This website is a resource tool for users of the Traditional Games board, /tg/, on 4chan. This site aims to provide users of /tg/ a variety of services they can't otherwise receive on 4chan, due to the fleeting nature of its threads; such features include a permanent archive of favorite threads; a game and player listing for organizing online RPGs; an IRC for discussion and game hosting; a collection of links to commonly-used information such as SRDs and utilities; artwork to inspire creativity; and much, much more.
The intent of sup/tg/ is simple: Fill in the gaps that /tg/ needs.
The code and content of this website is copyright 2007-2010 All rights reserved. All user-submitted content is copyright the individual users or is assumed to have been uploaded with the permission of the original copyright holder. Attribution is provided where available. Images and written content retrieved by the archival script is copyright its original poster on 4chan. If you are under the age of 18, you are required to leave this site immediately.
As noted above and below, all user-submitted content is copyright the original author. Regarding the Articles section of this website, the authors of these submitted works grant to the following Creative Commons licenses:
These licenses grant to (and to this site alone) permission to copy, distribute, display and perform the works in question. Attribution must be provided by to the original authors in full. Articles under Reviews and Ramblings and STORYTIEM may be "remixed" by into derivative works; however, any derivative works created by must be released under the same license. is forbidden to make derivative works from articles under Game Design. Under no circumstances will use any of the works provided under any Articles section for commercial gain.
Again, these licenses pertain to the rights granted to upon submission of a work for publication on this website. These rights do not extend to the reader; if you wish to use any part of the copyrighted works presented under the Articles section, you must contact the author for permission.
Many aspects of this website are freely available to users for uploading materials, such as artwork and gaming-related documents. It is assumed that all submitted content and materials are legal and in good standing (i.e. the user is submitting materials to which they themselves hold copyright, over which they have permission to redistribute, or which is otherwise publicly available such as comments on a message board). Furthermore, as 4chan is an imageboard, this website has collected a sizeable amount of artwork and other materials posted on 4chan and from other public places on the internet; all images are assumed to have been legal at their origins (e.g. a picture uploaded to 4chan is assumed to have been uploaded with the permission of its copyright holder).
However, as is the nature of any open system, certain materials that the original poster may not have permission to redistribute may be submitted to this website. This website makes no claim to copyright over such submitted works, and will gladly remove any and all potentially infringing materials upon request. If you are a copyright holder or a legally appointed emissary of a copyright holder, please send an email to both [email protected] and [email protected] with the following information:
Please allow 72 hours after submission for a response (as I may not check my mail regularly). Most requests should be handled within 24 hours. Please note that access logging is scant, and that such user-sensitive information will only be provided per a subpoena sent via first-class postal mail to the Administrative contact address on file for this domain in WHOIS. Please note that vague or blanket statements of copyright ownership, monetary demands, and typo-strewn legal filings from Internet lawyers using Yahoo! addresses will be discarded without reply.
In regards to the archive: Any infringing materials found in an archived thread (subdirectories of have been placed there by an automated script designed to create a snapshot of a particular page on 4chan, and therefore any information pertaining to the original submitter is not available through this website (e.g. if child pornography is uploaded to 4chan and the archival script mirrors the images, cannot be held responsible for the initial act of submission or download, nor does this website have the ability to provide information about the initial poster).
Should any outright illegal materials be found on this site in any location, please notify both [email protected] and [email protected] and I will ensure the items are removed as soon as humanly possible. This site operates under United States federal law and New Hampshire state law.
Site code and contents © 2007-2025 All rights reserved. Click here for legal information.
If you are under the age of 18,
please leave this site immediately. Asshole.