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  • File : 1286329334.png-(196 KB, 500x500, ZquestCover.png)
    196 KB Zombie Quest part 7 Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:42 No.12342957  
    CHapter 3- Hope

    New readers,
    archives here:


    cue music

    It is now 7am , the sun shines its first rays on a newly deceased world, overrun by the undead. "What the fuck " says the sun, and it continues on with its existence.

    You have now taken control of the tech/lab on campus. In a matter of a half hour or so, the dead from the surrounding area will soon be pooling in.

    Not only that but armies OUTSIDE of campus gates are beginning to gather. The school will have a few hours at best before all of it falls together.

    However , never fear for at your disposal are two skilled geniuses, a luchadore with a natural immunity against zombies [cancer] and yourself, a vector for the zombie anti virus.

    [DM's note: to those who wish to frequent my operation times, I can definitely say that I will be hitting Tuesday and Thursday nights [since those are times that Diary can help me], Saturdays if the stars are willing. Otherwise Im a terrible asshole that plays this by ear.]
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:54 No.12343085
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    map updates.
    control of the tech lab transfers to you.

    However zombies from the north and the east are beginning to gather.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:01 No.12343166
    Rana should lockup the truck and bring the weapons, we don't want any smart zeds getting into that. Also we can use the vending machine as a sentry after we get its goods.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/05/10(Tue)22:03 No.12343179
    Well then I think we had better expedite things in the tech lab, post haste.

    Have the team split up and check each of the rooms in the back there for something useful.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:04 No.12343190
    Can we observe the masses from the lab? or should we send someone to observe from a vantage point?
    >> NightElf !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 10/05/10(Tue)22:08 No.12343229
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    or we could get our steampunk lady to turn it into a miniature dreadnought
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:09 No.12343248
    would you like some PENUTS WITH THAT ZOMBIE SCUM
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:10 No.12343262
    i am not opposed to this
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:13 No.12343292
    Dex and chick genius get to work on more cure.

    Also, sexual tension.

    >Captcha: Any hopirs
    Good question, how many hopirs do we have?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:17 No.12343323
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    Suptg lurker here. Just dropping in to say, Your art is awesome, your quest is awesome, and you and Diary should feel double awesome.
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:17 No.12343326
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    hello there
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:18 No.12343334

    There are currently windows that look out onto the field. Opening them would compromise their durability against a the raiding party.

    Ready also informs you that she has a monitoring room in the Link Room upstairs.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:27 No.12343391
    In that case lets see what we can find in these rooms, have the carbinebro use the crossbow to try and thin out some of the zombies without causing too much noise.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:27 No.12343393



    I've got it.

    Gather resources. Cars, equipment. Everything. Load EVERYTHING. Industrial, mechanical, technological...anything that'll fit. We're going to pull something straight out of Dawn of the Dead.

    ...If Dawn of the Dead had mechs and rocket hammers.

    Let's do this.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:33 No.12343449
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    Materials were gathered. An assembly in the making ? Or a zombie trap under construction ?

    The Devastation Dealer will cooperate in the annihilation of non capitalists as a favor to SHE WHO HAS GIVEN IT ARMS FROM WHICH TO DISPENSE ANNIHILATION.

    So to speak.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:36 No.12343468
    we should use this as a gun turret in El Senor's bed
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:37 No.12343490
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    Ready is beginning to suspect a very risky in which she is incapable of calculating the chances of success of.

    And she therefore shivers.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:38 No.12343497

    >>a very risky venture****
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:41 No.12343517
    what's in the boxes?
    >> NightElf !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 10/05/10(Tue)22:42 No.12343522
    strap the devastation dealer to the back of the truck facing forward so it can use those biggass guns. Also see if Ready can make him mobile.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:50 No.12343615
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    >> Also see if Ready can make him mobile.

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)22:52 No.12343634
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)22:54 No.12343661
    Is there anyway we can use the Lab to spread the zombie anti-virus to the rest of the crew?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:04 No.12343768
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    In an attempt at powerplay, El Senor joins in a temporary coalistion with the Devastation Dealer. Surely, mass consumption and competitive motorsport will have no difficulty finding common ground.

    EL RED emerges from the unholy pact. Dom feels a lurching alien in his gut about to bust out.

    You have time for 2 operations left !
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:06 No.12343785

    Dexter warns you that affecting yourself with the anti virus will take about an hour to Innoculate. As well as a chance of death occuring. The time in between will be spent in an excruciating fever.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:08 No.12343805

    Alternatively, creating doses now for later use is well within possibility. This will require himself and Ready to process.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:10 No.12343817
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:11 No.12343833
    have him and Ready do so. In the meantime, have someone loot the E.R. and check those boxes, and have the other two check around upstairs. that's one operation right?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:14 No.12343861
    rolled 2, 5, 4, 4 = 15


    It is one operation time. And a rush job likethis would require some rolls.

    2 rolls for the vaccine team. rating is 8!
    2 rolls for the looting team. rating is 6!
    >> Gman 10/05/10(Tue)23:18 No.12343909
    we need to have Beatrix and lt. stig get the rest of the humans out of the building
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:26 No.12343966
    Beatrix + El Red? Shiiiit.

    Anyway, go on ta lootin'.
    >> Garuun !0f7ckIaC6E 10/05/10(Tue)23:35 No.12344063
    No no...STIG + EL RED. The zeds won't know what hit them.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:41 No.12344143
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    Through the sheer power of teamwork and procrastination

    Point and Ready face handicapping difficulties as Dex was forced to instruct Ready to create a batch of unrefined serums due to his glasses breaking.

    Dom and Rana pretty much looks for anything shiny and useable and starts gathering the stuff. A few computers things, with wires on it, powertools here and there surely they'll have a use.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)23:51 No.12344246
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    " Hiiiii this is Beatrix and you pretty much caught me in the middle of a loud heavy metal concert, a bad horror movie screening, or fucking your boyfriend. Leave a message - OH and Emily you fucking left your goddamn drugs in my bathroom again. I'm keeping it, you're not fucking getting it back you goddamn hooker, I nearly got in trouble with RA cause of you."
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:57 No.12344299
    She sounds like a good time
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:57 No.12344302
    So, what were we planning to do?

    Are there any computers nearby? You know, something you can use to hack into some computer database or something. Maybe the school security system? Get a live feed from all the school cameras or something.

    After all, we're in the tech/engineering building. They should have a computer hooked up to the school network SOMEWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)23:59 No.12344328
    >Point and Ready face handicapping difficulties
    >Dex is in a wheelchair
    Not cool, bro.
    >> Tablet !!0fEYB5hrFn3 10/06/10(Wed)00:01 No.12344351
    Hey Journal, do you have an email people can contact you at?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:05 No.12344396

    Ready informs you that there is a computer ready to go for a satellite uplink. She was trying to patch a connection the whole night after all.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:07 No.12344414
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    Meanwhile, Rainy's team have cleared out the garage, as per strategic instructions during the morning of this operation.

    Charlie's ammo is down to about half.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:08 No.12344419
    We need SOMETHING useful and special from this place.

    Can we make a search roll or so-

    Wait, fuck, how was I so stupid?


    Have Rana haul out the servers, put them in the back of El Red.

    We could use those.

    Why are we trying to escape again? With survivors like this, we could just wipe out all zombies.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:08 No.12344420

    hmmmmm you can try [email protected]
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:10 No.12344443
    You can definitely try.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:13 No.12344473
    I remember we were supposed to go here to try to contact someone on the outside about us finding a cure.

    Before we clean out the place we should proably take advantage of the dish thats on this building ? I'm sure that'll take one operation right ?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:13 No.12344478
    Anything useful in the garage
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:14 No.12344500
    How do I shot dice?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:15 No.12344517
    Actually, yeah. Tell them we found a cure. Transmit that signal over everywhere.

    Could we like, load Dom's blood into Misters and then spray it over crowds? Would that work?

    Like watering fruit...kinda.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:20 No.12344573

    Charlie takes a quick count and reports that,:

    A lot cars for one. Each one in perfect working order. Some of the survivors should be bound to have one or know someone who does. In which case, looting their rooms for the key would be a start.

    But as far as inventory of the garage goes.

    Theres some motorcycles parked here due to gang activity,
    A delivery truck. Just one.
    A bunch of pick up trucks/ minivans/ SUVs etc.
    And a lot of Sudans.

    The assumption is that most of them have gasoline too so if they're not useable, at the very least gas can be siphoned from them.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:22 No.12344603
    The serum would have to be applied the same way that the zombie virus is contracted; through fluid contact. So unless you're spraying that on an open wound, it would seriously compromise the water supply as well as harm those who dont need it. [The uninfected]
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:27 No.12344674
    No using the engineering tools to make railguns or some other projectile weapon when we run out of ammo?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:35 No.12344741
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    For your final and most crucial Operation.
    Dexter heads up to the Link Room, to send one last message to the world.
    It will be tough,

    The cyber police is everywhere, even the feds
    They might even backtrace your connection.
    Pray that you dont dun goof this.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)00:36 No.12344755
    rolled 1 = 1

    click clack click
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:38 No.12344774
    ya dun goofed, kid
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)00:46 No.12344853

    Please hope he didn't.

    And even if they did back track him, what would that mean? Okay, they have his location, and it's on Zombie College Island.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)00:48 No.12344870

    We are trying to escape because something like 700+ zombies are gathering around the front gate and its only a matter of time before they break it down under their sheer weight.

    Unless we find a cache of MG42's in the history department Escape is our best option.
    >> Garuun !0f7ckIaC6E 10/06/10(Wed)00:52 No.12344918
    Oh that CAN'T be good...
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)01:06 No.12345070
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    How? You ask ? How is it that the god of unlife feels so very real all of a sudden. How everything has been playing into the hands of hellish forces.

    How ?

    it is simple, Dexter. For you see, if you were to look at the many cameras posted around the building, you'll see that the suspect element to your downfall this hour is caused by none other than a chainsaw wielding maniac himself.

    But that's not all. Your silence this hour will engineer yet an even greater tragedy...
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:07 No.12345085

    Can we go fix the cables? I mean, we know what's wrong. Also, GREEN FLARES FOR CONTROLLED BUILDINGS.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:14 No.12345142
    Oh god I feel horrible for making that post now.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)01:18 No.12345174
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    On some dark day like this. Even humans are looking more ravenous than the undead.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:20 No.12345193
    WE REQUIRE DUCT TAPE TO FIX THE CABLE! Maybe even duck tape...
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:22 No.12345206

    And I was just thinking about adding it to my earlier post:

    "So they backtrack him, so what? What are they going to do, drop a nuke on him? Just to get one guy?"

    Anyway, we've got a bigass radio tower. Let's start from there and broadcast the shit out of it. Hope it reaches off the island. In the meantime, let's get to fixing that stupid cable. We've got an art major and two crazy smart scientists; between the two of them, I'm sure they can fix it. Or make it better.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:24 No.12345223
    Rana and Dom go up there to secure the area, and PD and Ready will repair the cable to the satellite uplink.

    We have to get this fixed and get the message out.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:31 No.12345296

    And the message will be simple. "WE ARE HERE." How's that for impact?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:38 No.12345381




    We HAVE to get word out!

    Somehow! Wait...Dexter.

    Rig up a program to make it so that it is CONSTANTLY broadcasting a prerecorded message. Record that we have a cure. That there are MANY survivors, but that we need supplies. Set it to keep broadcasting, despite the lack of a connection, on all signals.

    Then ask El Rana how far he can jump, give him a roll of duct tape, and tell him to go tape the cable together, then jump onto El Red and escape.

    This HAS to work.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)01:44 No.12345446
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    Dexter informs you that repairing the wire could take a matter of almost an hour. The team should be informed perhaps even called here.

    A lot of things could happen in that time. The gate might break down, we might get attacked. We might get left behind. This could very well cut your escape.


    Will you do it ?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:44 No.12345454

    We were on the rooftop earlier. We can just walk up there.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:48 No.12345503

    Wait. We have cell phones. And other buildings with presumably internet access. Start calling people. Like, on the double. And maybe get a feed of the front gate. Maybe we can barricade it with cars, or use cars in a trap involving a series of car bombs.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:50 No.12345521
    Yes. We should get everyone here, with cars left at another building. While Ready and PD fix the cable and get the message out, some of the others should prepare an escape route in case the gate is breached and the Tech Lab is surrounded.

    We have to get the message out, otherwise the entire island will get nuked.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)01:53 No.12345569
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    You should also escape. You're the cure. Without you the anti virus can't exist.

    I can stay here long enough to do everything I need to do.

    In fact, you should probably leave me.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)01:55 No.12345611

    and where do you suppose they get that internet access from ?

    Otherwise the signals are jammed in the stratosphere and only local area signals can work.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:56 No.12345634

    Rule #1 of Zombie Apocalypse Party: We. Do. Not. Leave. Friends. Behind.

    Rule #2 of Zombie Apocalypse Party: Unless said individual is infected and conversion/fatality is imminent, in which case said person is to go out in a rather GAR fashion, Rule #1 is to be followed.

    So unless you get bitten, or loose half your body, we follow Rule #1.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:58 No.12345658

    Well fuck me in the ass. Figuratively.

    But when we ran into Rainy, she was playing a vidya game, no? So she was playing single player?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)01:59 No.12345667
    HUG Dexter in a completely brosef way. Make sure to say no homo just in case.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:01 No.12345689

    lets not forget that the armed forces are adapting to every contingency as this happens. I wont be surprised if we even see sweeper teams happening in order to fullfill some PR stunt.
    >> Gman 10/06/10(Wed)02:07 No.12345741
    this is a moot point, as dom is a girl
    and if you don't believe me, check the archive, it lists her as a girl
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:09 No.12345759
    I don't believe OP ever actually verified that Dom IS a girl. That's just a meme that became meta.
    >> Gman 10/06/10(Wed)02:09 No.12345765
    also forgot to say, WE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU BEHIND DEX!
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:13 No.12345822
    rolled 26 = 26

    Well poop.
    Okay, okay. ... Okay. ... Oooookay.
    There's a chainsaw wielding maniac
    The cable's cut
    Zombies on all sides
    Fuck it. Grab a computer or two and a generator, load it on a truck and get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:13 No.12345825
    No bros left behind!

    We should begin fortifications immediately. Have El Rana stack some of those Sedans in front of the Gate to make it hold a while longer; we should be able to use the trucks/SUVs/etc to make our get-a-way, they can hold more people. Have El Red cover him if zeds start making things difficult.
    Also, make sure to syphon the gas out of the Sedans before stacking them up, time willing.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:14 No.12345837
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    Like a morning whisper, Rainy's day has just started.

    A plan is set in motion. .
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:16 No.12345862
    rolled 28 = 28

    In this quest, what happens when you combine Fire and Zombie?
    Do you get dead zombie, or do you get a perfectly okay zombie that now burns you to death horribly when it eats you?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)02:19 No.12345895

    I actually didn't archive this series. Someone else did [since that's usually how it's done]. That person is thoroughly convinced of Dom's gender identity however. And while I acknowledge that person's opinion, I'm not saying that it necessarily has the authority that it states.

    tldr; its not a statement that officially reflects what I say. I already made my peace on the matter
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)02:23 No.12345935
    Even from my dream I shall cheer for you guys!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)02:32 No.12346022
    haha good night
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)02:33 No.12346037
    So while I let sink in the fact that Diary might not show up tonight. I'm gonna take like a 30 minute break or something to get my shit ready for the midnight grind.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)02:34 No.12346047
    rolled 8, 5, 7 = 20

    . . . .
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:35 No.12346055


    Yeah, so current team at the tech building goes about fixing the satellite uplink. Second team gets to the roof of some building that has a view of the front gate. Make sure to properly barricade said building. Let's start gathering survivors and scouting secondary escape routes and those willing to fight the horde at the front gates.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:36 No.12346063
    Reply too Doms text with sexy snap shot.
    Then lets get the show on the road.
    Also what is Sally up too
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)02:41 No.12346117
    Alright, I'm out for sleep. Need to get up early tomorrow to get a start on homework. And I like my sleep. Don't let the Zeds eat you, OP...

    Also, we need to get alcohol. Make molotov cocktails, or have one final crazy-ass party before we're nuked.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)02:42 No.12346132
         File1286347369.png-(207 KB, 1000x1000, Journal281.png)
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    rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6

    Btw, those other zombies have arrived.
    Heaven or Hell

    Let's rock.

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)03:09 No.12346418
    You know what-
    I Think I Will sleep.



    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)03:10 No.12346424
    go on you glorious bastard sleep
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)03:17 No.12346494
    Alright I'll finish this up wednesday morning. and if not wednesday then thursday night : /

    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)03:55 No.12346778
    how does I shot archive ?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)07:35 No.12347785
    Molotov the zombies at the campus gates
    metal gates are fire proof zombies ant
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)08:25 No.12348016
    Maybe siphon gas from some of the cars that we don't need, and have Ready use them to construct some flamethrowers? Perhaps see if there's a gasoline storage tank somewhere on campus, such as a campus vehicle motor pool?
    It really depends on how quickly the zombies burn, though. If they can go for a considerable time while on fire, then now we'll have to worry about running flaming zombies.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)11:50 No.12349347
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)12:26 No.12349581
    Dex and Ready are busy repairing that wire aren't they ?

    Meanwhile those 30 other zombies that are encroaching the tech lab should be handled easily with one or two passes with EL red. Dom and Rana should ride it around, Dom equipped with the grenade launchers and rocket hammer in case any of them get on board so that Rana can concentrate on driving.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)12:31 No.12349610

    Moltovs were used on zombie to great effect while the team was rescuing Se7en. Weather this was because they were being distracted by being on fire and just milled about till they burned to death instead of attacking or because they just burned that quickly is unknown. Either way setting them on fire seems like a good idea, just be ready to shoot them if they don't stop immediately.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)12:31 No.12349615
    rolled 6, 1, 7, 7, 8, 1, 7, 1, 5, 9, 3, 9, 7, 1, 4, 5, 4, 2, 10, 7, 10, 1, 5, 4, 1 = 125

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)12:34 No.12349641
    rolled 7, 10, 7, 4, 1, 3, 7, 6, 9, 1, 5, 4, 10, 6, 6 = 86

    . .. . . .
    >> Tripe 10/06/10(Wed)12:43 No.12349700
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)13:10 No.12349911
    Rolling on Carmageddon. will process whence I get to studio.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)17:11 No.12351935
    bumping off page 11.

    Man I loved that game.
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/06/10(Wed)18:46 No.12352862
    Okay, I've got a ridiculously awesome idea.

    Head to the gates, get Macready to rig the equivalent of a tripwire up, while we patch the wire.

    Have it so that it's a lever system-rigged to tons of cars. That way, if they DO breach the gateway, they'll be using their own force to pull the cars into them. In the meantime, have oiled rags stuffed in the gas tanks. So that they're literally pulling soon-to-be-explosive cars into their ranks.

    Have our buddy up top (Carbine Bro) Be ready with a tracer round or a flaming crossbow bolt or something, to hit the flaming rags.

    Note: Don't use ALL the cars. Just some of them...as many as we think we can use to take out the horde.

    Would this be possible?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)18:59 No.12353013

    very possible. Do you want me to supply you all a map so you can make realistic descriptions about the plan ?
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/06/10(Wed)19:09 No.12353117

    Either that, or indicate a relatively current one. About how long do we have until the horde breaches, it looks like?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)19:32 No.12353346
    Wouldn't it be easier to just have Rana throw the cars?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)19:41 No.12353435
         File1286408512.jpg-(88 KB, 500x500, diary09.jpg)
    88 KB
    Meanwhile, while the world is ending outside we turn your attention to the lady commander and her stalwart lieutenant. . .

    "Hey you!"
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)19:43 No.12353456
         File1286408620.jpg-(96 KB, 500x500, diary10.jpg)
    96 KB
    "Yeah you!"

    "Let me tell you, you got some nice tits."

    . . .
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)19:45 No.12353477
    Oh yes! Here we go.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)19:50 No.12353544

    I'm not sure how a feel about this.

    On the one hand, cat fight hell yeah!

    On the other, necrophilia........
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)19:50 No.12353549
    rolled 3, 1, 3, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 6, 6, 5, 10, 8 = 76

    . . .
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)19:55 No.12353595
         File1286409310.jpg-(96 KB, 500x500, diary11.jpg)
    96 KB
    The Zombie Bimbo's natural need to be catty bitches result in a vicious zombie versus zombie scramble.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)20:03 No.12353692
         File1286409803.jpg-(132 KB, 500x500, diary12.jpg)
    132 KB
    Only six bimbos remain after the scuffle--having wasted their turn its time for a smooth finish.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)20:06 No.12353732
         File1286409999.jpg-(139 KB, 500x500, rockstarlightning.jpg)
    139 KB
    And with a friendly reminder of what you have: a battle screen!
    >> Gman 10/06/10(Wed)20:36 No.12354100
         File1286411775.jpg-(105 KB, 400x600, The_Stig_British_International(...).jpg)
    105 KB
    have Beatrix do her wirlwind, and have Lt. Stig do some smashes
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)20:47 No.12354238
    I would add a sweep and drop as well.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)20:48 No.12354253
    Diary is in the shower.

    Never keep a lady waiting ?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)20:57 No.12354343
    Then I shall take this opportunity to make my Bid for what Lt. Stig has stashed away in the garage.

    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)21:27 No.12354719
    I like your style OP.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)21:28 No.12354724
    rolled 5, 1, 7, 2, 2 = 17

    . . .
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)21:36 No.12354816
         File1286415417.jpg-(145 KB, 500x500, diary13.jpg)
    145 KB
    Beatrix whirlwinds three zombies in front of her while on the other side of the remaining horde Lt Stig swings his crowbar across the legs of two zombies and gets the drop on them as they fall prone.

    One zombie remains.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)21:39 No.12354846
    rolled 4, 7 = 11

    . . .
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)21:41 No.12354869
    Team attack
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:03 No.12355171
         File1286416982.jpg-(147 KB, 500x500, diary14.jpg)
    147 KB
    Bimbo goes for the kill--And fails.

    The common room goes silent as an imaginary shamisen twangs in the air.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:07 No.12355244
         File1286417267.jpg-(51 KB, 500x500, diary15.jpg)
    51 KB
    rolled 9 = 9

    . . .

    Hey where'd those petals come from?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:18 No.12355374
         File1286417907.jpg-(79 KB, 500x500, diary16.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)22:22 No.12355423
    Check the commons to see if there might be anything useful before moving down to the second level.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:25 No.12355452
         File1286418304.jpg-(150 KB, 1000x1000, mapcent.jpg)
    150 KB
    That was easier than you thought it would be. Both Commander Beatrix and Lt Stig observe the common room area.

    The Elevator is so the north and staircases that lead downstairs are to the south.

    Beside the door to the staircase is a locked office. You do believe you hear sniveling from the room.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:26 No.12355463
         File1286418382.jpg-(55 KB, 500x500, diary17.jpg)
    55 KB
    - Investigate?
    - Press On?
    - ???

    What do team. What do?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)22:30 No.12355515
    Knock on the door and announce your presence before trying to go in.
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/06/10(Wed)22:39 No.12355621
    It might be easier to just have Rana throw cars; but the point is that we don't expend any effort attempting to hold the zombies off, while Rana guards the building and takes out any stragglers. The zombies are doing the work for us-we just need some cable, pulleys, and to hook up to the gate.

    Rana will guard us while we fix the cable, and while the other survivors gather. Also, this takes care of them all at once.

    Any other ideas for how we could hold them off?
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/06/10(Wed)22:42 No.12355652
    Also, yes; knock on the door and talk. "Are you alright in there? Have you been bitten?"
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)22:49 No.12355734
         File1286419757.jpg-(42 KB, 500x500, diary18.jpg)
    42 KB

    Several voices come from the door in a panic.

    "Is it safe?!"

    "Are there any more of those things?!"

    "I'm not bit!"
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:02 No.12355913

    "Are you a Capitalist pig-dog?"
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/06/10(Wed)23:02 No.12355916
    "We've taken out all those nearby. There are likely more, but not in the immediate area. The survivors are gathering in the cafeteria. Are you all mobile?"
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:25 No.12356169

    >"We've taken out all those nearby. There are likely more, but not in the immediate area. The survivors are gathering in the cafeteria. Are you all fellow Communists?"

    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)23:28 No.12356204
         File1286422118.jpg-(42 KB, 500x500, diary19.jpg)
    42 KB
    "If it means getting out..."
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)23:30 No.12356227
         File1286422240.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, diary20.jpg)
    74 KB
    The door opens up. Looking in you see a bunch of punk looking mother fuckers huddled in a corner. No one seems injured and there is a good number of them.

    "Then we'll join you."
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/06/10(Wed)23:35 No.12356280
    We saved the goths... wonderful
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:41 No.12356360
    No, Punk dudes.

    They'll probably fight with tire irons and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:44 No.12356389

    Have Stig gesture to his commander that Kitchen might equal food. Extra Food means less hungry survivors less likely to do dumb things in hungry issues.

    Also, high five for finding more survivors...maybe some buddies from the motor club might be in there.

    We need all the help we can get driving the hell out of here.

    All done of course through typical Stig, wordless AWESOMENESS
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)23:50 No.12356465
         File1286423449.jpg-(156 KB, 500x700, rockstarlightning.jpg)
    156 KB
    Molotov Krew Unlocked: Beatrix can now lead a squad of alcohol toting dudes to burn the undead. Squad members can attack twice. Molotov's are great against groups.

    Command Skill has been unlocked.

    Beatrix is capable of leading 'squads' of survivors around the battle field. Beatrix can either command a squad during her turn or attack. Lt Stig still has his own turn.

    Using the INSPIRE command, Beatrix can add bonuses to her squad.

    Any questions?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:53 No.12356481

    Yes. The number and armament of the members of our newfound squad.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)23:54 No.12356485

    So Beatrix, is like cool punk?

    Do the Punks have viable weapons?

    Is there food in the kitchen they can take back to the cafe?
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/06/10(Wed)23:55 No.12356495
    rolled 73, 98, 66, 32, 64 = 333


    Inspire them early, so they'll be prepared for the incoming infected.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/06/10(Wed)23:57 No.12356514
    rolled 9 = 9

    . . .
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/06/10(Wed)23:59 No.12356531
         File1286423976.png-(82 KB, 500x500, Diary21.png)
    82 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:03 No.12356567

    Psychotic punks willing to fight to the death...check
    Silent Lieutenant that kicks ass...check
    Bitching Threads and sword...check

    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)00:09 No.12356629
    The Molotov Krew is a squad of 5 individuals. Each member of the squad can throw Molotov for three rounds before having to spend a round to 'reload'.
    Beatrix is a star.
    They can be armed melee however their proficiency lies in projectiles. If you want to supply them with something like grenades you need a supply crate. The ARMAGEDDON Armory is a good example of a supply crate.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:11 No.12356653

    Is there any way we can contact Dom with the news that we have found survivors ready AND willing to fight?

    Maybe we can connect with the other teams and get seriously armed before moving back to the Cafe and solidifying our primary 'survivor' shelter
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:15 No.12356705

    Beatrix's team hasn't even made contact with Dom's. Frankly, I'm not even sure the two know the other exists.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:16 No.12356720

    Wait what? Didnt they meet in the Cafe like a while back?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)00:17 No.12356736
         File1286425069.png-(71 KB, 678x500, Diary22.png)
    71 KB
    Other throwable items include:
    Homemade bombs
    Sports Equipment
    Construction blocks
    Your mother.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)00:19 No.12356751
    Okay I need a moment to stop laughing a bit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:19 No.12356754

    Really? Well, either way, the two seem to be acting independently of each other.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)00:20 No.12356771
         File1286425258.png-(205 KB, 1000x1000, RabbitMeme.png)
    205 KB

    "Nope, she started on the other Side of the dorms and worked her way around and around."

    Wait- WHY AM I HERE ?!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:21 No.12356778

    I would arm the Mohawk Punk with 'Your mother' he seems the one most knowledgeable of its use.

    Oh and tell the fatter punk that he doesn't get the pie.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:22 No.12356794
    Go to Dex's old room. Loot anything not nailed down. Go to Dom's room. Raid his awesome zombie apocalypse closet.

    Anything we missed?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)00:25 No.12356832
    Their old rooms are in the apartments across the street man.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)00:26 No.12356839
         File1286425583.jpg-(68 KB, 500x500, diary23.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)00:26 No.12356842
         File1286425609.png-(66 KB, 500x500, MolotovMeme.png)
    66 KB
    clearly evil still exists in this world.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)00:26 No.12356843
         File1286425617.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, diary24.jpg)
    74 KB
    "--Oh my cellphone."
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:27 No.12356855

    Stig tackles her out of dangers way
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:28 No.12356866

    But aren't they in Dom's old apartment/dorm? They even came across the staircase we 'sploded. We DID break that staircase in the dorm, right?

    If not, then go raid the janitor's supply closet. If it burns while you're alive, imagine the damage a chemical will have when you're DEAD.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:29 No.12356883
    I haven't really been paying attention to these threads (art's nice, though). Is that Protoman getting ready to fight zombies?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:29 No.12356886

    lol psyche
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:35 No.12356947

    Chick Punk to Fat Punk: "Tell ya what, we get outta this bind with our panties intact." He pauses and whispers into his ear. "I'll get some whipped cream and you can have me for dessert instead."
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:36 No.12356958
    she sorry...

    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:36 No.12356959

    he ?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)00:41 No.12357007
         File1286426488.jpg-(40 KB, 500x500, fuckfood.jpg)
    40 KB
    15 minute chow break
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:46 No.12357057
    luckily, this is not a lie
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:48 No.12357088
    enjoy the pie friend
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)00:49 No.12357097

    I dunno....it does not look like I can eat it....

    And the whipped cream is soooooo tempting
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)01:25 No.12357490
         File1286429100.jpg-(110 KB, 500x500, diary25.jpg)
    110 KB
    And we're back.

    After some time spent in this floor you've acquired some food that hasn't expired yet. Its not enough to be significant but hey--better than nothing right?

    As the Molotov Krew helps sort through the food and make additional molotov ammo and Beatrix tries her cellphone...

    Lt Stig notices cartridges on the floor near the West Wing doors. No one used weapons in this floor. Are there more survivors?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)01:26 No.12357508
         File1286429201.jpg-(152 KB, 1000x1000, mapcent.jpg)
    152 KB
    - Head to the cafeteria via stairs or elevator.
    - Investigate
    - ???

    What do team? What do?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)01:26 No.12357509

    Any rooms? Search them. Also tell gang to keep eyes out. Especially up. Don't want some crazy Z's coming in from the ceiling.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)01:29 No.12357537

    You know what, investigate the West doors. If nothing of interest, head to the East wing.

    Or we can ask the Molotov gang where the Z's came from. So we have an idea of where not to go.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)01:35 No.12357585
         File1286429702.png-(136 KB, 1000x1000, Diary26.png)
    136 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)01:43 No.12357688


    Also, this is by far the most awesome quest. You guys should feel awesome.

    And why is the female punk sexing the fat punk? Damnit all to hell, we're college students, but our lIbidos do not control us! I mean, look at Beatrix!

    ...With the exception of Rainy. She...uh. Well. Um.

    Dom's penis.

    There, I said it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)01:51 No.12357762

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)01:56 No.12357813
    hate switching networks.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)02:23 No.12358091
         File1286432619.jpg-(86 KB, 500x500, diary27.jpg)
    86 KB
    You and your squad enter the Western Wing.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)02:23 No.12358097
    Bump. And to the second wing. Again, let's go loot the crap out of Dex's lab. Maybe we can find something useful. Assuming this is his dorm.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)02:24 No.12358109

    Just quietly shut the door. After throwing a few cocktails their way. Wall of fire, mebbe?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)02:28 No.12358143
         File1286432901.jpg-(145 KB, 1000x1000, mapwwing.jpg)
    145 KB
    The west wing is exactly like the eastern wing mirrors save for one detail. The West Wing contains a lobby which has glass walls and a glass sliding door. In it you see some comfortable furniature and a couple of zombies.

    The mass however seem to be coming out from the staircase and are trying to climb over the table barricade protecting the southern hallway. They're in such a mass horde instinct they don't notice your squad coming in.

    WHAT DO.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)02:31 No.12358168

    From beyond the barricade you hear fighting. Are those gunshots?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)02:35 No.12358192

    Throw cocktails, disregard building fire.

    Or just slowly close the door and barricade it. We don't know the status of outside the building, so we don't really want to go making fires when there's a horde outside.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)02:35 No.12358195
         File1286433323.jpg-(153 KB, 1000x1000, mapwwing.jpg)
    153 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)02:42 No.12358241
    guise I smell survivors why else would those zombies swarmmmmm
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)02:45 No.12358274

    And how do you propose we get to said survivors without being swamped?

    Unless we can get through the lobby. Otherwise, Molotov cocktail time.

    Also suggest going back and finding a janitor's closet or something. You know those big bins on wheels they're always pushing around? Great opening move to disable a good number of zombies. Especially if it's on fire.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)03:08 No.12358464
    I say we overwhelm the lobby in a lighning fast operation to get to whoevers on the other side. molotovs, followed by the stig cleanup.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)03:25 No.12358581
         File1286436322.jpg-(175 KB, 500x500, diary28.jpg)
    175 KB
    Behind the barricade the book club sit in relief--glad that they took all those self defense classes and all qualified for their concealed licenses.

    They know however that this will not last forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)03:31 No.12358632
    Holy shit. How did a book club even DECIDE to get into guns ?

    captcha: Journal palmrub

    Captcha: Journal Palmrub
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)03:35 No.12358662

    With the amount of shooting that goes on in college these days--it couldn't hurt to have a concealed carry license. . .and weekly trips to the gun range.

    Oh and theres always that whole zombie apocalypse possibility.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)03:37 No.12358686
    someone must've lent them a copy of Guns of the South.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)03:38 No.12358699
         File1286437102.jpg-(60 KB, 500x500, rabbitsleep.jpg)
    60 KB
    And to leave us on a high note Diary will be sleeping. Seems like the majority of us are sleeping too~!

    Considering that it is Thursday for me already I hope to see everyone later today for a double hitter with me and Journal as we continue Zombie quest~!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)04:32 No.12359050
    i love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)09:42 No.12360515
    So wait....

    is Beatrix gonna have her own army by the end of all this ?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)10:04 No.12360598
         File1286460244.jpg-(46 KB, 500x500, justaswhat.jpg)
    46 KB
    Just coming by between house hunting but. . .


    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)12:39 No.12361404
    I love coming home from work and reading up on all the Zombie Quest I missed after going to bed!

    Now as for dealing with that horde....The only real option here is a Molotov, but that's likely to set the building on fire. Look for a fire extinguisher or two, there should be one near by. Throw a Molotov or two on the horde then use the fire extinguisher to keep the fire in check.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)12:44 No.12361434
    Hey, sorry for imposing on the thread but did anyone find out if anyone was going to upload the "outbreak undead" core book?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)14:19 No.12362156
    Does Beatrix or anyone in the Molotov Krew have the number for anyone in the book club? We should let them know where we are, so that they're careful with their aim and don't accidentally shoot us, like the problem Dom had when first meeting Helen.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)15:08 No.12362605
    I rolled lucky so yes.
    Fatty knows someone who he had secret a crush on.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)15:51 No.12363015

    Then for the fun question, would it be reasonable for them to presume it's the book club back there? Or maybe Fatty knows since he already called his crush once to make sure they're ok, because it's a FREAKING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE and he was all worried about her. Or him, I won't judge.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)18:32 No.12364713

    Call book club.

    "The reinforcements are here. Prepare to wipe out the Z's from behind. We're going to draw their attention with bricks and debris. We can't risk a fire yet."

    Just use mundane throwing weapons for now.

    Also, Acetone Peroxide is possible to be synthesized over a period of 24 hours, less if you have a method of flash freezing.

    Could a chemist or, say, Dexter, make a ton of that, and give it to the Molotov Krew as a super weapon?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)19:20 No.12365226
    If i catch this right that means you have 10 attacks with one crew + stig's attacks with a potential of 13 kills.

    That leaves like the 20+ zombies
    coming at us. We might HAVE to use fire and just put it out after the fact. Im sure there are automatic sprinklers here so fire spreading shouldnt be a major problem.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)19:25 No.12365259
    There are indeed automatic sprinklers.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)20:10 No.12365643
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)20:23 No.12365758
         File1286497405.jpg-(77 KB, 500x500, diary29.jpg)
    77 KB

    "I was wondering when you'd call back."

    Fat Punk explains to the Book Club president that they are on the western wing entrance.

    BC President explains that the zombies coming from the stairs have been almost endless. If you cut through the lobby you can easily reach them but have to go through the lobby of zombies that they locked in there. BC Pres also explains they're not exactly armed for close combat situations.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)20:30 No.12365820

    When dealing with this many zombies you don't wanna do close combat anyway, so lack of melee shouldn't be a problem. Now it's time for a pincer attack! Beatrix and co. attack and draw the zombies attention and when their backs are turned the book club nails them from behind.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)20:40 No.12365934
         File1286498453.jpg-(35 KB, 500x500, diary30.jpg)
    35 KB
    The idea of creating more controlled chaos is appealing to Beatrix.

    "Set those fucks on fire boys!"
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)20:41 No.12365948
    rolled 3, 9, 7, 5, 4, 10, 10, 2, 7, 7 = 64

    . . .
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)20:43 No.12365970
    I sincerely hope I get paired up with a woman this awesome when the zombie apocalypse happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)20:45 No.12365997

    What GRainy isn't awesome enough for you?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)20:48 No.12366023
    Reminds me too much of an ex.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)20:51 No.12366056

    Ah, fair enough.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)20:53 No.12366070
         File1286499196.png-(127 KB, 1000x1000, Diary31.png)
    127 KB
    10 krew members chuck some damn 45s for a cumulative 8 kills of fiery death.

    Zombies in the area are now engulfed in flame ! making them all the more brittle for the their downfall.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)20:57 No.12366104
    Beatrix should be cackling and have her weapon at the ready, Stig ready to guard her from any zombie attack, like the badass commander she is.

    Hell, she doesn't even have to use it-just have it out and be gesturing with it.

    Also, yell "Now, now, now!" To the book club.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)20:57 No.12366112

    I MEANT 5. They attacked twice each.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:00 No.12366140
    Will the BC Club be exiting through the lobby or through the barricade?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:05 No.12366173

    Over the barricade, or at least far enough up it to engage the zombies. Gotta deal with the horde before we can escape anyway. Just make sure someone is watching that lobby door. No need to get ourselves caught in a pincer.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:05 No.12366176
    What? Leaving into the firey horde? Fuck no, they should shoot them if they can, to thin them out further
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)21:07 No.12366199
    Yeah, wait for the sprinklers to kick in,
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:15 No.12366259

    Start pelting them with various things while we wait for the fire to consume them/the water to douse them. See if we can't bring down a few more.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:17 No.12366280
    rolled 5, 7, 7, 3, 3, 5, 1, 7, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 4, 10, 4, 3, 3, 5, 7 = 114

    . . .
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:19 No.12366298
         File1286500767.jpg-(80 KB, 500x500, diary32.jpg)
    80 KB
    The smell of burnt flesh wafts up towards the ceiling--automatically turning on the sprinkler system. While the fire has alerted and damaged the enemy horde the water has slowed them down even further causing them to slip and fall over each other as their minds comprehend what happened.

    The book club emerges from atop the barricade, holding their weapons high and start firing at the horde below them. 16 fall atop the barricade and slid to the soaking ground below.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:24 No.12366366
         File1286501081.jpg-(193 KB, 500x800, rockstarlightning.jpg)
    193 KB
    Beatrix is now able to control two squads of the Book Club Brigade.

    Each Squad has 5 club members capable of doing one of two attacks. Spray and Pray and Aim and Fire. Aim and Fire takes one turn to 'aim' before firing a perfect shot.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:26 No.12366398
    I think it's time for another inspiring speech to rouse the book clubs moral. This should of course be followed by putting action to words and beating the shit out of some zombies.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:34 No.12366506
         File1286501640.jpg-(179 KB, 1000x1000, mapwwing.jpg)
    179 KB
    Map update
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)21:38 No.12366581
    rolled 51, 30, 6, 50, 29 = 166


    How flammable are the hallways? We might have to take the fight outside, or at least use the windows to throw molotovs out of.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:45 No.12366670

    The hallways are soaked with water. The sprinklers don't look like they're ready to stop.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:46 No.12366695
    rolled 2 = 2

    . . .For the Inspire.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:48 No.12366717
    >Zombie Quest

    This isn't my quest.

    But meh, you're doing a better job at it than me.
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)21:49 No.12366732
    rolled 11, 48, 76, 97, 69 = 301


    How's the situation outside? Are the zombies at the gate? Perhaps we can throw the molotovs in their way before they reach the building? Unless they're in already.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:49 No.12366736

    Well....that sucks
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:50 No.12366753

    The zombies are right in front of us. With in spitting distance you could say.

    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:53 No.12366787
         File1286502786.jpg-(62 KB, 500x500, diary33.jpg)
    62 KB

    In the torrential downpour of the sprinklers and over the alarms Beatrix smiles.

    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)21:54 No.12366808
    Lt Stig has not been given orders.
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)21:58 No.12366857
    rolled 12, 19, 32, 43, 80 = 186


    Use a fortune point and reroll!

    Then have Lt. smash something for inspiration, on a zombies head.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)21:59 No.12366862
    stig: kill any zombies that appear to be getting too close to anyone, especially our glorious leader i suppose.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)22:01 No.12366883
    rolled 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 10, 4, 2, 3 = 37

    . . .
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)22:06 No.12366936
    Oh. Oh wow.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)22:07 No.12366950
    Please tell me thats a good "wow"
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:08 No.12366959

    haha nope
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:10 No.12366977
    Fuck. the Krew just set half of us on fire didn't they...
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)22:12 No.12366999
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)22:16 No.12367039
         File1286504176.jpg-(85 KB, 500x500, diary34.jpg)
    85 KB
    Fuck indeed. Amazingly even with climbing the table barricade and slipping in the water one zombie manages to reach out and grab one of the BCB squad members.

    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)22:17 No.12367054
    rolled 5, 76, 95, 34, 71 = 281


    We gotta put him out of his misery, if only we had a grenade...
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:19 No.12367080

    Fuck that, save his ass! Stig get in there and drag him out!
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)22:27 No.12367163
    i'm with the Mercy killing.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)22:30 No.12367197
         File1286505011.jpg-(71 KB, 500x500, diary35.jpg)
    71 KB

    "Hold it fly boy."
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:32 No.12367222

    But, but, but......fine......
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)22:35 No.12367258
    rolled 76, 38, 41, 26, 56 = 237


    He's already fucked.

    Once bitten, nothing is good.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:37 No.12367276
         File1286505427.png-(116 KB, 500x500, Diary36.png)
    116 KB
    "sv m "
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:39 No.12367302

    They can be saved, but in this case... no. Anyway, extract and fall back. Lt. Stig and Beatrix move in to occupy while the two squads continue to fire. BC squads get over to the hallway.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:42 No.12367322

    Also, assuming he's not sopping wet, molotov his corpse out of respect. Raze the body, raise the soul.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:43 No.12367331

    Once bitten you've got twenty-four hours, unless bitten again in which case it's halved each bite. Regardless we do have a cure. Not that they know any of this, but it was my reasoning. Probably couldn't have dragged him out anyway, there is a lot of zombies still.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:43 No.12367335
         File1286505801.png-(54 KB, 500x500, Diary37.png)
    54 KB
    " t hrts"
    "fd m"
    "t hrts "
    " kll m "
    "t hrts"
    "t y "
    "t y "
    " dvr hmns"
    "t hmns "
    "t "
    " hngry"
    "hngry fr hmns"
    "sh "
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:45 No.12367351

    Pnnn? What's that supposed to mean? The others are mostly translateable, but...
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)22:47 No.12367379
    Jesus fuck! Is that the front gate?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:48 No.12367390

    no we're still in the Beatrix land. she's behind on the timeline but she'll be caught up.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:48 No.12367397
         File1286506137.gif-(1.07 MB, 250x187, NO.gif)
    1.07 MB
    >It hurts
    >kill me
    >awareness through undead

    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:51 No.12367422

    No, they have mouths. They just can't articulate very well. On account of being the re-animated dead.
    >> zeeanon 10/07/10(Thu)22:51 No.12367424
    I throw the nearest object near me to try to shut them up
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:52 No.12367438
         File1286506345.png-(164 KB, 1000x1000, Diary38.png)
    164 KB
    Alright kids, your turn. what do ?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:53 No.12367454
    No, its a short story.

    A nightmarish short story.
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)22:54 No.12367465
    rolled 8, 16, 89, 61, 88 = 262


    Try inspire one more time, if failed hope to god Beatrix's sword is good enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)22:57 No.12367506
    Ok looking at the map >>12366506

    The right side looks mostly clear, the book club should be able to just charge through and regroup with the rest. While doing this Beatrix and Stig should move forward to keep them covered, while the Moltov krew hurls death on the zombies. The objective here isn't elimination it's suppression. Keep the zombies back until the book club is through. At which point everyone falls back to central. We then either call the elevator and try to hold the west wing door closed till it gets here (barricade or brute force) or just run down the stairs.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)22:57 No.12367508
    rolled 3 = 3

    . . . . " H- Hey you ! "
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)22:57 No.12367511
    Have the BCB put some fire into the crowd before Bea and Stig go in for the charge
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:00 No.12367535
    rolled 6, 6, 5, 1, 2, 1, 6, 9, 7, 8 = 51

    >> Mr. Failcake 10/07/10(Thu)23:02 No.12367570
    rolled 30, 43, 70, 34, 76 = 253


    She seems to be suffering some social anxiety.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:04 No.12367593
    rolled 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 4, 4, 5, 7 = 39

    run run run
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:05 No.12367599

    Watching someone under your command die and then get back up as a zombie can do that to a commander. I blame the first failed speech on her lacking any way to actually relate to the typical book club member.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:06 No.12367610

    The dice just hate these guys don't they?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:13 No.12367699
         File1286507605.png-(138 KB, 1000x1000, Diary40.png)
    138 KB
    Molotv team takes out a hefty chunk of the blocking zombies.
    Allowing the BCB to get a full run out of the barricade !
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:15 No.12367727

    A good dozen zombies are destroyed
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:25 No.12367869
         File1286508315.png-(72 KB, 500x500, Diary40a.png)
    72 KB
    But not all goes well with the desktop transit
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:25 No.12367874
    One person trips !
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)23:26 No.12367884
         File1286508406.jpg-(37 KB, 500x500, diary42.jpg)
    37 KB
    But thats what heroes are for.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:27 No.12367891
         File1286508434.png-(222 KB, 1000x1000, Diary39.png)
    222 KB
    A map updates
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:35 No.12367985

    YOU get up and MOVE!!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:36 No.12368002
         File1286508991.png-(56 KB, 500x500, Diary43.png)
    56 KB
    The mobs encroach
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/07/10(Thu)23:37 No.12368017
    Jesus Fucking Christ that's creepy, Journal.

    I think it's time.

    Have we got the book club with us?

    We need to go.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:38 No.12368018
    Your moooove
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)23:38 No.12368025
    Back to the common rooms and bar the doors!
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/07/10(Thu)23:40 No.12368053
    Run with the book club with us. We need a choke point. This hallway's too open-put a doorway there, and we should be okay. We don't have the raw power of Group 1. This group's way more human.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:43 No.12368084
    These shamblers are getting more and more human. We need a "Final Solution" soon.

    I'm with the "Run" policy.

    We need to find out if there are any more survivors, grab them, and go. Without the Armory, or some kind of supply crate, we're fucked. Basically, as we are, we're gonna die.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:47 No.12368143

    They way I see it we have two options.

    1. Pile in an elevator.

    Pro: Once in should be completely safe.

    Con: Waiting for it to get there and getting out of it. It was also supposed to be a risky move when Dom and co. went through, I can't imagine that's changed.

    2: Get in stairwell.

    Pro: Narrow entrance restricts zombie flow, should make them easy to pick off.

    Con: They may start coming up from behind, don't know if the second floor has been cleared.

    Either way I'd feel better with a barricaded door between us and them.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/07/10(Thu)23:48 No.12368159
         File1286509721.jpg-(22 KB, 500x500, diary44.jpg)
    22 KB
    We retreat.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:49 No.12368179
         File1286509783.png-(457 KB, 1000x1000, Journal285.png)
    457 KB
    People saved.
    A map updates.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:54 No.12368235

    Please tell me we didn't leave Se7en alone at the radio tower.

    Also what do those giant skulls mean?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:55 No.12368246

    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/07/10(Thu)23:57 No.12368278
    so does this mean we can figure out what is going on with everyone again?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/10(Thu)23:58 No.12368284

    I knew it was going to be bad.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/07/10(Thu)23:59 No.12368299


    i need to wash dishes first.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/08/10(Fri)00:04 No.12368363
    Please continue to ask questions though if you have any during this brief break.

    The cafeteria which you have been heading for is on the second floor Central part of the building. You know this area is safe.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)00:28 No.12368690
         File1286512138.png-(37 KB, 500x500, Journal286.png)
    37 KB
    A L R I G H T LETS GET THIS 5 car Pileup started !



    KUPO !
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)00:34 No.12368765

    she charged up on sleep, lets see what she can do.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)00:46 No.12368917
         File1286513161.png-(162 KB, 1000x1000, Journal287.png)
    162 KB
    It seems that your take over of the radio tower was successful. However Sally finds herself in her ethereal garbs, resting on the all too familiar radio console.
    You know for certain that the Sally in this continuum is currently with Charlie, clearing out the Garage. Pay no attention to that shadow sleeping on the console that is simply you who was asleep yesterday, if you wish to return, you go back to the shadow.

    But right now you seem to have stumbled here on a bit of astral investigation. You have one hour- however since the ether is a 5th dimensional stream, travelling through the seas of time is no problem. So long as all these actions can be done UNOBSERVED by the true world, and within the allotted time you are given. Mr Clock ticks away.
    KUPO !
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)00:48 No.12368948
         File1286513281.png-(470 KB, 1000x1000, Journal288.png)
    470 KB
    An map updates ?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)00:59 No.12369084
         File1286513958.png-(63 KB, 500x500, Journal289.png)
    63 KB
    In this continuum though, you are only limited to the items the PRESENT Se7en possesses. For she will be the one chewing the gum / consuming the confectionary sugars in order to create some kind of psychotropic flavor feedback.

    If the very fact that you are interacting with a present, a past and future project of that past self simultaneously didn't make your head explode yet, congratulations humanity has hope yet.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)01:09 No.12369206
    Actually that rule sounds stupid... I shall revise it:

    You are equipped with the items you had at the time of the timehop. there
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)01:11 No.12369232
    tip toe out of the room don't want to wake yourself up, that would be awkward what on earth would you say?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)01:17 No.12369287
         File1286515029.png-(151 KB, 1000x1000, Journal290.png)
    151 KB
    You tip toe out. You're prettty silent since wearing shoes in your time trips is pretty useless anyhow.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)01:24 No.12369378
    It should be known, that you can still play as the other party members.

    That is still happening.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)01:36 No.12369516
    If only we could repair the cable that needs repairing before Dex gets there. Would of been so nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)01:45 No.12369600

    Or prevent it from breaking in the first place ?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)01:50 No.12369652
         File1286517042.png-(136 KB, 1000x1000, Journal291.png)
    136 KB
    For the sake of in game progression. You are now in the other room outside of the radio room.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)01:59 No.12369732
    sorry I had to change connections cause campus tech is stupid.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)02:06 No.12369790
    b u m p
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)02:09 No.12369818
    Question: Is the stadium open roofed, with or without walls, or is it similar to something a high school would have, which is an open field with bleachers and a little box for the commentators to sit in?

    This is the past, right? If not, then let's go head down to the tech building. Maybe we can reroute the internet uplink.

    If we are in the past, then let's head towards the stadium/main building to scout and search for survivors.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)02:15 No.12369875
         File1286518539.png-(158 KB, 1000x1000, Journal292.png)
    158 KB

    would you LIKE to travel to the past ? That can happen at no cost. Physical distance travelled is your only limitation.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)02:39 No.12370100
         File1286519980.png-(128 KB, 1000x1000, Journal293.png)
    128 KB
    yes... your ony limitation is space....
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)02:44 No.12370154
         File1286520278.png-(127 KB, 1000x1000, Journal294.png)
    127 KB
    You head to the tech building, in the present. The grass under your feet is sticky and wet the smell of charred rubber fills the air.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)02:55 No.12370279
    Can't friggin' find the thread.


    Dex said that it would take about an hour to fix the satellite uplink, right?

    And we have about an hour, right?

    Well, let's go fix it then. Or set up a second link in the event we can't due to space-time continuum stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)03:28 No.12370652
    Err, test bump. Is everyone asleep? Or is the thread auto-saging?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)03:56 No.12370893
    Sorry Anon campus internet doesnt like 4chan.
    Lets see about other comments before i make a deciscion.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)03:58 No.12370909

    PS. what do you mean by "we" are you referring to Astral Se7en or Everyone in general
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)04:02 No.12370947
         File1286524969.png-(292 KB, 700x700, LandofPicnicandDeath.png)
    292 KB
    AAAAaannd its 4 am.

    Time for me to sleep Anon. Thanks for playing ! Will follow this up tomorrow >: )
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)09:24 No.12372360
         File1286544292.png-(201 KB, 1000x1000, Journal295.png)
    201 KB
    Oh Look - It's El Senor, except in this instance he's called El Red for now. Mr. Frog is also wearing that wonderful gift you and Dom made !

    Good morning, Sally !" Greets the twin mounted machineguns
    >> Anonymous 10/08/10(Fri)09:43 No.12372419
    Greet El Red in a cheery manner, and ask for a boost up the fire escape to the roof.
    Once on the roof, we turn back time to before the satellite cable is cut, and try to prevent it from being cut.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/08/10(Fri)09:53 No.12372444
    New Thread
    go go go go


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