may need to ferry the submarine back for him after dropping off Mario.
Mario gets both flintlocks, the paper cartridges, the other defense potion and a speed potion. We don't really have a lot in the ways of armor, he'd be better off dodging. Maybe he can use his rifle from work as well?
We could possibly trade out Mario the defense potion for the Crusader helmet. We're likely going to be dodging so well that we only need one or the other. Make sure nobody drinks any potions until we're down there, just in case we need to switch them out last minute.
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Passing by the Tailor to take Mario with you the shop he was guarding is now defenseless. However, their production of masks and gloves have skyrocketed so they can easily take on day off without disrupting the supply chain. You can even clean your Assassin outfit for free.

Assassin outfit (+5 Physical +5 Mental +5 Social

Walking menacingly down the Craftsmen District with your party you distribute the potions you collected home as you intended. Giusepe haul his mace over his shoulder protected by the diving suit, grimacing and to scare away anyone who might look down on you. Meanwhile Mario is scanning the street frowning his brows, the rifle strapped on his back and his hands caressing the two flintlock.

1 flintlock rifles
2 flintlock pistol
35 paper cartridges
defense potion
speed potion

nailed mace
diving suit
defense potion
attack potion

With a final synchronized step you present yourself on the shore near the Hospital where the Fishmen tugged your one-person submarine. Lula Barielle, the mermaid almost madly in love is sitting on the metal hull of your ship, she will be your figurehead. Twelves of the bravest and ugliest Fishmen you ever saw are tying ropes to their waste to tug the submarine that can only goes up and down.

"I see you brought some friends, Alfonso" Lula asks you, resting her head in her palm
"Is that going to be a problem."
"Not at all" she smirks "I like when Humans bend over backwards for me."
You check again your badass party only to find them drooling mouth open on the beautiful mermaid, all their charisma and menacing aura gone. They quickly come back to their sense once you remind them of what is ahead. The mermaid, the Fishmen, your men and you are going to force the Elven blockade, descent to the underwater cave access, fight a Kraken, and Undine and possibly the Elven Ambassador to finally bring back the cure for the plague. At least, as much as you can carry.

"We waited long enough my minions." Lula declares "Let the Elves know who are the master of the Ocean."
The group of Fishmen starts gurgling with their throat in approbation.
"We are the children of Poseidon, last of the Old Gods and we bow before no one."
They brandish their coral weapons, a selection of curved swords and tridents.
"Today we reclaim our home!"

After a final cheering from the deformed Fishmen, your party take place on the submarine with your two fellow Human forcing themselves to look away from Lula like two children conflicted about the first sight of a naked woman. Half naked to be precise. Bold and already immunized against her charm, you sit next to her for a final strategic meeting. Her thick mass of readhair, rest on her frail naked shoulder gleaming gold dust. She turns her pretty face and transcluscent eyes at you, modestly covering her breasts by crossing her slender arms. This only result in pushing them up, accentuating their form.

"Seen something you like?" she tentatively loosen her arms
"I'm here to speak about how we should force the blockade."
"Hmpf" she pouts "No fun. You know if you failed to resist my charm the first time we met, you would be drooling just like these two over there."
"I thought you liked it better when people try to resist?"
"Let's change subject before I feel the need to turn back in my Human form." she bites her lower lips containing her perverted thoughts "There are at least three Elven galleys 'manned' by their golems. You can expect the Elven Commando on board but... their leader seemes to have encountered a derible fate. Do you know anything about that?"
"Fine. I should be able to charm them but that lunatic would have probably resisted. As for the golems... No need to say I can't do anything about them."
"We can always dive right now."
"Impossible. There is no landmark here on the sea floor, we would be lost. You have to wait to be above the Kelp Forest. But maybe if we only dive a few feet under the sea..."

How are you going to face the Elven galleys?
>let Lula charm the sentient crew but you will have to stay close to the ships, threatened by the golems
>dive a few feet under the sea but you have to face the Elves firing arrows at you and the Fishmen tugging the submarine
>>let Lula charm the sentient crew but you will have to stay close to the ships, threatened by the golems
I'm not sure what the golems have in store for us, nor am I sure how much velocity the arrows fired into the water would lose. Not sure what the Golems could do, but the Elves have spirit magic they can enchant their bows with. We've seen the potential power of a lightning arrow in that crit fail a couple threads ago. I don't like the idea of risking electrocution.
>let Lula charm the sentient crew but you will have to stay close to the ships, threatened by the golems.
Nice to see you back alde
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The Fishmen allows you to get the farther away possible from the City under quarantine, where many attempted to leave before without success. Wreckages of modern and sail ship are floating or pointing their nose out of the sea floor. These Elven galleys have made a very good job at containing the infected as well as the Coastal Battery from the Citadel that you inadvertently blew up. And now you are going to face the last line of defense of the world against this infection.

Passing under a large sail hanging from a broken mast, you get into the heart of this ship graveyard. It's awfully silent and the broken ships reminds you of the corpses near the Hospital.

"Right under the water line." notice Giusepe
"What is it?" you ask
"This sip, it was rammed in just under the water line."

That could explain how Elves managed to sink so many ship despite not having any canon.


A war drum echoes over the surface of the water. With the pale sun high in the sky, this feels almost like a real battle, except that you are outnumbered and underequipped. No, this is the call of the hunt. A giant galley with its oars perfectly synced is positioning its axe in your direction.


Another one just answered the drum.


And another one. The rhythms are out of synch, overlapping each other silent to result in a much faster pace, like a creature running toward you. Yet, the Fishmen are still tugging the submarine. And Lula... The mermaid just took one deep breath as the first arrows rain down, out of reach for the moment.


Her serene voice makes your body trembles, strong enough to carry to the galleys and yet soft enough sooth your heart. It's nothing less than scary. You step back after pictures of a quiet forest flashed in your mind. No doubt this spoke to the Elves since the arrow rain stopped. And yet...


The galleys continue their ramming. Worst, they are still aligning themselves with your submarine. Elegant finely shaped vessel likes swordfishes.

"Let's cut some knife-ears." Mario says brandishing his rifle
"Y-Yeah!" Giusepe supports him "We choose one ship and attack, I don't want to drown here."

You have the mechanical programmable butterfly you can use to send your high explosive on a ship or maybe a good old boarding will do. For that last plan, you will have to place the submarine in safety by diving first, which means transporting Lula while she sings one a wreckage and... touching her...

If only you had some sort of incendiary device...
>use your mechanical programmable butterfly to send the high explosive to the nearest one
>you will board a galley with a grappling hook but first get Lula on a wreckage without falling under her charms (Social)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
We do have fire spirit, if we get close enough, we could set the ships on fire one by one, the elves are gonna be charmed while the ship burns
>you will board a galley with a grappling hook but first get Lula on a wreckage without falling under her charms (Social)
What were our stats again?
Physical 70
Mental 45
Social 35

The Fire Spirit only activated in life or death situation until now. It's a gamble
roll 1d100, must be under 40 (35 +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Damn this quest runs very late for me
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>rolled 71, failure

Instructing the Fishmen to get closer to some wreckage and assemble a makeshift raft, you tell your plan to your mates. Meanwhile, you seize the mermaid by her waist to haul her over your shoulder. But as soon as you make contact with her skin, you find yourself surrounding by trees. You are now in a primeval forest with a refreshing smell of grass and pine trees filling your nostrils. It's a very pleasant scenery so you don't mind walking around, admiring flowers and listening to the birds. Why are you here already? Didn't you have something important to do? In the middle of the forest, a mermaid is singing in a lake surrounded by a bunch of Elves quietly listening to her. What a beautiful voice.

Temporary -5 combaitvity
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You came back to your senses in a sea of fire.

"Alfonso, let go of her already." Mario and Giusepe are shouting at you.

Still holding the thin waist of Lula, you were transfixed on her severe yet forgiving gaze like in a religious trance. You shake your head and renounce touching her again. She extends her arms gently brushing against your as you leave her embrace, sending chills down your spine. A smirk surfaces on her face while she keeps singing. She clearly enjoyed the influence she had on you and her song feel more powerful now.

"We had to use the high explosive, Alfonso. You didn't wake up and the ship was really close we..." Mario try to explain the situation but is interrupted by Giuesepe
"Another one incoming!"

-1 high explosive


The oars surges from the sea like a thousand pikes, the galleys will soon be on the submarine, there's no escaping it. You have to board it or now that there are only two left, find a way to make the Fishmen go faster while tugging your vessel.

Fight or flight
>maybe Lula can boost their speed but without being able to neutralize the Elven Commandos
>let Lula stays on the submarine and use a makeshift raft to board the galley

Who come with you on the galley?
Should you use the grappling hook, jump potion
>grappling hook (Physical)
>jump potion (2 left)
resuming a 8PM EDT
You can choose to gulp down more potions or cast a Divine Magic spell before boarding of course
>>let Lula stays on the submarine and use a makeshift raft to board the galley
Sling some lead, bust some heads.
Giuseppe should definitely come along, I'm not certain the bullets with have much of an effect on the golems.
>Grappling hook
Drink the Coca. And a speed. Seems like we've got a pretty huge fight ahead of us, and the effects of these will last us a day. Just don't get knocked out, and we'll be fine to use them to their full effectiveness.
Giuseppe should drink his defense and attack potions if he's going to be in melee with the golems. Mario can hang back. Maybe he should drink his speed potion.
-1 Coca elixir
-2 speed potion[
-1 attack potion
-1 defense potion

+20 Physical
time travel halved, +10 on some actions

roll 1d100, must be under 90 (70 +20 thanks to elixir +5 thanks to outfit -5 combativity)
Rolled 10 (1d100)

checked, rollan
>rolled 10, clear success
On board

Abandoning the submarine and with the Fishmen trying to bring it out of reach of the galley, you were stranded on the makeshift raft, trying to approach the galley. As it passes nearby with the giant oars plowing the sea and burrying the wreckage on its way, you toss the grappling hook on the bow and start climbing rapidly followed by Giusepe and Mario.

Nobody tries to stop you despite several Elves looking over. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say they were admiring the view, transfixed on the submarine. Once you are on board you, all prepared to fight with your revolver and Giusepe having your back with the nailed mace you confirm what you saw. The Elves are still under the charm of the mermaid.

"I say we kill the knife-ears. They are the caster right?" Mario proposes "No caster, no golem."
"I doubt I can break the oars, even with this mace." Giusepe comments

However, two columns of ice golems are rowing on each side. They don't care about you either. Another golem, slightly different from the other is beating the drum on the stern. Despite the best effort of the Fishmen, the galley will soon be on the submarine.

Stopping the galley
>murder the Elves still charmed by the mermaid (roll free)
>use your smoke bomb to create to prevent anyone or anything deciding of the ship's direction to make changes
>try to understand how they can detect the submarine and change the direction of the galley (Mental) (-10 golem magic)
>try to understand how they can detect the submarine and change the direction of the galley by drinking your investigation potion
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>try to understand how they can detect the submarine and change the direction of the galley (Mental) (-10 golem magic)
Drink the Saffron. We'll have it for a day. This is probably the best option. Consumables saved for later, unforeseen consequences from murdering the Elves avoided.
The Drummer is controlling the rowing golems, of course. Whether it's deciding on the direction remains to be seen. If the Elves are casters and they're transfixed on Lula, of course they're going to keep steering toward the sub. The galley will probably stop if we kill either the Elves, or the drummer. But both of those options could have potential consequences. There's no way we can take on all of the golems rowing this thing if they decide to attack us.
roll 1d100, must be under 60 (45 -10 golem magic +20 thanks to elixir +5 thanks to outfit +0 thanks to write-in)
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Rolled 2 (1d100)


Nice work.
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>rolled 2, clear success
crystal clear

It's clear now that the drummer is the one directing the ship. Changing the rythm of his drumming to communicate a change of direction with one column rowing faster than the other. It's actually crystal clear. You even see the totem giving life to the golem inside. There are no caster, these are golem after all.

Aside from looking bigger than the rower, this golem seems to be the only one with an eye. You are not sure if a bullet could break the totem inside or even damage its 'eye'. Should you even try to permanently disable the golems? Without them the infected will leave the City as they please and spread the infection to the world.

Just before making your first step toward the drummer, you notice that its 'head' is following your party. He is actually staring at you with its only eye, while keeping the submarine in check. Better be careful on that one if he can command the other golems.

>aim for the eye/totem (Mental) (-10 distance)
>have Mario aim at the eye/totem with his rifle
>approach the drummer to destroy the drum
>use your smoke bomb to make a smoke screen around the drummer
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>have Mario aim at the eye/totem with his rifle
Pass him the aiming artifact as well. Just for this shot. He can make it.
which one? both?
Totem. Gotta be the source of the power. Don't know how it'll react if it suddenly cannot see. Don't know how the other golems will react if the overseer dies. Maybe they'll simply just keep on rowing without direction.
>Without them the infected will leave the City as they please and spread the infection to the world.
Destroying the totem seems like a big mistake. I'll vote for
>approach the drummer to destroy the drum
Rolled 1 (1d2)

tie breaker unless another player shows up within 10 minutes
-1 paper cartridge

Mario takes a knee with your artefact in his pocket, aim at the golem with his rifle and fires. The bullet travels between the row of golems and lands over the ice covering the totem. The outer shell of the drummer creaks, it stands still, an arm still in the air, frozen. The other golem raise their oars in a synchronized stop to their pursuit of the submarine.

"pheeew... nice shot." Giusepe comments through the helmet of his diving suit

The galley is completely still and the submarine far away, trying to escape the last Elven ship. This last enemy will pass near the galley you are currently on. Boarding it by throwing the grappling hook over the mast is relatively easy compared to climbing the last one. After landing on the bridge, Mario is ready to aim at the last drummer.

"Y-You... You are not supposed... You are not supposed to be here." an Elf weakly speaks

It's the lieutenant whose captain you killed in the Workers District. Like the other he is charmed by the song of Lula but tries to resist. He won't be a problem though judging by his movements. You wonder how hard the boarding would have been if it was the lunatic captain. Anyway, killing his superior allowed him to get loose and starts a killing spree amidst Humans. It's time to put an end to it, right?

Should Mario destroy the last line of defense of the world against the infection?
>aim for the eye/totem, write-in which on (Mental) (-10 distance)
>yes, aim for the eye/totem, write-in which on
>approach the drummer to destroy the drum
>use your smoke bomb to make a smoke screen around the drummer

About the lieutenant
>kill him like that, write-in
>let him live

Also, say something cool after sparing/killing him
>approach the drummer to destroy the drum
>kill him like that, slit his throat. Quick and clean.

>One last trip for you... (Haul him overboard)
This. If the Elves are in the deep, they already surely have access to the algae. They have the potential to cure the plague. They just haven't. If we're going down there to kill the Ambassador and we bother to spare this guy, what incentive does he have to stick around enforcing the quarantine? He's went out and murdered countless humans after we killed the Joker stand-in captain. He clearly does not respect human lives. Lets just kill this murderer and be done with it.
And if this is his ship, this must be the main one. Might be some nice loot on board.
The lieutenant is doing is best to ignore the mermaid's call but is still turned toward the submarine half of the time. You get beside him and use your dagger to slit is throat, on kick in his back and he falls overboard.

"One last trip of your..." you add

>killing a non-Human
+10 Sol's alignment
-10 Charon's alignment
>throwing a dead body in water
+10 Charon's alignment
-10 Sol's alignment

Convinced that this is the main ship, you decide to not leave without looting. Too bad you did steal the medium healing potion on him. But the stern should have plenty of more useful stuff. You approch the drummer and pass between the rows of golems.


Suddenly, the drummer, its only eye fixed on you change the pace and strength of the beating, making long pause sometimes followed by fast repeated beats. The effect on the rowers is immediate, they alternate between putting the oar in and out of the water which result in making a corridor of death on the bridge.

An oar, like giant battering ram is hurling on your party
>stop the log with help of Giusepe (Strength) (-5 because of relationship status)
>have Giusepe face down in his heavy suit and dodge the log with Mario (Strength) (+10 thanks to speed potion)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
resuming at 8PM EDT
>stop the log with help of Giusepe (Strength) (-5 because of relationship status)

We have a 90 right now so it should still be any easy pass and doesn't risk Giusepe getting incapacitated as much as the other option.

Additionally, have Mario line up a shot while Giusepe an Alfonso stop the oar.
having people this late was unexpected, let's roll

roll 1d100, must be under 85 (70 +20 thanks to elixir +5 thanks to outfit -5 combativity -5 relationship with Giusepe)
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>rolled 57, success
tug war

You feel adrenaline pumping up in your veins, teeth numbed and joints slightly dislocated. Using the Coca elixir to its full extent you and the help of Giusepe you push the oar sideway and deviate it despite the giant log being handled by an ice golem. With the momentum it printed on the improvised weapon, the creature didn't expect someone parrying like that. Actually it does not care. The golem just follows the instruction of the beating. You grimace, using a foot to assure a new stance and push it further to give Mario enough space to aim with his rifle.

"Don't underestimate dockers, testa di cazzo!" Giusepe barks

Imitating your stance, he uses his copper covered neck to push the log further. Meanwhile, Mario had the time to prepare his shot and destroy the totem inside the drummer. As soon as the beating stop, all the other golem stand still. Then, they lift their oars out of the water, changing the motion take you and Giusepe off guard and you fall on the deck.

-1 paper cartridge

"Like an elephant in the doorway." Mario straps back the rifle on his back

The deck is completely silent, only the distant song of the mermaid fills the air and the occasional moans of the Elves listening. It gives you enough time to reflect on your decision. Bringing Giusepe and Mario was definitely the right choice for this match, but considering what comes next you are not sure about your choice. The elixir saved your life and killing the captain beforehand made all of that the easier. Now without a leader, the Elven Commando won't be able to enforce the self-quarantine order and without their ship the infected might escape the City. There is no turning back.

Lula's song becomes louder. The submarine is approaching to get you all on board and you have to decide what to do from now on.

About the Elves
>kill them all (2 hours)
>let them live (Lula will continue to sing until you are out of reach)

About the ship
>burn them down
>don't bother

There is just enough space in the submarine for Mario and his rifle, you will have to choose what you want to loot from the ship
>loot gold
>loot potions
>loot something else, write-in

Continuing to the Kelp Forest where you can dive, your plan was to put Mario in the submarine, have Giusepe in the diving suit and drink and underwater breathing potion to accompany them.
>proceed like that
>make some changes (casting Divine Magic in preparation)
ok, now really resuming at 8PM EDT and proceed with the next level
>>Kill enough Elves to cast Warmth, no more than that.
>don't bother
>loot potions
>make some changes (casting Divine Magic in preparation)
Warmth. The water is probably frigid. I would like to avoid shitty dice modifiers in the next fight due to freezing.
You can already cast it

roll 1d100, must be under 80 (35 +5 thanks to outfit +40 thanks to Sol's alignment)
Rolled 9 (1d100)

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>rolled 9, success
Praise Sol

After taking thining the ranks of the Elves and replacing the potions you took before the fight with medium healing potion found on the Elves, you call on Sol to grant you the favor of Warmth. Even in high sea and in cold winter, the divine embrace of the sun reaches your heart and warm your body, healing you of any injury you had... none that is. Regardless, you feel dazed for a moment, enamoured with such a magnificent incandescent body. You really feel like you are on a divine mission.

Temporary -5 combativity lost
+5 medium healing potion

>killing enough Elves to avoid loosing favors
+10 Sol's alignment
-10 Charon's alignment

Warmth spell used : resistance to cold, 0 miracles left
-10 Sol's alignment

When the submarine arrives, you get all on board. Mario inside with the firearms protected from the water, Giusepe in his diving suit and you outside after drinking a waterbreathing potion. The Fishmen tug the ship faster above the Kelp Forest where they will be able to descent toward the access to their underwater caves.


Waves after waves are crashing on the metal hull of the ship that will allow you to carry the miraculous algae back. Lula stopped her singing now that the galley are far behind. She passes a flock of hair behind her ears, enjoying the speed. She smiles at you, flashing all her teeth and eyes closed, enjoying this like a little child. But as her eyes slowly open on you, her innocent face displays a wicked expression.

You get swallowed by the Ocean, just like the submarine starting to fill the ballast with water. Now it's your turn. With the underwater breathing potion you should be able to take all that water in your lungs, but... the idea is quite scary. Maybe Lula is actually looking forward at you experimenting drowning. She really has the strangest tastes.

>breath in water right now and try to resist the panic as it fills your lung in the most unnatural way (Mental) (-5 Sailor)
>hold your breath as much as you can, in the last moment you will naturally breathe in water without thinking
>it's scary, hold Lula's hand
>(Mental) (-5 Sailor)
*(Mental) (-5 Sailor +20 elixir)
>>breath in water right now and try to resist the panic as it fills your lung in the most unnatural way (Mental) (-5 Sailor)
roll 1d100, must be under 65 (45 +20 elixir -5 sailor +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)


Dice gods are being very generous today...
>Dice gods are being very generous today...
Just the calm before the storm. Using all of our good rolls now, before we even reach the dungeon.
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>rolled 6, success

You decide that the manliest thing to do is to face your problem straight on, so you immediately expel all the air in your lung. The negative pressure in created drown you in sea water making you spasm only one or two time. Actually it was just you getting used to the more intense exercise of expelling a fluid form your lungs. Signalling that everything is ok to Lula, you see the mermaid turns her head and pout disappointed.

Giusepe grabs your shoulders and get his helmet to the level of your face. He assesses your situation, trying to speak in his helmet but of course no sound comes out. Communication will be limited underwater until you reach the caves. Giant kelp trees brushes against the hull of the submarine, with the rays of the sun barely passing through. The whole party sinks deeper in the abyss.


In the distance gleaming lava veins indicate the entrance near the thermal vents, but in between, shadows menacingly swimming in odd directions are preventing you to access without a fight. A prolonged metal creaking sound can be heard from the ship. The Fishmen can't pull any further.


As you all circle the ship to investigate the origin of this incident, you notice a large tentacle entangled around the rear of the submarine. A shawod from which it belongs looms over the ship, it's a giant squid and there are a dozen waiting for you.

Eight arms, twelve Fishmen and two humans, how are you going to fight it?
>cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 heat of battle)
>let Giusepe handle it with his nailed mace
>let the Fishmen handle it
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle)
roll 1d100, must be under 75 (70 -5 underwater -10 heat of battle +20 elixir)
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>rolled 94, failure

You slowly arm your weapon in the water, aiming for the tentacle imprisoning your submarine. Meanwhile, another appendage grabs your ankle and pull you on the other side of the submarine. The instant pain numbs your leg, thousands little darts pierce your almost unprotected skin. It's only by chance that your head missed the metal hull.

-10 from pain, can't use right leg

Seeing this, all the Fishmen abandon their post and go help you with Giusepe. Thankfully, while you were keeping the creature busy they managed to pierce right between its eyes with an harpoon. However, helping you made the submarine stationary for a little too long and now two other giant squid are approaching.

>have the Fishmen choose one of the squid and pull the submarine in that direction
>let the Fishmen handle one of them
>don't move and use the submarine as a platform to fight them
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>don't move and use the submarine as a platform to fight them
Well. If our leg is fucked, we're not going to be doing much swimming. Lets avoid having to have a fishman bail us out if we sink.
Lets also avoid shooting guns off. I doubt this thing is waterproofed, so lets not go out and ruin a second revolver.
And there it is.
Support, though I'm a bit worried about what might happen if the submarine gets damaged. Mario doesn't have any other protection I think.
And after waiting for both of them there is now sixteen tentacles fending on your group. More than you can handle even with the help of the Fishmen. The submarube did not move a single inch toward the cave entry either.

>the Fishmen attack one of the giant squid
>you all defend the submarine, and you try your best to contribute (Mental)) (-10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>you all defend the submarine, and you try your best to contribute (Mental)) (-10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir)
Support. Also drink a healing potion while we're at it.
I'd like to but
can we get some weird physical roll to hold the bottle in our mouth and uncork it with our teeth, Alde?
roll 1d100, must be under 50 (45 -10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 4 (1d100)

rolled 4, clear success
hit or miss

You manage to avoid not one but two tentacles lashing at the submarine, cutting one in the process. Giusepe shielded himself with the nailed mace which injured one tentacle ripping on the nails. Sadly the Fishmen only managed to stop twelve of the thirteen remaining tentacles and the submarine is once again seized by one of the monster's arms.

What do?
>cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 heat of battle)
>let Giusepe handle it with his nailed mace
>let the Fishmen handle it
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle)
Swinging a large mace would be pretty unwieldy underwater. Probably too much water resistance. Something bladed like one of our knives or a harpoon/spear seems much more effective. We can pull this off.
roll 1d100, must be under 75 (70 -10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 79 (1d100)

You hit the hull and make your cleaver bounce, missing the tentacle. Squeezing the submarine the squid gets a loud creaking sound from it. There are still two to be defeated to simply survive and plenty on the way to the entrance of the cave near the thermal vents past the Kelp Forest. AT least you have the same number of defender as the number of tentacle currently lashing at you now. The vessels till has not moved forward one bit and another wave of attack is coming while the submarine is under stress.

Twelve Fishmen and two Humabs vs fourteen tentacles
>everyone defends to prevent the squids getting another hold on the submarine (Mental) (-10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir)
>try again to cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 heat of battle -10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>try again to cut the arm holding the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir)
It's could begin crushing it. We're not going to get our mates out of here if it gets damaged.
roll 1d100, must be under 75 (70 -10 from the pain -10 heat of battle +20 elixir +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 22 (1d100)

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One of the Fishmen had his arm crushed by a tentacle, but they successfully repelled the attack. Meanwhile, you severed the limb imprisoning the submarine. It's now your party's turn to attack. Everyone tries his best to cut more tentacles, leaving the squid dismembered and propelling themselves uncontrollably away from the ship. However, more of them are coming. Four to be precise and you still have not moved a bit.

Giusepe points down the Kelp Forest and you understand that he is suggesting hiding in between the tall algaes. Lula is nowhere to be found, which worries you deeply, she has been missing since the squids showed up.

>hide by sinking deeper in the Kelp Forest, you will protect the submarine and fight the squid separately
>forward to the cave entrance, you have to move closer before it gets even worse
>signal the Fishmen to ram the submarine in the nearest squid as a decoy and kill it before it crushes the ship
>stay here and use the submarine as a defence platform
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>hide by sinking deeper in the Kelp Forest, you will protect the submarine and fight the squid separately

We can distract the squid while the fishmen move the sub further up or something, we just need to keep the sub safe. Sorry for the late arrival by the way, completely forgot we were on.
Supporting this
The submarine hovers above the sea floor, hidden in the kelp. Giusepe, in his diving suit, touch down, sending thick sand clouds with the heavy weights on his feet. He won't be of any use if you want to attack the giant squids patrolling above.

The entrance of the caves is about one hundred meters, straight forward. You could easily access it alone, using the Fishmen as decoy or drinking ignored potions. On the other hand, the squids above do not expect you to attack them now. With the twelve Fishmen and you against thirteen tentacles, everyone can do its part but you won't have the protection of the submarine.

What should you do?
>drink the ignored potion and kill one of the squid alone
>stealthily get to the nearest squid and kill it (Mental) (-10 underwater -10 from the pain +20 elixir)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (-10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir)
>attack straight on with the Fishmen (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

What should the Fishmen do?
>attack the squid along with you
>stay hidden and tend to their wounds
>escape the kelp forest and proceed on sea floor level to the entrance of the cave with the submarine
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>stealthily get to the nearest squid and kill it (Mental) (-10 underwater -10 from the pain +20 elixir)
>escape the kelp forest and proceed on sea floor level to the entrance of the cave with the submarine
We run as soon as they're close enough to the cave.
roll 1d100, must be under (45 -10 underwater -10 from the pain +20 elixir +5 from outfit)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>rolled 30, success

Pulling the vessel on the sea flour, the Fishmen and Giusepe cover a quarter of the distance before you successfully sneak behind a giant squid and plunge your dagger in his propulsion sack. Unable to regulate the water flow, the squid panic and sink out of control to the bottom of the ocean. You are now facing the other squid alone while your men and Fishmen downstairs are facing not one, not two, but four squid.

There's no end to them.
>fire at an eye using your revolver and get back to the submarine (Mental) (-10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>escape to the kelp forest and get back to the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>escape to the kelp forest and get back to the submarine (Physical) (-5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir)
roll 1d100, must be under 70 (70 -5 underwater -10 heat of battle -10 from pain +20 elixir) +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>rolled 16, success
too slow

Outnumbered but with the submarine as cover, the Fishmen bravely defend themselves against thirty-two tentacles tearing them apart and poisoning their body. Giusepe heroically protect his portion of the submarine, back against the hull but it's not enough. Two of the squids manage to imprison the submarine while an injured one is busy feeding detached limbs of FIshmen to its mouth, Giusepe heroically swing his mace to defend his side and killed a squid. Three Fishmen left and Giusepe against three squids.

You manage to make it to the thick cloud of blood surrounding the submarine without the squid on your tail. No doubt it will come back once it realizes you escaped. The submarine is making creaking sound again, the situation is desperate. The defender can try killing the injured squid busy with their companion's corpses or try to severe the sixteen tentacles surrounding the submarine. The Fishmen's bulging eyes look even more panicked as floating limbs pass before them, they turn to you for guidance now that they lost their mistress. Where is Lula?!

>sacrifice the submarine with Mario inside and attack the injured squid, then move forward
>sacrifice the Fishmen and attack the tentacles surrounding the submarine
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

>sacrifice the Fishmen and attack the tentacles surrounding the submarine
>>sacrifice the Fishmen and attack the tentacles surrounding the submarine
Attacking the tentacles trying to squeeze on the submarine with your cleaver, you cut them one after the other imitated by the Fishmen. Meanwhile, the squid behind finished its meal and starts plucking the Fishmen one after the other in total silence, each time making a victim disappear into the cloud of blood. A final violent creaking can be heard from the submarine with the hull bending under the conjugated effort of a tentacle and the pressure. When there are finally no more tentacles around you realize none of the Fishmen survived. The only squid left, satiated, leaves.

However, the one you left above the kelp forest is rapidly closing the distance. Without the help of the Fishmen, you and Giusepe can only make the submarine advance half-way to the entrance where not one, not two, not four, but eight giant squid are guarding.

Right now your only preoccupation is the enemy you left behind coming for you
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>attack the giant squid alone with a cleaver in one hand and the dagger in the other (Physical) (-40 dual wielding alone against eight tentacles -10 from pain +20 elixir -10 heat of battle +5 parry +5 damage)
>use the ignored potion, wait for the giant squid to pass near you and stealth attack
>defend the submarine, don't risk being turned to mince meat like the Fishmen (Mental) (-20 two against eight tentacles -5 relationship with Giusepe -10 from pain +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>attack the giant squid alone with a cleaver in one hand and the dagger in the other (Physical) (-40 dual wielding alone against eight tentacles -10 from pain +20 elixir -10 heat of battle +5 parry +5 damage)
>fire at an eye using your revolver (Mental) (-10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

10 minutes before tie breaker
roll 1d100, must be under 60 (45 -10 from pain +10 aiming artefact +20 elixir -10 heat of battle +5 from outfit)
Rolled 3 (1d100)

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>rolled 3, total success
bull's eye

Stabilizing yourself on the sand, you aim at the giant squid with your revolver. It would be hard to miss but to get a vital part on this creature might prove difficult, so you decided to shoot one of its eye. The revolver moves slowly against the water resistance, you pull the hammer, take your time to aim and makes bull's eye. A small bubble of fire evaporates water around your firearm, you can hear the detonation beating on your eardrum. The trail of the bullet move as slowly as an arrow but it's enough to tear off the bulging eye of the squid, even pierce further into its head. After a few spasms, the giant squid falls on the sea floor.

-1 FMJ bullet

With the help of Giusepe, you painfully make the submarine move forward to the entrance of the caves. The finish line is on sight as well as the last eight giant squids. You squeeze the handgun of your revolver, not knowing if you will be able to shoot them all or defend the submarine. Maybe there was a clever approach, maybe you came underprepared, maybe a bigger submarine personally made by the Profesore Tornelli Piccardi da Costa would have easily passed this... Regrets won't get you anywhere now. There is no choice but to march forward.

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As you try to bury this thought deep in your mind, a pack of shark swim above your head. Blue sharks, just like in the aquarium of the Pearl of the Ocean. And riding the front one is none other than Lula! The small blue sharks ram into the giant squids with their pointy noise and their dumb inoffensive face, annoying the monsters like a swarm of mosquitoes impossible to catch. A bunch of them is heading down on the submarine. You instinctively protect yourself, but they pass by you to bite the ropes used to pull the submarine, getting the ship just before the entrance with Giusepe still attached.


Lula grabs your hands and swim with you, flashing a carnivorous smile. The rest of your party sinks deeper into what looks like a bottomless abyss, shielded from the sunlight. Pressure is about to destroy your eardrum or maybe it's just the explosion from your revolver, anyway it's too deep for a normal Human. The submarine surfaces in a pocket of air where the wall are covered in luminescent blue shrooms. You painfully empty your lungs from all the seawater, coughing until total exhaustion before the mermaid. She lifts half of her body from this underwater lake, leaning on your exhausted self, and gently apply her lips on yours with her wet redhair cascading on you.

"D̰͉ry̡̻͎͖̘̤̼ ̻͔m̡͓̱͈̱̳̭y̡̻ ̜l̸͍e̞̭̪͉̠͉ģ̙̥̗̗s͓̰̤̤̳̬,̩̘ ͘A̧̫͍l̻f̣o̸̹͉͖̘̳̟̤n̢͈s͜o̴̝͖̼̥͓̜̯.̢͔̖̬̮̮̻̺" ̥͢she whispers "Ẉ̶̼ͅe̶͉̭͖̖ ̰͎̯̠ͅs͕t̝̦̪̟̠̞̫ì͖l͚͎̦̗͍l͎͈̖̹̘͇ ̷̞̩h͔̖͔̺̬̱͘a̷͍͇͓̬̣͇v̬̻̬e͔͔͙̠̣̹͢ ̶̯̖̣̦̬͔a̺̘ ̣͕͈͝ͅl̰̥̞͖͚ͅon͔̭̱̱̕g̮̳͠ ̵̭̦̘̫͎͖̯w̴̫͖a̼̱̭̥̮ỳ̯͔̺͚ ̢͈̱̱̹t̷̥̫͕̳̱͚o̦͕ ͖͚͚̺̜͈̕g͎o͖͡.̦̘̤̭̟"
"WHAT?!" you scream with a renewed strength
resuming at 8PM EDT
Thanks for running, man.
Well that's unsettling. Looking forward to tomorrow!
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With an injured leg and your earring destroyed, you have no choice but to take a medium healing potion for the fight to come. While you recover, Mario gets out of the submarine with the perfectly preserved flintlock pistols and his rifle as well as all the gunpowder. The cave has a few jetties built in moldy wood recovered from sunken ships, more unsettling is the fact that some Elven equipment is lying around with various amphoras and piles of conveniently piled towels. You use one of them to dry the mermaid lower part, eliciting moans slowly increasing in intensity from Lula.

"Haaaan... please be gentle Alfonso." she asks shyly biting her lower lips
"We don't have time for this, young lady." you protest energetically rubbing the towel

After more lewd from lady Barielle, getting Mario and Giusepe quite unconfortble you suceed in turning her to back to her Human form, fully naked. She hides herself from your view by covering your face with the sole of her freshly summoned feet. For once, the perverted young lady is at your mercy but she does not intend to stay like that as you hear the towels shuffles around her body.

"You *pants* you served me well Alfonso *pants*" she recovers from the rough session "But before we go further, I..." the confidence in her voice is gone, just like her strength "I need to know where we stand together and there is no way out this time."

She removes her feet slightly from your face and you witness her exhausted body recovering on the jetty, her redhair in a wet halo around her head, her arms nonchalantly spread to ease, the fabric covering her breasts gently raising up and down as she breathes. No wonder the young lady is one of your favourite, but you also think about Lady Cremosa. What do you want exactly? Who do you want? Lisa? Lula? Both?

"Swear allegiance to me and I will make you more powerful than you ever dreamed of." she smirks deviously "Be mine until the Ocean runs dry."
"Don't say anything, prove it." her wicked tone and raised feet are a clear indication of what she expects

What do?
>kiss them
You are now in the network of underwater caves of the Fishmen, where Sunshine presumably escaped after the death of the Gallileof. There should be traces of the Ambassador, his ally the Undine and maybe more Elves but more importantly the Kraken. Now that you think about it, there was supposed to be 'Kraken's shards' on the way to the entrance, were the squid actually parts of that monster? Right now you have to decide how everyone is going to prepare for the final fight.

Should everyone drink their assigned potion?
>yes (Mario : defence potion, Giusepe : attack potion)

Reassign the flintlock pistols
>Mario keeps the two pistols and his rifle
>someone get the flintlock pistols, write-in (Lula, Giusepe, You)

You used all your miracles for today with Warmth, but you still have plenty of potions if you want to drink any

Note : I'm considering letting this be the only update for tonight. It's an important commitment with Lady Barielle and I want the majority of players to decide since there was a tie with Lady Cremosa. Also, it would make us resume on a Friday night for the big boss fight so there's that
Yeah. I prefer Lisa.
>>yes (Mario : defence potion, Giusepe : attack potion)
Can Lula or Giuseppe shoot? If they have any skill with guns, then Mario can pass over one of the flintlocks and some paper cartridges to the best shot out of the two of them.
>I'm considering letting this be the only update for tonight
Fair enough. Fine by me. I'd rather have everyone here get a chance to vote on this. Pretty major decision.
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>kiss them
We need her to be fully in love with us if we want to fight the kraken, the ambassador and the water spirit. We need an edge in this, a trump card, this is it.
I also want to tell her that we are not doing this for money and power, our feelings are genuine and that we need each other

>kiss them
But don't swear allegiance. Alfonso is dignified, we're not going to bow down to some mermaid, no matter how pretty she may be. Personally, I'm leaning to the bachelor camp for alfonso.

roll 1d100, must be under 20 (35 +5 thanks to outfit -20 because underworld boss)
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

>rolled 50, failed

Right here, right now, you can only see yourself kneeling in front of this gorgeous young lady. Such wits and confidence, not mentioning her fatal beauty... Before your tongue reach her skin, she dips her finger in a nearby river formed by water running down from the wall.

You fear the implications as you just dried her feet. Kissing a woman's skin might be enjoyable, especially Lula's but her mermaid's appendage covered in fish scales, not really. So you hurry to the task before the transformation, lending multiples smooches on her, even trying to go further up her calves and between her thighs. A burning heat is adding to Warmth in your heart, you feel stronger, immensely stronger and more alert with a passion strong enough to move mountains. Yet, she does not transform.

Permanent +5 Physical, +5 Mental, +5 Social
Lula's progression 10/10

"Ah ah ah, poor Alfonso." she laughs
"Hey calm down Alfonso." Giusepe and Mario worries about your mental health
"Enough now my dear servant." she pats your head with compassion "Did you get so overwhelmed by my taste that you did not notice?"
"That was fresh water." she smiles victoriously "I don't know how, I don't know why but the appearance of the Kraken coincided with this. All the water inside our cave is now fresh water."
"But I do take your devotion very seriously my dear."

She stands up and turns her back to you, failing to contain her joy and lust by wrapping it with as much dignity as she can. She really worked hard for you and she will not let you slip easily from that. On your side you are still struggling with your feelings towards her. It's clear that what just happened was partially caused by her charms, especially your reaction. She had you in the palm of her hand.

>Temporary +20 Physical
>Temporary +20 Mental
>Temporary +20 Social
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"Now that I think about it..." you ponder looking at the Mario's arsenal "Do you know how to use a weapon? How are you even going to fight?"
"Please Alfonso..." she pridefully responds "I'm the Queen of the Ocean."

Lula, still only barely covered by a few rags makes a few steps toward the wall of the cave and pluck a luminescent shroom from it. She comes back, her bare feet filling the cave with wet noises imitating high heels, put an arm on her hip and extending her arm with the plant she just picked, she proceeds to squeeze it firmly, getting every last bit of the luminescent substance.

Both you and your men finally forget the lady's attire and quizzically look at the mess she just unleashed on the cave's floor. You are about to question her sanity or if she had decompression sickness or something but the luminescent liquid starts arranging itself in strange patterns.

"It's a map!" Mario realizes
"In the name of Sol, what sorcery is this?" Giusepe signs himself
"I command all creatures of the sea, remember?" she adds with a smug face but quickly correct herself "Titans are the exception it seems."

The map details the Fishmen village, she explains you where the miraculous algae is located as well as the Kraken. She also mentions the smuggler's den where you might be able to find useful stuff but warns that some parts of the cave are underwater... fresh water, but it will ruin the paper cartridges and flintlock firearms.

"One more thing Alfonso." she leans close, wiping her hands from the luminescent fluids on you "The Temple is right there and you know... Our Old God can't still grant you many blessing depending on what you are willing to do."
"Those selfish demands, again?" you remember slightly disgusted by the idea of betraying a friend
"Oww poor Alfonso." she fakes being sorry "The unpredictable sea is a cruel mistress.

Possible actions at the Temple
Offering your seed to a mermaid for +50 Physical
Pledging allegiance to the Ocean for +50 Mental
Killing someone who trusts you for +50 Social

As expected from the Olds Gods, but she did not answer your question. Giusepe gladly takes a flintlock pistol after each of your companion drank their potion and Lula reluctantly confessed her lack of experience with those. Your party then proceed deeper in the cave.
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"Fae... Aia... Khov!" you hear shooter in Elvish

Everyone takes immediately shelter between larges columns and the wall. There are Elven Commando here, and they are manning some sort of giant guillotine to cut a large tentacle escaping from where the Kraken is supposed to be. As soon as the blade cut down the tentacle they flee in a nearby tunnel and you hear splashing noises. The severed limb wiggles, still alive, while the rest of the tentacle retract itself. The shard of the Kraken tries to crawl like a caterpillar toward the Fish Market where a putrid smell of rotten fish can be smelled and very disturbing wet sounds.

(Optional) What is going on here?
>What are they using the giant guillotine for?
>What happens in the Fish Market?
>Does this new elements bring a cast a new light on the Elves schemes?

And now where to go?
>pass under the giant guillotine now that the tentacle is retracting and it's not guarded
>investigate where the Elves went, where you heard the splashing noise
>to the Fish Market, because you are curious
>to the smuggler's den to gear up
>>Temporary +20 Mental
We'll need it for ranged combat. We have the coca elixir active already to shore up physical.
>>What are they using the giant guillotine for?
>What happens in the Fish Market?
>Does this new elements bring a cast a new light on the Elves schemes?
If they're just cutting the tentacles like that, and even have a dedicated large machine for it, then they must either be a problem trying to contain, or they can grow back. Since the severed tentacle can still move on its own, then maybe they're farming the Kraken somehow? The squids outside had poison in their tentacles, right? And weren't they referred to as shards of the Kraken? Could be that the severed tentacle can grow back into those giant squids we saw outside, and they're trying to amass a force of more of those. The border of water along the left cave wall heading toward the entrance to the fish market seems to be an excellent way to transport the regrown shard back out to open water.
>to the smuggler's den to gear up
So, the movements of the Elves in here pose a risk. The water areas within the cave likely can serve as an easy way to bypass Elven patrols, at the cost of the flintlocks and ammunition. Potentially putting us at risk of charm by other mermaids?
Additionally, if the Shards outside have poison in their tentacles, I wouldn't rule out the Elves harvesting that to use on their arrowheads as well. It may be good to get some Algae to deal with healing that.
Way I see it, we can bring Mario along to the den to be able to grab more loot, but we'd probably have to deal with every fight there along the way, instead of bypassing them. It may be best to just leave him behind in the submarine if the water filled areas of the cavern would be too difficult for him to swim through. Anybody else have something to add? We have a broad spectrum of options now, and discussion before we dedicate ourselves to one of these would be best.
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You decide to explore the smugglers' den with your party. The cave's river could be useful to hide from patrols but your fear those tentacles are actually the Kraken Shards and might come out of the cavern, maybe in those.

There a three way to the smugglers' den, each with different approach. First, you can make a huge detour, passing by the Fish market. This first choice offer the river as a cover or you can also walk. The, there is the more direct approach that requires to pass underwater. Such obstacle can only be crossed by Lula, Giusepe and yourself. In this case, both Mario and his weapons would be useless and you will have to make a decision regarding the diving suit. Finally, you can delve deeper where the giant tentacle came from and pass under the equally giant guillotine, swim underwater on a distance short enough for everyone, emerges back and swim again but just like the previous path it would be an impossible obstacle for Mario.

Choose your path to the smuggler's den
Let's check out the guillotine.
Lets go route 3. We can leave the flintlocks back at the submarine, and pass Mario the revolver to use. When we reach the part of the water where he cannot progress, we could go forward with Giuseppe, and essentially ferry the diving suit back to him. Either by wearing it ourselves, or with one of Lula's allies assuming there are any remaining down here.
Leaving all the flintlock firearms in the submarine and giving the revolver to Mario, your party take the direction of the giant guillotine. There are tight spaces between the blade and the cave's wall but you can't see behind the blade.

"W-Wait, there could be knife-ears behind that." whispers Giusepe
"Good" Mario prepares his revolver
"I doubt my charms will have the same effect..." Lula ponders "Now that they are under the sea they are technically not sailor. But... I can try to 'convince' them that another giant tentacle is coming and that they need to raise the guillotine again. They looked quite panicked, it's a strong emotion."
"Good, but will that make us invisible?" you ask
"I doubt it. As soon as they realize we are here they might attack us but while they are holding the rope there might be a slight delay."

What do?
>use the smoke bomb and start a melee fight with everyone behind
>use the ignored potion on you and get yourselves behind to stealth kill as many as you can
>throw a hate potion and wait for them to fight each other
>signal your presence and wait for them, preparing an ambush
>let Lula sing and wait for the blade to raise, preparing an ambush
>>let Lula sing and wait for the blade to raise, preparing an ambush
Didn't we use the smoke bomb already? Back on one of the ships.
Lula starts singing while everyone prepares for an ambush. You are still wondering if you should keep the revolver, hide or prepare to rush as soon as the blade raise.

Ambush position (pick as much as needed if compatible)
>Mario keep the revolver and prepare to gun down every knife-ears behind
>you take the revolver and prepare to gun down every knife-ears behind
>everyone takes cover
>you prepare to rush with your cleaver and dagger
>Giusepe prepare to fight right in front of the blade with his nailed mace protected by the diving suit
>>Mario keep the revolver and prepare to gun down every knife-ears behind
>Giusepe prepare to fight right in front of the blade with his nailed mace protected by the diving suit
>you prepare to rush with your cleaver and dagger
Everyone is ready to jump on the knife-ears, assuming they will be holding the rope. However, despite her best efforts Lula can't get any reaction from the other side. She even had to sing louder, giving you chills down your spine and some flashes of tentacles monsters. Very annoyed by the lack of response, she stops and kick the giant blade, still not moving.

"How dare you?!" she screams

Should you assume there's nobody behind or take another approach?
>there's nobody behind, just walk in using the tight entrances
>use the smoke bomb and start a melee fight with everyone behind
>use the ignored potion on you and get yourselves behind to stealth kill as many as you can
>throw a hate potion and wait for them to fight each other
>signal your presence and wait for them, preparing an ambush
>>there's nobody behind, just walk in using the tight entrances
Take the lead ourselves. Keep our eyes open, they may still be around waiting to ambush us. Preparing an ambush by signalling our presence would only waste more time. Lula already took care of that signal.
As you pass the blade, holding the revolver up, back to the wall and front to the giant blade, you start smelling the blood and see scratches on it. This operation has been going on for quite some time now. A quick peak on the other side let you confirm your suspicions.

"WOAAA!" you are startled by a massive monster and instantly point your gun at it

However, the creature standing still with the rope in its hands has no intent of attacking you. It's an ice golem. Just like on the Elven galleys and without an eye. Everyone gets on the other side where the smell of blood is mixed with something else, putrid and rancid. Far in the cavern you start hearing squishy noises and your sense are on high alert. If you continue right ahead, it's the access to the Throne Room, Neptune Temple and Cure-All Algae, but you came here for a detour underwater on your right toward the smugglers' den.

What should you do about the golem, even the guillotine?
>cut the rope
>Giusepe smash the ice with his mace until he gets the totem inside
>you fire with your revolver at the totem inside
>don't bother with this

"Hey there little buddy." Lula happily cheers kneeling down "Alfonso, look it's a crab. Don't you think he looks cute?"

The sudden burst of joy from the mermaid got Giusepe all sweaty inside his diving suit and Mario jumped after hearing her high-pitched voice. How can she be so calm so deep under the sea in dark caverns where... oh right, it's her home.

(Optional) Now that you passed your first obstacle, you might want to cheer your party
>agree with her
>ignore her and say something to your men
>smooth pick-up line, write-in

You can't see past the corner on your right where you are heading, should you be warry of that?
>use the smoke bomb and start a melee fight with everyone behind
>use the ignored potion on you and get yourselves behind to stealth kill as many as you can
>throw a hate potion and wait for them to fight each other
>cut the rope
Maybe push him in front of us? I don't know.

>ignore her and say something to your men, with Lula leading us, we don't have to worry at all. It's her home after all.

>You can't see past the corner on your right where you are heading, should you be wary of that?
All of the options involve fighting someone, so I assume that there are people there?
>are people there?
I didn't finished my post, there is a clever write-in and also the option to just walk in
Maybe we could use something reflective on us as an improvised mirror to check around the corner?
Would the viewport on the diving suit work? Or maybe the revolver? If it was stolen from the Weaponsmith so easily, it must've been on display, probably nice and polished. Wouldn't be perfect or very clear, but I don't think it'd take much to catch movement on the surface of it.
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"Don't worry guys." you ignore Lula and say to your men "Let the lady lead us in her home."
"Hpmf." she pouts and come close to pinch your cheek "Don't ignore me like that."

Giusepe and Mario laughs it off, letting some steam out. Sensing your lack of attention as you check your mates, the young lady leans on you, still barely dressed and let her hand runs freely on your clothes.

"If you want your heroe's rest after this battle, you will have to behave." she adds

now Temporary +15 Mental

You get flustered still remembering the embarrassing moment she let you go through before. Should you really test the limit of your new relationship with the mermaid, right now? You instruct Giusepe to unscrew the viewport of his diving suit as the revolver is in black unpolished metal. Meanwhile, you cut the rope of the guillotine simply using the cleaver, the ice golem stands still, holding a loose rope. After you wasted some time having Lula sang, waiting for Giusepe to remove the helmet of his diving suit and try to unscrew the viewport proved to be fatal.

"Filfthy Humans!" someone shoots
"Don't stand still frozen brain, attack!"

Two Knife-ears, completely drenched emerged from the corner on the left where you were heading. When they escaped earlier you heard a splash, so for some reason they took shelter here. Worst, a giant tentacle appears in the tunnel on your right.


And to top it all the ice golem, behind you, is now moving, turning toward you. There's no way to tell if there are more elves hiding now that you started the fight. Giusepe's suit has to be repaired if you want him to pass through the underwater tunnel on the left, but everyone else can. An Elf just unsheathed his dagger and the other is starting mumbling something in elvish, Giusepe and Mario are facing the golem and Lula behind you facing the Elves.

What do?
>gun them down with the revolver (Mental) (2 rolls) (-10 heat of battle +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -5 with each new shot), write-in how many attempts you are willing to take
>turn back to shoot at the golem's totem (Mental) (-10 heat of battle +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -5 with each new shot), write-in how many attempts you are willing to take
>"hey turn back, the tentacle is here" (Social)
>Giusepe escape where you came from and everyone else dash in the underwater tunnel on the left (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 heat of battle -10 escaping battle -5 dodging)
>same but toward the the Temple of Neptune (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 heat of battle -10 escaping battle)
the roll only applies to you
>take out your dagger and parry the knife ears attacking Lula (Physical) (+5 parry +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>throw your cleaver at the other Elf (Physical) (+20 elixir +5 damage -10 heat of battle)
>>take out your dagger and parry the knife ears attacking Lula (Physical) (+5 parry +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>>throw your cleaver at the other Elf (Physical) (+20 elixir +5 damage -10 heat of battle)
Can we do both of these? If we can only do one, I suppose we should go for the caster. Lula may take a hit, but we've got a good supply of potions.
Suppose we should've passed the revolver back to Mario while we had the chance. He should get to cover until we have a chance to give it to him.
yes with a -5 penalty on both
Worth doing anyways. I don't have any objections.
roll 2d100

First to throw the cleaver, must be under 90 (75 +20 elixir +5 damage -10 heat of battle +5 thanks to outfit -5 dual wield)
Second to save Lula, must be under 90 (75 +20 elixir +5 damage -10 heat of battle -5 dual wield +5 thanks to outfit)
Rolled 42, 58 = 100 (2d100)

>rolled 45, clear success

Throwing your cleaver as if it was nothing, you don't even notice the Elvish mumbling being replaced by gurgling noise. It was the Elf with your weapon across his throat where blood bubbles are starting to farm. He falls on his knees and you can concentrate on the on attacking Lula.

>rolled 58, success

Your daggers cross, the sound of steel echoes in the cavern. He is fast but the guard on your weapon allows you to deflect each of his attack. He is trying to wear you out. That's what you thought, but he suddenly goes for a strength competition, pressing his dagger against yours. Why? Is he crazy? You are way much bigger and stronger than a puny knife-ears. Despite the evident difference of strength he smiles.

Meanwhile, a shot echoes in your back. Mario just used his rifle on the golem. It's followed by the sound of ice shattering on the floor but quickly replaced by Mario's call to your second mate.

"Giusepe! Giusepe! Come on wake up." he pleads

That's enough. You are not wasting any more time with the giant tentacle that keeps coming in your direction, now forbidding the access to the Temple of Neptune. Lula sensing the urgency is trying something, she approaches the man you are dueling from the back and discreetly brings her hand to his cheek. Touching her skin has some strange effect that you witnessed during the previous week, maybe she is up to something.

>don't care, no time, kill the Elf
>let her do her trick
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>let her do her trick
>>let her do her trick
The fingers of the mermaid innocently caresses your opponent cheek whose strength starts to fade away. As Lula begins to hum the familiar lullaby you know, his arms give up, he is now fully under her control lost in a state of bliss.


Lula's fingers spasms, her eyes go wide, and she falls forward, an arrow in the back. There was indeed another elf past that corner. Upon seeing his new mistress injured, the enthralled Elf goes berserk and jump at his comrade. He let go of his dagger now, so he can only smash him to death with his fists.

"What are you doing?! The enemy is right there!" His former ally begs
"You killed my queen." he screams in rage and pain

There fight ends with the thumbs of Lula's new pawn planted in the eyes of the last Elf. Meanwhile, the tentacle is just about to reach your party. The arrow is piercing her right's lung, her heart is safe you assess after examining the wound. She grabs your hand weakly, her translucent eyes glowing with determination.

"I'm.. I'm not going to die here... I have so much to..."

You failed to protect the girl you swore allegiance to. Even for a joke, even under her control, even if it was just for you own interest, you failed. You feel a knot in your throat. She needs medical attention right now, the arrow has to be removed and you will make her drink as much healing potion as she needs. But right now you have to decide where to escape with both of your mates unconscious.

>retreat behind the giant guillotine by carrying Lula, Mario will try to pull Giusepe but abandon the rifle and the nailed mace
>everyone who can escape where you initially intended to go, the tunnel underwater on the left and abandon Giusepe here, the paper cartridges will be ruined
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>retreat behind the giant guillotine by carrying Lula, Mario will try to pull Giusepe but abandon the rifle and the nailed mace
resuming at 6PM EDT if at least two players show up within one hour, or else 8PM EDT
the final dungeon is all prepared as you just witnessed, it's going to be non-stop fighting from now on
>the final dungeon is all prepared as you just witnessed, it's going to be non-stop fighting from now on
Good job on the dungeon. This is getting good. Thanks for running.

Excellent job so far, though I do wish we had been able to get the ambassador. Maybe when we get back.
>>retreat behind the giant guillotine by carrying Lula, Mario will try to pull Giusepe but abandon the rifle and the nailed mace
damn, this quest runs too late for me otherwise I would've post more often and help with the rolls
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Abandoning the flintlock rifle and the nailed mace, Mario pull back Giusepe while you princess-carry the young mermaid in safety. You pass between the giant blade of the guillotine across the tunnel and the wall and put down Lula in relative safety, she started coughing blood because of the arrow in her lungs. During the escape Mario informed you of what happened with the ice golem. Giusepe attempted to parry a direct hit, if it was not for the defence potion he drank earlier, he would have been crushed to death. Instead, he just absorbed the shock with his nailed mace from above, crushing his spine. Before loosing conscioussness, he mentionned not being able to move his legs, then Mario shot the ice golem aiming for the totem while it was still busy with him.

"My queen!" a voice cries "I'm sorry for not being able to protect you."

It's the Elf enthralled by Lula. A now obedient servant also carrying a medium healing potion. Lula's wound is deep but the bones are intact, a simple healing potion should do. However, Giusepe will need plenty of them. Maybe you could make use of an Elf dexterity and his knowledge in first aid as a commando.

Saving Lula
>attempt to retrieve the arrow from her chest without damaging her ribs and make her drink a medium healing potion (-10 first aid +20 elixir)
>let the Elf heal the mermaid himself

Treating Giusepe
>use 1 medium healing potion
>use 2 medium healing potions
>use none, you don't know if it will be enough/you need them

Currently carrying 6

The giant tentacle is banging on the blade, it won't hold for long. You have to decide where to go next.
>you still want to go to the smugglers' den
>you will fight the giant tentacle to get access to the Temple of Neptune/the Cure-All Algae and the Throne Room
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
Also an option
>getting back to the submarine to get back the flintlock pistols
>let the Elf heal the mermaid himself
Watch him closely though. The instant it looks as if he's messing up, we stop him and do it ourselves.

>use 2 medium healing potions
We'll probably have to find more for him, but the priority is stabilising him. I'm pretty sure two mediums are equivalent to one large, right?

>you still want to go to the smugglers' den
We need every bit of gear we can get.
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You watch closely the Elf expertly removing the tip of the arrow, not only preserving her ribs but also preserving tissues. He applies a part of the healing potion directly on the wound and make her drink the rest. Lula is back on her feet after some coucghing , ignoring her new servant. There's a bit of disappointment in her eyes, an feeling of distrust.

Giusepe also get healed with the help of two medium healing potions, jumping straight back up, terrified at the memory of that giant ice golem crushing his spine. Your party is physically in top shape but their moral is low to say the least. To make it worse, the giant blade obstructing the tunnel falls loudly on the floor of the cave with the tentacle searching, probing for something... Poisonous darts, sharp teeth, you don't want to be near that thing. Deep in the tunnel a second one appears. The Kraken seems to have noticed that the blade has been broken.

How do you get to the smugglers' den?
You choose to pass in front of the giant tentacle, still probing for something. This attempt should get you in relative safety in a place where it should not be able to reach you. With everyone speed potion active, except for Lula, it should be easy.

How do you pass the tentacle?
>everyone dashes (Physical) (+10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir)
>everyone dashes but Lula get the ignored potion (Physical) (+10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir)
>everyone dashes but you princess-carry Lula (Physical) (+10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir -10 carrying)
>everyone dashes but you carry Lula on your back (Physical) (+10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir -5 carrying)
roll only applies to you
>sacrifice the Elf to distract the tentacle
>use the smoke bomb
>>everyone dashes but you princess-carry Lula (Physical) (+10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir -10 carrying)
I don't like Lula all too much, but we should probably do what we can to get back in her favor. We let the Elf treat the wound, we ignored her regarding the crab, and we let her get hit in the first place.
>sacrifice the Elf to distract the tentacle
Lula can probably just charm another.
Support, but I don't think sacrificing the elf is necessary. Pretty sure that just allows us to bypass the tentacle without a roll, I think?
>but I don't think sacrificing the elf is necessary.
If it can be avoided, I'd like to not have to deal with it either. Could be a useful asset.
If it's absolutely necessary, then lets do it, but if not, I'd rather roll.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>bypass the tentacle without a roll
yes, you would get a kamikaze Elf 'fighting for love'

tie breaker for sacrificing the Elf, 10 minutes
ok, then

roll 1d100, must be under 99 (75 +10 thanks to speed potion +20 elixir -10 carrying +5 thanks to outfit, capped at 99)
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

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>rolled 25, clear success


Lifting the mermaid in a rush you get a high-pitched squeal of surprise from her. She put her arms around your neck and looks at you with dreamy eyes. Thankfully it was quiet enough for the tentacle to not notice. Giusepe's knees are shaking, he wonders if he will be able to make it with his heavy diving suit. The Elf, on the other side is already ̶n̶a̶r̶u̶t̶o̶ running to your destination. Taking your marks, you leap forward to follow him and pass just under the giant tentacle. The young lady holds tight, pressing her delicate frame against your imposing body. It really feels like a her-

"AAAAAH" Giusepe panics

His diving suit just got scratched be the teeth of the tentacle, but he made it on the other side with you, Mario and the Elf. He is not injured or poisonned because of his fast reaction but the suit is no longer water proof, even if you had took some time to repair the viewport. The giant tentacle continues probing toward the Fish Market as everyone gather behind a column near the charmed Elf.

"Shhhhhh" he recommands you "Our main camp is just behind."
"What?!" Mario protests "A dead end again?"
"No problem fellow servant of my beautiful queen." he happilly cheers "I'm sure once they realize the power of love they will join us, just let me talk to-"
"Sit down kinfe-ears" Mario pull him down and cover his mouth stopping his enthusiasm

Once you are all assured he won't just walk in, you make him reveal the positions of his allies. There should be two sentinel guarding the entrance, an ice golem in the center and in a tunnel, the court mage of the Ambassador with two guards.

"Fine, more knife-ears to kill." Mario rejoyce "Or to turn into mindless shell like this one."
"I doubt they will welcome our mermaid just like thath. We fired with the rifle, so they should know about our presence." Giusepe cautiously notices "Shouldn't we take these information with grain of salt?"
"Salt! That's it." Lula speaks a little to loud then cover her mouth
"What do you mean?" you ask
"With salt" she continues "with salt added to fresh water I can turn into my mermaid form again. That way if he brings me as a prisonner they should not expect who I am."
"That's dangerous. You expect Elven Commando to just let you touch their cheeks?"
"Feeling jealous, Alfonso?" she ends the conversation with a smug smile

There's plenty of opportunity, especially now that you know where they are. You can use your smoke bomb to hide the attack from the two sentinel on the other side, use the ignored potion to get to the court mage, just rush to fire at the golem, or just trust Lula's plan. However, the main problem is that Giusepe is disarmed and so is Mario with his rifle but without any paper cartridges? You left the other firearms and his non-water resistant ammunition in the submarine, so he just took the rifle loaded with one bullet just in case.
>use the smoke bomb and go for a dual kill on the sentinels (Physical) (-5 dual wield -10 unknown location +20 elixir)
>use your revolver to shoot the totem of the ice golem (Mental) (+10 aiming artefact -10 unknown location +20 elixir)
>use the ignored potion to pass the sentinel, the golem and get to the court mage
>trust Lula's plan (you will have to find salted water)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>4363455 #
>use the smoke bomb and go for a dual kill on the sentinels (Physical) (-5 dual wield -10 unknown location +20 elixir)

Mario and Giuseppe can loot the sentinels while we head for the mage. Hopefully surprise will still be on our side...
roll 1d100, must be under 99 (75 -5 dual wield +5 damage -10 unknown location +20 elixir +5 outfit, capped at 99)
Rolled 42 (1d100)

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>rolled 42, success

You take again both your cleaver and your dagger in each hand, back against ready to throw yourself into their camp. After tossing the smoke bomb deep in the cave, one powerful step propels your massive coca fuel body past the entrance. Making an X with your arm to both guard and prepare your strike you bump into en Elf who was about to leave this cave. The impact makes him fall on the ground and you pin him down with a strong kick in the stomach as he gasps for air, unable to scream. On your left, the other sentinel try to get his dagger but you whack him with your cleaver in his chest, breaking several ribs and tearing apart his lungs. He falls, dead.

The smoke screen has engulfed the back of the cave, shielding you from the ice golem and the potential threat of the court mage with his guards. Right now, you need to deal with the sentinel you pinned down.

Regarding your captive
>kill him and progress toward the smoke screen
>hold him while Lula tries her trick on him

Mario and Giusepe get each an elven daggers and the medium healing potions, but Mario can still use the rifle as a mace to the risk of breaking it. The charmed Elf is drooling at the mermaid, awaiting to execute her slightest whim.

What about your men?
>Mario, write-in
>Giusepe, write-in
>charmed Elf, write-in
resuming at 12PM EDT
>kill him and progress toward the smoke screen
We have one, let's not risk Lula for one more.

>The elf shoots the golems totem with his bow
>If that doesn't take care of the golem, Mario and Giuseppe both attack it, distracting it while one goes in for the kill
>If the golem is taken down by the elf, Mario and Giuseppe back us up by flanking the mage.
The Elf hit right on the totem but the arrow is stuck in the ice, unable to reach deeper. After killing your captive, you realize that the ice golem has an eye which means more autonomy than the one operating the guillotine. It starts makings large movements with its arms to dissipate the smoke screen. Mario and Giusepe make uneasy steps toward it, still reminiscent of the catastrophic outcome of facing such creature... also they only have daggers on them.

You hear a commotion coming from where the court mage was supposed to be beyond the smoke screen.

>stay here to fight the ice golem or lead your men
>rush through the smoke screen for the kill
resuming at 8PM EDT
It seems I'm not getting the timing right to run this quest anymore. I'm open to suggestions and complaints. I promise I will deliver an ending, even if it's only this dungeon plus an epilogue.
The timing is perfect for me, I just think that the problem is that there's only three of us (at least last thread, I think there's only two in this one) I'm not entirely confortable being the only player, but if an end is needed I can stick around. There's still a lot left to do though, even ignoring this specific dungeon
>rush through the smoke screen for the kill
Ignoring the golem, you throw yourself into the smoke screen and emerge right in front of the court mage in the middle of an incantation. He is protected by two Elven Commando with their daggers raised. You will have to decide your priority target here and decide fast. He may be trying to cast an elemental spell but blinded by the smoke screen it might be harmless, on the other hand if you attack him you will be vulnerable in front of the two guards.

>use your revolver to shoo the court mage and dodge the attack from the guards
(Mental) (+10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle -10 court mage) & (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>parry one guard with your dagger and throw your cleaver at the other
(Physical) (+5 parry +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle) & (Physical) (+20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm +5 damage -10 heat of battle)
>parry one guard with your dagger and use your revolver on the other
(Physical) (+5 parry +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle) & (Mental) (+10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>use your revolver to shoo the court mage and dodge the attack from the guards
roll 2d100

First to shoot him down, must be under 80 (50 +10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle -10 court mage +5 outfit)
Second to dodge, must be under 99 (75 +10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 heat of battle +5 outfit, capped at 99)
>parry one guard with your dagger and throw your cleaver at the other
>have the enthralled elf shoot the mage with an arrow
Rolled 49, 38 = 87 (2d100)

Rolled 14, 25 = 39 (2d100)

>+15 mermaid's charm
>+15 mermaid's charm
>+15 mermaid's charm
there's a copy&paste mistake here, the mermaid's charm is only applied to Mental
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>rolled 14, clear success

The first thing you do once out of the smoke screen is reaching for your revolver and pointing it at the Ambassador's mage still mumbling something in Elvish. You are not goint to let him manipulate the golem or use his knife-ears trick. One quick draw later the firearm fires a bullet right in the chest of your target. For a brief moment, your perception is altered and you watch, with adrenaline and coca pumping in your temple, the guards still coming toward you. One second that stretches indefinitely. If you don't avoid their gleaming dagger you will die.

A sudden gust of wind from the mage's corpse forces you to close your eyes while you prepare to dodge the two guards. So, he was preparing to blow the smoke screen away. However, interrupted, the only effect is to force you to shut your eyes. Good that you don't have to parry.

>rolled 25, clear success

With a side roll you avoid two slashes of the guards and place yourself out of their reach. For a moment at least. One is rushing to the mage's corpse while the other is preparing to duel you, making fancy moves with his dagger unlike anything you ever saw. He is truly a master of his art.


"I'm out of here!" Giusepe screams

You don't have the occasion to look back at their fight with the golem. There is a critical decision to make here but you are not sure about their situation. You left them only armed with dagger facing an autonomous ice golem, but your opponent is about to strike again.

>escape the duel and get to Mario and Giusepe (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 heat of battle -10 escaping battle)
>use your revolver to shoot down your opponent and the other Elf (Mental) (+10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle)
>use your dagger to parry your opponent (Physical) (+5 parry +20 elixir -10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>escape the duel and get to Mario and Giusepe (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 heat of battle -10 escaping battle)

Uh oh.
roll 1d100, must be under 90 (75 +10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 heat of battle -10 escaping battle +5 outfit)
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

I'm back now. Sorry. Banned on mobile.
>rolled 7, success
One step back and you easily avoid the blade swinging dangerously at your eye level. With one swift turn you run out of his reach. The Elf busy with tending to the mage calls his companion but you don't care about them. Right now you are more concerned about what happened to...

"Mario!" you screams

The poor man is lying in a pool of blood like a dislocated puppet, bent knees falling on himself, his chest caved in. Giusepe tries left his copper helmet behind and escaped the ice golem which is now turned toward you. The creature only eye staring at you and its gigantic arms used as clutches to support his weight.

"grglb" an intelligible sounds comes from Mario's throat

You never saw something so grotesque even in the sewers where Stage Three infected took shelter. A part of you still deny that what you have before your eyes has ever been human. Your hands start shaking.

temporary -5 combativity

What do?
>order the entrhalled Elf to shoot an arrow at the totem/eye and get near Mario's remains
>fire your revolver at the totem/eye (Mental) (+10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>fire your revolver at the totem/eye (Mental) (+10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle)
go for the totem.
roll 1d100, must be under 85 (50 +10 artefact +20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -10 heat of battle +5 outfit -5 combativity)
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>rolled 43, success

Unleashing all your anger in a single shot, you pierce the ice sheet of the golem right in front of its totem and leave it frozen, unable to move. You instinctively kneel to Mario's side, watching his smashed contorted face bubbles out blood in a last breathe. Like a machine the switch has been turned off, the grotesque spectacle finally ends. No, it can't be. You squeeze his hand preparing all of your healing potion with the other in a haze. No, no, no! This is one of the few men who ever reached the North Pole and watched the aurora borealis, he came became without a single toe amputated, fought a polar bear with you, won countless fights in bars, and he died so miserably.

"It's over." Lula's small hand rests on your shoulder
"They fled away from your love, my queen." the enthralled Elf comments about his ex-companions

No, it's not over. He is still moving! You just saw a protruding rib twitching. Even so, you can't leave him like that, right?

>pour 2 medium healing potion on Mario's corpse
>continue to the smugglers' den
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>pour 2 medium healing potion on Mario's corpse
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Brushing aside the mermaid's hand, you open two bottles of medium healing potion and pour everything on Mario's body. Ribs go back inside, the chest slowly rebuild itself and the knees slightly lift themselves up in a more adequate position for the Human anatomy.

"Mario! Mario! Come back." you scream

A glimpse of hope flashes in your eye seeing another articulation twitching but nothing follows. A part of you already knows that these movements are just the effect of the potion and another part needs Lula gentle embrace to make you accept that it's over.

"You did your best Alfonso." she whispers

A knot in your throat makes your respiration difficult. You swallow your pain in front of the unanimated corpse of Mario, rebuilt and not abandoned deep underwater turned in a mashed potato. You did your best.

-2 medium healing potion
temporary -5 combativity over

Giusepe is missing and the two Elves are nowhere to be found. Two giant tentacles are obstructing the path to the Throne Room and you only have one firearm at your disposal.

What do?
>continue to the smugglers' den
>try to reach the access tunnel to the throne room
>back to the submarine
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
Thank Lula. Then search for Giuseppe. We can't lose two people to this.
You grab the hand of Lula on your shoulder still kneeling behind Mario's corpse. She is not shocked by the spectacle, nor does she feel scared by death. After all, her minions perished against the giant squids. But there is some kind of dignity in her stance, in her gaze. Even when an arrow pierced her earlier, she only thought about what she had to accomplish yet and did not beg for her life. For all the inspiration she gives you, she deserves a thanks.

The helmet of Giusepe is lying on the floor. Outside this cavern, the two giant tentacles are busy doing something in the Fish Market, but they are still obstructing the access. Under them, the leaded boots of Giusepe diving suit indicate he passed under them and got back to the submarine. You should be able to sneak past them since the more flexible end of the appendage is occupied somewhere else but your companions might not. There is of course the possibility of cutting your way through. The tentacles are too large for your cleaver, about the width of a man. There's no way you can make a clear cut right away but attacking them should allow one of you to pass without the need of sneaking.

How do you get back to the submarine?
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them (Physical) (+20 elxir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth)
>give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to pass under them by sneaking too (Mental) (+20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm)
>sacrifice your grappling hook to tie them together so everyone can pass (Physical) (+20 elxir)
>someone drink the ignored potion to get pass them, write-in
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>someone drink the ignored potion to get pass them, we'll drink it.

Also, oof. Lost all our buddies now. Such is life. We're definitely not going to be feeling happy after this is done.
Drinking the ignored potion yourself, you disappear from anyone consciousness including the giant tentacles. It takes a several tries to cross the dangerous appendages and their razor sharp teeth, you even have to crouch, roll and jump. Nothing that should reveal your presence. On your way to the submarine, to the weighted boot and helmet, you add the combination that Giusepe abandoned now completely shredded and tattered in blood.

"Giusepe!" you exclaim seeing his body

Thankfully he is unconscious. A real chance because if you revealed your presence, the potion effect would have wear off. There are a few scratches on his back made by the teeth of the tentacle, he is still breathing but looks pained.

What do?
>give him an healing potion
>take the pistols rifles and paper cartridges from the submarine
>get back to Lula and the enthralled Elf
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>give him an healing potion
Get him stabilized.
>get back to Lula and the enthralled Elf
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You make him drink a potion that heal the wound on his back, once fully returned you start examining his body. He does not seems to be injured but remains unconscious and also feverish. Probably the effect of the poison from the Kraken, which is not something a healing potion can cure of curse.

Giusepe is out of danger but also out of combat until you find an antidote. Where should you go now?
>continue with Lula to the smugglers' den using the effect of your underwater breathing potion but leave the Elf behind
>attempt to pass through the Fish Market with Lula and the Elf
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>continue with Lula to the smugglers' den using the effect of your underwater breathing potion but leave the Elf behind
>attempt to pass through the Fish Market with Lula and the Elf
Also grill the elf for all the info he has, why they're here and what's the plan of the ambassador. Also ask where he is, we should do something about him later.
changing to this.
my guess is that ambassador is likely in the throne room.
at least down here, his mage was after all.
Leaving the last mate you brought to this place in a relative safety, you pass again under the giant tentacle to regroup with Lula and her thrall. The Fish Market give is not far away, just leaving the current cage allow you to take a look at the two direction possible.

There, rotten fishes are littering the ground, carcasses of whales with protruding bones and intestines lying around. The walls remind you more of the inside of a monster than a cave. On the right, the end of the two tentacles or feasting on piles of food. You have seen that severing the appendage near the end is enough for the Kraken to fully retract the tentacle, moreover it's thinner there. So nothing a few hit with your cleaver could not overcome. However, you will have to deal with the other.

On the right, a lone squid is moving among what's left of the food. The exact same creature you saw coming from there.

"Explain yourself, knife-ear." you order to the Elf
"I only take order from my quee" he starts


Lula just landed a severe slap on his face "You will answer him with the same respect you owe me, you shrimp."
"I live to serve." he kneels while Lula gives you a complicit gaze "We farm these giant squids from the Kraken."
"I... I just follow orders."

Yes, obviously. But what else? He already said what he was doing here, more precise question should be asked to know the whereabout of the Elves.

>about the Ambassador, write-in
>about the Undine, write-in
>about the galleys from the blockade, write-in
>about the giant squids, write-in
>about the Kraken, write-in
>about the fresh water which appeared in the cave, write-in
>about the Throne Room, write-in
>use the investigation potion to deduce yourself what is going from what you already know

Finally, you are left with a simple decision to get to the smugglers' den.
>left, and fight the two giant tentacles
>right, and fight the giant squid born of a tentacle

>sacrifice your grappling hook to tie the two tentacles together, but you have to guarantee it will hold when you come back
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them (Physical) (+20 elxir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth -10 end of the tentacle)
>give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to pass under them by sneaking too (Mental) (+20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm)

>sacrifice the thrall while you and Lula pass through
>fire you revolver at an eye of the creature (Mental) (+20 elixir +10 aiming artefact)
>maybe Lula can try to communicate with the dying fish lying on the floor as a distraction while you all rush (Strength) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion)
>grappling hook
it's also a roll (Physical) (+20 elxir)
>about the Undine
where is it
>where are the rest? is thie ambassador with them?
>use the investigation potion to deduce yourself what is going from what you already know

>sacrifice grappling hook
roll 1d100, must be under 99 (75 +20 elixir +5 outfit, capped at 99)
Rolled 56 (1d100)

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"Where is the Undine?" you ask "No, actually where is everyone in here?"
"The Ambassador and the Undine are busy taking care of the Kraken in the Throne Room. There are three commandoes manning the guillotine with an ice golem. From our camp, only two commandos remains."
"The two who escaped. Wait, the Ambassador is here?!"

Taking the investifation potion you feels a tingling sensation to the back of your throat, propagating deep within your brain. Your hypothalamus activated, several memories surfaces. Everything you learned about this place. The documents mentioning Kraken shard, the love letters between the Ambassador and the Undine about their 'children', the confession of the Elf about the guillotine used to farm giant squid, the map, fresh water...

"I think they somehow use the Undine to restrain the Kraken." you deduce
"That's a given." Lula comments
"It's avoiding fresh water but once a limb is severed it turns into a giant squid. I suppose it's the Undine's doing. The Ambassador must have manipulated her."

You smile at the prospect of ending the life of the man responsible for so much suffering. If all goes well, the Fishmen will get back their caves and you will avenge the inhabitant of the Workers District.

>rolled 56, success

You spin the hook tied to your rope on your side thinking abour revenge. The metal piece pulls you in all directions along an arc with each cyclic tug. It flies above the two tentacles and comes down imprisoning them both with several turns. While they struggle to get free, Lula and the Elf pass on the other side. You try as best as you can but the rope snaps and you join them with half of your rope as the tentacles break free, resuming their lunch.

-1 grappling hook
-1 investigation potion

The smugglers' den is just in the next cave and you can almost smells rum or a dozen of other exotic plants and eve-


A deep sorrow fills your heart as you hear a distant female voice coming from the cave. It's ravaging you, forcing your to kneel and tears flow from your eyes. You remember all the allies you lost, Saten, Luigi, Valentina, Mario...

At your side, the enthralled Elf curled up on the ground weeping, almost drowning in his tears and snot while Lula display a very annoyed look but far from being alarmed, she takes an elven dagger on you and head for the smugglers' den.

"I will be right back Alfonso." she says

You can barely speak but can convey your intentions
>wait no, you can't let Lula alone, beg her to use a charm on you to outdo this curse and resist the side effects (Social)
>drink the hate potion to forget this sadness but your judgment will be clouded (Temporary -10 Mental)
Could we just try to resist it ourselves?
Also an option:
>resist the sorrow (Social) (-10 hidden modifier -10 hidden modifier -5 guilt)
*hidden but, coherent with an old roll (I'm not making this up)
>resist the sorrow (Social) (-10 hidden modifier -10 hidden modifier -5 guilt)
roll 1d100, must be under 15 (40 -10 hidden modifier -10 hidden modifier -5 guilt))
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

>rolled 58, failure

You try to resist the sorrow submerging you while Lula distances herself. Soon the sound of her sole hitting the wet flour disappear, completely replaced by the melody. You threw all your anger, actually all possible emotions until total exhaustion of your mental reserve. Tired and miserable, you accept the guilt and collapse in tears.

The chant suddenly stops. You raise quickly, grabbing the unconscious Elf and get to the smugglers' den. Lula stands in the middle of the cavern filled with barrels, stained with blood. Not hers. There are two Elves on the ground she presumably killed with the dagger and a familiar face in the river near the cave's wall.

"Sunshine!" you exclaim

A mermaid, panting heavily, her upper body resting out of the water on the floor. Her golden hair are dry indicating she was singing for quite a time now. Mesmerized by the movement of her chest where pearls of sweat are running down with each breathe you remember the first time you saw her. The first mermaid who charmed you.


Lula just hit your flank with her elbow. Sunshine worked for her at the Pearl of the Ocean and investigated the disappearance of her dear friends, the Gallileof. In order to mourn without deranging the Human she decided to get back to her place.

The merchandise in that cave are the same you can find in the Harbor of the City. There are also deep sea gold ore, a few coral tridents but of course no firearms. Sunshine, coming back to her sense after Sol knows how many hours of singing, smiles at you.

Anything to say?

About the merchandise, anything interesting?
>barrels of rum
>a plant perhaps: coca, eucalyptus, saffron, chamomille, citrus, söy, quinquina, poppy
>fabric: silk, cotton, leather
>food: wheat, apples and potatoes
>coral tridents
>deep sea gold ore

You can only find one healing potion on the Elves
+1 medium healing potion
>Anything to say?
What is she doing here? Is she okay? (Try not to say it in a way that will upset Lula)

>About the merchandise, anything interesting?
A lot of interesting stuff, almost like someone's shipping contents. We might be able to make something with the plants. As for the other stuff, we might be able to do something with it when we return...
Can you be more specific about the merchandises? You want to leave right now, empty handed?
Well, the priority would be the plants, the food, the rum, the tridents, the gold and then the fabrics. I don't know what we can do with them though. How much can the submarine hold? And who would get them there? Maybe the elf? Or maybe we can come back after we've dealt with the Ambassador and Undine.
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"What are you doing here, Sunshine?" you inquire

The blonde mermaid shyly arranges her hairs to partially hide her nudity from you. She has a rather different personnality than Lula but as you remember she is currently heartbroken.

"I... I didn't want human to hear my mourning sound." she admits
"You've taken quite a liking to them, Sun' "Lula teases her
"I-It's not like that Lady Barielle!" she protests before realizing she exposed herself to you once more
"How did you get here, anyway?" you continue
"It's easy for a lone mermaid to sneak here. Once a tentacle is severed, the freed part progress to the Fish Market while the root retract to the Kraken. I used the river to get to the Smugglers' Den because I know it's well hidden and they don't care about it."
"What about the Elves?"
"I... I was surprised and they got charmed by my song. Why didn't you came with Lady Barielle? Perhaps were... You were not under the effect of my song, right?" she shoves her face in her palms "It's so embarassing."

With everything set you are now left with several direction to head for the Throne Room or at least the tunnel leading to there. Depending on the path you choose you may have to carry Sunshine in your arm instead from more stuff from the cave.There's also the problem of the tentacles and the giant squid in the Fish Market. Sunshine confirmed you that if severed a tentacle will retract. Mayb you can use this to clear the way knowing that the closer of the Kraken, the thicker the tentacle will be.

Choose your path

Sunshine has helped you quite a lot in the past with her charm to boost your moral, cognitive ability or confidence, she might a be an ally of choice.
>bring her and carry her yourself
>bring her and she will swim as much as she can
>she stays here

If she doesn't come or if she can swim, do you want to take something from the smugglers' den?
>yes, write-in
>bring her and she will swim as much as she can
>yes, we'll grab one of each of the plants, and if we can grab more, the apples and then potatoes.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Can we snag a trident as well? Might have good modifiers against the Kraken itself.
Getting back to the FIsh Market from where you come from with a sample of each plant, arms loaded with two apples and two potatoes as well as a trident under your arm. Lula looks quizzically at you and wonder why you choose to bring the plants to a fight. Sunshine swims along on the river until you met the giant squid, and she can no longer advances.

+1 coca, +1 eucalyptus, +1 saffron, +1 chamomille, +1 citrus, +1 söy, +1 quinquina, +1poppy, +2 apples, +2 potatoes
+1 trident

-20 overloaded

Considering all your option, you are eyeing Sunshine, half out of the river under Lula's concerned gaze. The blonde mermaid might help you in a fight but she will have to stay here.
>drop all the plants, ruits and roots as well as the trident and fire your revolver (Mental) (+20 elixir +10 aiming artefact)
>drop all the plants, ruits and roots as well as the trident, carry Sunshine, give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to sneak while it eats (Mental) (+20 elixir +15 mermaid's charm -20 overloaded)
>drop all the plants, ruits and roots as well as the trident, carry Sunshine, maybe Lula can try to communicate with the dying fish lying on the floor as a distraction while you all rush (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion -20 overloaded)
>attack the giant squid yourself and face eight tentacles with your elven dagger and your cleaver attempting to severe as much as you can while it eats (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion +10 damage -40 dual wielding alone against eight tentacles +5 sneak attack)
>attack the giant squid yourself and face eight tentacles with your dagger and your cleaver attempting to severe as much as you can while it eats (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion +10 damage -40 dual wielding alone against eight tentacles)
>>drop all the plants, ruits and roots as well as the trident and fire your revolver (Mental) (+20 elixir +10 aiming artefact)
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And of course
>attack the giant squid yourself and face eight tentacles with the trident (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion +10 damage -30 alone against eight tentacles +5 sneak attack +10 against tentacles)
>throw an apple or potato at the giant squid

Trident +10 againt armor or sea creatures/+5 otherwise
>attack the giant squid yourself and face eight tentacles with the trident (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 speed potion +10 damage -30 alone against eight tentacles +5 sneak attack +10 against tentacles)
Greek demigod mode, let's go!
Rolled 2 (1d2)

tie breaker unless another player shows within 10 minutes
changing to this
You put down everything except the trident and prepare to fight the creature like Sol himself. Maybe inspired by your courage and the spectacle, Sunshine offers her support.

"I'm not very knowledgeable with Human religion but I remember a song from the Book of Odyssey." she hesitates "I hope it will give you courage to face that."
"Are you implying that my servant lack courage, Sun?" Lula throw a death stare to her fellow mermaid

Sunshine's battle song?
>yes, (temporary +10)

roll 1d100, must be under 95 (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir +10 speed potion -30 alone against eight tentacles +5 sneak attack +10 against tentacles)

sorry, the +10 damage was a copy&paste error from the cleaver option but this time I choose to correct it before the roll because 99 to 95 does not change a lot I guess
>yes, (temporary +10)
Do try to make sure Lula doesn't take offence. It's only a nice battle song to have. Also makes us feel cool.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Oh wait, we have to roll don't we? Didn't see that at first.
Temporary Sunshine's battle charm +10
Temporary Lula's Mental charm, now +10

>rolled 80, new DC 99

Sunshine starts humming something, a familiar song you heard a lot when you were a kid fooling around the Church or whistled by the workers. You let the apples and potatoes roll on the floor and drop all the plants. Your grip around the trident tighten with the first lyrics. Lifting the weapon your prepare to strike with all your strength and let out a powerful roar while dashing on the creature.

Still busy with the fishes, it can't put a proper protection. You almost falls because of the slippery floor covered in guts and blood so you are both even in this fight. With a final leap on the creature, you plunge your trident on its head which... doesn't seem to kill it.

However, three tentacles were imprisoned, harpooned on the creature's own body. You are left fighting five tentacles but only one remain on the side you are on.

What do?
>push further against a wall so the trident can go deeper (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir -10 pushing back a monster
>still holding the trident, get your cleaver and cut the last tentacle on your side (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir +10 damage)
>use your dagger to hit the creature between its eyes (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir)
>>still holding the trident, get your cleaver and cut the last tentacle on your side (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir +10 damage)
Calamari is on the menu.
roll 1d100, must be under 99 (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir +10 damage, capped at 99)
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Wow, I suck cocks.
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>rolled 90, success

After several attempts, the tentacles avoiding your cleaver wiggling around, you finally cut it down. Now, you can safely plunge your dagger right between the eyes of the giant squid, out of reach of the other tentacles.

"Done playing?" Lula complains

The path to the Throne Room is still obstructed by two tentacles, with a third starting to appear from the tunnel. You have to choose what to bring to your fight.

>the trident
>the loot

Approach the tunnel leading to the Throne Room
>wait for the third tentacle to reach the Fish Market
>attack the third tentacle before it reaches the Fish Market
>the trident
We can grab the loot later. Trident is too cool.
>attack the third tentacle before it reaches the Fish Market
Temporary Lula's Mental charm, now +15
Temporary Sunshine's battle charm +10 over

"Sunshine, you can stay here while we deal with this." you advise
"Yeah." Lula underlines "Alfonso and I we are going to defeat the Kraken."
"...'kay..." she sinks deeper into the river, trying to hide herself

The redhead mermaid then cling to your arm, playing husband and wife in front of Sunshine. Just as you exit the Fish Market, the trident in one arm, Lula still covered in rags on the other, you see the third tentacle.

Not as thick as the other, you have the opportunity to cut it with your cleaver since you are facing its end. But the trident in your hand calls for a more clever approach. You could impale it on another. There will still be three tentacles roots to sneak by or defend against but the head of the third would be neutralized. Or you can cut like and wait for it to retract itself.

What do?
>use the trident to impale the third tentacle on another (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 sharp poisonous teeth -10 end of a tentacle +10 against tentacles)
>use your cleaver to cut it down (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 sharp poisonous teeth -10 end of a tentacle +10 damage)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>use the trident to impale the third tentacle on another (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 sharp poisonous teeth -10 end of a tentacle +10 against tentacles)
roll 1d100, must be under 90 (75 +20 elixir -10 sharp poisonous teeth -10 end of a tentacle +10 against tentacles +5 outfit)
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>rolled 34, clear success

Confidently walking toward the incoming tentacle, you prepare for another strike using the Fishemen weapon of choice. Lula's let go of your arm and take her distance, looking enviously at her newfound knight. She unconsciously bites her lower lips and clench her fist to forget a building irritation. Right now you have everything of a hero from the legend, a cool weapon, a poorly dressed woman waiting for you and of course your imposing frame.

"I'll be back." you throw at the mermaid


Temporary Lula's Mental charm, now +20

The appendage still probing noticed you. Without any second to lose you leap in the air, arming the weapon and strike down the Kraken's tentacle on another one. The limbs spasm, you pinned it down, allowing you to progress further.

"Hey, wait for me, my queen." a voice echoes in the back

It's the enthralled Elf, awake at last. Now you are facing a difficult choice. You can abandon the trident, holding down two tentacles, or at least slowing them down or you can attempt to cut down the third tentacle an retrieve the trident.

How do you proceed to the guillotine?
>take back the trident after cutting down the third tentacle with the cleaver
>proceed normally and prepare to pass through three tentacles with two of them busy trying to get rid of the trident
>>take back the trident after cutting down the third tentacle with the cleaver
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Leaving behind a severed limb crawling back to the Fish Market, you take back the trident and head for the tunnel leading to the Throne Room. What remains of the third tentacle retract itself in the tunnel. Without the broken guillotine, tentacles are going to spawn perhaps indefinitely. But at least you will not have to face their end. Mario's rifle and Giusepe's nailed mace are still lying on the floor, past the two remaining tentacles. You stare at your new Elven ally, wondering how your mate would have reacted knowing he died for this. This was a dangerous mission, and they knew the stake, but even so...

"We can try to reach a corner to hide from the tentacles." Lula advices "That would take use to the Temple of Neptune, in relative safety before trying to reach the Throne Room. Or..."
"Or?" you ask
Lula examines her new slave, making him feel nervous "We can try swimming to bypass the first corner."
"My queen!" the Elf begs "Please, I have not been granted with your divine ability to breathe underwater."

How to you get to 1?
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, cleaver option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 damage)
>give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to pass under them by sneaking too (Mental) (+20 elixir +20 mermaid's charm)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

>swim to 2 from the nearby tunnel, leaving behind the Elf

(Optional) Also, what to do with the
>nailed mace, write-in
>unloaded flintlock rifle, write-in
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)

>nailed mace, give it to the elf
He's going to need something better than a bow and dagger to help us out here.
roll 1d100, must be under 99 (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle +5 outfit, capped at 99)
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>rolled 54, success

Using your trident once again you plant it in the large tentacle and use your strength to repel the monster's limb away while Lula rushes to the next corner. Meanwhile, the Elf struffle to wield the nailed mace and desperately attempt to block it and protect Lula. He is violently pushed back against her.

You retrieve the trident and proceed to the safe place. They are unharmed. Not physically at least.

"Move away you pathetic blobfish." Lula screams "How dare you touch me?!"
"Get it off me Alfonso! Throw him on a tentacle!"

The Elf does not respond, eyes and mouth wide open, hovering on the mermaid after respectfully raising back and freeing her. Lula crawls on her back, kicking her thrall in the face. You help him stand up and shake him out of his trance.

How to you get to 2?
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, cleaver option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 damage)
>give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to pass under them by sneaking too (Mental) (+20 elixir +20 mermaid's charm)
>throw the Elf on the tentacles and get with Lula to the next safe location
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

>wait for the Elf to fully recover
>no time to waste
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each to let Lula pass under them, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)

>wait for the Elf to fully recover
give him a little pep talk perhaps. Something about being careful around his queen. We can be buddies after this, god knows we need one after Mario died.
roll 1d100, must be under 99 (+20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle +5 outfit, capped at 99)
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

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Too close...
>rolled 62, success

Just as before you plant the trident into a tentacle to allow the mermaid access to the safe place. She dives right into the fresh water, without transforming. But as she emerges she shouts to you and the Elf busy swinging his mace a warning.

"A third one!" she screams

While you waited for the Elf to recover a third tentacle appeared once again. You have just enough time to grab the Elf by the collar and dive back into the fresh water. The tentacle is carefully avoiding it.

"Neptune curses you!" Lula splashes water on the creature "It's never going to end!"
"Please my queen, calm down." the Elf simps

How do you get to the Temple of Neptune?
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each and Lula attempts to bypass the last one, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each and Lula attempts to bypass the last one, cleaver option (Physical) (+20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 damage)
>give the Elven cloak to Lula and attempt to pass under them by sneaking too (Mental) (+20 elixir +20 mermaid's charm)
>throw the Elf on the tentacles and get with Lula to the next safe location
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

Reminder : Possible actions at the Temple
Offering your seed to a mermaid for +50 Physical
Pledging allegiance to the Ocean for +50 Mental
Killing someone who trusts you for +50 Social
>you and the Elf attack a tentacle each and Lula attempts to bypass the last one, trident option (Physical) (+20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle)

>Possible actions at the Temple
roll 1d100, must be under 90 (75 +20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +10 against tentacle +5 outfit)
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

>rolled 17, clear success

You throw yourself into the battle. It seems the tentacles are getting weaker the closer you approach the root or less dexterous. With your trident firmly planted in one of them and the Elf trying his best with another, you watch over Lula trying to dodge the last one. Still barefoot and half-naked, since you did not use any of the fabric in the smugglers' den, she is quite vulnerable.

"My queen!" the Elf shouts as a teeth passes dangerously close to her forearm shielding her

His gets distracted his tentacle, getting scratched by a poisonous tooth on the wrist in the process. His movements are slower but he can still fight for now. Lula throws herself in the Temple of Neptune, your last safe place before the Throne Room or perhaps the Cure-All Algae.

What do?
>take back your trident and try to avoid the last tentacle while the Elf does his part (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -10 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth)
>take the Elf with you and try to avoid the two remaining tentacles (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth)
>take back your trident, the elf and try to avoid the two remaining tentacles (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth -20 overloaded)
>take the Elf with you and try to avoid the two remaining tentacles (Physical) (+10 speed potion +20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth)
ro11 1d100, must be under 90 (75 +10 speed potion +20 elixir -20 avoiding sharp poisonous teeth +5 outfit)
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

>rolled 33, clear success

Leaving the trident, you force the Elf to dodge a fatal blow by jumping on the ground. Not taking any rest, you get him back on his feet, lifting the featherweight and toss him under the last tentacle to the tunnel leading to the Temple of Neptune. You quickly follow, grabing Lula's wrist in the process. Everyone recovers, breathing heavily in the dimlight of the glowing mushrooms.Meanwhile, you trident gets crushed between two tentacles.

"The root of the tentacles past this point." the Elf manages to speaks between in breathes "The root. They are too large, but are not dexterous enough to be a problem."
"We can dodge them easily..." Lula comments "If that blbofish does not get stuck in my legs."

You left at noon to find the Cure-All Algae and save the City. Your deadline is conveniently set tomorrow at noon. Under the sea, the notion of time is quite abstract and you can't judge from your hunger or exhaustion since you have been fighting non-stop. With your next choice you are facing a simple question. Should you simply take the Algaes and go back to the submarine? Or fight the Kraken and possibly an Undine?

"The Ambassador established his office in the Algae cave." the Elf comments
"Every second the Kraken spent on my father's throne is an outrage, he can wait." Lula adds
"The two places looks really close from each other. There's no guarantee the Undine or the Ambassador won't come to interfere in each other fight."

Where should your final fight take place?
>Throne Room (the Kraken will be an obstacle but not a threat, the Undine is here first)
>Algae Cave (the Algaes and the office of the Ambassador are your point of interest here, he will be here first)

The Final Fight will starts Friday 08/01 at 10PM EDT and will be live until it's over.
Considering the current pace of the thread, I will probably end it there and forget the two other dungeons. It's not really fun for only one player to have to make the decisions during the final dungeons. You will get an epilog, don't worry.
>>Throne Room (the Kraken will be an obstacle but not a threat, the Undine is here first)
It will be more of a blow to the Ambassador to take out the Undine first. He deserves all he has stripped away from him. After he is broken, we will finish him.
>Considering the current pace of the thread, I will probably end it there and forget the two other dungeons
Understandable. Thanks for running to begin with. Been a good ride. Looking forward to what you have in store in the future.

Pity about the state of the thread, but perfectly understandable. I only hope we can run into Alfonso again someday.
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"Let's reclaim your throne first." you decide

With your party made of a mermaid ally and her enthralled elf, you take the direction of the Throne Room. The way is clear, you just have to follow the giant tentacles from the kraken. Despite their imposing size, they pose no threat to your party, slow enough to be dodged but the razor sharp poisonous blade are still here.

As you approach the room, the glowing mushroom on the cave walls fade away to be replaced by more of the grotesque blood and gore decoration. The putrid smell of rotten fish and feces assault your nostril, this really looks like the den of the devil. A foe worthy to be defeated by a champion of Sol since it was actually defeated by Sol himself. The Kraken.

"Shhhhh... It's dangerous outside my baby." a young feminine voice speaks from the room

There is a soothing tone to that voice and while it does not leave you insensible, the charmed Elf is visibly shaken by this motherly words. In the middle of that room made of flesh and guts, a pure innocent maiden is standing on a granite throne, speaking to the head of a giant squid from which the tentacle take root.

"Get out of my father's throne your freshwater shrimp!" Lula commands

It must be the Undine. But she looks so young. Is that really the creature the Elf Ambassador has sweet-talked into overseeing his operation? She is surrounded by water on an island of blood and spilled guts, untainted in her immaculate white dress. You take a step forward, preparing your revolver.

"Don't." Lula warns you, pointing the water under you "It's an Undine, remember? Water is her domain."

Nodding to her advice, you aim with your revolver, not without an hesitation. Are you really going to kill a little girl? The few seconds were just enough for her to hide behind the granite throne.

Great, now you have to cross the water or make her come forward.

>get the Undine out of her cover, you know enough about her relationship with the Ambassador, or you can speak your mind about and shatter her illusion about the Kraken, maybe a proof of what real love looks like with Lula could weaken her resolve (more options)
>create an access to the throne over the water by provoking the Kraken throwing your cleaver or dagger, maybe sacrificing the elf (more options)
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>>create an access to the throne over the water by provoking the Kraken throwing your cleaver or dagger, maybe sacrificing the elf (more options)
dagger. we might not get it back.
You are going to cross this obstacle and deal with the Undine yourself. Throwing a heavy weapon at the Kraken could force it to sprawl a tentacle over the water and make a bridge for you, or you can sacrifice the Elf. But who knows what danger you might face so close to a titan coming back to life.

First, let's see if you can trigger the monster, dodging the attack will be another part...
>throw the cleaver (Physical) (+20 elixir -20 core of the Kraken)
>throw the dagger (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken)
>sacrifice the Elf

I'm sorry to burden only one player with the endgame, but it has to end one way or another
>>throw the dagger (Physical) (+20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken)
Here's hoping another player shows up.
roll 1d100, must be under 90 (75 +5 outfit +20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken)
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>rolled 75, success

You throw your dagger at full speed on the root of a tentacle. It gets deflected by the moving limb, hitting a hardened part. However, it's enough to bother the creature and cause a mild annoyance. Since you did not really harm the Kraken, the response is slow enough to be dodged. For once, your poor performance might have saved your life. The dagger drowns in the pond.

-1 parry dagger

"How dare you?!" the girls shouts, slightly revealing herself

Avoid the tentacle
>dodge and get Lula out of the trajectory, the Elf will also dodge (+20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken -20 sharp poisonous teeth -20 overloaded -10 heat of the battle +10 speed potion -5 slowly moving tentacle)
>dodge and prepare to cross while the Elf helps Lula also dodging ( +20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken -20 sharp poisonous teeth -10 heat of the battle +10 speed potion -5 slowly moving tentacle)
>get the Undine out of her cover with one of the previous options and a +10 modifier
>dodge and get Lula out of the trajectory, the Elf will also dodge (+20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken -20 sharp poisonous teeth -20 overloaded -10 heat of the battle +10 speed potion -5 slowly moving tentacle)

Whoops, sorry I'm late.
roll 1d100, must be under 45 (75 +20 elixir +10 damage -20 core of the Kraken -20 sharp poisonous teeth -20 overloaded -10 heat of the battle +10 speed potion -5 slowly moving tentacle +5 outfit)
Rolled 8 (1d100)

>rolled 8, clear success

Triggering the Undine to make her stop the attack was too risky so you choose to dodge it yourself. And you did so with a remarkable acrobatic feat. Swiftly lifting ther mermaid, you sidestepped in an instant and jumped back on the tentacle, carying Lula over the dangerous water into this small island of blood and guts.

This sight seemed to have a very damaging effect on the Undine's psyche judging by her expression. On the other hand, Lula was pleased enough to discreetly plant a kiss on your collarbone when you eased her onto the ground. Meanwhile, the Elf barely dodged the tentacle but did not make it to the inner circle.

"Get away from this throne, freshwater shrimp." Lula points her finger at the terrified and confused Undine
"N-No..." she stutters "I must protect our child, I'm a real mother now."
"What nonsense is this? Go back to your lake. I am the Queen of the Ocean and all creature under the sea are my child."

The Undine squints her eyes, gripping the granite throne. Fear let the stage for a anger. An emotion that seems to affect the surrounding water as some sort of water blade start to dance over the pond. Is she going to attack? Or just defend herself?

What should you do? You can't fight the Kraken with her around?
>break her mentally, you know enough about her relationship with the Ambassador (Social)
>make her surrender, you can speak your mind about and shatter her illusion about the Kraken (Social) (+10 injured "her child" )
>make her surrender, a proof of what real love looks like with Lula could weaken her resolve (Social) (+10 Lula current relationship +10 heroically princess carrying Lula to her throne)
>don't risk it, kill her even if she looks like a child, you are close enough
>take her hostage, but prepare to fight
>make her surrender, a proof of what real love looks like with Lula could weaken her resolve (Social) (+10 Lula current relationship +10 heroically princess carrying Lula to her throne)

Now we have a bargaining chip for the ambassador. Though maybe we should just leave it at shatter her illusions, if we're going to murder the ambassador.
last chance for a write-in to get a modifier, waiting 10 minutes for a second vote
roll 1d100, must be under 60 (40 +10 Lula current relationship +10 heroically princess carrying Lula to her throne)
Rolled 32 (1d100)

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rolled 32, success
mermaid's charm, now +25

"I don't know what game you play with that baldie, but this." you say starting to pull the barely clothed mermaid by her waist "this is what real love looks like."
"Oh, Alfonso..." Lula plays along

She loosens her grip on the throne and let tension leave her body. The water around you looks less agitated. She might have lost some of her resolve. Anyway, you have no idea what to do why the Kraken. When being cut, it regrows its limbs. The head is so massive, it's actually part of this morbid island of rotten flesh here. Maybe you-

"My Queen!" the Elf screams

Behind you, the enemy Lula charmed has been pierced by a blade, his body leaning backward under the force of the impact. He was attacked from behind but you can't see the one who stabbed him. Actually the mass of his corpse is resting against thin air. Or perhaps...

"True love, you say?" a smooth nasal voice comes from behind him "You are treating your woman like an object, parading with her in indecent clothing just like at my reception."

The dying Elf falls, pushed into the pond with one last look to his doomed love. A blade covered in blood floats in the air and disappear under an invisible cloth.

"Who's here?" you challenge the aggressor, shielding Lula
"Your death."
"Welcome home darling." the Undine rejoices popping from behind the throne

Water blades begins to spins around the Kraken at high speed, following the change in mood to the Undine. He is finally here. The man, no the knife-ears responsible for the occupation of the Workers District, the cunning politician who manipulated Dwarfes and Humans alike. "Too dangerous to be allowed to live." this is what you thought of him and it did not change a bit.

"You caused me a lot of troubles." the voices circles around the island "If you even want to see your precious Sun's light ever again, leave immediately."
"Alfonso, don't listen to him." Lula barks
"I may even let you take some algae to cure your friends, but you will have to leave that mermaid here."
"It's just an Elven cloak, we can beat him together Alfonso. Some crabs can see beyond Human perception, if only we..."

>try to appear credible while threatening to kill the Undine (Social) (+5 baby killer -50 end boss)
>actually kill the Undine and become a child murderer
>you are not done with the Undine, you know enough about her relationship with the Ambassador (Social) (-10 Ambassador's speech)
>you are not done with the Undine, you can speak your mind about and shatter her illusion about the Kraken (Social) (+10 injured "her child")
>unload your revolver around you, one of the six shots might hit him (Mental) (-10 heat of battle -50 end boss +20 elixir +25 Lula's charm 0/-5/-10/-15/-20 with each shot )
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)

>accept the deal and sacrifice Lula
>>unload your revolver around you, one of the six shots might hit him (Mental) (-10 heat of battle -50 end boss +20 elixir +25 Lula's charm 0/-5/-10/-15/-20 with each shot )
Rolled 4 (1d6)

roll 6d100, must be under 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 (50 -10 heat of battle -50 end boss +20 elixir +25 Lula's charm 0/-5/-10/-15/-20 with each shot +5 outfit)

note : only one of these rolls need to under its DC, the actual position of the Ambassador. To make it fair and transparent I'm rolling the Ambassador's position
Rolled 32, 85, 39, 17, 79, 100 = 352 (6d100)

Rolled 47, 1, 90, 91, 87, 65 = 381 (6d100)

>rolled 17, success
-3FMJ bullets

Your first round clear the area leading out of the cave, and even in fast drawing, you have time to renounce to your second shot since the area it covers looks impracticable for someone. The third shot fives nothing, but on your fourth shot, you can hear a faint complaint. It must be him!

"Don't hurt him!" the Undine screams

One of the water blades, now dancing in a small hurricane which eye you are now standing, cuts your cheek. Lula, realizing the danger posed by the Undine, grabs her wrist and tries to subdue her. With now a general idea of his direction, you must decide of what to do in this crucial window of opportunity.

>unload your barrel in that direction
>mark him in some way or another, write-in
>Lula is in danger, kill the Undine
>maybe you can threaten to kill the Ambassador if the Undine does not calm down (Social) (+10 injured "her child" +5 spotted)
>>maybe you can threaten to kill the Ambassador if the Undine does not calm down (Social) (+10 injured "her child" +5 spotted)
roll 1d100, must be under 60 (40+10 injured "her child" +5 spotted +5 outfit)
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 18 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

>rolled 18, success
"Stop fighting or I kill your dear lover." you threaten the Undine.

The water around the Kraken calm down and Lula manage to shield herself with the Undine using an armlock. You won't have to fear water elemental attacks but there is no guarantee the Ambassador stayed right in front of your barrel. He was in the algae cave not a long time ago, for all you know he could have healed himself.

So now what? You are still fighting an invisible enemy.
>take cover behind the granite throne and reload
>mark him in some way or another, write-in
>get out of the throne room by jumping after drinking your jump potion
>write-in (write-in are always available but I may or may not choose them)
>take cover behind the granite throne and reload
Call out to the ambassador, it's over. We've already beaten him, there's nothing left that he can do. (Hopefully he'll reveal his position if he responds.)
Taking cover behind the throne while getting out the empty cartridges, you taunt the Ambassador some more. With enough bullets and a safe position you have no chance to lose, what's more you even have an hostage. However, you get no responses from the former master spy. The Undine breaks in tears, fearing "the father" of her child is dead.

"Are you going to abandon that girl?" you call out his cowardice "I read your love letters."

And yet, no responses. You consider unloading your barrel once more. And you do so. Again, and again. Waiting long enough to be sure he could bleed to death several times if he was shot. Yet, no responses. You splatter the guts and blood all around but they meet no invisible foe. The Undine sorrow is now reflecting her despair for she now realized what you failed to acknowledge. The Ambassador is just gone.

"What a coward." Lula comments

You completely misinterpreted the relationship between the Undine and the Ambassador. It turned out he was only using her to restrict the Kraken and get his giant squids. The fight was over. You won, but failed to stop the Ambassador by forgetting the only golden rule : around Elves watch yourselves, and also never ever let them time to escape or retrench themselves.

Tired of waiting Lula took her seat on the granite throne and looked down on the heartbroken Undine at her feet. Without the influence of the Undine, all the water in the cave regained its natural salinity which allowed the Kraken to escape. A massive beast, too big to be butchered by a single Human or even a horde of Fishemen anyway. Her "mother" followed.

In the Cure-All Algae cave, you found enough plants to overload the small pocket submarine you came into and fully heal Giusepe. A first emergency trip back to the Hospital got you just in time to save a bunch of Stage Three patients.

12PM, Day of the Nones, Month of Sol
Weekly death toll : 7,000 (previously expected +57,000 (80,000 without the disinfectant))
---Secret of symptoms retardant elixirs
--Mass slaughtering
----Dead Zone no longer contained
~Elven Commandos
~Hidden modifier (Mass slaughter ended)
~Hospital no longer overcrowded
~steady supply of masks and gloves
++severe cold
+++self quarantine
Cure All Algae : 18,000 doses

The next hours are spent helping Lula regain control of her underwater kingdom by getting more Fishmen there and establishing a steady supply of algae. Free at first, she decided to sell them at the Apothecary's shop for an exorbitant price. Though with enough people cured and totally purged of the disease, the Quarantine quickly ended.

It was finally over.
Total casualties : 49,900
People alive : 150,100/200,000
Alfonso's kill count : ~80

The Elves
With the Ambassador gone and their galleys destroyed, the commandos deserted the City, too eager to escape the terrible fate the inhabitants would inflict upon them. Due to the tension, the Embassy was demolished and heavy fees were imposed on the Grain Trade.

The Militia
Disbanded after the plague, they all returned to their ships or their life as mercenaries. The Elves took most of the blame of the horrific treatments inflicted on the inhabitants. The mass slaughters were never uncovered, even as the snow melted.

The Inquisition
They never found what they were looking for in the Cemetery. The Temple of Charon, the Lich King ritual or the Cremosa Crypt. With the plague gone, they choose to capitalize on their newly acquired zealots and start a last crusade away from the City and the devastation they caused in the Slums.

The Dwarven Kingdom
As per agreement with the Elves, they mass-produced submarines for their navy in exchange for the documents the Elven Commandos retrieved from their burning Fortress years ago. A powerful caste of bankers and industrialists further leading them into a dystopian society.

The Elven Kingdom
With their newly acquired navy and rumors of a few giant squids protecting some key straits, the Elves became a major naval power in an age of rapid industrialization. They even started colonizing the New World but rumors speak about an exodus because of "Mhaor". The closest Human word is "Corruption."

Lady Lula Barielle
After the Demihuman left the Redlight District she lost interest and spent all her time restoring the former glory of her small underwater kingdom. Since she damaged the reputation of Giovanni and profited of the bad reputation of the Cult of Charon, she has now all the cards in her hands. Not mentioning the total control of Goodhealth's shops and the now overpriced cure-all algae.

Don Giorgio Giovanni
Without any need for a cure, his plan to challenge the Doge at the next election failed, and he was forced to exile... to the New World, where he found the remains of the desecrated corpse of his former butler. Living as a mysterious noble, he never bothered with politic ever again.

Lady Lisa Cremosa
She took the charge of head of the Magic School and resumed her secret activities as a priestess of Charon without being ever worried about the Inquisition. She never found out who was the cultist bomber who brought the attention on her group.
The Ambassador
-fate unknown-

The Doge
His plan to inflate the Dwarves' currency and devaluate gold never came to fruition without the Philosopher Stone. Giovanni and the Quarantine gone, he was reelected in a landslide in front of the full College of the Nobles. However, the new outsourcing contracts from the Dwarven Kindgdom and the disappearance of the Demihuman workforce were too much to handle. He gave up the exceptional power he was granted and only assumed two more mandates as President of the College before becoming a Governor in the Eastern Kingdom for the Thalassocracy.

The Grand Inquisitor
Sol granted a dying man his last wish. He gathered enough zealots to lead a new crusade in the Northern Lands, subjugating once and for all the pagans. With a few promising Firekeeper and Sol's Champions in the children he recruited, the Inquisition bright days are still ahead. Despite the unstoppable progress of science and internation exchanges, he proved that Divine Magic was still a formidable tool and that the power of the Church on the masses will always be relevant. The surge of racism against non-Human helped to create the condition for a new Grain Trade deal very damaaging to the Elves.
This has been a fun ride, but I don't think I can deliver a proper last fight balancing the reduced number of players and a consistent difficulty to be expected from the Ambassador regarding all the previous fights.

I don't like bittersweet endings but I will at least provide a proper epilogue for the plot and subplots. More to come for the minor characters in the following days. You can ask about a specific character or subplot to be sure I will include it in the epilogue, or just ask a "what if", discuss, complaints, critic...

This was my second "successful" quest, with the first being a one-shot. I think I need to get back to this format or run shorter quests. I have more plans for this universe, maybe about the Elves or the Dwarves again and also totally different projects I will not use my tripcode for.

Thank you for following the Quarantine of a Harbor City until the end, partially or even for hovering on these last few words.
It's been one hell of a ride, Alde. Thanks for running.
Sorry about the reduced quantity of votes coming from me, life caught up with me back around May.
Looking forward to any future content coming from you, I'll be sure to follow it.
Possibly consider running things less frequently rather than less lengthily.
2-3 times a week may work better than daily, it's a pretty large commitment to come in every day and be following a session to the end, and not to mention how much of an undertaking that must be to run. I really appreciate you running things and all, but give yourself a break sometimes, man.
As for questions:
-What happened to Alfonso after the conclusion?
-Melie and Arthur?
-What would've happened to Mario, if he had lived?
-What about the cultist bomber? Could you go into detail regarding that subplot?
-We found Corym and Susanna imprisoned by the Elves/Inquisition, Alfonso would of course be imprisoned or involved with the Militia based on that, but what circumstances do you think he would've been in more specifically if we had been playing as another character?
-If you have plans to continue running quests, do you plan on making a Twitter or Discord to announce when you are running things next?
Thanks for running Alde. A real shame things petered out towards the end, but you still managed to give us a conclusion, so thank you.

I agree with pretty much all of this. I'd also like to know what would have actually happened if Don Giovanni had won the election. Once again, thanks for running, and good luck for the next quest!
He waited patiently the end of the Quarantine to get back his gold pile in the Dead Zone and left the City bribing the first ship he found. Because all Elven galleys have been destroyed, many more refugees escaped the Quarantine, sometimes carrying the deadly disease with them. Their fate is unknown.

Captain Rakham
Torn between the abundant offers as a ship's captain to reopen the Grain Trade and his friendship toward Tornelli, he decided to move closer to the Dwarven Kingdom. Approached by and Ingothide&Son's employee he was proposed a job as the first submarine captain to deliver the product to the Elven Kingdom.

Profesore Tornelli Piccardi da Costa
Between two sketching of submarine blueprint at the Dwarven Kingdom he scribbles some ideas for a giant canon that could get people on the closest moon of the World. He does not lack of anything in his daily life, soon he will realize that everything he eats, drink and consume is being credited into a growing debt.

With Lula spending more time under the sea, she became the manager of the Pearl of the Ocean and bought back the old cabaret she worked at. Because of the major technological setback due to the Inquisition she was never able to record her voice and gift all mankind of her soothing voice.

As a prodigy he was very welcomed by many talented Elven artists to teach them about music theory and this strange art of "writing music". Even after growing up into his rebellious phase, he maintained a good relationship with his sister and his now adoptive father Parotti.

She became a foreign student in an Elven University to learn about the many languages and cultures of the world. The pressure of maintaining appearance and being one the only Human there put a great stress on her, but she had her little brother and a new father to count on.

A famous tenor such as the great Parotti had no difficulty finding a steady job and a house in the Elven Kingdom. He is only worried about accepting tours that would take him too far from his newly adopted children. From time to time he sing for the Ambassador of the Thalassocracy and smuggle meat for the two growing teenagers.
The Ratfolk journalist tried one last time to get closer to the Amphitheater from where a putrid smell rose after the ice melted. Then, La Stampa stopped printing and he mysteriously vanished. Nobody will ever know the truth, but perpahs nobody wants to find out.

As the snow melted, not far from Parotti's appartment, two corpse were found frozen. A couple hugging themselves. The male was covered in black spots and the female probably died of hypothermia. A tragic end that many were confronted to in the City.

The racoon girl, now with a few gold coins of dot from her maid's salary, settled with her beloved in the Office District as a housewife. Meanwhile, the Doctore tried his best to rebuild the Academy of Natural Philosophy. With the Demihuman gone and the inflation over, the Doge had no more concern for them and didn't even react when they opened an Alchemist shop.

Mr. Goodhealth&the clerc
Lula got bored of from the worm Goodhealth has become and simply ordered him to get away, on a whim. He did so with great zeal, spending all his fortune to finance an expedition to the farthest corner of the world and bringing the traumatized shop lady with him.

After the rumors about the Cult being a bunch of lunatic dissipated, he was allowed to get his first contract. Many resentful widow and orphan called for revenge and the market was booming. He restored the Cult reputation and made a name of his own, putting a shadow on the "Masked Avenger".

With so many opportunities when the Quarantine was over, he found a steady job at a textile factory, even an apartment to settle. Despite Arthur urging his sister to find a husband, he also struggled to adapt to a normal life. He sometimes wanders into shoddy taverns talking about the big heist he was planning to impress a barmaid.

The miraculous algae finally held the scars on her face, a farewell gift from Alfonso whom she felt now even more indebted to. Her pretty face opened many doors, and she chooses to become a cashier at a bakery now that the Grain Trade reopened. Sometimes her colleagues can get a smile from her face, but her stern expression quickly replace any signs of weakness.

With the Grand Inquisitor gone and since Alfonso never really took responsibility for what she has become, she expressed her wish to get back to the Church. Here, she provided free healing once the factory reopened and were treated with great respect by the aspiring Vestals. She often told her own romanticized version of Persephone's abduction.
Gnome Alchemist&his son
The father did not survive the trip by Airship, senile and weakened by old age he died with a smile knowing that his son finally escaped the Dwarven Fortress on an Airship with him. The son tried his best to open an Alchemist shop in the dystopian Dwarven Kingdom but quickly got indebted and choose to enlist in the army.

After making a fortune during the Quarantine, the man started to manufacture the revolver and opened many shops in the New World. Bounty hunters, Demihumans slavers, ruins dwellers, the demand was high.

Dwarf Blacksmith
Since he possessed the decrypted Manifesto, he gathered all the weapons of his collection and departed for the Dwarven Kingdom to spread ideals of freedom and equality by force if necessary. A revolution is brewing.

For his contribution during the Quarantine, the man was awarded a noble rank by the now President of the College of Nobles. Using his newly acquired privileges and fortune he offered a consequent dot to his seamstresses and bought a villa to host mundanes parties, sometimes sending a invitation to a mysterious commoner.
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Champion of the Inquisition : Nicholas
Surrounded by a bunch of zealous pages, he obediently followed the Grand Inquisitor to the Northern lands. The weather was harsh and his attitude toward the young fanatics even colder, never removing his helmet in there presence. Winter came and went with the lives of his followers and soon he was the last man standing surrounded by the corpses of the children and silently crying behind his helmet. Sol has asked much of mankind, much they have already given, much more they must be prepared to give.

Leader of the Militia : Franz
She had to duel several high ranked guards to clean her honor, then got discharged by the Doge, to play adventurers in the New World and escape her responsibilities. Still looking for the thrill of death, she can be seen emerging from ruins covered in blood with ripped off clothes but always with a bored expression. She only smiles when touching a tight collar around her neck, a reminder of her second crush, the first being her childhood friend Giovanni.

Captain of the Commandos
For those who read the Fall of a Dwarven Fortress, he was the captain of the canaries, the group which retrieved the national debt contract and tried to escape bypassing a dragon. He lost much of his men and was burned to a crisp by the breath of the dragon. Many healing potion were used, but he would forever bear the scars on his body and in his mind.

As for Alfonso, I don't want his story to end right there. Partly because I failed to let you explore all other routes in a fun setting and also because I have plans for the future. So, I will let you decide of his immediate future. Should he settle with Lula? Stay friend with Lisa? Take care of Susanna or maybe the twins? Open a new shop or go adventuring in the new world? He has plenty of possibilities thanks to your choices. And I think you can be proud of that.
-What would've happened to Mario, if he had lived?
First, he would have helped you to fight the Ambassador and the Undine, but with Giusepe's suit broken you would have been on a tight spot if the situation was unstable in the cave. The ending gave you enough time to let Giusepe rest under the sea and get back with the submarine, but what if the Kraken or the Undine went berserk? Then, you made a promise with Mario to become adventurer in the New World. He could have become an adventurer but only with Alfonso's support. Without him, maybe he would have become the permanent bodyguard of the Tailor.

-What about the cultist bomber? Could you go into detail regarding that subplot?
It was Lula. Or maybe not directly her. Remember how she can hypnotize people with just a touch or a look? And that men grovel at her feet? People take her wishes as commands and sometimes, when she speaks her mind carelessly, a simple thought such as "I wish the Cult could just disappear" can lead a man to create very convoluted plans to satisfy her without Lula even being aware of that.

-We found Corym and Susanna imprisoned by the Elves/Inquisition, Alfonso would of course be imprisoned or involved with the Militia based on that, but what circumstances do you think he would've been in more specifically if we had been playing as another character?
Imprisoned at the Citadel of course. Alfonso would have immediately sympathize with Pastori also being the victim of conspiracy rumors. Maybe you noticed all the three characters had children they are taking care of. Susanna had Amicia and Hugo, Corym had Melie and Arthur. I planned for a lone child riding a gondola with his dying father. This child would have been your lead to Alfonso.

-if Don Giovanni had won the election.
Ok, first Giovanni and Francesca had a history together. I wanted to make it clear because sometimes I'm too cryptic regarding that. Childhood friend growing up to be a tomboy, etc... If you set sail for the Philosopher Stone island they would have fought together and as you know it's the only way to Franz's heart. If Alfonso opposed the fight or was committed to far with Franz, then Giovanni and Alfonso would have fought against each other. Killing the Doge and bringing back a cure would have resulted in Giovanni becoming the Doge, then relinquished the emergency power to become a simple President of the College. He only used his pro-Demihuman faction to gain power, his real motive has always been to modernize the City.

-If you have plans to continue running quests, do you plan on making a Twitter or Discord to announce when you are running things next?
I am on the /qst/ discord, simply "Al". I won't try anything before the end of Summer. Maybe I will try something I don't want my username to be associated with because it's an experiment and very different from this "serie". I will stick to oneshot for a while or if it has to run for more than a week it will be thrice a week.
Still open for "what if" and other questions, also critics and recommendations. There plenty of good quests on the catalog, go check them.
Thanks for running! Sadly I was mostly affected by my timezone and couldn't participate as much but I did get the ball rolling on a lot of stuff and even made tons of write ins.

Can we get a what-if for Sussana if we had managed to rescue her on time even though it was impossible and another what if for Lady Cremosa and Sunshine?

Now that I think about it, you know what would've been another good love romance? replacing Franz for a elf

Did our Captain the polaris one, really plot against the doge?

>It was lula
Damn... wait, oh so it was a mistake... it would explain why we couldn't find anything.

I wish Giovanni and Franz would've ended up together

One shots are nice but longs quests are good too, I remember when you gave up on the first thread and look at it now, thread seven! Good job!
Thanks for running, man. Great job. I had a lot of fun following this quest, I apologize for disappearing for most of the later sessions, my life sort of caught up with me. I look forward to any future projects of yours on /qst/, you've come a long way since The Fall of a Dwarven Fortress, man. Things certainly have improved, I'm happy with how things were ran this go around. Only thing that really bothered me about the current system was how few attributes/skills we had, it felt slightly limiting. For example, having Physical split into Strength/Agility or something of that sort would add a bit more variety. Like, say we were playing as Corym rather than Alfonso. Due to being an Elven Scholar, he would probably have a fairly weak strength, but a high agility. Then again, over complicating things may just be troublesome in the long run. The same result could be achieved just by having a modifier. It's up to you, man. Maybe try a new system with a broader spectrum of attributes for a one-shot?
Something I rather liked about the current system was the impact our actions throughout the day had on our dreams and in turn, our stats. It felt very unique.
I enjoyed the addition of the crafting system as well, scrambling across town to find some rare ingredient had an appeal.
>It was Lula. Or maybe not directly her.
Hah, man. We were way off.
>He only used his pro-Demihuman faction to gain power, his real motive has always been to modernize the City.
Hm. Definitely misjudged him. I enjoy the QnA/Ending segments of your quests, while I wish some things turned out differently, it's a nice thing to see an ending for a character, something we missed revealed, or foreshadowing something that may happen in a future quest. Dwarven revolution one-shot when?
>Can we get a what-if for Sussana if we had managed to rescue her on time even though it was impossible and another what if for Lady Cremosa and Sunshine?
And a what if we got access to Giuseppe's stash. I'm pretty interested in what he could have accumulated.
And what if we had sided with the commoners at the hospital? Or the nobles?
What did the entangled birch twig do?
>Now that I think about it, you know what would've been another good love romance? replacing Franz for a elf
Totally. An elf being a romance option definitely could've made a good potential conflict between us and Mario. And anybody else close to us who dislikes knife-ears. An interesting concept.
>I wish Giovanni and Franz would've ended up together
Agreed. It's a shame. I liked both of them, and felt pretty bad regarding the betrayal of Don Giovanni. It would've been a nice ending for the both of them.
>So, I will let you decide of his immediate future
Personally, I'm leaning toward taking care of Arthur/Melie while remaining friends with Lisa while taking on mercenary work in the city. We're a butcher through and through, went from animals to men throughout the course of this. Our mates are dead, Giuseppe fled. You said it yourself, Alde. You don't want Alfonso's story to end quite yet. I think he should try and stay in the game, keep his skills honed. We got that crit on crafting. "Three heroes, three lances, three gods. For all you know, you were part of these heroes and one of them was a Dwarf. The last one did not reveal himself yet." Alfonso must know something big is coming. He should stay sharp, and begin preparing. Remain sane by caring for the thieves. Lay off on the coca elixirs a bit. Maybe get around to making those crepes he promised Lisa. Get some profit, gear and experience. Maybe try picking up some new tricks from the Cult of Charon. Maybe set aside some funds for an eventual trip to the New World to honor Mario's memory by becoming an adventurer.
Before solely taking my input on this, try to leave it open to discussion for a few days. Kind of a big thing. I don't want to be the sole deciding factor on something this major.
>So, I will let you decide of his immediate future
I think Alfonso doesn't ends up with Lula, Cremosa or Susanna.. I think he takes care of Susanna for a bit, maybe getting her the new fire eyes?
but that doesn't mean Alfonso has no feeling for them, I think he loves Lula and Cremosa but his inner guilt and struggle are too heavy to handle.

I think he leaves the city and exiles himself for a while, with no butcher shop.. no friends or anything to tie us down, decides to walk the earth looking for a purpose now as a mercenary or a wandering knight with a cleaver staying, maybe even trying to understand his fate and master his skills

And maybe just maybe he might return
Should someone archive this?
>Can we get a what-if for Sussana if we had managed to rescue her on time even though it was impossible
Susanna had a great fighting potential, even blind and deaf. You should have trusted her more. In her current state, she was very dependent of Alfonso, so as someone noticed it's not really love. If she was healed, there would have been a similar mechanism to Lady Cremosa based on Sol/Charon alignment. On top of that she would have been the easiest catch. It was hard to figure what pleased Lisa, Lula and Franz but Susanna was just frustrated and highly romanticized love.

>another what if for Lady Cremosa and Sunshine?
It's easy to figure out what a relationship with Lisa would have been. Fooling around in balls and parties, larping as edgy cultists, going to the opera... But all of that would have required Alfonso to forget about Sol. As fore Sunshine, I never really thought about it. She was heartbroken after the death of her friends, so definitely not ready for that kind of relationship with Alfonso. Visiting her at the Pearl or cabaret, swimming under the moonlight, ... But in the end it would have been a substitute for the Gallileofs.

Note : you can still archive past page 11, I wanted to ask about better tags for the quest but whatever it's too late now and it was not really important. Thanks, you archived it correctly.

Good bye.
A bit late, but thanks once again for running, and especially for sticking round to answer all our questions here. I kinda agree with this one>>4392426 on Alfonso's fate. He becomes a lonely wanderer, who still checks in on everyone from time to time. One thing I would like to comment on though is how rushed things were at times, that was definitely something I didn't like so much, though it improved a lot by the end of the quest. But anyway, looking forward to your next quest, you've definitely got skill!
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Almost forgot, these were the courtesans from each of the brothels. Each were tied to a stat in this order : Mental, Social and Physical and the interactions were 100% SFW playing on your expectations.

>enter the "Love Nest"
>expect something romantic and motherly
>get embraced by a skelly moth girl with fake silk breasts
>roll to resist mental break down
>if success get sprayed by pheromones to increase Mental stat

>enter "Rabbit Hole"
>expect lewd bunny girls
>get greeted by pro wrestler challenging you to a duel
>roll to wrestle against the bunny
>if success get free training and raise your Physical stat

>enter "Cat Maid Cafe"
>expect normal girls with cat ears
>humanoid fully covered in furs welcome you
>have to pet her right to make her purr
>if success get a soothing bonus for your Social stat

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