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“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


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File: A Bard's Tale.gif (3.39 MB, 1200x744)
3.39 MB
3.39 MB GIF
Many years from now. Not far from home…

“Good to see you again, minstrel.” The innkeep waved the man in, too busy with other customers to pay the wandering troubadour much mind at the moment. “Take a seat by the fire, my better half will be along with some food shortly.”

“I could never be kept away from here too long, after all this is my favourite tavern on the road!” The troubadour inquired hopefully. “Sausages?”

“Vegetable stew, more’s the pity.” The innkeep replied with a shake of the head. “My meat stock is fair slim this week, and reserved for paying customers mind you.”

“But what of my songs and stories?” The troubadour bemoaned, settling down to his favourite spot by the fire. Regulars of the premise knew that the minstrel sooner started with his stories once he was comfortable in his favourite spot. “Not to mention I have sung the praises of this place high and low through the better part of the kingdom, why for such stunning advertisement you should be paying me for the increase in customers!”

“Vegetable stew.” The innkeep replied gruffly, he had no time for the bard’s usual chattiness this busy evening.

The troubadour smiled warmly at the innkeep’s wife when she got around to him, her good-natured wink drew his attention to the extra sausage she had snuck onto his plate. Seeing this his smile only widened, wondering what chapter of the Bear of Romaine he should recount for the audience tonight. He noticed a few young couples, and no shortage of neighbouring farmer’s daughters and sons eyeing each other up. The story would have to be a good one, maybe of the knight’s escapades and romantic exploits in Pascae. Tonight’s audience deserved no less.

This was, after all, his favourite tavern on the road.

First for fucking Vancewell
Monegan, 5th Day of Acrimun, 883 A.C.E., Port Bounty Docks - After Midnight

> Once you have completed the Final Vigil you will join the Drakon Roloi, the Dragon Guard. A place of honour in the ranks of the mightiest warriors of all the lands, allies at courts both foreign and domestic. It is a call to adventure, and it has the added advantage of keeping you out of the Prince’s mind. And keeping you away from the Paladin Sanguine. [Hearty]

It must be nearing midnight by the time your carriage arrives at the Vidra galley, the Litany of Solace, waiting down by the docks, though the Patrikas Ianthe makes no complaint regarding the short detour. Damien passes you a small slip of paper, to pass on to Lady Rabe before she leaves town. It even bears the House Andrei seal, Roselyn must have it (or more likely a copy) somewhere on her person.

“When did you even get the chance to write this?” You ask teasingly, well aware that Damien and Brunhilde Rabe had hit it off during the ball.

“I had to have a little sitdown, take a break from the festivities and networking. I’m wounded don’t you know?” Damien puts on an air of injured innocence.
“Yes, hard work talking to my friends pretty sister. Must have been so taking.” You grin, enjoying your brother’s flushed face and caught-out expression. “You two did seem to get along rather well. Don’t worry, I approve.”

“Well why wouldn’t you? It was more your rugged mountain friend who I was wary of upsetting. And I like her. She’s pretty, she’s interesting to talk to and she’s… she’s nice.” Damien finished lamely, much to your amusement.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear the details of your boyish infatuation over the words Iron Markets. Men, really. But yes, I quite like the little chatterbox myself.” Roselyn rolls her eyes, but your ally in sibling-teasing swiftly turns to stab you in the back. “And you’re one to talk Emmy! Don’t think I didn’t watch your little ‘Catch the Swan’ scandal with Frida Vancewell. Scandalous, they’ll be gossiping about that for weeks to come.”

“Yes, I was a little confused myself. That’s not the -same- Vancewell whose brother you…?” Your eldest brother makes a tsk-tsk sound, the tables regarding needling one’s siblings have turned in his favour. “Cain on the Cross, Emile. You really can pick them! Ros, would you ever be seen dancing with the man responsible for the demise of either of your brothers?”

“You? It’s a veritable mark in their favour. But little Emmy? On principle, no. But with an inheritance like that…” Roselyn coos, gleeful at you visibly writhing under the combined nettling of your elder siblings.


“Be careful though Emmy, your little crush is a viper posing as a woman. And I’m using that only as half a compliment to her.” Your sister continues, a more considered tone in her voice. “I doubt her bite will carry too much venom during your stay in Cathagi, but if she’s not wrapped up by some other suitor by the time you get back… well, it could lead to trouble. And opportunity. That Daubeny girl is the safer bet, though a little boring.”

“I don’t know, I think she was sweet. But kind of sad, like…” Damien seems to struggle with finding the right word.

“Like a kicked puppy?” Roselyn interjects.

“Ros!” You snap as Damien laughs, more at your discomfort than at Roselyn’s description of Mademoiselle Josephine Daubeny.

“She’s only teasing, brother. You know she can’t help it. Besides, I think you cheered her up some. My little brother, a lady’s man. The Almighty really does enjoy surprising us.” Damien shakes his head, but his rueful smile gives way to a more serious tone. “So you’re set on this stay in Cathagi? I never doubted you’d finish your pilgrimage, of course, but a couple of months away from home is far different than a two-year stretch in the Dragon Guard. Two years, Pit damn it… I’m going to miss you, little brother.”

“And I you, big brother.” The two of you embrace, thumping each other’s back.

You and your brother have always been close, but the last few months facing all manner of danger and rough travelling together have strengthened that bond like steel in a forge. True, you were doing him a favour, but you know in your heart that there is no one in Almighty’s creation that you would rather have at your back.

“What? No hug for your big sister this time? Come here you big oaf.” Roselyn is doing a very good job of hiding her tears, but the tightness of her voice and slight sniffle betrays her sisterly worry as she holds you tight. “Be safe, Emmy. We will be praying for you. Every night.”


>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
My main Knigga!

>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
We'll curse ourselves later but we may really need him on the long walk
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained)
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
A question if you do not mind forgotten, how many updates do you plan on churning out today?
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

No sadhawk. I'm sure we can rent one somewhere anyways.
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

Sending messages home will be invaluable
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

She/he? stays with us.
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
A welcome sight, this post. I've had a rough week and this has been the one thing keeping me going.
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
First time voting in this quest. Lets go.
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
we need that sweet sweet gossip
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

Oh man the crit with Vancewell is going to be so interesting
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

I don't trust sending a raven or whatever from Cathagi, but I trust courageous sky to make the trip plus it will allow us to get letters to the Herald more securely
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

Forgotten, quick question. What if we decide at the end to forgo standing as a Dragon Guard. (I voted for it but just in case). Will there be enough time to send word of that back so that our dear burd doesnt get sent here without a recipient?
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
I really want the correspondence option. But im a softie at heart.
>keep courageus sky with us
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

Been waiting for this all week!
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
damn the amount of votes. Everyone missed you forgotten.
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

A safe line back home is going to be invaluable if we want to pass off some info to Gilbern.
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

Hello Forgotten. What's up?
BTW Forgotten, I just want to remind you of the lore questions at the end of the last thread if you don't mind. They went unanswered before the thread archived.
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

The Return of The King!
All hail the king!
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
From a meta gaming perspective i think being able to get news from home is only going to torture Emile and by extension us, possibly leading to a premature departure from the Roiguard. But I think it's what he would want
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

I want to keep Courageous Sky because I sense we're going to need him during the voyage and Long Walk.
01ID placeholder
I crave for more Vancewell memes
I hope we get an update tonight
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
Hey Forgotten can you schedule the time for the one-per-day updates?
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

Honestly, this is a grand opportunity. We should see if we can route communications through Sir Gilbern via Courageous Sky in Pascae/Aubrey as a show of trust. We can also tell him deliver them to Roselyn as his point of contact. Give her a push to flirt with him in person/via letters and they will be married in no time.
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]

Communication is key
Unfortunately not, I’m going into work over the weekend and even during the week it will be unpredictable given the nature of the job. I will try to have an update for you guys no later than 10:00pm AEST each night.

I’ll answer the previous thread questions next update too.
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
Ask and ye shall receive
Will we be getting a update tonight?
>I’ll answer the previous thread questions next update too.

Alright thanks, Forgotten.
Hey cunts. I am the fag that plagues these threads. I think that the fact that Forgotten didn't use a few rerolls during this one fight means the entire quest is railroaded. On top of that, Forgotten is, quite frankly, an imbecile because he (and 90% of all other players) disagree with me on this minor thing.

I will now argue with you for 200 posts about the color of Emile's socks. If you disagree with me I will call you montbrunfag. This is a reference to some argument I had back in the first threads which I expect you to have followed for some reason.

Now I will proclaim that I'm quitting this quest for good (im not ill be bakc here right away)
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
Since the black ships are attcking ships.
i appreciate you working this into your unpredictable schedule man, thanks
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

Holy shit I caught a Sworn to Valor quest as it starts. HERE WE GOOOOOOO
>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
>>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]
Aw yeah, time for Velour.


>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

Going with keeping Courageous Sky with us. They've saved our asses multiple times in the past, and will help us a tonne in Cathago. It'll be rough not having a safety line back home, but even if it takes substantially longer, our family could arrange secure means of communication vis a vis the Vidras or others. Plus, potential intercepted letters in the meantime is bad, but risking losing a Griffinhawk in the transit to Cathago without us there? Not worth it in my eyes.
>>You have arranged for Courageous Sky to be transported home with your siblings. He will be distressed by the separation, and you won’t be able to rely upon him until after you have completed your pilgrimage, but the ability to send correspondence directly home from Cathagi (admittedly quite a trip) will be invaluable. Your family will arrange his safe delivery to you in Nova Cathagi sometime after you commence the Long Walk. [Courgaeous Sky removed]
Slipping in late here.
>50 votes on the first update

Reginae wept, that's a pretty impressive number for /qst/. As much as I want to assume this quest really is that popular, I think it's fair of me to exclude new 1 post IDs from now on that don't link back to an earlier vote.

All samefags must hang.
The people love you, also Vancewell hype.

The worthiest of samefags is less than the most craven of Beastmen, and smell worse than the most decayed of Deadmen in the five Duchies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Ao8DwpGRc [Embed] – The Litany of Solace sets sail

>You have decided to keep Courageous Sky with you, to be transported with Hannibal and the rest of your gear when you set sail for Cathagi. Having a direct line home would be useful, but your winged friend would be better suited by your side during the dangers of the voyage and that slaver city of Nova Cathagi. Not to mention that few ship lookouts have the boon of an imprinted Legatus Griffinhawk assisting him. [Courageous Sky retained]

There is no unmanly shedding of tears during your family's farewells, it is not goodbye for ever after all. You watching the departing figures of Damien and Roselyn slip up the gangway with a stoic forbearance, you only have to cough once to loosen the tightness in your through.

You had briefly considered arranging for your Legatus Hawk to be ferried away home with your siblings, but eventually decided against it. Courageous Hawk has imprinted on you, a privilege that even breeding and wealth alone cannot easily buy. Your feathered friend has proven his mettle time and again, you will not put that beautiful creature through any stress or hardship that wasn’t unavoidably necessary. The issue of a more mundane channel of communications home is a small price to pay for his watchful eyes and protective companionship. Where you go, he goes.

By the time you return to the carriage the Litany of Solace has already lifted its moorings and drawn away from the dock. The whistle of the deck shift change coincides with the signalling from the Port Bounty harbour lighthouse, a significantly more modern and pragmatic construction than the Old Lighthouse further up the cliffs. Although the harbour is easy to navigate it is still unusual for a ship to leave after the dark, but there is no alarum from the lighthouse and the Vidra Captain Wojcek seems to have arranged his late departure through the appropriate channels. Or at least greased the right palms. There is no last-minute platoon of armoured men in Reginate colours or Faction hirelings to prevent the ship setting sail. Even if those sides had been of a mind to ignore public opinion on Young Lord Damien’s return, your sister’s swift departure schedule has given them no time to organise an abduction.


All very wise, of course. But you find yourself distracted as the carriage pulls up to the villa of the Patrikas Ianthe, coming to terms with the knowledge that this is the last time you would see any of your family for years to come. The Patrikas Ianthe’s voice brings you back to reality, her scented foreign accent drawing your attention as surely as honey lures a bear.

“Thank you for you gallant assistance this evening, young man. Your attentions were instrumental in my sale of information, not to mention flattering for an old woman like me. Would you like to come in for a cup of khave?”

“Khave?” You query with a puzzled expression, offering the Patrikas your hand as she steps out of the carriage “But that would probably keep us up all night.”

“Yes, I suppose it would.” You didn’t see the Cathagi information-dealer’s expression just now when she spoke, but something about her tone makes you pay sudden attention. The Patrikas pauses at her villa’s doorstep, giving you a scrutinizing look from head to toe. After a moment of cool assessment, her eyes lingering on your prominent biceps under the taut fashionable attire, the exile speaks. “I have a heavy old book I’ve been meaning to read. Compedium of Cathagi Castes and Origins in History. I’m sure we could pass the time perusing a chapter or two.”


> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist] I’m willing to write this as Emile being incredibly thick or purposefully turning down the amorous offer.
> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
Lets say no without actually saying no. We are thick headed, but not quite harem protagonist level.
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]

I'm not sure if I like Emille purposefully rejecting it or him just being thick better
>“I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

Sleeping with her isn’t really our style
> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Oh. Uh. I'm not a samefag.

> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

Going with this one, because Ianthe is canny enough and has seen enough of us to know that we're not as stupid as people think. Insulting her intelligence by playing dumb won't win us any favours, and being straight up with her will probably play out better in the next move. Either way, we should probably take a hint from the Tracker Jean fuck-up, and commit to a path now rather than be wishy-washy fuck-waffles.
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

It's about time we got some useful info... James bond style
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
>> “Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
Considering the last time someone wanted to read a book with us I don't think we're that dense
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
We have booty calls with Vancewell anyways. Unless this won't interfere with it. Then I might consider changing.
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

This is me.

> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

Playing the part of a Fool isn’t going to get us anywhere.

Also, any fellow Battle Brothers players out there? New DLC is sick.

Linking my ID here >>4405527
Back to my previous vote here
>Also, any fellow Battle Brothers players out there? New DLC is sick.
ayyyyy my nigga. Fighting orcs, gobs and ice niggers was getting boring. I'm so glad they added all those new weapons and enemies.
It's only been like 8 minutes but now i'm already reconsidering, so i'm changing my vote to
> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Never play it, but I had it in my wish-list waiting for it to go into sale. Gonna buy now.
Southern city states are a goldmine of wealth, the North can eat shit as all it offers is barbarians and trolls

The Handgones are great, even better when you put some command and conquest tracks on during fights.


Good luck, you’re going to need it.


At rate the studio is going, they’re going to have to release updated to the old DLCs just to get them to level of Blazing Deserts. Here’s hoping the next one is Calvary-focused, maybe spice up the noble houses and Midlands with it too.
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>I'm reading through the history books of Sworn to Valour's world. Which names am I sure to come across? (Salve Regina, Adam, Cain, and the Dragon are the obvious answers but any others?)
Aubres, Pascae, Montbrun, Fallavon and Ardenne were all major characters contemporary with Adam and Cain, most of which sided with one or the other when the brothers were having their dispute (according to doctrine). Some died with Adam during the Siege of Aubrey, others (and their descendants) struggled to pick up the pieces following Cain’s self-imposed exile. I’ve just realised that I haven’t read their actual names since the vigil at Adam’s Martyrdom, so I’ll need to verify who the founders of these houses actually were.

Relevant to our knight, the most famous figures he would surely know of would include Lady Magdalena Romaine, who later went on to found both the Duchy of Romaine and the Order of the Silver Rose (yes, yes ‘knight waifu gib’). Picking up the sword and shield of her fallen husband as the Deadmen clambered over the walls, she and her own handmaidens waded into battle as the knight and soldiers of her own household fled in terror. Shamed by the bravery of their womenfolk, the men threw themselves back into battle with reckless abandon to make up for their moment of cravenness. It was the first castle in the whole of what was once Ardenne to not fall under the onslaught of this new horror, and would prove the turning point in Night of Three Sisters. Knights favoured by the Duchess often bear sigils depicting a maiden with one arm covered in gauntlet and vambrace. Although Cathagi customs such as tattoos are usually shunned in your Duchy, not a few knights have this sigil tattooed on their own skin, such is their dedication to the descendants of Maagdalena.

>What are some common names in Canton? I'm really surprised that aren't many Cantonian men named Adam or Cain.
Calling yourself after the main founders of the Cantôn Faith is considered pretty presumptuous, if not outright sacrilegious, though plenty are named after other saints canonized since then. The exception to this would be Mater Reginae, the Queen and Head of the Church, taking her title from Salve Reginae. Emile wouldn’t be aware of this esoteric theology, but there is much debate among monks whether Salve Reginae was her actual name or also a title bestowed after the fact. All Duchy houses (except Romaine, being the newst) are named after major disciples and followers of Adam and Cain. Kind of like how Catholics everywhere except the Americas rarely named their children ‘Jesus’.


I know there is a new map-bro creation, I just didn't have it saved.

As for common names, I’ll admit I’ve taken the influence straight out of common European names for different countries. Pascae = Spanish/Italian; Aubres/Fallavon = English (rarely Dutch); Montbrun = German/Austrian, Romaine = Polish/Hungarian. Nonetheless, in any given Duchy a french-influenced name would not be out of place. I put this down to french (Cantish) being a descendant language of the original Cathagi tongue, but freed slaves had a habit of adopting their own family name in the years that followed their emancipation.

>The sight of a lit-up christmas tree makes people think of a warm home, and good food. What are some cultural touchstones in Sworn to Valour's world (specifically Canton), that makes people think of warmth, merriment and so forth?
The celebration of a nameday (normally six calendar months after the birth of a child, given the infancy mortality rate) is the most recognisable occasion during the . The Stonewatch watch in Montbrun is especially sacred, and frankly barbaric, leaving a toddler at the foot of a stone for a night with only torchlight to keep away predators. If they perish, they were never strong enough to survive the life ahead of them. This is the same for everyone, low and highborn.

Fallavon, on the other hand, does have a sort-of Christmas tree in the form of Aeltin Trees. Gifts are usually left at the feet of this otherworldly plants, and sometimes they prove to be an unofficial tradepoint between the common folk and the peoples of the woods.

We have already covered the Motte-Fallavon Festival, and the Summer Tourney is another big event each year (though the one you will miss is estimated to be exceptionally grand).
Canton’s version of Christmas and the Nativity would most likely be that of Salve Reginae raising her two sons. Usually this is a depiction, most often carved, of her watching Adam and Cain play at her feet. This answer in particular could lead to some shocking interpretations in Cathagi. Most depictions show her without any marks of torture other than a blindfold, perhaps to say love is blind? Sadly, as the date of this celebration falls on the same anniversary of the Night of Three Sisters, this is more likely to be a time of mourning for our young knight than one of warmth and merriment.
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>I know there is a new map-bro creation, I just didn't have it saved.

Feel free to use it or not, I just made it for my own fun
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>What about funerals? (How are they performed? Who is invited? How significant are they? How are the dead honoured? What happens to their body? Are they given a stone, a cross, a...?)
As we have already established, in Romaine the dead are burnt without exception. Some of the grisliest capital punishments involve staking out a condemned man within the borders of Dread Ardenne itself, a fate worse than death. Your Father goes a step further and orders rites to be performed and the slain Deadmen as well, albeit en masse.

The Montbrun prefer crypts, buried deep beneath the mountains with their ancestors. Even peasants are walled up in cairns rather than buried in rocky soil.

Aubrey and Pascae are more typical of medieval funeral rites, only the wealthy get something so privileged as a tomb. The rest are buried. Fallavon is the same for the most part, but some of the more Fae-kissed and ‘old way’ types prefer to leave their dead deep in the forests beneath the root of a tree to return to the earth naturally.

>Among Canton's historical kings, who among them was the greatest?
The name of the first Generalis Rex is lost to history, but the final one who solidified it into a dynastical postion and joined the union of church and state with Mater Reginae was King Marcus Aubres the First. His sweeping reforms changed Cantôn from an eclectic range of petty kingdoms and freeholds (albeit with a common tongue, species and faith) into a single powerful nation. From then on, at the conclusion of the War of Names, the rule of man was never seriously challenged by the Wild. His vision was hardly as enlightened as Adam’s dream, introducing feudalism in increments, but pragmatic and effective enough to ensure mankind’s domination of the continent for the next 600 years.

>Who among them was the most terrible? Who among them reigned the longest? Who among them was the most pious and devout? Did any of them go on a crusade adamant and led one?
King Caspian Aubres the Third was widely considered an ineffective fop and dismal ruler, the disaster of Ardenne’s fall was contained in spite of his leadership rather than because of it.

King Lionel Aubres the First championed the first Crusade Adamant though rumour has it his wife was the one who truly ruled at court, so he could arguably be touted as the most pious and devout. That he shares the same namesake as the current Crown Prince is an irony probably not lost on Emile. King Marcus Aubres the Fifth led an ill-fated Crusade Adamant against Dread Ardenne, not the first but most decidedly the last given that it ended in utter disaster. Since then, only the Reclaimant Sect (many of whom are Romani) have pushed for further incursions into that cursed land.
I'm aware that I haven't answered all questions as fully as I possibly could, but that was pretty much an update in itself. Happy to answer more questions, but I'd prefer it if they come in one at a time.
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Cheers! And are you kidding?
>pic related

Maybe I'm not a bad writer but my map-making is hardly a competitor to your work. It's almost as ugly as the first BCQ skill chart.
To be fair Wonderdraft (the software I use to make maps) makes it significantly easier to produce nice looking stuff. I definitely couldn't have made it just freehand or something
>The Stonewatch watch in Montbrun is especially sacred

this is grim shit, kinda explains Rabe's and Vancewells outlook on things being put through that as a babe
Makes me think of the Spartans and their rituals around forcing even children to prove their strength and worth or perish
This might be a little too indepth but how is the flow of trade between Norsikaa, Langland, Canton and Cathagi? Is there a silk road to the east from Cathagi or it goes deeper South?
except Babes don't even have the abilities of a child to even do that, honestly as forgetten says its Barbaric and backwards.

I imagine thats how Ardenne became so wealthy, being the nexus point of trade between the wastes, Carthaggi & whatever trade comes from the everwarm seas and Canton.
>Stonewatch watch
Just the Stonewatch, to correct my own typo. And yes, it is indeed a harsh experience. Depending on the region, it can be highly ritualised or truly grim. There is a big divide between old school Montbrun houses and those looking to embrace the more civilised elements enjoyed by the rest of the continent.

Romaine and Cathagi are not on trading terms. Typically, the same ships that raid for slaves in Romaine sell Cathagi goods in Pascae (and to a lesser extent Aubrey). Norsikaans, like your typical viking types, are 50/50 on whether they raid or trade at any given destination. Langland is a trade powerhouse, and a stalwart bastion against piracy along the western ocean. Any piracy not permitted by them, that is.

There is a silk road of sorts stretching south-east from Cathagi, but the lands of the Everwarm waters are largely unknown even to learned Canton scholars let alone our young knight. You will very likely meet warriors from these far-off realms during your tenure with the Dragon Guard and I will even present the option of electing to travel there and go really off-the-map, to places where no one has even heard of such a thing as a 'knight', if that is what anons truly want. I suspect the desire to return home will win out though. That said, I've learnt the hard way not to cement my QM plans too much.
t. Vermillio, Skalds & Albani Warmachines.
are we leaving before our investigations are concluded?
or am i just too tired to remember
You did very well on both the Port Bounty Butcher and slaver-ring investigations, barring any disaster that should conclude in this thread.

I imagine that the deeper corruption uncovered through recovering the ledger and it's dirty secrets will be a bag of cats that the Ordo Praetor will be spending many months trying to herd.
Is the Vancewell booty call today or tomorrow?
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Booty CALLS anon
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Give me the sexy sliver fox and teach me the many ways.
Though i do hope that our boy dose bring up his vow about not having babys outside of a wife and then slive fox shows him that theres more to sex then putting your dock into the V.

This is me;
Forgoten you jist have so many people into your quests.
When is the manga coming out?
The tv show?
A movie?
Pc game?
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Learn from the elders so we can satisfy our evil waifu
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

ME me me
>“Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
well, I'm a degenerate, what can I say
also >>4404620 that's me. My ID changes every other day, so there is gonna be a lot of linking
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
We're 12-11-5 for refuse-accept-oblivious. Interested to see where this ends up.

> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
>“Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]

Wow these are very in-depth answers. I saved them all. Thanks a lot, Forgotten. I'll refrain from asking multiple lore questions at once from now on.
This is me.
>“Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Would love to learn a thing or two from Ianthe, and not just about Cathagi...
I hope we can also "read a book" with Vancewell as well

Ahh man, I remember walking this girl back to her place off campus in college - she invited me in for coffee at midnight and my dumb ass said "no thank you, I have a class tomorrow morning" and went back to my dorm.
Damn, I want to see what lies beyond Cathagi!!! I want to go off the map!!! Why the hell you anons have chosen to go in the Dragon Guard? aaaargggh

So, my turn to ask something lore-related: Do Cantonese people know what is at the north of Norsikaa, the east of Langland and the south of Cathagi, or is map-bro's map the entire Known World?
oh, also

> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

After our flirting with Vancewell, I think that having an affair with Patrikas Lanthe is the last thing Emile wants right now. His mind must be to busy thinking to our girl.
>“Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

#Milfs4life Don't even have to worry about breaking our knight's code vow by impregnating her.
This is my ID if it has changed.

>“Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
>“I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
>“Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

Since she wants this to be a short-term In for it. She and Emile have already flirted with each other and shown romantic sexual interest.
Just reminding anons that new IDs without a link to previous votes will not h counted. Harsh, but it’s the surest way of combatting the samefag plague.
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Forgive me my liege. Are my multiple posts not sufficient evidence of my innocence? MILORD PLEASE
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
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This is the westernmost part of the map. I wonder what lurks here......
>“Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]

I would appreciate it if she used her knowledge to teach the inexperienced Emile some skills and lessons in bed so as not to embarress himself in any future encounters.
> Fallavon is the only Duchy to get Christmas

This gives me a complex feeling.
This is my previous id
How you gonn feel when 50 IDs repeat?
This is mine.

>“I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
This is mine
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
My brother actually did say that if I ever wanted to make it into a comic or something like that he'd happily draw it for me.
16-18-7 with coomers leading
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>north of Norsikaa
More of the Frozen Straits and, according to the Noriskaans, the very end of the world itself. According to them, folk who wander over the mountains came back... changed. Wrong.

>east of Langland
The continent of Canton, of course. But I assume you meant west, which is a complete mystery. Ships that accidentally wander that way report more regular sightings of Black Sails, and no concerted effort to voyage in that direction has ever returned.

>south of Cathagi
Directly south of Cathagi, once the arable land finishes, is harsh desert and arid landscapes. Not quite as inimicial to life as the Sahara, but certainly treacherous to all but the nomadic desert tribes that reside there. They vary from Bedouins-types living in tents to formidable steppe hordes, both a threat and a valuable source of mercenary recruitment. Keeping the desert-folk divided is an important ongoing concern for the ancient city that once demanded their vassalage.
This world's version of America
Probably filthy savages who paint their skin.
So mimes? My god we need another crusade adamant
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Are we getting Vancewell booty call if we are taping this old minx's ass tho? ARE WE?! I NEED TO KNOW!!
This booty call might be more valuable for our cathagi stay

How can we possibly know when she'll show up? That's pretty meta
>inb4 anons accidentally left Vancewell standing outside like a fool meanwhile Emile shacks up with the Patrikas Ianthe
fuck it, I'm changing my vote to
> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Changing >>4405535 if Idealist doesn't count towards denial

> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Vancewell would probably be more intrigued knowing other women are vying for our attention desu.
Changing vote to
> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Are some anons really trying to get us to have sex with a woman on the grounds that it will teach us things? I dont think that is the rational Emile would make. Also, why is it that in the majority of quests . anons will try to whore themselves out at the earliest opportunities, regardless of consequences or at times even character? The only time we have had sex so early in a relationship was with Jean, and we got cold feet afterwards. I doubt we would be so eager for another one night stand, especially when we already have interest in other woman and we will probably be seeing this woman in Carthagi, complicating matters. We can get information out of her and have a good relationship with her without being fuck buddies.
We flirted with her before. There is precedent for the continuation of the pursuit. Make an old woman indulge in the fantasy that young men still like her. If we back out now we'll expose for sure that our previous precedents was just for information. At least if we indulge her she can pretend.
> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
I will admit to being a coomer so the reaaon we shouldn’t be doing this now is that I don’t want to leave our black hearted lover waiting.
Im sure she is aware of the fact that flirtation in such a scenario is the socially approved thing to due when meeting and escorting your escort. In fact, we did well enough not to insult her, but not so well she didn't see thru us, but she didnt mind and just laughed.
Ausomes, i totally would buy it.
Whats his drawing like and could he make some character pics?
We are staying in this city for a few more days so the booty call can happen over the next few days and the milf sex tonight wont change it.
Can we visit the markets once before we leave? I mean I know we have being busy as hell but have to see whats on sale on Pascae at least once.
this desu
Im down for a market day, we and everyone around us have earned it.
Mybe get that plume.
I feel like it might be a problem that the non-coomer vote is split between two choices while the coomer votes are all in one bucket. I'm sure a lot of voters have a strong preference that the other non-sexual vote win's rather than bedding the milf
To all anons:

Please, jerk off before you vote.
>he doesn't jerk off during the vote

what a pleb
Good point.
Fuck it, I'm switching to
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
I hope all realise Lady Vancewell will get pregnant.
While Ianthe is a magic user and likely barren
Non-coomers need to fuck off to akun and set the filter to Teen and search by the 'nolewds' tag. Seriously, edge yourself for an hour before voting, you can only coom afterwards.
What on earth are you rambling about? I genuinely don't understand.
A coomer's rebuttal to this line of thinking - >>4406062
Otif we learn the ways if not cuming in her and other sexual moves of the sliver fox.
Even if vincwell gets with child pretty sure she going to gank it in the womb.
I just want anons to stop thinking with their dicks when its not in character, because when they get there way and go against character, they will keep doing it while saying its in character now, because once they vote to have sex at every opportunity, they will defend themselves by saying that that's what the character has been doing before, only they have only been doing it because these people have kept voting for it. Emile still isnt there yet, only having sex once in story and getting cold feet after wards, with the other flirting being closer to the opening salvo for courtship than a sexual proposition and I do not want anons to change him into a womanizer because they want him to 'extract information like James Bond'.
Not like Abortificants don't exist, also pic related for rich and powerful Nobility dealing with unwanted pregnancy.
Ah, yes, the "It's not in character" argument. Glad we're getting this out of the way on the second vote.

Knigga, Forgotten doesn't give options that "aren't im character". Write that on the back of your hand so you see it every time you try to type in the argument that an option "isn't in character".
Also I'm voting for sex because Ianthe is a sexy older exotic woman and hey, we did lay the groundwork during the ball. Might as well lay the pipe afterwards.
This is me >>4405566, changing my vote to Hearty. The other anons are right, there is no need to deny ourselves if she wants to go forward.

>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Ge willikers Batman, I never thought of that. Just like how I never thought that giving into ones rage during a duel would be in character, as tensions rise during such things and we could slip, but precedent indicates that iw would be MORE IN CHARACTER for us to to calm the fuck down. Now that I think about it, maybe it would be more in character for Emile to control his emotions and not act like a 16 year old who has been getting eyes from their hot teacher. Or perhaps you could tattoo on your hand "just because its a legitimate option, doesn't mean that there arnt better legitimate options".
We were polite with her. We flirted in a respectable manner. If any woman shows an interest in her and is halfway decent, are we going to plow her? We can also take the groundwork that we have made to simply have a good relationship with her without having sex. Why complicate matters when we can get information and an ally without resorting to the basest means.
Kind of goes against the spirit of our vows not to have bastard children. Yes, I know she is older and likely is barren, but there si still the ideals of knighthood, not simply having casual sex on a whim.
Yes, but not every sexual encounter results in babies. Pull out, have the awkward talk about moon tea the morning after lets be adults about this unlike last time with Tracker Jean
> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
You're the exact kind of voter I'm talking about when I say "jerk off before voting". No, even better, find a girlfriend, and then have sex before voting.

You must be the kind of cringe guy who plays ttrpg and derail the story only to fulfill your fetishes.
You appear to be missing my point. Even if there is no risk of babies, it goes against the principle of the matter. Knights are supposed to be virtuous examples for all men to live up to. Having sex outside of marriage in general is bad, though its slightly less bad if you are seriously courting someone. We have been trying to meet the ideal of knighthood. And speaking of Jean, both of us were rather drunk then, so we weren't exactly in the right mind to decide if we wanted it to be the start of a romantic relationship. You are also speaking in a way more common in the 21st century of the western world, not a medieval world in high society.
There are plants that if you make into tea then drink, will kill the babys.
Please, dont attack the character of other anons as a way of explaining their choices. I also am getting frustrated at this vote, but going after the people behind the screen isnt productive and will only make them dig in their heels. While I do think that that might be the motivation of some voters, I just want us to have fun, be cooperative and try to make sure this story has a good ending with as many people as possible.
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
I'm simply talking to him the way he talks to me. Nothing dramatic.

Anyway, good to know that there are still anons like who are voting to roleplay the virtuois knight we're supposed to be rather than using a quest to fulfill some fetishes. We may be a minority though since it's summer time.
Vancewell is heavily implied to have killed her half siblings in their wombs. If she gets pregnant then the fetus is getting abortus.
I see Emile's vision of knighthood as evolving pass most strict interpretations into something more grounded in reality. Not less idealistic mind you, but more personal to Emile if it makes sense. Our peaceful interaction with the Fae and taking Jess with us.
> Is worried anons in the future will vote for more banging because "well, we slept with Ianthe" and set a precedent

> Argues that it would be more "in character" to not choose an option Forgotten wrote because there's a "precedent".

> Trying to weasel that all choices are equal, but some choices are more equal than others.

Knigga, you got your lance all twisted. Besides, clearly a Knight of passion with an attractive woman whose company we enjoy with no chance of a bastard is the superior choice.

I actually vote against using it for political favour in Cathagi, though, and would prefer to first ask her if she would still support us if we said no, and then answer yes if she says she will still support us regardless.

Because that would be romantic and chivalrous and keep the night of fun sex separate from making it a political thing. But I digress.

Knigga, we disagree but neither one of us is wrong for doing so. Your argument for why I shouldn't vote Hearty, however, IS wrong.
Well we shouldn't stoop to their level. I already slipped and did the same to another anon and I wish I hadnt, even if it does feel good. Im fine with Emile not being squeaky clean and having some flaws, but the journey to always be better will have enough problems and tough compromises without others trying to get him to overcompensate things.
As its been said the vow dosnt stop us from having sex or other sexual moves with people only that we dont have kids outside of a wife and no cheating on said wife. So if you do the loopholes you can have tons of sex on a whim.
Dude. A) Ianthe uses magic = sterile. B) Emile has a literal Fae in his party, wears the totem of a Monster, and freed Beastmen.

I actually think that he does follow a fairly strict adherence to his vows, but I think that means he wouldn't carelessly spill his seed. Like with whores, or random women. I don't think Emile has the cognitive framework to associate having sex at all as being a violation so much as having risky sex being a violation.

Besides, not like he hasn't broken a vow before and made penance.
>and no cheating on said wife.

Okay now I need to know which waifu is Bi.
Those have shown us being more open minded and letting us see the worth and merit of others. This is us having casual sex with a noble. I dont see how this relates to a positive evolution of knighthood. Temperance is a virtue, and while getting drunk with friends can be a bit excessive, it has yet to get in the way of our goals and responsibilities. This meanwhile appease to just slaking our baser impulses under the pretense of information that we could probably get from her anyway. We have already begun to court two other women, so going straight o having sex with other woman seems like it a bit cadish

A general question to the the anons wanting Emile to have sex here: What exactly is your reasoning/motivation for this choice. Im not accusing you of wanting this quest to be driven by fetishes or anything like that, I simply want to know why.
Is the no-fun police in action
which waifu is Bi.
Well probs more then we would think.
Noble ladys are known to have female lovers, as having children and a husbro is something you have to do and you dont always have a say in the matter.
Because Emile is relative young and human. And is not inconceivable for him to want to have an intimate encounter with an attractive older woman.
Obviously not Daubeny, she’s too timid. Maybe Tracker Jane.
Relax dude, I was acting like exactly the kind of guy you were trying to criticize. Read my post again-
>Non-coomers need to fuck off to akun and set the filter to Teen and search by the 'nolewds' tag. Seriously, edge yourself for an hour before voting, you can only coom afterwards.

I hope I had came off as sufficiently sarcastic, but apparently not.
I mean I could see that, I'd quibble over having a same sex lover while being married making you bisexual though but whatever.

Tracker Jean strikes me as someone who likes her stallions not her mares
Tacker jean is a mybe but im leaning on that shes all about dat dick.
Sliver fox and vincwell im pretty sure eat the pussy.
Some loopholes found it the Vows can help us find compromise amongst them and stay true to the spirit of the Vows without breaking them. Not every loophole helps keep the spirit of the Vows. What would our dear confessor say about this? Would he approve of our reasoning? What about if we encounter a knight who is courting a woman, but clearly have sex with multiple woman on the side? If he has no bastards and he is yet to marry, then according to the by the book interpretation of the Vows, we is doing no moral wrong, despite it clearly being not the case. Just because we can , doesnt mean we should.
You are really not putting up a good defense that many of us our only voting to satiate our own lust.
So, trying to avoid unnecessary complications means im against fun? Shall we wander back into Fallavon because there is more complications awaiting us and that would be fun? Or should we try to use a love potion on the Princess and have sex with her, oh im sure that will lead to lots of Fun. Just because others are voting differently from you, doesn't mean that we are agonist this quest being enjoyable.
Yes, and that is how I have rationalized him going after the known viper and bitch Vancwell. But just because you want something, doesnt mean you must pursue it. I want to get the ice cream I have in the freezer out and have a bowl, but I know that it isnt the best idea to do it. I t may only be one bowl, but it will make it easier and easier for me to have more and more. Restraint is important. Vancwell has the excuse of being one of the choicest peices of ass in the kingdom and a high up noble. The Carthagi lady is older(still god looking) and has far less to her name. If we would have sex with her, than why not any other noble who propasitions us?
being married making you bisexual.
I understand that having a husbro and kids dosnt make you bisexual, as the lady could just be lesbo but has to have kids as thats differnt then wanting ether sexual partner.
But itl be hard for us to really know looking from the outside.
>than why not any other noble who propasitions us?
Because we actually like her and have an amicable relation her unlike any other noble who might proposition to us.
I haven't read any of your posts, or addressed you. So I guess you are
So, talking for two days with a lady and being friendly means that we should accept the propositioning? Because that is largely what separates her from any other random woman we meet.
>“Compedium of Cathagi Castes, you say? Actually, I have that exact same book at my own residence. There’s really no need to lend it to me. Besides, I really don’t think I could get any sleep after a cup of khave at this hour.” Lady Maria Hewitt lent you that book, you really should give it a read. [Idealist]
Thick as a brick

This was me

Love me some waifu wars. We're getting on Mass Effect level of waifu wars Daubeny best girl
I apologize if I was making too many assumptions. You were not replying to anyone, so I hazarded that it was a general message about those who dont want Emile to go to bed with the Cathagi woman since our stance could be construed as the more "no fun allowed" stance instead of the other side. Sorry if I came of as an ass.
Meh I asked a question over a curiosity of the larger discussion, defending the vote or involvment in a argument surrounding it is not something I'm invested in.
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Sorry if I jumped on you man. Just a bit on edge, not necessarily due to the vote itself, just the supposed reasoning behind some votes. Its just that I was worried that there were some anons who would view a woman being bi as a major reason to marry them, rather then an intersting, if small, bonus.
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]
Honestly? To coom. I'm not gonna lie and prerend I give shit about being a true honorable knight and staying true to vows, codes, and oaths like other anons whilst actively undermining them. Only reason they don't just break them is because they dont want to lose the mechanical bonuses of the knights codes. Emile's already not a virtuous knight anyway. He tortures prisoners and suspects, abducts people, courts an evil woman, lies, is a raging retard, and kills opponents in non-lethal duels because he doesn't want to concede defeat.

If you care about rolepaying, precedents, and staying in-character, this quest is not for you and you haven't been paying attention. They don't matter in this quest. Many anons including me have already stated that they dont care if they're being in-character or not.

Sir Rabe.
Heh, here is what I was saying. This quest is full of redditors voters who don't give a fuck about the story and the characters and for the "lulz fun waifu".

It's too bad because Forgotten is probably the best QM on this board but his quests always seem to attract that kind of voters who like to derail the story.

As I said, it's summer time.
>He tortures prisoners
No, though we was willing and going to, so while it is an issue, Emile can still reel himself in.
>abducts people
I cant think of anyone that he abducted that wasn't a criminal who was bringing to court or someone who tried to kill him.
>courts an evil woman
I am admittedly against it, but it can be rationalized as him being young and virile and her being extremely attractive. Plus, while he has heard of her bitchyness, actually seeing it would have far more of an impact and chance of getting thru his skull.
he actively went and sought penance for it, so hes not aiming to make it a habit.
>is a raging retard
At times, though several occurrences only look noticeably retarded in hindsight, rather then suspect in foresight.
>kills opponents in non-lethal duels because he doesn't want to concede defeat.
Only once, he wasn't certain if he would die and he felt like shit about it afterwards.

You make valid points, but the implication that you are making is that Emile is the scumiest of scum and a stereotypical black knight. You are overall being disingenuous and have admitted not caring whether Emile's actions are in character and thus if they even make sense. Actions that a PC makes must be , to some degree, in character. Overall, the actions Emile has made have been within the periphery of the options that comprise his developing character. You meanwhile seem to have zeroed in on those from isolated incedents just to excuse your desire.
>>kills opponents in non-lethal duels because he doesn't want to concede defeat.
>Only once, he wasn't certain if he would die and he felt like shit about it afterwards.
Not to mention our opponent was intact the moment before it happen. A good lesson on how a duel can turn lethal in a second.
Forgotten does not deserve this
Is this the guy who was throwing a tantrum towards everyone at the end of last thread?
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
That guy cared about in character descisions and raged that pepole werent putting thought into their choices. This guy appears to not care at all about character and seems to think at that each error we have made is indicative that Emile is the archetypal Black Knight and has the character of a copper-clipper.
Smellls like samefagging.
Smells like someone wrote a strawman to rage against.

Or an Anon who genuinely thinks that way.

Since the other 30 votes for staying the night have good reasons for doing so, I feel it's cherrypicking if you choose to only argue against him instead of everyone else regardless if it's someone pretending to be a strawman or an Anon whose reasons coincidentally fit all things you claim to be the secret reasons people are voting for an option literally written in by Forgotten himself, so it's not like he "doesn't deserve" anons who pick the options that he, once again, provided himself.
Knibba, link to a previous ID for your vote to count.
Yeah, he could be a strawman. If so, than I wish that he would stop. I try to convince people to my way of thought via attempts at reasoning, rather than making it seem that the other side is nothing but a bunch of idiots that want to degrade the quest. While I think there are some like that, I assume that the large majority are invested in the quest and want things to turn out alright. If he is real , than he can just get bent.
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Pictured: every StV thread. Always remember that Forgotten died for our sins.

I commend your sincerity, but be prepared for disappointment.

Ceterum censeo Fallavonem delendam est.
>> “I appreciate the offer, Patrikas, and I have enjoyed acting as your escort tonight. But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow after breakfast, over khave?” A more chaste meeting by daylight is your preference. You can still attempt to glean some useful information from the Patrikas then, without having to resort to ‘pillow talk’ as Roselyn so crassly put it. [Haughty]

Cant believe I missed this thread up for several days already.
I just want people to enjoy the quest, play fairly and relatively courteously, for us not to do stupid shit because it sounds cool, to keep Emile's actions to be sound(they can be in character yet still lead to bad ends) and for Emile to have a happy ending. Ive grown invested in this quest. I may have only caught up to it at our entrance into Pascae, but thru reading it, I found a Quest that I have waited for an update daily and in the meantime though of what would be the best choice to make. Forgotten has clearly put a lot of love and though into his world and characters, and many anons are similarly invested. I am only afraid of anons either having no though of the aftermath of our actions, trying to do things that out of context sound cool and impressive, but in context sound as if they are stupid, or simply rage at things not going there way and want to sabotage everything just so they can say they were right.

I love this quest and I hope that I can continue to love it for the next few years.
It's called adding nuance and complexity to a character by having flaws. This is beyond retarded.

> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eya73ta9NhU [Embed]
Arthur, king of Camelot and desperately trying to find a noble woman to be his queen, might have "some" feelings for his cheeky manservant Merlin. But he can't and won't admit it.
Lancelot, the most noble of them all, is head over heels in love for the pretty maid Gwen, but too shy to ask her out.
Gwaine, always on the road and every day with another girl, does not realise that the love of his life is right in front of him.
And Leon...is just Leon... in love with his work (and also really fond of pretty clothes).
don't worry anon will do the classic prince manuver 2.0 if that happens
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>pregnant with a demon child
No, that was BCQ.
>> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Sworn to Horny
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> “Well… in the interests of education, Ma Belle Ianthe, please lead the way…” You’re beginning to suspect that ‘would you like to read my book’ is some sort of universal female line from the Wastelands to Cathagi. This doesn’t seem to be a long-term entanglement, and the Patrikas really is quite fetching for someone her age… [Hearty]
Coomers win. Some anons are overstating the potential for this to be considered a disaster or less IC than other options. We must also remember that Sir Emile Andrei is still a young man and that even if being seduced by tempting women is considered a character flaw, it is an entirely understandable one. As an aside, the grown-up haughty rejection would have gone down better with the Patrikas than the idealist thick-headed rejection (feigned or genuine).

Anons that are new to the thread and not samefagging are welcome to participate in later votes, just link back to an earlier vote if your ID changes. And most anons that changed their vote linked both back to the update and their original vote, this is very helpful and saves me plenty of time in cross-checking each ID.


Courtship / Intrigue Roll
> Straightforward Ploy / Equal(ish) Social Standing 60DC
>Age & Cultural Differences -20DC
>Khave fan +5DC
> Assisted Ianthe’s information dealing, +15DC
> Reciprocated Ianthe’s advances +10DC, +1 Re-Roll
>Fashionable Attire (Canton) +5DC, +1 Re-Roll
> Ianthe: Fashionable Attire (Cathagi) -5DC, +1 Adverse Re-Roll
> Ianthe: Cloak and Daggers Trait -5DC, +1 Adverse Re-Roll
>Cultural barrier +0 Adverse Re-Roll
>Noble Privilege +1 Re-Roll The difference is very slight. If you decide to use this final re-roll, I will assume this indicates a keener focus on getting information out ‘James Bond style’
> 65 DC

0 = Your lack of practice aside from one previous short-lived tryst leaves you ill-prepared for a woman of Ianthe’s… experience. The Patrikas sucks you dry. Of information.
1 = This was certainly a learning experience. You pay very close attention to everything Ianthe says, although very little of it is not carnal in nature.
2 = What you lack in experience you make up for in vigour and enthusiasm, the Patrikas appreciates your efforts. Ianthe tells you what to watch out for, as a foreigner arriving on her homeland’s shores.
3 = You are determined to do credit to your nation and generation both inside the bedroom and out. In between the sweet nothings and breathless pillow-talk, Ianthe divulges what she knows of the current political climate of her homeland.

3 rolls of 1d100, coomers. You have THREE re-rolls. Your opponent has TWO adverse re-rolls.

Cathagi MILF target acquired.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

im gonna coom
Rolled 45 (1d100)

The Name's Andrei... Emile Andrei
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Hey forgotten, considering what we're doing should Emile and the Patrikas really benefit from Fashionable attire?
Rolled 73 (1d100)


Well, one re-roll being used already.


I mean, we START out wearing clothes, so it could be first impressions on that matter, if you squint a little.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Using the first adverse re-roll to counter this >>4406639

Ugh. Gonna wait out until the adverse re-rolls first, in case the others need them. My dice aren't co-operating quite yet.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Using second adverse re-roll to counter this

That... is an excellent point. But it evens out, so no harm done.
Re roll you coomers
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)


Fuck it, tossing out a hail mary just in case. HEre goes.
Not trying to be a copper clipper here but shouldn’t we get some DC from informing her about the plot against her too?
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Hehehehe, how the turned have tables

I'll provide an update in a few hours, but it is pretty obvious that Ianthe has plied our young knight for information rather than the other way around.
>0 success (even though 3 re-rolls were used)
>Double fail

Amazing failure
I believe I already awarded that in an earlier interaction, it may have even been an auto-success?
The things I would do to for a +5DC

Pretty sure that comes under:
> Assisted Ianthe’s information dealing, +15DC

Not 100% sure, but this line looks to me to cover all the info dealing we did at the Duke's ball.


Well, shit. Kinda seems like Emile is a bit of a one-pump-chump. Maybe people will go with less of a coomer shot in the future HAH!


Forgotten, the line-up for rolls should be


My rolls were shit, before the Adverse re-rolls hit up the two successes beforehand.
desu this is why I'd take +dc over a re roll anytime.
Theyre just too unreliable

I think you did during the ball.
>That... is an excellent point. But it evens out, so no harm done.
Considering that the Patrikas' rerolls all benefited her and none of ours did jack shit I'd say that there was plenty harm done
it was a dc bonus
welp guess we are fucked
We should buy better clothes before leaving for Carthagi. It might be essential to our survival.
we were already fucked to begin with anon
>equalish social standing
>lose a roll by 1
>Considering that the Patrikas' rerolls all benefited her and none of ours did jack shit I'd say that there was plenty harm done

It's even worse than that. Our own re-rolls didn't only just do nothing, they made things worse by giving us a 66 double fail.
inb4 surprise knighttime assassination
at least we are high on knave
Would you kill a kid?
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>character know for being a retard in social interactions and specially with women
>try bond shit fail miserable
how could this happen Emile is know as the Flor of Canton this really amazes me
Well. At least it didn't result in the sex being bad.

Emile just got his mind blown by a Cougar.
> Try Bond shit

Hey, I posted earlier I was explicitly against that.

I wanted to straight up ask her honestly for help, and then have the sex with her.
>inb4 impreg roll
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I mean, +5DC is +5DC Anon.
tho would sacrifice kid for 5 dc here desu
Aren't we missing Dame Stoutsworth re-roll?
i believe so it is intrigue
I'm not sure how helpful Dame Stoutsworth would be in this specific situation
Lemme just clip some copper with this guy here . . .

Although I'm not sure how I want to work a stoat into the sex.

Maybe it's better NOT to have this re-roll.
>nat 1
>ultimate wingman
>have to make a predator handshake image with dame and emile
Suppose it could jump in the bed afterwards and help direct the conversation where we wanted.
>nat 100
>ultimate betrayal
>emile gets bit on the dick by dame stoutsworth

Have to cover both ends of the pendulum swing.
Fuck, I'm laughing my ass off imagining Emile looking to her for advice while getting dominated by Ianthe
I think you need to give dame Stoutsworth some credit and give us that reroll.
>0 successes AND a double fail

Haha holy shit
It's Sir Gilbern's roll all over again kek.
coom brains can't roll for shit
He says, after that wild Vancewell success.
that wasn't a coomer roll, the was a courtship roll.

learn the difference.
to be fair we still need to get to the coomer roll for vancewell, so that's going to go swimmingly
>Nat 100
>Murdered while having sex like in Gone Girl (you know the scene)
Do we need to have a coomer roll for Vancewell? Can we just try to enjoy sex like we did with Jean and not do intrigue?
Did you think of someone else and type Vancewell by mistake?
you know damn well that if we fuck her there's gonna be a coomer roll
No I meant what I said. This is an intrigue roll that takes place on a bed. We don’t have to engage in intrigue to fuck Vancewell if she has nothing more to reveal.
I mean im happy my vote one but 0 passes and a double fail omfg is our boy the one getting pumped tonight.
Hope we learn something from this for the vincwell booty call.
See, you keep saying Intrigue doesn't have to happen but then you say Vancewell and I'm concerned that you might not know who that character is.
> Ianthe puts a finger up Emiles asshole

> He screams out the whole conspiracy about the Sons of Sin in an orgasmic release.
And the Bard at the inn is singing it all.
>His weakness she did prod
>and he spoke of his Angel of God
>and the nobel's numerous schemes
>all with the most piteous screams.
>try to be cool
>I'm going to pump this milf for info
>Hot milf all over you
>Lose control
>Instantly blurt out all your secrets
Absolute state of Coomers
This is actually not half bad.

Gib cheeky bard waifu
He gets such a big cums that now he ask for it from every lady je jas the sex with.
And starts thinking about sexual standings.
He, has
Demmit phone posting
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AeqRj-bYIzc [Embed]
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>0 Success
> Double Fail
>Your lack of practice aside from one previous short-lived tryst leaves you ill-prepared for a woman of Ianthe’s… experience. The Patrikas sucks you dry. Of information.

The Patrikas Ianthe is no blushing maiden, nor does she exhibit the sparky firebrand attitude of your previous tryst with Tracker Jean. The Cathagi exile is a different creature entirely, despite your initial confidence in the bedroom you swiftly realise that she is the one taking the lead here. Not that she seems to mind.

Teasing you at intervals with her womanly wiles, which age has done very little to diminish, Ianthe makes habit of pausing at particularly sensitive moments. Her silvery eyes watch you carefully, amused at your boyish determination to attempt to set the pace. You didn’t think a mere woman could pin down a man of your stature like that, but one position or another leaves you particularly vulnerable. You suppose you could throw her off, if you really tried, but that would probably ruin the fun.

When you cry out at the first sally, you know you’re losing ground. By the third, your muscles are burning and you are as tired as if you had spent the entire day at the tiltyard. And still, the foreign witch with her rapacious appetites does not relent. She purrs with pleasure when you answer her coy questions, innocent at first. About your childhood and the like. Not a topic you thought would be raised in a boudoir, but everyone has their own kinks. Later you realise that she was steering the conversation, in particular towards the Port Bounty investigation, all the while giving information of her own. Intimate certainly, but not anything an information-dealer would put a price on.

“That thing you did, with your mouth…” The next morning, the sheets drenched in sweat and an olive-skinned beauty draped over your chest, a few hours of sleep leave you no less utterly drained. “Is that…?”

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“Trade secret.” The smell of sex lies heavy in the room, and Ianthe’s fingernails scratch your chest. Much more gentle than last night, that’s for certain. “Did my young βόρειος βάρβαρος learn a thing or two last night?”

“I did, much to my chagrin.” You glance down at Ianthe’s amused expression, one eye concealed by her now-loose silver hair. “What? A gentleman should ensure he properly satisfies his lover, if nothing else.”

“Oh don’t be so hard on yourself, γλυκιά μου. The husky woman’s voice tickles your cheek as she speaks. Her hand trails from your torso further down, beneath the blanket. “You have a lot to learn as a lover, true. But after a thorough inspection I can assure you that you have all the necessary equipment.”

A slight squeeze causes you to cough and stir, only to leap up in shocked embarrassment as one of the villa maids arrives with a tray of steaming hot khave and some toast. If the maid seems at all surprised or mortified to find a strange man in her mistresses’ bed, she gives not the slightest indication of it. Ianthe seems amused by your embarrassment, patting you on the buttocks to indicate you return to bed and join her for breakfast.

Breakfast in bed is a welcome change of pace, though the khave does little to offset your exhaustion. Your morning conversation with Ianthe is a mixture of flirtation and warding off one another from giving away too much information. You try to think about what you may have said last night. You certainly didn’t mention anything too damaging, nothing regarding the Angel or Sons of Sin certainly, but you have the impression that the Patrikas Ianthe’s Cathagi contacts might be finding out about the troubles in the Pascae courts a lot earlier than they otherwise might have. You leave feeling not a little bit used. Of course, given your own intentions, it would be hypocritical to direct your ire at the Patrikas. And it was undeniably an eye-opening experience.


When you get back to your own quarters you order Mikail to run a bath and not wake you before lunch. To his credit the boy obeys without so much as a sly grin. Sir dan Marc and Brother Rousseau pause from their game of cards to grace you with a raised eyebrow, but make no further comment. Your hireling Orin produces a letter for you when your make it upstairs. There is nothing so crass as a seal on the letter from Lady Vancewell, but you have little doubt who the note is from.

The De Ver Estate. Sunset. Let yourself in.

When you awake there is another message, from Madame Daubeny, Josephine’s mother. This is far more wordy than Vancewell’s love note, if that is what it is, and invites you to a garden picnic in one of the nicer areas of town later in the week. It is likely a heavily chaperoned date, of sorts, as much an attempt to steer her daughter towards an eligible bachelor as it is a chance to make an assessment of the man himself.

You wonder if you are playing the utter cad, bedding one woman and then arranging to meet with two others soon after. The Patrikas Ianthe was nothing serious, she made it clear over khave that the encounter was to be enjoyable and fun, nothing more. But Vancewell and Daubeny, complete opposites… you shake your head. You’re not rushing into anything now, not with your intention to join the Dragon Guard, but you imagine that you’ll have to reach some kind of decision by the time you return to the continent. Assuming either of these women are still available or interested, of course.


You have time for one visit before the end of the day and tonight’s meeting. This does not mean the other interactions won’t happen later, this is merely a matter of priority.

> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

> Your brother Damien entrusted you to deliver his missive to Lady Rabe. Although she and her brother are not due to leave for a few days, you see no point in delaying your role as courier and furthering along the beginning of their courtship. [Idealist]

> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

Pretty torn between going with this or Damien's missive right now. Going with talking to Sir Gilbern, because I'd rather us start trying to mend bridges with the Reginate quickly while he might still be a bit flummoxed from the Ball. Strike while the iron is hot, and all that jazz.
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

Don't we also have some information to give to the Ordo Praetor? A token or something we found received at the ball? That's pretty important iirc

Oh shit, that's right, completely forgot that we got that token off of Sir Hewitt. We should deal with that first, before they have the time to bury the evidence.

Changing my vote here >>4407139 to:

>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

we need to confer with stuff from the Party Gilbern & Rabe can be on hold without consequence for now.

>The De Ver Estate. Sunset. Let yourself in.

It appears vancwell is good for discretion
also yay Daubney date
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
this is definitely the priority, especially since we have the coin from Sir Hewitt
>You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

This is probably the most important, plus he could leave at any moment...

Linking previous ID
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

Far and away the most critical issue.

The Ordo Praetor seems pretty solid here after busting the Hole, and they probably got a lot of political capital from that to push through any obstruction of the Butcher.

Maybe we can send Sky with the letter?
We can send someone we trust off with the coin, like the option we had at the Ball.
This knigga has a point. Supporting.
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

Omg that some some hot sexy text qm
Also im rofl at itl at the same time.

Gota keep our head in the game and make sure that the dragon coin we found at the ball leads to fucking up the cooper cliper kights house.

This is me;
>> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

I want us to take a knightly vow to prove ourselves as areliable friend
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

We have already delayed taking the token to the Praetors last night. Delaying it even further will not be good. It's valuable evidence and a clue.
If we don't see the Praetors ourselves we can still do this, right? Send Neil and Mikhail?
Ooh actually that's not a bad idea
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
This is me.
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

This is quite clearly the most important of the few.

And i would vote we ask him to release us of the vow temporarily during out meet to tell him everything of what we encountered. And to reaffirm out commitment to the safety of the realm.
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
sucked dry. Kek.
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
>> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
>Call on Rob Gilbern.
Send the templar comitas to ordo preator with a quick message.
Right now, we also need to ware assassins and spies, have friend on rooftops maybe.
Maybe we should get rob or someone with experience of Sons to join us and confirm the butcher identity.
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

>Have our man deliver token to Ordo Praetor Commandery
this was fucking hilarious. good writing as always

> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
>> Your brother Damien entrusted you to deliver his missive to Lady Rabe. Although she and her brother are not due to leave for a few days, you see no point in delaying your role as courier and furthering along the beginning of their courtship. [Idealist]
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]

This is absolute priority because we don't know how long he is going to be here. I also vote to send our silent friend Sir Rousseau with Sir dan Marc to deliver the coin with a brief explanation of what it is.
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
Inb4 another 0 success roll
> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

The other anons have it right got to move quickly on Sir Hewitt, despite how much I want to talk to Gilbern.

These are me.
>You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
> Not pulling Sir Gilbern into the plan to move on Sir Hewitt

Hell, we can give Gilbern the coin maybe. Or inform him about it first, so he can plan about it.

Oaths and all are cool, but actions work wonders.

He just complained at the Ball that he could have used the Ledger if we had given it to him.

Can we do this?
could have used the Ledger if we had given it to him.
That dosnt mean that we would have gone after the people on it.
More like he would have just used it to blackmail people into doing what he needs for his queen.
At lest this way the people are going to get fucked up big time.
People want to start working with the Queensmen and Gilbern, that means having to start working with Gilbern and the Queensmen.

Shit, think he's gonna trust us if we say we're gonna work with him and then we go and proceed on our own to pull down Hewitt?

Whether or not we stay in Cathagi as a DG, if people want to work with the Queensmen then we should do stuff like this. Or at least inform him about it.

If you don't want to work with Sir Gilbern though I guess it doesn't matter.

Just remember that part of his job is avoiding civil war or foreign aggression due to too many nobles getting arrested at once and instability in the realm weakening it too much.

So it IS kinda important for him to be able to deal with things like this.
I don't know why but i have a feeling shit is about to hit the fan and there will be all out combat thru the whole city
Im fine with helping him out whwn we over in the dg and having him trust us again.
Though i fill that in the interests of protecting the queendom that they will let sick fucks get away with it as long us they can use them for there own ends, which i dont like at all, the kights should be rootinf out sick fucks and putting them down regardless of who they are.
Now i know that dosnt tend to happen in all that oftin in practice but we can do as much as we can.
honestly if the queensmen are going to enable the web of shit that we uncovered for their own purposes I'm more than happy to burn that shit down so they don't have it.

As for working with the queensmen thats still sorta tentative, they are a ready shield against the prince if he intends to make good on his threat and do us harm but they have their goals and ambitions and I'm not sure if that aligns with us yet.
Kniggas, we still don't have the Zealot trait. Maybe Emile wouldn't prefer to burn Canton to the ground if it can't be ideologically pure.
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
Its not about burning the whole place down couse its not pure enguh, its about bring people to justice, people that normal can do what ever they want.
And we have alredy done this with vincwell by bring him to court and other things we have gotin into.
We are doing our kightly dutey to bring these people down and its about doing the right thing.
Guilman would have kept alot in power and not done anything to stop them as long as he has use for them and im not ok with that.

Would you let pedophiles keep rapeing kids if you could blackmail them into giving you anything you want or would you stop them and have them go to jail to face there crimes but you get narthing in return. Blue pill/red pill.
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
Hope we learned a few things we could use to please Vancewell
you missed the point, its not about burning it down because its not pure its about not compromising whats right for political gain, if the queensmen won't deliver it and bring down the web because it can serve their needs standing as is I don't think Emille should side with them.
> Not having them stop and quietly be removed from power to be replaced with non-raping heirs or allies.

See, the thing is there's more than one way to remove them and Emile is limited to the most destructive manner.

Would you rather see Canton weakened and those children eaten by Snakemen or enslaved and raped regardless?

Pretty sure someone like Emile who grew up in Romaine is familiar with the fact that you can't always choose your allies against a greater threat.
>You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]
Should we go all in on Vancewell and ask for an advanced favor since we are going to be spending two years in the Dragon Guard?
>Would you let pedophiles keep rapeing kids if you could blackmail them into giving you anything you want
YES it does wonders just see real life examples like my boi epistein
Emile wears red socks.
>> You head to the Ordo Praetor Commandery, to get an update on what they’ve found in the ledger and whether the Golden Sun Captain has made good on his promise. If he has, you anticipate an arrest on the Port Bounty Butcher in the immediate future. [Haughty]

I don’t think the Dragon Guard decision is final yet. We still might discover some revelations that would make us change our mind.
It's an good idea, even if we don't finally sign off on the Dragon guard for whatever reason we'd have fulfilled the requirement for it by completing the pilgrimage.
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty

We still have to give the coin from the copperclipper, but bros are first
I think you spelled Daubeny wrong. Otherwise I totally agree.
>> Your brother Damien entrusted you to deliver his missive to Lady Rabe. Although she and her brother are not due to leave for a few days, you see no point in delaying your role as courier and furthering along the beginning of their courtship. [Idealist]
Your girl is nice and all, but you can't stop the Vancewell Express.
considering how amazing the coomer rolls went recently i think the train will stop itself
I have just one thing to say to you good sir: Choo choo
>we rolled another nat 1
>Vancewell pledges her eternal love and allegiance to us
>will wait for a hundred years for us to return
Gentle smiles and wholesome handholding will win in the end.
>> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
I think we need a different check for anons who might be doubling up phoneposting.

If you haven't made at peast three shitposts by the second vote, your ID shouldn't count.

Memes, rambling arguments, simping, whatever.
What stops anons from arguing with themselves with different IDs on their phone and their PC?
If Anons are able to argue both sides of a debate they deserve two votes IMO.
The only way to be sure is to for everyone to send me a picture of thier credit card and face, then write the three numbers on the back in all posts. that way i can verify that every poster is unique, trust me I've seen it work in multiple quests.
Your carrier pigeons can find me at "[email protected]"
There appears to be a general concensus to meet with Sir Gilbern, as well as a write in to either have the coin delivered to the Praetors OR bring it to Sir Gilbern to further establish trust. I’ll call another vote for that detail, open for 12 hours.


> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]

> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]

For all the entailed advantages (Dice Gods have shown how fickle they are) and because brining House Hewitt to heel does sound like a ironic fate for them.

> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]

The Ordo has enough evidence at hand as it is. If we let Sir Gilbern know that the Prince's Faction has ties with the slave trade, this might help us cement our place as being against the Faction Knights. Plus, given how shit our rolls were with him and so far in the threads, we'll probablu need every edge we can get to get back on his good side.
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
I mean, if we make it clear that we expect the slave ring to be shut down as our bottom line for future cooperation, that should give us a good idea as to whether or not we should evem support the Queen in Cathagi.

Giving him the coin is a show of trust both that we are willing to work with him, as well as that we trust him to do the right thing.

If he betrays that, then well I guess we'll have another enemy.
I will add that i see no problem telling Gilberen about everything we know of the investigation and whomever we know are involved, giving him at least a little leg up in the scramble to fill the void and restore balance in the wake of hurricane Andrei.

> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
gota shut down the slavers at all costs.

This is me;
I just dont trust our buddy and the rest of the queensman to actually shut down the slave trade.
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]

I think this would made a good gesture of trust with Gilbern. It will make the conversation that follows much easier.
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>Coin to the Ordo
> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
He will have connections that could help expedite justice. Justice>trust, though both is fantastic
You mean exploit the slavers and use the money and influence to further there own goals.
That dosnt mean justice gets to happen.
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]

This is actually a good point. I know I previously wanted to send it to the Ordo Preator, but the potential to fuck with the Prince's cash flow and slave supply is too good to pass up. I also think that Sir Gilbern is a good enough man under all of the conspiracy bullshit to at least entertain ending the slave trade.
>Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
Talk is cheap

Linking previous ID in case of change
>Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
I would also be down for swearing an oath to help the Queens interests in Cathagi courts as part of us meeting Gilly-buns. With the coin as a tangible act of trust and cooperation plus our rep that should move him.

Probs won't even need a roll. Also if G-spot trusts us more he'll probs give us more info on intrigue and support making our time there easier.
I can't wait to meet the Dragon and have him ask what our goal in joining the DG is.

> Here to rep Canton & and the Salvae Regina, stop the slave trade, and persuade you to worship the Almighty while making enough to get sweet sweet plate armour. Also have you heard of where one might hunt the fabled Turtlewolves. Also how do I kill a Son of Sin?.

We took an oath not to lie. From what I've heard, the Dragon will probably be thrilled to hear us openly state it.

Also if anyone knows about Turtle wolf hunting it's probably him.

Wait. Can Gilbern hook us up with an exotic animal to give to the Dragon to increase our standing in court? Like a Dire Wolf was enough to stop the downward slide of the Stratioski, he should be able to match that.

Maybe if we let Jess join his court, Cainfags should be happy with that solution.
> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]

Fucks sake
Me >>4407672
Every day we get closer to Dragon Guard
File: Reject the DG.jpg (751 KB, 720x5060)
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> The Debate about joining the DG

Source is "My Dad is Too Strong" chapter 12 from Leviatan Scans.
aaaaand all the paint 3D edits I made I saved over by mistake fuck a duck.
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2.32 MB PNG
Fixed. Sorta.
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
Man I Don';t even know what I want ot of these two.
On one hand I totally want us to get back to bro status with gilburn but on the other hand I really want those copper clippers Hewitts to eat shit without any cance of a plea bargan
(Although Maria Hewitt is cool tho)

I just know what to vote for... maybe I'll just abstain from this one
This is the last time I post without re-reading what I've typed
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]

Are the people voting to give the coin we obtained from Hewitt to Gilbern out of their minds? THIS IS VALUABLE EVIDENCE FOR THE PRAETOR INVESTIGATION AND YOU WANT TO GIVE IT TO A REGINATE JUST TO SUCK UP TO HIM FOR FORGIVENESS ?!
>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin
>Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin
>> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]
This is me.

>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]

I rather not do something as corrupt and unjust as letting the guilty get away for political gain.
>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]

>Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin
yeah hewitt needs to get fucked gilbern will just go for blackmail
>> Have your trusted companions deliver the coin and a message to the Ordo Praetors, expanding the investigation to include possible House Hewitt involvement in slave trafficking. [Ordo Praetor receives coin]
This is me >>4404245
This is meta knowledge but didn't the first herald wanted to make an example out of a noble house?
They did. Theres a need to hang up someone to dry to send a message to the unaligned houses.
I'm gonna be really sad if slavers get off with a slap on the wrist due to lack of evidence, because anon always panics and over corrects every time something fails.
doing great this is more impressive imo because of poor decision making from anons
If we do well enough we might convince Gilbert to throw the Reginate weight behind the investigation as beneficial to their agenda.
That's the most likely outcome since the slave trade is connected to the Prince's faction. The Queensmen are going to shut it down if only to cut off some underhanded revenue and workers for the other side.

The fate of House Hewitt might come down to rolls, but their personal info and power might be more vaulable than death.
For that, we will actually have to give gilbern the opportunity to fuck them over rather than just the preators.
> You call upon Sir Robert Gilbern the Second Herald, who can be found at the Duke’s Palace. His distrust, though understandable, is misplaced. Reaffirming your willingness to act as his agent in the Cathagi court will go a long way in rebuilding your friendship. [Hearty]
> Bring the coin with you to Sir Gilbern, as proof of your allegiance. Whether his decision is to use this evidence to shut down the slave ring or bring House Hewitt to heel is something you leave in his hands [Sir Gilbern receives coin]

You’ve been dwelling on your recent encounter with Sir Robert Gilbern, you know things between you have taken a decidedly frosty turn. Although, judging from his apparent pleasure at Lord Gilbern’s frustrated schemes, it may not be too late to salvage your relationship with the Second Herald. Almighty knows what he thinks of your courtship with Lady Vancewell, but you’ll cross that drawbridge when you come to it.

Sir Robert Gilbern is not alone when you are ushered into the meeting point, a nondescript hall likely used by the Reginates only when they have business in Port Bounty. You wonder if they hold a more permanent, and discreet, office somewhere. You turn your attention to Sir Gilbern’s companion. It was a little before your time, but it was one of Romaine’s worst kept secrets that in his youth Lord Kasper Alexandi would enter various tournaments as a mystery knight and declare that any knight who thought his lady love to be a match for the beauty of the Queen should come and break a lance with him, and refusing to raise a hand against any like-minded tourney participant. He also had a habit of donating all his winnings to the Church, and he did not often lose. His recommendation to the Reginate by the Duchess was rumoured to be as much to minimise further upsets at future tourneys as it was to acknowledge his dedication as a Queensman.

“Aha, Capital! So this is the up-and-coming Sir Andrei that my comrade Robert has been talking about. Kasper Alexandi, of the House Alexandi and Third Herald to the Queen of Truth and Love. Say… you look somewhat familiar. Perhaps we met at a tourney, or maybe a wedding? I believe we Alexandis have a distant cousin or somesuch married to an Andrei, or was it a Vidra? In any case, pleased to finally make your acquaintance.”

You are not quite taken aback by Lord Kasper Alexandi’s larger-than-life persona as you introduce yourself, affirming to Lord Alexandi that the two of you have never formally been introduced before. The barrel-chested man shaking your hand vigorously was the focal point of those who resisted the Son of Sin Anarchy’s aura of madness, you figured that any paragon of chivalry and nobility would not be meek or unimpressive in a less martial environment.

“Well I’m happy to remedy it, and that’s Adam’s honest truth. Robert has been keeping us abreast of your successes in Errantry. You know Her Royal Highness can always use another strong sword and and stout heart under her command, bag a few more beasties and I’ll be offering you a small fief of my own!” Lord Alexandi glances behind him as Sir Gilbern coughs, a not too subtle indication that this was to be a private conversation. The Third Herald does not roll his eyes, but the implicaton is there as he takes his leave. “Bah, not more cloak-and-dagger business is it? Give me spears over spies any day, eh? I haven’t the patience for that sort of skullduggery, but then again the needs of the kingdom hardly give a sod what my patience prefers, does it? Don’t be a stranger, Sir Andrei!”

After Lord Alexandi takes his leave Sir Robert Gilbern is, as expected, predictably cool in his conversation with you and your attempts to regain his trust. You form the impression that he does not believe you will play your part for the Ordo Reginae at the Cathagi Court, or at least that the info you provide to him will not be for him alone. His forced politeness falters when you share the information regarding Sir Marco Hewitt and proof of his misdeeds.

“Hm. A captain’s mark?” Sir Gilbern looks at you appraisingly. “Amatuerish.”

“I suspect so.” You push the point hopefully. “You mean to act on it then?”

“This is a good opportunity.” Sir Gilbern nods. “He’s Pit-damned himself then. Even if he suspected we were on to him, he couldn’t arrange for this ship to leave the harbour ahead of schedule. Something your brother was well aware of in advance, I suspect.”

“My sister, actually.” You wince at the quasi-confession of their well-timed getaway, but Sir Gilbern seems more amused than upset at the success of her ploy.

“Remind me never to underestimate Romani women.” Sir Gilbern seems to be warming to the conversation now. “As for Sir Hewitt, if we find any evidence of this slave ring on this captain’s ship, we’ll have him. The nobles could use a reminder of the extent of Her Majesty’s power. I don’t doubt that House Hewitt will be formally attainted.”

“Attainted?” You blink. You had worried that Sir Marco Hewitt might escape justice, become another pawn in the Ordo Reginate’s game. This is entirely the opposite. A noble family hasn’t been attainted since… well since the War of Borders certainly.

To attaint a noble family, to strip them of their possessions and holdings… Those who aren’t executed as traitors will be left destitute, penniless and without a roof above their heads. The axe will fall, literally and metaphorically, on guilty and innocent members of House Hewitt alike.

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“Yes, attainted. The immediate relatives of Sir Marco Hewitt will have to be executed, of course. I suspect that the destitution of the line’s remaining family members will serve as warning enough.”

“Sir Gilbern, I know this slavery ring is foul business but to attaint an entire House…”

“It’s not just the slavery ring, we’ve solid sources indicating that House Hewitt funding recent Bluejay activity in North Fallavon.”

“But, they had nothing to do with…” You finish lamely, realising how that sounds.

“And how would you know that?” Sir Robert Gilbern looks at you sharply. “In fact Sir Andrei, given the coolness of our recent encounter, why come to me with this at all? Why not run to your friends at the Ordo Praetor? Perhaps you were looking to settle a score with an old rival, and now revenge is a bitter plate to finish.”


I am happy to accept verbatim write-ins, and votes supporting them, but I’d like responses to the below as this is a tricky moment in the nature of your relationship with the Ordo Reginate and Sir Gilbern in particular.

(1) Oath of Silence
>You explain that you assisted your brother in North Fallavon, and during that time encountered the Bluejays. That is how you know the Hewitts weren’t behind them. [Brief explanation]

>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

(2) Cathagi Court
>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

(3) Attainted (I’m also interested to know whether any oath/word is conditional on sparing anyone).
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

It's pretty obvious the House is rotten to the core. One man can't be responsible for everything but of course, we can't allow Lady Maria to be harmed
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
Bring in ON KNIGGA!!!

>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]
COMPROMISE OATHS, no thank you

>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
If they and Ordo Praetor will come thru with arrests there will be more than just Sir Marco Hewitt without need to drag people that are not directly involved

Adding a write in

Sir, revenge is not within my wheelhouse. I started my errantry uncertain of the direction of my life; I knew only that I was a knight and must uphold our values and oaths. I've since done my best to by guided by those values and that brought me to unexpected places and found me in endless trouble, yet I do not regret it. I've met true evil in this world and know that it must be stopped. I believe you are a man who understands this as well as any other, certainly better than the Ordo Praetor. I know that I can trust you, and I hope you see that you can trust me as well. Release me from my oath of silence for a short time and I will tell you everything I know and how I came to know it so that we may better protect the people of Canton
>Lady Hewitt
Was that a lady we promised man with decent library?
Will mentioning the Sons of Sin, include our run in with Sir Sanguine or not?
>>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]
I definitely want to include that
Hmm, a harsher solution than expected but not unwelcome.

>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

A bit on the fence about Oath or Word of Honor, but I'll take the former because we need some political back-up after the Prince's mess.

Word is fine too since it's basically what we told Gilbern before and any threat to Canton should be eliminated anyway.
>(1) Oath of Silence
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

Confessing here gets us swept into the queensmen Vortex and given how ruthless Gilbern is being I don't think I want that

(2) Cathagi Court
>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]

3) Attainted
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

Decimation without exemption is fucking absurd
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>(1) Oath of Silence
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>(2) Cathagi Court
>>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

>(3) Attainted (I’m also interested to know whether any oath/word is conditional on sparing anyone).
>>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

If we are to be an agent of the Reginate in these proceedings, ask for his aid in protecting our family (especially our brother and sister) since we will be away potentially for a very long time. The Prince's ire is upon them and having the reginate's backing to protect them will be essential.

"I come because I have kept faith with you. You once asked me for aid in a clandestine operation in the woods and I turned you down in my search for my brother. Yet through my travels, I have hefted no blade against the Reginate and even aided an enemy most foul when I could have just as easily ran. I am your friend and comrade, Sir Gilbern, and I hope you will come to see me once again as such."

Come on Robert. Be less of a dick, please. We've been trying to help.
That's a good idea as well. Trust for trust. If we can do this for him, he can help our family survive
This quest has gone to crap. It has become filled with metagamers, murderhobos, sock puppeteers (samefags), and porn addicts straight out of Akun. There's no way all the players here are from this board, for they're simply too many. A lot of them are from elsewhere (and/or just samefags inflating the playerbase).

I really didn't want this to be true, but the anon raging in the last thread was right. The majority of the players just don't care about role-playing and what is IC, and the precedents and prior decisions are worthless for establishing any sort of character. Emile is not a person anymore. He is a walking, talking dildo who exists to fulfill the players' power fantasies.

It pains me to say this, but I can't continue this quest anymore. I've voted in every single vote and rolled in every single roll I was allowed to roll. Not once did I miss a single live session, update, vote, or roll. The amount of times I corrected Forgotten on miscounted votes, path points, stats, lore, etc... have become countless. I can safely say that I'll never become as invested in another quest as I was with this one.

Sworn to Valour is no longer Sworn to Valour, it's Sworn to Nothing.
Lmao cya
>>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Are we seriously going to condemn every man, woman and child in house Hewitt for a crime they may not even be involved in?
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>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

pic related is you
Yeah I'm dropping this shit too. There's no consistency anymore.

One we're giving a sermon about kindness and mercy with Sister Ignatius, another we're toturing people to interrogate them.

One point we're refusing to court a woman out of respect for her suitor, another we're going balls deep in every woman including one by a guy we crippled.

One point we're dueling a black knight to prevent the unjust execution of an innocent serf, another we're letting a simp for a queen execute an entire innocent noble family simply because they're related to a guilty criminal.

One point we refuse to murder a suspect and make sure he gets a fair trial, another we hand over evidence to interest groups.

I can go on and on.

Goodbye 'kniggas'.
This isn't earth or modern day. Its Canton and a House endorsing slavery, one of the most repugnant crimes considering the heritage of the Canton people. Not only that but we know that other Houses are doing bad shit, we just don't have evidence on them and like Gilbern said, this will serve as a warning that the power to crush them and end them completely does still exist.

>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
maybe lord casper should return we took the oath from him
>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Only immediate relatives will be executed, the rest will be destituted. Not nearly as severe as execution of every member of the House as you seem to believe.

Of these, the only one we know and we are sure of innocence is Lady Maria, hence why we can plead to spare her.

If you really want to spare more people, then you should give Gilbern a good reason beyond 'muh justice' - for example, telling him the whole truth.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
This way we can also ask for dispensation to talk at the hearing if it's still relevant, or even ask for the resinates to help get it back on track if they see a use for it.

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
I do not like the idea of the oath making us potentially assassins, thief or whatever other type of skulduggery type that Gilbern might order us to become for his queen of truth and beauty.

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
>I have met Lady Maria Hewitt and believe her to be untainted by her brother/cousins foul deeds. she is an innocent and I would vouch for her if need be. As for the innocence of the rest of the Hewitts I can not say. Condemning them all without proof of involvement does not sit right with me, and i would like it better if they got a chance to clear themselves, but if this is how it has to be then so be it.
I honestly can't help but agree. This shit is ridiculous at this point and there's no point in going on. This is as good as a time as any to drop this quest anyway cause Forgotten clearly wants to focus on that BC in space quest of his.
funnily enough if we didn't kill broulet we never would of met here to judge her character and she probably would of died
even with the mindset of the period this is incredibly punative and extreme, Innocents should not be suffering for sins they have not committed.

okay yeah but still we have no idea if even his immediate relatives are involved and that means any children he has, I wouldn't be objecting normally but this is really punative.
I'm seriously beginning to think of dropping StV too, but I'll wait because I've been participating since it began.
All these people willing to swear oaths to do anything not matter how vile or against the codes of knighthood to the faction that massacred unarmed civilian miners for taking the wrong job just to delay the faction knights. the faction that murdered our brothers men just because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. The same faction that hunted our brother after he escaped and forced him into exile to stay alive. Putting aside past offences taking this oath will most likely force us to break either our knights vows, any oath in the DG or the oath itself. I really think taking the oath is just pissing our pants to stay warm, it might help right now but in the long run it's gonna make things worse.
On the other hand, we aren't sure if they are innocent either - or aware but complicitly silent about it. As for children, they can or cannot exist - I can't make arguments for or against against someone whose existence is up in the air.

And as I said, if you want to make a case for a lesser punishment you have the means for it. Tell Gilbern the truth, then make a case to spare everyone but Marco based on that. Forgotten has given you the instruments to do so.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
I don't like it at all either. but it is the other side of the coin of noble privilege. you get life on easy mode because of your families current or past actions deserved or otherwise, but your fortunes can be reversed due to your families actions deserved or otherwise. It's like losing your job because the company was shut down when the boss got caught using the company for human trafficking.
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>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Good lord look at all these fucking bitches. Hopefully having them gone will give us some peace
Personally it comes down to political back-up and being the lesser evil.

After stirring the hornets' nest that was the Prince, Emile (and to a lesser extent House Andrei) shouldn't say no to some moticeable political friends.

As for the crimes of the Queensmen, they're bad but the other side is just *that* much worse. Or fucking blind to the Prince's plans, which is still very bad. Other organizations such as the Ordo Praetor are nice on paper, but too small or inevitably compromised to be able to change the greater picture.

That said, Word is a perfectly alternative choice. It costs Emile nothing while keeping Canton (and by extension, family and friends) safe from possible ploys. It's Indipendence which is pants-on retarded in this situation.
Ah well, I’m sorry anons feel that way. I’m not sure what I could have done as a QM to prevent it.
>Forgotten clearly wants to focus on that BC in space quest of his.

I did not know 4gotten was making another BC quest. I looked it up and it turns out he's creating it after this thread lel. If that's so then I'm also dropping stv for good (but not for the same reasons as other anons.) It is now tedious for me and I will not bother waiting for the long periods between each run for the two quests. However im gonna drop a truth bomb before leaving this quest:

I have samefagged every single vote in both Sworn to Valour and Black Company, even the contentious votes. I did this by using multiple wifis to get through 4gottens link to previous id method. I live near many internet cafes and hotels, so I can just ask to use their wifis. Black Company had way less participants and was in/tg/ where there were no IDs, so i managed to successfully samefag every vote in that quest. The votes of BC players meant less than nothing because I had more IDs than all of them which meant every single choice was decided by me and they didn't matter. Sworn to Valour was more tricky but I still managed to have most votes I samefagged win because I have more than 10 IDs. Some votes that won managed to soley win by own votes and no one else voted for them. I will not reveal them all but one of the contentious ones was the vote to sleep with Tracker Jean.

>inb4 proof

To anyone who wants certain proof, be present for 4gottens first thread for his new Black Company quest. I will show you undeniable proof of everything I said.

That's all. I lurk till we sleep with Vancewell and then say bye bye for good.
P.S I'm 100% certain I'm not the only samefag in this quest. There are multiple others.
Yeah i have no problem giving our word and share info, also not doing so would be going back on a promise we already made long ago. I'd even be open to act on Gilberns behalf during our stay if what he asks doesn't force us to break our oaths or vows, but being duty bound to him i do not want. And i will remind us all that Forgotten has no problem handing us all the rope we want and then watch us tie our own noose.
Cool story bro. Epic!
I don't think I believe you but if this is true, then that's the final straw for me. I don't care about a quest that is determined by a samefag or dozens of them. I'm just going to leave this thread and wait for Forgotten to run BCQ2230 AD's first thread to see if you will back up your claims. Fuck you if what you say is true though.
You're a sad person with a sad life.
Nothing has ever made me want to drop QMing more entirely than this post.
Fuck I understand you. I myself QMed a few times and that kind of post would have make me drop my quest instantly. Alas we can do nothing against this kind of mentally ill person, except make our quest completely devoid of contentious decisions, waifus choices and stuff.
Honestly I think he's full of shit. You can tell there are several people who regularly follow your quest just based on the patterns and mannerisms used in how they type etc. At the very least you have a handful of regulars who vote on every issue and don't always agree
You know what? I'll prove everything I said right now. Go to /qtg/ and wait.
You should. You've consistently been one of the best QMs and people overall on this site. Do these faggots deserve you?
How will you prove it?
He'll probably just cycle his IP a few times and post something to "prove" it
I mean thats basically the secret of it
lol but a sad lol
that's some 10/10 sociopath post

jesus christ man, i would tell you to get the evil out in some way, but you are prob the kind of guy to fuck a kid to get relief
>>4408737 →
>>4408745 →
Lmao he is legit just sitting naked by his modem, turning it off and on again to cycle the IP as "proof" that he is the main voter base in this quest
You have a point but I doubt Gilbern would give suicidal or impossible tasks to his only ear inside the DG. That's just stupid.

Asking us to break vows is more iffy, but he should know Emile is somewhat serious about them. Again, it sounds counter-productive for him to do so unless shit hit the fan.

Eh, I voted to sleep with Tracker Jean too. That Anon is greatly exaggerating at best, full of shit at worst. Don't let him get to you.

Although it is true that it's quite easy to bypass the 1 ID rule through other dispositives. But that's how 4chan is - unless you want to migrate to a forum or some shit, you'll have to deal with samefags.
The funniest thing to me is when samefags, once outed, always cry "there's others like me!"
Maybe there are, and you're all kikes.
But then how would you get oc memes made for you?
This is my favourite quest by far. Just throwing this out there but if we had to take the game to a forum or something, I'd still be down.
I just saw his proof. He really wasn't making stuff up. This it for me. I'm dropping this quest. All I wanted was to play an honourable and chivalrous good knight.
How will I give you my boipussy shower you in love and affection if you do?
All he did was cycle his modem. It wasn't really anything special or secret and it doesn't prove much of anything
Yeah fuck this. I won't keep participating in this quest, especially when there are other samefags just like this cretin. Thanks for everything I guess Forgotten.
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>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
I know he’s just making these claims to fuck with me, but I got to admit it’s working like a charm.

Goodnight, folks.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
This is some rough stuff. We should bring up what we learned about the Hewitt family just from visiting them. The father has been invalid with illness for a while and Lady Hewitt is basically a hermit that spends her life in books. Only Sir Marco had anything to do with this.
Even if he has managed to troll you and samefag some stuff, the sheer amount of debate and arguing OC memes in this quest means you've got a least a handful of people who really enjoy the content you're putting out. No one can argue against themselves that well

Truth or fiction, unironically kill yourself.


Oath of Silence:
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

Also supporting the inclusion of the Paladin Sanguine.

Cathagi Court:
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

With the Full Truth disclosed, I get the feeling Gilbert would be more inclined to accept this; reaffirming our original words about it being our duty to the realm should also help.

>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

Unless any proof comes to light of any Hewitts being directly involved in this illicit actions, at which point they should also be executed.
Don't listen to the saltyfags Forgotten.
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]
If he told the truth he could’ve done his “demonstration” here. No forgotten, he’s just fucking with you.
Also I will happily admit that I am a coomer who voted to fuck Tracker Jean, court Vancewell, etc.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of honour]

>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]

He’s siting on his ass, turning his router on and off hoping to get the same ip so he can post it as proof. Nothing special, but certainly pathetic.
If you’re paranoid though you could do a temporary ban on 1 vote ids even if they linked to a previous vote. I’d rather you don't because it won’t be fair to some anons but I can understand why you’d do that.
Fuck check the votes general right now anons. Fucker is legit.

That's because he doesn't want to reveal his IDs here. Their votes will get invalidated.
He honestly could just have a handful of people in a discord or something shitting up the general thread
Saltfaggots could use all of that energy they spend on bitching and moaning on writing proper write-in representing they and character fealing BUT NOOOOO. I'm a litle bitch all I can do is bitch and moan argh!

Like I even understand part of this resentment and In my opionion it comes from that motherfucking FALLAVON! Knigga fuck that duchy! We entered and left that forest technically different to do information we gain and practically the same do to our character not changing. READ WE STAYED IDEALIST!

We should have left that part of ourselves in that GOD FORGOTTEN FOREST IN THOSE DAMNED RUINS. We have no right to survive in the world we were drop into by being IDEALISTIC!

Currently we are in the world of intrigue lies and deception. People we thought we could trust are snakes! Knives and dagger are aimed at us from all the sides. Now knigga we hope we could trust is ready to kill innocent with no prosecution or anything just in the name OF POLITICS!

We should call him out on what he is no other then MONSTER WE FACE IN THAT FOREST IN FORGOTTEN RUIN, no other then THING THAT STALKS PRINCE AND USES HIM AS HIS PUPET, no other then lord Vancwell, no other then his own father... it seams the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Yeah we know you do it for well being of the realm we are quite sure your father think the same.

If for the good of this realm you are willing to abandon the valor knight should uphold and be no different than wild beast in the forest then pit take that realm and you with it.

We are heading to Carthaggi we plan to serve in Dragon Guard almighty help us we will see less serpent's there then in our home.
The proof is weak. They only need 5 people from a discord server to use their phones to post as directed.
From the way he’s typing I believe he is the anon who whined endlessly on the last thread on being a simp for Vancewell. He’s buttmad that the votes have never gone his way so now he's trying to crash the quest with no survivors.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Good fucking riddance
Don't let the door clip your copper on the way out.

>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

I had kinda forgot that the queensman wore looking to axe a house.
The ordo jude dreads would only have killed/jailed the ones involved and not have taken down the hole house.

Queensmans are not that much better then the princes faction at all as they wore going to pin the bluejay shit on any house that they chose to fuck up.
Now i must go kill some lambs befor the dice rolls happen.

This is me;
>From the way he’s typing I believe he is the anon who whined endlessly on the last thread on being a simp for Vancewell.

No, that's me. I am keeping my id hidden because I know the players here are pathetic and petty and thus will vote against any vote I vote for.

It doesn't matter anymore because I will join the anons dumping this quest now that I know it is samefagged to death.
So many of you want to start sucking gmans dick and the queensman by telling him the whole true of the sons of sin???
He just told us his going to murder pretty much a whole noble house.
You tell him everything we only going to get deeper in this queensman bullshit and the only way out is going to be death and it probs wont just only us, not to metion the kind of task we would then have to be doing all the time, just keep our mouth shut about thr sos and the bluejays and hope our rolls gets him to not murder everyone in that house.
Remember the queensman will fuck us and our house up if they think we no longer can be used by them.
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Dude we need the help, we can't deal with the whole SoS problem on our own. Shit is a big deal and he's already in the mix so we can use him and he can use us
>Some votes that won managed to soley win by own votes and no one else voted for them. I will not reveal them all but one of the contentious ones was the vote to sleep with Tracker Jean.
This is a disprovable lie because I remember voting for it. Call me a coombrain or whatever but it puts all your claims in doubt.
So did I, seemed like an interesting choice
I'm with you anon, telling Sir Gilbern the truth could very well end in blackmail or worse for Emille bu t it seems like anon's want to really jump camp after the fiasco with the prince and I can't blame them although I have my reservations.

(3) Attainted

I'm going to attempt a write-in

>You would condemn a house from old men to Babes to ruin for the actions of one copperclipper? the sin is heavy I can't deny that but all should not suffer for one man's action. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

I'm tempted to press the family button here but that seems a bad Idea
Help from friends is differnt then binding ourselves to masters, masters that are quite happy to kill children, womans, babys and innocent men from the actions of a few just becouse they want to make an example of a house and by the sounds of things the queensman didn't really care which house got the axe.
what gives us freedom to act on what we think is right is becouse we dont serve anyone and there own plots. Theres no way we would have been able to shutdown the killings and kid whores at the hole if we wore working for the queensman.
amazing such autism kek
And if the sos could be killed im sure the queensman or some eils by now would have found a way instead all that can be done is binding them.

>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

And going with this write-in of:
>You would condemn a house from old men to Babes to ruin for the actions of one copperclipper? the sin is heavy I can't deny that but all should not suffer for one man's action. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

Going with these, because Emile's going to want to tell SOMEONE about what happened in the depths, if only to get those gnawing thoughts out of his head. He won't like the callousness of the Reginate enough to fully commit to spying, and a play for clemency on behalf of the Hewitt's is in line with his history with them. The younger Hewitt we met outside of Port Bounty was rude and uncivil to us, but we DID kick the shit out of his cousin and kill the flower of Pascae chivalry that was going to marry his sister (?).
Who says you arent the fucking samefag doing some fucking alt signaling to convicne others. God what assholes. Forgotten just switch to a forum so you can ban shitters like this.
I mean, that's the point of the post tho.

Personally, I'm still having fun.

This is me
(1) Oath of Silence
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

(2) Cathagi Court
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

3) Attainted
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

Linking in case of ID change

Don’t let the cunt get to you mate.

Like others said, I also voted to sleep with Tracker Jean.

Aussies hate tall poppies and it looks like some fags here do as well.
Just go to like sufficent valocity or some quest based forum.
Honestly with a 24 hour window it's pretty reasonable.
(1) Oath of Silence
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

Can we also ask that Alexandi be there too?

(2) Cathagi Court
>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]

Maybe add an addendum that he doesn't ask us to do anything dishonorable (as far dishonor can apply during subterfuge)

(3) Attainted
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

For arrangements perhaps we can tak her with us to cathagi.... before you call me a coombrain hear me out.

She's a bookworm right? well versed in a manner of different subjects. I imagine that would prove very useful while in cathagi, perhaps even to the extent that she can tutor us in the language. and also teach Jess cantonese and Mikail how to read
> telling Sir Gilbern the truth could very well end in blackmail or worse for Emille

What could he blackmail us with that he doesn't know already? And why would he do that?

You guys see ruthlessness and immediately think someone is out to end you.

Again, Anons fail at reading forever.

> “Yes, attainted. The immediate relatives of Sir Marco Hewitt will have to be executed, of course. I suspect that the destitution of the line’s remaining family members will serve as warning enough.”

If you want to accuse a side of being inhuman, look at the guy who has a SoS as personal bodyguard.
The almighty works in curious ways...
That's just him being a dumb ESL. He didn't make it clear enough that his Tracker Jean example was about all the votes he managed to samefag and not just the ones that only he voted for.
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

I don't think Gilbern or the Ordo Reginate has earn more than that. Plus I don't think we would want to keep anything like that to ourselves anyway.

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
Will she hated us for our involvement in her house's fate or will be graceful for interspersing on her behalf? If the later perhaps we can invite her to join us in Cathagi as our interpreter and adviser.

Lots of drama queens quitting. If you want to drop a quest, just dropped quietly. You are just an anon, no one has any stakes on you being here.
Simpfag is there a reason to listen to you? You’re just here to stir shit up and boost that samefag’s signal. Why haven’t you left this quest forever as you’ve promised multiple times?
immediate relatives of Sir Marco Hewitt will have to be executed,
Which would include all of the babys,children, womans and men that are immediate relatives which im sure covers what i said befor. And going though with all of this is basically going to kill off most if not all of the remaining ones anyway.
Are you fine with children, womans and men that have done narthing wrong beening killed and the rest for forced into the mud?
Couse that pretty much gose argest what we have been trying to do this whole time.
our involvment in Fallavon, punishment for accessing forbidden heretical knowledge probably more I'm not particularly aware of at the moment.

I'll admit its speculation but Gilbern is a political operator through and through and its not a possibility out of reach.

>If you want to accuse a side of being inhuman, look at the guy who has a SoS as personal bodyguard.

Honestly both sides are looking really bad, queensmen started out massacaring people who were illegal settlers and rebels/sympathisers and this thing with the Hewitts is incredibly heavy handed while a Kingsmen leader is associating with a coherent SoS and proxywarring with Mercenaries and possibly copperclippers.

I maintain that if we were to fully investigate both factions neither would be particularly cleaner then the other even with SoS shit.
I have nothing to back this out, but I would expect/hope babies and children on the younger side being given to the church. Plus its unlikely that Marco Hewitt was acting without aid or knowledge from the other members of his house.
>Mercenaries and possibly copperclippers.
And slavers not forget the writs of passage we found.
True I did forget about that
>>4403667 (OP)
So i've been gone forever, did forgotten ever make the black company epilogues?
Uhh yeah Early half of the STV threads I think
We don't know anyone but Maria as an immediate relative, and she's the only one we can vouch for - or do you know if anyone else is completely innocent too?

I can see an argument made for sparing the children, but the Queensmen don't seem cartoonishly evil enough to not give the very young to a nunnery. Not that I care - a House of slavers pruned is only a good thing in my book.

And how could he use such information, my knigga?

The Prince already knows of our involvement in Fallavon. Ditto for Queensmen. Gilbern already knows our brother was with Bluejays. We can't be publicly accused of heresy without kicking all of the current theological stability.

There's very little Gilbern can blackmail us with in the end.

> Honestly both sides are looking really bad, queensmen started out massacaring people who were illegal settlers and rebels/sympathisers and this thing with the Hewitts is incredibly heavy handed

Mind you, Bluejays are a bunch of traitorous rebels. Sure, some of them might be funny and have sympathetic stories but at the end of the day most of them are criminals. They aren't Disney Robin Hood.

And frankly, even if both sides have their share of dark secrets, I would rather help the ones who want to take down the foul abomination, thank you.
All it really means is that we have yet to actually find whatever it is that the Queensmen are hiding.

Was re-reading them, found it for ya. StV #9.

We already know what they are hiding though.

The true history behind Cantonese religion and history, the existence of Sons of Sin and whatever crime committed to preserve the fiction.

Literally nothing wrong /semi jk
The guy got it wrong it wasn't illegal settlers but workers hired do dig up the SoS presumably with no knowledge of what they were digging for or why, nor any knowledge that taking the job put them at odds with the church. it's were brother dearest got involved when he and his men were attacked as well because they were camping together.
>All it really means is that we have yet to actually find whatever it is that the Queensmen are hiding.
That's some shadow running not that i don't think there are more closeted skellingtons to be found.
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

The samefag is pathetic and he is greatly embellishing things. The rest of you quitting a quest because some decisions haven’t gone your way are only slightly better. Forgotten will never include an option or allow a write in that’s against our character.
like I said Blackmail or worse a lot of the stuff we uncovered in Fallavon is highly sensitive and could mean an easy execution mark or someother shit against us if we do not play ball with whatever they may want from us.

>We can't be publicly accused of heresy without kicking all of the current theological stability.

A mock trial or a side step of the law by the paralegal Reginate is not out of the question if Gilbern or another herald deemed it necessary to deal with us like say if we didn't play ball at some point, they can circumnavigate conventional channels to do whatever they think needs doing after all.

>Mind you, Bluejays are a bunch of traitorous rebels. Sure, some of them might be funny and have sympathetic stories but at the end of the day most of them are criminals.

Aye I won't deny the ones we encountered counted at least one Demagogue & a child rapist but I highly doubt anyone caught in their path innocent or not was spared sword and torch if not worse.

>I would rather help the ones who want to take down the foul abomination

I agree in part, Sanginaus needs to go and his kin hunted to the ends of the earth but if their is even the chance the prince can be set straight I'd love to do so.

besides it would be an absolute Flex on Sanginaus's ''we are true to Mankinds nature'' thing and peak loyalty to the king

Part and part dude, Fallavon beyond I think it was the Aberdeen river? is a lawless zone full of Illegal settlements and Bluejay sympathisers/rebels, not to mention the obvious Fae aligned stuff, thats not to say you aren't incorrect about the workers

>it's were brother dearest got involved when he and his men were attacked as well because they were camping together.

this part still nags at me I'm not entirely sure those miners were employed for the Fallavon site as from memory there was little excavation at the site and the stronger slaves were being funneled elswhere not to mention they were from Montbrune where the duke is supposed to be involved in all this.

don't quote me on this though my memories pretty bad.
I'm Forgotten's cousin and he told me to tell you guys that this is it, he won't be running anymore. He says he's really sorry and really wishes it hadn't come to this. If he ever comes back to QMing he'll stick to QQ.
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

Holy fuck you literal babies, we got ourselves into a prickly situation through our own stupidity and you all want to fucking give up? This isn't some fairytale, bad shit is gonna happen and we just handed the KGB a free excuse to dismantle a household.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
He is a man of seemingly good character and we have no reason to hold back info if he gives us permission.
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
I do not trust either political faction, but Gilbern seems like an honorable man. Any threat we tell him will be a threat to Canton, not just his faction. This seems like a good middle ground that gives us room to become more independent or join a faction in truth.
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
Innocent until proven guilty. Im sure many heads of hoouses have done sketchy things(not nearly as bad as this fuck, but still), and damning the entire family over it, throwing out the good with the bad, is simply wasteful and discourages members of the family from coming forward in future circumstances. This is not Justice.
Try to save more innocent members than just the nice lady we met
If he was samefagging he could havedone it. Stay Strong man, this is a fantastic quest and I want to continue to follow it. I heard my brother mention that something like this may help filter samefaggs out: >>>/qa/3385124
Then why are you voting to only save one innocent rather then all of them?
You are citing possible doom without real context, Anon. That's fearmongering, not making sensible statements.

Barring a critfail Gilbern has no real need to blackmail us, we're going to the DG anyway. Hell, if he wanted to do so he could already - he's aware of our brother's ties to criminals and it wouldn't take much for him to use the Angel as an excuse for a trial.

Being honest here has practically no downsides, for once.

> I highly doubt anyone caught in their path innocent or not was spared sword and torch if not worse.

Which is why I haven't denied that they've committed crimes. I'm arguing that they are the lesser evil faction and that closer ties to Queensmen offer us better protection and means against the Prince and his SoS. Once they're dealt with, we can return to a more indepedent position.
>don't quote me on this though my memories pretty bad.

Got you cover friend, everything, unless I miss something, on the The Faction Conspiracy, arrange in a logical order. https://pastebin.com/55pd59ku

When the excavation team was intercepted, they went with Lazar's suggestion of slave labor. Likely with the hope of making some extra money on the side.
Do you really think that they would just let us walk away to sit back on the fence?
the more participants there are, the more shitty people you'll see. it's not your fault people are mentally ill and expect you to cater to them directly
Once the Prinnce and SoS are gone?

Yes, because the threat posed by those two would be over. As long as we swear another oath to not reveal critical information, we could go back to our wishy-washy ways.

If they were pathologically incapable of trust, we wouldn't have had the chance of leaving the ruins peacefully.
Fair enough, though that was due to a single high level member trusting us after making us swear an out at practically sword point. If the more assholish members start calling the shots, then we may have to pull ourselves out sooner.
Thank you a ton anon, i was struggling to trawl through everything past emile having his vision and meeting the king!
Truly when we aren't bitching about montburnfag we're the most gentlemanly of the quest groups
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You are less and less convinced that the Reginates are any better than the Faction they struggle against. You will not compromise oaths you may make in the future as part of the Dragon Guard. [Independent]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

And so did I.
That's endemic to any human organization - the risk of corruption is always there.

The Royal Family, the Church, the Ordo Praetor, the Duchies, etc. - any of them could go to shit if the wrong person takes the reins. I wonder if the Three Heralds exist to solve this conundrum - always keeping each other in check.

That said, it would be much more difficult to justify a bad treatment if Emile was a competent agent.
Yeah okay I'm a bit on the doom side of things but we're dealing with high stakes stuff here and walking into this without worrying about the worst is a bad idea least we end up with another Prince like catastrophe.

>if he wanted to do so he could already - he's aware of our brother's ties to criminals and it wouldn't take much for him to use the Angel as an excuse for a trial.

which is why we should be concerned about what we reveal to him particularly if we may shirk at whatever they might want us to do and their track record we can see points to stuff Emille's objected to before so yeah

honestly we could probably find other people to protect us from the worst of the princes threat from either faction or neutral parties but since we've been on railroad tracks from thread 2 as far as factional politics are concerned and have only really seen the stuff laid on the road of our journey not that it may very well matter at this point.

Thanks anon I should really lean on the pastebins more

>but Cathagi slaver money is good. And they’re always buying, especially the rarer specimens.

looks like they were selling the Slaves to the Carthaggi through Hewitt as a middle man though thats speculation and you were right about the slave labour being for Fallavons site which clears up my concerns about a site in Montbrune.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
(1) Oath of Silence
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

(2) Cathagi Court
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

3) Attainted
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
>I'm arguing that they are the lesser evil faction and that closer ties to Queensmen offer us better protection and means against the Prince and his SoS. Once they're dealt with, we can return to a more indepedent position.
They’re both bad, selfish lords who’d commit the vilest heresies and see Canton burn for their vision.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

And this writein >>4408681
Telling Gilbern about our familys involvment with bluejays is very bad. No bueno, mucho burno.

We could however, share it to satisfy personal curiosity, and in return for his oath of silence give him sole access to the info from cathagi.

I think we should argue for sparing the hewitt family. Maybe the son should be questioned.

>Hold tongue, or offer secrets for secrets.
>bargain for secrets, otherwise just promise to keep him informed.
>spare the hewitts. Maybe the sad lass knows stuff about whos rotten?

Pretty sure the samefag is total in regards to these fuck StV posts.

As I said already, there is nothing in our story that Gildern doesn't already know or can use against us. If we want to squint there's the vision of the Angel, but I trust Forgotten to not have our character act like a drooling vegetable for cheap drama.

Second, you are too squeamish about what Gilbern could tell us to do. For all his pragmatism he's a rational man, he knows what are the limits of Emile and that a DG member can't really go around assassinating people.

Except the Queensmen are quite opposed to that. One could fault their methods, not their goals.

Nice edge though.
I disagree that Gilbern can't use it against us, like I've been saying its prime material for getting us involved through whatever means he deems necessary to gain us as a assest as he wishes but we've been over this already.

>Second, you are too squeamish about what Gilbern could tell us to do

I wouldn't really say I'm squeamish but we are Emille the idealist and that doesn't mesh with what the queensmen do when the queen gives orders, sure Gilbern might not order a deed but if he needs us to do something either from higher up the chain or whatever demands necessaity and we stall or deny the task their will likely be consequences and that only gets worse the more we pledge to the cause.

at the end of the day what comes comes and I'll play through that but I just have my views.

>Except the Queensmen are quite opposed to that. One could fault their methods, not their goals.

from what we've seen so far yeah but we have little idea what the other major players in the faction actually want like the Queen or the first Herald. for all we know they could want to burn the whole country down to spite the prince.

but that speculation.
Bad treatment, yes. If he was a good agent(skillful and got results), then they would prefer that he stayed in their pocket and not be independent and maybe get in their way. They may offer the carrot first, but if faced with a man who gets results leaving, they may threaten us with the stick.
And I have already told you Gilbern already knows enough to blackmail us if he truly wanted, telling this to him would literally change nothing.

> I wouldn't really say I'm squeamish but we are Emille the idealist and that doesn't mesh with what the queensmen do when the queen gives orders
I'm sure the Queensmen have their fair share of Idealists - wheteher extremists or not. The Third Herald certainly seems to be a man after Emile's own heart.

You know what that means though? That people get duties according to their inclinations and talents. No child butchering duty for Emile.

> for all we know they could want to burn the whole country down to spite the prince.

For all we know the Prince could be a good man. Yet evidence points to another direction - very much like evidence shows that Queensmen have no intention of destroying Canton.

You do not threaten a good subordinate once the job is done, that merely fosters resentment and inevitable betrayal. Let him go with a NDA and you might even have an occasional ally.

Come on guys, this isn't rocket science. Canton isn't a Z-class spy movie.
The job is never done. As long as the Order exists, they will still have things to do. Though I now admit that if such big issues as the SoS and the Prince were taken care of, they would loosen their grip. But if we actively demonstrated the goal of shaking off their influence, certain members might get paranoid. I am less cautious than I was an hour ago, but I am still hesitant about getting into bed with them. If they make the first offer of aid to us or asking us for help, rather then us going to them for help, then I could be more amenable.
>I'm sure the Queensmen have their fair share of Idealists - wheteher extremists or not. The Third Herald certainly seems to be a man after Emile's own heart.

Yeah its just working with Gilbern and possibly/probably the larger order is probably going to stretch the limits of what I may consider acceptable particularly on the heavier end of things.

>That people get duties according to their inclinations and talents. No child butchering duty for Emile.

I mean I'd consider what Emille stands to become through this conversation to be more akin to a disposable assest or middling agent than a Herald who's proven themselves to be worthy of the title Third herald who has probably earned some legroom considering he used to be the second up until our involment.

but yeah, under the right delegation Emille could likely not be on child butchery duty, I'm just wary of the extreme offered.

>For all we know the Prince could be a good man. Yet evidence points to another direction - very much like evidence shows that Queensmen have no intention of destroying Canton.

I'd actually say he needs reigning in, he clearly see the political dysfunction in canton and its history as something that needs cleaning up and he's not wrong, the union of the Crown and church has lead to a situation where their is an inherent divide thats not easily overcome even in times of crisis and has likely lead to a great many other issues we have not been privy too, It certainly doesn't help he has a SoS playing him for a fiddle and driving his ambitions towards the worst possible means with whispers of god knows what.

but back to the point yeah as far as we've seen I have to admit outside of a dark zeal the queensmen haven't shown the intention of burning down Canton yet.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
>spare the hewitts. Maybe the sad lass knows stuff about whos rotten?

Hang on, we have the ledger, witnessess, a middle man and a in to someone who could know the intimates of the Hewitt family if we can align the Praetors and Reginate we could likely weed out the problem makers fairly easily.
also supporting adding this write-in to whatever we do.
>But if we actively demonstrated the goal of shaking off their influence, certain members might get paranoid.

Of course, if Emile was to criticize the Queen and proclaim how much he dislikes Queensmen at every corner, you might have a point. But I very much doubt that will be true.

Emile remains their only in within the DG. I don't expect them to give us ideologically incompatible or high profile tasks.

And while this is a strictly personal opinion, Emile has already learned that compromise is sometimes necessary. For me, a dirty deed here or there is more than worth the protection and eventual demise of the Prince/SoS combo.
Out and about so this is me just in case >>4404245
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

Tell him that we know because we were there. Go through basically everything , maybe leaving out the whole fae , our journey there, the run in with their camp, how we found our brother, and we planned an attack on the faction to free slaves while they were distracted, and then start with the whole son of sin/forbidden knowledge shit. It was us who came in "THEIR" time of need when everyone was getting their shit wrecked to help put down that abomination and we have the artifact to prove it (which was given to us by one of the heralds on our vow of silence).

Talk to him about us following up leads to the slave ring and our chance encounter that lead tlus to the Hewitt's estate. After just the encounter we leaned that the head of the house is bed ridden, maybe even poisoned by you know who, and that our meeting with lady Hewitt has shown us that while there may be rot in the house not all are responsible.

(Also if he gives us shit about our brother the only reason he was there is because the blue Jays nursed him back to life after after the order killed those miners, his squire, and almost him if memory serves)

As to why we are here? We knew that we would be going off to serve in the dragon guard and that "because"of the cool reception at the ball we wanted to see him in person to affirm that his friendship means something to us and had hoped that maybe with this information he could
use it to his advantage somehow.. just...not like this. This whole secret war between the different factions has honestly left us with a bad taste and with all the bad apples we have run across I was hoping that he was a good one, someone we could trust in these dark times, but if he goes through with this and condemns the innocent for the crimes of the few then I think it best if this was our last meeting. But no matter what comes from this we will do what we said we would. Any information we learn will be sent this way if it concerns the safety of the realm.

Only If we somehow survive this whole thing with a friend intact we should talk to him about the angel, our visions, and that in a few years time we would like for him to be there for the church proceedings.
Also going over everything why the fuck are we even trusting the queensmen the first place besides our friend being In the organization? Them and the faction have given us and our family nothing but trouble and they both seem just as bloodthirsty. Fuck the woods and fuck this spy bullshit.
>And while this is a strictly personal opinion, Emile has already learned that compromise is sometimes necessary.

yeah thats true but their are limits we have yet to cross and honestly I can't see them readily crossed even if it would defeat the SoS/Prince combo but we'll see were tge story goes.

reactionary concern over the prince's threat and/or the SoS development from what I gather.
We are a little in too deep to be in the middle of everything without a friend on either side. I'm willing to deal with Sir Gilbern if he looks out for our family while we are in Cathagi.
>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]
Gilbern already knows about Damien and the Jays. It's one of those open secrets.

Remember how he said the Order of Names worked with the Jays before the whole SoS thing? No way he doesn't have people willing to talk with him.

There's a huge difference to admitting something to Gilbern, and admitting it in court. Especially since Damien is already en route home.

As for the whole "killing the miners"

> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iQdDRrcAOjA [Embed]
What will Gilbern offer us to join him and swear the oath to report our findings to him?

We have the DG, it seems like we should get more than good will for working with him.

It's not like we couldn't side with Lord Aulderige if we have to, either.
I see the DG as putting us in a much stronger position to work with the Queensmen, but retain our independence.
Because we’re screwed whatever we do. This is the path of lesser pain.
>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>There is nothing you can do for the innocents of House Hewitt, even if you could honestly say they were entirely uninvolved. [Spare No One]
You disappoint me 4gotten. I thought the Aussie shitposter is made out of sterner stuff than this.
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]
>>You tell Sir Gilbern that you cannot speak on how you know the Hewitts aren’t behind the Bluejays, as you would break your oath of silence. You ask him to believe you all the same. [Hold Tongue]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
>You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]

It’s one thing to shitpost. It’s one thing to meme. It’s even one thing to make fun of the QM.

It is an entirely different thing to proclaim that you have single handedly fucked with every single vote over two quests, which have a combined run time of FIVE YEARS. Forgotten has made his stance on samefagging abundantly clear, he’s had multiple votes recounted because of it.

This is the same tier of shit as a player making up their rolled scores in dnd, a DM increasing DCs so you fail every check, etc.
Again, there’s no reason we should take them at their word. They are a copperclipper and their claims are made to rile up people. The anon in qtg puts it better than me >>4409175 →
more like
>three quest
SOON just wait

That’s a fair point.
I had fun though so fuck him.

144 followers on twitter make me think the Anon is a lying faggot.
I'll change my vote here in >>4408681 to replace

>(2) Cathagi Court
>>You are willing to swear a solemn oath to report your findings in the Cathagi Court to Sir Gilbern alone and discharge such duties he directs. You will, in effect, be an agent of the Ordo Reginate. [Swear Oath]


>>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
No update today, my heart isn’t in it.

A lying faggot this samefag anon may be, but he’s managed to ruin my enjoyment of the quest for tonight at least.
That sucks, the rest of us will be around ready to go when you're up to it. This shit is too fun to stop now
I’m not letting one dude’s sociapathy ruin this quest, but I am giving thought to moving to another forum or some other way of securing votes against samefagging.
Please dont shift. Part of the enjoyment of quests on the chans is the conversations that happen and are embedded inbetween story posts. Other plateforms have the chat as seperate and reactions and important player information just gets lost in the drift.

I think the precautions are already pretty decent. Just a matter of hiding and ignoring.
For the love of god not sv please. You and half of the anons would be banned within a week for being “disruptive”. (Making politically incorrect joke, making any reference to slavery or misogyny, or just doing anything that makes the mods ban fingers itchy)
And not akun either. If you think the samefags here are bad, wait until you open a vote for longer than 5 minutes there.
But muh chan

IMO shorter vote periods may be the way to go as it would significantly decrease people's ability to cycle Ids over time but that may deny a fair few people the ability to vote and it's not a guaranteed defence.
>>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]

>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]

>You argue for the clemency of House Hewitt, the weight of this sin falls on the shoulders of Sir Marco Hewitt alone. [Spare all except Sir Marco Hewitt]

Also yikes with the same fags
The samefag was assured there were many other samefags. We DID catch samefags before so it's most likely true. However, i don't think they're samefagging reaches the extent of his samefagging.
And considering the popularity of the quest, the extend that which samefagging can actually influence is greatly lessened, since the pool of voters is greatly increased.
I think the other way around. More time means more posters around the world. Anyone that wants to cycle IPs can do so quickly enough, unless you do like 30s vote windows.
I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree. Even one samefag with just 2-3 samefag votes can change the result of close votes. Multiple samefags can change the result of even votes that are not close.
I understand but i just dont know what site would give you 100% safety from samefags at all.
Samefags will samefag regardless of how how effort itl take.
Il still play stv where ever it ends up.
This makes me think of a potential solution to the samefag problem.

Forgotten could do updates but not allow player input immediately, instead allowing it after a few hours. After posting the story update, he could inform everyone at which EST hour he'll allow players to choose their greentext choices and input their write-ins for the given situation.

Votes could be open for a minute or less bevause players should've already thought of how to act after reading the update hours ago.
That locks out most folks who cant be on at that exact time. Unless the session is running, in which case its not an issue, but with 24hr update cycles, we’ll have whole timezones who can participate in the vote.
Maybe he could open votes for a minute for two different timezones. Something like 20:00 EST for muricans, and a different EST time for whatever timezone euros have.

Granted, there could still be samefags but not at the current level of a guy recycling through 10+ IDs.
For fucks sake Kniggas. Take your samefagging discussion to GTG
I guess thats part of the issue when you have such a large vote base that doesn't actively contribute beyond votes and active participants are around 2 dozen at best their isn't a clear cut answer, paranoia and division are stupidly potent poisons when samefagging get thrown into the mix.

You're not wrong, but that window means it can be abused more than 10/20/30 minute window a whole lot more, in my admittedly cynical view the shorter the window the less the abuse can be used but thats not to say it couldn't happen and it would certainly omit timezones who cannot particpate in such a window or Anons who may be preoccupied.
>All this coping

Ahh the sweet, sweet delusions.

Just a note, the Tracker Jean example was an example of one of the contentious votes that I successfully samefagged in Sworn to Valour. I wasn't using it as an example of the votes that I successfully samefagged solely by own votes if that wasn't clear. Others did vote for it, but it wouldn't have won without my own votes. I will give you another and final example. (This example directly affects the current vote to boot.) It is this one: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4057155/#4057237

Ask all the anons who voted for the cynic vote to come up and tell them to claim their respective ids. The unclaimed ones will be my ids.

I will not reveal my ids in this vote, but I will reveal two things:

1. I did not use all my ids to vote just for the cynic vote. I used some of my ids to vote for the other two votes. This is a diversion tactic to keep suspicion off. Having all my ids voting for the same things for the entirety of the thread would've been a red flag.

2. I did not use all the 16 IPs that I have for this vote. I didn't need to because only just some of them were enough to samefag this vote. I did, however, resort to using all of them for some of the other votes in the thread.

That's all. Ciao.
Oh boy, more claims. Just post with 5 different IDs seconds after each other or shut the fuck up. Prove our paranoia and your bullshit true so we can actually try to deal with it or let us get on with the quest. This has been the exact same ID for the last 3 posts that exist just to piss people off, so I have no reason to believe you.
Do you do this in any other quests?
Do one last demonstration and call this post based and redpilled with your 26 different IDs. I'll start.

Based and redpilled.
Imagine being this retarded.
jesus, what a sad life you live
>Just post with 5 different IDs seconds after each other

Don't think that's physically possible considering how he has access to his ips tho

>This has been the exact same ID for the last 3 posts

Isn't this>>4408734 his?
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Ha based bastard
hey consider anon kun that way we can finally deal with those fucking anti coomers
>Ask all the anons who voted for the cynic vote to come up and tell them to claim their respective ids. The unclaimed ones will be my ids.

We should test this to see if he's legit. If every id except one is claimed, then that proves he's talking shit.
He did in the QTG, can't believe there are roaches sad enough to cheat the votes on an online essentially co-op rpg

I used to think it was rather fucked that Forgotten dabbed on 1 ID posts, especially since my breaks at work are like 3 minutes and all I can do is vote and then go back to bricklaying.

I was wrong.
Look at this bugman. He'll be back like the clown he is
He is talking complete shit right now. We have 45 votes for this vote and 50 votes at the start. Barely a drop off, which can be attributed to the anons who left the quest because they didn’t like how we’re acting.
Guys. you lot are just giving him what he wants: attention. Hide, move on.
If he's dedicated enough to samefag to this extent then he'll just follow you wherever you go and do the same shit.
what he said
This. Let's see your 16 different votes.

Also, even if he has been samefagging to fuck and back, everyone (except obviously the autistic fuck) has still been having fun, no?

So really what's the difference? A lot of votes I've supported have won and lost, and while I didn't agree with all the things Emile has done I don't regret playing.

Samefags didn't make this quest, and samefags can't break it either.
He's telling the truth about samefagging atleast, check qtg
He is not telling the truth why do you think it took him so long to set it up?
For someone that apparently was doing it for some time he needed quite some time to prepare.

Phone with access to internet will cost you minimum what 10$?
Then to get internet on those phone for a week or some small packet of MB's we talking anoter 10$
So yeah retard bought bunch of phones and spend 100$ on internet because he couldn't stand he lost a vote.
Moving the conversation to more relevant topics, what do you think the Dragon Guard operates? I imagine it's commander is voted in from among the ranks and while some high rank members of the castas have some influence it remains mostly independent power within Cathagi.
Does this mean you’re also taking responsibility for that pants-on-head retarded Tracker Jean write-in vote winning?

There is some comfort in that.
Sex seems to bring the worse in a few very loud individuals. It's not your fault, some people are just that immature. Also I'm not blaming neither side of the vote, just the individuals who took it too far into shitflinging or samefagging.
>Ask all the anons who voted for the cynic vote to come up and tell them to claim their respective ids. The unclaimed ones will be my ids.

Lmao, there will be posters who have not been there like myself, who join and drop this quest at a drop of a hat, who do not remember the votes they participated in. Anons should not give a shit about this what this guy says because if he really WERE such a genius samefag why doesn't he post the same thing several times then with tons of IDs? He won't. Because he's a liar and lonely troll. Simple as that.
> Faggot is driving around town looking for free wi-fi to phonepost
Yeah, Chastityfags are Yobs and coomers are wankers.

> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GiHdpAVIHgo [Embed]

Whatareya? (You're A Yob Or You're A Wanker)
He kicked your dog too last night
I think they're basically the pets of the Dragon, and have a large amount of foreigners serving who form their own power bloc.

Within said bloc they compete to gain favour among Cathagi courts in order to advance their interests at home.

You also have randos just there for JOLLY GOOD ADVENTURE.

Cathagi / Foreigner friction probably also happens a lot, with the Foreigners being touchy about their position as DG making them untouchable to a degree causing resentment amongst Cathagi townies.

It's probably a situation where if a DG don't play court games they're fine, but if they want to join in the fun and games then no complaining when someone loses and eye.

There's probably also random Dragon whims that give opportunities to win glory and honour for the Dragon.

Also beach volleyball.
I can't believe it took this thread this long to get the 'TISM.
I actually think there is a guard within the guard situation. A smaller core of the Dragon's favorites or just lucky(or unlucky) ones who get to actually guard the Dragon in his inner palace. Everyone else is station elsewhere on the palace or other types of assignments. The guard stays mostly out of the court games but it isn't strange to see it throw its weight behind some faction or another if the gifts or favors are right.
That isn't a situation exclusive to what I described.
I think theirs a lot of orbital politics around the Dragon, the viziers seems to be the more active rulership even if they kowtow to the Dragon, theirs been at least one war started because a Vizier got ambitious I also think from memory the DG and the hoplites? Those slave soliders we met on the road have something of a rivalry.

Then theirs the Medusae sect and the librarians? and we know very little about them.
There will be an update tonight, I’ve just got a bit on so I might not make the 10pm deadline.
>>4371627 →

"Sir Gilbern seem the sort to relish talking and is obviously flattered a young knight-errant has asked his advice" (Thread #2)
Approach as a knight and friend asking for his advice on what he'd do our shoes. We're a knight errant in over our heads, not a master operator.

He was honest about where our brother was, putting us on his tracks. He either cares about honesty or family more than he lets on, I think. (Thread #5)

"Sir Gilbern values men who honour their debts." (Thread #6) I don't think we can work this angle, other than our obligation to our family.

"You’re an honest and upstanding man, Sir Andrei. The realm needs more knights like you.” Sir Gilbern gives a heavy sigh, though his disappointment doesn’t seem to be directed at you. ”I suppose for now it will have to settle for the likes of me.” Thread #8. I don't think he's opposed to idealism. Just jaded.

I think we should emphasize that we fundamentally aren't really a man of subterfuge. Kaspar Alexandi seems to have done well for himself as one in the queensman (even if him showing us mercy did end up getting him demoted). I'm not sure if Gilbern can really handle honesty but I think we should try it. The only way we're getting through to him is convincing him that our only other alliegance is God).

Be honest about our allies and their importance to us, let him judge our suitability. (This is my perception of their relative importance to Emile).

Our Kingdom:
We believe in the Knights Code, the ideals of Cantón. The rightful rule of royals and nobles.

Our family (their health, not necssarily power/influence):
Yes, we did go to Fallavon in order to save our brother. Our family is very important to us and we love our siblings dearly.
In saving him we temporarily aligned with the bluejays against the prince's faction (a position the queensmen forced our brother into).

We believe in the teachings of Adam and Cain. We believe that His Angel expects us to oppose the SoS and protect His creation at every turn.
Seeing Anarchy has caused us to take action against corruption (Slavers, murderer, Langlish mercenaries, the ledger).
Seeing Avarice - Linking the SoS to the prince's faction with undeniable proof - has caused us to seek him out.

The short of it: We believe in the ideals of Cantón, we believe in God and his Angel. We are to oppose the SoS at every turn and because of that we ought to ally with the queensmen. I think this is something Gilbern can appreciate and understand - allies of circumstance if nothing else. We don't have to agree on all details, we don't have to become a Queensman ourselves. We can still have issues with dishonesty, breaking vows and general skullduggery while working with the queensmen. After all, if we give up our code and morals to defeat the SoS, have we not proven them right? (Something like that, Gilbern probably considers the ends to justify the means but I think he can respect and understand that stance).
Forgotten, maybe you missed this the last time I asked, or maybe it's a ludonarrative technique to symbolize us not being able to question the glamour. Either way I'll ask again:

We've see Jess with her mask on whenever she's mentioned. I assume others don't? Or do they see a human girl with a mask? Do we know?
They see a human girl with a mask. The altered proportions are a little on the slim and tall side, but definitely not enough to give her away as Fae. Though the 'girl' part is pretty indistinguishable, given their figure.
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>You ask to be released from your oath of silence, at least temporarily, and tell Sir Gilbern everything you can without compromising your honour. This includes the Son of Sin. [Full truth]
>You give your word that you will let Sir Gilbern know of any plots that may threaten Cantôn if you hear of them. [Word of Honour]
You ask that Lady Maria Hewitt be at least spared the executioner’s blade. You will make arrangements, perhaps as one of your sisters handmaidens. [Spare Lady Hewitt]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMbbbopeVfc [Embed] – Ordo Reginate theme
As there wasn’t overwhelming support for any particular write-in, I’ll use my discretion to include what bits I think are appropriate. Your ‘full truth’ will include your suspicions regarding the Paladin Sanguine for example, but not the angelic visions. Word of this will definitely get back to the other heralds on a confidential basis. The First Herald will probably have a dim view of you, but I believe this will only cement your good impression with Lord Kasper Alaexandi as a deadest legend.
By opting to divulge the full truth and NOT swear an oath, I see this as you entrusting yourself and family more to the good graces of Sir Gilbern himself rather than the Ordo Reginate organisation as a whole. I will view this as an AUTO-SUCCESS, Sir Gilbern is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now. This does not mean he may not make a request of you during your tenure in the Dragon Guard, but it does mean that his judgement of your sincerity depends on your assistance somewhat. Asking for all the Hewitts to be spared would have instigated a particularly difficult persuade test, especially since this measure of attainment isn’t just at the behest of Sir Gilbern alone.
It is highly unlikely Sir Gilbern will steer the Reginates to action against your family and will, assuming you don’t break faith, take steps to shelter both you and them from the worst of the attentions of the Prince’s Faction. Given how much you have divulged, Sir Gilbern could very easily destroy you. If he wanted to, that is.

Sir Gilbern is surprised when you asked to be released from your oath of silence under Church Law. At first he is curious and amused that you even know about the esoteric piece of Church Law but, as you continue to speak, his good humour swiftly disappears. Where you cannot speak further, such as your word to Sam Wyte that you would not reveal the Bluejays have a safehouse with the Fae Enclaves, you tell Sir Gilbern as much. He appears displeased at this, but recognises that you have already confessed enough to see you hung-drawn-and-quartered twice over if he so wished. Putting yourself at his mercy, you appeal to the man rather than the organisation he stands for.

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"I come because I have kept faith with you. You once asked me for aid in a clandestine operation in the woods and I turned you down in my search for my brother. Yet through my travels, I have hefted no blade against the Reginate and even aided your comrades against an enemy most foul when I could have just as easily ran. I am your friend and comrade, Sir Gilbern, and I hope you will come to see me once again as such."

“All of this… so you know what is at stake, the heresy, the risk of civil war… the catastrophic danger that the Prince’s naked ambition presents…” Sir Gilbern, already a somewhat pale man, has lost what colour was present in his cheeks. “And yet you still tell me all this, risking your life… Cain on the Cross, arguably risking your entire Household with the confession of your knowledge… but you do not seek to swear an oath to the Ordo Reginate? You, of all people, know just what is at stake here. The kind of terrible wolves that we are fighting in the dark to keep from the kingdom’s very doors.”

You hesitate. “An oath would bind me to the Order Reginate entirely. And I am… given what I have told you… I trust you, Sir Robert Gilbern, to use me for the good of the realm. There are others, other Heralds… I would not so trust them.”

The implied smirch on the Order, or at least perhaps the First Herald, appears entirely ignored by the Second Herald. He indicates that he is content to accept your promise to him personally rather than the order.

“So be it. If you are a man of your word, you will do what you can to honour regardless of whether it is an oath or promise that binds you. If you are false, as I had begun to suspect, then no oath or solemn promise would bind you in any case. Two years in the Dragon Guard will be a mixture of tedium and terror, I imagine. But I don’t doubt that you will have the opportunity to fulfill your word, sooner or later.” Sir Gilbern rubs his chin ruefully, and for a moment you expect him to demand a solemn oath to the Order Reginate after all. But he shakes his head, coming to a final decision. “Given our lack of contacts in the Cathagi Court, it could very well save our nation much hardship and suffering. If it’s you, I’m willing to take the risk that you will keep your word. But understand, Emile, you are to report to me alone. I’ll not abide your information advantaging your own family’s pursuits before the realm, you understand?”

You do. But, greatly daring, you go one step further and plead for the life of Lady Maria Hewitt. She does not deserve what is about to befall her house.

“What do you know of Sir Hewitt?” The Second Herald regards you carefully, though your plea of mercy is hardly the most shocking revelation in this conversation. “My sources indicated that you had some contact.”
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“I know he has a father, and a brother with two children. I’ve met Sir Hewitt’s nephew, another knight.” You could not honestly attest that the young man was entirely uninvolved. But you assure Sir Gilbern that there is no guile in the Lady Maria Hewitt. “She is innocent of any involvement, I am sure of it.”

“And what of Sir Marco Hewitt’s son and daughter? He is an innocent too.” You pale at the implication, looking up at the Second Herald sharply. “ Yes. He has a boy, ten-years-old. And a girl, about five at my recollection. This is not about guilt or innocence, Sir.”

“Mass graves in the woods, attacking miners on the roads, putting children to the sword…” You speak bitterly, the words coming before you can stop them. “Is this the Cantôn we swore to defend?”

“Do not imagine that other less harsh measures were attempted. In the case of the miners, for example, warnings were made. Both subtle and overt. And yet still they persisted.” Sir Gilbern speaks with a practiced tone that indicates this is a truism he has told himself more than once. “You have seen the darker side of our Ordo’s actions. Measures taken as a last resort. That your brother was caught up in this as an inconvenient witness to the most extremes actions is… well unfortunate sounds rather weak, doesn’t it? I assure you, that is not the common course of Her Majesty. Even if some in her council would adopt such measures all too quickly.”

“And children? Cain on the Cross, Robert…” You have no love for that copper-clipper Sir Marco Hewitt, but you are sworn to defend the innocent. You’re seriously considering some truly foolhardy and drastic action until you notice that Sir Gilbern seems equally disgusted at the prospect.

“Reginae wept, Emile. You really did think so little of me? We’re not monsters.” That the Second Herald does not flinch at the familiarity of his first name is, all things being equal, a good sign. “...I suppose I cannot entirely blame you. Despite your first impressions of my order, I am not going order the deaths of children. The boy and girl will be spared, and raised until they are old enough to take orders. But the Hewitt name will die with this generation.”


You breathe a sigh of relief. The fate of House Hewitt is confronting enough, you do not think you could have lived with yourself if you had inadvertently condemned children to death.

“Emile.” Sir Gilbern fixes you with a determined frown. “If I believed that I could save ten thousand innocent lives by condemning a hundred, I would do so without hesitation. The pursuit of the greater good sometimes leaves us with bitter fruit, but never forget that it is the greater good we fight for.”

You were never a well-versed student in philosophy, but you do not think you can entirely bring yourself to agree with your friend.

“Go. It will be straightforward enough to ensure this Lady Hewitt is spared the worst of the purge. And I will do what I can to ensure no harm comes to your family while you are away. Assuming you keep faith, and assuming your sister’s scheming does get out of hand.” Sir Gilbern sighs, massaging his temples as he walks away and leaves you alone in that nondescript hall. “Kasper’s going to be bloody incorrigible when he finds out that you’re this mystery knight he’s been raving about.”


>You have done what you can, risked your own neck to see Lady Hewitt spared the executioner’s blade. Her fate is in her own now, your hands are tied. You leave it to Sir Gilbern to determine how the Lady may be kept out of the public eye, yet still alive. [Haughty]

>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

Gilbern continues to be a mixed bag
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
That was fucking great, I enjoyed that write up, especially with the music.

>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]

I don't really want to lose Sir dan Marc. Although going to Cathagi is a pretty big deal and not a safe journey so I'd feel guilty forcing him to come with us. Obviously we'd release him (probably give him a letter to be our fathers knight) when we join the guard if he wanted to go home but he might not even want to come across the sea. In saying all that, an extra blade on the final leg of our pilgrimage would be invaluable.

How do people feel about asking Sir dan Marc about what he thinks? If he's fine to accompany us we send Lady Hewitt to the nunnery. If not he takes her to our home?
Write-in: Offer her passage to Cathagi with us. Promise her to help her get access to their famous library and see to her needs as part of our retinue during our time in the Dragon Guard. In exchange she can teach us Cathagi and advise us scholarly matters.
>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]

I'll support this write-in as well.

I like this write in >>4411655
Any other option than bringing her on as a handmaid for our sisters. Her spared and becoming the handmaiden of one of our sisters implicates our family in all of this, doesn't it? Hewitts being made an example of and an unlikely survivor ending up in our household. I'd rather we keep attention off ourselves or at least off our family.

Forgotten: Could we ask to meet lord Kasper Alexandi before we leave this place? I think we should thank him personally for believing us before our journey outside Cantôn brings him out of reach for years.
Is this a good idea. I don't think so
This is an interesting idea, I support it but we have to make it clear to her how dangerous it could be

I also absolutely support meeting Alexandi in the open with the truth revealed
I like this write in too. She knows alot and she could probably follow up as a trustable handmaiden after the fact.
Also we should definitely talk to Alexandi, and ask him to give our condolences to Sir Felix Hancroft's family. He did help keep us alive in that fight with Anarchy.
t. stealth Hewitt route I can't blame you

also yes to meeting Alexandi route
>>You have done what you can, risked your own neck to see Lady Hewitt spared the executioner’s blade. Her fate is in her own now, your hands are tied. You leave it to Sir Gilbern to determine how the Lady may be kept out of the public eye, yet still alive. [Haughty]
>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]
This option would be the best for her scholarly pursuits i feel, I didn't get the feeling that she cares over much about her noble status beyond the easy access to books and a comfortable life.

+1 to meeting Alexandi the Rabe to Gilberns Emile.

I like this but i don't think it's feasible without causing major scandal or hardship for both parties. A maid travelling with a knight presumably living on our coin or in our quarters when we reach the DG is improper enough as is. adding to that i don't think taking the Hewitt along will do much to endear us to the Raginates in general and cast doubt on our motive for shielding her. To the faction and allies of the Hewitt's it could look like we stole her because of our publicly know feud with at least two of them, or just like an opportunist cad swooping in to despoil and take advantage of a fallen lady.
The only way i see this working would be for us to somehow arrange an exile for her in Cathargi, and let her travel with us and the pilgrims there. this to would probably be some tricky optics with the Reginates.
You make some pretty solid points Re: Lady Hewitt. It certainly has the potential to look really bad

Was originally going to go with the Haughty option, but decided on the write-in here:

>Write-in: Offer her passage to Cathagi with us. Promise her to help her get access to their famous library and see to her needs as part of our retinue during our time in the Dragon Guard. In exchange she can teach us Cathagi and advise us scholarly matters.

I'm basing this off of us having already mentioned our visit there before, and it looks like it'll be more subtle a means of getting her out of Port Bounty before the hammer falls on House Hewitt. We probably can swing it as us seeking to make amends for the damage we've already caused to their House by providing an in into the Dragon's Court, which would be highly appealing to the copper-clippers. Plus, when they are attainted later on, she will have been overseas doing scholarly matters instead of being back home with the others when all these birds come back to roost. It'll certainly be easier to persuade her to become a handmaiden at a politically minor house on the other side of the country after building good will and a rapport with her in Nova Cathago.
>>441166 6
You make a fair point that I hadn't considered. I will switch my vote to the Handmaiden option.

>Write-in: Offer her passage to Cathagi with us. Promise her to help her get access to their famous library and see to her needs as part of our retinue during our time in the Dragon Guard. In exchange she can teach us Cathagi and advise us scholarly matters.

If the Write-in is struck down or doesn't gather enough support:
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

previous ID
I mean even without the stealth hewitt romance she'd be a hell of a scholar resource.

we could look like a total cad or villian even for the offer though
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

But also this is pretty good>>4411655
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
Anons please, traveling with an attained noblewoman as personal maid would be seen as scandalous. And since she has been disgraced we wouldn’t be able to marry her without being an outcast ourselves. We have enough trouble already.
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

Even a total coombrain like me can see why it’s a bad idea
I'm willing to suffer the scandal, she doesn't deserve to suffer for her uncle's crime and we have the chance to give her what she wants, a the biggest library in the world. Learning Cathagi and have someone to teach Mikail how to write and read is a bonus.
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>Wounds the Marquis of fallavon
>Is struck by gods wrath for killing the rose of Pascae chivlary
>Consorts with the viper Vancewell
>Insults the fair prince with his presence
>helps the Reginate decimate her family and steals the fair hewitt lady away to heathen Carthaggi
>learns the heathen tongue while joing the Dragonguard
>Insults the fair prince with his arrogance

[Emille the incidental villian intensifies]
That's hilarious, we see ourselves as the hero but no doubt there are probably people in Canton who legitimately think we're a terrible, unscrupulous person
> You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
oh yeah without a doubt and will probably be worse when and if we start picking sides in the conflict/s.

not gonna lie this is part of what makes Vancewell a interesting choice.
>Wounds the Marquis of fallavon
>Consorts with the viper Vancewell
After wounding guy that told us he pursues her
Horny teenager being not that unfamiliar feeling I can't really blame it on anyone
We do see ourselves as a good guy but our actions have often strayed from it.
I'm not so sure, I feel that generally Emile really strives to do "Good" even when it means his actions aren't "good"
Yes I can agree with that
okay yeah thats a whole thing that just looks bad, but like all good romances it starts with a beautiful woman.
>“Kasper’s going to be bloody incorrigible when he finds out that you’re this mystery knight he’s been raving about.”
Based Kasper. Live long enough to have mad adventures upon Emile's return.

>You have done what you can, risked your own neck to see Lady Hewitt spared the executioner’s blade. Her fate is in her own now, your hands are tied. You leave it to Sir Gilbern to determine how the Lady may be kept out of the public eye, yet still alive. [Haughty]

Emile 'Talk Shit Get Hit' Andrei
>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]
I'm quite surprised he didn't questioned us for things like our relationship with Vancewell and such. Or maybe it will be coming after that decision.
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]

Im sure our sister would congrats us on saving the house and distroying a differnt.

This is me;
Emile “made you a cripple, now watch me steal your girl” Andrei
I support this.
>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]

Point out that the Church has LOTS of books.
Wait I didn't read far enough down.

We can make this offer, Ianthe was part of the librarian faction no? Maybe she would want to join them.

Honestly, I don't know why we don't ask Lady Hewitt what she would prefer. To join our house, a covenant, or to go to Cathagi.
See how this fucking knight errant upended an entire civil war with ONE SIMPLE TRICK
I doubt Lady Hewitt is going to be very happy that her entire house is getting scrubbed, I don't even sure why it's us making her decision.
probably because we're one of the few people who remain that cares enough to offer her a future worth a damn.
It isn't bus making the decision, shit is going down on the Hewitts; we are interceding on her behalf. I'm sure she will be glad to avoid execution at least.
From a negative view, it's a chance to make our own noose for Emile.
>off in the wind, potential vengeance on the road
>potential mole inside house Andrei
>potential wife for the Prince

I'm sure there are some positive spins, but Emile won't be around to influence them.
I feel like that can be somewhat mitigated considering we would foolish to think that she might be somewhat resentful. I'm sure Gilbern would keep watch of her in the all of these situations, and if she did come to our home, I have no doubt our mother and sisters would have hawk eyes on her.
>Recruit lady Hewitt for cathagi trip [Write in]
I should say I agree with you she will likely put us to blame but I guess thats just another thing for Emille to repent for.
>>potential wife for the Prince
...A what? How?
Only nuns can become Queens.
The assumption is she could be put up as a new Regina when the prince assumes the crown [/spoiler]unless he absolutely defies tradition[/spoiler]
>unless he absolutely defies tradition
Well if he were expose the secrets of the church and SoS, he could probably bring the whole church down and marry someone else. If it was spun correctly the prince could make himself head of a new church protestant style, coming to think of it this might be his plan for consolidating power in canton.
Thats one possibility I suppose, I certainly like it better than my personally theory that he'd try and excise the church from the royal family completely though I guess the problem withyour's is that their is less of tangiable claim at least as far as we know that would allow the prince to claim the title with anything other than pure despotism.
Did we tell bob about the crimson guy being a son of sin?
And maybe one being in port bounty too.
Sanguine yes, I don't know about the Bay butcher
Hey Forgotten, is Lord Alexandi married? If attempts to get Gilbern to marry Roselyn fall through, perhaps putting the idea in his mind might be a good hedge considering he's a Romani Lord and it could help consolidate our family's power in Romaine.
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>You will charge Sir dan Marc with escorting Lady Hewitt back to your homeland, to take up a role as a handmaiden to one of your sisters. A noble handmaiden of that breeding, even an attainted one, would be valued. Such things have been done before. [Hearty]
>You have done what you can, risked your own neck to see Lady Hewitt spared the executioner’s blade. Her fate is in her own now, your hands are tied. You leave it to Sir Gilbern to determine how the Lady may be kept out of the public eye, yet still alive. [Haughty]
>You will approach Sister Ignatius and ask her if she can take Lady Hewitt under her wing, and she if she can arrange something with her contacts in nearby nunneries. An attainted noblewoman could suffer far worse a fate than a life wearing a nun’s habit. [Idealist]
Get thee to a nunnery!
Guys should we visit the Stormseer once we go to Cathagi? Im pretty hyped to know more about him.
>Recruit lady Hewitt for cathagi trip [Write in]
The write in has enough support to justify a recast. As some anons have pointed out, there are pros and cons to secreting Lady Hewitt away time Cathagi.

> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}

> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]

> Lady Hewitt is encouraged to take holy orders and become a nun. [Nunnery]
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine]
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine]
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}

Im sure out dad would like to talk with her about improving our lands with canals and other stuff.

Sir dan mac might fall in love with her on the way home and she would have books.
Mybe help uncover a way to take back the undead lands.

This is me;
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
>Sir dan mac might fall in love with her
Oh buddy, that sweet but unlikely to happen.
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
>Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
Imagine causing that kind of scandal whisking away a maiden to a foreign land. What's wrong with Kniggas?
>> Lady Hewitt is encouraged to take holy orders and become a nun. [Nunnery]
>>4408596 me
>> Lady Hewitt is encouraged to take holy orders and become a nun. [Nunnery]
If the write-in wins I really hope we can be smart about it and set her up as an exile, and not as a direct dependent on us. both for our sake but also for hers. like i don't get what we expect her to do in Cathargi live of our kindness and pity, sometimes help us do research for 2 years, and then what when we leave? That's just a really weird and awkward situation for both. Do we even know if the library is public access.
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine]
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
I'd rather not bring a girl who is about to lose her entire family(sans little brother) to either the axe or poverty across the world. Give her some place welcoming and safe.
>Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
>>Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine]
You guys better start thinking before you support every write-in you see
>Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
Honestly, it might be the best end she can get at this point. Since dan Marc is new nobility, hes not that eligible a bachelor for many of the currently existing houses. But if he marries a lady from an older house, even an attained one, it gives "old blood" to thier heirs. She's no longer really eligible, he's barely eligible. It works in both their favors.
>inb4 Lady Hewitt was brain of operation
Yeah, that's not what I meant. The issue is you know.
Oh. Is he? I must have missed something from an earlier thread.
I think it might have been hinted when we asked him if he loved anyone but that was awell ago.
Still he could still love her as a companion and have kids as there duty, they might even get land working for our family.

That would be funny that shes been cooking the books, seems smart enguh for it.
Just cant trust anyone one nowa days.
> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
I don't understand the reference. What is he?
Even better, she was trying to poisoning us with the tea but we were too big and dumb to even notice.
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}

We can protect her if she's with our family and if Sir Gilbern keeps his word to protect our family.
>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}

This is me in case of ID change
His a gay knight and might have a crush on us but we dont know for sure.

Our boy ends up going homo becouse every woman he gets with ether trys to kill him or people he knows, uses him for information or is into bad shit.
Homo love is the pure love.
Ether sir dan mac or rabe on the gay train.
Fair enough. Dan Marc is a little too twinky for me, but I mean Emile IS known to be into Bears so the Rabe train might be a go.
> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]

This is me >>4409136
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}

This seems like the safest route. It also leaves her with the greatest amount of freedom left to decide what to do with her life once this issue ends.

>> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
Just realizing that say Sir De Broulert lived, we would've had more political shenanigans to deal with. I don't think a knight as chivalrous as De Broulert or perhaps his family would've liked the power an alliance between them and Hewitt be destroyed like that. Not that killing De Broulert didn't do the same, but I'm curious about the what-ifs.
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]

This sounds interesting. After this we could send her to be our sister's handmaiden if she so wished. Otherwise we might be able to pair her with our fellows. Maybe even Sir Dan Marc.

> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]

Might cause a scandal, but gonna stick with my guns in the vote I cast earlier. Mainly because I think since Emile is pressed for time, he won't be able to secure safe passage for Lady Hewitt in time before he leaves for Nova Cathago.


>Emile "Brag about your waifu, I'll ruin your laifu" Andrei.
>Emile "Danced with the Princess, Scorned by the Princes" Andrei.
>Emile "Copper-clippers talk shit, Their house will pay for it" Andrei.
>Emile "If you think I'm a villian, your kin I'll be killin'" Andrei.
Hey Forgotten how big is House Hewitt right now? Or in other words, how long is the list of people to be purged?
> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
House Hewitt is a well established Pascae family, though only recently come into significant wealth and influence in the last generation or so. This attaintment will affect at least several dozen distant family members (cousins etc), though only the immediate relatives and anyone else implicated in confessions will be facing outright execution.

I’m addition the the collapse of the house of cards from the Praetor ledger investigation, it is now inevitable that Sir Andrei will be leaving Pascae behind as a political charnel house. While Viet-Fallavon seemed to scar our knight, in turn our knight has scarred copper-clipper-Pascae.
>our knight has scarred copper-clipper-Pascae
This should give Rabe something to talk about when he gets home. Silly southerners.
Would the response of the Praetors have been more directed than the Reginates?

Also fuck Fallavon
Will this allow the Queensmen to sieze control of Pascae from the Prince's faction?

I presume that House Hewitt has satisfied their need for an excuse to send their troops in.
It would probably have taken longer, but had more survivors. The path we chose ended up having us cut thru much more red tape, but also more necks.
Yeah probably I honestly wish we'd gone with that but things are what they are, I just hope involving the Reginate in Hewitts side of things has terribly soured our flowering relationship with the Praetors.

Has NOT*
Hey, we got the job down, and while we did go over their heads, at worst they will be a little miffed , but grateful of our help and wont have an issue with working with us again, though they will probably firmly ask that we don't pull that shit again.
I think thats underplaying it but we'll see, hopefully you're right and this won't be too damaging to our relationship with Praetors
I guess it depends on the Praetors. Some could be more understanding, others will have more of a puritan law bent and will be very,very unhappy with us. Hopefully the next Canton city we step into has the former so we can work to rebuild our reputation.
It's more about perceived territory thing this is like us asking the FBI or rather the CIA to get involved in a police investigation, they won't take to well to it even with the best of intentions.
>> Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
In that case, the Praetors might actually be glad that someone else is dealing with the Hewitts, as they are possibly entirely above their pay grade as a whole.
Nah c9nsider how Hewitt implicated himself in just about everything it would have been textbook for the Hewitt to investigate and clear house with the household.

Probably would have taken longer but it would have been less bloody and total than what the Reginate is doing.
Taking down one person is different from taking down an entire House.

No nobles would be willing to give the Praetors that much power. Feudalism, yo.
Which is why the Praetors would have been less wholesale in their pursuit of those culpable and would have almost certainly pursued a lengthy abd through investigation of the houses activities.

The fact the whole house got fucked is because we involved Gilbern and this the Reginate in this.
>While Viet-Fallavon seemed to scar our knight, in turn our knight has scarred copper-clipper-Pascae.
This is fine.

This makes the future copper clipper knight background even more appealing.
Their remit is to investigate breeches of the law. When the Queen and reginate are de facto and de jure above it, theres not much they can do but bow to royal authority.
> Lady Hewitt is encouraged to take holy orders and become a nun. [Nunnery]
Honestly I was expecting more of a response to the fact that Emile was the one who jumped from the top floor, did a diving kick that broke Anarchy's Neck, and then helped put the bastard down after that.
Gilbern didn't see that in person though, Alexandi did as did a number others and he considers us an absolute mad lad for it.
At least we'll get some recognition for it now. And maybe our family might get better relations at home with the Alexandis.
fuck i hope alexandi is the one who is there for the church questioning
yeah we took a fight that usually ends in 7 anointed knights getting killed even without anarchys op aoe chaos effect and turned it into a beatable engagement
Yeah if nothing else we can hopefully Knigga up with him in the future.

I'm pretty sure that was more than just seven knights getting rip'n teared but yeah we stupidly turned the tables against anarchy.
I just realised this might just be a stealth setup for Dan marc to actually fall for lady hewitt and we just misread him, they'd not be far out of station considering the Hewitts fall from grace.

Gay Knigga when though?
I think making her a handmaiden is demeaning.

>Cathagi adventures.
>Lady Hewitt is spirited away with you to Cathagi. [Cathagi]
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine}
> Lady Hewitt is escorted and becomes a handmaiden of House Andrei. [Romaine]
I am writing this under the assumption that Lady Hewitt is NOT aware of the part you played on the Ordo Reginate attainting her family, only that you intervened at some point to spare her. If you wish to reveal that at a later time, that is your prerogative. I am also assuming that you provide Sir dan Marc with a letter of recommendation to your father, he will continue in his service to your house there unless you wish to arrange for him to come join you as a retainer while you are in the Dragon Guard. I will admit, having both Sir dan Marc and Lady Hewitt over Cathagi would have resulted in things being a bit crowded. Dragon Guard living quarters are luxurious, by the standards of Cantôn, but not limitless.

When you return to your quarters you ask to speak to Sir Neil dan Marc in private, and discuss the details of his charge. Regardless of whether the Ordo Reginae makes their move before are after you depart these shores, he is to remain behind and see Young Lady Maria Hewitt safely to House Andrei lands with a letter of introduction and enough coin to see them taken care of until they get there. You could not honestly say whether Sir dan Marc is crestfallen or relieved to not be accompanying you to Cathagi, as you have come to expect of your sworn man he accepts the task without complaint. Despite that, you emphasise to him that this is not a sign of your displeasure with his leal service.

“Make no mistake, Sir. I am not dismissing you on some whimsical errand. This is an important mission and not, despite the assurances I have received, guaranteed to be entirely without danger.” You had also given some thought to whether he should remain there once done, you can always arrange his travel to Cathagi later if the need should arise. Perhaps to deliver certain sensitive reports. “Even if your escort mission concludes without a hitch, I expect Father will have plenty of use for a fine sword arm such as yourself.”

Sir dan Marc is suitably grateful when you hand him a letter of recommendation to Lord Nikolai Andrei. A landless knight of his low breeding could hope for little better, he had attended Lord Duncan’s tourney in the hopes of catching the eye of just such a lord. Instead he met you. But you and he have overcome your differences and put them to rest in Fallavon, since then he has been nothing but entirely dependable. You feel that Lady Hewitt is in safe hands, even if it may remain a mystery to her why you have gone so out of your way to ensure that she lands on her feet.

You realise that Sir Gilbern made no comment on your interaction with Lady Frida Vancewell, a surprising oversight given the unusual circumstances of your relationship with members of that house. Perhaps he didn’t think it polite to mention your personal affairs, for want of a better word, or perhaps he is merely withholding judgement on your trustworthiness for now.

“I’m going out.” You announce to the rest of your companions at the tavern’s entrance. “Don’t wait up.”

Brother Rousseau nods and remains seated, gracing you with another raised eyebrow. Orin exchanges a wry glance with Mikail, doubtless having made the connection between your departure and that note. Or at least he tries to, as usual your squire appears completely oblivious to things like this. Jess-the-Kid however shifts from her perch by the windowsill with a questioning tilt of her head, deadly longbow in one hand. She indicates to the rooftops, and then herself. You shake your head. You do not expect such blatant treachery from the Lady Vancewell’s invitation as requiring an armed deterrent. Besides, if all goes well, you’d rather not leave yourself wondering whether the silent Fae girl is listening in.

The De Ver estate is easy enough to find, located in a moderately nice part of town. Albeit this neighborhood is one more flush with ‘new money’ noble families and well-to-do burghers with aspirations of nobility than the nicer areas of town with the established manors of nobility. As you study the sigil adorning the wooden door, a yellow snake coiled around a pile of coins, you find yourself thinking that the De Ver estate looks more like an office than a noble manor.

As the note promised, the door is unlocked.

>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]

This is fine. Argh. I'm torn between which of our two ladies to end up with.
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Holy shit forgotten, why did you have to make her incredibly based?
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Still would like to add the "I do not wish to look the craven" but in a playful mater of fact way.
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]

"..." indeed.
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
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1.39 MB GIF
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]

>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Remember that she’s gonna take a rejection poorly
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
with our lighting scars she can't pull the whole drop the pious knight act anymore
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
I have no mouth and I must coom
nah she still can, probably because she's either materialist or cynic as fuck
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Man. If this is the simple favour, I wonder what is the advanced favour.
I’d also like to add a smartass quip if possible.
Even if we get besieged by assassin from all sides while naked as long as we get to clap those cheeks I'm all for it.
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Hmmm its feel quite Cadish but

>''Well you're certainly Romani thats for certain''
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]

anons united in something at last. totally worth dying for.
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Man, how can Daubeny even compete. What’s she gonna do, cry about her dead Gabriel?
>>“I do not wish to be looking the craven, but perhaps My Lady should put on a gown.” You must have had misread Lady Vancewell’s intentions. In coming here you had an altogether less carnal encounter in mind. [Idealist]
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As a poor 1 id poster i can not vote. But lemme just say one thing.
Let the story of Emile "The Lewd Bear" Andrei begin.
Also wtf bard there are chidren in the tavern stop talking about lewd shit bro
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Hopefully Emile has learnt some stuff from last night with the Patrikas
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
we gonna rob her of that pride?

>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Pascae has give Emile an appetite for women. I approve makes him a more well rounded character.

>Sir De Broulert
Ah shit I forgot about him, we have to watch out for his father might jump us on at any time for revenge.
Shit, these are me.

>Not getting to meet Alexandi
[sad knigga noise]
Aw, I still fear poison or ambush.
Still, we should make her sweat for it. Make her say what she wants and how much she wants it.
>it would be unbecoming of a gentleman to refuse
>>“I do not wish to be looking the craven, but perhaps My Lady should put on a gown.” You must have had misread Lady Vancewell’s intentions. In coming here you had an altogether less carnal encounter in mind. [Idealist]

Voting this feels bad taking into account the autist already promised to engineer a victory for sleeping with her. Alas, the ideals of knighthood allow me only to vote with my heart bared and my mind untarnished by foul play.
This sex roll is much more important then the last one. We better do well to make up for that shit show.

>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty

This is way we are here time to take that thing off with our teeth.

This is me;
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
I wonder if she will like Emile's scars. Also did Ianthe commented on them?
>“I do not wish to be looking the craven, but perhaps My Lady should put on a gown.” You must have had misread Lady Vancewell’s intentions. In coming here you had an altogether less carnal encounter in mind. [Idealist]

Well, the samefag said he had 16 different ID's. I don't know how Forgotten wants to handle it, but he could technically invalidate 16 votes for the hearty option since that's what he wanted to happen.
>>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]

meh, since we're here we might as well.
Like voting in Chicago. Doesn't really matter what I say does it?
You should let your vote be known regardless.
CHOO CHOO my dude. At least dead people can’t vote here.
>“I do not wish to be looking the craven, but perhaps My Lady should put on a gown.” You must have had misread Lady Vancewell’s intentions. In coming here you had an altogether less carnal encounter in mind. [Idealist]

You're right, my Knigga
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Suddenly this image is canon.
Not with the hype from the Vancewell express

I know how you feel I've been on the losing side of each vote this thread before this
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6VMSYIXCCY [Embed]

Jusy saying Forgotten I feel like I got you a song for the next post
if there's gonna be a coomer roll then it's going one of two ways: crit fail or crit succeed, mark my words.
Either way, we win
>doesn't matter had sex
crit fail or crit succeed

Crit fail she ends up back stabing us as we coom.

Crit pass we dick her so hard she now storks us and has an unhealthy need for our seed.
>storks us
even if it is a typo it is kind of fitting
Kinda hoping she decides to tag along to Cathagi
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
Let's get some!
>“…” Words fail you and, given the next hour or so, talk turns out to be entirely unnecessary. Your dialogue with the Lady is one based more on touch than talk. A gentleman does not begrudge the meal set before him. [Hearty]
This is me. Just at work rn.
I’ll engineer that later on, for sure.
>As we have already established, in Romaine the dead are burnt without exception. Some of the grisliest capital punishments involve staking out a condemned man within the borders of Dread Ardenne itself, a fate worse than death. Your Father goes a step further and orders rites to be performed and the slain Deadmen as well, albeit en masse.

I never understood the logic of this, in as much as a ritual execution can be logical. Why give your mortal foe more soldiers?
It is a measure rarely implemented, only for the very worst sort of traitor or criminal. Certainly it is not utilised regularly enough to be considered a source of reinforcement to the unknown number of Deadmen that plague the region.
Suppose it's reserve for only the worse of the worse and it's done very very rarely.
Posting my update early today
gonna be honest here forgottens the only reason i come to this board anymore

Since a bunch of posts got wiped, I'll post a couple of lore questions to try and bring some stuff back around. Forgotten, how literate are the people of Cantôn? I know that the nobility and clergy are more likely to know their letters than the common people, but is it more like the medieval era where most of the important works and history are stored in architecture and monuments? Is Cathagi, Langland and Norsika on similar, higher or lower levels of literacy too?

the original split from /tg/ was the first mistake. /qst/ was a mistake.
Same, it's the only quest I regularly follow
>hur dur quests and tradtional board games have nothing in common

who lets these retards make decisions
Reminder that the Jannie is scared as fuck, use https://www.4channel.org/feedback to report his faggotry
Probably a good thing STV is going on a break after this thread hot damn.
i go to sleep, and all the fun disappeared...
wut happened?
Reminder to report him right now. My post where I said that I reported him was deleted and I got a warning. He's very very scared right now.

Scroll down to see all the wiped posts
i just woke up, what is the reason for the report?
thanks knigga

Here's the moe archive to see what all went down. Don't really care if my post gets nuked from orbit or banned, just means I'll have to hold out for a few days before updating my own thread is all.


Starts at >>4413719.
Why has wux been going after the uber popular threads though?
I though he just deleted the garter belt vote post, I did not know there was so much more.
Thanks though.
He’s on a power trip and must be stopped now. Report him if you can. My post about reporting him got deleted too.
Its too late anon... The mod is the one samefagging
Jealousy I suspect at QM's that actually have successful quests.
He's a complete piece of shit that would rather tear everyone else down than actually get gud.
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Ayeee, fucking holocaust in here mang.
Whoops, forgot the actual twitter link for posterity.

Of course he got banned, /qst/ is in an absolutely fucked state
I think everyone in this quest including people who were mad at forgotten for the shitpost can agree that Wuxian is power tripping retard. Let’s unite on that anons.
True OGs were never mad at forgotten. Good riddance to all the fags who said they were gonna quit lol
>He got temp banned

Haha the absolute state of this Board, if you see this Forgotten see you on the flipside.
Hey my kniggas, my brother has agreed to post from his phone on my behalf. This won’t work for bulky content updates, but in the meantime I just wanted to let you know that this quest isn’t over. Being banned for a few days was absolutely worth the hilarity of ruining that samefags power trip. I’ll see you kniggas around.

And never forget, all samefags must hang.
Nah the split was needed, tg moves too fast.
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>he just kept on deleting posts
been a while since I had this much fun on /qst/
Nah quests ran fine on /tg/. There were plenty of successful quests in that format. Of course it means some styles (such as Stv) wouldn't survive because it was very much a "post every 30 mins or drop off the board" type deal but it did work
Jesus, that was a fucking ride. I honestly thought like 99% of the other anons that only the garterbelt post had been taken down but this...
did anyone else get a ban?
I have been with you since BC on /tg/, but this is just sad and pathetic Forgotten. Whether you keep running the quest or not, I don't care anymore. I wish you well.

Im case you or your lackey defenders accuse me of being a samefag this>>4410411 is me.
Go lick jannie's boots faggot
Authoritarian dog
Seeya cunt
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Guys, can someone give me a rundown?
So the samefag was a janny? Please, tell me how to report that faggot to the other mods.

Also, Forgotten, here is my solution against samefagging: Only accept votes with at least three lines of justification for their choice. That way, a samefag who wants to vote with 16 different IPs will have to write a fucking book of different justifications for his votes.

To report
This makes sense.
Theres no quest like a forgotten quest.
That’s really stupid because there are days where a wageslave like me is too tired to argue for votes.
Dude, if we want to get rid of the samefags we'll have to make some sacrifices. Writting three lines to explain why you picked an option rather than another is not the end of the world.
I don't think it'll go the way you seem to think it will. People will get sick of it and they'll get lazy about it. The sentences will be super low effort shit anyone could quickly make up on the fly. If Forgotten starts asking people to do better they'll get resentful and participation will drop. This isn't homework, its a game we all play for fun
Theres no quest like a forgotten quest.
Somewhere in some basement, TLD is smiling at the shitshow that’s been going on...
it's funny, i actually dismissed the pastebin guy as a schizoposter at first. now i realize he's totally right about this powertripping mental case
I highly advise you to move to another questing site at this point, Forgotten. I was against it at first, but I am now for it. Not only we have samefags now but also power tripping jannies. This quest is begging to be samefagged thanks to its 24 hours update window.

For anyone who wants to know what happened see: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4403667/

Start at >>4413719 (Dead).
But what if my reasons are the same as others?
>why did you choose this option anon
to coom
repeat with every anon
>tfw wux broke the knight's code
what are you talking about?

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