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I can't sleep and i've been bored lately, so why not?
>Isekai Quest - GO!

You're in a lot of pain. In your head. In your chest. Somewhere deeper as well.
Beyond that, you don't understand what's happening right now.

A cold, black void surrounds you. There are no stars, no sense of distance. Only the sensation of falling.
And then, a voice.

"...This one, it came from there, didn't it?"

And another.

"Look how beaten up she is. Must have been, poor thing."

You begin to struggle. You try to focus on the voices, to see where they're coming from.
You desperately cry out for help, but your voice won't come out no matter how hard you try.
It feels like you're suffocating, but a blinding light suddenly cuts through the darkness, and a soothing warmth envelops you.

It's familiar, isn't it?
Yes, you know this feeling. It's a mother's love. Although you can't see for the blinding light, you can feel yourself being swaddled in your mother's bosom.
No, that's not right... she died a long time ago, didn't she? Wait, who were you again?

"I won't be able to heal her completely, not like this. Is there an opening?"

"A small gap. Maybe a few thousand years, but it's there."

"It should be fine. I'd still check the akashic tome if you have time, but..."

The voices begin to fade, but their warmth only grows, and the light spreads across your vision until not a trace of darkness remains.
You aren't in pain anymore. You just feel tired.

Sleepy, in fact...
But, there's something jabbing you in the side.

As you open your eyes, a forest canopy is spread out above you.
You're laying on the forest floor, on top of a rock apparently. The sound of birds chirping fills your ears.

Sitting up, your hair falls forwards across your modest chest. A deep, brilliant orange color. It's both long and straight.
You turn your pale, white hands over, finding not a single freckle or scar. It feels strange, but you can't seem to remember why.

The air here is chilly, and you seem to be naked. Beside you is a neatly folded set of clothes. A tunic, some simple pants, a pair of... bloomers, you suppose? You aren't familiar with them, but the foreign words flow into your mind, and you recall them as if they were a story that someone had read out to you.

Shaking off the strange sensation, you remove a few leaves from your hair and quickly dress yourself.
Sticking out of the ground nearby is a fine-looking shortsword with a leather backpack leaned up against it.
The sword doesn't want to come loose at first, but when you grip the hilt with intent, it yanks free like it hadn't been stuck in the first place.
Looking at the hole it left, you see the blade was embedded in solid stone.

The backpack seems a bit small, but when you reach into it you find that it's much, much bigger on the inside.
There's bread and dried meat in there, along with a few tools, such as a simple hunting knife and a flint striker.
You quench your thirst from the waterskin hanging off the side of your new bag, then throw it over your shoulder and grab your sword.
There's something you should be doing, isn't there?
What was it again?

"Heeeeeelp! Someone, anyone!"

A voice resounds from... the south? You aren't sure how, but you can sort of feel the cardinal directions.
It's followed by the cries of something else. Goblins? What even is a goblin, though? Again, a word you don't know, and yet you understand it.

No time to worry about that, you suppose.
What will you do?

Let’s be evil for once
why not

No sword skills, just got here, why would we help them personally? Go tell a guard or something

(I like the Evil Anon's Evil Route Idea, haven't seen many TRULY evil Quest main characters yet

And in a world that isn't as real as our original, who's to say we wouldn't fuck around?)
pls, not an evil route. we can be kazuma tier or another type of asshole, but pls not le ebil
Help ... the goblins and join the gang rape.

But you see, we can help and still be evil. We can guilt them into giving us stuff like material goods and information.
If this turns into one of those goblin scenarios, we should use the sword to cut our hair shorter. Long hair means it's easier for it to get tangled in things, and people can grab it for /rape/.
To be clear, we won't be going down any degenerate routes here. I'm not a smut writer.

With that said, helping seems to win by a small margin. Writing.
You hesitate for a moment while thinking things over. You have a sword, but you haven't practiced with it.
You've just woken up. You're confused, you don't know where you are or what you'd be getting into...
Why should you rush into danger for someone you don't even-


Ah, damn it! Your body is moving on it's own!
Your steps feel light, and although you stumble once or twice over the thick roots and brush, you're able to weave through the tree trunks and move at quite a speed in the direction of the screams.
It doesn't even take a minute before you reach the scene, a woman wearing robes and wielding a staff having been pushed to the ground by three club-wielding goblins.

Two of the goblins are holding the girl down while the third crawls up into her dress.
You think you hear a confused grunt for a moment before that third goblin's head is driven deep into the ground by your foot.

You pivot on that same foot, grinding it even deeper into the goblin's face as you swing your sword with everything you've got, not knowing how much power you'll need to put behind your strikes...
And you're surprised by what happens next.

Not only do the two remaining goblins get bisected at the waist, your cut actually seems to keep going, cutting down several large trees and kicking up tons of dust in the distance before finally stopping!

The girl opens her eyes and looks up to see you standing over her.

"Ah! You saved me, thank you so much!"

"...Are you alright?"

"Yes, just a few scratches. I Don't want to think about what those goblins might have done with me."

"Well, considering where this one was crawling..."

You kick at the goblin's body, since it's head seems to have been crushed.

"Sorry about the bloodstains. I don't have any money to replace your clothes."

"Oh, no worries! The church is quite good with that sort of thing. Regardless, you saved my life. Once they saw that i'm a boy, i'm sure they'd have torn me apart. You hear stories about it all the time, but i never thought..."

"Wait, what? But then, what's with the hair? And your voice?"

The girl... or boy rather, looks embarassed.

"Well, i'm not much of a fighter. I grew up in the church, mostly around women. I got confused for a girl so often that i just sort of went with it, you know? Oh, right! My name is Hinode, but my friends just call me Hino. I can't believe i forgot to introduce myself!"

"Oh, nice to meet you, i guess. I'm Chiho."

You pause at your own words. You'd said your name as naturally as breathing, but you can't for the life of you remember where you'd learned it. This is your name? Since when? Who'd given it to you?

"Miss? Are you alright? You blanked out there for a while..."

"Huh? Yeah, i'm fine..."

>"Anyways, what were you doing out here?"
>"Well, i'll be going now, if there's nothing else."
>"Hey, let's head back to town together, if you don't mind."
>"Anyways, what were you doing out here?"
>"Anyways, what were you doing out here?"
A trap husbandu, neat
>To be clear, we won't be going down any degenerate routes here.
>The girl... or boy rather, looks embarassed.
>ID changes to IsGROOlN
It's okay to prefer one type of degeneracy over another but don't pretend you're above it.
this anon is right OP
A boy who looks like a girl is still just a boy, you know.
Traps are gay, unless they're straight. Quote me on that.
you posting soon my dude ?
Yeah, writing now since no more votes are coming in.

"So, what were you doing out here all alone if you aren't a fighter?"

The boy's smile fades as he seems to remember something.

"Well, i wasn't alone. Sometimes we acolytes take on jobs as healers and porters at the adventurer's guild, to bring in extra money when donations are thin. However, we occasionally get taken advantage of and abused as temporary party members..."

He grips his staff tightly as he continues.

"Those three were part of a larger group, at least fifteen goblins with a hob leading them. I was with a group of four E-Ranked adventurers, so although it might have taken a while, they should have been able to handle it. But then, that thing showed up... A troll, or an ogre maybe. I'm not sure, since i've never seen one myself. All i know was, it was big. Their leader died instantly, crushed underfoot. When they saw that, well... they threw me to the wolves."

"Oh? How'd you survive, then?"

"Because of the big guy, funnily enough. Although they pushed me down and ran, he was more interested in the goblins. Once he'd picked up a pair in each hand and started chomping on them, the hob fled and his pack scattered with him. I guess in that sense, i'm quite lucky."

"Lucky? You were attacked by goblins and an ogre or something, betrayed by your teammates, then cornered and nearly cornholed. Doesn't seem very lucky to me."

"Cornhole...? Well, still, although all that happened, i didn't die. I wasn't eaten by that beast, and i was saved by you. There can be no light without darkness, as they say."

"I guess. So, what will you be doing from here?"

"Ah... well, i don't want to cause trouble. I'm sure the quest will have already been reported as a failure, so i should just return to the guild and pay the penalty fee. It shouldn't be more than a few coppers since it was just a goblin extermination."

>"You have fun with that, then." (head your separate ways)
>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."
>"Yeah, no need to rock the boat, i guess."
>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."
>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."
>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."
>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."
>If you really don't need your spine, can I have it? I think I could find a black market seller somewhere around here. The change could help me get started in this world.
>>"What, are you stupid? You need to report those assholes."

"That's pretty spineless of you, isn't it?"


"I said you're an idiot, and you need to report them for attempted murder. To the guild, to the police, anyone."

"N-No, i can't! If they cause a fuss, it might come back to the church!"

"And if you don't, they'll end up throwing someone else to the wolves when their lives are on the line. You got lucky this time, but what happens when the next person isn't? They aren't fit for this job, plain and simple."


You aren't having it. Grabbing Hino by the collar, you begin dragging him in what you hope is the direction of town.
It doesn't take long before you find a road and follow the merchant caravans to the city gate, where a heavily armored guard looks at you with suspicion.

"You're one of the priests, ain'cha? Who's this that's got you by the scruff here?"

"Uhm, well, this is Chiho, a new friend of mine..."

"You need some help, kid? Blink twice if she's got you by the jewels."

"No, no, no! It's not like that! She actually saved me in the forest earlier, honest."

"Yo, Ironsides. Bet all that armor's cold in this weather."

"A bit. Alright, go on in. Don't cause any trouble, i'll remember you with hair like that."

Once you pass through the large, wooden portal separating the town from the outside, your eyes are greeted mainly with squat stone buildings, each at least two stories tall.
They appear to be houses, and many have old men sitting around on their porches, talking and whittling away or sipping on warm tea.
Each building has a chimney, most if not all of which are in use, undoubtedly driving away the chill that hangs in the air.

Further inside, the upper floors of buildings seem to be made of wood rather than stone, although the foundation and bottom floor are still made of field stones and cement.
The main road is paved with cobblestones, and seems well worn. Side roads are made of dirt or gravel, and you can see groups of people hanging about in the alleyways. Public order must not be good here.

"Alright, big guy. Where's the guild? Let's get this taken care of."

"N-Now, be reasonable... i really don't- AH!"

Hoisting him up over your shoulder, you begin walking towards the largest building in the town square.
Burly men regularly walk in and out wielding swords and spears, almost everyone wearing some kind of armor or another. There's a few smaller men wielding bows as well.

"Must be the place" You think to yourself.

When you walk in, heads immediately turn towards you.
It's immediately obvious that there aren't many women in this guild, and those that are here happen to be much smaller than you. You're actually a bit taller than a lot of the men, here.

There's a bit of a line for the receptionist, so you set Hino down and quietly wait your turn.
Hino's gaze seems to catch something, which he immediately begins to avoid. Before you can question him though, trouble decides to present itself.

"Oi, ain'tchu a sweet thing?"

There's a particularly fat and ugly bastard standing before you, and he stinks like sweat and BO.
You hear some of the patrons whispering to eachother.

"Shit, Keg's at it again"

"Just stay out of it, you know what he's like..."

"I feel bad for her, but there's nothing we can do against a C-Rank like him."

Your attention turns back to this "Keg" fellow as he leans in entirely too close to get a look at you.
Hino seems to have fallen on his ass, a whimpering mess. Seems he might have had an encounter with this guy in the past.
Keg licks his lips and stands tall once more, at least a full head taller even than you.

"Tell me now, what's a honeyed lass like you doin' in this shithole? How's about i take you back to my place for a while? Away from all this? Gehehe!"

>"I'm going to start hitting you now. I don't know when i'm going to stop."
>"No thanks, i prefer men who don't have to dig through fat folds to find their dick."
>"I'm not looking for trouble. Please leave us alone."
>>"No thanks, i prefer men who don't have to dig through fat folds to find their dick."
>I'm going to start hitting you now. I don't know when i'm going to stop."
>"I'm going to start hitting you now. I don't know when i'm going to stop."
>"I'm going to start hitting you now. I don't know when i'm going to stop."
Also going to assume this is Chiho's general appearance
>>"No thanks, i prefer men who don't have to dig through fat folds to find their dick."
>"No thanks, i prefer men who don't have to dig through fat folds to find their dick."
We'll do a mix, then.
Update probably this evening

You can feel the shit-eating grin spread across your face.

"No thanks, i prefer men who don't have to dig through fat folds to find their dick."

Everyone watching the situation visibly recoils at that line, and although he's behind you, you're pretty sure Hino has passed out from fear.
Keg's face twists up and turns cherry red, exactly the reaction you were looking for.
He rears his fist back and punches you square in the gut, sending you flying into a nearby table that splinters on impact.
It hurts, but you've felt plenty worse.

The other adventurers are in a clamor, and some rush to leave through the guild's doors as Keg rambles something you don't quite hear over the blood rushing through your ears.
Slowly, you stand up from the debris and run your hand over your stomach, where Keg had punched you.

You sigh.

"I'm going to start hitting you now. I don't know when i'm going to stop."


Keg can't even get a full word out before you've crossed the distance between you.
Your fist meets his face with significant force, and you can see the fat rippling down his non-existent neck as you grab him by the shoulders and raise your knee up to meet his jaw.
His head is blown backwards by the force, but your grip remains firm and you pull his torso back towards you, so that you can meet him head on. Literally.
Your headbutt knocks him down with such force that his clothes are torn where you'd been holding them, allowing him to slam into the ground.

It's only been a few seconds, but you can feel yourself breathing heavily as you drop down and begin beating him severely.
With every successive punch, blood flies from his shattered face and his head is buried a little further into the broken floorboards.
You wail on him for what seems like ages, fueled by an anger that, at the very least, feels righteous.

It goes on, and on and on, until eventually something stops you.
A large and hardened hand grabs your own, preventing you from landing a particularly heavy blow.
As you're snapped out of it, you can hear Keg gurgling through the blood pooled in his mouth.
You turn to look at who's holding your arm, and find a very large and muscular man, dressed in simple clothes.
His complexion is dusky. A short, curly beard adorns his face, and his head seems perfectly waxed.
He's looking down at you with a frown on his face.

"Let's leave it at that, little miss."

His voice is low and demanding.
Some of the remaining adventurers speak up.

"Guild Master!"

"We saw everything! It was Keg, of course! He punched the hell out of her!"

"That bastard got what was coming to him!"

The guild master's iron grip slowly loosens, and your arm falls limp by your side. You're still trying to catch your breath, feeling exceptionally exhausted for some reason.
Not just physically, but mentally as well.

"Kawa-chan, please take a few adventurers with you and bring Keg-san to the church. I'll deal with this."

One of the guild receptionists, a girl with cat-like ears and golden-brown hair responds.

"Of course, guild master."

They begin hoisting the fat man up and slowly drag him out of the guild, while the master ushers you towards the back.
The old man offers you a clay cup full of water and gives you a moment to catch your breath before introducing himself.

"Now then, my name is Kurai, and i'm the Master of Koseki Town's adventurer guild. Do you mind introducing yourself?"

"My name is... Chiho. I'm... well, i don't really know. A vagabond, i guess."

Kurai seems surprised at this.

"You aren't an adventurer? You seemed at least upper C-Class to me."

You shake your head, to which the old man stops and thinks for a moment before smiling.

"Attacking a civilian, huh? That's all i need. You've just solved a long-running issue for me, little miss."

"So, what? Is that it? Am i off the hook?"

The old man laughs heartily, wiping the tears from his eyes after a while.

"Yeah, No."

Well, that's not what you wanted to hear.

"You're lucky that happened in the guild, otherwise the guards might have gotten their hands on you. No, i'll just have you do a little work for me to pay off the damages from your scuffle, alright?"

You get the sense that you're being dragged into something, but there isn't much you can do about it.

>Let it happen
>Try to run away
>Let it happen
>Ask him why do we have to pay anything if it was the fatso fault ?
bruh the only real damage was done by the fatso who destroyed that table. why the fuck do we need to pay for anything ?
You damaged the floor by pounding Keg's head into it.
Although Keg started it, you were both involved.

Of course, the guild master doesn't actually care about any of that, though. The guild brings in more than enough money to pay for a table and some floorboards.
You'll see what he's up to eventually.
>Let it happen
But I want to be payed ones the damages are settled.
>>Try to run away
you sound like a coward
>Let it happen
Letting it happens wins it, writing

The thought of trying to run flashes through your mind for a moment, but that passes as quickly as it came.
Looking over the muscular old man before you, remembering how he stopped you so easily, you decide against it.
You get the feeling that he's strong enough to catch you even if you'd ran.

"...I suppose i don't have much choice in the matter, do i?"

The old man chuckles.

"Fraid not. Don't worry though, i don't think you'll have any trouble with this sort of work."

Speaking of work reminds you of why you came here in the first place.

"Oh, that's right. We actually came here to report some adventurers. I don't actually know the rules regarding this sort of thing, but surely there must be some sort of punishment."

"Normally i'd have you talk to Kawa, but since we're here... alright, go ahead and shoot."

"My acquaintance, Hino. He's one of the acolytes from the church, right? Well, he went on a subjugation quest with some group, and when this big monster showed up, they shoved him forwards as a sacrifice, then ran for their lives. Hino said they were the "Red Thorns", i think."

"Damn. Yeah, that happens from time to time. Don't worry, they'll be penalized. I'll make sure to work their asses off, and they won't be gettin' any free healing from the church anymore."

The old man scratches his chin as he thinks about something.

"What was that about some big monster, though? I ain't heard about anything like that in these parts for a while now."

"Hino said it was either an ogre or a troll, i think. Some giant humanoid monster. He isn't sure what they look like though, so take it with a grain of salt."

His expression turns sour, and he begins digging through a pile of papers on his desk.
Pulling one out, he points to a spot on a map and asks you to look.
As you do, it feels like all the topographical information about the area flows into your head rapidly...

"Uh... yeah, it was around there. Shit, my head's killing me."

"Probably just the adrenaline, kid. Alright, i'll send some boys out to take a look at it. In the meantime, head out back to the training yard. I need to see what you can really do."

When you head out of the guildmaster's office, you see Hino being treated to a cup of water by one of the remaining receptionists. He looks totally out of it, so you just grab him and head out back as ordered.
It takes about ten minutes, but someone eventually comes to meet you. It's not the guildmaster, though.
A tall, skinny man with pointed ears and long, golden hair greets you.

"Greetings, young lady. My name is Elynwynn, and i'm an instructor for new recruits here at the guild. I'll be proctoring your entrance exam today."

"Wait, what entrance exam? The old man said i'd be working for him, but he didn't say i'd have to join his guild!"

"Well, you'll have to talk to him about that. I'm just here to do my job. Now, from what i hear, you gave Keg quite the beating earlier..."

"He got what was coming to him."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm well aware of his personality. More importantly, it shows you have quite a bit of power for someone who's never had training. Keg-san might have been a meathead, but he did manage to make C-Rank at one point. Just barely. That was years ago though, and and he never got anywhere after that. Still made use of the title, for sure though."

"Yeah? Wait, how do you know i've never had training?"

"It's in the way you carry yourself. Your posture is lax, your eyes are alert but not focused on your surroundings. Your only weapon is an old-styled sword slung across your back, where you can't even unsheathe it properly. You speak confidently, but i can hear uncertainty in your voice. You're strong, i'm sure, but you're no fighter."

"That's... very observant of you."

"It's my job to judge a new student's abilities, after all."

You're about to speak, when suddenly Elynwynn launches himself at you!
You weren't expecting it, but still you manage to lean back and let his punch fly over your head, inches from your face.
Leaning back so far leaves you off balance, so you catch yourself with your left arm and try to right yourself, but before you get any further he's already kicked you in the ribs, sending you rolling to the side.
You pop back up to your feet rather quickly, but the elf is nowhere to be seen when you do.
A cold metal blade slides it's way across your neck.

"About what i expected. You were able to keep up with my movements, for the most part. Not bad."

The blade pulls away from your neck, and you see that he had dragged the blunt back edge across your throat.
If he'd wanted to, that would have been the end. He was getting that point across thoroughly.

"I'd say you make good front line material. You could be a decent rogue with some training, but with your power you're more suited for a long blade or a mace. We should still get Amai-San to check your mana level and attributes, but you'd be fine even without the arts, in my opinion."

"Alright, so what's next, then?"

"Like i said, we could go get your attributes measured. Or, we could get to work on swordsmanship training right away. There's also free dinner for any recruits who manage to pass the basic training course, if you're interested in that."

>Go get your magic measured, see where you stand
>Start on swordsmanship training right away
>...You don't have any money, so a free dinner sounds nice.
>...You don't have any money, so a free dinner sounds nice.
>...You don't have any money, so a free dinner sounds nice.
>Go get your magic measured, see where you stand
>...You don't have any money, so a free dinner sounds nice.
Get a maul. Maul's are like cooler versions of maces?
The world's your oyster.
You'll have to vote on it when the time comes, though.
>>Go get your magic measured, see where you stand
>>Go get your magic measured, see where you stand
Again, a mix.
Your stomach growls at the mention of dinner.
You suppose you haven't actually eaten in a while.

"Is there time to make it through the course after getting my magic measured?"

"For a normal recruit? No. You'll be fine if you just hurry through it, though."

"Well, it's settled then. I'm new to this town, so could you...?"

"Oh, don't worry. She's right next door, kind of impossible to miss by the smell alone. Beastfolk actually tend to avoid it."

Well, he wasn't kidding. As you round the corner a colorful little shop comes into view, and you're hit in the face by a wall of strange herbal aromas. Literally a wall, as if the stench cuts off at an exact spot.

When you enter, a bell rings to alert the shopowner. You see her in the corner, a woman with flowing dark brown hair, long, flowing robes and what you'd consider a stereotypical wizard's hat on her head. She's reading a large, ornate-looking tome and barely looks up as you walk through.

The building itself is cluttered, to say the least. There are books, instruments, herbs and all sorts of junk lying around, some of it piled up on tables and other out on display.

"Mother, there's a customer!"

The voice of a young woman sounds out from behind a stack of books.

"I'm aware, Milly. Why don't you take care of them?"

The young woman sighs out in frustration.
Placing her stack of books down, you see that she has similarly dark hair kept in a bob, her freckled face adorned by thin round-rimmed glasses.

"Sorry about that. Were you looking for the joint cream?"

"Er, no. I'm actually here to get my magic measured. Elynwynn said you could help me."

"Oh! You don't look the adventuring type... well, sure. Let's see, i think the ball was around here somewhere..."

Milly searches for a moment or two without success, when suddenly her mother speaks up with surprising authority in her voice.


Her hand raised, a large glass sphere suddenly appears where none was before.
You hear something fall over somewhere in the back of the shop. Fortunately, nothing seems to have broken.

"Honestly, mother! If we had a bigger shop and kept the place tidy, there'd be no need for that!"

"If you don't like the family shop, you're free to leave."

Milly can only grumble as she takes the orb and brings you over to a small table with two chairs to sit, clearing away a pile of glassware to make room.
She sets the orb into a small wooden bowl built into the table.

"Alright, just place your hand on top and channel some magic into it."

"...How do i channel my magic?"

You can actually hear Amai stifling her laugh as she buries her face deeper in that dusty old tome.

"Er... well, like this, i suppose?"

You see the air shimmer around her as she focuses, and then a series of multicolored lights appear in the globe, seeming to dance and play with eachother until she stops the flow of magic.

"That was beautiful, but i don't think i'm any closer to understanding..."
Rolled 1 (1d6)


Milly can't help but scratch her head in confusion.

"I dunno, it's weird. Normally people just know how to do it. How do i explain something that's like moving your arms and legs?"

Amai appears behind you, almost completely silent. You felt a presence more than anything, otherwise you'd have never known.

"Interesting, isn't it? Although you should have learnt to feel out your magic by the time you could walk, here you are. Unable to feel it at all, as if you were a newborn."

You don't like how hard she's looking you over. She definitely suspects something weird about you, which you can't exactly deny. Everything seems weird to you right now, and you're just kind of along for the ride.

"Did you know? A mother Bird of Paradise will kick her chicks right out of the nest. Either they'll learn to fly, or they'll fall and hit the ground. Maybe you just need a little kick..."

"Depends on the kind of kick, i guess."

"Oho, interested? It's simple, really. All i need to do is force my mana into your body through your heart. The mana will be carried through your veins and open up your own mana channels, allowing you feel and manipulate your own mana. Of course, it'll be a very unpleasant experience. Very... intimate, as well."

"Alright. Will there by any side effects?"

"Mmm. Well, you might be a bit sore afterwards. You should be careful not to use too much magic as well, or it might kill you. Otherwise, nothing major."

"What kinds of magic will i be able to use?"

"That depends entirely on your own nature. We still haven't seen what elements you favor, so who knows? Maybe you'll have no proficiency at all. Even if that's the case though, you should still be able to light a campfire or something, so it won't be completely useless."

Well, it doesn't seem like there are too many risks.
Should you try it?

>Acquire magic
>Don't acquire magic

Either way, roll me 3d6, best of 3
Rolled 5, 3, 1 = 9 (3d6)

>Acquire magic
Let’s hope for the best with dice
Rolled 3, 6, 1 = 10 (3d6)

>Acquire magic
Rolled 2, 4, 5 = 11 (3d6)

>Acquire magic
What was your roll for ?
Major elemental affinity
Rolled 4, 1, 6 = 11 (3d6)

>>Don't acquire magic
This post is fake and gay. Theres no reason to not wanting magic.

"Alright, let's go for it."

A massive grin spreads across Amai's face, while Milly just looks worried.

"Perfect! Milly, go grab the measuring tools and my spectroscope."

"Oh geeze, here she goes again."

A book and large feathered quill float over into Amai's hands and she begins scribbling away, while Milly unlocks a cabinet and begins attaching some weird device made out of iron and brass tubes to the crystal ball from before.
Amai sets a glass-like crystal into the back of the device and, throwing up two fingers in front of her face, sets it into place with a small chant.

You're starting to feel less like doing this.

"Don't mind me... uh, what was your name again?"


"Right, right, Chiho-chan. Don't worry one bit, i'm just going to place a few sensors at some vital points..."


Apparently, "placing sensors" means stabbing you with little brass needles.

"Sorry about this, mom gets really excited about her research..."

"I want a discount when i buy shit here in the future."

"Sure, sure, just sit still. Alright, that should be the last gate. Are you ready to begin?"

"No, i'm definitely not. I regret all of this."

"Right, let's do it!"

Amai moves in and bring you into her embrace. Her body smells like sweet, smokey herbs.
You can hear her gently humming a tune, a slow, simple and happy-sounding melody. At the same time, the air around you begins to shimmer, and you feel a dull, comfortable warmth spread throughout your body.
Then, it feels like the world explodes. The shimmering air churns and vibrates violently, and it feels like you're being crushed from the inside out!
You can't breathe, you can't move, you can't even think properly. Amai however, doesn't act any differently.
Her gentle tune continues as if nothing were wrong, while a burning sensation begins flooding your veins, starting from your chest.
You begin to struggle, trying to escape her grasp, but she holds you tight and just pats your back as the burning continues to spread.

It lasts for several more minutes before the pain begins to lessen, and eventually you're able to breathe again. She still hasn't finished, though.
Although you're sweating and breathing heavily, Amai doesn't look like she's lifted a finger.
She pulls back and holds your hand, slowly drawing a black crest across the back of your hand with her finger. It sizzles as it sets into your skin, but doesn't hurt.
You see the veins in your hand glow a deep orange, pulsing in tune with your heart before fading back out. The crest itself fades away shortly afterwards.

"There we go, all done. See, it wasn't that bad, was it? You didn't even lose consciousness!"

You can only gasp out your response.

"Fuck you... hah... that was... awful..."

"Milly, what did the graph read?"

Milly looks over a long sheet of paper feeding out of the machine she'd hooked you up to.

"This is... i'm not sure, honestly. I have no idea what to make of these."

"Here, let me see."

Amai takes the paper and looks it over herself. Her eyes narrow as they trace over it again and again.
She looks back and forth between you and the paper, eventually raising her eyebrow as she settles on you.

"Oh, whatever. I won't be able to do anything with this until i send it off to the college anyhow."

You're gestured over to the table with the crystal ball, where Amai sits across from you.

"First off, can you see this?"

She raises her finger into the air, and what was once a shimmer is now clear as day. A whitish glow flows from the tip of her finger and takes the shape of a number.

"It's a four, isn't it?"

"Good, looks like your eyes are open at least. I know the crest has set well, since i did it myself. Now all that's left is to look at your affinities."

"Wait, what was up with the crest? Nobody told me anything about that."

"Oh, that? Well, it's a bit complicated. Some people describe it as a lightning rod, a tuning fork, or just a glorified wand. All you need to know is that it's a tool young mages use to focus their power, and the one i gave you is a bit different from the one you'd get at an academy. Older seals, much more direct and blunt in their purpose, but it's effective. That crest will never let you down."

She taps the crystal ball impatiently.

"Come on, hurry it up. You should be able to feel the flow now, so just move it into the ball."

Doing as you're told, you place your hand atop the ball and start feeling out your magic.
It's that same warm and comfortable feeling as before, just before the burning started... but it doesn't burn at all this time.
Just like she said, you can feel the flow of magic through your veins, pulsing in time with your heartbeat.
It's easy as can be to will the flow out from the palm of your hand and into the crystal ball.

One after another, those same little dancing lights begin shining within.
One black, one white, one yellow, one blue, one green, and then...
The last one to appear is orange. It's small at first, but quickly grows larger and larger, engulfing all the others and filling the entire orb with a brilliant, shining light.

"Enough, enough! Take your hand off!"

You're already pulling away, but it's too late. The orb shatters and a faint mist escapes from the cracks...

"Ahhh, damn it... those are a pain in the ass to replace."

"I'm not gonna have to pay for that, am i?"

"No, no, don't worry about it... this data is worth far more, to me at least."

Amai removes the crystal from the machine attached to the orb, itself now glowing a brilliant orange.
She holds it up to her eye for a moment before heading into a back room, from which she doesn't return.

"Sorry again about mother, that's just how she is."

"...So can you teach me a spell now, or something?"

"Erm, what? Me? I mean, i guess... mother's going to be busy for a while and we don't get any foot traffic anyways, so..."
Rolled 28 (1d100)


From the way Milly explains it, you seem to have at least some affinity for all the elements, which while somewhat rare isn't extremely uncommon.
However, your affinity for fire is absolutely off the charts.

You'll be able to learn anything you want within reason, but as far as flame magic goes, you essentially have unlimited potential.
However, you'll still need to put in the work to reach that potential, apparently.

"Alright, what sort of magic would you like to learn? I only have affinities with fire, wind and water, but i can also use lightning, which is a compound magic consisting of fire and air."

Well, what'll it be?

what was the roll for ?
let's start with what we can do better first
Milly's effectiveness at teaching.
That's an oof, good thing you're just learning the basics.
>However, your affinity for fire is absolutely off the charts.
>You'll be able to learn anything you want within reason, but as far as flame magic goes, you essentially have unlimited potential.
Changing vote to fire. I wanna light myself on fire and charge a fucker. Maybe do a firebreath on some monster.
Since fire is a part of lightning anyhow and your affinity is so high, i'll allow both.
Update will be in the morning. Also, i got a mechanical keyboard and i'll need to get used to typing on it. Feels good so far!
Loving lightning. Also loving your story. Feels like reading a random light novel. I'm enjoying it, a heroine who doesn't take peoples shit is always fun when they arent being used for an agenda.

That said, when I was reading it, I kinda was picturing Ais Wallenstein (How to pick up girls in a dungeon) with red hair. That's kinda just what came to mind I suppose.
Thanks! That's what i'm going for, just a generic isekai novel with some player interaction.
I'll be updating later, once i've had some coffee and whatnot. It's 6:30 AM over here.

"A bit of fire and lightning would be nice."

"Oh! Uhm, sure... okay. No, no, it's fine, i can handle it, i think..."

Milly seems to be whispering to herself about something, but you can't quite hear her.

"Alright, so there are a few different parts to casting magic. First, you need to be able to gather and manipulate your mana. Second, you need to be able to imagine the form your mana will take, and third, you need a strong will to force the magic into being. Most mages use incantations as a sort of mantra, training by repeating them over and over while imagining the spell. It helps them to concentrate and..."

Blah, blah, blah. It doesn't take long for her to start rambling about theory and history that mean absolutely nothing to you right now. What you take away from it is that, if you have a firm image, a strong will and enough control, you can skip the chanting process entirely.

"So, with all that said, the first step to casting a fire-based spell is to transmute your mana to match a flame's wavelength... as for how you do that, well..."

"Something like this?"

Holding up a finger, you manage to convert a small amount of mana into a gentle, candle-like flame. It doesn't take any effort at all, and you manage it on your first try.

"Yes! Thank goodness... A lot of mages have a hard time learning to alter their mana's wavelength, since it usually requires a deep understanding of the element they're trying to match. The training mother had me go through was too much, honestly..."

"What sort of training was it, if you don't mind me asking?"

Milly shudders as she seems to remember it all.

"For air, i was sent to the top of the highest mountain in the world, a place where you could suffocate in minutes. I had to gather the air around me constantly in order to survive."

"I thought you had to learn how to alter your mana's wavelength first?"

"In order to create the element you want to use, yes. However, a small amount of mana exists in all things. Every rock, every puddle, every campfire, they all contain a portion of elemental mana. As long as your control is good, you can harness that little bit of mana and control elements that already exist in nature, rather than generating them from your own mana."

"I see... so then for the other elements?"

"They involved drowning and being burned, yes. Using lightning was my own endeavor, something i wanted to learn to make mother a bit more proud of me. I haven't gotten very far with it, though..."

"Well, have you actually been shocked by it before? If all the other training worked like that, maybe it would help you progress."

"I haven't, except for static of course. That's actually about as far as i've gotten. It's hard to find a mage who actually uses lightning magic, so it's hard to get "hands on experience" as it were. It's said that the first lightning mages were actually monks who'd been struck by real lightning back in the third era-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on there, please."

It takes some time due to Milly's roundabout storytelling methods of teaching, but you eventually manage to both create and control fire as well as air to a reasonable degree. Amai shoos you out of her shop after you nearly set fire to a stack of papers, so the remainder of your study ends up being done in the alleyway behind the store.

"Alright, now as for lightning, it's a bit different. You see, lightning isn't a base element, it's a compound that lies somewhere between fire and air, so tuning your mana to the proper wavelength without any training is actually quite difficult. In fact, i'd be surprised if you can do it at all on the first attempt."

"Alright. Try sparking me up with whatever you've got first, maybe i'll catch on to something."

"R-Really? Are you sure? I mean, i can't be shocked by my own magic, so i'm not entirely sure, but even a spark of that size is sure to hurt..."

"Don't worry, i can take it. Probably. If i can't, just call for your mom and i'm sure she'll restart my heart somehow."

"That's not particularly encouraging."

"Come on, just do it!"

"Alright, here we... go!"

Your eyes go wide as you see the length of the "spark" she's generating between her fingers.
How many tens of thousands of volts must that be...? It doesn't look particularly hot, so the amps shouldn't be...
And that's where your memory cuts out. When you awake, Amai is standing over you with a grin on her face.

"Milly, you shouldn't go testing spells out on the recruits like that, you know?"

"You're one to talk!"

Oh man, that really got you, huh? Lightning magic might be more powerful than you thought, at least as long as you can get the charge to go across the enemy's heart...

"Well, did you at least learn anything from the experience, young lady?"

"Uhh... not really? I can't actually remember what happened. Damn, and i thought i'd had enough of that already..."

"Oho? Well, i'm sure you'll manage. However, don't you have somewhere you need to be? The training grounds should be open by now, shouldn't they?"

Ah, shit! This took longer than you'd thought after all, especially with all the rambling...
Thanking Amai and Milly for their time, you rush off towards the back of the guild where you'd measured up against Elynwynn earlier.

When you get there, Elynwynn is already speaking to a few young-looking adventurers wearing a minimal amount of gear, and they all turn to look at you when you arrive.

"Ah, i see our newest recruit has decided to join us after all. Go ahead and line up, i''ll continue where i left off."

One of the recruits, a boy with short blonde hair and a sword at his waist snickers at your tardiness as you like up next to him. He nearly doubles over when you elbow him in the ribs, though.

"Now then, as i was saying, today's regimen will include courses for building strength, stamina, accuracy and agility. By which i mean, you'll be working out until you puke, swinging practice swords until your arms go numb and running the obstacle course until you pass out."

"Ahhh man! Come on, can't you show us some cool ki-blade techniques like the knight paladins use? Just this once?"

"Let me think. Mmm... no."

"Hard ass..."

"You've certainly got a lot of energy to talk back like that. I'm sure you won't mind running twice as many laps around the residential district today, since that's the case."


You get to work on strength training right away. It mostly involves lifting and balancing heavy pots of water.
While you're working, one of the recruits, a girl with rabbit-like ears and white fur across her arms turns to speak to you.

"Hi there! The name's Ninjin. You can just call me Nina. It's nice to meet another female adventurer, there aren't too many of us after all"

"Mmh. I'm Chiho. And we aren't technically adventurers yet, i don't think."

"Well, maybe not yet, but someday! Master Elynwynn thinks i've got promise as a rogue, so i've really been working on my dagger skills lately."

"Oh yeah? What does being a rogue entail exactly, anyways? He said i might have some potential for that too, but didn't go into detail."

"Well, you know... picking locks, moving quietly, disarming traps, stabbing people in the back, stealing stuff..."

"Those all sound very illegal, or at least sketchy as heck."

"I wouldn't do it in the city, obviously! Those are all important skills to have in the dungeon, though!"


"What, you don't know? There's a dungeon here in Koseki town, down in the mines!"

"And what exactly is a dungeon?"

"Wow, you must really be a country bumpkin or something, huh?"

Well, it's not like you can tell her that you just woke up this morning with no memories of your past whatsoever.
Sure, a country bumpkin. Why not go with that?

"Look, i can't help where i grew up, alright?"

"Well, it's alright! Adventurers need to stick together, right? Female ones even moreso! We can watch eachother's backs, and i'll teach you everything you need to know about adventuring! Hehe."

Oh god, that smile is just too cute. You almost want to pat her head, but you manage to restrain yourself.
Just as well, because Elynwynn comes by and cracks you both across the head with a stick for chatting too much during training.

The training goes on for a while, but you don't find it particularly difficult. In fact, you finish well before the others in just about everything. Only the obstacle course gives you any trouble, because your balance seems to be off for some reason.
The others finish just as the sun sets, and everyone except you seems exhausted.

"Hah... hah... what the... what the hell! No way... i got beat... by a girl!"

The blonde boy doesn't seem to happy at his loss, but you don't particularly care either way.
>Holding up a finger, you manage to convert a small amount of mana into a gentle, candle-like flame. It doesn't take any effort at all, and you manage it on your first try.
>Dragon's Breath soon

>The blonde boy doesn't seem to happy at his loss, but you don't particularly care either way.
Fucking just flex on him by picking him up and use him as a weight. Do squats.

Elynwynn greets you as you return to the guild hall and directs you to some open tables where there's a spread of rather bland looking food laid out.
There's bread, soup, what looks like baked chicken breast, and some sort of steak with a side of veggies. The steak is by far the best-looking thing on the menu, even though it doesn't look to have been cooked very well.

"Did they stiff us? I know it's a free meal, but damn.."

"Hmm? This looks pretty good though, doesn't it? It's not every day you get to eat some high quality meat like this on a commoner's budget!"

"Eh? This is high quality meat? No way..."

You're devastated, to say the least. Still, your stomach's rumbling pushes you to eat regardless.
You're rather fond of veggies on their own, but they're still really bland, as if they've been boiled without seasoning...
The meat however, is pretty delicious. The chicken tastes like... chicken. The steak however, you can't properly describe. The meat is dry and tough as hell, which you attribute to whatever shitty cook ruined it, but the flavor is amazing! It's incredibly savory and even a bit sweet, with a light taste of salt that you're absolutely certain comes from the meat itself rather than any seasonings added during cooking.
You can't imagine how good it would have been if it were cooked properly, which makes this all the more tragic.

"Chiho-san, are you alright? You're crying..."

"Oh, i'm fine. It's just so... good."


The blond-haired kid is stuffing his face full of meat, only stopping to wash it down with soup.
You figure you might as well try it as well, and you find that it seems to be some kind of bone stock with sliced veggies and a bit of added salt. It's plain, but still the most tolerable thing you've tasted so far.
The bread is actually pretty decent, with a light but slightly odd sweetness and a dry texture that makes it good for dipping in your soup.
When the others see you doing this, they all try it as well and seem quite happy with the results.

The meal lasts for a while, and although your belly is full, you can't honestly say you feel satisfied by it.
If this is what passes for a "good" meal here, you're going to need to make some money and find some ingredients to cook for yourself.
After everyone's done eating you all say your goodbyes and head off... home?

Shit, where are you going to sleep tonight? It wouldn't be good to just fall asleep in an alleyway somewhere, and leaving the safety of the town walls is a big risk as well.

What to do?

>Maybe Amai and Milly will let you stay the night? You're all women, so surely they'll understand...
>Come to think of it, didn't i lose track of Hino at some point? Maybe he's at the church. I'm sure they'd take me in...
>Technically, sneaking into an inn through the window is an option? There are definitely guards roaming about, though...
>There shouldn't be too many monsters close to the city walls, right? I'm sure i can get away with it...
>You're devastated, to say the least.
Btf I think medieval Europe peasant ate mostly carbs and the wealthy ate meat?

>Maybe Amai and Milly will let you stay the night? You're all women, so surely they'll understand...
>Come to think of it, didn't i lose track of Hino at some point? Maybe he's at the church. I'm sure they'd take me in...
>>Maybe Amai and Milly will let you stay the night? You're all women, so surely they'll understand...
Oh for sure they will.

Also, food description. Loving it. I don’t know why, but I’m always happy when old time food is described as unseasoned and bland. Maybe it just makes sense to me, so that makes me happy?

Either way, get you some herbs, spices, peppers and most importantly SALT!
>>Come to think of it, didn't i lose track of Hino at some point? Maybe he's at the church. I'm sure they'd take me in...
>>Come to think of it, didn't i lose track of Hino at some point? Maybe he's at the church. I'm sure they'd take me in...
Calling it for Hino and the church.

After thinking for a while, you decide to head for the church and see if you can't meet back up with Hino, who seems to have walked off at some point without saying goodbye. Rude.
You don't have to walk too far from the guild, as you can actually see the steeple from it's front steps, some distance off near the residential area.

The sun has already set, but the buildings and streets are mostly lit up by what seem to be little glowing crystals of some sort. They vary in brightness and color significantly, but all the street lights are much brighter than the ones used on houses, signs and the like.

When you actually reach the church, you find the main doors locked. However, a passing priestess sees you and, after a brief questioning, guides you to a side entrance for receiving guests.

Once inside you're seated in a small, modest room and asked to wait. Again, you're offered a clay cup full of cold well-water. It's like nobody drinks tea or juice in this place. They didn't even offer beer back at the guild, and by god you could use a beer.

After what feels like a solid half hour, an older woman with grey hair and a habit over her head enters the room.
She sits across from you and introduces herself rather quietly. You suppose someone must be sleeping by now.

"Hello. My name is Aureus Tela, the Mother of this Church of Deities. I understand that you've saved one of our children out in the forest, today. The church thanks you deeply for your kindness."

"Oh. Well, you're welcome. My name is Chiho, and i came here hoping to... maybe spend the night? I don't exactly have a place to stay. Or any money. Or any friends or family. I did manage to get a meal today, though!"

The Mother gives you a look that tells you she feels particularly sorry for you, right about now.

"Well, it's always been a part of the church's duty to help those in need, within reason. If you need a place to sleep, i see no reason to deny you."

"Cool. So, is there a bed somewhere, or...?"

This isn't a bed. It's not even a house, actually.
No, instead you've been given a room in the church's stables and allowed to sleep atop a pile of hay.
At least this particular pile of hay is fresh and clean, so you suppose your dignity is at least partially intact.

According to the mother, only members of the church are even allowed in their assigned sleeping areas to prevent "fraternization" as she called it, so letting a visitor in was absolutely out of the question.
But, beggars can't be choosers, and although this isn't what you were expecting, the wooden walls do keep the wind out, and the hay covering your body keeps the chill away.
The smell of five or so horses is just a bonus.

You do feel oddly tired, so it doesn't take long for you to fall into a dreamless sleep that night.
The next morning, you're awoken to the sensation of being licked by something...
Popping up from the hay pile, you see one of the paint horses has taken a liking to your fingers.
Where's our trap healer?

It takes you a moment to shake off the sleepiness. As you pick bits of hay out of your hair, you hear someone speaking to you.


It's Hino, who seems to be hiding behind the entrance to the barn. Only half his face is showing.

"You aren't going to suddenly provoke someone dangerous again, are you?"

You just look at him blankly for a moment, and yawn. Honestly, you have no idea.

"I'unno. Depends."

Hino sighs heavily, which you ignore because you're entirely too busy petting this particularly friendly horse on the nose.

"That's not... oh, nevermind. You aren't even listening."

After stretching a bit, you make your way out into the cool morning air, which is lit by the slowly rising sun. Just as you start to set out, your belly starts rumbling.

"Mother Aureus told me to come get you, and said that you were welcome at breakfast. If you want..."

You're not one to starve yourself, so you accept his offer.
The church's mess hall is kind of a dining room and kitchen all in one, with several acolytes cooking breakfast in the meal prep area while quite a few others are already sat down and eating, including quite a few children in somewhat ragged clothes. Orphans, if you had to guess.

Passing by the meal station, Hino asks for two bowls, which he's given.
You sit together at the long dining table and begin to eat.
Today's breakfast, by the way, is some sort of wheat gruel. Or, is it grits? Somewhere inbetween, maybe?
It has a similar flavor to the bread from yesterday, with that strange sweetness to it. Except more bland.

Hino has been chatting with his fellow acolytes between spoonfulls of mush, but you on the other hand have been pestered by the children almost since you sat down.

"You're really tall!"

"Her hair is so pretty! And it smells like hay!"

"Hey, hey, are you an orphan too, miss?"

Thankfully, one of the acolytes comes by to rescue you, and removes one of the children from your shoulders.

"That's enough, children. You know better than to bother a guest!"


The rest of breakfast goes by without much interruption, although you do still hear the children all talking about you.
It's probably pretty boring around here, so a new face is something worth talking about.

"So, are you headed back to the guild for another job, Hino?"

"Ah... i mean, after yesterday, i'm not so sure... What if that thing is still out there?"

"Hmm. Well, there's always some risk in that line of work, isn't there? It's fine as long as you've got someone to protect you, isn't it?"

"I guess... i mean, you were able to take on Keg, after all."

"So it'll be fine! Probably. And in the end we both make some money, so it all works out."

"I don't think money is the issue here."

"Sure it is! These kids need some clothes or whatever and i really need to pay a visit to Amai's shop for some spices. For that, we both need cash! That's worth risking our hides over, right?"

"I guess?"

"Great, then it's settled!"
That's probably going to be the last update for today, because i really, really want to go to sleep.
Tomorrow, Chiho goes on her first quest and maybe gets a chance to use some magic!

I hope you're enjoying so far, because i'm not much of a writer and i'm doing this all on the fly with no planning.
doing good OP and happy new year
It's good so far but I'm slightly concerned about the total lack of planning.
I too am enjoying the story thus far.
Happy new year op. Enjoying it a bunch. ^.^

"Sorry, but we can't let you take any requests. And no, even if you go off and do it anyways, we can't accept the materials or pay you for them."

The receptionist looks like she's had this conversation a million times.

"Really? The guildmaster told me he'd have me work for him, so why-"

Fortunately, that's when the master steps in.

"Trisha, this one's mine. You were out yesterday, so you probably haven't heard yet. Her provisional license should be under the counter, so give her anything solo C-Rank or lower."

Only having popped his head out of the office for a moment, he's gone just like that.
The receptionist sighs and begins digging through a filing cabinet by her feet, coming back up with a small set of tags and a paper card.

"Alright, looks like you're good to go. Stick your hand out and i'll register the information on your crest. These identification tags are acid, fire, magic and monster teeth resistant. That's resistant, not proof. Keep one around your neck and one in your boot in case you get eaten or dismembered."

Giving her your hand, you see your crest appear. The receptionist looks confused for a minute.

"Damn it, Amai... Sorry about this, just give me a minute."

She head to the back, into what looks like a storage room. She moves several old boxes to reach one at the bottom, and pulls out a dusty old machine that looks somewhat like a typewriter.

Dropping it heavily on the counter, she takes your card and slots it into the machine, then begins inputting some kind of data. This takes several minutes.
You hear the machine clicking and clacking, and it quickly spits out your card, which is now full of holes.

"I'm gonna need a drop of blood."

Using a needle, she pricks both your finger and her own. You drip your blood onto the card, while she drips hers onto your crest. After that, she brings the card close to your crest, which seems to grab hold of it.
The card floats in midair for a moment, before dissolving into light and flowing into the crest.
You watch as it visibly grows and becomes more complex, almost ornamented.

The receptionist's voice is muffled a bit as she talks while sucking on her bleeding finger, not paying much attention to you since she's writing something down with her other hand.

"That'll serve as a magical identifier, only good while you're still alive i'm afraid. As long as you don't commit any crimes as registered by local law, you shouldn't have any issues with the juror orbs."

"What are juror orbs?"

"Hmm? A country bumpkin? Well, don't worry about it. In the bigger cities the guards might ask you to put your hand on something if they think you're suspicious. The orb will do a bit of... soul searching. If you've done nothing wrong, you'll be free to go. Now, go get something off the board. I've got paperwork to do."

"Alright... well, what should we grab off the board, Hino?"

Looking over the board, it seems like there are quite a few options. Many of them actually involve helping around in town, things like chopping firewood for old ladies, carrying boards for carpenters and hauling garbage to the town dump.

Others are closer to what you'd imagined, things like herb collection, an open quest for any number of dead goblins, searching for missing persons and "Land reclamation" as they called it.

Many of the herb collection requests actually seem to have been put out by Amai and her daughter, while the goblin-slaying quests seem to be funded mainly by the town government.
The missing person quest is quite old, several years in fact, so you doubt it would go anywhere.
And the "land reclamation" quest involves slaughtering a pack of kobolds near the city to make room for farmland.

"Mmm, if it's goblins then i'm sure you could handle it on your own, but..."

A familiar voice pops up behind you.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?"

It's Nina, the rabbit-like girl from yesterday's training course. The blond boy is next to her as well.

"Oh, we were just thinking about which job to take. It's just me and Hino right now, so we don't want to take on too much."

"You guys got your provisional licenses, huh? Alright! Why don't we party up and work together?"

Surprisingly, it's the blonde boy who wants to party with you.

"Sorry, i didn't actually get your name yesterday. I'm Chiho, by the way."

"Oh, right! I'm Letz. I'm gonna be an adventurer and travel the world like my dad!"

Nina re-introduces herself for Hino's sake.

"I'm Ninjin, but my friends call me Nina. I want to make enough money to open a jewelry store here in town one day!"

"N-Nice to meet you both! My name is Hino, i'm an acolyte at the church. I'm here to bring in some extra money."

"Oh, that's right. I'd heard there were some issues with the church's budget this year, weren't there?"

"Yes, although i don't really know the details..."

"Hold that thought. Isn't that Milly over there?"

Your eyes don't deceive you. Milly is sitting at a table near the reception area, looking particularly downtrodden.

"You guys keep talking, i'll be right back."

Milly notices your approach, and greets you with a sad smile.

"Hey, what happened?"

"...Well. I kinda, sorta, got into a little bit of an argument with mother last night."


"Yeah. She kicked me out, said i'd been in the nest too long and needed some experience."

"Well, i've got a nice pile of hay to sleep on if you need a place."

She chuckles.

"No thank you, i've got some friends i could stay with for a while, and enough money to rent a room if i really needed to. It's just, i don't really know where to go from here..."

"Hmm. Well..."

>It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?
>Maybe we could go at it together, just me and you.
>A smaller party might be nice. Me, you and Hino maybe?
>I see. I'm sorry it ended up like that.
>It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?
So when you say kobolds, are these the old DnD kind, or the new gen Kind? Ugly/adorable?
>>It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?
The old D&D kind.
>It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?
Are the kobolds scally or doggo ?
They are scaly dragonoid types.
You're probably thinking of gnolls.
>>It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?
Calling it for Full-Blown Adventure!

You turn your head to glance at the others. Hino seems to be getting along with them well.

"It looks like we've got a little adventurer party forming in the corner over there. Why not come with us?"

"Ah, those guys? I recognize the acolyte, he comes through here frequently..."

Milly looks between you and the others for a moment.

"What's the party composition going to be like? You're a mage, aren't you?"

"Huh? No, not really. I'm pretty strong physically speaking, so i'd be on the front line with my sword. Hino's a healer, while Nina's a rogue. The blonde kid, Letz... i think he's a sword-user, but i'm not entirely sure."

"Really? I with how fast you were learning magic, i was sure... oh well. Hmm, two front line fighters, a rogue, a healer and myself as the mage, huh? Isn't that already an ideally balanced party?"

"Yeah, i guess so. How about that?"

"Alright, sure. Why not?"

"Then it's settled!"

It only takes a moment to drag Milly over and introduce her to the others.
When you do, Letz stares at her for a moment before going completely blank.

"M-M-M-My name ith Letz! I'm looking forward to partying with you!"

Ah, his face is completely red. He even bit his tongue. Come on, kid. You've gotta hide it better than that.
Milly, for her part, pretends not to notice and awkwardly shakes his hand.

"Alright, introductions are out of the way. Now, back to what we were talking about before. We need some kind of job to do, and it needs to be big enough to pay out for all of us. With that said, which job are we going to pick?"

>Daily Chores: Zero Risk, Very Low Pay
>Herb Collection: Low Risk, Low Pay
>Goblin Slaying: Low Risk, Variable Pay
>Land Reclamation: Moderate Risk, High Pay
>Missing Persons: Unknown Risk, High Difficulty, High Pay
>Goblin Slaying: Low Risk, Variable Pay
Going with this to test our capacities as a group
>>Land Reclamation: Moderate Risk, High Pay
>Goblin Slaying: Low Risk, Variable Pay
>Missing Persons: Unknown Risk, High Difficulty, High Pay
Not like theres a limit to quests we can take, or time limit.
Do you have a twitter or a discord?
I do now.

Whoops, lost my trip
I vote this. I think a slice of mystery in this quest would be interesting, aside from the staple of goblin slaying. Just don't get rekt if these are anime edgy goblins and not DND stupid mongs.
Depending on how the goblin job is set up, or could be relatively easy. Just smoke them out and start killing them as they flee.
Calling it for goblins, with a side of mystery.

Everyone pretty much unanimously agrees that goblins are the way to go, so that's that you guess.
However, that missing person has caught your interest. They probably just got eaten by wolves or something, but who knows?
Just by asking around a bit, you might uncover something. What if nobody ever really tried to find them? It's worth looking at, in your opinion.

"Alright, we'll take a goblin extermination quest. And, i'll personally be taking a look at this..."

"What's that, Chiho-san?"

"A missing person. The reward is a hundred sovereigns... Nina, how much is a sovereign worth? I''m not familiar with the money in this country."

"Never even used money, huh? Poor thing. Alright, i'll explain! There a few different types of currency used throughout the continent. The most common is the Rose, a coin made of rose gold, which is copper with a bit of gold mixed into it. The amount is controlled by the dwarven kingdoms in charge of minting them, and it has to be carefully monitored, because people use the size and weight of a coin to tell if it's genuine or not. Just for reference, five rose is enough to buy some food from the average market stall, and a typical unskilled laborer earns about 1500 rose a month. The second most common coin is the guilder, and it's smaller counterpart the quarter guilder. These are silver coins with a bit of copper mixed into them, and each guilder is worth 100 rose, while a quarter is worth, well, 25. Monthly wages are typically paid in guilder, and they're exchanged at the merchant's guild for sovereigns or rose.
Finally, there's the Sovereign. These are extremely pure solid gold coins with a really high purity, equal to 100 silver coins. Typically, those are only used by merchants and high-class adventurers. Of course, there are mithril coins above that, but those are mostly handled by banks. Technically adamantite coins exist as well, but those typically stay inside castle treasuries."


"You're quite knowledgeable, aren't you?"

"Ehehe, i want to be a merchant when this is all said and done, so..."

"So what you're saying is, we could all live comfortably for years even if we split the reward for this one up."

"Yes, technically..."

"What she's saying is, there's a reason the reward is so high, and yet still unclaimed. Look who you're supposed to find."

"The Marquis' daughter?"

"Yeah, it was a huge scandal a few years back! Nobody really knows what happened, but she just disappeared one night, and some say the high priest had something to do with it. Others think she ran off with some boy, or got kidnapped and held at ransom which the Marquis couldn't pay. If that's the case, she might have been sold into slavery at a high price."

'W-Well, i'm sure the high priest wouldn't kidnap someone, you know? Surely not!"

"I dunno, i'm not one to trust a church. They always end up being evil, don't they?"


"In what world?"

"...Y'know, all of them."
Maybe we should ask for a sketch of the Marquis' daughter, name, qualities, quirks, when she was last seen, who/which high priest of what, what the adventurer's from the adventurer's guild have already tried, what the Marquis has already tried.

After the goblin killing of course.

After talking for a while, you head over to the receptionist for the relevant information.
She's still busy with paperwork, and seems annoyed at having to write with a pinpricked finger.

"Huh? Oh, it's you. Did you find something?"

"Yep, probably exactly what you were expecting."

"Goblins, huh? Alright, take a close look. One of you at least ought to know the layout around here, right? There's a bunch of confirmed nests here, here, here and here."

Laying out a map, she pinpoints the locations of each nest. As she does, you feel that same sensation of information rushing into you head as before, albeit much less pronounced this time.
You feel like you have a good idea of where they are, as if you could walk right up to them without a clue where you were going. You wonder if it's some kind of magic imbued into the maps, but who knows.

"Oh, and i'd also like any information you have about this quest, as well."

"This is..."

The receptionist looks deeply frustrated.

"Look, kid... you'd better just ignore this one. It's above your pay grade, understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just... alright, i'm not supposed to say anything, but adventurers have gone missing themselves while looking for her. I don't know and i don't want to know, but it's dangerous, so just leave it be, please?"

"Thank you for the warning, miss. If it's all the same, i'd still like the information. If it gets too dangerous, i'll decide when to call it off, alright?"

"...Damn it, i wish we could just take this thing down already, but the Marquis won't let us. Fine. I can't technically stop you, but i'll damn sure let the guildmaster know about this."


Reluctantly, she hands over a file filled with texts regarding the case.
You'll be able to look these over later, so for now you stuff them into your bag.

It's still early in the morning, so after checking that everyone's good and ready, you all set out towards the south gate and into the woods nearby.
You still haven't heard back from the guildmaster about that giant humanoid Hino encountered, but you're pretty sure that you can handle it based on what you did to those trees. Assuming you can do it again, of course.

That's not the real problem though.
It doesn't even take half an hour before Milly starts complaining about being tired.

"I can't help it! I've been a shut-in my whole life, the furthest i'm used to walking is to the market for food and supplies!"

"Oh, that reminds me. Does your mother's shop sell edible spices?"

"Sure, i guess. It depends on what you consider edible. A lot of them are meant for potions and rituals or as pipe tobacco, but some of them have a bit of flavor."

"Perfect. Say, by chance, would any of those happen to be on the list of herbs you had up at the guild?"

"Uhm... yeah, a few. Why are you asking?"

"Can you help me look for them as we're walking? I need them, for personal reasons."

"Well, if it'll take my mind off my screaming legs, i guess i don't mind."
That's the last post for today.
Happy new year, everyone!
Alright my man, gonna wait for the options tomorrow
Yeah, i figured we'd be at the goblins already, but there was a lot of dialogue today.
Rolled 6, 3, 1 + 2 = 12 (3d6 + 2)


While you walk, Milly tells you what the various herbs you're looking for actually look like.
As she does, you feel like the information just clicks somehow. You're sure you'll know what they look like when you see them.

And so, you begin scanning your surroundings together with Milly as you walk, while the others chat amongst themselves.
As it turns out, the woods are rather full of what you're looking for.

"Here, this is Torga Moss, isn't it?"

"Yep, sure is! If you dry and powder it, it has a strong scent that some people like."

Taking some of the moss in hand, you grind it between your fingers and give it a sniff...
It smells just like cumin! Oh man, that's perfect!

You take a bunch of the moss, being sure to leave at least some of it behind so that it can regrow over time and stuff it into your bag.
On your way to the first goblin nest, you find two more spices as well.

One is called Ginja Needle, which is literally just the needles from a pine tree. However, they aren't bitter at all and actually have a bit of a sweet citrusy taste to them, although your tongue begins to tingle when you chew on them for too long.
The last is a small peppercorn which, it seems it just called a pepper fruit. It tastes exactly as you'd expect, but apparently they only use it as an expectorant for clearing mucus...

What's wrong with these people, honestly? Do they just not care about spice at all?
Well, whatever. If they don't want it then that's fine, but you can't live without it yourself.

While you're grumbling to yourself about the food, you realize you've finally arrived. It took longer than you thought, about an hour and a half to reach it. This had better be worth it in the end, because you're damned hungry!

Letz was eager to rush in, but you manage to stop him before he gets himself killed.
You send Nina in to quietly get a better look. She returns after a few minutes and tells you that the "nest" is a grouping of several mud huts in a clearing, and that there look to be about 20 goblins, not including the several children she spotted. They're all armed with wooden clubs, sticks, or nothing at all.

Several of them appear to be stewing something in a rusty old pot, and many of them are still sleeping even though the sun has been up for a while now.

How do you want to go about this?

>Standard formation, you at the head, healer, and mage in the middle, rogue and fighter at the back
>Standard formation, but with Letz at the head, while you run rampant on your own
>Scatter and hope for the best

And how do you personally want to fight?
>With your hands, using your raw strength
>With the sword you woke up with, although it might be a bit dangerous for... everyone
>With magic, although you aren't sure how well it'll go in the middle of combat

In any case, roll me a 3d10, best of 3.
Whoops, that was supposed to be -2, not +2.
>Standard formation, you at the head, healer, and mage in the middle, rogue and fighter at the back
Start with a fireball in the middle of the largest group of them, then we charge.

>With the sword you woke up with, although it might be a bit dangerous for... everyone
At the very least? Keep the sheath on and club everything to death. Or just use the club.

Are these the "ha ha rape make pee pee feel good" Goblin Slayer tier goblins, old dnd goblins, or new dnd goblins?
Rolled 2, 1, 10 - 2 = 11 (3d10 - 2)

Woops forgot to roll
Rolled 8, 1, 8 = 17 (3d10)

Oh- oh fuck wait okay yourecsupposed to roll at a -2, and we roll normally. Got it.
Rolled 6, 10, 3 = 19 (3d10)

>>Standard formation, you at the head, healer, and mage in the middle, rogue and fighter at the back
>With the sword you woke up with, although it might be a bit dangerous for... everyone
Rolled 3, 10, 10 = 23 (3d10)

>Standard formation, you at the head, healer, and mage in the middle, rogue and fighter at the back
>With the sword you woke up with, although it might be a bit dangerous for... everyone
Rolled 6, 4, 9 = 19 (3d10)

>Standard formation, you at the head, healer, and mage in the middle, rogue and fighter at the back

>With the sword you woke up with, although it might be a bit dangerous for... everyone
Poor bastard goblins never had a chance.
And you didn't cut anyone in half, so bonus!

"Milly, do you have any AOE spells?"


"Area of effect. Big explosions, waves of fire, chain lightning..."

"...What kind of mage do you take me for? Of course, i've got one."

"Alright, we'll start off with that. I want you to lob it right in the middle of those bastards. When they come at us, i'll act as the spearhead and keep them off of Hino and NIna. Hino, you keep us in good condition while we fight, don't worry about anything else. Nina, go for backstabs and make sure nobody gets caught off-guard. Letz, you're the rear guard. Protect our asses, and don't let anything through!"


"Got it!"

"Hell yeah, let's do this!"

Milly begins her chant right away, and you can feel the heat gathering at your back as she does.

"O purging flame, gather and mix at my call, grow and churn under my command!"

The wind starts whipping around you as her spell gathers more and more at the tip of her staff, and some of the goblins have noticed what's happening. It would be hard not to with a ball of fire that big.

"Lash out at my foes! Fly far and cover the land! Reduce all in your wake to pure white ash!"


Milly's flame shine brightly as they move, a huge undulating ball almost like a small sun that sears trees and foliage as it passes.
The goblins just stare in disbelief as it drops down onto them, although some manage to dip into their mud huts before it hits.

On impact, the ball explodes into a wave of fire that engulfs most of the nest and sends splinters of bark, shredded leaves and burning embers in all directions!
The heat on your skin is rough even at this distance, and when the fireball fades into a climbing plume of smoke, it reveals a a dozen charred bodies left in it's wake.

Grinning, you look back at Milly, only to find her on her knees, out of breath. Well, you suppose that's to be expected. That's fine though, and you can easily take care of the rest.
The remaining goblins exit from their mud huts, and upon finding the bodies of their fellows, they're furious. Maybe they're too stupid to feel fear?

They charge at you, one way or another.
You'd already moved your sword from your back to your side, like Elynwynn had suggested. It's certainly easier to draw like that, and you do.
When the first goblin reaches you, you draw with one hand and slash horizontally with all of your might, cutting down not just him, but two more behind him as a wave of energy flies from the tip of your sword and keeps going into the distance, kicking up dust as it impacts with the goblin huts.

The next two pause momentarily, and in that moment you charge at them yourself and cut them down with two connected horizontal slashes.
The last three stop dead in their tracks. So they can feel fear, huh?

If they aren't going to move, this is the perfect opportunity to test out some of the magic Milly had taught you. "One of the most basic and useful spells you can cast" as she described it.

Sucking a deep breath of air into your lungs, you gather mana in your belly and feel a heat growing there as it's converted into flame mana.
Compressing it more and more, you blow air into the mana as it exits from your mouth and combusts all at once, generating a huge gout of sticky red flame the smokes like an oil fire as it burns!

The last three goblins turn to run, but it's far too late. The flames travel over a dozen feet before engulfing them. You cut off the flow of mana, but they continue to burn as they run around in circles, screaming.

"Fire Breath isn't supposed to stick to them like that... what'd you do?"

Milly seems to have caught her breath again and is stranding straight.

"Oh, i just changed the image of it a little bit, and added a bit more mana to the mix. This isn't really fire breath anymore, it's something i like to call Napalm Breath. It'll stick to the target and burn like oil, as long as it makes contact. Nasty stuff."

"Uhg... no kidding..."

Everyone watches as the goblins caught in your spell twitch and swell from the heat, already blackened to a char.
It's really effective, but you'll have to be extremely careful not to hit friendlies with it.


Nina yells a warning to Letz, and you turn just in time to see her stabbing past his head, into the neck of another goblin that you'd missed.
Letz turns and cuts the goblin down with his blade quite easily, leaving you all free to scan your surroundings.
Doesn't seem like there are any left.

"Hey, not bad work, everyone!"

"You two did all the work, though..."

"Hey, i got one too, you know?"

Letz seems a bit upset, and you think you know why.

"Hey, kid. Is it bothering you?"

"I let a damned goblin take my back. If Nina hadn't been there to save me..."

"But she was there, you know? I put her there specifically to cover our asses like that."


"Hey, look. It's good to keep your awareness even after the battle's over, that's for sure. If you recognize it as a screw-up and work to do better in the future, that's good enough. For now though, you've got some friends to cover your weaknesses for you. Even if you'd gotten injured, Hino would have healed you. It would have been alright, so don't worry too much about it, okay?"

"...Yeah, i guess you're right. Okay."

"Good. Now, help me gather the evidence."

The guild requires proof of your kills, and in the case of a goblin, one of their ears is plenty.
The stink of burning flesh is strong. Only you and Milly can gather the ears without gagging, but Letz is eager to help and pushes through anyways.
They all go into your bag, a total of 21 by the time you finish.

"Milly, can you use some magic to extinguish any embers that might be left over? I don't want to start a forest fire out here."

"Sure. It shouldn't be a problem since magical fires tend to peter out pretty quickly without any direction from the caster, but it's always good to be safe."

You all spend some time cleaning up and ensuring you won't burn the forest down.
Once that's done though, you head off towards the next goblin nest.
Now that you're all the way out here, the other nests are much closer, so it only makes sense to clear out as many as you can!

The second nest gets cleared out in much the same way as the first, although there were only 16 goblins in that one. Milly is pretty exhausted from casting that huge spell a second time, and you end up carrying her on your back to the third.

It seems that both using a lot of mana suddenly and exhausting all of your mana will cause you to collapse, so you have to be careful not to overdo it. There aren't a lot of limiters on how you can use your mana, unlike with physical exertion. A lot of children end up passing out because they can't control how much mana they use yet.

The third nest ends up being a bit more difficult since you don't start out by nuking them all.
You lob a fireball into the nest and end up burning one of the goblins badly, which gets their attention.

They come flooding out and surround your group, but a gout of Napalm Breath at the front takes care of a lot of them, and between Letz and Nina in the back, the rest are cut down in no time.

It's a little past noon when you all decide it's time for a well-deserved break.

Amongst the five of you, only you and Letz didn't bring anything to eat. In your case it's because you don't actually have anything you could have brought, but Letz is just an idiot, you guess.
Hino and Nina are rather kind though, and share a bit of their lunch with you both.
In Nina's case, it's a few apples and raw carrots. Hino on the other hand had packed a plain loaf of bread.
You never thought you'd be jealous of raw carrots, but here you are.
You gotta get some money, and fast.

Honestly, you wish you could keep going all day, but Milly looks like she's well past her limit and just wants to go home.

"Do you think you're up for one more? I won't make you fight, but it's not like you can just go home on your own."

"I guess... just one, alright? And carry me on your back some more, you stamina freak."

"Fine, fine. Don't expect to get paid for this one, though."

"Who's getting my cut, then?"

"The one carrying you around, obviously."

The fourth nest goes fairly similarly to the third, although Milly does help out a bit by lobbing some half-hearted fireballs to assist Letz and Nina.
You guess you'll have to hand over a couple ears for that. Damn it.

It takes several hours to get back to town, and everyone except you is exhausted and dirty by then.
When you get there, the guildmaster is waiting in the hall and looks relieved when you enter.

"So you're alright after all. When you didn't come back, i thought something might have happened."

"Nope, we're good! Managed to clear four nests, so i hope the pay will be worth it."

The guildmaster grins.

"Four whole nests, huh? With a bunch of rookies like you? Impressive."

"Hey, we're doing our best, alright?"

"Hah, don't get me wrong, kiddo. I mean it, four nests is a lot, especially for mostly first-timers. You did good."

"Well, thanks then. Come on guys, let's turn in the ears and see what we got."

The same receptionist from this morning is still sitting at her desk, doing the same paperwork you saw her doing before.
Although, there's a huge stack of finished papers sitting next to her as well. Looks like she's no slacker.
After a short wait, you greet her.

"Hey, we're back from our goblin run."

"I see that. Looks like you managed not getting yourself killed. Any injuries?"

"Just a few scratches and bruises. Hino healed us right up, no problem."

"Great, that's good news for my report."

"Your report?"

"Mmm. We have to take note of any major injuries resulting from the quests we give out. If our adventurers get hurt a lot, not just the reputability of the guild takes a hit. The local lords may actually cut our funding or fire some of us as punishment. It's our job to make sure people only take quests they can actually handle."

"I see. Well, do you want to count up these ears, or...?"

"Uhg, no. Put that back. You'll want to head upstairs, that's where the exchanges and materials processing are done. Antony should still be up there, he'll help you out."

Heading upstairs, you find a small room with a few doors and nobody inside, so you call out for Antony.

"Coming, sorry!"

Antony comes through the door, blood soaking his hands and dripping on the floor. He looks like some kind of psycho butcher.

"Nice to meet you, the name's An- woah, you're a big lass, aren't you? Er, nice to meet you. My name's Antony. Do you have any materials that need processed? There'll be a slight wait, if that's alright with you."

"Uh, no. We just have some goblin ears to turn over. I was told that's done up here."

"Oh, yeah! I can do that right now. How many do you have? Just place them in the bin over here."

Opening up your bag, you start grabbing fistfulls of goblin ears from the inside and dumping them out into the bin. Some of them are quite crispy, but still easily recognizable."

"87 ears in total. You can count them if you like."

"Woah, that's quite a few. Was there a horde or something?"

"Nope, just wiped out a few nests."

"Alright, well, let's see here..."

He counts out each ear individually and confirms that there are in fact 87 of them.

"Okay. 87 ears at 145 rose each, that should come out to 120 silver, minus tax. How would you like to split it?"

"Well, guys? I'm fine with splitting it evenly if you are."

"Suits me."

"Sure, no problem."


Surprisingly, Hino seems to have a problem with it.

"What's up, Hino?"

"Well, it's just that i didn't actually do a whole lot... you guys didn't really need me at all, so taking an even share is kind of..."

"Hey don't worry about it. Just because we didn't get bashed in the head doesn't mean you weren't doing your job."
And that'll be the last update for today, because i'm exhausted.
see you soon buddy
I read that as daddy for a second
Seriously still lovin it dude. Keep up the good work.

Hino accepts your reasoning, although he still looks uncomfortable. Perhaps he just doesn't want to argue.
Well, he'll be happy when he sees the children's smiles.

"120 silver guilders divided five ways... everyone gets 24 each, huh? 2400 rose... hey, didn't you say 1500 was a month's wage?"

"For an unskilled laborer, yes. Skilled laborers make way more, and adventurers put their lives on the line for certain jobs, so they have to pay more or else nobody would take them.
Of course, nobody really wants to pay this much for goblin extermination, but it's paid for by taxes so it isn't an issue."

"What do goblins do when they start overrunning a place, anyways? You gotta want them dead for some reason."

"Well, they're parasites. They go around raping anything that moves, whether it's humans or livestock. Farmers will think they've got a surprise calf on the way, but then a baby goblin comes out and attacks them. Not only that, whatever they don't breed, they eat. They'll kill indiscriminately and regularly ravage farmlands, sometimes even setting accidental fires and burning down fields or forests. They're stupid, violent and an absolute pest."

"Wow. Why aren't people willing to pay for their extermination, then?"

"Well, most people never actually encounter goblins. They live inside the city walls, and adventurers take care of any infestations that pop up... so to them, it doesn't seem like a big deal. In the past though, nations have fallen to goblin hordes that grew out of control. They only die off when there's nothing left to eat, after all."

"Wait, so then why haven't goblins taken over the world by now? It seems like nothing's stopping them, doesn't it?"

"Oh, well... goblins are only really a problem in human lands. Outside of our territories, strong monsters will just eat them as soon as they start to grow."

"That's... disconcerting."

"Haha... well, it's fine. Things like Dragons or Titans can't cross the sacred rivers, so long as humanity's faith in the deities remains strong."

Oh god, that's not what you want to hear. You keep hearing things you don't want to hear.
Why? Why does it have to be this way?

"...Anyways, here's the money. What will you all be spending it on?"

"OOH! I've been wanting a new sword! But, maybe i should invest in some armor instead..."

"Of course, this is going right into the fund for starting my shop."

"I'll be needing to find a place to live, so..."

"W-Well, like you said, the children could use some new clothes..."

"What about you, Chiho? What will you be spending it on?"

>"I also need a place to live... It'd be cheaper if we split the rent. What do you think, Milly?"
>"I desperately need spices, so i'll be visiting Amai-san and the market right away.
>"I think Letz has the right idea, some armor might be useful..."
>"Well, i could do with a change of clothes."
>"Some adventuring supplies might be nice."

Keep in mind, the more options you choose the worse your options will be.
>"Some adventuring supplies might be nice."
The most holy of holy artifacts created by man. The colapable ten foot pole. One of the most versatile of tools. That and rope, rations, a canteen, compass, a good backpack.
>"I also need a place to live... It'd be cheaper if we split the rent. What do you think, Milly?"

You already have a bag that's bigger on the inside and an internal compass, don't forget.
>"I also need a place to live... It'd be cheaper if we split the rent. What do you think, Milly?"
>>"Well, i could do with a change of clothes."
>but why clothes
>>"I also need a place to live... It'd be cheaper if we split the rent. What do you think, Milly?"
Staying clean and fresh and kind of important for a woman, anon.
Unless you just plan on locking yourself in your room to wash them before putting them right back on, a second set of clothes would be nice.

Not critical, it's just for the sake of your dignity.
Oh, shit, I thought we had more than one set.
Changing vote to clothes and rent money.
>"I also need a place to live... It'd be cheaper if we split the rent. What do you think, Milly?"
>"Well, i could do with a change of clothes."
>"Some adventuring supplies might be nice."

Calling it for clothes on your back and a roof over your head

"Say, Milly... As it so happens, i'm also in need of a place to stay. If you're looking for a place to rent, it'd be cheaper if we both pitched in and lived together. What do you think?"

Milly seems surprised.

"I mean, normally you'd just live with the rest of your family, but... yeah, i guess that would take a lot of pressure off. Alright, let's do it."

"Nice! In that case, i have a bit more money to spend on a second set of clothes."

"Wait, those are your only clothes?"

"Yeah, i don't own anything besides what's on me right now."

The others give you some sad looks, and Hino even offers you a few extra silvers for food, which you refuse.

"Guys, i'm not helpless! It's just a bit of a... unique situation for me. I'm practically back up on my feet already."

"If you say so..."

"Alright, i'm sure you guys are tired. I'll see you all tomorrow, alright? And Hino, i'll see you at dinner."


"No, i don't think..."

They don't seem eager to show up for work tomorrow.

"What's the matter, guys?"

"Like i said, a stamina freak..."

"Maybe in a few days, Chiho-san."

"Oh. Alright then, i guess..."

Looks like you'll be going solo on the next few, if you plan to go out again.
Everyone heads their separate ways for the day, their pockets full of silver and their gas tanks apparently empty.

You decide to head out to the market and get a look at things, to see if you can't determine the value of your new currency.
Nina had told you that food from a stall is worth about five rose, and from what you've seen that much is correct.

WIth meat skewers in hand, you look around the stalls and ask for the prices of various familiar items to gauge their worth.
The skewers weren't worth the ten rose you paid for them, that's for sure. The meat's flavor is good, but it's just so damn dry... no veggies either.

After about an hour you think you've got a good idea of what things are worth, so you ask for directions to a clothing shop.
It's a simple stone-based building with a wooden second floor, same as all the others besides some minor details in it's construction.

When you head inside a small bell jingles to alert the shopkeeper.

"Welcome. What are you looking for?"

"A set of clothes and undergarments for myself. Secondhand is fine as long as they're in good condition. Out of curiosity though, how much would a set of fine new clothes be?"

"About 10 guilder, at the moment. It'll be less if you're willing to wait until spring, crops have done well this year. Five guilder for some nice secondhand stuff, by the way."

"Ah. Well, i'm afraid i can't wait. I'll consider it."

Well, what sort of clothing will you buy?
>Tunic and Dress, not suited for adventuring but well suited for walking about town
>Tunic and Breeches, basically what you're wearing now
>Tunic and Overalls, very durable but not particularly lady-like

And also,

>Add in a cloak to keep rain off
>No cloak

And finally

>Buy fine clothes
>Buy secondhand
To be clear, if you buy brand new clothes you won't have any cash left over to play with.
You'll be able to eat and pay your half of the rent, but that's it.

Of course there's always more work to be done if you need cash, so it's an option.
>Tunic and Dress, not suited for adventuring but well suited for walking about town
Formal clothes, and our work clothes.

>Add in a cloak to keep rain off

>Buy secondhand
>Tunic and Dress, not suited for adventuring but well suited for walking about town
>No cloak
>Buy fine clothes
butt y
>>Tunic and Dress, not suited for adventuring but well suited for walking about town
>>No cloak
>>Buy fine clothes
>Tunic and Overalls, very durable but not particularly lady-like
>Add cloak
>Buy secondhand
seconding this.

Calling it for second-hand tunic and dress, plus a cloak
To be clear, they won't be rags. You specifically asked her for clothes in good condition.
Will update in the morning

After skimming through most of the store, you settle on a rather nice looking set of regular clothes.
They even come with a pouch for small items, something you've noticed most of the women around here wear.

They don't seem stained or torn, so the previous owner must have taken good care of them.
You also pick up a simple hooded cloak, which will be nice to have if you get stuck out in the rain. It'll also keep you warm when you're out adventuring.
Besides that, you also buy a second pair of bloomers and an undershirt.
It doesn't seem like there are any other types of underwear available whatsoever.

The shop doesn't have anything like a changing room either, so you just pay for the clothes and stuff them into your bag.
You'll probably want to wash them before putting them on anyways.

Stepping out onto the street, you suddenly smell something familiar... TUMERIC!
...Or is it? Maybe something similar? Whatever, it's close enough! Rushing toward the smell, you dip into a small alleyway.
A few turns later, you can see market stalls in the distance...
And then, you see him. Down another side alley, there's Keg, and some other men you don't recognize.

Roll me 3d10, best of 3. DC 24.
Rolled 10, 4, 6 = 20 (3d10)

Just for fun while we wait, i'll mention a couple of things.

Letz currently believes he's the only male in the party.
He also didn't see you launching sword waves, because he was defending the back with Nina.

Hino is afraid that you'll squish him on accident, because you're too strong.
Milly is afraid you'll set something on fire while making up new spells.
Nina is currently extremely jealous of someone, although she won't drop her poker face.
Rolled 5, 6, 4 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 5, 9 = 17 (3d10)

How much to buy some workout gear? Deadlift equipment, dumbbells, a weight rack. How do we do some sick gains to flex on these medevial plebs?
You would have to measure your weight unless you're okay with becoming fat
Also i doubt chiho has an understanding of how you build muscle. She wouldn't know what to eat
That a wojack meme? What kind of ass blasted Logic is that?
>working out = get fat

Meat, veggies, dont eat anything raw because bad healthcare.
>>working out = get fat
Yes, if you're not careful you can get fat by working out. It happened to me, and also happens to plenty of other people. You have to eat a shit ton of food to build muscle. You can build muscle whilst remaining slim, but to do that optimally you have to eat a limited ammount of food based on your weight. But chiho doesn't know how much she weighs. (also this slows down muscle gain)
There aren't really things like that around. Generally speaking, if you want to gain muscle it's done by working hard through manual labor or adventuring.
Most people would probably consider it a waste of time, since you could be making money or contributing to your village.
Very strong individuals do something similar to weight training to keep their strength up, although they use magic tools rather than regular weights.

That's a fail, let's see what happens next!
Would working out even matter? It doesn't seem like muscle mass has an effect on strength in this world.
Muscle does matter. Although strength can be augmented by magic or internal ki, it still has to act on your body in the end. It's far more effective on someone who's naturally strong than on a child or someone who's bedridden.
I call bullshit. I find it very hard to believe you get fat from eating food. Considering the fact that this quest is an anime trope and most anime protags lack fat fucks, especially female ones, we dont have to worry about that. You on the other hand sound like you got some rare condition. I dont know hit me up with some articles.
Still calling bullshit.
>I find it very hard to believe you get fat from eating food.
>You on the other hand sound like you got some rare condition
Have you ever worked out before? You have to eat alot in order to build muscle. If you're not careful and don't know what you are doing you can become fat.
>Fat gain is definitely a consequence of trying to put on muscle mass because you are, after all, eating more calories than the body needs.


Although your eyes are fixed on keg, you see someone behind him raise a staff up and shout.
Something glows at your feet, and you feel something wrap around your body, binding you in place!

"You really did a number on me back there, bitch. Did you think you'd get away with that? HUH?!"

Keg saunters right up and punches you in the gut with just about everything he's got. It's nothing like the first time he hit you, and you just about lose you lunch.

Calm. Stay calm. How are you going to get out of this?
Your muscles bulge slightly as you strain hard against your bindings, but you just don't have enough raw power to muscle your way out of this spell.

"Hehe, that's right, look at you now. My new buddy Limur over here does good work. Don't worry though, i'm gonna take every guilder i spent on him right out of your ass."

The mage behind Keg is still chanting. He seems to be focusing on keeping the spell intact...

Keg punches you in the head so hard that you see stars. It takes a moment for your vision to return.

"Eyes over here, bitch. I want you to look me in the face while i do this."

You can taste blood pooling in your mouth, so you spit it into Keg's eyes, blinding him.


You turn back to the mage. He's clearly sweating, and you can see him strain along with you as you push hard against the bindings again. Still, he ain't letting up.

You have a few options. Keg has just about got his vision back, so now would be the time to act, whatever you're going to do.

>Use magic to enhance your strength beyond the normal limits and break free. You haven't been taught any magic like that, but you think you've got just the right image for it.
>Use napalm breath to kill keg, hope the others turn tail. You don't know if you'll be branded a criminal afterwards, though. Who knows what your crest will record.
>Sheathe your body in flames, make sure keg can't touch you. It'll buy some time and might draw attention, but there could be some drawbacks as well.
>Use magic to enhance your strength beyond the normal limits and break free. You haven't been taught any magic like that, but you think you've got just the right image for it.
This gonna turn into another rape scenario again? Hope this doesnt kill thecquest like that weird pokemon one.
While Keg is very much the rapey type, Chiho isn't exactly one to let it end like that.
There's always the nuclear option of just burning everyone and everything around you to death, including herself if need be.

Besides which, he's giving you plenty of time to do something by starting off with a beating.
Also i don't know what pokemon quest involved rape, but i can see why it died.
>Use magic to enhance your strength beyond the normal limits and break free. You haven't been taught any magic like that, but you think you've got just the right image for it.
It took me a second to remember that Keg is the lower C rank fat adventurer.
>Use magic to enhance your strength beyond the normal limits and break free. You haven't been taught any magic like that, but you think you've got just the right image for it.
No ugly bastard tag today
>>Use magic to enhance your strength beyond the normal limits and break free. You haven't been taught any magic like that, but you think you've got just the right image for it.

While I would love to really just remove this fuck from the picture entirely, lets keep Chiho a good person for as long as we can. Killing is an option, but it's kind of a last resort when it comes to people. Even if Keg falls into the loose term of "Person."
File: keg's hammer.png (107 KB, 565x562)
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What you do next, you aren't even sure you can call a spell.
The "image" for this isn't really even an image. It's more of a feeling.
Rage, bloodlust, whatever you want to call it. There's nothing going through your head right now except your desire to tear these bastards apart.

You ignore the pain shooting through you as you pump your muscles full of raw mana, causing them to bulge and expand until you look like a bodybuilder.
You weren't sure what wavelength of mana would work for this, so you didn't alter it at all.
It makes sense, doesn't it? To affect your body, you'd use your own natural wavelength.

Well, it sure as hell seems to be working.
You flex and hear sounds similar to tree limbs cracking.
The mage holding you panics and switches his chant suddenly.
You feel even more tendrils wrapping around your limbs, but it's not enough to hold you anymore.

You grab them in each hand and begin to rip them apart, veins bulging though your skin and sweat pouring from your body as you strain at it.

With a loud snap, the tendrils break away and disappear with a burst of wind and a spray of light particles! You're free!
For a moment both you and the enemy mage simply stand there, panting heavily. But then you move.

You've never ran so quickly before, and you close the distance in an instant.
The mage throws himself backwards and reaches out with his hand, spraying a thick cloud of black ash that blinds you temporarily.
Still, you lean in through the spray and swing at him. However, you only hit solid rock.
When the ash clears, your fist is bleeding and there's a large crack running up the length of this wall. The mage is gone.

The others are still there, though. Keg and his lackeys.
You still taste the blood in your mouth, but you can't feel any pain right now.
Not in your hand, nor in your stomach. But you can taste the blood! This piece of shit!

"You... You fat fuck, you piece of shit..."

Keg seems to have recovered already. He's grabbed a rather impressive looking hammer that was leaned against that wall, and his boys have gathered around him, blocking off the exit.

"Should have known. Worthless fuckin' guild, you want something done you gotta do it yourself. Don't let her leave, boys! I'm gonna teach this bitch a lesson! You don't fuck with Keg!"

You run at him, planning to tackle him straight into the wall. Keg raises his hammer and swings it down at you, forcing you to dodge.
You swing at his head with your right as you do, but he leans back.

You'd thought you missed, but it seems that somehow, your strike connected.
Keg's head is blown backwards and he slides on his feet, leaning on his hammer's handle to stay upright.

"Gah... you're more trouble than you're worth, you know that? Are you a knight or somethin'? Ah, it don't matter. I ain't lettin' you go after all this."

"Boss, maybe you should let us help? I mean, look at her..."

Keg swings his arm, crushing his lackey's face. The man rolls around on the floor, screaming about his teeth and his nose.

"If even one of you lays a hand on her, i'll stomp your asshole out, you understand me?
Nobody's ever humiliated me like this bitch right here, and i'm gonna make it right with my own hands."

You can see several people sneaking off while Keg is focused on you.
You don't particularly care about them, though.

You charge at Keg once again, right down the middle. He swings down at you, but this time you don't dodge.
Instead, you cross both arms over your head and catch his blow by the handle. Your arms creak, and you can feel the fieldstone pavers under your feet give way, but you manage to stop the blow.

Pushing his hammer upwards, you dive into his chest twisting your whole body to drive your fist into his ribs.
You feel your fist crush his ribs, and he practically folds in half under the force of the blow.
Keg slides all the way to the wall, crashing into it with a bang that throws up a plume of dust.

You aren't satisfied, though. He tried to kill you. He wanted to toy with your body. All he's ever been to you or anyone else is an asshole, someone so fucked in the head that they think they can do whatever they want to other people.

You pick up Keg's hammer. Without him swinging it at you, it feels surprisingly light.
Your arms though, are starting to feel heavy. You can hear yourself breathing like you've run back to back marathons.
Your eyes are wide open, but you don't feel like blinking.

You raise the hammer over your head, ready to swing it down at him.
You could do it right now. You could make sure he never bothers or hurts anyone again.

>Kill him
>Don't do it
>>Kill him
>Don't do it
fuck him. let's report this fucker to the guards instead and give him what he deserves
>Don't do it
Kick him in the dick though. Enough to pop a nutt. It's the least he deserves.

Take his money pouch and his hammer. We need the money to pay for our medical Bill's soon.


Why are you so fucking annoying anon?
>Kill him
hi anon, have you caught up ?
Why are you so fucking annoying anon??
Break a kneecap, he's captured alive and his adventure days are done with an injury like that
Remember to post the don’t kill vote as well, anon
Out of curiosity, did you run a goblin related quest in the past?
I have not

Calling it for "Break his fucking knees"

You almost swing it. You swear to god, it would be to easy.
But you aren't like that. You don't want to kill someone who can't fight back, even if they're an absolute bastard.

So you drop the hammer, right onto his balls. If he were awake he'd probably be screaming.
Your muscles deflate, though only partially. You feel insanely pumped up, but at the same time you've never been so exhausted in your life.

You're certain the adrenaline is the only think keeping you awake right now, so you work quickly.
You could barely think straight before, but now that you head is clear you remember the sword at your side.
Unsheathing it, you steady your trembling arms and stab down into his knees, then twist.

They crunch as they break apart, and blood slowly begins to flow from both of his legs.
So you sear the wounds shut by sheathing your finger in flames and gouging it into the wounds until they char, leaving a clearly visible hole clean through.
You don't know exactly how powerful the church's healing magic is, but good luck with that.
He'll probably be lucky if he can walk again.

Looking down at him, you still just feel frustrated.
...That hammer's nice. You'll be taking it. And his wallet too, fuck this guy.
Both of them go into your shoulder bag. The hammer, now far heavier than it first seemed, fits nicely inside. Just how big is that bag?
You can't even feel the weight. No, maybe a little? It's hard to tell.

"Gah, my fucking face, why..."

Oh hey, that guy's still here...

"Hey, you."

"Oh shit, oh shit, i don't wanna die!"

"Shut up, idiot. I haven't killed anyone. Yet. You're gonna be my witness or else that might change, got it?"

"Sure, sure! Anything, just please don't break my legs!"

There's a bit of a fuss as you walk out into the street. Apparently you look a little rough.
The market guards, some in plain clothes, immediately show up and demand to know what happened.

You and your new "Friend" both go down to the guard house while some heavily armored men go and scoop up Keg.
Your friend apparently corroborates your story, at least up to the point where he got smashed in the face.

After telling your side of the story (minus intentionally maiming him) you end up passing out in the captain's office. You wake up on a couch with a thin blanket thrown over you.
He's a considerate old man, you'll give him that. Nice mustache, too.

Apparently while you were out, Keg was taken to the church to be healed. It seems the shattered fragments of his ribs had punctured his lungs and a few other organs, and he required surgery on top of extensive healing magic.

At some point in this process, Hino found out about what happened and rushed down to the guard house to see you. He's asleep in a chair on the other side of the room, likewise covered with a thin blanket.
That explains why you woke up in far less pain than you went to sleep in.

Apparently healing magic doesn't remove bruises, because your face, arms and stomach all look terrible.
Where are you, OP ?
will you post the rest soon ? been hours my dude
Yeah, i'm working on the last post for the night. Two year olds aren't good for your mental health, never have kids.

You gently shake Hino awake. When he sees you, he immediately asks if you're alright, and then begins scolding you for going into back alleys all alone.
You don't particularly think that part was the major issue, but he may have a point.

"Damn, i never did end up getting my spices, huh..."

A thought occurs. How much loot did Keg actually have in his coinpurse? You didn't check before taking it.
...Two sovereign, one hundred and fifteen guilder. Alright. Okay, sure.

You suddenly understand why bandits enjoy robbing people, but that's still not the life you want to lead so you put it out of your head.

"Hey Hino, catch."

You toss one of the sovereigns to him. He catches it without thinking, but starts to panic when he looks at what he's got.

"W-Where did you get this?! I can't take that much money, come on!"

"That's for taking care of me. Spend it on the kids, alright? It's charity, so you're not allowed to refuse."

Also a little bit of karmic balance for kneecapping someone, but you'll keep that to yourself.

"So," you say- "What happened to Keg after they fixed him up?"

"Uhm. Well, they're holding him in the jail right now. He'll be shipped off to one of the bigger cities for interrogation, according to the guard captain."

"Keeping your mouth shut doesn't help if they use one of those juror orbs on you, eh?"


"Welp, what time is it? I'm still totally exhausted."

"I'm not sure. It's the middle of the night, but i don't know when exactly."

"Well... i guess i'll just sleep here. This couch is comfier than a pile of hay, anyways."

"That's... aren't you imposing upon the guard captain? Maybe-"

"Sorry, can't hear you! G'night, Hino!"


When you wake up the next morning, Hino is gone and the captain is already at his desk, and seems to have just woken up recently himself.

"Oh, look who's awake? Haha, don't worry. You aren't imposing at all. Listen, i want to thank you for taking that fellow down for us. He'd been skirting the law for a long time, and we were sure he'd do something drastic after he was kicked from the guild. I'm just sorry you ended up getting hurt in the process..."

"Wait, he was kicked from the guild?"

"Oh yes, ol' Kurai has been looking to get rid of him for some time now, but he had trouble getting any real evidence of actual nefarious deeds."

"And what about the mage that attacked me? Linur, i think was his name. Keg said he was from a guild, too."

"Ah, that... i'm afraid there isn't much we can do. Without a face to put to him, it's a bit difficult. We can look around for anyone named Limur and test their mana capacity, but that'll only narrow things down, even if he shows himself in public. There's still no actual evidence. I'm sorry miss, it's not like i don't believe you, but that's how it is."

"It's alright, i understand. Maybe i can kick his ass next time we meet, and then i'll drag him back here for you."

"Haha! We might make a guardsman of you, yet!"
oh you're a daddy ? congratulations my dude. boy or girl ?
attack helicopter, of course. what year do you think we're living in?
he's a boy
what of the warhammer?
The hammer is currently in your bag. You're free to use it if you like.

Stepping out into the street that morning, you notice a lot of looks from passersby.
It's not like you're a beaten housewife. They should be able to tell by the sword at your side, but still.
You're sure they have to wonder what happened.

Thinking back on yesterday, you're pretty sure that Keg didn't actually hurt you all that much.
He caused some bruises, sure, but he didn't really break anything. Most of the damage was caused during your own rampage.

You broke your own hand when you punched the wall, and all the damage to your muscles was caused by enhancing your strength with magic.
Your exhaustion was a result of that as well.

Magically enhancing your strength is probably best done in short bursts, rather than for an entire fight.
At least your muscles seem to have gone back to normal. You looked weird with them bulging out so much.

With little else to do, you decide to re-visit the scene from yesterday on your way to the market.
When you get there, not a whole lot has changed.

The huge crack in the wall, which is undoubtedly someone's shop, has been sealed up as if it were never there.
You hope they weren't particularly inconvenienced by it.

The ground back here is still cracked in areas, and clearly hasn't been fixed.
You figure it's a good chance for practice, so you run your fingers across the rough stones laid into the ground and try to "feel them out"
Once you have an idea of what their mana feels like, you try to grab hold of it just like you do with your own internal mana, and will the stones to knit themselves back together.

It's slow at first, like controlling a limb you've never used before, but you get the hang of it.
You can still somewhat see the lines where the rock fused together so it's not quite a natural look, but it's much better than before.

You look back towards the recessed area where that mage had been.
You're not sure how he got away. It's as if he just disappeared.
Could it have been teleportation? Something like that has to be really difficult, right?
Maybe those ashes he used to blind you were just cover for some kind of illusion magic.
Even turning yourself invisible seems like it'd be hard, though more plausible than straight up teleportation.

He must have been one of those types, you know. Stealth, poisons, trickery.
You wonder where a guild full of such people would hide in a town like this.
Sighing out, you follow your nose towards the stalls from yesterday.

You come out of the alleyway into a small open area filled with wooden stalls and crates.
You hadn't really gotten a good look at it yesterday since a bunch of people crowded around you, but it's actually a nice little area.

It's still early in the day, so lots of stall owners are still setting up for the day.
The one you're looking for though, is already open.

"Good morning, miss adventurer! If you're looking to cure those bruises, i have a medicinal salve here that'll clear them up in just a few hours!"
I cant not image the character having a "combat fanny pack" filled with spices now. Such is her strong desire for spice.
So long as the spice flows
Might not be a lot of updates today i'm afraid.
I've got some weight to pull.
>old dnd goblins, or new dnd goblins
The new ones got lots of r34 art i.e. marginally more fuckable

"Oh really? That sounds nice, if it actually works."

"Sure does! It's a bit expensive, ten silver for one jar, but this much should last you for months, even if you get beaten up every day! It's popular with the adventurers around here, you can ask just about anyone at the guild."

"Alright, why not? I'll remember your face if you screw me over, though. I don't like being lied to."

"It's fine, i swear by my products!"

"Oh? Good confidence. Alright, i'll take a jar. Do you have change for a sovereign?"

"Sure, here you go."

The man at the stall weighs the sovereign you give him before accepting it.
In exchange, he hands you 90 guilders and a jar of salve.
It smells a bit sweet and fruity.

"Just a thin layer will do, there's no need to lay it on thick. After just half you should already see them starting to turn color, and after three they should be all but gone."

"Alright. That's not actually what i came here for, though. You see, i'm a fan of... herbal tastes, shall we say. I thought i smelled some good herbs from over here, and your stall seems to be the source. Do you happens to sell herbs in raw form?"

"Oh, sure. Either dried or powdered, whether it's for smoking, medicinal teas or what have you. Buy all you like, i'm proud to say i've got a wide variety of herbs and medicines!"

He starts setting sacks up on top of the counter and brings out a wooden scoop.
Each of the bags are tied with a tag that states their name, but you don't recognize any of them, so you'll just have to try them out one by one.

"Mister, do you mind if i get a taste of each one? I know what i'm looking for, but i don't know what the actual names of them are, at least in this country."

"Oh, are you from Ironshod or something? Rare to see a human born there. Sure, take a pinch if you like. As long as you buy something in the end."

"I've already bought some medicine, though."


One by one, you go through everything the medicine trader has to offer. By the end, you've found things that taste either exactly or close enough to turmeric, basil, oregano, rosemary, cumin, ginger, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, juniper, mustard and dill, along with at least a dozen other herbs that, while tasty, you've never actually tasted before and have no idea as to what they are.
That's not to mention the hundred or more that were practically inedible, but you won't talk about that.

Some of them unfortunately were quite expensive, or he only had in small quantities.
Still, You're honestly shocked at how much just this small stall has to offer, and it's more than enough to satisfy your cooking needs for a long time to come.
Maybe a full on medicine shop in a big city somewhere will have everything you need, not to mention that you haven't actually visited Amai yet, who might have different stuff from this guy.

All you really need now is a kitchen and utensils. And some ingredients...
...And more money for all of that. You really broke the bank on those spices.
At least we got extra cash from Keg, so we should be ok for this month's rent money.
Yep, you're still good on general food and rent.
I just had a great idea. Warcrimes haven't been established yet. We should make the fantasy version of mustard gas.
Learn alchemy and it's an option.
What about a gun? We already have fire magic so making small explosions might be possible. Would that be enough to make a hand canon thing?
You could easily enchant bullets with fire magic as a replacement for gunpowder, but the difficult part will be making the actual gun itself. Particularly anything with a long barrel.
Exotic materials and skilled hands might alleviate some of that difficulty, if you can find them.
Since we are using magic, maybe a trigger mechanism wouldn't be nececcary. We could just activate the gun using mana. So all you really need is a barrel and a system which loads bullets into the barrel

It's been several hours, and according to the guy you've been sitting next to on the fountain in the middle of town, your bruises have healed.
You guess you won't be breaking any legs today.

...God you're bored.
You remember hearing something about some sort of dungeon in this town before, down in the mines.
There's also an open call for laborers at the mine, if you're looking for something different. Might be able to get your hands on some ore that way.

Either way, you're interested in trying out this hammer. It seems like it'd be really satisfying to swing, and you haven't gotten to swing it yet.
Your thoughts trail off until you start thinking about dumb stuff, like enchanting the hammer with fire magic to turn into a rocket hammer.

"Heh, i wonder how fast i'd have to swing it to make a goblin explode..."

The guy you've been sitting next to gets up and walks away suddenly. He wasn't a very good conversationalist anyways.
Alright, that's it! Let's find something to do!

With that thought, you head off to the adventurer's guild and...

"Sorry, nya. We don't handle that kind of work here!"

"Okay? So what do i need to do?"

"Mmm, the laborer's guild is located right by the jobsite, nya. You can get a commission there, no license needed."

With that in mind, you head off to the laborer's guild and...

"You sure, miss? Whether it's bustin' rocks or clearing the labyrinth, it's hard and dangerous work."

"Just give me the damn paper already."

The receptionist signs off on the paper, then you take it from him and do the same. He copies it using some sort of magic tool and you keep the original.

"Suit yourself. We'll pay you for any ore you dig and buy any materials you gather in the dungeon. Prices are non-negotiable and you pay for your own medical treatment. Have fun."

Your body feels light. Sitting around just doesn't feel right, and you're ready to get some kind of work done!
Either is honestly fine with you, but you can imagine which would probably earn you more money at the end of the day.
Which will it be?

>See how good you are at finding ore and smashing rocks
>See how good you are at not getting lost or dying
>See how good you are at finding ore and smashing rocks
>See how good you are at finding ore and smashing rocks
>See how good you are at finding ore and smashing rocks
You're actually taller than a lot of the men in this town.
Judging by your face, you look to be in your early 20's.
Chiho isn't a loli
it's been stated multiple times we're taller than most man, so we're a cursed loli if one
Isekai'd as a loli into a world full of gnomes.
Absolutely cursed.
Holy guacamole. Would that make all this a reverse loli scenario?
I don't quite understand what you're getting at, but there will be no loli fetishization in this quest, if that's what you're looking for

Alright, calling it for honest labor.
Update tomorrow.
I was trying to make a jab at the anime trope. I forgot we were big.

You decide to try your hammer out on some rocks before going dungeon delving alone.
Heading out of the building, you follow the path to the mines. When you get there, it's not quite what you expected.
It's essentially a strip mine, a deep quarry, with an ant's nest worth of tunnels bored into the ground.
The job site is... busy, to say the least. There are all sorts of people here, breaking rocks in every fashion imaginable.

Some are slowly chipping away with pickaxes, others are smashing rocks with hammers and some are even using earth magic.
You even see what look like homeless folks picking up stray ore chunks and carrying them to their own carts.

There's also a slow stream of adventurers entering and exiting through a few different tunnels, some looking more beaten up than others.
The air feels cool. It's perfect weather for a little exercise!

Taking your new hammer out, you shoulder it and walk over to a random stone face.
It's at this moment that you realize, you have no idea what exactly they're digging at this mine.
So, you ask a rather burly fellow who happens to be nearby.

"Hey, mister."


"Do you know what kind of minerals we're looking for in this mine?"

He takes a while to respond, and his voice is quiet when he does.

"Black Iron ore, pink. Celaphyte, yellow with black specks. Mythril dust... silvery blue. Orichalcum, blood red. Mythril and orichalcum... mostly deeper. Underground, in small pockets."

"Thank you!"

Weird guy, real timid. Seems nice enough, though.
So basically you're looking for any pink or yellow stripes, huh?
You can see a few already, so you take the hammer in hand and swing it.

You know from experience that swinging harder is a good way to tire yourself out, and doesn't really help much.
You gotta use the weight of the hammer head to your advantage, and make a smooth arc!

You strike the rock face with significant force, and cracks spread out in all directions from the point of impact as it starts to crumble.
Woah, this hammer is great! It's not just heavy, whatever the head is made out of, it's hard as hell.

Just one swing got you enough material to fill several buckets, but you want to have some fun with this.
You swing at the rock face a dozen more times before you're satisfied, and quite a lot of black iron ore is revealed.

Picking up just the richer chunks, you fill your buckets and balance them on the shaft of your hammer, allowing you to carry six at a time.

"Next please."

The mine operator is busy logging the buckets, so you have to wait a moment before he's ready for you.

"Name and ID please?"

"Chiho, #679."

"Alright, let's see what you've got."

You dump your buckets out onto the scale and he marks down the weight and apparent quality of the ore, then dumps it down a chute.

"Next please."

Well, it's as simple as that, you guess.

You repeat the process several dozen more times throughout the day, and by the end you've broken quite a sweat.

"So there you are!"
So they just let anyone in to the mine? Wouldn't that cause problems? For example the tunnels might collapse if someone hits too hard.
Most people just use the strip mine, because monsters can occasionally roam through the tunnel systems.
Even then, the tunnels are normally reinforced using earth magic as they're made, so cave-ins are extremely unlikely.
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Turning towards the familiar voice, you find Milly wearing some casual-looking clothes.

"I went to the guild and asked if anyone had seen you. Kawa-san said you'd been asking about the mines, but i didn't expect to see you here actually mining."

She looks you up and down, seeing you dripping sweat with a satisfied smile as you lean on your hammer.

"Geeze, how much ore did you collect already?"

"Uhhh, about 230 buckets so far, i think."

"...That's way beyond a stamina freak."

"Hah. Hey, check out my new hammer!"

You give the rock face one last good smack, and... it doesn't crumble. It cracks, sure, but it doesn't completely crumble.
Which is weird, considering the face has broken with just about every strike so far.

"Woah. That's a huge crack, i can see how you-"

"No, that's weird! It should have crumbled!"

"That much wasn't enough...? I'm sure you're just tired. Why don't we head back to town, i've got something to talk with you about."

"...Let me smack it one more time."

"Oh, fine. If it'll get it out of your system. But then we're getting out of here. It's dusty, i hate it."

Your palms are actually pretty raw from swinging over and over, but you spit into them and rub your hands together for a bit more grip, then with a short burst of magically enhanced strength, you land a massive blow!


A deep, stony voice cries out on impact, huge chunks of rock flaking off and falling down from the rock face.
The ground begins to tremble, and the cracks spread even further beyond your usual range!
You hear people screaming in the distance.

"It's a golem! Evacuate the workers! Someone call the guild!"

"Oh shit!"

"By my ancestors, i didn't need this today!"

You grab Milly by the waist and pull her out just as a large stone nearly hits her, running a short distance to relative safety.

"So, that thing is...?"

"A... A golem..."

"That's not a lot of information, Milly!"

"It's trouble! We'd better run!"

"What about all these people? Are they gonna make it out in time?"

The regular folks working here aren't quite as fast as you are, and some of them are just standing around like idiots, watching the commotion.
They're gonna get splattered if you just run off!

"Milly, shoot a fireball up into the air! Make it a bright one! "I'll hold this thing off until backup gets here."

"You can't fight that thing! Fire magic won't work against it and it takes a whole team of adventurers to keep it distracted!"

The golem has nearly broken free of the rock face, and it's pretty huge. You aren't sure you'll be able to smash this one easily.

"You're wasting time, Milly!"

Leaving her behind, you run towards the golem, ready to fight.
What will you do?

>Dodge and counter, try and break it's legs down with your hammer
>See if you can use earth magic to stiffen it's joints and slow it down
>Blast it in the face with napalm breath, maybe you can blind it with the flames
Fucking, Plasma is close enough to another state of Fire.
Swing the channeled fucking plasma warhammer of super death.
You could definitely generate plasma using lightning magic in the future, but you have no practice with that right now.
>Dodge and counter, try and break it's legs down with your hammer
>See if you can use earth magic to stiffen it's joints and slow it down
>Blast it in the face with napalm breath, maybe you can blind it with the flames

Bulk yourself up and swing at it’s legs. Instantly end the bulk up as you swing down. We don’t want to use that exhaustive shit for too long.
>See if you can use earth magic to stiffen it's joints and slow it down

Calling it for breaking his knees, with a little bit of joint pain.
Update tomorrow.

You quickly consider your options, but there isn't a whole lot you can do.
The golem roars as it stomps down at you, thankfully slowly enough for you to dodge.

It's movements are slow, relatively speaking... but it's so damned big!
It has a ton of reach, and it's sheer size makes it difficult to move out of the way in time.

After dodging, you turn with the momentum and swing your hammer into the golem's leg.
It cracks a bit, and stoke flakes fly off from the force, but the damage seems to have been minimal. You just aren't strong enough.

You dodge again. The golem's movements are simple, it seems to just react to your presence.
You don't want to tear your muscles again, or god forbid break any bones, but you want to try using body enhancement magic to increase your strength.

"Short bursts, come on! Just a short burst! HAAAAH!"

Your muscles flood with mana just like last time, and you feel your strength explode!
With a shout, you slam your hammer hard into the golem's shin, gouging a massive crater into it and showering you with a spray of sharp rocks.

You jump away and quickly pull your mana back, feeling your strength drop back to normal levels.
The strain is still there, you did use your muscles in that state after all, but it's not as bad as before.
The golem has stumbled forwards. It looks down at it's injured leg and seems to grow furious.


It cries out in it's deep, guttural voice, raising both arms up and slamming them down into the earth.
Large cracks radiate out, big enough to swallow a man whole.
Rocks and dirt fly in all directions, and you yourself are launched into the air as the ground shifts underfoot.
You land with a roll, mostly unscathed. The golem seems to be using magic now, as many of the rocks launched into the air now seem to be floating around it.

Several large boulders fly off and clumsily fill the hole left in it's leg by your enhanced attack, while others stick themselves to it's body to form spikes or thick layers of armor.
You guess it sees you as a real threat. Lovely.


An unfamiliar adventurer seems to have come to your aid. The air shimmers a pale blue before thick sheets of clinging ice explode into existence, coating the golem's legs.
The golem is furious. It tries to escape, but has been glued to the ground. It swings it's arms down at the ice, cracking it piece by piece.

"There'll be more here shortly! Good job keeping it occupied, most of the civilians have escaped!"

"Stay back and support me, i'll try and lock up it's joints!"

Dropping your heavy hammer, you quickly enhance your strength and run for the golem's back.
It's occupied with trying to escape the ice, so it doesn't see you running around from behind. You think.
Jumping up, you cling to the back of the golem's knee. Thick sheets of fog are rolling off of the impossibly cool ice, making it difficult to see. But you don't need to see for this.

You sense out the golem's mana, and... woah.
It's earth-attributed for sure, but it feels weird. You aren't really sure how to explain it.
There's also a lot of it, which you're quickly learning makes it harder to affect it's body.

But as you tend to do, you force through and manage to force the golem's rocky joints to fuse together.
It's right knee is locked up, but it's nearly free from the ice. You're forced to jump back down and get away from it as it shakes itself loose.

That thing's groaning is really starting to hurt your ears.
It starts to charge at the mage who had frozen it before, and the mage looks like he's about to piss his pants.
But the golem stumbles as it tries to step, and falls forwards onto it's face.

You take the opportunity to recollect your hammer, and just as you pick it up you hear Milly's voice.


You turn to see the golem being hit with a massive, jet-like spray of white water.
The golem goes from being on it's knees to on it's ass in a hurry.
It's stony armor is being ripped off by the water pressure, but the spray doesn't last for long.
Her attack wanes, and then cuts off all at once. Milly collapses entirely, thankfully a fair distance from the now soggy golem.


In a one-two punch of sorts, the ice magician cast his spell a second time, this time seemingly doing some actual damage on top of freezing the golem in place.
Huge ice crystals spring into existence, crawling up the golem's torso accompanied by loud cracking sounds.

The ice magician appears to have exhausted his mana on that second giant attack, but the golem is well and truly stuck this time.
Maybe you should just go in for the kill?

>Go for the rocket hammer, you want a glory kill
>Just use your enhanced strength, it might take a few blows but you could do it
>Wait for the other adventurers to get here, it's not worth putting anyone in danger
>>Go for the rocket hammer, you want a glory kill
>Go for the rocket hammer, you want a glory kill
>>Go for the rocket hammer, you want a glory kill
>Go for the rocket hammer, you want a glory kill
let'sa go
Locking it in for guts n' glory
Roll me 3d10+2, DC 18
Rocket hammer
Yes yes yes yes yes
Rolled 2, 8, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 2, 10, 3 + 2 = 17 (3d10 + 2)

Here goes

Nice, but can we do better?
Rolled 7, 10, 7 + 2 = 26 (3d10 + 2)

Rolled 3, 6, 9 + 2 = 20 (3d10 + 2)

Okay heracles, calm down.

You can feel it, this is your chance!
You're gonna give it all you got.

You see a mob of at least a dozen adventurers approaching in the distance, but nobody's going to steal your kill.
Your mana flares up wildly, pumping your muscles up until they feel like steel wires stretched to the breaking point.
The hammer in your hands feels weightless as you grip it tightly.

Your mana flares up even higher, shimmering the air with a reddish tinge before collapsing into your weapon.
It seems to heat up in your hands from the mana alone, even though you haven't transformed it yet. Like the spell itself is begging to be realized.
You can see it in your mind so clearly that it's almost hilarious.

It starts as a sharp hiss, and then slowly becomes a roar. The flame shooting from the end of your hammer actually helps propel you forward as you charge the enemy one last time, and jump.


You swing down at the golem's head and let loose with everything you've got!


The back of the hammer practically explodes, and the head disappears from your vision entirely!
Three things happen. One, you're blinded by a shower of dust and debris. Two, you've gone completely deaf. And three, your arms have gone completely numb.

You find yourself falling a short distance into a crater, where you just lay for a moment.
Your head is ringing, which you expect is from the sound of a rocket going off two feet from it.
You're pretty sure the golem is dead. God help you if it isn't, but you're pretty sure it is.

It takes a minute, but apparently someone realized you were in the smoke cloud. Someone to don't know helps you up and out of the crater.
Milly, realizing you're not dead, tries and fails to rush over. Seems like she's still dizzy from overusing her mana.
Your legs are still fine, so you walk over to her with a big smile on your face. She just sighs out and starts lecturing you, to which you respond by telling her you're deaf.
A look of realization washes over her face, followed by a look of defeat. She waves you off and goes to rest on a nearby rock.

Several burly adventurers crowd around you, patting you on the back and, you're sure, saying nice things.
One of them brings you your hammer.
It's... it's uh...

"Fucked" is a good way to put it.
The handle is bent into a c-shape and has your handprints embedded into it. The head is smashed flat on one end and melted into slag on the other.
It's actually pretty impressive.

The ice mage from before shows up in front of you as well, holding a big, flattened lump of silvery-blue metal.
The top of it looks suspiciously like the flattened head of your hammer, so you have an idea of what it might be.

"The golem's core? Ah, sorry, i'm deaf right now so i can't hear you speaking."

He simply laughs and nods, handing it to you.
Oh, your hearing came back! One of the adventurers here seems to know healing magic.
Sorry, but that'll be the last post for today.
I don't have a lot of time to sit at a computer uninterrupted lately.
damn boy, we stronk
Right fucking hilarious

"Can you work on my arms next? I seem to have burst all the blood vessels up to my elbows."

"Damn, that looks like it hurts."

"Nope, can't feel it at all!"

While the unknown adventurer helps you reconnect your ligaments, you have a few questions to ask.

"So, ice mage. What's your name?"

"I'm Vorst, nice to meet you."

"Chiho. Nice to meet you, too. You really did a number on that thing, especially the second casting."

"It was easier with all that water mana in the air. It was soaking wet as well, which helped to shear chunks of rock off."

"Well, thanks for the help. I'd be happy to split the reward three ways, if that's fine with you."

"Really? Even though you got the final blow? Thank you! Not everyone is so generous. It'll be categorized as an emergency quest, so the payout should be decent. I was just looking for some travel funds, as it happens."

"And what about this golem core? It's a chunk of mythril, isn't it?"

"I won't be sticking around long enough to find a seller anyways, so don't worry about it. You use magic too, right? Mythril is a great mana conductor, so maybe you can get a new weapon forged with it."

"Yeah, this thing took a bit of a beating... damn, and i just got it, too."

"That was one hell of an attack. What did you even do?"

"Er... well, the details would take quite a bit of explaining. In the end, i basically just hit it really, really hard."

"Damn, i guess that would explain the hammer.

When your arms are fixed up, you coat them with a bit of bruise cream and break off to talk with Milly, who looks completely exhausted.

"Out of mana?" You ask.

"No, just over-strained... i'm completely drained mentally, though. Geeze, i never wanted to be an adventurer."

The guild master seems to have arrived, and he butts in right away.

"Adventuring ain't for everyone. Even so, you girls did a real good job from what i hear."

"Guild master? What are you doing here?"

"There was a golem attack, so we expected at least a few casualties. I came to take care of it if things got out of hand, and to clean up the mess afterwards."

"Well, we're all fine so there's no need to worry."

"Fine, huh? And what do you call what's happened to your arms, there?"

"What, this? Don't worry about it, someone's already healed me up, i'm fine."

"Is that what you think? Look missy, healing magic ain't all powerful. It'll stick you back together in a pinch, but it's not the same as real bed rest. Now listen here, you ain't allowed to swing a weapon again until my man gives you a clean bill of health, got it? I don't need a promising young woman cripplin' herself early in her career."

"You know, i'm pretty sure i could pay off the damages for that table just fine by now."

"You think i'm lettin' you slip off that easy? No way. I need more people who can get things done around here, and i'm willing to pay for it. It's a bit early, but what do you say to a C-Rank license? You can get a lot of good work with that kind of clout."

"Woah, really? You're just giving it to her?"

"If she can take out a golem like that, she can handle the jobs we'd be throwing at her just fine. What do you say?"

"...I dunno. Are you gonna force me to do stuff? Am i going to have to pay any fees? What do i actually get out of it anyways?"

"There are mandatory quests, of course. That's true of any registered adventurer, but you'd be expected to show up if something serious goes down, like this golem. Within reason, of course. We can't expect you to magically appear if you're off on a quest or out of town somewhere. As for fees, there's only the cancellation fee for any quests you take and can't fulfill. They're exponentially worse the higher the quest's rank of course, but it's nothing unique. And as for what you get out of it..."

The guild master takes a cigarette out of his shirt pocket, lights it with a flick of his fingers and sits down in front of you and Milly.

"First, obviously, you get access to c-ranked quests. Difficult, dangerous, or sensitive in nature, beyond what common adventurers can handle. Of course, they pay accordingly. Secondly, starting at Rank C, you're allowed to handle dangerous weapons like enchanted swords, spell scrolls and high class potions. You won't be as restricted in what you're allowed to learn or purchase at shops, and you'll be given a special bank account by the state with just a 1% tax rate. Any merchants would kill for that, you know. You'll even be able to pay for things using your crest, if a shop has the tool for it. Lastly, you won't need to pay entry fees when crossing a border or entering a city. Might not sound like much, but it makes growing as an adventurer much easier, to say nothing of getting around from place to place. I won't make you decide right away, but at least think it over. And sign up at my guild if you take the job, it's good for my resume."

Well, what do you think?
>Take his offer, officially become an adventurer
>No way, i value absolute freedom over potential profits
>I'll think about it, let me get back to you
>Take his offer, officially become an adventurer
Sucker. He never said anything about kicking people. I suppose for now we could just gather herbs for a couple days or weeks?
>I'll think about it, let me get back to you
I'm leaning towards getting it after we rest
>>I'll think about it, let me get back to you
Do you think there is a better alternative to becoming an adventurer?
Let's find out first shall we
Fair enough

>I'll think about it, let me get back to you
Ask if part of the reward money could go towards a weapon of our choice
>do research to see if we can make a fire cannon or lightning railgun.
After you get your reward for the golem and the day's work at the mine, you'll be able to put it towards whatever you want.
You could get your hammer reforged, or have an artisan craft you a gun-like device of your design, or maybe go for heavy gauntlets for maximum fisticuffs. Whatever you like.
Ah shit, i've actually had my trip dropped for a while now. Whoops.
>Take his offer, officially become an adventurer
dunno, but I wanna wait a little before accepting
>I'll think about it, let me get back to you
Calling it for not immediately jumping on the first wagon you see, update tomorrow
As someone who speaks Dutch I really like the name of the ice mage.

"I'll... think about it. I haven't really decided what i want to do with myself yet."

"Alright, kid. I'll see you later. We need to talk with you about a few things next time you drop by."

The guild master walks off, and seems to be taking reports from people who witnessed the attack.
Some of the workers seem to be coming back already, but most of them have called it a day.
After an hour or so the mine re-opens and you're able to collect your pay for the ore you collected, which comes out to about 20 guilders worth.
Then you head down to the guild with Milly and Vorst to collect your reward, which was judged to be worth a sovereign for each of you.

Vorst splits off, apparently to buy some supplies. You say your goodbyes, then head off with Milly to an inn that apparently serves decent food.
When you get there, the reality that the food in this world just sucks hits you all over again as you finish your unsalted, unseasoned veggie soup.

"So, i found a house for us while you were out there pretending to be a mine worker."

"Give me the details."

"It's a tiny, honestly. apparently it used to be a small shop that was converted into a house at some point. Because of that, nobody wants to live in it, so it's cheap."

"Okay... i guess that's fine, since it's just the two of us."

"I think we'll be alright. It's not like we plan to start a family there."

"I prefer men anyhow, so no worries there."

"Thats... That's not..."

"It was a joke."

"Right. Anyways. The owner died recently, so the house is still in good condition as far as i can tell. Do you want to check it out?"

"Sure, why not."

The house is actually really close to the market area of town, which you guess makes sense if it used to be a shop.
It looks about like you'd expect, but it's bigger than she made it sound.

"This is perfectly livable, isn't it? It doesn't seem too small at all."

"Are you kidding? There's no way more than four people could live in here."

"...Come to think of it, i haven't been inside any of the houses in this town, but aren't they all kind of huge?"

"Obviously. If they aren't big enough to fit your whole family, you'd all be separated."

"And who exactly is included in your idea of "family" here?"

"That's an odd question, isn't it? Husbands, wives, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren... your direct lineage, you know?"

"Wait, you guys all live together with that many people?!"

"Yes...? Isn't that normal just about everywhere?"

"No! I mean, i guess it is here... but where i come from, it's normal for your parents to kick you out of the house as soon as you're legally an adult."

"...Barbaric. Do you have no familial bonds at all? Where do you even come from, anyways? I've never heard of a country like that."

"Er, well... it's really far. I have no idea how far exactly, but i don't think i could get back there if i tried."

"My apologies."

"No, don't worry about it. It wasn't a very good place to live."

You end up renting the house, and apparently your landlord is the local lord, so you won't have to worry about someone pestering you to move out because the land value went up and they want to sell the building.
All of the past owner's furniture is still there, which is a nice bonus. There's a slight coating of dust on everything, but it's cleaned up easily enough.

There's only one bed, which is a bit awkward. You resolve the issue by picking another room, forming a bed frame out of rocks from the mine and slowly sewing together a mattress made out of layers of fresh hay and old blankets, with the outer layer being a nicer-looking blanket.
Your mattress topper is made similarly, although using raw cotton you'd picked from the fields outside of town rather than hay.
Likewise, you also sew together a few simple pillows made out of old cloth and fresh cotton.

It takes you two whole days, but you've got a nice, comfortable bed to sleep on and you couldn't be happier.
You never put much effort into your sewing skills, but you never hesitated to stitch up a torn jacket or pants if you really liked them.
It's a good skill to have, and you're thankful for it.

The guildmaster still won't let you take any quests though, so you're stuck sitting on your thumb for a while longer.
What sort of trouble could you get up to that doesn't involve physical labor?

>Finish squaring up your herb collection, get some groceries and start cooking, you're dying for a good meal
>Try learning some trade skills, like making potions or something.
>Focus on practicing with magic, you might be able to use lightning if you put your mind to it
>Maybe try digging into that missing person case? You do still have the files on hand.
>Apparently there's a merchant's guild. You could see what all that's about.
>>Finish squaring up your herb collection, get some groceries and start cooking, you're dying for a good meal
>Finish squaring up your herb collection, get some groceries and start cooking, you're dying for a good meal
>Finish squaring up your herb collection, get some groceries and start cooking, you're dying for a good meal
Calling it for making an idiot sandwich
Update probably tonight

You're currently sitting in your house, cozied up next to the fire, sitting at a table and drinking tea.
Sounds great, except the tea tastes like dirt. It's not just the tea, either. Everything tastes like dirt, or nothing, or weird, or bitter.
You've tried basically every place in town that serves food. Every stall, every inn, every bar and you've even eaten with a hobo cooking something unrecognizable over a back-alley fire.

Through that, you have determined a few things.
One, the meat here is fucking delicious. Blows everything you remember out of the water, no contest. As far as you can tell, that's due to mana content.
Simply put, mana makes shit taste good. It's like fat, salt or sugar, but way stronger.

Two, the people in this world are way too easily satisfied by their food. If it's good to you, it's great to them. If it tastes like dirt to you, it's still great to them.
Your taste buds aren't broken. Savory is still savory, sweet is still sweet. It's just like these people have no sense of dissatisfaction, what the hell?

That's the third thing.
Cooking... exists. Obviously. They cook their food so as not to get sick, at least. But they just don't mind if their meat is tough, or if their veggies are bland.
It's not like good food isn't better, but they just haven't made any real effort to improve upon the most basic of basics.
You don't get it. It doesn't make any sense, it feels like you're going fucking crazy!

You hear a crack. The clay cup in your hand has shattered.

"Chiho? Are you alright? You're tapping your foot really hard, i can feel it through the floor."

"No, no i'm not. I'm not alright. I gotta go."

"Chiho! Wait!"

You already have some basic cooking supplies left by the previous owner. Extremely basic. You've looked around before, and a lot of tools you need just don't exist.
Your first stop is by a blacksmith, where you explain in a frenzy the details and proportions of various strange objects that these smiths have no idea how to create.
Milly eventually catches up with you, but you ignore her on your rampage through town.

The second stop is Amai's shop, where you practically blow down her door demanding to buy rare and unique-smelling herbs.
She had even more than the guy at the medicinal stall, it's ridiculous! The herbs exist, they're right here! It's not like they're even that rare, you can buy them in bulk!
There's just about everything you could want, and a ton of new herbs that you've never tasted or smelled before! WHY AREN'T THEY USING THEM?!

Your third stop is the town market, where you go on a tasting spree. You buy one of basically every vegetable and cut of meat you can find.
You try them raw, you cook them on the spot with flame magic and try them that way. You even form a stone pot, fill it with water and boil it all with magic so you can try them boiled.
Like this, you spend almost an entire day just figuring out what is what.
>you've even eaten with a hobo cooking something unrecognizable over a back-alley fire.
Based. We need this man as a named character. What's his name, or hers?

After this, we HAVE to compile a sort of journal where we can label and remember what herb, vegetable, meat, root, spice tastes like what.

Like with the herbs, there's an analog for just about every fruit and vegetable you can remember, along with dozens and dozens that you don't know.
Of course, a bunch of them look weird or have odd textures or have slightly different tastes, but they're all there. It's actually kind of weird, because you're pretty sure global trade routes shouldn't exist for perishable items in a world where the main method of transportation is either horse or sailboat.

And they're using them all wrong! Clove as a soothing agent for a scratchy throat! Which, well, yeah that does work, but still! They were using some kind of mint as an incense! A really nice smelling one, but still!
None of that really matters, though. What matters is they exist and are easily available, which means cooking good food is also possible.

It'll take a full day for the blacksmiths to finish your tools and utensils, and you just can't wait anymore.

"Milly! Get your ass in here, i'm gonna teach you how to cook!"

"Okay, i figured all this had something to do with food, but i wasn't sure what exactly..."

"You people are screwed up in the head, i swear to god i don't know how you eat this crap!"

You point to a bowl of fruit on the living room table. Akushu fruit, it's called. It tastes like the most generic fruit in the world, isn't very sweet and smells like ass.
People love them, because apparently they "don't go bad" from what you're told. Bullshit, they just started off bad.

"I don't have everything i need to cook properly, so we're going to start off simple. You see this?"

"It's steak, yeah. Looks like a pretty cheap cut to me..."

"Cheapest one i could find that wasn't out of date! I don't even know what animal this was, but it doesn't matter! Now, i want you to shock the meat with lightning magic!"

"...You've lost it, haven't you?"

"No, i have not lost it. Listen, shocking the meat makes it more tender! It's best to do it when it's extremely fresh, and i can still see the muscle fibers reacting so it hasn't been long. Now's the time!"

"Shocking meat to make it more tender. Alright, if it'll get you to calm down, i'll play along with this..."

Milly pinches the steaks with her fingers, then passes a small current through them. They jump and twitch for a while, but eventually settle down.

"And now, we're going to freeze it."

"Wait, doesn't that make the meat tougher? I thought you wanted it more tender?"

"Yes, but this is an important step, because i literally don't even know what this is, and there's sure as hell no health and safety standards around here. Freezing the meat kills any parasites that might be inside of it, which is an important part of the cooking process."

"But if you just cook the steak until it's done all the way throug-"


Your eyes are twitching. You're really close to just strangling her at this point.

That's Hobo Joe.
He'll be around.

As for me, it's 10pm so i'm calling it a night.
I'll be seeing you around, but I dont think the same applies to Millym she gonna catch these hands.

With Milly stunned into silence, you get to work freezing the steaks.

Vorst's ice... it was colder than cold, unnaturally so. His magic was amazing, and you felt a bit of it yourself.
It's not like you're unfamiliar with ice and cold, but he's something else. You'll have to thank him for the experience later.

"That's... ice magic? Did you learn that during the golem battle? Oh wow, it's frozen solid already."

Next, you have to unfreeze the steaks. You think that it's... probably possible with ice magic?
But there's a much more efficient method, which is just warming it up fire fire magic.
Much more effective than any microwave, since it heats the entire thing at once and not just the outside.
Now it's time to get the oven going.

"Now then, Milly. Do you see this? What is this?"

"Its... charcoal?"

"WRONG! This is FLAVOR! This is what flavor looks like. And what are these?"

"They... they just look like wood chips?"


"I'm very confused."

"That's fine. Just throw away everything you know about cooking and it'll all start to make sense. You should do that either way, actually."

The stovetop in your house is actually made out of bricks, but it was very basic and had essentially no control over the heat levels, so you modified it. Extensively.
Before getting started, you load your wood chips into the smoker box. They smell a bit like hickory, but sweeter.
The charcoal is exceptionally easy to light up using magic, and while that's doing it's thing you get to work dehydrating the garlic and onions with a mix of water and fire magic.

"What did you do to the oven? I don't understand what this part is for."

After they're dry and crispy, you crush them into powder with a pestle and mortar, along with some rock salt and peppercorns.
Each powdered seasoning is put into a marked clay container for later use.

The fire is starting to get stronger now, so you place down a metal grate you'd purchased from one of the local blacksmiths.
Fortunately grilling is already common due to the taste of meat here, even if they're doing it horribly wrong.

You grease up the grate with a layer of clarified lard and let it get nice and hot.
Salt, pepper, garlic and onion all get sprinkled onto the steaks to your taste, and then you plop them onto the grill.

"So... now what?"

"Now we wait. Don't poke the meat, don't move the meat, and absolutely do not flip the meat. I'll be finishing the side dish over here."

"Alright. You certainly seem to know what you're doing. And i have to admit, that smell is..."

There it is. That's the first time you've actually seen someone salivate over their food before. She almost started drooling.
When the time is right, you finish the steaks by searing them directly over the flames. It's a beautiful finish.
You plate them up with a side of creamy, buttered mashed potatoes. Milly tries to dig in immediately, but you stab a fork into the table before her hand makes it to the plate.

"Woah! What's the big deal, isn't it done already?"

"Absolutely not! You know as little about eating steak as you do about cooking it! The meat has to rest for a while before it's ready to be cut, otherwise it'll end up dry! There's also a specific way to cut it that will leave it more tender. You see, cutting against the grain of the muscle fibers..."

You go on and on for a while about various steak-cooking techniques, but you can tell she isn't really paying attention to you anymore.
Her eyes are fixed on that steak, and she looks like a dog that's been given a treat and told to sit without eating.
Eventually though, a few minutes pass and it's finally time to cut, which you do for her to make sure it isn't ruined.

"Hey... this steak is raw! Look, it's still pink inside!"

"It's cooked, trust me. The inside being raw isn't a bad thing, that's why we froze it before, remember?"

"I mean... it looks good, but raw meat...?"

"Just take a damn bite! Shit, i would have marinated it as well, but i just couldn't stand it anymore. I'm eating!"

You stab your fork into a slice of steak and start chowing down. God, it's delicious! Even better than you could have imagined! You might even need to change your panties afterwards!
Milly watches you groan, shudder and moan with pleasure while your eyes roll back into your head. It seems like she's simultaneously more and less eager to try it now.
Hesitantly, she brings the fork up to her mouth and takes a bite.

You watch, curious.
She... she just stops. Her eyes go wide, and she stops moving. She doesn't chew, or look around, nothing. She's just frozen.
Then you notice, her body is incredibly tense. She's almost shaking! A moment passes, and then two, and finally she starts to go limp, hanging on to the side of the counter to keep standing.
She chews once, only to squeal and shut her eyes. After a moment, she finally begins to chew in earnest. You see tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Now THAT is a fuckin' steak, not that hot garbage they've been serving in this town."



"Thats... insane! I've never tasted anything... how..."

"That's what it's supposed to taste like! That's normal!"

"No way... is this even meat? Is this what royalty eats? Hah..."

Milly actually seems short of breath. She struggles just to eat a single bite, and then promptly falls asleep.
Of course, you don't let the meal go to waste and after taking Milly to bed, you finish both steaks along with the potatoes.

"Finally, some good fucking food."

You feel a deep, deep satisfaction. You have no idea where you are, or when you are, or who you are, or what you're doing, but right now everything just feels alright.
Heading outside, you take a stroll through town. It's already getting dark, and the sunset has never looked more beautiful.
You're just going to ignore the fact that there is a second, smaller sun close to the first one that you hadn't noticed before.
>You stab your fork into a slice of steak and start chowing down. God, it's delicious! Even better than you could have imagined! You might even need to change your panties afterwards!
>Milly watches you groan, shudder and moan with pleasure while your eyes roll back into your head.
I think this is the first quest that's given such an importance to cooking knowledge. Great job OP.
I was never aware of the MC's affinity for food up until now. Milly thought Chiho's cooking was royal cuisine tier, so maybe start a side/main cooking gig until she gets the okay from the doctor to break her arms again. I wonder if her cooking is good enough to earn a sovereign course. What do you think?

You head back home as the sun begins to disappear entirely, and when you open your front door someone calls out to you.

"Hey, is this place open? Whatever they've got cooking in there smells delicious."

It's a burly guy with fur running down his arms. He's got wolf-like ears on his head, and you can see a tail poking out from behind him.

"Eh? Oh, no. That's just my own home cooking."

"Damn. Whatever is, it's making my mouth water. I'd be your first customer if you ever opened up a shop!"

"Huh, i hadn't considered it, but... i bet i'd make a profit off of that."

"Hah! Let me know when you open up! G'night, Ma'am!"

...A restaurant, huh? You know quite a few recipes that would probably be a hit.
That night, you end up burning the midnight oil thinking things over. The sun has already been up for a while by the time you wake.
And you don't wake up normally, either.

"...Chiho. Hey, Chiho..."

"Huh? Whazzat?"

"You've been asleep all morning, can't you wake up now?"

"I'm up, i'm up... god i miss coffee."

"So, listen... about yesterday..."


"...Do you think you could cook breakfast, too?"

For breakfast, you end up making eggs benedict with a side of sausage and a stack of fruit-filled pancakes topped with whipped cream and drizzled with honey.
You would have made waffles, but you haven't gotten your waffle irons from the blacksmith yet.

"By the goddess, i've never felt so full... my head is spinning!"

"Yeah you gotta watch out for that. It's a bit of a heavy meal so don't overdo it. We'll have some simple hashbrowns next time, alright?"

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds delicious. Now if you'll excuse me, i think i need to sleep this off..."

"It's still early morning, though..."

"You did this to me. I think i get why you're so big. Eating like that, you must get plenty of nutrition."

Well, with Milly passed out in her room, you basically have the house to yourself, so you spend it cooking.
One thing you've learned about your bag over the past few days is that, not only is it bigger on the inside, it also seems to either stop or significantly slow time.

Monster materials don't rot, ingredients don't get moldy, and fresh food stays warm even days later.
You'd say that's weird, but space and time are just a bit connected anyways, so who's to say?
You're a bit afraid to try space-time magic, if it's even possible. Who knows what might happen.

It's already noon by the time you've finished cooking, but you've managed to do quite a lot.
Being able to control the heat of your flames with magic is a big factor, otherwise it'd be almost impossible to cook on a charcoal stove like this.

It takes an hour or so to make your rounds around town, collecting up all the items you'd purchased.
Some of them are a bit crude-looking, but they'll do the job just fine. You still need to season them though, since they're basically just iron and steel.

Right now, your schedule is pretty open. You're still on non-combat probation for who knows how long, so until you can smash skulls again you'll need something to do.

"Let's see..."

>Try learning some trade skills, like making potions or something.
>Focus on practicing with magic, you might be able to use lightning if you put your mind to it
>Maybe try digging into that missing person case? You do still have the files on hand.
>Apparently there's a merchant's guild. You could see what all that's about.
>See what it takes to open up a restaurant, legally speaking

This'll be the last post for tonight.
>"You did this to me. I think i get why you're so big. Eating like that, you must get plenty of nutrition."
QM confirmed: everyone here is relatively a manlet on average compared to us.
I think I read somewhere about people way back then being a whole lot shorter then people now due to lack of proper eating and etc..

>it also seems to either stop or significantly slow time.
If clocks exist, we should test that theory out by putting one on there, then using a clock on hand to determine how slow time passes in there, if at all. If no clocks exist then I think theres something people do with candles and sparklers to determine the hour of day. The same could be done here.

We could essentially cook a whole lot of food in the early morning, store it away, then serve it to people near immediately. Ita every catering service's wet dream. I would know.

>See what it takes to open up a restaurant, legally speaking
Not only that, we could essentially have a portable kitchen on our hands.
OP, do you by chance work at a restaurant, or know how to make not shitty food?
I don't eat out.
>See what it takes to open up a restaurant, legally speaking
>I wonder if her cooking is good enough to earn a sovereign course. What do you think?
considering how she reacted and now the wolf guy, we have a fine chance.
I'm kinda divided between looking for the restaurant or the trade skills
I take this you're a good cook then
>>Apparently there's a merchant's guild. You could see what all that's about.
What do you personally want out of the merchants guild or cooking?
Calling it for seeing what it takes to open a restaurant

You think opening a restaurant might not be a bad idea, so you decide to head down to the laboror's guild and see what actually needs to be done in order to open one up.

"Oh hey, if it ain't the golem buster!"

"Told you i could handle it."

"Hah, you got me there, miss! So, what'll it be today?"

"Actually, i'm looking for legal advice. I'm considering opening up a shop near the market district, and i'd like to know what i need to do for that."

"Oh, it's nothing big. Do you already have a crest?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Stick you hand in this machine here and you'll be registered as a business owner. The lord gets 20% of your profits as taxes. You can rent out a payment processing machine from us for one guilder a month, and if the tax collectors find out you've been taking payments under the table, they'll cut off your hands and string you up by gates. That's about it."

"Lovely. No other rules or regulations...?"

"Just don't piss off the guard with whatever you're selling and you'll be fine. If you're affiliated with any guilds you'll have to follow their rules as well, but that's not our problem."

"Okay, so i just-"

You stick your hand into the machine, which promptly stabs you in the back of the hand and glows with a pale white light.

"FUCK! Goddamnit, not again!"

The machine dings and shuts down.

"Yeah, i wish they'd figure out a better way to read mana signatures, but a drop of blood really does the job. Anyhow, you're registered in the system now, so as soon as you rent a payment processor you can open up shop."


The machine he hands you looks kind of similar to the hand-stabber from before, but with no stabby device installed.
It's basically a big hunk of metal with a crystal shoved into it and some weird looking markings etched onto the surface.
Apparently you just input the payment amount and then confirm it by putting your hand into the slot, where the crystal reads the user's crest and records the numbers you've inputted.

They're linked to one person at a time, so only the owner of the machine can actually use it.
Then at the end of the month, a tax collector comes by to read the machine and get their pound of flesh.
Seems simple enough.

Well, you guess technically you could start selling food now.
You figure it'll be popular, but you have no idea how much you'd actually need to cook in order to make it through a work day.
Maybe it would be best to just open on weekends for now, so you have plenty of time to cook and prepare during the week?
Wait, how many days is in a week here?

"Excuse me, odd question i know, but how many days is in a week around these parts?"

"What? Get lost, i don't have any money."

The person you actually asked runs off, but someone a bit friendlier responds instead.

"There's eight days in a week, you bumpkin."

"Hey, Nina! I haven't seen you in a while. Where's Letz?"

"Oh, he's off training at the guild. He's been trying to get stronger ever since that goblin took his back."

"Good for him. So, what have you been up to?"

"Oh, the usual! Making friends, making money... I'm actually more interested in what you've been up to, though. Word around the guild is that you destroyed a golem that appeared in the mines?"

"Yep, a few days ago now. Ruined my brand new hammer, can you believe that?"

"I can, actually. I'm surprised you were even able to damage it with brute force. Golems are really, really tough, you know?"

"I mean, i could guess that by looking at it, but i don't really have a frame of reference."

"Uh huh. I also hear that you recovered the core?"

"Yeah, i think. Big lump of metal in it's head, right?"

"The location is different for each golem, but yes. That lump of metal is actually a huge ball of mythril! It's worth a ton of money if you were to sell it!"

"Oh, neat. I haven't sold it yet, but that's good to know."

"...You haven't? Are you planning to get a staff made or something?"

"Nah, i hadn't really thought about what to do with it. I don't even really know what i could do with it if i wanted to."

"Well, mythril is basically the best material you can possibly get for conducting mana. Any enchanted weapon made using it will be way more powerful, and staves or wands made using it can get really pricey. It's also a bit stronger than regular steel, although not quite as tough as black steel. People sometimes use it to craft lightweight chainmail or weave it into fabric to grant extra protection against spells."

"So it's magic metal. Got it."

"You know, i could probably get you a really good price for that lump through my connections in the merchant's guild, if you wanted to sell it. I'd only take a teensy 20% cut, too! That's 10% less than other brokers!"

"I uh... i'll consider it, thanks."

"...Oh! I heard you and Milly moved in together, so i got you a nice housewarming present."

Nina hands you a small item wrapped in linen. You unwrap it to find a small, heart-shaped crystal.

"Go ahead, run some mana through it!"

You do as she said, and the crystal begins to glow with a bright, pink light.

"Isn't it cute? I cut the crystal myself, and had a friend of mine enchant it. I'm thinking about selling them alongside a few other items when i finally get my shop open."

"Nice, i think they'd be popular. I'm actually thinking about opening up a shop of my own, now that you mention it."

"Oh really? What kind of shop?"

"A restaurant. I'm pretty decent with a knife. Actually, i have some food on hand right now. Want to try it?"

"Sure, we can head over to my place. It's not far from here."
Ignore that, i didn't mean to autopost!
I take this third post is incomplete then

So as to what we should do with the mythral, I'm leaning towards forging it into a focus or something. Like a long rifle with an axe head at the barrel.

Can Mythral be forged with black steel to form an alloy that's as strong as black steel, with the magical conductivity of mythral?

"THIS is your place?"

"Sure is! The Penbrooke estate was originally built by my great, great, great, great, great grandfather four and a half centuries ago using funds pilfered from the neighboring country of Shamisen, back during the war of-"

"Jesus christ, are those butlers tending the garden? And knights in full platemail guarding the gate?"

"Well, they aren't officially knights, but retainers to the Penbrooke family..."

"You have a fountain! There are friggin' gold coins in there! What the hell do you need more money to open a shop for?!"

"It's family tradition! We aren't allowed to rely on our parents to start our business, in order to keep the family's skills sharp! Anyone who doesn't make it gets disowned, but that hasn't happened in two generations."

"How many people are in your family, anyways?"

"Oh, a few. I have six brothers and eight sisters, five nieces and two newphews... twelve aunts and fifteen uncles as well, but they don't live here. Grandma and grandpa passed on years ago."

You really, really want to ask the obvious question. "Is it because you're a rabbit?"
But you keep that thought to yourself. You don't know how people take that kind of thing, and you aren't looking to offend someone extremely wealthy with lots of connections.

"Well, even if you're filthy rich, i bet you've never eaten cooking like mine before. Do you want to eat in your dining room, or in that gazebo over there?"

"It's a bit cold to eat outside... Jenkins! Can you turn the heater on?"

"Of course, my lady."

"WOAH! When did you come up behind us?!"

"I've been here the entire time, miss."

"Gotta tie a bell around you..."

"That was part of my training, i'm afraid."


"Jenkins, stop teasing my friends. The heater, please?"

"Of course."

You and Nina sit together underneath her garden gazebo. Jenkins activates a crystal in the ceiling that warms you just like the sun on a cool day, and a maid brings you both some crystal glasses full of fruit juice.
It's actually the first time you've seen familiar looking glasses since you first woke up, although they look more like wine glasses than anything. And they're really heavy...

"So, let's see this food you're so confident in!"

"Oh, right. Here, it's in my bag..."

"Hmm? What's this? It's huge..."

"It's called a hamburger. It's got melted cheese, mayo, fried mushrooms and onions, spicy mustard, lettuce, dill relish and tomato. It's seasoned with garlic, pepper and salt, all inside a homemade sesame seed bun that's been fried in butter, guaranteed to give you a heart attack in twenty minutes or less."

"I have no idea what you just said, but that thing smells amazing. How are you meant to eat it, though? Did you bring any utensils?"

"Oh, that's the best part. You're gonna want to roll up your sleeves and get some napkins, because you eat this baby with your bare hands. Well, after i cut it in half. You couldn't eat all of this anyways."
You could do a lot of things with it.
If you wanted to get your hammer reforged, you could give them some of the metal to reinforce it with.
Then you could enchant it, or just use it as a pseudo-staff.

You could also have a real staff or wand made, which would greatly increase your magic power.
It would also make a great material for just about any other weapon you could think of.

And like Nina said, it also makes good magic-resistant armor.
Or you could just sell it for a fat lump of cash.
Oh, hear me out, make a G U N.
That is definitely an option, although a somewhat more difficult one.
You might have to do a bit of traveling for that one.
A suit of mythral chain mail under full or half plate black steel sounds like a good combo to me

You take a bite into your messy, oversized burger. Yep, it's delicious, as you expected.
Nina takes a bite of hers, and... oh, you've seen this reaction before. She's frozen up, just like Milly.

Once she gets control of herself, any semblance of manners goes completely out the window.
You've never seen such a small girl eat like a starving sailor on shore leave before, but here she is.
By the end, both her hands and face are totally coated in grease and mayo, and she's panting heavily.

Jenkins appears to be experiencing all of her embarrassment for her, right now.

"That... was... incredible! What in the world... hah.... was that?!"

"I told you, it was a hamburger, or just a "burger" for short. It's minced meat mixed with onions and some seasonings, pan fried and topped with condiments."

"Condiment? You mean that thing men put on their-"

"NO! Condiment, not condom! Geeze... a condiment is anything you put on your food to add flavor, like salt or butter or whatever."

"I see... oh man, i'm so sleeping for some reason..."

"My lady, are you ill? Could there have been poison in that meal?"

"What? No! I'm just, like... incredibly satisfied... it's making me want to take a nap."

"We call that a "food coma" where i'm from. That's how you know it was a good meal."

"Well, it's the most delicious thing i've ever eaten, and i've partied with noble families in the kingdom's capitol. Chiho! You've gotta let me go into business with you! If you sell that kind of food, you'll have nobles flooding in left and right looking for you to cater for them! We could be filthy rich!"

"Er, well. I was already planning to open up my own shop, if only for a few days a week. I've already registered at the laborer's guild for it."

"Did you register with the merchant's guild as well?"

"Nope. Do i need to?"

"That's no good, Chiho. You need to register with them and pay your dues, or you're going to have problems."

"What sort of problems?"

"Nobody really talks about it, but the merchant's guild isn't entirely above board. There's a lot of money involved after all. The guild wants it's cut of any serious business, and an upstart shop like yours would definitely draw attention. You would find that suddenly, all the other merchants would refuse to sell to you. Your stock might end up going missing, and you might even end up being harassed. If you didn't cave after all that, well... there's a chance they might hire an underground guild to make an example out of you."

"Uh huh. And what happens if i just kill anyone who attacks me or breaks into my house and source my ingredients through someone else?"

"That's... kind of brutal. But alright, let's say you do that. You're going to piss off a lot of higher ups, and then one day you come home to a burning building. Maybe they don't attack you, but your friends instead. Maybe Letz, Hino or Milly turn up missing one day and you never see them again. That's what happens."

"That bad, huh? Bastards."
It's late, so that'll be the last post for tonight.
I see mr sseth doesn't take no for an aswer and educated his pupils as such
Bonus points to you for being a sseth fan.
Hey hey people
thanks for the shekels
That reminds me, if any of you have an invite to the merchant's guild, hit me up.
I barely have enough shekels to pay my bills, but i bet there's some great fap material in there and i want at it.
[email protected]
>but i bet there's some great fap material in there and i want at it.
I mean from what I've seen in his videos only if you like furry shit, but even that can be found easily just like every other piece of nsfw he drops from time to time
>The lord gets 20% of your profits as taxes. You can rent out a payment processing machine from us for one guilder a month
>Nobody really talks about it, but the merchant's guild isn't entirely above board. There's a lot of money involved after all. The guild wants it's cut of any serious business, and an upstart shop like yours would definitely draw attention.

So we need to hit up the Laborer's Guild and the Merchant's Guild to get our legal and illegal permits. Labor Guild puts a 20% cut from profits, and Merchants could do more or less the same.

Does the taxes for either guild applies if we see our food outside of the city? It would certainly be a creative work around. We could host parties outside of the city proper every once in a while and use Nina's connection to the higher society folks to get us some clients.
Whether it's inside the city or outside, as soon as you start pulling customers away from them, they're not going to be happy.
The tax collectors aren't fond of attempted tax evasion, either.
>So we need to hit up the Laborer's Guild and the Merchant's Guild to get our legal and illegal permits. Labor Guild puts a 20% cut from profits, and Merchants could do more or less the same.
Man how do people profit here having to basicaly pay double taxes because of the merchants ?
There might still be a way we could work around this. Perhaps bribing Nina's family with deluxe pizzas (not the shitty dominos kind) and seeing they could help us, or know anyone that could. Preferably some lawyer or accountant? Someone who know's all the exploits so we can reduce the total taxes between the two guilds to something more reasonable, like 15% annually.

Oh! Considering the Guild Master might be a veteran adventurer, or at least as strong as one, he might be well connected enough to help us. Nothing a few onion rings and burger sliders can't solve.
Mostly through manual labor and adventuring.
Raw materials sold directly to the adventurer's guild are taxed by the lord, then sold to the merchant's guild to be distributed across their channels, so they don't get hit with any secondary taxes while the adventurers technically don't pay any, although in reality they're getting paid less in order to make up for the taxes the guild has to pay, they just don't see it.
People running small shops and food stalls really get shafted the most, unless they know somebody who can take the pressure off.
The clear path to success would be to hire Hobo Joe. Someone as beaten down by society as him should prove some relatively useful insight should he still be all right in the head. Depending on what hes good at and his age, he could work the register and take people's orders.
The merchant's guild is a sham, a fake. They're a corrupt workers union. They are a parasite to this city and must be purged.
Here's my idea. If we save the dukes daughter or fi d out how she died, he might be grateful enough to relieve some of the pressure on us from taxes.
Can we have the mythral reforged into a set of cooking tools and cutlery? I'm more interested in "can we do this?" than if we should.
It's metal, you could have it forged into whatever you want.
If you want a set of mythril kitchen knives and rolling pins, you can have them made and go around cooking your opponents mid-battle like some kind of toriko character if you like.
Sorry lads, but i'm extremely busy today, so there probably won't be any updates.
take your time my dude
See you later.

I for one am bored. Anyone got any bright ideas?

Nope. Masturbate maybe?
That's probably already a give, like something that happens off screen I bet.

Fuck I don't know. Maybe sell high nutrition granola bars with almonds, oats, nuts, raisins, and honey. Shit now I'm hungry.

Maybe do like a kinda of cooking demo one day of the week and serve sample foods like muffins and small sandwiches.

Something uh. Selling tubs of ice cream?
we need to dom the trap
Get an enchanted cart and a lovely assistant and we could travel the world with "Cooking with Chiho"

"Sorry, you can't always hit your problems over the head with a stick."

"I wonder about that. Maybe i just need to swing a lot harder."


"Well then, it seems like getting into the merchant business isn't such a good idea after all."

"Maybe... but you would probably do well, if you had someone on that side working with you. It's still an option."

"I'll think about it. I'm still trying to decide what i want to do with myself, so who knows what i'll end up doing."

"It's good to consider your options."



"So, do you have any more food?"

You spend a while talking with Nina, but eventually it's time to go about your day.
You're starting to get the feeling that this town isn't as nice as it seems on the surface.
Underground guilds doing whatever they please, above-ground guilds doing whatever they please, people going missing...

Is it the same no matter where you go?
Maybe a little house in the woods somewhere would be best. So far from everything that no king or lord comes to steal from you.
...Then again, you think you remember someone mentioning that strong monsters live outside of human territory.

Maybe the answer is just to get stronger, then.
There's training courses at the guild, but those are a joke. What you need is to learn powerful magic, or to be trained by a master in some sort of weapon.
You'd need to collect armor, weapons, materials and possibly allies to venture out into the wilderness and live in a cabin.
Why must simply existing be a struggle?

As you were walking, completely spaced out, you bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch it lady!"

"Oh, sorry."

Trance broken, you look up and see the lord's manor. It's even bigger and more opulent than Nina's.
Friends in high places, huh? If you can't get out from under someone's boot, become the boot-wearer.
But even then, there's always a bigger boot.

So what, become queen of a new nation, conquer the world and weed out all traces of corruption? Yeah, fat chance.
Maybe you should just focus on the here and now. Like, what do you need here and now. The answer is booze.

Heading back to the market district, you look for a bar or something... but you're surprised to see Hino at a market stall.

"Hey, Hino!

"Eh? Oh, Chiho! It's nice to see you. I'm glad you're doing well."

"You too. What are you up to?"

"Oh, i'm just finishing up my shopping for the church. We needed a few bundles of thread and some other items."

"Cool, cool. Hey! Let's get piss drunk! I'm buying!"

"What? N-No, i can't, i-"

"Nonsense, it's time for shenanigans! Come on, we can make fun of the guys who hit on you and maybe get into a bar fight!"


You scoop Hino up and continue your search for a bar. As it turns out, there's one that only looks slightly dirty not far from your house.

When you head inside with Hino over your shoulder, you turn some heads. Most of the guys in here look like typical bar-goers, but there's a woman or two in here as well, so it can't be that bad.
>Come on, we can make fun of the guys who hit on you
Kek the pains of a trap.

"Barkeep! A pitcher of beer for my friend here, and something that burns blue for me! Leave the bottle!"

The man behind the counter quickly produces a pitcher of frothy ale with particulates floating in it, and a big, brown bottle for you.
You immediately break the wax seal on your bottle and knock back three shots.
Whatever this is, it has an odd fruity flavor and smokes like white phosphorus on contact with air.
Hino is just holding onto the pitcher with both hands, staring down into it.

"Chiho...! The only alcohol i've had was at communion! I don't know how to drink!"

"Easy, first you suck, then you swallow! Hahaha!"

"Eh? Are you drunk already?"

"Yep! This is some good shit, what's it called?"

The bartender pokes his head out from the back room.

"It's called "Dragon's Breath," something imported from the capitol. Never seen someone take three shots of that crap and stay standing before, congratulations."

"Come on, Hino! Drink! Make merry! Have a good time!"

Hino hesitates for a moment, but eventually steels himself and begins drinking directly from the pitcher, leaving himself with a foamy mustache.
He quivers for a moment afterwards, but then his eyes shoot open and he licks his mouth clean with a smile.

"Hey, this is pretty good! It's a little bitter, but it tastes like fruit and honey!"

"That's the house special, kid. A mix of fruit wine and honey mead. It's popular with women who don't drink often."

"Thank you, mister bartender!"

"...Geeze, what are you doing bringing a girl like that here? She's still in her priest's robes, goddess save her."

You pour yourself another two shots of Dragon's Breath while watching Hino make mistakes.

"I thought it would be funny, honestly. So tell me, have you heard any rumors lately?"

"No, i haven't. What is it with adventurers asking me that all the time? Do i look like i spend all day talking to people?"

"You're talking to me right now."

"And i should be cooking this evening's meals, so if you'll excuse me..."

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on there big guy. You serve food too?"

"What does this place look like to you? Of course i serve food."

"Before you ruin whatever ingredients you've got in there, let me at your kitchen. I'll make you a meal like you've never seen, free of charge."

"What? I ain't lettin' some random girl cook for my patrons, get outta here."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you'd eaten my food before. Here, try something i made just this morning."

You hand the guy a plate of salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, peas and buttered corn on the side.

"And what the hell is this supposed to be? I don't... i don't... huh, that smells pretty good, actually. Hell, why not. Gimme a bite."

His "one bite" quickly turned into him licking the plate clean in front of everyone, so you'd say it was a success.

"Ho-ley! I've never had meat that tender before! And that mush, was it gorkah root? Whatever, as long as i get some of it, you feel free to use the kitchen."
I like how the bartender didnt comment on her pulling a full entree out her ass, while it was still warm.
He saw her take it out of the bag.
It's easy to brush off as "Adventurers are weird."
I'm not in a good place to write right now, sorry lads.
Hopefully tomorrow goes a little better, jesus christ.
Darn. Be seeing you later.

What the bartender, a man whose name you gather is Larran, has in his kitchen turns out to be not a whole lot.
However, he's got plenty for a bunch of drunken bar patrons, and you know exactly what to make.

It also turns out that this guy has a damned fridge, which you honestly weren't expecting.
You didn't believe they existed here, but it seems you didn't know what to look for, because you've been seeing these all over the place!
It's basically just a double-walled wooden crate stuffed with wool for insulation, and has some sort of magic crystal inside that provides the cooling.
Hell, you think you actually have one in your own house! ...Which you might need to clean out, if anything was left in there after the previous owner died some months ago.

But back to the task at hand, you open up his fridge to find it absolutely stuffed with raw meat.
There's tons of dry bread stored in crates around here as well, and only some of it is moldy!

Larren keeps his knives nice and sharp, so you make short work of disassembling the chickens.
After washing and drying them with water magic, you coat them first in flour, ensuring to shake off any extra before dipping them in a mixture of buttermilk and egg,
while they're still wet, you season them with a bit of salt and pepper.

The final coat is a thick layer of dried bread crumbs, and then it's off into the oil.
While those are cooking, you get to work on some beer-battered fish.
You get Larran's permission to use some old ale that's about to go bad, and mix up a healthy bowl of beer batter.

"Let's see, about this much paprika..."

"You really seem to know what you're doing, miss. I never seen cookin' like this before, though."

"Hold on, i have to turn the chicken."

Multitasking in the kitchen can be difficult if you're got too much going at once, but it's an important skill to learn.
You only have a few hot pans full of oil going on the stove right now though, so it's only a moderate fire risk.

When the chicken comes off the stove, the fish goes on. You have no idea what oil this is, but it seems to be frying up nicely.
While the fish is cooking, you get to work making buffalo sauce out of butter, blended hot peppers, garlic powder and a touch of vinegar.
That only takes a few minutes, after which you dip the finished chicken wings into the sauce and let it soak into the breading.

The fish is almost done, but you've still got a bit of work to do, and you'll be serving up the chicken first.
The last step for the chicken is the ranch dipping sauce, which you quickly whip up from a mixture of buttermilk, your own homemade mayo, sour cream and a variety of spices.
You serve it all together with some celery and a mug of beer.

"Hey boss, order up! And bring me another shot!"

"Heh, i don't remember hiring you, lady. But you've got my patrons lined up at the bar for whatever the hell you're making back there, so maybe i'll forget that i didn't."

Now that all of the chicken is done, you manage to get some fries into the oil as well. Honestly, you need more space than this...
But you'll manage, you think. Actually, you could use the extra beer batter to throw together some hushpuppies while you're at it...

While the last of the fish is finishing up, you throw together some tartar sauce out of mayo, lemon juice, assorted spices and a dab of spicy mustard for extra flavor.
The last of the fish is off, but you have to wait a moment for the fries to finish. That's alright though because the patrons seem to be quite busy with their chicken, both plain and buffalo style.

"Hey, Larran, when did you find someone who knows how to cook?"

"No kiddin'! Seems like she put in more food and less ass."

"Yeah yeah, keep talking."

The fries and hushpuppies are finished, so you plate the fish, fries and tartar sauce together and stick the puppies in a bowl on the side.

"Second order, and the last one i'm doing tonight! I might enjoy cooking, but i don't like to work for free."

"Sure, let's see what you've got!"

Since you're done cooking this time, you actually get to see their reactions.

"Wow, aren't they gonna choke if they eat that quickly?"

"Should have charged extra..."

Everyone is, to put it lightly, tearing into their meals.
Some of them have already passed out entirely, and are slumped over in their chairs.
It's actually kind of gross, with all the moaning and chewing sounds...

Well, at least they're enjoying it.

"Oh, man! Hey, are you the new chef here? That was the best food i've ever eaten, what's your secret?"

"Hah, no, no. I was just having a bit of fun, i don't actually work here. I think. As for my secret, well, i have a lot of experience with cooking for myself, but spices go a long way towards a good meal."

"Spices? What, you mean like salt?"

"...Yeah, like salt. Christ."

You end up drinking for quite a few hours, making a few new acquaintances and laughing as someone actually does try to hit on Hino, who's entirely too drunk to understand what's going on.

"Right, so when you pull the sugar over the hook, a little bit of air gets trapped inside each time, and eventually it turns opaque, so..."

"Hey, what's going on outside?"

"Damn, looks like some of those guys are missing limbs."

Opening up the shutters at your table, you see that the sun is starting to go down...
And yes, there is a group of adventurers that look like they lost a fight with a woodchipper.

You hurry to wake Hino up, but he's completely passed out and just snores at you, no matter how hard you shake him. Damn.

"Boule! Damn it, what happened?!"

That's the voice of the guild master...

"Kurai... i'm sorry, it was a total wipe. That thing tossed us around like ragdolls, and Nala... she didn't make it."

"Shit. I'm sorry."

"We knew what we were getting into. You don't have to apologize."

"Was the report true? Is it really a demon?"
>You hurry to wake Hino up, but he's completely passed out and just snores at you, no matter how hard you shake him. Damn.
haha maybe you should try kissing him awake
ha ha ha as a joke
it would be funny lmao
definitely nothing more haha

The apparent leader of the group simply falls silent, like he doesn't want to admit what he saw.
Their mage speaks up instead.

"No doubt about it, that thing was a demon for sure. A Red Oni by the looks of it. The real deal, not one of those half-human tribals."

"That's more than we can handle on our own. Did you cover your tracks well?"

"We did what we could, but the blood... even though we broke our trail using the creek, there's no guarantee."

"I think it'll be alright. That thing didn't seem all that interested in us until we attacked it. It's like it's just wandering."

"So how long before it "just wanders" right into town? Regular steel can't cut that thing's hide, normal people won't stand a chance."

"I know, i know... i'll call up the other guild branches, see if they can spare anyone. If we can't do it on our own, we'll just have to rely on the lord's knights. I don't think anyone wants it to come to that."

"Alright. Everyone's pretty beat up, so..."

"Did you find all of the limbs?"

"Corkus managed to double back and pick them up. Ramba's arm was destroyed, but... Nala."

"I see. I'll cover the surgical fees, you just focus on pulling yourselves back together. I'll need you if anything happens."

This must be about the humanoid monster Hino was attacked by, back when you first met.
Sounds like the guildmaster is up to his neck in trouble with this one.

"Chiho, don't think i didn't see you in there. Don't even think about it, a Red Oni is way tougher than some golem."

Guh, he spotted you? He's got good eyes...

"I wasn't thinking about anything. I've been diligently following my orders, you know."

"Is getting drunk your idea of resting? You act like an adventurer already, don't you?"

"Well, i'd die of boredom if i didn't do something. Besides, i've got a lot on my mind. Seems like you do as well, huh? Being a guildmaster must be tough."

"At times. There are a lot of considerations we have make, after all. Speaking of which, i still need to talk to you. Come by the guild soon if you weren't planning on it already."

"I don't like the sound of that, but alright. Take care, guildmaster."

"You too, brat."


You end up carrying hino back to your house on your back.
You figure it wouldn't be a good look to bring him back to the church unconscious and reeking of booze, so you'll let him sleep it off somewhere safe.

"A Red Oni, huh? They're supposed to be really tough, but there aren't a lot of texts regarding demons in my mom's library, so i don't really know much about them"

"How did it even get out here, anyways? I thought strong monsters only appeared outside of human territory."

"Well, that's not entirely accurate. They only LIVE outside of human territory. Technically they can pop up just about anywhere. It's really uncommon for a strong demon to appear, but husks show up all the time."

"What's a husk?"

"Mmm... it's something like a hollow clay doll inhabited by an evil spirit, i guess."
That was the last post for the night.
We should probably ask for all text related to Oni's, specifically weaknesses and their level of intelligence.
Straight up roofie them with some bomb ass seasoned, marinated, and fire roasted boar. Like the whole damn thing.
You could do that, quite easily actually.
Several people in town sell medicinal herbs, including sedatives.

"How much do you know about spirits, Chiho-san?"

"Uhhh... nothing. At all."

"...Okay. Well, to start off, spirits are everywhere. Literally everywhere. Apparently a long time ago, the souls of living things would go somewhere else when they died, but that stopped happening for some reason, so they've been piling up ever since."

"That doesn't sound good... Wait, is this a post-apocalyptic setting?"

"It doesn't really cause any issues, because the spirits maintain the natural order of things, for whatever reason. Mainly by balancing the flow of mana from one place to another through the Dragon Veins."

"Why are they called that if if the spirits are doing the work? Shouldn't it be a Spirit Vein?"

"Well, apparently it's because, on average, the amount of mana flowing through any particular point in a Dragon Vein is the same as what you'd find in an actual dragon's veins. That's quite a lot, in case you weren't aware."

"Even i could figure that much."

"Anyways, most of these spirits are good, or at least neutral. Things like animals, insects and even plant spirits. Humanoids though are of course, a mixed bag. Even an evil human's spirit doesn't usually become a demon, though. It might become a poltergeist or something and cause trouble, but demons are on a different level."

"Okay... so what causes a spirit to turn demonic?"

"There are a lot of theories about it, but nobody really knows for sure. The one my mother and i believe in though, is the time theory."


"Yes. It's theorized that spirits can only maintain their sense of self for so long after death, and eventually become so called "nature spirits" that inhabit things like stones and puddles. That's what gives most things in this world some small amount of mana. However, when a particularly evil spirit begins to lose itself, they twist into something else. A demonic spirit."

"So that's what this Oni is? An evil spirit?"

"Well, sort of. We don't really know what causes a spirit to manifest as a particular demonic being. Why one becomes an Oni, while another might be an Imp or a Husk. All we really know, is that they tend to form in places with high concentrations of mana, typically by possessing a patch of clay to slowly form their bodies."

"That kind of makes it sound like it would be really easy to summon a demon, doesn't it?"

"I guess... it takes a very long time to happen naturally, sometimes years. But, if a group of mages fed the demon mana and pre-sculpted it's body, they could probably summon it much more quickly. They'd have to be idiots to actually do that, though. It would slaughter them for sure."

"So, is there any way to kill it easily? Like separating it's soul from the clay, or just using earth magic on it?"

"It's not that easy, i'm afraid. Their bodies may have started out as clay, but once they've fully formed, they're as much flesh and blood as any other creature. Although much harder to kill, usually."


"What is it, Chiho?"

"Ah, i'm just thinking, maybe if i lured it with some good-smelling food, i could poison it one way or another."


"No good?"

"No, if it's your food, it'll probably work for sure... a meat dish would be perfect."

"I guess i could do something low-effort like a bacon wrapped roast, since it'll be wasted on a monster anyways. I'll need some medicine to use on it as well."

"Actually, before that i think we should tell the guildmaster. You have something to eat on hand, right?"

"Not a whole lot, but i've got something, yeah."

"Well then, let's get going. The guild will probably close soon."


"So let me get this straight. You want to kill a demon with a pork roast."

"No, i want to kill it with poison. The pork roast is just a delivery method."

"Alright... and how are you going to get it to go for the roast, in that case?"

"Easy. I'll just leave it upwind and let him find it on his own."

"You really expect that to work?"

"Sure, why wouldn't it?"

"...Alright. It's not particularly dangerous, i guess. I'll send Corkus out with it as soon as it's ready, so hurry up."

"What, you aren't going to wait until tomorrow? The sun's already down."

"He's an elf, so his vision is better than a human's, don't worry about him. We need to kill this thing before it can hurt anyone else, so don't worry about the poison, i'll supply it myself. I've got a phial of basilisk venom in the treasury, a few drops of it should do the job."

"...Should you really be using something out of the treasury? I don't know much about basilisks, but wouldn't that stuff be crazy expensive?"

"It doesn't matter, it would just sit in there forever otherwise. Nobody's willing to touch the stuff."

"Can i borrow the guild's kitchen? I think i can get it done pretty quickly with a bit of magic."

"Sure, just don't blow anything up."

The guildmaster runs off, you assume to get Corkus ready.
Meanwhile, you quickly find the kitchen. It's actually fairly well stocked, and has plenty of tools available...
Most of them look practically unused, though.

You grab a loin out of the fridge and slap it down onto the cabinet surface.
How, you reckon, would an Oni like it's meat? Raw? Burnt? Would it even care?
You decide that you have no goddamned idea, so you're just going to make a normal pork roast. Kind of.

"He wants it done quick, so let's see how this works out, shall we?"

Placing both hands on the loin, you gather your mana and convert it, then inject the flame mana into the roast without manifesting it.
Slowly, the roast begins to warm up... and then all at once, it turns color. A few minutes later, you figure it's done.
You then pull the mana back into yourself and re-convert it into your own natural mana, just about as easily.

With the roast insta-cooked, you slather with with butter and sprinkle it with herbs and spices.
That'll be the last post for today, i need to tear down my laptop, install an SSD and reinstall windows.
Fuck HP and it's anti-consumer designs.
choices soon
Doies ^^^^
Not that I'm complaining, but there's a lot of big posts and not too many
>do thing #1
>do thing #2
>do thing #3
or the like. I got no beef with it, but does anyone have and issues?
I guess it just turned into a straight-up novel.
Hold up. Was the last 'choice post' 1 week ago? Is this >>4602195 it?

And most of the posts are about cooking. Which means every post could have had choices about what ingredients to put in your food or what to order or what to put on the menu.

I think posts without choices for a week is rude but not deliberately. /qst/ is a collaborative board after all.

This phenomena is like low level demonic possession. QM could even ask us if we prefer beef or chicken with our meal. Or 'what do you want to say to the girl next.'

Just keep writing QM, the writing's good, but include choices this time.
I think we need some really aromatic herbs to really attract it, in addition to a flavored fire. We could even use wind magic to spread the smell
uhhhh qm?
Maybe he realized that he is writing a light novel
OP at least give us a sign
Alright, considering we’re near page 10, it’s better to archive this soon. Hope OP gives a message at least in general.
Did it boys, time to shill, whoever is left and remember this thread http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rin%20QM

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