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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.
You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. The capital city of Ironhaven burns as your men wrench control of the tightly packed city from the junta's hands. The junta navy burns in the port as its reformist counterpart proudly sails into the port. The Junta forces have all fallen back to the center of the city where they are surrounded intent on not giving up the home of your Queen without a fight.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM
It's taken a few days and quite the number of casualties but you're finally ready for a proper assault against the palace district. The Navy has seen fit to shuttle several infantry divisions into the city from the port and have seen to resupplying your men. The men are worn down but eager to finally end the bloody fighting. Your tanks rumble idly in the streets as your infantry hide in buildings from the misty rain that blankets the city Its time to decide how you will take the palace.

>push directly at the palace in a spearhead
>push all angles at once
>>push all angles at once
rush c
>>push all angles at once
See if we can find a crack in the defense and wedge it open
>push all angles at once
>>push all angles at once
>push directly at the palace in a spearhead
>push all angles at once

The enemy most likely have the resources in the palace district to cut off a spearhead aimed at the center and there's no guarantee that they would surrender if you take the palace itself. Your orders are sent out and the men prepare for a push. Their guns are prepared and the last of your supply of satchel charges and hand grenades are passed around to your men as they ready themselves for more bloody work.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 77, 97, 61 = 235 (3d100)

Rolled 32, 26, 27 = 85 (3d100)

Rolled 68, 34, 36 = 138 (3d100)

There's a small part of you that wishes to say your fellow servicemen fighting for the junta put up a good fight in the outer palace grounds, but that would be a lie. The grand palace is surrounded by a myriad of noble compounds and housing for palace staff these tightly packed buildings should honestly cause your men quite a bit of trouble but in a moment of some tactical genius your higher enlisted men decide to forgo breaching each compound by simply having some of your tanks just drive through their protective walls. The junta soldiers not expecting this are unable to react and are easily defeated. This goes on for several hours as your men tighten the ring around the palace. Soon you're able to make out the main gate of the palace from your position in a commandeered villa ironically formerly owned by house Bethel, the house of the young Duke Mason. The villa bustles with activity as you continue to command your men from as close to the frontline as possible. The palace itself is all the really remains of Junta resistance.

>order and attack
>attempt to Negotiate

Also I need a singular 1d2 to determine something very important good luck :)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>attempt to Negotiate

Here is the D2
UH OH that damn smiley.
Full disclosure that was for whether or not Lord protector Baric escaped the city during the armored counter attack
>attempt to Negotiate
>>attempt to Negotiate
Why not? Otherwise we have to jump.
>attempt to Negotiate

Honestly drayton could have been a diplomat instead of an officer

1d100 best of three please
Rolled 71 (1d100)


>Honestly drayton could have been a diplomat instead of an officer
the rolls will decide
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Here goes
Rolled 13 (1d100)

You wait till the next morning to approach the marred palace gate white flag in hand hoping that this will not be the time you get shot doing this. The Junta soldiers holding the nearly two century old gate house thankful don't fill you full of holes at your approach but you're sure the myriad of rifles, machine guns and even one Anti tank gun are more than prepared to end your existence at the first wrong move. They shuffle around for a few moments before a young Lituant walks out from the fortifications up to you one arm in a sling and walks with a limp.He stops at about ten feet from you before clearing his throat and speaking. “What do you want, traitor?” You keep your hands firmly on your white flag. “I wish to speak to your commanding officer to discuss terms” He sneers at you “Under whose authority do you have to discuss terms.” Straightening your stance you have to appreciate the young man's determination despite his situation “Under the Authority of Queen meredith rightful rule of the Kingdom of Ferrovia” He stands staring at you for a moment before turning and walking back to the gate. “Wait here I'll get the Lord protector”

What terms will you offer?
>POW status and laying down arm in exchange for simply not getting shot? Men allowed to leave with their honor intact disarmed and maybe a chance for a few to become part of the marines as a "punishment".
If anyone has better ideas please do.
No post tonight lads take the time to come up with ideas and things to day to Lord protector Baric
More or less Seconding, offer POW status. Also since it's negotiations, find out what they would need to surrender quietly.
It takes nearly an hour but the man you knew as General Baric steps out from the gate. The war hasnt been kind to him. The once middle aged man now looks more like someone on the edge of retirement, his once full black hair now filled with streaks of gray and he even now walks with a cane. He slowly approaches the young officer helping him along with his good arm they eventually stop about 10 feet in front of you. “I dont think we've met before young man” He calls out in a confident voice. This is sort of false, you had met General Baric a few times over the years; he was after all the closest thing the country had to a Marshal after the last one had died and the king was too sick to appoint another. “I am Sir Edmund Drayton a General of Queen Meredith's armies” A thoughtful look crosses the face of the older man “The airborne officer who took Fort Harold then I dont spouse you've decided to come back to fold have you?” You shake your head at that question. The old man sighs “Shame now what is it you want I have a defense to plan” You look up and down at the badly damaged curtain wall of the palace and the haggard look of the various men defending it “General I'm here to request your surrender the wars over let's not waste any more lives, I have armor artillery and air support the only thing your resistance will get will be death, I'm here to offer good terms to your men they lay down their arms and most of them will be allowed to return to their homes immediately the officers and yourself will be taken to a POW camp until we sort out legal matters”

1d100 best of three please
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Come on old man. You can see it's all lost.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

General Baric is one of the generals who led ferrovia to victory in the great war even as the Arbiterians sued for peace and the aqulian army faltered.The first of the tank corps and even airborne were born under his instruction. The darkest days of the great war were maybe somewhat lighter by his willingness to change, allowing for the basis for your own combined arms doctrine to flourish. The old man looks at you for a moment and then the shoulders of one of ferrovias greatest generals sag he clearly knows hes beaten. “I will have my men lay down their arms Mr Drayton” He turns back toward the gatehouse slowly limping away from you.

Its only a half hour later when the junta soldiers raise a white flag above the palace ground and your men move in to disarm their former comrades. You yourself make your way through the badly damaged palace where the general Barics office was supposedly. Upon your arrival you find his aide and a secretary crying in the reception area before the office. You rush past the two crying men and find General Baric seated at his desk with a single self inflicted gunshot to the head Its clear the General did not intend to see trial.

The battle for Ironhaven is probably one of the bloodiest battles of the war for you Nearly a full fifth of your men are wounded with nearly 500 dead in the four short days the assault took. The casualties for the Junta and the civilian populace that stayed is most likely far higher. The word of the General's death spreads fast within the week large portions of the remaining Junta army surrender with the only real remaining stronghold being the city of Gresh which is now under siege by a large section of the reformist army. There much to be done as the last of your queen enemies surrender its deep fall and even with renewed grian purchases from the Kreshi Republic it will be a starving winter for many. The political situation in the temporary capital of Nevefar is chaotic and the nation is still teetering. You decide to.

>stick to military matters
>Head to nevefar to take up politics
>write in

General barics DC was 75 btw
>>Head to nevefar to take up politics
We probably want to keep an eye on things in Neverfar
>Head to nevefar to take up politics
>Write in: help with the emergency distribution of food.
There's much to be done in the temporary capital so once your sure the city is truly pacified you along with the wide majority of the first airborne load up on trains and head north to Nevefar. The F.A.G will keep peace in the city and with the ceasing of hostilities large portions of Nortons command are allowed to bleed back out into regular society. The trip north is a snapshot of the state of the nation: the small farm towns that once dotted the landscape are burned out wrecks; many fields lay fallow in a time when food will be a great concern. The trip which should have only taken the better part of a day takes nearly three, as many commanders and generals do the same as you heading to the capital in hopes of finding a place for themselves in the peacetime government. The Nevefar train terminal is bustling with activity as you arrive quickly making your way outside you are once again ambushed by a crowd of press all trying to ask you questions at once

Would you like to speak to the press?

>write in: orderly. No talking over eachother and one question each at the most.
Mention that we hope for a smooth transition and a quick return to normalcy. Mention our willingness to work with all stakeholders and listen to all voices, we're all Ferrovian at the end of the day. Give our sincere condolences to General Baric's family and Mention that even if we were on opposing sides, he was always someone we respected and admired. However, thank all our allies among the reformists and emphasize that Ferrovia has won a great victory.

Less publicly: get our boys refitted and on the training fields ASAP. This postwar order is a powderkeg, and we need our guys in top shape in case any shenanigans break out. Just because the shooting stopped, doesn't mean the war is over.

1d100 for some oration skills
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Also if our roll was good enough, after remarking on the generals passing, extend our condolences to everyone who suffered the loss of their loved ones in this war, and offer the hope that we can now begin the healing process as a nation. "Everyone who died, regardless of which side they were on, or if they were on any side, gave their lives for the Ferrovian People, and we will hold them close in our hearts as we forge ahead into a brighter future together."
Holding your hands up to calm the gaggle of journalists you clear your throat and speak. “I first would like to say my deepest condolences to General Barics family for his passing. We may have found ourselves on the opposite side of the war but I still respected the man for his achievements.” You wait for a moment allowing the journalists to write that down on their notepads.”But Barics family is by far not the only one who's suffered a loss in the last year and that's something that the people of Ferrovia share now the fighting and dying must come to an end and I aim to make that true” You lower your arms and walks brisk to the waiting staff car an aging airborne NCO holds the door open for you. As you step inside it occurs to you that for many of your senior NCOs this is their second or third war and you hope it will be their last.

The streets are packed with cars and trucks and no shortage of men in uniform, some where the red armbands of the communists others a green one that's come to represent the merchant class and you occasionally see the blue of your own faction of monarchists. It's a short ride to the temporary palace which is likewise packed to the gills with diplomats, politicians and officers all vying for some slice of the government in the coming weeks as a true government is hashed out between victorious parties.

>meet with your political ally Mr Baker
>meet with Marshal Alric
>Write in
>meet with Marshal Alric
>meet with your political ally Mr Baker
why not both?
ALthough I want to meet Alric first
>meet with your political ally Mr Baker
Let's see how the tensions between reformists and communists are, now that we don't have a common enemy to focus on it will get complicated to balance it.
>>Write in: Meet with the new queen first
We gotta get her up to speed that we will retrain our troops for peacekeeping operations and for the next war to come from whoever was funding the other side. Plus we got to be the iron fist to keep everyone in line when they start chartering the new government. Keep everyone honest as we ensured the war ended as fast as possible.

Also QM this is the epilogue now or you got future plans for a sequel?
This is more of an epilogue but I have an idea for a much smaller focus for a sequel although that's one of five or so options for the next quest I might run. I do somewhat regret having my first quest be one with quite the large scale
lorge but for a first quest it was nice and comfy
No post tonight ill let the vote keep going also

I have several ideas for my next quest would you all like to vote on that or should I pick one of them at random?
My humble suggestion: Just put down a list ranked from what you wanna try the most to least and let us vote then. that way if there is a tie you can use your ranking.
Oh man i can't believe it's over. It's been a hell of a ride.
Yeah i agree
A list so we anons can start voting and stabbing each other for the next quest.
List them out and we will pick.
Your arrival turns some heads as you step out of the staff car your two airborne guards close behind. Its somewhat of a toss up in your mind who you wish to see as you step into the hotel lobby. Marshal Alric could tell you the current situation with the myriad of militias and units near the city and could probably also give you a good idea on who to watch out for. Meanwhile your ally Mr Baker could give you insight on what the various communist sub factions are up to.

Thinking to yourself as you stand in the lobby drawing the stares of the various people inside, many of whom wear armbands displaying their political party. You figure a visit to the aging marshal would be best. The marshal has an entire wing of the hotel dedicated to himself and Queensguard operations, a quick word with a Queensguard and you taken to him. The graying man stands over a map of the city covered in markers for various units each colored in their political parties color; you even spot a blue airborne marker on the edge of the city where your first airborne is camped. The old man looks up from the map and nods to you. “Mr drayton what can I do for you?”

What would you like to ask the man?
Let me write up some good summaries for each of the potential quest ideas and Ill set up a vote
>Status of the armed forces? Level of demobilisation? State of law and order? Further attempts on the queen? and lastly: will there be a parade or will that be hubris?
>Any foreign army movements, what level of funding can the new government afford, and should we institute marshal law and ration for the food shortages in winter?
“I was wondering if you had any information on demobilization and if you know anything about how our funding is going to shake out with the new government” He snorts at your last question and rests his hands on the table “As it currently stands Ive ordered at the queens behest to demobilize all nonstandard army formations which will leave us with roughly 40 divisions including your own airborne. The current plan is to cut that 40 down to maybe 25 over the course of the next year once things settle.” He flips through several sheafs of paper before finding one and pulling it out. “When it comes to the budget , everything is up in the air right now until the new government is hashed out. Now all that is well and good, mind you however I don't expect most of the private forces to obey my demobilization order, I didnt even bother to send one to you since I figured your boys wouldn't listen anyway.” You nod, focusing your stare at a small map of ferrovia on another desk. “What about the border Marshal how do they fare?”

The marshal pulls another paper out of the mess on the desk and looks at it before responding. “The Arbeiterians are killing each other again over some crisis about grain and the Kreshi border is honestly the most peaceful it has been in probably close to two decades. They don't want to piss with us while we are still on a war footing.” You nod along with the information. “Has the queen mentioned anything about victory parades or the like?” This question draws a long hearty laugh from the aging marshal. “Mr Drayton, we just got done spending the last year killing each other over who sits in the palace in Ironhaven. The early reports put the total dead near 100,000 dead both military and civilian. There's no victory to celebrate here.” He sighs leaning back in the chair “We're lucky the intelligence arm finally tracked down the bastards trying to stoke in fighting but we aren't out of the woods yet. Oh I almost forgot you might like to know there's talk of every single formation level officer getting a say in how the new government is getting formed, It was Mr Baker's idea of a way to avoid a dozen warlords murdering each other for a decade about it.”

>ask something else
>go see Mr baker
>write in
>ask something else
Suggestions on how the governement should run?
>go see Mr baker
Seconding, that makes sense.
Also we should make sure the Communists are focusing on rebuilding instead of vengeance, not sure how to put that nicely but they have an opportunity to sell their ideas instead of forcing them on people.
If all the officers get a say that is a lot of power for a subdivision of the govt to be controlled by the military. If we can put them into blocks so they fight each other then we can force them to compromise on this or be in a dead lock.
I think he basically means that the warlords are congresscritters now, which as long as there are enough other congresscritters, means their influence will be diluted while still being tangible enough to keep them in the halls of power instead of the field.
Also if they have to contest their seats at the end of their terms we can weed out the more incompetent ones.
“How do you think the new government should run Marshal Alric” The older man takes on a thoughtful look for a moment. “Maybe a mix of the Aquillian and marsalian governments? Have the queen act as head of state with a veto and form an upper and lower house upper being the nobility but allow the lower house to bypass them with a super majority?” He shrugs “im not politician ive spent my entire life trying to keep the royal house alive and i'm probably going to have to order the hanging of one in the next few months.” You thank the Marshal for his insight and set off to go find the Councillor of foreign affairs Mr baker.

It takes longer to find Mr Baker as his office was far smaller than the Marshals but you do eventually track down the communist. His small office is cluttered with dozens of official communications from various nations and many of them covered his small desk the man himself is seated behind. “Ah Mr Drayton what can I do for the Crow?”

>what would you like to talk about?
>Demobilisation of the militias or making some of them part of the army Keeping law and order. Stopping executions from getting out of hand. But most importantly trying to fix the food supply.
>Asking what communists will try to push for and what they can compromise on, check in on the safety of POWs, and any plans on handling the coming winter
Supporting both of these
Here are the options for the next quest Im more than happy to QM all of these, today's update will come later

1 From the Dead

Zombie apoc in the US/Canada former spec ops now operating in dead America to rescue survivors and bring them back to the safe havens operated by what's left of the American military Brutal survival horror very tactical
2 An empire on the Brink

You are one of many mercenaries from the civilized world coming to Aqullian colonies in the fogged seas, willing to work for the highest bidder your here to either finally remove the yoke of Aquilian control, help keep it in place or just help settle some old grudges with modern weaponry 1950s/1960s era Tech, mercenary POV sequel to Nation on the Brink
3 Mages and Panzers

You are a mage in the United States military in 1947 Fortress Europe remains unbreached as the Germans taking advantage of armored warfare and the discovery of magic to nearly destroy the Soviets and shroud mainland Europe in an impenetrable wall of fog meaning nobody knows truly what goes on inside Occupied Europe. 1940s with magic extended second world war Gratuitous killing of National socialists
4 Ships and Stars

Take control of a semi mothballed fleet of Warships on the edge of Human space and do your best to defend the frontier of human colonization against an alien threat with help a very long way away. Sci-fi ship combat your going to probably die

5 A Slaughtered Galaxy
The galaxy once teeming with humanity has gone quiet. You awaken in a hospital station and must try to survive as former members of your species turned monsters try to hunt you down and kill you. Survival mystery kind of thing make tools and weapons to survive hard Sci fi
I like 4 the most. I like against the odds quests
>2 An empire on the Brink
I haven't followed Nation on the Brink since roughly thread 4, so this quest could be fun to find out what the world/setting is up to now. Also the premise in general ofcourse.

>4 Ships and Stars
Scifi is lovely, with the odds against us, it could be a nice short quest.

My preference would be 4) as like an intermediate, before we head back into the world of Nation on the Brink in 2).
I Like number 1, been wanting a sort of horror, zombie quest for a very long time now.
“I wanted to check in to see what you and yours are up too” You say taking a seat across from the man. He chuckles opening a drawer drawing out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses filling each with a heft shot “Figured as much Edmund, Progressives and socialists are bitching about the deal with generals but radicals and communists are plenty happy seeing as they have most of the formation level stuff.” He takes one of the glasses swirling the amber liquide before taking the glass to his lips and tipping it back. You sip from your own glass enjoying the burn. “Thought communists are all prohibitionists aren't they?” This gets more than a chuckle from the man, his laughs echoing around the room. “That's just one of a dozen different things the party are fighting about Edmund” He gestures to your uniform “Who gets to stay in the army and who gets forced back into the civilian world is a big one the Marshal wants to demobilize everything but the professional formations like yours but the party wont allow that until the government is all hashed out”

You two are silent for a moment before you speak up. “What do you think the Hardline stances are?” He clasps his hands in thought “The removal of any noble appointments is a big one, reform from a privy council to a proper cabinet is another, The big one is the codification of political freedom, the party are afraid that some monarchist jack boot is going to make being a communist illegal again” This last comment is said mirthfully as he looks at your blue armband. You chuckle and then finish the last of the whiskey in the glass “any word on what we are doing with higher ranking POWs?” He nods “Trials are to start within the month big named ones first like the prince and his kids along with a couple of higher ranking junta generals since the big fish of them ate his own piece”

anything else to discuss?

Wish him the best of luck.
Aaa that is bad that radicals and communists got a lot of seats. At least we can set up a coalition with progs, soc, and pro military to wrangle the radicals.
4 sounds fun as we start as smol ships trying to survive until we grind long enough to start throwing around proper fleets.

Or become part ork and vietnam and turn our frontier space into deathtraps.
>4 Ships and Stars
I think I'm gonna miss having drayton around
me, im more interested in 1 adn 2 , i like me some tactical shit, and a early cold war colonial war quest is something ive been wanting to see for a while afeter seeing at least 2 other quests try it and then promptly fizzle out in one or 2 threads

what would you like to do next?

>See Queen Meredith

>visit Duke Mason

>write in
Drayton will at least be mentioned and his doings will probably be mentioned in #2 as hes become far to big to not be mentioned

My one problem with writing a cold war era quest is the fact my knowledge of technology and history really starts to become thin after 1945 just means ill have to do more research
>visit Duke Mason
>See Queen Meredith
in that order. The Duke first to gather more info on stuff before we can decide stuff in front of the Queen.
I kinda wanna do 2, but 4 seems fun.
>>See Queen Meredith
>Visit Duke Mason
>Visit Duke Mason

Saying goodbye to the jovial communist you head to see one of the many oddities of the court. It is by all rights Duke Mason should be sitting in a POW camp awaiting trial but through shrewd diplomacy and quick wit the young man had not only secured his freedom but also regained a small selection of his ancestral lands which he sold off to purchase and arm a armored company. You find him in his own tiny little office that once was a hotel room the makeshift sign on the wall reading OFFICE OF NOBILITY RELATIONS The brain child of the young duke apparently the office of nobility relations was centered around the maintenance of the fragile peace the crown had with noble families and to make sure they weren't allowed to fester and take up arms again. The office is busy as several aides crowd in the room working away on typewriters occasionally calling out to Duke mason to look at something. The young man looks up from something he's reading upon your entrance and smiles. “Sir Drayton, what can I do for you?”
>Wars over. How's the status of the nobles and how are you doing yourself?
Honestly good for the Duke for making the most of things.

>Good to see you're doing well for yourself Mason, what's your plan now the war is over?
“Came to check on my one time prisoner wanted to make sure you were doing alright” You make a show of looking around the office “I see you've done quite well for yourself despite everything” He chuckles walk up to you and shaking your hand warmly “Took a bunch of badgering to the privy council but they did finally see the merit of having someone to keep my lot in line” You gesture at the young man “Anything after this?” He shrugs looking somewhat sadder but perks up a bit “well my mother has found me a nice Baroness to marry but beyond that much of my working is going to be finding good footing in business to rebuild my house I thought about maybe trying to enlist as an armor officer in the army but I've been informed my legal status means Im not eligible for service anymore.” He looks around the office for a moment “Oh would you be interested in investing? Ive got a line on tractors coming out of Aquilia that I think will be plenty profitable”

Would you like to invest some of your savings?


Anything else to ask or talk about?
It will help with the famines.
Honestly I forget that we were even payed, regardless not much else to say but wish him luck and hope for the best.
I thought we were being paid in promisery notes by the new government as we burned our money on refitting the armies.
The government has been taking out a significant amount of loans from foreign banks to keep paying the armies in real money
You honestly dont think about money too often the army houses, feeds and clothes. The only thing your salary really gets spent on is train tickets and a little bit sent home to your mother. It won't hurt to invest a little bit which you do. You say goodbye to the noble turned importer/government worker and head downstairs to the court itself which you find empty, the queen apparently taking the day off from seeing regular petitioners to instead see higher ranking ones which thankfully includes you. It only takes a couple minutes after informing the Queensguard of your arrival and you are ushered in to see her majesty.

She's holding these personal meetings in one of the smaller meeting rooms in the hotel sitting in a plain oak chair as you enter. You kneel bowing you head to her until she speaks. “You may Rise Sir Drayton” Standing you come to parade rest infront of her. The young queen looks mostly the same since you first met in Ironhaven over a year ago now maybe a little more thin the stress more than likely thinning her out. “How may I help you today sir knight?”

What would you like to ask?
Orders? Where can we help? Do you need advice about certain problems? Are the right people being rewarded and the corrupt and too extreme thinking being put into less high level positions? That kinda stuff.
And I forgot: How goes her mental and physical health and what are her current plans for the future (if we aren't prying of course)?
+1 honestly it feels like we kinda fallen into the rebel trap to a degree where we get so focused on actually winning that we kinda forget to consider what happens after. Not to the degree we are all going to start killing eachother I don't think since the plot was stopped but still.
Hopefully the queen thought of this first as we kept the military focused or we made things harder for the queen for winning the war too fast.
I don't think things would have been much better if the war dragged on. We barely had our shit together to avoid a famine and the intrigue would have only gotten worse. Also having the reformist government coalesce around the people who are good at killing doesn't mean keeping the people who can run an economy. As it is, our liberal and industrialist allies are in a better position and can recover from the economic shock of war faster.
Im going to keep the vote open until we end NOB but currently it looks like the votes are

4 votes for Ships and Stars

2 for Empire on the Brink

2 for From the dead
“I wished to know if you had any orders for my your majesty” she gives a tired smile to you “Currently nothing I can ask of you in your official position as one of my generals” You nod in understanding the legal situation on who can give what orders is strained due to the haphazard nature of the army “If i'm not over steeping how are you My Queen? You seem worn down” The mask of calmness slips for a minute and she looks somewhat uncomfortable. “If i'm being Honest Sir Drayton I'm worried not just for my own future but also my families. I know my uncle will most likely hang and I'm honestly not too bothered by it but if my cousins are also executed my heir would be some far off kinsmen in Aquilla.” Her hands twist nervously in her lap “I could just marry and birth an heir, but who would I marry? The Aquillian imperial family lacks any of age men, the Arbeiterian royal line would sour any potential relationship with the current Arbeterian government and marrying into one of the lesser noble house would probably restart the civil war.” The young queen rambles outloud for nearly two minutes without a break before stopping a blush on her face. “I'm sorry Sir Drayton I got carried away.”

Any advice for the queen?
>She needs a confidant to help her with the pressure she is under. At the current rate she is going to die of a heart attack at 30.
>Suggest first of all saving her cousins. The sins of the parents are not the sins of the child. You should be able to help with this. Ideas could be temporary exile, penal military service (we keep an eye on them), working on a farm for 20 years to return the debt they incurred on the nation.
>Suggest Duke Mason as someone who can help smoothing the noble relations, since he is already in a good position with all the nobles.
>She should also consider exceptional (top accademics, company owners, heroes of the common people (us? But only to list all options she hasn't considered and not as a serious suggestion at the moment)) commoners and let the person rise to a noble rank. Would alienate some of the nobility, but would boost her standing with the common people.
>Not marrying for a while could also be an option. She would be "married" to the state for a while.
>Inform her she would have our public support to the fullest with whichever choice she makes.
My list of ideas. The top two are the full on advice part and the others are options she hasn't considered.
To clarify: The first 2 are advice. the next 3 are other marriage options and the last on is showing our full on support.
sounds good
No post today lads
“First off your majesty I think you need to find some to confide in before the stress of everything kills you or worse drives you to an asylum.” She nods in agreement “alric maybe or one of my handmaidens?” she mutters to herself. “In terms of your cousins I suggest offering harsh sentences like forced labor for a decade or two, something that can keep them in the succession. Likewise duke mason should hopefully be working on quelling rebellious ideas that should pop up, and finally in terms of marriage. Its honestly up to you but you could aim for well off commoners and raise them to nobility as the would alleviate any accusations of favoritism amongst the nobles or I suggest you sideline the idea for now tie it to the rebuilding of the country say your married to the state for now” You shift in your spot for a moment “Not matter what You majesty you have my full support in whatever you decide. She sits there for a moment, the woman of only twenty years thinking. “I will have to think about things for a time but thank you for this advice Sir drayton do you have any request I can repay you with”

Any requests for the queen?

would like to point out marriage between you two is more or less impossible the age gap is quite extreme nearly 20 years
>can I get some land? I would like to create a veterans colony/an area for the runnofs of society. It would help with leftover killers, poor and problematic people and would create an area of loyalist.
>a medal or something?
>any rewards you want to give yourself?
The marriage was never a serious request fyi.
We won the war and all we got is this t shirt.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

alright 3d100 best of three and a roll from me to see how much land she might give you
Rolled 98, 10, 93 = 201 (3d100)

What does that one mean?
well its land
Rolled 69, 11, 56 = 136 (3d100)

Okay i hope the next guy gets a good middle roll lol
Rolled 24, 68, 88 = 180 (3d100)

I'm guessing its how many acres we are going to get, which based off that roll means we would get a single acre aka enough to build like 1 good house or 3-5 smaller cramped houses definitely not even close to enough for anything resembling a veteran colony.
We'll have to build Ferrovia's first sky scraper. Something tall enough to jump off.
You take the time to explain to her your plans to build a veterans colony somewhere for your men and the men of other commands to retire and be around those who understand what they've gone through. It's after explaining the whys you decide to ask her if you could have some lands to build the colony on. It's at this request a deep blush fills her face and she looks down. “I do think your plan is a good one and I also wish to reward you for your hard efforts Mr Drayton, However I have sold nearly all of my family lands in an effort to make up the deficit in the treasury” She sits there silently for a moment before speaking again. “I do still own a decently sized island in lake bethe east of Ironhaven the island is rocky and heavily forested i'm unsure if you would still want land that is so unviable”

>take the Island
>ask for something else
>take the Island
Better some land then no land. Also veterans are kinda used to hardships so they will complain less than the average person.
>>take the Island
>>ask for something else
I understand and sympathize with her plight and want to remind her that there's currently a fair amount of land that she doesn't own personally at her disposal. For example, her uncle's land. He's not going to need it any more. Perhaps we convert some of his townhomes into hospitals for disabled veterans who still are well enough to work, or who have family nearby?
We weren't expecting a handout of her personal wealth...

Changing to
Good arguments
+1 although if this fails just take the island.
Ill lets you guys give this a try

1d100 best of three please
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

“Perhaps your uncle's lands have something more viable, my queen? I would hate to take some of the few lands still under your direct ownership” She leans back in her makeshift throne for a moment before nodding “My uncles lands in theory are owned not by me but the crown which honestly is still a concept i'm getting used to, however Its still my right as the Monarch of Ferrovia to hand out lands to my nobles” She gets a sly smile before gesturing to a nearby servant to come closer “Please kneel Sir drayton” following her command you kneel before her “Sir Drayton for your efforts as my Knight and general of my armies I hereby elevate you to the rank of count and befitting of your rank I award you the cheshire river valley south of Ironhaven with” She looks at the servant for a moment thinking “Christopher?” The servant nods blushing at the fact the queen knows his name. “Christopher as witness to your elevation please rise anew” You stand and thank the queen not only for the lands but also for her time.

The rest of the day you spend doing the paperwork of finalizing your new rank and also doing some research on your new lands. The cheshire river valley somewhat decent for agriculture and logging should make good lands military veterans

>participate in the trials
>focus on politics
>participate in the trials
The uncle can get shot for all I care, but the cousins should live
>>participate in the trials
>participate in the trials
Lets try to prevent the Romanovs slaughter kangaroo court edition if we can. (Regardless yeah zero sympathy for the Uncle)
>>participate in the trials
Need the crown population to stay high so we aren't the only count in the nation.
The few weeks wait for the trials to begin seems to go quickly until the day arrives and you travel to the Nevefar courthouse where Prince Elric and his three sons Albrecht, the sickly Markus and the youngest Alan. They all look somewhat worn down as they are seated in the stands for the accused. The judges were made up of one military lawyer, a civilian judge and finally surprisingly Mr Baker. The is a fourth chair up by the other three judges meant for the Queen but it seems she's chosen to not attend. You yourself are considered a state witness alongside many other officers and are sat on a half of the courtroom specified for the prosecution. Mr Baker, as the highest ranking person of the court, stands clearing his throat and begins to read off a sheet of paper. “Prince Elric you and your sons are charged with the crimes of inciting a Rebellion, attempted regicide, murder and mass murder of those entrusted to you by the crown. How do you plead?” The aging prince stands “Not guilt it is not a crime to fight a thief and a liar like my niece” Mr Baker snorts at the outburst “This court will like to begin the proceedings with the prosecution's witnesses. Would anyone like to volunteer at this time?”

>let others another go first
>let others another go first
>let others another go first
Off to a strong start with the greatest legal defense since "she fell on my knife" from the Prince.
>>let others another go first
Lets see the greatest defense against the you scorched earth the land attack.
There is much hate and animosity of the former royal family amongst reformist and monarchist officers so the witness volunteers are more than eager and willing. Man after man is called up to the stand to speak of the horrible things the Prince and his sons were accused of from ordering the summary execution of deserters and their families to even a couple of men accusing him of killing his brother King Harold in an attempt to take the throne.You know this accusation being completely baseless as the comatose king needed no help in shuffling the mortal coil. The amount of witnesses and evidence are more than enough to see the prince hanged; however many of the witnesses aim to also see his three adult sons join him as many accusations are also pointed at them claiming they helped or even ordered some of the atrocities committed by monarchist troops. The evidence doesn't seem to really support that but with so many voices accusing them it's unlikely they will survive the sentencing.

>take the stand
>let fate decide
>take the stand
One of his sons talked his father into surrender
One of them was just an inexperienced boy going to war.
The father deserves to get shot for selfishly causing the famine but not his sons.
>>take the stand
For the father we should burn him at the stake as a hanging is too merciful,
>>take the stand
Obviously we want to try and get the sons off if in fact they are relatively innocent, I think it would also be a good idea to recount our conversation with the Prince that lead to his surrender, and emphasize that we'd like to ensure a fair trial.
Maybe jokingly mention the "in sure your neice will find a way for you to keep your head," but emphasize that at the time, we didn't know he had sold the countries entire grain supply for a handful of claptrap tanks his men couldn't even use properly.
"For the sake of impartiality, I would personally prefer if he wasn't prosecuted for crimes of which the reformists are also guilty: summary executions, excessive requisition of local supplies, the like. However, this one issue is enough to see him off, and I feel this one issue, that is the sale of the nation's grain, is the question that ought to decide his fate."

Note: we shouldn't mention the penal camp massacres until after he dies, unless it looks like he might get a pardon.
Yeah it's important to mention that at least one of the sons did actively talk their father into standing down, if it wasn't for them who knows how many more people would of died. Plus from what I can tell none of the sons had much if any sway over their father starting the civil war in the first place and after it did start it isn't like they had any choice but to stick with their father even if they may of personally disagreed with his actions.
Like seriously ignoring the struggle that comes with even fleeing from the controlled territories and their fathers gaze to the west you had the junta who would of held any of the sons as a political hostage at best and straight up shot them at worst, the bandits to the east who would be hanging any of the sons the moment they show their faces, and to the north while no doubt the option with the potentially best possible outcome odds are any son that tries to go there is just going to just get shot and or hanged by the commies before they even reach the center of operations. Even fleeing the country entirely is laughable with the only realistic options being to the mess that is the south eastern monarchies or to the north country who probably wouldn't even allow them refuge in the first place.

TLDR: If you can't think of anything better for what you would do in their situation than what good is executing them for a situation they could not of prevented nor escaped from? Do not blame the son for the sins of the father.
I agree we should definitely advocate for the sons. We can point out that they were bound by filial duty to help their father, regardless of how they felt.

As for Elric, I'm >>6108235
I wonder if we should mention the mass killing at the bandit camps? The bandits are our men now even if they weren't at the time, and we have some evidence to indicate they were imprisoned in the work camps unjustly.
Also, unlike a lot of the charges against him, we have evidence (photos, not to mentiontl the graves themselves, and possibly witnesses among our(norton's) men.
"Regardless of how they ended up in the camps, these men trusted their lives to me and I owe it to them to seek justice for what they've been subjected to."
Probably gets us points with Baker as well, being sympathetic to the least among our society as much as the nobility.

But in true reformist fashion we do want to emphasize that in seeking justice, we are not holding Elric to a different standard than we hold ourselves or our allies. "Ferrovia cannot heal from this if the people believe this trial is an act of vengeance rather than accountability."
>take the stand

1d100 best of three

Another point in favor for impressing baker is the fact a large amount of the murdered prisoners were communists many of whom baker probably knew
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

In that case, definitely bring it up
Oh fugg those princes are hella dead
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Think you may of spoke too soon

Also yeah got nothing against mentioning the camps as long as we make sure the sons don't somehow get roped into it.
Man forgot on the camp info.
We indeed need to mention that shit.
More like I spoke just soon enough
No pod tonight lads I will be taking suggestions for punishments for the sons
25 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 12.5 years.
We want them out of the picture until we've had time to get the country's new government established, but beyond that it's not super important to keep them gone.
How strict the prison is, is up for debate. House arrest wouldn't be totally out of the picture. They probably shouldn't be in a work camp in the kresh mountains though, if we want them to survive.
It may be better just to give them 5 years of house arrest and strip them of their noble titles and holdings rather than keeping keeping them locked up for a good chunk of their lives. If we ain't got the government more or less stabilized after 5 years then frankly we are already kinda fucked and stripping them of their titles and wealth should be enough to quell the complaints of most of the communists considering the ideological hard on such a action should give to them.

Also has the middle son done anything to go against his father? If I remember correctly the youngest got captured alive and the oldest talked their father down in the first place but I don't remember if the middle did anything, frankly I forgot they even existed until this trial.
hes more or less spent the entire war in and out of the hospital as he has hemophilia
I'm tending towards more time than less just to make things a bit easier. Just because we should have our shit together in 5 years doesn't mean we will.
12.5 years is an entire generation of kids raised in the new order, 5 years means we haven't even set the high school curriculum.
Its during the changeover between witnesses when you stand holding up a folder of evidence from the prison camps. “You honors Id like to enter in some new evidence and request permission to take the stand” Mr Baker nods and gestures for you to hand over the folder. The judges look at it as they read their eyes go wide before Mr Baker gestures to the stand. “Best get up here drayton you've got alot to talk about” Taking the stand you give an accurate account of what you found in the mountains both the paperwork and the resulting mass graves. Its after nearly 20 minutes of talking until you come to the end of your evidence. “It is with that your honors and my fellow countrymen that I know that Prince Elric most likely deserves to hang” The room is quite for a moment before you continue. “However this atrocity was commited by Prince elric alone and his sons are blameless in most of their fathers crimes. The eldest Albrecht even helped end his fathers forgone rebellion the middle son Markus spent more time in the hospital than out of it and the youngest Alan just did what he thought a good man should do in backing his father. I am not saying they should be let off free, of course a light sentence is something in the realm of a decade and stripping of lands and all titles but the ones related to succession.”

The judges thank you for your testimony and leave the room to deliberate for some time. Its when they return taking their seats that they announce their decision. “Normally this trial would go on until all of the testimonies were heard. However after this new evidence form Mr Drayton this court had decided to pass its judgment now. The court finds Prince Elric guilty on all charges and sentences him to death by either Hanging or firing squad his decision on which. His sons are guilty of sedition and therefore are to serve 10 years in prison or 5 years on a penal farm they have also been stripped of all remaining lands and Albrect and Alan will be removed from succession while Markus remains within the succession.”

>wait for the formation of the government
>write in
Could ask around to people especially Mr Baker to see how they feel about the ruling. Good to know ahead of time if most people are apathetic, happy, or ready to riot in the streets.
>wait for the formation of the government
Yeah checking in might be a good idea
Gotta keep the communists and peasants happy or we will have to purge the ranks
You decide that seeing how people feel about the judgment so you mingle for some time speaking to various officers and politicians who had turned out for the trial.The opinions seem split mostly along party lines reformists tend to think the judgment was fair and even while the communists seem mostly angry that Markus remains legally in the line of the succession. YOu find Mr Baker speaking to several red armband clad men in a corner of the courtroom he waves you over during a lull in the conversation. “Mr Drayton I'd ask why you held back that bit of evidence for so long but I know better than to question a monarchist about the dirty laundry of the royal family.” you chuckle before springing your question “Why did you decide what you decided?” HE steps a bit closer to you so he doesn't have to yell over the crowd that has formed as Prince Elric is taken from the court screaming about rights. “Honestly Drayton if I could have hung the eldest and youngest and let the middle son off scott free I would have both of them are guilty of something we can't quite prove in the court.” Hes gestures to the sickly looking Prince Markus. “Im probably going to have to commute his sentence in a couple months lads probably going to die in prison otherwise.” He claps you on the shoulder “You did the best you could for your boss drayton, I'll see you in a couple weeks when we hash things out for a government” He walks off into the crowd.

>anything else?
>government forming
>government forming

>Prince Elric is taken from the court screaming about rights
Get fucked. You lost your royal privileges so you should feel that doing/talking shit gets you hit.
>>government forming
The following day Prince Elric is executed by hanging in the city square. You decide to not attend and instead decide to relax for the next few weeks before you are scheduled to attend the first day of the Ferrovian constitutional congress. The congress is being held at the same courthouse as Prince Elrics trial as there aren't many places in the city big enough for the sheer amount of people who have arrived to try and form something resembling a modern state. The main hall of the court is packed with many men and women all of whom wear a colored armband. You spot near the front of the room near Queen Meredith wearing the blue armband like you, another group standing near one wall wear the green armband that's come to be associated with the merchant class and finally the red armbands of the communists are near the doors to enter. Each of these groups represented the largest of the proto political parties in ferrovias.

>speak to the Blues
>speak to the Greens
>speak to the Reds
>speak to the Blues
We will speak to other parties, but first have to look in house what the main ideas are and which ones people don't want to bend on or can compromise on.
>speak to the Blues
These guys are only relevant because of our actions if I remember correctly so might as well check them out first
>>speak to the Blues
You stride across the court heading for the smallish knot of men and a few women surrounding the queen who sits in a simple wooden chair like it's a throne. The group almost all look up at once on your approach, many saying greetings once you're within earshot. There are quite a few faces you recognize. Norton nods to you from the edge of the group standing alongside Duke mason and several other nobles you don't recognize. The Taylor brothers stand stiffly in their uniforms flanking the queen. The group as a whole standing silently staring at you for a moment before Norton speaks. “What's the plan boss?” The nobles and the officers all nod at nortons question and with that lone statement you realize in near cold terror not a single one of these people has a plan to form a government or even what policies they want and they are looking to you for a plan.

What is your faction's goal for forming a government?

>Maintain as much of the Monarch's power as possible
>Form the most stable government possible
>Keep the other parties as weak as possible
>write in
>Maintain as much of the Monarch's power as possible
>Form the most stable government possible
a healthy amount of checks and balances.
>Try making compromises with the other 2 parties to achieve this.
Don't have many other ideas yet.
>with that lone statement you realize in near cold terror not a single one of these people has a plan to form a government or even what policies they want and they are looking to you for a plan.
Oh god.

Anyway if I remember correctly this is our goal
>Form the most stable government possible
>Maintain the Monarchy in some form
We want the government to be stable the thing that sets us apart from the others is the monarchy existing in some shape or form is nonnegotiable for us. Now granted we are more than fine with a constitutional or figure head monarchy but keeping the monarchy in place is our 1# goal ere. Having the monarchy keep power isn't worth it if we risk losing the entire system in the process.
Roll for composure.

So basic idea is constitutional monarchy with people voting on city governors and cabinets while providing basic necessities and education for the communists. Give tax breaks or reductions to the merchant class but peasants get land grants to farming?
Also speaking of the communists we should probably keep trying to sideline the hardline communists and work with the more moderate communists as well as the republicanists when it comes to compromise. Whatever happens we got to make sure Mr Baker continues to be the commie rep and negotiations don't breakdown because I have a feeling if he ends up going then there wont be any other more moderate voices we can promote above the extremist ones.
>>Form the most stable government possible
still looking at constitutional monarchy with parliamentary representation I think...
checks and balances are good. They're very good. We know everyone is going to try to get the biggest slice of the pie they can, not just the one they deserve. It is frankly better to engineer a bit of gridlock into the system than let it swing wildly depending on who is in charge of what, and we want to make sure nobody can consolidate power in one branch of the government.
Your head swirls for a second before the cold calm of command takes over and you start to think. Stability of the government and the queen's strength will be your goals. Your going to have to make deals with both the greens and reds if you hope to achieve either.Preapring yourself you let out a breath and then look to your fellow monarchists.”We aim to both make ferrovia more stable so this war will never happen again and to keep our queen in power. Therefore Im going to push for a house of commons and a house of lords with our queen as head of state and possibly being able to select the Prime minister and have a veto” Your party echo their agreement at the plan and you turn around and eye up the room.

>go to the reds first
>go to the Greens first
>go to the reds first
They are (sadly) the more important party of the two and the more likely to take offense if we don't go to them first. I'm not holding any illusions of convincing even half the commies but if we can secure the moderate reds and a good chunk of the greens afterwards we should be good to go.
the greens essentially want the reds and the blues to leave them alone so they can make money, the reds have a more complex and frankly dangerous agenda.
>>go to the reds first
The reds catch your eye first, most of them speaking to Mr Baker with a smaller group on the side speaking to a man in military dress. Striding forward you walk through the room toward them one of them notices your approach and their conversation goes silent as the others look over and see you. Mr Baker walks to the front of the group, thumbs hooked on his belt, a smile plastered on his face. “Mr Drayton, what can we do for the Monarchists today?” You smile back at the jovial communist “Im looking to see what you and yours want to get this show on the road Mr Baker” You explain your goal for a house of commons and a house lords and the fact you aim to have the selection of the prime minister be left up to the queen and her veto. Thers some vocal dissent to a large section of your plan from the moderates but Mr baker raises a hand to silence them. “Thats alot you want Drayton but theres some things in there we refuse to let happen” You nod to him listening “Such as?” He sighs “The Prime minister will be elected like a president there will be no house of lords and the queen will not get a veto”.

>Compromise (Select which to drop)
>Decline seek out the Greens
>write in Compromise
Could guarantee our support for that land reform they really want in exchange for keeping the house of lords.
>>write in Compromise
Instead of asking them what parts of our plans they like, find out what their goals and priorities are. We don't have much to work with until we have a good idea what their positively defined objectives are. We could trade a house of lords for a different upper house. Say, representation in the lower house is first past the post in local districts, while the upper house is proportional repsentation based on share of the vote for the various parties.
But ultimately we're not looking to strike a deal right now, we're trying to get an idea of what their priorities are, and which things are negotiable.
+1 on this. Never go into a battle without knowing what your enemy's aims and strengths are.
Yeah right now we are looking for what they truly want and what they cannot compromise on. Get everyone's priorities in the open then we can begin making concessions and deals on things they can compromise on. Monarchists are the most flexible as they can afford shifting goals while commies and reformists have their own ideas they want.
+1 yeah probably for the best to be smart about this
Shifting your feet as Mr Baker talks you wait until he stops and you respond “Mr Baker how about we start with your goals my friend just so we know where we both stand?” He calms himself for a minute nodding “Yeah your right Drayton things work better if we both know what the other wants. Well my boys want two houses just like you but none of this house of lords shite like were the damn Marsalians, we are thinking a lower house based on population and then a senate based on a series of territories carved up out of the old Noble estates. We also want a Secretary general instead of a prime minister selected out of the lower house and confirmed by the upper house. The queen's position is something we haven't really determined yet although we are open to a ceremonial head of state.” At the last statement the communist officer in the military uniform huffs in annoyance.

>Try to negotiate now
>go see what the greens want
>go see what the greens want

>communist in military uniform.
No executing monarchs for you commie.
Well at least we agree with the two houses idea just the queen needs power to be a functional government than just a figure head.
Guys just give the queen the veto like the us president. If the lower houses really want it pass it with 2/3s majority and overule the veto... just put something in the constitution that states they can't vote to remove her position...
Well honestly not that bad, although I hate the Secretary General title simply because it implies a level of military ties that doesn't (or at least in any function country) shouldn't exist.

>Try to negotiate now
I honestly think we should just get this out of the way, even if the greens are total pushovers and all closeted monarchy simps (like us) and agree to all our demands considering the size of the commie block we would get into a messy deadlock at best and a straight up civil war at worst.

I think this is a good idea and again I think they would be willing to budge if we just offered full support for their land reform autism projects. (and dice don't screw us over)
Actually hang on to my thoughts for a sec

QM what are the current sizes of the blocks? If the greens/reds were to somehow fully support us would we be able to push through our goals without much issue or would things go to shite with the reds/greens?
Also one more question, how important is our block for all this? Could both sides completely sideline us if they wanted to or do they need us to atleast some degree? I know you mentioned we were the smallest notable block but I'm not 100% sure to what point that is.
The reds if they all vote the same could out vote you easily but if you had the full suppourt of the Greens it would be close to a tie

The reds probably wont vote all the same though as the red party is a mix of hardliner communists and socialists
That's not too far off what we want. Maybe give the queen the right to dissolve the government and call elections, rather than a veto? Or push for both.
Honestly the fact that they aren't pushing to dissolve the nobility is pretty amazing. I thought we'd have to work much harder here.
Let's check in on the Greens and see what they want before we start negotiating in earnest
You thank Mr baker for his time and inform him you will be back shortly. The greens are a motley bunch, many of them wearing suits, others in military uniforms like yourself and others still wearing the clothes of the common people. They are also arguing quite loudly just as you approach the argument. The argument reaches a peak and one of the suit wearing ones screams at one of the common folk calling him a communist dog and then storms off. The greens don't really seem to be a unified party like you had thought at first There appears to be three distinct groups: the merchants, commoners, and the officers all of which seem to greatly dislike each other. It seems like approaching one group is probably going to anger the others.

>The Merchants
>The officers
>The commoners
>Stand in front of them and wait to be approached. (they need us more then we need them)
+1 although if this fails just approach whichever group is the largest.
Also, first things first, find out what they're arguing about
The commoners and merchants keep arguing amongst themselves bickering like hate enemies despite their shared party. The officers however take advantage of the distraction and approach you as a group, many of them delivering a salute as they come up to you. They mutter between each other until a Colonel comes to front and nods to you. “General Drayton I take it you hear to talk shop” You nod in affirmative and inform them of your goals for the government and he nods. “We are aiming for a single house elected by population with a president who is elected in terms with a powerful veto”

>Try to negotiate with the Militant Greens
>Go negotiate wit Mr baker
>write in

note with the officers you gaining about 1/3 of greens strength
>Try to negotiate with the Militant Greens
How about a queen with a powerfull veto? would a double electable house be acceptable?
and afterwards
>Go negotiate wit Mr baker
>>Try to negotiate with the Militant Greens
>>Try to negotiate with the Militant Greens
give time for the merchants and commoners to notice us
>Try to negotiate with the Militant Greens

1d100 best of three and name one thing your willing to sacrifice for a compromise(This will be ignored if you roll high enough)
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

Welp, i give my one cent, i choose to compromise with electing the prime minister by vote, this also align us with one of the compromises of the communists so if we have to, it is two birds with one stone .
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Point out that the reason we want two houses is for checks and balances
Try to bring them around to our way of thinking, that stability is very important.
+1 although not 100% sure this is a compromise they care much about, regardless whatever compromise we make it can't be one that makes it impossible to further negotiate with the commies like agreeing with them wanting a single house.
I also support yours
These officers will really help with forming a coalition with them and bakers moderates. You should be able to push through something that looks like what you want for the government. It honestly is shockingly easy to convince them to your side by only sacrificing the position of Prime minister as an elected office over a selected one. The compromise made, you turn back to the red party many of whom are talking animatedly about whatever communists talk about, land reform or something probably. Mr Baker sees your approach and smiles and waves to you “Mr Drayton ready to do some dealing?”

1d100 best of three and select one to sacrifice

>House of Lords
>queens Veto
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>House of Lords
Sorry, but queens veto is a must for me.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>>House of Lords
Sacrifice house is lords. I'm fine with the commie plan for regional representation in the upper house
Holy shit
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Oh wait i rolled 1d10 lol lemme try that again
(Rngods pls. Pls.)
... well then.
Rolled 98 (1d100)


This anon rolled a 1d10 so one more roll crossing my fingers.
...The government is saved! Huzzah!
Hot damn

No post tonight lads running on 4 hours of sleep
The negotiations are fierce with you and your new green party allies bargaining with Mr Baker and his moderates for hours but you soon win the man over. The terms are simple the abandonment of a house of lords in exchange for a simple senate for each of the soon to be founded states that will make up the new Kingdom of Ferrovia. The actual writing of the new constitution takes several weeks as the lawyers and legal experts write it up in the best legalasse which honestly goes a bit over your head. The militant communists and the rest of the green party throw a fit over the agreements but they lack the votes to turn the tide. There is already talk of who will fill out the queens cabinet and elections for Prime minister are already being organized.

>Aim for a cabinet position
>Aim for the Prime minister spot
>Become a senator or a representative
>Retire to you lands and build your veterans colony
I think we technically already are a senator/ representative because we're a high ranking officer. I think we should continue to be a senator so we can keep our finger on the pulse of the country for a little while
With the government formed you will have to win a seat in either the senate or house
>Become a senator or a representative
Put ourself to the test of the ballot as a representative and lead a faction and make sure veterans are represented.
>Become a senator or a representative
>Seek a wife?
We will eventually retire and run our little domain (veterans colony) and write a manual on how to do warfare our way.
>>Become a senator or a representative
>Become a senator or a representative
I hope the militant commies don't do anything feken stupid over this.
i mean, we just got ourselves a county, and based on Baker's idea (which we agreed with) of carving up the country into regions based on historic noble districts, and the fact we're about to populate said district entirely with our own soldiers...
the only spoiler is when Norton decides to run against us purely out of spite.
You soon find yourself whole heartedly organizing the founding of your colony near Ironhaven intent on giving your fighting men and any others who wanted a new home to retire from fighting. It hurts somewhat but you resign your commission as it would be quite hard to maintain the effort of settling the land and running a full army core. The first airborne is left to the younger Taylor brother. Its nearly six months later when elections are held and you run for the Senator position for the state of Cheshire which includes your own colony and several smaller towns and villages nearby.

The first few months of politicking in Ironhaven in the freshly built senate forum is chaotic with parties still trying to form and the few already existing ones fracturing under differing opinions. Its with happiness you learn Mr Baker had managed to win his own seat in the house and had taken great care to try and sabotage the radical communists efforts to win seat which had left them as a shadow of their former power. The Prime minister ends up being the former Queensguard Alric who ran on a campaign of rebuilding and land reform

Anything you want do before we head for the epilogue?
>Find wife and get married?
>Get wife and check up/hang out with Norton I'm curious what his plan is now.

I'm also curious if the queen is happy with the results but not something we gotta personally check up on.
Fucking good shit bruv. Thanks anon for the 98 fucking baller status.

Honestly QM... thanks for actually finishing the fucker. 10/10

Yeah marriage, lots of kids, maybe going into more engineering stuff for our war boys. Would be cool to become Los almos (nuclear research birth of the nuke) or old school boeing/Lockheed Martin.

Would be lit to become the best war college and engineering place in the empire.
i'm agreeing with these
i'm not sure that's really our skill set but sure

also we need to bring our mom to the new county i think.
ts during your first winter in Cheshire that you really start to think about your friend norton, you occasionally get a letter from him and sometimes the odd rumor about what he's been up to since resigning his commission but nothing really concrete. It's during one of your many trips to Ironhaven you hear that Norton is the owner of a bar in one of the seedier parts of the slowly recovering city. You arrive at the bar feeling quite out of place as you enter many eyes turning to your entrance. The people inside looked rough, men and women looking not too dissimilar to the gangsters and criminals who once lived in the Kresh mountains. You approach the bar and ask If Nortons around to talk and the man looks at you and says “Fuck off the boss is busy” You bristle at the rudeness and try again “Norton is a friend go get him” The sneer that covers the mans face is sinister and he reaches under the bar for something and your own hand drifts to your service revolver tucked into your holster. “Edmund!” Norton stepping out of the back room he waves off the bartender who walks away with a grumble. Norton ushers you into the back room and regals you of his recent exploits.

Norton during the war looted and stole anything he could get his hands on and had invested alot of the money in real estate like this bar. It seems hes become something of a fixer for the local criminals offering various services but has been quite bored in recent months. This boredom has lead to his most recent idea he was attempting to start a mercenary company fill it full of Ferrpvian war vets and then offer their services to the highest bidder most likely a Corellian warlord or even the to the aqullian colonial government in the fogged seas. This plan would probably be the most legal of his businesses considering the fact Ferrovia was only one of three nations in the civilized world who were legally allowed to offer mercenary services, the other two being marsalia and arbeiteria before the communist revolution.

>suppourt this move by Norton
>be neutral
>oppose it

Ill write finding a wife into the epilogue as I suck ass at romance writing
>>support this move by Norton
get the mercs up to set up the sequel quest
>>support this move by Norton
sounds fun and at least it gets "that type" of veteran out of Ferrovia proper and makes them someone elses problem.
>support this move by Norton
Giving trained killers guidance is good. They will however mostly abide by the rules of war.
>>suppourt this move by Norton
There are men who just remain idle and will go off to cause trouble elsewhere anyways. At least you can channel their aggression to something productive. who knows, maybe they'll eventually tire of it and settle down.

Might hurt our re-election chances due to scandal but eh.
>suppourt this move by Norton
Eh mercenary companies are legal in Ferrovia so I doubt the optics would hurt us that much much more likely Nortons criminal activities leaking to the press and people accusing us of being complacent about it would be a much bigger scandal but also one easily deniable since there wouldn't really be any physical evidence and most likely most people wouldn't care much since we ourselves are a mostly upstanding and very popular war hero.
>>support this move by Norton
You are more than happy of Nortons at least somewhat constructive method of letting his destructive tendencies loose and even begin to send the more combat oriented veterans his way. It is as the months turn to nearly a year since the end of the war Norton finds his first contract for Ferrovian security consultants. The Aqullian colonial government needs up in putting down a colonial revolt and Norton is more than happy to go fight a technologically inferior enemy for once. The first contract by the sounds of it goes well and you do note an uptick of former soldiers going into the fogged seas to seek their fortunes with old service weapons in hand.

Anything else before epilogue?
>Find wife?
>Nope good for now.

QM already said that would be a epilogue thing.
Also we should check on our mother/family during the epilogue.
A shit. I forgot sorry.
Trying to relocate our family to our lands.
Fall of 1295 10th Year of Queen Meredith’s Reign

The early morning sun fills the sky as you step out of your small home in the town of Cheshire, the town just a little over a decade old but it already has a homely feel to it. The bustle of commerce and the first shift of the day for the towns sawmill head out many of the workers being men who a scant decade ago struggled in the fires of the Ferrovian civil war. You lean on the porch railing watching the foot traffic pass by, many of them giving you a nod or a shout of good morning general along with a joking salute. The bustle tapers off for a minute and you think of your plans for the day. The idea of going to visit your mothers grave later crosses your mind as it's getting close to five years since she passed of a stroke and you figure you could stop by the bakery that the woman your courting works at on the way back. She's nearly the same age as you widowed and childless. She found good business as one of the first bakers in town and had thankfully put up with your awkward attempts at flirting before finally asking you if you wanted to date.

The thoughts of your plan are interrupted by the arrival of the newspaper boy. The young man was one of the first people born in the town and was quite punctual with, as most people put it in a tongue and cheek way, the “general’s report”. Nodding thanks to him and throwing him a coin you pull open the paper. The front page was dominated by the announcement of Queen Meredith's marriage, something you had been aware of for a few weeks now as many of the nobility had been told and some warned that they best keep their mouths shut about the fact she was marrying a commoner. You look forward to the occasion. It's been far too long since the nation has celebrated a royal marriage. The next page is one discussing the still growing economy, something you skim just to make sure you need not sell your investments in the coming months. That was something you were still getting used to by all rights you were relatively wealthy between investments from Duke Mason and the sales of the books youve written in the recent years you had made a tidy sum. The books at first a series of manuals on airborne operations and combined arms had done ok but it was the growing market for war memoirs that had seen you the most success. Your brother had actually seen much success also as a writer which had caused some confusion when publishing but neither of you really minded.

The Next page of the newspaper was international news, the Marsallians were still in the throes of economic depression and had officially defund their navy even more to the point piracy in the isles and near aquila had become so common most merchants were now traveling armed. The article about the Islander woes shows several pictures of armed merchant ships in Ironhaven harbor. The Kreshi Republic was still dealing with an insurgency lead by the self styled warlord Artyom Braytov a man you had allowed to run to the semi failed state in the waning months of the war. The Corellians were finally starting to reunify with less than three successor states of the dead empire still remaining, the Aqullians were throwing a diplomatic fit about that but there wasn't much they could really do with their resources spread so thin with colonial criss after colonial crisis.

You had actually gotten a letter from Norton all the way from the Aquilian colonies the month before and by the sounds of it the Aqullians were losing control of all but the largest settlements in the fogged seas along with having to deal with another left over from the Ferrovian civil war. The majority of the ferrovian navy at the start of the war had deserted, traveling west into the fogged seas along with their families and as much of the marine corps as they could. They had apparently landed on Carland, the largest of the landmasses in the sea and had carved out their own personal kingdom. There have been attempts to bring them back into the fold but it's hard to beat having your own kingdom when it comes to bargaining.

The last page of the paper of any interest to you was a small article about the coming session of legislation talking about various potential laws up for debate. You fully expected the next session to be more of the infighting of the communists about the dissolution of the nobility while Duke mason's own enlightened nobility party would fight out while your slowly growing monarchist party would sit on the sidelines watching. Shaking your head you tuck the paper under your arm and step off the porch looking toward the hilltop graveyard and begin your trek to go see your mother, ferrovia would be fine for the afternoon at least.


Well in little under a year my first quest is complete, It was rough and a bit bigger scale than my skill at QMing but it got done which is more than most QMs can say
I'm more than willing to answer questions about other story options yall didn't take and any other questions. I'm probably going to wait until this thread falls off the board to post the prologue of Stars and ships which will be mostly just a test thread to see how I want to run that quest.

Quest fun fact you guys picked the only faction that did not have the option to coup your faction and become king
It was fun Brink. it was a year filled with some funny BS rolls combined with a good story and good worldbuilding.
Good job!
I gotta say one of the best/ most important things you did that ensured the success of this quest is, you updated almost every day and even towards the end it was still 2 to 3 times a week and if you weren't going to write a new update, you still communicated with us about what you had planned, or told us why you weren't going to write a new update.
I know it sounds a bit silly to focus on the admin side, but I gotta say you did a good job with that, because nothing makes me drop a quest faster than a qm who doesn't update regularly or communicate well with his audience.

As for the quest itself, of course I had a good time with it! I've been here since thread 1. I think the best of 3 was pretty forgiving, but in a good way. I think it kept the 5 or 6 regulars who stuck it out for the whole year engaged and checking in regularly. The story was fun and you did a good job playing off our ideas and even our misunderstandings to make it something really special.
You finished a quest, that's better than a vast majority of QMs, so be proud. Good job.
Good job brink nice to see a quest finish than abandoned. See ya on the space opera quest.
thank you all so much

Heres some bonus quest statistics

the posts alone make up 75981 words not including the QM notes I kept and the document for weapons, vehicles and foreign nations
Fun quest while some of the grammatical mistakes especially early on into the quest did throw me off a bit i'm glad to of stuck around was very enjoyable to read and im glad things worked out for us in the end.

Also out of curiosity what would you say was our best and worst decision/decisions throughout this quest if you can name any?
In terms of worst decision?

Honest the only thing to come to mind was early on when you guys wanted to paradrop into Ironhaven at the start of the war

Best decision?

You were alot more willing to talk things out with various leaders than I really expected
Well it was a civil war so those need a lot more diplomacy to fix now if you sent a foreign army at us then it will be war crime central instead.
I feel like a lot of how we fought was based on our force disposition. We could apply lots of violence to a limited time and place, but since our power was built around elite infantry, getting sucked into a grinding war of attrition would destroy the basis for our power. So we picked high risk, high reward fights, but tried to avoid fighting when possible
You were a lot more willing to talk things out with various leaders than I really expected
Well as far as talking to people we are fighting since you already established we couldn't get killed doing it we didn't really have much to lose from trying and if it worked out we completely avoid a battle that could of cost us a lot of resources/men that we couldn't really spare.

As far as local political leaders go its kinda again a case of "might as well try" but with a extra bit of carefulness since it felt sort of like things could devolve into a civil war if we got unlucky enough/pissed off the commies too much. It also helps that the commie rep Mr. Baker was just genuinely likeable as a character despite being a commie and frankly in my opinion the second most important character in the entire story for things ending up as smoothly as they did (and one of my top 3 favorite /qst/ characters ever). (Do sorta wish we got more green action though they kinda felt like a completely irrelevant dysfunctional mess of a party throughout most of the story that would of gotten rolled over hard politically by the commies if we didn't exist)
Woops forgot the green text formatting pretend the top line is like below
>You were a lot more willing to talk things out with various leaders than I really expected
>(Do sorta wish we got more green action though they kinda felt like a completely irrelevant dysfunctional mess of a party throughout most of the story that would of gotten rolled over hard politically by the commies if we didn't exist)
I mean, they *were* a loose coalition of liberals, industrialists, and capitalists. At the very least having them be a dysfunctional mess is a nod to general verisimilitude. And I agree that Mr. Baker was a great character.
>already established we could get killed doing it

Now I wasn't going to insta kill you guys if you failed the roll but the potential to get shot at instead of talking was there

Mr Baker was actually a pretty late addition to my notes for important NPCs I figured I was going to need to have a communist character who wasn't a raving mad war criminal
So which country tried to coup us and did they avoid invading us mostly since a civil war would immediately end as the nation fought back?
It was Corelians hired by a marsallian arms manufacture who was vert intent on prolonging the war

The ferrovian civil war almost single handily kept the entire marsallian arms industry solvent during the depression
Btw is your next quest up yet?
Not yet! Im waiting for this thread to drop out so I dont kill a still active thread
Bro just start it and link the new thread in this one. Low-key one of the reasons I'm lurking in this.
Kill the thread since you got the next one lined up.
The end of the catalogue is a boneyard of dead threads. Of the final ten, only one is active and the last few are all concluded or abandoned.

New quest everyone's welcome to join

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