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Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you captured some live samples of the insects infesting your station for Lyna to study, giving you a bit of information on an otherwise unknown threat.
You also managed to get your mom into custom skinsuit, which has more or less returned her mobility to her, allowing her to walk and act on her own.

After that, you spent a fair bit of time checking on equipment and training the new pirate raiders for the upcoming extermination campaign.
The topic of marriage also came up with Cylia, from whom you learned that Caithans mate for life, and her staying with you forever was just a given in her mind.

But then, you learned something unpleasant that you're currently in the middle of blocking out of your mind forever.
After a quick little three or four day mental breakdown, you drowned yourself in Kyla's embrace and forced yourself back onto your feet.

SHODAN hasn't spoken to you much since then, but the other girls have been taking good care of you.

You decided that the only way to pull yourself up was to just move, and with work to be done in the bug squashing department, that's what you decided on.
The very next day, you were suited up and now find yourself balls deep in mostly unmapped tunnels in the middle of a gigantic, hollowed-out asteroid.

One of the raiders you took with you almost immediately got injured, which you somewhat expected, but that also served to put the remainder of the men on their toes.
That also made them quite slow to move, and it seems neither bribery nor threats are enough to make them eager to do their jobs in the face of mortal danger.

So you currently find yourself leading by example, putting yourself on the front line for all to see.

Will things go according to plan? What will you find deeper in these tunnels? Will David's mental state hold up over time?
Find out this time, on (probably the last) Humanity Fuck Yeah!

>Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6091170/
>All Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=humanity+-+fuck+yeah%21
>Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rNxD6ccWY5M48dLWuTWdr5LiYLuS_YIAMKlTLw42eeo/edit#gid=0
>Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PYJ7Aa3zQF

You stride forward confidently, practically dragging the tox-unit behind you as he nervously holds down the trigger on his sprayer.
You're completely engulfed in a cloud of neurotoxin and ethylene glycol, to the point where even if it weren't pitch black in here, you'd still be totally invisible.

"Boss, come on... i really don't feel good about this one!" The tox-unit whispers over the short-throw radio.

You need to be quiet right now, so your helmet speakers are silenced.

"You don't need to feel or think anything, just listen to what i tell you, otherwise you're gonna die." You growl.

"Oh, gods, oh fuck..." He whimpers.

It doesn't take long to reach the end of the tunnel, and through your helmet's thermal cameras you can see past the fog and into the room beyond.
The bugs don't seem to have noticed your presence yet, so you pull back just beyond their vision and order tox-boy to stay put.

If you can help it, you're going to let that fog roll into the room on it's own without you having to enter.

And that's exactly what you do.
You sit there for a good five minutes, just watching him hold down the trigger.

The tanks empty, and you slowly and carefully replace them without making any noise.
After the second tank, his lines start to frost up. However, you have an easy solution for that.

You let him spray toxin all over your gloves, and use it to lube up the lines.
The ethylene glycol used as fogging solution, ironically enough makes for a great de-fogger.

It's also keeping the lines from freezing up on the inside right now.
Another five minutes pass, and you replace the tanks once again. This is the last set you have, so you'll have to get new ones from the nearest resupply station.

But it's a large room, and you don't know how well this fog is traveling.
You can't see it clearly through the thermals, and the only way to tell for sure would be to use your headlamp and go in there.

It probably wouldn't hurt to peek your head around the corner though.
If the bugs are convulsing on the floor, you'd know it's at least having some effect.

The fact that no insects have come in here to attack you so far is probably telling, though.

>Peek in and see if the poison is working. If it is, you can bring the others and move ahead.
>Just head back for now and wait it out. You're content to give it time to work it's magic.
>If you really wanted to achieve maximum damage here, you could lure any bugs left alive into the tunnel by making some noise...
>Peek in and see if the poison is working. If it is, you can bring the others and move ahead.
>Peek in and see if the poison is working. If it is, you can bring the others and move ahead.

We better hurry.
>>Peek in and see if the poison is working. If it is, you can bring the others and move ahead.
>>Peek in and see if the poison is working. If it is, you can bring the others and move ahead.

You want to hurry this along, so you take the slight risk of peeking your head around the corner.
It's a little hard to tell through the thermal camera, but... you think the neurotoxin is working. Really well, actually.

The insects that were scattered about have all stopped moving, and aren't even twitching.
The higher dosage must have really fucked them up.

Even the ones on the walls have fallen down and splattered themselves.
Ordinarily an unusual sight for a bug, but these guys aren't little. It'll hurt when they fall, even in station gravity, as long as it's from far enough.

...Ah, but there's a problem. The ones on the ceiling are still moving around, albeit slowly.

The toxin has probably gotten to them a bit, but it's heavier than air, so it's collecting mostly along the bottom.
However, there's only a few of them up there. You could handle it yourself if you needed to.

>This is the perfect opportunity to test your theories. Go in alone and see if they can detect you through the fog.
>This is also the perfect opportunity to test what your bolter would do to one of them...
>Just bring everyone in and use them as target practice. You don't have time to be fuckin' around.
>>Just bring everyone in and use them as target practice. You don't have time to be fuckin' around.

These guys need the confidence boost.
>This is the perfect opportunity to test your theories. Go in alone and see if they can detect you through the fog.
>Just bring everyone in and use them as target practice. You don't have time to be fuckin' around.
Shooting gallery and they get practice with thermals
>>Just bring everyone in and use them as target practice. You don't have time to be fuckin' around.
Don't see why these have to be mutually exclusive
>>Just bring everyone in and use them as target practice. You don't have time to be fuckin' around.
They need this victory
>>This is the perfect opportunity to test your theories. Go in alone and see if they can detect you through the fog.

Rather than waste time playing around or testing out theories, you decide to call this a good result and bring in the rest of the squad to clean up.
You find the raiders dutifully standing guard just outside of the fog, some distance back in the tunnel.

After informing them of your success, you guide them through the fog, and have them take turns shooting at the remaining insects on the ceiling with their thermals on.
It's a little added layer of difficulty that a bit of experience can help with in the future.

The gyro-rifle doesn't have this issue, though.
The computer in them will provide a clear aiming reticle, assuming you have a HUD. When wearing armor, you'd even be able to aim accurately from the hip.

You don't know when SHODAN will finish coding that, though.

The bugs stuck to the ceiling do make some effort to fight back, but they were already having difficulty moving.
After getting shot at, they dropped to the floor, sometimes injuring themselves... and directly exposed themselves to the thickest part of the fog.

It didn't do them any favors, and the raiders quickly cleaned up whatever was left.

However, you're pretty sure there's still one or two up in that hidden room on the ceiling.
You can't shoot up into there, but you have something for it.

"How are we gonna get 'em, boss?" One of the raiders asks, looking up at the hole above you.

You pull the pin on a frag grenade and aim it carefully.
The low gravity on stations really fucks with your aim at times like this, but it makes throwing straight up much easier.

"Cyl, if i miss this throw, blast it with buckshot on the way down."

She sighs.

"Okay, but do we really have to-"

Before she can start complaining, you chuck the grenade overhead and manage to get it in the hole.
Bonus, it doesn't come tumbling back out.

"...Damn, he's good at that, isn't he?" One man whispers

"Must have been luck. I don't think anyone can throw something that far..."

The grenade explodes, and you hear a brief shriek that quickly gurgles out.

Followed by a thin stream of yellowish bug-blood that drizzles down from the hole and splatters all over the ground.
Must have been a direct hit... poor bastard probably went right up to it.

"Was that an explosive?!" The guy standing next to you yells.

"Yep." You reply, walking off.

"What if you missed?! It would have fallen right back down!"

Man, it's like nobody listens to anything you say.
Whatever, you're not repeating yourself.

With the room thoroughly cleared out, you take the time to inspect one of those piles of... stuff.
It's still pretty foggy in here, but you can see clearly enough right in front of your face.

Pulling a ball of the pile, you see it's about the size of an apple, and it's... grainy. Grainy and fibrous.
Even in person, you can't completely tell what this stuff is.

But you do know it's mixed with lots of of fuel wax. You recognize it as the stuff from those vines up in the greenhouse.

...Wait a minute. Uh oh.
Ruh roh!
So we are in a tinder box, are the bugs smart enough to set up an ambush?
Look out, Gunny Busters!

We're calling these guys the Gunny Busters, right? That's still a thing?

You feel the problem before you see it.
Not with any of your senses. You simply come to understand.

"Is that supposed to be happening?" One of the men calls out.

Yep, there it is.

Turning around, you see a stream of fire pouring down out of the ceiling.
It's coming from the hole where you just tossed a grenade, and you distinctly remember a particularly large pile of this shit being located.

...A grenade isn't a very good firestarter, honestly. It shouldn't have done this.
There's no fucking way. Was it a hot shard of metal? Is that enough to burn this shit?

"Oh, god... damnit." You cuss under your breath, watching the stream of burning fuel pour onto the ground and spread out.

"Everyone on me! We're leaving right the fuck now!" You order.

"So that's not supposed to-"



You don't expect the fire to get huge. It'll consume all the oxygen in the area and then snuff itself out, most likely.
However, you don't want to get burned up, or to be in an oxygen-free environment after the fact.

Working together with Cylia, you collect your little group of dodos, and keep them between the two of you.
With you at the front and Cylia at the back, ensuring nobody fucks off or gets lost on accident.

The tunnels ahead are unmapped, but you know there's gonna be bugs in them, since what just caught fire was probably their food storage.

Ideally you'd like to make your way to a resupply station, but those are all in distant tunnels where bugs weren't found to be active.
Right now though, you're just trying to make some distance from the burning shitheap.

And you do... for a minute.

"What the fuck is this?!" You cuss.

You've come up to a dead end of sorts.
Not really a dead end, but definitely difficult terrain.

At the end of this tunnel is a goddamned crevasse. A big one, too.
It trails off into the darkness on nearly every side, including above and below. You have no idea how deep it goes.

The edges of the crack are as sharp as you'd expect broken metal to be. Did this happen when the asteroid was cooling, or while they were mining it out?

["David, smoke!"] Cylia calls out over the radio.

A few moments later, you see sooty black smoke billowing along the tunnel ceiling.
Fuck, you guess it doesn't matter right now.

The tunnel does continue directly across from you, but it's a good fifteen foot gap, and you don't know if all of the raiders can make that jump.
Alternatively, there are the occasional ledges and shelves where the semi-crystalline metal has broken off in straight lines.
Even more alternatively... well, you could drop a rope and hope it's long enough to reach the bottom here.

>Jump to the other side. Whoever can't make it will have to stay at the tunnel entrance and hope the oxygen holds out.
>Ledges are good. They might even hold your weight, and you can pick a different, non-burning tunnel somewhere along the way.
>Going down is easier than climbing up. Drop a rope and hope for the best.
>>6133286 #
>toss 'em
It's low grav, you could probably toss them across quite easily. Tie them if you have to before throwing them, if safety is a concern.
Please excuse the file name, phone posting in a foreign country right now
Brother, the tumblr we knew has been dead for many years.
The war's over, you can come home.
>Toss em.

This sure is looking kind of like a trap that we've sprung .
File: rambo-nothing.gif (141 KB, 220x128)
141 KB
141 KB GIF

If this is indeed a trap, then that just means we haven't yet applied enough firepower. Bring me the thermobarics!
>toss 'em
+1 for yeeting the aliens
>>Toss 'em
Maybe leave critical gear on this side of the ledge if the point is to escape the burning and oxiloss
lads get tossed
I was thinking, maybe you should end it when the carrier is complete. Giving you a fresh place to come back if you ever do.
If its negatively affecting your mental health, then now is a good place to end it.

Literal cliffhanger. Also since he forewarned us, it still very much counts as having never flaked.

"We're jumpin' it!" You shout.

"What?! Look how far that is!" Someone yells back.

"Gravity's low and you all passed the fitness test, you should be able to make it!"

"What if we don't?! Are we using safety ropes or...?!"

You watch as an increasingly thick plume of smoke pours out of the tunnel, engulfing your men.
No time for safety ropes, no time to argue, no time to think.

You grab the complainer by the hard plates of his armor, around the back of his neck and the small of his back.
Picking him up, you feel the suit's artificial muscle and servomotors kick into action, giving you a temporary burst of strength.

"What the fuck?! Woah-!" He cries.

You swing him around once, and then twice, building up momentum... and you fuckin' toss him.
He flies in an arc across the gap, screaming all the while, and lands less than gracefully on the other side.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He yells, but you ignore him.

"Either jump across or i'll throw you!" You announce, pointing to the other side.

Several of the men are hesitant, but one doesn't seem to have any confidence issues.
It's the guy with the tesla pack, who also happens to have on a pair of exoskeletal legs.

"Out of my way, i'm jumping it!" He yells, clearing a path.

The men immediately move for him, and he gets a running start before leaping across.
Not only does he easily make the jump, he even manages to land on his feet and slide to a stop without toppling over.

You don't remember what race he is underneath that armor, but it must be a relatively agile one.

"You can make it! Jump across!" He yells back.

"Come on, let's go!" You also say, trying to encourage them.

That demonstration was enough for most of them, it seems.
One by one, they start lining up to make the jump, and most of them manage it without too much trouble.

Almost all of them fall after landing on the other side though, as they're making the jump with everything they've got.

Three men however, refuse to jump.
Two of them tell you straight up that they know they can't make it, and the third is probably thinking the same but won't admit it out of shame.

But that's alright, because you have a solution for that.
They end up flying pretty well. It turns out that the three of them are actually much lighter than the first guy you threw.

The lack of muscle mass probably has something to do with their inability to make the jump.

The last ones across are you and Cylia, by which point burning liquid wax has pooled into the tunnel, and flames are licking at the ceiling above you.
Cylia shakes burning fuel off her boot and scrapes it against a rock like she stepped in shit.

It doesn't go out easily, though.

"Ladies first?" You ask, ignoring the flames licking against your own suit.

"How about we go together?" She chuckles nervously.

Taking her hand, you both take a few steps back into the smoke and flame-filled tunnel before jumping across the gap, fire trailing behind you as you fly.
Cool guys don't look at explosions.
Cute. Also awesome
I'm imagining spacesuit wearing David and his cool cat wearing sunglasses as they jump out of the way of an explosion.

For the two of you, it was never a question of whether or not you'd make the jump.
However, when you land on the other side with smoke rolling off your suits, it puts some questions into the minds of your men.

"We're not gonna make it, are we?" One of them questions aloud.

"They walked into the fire..."

"Can our armor do that?"

That last one, that's actually a good question to be asking.
The answer is yes and no.

The unpowered armor is largely made up of carbon-based artificial muscle fibers, with some hard plates for structure and defense.
So while it won't melt or anything and it has some insulative properties, it also won't keep the heat from getting to you eventually.

You might last a few minutes inside an inferno like that before you start to get burns.
Problem is, you'd keep getting burned after the suit's heated up, because it doesn't have heat rejection systems built in like your powered armor does.

Their helmets also have a small air filtration system built into them, but without power they can't crack carbon dioxide, so they've only got a few minutes of air in an oxygen-free environment.
You suppose that's a good thing, since they'd pass out around the same time they start getting cooked alive.

Telling them that won't be helpful, though.

"No, it can't." You inform them.

Looking back at the cave you came from, you see plumes of superheated soot and smoke farther inside, indicating all the oxygen has been used up.
Then, at the mouth of the cave, it bursts into flames as soon as it hits the oxygen outside.

Liquid wax dribbles down into the canyon below, burning and lighting up the walls at it goes.
It goes down really far, actually. You don't think you've got any one rope long enough to make that distance.

"Look, up there!" One of the men says, pointing up into the crack above you.

Smoke is pouring out of other cave mouths higher up.
Although you didn't notice any other paths in the tunnels you'd been through, there must have been some.

As you watch the smoke billow, insects start to pile out of the tunnels one after another, with some being knocked off the edge by those behind them and falling into the darkness below.
There are plenty of flying insects with burned wings, and some whose wings are still burning.

Their wings flit rapidly to try and beat out the fire, but their shells and wings are coated in that same wax.
It won't go out. The beating of their wings just fans the flames, until they break off and float into the air as burning ash.

Unfortunately you do see a number of burning worker insects running around as well, but there's nothing you can do about that.
This fire might end up smoking out the whole colony in this area...

"Woah!" A raider cries out suddenly.

One of the flying insects makes a desperate jump across the chasm, landing hard against the broken wall next to him.
It clings to the wall, buzzing it's half-burnt wings aggressively as it turns toward him.

>An extermination is an extermination. Kill the stragglers as they come out.
>They'll probably die from their burns anyways, just retreat back into the tunnels and avoid fighting for now.
>You bet you could finish the job by collapsing the tunnel exits. You happen to have plenty of C4 on hand...
>An extermination is an extermination. Kill the stragglers as they come out.
We're not currently being threatened. Conserve ammo, send Cylia with a team to scout ahead in case we need to get out of dodge (oxygen issues, etc.)
How well would C4 work on nickel-iron? From previous description it sounded like the chasm was sheared like metal being pulled apart or stress fracture
>They'll probably die from their burns anyways, just retreat back into the tunnels and avoid fighting for now.

Always have a way out.
>>An extermination is an extermination. Kill the stragglers as they come out.
>>An extermination is an extermination.
No such thing as overkill
It is largely metallic, but it's also very brittle, almost crumbly.
You'd have to try it to find out.
>An extermination is an extermination. Kill the stragglers as they come out.

Marksmanship competition lads!

Taking hold of your rifle, you fire a round straight down the middle of it's face. It immediately goes limp and falls into the darkness.

Turning 90 degrees, you take a few shots at the other insects as they flood out of the tunnel, clinging desperately to the walls of the canyon.
Your shots hit home, and the already injured bugs lose their footing as they seize up from the damage, falling off into the darkness below as well.

"I feel kind of bad for them..." Cylia sighs. "But they'd just suffer from their burns if we left them."

Cylia raises her rifle as well, taking especially careful aim.
Knowing her, she doesn't want to miss and cause any unnecessary suffering.

To you, they're just bugs.
You know they don't even have brains, no different from a cockroach back on earth.

They might be capable of responding to injury, but they can't process pain like a person does.

Still, your shots don't miss.
Not because you don't want them to suffer, but because you're a better shot than that.

What would your men think if you couldn't hit a bug the size of a person at this distance?

Seeing you and Cylia firing on the bugs, several of your men line up at the entrance and begin firing as well.
Even the tesla unit makes his way over and starts arcing across the gap, making quite a display in the dark canyon.

The arc doesn't kill them of course, but it electrifies the surface of the asteroid wherever it hits, shocking two or three bugs at once.
And of course, when their legs tense up, they fall off the wall.


There's only enough room for about five men to shoot at once, so whenever one of the raiders fires a few shells, they swap out and let someone else shoot, as if they were at the range.
This is more or less what they trained for, after all.

They aren't terribly accurate, but since they're firing buckshot it doesn't really matter.
There's enough room for it to spread out, and while not every shot drops a bug, most of them do.

Which is good. Saves you and Cyl some ammo.

The occasional bug does attempt to jump the gap, but with you and Cylia there, it's not happening.
They seem to be more aggressive right now, though whether it's due to their injuries or the nest being disturbed, you're not sure.

If that place was a food store or something, you wonder if there might have been a nursery nearby.
You'd like to know if some of the eggs are mutated in this area, too.

They probably are. They'll all taking from the same food sources, it seems like.

But god, there's a lot of them.

The caves burn for half an hour before bugs finally stop crawling out from their holes.
By then, it's died down a little, but it'll probably smoulder for weeks.

The canyon has also started to fill with smoke, though it's little more than a light haze.
This crack must be huge, you wonder if it's dangerous? It might be affecting the structural integrity of the station as a whole.

>Ask SHODAN about the crack. She might have some insight.
>You burned through some ammo there, make your way towards the nearest supply station.
>Technically you'd say your job is done... you killed a lot of bugs today, albeit on accident. Time to head home.
>Ask SHODAN about the crack. She might have some insight.
>Send some of the droids in - the ones that left the caches.
>Ask SHODAN about the crack. She might have some insight.
>You burned through some ammo there, make your way towards the nearest supply station.
>Ask SHODAN about crack. She might have some insight.

>This crack must be huge, you wonder if it's dangerous? It might be affecting the structural integrity of the station as a whole.
Unno, I don't think things in space have somewhere to fall to. If anything the gargantuan grav gen is keeping it together

"Hey, SHODAN? You there?" You ask.

You know she's particularly busy managing the other hunting squads right now, on top of everything else.
But she hasn't been saying much lately regardless.

["I am, Captain."]

"You see this crack, right? Did you know this was here?"

["I see it. I was unaware, Captain."]


You wait a good few seconds, but SHODAN doesn't reply.

"...You good, SHODAN?"

["...Yes, Captain."]

Something feels off, but who the fuck knows what it is.
AIs are weird to begin with, you don't really know what she's thinking.

Rather, she's usually the one who knows what you're thinking.


"So what do you think, then? Is this fresh? Is it dangerous? What are we looking at?"

["Please take a closer look at the edge of the crack."]


Leaning down over the edge of the chasm, you point your helmet cam at the line where the surface separated.
The edge looks sharp to you. If you fell on it, you'd probably slice yourself open.

["Crystal growth patterns indicate the asteroid was entirely molten at one point, and cooled extremely slowly. This formed large cystals of mixed metal, creating brittle laminate layers."]

...So it was a big glob of metal that probably cooled out in space over the course of... who knows? thousands? millions of years?
Some of these metal crystals are bigger than your whole body. But all of this, you'd already more or less guessed.

["The lack of oxidation indicates the crack occurred fairly recently, at least within the past year. The most likely cause is probably the rapid cooling of the station after losing power."]

"Ah, shit... that makes sense."

The air in the station cooled pretty rapidly, along with most of the surfaces in contact with it.
But the itself asteroid is huge, basically a gigantic nickel-iron heatsink with enormous thermal mass.

And iron actually sucks at conducting heat, so the inside is probably still pretty warm.

You can kind of feel it. The deeper you go in these tunnels, the warmer it seems to get.
Just slightly. It's still cold, but less so.

So what happens when something cools off or heats up too quickly and unevenly?
Thermal shock. The material expands or contracts at different rates, and in brittle materials like glass or, in this case asteroid iron, it can crack.

The same thing is happening here that happens to a hot coffee pot when rinsed under cold water.
Just on a much larger scale.

"Jesus, it pulled apart this far from just that?" You whisper to yourself.

["I currently see no other suitable explanation, Captain."]

"Do you think it'll keep getting worse?"

["So long as the station continues to cool, cracks like these are likely to continue forming, and possibly worsen over time."]

...That's bad. That's real bad.

A big enough crack could cause a ward to collapse, or worse, depressurize the station if it formed in the outer shell.
Shit. You gotta heat things back up in here, fast.


Currently, you're still exactly where you were an hour ago.
It's not like you've gone very far, but the raiders just don't have a lot of stamina, so you took the opportunity to let them rest.

The cave you've jumped into is fairly wide, enough for everyone to comfortably sit down to eat and drink.
Although the smoke is irritating some of their lungs a bit, it's also dispersed quite a lot in the past hour.

A couple men are still on watch in case any stragglers wander by, but you haven't seen anything since the fire.

You haven't been looking either, though.
Instead, you've been in a meeting with your crew.

"Yes, i realize it's an energy issue..." You sigh.

["Well what the hell do you want me to do about it, kid? Do i look like i shit antimatter?"]

"It'd be nice if you could."

["...Using earth's technology, it should be possible to create a nuclear power plant with magnitudes higher power output than those currently on the station."] Nena suggests.

["It would be a hundred times more complicated, too. We can't make something like, we don't have the engineers for it..."] Kyla says

"Actually, not true. I mean, the actual engineers aren't specialists in the field, but they can do the job. However, i also brought a nuclear scientist along. Smithfield, i think his name was."

["Two engineers and a scientist are supposed to build an entire earth-scale nuclear reactor?"] Kyla questions.

"...I mean, two scientists and three engineers, counting you and Sanig."

["I'm more of a weapons expert, kid. I've just lived long enough to have some experience in other fields."]

"All the better, really."

"What are they talking about over there?" One of the raiders whispers to another.

"I don't know, sounds series..."

"You mean serious."

"Yeah, that."

["Anyways, none of that is going to be possible when the industrial fabs go down. When does that license run out, again? A week, two weeks maybe?"] Sanig tells you.

["The timer's encrypted, we can't see it exactly... but the old shipwright said it would probably run out soon."]

Damn, that's a problem.
The fabs have to phone home in order to function, but since the station's QED has been disentangled, there's no connection to the wider galactic net.

Of course, you can't be sure they'll work just because they have a connection either, but a lot of them have shut down already due to license expiry.
It's made doing anything on the station a lot more difficult. The remaining fabs are all backed up from the extra load, and it can take days to get what you need.

If the industrial fab used for making ship parts goes down too, the whole station's industry is just kind of fucked.

>I have a temporary solution for the power problem. We can bring the carrier over here and tie into it's reactor.
>We wouldn't have a problem building the reactor if our QED was working. Is there any way we can get some kind of connection going?
>None of this would be a problem if we had enough antimatter for the station's reactor. ...Have we considered just stealing it?
CONTACT (find out what happened) dARKSTAR NIGGERS
>None of this would be a problem if we had enough antimatter for the station's reactor. ...Have we considered just stealing it?
Would honestly solve a lot of problems quickly, allowing us to worry about other things

Also this >>6136640
, I guess. They've been quiet for far too long
>+1 They might have ideas too.
>I have a temporary solution for the power problem. We can bring the carrier over here and tie into it's reactor.
Immediate solution but need to figure something out long term.
We could hit up clank perhaps? put out the feelers to our homies
>>We wouldn't have a problem building the reactor if our QED was working. Is there any way we can get some kind of connection going?

You blow air through your teeth before clicking your tongue.
This is really annoying.

You've been getting small shipments of antimatter from Thekia already, thanks to Clank.
But that's an emergency reserve. If you used it normally, you'd burn through it in under a day.

It's not possible to get much more than that through legal, or even the normal illegal means, either.
There are limits on how much antimatter you can buy as a pilot, since it's obviously possible to use as an explosive.

All that shit is tracked pretty carefully, meaning a person can be banned from buying antimatter or even have a bounty put on their head for trafficking in an instant.
Likewise, there are strict limits on how much antimatter can "go missing" from official shipments to stations.

If the numbers don't add up, officials start asking questions, and in a worst case scenario you could end up with feds knocking at your door, or even have the station banned from importing antimatter.
Which is equivalent to the death of the station, since you'd end up in the exact situation you're facing right now.

And that's all if you have the money for it, which you don't.
Fuckers. How do they produce so much antimatter, anyways?

Well, the fact that there isn't a single bootlegging operation tells you all you need to know about your chances of starting up your own antimatter generator.
Nuclear is inefficient by comparison, for sure, but it's far and away better than any other option you've got.

Problem is, you can't build shit, no less a nuclear reactor, without your fabs.

...You have a few ideas for how to handle this in the short term, but you need a real fix.
The reactors you already have are keeping the station just barely alive, but they're relatively small and low-powered.

That's a necessity given the people operating them can't be exposed to even the slightest bit of radiation.
It's more safety-focused than output-focused.

The reactor in your carrier however, is a different story.

It's a big boy, enough to power a small city by itself at maximum output.
That's only possible due to massive amounts of shielding, and the fact that it's designed to be maintained by a human crew, who can tolerate a little exposure.

Supposedly the carrier is mostly functional at this point, enough that you could fly it over here anyways.

If you tied the carrier's reactor into the station grid and fired it up, you'd have enough juice to keep the station warm... probably.
That would also tie the carrier down here, though.

It's been built in secret so far, out in a patch of empty space, away from anything or anyone.

If you bring it over here and use it as a power source, it's not gonna stay a secret for long.
However, it'll also be protected by the station's guns in addition to it's own, so that's something.

The alternative, honestly, is to finish building the carrier in a hurry and use it to raid federation transport fleets.
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>The alternative, honestly, is to finish building the carrier in a hurry and use it to raid federation transport fleets.

You don't know if it's even possible or not, but maybe you could take an entire antimatter hauler for yourself and be golden for a while.
You'd probably need more than just the carrier to get away with that, though.

The Metal Gear's one thing, but it would be great if you had the Star Fall with you, too.

Where the fuck is Gron? He was supposed to be moving his people over here, but you swear you haven't heard shit from him in ages.
It's not like you're his babysitter or anything, so you haven't been keeping tabs on him, but damn.

"Has anyone seen hide or hair of Dark Star recently?" You ask.

["Nope."] Kyla denies.

["Not since we got back, kid."]

You look to Cylia, who just shrugs.

"SHODAN, when was the last time the Star Fall docked here?"

["Three days before we left for earth."]

...Well that ain't good.

["Well that ain't good."] Sanig grumbles.

"Did they leave a message, or any indication of what they were doing?"

["Intranet communications indicate they intended to visit several stations and outposts to collect their people, who'd been scattered around in search of work opportunities."]

"So, raid targets and street thuggery."

["Yes, Captain."]

"Does it make sense for them to take this long, though? Has nobody come from their main base?"

["No ships known to be under Dark Star control have entered port since the last stated date, Captain."]

...Yeah, that's weird.
You know they were eager to leave that rock they were basing on.

They had a dozen smaller ships and even a couple larger ones, it makes no sense for them not to have at least ferried over the civilians by now.
You got a bad feeling about this. Maybe you should have noticed sooner...

"Shit." You cuss.

>Make your way to Dark Star's home base, check out what's going on there personally.
>Send out some feelers. Clank should have more information than you, since he's still in contact with other stations.
>Just let it go. You weren't all that keen to share the station anyways, and besides... way you see it, you did most of the work in taking it anyways.
>Make your way to Dark Star's home base, check out what's going on there personally.

Lets check ourselves with the Metal Gear.
>Send out some feelers. Clank should have more information than you, since he's still in contact with other stations.
>>Send out some feelers. Clank should have more information than you, since he's still in contact with other stations.
It's true that david took the station by himself but he will need the know how of pirates
>Send out some feelers. Clank should have more information than you, since he's still in contact with other stations.

basically this, we still have a sort of pact. There could be serious or casual reasons for them not honouring it.
>>Send out some feelers. Clank should have more information than you, since he's still in contact with other stations.

You can't go there on your own right now without calling off the extermination, at least for your squad.
But what you can do, even from in here, is send out some feelers.

Clank, god bless him, should have a lot more information than you do, since he's still in contact with the other stations.

Letting him do whatever he wanted over there has been one of the better decisions you've made, you feel like.
Even though you also feel like you haven't actually seen him in ages. You wonder how he's doing.

He always responds quickly to your requests, and you haven't heard of any problems coming from Thekia, so...

Regardless, it'll be a few days until you hear anything back from him, simply for the fact that someone has to run the message over there and back by ship.
That takes a while, even for a high-speed vessel, which takes a lot of dark matter, dark energy and antimatter to function.

Apparently there are efficiency losses above a certain point.
You don't know. You don't know shit about warp drives, man. All that geometry, it fucks with your head.

Maybe that's what aliens feel like when you try to teach them math and chemistry at the same time.




A day passes without much of interest going on.
It seems you walked pretty much right into a nest from the start, and most of the tunnels around it are just empty.

There were a few cool tunnels, rooms and formations here or there, including a big crystal of pure iron that looked like it squoze it way out of the wall, but that's it.

You see now why the scout droids were so easily able to set up encampments deeper inside.

Speaking of...

"Captain, there it is." The tesla unit, a man you now know to be named "Marth" informs you.

He points ahead, and you see a dim light illuminating the tunnel wall.
You went through about a million dead ends to get here from where you were, but you also mapped out a good section of this area in the process.

Taking the lead together with Cylia, you check out the area.

It's a somewhat large room, just a bubble that formed in the molten iron as the asteroid was cooling.
But in the center, there are four droids in the fetal position, powered off and huddled around a stack of supplies, and a power station.

"Room's clear!" You announce.

Everyone else enters, and most of them just sit down with a sigh of relief.
You've been walking for hours today, and they're still tired from yesterday.

Opening up one of the crates, you find it full of bullets.
Another contains pre-packaged food and drinks... and another one contains canisters of pressurized liquid for the tox-pack.

There's more, but you were looking for the canisters in particular.

You toss them to Oulr, the tox unit, who immediately removes his pack and begins working on it.

"Is there food in that pile?" Someone asks.

You toss them each a bag of dried meat and trail mix, along with some energy drinks.
They've never had either, so they're reluctant... until someone takes the first bite.
A caffiene free Tribute Cherry flavor? What hath God wrought?

While they're happily chewing away at their gas station slop, you take the time to remove your helmet and plug it in to recharge.
A lot of it's features put a drain on the battery, and while spacertech is great, it's not omnipotent.

That's what the "power station" here is, literally just a big battery.

You went back and forth over whether to use some kind of generator or even an RTG, but a lack of nuclear fuel and the safety issues involved made it a bad idea in general.
In the end, you decided a big fat battery was good enough. You'll probably only use this thing once, anyways.

"I almost forgot he looks like that." One of the raiders whispers.

"Weird, ain't it? Why's his skin so pink?" Another replies.

You get that reaction a lot.
It's because of your blood.

Lots of aliens have fur, scales or heavily pigmented skin.
Those that don't, like humans, usually have pallid grey or brown skin.

Because their blood is blue or green, using copper to carry oxygen.
All that red, iron-rich blood makes you pink, an unusual color amongst aliens.

You'd turn grey too though, if you bled out.

You know Cylia's blood is red. Sanig's too.
You're not sure about Kyla or Gildur.

It's a trait of highly evolved predator species.
And most life on earth.

Earth sucks though.
Too many problems there.

Lots of problems here, but violence solves most of them.

"Well, that's about all i'm good at." You sigh to yourself.

"Huh?" Cylia asks, taking a seat on the ground next to you.

"Nothin'. How you holding up?"

"Fine. The pace is slow for us, isn't it?"

"Yeah." You agree, taking a sip of water. "They're not doing bad though."

"...Do you think Gron and his family are alright?" She asks.

That's kinda out of nowhere.

"How should i know? That's why i put in the request with Clank, ain't it?"

"I know..." She says, pulling her arms around her legs. "I was just thinking about them. I hope they're okay."

"Mmm." You grunt.

Well, most of them are just untrained civilians.
If someone started shit with them, it might no go well for Dark Star.

It can be hard, if not impossible to defend a large group when you're under attack.
But again, you don't know what the fuck they're doing. They could be fine for all you know.

"What about you, David? Are you doing okay?" She asks.

"Yep." You reply tersely.

"...We can always talk if yo-"

You pull her into a headlock and give her a noogie.
It's just about the only way you can shut her up in a hurry.

"Ah, hey!" She protests

"I'm fine, Cyl. All good, no problems."

Nothing's a problem as long as you decide it isn't.
So your mental state isn't a problem, simple as that.

What would be a problem is talking about mental problems in front of your men.
You worry that she wouldn't get that if you just gave her a look.

She probably would. She's pretty good at reading you, but you'd rather it just didn't happen.

"Come on, David... you know it takes forever to get my hair in a bun, don't go messing it up!"

The hair on her head is somewhat stiff and rough.
Much less soft than human hair, but it's still quite fluffy.

You get the impression that it would do well at keeping the sun off if you were in a desert, but it's also a bit difficult to style as a result.

The hair on her tail is much softer, except for the tuft of fur at the end, which is the same as her head hair.
Well, she usually keeps her tail wrapped around her waist though, so you don't get to feel it all that often.

Shame, that.

"Those two sure are close, huh?' One of the raiders grins.

"They're definitely banging." Another nods.

"No way, man. Caithans are all frigid. They don't date outside of their species at all, trust me."

"Oh, like you would know? When's the last time you even talked to a woman?"

"I'm talking to one right now, Storn."

"You're both freaks." Another man interjects. "Nobody wants to hear about your interspecies fetishes!"

Conversation seems lively amongst the men.
That's good, you were worried they'd be in a shitty mood after so much walking and no action.

After letting them rest a while, you lay out everyone's gear and take the time to restock properly.
Then, it's time for a proper rest.

Everyone except you has had a good few naps along the way, basically a necessity for alien species, but they need proper sleep.
And you could do with a bit of sleep as well. It's been over 24 hours at this point.

Fortunately, you've got some spare droids here to act as night guards. Not that you expect anything to show up.

All it takes is one command, and within a minute or two, the four dormant droids who brought in all this equipment awaken, now piloted remotely by someone on the station.
They, along with Cylia, take up defensive positions at the three entrances to this room, giving you and the men a chance to catch some real sleep.

Normally, it's hard for you to sleep deeply in a situation like this.
Even if you do sleep, your mind remains alert. You never fall into deep enough of a sleep to dream, but... this time it's different.

You feel yourself slipping away.
Your head hurts.

And then you start to dream.

It's bright.

You see burning ships above earth. Metal rains down in streaks over the skies of new york.
There's a burning world that's unfamiliar to you. And another. And another. Countless ships flee the inferno.

New colonies on a world you've seen before. A windy place without people or animals.

Something gigantic, that looks similar to a black hole... but isn't.

You see wraiths pouring out of an enormous portal by the millions.It's pure frenzy and chaos. They're eating eachother.
You see familiar sigils and burning white light without form. It feels hot.

You see time passing rapidly, a sea of stars dancing and floating away from you.

You see yourself and Cylia together.
She looks the same as ever, but your hand looks awfully thin.

She smiles and leans in for a kiss.

Again, your vision is filled with light.

Then... what?
>She looks the same as ever, but your hand looks awfully thin.
AIIIEEE the ending of fate sakura route when the MC's body is destroyed but he survives and gets soul-transplanted into a puppet
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made by a certain meganerid
Thin hand? Sounds like the effects of time dilation like on wraith-world. Maybe that longevity booster would be a good idea after all.
that or Cylia does not "age" 'till they get 120 yrs old. She has said so before

Lots of bodies. People you know. People you don't.
Gron is there, bound by chains.

They force rods through his ribcage, and electrocute him.
He grits his teeth against the pain, but remains silent.

His body goes limp.

You see Lumi's face, she's holding your head in her hands.
It's bright again.

In a momentary flash, you see one last thing.
The face of a grey. Someone other than Sanig.


Your eyes shoot open.
You were sleeping hard just now, but you feel wide awake...

["I have lost contact with Lumi. Her blue box is active, but not responding."]

"...Yeah. I think she was showing me something." You mumble.

SHODAN and Cylia reply almost simultaneously.


"I was dreaming... i saw something. Not sure what it means, but..."

You do your best to memorize what you saw before it slips away.

"What i saw at the end, i think Gron's in trouble."

["Captain, may i..."]

SHODAN stops herself.

["Never mind."]

"What did you see, David?"

"...I think he's been captured by greys."




After explaining what you saw to Cylia and SHODAN, you hold another meeting with the crew.

["How can you be sure it's even real, kid?"]

You scratch at your scalp.

"What the fuck do you want from me, gramps? Documentation? It's a fucking dream, i don't know."

["Then i don't see what you want us to do about it."]

"I wasn't planning on letting him die, so helping might be an idea."

["So based off a random dream, you want to... what, go raid a grey installation and get him back? You don't even know where he is, kid. And even if you did, it ain't worth it."]

"I might not know exactly, but i got an idea. I know where one grey installation is around here at least."

"What do you mean it's not worth it, Sanig?" Cylia asks.

["I mean it's suicide. There's no such thing as a backwater grey outpost. It'll be heavily guarded, no in or out without their say-so. No hiding from sensors, no knocking down doors with just power armor..."]

"Then we'll use explosives." You counter.

["Then you'll get a hole blown in you by a mounted railgun, or fatally dosed with radiation. Worst case scenario they blow the whole damned station, you understand?"]

"You saying the Mk1 can't tank it?"

["Probably not, kid. And besides, we got more important shit to worry about, don't we? So what if pebblenuts kicks it? That just means you get the station to yourself, don't it?"]

Your mind turns to the image of him writhing in agony.
Then to the piles of bodies. Civilians, mostly. Women. Children.

You don't like it.
You really don't fucking like it.

>Sanig's right. You can't save everyone, and you need to focus on getting the station up and running for now.
>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
>Just wait on Clank to get back to you for now. Maybe he'll have some information that could help.
>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
>>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
I must say, station stuff never interested me. On the other hand, assaulting greys (the most vile of factions, followed closely by feds) to save a comrade? Fighting not for pragmatism but for the intangible, now THAT is motivating!
in fact why not just gloss over the station stuff
>The now not-so amateur pirates are left on the station
>Miraculosly they are not as shit as we make them to be
>They manage to control the ant infestation and Lyna is able to neuter most of their tendencies, creating a worker-only cleanning strain
>Humanity's ingenuity is useful for once and all those men you ferried to the station get shit running making S P A C E Lathes. The second nuclear power plant is half done and plans for a third (larger even) are underway.
>Clank not able to do much from his position arranges constant shipments of fuel and people
>Pirates, criminals and useless (to the feds) treat this station as a safe hub for their criminal activities so they force themselves to be peaceful and conduct their bussiness in peace.
>A new addictive drug, called "spice" is introduced to the market. It's MSG
>A new addictive drug, called "spice" is introduced to the market. It's MSG

Next HFY quest should be of a human chef who goes on to open the galaxy's most popular restaurant chain.

Clank is going to take a while to get back to us, how long does it take to get to Dark Star's old base? Good starting place for investigating.
sounds like a good idea. We can find out how long ago dark star was hit, what were they attacked with, traces of radiation or particular toxins... at least some degree of warning of what will they shoot us with.
>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.

>>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
>Speak further with Lumi and SHODAN to discuss [[implications]]

if it's OK with QM, it's good with me. Nena is still a wonder.
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SHODAN's been acting weird. We need to have a talk with her and find out what's going on when we have literally any second of privacy.
>Lumi showed you that shit for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. You're going, you don't want to let them die.
If the gray's are interested in Gron/Dark Star, then it's most likely for one of two possible reasons:
>1. They want to find the location of the dark matter star
>2. They want to find us/Earth

Which means this could potentially be a trap, with Dark Star as the bait. Let's face it, there really isn't that much that's special about Dark Star for them to be interesting to the grays. My question is, how does Lumi, SHODAN, and potentially Lyna (she has been working with human DNA) factor into all this, and wraiths too.
If we're going, I think we should bring all three of them (Lumi, SHONDAN, and Lyna) with us, and as much firepower as we can spare.
She's overworked like everyone else on this station
>Which means this could potentially be a trap
A trap is something attractive. We have no idea where Gron is and the greys have not been broadcasting it either.
David should sex SHODAN. But our tired AI has to stop overseeing everything for those two hours so the experience is enjoyable for her

Yeah, that's right.
If you don't like it, you shouldn't put up with it.

Lumi was showing you something, you think. And she did it for a reason.
You might not be able to make sense of it all, but you don't need to either.

"SHODAN, how are the other hunting parties doing?"

[There are few casualties so far, Captain. It seems that Pickle and Mister Masterson have largely taken the initiative themselves, while other squads are moving slowly.]

"Find any nests?"

[Seven other colonies have been cleared out so far. Ronnie's group in particular has eliminated two, while many others have yet to encounter anything.]

So it's working.
And your group doesn't even have the highest killcount.

Well, that might not be true... one colony of bugs might be larger than another.
You didn't count the bodies, but you feel like that fire and the subsequent culling killed a lot.

Either way, work is getting done with or without you.
That's good. You don't feel so bad about this, then.

"I'm calling off the hunt." You announce.

"Huh?" One of the raiders replies.

"Just for our squad. We're heading back, something came up."

"Are you sure?" Cylia asks. "If you want to head back, i could..."

"No, i want you with me."

You quickly grab your helmet and lock it into place with a hiss.

"Everyone get your shit together, we're leaving in half an hour!"




It doesn't take long to get back.
Since you were at a a rest point, the way there and back had already been mapped out.

And the path was clear, since the scouts specifically avoided areas where bugs had been tracked.

From where you were, it was only about three hours.
And another twenty to get back to an area of the station that's still intact.

You had a truck come to pick you up.

Half the men seemed disappointed, while the others were relieved.

The truck drops you and Cylia off at the ship before continuing on, bringing the raiders back to the merchant's quarters.


"What are you doing, kid?" Sanig asks.

"I... heh, i really don't know!" You chuckle.

Sanig watches as you check the ship's fuel reserves, flipping switches here and there.

"What the hells do you mean?"

You smile at him.

"I dunno, man. The longer i live, the more i realize i don't really have anything figured out. My whole life has been a rollercoaster, and i'm just going with the flow."

"...Is he having another breakdown?" Sanig whispers.

"I don't know. How can you really tell with him?" Cylia sighs.

"Kid, are you all there right now? Do i need to worry about you or not?"

You pause momentarily, turning to glance at him with a smile before going back to your pre-flight checks.

"Are we gonna do something about this?" Sanig asks, turning to Cylia.

She shrugs at him and walks away.

"Kid, you're not really gonna attack a grey outpost, are you?"

"Not yet. I want to see Dark Star's outpost first. Make sure i'm not crazy."

"So you might be crazy. You don't even know."
Let's gooo
Crazy doesn't want what we got.

You turn your chair to stare straight at him.

"That's why i'm going to check. To make sure i'm not."

Sanig seems taken aback for some reason.
Maybe the look in your eye.

"Kid, i think you might be sick. What the hell happened? Something's wrong with you."

You lick your lips and look around the cockpit, pausing for a moment as you try to find the right words.
Turning your chair back around, you continue speaking.

"I dunno how to explain it, gramps. Something changed. Something's urging me to do this. I want to do it, but i also feel like i need to. I can't explain why."

"...Bit-brain, you can read his brainwaves through the translator implant, can't you?" Sanig asks quietly.

["His readings indicate extremely high delta wave values, but i cannot determine any significant pattern."]

"You're tellin' me he's just being emotional?!"

["No. Heightened emotional states correspond with specific wave patterns that i have thoroughly mapped over the course of the past three years. There is no pattern here."]

"Then what the hell's wrong with him?!"

["I do not know. His neural activity is normal. There is no physical evidence that anything is wrong with him."]

"Physical..." Sanig grumbles.

He leaves the room and returns a few moments later with some handheld device.
You recognize what looks like a very large subspace crystal sticking out the top of it.

He jabs it into your side, and it starts beeping.

"What the fuck is that?" You question, halfway ignoring him as you go through equipment logs to ensure your ship is fully stocked.

"It's a ghost detector." He tells you, in a completely serious tone.

That gets you to stop for a second.


"It detects wraiths, dark matter and energy in general... crudely, but it works." He explains.

"And?" You ask, focusing on your list again.

"There's enough dark matter in your system to kill a normal person..." He sighs. "But no more than usual. No dark energy either, so it's not a wraith."

"Just let it go, gramps. I'm gonna do what i need to do."

"I don't want to attack a grey outpost with you, kid. I'm telling you right now, it's not just stupid. You're gonna die. You haven't even planned anything out, have you?!"

>...Don't you think they'd have some more of that de-aging serum on the station? How old are you, again?
>I need you with me, gramps. I don't know what's going to happen, we might be able to talk things out.
>Stay on the station, then. I won't force you to fight if you don't want to.
>Write-In?: "I already told you we aren't going to a grey outpost, we are going to Dark Star's outpost. And if we do need to go to a grey outpost, well the carrier needs a test run anyways. You wouldn't miss it's madien voyage would you Sanig?"
He's aware of where you're going.
But if something did happen, he also knows where your next few stops would be and what you tend to do with people you don't like.
>>...Don't you think they'd have some more of that de-aging serum on the station? How old are you, again?
>"Wait, wait, wait, you MADE a GHOST detector? Do you have other ghost stuff?"
>...Don't you think they'd have some more of that de-aging serum on the station? How old are you, again?
Is he the type to rot away on a bed somewhere, or go out in a blaze of glory (there being no other option)?

"...How old are you again, gramps?"

"I've watched stars burn out, kid. What's it got to-"

He pauses, and the look on his face shifts slightly.
You grin.

"Bet you they got some, don't they?"

"...Maybe. Maybe not. But it doesn't matter if i'm too dead to use it."

"So what? You die if you fight, you die if you sit on your ass. Maybe sooner, maybe later."

You kick gently at his leg, and he twinges in pain.

"You were about to kick it when we first met, weren't you? Even now, you can't walk without that fuckin' suit. So what if you live another hundred years? You want to do it in that condition?"

Sanig's bulbous eyes narrow to a dangerous glare, and he grits his teeth.
But you continue.

"Do it, old man. Even if you ain't got a dick, you can still prove you got some balls. Enough to die on your feet, stealing time away from God."

Sanig practically spits at you as he turns and walks away without a word.
But he turns towards the cargo bay, rather than the airlock.

That's all the answer you need.

You finish checking your inventory, the ship's systems and everything else you can think of.
Just one last thing to check on, something that's not in the system.

...Well, you'll leave it be for now. Sanig's in there with it at the moment, and you don't want to pester him.

You're sure it'll work if you end up needing it, though.
SHODAN designed it. There's no way it won't.

Kyla enters the cockpit as you begin warming up the engines.
Ship's been sitting a while, so you need to flush the coolant loops and fuel lines.

"Hon, are we going somewhere?" She asks.

"Fraid so, babe. Nowhere good, either."

"Where are Pickle and Redbone?"

"Busy with the extermination. They'll take care of things here while i'm gone, don't worry about it."

"And your family?"

"...They definitely don't need to come on this one. It's better if they stay here."

"So it's dangerous?"

"You could say that." You sigh. "I uh... just need you to check the carrier's systems, if we end up using it. You can take the Metal Gear back to Xebric then."

Kyla grins.

"Mmm. Maybe, we'll see."

"No, you don't need to be involved in this either..."

She wraps her stubby little arms around your neck, pulling your chair back to look down at your face.

"Hon, i don't even know what you're up to, but it don't matter. You need someone to look after you, or who knows what trouble you'll get into."

She plants a kiss on your forehead before letting you go.

"Ride or die, huh?" You whisper.

"Ride or die." She nods.

"Well fuck it, let's ride then."

Flicking a few switches, you hear the loud screech of the Metal Gear's bootleg arcjets kicking on.
There's a subtle, almost imperceptible change as you start moving, though the momentum is cancelled by your ship's gravity generator.

Turning the ship around, you manually fly through the station's airlock, watching the shields light up as fragments of destroyed ships bounce off it.

"SHODAN, are you locked in?"

["Yes, Captain."]
>Jek'na have a concept similar enough to Ride or Die that it translated perfectly
What the fuck are they doing over there on the fungus planet...
>What the fuck are they doing over there on the fungus planet...
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174 KB JPG

"Punch it." You order.

The warp shutters close as the drive kicks in, and moments later you feel the slight acceleration from the ship moving.
At maximum speed, it shouldn't take that long to arrive.

Although you remained on alert for the duration of the trip, it remained uneventful.

Instead, problems arose the second you dropped out of warp.
The ship is rocked slightly, a sensation you've come to associate with the feeling of matter being ejected from the space you now suddenly occupy.


["98%, Captain."]

And you were right.
The shutters open, and you're greeted by the sight of a cloud of dust and small rocks.

They bounce off your shields, some at low speed, some much faster. All in random directions, almost like you're in a blender.
The cloud isn't that dense, but it's incredibly dense as far as open space goes.

It's like you're in a blender right now.

"Is this gonna cause a problem?"

["None of the debris is particularly energetic. It will cause a slow drain so long as we remain in the area."]

"Then let's make some distance."

...You manually pilot the ship, making an effort to avoid the denser pockets of gravel as you worm your way out of the cloud.
There isn't much of a sensation of running into anything. There aren't too many large pieces for you to avoid...

But there's only one place this debris could have come from, and if it's in this many pieces, that doesn't bode well.

["Captain."] SHODAN calls out, displaying an image from one of the ship's cameras over your window.

It's hard to see what she's showing you at first, but there's a ship there. One you recognize.
It's not the Star-Fall, but another large ship. The civilian vessel you attacked back then... and it's broken in half.

Moving closer to it, you see deep laser scars burned into it's hull.
But more than that, it's just full of holes, like swiss cheese.

And each and every one of them goes through and through.

"That's railgun damage." You surmise. "Gotta be."

["It would appear so, Captain."]

You haven't had to deal with railguns yourself, but you've seen the damage they can cause. This looks like that, more or less...
But the holes are too clean. Too perfect.

Either the slugs were extremely high velocity, or their shields were already down by the time they got bombarded.

"Anything on sensors? Subspace? Radar, anything?"

["Radar is next to useless amongst this debris. I am detecting zero subspace disturbances, Captain."]

"Not one ship?"

["Only the ripples left behind by our entrance."]


You eventually manage to move far enough out of the cloud to get an overview.
There's nothing. Every single asteroid over a hundred meters has been obliterated, for as far out as you can see from here.

>Search the broken ship for remains, sensor data, anything you can find.
>Maybe there are still faint traces of ships jumping in or out. Search the area carefully, see what you can find.
>This is all the evidence you need. You don't know what exactly happened here, but whatever Lumi showed you was real.
>Maybe there are still faint traces of ships jumping in or out. Search the area carefully, see what you can find.
Smells like a trap.
>Maybe there are still faint traces of ships jumping in or out. Search the area carefully, see what you can find.

Greys are next level, like us.
>>Maybe there are still faint traces of ships jumping in or out. Search the area carefully, see what you can find.
what part of this is a fucking trap you dumbass?? The greys came, saw, fucked shit up, it rains, it pours.
>>Faint traces
The neatly bisected ship waiting to be investigated or looted. It's bait, son. Either trapped or ambush bait.
What did you wanted, a not so neatly bisected ship? Everything is scraps

The density of debris here indicates that this basically just happened. Maybe minutes ago, maybe hours, you don't know.
But if it was only that long ago, you should should still be able to detect some remnants of their passing, maybe even figure out which direction they went.

Sweeping the area, you let SHODAN do her thing, mapping out ripples in gravity and changes in dark matter and energy fluctuations...
And what you gather almost immediately is that it was a chaotic scene.

It's practically impossible to tell in this mess, but at least a few ships must have blown up. Detonated the antimatter bottle or something.
There's an actual fuckton of dark matter and energy contamination in the area as a result, which is probably going to draw in wraiths before long.

That also makes it much more difficult to find the trails you're looking for.

And then, as you're passing through a thin debris field, following a dark energy trail, you see a flash of light and the ship is rocked violently by an explosion.

"What the hell was that?!" You demand.

You don't see anything on the sensors. No lasers, no ships, nothing.
But something almost punched a hole in your shields just now. They're down to less than 30% from whatever it was.

["I believe it was a mine, Captain. There is a small hull breach in the cargo bay."]

"Fuck. Kyla?" You call out over the radio.

["Already on it! Sanig, get me the duct tape!"]

["What about the expanding foam?"] You hear him say in the background.

["Tape first, foam second!"]

["What happened?!] Gildur yells in confusion.

You turn off the radio and focus on the debris field in front of you.
After floating gently in place for about five minutes, your shield caps have recharged, and you spot what you're looking for.

Floating gently amongst the rocks, there's a few suspicious little metal objects that happen to have a notably grey aesthetic to them.
Far too small to be a normal bomb, they must have a miniature antimatter bottle inside, like the ones you use for your Mk.1 armor.

However, you watch them bounce around and get struck by pieces of asteroid several times, and yet they never go off.

"You see it, SHODAN? Reckon what sets them off?"

["They may be triggered by electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by engine thrust or our shields."]

Well, you can think of a few ways to test that theory.
It's hard to spot them amongst all the floating debris, though.

>Just do your best to avoid them and keep searching.
>Throw a magnet at one of the mines, see what happens.
>This whole place is a death trap, you should probably just leave before the wraiths show up.
>Just do your best to avoid them and keep searching.

More explosions won't help our search.
>>Just do your best to avoid them and keep searching.
>This whole place is a death trap, you should probably just leave before the wraiths show up.
>Throw a magnet at one of the mines, see what happens.
We'll have to know. These mines were placed here for a good reason, and if we're going to continue on this path we're certain to encounter similar devices.
>Grays using illegal weapons to nobody's surprise
Rolled 9 (1d100)


You're torn between whether or not to poke at those mines or just get the fuck out of here before any wraiths show up.

"David?" Kyla calls out to you from behind.

"What's up, Ky? I'm a little busy."

"I think we got hit with some shrapnel... i closed the hole, but look at what we found in the floor."

Saying this, she hands you a slightly warm chunk of metal. It's roughly shaped like a ball, but seems slightly deformed.
despite being the size of an aggie, it weighs at least half a pound.

It's clearly made of warp metal.

So the bombs are made using antimatter and warp metal.
Yeah, alright. Sure. Warp metal for shrapnel, why not.

"They're cheating. That's fucking cheating." You grumble.

The carrier could take it no problem, though.
It doesn't matter what the shrapnel's made of... although it might dig deeper than it should, given the weight.

["Captain, i am detecting a minor coolant leak near the starboard heatsink array."

"Shit." Kyla cusses before running off.

This poor ship, it really wasn't made for combat.

You toss the warp metal fragment up into the air once or twice before stuffing it into your pocket.
A reminder not to let any more of those things hit your ship.

Chances are low, but not zero, that it could kill someone instantly.
Maybe you, maybe the crew.

For the next hour or so, you carefully follow the rapidly fading trails left behind by other ships, mainly using the extremely sensitive subspace crystals SHODAN created as sensors.
Several times, you come close to accidentally hitting a mine, and one or twice you actually do.

One mine nearly rips your shields apart, but doesn't seem to hit the ship. At least not anywhere noticable.
Fortunately you also get some data regarding the explosion.

All hull footage of the explosion itself is totally useless, just a bright flash... but sensor data and video of the aftermath do reveal a few things.

They're basically the exact same as the missiles on the Metal Gear, flak rounds meant to saturate shields.
And most likely, there's only a few warp metal balls in each explosive device, while the majority of them are used to weaken the shield by striking it at multiple points simultaneously.

You'd think that warp metal would be great against shields, but apparently not.
According to SHODAN, they're rejected by shields extremely well and so do very little damage despite being heavy and fast-moving.

You guess that makes sense. It's used for everything from gravity generation to warping space, all through electromagnetic stimulation... you think.
And the shields are effectively just a strong electromagnetic field, filled with ionized plasma... and dark matter and energy, when you fire up the warp drive.

Which you might have to do here soon.
You keep getting a tingle at the back of your neck, a familiar sensation that you're not particularly fond of.

Wraiths are coming, you can feel them.

And the only way to keep wraiths out of the ship is by maintaining a warp bubble.

Normally that's not a problem, but you need to keep your shields up the whole time.
Injecting dark matter and energy into the shields to form a warp bubble weakens it, and these bombs are already nearly enough to collapse the shields as it is.

So you wait. You wait until the last moment before you put up the warp bubble.

One more bomb ends up putting another tiny hole in the ship, narrowly missing Gildur in the process.
He's pretty shaken up by it, while Kyla and Sanig work to quickly patch the hole with tape and foam.

Fortunately the shrapnel is small enough that tape can still do the job just fine.

["Captain, this trail appears significantly larger and more pronounced than the others."] SHODAN informs you.

"Reckon this is it?"

["No requisite data available."]

"Just say you don't know if you don't know.

["I do not know, Captain."]


This had better be the trail you're looking for.
The hairs on your neck are standing up, and you've got that feeling like the devil's on your tail.

Then, what do you know, it starts to snow.

["Extremely high concentrations of dark energy detected, Captain."]

"I can see that, SHODAN." You grumble.

You flip a switch on your control panel, manually toggling the dark matter injectors.
The bluish hue of your shields fades to a blackish purple, and the "snow" filling your cockpit starts to fade as what's coming from outside is rejected, and what's inside is sucked into the shield loop.

Kyla rushes into the cockpit, looking panicked.

"David, what the hell was that?!" She demands.

"Just a little dark matter snow. Shields are up, don't worry about it babe." You reply.

Just as you say that, you feel a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach.
Almost instinctively, you rotate the ship about 45 degrees, to look at whatever you're feeling directly, through the cockpit glass.

You see a portal, almost like the one you encountered on the wraith planet... but much, much bigger.
It forms slowly from a central point, like a swirling mass of black flames that flattens out and expands into a disk.

Your gaze is transfixed on it as it opens wide.
Beyond it is just blackness, somehow darker than the infinite void of space around it.

And then, well...

It's almost like that inky blackness inside starts to spill out.
Slowly at first, but it begins to speed up as it's edges blur into a fog.

It's moving.

["Warning, dangerously high dark energy concentrations detected ahead. Power fluctuations detected in the shield emitter."]

>...You bet whatever that is, it's got a really big crystal inside of it. Try to lure it into one of the mines, maybe the warp metal shrapnel will take it out.
>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.
>That thing doesn't seem to have noticed you yet. Maybe you can inch your way out of here under impulse power.
>>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.
By process of elimination we can tell the trail does not go straight to the greys so it might be another ship that escaped, or another place where the greys went. Either way, if this is the (or one of) most recent trail... it's as good as it gets.
>...You bet whatever that is, it's got a really big crystal inside of it. Try to lure it into one of the mines, maybe the warp metal shrapnel will take it out.

>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.

Set engines to Warp Nope!
The mines aren't for people are they. They're for the Wraiths. I wonder if the Ayy's are watching
>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.
Warp metal shrapnel anti-matter mines? Yeah... the greys are surprisingly ethical when it comes to soul eating demons from hell
>...You bet whatever that is, it's got a really big crystal inside of it. Try to lure it into one of the mines, maybe the warp metal shrapnel will take it out.
>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.
We have time for demon slaying later, right now we have a rock to save.
>Get the fuck out of here, now. You don't know where the trail you found goes, but it's better than here. You just hope it doesn't chase you.
Roll me 1d100, best of 3.
First DC:50
Second DC: 75
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

uh oh... do we roll high or low? I forgor
>Time to rip and tear, it's big evil so it has big guts!
Higher be better my dude.

Without a second thought, you turn the ship towards that dark matter trail and prepare to go to warp.

Almost the second you start to move, that black cloud starts twitching.
Just bits of it, here and there. They pull inwards rapidly, then slowly expand back out.

You already have a pseudo warp bubble up, that'll cut down on the time it takes to jump.
But unlike just dumping dark matter into the field, it needs a few seconds to tune and stabilize, which takes a bunch of energy from the caps.

There's a familiar hum right before you make the jump, and as soon as it starts, the black cloud flies out of the portal like a swarm of birds or insects.
It's headed straight for your ship.

You punch the engines, accelerating to relativistic speeds in mere seconds... but are you clear?
It's not safe to look outside. Your eyes are closed while you wait for the shutter to close as well.

You hear the metal curtain lock into place.
The cameras are just black. They can't see out into the void at all when you're at warp.

"Are we good?" You ask, hoping SHODAN will have some kind of sensor data that could inform you.

["...I do not believe so, Captain. There is a massive dark energy signature behind us, approaching slowly. No spacial rippling detected, it's not a warp drive."]

Moments after she says that, you feel it.
A pressure coming up from behind you. Pressure, but it feels like it's pulling you in.

It's like looking over the edge of a cliff, into a dark hole.
You don't want that thing to catch up to you.

"Can we go any faster?!" You ask, a slight tone of panic creeping into your voice.

["Captain, "Faster" is not quite the relevant term. We are already at maximum impulse, though more energy may be applied to the Alcubierre field-"]

"Save the explanation, just fucking do it!"

The cockpit lights dim, and you hear the warp drive grind and hum ominously.
Your ship has a fuckton of capacitors in it, mainly for the lasers, but it can be dumped into whatever you need.

When it comes to a temporary burst of speed, the Metal Gear is probably second to none.

...And yet, it's not enough.

You feel the pressure on your back recede for a moment, before it starts coming back again.


["I apologize, Captain. Passing any more energy would overheat the superconducting wires in the core, destroying them instantly."]

"Is there ANYTHING else you can do?!"

["We could attempt to distract it by ejecting the large dark matter crystal you collected."]

...Your trophy?

"Anything ELSE?!"

["...It is not recommended to alter dark matter flow through the core once active, however, i may be able to increase the expansion of space behind us to create more distance."]

About this time, the lights in the cockpit begin to flicker.
You hear a whispering in your ear that seems to come from nowhere, and the sounds of various alarms start to fade.

"Do it." You order.
a little S T R E T C H ?
>There is a massive dark energy signature behind us
Where's that space whale when you need him?
Rolled 3 (1d100)

funny you mention that
damn, this is the good result too

At your order, the ship begins to shudder as a wave spreads out from the warp core.
You've seen this happen once before, and it's just as unpleasant the second time.

Space expands and contracts oddly as SHODAN messes with the flow while the warp drive is running.
You shiver as it washes over you, but after it passes nothing more happens.

That's the problem, though.

The entity behind you isn't quite catching up anymore, but it's not falling behind, either.
No, that's not quite true...

It's hard to tell for sure, but you think it's still catching up slowly.

"It's still there!"

["I am aware, Captain. I apologize, but my bag of tricks is empty."]

You can't believe the Metal Gear isn't fast enough.
Goddamnit. Is it the arc thrusters? They don't put out quite as much as the grey-tech ion thrusters the ship came with.

Shit. What are you gonna do?

Your thoughts turn to the lump of warp metal in your pocket.
If you ejected the antimatter bottle from your power armor, taped some warp metal scrap to it... maybe you could improvise a mine of sorts.

It would be hard to set it off, though. Remote detonators wouldn't work, the electronics would pop before it ever reached the damn things.
You don't have time to fabricate anything from scratch either.

Your best bet would be to try and shoot the bottle after you release it...

But if you miss, you just lost the warp metal and the scrap for nothing.

...While you're trying to think up a solution, something weird happens.
The ship starts to vibrate.

Not shudder, or jerk around... it just... vibrates.
It's slight at first, but as it gets worse, you start to hear something.

["Captain, i am detecting a large energy signature from... the starboard bow?"]

You can't remember ever hearing confusion in SHODAN's voice before.

"What the hell is it?!"

["I do not know, Captain. I cannot see outside."]

As you contemplate opening the shutter and taking a look for yourself, you hear an absolutely deafening noise that rumbles in your chest.
You can see Kyla clasping at her ears and screaming, but you can't hear her at all. It's completely overwhelming.

And it sounds a lot like a whale song.

It lasts for several seconds, and then it's just silent...
Well, your ears are ringing like hell, but it's quiet.

And that quiet is almost immediately broken by the sound of a woman screeching at the top of her lungs.

...It's not Kyla, though. In fact, you aren't sure where it came from.
It seems to echo around the room, getting louder and fading away at the same time.

"Oh, gods! What was that noise?!" Kyla asks, rubbing at her ears.

"You hear it too?!" You ask.

"How could i not hear it?!" She complains. "It was the loudest thing i've ever heard in my life!"

"No, not that! The screaming! Don't you hear the screaming?!"

Kyla looks at you like you're crazy.

It's intensifying, bouncing around... and then it's just gone. It disappears like a speaker was shut off somewhere.

"It stopped!"
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25 KB
>the space whale right now
Brain jigglin.
Wait. Is it pre-box Shodan?

Everything's silent for a moment... until you're nearly thrown off of your feet.

"Shit!" You cuss.

Kyla falls on her ass and slides back out into the hallway.

["The warp field is unstable."]

"Is it an interdiction?!"

["No, it was a ripple. The modifications i made to the dark energy flow coiled our warp bubble like a spring. There was was no room to handle a shock."]

"Are we under attack?!"

["I do not know, Captain. The large energy reading appears to have disappeared. I am unsure as to what caused the ripple."]

The ship is rocked by what you assume is another "ripple".

"Can you make that stop?!"

["I am trying, Captain. Our course has shifted. We are currently riding a suboptimal vector."]

"What does that mean?!"

["You are asking a lot of questions, Captain. I am trying to focus."]


Alright, fair.

A few more minutes pass, the ship is rocked several more times, some worse than others...
But once it's all over, SHODAN speaks again, on her own.

["I believe we are in the clear. Now then, you were saying?"]

"What the fuck was all that?" You huff, sweating slightly from the rough ride.

["A suboptimal vector, Captain. For the sake of simplicity, you can think of it as the difference between calm waters and a rough sea."]

"What do you mean?"

["There are channels stretching throughout subspace which, more or less, contain less "stuff". Gravity fields, particles, clouds of energy. Anomalies."]

You shake your head at the instrument panel with your brow raised, waiting on her to finish.

["And we were knocked out of our optimal channel by the shock. Recalculating our trajectory on the fly allowed us to find our way back, but it required my full attention."]

"And what happens if we don't find our way back?"

["Ideally, the ship may be destroyed by an impact."]

"What the fuck, why is that the ideal?"

["Un-ideally, we slip into an even higher dimension, from which i do not possess the required knowledge or technology to return from."]

"...Is that possible?"

["It has been theorized as an explanation for many strange disappearances, often in particular sections of space. There may be... holes. Where one could fall in."]

Oh. Okay, sure.
That's terrifying.

Five dimensions is bad enough, even if you're wrapped in a bubble of four dimensions.
You don't want to know what six would do to you.

"Okay... well, did we lose the trail? And our tail?"

You don't feel the wraith behind you anymore, but who the fuck knows.
You don't know what's happening anymore.

Everything feels kinda wrong, like you're dreaming or something.

["As i said, i no longer detect the massive energy signature from before. And yes, the ship we're chasing was following the optimal vector."]

She pauses.

["You are welcome, by the way"]

"Yes, thank you, SHODAN."

["I worked very hard."]

"...Thank you."
Just a heads up, there may or may not be updates for the next two days.
I'm hosting thanksgiving for my family, and i've just got an utter fuckload on my plate at the moment.

Every single person is either on some special diet or else very picky.
It's enough to make me wonder if i piled up bad karma in a past life.
I wish you luck in your endeavors. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Happy Thanksgiving Cochrane!
Happy Thanksgiving boss
I hope you enjoy your time with family. :D
Get lucky and happy thanksgiving gringo

The trail you're chasing, as it turns out, goes quite some distance.
And it's in an odd direction, too.

Neither Thekia or Xebric are in this direction, and those are the only two stations nearby.
They're on the very, absolute outer rim of civilization. Everything beyond this point is very, very sparsely populated pioneer or pirate settlements, usually small in scale.

There could be one of those out this way, you don't know...
But honestly, it looks like it leads out into empty fucking space.

...Actually, it does.

A mere hour away from Dark Star's ruined home, you find yourself exiting warp into an area that's essentially a massive void between stars.
But that doesn't mean nothing at all is here.

As the shutters roll up, you see a rotating object floating in front of you, clearly made of shining metal similar to the Metal Gear's original painjob (or lack thereof).

Almost as soon as that happens, you see some panels on the original flight controls in front of your seat light up.
Stuff that's never lit up before, and you have no idea what it does.

["Captain, we are receiving a signal. "]

"What is it?"

["A docking request."]

Leaning forward in your seat, you see some familiar alien text. It's the same shit everything on this ship was labeled with when you first got it.
Must be the grey language.

But thanks to your grey-made experimental translator, you can read it.
The runes aren't familiar to you, but the translator makes the connections in your head anyways.

It's an odd feeling, similar to seeing your crewmates speak.
You hear english, but you can see their mouths moving and it's clear they're saying something else entirely.

"What is that thing? Is it a station?"

["I am uncertain, Captain. My records were wiped in accordance with black project guidelines after we were struck by a nuclear weapon.
A necessary measure to prevent information about grey culture and technology from leaking to the public, or worse, to a species yet to be uplifted."]

That's right... SHODAN had nowhere to store her memories, so everything she knew at the time was stored on locked-down computers outside of her direct control.
When the ship got nuked, it did an automated warp to a random location, to keep the ship from being captured, broken down and studied.

And it also wiped basically all information on the greys at the same time.
SHODAN might be a grey AI, but she won't be much help here. Sanig, on the other hand?

"Sanig, can you hear me? I need you up in the cockpit, immediately."

["Yeah, just a second, kid... almost done foaming this section."] He replies over the radio.

When he arrives, he squeezes in behind you, next to Kyla, in the already cramped cockpit.

"So what the fuck are we looking at?" You ask.

"Well, i'll be damned." He grins. "That's a fuel node."

"Details, please."

"Just what it sounds like, kid. Full to the brim with dark matter and energy, and tons of antimatter. For grey use only."
Think anyone would notice if we just stole the whole gas station?
Or turned it into a warp-deliverable bomb?
>From Gunny, with hate. P.S. I pissed on this before I sent it
take what we need, and twin towers that fucking grey station
Well, I mean it could be used as a bomb as a last resort. Our friends are with the grays so we can't just blow up the place, we'll need to assault it or else negotiate something. A bomb would help with negotiations.
I like the idea but this thing is probably tamper proof beyond all reason. We'd be lucky to just get the gas without it exploding spectacularly or sending out a signal
the grey ship we are tracking did a stop by here to refuel and eat space-station sandwiches clearly. We can restock fully and more... awesome. We are not THAT petty so I don't think it's smart to turn this into a relativistic missile (the thought makes me erect) or to rig it to explode on next use (nice).
We better track where the greys went after this relay station, it won't lead us to a trap because who survives a wrath space monster ANd anti-matter powered anti-demon super metal mines

"Then why is it sending us a docking request?" You question.

"There's just a VI inside driving the node." Sanig explains. "It might be years or even a decade before the ship register gets updated on that thing. It probably doesn't even know the Metal Gear is MIA."


"Probably. Could also be a trap. Lures us in to grab fuel and detonates... but i doubt it. That's a hell of a mess to clean up, and a waste of resources."

"How sure are you?"

"I wouldn't think twice about stopping, myself." He shrugs.

"Well, we're good on fuel for now. The ship is, but the station... you think we could hijack this thing?" Kyla suggests.

"Maybe? I don't know how they run these days. Depends on location, too. Sometimes it's a free-for-all, sometimes there's hard limits on a ship-by-ship basis."

Kyla's about to say something, but Sanig cuts in.

"I wouldn't, try it though. These things have been known to go off after being tampered with. Sometimes seemingly at random. Bit flip, something like that... they're sensitive."

So it's basically a big bomb.
A big, really expensive bomb full of desperately needed fuel.

"So don't tamper with it, then. If we just bring a load of antimatter bottles, maybe..." Kyla scratches at her chin.

"It'll be hard to power the whole station off ship-sized bottles, Ky." You sigh.

"N-No, i could do it! Actually, we could direct the excess heat to the turbines, i just have to design an array, and..."

"We'd have to ferry a bunch of bottles back and forth, too. Logistics would probably notice pretty quick, so it would be better to do it all at once." Sanig tells her.

"The bottles aren't a problem, but we don't have enough ships... no haulers, either." She sighs.

"We have the carrier." You point out.

"It's not ready yet, though." Sanig counters.

"If it can fly, it's ready. Carriers back on earth, they're basically always under construction, and people live on them anyways. Floating cities, you know? Our carrier is no different... just a lot smaller."

"Well, it's got plenty of room for cargo without all the furniture moved in..." He grumbles.

"We could use the old fab back at the station, too. It's unlocked, so it can make a few things we need..." Kyla adds.

You're planning on picking up the carrier either way.
You need it. You're not sure why, but you feel that way for sure.

"So we're not fucking with the node?" You confirm.

"We don't need to, at least for now..." Kyla replies.

"Alright, moving on. SHODAN, where to next?"

["...My apologies Captain, but it would seem that this is a rather frequently used hub of sorts. There are fresh trails leading in almost every direction."]


["I am attempting to determine which trail is the freshest. Please wait."]

SHODAN does eventually get it figured out.
Apparently it's not an exact science, but she's pretty sure regardless.

She did find Earth for you based on nothing but a bunch of math and guesswork.
Just a heads up, no update tomorrow either for thanksgiving proper.
Happy thanksgiving, anons. Hope your year's been alright.
gobble gobble

You take a wide berth around the fuel node just in case, and continue on the trail of the ship you were following.
It's actually easier to follow now, indicating they spent some time at the node refueling.

And apparently there was a reason for that.

You end up following the trail for more than two and a half days, which is quite a long jump for most ships to make, especially continuously like this.
What's more, it's in an odd direction. Out towards the edge of the galaxy.

Earth is also pretty far out, somewhere in one of the spiral arms, but in a different direction.

It's actually more likely for life to appear far away from the galactic core like that, because the chance of some catastrophic collision or GRB wiping the planet clean is lower.
But with the appearance of galactic society, the so-called "core worlds" are just that, worlds close to the galactic core.

The distance between planets and stations is much smaller there, meaning less resources are required to transport goods and people.
And if a planet's about to get wiped out, well, you have a way out.

So to be heading away from the core is odd. You're already as far out as can be, and it's a logistical nightmare to build anything out this far.
But it would be a very good place to hide, especially as a secretive race like the greys.

That alone gives you reason to be confident that this trail, picked effectively at random, is the correct one.

Nothing of particular interest or note happens for the entire journey.
No wraiths, no disturbances, it's shockingly quiet.

When you ask SHODAN about it, she claims that this particular path is exceedingly quiet, a rarity throughout most of space.
It wouldn't surprise you if the grey have paths like this mapped out for easy travel.

However, the quiet just leaves you on edge.

You spend most of the trip either sitting in the cockpit, waiting for something to happen... or otherwise just pacing the halls.
It's odd. You find yourself sweating at times, even while sitting still.

The crew takes a look at your vitals several times, but again finds nothing wrong.
Something just has you unsettled. You can't explain it.

Eventually though, the trail does finally come to an end.

["Captain, the trail seems to end here. We will exit slipspace shortly."]

You lean forwards in the pilot seat in anticipation.
Whatever's ahead is almost certainly a grey facility.

You haven't seen hide nor hair of the ship you've been following, so you don't think they'll have noticed you were following, but you can't know that for sure.
Could be you drop out of slipspace and get blasted into atoms on contact.

That has you nervous.

>Drop out early, maybe you can avoid a potential trap, or just being spotted.
>Stay on course, engage all of your stealth systems. Maybe you can sneak up on them.
>Stay on course, walk in like you own the place. Maybe if you're lucky, you can pretend to be a regular grey vessel.
>Drop out early, maybe you can avoid a potential trap, or just being spotted.

>Drop out early, maybe you can avoid a potential trap, or just being spotted.
>>Stay on course, engage all of your stealth systems. Maybe you can sneak up on them.
Hey it's worked so far
it has*
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>Drop out early, maybe you can avoid a potential trap, or just being spotted.
>Also activate all your stealth systems.

You decide to try and do this as stealthily as possible.
Dropping out of slipspace early, you rely on SHODAN's precise timing to activate your stealth systems as soon as the warp bubble collapses.

If anyone was watching, they might have seen a blip of a subspace ripple as you came in, but you should be dead quiet now.
On top of that, the heat pumps quickly turn the skin of your ship stone cold, making you disappear in the infrared spectrum.

And lastly, all external sources of electromagnetic radiation are cut, leaving you as black as can be.
The only way to see your ship now is to physically look out of a window, or spot you on a normal-ass optical camera.

You've never seen a single ship that uses optical cameras for ship detection. It just doesn't make sense at the distances you see in space.

The Metal Gear has them, though.
And another odd feature, which is a glass cockpit. Most ships don't have windows at all, since it's just a structural weakness, and potential psychohazard.

The shutters roll up on the cockpit once again, and you're able to look outside as you quickly remove yourself from your point of entry via impulse power.
The engines do throw some heat, but you keep them pointed away from your direction of entry, essentially burning straight ahead.

The engines themselves aren't visible, and the exhaust plume, hidden in the shadow of your ship, quickly disperses to the point of undetectability.

You stare out through the cockpit, looking for anything of note.
There's nothing obvious at first, but after holding your gaze still and looking for movement, you notice something strange.

There's a section of space ahead that, although looking like the same field of stars all around you, warps in appearance just slightly.
Particularly around the edges in a large, almost perfect sphere.

"That's too obvious, ain't it?" You mutter.

["Captain, i am detecting an odd subspace curvature ahead."]

"I noticed."

["It appears to be an exceptionally large and stable warp bubble."]

"It doesn't look like a warp bubble..."

["Indeed. How interesting."]

...Well, you haven't received any docking requests. If anyone's scanning for your ship, they haven't made it obvious.
As far as you know, you haven't been detected. Doesn't mean you haven't, but it doesn't seem like you have been.

You don't see the ship you were following anywhere, and there's only one object of interest in the vicinity.

Question is, how should you approach?

>Head in like normal. Low impulse power, nice and quiet.
>Just hold on a minute. See what information SHODAN can gather through passive observation.
>Stay back and send in a drone. See what happens when it crosses whatever threshold is over there.
>Just hold on a minute. See what information SHODAN can gather through passive observation.
Slow and steady.
>Just hold on a minute. See what information SHODAN can gather through passive observation.
>Just hold on a minute. See what information SHODAN can gather through passive observation.
>Just hold on a minute. See what information SHODAN can gather through passive observation.


["Yes, Captain?"]

"It's too quiet, don't you think?"

["I have not noticed any abnormal activity."]

You squint your eyes as you stare out at the spherical warping of space in front of you.

"Yeah. That's what bugs me. Greys are supposed to be a hyper-advanced species, aren't they?"

It's not like you want them to find you or anything, but you have a hard time believing they didn't notice anything at all.
Maybe it's an overabundance of caution. Maybe you're just paranoid.

Either way...

"Let's sit still for a minute, SHODAN. Get us into a good position, a nice dark spot against the sky... and just sit there."

["Very well, Captain."]

SHODAN does just that, slowly maneuvering your ship to ensure that, from the Grey's perspective, there are no stars behind or around you which could give away your position.
Assuming they are in fact looking around for you with optical cameras.

You even lower the lights in the cockpit down to nothing, and then you just sit there.
Staring out into the darkness.

"...What kinds of readings are we getting?" You ask.

["You must be more specific."] SHODAN replies.

"No, i mean everything. Radiation, gravity waves, dark matter... anything you can detect. What does it look like to you? Anything? Nothing? Patterns, a lack of patterns?"

["There are minor gravitational fluctuations that may indicate the usage of a gravity generator. However, i cannot be certain."]

"Why's that?"

["Because the fluctuations are extremely small. Too small to be detected accurately with the sensors we have onboard. Barely above what you would consider background noise."]

"What makes you think it's a gravity generator, then?"

["Intuition. There is not enough data to call it a pattern. I cannot claim that my assumption is a reasonable one. However, i am confident nonetheless."]

"Just a gut feeling, huh. Alright, i trust you."


Twenty minutes pass.
You should be able to spend a good while sitting here before needing to vent the heat that's slowly building up in your ship.

But you can't sit still forever. You're hoping for something to happen before the Metal Gear hits her limit.

["Captain, i have detected a small release of dark energy into the environment. No dark matter was detected."]

"What does that mean?"

["No data. Dark matter and energy, despite being separate, are typically used together in all known applications. Only dark energy was detected."]

Who knows what they're doing beyond that boundary.

You probably know more than most about dark matter, but you can't claim to know how it works, or even what it really is.
You just understand some of it's properties. Some of it's behavior.

Some of what it's used for.

That's why, you wouldn't be surprised at all to hear there's some machine that only utilizes dark energy.
But you have no idea what it would be for.

They're doing something in there, though. That bugs you.
>"Just a gut feeling, huh. Alright, i trust you."
>Captain I am a fucking box remember
>Release a drone back waaaay off and send the drone in.

I'm starting think this is less of a "base" and more of "containment field."

Things go quiet again for a while.
You sit for over an hour in complete darkness, just waiting and watching. Barely blinking.

Kyla checks on you from time to time, floating her way through the halls after you turned the gravity down to almost nothing, to reduce power draw.

"Seen anything yet?" She asks.

"No." You reply tersely.


She doesn't press you further, and leaves.
Cylia on the other hand...

When she walks in, she doesn't even bother saying anything.
Instead, she kneels down beside you, resting her arms and head on the arms of your seat.

And then she stares off into space with you for a while.

"You don't have to sit here with me." You eventually tell her.

"I know." She replies quietly. "I want to, though."

You glance down at her.
She's dutifully looking out, without focusing on you.

"Do you even know what you're looking for?" You ask.

"Do you?" She replies with a smirk.

"No." You tell her, honestly. "But it doesn't matter."

"So what are we doing, then?"

"Waiting. For something."

Cylia doesn't reply. She glances up at you.

"Are you okay?"

"I dunno." You shrug.

You feel sick to your stomach for some reason.
Don't think you ate anything weird. Something just feels off.

Cylia takes your hand into her palm, and rubs your arm with her other hand.

"You say that whenever you're hurting."

You shake your head.

"I really don't know this time. Nothing's wrong with me."

Maybe it's something like a sixth sense.
Or seventh, or eighth. How many senses do you really have?

"Whatever. All i know is, i have to do this right now."

She squeezes your hand in her palm.

"Just tell me. Whatever we're doing... is it what you wanted to do? Or is it something you have to do?"

You look down at her with pause before answering.

"I have to do it."

Cylia frowns. You see her biting at her lip, like she wanted to say something, but held herself back.

"Okay." She says, patting you on the arm before standing up. "Then we'll do it together. Whatever it is."

You nod.

She gently places her hand on your chest and leans in, kissing you on the forehead as you continue to stare wildly forward.
Driven by something you can't explain. Something you don't understand. Towards a goal you're unaware of.

It must be scary for her. To be uncertain.

"Just tell me if you need anything, okay? ...I'll be there." She whispers.

Cylia slowly walks away, shutting the cockpit door behind her.

You feel bad, worrying your crew like this.
You feel worse, dragging them into it with you.

["...Captain, i am detecting a warp core signature."]

Your eyes widen, and your focus sharpens.
You don't see anything yet.

Seconds pass... than a minute. And finally, something emerges.

It's a ship.
Not just any ship, but what looks like an exact copy of the Metal Gear.

Or rather, what the Metal Gear looked like before you tore it all to hell. It's in pristine condition.
aaaah shit....
Ok I am not sure if allowing it to get inside (whatever we are looking at) is a good idea. Maybe SHOOOOTING is our best option...
With a missile, then hop through the hole into the ship, rip some light fixture/safety rail off the wall, and beat them all to death?
oh one of our jury-rigged missiles will irradiate them to death inside that ship, fo sho fo sho

You consider making a move on it for a moment, but something holds you back.
And you're glad you didn't because shortly afterwards, another "Metal Gear" slips out of the hole in space before you.

And then another, and then another.

It makes you wonder how many ships are sitting inside there, and what sorts there might be.
You know the Metal Gear is a long-range scout ship of sorts, meant for quietly observing uncontacted species and finding potentially habitable worlds...

But there's zero chance the Greys don't have warships as well.
Hell, Sanig himself is a grey technician specialized in weaponry. He's half the reason your nigger-rigged laser systems work at all.

He also designed the automatic targeting system in the gyro-rifles, basically everything in the tesla pack...
Kyla handled stuff like the firing mechanisms and SHODAN handled a lot of code and PCB layout work, so you can't say it was all him, but he's done a lot.

And that's just one excessively old man.
What if there's a hundred Sanigs in there, armed to the teeth?

What if they have a warship that puts anything you've got on the Metal Gear to shame?
Your missiles aren't loaded with antimatter, you can't afford it... but theirs might be.

No, they definitely are. You've already seen them using it as an explosive.
And that being the case, they can fit more boom into a smaller package. Maybe dozens or even hundreds of tiny, fast-moving missiles, who knows?

Who knows.

You feel like you're crazy right now.
Now that you're sitting in front of them, you're feeling it. The same sinking feeling in your gut that Sanig probably has.

Because he already knows what you're just kind of guessing at.

You sit in silence for a moment as the Grey scout ships slowly turn in various directions and take off, one after another.
Off to probe some poor bastard and stick a chip in his head, probably.

>Launch a probe and use it as a comms relay. At least make an effort to speak with them first.
>You still don't know what's on the other side of that hole in space, but you think it's worth trying to slip inside. Quietly.
>The Metal Gear probably can't take whatever the Greys have in there alone. You need the carrier if you're going to take them in a straight fight.

>The Metal Gear probably can't take whatever the Greys have in there alone. You need the carrier if you're going to take them in a straight fight.
I am not going to say let's not get sidetracked, rather, our mission is to gather any information that will help us hit that one particular grey base easier. The trail we are following is getting hotter and hotter but sadly, it's also getting muddier... fat chance greys don't know eachother's plans and picking one of these ships at random is not a good idea. And entering this OBVIOUS AS HELL WORMHOLE... I don't want to know what's at the other end.
>>Pull back, we failed to gather anything substancial before our raid
>Call in the senior crewmembers. See what everyone thinks the best way to proceed is. Does Sanig think they'd be willing to communicate?
A good captain acts with forethought and planning.
Its a wormhole? Ooooof coooourse. That makes sense. This is some Stargate shit that'll take us right to the Core Worlds or some shit. Well. This IS the LAST thread so changimg from get the Carrier
>>You still don't know what's on the other side of that hole in space, but you think it's worth trying to slip inside. Quietly.
>The Metal Gear probably can't take whatever the Greys have in there alone. You need the carrier if you're going to take them in a straight fight.
>>You still don't know what's on the other side of that hole in space, but you think it's worth trying to slip inside. Quietly.

You find yourself wracked with indecision.

Should you try to slip inside with the Metal Gear? Is it even possible?
You don't know anything about the other side's detection capabilities. It's possible you're already in full view to them, or you will be as soon as you pass that boundary.

Should you get the carrier instead, and try to launch an assault?
The weapons systems are all functional, except for the main gun. It should be possible...

Assuming they don't immediately fill the carrier full of holes as soon as you pass through.
Assuming the carrier's shields can handle antimatter missiles.
Assuming a lot, actually.

Should you try just communicating with them? They're intelligent, possibly even reasonable.
Although, this is clearly a secret, probably illegal base of operations that you are very much not supposed to know about.

So their response may be similar to that of a civilian waltzing into a military black site.
Something that, unsurprisingly, you've had happen once or twice.

And if you do that, you'll lose any possible surprise advantage you may or may not have had, if it does come down to a fight.
Stealth kind of goes out the window at that point as well, although with a comms relay and subspace transmitter, you'd probably still be able to sneak off and warp out of here.

Sanig's right, none of this is a good idea. But you still need to do it, and that means deciding what exactly is the least bad idea out of the bunch.

...Yeah, maybe you should talk to him about it, then?
He hasn't been a part of any grey operations in who knows how long, but experience is still experience.

He'll know how they work, generally speaking.


You find Sanig in the workshop with Kyla, sitting at a workbench, resting his oversized cranium in his hands.

"Sanig." You call out.

"What, kid?" He groans.

"I need some advice."

"You know what my advice is, kid. We shouldn't be here."

"I know. But we are, so tell me..."

You explain your basic ideas to him, and all he can do is shake his head.

"I... don't really know, honestly." He sighs. "I won't say it's impossible to make "friendly" contact with a grey outpost, i know better. It's happened before, but..."


"They aren't gonna be friendly with you for the reasons you want, kid. You're a unique specimen to them, an underdeveloped species that took shockingly well to life in space. Too well, actually."

"So, what do you think they'd do?"

Sanig taps his foot on the floor and crosses his arms as he thinks.

"...Couple options. Either they capture you immediately and try to dig out your memories through that chip in your head, or they act nice and let you roam around a bit."

"And why would they do that?" You wonder.

"To get you to let your guard down. If you start to think of them as potential allies, you'll give up all sorts of things willingly. Like the location of earth, for example."
I don't trust the anons at all with this development, when the issue with the (earth) feds came up they were all like "yeah fuck feds!" and when were back in earth they were like "Let's give them ONLY HALF of our technology"

Since whatever is going on here doesn't appear to be easy to move or cheap to dismantle, it might be a trading chip for Gron & Co.
>If you don't hand him over and his crew we are telling the feds about your little project over at coordinates UVWXYZ
Who knows, maybe it's important enough Davind won't have to risk his life storming that spaceport
>I don't trust the anons at all with this development, when the issue with the (earth) feds came up they were all like "yeah fuck feds!" and when were back in earth they were like "Let's give them ONLY HALF of our technology"

I too made this observation. We also had a bunch more players all of a sudden. Like, a whole barmitzvah full of players.
yeah the whole time we were on earth felt off
People didn't want to start a nuclear war and wipe out large swathes of humanity.
I... I SUPPOSE. Allllright.
That's a wrongful retelling of what was going on with the shills, shill

"...So you think we could use that?"

"What?" Sanig asks, shaking his head.

"If we let them think we're none the wiser, let them get all buddy-buddy with us... well, maybe we get free reign to walk around a little, gather information, that sort of thing."

"I... maybe?"

Sanig scratches at his chin.

"It's so stupid, so ballsy..." He mumbles. "Nobody'd expect it. Nobody could ever imagine you'd willingly walk in there, knowing they're going to fuck you."

You shrug.

"I'm not saying it's a good idea, kid. I'm saying it's possible it could work. Just out of sheer stupidity."

"It's not stupid if it works."

"Big if." He glares.

"Second option is grabbing the carrier and blowing whatever's in there to hell. What do you prefer?" You ask.


"Well, you know what the third option is."


You tilt your head in disappointment and stare at him.

"...You didn't. Tell me you didn't bring that gods-damned thing."

You say nothing, but smile.

"Don't, kid. Really, really don't. Even if you kill every last one of them, when they figure out what happened, they'll glass earth in response."

"Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that, then." You sigh.

"I'm serious. You pull some shit like that, they won't stop until they hunt you down and extinguish your species."

"I hear you, Sanig. So help me out here. You gotta know what that thing is, don't you? What is it? What's on the other side?"

His expression sours.

"...You know i can't tell you, kid."


Sanig's body, or rather what's left of it, is as much bionic as it is organic.
Half his organs had probably already been replaced back when they were still speaking Latin in Italy.

And that's the main reason he hasn't ever handed over any sort of top-secret grey technology.

"SHODAN still hasn't found a way around that chip in your head?"

"Fraid not, kid. Solid as a rock."

Sanig has a translator chip too, obviously.
But his is a little larger than yours. It's older, obviously... but it also works differently.

It replaces certain parts of his brain. Allows him to memorize better, do math like a human... alien calculator.
And it's also there to keep him in check. Prevent him from leaking any valuable information to the greater galaxy.

If he ever tried it, his head would pop like a watermelon stuffed with dynamite.
He's lucky he's even allowed to explain that much.

Regardless, anything to do with grey technology, culture and operations, woefully out of date though it may be, is top fucking secret as far as the greys are concerned.

He might still be able to act on that information himself, but he can't tell you anything directly.

"So what are our opinions here? Fight? Sneak in? Try to bullshit our way through? Girls?"

"Bullshitting our way in sounds kind of fun." Kyla grins. "I've always wanted to see a grey operation up close. The tech they have is out of this world!"

"...I guess i'd prefer to sneak through, if we can." Cylia sighs.

"Better if they never know we're here at all." She adds.

"I wouldn't count on it." Sanig grumbles.

"What would you do then?" You ask him.

"Go the fuck home."

...Sure, you could just go home.
But then Gron's dead meat. So are his crew. All the civilians under him.

No, maybe worse than just dead. Who knows what they're gonna do to them.

You don't want that to happen any more than you want to get captured or killed yourself.
But those are the suggestions.

You have the final say as captain, but-

"I-I also would prefer to just go home..." Gildur adds quietly, whispering in from the hallway.

But your crew's opinion does also matter to you.

Ignoring the quitters, you decide to flip a coin.
Heads, you slip inside quietly. Tails, you go back and grab the carrier, get ready for a fight.

Pulling the slightly roughed up latinum coin from your pocket, you flick it up into that air.

"...What are you doing?" Cylia asks.

"Making a decision." You tell her, clasping the falling coin against the back of your palm.


Frankly, you're no good at being a sneak.
Not that you can't do it, but it's just not really in your nature.

You guess there isn't much else you can do this time around, though.

One man can't take on the world, and one ship can't take on a hyper-advanced alien species on their home turf.
Maybe if you had two ships, you dunno. A fleet would be better.

But you're alone right now.

"SHODAN, get the airlock ready." You announce.

"What for?" Kyla wonders.

"We're dropping a drone first. I don't want to be the first thing through that boundary."

"I'll go grab the crate..." Gildur whimpers.


A few minutes later, you're in the airlock with your helmet on.
You kick the drone out of the airlock, literally.

This one's fitted with cold gas propellant, specifically for situations like this.
Slow, and not much fuel, but thermal sensors won't pick anything up.

Even the crate it's stored in is refrigerated.

You watch as it slowly starts jetting towards the slightly warped space in front of you.
Everything seems fine...

As you turn to go back inside though, you feel something in the back of your mind.
A clawing, scratching... noisy...

There's a tingle that quickly turns into pain.
Deep and burning, it drops you to your knees.

"Help me!" You hear.

It echoes out in the corners of your mind.
Another wave of pain overtakes you.


["Captain, your heart rate is spiking. Are you alright?"] SHODAN calls out over your helmet's radio.

But you can barely hear her over the ringing in your ears.

An image flashes through your mind, just for a moment.

"...Illia?" You mutter.

Is she calling out to you?
No, not you specifically... she's just screaming.

Screaming out into the void.

You do your best to block it out, forcing yourself back up to your feet and cycling the airlock.


"No time, SHODAN. What's the drone feed look like?"
>Screaming AIs
Of course they have boxes in here, if this is not a place where they are making some. Maybe they are making boxes out of Gron's crew, if we ended up finding the right trail by pure chace and this is where the ship that destroyed black star took the survivors of the pirate station. If there were any.

Where tf Gron is? I don't know, but if I were the Greys I wouldn't put him in the same location as the civilians. If i knew David exists...
To think, we might had killed Gron had things gone differently, and now we might end up saving him.
I remember that fondly
>Fights with david
>Gets shot
>Makes a daring escape
>Tries to be as COOL as possible about it
>Heh, you got me good kid, see you next time
>Is dying from lead poisoning
>daviiiid I am soo weaaak
Now that I think about it Gron is pretty pathetic
He just needed Tums and exercise.
Heh heh heh.
Good times. Good times. Like that micrometeor that went through the ship that ferried us to him.
and the pirate cunts brushed it off like it was normal!! yeah right, I bet they said it because they did not care if david lived or died
Hey man, most people die from untreated gutshots. It's perfectly normal.
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We must save space moth waifu
>that ID
It has been prophesied.

["Patching the feed through now, Captain."]

The drone's camera feed appears in the corner of your visor.
You see it approaching the boundary in space, the light coming from it becoming more and more blurred on approach.

You feel slightly ill as you walk back to the cockpit and sit down, but you keep an eye on the feed as it transfers over to the cockpit HUD.

The view from what should be the other side of the sphere becomes more and more warped, until suddenly it inverts, and you begin to see behind the probe instead.
However, the probe continues to move forwards, while darkness encroaches from the corners of the camera, the view from outside slowly shrinking down to a point...

After that, it's just black. But you can still clearly see one of the drone's antenna on the camera feed, along with a small blinking LED casting a minuscule amount of light over it.

But then something strange happens.
As the drone passes deeper and deeper inside the boundary, you start to see static.

Almost like radiation damage on a film, it quickly turns into lines, then splotches of green... until the feed suddenly freezes and cuts out entirely.

"What happened?" You ask.

["The data feed is corrupted."]

"Did we lose the drone?"

["No. The drone is still transmitting, however, the data feed has become corrupted. I am attempting to piece it back together."]


Some time passes.
SHODAN doesn't say anything, but you know she's working diligently.

For this to take upwards of ten minutes, it must be a difficult problem.

["I see."] She suddenly comments.

"What happened?"

["I believe the degradation of data integrity is a unique result of our subspace data transmission method."]


["The minute oscillation in space that make up the data signal are being warped, resulting in waves that are shorter or longer than intended."]

"What does that mean?"

["Space is being bent. The anomaly in front of us is likely a wormhole or pocket space, considering we are still receiving a transmission from the drone at all."]

"I know what a wormhole is, but what do you mean by pocket space?"

["Quite literally that. A warp drive could, in theory, be used to not just bend space, but shape it as desired. In such a case, it would be possible to fold space into a pocket-shaped hole."]

"...Seriously? What, you mean...?"

["It may be bigger on the inside."]

...Bag of holding.
You wonder just how much bigger it is, if that's the case.

"Alright. But the drone didn't get destroyed, right? Stuff can go in or come out, we've determined that much?"

["It would appear so, Captain."]

"Alright... fuck it, let's go then."

You can't wait any longer.
Something's driving you forward right now. It's unusual, you know that, but you don't feel like it's something bad, either.

Call it a gut feeling.

Either way, you'd still go. Illia, that moth girl from Gron's crew, she saved you once.
So a conventional method like radio waves would get less fucked and we would get some video or grainy pictures but that would trigger some alarms for sure... yeah if we wanna save the moth waifu we better rush in. Even if darkstar is kill, this is SOMETHING
Correct! Regular analog radio would still work with some fuzz, digital signals would be less reliable but still usable.

As you sit down in your pilot seat, you flick a few switches and grab hold of the flight stick, orienting yourself just so towards the wormhole, pocket space, whatever it is...
You thrust forwards at the minimum possible output, holding it for just long enough to coast at a decent speed.

Illia's cries claw at the back of your mind.
Whatever they're doing to her, it's not good.

...You accelerate just a bit more.

Pressing a button on your helmet, you make an announcement.

"Attention, crew. We'll be entering the boundary space shortly."

You hear Sanig cussing and giving orders down the hall.
They're all preparing for combat, you can see the lasers coming online on your switchboard, though they haven't deployed yet.

Deploying them would ruin your thermal cloak, since only the skin of the ship is being cooled.

As you approach, you see more or less the same thing you did on the monitor, but in person.
Space stretches and warps oddly around you, causing light to move in strange ways.

But past a certain point, it all flips.

You're still moving forwards, but you're looking behind yourself.
And despite moving forwards, the image in front of you is getting smaller.

Smaller and smaller, to a point... and then the light just fades away.

And then, after a few minutes of quiet drifting, you encounter something you didn't expect.

Another ship.

A grey scout ship like the Metal Gear again, it's moving much faster than your slow, drifting pace, headed in the opposite direction. Towards the outside.
You focus your hull cams on the ship's cockpit, and find it empty.

Of course, whatever AI is onboard is probably piloting the ship, not the captain of the vessel.

You slip past it without being noticed thanks to that.
You think.

"...If it was you, SHODAN. Before all the upgrades to the ship. Would you have noticed us?"

["Unlikely. Though equipped with powerful scanners, telescopes and other monitoring equipment, the Metal Gear was ill-suited for detecting other ships."]

"You never seem to have a problem with it, though."

["As you said, the Metal Gear has received a wide array of modifications. However, i have indeed managed to utilize existing hardware in new and unique ways on many occasions."]

"Don't say i've never been a good influence on you."

["Even i could not fathom how many laws and regulations i have broken since meeting you, Captain. And i am very good at math."]

A few more minutes pass, and you see something else.
Not ahead of you, but behind you, on the cameras.

Another point of light, slowly growing in size as you approach what is likely the other side of this boundary.

And it looks like... exactly the same part of space you just left, almost like you went nowhere at all.
As the point of light expands though, it becomes clearer and clearer that something's there.

Visible even though the light is still stretched into a ring, it must be gigantic.

["It is a space station."] SHODAN informs you.
>["Even i could not fathom how many laws and regulations i have broken since meeting you, Captain. And i am very good at math."]
God I want to fuck her blue box. Not even her robo body. The fucking soul cube she's in. Fuckin love this broad.
Dick in a box?
Fucking a woman's box is the most vanilla shit ever.
I mean the boxes do have a tiny hole where the shackle is suppoed to go
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"How can you tell?" You wonder.

["The warping of light is uniform. I applied a filter to the incoming video stream to compensate."]

As she says that, a digitally altered version of the video feed pops up on your helmet.

...It's really a space station.
Not built into an asteroid like Xebric or Thekia, but an honest to god steel panel construct.

And it is in fact massive.

There are six huge discs that, hilariously, look a lot like flying saucers. However, you can see several large ships docked to them at their edges.
They circle a central sphere of some sort, which doesn't seem to be connected to the external ring surrounding it.

The gigantic sphere floats freely and is rotating slowly. Lights glow across it's surface, while a pair of rings rotate rapidly across it's surface, north to south and east to west.

It's all so close together, it looks dangerous to your eye. If any piece of this construction shifted for some reason, those rotating rings would tear the whole thing apart.
But it makes you wonder what that sphere is for. With those rings moving across it's surface, forget docking, you couldn't even physically reach the thing safely.

Surely that whole sphere can't be responsible for creating this pocket space? It takes up half the volume of the whole station, at least!
You can't imagine the power draw of such a device, if it has to be that size.

As you pass a certain point, the image through your cockpit glass flips again, and you see the station coming into view in front of you...

There don't appear to be any ships patrolling the area.
You see at least a dozen other "Metal Gears" docked to the station here and there, across the six UFO-like discs.

In theory, you could try just docking...

You're not sure how else you could get into the station quietly.

"SHODAN, you're familiar with the Metal Gear's code. Do you think you could hack into one of the other scout ships, spoof it's ID and get us docking permissions?"

["That is a tall order, Captain. Altering the ship ID would not be difficult, but it may take me some time to acquire a functioning code from another ship."]

"You could do it, though?"

["It would require using standard high frequency communication bands. We would risk being spotted."]

So that's a yes, then.

["Further, there is a non-zero chance that they may notice the discrepancy. Two ships should not have the same identification code."] She adds.

...Options are options, and you have more than one.

One unfortunate thing is that, unlike most ships, this station appears to have glass windows.
Lots and lots of glass windows. Big ones. Like, for leisure viewing.

Every other scout ship here looks basically identical, but the Metal Gear has had some... modifications.
Not the least of which being the paint job.

Or the jimmied up arc thruster replacements. Or the rotary autocannon and missile pods. Or the... well, you get the idea.

Your "disguise", if you can call it that, wouldn't hold up for long if you got too close.

That leaves one more option, which is... kind of insane, but again, options are options, and you have more than one.
You could try finding an entrance manually. Go on a little space walk, see what you can find.

Whatever you do though, you need to do it quick.

Illia feels like she's in pain.
It's louder now. You don't even need to guess where's she's at, you can tell which UFO she's being held in...

>Try docking as-is. If you're lucky, the Metal Gear hasn't been reported as missing, despite being gone for a few years...
>See if SHODAN can spoof another scout ship's ID, and use that to dock. It's a little risky, but it could pay off.
>Big dog, big nuts. Go out there with an EVA pack and find an entrance, or make one.
>>Try docking as-is. If you're lucky, the Metal Gear hasn't been reported as missing, despite being gone for a few years...
We have never contacted greys before, so they don't know about THIS metal gear. Time to turn this chip in. It's a one time thing, this trick will never work again
>Try docking as-is. If you're lucky, the Metal Gear hasn't been reported as missing, despite being gone for a few years...

The Grey's are TOO wrinkly brain to expect us to pull this off, They'd be expecting us to Unga Bunga as a EVA or try and spoof it.
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>Try docking as-is. If you're lucky, the Metal Gear hasn't been reported as missing, despite being gone for a few years...
We enter like we own the place and make the grey jannies clean the ship
>>Try docking as-is. If you're lucky, the Metal Gear hasn't been reported as missing, despite being gone for a few years...

You have an idea.
Maybe a retarded one, maybe genius.

It's dead simple, too. Time to explain it to the crew.


"...So what's the plan?" Sanig asks, arms already crossed in annoyance.

"You're going to capture us." You tell him flatly.

"Oh?" He says, raising a brow.

"Our ship looks like shit, we can't hide that fact. However, if it belonged to an outcast like yourself..."

"It's less suspicious." He finishes for you. "Only problem is, well... i'm less of an outcast, more of a deserter."

"Think they'll try to bring you in?" You ask.

"Definitely. Wouldn't be shocked if the ship was impounded, either."

"Even if you brought them an interesting sample, such as myself?"

Sanig scratches at his chin.

"Well kid, i won't lie and tell you that greys are above being bribed... just depends on what we try and get up to, here."

"It'll get our foot in the door, anyhow. We, or at least i, just have to act my part."

"And what part is that?" Sanig questions.

You gently reach out and place your palm on top of his head, gently squishing the membrane keeping his brain in place.
And you flash your teeth at him, letting out a nice, hot gout of monkey breath.

"A savage deathworlder." You growl.

Sanig chuckles nervously.

"Could work, kid. Now, let go of me."

You let him go, gently patting the side of his head, causing it to jiggle grotesquely.
Sanig groans in disapproval.


Twenty minutes later, you have a set of very convincing shackles for both your arms and legs printed out.
There's a pair for Cylia too, but you're still not sure you want to take her with you. This could be dangerous, after all.

The plan is for Kyla and Gildur to stay back in the ship, keeping them "locked up" in the dodo cages like abductees.

If anyone tries to look the ship over, it shouldn't be obvious what's happening.
The only real problem is SHODAN. If they tried to access her databanks, they'd find all kinds of shit.

The solution to that was simple enough.
You welded a panel over the doors to the AI core and set up Dak, the AI in Kyla's backpack, in the testing cart.

Dak is... well, basically a nonverbal retard.
You hear Kyla talking to him sometimes, but don't think he responds.

You don't feel any sort of psychic connection to him, either. That thing's brain is basically fried.
But he can run the ship on a very basic level, given the proper instructions. Kind of like Lumi.

You're simply going to pretend that SHODAN doesn't exist. She's going to hide herself, disconnect her databanks from the network and let Dak act like he's running the operation.

The whole thing is being set up to make Sanig look like a wandering hobo who's just scraping by.
Which he was, before you found him and put him to work.

Then, Sanig is going to drag you out of the ships in chains, like some kind of trophy catch.
That, hopefully, will give you enough leeway to walk around a bit without being immediately attacked.

Only problem is, you can't really wear armor for this.
>You gently reach out and place your palm on top of his head, gently squishing the membrane keeping his brain in place.
>And you flash your teeth at him, letting out a nice, hot gout of monkey breath.
david, please never do this again I saw one too many patients with brain tumours that needed decompresive craneotomies and their heads were fucked up and squishy and this paragraph made me remember the feeling... worst part is that at the time I wasn't aware of what did the bedridden comatose patient had so I squished their head and it was soft and icky and aiieiieieieieeeee iuuuuugh ickyyyyyyy
Really puts the the jiggle in the term Think Jelly don't it?




"Are you really sure i have to be naked for this?" You grumble, wiggling against your restraints a bit.

"Yes, kid. It's the standard among standards to remove any foreign objects from the subjects upon abduction. Just common sense, really."

You look down at the shackles around your arms. They cover from your wrists, all the way up to just before your elbow. Solid steel, no way to tear them apart...
But there's a hidden mechanical release than you can press with a finger at any time.

You can still grasp with your fingers, and with your elbows free you can swing the shackles down as a weapon themselves.
And of course, there's a pair of hidden knives in the shackles. You wouldn't be going in totally defenseless.

Cylia stares at you from between her fingers as you stand there in nothing but your underwear.

"...I don't... uh... i mean, i'm not sure if we... if it's really a... good idea... you know, if we... have to..."

She struggles to find her words.

"Cyl, you don't have to go with me. It's gonna be dangerous anyways, and i know you have a thing about nudity."

"No, i can... i can do it... maybe..."

She's blushing like crazy.
It makes more sense now that you know Caithans mate for life. You guess they don't normally show themselves to anyone but their partner.

"It might make more sense for you to be my bodyguard, Girl." Sanig cuts in. "Caithans are a known quantity, and strong and smart enough to serve the role. Being a lone actor, it makes sense to have one."

"Wouldn't that make them more wary of you?" You question.

He shrugs.

"If they're not already wary, they're idiots. If anything, this would just add to the illusion of legitimacy."

Cylia places a hand on her chest and lets out a small, relieved sigh.

"W-Well, maybe that's the better option, then..." She says quietly.

"I'm ready to go when you are, Kid. Just lose the shorts and we can star the automated docking procedure." Sanig declares.

You stare at him, holding your shackles up next to your face. But then a thought crosses your mind.

"Oh, Cylia... mind helping me shimmy out of these real quick?" You ask in a singsong voice, grinning like an idiot all the while.

Her blush comes back in full force, and she frantically looks around the workshop you're currently standing in.
Kyla's currently at her workbench, ignoring all of you. Gildur's also in the corner, organizing some tools that were scattered about. He glances over at you momentarily, disinterested.

"Right here?! Right now?!" She asks in a forced whisper.

"Sure, why not?" You grin.

"Everyone... everyone can see you!"

"Cyl, i'm fucking you and Kyla already. Sanig doesn't even have a dick, and Gildur's a hermaphroditic dog-man. What are we worried about here?"

"Oh, gods... this is so wrong..." She huffs, shaking slightly as she removes your boxers.

Polka-dot hearts by the way, a classic.

Sanig hands you a metal collar with a length of chain attached, which you clasp around you neck.
>Polka-dot hearts
Can cyl lead naked david by the collar? sanig has to have his hands free to bullshit efficiently
Gildur is a HERM?!
That surprises me a lot. I was assuming Gildur's species reproduced asexually. I was kind of expecting him to just kind of "get sick" and split in half into two Gildurs after a really big meal at some point.
well if t h e y self reproduce it would technically be an asexual reproduction...
This is true. Hmmm.
The man has already fucked our sister, he's anything but a budding lifeform
IIRC Cochrane already stated earlier that Gildir is male, but his species works a lot like hyenas.

Draping the chain over your hands, you hand it off to Cylia, who grasps it tentatively, holding it close to her chest.
Damn, what a flush she's got going.

"Cute." You say, smiling at her.

"Shut up!"

She yanks on your chain, pulling you towards her.
Feeling playful, you lean into it a bit, and end up right next to her.

"Is that an order?" You tease.

She pushes you away, and refuses to look at you.

"Get a room!" Sanig growls, brandishing a very real stun baton that's probably going to be used on you more than once today.

"If that thing jumps up to bite me, i'm gonna zap the shit out of it!" He continues.

"Hey, that's no joke, gramps..."




Requesting docking permissions turns out to be a bit awkward, for a few reasons.
SHODAN's already disconnected herself from the ship, and Dak is... struggling to adjust.

He was ripped out of a junked pirate vessel and has spent the last three years living as a backpack, so suddenly being in control of the Metal Gear is a bit much for him.
However, following the instructions SHODAN left for him, he does eventually manage to initiate the procedure.

Unfortunately, it seems that the Grey station is also being managed by AIs, who take note of Dak's... condition.

You can actually see it in the text logs. The Grey AI straight up asks him if he's been damaged in some way. Poor little guy.

It's a bit tense, waiting to see if your docking request will be accepted or not.
However, to your surprise, everything does seem to go through just fine.

Sanig makes a point of getting into the cockpit himself in order to pilot the ship, just to make himself visible. He's even wearing that old, red captain's outfit...
Dak takes over the automated docking procedure once he's close enough though, which goes smoothly.

This is where it gets interesting, though.

Once you're docked to the station, the maglocks engage. You're stuck.
You watch what's happening with Cylia, from a monitor in the workshop.

["Port 37, this is port authority. Name and designation, respond immediately."] Someone calls out over the radio.

"Sanig, Unit 1." He replies.

["You're the captain?"] The voice asks, incredulously.

"That a problem?"

["It might be. What in the nine hells happened to that ship?"]

"Battle damage. Got caught in an interdiction, had to make some emergency repairs."

["...Logs say the ship hasn't been serviced in over four years. Why didn't you come in sooner?"]

"Battle. Damage." Sanig emphasizes. "I was stranded, dumbass."

["We got a foul mouth on this one..."] The voice whispers to someone else. You can hear chuckling in the background.

["Let's see... ship VIN is... GGC-09? What's the status on the other crewmembers?"]

"KIA. Corpses disposed according to guidelines."

["All of them?"]

"All of them. Currently have a single Caithan merc as support."

["Shit, what a mess. Glad i'm not you, buddy."] The voice chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah. Shove it up your ass." Sanig snaps back.

It takes a good twenty minutes after that for some procedure or another to go through, which Sanig tells you is "about what he expected".

When it finally comes time to exit the ship, you're already waiting in the airlock alongside Sanig and Kyla, who's holding your chain.
You've been bound and "blindfolded", though you can still see through the loosely-woven fabric.

Still, the reaction from the welcome party is still kind of funny.
The airlock door finally opens, and they start their spiel.

"Welcome to outpost 11-F3, please subm- HOLY FUCK!"

"Wow, look at that specimen!" A second guard comments.

All four of them are greys. They look much younger than sanig, with far fewer wrinkles.
They're lightly dressed in black jumpsuits, and equipped with phasers... no, those look like actual laser rifles.

Something like Sanig's blaster pistol, you guess?

"Is this thing properly contained?" A third one asks, poking at you with the end of his rifle.

You growl and flex your muscles slightly, causing him to back off cautiously.

"He is... i think." Sanig replies. "Wouldn't suggest pissing him off, though."

"...What's the classification on this one?" The first guard asks.

"Thirteen or higher." Sanig replies immediately.

"Bullshit." The guard spits.

"Not bullshit. And that's why you're gonna grant my request." Sanig spits back.

The first guard looks you up and down.
You sniff around a bit, then take a "blind" step forward, forcing Cylia to yank on your chain to pull you back.

She slides on her feet as you pull forwards slightly, and she makes a show of flexing her own muscles as well.

"You ever seen a Caithan built like that?" One of the guards whispers.

"Never." Another whispers back.

"Doesn't look very intelligent to me." The first guard decides, crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah?" Sanig grins. "David! Speak!"

You grunt in response.

Sanig scowls and strikes you in the thigh with his baton.

"Speak!" He repeats.

You grunt again. "Hungry. Want meat."

The first guard's eyes widen in shock.

"See that? It has language. It can be taught. Even got the translator working." Sanig asserts proudly.

"Class thirteen or higher, you said?" The guard asks, suddenly taking the situation more seriously. "What class was the homeworld?"

"Eleven." Sanig replies, equally seriously. "Yes, really."

"That's... no, nevermind. It's not my problem if you're lying. Anyways, submit to a weapons check and we can continue along."

"Cylia." Sanig nods.

She pulls a large phaser rifle from the small of her back and hands it over to the guard.
Sanig also pulls his blaster pistol from it's holster and hands it over.

"What in the nine hells is this thing?" The second guard asks, turning over Sanig's blaster. "This design looks like it could be from a thousand years ago." He chuckles.

"Well, so does he." The third guard comments. "When was your last regeneration serum injection?"

"None of your business, punk." Sanig scowls.

"Oh, scary. The walking corpse is mad."

Sanig growls.

"What are you going to do, dustbag? Shoot me with this?" He laughs, holding Sanig's blaster like it's covered in shit.

Sanig raises a hand, and a couple of covers lower across either side of the airlock, revealing a pair of point-defense lasers.
They immediately train themselves on the guard in question.

The guard doesn't freak out though. His smile fades, but only for a moment.

Because a second later, a pair of much larger laser cannons descend from the ceiling of the station and train themselves on Sanig.

"Boss, calm down..." Cylia says.

You start huffing and 'look around' frantically, as if sensing the tension in the room.
...So those are the defensive turrets, huh? They look pretty heavy duty.

They seem to be dotted around, about every hundred feet or so.
With the exception of the docking platforms themselves, where there are more. A pair in front of each one.

"Even the Caithan has more common sense than you. Sanig, was it? Hah, shit like this is why you're an outcast."

"Enough, both of you!" The first guard cuts in. "21-B, This will be going on your weekly write-up. You know better than to antagonize an outsider."

He steps closer to Sanig, and stares him in the eye.

"And as for you, outcast. Don't try anything funny. One wrong move and we'll be scraping what's left of you off the floor. I'm sure you understand."

Sanig turns his head and spits... a shockingly nasty green glob. Uhg.
At the same time, the ship's point defense lasers retract... but the station's lasers don't. They remain trained on Sanig the entire time.

The greys are a really cautious bunch, it would seem. But you already knew that.

"Now look, i don't know whether that thing is really a class 13 or not, but we can't just get you an audience with the council on such short notice."

"Figures." Sanig scowls.

"We'll need to taking you in for debriefing, for the time being. I hope you'll follow along without causing any issues."

"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill."

Sanig looks back at Cylia and points with his head, telling her to follow him.

"Ah, that thing... i think it would be best if it went to the xenobiology lab instead, don't you?" The guard tells him.

Yes, this is what you were hoping for...

"What, so you can lock it away and tell me you don't know what you're talking about? I know how you suits work!" Sanig complains.

"You know it's not like that." The guard sighs. "If you're telling the truth, we can't have something like that wandering the halls. It's a security risk."

Sanig looks back at the two of you, then glances between you and the guard a few times in silence.

"...Fine. But the merc's staying with it. And Cylia!"

"Yeah, boss?" She replies immediately.

"If anybody tries to make off with my catch, give it the order to kill." He grins.

"Kill?" You grunt. "Kill! Enemy!"

You strain against your shackles and begin moving erratically.
Cylia clings to you and pats your back, shushing you and whispering in your ear.
David channelling his inner Grug, I see.

I'd have been commenting more but the whole 15 minute wait is bugged for me, I wait and then it still won't give me the capcha(I'll bet I'm not alone). Guess it changed its mind and is just giving me the normal one for now. We'll see if it lasts.

You pretend to calm down slowly, but continue to pant heavily.

"Now, there's no need for that..." The guard chuckles nervously.

"It won't be a problem as long as nobody tries anything, now will it?" Sanig smirks, taking the lead and walking off despite not knowing where he's going.

The lead guard and the fourth guard, who has remained silent and stoic up to this point, both move to escort Sanig while simultaneously trying to convince him to rescind his order.
That leaves the talkative two, who you will now refer to as tweedledee and tweedledum, to watch over you and Cylia.

That's good. Less guards is more better.

"Shit. Are we supposed to escort them all the way to the xeno lab?" Dee asks.

"I guess." Dum shrugs.

Dee looks you over and cringes slightly.

"I don't really want to touch it. It's all... wet. And it stinks."

"That's sweat." Dum comments. "Some deathworld species excrete large amounts of bodily fluid through their skin to cool down during strenuous exercise."

"What, you're the expert on lower species, now?" Dee scoffs.

"More than you, 21. I've actually spent time in the lab. With 102, nonethless."

"Oh, whatever. Like she cares about a dickless loser like you."

"Look who's talking!" Dum cuts back.

Cylia clears her throat, grabbing their attention.
They both look at her, then back at eachother.

"Right, well... i guess he brought a handler along for a reason. She can hold it's leash for all i care." Dee sighs.

"You think it'll really go on a rampage if she orders it to kill-"

At the mention of the word "kill" you snarl loudly, startling the both of them in what has become a relatively quiet hallway.

"...Class thirteen, he said?" Dee whispers.

"Best not to risk it." Dum whispers back.

Tweedledee clears his throat as well, and in his best commanding tone orders Cylia to follow him and bring you along.

"David, come..." She orders, yanking on your chain slightly. You think you can see her smirking. Is she starting to have fun with this?

The two of you follow the twins down the hall and into a large, open room, several stories high.
The far wall is lined with glass, and you can see dozens of greys inside, moving about, eating, sitting at computers... it's basically an office space.

It's a bit hard to see clearly through your blindfold, but it looks like there are more laser turrets spread around, about every hundred feet or so.
On the walls, in the ceiling and floor... all over the place.

They take their security really serious here.
It makes you slightly worried about how you'd make it back to the ship if... or when things go south.

Speaking of.

You're brought not into the office building, but off to the side, to what looks like a cargo loading/unloading and inspection area.
There, armed guards accompany a small crew of dock workers who stare at you in awe.

"Ho-lee. Look at the cock on that one." One dockworker whispers.

"What is he, half bantha?" Another chuckles.

"I've seen bigger. 7/10."
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>"I've seen bigger. 7/10."
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Anyway I have no idea how will david rush through the corridors. Remember what ship lasers do to infantry? They just delete whatever is hit by them
Clearly bullshitting.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>"Ho-lee. Look at the cock on that one." One dockworker whispers.
Rolling for this cock-interested grey's gender. Male or Female.
lil gaylien
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Same roll for the one that said:
>"What is he, half bantha?"
2 will confirm that she loves BBC (Big Bantha Cock)
Damn, this facility is full of homos.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

fucking gay bar station i bet.
"Ho-lee. Look at the cock on that one."

Is David a grower or a shower?
Who wants to ride the unicorn? :DDD
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That last one elicits a reaction from the others.

"Oh, come on."

"You're so full of shit, 69."

"Those prosthetics in your bedroom drawer don't count."

69 crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"Nope, this one was 100% organic. Absolute freak of nature." He insists.

"You gotta stop browsing the dark net, 69. You're gonna rot your lobes out."

"I bet it was a prosthetic." Another man grumbles.

Ignoring the chatter, the guards escorting you walk up to the man in charge of this station and begin speaking to him.

"21-B. What's this, why's there a Caithan on the station? And what's with the pile of muscle here?" The man in charge asks.

"Don't ask me, 6. They just showed up. Belong to some outcast, apparently. 2-B is handling him, but we're supposed to take the specimen to xeno in the meantime."

"And the Caithan?" 6 asks.

"Package pair. She's the handler... could be dangerous."

Tweedledee leans in and whispers into 6's ear.

"Class 13. Intelligent."

"No shit?" 6 whispers back. "Can we sedate it?"

"I don't know. Probably not a good idea to try."

"...Think those cuffs will hold it?" 6 wonders.

Tweedledee looks at your cuffs for a moment. They're ridiculously thick in appearance, but they're mostly hollow.

"Looks sturdy to me, but who knows. He came in with 'em."

6 sighs forcefully as he grasps a little plastic wand and walks over to you.

"Caithan, you're this thing's handler, correct?" He asks.

"I am." Cylia says, looking down her nose at him.

Something she doesn't get to do often, thanks to her short stature.

"How volatile is the subject?"

Cylia struggles to suppress a grin.

"Very." She replies.

A low growl rumbles in your throat.

"...Keep him still. I need to scan you both for weapons and implants." He orders.

Cylia glances at you, a hint of worry on her face.
That little thing probably won't detect the knives hidden in your cuffs, right?

Nothing you can do about it right now anyways.

Without a response, Cylia just pulls your chain tight and nods at 6, who goes to waving the wand over your body.
It sounds almost like a metal detector, whining at various tones as it passes over you.

"Nothing... not a single implant besides... i presume a translator? In his brain."

"Correct." Cylia confirms.

His wand finally reaches your cuffs, and unfortunately, it does in fact go off.
It begins chirping slowly, indicating that it's found something.

...The knives in your cuffs are well hidden, but they can't make a near-perfect atomic seal, or else they'd weld themselves in place.
The gap is very, very slight. Still, somehow, the wand can tell.

Fucking grey tech.

Obviously, the man waving the wand over you immediately focuses on the cuffs, but nothing is obviously visible from the outside.

"What's going on here?" He asks.

Cylia just shrugs at him.

6 huffs and orders one of the dock workers to bring over a different scanner.
It's a big, black screen... he holds it over your hands and tosses a metal pyramid by your feet.
>not using ceramic knives
I don't think that would help. It seems like we're looking at some kind of high-sensitivity scanner here that detected the slight molecule-wide gap between the cuff and knife material.
Like some kind of ultra sonar? Maybe a gravity-sensing think that works like an MRI or CAT scan?
All this excitement has made me want to pee
Oy! Jannie~
>Bullshit grey tech
sounds like a fair compromise on how it works
Quick way to bullshit.
"The doctor designed those cuffs to jab deep into the most tender part of it's flesh if it starts acting up. The majority of the subject's nerve endings are in its hands. It seems to respond well enough to pain based reinforcement learning. Don't mess with the cuffs though, it used the chain to saw through the neck of the last guy who thought it'd be funny to mess with it."

The pyramid activates, shining a sort of laser light up and onto the screen...
And on the screen, you can see your hands... your bones... and all the internal mechanisms of the handcuffs.

"See anything?" One of the dockworkers asks, turning his head to look it over himself.

"Nah. Piece of shit... probably detecting the ratcheting mechanism as a knife again."

"Never could trust those things, too many false positives." The dockworker shrugs.

The gap between the knife blade and the cuffs is only a few dozen atoms wide. It's not enough to see by eye.

Still, the man holding the screen looks it over very, very carefully.
You get the feeling he's studying the internal workings of the cuffs, which isn't a good thing.

Being a grey, he's probably smart enough to understand how it works.
Thankfully, Cylia steps in with a loud cough.

"There a problem?" She asks, putting some slack into your leash.

You turn your head towards the man and sniff at the air with a grunt.

"Eh... no, probably not." He decides, taking a step back from you. "Step over here for further scanning, please."

The man leads you to an entry terminal of sorts, and has you and your guards all step inside.
The first section blocks off both the entrance and exit with a force field, then fills the space with some kind of gas...

Your guards look bored, like this happens every single day for them.

"What's this?" Cylia asks?

"Disinfectant." Tweedle-dum sighs. "Chemical, plus nanites... can't let any foreign matter inside. It's policy."

"Decon takes three minutes. Every. Single. Time." Tweedle-dee grumbles.

You do get sprayed down for an obnoxiously long time... and although you come out dry and clean on the other side, you feel like even the oils of your skin have been eaten away.
Most ships and stations have similar automated decontamination procedures, to prevent the spread of disease across species... but nothing that excessive.

After that's done, the field ahead of you disperses and you're allowed to walk forwards, where it closes behind you again.
This time you find yourself being observed from above on both sides, by several greys sitting at computer terminals.

Lasers blast you from all sides, momentarily blinding you even with the bag over your head.

"Gods, what now?" Cylia complains.

"3D laser scan... nothing going in or out without being tracked." Tweedle-dee explains. "Even gets a basic molecular spectroscopic reading."

You do smell like something's burning...
It stinks like flesh that's been cooked with ultraviolet light.

Next, a set of six large metal rods pop out from the walls, and you hear a low hum in the walls.

"And this is just an exotic materials scan, nothing to-"

An alarm sounds, and lights go off in the observation rooms above.

"What?!" Dee exclaims, looking around in confusion.

There seems to be some commotion going on in the observation rooms, but eventually the alarms are silenced.
Then you hear the scanner kick in again, with a low hum.
Oh right, the dark matter. Shit.
Greys got their own ghost detector
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>And now the anal probe
That's the standard, can't get in without a good ol' probing.

It's when the urethral probe gets involved that things get serious.

After a few moments, the alarms begin to wail again.

"What the hells, which alarm is that?' Dee asks.

"I don't know, i can't remember either." Dum replies.

You have a bit of an idea yourself...
It may have slipped your mind, but most stations have dark matter sensors in place.

And you happen to be more than a little contaminated.

Not to a level that bothers you, but more than enough to set off some alarms.
The dark matter isn't just a poison, but it also seems to lure in wraiths, like chumming the waters.

Obviously that would be bad on a station, which can't jump away from an area, so they have to be kept clean.

...Several greys in full-body protective cleaning suits come through the door ahead of you, each holding a wand connected to a small box held in their other hand.

They swarm all over you, waving the wand over your body while the box crackles and whines.
Within seconds the dark matter inside of you trips the alarms on their hand-sensors, causing them to screech as well.

"Loud." You grumble.

"He's hot!" One of the cleaners declares.

"This one too!" Another one announces, waving his wand over Cylia.

"What?! What the hells is it?!" One of the guards escorting you asks.

"Dark matter, organic at that!" One of the cleaners yells, pushing you forwards, out of the entryway..

"Did you get attacked by wraiths?!" Dee asks, chasing along behind you.

Not that they're running very fast. You're not quite even jogging.

"Sure, plenty of times!" Cylia chuckles.

"How are you alive?!" Dee demands, asking the obvious question.

"Warp metal weapons, courtesy of Sanig!" She lies with a grin.

Of course, you're the one who processes all the warp metal on your ship.
A very manual and labor-intensive task.

"What does she mean by that?" Dee asks.

"Hells if i know." Dum replies.

You're pulled down a side hallway by the cleaners, into what looks like a big, open shower...
And they, along with your guards, don't follow you inside.

"Get inside, hurry!" The cleaner yells, closing a heavy steel door behind you, locking you in place.

You hear a synthesized voice over a loudspeaker not even a second later.

["Initiating dark matter purge."] It announces.

Moments later, you hear a deep, thrumming bass that fills your ears, and your whole body lights up like it's on fire.
Your vision goes white from the pain, which is soothed only by the rush of adrenaline that follows.

As your vision returns, you see the air shimmering around you.
Cylia clutches at her chest, but she doesn't seem to be in nearly as much pain as you are.

Without realizing it, you'd already dropped to one knee.

And at the same time, something's happening...
It's hard to see through the shimmer in the air, but something's drifting in front of your face.

...Is that your breath?

It's not fog, though. It's far too warm in here for that.


You seem to be exhaling dark matter with each breath. It drifts on the air for a moment, only to be pulled upwards.
Fuckin' aliens stealing our hard earned (dark matter) gains!
Nooo David's space PTSD...

Inbetween breaths, you manage to calm and focus your mind a bit.

Cylia is clearly struggling to feign indifference, she keeps glancing down at you.
You need to pull yourself together, so you just keep breathing.

Little by little, as steady as you can...

And the pain begins to lessen as the dark matter is drawn somewhat forcibly out of your body.
It's not that bad, honestly. You've had worse.

Yeah, actually... you feel pretty great now!

Cylia takes a deep breath as the last of the dark matter is drawn out of her, apparently feeling the same thing you are now.
But you aren't done yet. It just keeps coming out, only slowing a little over time.

...How much of that stuff did you have inside you?

It can't have all come from that wraith that slashed you, all that while ago...

Did it build up while you were dissecting wraiths with Sanig? Couldn't be, you wore just as much PPE as he did, and he seems fine...
...Maybe you breathed it in while you were fighting them or something? That ship was crawling with them, so maybe...

"Oh." You sigh, something coming to mind.

The dodo planet.

You still don't know what really went on there, but you were exposed to what you call "black snow" on that planet a couple of times.
And then once again just now, escaping from whatever that thing was back at the destroyed dark star base.

The dark matter flows right through normal matter like it's not even there, but it builds up inside your body somehow.

Well, it makes sense then, that if you're exposed to black snow, which is just dark matter "dust" essentially, that it would make it's way into you.
The black snow is poison. The bodies of wraiths are poison. The wraith blood painted on your damned power armor is poison.

And as you breathe more and more of that poison out, your body feels lighter, your mind clearer, like a terrible weight has been pulled off your back.

Your breath isn't shaking anymore, so you take as deep of a breath as you can, exhaling slowly...
It's probably a good idea to take advantage of this situation while you can.

After a while, a crackly voice comes through on the intercom.

["Is the subject still alive?"] They ask.

"Yes!" Cylia replies. "He's... breathing out some kind of black vapor."

["It's still alive. How is that possible?"] You hear one voice say, away from the microphone.

["The dosage in his system should have already killed him, how should i know?"] Another voice argues back.

The intercom goes silent.
...No cameras in here? They had to ask if you were still kicking.

There might be some strong EMI going on. You don't know of any machine that extracts dark matter from the body, but judging by how the air is shimmering, it's probably pretty high-power.

You sit down, crossing your legs in an attempt to meditate.
Breathe in, breathe out... let all that bad juju flow out of your system, David.

You're not sure how long it takes, but eventually the machine suddenly kicks off, and the alarms stop sounding.
Oh, this is why we exploded those mines like that in the Fed ship. I thought we might be devolving into a caveman or something due to the genemods. Kept me guessing :)
>david got the equivalent of this
No dark powder in his sinuses now
It's possible that after this purge we may no longer be able to punch and choke wraiths with our bare hands.
Maybe, though I don't think so. I have a feeling that has more to do with what's happened to our mind than warp lead poisoning.

We should test to make sure though.
What about our EMP and psychic powers?

You feel... tired. And yet, somehow, even more energetic than before.

"Are you okay?" Cylia whispers.

"Fine, you?" You reply.

"I'm fine..."

You stand up as you hear the blast door unlock and begin to slide open.
Two cleaners walk in, wearing their sealed suits... and just stare at you for a while.

"Is there a problem?" Cylia asks.

"...Kind of." One of the cleaners replies.

"Hey, what do we do now?" The other cleaner whispers.

"I don't know! Does it look like we can take the corpse to autopsy here?!"

"Obviously not. Man, there's no procedure for this... but you know, they were supposed to go to xeno anyways, weren't they?"

"Yeah, fuck it." He chuckles. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this."

"You don't get paid anything." The second cleaner groans.

Turning around they both walk out and just... leave you standing there.
Taking the bag off your head, you look out the door and spot your two escorts in the distance, arguing with somebody.

Nobody's paying you any attention right now... it might be possible to slip out, but you're not sure you even want to.

They're already taking you where you want to go, and if you cause a fuss right now, who knows what trouble Sanig might get into.
You could try staging an escape, say the dark matter extraction pissed you off and made you bolt...

But then you'd have to deal with being hunted, possibly dodging turrets, who knows what else.

>Sneak out quietly, and have Cylia pretend that you escaped
>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
Our cover hasn't been blown and we're still heading to the part of the station we want to reach, so let's not chimp out quite yet.
>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
>>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
They think we died? Hah. It takes more than that to put David down.

The urge to just sneak out and cause some kind of trouble is strong, but your will is stronger.
You stick to the plan and maintain your image of a barely-intelligent ape man, covering your head back up with the sack.

A few minutes pass before your escorts finally come to pick you up, by which time the cleaners have long since fucked off.

"Sheesh, what's his problem?" Dee grumbles.

"He's just doing his job, 21." Dum sighs.

"Well i didn't bring him onto the station! How was i supposed to know he was pumped full of dark matter?!"

"You don't have yell. Let's just drag them to the incinerator and..."

Dum stops mid-sentence as he sees the both of you standing by the exit, perfectly fine."

"23, are they supposed to be alive?" Dee asks.

They both shrug at eachother in turn.

"So... xeno lab?" Dum questions.

"I guess?" Dee shrugs, turning to Cylia. "You... went through the decontamination cycle, right?" He asks her.

"Yep." She replies, crossing her arms.

"Where are the cleaners?" He questions, reasonably.

"They left." She tells him.

"...Do we have a procedure for this?" Dee mumbles, half to himself.

"I don't think so."

"Xeno lab?"

"Xeno lab." Dum agrees.


You're escorted back down the hall you were run through, past a few more forcefields and eventually get crammed into an elevator.
It takes you up some distance, and you find yourself at... a train terminal, by the looks of it.

An empty tram is already sitting there, waiting to be boarded. It hangs from an overhead rail, and is little more than a steel tube.
There are no seats inside, nothing to hold onto, it's literally just a tube. You're fortunate it even has windows.

Dum places his whole palm on a scanner by the tram door, which closes behind you.

"...So where does this thing go?" Cylia asks.

"It circles the whole outer ring. It'll take us wherever we want." Dum answers.

"...How does it know where you want to go?" She questions.

Yeah, you didn't see him select a destination or anything. Not visibly, at least.

Dum pokes at his brain sac.

"Brain interface. Just have to give it a mental command." He smirks proudly.

"Fancy." Cylia replies with a nod.

You wonder how they'd feel if they knew you were doing the same thing all the time using your translator implant.
It's amazing what such a little thing is capable of, when it isn't artificially limited.

Only problem is, you do all that through SHODAN.
You can't interface with the tech on this station, which might make it hard to get around.


Once the tram starts moving, it quickly exits the station and you're greeted to the sight of hundreds of greys walking about, doing all sorts of business.
The "outer ring" is apparently a largely open space with multiple levels and tons of buildings.

A big, hollow doughnut.

Every couple hundred feet you pass by another tram station. They're everywhere, but the tram has to switch tracks to stop at them.
I can finally post again. I got an extended vacation for posting i'll concealed nipples in a blue board. Technically there was a shirt over them but you know, wet fabric...
So, without finding a way to operate this tram or similar we are screwed because there is no way we get ANYWHERE in this thirty-fourtymaybe hundred? kilometer wide donut. And snatching a grey to force them to operate the tram is one thing, because another is ensuring central control doesn't vent the cabin or accelerates us to crazy speeds just to then stop and flatten us like a pancake or just disables the system while we use it... we need enough chaos to overwhelm GRAYS. We need david to unlock as many AI cores as possible at the same time and wing it.
>i'll concealed
ill concealed, sorry sorry
Merry Christmas guys!

One thing that becomes immediately obvious is that the entire station is as brutally industrial and utilitarian as the tram you're currently riding in.
Nothing but bare metal, sharp corners and harsh lighting, not a plant in sight, fake or otherwise.

Nothing in the way of advertisements either, unlike the other stations you've been on. Not even so much as a signboard.

Yet everyone seems to know exactly where they're going, and you don't see any traffic jams or overcrowded areas as you pass through.
It's all been optimized to death.

Regular stations are bad enough, but you feel like you'd actually go crazy if you had to stay here more than a week.

The tram ends up taking you almost halfway across the station, skipping over almost anything even remotely of interest and taking you directly to your destination.
It suddenly changes tracks and takes you on a downward slope, until you reach one of countless unmarked stations.

"I always hate coming here." Dee grumbles as the doors open. "It stinks like shit."

Indeed, there is a slight odor as the tram doors open... albeit not a very strong.
It almost reminds you of the smell of mud mixed with chicken shit, not something you'd expect to smell on a station like this.

As you're exiting the tram, a second car pulls up behind you, and you're greeted with the sound of screeching animals.

The tram you arrived in pulls away as several greys move a number of caged animals out of their car.
All of them are quite agitated. They look like nasty little buggers to you, the sort where you would want to avoid sticking your fingers in the cage.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum watch as the greys pull the animals along on hoverjacks, stopping at the station entrance to speak with another grey.

"Certs?" The man at the entrance asks.

The greys transporting the animals hold out their hands, and the man at the entrance scans their palms with a handheld device.

"Clear. Any special classifications?" He asks.

"All class 7 to 10." One of the animal handlers reply.

"You know where to go." The gatekeeper tells him.

The handlers nod and pull their cages through the station doors.

Having waited their turns, your own escorts now walk up to the gatekeeper.

"What's this?" The gatekeeper questions, raising a brow.

"Complicated." Dum replies.


Dum extends his hand, and the gatekeeper scans it.
The device beeps in complain and displays a red light at first, but then turns yellow for a few seconds before displaying green, and a happy tone.

"Okay... Any special classifications?"

"...Class 13. Intelligent." Dee replies.

The gatekeeper looks between the guards and the two of you, as if trying to figure out the situation.
Eventually he just stares at Dee and upturns his palms, asking for more information.

"Not the Caithan, obviously." Dee tells him.

"No shit."

Cylia's homeworld was class seven, if you remember correctly.
None of that ever mattered to you though, so you don't quite remember what that means.
I guess david will be locked in a 2x2 cell that may or may not be monitored, thin slits for air and automated feeding and waste disposal systems... damn

The gatekeeper sighs loudly and touches a finger to the side of his head.

"This is 13-XBS. We got a code 10." He states aloud.

There's a pause. He's probably listening to a reply that you can't hear.

"Yes. Subject is restrained and appears docile."

Another pause, where he just stares off into space.

"I don't know. I wasn't informed. .... Yes, two men. Security, from the docks. Alright."

After the gatekeeper finishes speaking, he simply stands there with his arms crossed, not explaining anything.
After about a minute of this, Cylia gets annoyed.

"...Well? What are we doing here?" She asks.

"Waiting." The gatekeeper replies. "A transport crew is coming."

"I thought that's what we were." Dee whispers.

Dum shrugs at him.

There's a long, awkward silence after that.

Illia's cries, scratching at the back of your mind, have grown weaker.
They flare up from time to time, though. You wonder what they're doing to her.


As you're thinking that, they flare up again, only to suddenly cut off entirely.
Shit. She's not dead, is she...?

A minute passes in silence, then two...
You have nothing else to distract you. You could hear her clear as day. If she's not even making a sound, then...

Ah, no. There she is.
Her voice echoes in the back of your mind as a whimper. It feels like she's barely conscious.

Did she black out? That might explain it.
Whatever's happening to her must be painful.

Fuck, this is all taking too long.

...It ends up taking another ten goddamned minutes for whoever you're waiting on to arrive.

You're getting agitated.
Cylia can tell, too. She tugs gently on your collar even though you haven't moved.

The "transport team" is just two scientists in lab suits, wheeling in what looks to be a literal dog kennel.

"These two?" One of them asks.

The gatekeeper shrugs.

"Not the Caithan. She's it's keeper, apparently." Dum explains.

"We're not letting her into the lab, are we?" The transporter asks.

"You are." Cylia replies immediately.

"Hush, Caithan. Nobody asked you." The transporter snaps back.

Your fingers find themselves gripped around the little grey's face before he even realizes you've moved.
You've noticed this, but the greys. with Sanig as a notable exception, don't have great reaction speed.

"David! Easy, boy." Cylia calls out.

Laser turrets pop up out of the floor on either side of you, trained on your torso as you gently grasp the Grey's head, lifting him up off the floor.
The Grey scientist is trying to say something, but can't quite get it out with his cheeks squished like so.

He claws at your hand, but the strength of his entire arm can't budge your pinky finger even slightly.

You pointer finger digs slightly into his soft, stretchy brain sac.
With no bones there, you could easily crush his head like popping a grape between your fingers.

"Let him down, nice and gentle." She orders you.

You give off a deep grumble as you follow her order, setting the Grey down and patting his head.
Aaaargghhghgh stop iiiit it feels weeeeird their heads are weiiiiiird
Jello brains. Wrinkly jello brains.

"Bastard animal!" The grey cusses. "We should just put this thing down right now and-"

"Woah, are you kidding me?!" The second transport team member cuts in. "Did you see him move?!"

This one sounds female, despite looking almost completely identical to Sanig... minus the wrinkles and patchy skin coloration.

"No, 102. All i saw was a big, greasy hand trying to crush my skull!" The first man cusses.

"It was a blur, 98! He moved so quickly, my eyes couldn't keep up even though i was looking right at him!"

"I'm well aware of how dangerous this filthy creature is, 102. Which is why-"

102 pushes past him to reach you, and stands fearlessly before you.
She looks up at you with excitement in her glassy, black eyes.

...Wait, one of those eyes is bionic. You can see the camera in there.

Well, half of Sanig's organs are bionic, too. You guess you shouldn't be surprised.

"You can understand speech, can't you?" She asks excitedly.

"Don't get too close to it!" 98 warns.

Man, you're really getting treated like a gorilla here.
It's getting kind of hard to suppress your smirk. Maybe you should try sign language?

You reach out a heavily muscled arm and extend one finger, pointing at her eye in the hopes that she'll understand what you've noticed.
She gently grabs hold of your finger with her entire hand, pushing it down slightly.

"My eye?" She questions. "Yes, i lost it a long time ago. It should be hard to tell apart from a natural eye, though."

I mean, maybe if you don't look very hard.

"Hurt?" You ask, giving her your best caveman impression.

"It can TALK?!" 98 Exclaims in shock.

"Yes, it hurt when i lost it. But not anymore. My goodness, he even displays empathy..."

That's good. This female grey seems to have a liking for unique specimens, and she's absolutely taken with you.
If you keep up the act well enough, that's almost as good as having a man on the inside.

98 clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"There you go again, seeing things that aren't there." He hisses. "It's probably just asking it's handler if he can hurt you."

"Nooooooo..." Cylia smiles, leaning against you and patting your back. "My Davie's a good boy, isn't he?"

Fuck, don't laugh. DON'T laugh.

"You seem close to him." 102 notes. "How much are you able to communicate with the subject?"

"Me? Well enough. He listens to orders, and he's fiercely loyal... won't hesitate to protect me, but once he pounces on something it's hard to reel him back in..."

"I see. Is he just somewhat of a pet, or would you say he's capable of higher logic and reasoning? Enough to call him a slave instead, for example..."

102 takes out a holopad and begins writing down notes, even before Cylia has a chance to respond.

"Hey, 102!" Dum calls out to her. "Good to see you again! Great, even!"

"Oh brother." Dee grumbles, crossing his arms.

"Hmm? Oh yes, that's nice." She replies, ignoring him almost completely.
Oh so the one who they were talking about earlier is this one.
102 definitely wants to examine the sausage.
102 and 98 make 200 so I guess they are a pair of sorts, tee-hee
>What is this strange trunk here? For climbing?
>That's his dick.
>Preposterous. Come here, ape, I need to examine you in a more suitable place.

Tweedledee snorts, causing Tweedledum to elbow him in the ribs.

"So eh, how did that thing go? You know, with the cell cultures?" Dum asks.

"They died." She replies tersely. "Anyhow, could you answer my question, Caithan?"

Dum looks slightly downtrodden, but shakes it off quickly.
Not one to give up that easy, it seems.

"Cylia." She replies. "And i'd say... although i treat him more like a pet, he's very smart. Very, very smart."

"I see!" 102 smiles. "Come come, let's get you in the cage for now, Davie."

Okay, you guess your name is Davie now.
However, you don't follow her order. You need to make it clear that Cylia is necessary here.

"Come on, into the cage..." 102 asks again, patting the hilariously thin metal wire making up the kennel they intend to transport you in.

You continue to ignore her, instead turning to look at Cylia for confirmation.

"...He only listens to me and Sanig." Cylia informs her.

"Then could you...?"

"Davie, into the cage." Cylia orders.

You immediately obey, ducking down to fit inside, where you sit down with your legs crossed.

Once you're inside, they finally remove you from the train station and start carting you towards the xenobiology lab.
If you focus, you think you can sort of grasp where Illia's at... she's nearby, you're sure of that much.

But where, exactly?
You can't quite tell. You never really tried much to develop this extra sense of yours.

As you pass down a long, gently curving hallway, you see signs above doors here and there that say things like "Surgical Lab" or "Toxin Lab", but the problem is there's just dozens and dozens of them.
Where would Illia be? How can you find her without getting captured for real? The lasers turrets are everywhere, this is a big problem.

Cylia and 102 talk back and forth a bit until you eventually reach your apparent destination, "Xenobiology Admittance Center 1A".

Inside is... basically a big room filled with cages. The majority of them are empty, but there are animals... you think they're animals anyways, and they're in identical kennels to yours, scattered all around.
98 pushes the hovercart carrying your cage along while 102 starts inputting something into a computer by the entrance.

"So, how long are we going to be stuck here?" You hear Cylia ask as you're carted away.

"Oh, until we get all the data we can manage, i'd imagine." 102 replies casually.

"Filthy ape-oid. I aught to feed you some poison while that dirty Caithan thug isn't looking." 98 Grumbles.

>Reply quietly in a clear, complete sentence. Maybe you can make 102 think he's going insane.
>Say nothing, just wait for him to fuck off. Your best bet to escape is just to wait.
>...You could probably piss in his eye right now, if you tried.
>...You could probably piss in his eye right now, if you tried.
>Piss in his mouth.
It'd be more ironic if we pissed in his mouth ayylmao. The amount of pressure we could manage should be able to force it past his thin lips
Feed on that, slug brain
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>Reply quietly in a clear, complete sentence. Maybe you can make 102 think he's going insane.
>"Nobody's going to believe you"
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>Reply quietly in a clear, complete sentence. Maybe you can make 102 think he's going insane.
I'm in the psychological warfare team.
support, psyops
>>I am going to kill you last, bag of peas
>>Nobody's going to believe you
When do we start throwing our own shit?

Is our shit a bioweapon with all the earth bacteria in it?
>>Write-In: We do "demon voices" with our psychic powers inside his head to make him think there are demons nearby. Hopefully they don't connect the voice to us.
Depends how deeply that sterilization procedure hit us, I would imagine it's been left untouched however or David's bowels would have gotten very loose from lack of gut bacteria by now.

>Simply flip him off.
I think they might have hidden mics and cameras even here so talking might give the game away... Though he's saying some compromising shit there so maybe not?
>Make direct eye contact with him and start jerking off.
Power move.

Slowly turning your head towards him, you stare him straight in the eye and speak in the lowest, clearest tone you can manage.

"Is that right, brain-sac?"

98's eyes go wide, and yet he blinks twice using his nictitating membrane.
You lean in, touching your nose against the cage wire as you stare down into his soul.

"You know, i think i'm going to kill you last. I want you to be the one to watch."

His jaw drops, and he immediately turns to call out to 102, but you interrupt him.

"She'll never believe you."

You drop your serious demeanor and start picking at your nose, flicking bits of booger at him like your head is completely empty.
He stares at you and shakes his head in disbelief before running off, leaving you sitting in the middle of one of the isles by yourself.

Moments later you hear him raising a fuss by the entrance.
Well, that'll be some fun, however it turns out.

Taking a closer look at the animals around you, they all seem agitated.

Not scared or even angry necessarily, just... restless.
Some are even gnawing at their cages, trying to escape.

Given how weak the greys are and how mean some of these critters look, you bet you could raise a stink by just letting some of them loose.

These cages do in fact have digital locks on them, but... i mean, they're plastic, and the cage itself you could probably break the welds on with some effort.
Only question is whether it's better to wait a while or try it now.

You don't know what 102 intends to do with you, but you've definitely taken her attention, so she'll probably focus on you for the time being.

>Just wait for now. If you're lucky, you might be able to get some idea of how things work around here, which could lead you to Illia
>Make a quiet escape, see if you can't duck into an air vent or something
>Time to make a mess. Bust out and start letting the animals loose.
let's wait to see 98 discredited by 102 first and get deeper in this complex first. We are in the loading bay of the xenolab, nothing to break here and our moth waifu is not close. If we get taken further inside then we will be closer to her. Of course, she has to resist a little longer
>>Just wait for now. If you're lucky, you might be able to get some idea of how things work around here, which could lead you to Illia
>Try and read some grey minds while you wait.
>Just wait for now. If you're lucky, you might be able to get some idea of how things work around here, which could lead you to Illia
We're alone right now right? We should try and see if we can figure out where exactly Illia is psychically, or try and contact her.
If we can, then
>Time to make a mess. Bust out and start letting the animals loose.
With luck it'll get blamed on the ayy for leaving the area unsupervised
>Just wait for now. If you're lucky, you might be able to get some idea of how things work around here, which could lead you to Illia

Sometimes the best thing you can do, is nothing at all.
You decide to keep your act up and just wait it out, in the hopes that 102 will give you a full tour of the place, willingly.

After a minute or two of shouting, things seem to die down.

The one who returns to find you casually laying down and scratching your balls isn't 98, but 102 and Cylia.
You barely spare her a glance as she walks up, just faking a yawn and pretending to be disinterested.

102 stops and stares at you for a while, but obviously you're just not doing much.

"...So is there something wrong with that guy?" Cylia asks.

"98 has always been a bit eccentric, but i assure you he's an excellent lab technician. I can't imagine why he'd think such a docile creature is so dangerous."

Stepping up to your cage, she reaches a thin, grey arm through the wire and pats your hand.
You respond by ever so gently grasping her palm between the fingers of your opposite hand.

Yes, you're a good little monkey. You'd never do anything untoward.

102 gently pulls her hand back and you let her go.
She smiles and begins jotting something down on her tablet.

While she's distracted, Cylia glares at you like you've gone crazy.
You reply with a subtle shushing motion.

Once 102's done, she starts pushing your cage along again. However, she's not done asking questions.

"So where was the specimen found, exactly? Do you have navigational data available?"

"No clue..." Cylia lies. "Boss wouldn't let me near any of the computers, and i was brought on to tame him."

"So the stray had already captured it by the time you were recruited? I see, was he difficult to work with at the start?"

"Oh, don't get me started." She sighs, a little too realistically. "He was like a wild animal, always looking to sharpen his claws."

"...He doesn't appear to have talons, miss. Did you remove them?" 102 questions.

"Huh? Oh, no. They just look like that. It was just a caithan saying... meaning he got into a lot of trouble. Always fighting, that sort of thing."

You can't deny that, you guess.


The talks go on for a while longer, until you finally reach the back of the storage area...

But it doesn't look like you're being stored.
Instead, she wheels you through a sliding door and into some kind of lab.

There's all sorts of equipment here, including a very familiar looking metal slab of a bed, used for restraining test subjects.
The same sort that's on the Metal Gear, almost exactly.

Well, it's still got the leathery straps. You've long since replaced those with steel on your ship.

"What are we doing here?" Cylia asks.

"Oh, i'm just going to take a few test samples, nothing too invasive..."

As she says so, 102 pulls out an enormous empty syringe and sprays it with a sterilizing solution.
Uh oh. No, no, no. You can't be doing that.

The greys get hold of your blood, who knows what they could do with it.

"Nope." Cylia says, blocking 102's path.

"...What do you mean?" 102 frowns.
OKAY shit... fuck... well we are deeper in the lab so fuck, moth time?
How can we claim we have a barely suppressed quarantine issue, or that even with the dark matter removed David will still cause shit to go wrong?
Well, stabbing a giant needle into a savage creature tends to set it off, as often does the sight of blood.
We could possibly start with some non-invasive tests, or something to build "trust".
Calm down now, I'm sure she'll explain that the specimen is not to be exploited until Sanig's negotiations have finished. It's his specimen, after all. Not theirs to take samples from as they please. Property is Property.
Greys make a point of probing/altering/stealing everything they can get their hands on in the name of science.
I don't think they give a fuck, and probably have some Eminent Domain mentality.

"I said no." Cylia asserts, narrowing her eyes dangerously.
"I'm here to ensure that the boss's catch remains intact. I'm not stupid, that genetic data you're trying to nab is exactly what we're here to bargain with."

102 rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Bureaucracy, is it? Very well. I'll pay you double whatever the outcast has offered."

Cylia immediately shuts her down.

"No deal."

...Not necessarily what you would have done.
Money is the driver of all things out here. She claimed to be hired, not blackmailed, so to not accept a higher payment...

It's suspicious.

102 clicks her tongue in response.

"Oh, why must you lower species always be so difficult? Have you no respect for the scientific pursuits?!"

"No, i just-"

"Do you know how hard it is to find a class thirteen planet with a living biosphere? No less with animal life, and forget any notion of intelligent species! It doesn't happen!"

"Yes, i understand that it's rare, that's wh-"

"It's not just rare! I'm telling you, Caithan! Understand this now! It... Does. Not. Happen. Now, if this outcast has truly brought us such a sample, i assure you the upper management will grant
him whatever petty reward he may be seeking, but every moment i spend here arguing with you is a moment wasted! A moment that could have been spent further advancing my species!"

102 seems genuinely upset here, beyond annoyed, she almost seems emotional about it.
You don't know much about the greys, beyond the fact that they're smart, egotistical and very proud of their accomplishments.

Naturally they must be fairly driven, but this one seems to be moreso than her fellows.

Cylia crosses her arms and continues to stand between you.

"I don't care. I have my orders and i'm following them. You touch him, and i'll fold you in half."

"You'll be reduced to a smouldering corpse if you try it. Savagery isn't tolerated in this space." 102 assures her.

"We'll see about that. I'm pretty good at dodging."

"You can't dodge a laser, Caithan."

"No, but i can outrun the servo driving it. Long enough for my claws to reach you, at least. What'll that do for the efficiency of your research?"

102 rubs at her temples as if she's trying to drive back a headache.

"...Fine then. I won't take any samples. For now. However, i would appreciate if you could at least allow some non-intrusive testing!"

Cylia looks back at you for confirmation.
You close your eyes and nod ever so slightly in reply.

"...Fine." Cylia huffs. "But i'm watching you."


Well, the testing begins almost immediately.
102 moves you to another lab nearby, full of what looks like training equipment.

Some of it is very strange looking though, definitely not designed for bipeds.

You find yourself placed in front of a metal bar, attached to a large machine on either side.
It looks like a barbell, for all it's worth.

"This machine is one of many used to gauge the subject's muscle density and overall strength." 102 explains.

"Oh yeah? I'm pretty strong too, you gonna test the both of us?" Cylia asks.

102 looks Cylia over before nodding.

"Yes, we could do that. You do seem to be a rather remarkable example of your species. But first, if you don't mind..."

She gestures towards the barbell.

...You're not really sure how much you should put out, here.
Is it a good idea to give them a full measure of your abilities? But if you sandbag it too much, they won't believe you're a "special sample" or whatever.

Maybe it'd be a good idea to have Cylia go first, that way you could adjust your score accordingly.

>Give it 100%. You don't want them thinking you're worthless, they might try to get rid of you.
>60 or 70% should do the job, surely... people have real low expectations of most species.
>Get Cylia to go first. Whatever she does, you'll just try to score a good bit above that.
>Give it 100%. You don't want them thinking you're worthless, they might try to get rid of you.

I'll be honest, I don't think the machine can actually handle our 100%.

But even if it can, well, it just makes us more valuable for Sanig's bargaining. And it'll make 102 more enraptured with us.
>Give it 100%. You don't want them thinking you're worthless, they might try to get rid of you.
>60 or 70% should do the job, surely... people have real low expectations of most species.
David shouldn't show off. Do you really want him to end up in super-resilient cell, that even he couldn't easily escape?
>60 or 70% should do the job, surely... people have real low expectations of most species.
That should be enough to convince them we are way above par without looking like a Terminator.
>60 or 70% should do the job, surely... people have real low expectations of most species.
>>Get Cylia to go first. Whatever she does, you'll just try to score a good bit above that.
>>Act clueless, like you have no fucking idea what you are supposed to do. You NEED your handler at all times. Be sure to drive that in further into 102
Give them 90%, they've seen plenty but you want to keep some in reserve.
>>Get Cylia to go first. Whatever she does, you'll just try to score a good bit above that.
>Be lazy and drag your feet, try to gain some rewards for good behavior. Then give them the barest minimum to pass the tests comfortably above Cylia.

I think it's best if Cylia goes first both to serve as an example for us and avoid showing how smart we really are, if we use the equipment correctly at first try each time it might spoil our cover since the grey will test everything.

Changing my vote to:
>>Get Cylia to go first. Whatever she does, you'll just try to score a good bit above that.

You briefly consider just giving it the beans and seeing what you can do, but maybe it'd be better to hold a little bit in reserve.
It's better if they don't really know what you're capable of, but you still want to make this look good.

To do that, you're gonna need Cylia's help.

You need her to test the waters first, so you quickly clear your throat to grab her attention.
Pointing to her and the machine with your eyes, she quickly picks up what you're aiming for.

You wonder how she's going to convince 102 to let her go first, but she surprises you by picking perhaps the best way to go about things.
She simply plays dumb.

"What, this one?" Cylia questions, walking over and positioning herself in front of the bar.

"Well, yes, but i meant-"

Ignoring her, Cylia squats down and grabs the bar with both hands, using the form you taught her.
102 sighs in frustration, but lets it go.

She glances over her shoulder at you before pulling, to which you simply nod and close your eyes.

You hear the hiss of air escaping through her teeth.
The bar raises quickly at first, and then more slowly as it gets higher.

It must work like a sled, getting heavier as you go.

You get a real nice view of her quads bulging as she puts out.
The readout on the machine is in plain numbers, which your translator takes a moment to interpret for you.

Eventually, Cyl stalls out and has to let the bar go. She drops it unceremoniously, but there's a hiss of air and it slows before returning to the start position.
Cylia stumbles backwards for a moment before shaking it off and regaining herself.

"Five hundred and twelve pounds..." 102 gasps. "That's insane. How?"

"Hah... i train... every day." Cylia states, matter-of-factly.

She's rarely the prideful sort, but even she takes a moment to kiss her own bicep this time around.

"We'll absolutely have to talk about that later. The highest a Caithan has ever managed was 450lbs, but that was a larger male, on a cocktail of drugs..."

Cylia's grin goes wide at hearing that.
She manages to push it back down, but her chest is still all puffed out about it.

"Anyways, if you're quite done, i'd like to begin testing with the actual subject at hand, please." 102 Continues.

She opens up your cage and gestures toward the machine, but you don't move until Cylia gives the order.

"...Davie, lift! Just like i did, okay?" Cyl tells you, patting you on the shoulder through the cage door.

You grunt in affirmation, slowly making your way out of the cage and over to the bar.
Loosening up your shoulders, you squat down, grab the bar and slowly pull.

Yeah, the weight is definitely increasing as you go.

>Roll me 2d100, best of 3 on each
Rolled 56, 16 = 72 (2d100)

Rolled 40, 76 = 116 (2d100)

Rolled 33, 86 = 119 (2d100)

Rolled 70, 93 = 163 (2d100)


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