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You are David Hardrada, founder of the colony of Thunor made up of ex-soldiers whom had laid stake to a world upon the edges of civilized space. Through struggles and dangers, you had found yourself, over a decade after setting first foot upon the world, hosting a foreign lord. Throughout the pleasantries, your empathetic nature had allowed you to read the man well enough to ensure you maintain a good enough relationship for the upcoming negotiations.

After you had retired after throwing a rowdy feast wherein people gathered, socialized, danced, and held a boxing match fighting each other to both went frustration and to have some fun. Unfortunately, you being born a commoner, you lacked the abilities to simply ignore a raging headache currently pounding and trying to break out of your skull. You once again find yourself having to carry out the duties as the reigning monarch (title pending) of Thunorians (name pending).

Trying to stay focused via the power of caffeine, you stare across the table at your counterpart - Margrave Mykell Oreskovich, a vassal of House Orion. Next to you sits your council, next to him sit all of the various officers whose names you, at this particular junction, are not really capable of remembering.

Much to your chagrin, Mykell appears to be entire nonplussed about yesterday, even though he drank much harder liquor than you had. The entire situation had now been more or less entirely dominated by Ashwin, your minister of foreign affairs, and whomever Mykell appointed. A man whose name you failed to catch, but his calm and even tone, similar to that of Ashwin’s actually, has been helping you keep yourself together.

Still, in matters such as there, potentially changing the fate of your entire peoples, it is only a matter of time before both you and the Margrave must make decisions upon the big issues. On this occasion – payment.

Warships are expensive, apparently. A lot more expensive than you had ever thought, being infantry, the most expensive thing you had personally had the displeasure of trying to replace was an APC, and were you damn glad that had not come out of your pocket.

Your scattered internal ramblings aside, even the rudimentary patchwork for the warships is going to drain your common material reserves and then some. Chances are the Margrave and his men will stay here a few months, and chances are, they won’t have enough food, or at least food that they are willing to eat, the same of course goes for water. One of the upsides of not being out in space but around the planet is unlimited shower rations, especially considering the fight these men and women went through.

You take a glance at the tablet before you, you skip about a hundred pages and go to the end of the numerous reports the foreman and his crew stayed up all night to finish and quickly see that the current estimate rests around 110 common materials and everything combined will probably take a bit more than a year of non-stop work around the clock.

“Well.” The margrave begins. “Seeing as how the situation currently is, I am willing to provide protection for your colony during our stay here. Anyone trying to threaten your colony while we are here, shall be our enemy.”

“Sound like something you should consider to begin with. If the docks are gone, so is your ability for repair.” You state instantly noticing the flaw in the idea.

“True.” The margrave nods with a smile. “We will just negotiate with the new force that comes to power. Either way, I will find a way to acquire the repairs I need.”

You nod. “And what do you want to knock off the expense for that ?”

He leans back in the chair, fiddling with his half cape. “I am a reasonable man; I would say ten percent. At the end of the day, I still have to pay the salaries of a few thousand sailors for the entire time.”

“Very well. And the other ninety percent ?”

“Currency. Piconeutrons specifically. I would have offered house currency, but I think you would enjoy a more universal means of exchange. A milineutron per one standard unit of common material. A fair price, perhaps a bit more than above average rate.”

Due to good relations, the margrave is offering 1:1 exchange rate of common materials and influence.

“Sounds fair.” You nod.

Mykell nods to one of his men. “My lord had given my permission to offer you the captured craft we had secured from the People’s Democratic Republic of Hojun. This includes 6 Guard-class fighters and 2 Proletariat-class bombers.

These craft are of inferior quality to our own House craft, however based on our own preliminary examinations and tests, these craft, while offering little creature comforts, their construction is cheap, considering their far superior quality based on most local state designs we had accumulated so far.” In a calm, even, droning, boring voice, the man concludes.

“You could work on them if you want to, figure out how it works, or maybe just employ them. Either way, I would be willing to let go of them for 5 percent discount.”

“We will consider it.” While saying so, you kick Zack’s leg in order to remove his expression of I instantly accept. “And what of food, water ? I know from personal experience, people, especially soldiers, consume a lot of calories and drink a lot of water.”

“A potential issue. One that we have a, potential, solution for.” Mykell says with a chuckle.

“Which is ?”

“Supply runs. I do not come from an isolated state, we are a power, a regional one, I admit, but one more than capable projecting force.”

“Then why do you simply not depart ?”

“Technical issues.” He responds, expression turning sour.

It takes a moment for your hazy mind to process that. Naturally, you look back at the tablet and start to look over it again.

That is where you note the report upon HOS Hymn of Victory, the heavy cruiser and the flagship of the Margrave. Its missile launcher had a direct hit alongside the strongest M.A.G. cannon. The explosion spread throughout the entire spine of the ship. Its superstructure is heavily damaged which is why, despite having a neutronium reactor and high energy neutron thrusters, the fleet had moved slowly out of fear that too much strain on the ship could potentially see it break up.

The number of curses from the foreman indicates that the repair work on the ship would be not only time intensive, but also damned difficult. Enough to cause the man as big of a headache as the one you are feeling right now.

“I would have offered you an extended protection of House Orion, but the strong response you had given before tells me its not an offer you would like. Perhaps we will be able to have a trade agreement or something like that, but my authority does not extend that far.”

Can pick more than one. In order for secondary options to win they must reach half of the biggest vote (rounding up) +1.

>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.

>You could use those craft, might as well get something more reasonable at only 5%.

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)
>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)

Offer to allow any of his personnel nearing retirement, or discharge the opportunity to settle on Thunor. Along with a land grant if they agree to swear allegiance to our government yada yada.

We really need to increase our population and while any immigrants from House Orion could pose a internal security threat (especially if hostilities ever erupted with house Orion) there’s policies we could undertake to minimize such threats. I also doubt we’ll see a massive influx of immigrants from this a couple dozen to a few hundred but it’s a good first step to not only increasing our population but creating warmer relations with house Orion

On another note what is up with the insane captcha timer today?
Great to see we are back up and running :D

Personally, I like >>6132388's idea with immigration so i am voting for it. However, I would also add that we are currently very low on strong personnel equipment. So, I would suggest as well that we trade some of our trade agreement for the Anti-personnel railguns necessary to counter invasion forces and their powerful infantry suits—At least enough that we can research them to make new ones.
Welcome back NewbQM

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)

If they have something else they could barter us with escially if they can bring suppiles.

Your idea of people would be ok if it they were unaffiabled and they are not. And yes 900 secs
>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.
>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.

>You could use those craft, might as well get something more reasonable at only 5%.

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.
Cash 4
Settlement 2
Supplies 1
Protection 2
Craft 1

Okay. Just taking cash seems to win.

I will update tomorrow most likely.
You exchange a quick glance with Ashwin (pointedly ignoring Zack and his best attempt at puppy eyes for more tech. I might have worked a decade ago, not now when he’s forty).

Forming the most serious business-like expression you can possibly muster, you begin to speak. “We’ll take the milineutrons. Just them.”

“Ah.” With faux exaggeration, placing his hands over his heart, the Margrave purposefully plays up his words. “The cold attraction of Danegeld.”

You simply shrug. “A man negotiates for what he lacks. We have plenty of courage, plenty of honour, now were just short on cash.”

“A fine response.” With a laugh, Mykell says. “My servants shall transfer the money as each ship has finished repairs and we have an exact value. Half of the total sum for repairing one ship shall be transferred to begin with based on the given estimates. I hope that is a fair deal.”

“As fair as it comes.”

“Well then, Jarl.” He says with a chuckle. “Perhaps we shall see each other more often, or perhaps for the last time.”

“In either case, this seems like an amicable agreement for both sides. Pleasure doing business with you, Margrave.”

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 14 month 3 day 15 since arrival
Title: International deal

Turns out those House Orion folk are a lot nicer than I thought. Of course, I am under no delusion that the only reason the Margrave hasn’t bombed Valhalla is because of his own curiosity and amusement. How long the friendly relationship lasts without them trying to put one over us is not something I can be certain of, but I doubt it will last overly long, unless we become strong enough to deter overt aggression.

On the plus side of existential dread, having finished hammering out the details with the Margrave, the council was able to finish dealing with the land distribution issue. Everyone got their own plot of land to pass down to their children, that then could pass it down to their own kids. A lot of breaks are currently being used up to just go to the lands they now own. A few more industrious folks had already thrown up some shacks or had begun to lay down foundations of what would soon become their new homes at the rate things are going.

Speaking of, nabbed myself a nice lake side plot. Fishing, boating…I should probably stop daydreaming.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
Civis wanted culture. Hopeful NewbQm still allows chaining build queue

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Spa and Sauna on shore of the lake. (Cost: 5 standard units)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

You can do it, yes. Doing so will result in a time skip until you can pile up enough common materials. That is around a year of repair work or so later. Unless you anons are willing to delay the repair work to squeeze in the construction effort.

Both jobs require not only resources, but also manpower. While the Margrave, more specifically his technicians, can assist with the repairs, he still needs more hands due to your low tech level.

Delays could potentially annoy Mykell enough to cause his opinion to drop, and it might drop to dangerous levels. So it is up to you anons to decide if you want to do a balancing act.
I was thinking that build queue would happen after ships have being repaired
my plan for things we could do while waiting for the repair job.

Colony actions:
>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can begin bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Military Space and Industry.)
mostly through running models and computer simulations. The techies are allowed to do whatever they want to research during the Margrave's stay as long as it doesn't hinder the flow of resources to the ship repair.

The tech I would want to focus on then is mining tech to make simpler mining machines and find out how to make repair parts for our advanced mining equipment. Maybe even make the advanced ones wholly new. As well as railgun tech and lasers. They could, after all, use the pieces of tech we already have to get a foundation of said civilian tech knowledge. Especially since the Margrave's ship mechanicals could be used to understand the military tech better.

>Since Zack cannot ever sit down, he has fiddled with some drones of his make. Not proper V.I.s or even A.I.s (he’s still sulking about that), but they could have basic programs running and they could be coordinated by a central control room. He lacks the facilities for it, but he assures that we could get some space drones out of it, since something, something, fewer obstacles easier to program. (Cost: unknown)

I would also support a small resource usage on allowing Zack to try his hand at the V.I. problem. Such that we might get some simpler tasks automated.

>ask the Margrave if he might lend you some of his ships in search of the hidden caches of volatiles in the system. This way his men do not become too restless either.

A personal idea of mine. After all, there are several of his ships which could from time to time go out and use their sensors to search for the hidden resource deposits. Who knows? Maybe they will find a resource-rich asteroid in the process as well which could speed up the process of repair.

And if we have any civilian population still with free time which isn't helping any of these above tasks, they could continue with:
>Continue the ground reclamation.

A lot of the more passive tasks getting done. I would especially put weight on getting that mining tech if possible. Since that could increase our production capacity by a lot.

also the massive captcha timer is bullshit.
I do like R&D NewbQM has being singaling that our colonist want something to do in their pastime.

>massive captcha timer is bullshit.
I didnt get it this time. It must be the elections.
I had forgotten to post this:

Since things are going pretty slow, if you anons have any questions about the setting, I might as well answer them while hopefully more votes trickle in.
I agree we need to get more cultural things. I just think we should do that when we've got resource production researched and got our guests out of our solar system. Otherwise, we might anger the margrave for taking too long. And I really don't think that is a good idea.

yeah seems inordinately slow for some reason. I'm wondering where everyone is.

I do have a few questions both in universe-wise and for you personally.

First, what inspired you to begin writing it to begin with? And why /qst/?
Second, is our adventure here in the rim canonical to the adventures of Fergus? And was the placement in the same general direction as Fergus's adventure intentional?
Third, how do you simulate the surrounding empires? Is it rolling-based or do you have some form of system separate from dice?
Fourth, what do you think of the ship designs i have posted as of yet? (I'm currently working on more, including designs the other anon mentioned last thread)
Fifth, how are things going with the new place of living?
Apologies for not posting, between the long captcha times and the recent election I was kinda put off posting.

>Write in - Produce some personal vehicles and distribute them amongst the populace

The one time we took an action to see what the people wanted personal transportation was near the top of the list. It ought to be a fairly cheap project that can improve folks lives. Without distracting us to much from getting the House Orion fleet repaired

> God damn it the forever captcha is still here

Gonna be honest, not expected personal questions.

>First, what inspired you to begin writing it to begin with? And why /qst/?

I don't know. Just like reading and writing, so once I discovered /qst/ I gave it a shot, since I liked sci-fi and Imperial Remnant captain quest was running combined with me finding Dark Empire quest all directly inspired me to make Unbroken Empire and to further develop it. Fun fact, I fucked up the name, it was supposed to be "Broken Empire" as a joke about the in universe Unbroken Empire.

>Second, is our adventure here in the rim canonical to the adventures of Fergus? And was the placement in the same general direction as Fergus's adventure intentional?

It is all taking place in the setting and is cannon. Despite the general direction matching to where Fergus will be originally stationed, there is a massive distance between the two locations. Though based on how well your nation does, it might come up in the mainline setting. As for intention, again, potentially, we'll see how well your nation does.

>Third, how do you simulate the surrounding empires? Is it rolling-based or do you have some form of system separate from dice?

Traits and dice. Based on a few choice chs in each nation I determine potential actions and then make rolls. I also keep track of their resources, populations, and military. From the mistakes I learnt from Renovatio Imperii, I have vastly simplified other nations and keeping a track of only the broad strokes.

>Fourth, what do you think of the ship designs i have posted as of yet? (I'm currently working on more, including designs the other anon mentioned last thread)

They are pretty nice. Some of them have flaws given your current tech level and sophistication, but I will wait till you guys get to production stage to point those out in character. As well, the ship building quest also seemed pretty fun. Do not like the sequel, in was clear that the head of security had done it.

>Fifth, how are things going with the new place of living?

Fine, small town, quiet. No ethernet cable in the room I am renting and the connection is poor which sucks, but I am doing alright.
>There's not much you can do with your resources tied down as they are. Best just sit and wait till the repairs are complete. (Time skip until you once again produce common materials.)
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Very interesting. Im gonna ask some more questions tomorrow, but for now i just wanna lament the fact that no one has voted any of the same actions as of yet lmao.
Rescinding my vote in favor of

Cultural enrichment project
Alright, changing my vote as well to support >>6135638
Since we'll have a time skip anyways.
This is supported
Good to see some more votes and a plan of action being picked.

Okay, so I had a few more questions relating to the quest.

First, do you have any plans on making this universe into a larger setting or letting people support you to work on it? Being very personally invested in your works (especially Unbroken Empire) I personally would like it if I could contribute in some way more than just ship designs and such.

Second, how do the other empires living close by get their hands on neutrons when as mentioned before it requires very heavy and specialized industry which the empire holds as a closely guarded secret. Do they have their own places to capture it or do they simply trade under the table with the empire for their fuel and money?

Third, has science stagnated due to the massive costs of new research? You've mentioned that there isn't yet a fully unified theory within the setting for the physics within it and how they work. And yet new scientific advances come more so as slow increments where over hundreds of years systems will improve over time. Is it because the types of experiments necessary to find out more about how a universal model might work has ballooned in cost to sizes like solar system scale particle accelerators or black hole deep physics labs working in the Ergosphere of stellar-sized black holes?

Fourth, what does the internet or general local networks within imperial space look like? Do people still meet up physically to communicate with one another or has mind-machine melding already come to a point where everyone can from anywhere experience a cyberpunk-like digital landscape to talk "in person" almost instantly?

And good to hear you are doing otherwise well. Hope you've had a great weekend as of yet :D
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You spent over a year sleeping pretty damn awfully. The potential threat hanging over your head had made you understandably paranoid, so it did with your population that had stayed alert and prepared to fight at a moment’s notice.

This had gotten especially worse after the light cruiser and one frigate was repaired. The small force departed alongside one support ship and returned back to House Orion territory, or at least you think so. A few months after their departure, a larger support fleet alongside an extra light cruiser and quartet of frigates had arrived to further secure the vulnerable fleet.

Much to your relief, your efforts of improving relations with the margrave had proven worthwhile, as after all of that time, House Orion, having finished their repairs, departed peacefully. Though besides that one time, you had not seen the Margrave even once. What few interactions you had were with his aides and representatives concerning mundane, but too important matters that could be left to lower ranking personnel.

During that time, your sensors had picked up in-system appearances at least four times, though undoubtedly, the Margrave had gotten a much better view, but what he saw he didn’t share, nor did he try to intercept. Still, his presence alone probably caused the unknown parties to try their best to ensure that the system’s star was between you and them. In any case, this means that you are no longer hidden to your surroundings.

Once the repairs were finished with, Orion soldiers departed amicably. This had freed up your common materials to be used up again. Naturally, you had ordered a mass construction project the moment you had the freedom to do so.

During the time of construction, you managed to sneak in a few projects here and there, a monument for the fallen, individual statues representing those whom died in their line of duty in trying to ensure that your colony continues to prosper. The families of the deceased had been especially appeased by the monument and such cultural monuments had inspired a greater sense of cultural identity and unity within the populace.

Once that was finished, for a small price, vastly smaller than you had estimated, you build a spa and sauna. The issue is now getting people qualified to run the spa, but nothing beats a sauna followed by a dip in the lake. Though the issue is putting on a breathing mask before going out which does make for some inconvenience.

And you had begun making a longhouse, something that would be central forum, a place for exchange of goods and ideas. Though you had only built the skeleton structure by the time the repairs of House Orion’s fleet was finished. Once you are done with that, two more projects jump to the forefront of your mind.

Firstly, you need a house, a proper one. If you are ever going to entertain guests of import, you cannot show yourself like a hick. You managed to dodge a bullet with the Margrave and his, frankly condescending attitude. Anyone else could view your means of living as a clear sign of weakness and probably bomb you back to the stone age. You’ve got to learn to think as a noble.
“And for the interior carpeting, as we lack anything organic, we unfortunately have to go with manufactured materials, but there is still a vast collection to choose from.” The woman before you says.

“Oh, dear. These look nice. Oh, do you like this one dear ?” Your wife says with a smile turning to regard you.

“Aha.” You state, your mind already at the point of shutdown.

“Then what about this one ?”

“This one also looks nice, dear.” You respond with the chosen five replies that have been carrying you for the past…six…SIX HOURS.

Interior designs, window frames, beds, tabletops, fridges. Hell, even your defensive perimeter walls apparently need to be painted with various designs.

At this point and time, you will take anything. An assassination attempt, and invasion, an artillery shell hitting your building…anything.

It only takes another two hours, five minutes, and thirteen seconds for your saviour to arrive…you had been looking at the clock for a while now when Garrick enters your room, guided in by Gotch.

“Please excuse me.” She says. “Garrick has arrived as requested.”

“Garrick.” You nod to him. “Sorry dear, matters of state and all.” Having found an excuse, you make sure to disappear from your room as swiftly as possible.
“Did I interrupt something, sir ?” Garrick, barely hiding (or rather not hiding it at all) his schadenfreude, asks.

“Just…give me some time.” You take out a cigarette and take a few drags of it. “Okay. You are here about the AOs ?”

“No sir, I wanted to invite you to a fishing trip. Got the equipment right here.” He states taking out his flask and then taking a swig of it.

“What’s the plan ?”

“Okay, take a look at this.” Garrick pulls out a tablet showcasing a map of the colony. “What do you know about AOs sir ?”

“Footslogger. I am not a droptrooper, nor a navy guy. My extent of knowledge begins and ends with me being put down on terra firma and then blowing up anything my CO tells me to.”

“Envious of that. Never having to build something to be destroyed.” His tone turning surprisingly even and low, Garrick takes another swig.

“Everyone has their own demons weighing them down.” You say patting his shoulder and then offering him a cig, which he does take.

“Right. Take a seat. I am going to give you quick crash course about AOs.”

“Yes, professor.” You try to lift the mood with a little joke before sitting down on a chair.

“With AOs in play, the enemy is going to be hesitant about deploying their ships, especially the more expensive ones, alongside any large-scale transports. That is because they fear that those fancy ships will be blown to bits. AOs are expensive, but nowhere near as expensive as spaceships.

AOs can be divided into two, small cannons, also known as first deployment or cluster AOs. These are usually on the plains or other strategic locations that can be easily accessed. What we want for those is a big hole in the ground, dozens of metres, more preferably. These act as the obvious threat, meant to exchange fire with smaller ships. That is because these cannons are smaller, this also allows them track faster ships and shoot them down. Naturally, you want to keep these hidden if you possibly can and deployed only when needed. Since cannons cannot move, their only defence is the dozens of metres dirt is the only thing that is there to protect the cannons from return fire.

Then, you have the trump card – the large cannons, usually singular in construction, also termed as second deployment or singular AOs. These tend to be dug into mountains or really, really deep underground. These are to be hidden until the very last moment. These cannons are expensive and due to their sheer size cannot really track smaller craft effectively, but can wreak havoc against big capital ships.

Any attacking captain will have to calculate when they want to move in their largest transports and capital ships, as smaller vessels might lack the firepower necessary to conduct effective bombardment or to deploy troops in numbers large enough to break the defenders.

Both are needed. Small cannons take out smaller ships and deter outright drops atop of us, but they lack the stopping power needed to destroy or even damage large capitals, and they also lack the needed toughness against concentrated bombardment. While large cannons can take a beating and give one back against large capital ships.”

“So right now you are just laying down foundations ?”

“Yes. Any AOs need an immense number of resources, the digging and constructing, and reinforcement of housing facilities. All of that is damned expensive and time consuming. Each and every step has to be done to perfection as these facilities are expected to take direct M.A.G. rounds. Any single point of weakness could cause a complete collapse of the facility as a whole, rendering months of work and God knows how many millions if not billions of piconeutrons it had costed to build the damnable thing in the first place.”

“How long do you think that will take ?”

“Half a year, maybe a year. We have good terrain here for defences here, but we haven’t expanded enough to justify more facilities further down the valley. So there is still plenty of room for further expansion.”

“And what about the most important part of the AOs ? You know, the cannons themselves.”

“Ah, the million neutron question. Don’t know, good luck. That one’s on you, sir.”

“Thank you for your confidence.”

“Well, there’s a choice between being confident in you, or just sitting and waiting to be bombed and erased out existence when a shell flying faster God knows how many times the speed of sound hits me. At least option two will be quick. It’s the shockwave that kills you, not the direct shot itself, erm, usually.”

“Seen a few bombardments in my time.” You nod. “One once cracked the crust and flooded a bunker complex with lava. Was not close enough to witness what happened exactly, but at least I no longer had to lead my company to storm the complex.”

Garrick grunts. “Seen up close something like that more than once. Months of work gone in seconds. Lots of dead cause command wanted to cut corners. Set schedules had to be kept, danger be damned.”

“Take the time you need. I’d rather not lose good men and women to something that can be easily avoided if we just take a little bit of extra care.”

“Will make sure to do so. Anyways, I have my own work to do. I am sure that you are just as busy with deep and important matters of state.” Laughing, Garrick walks off.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 16 month 10 day 28 since arrival
Title: Culture and defence

Years of hard work had paid off. Orion is gone and a bunch of construction work was also undertaken.

Specifically, the longhouse turned out to be a good decision. The ad hoc warehouse clearing was the most annoying part of any sort of celebration being prepared. With that no longer being an issue, all sorts of shows and competitions had begun to be organized almost daily. Handmade goods are also constantly exchanged and barter trade has become the most widely accepted norm of exchange.

Of course, the best part is my own house. A thing that everyone dreams of having, and a thing I dreamed of being done with. Hopefully Celyn will not think about redecorating any time soon. The house is surrounded by a perimeter wall guarded day and night by the most loyal of soldiers. One of the biggest upsides are the servants Celyn is employing. No need to bother about cooking or cleaning is the biggest upside about the whole thing.

Though, out of everything that has happened, the dreaded teenage years for the boys did not turn out to be as horrifying as some parents had told me.

While John’s arrogance seems to have only grown, now even ordering about adults, he had developed quite the ambitious streak. He has to be the best in everything, and he puts in the effort and strives to do so for everything no matter what. Striving for perfection has further developed his skills in nearly every single aspect.

Meanwhile, Magnus seems to have taken on my own empathetic nature. Though he seems to use his own ability to easily and naturally read people to truly bite someone back whom he has a grudge against. Though with the ability to distinguish between those whom genuinely want to be his friends and those merely trying to get something out of him, his vengeance streak has taken a break.

In either case, I must admit, I am proud of my boys. Though, I think it might cause issues later on. John’s arrogance is difficult for some to stomach, despite his virtues, and with no clear laws so succession, some seem to prefer Magnus as would be ruler.

As always, once one issue is solved, another starts to bring my up a headache.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)

>First, do you have any plans on making this universe into a larger setting or letting people support you to work on it? Being very personally invested in your works (especially Unbroken Empire) I personally would like it if I could contribute in some way more than just ship designs and such.

Yea, after this is done I will move back to ground edition, once that is done return to the game proper. I also have an idea of a character oriented quest as a bounty hunter, exploring move civilian and underworld aspect of the setting. As for supporting the work, I don't really see any way to do it. Art already makes feel uncomfortable and really appreciative of the person whom made it. Not good at taking compliments. If someone does want to make their own quest based on the setting, I am fine with it as long as I am consulted about the setting to keep things straight and that there wouldn't be any inconsistencies.

>Second, how do the other empires living close by get their hands on neutrons when as mentioned before it requires very heavy and specialized industry which the empire holds as a closely guarded secret. Do they have their own places to capture it or do they simply trade under the table with the empire for their fuel and money?

Various ways. Black Market or grey market trade, Empire support, their own developed tech if the nation is large and advanced enough, or the usage of less advanced and efficient methods, but those methods are better than nothing. Neutronium is extracted from the heart of a star, but you can find trace amount from the star itself or use fusion to recreate the environment artificially, inefficient, but as I said before, better than nothing.

>Third, has science stagnated due to the massive costs of new research? You've mentioned that there isn't yet a fully unified theory within the setting for the physics within it and how they work. And yet new scientific advances come more so as slow increments where over hundreds of years systems will improve over time. Is it because the types of experiments necessary to find out more about how a universal model might work has ballooned in cost to sizes like solar system scale particle accelerators or black hole deep physics labs working in the Ergosphere of stellar-sized black holes?

Expense and difficulty. Tech is reaching its limits until one breakthrough would arrive that would then allow for another explosion of tech. To advance current tech you need a massive number of very intelligent people, facilities, and basically unlimited funding. And even then, you would at most get minor improvements, that to be fair all add together to make something better than what was before. The projects that would push humanity forwards are very expensive and simply not invested in. For example, there is an unfinished Dyson sphere in setting that is only fifty years away from being finished for the last couple of hundred of years. The thing was started during the golden era of Federation, then the Fed civil war began and the sphere was sabotaged and stripped of materials to make more warships. When the Unbroken Empire came into being, it had no funds so spare, and by the time of later timeline when it had enough cash and resources, it got incompetent Emperors and Empresses that had seen the project languish if not being stripped down for parts again.

>Fourth, what does the internet or general local networks within imperial space look like? Do people still meet up physically to communicate with one another or has mind-machine melding already come to a point where everyone can from anywhere experience a cyberpunk-like digital landscape to talk "in person" almost instantly?

The solarnet is what keeps the systems connected. A special comms ship arrives into system and downloads a systems whole thing and uploads the solarnet of other systems thus exchanging information. Naturally, this system is expensive and requires constant maintenance.

As for meeting up or melding, depends on worlds and their tech level, though full on VR experiences are banned within the empire. One world had its entire population in a VR environment and due to it, it had become a hub of banking with the Federation. The VR was so realistic in sensation and feeling, that once a terrorist attack happened, it killed off the entire population overloading their nervous system killing them instantly, but painfully. It also caused an economic collapse which coincided with the Fed war sparking up. The full extent of the terrorist attack was never fully uncovered, though a lot of people related to it were executed via firing squad.

>And good to hear you are doing otherwise well. Hope you've had a great weekend as of yet :D

Yes, I had a good weekend. I was busy celebrating my birthday, thus the lack of updates.
Very happy birthday! Hope you got some great gifts :D
Thanks for the answers as well. The whole thing about the Dyson sphere makes me think that the northern empires partially having their own makes them into pretty massive dangers in terms of economic & power output.

Very Nice. Although now we are no longer hidden from the rest of the solar empires we’ll need some preparations.

Colony actions:

>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can begin bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Civilian mining)
Specifically how to construct more simple and advanced mining machines. This is the first since it likely will happen while the other tasks are done.

>Garrick wants to expand the trench network further, secondary defence lines, communication trenches, and underground tunnels. Everything to make Valhalla tougher to crack. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>Go out of your way to start digging underground redoubts, enough to house the current populace. Not true protection against orbital bombardment, but it should provide good enough safety for the people. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials)

>Produce 2 more squadrons of Aerospace superiority fighter "Sting"

We need to defend our colony better in cases of an invasion force. This isn’t enough But it will be a good first few steps.

And lastly for now
>You’ve got the basic drydock set up, it is small and barely able to even service the Argonaut, might as well expand it, though it will be expensive. (Cost: 12 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

If we are to become a major trade Lane between the Northern and Southern empires, then we should make ourselves into a Great pitstop where traders can Stock up and repair before continuing on their journey.

So essentially
Begin research, then begin digging trenches and dugouts while the aerospace Fighters are being made in the factory and the eggheads are busy in the labs. And then upgrade our spaceport to accommodate more and bigger vessels.

I have a suggestion for the choice of succession. But I will post it tomorrow when I’ve gotten some sleep. I hope yall Anons agree with my assessment.
This sounds like a good plan, supporting.

I think we should also start thinking about succession laws as well as a proper name for our nation and our title and other nobility titles.
Whatever type of succession we choose i think John should be our successor, as for the rest i assume we'll probably go with something viking inspired.

I don’t see any issue with fleets plan, though I’ll admit some hesitancy in doing too frequent time skips. In regards to succession I say we keep it simple with eldest son succeeding us. If not we could have a council of nobles elect which one of our children they’d like to see rule but that feels like surrendering too much power off the bat.

Supporting Fleets plan >>6139099 but adding

>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family, just enjoying their company. (Can only be taken as a personal action.)

And after that operation have fun with waifu is go.

>You need to set down clear laws of succession, you are not getting younger and your children appear to be growing rapidly into fine young men whom soon will be leaders of men in their own rights. Not to mention, whichever way of succession you choose, it will be the precedent for all other nobles of your nation.

Eldest son succeeding us as it brings stability instanced being voted by nobles. Now just have to find another planet to conquer so our second son can be planetary ruler too.
We could theoretically put our second son in charge of our mining outpost, it has a small semi permanent population. Put his household along with a couple of nobles out there and see what they can make of themselves on a lifeless rock
Its called Solitude for having so few souls on in it. It would be for better us to try take control another solar system, than giving our son a dead rock.
That just doesn’t feel like a short term realistic option for us, again we barely populate one city on a “mostly” barren dead rock. It’ll be generations before we can even effectively inhabit our homeworld. The reason I like the idea of landing someone on our mining world we could just enoble the chief miner that’s already present. Is it will encourage investment in developing the world hopefully leading towards higher yields of materiels
>a short term realistic option
No its not one but its ambitious future option
Nice to see Anons generally agree with my proposition when it comes to preparing for more guests. Both the friendly and hostile kind.

On the subject of succession, I have an idea for a system which would help curtail the worst of the noble system while still allowing for a concentration of power.

My idea is to create an organization beholden only to itself and imperial authority that arbitrates the worthiness of people to be given power. This organization would work both to learn from and educate nobles or people nominated by nobles on how to be moral and upstanding people. I will be calling this organization the "Imperial Academy" for now.
Students would have to finish their education within the Imperial Academy to become eligible to inherit ownership of land or be given titles from their houses. With the general vibe of ethics being instilled into every student:

"every man is an equal. Your task is simply to be the leader of the flock. You are no greater in potential than any other. And in such, it is your task to watch out for your men and their needs. as they will watch out for you and your needs."

The Imperial Academy would have students participate in different walks of life within society. So, for some months, they might work as miners, for others, they would work as farmers, desk workers, or military servicemen. Their teachers would be chosen from veterans within each field they would participate in.

After having experienced being in the lives of normal people, they would participate in trials testing their humility, empathy and ethics. Anyone who would be cruel and unable to understand the impact their actions have on those under them would be rejected from being able to inherit from their family their power and lands.

After having graduated, the leader of a given household would then choose their successor from people who have graduated from this school. Being genetically related is not a requirement in that regard. Any newly empowered noble being given a council of advisors from the imperial academy which would be made up of representatives of different citizen interest groups. Like how their teachers were under their education.

Nobles could also have their right to authority revoked if deemed that they have been abusing their authority to lavish themselves while letting their subjects languish. As all nobles are in effect representatives of the state and its power. and thus responsible for the people living under them.

If the school hears of the actions of a noble and deems them to be immoral and or unjust, then a conclave of judges (the judges being the teachers chosen by the school to represent people of certain interest groups on different planets) would be assembled and deliberate on whether the noble should have their rights to power revoked, and who should inherit it if an eligible relative is not able to take the responsibility. with us as emperor approving or saying no to actions the conclave choose depending on our judgement of the situation as we see fit.

Our sons would go through the same schooling system with us choosing whom we want to inherit our title as essentially emperor. The conclave being unable to depose any successor we choose unless an emergency contingency is enacted which strips all of the acting conclave members of power until new members are chosen. A genuine "oh fuck the empire is crumbling" contingency.

Wew. Sorry for the long explanation. I just really like this system idea for giving and revoking noble titles.
I mean it seems like a fine system Fleet but not realistic to implement in the short term. I don’t feel like we’ve got the resources or available pool of experts to set up a imperial academy at the moment
fair, although as mentioned by Newb in his post this will set a precedent for the future. So I would rather suggest a flawed and underdeveloped version of my Imperial Academy idea than have everyone begin forming their successions and identities around an idea we might want to abandon later on.

The very thing we have over the unbroken empire culturally is that we can easily oversee our entire political sphere.

As such, I still believe my using my idea now even if flawed in current execution is better than waiting until later to commit to it. When everyone else already has their own ideas and might not wanna listen to whichever emperor came after our boy David. "you are going against David's wants with this new system" being an easy criticism later nobles could leverage after all. Many of them not being happy with a system based on morality rather than status quo upkeep shaking up their existing power base.
Although I will admit it is a quite large task to do with our small population and limited skill pool…

How about we ask our councillors about their opinions on the idea? After all, they could tell us how feasible it might be before we make any choices.
Personal opinion is to keep it simple with eldest succession, or elective monarchy I feel like one problem we have pretty frequently is over reaching. I’d hate to frankly use resources on something like an imperial academy when we could instead be using it to better prepare ourselves for war or better yet to find some method to increase our population faster then we currently are
Hmm, both of ya make good points.

Then my vote will be counted towards elective monarchy, where we choose our heir for the time.

However, I will be looking out for a time when the Imperial Academy might be implemented. (Hearing the councils opinions is still something i wanna do, even if we aren't gonna implement it in the future any time soon)
Hey i read your post in the Theseus quest, will it interfere with this quest as well?

>Hey i read your post in the Theseus quest, will it interfere with this quest as well?

It should not, unless the IP ban randomly extends and I cannot post. The biggest issue would be the ability to make new threads which could prove to be a serious issue.

This comes from the fact that the place I am renting has no place for a cable, so I am using a prepaid in a router, and mobile data networks seem to always be IP range banned, but I had managed to post a new thread for some reason, so my current hope is that I will be able to do so as well when I need to. Worst case scenario, I just go somewhere where the IP address in not banned from making a new thread and make it there.

Also, >>6139099 wins. I am writing it now.
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The heavy-duty gears whir as the large elevator begins to lower deep under the earth. You regard the reinforced plating and shock absorbent lining all alongside the tunnel slopping 45 degrees. Garrick had insisted upon it, even though it had come at a massive amount of time being used upon the construction.

Finally, the elevator comes to a halt, the soldiers on guard salute you as you begin to tour the facilities. Housing bunkroom, not comfortable and zero privacy, but better than being bombed. The various messrooms also appear to embrace the ideal of crammed sardines, large metal tables bolted to the floor with inbuilt benches. Large storage rooms equally crammed to the brim with easily storable and imperishable foodstuffs.

“What’s the capacity ?” You ask touring the facility.

“Each facility can house fifteen hundred people for two years. We can cram inside about two thousand if it comes down to it, but that would come with the danger of potential disease outbreaks, it would also decrease the supplies to about a year and a half.” The project manager responds. With Garrick currently in orbit overseeing the drydock expansion, it had fallen to his subordinates to oversee the matter.

“And the evacuation schedule ?”

“Dependent on the time of day and the situation on the ground, be it a festival or something else. Best case scenario, the current populace would be moved to the facilities within 24 hours, with the majority being evacuated within 6 hours.”

You nod at that. “Say the enemy were to begin orbital bombardment beforehand ? What are the chances then ?”

The manager halts in his step, and simply regards you. “Whatever chances God thinks the poor sinners down there deserve. And sir, lots of us committed a lot of sins.”

“Then let us hope our naval assets will be able to hold out long enough that we will never have to learn the answer to that question.”
As your shuttle climbs ever higher and higher, through the outside camera, you see the distant trench network currently being worked upon by a skeleton crew, you have no idea just how deep underground tunnels leading from this network to the next are, but by the end of the process, you are more than certain that it’s going to be a massive labyrinth right under your feet. How you will garrison everything still remains a head splitting question, but one you do not need to ponder at the moment, so you take comfort in that.

And as you break out of atmo, two squadrons of stings, with their oversized engines, fall in formation around your shuttle and begin to escort you. Moving towards the still very much so under construction drydock. Large remote-controlled drones move dozens of metres long metal wires, plates and other materials. And behind those are dozens of much smaller figures, the average workmen in spacesuits appearing like ants working upon their colony.
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The large and massive hangar bay doors open up to allow you inside. One fourth of them specifically, allowing for smaller deliveries to only take up a small amount of space, while at the same time, if all four open up, it could allow for whole cargo ships to set down and deliver in bulk when needed.

As your shuttle settles down, you have no wait for about half an hour before the atmosphere is cycled in once more, allowing you to step outside without needing to put on a spacesuit.

“Welcome aboard to the hellhole of construction.” Garrick says throwing you a bright yellow safety helmet, about five centuries out of date for safety gear.

“Expecting a lot of head trauma ?”

“Head trauma is what gives the best ideas. Besides, there are no lawyers around which would jump at the chance of suing someone.”

“Rather the safety standards would remain high, can’t lose anymore people.” You respond putting on the helmet.

“Would you like to take a look, sir ?”

“Excited without pause. Tell me, what do we have.” You respond starting to follow Garrick.

“We have three berths for maintenance or construction for smaller vessels, around the frigate size, a berth able to make two destroyers at the same time. Besides that, we have specific maintenance facilities able to house dozens of vessels, or at least a couple big ones.”

“So a lot of maintenance, but not a lot of construction.”

“That’s how it usually goes.”

“Could we expand it ?”

“Easily enough. As always, time, resources, expertise, up to you if you want expand it or not.”

“What of the construction ?”

“Will be slow. We have little to no automation, we simply lack the tech needed for that. Maybe sometime later down the line, which is why I made sure that this would not be difficult. We are building the whole thing to be as easily upgradable as it can possibly be.”

“Will that be an issue later on ? Modularity tends to break easily.”

“Well, if you ever decide to reinforce the station for military purposes, it will be that difficult, to essentially impossible to overhaul the facility. Any other questions ?”

“Good work.” You simply state with a smile, looking at the Argonaut currently undergoing its usual maintenance cycle.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 19 month 9 day 28 since arrival
Title: Further expansion

Zack and his scientists had taken a crack at making mining equipment, and that had turned out to be far more complicated than I had originally thought it would. Now he wants to build dozens of prototypes and run hundreds of experiments to ensure nothing goes wrong. It will be a long and expensive process, but worth it at the end. Or so he says.

Everything appears to be on the up and up for the colony. Though, my back hurts nowadays and I find it harder to move about. The numerous war injuries are slowing me down, and so it does most of the population.

On the upside, John turned 16, even if I wanted to, he himself more or less never listens to me. It seems that my time looking over him has come to an end.

And while still young and full of spirit, undoubtedly it would do good for him to be given some sort of position of importance or direction.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)

Colony actions:
>You have the reactor…now you just need the infrastructure. Underground cables, overground power poles, transmitter stations, etc. Everything needed for basic power infrastructure and more. Emergency batteries, backup stations and as usual with Garrick, thorough fail safes to ensure that even if the world itself would break, the infrastructure will remain. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials.)
We finished the reactor before Margrave Mykel arrived but never built the infrastructure it seems, so let's quickly finish that first.

>Zack wants to build a recycling plant to turn algae into mush that can be eventually be turned into dirt. He says that we can use it to rejuvenate the current farmland, maybe expand it. Eventually, if we get it large enough, we could cover the ground in it and have grasslands and forests. Though that is pretty far fetched. (Cost: 5 standard units - common materials)
Improve the soil of the farmland and the distributed land.

>When it comes to mining equipment, despite the simple construction, one must take special care to ensure that it can tolerate numerous different atmospheres and situations. This leads to even the most basic of equipment needing to have numerous safety checks and built in failsafes for thousands of different scenarios. To be able to safely manufacture reliable Basic mining equipment a certain amount of resources will need to be expended. (Cost: 60 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials). Unlocks research for Advanced mining equipment, Basic gas giant mining equipment, Primitive neutronium extraction equipment.
Getting more mining equipment is a top priority.

Personal actions:
>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family, just enjoying their company. (Can only be taken as a personal action.)
Spend some time with our family now that our personal action has been freed up.

>You need to set down clear laws of succession, you are not getting younger and your children appear to be growing rapidly into fine young men whom soon will be leaders of men in their own rights. Not to mention, whichever way of succession you choose, it will be the precedent for all other nobles of your nation.
I'll vote for a hereditary monarchy with elective succession where we get to choose our heir and i'll vote for John to be our heir.

>John needs something to do, despite how things look in a small colony such as this, there are plenty of professions he could undertake. I should send him to... the militia, some proper military time should do him well. Though maybe I should interfere and make him and officer from the get go, after all, he is my boy. (Starting as a private)
By starting as a private he'll gain an understanding of what life is like for the common soldiers. His arrogance might cause some trouble but with his ambitious nature and other positive traits he should quickly rise up the ranks and become an officer.
It is great to see things moving along nicely. Although it is indeed concerning with David's failing health. Maybe we could get in contact with Uriah about life extension?

Colony action:
>Research - basic mining equipment(Cost: Basic mining equipment)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings - police station - (3 common materials & 1 rare materials).

>Zack wants to build a recycling plant to turn algae into mush that can eventually be turned into dirt. (5 common materials)

>You have the reactor…now you just need the infrastructure.(8 common materials.)

Personal actions:
>The militia, some proper military time should do him well. (Starting as a private)

>The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. (Ashwin, as he needs to do some work as well)
>Ask Uriah if he might have any knowledge of life extension technology.

>You need to set down clear laws of succession (elective monarchy. But say you have plans for a future system. One more robust and accountable)

Okay, so my reasoning is as follows.
Reactor grid and police are just things that need improvement for later expansions.
I think it is better to sacrifice our current mining equipment to get the mining research. Since even if we stop our production of rare resources, I would bet is a lot less than the research cost. Thus if we sacrifice our currently existing basic mining equipment we might be able to construct several more afterwards using the resources we otherwise would have lost in the research process.

Because if so, then we could not just replace the old mining equipment we lost. But potentially grow the small mining colony we have out on the fringe of the system, and also make a much more stable mining colony on the innermost planet.

and on the succession, i think there are ways we could improve on the system afterwards (as i mentioned my imperial academy idea) but other anons might have ideas as well.
personally i think Magnus has better personality traits for a leader, while John has better personality traits for a general. so my vote in succession for now is Magnus as our prime inheritor.

Settlement action:

>Zack wants to build a recycling plant to turn algae into mush that can be eventually be turned into dirt. He says that we can use it to rejuvenate the current farmland, maybe expand it. Eventually, if we get it large enough, we could cover the ground in it and have grasslands and forests. Though that is pretty far fetched. (Cost: 5 standard units - common materials)

More food

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Governmental office) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

I think we should have done these a loooooong time ago.

Do we have a extra Basic mining equipment for the Research NewbQM?

Personal action:

>You need to set down clear laws of succession, you are not getting younger and your children appear to be growing rapidly into fine young men whom soon will be leaders of men in their own rights. Not to mention, whichever way of succession you choose, it will be the precedent for all other nobles of your nation.

a Hereditary monarchy with oldest child being heir

>John needs something to do, despite how things look in a small colony such as this, there are plenty of professions he could undertake. I should send him to... the militia, some proper military time should do him well. Though maybe I should interfere and make him and officer from the get go, after all, he is my boy. (Starting as a private)

All soldiers should start as a private.

Oh and this if is over the limit

>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family, just enjoying their company. (Can only be taken as a personal action.)

The council can hammer out succession details while you spend time with your wife.
Power infrastructure 2
recycling plant 3
Research, resources 1
Research, equipment 1
Police 2
Governmental 1

Family time 2
Succession 3
Madman (Ashwin) 1
Life extension 1

Military private 3

Alright, so far looks like only the recycling plant would be built alongside sorting out succession and spending family time as well as sending John away on a military journey.

>Maybe we could get in contact with Uriah about life extension?

Just going to point out that David is now 56 years old as a commoner. Active military life-style and good healthcare in his early life had allowed him to be active, but even then, everything's starting to catch up with him. Similar issues are concerning most of the original populace. Though the kids are coming of age and the oldest ones are already in the workforce.
I will change my vote from >>6142457 to >>6142464
Research equipment 2
police 3
Governmental 1
recycling plant 3
power infrastructure 2

military private 3

Madman Ashwin 2
life extension 2
succession 3
Family 1

Okay, police and recycling, nothing else though. Also, using the equipment will halt your rare income, as you only have that one piece of equipment to burn.

Other than that, Private and succession is a clearly winning choice for personal actions. Sending diplomat and asking about life extension is died.

So, for now, since this will be extensive, I will write up about deciding succession and the first days of John in the military.
For the first time, you feel like an actual king. The wide meeting room is dominated by a large central table nearly twelve metres in length and two wide. Made out of solid hardwood specifically grown to be used to outfit your new house, it still glistens from the finish and is still entirely unused until today.

The chairs are equally as dark, yet glistening from the finish, the leather dyed dark purple makes for comfortable seating for long meetings. You feel like you are falling into it, of course not just the materials are important, but also the fact that the inner workings of the furniture is also extensive.

The table has inbuild holographic projector and it rotates and moves reacting to movement allowing for anyone they want to grab anything from any place upon the table, for example, you see Garrick grabbing a decanter and pouring himself a glass of brandy, once he places it down, with just a thought, thanks to his neural interface, Soren makes a part of the table move where he himself can grab the aforementioned decanter.

Returning back to the chairs, the inbuilt heating and cooling system regulates the temperature in order to ensure the maximum comfort, the material also changes to match the users back making sure that the seat remains as pleasant as possible.

Looking around the pleasantly illuminated room, you regard the massive window upon your right, which showcases the serene lake outside. The sight would be far more pleasant were it not for the torrential rainstorm raging outside that makes for truly foul weather. Even sitting behind the reinforced walls as you are, you can hear the power of the wind outside. From the corner of your eye, you watch one of the perimeter guards struggling to fight against the wind, his spacesuit working against him.

The noise of moving chairs draws your attention as your various councillors begin taking their seats. The darker walls, the bottom painted gold and the upper part painted black makes any movement stand out, so does your family crest. Two large shields, one behind you, at the head of the table, and another one before you, at the other end, is essentially the only real decoration that stands out.

“I am sure you are all curious why I had called you here.” You begin, taking a sip of light beer before you. The need to stay sober and also to get drunk had resulted in this particular choice. “As you may all have noticed judging by the sheer number of wrinkles I, and to be fair quite a few of you possess these days, matters of succession have been at the forefront of my mind. Any ideas ?”

“Well.” Gotch begins, swirling wine in her glass. “Seeing as how we are a monarchy, no matter how vague that that definition is around here, a few matters of import come to mind. I guess first of all, the sex of the successor.”

“Ah, the whole-time important question. What’s between the legs.” Lacking tact as usual, Soren says.

With a sigh, Gotch continues to proclaim ignoring Serret. “A few ideals come to mind…

>there’s Agnatic succession, where only males inherit. While I must admit I have some bias against this for obvious reasons, I had witnessed this being a good way to prevent internal conflict. Since the women do not gain a claim, once married out of the family the would-be allies do not become a threat in cases of dispute.

>After that is of course Enatic succession. Similar to agnatic only in reserve, woman are the only people that can inherit. A problem for the current generation as no one will be able to inherit. This would of course prevent similar issues that agnatic does just in reverse.

>Agnatic-Cognatic succession allows everyone to inherit, with men being preferred. This ensures that there are many eligible heirs with women gaining rights and claims to inheritance, though weaker than those of a man. The big issue would come from the fact that others marrying into or out of the family could claim the throne leading to war.

>Enatic-Cognatic succession is like the one I talked about before, it just has a preference for women over men, so most things are in reverse.

>Absolute Cognatic succession puts all children as equal, be it men or women. While everyone would have a strong claim and equality under the law, that means that any child could potentially dispute the succession by their lonesome or by propped up by some other power. Though this would open the widest pool of possible successors.”

Having finished outlining that, gotch finishes off her glass of wine, having grown thirsty after the explanation.

“Vergilius, what laws of succession are out there ?” Now that the initial matter has been laid down, you do not give your councillors time to reflect, instantly moving on.

“Ah, there are numerous.” He begins, clearing his throat and pulling out a tablet. “Please excuse me if this takes a while.”

>”The most common choice would be Primogeniture. The oldest child inherits, if they perish, then it would be their eldest child to inherit and so on and so forth. This is a stable means of succession with clearly outlined means of passing on power. This means that internal and external factions will concentrate upon the eldest child, allowing for them to build their powerbase essentially from birth. Though, I must caution you that this, based on records, has made other children resentful of the eldest and willing to fight and kill to become the heir.

>Moving on from that would be Ultimogeniture, the youngest child inherits. The same issues as before, though with the added risk of the youngest child being too young to rule properly and will most likely cause even more envy in their siblings.

>There is the means of Seniority. The oldest member of the dynasty inherits. This guarantees experience, readiness, stability…and usually quick deaths of the monarchs causing numerous potential issues.

>Now, the most, chaotic means of succession would be Gavelkind. Each child of the ruler inherits a part of the realm. Not too bad for big realms that cannot hope to control their empire in a centralized manner and it could potentially strengthen the dynasty as a whole. Or lead to numerous wars between the siblings.

>There is the ideal of an Elective monarchy. It would allow all nobles of the realm to pick the best between themselves for the position of rulership. This, while ensuring stability between the ruler and nobility as well as the people, will inevitably lead to decentralization and a powerful noble class, though most likely a stable realm over all.

>Tanistry succession is similar to Elective, except only those of the ruler’s dynasty can choose a successor from said dynasty. Power is kept within the family and the best is chosen, though this could lead to internal familial bickering and potential infighting as everyone would be fighting for the votes.

>Finally, there is Nomination succession. The ruler chooses an heir from his children based either upon merit or nothing more than a whim. This usually ensures that the chosen successor is competent in one way or form. This does mean that the children vie fiercely for their parent’s attention and grace, all the while everyone else is unsure whom they should support for succession potentially leading to most children having powerbases with which to fight against each other.

Now that catches your councillors off-guard. The sheer number of options forcing them to think and ponder. At the end of the day however, it is your choice that will determine how everything is set in stone.

>You may ask any councillor their opinion if you want to before or after voting.
>>You may ask any councillor their opinion if you want to before or after voting.
Let hear their options opinion before choosing
>You may ask any councillor their opinion if you want to before or after voting.
“I want to hear everyone’s opinion on these questions. Speak freely, everyone. Laurenz ?” You direct the question to the chief of police.

The aging, still strong-jawed man looks even more like a police chief than when he started the job. “I have no preference. Other than the succession should be set in stone, uncertainty causes panic, which causes more uncertainty, which causes violence and disorder. So if my opinion’s to be known, I am against nominations or elections.”

You nod at that. “Zack ?”

“Ah ?” He looks up from his tablet, from a quick glance you already see what looks to be like some vague spaceship plans, the new drydock’s got him quite excited.

“Your opinion on the succession ?”

“Oh. I’d like to see someone competent, especially fond of granting research funding.” Elective then. You note in your mind.

“Thank you, Zack.” You again have to call out by name to ensure he remains concentrated. “Neila ?”

“I think that all children should have equal rights under the law. Other than that, no preference.” She succinctly states her opinion, as befitting an experienced secretary.

“Thank you. Garrick ?”

“No offense Gotch, but personally, I had seen women, girls really, on the battlefield, and they fucking break. Women are not built for war, and as a leader, I would prefer to have someone not afraid to fight, not afraid to face the horrors I had seen. A man someone could call brother or leader. Esprit de corps, basically. When it comes to succession, incompetence gets people killed. This might be tough to take David, but the best child should win, even if it means the deaths of the losers.” Coldly Garrick finishes his speech, before downing a full glass of brandy. You have no idea how long his liver will last at this rate.

“I understand, though that is not something I really want to think about as a father. Back to the point, Soren ?”

The man just shrugs, wholly indifferent to the whole situation.

“Insightful.” Gotch does not miss the opportunity to take a bite.

In return, Soren simply allows the ice in his drink to clink against the glass with a I really don’t care right now expression.

You sigh and ignore the bickering. “Vergilius ?”

“Well.” The young court guard, that had gained a few kilos during his years behind the table, states twirling his long moustache and moving onto his finely kept beard. “Since most of our laws are precedents set from the Unbroken Empire, I must insist upon continuity as means of legitimacy. Based upon imperial succession, I recommend Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture.” He finishes before snacking on beef strips before him.

“Elian ?” You ask the education minister.

“It might be hypocritical of me seeing as how I have a noble title, but honestly I’d prefer having actual elections, so I doubt my opinion is of much influence in this regard.” He says with a chuckle, which is returned by everyone in the room. The implication that a generation or two later this could be considered highly treasonous and be grounds for execution is not lost on anyone.

“And as always, Ashwin, the deciding opinion.”

“Well, this comes from the perspective of a diplomat, we should have enatic succession. Women are more naturally sociable which should make diplomacy easier, especially considering that in this day and age women can lead people into war, so the historical precedent of females being more aggressive would also be solved, since they cannot stay at home and concentrate on internal affairs instead of being forced to choose between external affairs. Finally, I have to go with stability, clear lines of succession allow everyone to know where everyone stands.” The old diplomat remarks, his voice still calm, but having grown weaker over time.

You simply nod in acknowledgement to Ashwin’s statement. There is still of course Stellan, but a ship captain is not a part of the council, so asking him would certainly be an insult everyone gathered here. Meanwhile, your wife is an unofficial member, better kept hidden. Though you know well enough that she dearly loves her children and will never choose anything that would weaken the family’s position or make them upset.

>Agnatic-Cognatic succession allows everyone to inherit, with men being preferred. This ensures that there are many eligible heirs with women gaining rights and claims to inheritance, though weaker than those of a man. The big issue would come from the fact that others marrying into or out of the family could claim the throne leading to war.

This one or absolute.

>”The most common choice would be Primogeniture. The oldest child inherits, if they perish, then it would be their eldest child to inherit and so on and so forth. This is a stable means of succession with clearly outlined means of passing on power. This means that internal and external factions will concentrate upon the eldest child, allowing for them to build their powerbase essentially from birth. Though, I must caution you that this, based on records, has made other children resentful of the eldest and willing to fight and kill to become the heir.

I think it would most stable to have Primogeniture as our succession.

Supporting >>6143403
>Absolute Cognatic succession
>Nomination succession.

"I have seen weak men, strong men, weak women and strong women. I don't know who my children will grow up to become. I want them to prove themselves able to rule instead of feeling like they inherit their position for the privilege of just being born into the family they were. Otherwise, they will never improve. Such complicity breeds a sickly perversion of power being a natural part of their life. Rather than others giving to them with their blood sweat and labour. It might not be the most stable or even fair at times. But it will be one where we can give ourselves time to right the wrongs of the empire and its sometimes disgraceful views on what a noble should and should not be"

Sorry for being so late. Exams are coming up and I've been avoiding it up until yesterday.
Oops. Used my new-ish outside this quest alias for the post accidentally.

Fuck it, let's do something a little different.

Changing my vote >>6143661 to support >>6143785 instead.
Excellent, you are empowering the nobles. This has never gone wrong nor being a bane multiple different kings/nation.
My bad, i misread. You choose the Ottoman route.

Ottomans? Ew, nevermind.
Changing my vote >>6143817 back to >>6143661
>Nomination succession.

personally, I don't know much about Ottoman history. So I didn't really have anything historically existing in mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my reasoning lies mostly in that absolute cognatic and nomination lie the closest to my idea of the imperial academy. meaning it would be alot less frustrating to change later on seem like more of a natural progression of the already existing system rather than a total upheaval if people were to vote my idea later on.

I would like to make a nobility that is held accountable. And I think any noble having laws entitling them to power because of their blood alone is a fast-track way to make that not happen.
Your not helding anyone accountable with this.
Only making sure that there will be competing powerbases that will try to be on top that can lead even to civilwars.
Yeah, the Ottomans comment was a joke, i don't really know much about them either.

I do agree that we should strive to be meritocratic but with a nomination succession there's a higher risk for things to get ugly during succession.

Maybe i'm overestimating the risk since either way the other children have the potential to gain quite strong powerbases if they become planetary governors or fleet admirals for example, but with primogeniture it's probably more difficult to justify a coup.
true. At the moment it wouldn't. Though these by themselves aren't exactly what my goal in mind is either.

I think the chance of nobles creating internal conflicts is there. Although I think primogeniture doesn't fix the problem. As justification-wise the oldest child isn't always the one who's the most fit to rule or the most just.

If the system doesn't select the best child in Primogeniture, then even if it is more stable overall, the very foundation of the system can more easily be questioned rather than the rulers, which leads to rebellions being formed much more easily against the top of society rather than those directly above oneself.

After all, if in an elective succession, one in 50 people who get chosen to inherit are dipshits, then people are more likely to think about how the ruler who chose said inheritor was stupid. Meanwhile in a Primogeniture where the law of the land itself chooses the dipshits to rule, then people question the system.

Of course, it is more nuanced than this. But it is one of the major critiques I have in mind. Although your fears are pretty reasonable I would still agree.

Also art unrelated. Just wanted to share it since it reminded me of our newly expanded dock :D
>Absolute Cognatic

The old ruler gets the say in the new ruler. If the old ruler dies before nomination, then Primogeniture.

Alright, if we're gonna gonna go with nomination anyway then we might as well go with absolute cognatic too.

Changing my vote >>6144031 to
>Absolute Cognatic succession
>Nomination succession.
File: Herald class frigate.png (84 KB, 2101x1079)
84 KB
I've been working on some ship designing, and I'm ready to present to you all:

The announcer of death, the Herald-Class Frigate

The Herald class frigate is a primitive Stealth vessel using optical illusions and heat sinks to remain unseen on the battlefield for effective use of stealth & ambush tactics.

The Herald accomplishes this by using a system in the front of the ship made up of large magnetic coils which suspend a plasma in a mirrored chamber and radiators which funnel heat from a super-cooled liquid circulated in the outer hull of the ship into the chamber containing the plasma. And an optical system in the outer layer of armour using a hull-encompassing screen to blend in with space.

The two heat capacitors within the Herald can contain the heat generated from the ship for up to a week at the lowest power generation capacity and an hour at the highest power generation capacity. Any ship going beyond these recommended time scales is prone to rapid unscheduled ship disassembly due to tens of millions of degrees hot plasma breaking containment. The Herald can use the plasma within these capacitors by rapidly expelling it out through a frontal set of thrusters for a massive forward thrust which expels unwanted capacitor heat and resets the camouflage coolant systems for up to half an hour.

The second camouflage technique used by the Herald class is the outermost layer of the ship being a mixture of both sensors and emitters capable of switching rapidly between light absorbing Dyes and multi-spectrum radiation emitters simulate the space behind it both visually and radiation-wise. Making the ship nearly indistinguishable from the space around it.

The Herald makes use of these systems together with its larger-than-most-of-its-category M.A.G cannon to accomplish Ambushes, unlike any other ship. It also makes use of a series of 4 laser turrets to protect itself against both asteroid impacts of even the smallest kind due to its sensitive outer hull, and to protect itself against missiles which can easily cripple the Herald if caught at an inopportune moment. as it traded most of its armour for its camo systems and its level of speed which is nearly unrivalled.
Wew, sorry for the long explanation. But I feel pretty proud of the concept and art I made for the ship :)

It's pretty simple design-wise with the tech we already have. Since it works similarly to a fusion generator with its front heat capacitors. And like an advanced TV screen on the outside.

The costs of it materially should be higher in terms of rare materials for stuff like its thermal systems. But I think I made a ship which can work well if ever to be used.

The next design I'm planning on working on is a carrier with onsite fabrication and refining processes built into it. Since we've got some pretty good fighter designs it would be a good idea to have a ship able to make use of them :D
Oh also, I should probably mention that the design's exteriors are never fully set in stone. The gold and dark colours in the pictures are chosen because they fit house Hardrada specifically. Anyone can paint it however they want to on the outside. Only the weapons and general silhouette would stay the same.

I just like presenting them in a pretty way at first introduction :)

Oh, and size wise the Herald is meant to be around 200 meters in length. Lest I forget.
Ship built around big gun, i approve.
(POV shift: You are John Hardrada, the one and only rightful heir and future ruler of Thunor.)

You roll your eyes at the frankly pathetic drill sergeant’s attempt at trying to appear intimidating. The usual marching back and forth, practised lines and a raised tone. You had spent a little bit of time looking through various instruction manuals, interviews, and also asking your bodyguards about this whole being a rank-and-file soldier.

A pointless exercise. Still, you suppose your dad had put up such a foolish ideal for the masses to fawn over. Nothing like the inferiors believing that they are close to their betters through such experiences. You do wonder how long this charade will last.

“Private Hardrada ! Do you think this is one of your little family outings again ?! Here, you are a private like anyone else, and you will be treated as such !”

You look up to the man shouting down on you. Much to your great annoyance, you are perhaps ten or so centimetres shorter than him. It is fine however, you are in the middle of your growth spurt, about two, maybe three years’ worth of it. You shall match the bastard’s height, and most likely exceed it.

“Private Hardrada ! Are you deaf ?!” The man is now shouting at your face, his spittle landing upon your face.

That does it. You can feel your rage coming to the fore.

While Magnus is far superior to you when it comes to reading people, unnervingly and annoyingly supernatural even, that particular trait within the family seems to have skipped you. Still, your mind is by far sharper and vastly greater than, you’d reasonably argue, anyone else’s within the colony. And now, you put it to use, thinking as swiftly as you are able to in order to evaluate all possibilities.

As such, it was always a child’s play to learn everything you put your mind to. Various martial arts, primarily military based, as such intended for maximum effectiveness and lethality rather than showmanship. Though you are no fool, if you were to fight, you would need to account for your opponent’s superior weight and reach, though you think the strength gap might be closer than the drill sergeant would expect. Naturally, you will need to take the first punch, a natural escalation of violence that would see no one place any real fault upon you.

Another potential option would be those recruits around you. Some are as young as you, though the majority are at least two years your senior if not a bit more. And all seem to be smart enough to know where their future lies. Their expressions, their movements, were it someone else but you in this situation they would no doubt be enjoying the situation, or at best stay indifferent. Now ? Now it is fear, trepidation, anxiety, not for you, but rather, themselves, a few more sympathetic ones stare at with concerns at the drill sergeant.

A few rhetoric techniques, a few veiled and implied threats, some empty promises that will be naturally carried out in time or without any real involvement from your end. The entire training group jumping the sergeant would easily see the punishment lessened overall, perhaps, if you ask mom, you could have some rumours spread around about the sergeant’s incompetence, maybe cruelty, that would make for good justification.

Thinking a bit more, you could cause an accident to occur. Some of your classmates, specifically those that owe you favours or are simply sucking up to you are also the children of various military officers. Some words exchanged here and there, an untraceable chain of favours, a few cigs and alcohol you had managed to hide from dad, and soon enough the drill sergeant will see himself out of the military, or at the very least out of this position.

>Dad based most of the names upon ancient Norse history, time for you to embody it the ancient martial tradition of those peoples. Knock this up jumped peasant to the dirt where he belongs.

>Time to embody yourself as the leader of these people that you rightfully are. Direct the remainder of the training platoon to beat this insect that had dared insult you. All the while keeping your hands clean. After all, the pen is mightier than the sword.

>You will not debase yourself to stoop to such a thug’s level. While it will not suffer physically, you can still torment it mentally. No one will truly know, unlike with a physical punishment, but the implied threat should be more than obvious for anyone smarter than a dog. An unfortunate rarity now that you think about it.

>(Write in)
Agnatic-Cognatic 2
Absolute Cognatic 3

Primogeniture 1
Nomination 4

All children are treated as equal, regardless of sex. This means that the potential pool of heirs is the largest, however, all of the children will end up having a strong claim to the throne increasing the risks of outside interference or the dynasty losing the throne.

Nomination succession also wins. Meaning that the ruler can choose from any of his children as the heir, most likely based on merit. This means that until the ruler passes, every child could potentially become the ruler, as such they shall amass their own powerbases due to the nature of the competition.

I would also like to remind everyone that the vote for the colony action is still not set.Police station and recycling plant would be the only actions taken.


Lovely as always Fleet. :)

Plenty of issues that I would love to go into when you anons will actually get your own fleets going.
>>Dad based most of the names upon ancient Norse history, time for you to embody it the ancient martial tradition of those peoples. Knock this up jumped peasant to the dirt where he belongs.
>>Dad based most of the names upon ancient Norse history, time for you to embody it the ancient martial tradition of those peoples. Knock this up jumped peasant to the dirt where he belongs.
John you absolute dick. Let's hope he beats you to pulp and you learn some humility.
I can't wait to dig into ship creation fully mate :D

>Dad based most of the names upon ancient Norse history, time for you to embody the ancient martial tradition of those peoples. Knock this up jumped peasant to the dirt where he belongs.

This is why I wanted Magnus to be the heir. And why I want to introduce the Imperial Academy idea. Since this specific mindset is EXACTLY what I want to root out.

My cultural goal with nobility is to beat them into the mindset that they are in spirit and in biology no greater than the potential of any other man. That everyone has the potential to become something great, and they have been given the role to enact choices that uplift the people which serve under them.

The first option we get to do so I wanna enact the Imperial Academy. Until then Magnus gets my vote for heir.
>>You will not debase yourself to stoop to such a thug’s level. While it will not suffer physically, you can still torment it mentally. No one will truly know, unlike with a physical punishment, but the implied threat should be more than obvious for anyone smarter than a dog. An unfortunate rarity now that you think about it.

I see that other Anons are trying to make him stupid too.
>Since this specific mindset is EXACTLY what I want to root out.
Fleet not understanding what Boot is for.
You know what, let's make him an evil genius instead.

Changing my vote >>6145259 to
>>You will not debase yourself to stoop to such a thug’s level. While it will not suffer physically, you can still torment it mentally. No one will truly know, unlike with a physical punishment, but the implied threat should be more than obvious for anyone smarter than a dog. An unfortunate rarity now that you think about it.

>Power infrastructure
>recycling plant
I thought the "beating up the drill sergeant" was to get him in trouble so David could chew him out. So that is why. I feel like if he doesn't act upon the drill sergeant he will still have his disturbing "higher than thou" attitude.

maybe? I think personally this kind of mindset, is one that boot camp isn't suited to change. If anything it might exaggerate it with how John feels like the "peasants" are allowed to walk all over him.

But maybe I am just thinking about it too deeply until my mind circles around to a false answer. So i don't really know anymore.

I think im recinding my vote for the choices of John in this situation. since i don't really feel sure anymore.
On another note. I'm writing out a document detailing the potential way my Academy idea would work. And the more I write the less of a school system it becomes and the more it becomes the central pillar of the state. I'll post it when it is ready.
Also please tell me if I am being annoying or too pushy with the idea as of yet. Since i don't want to be an annoyance about it if people would rather have i just shut up about it.
>I think personally this kind of mindset, is one that boot camp isn't suited to change.

Well Boots idea is to mold the recruits.

So maybe, maybe not but it will change him. We just need to get Arrogant-trait in check. Am not sure we can have a PC without having any "red" traits am not sure as all of the chacters seem have them.

>so David could chew him out

Have we not tried this for about 10 years. Now i am/was all for John's teaching but somethings people understand much better when it comes outside of the family.

>If anything it might exaggerate it with how John feels like the "peasants" are allowed to walk all over him.

Sure he can hate Drill Sergeants but i was not counting on the fact he would fall in love with muscle mommy drill sergeant and change his ways. No it will be his "peers" that will change him, the other recruits. As he has decisive, quick-witted and ambitious am sure that soon he will be leading others and interacting with his "peers".
Sure maybe he will stay Arrogant but it will harder for him as arrogant to his "peers" to his people.

>Also please tell me if I am being annoying or too pushy with the idea as of yet.

No you are not annoying or pushy. I have not being sold on the idea so far but do keep working on it. Also nice that you had time to made the stealth ship idea : )
Sorry for no updates. I am currently very sick. Hopefully I get better in the course of the week and I shall update then.
Hope you get better soon.
hopefully it will happen to be that John gets better through boot camp. I personally will still vote for Magnus as of yet. But I hold out hope for the lad :D

And on the stealth ship, happy to hear you liked the design! If you or anyone else have anymore ideas or suggestions, then i would love to hear them.

Aww, hope you get well soon!
Get well soon, Newb!
>Police station
>Recyling plant
>Goverment building
How's the recovery going Newb?
Manipulating society wins, since Fleet rescinded his vote.

I need 1d100 Bo3

I had counted everything before, but while waiting the 15 mins accidentally closed the tab.


Not 100%, but I can stay up and write.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 68 (1d100)

good to hear you are at least getting better :D
Rolled 54 (1d100)

“No, my hearing’s just fine.” You reply with an even tone, calmly responding to the drill sergeant shouting before you.

“Then get onto the ground and give me fifty !”

“Easily.” You’ve already been doing such exercises under Dad’s watchful eye. “Oh, but before I dirty my palms, I must insist on requesting a small favour from you.”

“You still dare talk to me ?! I want to hear push ups and not your tongue waggling !”

“Of course. I just hope you will be able to relay my congratulations to your wife about your new-born. I am sure you are already hoping for a bright future for him.” You state with a smile starting to do push ups. You do catch the look of clear discomfort from the drill sergeant, only now, when faced with reality and the consequences of his own actions, does the possibility of your retaliation goes though the man’s thick skull.

Oh, you will show him plenty of pain. There are numerous idioms all about inflicting disproportionate pain upon one to scare all others. The poor sergeant should blame his own poor luck for daring to insult you. One of the company captains within the militia owes your Mom a favour for helping with an incident. Exactly what issue she solved she never said, but knowing her skills, it would be one of a clandestine nature.

You shall have the man sacked, if he begs, you will allow for his children to be unstained by his mistake. A fearful peasant would be an excellent future tool. Perhaps you might even restore his position if he proves intelligent enough to follow basic orders.

(End of POV shift.)

You look through the various files on your screen while sipping on some whiskey. Nothing beats working from your own air-conditioned office. Even as a captain back in the military, you barely had a space to call your own. Having risen through the ranks as someone whom had come from a lower-class family, you did not have the connections or cash, or influence for anything better compared to the standard.

So as you sit and hum to yourself an old little nursing song, you note a small bit of information that spreads out across your screen. One of the thousands of bits you had looked through since the start of the day seems to mention a drill sergeant being reassigned. Usually this would be beneath your notice, but he was in charge of training the platoon of which John is a part of.

For a moment you do raise your eyebrows, but the report does not indicate anything untoward might have happened. It seems that the man stepped down to spend more time with the family. It is a bit abrupt, but then again, the man recently had a third child.

Moving away from that, the two newest projects you had signed off on appear to be already set, with Garrick having already put down the theoretical foundations for both a police station, something that made even the ever-stoic Reinhart smile, he has been complaining about this issue for almost as long as your colony had existed. Finally, the recycling plant had resulted in Zack going off about the possibility of turning the valley into something straight out of the most expensive of blockbusters.

Either case, the going ons should only take about three months to build.

In the meantime, Celyn has already organized large-scale celebrations for the two-decade anniversary. You can already imagine yourself being sent to dozens of various events to give speeches, shake hands, kiss babies’ heads and just do your duty as the…huh…you are still unsure as to exactly what you are. I guess Jarl works for now.

Another headache comes to mind as you are looking at the date. Magnus will be of age soon enough. The boy is competitive and has already been looking at soldiers non-stop after you made John join the militia.

You sigh. You need another glass.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 20 month 1 day 11 since arrival
Title: New decade, new problems

Things were going pretty well, so naturally they now have to go poorly. I swear, it is always one thing after the other. A few days after the new years’ celebrations, miners from Solitude sent word that the primary droneship has failed. The V.I. itself had crashed in such a spectacular way that a simple reset or basic maintenance is not enough to repair it. Essentially, the advanced mining equipment has broken down.

Worst of all, the software issue had originated from a hardware problem. Something along the line had failed and is causing continues problems. Issue is, well, no one, not even Zack, truly knows exactly what broke, and messing with the system blindly could potentially break it down even further beyond all repair. Though they can still try to restore the equipment, though most likely to a lower standard.

Alternatively, Zack assures that the gear can be recycled into a lesser, but more reliable form, netting some basic mining equipment, which is better than nothing, but certainly not ideal.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)

God damnit John.

Anyway. We've got a situation on our hands, and we can make use of it.

Colony plan:

>The advanced mining equipment can be broken down. (LOSE x1 Advanced mining equipment GAIN x2 Basic mining equipment.)

>Research: basic mining equipment (Cost: Basic mining equipment).

>Continue the dam construction. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

>You have the reactor…now you just need the infrastructure.(Cost: 8 standard units - common materials.)

Personal actions:

>The Madman has things to offer, maybe ask him what he is willing to sell? (Free action.)
> Show interest in Uriah and his human modification projects. How has he lived as long as he has? (Inquire about his life extension tech and potential human modification projects.)

>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family.
So, the general idea is that with the common ore mining equipment having broken down, we would then recall the simple mining equipment we have out at the edge of the solar system and replace it with the simplified advanced mining equipment. as well as using the second of the simplified advanced mining equipment on the innermost planet.

Then, we take the old simple mining equipment, the one not made from the advanced one, and break it down in research.

Thus, we have resource income. While also allowing us to begin making more new mining equipment. Which we can use to expand our mining ventures in the solar system.

In the meantime, while this is being done, we'd be setting up the infrastructure to increase our algae production. Building up the power network and expanding the dams such we might next vote increase our algae production.

Meanwhile, we'd be using some of our resources to buy stuff like the guard dogs from Uriah, such that our on-ground defences are bolstered and see if he might have any more sweet deals.

And of course, see to our family.

How does that sound to all you other anons?
As always a good grouping of ideas Fleet-anon
Although I do feel that the council should get expanded for health in the near future.
didn't our Doctor-General die and we were told we'd have to wait to find someone new with the expertise necessary? I don't know if we can get someone who's experienced enough to fulfil the role. Otherwise id be happy to include it if Newb says things have have changed.

>didn't our Doctor-General die and we were told we'd have to wait to find someone new with the expertise necessary? I don't know if we can get someone who's experienced enough to fulfil the role. Otherwise id be happy to include it if Newb says things have have changed.

He is indeed dead and you are lucky that the atmosphere necessitates constant decontamination. Currently, lacking Kealan's expertise; field medics, orderlies and nurses, thanks to the equipment they have, struggle to keep things running based on what Kealan was able to teach them before some of Uriah's animals killed him.

When it comes to some serious operations, there's nothing that your people can do. Since you do have a spaceship capable of interstellar travel, it is possible to go to habitable areas and recruit a doctor or a dozen. That, or somehow get Uriah to become your Doctor-General. I should note that your people fucking hate him, but he is arguably the most experienced biological expert alive. Perhaps even within the entirety of human occupied space.

Thanks to some background rolls one of which was a nat 100, Ashwin was able to actually improve Uriah's opinion of you. I had expected that to be really hard, but you had some really good luck.
Colony plan:

>Your advanced mining equipment has broken down. While you lack the facilities, knowledge, expertise, or much of anything really, there's still potential that at least some functionality could be restored. Zack is hesitant, but he and his scientists can give their best attempt. They do not know the costs of such a project, nor how much of the functionality can be restored. (Mutually exclusive with REPURPOSE)

Let them try fix it if nothing else maybe they will learn something.

>The monitoring station is rundown and hardly functioning. It can be restored easily enough, if one's willing to expend the resources. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 2 standard unit - rare materials.)

Should be useful for terraforming

>You have the reactor…now you just need the infrastructure. Underground cables, overground power poles, transmitter stations, etc. Everything needed for basic power infrastructure and more. Emergency batteries, backup stations and as usual with Garrick, thorough fail safes to ensure that even if the world itself would break, the infrastructure will remain. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials.)


>>When it comes to mining equipment, despite the simple construction, one must take special care to ensure that it can tolerate numerous different atmospheres and situations. This leads to even the most basic of equipment needing to have numerous safety checks and built in failsafes for thousands of different scenarios. To be able to safely manufacture reliable Basic mining equipment a certain amount of resources will need to be expended. (Cost:60 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials). Unlocks research for Advanced mining equipment, Basic gas giant mining equipment, Primitive neutronium extraction equipment.

Personal actions:

>The Madman has things to offer, maybe ask him what he is willing to sell? (Free action.)

> Show interest in Uriah and his human modification projects. How has he lived as long as he has? (Inquire about his life extension tech and potential human modification projects.)

>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family.

Where did everyone go? Im kind of worried by how slow voting has become :(

Got a new laptop that doesn't struggle to run games like hoi4 even at low settings so i've just been busy playing nonstop these past few days lol.
When Qm posting becomes slower, anons voting become even slower as a rule.
AME breakdown 3
AME repair 1

Research BME (BME) 3
Research BME (Resources) 1
dam 3
power infrastructure 4
monitoring station repair 1

Madman buy menu 4

Life extension 4
Family 4

Alright. You will breakdown the advanced mining equipment into two pieces of basic mining equipment. You shall expend one BME in order to research it and unlock its production. All the while you will build more dams as well as power infrastructure to actually make use of the reactor.

In the meantime, David will dispatch the council to find out what Uriah is willing to sell and also to inquire about potential life extension treatments. While he himself will spend some time with his family and see what comes of it.

Since the power infrastructure is extensive and potentially difficult and damn building can take a long time, even with experience I will be needing rolls.

Since what you're asking of Uriah is a big thing and his opinion isn't high enough for an autopass, there is also a need to roll.

In total, I will need 3d100 Bo3

First is dam
Second power infrastructure
Third Uriah

Research is an autopass since you are burning equipment.

>When Qm posting becomes slower, anons voting become even slower as a rule.

I'm trying okay ;-;
Its fine, i am not blaming you of anything.
Rolled 56, 55, 53 = 164 (3d100)

Rolled 28, 74, 31 = 133 (3d100)

Rolled 11, 89, 53 = 153 (3d100)

You hold the black box in your hand, swirling it around. You know you have to ask Uriah afew questions, and undoubtedly that will extend into hours long conversation and-

Ashwin slowly meanders past your office door, leaving ia small meeting.

Sometimes, life really does show you the way.

“Ashwin.” You call out, rising from your seat, with the biggest smile on your face.

“Sir ?” He quizzically responds.
Celyn giggles as your struggle to stay upright and pour her a glass of champagne.

Aboard your boat, which has an isolating dome upon it, allows you to both enjoy the middle of the lake, and also retain your privacy.

This time you had not come out with the purpose of fishing, but rather to enjoy some privacy. The boys are capable of taking care of themselves, or otherwise the various maids and guards will ensure their well-being.

“You know. Despite the dome above us, it is rather chilly, wouldn’t you agree, dear ?” Celyn essentially purrs, the alcohol going to her head.

“Ah, yea, it is quite chilly.” You return a smile a-

Your comm rings off, blasting with a loud noise, specifically going against your non-disturb setting as what comes in is a high-priority alarm.

Sharing a sigh with your wife. You pull out the tablet and in an annoyed tone express that you are, in fact, on the otherside.

“Ah, good evening sir, I hope I am not disturbing anything.” Ashwin’s cheerful voice echoes from the tablet.


“No, not at all.” You try to ensure you sound more sober than you actually are. “I assume there is a good reason why you used the highest priority alarm ?”

“I had yes. The assignment you had tasked me with has been completed. Uriah has a few things he is willing to offer.”

“Exactly what ?”

“Well, to begin with…

>The tunnel dogs that could be used for military or civilian purposes. Their effectiveness has been, unfortunately witnessed by our men before in said tunnels. (5 standard units of common materials.)

>The avian reptilians that could be used for meat, eggs, feathers, and other such purposes. Dinosaurs really, quite fanciful based on the videos I had seen. (8 standard units of common materials.)

>Powerful monkey-like creatures with exceptional accuracy that can chuck rocks and are decently intelligent are, interesting to have. Could be used for military purposes, maybe as guards, frankly, I do not really see much use bar for the ecosystem. (15 standard units of common materials.)

>Intelligent, special crocodile like creatures that are also capable of extreme speed underwater that can be trained and used for monitoring and combat purposes, as well as assist with fishing. (20 standard units of common materials.)

>A special offer from him is about deep-sea creatures. The seas are rather sparse apart from bacterial lifeforms. That is an issue that Uriah has already addressed by having already engineered the entire ecosystem from bottom feeders, to apex predators. For it to have any proper affect, the quantity needs to be quite massive, but he has had centuries to prepare. He is also asking centuries worth of payment. (100 standard units of common materials.)

I should also remark that Uriah has flying creatures on offer, but given the current circumstances, those would be a poor choice.” Ashwin finally finishes.

“Well, at least he’s not charging an arm and a leg anymore. And the other matter ?”

“Ah, yes. About that.” Ashwin hesitates for a second. “He seemed unwilling to share much of his knowledge.”

“I feel like I won’t like hearing this.”

“If you care about your humanity, yes.”

“He means to turn me in to a giant cockroach like him ?”

“More accurate than not. What he proposed was splicing your genetics with long lived species capable of genetic regeneration. This would result in…simplifying your genetic structure to make it easier to regenerate, not immortality per se, unless you wish to turn into a jellyfish, I however strongly believe that your wife would object, sir.”

“Oh, I would !” Celyn shouts out besides you.

“Alright, so what would this result in ?” You ask, wondering exactly what Uriah wants to turn you into.

“Well, he’d like to keep your brain and nervous system due to its importance, but the easier he can make the genetic structure around it, simplifying and strengthening internal organ structure. Which does mean you will not have any more tastebuds nor will you be able to process most foods besides high intensity nutritional paste. On the upside, you will have a strong chitinous outer layer, as it is less complex than constantly regenerating skin.” You can almost hear the shrug on the other end.

“Are there any other options ?”

“I am unsure. A…man, if I can still use that term, as brilliant as Uriah, would most likely be more than capable of making at least basic life extension surgeries that wouldn’t alter the human form. Though he appears far more interested in such modifications over the more traditional ones. I, or someone else I suppose, could work on further improving relations and giving a better option. Though as long lived as Uriah is, it would be a long process, and well, I will certainly run out of time long before you, sir. So, I leave it up to you.”

>Take on Uriah’s offer. Though Celyn appears to be eyeing you dangerously. (Cost: 100 standard units - common materials, 10 standard units - rare materials.)

>Decline the offer. Maybe you’ll get something…less extreme.

“Thank you, Ashwin, that’ll be all.”

“Have a good evening, sir.” You hear a chuckle on the other end.

“Now, where were we ?” Celyn says staring straight into your eyes.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 20 month 7 day 14 since arrival
Title: Stuff…KID !

Garrick’s finally somewhat satisfied by the last of the dams. Now, the entire valley is protected from any overly excessive floods and rains, though with that all of the lakes had flooded. On the plus side, the calmer waters make for plenty of good fishing spots. Speaking of, the number of fish that are constantly thrown out of Zack’s recycling facility is truly mind-boggling, to the point where fishing is now a mandatory activity of the militia. Not that anyone complains.

On infrastructure news, with power now centralized and fully distributed amongst the population, there’s more electricity than anyone knows what to do with. This does mean that the factory is now outputting at full power. With full output, this does mean that the common resource consumption has increased. On the upside, the amount of luxury items on the market has increased and made everyone happier.

Finally, even though she’s aging, Celyn got pregnant again, perhaps for the last time. This time, it appears to be a girl. I am glad that there’s help around this time, as I am getting far too old to care for a new-born. Though she’s due in three months, Celyn is wondering without end what would be a good name for her.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
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>A special offer from him is about deep-sea creatures. The seas are rather sparse apart from bacterial lifeforms. That is an issue that Uriah has already addressed by having already engineered the entire ecosystem from bottom feeders, to apex predators. For it to have any proper affect, the quantity needs to be quite massive, but he has had centuries to prepare. He is also asking centuries worth of payment. (100 standard units of common materials.)
I want my Volturian lobsters.

>Decline the offer. Maybe you’ll get something…less extreme.
It is however a possibility if we ever wanna go secret supersoldiers program for the future.

And as for actions.
Basic mining equipment (Cost: 30 standard units - common materials, 3 standard units - rare materials.) (Time: 6 months)
to put put our common resource production in the green again.
Magnus is in need of guidance. You could hoist the task to your council, each looking after him a bit in such a way that it would not interrupt their daily duties, but you doubt they would have the time for anything besides of that. Or you could take on the duty yourself. (Lose council action, councilors can affect Magnus both in positive and negative ways. OR personal action.)
It's one of the last chances to get Magnus evens stats to his bro.
>>The avian reptilians that could be used for meat, eggs, feathers, and other such purposes. Dinosaurs really, quite fanciful based on the videos I had seen. (8 standard units of common materials.)

>A special offer from him is about deep-sea creatures. The seas are rather sparse apart from bacterial lifeforms. That is an issue that Uriah has already addressed by having already engineered the entire ecosystem from bottom feeders, to apex predators. For it to have any proper affect, the quantity needs to be quite massive, but he has had centuries to prepare. He is also asking centuries worth of payment. (100 standard units of common materials.)

This is costly but its one-time price

>Decline the offer. Maybe you’ll get something…less extreme.

We dont need to live forever but it would nice to live long and healthy life.

>a good name for her.


>Resume mining on The planet (Solitude?) closest to the system’s star

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Governmental office) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>You need to think about cultural symbols, and a more defined type of government. For now, you need your own title, by extension that being what titles that your nobility will have. You also need a name for your unified nation other than a vague “Valhallan” or “Thunorian”.

>Much of fusion reactor fuel is most easily extracted (and of a much higher quality) out of gas giants. Simple small space stations with suction tubes capture the outer layer gas and transform them into the pure quality fuel for non-neutronium based spaceships. Even then, neutronium propulsion is fuel intensive, so many vessels tend to have secondary fusion based propulsion. (Cost: Basic gas giant mining equipment OR 70 standard units - common materials, 12 standard units - rare materials). Unlocks research for Advanced gas giant mining equipment

I think we have already Basic mining equipment for mining the common materials it just need to be put to use

Oh is misread what Research needed it can be ignored.
I* fucking autocorrect

>The avian reptilians that could be used for meat, eggs, feathers, and other such purposes. Dinosaurs really, quite fanciful based on the videos I had seen. (8 standard units of common materials.)


>Decline the offer. Maybe you’ll get something…less extreme.

>Resume mining on Solitude, the planet closest to the system’s star

>2x Basic mining equipment (Cost: 30 standard units - common materials, 3 standard units - rare materials.) (Time: 6 months)
As i said before, getting more mining equipment is a top priority. Let's build two more basic mining equipment, the first one will be placed on the outermost planet to mine rare materials and the second will be placed on Solitude to mine common materials.

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Governmental office) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>You need to think about cultural symbols, and a more defined type of government. For now, you need your own title, by extension that being what titles that your nobility will have. You also need a name for your unified nation other than a vague “Valhallan” or “Thunorian”.
Our nation is the Jarldom of Thunor, our people are Thunorians and we are the Jarl of Thunor. As for other noble titles i don't really know but i guess thegn and huscarl should be among them.
Sorry for my slight absence, been busy with friends and ongoing exams.

well good to hear :D

I am aware. It isn't as much the speed as the amount of responses that I'm worried about. It is more about whether the quest's population is going dangerously low or not.

Here is my plan of action:

Uriah's question
>Decline the offer. Maybe you’ll get something…less extreme.

We ask him to look into a much more dialed-down version. One which could be applied to the entire population such that anyone who wanted it could get it through the healthcare system.

I will detail my concept for a "bodily overhaul" that wouldn't change our people visually a lot, in a dedicated post.

>The tunnel dogs that could be used for military or civilian purposes. (5 common materials.)

>The avian reptilians that could be used for meat, eggs, feathers, and other such purposes. (8 common materials.)

>Resume mining on The planet closest to the system’s star

>Basic mining equipment x2 (Cost: 30 common materials, 3 rare materials.) (as >>6152857 also said, including placement)

The algae production is up and going, but it can always be bigger. (Cost: 15 common materials)

and as for research...well
>Let Zack take a crack at those next-gen spacecraft designs and see if he cannot make a knock-off that you could actually use.

Let him have the entire science team support his endeavours. We might get something to replace our kinda-shit current fighters and get some bombers that aren't rare resource hogs.

Mention to Uriah that we'd like to still have that option for the Laviathans later. Since our material economy isn't the best, and I would like us to have a good store of goods for when traders come by.

Oh, and I like the name Aurora that >>6152793 came up with.

All in all, I think we need to increase our food production and mining capacity. all the while increasing our defensive capabilities.
special offer 2
reptilians 3
tunnel dogs 1

Decline 3

Build BME 1
Build x2 BME 2
mining Solitude 3
Governmental office 2
Algae 1

Magnus 1
cultural symbols 2

next-gen spacecraft 1

Okay, you will get the Avians and the special offer from Uriah while declining his deal for life extension cause, the hell dude.

You will also resume mining upon solitude all the while building more basic mining equipment and getting an actual governmental office up and running rather than letting your councilors crash at your home.

Since Magnus only has one vote and therefore is not a plurality of voters, you'll leave the kid alone. Instead you will concentrate on getting an actual culture going.

As everything's pretty basic at this point for your people, everything's so far an autopass. Update on Wednesday.
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You sit calmly in your smoking room. A fact that, when it rises to the forefront of your mind, always makes you smile. Taking a drag from the high-quality cigarette, you look around the smoke-filled chamber and listen to the sound of glasses clinking.

A small celebratory gathering of some of your friends and influential men in the colony, all the while your wife had grabbed all of the influential women for the same task. At the end of the day, you are a monarchy, and the birth of a third child, especially one with equal claim to her much older brothers, well, to put it bluntly, it is dangerous for her.

Both John and Magnus, though young, are already causing waves, John especially so, both positive and negative. You can only hope you will be able to avoid much of the historic bloodshed caused by succession. A depressing thought, especially in this moment of celebration.

Something else you can feel already is the underlying tension of everyone gathered here. The decades spent together, rather than making a single unmoving whole of your people, had now brought out cultural differences to the fore of a bunch of highly disciplined and well-trained veterans. It was not an issue until now…now, well, now is a time when one can actually survive and with the infrastructure present, the population that had now tripled, there are things one can secure. Factory output, dockyard capacity, food, resources in general.

You are on the cusp of exponential growth, a feeling everyone’s sharing. A moment will soon come when your people, your nation as a whole will either rise, or it will fall. In either case, being on top, being able to influence the decision making for those crucial moments, that can secure one’s legacy for generations, make sure their descendants have the right to refer to their houses as both opulent and imperial.

The fine smoke, the smooth brandy, the perfectly fitting clothes, the comfortable ottoman you are leaning against. All of that and more, the snakes coiling around your throat, the chocking air of intrigue, the drink upon which you may one day drown, your exposed back threatened to be engulfed and dragged down.

Then again, everyone here obeys your orders and commands without a question, and while you draw breath, while you still have your wits about you, the entire colony moves as one and obeys your every order to perfection. Arguably half the reason why you had been capable of making and building so much and so swiftly, developing the colony to a point where you are pretty confident in its ability to survive for a long time to come.

“Sir ! Let us in on a secret ! No one knows your soon to be daughter’s name.” One of the men, a captain in the militia and due to that originally made into a noble, proclaims.

Right after that, it is followed by numerous shouts of encouragement.

For once, your thinking shifts to the positive, the idea of holding another one of your kids in your hands…you miss when you could do that to John and Magnus. You are unsure if they’d shot you or themselves out of embarrassment if you’d try to do that to them now.

Taking a breath, you open your mouth and tell everyone the name of your new-born daughter:

>(Write in)

As you say her name, once again cheers fill the room and everyone takes a celebratory drink.
Sitting next to Celyn, you had to have a quick shower to get rid of the smoke smell, you go through dinner with the assorted dozens of people, each every and important pillar of your nation. Now that everyone’s stomachs are filled, some of them have plenty of nicotine in their system and at least a bit of booze to make sure everyone’s mellow, the time had naturally come for a productive discussion.

“Alright everyone. This matter here is an important one that will undoubtedly echo out for generations to come. I wish to hear everyone’s ideas, starting off, we need to name our star system.” You naturally begin on the least controversial option.

As you put down a list for the various names, a small discussion erupts within the meeting room.

The first subject, Thunor’s moon:

>(Write in)

The inner most planet, most of the proposals for that one are…not pleasant.

>(Write in)

The outer most planet is on the other hand a lot less comparatively, not too much hate, not too much love, a few ideas related to the fact that the world more than often is the first one to identify and pick up incoming vessels from out of system.

>(Write in)

When it comes to the Ice giant and its moons, no one really has an opinion bar a few half-hearted attempts.

>The ice giant Odr, the largest moon Freyja, and the two smaller moons Hnoss and Gersemi
>The ice giant Loki, the largest moon Jormungand, and the two smaller moons Fenrir and Sleipnir
>(Write in)

And finally, the system’s star:

>(Write in)

The rather rapid acceptance of the various names comes as no surprise for you, as you do not doubt that everything else is what’s going to cause problems. The most important being the names of the nobility and also the name of your nation, the means by which you refer to yourself had also become a political issue. People really have nothing else better to do than to bicker if they are Valhallans first and foremost or Thunorians, or maybe the alternative third option of Thurians which naturally hates the other two options.

When it comes to noble titles, a few ideas come to the forefront, now this one does cause some infighting as some people think that something like Jarl is stupid, and if one should be named, they should be named Duke or something similar, naturally, the other side accuses them as being utterly lacking in creativity and uniqueness. And essentially the basic names proponents call the norse side a bunch of morons ripping off history.

At the end of the day, your will is law, so you will go with, descending order of importance:

>The usual, that being Emperor, King, Prince, Duke, Margrave (Marquis), Count, Baron, Baronet, Knight, Lord.

>Might as well continue the norse naming tradition, which is: Keisari, Konungr, Prinz, Jarl, Markgreve, Greve, Lendmann, Hird, Edel.

>(Write in)

And, as the discussions go deep into the night, it all comes down to how your country will be named. Proclaiming a Kingdom is ambitious, and common. Undoubtedly that will draw some wrath from those established powers, but it would certainly have at least some prestige, as Ashwin warns. Otherwise, a more conservative Count or the equivalent would be appropriate based on imperial standards, of course, you’d probably be called a baron at best, but you cannot go that far down. Naturally, you could go with the more ambivalent House Hardrada and call it a day. Of course, you could proclaim yourself Emperor, but Ashwin claims that such a proclamation is just inviting to be attacked by the Unbroken Empire if they ever hear about it.

>Nice and simple – House Hardrada, that is all. Lord Hardrada being the only title you need.

>You shall refer to yourself as a duke, or the equivalent, not too much, but not really little. You should be fine, you think. Though now that you think about it, perhaps that is why the Margrave was so amused when he heard your title, it being much higher than he expected, but not too outrageous.

>Count it is, a humble title, but one that will not draw too much attention.

>You shall be King ! Nothing less. Make your ambitions known !

>Fuck it. You are Emperor ! Maybe not THE Emperor, but an Emperor nonetheless. Sure, it may invite ridicule, but once you control enough, no one will be laughing, instead they shall proclaim your insight.

>(Write in)

And as the clock strikes midnight, and as everyone would rather go to bed now being in a half drunken state, you must finally reach a decision to how you will call your nation:

>Kingdom/Dukedom/Countship of Thunor

>Kingdom/Dukedom/Countship of Hardrada

>House Hardrada

>(Write in)

And after so long, the most intensive question of them all, how your people will refer to themselves:

>(Write in)
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And I of course forget the image




>The ice giant Odr, the largest moon Freyja, and the two smaller moons Hnoss and Gersemi



>The usual, that being Emperor, King, Prince, Duke, Margrave (Marquis), Count, Baron, Baronet, Knight, Lord.

It will be clearer in long run.

>You shall be King ! Nothing less. Make your ambitions known !

And Emperor we shall be when we become multi system ruler.


>Kingdom/Dukedom/Countship of Thunor


It will work better when we govern multiple planets.

The Thunderer and it's hammer is way too tempting.
Due to being close to the star
>write in: Heimdallr
Due to being at the edge of our system. Was also thinking about Bifrost.
>The ice giant Loki, the largest moon Jormungand, and the two smaller moons Fenrir and Sleipnir
>write in:Yggdrasil
The world tree would befit us having multiple worlds in our system.
>Might as well continue the norse naming tradition, which is: Keisari, Konungr, Prinz, Jarl, Markgreve, Greve, Lendmann, Hird, Edel.
Keeping up the Germanic larp.
>>You shall refer to yourself as a duke, or the equivalent, not too much, but not really little. You should be fine, you think. Though now that you think about it, perhaps that is why the Margrave was so amused when he heard your title, it being much higher than he expected, but not too outrageous.
While higher then it should be with our current holding it still shows we are aiming to hold some sway over the whole system.
>Kingdom/Dukedom/Countship of Thunor
We are the Valhallans after all.

Oooh boy. Okay, so I'll be posting my votes here. Tomorrow or the day after I'll go into my idea of the imperial pillar that I've been writing and re-writing on for the last weeks. Since it will change the way the noble system fundamentally works.

Anyways. Here are my votes / my plan.

I just like Aurora

>(Write in)
Nida as in a shortening of Nidavellir the home of the dwarves and their forges.

Innermost planet:
>(Write in)
this one is easy. Quite literally just "hate" or rather spite and doing things even if they suck.

Outermost planet:
>(Write in)
Fehu is the rune of wealth, willpower and control. The wealth of the outermost planet brought us many of our wonders. And with it, we gained control of the system.

Ice giant and its moons:
>The ice giant Loki, the largest moon Jormungand, and the two smaller moons Fenrir and Sleipnir
don't really have strong feelings here. This will do.

System’s star:
>(Write in)
I wanna do this because it's fucking hilarious. Old Norse's name for the sun was Sol, most Scandinavians also still spell it as such(I'm Danish, we spell it like that). Most science fiction writers, including YOU named our origin star systems name to be Sol. So my idea is just to call it Sol as well, but everyone needs to say it with an accent or in a Scandinavian way.

As for the naming of titles:
>Might as well continue the Norse naming tradition, which is: Keisari, Konungr, Prinz, Jarl, Markgreve, Greve, Lendmann, Hird, Edel
I have propositions in relation to the imperial pillar system that I wanna go into depth with later. But this will be my vote for now.

And as for the title:
>(Write in)
>dictate, that when the realm reaches certain population counts, House Hardrada's title will increase with it. For now, it will be but a simple house. Your children will likely be the first dukes.

how you will call your nation:
>(Write in)
North-Star Realms

how your people will refer to themselves:

I gotta go sleep now, but I'll discuss this more tomorrow. >And thank you for the wonderful update Newb :D

Supporting Fleet-anon >>6156154
except for the following:

System's star:

Nation name:
>Kingdom/Dukedom/Countship of Thunor
okay looking back on my late-night message I made some writing mistakes. Damn.

Anyways, to explain the "Imperial pillar" system I've been cooking. (I would be happy to hear you anons feedback on this idea)

Essentially, the Imperial pillar is a way to order land ownership and the responsibility by which people who rule others are ruled by.

It starts with the landowner. Land can be owned by a person, but any region and or section of owned land that has people living on it is under the administration of a noble who rules the area as the regions are split into administrative titles. These areas are subdivided into smaller and smaller regions. Each region owned by a noble who is subservient to the one above them.

A good example might be, that a jarl might control the entirety of 10 US states, but each state would be ruled over by a Markgreve, and each big city in that county would be ruled by a Greve. So for example, a (in this case a Lord/Edel noble) would rule over 200 people, a Hird/knight would rule over 2000, a Baronet/Lendmann 20000 and so on. This would change as some Hirds/knights might only rule over 5 lords/Edels, with the general number being around Min 3 to Max 15 vassals.

This continues up to the highest ruler. AKA us which would be the emperor or whatever our title eventually might be. Ships would also count as land in this case, as people who are on a ship for more than a week would be seen as temporarily living on it and anyone staying on the ship more permanently is of course still a resident of our nation. Thus anyone who rules over the ship as its captain is also a noble.

To enforce our will, there will be created a pillar of government called the "Imperial Pillar" which governs the actions, judgements and appointments of councillors to nobles.

This is done, by having every administrative title (aka claimed land area with people living in it a noble as small as a lord is meant to rule) governed by an Imperial Agent adjacently to the noble. The Agent's job is to gather information on the title they administrate as to what taxes can be placed on the title, hear the opinions of the people, and appoint council positions to workers of different fields to advise the noble ruling the lands. as well as administrate the Agents of the titles their title contains if the area is greater than ruled by a lord/Edel. Imperial agents are unable to enact any changes themselves. Each agent is chosen through vigorous moral and psychological testing and each watches over the actions of other agents.

Nobles, seen as the shepherds and guardians of the title they rule, are required to provide for their population. An unreasonable failure to fulfil the material needs of their people are justification for De-crowning, aka losing their noble position. (this will be explained later)
To this end, all jobs which are required by its population are under their noble's custodianship, and cannot be owned by a private corporation. A sort of pseudo-unionization is enforced by the imperial agent, where Veterans of each job type are empowered to collectively choose a representative to their local noble. Land titles greater than that of a simple lord have these representatives as well, with their representatives being chosen by the representatives within each title within the greater title. (A candidate cannot be from another work branch. So a doctor cannot represent the engineers)

This is done to give nobles of any given title level have council on the potential consequences of their actions. as well as to create the system in which nobles are ennobled. The Imperial Academy.

The Imperial Academy is an arm of the Imperial Pillar, where candidates chosen by nobles are trained to become leaders of men. The Imperial Academy is not a specific location or structure, but rather a system where noble candidates, who are either children of noble parents or non-nobles with a note of recommendation from a noble are given tutelage under teachers of philosophy and workers from different walks of life. Over several years, the candidates will be watched over and moulded as well as possible by working the jobs their subjects partake in, such as medical care, farming, military work and everyday bureaucracy. The final test of their education being if they can put their morals above their own needs.

The philosophy drilled into the candidates could be boiled into mantra's like:
"your duty to the people is eternal. Your work is their happiness. their misery on your shoulders"
"If men are to fight for you, make them do nothing you wouldn't do yourself"
"to live comfortably while even just one subject lives squalidly is a failure of not just your morals but also actions."

Essentially enforcing a mindset of frugality, self-sacrifice and responsibility. If candidates are unable to do this they will seen as unable to become a noble and are disinherited from any form of title control. They can still own money and trade, but cannot act in ways that rule over other people.

After being granted or inheriting an administrative title, a noble will then be watched over by their title's Agent, who reports back to the local headquarters of the Imperial Pillar. At these headquarters, Agents can report activity which seems to break the rights of citizens, and over several days a 10+ group of agents of equal rank to the claimant agent determine whether it is grounds for punishment to the noble, if it was justifiable or if it would be deemed. If a noble is deemed worthy of de-crowning a military force would then be mustered and the noble either killed in battle or taken into custody and made to pay for their crimes.
To shorten it way down.
Nobles are not independent. Each of them in this system is the executive arm of the state representing the highest ruler and imposing the state laws. Meanwhile, Imperial agents who are chosen through internal tests of moral character and psychological conditioning interpret our word and guide local rulers towards acting how we wish. with each noble needing to be tested thoroughly before ennoblement.

I will also at a later point write about some ideas for a constitution. But for now, this is my idea for the Imperial Pillar.

I would love to hear feedback since I'm probably overlooking massive flaws. Also sorry for any mistakes I might have written, I was busy and haven't been able to put a lot of work into looking this text over too many times :/
Could you specifie what you see as beneficts of this? As i see it bring more bureaucracy and spying of our people.
And why would one want to be a agent?
well, ideally I think it would take the noble system as it exists and shift it to more state-centric. Make us as the leader of our nation be the centre of cultural and legal unity within our government.

One of the major problems of the noble system is that it separates leaders into their own realms and makes the nobles feel separated from the rest of humanity due to their class. That has. Ideally, the Imperial pillar, especially the academy and de-crowning, would enforce a state-central mindset where nobles are not growing their own power bases but instead see themselves as instruments of the state, working towards a greater goal. Agents co-ruling title lands as the administrative branch while the nobles act as the executive branch.

And well, I thought people would want to be agents mostly because it would give good benefits. Since agents would act like administrators of local areas and extensions of the crown authority they'd have good salaries and good pensions at the lowest level, with higher levels of agents having the power to requisition things of importance to their job like ships to travel back and forth between planets. Think of it like higher-level Agents being almost like inquisitors from 40k in terms of the crown authority given to them to investigate and judge nobles and other agents. With high-ranking nobles being the ones with the crown authority to order new buildings be built at lower levels and glass planets at higher levels (if I keep with the inquisitor comparison)

I don't have it all ironed out as of yet, but that's at least what I think is potentially beneficial compared to the base noble system we've currently got.

What do you think? I haven't got it all worked out yet, but I think it could work well. Although I might also just be totally lost in the sauce when it comes to understanding the consequences such a system might have.
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Keisari, Konungr, Prinz, Jarl, Markgreve, Greve, Nedargreve, Lendmann, Edel, Hird.

You put the final signature upon the documents before you. Outside, along the howling winds, rise the noises of explosions as the night’s sky is illuminated via fireworks. Something so simple as having actually set titles had grown into a big deal, to the point where had you not authorised the celebrations outside right now, you would undoubtedly face a revolt. Besides, it doubles as a celebration for Aurora, your new-born daughter.

So, while everyone celebrates, your wife Celyn is still recovering, Aurora is deep asleep in a sound-isolated room to prevent the fireworks from startling her. All the while, John is still in the military, though you must admit some concerns as over the months not a single thing has been reported to you. You had expected him to cause troubles sooner rather than later. John had never been so patient…or cooperative. Nevertheless, Magnus will soon need his set course.

When it comes down to it, even as you are hesitant to do so, he seems to be jumping at the opportunity to join the recon corps, though it is by far the most dangerous occupation currently possible, besides a spacecraft pilot. You shudder at the thought of a potential battle that could easily result in many of those men dying. The stings, while cheap, are well…cheap. A good hit would see it obliterated with ease. Luckily, neither John nor Magnus seem to have interest in being navy men.

Other than that, you could go for the second-best thing that Magnus wants – a military career. Start him up as an enlisted man just like his brother, or make him an officer, but you think John would not be too pleased about that.

Though with the governmental office up and running now, you could put him in an administrative position, let him learn the ropes of ruling. Perhaps even a position in the court would be useful ? There are many options, but you while he may be patient, he wants to go out and do something heroic, a fascination since his younger days.

You sigh and rub your eyes. Shifting your gaze, you look upon the fireworks on display in their myriad of colours. The various shapes of the fireworks also spill out a word, dragging you back to reality.


Or lord rather in common speech. Most people were rather confused about the naming sense, it being so foreign in Vatan, but it seems that they had picked it up well enough.

Edel Hardrada. You cannot help yourself but have a small tired smile on your face. That is how people will refer to you now, not David, not even Smith, but rather as a man of history and legend. You’ve truly become a noble now. And so has The Edelship of Thunor. Perhaps in the time of your children and their children you will earn the right to call yourself a King. Though undoubtedly that will be achieved through blood, sweat, and tears.
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For now however, the Valhallan people of Thunor can all celebrate what they have. And enjoy the festivities of another holiday added to their schedules.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 20 month 10 day 18 since arrival
Title: Edelship of Thunor

Well, that’s it. I am officially a leader of an established nation. There’s now a somewhat established hierarchy in the nobility as well as a functioning society. Minus the economy, an extensive judicial system, a proper standing army…I think I will call it here today.

Signing off, Edel Hardrada the head of House Hardrada.



>(Write in)

Merry Christmas mate. Hope you've had some good holidays.

Question though. What about all of our efforts? No news on the mining operations or the special offer from Uriah?

I'm gonna wait with my ideas for now until clarification.

Still, happy to see you are here and alive :)

>Question though. What about all of our efforts? No news on the mining operations or the special offer from Uriah?

You set mining operation on Hatr, that is why you have income for commons. That is presuming you use all 3 that you can which results in 15 a month.

As for Uriah, you bought the lizards and the special offer, I will write up the consequences later. Did not fit the scene so I did not mention it.
Oh, and as always, since it is Christmas I will steal this from the other thread:

As usual, in the spirit of giving and Christmas, I give you anons a free pass. That means a single choice can be made into an autopass with the best possible result ! In order for it to go off, a majority 2/3 of the highest vote need to vote to use the pass on one decision.

In order to clear up confusion, if you vote to attack an enemy and to launch an infiltration mission, you can have ONE choice with max results, in this case that being the main attack or the infiltration.
Merry Christmas, Newb!

Settlement actions:
>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can began bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Military Ground)
I want to research MAG cannons for our currently empty AO batteries before anything else. I'm assuming Military Ground is what will give us ground based MAG cannons and Military Space will give us vacuum-rated MAG cannons.

>The algae production is up and going, but it can always be bigger. (Cost: 15 standard units - common materials)

>You have one recycling plant and the concept appears to be working. Now's the time for even greater production. This will basically mean that no more algae will be used for foodstuffs. (Cost: 50 standard units - common materials, Must have power infrastructure in place for the plants to function.)

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)
Since we have more common resource income than we can make use of and our rare income is abysmally low we might as well spend our common resources on these three things first while we wait until we have enough rares for another basic mining equipment.

>Basic mining equipment (Cost: 30 standard units - common materials, 3 standard units - rare materials.) (Time: 6 months)
Once we can afford it i want to build another one of these and put it on Fehu to increase our painfully low income of 1 rare materials every 6 months.

Personal actions:
>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family, just enjoying their company. (Can only be taken as a personal action.)
Let's spend some time with our newborn daughter.

>Allow him to do what his heart wishes, that is join the recon corps, despite the risks that might carry. If nothing, Serret will treat him as a subordinate that he should technically be.
What's the worst that could happen?
Ah okay, we'll see how his efforts pan out. Hopefully, it pans out well.

Good to know as well. Then I think I have a plan.

Colony actions:

>You have no idea how much cost it will run, but let Zack take a crack at those next-gen spacecraft designs and see if he cannot make a knock-off that you could actually use. (Christmas auto crit)

>Research direction: spaceship construction and Argonaut recreation. (Basically using repair parts to recreate fully made argonaut parts and studying them before taking them apart again to be used for the argonaut like normal)

>Set up some more high-quality hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>The algae production is up and going, but it can always be bigger. (Cost: 15 standard units - common materials)

Personal actions:

>Magnus needs to learn how to rule. Send him to the governmental office to learn what it means to govern.

> Investigate John's strange lack of problem behaviour

>Send out Serret to explore the planet.

My thinking is that, with an auto-crit used on the aerospace fighter knockoff designs, then we could take the resources we've already put into our Stings and instead melt them down into these new fighter designs. Ones which we could already deploy and work both in space and in atmosphere for defensive purposes. Who knows? The end product might actually be nearly equivalent to the originals with it being a crit.

Afterwards, we should probably get some in-system cargo ships up and running. Which is why I suggest we simply try to learn from and recreate the argonaut to start with.

The others are self explanatory.

Regarding Personal actions, I feel like Magnus should be our heir in rulership since, at least for now, John is being a little bastard. Something we need to correct.

Sorry for the delay, got carried away playing Factorio Space Age with friends.
Merry Christmas, NewbQM and welcome back.

Colony actions:

>Since Zack cannot ever sit down, he has fiddled with some drones of his make. Not proper V.I.s or even A.I.s (he’s still sulking about that), but they could have basic programs running and they could be coordinated by a central control room. He lacks the facilities for it, but he assures that we could get some space drones out of it, since something, something, fewer obstacles easier to program. (Cost: unknown)(Christmas auto crit)

>The monitoring station is rundown and hardly functioning. It can be restored easily enough, if one's willing to expend the resources. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 2 standard unit - rare materials.)

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

I think we should start saving for a proper drydock.

Personal actions:

>Allow him to do what his heart wishes, that is join the recon corps, despite the risks that might carry. If nothing, Serret will treat him as a subordinate that he should technically be.

>Now that you have a proper home, you could spend some time with your family, just enjoying their company. (Can only be taken as a personal action.)
Time with our newborn daughter.
Changing my vote >>6165257 to instead support >>6165274

Like Fleet-anon said, we could recycle the rare materials used in the sting fighters.
Supporting except Magnus goes to Recon
I'm gonna slightly change my vote to support Magnus going to recon.

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