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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/5DztmZLc

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/whf4nu6L

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/5zhDrpdM

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! The Mifan Tournament continues! With Nox’s abilities revealed, the pressure’s on find a way to take on him and Ledgic! As such, Izzy and Pantea continue their matches in the tournament, facing off with 19 and Chiaotzu, and then Maple and Acer, with Maple unveiling her own Mahou form… and showing she can grant Acer something similar as well! After a grueling battle, the finals are within reach, with Ledgic and Nox waiting after claiming victory against Sachie and Zarid. Who will head on to the final round against Peppa and Keli? Who will take home the title of Mifan Champion? Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Peppa!
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There was a short rest period given to really settle and prepare for what was to come. The day’s final match. Pantea looks to you with determination in her eyes. “You ready for this, partner?”

“Damn right I’m ready.” you confirm. You look back at the other fighters. Mom and dad, aunt Maple and uncle Goku, Chiaotzu and 19, Tien, Vegeta, Tarble, the Ginyus. Sachie and Zarid both give you nods of encouragement. Sala and Hado high-five Pantea and wish her luck, Videl fist bumping with her.

And so, the two of you begin your walk towards the ring, Ledgic and Nox already waiting. Ledgic keeps up a harsh, stoic glare, but you can see a smile on Nox’s face. Confident, almost smug, yet strangely appreciative. “I look forward to what the two of you can bring to this match.”

“Oh we’ll bring plenty to it, just you wait.” you respond.

‘So, you want the honors, or should I start things off?’ Pantea asks you telepathically. ‘We’ve got a lot of options we’ve planned for, the only question now is who’ll start things off.’

>A. Honors are all your, partner
>B. Let me start things off, I’ve got a lot I want to try against them
>C. Janken for it?
>D. Something else?
>C. Janken for it?
Good to be back, boss.
Exen votes C too.
Okay, real quick guys, roll me 1d3, best of three. DC is 2.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Rolled 3 (1d3)

Rolled 2 (1d3)

Rollin for Exen
Okay, writing real quick...
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“Janken for who starts it?” you ask as you give her a look and hold out your fist.

“Janken for it.”

“And a Rock, and a Paper, and a Scissors…”

Heh heh heh heh. Dad has taught you the best tricks for janken. You make it look like you’ll chop down with scissors, and yet… “Paper covers Rock!” You win.

Pantea nods and heads back, and you turn to face your opponent. Nox. He chuckles to himself in acknowledgement. “Good. Good. Let me see what you can do, Mahou.”

“You can call me by that title, but remember this: my name’s Izzy Mahogany. And when this is all over, my partner and I will proudly be able to declare ourselves Mifan Champs!” you call out, powering up.

“Well well, things have started heating up!” Pilaf announces to the crowds. “We’ll see if that bold declaration will ring true. Fighters ready? BEGIN!”

>A. Mahou Mode, no holding back on this!
>B. Test the waters a bit, see what strategy he’s trying to pull before this gets going
>C. Go on the offensive, catch ‘em by surprise!
>D. Stick to defense, and let Pantea jump in with some hits of her own before you follow up
>E. Combo time!
>F. Something else?

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? Sorry that it was a bit short, things came up. We’ll be back tomorrow ~5:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Also, vote open until then!
>B. Test the waters a bit, see what strategy he’s trying to pull before this gets going
>F. See how he responds to some illusions, both mundane and magical. The sooner he can't trust his senses, the sooner we can dismantle his counter game.
Support >>5357008
Rolled 16, 4, 15 = 35 (3d20)

All righty! We are back! And with that, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 15 for both!
Rolled 16, 15 = 31 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 2 = 14 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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You move around, swerving away from his initial attacks. Gotta test the waters. With a swing of his arm, a wave of energy slashes out, swirling with Wind Magic. You let it hit an afterimage, and then use Multi-Form and more afterimages to try and trip ‘em up a bit, dodging away from his attacks and seeing some of the things he tries to pull out. Some more basic moves to start, he’s pulling out some stuff like the Geist Magnum and Dodonpa, enhanced with Magic, but then he kicks it up. His Ki blasts take on a frigid aura, and blasts of ice shoot towards every copy of you. Every missed attack slicking the ring with ice, forcing you to take this up into the air.

But you’re not letting this up. Trying to hide your Ki a bit more, you also go for some more… illusive tricks. Heh heh heh. You launch several feints at him, many of your copies charging forward, spamming afterimages and even making some cheap, glitter-filled fakes of yourself to test how well he’s really paying attention. While you don’t quite throw the glittery wool over his eyes like you were hoping, he avoids the multitude of feints and tries to keep focus on you, a couple DO get close enough to very briefly distract him.

“Still warming up, Mahou? The crowds will get restless if this keeps up for too long… how about you stop holding back?!” He brings both hands up and clasps them together, heat shimmering off them as he charges an attack… and launches a multitude of blazing Ki blasts into the sky, that start homing down at you!

‘Izzy, watch out for Ledgic!’ Pantea warns you, and you manage to avoid a massive and swirling length of electrified rope that he sends out across the ring, trying to get you and as many copies as he can. Whew! Close one! But more importantly it’s raining burning Ki blasts like he just called forth a meteor shower!

>A. Okay, you want to fight a Mahou? Here you go! Kickin’ it up a notch!
>B. Just try to avoid the attacks some more, keep up this pattern until he can’t really tell the difference between the real you and the fakes!
>C. Start deflecting the attacks BACK at him! Telekinesis if you have to!
>D. Pantea, combo up! Let’s hit ‘em hard and fast!
>E. Something else?
Fire back with spirit bits that miss or get deflected on purpose. Gather them up into the air and then rain those down on him. Give Nox a taste of his own medicine.

If the two are trying to melt the ice with the fireballs and then electrify the water with the whip, maybe we can use that to our advantage? Give Ledgic or Nox a shock of their own.
Rolled 17, 17, 10 = 44 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 4, 9, 3 = 16 (3d20)

Rolled 14, 15, 6 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 11, 3, 6 = 20 (3d20)

Passed two! Writing...
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Sorry about that, kinda passed out.


Your copies fade back into yourself as the attacks come barreling down. “You want to fight a Mahou? Then fine, here you go! HENSHIN! YUUUSHAAAAA!” With an emerald flash of power, you transform, and immediately send out your Spirit Bits and have them barrel at Nox. He avoids them with ease as you dodge around his attacks and even deflect some of them with telekinesis, pillars of flame erupting on the ice-covered floor where they hit and melting some sizable puddles that connect more and more as more ice melts. But you’re not really aiming to attack him directly. The Spirit Bits gather up in the air… and you ALSO notice that there’s a slick of water all over thanks to the melted ice. And what’s this? Ledgic is trying to use that rope again? Clever, but not clever enough!

After a couple of the reflected fireballs score direct hits, you have your Spirit Bits fire down at Nox, each filled with a Magical boost, blasting at him like the world’s deadliest rainbow! And that actually does some damage, forcing Nox to let out an explosive wave to stop it. Ledgic’s electrified rope darts at you while you’re busy with this, but you avoid it and even use telekinesis to try to grab hold of it and slam it down at the floor near Nox!

Try to. Nox jumps up and throws down several metallic spikes into the ring ahead of the rope, letting it hit them and pass the charge through them. Damn, but okay, that’s not too bad a- wait, Ledgic isn’t holding onto it anymore! You immediately turn around and block a fierce right hook from him, watching as he tries to follow it up with a kick. Luckily, Pantea blitzes in and knocks him down, right into the slicked floor! And THAT gives him that shock you were hoping to give Nox!

“Setup and payoff.” Pantea says with a cheeky grin. The two of you high-five, and focus back on your foes. “Wanna keep this up, or mind letting me take the reins for a bit?”

>A. All yours, partner! Kick some ass!
>B. I’m doing fine, but jump in if you need
>C. Quick combo attack, let’s go!
>D. Keep Ledgic occupied, he’s gonna be a thorn in my side at this rate, possibly literally
>E. Something else?

That said, once again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? Sorry that it was a bit short, things came up. We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Also, vote open until then!
>C. Quick combo attack, let’s go!
>A. All yours, partner! Kick some ass!
>E. Pass off the hakkero to Pantea now.
Rolled 9, 4, 10 = 23 (3d20)

Okay! We are back! And with that, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 13 for all this time!
Rolled 19, 13, 14 = 46 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 1, 4 = 11 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 8, 2 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 18, 12 = 32 (3d20)

Passed all, if with complication on one of 'em! Writing...
‘Gonna let you take the lead. Quick combo attack before I head out, Pantea?’

‘Sounds good to me!’ she replies, aura surging up around her. The two of you try to focus on Ledgic, with her attempting to rush at him and hit hard, while you have your Spirit Bits backing her up, flying behind her. Flames erupt around her hand as she tries to grab hold of him, a ring of energy forming around her back to boost her forward. Yet right as she’s about to grab him, Ledgic materializes a staff and blocks the hit, holding her back, and then getting in a sneaky jab with that… tail thing of his. Oh, so he can use it in combat. More you know!

And you know now that it’s a viable target! One of your Spirit Bits hits it with a Lightning-boosted shot, catching him off-guard, as the others gather around Pantea’s hand, boosting her attack with with an Amplified charge of Magic and Ki and letting her slam her hand into him hard. She then grabs him by his shirt and lifts him up over her head. “HEAT END!” she yells out, the attack exploding point blank and sending Ledgic flying upward.

You don’t have much time to celebrate, as Nox is right on your tail, attempting to grab hold of you with telekinesis as he charges a crackling black sphere of energy in one of his hands. You try to resist it, but it takes considerable effort, and in doing so he gets a chance to fire off his attack: “HELL BLITZ!” You do manage to put up a Hero’s Barrier to block it, but it shatters from both the pressure of his telekinesis and his attack, knocking you back slightly. Nox closes the distance, but is forced away by Pantea as she comes to your aid, dropkicking at him.

‘Ready to switch?’ she asks, charging a Geist Magnum and pointing it at Nox.

‘Yeah, and I’ve got something for you.’ You make it look like you’re about to tag out with a high five… but with just a bit of sleight of hand, pass her the Hakkero. ‘Use it well.’

Pantea grins, and you head out of combat. Nox notices this, and does the same, letting Ledgic face Pantea on his own. Okay, got a bit of a breather now. Ledgic’s good, but you’re confident Pantea can get the upper hand against him, especially with the Hakkero. Nox though…

‘That was quite the bold move.’ he compliments telepathically. ‘You share that wonderful little trinket with her to give her the advantage instead of using it to take me down.’

You feel your skin crawl a bit. How’d he notice? …And if he knows about it, did he let you pass it intentionally?

>A. In case you haven’t noticed, this is a team match. I help her, she helps me. That’s how we’re gonna win this. So what’s it to you that I did?
>B. I have no idea what you’re talking about, Nox. I just tagged out, is all. (Lie to him)
>C. I actually don’t need it to beat you. I’ve got something way better waiting in reserve. (Focus his attention away from it)
>D. Something else?
>D. "I'm surprised you haven't tried to copy 'that wonderful little trinket'. Why is that?" (Goad him into revealing more information. Maybe we can learn more about this trio?)

>Mugen wants the hakkero
>No...Mugen wants a MAHOU.

Support >>5358862
>>5358862 +1
Rolled 11, 3, 11 = 25 (3d20)

Okay guys, real quick, roll me 1d20, best of three. DC is 11.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

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Rolled 6 (1d20)

Here is hoping this turns things around
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Rolled 3, 14, 8 = 25 (3d20)

...Diiiiidn't pass this one.

Sadly I do need to get some rest, but we'll be back again tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Thanks for playing, hope to see y'all then, and stay safe out there!
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Ugh. Sorry about the delay again. We're now back!

‘Just in case you haven’t noticed, this is a team match. I help her, she helps me. That’s how we’re gonna win this. So what’s it to you? Don’t feel like it’s fair that I did or somethin’?’ you respond to him, working to manage your Ki and rest up while Pantea fights.

‘Oh quite the contrary! I find it fascinating.’ Nox crosses his arms and smiles, eyes focused on you. ‘I sensed some curious little trinket in your possession for some time now, and now I finally get to see it in action. That it’s compatible with your partner is VERY intriguing.’

Okay. That’s worrying. But maybe you can goad out some more information from him. ‘So what, you want to try and copy my ‘wonderful little trinket’ or something? I’d have assumed you would’ve done that sooner.’

‘Hard to copy something with an unknown function.’ Nox replies, his tail swaying behind him. ‘But, once I do… heh heh heh…’

That’s even more worrying. But you’ll keep at this. ‘Is it JUST you that wants it, though, or is your boss looking to get it too?’

‘Mugen is always looking for interesting new additions to his collection. Be they skills for those he has recruited, gear to bring them further glory… or even new fighters themselves.’ Nox smirks and looks you right in the eyes.

Crap. Does… does Mugen want to recruit YOU? Why? …Because you’re a Mahou. And the more skills you show off, the more he’ll want you, or something LIKE you, as part of his collection… craaaaap.

Your focus is broken as you notice Pantea on the defensive briefly, Ledgic really giving his all, but as she backs away, she lets her energy mix into the Hakkero. You fail to get her to stop, and with a snap of her fingers, she lets out a supercharged explosion of fire that knocks him right to the floor. Even Pantea’s surprised by the amount of power she released from that.

And then Nox gains a manic grin. ‘A reactor? …And yet a Hakkero.’

Crap crap crap crap craaaaap.

>A. Jump in! Pantea, hand it back, quick!
>B. …He might be able to learn how to make it, but not perfect it. If he does, you can use it to your advantage
>C. Warn her about what Nox is trying to do, but let her keep the lead in this
>D. Something else?
Support >>5359816
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>B. …He might be able to learn how to make it, but not perfect it. If he does, you can use it to your advantage

The artificial hakkeros on Z were connected. If he makes one based on our design, we can 'hack' it before they hijacks ours.

>D. Distract him with stuff so he won't focus on the match. Things like, 'Did you know any of the Majins we've encountered so far...?' or 'Do you know who the Planet Eater was?' or 'How many devas are you?' or even 'Do you know what Majin Ozotto's Promised Day is about?'

Basically, until Nox shuts us out of their head.
Sure, this too >>5359838
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Rolled 18, 18, 14 = 50 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 11 for the first, 12 for the second.
Rolled 3, 14 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 2 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 4 = 19 (2d20)

And passed all! Sadly I need to be up a bit early tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to put this on pause here for now. Very sorry tonight was so short, but I thank you all for playing regardless. We should be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST provided nothing major comes up. See y'all then!
Rolled 1, 15, 10 = 26 (3d20)

Whoops, forgot one little thing...
Goodnight boss. Starting to get an idea of Nox's personality. He reminds me of ...what we wanted Bro-zotto to be. Aloof, stoic, but eager to engage the group in tests of strength. Like a 'Good' Perfect Cell of sorts.
He seems kinda odious to me. Very toxic.
He doesn't seem malevolent to me. He's been very open about Mugen and just seems to want a good fight, learn cool new moves, and just have a good challenge. I guess when you are made for battle, you tend to have an abrasive personality.
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Sorry once again about this. Different issues at work. We are back

‘Pantea, Nox is trying to copy the Hakkero.’ you warn your partner. ‘Be careful with how you use it. The more he sees, the more he’ll try to make one of his own.’

‘Damn. Okay, thanks for the warning.’ she acknowledges as she pockets it. She takes a defensive stance, waiting for Ledgic’s next move as he gets back up.

You focus your Ki as you try to think this over. Okay. So he might still try to make one… but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to use it as well as you can. That’s something you could use to your own advantage. Still… maybe it’d be best to try and keep him distracted. ‘Surprised you haven’t picked up on that sooner, if I’m being honest. You know there’s a whole planet of those off in space, right?’

That draws his curiosity. ‘Ah? Aha, you’re referring to the world the would-be godcrafters called home. So the structure is similar in nature… very promising.’

‘Then you know about the “Planet Eater” that plagued that world, yes?’ Okay, he’s hooked.

Nox grins wide, his face like that of someone recalling their favorite dish. ‘Indeed. A shame I never got to fight him in his prime. Though even in my current state, that would prove… difficult.’

That’s… concerning. ‘Were you around during his time?’

‘I came into being after his defeat by the gods. After their slaughter by the great Majin Buu.’ Nox explains to you. You can tell by how he’s looking at his hand that he’s still working on figuring out the Hakkero. Gotta try to distract him more.

‘So you know about Buu… how about the Majin I’ve beaten on my own?’ you question, smirking a bit. ‘Mugen must have heard about how that happened by now. Did he pass it on to you?’

He glances in your direction again. ‘You speak of Hirudegarn, yes? Ah, are you trying to bring up your own victories as an intimidation tactic?’

‘Not at all. I’m actually curious about what you know about the other Majins… and if you’re privy to any information on one Majin Ozotto, and whatever the “Promised Day” might be.’

He silently chuckles. ‘Whatever the Demon Realm has planned is irrelevant to me beyond being another challenge. Mugen is not particularly invested in whatever conflicts arise, and will at most look on as an observer… and recruiter, should promising candidates make themselves known.’ He momentarily looks towards the other fighters. ‘The half-demon and… curious creation she calls cousin have not been particularly receptive to such offers. Ozotto likely will not either. Always a schemer, that one. I would like to see what new tricks he’s picked up, though-’


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“FULL POWER! CROSS CHARGE SHOT!” Pantea yells out, first punching forward with a charged up blast with her left hand, then doing the same with her right, that one enhanced with the Hakkero’s power! Ledgic tries to set up a barrier to catch the attacks and redirect them. For a moment, he does hold them.

Only a moment, though. Pantea brings her hands together, Ki charging at her fingertips as she makes gun-shapes with her hands. She fires a Zero Buster INTO the combined Charge Shots, and all three attacks fracture the barrier Ledgic made and break through it in one massive, overwhelming blast of energy! Ledgic is down, possibly for the count!

Nox takes a moment to look at what just happened. ‘It seems you’re too much fun to talk to, Mahou. A moment.’ He teleports right next to Ledgic as Pantea takes a short breather, and gives the alien fighter… a very quick heal to get him back up on his feet. Pantea tries to stop him, but Nox just moves the two of them around as he heals Ledgic. “Take some time to recover, I’ll switch in.” he tells his partner, facing Pantea down.

Ugh. That still left Ledgic with some damage, but it prevented a KO. What next? Should you keep letting her handle this, or jump in again?

>A. Pantea, switch! Lemme take Nox!
>B. She’s done a good job so far, let her keep the lead
>C. Quick combo, come on, let’s try to deal some real damage to both of them!
>D. Something else?

And very sorry, this will be a bit of a short night again, but I'll try to get through this as quickly as possible.
>D. May as well keep him talking while we fight. He's honestly kind of interesting! Maybe we can trade emails or something.
> Though even in my current state, that would prove… difficult.’

"That sounds ominous. Did Mugen do something to you? A restraining bolt on your powers or something?"


>'I'm [email protected]!'
I'm down with this.
>>5360773 +1
Upon re-reading that line, my question makes no sense. Just change it to asking what he meant by that.
Rolled 5, 15, 10 = 30 (3d20)

Gotcha. And okay, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Rolled 16, 6, 7 = 29 (3d20)

>distant bleating
Rolled 5, 9, 13 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 1, 20 = 36 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 20, 19 = 56 (3d20)

Well! Passed two!

Gonna need to turn in, but hopefully no new issues pop up tomorrow. If so, we'll be back ~6:30 pm PST like I planned. Thanks for playing, stay safe out there, and see y'all then!
Fun as always, boss. Take care.
Okay! Not as bad a delay today! We're back!

‘Pantea, combo, then switch! Let’s do some real damage before you get yourself a proper breather.’ you tell her telepathically.

‘Okay, I’ll get you an opening.’ She takes a defensive stance, and immediately Nox is on the offensive. With a snap of his fingers, a blast of fire explodes around where she was standing. Pantea dodges it, yet Nox isn’t done. He snaps the fingers in his other hand, and this time, Lightning bolts down in a chain towards her.

Maybe you can keep talking with him, try to give her that opening… ‘Nox, what did you mean by it being difficult to fight the Planet Eater in your ‘current state’? Mugen didn’t seem like the type to limit your power, no restraining bolts or the like…’

‘Oh no, no no no, nothing of the sort. I merely acknowledge the power of the one who devoured worlds. His Magics and power at his peak would eclipse what I am capable of even now.’

‘Ohhhh, I getcha, I getcha. Yeah that makes a bit more sense. Say, you’re a lot more approachable than you’ve really seemed when this all started. Wanna trade emails or somethin’? Mine’s [email protected]!’

‘Perhaps, once this is over, and I have grown stronger, I can agree to that.’ Nox grins manically. ‘But only then. I am here to grow! The more I see, the more I fight, the stronger I become! The more I can IMPROVISE!’ Nox crosses his arms, then yells out “PLASMA CASCADE!”

Snapping fingers on both hands, a surging mixture of Fire and Lightning erupts down on the whole arena. It’s almost like he brought a star down to Earth with how brightly it’s shining, to say nothing of the heat… yet thanks to your little break in his concentration, Pantea’s been able to avoid the attack! And using her Spirit Bits, she’s constructed a barrier that tunnels through the star, right to Nox!

‘All yours, Izzy!’

Your emerald aura erupts around your body as you fly in there at full force! “Cool Magic combo! I’ve got some of my own!” Light and Shadow build up in your hands. “HELL! AND! HEAVEN!” You bring them together as you reach Nox, creating a swirling, chaotic vortex of energy and Magic that you slam into him!

…Or at least that’s what you thought you’d be doing. You watch as your attack is stopped… and ABSORBED. CRAP. Nox holds his hand out, chuckling to himself. “That most certainly is a combination worth taking. I can feel the raw power it’s letting off!” He continues to absorb its power into himself. “The android girl was certainly a surprise, it took some time for me to properly adapt an innate function like her energy absorption ability, but looking into it has certainly paid off!” The inferno around you fades as Nox powers up further, the sheer force of it pushing you back, with you hitting the floor hard.

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You get back up, but oh crap that wasn’t good. Yet you’re not giving up. He probably can’t spam something like that, might be the only chance you get to make up for that power boost you gave him. Think, quickly… wait, AHA! ‘Pantea, METEOR Spirit Bits, around me! Keep his focus on you for a moment! And have the biggest, toughest, fluffiest mittens in mind for a Clothes Beam!’


‘I like where this is going.’ She bolts down to the ground as her Spirit Bits surround you, syncing up with your aura… and thanks to you being in Mahou mode, that proves to be QUITE the potent link-up. They’re supercharged as you place both hands forward like a dragon’s maw. As you’re doing this, Pantea’s giving her all against Nox, the two of them trading blows. He’s certainly closer to her level now, and his stolen techniques are causing some problems. A Meteor Combination that Pantea just narrowly avoids the worst of as she counters with the Wolf Fang Fist, yet he hits HER with the Izumi Combo. He even nearly catches her with Sachie’s Rasengan, but Pantea blocks it by coating her arms in Ki and making wing-shaped guards.

‘It’s ready!’ you tell her, and lock on to Nox with the attack. Light Magic swirls between your palms, and is coursing through the enhanced Spirit Bits linked up with you. ‘Hey Nox! ABSORB THIS!’ Burst Stream, tripled up! “ULTIMATE! BUUUURST STREAAAAAM!”

Nox turns to face you, ready to absorb the attack again, but Pantea cheekily Clothes Beams some big, fluffy mittens over his hands, and flips back out of the ring, giving a V-sign as she leaves combat. Nox takes the full brunt of your attack, a blinding white light filling the arena as it explodes around him!

It takes a moment for the smoke and dust, to say nothing of the blinding light, to fade. Now THAT did some real damage to him! He’s left panting, scuffed up and clearly injured. He’s… surprised, but genuinely so. There’s a more appreciative smile on his face now. “Mahou… no. Izumi Mahogany. I thank you. THIS is the fight I’ve been waiting for! You and your partner are full of surprises!” He takes his fighting stance again… and his Ki starts to surge up. “More! SHOW ME ALL YOU HAVE!” There’s… a dark, dangerous Ki around him. Not… quite malicious, strangely enough. But it’s strong.

Oh now what…? …Well, that question’s answered quickly. “IZZY! IT’S THE MAKAIOKEN!” Peppa yells out to you in warning.


>B. …Pantea, think we have time for fusion?
>D. Stay on the defensive, and wait for an opening
>E. Attack him head-on! Don’t let up!
>F. Something else?
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Mirror his manic smile with a giant grin of our own. Pantea may be carrying us, but this is so much FUN!

>Magically materialize a blade enhanced with light magic.
Support >>5361618

>G. Reshape our Knight Armor a little for the proper Lion motif.
I am down, let's GOOOOOO! (lion)
Support, also real quick,
Thank Peppa for the assist telepathically
>>5361618 and >>5361647 +1
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Rolled 15, 2, 3 = 20 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first, 14 for the second!
Rolled 14, 4 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 19 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 18, 8 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 4, 17 = 25 (3d20)

Passed all! Fantastic! Writing...
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So, that’s what he wants, is it? Well that’s what he’s gonna get. You grin wide, your aura surging up around you again. You… kinda have to admit, this is FUN. Sure, Pantea’s done a lot of the heavy lifting up to this point, but now? You don’t have to hold ANYTHING back! “All right Nox, you don’t want me to hold anything back? HERE YOU GO! BEHOLD! MAHOU KNIGHT!” You thrust your fist into the air, snapping your fingers, and letting the crystal’s power flow around you! In a brilliant flash of emerald energy, it’s no longer just you standing there. Your mech lands with a loud thud, staring down at Nox. …Aaaand for just a little added flair, you put in a Lion chest detail to make it look all the more heroic.

There’s a stunned silence for a moment, a good amount of the crowd in awe by what stands before them. You look around, taking notice of Sachie and Zarid cheering for you, Sala and Hado speechless… and Fu geeking out over it with Pilaf and Baozi. Mugen though… there’s a quite pleased, almost smug look on his face. Gonna… take that into consideration for later.

“Mahou… Knight…” he repeats, taking in the sight before him. “Yes… YES! I SHALL ANSWER IN KIND! MAKAAAAIIIOOOKEEEEN!” A black and red aura erupts from his body.

“FORM! BLAZING SWORD!” You have a blade of Light and Fire burst out from your mech’s hand. You slash at him, and he at first is able to dodge around the attack, expecting his newfound power and speed to give him an advantage against your mech’s much larger frame. He’s wrong. You deliver a palm strike that knocks him back. He digs his tail into the ground to stop himself, and a charge of power courses up through his back that results in a massive build-up of energy in his mouth. Nox expels a stream of energy like Godzilla’s breath attack, infused with his own demonic strength, right at you. You block the attack with your sword, charging some power through it and slashing out a crescent wave of energy that knocks it away completely.

Nox jumps into the air, forming a trio of Spirit Bits, massive in size, and each swirling with chaotic energy as he pumps Magic into the three of them. He holds his hand up, sending the Spirit Bits down towards you. Before they can unleash their payloads, though, you counter them! Your mech takes to the air, and you stab and slash into all three of them with blistering speed! Nox still attempts to have each of the three unleash their payloads, yet you move too quickly for any of them to affect you. The exploding Spirit Bits merely illuminate your silhouette as you keep charging forward. Nox decides to mirror you by forming his own massive energy blade, red and black like his aura, and the two of you clash, trying to push one another back.

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You register a slight, sudden tug around your mech’s legs, as you notice Ledgic’s stepped in to try and pull you back… but Pantea leaps at him and delivers a dropkick to his back, removing the distraction. She then gives you a thumb’s up for good measure.

“This is a MUCH more potent power than your Mahou form, Izumi Mahogany. I’m impressed, truly!” Nox praises. “It does require some additional components, but it looks to be well worth it.”

“It’s more than simply more ‘components,’ Nox. It’s also learning how to use them properly! Making this power MY OWN!” You push forward, gaining ground!

>A. …But while this power’s my own, this victory will be something I share with my partner. Pantea! Hit him with your best shot!
>B. Knock him back and finish this with your ultimate technique!
>C. Keep this up, let’s see what else he wants to show off! You can handle it!
>D. Pantea, Hakkero! Need that extra boost just to be on the safe side!
>E. …Hey Nox. Guess what? MP BUSTER!
>F. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? Sorry that it was a bit short, things came up. We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Also, vote open until then!
>A. …But while this power’s my own, this victory will be something I share with my partner. Pantea! Hit him with your best shot!
>E. …Hey Nox. Guess what? MP BUSTER!
>F. "Now show me something all your own! Show me a Nox original, not something you've copied!"
Hira and I are supporting
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Rolled 10, 5, 18 = 33 (3d20)

Okay! We are back! And with that, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Rolled 5, 19, 13 = 37 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 18, 4 = 39 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 5, 19 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 10, 8, 9 = 27 (3d20)

Passed all! Great job! Writing...
As you and Nox push against one another, trying to give it your all… you come up with an idea. You smile a bit as you ready for this next move, giving Pantea a quick telepathic explanation of your plan. “…But while this power is my own, this victory won’t be. Instead, it’s something I’ll share with my partner. You’re strong, Nox. You even work well with Ledgic. But together, Pantea and I can overcome even the two of you at your best! But I have to wonder, Nox, is this your best? Come on, show me some of your own skills, not something borrowed!”

“VERY WELL!” he roars, and for a moment his aura sort of… internalizes, almost looking like there are flames seeping out from his armor. That moment is brief, as it then explodes outward, the two of you finishing your clash and pushing one another backward. His explosive aura forms a spherical shape around him that’s… bubbling with power. Thunder echoes through the arena as he starts to launch out homing energy attacks EVERYWHERE. Yet you notice that they don’t actually detonate when they hit something, as you block some with your sword. Instead, they ABSORB power into themselves. You have to weave and dodge around this meteor swarm of Ki blasts, trying to get closer to him again. Almost… almost… THERE!

“...Checkmate, Nox.” You move your mech’s hand forward. “MP BUSTER!” It actually takes a moment to fully work, he has a LOT of energy built up inside him, but it takes effect. His aura flickers out, his power leaving him. He’s shocked, and attempts to get the homing Ki blasts to return to him to salvage his depleted reserves. But it’s too little, too late! “NOW, PANTEA!”


She’d spent all this time building up speed and power, and with Nox wide open, she launches herself at him! “SHIIIIIIINE… SPAAAAAAAAARK! V-MAAAAAX!” Thunder echoes again, and she tackles him with full force! There’s a very brief moment where Nox almost is able to take the attack… yet that one fades quickly. The last thing you see before he’s knocked away… is a smile on his face.

‘Good… match…’ he tells you telepathically. And then is thrown out of not just the ring, the stadium, but even the boundaries of Mifan itself! He lands in the water a substantial distance away, with enough force that it’s like someone detonated a massive bomb underneath the water. Pantea herself seems a bit dazed from her own attack.

Too dazed to really notice Ledgic still in this and quickly taking the opportunity to grab her with materialized chains, quickly slamming her down. Gah! So close…! But you’re running close on time. What to do…?

>A. Free her first! Then she can take another breather
>B. Better safe than sorry, head out, she can handle herself
>C. Just try to get her out of combat, Ledgic might try something
>D. Something else?
>A. Free her first! Then she can take another breather
>D. With the trickier threat down, it's time to get glittery again.
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>D. "Pantea! It's morphin' time!" Mahou Shield but boosted. Time to see if we can pull off what Aunt Maple and Dad did!
Guess that A. doesn't work with my D. Changing it to B!
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Rolled 12, 10, 7 = 29 (3d20)

Okay, real real quick, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 3, 16 = 19 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 1 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 17 = 33 (2d20)

Rolled 2, 8, 6 = 16 (3d20)

Passed both! If with difficulty!

And I will be turning in for the night, with the plan to actually try to get us started ~6:30 pm PST tomorrow. Thank you all for playing, stay safe, and see y'all then!
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Well that was annoying, but it's dealt with. Sorry about the delay again, we're back!

Pantea struggles against the restraints, trying to fly up and away from Ledgic, to no avail. ‘Pantea, take a breather again. I’ve got this.’ you tell her, flying down and slashing out. You do manage to free her, but you also realize the restraints are somehow Magically enhanced. Pantea keeps trying to remove them, now at least out of combat, as you put your focus on Ledgic.

He materializes a large staff, staring you down. You decide to try something else. After all, the biggest threat is dealt with. You’re able to try something a bit more… glittery. Hehehehehehe. Ledgic launches into the air, firing Ki blasts around you to try and keep you in place. He then thrusts the staff down at you, empowered with his Ki.

Except it doesn’t hit YOU. You’ve materialized a decoy ahead of you that explodes into a sparkling flurry of glitter, enough to nearly cover the whole arena! And Ledgic fell right into your trap!

…Aaaaand there’s glitter all over your sensors. You’re fighting blind for the moment. Damn it.

>A. Shake it off, Ledgic’s gonna have a harder time getting rid of it than you
>B. Tch, you can fight sight-blind! You can sense exactly where he is!
>C. …Solar Flare, Light Enhanced. Double up the distractions!
>D. Something else?
>D. Iaigiri with BLAZING SWORD
Support >>5363551
Telekinesis off the glitter and try to fling it in Ledgic's direction
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Rolled 6, 20, 7 = 33 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first, 13 for the last two!
Rolled 17, 1, 20 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 11, 18, 9 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 14, 9, 5 = 28 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 2, 17 = 25 (3d20)

And passed all, if with difficulty on one! Writing...
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You use telekinesis to shake off the glitter and then throw it in the direction of Ledgic, managing to actually hit him with it! He tries to swat as much of it away as possible, but it’s distracted him! You have your mech grab the Blazing Sword tight and move it towards your side. Ledgic finally erupts in an Explosive Wave to try and burn the glitter off, but he leaves himself open!


You slash at him, full force! Ledgic does barely manage to stop your attack, this time making a genuine Ki sword and putting all his power into it. But you’re slowly pushing him back! Just a bit more!

“HRRAAAAH!” Pantea finally forces the restraints off herself and leaps into combat, her white aura blazing around her! Readying one last Charge Shot, she leaps onto your mech’s shoulder. “Checkmate!”


The Charge Shot hits, stunning Ledgic. And you follow through with the swing, the end result less a slash and more like you hit him with a mech-sized baseball bat. Just like Nox before him, Ledgic is knocked out of the ring, the stadium, and the boundaries of Mifan itself!


You… you did it! YOU DID IT! You both did it, you’ve WON! Pantea looks at you with a cheeky grin on her face. You raise up your mech’s hand, and she high-fives it. With her still on the shoulder, you then hold the Blazing Sword up high, in VICTORY!

“Unbelievable! Izumi and Pantea have knocked both of their foes out of the park! THEY WILL ADVANCE TO THE FINAL ROUND TOMORROW AGAINST PEPPA AND KELI!” Pilaf declares, to the uproarious cheering of the crowds. “And regardless of who comes out on top tomorrow, both teams have demonstrated some of the best we’ve seen in all of Mifan! Let’s give them all a big cheer!”

There are calls of Izzy, Pantea, Peppa, and Keli all through the area. Tomorrow. It’ll finally come to an end then.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? Sorry that it was a bit short, things came up. We’ll be back tomorrow ~5:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Additionally, please start thinkin’ on what team y’all want to be with for the final round. Open to ideas!
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Okay! We are back!

Meanwhile, up on the Grand Kai’s planet…

“Man, what a match!” Grand Kai says with a pump of his fist in the air. “That cous of yours is somethin’ else. That Pantea girl too, ey Gohan?” he comments, gently elbowing you in the ribs and smirking.

“They’ve both been doing amazingly. Seeing what Mugen’s fighters were capable of was pretty cool, but I knew Pantea and Izzy would come out on top.” you state, stretching a bit.

“Hmm… so now it’s her and Pantea, against Peppa and Keli.” your namesake notes, rubbing his chin. “I guess either way, it looks like you’d be coming back at the end.”

Grand Kai snaps his fingers. “Say, that reminds me. I’ve been thinkin’ on that, and given it’ll be your big return home, how’s about you do it in style?”

That gets you to raise your eyebrow. “I’m listening.” Grand Kai just materializes his guitar. And now you’re grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, this is something they wouldn’t expect.”

“Buu wanna try too!” the little Majin cheers, pumping his arms upward. “That sounds like fun!”

As everyone starts to head out with the end of the day’s matches, you and Grand Kai still chatting over this idea, Olibu presents you with a question. “Say, Gohan. Which of the teams will you be rooting for in the final?”

Hmm… good question…

>A. Peppa and Keli
>B. Izzy and Pantea
>C. Eh, neither. Just gonna enjoy the match and plan for our Grand entrance. Heh, get it, Grand Kai? Hehe
>D. Something else?

Take your time on this choice, and I’m open to suggestions.
Exen votes C.
>D. "Plus - y'know something weird always happens at these things. We should keep an eye out for them. Don't want the big day to be ruined because someone decides to hijack the Dragon Balls at the last moment."
Digging this.
I'll be up for this >>5364789
>>5364789 +1
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“Eh, if I’m being absolutely honest? Neither. Or rather, I don’t want to pick sides here. Both teams are great, and both definitely deserve to take home the title. I’m just gonna enjoy the match, aaaand maybe do some more planning for our Grand entrance.” You nudge the elder Kai gently. “Get it, Grand? Hehehehe.”

He laughs out loud, with even King Kai chuckling next to him. “Ah you’re great, kid. That sounds like the perfect plan.”

“Pluuuuus… okay like, call me paranoid, but there’s a pattern at these events. Some big dumb villains trying to crash the party somehow. Happened even before mom and dad got married.” you point out. “Don’t want someone to try to nab the Dragon Balls at the last moment, you know. Especially since there ARE some folks right there who’ve either attempted it before or would have high incentives to.”

“Ah, you have a good point there.” Olibu agrees.

“Though look at all the other people there. It’s not like they’re just left out in the open.” the elder Gohan begins. “Goku and Maple, Chi-chi and Acer, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Lapis, Lazuli, Piccolo, Raditz…” he lists off, continuing for a good while.

“I think what he’s trying to say,” the elder Izumi interrupts. “Is that they’re in good hands.”

That is a good point. Buuuut… having just that little bit more insurance might be worth it. Buu floats by, and you smile at the little guy. “Even if that’s true… maybe a fight over them isn’t what’s needed. Could show them there’s another way. A better way.”

Izumi smiles brightly at you. “Glad to hear that.”

You smile back at her. “But yeah, we can keep an eye on them and everything, though also need to be ready for a rockin’ entrance.” As all of you keep walking, you look upward. ‘Good luck, sis, cous, Pantea. And you too, Keli. Thanks for being such a great partner to sis.’

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? Sorry that it was a bit short, things came up. We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
I'm curious to see what sort of music you have ready to go for Gohan's return. Are you taking suggestions on that too?
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Definitely open to suggestions, and I'll share some of the ones I've selected right now. We're back!

With Buu following along on drums, you and Grand Kai rock out together. Been trying out a number of different songs, but you think you’ve got a solid idea on your options now. A strong guitar riff ends the practice session, and the three of you grin at a job well done. “Haha! Great work, Gohan.”

“Thanks, Grand Kai! Still glad you gave me the chance to learn from you. It’s been great up here.”

“Heh, well, you’ve still got a life ahead of ya, but remember this: you’re welcome here any time.”

“Buu had fun! Wanna come back too!” the little Majin declares, to which Grand Kai gives him a nervous smile.

“Y-yeah bud, you and Gohan both! Hahaha…” He leans in and whispers to you. “Do try and keep a close eye on the lil’ guy, you might’ve beaten’ the evil outta him, but that pint-sized package ‘s still Majin Buu.”

“Ah don’t worry, Buu and I are gonna have lots of fun on Earth, and I know of a little blue hero that he can learn from…” As you say this, Buu’s face lights up in excitement. Heh, knew that’d get his attention. Oh man Pantea would love showing him all the games in that series too. Well, definitely something to plan on... Anyway! You’ve got some ideas on your rockin’ return song, but what’ll you to with?

>A. Stick to something a bit more classic! ( https://youtu.be/XCFkrg9SxrY )
>B. Try a spin on an old favorite! ( https://youtu.be/7dGuCc_22cQ )
>C. You want it to go HARD! ( https://youtu.be/zF8Ch-iy3Ro )
>D. There’s one that Buu liked a lot, go with that! ( https://youtu.be/1Nnl0ycLvgU )
>E. Oooh, you could go for the one that Grandpa Bardock likes! ( https://youtu.be/Z2_X_DAwLUM )
>F. Something else?

Open to suggestions!
Only one man is qualified to compose rock for the gods. Rock legend and astrophysicist Dr. Sir Brian May.


I'll support it. Can we get a replica of the Red Special from Grand Kai for it?

I would like this to at least cross Gohan's mind though..


(C'mon, every Dragon Ball fan has seen this amv right?)
The Runner-up song that may be too advanced for us but we should do if we get an encore:

You stop reading my notes too, Sword.
Support >>5365902
Rolled 8, 20, 18 = 46 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 13!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 3, 7, 3 = 13 (3d20)

Passed! Fantastic! Writing...
“Hey, Grand Kai, got one more thing I wanna practice. You in?” you question. Oh this’ll be a GREAT one.

“I can dig it, kid. Let’s hear it!”

The two of you practice this one for quite a while. You can get the notes right most of the time, but it takes some considerable effort to really keep the beat consistent. Thankfully, Grand Kai is an expert at this kind of thing. Buu’s not quite as adept at it, but you at the very least have it down fine. Awesome!

With that all done, you feel pretty confident for your return. Still… kinda got a while before anything happens. Maybe you can check in on some folks? Or… maybe you can see if you can keep an eye on Fu and Basilea, and probably Mugen too given his wild card status. Or maybe have some chats up here, see if you can find anyone who might want to talk for a bit.

>A. See if you can talk with Peppa for a bit
>B. See if you can talk with Izzy for a bit
>C. See if you can talk with Pantea for a bit
>D. See if you can talk with mom and dad for a bit
>E. Keep watch on Fu. Maybe he’d be willing to respond to some of your questions
>F. You know… Mugen’s goal here has been pretty illusive. You definitely should check on him
>G. Nah, even if it is night down on Earth, things are probably fine. Got people up here to talk with!
>H. Something else?
Shit that got cut off. Pick three at most, please!
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>H. Three at most, please!

For both: "If you didn't have to revive me, what would your wish be?" Make a mental note of this for next year's dragon ball hunt.

Hey bud, wanna be my roadie for my rock band?
>A, B, E.
Okay, I need to get some rest, but we'll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Thanks for playing, stay safe, and vote open until then!
>E. "Fu. Are you busy? Do you know how to rock?"
Actually, let me rewrite and elaborate that E.

"Fu, it's Gohan. I need you to listen to me carefully and answer me honestly. The implications of this situation have potentially heavens-shaking consequences, so I need to know you're being straight with me, and not answering to further the goals of anyone else or serving any sneaky schemes, okay? You mean it? Good. Fu, can you shred some rock n' roll?"
I can dig this phrasing. Support.
I'm in favor of Fu joining the band. We need a 'bad boy'. Gotta figure out what he can play tho.
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Ugh. Sorry again. Stuff came up. We're back, even if it's a very short night again:

Well, you’ve got the time. You decide to check up on Peppa and Izzy first. Finding King Kai, he suggests to get both of them at once. Once he gets a connection established… “Hey sis, cous, can you hear me?”

‘G-GOHAN?!’ Peppa exclaims in shock.

‘Woah hey hello what’s this? Peppa? Gohan? Why can I- …yeah, it’s my cousin, Sachie. Apparently? …Unless this is Fu.’

“I’m not Fu, guys.” you say with a laugh. “Not interrupting anything, am I?”

‘Not at all, bro.’ Peppa responds, calmer this time. ‘Was just going over strategies with Keli.’

‘Ssssstrategies huh?’ Izzy inquires.

You just know Peppa’s rolling her eyes at that. ‘We can take a break. What’s the occasion, Gohan?’

“Mostly wanted to wish you both the best of luck tomorrow. Grand Kai and I and everyone up here have been watching the matches. They’ve been a blast, and we’re all impressed with how much everyone’s done.”

‘Heh… yeah, we’ve been doing pretty great.’ Izzy remarks. ‘Still, contacting me instead of Pantea, cous? Too embarrassed to?’

“Oh hush. Point is, I’m happy for you both, and I wanted you two to know I’ll be rooting for you both of you tomorrow.”

‘Thanks, Gohan.’ sis says kindly. ‘I’ve missed ya. And I hope you’ll be up for a rematch when you’re back.’

“Heh, I’ll be looking forward to that.”

‘...All right, all right, fine, I’ve missed you too.’ Izzy grumbles. ‘Lot of us have. Hmm? Heh, yeah, Zarid says he wants to meet up with ya again when you’ve got the chance.’

“Guess I’m not the only one who got an apprenticeship under gods, huh?” you say with a bit of a grin. “Still, it’s amazing what he’s been able to accomplish.”

‘I’ll pass that along to him. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.’

You nod, even if she can’t see it. “I know. And I intend to make the most of it.”

‘You have a lot of chore days you gotta catch up on. Been up to me to make sure Groucho’s been cleaned up after, and all the dishes days, and-’

You just start laughing as Peppa lists them off, and even King Kai giggles a bit. “Okay, okay, I’ll make it up to ya. See you soon, sis.”

‘See you soon, Gohan.’

‘Same. Pantea and I’ll make sure you’re back home!’

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You give King Kai a look, and the conversation ends. “Well, that was nice. Got anyone else you need to talk to?”

Hrmn. Could be mom and dad, or Pantea, but… one comes to mind. “Think you can get me in contact with Fu?”

He smiles nervously. “I… can try. Gimme a moment.” King Kai’s antenna move around for a bit, finally locating him.

“Hello Fu.”

‘Oho! Gohan! And hello King Kai!’ he greets, causing King Kai to mumble nervously. ‘To what do I owe the occasion?’

“Fu. I have something I need to ask you, and I want your most sincere and honest answer. The implications of this situation have potentially heavens-shaking consequences, so I need to know you're being straight with me, and not answering to further the goals of anyone else or serving any sneaky schemes, okay?”

‘I’m listening.’ he says nonchalantly.

Your brow furrows. “Fu, I mean it. Give me an honest answer here.”

‘Fine, fine. I’ll answer as honestly as possible.’

“You mean it?” Need to be absolutely sure.

‘On my honor as a scientist!’ he declares.

…Good enough. “Good. Fu. Can you shred some rock and roll?”

You at first hear a squeal of excitement. But then it dies down. And… his tone becomes much more honest. ‘You want me to join you in in some cool rock band, yeah? …Sigh. I can’t lie to you about this, Gohan. As fun as it’d be, I can’t do this. …Well, at least not currently. Got the Promised Day to help out with, got my mission here, got DOZENS of projects I want to work on, then there’s gramps and- OW OW OW OW! Basilea! Come on! I wasn’t spilling any secrets, jeeze! Let go of my ear, that’s annoying!’

You stifle a chuckle. “Okay, so that’s a no.”

‘I meeeaaaan, it’s not something I can join in on YET. Maybe after things have… settled down, y’know?’

>A. So, when might that be?
>B. Hi Basilea. I heard about what you were gonna wish for
>C. Can you at least promise to not mess around with the Dragon Balls tomorrow?
>D. Something else?
Exen votes,

>B & C.
>D. Don't let Fu weasel out of only not being technically responsible, and try to figure out how Basilea thought that wish was going to help her.

>People might have assumed there could be a far less malicious ulterior motive to it, after all... And if we can get her to actually admit to any of the sort, all the better.

>We'd keep it a secret of course, because we're so dang good natured and such heroic nonsense.

And I'll support

I dig it.
>>5367090 +1
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Okay, I'm definitely on the verge of passing out. Sorry this was a short night. Hopefully there won't be anything that delays us too long tomorrow, and if so, we'll be back ~6:30 pm PST. Thanks again for playing, please stay safe, and see y'all then.
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Okay, things settled, I'm here, we're back!

“All right. Just… can you promise to not to mess around with the Dragon Balls tomorrow? Please?” you plead.

‘I mean… got some stuff I’ve reeeaaaally been wanting to ask Shenron, plus kinda have a job to do…’ Fu gives in a completely non-committal tone.


‘Look, this has been a blast, really! I’ve got SO much great new data to work with, especially with the observer effect in place this time!’

You blink. “…This time?”

He doesn’t elaborate. ‘But… I guess the BEST I can say is that I’m not 100% sure I’ll be able to pull it off successfully with everyone around. Mom still wants me to TRY, buuuuut…’

“...Can you fake it?”

Fu is quiet for a moment. A quiet telepathic message enters your mind. ‘Maybe.’ Then he keeps up the same nonchalant yet chipper attitude. ‘Gohaaaaan, Basilea’s giving me the angriest glare right now!’

…Oh. Oh you get it. “Actually, on that note, I DID hear something about that wish she was gonna make.”

‘Oh yeeaaaah, haha, I guess you would. Yeah she didn’t much like it hearing it blabbed that she wanted to bring you b-ACK!’

And you just know Basilea’s trying to throttle him now. Giving King Kai a look, you get in contact with her too. “Hey, Basilea… why? Why try to bring me back? Were you really just wanting to one-up Peppa, ruin her moment?”

You can hear her huff indignantly. ‘Maybe I did! Maybe I would get a chance to rub it in her face that-!’

“You don’t have to lie to me. I’m not gonna start blabbing about it.” you explain to her. “Promise.”

She gives an annoyed groan and grumble. ‘...Promise?’


Basilea sighs. ‘…I felt… bad, okay?’


‘I felt bad and wanted to at least… do something to make up for what’s happened, okay?!’

You hold back laughter as best as you can. You also bite your tongue before you call her a tsundere. She would try to send you right back here if she heard that. “Eheh heh heh… you know Basilea? You’re not really as bad as you think you are.”


“Anyway, consider my offer, Fu. I’ve got a sample ready for tomorrow that might change your mind.”

‘Sure thing!~ Laaaater!~’

And that’s it now. King Kai looks up at you. “You all good, kid?”

>A. Yep. Thanks again, King Kai
>B. Actually, one more person…
>C. Something else?
>C. "Now, lets talk wardrobe for the big finale..."
>C. I'm telling you we need to do face paint and masks for the wardrobe...maybe go with a Sentai theme! Fu already has one...
See if we can set up a STAGE. Lights and everything!
>>5368202 +1
We can make our own pyrotechnics with our ki and magic! A ghost on guitar that explodes when it smashes it!
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“Yep! Thanks again, King Kai.” you say with a respectful bow. A little while later, you and Buu are talking together, Grand Kai listening along with a few others. “So… still gotta prep for everything else. Need to talk wardrobe, face paint, masks, maybe theme it! Sentai? Oh, oh, and a STAGE! A proper stage, with pyrotechnics…”

“Pyro…tekmiks?” Buu repeats.

“Think tiny explosions that are more for decoration.”

“Ooooh! Buu like that!” he cheers.

You all talk through the next few hours, only stopping when you realize it’s breakfast time. After that, everyone who’s been watch gets settled to watch the big finale, and even a few more decide to join in to see what all the fuss is about. Some you recognize from your own tournament, others are warriors that you haven’t really talked with but have seen around a few times.

“So it’s down to these two teams, is it?” Pikkon states with curiosity.

“Yep! Got one you’re gonna bet on?” Torbie asks him, nudging his arm.

“Hmm… I remember the power that was on display with the fused fighter between that girl and her friend. Pantea, was it? If she can pull off a similar trick, I’d wager they would have the best chance at success.”

“But the problem with the Fusion Dance is getting the right chance to use it.” one of a pair of Metamoran warriors notes, his partner nodding in agreement. “It can be done quickly, but should it fail, the results are… less than pleasant.”

“Still, I think I’ll join in on rooting for her team.” the elder Izumi comments, a wink showing she’s mostly doing it for the fun of it.

“That’s all nice and well, but I think I’ll be Team Peppa and Keli all the way!” your namesake declares. “Those girls have shown some of the best teamwork in this whole thing. Go get ‘em, girls!”

Torbie chuckles. “Hahaha, then I’ll join in as well.”

More fighters start to join in, ready to cheer for their respective team, while others take your approach and get ready to cheer both on. Before the fight starts, though, King Kai waves at you. “Oh right, Gohan, Maple got in contact just a bit ago. She says the Dragon Balls are safe and sound, and even if there are some with their eyes on ‘em, things should be fine. So just sit back and relax.”

You place your hands behind your head and smile. “I think I’ll do just that.”

“Who want popcorn?” Buu asks in a sing-song voice, carrying a half-dozen bathtub sized boxes of them with him, sharing a few with others… and keeping one for himself.

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Rolled 12, 12, 18 = 42 (3d20)


You watch your sister and cousin head into the ring, Keli and Pantea right behind their partners. Pilaf, now with Fu and Baozi by him, each on microphones, start to play to the crowds. “Lllllladies and gentlemen, Earthlings and aliens and visitors from beyond, what a wonderful set of fights these have been! I’ve heard stories of the Mifan Tag Tournament’s spectacular showings before, but seeing it up close has been a thrill like nothing else!” Fu begins.

“In all the tournaments I’ve hosted, none have been nearly as spectacular as this one!” Pilaf continues. “Daughter of Maple, a previous Mifan Champion, Peppa! One of Mifan’s very own, Keli! Daughter of another previous Mifan Champion, Chi-chi, Izumi Mahogany! And heiress to Capsule Corp., Pantea Briefs! I wish you all the best of luck in this grand finale for the MIFAN TAG TOURNAMENT!”

“Fighters ready…?” Baozi asks, your sis and cousin fist-bumping in affirmation as they look up at him. “BEGIN!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
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Okay! No more distractions, we are back!


Right as Baozi calls the start of the match, Peppa and Izzy jump back, Pantea and Keli clashing in midair. They exchange a few blows, just testing each other out initially, but Keli is quick to take things up a notch. Dodging one of Pantea’s attacks, she uses Instant Transmission and Multi-Form to warp all over the place and start to take pot shots at her. Pantea’s able to dodge them, yet it leaves her open for a quick surprise attack by Peppa, who’d taken to hiding her Ki already before she teleports in and lands a Rasenken in Pantea’s gut. She’s knocked back, but recovers… and then materializes a pair of sunglasses as she keeps backing away.

“SOLAR FLARE!” Izzy yells out.

Keli’s quick to react to it, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. Peppa though isn’t phased by it, since her goggles block the attack. It… feels a little odd that Izzy picked THAT of all things to use against them. Peppa fires off a Rasen Magnum that Izzy scatters to get out of the way of. Keli backs out of combat, and Izzy does the same, leaving Pantea and Peppa to face one another. The two power up, Peppa as much as she can without going into Super Saiyan proper, but then she hides her Ki and forms a Ki drill, digging into the floor. Ah, the classic Ki mine strategy. Can’t tell where she puts them, so Pantea’ll need to be careful.

…Or at least, that’s what you would be saying, if she didn’t send her Spirit Bits out and somehow track Peppa’s movements! She sends each of them some good distance above where Peppa apparently plants her Ki mines, then waits for the right moment, focusing her energy around herself. The moment Peppa reappears with Instant Transmission, Kamehameha charging in her hands, right behind Pantea, the purple-haired girl’s aura surges white and then condenses around her torso. Pantea jets forward, Ki trailing behind her like wings of light, catching Peppa off-guard.

Pantea then has her Spirit Bits fire down at all the Ki mines as Peppa attempts to get the upper hand again by trying to knock her into them. That’s enough of a surprise for Pantea to be able to turn around and hit her with a Charge Shot! But before she can follow up, Keli teleports to Peppa’s aid, getting her out of danger and letting a dark aura surround her.

Huh. You can guess it was something Izzy did with that Solar Flare, but that’s still a surprise. Peppa’s relied on her stealth skills for quite a while, so stands to reason someone would try to find a way to counter them.

…And at the same time, you notice the Fu beside Pilaf very subtly shimmers and then splits in two, with his copy disappearing from view in the blink of an eye. Most everyone else is too focused on the fight to really catch it, but you certainly do.

>A. ...King Kai, real quick, can you connect me with him?
>B. You know what? Nah, they’ve got this. Just focus on the fight!
>C. Something else?
>C. Sic Maple on him. That'll be waaay more trouble for his shenanigans than we will be.
Rolled 4, 8, 8 = 20 (3d20)

Rolled 14, 6, 8 = 28 (3d20)

Rolled 11, 10, 15 = 36 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 18, 17 = 43 (3d20)

“Psst. King Kai. Real quick, can I get in contact with Maple?”

“Hm? Er, sure?” he responds. “Somethin’ up?”

“Nothing she can’t handle.” You place your hand on his shoulder. “Heeeeey mom. It’s… Ghost Son. Fu’s up to something. Keep an eye out.” you warn. You also grin just a little cheekily at that. You know Peppa and mom’s little routine.

‘Copy that, Ghost Son. We’ve got Fu in our sites. Over and out.’

And that’s handled. You sit back, King Kai giving you a bit of a look. “You know, I’m not a phone, Gohan.”

“I know, I know, sorry about that. Didn’t want to interrupt the fight. She can handle him just fine. Besides, it’s probably gonna be way funnier if she handles him.”

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Rolled 7, 20, 17 = 44 (3d20)


Speaking of, Keli uses the Makaioken, using it in conjunction with Instant Transmission and a barrage of Dodonpas to try and keep Pantea pinned down. A few do manage to do some damage, but Pantea keeps Keli’s focus on her, Izzy managing to jump into the ring and successfully transform into her Mahou form. And with that, she has her Spirit Bits surround Keli, barraging her with Light-boosted attacks. Oooh, that’s gotta sting.

Keli is able to eventually get out of the way of the attacks, but she’s on the back foot now. Pantea notices Peppa attempt a sneak attack on Izzy, and is able to block successfully, even as Peppa powers up into Super Saiyan. She keeps Peppa occupied for a bit, while Izzy keeps her attention on Keli. An attempted combo with Keli’s Ki lasso and Peppa’s telekinesis with one of Izzy’s Charge Shots is stopped by Izzy breaking the lasso with her Spirit Bits.

Peppa and Pantea move out this time, taking a bit of a breather as Izzy keeps trying to hound Keli with her techniques. Keli eventually powers down from the Makaioken, with your cousin confident that she’s got this in the bag. But… Keli isn’t backing down. She’s got a plan, and looks like Peppa does too.

Meanwhile, you notice the Fu near Pilaf and Baozi look a little… annoyed. Heh. You knew it. It’s a very brief flash across his face, but it’s enough to tell you that you made the right call. Hmm… you try to see if Ledgic, Nox, and Mugen are up to anything, but looks like they’re content at the moment. Whew.

“Heh, Izzy may be a bit of an underdog in this, but she’s fighting smart.” the elder Izumi states proudly.

“Ah but I’m not counting Peppa out just yet! She’s the real powerhouse of the tournament.” your namesake responds.

Mutaito speaks up next. “While she may have a disadvantage against some of Izumi’s abilities, I would not count out Keli either. Her teamwork and synergy have gotten them this far. They could just as easily go all the way.”

Meanwhile Pikkon, and even Olibu, cheer out for Pantea. “Come on kid, you’ve got plenty more you can do! Show them your REAL power!”

You smile wide, and cheer them all on. This is really picking up!

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
Rolled 2, 8, 5 = 15 (3d20)

Aaaalso one more for the road...
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Got an idea to help train Gohan's clairvoyance. Let's get out a crystal ball/computer of our own, scry the fight and see if our foresight matches the battle.
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I can work something out of that.

And okay, we are back!


Keli creates two Ki lassos, slinging both towards Izzy. Your cousin dodges them, and then decides to try and keep Keli locked down, literally, with a surprise Clothes Beam to try to shackle her legs to the floor. That fails, because Keli pulls out something she hadn’t been using much this tournament. “RAIO-KEN!”

The sudden increase in speed, combined with Keli utilizing Instant Transmission on top of it, allows her to actually get her Ki lassos to wrap around Izzy. She struggles for a bit against them, but catches on quick enough to realize this wasn’t Keli’s real goal. The silver-haired woman holds her in place just long enough for Peppa to teleport in… trying to snatch the Hakkero from Izzy with telekinesis!

Trying. Izzy caught on just quick enough to get a message to Pantea, who blitzes in and snatches it for herself. Keli and Izzy back out this time, Keli sitting down and focusing herself… while Peppa’s power explodes around her! She transforms into Super Saiyan 2, then seems to just keep powering up. The whole arena shakes from her power. Pantea lets out all of her own strength, and as Peppa launches at her, she’s able to block the initial series of blows with her wing-shaped barriers, boosted with the Hakkero.

…And then you catch glimpse of Fu with just a hint of smug on his face, like he’s got a plan. King Kai then has a surprised look on HIS face for just a moment, but that fades. He glances at you and telepathically lets you know, ‘She says the situation’s still under control. Just gonna have to call in some help.’

Well… that’s a LITTLE reassuring. Still…

>A. No, no, she’s fine. Just enjoy the fight
>B. …Still want to keep an eye on this. Grand Kai, you got like… a crystal ball or something I can attempt to scry through?
>C. Something else?
>B. …Still want to keep an eye on this. Grand Kai, you got like… a crystal ball or something I can attempt to scry through?
>C. Have Buu help us watch. He's got a keen eye and a loud mouth.
Rolled 17, 10, 5 = 32 (3d20)

Okay, real quick. Roll me 1d20, best of three. DC is 10.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 6, 6, 13 = 25 (3d20)

Passed! Nice work!
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Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d20)

And writing after this...
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Rolled 14, 2, 9 = 25 (3d20)

“Psst. Grand Kai. Kinda want to keep an eye on a thing. Mind if I could use like… I dunno, a crystal ball to scry through?” you ask in a whisper.

He materializes one for you and floats it to you. “Don’t worry too much, else you’ll miss the best parts of the fight.”

“I know, I know. Okay, Buu, wanna help me with this?” you request. The little Majin nods and focuses with you. The two of you move away from the main screen and focus, trying to find Fu…

You are in no way prepared for what you see. Good thing the volume on this thing isn’t too high.


“GET BACK HERE YOU!” Maple yells out, letting out an electric barrier that somehow works with her telekinesis to push off the… rather hefty amount of glitter that ended up on her.

Fu cheekily backs away from her… a Dragon Ball in hand. “Oh that’s cool! Is that an adaptation of the thing you used against my mo-?”

“THERE!” Tien calls out, with him holding Fu in place with Chiaotzu, the both of them using telekinesis to keep him there.

“Now. Hand it over.” Maple demands.


“FU. I AM MISSING THE FIGHT.” she growls.

Fu blinks, his eyes looking around. “Weeeeell… just goes to show should’ve used Multi-Form like me!” A second Fu jumps in and grabs the Dragon Ball from the first. “Really Maple, I hoped you would have-”

“FU!” She sends the torrent of glitter at him, Tien and Chiaotzu trying to move focus to the second one.

“Whoop whoop whoop whoop!” Fu runs in place for a second and then scrams, leading them on what… could be described as a chase sequence. One where the cast of characters attempting to stop him steadily grows larger.

…What you do notice is that Basilea isn’t there with him. She must be watching the fight. Heh.

WAIT CRAP, RIGHT. “Buu, keep an eye on them.” you tell the little Majin… who’s having the time of his life watching it all play out.

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Rolled 6, 11, 8 = 25 (3d20)


Meanwhile, Peppa’s gaining the upper hand against Pantea. Rather than trying the stealth approach, she’s going full force, but keeping Pantea guessing on what she’ll do next. Swerves, teleports, feints, they all allow her to land a good Janken combo against Pantea. She tries to counter with her dad’s Wolf Fang Fist, but Peppa’s speed and strength are just a bit more than what she’s expecting.

Pantea does manage to get some distance and fires off a Cross Charge Shot with the Hakkero boosting her power… but Peppa actually manages to counter them, by using her Ki drills to punch and destroy the attacks. Well damn. Izzy tries to get in an MP Buster to drop her power, but Keli uses Multi-Form and Instant Transmission to grab Peppa out of the way and down out of danger. Noticing her try to also heal what few injuries Peppa’s sustained, Pantea has her Spirit Bits try to harass the pair, barraging down at them.

Keli leaves combat again, and Peppa lunges forward, putting Pantea on the defensive again. Things are really heating up now!

>A. Try to contact Fu. He did say “maybe.” If he wasn’t serious… you’re gonna distract him!
>B. Buu, you keep watch. If they need any help, let me know. …Or if anything really funny happens
>C. Keep attention on the match, this is great!
>D. Something else?
Support >>5370299
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Ask Buu if he needs a refill.
Take notes for the next Mifan Tournament.
>D. Get more popcorn and a drink
>>5370333 +1
Also good
Rolled 11, 6, 11 = 28 (3d20)

Rolled 13, 16, 4 = 33 (3d20)

And another...
Rolled 9, 2, 15 = 26 (3d20)

And one more...
“Need a refill, Buu?” you ask the little Majin, who nods enthusiastically. “Okay, you keep watch on that, and let me know if something comes up. Either urgent or… exceptionally funny.”

“Okay!” he cheerfully replies. And now Fu’s made a multitude of copies of himself and is currently being chased by six different people. Yyyyep. You get Buu a drink, and even some more popcorn, and then grab some for yourself and keep watch on the main fight. Should take some notes on this for later…


Peppa keeps putting out more and more power, and while Pantea is doing a good job defending against it, she’s still on the back foot. Izzy keeps attempting to help her, while Keli keeps playing interference. Pantea pulls out almost all the tricks she’s used up to this point, even using the Hakkero with her Fire Magic to try and let out a massive inferno around Peppa. Your sister lifts up her arm and forms a Ki drill, pumping more and more power into it as it starts spinning… and draws in the fire as it grows larger!

Pantea tries to avoid it, dashing around the ring as Peppa swings the blazing drill downward, trying to corner her. As Pantea’s speed increases, she actually starts to circle around the spinning inferno, traveling up it while doing her best to avoid getting hit by it, with her aura flaring out like wings once more. She actually manages to get to the top, with your sister wide open!


But then Keli bursts out the Makaio-ken and teleports behind her, grabbing on to Pantea, right at the moment she’s about to tackle Peppa!

Izzy leaps in and tries to hit Keli with an MP Buster… and then Keli teleports herself and Pantea right near your cousin. Pantea attempts to redirect herself, even letting go of the Hakkero to lessen the impact, Izzy sets up a barrier to soften the blow and try and bounce her back. It… kinda works. But the colliding fighters are all knocked away, Keli included, scattered across the arena. Pantea recovers first, with Peppa having to fling away the blazing Ki drill high into the sky so she doesn’t hit her partner, firing a Ki blast at it to detonate it in a brilliant explosion.

Rolled 12, 5, 12 = 29 (3d20)

Pantea stands defiantly against her… but Peppa makes it clear that she hasn’t hit her limit yet. No, not by a long shot. “This has been fun, Pantea, Izzy, but Keli and I aren’t giving up that easily. We’re gonna win this… breaking our limits along the way!” And as she declares that, a red aura surrounds her…

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
Rolled 17, 1, 2 = 20 (3d20)

...fffff, missed the roll.
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Sorry again. Stuff came up at work. Gonna be a short night again, but things should be fine tomorrow. We're back


Peppa’s explosive power and blazing red aura have her hitting like a meteor. Keli and Izzy are able to get back up as she focuses on Pantea, who is having an even harder time keeping up now that she doesn’t have the Hakkero. She keeps trying to put some distance between herself and Peppa, but your sister’s simply too quick for her. Pantea’s white aura clashes with Peppa’s red and gold, twirling together and making it look like there’s a roaring fire in the middle of the ring. Peppa then headbutts Pantea, tossing her back. She and Keli get in one more combo move, with Keli unleashing a ferocious uppercut that hits like a tornado, sending Pantea upward, while Peppa hammers her back down with a Rasenken! Pantea’s knocked to the floor so hard it leaves a sizable crater.

And… it looks like Pantea might actually be down for the count. Keli gives Peppa a thumb’s up… and is then hit by a surprise MP Buster from Izzy. She drops down out of the Makaio-ken and hits the floor as well. Izzy and Peppa stare each other down. Peppa’s red aura fades, and in a flash, she darts towards Izzy… while also splitting off a copy of herself to attend to Keli, getting her out of combat.

Your cousin does the same, moving Pantea out of harm’s way, and even getting the Hakkero back… and pays the price for it, as Peppa’s able to still hit hard and fast. Izzy’s knocked back, but looks like she’s ready to try one last gambit of her own. Their copies merge back with themselves, Peppa crossing her arms as she floats a bit above the ground.

You remember your own match against Izzy a while back, that magical mech of hers packs a punch, and you were able to hold your own against Peppa pretty well. It’s then that Yazai actually asks you a question. “Gohan, you’ve got personal experience in this matter. Who would you rather face in a situation like this? Peppa or the younger Izumi?”

Huh. Well…

>A. Peppa
>B. Izzy
>C. Honestly? I think I can take either of them now
>D. Eh… I’ll be honest, at this point it’d be a struggle against both of them, especially with Izzy’s prior win
>E. Something else?
>B. Izzy
>E. Not that it would be easy
Support >>5371228

Also, HAGWAG is away, so throwing this in for him,
>B. Peppa always has that last bit of gas to overcome, no matter what you throw at her. Izzy, at least, goes down eventually.
And I'll support that too.
Exen vote:

>B: Izzy
>E: Neither is any less of a challenge, but Peppa and me know each other too well while Izzy is equally as likely to catch me off guard as I am to beat her before she can throw out her best tricks.

> So fighting Izzy wouldn't be easier, just less even.

And support
Rolled 9, 12, 1 = 22 (3d20)

Rolled 12, 1, 20 = 33 (3d20)

And another...
Rolled 13, 17, 12 = 42 (3d20)

Rolled 10, 15, 16 = 41 (3d20)

And one more...
“All things considered? Izzy. But that’s not to say it would be easy, far from it.” You watch as Izzy holds up a crystal, and in a flash calls forth her mech. “Neither are any less a challenge than the other, but Peppa and I know basically all the tricks we’d try to pull against one another. And while that leaves us fairly even, I also know she’ll have some power waiting in the reserves, and she’ll wait for just the right moment to throttle it out. Izzy is a tricky fighter, she knows how I fight, and like I said, she beat me once before. But now I’ve got personal experience with her tricks. I might be able to take her down before it comes to that. Still a challenge, but it’s not quite as even a fight as it’d be against Peppa.”

“Interesting assessment.” Yazai says with a smile. “If she can get everything out, though?”

“Then it’s a matter of lasting long enough. Izzy’ll run out of steam eventually, Peppa? She’ll find some way to keep going.”


Now it’s Izzy’s turn to go on the offensive… and with both her mech and the Hakkero, she actually is able to gain the upper hand. Peppa tries to go for the joints, initially at range, then getting up close to try and use the mech’s size against it. That doesn’t go anywhere near as well as she planned. While the ranged attacks do leave some damage, the moment Peppa gets in close, Izzy lets out a barrier infused with Magic… and has it switch several times over. First Lightning, then Shadow, and finally finally Wind. Peppa’s first stunned, then slowed, and finally knocked away. Izzy has her mech next call forth the Blazing Sword, Peppa having to use Instant Transmission to even dodge it. Which proves to be even more difficult for her, as next comes Izzy’s Spirit Bits, all of them surrounding Peppa and blasting down at her to keep her in place.

“THIS IS IT, PEPPA! WATASUNAMI!” Water and Wind Magic surrounds Izzy as she calls forth a massive, mighty dragon that surges towards your sister. And just like when it hit you, it’s an overwhelming attack. Peppa’s launched high into the air, then slammed back down, with Izzy ready to push her right out of the ring with her water dragon.

But then it fades. Peppa’s left right outside of combat, panting and definitely heavily damaged. But not out yet. It’s at first confusing, but then you notice. Keli’s managed to recover, and not only that… she’s taken advantage of the damage Peppa did earlier.

Nabbing the Hakkero from Izzy. And doing something… admittedly VERY risky.

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“Don’t think you heeded that warning all that well, Izzy. Peppa and I both are going to break our limits! MAKAIO-KEN!”


The demonic Ki welling up inside her reacts with the Hakkero, transforming the already potent boost from this power into something even further beyond. Keli first lassos up the mech’s arms to prevent Izzy from using the Blazing Sword again, then leaps high into the air. The Spirit Bits surround Keli once more, but she blasts each of them away with a Dodonpa infused with demonic power. She then holds her hands together in a… sort of triangular shape. With the Hakkero between them.

A Tri-Beam blasts out, crashing into the mech and blowing massive chunks out of the ring. Izzy’s left with little in the way of options as it keeps taking damage. Every hit keeps her locked down, and knowing there’s little else she can do, she waits for a pause in Keli’s attacks and finally dematerializes the mech to escape.

Izzy rolls away, and Keli has to stop herself as she starts to wear her body out. The silver-haired woman lands on the floor, kneeling and panting as her dark aura fades. Izzy struggles to stand, but she’s also started to take too much damage from all this. Everyone’s pretty exhausted at this point, even Peppa after that direct hit. The battle might be drawing to a close soon…

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
Hahaha holy shit, Keli. Dark horse this fight right up.
Rolled 10, 5, 2 = 17 (3d20)

Okay, real quick...
Rolled 19, 4, 6 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 10, 4 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 18, 13 = 48 (3d20)

Rolled 4, 20, 18 = 42 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 9, 20 = 34 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 5, 15 = 35 (3d20)

And here we go...
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Hokay. Sorry about that taking so long to write out, but we are back!


Keli forces herself up, Izzy panting and watching carefully. Outside of combat, Pantea is able to sit up, Peppa shaking the water off herself, the two of them observing their partners cautiously. Knowing she can’t pull off another boosted Makaio-ken like before, Keli tries one last trick. With her hand clenching the Hakkero tight, furious winds surround her arm. She teleports right to Izzy, trying to uppercut her with one final move.


Except it doesn’t connect. Izzy’s yanked away by Pantea using her telekinesis. While the whirlwind of energy soars into the air, Pantea readies one last Shin Burning Attack, Izzy clasping her hands together like the maw of a dragon. The fireball is launched forward, boosted with the brilliant white beam erupting from your cousin’s hands. Peppa’s just not quick enough to really react to it, and Keli gets hit by the full force of the attack. She’s knocked clear out of the ring and out of bounds.

Your sister reaches out for her, even trying to use telekinesis to pull her to safety. But it’s too little, too late. In spite of that… Keli doesn’t look too upset. She smiles weakly before passing out… still showing she had the Hakkero in hand. Peppa solemnly nods, then focuses her attention on the two still in the ring. Evidently, they know they have nothing left to lose, so they try one last trick.


Before her stands a warrior with blonde and purple hair, the normal Metamoran outfit given additional detailing thanks to Izzy’s Mahou form. The crow around you looks on in awe. The fusion lets her aura explode around her, the white and emerald colors flowing together into a sort of aquamarine shade. She’s going to put everything she can into these last moments, silently promising she won’t hold anything back, not even giving a declaration of her name.

And your sister doesn’t hold anything back either. Peppa roars out as she enters, hitting Super Saiyan 3, her aura erupting further with a red, flame-like tint. The clash of red and green sends shockwaves through the arena, Peppa swerving best she can to avoid the hits, while the fused fighter uses the smarts and skills of both her component parts to keep them coming. That said, even with her reinvigorated strength, she can’t last forever, as Peppa’s still able to land a few good hits on her. She starts teleporting around and delivering as many Wind-boosted hits as she can, but each time she does, the fused fighter has massive Spirit Bits blast at her… much like those Force Blasters that Pandel used against you. Eventually the two take their clashes high into the air, with the fusion calling the Force Blasters to her right arm, coating them in Light and Lightning Magic and forming what looks like a giant hammer. Peppa readies her own final blow, a massive Ki drill erupting out.

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The attacks connect, and a worrying amount of power is let out. For a moment there’s a blinding light that fills the screen… but it’s then contained. Buu walks over to you with the crystal ball… showing Maple with the Dragon Ball in hand standing beside Fu, the two of them holding their hands out to reinforce the barriers protecting the audience. You smile, whispering out, “Thanks, Fu.”

The light fades away, and both Peppa and the fusion stay in midair for a moment, hitting one another with a cross-counter. They… then fall to the ring, with the latter splitting back into Pantea and Izzy once she hits the floor. The audience erupts in cheers, but Pilaf still starts the count. You wait on the edge of your seat, hoping one of them stands up.

“Three… four… five…”




“Six… seven… eight… nine…”

And shocking everyone… none of them stand. All three just lay on the ground, breathing heavily. You notice Peppa trying her best, but she just doesn’t have the strength left. Izzy and Pantea look like they’re out cold.

“T-TEN!” Pilaf calls out in slight shock. “F-folks, I cannot believe it! It’s a TRIPLE knock-out! W-well… we still have Pantea and Izzy inside the ring. Which has been…” He looks at his watch. “Just long enough for them to lose the time count on that…”

The Fu beside him stands up, throwing his arms out as he places his foot on the railing. “But do we want this to be decided on technicality? All of these fighters did so well, gave us a match as good, if not better than the one from the WORLD Tournament!”

Baozi floats up, and then moves towards the ring. “But unlike the World Tournament, we all know there can be more than one Mifan Champion. People of Mifan! Visitors from across the world! Visitors from across the universe! Let your voices be heard!”

You… kinda can’t believe what you’re hearing. There are a couple chuckles from the crowd around you. Looking into the crystal ball again, the Fu beside mom wiping his brow in relief. Mom clonks him on the head for good measure, and he whines about that, but otherwise doesn’t seem to mind.

“Well, you win fair and square. No interference.” he says as he places his hands on his hips. “Promise, on my honor as a scientist.”

Mom just nods.

>A. You made it look believable, Fu. Nice work
>B. You wanna congratulate the two teams. They fought amazingly
>C. Something else?

>D. Which team should be Champion?
>C. Get ready to rock. The time is coming.
>D. Por que no los dos?
>D. I dunno. Usually when you lot were rough housing as toddlers, so many ties were had that a victor usually had to be decided with janken so you could go eat, which would then be its own match between you and Peppa. So, rock-paper-scissors after they've cleaned up.
>B. You wanna congratulate the two teams. They fought amazingly
Support >>5372179
>C. Get ready to rock, Fu. By the way - what instrument do you play? Guitar? The triangle? The electric keyboard? Theremin?...Bass?
This C also.
Would like to add how thankful we are to King Kai. He's been more than a mentor, he's been like a....'GODFATHER' to us. Same with Grand Kai, he's been like our cool great uncle. Would also love to thank our great-grandfather Gohan,Izumi Citron, Olibu, Yazai, Pikkon, Torbie, Grandpa Bardock, Grandma Gine...Shin, Kibito, Elder Kai, Grand Supreme Kai, South Supreme Kai, *takes a deep inhale* and the many other world tournament fighters for the time spent here.

Also thank Buu. He's basically our best friend now...
>Also thank Buu. He's basically our best friend now...
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“Man, both teams fought amazingly. That end was something else. Kinda want to congratulate all of them for it.” King Kai chuckles a little, but then to your surprise, South Kai is the one who offers to let you use him as a phoneline. Torbie smiles at that, and you give your thanks to your sister, cousin, best friend… and Keli.

‘Thanks… Gohan…’ Peppa manages to respond to you weakly. ‘See… you… soon…’ Izzy, Pantea, and Keli are all still out cold, but you know they heard something.

The crowds keep cheering out names, with no team really gaining more prominence than the other… and then a new chant starts to echo out. “BOTH!”




It grows and grows until it feels like the whole stadium is chanting it.

Baozi grins wide upon hearing that. “Sounds like we have an answer…” He swings his arm out dramatically. “CALL IT, EMPEROR PILAF!”

Pilaf snaps his fingers, leaping up a bit, Fu helping hold him up as he announces, “VERY WELL! For their unprecedented displays of skill, power, smarts, and most importantly, teamwork… BOTH TEAMS SHALL TAKE THE TITLES! ALL FOUR SHALL BE RECOGNIZED AS CHAMPIONS OF THE MIFAN TAG TOURNAMENT!”


A roar of cheers echo out, with mom getting down there with a few others, helping heal up the injured and exhausted fighters. They’re carried out of the ring, and things slowly start to settle down. You hop to your feet, looking to Grand Kai. “Let’s get ready. The time’s approaching.”

“Buu gonna rock out!” the little Majin cheers.

Grand Kai pats your shoulder. “I appreciate this, Gohan. Keep rockin’ out in the mortal realm when you’re able to. And remember, you’re always welcome here for another jam session.”

“Oh, real quick… can I get in touch with Fu?”” you ask him. He nods, and gets you connected. When Fu notices, you have two questions: “So… what instruments do you play? Or at least, which ones are you good at?”

‘Oh Gohan, I’m great at LOTS of instruments! Scientific and musical!’

You laugh. Dork. “Then are YOU ready to rock with us, Fu?”

‘Haha, you bet I am! I take it you’d want someone on cymbals and drums?’

“We do have Buu, but couldn’t hurt.”

‘Then I’ll get things started down here, just say the word!’

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A short while later, you’re saying your goodbyes to everyone. King Kai for humoring your request to train with him, and you getting a few good jokes from him, and generally just being there for you. Grand Kai, for being a mentor and overall cool dude. The various fighters and residents of the Afterlife, from former heroes to new rivals, and even family you never thought you’d get to see. You even get Supreme Kai, Kibito, Elder Kai, and Grand and South Supreme Kai, thanking them all for training you and believing in you.

And you and Buu fist bump. Your new little BFF. Grand Kai even tops it off with a surprise gift, a guitar of your very own. “The wood’s mahogany, so it’s a bit heftier but gives a great sound. Also been reinforced a bit, wanna make sure it can survive what we’re about to put it through, ya dig? Heh heh heh.”

You take the guitar in your hands, tuning it and testing it out. Man, even has your signature on it, and got a kickass coat to it. “I’ll cherish it even up to when I come back here, sir.”

“Glad to hear. Now, you ready, my boy?!”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!”


Back on Earth, with the award ceremony done, the victors are gathered around the Dragon Balls, as Pilaf calls out the Eternal Dragon. The sky darkens as Shenron comes forth, looking down at those who called him. He gives his usual spiel;


Peppa, Pantea, and Izzy look at one another, and together ask, “Bring Son Gohan back to life!”

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Shenron’s eyes flash red… and the moment he does, Fu materializes a drumset, to everyone’s confusion. He starts things off… and you and Grand Kai teleport in with his Kai Kai ability like gods of rock and roll, a full stage with pyrotechnics and everything with you! So you start off with your guitar, Grand Kai following suit, as Buu just copies Fu. You’re home again, and while you can tell everyone is happy, they’re also shocked and mystified by what’s transpiring.

They quickly start to get into it, though, and as you play it out, people start cheering for you all next. You even catch Basilea bobbing her head and tapping her tail against a wall to the beat. Hehehe. Percel and Buula are also rather engaged with it, even Godzilla and Gamera (Gamera especially) seem to be listening in. Kuriza actually seems among the most engaged by all this, throwing up the horns as you all rock out!

“Yes I thought I was dreaming~
But the East is ablaze!
With promise of the future~
Those Heavenly Days…”

“Ride the night into the morning sun!
Ride the night - into the morning sun!
'cause the resurrection is a-gonna come!”

With the music finally dying down, the audience of your little concert clap and cheer for you. You fist bump Grand Kai and hop off the stage, Buu following after. You’re almost immediately tackled into a hug by Peppa.

“Woah, woah, watch the guitar, sis! It’s brand new!”

“You big dork…” she laughs out, hugging you tighter. “Glad to have you back.”

Mom and dad are the next ones to pull you into a hug, with you thankfully managing to hand your guitar to Buu before it actually does get damaged by all this familial affection. Looking back towards Grand Kai, he nods approvingly, then waves to you. “Live well, Son Gohan! Until we meet again! Kai Kai!”

The stage disappears with him, and everyone starts welcoming you back… until they’re reminded by a loud “AHEM.” coming from Shenron. “WHILE QUITE… ENTERTAINING, I STILL REQUIRE YOUR SECOND WISH.”

Peppa, Izzy, Pantea, and Keli all look around at one another, then at you, trying to decide.


>A. Let Keli take the wish this time
>B. Pantea should get it
>C. Izzy should get it
>D. Peppa should get it
>E. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Vote open until then!
>E. I wish I could have a stack of buddhamned pancakes, and Shenron's power can't give me that. Peace!
>E. Maybe plan a less bombastic, more personal welcome home party for Gohan?
Why should Gohan have a say in who gets the wish tho? He's already a wishee.
Is she gonna wish something about Melee? I
E. "More than the others, I think you had your own reasons, more than just bringing me home. It's not as fair if it goes to anyone else."
Again, why is Gohan the one to lean in on this? He did none of the work to get this wish.
Because everyone else has their own thing that they want, his is a mostly unbiased opinion but also one that any of them would accept.
Yeah, but don't you just hate it when someone who's been gleaning things from afar the whole time just swoops in at the last possible moment after all the work has been done by other people and insists on having a say in how things pan out?
Maybe they could talk it out and come to a compromise or new wish that benefits everyone, but it would involve making the dragon wait even longer. That is probably not the best idea...
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Best idea: Achieve Kami's wish of a world that doesn't need Dragon Balls
>Peppa, Izzy, Pantea, and Keli all look around at one another, then at you, trying to decide.
>then at you
Gohan was wordlessly invited to offer his opinion, and isn't going to offer it as if he has the absolute correct opinion,

Please try not project your own experiences or behavior into story events that haven't even fully written out yet.

And I'm leaving my comments here at that. Peace.
Oh yeah, wordless invitations are all the rage over at >>>/b/ and >>>/r9k/
We're back, sorry for the delay:

“...Hey, if it’s all the same to you guys, maybe let Keli have the wish?” you suggest. “It’s only fair. She’s a Champion too, and I kinda think she wasn’t just in this to bring me home.” You give a slight smirk. You have some idea on what she might wish for.

Keli gives an appreciative nod. She then looks over to Melee, and finally up at Shenron. “Ahem. Eternal Dragon… I wish for a ring, imbued with the strongest kind of protection that you can grant the wearer and itself.” She then requests it in a… very specific size. Melee blushes bright red as she realizes what exactly Keli requested.

“HMM…” Shenron murmurs in contemplation… then the dragon’s eyes flash once more. Down floats a glowing orb, within it a shiny black metallic ring, an emblem made of electrum with just the lightest hint of a blue sheen to it embedded inside. “YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED. FAREWELL.” The Dragon Balls head up into the sky and shoot out across the Earth.

…Though dad leaps up to catch the 4-Star ball before it shoots off, grinning cheekily. Mom materializes a hat to attach it to, even as it turns to stone. She places it on your head, to your slight protests. “Moooom!”

Peppa laughs, taking the hat from you and placing it on her head. “Well if you don’t want it…~” You snatch it back almost on instinct. Everyone has a good laugh over that.

Meanwhile, Keli takes the ring in her hands, a warm smile on her face. She then walks over to Melee, gets down on one knee… and proposes. “I know you still have duties of your own that you must attend to… but I want to make sure you make it through them. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Melee.”

Still blushing brightly, tears now well up in her face. With a smile and a cracking voice, she accepts, pulling Keli up and hugging her tight, the two spinning together for a moment. Aw. That’s nice.

You notice Peppa wiping her eyes as well. Izzy cheekily nudges her. “What, sad you can’t save that one for Cocoa without looking like a copycat?”

“Oh, shush.” sis responds with a laugh. “Too young to be thinking about that anyway.”

“So… how’s about we head home? Maybe have a calmer party there.” you suggest next.

“Buu like parties!” the Majin exclaims, with it finally dawning on a good number of people that the lil’ guy didn’t leave with Grand Kai.

“...Er. Gohan.” Tien starts off hesitantly.

“Eh, it’s fine. He’s a good lil’ guy now, promise. Besides, I’ll watch over him, promise.” You then look over at mom… and give her the Tuffle Eyes pleadingly.

Maple snickers. “Okay, okay, he can stay with us.”

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And so, things die down a bit, and most folks that were there end up heading to Mount Paozu, with some others that’ve been waiting quite a while to meet you again. Fu makes a promise to return some day to rock out with you once more, and Basilea and Peppa actually share a fist bump before the demons head off. Percel and Buula leave next, talking with Maple and Acer for a bit before they do. Tommy, Zarid, Daikon, uncle Raditz, and of course, Pantea, have been kinda waiting to get some time to talk with you the most out of everyone. So…

>A. Tommy! Missed you a lot, dude! How’ve you been?
>B. Zarid, I made sure to watch every second of your fights. You really did it, training to become your world’s Kami?
>C. Daikon, uncle Raditz! Oh man I’ve got so much to tell you guys about who I met in the Afterlife…
>D. Hey Pantea. Thanks, and glad to be back with you again
>E. Something else?

Pick two at most, please.
>D/E. Pantea, I've had time to think in the afterlife since we last saw each other, and did some serious soul searching for escaped convicts, as well as some introspection. I can't help but have this impression that you saw the Future Me as some standard that I could somehow fit the mold of eventually, but he isn't me, and I'll never be him. He's persisted through difficulties that have revealed his strengths, and I've had all the love in the world and still showed weakness at the most crucial times. I don't think I'll be able to live up to any expectations you had romantically, even with a second life, but I would like to be your friend, now and always.
>G. Mini Buu's gummy arms stretch around Gohan and Pantea and hug them awkwardly close together in an already awkward atmosphere. "Friend Zone!" he cheers.
>C. I met Hell's new Sheriff!
>D. Maybe make some plans to just do something that isn't high stakes soon. Game night, movies, whatever.

Sidenote: Now that Gohan is in a mortal body, that means his power consumption is practically doubled. Would like for him to acknowledge this before training or getting into a fight. It's good to know one's limits.
This makes me feel uncomfortable.
>D. Hey Pantea. Thanks, and glad to be back with you again

*Not* supporting this. Especially not right now.
Goodness, how so? Explain, please!
And fuck off already, Angry. You aren't fooling anyone. Take your dysfunctions away with you and go see a therapist.
Am I trying to fool people? Is it not obvious that I have returned to the thread at the most critical time because I want to see the story to its conclusion?
But >>5373394 is my brother who I asked to post that, but since he's a real person who can make his own decisions and decided to help me make a decision, he's as much a player as anyone else.
I'll back these
C'mon now, answer please. Can't sort anything out if you don't tell me what's wrong.
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To start things off, you talk with uncle Raditz and your cousin Daikon. And you start things off with a surprising statement. “So, I met the Sheriff of Hell. In fact, I’m actually the one who got him the job.”

“Whaaaat? No way, that’s a thing?” Daikon exclaims, listening to your every word. Raditz merely gives you a curious look.

“Yep! Well, technically the title is Grand Marshall of Hell. After the whole incident with Janemba, he figured that Hell needed something to help prevent things like that from happening in the future. So, after a good amount of convincing and… a LOT of paperwork…” You shudder slightly. “He was formally appointed the title, with his old squad working as Marshals as well.”

Raditz tilts his head at that. “Old squad?”

“Oh yeah! In fact I’m pretty sure you know some of them.” you say with just a bit of a grin.

Raditz takes a moment to put it all together, then gasps out. “Wait, you mean… f-father?” You nod… and your uncle smiles softly. “Well I’ll be… heh, guess that’s one way to work off one’s sins.”

“Wooooaaahh…” Daikon exhales in awe. “Grandpa Bardock became the coolest in the Afterlife!”

“The important thing to keep in mind was how he also showed a willingness to reform and work for a better cause.” you note. “There are punishments in Hell, but they come about through one’s unwillingness to change. Reform is the bigger concern for King Yemma, trying to give people a clean slate again. Much better than the old system, believe me.”

“What was the old system?” Zarid questions, having caught most of the conversation.

“The worst of the worst got gobbled up by a snake lady.”

“That sounds scary…” Tommy comments, who himself had wandered in towards the end of the conversation.

“Things are different now, especially since she and King Yemma got divorced.” Zarid does a double-take as you say that. “They kinda still have some bad blood between them, but I do think even she has kinda slowly come around the idea of reformation. Last I saw her, she was working with the Supreme Kais.”

You do get the sense that Zarid wants to talk some more with you, but Sachie calls him over to talk with someone else. He just gives you a smile and a nod, while Raditz starts regaling what he remembered of Bardock when your uncle was much younger. So that leaves you with Tommy, the blind boy just happy to be around you again.

“I’m not really sure I understand all that talk about the Afterlife, but it sounded so cool. What else did you do there?”

You rub the side of your head. “Oh man, you won’t believe even half of it.”

“Eh, two thirds at least.” he responds jokingly.

“Well, I managed to meet all sorts of fighters of the past and of all over the universe. Many of them heroes from Earth’s own past, like Olibu.”

“THE Olibu?!” Tommy exclaims.

“The one and only. But I also got to meet my namesake, and the man who trained Master Roshi, and even Izzy’s namesake.” You then show your guitar, letting Tommy feel it and even strum it a bit. “This though? This is the result of me winning a tournament there, and learning how to play from the Grand Kai himself.”

“Is that why you held that cool rock show when you came back?” the boy questions.

“Exactly. The other guitarist with me was the Grand Kai himself. I’d say his training really paid off.” You give Tommy a pat on the head. “Glad to see you’re doing well for yourself too.”

He gives you a toothy grin. “Ehehehe. My new mom and dad have been great to me.”

Speaking of which, he’s called to Chuu Lee and Lapis; looks like they have to get going soon too. Buu looks at the boy curiously as he leaves, asking innocently, “Why he have stick like that?”

“Well… his eyes don’t work very well, so he has to use that stick to help him move around.” you explain softly. “…I suspect Chuu Lee and Lapis have been helping him learn how to sense with Ki, but not everything has Ki in it, so he still kinda has to use it.”

“Ohhh…” the little Majin exhales, still looking back at him curiously.

Meanwhile, there’s one more person you want to get a chance to talk with. You walk up to her… and give her a tight hug, to her slight surprise. “Missed ya, Pantea. Thanks for helping bring me back.”

She pats your head. “Missed you too, Gohan.”

“You pulled out so many amazing skills during your fights… hell, you were probably the one who carried your team more often than not.”

That statement gets an annoyed “Hey!” from Izzy, but you can tell she isn’t really that upset by it. Pantea rubs the back of her neck. “Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. But I am glad I was able to put a lot of the things I’d been working on to the test… and even experience a smidge of that Mahou power for myself, not just as an observer.”

“Man, that fusion was something I don’t think anyone was expecting, how much did you practice it?”

She sheepishly laughs. “I mean… we did some image training the night before.”

“...Oh. Oh wow, and you actually pulled it off first try?” That was… a REALLY risky move then. And a damn awesome one.

“More or less worked out in the end, though I can’t believe it took that much effort to even come close to KO-ing Peppa.” She rubs her sides as she walks with you. “Especially after how well Pandel worked against you.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” you mumble in faux irritation. “But at the same time, Pandel was you and Videl, your rival and best friend, and the both of you with with your potentials unlocked. Izzy with her Mahou powers are a bit different than just a raw strength boost.” A thought then crosses your mind. “Hey, have you and Izzy even named that fusion? Didn’t make any confident announcement or anything during your fight.”

“Well… kinda leaning Panzumi, because Panzi…” She waves her hand dismissively. “Yeah. The other option is like… Iztea? Izutea…?”

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“Heh, I get ya.” As you think more about your fight with Pandel, a thought crosses your mind. “Wait, crap. I’m ALIVE again!”

Pantea blinks, giving you a weird look. “…Yes? You are?”

“No no, it means I gotta like… get used to this. Being alive, not having as many concerns about stamina, or eating, or, you know…” You kinda whine at that.

Pantea just giggles kindly. “Give it a couple days, you’ll adjust. …Though you will need to start up school again too.”

Hanging your head you exhale loudly. “That too…”

She wraps her arm around your shoulder, hugging you a bit. “Welcome home, Gohan. Now how’s about we get back to some games we’ve been waiting to finish?”

That lifts your spirits immediately. “I’d been waiting for you to ask! Come on, let’s go!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
Are they going to play Zelda again?
>Gohan slowly realizes he was better off dead.

Great finale, ma'am. Fun definitely had.
They are indeed!

Very glad to hear! Thank you!

And okay, we're back!

Things start to finally normalize a bit with you back home. Does… kinda take a bit to readjust to things like school, not pushing your body as much during training, and… a regular sleep pattern. Ugh, it’s like jet lag but for being alive. But your family and friends are there for you.

Peppa especially seems to be a bit more chipper with you back home, though she’s still apparently going to therapy over some of the stuff she’s kinda been through. You end up going with her once and… you were not in the slightest bit ready for who her therapist actually was. You were even less ready for the fact that her… unorthodox methods actually work. Do get a kinda off feeling about her, not quite… untrustworthy, but more like she’s hiding something, or at the very least omitting it. Ah well, probably nothing too big.

Groucho took a bit to get used to Buu being around, but the ol’ tiger got used to the Majin after you taught him all of Groucho’s favorite scratching spots. There WAS a biting incident or two, but thankfully Buu barely even noticed and more thought it was a game. And speaking of games, there is another thing that helps you readjust…


“Quick, switch to Onox!” Pantea exclaims. “The Beast’s got that barrier up again!”

“Got it!”

The Gerudo King smashes his fist into the barrier, and the vaguely tarrasque-like monster reels back a bit. You next switch to Linkle, knowing the pattern by now. Pelt it with Light Arrows as quickly as possible! …Aaaand you missed a dodge and lost half your remaining hearts. Crap crap crap.

“Mean lizard! Nyeh!” Buu almost punches the TV, only for Pantea to catch his fist before he flings it out.

“It’s just a game, Buu. Punching it doesn’t solve things.” She leans in a bit. “Gohan’s tried before, believe me.” Buu pulls his arm back, starting to understand.

“Hey, I was barely seven!” you protest, but keep eyes on the screen.

“And it was a lesson well learned. But anyway that attack has a follow-up, if you don’t dodge it twice it’ll hit ya, and only Onox resists its attacks.” Pantea explains

>A. Okay, give it another try. You’re better prepared now
>B. …Hand it over to Pantea, she’ll be able to beat it
>C. Saaaay. Buu, you want a try? You’ve been watching the controls, right? Just follow the instructions carefully
>D. Something else?
"It's okay to mess up Buu, that's why we have a save file and extra lives."
While Buu is playing, ask Pantea if she wants to get snacks with us. More to discreetly ask if she wants to talk about something more serious.

Idk why but I feel like she wants to ask Gohan what dying felt like. That's weird of me to think, right?
I can get behind this >>5374553
If that's weird I guess I'm more weird for thinking she's been grooming Gohan into her ideal man all these years. Instead of chemistry, their relationship has engineering.
Exen vote:

>Playing a game is like we're telling a story, Buu. It's exciting when its difficult and when the hero wins, but if it ends too early that'll be exciting too, and then we can go back a little while and try again to make the story go better!"

>Also, supporting >>5374553

And I'll support as well
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You pause the game, then look over at the little Majin. “…Heeey, Buu, wanna give this a shot?”

He points at himself. “Me?”

“Yeah. You’ve seen the controls. And… well, playing a game like this is a bit like telling a story that you can control. You want to get the heroes to win, but it can be even more fun when the win is hard to come by. Difficulty, challenge, makes the win feel all the more rewarding. Sometimes even losing can feel fun, because you can go back and try to do things differently. Try to make them better. That sound good?” You hand the controller over. “We’ve got some extra lives, so don’t worry.”

“Yeah yeah yeah! Buu wanna try this game!” he cheers.

“Pantea, wanna grab some snacks?” you ask as you stand up.

“Sure, was getting’ a bit hungry anyway.”

The two of you head to Capsule Corp’s kitchen… you kinda give her a more serious look. “Say… mind if we talk for a moment?”

She pours down popcorn in a bowl. “Sure, what’s up?”

“Been… thinking a bit, about how different it felt. Being there, compared to here.” you start off kinda awkwardly.

She looks back at you, adjusting her glasses. “Yeah?”

“The last time I really remember feeling like… this.” You move your arms around and just vaguely gesture at yourself. “Was before I had that encounter with Baby. And it’s been kinda weird readjusting.”

“...Ah.” She leans back on the counter. “…Did it, hurt?”

You cross your arms. “At first it was like every part of me was on fire, then just… a coldness, like stone, and finally darkness. Pitch black around me. Silent.” Pantea seems to tense up as you say this. “…Then Baba calls me, and I feel fine as ever. New body and everything. A little wobbly at first, but otherwise it was like… waking up from a dream.”

She looks down. “Peppa’s probably given you a whole spiel about how she felt Baby surviving was her fault a couple times before, hasn’t she?”

“She’s gotten better about it. The therapy’s helping. By the way like, have you SEEN her therapist? She’s like, almost the polar opposite of what I expected.” You do try to not say anything about her… looks.

Pantea laughs lightly. “Gohan.”

“I know, I know…” You take the bowl of popcorn. “Do you still feel bad about it?”

“Not as much as I used to. Still a slight sting of guilt. …Morbid curiosity too. Trying to think of it ‘rationally’ for lack of a better word. How you’d… be back eventually.” She rubs the side of her head. “Meeting with you in the realm of the Kais definitely helped ease it just a bit. And the tournament too. Heh, still surprised that trick Pikkon used even worked against Janemba.”

“Right? He could warp dimensions and send the dead to the realm of the living, but then he breaks apart because of some rude language. Baby couldn’t believe it. He was soooo mad.”

The two of you share a laugh, Pantea at ease now. “Thanks, Gohan. That helped. Did it help you too?”

“I think so. Or at least, I’ll probably adjust a bit better.” You start walking back to Buu with the popcorn. “If not, I’m sure mom’ll try to schedule me an appointment with Peppa’s therapist.”

“Starting to sound like you want to see her.” Pantea teases. You pout at her, and she laughs again. Yeah. That did help.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!
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>“...Ah.” She leans back on the counter. “…Did it, hurt?”
>"Did what hurt?"
>Pantea inhales, "WHEN YOU F
Sorry, gonna be another short night, but we're back.

When you get back to the game, Buu had… tried his best. He barely got any hits in against the Beast of Power, and now seems to just be dodging around with Linkle and switching between her various weapons, laughing happily when he sees how some of them work. He even manages to find out some of her more advanced skills. The everything from the Spin Attack to the Light Arrow Crossbows to the Pegasus Boots Inazuma Kick to even the Combo attacks with Onox and Zelda. Buu isn’t able to get the Beast’s barrier down with any of them except for those last ones, but he’s having fun. Though you and Pantea next notice he’s discovered the Golden Cucco.

And now the golden rooster has unleashed the swarm of its brethren upon the boss. And… your jaw drops as you see how much damage it does. Pantea slaps her forehead and laughs. “Oh of course. We spent so much time getting that thing, of COURSE it’s going to do insane damage against the final boss.”

>A. Okay, new strategy achieved! Buu, can I have the controller back?
>B. Pantea, you get the controls, Buu and I will think up some more outside the box ideas
>C. Buu, keep playing! Pantea and I can coach you
>D. Something else?
>D. Maybe we can train him for pro esports?
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"How many of these skills do you think we could replicate from the game? That combo attack seems neat. Imagine the look on Towa, Mira, and Ozotto's faces when a horde of golden ki-cuccos are flying at them."

>>5375481 +1
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You sit down beside the little Majin. “Buu, keep playing! Pantea and I will coach you!”

She sits down on the other side of him. “Okay, so Onox, the bigger guy, he’s able to break through the barrier when the Beast makes them.” Pantea explains. “That’s why you want to attack when it’s down.”

Buu nods. “Okay!”

“You’re doing good dodging the hits, but like Pantea said earlier, watch for the follow-up!” you add next. “You need to use all your best tricks against that boss, just like you were doing before. When you get that bar all the way to the bottom, switch over to the taller girl.” You look at Pantea. “Right?”

“Right!” she confirms.

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And Buu does as instructed, the heroic Gerudo King smashing his fist into the barrier once more and breaking it. Buu switches over to the girl in green, this time utilizing one of the combo attacks with her and Onox, both of them leaping up and delivering a kick together, that smashes into the boss. That’s another chunk down, but the barrier’s back, it’s flashing black and red with malicious energy, and now it’s starting up the attack pattern. Buu… actually does even better than you did, dodging not one, not two, not even three or four, but FIVE simultaneous attacks from claws, horns, teeth, tail, and a Malice-filled ray of destruction. That looked… worryingly difficult. Damn, good thing Buu’s apparently a natural at this.

It’s one more attack to go, and this third and final one has Linkle deliver a flurry of Light Arrows into the Beast’s face, finally depleting it’s health! A prompt’s given, and Pantea instructs Buu to switch to Zelda! What plays out next is more of a cutscene, with Zelda summoning chains of light around the Beast of Power, binding it down. Onox uses his mighty strength to keep it from breaking free. The crests of the Triforce glow brightly on the trio’s hands, and then Linkle stabs down with the Master Sword into the Beast’s head. The symbol of the Triforce appears there, and the monster just… stops.

You, Pantea, and Buu all sit back, exhaling in relief. “Finally. Great job, Buu.”

“Yaaaay! Buu win!” he cheers, and the two of you high-five.

“You did indeed. Congrats, little guy.” Pantea says warmly, patting him on the head.

“You know… I feel kinda inspired now. Those combo moves were cool, and the sudden surprise of the Cuccos doing THAT much damage to the Beast of Power definitely got me thinking. Can you imagine the face on Towa or Mira or even Ozotto when they get bombarded by killer energy chickens?” You smirk a bit. “I think I’ve even got an idea on how to do that.”

“Heh, okay, I’m game. What should we try?”

>A. Combo moves!
>B. Creative Ki attacks!
>C. Hey, Buu, you wanna join us? Or you wanna play some more games?
>D. Something else?

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Hope to see ya then, and stay safe out there!

Vote open until then!
Always have fun. Really enjoyed Pantea and Gohan interacting but there's no pressure. We're free to do whatever.

>D. Ghost Wisp + Light magic = Golden Cuccos
>>5375635 +1
To make it distinct against other abilities, how about if it's use isn't directly damage? Make a swarm of birds (or whatever shape), and make them Tough, Fast, Annoying and Absolutely Everywhere. Bursts of solid light energy that spawn, surround and repeatedly rocket into a target by the dozens or hundreds at a time.

A maneuver that isn't not designed to directly deal damage, just to screw up whatever they thought they were going to do (although they still have to be strong enough to not be ignored by powerful opponents).

Opponents are fast? Make them spawn into and impact them from wherever they are at any moment.

Opponent tries to sense ki to not be blinded? Make them all imitate our ki.

They're in our way as well? As long as we keep some active control over it we can make our openings in the swarm the instant we need them. Also it won't mess with our ability to feel their ki.

Probably would be a challenge to hit that sweet spot of effectiveness, but it has a lot of potential for tactical use and also hilarity.
Adding elements of the Spirit Ball technique may help with that.
Oh, and if we focus on making them tough instead of explosive, we can still eventually take that and *then* pump massive amounts of energy into them. Then let them all go off at once.

Probably yeah.
How many birds we talking, a thousand?
Rolled 15, 3, 7 = 25 (3d20)

Glad to hear that!

And okay, things finally turning around for the better. We are back!

And with that, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first, 15 for the second!
Rolled 13, 19 = 32 (2d20)

Rolled 9, 8 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 15 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 8, 20, 17 = 45 (3d20)

Passed both! Good job! Writing...
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“Some creative Ki attacks would be best. Hey Buu, wanna join in?”

“Okay! Buu help!”

The three of you end up in Capsule Corp’s backyard, enough open space to really test this out. So… creative Ki attacks. The Cucco Swarm idea is interesting… but how would you really make that work? …Gotta make the Ki blasts THEMSELVES tough, not just prone to releasing all their power all at once. That way they can keep pelting a foe by the dozens, maybe hundreds. Distracting, annoying a foe. The swarms never kill the hero in green immediately, after all. So… maybe using the Ghost Wisp and… Light Magic?

Waaaait, you’ve got it! You put in a bit more Ki into each to reinforce them and shape them better, creating glowing golden chickens of energy. You have them start to fly around you, fluttering as annoyingly as possible, and then fling them out towards a target that Buu makes for you. They batter and bounce against it without exploding, each hit letting out a flash of light. Yeah, this is working!

Pantea gets the idea pretty well too, making some of her own that operate a bit more like her Spirit Bits, but still have a similar effect in the end. She experiments a bit with them too, seeing how different Magics work with them. Seems like Lightning might also be a solid one to use with these, as that can provide a rather annoying brief stun effect. It’s not as long as a proper one, but it can definitely catch people by surprise when they’re bombarded by a swarm of electric chickens. Haha, nice.

…And from merely watching you and Pantea practice this idea, Buu ends up not only replicating it, but doing so with ease. He then experiments a bit himself, even splitting himself off into little… Chicken Buus. But the real kicker is when he is able to sort of morph one into this… chicken… ninja… superhero? It delivers some flashy attacks before vanishing on its own.

And then Buu even gives it a SONG.

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Complete with several demonstrations of how the Chicken Ninja can attack and distract someone, with it having some of Buu’s own malleable abilities to increase its durability. Buu finishes it off with the chicken returning to… normal, and the little Majin holding it between his hands, smiling up at the two of you.

You and Pantea just… kinda stare in disbelief over this. But Buu seems rather proud of himself now. At least he’s… using his creativity productively?

“Well. I’ll count this as a success. Gonna need a name for this technique eventually, though.”

You nod. “Yeah, eventually.” Let’s see…

>A. Name it! You’ve got plenty of time
>B. Try something else, a different technique that’s inspired you
>C. Maybe one combo attack couldn’t hurt
>D. Actually, you’re good now
>E. Something else?
>B. Try something else, a different technique that’s inspired you
How about a ki boomerang?
>A. Flock of Ischi!
>C. Maybe this concept could be adapted to less chicken-y offbeat hits between normal conbo strikes. Keep opponents on the back foot.
Both are good
>A. Name it! You’ve got plenty of time

ROCKIN' FLOCKIN' (cuz Ishii in japanese means like 'a rocky place' )
(Getting to say to people 'FLOCK YOU' would be a bonus)

So who's taking the role of Onox, Zelda and Linkle?

Buu = Onox
Pantea = Zelda
Gohan = Linkle

Is my best guess.

okay boomer....ang.
Shit, forgot to link it. Now my post will be ignored for all eternity! Noooooo!
Rolled 14, 5, 7 = 26 (3d20)

Okay real real quick, roll me 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last two!
Rolled 20, 14, 5, 3 = 42 (4d20)

Rolled 11, 6, 8, 17 = 42 (4d20)

Rolled 4, 20, 11, 3 = 38 (4d20)

Rolled 1, 7, 17 = 25 (3d20)

Hahahaha, got three of them! Fantastic job!

And okay, gotta turn in for the night, but we should be back again tomorrow usual time of ~6:30 pm PST. Thank y'all for playing, see you then, and stay safe!
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Chicken Buu, what's the matter with you?
You don't act like the other Majins do
You wear a disguise to look like chicken guys
But you're not chicken, you're a Chicken Buu
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That is a chicken I tell you, a giant chicken
Spoilers for the new movie: Vegeta beats Goku in their fight after the credits.
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“Okay, how’s about this? Let’s call the base… the Flock of Ischii! Or maybe… Rockin’ Flockin’?”

Pantea giggles. “Both sound good. I’ll probably use the latter for mine.”

“Cool cool. So… what else…” You place your hands behind your head and lay down, looking up at the sky as you think through some of the things you’d seen Linkle, Onox, and Zelda were able to pull off. A Powerful Punch of some sort is… interesting, but not especially useful. Besides, Videl kinda cornered that with her developing a perfect Falcon Punch of her very own. Hookshot? Grappling Hook? Hrmn… Keli’s got a Ki Lasso. Crossbows…? …Geist Magnums could serve as a good basis, but ehhh… Wait. Wait you’ve got it! You sit up and declare, “Boomerangs!”

Pantea blinks. “Boomerangs?’

“Ki boomerangs. A blast that can hits and then returns to you, or keeps traveling around to hit more things. Think the Spirit Ball, but wider and… well, ‘denser’ like we made the cuccos. Or like aunt Chi-chi’s or Krillin’s cutting attacks, just more… blunt.” you explain. That gets her smiling, and so the two of you try it out. Pantea’s able to get a basic version done, trying to shape it a bit more like some kind of circlet or… tiara of energy. It works, though it’s still very basic.

You though? You’re able to not just make it, you’re able to change it and alter it with ease! You start off with a basic thrown Ki blast that can boomerang back, then you shape it into a much larger one, then you see how far you can alter that. Two boomerangs, a boomerang as big as you are, TOMAHAWK Boomerangs, electrified boomerangs, oh this is GREAT! Yeeaaaah, Ki Boomerangs.

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“So, try some combo moves next. Buu, you can be Onox, the strong one.”

He pumps his arms in the air. “Buu strong!”

You give him a double thumb’s up, then turn to your taller friend. “Pantea, you’re the smart one, so think up some of Zelda’s moves.”

“Right.” she says with a nod.

“And this means I’m… Linkle?” Wait. Crap, did you think this through? …No, no, that fits best. “Yeah, I’ll play the role of Linkle.”

Pantea giggles a bit. “Well then, oh Hero of Courage, oh Hero of Beasts, what skills shall we focus on?” she intones in a way very similar to how Queen Zelda’s dialogue had been written.

First up is you and Buu. Both of you leap up and kick down at a training dummy. At first it’s a little awkward due to the Majin’s smaller frame, but Buu rectifies that by just stretching his leg out a bit to match you, and it connects! Yes! Perfect! You and Pantea try it next, with you knocking a target forward and her snapping her fingers to create an explosion where it lands… and that doesn’t go quite as well. You overshoot knocking the dummy away and that causes her to miss. You try it again, with her snapping her fingers quicker, and while the target does get hit by the explosion, it also nearly singes you. You fall back on your butt, and awkwardly landing on your tail first. “Ow!”

“Oof, you okay Gohan?” Pantea questions as she moves over to you.

Getting off your tail, you rub it gently, then nod, noticing a strange smell. “Yeah, yeah, just gotta… work on that timing.”

“Also the collateral.” a voice calls out to you both. The three of you turn to see Yamcha in his baseball uniform… and just not realize he’s been watching you the whole time. Wait what was that about collateral? …Seemingly knowing what you were asking in your head without even reading your mind, Yamcha points a bit forward. Where there is some singed grass… and currently BURNING grass.

“Crap!” you swear, you and Pantea leaping up and stomping it out.

Yamcha laughs a bit. “Haha, well, good to see things are back to normal for ya, Gohan. Even if I still need to remind a certain daughter of mine about setting things on fire.”

“Hey, this one was completely accidental!” Pantea protests. “…And not related to science projects this time.” she adds in a lower voice. And then in an even lower and quieter voice, adds, “…Or game testing.”

>A. Hey Yamcha! Sorry about that, we just had a bunch of ideas we wanted to test out
>B. Wait what was that about game testing?
>C. Did you want to join us, sir?
>D. Something else?

Sorry about the delay again, but things settled now. We might wrap the thread up tonight depending on how things go.
Did someone say "Best Robot Master" or was it simply "Boomerang"?


So, the tag tourney was a bust, are there any races in the future?
"How's the baseball going Yamcha? The Taitans still champs?"
>D. Eh, unliving without video games for a year has given you some perspective. They're mundane in comparison to what you experience IRL on a regular basis, and certainly not something anyone would want to read discussions about. Before Mini Buu can get too corrupted, bring him outside to touch grass and turn all the world's landscape into a Candy Land.
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Wahahaha, soon Sugar Rush will be a reality, and a video game will be real! The perfect place for a race!
>A & B.
Wreck-It Ralph won't exist for another two years.
Fix-it Felix Jr came out decades ago
>A. Hey Yamcha! Sorry about that, we just had a bunch of ideas we wanted to test out
>D."How's the baseball going Yamcha? The Taitans still champs?"
>B. Wait what was that about game testing?
Literally no one:

Where's Puar?
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wherever u want him to b, bb
Probably eating, after all that "Cat loves food, yeah yeah yeah".
That link should be to >>5377499
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“Hey Yamcha! Sorry about that, we just got some ideas we wanted to test out and… might have gotten a bit carried away.” you say with a nervous laugh.

He waves his hand. “Ah it’s fine kid, Pantea’s the one that needs to watch it anyway. Else Bulma’s going to invent fireproof grass.”

“Daaaaad.” she whines.

“How’s the baseball going, Yamcha? The Taitans still champs?”

“Hah! You know it. Some folks have been trying to capitalize on a few of our changeups this season, but I’ve gotten the newbies up to speed pretty quickly.” he states proudly. “New batter was pretty intimidated at first, but the look on his face when he turned a 165 kph pitch into a home run after one strike today. Heh, coach even says he hopes I’ll take his position if I ever retire.”

“I think you’d be a good fit.” you compliment. And only now does your mind finally register a thing Pantea said a second ago. “Wait. Wait wait wait. What was that about game testing?”

Her face is absolutely beaming now. “Oh man, Gohan, I’ve gotta show you the results of the project mom and I have been working on! Peppa’s gotten a few test runs in, even Izzy has seen it, but it’s starting to get close to completion.”

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She grabs your arm and walks you to some kind of arcade cabinets, passing by a napping Puar along the way, and setting down a few figurines and starting to go over this… Battle Simulator thing she and Bulma have set up. Buu holds on to the edge of it, poking his head up as she goes over the details, even grabbing one of the figurines with his antenna so he can get a better look at it. So it’s a sort of turn based arcade squad game, each figurine having different stats and abilities, some working better with certain units than others, with a number of them already licensed on some very familiar faces. All stress tested to a reasonable extent too, so they’re not too fragile.

Excitedly, she then asks if you’re up for a few rounds in it. And you know what? Yeah, you definitely are. She’s worked hard on this and it’s a new game to try out. Even Buu seems enthralled by it. Heh, maybe you can get some figurines of him and yourself made.

…You know? It’s good to be back on Earth again.









>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for this thread! Did y’all have fun? Thank you all so, so, soooo much for playing and sticking with this. Next thread shouldn’t take nearly as long to happen as this one did, and hopefully shouldn’t have near as many interruptions. We’ll probably go into the Monty scheme next time, and maaaybe something about the Promised Day.

In addition, how was the Mifan Tag Tournament? Comments, criticisms, any other thoughts on it? And lastly, any character interactions y’all would like to see going forward? Feel free to share!
>In addition, how was the Mifan Tag Tournament? Comments, criticisms, any other thoughts on it?
It wasn't the best it could be, and this is due to indecisiveness on the players part. A tournament is a chance for the players themselves to put their skin in the game to determine if the character they've invested time and heart into, to determine if they win. It's a test of their planning, improvisation, and overall karma that factors into if their avatar is successful.

If the players do not jump at the chance to take advantage of their privilege to control the characters, rather choosing to spectate when it's come down to all the marbles, then that means they don't care who won the final match. If the outcome of the tourney isn't something people care about, then for all the time we've been spending with it trying to make sure the characters win the thing, something's wrong.

This could in part be because of the placement of fights. If Peppa and Izzy were to fight in the semi-finals, then that would mean there's to be another match afterward, which means the wish to get Gohan back still isn't a sure-thing. Since that was the goal that was priority for both groups, the players would've been more invested in the outcome of the final match instead of humdrum spectation of the affair, leaving it up to you to roll a bunch of dice on your lonesome and waiting for words to be written till the story advanced.

Their indecisiveness on who should stand as winners at the end of the day also ruined the story beat I had planned where Gohan and Mini Buu would show up as the challenger pair from HFIL to do another match with the victors after doing the rockin' entrance.

>And lastly, any character interactions y’all would like to see going forward? Feel free to share!
As she is right now, less of Pantea please. I don't enjoy her as a character personality-wise, finding her kinda bland and just a vehicle for references and gadgets. And it isn't believable that someone who plays video games and watches anime and Does Machines as much as she does would also have time to also be a wizard as well as a Z-Fighter. I mean, without snapping, but as it stands, Pantea's personality is too stable for how thin she stretches herself.

Maybe make her more eccentric (in a way that isn't just "the dreamgirl likes all the nerd culture things I like and is pretty and fucking rich!") or having different morality due to living a completely different lifestyle from the other characters as the rich scion of Capsule Corp who also has time to be a huge nerd and martial artist and magical girl? For a reference on characters who have a vast knowledge in their area of expertise, inherit control of a organization and possess a way different morality than ordinary people, have you ever read Franken Fran?

Also, more Piccolo and Krillin please. They should figure in the story more, they rarely do.
Well, may as well be as helpful instead of being negative. So, Pantea's traits: Gamer, Weeb, Mage, Engineer, Corporate Princess, Martial Artist.

She is outspoken in her love of video games, it's the main thing she and Gohan talk about. Sorta the only thing they have to talk about besides "Get stronger rrrrgh" or "So how's your Unlife?" or "I'll never measure up to my sister and my mom thinks I'm lame because I got mad when she got stabbed, abloobloobloo!" "That's why I'm molding you into getting good, you crybaby! That's it, Gravity Chamber till you pull off a new technique so we can steamroll your self esteem issues into submission!"

Went on a tangent there, there are things they do talk about that develop from their journeys as characrers... but it all stems from the status quo of us dropping in on them playing video games or training. It's like watching an anime do an exposition scene where two characters are sitting at a cafe, no action or developments are occuring, they're talking about the past and maybe they'll go to a fireworks factory but that's still a long way out. The only time Gohan has elected to go on an adventure while he's been on Earth is when he decided to see what the Nonsense about Ninjas was. He was simply reacting to other developments or taken along for the ride, and he and Pantea never do anything interesting on their own. They just talk, train, and play video games. Sometimes they talk about the times Peppa and Izzy went to some fireworks factories and he could only ever hope to visit one some day.

This time Pantea spares to shoot the shit and play video games must be planned well in advance with the rest of her studies and projects. That could lead to some adventures of her own, such as testing out a new invention, comparing the translations of two similar magic tomes so a fireball doesn't explode in her face when she casts it that bets the characters a new technique possibly, or a look into the Zaibatsu world where Pantea has to get Gohan to use lightning to blackout all the non-Capsule Homes in a district consistently and write them off as Acts of God to encourage purchases of godless capsule homes.

Point is, there are many directions to go with Pantea that are still unexplored, and there's potential for Pantea to be a lot more than what she is now, which is "Perfect."
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It's been good, Kato. The Mifan Tournament was great. It was a lot of fun seeing all the varied fighters and creative battles. The end to the tournament was great, and I especially enjoyed the rocking return with Gohan. Please don't take the opinions of a perpetually salty angry as something anyone else shares. Pantea and Gohan's relationship is nice, and it was fun seeing them have something more low-key and chill for them both.

Going forward, I'd like to see some other Social Links fill up. Peppa and Izzy could do with some time with Lime, Gohan definitely should hang out with Zarid, and all the kids should interact with Baozi and Daikon some more. Izzy also could do with talking Mahou with Maple, and also bonding with her gang. Peppa might do well to talk with her uncles some too. Gohan should try and find Yurin too, maybe see if his befriending of Buu can change her mind a bit. Also, is Korkoro gonna stick around with the Ghouls? Might be nice to chat with her again. Also the Radical Dreamers, Izzy and/or Gohan could do well chatting with them some.

Looking forward to next time!
>Please don't take the opinions of a perpetually salty angry as something anyone else shares.
Why do you seek to dismiss my criticism? If no one else shares it, fine, but does that make it invalid?

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