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  • File : 1278258165.jpg-(30 KB, 400x394, Mr._Rogers[1].jpg)
    30 KB The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)11:42 No.10928653  
    What is your defination of awsome /tg/? Mine's Fred Rogers or as you would know him, Mr. Rogers.

    He had his car stolen but when the thieves found out it was his car, they returned it

    All his sweaters were knit by his mother


    That video always makes me tear up a little
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:45 No.10928674
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    >> Alpharius 07/04/10(Sun)11:47 No.10928694
    Fox says that Mr. Rogers is an evil man. Just throwing that out there.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:47 No.10928705
    Wasnt that guy also a marine sniper in some conflict or another? (I wanna say WWII but am unsure)
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 07/04/10(Sun)11:48 No.10928714

    Fox News thinks they are a real news station.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)11:48 No.10928716
    Yes but fox is...

    Nope, he never served in the military
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:49 No.10928724

    He also has gang tats all up and own his arms, hence why he never takes off that sweater. He was a con, but somehow got cut a deal to be in a child's TV show. He took it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:49 No.10928726
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    Nah, that was just an urban legend. Rogers was a minister not a fighter.
    >> LaBambaMan 07/04/10(Sun)11:53 No.10928754
    Fox also canceled Futurama, unleashed Glen Beck upon humanity, and airs "The Cleavland Show". I'm disinclined to believe that they themselves are not 100% pure evil.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:54 No.10928768
    Mr. Roger's a bro.

    I only wished that I was born earlier to enjoy waking up to his songs.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)11:55 No.10928774

    for those interested, this is the fox video
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)11:56 No.10928795
    I was visiting just near where he lived when he was alive near Carnegie Melon and always regret having never gone to at least see his house. ;_;
    >> LaBambaMan 07/04/10(Sun)11:57 No.10928810
    Oh. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:02 No.10928841
    I'm mad.
    So very mad.
    So very very mad.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:03 No.10928850

    That's pretty retarded of Fox honestly.

    You don't call a dead guy evil because he told kids that they were special. What the hell are you supposed to tell kids? They're all not special and that they ought to hang themselves?

    USA, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:04 No.10928855
    I have never even seen this guys show and this annoys me
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:05 No.10928862
    Yeah, Mr. Rogers didn't have any tattoos.

    Also, he was a member of a church that accepted members of the LGBT community with totally open arms. He would actually say to them, "God loves you just the way you are."
    >> Alpharius 07/04/10(Sun)12:06 No.10928869
    You know, it's funny. I've seen that clip multiple times, and yet it never fails to anger up the blood. About halfway through I start seeing red, listening to these self-important entitled assholes wax on about how they worked hard to get to where they were and how Mr. Rogers kills babies.
    >> Magus O'Grady 07/04/10(Sun)12:07 No.10928875
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    Yes, Fred Rogers was indeed awesome. But equally awesome? James Doohan. Pic related. He served in WW2 as an infantryman, until he was charged with hand-delivering a message to a general on the front line, and a jumpy sentry ON HIS OWN SIDE thought the Canadian man was a German spy, and shot him six times with a .30 cal machine gun. Four in the leg, one in the chest (deflected off of a piece of equipment) and one blowing off his middle finger. Discharged from the army because he couldn't officially operate a rifle properly, he joined the air force and flew spotter planes for the rest of the war, as well as testing early model jets and receiving a reprimand for pulling maneuvers in them that the designers said were impossible. After the war, he went back to school and became an engineer and a classically trained shakespearean actor. He did a number of radio-plays before landing a gig on The Outer Limits. His talent for impersonation caught the attention of his costar William Shatner, who reccomended him for a part in a low-budget sci-fi series that was just starting up. The writer, after hearing Doohan's scottish interpretation of the lines originally written for a welsh accent, rewrote the script and character to accommodate Doohan's talents and input, and Doohan became the Scotty of Star Trek legend. He was widely known as the only member of the original cast who didn't hold his fans in contempt, and truly enjoyed performing for them, doing impressions, telling stories, and even singing.

    A nearly unkillable soldier, a great humanitarian, a truly NICE guy to be around, and an intellectual to the core. James Doohan was a man that everyone should attempt to emulate. A true inspiration, and a fine example of Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:12 No.10928920
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:12 No.10928923
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    Fox news is never short of reasons for me to want everyone responsible for it dead.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:13 No.10928928
    Mr. Rogers was pretty much the definition of neutral good. He wasn't trying to build up feelings of self-entitlement, he was trying to build up self-esteem. Though that's always a thin line, his intent was in the right place and it came down to factors outside of him on which side of that line any kid would fall.

    Most probably fell on the self-esteem side.
    >> Alpharius 07/04/10(Sun)12:14 No.10928944

    What bugs me isn't that it's produced. As is, it would make a fine comedy news-station. No, what bothers me is that people continue to take Fox News seriously and treat is as a respectable source of information.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:14 No.10928947
    It's hard to feel self-entitlement if you have the perception of everyone else being equally as special as you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:15 No.10928957
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    Rest in peace, old friend.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:16 No.10928967
    funnily enough in Europe a lot of people think its the right wing alternative to the daily show, then they are shocked and slightly worried when they find out its meant to be a serious news channel.
    >> Alpharius 07/04/10(Sun)12:16 No.10928974

    My favorite part about that clip, though? They brought in the fucking weatherguy to chime in about how Mr. Rogers rapes puppies.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:16 No.10928978
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    I grew up on a healthy combo of Mr. rogers, seasame street (late 80's stuff), transformers, and countless Jim henson productions.

    I credit these things with any and all success I've had in life.

    Pic related, heavily.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 07/04/10(Sun)12:17 No.10928982

    Nah, man. Mr. Rogers was Lawful Good to the core.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:19 No.10929013

    You make big cookies?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:21 No.10929030
    Poe's law. A real conservative and a person pretending to be a conservative are functionally indistinguishable.

    Take Colbert. There are right-wingers here who ACTUALLY THINK he AGREES with them, no matter how obvious he makes his mockery. Of course, conservatives aren't actually shining beacons of intelligence...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:21 No.10929031
    I raged.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)12:23 No.10929048
    remember watching mr. rogers as child

    the memory of soft sing-song voice is still comforting
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:25 No.10929070
    There's a reason they're conservatives, after all.

    You don't get to be a proponent of staying in the past due to your towering intellect...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:26 No.10929079
    Hey, thanks for shoehorning us all into the same box there buddy. Obviously I am an idiot because I am a gun collector who opposes gun control supporting members of the parties.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)12:27 No.10929097
    Mister Rogers went onstage to accept the award — and there, in front of all the soap opera stars and talk show sinceratrons, in front of all the jutting man-tanned jaws and jutting saltwater bosoms, he made his small bow and said into the microphone, "All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, ten seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are. Ten seconds of silence."
    And then he lifted his wrist, looked at the audience, looked at his watch, and said, 'I'll watch the time." There was, at first, a small whoop from the crowd, a giddy, strangled hiccup of laughter, as people realized that he wasn't kidding, that Mister Rogers was not some convenient eunuch, but rather a man, an authority figure who actually expected them to do what he asked. And so they did. One second, two seconds, seven seconds — and now the jaws clenched, and the bosoms heaved, and the mascara ran, and the tears fell upon the beglittered gathering like rain leaking down a crystal chandelier. And Mister Rogers finally looked up from his watch and said softly "May God be with you," to all his vanquished children.

    Commentary on Fred's acceptance speech
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:30 No.10929123
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:30 No.10929125

    Just because you share some of the same opinions with conservatives doesn't mean you are one yourself. I'm against gun control too, and I'm a left-winger.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:33 No.10929167
    This just in: Putting people or issues into one of two mutually-exclusive boxes is retarded.

    This mentality of "that's liberal." or "That's conservative." should only be used in the most demeaning intent, for it is in no way respectable to blindly follow a doctrine.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:33 No.10929169
    The fuck is with the purple prose?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:38 No.10929256
    I do too. Wish you were, I mean. I did grow up with the man on my TV, and I'm a better adult for it.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)12:41 No.10929289
    you think mr. rogers would have let subhuman trash like me in for dinner?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:41 No.10929293

    Where the heck did he get that traffic signal he has in his house anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:41 No.10929294

    it's true, conservatives are simply people who want things to stay the same. Anyway, for fear of political derailment, back to one of the better people of the past century.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)12:42 No.10929314
    Of course he would
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:45 No.10929347

    Mr Rodgers is, simply put, amongst the most proactive and caring humanitarians of this age.

    And right at the end, "Well it looks like you just got your self 20 million dollars"

    That's right, he acquired more money in one speech that virtually anyone will in their entire LIFE, and what did he want to do with it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:46 No.10929362
    I'd like to think he would. Being proud of people not tolerating you defeats the purpose of individuality.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:46 No.10929370
    Mr Rodgers would of let Glenn Beck in for dinner, along with the rest of the Fox News coverage team.

    That's just how patient and kind he was.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:48 No.10929393

    And by the end, Beck would be thanking him on camera.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:49 No.10929400

    The fact that you're saying that indicates that you're both morons.

    Jackasses who spew extremely stupid shit like that are in every group, and unfortunately they're an incredibly vocal minority and that results in the more reasonable ones getting ignored.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:50 No.10929407

    This video is proof that you don't have to be gorgeous, a fast-talker, or a manipulative bastard in order to have 20 or more charisma.

    Seriously, listen to that motherfucker. It's like every time he spoke he exhaled magic dust.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:52 No.10929433

    Anyone with the smallest tiniest evidence of being a human being couldn't do otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:55 No.10929472

    Mr. Rogers was beyond human.

    Also, his defense of the funding was beautiful. Friggin' awesome
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)12:56 No.10929480
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    >tiniest evidence of being a human being

    sharp words, anon
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:56 No.10929490

    get out, furfag
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)12:57 No.10929497
    what would Rogers do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:58 No.10929514

    I'm not him, nor do I particularly give a shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:58 No.10929517

    Wow. Stupid stereotypical Americans, looking for scapegoats for their problems.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)12:59 No.10929528

    Mr. Rogers would welcome every troll with open arms. And that kindness will melt away the troll from their troll hearts.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:01 No.10929559

    Not if the troll is from Fox News.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)13:02 No.10929576
    we'd go tim hortons for double-doubles, eastern-orthodox-guy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:03 No.10929594
    As a britfag, I'm sad that I didn't get the chance to grow up under the influence of that guy. Even us ignorant foreigners recognise greatness when we see it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:03 No.10929608
    BRB, rolling a pacifist cleric who leads people on the path to redemption instead of killing them.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:05 No.10929623
    Fred Rogers: Patriarch of /tg/, the polar opposite of the close mindedness of the emperor of mankind.
    >> Magus O'Grady 07/04/10(Sun)13:06 No.10929636
    And that.... is why you fail.

    Seriously, try being like him for one week. Behave the way he did. Speak the way he spoke. Really live the way he lived. See what happens.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:07 No.10929646

    Ted Rogers was truly living the life
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:08 No.10929663

    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    The emperor was a true bro.

    If could see the religion built up around him after his death/chairstasis he would be ashamed.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)13:08 No.10929671
    I'd support this though the rest of /tg/ may not be so kind
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:08 No.10929673
    Urban legend, never happened.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:10 No.10929696
    It's just... Something in my eye, I swear.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:16 No.10929772
    We could make an impossibly huge, overpriced, mini-based game system with progressively more contradicting fluff based on Mr. Rogers. Then it can happen.

    For what its worth, he's more a man than the emperor ever will be.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:25 No.10929899

    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)13:40 No.10930130
    Mr. Rodgers would look on the battlefield, and go: "Why are you fighting?"

    He'd go to the Tau and say: "Not everyone can be like you. And that's okay, because no one else can be you."

    He'd go to the Tyranids and say: "Aren't you full? You'll hurt yourself if you keep eating like this."

    He'd go to the Orks and say: "Now, why don't we use ALL THAT ENERGY and do something good and constructive with it, like cleaning the house and showing people we appretiate them." And then the WAAAAAAGH! would be over. Because if anyone could reason with an Ork, it'd be Mister Rodgers.

    He'd even go up to the Imperium, and say: "It's okay to be afraid sometimes, but there is nothing to be afraid of that can't be made something else. You don't have to be afraid, so let's find out why."

    And then the 40k universe would go from GRIMDARK to BRIGHTHAPPY
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)13:42 No.10930161
    how would mr. rogers calm the fire burns inside anon's black and wretched heart?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:43 No.10930171

    I can see that happening
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:43 No.10930174
    Good gentlemen, a thought occurs to me. Fred Rogers' life was dedicated to children. He spent every waking day improving the world for those to come, not by rallying for funding, or "protecting their morals," but by going out into the community and talking directly to them. When television came to the fore, he took it not as a way to profit, or to spread an agenda, but as a tool with which to improve the lives of those who watched it most: children. And he fought as hard as any man has ever fought to protect it, butting heads with even the president of the United States for the right to grant its benefits to those who needed them most.

    We live in a new age, men. A time that is sorely lacking in beacons like Fred Rogers. We live in a world where a new font of information has become pervasive, and pulls our youth by the millions to its teat. Tell me, /tg/... what can you do today to improve the world for those who will come after we leave? What will you do to use this impossibly powerful tool, this glorious web of information, to make a child's life better?

    You call yourselves masters of getting things done... so go. There is much work to do, and never ever enough time.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)13:44 No.10930184
    Don't ask a magician how he does it

    just accept that he does it
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)13:56 No.10930324
    Shit, I hope my insurance covers RAGE ANEURYSMS...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:04 No.10930411

    I'm not crying, its just been raining, on my face.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:11 No.10930473
    Why is he so charismatic?


    It's like his words are butter.

    Anyway, what's the big deal with him? I'm not an American, so I don't know who he is. Some sort of television person?
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)14:12 No.10930485
    taught entire generations of children values and morals

    all around awsome guy
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)14:12 No.10930487
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:12 No.10930493

    Go on.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:13 No.10930512
    Even better, he taught ACTUAL values and morals rather than Moral Majority values.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)14:13 No.10930516
    read the thread, watch the videos

    you get the idea real quick
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)14:15 No.10930533
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    He was the lead for a show that made a goal of teaching actual kindness and tolerance. This guy could make Hastur, Vecna, and ALL OF THE NINE HELLS neutral good after a short conversation. This brings back memories.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:15 No.10930537

    Did he just tell children they were special, or... what more did he do?

    I've always been a bit cautious about the "special" word. It could lead to a lot of egoism, and disregard of others.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:19 No.10930601
    For decades, he hosted a show intended for public children. He didn't have cartoons, slapstick, or insipid drama. He had stories, songs, and puppets. He touched the hearts of children everywhere, teaching them kindness and self-worth.

    He didn't coddle children at all. He taught them to treat others as special. He talked about anger and sadness, and he taught children to feel those things and still do what was right. He played pretend with us in a way that always was relevant to the real world. His neighborhood was a beacon of hope in a sea of darkness.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:21 No.10930628
    A goldfish, on set, died. Now, most shows would take it out and replace it, kids are dumb, right?

    Mister Rodgers walked over, and said: "Oh look, one of our friends has passed on. I'm sad, but this is how life goes on."

    And he did an entire show about death. About how things die, people, animals, plants - and said: "But it's okay. Everyone dies, but we'll all have something after. And that's what makes life so interesting - that there's something after it. So don't be afraid of it. It's okay. It's okay to be sad and miss them, but it's okay."


    That man is pure 100% Good. He lived the philosophy of Christianity, as a minister should. But, more than that, he didn't ram it down our throats. No, he lived a good example of a human being - the religion became secondary, territary, to anything he taught. If he were a muslim, jew, aethiest, agnostic, buddist, taoist, or whatever, it'd be believable, because he lived a /good life/ as a /good man/.

    Any story about Mister Rodgers doing anything other than being a nice guy are lies - propoganda, and downright RAAAAAAGE worthy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:22 No.10930636
    Disregard for others is the last thing you could possibly interpret from Mr. Rogers.
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)14:22 No.10930643
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    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:23 No.10930664
    Everyone is special, and worth love, respect, and care. You can get mad at them, but don't let that mad control you. You can love them, and be friends with them, because no matter who they are, they are just like you - special. THe world is better because they are in it, just like it's special because you are in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:24 No.10930671

    YOU are not special; that is the path of snowflakeism. PEOPLE are special. They're all different. But they're all people, and therefore deserving of respect. To learn to tolerate the differences of others is the charge of humanity, and the mark of a civil society.

    Thus ends the First Lesson of Sage Rogers.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:24 No.10930676
    Richard Dawkins would have a damn hard time finding fault with Mr Rogers.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:25 No.10930682

    Sounds like a real bro then, sad we didn't get something like that when we were children.

    I was just concerned over someone, that some parrents ocassionaly do, says that YOU are special, and nobody is quite as special as you.

    But if you teach them everyone is special, and to accept others for what they are... that's a good message.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:26 No.10930704
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:26 No.10930710

    That's probably because Richard Dawkins himself is a rather chill person. He's just trying to show people that they can show acceptance, they can have morals and be good people without religion.

    I'd imagine Dawkins and Rogers getting along well.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:28 No.10930733
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    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:29 No.10930745
    Dude, his church let in gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders... whatever. He let them in, because: "Christ did not turn away any person, why should I?"

    Seriously, that man could get Chaos, the Empire, Tau, Eldaar, Orks, 'Nids, Necrons, and whatever else together into one spot and in 8 minutes, they'd be at peace.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:33 No.10930808

    That reminds me a little of my own protestant church here in Sweden. While I'm not a religious person, I think they did teach me a bit of acceptance and being better in life, when I did confirmation.

    Our priest was a woman(and pretty hot too if I don't remember wrong), and our youth-leader was a lesbian woman. Our other youth leaders, two guys in the early 20s, talked to us about sex and growing up a lot. Cool guys.
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)14:34 No.10930815
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:35 No.10930824


    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:35 No.10930831
    >"But it's okay. Everyone dies, but we'll all have something after. And that's what makes life so interesting - that there's something after it. So don't be afraid of it. It's okay.
    >It's okay to be sad and miss them, but it's okay."

    I'm not crying! I'm not crying!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:36 No.10930851
    Mister Rogers would not be cool with firebombing.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:37 No.10930858
    But it's okay to cry. Because if we refuse to acknowledge our tears and pain, we build it up. And building it up with nowhere to go, leads to a poison in the heart and body.

    It's okay to cry. Know when to cry.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:37 No.10930865

    this man is a level 20 cleric irl.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:38 No.10930876
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:38 No.10930881

    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:40 No.10930920
    STR: 10
    Dex: 10
    Con: 12
    Int: 18
    Wis: 30
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:40 No.10930921

    Alright I'll cry! Wahhhhhhhhhhhh! ;_;
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)14:42 No.10930945
    afterlife for me will not be table piled high with feast, nor immaculate blanket of snow to sleep on

    wretches like me are punished in hereafter. dropped in sea of molten silver for centuries uncountable
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:43 No.10930962
    Please, don't drag your game of pretend into this thread.
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)14:43 No.10930966
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    Many people don't know that Master Asia is Fred's wayward son. Fred patently awaits the return of his child. Before he left, Fred taught him everything he knew of humanity and martial arts.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)14:43 No.10930969
    its okay to cry
    >> Jabberwock 07/04/10(Sun)14:45 No.10931001
    I...I... I can't decide if I should rage at Fox, or cry that Mr. Rogers is gone and that I miss him.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)14:46 No.10931009
    sorry, anon

    will you be my friend?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:46 No.10931013
    ...that actually sounds really cool. Not the being tortured forever, the molten silver part.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:47 No.10931014
    Damnit, I'm watching this interview with him, 8 parts, all 30 minutes long.

    Why am I spending my time on this, but he's such a pleassure to listen to ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:47 No.10931026
    Because everyone needs a dose of Rodgers every once in a while?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:48 No.10931037
    Most soothing voice ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:48 No.10931042
    The fight raged on for a century,
    many lives were claimed, but eventually.
    The champion stood, the rest saw their better:
    Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater.

    This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.
    Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see.
    And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be.
    This is the Ultimate Showdown...
    (the ultimate showdown)
    This is the Ultimate Showdown...
    (the ultimate showdown)
    This is the Ultimate Showdown...
    (the ultimate showdown)

    of Ultimate Destiny
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)14:49 No.10931050
    his speech to get the grant awarded to PBS is one of the most eloquent speeches i've heard.

    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)14:50 No.10931064
    Because Mister Rodgers is a good man. And he doesn't talk down to you. He's like a grandfather - he knows a lot more for you, and he has a lot of grandkids, but, well, he's going to love you just as much as the others.

    It's okay. He'll be a good friend, and never make fun of you. He might frown, and tell you that something is wrong - but he'll also tell you why.

    He's a good man.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:50 No.10931067
    The story in that interview made me tear up from hapiness.
    I'm not even joking.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:51 No.10931081
    Many a millennium will have passed before scientists will discover that Fred Roger's death released an immense amount of energy, that they could not tap for some reason. The energy pulses contained the following code, repeated over and over.

    "Every person is special and capable of good, there will be a time when the people will be in such dire straights that they will forget that. This is for the time that people need to learn again that nothing is more powerful than good."

    The meaning of this message will remain a mystery long after the collapse of civilization. However, this power will be rediscovered under a new name.

    Spiral power.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:52 No.10931099

    I've tried to quit smoking for a solid year, after four years of hacking and coughing and spending what I can only guess is over seventy-thousand dollars total on cigarettes. I've tried patches, gums, and meditation. I've tried acupuncture and quitting with a friend. I've tried cold turkey and easing off.

    Failure, every time.

    But for the first time since my most recent and currently ongoing attempt, I feel absolutely inspired to quit and to quit for good. This is my second day without a cigarette, the point at which I usually fail due to the inescapable craving, and I don't even want one anymore.

    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:54 No.10931120

    We believe in you Anon, that you can do it!

    And so does Fred Rogers!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:54 No.10931123
    Spiral power was used to destroy the Anti-Spiral right?
    Then it cannot be the power of Mr Rodgers.

    If it was then the two parties in that conflict would understand each other and their own foibles.
    Then, after talking about it they would join together in understanding and live on in peace.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:55 No.10931130
    The third day is supposed to be the hardest.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:55 No.10931133
    Mister rogers. Friend to children, loving teacher, antichrist.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)14:56 No.10931146

    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)14:57 No.10931153

    can't troll the Fred
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)14:57 No.10931156
    good luck, anon
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:00 No.10931185
    I believe in you, fellow addict-fag. It's hard, but you can do it. We believe in you. Just look at it as another day. Just another day. You can beat this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:01 No.10931196
    Mr. Rogers one time was invited to some big-wig's house for dinner. I can't remember if he was the mayor or a producer or what. But while Rogers has been in the limo he had been talking with the driver and when he got to the building he asked the man if the driver could join them because it was hot outside and they would be quite some time. The guy wasn't happy about it but agreed to let the driver join, too, and ended up having a good time. After the party was done Mr. Rogers was being driven home and the driver said his family would never believe what a great time he had just had, so Rogers asked if he'd like to hang out with his family for awhile. The driver brought him home and had a party and Rogers sang and played the piano and everyone had a great time.

    That just goes to show what an open and likable person he was, and if that wasn't enough once he made a friend that person was a friend for LIFE, and Mr. Rogers would periodically send them cards and such and remind them that he was thinking of them and grateful for the good times he shared with those he called his neighbors.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:01 No.10931200
    Mister Rogers would eliminate all of the GRIMDARK from 40K just by BEING THERE. He wouldn't even have to talk to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:02 No.10931217
    Two things, one. Manly tear. Two, I try to make people's lives better. I'm not always good and I slip up, I have moments of anger, but I try.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:03 No.10931222
    This, okay, this I'll agree to. GRIMDARK came about because there was no Mister Rodgers, and others of his ilk.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:03 No.10931224
    You know, it's ironic that we're here chatting about Fred in one of the last places on the internet he would have actually visited. And that if he had lived long anout to actually post here openly even the trolls wouldn't phase him and he'd want to get to know them, too.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:04 No.10931232

    Diplomacy roll right here in motion.

    The congressman that Rogers speaks to seems at first to begin somewhat sceptical and joking, but turns genuinely interested and friendly.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:06 No.10931245
    That settles it, my next Shadowrun game will have Mister Rodgers. His voice will pierce the darkness.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:06 No.10931248
    It's better to try and fail, and try some more, than never do. It's okay to fail, beacuse no one is perfect. But you just get right up and keep going.

    It's why Charisma should never be a dump stat.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:07 No.10931261
    This entire thread is tear fodder.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:08 No.10931271
    Mister rogers would be at the center of his own Mini-Astronomicon, an area of both the Warp and real space that Daemons and other foul creatures of the Warp could not enter. Untouchable to the Foul Gods.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:08 No.10931279
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    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)15:08 No.10931280
    but he would be kind to them all the same
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:09 No.10931285
    I can't help but picturea dozen stereotypical fatguys all bawling into their neckbeards.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:10 No.10931301

    You might be onto something there.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:12 No.10931312
    A truly great man, I miss him.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)15:13 No.10931324
    I honestly don't deserve to be in the same room as someone like that. It hurt me to even read this post.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:13 No.10931329
    Yeah, he would. And he'd end up having his own demons, redeemed, charged with a mission of: "Spread Good".

    And then in this 'Anti-Warp', anyone could go. He'd welcome you, and you'd want to do proud. The Emprah would have nothing on this guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:14 No.10931337

    We here at /tg/ are a bastion of that thing that Fred Rogers defended to his death: imagination. To invent, and to innovate, and to BELIEVE. Sure, we're a pack of assholes; none of us could hope to live up to the example which that man provided. But when one comes to us with the genuine desire to learn and to grow, we embrace him. We do what we can to enlighten him. And we take those things he deems broken and inadequate, and we give them wings. We do this not for profit, or for prestige, but for the love of it. And when the Creator asks us what we have done worth noting, we pray that we can point to these endeavors and 10,000 more like them, and be found not lacking.


    This is something we should all learn. That imperturbability. The unflappable willingness to power through the bullshit, and to engage the other, and to genuinely CARE about them, wrong or no. This lesson is doubly valid in the midst of our ugliest season, summer. Were we all to have a fraction of the patience and tolerance that this man exhibited, the world would be a far better place.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:14 No.10931349
    Sure you do. He was just a person, and wouldn't want to be idolized. He just did the right thing. And he'd hate, really hate, that someone thought he was 'more important' than him. Because that's just not what he taught.

    "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and won't you be mine?"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:15 No.10931352
    Except that he would want to be in the room with YOU. Unless you felt that uncomfortable around him, in which case, he would understand.

    I believe that if the whole world had seen at least one episode of his show then it would be a much more understanding place.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:15 No.10931355
    Can we have a thread that isn't about you, please?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:17 No.10931375
    The Spess mareens would reform and become a massive peace corps dressed in power armour with a sweater over it. Chaos would apologize to the Emperor and the Imperium. Ultramarines would tell all space marine chapters that each and every one of them is unique and special, and that Rogers is now their spiritual liege. Tyranids would learn to farm. Orks would lead massive WAAAAAAAGHS to help rebuild planets from all the war. The Inquisition would be abolished.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:18 No.10931390
    Every time someone brings up mister rogers /tg/ suddenly gets 200% nicer.

    I swear, People in OTHER THREADS are being more civil now.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:18 No.10931396
    This thread is the Eye of Relative Niceness.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:18 No.10931397
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    I'm a huge dork so what I think is awesome most people think is lame.

    Case in point, on my holiday, I found a boardgame in a quaint little shop. It's a boardgame combined with a drinking game and comes with 2 little shot glasses like in my picture. It's cowboy themed and the idea is that you're 2 gunslingers. I just think that's awesome if only for the shotglasses that come with it, which I thought were plastic at first.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:19 No.10931399
    His image is like a Mass Calm Person spell.
    This is to be expected.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:19 No.10931405
    Because Mr. Rodgers might be watching from beyond. And he'd look sad. No one wants to make him sad, because, well, that'd just be /sad/. Reality would get upset. And reality doesn't want to be upset. Oh, nothing bad would happen, but you'd just feel so /small/....
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:19 No.10931407
    >Tyranids would learn to farm

    This is one aspect of Tyranids that has always bothered me. Do they not understand that they could sustain themselves by learning about crop rotation?
    >> Severus Quintos 07/04/10(Sun)15:21 No.10931430
    Mr. Rogers was actually a chaos champion of Tzneetch.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)15:21 No.10931431
    you know, i feel inspired. i'm gonna go out into the world and try to make it better. i'm gonna treat people better. and most of all, i'm gonna be more understanding of people's opinions
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:22 No.10931439

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:23 No.10931449
    I fucking loved the plays Mr. Rogers wrote for his show. The buildup, the executions, the music. Damn. The man was a master.

    "Ohhhhh there's... never-never-never-never-never-never-never-never-never-never-never-never ever any trouble here in Bubble Land, Bubble Land, Bubble Land:"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:24 No.10931471
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    Have good day, Guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:24 No.10931472
    Rodgers smiles upon you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:24 No.10931481
    It was the morning show.

    Unlike their pundits they don'thave a disclaimer and somehow are even more biased than the ones with a bias disclaimer.

    It was an attack on the "Everyone is speshul" thing and they took it back to the least harmful of the people who used the message because they are bad at finding the cutoff point.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:25 No.10931497
    Fox news should die.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:26 No.10931515
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    I just noticed something.

    Look at the point on that ear. Looks downright Elven. High charisma fits. As does his imperturbability.

    Fred Rogers was an Elf. He was the one fae creature willing to show us humans just how wrong we are.
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)15:26 No.10931517
    this thread hurts

    if I've ever done anything to personally offend any of you, I want to apologize here and now
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:27 No.10931522

    Both, my friend, both.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:27 No.10931528
    It's because people seem to confuse Nice with Weak.

    You know what Mister Rodgers would have done? He'd have smiled, and said: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I think maybe my message was misunderstood somewhere. Why do you think what I say is evil?"

    And then he'd roll his diplomacy+charisma, and BAM, he'd not roll under 75.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:27 No.10931533

    Rogers was incapable of hate. Anger, sure, but hate - no.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:28 No.10931537
    Don't cheapen how awesome Mister Rogers is.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:28 No.10931544
    You're personally offending every sane being on /tg/ by posting ar all. Stop posting, leave.
    >> Shady Negro !!FIKs9rk6k0M 07/04/10(Sun)15:29 No.10931551
    We're cool. Brofist?
    >> scaredofshadows !!zxfRuuFd4v1 07/04/10(Sun)15:29 No.10931555
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:29 No.10931557
    Oh no, he didn't want to show us how wrong we were. Just that, it's okay to feel, and to laugh, and cry, and learn, and be happy, mad, sad, and glad. It wasn't about Elves being better than us. No, I think you might have misunderstood.

    It's about:

    "It's okay to be who you are. I'll love you no matter who you are. Let's be neighbors."
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:30 No.10931573
    Well, okay, I think you were right. I think he'd be very angry. Maybe the only thing he'd 'Hate' would be someone who hurt children. Maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:30 No.10931576
    Also "Evil" was only used as an attention grabber.

    But yeah I hate those three morons on the morning show.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:31 No.10931581
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:32 No.10931596

    I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:32 No.10931604
    I believe that this thread deserves archival.
    Just because it stared with anger towards Fox news and then turned into a whole lot of understanding between everyone.

    I believe that this is what Rodgers would have wanted.
    So, should this be archived?
    >> 01011001 !!0e0rM3tVUOn 07/04/10(Sun)15:33 No.10931622
    Not really. Good thread though it was, it wasn't really relevant. Besides, this is pretty much how every Mr. Rogers thread turns out, it's nothing new.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:34 No.10931623
    Or, as 40k would put it:

    "Nice for the Nice Throne! Sweaters for the Sweater man! Good for the Good Throne! Kindness for the Kind man!"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:34 No.10931626
    Mr. Rogers had outlets for what little anger he ever had and taught others as such. All too often I find myself forgetting his lessons and for that I am ashamed.

    "What do you do with the mad that you feel
    When you feel so mad you could bite?
    When the whole wide world seems oh, so wrong...
    And nothing you do seems very right?

    What do you do? Do you punch a bag?
    Do you pound some clay or some dough?
    Do you round up friends for a game of tag?
    Or see how fast you go?

    It's great to be able to stop
    When you've planned a thing that's wrong,
    And be able to do something else instead
    And think this song:

    I can stop when I want to
    Can stop when I wish.
    I can stop, stop, stop any time.
    And what a good feeling to feel like this
    And know that the feeling is really mine.
    Know that there's something deep inside
    That helps us become what we can.
    For a girl can be someday a woman
    And a boy can be someday a man."
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:34 No.10931630
    Fair enough then.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:35 No.10931642

    Y'know what hurts me the most? My son's generation, and the one after that, will get next to no exposure to Fred Rogers. If any. When today is the time that self-worth is at an all-time low. When today is the time that intolerance is the watchword. When today is truly the renaissance of valuing things over people, of self-centered temporary gain at the cost of permanent loss to those around you.

    We, at the very least, were exposed to the purest of motives. Those that come after us may not have that.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:36 No.10931663
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    I raged like fuck about the FoxNews video, but then I realised I don't live in the USA.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:37 No.10931672
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:37 No.10931675
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    >This thread
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:37 No.10931679
    Yes they will. But it won't be easy. See, you'll have to live that life. Show them it's okay to be a man. A man is not afraid of crying, but knows when to cry. He can get mad, but doesn't lose control. He lives a good life, and is kind to people. And he's meek and humble, but by no means is he weak - for when he stands and fights for what is right, nothing will stop it - not even the beuracracy of the government.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:38 No.10931689
    i hate to be the first faggot to call for this,
    but archive nao.
    >> 01011001 !!0e0rM3tVUOn 07/04/10(Sun)15:39 No.10931708

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:40 No.10931715
    fist bumped with tears in my neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:41 No.10931726
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:41 No.10931728
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:41 No.10931744
    ...I just cried for the first time since my grandfather passed away.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:41 No.10931746
    And I agree. Don't dwell on what was - just keep him alive now. Honor the man and what he stood for.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:42 No.10931754
    I just got back from vacation, and was in a great mood. I clicked /tg/ out of habit, fully expecting to see a thread full of people fighting or something, and this is the first topic I see.

    You guys are fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:42 No.10931767
    Children's television had degenerated so sharply since the late 90's that it numbs my mind when I recall what was...

    Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street (70's-early 90's version) were PARAGONS of early learning and imagination.

    Square One, The Electric Company, ZOOM were equal parts entertainment and learning for the older kids and were GENUINELY entertaining shows.

    And then Sesame Street went all to fuck with kiddified shit like Elmo and so on, and we lost all those early shows and swapped them for BooBah and Teletubbies?! REALLY?!

    How the mighty have fallen...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:43 No.10931783
    Fox News: more popular than any of its competitors.

    Ahhh, Amurrica.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:44 No.10931789
    Reading Rainbow. Sesame Street, Magic School Bus, Carmen Sandiago (Geography? Fun?!), Bill Nye...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:44 No.10931802
    Mr. Rogers was a man, and nothing else. When you try and raise him to this superhuman figure who didn't feel hate or anger, you cheapen his legacy. As he himself said in that PBS speech, he tried to teach us that emotions are both expressable and mangeable. It's not that he couldn't feel these feelings - he just knew how to control them, how to set them aside and focus on helping his fellow man.

    Rogers was an ordinary man who took it upon himself to teach and protect children. He was not unique in his abilities, but in his devotion and dedication.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:45 No.10931818

    I loved Bill Nye as a child. I now study mechanical engineering and I attribute it all to him.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:47 No.10931855
    No television news that isn't frontline is worth watching, at least fox is funny, and half the audience is people getting trolled.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)15:48 No.10931870
    I'm not too good at science, because, well, I never went to highschool (straight to college). But, you know, almost everything I've learned from science I can point back to him. I don't remember a lot of it, but I know he was a safe man, and he taught to me like I was smart. And, well, he treated science like something special, and magical, and worth doing.

    It's why I write sci-fi.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:48 No.10931872
    The thing I REALLY loved about Mister Rogers is that he wasn't some cartoon animal or some brightly colored costumed buffoon. Despite his slow, deliberate speech, he always presented himself with dignity and authority as much as love and caring.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:51 No.10931920
    He had a dick, so he fucked whores

    enjoy your saint
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:52 No.10931940
    Sex is a beautiful and special thing, you know, especially when it's done with someone you care for very much.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:52 No.10931959

    Could I have some sauce please....
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:54 No.10931978
    I was playing in d20 Modern campaign that ran somewhat like Warehouse 13; artifacts imbued with power, retrieve them for a secret organization, that kind of stuff. One of the artifacts we encountered was Mr. Rogers' Sweater. Anyone who failed a will save (DC 25) would be compelled to trust absolutely the person wearing it. This was fairly early, so most of us blew the save completely, and ended up doing dirty work for the guy who had it. Good times were had by all.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:54 No.10931981
    So did Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:54 No.10931984

    You were probably a generation after me. It was Mr. Wizard that taught me that science not only did neat things, but that its fundamentals were /simple/. If you were simply observant, the truths of the universe would show themselves to you, in time.


    His speech was slow because he was patient, and because anything worth saying was worth getting right.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:57 No.10932031
    imagine a board entitled /fr/
    /fred rogers/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)15:59 No.10932076
    Damn it
    Anything Mr Rogers related gets me all teary eyed
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:01 No.10932105
    Jesus fucking Christ /tg/, it was just a man and a TV Show. I realize he told you some nice things when you were little, but that's no cause for worshiping the guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:01 No.10932116
    so much anger
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)16:01 No.10932121
    Internet would implode. Look at how this one thread tamed 4chan for a while.

    Mr. Wizard - never made sense, and I was too young to appretiate it. Plus, it came on at 5am in the morning. Screw that. But, he always did neat things. I never understood it, but ooo, it was neat.

    ...I wish I could go back in time and appretiate it again.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:01 No.10932126

    When I was really little, like 5 or so, Mr. Wizard was still airing.

    Holy balls that was an awesome show.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:01 No.10932129
    we do nothing but honor his memory, and discuss his teachings.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:02 No.10932135

    Its alright to be mad and its okay to be sad.
    But its bad to hate, so cheer up for your own sake.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:05 No.10932178
    Hate and sake don't rhyme.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 07/04/10(Sun)16:07 No.10932202

    ...I want to be angry at those people. But Mr. Rogers taught me to know better.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:08 No.10932228

    Yeah, I smell youngfags. Get what you can off the interwebs. Bill Nye, strange as it sounds, was theoretical. He'd talk about the why. Mr. Wizard showed the what. He was the crotchety old engineer that could take bailing wire, a small gasoline engine, and a fan belt, and turn it into a Faraday suit and a Gauss gun, simply to prove and demonstrate the underlying mechanics.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:11 No.10932265
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    Mr. Rogers could go into Silent Hill and everything would be great!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:12 No.10932277
    If there was EVER a thread worth archiving for the future, it's this one. Mr. Rogers is not just /tg/ related, he's EVERYTHING related.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:18 No.10932357
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:18 No.10932364
    Would ever agree that the inner white knight of /tg/ was mostly spawned by Mr. Rogers?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:19 No.10932381
    No, that's spawned by the lack of sexual interaction with other human beings.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:20 No.10932399
    To those wishing to archive this thread, there's no need.
    Read this, anons, for it is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:21 No.10932426
    True Fact: Mr. Rodger's car was stolen. When the people who did it found out, they returned it, along with a note saying they were sorry.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 07/04/10(Sun)16:23 No.10932443

    Your assumption is incorrect, dear Anon. There has always been a white knight inside each and every one of us. Mr. Rogers just reminded us of how wonderful it is to let it out to play.
    >> LyeingAboleth 07/04/10(Sun)16:25 No.10932483
    I'm 26 years old now. That's not youngfag.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:29 No.10932539
    Mr. Rodgers and his Cult of Peace appear and the chaos gods notice this development of self-love and peace and kindness. What happens?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:30 No.10932571

    The chaos gods try to corrupt Mr. Rogers, but discover that he is more powerful than the God Emperor himself, and end up becoming purified THEMSELVES.

    The 40kverse becomes a happy place soon afterwards.
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)16:30 No.10932575
    Nothing special.
    Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:32 No.10932604
    Khorne learns that it is okay to be angry, but you have to use your words.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:33 No.10932610
    We must have a drawfa- uh, I mean artist friend draw a picture of Mr. Rogers at a piano, with some smiling happy Orks dancing alongside him as he plays.
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)16:33 No.10932616
    >Bring forth the heretic of legend.
    Mr. Rogers is brought out before the Emperor.
    >Hello, neighbor.
    Tense silence.
    >Are you sick? Let me sing you a song.
    Song is sang.
    >Do you feel any better?
    Tense silence.
    >Release the sweatered one. Declare peace.

    Wars are over, folks. Time to go home.
    >> Sergeant Major Alexandros III !lV90Sa1jWw 07/04/10(Sun)16:35 No.10932648

    Suddenly millions of unemployed guardsmen, crime sky-rockets.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:37 No.10932691
    Being European, I never knew Fred Rogers - he just wasn't a figure in my TV days of old. But from the sound of it, it's a sad thing I didn't. Fred Rogers sounds like a real bro, and an extremely humbling example of the virtues I try - and usually fail, but I do try - to live my life for.

    I feel I should try and find some recordings of his old program...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:37 No.10932693
    man it's gonna be really ironic if this is the thread that finally makes SoS act on his suicide fantasies
    >> 01011001 !!0e0rM3tVUOn 07/04/10(Sun)16:37 No.10932697
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    >not suptg
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:40 No.10932745
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:40 No.10932747
    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

    A beautiful day for a neighbor

    Would you be mine?

    Could you be mine?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:42 No.10932781

    This demands writefaggotry of the highest order.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:42 No.10932788
    Hey friend, call them writefriends.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:42 No.10932790
    Mr. Rogers advises the God Emperor that by engaging the now out of work Guardsmen as Big Brothers and Big Sisters, he'll do the orphaned children of war a world of good.

    Battlebarges and all other military spacecraft (except for a small number, because sometimes you do have to defend yourself, even Mr. Rogers admitted that) are converted into rehabilitation/roaming community centers. Orphans are given a Guardsman that becomes something close to a parental figure. Many are adopted by those guardsmen, and live rich, fulfilling lives.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:43 No.10932796
    Watched that clip. I'm mad, and want to kill everything.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:44 No.10932811

    >show went off the air 20 years ago
    > ...

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:44 No.10932823

    Oh god....you're right.

    I'm sorry writefriends.

    And to all the drawfriends out there as well.

    I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:45 No.10932831
    Hey, um, what's the context of this image?

    Is there a story to go with it? I'm genuinely interested.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:46 No.10932833
    Can this please be done?
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)16:46 No.10932838
    Those would be the safest kids in creation.
    >Child molester detected, Commisar.
    Release the Big Brother Horde, Techpriest.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:46 No.10932839
    It's ok to be mad friend, being mad is normal. But you should never turn that anger on others, thats not ok.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:46 No.10932847
    >Mr. Rogers
    >Silent Hill
    >Rated E for everyone
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:47 No.10932862
    For some reason when I think of Mr Rogers in a DnD setting he isn't a cleric, but a Paladin, a paladin without a sword.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:48 No.10932865
    That guy, Ice Cube, was a hardcore rapper. Now he's an actor in D-grade family films.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:48 No.10932871
    Mr. Rogers: Best Paladin Ever
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:48 No.10932876
    Awww, that's nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:49 No.10932893
    A paladin with a piano. A paladin with a smile.
    A paladin to make the most evil of monsters good.
    A paladin who, when he awoke each day, would put on a sweater and tie his sneakers, and set forth to make new friends.
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)16:49 No.10932896
    Paladin: vow of non-violence.
    >Hug Evil
    >Gently Chide Undead

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:49 No.10932901

    No sword, just a shield. Hurting others is wrong, but protecting those you care about is wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:51 No.10932920
    The grandest of shields, glowing with the light of the sun and radiating pure, unconditional love.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:51 No.10932923
    You are now imagining Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, and Carl Sagan all sitting in a room having a nice time.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:52 No.10932941
    So Fred Rogers can talk the Chaos Gods into being true gods of Hope, Love, Bravery, etc., correct?

    This combined with turning the Emperor around on policy....

    The Four Pillars of the Chaos Gods guided by the God Emperor leads to an age of peace, understanding, and acceptance of multiple races and cultures. The Tau realize they've got the Greater Good concept all twisted around. The Eldar realize they need to be more upfront with the younger races. The Orks decide to play some football instead of going to war. The Dark Eldar repent, and wander the galaxy offering their aid wherever they can, their bond with the purified Slaanesh growing ever stronger and into something healthy and beautiful. The Tyranids come to understand that their current life cycles are unsustainable, and they work to change their methods, their instincts, into something that can be nurtured and renewed.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:52 No.10932944
    I am now smiling.
    >> Magus O'Grady 07/04/10(Sun)16:52 No.10932947
    Other way around, bro. If anyone or anything could cure SoS and get him to make peace with himself and the world around him, it's Mister Rogers. I'd say there's a good chance that after watching some of his old shows, SoS cleans up and moves on with his life as a slightly more well adjusted member of society than he used to be. Nobody can resist the desire to better oneself that that man instills.

    Please do. Looking back, I can trace almost every positive influence of my younger years to his show. He's the reason the phrase 'it's the neighborly thing to do' has such a huge impact on me.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:52 No.10932956

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:53 No.10932973
    Oh god.

    The image in my head, it's so warm.

    I can just imagine them, the sun shining through the window, the smell of fresh coffee drifting through the air. The calming sound of their conversation wafting through the room.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:53 No.10932975
    God damn it! Why am I getting misty eyed when he does his whole "You've made this day a special day just by just you being you..." bit.

    I'm an adult man. It shouldn't be this easy for me to get this emotional!

    And then he does it again with his Mad song, mainly the last line "And a boy can be some day a man"
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)16:53 No.10932977
    Forgot a few entries:
    >Aura of Awesome
    >Aura of Goodness
    >Remove Hurt
    >Detect Evil (variant rule; can be used to discern best method of helping 'evil' become Good)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:55 No.10933008
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    hay guise wuts goin on
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:56 No.10933011
    From Niggas With Attitude to TBS family sitcoms.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:56 No.10933012
    If Mr. Rogers had been alive for Katrina, he would have gone and personally helped out.

    If he were alive for the earthquakes in China, he would be digging people out.

    He would, today, be cleaning tar balls off of beaches and washing down oiled up critters.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:57 No.10933041
    Just came in to say:

    I forgive you, Steve Doocy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:58 No.10933051
    >You imagine how different your life would be if Mr. Rogers was your dad
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)16:58 No.10933059
    New Ability: Detect Crisis
    At any time, Mr. Rogers can sense trouble and can help resolve the issue
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:00 No.10933092
    Is that some Shining Time Station?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:00 No.10933104

    I always wished he was when I was little. :|
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:01 No.10933113
    You remember who the voice of Mr. Conductor was?
    It was George Carlin.
    George Carlin was Mr. Conductor.
    George Carlin.
    Look it up.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:02 No.10933148
    It's something this age misses, a figure like Mr Rogers who doesn't use his power to corrupt or control. The power Mr Rogers had was words, he held such a presence behind his words, like a rush of fresh wind across a valley, like the first light of the sun after a stormy night, like some...I can't put it into words, it's just a force that hits you with each word he speaks. Mr Rogers was a man, but unlike any man i've ever listened to before.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:03 No.10933155

    I know.

    Evidently it was the one portion of his career that he didn't spend the entirety of being a seething misanthrope. I was shocked when I found out it was the same guy.

    He was the best Mr. Conductor.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:04 No.10933178
    I love my father, and wouldn't want to exchange him for anyone in the world, even Mr.Rogers.

    Everyone has their part in the world, and my father had no more or less importance in my life than Mr.Rogers did.

    I love Mr.Rogers.
    I love my father.

    There's no need for one to replace the other, as that would be cruel to my father, to everything he did to raise me, to all the mistakes he made, and all the joys he gave me.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:08 No.10933244
    Mr. Rogers can never be replaced.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:10 No.10933276
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:10 No.10933286
    Somebody post their favorite clip or something for people who didn't follow the show, I'm kinda curious
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)17:12 No.10933324

    only thing i found
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:15 No.10933359

    It just doesn't feel right to read a Mr. Rogers thread while constantly getting interrupted by porn ads.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:15 No.10933364
    non-american would like to know more about this wonderful person.
    Don't give up on yourself.
    There is nothing that is bad enough to warrant not being forgiven and forgiving yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:17 No.10933391
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:17 No.10933397

    Mr. Rogers would have respected their sexual freedom by taking everyone in this thread off the internet and into a park somewhere where quiet conversation could be had.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 07/04/10(Sun)17:17 No.10933411
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    I love you, /tg/.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)17:18 No.10933418
    Found an episode on learning

    Pt 1
    Pt 2


    Pt 3

    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 07/04/10(Sun)17:19 No.10933423
    He'd give sweaters to porn starlets on general principles.
    >Young lady, you look cold. Take this sweater.

    He'd be the sense of modesty they don't have.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:21 No.10933461
    Thank you. :)
    I'm in awe. What a great man that was.
    A great example to us all.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:22 No.10933471
    I love you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:23 No.10933478
    >Almost straight out of a Capra film, his 5-6 minute testimony on how TV had the potential to give kids hope and create more productive citizens was so simple but passionate that even the most gruff politicians were charmed. While the budget should have been cut, the funding instead jumped from $9 to $22 million.

    what the fuck is his charisma at? inifinity??
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:23 No.10933491

    Both WIS and CHA at 20.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:24 No.10933503
    Try 45
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:29 No.10933589
    See >>10929407
    It's a recording of that -very- same testimony.

    The guy he's talking to starts off by mocking him "If I read this, will it make you 'happy'?" and ends up being charmed Fred. "Well it looks like you just got your self 20 million dollars"

    You can actually watch the change in the guy's attitude towards Fred.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:33 No.10933648
    Fred Phelps protested his funeral.

    Mr. Rogers must have been doing something right.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:34 No.10933657
    I really don't want to mention it, but I keep on hearing pogrom instead of program.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 07/04/10(Sun)17:34 No.10933664

    Mr. Rogers would have forgiven him.
    >> The Eastern Orthodox Guy 07/04/10(Sun)17:34 No.10933666
    no way

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:37 No.10933706

    Yeah, unfortunately.


    Yeah, awesomely.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:38 No.10933720
    That man is a monster. But if Mr. Rogers can forgive him, I can try to do it too.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:42 No.10933769

    That's the point where I really have to ask WWFRD? And it's hard to follow through with what he would do.

    Trying though, for the Rogers.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:44 No.10933792
    This thread made me feel worlds better after a very long stretch of despair. Thank you, Mr. Rogers, and thank you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:44 No.10933793
    being european i never saw any of mr rogers growing up, had only vaugely heard of him recently. Until this thread i did not know what an amazing guy he was.

    I may be wrong. But i feel that he and people like Carl Sagan are similar. He just reminds me of him, his kindness and knowledge. He's like a social or life Sagan
    >> Alpharius 07/04/10(Sun)17:53 No.10933906
    You know, I can't find any of his stuff. There are a few odd DVDs here and there, but for the most part it seems as though his show wasn't really commercialized. I wonder if he wanted it that way, or it's some sort of horrible oversight.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)17:59 No.10933992
    This might be a start. http://pbskids.org/rogers/
    The videos has some selections. Hope it helps.
    >> Gay Skull 07/04/10(Sun)18:07 No.10934096
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    I seem to remember /b/ having a thread about Mr. Rogers. Think it was around his death or a bit after. Anyway, one anon dissed Mr. Rogers and the rest of the /b/ros descended on him with a wrath and fury to make the gods shudder. Then they had a great nostalgia thread about Mr. Rogers and many tears were shed.

    Moral of the story: even /b/ros get teary eyed from Mr. Rogers. Any foreignfriends should take that into account when looking up the guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)18:09 No.10934125

    It is comforting to know that deep inside we all have hearts.
    >> Gay Skull 07/04/10(Sun)18:14 No.10934203
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    There was a prestige class in 3.5 that was a kind of cleric that used words to convince people to do the right thing, I think it was Emissary of Barachiel or something like that. If you were gonna make Mr. Roger's in D&D, it would probably be something like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)18:15 No.10934214
    To be fair, that's largely demonstrated whenever /b/ mobilizes en masse, in some abstract or another. The last one I can think of is the guy who posted pictures of him abusing his cat and received the wrath of the internet.
    >> Gay Skull 07/04/10(Sun)18:28 No.10934403

    Some of Rogers' videos, including a bunch of the "how things are made" clips he does. I always loved those. Possible artificer levels?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)18:34 No.10934538
    Fred Rogers descends into the Underdark.

    Fred Rogers returns with over half the drow, duergar, illithid, and umber hulk populations in tow. All sweater-clad.
    >> 01011001 !!0e0rM3tVUOn 07/04/10(Sun)18:34 No.10934547
    Not really artificer levels, but he has lots of artificer friends, for sure.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)18:49 No.10934778
    Been here for a few years now guys, but I've never said this before... Thanks for being here for me, good times and bad. All of you, SoS included.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)19:10 No.10935160
    ITT: we oldfa-... oldfriends forget about Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Greenjeans.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)19:22 No.10935382
    Mr Rodgers is a minor god in DnD 3.5.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)19:24 No.10935404
    I grew up in canada. We had Mr. Dressup. He was also awesome, and good friends with Mr Rogers. They both got their start here, something we can feel genuinely glad about.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)19:45 No.10935710
    Gentlemen... as gamers, we are a neighborhood. So the next time you have a rules conflict, settle on a fair resolution. If you see some guy with minis that need some work, offer him some kind advice. Someone's going on about this badass moment his character had... indulge him a little. We should all do our best to remember to be nicer to our neighbors.

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