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A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the fate of the world once it lies in her hands- is as of yet undecided, but, from the perspective of any mortal, it cannot be good.

Since we last left Atë, she had infiltrated and decimated the gang of a rival incarnation, a mysterious anarchist known only to her, and the world at large, as Molotov. She had hoped to stage an ambush by turning the surviving gang members against him, however, due to the functions of one of his powers- one that allowed him to share his abilities with his subordinates- he saw through Atë’s trick and is now on a rampage, slaughtering his own men and obliterating his own base.

Currently, the story is following another incarnation- the rugged Polizeioberkommissar Braun, the head of a small task force assigned with hunting down incarnations. Recently, you recruited a teenage Fury as a member of your team in order to save her from being punished for her inadvertent crimes, which most likely would have led to her execution. Now you, her, and your partner and fellow incarnation Annalie Chen, have been tasked with hunting down what seems to be a plant-manipulating serial killer before she can skewer her next wealthy victim.

>Archive of the last thread:

>Links to information regarding the quest, including system notes, level up requirements, and character sheets
>This is definitely one of ours. Thanks for the heads up, we’ll take it from here

Köhler nods and thanks you for doing this. He has a solemn respect for you in his eyes- from his perspective, you’re a hero, a normal human who put himself between the normal citizenry and these divine freaks. His respect for you is evident. You don’t have the heart to tell him that you signed up for the money. Not that you need it anymore, since, no matter how much cash you threw at it, the cancer still took your father.

You drive back to the base to brief Chen on the new case. When you enter the training area with the file in your hand, her eyes widen in surprise.

“Already, sir?”

You shrug and say, “Those Greeks came up with way too many gods. It’s like they were trying to work me to death.”

Seemingly noticing you passing the files to Chen, Rosa stops her training: it looks like she’s been practicing flight in confined spaces, and glides down next to Chen.

“Do we have a case?” she asks, with a hint of excitement in her voice, reaching for the case file.

“WE don’t have anything. You’re not ready,” she says, snatching the brown folder, and its contents, away from Rosa’s reach.

“Sir,” Rosa says, turning to you, “I came here to fight back against criminal incarnations. I came here to work with you, not sit around in a basement and balance a book on my head like a 15th century noblewoman. Sir.”

“She hasn’t even started her combat training, sir. We can’t take that risk.”

On the one hand, if the suspect has the type of powers you think she does, Rosa would probably be a massive help in fighting them off. On the other, Chen does make a good point: there’s no sense in sending out kids to fight murderers in the first place, but the least you can do is teach them some self defense first. What should you do?

>Side with Rosa
>Side with Chen
>>Side with Chen
Rosa, do you really want to risk hurting innocent bystanders by mistake again? You gotta learn to walk before you run.
Also, if anyone is interested in filling it out, I made a form to gauge the popularity of various characters in the quest, it's mostly just to satisfy my personal curiosity, but if the results are wildly against my expectations it could convince me to reroute my plan for future events a bit

>Side with Chen
You have to learn to GIT GUD
>Side with Rosa
We're a wild card who doesn't play by the rules

>Side with Chen

“Chen’s right, kid. You’re not ready.”

“But sir, even without the training, I know I can fight. The system gives me corrections, I’m definitely stronger than any mortal cop, and I’m pretty sure I could even take you. Sir.”

“Even if that were true, you’re missing the point, kid. The training isn’t just to protect you from the world, it’s to protect the world from you. Remember what happened with Morpheus? If you can’t restrain yourself properly, and if you can’t fight without relying on your powers, you’ll overuse them and everything will go to shit. Again.”

She looks at her feet and doesn’t respond.

“You’ll get to help us on a case soon, kid. Just not yet.”

She nods. You tell Chen to read up on the case files while you begin teaching her the basics of fighting: how to make a fist, how to assume a proper stance, and how to apply her balance training in a fight. Again, she’s a natural, but there’s only so much you can do in a few hours. You suspect that Chen is doing some more of the footwork while you train with Rosa, both to save you some trouble and give her some time to learn.

Once you wrap things up, you tell her the nature of her next training: berserk management. Essentially, she’ll have to use her authority without allowing her anger to escalate. She gives it a shot, but she spirals out of control quickly. You think to yourself that you finally found something she isn’t gifted at.

You reconvene with Chen. She already has a few leads, but she isn’t entirely sure what your next step should be. What should you investigate first?

>Radical environmental activist groups
>The companies the victims belonged to. Maybe there’s a common thread?
>It’s possible that the criminal was using the other killings as a cover to hide their true target and motive
>This reeks of corporate espionage. Maybe I should investigate some competitors
>The companies the victims belonged to. Maybe there’s a common thread?
The ecoterrorism angle might be a smokescreen? Just because the perp has plant-based superpowers doesn't mean they are killing these rich influential people over that. An incarnation's myth doesn't dictate their own actions completely; it is up to them to decide how to play things out in this twisted game.

As for Rosa, it makes sense that her authority's anger part keeps reasserting itself. It isn't her own power as a living being, but one lent to her in this game by the system within the gestalt of whatever her myth is as an incarnation. The only way might be to level the authority up to give it more control by default. That involves her gaining influence exp, but how can we do that for her safely without causing undue damage or chaos? We'd need her to tell us everything she has from her golden system character sheet, and go from there
>>Radical environmental activist groups
God damn hippies
>>Radical environmental activist groups
>Radical environmental activist groups
>The companies the victims belonged to. Maybe there’s a common thread?
binged the first thread in its entirety today

>>Radical environmental activist groups
We get the sentiment, but fuck off, klimakleber
At least this one did something that could actually invoke change and went after some top shelf people

>Radical environmental activist groups

You remind yourself of the way the system grants people these <Myths>: by synchronization rate. In other words, a tree hugging hippie is a lot more likely to get some kind of plant-adjacent god or spirit than a cutthroat executive would be.

“We’ll be looking into the green freaks this time around. In the past, they knew that they stood no chance of effecting real change through violence. Now? One of them might fancy themselves a revenant who can defend and avenge nature.”

“Like a murderous Lorax?”

“Yeah, just like that.”

“Still, aren’t these kinds of groups not exactly cooperative with law enforcement? Especially since the members of any one of these gangs would more likely than not agree with everything our serial killer is doing, it’ll probably be difficult to get anything out of them.”

She makes a valid point. The organization you’re investigating, ‘Defenders of the Natural Earth’ has a history of making problems for your side of the law. Even back when they were gluing themselves to trees like a bunch of morons, they were still more than willing to dip into illegal activity. Now, when they finally have someone getting shit done- hell, maybe they’re even cooperating with them actively- there’s no way they’d willingly turn them over to you.

You could really use a smoke. Now that you can’t get sick anymore, you guess your dad would probably take back his request. He’d say something like, “You lucky bastard! Guess that supercop garbage really did have perks. And here I thought you were doing that for me!”

Then again, a promise is a promise.

You snap out of your musings and refocus on the case. There are a number of ways to get at these losers without tipping our hand. What should you do?

>Have Chen infiltrate the organization as a member and gain information from the inside
>Investigate them under false pretexts. You do have a much longer rope for technically illegal stuff than you did as a normal detective, after all
>Classic stakeout. Pick a target and watch them from a distance
>Make an arrest on a member with wavering commitment and only drop the charges on the condition that they spy for us
>Classic stakeout. Pick a target and watch them from a distance

Chen can literally look through walls with impossible detail.
>Classic stakeout. Pick a target and watch them from a distance
Chen OP
+1. EZ choice.

Also maybe Braun should pick up some beef jerky or lollipops. Something to chew on. Maybe even just some toothpicks. Apparently that can help some smokers trying to quit/stay dry.
one of the unaddressed issues of last thread: the guy who wants to find out Atë's name and location
I have only skimmed the posts of anons as I caught up to the this thread, so I don't know if others have posted suggestions
We already know of the boar kid going on a rampage when someone attempts to alter their mind. It stands to reason that others get notified too in some way who will realize that the online personas we have are incarnations.
I suggest we set up a honeypot to trap them
>Classic stakeout. Pick a target and watch them from a distance

Since the organization has caused issues in the past, you have reasonably detailed records on their core members and meeting places, most of which are in or around Leipzig. You decide to start your stakeout in front of their primary point of congregation: a building that was once a small printing house that had since been bought and somewhat renovated by one of the members, Jan Bauer, who came into a significant inheritance after his wealthy parents died in a car accident. Jan is a core member, but despite bankrolling most of the operation, he isn't the leader. That distinction goes to Emma Krause, a young professor of environmental sciences at the University of Leipzig.

You and Chen dress in civilian attire and sit in coffee shop across from the building in question. Chen gets one of those massive, elaborate drinks that are only about as much coffee as homeopathic remedies are their respective medicines, while you settle for a black tea. You never did like coffee.

"Don't you usually take your coffee black?"

Chen shrugs, "If I want black coffee, I have a machine full of that at home. When in Rome, right?"

Fair enough, you suppose.

You take your seats inside, and position yourself in such a way that you sit between Chen and the Defenders' hangout spot. You also exchange canned conversation so as not to come off as suspicious to passersby.

"Anything interesting at work?"

You ask. The words are a code, of course, asking about the conversations inside.

"Some of my coworkers were chatting about the news," she replies. The victims have been mentioned.

You cock an eyebrow, "Oh, did they have an opinion about it?"

She shakes her head, "Not sure. They've been vague. Besides, I still have some trouble reading the room."

So they haven't said anything incriminating, but her lip reading still isn't good enough to catch the entire conversation.

"Do they seem informed?"

"A little. But they're definitely happy about it."

You take another sip of your tea.

"I heard you had a party at work last week. Was everyone invited?"

She shakes her head, "Not everyone. You know how cliquey the office can be."

In other words, she suspects that this organization is at least related to the murders, but that any involvement is only known by the core members.

Chen continues monitoring the conversation, but nothing else related to your case comes up.

You've probably gained all the intel you can just by watching the larger meetings. How should you proceed?

>Flip one of the unawares by threatening to charge them with conspiracy to commit murder
>Tail one of the core members and monitor for incriminating details
>Arrest one of the core leaders and use some enhanced interrogation techniques to extract information

>Tail one of the core members and monitor for incriminating details

No need to tip our hand yet, once we make a move they'll lock down and wall up hard, or worse get lawyers involved.


Man, I bet Atë and Pheme could live cushy lives consulting for the government. Makes me wonder if pretending to go straight and work the government as an agent, only to backstab them from the inside eventually would be a good move. We could get government resources and protection while hunting other Incarnations, and get a shopping list of targets to assassinate later.
>Arrest one of the core leaders and use some enhanced interrogation techniques to extract information
I always enhance my interrogation techniques
I'll wait until morning for a tiebreaker. If there isn't one by then, I'll just roll for it

>Tail one of the core members and monitor for incriminating details

You subtly inform Chen of your idea, and she affirms it. You imagine that this is the idea she would have come up with as well.

However, the question remains. Who should you tail? There are multiple core members, after all.

>Emma, the leader
>Jan, the piggy bank
>Aisha, the financier
>Elias, the scribe and social media rep
>Levi, the protest organizer
>>Levi, the protest organizer
Knowing when people are ready to do shit usually means knowing what they do by happenstance. And being someone who actually gets shit organized and done means they're most likely to have dirty hands.
>>Jan, the piggy bank
I yearn to hear the piggy squeal
>Levi, the protest organizer
>Emma, the leader
>Man, I bet Atë and Pheme could live cushy lives consulting for the government

Just saw this and while it does sound cool to try, they'd probably be pretty suspicious of an incarnation of ruin and folly. Also if we run into any members of our pantheon they have on payroll we're boned.
we just need to find one fitting incarnation and claim to be them
we have pandora, and can say we already gain passive divinity from all the hell that was unleashed simply from incarnations being a thing
I don't want to go down that route.
I binged the first thread on monday and I'm gonna do it again while writing a sort of todo-list of things I want to try or I saw other anons pointing out we haven't tried yet
>we have pandora, and can say we already gain passive divinity from all the hell that was unleashed simply from incarnations being a thing
They're employing a Fury of Vengeance. And we don't have to be honest, we could say we're the Calydon Boar, and we picked up some of our other abilities by fending off other incarnations. Touch of Madness and Whispers could be abilities we keep hidden...

Of course Divine Tutor might out us.
my bad, we have a relic pithos of pandora
point I was trying to make is that we can claim to be someone else
then again, information warfare's a bitch
I just think between Tutor, other abilities, shop items we might not have seen yet, pantheon members, it's very risky.

>Levi, the protest organizer

You decide that your best bet for finding whatever radical actor is engaging in these killings is the person who’s been responsible for orchestrating the Defenders’ stunts in the past, regardless of (and on several occasions in spite of) the law. As you and Chen get back in the car, you tell her who you’ve decided to investigate, and she agrees.

You follow Levi for a while, taking care to not be too conspicuous in your tailing. By the time he’s made it back to his apartment, he still doesn’t seem to have noticed him. You and Chen sit in the car, parked in a location from which you couldn’t possibly watch Levi using natural means. You decide to check in on Rosa while Chen watches for anything suspicious.

>How is the training going?

>good! i was able to activate berserk for like twenty minutes

>Impressive. Did you cut it out on your own or did you break something first?

>i uh
>maybe put a little hole in the wall

>That’s fine, those sorts of things are covered.

>ok cool
>sorry about that

It’s a good thing your task force has so much leeway from the government. Least they could do, you suppose, since you’re basically a suicide squad.

You decide to check in on the surveillance.

“Anything suspicious?”

“No sir, he’s just playing video games with his little sister. Smash Bros, it looks like. The new one.”

“Keep me posted if anything noteworthy happens.”

“Yes, sir.”
You’ll have a lot of time to kill while you wait. What should you do?

>Coach Rosa over a video call
>Practice precise control of <Fires of Wrath>
>Look into the Defenders
>Look into Levi
>Look into the victims
>>Look into the Defenders
can Braun simply buy a Diviner in the shop?
He certainly could. That being said, it won't give any information about the incarnation's human identity if activated
>Practice precise control of <Fires of Wrath>

Weapon is no good if you don't have the confidence to use it.
>Practice precise control of <Fires of Wrath>
Light cigarettes and then throw them away unsmoked
It will also train self control

>Practice precise control of <Fires of Wrath>

You create a small flame. You notice that, though still blue, your fire is much less so, almost gray or silver in comparison to the bright cyan blaze you’ve seen from Rosa. You can manipulate its size and, to some extent, its shape. You try making two sparks and controlling them independently, which is possible for you but puts considerable strain on your concentration.

About an hour passes with you running various exercises with the small flame: sculpting it into distinct forms, partial movement, and sudden shifts and stops. You can tell that your proficiency with the skill has increased significantly. While you’re trying to mimic flight with a crude bird you’ve fashioned from the fire, Chen speaks, breaking your focus.

“They’re discussing the victims, sir.”

“Is Levi on the phone?”

“No sir. Him and his sister.”

Your eyes widen. “How old was she, again?”

“Sixteen, sir.”


“It gets worse, sir. From the way they’re talking… I think she’s the incarnation. The murderer, sir.”

Looks like you don’t have the only child soldier in town.

In all seriousness, this complicates things. It’s impossible to tell if the kid is a true believer or is just acting to impress her older brother. More to the point, regardless of her intentions, the people she’s killed have been too high profile for the government to let you do what you did with Rosa. And that’s assuming you can survive at all. What should be done?

>Wait until Levi leaves home and then attack
>Take Levi as a hostage and use him to capture the killer
>Arrest Levi and keep close watch of the girl. Only act if it looks like she’ll kill again
>If I can find a good position, I can probably take the girl out through the apartment window
>I should call in backup. Either cops or social services
>Take Levi as a hostage and use him to capture the killer
Everyone lives! Unless she resists
While there isn't a tie, I generally like to wait until there's more than one vote before I decide things. If there aren't more votes by morning, I'll just update tomorrow anyway
>>Take Levi as a hostage and use him to capture the killer
I will vote so that we can keep schmooving

Supportin! Arrest big sis and use her to goad little sis into a disadvantageous location (with a lot of concrete and very little soil)

>Take Levi as a hostage and use him to capture the killer

You decide that the plan with the best odds of neutralizing the situation nonlethally is to take a page out of the criminal handbook and take a hostage. You explain your idea to Chen and, though you can tell she wants to object, she recognizes that your plan is the only practical solution that doesn’t involve killing a kid.

You stake the apartment out until Levi leaves for groceries, at which time you intercept his exit and apprehend him. He tries to flee, but you react faster, tackling him to the ground and pinning him as you put the cuffs on him. He curses at you and Chen, accusing you of being an accomplice to the murder of the planet once you tell him of his charges. You prop him up to his feet, and he seems confused as you start to take him towards his apartment instead of away from it. As he tries to figure the situation out, he doesn’t even notice when you plant the barrel of your pistol on his back.

“Wh-what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to like, take me in?”

“You’re just an accomplice. What we want is the killer.”

His eyes widen as he realizes your intentions.

“No. NononononoNO!” He screams and thrashes, attempting to escape your grip. However, especially considering your newly enhanced body and his small, wiry frame, he never had a chance of escaping.

You have Chen pat him down for his keys while you email the names of the suspects to yourself should this whole thing go south.

You unlock the door. You pulled the birth certificate for Levi’s sister, so you know her name.

“Annika Wagner. It’s the police. We’re just here to talk.”

The girl walks towards the doorway from the kitchen. She’s small, stunted, almost, and takes after her brother’s slight frame. She’s dressed warmly, wearing a thick, woolen sweater and stocky gray sweatpants over her pale, bony figure. As she turns her gaze to you, her eyes widen when she sees you have her brother in handcuffs. The gun is obscured from her vision. She speaks, projecting a confidence that she clearly doesn’t have.

“What is this about?”
“We’re investigating a string of murders we suspect to be serial killings by one of those supernatural guys you might have seen on the news. Incarnations, they call themselves.”

You can see her begin to sweat, “A-and, what does that have to do with us?”

“The game’s up, Annika. We know it’s you. Please don’t resist.”

Her face springs into full blown panic as a wooden spike emerges from beneath her wrist.

“A-and what are you gonna do about it, huh? You’re just cops. I’m a GOD.”

“We’re incarnations too,” Chen interjects, “and our job is to protect normal people from the monsters.”

“We know you think you’re doing the right thing, and maybe you are. But right now, you’re a threat. We can’t let that pass.”


Bark begins to creep out from under her clothes, wrapping around her skin like armor.

“Don’t do anything stupid. We wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

Her eyes turn from your face to her brother’s.

“You bastard! Aren’t you supposed to be the good guys?”

“If I were a bad guy,” you retort, “I wouldn’t have bothered with the hostage. I would have shot you dead. Both of you.”

“This isn’t America. You don’t even HAVE guns.”

“Most cops don’t,” you reveal the gun you’d been pointing to Levi’s back, “but these ones do. Don’t resist.”

She freezes.

“You… you’re monsters.”

“Maybe,” you reply, “but what about you? Aren’t you a killer, too?”

“Have you read the Defenders’ Manifesto?” she suddenly asks.

“I have,” you reply, “For a radical environmentalist group, their demands were shockingly reasonable.”

“Then why? Why are you stopping us? We’re not asking for law enforced veganism, or even an end to all manufacturing. We just want basic respect for nature. To not flood our rivers and seas and air with chemical garbage, to not turn our own home into a wasteland. Do you know what the number one cause of deforestation is? They needed ranching space for cows. Not because they needed the wood for homes or heat or tools, but because they wanted to make money. The reward to the common folk? Twenty percent off beef. Is that really worth it? Worth all of that death and destruction?”

You shrug, “Listen kid, I don’t make the rules here. We have laws, and you broke them. Wanna change the rules? Vote. You don’t get to play judge, jury, and executioner.”

“Voting doesn’t work,” she says, the energy seemingly sucked out of her, “Activism doesn’t work. Nothing works. Except this.”

“Seems like this doesn’t work either.”
Defeated, she slumps to the floor. Chen walks up to her and, as a safety precaution, knocks her unconscious.

“Sir,” Chen asks, as she takes Annika up.

“What is it?”

“I think she’s paralyzed.”


She pulls up her sweater. Tendrils of wood and root trail down her flesh like veins.

“Looks like she’s been using an authority to move.”

You turn to Levi, and he begins to explain. Apparently, his family used to live in a small town downriver to a chemical plant. The same one that one of the victims hailed from. While her mother was pregnant with her, the town’s water became contaminated. This, according to the doctors, was the cause of Annika’s deformity.

You think to yourself that, despite being an agent of the law, justice and legality are often very different.

>Congratulations! You have subjugated a higher level incarnation! Granting appropriate influence from your <Directive>.

Influence: 154->294/400

Level: 2->3

You’ve gained considerable influence for apprehending Annika, but the situation is far from resolved. You keep her in a holding cell contained in your task force’s building, specially designed to hold individuals with supernatural strength, but it will be difficult to keep her there forever. Ultimately, her fate lies in the hands of your superiors, but they will more likely than not defer to your opinion. What should be done?

>Give her the opportunity to renounce her abilities. Execute her if she refuses.
>Keep her incarcerated here
>There’s an incarnation working with the Austrian government with the ability to wipe memories. We’ll call for her help
>We’ll attempt to re-educate her the old-fashioned way

> Shit's fucked boss, you make the call. I'm getting drunk so I can keep pretending the system is worth defending.
>Keep her incarcerated here
I think there's some legal precedent for some weird bullshit involving aggrieved parties, and she would technically be one. However that wouldn't extend to the various uninvolved parties she's killed. Put on top of that she can "hear" nature in pain or whatever means that reeducation is effectively impossible. And if someone else were to pick up her aspect they'd probably also start to hear plants screaming and shit it would lead to another radical maniac popping up. So killing her and freeing the thing to go wherever is a bad idea.

Sucks for her, but it's time out box forever. Wish she could be reformed. Nature-related incarnates can probably do a lot of good for the world, too bad she got stuck with a vengeful bent.
+1; I want to show leniency and let Levi visit her too
I think she's doing the right thing. Problem is the law isn't necessarily "right" in life.

>Keep her incarcerated here

You advocate for her long term incarceration to your supervisor. Talking to him is always uncomfortable; due to the morally dubious nature of your entire operation, your high-profile boss generally doesn’t want to be associated with you, and, should it come to that, wants to be able to cut all ties to the project should it become necessary or politically expedient.

Your boss suggests making use of Lethe- the Austrians do owe you a favor, after all, but you respectfully disagree, arguing that the powers Annika holds are inherently radicalizing, and that you’d rather deal with the demon you know than the demon you don’t. He leaves it to you, but reminds you that, should Annika escape, you will be held accountable.

This case has proved just how valuable Chen’s new powers are for the purposes of gathering information. Essentially, she bypasses not only the need for informants, but also wiretaps and even most warrants. It’s a little terrifying in theory, but, you think to yourself, if you’d trust anyone in the world with a power like that, it’d be Chen.

Regardless, your superiors are very happy with your recent performance and are eager to reward your successes. What should you ask for?

>Better facilities
>Better weaponry
>More manpower
>Pay raises

And what should you do with your on the clock downtime?

>Talk to Annika
>Train with Rosa
>Spar with Chen
>Look into other cases
>Spend your influence
>>More manpower
>>Talk to Annika
>should Annika escape, you will be held accountable.
What a dipshit. Would he be held accountable if his idea didn't pan out and she fell back into murder? Of course not. Fucking bureaucrats.

>More manpower
More important right now is to be able to cast a wide net to intercept the most fish, so to speak. A handful of people just asking everyone else about weird stuff happening won't cut it.

>Train with Rosa
>Spar with Chen
Time spent not on cases but still on payroll should be spent doing stuff that helps with the job. So one of these, please. Or both if we can squeeze it.
+1, but get her brother to visit often for her own mental health

>More manpower

You decide that your primary priority is to get more people for your operations. Given your current numbers, it’s essentially impossible to do multiple things at once with any degree of safety. Your superiors give you a couple of options:

>A tech expert and former white hat hacker who’s lent considerable aid to the police multiple times in the past. Currently in dire need of money and therefore willing to join your risky operation
>A small handful of seasoned detectives who agree with your mission
>A team of a dozen or so current beat cops and military men
>An incarnation who recently approached the police, claiming to have deified very recently and offered to work with the government
>A mercenary currently residing alongside many other non-government incarnations in Switzerland. Can be called in for fights, but won’t help much regardless

>Talk to Annika

You also decide to check in on Annika. Her room is padded, but the exterior is reinforced with several layers of metal: stainless steel, lead, titanium, and then steel again. The cell is also outfitted with a hatch for food delivery, a bathroom designed to make suicide difficult, a bed, and a television screen. Of course, every square inch of the room, including the bathroom, is under 24/7 camera surveillance.

You input your access code and enter her room, prepared to fight if it comes to it. You could have spoken to her over the intercom, but you prefer to talk face to face.

She looks at you, visibly depressed. You seem to have convinced her that the world is unfixable and her life’s mission was doomed from the start.

“What do you want?” she asks.

>You said the forest was screaming. What did you mean by that?
>Is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable?
>Would you like to see your brother?
>Tell me about your <Incarnation Status>
>Would you like to give up your <Divinity>? If you do, maybe we can set you free.
I personally think the world is fixable, it's just that the people at the top need to screw themselves over, or somebody we cannot possibly impede in any way does all the dirty law-breaking justice for us. With us being all Lawful Good as we are, powers of a god or not, we cannot do it ourselves. We hate the system for protecting those ruining the world, but we have to work within it for what good it does have and do for the people. Annika's nature powers mean she needs to stay alive to be able to help fix things later. We still need a planet to live on and nature to live with, and humans are a part of this planet and nature too. Being Lawful Good sucks when the law itself is warped as it is.

I hate this situation because of how real it is. But even in real life, all of us are powerless to save the world aren't we?
>>A tech expert and former white hat hacker who’s lent considerable aid to the police multiple times in the past. Currently in dire need of money and therefore willing to join your risky operation
The only place Chen can't see. And he can probably check on stuff on the other side of the country so we can get clues when we are indisposed or displaced.

>You said the forest was screaming. What did you mean by that?
>Would you like to see your brother?
We probably can't get him visiting hours but we might be able to let them talk. Maybe over a short distance like internal land lines or something. Have to be careful, but it's better than nothing?
>An incarnation who recently approached the police, claiming to have deified very recently and offered to work with the government
> hoping this will be ate
>You said the forest was screaming. What did you mean by that?
>Is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable?
>Would you like to see your brother?
>Tell me about your <Incarnation Status>
>wanting to kill Braun and co. this quickly
>A tech expert and former white hat hacker who’s lent considerable aid to the police multiple times in the past. Currently in dire need of money and therefore willing to join your risky operation

>Is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable?
>Would you like to see your brother?
Bruh I never wanted to be these other people. It cut out with us waiting to engage them both when they were both weak. Instead we swapped characters and ate is no where to be found. I don't want to be some goody two shoes white knight simp king.
Yea I gotta agree this is cringe. I stopped reading since I came for Ate’s chaos and violence not cliche random cop drama.
>I stopped reading
And yet here you are. A fibber, then.
I came back hoping it would have switched to Até. The cop stuff just isn’t as interesting as what we’ve already built up.
And at a very convenient time. I for one would like to build up Braun for there to be a proper antagonist for Ate instead of just random targets that pop up. You got no sense of style, daddy-o.

>A tech expert and former white hat hacker who’s lent considerable aid to the police multiple times in the past. Currently in dire need of money and therefore willing to join your risky operation

You decide to hire the hacker. He’ll report to the office in a day or so.

>You said the forest was screaming. What did you mean by that?

“The trees of the world, they… resonate. It isn’t like speech exactly, since the forest- not a specific forest, I mean, THE forest, sorta transcends language and individual consciousness. The consciousness, if you can call it that, shifts around a lot, but mostly, it kind of wails. It’s painful to listen to, but it’s also sort of beautiful. I dunno, it’s hard to describe.”

You don’t really get it.

>Is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable?

“A potted plant would be nice, but I know you can’t give me one. It’s a bit of an ask, but can I have my switch back?”

You can do that, you suppose.

“Sure. I can get you a port to link it up to the tv, but I can’t give you open outlet access.”

She nods.

>Would you like to see your brother?

She shrugs.

“I don’t know, honestly. I kinda regret the stuff we did. For both of us. I don’t really wanna see him right now.”

You spend the next few days chatting with Annika, keeping up with your training with Rosa, and doing the occasional spar with Chen.

You check your sync rates. They’ve both gone up. You don’t really wanna think about it.

The hacker comes in. He- Gerald Weber, apparently- is a taller guy, but a complete beanpole, with neatly cut blonde hair and gray eyes.

Over the course of this week, what has your main accomplishment been?
>Building a rapport with Annika
>Getting Rosa ready for basic combat
>Mastering your use of Chen’s lent <Eyes>
>Perfecting your own authority use
>Getting Weber up to speed

One day, while you’re working on some paperwork, a call comes in to your office.

“Sir!” Chen shouts after taking it, “We have something!”

“What is it?”

“Molotov, sir. We’re getting reports for the location of his base.”

“The anarchist gang guy?”

“Yes, sir.”

This is annoying.

The incarnation itself is enough of a problem, with hordes of super powered goons and a practical armory of combat authorities, but what’s almost worse is that Germany’s resident superhero, Hyperion, has personal beef with the bastard, and if you take him down, he’s gonna be pissed. But if you do nothing, your boss is going to throw a massive fit. Plus, a lot of good cops are going to die.

Should you go?


And who should you bring (Choose as many as you’d like)
>Chen (Will be brought by default unless people actively don’t want her to come
Chen and Rosa
>>Building a rapport with Annika
If we want to flip her the early time is the most important one

Hyperion can be pissed all they want to be, first come first served, and it's our actual job, not some act for gaining divinity or popularity or whyever he does it.

unfortunately a gang is rather large so we need the firepower of bringing Rosa.
Also I'm not gonna manipulate Braun for the express purpose of making it easier on Ate
Yeah honestly I'm done with this quest. You never asked us if we wanted to change characters.

It literally feels like we got thread jacked and someone else is now running the game. Why would we go to all this effort building up a team of supers. That we are obviously just going to murder?

Makes 0 sense. The qm could of easily done this shit through the newspapers rather than make us do all this shit.

"Breaking news international incarnation assault detachment has been formed and took down their first incarnation in Germany" fin

Quite disappointed I was looking forward to fighting stronger incarnations or getting ambushed. Destroying a country or starting the world's most massive cult.

I almost wish it had just been a QM who ghosted us.
You ungrateful pieces of shit.
That's fine, and I am sorry you haven't been enjoying the new arc. That being said, maybe I haven't been clear, bur Atë is still the protagonist of this quest. She will be back soon.

>Building a rapport with Annika

Over the course of the next week or so, you and Chen have made multiple visits to Annika. Since you’re already letting her keep the plant that lets her walk, you decide to go ahead and give her that potted plant. Towards the end of that week, Annika mentions something interesting.

“I’ve been listening to the trees. More closely this time. I think… I think I might have been misjudging them.”

“In what sense?”

“When I heard their wails, I thought it was pain, but that isn’t right, I think.”

“Do you know what is right, then?”

“It’s a dirge,” she says, “an elegy for their prodigal son.”

You ask her to elaborate, but she simply shakes her head.

>Chen and Rosa

You decide that you’d rather deal with a pissed off hero than let a bunch of innocent people die.

You call Rosa.

“Sir,” Chen says, “She’s not ready!”

“The target is pretty far from normal civilian living spaces,” you reply, “The risk for collateral damage is minimal.”

“That isn’t what I-”

“Chen. Do you think I want to do this, either?”

She lowers her head as Rosa enters the room. She does a clumsy salute upon noticing you (one of her more recent running gags).

“Reporting for duty, sir!”

“Cut the jokes, Rosa. You’re in on the next mission.”

Her eyes widen and then narrow, determination evident on her face.

“Yes sir.”

After a few minutes of driving, you make it to what seems to be the right place. It sounds like a warzone. Explosions sound every few seconds, followed shortly by screams and the sounds of crumbling buildings. Chen looks into it, and sees Molotov slaughtering what appear to be his own men.

“Has he gone insane?” Chen asks, horrified by the carnage.

“Maybe. Or maybe he’s been betrayed.”

How should you go about this?

>Chen and I distract Molotov, Rosa strikes while he isn’t paying attention
>I should hide and line up a sniper shot. Normal guns haven’t worked, but I’ve got some nice perks from <Diomedes>
>We set up an ambush
>We don’t have time for games. People are dying. We need a full frontal assault
>>Chen and I distract Molotov, Rosa strikes while he isn’t paying attention

first of all, fuck you
that is to say that I also feel that a shift to a new character as the POV character was rather sudden and has dragged on for too long
weird creative decision to make up a second protagonist that the first one will come to clash with
Yeah, I knew that it'd be unpopular, and it did end up lasting longer than I intended it to, but I had a list of things I wanted to get through with Braun and was expecting myself to update more frequently than I did. I fell into the pitfall of kinda forgetting this was a /qst/: I really like perspective shifts in books, but that's when you don't have to wait two weeks for the actual protag to come back. So, sorry. I wanted to try some stuff out, but this is my first quest, so obviously I'm gonna fumble a bit. Won't happen again
for a first quest, its outstanding
>I should hide and line up a sniper shot. Normal guns haven’t worked, but I’ve got some nice perks from <Diomedes>

Molotov probably isn't expecting an authority that bypasses his own protection abilities. Even if it doesn't kill him he'll probably have to burn divinity recovering from it.
Thanks. There are some beats that I haven't been completely satisfied with, so that really means a lot.

Also, I checked the archives and Braun's only been around since the fifth. His full tenure will be about a week, which is less time than I thought.
If you wanted to do more of this in the future I'd make a dedicated 'Interlude' thread myself, that way people who aren't interested can excuse themselves without fear of missing a jump back to the primary storyline.

Personally I'm enjoying our side trip, even if it's been longer than expected, it's a good way to flesh out the world at large, and I'd assume a good way to keep things fresh and interesting for you as well. Some of the brats here might disagree, but your enjoyment of writing the quest is extremely important.
It's more so the fact we weren't told we jumped backwards in time or the reason why we jumped to this new character. We were never told when if ever we were going back to ate. It felt incredibly random. And desu you're going to have another issue with all the simps. Just like we did with the university student. OH NOES WE TALKED TO HER SHES A PERSON WE CANT KILL HER WAHHHHAHAHHHH.

like you really expect all the people enjoying the Segway are now gonna be super thrilled with killing these three now? No they're going to cry about it and vote against it. All because we the reader know more about these characters. Remember ate hasn't met them let alone talked to them. Yet now the simp anons are going to throw a fit. I just don't see the point... unless you're trying to force an ate personality change...

Like the best vote is to have them all try to go melee molotov. So then we can kill all of them easier as ate. So ya know conflicts of interest.
And so you don't think I'm just being a dick. Your writing is great and the premise of the story is absolutely awesome. I just wonder why you'd humanize our enemies this much. Simply cause ate would not care.

Atë not caring is exactly why I'm doing it. She doesn't care, but I want (you) to care. A villain mowing down hordes of faceless battle dummies isn't very interesting to me: letting the players watch as the monster they made tears through a bunch of likeable human characters, puts you in her shoes a lot more. Like her, you personally have to choose not to care, and that's more interesting to me, personally. If you want to be a villain, (you) have to be one too
That being said, I do fully recognize that the time sink, plus doing it in the main thread, will put a lot of people off. Again, I recognize that I blundered here. In the future I'll do it in a less intrusive way: a separate site for weekly news articles, breakaway threads for side characters, etc. Again, I apologize for the clumsy execution
>Sniper shot

Agree with >>5889043
not everyone liked it but I did

Has a good idea about making it a dedicated interlude thread for wider appeal
>>Chen and I distract Molotov, Rosa strikes while he isn’t paying attention
Try and nix his abilities

>I should hide and line up a sniper shot. Normal guns haven’t worked, but I’ve got some nice perks from <Diomedes>

You take a position and wait for Molotov to make an appearance. He leaves the first building- now more of a ruin than a restaurant. As you squeeze the trigger, you notice your target’s head swivel to look not at you, but in your general direction. In an instant, he falls back and puts his arm between himself and the bullet which, despite having enough power to tear through the metal of most cars and keep going, lodges itself in his arm.

He lunges forward, at first, you suspect, to attack, but you soon see the real reason: he was dodging something else. However, the criminal finds himself unable to evade both your gun and the interloper’s onslaught, and after contorting his body in ways that would baffle an Olympic gymnast, finally succumbs. Blood gurgles from his mouth after he clutches the pipe protruding from his torso. He collapses to the floor, dead.

You look to Rosa and Chen- neither of them are responsible. You turn your attention back to the source of the barrage, and from it steps a large, mustachioed man in a clean brown trench coat and a sharply cut gray suit. He approaches with a friendly smile.

“Braun, isn’t it?” He speaks with a slight Swiss accent.

“Polizeioberkommissar Braun, yes.”

“Of course, of course. I heard you were having some trouble, so I decided to step in.” he extends his hand, “Huber. Mercenary.”

Hesitantly, you shake his hand.

“And you have a team, I’d assume?”

“Yes.” you gesture towards Rosa and Chen, and he greets them as he did you.

“Jesus sir, when that Huber guy showed up I thought we might have a fight on our hands.” Chen says as you drive her to her hotel. She’s had a gas leak in her house, apparently. She told you that… when? Doesn’t really matter.

“We got lucky this time. Also, we’re off duty. You don’t have to call me sir.”

She chuckles to herself, “Ha, sorry. Force of habit. So, Johann, wanna grab a drink?”

The time seems to slip from your fingers. Your recollections of the hotel bar, the drinks, and the conversation is hazy. Somehow, you find yourself in front of Chen’s room. She leans into you, hot breaths scented with fruity cocktails tickling your nose as she straightens your jacket.

“You don’t have to go so soon, sir.”

You feel a foreign heat in your chest as you attempt to step back, “I told you not to call me that, Chen.”


The air thickens with tension and perfume as she pulls you closer.

Your mind slows to a crawl, as if swimming through syrup, and time seems to slow to a crawl. What should you do?

>Accept her advances
>Reject her advances
>Use an authority
Wrote "to a crawl" again. meant to write "even more". Whoops
>Reject her advances
Weird, she's usually so professional

“Jesus sir, when that Huber guy showed up I thought we might have a fight on our hands.” Chen says as you drive her to her hotel. She’s had a gas leak in her house, apparently. She told you that… when? Doesn’t really matter.

“We got lucky this time. Also, we’re off duty. You don’t have to call me sir.”

She chuckles to herself, “Ha, sorry. Force of habit. So, Johann, wanna grab a drink?”

The time seems to slip from your fingers. Your recollections of the hotel bar, the drinks, and the conversation are hazy. Somehow, you find yourself in front of Chen’s room. She leans into you, hot breaths scented with fruity cocktails tickling your nose as she straightens your jacket. You look down to meet her gaze, but are pulled away from her eyes by her outfit: an elegant but uncomfortably form fitting sheath dress. Its silk-adjacent, deep red fabric glistens dully in the light of the hotel hallway. When did she have time to change? Your brain seems to creak as you search for a recollection through the crimson haze clouding your mind.

“Please don’t go, sir.”

An air of desperation is evident from her voice, despite your intoxication. Her watery brown eyes meet yours, and a plea for you to stay is painted on her face.

You feel a familiar heat in your chest as you attempt to step back, even stronger than it was… when? “I told you not to call me that, Chen.”


The air thickens with tension and perfume as she pulls you closer.

Your mind slows to a crawl, as if swimming through syrup, as time seems to slow to a crawl. What should you do?

>Accept her advances
> Rej**t *er a**an*es
>Use an authority
>Use an authority
Combat Acuity and Infiltrator
Try to run away

>Use an authority

You activate <Infiltrator> and <Combat Acuity>

Immediately, the world around you dissolves into a scarlet mist as a cool clarity washes over your body, blowing away the tantalizing sights and the oppressive air of the scene in the hotel.

You’re back at Molotov’s base and you can see Chen and Rosa barely fending off the mustachioed mercenary. He moves without a semblance of combat training, engaging in combat less like a soldier and more like a rabid animal, driven purely by instinct as he dodges attacks and lands blows in ways that would break standard human anatomy. The ground quivers and cracks at his step, and the breakneck speed and impossible reflexes he exhibits more than make up for Rosa’s superior training.

Rosa’s injuries are minor, as she’s mostly been playing a supportive role, but Chen is visibly on the ropes: the white of her dress shirt is stained crimson, and her bulletproof vest is in tatters as her adversary, now outfitted with sharp red claws, tears away at her piece by piece.

To put it bluntly, the situation is dire. As things stand, Chen and Rosa stand no chance. What should you do?

>Activate authorities and enter the fray
>Order a retreat
>Line up a shot with your gun
>Buy items
>>Buy items
Maybe a lizards tail or something?
Buy lizard tail yeah

How many? You can buy up to 2
2 if we can give one away, otherwise just 1
>Simply cause ate would not care.
Yeah, we already forced an innocent college girl to commit suicide after becoming her best friend and have killed a literal child. It would make very little sense to spare the cops when they don't even compare to the innocent lives we ruined. I do feel kinda bad for the deer girl tho. I can't get the fact that the best moment in her life was us manipulating her. It's really fucked when you think about it.

>this is my first quest
This is really good for a first quest. The concept is extremely interesting and I enjoy the vivid details.

>Buy items

You buy 2 <Lizard’s Tail>s with the intention of giving one to one of your teammates.

Influence: 294->94/400

You have a safety net now, but the situation is still immensely disfavorable. Chen is still standing, but she obviously won’t last long at this rate. What should you do?

>Activate authorities and enter the fray
>Order Rosa to retreat and attempt to give one of your <Lizard’s Tail>s to Chen
>Call over Rosa and give her your <Tail>s, ordering her to give one to Chen and then escape
>Line up a shot with your gun
This makes sense, and rest assured, even if the players wanted to suddenly face turn, that has long since stopped being an option. Some degree of lesser-evilness is still possible, but the vigilante/antihero route died alongside Jane
>Activate authorities and enter the fray
Try to create an opportunity to do
>Order Rosa to retreat and attempt to give one of your <Lizard’s Tail>s to Chen
But give Chen the tail first
Support. Dumb hero time!

>Activate authorities and enter the fray
>Order Rosa to retreat and attempt to give one of your <Lizard’s Tail>s to Chen

You activate all of your available passive authorities, pull out your pistol, and unload a clip into Huber. He instantly launches himself into the air to evade, leaving a crater in the cement from the force of his legs facilitating the leap. While he’s in the air, you switch back to your rifle with impossible efficiency and line up a body shot. The bullet blows through the mercenary, putting a hole where his heart should be.

Taking this opportunity, you rush him, throwing your <Flames> in his face and landing a powerful strike to his groin. To your surprise, you don’t feel the true target of your attack beneath his clothes, and, when you look back, you see the bullet wound has completely healed.

The incarnations you’ve faced so far have been people with powers, but this one is different. This is a real monster.

You predict a counterattack and roll away towards Chen. This was always the intention. You take the <Lizard’s Tail> from your inventory and give it to her. Immediately, she vanishes in a flash of light.

“Run away, Rosa!” You scream at the top of your lungs the moment Chen has been secured. The enemy incarnation, now thoroughly pissed, takes advantage of your moment of distraction and attempts a lethal strike. You block, but the attack shatters every single bone in your arm.

The effects of <Grit> come into play. You can feel the divinity keeping the bones of your forearm in one piece, not healing them, but providing the leverage your muscles need to move. It temporarily connects and replaces torn sinew and shredded muscle. Your nerves scream.

Rosa has begun to fly off, but before she can even get off the ground, Huber throws a piece of shrapnel at her with a velocity that puts most bullets to shame. It avoids her body, but creates a massive hole in her left wing. She plummets to the floor as a grin forms upon the man’s lips.

“Do you have a lizard’s tail?” You ask, barely evading another strike.

“No sir. I spent my influence on upgrades when I was tracking down Morpheus.”


You can throw her your <Lizard’s Tail>, but in the moment you do so, Huber will skewer you like a shish kebab. What do you do?

>Keep the tail and fight Huber while Rosa takes the car and gets to safety
>Keep the tail and have her fight with me
>Give her the tail
>Keep the tail and fight Huber while Rosa takes the car and gets to safety
Hopefully we can lock him down long enough for her to escape. If we survive this we're mandating one tail possession for all members at all times.
>Keep the tail and fight Huber while Rosa takes the car and gets to safety

Seems like the smart play here. Atë isn't fucking around. Our angel of Ruin is a one woman wrecking crew.
>Keep the tail and fight Huber while Rosa takes the car and gets to safety
I want these guys to get mental resistance and maybe end up struggling further before they inevitably lose forever to our villain protag
>Ate goes after the downed bird.
>Then offers friendship to molotov with bruan between them. Use whispers and sweet venom.
Not updating yet, but just a quick reminder that Molotov is dead. The illusion began after she/Huber touched Braun's hand, the preceding events actually happened
I didn’t realize our illusion powers had gotten that strong. Consequences of jumping multiple levels at once maybe.

>Keep the tail and fight Huber while Rosa takes the car and gets to safety

You hold onto the item and continue to fight against Huber while Rosa runs to the car. Your strikes seem to barely faze him, whereas every single one of his attacks are lethal, despite being filled with openings and lacking in terms of martial skill.

You pray that you can hold out long enough for Rosa to escape.

This encounter has highlighted a couple of noteworthy factors regarding in person conflict.

Firstly, there seems to be an increasing presence of incarnations among law enforcement. In the future, this will make the police a much less helpful tool in taking down enemy incarnations. Had you not stepped in, the male cop, Braun, would have taken down Molotov before you even had the chance.

Secondly, it’s probably bad to have fewer than 2 available authority slots before any given fight. You had to delay resolving the rewards for killing Molotov until you had the chance to sit down, buy some crystals, and manage your authorities.

Third, <Assess Hamartia> is an excellent tool not only for the authorities that it directly affects, but it also gives fantastic utility for your <Faces> due to it granting you the names of your targets. It doesn’t intuit things like rank, which was slightly problematic this time around, but it still put you in prime position to disable Braun.

Fourth, <Traits>. You’ve overlooked them for now, but the demon and the female cop both had traits that essentially hard countered your powerset. Since you can’t even steal them afterwards, your enemies’ traits are nothing but detrimental to you and, worse, they’re almost wholly unpredictable.

Fifth, and possibly most crucially, the personal, mortal capabilities of the incarnations themselves. Combat experience, martial arts training, proper coordination, and sheer force of will: all of these can make up for massive gaps in level and even completely bypass the effects of <Authorities>. It seems that even some mortals might be able to resist against incarnations.

Finally, <Lizard’s Tail>. You might be able to bypass the effect by eliminating the target in a single strike but, barring that, it’s essentially impossible to kill an incarnation with proper preparations. Maybe there’s a shop item that can counter them at higher levels? Regardless, it’s imperative to have one at all times.
Which leads you back to the current situation. Currently, the female cop has escaped using a <Tail>. The demon is running away and the male cop is sacrificing himself? He’s certainly stalling for time, but… no. You look into his eyes and you find guilt mixed in with all that determination. Involuntarily, a smirk forms on your lips.

“You have a spare, don’t you?”

His eyes widen, and the shock gives him a millisecond of pause. You take advantage of it, thrusting your arm into his chest. He tries to evade, but your hit grazes his torso, still imparting enough force to break his skin and crack a few ribs. He lets out a grunt as silver light wraps itself around his ribcage.

You could certainly pursue the girl- Rosa, was it?- but that would leave your back wide open. If you try to send your dance partner home first, though, she might get away before you can get at her. Your authority worked on him once, but successive attempts seem to have been mostly blocked. You have been able to induce minor changes, but personal mental strength combined with, according to the system, multiple resisting authorities have made the situation complicated.

What should you do?

>Take down Braun
>Pursue the girl
>go for the girl. We're super fast. We can then play on his morality. "I'll let her live if you give me the tail and yourself. I dislike hurting women. You remind me of my dad."

>Whispers him. We use touch of madness on the girl. That's the enemy over there. I'm obviously Braun. Use many faces to sell it to the hurt girl. Hopefully that'll trigger sweet venom.

Then have her "help" us fight the incarnation. That should look like Huber through touch of madness + whispers + sweet venom.

This'll be fun to watch.

In case it was slightly unclear, <Touch> was already attempted on both Rosa and Chen. They both have traits that resist mind-altering affects. You could try again, but it isn't guaranteed to work
if we were to go after him, she could get away in the car and he with the tail

>Pursue the girl
even if he manages to throw her the tail, that still leaves him there
and until then, we should be able to dodge the lethal stuff with omen/speed/preservation instinct while tanking the non-lethal ones with then regeneration.

also: wings!
also also: what has Braun's Hamartia been?

In descending order

>Duty, Self-Loathing, Lust

>Pursue the girl

Your best odds of getting at least one more kill are going for the girl.

Activating <Supernatural Speed> at maximum output, you begin to race towards the girl with the velocity of a prize race horse. Braun, seemingly expecting this, pulls out his pistol, quickly reloads, and begins to fire. <Omen> activates, and you realize that he’s aiming for your legs.

You start dodging the shots, but doing so slows you down considerably. The girl has almost made it to the car, but you could still make it if you run there as fast as you can. What should you do?

>Stall until Braun runs out of bullets
>Focus on running, regardless of the consequences
>Activate <Bane of Calydon> (specify carryover authority)
>Use a different authority
>Write in
>Focus on running, regardless of the consequences
>Stall until Braun runs out of bullets
If we can't prevent her from escaping, go back and make sure we instakill Braun
>Activate <Bane of Calydon> (specify carryover authority)
>Carryover SPEED

TRAMPLE THAT BITCH IN THE CAR! Ideally we'll disable the car and trap her in it. Then we gut the cop, and take our sweet time with the girl.
Do you ever wonder if we could kidnap and disable an Incarnation, then force them with torture to put all their Authorities in crystals for us? A risk of them just abandoning their divinity though. Maybe Touch of Madness could make them think they're so worthless we deserve their Authorities more.
There's a 3 way tie between stalling, chasing, and transforming. I'll wait until tomorrow for a tiebreaker and, barring that, I'll roll for it
>>Focus on running, regardless of the consequences
if it'd be again a tie I'd switch to >>5890466 too

>Activate <Bane of Calydon> (specify carryover authority)
>Supernatural Speed

For the first time, you activate <Bane of Calydon>, bringing your speed authority along with you. A feeling that can be only described as childlike glee rushes through you as you take in your new size and power. The ground shakes with every movement of your powerful new legs, clad in dark red fur that seems closer to steel barbs than hair. You launch yourself forward and, in combination with <Supernatural Speed> reach speeds that put some cars to shame. Braun continues to shoot at you, but his bullets, which once tore through your flesh like paper, now barely register as they just manage to penetrate your thick hair and tough hide. Even when wielded by an incarnation, a mortal weapon is a mortal weapon.

You bring a hoof down on the police car’s hood, crushing the engine, popping the tires like balloons, and causing a shockwave that would show up on seismometers. You move onto the doors, crushing and twisting them in such a way that the opening mechanisms were completely inoperable. Even in the form of a boar, a toothy grin forms on your tusked mouth.

You have the girl completely trapped. Unless she’s been hiding a strengthening authority that can bend steel, she has no hopes of escape. Braun screams Rosa’s name and, it seems, he must think she’s dead already. What should you do?

>Finish the job
>Go after Braun
>Finish the job
>Finish the job
>>Finish the job
gimme them wings, baby

>Finish the job

Deciding not to drag things out unnecessarily, you swing your head forward, tearing through the metal walls of the car like paper and impaling your prey.

>Congratulations, you have successfully…

You decide to ignore the system for now. Again, you have limited authority slots and lots of rewards to manage. You turn back towards Braun, ready to charge at him. He seems to be out of bullets, and you can tell just by looking that he’s deeply fatigued. He looks you dead in the eye and spits on the ground. No wait, it isn’t just spit- a bloody blob of pale pink flesh lies limp on the asphalt.

The crazy bastard just bit his own tongue off.

He gives you a bloody smirk as he vanishes in a flash of silver light.

You deactivate <Bane of Calydon>, flee the scene, find a private space, and then transform into a different face. By the time you make it back to your hotel room, your wounds have healed but your stamina and divinity are both nearly depleted. You lazily flop back on the fluffy hotel mattress.

You check your influence: 942/1600. The incarnation level of the girl must not have been very high.

What should you do first?

>Buy items
>Resolve Molotov’s rewards
>Resolve the girl’s rewards
>Take a nap
Wrote 942/1600, should be 942/3200
>Buy items
>2 authority crystals
>store "cursed gold", and "life insurance"
we can take life insurance back later to buy down our age, no need to have it active

>Resolve the girl’s rewards
Support, but I want to see Molotov first. Molotov has some sort of Information Shield that I think we should grab. Not sure if any of the Fury's authorities will be worthwhile. Remember we can buy Flight from the Shop.

Checking back, she had Claws, Wings, Rage Power, and Flames. None of those strike me as particularly important, especially considering we can buy Flight from from the shop later.
I'll back buy 2, store "cursed gold", and "life insurance", and resolve Molotov

>Buy items
>2 authority crystals

Influence: 942->342/3200

You buy two <Authority Crystals (Low Grade)> from the shop. You take them out of your inventory and hold one in your hand. It’s a mostly transparent chunk of quartz-like crystal, with a tinge of white permeating its glass-like lattice. You put an authority, <Cursed Gold> into the crystal. A red light seeps from your fingertips, shifting from crimson to orange to gold as it approaches the center.

>You have lost the Authority <Cursed Gold>.

The crystal, now shimmering with a dull yellow light, floats a few inches and then vanishes from existence. You check your inventory, and find:

Authority Crystal (Cursed Gold: 1)

You repeat the process for <Life Insurance>. The process is almost identical, but this time, the light is a bit brighter.

You check again, and are met with:

Authority Crystal x2 (Cursed Gold: 1, Life Insurance: 2)

You resolve Molotov’s rewards.

>Congratulations! You have successfully destroyed another incarnation, Dysnomia!

Wait a second, you recognize that name. That’s your sister, the Daimon of lawlessness. You frown: you were certain that Molotov was a man. That leaves three possibilities: a transformation authority seems possible- she was related to you after all, but there are two other possibilities: either people can deify as a god of the opposite gender, or somebody else, probably a mortal, killed the original Dysnomia.

You continue reading.

>You have already been granted the <Influence> for the subjugation
>You gain an additional 300 influence for your secondary directive!

Influence: 342->642/3200

>Your skill <Divine Folly> grants you a random skill from the target!

>Guerilla Tactics (1):
Hides the presence of yourself and designated allies. Consumes influence proportional to the number of targets. Can fail against higher level authorities. Does not negate the effects of items.

Would you like to take another of <Molotov>’s authorities or level up an existing authority?

>Take another
>Level up
>The crazy bastard just bit his own tongue off.
>He gives you a bloody smirk as he vanishes in a flash of silver light.
This is up there on "best moments of this quest" list

>Take another

> Level Up

Guerilla warfare was what I wanted from him. From what we saw he's mostly combat authorities otherwise. Let's drop a level on Whisper instead.

>Take another

>Symbol of Lawlessness (EX):
Images, recordings, and written works by or about you slowly erode trust in public order by anyone who perceives them.

>Mob Rule (1):
Allows you to let a subordinate use an authority as if they possessed it, using their own divinity to do so. You may use this on a number of followers equal to the level of this authority. Passively consumes two divinity for both yourself and the target.

>Explosion (1):
Allows you to use your divinity like a bomb, causing an immediate explosion

>Divine Allure (1):
Induces a positive impression of yourself in others while the authority is active. Consumes 1 divinity per hour.

>Divine Body (1):
Expends divinity to temporarily increase the strength, endurance, and speed of an incarnation, proportional to the divinity expended (from 1 to 60 divinity an hour. Higher usages may be harmful to the body).

> Omen (1)
You already possess this authority

>To Mortals, A Scourge (1)
You already possess this authority

>Symbol of Lawlessness (EX):
Images, recordings, and written works by or about you slowly erode trust in public order by anyone who perceives them

Lets become a cognitohazard!
>Divine Allure (1)
I don't see any note about resistance by higher level incarnations, so hell yeah
i am a bit partial to mod rule imagine the things we could do with our whispers or really any other of our abilties
if not a horde of boars a bunch of shapeshifting abominations and demonic whisperers and tempters unleashed into the population
>Symbol of Lawlessness (EX):

>Symbol of Lawlessness (EX)

>Symbol of Lawlessness (EX) degrades into Scribe of Dysnomia

>Scribe of Dysnomia (1):
Any recordings or images taken of you while this authority is active, as well as anything written or spoken by you while this authority is active, including verbatim copies or transcriptions, slowly erode faith in public order when perceived.

>You have gained 3 new epithets!

>Dysnomia, Goddess of Lawlessness: 79.83%
>Philotes, Spirit of Friendship and Intercourse: 3.3%
>Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull: 82.5%

What should you do next?

>Buy items
>Upgrade authorities
>Resolve the girl’s rewards

Minor slip up, rewards are available for both Dysnomia and the Cretan Bull
well thats sad that it degraded
We can just turn it on and off then to achieve the same result. It does suck it degraded, but it's better than not having it

(EX) rated authorities are always taken in a degraded state. Most incarnations can't take them at all, but Atë is able to do so in this way thanks to her title. For more information, you can either check out her character sheet and system info in the link provided in the OP, or you can look through the previous thread
> Get Rewards for Dysnomia sync

Holy crap, we could destroy society with a single hit song.

You decide to check the synchronization rewards for <Dysnomia>

Would you rather take the <Item> Thieves’ Satchel or the completion rewards for the <Quest> Sister’s Promise?

> Thieve's Satchel

Difficult to say who the sisters are. The Three Fates perhaps? I figure a Thieve's Satchel is probably a bag of holding, or a bag of useful sneaky tools, and that sounds handy.
>Sister’s Promise
>Sister’s Promise

>The completion rewards for the <Quest> Sister’s Promise

You have avenged the death of your sister incarnation Dysnomia!

>You have gained 600 influence!
>You have gained 3 <Purified Drop of Chaos>!
>You have gained the divine relic Dysnomia’s Crown

>Dysnomia’s Crown (0/1,000)
Allows you to spend the 1,000 divinity stored in the relic to make a target within eyesight forget that something is illegal. May be resisted by an incarnation of a higher level.

What should you do now?
>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull
>Resolve the rewards for the girl
>Buy items
>Cretan bull
>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull
Also use the drops of chaos
>>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull
another labor of heracles?
>>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull
> Atë slowly converting the labors of Heracles to just defeating her.
After seeing how she manhandled a few other incarnates I wouldn't be surprised if that winds up being a genuine Herculean task.
then change from herculean tasks to being a tiddy streamer again
we need to start using our influence to abuse the algorithm. make viewers like comment and subscribe, share the videos, ask them in the beginning to watch it entirely, even if they are new, watch another video, make them believe that we're more fun and witty than we may actually are.
>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull
>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull

>Resolve the rewards for the Cretan Bull

You may either claim the Authority <Divine Allure>, the item <Pasiphaë’s Mask>, or the completion rewards for the quest <Seventh Labor>

>Quest Rewards
>Quest Rewards
Divine Allure we kinda already have stuff for that and it might be a waste of an authority slot to take something rather similar.
and knowing why Pasiphae needed to disguise herself... I pass on the mask
I generally don't like to resolve things when only one vote has been cast, so I'll wait another hour or two for more votes to come in. If they don't, I'll close the vote and update anyway
> Divine Allure

Let's us automatically trigger Sweet Venom. Synergy!

>Rewards for the quest <Seventh Labor>

You gain the title <Seventh Labor of Heracles>!

Whenever you use a <Beast Tracker> you may overcome masking or stealth authorities used by your target that are lower in level than your Incarnation Level.

All <Labor of Heracles> titles may be freely exchanged between incarnations, unlike other titles. A special reward is granted to any incarnation that collects every <Labor of Heracles> title. Only one incarnation can hold any given <Labor> title at a time. Even if another incarnation meets the requirements, they cannot gain the same <Labor> title as another living incarnation.

You gain 300 influence!

Influence: 1242->1542/3200

What should you do next?

>Spend influence (specify on what)
>Resolve the girl’s rewards
>Resolve the girl’s rewards

Been wondering if it would be worthwhile to hunt and personally kill some beasts tk try and boost our Artemis sync, might get some useful tracking ability from the Huntress.
>>Resolve the girl’s rewards

I want to conserve influence and rather level up than spend it
if we buy stuff I'd be in favor of random quests and beast trackers.

To clarify, since the descriptors for the boar and hind might have thrown you off, you don't have Artemis as a myth. The huntress in your epithets is Atalanta, a famous Greek hero, but not a goddess
>The system uses human fables, legends, and religious practices to create <Myths>.
what does it matter how major or minor a god or hero is?
God rank doesn't matter much in general, but there are a few consequences in terms of the strength and versatility of authorities and items. Minor deities are usually a lot more specific, meanwhile a deity like Poseidon might have a broader variety due to how many roles he plays in the mythos


>Resolve the girl’s rewards

>Congratulations! You have successfully destroyed another incarnation, Tisiphone!

A fury, huh? Makes sense, you suppose. The demon in Palestine that you read about on the news had a similar description. Maybe another fury?

You continue reading.

>You have already been granted the <Influence> for the subjugation
>You gain an additional 100 influence for your secondary directive!

Influence: 1542->1642/3200

>Your skill <Divine Folly> grants you a random skill from the target!

>Berserk (1):
Increases all of your physical attributes, including durability, proportional to your rage. Additionally, deepens your anger when in use. Consumes divinity proportional to the strength of the authority’s manifestation

Would you like to take another of <Tisiphone>’s authorities or level up an existing authority?

>Take another
>Level up
>Take another
I've been pushing for the wings, while I know we can purchase flight itself
maybe she has something similarly interesting, but I want something with utility
> Level up Whispers
Wings are cool, but we'd get it degraded, maybe directly to the existing Flight.
>Level whispers
>level up whispers
>level up assess hemetia

>Level up an existing Authority
>Whisper of Temptation

Whisper of Temptation (5->6)

It is possible to use this authority with nonverbal sounds, such as breaths, footsteps, or clapping

At first, you’re somewhat disappointed by the lack of functionality, but are reminded that, aside from the written text, the power and effectiveness of authorities increase when leveled up anyway, so its potency has still improved substantially.

Having resolved all of the spoils from your most recent hunt, you’re left with a decent amount of free time. That being said, your divinity is close to zero, and your fatigue has built up to the extent that you’re on the verge of passing out. You have a few more days in Germany before you have to go home. What should you do?

>Relax until I have to go home
>Start some riots
>Hunt down those cops
>Stream, but don’t disclose my location
>Make tourist content

Also, how do you guys feel about dice? They haven’t really come into play too much since either the odds were overwhelmingly in Atë’s favor or the perspective wasn’t on her at the time of casting, but in the case of an actual contest, should I have you guys roll or just decide the outcome myself?
I think dice would be best it adds a feeling of risk and reward. Though I think it should be weighted in terms of a specific action we’re taking. Like trying to chase and gore somone who’s faster then us while we’re in bull form should be difficult, but like using our mind control power on them might be easier.
Yeah, if I were using dice I would absolutely include relevant modifiers, and best of #s depending on a number of factors. This was just asking whether a strictly deterministic or slightly random system would be preferred
>Stream, but don’t disclose my location
Sigma grindset, regain divinity
Pheme can help out with the IP masking and everything

I feel so engaged when I roll dice

> Buy a quest, maybe you'll get something interesting for the local area
Also, the Whisper Upgrade is insane. We can corrupt people by tapping our foot nearby. Could we sound our death whistle and transmit whisper through it?
The ASMR simps are going to go completely rabid since they are already sad, sad individuals with no willpower.
>let's walk with the whispers of murder suicide.

>Stream, but don’t disclose my location

You fire up some livestreams as cyber_syren from your hotel room, and play coy on your current location. They’re a hit, especially considering your brief hiatus, and the donations roll in like water downstream.

Follower Count: 52,453

Influence: 1642->1789/3200

After one of your streams, you feel an unexpected rattle from the black feather sequestered under your clothes. It speaks, saying,

“Sorry for the lack of communication. I’ve been very, very busy making this as good as I can. It’s all set up, and the whole system’s about to go boom. I’ll continue to monitor the situation, but I’ll be back soon. Don’t get yourself killed until then. Over.”

You get that she’s been busy, but could she really not send at least a few words earlier? You thought that she could have died, or worse, stabbed you in the back. The latter is still possible, you suppose, but if she was going to do so, it would have made more sense to do it before the influence and authorities flowed in.

As you arrive on the plane home, the influence begins to pour in (it will continue to do so for the immediate future).

Influence: 1789->4835/3200

Due to your secondary directive, bonus influence is provided

InfluenceL 4835->5943/3200

You have leveled up! 6->7

Divinity: 203/275->300/300

Due to the effects of your authority <Divine Folly>, you gain an authority!

>Riptide (1):
Allows you to summon saltwater from the sea, at a rate of 1 divinity per pound. This water is infused with your divinity, and can be manipulated freely by you.

>Notice! Your authority slots are full. Would you like to:

>Replace an existing authority
>Purchase a crystal (specify which existing authority you’d like to store this way)
>Not take this authority

You arrive back home. Work restarts in two days, so you have some time to yourself before you have to go back. You should:

>Foster your online cult
>Spend influence
>Start riots
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music (specify between cyber_syren or your musician persona)
>Learn some skills the old fashioned way
>Purchase a crystal (specify which existing authority you’d like to store this way)
Store Berserk and Riptide
>Foster your online cult
Support! Don't really care to toss powers away, even if storing them is a bit of a tax.

And cult buisness is good buisness.

And buy Pheme a fucking bottle of wine or six. Dammmn girl.
backing >>5892442
except only store berserk, let's experiment with the new toy a bit
1000 pounds of water can be hella OP
>And buy Pheme a fucking bottle of wine or six. Dammmn girl.
I wonder if we should talk to her about future goals. The whole "how can you become stronger and do your own thing if we're spreading so much chaos and madness that the planet is suffering?" deal. If we're going to be a mass scourge on the planet as a deity incarnate, wouldn't Pheme try to stop us if she has any sort of investment in humanity? I figure she does no matter what, because even if she went like Ate did and abandons her own humanity to permaLARP as a goddess, she cannot deny rumors need living sane people to be able to spread them to others. There can't be rumors or speculation or anything of her core gimmick if there's nobody alive to make or receive them.

>Purchase a crystal (specify which existing authority you’d like to store this way)
>Berserk and Riptide

Replete with influence, you decide that the cost of 600 is more than worth the ability to use either of these tools in the future, should they come up.

As you’re looking through the shop anyway, you decide to check the level 7 shop items.


>Trapper: 500
Cancels the usage of a <Lizard’s Tail>. Disappears upon use.

>Hydra’s Head: 500
As <Lizard’s Tail>, but cannot be canceled out by use of a <Trapper>.

>Epithet Holder: 2,000
Holds up to one of the <Myths> stored as an epithet. Can be sold for both the price of the holder and an amount of influence proportional to the god rank of the epithet. Epithets at a synchronization rate of 100% cannot be placed in an epithet holder. Alternatively, can be used to transfer the epithet to another incarnation or <Deify> a willing mortal. Mortals deified in this way will not grant any influence or authorities upon being eliminated.


Enchant Item (1): 500
Allows you to create a Divine Relic. Works better for items made by the incarnation using this authority. If an authority crystal is used, a specific effect may be imparted. The item is severely damaged in the case of failure.

Induct (EX): 1,000
Allows you to grant an authority to a mortal, either directly or via an authority crystal. The target will gain the Pseudo-Myth: <Cultist of <Your Incarnation Name>>. They share your directives, and any influence, authorities, epithets, or titles garnered by the target are granted to you instead. It is possible for an <Inductee> to betray their god, at which point they will lose their power and pseudo-myth. Authority vanishes upon a single use.

>Foster your online cult

Back home, you now have full access to your setup. How should you foster your digital cult?

>Use authorities on existing members
>Network to increase your numbers
>Institute systems that encourage increased dedication

Also, would you like to use a <Purified Drop of Chaos>?
I feel like this is the same sort of conundrum that any real deity of anything inherently tied to humanity and civilization needs to face and consider in the wake of their intense powers. Going on this "I don't want the planet destroyed or all humans dead or brainwashed, because then the thing I exist for will cease to be or have nobody to use or rely upon", is very much the same ultimatum as the whole "I will team up with you good guys because, even though I am the villain here, I still want money/power/fame/revenge/etc. and I will not be able to do so if the whole world is destroyed and everybody is dead" issue. No chance in hell it'll ever happen to Ate though, with what we've resolved upon with the deer girl debacle. Where the fuck is Ate going to live? How the fuck is she going to survive? Without considering or caring about any of these, she will remain a ceaseless force of nature on this path of full black morality disaster bitch. Everybody and anybody will eventually become her enemies, and I am certain Pheme is no exception to this.

I see no way this will end outside of us eventually popping Pandora's Box and making the whole Earth unlivable, dying in a blaze of horrific glory along with all mortals and immortals. There will be nobody else to tell any tales. That's how the gods will end here.

On the other end of the stick, there are ten billion people on this planet. Immortality is at one million influence. I presume we become quite unshackled from mortal concerns at some point. As long as we're not triggering nuclear war, it's going to be tough to wipe out the human race. We can probably kill a hundred thousand people a year without even denting the human race.
oh nice
buy a trapper and hydra head
Induct is tempting too but we're kinda full of authority slots

>Network to increase your numbers

Or we kill everyone else playing and win and rule as the only god over any remaining mortals. There, way 2.
Oh! Actual votes.

>Network to increase your numbers

> Yes, use all three drops of chaos
Rolled 82, 37, 84, 27, 60, 81 = 371 (6d100)


Rolling for type and grade of <Drop> drops
Reminder: 1-20: Influence, 21-40: Shop Item, 41-60: Authority, 61-80: Weapon, 81-90: other relic, 91-95: title, 96-98: trait, 99: myth, 100: directive

0-20: dud, 21-50: common, 51-70: uncommon, 71-80: rare, 81-90: super rare, 91-95: legendary, 96-100: mythic

Drop of Chaos Results:

A <Common> Relic
An <Uncommon> Shop Item
A <Rare> Relic <Psyche’s Lamp>!

>You have gained the relic (Dryad’s Bough)!
>You have gained an <Idol>!
>You have gained the relic

>Dryad’s Bough:
The holder may expend divinity to make plants grow, proportional to the nature and extent of the growth

>Idol: 300
Provides influence when worshiped by a mortal

>Psyche’s Lamp:
Consumes divinity. Reveals the true forms of incarnations using disguise or stealth authorities lower than your incarnation level. Only reveals the true form to you, and does not affect the target’s current shape

>Network to increase your numbers

You emphasize your patreon and its discord to your audience, and take many more cosplay pictures that would be incredibly expensive and time consuming without the clothing provided by your <Faces>, and making sure that the pictures are incredibly suggestive but barely not pornographic in nature (you’re saving that bombshell for later).

Follower Count: 60,769
Cult Members: 684

As the week progresses, influence comes in passively:

From streaming: 5343->5853/6400

From the incidents in Colombia: 6153-> 8085/6400

Your incarnation level has increased! 6->7

Divinity: 280/300->325/325

You get another missive from Pheme:

“I’m back, but I’m dead tired. You’ll probably see more influence roll in over the next two weeks. Personally, I gotta get some rest. You can come visit if you want, but I’m staying home for a bit.”

What should you do?

>Get your cult to worship your idol
>Spend influence
>Start riots
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music (specify between cyber_syren or your musician persona)
>Learn some skills the old fashioned way
>Visit Pheme
Correction, wrote 6->7, meant 7->8

>Visit Pheme
Girl's Night! Deets on the carnage! Wine!
>Get your cult to worship your idol!
What does it look like? Can we customize it into scantily clad versions of ourselves? (Ewwwww)
As long as the idol is recognizably of you (for Atë, that essentially means any of her personae), then you can make it look like whatever you want
>level up whispers to 7
>touch of madness to 6
>A <Rare> Relic
Shouldn't that've been a super rare on an 81?

Oh yeah, that's right. My mistake. What should be done?
>Add functionality to <Psyche's Lamp>
>Get something else
> Boost Psyche's Lantern!
+1 both
backing >>5892638
then visit Pheme
That is going to be some greasy nasty influence, but wank worship is still worship.

>Psyche’s Lamp:
Consumes divinity. Reveals the true form -> (and primary myth) of incarnations using disguise or stealth authorities lower than your incarnation level. Only reveals the true form to you, and does not affect the target’s current shape

>Whispers of Temptation: 6->7

Individuals who succumb to this authority will feel a sense of reverence for you if they are aware of your existence

>Touch of Madness 5->6

It is possible to temporarily paralyze a target who is seeing illusions, allowing them to freely move within it while remaining static in the real world. This does not affect involuntary bodily functions.

Influence: 5853->1053/12800

>Get your cult to worship your idol

You manifest your <Idol> in the form of a slightly anime-stylized figurine of cyber_syren dressed in clothes just skimpy enough to tantalize while evading TOS. You place the idol in a jar, set up a camera feed, and stream it in your server to worship “as a joke”. After all, even people who essentially worship you would still take some pause at literally praying to you. Instantly, you start to see its effects

Influence: 1053-> 1247/12800

You buy two bottles of nice champagne and drive to Pheme’s apartment. When you get there, the door opens automatically and, as you see when you enter, a black, translucent hand is responsible for doing so, not a high tech system. Pheme, wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, lazily lifts an arm up from her bag of potato chips to greet you. She has a grin so wide that you’d hurt yourself if you tried to replicate it.

“Sup partner,” she says, “how’ve you been?”

You shrug and say, “I’ve been. Got my hands on some cool new stuff.”

“Oh? Spill.”

“What, you don’t already know?”

“I’ve been BUSY. I decided to go above and beyond and take it from normal regime change to full blown civil war. I wasn’t exactly rolling in time to stalk you. Plus I’ve been away from my setup.”

You sit down next to her- her couch is maybe the most comfortable thing you’ve ever sat down on, pull out the bottles, and hand it to her.

“What, you don’t want a glass for these?”

“Do you?”

You take the other bottle and take a swig.

“That’s what I thought you crazy bitch.”

You stare at each other for a few seconds of dead silence before you both burst out laughing.

What do you want to talk about with Pheme?
>Exchange stories
>Talk about the immediate future
>Talk about long term goals
>Let's just play some Mario Kart (roll 3d6)
*pull out one of the bottles
Rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8 (3d6)

>>Let's just play some Mario Kart (roll 3d6)
Have fun : )
Rolled 3, 5, 6 = 14 (3d6)

>All of the above, while playing mario kart

Ask what Level she's at while revealing our own too

What's her endgame? For us we can't bring about the total downfall of humanity, we still need people to be able to continuously ruin them. But a slight decimation wouldn't hurt.

immediate future plans:
spread a rumor about a murder video like from the ring that makes people want to kill themselves. Produce said video and distribute it in some edgy goth alt whatever circles
We use Whispers of Temptations as people who watch them want to be slightly overwhelmed by sadness, despair and horror when they watch an underground creepy video. The "wanting to kill themselves" bit only sets on if you watch it too often. But things like moonlight sonata also had the effect of increase in suicide after good performances. Only works on those susceptible

Highjack another internet celebrity get a rival e-thot to make a sextape, have it get leaked, have her very distraught crying stream about how she was coerced into it and then that last bit of trust break of posting it, and kill herself on screen, with our whispers of temptations that her followers should "follow her into death"

We also need some more manpower for our own media enterprise so we have more time on our own hands
>Exchange stories

How does one topple a regime anyway? You knos, just in case we decide to become a god-queen somewhere.
Rolled 5, 5, 1 = 11 (3d6)

on the streamer thing: what's in it for Pheme?
only the spreading rumor that a streamer is having a mental breakdown live which should spread like well enough
we also got to use our whispers of temptations so nobody reports it, but wanting to see how it plays out
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)

i have a different IP now, but I alsowant to bring up that potential stalker again
we shouldn't ignore potential threats
>Exchange stories

Dice are best of 3: 14

The races are close, with you taking the first two and Pheme taking the third. The last race is on Mount Wario and, with a little below the table help from <Supernatural Speed>, you pull off some impressive tricks and a difficult shortcut and manage to pull ahead, definitively winning the set.

“You cheated.” Pheme says, a touch of poutiness in her usually smug voice.

“Nothing in the rules says you can't use powers. Besides, you’ve been using your feathers to watch the game. That's probably just as much of an advantage if not more.”

“I have a disability, jackass.” She shoots back. You can tell that she isn't actually offended, but the comment catches you off guard.

“Really, what’s-”

She pulls her hair up from her face, and what you see immediately stops you. Everything above her nose line is covered in small white scars, just barely visible on her pallid skin. In lieu of eyes, two black marbles look back at you.

“When I was a kid,” she explains, “there was this gaggle of girls who picked on me. I guess they thought it was fun. One day, before class, my dad bought me one of those genuine coke bottles: the real ones, with the glass, that look like the ones they made before everything was plastic. Maybe she was jealous, or maybe she just wanted to see what would happen, but one of the girls, Abigail Skinner, took it from my hands and threw it right at my head as hard as she could. It cracked my skull a bit, and the glass cut me up, all over my face. The doctors couldn't recover my eyes, so they removed them. They gave me normal glass eyes, of course, but I prefer these.”

You feel a sense of secondhand rage smoldering in your gut.

“What happened to Abigail?”

“Nothing. Her parents are super rich, see, and my parents were broke. It was one of those expensive private schools- I only got in because of the scholarship program. Well, they lived comfortably after that, and I guess so did I. Minus the whole vision thing, anyway.”

“So you're still letting her walk around after what she did?”

“Yep. Because I’ve got something fun in mind for her later. Might ask for your help with that.”


You plan on covering everything listed in the previous vote tonight, but what should you talk about first?

>Exchange stories
>Discuss the immediate future
>Discuss long term goals
>Go home
>>Discuss long term goals
Birthday present confirmed!

>Discuss long term goals
Where do we take this? God queen of a small country? A big country? Cozy retirement after we build up to the Immortality Authority?

Total wipeout of all opposing gods?
>Discuss the immediate future
>Discuss long term goals
long term goals yes but I wanna hear more about her recent activities too

>Discuss long term goals

“What else,” she says with a grin, “than world domination?”

“Awfully lofty of a goal, isn’t it?”

“Well, infinite timescales necessitate infinite ambition: of course, global supremacy is only a step in the process, but it’s an important one.”

You ask her to elaborate.

“Of course, I don’t intend to pull all the strings directly: that’s mortal work for mortal hands, but if we can get all the other incarnations to be either allies, subordinates, or corpses, we can essentially mold society into a big influence generating machine.

For example: imagine a world in which in every city of every country, a single, random individual selected from a group of applicants was to receive all of the trappings of a royal lifestyle: a luxurious manor, hordes of attractive suitors of whatever gender they so desire, decadent meals, the works. But, in order to maintain that situation, they’d have to follow a long list of ridiculous rules that go against their base desires: never should you sleep for more than 3 consecutive hours, never should you scratch your back, et cetera. The moment they violate that rule…”

“They lose everything. They’re ruined.”

She claps her hands together. “Precisely! Plus, we can make it so you have to spend essentially all of your free hours in a dingy gray room to even be eligible: so people waste their lives away in the pursuit of worldly pleasures. In that sense-”

“They ruin their lives every day.”

“Exactly. Of course, we have no way of knowing what the limits of those terms are, but we can always experiment! That’s not even counting the idols: we could have one of both of us in every home in the world. And how do we accomplish all of this? By beating the bad guys, of course.”


“We set up a big disaster. A calamity even. A big bad incarnation that wants to destroy it all: you do that part. Then, and here’s the neat trick, we give a shapeshifting authority to an <Inductee>. They become you, you become a <Savior>, and then we use that as an excuse to insert ourselves into world affairs. Well, it’s a bit of a work in progress, but those are the broad strokes.”

“In this new society,” you ask, “how do you plan to make influence?”

“Oh, that part is easy. Setting aside all the propaganda we’ll be putting out, my idea is to teach hyper specific, slightly incorrect facts in school.”


“Rewrite the history books a little. Misspell the names of important figures, slightly alter the accounts and primary sources, change a few dates around, the whole nine yards. Use academic institutions to validate my completely fake changes, and have them taught to kids worldwide. I’ll get millions every year.”



What should you discuss next?

>Immediate future plans
>Exchange stories
>Exchange stories
Columbia! Deets on the chaos!

Picrel is a rough colored sketch of Pheme with her face showing
File: pheme_sketch.png (1.15 MB, 2550x3300)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB PNG
>Oops, forgot the image

>Pheme's whole plan
Madness, but it'll probably work
God damn pheme a girl after our own heart.
I'd hit.

>Exchange stories

You decide to exchange tales of what you’ve been up to since you last met. Pheme talks about what it was like to shadow a dictator, including sleeping on rooftops, trying to reverse engineer the entire chain of command, and planting the feathers at roughly the same time.

“The important thing is to know who can and will want to do a coup, make the kingpin paranoid, and then make that paranoia justified.”

“Did you see anything interesting?”

“Oh, of course dude. This one time, he made this random dude from the street fight a leopard high on cocaine.”

“Holy shit really?”

“It was insane. He told the dude that he’d kill his whole family if he lost, gave the guy a pointy stick, and sent him to go die.”

“Did the cocaine make the leopard fight better?”

“Probably? The thing was definitely tweaking out, but I’m not an expert on damnatio ad bestias.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing fun, mostly just a lot of sex offenses and murders. Oh, one of the lieutenants had a bit of a cannibalism fetish. Ate like, a whole woman.”

Even if you were a sanctimonious hero wannabe, you wouldn’t be feeling an ounce of guilt for what these guys got.

You tell her about what you’ve been up to- she finds the case of Jane particularly funny due to the brevity of the operation- and show off some of the new powers you got. She does the same, showing off an authority that lets her melt through physical objects. Apparently, she prioritized upgrades over gathering new powers when eliminating incarnations.

“The phasing power is cool, but it made <Divine Construct> feel like a waste of money, since I mostly bought it to pick locks. Still helpful, though.”

You ask her about what her next step is, but she shrugs and flops back on the couch.

“I need some time to think about it. Scheming is as much an art as it is a science. But if you come up with something cool, let me know.”

Fair enough, you suppose. You and Pheme keep the party alive, getting wasted and playing games, until you both pass out in her living room.

Hungover, but satisfied with Pheme’s loyalty, you drive yourself home and crash on the bed. You came over on a Saturday, so you don’t have to come in for work, meaning you have some time to work on your objectives.

What should you do?

>Spend influence
>Start riots
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music (specify between cyber_syren or your musician persona)
>Learn some skills the old fashioned way
>Focus on work

Also, feel free to suggest any operations you want to work on with Pheme.
>Focus on streaming
Keep those fanboys dangling on our fingers, and keep recruiting into the cult.

> Pheme Schemes
Anons have voiced the idea of replacing and ruining a celebrity and her fanbase. Pheme can probably find a good target/time and then we can handle the actual replacement and mind bomb of her fans.
I wonder what Pheme thinks about her humanity. Is she at all like us, or is she preferring to keep herself as herself and not go full LARP becoming the mask? She's so carefreely going with this, hitching a seat on our wild ride of chaos and confusion.

I don't know if I'm the only person who would ever have these sorts of thoughts or feelings about those around me, if I was in this sort of cosmic deity LARP death game for no discernible reason. Maybe it really is this easy to ignore all the small stuff and be a sociopathic bad guy. Or maybe it's all cope, an illusion
Damn Pheme is smart
She can live

>Focus on streaming
we need those numbers up
our viral phase is imminent
Thanks. That was me so I'll support this.

>I don't know if I'm the only person who would ever have these sorts of thoughts or feelings about those around me

Of all the incarnations we've seen, Atë is definitely an edge case. Pheme is definitely a different sort from Atë and, if she was asked, would say something to the effect of "I'm Marie and I'm the incarnation of Pheme. Kinda like how Mr. Hyde is Dr. Jekyll or Batman is Bruce Wayne. There's not much point in philosophizing on the subject."

Most incarnations, at least as you've seen, share either Atë or Pheme's mindset, instead perceiving themselves as just themselves with some new superpowers
*don't share
Some ideas.
Do a tearful interview on fresh n fit, piers Morgan, Joe Rogan ect.

Hire some Indian bot farms to mass spread our stuff.

Twitter, Instagram, fb,yt,tiktok pics/vids with our idol for our fans to worship us uWu.

Leak a sex video. Kim Kardashian style.

DM basically every male celebrity, politician, CEO or millionaire+, with a "love song".

I assume we can many faces something steamy. We like to siiinnngggg. (I'm sure we could deepfake nearly all of it.)

Sweet venom that we're innocent and that this is a ruthless smear.

Increase hype by dming all talk show hosts that they should talk about us / bring us on / livestream. Then during have them treat us really unfairly/ violent. So when we are vindicated....

Fake a suicide attempt to feed more coverage.

Have neutral computer forensics come out that it was indeed a deepfake.

Do a tearful we're "healing" and we'll get back to making music. (Have this one cause our sympathizers wanting to worship us. And kill those that trash talked us.)
Interesting. Thank you for explaining that
>I assume we can many faces something steamy.
I had the funniest thought, morphing our face just a little bit to pretend to be a lookalike that does porn pretending to be us. Hilarious. Then we can C&D this "person" so the vids become one of those "collector's" kind of internet thing that people spread. The whole thing naturally is soaked in our ruinous power and obsession building influence. Make our own cursed smut while maintaining a "pure" reputation. Truly worthy of diabolical laughter.
>Focus on streaming

You decide to focus on streaming and making youtube videos on your off hours, making sure to shill your patreon while you do so. You’ve reached a point where, if you wanted to, you could quit your job even without touching the money that your father left you.

Over the course of the week, you manage to substantially grow your audience

Follower Count: 64,831
Cult Members: 832

You get influence from your audience: 1247-> 1368/12800
From your music as cyber_syren: 1368-> 1427/12800
From your musician persona-> 1491/12800
From your Idol: 2989/12800
From Colombia (standard): 7420/12800
From Colombia (secondary directive): 8532/12800

You gain two authorities from <Divine Folly>:

>Bloodlust (1):
When active, increases your strength, speed, and stamina in proportion to the degree to which you want to kill your target. Also fosters your desire to do so while active. Consumes divinity proportional to the strength of its manifestation.
>Keep <Bloodlust>
>Toss <Bloodlust>
>Store <Bloodlust> (Costs 600 influence)

>Specter’s Wail (1):
Releases an ear splitting scream. Causes inner ear damage at close ranges and inspires despair at long ones
>Keep <Specter’s Wail>
>Toss <Specter’s Wail>
>Store <Specter’s Wail> (Costs 600 influence)

Towards the week’s end, your cyber_syren persona receives an email from the account [email protected]. Seems like spam until you read the subject line: ‘Not your face, is it?’ Worried and intrigued, you read on.

Hey Syren,
I read up on some conspiracy theories online last week related to your work, so I decided to check your content out. I looked back to your very first stream and noticed something interesting. That’s not your real body, is it?

First of all, relax. Nobody could tell unless they knew exactly what to look for, which I do. The feds aren’t gonna catch on unless you really fuck up, or unless you blow the lid on the whole operation. The main giveaway was those boobs- you kept trying to move like they weren’t there. A mortal might just assume it was lazy coomer bait, but I know better than that. Still, there were some other things- you kept getting your hair caught on stuff- subtly, but I’d guess your real hair is short, right? You tried to scratch your nose a little too low- different face shape, I’d guess. I could go on. You fixed all of that stuff now, but my point is, I think you’re like me. You know what I mean.

So, if you’re interested in teaming up, write back. And again, relax. Even if I wanted to expose you (which I don’t, you’re doing great work), nobody would believe me anyway. I think our goals are very compatible. In some ways, we’re like family. Keep in touch,

Truly yours,


Well this might be bad.

What should you do?
>Tell Pheme about this
>Respond to the email
>Ignore the email
Mistyped the address, should be [email protected]. It matters, I promise.
>I did not have surgery, shut up. Creep.
I'd laugh if he panics and thinks he slipped.

>Tell Pheme about this

> Take Banshee Wail
> Store Bloodlust
We can totally use Whispers with Banshee Wail and it's equal parts amazing and horrifying. Bloodlust is good, and I'd like to have it handy if we get into a confrontation, but mental warfare is our deadliest weapon.

>Tell Pheme about this
Unleash the stalker powers!

Your mom...ah shit, it's Eris isn't it?
>Toss both abilities
>Tell Pheme about this
+1 both
I notice the idol gains more influence than most other things. Seems fitting. Going for spreading that might be ideal then

>Store <Specter’s Wail>
Influence: 8532->7932/12800
>Toss <Bloodlust>

>Send a reply, feigning offense at an accusation of receiving plastic surgery
>Tell Pheme about this

You forward the email to Pheme, and she promptly messages you back

>This is totally Eris. Look at the account: urmom518919. The numbers aren’t random, it’s an alphabet code: E is the fifth letter of the alphabet, R is the 18th, I is the ninth, and S is the 19th. Not super subtle, but it’s a decent way to filter out people who just see it as spam or stalker mail. It could be someone else pretending to be her, but I believe it easily could be.

>So why did she contact me?

>She’s probably building up the pantheon

>Still, seems awfully careful of her, given what you described

>I guess she picked up on some of my pointers after I left

You lean back in your chair, contemplating your next step. If she really is Eris, she probably won’t rat you out to the authorities, but there’s no guarantee that she won’t come after you once she recruits a big enough piece of the pantheon. What should be done?

>We need to hunt her down. Pheme still knows where she lives, right?
>She seems to want to work together. Maybe we should at least hear her out
>I have bigger fish to fry. I’ll deal with this later
>Ask Pheme for advice
>She seems to want to work together. Maybe we should at least hear her out
I thought Pheme was cautious of her because she could be tracked down by her, but they worked together before?
Pheme located Eris before meeting up with us, and decides she was too problematic to work with. She doesn't want us working with Eris because it creates a way for Eris to find Pheme. Pheme's opinion on Pantheons is that they're a bloodbath waiting to happen.

>We need to hunt her down. Pheme still knows where she lives, right?
Pheme described Eris as "Spiteful", so I think we're probably asking for trouble if we delay dealing with her. The Goddess of Strife is probably not a team player.
Eris is very well known for throwing huge shitfits when she isn't invited to parties. Her apple shows up any time someone pisses her off, and she has a short fuse. Snub her at your own peril. Or introduce her to a snubnose.
Yeah, I was definitely thinking less snub and more lure into a deadly ambush. We might want to purchase a ranged divine weapon and the proficiency Authority to go with it. Or a high powered rifle if Pheme has the right contacts for it. Guerilla Tactics Authority, a rifle or divine ranged weapon, and our speed might be enough to grind and wear down even an Incarnation as strong as ourselves.

That's assuming she's as strong as us of course. Hydra Head and Trapper mandatory.
>Ask Pheme for advice
We should try to get her under our control or kill her. Eris' too close to us to ignore now
Three way tie between hear her out, hunt her down, and ask Pheme. I'll wait a bit longer for a tiebreaker and roll for it tomorrow if one isn't cast
>We need to hunt her down. Pheme still knows where she lives, right?
to avoid another tie, I'm switching to
>We need to hunt her down. Pheme still knows where she lives, right?

>I need to hunt her down. Pheme still knows where she lives, right?

You contact Pheme about wanting to hunt her down and, within the hour, she appears on your doorstep.

“So,” she says, “it’s finally showtime.”

She lays out what she knows of Eris’s powers to you:
>An (EX) rated authority that’s similar to your early level <Whispers>, but is constantly active against both mortals and hostile incarnations
>Some transformation authority, similar to if not the same as <A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices>
>The ability to imbue an object with unnatural desirability to others
>A mind-altering authority that works similar to <Touch of Madness>, but with a narrower scope and a longer range

But, she emphasizes, she has no way of knowing what powers she’s developed in the meantime. Eris, like you, has mind altering effects that can affect incarnations, so her surveillance of her is inherently limited.

She warns you that, though you and Eris are of a similar nature, that you are most likely still susceptible to her authorities. If you want to go after her, she says, you’ll need to stock up on <Breath of Serenity>. She also warns you that Eris has already made contact with some of her Pantheon, having gathered most of the <Plural Myths> in the pantheon, as well as Ponos, god of toil or hardship.

“She’s like a stereotypical mean girl gone even more psycho.” she tells you, “But instead of a burn book, she has a hit list.”

She shows you a photograph of a beautiful woman, the platonic ideal of a sorority girl, with tanned, flawless skin, long, slender limbs, and the curves to fill out her frame. A pair of upturned sea blue eyes peers out from her perfectly symmetrical face. Shoulder length blonde hair, clearly meticulously maintained by both herself and a litany of trained professionals, drapes down her face and emphasizes the color of her irises.

“Goddamn,” you say, looking at the picture, “what the hell does someone like her want to burn the world down for?”

She shows you another picture. It’s the same woman, maybe a bit older. The primary difference, however, are the horrific burn scars on the left side of her face and shoulders. The warped red flesh looks like a spreading blight, twisting her once perfect skin and presumably bringing agonizing pain with even the slightest movement. Her left eye is obviously fake, and it might be a blessing that it is, since it’s obvious that the eyelid, and the flesh around it, has been lost.

“Her name is Ashley Lambert,” she begins, “Classic Beverly Hills type- rich, spoiled, beautiful. She seduced this super rich guy. A MARRIED super rich guy. With a good prenup. He was going to leave his wife for her and, when the missus found out, she decided to get revenge. What you’re looking at is the result of an entire pot of boiling hot oil, poured onto her face while she was in bed with the woman’s husband. Ashley got enough money to never work another day in her life, but she obviously snapped.”

You shrug. Ultimately, you can’t feel too bad about the whole affair. Especially since, with her powers, her beauty came back to her on a silver platter.

“Like I said, she’s beyond negotiating with. She doesn’t even WANT power, or to rule the world, or to figure out the secrets behind the system. She doesn’t care. She’s just a revenge-blinded lunatic; a rabid animal who can’t be pragmatic for even a second. She wants to burn down the whole world for how they treated her after the incident, without even considering what happens after.”

“So how can I take her down?”

“Well, there are two main ways. Either an ambush, or an infiltration of the pantheon. Personally, I prefer the former, but if you pull off the latter correctly, you might be able to flip the pantheon against Eris and take her spot as top dog.”

She makes a valid point. In a situation with non aggression pacts involved, it essentially becomes a mortal fight and, especially with numbers and your regeneration authority, that should be a fight you always win. Then again, if she’s setting up an ambush herself, you’re basically asking to get hit by her mind altering effects. What should you do?

hell yes
pantheon assembled and rival dead
only room for one crazy god bitch in this world
> Ambush

Preferably from range, but BOAR mode does give us immunity to mind altering effects. I don't want go get close to this bitch, and we can run down the pantheon at our leisure.

I'm thinking we start with planted explosives, and then follow up with long range rifle fire, and play it by ear from there.
We have a regeneration authority we can bait her with
Yes, she can transform, but this could actually make her whole again
Additionally, can we ask Pheme about the limits on Divine Construct? Can it make explosives? Rifles? A tank? Electronics? Boiling oil? Depending on the cost of maintaining those objects it could be really really useful in an ambush scenario.

"<Divine Construct>? I only have it at level 3, but so far, it can't emulate chemical properties or reactions. I can manipulate the construct at will, so a tank is theoretically possible, but it would be more efficient to just make a big hard box. As for explosives or guns, those are both currently infeasible. For now, the constructs are all room temperature, so I can't make boiling liquids either."
We gotta do the mean girls thing and become top bitch.


You decide that the increased rewards: several divine minions and rapidly progressing the rate of assembling your pantheon would be worth taking the increased risks. Pheme seems a little anxious about the prospect, but ultimately, she agrees to the plan.

She gives you Eris’s address, a brief list of her favorite locations: cafes, stores, salons, etc, as well as a brief rundown of her likes and dislikes. What should your next step be?

>Respond to the email in a positive manner.
>Approach her in real life; would make Eris more cautious, but would also immediately assert a dominant hand in negotiations

Before I go, I ought to:
>Prepare first: I need to upgrade authorities and buy items (specify)
>Investigate in person: I should stalk her a bit in person and online before I approach her
>Wait for a while: I should garner enough influence to level up before I take my next step. I’d be better prepared, but a person like Ashley might not appreciate the delay
>Respond to the email in a positive manner.

>Investigate in person: I should stalk her a bit in person and online before I approach her
>>Approach her in real life; would make Eris more cautious, but would also immediately assert a dominant hand in negotiations
>>Prepare first: I need to upgrade authorities and buy items (specify)
I want both a Trapper and a Hydra's Head
with the remaining I want to get Assess Hamartia up

I also want to first have some of Pheme's survailance in one of Eris' favourite locations and try to use Assess Hamartia through it, if that works
then just sit ourselves in her booth or table out of nowhere for style points
We should also tell Pheme, that if Eris knows about us already working together and have to lie about the relationship

>Approach her in real life; would make Eris more cautious, but would also immediately assert a dominant hand in negotiations

>Prepare first: I need to upgrade authorities and buy items (specify)
I'm going be frank, I think we should be prepared for this to devolve into a deathmatch at any moment. On that note I think we should take our 7900 Influence and...

> Buy a Trapper. 500
> Buy a Hydra's Head. 500
Basic prep.
> Buy a Detective's Compass. 650.
We know her name and Incarnation, and this let's us keeps tabs on her location, or at least tells us if she has a position cloaking Authority.
> Buy Nectar x5. 1000.
This let's us restore our divinity to max in a combat situation. As long as we have Divinity we can Regenerate, Omen, and Survival Instinct.
> Buy Breath of Serenity x5. 1000.
She's us, but crazy. Prepare accordingly.
> Record Pass. 100.
Just useful information, and let's us know if she's done anything particularly noteworthy. Maybe there's a "Treasonous Bitch" public title? Hopefully Pheme doesn't hold it
> Divine Weapon Ticket (low). 200
Get a magic dagger I'm thinking.

That leaves us 3000 influence. Moving onto Authorities...

> Omen 2->4. 600
> Preservation Instinct 2->4: 600
> Supernatural Speed 3->4: 400
Basic Survival
> Bane of Calydon 3->5: 1200
Trump Card. Immune to mind control, immune to mortal weapons, fucking wrecking ball.

Leaves us with about 200 Influence. This is a pretty hardcore investment, but I don't think any of it is wasted even if we don't need it. The only exception might be the detective's compass. It doesn't say it's consumed, or locked to an individual, but that might be implied.
ah damn, I was looking at the influence in the rentry. I thought we had way less.

I think we can ease off on quite that many stocks of nectar and serenety, because we are only going in to infiltrate, not to immediately fight. I don't think we are in immediate danger
I rather have Assess Hamartia upgraded a few time and get us a ranged divine weapon. I'm thinking a bow with nicely barbed arrow tips to suit our "by their own hands" directive.
How about we only do one level of Boar Mode, and instead do two levels of Harmatia, and pick up both a Divine Dagger and Divine Bow? I think that fits.
Can we get a list of shop items
It's included in the rentry link in the OP
Backing >>5896397
Big prep
We didn't gather an army of followers to be stingy with the influence
Brilliant anon.
Firstly, I looked back at the logs and it seems like people wanted to keep <Wail> and store <Bloodlust>. Influence cost is the same, but the rentry pages are now rectified.

Secondly, seems like:

>Approach her in real life; would make Eris more cautious, but would also immediately assert a dominant hand in negotiations

Has won. That vote is now closed.

Finally, the items and upgrades. It seems like there’s a consensus on the following, so I’ll resolve them.


Omen (2->4):
You gain an instinctual understanding of not just the direction and severity, but the general nature of the oncoming threat. Also alerts you to the presence of poisons.

Preservation Instinct (2->4):
Decreases the physical strain that this authority causes. Allows for limited use of this authority even when physically unable to move, such as the cases of torn ligaments, crushed bones, severe nerve damage, or paralytics and anesthetics.

Supernatural Speed (2->3)
Slows the perception of time by one third of the factor that speed is increased.

Bane of Calydon (3->4)
Allows you to adjust the size of the transformation, with a maximum of the beast’s full size and a minimum of your untransformed mass.

Influence: 7932->6132/12800


Detective’s Compass, Trapper, Record Pass, Hydra Head
Influence: 4482/12800

For all of the following, you may vote on the number of each of the following you’d like to do, from zero to five. I will disregard any impossible votes (votes to spend more influence than you possess). The final result will be the average of all votes, rounded down.

>Upgrade <Bane of Calydon>: #
>Upgrade <Assess Hamartia>: #
>Buy <Nectar>: #
>Buy <Divine Weapon Ticket> (low): #
>Buy <Breath of Serenity>: #
>Write-in (any vote that doesn’t contain a write-in will be presumed a zero for all write-ins)
Also, while I was checking the status, I noticed preservation instinct was already lvl 3, so I'm refunding 200 influence.

Influence: 4682/12800
>Upgrade <Bane of Calydon>: 1
>Upgrade <Assess Hamartia>: 2
>Buy <Nectar>: 5
>Buy <Divine Weapon Ticket> (low): 2, one bow, one dagger
>Buy <Breath of Serenity>: 5

I don't suppose there are divine firearms? I guess we could make one with Enchant.
>Upgrade <Bane of Calydon>: 1
>Upgrade <Assess Hamartia>: 2
>Buy <Nectar>: 2
>Buy <Divine Weapon Ticket> (low): 1, dagger
>Buy <Breath of Serenity>: 5

>1 hydra head. And 2 of those lizard tail stoppers.

(Hydra is the unstoppable teleport yeah)
And the counter to the basic tails so people can't run away from us.
>Upgrade <Bane of Calydon>: 1
>Upgrade <Assess Hamartia>: 2
>Buy <Nectar>: 2
>Buy <Divine Weapon Ticket> (low): 2, one bow, one dagger
>Buy <Breath of Serenity>: 5
>(Hydra is the unstoppable teleport yeah)
for now
Yea we thought lizard tail was unstoppable until we checked the shop at level 7. Who knows what items will be available at level 10
I wonder if slaying The Hydra would give a perk related to the Hydra Head.
I wouldn't want to tussle with the hydra. The OG hydra was so toxic even the smell of it was poisonous. Gotta fight the thing in a friggin hazmat suit.
what's one more labor of heracles
Eventually we're gonna run into the guy who has Herc's myth.
poor guy
File: 1705565534035586.gif (966 KB, 245x250)
966 KB
966 KB GIF
Herc is one of the only dudes I say you never underestimate. He has a bad habit of butchering everything around him when you fuck with his mind, and that's the only tactic that actually works against the guy. So if we do run into Heracles with most of his labors done, it's time to leave.

Firstly, resolving preparation votes:

I said I was gonna round down, but in retrospect, standard rounding seems more appropriate so I’m going with that. Therefore, the results are:

>Upgrade <Bane of Calydon>: 1
>Upgrade <Assess Hamartia>: 2
>Buy <Nectar>: 4
>Buy <Divine Weapon Ticket> (low): 2, dagger, bow
>Buy <Breath of Serenity>: 5
>Buy <Trapper>: 1

Total cost: 4100 Influence

Influence: 4682->582/12800

>Bane of Calydon (4->5):
Immediately clears all mental effects incurred by the use of the beast’s authorities upon ending the transformation

>Assess Hamartia (2->4):
In addition to the individual’s personal failings, this authority now gives information about a target incarnation’s domain, proportional to the difference in level between this authority and the target incarnation


Achaean’s Sidearm (Common Dagger):

A standard-issue dagger infused with the <Myth> of a nameless soldier in the Trojan War. Slightly more effective against incarnations related to the <Trojan War>. Can be used as an <Enchant> target or ingredient.

Huntress’s Bow (Common Bow):

A bow infused with the <Myth> of a nameless huntress of Artemis. Slightly more effective against <Beasts> and <Monsters>. Can be used as an <Enchant> target or ingredient.

>Approach her in real life; would make Eris more cautious, but would also immediately assert a dominant hand in negotiations

You want to approach Eris in real life, but a slight issue emerges: she lives in LA, and, though closer than New York, California isn’t exactly close. You can’t take a vacation on such short notice. On the one hand, the extra money from your job has been a massive help in terms of covering all of your travel expenses, but on the other, it’s beginning to become a hindrance to your real goals as an incarnation. What should you do?

>Try to make your position work from home
>Request leave as early as possible
>Try to swing a business trip to California
>Create a circumstance where we can blackmail someone higher up to keep us on the payroll as an "outside consultant", while we don't have to do anything for the company ever again
>Request leave as early as possible
We don't need to rush the Eris encounter. In fact it might be better to wait. If we find her too quickly it might tip her off that we're working with Pheme.
> Use ToM and Whispers to manipulate a higher up into an affair with us, then
>still want a hydra head
I was thinking more in line with having them embezzle shit
Funniest shit is she is mad for being looked down upon how unsightly ugly people are the other side of the halo effect
Really we ought to black widow a low key millionaire after Eris. Take the money issue off the table.
I mean there are streamers that rake in millions of dollars a month. It's already a solved issue if people would dedicate more. Like damn.

>Create a circumstance where we can blackmail someone higher up to keep us on the payroll as an "outside consultant", while we don't have to do anything for the company ever again

You decide to target a big fish, someone on the highest echelon of the company, in order to secure a solid source of income with little to no actual responsibilities. This will mostly preclude you from advancing within that company, but what does it matter? Your ambitions are much higher than a measly corporation.

You remember meeting with the bigwigs, including the CEO, COO, and CFO in a meeting a while ago, and you made sure to hit them all with <Assess Hamartia>. They are as follows:

>CEO: Notoriously promiscuous despite being married, with lust and narcissism at the top of his list. His wife presumably knows. His tastes do lean young, uncomfortably so… maybe you can convince him that he slept with a minor and blackmail him with that?
>CFO: Naturally, greed was his primary flaw. You can certainly compel him to embezzle, if he isn’t doing it already
>COO: Numerous workplace harassment suits, mostly covered up with blackmail and hush money. Maybe if you can convince him that he did something that isn’t able to be covered up so easily
>Somebody else (choose a <Hamartia>)
>CEO: Notoriously promiscuous despite being married, with lust and narcissism at the top of his list. His wife presumably knows. His tastes do lean young, uncomfortably so… maybe you can convince him that he slept with a minor and blackmail him with that?
For starters
Should be easy with touch
>COO: Numerous workplace harassment suits, mostly covered up with blackmail and hush money. Maybe if you can convince him that he did something that isn’t able to be covered up so easily

Hit him with the lust mental mindscape, and then claim a pregnancy! Whispers should be able to play on his fear to make him believe it

>CEO: Notoriously promiscuous despite being married, with lust and narcissism at the top of his list. His wife presumably knows. His tastes do lean young, uncomfortably so… maybe you can convince him that he slept with a minor and blackmail him with that?

Around a week from when you received the email from Eris, you have another large company gathering, at which you find yourself, alongside the CEO. On the day after, while the CEO is still in the city, you take the form of a young, attractive woman and seduce the old windbag. Once you make it to his room, you avoid the dirty work by tapping him on the forehead and showing him what he wants to see. Then, when he comes to, you drop the bombshell: you inform him that you are only 16, and prove it within the illusions of your <Touch>.

A day later, you send the CEO a series of videos, under your name this time, first of him with your disguise, then with a testimony to what he did recorded by yourself as the girl, and finally, a litany of naked pictures of himself. In this way, you’ve garnered considerable leverage.

You arrange a meeting- he pays for your flight- and he offers you something, anything, for you not to go to the police. What should you ask for?

>A consultation position with as much pay as your current one with absolutely no work or responsibility
>A lump sum of money
>A real promotion. A true executive position
>A consultation position with as much pay as your current one with absolutely no work or responsibility

A little concerned that one day he'll spring a betrayal on us, but eh.
Actually, I'm changing my mind.
> A Lump Sum
> Then kill him with a different face
No loose ends. After Eris let's do a Pheme Scheme where we hijack a millionaire's life
>>A consultation position with as much pay as your current one with absolutely no work or responsibility
I had the idea to set him up to fuck himself over in some other way for the directive bonuses, but money leaves a paper trail
>>A consultation position with as much pay as your current one with absolutely no work or responsibility
could also go for a pregnancy with this perhaps
>empty your pockets and bank accounts mate. Into bitcoin of course.
I think millionaire is a bit low. Let's get a billionaire. One of those chinese billionaires would love our white tight little kitty. And ccp would be a good place to take over. Let's get Jack ma or someone wrapped around our fingers.
Let's push our streaming in China and India. We'll have 2 billion followers.
I'm a little concerned that billionaire level will have Incarnation/divine relic protection, though that could be seen as a bonus. Billionaire status might also make us uncomfortably visible.
A continuing series of small favors like this flight and other frequent leaves. We have a lot of personal business.

> A Lump Sum

“A lump sum,” you say, “of 150 million dollars. I expect the totality of the money to be paid to this bitcoin wallet within the year.” You hand him a slip of paper containing the necessary information for a transfer.

“Tha-that’s way more money than I have in my accounts! I’d have to liquidate my-”

“That’s your problem.”

“W-wait! Can we at least say 140?”

“170.” You say, before vanishing into the night.

After around a week passes, you’ve accumulated approximately 85 million dollars in your bitcoin wallet. At this point, you feel comfortable quitting your job. If you wanted to, you could live comfortably for the rest of your natural lifespan with this money: of course, that was never the plan.

Over that time, influence has accrued:

You get influence from your audience: 582->795/12800
From your music as cyber_syren: 795->948/12800
From your musician persona-> 948->1032/12800
From your Idol: 1032->4628/12800
From Colombia (standard): 4628->10483/12800
From Colombia (secondary directive): 10483->11293/12800

You check the news, and it seems as if the situation in Colombia has resolved for the most part. The government has reassumed control of the former autonomous zone, and the major figures in the warlord’s government and army have, for the most part, been confirmed dead.

You gain three authorities from <Divine Folly>:

>Enchant Item (1):
Allows you to create a Divine Relic. Works better for items made by the incarnation using this authority. If an authority crystal is used, a specific effect may be imparted. The item is severely damaged in the case of failure.

>Store <Enchant Item>
>Toss <Enchant Item>

>Stone Skin (1):
Allows you to harden your skin, protecting you from physical harm

>Store <Stone Skin>
>Toss <Stone Skin>

>Merciless Finish (1):
Can be activated during combat. Once a person has received a fatal injury as a result of your actions, you recover divinity proportional to the level of this authority and the pain of the target

>Store <Merciless Finish>
>Toss <Merciless Finish>
The total is right, but some of the individuals are off,

Should be more like
From your Musician Persona: 948->1343
From your idol: 1343->4628
>store enchant
>store stoneskin
>toss last one

>upgrade whispers to max
>upgrade speed to max
>buy hydra head
>preservation instinct to max
>scribe of dystopia to 5
backing >>5899038

So, I'd like to swap Scribe of Dysomia out for Enchant Item. Divine Folly drops a lot of Authorities in our lap, and I'd like a tool that can use those extra authorities.

> Store Scribe of Dysomia
> Take Enchanting
> Store Stone Skin
> Toss Merciless Finish

> Level Enchanting from 1 to 3
> Experiment with Enchanting
I don't quite understand the text of Enchanting, but I feel like Relic Creation could be a tremendously powerful tool given our surplus of Authorities.

>upgrade whispers to max
>upgrade speed to max
>buy hydra head
Sure, I've got no problem with these. We already have one Hydra Head though, so I don't see the point in a second. Defense against a theoretical "Fate's Scissors" item in the future I suppose.
were very close to the next level, so I say we wait for a level up and see what the store has for us
*we should maybe more conservative with some stuff and get our max potential up
Since it’s come up, I’ll explain the enchanting system.

When you wish to enchant an item, you roll a number of dice (1d10), specified by the materials and the target. The number you roll will be compared to the following scale:

0-10: Failure
11-30: Common
31-50: Uncommon
51-70: Rare
71-85: Super Rare
86-95: Legendary
96-100: Mythic
101+: ???

The first source of dice is the thing you’re trying to enchant. Enchant targets provide dice according to the following scale:

Mundane: 1
Common: 2
Uncommon: 4
Rare: 6
Super Rare: 8
Legendary: 9
Mythic: 10

Bonus dice may also be provided if you personally crafted the object, with the number of bonus dice being at least one, with additional bonus dice provided based on the quality of the item produced.

The second source of dice are Enchant Materials. Enchant Materials provide dice according to the following scale:

Mundane: 0
Common: 1
Uncommon: 2
Rare: 3
Super Rare: 4
Legendary: 6
Mythic: 7

Authority crystals provide a number of dice equal to the stored authority’s level. Generally, the properties of the enchanted item will most resemble the source of the most <Dice>, although the properties of other materials, as well as the enchant target, will affect it to a lesser extent.

>About the authority <Enchant Item>.

When an item is enchanted, a number of attempts equal to the level of the authority <Enchant Item> may be made, the highest of which will be taken.

Additionally, the maximum number of <Enchant Materials> that can be used at a time is equal to the level of the <Enchant Item> authority.

It is possible to use the result of <Enchant Item> as a target for successive enchantments.

>Example Enchant

An incarnation wishes to enchant a sword that they made themselves. The sword has already been enchanted once and is now a <Common Relic>. The incarnation has an <Enchant Item> level of three, but only wishes to use two ingredients: a Rare Relic and a lvl 2 authority crystal.

The number of dice rolled is equal to 8d10: 1 for crafting the item, 2 for the target being a common grade weapon or relic, 3 for using a <Rare> relic as a material, and 2 for the use of a lvl 2 <Authority Crystal>. The rare relic and the sword itself provide equal numbers of dice, so the resultant effect will either be a mix of the two, or decided randomly.

The incarnation gets 3 <Attempts>, one for each level. The results are as follows:

>First roll: 56

>Second roll: 36

>Third roll: 62

Thus, the highest roll of 62 is taken, creating a <Rare> relic
Rolled 2, 9, 3, 3, 5, 3, 7, 1, 9 = 42 (9d10)

Ok, so testing my understanding here...

Level three enchanting.
Start with Achaean’s Sidearm (Common). 2 Dice.
Use up to three materials. I level up a few authority crystals before hand and end up with:
Bloodlust 3 and Berserk 3. That's six more dice.
I toss in another common weapon ticket dagger for one more dice. We're at nine dice. We roll 9d10 three times and take the best result.

We get something themed to bloodlust and berserking.
Rolled 8, 10, 8, 5, 6, 1, 4, 8, 3 = 53 (9d10)

Rolled 4, 4, 8, 5, 3, 7, 8, 1, 5 = 45 (9d10)


And it probably hits somewhere slightly north of the average. (Hopefully rare)
Yep, in this case, your highest roll was 53, which just clears the threshold for a rare <Divine Weapon>. The properties will be mostly centered around the two biggest contributors of dice, with a bit of flavor surrounding the other contributors. The product will always have the same general form as the target, so it'd still be a dagger. Something like:

Grief of Ajax (Rare):

A sanguine dagger infused with the rage and shame of the hero Ajax the Great, imbued with the <Myth> of his suicide. Holding the dagger grants a boost to all physical capabilities, proportional to the totality of your negative emotions. It feeds into those emotions as you use it, exacerbating them substantially. The strength of the effect increases slightly when facing an incarnation related to the Trojan War
Swag. We need better authority crystals, and a gambling addiction with Cyclops Chaos Drops.

And to take a metalworking course apparently.
I assume there are incarnations out there that are just better at smithing than others, like Hephaestus or one of the named Cyclopes?

There seems to be a general consensus to
>Store <Stone Skin>
>Toss <Merciless Finish>

As a compromise between the two major options for <Enchant Item>, the following occurs.

>Scribe of Dysnomia (1->3)

Cost of use is (halved-> reduced to one third). Additionally, targets of this authority also exhibit reduced guilt for immoral and illegal acts.

Then, store <Scribe of Dysnomia> and take <Enchant Item>.

Influence: 11293-> 10393/12800

You decide to stall until you hit 12800, which takes around 5 days, focusing on content creation and networking in the meanwhile.

Follower Count: 72,583
Cult Members: 932

Influence: 12801/12800-> 12801/25600

Your incarnation level has increased! Level 8->9

Divinity: 300/325->350/350

You check the shop for new items.

Level 8:


>Authority Crystal (medium): 600

Can store authorities up to a maximum level of 6.

>Reliquary’s Drop of Chaos: 600

Provides a random Divine Relic. There is a 20% that the item has a <dud> effect, regardless of rank

>Temple’s Altar: 5,000

Can be placed in any building with the informed consent of the owner, sanctifying it as your <Temple>. Once placed, any individual who dwells or sets foot in the building must recognize that they are doing so. Each <Visitor> provides 1 influence, while each <Dweller> provides 5. Any given building can only be one incarnation’s <Temple> at any given time.


>Divine Realm (1): 10,000

Creates a private subspace of size proportional to the authority’s level, which can only be entered with your permission.

Level 9:


>Authority Grinder: 200

Allows you to trade an authority you currently possess for an appropriate amount of influence. However, this item is consumed upon use, and its costs are not included in the total you receive.

>Asclepius’s Gift: 400

Revives the holder upon death, provided that at least 70% of the body is intact. If this item is used, your killer will not gain subjugation rewards. Once this item is consumed, 24 hours must pass before another is.

>Divine Weapon ticket (medium): 500

Grants an uncommon relic of a type of your choosing. 10% chance of providing a rare weapon instead.

Divine Will (1): 800

Helps you resist mind altering effects. Can be overwhelmed by an authority of a higher level

Resplendence (3): 500

While active, reveals the glow of your <Divinity> to mortals

(I didn’t spend any more on authorities because I assumed that, if you were going to wait until level 9 anyway, you’d prefer to have complete information.)

What should you do?

>Spend influence (specify how)
>Don’t spend influence
Oh nice, buy 5 grinders and a gift pronto
then try enchantment plan
Also, sorry that there's been a lot of system fiddling and not a lot of action recently. When I was working on the system, I sort of didn't anticipate so many level ups on such a short timescale. On the one hand, I want people to be able to make all of the build decisions and not be railroaded into past choices or my whims, but on the other, I recognize that it can be boring. Feedback is appreciated
I speak only for myself, but I'm a complete sucker for theorycrafting, powergaming and plotting. Absolutely loving it. I adore systems.

Yeah, better to grind an authority than just toss it out. Let's see if I can make an updated Enchantment Plan. So if our goal is a 100+ artifact roll for the top tier relic possiblity...

> Buy 3x Divine Weapon ticket (medium): 1500
> Level Enchanting to 4. 400
> Shuffle Authority Crystals and invest levels until we have Level 6 Bloodlust and Level 6 Berserk. This is very expensive, 3100 for each authority, plus more for the crystals.
> Enchant an Uncommon Dagger(4) with Bloodlust(6), Berserk(6), and the other two Uncommon Daggers (4) for a total of 20d10, which should yield approximately 100 on the dice roll.

The result ideally will be 101+. Is this giant pile of influence and authorities worth a 101+ artifiact? (hopefully?)

Quick point of order, Enchant Item is currently level 1, so getting it to 4 would cost 700. You can still afford it obviously, but I just thought I'd point that out
>max whispers
>max speed
>preservation max

Since we have a hydra head guess we don't need another.

>Spend 100 million on radio, TV, YouTube, tiktok, Google ads.
Make ourselves go viral. Big media campaign.
>Time to have a following like TayTay

Maxing out any authority is impossible right now. Currently, you have no level 8 authorities, and the cost to get from 8 to 9 is 12,800, which is pretty much your current total influence. Maxing out a level 7 authority would cost 19,200, which is more than you have
Ok. actual vote.
> Buy 1 Asclepius’s Gift
Another layer of death protection is appreciated. I don't want to buy any Grinders, we can just buy them as needed/desired. Otherwise, let's just hold out until level 10. Let's meet Eris and start our infiltration game. I really want to make a super tier relic, but I think waiting until 10 is the better move.

Since the voting seems a bit sporadic, I’ll make 4 proposals that people can vote on in regards to spending influence. You may select as many as you can afford.

>Limited Spending:
1 <Asclepius’s Gift> and 1 <Authority Grinder [Cost: 600]
>Enchant Experiment:
Upgrade <Enchant Item> to 4, store <Wail>, Upgrade <Riptide> to 3 and store it, and use <Achaean’s Dagger>, buy <Resplendent>, buy two <Divine Weapon Ticket (medium)> (12+ dice) [Cost: 2200]
>Super Weapon:
Upgrade <Enchant Item> to 4, store <Wail>, upgrade <Berserk> and <Bloodlust> to 6 and then re-store them. Buy three <Divine Weapon Ticket (medium)>. (20+ dice) [Cost: 9900]
>Authority Upgrades:
<Supernatural Speed> to 7, <Preservation Instinct> to 7 [Cost: 11200 Influence]
>Write-in (But pick a proposal for if your write in doesn’t win. For example append your suggestion with “but if that doesn’t win, I’d pick >Super Weapon”)
>Limited Spending
>Enchant Experiment
lets save the super weapon until we have a bit of practice with enchanting
we keep getting more authorities than we have room for so it's not like we won't be able to experiment
> Limited Spending
I want that super weapon baaaad, but I assume the system has some big reward waiting at level 10, including more authority slots, and I think that's worth holding out for.
>Limited Spending
Don’t need to overspend

>”Temple’s Altar: 5,000”
We should definitely buy this at some point so our cult can generate even more influence.
On the note of making an army if we buy the induct authority we could easily turn our cultists into are willing soldiers and they would thank us for it due to the loyalty instilled by our whispers. We could give them the combat authorities we don’t need and have them support us when fighting. This combined with that temple authority could be pretty powerful.

>”Induct (EX): 1,000 - Allows you to grant an authority to a mortal, either directly or via an authority crystal. The target will gain the Pseudo-Myth: <Cultist of <Your Incarnation Name>>. They share your directives, and any influence, authorities, epithets, or titles garnered by the target are granted to you instead. It is possible for an <Inductee> to betray their god, at which point they will lose their power and pseudo-myth. Authority vanishes upon a single use.”
>”Epithet Holder: 2,000 - Holds up to one of the <Myths> stored as an epithet. Can be sold for both the price of the holder and an amount of influence proportional to the god rank of the epithet. Epithets at a synchronization rate of 100% cannot be placed in an epithet holder. Alternatively, can be used to transfer the epithet to another incarnation or <Deify> a willing mortal. Mortals deified in this way will not grant any influence or authorities upon being eliminated.”

This might be better for making an army tho since it can be used multiple times. I don’t think we even get a bonus for having multiple epithets so we met as well give them away to make some minions. It would cost like 300 to equip a soldier with the authority to use a weapon get them a divine weapon and get them a lizard tail. So only like 3000 for 10 soldiers with basic equipment.
I still want mass advertise our stuff for more followers. 100 million towards ad's.

My mistake didn't realize it was 12k for 7 to 8.
>Limited Spending:
>Authority Upgrades
I’d prefer if didn’t spend that much on it desu since 100 million is most of our money. Mabey we could do the Andrew Tate method to get people to post our clips online for us. If we have to spend money I’d say a simple YouTube ad campaign could work it only costs like 30k to reach 100,000 viewers who click on the ad / watch it all the way through.
yeah, we are not advetrising on a movies budget.
Streamers need word of mouth, and we can use whispers to simply ask our watchers to share with their friends, but that they shouldn't be spammers.
we should have literal supernatural spread even without ads, as I described here >>5891916
now we can hire editors and split up our streams into youtube videos, different channels for VODs, highly edited videos, and shorts
Spending a hundred million out of nowhere strikes me as a way to get investigated by the IRS.

>Limited Spending:

You decide that it’s probably best to hold out until level 10 before spending too much. After all, level 5 was a big milestone that gave you a lot of upgrades including increased authority slots, which you happen to be in dire need of.

Influence: 12801->12201/25600

You book a flight and a hotel and, within days, you’re on the plane to LA. By the time you board, your influence has already passed your previous total.

Influence: 12201->12849/25600

You land, check your bags into your hotel, and make your way to Eris’s favorite cafe. You see her there on the fancy patio, sipping on some drink that could only be called coffee by technicality, and scrolling on her phone. She’s even more stunning in person than in the photograph (or maybe she enhanced her beauty a bit with her powers), seeming more like a flattering painting or a photoshopped magazine cover than an actual person.

You enter the building, order a black coffee, and consider your next step while you wait for your drink. What sort of tone should you take?

>Full on ass kissing
Just sit down opposit of her.
We know that her appearance is artificial, so we should concentrate to see if we can see through it. We know that our illusion can be broken down if the person under the influence realizes it.

And I hope we ourselves are already in some sort of disguise, should be a sorta plain looking woman that can go by unnoticed.
>Guuurrlll I love what you did with your make up!
>Talk like a valley gurl. And talk about some celebrities or other gossip. See if we can get her off balance. You like my nails? We should go to a spa! Bet no one would believe a beautiful woman like you could be my mom.
> Confident
> "So Mom, how do you want to burn this town to the ground?"

Could always hit her with Psyche's Lamp, but if she can 'feel' it activate I wouldn't want to give it away that we have it.
wait wait wait wait
>use "Assess Hamartia" first
Oh, shit, yeah, might as well. Worst case she can detect it and it kicks off a brawl.
I mean it's pretty obvious she's got MAD fucking envy and pride.
This then
That's my vote

>Assess Hamartia

Before engaging, you decide to check Eris’s flaws. A familiar red screen pops up, containing the following information:

Ashley Lambert:
Hamartia: Narcissism, Insecurity, Spite
Deepest Desires: Recognition, Revenge
Domain: Chaos (difference in level is not great enough for a more specific evaluation)

You observe your target, and she seems to be none the wiser. Satisfied with how you’ve stacked the deck in your favor, you plop down in the seat across from hers. A look somewhere between confusion and disdain appears on her face as she gazes at your less than pristine appearance.


“I got your email,” you begin with a grin, “”mom””

Her eyes widen in surprise before her expression shifts to a grin.

“I knew it! You sure took your time.”

“Well, I had to prepare a little before coming here. Needed to make sure I wasn’t walking into a trap. Besides, I didn’t want to deal with the information asymmetry. If you knew my secret, I wanted to know yours.”

Her expression darkens briefly before the smug grin returns to her face.

“Well, you proved your point. Let’s not beat around the bush,” she says, “Do you want in or not?”

>Join the pantheon
>Ask for a nonaggression compact first
>Ask who else has already joined
>Mention Pheme
>Ask for a nonaggression compact first
>Join the pantheon
>Let's start some riots

I want to see this golden apple in action, and Eris doesn't seem like the type to not want to show off. At the same time I'm thinking we avoid flexing too much, let Eris think we're weaker than we really are.

And definitely do not mention Pheme. Eris will blow her top if she has competition for our attention and loyalty.
>Ask for a nonaggression compact first
Play on her insecurity/Narcissism/desire of recognition
>To deem this a useful relationship she needs to prove herself to us before, but we're also willing to prove ourselves in return.
>Ask with what other gods she has dealt with before
>Ask who else has already joined
Not sure about the nonaggression compact, what if we want to kill her later
Nonaggression only prevents the use of powers on each other, we can still stab her in the face. Or plant a bomb in her car. Poison her coffee. Shoot her with a gun. You know, mortal style.
I guess, as long as she doesn't also have scourge
>I think we should kill her with Pheme's help

My idea is we join pantheon find out how many others I'd any are in it. Let's take down another God with her. See what she can do. Then gib her with Pheme's help. Like anon said we can still stab her.

Have Pheme "ambush" us after we took down the other God to see what she can do. We stab her when she beasts expects it.
>We stab her when she beasts expects it.
She would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for our dog.
I don’t really want to put pheme in harms way. If we need a fake attacker we could just use some of our followers. Give one an epithet and have them lead a strike force of our followers against her then stab her in the back when she least expects it.
Agreed, Pheme's never shown any indication of having combat authorities. We should integrate with Eris before getting too deep on planning.

>Ask for a nonaggression compact first
>Join the pantheon

“Of course,” you reply, “but I’m gonna need some guarantee that you won’t stab me in the back. You and I are rife with powers that mess with people’s heads, after all.”

“Not very trusting. I like that. <Nonaggression Compact> good enough for you?”

“It’s a deal.”

She purchases the parchment and, after checking it to make sure she hasn’t tricked you with a <Stygian Pact> and some fine print, you both sign. It burns up, and the familiar <Nonaggression Compact> notification appears through the system’s interface.

“Who else do you have?”

She looks around the shop before leaning in and whispering, “There’s way too many people here. We’ll talk it over at my place.”

She leads you out of the cafe and towards a small but expensive looking car. To your surprise, she slides into the driver’s seat. “No chauffeur?” You ask.

“I used to have one,” she said, “but I realized I really like driving. Means I don’t use my limo as much but like, who cares! I mostly bought it for partying with hot guys anyway, and I’ve got better things to do now.”

You move to the passenger’s seat and appreciate the obviously customized interior of the cherry red car; its black leather upholstery with golden trim, while still somewhat tacky by an objective measure, scratches a sort of ‘decadent villain’ itch. Plus, the car is shockingly comfortable. You lean back, and ask her “This private enough for you?”

“I guess.”

She goes on to list the members she does have: an Amphillogia (plural myth of conflict), a Pseudologos (plural myth of lies), Algos (goddess of pain and grief), and a Neikos (plural myth of quarrels). Between the five of them, they also have Hysminai and Androktasiai as epithets. They only need the <Plural Myths> Makhai (battle) and Phonoi (murder), and the <Myths> of Lethe, Limos, Dysnomia, Horkos, and Atë.

You reveal that, not only do you bear the myth of <Atë>, but also Phonoi and Dysnomia. Eris bursts out in a fit of laughter. You can hear the madness buried in her glee. Finally, you agree to join the pantheon.

>You have joined the pantheon <Spawn of Discord>! The pantheon remains incomplete, but you can still ascertain the locations of all members, indicated by the name of their primary <Myth>. Additional bonuses will be granted by completing your pantheon.

You make it to her home. Calling it a mansion doesn’t quite do it justice: the building is a massive, sleek modern building that, while defying traditional architectural concepts of beauty, bears a strange charm in its twisted metal spires, geometric shapes, and shimmering walls of white stone and glass. She informs you that a system of metal blinds can obstruct the view of every window, and that the house itself is almost completely soundproof, ensuring absolute privacy. The gate of the wall surrounding the estate automatically swings open upon her car’s approach- she has a bluetooth device embedded in a piece of jewelry on her person, apparently- and she drives the two of you to the front door of her home. She opens it with a command from her bedazzled phone and leads you inside.

“Wine?” She offers, pulling out a bottle older than most countries.

“Gladly.” You accept.

“The club is pretty casual,” she informs you, “mostly, we just kinda do our own thing. But, whenever we want to work on something BIG, we call, like, a scheming session. With dancing. And cocaine.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to work together more? Coordination would make things more efficient.”

“Maybe, but a lot of the girls are, like, really weird. Jen- she’s a Neikea- and I get along though.”

She’s selling it as an equal partnership between the five members, but she emits a sort of air of arrogance about it. ‘Make no mistake,’ it seems to say, ‘We don’t talk about it, but I’M the queen of this castle.’

It’s unfortunate that there isn’t a more rigid hierarchy to usurp, but what were you expecting from a gaggle of chaos gods?

“If this is just a loose alliance and not a real group, then why bother bringing me here?”

“Well, I like showing off. Plus, remember, I’ve been following your work. The stuff you get up to isn’t just genius, it SENDS ME every single time. Watching these gross incel creeps throwing everything away that doesn’t even EXIST is SO fucking funny. And seeing the normal dweebs who play all high and mighty pretending they don’t think your hot go down the drain because their favorite gamer guy is just as pathetic as your fans and plays your music all the time? It’s like a literal comedy routine. Genius.”

You smirk at the compliment. She seems to be honest, although she might be emphasizing it as an attempt at flattery. Still, it is a little cathartic to see someone finally recognize your work. She continues:

“My point is that I think you and I are super compatible. I can see it in your eyes. You get it. How awful people are, how shallow and stupid and worthless. You and I are kindred spirits that way.”

She extends her hand.

“Eris.” she says, seemingly reintroducing herself. You take note that she doesn’t hesitate to call herself as such: Eris, not Ashley.

“Atë.” you reply with a smile.

She lets the conversation flow to you, seemingly gauging your priorities and methods. What do you want to do first?

>Meet the team. At the very least, I want to meet Jen.
>Let’s go start some riots! It’s a good way to get some intel on her powers
>Let’s work on finishing up the pantheon. Ideally, we can fight another incarnation and power up what will soon be our new gang
>I want to talk to Eris more to get a sense of her personality and future plans
>Let’s go start some riots! It’s a good way to get some intel on her powers
>Meet the team. At the very least, I want to meet Jen.
Girls night on the town! Invite Jen and let's get drunk and fuck LA up!

A few errors in Eris's dialogue here.

*throwing everything away over someone that doesn't even exist

*pretending they don't think you're hot

If I were writing a book here, the proofreaders would have a lot of work to do
>Meet the team. At the very least, I want to meet Jen.
>Let’s go start some riots! It’s a good way to get some intel on her powers
>Let’s work on finishing up the pantheon. Ideally, we can fight another incarnation and power up what will soon be our new gang
>I want to talk to Eris more to get a sense of her personality and future plans
>support girls night out
>Meet the team
hope we are not using our actual appearance if i am honest. ¨

actually with our powers could we manifest any of the physical traits of our myths.
"that blindeth all—a power fraught with bane; delicate are her feet, for it is not upon the ground that she fareth, but she walketh over the heads of men, bringing men to harm, and this one or that she ensnareth."
seized Ate by her bright-tressed head, wroth in his soul, and sware a mighty oath that never again unto Olympus and the starry heaven should Ate come, she that blindeth all. So said he, and whirling her in his hand flung her from the starry heaven,"

"Then met the fronts of battle: dread it rang on either hand. Hard-strained was then the fight: incarnate Kydoimos (Strife) stalked through the midst, with Phonos (Slaughter) ghastly-faced . . . Through the air upshrieked an awful indistinguishable roar; for on both hosts fell iron-hearted Eris (Strife)."[9]

She makes the rough smooth, puts a stop to excess, weakens insolence (hubris), dries up the blooming of ruin (ate), straightens out crooked judgements, tames deeds of pride, and puts an end to acts of sedition and to the anger of grievous strife."[7]

did not get much about them in looks but interesting how there is some positivity around them

I realize I never specified, but you are in disguise, but with a similar body type and general vibe to your normal self. Eris probably had a pretty decent idea of those things based on her email, so you're playing into that

>Meet the team

“I’d like to meet the other members of the Pantheon if I’m going to be working with them in the future.”

“Well, other than Jen, none of them live in LA. I considered letting them stay here, but, honestly, I’m not super comfortable having them in my house. I can give you their numbers, though. Actually, I’ll text them to you. Can I have yours?”

You give her your phone number- a second phone that Pheme advised you to buy for any incarnation related activities- and she puts it in her phone under Atë.

“What, like, normal name do you want to use? It doesn’t have to be your real legal name- I get that a lot of us kinda leave our identities behind. Still, the girls and I can’t go around calling each other our god names in public.”

You think of a suitable pseudonym for a second before replying.

“Rosa Huber.”

“Rosa, huh? Doesn’t suit you. It’s a bit grandma, don’t you think?”

You shrug. “It’s a trophy.”

Her eyes brighten, seemingly understanding what you mean.

“You’re really fucked up, you know that? God, that’s a good idea. Literally kicking ass and taking names. Gold. I wish I kept my identity more private so I could copy that.”

She pulls out her phone, changes the name of her phone contact, and, in a flurry of activity, sends your false name, incarnation, and number to a group chat you assume contains the members of the pantheon. She adds you to the chat, and you register the numbers of all five existing members.

“Well, you should introduce yourself to everyone over text at least. I texted Jen, she’ll be here in a bit, so you have time to talk to somebody else for a bit.”

Who should you talk to first?

>The Pseudologos
>The Amphillogia
>Wait for the Neikos, Jen
>Talk more with Eris
>>The Pseudologos
Information warfare sounds like an investment
they probably have ways to know when people are lying
and may be able to keep up lies more easily, which would be great in collab with our streamer persona
>The Pseudologos
>Talk more with Eris
She's right here in person to be gauged, we can text the others anytime.
Support. Seems like sound logic. If we wanted to bring Pheme into the Pantheon setting up Pheme for a kill there would be a good transition.

Something we need to keep in mind, we don't have nonaggression with anyone but Eris.

>The Pseudologos

“She wouldn’t have been my first pick, but fair enough. Her name is Saanvi, or at least that’s what she says. She’s probably hiding her identity. Apparently, her parents moved to France from India when she was young.”

“Can she speak English?”

“She can, especially after she deified. One of her authorities apparently has the functionality of <Polyglot>. Let me warn you, though. You really shouldn’t trust her too much.”

“Why, is she pathological?”

“No, she’s not a mental case, just a snake. She might tell you otherwise, but she doesn’t care about any of our long term goals, she’s just looking out for herself.”

Makes sense, you suppose. If any incarnation should have built in language skills, it would be a spirit of lies.

You text her.

>Is this the Pseudologos?

>Atë, right? I prefer Saanvi
>I’ve been watching your work. With <Breaths> every now and again, of course. It’s all very well done. Your acting could use some work though.

>You giving lessons?

>Maybe, but you can’t learn natural talent

>Is there anything you want? What are your goals?

>Well, I like money. Power is also nice.
>I don’t have any grand ambitions or anything like Eris does, I just want to have whatever I want whenever I want it

For a goddess of lies, she’s awfully frank. Then again, she could be completely fabricating both her motives and her character. Still, if you take what she says at face value, it’s possible to utilize her talents to some extent.

Who should you talk to next?
>Keep talking to Saanvi
>The Amphillogia
>Wait for the Neikos, Jen
>Talk more with Eris
Toil is an interesting niche, I wonder how that manifests?
Time to never talk with Saanvi again, I bet she gets influence per lie. We’re only making her stronger!
My bet is she gets influence for every lie someone believes that she starts. Ergo she gets influence from lying, and also gets to tell if people believe her or not, allowing her to constantly become a better liar (while also having a sucker detector)
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>meanwhile, a spirit of paranoia that gets influence whenever it is lied to


“Her? She’s… interesting.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“Talking to her is just, I dunno, gross? She isn’t, like, dirty or even weird at all, she’s just kinda… creepy. It’s like she’s watching a monkey in a zoo whenever she looks at you. Her vibes are just way, WAY off. Makes sense, I guess, for a goddess of suffering.”

You’re starting to understand why she doesn’t let these people live with her. Whether or not it’s justified, she doesn’t seem to like them much. You text her, but, instead of replying, she calls you.

“Hello, Rosa.” she says. She has some sort of eastern European accent- maybe Polish? She continues, “I am, as you have most likely been told, the incarnation of Algos. You may call me Dorota.”

You make a mental note of her name. “Nice to meet you, Dorota.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

“So, if we’re going to work together, I should know: what’s your goal in all of this?”

“Oh, I mostly just work for Eris. Her plan is… satisfactory. I’m just here to enjoy the process.”

The way she delivers the last few words sends a shiver down your spine. The tone is like a person gushing over their favorite dessert. You realize in that moment that Dorota isn’t like you. She feels no resentment, no hatred, and no anger. She’s a predator. A pure sadist. You don’t doubt for a second that her synchronization rate has hit- maybe even started at- 100%.

“That’s good to know,” you reply, keeping your voice steady, “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

“Oh, that feeling is very much mutual, Rosa. Your work is inspirational.”

As you hang up, Eris shoots you a knowing glance.

Jen is almost here, but you still have time for one more brief conversation. Who should you talk to?

>Saanvi, the Pseudologos
>The Amphillogia
>Chat with Dorota for a bit longer
>Talk more with Eris until Jen arrives
>The Amphillogia
might as well hit them all at this point
>>Talk more with Eris until Jen arrives
>tell her about that german task force
>You’re starting to understand why she doesn’t let these people live with her. Whether or not it’s justified, she doesn’t seem to like them much
>The Amphillogia
Make a mental note to tell Pheme everything about how horrible these people are without looking into the mirror at your true face
>The Amphillogia

Yeah...ironically Eris seems to be one of the more stable of the group, and we know that the moment someone irks her she puts them onto a list to ruin. No doubt about it, the safest way to be in our pantheon is to kill them all.
Don't you talk to my E-girl thot waifu like that.
t. Syren_simp_99
That's the mortal human thing to do. The godly thing to do is to constantly enable their madness and never stop. And did our protag not go "I REJECT MY HUMANITY!" after the deergirl sacrifice?
based enabler
There's viewing humanity as the grain to be harvested that they are, and then there's chaotic stupid. Let's not be chaotic stupid.

>The Amphillogia

“Finally, someone I like. Bella’s nice. A bit too nice, given what we do, but she doesn’t let it get in our way. I offered to let her live here, but she wanted to stay home. “Protect her family,” she says, although I’m not certain if that’s true.”

You text her, and, like Dorota, she calls you in response. Unlike Dorota, however, she’s trying to facetime. You pick up.

“Ah, hello!” The Amphillogia greets you with a wave. The woman on the other end of the phone is pretty, maybe in her early thirties, with sun-kissed skin and a head of straight, clean cut black hair. Her beauty is of the plainer sort, at least when compared with the almost alien Eris, but her rounded features and kind smile give a sort of warmth to her impression. Her accent also serves to disarm, adding a distinctive, almost melodic intonation to her speech. She continues, “Sorry for not responding over text- I know a lot of people prefer it that way- but I like to introduce myself in person. Or at least, face to face. My name is Isabella Lopez-Colón. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Rosa Huber. Likewise.”

Unlike the subtle creepiness you felt when talking to Dorota, you could have taken Isabella for an ordinary person. This is almost more unsettling.

“What are your goals? Working with people like us is a dangerous road, so why take the risk?”

“Ha, well, it sounds kinda bad to say but, better to be on this end than the other, right? The world is, how do you say, merciless? Unempathetic? Regardless, I know better than anyone that there are givers and takers in this world, and I don’t want to have anything taken from me. This- the battle, the conflict, the death- is gonna happen, so I might as well be on the side that wins.”

You give her an understanding nod. She asks you, “What about you, Rosa? Why are you doing all this? You don’t seem to be like, you know, some of the other people we know.”

“Similar to you, I guess,” you reply, not sure if you’re lying or telling the truth, “I won’t be taken advantage of again.”

She gives you a sad smile, empathizing with something that may or may not be there. Loud Spanish yelling can be heard in the background, to which she replies in kind.
“I have to go. It was nice to meet you!”

“You too.”


She hangs up.

Eris looks to you and says, “She’s an engineer. Working for Raytheon. Basically, she’s a war profiteer, supporting her entire family- and in hispanic culture, that’s a big group. She’s a hypocrite, I guess, but I prefer that to most people because she owns it. She at least knows she’s a monster.”

The doorbell rings. “That’s Jen. She doesn’t really buy into using the incarnation names, even in private. Says it’s, like, running away from who you are and what you do. Personally, I don’t really care either way, but that’s just me.”

You follow Eris to the door, and she opens it. It seems like Jen also has a key to the front gate, but not to the actual door to the house. She’s older, maybe in her early forties, but carries a sense of elegance about her, with shorter, neatly trimmed red hair, a sleek black dress that fits her figure without being needlessly provocative, and a pair of high stilettos to match it. She extends a hand to you as she speaks, revealing a noticeable but easily comprehensible Irish accent.

“Jen,” she says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

How should you introduce yourself?

>As Rosa
>As Atë
>>As Rosa
why is it always suspect when you're asked "how are you introducing yourself to that fay creature?

>assess hamartia
as always
>As Atë
>assess hamartia
>why is it always suspect when you're asked "how are you introducing yourself to that fay creature?
Because names have power. You should know how the stories go. They exist because other people lived to tell them.
what I meant to say is...
When your GM asks you how you loot, like "how do you touch it, with or without a glove on?"
There's just meta knowledge.
though I don't think that's the case here. Just a small courtesy to someone who at least values how they like to address themselves
Well don't worry, these are Greek figures, not uh. Fucking celt? Brythionic? The fuckin druidic bri'ish shit I don't know what they are. No fairies and pixies here.
> Rosa
We're not making waves...yet.

>As Rosa
><Assess Hamartia>

“Rosa,” you say, extending your hand. She looks at it for a second as if inspecting it for grime before shaking it. Her well manicured fingers dig into the skin of your wrist a bit in a way that you can’t ascertain the intentionality of.

You decide to <Assess Hamartia> while you have the opportunity.

Jennifer Byrne
Hamartia: Insecurity, Ego, Impulsivity
Deepest Desires: Supremacy, Companionship
Domain: Conflict, Disputes

“I’ve seen some of what you do,” Jen says, “In moderation, of course. ‘Syren’ was an inspired idea, hats off to you.”

“Well, I think anyone could have come up with it, given my position.”

“Of course darling, but the elegance is in the execution! Anyone knows that you can make money by investing in stocks, but very few have a good enough grasp on the market to know what companies will rise and which ones will sink. You seized the perfect niche.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“I was just stating facts, dear.”

“Alright girls, enough of the small talk. Let’s talk business.”

Jen cocks an eyebrow, “You think she’ll go for it?”

“I think so.”

Eris brings you both inside and leads you to her study. She pulls a book, “An Extensive Catalogue of Sumerian Nobility,” which reveals a hidden staircase elsewhere in the room. A sound leaves your mouth, somewhere between a chuckle and an expression of awe. She leads you down to a room that can only be described as an evil lair- high tech computers, gothic architecture carved from blackened stone, and a sleek metal table surrounded by comfortable chairs. Each is black, but the trimmings are different on each, and, notably, the golden chair is larger and the lacquered wood more intricately carved than the rest. Naturally, she takes that seat and Jen takes the one to its right, trimmed in green.

“We’ll have yours dyed soon,” Eris says, “What color is your divinity, Rosa?”

You demonstrate, and Eris grins, “Now THAT’S evil looking. I was waiting for a red.”

She points at the chairs; “Saanvi’s is silver, Isabella’s is orange, and Dorota’s is black.” There are 8 chairs at the table, and you take the one directly across from Dorota’s, next to Isabella.

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

“The plan. Now, I’m only bringing you in on this because I think, no I KNOW, that you won’t throw a fit over it. Saanvi and Isabella don’t know about it yet.”

Jen nods, sipping wine from a glass which you never saw her grab. Eris continues,

“Basically, we’re gonna destroy the world.”

You lean back in your chair, considering the prospect. You knew it was coming, but you’re surprised that she so brazenly led with it.

“I know what you’re probably thinking,” she says, “We need people for influence! And for, y’know, all the stuff we like. So really, we’re not gonna kill, like, everyone all at once.”

She pulls out her phone and taps away at it a bit. The monitors in the room light up with maps of the world, colored to indicate population density. She continues,

“We’re gonna wipe out all of the governments and massacre most of the world population. We think we’ll do it with a nuclear war- hydrogen bombs, to keep it all clean.”

The map begins to change, with most major cities being completely wiped of all human inhabitants.

“Then, we coalesce the remainders into much smaller, disparate nations managed entirely by our sycophantic followers. Their main priority will be serving and worshiping us and nothing else. Meanwhile…”

The screen shows some text, indicating items and authorities. You recognize all of them: idols, altars, and, most notably, the <Divine Realm> and <Immortality> authorities.

“We’ll be chilling out far away in a divine realm. I’m planning around it in case things don’t upgrade like I think they will, but it’s possible we can make like, whatever we want in there in the higher levels. If that happens, we can knock the humans left on earth back to the fucking stone age!”

Jen, seemingly tickled by the idea, lets out a snicker. Eris grins.

“Take some time to think it over. In the meanwhile, short term goals! Since it’s your first time here, we’ll let you pick the agenda. What should we work on?”

>Let’s go start some riots!
>Let’s work on gathering myths
>Let’s work on the logistics for that big plan
>Actually, I have some questions (Write-in)
>I’ll sit this one out. What do you think we should do, Eris?
A pack of psychotic bitches becoming queens of an irradiated rock and our own playground. That certainly won't take long to devolve into an internal bloodbath.

> Let’s go start some riots!

Let's play along for now, but personally I'd rather have ten billion worshippers rather than a few million split (with Eris taking the lions share no doubt) between a pack of backstabbing crazies.
>"I think we should test out such capabilities."
>Let’s go start some riots!
>Infiltrate a nearby military compound and pretend that there's an order from higher up to quell the riots, make it a nice blood bath and entirely decimate a city and it's infrastructure
These chicks are retarded. And boring. What's the point of playing a game with it so rigged? There's no chaos to be had in a nice curated world of worship. They're making long term plans with short term goals in mind. So unenlightened.
>I’ll sit this one out. What do you think we should do, Eris?
>Let’s work on gathering myths
We'll volunteer to do the heavy lifting >:)

>Let’s go start some riots!

“Good idea. It’ll help us get acquainted with each other’s capabilities.”

“So the usual protocol then?”

“Yep. I was thinking we’ll do Seattle this time,” She turns to you, explaining, “A former associate of mine told me that doing a bunch of stuff near where you live makes you too easy to find. Do you have any flight authorities, Atë?”

It might be possible for you to make some rudimentary gliding structure similar to a flying squirrel using your current level of <Faces>, but you decide not to bring it up.


“That’s ok, someone can just carry you.”

Wings sprout from the backs of both Ashley and Jen, with the former’s being bird-like protrusions of shimmering golden feathers, and the latter more resembling an emerald moth’s; green, insectoid wings emitting small quantities of glittery green dust.

“What if we get seen by the authorities? Or by rival incarnations?”

“Don’t worry about it. My wings are from an authority called: <Abrupt Entrance>. Essentially,” you see her fiddle with nothing, presumably pulling up the text of her authority, “Neither I, nor allies within a certain range, can be seen while airborne. Pretty neat, right?”

On the one hand, you doubt that Eris is gonna drop you, at least not on purpose, and you could probably survive even if she did. On the other, are you really gonna leave your life in her hands?

>I’ll buy just buy <Flight>
>I’ll ask Eris to carry me
>I’ll ask Jen to carry me
>I’ll ask Eris to carry me
Let the controlling psycho feel in control. We certainly didn't load up on nectars, escape tools and other bullshit to chicken out of a little piggyback ride.
>I’ll buy just buy <Flight>
We can't look weak on our first collaborative riot

>I’ll ask Eris to carry me

Eris smiles at your suggestion and walks towards you, her body emitting a golden glow as she bends to pick you up in a princess carry.

“Don’t worry about me dropping you,” she says, “I have a strength authority.”

She effortlessly carries you out of the room and to her lawn with Jen in tow before taking off, launching herself through the air at speeds that shouldn’t be possible based on the speed and force of the wingbeats. You also find yourself able to breathe normally despite the altitude, and notice that the wind isn’t tearing into you as it should. You realize that flight authorities protect the user against these things, and that that consideration extends to any carry-ons as well. You wonder to yourself if you’d still be protected in space.

You look down at the world below, or at least the human parts: the houses and cars and buildings and roads (the people have become invisible as a matter of scale) and realize how small it all is. You’ve seen this view from plane windows, of course, but that seemed unreal somehow in a way that this does not. The window, you realize, was almost like a screen, a wall in your mind that separated the real world from the nonsense outside the machine, but this sight, the sensation of real flight, fills you with a sensation that’s difficult to place. Maybe, you think to yourself, you’ve begun to understand the perspective of a god.

In a matter of mere hours, you have arrived in Seattle. It’s Friday at dusk, so, for many, the night is still young.

“This is your night, Rosa,” Jen says, “How do you want to do this?”

>Target a club
>Target a concert
>Target a mall
>Incite road rage
>>Incite road rage
Just stop oil, bro
>Target a concert
High numbers, high emotions, what's not to love? Let's murder the band, take their faces, then drive the crowd to a frenzy.
>Target a concert

Flight authorities seem quite handy - super fast movement and a near guaranteed escape from anyone without one. I wanted one to not look uncool but now I want one for its own merits.
>all of the above
Support even better if we have a megaphone and a radio transmitter
Waiting on a tiebreaker, so until then (since my digital art things are acting up a bit), here are some pencil and paper sketches of the pantheon, minus Isabella. I hope you can tell who's who, otherwise I've done a bad job somewhere down the line
Forgot the image again. I'm really bad with that
I'll confirm concert then
we got to close off the exits, have people trample each other to death too
Ashley/Eris = left
Jen/Neikos = right
Dorota/Algos = bottom
Saanvi/Pseudologos = top
Isabella/Amphillogia = NOT PICTURED
I'm ready to be fully wrong
>See if they'll let cybersyren do a song. Start a riot over us. uWu

Got it in one


>Target a concert

You pull out your phone and look for any concerts that are playing in Seattle. You find one, a relatively large gathering in a local theater by a semi-mainstream pop punk band. Perfect for your needs. You explain your plan to Jen and Eris, and they both agree to it, flying towards the building, coming up with a plan of action in the meantime.

You infiltrate backstage, knocking out two of the band members and using your <Whispers> to command the other two, converting them into your thralls via the reverence effect gained at level 6. You and Eris adopt the faces of the two you knocked out: the drummer and the vocalist/lead guitarist. She takes one of their jackets and fills it with her divinity, giving it a subtle golden sheen. You also knock out the intermission act, planning to say they couldn’t show up that day, and announcing that a relatively popular artist on the indie scene is going to show up instead. Of course, that would be your musician persona.

You come on stage, beginning to perform your act, making full use of <Euterpe’s Harp>, and taking advantage of your ability to copy the habits of your transformation targets. You are actually decently familiar with the artist- funnily enough, you bought one of their CDs a few years ago, so you have no trouble at all performing. Eris doesn’t actually play, with her drums being unmiced and a drumline being inserted by Jen, who’s managing the tech side of things. A scheduled fog machine activates but, as planned, it’s laced with green dust. You toss the jacket Eris gave you into the crowd and all hell breaks loose, exactly as planned. Unbeknownst to your coworkers, however, instead of just using your <Whispers> to incite violence, you also slipped in an obsession with your musical persona.

You smirk to yourself, thinking about how much easier things are with allies: your powers struggle to affect large crowds in short timeframes, but Eris’s <Object of Desire> and Jen’s <Wings of Conflict> are exceptionally useful for such cases. The former instills a deep desire for an item in anyone who sees it, and the latter creates shield dust that fills all who inhale it with an uncontrollable urge to engage in confrontation. Combined with your <Whispers>, such mass scale riots could be caused effortlessly, especially in closed spaces.

As planned, Jen calls in the police who, once they arrive, are set upon by the mob. As shots ring out in the concert hall, you flee, with Eris slipping all of the musicians a black liquid from a golden chalice.

“It’s called <Draught of the Lethe>,” she says, “It instills short term amnesia.”

You nod, pick up Jen and Eris, and make a hasty getaway with your <Supernatural Speed>. Once you’ve escaped the area, the roles change, with Eris carrying you away from the scene of the crime.

“That was awesome, girls!” Eris says through uncontrollable cackling, “Shit, that was incredible!”

You check your influence: 12849->14504/25600

A surprisingly large haul. You are once again reminded of the effect of collateral damage, and how, theoretically, you could wring out dozens of influence points from a single mortal based on the circumstances.

The three of you book a 5 star hotel and sleep to recover your <Divinity>, eat a luxurious (but not too voluminous) breakfast, and set off back to LA.

As you fly back, you consider your line of approach. The association here is loose, and theoretically, there isn’t too much justification in sticking too close to Eris when you don’t even live near her. What’s your plan here?

>Let’s talk to Pheme about all of this
>Suggest a party to Eris, wait until she passes out, and then assassinate her in her sleep
>Suggest a plan to track down the remaining members of the pantheon
>Get closer to Eris
>Garner support from the other members of the pantheon to overthrow Eris
>Garner support from the other members of the pantheon to overthrow Eris
Just get closer to them for now, nothing overt
We need to bring Eris to ruin as a result of her own hubris and folly
Also it might be best to track down the rest of the pantheon first
Also best to assume the authorities know our musician persona is an incarnation now.
>Garner support from the other members of the pantheon to overthrow Eris

>Whispers them all, Sweet venom should trigger. They love us we're the most fun. We are the best to vent too. We are soon good at listening and keeping secrets. And we have the best fashion sense.
>>Get closer to Eris
Sweet Venom my Darling
Reread >>5902987
>I’ve been watching your work. With <Breaths> every now and again, of course
Saanvi/Pseudologos has used Breaths of Serenity to watch videos and listen songs loaded with the mental sabotage before
>Consumable. Clears you of mind-altering effects induced by <Authorities>. However, if the level of the <Authority> is higher than that of your incarnation level, it is possible for this item to take either partial or no effect
So I doubt garnering support with authorities will work, in addition to the NAP item preventing their use

Backing >>5905749
Keep it subtle and don't use authorities. We got their number with Assess Hamartia, so we need to rely on our own basic human wit and ability to do so
Supporting this general plan. Nothing overt yet. Just make friends and learn more about the others in the pantheon. Based on what we know so far we should try to make the overthrow plan Jen's idea, Supremacy is part of her nature after all. Then once Jen has exhausted herself fighting Eris...

>Garner support from the other members of the pantheon to overthrow Eris

Eris is probably aware of this to some extent, but she’s currently sitting atop a throne of vipers. No matter how she struggles to suppress her subordinates, to extend her power and reach, or to ingratiate her rule to the other goddesses of her new world, she will never be safe from their envy, pride, and greed. She doesn't realize this, but you certainly do.

You brush these thoughts aside for now, engaging in celebratory conversations, party plans, and talks of ambition and world conquest on your way back to LA. As you approach the city of angels, Eris asks you,

“So, you don’t live in LA, right?”

“No, I live a bit away.”

“Do you want to?”


“I own some properties near and in the city. One of which is a house I bought for… well, it doesn’t matter now. The point is I have it and it’s empty. You can have it, like, if you want. Take some time to think it over.”

>Accept her offer
>Offer to buy the house from her

You point out your hotel and she carries you there. She reminds you that there’s a pantheon party at her house next Friday and that you’re invited before flying off into the night. You check the local news for things like incarnation sightings and, at least in the LA limits, all of them have been stopped by a figure reported as “Angelic” or “Divine”. Based on the pictures and descriptions, particularly of the wings, you conclude immediately that LA’s ‘Guardian Angel’ is Eris. She has, it would seem, an iron grasp on the city, at least as far as incarnations are concerned.

You have six days before the party. What should you do in the meantime?

>Network as cyber_syren
>Focus on streaming
>Talk to a member of your pantheon (specify who)
>Talk to Pheme
>Meet with Eris
>We should confer with Pheme before we make a decision on the housing

>Focus on streaming
>Talk to Pheme
I wonder where Nike is. And if she's actually an extremely large, burly man.
She can't use an authority like Cursed Gold on us through it because of Nonaggression, but there could be any number of other failsafes in that house. Or just listening bugs.

>Talk to Pheme
At the very least share intel we have so Pheme can follow up on it.
>Write in
Try to get a grasp of Eris's combat authorities based on witness accounts of her local activities.
>Accept her offer
Won't hurt, she will think she has something to hold over us as a favor, but we shouldn't do anything incriminating in that house, of course.

>>Network as cyber_syren
collab our way up and grow the stream and videos reach
we have the money for professional editors so we should grab some of those too
>Talk to pheme
But don't actually stay there for any length of time, buy flight.

>Talk to a member of your pantheon (specify who)
Isabella, most chill
Just letting you guys know that I won't be posting for a bit, one to three days probably. My health took a significant nosedive, so I'll be out of commission until I feel a bit better. Sorry to disappoint
Dang. Get well quick man. Take it easy.
Hope you feel better soon
Get well soon

>Accept the offer
>Talk to Pheme

You decide to accept Eris’s offer. Even if the location is bugged, you think to yourself, you can use that as a tool to gain Eris’s trust while covertly plotting against her. That being said, you won’t be able to talk to Pheme there should that be the case, so you decide to take advantage of the deliberation period to confer with her. You take her feather out from a secret compartment in your bag and allow it to see and hear you. You speak into it;


“Good evening, accomplice. How’s the plan going?”

“Things are alright so far. I’ve met everyone, and gained at least a reasonable degree of trust, especially from Eris.”

You go on to explain the broad strokes of your plan to use the pantheon to overthrow Eris. She takes a contemplative pause before responding:

“Brilliant. Until you cross her, she’ll be surprisingly loyal and trusting. I think, deep down, she’s kinda… lonely. If you stay the course, she’s going to consider you a friend in due time. How’s the rest of the pantheon?”

You give her a rundown of everything you know about the other four members.

“Hmm, tricky. Honestly, I think any of them could be useful given the correct circumstances. Let’s go over them one by one.

Concerning Saanvi: if you tell her what Eris is planning, she’d probably be willing to help you stop her. In fact, you might be able to get her on board with our big plans, but for any long term partnership, we’d have to put her on a leash with a <Stygian Pact>, and even then, she seems crafty, so we’d still need to be careful.

Concerning Isabella: she could be helpful short term, and recruiting her is possible, but she really won’t like us if she ever finds out what we do. It’s probably better to either take her out or wash our hands of her after we’ve taken down Eris.

Concerning Jen: She’s a great pawn for overthrowing Eris, but after we do that, she needs to go down. She isn’t useful enough to justify her spite and thirst for absolute dominance.

Concerning Dorota: She’s dangerous, but honestly, she’s probably the best bet for recruitment. Our plan allows for much more suffering in the long term, after all, but we absolutely have to tie her down with a <Pact> if we ever want to use her.
Ultimately, you probably won’t find a group of people more willing to entertain our plan than them, but they, again, are less than trustworthy. Partnership in the true sense is nigh impossible, but most of them could make useful pawns given the right circumstances. But that’s just my opinion.”

“So what would you suggest in the short term?”

“Keep a low profile. Eris especially is very sensitive to mean girl realpolitik, so she’ll notice if you make any cynical power grabs. Try to make it seem like you’re genuinely a part of the friend group before sinking your fangs into whoever seems to be dissatisfied with the status quo. Pretend to play kingmaker before you cut down the new king too.”

You thank her for the advice before terminating the communication.

You still have a free week before the party. What should you do?

>Network as cyber_syren
>Focus on streaming
>Talk to a member of your pantheon (specify who)
>Meet with Eris

Also, thank you for the well wishes. I'm still not fully recovered, but the updates should proceed as normal unless circumstances change again
>Network as cyber_syren
Need more worshippers
>Focus on streaming
>>Talk to a member of your pantheon (specify who)

Good to see you survived OP
Support! Worshippers! Connections! Tools.
>>Network as cyber_syren

>collab our way up and grow the stream and videos reach
>we have the money for professional editors so we should grab some of those too
>Spend money on adds too
>We have a ton.
I'm >>5910560

>Network as cyber_syren

You reach out to some of your “influencer” connections in LA, and land yourself meetings with some pretty big names, particularly in the gaming and ‘just talking’ spheres. You can see the leering eyes of the men and the envious glares of the women as they realize that the appearance you display on streams isn’t a product of clever makeup work, surgery, or clever wardrobe and camera tricks.

You are once again reminded of how hedonistic and vapid the culture is. You truly believe that any of these snakes would commit murder for bigger numbers on their worthless content.

How should you act in your capacity as Syren among your new contacts?

>Exactly like your online persona
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself
>As more cunning and calculating than you portray yourself

What should you focus on?

>Forming more permanent connections
>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently
>Advertise your music and take requests for free backing tracks from bigger names
>As more cunning and calculating than you portray yourself

>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself
>Advertise your music and take requests for free backing tracks from bigger names

Just like, looking for exposure.
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself
>We flirt with all of them. Make them obessess over us with whispers,touch of madness, sweet venom, ect.

Then they'll help us uWu.
We then have pheme spread gossip about us dating x or y. And we collaborate with them and stir the pot. Profit over them worshipping us and spreading us to their fans. Then if they start killing each other.... exp!
>>As more cunning and calculating than you portray yourself

>>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently
>As more cunning and calculating than you portray yourself
>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently

naturally we use whatever we have to to get them under our spell, but we can't make it too obvious
Bro can you try to be less cringe please
It seems like
>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently

Won for the second vote, but there's a tie for the first between:

>As more cunning and calculating than you portray yourself
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself

I'll wait for an hour or two for a tiebreaker and, should one not be made, I'll roll for it
I'll switch to
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself
it has it's own advantages if people underestimate us
it's been about an hour, maybe more

Sorry for the delay, some IRL stuff came up. Not gonna go into details, but it hopefully shouldn't slow down updates unless shit really hits the fan.

>Taking advantage of the opportunity to collab with the bigger names that you realistically know you can’t rope into your circle permanently
>As more naive or innocent than you portray yourself

You arrive in clothing that makes pretenses to modesty while still emphasizing what it needs to (you’ve done more digging into fashion than you’d like to admit to prop up the syren brand), and begin pulling every string you can to get yourself into videos with the genuinely A-list internet celebs and, while not perfect, you eventually (pretend to) bumble your way into working with some.

Follower Count: 120,638
Cult Members: 1,149

Influence: 14504->16953/25600

Of course, you weave your <Whispers> into both the recorded and casual conversations, not so overtly that it might arouse suspicion, but enough that they might be more interested in working with or meeting you again.

The week has been hectic but ultimately incredibly profitable, with your follower count nearly doubling in the process. The time of the party draws near and, as far as you’re aware, everyone in the pantheon is going to be there. You put on a dress that Eris gifted to you (being sure to inspect it for divinity beforehand) and make your way to the venue.

What preparations would you like to make in advance?
>Optional Write-in

And what should your general strategy be?

>Cozy up to Eris. Building a rapport with her will make the process of undermining her much easier
>Ingratiate yourself to another member of the pantheon (Specify who)
>Try to gather intel about everyone’s abilities
>No need to start scheming so quickly. Simply enjoying the party will help to both relieve suspicion and befriend the other members
>Suggest some group activities
> Prep
> Divine Weapon ticket (medium): 500
Another Knife please.

> No need to start scheming so quickly. Simply enjoying the party will help to both relieve suspicion and befriend the other members

Honestly, I'm hoping someone else tries to wrap us up in their scheme, but we'll see.
>Buy like 5 more breaths
>Try to gather intel about everyone’s abilities
> Prep
> Divine Weapon ticket (medium): 500
glad to see you alive

>make up a small speech as the newcommer, something about to get pranked at the initiation, which seems fitting, but maybe have them stop shy of Carrie'ing you

we already have 6
4 more then, for an even 10
Around this group I expect to be popping those things like candy
Something interesting I'm wondering about on the topic of mental control, could we do quick transformations into and out of boar mode to clear mental effects? The main trick is to control our rage,.but we can control the size of the boar so we could do it anywhere we can slip out of sight.
Very nice idea and worth trying
Add this to my prep vote, quick boar transformations, done somewhere isolated that isn't Eris' house

>Optional Write-in: Buy a weapon ticket (medium) (dagger), use <Implacable> to check for mental effects
>No need to start scheming so quickly. Simply enjoying the party will help to both relieve

You go to a private area and swap in and out of a human-sized manifestation of the Calydonian Boar, and notice that <Implacable> doesn’t trigger. That being said, the text of the authority wouldn’t protect you from incarnations like Jen who incite aggression, but you decide to run under the assumption that your mind is clear for now.

You also purchase a new divine weapon ticket, getting:

Ladon’s Fang (uncommon dagger)

A serrated tooth from the great serpent Ladon. Somewhat suppresses fatigue and the need to sleep when in use.

You make your way to the gates, which open immediately upon your arrival. You saunter to the front door, wait a few seconds for it to open as well, and then enter the party. Seeing everyone in person, you can immediately identify who’s who. Unlike some of the outliers you’ve dealt with over the past weeks, none of these women are particularly towering in height: in fact, aside from the ever glamorous Eris, all of the attendees are shockingly normal looking. Noticing your entrance, Dorota and Isabella make their way to you as Saanvi and Jen chat near the champagne fountain, presumably waiting their turn. Eris is seemingly missing.

“Rosa! Nice to meet you in person!” Isabella is exactly as she seemed on the video call, only dolled up a bit for the occasion, with bold blush, an ankle-length marigold dress, and what you assume to be eyelash extensions. She’s short in person, in the 4’10-5’1 range, and exudes a friendly aura not dissimilar to an enthusiastic dog. You smile, maybe genuinely, and return the greeting.

Then, you turn your attention to Dorota. She seems normal: medium-length brown hair, a plain if not slightly pallid face, and a height not dissimilar to your own. The most unusual thing about her is her dress- an austere article constructed of rich black fabric which stretches from the top of her neck to the ground which seems more appropriate for a victorian funeral than a modern party. You are absolutely certain that Eris had no part in the construction of this outfit, aside from the obvious divinity-color based dress code. She extends a gloved hand forward with an expression between a shy smile and a smirk.

“Pleasure to meet you in person,” she says.
You shake her hand, slightly surprised at the power of her grip “Nice to meet you too, Dorota.”

“Truly charmed.” After a slightly uncomfortable length of time. she releases your hand.

You greet Jen and Saanvi, who seem to be wearing matching dresses of their respective colors but with similar style- Saanvi’s with green highlights and Jen’s with silver. You notice that everyone except for Dorota, including yourself, has some gold in their outfit as well. Clearly, Eris wanted to make a mark.

Finally, the woman of the hour enters. She descends down the central staircase, almost seeming to float as she makes her way to the rest of the pantheon. Adorned in shimmering golden clothes and jewelry, she practically glows in the dazzling lights of the chandelier. She speaks, projecting both confidence and natural charisma as she asks:

“Well ladies, do we want to do this the classy way, or do we want to get REALLY fucked up?”

The group, again exempting Dorota, cheer as she leads the group into a basement room, clearly made for the express purpose of partying. Dim blue lights illuminate a dance floor, multiple tables lined with expensive liquors, and a shocking amount of cocaine. You spend the night drinking, dancing, and cracking jokes- plus, you absolutely crush it at karaoke. You find yourself subconsciously activating <Regeneration> subconsciously numerous times to cleanse yourself of ethanol poisoning.

A lot happened last night, and there was only so much time. What did you get up to? (Pick three)

>A drinking game
>Truth or dare
>Poker with Saanvi (roll 3d6)
>A no powers drinking contest with Jen (roll 3d6)
>Beer pong with Isabella (roll 3d6)
>A HORSE-style punishment game with Dorota
>Gossiping with Eris
>quick boar mode
Sounds like some speedrunner trick or game mechanic exploit
>so you see when you use boar here you can frame skip into the wall and the collision flips out and shunts you into the next area, it'll save you about sixteen seconds

>A drinking game
>Poker with Saanvi (roll 3d6)
>A HORSE-style punishment game with Dorota
>Truth or dare
>A HORSE-style punishment game with Dorota
>Gossiping with Eris
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)

Rolling for the poker option since nobody else did
We were supposed to roll with the vote? Sorry, usually rolls are called for after a vote wins since if the rolls go poorly other anons just cancel it by voting for something else.

Like we would have done if we saw those rolls, my god we got destroyed
Makes sense. I'll do that going forward, announcing a need for rolls after a vote wins


>A drinking game

You, Eris, Jen, and Isabella play a drinking game in the vein of Never Have I Ever. You find out a few interesting tidbits in the process:

>Jen has gotten a divorce
>Isabella has never killed anyone (directly, anyway)
>Eris was rejected once in high school. Apparently, she was actually a bit of a dork for most of her childhood (of course, she destroyed that poor jock’s life at the first opportunity)
>Shockingly, out of everyone at the table, Jen is the only one with a body count above 30

Fortunately or unfortunately, your pre-incarnation life was pretty boring, so you end up with the upper hand

>Poker with Saanvi (roll 3d6) [4]

Maybe it’s because she hasn’t been drinking at all, but Saanvi absolutely cleans you, Isabella, and Jen. It seems like she can read your mind even without using her authorities, and she tricked you into believing false tells and blatant bluffs on multiple occasions. If you hadn’t come into some significant wealth recently, you’d have been in some genuine financial trouble after the fact. You are once again reminded that godly powers aren’t everything- even without them, there’s a vast gap in the abilities of individual actors

>A HORSE-style punishment game with Dorota

The game starts tame enough- embarrassing calls to strangers, disgusting concoctions, and humiliating costumes that she brought specifically for this occasion. It starts with everyone playing but Eris, but everyone besides you and Dorota quickly wimp out as things escalate.

Dorota shows off one of her authorities, also demonstrating that it can be used on herself. She hits herself first, nearly knocking herself out as her inky black divinity assaults her body, causing her to writhe in agony. As you watch, you realize that neither Pheme nor Dorota have truly black divinity- Pheme’s is a deep dark purple whereas Dorota’s is more of a slimy yellow-green, but you only really notice this because you have a direct point of comparison. When your turn comes, it hits you. The pain is difficult to describe, taking on the qualities of hot and cold, dull and sharp, ache and stab, all at once. The confusion of senses causes almost as much agony as the pain itself, nearly flooring you as you grip the table to stay upright. Seeing your resilience, she grins.

“Very impressive! I’ve never seen anyone stay standing after a full power hit. You’re in a league of your own, Rosa.”

The game continues to escalate, with neither of you budging a single point. Over the course of the game, Dorota reveals a regeneration authority, and, because of this, the game only stops when Eris steps in, complaining of the bloody mess the two of you are making.

After the game, Dorota approaches you, clasping your hand in hers. “I like you, Atë. I really, really like you.”

You can tell the expression is genuine, but that doesn’t make it any less unsettling.

After the party, you and the girls stay the night in the guest rooms and, once the hangovers have died down, Eris calls a meeting. You notice that your seat has received its appropriate scarlet trim, and you sit in it.

“Well ladies,” Eris says, “We’re closer than ever to filling up the pantheon and getting those bonuses. Right now, we have two leads.”

Two articles appear on the monitors, one a translated Yemeni newspaper detailing how a high ranking military official was found having mysteriously starved to death, the other from a whistleblower talking about how the Austrian government is erasing the memories of certain criminals.

“We think that we’ve got vague ideas on the presence of Lethe and Limos. I’m not super optimistic about either recruitment, but if it comes down to it we can always just kill them. How should we proceed, girls?”

Eris doesn’t vote. Meanwhile, Dorota and Isabella vote for Lethe whereas Saanvi and Jen vote for Limos. Privileged with the responsibility of the tie-breaking vote, the eyes of the rest of the goddesses turn to you.

>I’ll let Eris pick
>Eris which one you want? I'll take the other get dorota on our team if we can
I like it.
> Both, both is good

Lethe was mentioned during Braun's arc btw...
We got the breaths we need if it comes down to a fight vs amnesia
Hunger is something we don't have a direct counter for
I mean
gotta represent
make a showdown set in Hall in Tirol, that's where my uni is. wreak it


You suggest splitting up to target both incarnations at once, with you, Dorota, and Isabella taking on Lethe while Eris, Jen, and Saanvi go for Limos. Isabella raises some concerns about whether splitting up like this will be safe, but the rest of the members agree with your plan.

Team Limos stays in the discussion room while you, Dorota, and Isabella relocate to Dorota’s hotel room.

“First order of business,” Dorota says, “Is transportation. It’ll take a pretty long time to fly there with authorities, especially with somebody carrying Atë. On the other hand, it’ll be a bit conspicuous if all three of us are on record taking a plane to Europe and in the same time frame three- or I guess two, people of our description are seen murdering a government official.”

She makes a decent point. You can disguise yourself at will, but neither Dorota nor Isabella have transformation authorities. Additionally, Isabella notes significant hesitation at the idea of personally flying over the entire Atlantic ocean.

What do you suggest?

>I’ll fly to Austria while Isabella and Dorota hitch onto the plane. I can hide them with my <Guerilla Tactics>
>I’ll take a plane to Austria and Isabella and Dorota can fly there on their own
>The three of us can fly to various countries in Europe and Isabella and Dorota can use their flight authorities to make their way to Austria
>The three of us can fly to various countries in Europe and Isabella and Dorota can use their flight authorities to make their way to Austria
None of us have a global authority or teleport
>>The three of us can fly to various countries in Europe and Isabella and Dorota can use their flight authorities to make their way to Austria
also tell the others that we most likely have to kill Lethe if she's working with the government

>I’ll fly to Austria while Isabella and Dorota hitch onto the plane. I can hide them with my <Guerilla Tactics>

Hell, we can probably make a couple miss their flight by devolving them into airport sex before their departure time. Then Isabella and Dorota can board the plane in their place, hidden by our Authority. Or crash in the cargo if they want to be extra cautious.
>I’ll fly to Austria while Isabella and Dorota hitch onto the plane. I can hide them with my <Guerilla Tactics>
mmm yes tactics of the guerilla
It's a tie. I'll wait until morning for a tiebreaker vote and toss a coin in the absence of one
Ffs yall poor

>hire private jet. Don't worry about anyone documenting us since we can touch of madness or whispers them
We can still use guerrilla tactics too. But we can just make everyone our cultist.

But seriously fuck flying commercial. Unless yall want to use titanic strength to destroy the plane midflight for the loss. Then we can use authorities to fly down or land in the ocean. Tbh right before landing we could drop the plane so it crashes in the middle of melbourne or Sydney or Canberra. Hope we hit fucking Dan Andrew's in the head.
>melbourne or Sydney or Canberra.
my dude...
but I don't mind crashing a plane. make a pilot depressed and give him an intrusive thought
Fuck. I misread the fuck out of that. Drop it in Vienna*. Kangaroo boys are safe today.
Crashing the plan could be more trouble than its worth, it basically burns the identity we use to board it, unless of course we steal a private jet by say enthralling someone to us, dropping their inhibitions to make them joyride us on the plane they have access to, them forcing them into a suicide state to smash the plane into a major city.

Ok, yeah, that could fun and effective. Bonus points if we get lots of Whispers on the blackbox to contaminate anyone who investigates it.
Crashing this plane...
with no survivors
No I was saying crash the commercial plane. 300 dead a lot of power for us.

I was suggesting we don't even deal with the plebs and get some millionaire to take us girls to Vienna. And we just do what we did to our boss. Make him think we fucked and we get a private flight to Austria with no one knowing.

IF we have to take commercial let's drop it out of the sky for the lols.
yeah, every passager would be under scrutiny for these events, especially if we are on videocamera entering the plane but then popping up somewhere else, even if we convince the staff not to record us.

but we can stalk a pilot and have him do it anyway.
I feel we haven't been living up to our potential
Definitely don't want to crash a commercial plane since that would burn our identities associated with our boarding passes. We'd either be under suspicion, (and our gal pals are already on lists) or outright listed as dead, all of which has their issues.

We can afford a small private jet, but there might be paperwork and such associated with it that could prove problematic.

We really need to grab flight when we get a total power count expansion
From the looks of it, the tie hasn't been resolved (2 for option 1, 2 for option 3, and 2? for a new write in option) so I'll redo the vote with the write-ins included:

>I’ll fly to Austria while Isabella and Dorota hitch onto the plane. I can hide them with my <Guerilla Tactics>
>The three of us will sneak onto a plane with <Guerilla Tactics> and then we'll crash it somewhere in Austrian airspace
>The three of us can fly to various countries in Europe and Isabella and Dorota can use their
>Fuck it, we're rich! Let's just buy a private jet
>The three of us will sneak onto a plane with <Guerilla Tactics> and then we'll crash it somewhere in Austrian airspace

Maximize carnage! Be sure to lace the blackbox with our Whispers!
>I’ll fly to Austria while Isabella and Dorota hitch onto the plane. I can hide them with my <Guerilla Tactics>

I don't care if we do
>The three of us will sneak onto a plane with <Guerilla Tactics> and then we'll crash it somewhere in Austrian airspace
but at the point we've reached 300 hardly feels worth the inconvenience
If we trigger the plane to go down in a crowded city we'd get credit for second order ruin too, which could add up. Smashing a plane into say a government building might trigger wide spread ruin, and bonus points might also keep government agents busy and out of our hair.
>>The three of us will sneak onto a plane with <Guerilla Tactics> and then we'll crash it somewhere in Austrian airspace
we got to be smart about it, We don't know if their powers work on cameras, so we need a few layers of disguises first.

>The three of us will sneak onto a plane with <Guerilla Tactics> and then we'll crash it somewhere in Austrian airspace

You decide that the three of you are going to engage in something of a planejacking. First, in case somebody has some detection authority or should cameras be involved, you decide to put on some disguises. Isabella and Dorota wear wigs of different hair colors, and all three of you wear masks to hide your faces and baggy clothes to muddle your body types and possibly even genders. You do all of these things as well, but take the form of a burly man instead of relying solely on the disguises.

Without any resistance, Dorota, Isabella, and you make your way through the airport and sneak onto a flight headed for Poland that flies over Austria under the cover of your authority. You find some unoccupied seats and place yourself in them after boarding has concluded.

As you approach your destination, you need to agree upon a course of action as to where you ought to crash this plane.

What should you do?

>Crash it in the middle of nowhere: you won’t gain the benefits of collateral damage, but you also won’t put the government on high alert
>Crash it into a commercial hotspot: maximize collateral damage while leaving room for the government to assume a tragedy rather than a deliberate act of sabotage
>Crash it into a government building: will put the government on the highest possible alert, as they will assume that this was an act of terrorism
>Actually, why cause a scene? Let’s just let the plane land normally and make full use of the element of surprise
>Crash it in steep valley in the alps where it can set off a landslide that cuts off some more backwards villages
falling rocks that block the single road to villages happen sorta frequently, but are usually quickly cleaned up
I generally don't like to resolve with a single vote, but if a few hours pass without additional votes, I'll update regardless
>Actually, why cause a scene? Let’s just let the plane land normally and make full use of the element of surprise
>Crash it into a commercial hotspot: maximize collateral damage while leaving room for the government to assume a tragedy rather than a deliberate act of sabotage

>text pheme to rumor mill that boeings suck and this is cause of DEI
>titanic strength kick the emergency door out. And take the black box.

>Crash it into a commercial hotspot: maximize collateral damage while leaving room for the government to assume a tragedy rather than a deliberate act of sabotage

At your signal, you, Dorota, and Isabella make your way to the pilot’s cabin undetected. You spread your <Touch>, infecting both the pilot and the copilot with intrusive thoughts of causing a mass killing. As the plane begins to descend, you and Isabella make your way to the emergency exit while Dorota heads to the plane’s tail to grab the black box.

The three of you watch from the sky as the plane careens into a fashion center, causing the building to collapse in a deluge of twisted metal, jet flames, and the crumbling ruins of the mall building. Influence floods in as the three of you fly off

Influence: 16,453-> 24,029/25,600

You barely fell short of hitting the influence cap in the wake of the destruction. You could easily make up the remaining influence by waiting a while before striking. You turn to Dorota and Isabella: it seems like they’ve managed to level up. You remind yourself to try to ask for their levels in a manner that wouldn’t be suspicious later.

Regardless, you’ve made it to Austria.

You call up Pheme, giving her the first scoop on the crash as well as some high quality footage, and give her some suggestions on rumors to spread. She thanks you and gets to work right away.

The three of you book a hotel room together- you find it prudent to not throw too much money around so as not to draw undue attention. The three of you make your way to the room, finding it of sufficient quality. Isabella flops onto one of the three beds as Dorota takes a seat at the coffee table.

Dorota seems to be fiddling with the system, buying upgrades, items, etc. Meanwhile, Isabella watches the news with an inscrutable expression on her face. You take a complimentary water bottle from the fridge and take a drink.

What’s your next step?

>Kidnap a high level official
>Stall until you hit level 10
>Break into a military facility to dig up some information on Lethe
>Maybe I should call Pheme, she might know something
>Go undercover and infiltrate the Austrian government
>Kidnap a high level official
We can put them back later
Also we're pulling in passive income thanks to all our streaming and music, we'll probably hit level 10 before even finding Lethe
>Go undercover and infiltrate the Austrian government
>"kidnap" and official

Want to do something similar to the CEO. Where we just make him think he fucked us. Get him to be a fanatical servant. We can use him to get us to the leader. Then we can convince him to use the military to kill a bunch of people. Launch some missiles at Russia.

We also use the officials to find out where our perp is.
>Kidnap a high level official

>Kidnap a high level official

You decide to apprehend an official high up in the law enforcement bureaucracy. You bring this idea up to Isabella and Dorota, and they agree to its efficacy but tell you that both of them would be less than useful in helping you with such an endeavor and, in the worst case, it could be basically asking to get caught. Therefore, you decide to go it alone.

You make your way to the Herrengasse- a historic street home to the Palais Modena, the current building from which the department of the interior operates. Using <Guerilla Tactics>, you stake out the building, waiting for a target of sufficient status. Eventually, you find a suitable target- Matteo Kögl, a senior bureaucrat and a close aide to the General Secretary of the Interior. You stalk him as he makes his way to his car before taking the shape of a remarkably beautiful woman and tapping him on the shoulder, filling him with desire. He turns to you, eyes clouded by lust. Without using an ounce of force, you’ve effectively captured him.

You have him drive you to a hotel, different from the one you’re staying at now, imbuing your <Whispers> into every word. He follows your orders without an ounce of hesitation, seemingly enjoying the feeling of powerlessness as he acts to your whim. He gets a room in his own name, with his own money, and he makes his way there with the desperation of a kid rushing to the bathroom. You follow leisurely and, once the two of you are alone, you use your <Touch> once again, this time drowning him in a world of illusions. His body goes stiff, sweat beading on his wrinkled skin, as you gingerly toss him onto the bed. What should you do?

>Use the functions of <Whisper of Temptation> to make him a thrall. It’ll make him aware of your divinity, but he seems like a useful pawn to have in your back pocket
>Dispose of him and then use <A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices> to temporarily replace him
>Call in Dorota to utilize some “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”
>I shouldn’t do anything too conspicuous: it’s not unlikely that one or more incarnations have risen to the upper echelons of most world governments, and I wouldn’t want to draw undue attention
>Use the functions of <Whisper of Temptation> to make him a thrall. It’ll make him aware of your divinity, but he seems like a useful pawn to have in your back pocket
Even considering the last option it should be fine as long as we don't use him for anything too conspicuous
>Use the functions of <Whisper of Temptation> to make him a thrall. It’ll make him aware of your divinity, but he seems like a useful pawn to have in your back pocket.

As long as we don't use him up during this mission we could have him lace political ads with our influence, reaching millions of people.
>>Use the functions of <Whisper of Temptation> to make him a thrall. It’ll make him aware of your divinity, but he seems like a useful pawn to have in your back pocket
he can give us information willingly, starting with their procedures to guard against incarnations

>Use the functions of <Whisper of Temptation> to make him a thrall. It’ll make him aware of your divinity, but he seems like a useful pawn to have in your back pocket

You change your <Touch>, bringing Kögl back to the waking world. His confusion is set aside in favor of other priorities as he staggers to his feet, presumably intending to continue whatever he was doing before. You ready a command with your <Whispers>, projecting a great surge of divinity through your voice:


Immediately, the man falls to his knees. He turns his eyes up to meet yours, and you find them filled with an almost religious fervor.

“Give me your private contact information,” you demand without relying on your authority, testing whether or not your conversion has succeeded.

“Of course, mistress.”

He waddles to the hotel room’s desk, locates the complimentary pen and notepad, and writes a phone number and email address. He hands them to you readily.

“Act normally from now on. Do your best to avoid suspicion.”

“Of course. Is there anything else you desire?”

“Information regarding Lethe, as well as any other incarnations”

He spills all of the intel he possesses on the matter.

Regarding Lethe: She was an old woman in the late stages of dementia- Helena, he thinks, but he can’t quite recall the last name. Upon deifying, she regained her youth but crucially not her memories. She gains influence by erasing the memories of others, and, while she does not infrequently move around, she’s currently residing in and operating out of Innsbruck

Regarding other incarnations: Kögl is unaware of the specifics- apparently, this is a military matter, but somewhere high up in the government there exists an incarnation with a high enough level to buy and distribute epithet holders. These <Myths> are then provided to loyal, compatible soldiers and law enforcement who have concrete ties to the nation- families, specifically. Additionally, somewhere else in Europe, an incarnation with some abilities related to weapon crafting has emerged. These weapons are being mass-produced and, though not particularly high grade, they can be wielded by mortals

Regarding security: they have an incarnation look over security footage for any obvious shows of divinity, and guards with divine weapons are usually present. Additionally, a <Breath of Serenity> is provided to important officials both before crucial meetings and randomly on a semi-regular basis

Your theories regarding some high ranking incarnation manipulating the Austrian government from behind the scenes have become much more credible, and the situation has become much worse than you realize. With the possible exception of a few “fundamentally evil” myths, the governments of most countries can essentially repurpose the myths of anyone they stop and give them to loyal lackeys with strong incentives to stay on the right side of the law. You are reminded that, far from being at a disadvantage, the current powers that be have a massive edge- inertia. By already existing as a “legitimate” authority, they have a large, inbuilt collection of followers with massive, public punishments for disobedience. Ultimately, humans are creatures of habit and, especially in the western world, it’s much easier to find people who would rather keep the world safe than those who want to conquer it or tear it down.

Also, the matter of <Breaths>. It’s only a matter of time before Kögl is freed of your influence, and once that happens, the government will know that an incarnation who can manipulate minds is gunning for them. You scowl and turn back to the pathetic figure in front of you.

What should you do now?

>Ask for more information (specify)
>Give a command (specify)
>Tell him to lay low and await further directions
>Call Pheme
>Tell him to lay low and await further directions
May tell him to kill himself to avoid revealing us
Do they get watched as they take the breaths or is it feasible to instruct him not to take them and just pass them on to us?
>Call Pheme
Have him give all of his government credentials over to Pheme and see if she can dig up any more information on Lethe/other incarnations. (Omg, vulcan is out there, does he take commissions?)

>Ask for more information (specify)
His normal retinue. Aides, secretaries, PR. People we could easily replace with the girls.

>Tell him to lay low and await further directions
Take a discrete vacation out of the country. Then we take his face and try to get closer to Lethe.
>Give him a gun.

>Have him suicide by cop and kill as many people of power as possible before that happens.

Well that sucks we can't keep him. Time to get some influence!
Oops I should of read this.

Ignore my vote

I'll change to support this.
+ if it would come to him having to take some breath of serenity, command him to go on a shooting spree, trying to take as many other hig level officials down
also we might want to see if we can stack whispers up,
maybe it can overcome breath of serenity with, like lizards tail, an upgraded version of it down the road
and level 10 seems like a milestone
then again, an upgrade from level n to m costs 100 * (2^(m-n)-1) * 2^(n-1), so from 7 to 10 as 44800, twice as much as we have right now (if my quick math is correct)
so we'Re still some ways off whispers lvl10

>Ask for more information (specify)

He gives you the names of his immediate subordinates. You frown as you look at them: neither Isabella nor Dorota could reasonably imitate any of them without a transformation authority: five are men, three are older than 30, and the remaining three are conspicuously pretty, and by extension a replacement would be immediately noticed by the leering eyes and, knowing office circumstances, thorough hands of the men. You might be able to swing a personnel shift, but in a field with such extraordinary confidentiality it would be nigh impossible to do so without being noticed.

>Call Pheme

You dial up Pheme and, despite the time zone difference, she picks up promptly. You convey the information you learned and hand over Kögl’s login credentials. She thanks you, promising to get back to you when she has the relevant information.

“While I have you on the line,” she says, “there’s some things you should probably know.”

The first thing she tells you is that multiple incarnations worldwide have begun creating public de facto religions. In China, they have amped up the pseudo-worship of their General Secretary, the newly ‘elected’ Min He. She hasn’t publicly demonstrated her identity as an incarnation, but she hasn’t made any real effort to hide it either, most likely as a deterrent for potential rivals or monsters who wish to disrupt her new status quo.

In western Europe, particularly in the UK, France, and Italy, “Defenderism” has become a popular belief both among christians and atheists. The subject of their worship is ‘The Defender’, a beautiful incarnation who’s been primarily focused on saving people from divine threats. Christians see her as a saint sent by god to exorcize the demonic threat, and atheists see her as a hero who, while not literally a deity, is still worthy of worship. She’s become something of a cultural icon, even having fan meets and, on multiple occasions, blessing or officiating weddings.

Lastly, she sends you a video. In it, a group of men dressed in Victorian formalwear are confronting what seems to be an incarnation of some kind. They chant in what you determine to be Latin as white divinity leaks from their bodies, forming chains that bind the incarnation to the ground. The video transitions to the person recording the video fleeing as he’s noticed by one of the men.

"These,” she says, “are members of a global cult that people have been talking about in conspiracy theory circles long before the System appeared. People have come up with a lot of names for them, but if I recall correctly, they call themselves the “King’s Court”. People have suspected them of being everything from satanists to the enforcement arm of the illuminati, but as far as I’m aware no evidence of supernatural abilities has ever been observed from them. I can only assume that their new abilities are the work of some incarnation among them, but, y’know, we have to be prepared for… other possibilities. Keep an eye out.”

Is she implying that they could be wielding a power outside the system? At first, you find the notion ridiculous, but you then remember the words regarding the subject in the information tab:

>It is possible to use <Divinity> without relying on your <Authorities>, but doing so isn’t recommended.

You also remember the text of many other authorities including <Mob Rule> that implied that mortals also possess divinity, but simply lack the means to use it. You scowl to yourself: are there really mortals running around who are legitimately capable of using the same power source as you?

You turn your mind away from the matter for a moment and refocus on the current situation:

>Tell him to lay low and await further directions

You tell Kögl to lay low for a while, to take a discreet vacation without informing anyone. He readily complies, straightening his appearance out and shuffling out of the room.

You’ve gained some valuable tools in the hunt for Lethe. What should your next step be?

>Infiltrate Kögl’s place of work using his identity. Maybe you can gain some useful intel
>Tell Kögl to announce his vacation while you make your way to Lethe: you don’t need to infiltrate the Palais Modena anymore
>Confer with Isabella and Dorota
>Wait for Pheme to get back to you with Lethe’s full name and address
>Ask Pheme for more intel regarding something she mentioned (specify)
>Confer with Isabella and Dorota
Tell them what you've learned so far, ask if they want to head out now or let you dig a little more to find the exact name and address
>Ask Pheme for more intel regarding something she mentioned (specify)
Find out what events will cause a formal request to a memory wipe. We need to know how to lure her out.
This is something we can also ask Kögl
>Confer with Isabella and Dorota

I wonder how a direct approach would work? If she's a government employee she has an email address after all. Of course if Pheme can find her real name we can use a detective compass.

Firstly, I’ve been trying to come up with a good OP image for the next thread, but none of the ideas I’ve had are really compelling. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be appreciated.

>Confer with Isabella and Dorota

You make your way back to the hotel room where you and the other members of your pantheon are staying and relay the information Kögl gave you. You decide to keep intel and theories regarding Pheme’s information, especially details related to the King’s Court, to yourself.

“We must get all of the information available before we act,” Dorota says, “especially regarding combat capabilities. If she does not have <Omen> or something similar, we can circumvent all of her memory abilities with a direct solution and be done with it.”

“We should at least make an ATTEMPT at recruitment,” Isabella objects, “Especially if we can contact her remotely, it shouldn’t be too risky to TRY to get her on board. Her powers seem really useful, and I don’t want to have to kill someone who hasn’t made any aggressive moves against us.”

Dorota frowns. “Letting her know the situation will completely throw away our element of surprise. Besides, in case you forget, mind altering authorities can affect people even through wireless communications. I mean, look, right there!” she gestures to you, “There is significant risk even without an in person meeting.”

“But,” Isabella retorts, “Kögl said that people had to be physically brought to Lethe in order for the procedure to take place.”

“Maybe, but she could have gained the ability to do it remotely at some point in the past and hid it for later use.”

Isabella and Dorota seem to be at a deadlock regarding this matter in particular, but both plans require some information from Pheme. What should you do?

>Side with Dorota
>Side with Isabella
>Cross this bridge once we get there. For now, we should make our way to Innsbruck
>Cross this bridge once we get there. For now, we should make our way to Innsbruck
If remotely is still risky, we can always contact her through a thrall
>Cross this bridge once we get there. For now, we should make our way to Innsbruck

Read my mind. Find a patsy, use them to scope out the situation. If they come back drooling we send a bullet next time.
>>Cross this bridge once we get there. For now, we should make our way to Innsbruck

have the thrall on a headset so she first talks to that person, who, in turn, talks to us while we can never hear her voice directly
if the encounter goes south, go boarmode
but still wait until level 10 before an encounter, shouldn't take more than a day

>OP image
would you draw it yourself again?

>would you draw it yourself again?

That was the idea. I'm thinking it would be some kind of character drawing, kinda like the current OP, but either with a different pose and outfit or with different characters. I did some sketches but I wasn't very happy with them, so some inspiration would be appreciated
draw eris flying through the air with us in a princess carry
Something like this or something with a bit more velocity? Either way, I like the idea
I imagined it with more velocity but that looks great
New thread


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