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/qst/ - Quests

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests. Please.

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which the Quest Master writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed. Dice may or may not be included.

Useful links:
>https://pastebin.com/2T37iDFQ (embed)
An old collection of advice and guides. Worth a look for a new QM.

Archive of quest reviews:

Archiving guide:
Go to http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html
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Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe

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Previous Thread:

>QM question
How do you work to include difficult, meaningful choices? Do you even bother?

>Player question
What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

>General question
What do you think about skirmishes, evo games, and other quest-adjacent games on /qst/? Do you play them? Run them?

>Lurker question
Why are you like this?

The real MVP ^
Previous Thread:

I got you bro.
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>Why are you like this?
Anonymous contributes only when he pleases and at no other time.
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

A non-railroaded quest.
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WTF Isekai Zero Quest #2 is live! Three isakei'd friends and a frail vampire girl travel innawoods and have no clue what life is anymore.
I'm going to run a quest where the MC is a warforged that awakes up in the ruins of the civilization that created him. Does that sound too clique? What sort of adventures would you like to see center around this idea?
Which do you consider railroaded?
> Frail vampire

He's either a shit Jannie, or a samefag troll shit Jannie.


Is there a rule about Jannies not explaining the shit they do? Is he just gonna post from alternate IPs to hide from criticism?
A quest with rails.
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Do it! Sounds great.
She's a glass cannon. Instead of the sun setting her on fire she has weak bones and some other stuff.
I for one think railroads are good. Cascadia Railroads is a nice quest
>Is there a rule about Jannies not explaining the shit they do?
>Accountable: All moderation actions are logged and reviewed.
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?
Honestly I want a quest with a bigger focus of slice of life but still have a BIG PLOT somewhere
So the players have made a certain build up of choices that are going to result in their kinda close female companion getting Casca'd very badly. And possibly others. Like to the second power of Casca'd, and entirely through write-ins to boot.

Assuming they're not prepared and they keep making similar choices, I'm not really sure what to do. It's not like I hate them but a bad ending seems most likely given their current direction. What do you do when players persistently ignore warnings?

I always try to avoid rails but when the players take every opportunity to construct a bridge across an uncrossable chasm of assumptions by haphazardly plunking beams down I'm tempted to interrupt them with a sudden mentor figure or something. To an extent, just refitting the world wholesale to make certain choices more valid in retrospect feels like a betrayal, especially when they've already accepted them as unfavorable.

Whether that's good or bad I can't really tell, I haven't been a GM before outside one or two other quests. Thoughts?
Look, if you keep warning and punishing and straight up saying "keep doing this and you're gonna be punished HARD" then its the player's fault. Being railroaded into misfortune is shit but being the cause of that misfortune will only have yourself to blame
>What do you do when players persistently ignore warnings?
You give them appropriate consequences to their actions, if you don't they'll never learn.
It's basically like the D&D equivalent of the DM saying "Are you SURE you want to do that? multiple times and the players ignoring their warnings, the players are basically asking to be dunked on at that point.
Triumphs and consequences should be earned. It seems like they've earned to get shit on. As long as you think it makes logical sense in the world you've built so far, go for it. Just keep in mind you will probably get some saltiness, but that's part of the fun and drama of questing so don't let it deter you.

Those are the kind of moments questing is built on imo
exactly, if you keep trying to play with a lighter even after you keep being told no, you deserve to be burned, it'll teach you to stop playing with fire next time
I don't know who Casca is, but I assume "Casca'd" means to be either killed or fucked over.
Don't underestimate how stupid players are. I've been one of those players who didn't pick up on what the QM was suggesting, and while I accepted the consequences myself, it killed the quest as people suddenly lost enthusiasm. Sounds like they deserve it, but beware the backlash, especially if your playerbase is small and vulnerable to people leaving over it or large enough to fuel a shitstorm.
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>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?
[/spoiler]unironically a decent smut qst
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

Mutiplayer quests where the QM doesn't flake.
Casca arguably has the worst timeline in Berserk.
Evil Sorceress Quest.

I meant "explain it to us". Also I doubt they actually check that shit.

Put Jannies in the noose.

Into the Wilderness Quest #3 just updated! We're wrapping up day 10 of our 28 day rite of passage, and have already gotten a fair amount of the tools we'll need to catch a bear! Results of traps may vary. Consult your local shaman before attempting to cut the bear ass off of a live bear.

If Anons set down the bear-trap you gave them for hunting bears, and then choose to lower themselves crotch first onto that bear-trap while slathering themselves in honey in the middle of the woods, It's entirely their fault for misusing the resources you supplied them. It's a bit shitty cleaning the honey out of their bear wounds, especially when they set the trap back up again and buy more honey from the grocery store, but it is what it is. At the very least, listening to them screech about 'muh consequences of muh actions' into the night like dying coyotes brings a smidgeon of sadistic joy into my shrivelled blackened heart.
Do you have any advice on how to properly execute SOL across multiple threads?
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> QM name starts with a "W".

>tfw still trying to fill an FQ sized hole more than six months later
Losing hope.

>QM question
I usually think through what is probably a priority of the moment, and provide a few options for what they may want to do. I usually leave prompts for write-ins, since if I wanted to write a CYOA novel, I may as well publish it for some pennies on the dollar anyways.

>Player question
I'm usually fine with whatever, but generally prefer things that are different than Isekai's or existing properties. If I want to read someone's terrible fan-fiction, there's other places for that. I have a few other ideas in the barrel that I want to run (a Shot and Pike era Fantasy merchant caravan quest, a draw-thread cave-exploration style one when my replacement tablet pen come in, and one based vaguely on Age of Sail exploration), but I'd rather finish the one that's on the go first. Too abandoned quests as it is.

>General question

I don't really play them. I have fond memories of stuff like Ogre Civ Quest, but too many of these games are still-born before they even finish picking a place.

>Lurker question
Don't tell me how to live my life, "Mom"! Just because you're fucking my Dad doesn't mean I have to listen to you. GET OUT OF MY ROOM!
I wouldn't know what to tell you since SOL is pretty varied and more on character building and strengthening relationships
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?
I'm the lowest common denominator so any decent Xianxia quest or whatever-management quest hooks me. As long as the QMs don't die.
Leave Terry. He has nothing to do with Wux.
The Wuxian Paranoia slowly creeps into the minds of all /qtg/ members.
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Believe what you will Anon, we are all just peasants scrabbling for tips on a Trinidadian crab-pot making forum here. All samefags must hang.
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>been hoping to try my hand at a Taimanin quest
>decide to research for awhile and work on a vague story that players can inevitably fuck up
>it's been a week and I still feel as if I know nothing
I don't want to give up but I can feel my willpower and life force ebbing away.
Running out of lube too.
I think a good amount of anti-Wux posts are from one man. They had a fallout because that man was being that guy. Wux did some of the stuff he's being accused off but some it is just bullshit without proof. He was always nice to me and the other players as far as I know. Discord Trannies reported Goblin QM. Like I said the Wux hater would had been banned if Wux did it. I just want them to get along again and play together.
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Gnoll Quest update

I think all this drama would be settled already if 4chan had a moderation log, how can jannies and mods be held accountable to the users if there's no way to see who did what?
All samefags must hang.
More serious, I’ll provide an update to Sworn to Valour players when I figure out what our next step is.
That is correct. I'm the anon above. I had to do a favor, but I as watching my quest.
What are your feelings on the fact that you've become a Martyr?
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

I've been itching for a new Hollow quest.
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That Voice In Your Head Quest #3
I have no votes. Please come.
Fuck off Wux. Everyone saw you harass other QMs ban them and then delete hundred of post talking about it.
Give proofs he banned anyone, T.
I see where you’re coming from. I was just wondering if there was any way to keep stuff like that fresh. Having nothing but mostly dialogue for most of a thread seems like a chore to both read and write if not much else is going on.

>One man with dozens of proxies took the last qtg to over 1k posts several times over
Because only one anon could possibly have a reason to dislike Wuxian right?
One by this ID post yet again
That's why i said that there should still be a big plot, slice of life has the potential to actually make you give a shit about the characters, how they view you and their safety if you mess around with them beforehand
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No one is saying Wuxian personally banned anyone, Jannies can submit requests for mods to ban, see pic
I wanna see more civ quests that get abandoned a day in and a new one started the next day. Those are the best
People are saying he got Goblin QM banned, but not ONE anon that said shit about Wux made a post about them getting banned and showing a screenshot.
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I like hosting on /qst/ despite the low playercount because it's always super comfy and I can ignore romance (and thus waifu wars) without complaint, but I'd be lying if I said this bullshit didn't make me consider akun. Maybe they won't even try to fuck every living and dead thing that appears.
I’m >>4420778 if you couldn’t tell, and being a 1 post ID is understandable given that this is a mew thread. Even so, having a post count of 1 does nothing to discredit my statement.

I’m not really going for investment in my next outing (for the most part anyway) but I’ll keep this in mind.
It's akun. They will.

It has nice chats but I really dislike the chat being seperate since half the fun is the audience reaction.
I just saw too much One by this ID in the last for it be just chance
He was nice to you too. Even when you were that that guy. The only person he went to far with was Gravel QM or whoever. You're still a hypocrite.
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The heathen, traitor to the crown, and ringleader of your circus takes center stage. (It's really more of a campfire. Still!) No darkness can obscure the sunniness of his disposition, nor his status as your knight in shining armor.

Catalyst Quest's weekday update is out.
So you stand by the idea that every post made against him has been created by only one person? Just a cursory look through the last general debunks that theory.
>So you stand by the idea that every post made against him has been created by only one person?
No, but your 2 posts replying to me are 3 seconds apart.
You’re beyond help. If anything, that only proves that multiple people have a problem with how things have been run over these last few weeks.

That's the main thing that keeps bringing me back around. It's nice seeing everything blow up when things happen, good or bad.

I could really use less of the waifu shit and the mammoth walls of text defending/attacking/both-at-the-same-time them though. Brings to mind those clay tablets they found ripping apart copper merchants that they dug up some years ago.
Dude. The posts were 3 seconds apart. You're a samefag. I'm busy.
How retarded are you?
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Stop projecting
Your a fucking idiot bootlicker many of us have issue witb wuxian
You’re a bigger faggot and rube than wuxian is and that’s quite an achievement.
You don’t seem busy enough in my opinion.
>qm question

I try my best to have mutiple open ended paths and generate the story as we go along so as to not tear choice from the player

>player question

I would love more alt-history and strategy/civ games that stick around. Giests left beyond were some of my fav on this board.

>general question

I think they are neat but too much of a commitment to play. Would love one in a IP i liked. Played a fanstasy one forever ago.

>lurker question

Sometimes I just like reading and not voting. Or i cant vote due to the internet connected too.
I said those replies were 3 seconds apart. How is any of this worth it to you?
Fucking projecting cuck. I bet the only reason you think were all one person is you samefag constantly.
You don’t understand a fucking thing about this website do you? Just admit it.
He did admit to samefagging here >>4420851
What a fucking joke. Samefags are cancer.
The usual bootlickers aren’t this stupid.
You switched proxies. Cool. I didn't get this many replies the last thread either. I don't even want to fight. Say you're sorry to him and maybe you can go back. You want to talk about it? You seem lonely. I was lonely too.
I was out. The rest are mine.
God you’re just a fucking clown now.
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here's your (you)
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Mutant!Quest is live!

In which OP interrupts whatever the fuck is going on here to shill an actual quest, cause one of our hostages just conked out on us!!!

I only wanted to defend him. I was honest about the bad things he did. I said I wanted you back, but you are still doing this? Do you even want to do this or are you lonely? Want to help you. I will talk to Wux about giving you another chance.
Wuxian is off his meds again.
What the fuck is this guy even talking about?
I never touched any one of his quest with a barge pole and I never shall. Now run along you fucking little creep.
Wuxian is having a psychotic episode again.
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> check up on a quest after forgetting about it for several months
> it's dead
god fucking damnit
forgot drawing was a thing
You gave into the drama and shitflinging that was precisely what Samefag anon/Wuxian/collective shitters wanted.

You move they win.

Daily Planet Quest Update:

Lois Lane knows a thing or two about Aeronautics Engineer Charles Brown and her Ex Boyfriend Lex Luthor. Choose Lex's attaché. React to the missiles on a collision course with the sub orbital plane, chose how Lois reacts in the face of certain death, and make his first choice stepping out where he can't hide anymore...

The masquerade ends and a new age dawns.

As the brothers Cain and Adam so ventured to new lands in search of freedom, Sworn to Valour and its disciples must consider whether the time has come to leave the shores of 4Cathagi in search of a new promised land.
>>Lurker question
>Why are you like this?
Because of Survive and his Dino WW2 Guerilla Simulator

>Player question
What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

More Quests centered around common soldiers like the Imperial Guard (including Deathcore of Krieg)
and more shit about fighting Aliens or Dinos. And more WW2 quests.

More shit that allows you to romance Aliens and fantasy races. more aliens desu
quest when Forgotten?
And quest where Forgotten?
I’ll have to have a look around. Any suggestions?
There’s always Aku- fooled ya!
Man this is the only place I actually follow(ed) quests regularly. I once started following a quest on Sufficient Velocity (QM flaked) and the system of creating bookmarks throughout the thread that link to votes and shit seemed pretty interesting and handy. That being said I know nothing about the sites culture or moderation.

Akun has a nice looking layout but... I mean its akun... nothing but smutbait as far as the eye can see.

I've not really looked at any other questing sites but I'll follow the quest wherever it ends up. At the end of the day, who gives a shit what the rest of the website is like as long as we can play our game in peace
here. please dont torture us. We are loosing too many to that filth Akun.

Id say start it on a Friday.

Dino quest when?
Why would you want to stay in a place where the quest is just going to get fucked with?
Because it is simple and easy to use.

Ive been outta the loop for a while though, who is messing with /qst/?
I'll his reiterate what I said here >>4421171

Just run it here and fuck the bullshit
Did you really miss the whole drama of the entire last thread being deleted before it could be archived (and before it was done) and hundreds of posts being deleted, Forgotten being temp banned (and probably permanently banned soon)?

Wuxian (a janitor) has been harassing QMs and fucking with quests for months now and his latest target is Forgotten. On top of that there is an alleged samefag who claims to be massively influencing votes to the point of being solely responsible for certain contentious choices winning (although I seriously doubt this)
Samefagging and thirstiness plague Anonkun too. You'd switch one plague for another.

Of the sites I'm aware of you might be better off with Questionable Questing. Still thirsty, but NSFW Questing has some decent activity. It's also a forum so the risk of sockpuppetting should be reduced to a minimum.
I rarely visit QTG and i spent the lat month preparing for college.

I have heard of Wuxian before, but back then he was just sperging out. though if he is deleting posts he should lose his job and do something productive with his life
I don't really know much about other questing places so I'd rather you stay here and just ignore the janny for a bit, but what I've heard is: Questionable Questing is dead besides the few nsfw running there. Forum questing on Sufficient Velocity is terrible, I hear the mods will ban your shit if your quest is ''triggering" or whatever. Akun is Akun and even more prone to samefagging than here. I hear Space Battles is better moderated than SV but most of the quests I see over there are like NarutoxCivxBleachxCrusaderKings so I don't know..

I love StV man and I'd follow it anywhere but you leaving is just giving the powertripping autists, whoever they are, the rush they want. I really want you to reconsider if you're set on leaving.
If wuxian really is a janitor and /qst/ is his assigned board, he can delete any post or thread. If forgotten complains about him wuxian can report him to mods for breaking rule 8 (complaining about 4chan policy) and get him banned again. So if wuxian really is the janitor, he has already won.
There is always TGchan/Questden, but its filled with Niche furries. though if you look in the archives you can see there is some very good shit.
Just fucking ignore the little autist and run the quest. There is no need to engage with tranny jannies and lying """"samefags"""""

Fuck Wuxian, fuck janitors and fuck samefags.
We can always sign a petition.

This is such a dumb viewpoint. What will ignoring him do? Make him suddenly go away? He's a janitor, not a mythical creature. He'll stay and keep ruining the threads as he's done to other QMs. We can stay here and we'll forever be at the mercy of this fuckwit janitor and his post deleting bullshit. Or we can go elsewhere and play in peace no?

Like, the playerbase is a decent size, we could go to a literal barren wasteland of a forum (or just start a new one from scratch) and at least we'd get to play
Akun- if your problem is samefaggotry, stay the fuck away from akun (no poster id, samefags can vote without account, free proxies aren't blocked, no captcha etc)
SB/SV- only registered users can vote so less samefags but sjw mods so you'll be banned if you call anyone knigga
QQ- your best option but small playerbase unless you write smut
I love your quest.
Better to remain and spite them than quit in defeat, samefags/wuxian whoever the fuck shitted up the thread wants to drive forgotten and stv off the board they can go pork themselves with a pineapple instead of getting what they want.
Just try to run here once more. If the thread gets nuked for something that isn’t rule breaking then we go searching for better lands. (As long as it isn’t akun for the love of god)
But all in all please stay here Forgotten. You are capable of writing
amazing quests and you shouldn't let one autistic 12 yo take that from you.

Staying here would make you a target and leaving would give him what he wants.

All in all stay with us Forgotten. I believe in you. Keep questing.
I don't know man, but the snapping little fucking faggot wants StV gone clearly and I don't want him jacking his tiny cock off to this like he won his little internet crusade. He can probably delete posts in spurts as pleases him without rousing the lazy mods, but he can't regularly purge posts and delete the same threads over and over when they're not breaking any rules for very long without anybody noticing, right? I know moderation on 4chan is a joke but how bad can it get before the mods actually do their jobs? I legitimately don't know, do you? Are there any other cases of jannies being this horribly fucking bad?

The way I see it Forgotten will probably be walking on eggshells for like 1 or 2 threads until the jannies autism abates and he moves onto his next bully target. Just leave the "nsfw" scenes to a pastebin and we should be fine. Leaving just doesn't sit right with me, this faggot should not get to carve out his little internet fiefdom.
Yeah this too. I know it’s unfair to you but leaving would encourage that faggot to harrass every other qm on this board until there’s no one left. By keeping things SFW for the next few threads and remaining by far the most popular quest on this board you have pissed on his dream harder than any trollpost.
>creating another thread this early
What, did your 30 day old thread fall off? Fuck off faggot
I don’t really think these arguments hold much water, if I’m honest. I’m running this quest to have fun, tell a good story and practice my writing skills. I’m not running a quest just to ‘prove samefag jannies wrong’ or some crusade like that. A shitpost update to tickle his anus, sure. I’ll count that as a fun win in my childish-schoolyard-bullies-suck notebook, but I don’t see the point in continuing to run when this guy can and WILL actively fuck with the threads, even if it’s just deleting posts wholesale instead of dishing out bans. There were 120+ posts deleted before the thread was removed, and most of those didn’t breach any forum rule at all. Do you really want to check the moe archive everytime to see what’s been deleted? And that’s just assuming he doesn’t up his samefag efforts as well.

You’re essentially arguing for me to remain here to prove some kind of point. And as added bonus (of all things) him shitting up my threads will mean that other quests can continue free of persecution? I’m amused by the martyr and crucifixion posts but I’m not literally QM Jesus, guys. I’m not sticking around here so that other quests do better, that makes no sense. I honestly don’t have the self-loathing to continue to run quests on 4chan out of spite, that’d just be sad.

I think we need to stop caring about winning and losing, you guys are just letting this retard live rent free in your heads. Who cares if he feels superior or feels like he beat Forgotten, who cares if he literally brags about it? The only way to get ahead of this is to not engage. Don't play the ego games with him. We're not here to beat someone in some competition, we're here to play a game
>until the jannies autism abates
Wuxian is a literal special needs retard so I doubt his autism will ever stop
1. Get your own hosting for like 15 bucks
2. Install a 4chan/imageboard clone script (5 mins tops)
3. Run your quest without answering to anyone
Look. First things first, the samefag isn’t real. It’s a cheap troll made specifically to annoy you and I doubt that it’s actually Wuxian. Secondly, I doubt he can delete posts that are just votes or quest discussions without some mod finally finding out.
Yeah I see your point. Whatever you choose I love the quest so I'll follow.
If you’re really set on moving though, then QQ the place. We’re all gonna eat instant permabans if you take things to SB/SV. Akun is worse for samefags and trolling the site owner with light jokes will get you banned too.
Please dont go. Even if you move somewhere your playerbase will
die off like all the other QMs have. then that will demoralize you and
you wont ever run quests again.
just run a thread without the shitposting and samefag drama if it floats it floats if it doesn't well think about moving on some more.

Fuck moving fuck samefags and fuck this drama
Dude the playerbase will follow, a ton of people have made that clear. Its just a website, who gives a shit?
You should give questden/tgchan a try. It's an imageboard so it'll be easy for you to adjust and moderation is also decent. They can use the boost from a popular quest moving there
Bad memories anon.

If you are deadset in moving, head to questden/tgchan. They have needed Newblood for a while. They even have a discord you can join if you have problems.
Just give it one more shot. Try making a thread without the ass rape shitpost and any nsfw on a pastebin. If anything get deleted then you move out asap.
Ugh fuck no. The interface is horrifyingly primitive.
I think the biggest issue will come from archiving. Every solution has been tailored for /tg/ and /qst/. Somewhere else wont have the hosting/archiving solutions so readily available.

Well you are the QM so if you do decide to move, I'd suggest at least one last thread where the pointers to the new location can be left in thread for suptg/archived.moe so that those who come after can follow.
It's an imageboard same as /qst/
IDs are a little harder to count though
Yes and it’s shit and primitive.
Other sites have built in archives, wikis and lot more qm tools
Have you figured out why he targeted you though?
Putting it on a forum would solve the archive problem by definition. It's all there and nothing expires
For deletion and banning? Or for samefagging in the first place?

I suspect that the culprit is one and the same, although I could be wrong.
Deletion and banning part.
Hey forgotten. I’ve “archived” the thread on suptg on my own initiative. Hope you like it, scroll to bottom to see.

Wuxian targets everyone more people popular than him. Goblin qm, sweets etc were targeted before
Wuxian is a certified autist and a raging homosexual. You would have to have some sort of mental health issue to truly understand why he does any of this.
Hey my man, I appreciate it! I hope you haven’t hijacked BONEITIS QM, in case he wanted to archive his thread?

Well it was fairly obviously a reaction to the shitpost ruining the samefags fun. There is a thin argument that it breached the forum rules (the garter pic for example), but that in no way excuses the wholesale deletion of posts poking fun at the samefag or laughing in reaction to the shitpost. As for the shitpost itself, it was obviously humorous in nature and much less racy than other stuff that’s been posted here and not even commented on.
The so called samefag is a butthurt troll who chimped out because a few decisons have not gone his way lately. And I actually doubt the veracity of any of his claims. Wuxian is a fucking schizo and that’s all that needs to be said.
Oh no don’t worry about that. I picked out a dead quest on the archive with the fewest amount of votes as possible. No one should be bothered. Hope you’ll stay for at least one more thread here. Finish things up.
Here are my strategies

>move on to another website

>carry on like nothing ever happened and keep enforcing Samefag rules

>continue on like nothing ever happend, but role back all the decisions made in that thread

>take a break from writing and let this weirdo calm down

> Design a quest for catching this fag with his pants down. so we can mass report him.

Tell me what you think about it.

anybody else can add to it.
4 is a bit cringe bro
Not to mention pointless
its 5am bro i cant think straight
Stay please. You have all these people that care about you.

Why do you guys want him to stick around and be harassed continually? Because 4chan is a familiar place and you don't want to get used to another forum/image board? Holding loyalty to a single website in a sea of them is pointless, the only thing that matters is that the game continues and we all (including Forgotton) have a good time. Seems like a difficult thing to achieve here now
You want him to give in?
I dont know anon. It just frustrates me that one dude can break up a whole community.

This right here is the problem. It's not about "giving in" or "winning". None of that matters. You know what I want? I want to play Sworn to Valour and Black Company 2077 and whatever other cool shit Forgotten runs. I want to have fun and I want Forgotten to enjoy running these quests so he keeps doing it and I want the players to keep arguing and debating and posting hilarious OC and coming up with great write ins because its fucking fun.

The community can move to a new place, this is just the front end for a url, it's nothing special, we can keep the same shit going anywhere else. We only lose (if we must think of all of this in a win/lose way) if we stop playing and if Forgotten stops running. That would be giving up. Moving elsewhere and continuing to play just means avoiding the problem entirely and taking away that dickheads power. Sure, he can sit here and laugh and jerk off about how he made another QM leave but guess what? A month later we'll have all forgotten about him because we'll be having fun playing out game. That's what this shit is about.
It will hurt the morale of the board and the samefag will do it again.
Yes but at the same time Standing stong and not allowing the sperg to hurt us or cause us to give up and go somewhere else (which is probably his goal) will show him he cant influence us.
Dude the board is dead. Look at the stats from the previous /qtg/ activity has dipped massively and has been on a steady decline since day one. We get almost no traffic because we have no banner and are a containment board. And honestly, who gives a shit? Why should Forgotten sacrifice the quality of his quest for the sake of the board? That's nothing but a bandaide and will result in exactly what you're predicting right now when he ultimately quits completely because of his threads being fucked with.

I see two potential outcomes; Forgotten stays as you suggest and continues to run quests for a time. They get fucked with/deleted/posts are deleted and players etc banned and then he quits because he's exhausted and sick of it all and that's it. Done. And with it board morale goes down.

Or, he takes the game and his playerbase elsewhere, somewhere Wuxain has no power and we continue to play until the game runs its course. Maybe we only finish STV and BC and that's it. He finishes his run satisfied, and people move on but got some fun content and a real ending. Or maybe we keep running quests with Forgotten for a long while, perhaps even a few other QMs start up and we build a new community.

It wont anon, it'll do nothing but allow Wuxian to continue to influence the board by deleting shit and harassing QMs. You don't tell someone to stay in an abusive relationship in real life to show the other person they can't win. When shit is toxic, you move on and find a better place. Don't tie your ego to this, you haven't lost, he hasn't won. We win by having fun and continuing to play. Just not here
And furthermore we can't prevent him from doing the quest harm. He's a janitor, we have no power in what he deletes. There is no avenue in which stand strong because he can delete everything the QM or players post until Forgotten gives up and leaves. I'd rather keep the fun going elsewhere than watch as Forgotten gets burnt out and the game ends
But you still have to acknowledge publicity of the quest. If you move somewhere else people wont be willing to go there because they are fine here with other quests.
I disagree, a whole bunch of people have voiced that they absolutely will follow the quest wherever it goes. Both in /qtg/ and in the now deleted thread. The publicity of the quest is exactly why this is possible. Forgotten runs one of the more popular quests on the board and people are invested in it. It might be that many wont like it, especially if we lose our anonymity, but they'll put up with it to keep playing. They've made this clear. Undoubtedly there will be some who do not follow, but that is pretty consistent with all change. Hopefully, they'll either come around and re-join or we'll pick up other players. If not, I fully believe we'll have enough players to make it worth while.
I think StV has a large enough player base that even if half aren't willing to follow it elsewhere it'll still be more than enough to run a quest with.
That said I'm a proponent of giving it one last shot here, without any more shitposting the first time was fun the second was mostly just annoying to me. But i get why Forgotten acted that way.

can we at least agree that we should give it one more chance here with no shitposting and if he continues to delete shit we will move on?
I don't personally think it's worth it. But I'll be around to post and contribute if it happens.
>That said I'm a proponent of giving it one last shot here, without any more shitposting the first time was fun the second was mostly just annoying to me.
I started my adventure with quest on here I was quite a newfag because I don't even remember questing being on /tg/. From other questing sites I only used Akun to have proper opinion. SB and SV I didn't use much because first time I even posted something I would consider save meme I got a warning. QQ I don't know but has same forum format that SB and SV got so it shit in my opinion.

Akun has most options for chat and for QM's. For den of degeneracy and shithole it is its best place to move your quest. From implementing music Pictures and having a chat timer to live and clean way to see votes its just that much better because is has quality of live features. Also It's shit pile of code put together with duct tape
I don't want him to sacrifice the quality and he should not, but if he goes it will only go down from here. What's one more shot going to do?
>I don't want him to sacrifice the quality and he should not, but if he goes it will only go down from here
The samefag will attack other QMs.
> but if he goes it will only go down from here

Where is this assumption coming from? Why do you think the quality of his posts will be worse on one website compared to another? I don't understand this thinking and it just comes across as being very attached to 4chan, which sure I get, you're used to it, but a change wont make things worse necessarily.

>What's one more shot going to do?

No idea, I can't speak for the QM or anyone else. Its up to him to decide if he wants to keep trying. It could be that it goes terribly and he decides to throw in the towel then and there or maybe it'll go great. Who knows.

Ok this right here is absolutely not Forgottens problem. If the janitor goes after other QMs maybe we should all just leave and let this place die. You can't expect Forgotten to stay here for the sake of the board though, that's fucking stupid.
from what i understand Samefagging started all of this right?
>maybe we should all just leave and let this place die
This. /qst/ will not modernise or improve it won't have growing community or surge of new users, its dying. The only reason to stay its nostalgia you like it or not. I say let it die and move somewhere else.
This specific saga in the autism surrounding the janny and wuxian and stuff, but it's been going on for a bit now. Also just want to say the samefags claims of being a samefag are highly fucking dubious to say the least. He's most likely just some salty faggot.
But at what point in time did the janny start deleting stuff from the thread?
I know it's not his problem, but it is something that will happen. I don't blame him. I don't even believe wuxian even did because he's in very hot water.
Talking about me?
Let me take a look through the thread, I forget exactly.

Huh? Stop shizoposting pal.
Ok but you're suggesting he shouldn't leave because it'll tank the boards quality etc. The board as a whole isn't his responsibility, he only needs to look after his own quests if he continues to run them. What happens to the board as a whole isn't something that should factor in to where he runs.
He's likely from /tg/ and follows a few quests.
I said he can do what he wants. There's other QMs holding this place up. I'm just saying the harasser will stay and fuck up more quests.
I'm bad at this stuff. I just wanted to know.
Can you read?
>I said he can do what he wants. There's other QMs holding this place up. I'm just saying the harasser will stay and fuck up more quests.

Ok fair enough, it was pretty unclear that that's what you were saying but I understand now. You're right, the harassers will stay and fuck more shit up. There isn't much any of us can do about that though it seems
There's always a way.
That kind of idealism is pure Emile and I love you for it, but do you have any actual suggestions?

I’m not sure what good trying another thread would do, I’d just be paranoid that most of the posts were being deleted and/or samefagged with this guy still around.
Wherever you go I will follow have no doubt of that. If you must move I prefer anonkun for the interface. You could easily counter the samefags by only counting votes from register users.
The only way to know is to try.
>You could easily counter the samefags by only counting votes from register user

you could just make new accounts bro
Anonkun is terrible for discussion, and I find that's the most fun part of StV quests for me. I worry over /qst/ dying for goodm I've browsed all the other questing platforms and none of them are like here. They either ban you for the slightest microaggression, or are filled completely with smutfags or are dead. I would be very sad if this board dies off. Is there no way for the moderators to intervene?
as far as another thread goes its a chance to surmount the bullshit and keep the quest here rather than moving on.
You can make new accounts everywhere or use a dynamic IP here or every other place it doesn't require a registration. The only real contract against samefaggying is a time consuming registration process.
I recommend QQ (Questionable Questing). The only issue with it is the small playerbase, but that's a throwaway problem for a popular quest like yours.

I think the other anons don't understand the main issue for Forgotten. Janitor or no janitor the samefagging won't stop. Forgotten is a QM who updates only once every day which is a big, big weakness against samefagging. I'm willing to bet that the samefag who revealed himself isn't the only one samefagging Forgotten's quests and there are others.
While I don't denied there are a lot of shitty smut quests with monstergirls in anonkun there is also more than a few good quest with good writing and mechanics.
BTW, the samefag's posts never got removed even after he revealed himself as a samefag. I remember someone said that samefagging isn't against the rules. Is that true?
He is not a proven samefag. All he proved was he knew how to cycle his IP address.
Time consuming reg is just a one time investment, and much less of a hassle in the long run for samefags. Once your 50 accounts are made just log in and out as needed.
which is why my offer verify every poster by receiving a private with name, pictures of face, drivers license and credit card(front and back). That way just send me a pic with timestamp and claim your in thread id which i will then verify. Emails can be send to [email protected]
Couldn't we just use a forum like proboards or something? Make one specific to STV/BC stuff rather than jumping on an established forum. Yes players can make new accounts but admins can view the IPs etc from those accounts and ban anything sus. Personally I'm fine with jumping to an established place but it seems thats a point of contention for some

It isnt against 4chans rules. But QMs can decide wither or not to count them or not on their own.
>It isnt against 4chans rules. But QMs can decide wither or not to count them or not on their own.

Damn. That means that samefags will never be banned even if they get caught or reveal themselves. They only need to make sure the QM doesn't catch their samefagging.
wow it's so easy to
to totally run back and forth between different wifi hotspots
and be le epic samefag
All these problems are due one bad janitor. If we could only get one good janny who took samefagging complaints seriously and didn't interfere with other people's quest, we would have none of these problems and life would go on fine. Again, can we do nothing about this? Make a thread on /qa/ or something?
i'm totally not cycling my ip! every post in the qtg so far has been me guys! now leave lol!
It really doesn't matter who's the janitor in this case. Complaints against samefagging will never go anywhere because samefagging isn't against the rules. Janitors and moderators won't and can't do anything about samefags even if they wanted to.
So I guess /qst/ is just totally btfo cause I just revealed I have psyopped this whole thing! Ever since /tg/ there has literally been zero players it's all me!
Then we need a /qst/ specific rule against samefagging. There are already other /qst/ specific rules when reporting a post, no reason why we can't have one more.
How the fuck would that even be enforced?
That samefag lives near many hotels as well as internet coffee shops. He has asked to use their wifis, so he knows all of their passwords. He would just need to take a short walk at any point of the day if he wants to samefag because votes in StV typically last a whole day. Also, he has posted with the same ID's multiple times.
Yeah I can't think of a way to enforce it. I think Forgotten's system for samefagging was pretty good, every vote has to link to a previous vote. I don't know why he thought the samefag beat that system without any proof. I can cycle IPs but I can't link back to previous votes then.
>Then we need a /qst/ specific rule against samefagging.

Good luck with adding that rule, my friend. You're going to need it.
Well then I think the only solution is to inform in advance exactly when the vote is going to be held and close the vote quickly after that (like in 20 minutes). Sure all players couldn't participate, but if you want to avoid samefags that much..
Samefagging really is not the giant issue, even if it was it's not really gonna be solved by moving to a different site. This is mostly just shitposting and autism that manifested too strongly. I really do feel Forgotten should run one last thread here, if for the only reason being to have something to archive in the suptg that explains to people catching up what happened and where to find the quest. See where this jannie stands before we jump to radical conclusions.
he runs another thread, and if the jannie doesnt touch it, he stays here.
Very forceful there pal lol I would like that but maybe you should go to bed
Cant. I have to stay up to fix my sleeping schedule
>I think Forgotten's system for samefagging was pretty good

It's pretty good for lazy samefags who aren't persistent and careful. You don't even need the multiple wifis the samefag had to beat it. Just post with multiple placeholder IDs at the beginning of the thread and then link back to them with your current IDs.

>I don't know why he thought the samefag beat that system without any proof. I can cycle IPs but I can't link back to previous votes then.

In the last /qtg/ thread, the samefag's IDs never changed even though he repeatedly posted with each of them back and forth multiple times. He wasn't just cycling through his own modem, he actually has access to many wifis. Forgotten's system is helpless against this.
>Well then I think the only solution is to inform in advance exactly when the vote is going to be held and close the vote quickly after that (like in 20 minutes).

This is a good method, but I don't think Forgotten will want to implement it because he wants to keep his one-per-day update schedule and have all the players participate.
>if for the only reason being to have something to archive in the suptg that explains to people catching up what happened and where to find the quest.

The deleted thread has already been archived in suptg by this>>4421330 anon though.
What tools do you use for threads where you also draw? I used paint originally but lack of layers sucked. I used Krita but I'm looking for something simpler. I know there's a built in utility but I'd rather something that I have on my desktop.
I used Paint Tool Sai. Don't know how it compares to Krita, but it's pretty simple.
Since every other questing site is shit, here's my advice, if you really want to move elsewhere, just buy a cheap VPS + cheap domain (like a .xyz one on EPIK) then install LynxChan on it, you'll be able to do whatever you want, run your quest, and maybe even have others run their quests on your site too.
I'd recommend a host like Digital Ocean, after you get everything set up with LynxChan all you'd need to do is set up CloudFlare so you don't get DDoSed + get their free SSL certificate.
I think using proxies is bannable. I think samefaggin falls under that category
I think the general consensus was that the samefag was using his phone to samefag, the airplane mode method
so is qst no longer a good place to run anymore? should i just try on akun instead?
Photoshop! Not simple tho
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>QM question
>How do you work to include difficult, meaningful choices? Do you even bother?

It's important to know when to stop writing and start prompting. Sometimes this is immediate and in the moment, sometimes you'll have to go whole days of narrative. I've found a few rules so far:

>If something would cause harm due to character action, like the main character pressing a button, it should either be a direct result of a choice, or part of a choice.
>If there are characters having a chat, it's important to allow players a chance to bring up questions and discuss recent events. Don't cut off conversations too fast.
>Never, ever tell your players outright not to do something. Just like anywhere else on 4chan, this is only a recipe for disaster. Signal your displeasure in other ways, don't be a dick about it until you need to. (Which, admittedly, can sometimes be 'immediately')

The prompts of a quest may be its most important part and where you most directly speak to your players [spoilers]without using spoiler tags or OOC posts[/spoilers]. Use it effectively and you'll enhance both your enjoyment and that of your players, use it poorly and the rails will not only be placed, they will be made of neon lights in the dark.
I would love it if we could create a new questing website. Getting admins that arer autisic and setting up methods to block samefags would be dfficult tho.
I set up a pretty simple and basic forum for you to use if you want. Commented on your latest twitter post about it. If you want details message me there and I can transfer ownership etc. Everything about it can be modified or it can just be deleted, it took like 5 mins to make
Yeah I don't know about the latter part there but with the autistic admins bit, that wouldn't really be a problem since there's actual accountability on imageboard software like LynxChan, for example: https://www.lynxchan.net/logs.js?boardUri=lynx
LynxChan has global and board logs that log every moderator action, LynxChan also has an account system which might be able to fix the samefagging problem if everyone just used trips and an account to prove it was them.
>if everyone just used trips
I mean he could do it here. But the what’s the point of an anonymous board then? Might as well move to a forum.
If you’re new and quest your quest isn’t lewd then you’re not making it on akun.
Yeah that's kinda the problem, how do we solve the samefagging problem while still preserving the spirit of imageboards?
Go off mac adresses
You don't. As long as there's anons there'll be samefags.
He said how he "did it," which was through wandering around and using restaurant and hotel wifi connections. If you stop and think about it for a few minutes it quickly becomes clear how utterly ridiculous their claims were.
Which is why it's doubly tiresome that things turned out this way really. I understand why it hurts to be gaslit in that way, I really do, but in the end all it could ever have been was gaslighting. Sometimes you just have to rely on your gut to tell you, yes, they could have theoretically done it, but they absolutely fucking did not. The proper reaction was absolutely not to have an autistic fit, it was to step away for a little bit and properly take in what was actually being claimed, what it might mean, and conclude that it was a giant butthurt shitpost.

On that subject I'd like to remind everybody concerned with tranny janny tyranny that the specific sequence of events that let up to this was entirely preventable with basic common sense. There is no, absolutely no site where you can taunt the moderation and get away with it. People forget this on anonymous imageboards because it's easy to ban evade, but when you're a QM, you have a constant thread, and a constant identity. You're not anonymous anymore. You don't have the shitposter shield to troll mods anymore.
Obviously deleting the thread was a step too far, despite Swurn to Vulur's reputation as having a fanbase that made the threads a shitposting bickering cesspool, the core of a quest thread is the creative work and this was no different.


Right after a massive controversy that caused a shit storm in qtg, while there's an (alleged) power tripping janny well known for attempting to deflect onto other people to try and bring the heat off them, while there's an incredible amount of attention on the thread- Forgotten posts his aggressively homosexual vengeance against somebody who he shouldn't have given a second thought to. Feeding the trolls is an interesting tactic, but whatever. Those posts get deleted and he gets banned. Whether or not you think that's worthy of a ban (I don't but that's beside the point) that should have been the end of it, but then Forgotten reposts what he was banned for.

And everybody's shocked that there was a reaction to this? Why, again? You all realize that this is a "ban me" message, and that on no forum has a ban me message ever been responded to with "alright I guess I'll back down." No. Use that wad of nerves and fatty tissue inside your skull. There's an incredibly obvious way to not draw the ire of moderation, and it's to not bait them into being your enemy. This is common fucking sense. If you're a young woman you don't walk down the alleys of Detroit at night alone in nothing but a g-string, and if you're on any website in existence and you don't want your posts deleted you don't bait the moderation. Moving sites won't change anything if Forgotten keeps up the same chuunibyou attitude towards even faggy mods.
Ah shit there's something I just remembered, LynxChan doesn't have a dice roller I don't think, the only imageboard software out there that has a really good dice rolling feature is Infinity Next, honestly if I had the money I'd just set up all this shit myself but sadly that isn't the case.
>they could have theoretically done it, but they absolutely fucking did not
The spammer proved they were doing it. They consecutively posted in the previous /qtg/ by cycling through 6 different IP addresses in a very short time. Perhaps you missed the demonstration? They probably didn't do it in the STV thread because it would have given away all their votes. I understand that it would be convenient if we could say "maybe he's just a random lying guy, nothing is proven" but unfortunately there is no doubt possible.
>The spammer proved they were doing it. They consecutively posted in the previous /qtg/ by cycling through 6 different IP addresses in a very short time. Perhaps you missed the demonstration?

No, I didn't. Did you miss the entire point of what I said? Demonstrating you *can* do it proves absolutely nothing. If I post a picture of my significantly above average size penis, that does not prove I had sex with your mother. The guy's claim was that, for years, *years*, he was behind every single contentious vote passing and he samefagged them all and that he's totally got twenty IPs.

Anon. No. He was not telling the truth. This isn't a question of "provide facts and evidence" this is just something you know based on interacting with people. People lie, and if the person they're lying to doesn't have experience with deceptive people, it doesn't take a lot of effort to fool them. If a person has malicious intent, then why in the world would they feel the need to tell the truth, if they think they can fool you? If you don't know how to identify malicious outrageous claims for what they are I don't know what to tell you, other than that because I have legs I have circumnavigated the world on foot twice, entirely to troll people who have to use wheelchairs. I am also a psychic.

You're free to have your doubts but your doubts are also silly.
You don't need to walk around restaurants. I have 2 smartphones and a laptop. I could easily use those to samefag if I wanted to. Someone having access to 6 internet capable devices isn't impossible
He didn’t demonstrate it on the stv thread because he was talking bullshit. I strongly believe that he got a few discord friends to post on his behalf on qtg and directed them to post as he ordered.
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...It's strange to be in a hobby for so long that issues sort of cycle around? Like, I recall the Princess Guard QM getting concerned with samefagging, and everyone was so paranoid people were joking about vote-by-mail. There were methods back then that people used to 'proof' against it, like strawpolls, using the duplicate-post prevention system and severe time limits, but since those were IP based, we all come back to the old problem:

If someone can swap IDs, and IF someone is in a place or has access to tech that lets them do that, then there's no stopping them from circumventing any IP-based voting system. Short of forcing everyone to trip the fuck up, which would remove the charm and soul of the imageboard, or using a forum, which has its own problems, there's no getting around it. If your quest is "famous" or "infamous" enough, people are either going to get so invested they'll go to the effort of samefagging to get what they want... or try to crash and burn the quest with your own prompts into stupid or silly shit, perhaps even using a writein prompt to do so.

I suppose you could keep an eye on your quest and try to eyeball for it, but that might result in butthurt anyway and CAUSE the problem when you disregard "obvious votestuffing". Maybe you could use offsite voting - IRC, maybe? - but that just leads us back to the problem of forums or trips.

I suppose for a lot of QMs, they just can sort of ignore the problem because ha ha who the fuck is gonna go to that effort for a shitty fanfic quest without even any canon characters ha ha ha

Any interest in a Psyker quest?
4chan is still best for preventing samefagging because of its large existing list of banned proxies. Seriously, try downloading any vpn on desktop or mobile and you will find that the IP is unable to post on 4chan “due to abuse”.
If he could do the demonstration in the /qtg/ thread then he could do it in the /stv/ thread. The most logical explanation for why he didn't do the demonstration in the /stv/ thread is because it gave away information that he didn't want to give away, most likely, the information about which votes he influenced. He consistently refused to reveal that information. However there is no doubt whatsoever that he could spam under different IDs. The demonstration could have been done with discord friends, I agree, and the same friends could have been used to spam /stv/. It actually changes nothing whether we are dealing with one troll or a group of trolls, the result is the same.
To be Honest, if mandatory trips are off the table only solutions I can come up with are stuff I can see sliding into QM tyranny very quickly.
Acting like an english teacher and require 1 post id votes and writeins to have an 'essay' explaining their reasoning or they'll be discarded and toss out ones that are too similar and doesn't follow up if call it out. Let players vote for and against votes so long as they give reason why said vote is cancer.
Hopefully the more work you make them do to forge each vote the fewer they'll be able to get in.
The problem isn't proxies though, it's phoneposters.
Has anyone ever thought of Discord voting?
I'm not Emile. What about you tell everyone for one thread all voters must answer a fun question on their first vote. This can slow down samefags a little. It's very silly, but you can get to know your players this way too. You can have the questions be optional for future threads.
Yeah i can just switch to mobile data and bounce every 5-15 mins. Phone samefagging is a real problem.
How about posting a vocaroo recording to prove identity?
Yes. Of course.
>The most logical explanation for why he didn't do the demonstration in the /stv/ thread is because it gave away information that he didn't want to give away, most likely, the information about which votes he influenced.

Well, the easy response to that is to cultivate an environment of paranoia - to cast a shadow over everything with as little effort as possible. Sure, at the time you didn't win that vote because the community didn't agree with you, but now, NOW, well, now it could have been vote stuffing!
And then the chain of reasoning goes on and on until finally the players decide, well, my vote doesn't matter, that one guy will get his way. And when that happens, he makes his smooth exit and the thread dies.

Or something like that. Or maybe he's just an agent of chaos and likes to watch arguments over issues that have come and gone and come again, over and over, with no clear answer. We may never truly know.
My suggest ---> >>4421626
Then the solution is simple. Disallow all 1id voters even if they linked to a previous post. Sucks if you have a dynamic IP but it is what it is.
All one post IDs past the start of the thread are forced to post fresh OC they have made about the quest in order to have their vote count.
Indeed. It is the simplest and clearest option and forgotten should at least consider it for the next few threads.
Thank you so much dude! Seriously means a lot.

Catalyst Quest has a BIG prompt, for our weekday update! (There will probably be more later this evening.) The rest of your journey to the capital will no doubt be filled with strife, friendship, and plenty of exploration. What pace would you prefer?
Based and memepilled
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?

More rule based multi-civ games. I want to build a culture and pit it against other players and no other game will give me the creative freedom to scratch that itch.
All posters need to vocaroo their votes.

'Black Clover: Parallel Story' continues. Cynthia is paired with Alice against two other pairs of Magic Knights but so far, we haven't been able to assist or get lucky with using our magic properly.
Either you have plan or you will fail.
Forgotten posts an update, but he only allows players to reply with their votes at 2 different timezone hours. They have 1 minute to reply.
Doesn’t really work on a imageboard. Why do it on a discord or irc instead?
If you've never heard of a similar game why would you look for a discord or irc for it? That's the problem I have. Those platforms are insular and don't provide an opportunity for interested parties to lurk become invested and maybe start their own. It used to happen when the games were played on /tg/ but ever since the /qst/ split it's dried up immensely.
How about the discord server remains muted while the threads are alive? I don't know if discourd has a voting function but that would fix everything right? Discussion and updates here, votes on discord.
You don't really vote in a multi-civ. Everyone has a certain number of "actions" or things they can do every update and the GM compiles all of those actions into an update and modifies it based on dice rolls (if there are any) or situation. There isn't any voting on what to do next typically but maybe that could be a new format for those types of threads where there's only a few civ and multiple people run each one.
That was meant as a solution to the STV samefag issue. Your post gave me the idea but I got it mix up in the discussion.
How dead is the board usually right now? I have a few hours maybe
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I'm out of the loop but you are all doing a good job at keeping this place nice despite rudeposters.
This is a beary nice board.
Be proud of your stories.
good night
These "solutions" for samefagging don't actually stop samefags at all. If you really believe that fat loser is driving around to different coffee shops so he can keep up the charade and like he claimed and literally decide every vote he wanted to since BCQ. The only solution is having tighter voting windows. Short of starting your own fucking website and looking at ip traffic and trying to play detective. To epically dab on the samefag Forgotten posted a nsfw shitpost and the janny came in trigger happy. You then posted the same thing again and were banned. That isn't tranny janny abuse, it's just him being a faggot. Forgotten taking his toys and going to a different website changes absolutely nothing. There is no point, this is fucking stupid. Can't we just all hold our horses for like two seconds? Jesus.
4PM PST is good
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New North of Nowhere update at >>4422008.

This paper really writes itself.
Not trying to sound smart or anything but I dunno why nobody addresses my solution >>4421681, I think it's the optimal way to solve the samefag problem. Just open votes at, say, 16:00 EST and 06:00 EST or whatever timezone most euros have, and tell players to post their vote in exactly one of those hours, not earlier or later, otherwise it doesn't count. This greatly limits samefagging potential.
Unghghghhg daddy suggma cock
Thread eight of GuP Quest is live! Join us as we get ever closer to the finals

It’s not a bad solution too I think. Encourages people to discuss and make write in plans when the vote has not opened.
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Thread update for Daily Planet Quest


Choose the Hero.
>we have no banner
Didn't someone make some a while back?
We have a lot of options (I still have some compiled in an Imgur, let me know if you want them), some people have pestered mods, but I think they truly don't give enough of a shit to let us have one.
Is it this one? https://imgur.com/a/WTzjT72

Mmmmmm that post number.

The one with the palm trees is the best banner. Looks the most professional.

I'm fond of the one where the 1 is rolled with an exploding bridge in the background. Really emphasizes what happens when crits appear on a cocky roll.
The one with the palm trees is prettiest, but the one with the "roll 1d69" gives the clearest idea of what the board involves and doesn't look too bad either.
I personally like the Top, 2nd, palm, Bridge, routelock, and the non memey dragon one.

Anyone motivated enough to make a strawpoll for that?
Mutant!Quest is live!!!

In one of our captives remembers something about themselves. Now we want to fight them.

Why? Because we can!! That's why!


Straw poll up
So, what's the play? Do we pester mods until we get one?

We should probably present the exact one that gets the highest number of votes and assure that it's in the correct resolution. We should do as much of the work as possible, it's probably laziness on the part of 4chan staff that's keeping us from getting a banner.
>Akun- if your problem is samefaggotry, stay the fuck away from akun (no poster id, samefags can vote without account, free proxies aren't blocked, no captcha etc)
On Akun there's verified voter counts and ability to restrict to users just like forums with a checkbox. It's unfair to count the ability to optionally also have anons against it. There's really no downside to Akun.
So what quests are you guys currently enjoying?

From the Grave: Undead Quest is keeping me interested, because we picked a fight with a gravekeeper and are currently kicking his ass.

The other two I've been following along with are Welcome to McSpacies, and the Joker Quest side story that popped up. Caught up to date with Joker Quest from before, and picked the McSpacies one on a whim, and enjoying it so far.
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My quest, of course. That, and Tai Lung Quest.

Totally recommend Tai Lung Quest btw. Well-written AF, and OP is total madlad for hijacking what would've been just another flaked quest in the catalog.

Tai Lung Quest:

>Short of forcing everyone to trip the fuck up, which would remove the charm and soul of the imageboard

This is an outright necessity in skirmish games and nobody bats an eyelid.

I think it needs to be said that IDs and trips are not the same as persistent accounts. The former only persists in each thread and the latter only persists if the poster wants it too.

You can trip up to vote in a quest then go back to being anonymous for the rest of the board. I don't know about you guys but for me the point of being anonymous is to not be burdened by a persistent reputation. A Trip would keep me honest in a single thread, but if for whatever reason I no longer wished to be tied to that trip I just lie low until the thread dies then return to the community as another anon.
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Come on and join us at X-com quest. Lets get killed by cultists, ayys, and monsters!

Gnoll Quest is really fun, we make retarded choices sometimes but they take us to fun directions
I don't follow the quest, but I have read the first thread and the way that one action (you know which one I mean) sent the entire quest careening off the rails and the QM rolling with it was hilarious. Of course, it may have simple hastened something they already had planned, but I choose not to think that.
It was so fucking stupid how we somehow built up to that decision, i loved it so much. Also QM said that that consequence was supposed to happen later down the line but our decision and success only sped up the process.
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As the Strange Visitor leaves the scene, Lois Lane is left with more questions than answers...but she is only just beginning to fathom how the world will change with this moment.

Daily Planet Quest Prologue End. Next Post will be the start of the first Mystery.

TBF, lewd content has been banned. Thats why its always linked on pastebins.
Bruh what did you even post?
Basically the joke update from the pruned thread.

he got banned for a deleted thread? thats dumb
Its a thing. Like if a thread gets pruned, bans are still handed out for stuff that was posted in it. Just because its pruned doesnt mean that posting said content is allowed and thats a standard that has been applied on other boards too.
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Just testing out a screenshot don't mind me
well I guess if it happens a third time without the shitpost then I guess its an official shitshow.
Bruh you got banned for that reposting that joke update. What probably happened is that the ban was just recently approved by some mod. It’s no conspiracy this time.
The ban was filed before the thread was deleted, but the lazy ass mods probably approved only a few hours ago. Keep things sfw and see how things go.
Forgotten is gonna get banned from QQ for saying knigga.
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WTF Isekai Zero Quest is ready for votes.
How do I get more votes. This one isn't doing so hot. I didn't had this problem before.
It might have something to do with the fact that you’re either a Wuxian bootlicker or the deluded sperglord himself playing samefag for the umpteenth time.


Just in case you try to deny it.
Samefag. I even said I would ask him to let to back into the multiplayer. You are a bully.
Just Keep it SFW. youll be fine.
Stop schizoposting bastard
Is QQ moderation that harsh? I know calling people fags or making helicopter jokes on SB/SV gets you a two week ban.
You had yet to show proof that he's the banner. Salty af.
>You are a bully
Tell that to the manipulative lowlife who banned and trolled several QMs.
Even if he's a murderer you are still a bully. He's trolling because of you.
How many times did your mom dropped you after birth you schizo bootlicking retard
You can call me a bully when there are several archives and an entire document outlining any wrongs I may have done. I’m nothing more than an observer.
You can't even come up with new language. You went after a normal QM and I called you out. You started this fight and I'm trying to defend myself too. I didn't even do anything wrong besides name calling which you did to me.
You have this problem because you're a jannie.
Shut the fuck up wux
It’s what Kaz uses for his Star Wars quest and so far it works. If you want to completely proof it against samefags then don’t count all 1 ids vote no matter what.
I don’t know desu. My proposed solution is to ban all 1 id votes after the first vote unless they provide an OC meme or map.
Thats going to be something you'll have to decide yourself.
according to the claims and "demonstraition" of the troll 1 vote id's would not stop him or anyone with multiple devises or wi-fi's in range.
I think the sad truth is that samefags will samefag if they are dedicated enough. I'm all for making it harder or inconvenient, but you have to be careful not to have the cure be worse than the poison. that's how you lose honest players, just look at protection for video games like Denovo.
Nothing will be ever be foolproof on an anonymous imageboard but either one of those measures should cut any samefagging a great deal.
>It seems that the samefag proved they could spam 6+ ids in less than an hour.
Did that chuuni faggot ever actually prove he samefagged your quest though?
Nope. That troll was just bullshiting really. I’m sad forgotten took him seriously.
His claims were borderline satirical. “Every decision was made by ME!” “I’m posting behind two dozen Dunkin’s wifi!” “You can’t stop me muahahaha”
It would’ve been blown over and forgotten(heh) within a week if Forgotten had ignored it as he should have.
You're a fucking retard lmao.
It's true that he has the power to samefag.
It's false that he ever played StV.
The samefag was one of the many anons who dropped the quest. He'll lurk till the night meeting with Frida Vancewell ends and then leave the quest for good. I don't see why we should be concerned about any more samefagging from him.

We should focus on the other samefags who're not going to leave the quest. I remember at least two samefags who accidentally exposed themselves in the previous threads, so there are definitely others.

I still think it'll be best to move to a forum like QQ btw. These measures are not going to prevent any persistent samefagging, especially now that samefags know they can't be banned and can use the same methods the spammer used.
He copied what the saltyfags said, but I'm 100% certain that he never played StV.
>I remember at least two samefags who accidentally exposed themselves in the previous threads, so there are definitely others.
Could it have been the same troll? I certainly believe the vast majority of players are real though. Forgotten has over a hundred followers on twitter, he always had a massive following and even back during the BCQ days he regularly gets 30~ votes.
How could you be "100% certain"?
Because he didn't post any of his IDs. Because he used paranoia-inducing tactics. Because his post was "funny", including exaggerated statements used for humor purpose. All of this is indicator that it he was a 4chan troll and not a legitimate player.
>Could it have been the same troll?

I doubt that a lot. He was very careful and cautious in his samefagging. He even had his IDs vote for different choices in some prompts to keep suspicion minimal. Also, he never used all his 16 IPs unless he had to. If they're all the same troll though, then that definitively proves that he was samefagging the quest for years.
All in all it might be better to go somewhere else if we're going to suffer this drama once or twice in any of your Quests.

But you're going to have my axe in any case, if it makes you feel better.
And my bow
Yes, but remember. Those statements aren’t facts, only claims, and outlandish ones. We should never take a copperclipper on his word.
Twitter followers doesn't equate to active players
If all he did was prove he can samefag then you shouldn't take him seriously.
>Because he didn't post any of his IDs.

Do you mean in the quest's thread? He didn't want the results of the votes he samefagged to be reversed.
I got like 30 voters running a throway smut quest on QQ. You'll get lot more than 5
Someone who doesn't care about the quest anymore wouldn't care about his votes being reversed.
I'm just saying that if what you say is correct (all the samefags who got caught in the previous threads are the spammer), then that proves he was samefagging StV for years. If not then there are definitely other samefags who're still samefagging the quest and haven't left.
Not harsh on lewds, but 'racism' is a big no-no, just like almost everywhere on the internet now.
He cares otherwise he wouldn't go full tard rage over it
Well that sucks
Is it really a big deal that people can't be racist?
If he never actually proved he samefagged a vote then why should you believe him?
He didn't act like he was raging either.
Calling fellow anons kniggas isn’t racist but I bet some trigger happy mod would love to ban you for it.
>Someone who doesn't care about the quest anymore wouldn't care about his votes being reversed.

He revealed his samefagging because he didn't care about the quest anymore, but obviously that doesn't mean he wants his samefagging to be undone.
To your average edgy manchild from /pol/? Yes
Nice paranoia you dumb crybaby ozzy cunt.
> Is it really a big deal that people can't be racist?
> 4chan

That's true, we'd likely have to drop the meme but I'm sure we'll come up with others

I recognize where I am, I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt
Still 1 post by this ID.
He wouldn't delete 100+ posts if he wasn't raging
He didn't show us any of the votes he samefagged in the active thread because those votes were recent and their results can still be undone by the QM.
By Occam’s razor, he didn’t post any on the thread because he never had one.
But how do you know he actually did it?
No, he didn't post any in the thread because he's not dumb and doesn't want to give away his IDs. He doesn't want the quest to be rid of his samefagging and its effects.

The demonstration in /qtg/. Some of his claims are obviously doubtful, but there's no rational reason to assume he didn't samefag the quest. Only his claims that he has been doing it for years and has passed all votes with his samefagging are doubtful.
Just proving that he has the ability to samefag doesn't mean anything. You shouldn't just assume that he's telling the truth.
Alright, you're just repeating what you've already said which has been addressed multiple times, so I won't bother from this point.

I don't know why we're even continuing to talk about the samefag spammer. He dropped the quest and will leave it permanently after lurking for the night meeting with Frida Vancewell. We should worry about the other samefags who aren't leaving and will continue to samefag the quest.
>Only his claims that he has been doing it for years and has passed all votes with his samefagging are doubtful.

If he's made doubtful statements, then everything he says is doubtful unless he can prove otherwise.
I just don't understand why you choose to believe that autistic chuuni.
Maybe he's the autistic chuuni?
>he's not dumb
He is a drooling retard whose biggest achievement in life is being a janitor on 4chan
You can count me among them. I love your quests.
I follow quests on Akun that has hundreds of concurrents that are much worse than yours. Just turn on verified users only and you'll feel very comfortable.
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>Problem on /qst/: Arguably, one person posting too much
>Problem on tgchan: People not posting enough
You'll get at least 5 Kniggas and probably that twice over before you get to samefags.
Kek. I honestly think tgchan/questden would be the only place where Forgotten should move.
All the other websites are built like sites i used to use for applying and moderating for games
Christ you're neurotic. He didn't link back to anything because he didn't have anything to link back to. You ate it up because you see samefags in every shadow. The more the wring your hands over this, the more you look like a total bitch. Run a quest or fuck off with your attention whoring.
I wonder if this argument is spook by wuxian afraid that there will be consequences for their actions and despretly trying to prevent forgotten from leaving.
Did all of Forgotten's posts in this thread just get deleted?
Yeah.... I really think we should move the quest to somewhere else as soon as possible, Forgotten.
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will this drama never end?
He was ban evading and posting about his bans. All of this crying over getting punished for knowingly shitting on the rules. When did this board get so semitic? All he had to do was run a quest without creating a martyr complex and without shitposting like most other QMs and none of this would've happened.
Fogotten should've taken it like a good little boy huh?
I bet you would've supported appeasement when Hitler was expandin acorss Europe.
You spinless, brainless jellyfish
Cope all you want with all your retard takes. He fucked up. I don't give a shit one way or another if wuxian or the janny gets punished. Go kvetch to the mods about it and maybe you'll get lucky. Either way, Forgotten is still a huge bitch that can't handle a troll post. If it were me and I were samefagging? I'd link back to every single post I made swinging votes just knowing he'd seethe so hard that he would retcon the whole thread and start over. Clearly he's a bitch enough to react that poorly.
Criticizing 4chan mods or policy is a bannable offence. You learn to take it or leave
Hitler did nothing wrong.
I don't think his original ban was warranted if it was for the meme post about the samefag. The rules say "Frequent explicit descriptions of sexual encounters by a quest author may result in mod intervention," and a one off update that arguably didn't explicitly include a sexual encounter (even if it heavily implied it was about to happen) certainly doesn't fall under that. Ban evading while tripfagging is a dumb move, but I would rather this board not lose a major QM who's clearly contributed a lot of content over something like that. Even if I've never read a StV thread (or other quest if he's made them).

Also, how is this board "semitic"? I guess I missed the Mezuzah hanging over the banner section
I've read lewder shit in ASOIAF quests for fucks sake, shit I bet theirs been worse posted that not banned.
Seems like Fief Quest is done for good. Pity.
What's the psychology behind a QM flaking out of nowhere and not telling his players? Fear of humilliation?
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>Day 1
>Fuck, I'm too tired to put anything of substance up. I'll take a running go at it tomorrow

>Day 3
>Wait, what, three days, what the fuck, oh god, I need to do something, but if it's not any good I'll look really bad, oh god oh fuck

>Day 6
>[audible sweating]

>Day 14
>Oh well

I swear I'll update when I have enough energy to do more than shitpost
Boredom probably. I'm surprised that quest got as many players as it did. You could tell it was an extremely low-effort quest.
This has always been my experiance.
Someone's mad.

Maybe cope with a quest being temporarily paused with a bit more grace?

>Ahhh, thread ended well enough. I should relax though, it's been a long time since I've been to the woods. I'll let them know what's up at the end of the thread. Hopefully someone archived it since reception out here is shit.

>Damn, gotta fell some trees by myself. Should be alright, just be careful. Nice and slow.

>So, 3 months recovery time? With physio afterwards? Shiiiit.

>"Oh, you're able to walk without crutches anymore? Solid, we need to start driving heavy-weight truck for the foreseeable future. No, we aren't going to pay you any more, you're gonna make enough with the fuckloads of overtime you'll be raking in."

After all that shit, all I had time left for this Latvian clog-making forum was for chiming in on votes and shitposts. Sometimes, the curse is a meme. Other times, it's not.
I prefer to think that they just suddenly died instead of just giving up and leaving.

RIP in piece, Mr. Wong
Wuxian is the janny, no point in denying it.
I don't mind when QMs pause their quests. It happens all the time. This isn't that. This is a neurotic drama queen dindu nuffin posting and publically wringing his hands over the shadowy samefags that plague his mind.

I believe what I see proof for. Not that I care. His quests look as faggy as that pastebin dedicated to him, so why should it be relevant to me either way?
>I believe what I see proof for
How has your first day on /qst/ been? I hope you enjoyed it.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

>where's your proof
>huh? Proof? Uhh... n-newfag! There!

Brainlet cope.
I was simply bullshitting along with you. Since you’re obviously full of it though, I’ll just link this and wash my hands of you, since you obviously can’t (and won’t) explain all of this away convincingly.

Why do people dislike akun? If it's because of the smut there's tags for non-smut quests.
Also where did the name quest come from? It's clearly not 4cahn specific because the first akun quest I clicked on called what they were doing questing.
The site is assembled out of construction paper and elmer's glue, the design is fuck-ugly, and it has live chat instead of posts. I wouldn't use it if there was no smut at all, the smut is just one extra reason to avoid that tire fire of a website. The fact that /qst/ is the best place to do this hobby is a tragedy, but it's still true.
It's not 4chan specific anymore, but that's because the term originated on /tg/ and then spread to other sites (and /qst/ after quests were kicked off).
Yeah nice deranged pastebin. So, where's the proof?
Nice non-argument there bud, empty and vague just like momma used to make. I graciously accept your surrender.
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For what it's worth, I did a few tarot card readings and they said Wuxian did not ban anyone. I can do a few readings here to prove myself. TLD, this is important and you said you use /x/ so I know believe this stuff. I know why the fall out hurt so bad. You guys were were meant to be close friends and you guys have some vital stuff in common. Very good stuff that you probably don't believe about you self, but you should. I know it's strange to say, but he's in a very bad state of mind. He's not "connecting" very well right now and is not thinking about his actions. It could be because real life stuff, tho. Don't kick him when he's down. Whatever it is it's a bullshit thing he doesn't have to worry about. I pulled cards. He will be okay.

You should focus on spreading truth that is true. You have the advantage.
Cringe Wuxian schizo posting.
Has anyone done a quest with few words, there's a story called pale luna and it has a atmosphere i'd like to mimic.
Would like a reading?
That's someone else. I was trying to help forgotten
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Mutant!Quest is live!!!

In which we skip town so we can begin another super-powered catfight, this time innawoods...

Tgchan's solid, I've honestly preferred it to here as of late. There's obviously a lot of furry smut to sift through and there are some really cringy characters among the playerbase, but I think it's worth it for the few genuinely interesting threads and the large focus on drawfaggotry. Even the smut quests (usually) have more original ideas/execution than some of the Fanfiction Text Dump Quest threads on here
Tgchan is decent.

If Forgotten is moving, and we can vote, tbat would be my vote.

Akun site design hurts me inside. It's not great.
They have needed new blood for a while too. I go there ever so often to check up on a quest or two then forget about it for a long while.
My preference for StV would be to stay here.

Samefagging or not, it hasn't ruined my enjoyment of the quest so I'm not particularly upset about it.

Doesn't mean I haven't disagreed with some votes that ended up winning, but I'm not ine of those people who has a meltdown if they don't win a vote.
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Don't play STV, but here's a simple solution: if a vote looks fishy (i.e. one poster ID, multiple posts within a certain timeframe), then OP can just veto.

That simple.


TG chan is an eyesore. Just looked at it. Interface is ugly. Gave me a seizure.
Yeah that'll work out well...

People definitely will not scream about railroading
Its mobile version sucks even worse. Imagine wanting to return to 2008 4chan interface.
Daily Planet Quest Update: Back Issue Story. No Vote.

Life on the Farm.

Thanks to the choice of Supes our players have made, looks like instead of getting separated on the way things went as intended and they arrived together.

Choo choo. Sacrifices have to be made.
They do, but your idea is irrelevant anyway because the issue is not only with samefags but also with janitor harassment. That's not something Forgotten can just ignore and hope it goes away.
Its unclear but it doesn't matter whether he is or not. If he is and Forgotten ignores his votes, he'll delete posts and ruin the thread. If he's not it changes nothing and he continues to delete posts and ruin the thread.

Either way vetoing votes, whilst it may stop some samefagging, is going to catch a ton of genuine voters in the same net and cause the playerbase to lose their shit. The integrity of the quest will be gone and the game will die. STV has a very... passionate playerbase, the idea wont work

Deleted my post by accident. Heck.

Well, I feel bad for the QM, cause there's literally every way under the sun to samefag. Seems like a lot of work went into that quest given the playerbase.
Yeah it really sucks, he's obviously done a shit load of work in worldbuilding and the game itself has been really fun even when the playerbase is speging out with arguments.

But I think there are plenty of us that will follow the quest to wherever it ends up, be it here or another forum. Like you said, sacrifices have to be made and it might be that we go to a forum and lose our anonymity. That'll suck for a lot of people I'm sure, but plenty will do it

Dead serious though. The Goblin Quest drama followed by the STV drama has caused a stilt in board activity.

Two weeks ago, I had four-five regulars showing up. Now I lost two, and I thought janny duty was to IMPROVE the board for other people.

Dead fekkin serious. This drama's killing /qst/.
Yeah it has absolutely killed morale. Makes it feel like its not worth starting a new quest or participating in anything because the next thing you know that dipshit janitor could swoop in and just fuck it all up.

Probably going to take a break on my quest for school. Hope when I come back to the board, my player base's still there.

Wat do if not?
Follow the crowd out the door I suppose and hope your playerbase follows. Its uncertain yet where we'll all end up and as you've probably seen there are a lot of strong opinions on where we should all go
Also, Still waiting Poleman.
I just wish this board didn't suck. When I first came around it was fire.

How long ago was that?
>it's my job to convince you that your circumstantial conspiracy theories are just that

By all means, carry on thinking what makes you feel most comfortable, detective.
I can’t be the “detective” if all of the detective work has already been done for me. The fact that Wuxian is the janitor is common knowledge to anyone who’s been hanging around for the last few threads. You can keep denying what has been well documented, but you should know that absolutely no one has been swayed by your lack of a substantial counterargument.
When poison and pain cripples your ability to get answers, you deploy every bit of the sunshine and harvest you know and love. A healthy, reasonable, and entirely agreeable scheme is enacted— all to get the priests of Vengeance and Mercy in your company to tolerate one another!

Catalyst Quest's weekday update is out.
Dam, is the general always a fuckpuddle like this?
It's usually a little slow but very civil, this is pretty unusual. The last /qtg/ was upwards of 1k posts, and I can't remember the last time that happened.
Hopefully somewhere people cant samefag, because a few pieces of shit shouldn't be able to make it worse for everyone else.
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This. I need my kaiju fix. Where is he? Its so empty without him
>you should know that absolutely no one has been swayed by your lack of a substantial counterargument

Don't care at all. I think it's funny that this has turned into a schizo echo chamber to the point where the narrative is on favor of some sort of asspained exodus to another site over 1 drama queen's dindu nuffin posts and 1 shitposter having a giggle.

I came here to laugh at you.
I think qm's would be smart to include screen-caps of current character sheets and stat bins in threads or keep older versions avalible. When reading through archives of quests it can be hard to remember every stat of every character or asset players manage. While this doesn't completely ruin the experience, I feel like being able to look up the appropriate sheets without getting spoilers for the rest of the quest, could improve the archive diving experience immensely making it easier to appreciate decisions made by players. I can't see it being much of a hassle for qm's or one of the players to implement this. An improved archive experience may make it more likely to gain new players or at least that more of the new players read through the quest before they join.
>how can you even enjoy reading an ongoing quest without going through archive?
Yeah, I remember this happening to me while reading shadow quest. It was a minor spoiler concerning powers but still.
Salmon are you here? Why the fuck did you give us +10 to everything just for visiting a church? You wouldn't push an agenda, r-right?
He aslo gives fat bonuses for drinking and smoking, so who knows.
I've never seen a QM do it - there may be exceptions since I was last into the matter - but the only way to rapidly bring players up to date is to have summary recap threads every x threads. Then you can go from recap to recap. And if the QM writes them, they can keep players actively remembering older events, highlight stuff players might forget, etc.
Lol, which one of you retards archived this thread as the StV general
Probably you, but I chuckled seeing it
What is StV?

For reference. Honestly, that this already has green from leddit upboats is the closest thing to proof of samefagging I've seen yet. Turns out it was an obsessive fanboi or 2 all along. What a twist.

Nah. Preserving these cancerous generals is too far even for me.
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Because it's an impressive church and your character is religious. The bonus would have been considerably smaller if you had not just seen things that challenge your worldview. Essentially, it provided a bonus for the same reason drinking and smoking do: it's a distraction from reality.

Anyway, I'm not pushing an agenda. I'm not even religious IRL if that helps. I do drink a little, but only about 3-4 times a month at this point.

If you try to abuse drinking, smoking, and churchgoing for sweet stat bonuses daily, they may be less effective or even detrimental.
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Cmon Jannie, instead of just cleaning up the threads can't you pester the mods a little and try and hook us up with a banner? You can't out yourself right so just delete this post to make me a true believer.

ty tranny jannie
It just feels like our choices don't matter. Cancelling out the maluses at banshees house cause we were involved and provided good write-ins makes perfect sense.

On the other hand giving us the highest single stat boost in the game just for visiting a location seems cheap as fuck.
Fair enough, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I'll try to balance out the bonuses and maluses better in the future. I still think it's perfectly reasonable to get a bonus for going to church after having existential concerns, but it probably shouldn't have been as large as it was.
what's atla quest
what quest?
That doesn't answer the question.
you can look in yuki.la for the archive of it i'd like to take a look
I think he means the monster tamer one

Could you post the ban message?
If making low quality quests is a bannable offence then why is this thread still up >>4424008
The quest looked fine. It looks like they just scrubbed every post from your IP when they banned you. Definitely better ways for them to handle that, but I'm not sure why you thought it was a good idea to post that faggy pastebin and whatever else from the same IP you use to QM.
Yeah okay tranny. Finished covering up your crimes yet?
Caught me again, detective. Impressive work as always. You do know how deranged you must look to whoever is actually deleting posts, don't you? If I'm laughing at you, then they must be doubled over at this point.
I cheked the archives and the anon never even posted any pastebin. But whatever you say mr janny. You’re going to kill off whatever’s left of this board soon anyways.
Then you missed the screenshot he posted, sport. Anyway*
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Daily Planet Quest Update!


Lois Lane, Meet Clarabelle Kent
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Your newest mentor is a priest of the church of Vengeance. The tenets he preaches are meant to be words to live by— but as the Father of Compassion, a fairly sinful man, and a practitioner of Mercy— you are at odds with almost every one of Brother Holloway's teachings.

Catalyst Quest's weekday update is out! More to definitely come soon.
Do you know how deranged you look when you act as if only one person is capable of spotting your bullshit?
You type like an anime villain.
I just had this insane theory. What if Wux is Hiroshimoot?
Get fucked tranny.
Neat scoop, Arthur Poppington. You should print that out and show it to people.
Man. Qst, what happened to you? It's a quarantine. This is your time to shine, not suck.
This may be the most layered FASD reference I've seen to date. This board is evolving.

I know. I thought joining /qst/ during quarantine would be a good idea.
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Hasn't it always been quarantine here.
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> I thought joining /qst/ during quarantine would be a good idea.

> I thought joining /qst/ would be a good idea.

Let's discuss where you went wrong.

I really had hope for this board. Pretty much all I follow now are Forgotten and Bathic.

Too many good QMs came and left, and I flake after the first post.

Mayne TSTG will come back.

Or Riz.

I never really got into the whole QTG shitposting until recently with the samefag/janny drama but my god I don't know what but something needs to change.

> Quests get so popular on /tg/ that they get their own board

> Mods and Janny's refuse to let anything else on the board that made quests on /tg/ popular.

Like. The fuck is wrong with their brains. Systems discussion thread, That/The Guy & worst/best QM story thread, filename thread, drawthread. Those should all be allowable topics to build an actual community.

And we can't even get a fucking banner put up.

Jesus Christ. It's just a goddamn sad fucking show. Have the mods never actually been part of a community before?
Yeah this place really needs new management.
>Systems discussion thread, That/The Guy & worst/best QM story thread, filename thread, drawthread. Those should all be allowable topics to build an actual community.
The thing is, I don't know about before, but those sorts of topics have been on the board before and stayed up, notably threads that are mostly lamenting dead quests. That got plenty of traffic, but there was a drawthread at one point that I remember just crashing and burning because not only were there no drawfags- there were...no requests either. There's just a certain amount of people that only come here for what they follow and don't cross pollinate elsewhere.
That said, you could probably put up a few discussion threads with no harm. I've never seen them deleted when they were put up, it's just that nobody ever bothers. The sticky does say that no meta threads (besides the one allocated by Hiroshimoot fiat) are allowed, but the sticky also says that the bump limit is three days, and until recently mod activity was limited to cleaning up threads where ESL faggots either couldn't read and thought qst meant request somehow, tried to dox women on facebook, or gather a personal army of epic 4chan trolls. May as well do it and see what happens, since the main concern anyways is that quests get knocked off by meta threads and defeat the point of the board, presumably, but threads now take a month to fall off.
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Mutant!Quest is live!!!

In which we gain the upper hand on our opponent, but at what cost?


I'm debating on running up a drawthread when my tablet pen tips come in on order. My quest is generally slow enough in posts that I could kill some time during the voting periods drawing some shit up after I knock the rust off.
Into the Wilderness Quest has an extended voting period right now!


We got startled by a partridge, and fucked up the only track of BRUN we found so far! Where should we go to find more?
I got a new nephew and offered to help watch him recently. I'm still unable to resume running just yet, give it a little bit longer.
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Poleman is no longer Poleman :(
>Mayne TSTG will come back.
He will. On twitter he said that he’s almost ready for his newest quest. I still want that H&D Epilogue first though.
The bringing in new players part would mostly just be a bonus i added to sell it to qm's I selfishly just want better archive diving for myself
The horror just won't fucking end.
We're fucked.
This is it lads.
Everything is fucked.
>Issued a ban
>For an ongoing quest
>Off topic

Thats fucked
Maybe if we scream for mods enough we’ll be able to grt heard?
doesn't appear to have worked so far but who knows?

Do we have to spam other boards? I’d do it if it had a chance of working
You can bring it up here as another instance of the jannie here being gay I think that's pretty much the only way

We should keep trying. Eventually they’re gonna read a stray report.
You can try, but it usually doesn't work.
Whoever appointed this janitor as the janitor of /qst/ must REALLY hate quests.
There’s literally no reason left to stay.
Only for your favorite qms. If they all choose to leave then I'll follow where they go.
What were the mods IRC channel again? We should pester the fuck out of them until we get a new moderation team and a new banner.
*just a banner
Will you faggots finally get something done? Either contact leadership and get the ball rolling with fixing this board or find somewhere else to be. You're worse than the jannies at this point.
does anyone have an idea of why all posts by ID yTtKt65v were deleted in this quest?
The posts look fine. Maybe he was shitposting elsewhere and got everything wiped. It happened to that avatar furfag quest too.
In the end it's just minor thing. All in all, quest is pretty gud.
I asked for help in /qa/ and they told me to gather a bunch of anons and pester the mods enough in the IRC that they deal with this to get us off their backs.
I'd be down. Maybe we can get a banner at the same time.

What’s the IRC channel?
I ate a ban until OCTOBER, probably from that same asshole.
Do you have a screenshot?
Not a full Update, just a vote to Investigate a mystery as part of an incoming update over in Daily Planet Quest

Whats the channel im also down.
Things have become beyond fucked if not even JQOP is safe.
If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone.
#4chan on Rizon.
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Then do this
I'm talking to mods now, what should I say? That lots of people are getting banned for no reason? That our Janny is out of control?
Both of these, and give Joker Quest ban (>>4425630) as an example of wrongful banning, maybe.
Don't mention Forgotten's ban, because he did post NSFW and then evade ban multiple times. This won't endear you to the mods.
Pretty much, also that he isn't discreet about what quests he runs and how those who criticize his quests have a tendency to get ban or deleted. In addition that some recent bans on QMs seem like he is looking for an excuse to request banning particular individuals than enforcing the rules uniformly.

Mods are fags but even they hate Wuxian lmao
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Turns out the mods actively hate us instead of just not caring.
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man who needs quest when you have all this drama
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>the 4chan IRC still exist.
Woah, throwback. I thought that died way before m00t ditched us.
> <@uwu> Naemuti, shut the fuck up terf
Literal tranny mods, no surprise they aren't doing shit.
Huh. I didn't believe Wuxian actually was a janny. Turns out I was wrong.

Oof. Someone really let the power go to their head.
Fuck, forgotten was right. This place isn't worth it lets bail somewhere else.
Give it another week or so. We got some good news.
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Daily Planet Quest!

We have an update. A long one, and time to properly begin this arc's mystery!

Did we? That seems like a shut the fuck up to me.
Not in those screencaps. Just hold your horses.
As the poster of the other images we may have good news. We cant speak of it becuase wuxian may throw a tizzy.

Can confirm, don’t want to say anything in case it spoils it but stuff is happening
Ok friends, I will hold onto hope that /qst/ is not yet lost.

>4chan worth it
anon... c'mon
Are we finally going to get a banner?
Now this seems appropriate
Holy moly they fucking listened. Hopefully they removed our tranny janny too.
Don’t count on it.
Not soon enough


Second most popular non-weeb quest is now being targeted.
it seems somebody is determined to crash this board with no survivors.
The tranny might be from SV now that I think of it.
Can you crash what is already dead? This board is a zombie judging from its declining traffic over the years.
Why won't they give us a banner?
Actually, we're finally getting a banner it seems. See>>4425953.
They are
I just got here. Is the rogue janny problem solved yet? I’m ready to storm the IRC if needed.
No and it looks like Boggs just quit over it.
How receptive would people be if I wrote my quest more like a play rather than in prose?

As an example it would be
You: We must fight.
[You crosses room, drawing your sword]
Villain: Then have at you!
[They fight: Roll 1d100]


"We must fight." You cross the distance between the two of you and draw your sword.

"Then have at you!" The villain shouts back, drawing his sword and attacking

[Roll 1d100]

I'm just thinking it would save space as well as making the actual writing side of the quest easier for me, and it would also match the mood of the quest better.
Can somebody here fill me in on how a banner will somehow be /qst/'s salvation? It seems like the core issues with the board won't be resolved if we have a trickle of random new people over time. In fact, given the recent moderation related drama/crisis/shitshow we have much bigger problems. So big that, if it's true that the moderation team and jannies actively hates /qst/ enough to ban major and minor QM's on the flimsiest of pretenses, then the question isn't how to increase traffic to /qst/. It's how to increase traffic to whatever platform will replace /qst/. Which is a shitty hypothetical and one I'm not 100% convinced is the case, but which seems like the likely reality over time.
IRC is already stormed, don't bother the mods more or they might turn on us.

I would not read a quest that did this. Stinks of laziness.

The janny thing is being looked into. Lack of incoming traffic is a separate issue and one that a banner will help with.

Right anon, I’ll trust you since you said something big is coming. Please impress upon the mod you’re talking to how urgent the janny problem is and why we need them replaced if /qst/ is to be saved. Make sure he also informs you/us if or when wuxian is dealth with.
Is that true? Damn, I loved his quest.
This mod drama is fairly recent, but do we have a reason why /qst/ traffic actually decreased through the pandemic?
False hopes. Video games.
Things were pretty depressing. One QM even quit because his business was falling apart.
It seems gimmicky, which isn't in itself a bad thing, just something that would need to be taken into consideration. If you make it a part of the theme, play up the playwright themes and make it part of the story it could work, but just writing an otherwise normal quest that way to feel a bit bland and lazy to me.

If you want to do this, you'll need to get a little meta with it, play with the themes, maybe break the third wall a little. Make the narrator a character, essentially, and the story is overtly an actual play in which the players' choices in the play have some influence on what happens outside of it. Something like that.
It looks like an AI Dungeon quest but worse.
Make it also read like an old-timey play.
The actual dialogue would have more work put into it, the style would be more old-English. The inspiration is partially plays like Julius Caesar and partially the cutscenes from games like Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics, where most of the information is provided in the dialogue and some major actions that can be described in stage directions. I just feel like a lot of time prose just adds bulk and slows things down when the meat of the emotions are in the back and forth between "actors".
If you went full play style and shakperian i would play it sounds halarious.
Complete with Shakespearean insults, puns and inuendos.
>tfw you put four lewd puns just in the title of your play and become an immortal classic
"All this fuss about pussies"
ah fuck...
It's ok nobody saw your roll
Who wants to eat the ban for a Powerhouse QM Devil's Triangle of Wuxian?
we all saw it and we're all judging
I'm not ending my quest over someone's gender dysphoria crisis. I'm just going to sit back for a few days and let this play out. Archived my thread just in case.

I'm glad you're not. I've been reading the archives and I love what I've been reading so far.

Even though I've had nothing to do with ASOIAF before.
Is someone gonna let forgotten know there may be hope yet.
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GuP Quest is live! Join us as we get ready to meet our Girlfriend's Parents!
Glad you like it.

Perfect. Less metagaming that way.
Into the Wilderness Quest is on a short hiatus until 01:00 UCT on September 3rd. Details in the post here: >>4426630

Nothing moderating related, RL problems affecting online shit for a while. Hopefully it doesn't take forever to deal with.
Questionable Questing isnt dead, it's just that 90% of its activity is in the NSFW section (which requires an account to even SEE).

t. Someone who reads lewd fanfics there
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Daily Planet Quest Update!

You've named your rescuer the Superwoman! And now thanks to Daily Planet owner Mr. Stern you have a bevy of leads to follow. Choose where you'll go next, and choose who Intergang hires for retribution against Lois Lane. Meanwhile Clara Kent both bonds with and is bit of a super dick to Jimmy Olsen.

It has been a long struggle, but from the looks of things the good people of /qst/ has finally been made aware of the cancer that is Wuxian, the triggered tranny janny that has been deleting hundreds of posts, falsely banning QMs, censoring the truth, and shitting up the catalogue with several of his faggy, low effort threads. Since the mods don’t seem interested in dealing with this issue, Wu Bastard will likely remain a janitor until his mother dies, rendering him unable to pay for his internet and hot pockets. Until then he will continue to be nothing more than a stain on this board; Prof. QM, Goblin QM, Forgotten QM, and JQOP will not be the last of his victims.

All is not lost however, thanks to Wu Bastard’s sheer stupidity, and the vigilance of everyday anons, that fragile autist has been thoroughly exposed several times over now, and everyone knows his game. If we don’t count him samefagging behind his proxies, the only people who will defend him and/or support his “work” will be other worthless, mentally ill bottom feeders like himself.

Now that our mission has been completed, it is time for the team to disband. No official member of the Brotherhood of Defenders will ever use this trip or post under the mantle of The Last Defender ever again. Keep fighting the good fight anons, and one day we will be able to enjoy this board without having our free speech and threads held hostage by a mentally disabled faggot with a frog fetish. Farewell.

—The Brotherhood of Defenders
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The heroes this board needed.
Godspeed boys. You were the canaries in the coal mine.
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Gnoll Quest update

After botching up your ambush, you're now facing two gnolls from an enemy tribe

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Mutant!Quest is live!!!

In which we screw up terribly and figure out the best way to deal with the aftermath...

The complete picture of the battle against a demon of illumination, from the ally you've given a golden face. Words with a priestess of knowledge, regarding your visit with her very own Goddess. Blasphemy, counsel, and the enactment of a new holiday! It's all in the name of seeing your lover, without bringing the country to ruins. (Well, more than it's already in. And on. And under.)

Catalyst Quest has a very beefy update! Likely one more tonight, and we'll be live Saturday afternoon, EST.
>tfw your QM is run off the board by a samefag
>tfw your QM is rangebanned and can't come back
>tfw a shitty janitor powertrips and ruins your niche hobby
>tfw you just want to enjoy and be part of stories but it keeps getting harder.
Hello /qst/, just wanted to clarify some things.

Regarding accusations about specific posters on the board, there is not, nor has there ever been a janitor who has used their handle, any of their aliases, or tripped any other indicators available to show they are a member of the janitorial team. Additionally, all janitors remain strictly anonymous as a requirement of the program. Under no circumstances would janitors give meta commentary on their actions in a thread without being removed from the program quickly. Anyone doing so is almost certainly trolling/falseflagging the janitor team and board. People impersonating staff are either banned or fired, and should be reported for impersonating janitor/4chan staff (>>>/global/rules/12).

We've reviewed the deletions and found they were mostly done by a variety of janitors and moderators. Most of these deletions were removing reported meta-commentary not directly relevant to the quest. If anyone can provide more context here that can prove otherwise, that'd be helpful.
The purple line of silence strikes again. I knew that whole banner thing was just to keep people happy while they refused to deal with an active menace to the board.
Can you explain why every fuck wuxian post was removed then? Or why JQOP got banned for writing a quality quest and then banned again for evasion until october even though he did not do that.
>>4421262 >>44256209

And why delete stuff that you claim is not directly relevant to the quest when the OP himself is not requesting them to be deleted but instead enjoying the show. For proof you can check the previous qtg still on the catalog where the ForgottenQM was or on the thread itself here https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4403667/ . At no point was he asking for the janny to wipe over a hundred posts.
Wuxbot detected. Don’t you have any other catchphrases you can use? Screenshots don’t lie and neither do the archives. Nearly every major ban and mass deletion has involved you in one way or another.
What if Wuxian isn't just the tranny jannie, but the MTF Mod?

Second post should be >>4425629
I'm sure you're going to get hit with a whole pastebin of shit or maybe some specific examples outside it, but I don't have all that ready to go like those more involved. I do have a question that might make it so simple reports clear this up in the near future.

This Wuxian dude, he's regularly accused of being a janitor and all he does is respond with pepe troll faces or something similarly infantile. Via tacit agreement, does that fall into either category of posing as a janitor (if he isn't) or acknowledging that he is one without "technically" breaching his mandate (a spirit of the rules issue)?

Don't be stupid. You're asked for some more proof, so present it or chill out. I'm grateful for even getting the peace of mind that all of this policing isn't from one person. It explains the inconsistency too. It also confirma this is from someone mass reporting.
No one was claiming he was impersonating a janny you silly mods, his behaviour was a strong circumstantial evidence for it.

We don’t buy your explanations, we want a completely new moderation team that takes a loose hand on things. We don’t need jannies who comb through every thread looking for something to ban people for. We just need someone who can clear up the occasional spam threads by ESLs and idiots who thinks that this board is created to help them dox people on facebook. That’s all we ask, less active, and vindictive moderation.
Shouldn't there be some leeway allowed for quests that involve some mature content with regard to the "Erotic Roleplay" rule?

Take this post >>4414435 for example, for which the QM was given a warning for breaking the 'erotic roleplay' rule. I'll even quote the paragraph, (I hope I don't get a warning for this, since the post hasn't been deleted)

>"You could,” you agree. You kiss her. She eagerly, sloppily returns it. She strokes at your manhood while you busy yourself trying to shimmy down her breeches as they cling tightly to her hips. She’s more than ready for you, but bites down on your shoulder to keep from crying out. You set a slow, steady rhythm lest you inadvertently wake the camp. The quiet and ease of it carries a passion all of its own. You release your burdens at last when she shutters beneath you and clamps down. You drift off with her nuzzled into your embrace.

The author goes out of his way to avoid explicit description, even to the point of cringe, in my opinion, but he gets a warning anyway. Shouldn't the mod/janitor be a little sensitive and understanding towards the medium? This isn't a smut quest with long sex scenes every 10 posts, and I don't think it goes at all into the degree of erotic roleplay. The person handing out warnings/bans/deletions should be at least somewhat understanding that as long as you're mature about it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Moreover the post was over a week old and even now it has not been deleted, leading me to believe that this is just another of the bullying tactics being used to drive out popular QMs from this board.
I hope you respond, this is a serious issue in my opinion.
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Daily Planet Quest Update.

Choose a bit of Jimmy's past. Choose a WEIRD turn in Jimmy's future. Choose how you, Lois Lane with Clara Kent and Jimmy Olsen in tow how you're going to investigate this Abandoned Brownstone in Midtown of New Troy Island, either named or last owned by someone named Carter Hall. Its your most interesting lead regarding who might have been trying to suppress information on the now out of the bottle superhuman!

>I'm grateful for even getting the peace of mind that all of this policing isn't from one person.
Mmmm. Let me ask you something. Do you have proof that this is the case, or do you simply smile nod your head at anything an “authority figure” tells you. Just looking at the IRC screenshots above should give you an idea of how much the mods care about this situation. Wuxian has always played a role in these mass purges and there is plenty of proof to back up that claim. Given the behavior of this board’s staff over the past few weeks, it’s going to take more than a simple parroting of the rules to outweigh all of the evidence that is (or in this case was) sitting in this thread.
In the previous qtg Wuxian impersonated another QM and all the posts calling him out were deleted.
When the actual QM posted about it in their thread it was also deleted: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4364503/#4393896
If he isn't a janny then what the fuck happened there?
>Wuxian has always played a role in these mass purges and there is plenty of proof to back up that claim.
can you provide that proof?
This. The mod made the banner thread like we've asked and took the time to make this post. They gain nothing from doing so, so I'd assume there is some impartiality at play. If you're going to drop baseless accusations of some additional plot when asked for proof, then please provide some of your own. This isn't a "gotcha." I would be glad to see it.
Respectfully, we still have no explanation on why JQOP was given a warning, a three day ban and then finally a three month ban for posting his quest here. >>4420070 There's nothing he did that was wrong. The only indication given was by wuxian on the IRC who claimed that he posted a pastebin. (Which he never did, and since when was posting a pastebin a bannable offence?)

There were other cases where the most popular qms were targeted with harassment by deleting posts from their threads and giving them warnings on the flimsiest pretext days after it was posted.

Another case was Goblin QM who was banned for some reason and then impersonated by this wuxian. You can find the whole drama on the previous qtg here. >>4391541 (You guys can see all posts deleted or not right? Then you should be able to see the full extend of that shitshow)
>Can you explain why every fuck wuxian post was removed then? Or why JQOP got banned for writing a quality quest and then banned again for evasion until october even though he did not do that.
The warning in the screenshot you posted is 100% faked. No warning was issued for >>4420070. >>4421262 is either impersonating another legitimate QM or is trolling his own quest for whatever reason. Strongly recommend QMs use secure tripcodes in the future to prevent impersonation. https://4chan.org/faq#sectrip

>This Wuxian dude, he's regularly accused of being a janitor and all he does is respond with pepe troll faces or something similarly infantile. Via tacit agreement, does that fall into either category of posing as a janitor (if he isn't) or acknowledging that he is one without "technically" breaching his mandate (a spirit of the rules issue)?
As you describe, that would fall under trolling and is actionable depending on context. However, we might not always see that context, so reporting may have varying effect. We will try to get all the moderators and janitors on the same page moving forward on this.
Thanks for the banner thread! Much appreciated.
And on the case of ForgottenQM, his posts were intended as a humorous shitpost. Was it stupid? Some people think so and I agree partly. But the quest was not and will never be about Erotic Role Play. It's a classic knightly tale. The mods/jannies of this board needs to exercise more discretion on these things. Quests that are blatantly smutty do not belong here but a few posts of mild adult content should be tolerated on a quest that is clearly not smutty. Intention matters too.
Did either of you even read my post? If I bothered to post the pastbin or links to the last few general threads, the post will be deleted just like several other posts in this thread that were deleted for posting evidence against Wuxian. That’s why I said there WAS evidence in this thread.
>Quests that are blatantly smutty do not belong here but a few posts of mild adult content should be tolerated on a quest that is clearly not smutty. Intention matters too.
This. Lewd as a spice, not the whole meal.
There are at least people trolling and mass reporting things they dislike, probably abusing the rule against "meta-discussion" to get rid of people they don't like. For example: criticism of one QM, Wuxian, is often deleted shortly after it's made.


People with a direct line to the creator of this thread have confirmed that the punishment was authentic. He could have faked it, but he would have had literally no reason to. His quest was long running and successful, and as far as I know he never involved himself in drama and would not gain anything from doing so. Is it possible that the warning was removed from the record after it was rescinded?
Hot damn mods delivering some hard truth to this drama

The more I look at the drama around STV as a player the more I realise it was a series of bad moves digging a hole.

>NSFW gets deleted because global rule against NSFW on a blue board
>Forgotten falls into the drama hole due to recent events
>Forgotten shitposts a mock ERP update to vent
>Banhammer comes down
>Shitstorm ends up linking back to Wuxian due to drama

Perfect storm really.
The 4chan rules state this site is for adults, so why aren't quests allowed to have at least a little adult content especially in a joking context like with ForgottenQM?
>we might not always see that context
Maybe a short comment section could be added to report forms? 200 characters to quickly describe what's going on or maybe link an archive? Abusers and people who use it to spam the report queue would be easy to pick out and be banned.
>he would have had literally no reason to

>as far as I know

People do stupid things.
I'm a huge fan of Sworn to Valour and I personally don't think those posts should have been considered ERP, but I don't think this is what we should be discussing right now. It's more important that we ensure that it's more difficult for people to troll by abusing reports.
>Wuxian has always played a role in these mass purges
That's because he's been the one smashing the report button, not because he's actually involved in moderation, as was actively said.
>But they could be lying and covering for him!
I mean. Yes. At that point though what's the point in even posting a response? Even if you're particularly paranoid of mods (and let it not be forgotten that mods are fags in case we've forgotten where we are) you have to give some benefit of the doubt that they're telling the truth or else we go absolutely nowhere.

Getting back on point though.

>Most of these deletions were removing reported meta-commentary not directly relevant to the quest. If anyone can provide more context here that can prove otherwise, that'd be helpful.
I think the main issue here is, at a glance, it's not really clear what "meta-commentary not directly related to the quest" is. It's something I can understand from a "check out this post" perspective, but that makes it easy for somebody to abuse with mass reporting too imo. Considering many deletions were in /qtg/, which is THE meta commentary thread, I think it'd be good to have a bit more stringent a guideline on what constitutes unrelated meta-commentary, for example, complaining about QMs. There's a rule against complaining about how a quest is being run, for example, which is completely understandable in cases of the complaints mucking up the actual process of running, but outside of their thread they shouldn't have that same shield. The posts in /qtg/ about Wuxian were a legitimate concern about somebody messing with the state of the board, and I'd say the state of the board in the board's general is about as related as it gets.
tl;dr Unrelated Commentary should be like somebody getting into a fight over whether Zionists control the world or something rather than spats over quest decisions.

>The warning in the screenshot you posted is 100% faked. No warning was issued for >>4420070 . >>4421262 is either impersonating another legitimate QM or is trolling his own quest for whatever reason.
I'm not going to be a jackass and go "that's not true fukk u" but is there any way you could triple check that, or is there any way it wouldn't show, like if it were rescinded? Joker OP confirmed off-site that this was him, and he's one of the more well trusted QMs on the board. That he'd lie about this is doubtful (though not an impossibility), so I think it's for the best for other possibilities to be considered.
Not gonna defend forgotten for being a retard but my point was that the intention of the posts was not ERP. It was a shitpost trolling someone he doesn't like. Mods need to understand the context of the posts here before bringing the ban hammer. So many things here could be misunderstood if you just see the one post being reported.
One thing that I would like to raise is the meta-commentary. This is exceptionally common in quest and oft encouraged so it seems strange to us and abusive that somthing we consider normal gets deleted and banned. Perhaps reconsider whatever rule is on meta commentary for quests?
>The 4chan rules state this site is for adults, so why aren't quests allowed to have at least a little adult content
This is actually something I think should be clarified too regarding ERP. Just about any book that isn't explicitly for teenagers or children (and sometimes even the former has it) will have suggestive scenes or descriptions of sex, despite not being pornographic content. One can think of it like how Game of Thrones has a scene where a 14 year old girl gets railed repeatedly by a not-mongolian but nobody calls it a smut rag either. There's a delineation between ERP and lewd writing, obviously. Where that bar is, I'm unsure, but I'm willing to say it's where the writing gets "porny" rather than being vaguely descriptive of two people engaging in sexual activity.
yeah I agree it was never intended as serious or ERP it just was a perfect storm of dumbassery, shitposting and shitlording that lead to everything after the fact and whoever was on the other end of the Janitor report or whatever only saw the end result.

kinda just want Forgotten to come back and finish the STV stuff.
>Joker OP confirmed off-site that this was him
Could you post a link to that?
>The warning in the screenshot you posted is 100% faked.
I highly doubt that because the QM is a long standing and well respected member of the community with contact to other members of the community on other channels. But let's assume you're right here.

Can you please explain why wuxian's own posts were deleted on this thread?
It seems like the posts were surgically pruned to give a new player entering the thread no indication of what happened. I can understand why a mod would remove the off topic posts but why was his own responses deleted? It seems strange for someone to report their own post for deletion. It's almost as if a janny is responsible for it.
I can't, because when I say "confirmed off site" I mean "I talked to him on discord." He's probably not awake right now, being in Singapore, but he certainly could be advised to post to his twitter about it. It's the same tripcode he uses to run his quest, and yes, it could have been stolen by somebody and used to impersonate him, but that's not what he indicated happened.
Yeah I checked his twitter and didn't see anything about it so that's why I asked, it'd be really useful if you could get him to post on twitter about it so we all know it's really him.
If you could post any proof otherwise, that would be helpful in getting to the bottom of this. Nobody is going to delete proof from the thread right now.

>There are at least people trolling and mass reporting things they dislike, probably abusing the rule against "meta-discussion" to get rid of people they don't like
This is something we can work to detect moving forward, as this is not a problem specific to /qst/ unfortunately.

>Is it possible that the warning was removed from the record after it was rescinded?
No, even if a warning was removed/disabled, the record would remain. There was no ban/warns on that user on the date posted in the screenshot.

>is there any way it wouldn't show, like if it were rescinded? Joker OP confirmed off-site that this was him, and he's one of the more well trusted QMs on the board. That he'd lie about this is doubtful (though not an impossibility), so I think it's for the best for other possibilities to be considered.
As above, even if a warning was removed, there would be a record of it. The poster IP in >>4421262 has no warnings issued on August 24, 2020. But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.

>One thing that I would like to raise is the meta-commentary. This is exceptionally common in quest and oft encouraged so it seems strange to us and abusive that something we consider normal gets deleted and banned. Perhaps reconsider whatever rule is on meta commentary for quests?
Posting relevant to the thread would be ok, but meta-drama/blatant off-topic is not. This is something that can be clarified with the janitors in case there is any confusion moving forward.

>His quest was long running and successful, and as far as I know he never involved himself in drama and would not gain anything from doing so.
Insecure tripcodes can be cracked by anyone dedicated enough. It looked like joker stopped using a secure tripcode looking through the archives at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Joker%20Quest. Not looking to dump more fuel on the conspiracy here, I'm just telling you what I can see anon.
I think it's clear that one demand with consensus behind it is that the team handling the reports be more sensitive to the board culture. Don't delete even slightly sexual posts for 'Erotic Roleplaying', don't delete even slightly off-topic posts for meta commentary, especially not in /qtg/, which is made for meta commentary. Do delete posts claiming (or not so subtly hinting at) to be janitors or mods. Criticizing QMs should be allowed in /qtg/. I think the obvious solution is to shuffle the staff handling the complaints reporting from /qst/, there were plenty of anons earlier volunteering to take the position and they'd be good for the community.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions and for that banner thread. I hope you can help get us past these issues and maybe this board will be saved after all.
>As above, even if a warning was removed, there would be a record of it. The poster IP in >>4421262 has no warnings issued on August 24, 2020. But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.
I uh.
I really don't know what to say about that, that's about the last thing I expected to see. That certainly needs a follow up then. Thanks for saying.
Regardless of everything said, I think I can summarize the demands of the players of this board by a few words, less stringent moderation. Half of the posts on a regular quest can be classified as "meta-commentary" and it has always been. The problem is that someone who abuses the report system can report basically almost every post on a quest to wipe it out. We want the jannies and mods to allow more freedom of posting and writing on this board. /qst/ is unique in 4chan in that it is a board about writing and playing a game at the same time. There are a lot of discussions at all times and we ask for greater discretion when you remove posts or ban someone. Posts here can so easily be taken out of context especially when you see things one at a time.
Yeah meta commentary relevent to the thread of course. It just seems like relvent meta commentary used to get deleted for example forgottens deleted thread which started all this. Thank you for giving us the time of day mod.
Damn, you skipped right over my post, >>4427172
Please clarify that rule.
I wish Riz had their range-ban rescinded. Riz didn't even post in 4chins for months
Some shitposter has deprived me of my favorite QM. Disasters everywhere
I want to second all of this anon's sentiments. We really do appreciate the time and care you're dedicating to this matter. We're all pretty confused, and the one thing that we all understand for sure is that there has been a recent trend of mass deletions in places where they weren't appropriate.

Naturally, people come up with a lot of theories when they're confused and frustrated. A lot of QMs and players have had their posts removed in these mass deletions, and it's slowly scaring people off the board.
>But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.
Holy shit, we got play like a fiddle to raise more drama.
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>But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.

Oh damn.
I second these posts as well. We need a janitor who understands this board's culture. We often jokingly shitpost about a QM on their own thread. Some adult content should be allowed too as long as it doesn't get excessive or becomes the main focus of the quest. I think you will find plenty of volunteers who will moderate this board fairly and with minimal fuss.
Now I feel like a cunt.
Also, I really appreciate you coming here to talk to us about this. We clearly jump to conclusions on some issues and got troll by shitty individual. The only issue that remains that really concerns me is if we can get some guidelines for where we can get little raunchy and where the Erotic Roleplay that gets deleted and ban begins.
>But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.
Well that explains that at least. Wuxian has been spamming the board with "parody" quests for the past month and he's impersonated QMs before. I still want to know why all the posts calling him out for doing it in the previous qtg were deleted though.
What do you mean?.........
Main take away right here Mod. Thanks for showing up.
Shouldn't Wuxian be banned for trolling then?
>That's because he's been the one smashing the report button, not because he's actually involved in moderation, as was actively said.
So you’re telling me that he spammed dozens of reports on over hundreds of posts that specifically targeted him over the course of the last several months, and nobody batted an eye? If I were to switch my IP every few minutes to troll a thread, I would quickly find myself on the receiving end of a rangeban. These purges have been going on for far to long and have been far too efficient to have been the result of one person outsmarting the mods with the oldest trick in the book.

>I mean. Yes. At that point though what's the point in even posting a response?
You make a good point. Many of us will need more than a simple ”Just trust me bro” in order to convince us that these shady happenings has simply been one big impossibly convoluted coincidence. Clearly, that’s all we’re getting out of them though.

Fuck it. I’ll post some links and be done with it. I’ve been working on some other hobbies anyway, so when this post gets deleted and if I get banned for it as well, it won’t be any skin off ass if/when I decide come back.

(Read part 2 and 4)

(Start at Aug 2 and focus on the posts containing the word goblin)


>As above, even if a warning was removed, there would be a record of it. The poster IP in >>4421262 has no warnings issued on August 24, 2020. But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q. This is very likely an attempt to either impersonate a legitimate QM, or false flag their own thread to stir drama.
Thanks for telling us. This changes a lot of things. Sorry if I were a bit pushy before.

Now it is clear that someone is abusing the report function to warn, ban and delete things he doesn't like. So now can we know what you are going to do with this? The jannies watching this board should get less ban happy when they see a post reported. Context is vital in these things and most people here would prefer if you guys take the hands off approach to things here. Let writers be writers and players be players. It's a roleplaying board after all. Let things be unless the thread turns very ugly and off topic. If you had applied this standard to past quests then Banished Quest would lose half of its posts.
Alright, reviewing what was discussed (because the discussion wasn't in depth and nobody assumed any impersonation was going on), my running theory now is that Wuxian absolutely impersonated JQOP (who was banned at the time), considering his history of impersonating other QMs while they're unable to post. I'll certainly have to clear things up when JQOP wakes up again, because there was a misunderstanding on my part on what he was referring to and where (didn't have him for too long), but things seem pretty cut and dry now.

The assumption that the guy posting that quest was indeed JQOP was a misunderstanding on my part that he never actually claimed, so I'll take that on the chin.
thank you, I'm now extremely confused about the who is who game we are playing but thank you for sharing
I just want things to go back to normal.
I started a quest (Ancient Aliens Quest) today under that name, having forgotten/being unaware that it was taken.
Though I guess it's dead anyway so not the biggest harm done.
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Hey QM's, where the fuck did you learn to write so well?

When I write shit on my own then go back and reread it, I hate whatever it is I wrote.
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Posting pic for future reference
So now we know that the the two problems plaguing /qst/ are trigger happy janitors and a fag who can mass report posts to get them deleted. So what are you gonna do about this mods? Perhaps a new set of rules that apply only to /qst/? Or janitors with less itchy fingers?
Well, the JQ issue was what did it for me more than anything because it seemed so out of place and unreasonable. I don't follow that quest, but the idea of that getting directed towards my own was enough to take a step back. Thanks for clearing that up.

The ERP thing... well, I don't write ERP. Nor does Forgotten from what I've seen, excluding one light-hearted troll post. At least not by this definition from the rules:

>Erotic roleplay is not permitted. Frequent explicit descriptions of sexual encounters by a quest author may result in mod intervention.

That description conjures "Fuck Quest" to mind, which ran for years with no intervention, more than what can be seen in the thread I have up right now. Forgotten's posts consisted of one joking update appreciated by a majority of anons for what it was in response to someone claiming to have samefagged his quest for years. A contextual issue that was missed in the report?

If I'm missing something, then I'd be happy to make adjustments. As it's been stated, it's hard to see my posts on the subject as frequent or explicit, but it's also not a major problem for me to skip the couple lines of text that I might otherwise include. I'm more concerned with the targeting of QMs with more active player bases via report abuse by those who apparently can't get a vote in 52 hours, or whoever else is this salty.

Oh, and I know this discussion isn't really the "Feedback" part of the site, but it's occurred to me that samefagging issues have been a problem in certain quests. One thing that may alleviate this issue, if only somewhat, would be to put the "posts by this ID" next to the IDs rather than having it revealed by mouse-over on Desktop or an active button press on Mobile. That would make it much less tedious for QMs and other participating anons to spot it out.
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for reference.
Hello, JQOP here. It appears that someone's impersonating me: I can't post at all due to my trip being banned.

I confirm that this quest:
> >>4420070

...has nothing to do with me. I don't know why anyone would impersonate me, but apparently he's doing so.
>1 post by this ID.

See, I had to mouse over it. Imagine doing that for an overnight vote with a couple dozen replies.
Use a new secure tripcode, dumbass. Your old one has been obviously compromised.
Can we get a word from you guys on how the janitors will act in the future? A more laissez-faire style of moderation can help us retain more anons and reduce all this paranoia that led to this. We don't need good people like Boggs being warned for the most benign of lewds or QMs getting banned for the most obvious non serious shitpost.

Is impersonating someone bannable? Posting as someone else to get them banned is really malicious.
Yeah, definitely.

> Is impersonating someone bannable? Posting as someone else to get them banned is really malicious.
At this point, I'm hoping so. Apparently this was done to a lot of other QMs, too.
Click the ID to highlight all posts by that ID.
You should install 4chan X so all IDs become colored, that would help you combat samefagging without having to check if they have a [1 post by this ID] every time.
>That description conjures "Fuck Quest" to mind, which ran for years with no intervention, more than what can be seen in the thread I have up right now
Has anyone actually reported that shit? I haven't, because I'm not a cumbrain that reads "fuck quest." Do you expect mods to read every single post on a board? Or are you assuming a sleepy board like /qst/ has a bunch of lurkers waiting in the wings to report smut?
>But they do have a previous ban while posting as QM Wuxian !!wUx72vLQz5Q
Holy shit. Like, actually, what the fuck. TLD is unironically vindicated, even if the specific accusation of Wuxian as a janny & stuff isn't true. Wuxian actually is some insane Saturday Morning Cartoon villain who is obsessed with ruining everything for no reason, stirring up hate and drama. I checked the tripcode, and it's sure enough Wuxian's, the one he uses to this day. I can only assume he's bought a supercomputer powered by autism and is using it to crack every tripcode on the board to further his nefarious schemes. And it's a secure tripcode (two exclamation marks) so this isn't the case of some mysterious serial impersonator, it's actually him.

And on the topic of general moderation, I think the moderation staff has evidently removed content that's totally fine because they don't really "get" the board. As >>4427223 mentioned, suggestive themes and pr0nz/ERP are totally different, and GRRM's books are a great example of something with plenty of suggestive themes that is universally agreed to NOT be porn. It feels like the ERP rule was more to prevent literal Deviantart level crap than to prevent writers from describing suggestive passages. From what I've seen, StV's post was within the rules lacking a sex scene, if a bit on the edge and suggestive. At least before his dumb ban evasion.

In addition, staff seems to be very ban happy on anything that's perfectly normal commentary. A lot of the Wuxian drama started, I believe, from janitors deleting perfectly normal posts along with troll posts in the original "Solo Stargate Quest" (thread # 4181078 archived) by Wuxian, which turned into an absolute dumpster fire. For reference, nowhere in the rules does it say you're not allowed to have meta discussion in a quest. The closest there is would be /qst/ rule 3 which only pertains to meta threads (not posts), and /qst/ rule 2, which covers people complaining about the direction the story is going. That and global rules about trolling type stuff. Based on this dumpster fire drama, there seems to be a lot of over moderation going on or the rules should be made more clear. Personally, I think the main moderation this board needs is removing non quests. And apparently clearing out obvious bad faith actors who engage in crazy troll ops doing shit like impersonating QM's.

And addressing the mod posting, I think coming out and posting like this is really helpful/constructive. The part about JQOP actually being Wuxian in some crazy impersonation incident alone is very helpful.

Oh, and totally off topic, but if you're here mods, please look into a rangeban put on the QM snail with the !!L5yhWopERM8 tripcode? The guy got caught in a range ban that lets him post, but not post images, which has made making quests an absolute nightmare for him for well over a year.
I read a lot of em and stole the syles i liked and made a mashmash form of them
>a supercomputer powered by autism and is using it to crack every tripcode
The hash for unsecure tripcodes was leaked many years ago. They are not secure and are trivial to crack. You don't need a supercomputer to do it, you just need to know where to look (and maybe be enough of an oldfag to know).
That's my point. It's become less a matter of the content and more a matter of someone vindictively reporting multiple threads right now.

Yup. It still gets tedious with a couple dozen voters. It's a minor issue, though. Just thought I'd throw it out there since the fix should be equally trivial.
Why do people use unsecure tripcodes anyway? I've never seen much reason not to use a secure one, given it seems to do exactly the same thing but more securely.
Secure tripcodes have been """cracked""" before.
There's a whole list of them available.
Most people use an easy to remember password; how many do you think used a color or expletive as one?
Hey Boggs, could you start using a secure tripcode? Post your secure trip on twitter too so we know it's you.
I believe that there is more than enough grounds to perma ban wuxian from 4chan for excessive trolling and flaming.

Boggs you need a new secure trip man
>Secure tripcodes have been """cracked""" before.
>There's a whole list of them available.
regular tripcodes are not the same as secure tripcodes. do you have any proof? the whole point of secure tripcodes is that they are. secure.......
Probably someone used a common or obvious phrase for a secure trip.
That’s why he said that it was “”cracked””. If you’re stupid or lzy enough to use a common phrase or word for your password then expect even the most secure system to be “”cracked””
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"They say he was at ground zero... do you think he was responsible?"


Black Mesa Black Ops quest has a new update, where we've just recently learned that there's yet another mysterious alien race slowly but surely budding through the resonance cascade, and a group of unidentified hostiles is coming.
You should start using a secure trip, every QM on this board should REALLY use a secure trip.

Nice try.
I was obviously being a bit tongue-in-cheek with the "supercomputer powered by autism" comment. I don't think he's a cartoon villain or the hacker from Goldeneye or some shit, hacking into the top secret 4chan Mainframe using a stolen supercomputer. But it seems like such a petty, stupid thing to do for no real gain other than drama, it does come off like something a cartoon villain would do. Btw, how are tripcodes found nowadays? Last I remember, there was the one explorer program, but I think that was only to get a custom tripcode and couldn't realistically get a specific tripcode without a crazy amount of time or luck.
Pretty classic dictionary attack. Also why using single dictionary-indexed words for your passwords is a terrible idea.
Lol. Good call on the switch.
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wuxian spotted
GPU accelerated trip cracking of unsecure trips is very every nowadays, especially if you have a powerful NVIDIA GPU, so basically if you don't use a secure trip and you'are a QM, be ready to get impersonated by Wuxian.
Is this some anon funposting or did he get caught red-handed? >>4427427
It's Wuxian, he cracked the unsecure trip of Boggs pretty fast.

Thank you, I'll use one from now.
It was already available on the linked archive. Changing this to something a little less obvious.
Wuxian’s learning curve is a flat line. Despite being a “master hacker” he always draws attention to himself with a retarded post and then forgets to cycle his IP before doing something shady. It seems he only remembers to use his other IPs when samefagging in his own quests.
Imagine being stupid enough to try impersonation on a thread with the mods watching. I guess he realy wanted that perma ban. Oh and deleting those posts won’t work, they can see everything.

Don’t use words you can find on a dictionary for your secure trip.
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Posting for future reference.
Yup, fixed it. Thanks for the advice.
Using tripcodes and pretending to be someone you're not isn't against the rules, as long as it isn't pretending to be a mod.
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
>a. Troll posts
Wuxian has broken this rule a thousand times, he's obviously trying to troll when he impersonates QMs.
Maybe not, but considering all that he’s done I think it is against the trolling outside /b/ category.
Counts under trolling outside of /b/ especially when mods are trying to clear up accusations that a staff member is allegedly involved.

Alwo, I've never posted in /qst/ till today, whats a good thread to lurk to learn how to play?
Probably one of the more active ones, though standards and relative "culture" change quest to quest.
Welcome to /qst/, anon. There's no one model quest here-- why don't you browse through the catalog (sort by Last Reply) and pick a few that look interesting? If you like what you see, you can read over the archives to see what happened before each thread.
Sort by last reply and see what you like.
You can check out drawquests first, they usually are less involved player-wise.
“Quests” have become ridiculously standardized though. While you say there is no “model quest” really they all play the same with no real exceptions.
Well, that only reinforces the advice, doesn't it? If they all play the same he should just pick a random interesting-looking one and it'll be a fine intro.
>Hey QM's, where the fuck did you learn to write so well?
Audiobooks day in day out and in between.
Eventually, your inner monologue starts to take on the rhythm of a professionally written book and you can project some of that outwards.
Banner voting thread is starting
>I hate what I wrote
Believe it or not, this is a good thing. You can't improve if you don't know you need to.

>How do you write so well
This is subjective, and you might be better off asking specific QMs you admire, but for me it's doing a lot of reading. The more you read, the more you internalize the elements of writing-- the formatting, the vocabulary, the rhythms, the sentence structure...
Elements of good *questing* (plot, character, player agency, etc) are different and are better off learned through experience, but for straight prose you can't beat books.
If the mod currently browsing could take a look.
ANOTHER QM gets fucking banned for bullshit reasons? Wuxian must be going on his mass reporting crusade again.
MOD! Could you please look into this?
Hating what you wrote is a sign of a good writer, but not necessarily a good QM.

Sometimes you just gott get an update out, and it doesn't have to be perfect.

Use the things you don't like to get better at future posts, and so long as you keep writing a quest you'll slowly get better.
should be resolved now
I just noticed that this thread still seems to be getting bumped up, even though the sticky says threads get autosage after 72 hours. This thread is about 114 hours old, for reference. This also seems to be the case for other quests that have been made within the last 5 days, such as the GuP quest, Cooli's Mech Quest, and some others. It seems like the autosage happens after 120 hours (5 days) and not the 72 in the sticky. Is this a new thing, or has this been the case for a while and I'm just a slowpoke?
>Imagine being stupid enough to try impersonation on a thread with the mods watching.

Yeah, that is stupid. Don't people know that mods can literally see your IP, the flag of the country you're posting in, etc?
Autosage has been five days for a while.
The sticky hasn't been updated because...eh.
This has been a thing almost from the start of /qst/. The sticky hasn't been updated because until today we've never had a mod that cared.
>The stupid, uninformative banners are winning.

This board is gonna remain dead and keep declining.
Thank you fren.
That's how it goes usually. /diy/ one for example was pushed mostly by /b/tards, while on-point ones such as, to mention one, imitation crab meat memes, didn't
Oh, I see. Yeah, they should update that then
Trying to explain the nuance of what questing is in a banner is a fools errand. The winning banner is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, draw attention and evoke a sense of curiosity. It'll make people click through to /qst/ and wee can help the new people figure it out from there
if you post the updated list of settings the sticky may become updated suddenly :^)
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You're right this is what we should have had, baka.
ASoIaF has explicit smut though. The one between Ser Arys Oakheart and Princess Arianne Martell is a straight up lewd sex scene.
I'll remember this post when I see the declining traffic for /qst/ next year.
I was drawn into questing when it was first announced that this board was made. The name "quest" alone intrigued me. If I didn't know what they are now, the name "quest" next to a strumming skeleton or an explosion would definitely draw me in.
>4 posts by this ID
Hello Wuxbot.
So I've been out of the loop for a while, why are a ton of QM's getting banned, who is Wuxian and why is he trying to kill the board even deader than it already is?
I'll give you five across the eyes you keep talkin' that that son. Ya hear?
Wuxian is a troll who was mass reporting and Jannies just responded with deletions instead of using context to judge if it was appropriate or not. Wuxian was also cracking insecure trips and pretending to be QMs for extra drama.

Mod team has responded and positive change is now happening.

Good guys are winning.
>who is Wuxian and why is he trying to kill the board even deader than it already is?
Envy, Wuxian is a QM who gets jealous at the success of other QMs, he impersonates them to troll and stir up shit as seen in this very thread and previous ones >>4427470
If you really think I'm Wuxian, then report me right now to see if I'll get banned (pro tip: I won't). There's a mod here and they can see my IP as well as other details. Come on, go on.
It's just so strange, why target one of the slowest boards on the site for trolling, impersonation and shit stirring, for no reason.
Some people just have too much time on their hands.
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What discord is JokerQuestOP in?
the one linked in the op
The big gay posted in every qtg like a lot of qms are in. It's a shitpost den but it's also a decent way to get in touch with people who are actually in there, if necessary, even if they aren't active in it, they're still theoretically available.
Who is this girl with the big Melkers?
Is he active there? I've been trying to make a new episode/gear/level up tracker for Joker Quest and I'd like to ask him a few things.
It's Vanessa from the Black Clover anime.

Somewhat. If you @ him then he'll appear soonish.
Not that active but you can ping him up or PM him for a conversation.
She seems nice. I have no clue what your deal with your quest is, or what Black Clover is about, but I wish you the best for your future.
Seriously though if all of this was caused by just one troll who isn't even a janitor/mod/whatever, then kudos to that troll for this is 10/10 trolling. It made me remember the good olden days of this imageboard.
With these mind of things it is best to use something that attracts people like a moth to light. Don’t expect someone to understand the ins and outs of questing from a small gif.
I legit dont think anyone actually knows anymore.
Is it time to return from exile
I need my fix Forgotten, getting the withdrawal shakes over here
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Revelations, new goals, and promises made to all of the Gods. Your thoughts on the road ahead. The culmination of three weeks of travel, and your closest clergy's closing thoughts! After countless hours of battle, toil, worship, and a whole lot of horseback riding, you've made it!

It's (appropriately) the longest update in Catalyst Quest's history, as you arrive in the city of shields! We're live all weekend!
I’ll hook you up, holmes. New thread will be up at 10:00pm AEST.

That’s 8am Burger time and 2pm Europoor time.

IDs that do not respond in that 1 hour time frame from 10pm AEST will NOT be counted.
Awww fuck yeah, we back baby. Time to be all valorous n shit
USA has more than one time zone dude.

Also I think that's like, 4am where I am in Western Mountain Time. Currently it's 4:45pm here.
It will be 6AM where you are I believe. It's currently 8:45 here in AEST
I’ll split the Timezone slot so that it will also be open 12 hours later. So 10am AEST (tomorrow).
Well, that's jusy barely doable then haha.
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Gnoll Quest update

If you want to know where your trips are being cracked, it’s here. If you see your name on the list better get a new one.


You too forgotten, get a secure trip with a random mix of numbers and letters.
>You too forgotten, get a secure trip with a random mix of numbers and letters.
Here's some general advice, use a password manager, I'd recommend KeePassXC it can safely store all your passwords as well as generate secure passwords for you, makes things much easier.
More. This one’s only a week old. It’s not hard to see how Wuxian can steal trips and impersonate people. One your trip is compromised as well btw, forgotten.

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>QMs unironically setting 12345 or password as password
>GoblinQM sets Goblin as his password
Why do QMs think it's a good idea to use dictionary phrases as a password? Jesus.
So is it safe to say that the reason this all started was not because this Wuxian guy banned Goblin QM as a janny, but because he used his leaked trip to break some rules to get his trip banned, and Goblin QM never bothered not to post with his trip? Then Wuxian could pretend that he was a janny and that he banned Goblin?

So instead of abusing his powers as a janny, Wuxian has been pretending to be a janny and abusing the report button instead. Whoever handles the reports sees them out of context (because let's be real, if you set out to look for things that violated rules, 50% of posts would qualify) and hands out bans and deletions. And this guy has also been using leaked Tripcodes to get QMs banned.

Is that a fair assumption? Because I'm inclined to believe the mod that a janny so openly abusing his powers would get kicked out. This also gives us an easy solution of putting someone who is familiar with the ways of /qst/ in charge of handling reports from this board, who is a little more relaxed in his enforcement of rules.
That seems about right, yes.
Looking at some of these, I'm struggling to see how secure and unsecure tripcodes actually differ. "Secure" trips don't seem to take into account any more things than unsecure ones do when generating their hash and are no less secure against dictionary attack, unless I'm missing something major. I'm also wondering how unsecure ones with passwords immune to dictionary attack were cracked short of total brute-force, in which case secure ones would likely be just as vulnerable.
6 abo inches is too big for my tight aussie anus.
To crack/generate a secure tripcode you need the private key on the server, it's impossible for a regular person to do unless they have direct access to the servers private key.
Damn it actually works!
shit is getting real
The common thing all cracked trips is that they share is simple phrases as its password. There are many orher QMs with more difficult passwords whose trips were never cracked. I believe you can’t brute force a secure trip yet.
>I'm also wondering how unsecure ones with passwords immune to dictionary attack were cracked short of total brute-force
Fairly sure John the Ripper is pretty good at brute forcing nowadays.
I wish I had known of this earlier. I would've rekt Forgotten harder than the samefag spammer who samefagged his shitty quests.
How do you crack maxmax12 as a password without a total brute force? Tripfag's name had no indication to 'max' either.
So you can constantly generate and check combinations for unsecure tripcodes locally, but not for secure ones? Makes sense.
Some of the ones on the cracked list don't seem like it. For example, "greennight123" or "Heartstar138" are not the most secure of passwords, but they aren't simple phrases either.
>So you can constantly generate and check combinations for unsecure tripcodes locally, but not for secure ones? Makes sense.
Yes, unsecure tripcodes can be easily cracked by a John the Ripper dictionary attack, secure ones cannot.
dictionary attack ?
A dictionary attack is (traditionally) when you take the entire dictionary and attempt to crack passwords using that wordlist, as most normals use dictionary phrases for passwords.

I checked, they were all on unsecure trips. I think the anon here >>4427390 has it right.
Basically going through common words and phrases one by one to check of something works. So they check aardvark, and then aback, and then abacus etc. all the way to zygote. Given many people just use words rather than phrases, it's a more surgical style of brute-force attach than "every possible combination of characters", so if your password was say "snapdragon" then a pure brute-force attack would take a long time to work it out but a dictionary attack would probably find it in seconds because the combinations are limited to actual words.
They were unsecure indeed (all cracked secure ones were simple words), but since I don't think you can backtrace from a hash they still seem like they would have needed to be brute-forced.
Hey handsome
>his password isn't a random string of numbers and letters
Imagine having room temperature IQ
I heavily, heavily suggest you use a secure trip Forgotten, I was able to crack your trip within 4 miliseconds.
first the homosexual rp now this, why everyone that is a op is fag

crack this, bitch.
Couldn't find anything so it must be a unique one.
>we might not always see that context
So look, you useless clown. Tear yourself away from your cancerous gay ERP sessions in IRC and do your fucking job or have Hiro hire someone else.
Fucking moron.
Lol, you used your phone so they couldn't ban your regular IP address.
The mods have way more important things to deal with than scouring every post on quest.
If you're still looking for quests to familiarize yourself with may I recommend to you this absolute classic? An oldie but one of the best ones.
This board isn't really my thing but was fun to visit and reveal a few things.
>I think it's clear that one demand with consensus behind it is that the team handling the reports be more sensitive to the board culture.
I see you haven't been on this website for long.

The janitors have never given a fuck about board culture.

t. /tg/ casualty of the three purges

There's no point in getting on your knees and begging them to allow you to suck their cock to get a chance at getting more lenient treatment. They'll fuck you in the ass raw and there's nothing you can do but watch while they obliterate all that you love about your board.
Sworn to Valour #27 is up!

And I changed my tripcode. Again.

>Unsecure tripcode
Holy shit bro, just use ## instead of # when you make your trip it's not hard.
Well shit, cheers knigga
This is why I’ve been going to other imageboards. 4chan only offers a big population.
Just never use unsecure trips from now on, that one took 2 miliseconds to crack.
Damn, missed my chance to submit pic related as an entry.
Where is this from?
SWQ, don't remember the thread.
New thread of Alterac Resurgent Quest! With the big bandit problem of Tarren Mill having been taken care off, there are still loose ends to tie up. Dealing with them was also fruitful in terms of information, you now knew that your brother Aliden Perenolde was alive and leading crime organization Syndicate.

Into the mysterious Brownstone on New Troy Island Metropolis that was part of the WORM/Virus's sweep that's been suppressing actual evidence of the Extraordinary in the latest DAILY PLANET QUEST

And guess what they find, a Cat shaped Motorcycle. Cei U there.

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Mutant!Quest is live!!

In which we make amends with Julia and stumble upon an unlikely sight...

Idea for a potential quest thread. It’s based on this humorous sentence I found online:

>YOU, the Anagramancer, stare down the invading MANTICORE: Will you ROMANCE IT (turn to 123), give it CREMATION (turn to 213), or summon EROTIC MAN (turn to 312)?"

The thread would be an extremely simple dungeon-crawler, but with room for lots of creativity. Players would be allowed to mix up the letters in the names of both enemies and inanimate objects in the environment, in order to solutions to obstacles.

I’m thinking of various mechanics it could use. Here are some ideas I have:
>In addition to just mixing up the letters in a monster’s name, the players could also add an appropriate adjective to the name. For instance, there are functionally no anagrams for ORC, but players could instead slightly alter the enemy to ANNOYING ORC, allowing them to summoning a GROIN CANYON.
>Players might not need to use every single letter in a word. Instead they might be able to create partial anagrams, such as battling a GELATINOUS CUBE through TEASING.

Any other ideas, suggestions, or feedback?
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You get ready to call upon the Goddess of Agriculture, but not after seeing to several urgent affairs. Decrees! Dust! The castle gardens!

Catalyst Quest is live!

This seriously sounds awesome, I'd play it.
This board needs more goth girls.
As much as I hate to admit it, I chuckled while reading this.
This sounds amusing.
>there are functionally no anagrams for ORC
Rocs are giant mythological murder birds and could be useful.

Sounds pretty good Anon. I can already picture the arguments on whether we can mix summoning EROTIC MAN to help us ROMANCE IT on the MANTICORE page for a bigger bonus on the roll.
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here anon blame peekay
Shut up fags
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>Have a completely cancerous idea that I can't get out of my head for a Elder Scrolls/ATLoK crossover
>Have a very identifiable writing style.
>Wouldn't want this associated with the rest of my body of work.
Write a novel instead and then delete it when you're done if its that bad
I'd just run it, if somebody did actually ask if I was QM of both quests deny it, and most importantly not admit everything in /qtg/ before I even ran the second quest.
Some nibba post screenshots of the new banner when it's up. Need to see it in the wild at least once to be happy.
what the fuck is do your best quest even about
It's sort of persona, but with Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher" playing very loudly in the background at basically all times.
>>4430048 Update
>>4429958 and another vote.
Daily Planet Quest into the night! What else has Lois uncovered and what to do about Whisper A'Daire's untimely interruption!

This Lois Lane quest is tackling some new frontiers!
Just a quick survey. Would there be interest in any of the following being soft rebooted, even after the QM did a runner?

- Aurelius' Black Company (not the superior Original Black Company Quest)
- Commentarii
- Disco Elysium Quest
- Vita
- Genesis
I liked these:
> Aurelius' Black Company (not the superior Original Black Company Quest)
>Disco Elysium Quest

and I miss him he was a good qm

Commentarii from where we left off
/qst/ banner has finally been selected.
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Daily Planet Quest Updated:

You have an inkling of who owned the Cat themed motorcycle. You've got to cover for Jimmy and Clara to escape. This story is too big now, and you won't let this now small potatoes Intergang issue stop you now, because you're Lois Lane!


Now we see whether traffic picks up
Now i wanna know more
If you're watching for some sudden massive turnaround, that won't happen. More a general raising of awareness so anybody potentially interested becomes aware of the board's mere existence. I'd say the full effects would take months to see.
I'm trying to shill /qst/ on the boards I visit. Very little response till now.
In the wild...
>til now
Has something changed?
Anons over on /qa/ got interested in the Wuxian drama, so I guess they spread the word about the board maybe.
Some of them got interested in Boggs' ASOIAF quest I shilled in /GoT/ threads on /tv/ but I don't know if they actually followed the link here.
>QM question
>How do you work to include difficult, meaningful choices? Do you even bother?

I wonder, I find making a list of prompts - especially meaningful and varied ones - one of the hardest parts of updating my quest with the additional once-per-day schedule. I'd love to have all of them be meaningful and difficult choices, but I don't think I am able to do that. Not often but that does happen, however. There was a choice players made that I think they did not yet realize will have an impact in the future; hopefully they'll remember about it when the right time will come.
While I understand the fear of being recognized by writing style, it's quite silly from a purely rational point of view. Fifty Shades of Gray was first written as Twilight fanfiction and while we can certainly agree that the quality of the writing is dubious, it still never bothered the author's career. Nobody cared, the author still made millions, and whatever you write can't get much worse than twilight fanfiction. Besides that, even if the style is similar you can easily argue it could be anyone else inspired by the same work. There's so much written stuff on the internet with every kind of writing style that there's basically no chance something is reliably traced back to you unless some crazy situation like you insist to use words you personally invented.
>you insist to use words you personally invented
Probably in the minority, but I'm for Aurelius. Loved the feeling of constant desperation.
sounds based, gonna start reading it now
Keep me posted on your progress and thoughts.

t. guy who worked with the QM for about two and a half years straight
>Aurelius' Black Company
Fortuna come back ya fag
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Our first fight as a party! Votes are open!
WTF Isekai Zero Quest
Lois Lane 1, Whisper D'Aire 0

Daily Planet Quest Update!

worked? How? And why'd u stop?
oh , A mod that's something rare to see here on /qst/
just like what >>4427380 said, I have been rangebanned since June 2019 and I have sent numerous reports throughout these months. Please, I just want to start my threads without begging for other anons to do it for me. Thank you in advance.
Oh and tomorrow is the day (if all goes well). Persona; Moonless will continues after ~3 months of hiatus!
Yes, past tense. I stopped because a dire situation abruptly arose in my life, and I had to... take a while away from the internet. Now, my schedule prevents me from being able to ever do what I did alongside the QM again. I still read, vote, and help him when I can - just not able to actively work with him during a thread session for the foreseeable future.

ABOUT DAMN TIME SNAIL! I look forward to your inevitable S.N.E.E.D. revival, though if you stick with Persona: Moonless I would also like that.
*will continue
classical snail stuff right there.
I also got it on my mind anon, don't worry
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Autistic solution I have is to go into grocery stores, connect to their wifi, and test which ones let you post on 4chan. So far, I've found one.

Hospitals have had a higher rate of success. If you're willing to copy/paste what you want onto a phone and upload it there, that works too.

Can you post replies to stuff, anon? I can't even make a post unless I'm on home wifi.

Also what is the radius of a range-ban?


Yeah, mod. I've also been rangebanned since the start of summer, and, even though I've made an appeal, it has yet to be lifted.

The only thing I do here is post on /qst/, so I see little reason for it to have happened.

Thanks in advance also.
You should still change your trip. It's hilariously easy to crack.
same boat, I am mostly a lurker on 4chan only posting here.
My phone is a fossil , posting with it is a bitch. Such is a poorfag/luddite life. I can reply just fine though.
I can't post on /vg/ at all for some reason.
sure, why not.
oy! muh treeep
bet you can't figure this one out.
Let me guess, it's snail?
Amazing, absolutely amazing.

Embedded: Space War journo is back. I had to take two weeks off due to health reasons but I am not flaking.

Probably the last post of the current thread as we meet with a local intelligence asset in a hidden bar. If you want to hop into a new quest its a great time, I will be starting thread 2 soon as I archive and get some replies on the current prompt.
Crossrefing to a list of single-word codes someone made, you...you...you actually used your name as your (old) trip. Why not make it "password" while you're at it, since that might be more secure? Gold star for hiding in plain sight, though.
Oh, by the way, you were on one of the lists of users and their cracked trips further up the thread. Might want to change that (and use a secure one next time).
no one said I was a smart. It is physically impossible to guess my new trip
Get a secure trip fren, always make sure to use secure trips as a QM.
Thanks for that. I have no idea why someone would crack the trip of a QM who has like four readers but ill alter it.
*a smart boy
I still don't get it, what is the fuss about all of this?
>I have no idea why someone would crack the trip of a QM who has like four readers but ill alter it.
Wuxian thirsts for drama,
A bunch of tripcodes (I think they were mostly insecure ones that were easy to figure out) were cracked and released on a list on /qa/. Yours was probably in that list.
Besides that, it's just QMs using hilariously unsecure passwords, I was able to crack his trip in 4 seconds, the moral of the story is to 1) use secure tripcodes and 2) don't use dictionary phrases or common passwords in your trip password.
So? I am a small fry QM with shitty grammar/sentence structure. I get the ramification on bigger QMs though.
this new treep is uncrackable
Seems like it was just an indiscriminate list of presumably anyone they could grab the trip of. They also got a number of other QMs and what looks like some players from the skirmish threads. All unsecure trips apart from a couple of people using simple words from the index for their "secure" ones.
The fact that you used your username as your password and nobody guessed it for so long is, to me, hilarious.
like I said, Small fry. My only achievement is a series of failed and unfinished quests. Nothing to brag about.
Man how many people did people Wuxian get banned using their trips? Is that why activity has been going down? Wuxian banned a ton the QM's even before most people even knew about him. GG good troll I guess.
And he still can't run a successful quest
He has. Even this month. Even with all the drama.
damn, that sucks anon, hope things are better now, will definitely let you know what my thoughts are
>1 post by this ID
Yeah, I don’t think so Wux.

Ok buddy
>1 post id
>see pic

As the QM of the original BCQ, I also liked his writing. I think he got discouraged with an early harem issue or something? Not sure, I don’t read other quests much in their entirety these days.

Man, my quest barely cracked more than 9 separate posters at the best of times, and I'm nowhere near the colossal shitheel Wux is. At least I know it's unlikely to be samefagging, because only the one Anon voted more than once or twice in it. Wux needs to give himself votes to feel like it's making progress.
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Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable, but the Goddess of Agriculture won't back down from the challenge! An afternoon of tending to the castle gardens. Perfected picnicking. The cultivation of entirely new life. Political discussion. Gossip about the pantheon. Answers to the BIG questions— and plenty more still to come from the mistress of life, death, and everything in-between.

Catalyst Quest's weekday update is out and we didn't even get to all of the write-ins, goddamn!
Ayo, real quick, can you pitch this quest to me? Why should I read it and join. I am extremely intoxicated right now and am very suggestible, so I'm down to deep dive into any quest atm (I like the bear pic so I'm automatically biased to it)
Wait, how the fuck is there more than one post from this Id, the other ones aren't from me wtf

We're on a hunt for a brown bear to turn into a totem before the turning of the new moon. If we succeed, we'll be considered an adult in our forest tribe. We're currently halfway through day 11 of 28. We've got some spears and traps ready, and currently are trying to track BRUN's location so that we know where to lay out the leg-hold traps we were getting prepared at camp. So far, we've tripped over a rock, and got startled by a bird that made us land on the only partial we found due to dice. The latest vote is which direction we want to go.

The quest is currently on a break until 01:00 UCT on Sept. 3rd because I have to watch over a dirtbag who got picked up by the MPs with coke up his nose after going AWOL for like 5 days. Fun times.
I’m looking for some help from the community. I used to play these play-by-post nation building/civ type games on one of the other chans. This was actually around the time the quest board was created. I can’t remember what the board was called or even exactly where it was. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

I was one of his readers the whole way through. There was some harem drama but I felt it weighed more on him than anyone reading the quest. I really miss it, as I said, he writes desperate situations and mindsets really well and that is unique.
Tgchan? Don’t think they have plenty of nation builders though.
He just couldn't deal with thought that we would have to lose some of the harem members. Because is not Black Company Quest without its casualty table
Kek what a weak waifufag
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Chapter Master Quest is currently running


Help command a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes as they battle heretics and aliens on the far borders of the Imperium.
Drowned Quest Redux has hit its first anniversary: Thread 1 was posted September 1st, 2019. Thank you to everybody who's voted over the months! I've posted a big cast picture over in the thread:


>I've never heard of this quest before!
Lucky for you, I have an image exactly for that-- check the one attached here and see if it piques your interest. For those of you who hate clicking on things, though: Drowned Quest Redux is an OC writequest featuring

>A surreal underwater setting
>A cast of colorful weirdos with shady pasts (and sometimes presents)
>A ̶d̶e̶l̶u̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶a̶n̶k̶r̶u̶p̶t̶ heroic feMC determined to win back her lost family honor, no matter who she has to trample over to do so
>An unusual number of snakes
>Bad puns
>Daddy issues
>Frequent mindfucks, infrequent body horror
>Increasingly long updates
>Occasional drawfaggotry
>Moral dilemmas
>Dead gods
>Magic, magyick, and metaphysics
>Amateur detectivry
>Social situations (shake in fear!)
>Setting things on fire
>Cool swords
>Delving into people's minds to steal stuff
>The highly superior degrees of success dice system

Check it out today. Or tomorrow, or whenever you get the chance. Updates 1x/day.
Do you guys not like me because I defended Wux? Forgotten QM admitted that he was the one that posted what he got banned for and there was no ban or warn filed for JQQM on the day he said he said did. I don't want anyone to get banned. I just think Wux was framed for the bans. I know he did bad stuff, but everyone does. I remember a post a few threads back about the discord trying to ban Goblin QM. There were multiple users talking about it.
Schiso or wux. Either way neck yourself.
>there was no ban or warn filed for JQQM on the day he said he said did.

That was Wux pretending to be JQOP retard. Wux deserves to burn and so do you.
>everyone does bad stuff

No, they don't. Not like this. I don't like or dislike you, but I do think you're a fucking loser for continuously dickriding someone so blatantly toxic to the board. Enjoy your dead quest.
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Found it. Discord Trannies talking about getting Goblin QM banned. I will check the discord now to see if this is up. https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4348547/#4366497
Even if that was true it's still better then being a brat for half a year over getting banned from a roleplay.
>That was Wux pretending to be JQOP retard.
JQOP's twitter said he got banned. I know he stole the trip.
>No, they don't. Not like this.
You are a liar. You know how bad people can be sometimes.
>You are a liar. You know how bad people can be sometimes.

Really selling your likeability calling me a liar for saying not everyone acts like this much of a faggot. Next time try shitposting from your phone rather than your home wifi. Your quest looks like ass anyway, but I doubt this has endeared you to those who hand out pity votes to beggars here. Why don't you follow your butt buddy to tgchan? That is, if this isn't yet another lame attempt at creating a new QM persona by him.
Why are you mad at me?
Genuine question. Are you autistic?
And I don't wear glasses.
Wuxian impersonated several QMs for attention and spammed reports whenever he got butthurt. I don't understand why you're trying so hard to defend him.
What I'll say I had a complicated life and he got me to write publicly again. Before I was barely writing at all and no one irl real life got me to write more. I was writing of site. If the thing he inspired me to do get's taking away because of lies I would not forgive myself if I just let it happen. There' s more to it, tho.
Fair enough your actions makes sense now. Just know thay become of it you are missing obvious social queues that are causing you to pick the wrong side. I understand that you have a fondness for wuxian but you need to understand he did several socially unacceptable things and thats saying a lot considering this is 4chan. I reccomend letting this one go and perhaos finding a better person to latch on to as someone to inspire writing.
I'm not going to quit. I promise. Do you believe he tried to get anyone banned?
Almost certainly. Many of his actions even before the whole mess would suggest that kind of action when pressed. When wux was running the crusade lady quest thay was anti goblin the mechanic where posting against goblin quest in the qtg for mechanical benefits in the game was very clearly abusive and bad for this boards culture. The odea that wux would have reported goblin qm and then impersonate them in the qtg to try and give them a bad name is not a far stretch from what he was already doing.

The situation with forgotten is a mess with no real proof either way as anyone can take the name wux. But its also not much of a stretch to say if wux banned goblin qm they wouls try to do the same with forgotten if wux was the samefag.
Isn't Fate/Awakening Mirror supposed to be coming back today? Did Sweets died?
>Did Sweets died?

Eh, he seems like a nice enough guy to me. I don't like every aspect of how he's written his quest but he's been more patient and reasonable with the constant harsh criticism and unreasonable hate than I would have been. If you don't like the quest then it's easy enough to ignore without wishing death on anyone. Faggot.
I feel as if I have been locked into making fanfic quests. My original quests do not get as much attention as my fanfic quests, not that it's bad or anything.

How do I add to my fanfic quests? Make them feel more interactive?
Daily Planet Quest Update


Lois Lane unleashes the beast on a hired goon, the the surprise of the Superwoman who came to her rescue!
Use the setting only. No popular characters. No copied plot points. Write your own story.
Copy House Shryke. Let important setting characters pop in for a post or 2 if it makes sense, but don't center the story around them. Make your own characters or flesh out the ones with no background.
I don't want to be an asshole to him. I'm not mad at anyone for not liking him. I went through a major betrayal and I don't ever want be like that. Don't know for sure, but for the stuff like the deleting posts he needs to say sorry. In that quest I and others told him to stop and he did. I glad those guys and yourself understood. Thank you a lot. I have a quest idea, btw.
shit up schizo
I talked on discord. I'm not good at telling when things are jokes. Sorry.
We forgive you anon. Looking forward to your quest.
>1 post
He never learns, does he?
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Gnoll Quest update

You release the human hostages.

What fanfic quests are you reading, /qtg/?
A Sword Without A Hilt. It's been 5 years and 4.4 million words and Viserys STILL hasn't invaded Westeros.
I don't know how he does it. Dude's been at it for four years and he's still writing the quest and it doesn't even seem like it'll end soon.
I keep hate-reading it hoping there's a conclusion. But I think it's time for me to accept reality and move on.
The Fate Isekai quest is actually surprisingly fun.
Waifu Wars have yet to properly ignite but I hope the lolifags don't get their own way. They already got their forced loli route in the other quest run by that lolicon QM.
Only problem is that the players can act really dumb sometimes.
>Only problem is that the players can act really dumb sometimes.
You say this without being aware that canon emiya shirou does the same shit?
They managed to kill themselves with their own magecraft two years before the war.
Their magecraft is total bullshit as well.
>I keep hate-reading it hoping there's a conclusion. But I think it's time for me to accept reality and move on.
I applaud the author for being able to inspire the same feelings as GRR Martin.
Is the QM of "decree passive" lurking in here? I really enjoyed that quest and would be stoked for a second run!
They said that the next episode should be either last weekend or this week, and they would post in the qtg when that happened. It's not overdue yet, though of course there's always the worry given how many vague date ranges get overrun.
you are right of course. We must exercise patience in the service of the emperor.
Into the Wilderness Quest thread #4 is back to it's regular scheduling!


We've calmed the fuck down from that fucking partridge, so where are we going to explore next to try and find BRUN?
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Gnoll Quest update

what's the difference ?
>4.4 million words
The books are like 1.7 million words wtf
These writers have too much time on their hands. There's a coomer author on Ao3 called megamatt09 who's written about 10 million words of smut fics and still writing daily.
>that guy who lets himself get trolled in the qtg
Come on Amex make a new Thread
I must warn you that the premise is interesting (Viserys going from Prince to beggar to powerful again) and the opening is strong. It'll suck you right in, and one day you'll see you're on Chapter 4000 and wonder what you're doing with your life.
Dont worry anon. I have no purpose.
Daily Planet Quest.

Lois Lane keeps digging up the past on the tail of the old HUAC case against the forgotten Justice Society.

Directionless Chosen One Quest is live.


Choose your ally and prepare to contend with a world full of challenges and adventure!
GuP Quest is running! Join us as we fight Jatkosota!

>left beyond

Next up from me is 1920s Frostpunk. I will start it as soon as Mr Roswel finishes his, because I do not wish to detract attention from it, and it's cool and it needs more attention.

Sorry if I don't run a lot of stuff but I'd rather do it well than do it a lot.
Daily Planet Quest Update.

Lois Lane and Clarabelle Kent continue their research deep into the night, questions are answered and discussions are head.
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A day late, but Catalyst Quest's 1st year anniversary was yesterday! Despite being on a break from running the thread, I'm at work on all of the supplemental material that's been promised. As a sneak peek, here's our first meta character sheet of the quest. The protagonist's new in-character journal is in the works, with more information like this for all of the Gods, the divine Relic that you carry (with its uses), a breakdown of the allies you've got in your company (all 13 of them), and of course the usual maps and calendar (plus some new surprises).

I've also got a monstrous group picture I'm drawing over the next couple of weeks, and expect we'll be back up and running in no more than a month's time. We're on a brief hiatus, but just wanted to say thanks for everyone who's been reading thus far and for you all putting up with my posts here for the last several months. :^) Looking forward to hopefully many more updates!
>Waifu will literally destroy reality
>players still simp for her
Sasuga, /qst/.
Anons, you know what to do...
Which quest?
We have 0 reason to trust the person claiming that.
Please anons who wanted to volunteer earlier, now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.
man I sure love waifufags and their endless antics it never get tiredsome
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I'm a new QM from another board that doesn't move very fast, but I'm scared to start a quest here and that it won't take off either.
If it takes off, you’ll feel accomplished.
If it doesn’t, you’ll be free to do something else with your time and maybe get some feedback for your troubles.
what other board has qms? asking for a friend.
/mlp/ lol

Here's my quest

I'm trying something adventurey again. Do I put dicerolls in Options to make it work? This is my first quest.
Yeah, dice go in options. dice+XdY
Rolled 6 (1d6)

thanks let's try it
Good start.
Now you've used up all your luck.
Is there anything worse as a player than seeing the probably samefagged amount of votes for retarded decisions and being powerless to stop it?
don't we all have unique codes though?
Leave now before your innocent soul is tarnished.
Oh sweet summer child...
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This is the QM for Hero Americana, letting folks here in the /qtg/ knowing I'm not dead yet, just a little burned out. I'll be back after work and getting back to posting this weekend.

The curse can put me through whatever hell it wants, bullets won't stop this QM.
Some exceptionally autistic people find ways around that, such as having multiple VPN addresses they can post from. This means that they get new IDs, and can thus "rig" votes. Sometimes they mess up and get revealed, or people wise up and the QM ignores them or puts in some kind of countermeasure. Samefagging is very much against the spirit of the board though and is highly discouraged
If only people didn't take quests so seriously and went along with the board social rules. But alas, something is always serious enough business to somebody to decide that they aren't going to lose.

In other news, I've been flicking through threads all day to try and see the new /qst/ banner, and the first place I see it is here in the /qtg/. Typical.
Directionless Chosen One Quest is live.


You’ve chosen your first of many paths, now it’s time to add some method to this madness!
In this update of Alterac Resurgent Quest, you have decided to try to claim two more fingers of Hillsbrad before autumn and Uther's Expedition starts.

Elegy of Inheritance


Me neither

Hi, please tell us when you run the thing because I'm super interested!
it genuinely ruins the quest for me if i see samefagging and QM lets it slide even after it was called out, I can at least accept losing a vote fair and square, but being cheated make me take my business elsewhere
>Elegy of Inheritance
I should've known.
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Congrats on the new banner. I haven't been playing many quests lately, how did you get it?
>How did you get it?

>Posts a picture that basically summarizes how we got it
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is she worth it tho is the question i have
I remember talk in these threads about contacting the mods impossible. Some anon said why not use /qa/ and i said that wont work.
Basically what happened was Wuxian impersonating QMs and implying he was a janitor. Another popular QMs quest falling into drama over mass vote manipulation, bans and mass post deletion followed which spilled over into the qtg and result in a ton of reports to mods from both the quest and anons in qtg. Eventually people joined the IRC channel to harass the mods there as well and it got to a point that they could not ignore things any longer.

What resulted was something I never expected in QST. A mod joined the qtg and seemed to give at least some shit. He created a thread to figure out a banned, put it to a vote and now there is advertisement for a new janitor position.
So the TLD movement inadvertently got us a banner? Talk about two birds in one stone. We finally get some exposure and that faggot Wuxian ate a ban. Things really do change.
I left before it all went truly crazy i guess. Any archive of the banner thread? Has the banner increased traffic?
We've got at least one newcomer QM, so probably yes.
Banner submissions: >>4425946
Banner vote: >>4427563
> Has the banner increased traffic?

Too soon to say I think, it was only very recent

Thanks chief, I was struggling to find it
>Has the banner increased traffic?
Would the traffic increase just because we got a banner?
That's the idea, get a banner to increase traffic via curiosity
I've been browsing since 2010, and not once in my life have I intentionally clicked a banner.
Yeah neither have I but that was the reasoning behind it
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Advent Soul Quest is live for the first time.


Fresh quest, even more bleach!
Hi, I came from /tg/ actually - a pinned post mentioned /qst/ and I had never been here before. Which banner did they pick? If I'd seen a banner, I would have come here too.
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Post an image that sums up the playerbase of a quest and have others guess which quest you are talking about. I'll start.
Hero Academia Quest
>which playerbase
all of them
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I'm working on the OP now! I'm hoping to launch in a few hours!

Centaur in Trouble (CiT) has updated
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If that was the quest than I would have posted this instead. Guess again.

Forgot to link my post back.
Elegy of Inheritance?
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(though honestly this could describe just about any playerbase)
As a matter of fact, the banner just appeared at the top of the /qtg/ again. It's this one.
that's the one that won? ugh cool, thanks for showing me
What's the Discord? The new QM advice mentions it.
here you go Anon
Couldn't wait.

Thanks, anon. I'm gonna become a good QM, just you wait! If they don't mind writing that's sloppy, at least I update frequently due to lack of work.

Also, I'm looking for new threads like #1s so I can see how other quests play out. A lot of these threads are like #50 or #89.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Anyone interested in a quest where The MC is weak, and has to rely on strong allies for protection ?
sounds cool, I'd read it
Sounds a lot like the early threads of How To Be An Overlord, before we got a body proper.
It'd be set in a fantasy world btw, could probably set it to start today

.The basic idea would be you control a normal person(chosen from a small group to mostly set the personality of the MC/ their skills/ hobbies) , who was for lack of a better term "kidnapped" into a fantasy world for nefarious purposes. however since they are not the summoned hero or reincarnated into a native body or gifted with a great power by Local god #5, they are still just a normal person, and to survive need to be smart and find/ befriend trustworthy souls who aren't going to sell them out in this new, dangerous world where monsters, gods and heroes walk.

I've never read that, how'd it go?
>I've never read that, how'd it go?
It was fun in a Larro way. Cute girls, and he went to the effort of coming up with a tactical RPG combat system.
sounds interesting.
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"Let's see. The mass-less field-flux should self-limit and I've clamped the manifold parameters to CY base and LG orbifold... Hilbert inclusive. "


After dealing with a group of marines, the party searches Kleiner's and Vance's office for the keys to get to the exotic matter required to power the team's newest toy, a laser device designed to detect gravitational spacetime anomalies. Unfortunately, it seems one of the keys is missing.
Here's a few first threads that are up right now and which don't appear to be dead.
GuP Quest is running!

Starting a new quest now

I am this guy>>4438173
So did anyone actually end up applying to become another janny for /qst/ or what?
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Gnoll Quest update

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Into the Wilderness update!


We found out that bears do, in fact, shit in the woods.
Any bronze age fantasy quests currently running?
Thinking of running one but don't wanna double up.
None right now
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>favorite qm still hasn't returned
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Advent Soul Quest is live once more.


Continuing from yesterday, we get to meet a death god.
>your favorite quest just stopped
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>Favorite quest finishes on bittersweet finale
>Comes back only to disappear forever
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It has been almost half a year since the last thread of Valen
Daily Planet Quest Update!

Learn more about your case & New Coworker!

What do you guys think about a simple quest about a machine gunner?
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Hello friends!

I've decided to revive my very old quest from it's very long hiatus today. For that reason, I'm making a special exception to my usual reluctance towards advertising my quest, and would now like to let you know that it exists.

It's called Witch Apprentice Quest. It's about what the title says, and I *mostly* aim for a cute and comfy tone. Maybe some of you like that. I kinda like it. Today's task is an ingredient hunt in and around the forest!

I understand that joining such an old quest can seem daunting or just pointless, but due to the length of the previously mentioned hiatus I'm making a special effort today to try to make sure the quest is as easy to jump into as possible right now.

So if it sounds interesting to you, you'd be very welcome to check it out here:

And even if it doesn't interest you, I still hope you have a very nice day!
What sort of machine gunner? A bloke with an assault rifle? Someone manning a mounted gun? A bomber tail gunner?
Oh wow, I remember this one. Good shit.
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CobraQuest is live. World Domination is just a shot away.
I'm following your thread now, this seems like exactly the sort of thing I was looking for, a brand new thread and comfy/low stakes.
Now following Mistheart, Hero Americana is back on. Expect mostly-daily updates!
I was thinking either mounted or a with a gun like the MG42/MG3
Sounds fine to me but the story has to be more than just shooting stuff endlessly.
I have six timelines im thinking about running in. I might leave that up to players once i refine the story more.
>World Domination is just a shot away.
Instantly thought of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJRdDhnTRoo but speaking of Cobra, are you gonna have songs like this in your quest?
Kidnapped to fantasy is up and running again

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Non-Con Quests Review
(I did as much editing as the QMs did, which is to say I didn’t.)

I’ve just spent a week hospitalized and thought the best use of my time there was to read non-con(read: rape) interactive fiction. For a board on 4chan, you’re all less adventurous than places like ao3 or w*ttpad. Normally you’d read this kind of stuff for, say, forbidden love, love-hate relationships, and heart-pounding romantic escapades. There’s none of that here.

>Goblin Quest

It’s not a non-con quest. Actually it’s not a rape quest. Even if it did have more a single instance of homosexual wolf relations in it, it falls short on just everything.

The prose is shit, the art is shit, the players are shit, and the 1d100 win-or-get-fucked mechanics are unbelievably shit. All narrative is delivered through a tiny, knuckle-headed lens, and knowing this, the QM clearly had no desire to deliver on its blatant premise. Instead, he leads the players around by the nose while they run around blindly. Given just enough information to decide what they can do next, but not enough to create a plan. He sets up a few moments where he simply allows them to run wild with their misinterpretation of the world so they can hit their own shins. That’s really the only appeal of the quest.

There’s some other stuff that’s mildly interesting like using real world racism as a way of quickly conveying information. Unfortunately, it’s so tasteless it’s another smear of shit on this already mounting pile of half-assed ideas.

>Demonic Rebirth (*kun)

This is a quest about a person dying, getting chosen as a demon lord without doing anything, and then getting summoned into a high school. Because everything has to take place in a high school. It’s so fucking bad. Goblin Quest was crude, but this is just actively offensive.

It’s written by someone who failed the Stanford marshmallow experiment, grew up, and decided to inject his weird self-worth issues into his creative endeavors. Normally, when you try to set up a scenario in the narrative, you don’t do it by having a character that doesn’t care exposit flippantly while reminding you just how little they’re invested. The story is composed of a precarious chain of egregiously blatant setups followed by immediate payoffs. You can read any scene and pin point the moment where the author just gives up and finish off as fast as possible so the next idea can start.

Nothing of the scenes mean anything. No one is impacted inside or outside of these unfinished R18 segments and no one even cares when they’re taking place. That describes my feelings towards this thing pretty well, actually. I don’t care.

The quest is worth a cursory glance to see how insecure the author is about his dick size.
>Under the Green Moon (*kun)

Easily the most well written quest so far. That also explains nothing, so I wager it’s a very unedited below-average book with a major crippling narrative/prose issue. I’d normally chalk it up to writing style, but that would imply the author knows how to write differently.

It’s a warhammer quest. Since I don’t care for the setting I’m not going delve into it, but the quest is about a beastman collecting other beastmen while committing sexual violence and also plain violence. The fights in this are completely deprived of stakes since lol powerful male dominance display (more issues?), and they’re also when the flaws in writing become blinding. Here’s a hot take: using big words doesn’t make paragraphs interesting. It might make a sentence fun to say, but after reading this for a few hours, it felt more a transcript of events droning forward with the same cold, mechanical rhythm of a bad dragon dildo piston. Except the piston might have a bit more life in it.

The sex scenes were definitely written by a man, and my sureness of that declaration should tell you everything. The last bit of my previous paragraph is still applicable, and they’re kind of... short? Not long enough, at the very least, to create any kind of meaningful emotional arc outside of a single scene.

The fight scenes are also resolved oddly. It looks like you pick a strategy and the author tells you how the MC wins with it. Um, okay. The MC is also the smartest, strongest, coolest person around with a big dick who can dominate through his big dick. Really, it plays out like a generic male power fantasy, so if you’re into that sort of thing, this is it. Ultimately tactless and graceless while being completely unable to truly emotionally connect, just like the mc.


Under the green moon for any interested in blatant, sexual male power fantasy, Goblin quest for a quick skim and a laugh. It’s all shit all the way down regardless. Why did I even make this review?

Holy fucking madlad, were you the one who asked me for the non-con fic recommendations? Because I think I recommended those last 2. I'm sorry they didn't fare too well in your expectations, in my defense, I was reading them with my dick in my hand, not as a literary critic. Did you read The Crowned Conquest too? It had an interesting premise at least, and if you read the battle scenes after me specifically telling you not to, that shit's on you.

I also have one last recommendation for you, although I don't know how much stock you'll put in my words: A Song of Dice and Fire by Paradosi. It's very short, only 4 chapters, but the best written of the lot. It's set in the ASOIAF universe slightly before canon, MC is an OC with magic. Whenever he rapes a woman and dedicates it to a god, the gods bless him and the woman and give him powers.
>Normally you’d read this kind of stuff for, say, forbidden love, love-hate relationships, and heart-pounding romantic escapades.
Really? That's why you'd "normally" read porn themed around rape? Heart-pounding romantic escapades? Fucking really? I'm admittedly an outsider to the genre, but that just sounds utterly baffling.
That was really my fault, I asked it in a way that would get me those kinds of recommendations and I knew I found find nothing I was looking for here.

Did you really need me to tell you it's about power dynamics? If you're writing non-con and it isn't about the relationships and how the parties feel, then obviously it's not very good. Imagine a fight scene that has no emotional buildup, is resolved with someone reciting textbook parries, and has consequences consisting exclusively of a one-liner blurted out every now and then so the author can you tell they haven't forgotten it happened. I didn't talk about this stuff because it's clear no one cares about it. But, why would you not want something that gets you emotionally invested and provides actual catharsis?
Very interesting. Sounds to me like what you were looking for was something in the vein of a romance novel, and what you got was in the vein of a porno video. Both might be outwardly themed around rape, but the approach and the actual fetish being catered to is going to be quite different.
Tbh I read non-con fanfiction for the same reason, just not quests. Would you want any recommendations for non-con fanfiction? There's a Harry Potter fanfiction I'm reading right now with Barty Crouch/Fleur where Barty kidnaps Fleur at the end of 4th year's Triwizard Cup. He rapes her and keeps her as a pet, but is obsessed with her to the point where he convinces Voldemort to let him marry her. So he keeps her as a wife and forms a soul bond with her. Meanwhile Fleur is struggling with her emotions because on the one hand she hates Barty for doing this to her, on the other hand she needs his help to survive in his world. There are other more powerful Death Eaters who want her and she has to trade herself little by little to Barty to keep herself safe from them. I think you'll like the dynamics of this one. It's called 'The Flower Bled Crimson' on ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19973950/chapters/47284801

And I didn't even have my dick in my hand for this one, so my view is less biased.
I noticed, though it was my fault for trying to get invested even though I knew what it was really like.
Thanks for all the effort, though ao3 has a functioning tagging system which makes finding these types of things much easier.
>For a board on 4chan, you’re all less adventurous than places like ao3 or w*ttpad.
I'm sorry to bring bad news but you should have read the rules for this place.
>"4. Erotic roleplay is not permitted. Frequent explicit descriptions of sexual encounters by a quest author may result in mod intervention"
This isn't a NSFW writing board and unfortunately there are no dedicated NSFW writing board on 4chan. I guarantee that 4chan produces "adventurous" content (I wrote some myself) but how it usually works is that it gets written on pastebin and linked in the relevant threads.
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Ah, memories of Hollow Quest Redux
When your favorite genre is an euphemism, you know you've failed as a human being.
Summer is over in Alterac Resurgent Quest and now it is time to make the decisions of how the spend all the wealth you have acquired during it before we move to autumn and the Uther's Expedition.


In the quest? Not likely. But feel free to bring your own soundtrack.
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Daily Planet Quest Update.


A missive from an anonymous source It's absolutely the Batman and the start of a meeting with Doctor Emil Hamilton...his name is Doctor Emil Hamilton. And there are sciences he hasn't done, but just you wait. Just you waaaaaait!

Fuck my life those were some good times. Those were some good good times.
Come on Amex make Thread #42 and stop making us wait
He's a cunt, and so are you.
Is it considered poor form to drop a quest and start a new one you're invested in? Should I point readers to the new thread when I make it?
Depends on how far in the quest is and if you actually notify/explain to your readers. In general it's poor form, but if you can't keep writing your current one it is what it is. You can point them to the new thread but it better come with an explanation.
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Chapter Master Quest is now running.


Help command a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes as they battle monsters from the stars and try to unravel the mysteries of their own founding.
>What kind of quest would you like to see more often?
The kind that let me be the hero of the Fire Nation.
So are we getting any new janitors?
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I finally got off my lazy ass to put those Nuclear Throne styled Little Horn sprites I made to good use, so I made it a skin for Crystal.
Download: https://mega.nz/file/rY8HVTKD#JEkniKO0azR7VfngVLg0tlPdckmQizxrjQWPQaVpwjY
I also made an itch.io page for it if you want to download it through there, I guess. should be in the "ntt" tag.
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also here's a funny gif hehe
Fan content for quests is always nice to see.
The first compliment that I have ever received (to my knowledge) on a General Thread.

Anon CvUIahqF says Collapsing Quest does not appear to be dead! A genuine rave review!

But honestly, I am flattered that someone would point out my Quest as an example to a prospective QM for how to get a first thread out there.
Daily Planet Quest Update.

Choose. Choose the sudden appearance of a friend or foe. Options ranging from Conjob to the most Evil Scientist to ever exist.
> Anime fanfic quest

Gosh. Are those no longer popular?
It was a terrible fucking mess of a quest, honestly everything about it was total garbage.

Also a lot of fun. What The Fuck Is A Yellow Dragon exemplified.
There's been a few ATLA quests but they've all died. I'd also love to see another one.
Amen to that.
Janitor applications are STILL open so I request any interested volunteer anons to please apply and help our board. You will be better able to raise any moderation concerns. I wish my uni didn't start in person classes again, but now I don't have enough time, otherwise I would have applied myself.
I know jannies can't admit they are jannies, but can you admit you've applied to be one?
What would be best for a Shadowrun quest? A start as Street Scum with character generation working their way up to runnerdom or outright off as a small group of runners of varying skills?
Low level runner group would be fun, finding their footing, dealing with shifty Mr. Johnsons, having their first milk run at a fast food place going absolutely haywire
You mean a Food Fight!-esque intro? I've already got some characters in mind and two sheets filled up. Not sure how I'll incorporate mechanics from the rulebooks but I know there are some I'm best off leaving out. Actually thinking of using the HBS games' stats and some of the TRPG's skills.

The two I made might be too much for that kind of beginning though. One, I wanted to be purposely overpowered but have to be kept in check by the squad to compensate for it. The leader, I wanted to be a Face with some experience or idea of what being a runner was already about. Next one I have in mind is effectively a squishy ass hacker/rigger who can never do anything in person in risk of unavoidable death.

Really iff on whether I should try for pregen or not, considering people coming into that lose interest if votes don't go their way.
>You mean a Food Fight!-esque intro

That's what I was hinting towards but honestly I'm not married to the idea, I'd be down for whatever intro style stuff you had in mind.

>Really iff on whether I should try for pregen or not

Yeah I don't think character creation is usually a great idea. If you did that though I'd suggest doing it only for 1 character, maybe someone newer joining the group or something. If you really wanted to give them a choice, you could have a 2 or 3 pre-genned characters to pick from
>If you did that though I'd suggest doing it only for 1 character, maybe someone newer joining the group or something
I think that's exactly what I'd do. Maybe I'll start it in a week or two once I've figured out how I'll make it work.
>Finally, a Bronze Age quest!
>...it's about vikings
>Not even Nordic Bronze Age, just straight-up vikings
Why is life so full of suffering?
In Alterac Resurgent Quest the decision to concentrate on hunters and herbalists was done for the autumn, Alric Perenolde now has to decide what troops he should train.

When is story T coming back anons?
Would anyone be interested in playing a silly drawquest with art that’s mediocre at best?

Me like.
sounds like it could be fun
not sure how I feel about the main character wielding a giant purple dildo though
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Daily Planet Quest continues. This quest just ended up in Two Johns.

Navigate Lois through her opinions on the extra terrestrial and magic. Two things which weren't real to her yesterday.

Kidnapped to fantasy quest continues

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Sweet jesus it's all fire and power outages.

I'm afraid there's gonna be a bit of a delay on Hero Americana until I can get an internet connection that doesn't die every FUCK YOU minutes. Sorry for the wait, folks, but the update IS in the pipe.

Fuckin' christ.
I saw this coming and I thought about using a different color for the sword but it probably wouldn’t change much.

Cool. As simple as the art style is, there’s a few things I need to work out in the gameplay department. I’m halfway through creating my own combat system from scratch along with everything else that goes with it but I’m tempted to scrap it in favor of something more streamlined. Either way it should be up sometime this weekend.
Why not just use dicerolls?
I had a special mechanic planned for the dice in order to spice things up but since it ties into that DIY combat system, I’ll just go with standard rolling if I decide not to use it. [/spoilers]
You’re doing the Almighty’s work. Cain bless you.
I feel like I want to write something.. which one of these sound more interesting?

mmo isekai
Apocalypse world
Space science fiction horror
hobo quest
medieval/vikings isekai
the walking dead
That's pretty cool.
Medieval/Vikings quest but run it on anonkun because 4chan won't allow extended rape scenes.
>Space science fiction horror
I have an itch for horror in space
I have space for a horrific itch.
Daily Planet Quest Update.

Wish this post had been born on a Monday...

>mmo isekai
but only if you do it with a real mmo and not some oc donut steel
>Space science fiction horror
can u fight back?
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Double update for Into the Wilderness Quest today!


>make quest based around real MMO
>give the MC to anons so that they choose what to farm for set amounts of time
>sell the character after a year for real world money, profit off of anons spending a year farming on the account for you
i'd say this was a genius plan if it weren't almost impossible to do without having some anon just yoink the account partway through
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You are Kaguya Muramoto, the illegitimate daughter of the pluto-aristocratic Muramoto Family. Since leaving the grimy arcologies of Urban Noir behind, you were educated in everything from history to advanced mathematics to politics were tutored in etiquette, archery, and the traditional arts, all of this to someday blend in perfectly as a true member of the Muramoto Family.

Poleman! When is the new thread? You're killing me here man.
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>makes ESL retards seethe by mere virtue of existing in a quest at all
Based Shirou.
What on earth are you talking about?
Fate/Paradox Reincarnator.
The presence of the MC of the original VN drives certain anons into screeching autism fits.
>The presence of the MC of the original VN drives all the anons into screeching autism fits.
Now you're accurate.
Updated to Kidnapped to fantasy. Its a bit of a lore dump.

Heh, thanks dawg.
I'm tempted to do a Tongha skin for Melting, too.
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Updated Hero Americana now that I have steady power and internet.

Couldn't help but notice this as I went to update. Hope they're having a good time!

>>4438025 New update for Hero Americana is live!
Honestly, there's a reason I prefer to use a setting rather than character when I do anything of fanfic. I just feel weird writing them, like I've actually gone and stolen something.
To be fair, Shirou is objectively worst girl.

Yes, worse than Kirei.
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Eclipsed Moon Quest is back with Episod e158, now running at the speed of /qst/!

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Would anyone want a quest were your rebellion failed, after you escape prison you time travel back to 2000 to stop a terrible future and most conspiracy theories are true?
>Back to 2000
But anon, to prevent a terrible future you have to travel back to 1939.
Try 1723.
Agreed. I don't know those eras, but you can fix a lot if you stop 9/11. Maybe when I learn more about the 1700's I can try that.
I meant helping Hitler win you dummy.
If conspiracy theories are in fact true it would mean he's still alive and healthy. It's an awesome idea.
Let me be clearer. To save the future you must prevent the birth of history's greatest monster: Adam Smith.
>not going back in time to prevent humanity from being born in the first place
You guys have better ideas. Maybe you guys should write sometime.
Adam Smith?

The Mormon dude? I mean, he had a mob kill his wife and daughter, that's protagonist material if anything.

Also ended up with a harem of highschool girls, so you weeb fucks should be all over that.
You're thinking of Joseph Smith, and he wasn't born until 1805. Adam Smith, born 1723, look him up.
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this anon totally get its why you guys can't see it
yes but my idea is to make the mc weak, defenseless, and not that lethal at the beginning
zero to hero? Or will they always be like that, cause i'm not really interested in a quest like that
Kinda dropped that quest after anons kept autistically clinging to Illya, also always hated how they put down my boy Shirou, really wanted to get him to train so we could be vampire killing bros
well, I'll try to make it so that there's always a sense of danger when fighting
I know who Adam Smith is, Commie.

If you want a real opponent circa highschool social studies, at least pick someone interesting like Thomas Malthus.
If >>4444444 then something special happens this year
Somebody else get it for me, I'm off to bed. See you later.
so what would've happened
Quests are fun
Check my 4s
Hahah get fucked.
>4444444 get was in a dead thread
>immediately gets deleted
sasuga /qst/
Into the Wilderness Quest update!


The 13th day has dawned, and the rain from yesterday broke, at least for a while. What's the plan for today?

>Picture is BRUN's cousin, who doesn't get invited to family reunions.

I have been waiting for that GET since 4400000.

Daily Planet Quest Update

Interviewing Solomon Grundy
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Guys I did it. Y2K Time Travel Quest is up.
Adolf, Joseph, Adam and Thomas all still alive because you wanted them.

Eclipsed Moon Quest Update


Joining the fray, choosing to be seen, but how will you be seen and what will you say?
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Sometime this week.
>san francisco
Hope godzilla doesn't slip when he gets there.
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Cobra Quest continues its inexorable slither toward global hegemony.

update to kidnapped to fantasy quest
what does it mean to flake your quest?
to abandon your quest before it's done (especially within the first 1-10 threads)
that must happen a lot
please use commas with quotation marks, it makes it easier to read when there is proper punctuation.

New drawquest, still new to QMing.
It is, sadly, the fate of the overwhelming majority of quests, usually in the first thread. Even some established QMs are known to be serial flakes.
Now I feel bad that I have writer's block on my first thread... I guess I can keep making up stuff to happen so I don't let down those readers.
What's tie-breaking? I see this referenced frequently.

When two options have the same amount of votes (a tie) and you break it (by rolling a die or asking for another vote)
If two options have an equal number of votes, it's something that's done to choose between them. Occasionally done as a runoff, but usually as a coin-flip.
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Please consider giving my quest - Black Clover: Parallel Story - a try. It has lots of magic, witches, daughters of witches, politics (not a lot of it), female mages (lots of them) (mostly because you are in an all female squad), adventure and fights with and involving unique magic spells.
Does your favorite girl have big milkers? Or "Melkers" as you might call them?
I prefer big melkiors.
What do you mean by favorite girl?
Into the Wilderness Quest update!


God you hate making rope by yourself, alone in the woods.
The one your players simp for the hardest.
There any quests about being a medic/doctor/surgeon etc?
Brand new one, just fell off the board a few days ago: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=north+of+nowhere
yeah, and it'll be running again some time fairly soon. i'll announce it on this /qtg/ or the next one.
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Eclipsed Moon Quest Update, Hematite Refuted!

They don't really simp for anyone. They aren't really currently interested in romance. If you are talking about the characters they most like, who I believe is Tugela, she has big milkers.
Can we get a new /qtg/ please? This one is too fat.
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Cobra Quest continues. A rendezvous between Cobra Commander and Destro. Like Chocolate and VX nerve gas
brand new drawquest updates again


Dreaming in a peaceful place, the dragonfly gets a moth friend soon, a new spell, and more soon...
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i forgot my pic
Join us in GuP Quest as we prepare for the finals that are only two days away!

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"Far distant eyes look out through yours. Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. "


Black Mesa Black Ops quest has a new update, and our fight with a group of marines is affected by strange temporal anomalies.
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Banging rocks on rocks, to use rocks to potentially dig for more rocks. Some rope on wood action too.


Into the Wilderness Quest update!
tactical high heels
Persona: Moonless is live!
Gradually losing hope.
What are you losing hope in friend?
The planning for the Uther's Expedition continued and now Alric is waiting for the last people to arrive before the force can break the camp. Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest where we are now thinking what to do while the troops prepare.


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