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Zombies. The living dead. Once an obscure folktale has now become one of the most well-known monsters to enter the world of fiction. We’ve seen many different types of zombies in all kinds of stories.

However, I want you to forget everything you think you know about zombies. Those were all tall tales meant to entertain the masses. While many stories got some basic concepts right, the real world tends to not work out as well as fiction does. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself these questions.

Why would the world militaries become overrun by slow, stupid creatures? How can simple viruses raise corpses from the ground when the bodies would be decomposed beyond repair and missing many important organs? How can so many zombies still be around after months of no food or water? If we took zombies from fiction, but gave them real world limitations, they would be killed off faster than you can say “brains”.

No, zombies are nothing like that. To combat these glaring issues, some writers make zombies fast so they can run at high speeds. But this has its own problems. All this running would make these zombies expend energy quickly. There is only a limited number of humans in the world to eat. These zombies would die even faster than the slow ones just through starvation.

All of this is to say that zombies in their fictional forms are not realistic. Their real-life counterparts are much more capable of survival.

Here is an updated summary of everything that was learned about zombie behavior so far: https://pastebin.com/z8LaVEFS

Here is the limited background knowledge about the apocalypse that is known so far: https://pastebin.com/WSwrTF4G

If you would like to catch up fully, please read the archived threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=ZombieQM

If you have any feedback for me that you do not wish to post in the thread, please email me:
[email protected]
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Your goal is to survive this outbreak. You may discover new bits of information about this outbreak or you may not. Survival is your main objective and never forget that. You will be given 5 characters and 5 chances to survive. Each character has different abilities, traits, personalities, and are all located in different places. All characters can die at a moment’s notice. Characters cannot be revived.

If a character gets transformed into a zombie, you can still make choices for them. However, they cannot be changed back into a human. Becoming a zombie will lock that character out of any ending except for bad endings. Remember, zombie bites do not transform you into a zombie. This is not an infection. Trying to be silly and doing something to get bitten will not allow your character to become a zombie. It will likely just lead to the character getting eaten and dying from their injuries.

You are given the ability to switch characters at any time after you have at least made 3 choices with your current character. When switching, there is a predetermined order that will be done. You cannot choose who you switch to.

There are four types of endings: True Endings, Happy Endings, Okay Endings, and Bad Endings.
(Note that true endings are not necessarily the happiest.)

If 4 characters get an okay ending or better, a sixth character will unlock. If 2 characters get a happy ending, a sixth character will unlock. If 2 characters gets a true ending, the sixth character will unlock. Having a mix of happy and true endings works too if at least 2 characters get them. Finally, there is a hidden item/event in each story. If all 5 characters find the hidden item/see the secret event, the sixth character will unlock regardless of the ending they achieve. There is no way to know if an item or event will be the secret event until I tell you. The sixth character’s story will reveal the whole truth behind this zombie apocalypse. Try your best to unlock this character!

Now, I will explain each character.
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1. Jack – A middle-aged, truck driver. He is a no-nonsense man who tells it like it is. He hunts in his spare time and is a good shot. His wife, Jacky, had divorced him because he was not around as much as she wanted. He has partial custody of his child, Lindsey, but Jacky has her this week. He will begin his story while hunting in the wilderness.

>can make accurate shots that do not require a dice roll
>the strongest character available
>patient, will be able to hide for long periods of time without getting restless

>cannot run for long distances or very fast
>does not do well in groups
>knows little first aid

Jack’s Endings:
True Ending: Find a safe place to survive alone.
Happy Ending: Reunite with Jacky and Lindsey and survive together.
Okay Ending: Reunite with Jacky and Lindsey, but one or both dies. Jack still survives.

2. Sarah – A stay at home mother in her twenties. She is attractive but is a happily married woman. She is a much more traditional woman who lets her husband, John, make most decisions. She dotes on her son, Adam, and makes sure he is ready for the outside world. She will begin her story at home with John at work and Adam at school.

>knows basic first aid techniques and always carries a first aid kit with her for her son
>almost always finds the positive side to things, very rarely gets upset or frazzled
>knows how to cook even with the worst ingredients

>if choices lead to Adam or John dying, she will be much less effective and will not make the best choices (less good choices will be available), and if both Adam and John die, she will make mostly bad decisions
>relies on John for strength and guidance, so her choices tend to come from the husband if he is still alive (you will still make choices for her, but they will be less varied)
>if John dies, other men will try to make her theirs, even without her consent (since this is a blue board, I will skip to after the fact if this occurs)

Sarah’s Endings:
True Ending: Find a safe place to survive alone. Sarah must not know what happened to John and Adam.
Happy Ending: Reunite with John and Adam and survive together.
Okay Ending: Reunite with John and Adam, but one or both dies. Sarah still survives.
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3. Larry – A retired electrical engineer in his late 70s. He was initially a mechanical engineer for many years, but he switched career paths midway through. His wife passed away a few years ago. but he was able to move on with his life. He is starting to feel the effects of age, but he still has some hop in his step. He knows a lot about the inner workings of computers and other devices. Larry will start his story on a cruise ship.

>can fix many broken machines
>wise, knows many neat tricks and will tend not to make hasty decisions
>elderly, people are less likely to accuse him of lying or force him to do hard tasks in a group

>slow running speed and low stamina
>looters and other undesirables will view him as an easy target and will more frequently try to rob him
>cannot hide for long periods of time without cramping

Larry’s Endings:
True Ending: Find a way back to land and find a safe place to survive.
Happy Ending: Fully repair the cruise ship with the crew and live safely on it.
Okay Ending: Intend to stay on the cruise ship, but all the crew has died, so full repairs are impossible.

4. Stacy – A third year college student who is studying nursing. She is the type to party very often and has had many boyfriends. She does currently have a boyfriend, named Boyfriend, but is not very loyal. She has a few close friends but knows nearly everybody in her graduating class. She tends to exercise at the gym in her spare time. Stacy will begin her story at in a classroom.

>has the most in-depth medical knowledge of any character and knows some complicated procedures
>a social butterfly and can get along with nearly anybody with ease and can even seduce someone for supplies or favors
>can run for long periods of time without getting tired and can run quite fast

>she is prone to gossiping and this can cause some people to dislike her (if someone catches her gossiping about them, bad things can happen)
>she is not a very strong character, so many people can overpower her
>attractive, so looters and other baddies may try to take her away to do bad things (since this is a blue board, I will skip to after the fact if this occurs)

Stacy’s Endings:
True Ending: Find a safe place off-campus to survive either with a group or without.
Happy Ending: Find a group to survive with safely on-campus. No more than 3 of her friends can die.
Okay Ending: Find a group to survive with safely on-campus. More than 3 of her friends must have died. OR survive alone on-campus.
5. Kyle – He’s a janitor on an anime image board. He dropped out of college and has no job that pays. He is morbidly obese but can still walk around and do normal things. He is single, but he does have a waifu. He has basic programming and computer skills, but nothing too complex. He lives with his parents, but they are on vacation. Kyle will begin his story in his parents’ basement.

>he could resolve basic software issues on any computer
>already has a step-by-step zombie apocalypse plan, so he is prepared with a stockpile of food and water
>owns an impressive gun, sword, and knife collection and would not need to roll any dice to shoot accurately

>impatience, he will not be able to handle waiting even a little bit without getting bored
>slowest and worst stamina out of any character
>if a woman tried to seduce him, you would need a perfect dice roll to keep him from falling victim to her charms
>bad social skills, he tends to misread the atmosphere and makes people cringe. Groups may try to abandon him
>obesity, he eats more than your average person. He needs to eat more often than other characters.

Kyle’s Endings:
True Ending: Find a place to survive alone. Must bring his waifu’s body pillow with him.
Happy Ending: Find a place to survive with parents. Must bring his waifu’s body pillow with him.
Okay Ending: Find a place to survive with parents. However, his waifu’s body pillow must either have been left behind or destroyed.
Last thread, it was apparent that my busy schedule was getting in the way of making this quest have frequent updates. To rectify this, I have enlisted the help of a co-QM. He is someone who has been a very dedicated player from day one, and he will be posting his first quest update right after this post. With his help, this quest will have more frequent updates.

He was already well-versed in the quest from his experiences as a player from day one, but we have also been in communication now. I have been training him on how to make high-quality updates, and he is aware of everything that I had in store for the quest. Over the coming days, we will have a much more consistent schedule. No longer will you have to deal with extremely long waits between updates.

We are now in Larry’s story. My co-QM will take over from here for the next update.
Hi anons, I'm SurvivorQM, the new co-QM for this quest! As ZombieQM mentioned already, I've been in careful communication and training with him to ensure that the quest continues to run smoothly. I look forward to working with you all, and hope that you will continue to enjoy the quest. While I can't use special formatting like the OP can, I will do my best to use proper notation so you can follow along with the story like always. So without further ado, I will now post the first update of this thread!
Larry contemplated grabbing the shotgun or the toolkit, but ultimately, his curiosity got the better of him. After moving the dresser aside, Larry opened the emergency cabinet and grabbed the fire extinguisher, turning it over and inspecting it carefully.

"It looks normal, but there has to be something special about it," he thought. Why else would the Captain go to such great lengths to keep people from noticing it?

After spending a few minutes inspecting the extinguisher, Larry noticed nothing particularly interesting or special about it that would make it different from a normal fire extinguisher. However, a curious glance aimed at the cabinet told him a different story. Nestled even deeper into the wall, in a dark corner of the cabinet, lied a small red button which Larry pushed without hesitation. Immediately, the closet whirred to life, sliding back a fake wall to reveal a secret office.

Unsure of what to expect, Larry went inside, taking a cautious look around as he entered. The office was surprisingly barren, containing nothing else but a desk, a chair, and a computer. However, what was on the screen genuinely confused Larry.

"7 AM. Situation under control. Resupply needed from special cache."

7 AM? That was during breakfast, before the outbreak occurred. And what was so special about this cache that it had to be kept a secret? Larry scrolled up but found many of the same vague updates. It appeared to be a secret ship's log that the Captain was keeping, but even if there was something strange about the ship, Larry was unsure of what it all meant. He did, however, want to find this special cache and whatever was inside.

*After reaching the first deck and beginning repairs for the ship, Larry will now have an option to look for the special cache. This will require you to learn quite a bit about the ship and its crew. The more knowledge you have when the search begins, the easier it will be to find the cache later, so keep your eyes peeled for important information. Whatever is inside the cache is very special, so I hope you are able to find it!*
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Having discovered all there was to find in the secret office, Larry left the Captain's Quarters and once again found himself in the hallway outside. It was, as expected, clear of zombies. Because he had no reason to be concerned about a scuffle this time, Larry was able to look around carefully and fully take in his surroundings. Consequently, he was able to notice a staff stairwell to his right, further down the hall. To the left is the stairwell to the recreation deck that he climbed up earlier.

How should Larry begin his descent to the first deck?

>Take the staff stairwell for a faster and safer trip down.

>Return to the recreation deck and go through the restaurant, heading down the ship the normal way.

>Return to the recreation deck and go through the movie theater, heading down the ship the normal way.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters

The staff stairwell will have easier access to all decks of the ship, so Larry will be able to reach the first deck much faster. However, many important systems will be passed over and crew members or passengers in danger could be overlooked, unless Larry chooses to exit the stairwell early. The exits for the staff stairwell could be extremely inconvenient if he chooses to do this. The staff stairwell is normally sealed off to passengers, so it has less zombies. Larry has the Captain's keycard, so he can get into most staff areas such as this one.

Going down the normal way will make it easier for him to gain access to important systems or any endangered passengers or crew he may spot on the way down. He may be able to enter the staff stairwell later, but again, those entrances could be extremely inconvenient and difficult to find. He could waste a lot of time looking for them later instead of going now. It is also more dangerous because there are more zombies here.

Larry can no longer go through the pool area because he is holding a fire extinguisher. It would weigh him down too much to be able to maneuver effectively in that area.

Larry will radio the crew to let them know that he is on his way down after making this choice.

I will leave the voting window open until 4 PM PST (About 4 hours and 40 minutes from now)
I just want to note ZombieQM always wrote in the present tense.

>Take the staff stairwell, but only descend one level below the recreation deck.
This way we go around the zombies in the restaurant and the movie theater, and still have a chance to happen upon important systems or endangered people.
I understand. While I assure you that ZombieQM has gone to great measures to ensure that we are in sync when it comes to writing updates that will allow the story to continue flowing smoothly, some stylistic differences will likely be noticeable, as we are different writers. I hope they do not impact your enjoyment of this quest. Please feel free to let me know if you have an issue with anything, and I will see what I can do about resolving it.
>>Return to the recreation deck and go through the restaurant, heading down the ship the normal way.
mixed feelings about this. I never cared about update speeds and it's one less player with autistic knowledge of every little thing.
Thank you for your feedback. The addition of a co-QM ensures daily updates during a point in my life during which I have little confidence that I would even be able to update every other day. I know that you may miss your survivor friend, but now that experience is being used to keep this quest stable. I hope you can continue to work with your fellow survivors to resolve new challenges as they come your way.
>Take the staff stairwell for a faster and safer trip down.
I'm curious how this will go.
No more votes!

2 votes to take the staff stairwell. I will incorporate the write-in and count it as a vote for this choice.

1 vote to "Return to the recreation deck and go through the restaurant, heading down the ship the normal way."

It's already written. Posting now!
Having been through several horrific encounters on his way up to the Captain's Quarters, Larry knows that he does not want to go through anything resembling that again. To him, the staff stairwell is an easy option, at least to bypass the recreation deck. However, he still feels concerned about the possibility of missing important things on the way down.

Before doing anything, though, Larry takes out his radio and calls in to talk to the crew. "First Engineer Johnson, this is Acting Engineer Pinkerton..."

Johnson struggles to stifle a chuckle. "Pinkerton?"

"Get serious, Johnson. I am on my way down to the maintenance deck to look over the generator and engine to assess the extent of the damage. I will be coming through the staff stairwell, so look out for me near the exit on that deck. Do NOT mess with any of the machines until I get down there. You might blow everything up. I repeat, do NOT try to handle repairs on your own until I get down there."

Johnson quickly regains his composure. "Affirmative. Over and out."

With the crew accounted for, Larry enters the staff stairwell and starts walking down to the maintenance deck. He notices that the stairs are very wide and easy to maneuver around and, at least right now, not a single zombie or trace of a fire is in sight. He could easily take this the whole way down, and assuming his luck holds out, there would most likely not be any issues.

However, Larry stops once he arrives at the exit door to the third deck of luxury cabins. Out of concern for the ship, crew, and passengers, he puts his ear to the door and tries to listen for any signs of problems. Larry does not hear anything particularly abnormal, but it's likely that this door leads into a staff hallway that would most likely be fine regardless of what was going on in the rest of the ship. If that were the case, even if there were people in trouble, Larry would not be able to hear their cries for help from here.

What should Larry do?

>Continue down the staff stairwell until he encounters a problem or reaches the first floor, whichever comes first. If there are systems on fire or people still in trouble anywhere in the luxury cabin area, they will be abandoned for the time being. While they may be alright even if Larry abandons them, there is a good chance that something will go wrong if they do in fact exist.

>Exit the staff stairwell here and search for signs of trouble. Larry will have to search all three decks of the luxury cabin area, even if there are no major problems, before he can continue. This is because he must be fully confident that no one is in trouble and nothing important is on fire. Regardless of the outcome of his search, this will cause a significant delay in his trip to the maintenance deck. However, if there are problems here, dealing with them now could make things much, much easier later.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

>Switch Characters

No write-ins this time.

I will leave the voting window open until 8 PM PST (About 4 hours from now)

>Continue down the staff stairwell until he encounters a problem or reaches the first floor, whichever comes first. If there are systems on fire or people still in trouble anywhere in the luxury cabin area, they will be abandoned for the time being. While they may be alright even if Larry abandons them, there is a good chance that something will go wrong if they do in fact exist.
While it may be a good idea to check for others and help anybody we can, the maintenance is more important. But if anybody disagrees, I would like to understand your reasoning.
>>Exit the staff stairwell here and search for signs of trouble. Larry will have to search all three decks of the luxury cabin area, even if there are no major problems, before he can continue. This is because he must be fully confident that no one is in trouble and nothing important is on fire. Regardless of the outcome of his search, this will cause a significant delay in his trip to the maintenance deck. However, if there are problems here, dealing with them now could make things much, much easier later.
Don't you think we should try to get the engine and generator fixed before we do anything? It seems like we need to work on this as soon as possible.
About 40 minutes left to vote! We currently have a tie on our hands, so put your vote in now if you want the quest to update faster!
>Exit the staff stairwell here
I really think this is a bad idea guys. Why are you all so insistent on this?
No more votes! I'll take this next update.

2 votes for "Exit the staff stairwell here and search for signs of trouble. Larry will have to search all three decks of the luxury cabin area, even if there are no major problems, before he can continue. This is because he must be fully confident that no one is in trouble and nothing important is on fire. Regardless of the outcome of his search, this will cause a significant delay in his trip to the maintenance deck. However, if there are problems here, dealing with them now could make things much, much easier later."

1 vote for "Continue down the staff stairwell until he encounters a problem or reaches the first floor, whichever comes first. If there are systems on fire or people still in trouble anywhere in the luxury cabin area, they will be abandoned for the time being. While they may be alright even if Larry abandons them, there is a good chance that something will go wrong if they do in fact exist."

Writing now!
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While the engine and the generator are of utmost importance, Larry still feels like he should try to check on the staff. If anybody was in danger, maybe he could help them out. Or perhaps they could lend a hand in some of the repairs. While they would be of no technical use, an extra set of hands could follow basic instructions.

He opens the door that leads to the staff hallway and enters. The hallway is surprisingly boring inside. No zombies, no bodies, and no survivors. At least, that’s what you would think just from a glance. But as Larry makes his way to the other side, one of the doors is open a crack.

He decides to peek inside, but he sees quite the peculiar sight. Someone is laying on the bed inside, sound asleep under some covers. They must be asleep because he can see their chest slowly expanding and contracting.

“Hello? Are you okay in there? You should wake up,” Larry says. No response. “You need get up! It’s really dangerous!”

Larry walks up to the sleeping person, and it looks to be a woman. Her hair is greasy and covering her face. She looks a bit pale, but maybe she’s just sick? Larry starts speaking again.

“Miss, can you hear me?”

Larry taps her shoulder, trying to get her awake. But nothing is happening, so he starts applying light pressure to her shoulder to jostle her awake.

“Come on, come on! Are you there, miss?”

Her hair is getting in the way, but he can see that her eyes are starting to open. The first thing seen upon her wake is Larry. She suddenly sits upright and lunges after Larry. Luckily, she was tucked in pretty tight, so she tumbles to the floor.

Larry just barely dodged her attack and he repositions himself.

“What the? Ma’am? I promise that I’m not here to hurt you. I want to help you get out of here!”

She stands up in a very unnatural way with her limbs twisting in different directions. It’s a zombie, not a woman.

“They can sleep?”

No time to think about that now, he needs to figure out what to do, now!

>Try to kill the zombie with the fire extinguisher. It’s a bit smaller than the one from earlier, but it could still get the job done. However, using it in such a manner too often may lead to it not working anymore.

>Run out of the room. She is blocking the entrance, but Larry may be able to cross the bed and get away just in time. However, it may not be that easy.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 9 AM PST (about 12 hours and 15 minutes from now).
Hmm... I'm not really sure. For now, I'll vote for running out of the room. But I can be swayed either way, really.
>Throw the bed covers over the zombie's head then run away.
I'm amazed that this zombie was not only under covers, but tucked in. Did she transform while sleeping?
Let's Scooby-Doo this sonnovabitch.
>>Try to kill the zombie with the fire extinguisher. It’s a bit smaller than the one from earlier, but it could still get the job done. However, using it in such a manner too often may lead to it not working anymore.
No more votes!

1 vote to "Run out of the room. She is blocking the entrance, but Larry may be able to cross the bed and get away just in time. However, it may not be that easy."

2 votes for a write-in.

1 vote for "Try to kill the zombie with the fire extinguisher. It’s a bit smaller than the one from earlier, but it could still get the job done. However, using it in such a manner too often may lead to it not working anymore."

Writing now!
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Larry briefly considers hitting the zombie with the fire extinguisher. However, he knows he may need it to put out fires and using it too often as a weapon could cause it to lose enough pressure to make it unusable.

Larry instead wants to just run away. The staff hallway should have another door he could put between him and the zombie, and unless it is holding a staff keycard, it's unlikely that it would be able to follow him through. The zombie already seems to have trouble with the bedsheets it was sleeping in earlier. Maybe Larry could use that to his advantage?

"It's worth a shot," he thought.

Springing into action, Larry quickly runs up and grabs the sheets, throwing it over the zombie's face. The zombie does not expect this, so it is caught in Larry's makeshift trap rather easily. Larry does not stop there, however. He pushes the zombie to the ground, wrapping it up as tightly as possible, before getting back up and running further down the hallway. The zombie thrashes around with the sheets, trying to break free, but its efforts are fruitless.

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Larry does end up finding a door at the end of the staff hallway. It appears the staff area is sectioned off from the rest of the ship, as he expected. He scans the Captain's keycard at the door and passes through, seeing a... surprisingly tranquil luxury cabin area. Aside from the corpses of those who died while Larry was making his way to the Captain's Quarters, Larry does not see much else at first. He checks a few rooms, but sees nothing important on this deck, so he continues down the stairs.

This deck, too, is also rather tranquil considering what happened here not that long ago. Larry once again goes down a deck.

The first deck of luxury cabins is, again, mostly peaceful. This time, however, Larry sees a bit of smoke in the security area. Any important machines on this deck would be there, so he quickly makes his way there and discovers that the floor underneath the security control system is on fire. The machine does not seem to have sustained serious damage yet, and the fire seems small enough that he would not need the extinguisher to put it out. Thinking quickly, Larry notices a small bucket on the ground and quickly runs to the deck's cabin service area to fill it with water. He then quickly runs back and throws it over the fire, quelling it easily.

Larry then proceeds to check the cabins, discovering three frightened passengers and a couple of slightly less frightened security guards huddled together in one of them.

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What are you guys doing in here?" Larry asks.

One of the security guards speaks up. "We noticed a bunch of those... monsters out there earlier and made our way in here to make sure we stayed safe. We are not sure what happened to everyone else, but we can only hope they made it out alright. We unfortunately couldn't do much on our own to protect the deck, not with how many of them there were."

Larry sighed. It appears he had missed whatever action there was in this area while on the way to the Captain's Quarters. "Why didn't you ask the Captain for help earlier, then?"

"Well, we tried, but we couldn't get to our radio locker in the security area before the zombies overran it."

"Well, you can get it now, can't you?"

"I suppose. We lost the key to it in the mayhem, but we should be able to just break into it and grab a few."

"Alright. Well, there do not seem to be any out here now, but there's no guarantee it will stay that way forever, and these doors won't hold up well against a horde of zombies. You should all focus on getting yourselves somewhere safe after you get yourselves some radios."

"Well, this deck would be perfectly fine if we could just trigger the lockdown sequence at the security control panel. We would need two staff keycards and the password for this deck to do that, though."

"And a working control panel," Larry continued. "Power's out right now and it doesn't look like the control panel is connected to the backup. I was just in the security area on this deck myself."

"Dammit, that was supposed to be connected to the backup! Why isn't anything working right on this ship!" The guard exclaims in his frustration.

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He then takes a few deep breaths and calms down once again. "Well, it sounds like we'll have to go with your plan, then. Where do you think is safest right now? We have staff keycards, so as long as the scanners on the staff doorways are still working, we can use the staff stairwell to get wherever you think would be best."

"Yes, thankfully those are working at least. Right now, I would have to say that the safest place is probably..."

Wait, which place is safest right now? Larry can narrow it down somewhat based on what he knows right now, but he is not entirely sure where the safest place right now is. Where should Larry send them?

>The main deck. The survivors were told to assemble here earlier for evacuation. There is also a large barricade set up to keep everyone safe until the police arrive. However, Larry has not actually been there yet, so he does not know of any problems that may be occurring there.

>The maintenance deck. Larry knows the engineers are down there right now, and they seem to have the situation under control for the time being. Of course, that could change at any moment.

>The Captain's Quarters. Larry was just there, so he knows there is no fire in that area. The bridge is here as well, so they would be able to manage the ship and send announcements over the intercom. There is also a shotgun in the Captain's safe, so they likely would not have to worry about zombies.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

This concludes Larry's search of the luxury cabin area. What should he do next?

>Go down the normal way to the main deck and continue his trip down to the maintenance deck.

>Go looking for the staff stairwell with the guards and passengers. The guards on this floor normally do not use the staff stairwell, so Larry would have to work with everyone else to locate it. If the group has a particularly large amount of trouble finding it, they may have to go all the way back up to where Larry came out.

>Radio the engineers on the maintenance deck and ask for advice on what to do next.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters

I will leave the voting window open until 8 PM PST (About 9 hours and 40 minutes from now)

>The maintenance deck. Larry knows the engineers are down there right now, and they seem to have the situation under control for the time being. Of course, that could change at any moment.
Let's all go there together.

>Radio the engineers on the maintenance deck and ask for advice on what to do next.
>The Captain's Quarters. Larry was just there, so he knows there is no fire in that area. The bridge is here as well, so they would be able to manage the ship and send announcements over the intercom. There is also a shotgun in the Captain's safe, so they likely would not have to worry about zombies.
>Radio the engineers on the maintenance deck and ask for advice on what to do next.
>Maintenance deck
Since we didn't take the shotgun, having two security guys be with us for brawn can help a lot
>Radio the engineers on the maintenance deck and ask for advice on what to do next.
Also tell them we're coming with the security
No more votes!

Everyone votes for "Radio the engineers on the maintenance deck and ask for advice on what to do next."

2 votes for "The maintenance deck. Larry knows the engineers are down there right now, and they seem to have the situation under control for the time being. Of course, that could change at any moment."

1 vote for "The Captain's Quarters. Larry was just there, so he knows there is no fire in that area. The bridge is here as well, so they would be able to manage the ship and send announcements over the intercom. There is also a shotgun in the Captain's safe, so they likely would not have to worry about zombies."

Writing now!
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“....the maintenance deck. Some of the crew has presumably found a safe place down there to take refuge. I was about to head down there myself, but I wanted to see if I could find more survivors. You should head there now.”

“I suppose we could-“ The guard is interrupted.

“What do you mean ‘presumably’? Are they safe down there or not?” One of the passengers butts in.

“I’ve been in contact with them on my radio, and I haven’t heard a single cry for help. I would guess that this means they are safe, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

“You want us to go all the way down there when you can’t even guarantee our safety? Are you crazy?” The woman is getting belligerent.

One of the guards tries to diffuse the situation by telling everybody to calm down. He takes the woman aside to try to keep her from blowing up any more.

“You have to excuse her, sir. She’s just frazzled. Everybody here has been through more than most have in their entire lives, so please forgive them. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” The security guard said.

“Oh right, where are my manners? I’m Larry Pinkerton. And you?”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Pinkerton. You can call me Mac. The other guard is Jim. The passenger you just spoke with is Mrs. Crenshaw and this is her husband Mr. Crenshaw.” Mr. Crenshaw gives a slightly embarrassed nod. “And this last one was a waiter on the ship, his name is Aaron.” Aaron waves at Larry.

Mrs. Crenshaw and Jim walk back to the rest of the group, she has calmed down considerably.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier, Larry. Thinking about it with a clearer mind makes me think that it probably is safe down there. I guess the real question I have is, how do we get down there?”

“Believe it or not, I came all the way from the normal passenger decks, so I know how to navigate this ship safely. However, I think it may be a good idea to get some advice from the engineers.”

Mrs. Crenshaw gives Larry some space so he can radio the team.

“Johnson, do you read me?”

“I read you, Pinkerton. Are you okay? What are you doing up there? We’re still waiting for you.”

“I’m sorry, but I had to help some survivors in one of the luxury cabins.”

“You’re still all the way up there? That’s not even halfway up! We need you here now! The fire is spreading, and fast. We can’t wait anymore! Look, there is a faster way down. It’s a bit dangerous, but you can handle it. Do you know where the elevators are?”

“Yeah, I think I passed them earlier. Why? They wouldn’t be working right now.”

“If you can get the doors open, you should be able to open the top panel and climb out. If you can climb down a bit on one of the cables, you will see a ladder. That ladder is meant for maintenance, so it’s sturdy. That will lead straight down to us.”

This seemed so obvious to Larry. He’s seen many elevator shafts in his line of work, so why didn’t he think of that before? It’s genius!

Larry has found a shortcut on the cruiseship. An achievement like this deserves a reward! I will give you one more Wisdom Check. Remember to use these whenever you want to see if a choice will lead to Larry’s death or not. Any situation with a zombie in Larry’s story will be life or death and very unfair. Please use these to make it more fair.

“Roger, I will go get the doors open now.”

They end the transmission and he tells the guards what he was told.

“Could you guys give me a hand? These doors tend to be really hard to open alone, especially for an old man like me.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? The staff stairwell would be easier, you know? Plus, there is no way we could ever go like that as a group.”

“I understand, but I need to get there as soon as possible. If nobody else can join me, then you guys should just take the stairwell. But please help me with this first.”

Mac sighs but complies. He gets Jim to accompany him.

“Everybody, stay here in this room, okay? We will be right back.”

Larry and the two guards exit the room and head to the elevator. Jim approaches the doors and begins to pry it open but is having difficulty. Mac joins him. However, these doors are really stuck. It’s going to take a while to get them open.

Suddenly, a generic ringtone starts playing a max volume from Jim’s pocket. He must have forgotten to put his phone on vibrate. He quickly takes his phone out, answers it, and hangs up.

“It’s just spam. Nothing to worry about.”

Just then, the sound of fists pounding could be heard throughout the hallway. Whatever zombies were stuck in the surrounding rooms have been riled up and are either going to just open the doors or break them down.

“Shit, get that door open, now!” Larry shouted.

“We’re trying here! We could use a bit of help, you know?”

What should Larry do? Remember, death is possible in every encounter.

>Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open...

>Change of plans, head back to the survivor room. While the hall will be crawling with zombies and the elevator doors will still be closed, they will probably not see them escape into the survivor room. But what would they do then?

>Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they won’t notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape.

>Wisdom Check (you have 7 now!)


>Switch characters

While we would like to get a morning update out, we’re not 100% sure we will be able to. Be on the lookout for it. The absolute latest the voting window will be open is until 8PM PST (about 22 hours and 10 minutes from now).

Heading back to the cabin means being trapped. But what of the other options? What do you think, anons?
On a ship, there are usually port and starboard hallways connected regularly with cross-wise hallways, which means we should be able to run away and circle back to the elevator. But we can get trapped if there are zombies ahead.
>Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open...
Each scenario seems to potentially lead to a death. There are so many things that can go wrong. Maybe we should use a wisdom check?
This definitely seems like a situation where we should use a wisdom check. Hopefully Larry is 5head and can think like a supercomputer
>>Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they won’t notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape.

There's other ways downstairs, guys. At least this way we make sure we live
That may be true, but I still think it would be better to be safe than sorry.
No more votes!

1 vote to "Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open..."

2 votes for a Wisdom Check.

1 vote to "Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they won’t notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape."

It's already written. Posting now!
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Larry takes a few deep breaths and thinks carefully about the luxury cabin area and everything he knows about zombies so far. He knows there must be a way to survive, even if it may seem impossible right now.

(Wisdom Check -1)

Suddenly, a flash of brilliance strikes him. He has a good idea of his options now.

*In case you did not remember, Wisdom Checks come with two benefits. The first is that Larry will give his thoughts on a choice. These thoughts will be present underneath each choice. The second is that he will rate each choice on its safety. Bad Choices will definitely lead to Bad Endings, while Good Choices will not trigger a Bad Ending by picking them. Likely Bad Choices could be either Good or Bad. To encourage players to consider the merits of Likely Bad choices, the Secret Item or Event will be put behind a Likely Bad choice. While the safety ratings written next to the choices only consider whether Larry will die, his thoughts can potentially reveal much more about a situation, even things that have nothing to do with his immediate survival. Please consider that going forward, as you may find it to be useful in the future*

>Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open... (Likely Bad)

Larry's thoughts: The elevator route is clearly the fastest way down to the maintenance deck. Mac and Jim would be able to come with me as well. While it would not be impossible to get the elevator open in time, they look like they are having trouble with the doors. I would have to put all my strength into it or figure out some way to lubricate the door.

>Change of plans, head back to the survivor room. While the hall will be crawling with zombies and the elevator doors will still be closed, they will probably not see them escape into the survivor room. But what would they do then? (Bad Choice)

Larry's thoughts: This is a dead end. The zombies would break down the door eventually, and then we would all be defenseless against them. I only hope we can get the people inside to safety in time...

>Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they will not notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape. (Good Choice)

Larry's thoughts: I would certainly be able to get away safely this way. However, I would have to make a particularly convincing distraction to get them away from Mac and Jim. Also, I might have to abandon the elevator route, since my priority would be getting away from zombies. However, if I were particularly lucky, coming back here would be possible.


>Switch Characters

I will leave the voting window open until 10:30 PM PST (About 4 hours from now)
l - u - b - r - i - c - a - t -e

I woNDeR wHat iS IN tHE firE ExtINgUIsheR
I'm conflicted on this, but I would like to try the shortcut if possible, so I'm going to vote for helping Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. Not sure if taking a risk like this is warranted, but maybe it could be good.
Considering that this is an important choice, I want to extend the voting window until tomorrow.

Please get your votes in by 9AM PST (about 10 and a half hours from now).
>Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors.
>>Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they will not notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape.
>Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open...
No more votes!

4 votes for "Help Mac and Jim open the elevator doors. This could be the last bit of strength needed to get it open. If it opens, Larry could quickly open the top panel and climb up to safety with no zombies noticing. But if it doesn’t open..."

1 vote for "Distract the zombies by running to the opposite side of the hall. If Larry makes a lot of noise as they are all breaking in, they will not notice Mac and Jim. They can just pursue Larry. They will get the door open while Larry will need to find a way to escape."

Writing now!
Rolled 3 (1d10)

good bye thread
Larry decides that it would take too long to get down any other way than through the elevator route. The engineers on the maintenance deck said they wanted him now, and in his line of work, he understands that "now" means NOW. This is why Larry was willing to take a big risk and hope that he would be able to get the elevator doors open in time.

"The next few minutes could literally be the difference between this ship staying afloat and sinking," Larry thought.

He briefly considers lubricating the doors, but could not think of any viable way to do it. After all, he did not see anything around him he could use right now. Therefore, Larry moves to help Jim and Mac open the doors, combining his strength with theirs. Immediately, Larry could feel the strain. These doors *really* did not want to open. However, just as he thought that, he felt the doors start to budge a little. It appeared that this might work after all, but he can see cracks forming on the cabin doors next to him. He is going to need to put a lot more into this if he wants the doors to open in time.

*Roll 1d10. If you can get 2 of the same number in a row, Larry will survive, the doors will open, and Jim and Mac will be able to follow him through. If you can get 3 of the same number in a row, Larry will get the doors open in time to save the survivors in the room across the hall. There is no limit to how many times you can roll, and I will take the best outcome you can get after the deadline no matter how many times you roll. Do your best to save as many people as you can!*

I will keep the rolling window open until 3 PM PST (About 5 hours and 10 minutes from now)
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1.24 MB GIF
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

I briefly cleaned up the update and reposted it, so your roll has not been recorded. I have given you a free roll to compensate for this. I apologize for any inconvenience.
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1.78 MB
1.78 MB GIF
Rolled 10 (1d10)

welp, there goes that 2nd 3
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3.14 MB
3.14 MB GIF
Rolled 10 (1d10)

That worked out kind of...
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3.62 MB
3.62 MB GIF

Fuck your 5 hours I guess
Incredible! The best outcome already!
No more rolls! Writing now!
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Here goes nothin
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The man's become too powerful
Wow! Last time we needed 3 in a row like this, it took hundreds of rolls. We really got lucky here.
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Larry struggles with the elevator for a brief moment, but thankfully, he finds newfound strength after seeing the cabin doors begin to crack, pushing hard against the elevator doors with one final motion. Combined with the strength of Jim and Mac, the doors fully swing open at last.

He had finally done it!

Jim and Mac quickly went inside and climbed up the emergency hatch. However, Larry has no time to lose. He quickly runs over to the room across the hall and pulls the survivors out towards the hallway. With Jim and Mac helping everyone up, they manage to all get up the hatch just before the cabin doors break open. Zombies pour into the hallway, but none seem to notice where they went.

"Phew, I think we did it," Jim whispers. "Now how do we get down from here?"

"There should be a ladder somewhere around here," Larry whispers back. "Does anyone have a flashlight? This fire extinguisher is keeping me from doing much of anything."

Mac takes out his phone and turns on the flashlight, waving it around. "I see it now," he whispers. "The ladder is behind a cover. I see a button a bit further up. One of us would have to climb the cables to open the button cover and press it, but it should cause the cover to slide back and expose the ladder. Larry, you are one of the engineers who volunteered to fix the ship, right? You should know how to safely handle this better than either of us."

"I'm a bit rusty, but I should be able to take care of it," Larry agrees. He does not want to run the risk of someone else wearing the cable by putting too much weight on it. "Just keep the flashlight on it so I know where to go.

"Sounds like a plan," Mac gives Larry the thumbs up.

Larry briefly sets down the fire extinguisher, then climbs up onto the cables. It is only a little bit further up to the button, but he can already feel the elevator shaking a bit. The elevator must have gone a bit further down than it was supposed to before it stopped. He will have to be careful not to allow the elevator compartment to touch the shaft. If it does, the noise will attract the zombies in the hall to the elevator, filling it up so much that the cables will snap, causing the elevator to fall and killing everyone here.

*The button is 50 inches up. Roll 2d5. If you can get a score of 50 or more by adding the first results together, Larry will be able to safely activate the secret ladder. If he fails, the second result will be used to check whether everyone dies. If the average result is below 3, a Bad End will be triggered. Please do your best to ensure the emergency ladder is activated safely!*

The rolling window will be open for 1 hour after the first player rolls!
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d5)

you double posted
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d5)

Let's go!
No u.

Seriously though, I had already deleted it before making the new post. 4chan just wanted to be weird and take a while to delete it.

That said, the deadline has officially started! The rolling window will end at 12:40 PM PST (About 1 hour from now)
Can we roll more than once?
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d5)

Yes. There is no limit to the number of times you can roll. Apologies for not mentioning that before.
Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d5)

Everyone seems to be asleep so I'll roll again.
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d5)

In fact, here, have a free roll. I will also extend the rolling deadline to 1 PM PST due to the miscommunication.
Rolled 4, 5 = 9 (2d5)

There once was a ship that took to sea
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d5)

I think I should choose another song. Choose a genre, anons.
Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d5)

Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d5)

Or maybe I'll just roll
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d5)

This is the last one I can do for a bit. Maybe in 30 minutes I can do more. Fixed my incorrect roll.
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d5)

Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d5)

Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d5)

Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d5)

Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d5)

Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d5)

No more rolls! You have succeeded!

Writing now!
This should make 54 if I'm correct.
Hey anons, something came up. Give me another hour or two and I should be able to finish the update.
Writing still in progress!
Despite the mild swaying of the elevator compartment, Larry takes a few deep breaths and continues climbing up. The elevator rocks somewhat, but he can stay calm enough to control his climbing speed and balance, so he does not cause the elevator to bump up against the shaft. Slowly inching his way up, Larry finally finds the button and presses it, causing a long metal panel to slide back, revealing a red emergency ladder built into the wall, and illuminated by red emergency lights.

Larry climbs down and recovers his fire extinguisher. "Alright, looks like we've got access to the ladder. I will go down now. You all should probably come too."

Mac raises an eyebrow. "Sure, Larry, but it's a long way down, and that fire extinguisher is going to weigh you down quite a bit. If you are not careful it could cause you to lose your grip and die. You should probably leave it here."

"I would, but I'm not sure. The engineers said that the fire down there was nearly out of control. They probably do not have enough extinguishers to deal with it effectively. This one I have now could be the difference between getting it under control or letting it get completely out of hand."

Jim adds his voice to the discussion. "I get that, Larry, I really do, but come on... You know that is just a possibility, right? Again, forget the fire, you could die right now if you try to take that thing with you. It's just not worth it, you know?"


"Take a second to think about it, alright? We won't rush you."

What should Larry do?

>Take the fire extinguisher with him down the ladder. Larry will only have one hand to climb with, and if he loses strength partway through, he could fall off and die. However, this extinguisher might be extremely crucial to the events that will occur after he gets downstairs.

>Leave the fire extinguisher and go down without it. Larry would be safe on his way down, but would things really be alright afterwards?

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters

I will leave the voting window open until 8 PM PST (About 5 hours and 30 minutes from now)
>>Take the fire extinguisher with him down the ladder. Larry will only have one hand to climb with, and if he loses strength partway through, he could fall off and die. However, this extinguisher might be extremely crucial to the events that will occur after he gets downstairs.
leave it? never!
No more votes!

Everybody voted the same way.

Writing now!
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“I need to take it with me, you guys. While zombies may be our main concern, a fire isn’t suddenly less dangerous now. I’m not getting this far just to die from some fire,” Larry rebuked.

“I get that, but what use is a fire extinguisher if you fall? But if you really want to, then fine. You go first though. I’m not having your little stunt knock one of us off with you,” Jim said.

Larry, not wanting to bicker with Jim, just accepts it and grabs onto one of the rungs, with the fire extinguisher in his other hand. This is a really tricky and clunky set up, but he may be able to get it to work. One wrong step or one mistake can result in him, at best, losing the extinguisher. But at worst, he could lose his life.

The others start to get on as well, and Larry begins his descent to the maintenance deck.

Do you have what it takes to keep Larry alive? This is not just about a fire extinguisher, his life is on the life here!

>roll 1d6. You need 3 of the same number in a row to keep Larry alive. YOU CAN ROLL AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT! GO CRAZY!

However, that’s just to keep Larry alive. In this scenario, it is assumed that Larry would value his own life over a fire extinguisher and would let it plummet to save his own skin. However, if you still want to save the extinguisher.

>AFTER getting the above roll correct, roll 1d7. You need 3 of the same number in a row to keep the extinguisher. YOU CAN ROLL AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT! GO CRAZY!

It is not uncommon for many, many rolls for something like this, so please feel free to roll as much as you want. The more you roll, the better your odds at succeeding. This is meant to be an intense challenge, but if there is little participation, I doubt Larry will survive. Just please remember to do the 1d6 before tackling the 1d7.

I know this is a very large task, but that is why you get a very large amount of time. You can roll until 10AM PST (about 13 hours and 10 minutes from now). This will be last update of the night, so if you guys get it, please be patient until 10AM PST.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Just to get you started, I will roll once.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

I will also roll once. Best of luck, everyone!
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Dang, I needed to go to bed. But 1 roll tonight couldn't hurt. I may be able to roll more in the morning. Not sure though.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

And just once more, I want to stress that spamming dice rolls in a situation like this is not only expected, but encouraged! We've had hundreds of dice rolls in a row in the past in situations like these, so go nuts!
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>No write-in to tie the extinguisher to Larry using on-hand material like pant belts
I'm disappointed in you, anons.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

I can't sit here for 10 hours anons.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Ow man
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Still no one else rolling?
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

I can't do it all myself
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

This is gonna take forever
Why oh why did we agree to this
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Hitting 3 consecutive rolls on a d6 is about 6.5x as rare as critfailing on a 3d100.

Food for thought.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

One in six......
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 7 (1d7)

very based

now moving on to the next one!
Rolled 3 (1d7)

Rolled 5 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

Rolled 7 (1d7)

Rolled 3 (1d7)

Rolled 5 (1d7)

Rolled 1 (1d7)

Rolled 3 (1d7)

so listen up
Rolled 5 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

here's a story
Rolled 3 (1d7)

about a little guy
Rolled 2 (1d7)

that lives in a blue world
Rolled 6 (1d7)

Rolled 2 (1d7)

and all day and all night
and every thing he see's is just blue
Rolled 7 (1d7)

like him inside and outside
Rolled 1 (1d7)

blue his house
Rolled 5 (1d7)

with a blue little
Rolled 7 (1d7)

and a blue carvet
Rolled 5 (1d7)

and everything is blue for him
Rolled 3 (1d7)

and himself
Rolled 7 (1d7)

and everybody around
Rolled 4 (1d7)

cause he ain't got nobody to listen
Rolled 5 (1d7)

Im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7
Rolled 7 (1d7)

Im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7.
Rolled 6 (1d7)

i have a blue house with a blue window
Rolled 2 (1d7)

blue is the color of all that I wear
Rolled 5 (1d7)

blue are the streets and all the trees are too
Rolled 7 (1d7)

i have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Rolled 7 (1d7)

blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
Rolled 4 (1d7)

blue are the words I say and what I think
Rolled 1 (1d7)

blue are the feelings that live inside me
Rolled 4 (1d7)

blue are the feelings that live inside me
Rolled 5 (1d7)

im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7
Rolled 3 (1d7)

im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7.
Rolled 5 (1d7)

inside and outside
Rolled 1 (1d7)

blue his house with a blue little window
Rolled 5 (1d7)

and a blue Corvette
Rolled 2 (1d7)

and everybody around
Rolled 4 (1d7)

im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7
Rolled 4 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

im blue (daba dee ba da die) x7
The End.
Rolled 6 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

finally, fuck.
im starting to dislike this method of rolling.
You should dislike the choices leading to it.
I wake up, expecting to not see it completed, but what do you know? I would have helped, but it looks like I was too late. Thanks guys for carrying the torch!
No more rolls! You have succeeded!

Writing now!
cant we just do normal rolls
Then we'll die.
Normal rolls are boring. I like that this quest does things differently. We've done rolls like this since the first thread.
Larry is thankfully able to proceed down the ladder with no issues. He does have a few moments when he thought that he may lose his grip on either the ladder or the extinguisher, but he is able to make small adjustments on the way down to prevent this from happening.

However, once he reaches the bottom of the shaft, he notices a problem.

Through the partially opened doors of the elevator shaft on this floor, Larry notices a few zombies moving around the maintenance deck. There do not seem to be any others around, but these three seem to be close enough to the shaft to notice if they tried to open the doors.

Larry looks up and tries to signal to the others to keep quiet, but he is not sure that they were able to notice his message. They are still on the ladder in a dark elevator shaft, after all.

Larry realizes that he may have to find a way to deal with them before the others reach the bottom of the shaft.

How should Larry deal with the zombies?

>Sneak up to them and hit them with the fire extinguisher. He would have to be careful to not get caught, and the fire extinguisher might be ruined.

>Throw the fire extinguisher out onto the maintenance deck to cause a distraction. The fire extinguisher would be ruined, but he should be able to distract them long enough to get away safely.

>Wait for everyone else to come down and ask them for advice. They could make enough noise to attract the attention of the zombies outside, but together they could likely do more to deal with the zombies than Larry could alone.

>Radio the engineers and hope they can figure out a solution before the zombies notice Larry talking to them.

>Do nothing, hide, and hope the zombies do not notice Larry or the others, assuming they haven’t noticed already…


>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

>Switch Characters

I will keep the voting window open until 3 PM PST (About 3 hours and 45 minutes from now)
SurvivorQM, I think you've done a fine job so far, but you may need to take a bit more time to make sure your posts are correct. ZombieQM very rarely made errors in his updates worthy of needing to double post. That's my only real complaint so far.
Thank you for the feedback. I will work to further improve on that in the future.
>Radio the engineers and hope they can figure out a solution before the zombies notice Larry talking to them.
Fighting them is a suicide, distraction is risky since we don't know what's further on the deck, just waiting might help or might not.
>>Sneak up to them and hit them with the fire extinguisher. He would have to be careful to not get caught, and the fire extinguisher might be ruined.
honestly cant think of any other option.
No more votes!

3 votes to "Radio the engineers and hope they can figure out a solution before the zombies notice Larry talking to them."

1 vote to "Sneak up to them and hit them with the fire extinguisher. He would have to be careful to not get caught, and the fire extinguisher might be ruined."

Writing now!
Quickly ducking behind the doors so the zombies cannot see him, Larry takes out his radio.

"Johnson, are you there? I am inside the elevator shaft on the maintenance deck and we have three zombies right outside the door. None of us are sufficiently armed to deal with them. Any ideas?"

"Hmm... Well, Pinkerton, it sounds like you have gotten yourself into quite a mess. Normally I would suggest doing a trick with the pipes to shoot steam at them, but we do not exactly have the power to do that right now since the generator is off. Do you see any fire near you?"

"No, no signs of a fire at all where I am."

"Shit. Well, the only thing I can really tell you is that we have toolboxes with lots of things inside that can help. If you can sit tight long enough, we could come deal with the problem. I think I have a good idea of where you are, so finding you would not be an issue. It is just a matter of whether you can hold out long enough for us to get to you. Think you’re up for it?"

Just then, the zombies outside turn their gaze towards the elevator shaft and start moving towards it. They may have heard Larry talking to the crew, but Larry is not sure just yet.

What should Larry do?

>Accept the crew's offer and wait for their help. Assuming that Larry and the others can stay quiet and that the zombies have not noticed them, they should be fine. Otherwise...

>Decline the crew's offer and pick another way to deal with the zombies.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

>Switch Characters

If you decline the crew's offer, also pick one of the choices below:

>Sneak up to them and hit them with the fire extinguisher. He would have to be careful to not get caught, and the fire extinguisher might be ruined.

>Throw the fire extinguisher out onto the maintenance deck to cause a distraction. The fire extinguisher would be ruined, but he should be able to distract them long enough to get away safely.


Larry can no longer pick an option that involves waiting or hiding if he rejects the crew's offer, since he would believe that the zombies have already noticed them and that he needs to act immediately to stop them.

I will leave the voting window open until 9 PM PST (About 4 hours from now)
I'm going to extend the voting window until 10AM PST (about 13 hours from now). Get your votes in, you guys!
>Decline the crew's offer and pick another way to deal with the zombies.
>Set an alarm on our phone to play in a minute, wrap the phone in our shirt for protection and throw it out as a distraction.
The fire extinguisher is more valuable right now than a phone, and a phone is easier to protect from shocks..
>Accept the crew's offer and wait for their help. Assuming that Larry and the others can stay quiet and that the zombies have not noticed them, they should be fine. Otherwise...
im open minded about changing my vote, though
>>Accept the crew's offer and wait for their help. Assuming that Larry and the others can stay quiet and that the zombies have not noticed them, they should be fine. Otherwise...
No more votes!

1 vote for "Decline the crew's offer and pick another way to deal with the zombies."

2 votes for "Accept the crew's offer and wait for their help. Assuming that Larry and the others can stay quiet and that the zombies have not noticed them, they should be fine. Otherwise..."

Writing now!
Hey anons, something came up again. School has started up for me recently, so adjusting to my new schedule is taking a bit of time. Please bear with me and give me another hour or two to finish the update
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Yeah, I'm up for it. Let's give these zombies hell."

"I read you loud and clear, Pinkerton. Give me just a moment and me and my boys will do exactly that. Johnson out."

Larry puts away his radio and stays propped up against the door, looking up at the others and seeing that they are close to reaching the bottom.

Since Larry now knows that the zombies are coming towards them, he spares no effort to alert them of the problem they are facing. "Guys, we have zombies coming towards the shaft. You need to climb up right now, not down."

"Shit! Yeah, we can't be down there right now!" Jim cries out, quickly changing course and starting to climb back up along with the others.
Unfortunately, this just causes the zombies to walk even faster towards the shaft. As it turns out, they were not sure there was anyone there and was only curious until now. Now that they know there is food there, they are picking up the pace ever so slightly so that they can secure the kill.
Larry spends a few seconds trying to seal the door shut completely, but it is no use. Soon the zombies put their hands on the outside of the doors and start to pull at them to get them open. Larry is forced to pull his hand back and abandon the doors, moving back towards the ladder and grabbing hold of the lower rung, beginning to make his way back home with the others. The situation is looking bleak, until Johnson comes running in with a couple of engineers by his side and a megaphone in hand. "Stop right there, undead scum!" He shouts. "Those people are mine to drain energy from, not yours!"

*I will now will a 1d2. If the result is 1, nothing bad will happen and Larry will be saved. If the result is 2, Johnson will be injured.*

The zombies groan and turn around, moving towards the new, loud voice. Before they can act, however, Johnson gives one a swift whack on the head with the megaphone, causing it to fall over. The other two engineers quickly follow suit with the other zombies.

"Come on, Pinkerton, we don't have all day! Those zombies won't stay down for long, you know?" Johnson says as he gives the downed zombies yet another smack on the head.

"I hear you, Johnson!" Larry drops off the ladder, landing safely with a small thud.

The others also climb down quickly and make their way out onto the maintenance deck. Larry's legs feel very sore as he makes his way to safety, but he can put up with it for now. He did survive, after all.

"I think we finally made it." Jim says, panting. Everyone else, including Johnson and the engineers, feel similarly worn out.

"Why don't we take a break and get ourselves a quick bite to eat? It should be safe here, and we have a few crates of food down here." Johnson suggests.

"But I heard that the zombie drug turns you if you ingest it... what if the food is laced with something?" Mrs. Crenshaw suggests.

"Nonsense," Johnson replies. "Everyone down here has eaten from these crates, everyone here is perfectly fine, and everyone here has been down here for quite some time after eating that food. No need to worry, the food here will be just fine."

Larry, however, hesitates. Is it really a good idea to eat right now? He is hungry, and has been for a while, so his growing hunger could be an issue later if he doesn't eat soon. However, if the food really is laced with the drug, he could turn into a zombie.

What should Larry do?

>Eat the food

>Don't eat the food

>Don't eat the food. Also instruct the others not to eat.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters

I will leave the voting window open until 8 PM PST (About 5 hours and 40minutes from now)

One more thing. I thank you for your patience, and really appreciate the understanding. My new schedule has been difficult to adapt to. I will do my best to ensure that the deadlines are more accurate in the future, so you know when I am updating. Once again, thank you for your support, and I hope you continue to enjoy the quest.
>Eat the food
>>Eat the food
ooc but he's already ingested the drug anyways
We know Larry is infected and it probably came from the food. However, we don't know about the others. I would like to have Larry eat and not anybody else, but I don't think that would go over well with the group. For now, I say we should not eat and not let anybody else eat. If they aren't infected, they could eat the food, get infected and now we would have zombies. What does everyone else think?
Just to reiterate, it's not just Larry we are worried about. We need to keep this in mind with this decision. We have no idea who ate earlier and who didn't. I have a feeling this is a trick to get some of them turning to zombies.
Just to be clear, it has not been stated one way or the other how the zombie drug might affect someone who has already taken it once and not turned. It is possible that if Larry takes the drug again that he could turn, but this could also not be the case. Just thought it would be fair to point this out.
I apologize for making assumptions. However, that makes me want to not eat even more. While Larry is clearly hungry, maybe we can find different food later.
No need to apologize! Speculation is important for this quest, so I encourage you and everyone else to continue doing it. I just wanted to clarify for you and everyone else what the official canon is so far.
OP mentioned that there was a hidden timeclock we have to watch out for. Im starting to wonder if this is related to Larry's zombification phase.
Think about it, we already had breakfast just a few hours ago, and we're already hungry? Our back pain also easily very easily went away. Seems like the difficulty of Larry's story lies on the fact that we're running on limited time. I think that if we eat more the zombification period is just going to this speed up further.
>Don't eat the food. Also instruct the others not to eat.
We have a tie! I will allow 30 more minutes to break the tie, otherwise, the normal tie-breaking rules apply.

2 votes for "Eat the food"

2 votes for "Don't eat the food. Also instruct the others not to eat."

If you haven't yet, please vote!
No more votes! 30 minutes have passed. Therefore, we will take the choice higher up on the list. So we will go with "Eat the food".

SurvivorQM will take over. He is writing now!
File: Larry Eating a Meal.jpg (25 KB, 460x288)
25 KB
While Larry is hesitant to eat, he trusts Johnson and believes him when he says the food is fine. Johnson has been nothing but helpful to Larry, and he has no reason to doubt him. Not to mention, he is extremely hungry.

As they eat, the pain in Larry's joints quickly fades away.

"That meal was pretty energizing!" He thought.

After everyone finishes their meal, Johnson speaks up.

"So, first of all, I think some introductions are in order. I am First Engineer Johnson, and the two people next to me are Staff Engineers Evans and Jones, respectively. We are pleased to meet you all and look forward to working with you. We cannot understate how valuable your assistance is to us and to the safety of this ship."

Mac, Smith, and the others introduce themselves as well. Johnson then spreads out a copy of the ship's blueprints and continues where he left off.

"So, with that out of the way, let's get down to business. The generator and engine aren't working, and it's our job to fix them. Unfortunately, the generator is near the bow and the engine is near the stern, so they're in opposite directions. To further complicate things, we have toolboxes with all the tools we'd need to do repairs, but any parts we'd need to replace would be in the supply room in the center of the deck. Additionally, we must keep the fire under control on this deck, and at this point, we may have to consider fixing the sprinkler system before doing anything else. We also must ensure the backup generator is protected from zombies and fire, and after the generator and engine come online, we'll have to protect those as well. If we neglect any of those during this whole operation, we could see the whole plan falling apart in an instant."

Larry also knows that he wants to go looking for the special cache he learned about in the Captain's Quarters, but he'll keep that task to himself for now.

"So where are we right now?" Jim asks.

"Right now, we are in a sort of storage room meant to hold miscellaneous supplies, usually things meant to support us engineers. That's why the food is here as well. It happens to be near the center of the ship, on the bow side."

"That about sums up our situation." Johnson then turns to Larry. "Look, Larry, to be totally honest, you have more experience in this line of work than I do. I don't even know how to fix the generator for Christ's sake. So, for this operation, I'll defer to you. Where do you think we should start? Whatever you decide on doing, we'll back you up."

*Larry will be escorted by Jim, Mac, and the entire engineering team. His safety will be assured this choice, so he knows he will be able to take care of two things right now. In the future, he may need to assign staff to certain areas so that problems can be resolved. Ensure that the most important areas are prioritized first, as issues not dealt with now may take much longer to resolve later.*

Larry takes a few seconds to fully absorb everything he just heard. Then, slowly, he opens his mouth and begins to speak.

What should Larry take care of first? Please pick two options from the following:

>Fortify any pathways leading to the backup generator so that it will be well-protected.

>Put out fires and attempt repairs on the sprinkler system.

>Go look at the generator.

>Go look at the engine.

>Secure the supply room so that any necessary parts for repairs can be easily procured and transported.

>Go hunting for zombies. Ensure the floor is cleared of them before working on anything else. Make sure that no more zombies come down from the upper decks by barricading all possible points of entry. This will consume a significant amount of time and effort and make some tasks more difficult to complete and hunting for zombies could also be especially dangerous. However, no zombies will appear on the maintenance deck until everything is back up and running again, which might make things a lot easier overall.

>Leave the group for now and go look for the special cache.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters

Larry also has a fire extinguisher. However, a toolbox is available for him in the supply room they are in right now. The toolbox might prove to be important if Larry ever gets separated from the crew or has to go somewhere on his own. Which one should he take?

>Keep the fire extinguisher and leave the toolbox.

>Take the toolbox and leave the fire extinguisher in the supply room for safekeeping.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

I will leave the voting window open until 10 AM PST (About 11 hours and 45 minutes from now)

>Put out fires and attempt repairs on the sprinkler system.
>Fortify any pathways leading to the backup generator so that it will be well-protected.
Prevent further damage

>Keep the fire extinguisher and leave the toolbox.
Fire can kill us and lack of tools can't. I don't think we should separate from the crew if at all possible.
No more votes!

Everybody voted the same way.

Writing now!
“First thing’s first, these fires need to be taken care of. With how long it took for us to get down here, it must be pretty bad. We can’t risk any more damages to the ship. I’m going to bring my fire extinguisher with me, does anybody else here have one?”

Each of the engineers shake their heads.

“We used all of the ones we had to stop it from spreading over here. The one you have is probably the only one you’ll find,” Jones said.

“Damn. Well, at least we have something. Now, where is the sprinkler system? Does anybody know why it isn’t working?”

“It’s near the bow of the ship, but much closer to us than the generator. We couldn’t get to it because of the fires and zombies, but the issue is simple. Our former Chief engineer liked to smoke in the staff breakroom and didn’t want to set off the sprinklers. He would turn it off before each of his breaks and then turn it back on right after. This all started on one of his breaks,” Evans explained.

“That’s just a rumor, Evans. He may have passed away, but I won’t let you slander our former chief like that,” Johnson accosts Evans.

“I know it’s true! Everybody talks about it!”

Larry interjects, “Maybe it’s true and maybe it isn’t. I’ve certainly seen things like that in my line of work before. My main question is how could he just ‘turn it off’? Safety systems on ships like this don’t just allow somebody to shut it off.”

“Well, we’re not really sure. The door was always locked during his breaks, but it must have been pretty simple since he did it multiple times a day.”

Johnson is not happy with how Evans is talking, but he doesn’t interrupt.

“Alright, I think I understand this well enough to at least check it out. The passengers should stay here, but I need everybody else to come with me.” Larry then turns to the passengers, “Don’t worry, Aaron and Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw. We’ll lock the door and any zombies out there will be after us.”

“Roger.” Johnson affirms. He grabs the toolbox and follows Larry.

“No, leave it here. If the rumor is true, then it would be a simple matter to fix if he disabled it often. Plus, even if it isn’t true, we could lose the tools in a horde of zombies. It’s better to leave it here for now until we know we need it.”

Johnson sets down the toolbox. Everybody follows Larry’s lead, but Jim leads in the front and Mac in the back. They begin their journey to the sprinkler system. On their way, something doesn’t feel right. Larry needs to ask about something important.

“By the way, you mentioned many more people than just 3 engineers. Where are the rest?”

“We’ve been in radio contact with them, but we haven’t heard from them in a while. I’m hopeful they are still safe. After putting out the fires, I would like to look for them.”

Satisfied with this answer, Larry and the rest continue down the hall. All that they see in front of them are empty hallways and faint orange lights in the distance. As they get a bit closer, it seems like the fires in this area are mostly disconnected and small. These could be put out pretty easily.

“I don’t think we can go around these. What should we do?” Jim asked.

>Use the fire extinguisher to put out the fires. Keep in mind, this can only be used so many times before it is empty. There may be bigger fires later.

>There is a nearby janitor’s closet. There could be a bucket that they could fill with water to put these out. However, this will take longer to do. Time is of the essence.

>Give up on it for now and do something else. Write-in another task they should do

The backup generator is nearby and not blocked by any fires. While they are dealing with this, Larry could assign people to fortify the room. The more people assigned to this, the faster it will be done. However, anybody working on this and not protecting Larry while he is trying to put out fires is putting him at greater risk.

How many people should work on fortifying the backup generator room?

>Everybody but Larry. This will make fortifications near instant, but Larry will have no help with anything.

>Write-in who should go. Remember, there are: Jim, Mac, Johnson, Jones, and Evans. The more that go, the faster this will be. I will specify how long it will take after the choice is made. However, Larry’s part might be more dangerous with less people.

>Nobody should go and should all focus on the fires. However, bad things might happen if nobody works on fortifications.

I will leave the voting window open until 6PM PST (about 6 hours and 45 minutes from now).

>Use the fire extinguisher to put out the fires.
>Leave Mac and Johnson to fortify this position
One security guard for combat purposes. The other one goes with us.
>>There is a nearby janitor’s closet. There could be a bucket that they could fill with water to put these out. However, this will take longer to do. Time is of the essence.
>Leave Mac and Johnson to fortify this position
No more votes!

3 votes for ">Use the fire extinguisher to put out the fires."

1 vote for "There is a nearby janitor’s closet. There could be a bucket that they could fill with water to put these out. However, this will take longer to do. Time is of the essence."

Everyone voted for "Leave Mac and Johnson to fortify this position"

Writing now!
Hey guys! It seems something came up for SurvivorQM. I'll take over and begin writing.

Writing now!
“Pinkerton, look over here,” Johnson points to the hallway on their right. “The backup generator room is down this hall. We need to make sure it’s properly secured.”

“But I need help going this way. How about you and Mac go there by yourselves. That should be enough manpower to barricade the place, right? If we knew where the electrical engineer was, I would want him to look at it, but do you know enough to see if it is still working properly?”

“I don’t have much experience with it, but I could at least see if anything stands out.”

Mac interjects, “Wait a minute, you’re sending just the two of us? We have no idea what’s down that hallway. All Jim and I have are tasers and a baton. We tried those on the zombies before, they aren’t very effective.”

“You two are the strongest guys we have here, and weak weapons or not, those are still better than what the rest of us have. I need one of you guys here to make sure we can get through this fire safely and one of you to make sure Johnson is safe. The fires are only getting worse, we need to act now!”

Mac, still not liking this arrangement, is dragged along by Johnson who does agree with Larry. We’ll check back with these two later.

“I’m going to put out the fires, but I need you three to cover me, okay? If a zombie comes, I won’t be able to hear it with the sound of the fire extinguisher. Evans and Jones, grab some kind of weapon from the janitor’s closet.”

They scramble to look inside for something to use as a weapon if a zombie did show up. It’s a standard janitor’s closet. Unfortunately, there is no toolbox, just your standard janitorial items. Jones grabs a wooden broom but breaks off the top half to have a relatively sharp stick. Evans grabs a spray bottle with cleaning solution and a mop. The cleaning solution can be used to blind zombies temporarily, or maybe slip up a zombie if it spills on the floor and makes a slippery surface. The mop has a plastic handle, so will not make a sharp object.

Once ready, Larry uses his fire extinguisher to put out the flames. While they are still smaller flames, there sure were a lot of them. The fire extinguisher is at 75% capacity now. Despite all the preparations and worry, there weren’t any zombies coming.

Larry breathes a sigh of relief and Jim takes over as the front of the group. They continue their path to the sprinkler system. Since Johnson and Jim were the only 2 assigned to fortify the backup generator room, they are still working on it.

There is a junction in the path leading to different parts of the bow.

“Which way to the sprinkler system?” Larry asks to the group.

Jim shrugs since he is not normally patrolling this part of the ship. Evans points to the left and Jones points to the right.

“Damn it, Jones. It’s this way.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Evans? It’s this way.”

“Which is it, guys? For that matter, why is there any confusion?” Larry asks.

“We don’t really work in this part of the maintenance deck. It’s mostly the electrical engineers and our bosses,” Jones explained.

“You’re telling me that you don’t know the layout of the ship? What is this generation coming to? Back in my day, we were expected to know where everything was and to know the basics of each task.”

Larry is frustrated with these two, but he should be a little embarrassed himself. Johnson did show him where it was on the blueprints, but so much has happened that he just can’t remember.

Which path should they try? He really doesn’t know.

>The left path. This path seems to have some billowing smoke coming from the distance.

>The right path. Larry can hear the sounds of footsteps in this direction.

>Go back and ask Johnson. He will know where it is, but this will distract him from his task, and this will cause fortifications to take longer. Remember, time is of the essence.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining. Larry will remember which way it is if this is utilized).


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 10AM PST (about 12 hours and 40 minutes from now).

>>The left path. This path seems to have some billowing smoke coming from the distance.
>The left path. This path seems to have some billowing smoke coming from the distance.
>>The left path. This path seems to have some billowing smoke coming from the distance.
>The left path. This path seems to have some billowing smoke coming from the distance.
No more votes!

Everyone voted for the same option.

Writing now!
File: A Large Fire.jpg (160 KB, 1600x1200)
160 KB
160 KB JPG
While Larry does not really know where to go, he does not have time to think it over. He just knows he must get moving as soon as possible.

Larry briefly looks both ways, then says, "Go left, now! There's no time!"

Everyone hastily complies, following Larry towards the smoke he spotted earlier.

As expected, there is a large fire halfway down the hall. It does not appear that Larry or the others will be able to get past here without putting it out somehow.

What should Larry do?

>Use the extinguisher to put out the fire.

>Use water to put it out. If everyone works together, this is possible, but it will take a very large amount of time to completely clear the fire.

>Clear only some of the fire using water and run past it. This will take less time than clearing it entirely but may allow the fire to regrow and continue spreading after passing it.

>Instruct everyone to brace themselves and run through the fire. This is very risky but could potentially save lots of time and resources.

>Turn around and give up on the sprinkler for now.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch Characters
One more thing. The deadline will be open until 8 PM PST (About 7 hours and 20 minutes from now)
>Clear only some of the fire using water and run past it. This will take less time than clearing it entirely but may allow the fire to regrow and continue spreading after passing it.
We can't put out everything with our resources, we need to concentrate on restoring the sprinkler system.
>>Clear only some of the fire using water and run past it. This will take less time than clearing it entirely but may allow the fire to regrow and continue spreading after passing it.
>>Instruct everyone to brace themselves and run through the fire. This is very risky but could potentially save lots of time and resources.
No more votes!

3 votes for "Clear only some of the fire using water and run past it. This will take less time than clearing it entirely but may allow the fire to regrow and continue spreading after passing it."

1 vote for "Instruct everyone to brace themselves and run through the fire. This is very risky but could potentially save lots of time and resources."

Writing now!
“If this is where the sprinklers are, all we need to do is put out the fires just enough to get past. Quick, get a few buckets from the janitor’s closet! We will douse it and get across!”

They scramble to grab the couple buckets in the closet, fill them with water, and dump them on the fire. After a few buckets, it dies down enough for everybody to get across safely. The fires are pretty strong in this area, so they need to be careful.

“Is everyone okay? I can’t... believe we made it...” Jim has trouble catching his breath but is able to get the words out.

“It seems like it,” Evans responds.

“Let’s keep going guys, I don’t want the fire to get any closer,” Larry says.

On their way to the end of the hall, there is a bend on the left that should have the room with the sprinkler system, assuming Larry made the right choice.


“Can you give me a hand with this? It’s incredibly heavy,” Johnson asks.

“Give me a second,” Mac says.

They are working hard outside the backup generator room to make sure it is secure. They were able to find some pretty neat things in the other cabins to barricade it. Johnson would like to put one last large object in front of the door before they call it a complete job.

“Alright, done with that. I’m going to lift on my end. Ready? 1, 2, Hmph” Mac helps Johnson lift the heavy object. Luckily, with two people, it isn’t so bad.

“Hey man, what do you think about all of this?” Mac asks. They talk while lifting this heavy object.

“What do you mean?”

“Why are we trying to repair this crappy ship? Shouldn’t be trying to find safety until rescue arrives? The Captain talked about a rescue earlier.”

“But what if that rescue never comes? What then?”

“Aren’t there lifeboats on this ship? We could just leave on those.”

“Yes, but where would we go? We’re nowhere near civilization.”

“But we could just steer the ship to the nearest port and then get on lifeboats before it sinks.”

“That is incredibly risky, Mac. What’s with all these questions? We should focus on the task at hand right now.”

Mac bites his lip and argues no further. He is not happy with Larry, but at least he will continue to finish this task.

“Hold on, Mac. Let’s set this down for now, I can’t hold on much longer.” Johnson’s arms are about to give out.

“Come on, we’re almost there. Just deal with it.”

hrrrmph I can’t... hold on much longer...”

Mac pays him no mind and continues walking. However, Johnson’s grip gives out and he drops it.


A very loud metal sound permeates throughout the maintenance deck.

“Good job, you jackass! We were so close, why did you have to drop it?”

“I told you I couldn’t hold onto it anymore. And who are you calling a jackass? ... Wait, hold on a moment. Do you hear that?”

The sounds of footsteps can be heard nearby. The sound must have attracted zombies from all over the deck. What should Johnson and Mac do?

>Remove the barricade and hide in the backup generator room. They may or may not get in without any zombies seeing them. The barricade will need to be redone once safe.

>Run away. The zombies are coming from the hallway they came from, so they would need to journey farther down this hall. There is no telling what could be on the way.

>Find weapons and fight back. There may be more than one zombie coming, so you would need to be careful here.


No wisdom checks are allowed on anybody but Larry.


Larry and the gang hear a loud sound in the distance.

“What the heck was that?” Jones asks.

“I have no idea, but we should keep going for now,” Larry says.

Suddenly, 3 figures around the corner in front of them, about 30 feet (about 9 meters) away. It seems like the zombies in the hall are following the sound they heard. They see Larry and his group.

What should they do?

>Fight them head on with the weapons grabbed earlier. Maybe even send some into the nearby fires, but nobody knows how zombies behave while on fire

>Get in the nearby cabin and try to keep the door closed. They will be trapped in this room until they can find a way to escape. Plus, nobody knows what could be in this room.

>Have the crew fend them off until Larry can completely put out the fires behind him. They have grown back to their initial size. Afterwards, they can find a place to escape to. Remember that each use of the extinguisher depletes it.


>Wisdom check (6 remaining)

>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 10AM PST (about 13 hours and 10 minutes from now).

>Drop whatever they're carrying across the corriodr to narrow the passage
>Run away. The zombies are coming from the hallway they came from, so they would need to journey farther down this hall. There is no telling what could be on the way.
Removing the barricade is slow, and if any zombie zees them they'd be trapped in a dead end.

>Get in the nearby cabin and try to keep the door closed. They will be trapped in this room until they can find a way to escape. Plus, nobody knows what could be in this room.
We can fall back to fighting if we don't find another solution. And if there were a zombie in the cabin, it would've exited it, attracted by the sound.
>Find weapons and fight back. There may be more than one zombie coming, so you would need to be careful here.
>Fight them head on with the weapons grabbed earlier. Maybe even send some into the nearby fires, but nobody knows how zombies behave while on fire
It's a tie! I will extend the vote until 12 PM PST, which is about 2 hours from now, then follow normal tie-breaking procedures
No more votes! There is still a tie, so I will break it now.

"Run away. The zombies are coming from the hallway they came from, so they would need to journey farther down this hall. There is no telling what could be on the way." is the highest choice on the list out of what was voted on, so we will go with that. I will incorporate the write-in portion as well.

"Fight them head on with the weapons grabbed earlier. Maybe even send some into the nearby fires, but nobody knows how zombies behave while on fire" is the highest choice on the list out of what was voted on, so we will go with that

Writing now!
Hey guys, it looks like I need to take over for this update. Writing now!
“Shit, let’s run!” Mac suggests.

They bolt in the opposite direction with the zombies just starting to turn the corner. Down the hall is mostly empty, but there is too much distance to cover for them to get away from the zombies without them noticing.

“In here!” Johnson says and pulls open a nearby door.

Mac sprints inside and Johnson follows suit, making sure to close and lock the door. Mac grasps his knees panting hard.

Pant. PantYou think they saw us?” Mac asked.

“I sure hope not. Why don’t we wait in here for a while and see if they go away? Maybe they will get bored.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

For the time being, Mac looks around the room. It’s your standard breakroom. It has lockers, a TV, a bathroom, a fridge, and even a bunk bed.


“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” Evans shouts.

“What do we do? I’m too young to die!” Jones says.

“Calm down, we can take them! There are four of us and three of them. If we hide in the nearby room, we’re stuck. If we go back, we risk getting burned. Let’s stand our ground and fight!” Jim tries to rally everybody into his cause.

Larry, despite disagreeing, doesn’t have any other ideas, so he goes along with it.

How should they tackle these undead monsters? You have 4 people to work with, each with different weapons. There are 3 zombies, a room next door on the right, and fires behind the group.

Larry: Has a fire extinguisher that can be used as a blunt object, but too much use could make it unusable.

Jim: Has a taser and baton. The taser only has a limited amount of charge left and each use will deplete it. There are 5 uses left.

Jones: Has a sharp wooden stick.

Evans: Has a mop and cleaning solution in a spray bottle.

Zombie A is on the left, Zombie B is in the middle, and Zombie C is on the right. Zombie A is missing its right arm. Zombie B is wearing heavy clothing. Zombie C is female and smaller in stature.

Who should attack what and how should the attack be done?

For example, you could say

>Jim use taser on Zombie A, Jones stab zombie B in the eyes with stick

Each character can do 2 things and you are free to make them do whatever you please. I will be taking the best parts of each reply, so please be as creative as you want. No need to worry if your idea isn't popular!

I will leave the voting window open until 10PM PST (about 6 hours and 40 minutes from now). However, if we do not get at last 3 votes, I will extend it until tomorrow, so get your votes in! You can be as creative as you want with this choice!
Wow, not a single write-in yet? Well, I'll extend the voting window until 8AM PST (about 10 hours from now).
Decision paralysis. Nobody wants to be the one to kill Larry with their stupid write-in (though we can always blame >>4611496)

Let's try to think tactically. We'll attack the zombie that we can disable the fastest with a local force superiority and try to deal with the opposition in detail. Zombie B is the hardest to kill because of heavy clothing, so we'll leave it for the last. The rest of them seem to be equally vulnerable, but Zombie C should be a bit less strong so we'll deal with it second.
>Jones: stab Zombie B right in the chest and keep it away with the stick
There is a danger of the zombie impaling itself on the stick to get to Jones, so stab it into the sternum bone.
>Evans: hold Zombie C off by pushing it into the chest with the mop. Spray cleaning fluid into its eyes if it manages to wriggle free.
>Jim: judo throw and arm lock Zombie A like it's a drunk passenger.
With only one arm it should be safe.
>Then Larry: bash Zombie A's head in with the fire extinguisher.
And that's round one. If you need a complete plan for the whole battle, say so, QM.
>Decision paralysis
Ah, my nemesis. It always seems to kill off any and all participation each time. But with the environment of a quest like this, I'm surprised I get this problem so frequently. I try to emphasize that danger is normal and expected in this quest.

>If you need a complete plan for the whole battle, say so, QM.
The amount of detail is up to you, but what you wrote is enough if you so desire. Just remember that you can have up to 2 actions per character. Jones and Evans will have used 2 actions in your scenario, whereas Jim and Larry have only used one. I will use the best bits of any write-in, so feel free to write what you like without as much worry.
>I'm surprised I get this problem so frequently. I try to emphasize that danger is normal and expected in this quest.
It doesn't make decisions easier.
>2 actions per character
Right. Them, after dealing with Zombie A, Larry and Jim should come to help with whatever zombie is closer to getting through.
No more votes!

Writing now!
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“Everybody, pick a zombie and stick to it. Once we can get an opening, we will run past them. I’ll take the one on the left. Larry, cover me. Evans and Jones, pick one of the other zombies,” Jim said.

“What the hell am I going to do with a mop?” Evans responded.

However, with the closing in zombies, it’s too late for any further discussion.

Jones, terrified, jabs at Zombie B with his stick. The thick clothes offer no room for penetration, but with rapid jabs, he can cause the zombie to get stuck. Nevertheless, it can still inch closer. Eventually, the zombie gets so close that Jones panics and stabs it in the eye. This seems to work, and he is able to push the zombie back now.

Evans readies his mop, but he realizes something before he could strike. Zombie C wasn’t just any zombie, it was... Amy, Evan’s long-time crush. Tears began to form in Evan’s eyes. Amy was his entire reason for getting this job. He spent countless hours trying to figure out how to ask her out, but he never worked up the courage. And now, he would need to fight against her...

“Evans! What are you doing? Attack it!” Jim shouted.

Evans reluctantly holds his mop against Zombie C. He was content by just making sure she couldn’t get any closer. He was much stronger than it, so this wasn’t much of a hassle.

However, with both Jones and Evans simply pushing the zombies back, that doesn’t leave much room for escape. Jim needs to clear out a path to escape, and with Larry helping, he feels confident that it can be done.

Zombie A approaches, but Jim grabs it’s one outstretched and, in one swift motion, twists the zombie’s arm behind it’s back. Such a hold doesn’t stop a zombie, but it doesn’t have to. Larry takes this time to quickly approach and hit the zombie over the head with the fire extinguisher. This stuns the zombie for a moment. This gives Jim enough time to grab hold of the zombie and throw it a few feet back. It lands in the fire. They don’t stand to watch what happens, and quickly run through the now empty left-side of the hall.

“Wait, what about us?” Jones asks as both him and Evans are still struggling.

“Evans, you should spray cleaning solution in both zombies’ eyes. That should buy you enough time to get around them,” Larry suggests.

Evans is reluctant but knows it must be done. “I’m so sorry, Amy. I love you!”

Evans sprays Zombie B and C with the cleaning solution, blinding them temporarily. Taking this chance, Evans and Jones drop their weapons and run around the zombies.

With everybody safe for now, they book it to the other end of the hallway and enter the room on the end. Hopefully, no zombies saw them.


Mac presses his ear to the door. He does hear some shuffling in the distance, so it’s clear they are still there. However, the sounds seem to be coming from the left. This would mean that the zombies are getting farther and farther away.

Suddenly, they can hear a metallic thud nearby. It must have come from the lockers. Worse still, another sound can be heard. In the breakroom, there is a door on the left that leads to the bunkbed. That’s where the other sound is coming from. It almost sounds like sheets being moved.

“Mac, we need to hide!”

“Do we? These could just be normal sounds. I would rather check them out before making such rash decisions.”

What should they do?

>Check out the locker

>Check out the room with the bunkbed



>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 7PM PST (about 10 hours and 30 minutes from now).

>>Check out the room with the bunkbed
>Check out the locker
>Check out the room with the bunkbed
No more votes!

2 votes for "Check out the room with the bunkbed"

1 vote for "Check out the locker"

Writing now!
Mac slowly makes his way to the back door.

“Mac, that’s a bad idea! We need to hide. If it’s safe, we’ll find out later. But with the zombies still outside, we’ll have nowhere to run if things get bad.”

“You worry too much. If you want to hide so badly, then hide. I’m going to go check.”

Johnson weighs his options. If he hides right now and something bad happens, he has a better chance of survival, but Mac would be on his own. If he tries to physically stop Mac, that could make a lot of noise and would put them both in danger because of the zombies outside. If he cautiously sticks by Mac’s side, they both have the chance of dying, but Mac has a better chance of survival than by himself.

Johnson takes a deep breath and speaks. “Okay, Mac. Let’s go look. But be careful.”

Mac nods and slowly opens the door to look inside. He only opens it a crack, but he can see the bunk bed in the corner. There’s movement on the bed, but it’s too dark to tell what it is.

Hey man, there’s something on the bed” Mac whispers.

See? I told you we shouldn’t have looked. It’s probably a zombie. Let’s close the door before it spots us.

But doesn’t something about it seem... off? I don’t know why, but it looks like there’s something else on the bed. Not a zombie. I have a flashlight, let me take a quick look.

Are you crazy? You can’t do that! It’ll see us!

Mac, ignoring Johnson, takes out his flashlight and peers inside from the cracked open door. There’s nothing on the bottom bunk. On the top bunk, something is indeed moving.

What the hell is that?

I am posting this before writing the rest to add to the suspense. I'm continuing to write as we speak.
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There appears to be a cloth sack of some sort on the bed, but there are bloody handprints all over. It couldn’t be more than 4 feet long (about 1.2 meters). But more than that, it’s... moving. There isn’t any sort of fan blowing it, and there isn’t anything pushing it. It’s moving on its own. It doesn’t look to be moving in any particular direction though. It looks more like it is writhing. What’s more, there is another sound coming from the room that they can’t pinpoint just yet.

Mac, I have a really bad feeling about this. We really need to get out of here. Close that door, now!” Johnson whispers.

Mac was once again going to ignore Johnson, but he grabs onto his shoulder by surprise, pulls him back, closes the door, and blocks the handle.

“I told you that this is dangerous. I am not letting us die over some morbid curiosity.”

“I’m sorry, who put you in charge? You were happy before just taking orders from somebody you never met. What makes this any different? I was escorting you, not the other way around. That makes me in charge, and I say we should investigate.”

“No. I’m not letting you. Say what you want about me, but you’re not getting in there. If you want to get back in here so badly, you should wait until we have better weapons.”

“Open your eyes, pal. This is a cruiseship, not some naval fleet. The most we’re ever going to find for weapons are mops and pool noodles. But as security, I was luckily given some weapons.”

Mac pulls out his taser and baton.

“I was hoping to only need to use these on zombies, but you’re not giving me much choice. Step aside or I will tase you.”

“You wouldn’t. I don’t buy it. If you incapacitate me, who’s going to have your back if things go wrong, huh?”

“I’ll manage. I’m going to count to three, and if you don’t get out of my fucking way, I’m going to do what I need to do. One...”

Johnson’s resolve begins to waver. Mac hasn’t exactly been the nicest to him, but could he really harm someone over something like this?


Johnson sees a faint glimmer in Mac’s eyes. In that moment, he realized that Mac meant business.


Johnson steps out of the way before Mac could finish.

Hmph. That’s what I thought. Now get out of the way. We could really find something amazing in here. You’ll see.”

Mac’s attention has turned to the door. Johnson still has some time to stop him, should he?

>Surprise attack Mac. This could either be by stealing his taser and baton in a swift motion or hitting him over the head with a blunt object. He won’t die, but this will stop him from going inside. It may be very dangerous inside.

>Do nothing. Allow him to open the door. Johnson will stay by Mac’s side and will see this through. However, it may be a good idea for Johnson to briefly interrupt to apologize before Mac opens the door. Maybe Mac will as well. It is never a good idea to go into a situation like this while angry with someone else.

>Find a hiding place and allow Mac to open the door. Johnson will hide in the optimal spot, away from everything. However, if something bad happens, Mac is all alone. On the other hand, Johnson is guaranteed a chance to live no matter what.


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 7PM PST (about 23 hours from now).

>>Do nothing. Allow him to open the door. Johnson will stay by Mac’s side and will see this through. However, it may be a good idea for Johnson to briefly interrupt to apologize before Mac opens the door. Maybe Mac will as well. It is never a good idea to go into a situation like this while angry with someone else.
>Write-in: Ask Mac what he thinks could be in the bloody sack. Hopefully as he's answering, he'll realize there isn't many good options for that.
>>Do nothing. Allow him to open the door. Johnson will stay by Mac’s side and will see this through. However, it may be a good idea for Johnson to briefly interrupt to apologize before Mac opens the door. Maybe Mac will as well. It is never a good idea to go into a situation like this while angry with someone else.
No more votes!

2 votes for "Do nothing. Allow him to open the door. Johnson will stay by Mac’s side and will see this through. However, it may be a good idea for Johnson to briefly interrupt to apologize before Mac opens the door. Maybe Mac will as well. It is never a good idea to go into a situation like this while angry with someone else."

1 vote for a write-in.

Writing now!
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After weighing his options, Johnson decides to stick with Mac. While he believes this is ultimately a bad decision, there needs to be unity. If him and Mac can’t get along, this might have long-lasting consequences.

Before Mac opens the door, Johnson speaks up.

“Mac, I’m apologize for the way I acted before. In a situation like this, we should try to get along instead of fighting, so I should’ve acted with a cooler head. But given the circumstances, I’m sure you can understand why I am a bit frazzled.”

Mac, a bit surprised by this sudden attitude change, pauses and looks back to Johnson.

“Hey man, it’s no big deal. I probably shouldn’t have escalated this like I did. I apologize as well. No hard feelings, right? Now, why don’t we try to see what’s inside.”

Mac slowly opens the door and turns his flashlight on once again. There is the familiar sight of the bunk beds and the writhing bloody sack. This time, he opens the door a bit more to get a better picture.

The room isn’t very big, but it isn’t as small as you might expect. It has a few different bunk beds, a nightstand, a TV, and various other amenities. The room looks mostly empty at a first glance, but in the back-left corner, there is a blood trail leading to the front left corner. The door blocks their view to where this trail leads.

Mac slowly walks inside with his flashlight in one hand and taser in the other, preparing for whatever could be on the other side.

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Larry and the gang are safely inside one of the maintenance cabins. There isn’t anything of note inside.

“Okay, we’ve been here long enough. Those zombies should be gone by now. How far are we from the sprinklers?” Larry asks.

Jones nudges Evans, but Evans looks a bit too shy to speak.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? He asked you guys a question,” Jim says.

“W-Well, it looks like this is not the right way to the sprinkler system. Jones was correct earlier when he told us to go right.”

Larry exhales in disbelief and begins to chuckle to himself.

“What!? Are you fucking kidding me?” Jim yells. He gets right up in Evan’s face. “You lied to us, you piece of shit. We could have been zombie chow before, but it was all for nothing. Now we need to go all the way back through the fire AND zombies just to check on those sprinklers?”

Evans is not sure what to say and feels terrible about this. He’s never been drilled down this hard by someone before. He looks like he is about to break down and cry. Larry notices this and intervenes.

“Everybody, let’s just calm down a bit. There will be time to discuss things like this later, but we need to find a way out and back where we need to be. Those fires are spreading fast, we can’t stay here for much longer.”

Jim backs off, understanding the situation they’re in.

What should Larry do here?

>Cheer Evans up. Evans will respect Larry much more for this, but Jim will lose some respect for Larry.

>Cheer him up in private later. Both Jim and Evans will respect Larry a bit more for this. Only a small bit, however.

>Accost Evans. Jim will respect Larry much more for this, but Evans will lose some respect for Larry.


Your choice here will affect how Evans and Jim will view Larry. You want to be careful to make sure Larry is liked by the people he works with. While this isn’t a quantified number, you will still be able to notice how well they listen to his orders as the story progresses. Mutiny may occur if too much respect is lost.

The zombies are out of sight outside, even the one that was on fire. I will explain this a bit more in-depth in the next update. However, you should make a choice about the fires in that hallway blocking their way.

>Use the fire extinguisher to completely put out the fires in this hall. This will cost 50% of the extinguisher capacity.

>Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity.

>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 3PM PST (about 19 hours and 10 minutes from now)

>Cheer him up in private later. Both Jim and Evans will respect Larry a bit more for this. Only a small bit, however.
>Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity.
If we can get the sprinklers back on then that should take care of it for good.
tell both of them now is not to be at each others throats
>>Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity.
>>Cheer him up in private later. Both Jim and Evans will respect Larry a bit more for this. Only a small bit, however.
>Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity.
>Cheer him up in private later. Both Jim and Evans will respect Larry a bit more for this. Only a small bit, however.
>Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity.
No more votes!

3 votes for "Cheer him up in private later. Both Jim and Evans will respect Larry a bit more for this. Only a small bit, however."

1 vote for a write-in

Everybody voted for "Use the fire extinguisher to put out small amounts of the fires in the hall. This is a temporary measure just so they can get around it. The fire will crop back up in this hallway later. This will cost 25% of the fire extinguisher capacity."

Writing now!
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Jim puts his ear up to the door and listens to see if the zombies are gone. He hears nothing but the flames, but just to be careful, opens the door only a little bit. He looks to the right but doesn’t see the zombies. He looks to his left and sees a zombie on fire turning the corner out of sight. It looks like the coast is clear.

Jim gives a thumbs up and opens the door for everyone. Larry once again uses his fire extinguisher in sparing amounts to put out the fires just enough for him and the others to pass by. The fire extinguisher is half empty.

The gang heads towards the hallway on the opposite side to locate the sprinkler system.


Mac shines his flashlight to the corner of the room behind the door. He jumps a bit after seeing what was making that noise before.

“What is it?” Johnson asks.

“Oh god...Don’t look over here, man. You don’t want to see this.”

Lying there was a teenage girl slouched over with a knife nearby. Her wrists have been slit, but curiously, she seems to have small bite marks on her legs and neck.

Despite Mac’s orders, Johnson comes over and sees. He covers his mouth before he would have screamed.

“It’s a suicide, it seems. She must’ve had regrets about all of this before she died, though. Look at the blood trail, she was probably trying to get back over to the door to leave. But I bet she bled out before she could muster the strength to get up,” Mac said. “Poor kid, she didn’t need to go like that.”

Johnson heads to the opposite side of the room to throw up, but before he started dry hurling, he noticed something.

“Mac, point the light over on to the bed on the left.”

Mac does as he is told, and he can see a piece of paper on the bed. Johnson grabs it, but once he sees its contents, he hands it to Mac.

“I can’t bear to look, here.”

“What makes you think I want to?”

Despite the protest, he looks over the paper. It’s a suicide note, but it is mostly illegible due the copious amount of blood staining it. The parts that can be read are shown below. Unreadable sections will be punctuated with “...”

All parts before this are unreadable

I’m so sorry for failing you. I ... very much. .... Tyler became a ... I tried so hard to keep .... It hurt .... bitten and will probably turn .... for the best ...

All parts after this are unreadable

Mac is unsure of what to say to Johnson about the note. Silence filled the room. His curiosity has been mostly satiated. There is nothing else of importance in the room other than the bloody sack that is still moving.

The zombies in the hallway are still shuffling about, so there is still time to kill. What should they do in the meantime?

>They’ve explored enough, they can just relax and potentially hide for the time being.

>Open the sack.

>Open the locker that made noise earlier

I will leave the voting window open until 9AM PST (about 17 hours and 15 minutes from now).
>Open the sack.
Oh god
Pls no zombie babby corpses. Let's just barricade or get moving
>Open the locker that made noise earlier
The sack contains a zombie baby. We don't need to open it.
No more votes!

2 votes for "Open the sack."

1 for a write-in

1 for "Open the locker that made noise earlier"

Writing now!
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There is only one thing that could be in that bag, but Mac needed to know. If he just left it at this, this would eat at his mind for the rest of the day. While Johnson was in the corner, throwing up, Mac seizes the opportunity to open the bag.

There was just some rope he needed to untie, and it was open. He stands back to see if whatever it is would crawl out. Johnson, finally able to compose himself, looks back to Mac.

“Wait, did you just open the bag? Why would you do that?”

Before Mac could answer, a little head popped out of the bag. Slowly, but surely, it crawled out of the bag it was trapped in. It appears to be a toddler, no more than two years old. It’s holding something.

“...Is that Tyler?” Mac asks.

Johnson walks a bit closer but stops before he reaches the bed. Looking closer at the boy, its skin is far too pale and there is blood coming from its mouth. Before they could do anything, the toddler puts whatever its holding to its mouth and tries to take a bite.

“Is he holding a rat?”

It’s a bit hard to tell, but the child was indeed holding an average sized dead rat. There are bite marks all over, but there doesn’t seem to be the normal chunks missing when a zombie bites. Is the boy having trouble eating the rat? It looks like it. The boy just barely has his first set of teeth, but they don’t seem to be fully grown. All of these bites have caused the boy’s gums to start bleeding. What a pitiful existence. A zombie that can’t eat anything.

Before Johnson or Mac could even process what was going on, the toddler notices them, stands up, and tries to lunge. However, being on the top bunk with no ground to stand on, it falls to the floor headfirst. The toddler suffers some extreme brain damage and passes out. It will probably never wake up.

The men are speechless after what just happened.


Larry and the gang make it to the other hall. To their relief, there are no fires or zombies down this way.

“Okay guys, which door is it?” Larry asks.

Jones points to a door to the right. “This one. I’m confident that this is where it is.”

Jim approaches the door and tries to turn the handle, but it’s locked. “What the hell? Why is this locked?”

“Jim, don’t you remember what they told us earlier? The chief engineer would lock the door on his breaks, and it seems like this all started on one of his breaks,” Larry explained. “But luckily, I have the Captain’s keycard, so I should be able to get in... What? It’s not working.”

The keycard isn’t working. It doesn’t look like it’s a power issue since the reader is lit up. Did the chief engineer really change the lock too?

“Shit. We were so fucking close!” Jim kicks the door with full force. A loud noise permeates the hall. “Ow...” Jim clutches his hurt foot. This door is strong.

What should they do?

>Try to break down the door.

>Try to locate the deceased chief engineer and take the key from him.

>Head to the backup generator room and turn off the power. This should unlock each door.

>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 9AM PST (about 22 hours and 50 minutes from now).

>>Try to break down the door.
Try to open the lock with Larry's electric expertise.
Two banes of even not so cheap electronic locks are a solenoid relay that can be pulled with a strong magnet and having the decoder on the unsecure side of the door where someone can open the lock casing and manually close the unlocking circuit.
The chief engineer is probably inside the room, having zombified during his break. Be ready.
Basically something like this. it isnt a bank vault nor the captains quarters.

There should be a technical exploit available here. Issue is tools on hand. An electricians tool kit should have enough to bork this thing.

Locking mechanism is a electromagnet pushing a piece of metal in a recess. Removing power to the door should work. Just take time.

Less time and danger than doubling back at least. This isnt a vault door meant to keep people from accessing super valuable things, just keep non crew from being where they shouldnt
+1 for big brain anons
No more votes!

1 vote for "Try to break down the door."

3 votes for a write-in.

Writing now!
“What should we do? Should we try to find the keycard?” Jones asks.

“No, that’s suicide! The Chief is dead, so we would need to lift it off a zombie,” Jim says.

“Should we try to break it down then? Jim, you seem plenty strong,” Jones asks.

“I’ve kicked down a few doors in my life, but I’ve never seen one so sturdy. There’s no way we’re getting in with force; and even if we did, that would make too much noise,” Jim replies.

“Damn, there must be something. Wait, what if we turned off the backup generator? That could stop the electronic lock from opening, right?” Jones once again asks.

“Are you crazy? We just sent a couple of our guys to barricade that place. You think we should just tear it down?” Jim rebukes.

“Hold on, everyone. I have an idea. While it’s been a while, I have worked on systems like this before. I think I might be able to get it open with some tools... Shoot, we left them back there, didn’t we?” Larry says.

“I could go get them for you. Just wait right here, I’ll be right back,” Jim offers.

“I’m going with you. Nobody should ever go somewhere alone with zombies and fires everywhere,” Jones says.

“Great, you two go and get me the toolbox. We’ll wait here. If something goes wrong, we’ll hide in one of the nearby cabins,” Larry says.

Jim and Jones head off to grab the toolbox, leaving Larry and Evans here. Evans hasn’t been very talkative ever since he made that mistake. He feels intensely guilty.

“H-Hey Larry. I’m so sorry for before... I messed up big time, huh?”

“Don’t worry about it, Evans. Mistakes like that happen from time to time. Look, I’m willing to forgive and forget, but Jim seems to have a temper. It may be a good idea to try to talk with him when you get the chance. I used to have a short temper like that when I was his age, but I always felt awful for blowing up at people. I learned to manage my anger over time, but Jim needs to work on it still. I’m sure apologizing to him will make him much happier than you might think.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

Larry’s talk to Evans has cheered him up a bit. He will be more willing to contribute to conversations and will do his best to mend his relationship with Jim.

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Johnson is listening intensely at the hallway door. He wants to leave this room as soon as possible, but these zombies are making it impossible. Luckily, the zombies have finally moved on and started looking for different places. Just to make sure, he takes a peek outside.

“Mac, let’s get out of here! They’re finally gone. We need to complete the barricade and reunite with the group.”

What should they do?

>Leave now. This will be the last time they enter this room, so they will never know what was in the locker.

>Open the locker


After making this choice, there is one more choice to make. Should they continue with the barricade? It was mostly complete, but not fully.

>Intend to complete the barricade.

>It’s good enough as it is.


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 9AM PST (about 23 hours and 25 minutes from now).

>Open the locker
>Intend to complete the barricade.
>>Open the locker
>Intend to complete the barricade.
No more votes!

Everybody voted the same way.

Writing now!
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“Awesome, but before we go, do you think we should see what’s in the locker? It made noise before,” Mac asked.

“Nothing ever deters you, does it? Well, if you really want to, I won’t stop you. But please at least try to be careful.”

“Don’t worry. I learned my lesson from last time.”

Mac approaches the correct locker and listens for any sounds of breathing or movement. When he heard nothing, he tried knocking on it. After a bit, it was clear that nothing was reacting to these knocks, so he felt fairly confident that it was safe.

“Alright, let’s open this.”

Mac opens the locker. From the locker, the weight of a person falls onto him. Its mouth is open, so in his panic, Mac thinks it’s a zombie.

“Get off of me!” He yells while pushing it away.

However, the thing just falls to the ground while Mac crawls away. As he begins to stand, they notice the body isn’t moving. Upon closer inspection, it isn’t a zombie. It’s a dead man. Mac takes a better look at the body.

“It looks like he died from a bullet wound to the head. Another suicide? If that’s the case, there should be a gun here somewhere,” Mac said.

Sure enough, in the locker, there is a pistol with blood coating the exterior. However, there are only five bullets left.

“Nice find!” Johnson said. Johnson didn’t get close enough to see the locker or the man in the dark, but he could see the outline of a gun in Mac’s hand.

“You’re damn right it is. Now, let’s get the hell out of here.”

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“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Jim says after sprinting back.

“Here’s the tools. What do you think? Can you undo the lock?” Jones asks while handing Larry the toolbox.

“I don’t know yet. I can’t look inside without the tools, remember? I’ll let you know when I know one way or the other,” Larry said.

Larry is going to be fiddling with this for a while. In the meantime, the rest of the gang stands on lookout.

...Or at least that’s what Larry expected to happen. In reality, the system was simpler than he thought. The door opens without much hassle. And with that, Larry and the gang have made it to the sprinkler room. The room is empty with just the sprinkler system in the back.

“Finally. Let’s get these damn sprinklers on. You think you can do it, Larry?”

Larry examines the system. Sure enough, the problem is that the cord connecting the system to the backup generator is missing.

“I don’t know, Jim. The wire I need is gone. The Chief engineer probably took it with him on his breaks. Do you guys know where he went? You said he was dead, right?”

Jones and Evans shrug. It was Johnson who last saw the Chief, so he would know better than them. Larry, out of options, pulls out the radio.

“Johnson, are you there? It’s Pinkerton. Are you and Mac finished with the barricade?”

“Roger. This is Johnson. We had to take a detour to hide from some of the undead, but we are resuming the barricading process. We are almost done. Do you want us to rendezvous afterwards?”

“As it turns out, we had our own detours. Long story short, the sprinkler system is missing a wire. We think the Chief Engineer has it on his person. Do you know where he could be?”

Johnson thinks for a bit. He’s sure he saw the chief engineer earlier, but he can’t pinpoint where it is. It’s on the tip of his tongue, but he just can’t remember.

“I’m sorry, Pinkerton. I remember that I saw him before, but I cannot recall where. It was definitely on this deck though.”

“Alright. When you’re done with the barricade, I’ll assign search parties. We need to find this wire as soon as possible.”

Larry will need to create a search party for this Chief Engineer. You can pick the parties. For example, you can let each person search in different places individually or you can assign groups of however large you want.

>Write-in who should be assigned to which group. You can also assign where they should check. However, this is not required. I can pick where they go, but I may be inclined to pick wrong places.

>Wisdom Check (Larry can pick more optimal places for them to seach)

>Let QM decide the groups and where they go

>Switch characters.

I’m not sure when the voting window will be over. It will either be sometime tonight or it will be tomorrow depending on how many votes there are.

Huh, I thought CE took his breaks inside this room. This fucker is really getting on my nerves btw.

Search parties:
>Mac+Johnson: retrace everywhere Johnson had been on this deck. Maybe they'll find out where he has seen CE.
>Jim+Jones: go to the staff breakroom (>>4608972). If CE's not there, track down other possible break spots. It should be somewhere where there's sprinklers. If there's an opening to outside on this deck, check it first. Otherwise any secluded spots, like restrooms, closets, dark corners behind the engine, etc.
>Larry+Evans: tracking the source of the fire. What if the cause of the fire was CE's cigarette? If unable, follow the same reasoning as Jim and Jones.
>Common orders: look for a replacement wire on the way.
>Let QM decide the groups and where they go
I think I'll leave the window open until sometime tomorrow. I apologize that I cannot give an exact time. But it will be at night.

Feel free to write-in or vote whenever you can!
>>Switch characters.
Alright, I'm finally free for the day. I'm going to stop the voting period.

1 vote for "Let QM decide the groups and where they go"

1 vote for "Switch characters"

2 votes for a write-in.

Writing now!
“Roger. We’ll complete the barricade and wait for further orders. Johnson out.”

“You ready? This time put your back into it.”

“I wouldn’t have dropped it if you listened to me. I needed a break. No everybody is as strong as you are, Mac.”

“Hmph. Just bear with it. This time, we’re only moving it a few yards at most,” While Mac wanted Johnson to man up a bit, he can’t help but smirk a bit at the unintentional compliment. “One... Two... Three... Lift!”

Mac and Johnson lift the heavy object once more. As they make their way to the barricade, they don’t talk as much as before. It helps Johnson concentrate on lifting. When they finally get it where they need, the set it down, making sure that it is quiet.

“Alright, we did it. Let’s let everybody else know.”


“Okay everybody, we need to split up to find this wire. The Chief probably kept in on his person or close by, so we should be on the lookout for him. Jones, Evans, and Johnson are the only ones who know what he looks like, so we need to split up accordingly,” Larry says.

“Okay, how about Jones and I go?” Jim suggests.

“Sure. Evans and I will be a team as well. Now, I want you two to look for the breakroom that the Chief liked to smoke in. I have a feeling he could be there. If not, try to find other possible break rooms or some other place someone would take a break. Try to only look in places that have sprinklers and smoke detectors-“

“Wait, I have a question. Shouldn’t we just check every room for better odds?” Jones interrupts.

“As I was saying, the Chief removed the wire so he could smoke during his breaks. He wouldn’t do it if the smoking wouldn’t trip one of the smoke detectors, right? Checking every room would just waste time. We should only look around blindly if we are totally clueless.”

“But what if we don’t find it in the breakrooms?” Jones asks.

“I’m afraid that it is possible that someone of his rank could have just left the deck while on break. You would need to look on some of the higher decks.”

“That’s crazy!” Jim shouts. “You’re going to kill us that way! The ship is crawling with zombies. Why do we have to do all the hard work? I bet you guys are going to search in much nicer areas, aren’t you?”

“Unfortunately not. Think about this for a moment. Why are there fires all over this ship? Don’t you think it’s possible that the Chief could have caused the fire with one of his cigarettes? Therefore, Evans and I will be looking for the source of the fire. It may lead us to the wire.”

Jim is taken aback by this. That’s a pretty risky venture, perhaps even moreso than the zombie paths. Jim’s respect for Larry rose significantly! He is unlikely to question Larry on key decisions for a while.

“Pinkerton, do you read me? Mac and I have completed the barricade. Awaiting orders, over.”

“Johnson, you and Mac should retrace your steps. You said you saw the Chief, so you should go through your day step-by-step until you remember. Also, if you find the wire or any other similar wire, we can just use that.”

“Roger. But what kind of wire is it? I must admit that I’m not all that familiar with the system.”

Larry relays what type of wire it is.

“Roger. We’ll begin the search now.”

They end the transmission.

“And that goes for the rest of us, okay? Now let’s get going,” Larry says.

We can only see a maximum of two story perspectives per update. Mac and Johnson’s are going to be in the next update. But which other group should we follow? The story will skip ahead in whichever you don’t pick. Whatever I had in store for them will still happen, but they will make their own choices in the background. I will not kill Larry offscreen, but other characters are fair game.

Who should we follow?

>Larry and Evans
>Jim and Jones


“Let’s go, Mac. We need to look for the Chief.”

“Wait just one minute. You’re telling me that you and I are going to look for this Chief of yours with no clear direction? We’re just going to re-enact your fucking day? Fuck that. We should be looking in places he would likely be.”

“Calm down, man. The rest of them are looking in those kinds of places. They’re probably not going to be looking where we are and could miss finding him.”

“No, you calm down! They’re just going to rely on some old-fuck’s idea of where he would be. Old men have no idea what guys like us do. I bet I could find him within the first two places I check. If he’s anything like me, I know where to look.”

“We can look where you want, Mac. I’m not saying we can’t. It’s just that I’ve seen the Chief today. If I can re-trace my steps, it could lead us right to him. If that doesn’t work, we’ll go with your idea.”

“Fuck that,” Mac pulls out the pistol from earlier.

Johnson puts his hands up. “Whoa, whoa. Mac, calm down. There is nothing to gain from hurting each other.”

“Stop telling me to calm down! I’ve had the worst day of my fucking life, and I’m getting sick and tired of being told what to do. I know that I’m right. I’m not going to let you assholes force me to play along anymore. I’m in charge now. We go where I say, got it?”

What should Johnson do?

>Try to reason with Mac. This could cause him to relax a bit. However, this could also lead him to getting angrier.

>Go along with what Mac says. Regardless of what Mac says, Johnson will just bide his time until he can either escape or steal the gun away. Picking this can cause unintended consequences.

>Try to take the gun away. Johnson may be able to win, but I shouldn’t need to remind you that Johnson isn’t the toughest. However, sometimes risks are worth taking. But they are also sometimes very stupid.


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 3PM PST (about 18 hours and 10 minutes from now).

>>Try to reason with Mac. This could cause him to relax a bit. However, this could also lead him to getting angrier.
>Jim and Jones
>Try to reason with Mac. This could cause him to relax a bit. However, this could also lead him to getting angrier.
No more votes!

Writing now!
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“I understand, Mac. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. Can you please put the gun down so we can talk normally? It’s really making me nervous. You’re much stronger than me, so I would have to be a fool to even try to go against you. I just want to talk about it. that’s all.”

“Shut the fuck up! You think you can talk to me like that? I wasn’t planning on killing you here, but you just had to run your mouth, didn’t you?”

Johnson, out of fear, closes his eyes to prepare himself for what was to come.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Please forgive me!”

Mac is ready to shoot Johnson. He’s seeing red, and the way Johnson is talking to him is patronizing. It’s been a long time since he’s been this angry. Despite this, he still hesitates. Is it really right to kill him over something like this? Especially someone begging for his own life? But Mac is a man of principle and rarely faulters. So, despite his hesitation, he pulls the trigger.


The gunshot rang out throughout the hallway, echoing all around. The sound was deafening, but that paled in comparison to the next sound, at least to Mac. Next was the sound of a loud thud. And then, silence.

Trying to reason with Mac was a mistake. Johnson is dead. Larry has one less crew member to work with.

He really did it. He killed another human being over something so petty. He killed somebody who could have helped him survive. He killed someone who could have one become a friend. Once Johnson’s body fell to the floor, all of this hit him all at once.

Mac drops the pistol to the floor and looks at his fallen friend. For the first time in quite a while, tears well up in his eyes. He starts to hear voices in the back of his mind.

What did you that for, you idiot? What use is he to you dead? Were you always this stupid? Oh, you didn’t know that he was the brains, did you? You were the dumb muscle. That’s all you were meant to be, and that’s all you’re good for. All you have are shitty ideas.

He was nice to you the entire time, while you were nothing but a dick to him. What did he do to deserve such a gruesome end? He was a young man with many good years left. Why’d you have to do it? If anybody was to die, it should have been you.

These kinds of thoughts pelted Mac’s mind nonstop. He is in a very unstable state of mind.


“Alright. Let’s get going. And you two, stay safe, you here me?” Jim says.

Larry and Evans give a wave and head out. Jim and Jones follow suit and start heading to their own destination.

“The closest breakroom should be this way,” Jones instructs.

Just then, they hear a gunshot.

“Shit, somebody has a gun. It came from the hallway with the backup generator, didn’t it?” Jim asked.

“I think so. Maybe they found a gun somewhere? But why would they shoot? Every zombie in the area will be attracted to it,” Jones says.

“They probably were in a sticky situation and needed to. If it was that bad, we should go help!” Jim says and he begins sprinting to that hallway.

“Wait! Are you sure this is a good idea?” Jones asks but follows anyway.


Mac is shaken out of his self-destructive thoughts for a moment when he hears running from down the hall. They must have heard the gunshot.

What should he do?

>Kill himself with the pistol. Johnson’s death was too large of a sin for him to deserve to live. He could cause trouble in the future.

>Stay alive, and do not hide what he did. Mac is unlikely to do something this drastic ever again. However, after Mac admits his guilt, the group will oust him. Nobody will trust him. Maybe one day, he can make amends with them.

>Stay alive and hide what he did. Mac is unlikely to do something this drastic ever again. He will do everything he can to hide the body and create a cover story for his crimes. He should have just enough time to hide the body. This will keep the group cohesion alive. However, if someone does find out, he will never be forgiven no matter how much time passes.

>Go rogue and try to shoot Jim and Jones as they come near. Mac will bear the weight of his crimes on his own shoulders and will find his own path for survival. This option is only here because it could potentially be in character. However, unless you want to completely change what Larry’s story is like, please don’t pick this one. In what world would it be a good idea to kill valuable crew members?


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 6PM PST (about 25 hours and 30 minutes from now).

>Stay alive, and do not hide what he did. Mac is unlikely to do something this drastic ever again. However, after Mac admits his guilt, the group will oust him. Nobody will trust him. Maybe one day, he can make amends with them.
>>Stay alive, and do not hide what he did. Mac is unlikely to do something this drastic ever again. However, after Mac admits his guilt, the group will oust him. Nobody will trust him. Maybe one day, he can make amends with them.
fucking mac man, you really had to do this? We are already pretty low on engineers.
Mac is a dumbass hopy shit
But seriously the what the fuck mac?
To shoot a man in cold blood that has nothing but polite and calm to you?

Sure situations can be quite stressful but the man has extremely serious anger management problems.
10 bucks on Mac sacrificing himself for everyone else in the future as his way of making up for murder
>>Kill himself with the pistol. Johnson’s death was too large of a sin for him to deserve to live. He could cause trouble in the future.
No more votes!

3 votes for "Stay alive, and do not hide what he did. Mac is unlikely to do something this drastic ever again. However, after Mac admits his guilt, the group will oust him. Nobody will trust him. Maybe one day, he can make amends with them."

1 vote for "Kill himself with the pistol. Johnson’s death was too large of a sin for him to deserve to live. He could cause trouble in the future."

Writing now!
Mac is terrified of getting caught doing something so inexcusable. What would the group do to him if he were to come clean? Mac may be strong, but Jim is just as strong. Plus, there are 3 others that could easily overpower him in a group. He could just start firing away at them with his remaining four bullets, but Mac doesn’t even want to entertain such a stupid thought. Some part of him is thinking to quickly try to cover this up so he can have time to compose himself and recover from the shock. But a much larger voice is telling him to fess up now and suffer the consequences. He does genuinely feel bad for Johnson, so the only proper thing to do is to admit his guilt and do whatever he can redeem himself.

As the men approach, Mac looks over with a pained expression. They quickly notice Johnson and rush over to his aid, but there isn’t much they can do. He was dead.

“Oh my god! Johnson... Johnson!” Jones starts to cry over the corpse of his once supervisor and friend.

Jim looks away out of respect. He turns to Mac and sees the gun on the floor. “It looks like you shot him, right? Poor guy. How did he turn into a zombie? I’ve never actually seen someone turn. I only ask this because I don’t see any bite marks. Was he scratched somewhere maybe?”

One thing to remember is that none of these guys have seen how the zombification process starts, so they assume it is a viral infection. They will need to learn how this works to assume any different.

However, the more important thing for Mac is that they both assume that Johnson was turning into a zombie. Since this was not spoken of in the last update, I will give one last out to them currently discovering what actually happened.

What should Mac do?

>Come clean. It is better to be honest and suffer the consequences. This will cause Mac to be ousted from the group and on his own, but he can eventually redeem himself if he plays his cards right.

>Lie and say that Johnson was infected and turning. They will believe him, and they will operate as a 3 man unit for now. However, there is a possible event in the future that can cause them to figure out the truth. This may or may not happen.


Since you chose to follow Jim and Jones last time, we will skip a bit farther into Larry and Evan’s story to keep the timeline consistent.

“Stop jittering! They’re going to hear you. Keep quiet and don’t move,” Larry accosts Evans for the needless noise he’s making.

“I’m sorry, okay? I’m fucking scared...”


The gunshot from earlier lured many zombies to where Mac and Johnson are. It was unfortunate then that Larry and Evans were coming from a different direction when the zombies started making their way over. There were way too many zombies to take on, so the two of them needed to hide in a nearby cabin. Taking a risk, Larry decided to hide under the bed, so Evans did the same.

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They must have been making too much noise because now they can see the clambering feet of 5 zombies from their obstructed view under the bed.

The bed is on the East side of the room. The foot of the bed is facing west, and luckily, this is where all 5 zombies are. To the North and South are the sides of the bed. The door is to the North but is not near the bed.

What should Larry and Evans do?

>They should both do something different. In this case, a write-in is required as to what they would individually do.

>They should exit from the South side of the bed. There are various supplies and a few weapons in the nearby boxes they could use.

>They should exit from the North side of the bed. The door is a bit far away, but they should hopefully make it.

>They should exit from the West side of the bed into the crowd of 5 zombies.


>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

>Switch characters

As stated many times, Larry’s story is meant to be more difficult than the others. He could die very easily here, especially since I did not give you much to work with here. I would highly suggest a Wisdom Check if you are unsure of what to do.

Please don’t forget to also vote on what Mac should do above.

I will leave the voting window open until 10AM PST (about 14 hours and 50 minutes from now).

>>Come clean. It is better to be honest and suffer the consequences. This will cause Mac to be ousted from the group and on his own, but he can eventually redeem himself if he plays his cards right.
Wait for a few minutes
I don't know how to vote for Mac. Coming clean seems better for the group, but completely out of character. I'll abstain from voting on this matter.

For Larry and Evans,
>Wait for a few minutes, see if the zombies go away. If they don't, Larry goes for the door, Evans stays. If Larry manages not to alert zombies, Evans follows. If zombies start to pursue Larry, Evans waits until they leave then leaves himself.
For some reason, I mixed up a few things last night. I apologize, but I need to leave the voting window open until 3PM PST (about 7 hours and 40 minutes from now).

Vote if you haven't!
>Come clean. It is better to be honest and suffer the consequences. This will cause Mac to be ousted from the group and on his own, but he can eventually redeem himself if he plays his cards right.
>They should exit from the West side of the bed into the crowd of 5 zombies.
No more votes!

Everyone voted for "Come clean. It is better to be honest and suffer the consequences. This will cause Mac to be ousted from the group and on his own, but he can eventually redeem himself if he plays his cards right"

2 votes for write-ins.

1 vote for "They should exit from the West side of the bed into the crowd of 5 zombies."

Writing now!
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The zombies in the hallway continue to make their way to the gunshot, but the five that saw Larry and Evans look around for their new prey. It seems like hiding under the bed was a good choice since, even with the noise they were making, the zombies can’t find them so easily. As long as they stay quiet, they should be able to find an opening to escape.

A consequence of hiding under a bed in this way is that Evans can see the zombies walking right in front of him, and when any of them get closer, he might panic. Larry quickly picks up on this and covers Evans mouth with his hands to keep him from blowing their cover. This backfires a bit since this causes him to jump a bit from Larry’s touch and bumps the frame of the bed.

Two of the zombies hear this and get on top of the bed. There are messy lumps of heavy sheets and pillows covering it, so the zombies look around for anybody hiding in the covers.

What should they do now?

>Continue to hide under the bed.

>They should both do something different. In this case, a write-in is required as to what they would individually do.

>They should exit from the South side of the bed. There are various supplies and a few weapons in the nearby boxes they could use.

>They should exit from the North side of the bed. The door is a bit far away, but they should hopefully make it.

>They should exit from the West side of the bed into the crowd of 3 zombies.


>Wisdom Check (6 remaining)

>Switch characters

Since this situation is a little bit different than previously presented, I want to let you guys choose once more what they should do. You are free to write-in the same thing you wrote before if you still want to do that.

Once again, Wisdom Checks are a good resource if you don’t know what to do. Larry’s story is meant to be unfair to allow for such an overpowered mechanic.


“Wait, what? Sorry, today’s been a crazy day, so I probably misheard you,” Jim is trying to rationalize what just came out of his friend’s mouth.

“Jim...You heard me correctly. He wasn’t a zombie when-”

Jim interrupts, “Well, you put him down before he turned, right?”

“No. He was not turning into a zombie.”

“Then what happened? Was he going crazy and try to attack you? That’s what happened, right?”

Jones, still crying over his dead friend, cuts in. “NO! Johnson wouldn’t do something like that! He was a great man!”

“This is a crazy situation, Jones. Even the best of men can snap. I’ve seen it myself. In fact, just earlier-“

“SHUT UP! He wouldn’t harm anybody. I won’t let you talk badly about my best friend.”

Jim was getting ready to argue back when Mac stopped him.

“Jim... That’s enough. He was attacking me. He never once threatened to harm me.”

A realization was starting to hit Jim, but he couldn’t handle the implications, so he once more tried to justify Johnson’s death. “...Did the gun accidently discharge? This was the only gun we’ve seen on the ship, so you might have dropped it by mistake when aiming at a zombie.”

Jim knows this is a silly line of thought. There are clearly no zombies in the vicinity and the chances of this happening were so slim that he shouldn’t even entertain the idea.

“The gun didn’t discharge by mistake. I-I killed him while he was begging for forgiveness.”


“I’m going to stop you there, Jim. Stop trying to justify what I did. He died because I was mad over something stupid; he did nothing wrong. Hell, he had nothing to apologize for at all. I was being a dick and killed him because I was mad.”

Jim stops in his tracks, paralyzed by these words. The two of them go back a long way. In fact, the only reason Jim got his security guard job was because Mac recommended him to the manager. For all intents and purposes, the two of them were as close as brothers. How would you react if somebody this close to you killed someone like Mac did? Jim is speechless, unable to come to terms with Mac’s crime.

Jones is not at all fazed, stands up, and quickly runs to grab the gun. He points it a Mac. He wants to kill the man who killed his best friend. He’s seen enough movies to know that talking before he shoots will only lower his chances of killing Mac, so he acts quickly.

With tears in his eyes, and an anger unparalleled, he fires the gun. Jim is frozen in place, unable to process anything after Mac’s confession. Mac sits there, willing to accept his fate. For the first time in many years, he can take responsibility for his own bad decisions and blames nobody but himself.

>Roll 1d3. This will be a best of 4, one roll per anon. I will roll right after this, and 3 of you can roll after me. You need to roll a higher number than me to allow Mac to live. If you roll equal or worse than me, Mac will die. If I roll a 3, Mac will die no matter what.

Please don’t forget to vote for what Larry and Evans should do as well.

I will leave the voting and rolling window open until 9AM PST (about 16 hours and 30 minutes from now).

Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolling now!
Rolled 2 (1d3)

>Continue to hide under the bed.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

>Larry still has something in his pockets - at least his cabin keys, right? Throw something to the South to lure the zombies there, then escape North.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

always lucky
We have a tie! I will allow 30 more minutes to vote, but if the tie is not broken, we will do the normal tie-breaking procedures.
No more votes!

Writing now!
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Once more, the sound of a gunshot rings through the maintenance deck, but unlike before, another sound can be heard. The bullet misses Mac’s skull by a hair and punctures the nearby metal wall with a clank.

Jim snaps out of his daze and realizes what is going on. As Jones tries to fire again, Jim tackles him and tries to wrestle the gun away.


Evans is too petrified to move, and Larry doesn’t have any good ideas, so they decide to stay put for now. They hope the zombies give up soon.

The two zombies are looking all over the bed to find whatever made that noise, when one sees a little arm pop out under the sheets. Seizing the opportunity, it grabs the arm to keep it from getting away and tries taking a bite. The other zombie on the bed sees what’s going on and attacks the other zombie to get to the arm first. A full-blown fight between the two break out.

Little do they know that the arm is nothing but part of a doll that the residents left here. Since none of them have had the chance to bite it yet, they are none the wiser.

The other three zombies notice the fight and get in on the action. A five-zombie fight can get pretty intense, but Larry and Evans have no idea what the hell is going on. All they can see is that all the zombies got on the bed and are causing the bed to shake tremendously.

Larry lets go of Evans mouth and whispers, “A bed like this is not capable of sustaining so much weight. If this keeps up, it’s going to fall and crush us. We have to get out of here.”

“Are you crazy? They will see us the second we get out.”

“I know but-“


A loud noise on the north side of the bed causes them to turn their attention that way. What they saw was a decapitated zombie head right near the side of the bed. Larry quickly covers Evan’s mouth again. Muffled screaming could be heard from him, but it’s not loud enough for the fighting zombies to hear.

When zombies fight, they show no mercy. And if any of them work together, it can easily lead to something like this.

While there are only four zombies left, this is still too much for the bed to handle. Just before Larry tries to convince Evans to leave again, another sound could be heard.


“Another gunshot? Who has a gun?” Larry thought.

The commotion on the bed ceases for a moment. The weaker zombies who would be unlikely to win in a fight like this decide to leave and pursue the gunshot, leaving one zombie to enjoy the spoils of its hard-fought battle. It takes a bite... and coughs it up. This zombie is no longer distracted by potential food.

Now is the time for Larry and Evans to act. What should they do?

>Keep waiting

>Leave the bed and attack the one zombie with Larry’s fire extinguisher

>Leave the bed and run away

>Wisdom Check (6 Remaining)

>Switch characters


Jim successfully stole the gun away from Jones.

“Give it back! This asshole killed my best friend!”

Jim ignores Jones for a moment and looks squarely at Mac. For the first time in their friendship, Jim gave him a look of disgust.

“Get out of here, Mac. I mean it. Go do your own fucking thing. Leave the rest of us alone, got it?”

“What, you’re just going to let him get away like that? Kill him!” Jones insisted while trying to wrestle the gun back.

“What good is killing him, Jones? Let him be. He’ll probably succumb to one of the zombies anyway.”

Mac always had the philosophy that words are just words, and if you get offended by them, you’re weak. But Jim talking to him like this hit him hard. He didn’t just lose Johnson with his actions; he also lost his closest friend.

Mac stands up, takes one last look back at them, and departs. Where is he going? Not even he knows.

Who should we follow in the next update?

>Jim and Jones

I will leave the voting window open until 9AM PST (about 22 hours and 15 minutes from now).

>Keep waiting
We can always run away if the zombie doesn't leave. But I hope it either goes to investigate the gunshot or starts eating the decapitated zombie.

>Jim and Jones
Mac can go get eaten
>>Leave the bed and attack the one zombie with Larry’s fire extinguisher
>Jim and Jones
No more votes!

Everybody wants Jim and Jones.

2 votes for "Leave the bed and attack the one zombie with Larry’s fire extinguisher"

1 vote for "Keep waiting"

Almost finished writing! Should be posted in a few minutes!
“Get back here, you asshole! I’m not done with you yet!” Jones is not okay with Mac walking away like this, so he tries to pursue him, only to be held back by Jim.

“That’s enough Jones, I know that you’re in pain, but we need to focus on the task at hand. We need to stop the fires, not kill each other. Besides, those gunshots must be attracting zombies by now.”

Jones stops resisting and looks at Johnson. They can’t just leave him here to be eaten by the zombies.

“Fine.” Jones wipes away his tears. “But can you help me move him? I want him to have a more peaceful place to rest.”

“Sure. How about this room over here?” Jim points to a room adjacent to the barricaded backup engine room.

Jones nods, and they start moving Johnson’s body.


Larry examines his fire extinguisher. It’s pretty battered, but it could have one or two more uses as a weapon before it gets completely unusable. Luckily, it could realistically protect him from the zombie on the bed.

Larry whispers his plan to Evans and tells him to stay put. Larry crawls out of the bed as quickly as he can despite Evan’s objections. This is the most dangerous part. The zombie could immediately lunge before he could even stand up. Heck, that’s exactly what the zombie does, but the heavy sheets temporarily get the zombie all tangled up. This provides Larry enough time to get on his feet.

He takes aim and swings the fire extinguisher down on the zombie. After a few more swings, the zombie’s skull is caved in and its brain is pulverized. This zombie took more swings than normal, so the fire extinguisher is damaged beyond repair. It can still be used to put out fires, but it cannot be used as a weapon anymore.

Larry runs to close the door and tells Evans to crawl out. While Evans hesitates, he slowly gets out and stands up.

“Do you want to know something? I think this was a blessing in disguise. Those zombies went the complete opposite way we were going. If the coast is clear, we can explore without worrying about zombies as much and concentrate on the fires.”

“Trading one horror show for another, huh? Geeze. I should have never taken this job,” Evans lets out a sigh.

Larry and Evans are back on course for their mission. After checking to see if the coast is clear, they head out in search of the source of the fires.


Dead bodies are much heavier than you would think. Even with Jim’s help, lifting Johnson’s corpse to the safety of the nearby room was a struggle. After saying a few words, and taking a moment to fully say his goodbyes, Jones is ready to go.

They both exit the room and close the door. Jim made sure to grab Johnson’s radio and still has the gun.

What should they do now? Remember, their goal is too search breakrooms and other lounging areas the Chief Engineer could have been.

Please pick 2 actions.

>Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now.

>Radio Larry to inform them of everything that’s transpired.

>There is another lounging area to the north, but north is where Mac is heading. Plus, it is likely there are zombies coming from this way too.

>Change of plans, it would be better to move as one big group. Find Larry and Evans.

>After 1 action, switch to Mac. Without player intervention, Mac will more than likely be a goner within the next few updates.

>Instead of searching for the Chief Engineer, they should focus on looking for the rest of the crew that Johnson mentioned much earlier. It would be better to find more people for tasks.


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 9AM PST (about 23 hours and 50 minutes from now).

>Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now.
If you would like, you could also pick a second action.
>There is another lounging area to the north, but north is where Mac is heading. Plus, it is likely there are zombies coming from this way too.
>Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now.
>After 1 action, switch to Mac. Without player intervention, Mac will more than likely be a goner within the next few updates.
I can't decide if I want to try to save Mac or not. On one hand, he just fucking killed someone, but losing another character might be bad. Does anybody else have any thoughts on this?
>>Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now.
>>Radio Larry to inform them of everything that’s transpired.
He's a terrible person but a someone useful chess piece from a gameplay perspective.
I want to keep him alive until he can die doing something courageous to help us out of a jam.
wrong reply anon
Whoops, you're right. Sorry about that.
This was meant for >>4628193
>Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now.

>There is another lounging area to the north, but north is where Mac is heading. Plus, it is likely there are zombies coming from this way too.
The realization that his emotions killed someone will "stabilize" him from doing it again. He's significantly more likely to decide to use his life to its maximum value. Ie: sacrifice to redeem himself. Even if the action itself is stupid as well.
No more votes! We had a super last minute break of the tie!

Everybody voted for "Head back the way they came, to the south, and go to their original destination. This is a normal breakroom. However, zombies from this direction are definitely heading to where they are now." So this will be one of the actions.

2 votes for "There is another lounging area to the north, but north is where Mac is heading. Plus, it is likely there are zombies coming from this way too."

3 votes for "After 1 action, switch to Mac. Without player intervention, Mac will more than likely be a goner within the next few updates."

1 vote for "Radio Larry to inform them of everything that’s transpired."

Writing now!
Wonder if there's ship intercom in the engine room. Could warn the ship survivors about mac.

Also really drive that mac has to redeem himself to him vs throw his life away.
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“Can you take me where we were going before all of this? Where is that breakroom?”

“Sure, follow me.”

Jones takes one last look back at the room Johnson was laid to rest, and heads out. He leads Jim south, to the breakroom the Chief would often take his breaks. As they turn the corner into the next hallway, there are three zombies that were heading to the sound of the gunshots.

These are the three zombies that Larry and Evans barely escaped from. Had they been taken care of before, they wouldn’t be here.

“Shit, they see us. We need to get out of here!” Jones says.

What should they do?

>They should run away to a safer hallway and find a place to hide. There is no telling if there will be more zombies on the way.

>Jim has a pistol now, with 3 bullets. He should be able to take 3 headshots. He will not miss any.

>They should enter one of the nearby rooms and hide. They will more than likely hide under the bed.

>Look around for melee weapons to take them on



In this kind of situation, one can easily forget that this cruise ship is meant to be luxurious, even for the employees. The walls have a beautiful baroque bead pearl wallpaper, and at nighttime, the lights change from lighting every inch of the halls, to a sleepy ambience. The blazing fires in the distance only add to this aesthetic.

As night approaches, Mac can appreciate the little things like this. When patrolling the halls for his job, he never took the time to notice things like this. He was self-absorbed almost to a fault, but at this moment, he feels like a completely different person.

With each lethargic step Mac takes, he gets more and more lost in his own thoughts, using the pleasant scenery as a distraction. But the thoughts will not go away. Every time he closes his eyes, he can only see Johnson’s terrified face. Any time he can finally shake that image out of his mind, he sees Jim’s disgusted expression aimed straight at him.

Soon enough, these visions and thoughts become so pervasive, it gives him the illusion that it’s causing him physical pain.

He clutches his head and screams out, “Get out. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”

Mac crumbles to the ground, a sobbing mess. As if by command, those thoughts leave his mind, but are replaced by something else. Suddenly, he is transported to a completely different setting entirely. A place he knows all too well.

He feels cold, it looks like he didn’t bring a coat. He’s running. Why is he running? Where is he going? There is a boy in the distance. Who is he?

Mac quickly catches up to him and grabs his arm.

“Tag, you’re it!” Mac was speaking, but he wasn’t in control of these words, as if someone else had control of his body entirely. Wait, this wasn’t his arm. It looks like that of a child’s.

“Let go of me, you asshole.” The boy tries to wrestle his arm away, but it’s too late. He was tagged it. It’s been a long time since Mac got the jump on him like this. Jim was a bit flustered after losing like this.

Wait a minute, Jim? How can this be Jim? That’s right, Mac remembers where he is now. It was the winter of ’95 at the local elementary school during recess. Mac would often spend his afternoons playing with Jim and a few other kids. Back then, things were so simple. There was no responsibility, no expectations, and no burdens, and he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Those days will never come back, will they?

“No fair, you ran too early!” Young Jim said.

“Fine. I can catch you no matter how much I need to wait to start,” Young Mac, confidently proclaims.

Jim starts running, and Mac waits for a full ten seconds this time before chasing after him. Running like this was happiness. He can finally relive the good old days without needing to worry about the tragedies of his adult life. Young Mac sprints after Jim.

But something weird happens. Jim just stops running, looks over at Mac, and starts running towards him.

“What’s he thinking? He’s just going to get tagged again,” Mac thinks to himself.

Soon enough, Mac catches up to Jim and tags him once again. Mac rejoices and starts bragging once again, but Jim doesn’t respond like he did before. For some reason, he just moans in a weird way and starts slowly walking forward. Maybe he is having trouble breathing?

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Mac can’t seem to reach Jim.

He looks around and the other children are doing the same thing.

“Oh wait, I know what this is. This is some kind of hide-and-seek. You think you can catch me like that, huh? Don’t underestimate me, you guys!”

What should young Mac do?

>Climb through the nearby jungle gym and easily escape them since they are so slow. He can find a place to hide after this

>Run inside the school and hide in the cafeteria. There could be good places to hide there.

>Run circles around them to show them that they could never catch him. And then hide behind a nearby tree


>Switch characters

I will leave the voting window open until 3PM PST (about 27 hours and 35 minutes from now). I'm extremely sorry about how long it's going to take for this next update. Life gets busy!
>They should run away to a safer hallway and find a place to hide. There is no telling if there will be more zombies on the way.
Shooting will summon more zombies.

>Climb through the nearby jungle gym and easily escape them since they are so slow. He can find a place to hide after this
>>They should enter one of the nearby rooms and hide. They will more than likely hide under the bed.
>Run inside the school and hide in the cafeteria. There could be good places to hide there.
>They should run away to a safer hallway and find a place to hide. There is no telling if there will be more zombies on the way.
>Climb through the nearby jungle gym and easily escape them since they are so slow. He can find a place to hide after this
>They should run away to a safer hallway and find a place to hide. There is no telling if there will be more zombies on the way.
>Run inside the school and hide in the cafeteria. There could be good places to hide there.
>>They should enter one of the nearby rooms and hide. They will more than likely hide under the bed.
>>Climb through the nearby jungle gym and easily escape them since they are so slow. He can find a place to hide after this
Hey guys, I'm really sick today. I'm not sure if I feel up to making an update today. I apologize for the long wait if it takes me another day to feel better.

In the meantime, if you guys want something to pass the time, I could give you a hint on future choices.

Roll a 1d10 best of 5. One roll per anon. Whatever the highest roll is will determine how good the hint is. The higher the number, the better the hint. 1-5 will be no hint. 6-7, small, vague hint. 8-9, a bigger, vague hint. 10, a very specific hint with no vagueness.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Good luck QM, hope you get better soon. Had to take some time off for illness stuff recently myself, it sucks.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

oof, such terrible rolls, let's hope anon-kun number 5 has beter luck.
Thank you for the kind words. I hope so too!

It seems like people are a bit worried about doing the last roll. I myself am amazed that in this thread that we've had amazing roll-streaks like this:

In any case, will give you guys one extra roll to celebrate this incredible luck of 3 twos in a row. So you have 2 rolls left now. Feel free to roll whenever you can, assuming you haven't yet!
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Holy crap
lmao, this is hilarious
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Time to save it
This anon is a person of their word.
Nice job! A 10 has been rolled. Therefore, I will give you guys a major hint without any vagueness. Unfortunately, I'm still under the weather, so I don't think I can do an update today.

However, since you guys get the best hint, why don't you guys pick one of these categories of hints that I can give.

>About Larry's story
>About Jack's Story
>About Stacy's Story
>About Kyle's Story
>About Sarah's story

Pick one of these stories and tell me what you would want a hint about, I won't go by votes or anything like that. I'll just choose which thing I would prefer to give the hint about. For example, you could ask: "Where is the wire for the sprinkler system?" or "Where is the secret event/item for Jack?" etc.
>About Stacy's Story
Haaaa, I can't decide.
>>About Larry's story
If you guys have anything in particular you want a hint about, please mention it. Maybe I worded the post oddly, but I would like you to also tell me what you wanted a hint about in the story you picked.
>>About Kyle's Story
We've kind of already committed, but should we be wary of the police? Or something generally related to them.
Anyone but Larry since his story won't affect the others.
>>About Sarah's story
What is in the spot marked by an X on the map
Rolled 1 (1d5)

I'm so tired of lying in bed, feeling like crap. I want to get writing soon.

But for now, I'll post a hint.

>>4632835 - 1
>>4632859 - 2
>>4632902 - 3
>>4633101 - 4
>>4632906 - 5

I'll roll 1d5 to see what I'll give a hint about. I've labeled the post numbers accordingly. If it wasn't specified what specific thing they want a hint about, I will choose what to give a hint on in the story.
Stacy's story is what I will be giving a hint on, it seems. I'll write up a hint a bit later today. If anybody wants to ask something specific they want to know about Stacy's story, you can respond to this post. If not, I will pick something in her story to give a hint about.
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In Stacy's story, one of Stacy's original friends is not who he or she says they are. This is only one single friend. They are not to be trusted on anything. How can you tell who it is? Please monitor each friend's behavior closely and ask yourself if some college kid would know certain lingo. That's all I will say.

It's unfortunate, but I think I'm going to end the thread here. When I get better, I will post in here and tell you when the next thread will be made. I hope I will be better soon though.

Thank you guys so much for putting up with my crazy schedules and various other things. I hope this quest has been enjoyable so far.
But does that friend still count for Stacy's ending?
Yes that friend can. It depends on a variety of things, but you'll see when we get that far in her story.
Are they dangerous or just untrustworthy?
This is unbelievably hard to explain without spoiling the entire zombie outbreak. I'll just say this: they are not to be trusted. Regardless of what they believe, taking their suggestions will lead to Stacy's death, even if they didn't intend for her to die.
youve really thought through this quest, i like it.
Thanks! That means a lot to me.

I'm feeling a lot better. I should start the next thread in a day or two.
>I should start the next thread in a day or two.
so how bout that
I learned a few days ago that I will need to travel across the country on Friday-Sunday. I could make the thread now, but if I do, I won't have the time to post during the travels (or the updates would be super small and not substantial). There would be at least a 3 day gap between posts at that time. That would more than likely kill the flow of the thread. Should I go for it anyway? I'm not a flake, but I wasn't sure about how to handle it. I apologize for not being fully transparent.
do what you think is best
I think it's better to take care of your business before making a new thread.
We can wait another week. What happened to your co-qm though? Didn't last half a thread.
Okay. I will take your advice. I will make the new thread sometime next week. I don't want to make any promises on which day it is because, with COVID, flights sometimes get canceled or delayed. Plus, I am playing catch-up because I missed a whole work week last week. However, it will be SOMETIME next week. Saturday at the very latest.
>What happened to your co-qm though
It's unfortunate, but he says he is too busy to handle being a co-QM at the moment. He's got a life as busy as mine it seems.

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