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  • File : 1289959983.png-(61 KB, 640x400, capture22102010153746.png)
    61 KB Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)21:13 No.12824117  
    17 years later, there is still no greater satisfaction than running down sectoids with a rocket tank.

    X-COM General.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)21:31 No.12824356
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)00:56 No.12826825
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)00:57 No.12826837
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    damn right
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)00:59 No.12826856
    >Brazil backs out of funding
    >Sell laser weapons to dictators in South America
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:00 No.12826862
    Oh hey, it's that X-COM macro I made back before I reformatted. Thanks for saving it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:02 No.12826882

    Jesus fuck, with the amount of laser cannons it takes to keep X-Com afloat, the world is going to descend into a warring hellscape just as soon as we kick out the aliens.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:04 No.12826891
    I'm almost tempted to troll my players by suggesting we make and play an X-Com RPG and then have them never fight aliens, instead constantly going on missions to sell weapons to dangerous, crazy dictators and gun runners so they can make bank for the organisation.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:04 No.12826893
    Delicious irony.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:04 No.12826894
    Thankfully laser weapons are awful.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:04 No.12826898
    And that's...bad?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:06 No.12826910
    You'd think that during TFTD, the moment an alien or USO leaves the security of the ocean they'd be instantly vaporized by three score civilian-owned laser cannons.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:06 No.12826911
    Bitch, what?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:07 No.12826915
    Laser weapons have been replaced by Gauss weapons, though. It wouldn't even matter of an alien got hit by three score Gauss weapons, they're atrociously bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:08 No.12826929
    Oh, I don't know. Laser cannons have fine damage and never run out of ammo. Yes, laser is inferior to plasma, but in a third world hell-hole where electricity itself is hard to come by, you want an army armed with weapons that're easy to maintain and keep supplied. I always thought of laser weapons working much as they do in 40k, leave them out in the sun and they recharge automatically.

    Also, laser is VASTLY superior to bullets, which is what most of the world uses at the start of X-Com

    Do it faggot.

    Mr.Johnson will pay X million for a truck full of laser rifles and a few "surplus" Avalanche missiles delivered discreetly to Hong Kong
    >And you wondered why China canceled funding?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:09 No.12826931
    Compared to plasma they suck hard. Compared to standard guns they're marginally better. I always research plasma first.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:10 No.12826945
    They're much better than standard guns. No need for ammo, far better accuracy and no issues with damage until Mutons.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:10 No.12826949
         File1289974250.jpg-(20 KB, 475x301, libyans10.jpg)
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    Sell Elerium-115 to the Libyans.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:11 No.12826951
    fuck /v/ whenever i play this game I can do OK

    but then I start facing the dudes who turn your guys into enemies
    It sucks but after taking heavy losses i can take them out

    then I face guys who make my dudes panic or go beserk

    (i get raped)
    wat do?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:11 No.12826953
    I'm just saying they'll be better off using the power packs as stoves.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:11 No.12826958
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:13 No.12826977

    Generally you want a squad with all high psi-strength and two guys with laser pistols with low psi-strength. Everyone should be in power or flying armour. Aliens will always target the weakest psi-strength they can, so the two guys will get mind-raped but be unable to hurt your team, leaving the ones with a good resistance to psychic powers to get on with ass kicking.

    But basically if someone keeps falling prey to psychic attacks you need to make them a sponge or take them off the team.

    I could see gun running for X-Com seriously being the training you need to become a Rookie.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:14 No.12826980
    Comedy aside, my biggest problem with lasers is that you cannot penetrate walls and such with them the way you can with plasma, thus severely restricting my standard firehose tactics. Add to this that I get an unending supply of better weapons from dead enemies and it's just not worth pursuing lasers as a primary goal. Funding-wise it's not even that useful so long as you keep yourself knee deep in corpses to sell off.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:14 No.12826987

    there is. When you do that under water
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:15 No.12826997
    That's why rookies suck. They were recruited from the ranks of the gunrunners and mobsters rather than real soldiers. Their primary skills are evading law enforcement and falsifying import/export papers.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:16 No.12827006
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:17 No.12827017

    my kind of criminal scum
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:19 No.12827031
    Fund it, that's hilarious.
    That's even more hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:19 No.12827033
    Sounds like something they would do.

    Sneaky bastards.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:20 No.12827041
    "Hey guys, sorry about all the probing. That was a dick move, we see that now. Anyway, we've got this civil war going and we could sure use some weapons..."
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:20 No.12827042
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:21 No.12827054
    X-Com isn't actually an international protection agency, they're an international protection RACKET

    "Aliens have invaded? Call the UN, I will make them an offer they cannot refuse."
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:23 No.12827065
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    >MFW I realized I could make a lot more money if I let the alien threat continue and I just shot down supply ships ever month, raking in millions and millions of dollars...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:23 No.12827072
    >Brazil cuts-
    "That is a very nice statue you have there, very very nice. Would be a shame is something were to... *happen* to it"
    >Brazil increases funding.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:25 No.12827085

    Holy shit, X-Com is the real enemy here! Don't you see! They're selling to both sides!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:27 No.12827094
    Shut up! Do you want to end up like Ted from Accounting? Remember when they busted in here and were all "This man is infected with Chrysalid spores"? He was on to them, he told me he had evidence from their funding records.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:28 No.12827095
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    My favorite kind of sniper, the kind that freaks his shit when a kitten lands on his lap.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:28 No.12827097
    Man for a period of months I played the shit out of this game, but then I got to a huge ship and I started to clear it, first 2 floors went fantastic. Then 2 of my crew (slowly trained and handpicked over the course of many, many missions, not to mention the fact the fuckers seemed to ignore my mind rape slave sitting outside) got mind controlled and derpily ran off. Figuring I'd kill a good portion of the aliens and hope they would return to my control eventually I went off with my now reduced crew. Getting to the large elevator I didn't know what to expect.

    The aliens did. Finishing my turn the first thing I hear is the (now terrifying to me) sound of those seeking energy ball weapons, blasting its way down the elevator and threw a wall it killed the rest of my crew.

    I haven't made it that far since
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:28 No.12827098

    Good work guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:28 No.12827100
    I was browsing my Steam games the other day, and as it does every once in a blue moon, something glitched out an a random game launched itself.

    "Preparing to launch X-COM: Terror from the Deep"

    I'd never played it, but as is usual in this case, I decided to roll with it.

    I started, I shot down a small ship, and wiped out the single alien inside. So far, so good.

    Then I got overconfident, shot down a much larger ship and haphazardly sent in a small, inexperienced team to clear out the 6+ aliens inside.

    My asshole will never again be the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:29 No.12827108

    The Aliens have been contracted by the UN to help free them from XCOM
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:34 No.12827159
    I ran into a Blaster Bomb on my second battleship siege. The first siege had gone well and so I duplicated the tactics from this in the second. Namely, queuing everyone circularly around the lift ready to shoot anything that came out, and then surrounding the lift and storming up it next turn.

    It went well until I surrounded the lift. Then a blaster bomb came down the lift shaft. Lost almost my entire team.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:35 No.12827173
    I make just as much selling to the aliens, and in a few years they will realize who the real enemy is, and we will once again be there to extend the hand of friendship and protection.

    It is a beautiful business, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:39 No.12827199
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    >The Aliens have been contracted by the UN to help free them from XCOM

    Fat chance! With the fortune I've amassed over the last two years the United Nations could cut all funding and it wouldn't matter because I'm more can capable now of funding myself. Their pittance is but a drop in the bucket.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:44 No.12827242
    This is absolutely terrifying, and sheds light on the dangers of hiring private contractors to address national and international security.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:44 No.12827244

    John stood at the edge of the mesa, tapping his foot impatiently. There was something about this deal that smacked of wrongness.

    He knew about the REAL arrangement, of course. When the Aliens had begun making contact with Earth's governments, it was only natural that a group of right-wing extremists would latch onto a few first-contact misunderstandings and tout them as the opening shots in a "Hidden War." Of COURSE this group would have the answers; all they'd need would be money. Always more money.

    Finally, the UN had had enough of X-COM's strongarm tactics and blundering attempts at directing the flow of technology throughout the world. They began dealing more directly with the Sectoid (and later Ethereal) ambassadors, doing everything but begging for help against this quasi-terrorist group, cloaking itself in the lie of "saving Humanity."
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:46 No.12827262
    It's blown my mind, anyway. X-Com: Corporate Edition.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:47 No.12827266
    It sounds like it's high time for another XCOM installment to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:48 No.12827271
    Guys, this terrifying.

    I wonder who the rookies are though. Special forces, as per canon? Failed gun runners? Soldiers (in a gang sense of the word) that got shunted in to the cannon fodder department?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:48 No.12827279
    Basically similar to District 9 if they'd actually managed to work those alien weapons.
    >> снайпер 11/17/10(Wed)01:49 No.12827286
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    You're in luck! 2K Games is working on one right now!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:51 No.12827300
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:51 No.12827302

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:51 No.12827303

    But still, John had never really felt comfortable dealing with the "Little Space Friends." Hell, he had a hard enough time dealing with the Patels at his corner Chevron station. But the Man upstairs wanted him to come out and-

    With an almost unheard sursurration rippling through the air, a large, round craft crested the line of the mesa. So efficient were it's engines that they produced almost no echo as it passed overhead and settled down on the large expanse of rust-red earth behind his nondescript U-Haul.

    Swallowing audibly, and ignoring the beads of sweat forming on his brow, John stepped over to the smooth grey double doors on the otherwise plain side of the craft. He always hated this part, the way you could almost feel them touching your mind right before they even stepped out of their ship.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:55 No.12827335
    All future X-Com-Like games need to properly recognize the huge funding disparity that existed in the original, but at the same time they can't lampshade it or the effect is ruined.

    Though I'm interested in seeing how 2kGames explains it, or if they just are dicks and don't even bother putting it in the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)01:55 No.12827337
    This would be fucking hilarious. Humanity discovers that the aliens were never dangerous, that nobody was ever killed or injured by their abductions. X-Com was completely un-necessary and all that as resulted from it is a lot of dead bodies and shadowy regime that now holds the world hostage.

    The aliens are humanity's only hope.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:03 No.12827390

    They aren't as far as I can tell from what they've released to us. It will be bioshock with aliens in the suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:08 No.12827426
    I like to think of them as gun-runners who earned a promotion into the "less dangerous" field of direct alien confrontation.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:10 No.12827437
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:12 No.12827447
    More like the most incompetent of the gun runners, who get shoved off to field duty so that the actual runners can get shit done.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:14 No.12827462

    Open-source clone of the original X-com. Far from finished, but think you guys should hear about this too.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:16 No.12827480
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    Someone needs to go for the "No Plasma" challenge.

    You can research Plasma pistols. You may use Plasma pistols. That's it. Nothing else plasma related.

    It makes for quite a game change for the more experienced crowd.

    1 Muton can be brought down reliably only with 3 solders spamming away with laser rifles. Battleships are scary again.

    Dew Eet!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:18 No.12827494
    >Less dangerous
    Than fucking what?


    >shoot gas station

    Well, that wasn't so bad.

    Oh, that was pleasant. Target practic-


    Hmm, maybe I can fuck it like my lamia waif-

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:18 No.12827504
    Fuck you, I can barely get past the laser rifle stage of the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:21 No.12827526
    If you take it slow and use your recruits as more than disposable meatshields you can actually do a great deal of the game with laser rifles alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:22 No.12827537
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    Keep at it - you'll get there.

    If you haven't accidentally set your assault squad on fire via an incendiary rocket at least once then you're not really trying ...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:23 No.12827543
    I did fine against Mutons with laser rifles. It's easy to knock them down even if it can be difficult to kill them. Once knocked down they're only there for cleanup and are very easy to dispatch.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:26 No.12827577
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    Awesome 40k strategy that I use, works great for sectoids!

    Base1 Glorious space marine base, filled with veterans, laser rifles and power armor.

    When engaging a terror site, form skirmish line and auto shot all standing obstructions, continue until site is purified.

    Base2. Glorious IG base, filled with rookies and the Commissar.

    Transport FILLED with laser rifles and Rookies, no armor, shirts only.

    Commissar veteran armed with Laser pistol and Stun Baton. Stun frenzied rookies or if distanced, shoot them, it's for their own good.

    Rookies form skirmish line and purify terror zone, Commissar is placed 4-5 squares behind line or at maximum explosion radius.

    All indoctrinated recruits are sent to Base1 after training.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:26 No.12827578
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    Yeah - I personally prefer spamming rookies rather than taking along a tank.

    Except for terror missions. Then they get a rocket tank to tag along. I want that city scape *flat* by turn 20.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:42 No.12827776
    >continue until site is purified.
    >Rookies form skirmish line and purify terror zone

    >I want that city scape *flat* by turn 20.

    X-Com confirmed for not caring about civilian casualties or property values. The mobster X-Com theory becomes more and more appropriate.

    >It was necessary to destroy the city in order to save it
    >My men are too valuable to take any chances
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:47 No.12827836
    X-Com is just like any modern military in that respect. Also: Chryssalids. You don't want to be caught in close quarters with one.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:52 No.12827883
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    Bump for more advicerookie macros?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:52 No.12827884
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    Uh, duh?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:58 No.12827927
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:59 No.12827931
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)02:59 No.12827933
    If I recall correctly, you also lose less points at the end of the mission if your soldiers kill the civilians, rather than letting the aliens do it.
    >This is for your own good
    >You're going to die tonight anyway, better to get it over with.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:00 No.12827944
         File1289980820.png-(66 KB, 640x399, terrormissionsuccess.png)
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    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:01 No.12827952
    You saved 11 civilians?

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:02 No.12827961
    More like:
    >This is for your own good
    >*Auto shot* Not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:04 No.12827985
    "Trust me, laser weapons hurt much less than plasma, so really I'm doing you a favor"
    Really, rookie? You needed autoshot to hit a cowering civilian?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:11 No.12828027
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    Anyone play Rebel Star?

    It was a GBA version of X-Com

    I suck too bad to play X-Com
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:11 No.12828036
    I beat it doing a no plasma run and it was pretty tricky near the end. I found that ganging up 2-4 intercepters and juggling damage made the Battelships not so bad. I found that on this run I also used a lot more HE for making doorways and taking out walls.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:18 No.12828084
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:20 No.12828099
    Actually, directly killing civies gives a fairly large penalty (500 pts i think?). If you have a terror mission where you're just completely outclassed, its better to land then immediately take off again without moving anyone off the lander. Its a LOT better than just ignoring it altogether.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:22 No.12828114
    The X-Com dudes in the graphics and the opening movie always looked a lot more badass than my dudes. They look like they walk up to aliens and BEAT THEIR FUCKING FACES IN WITH RIFLE BUTTS, rather than hiding behind telephone polls and taking potshots while the tank/new meat scouts ahead.

    They look like the run into flying saucers firing full auto and shouting HOO-AH, rather than praying, opening the door, and then tossing ALL OF THE GRENADES into every single corner.

    They look like they kill aliens and don't afraid of anything, instead of run from aliens and afraid of everything.

    I wish my X-Com operatives were like them.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:23 No.12828127
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    "Oh thank you Jesus, X-Com is here to save us"

    "All clear?"
    "All clear, I don't see any aliens out there, let's get the fuck out before I start seeing them"

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:31 No.12828158
    >prime grenade
    >hand to the captain
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:35 No.12828182
    Funny note on Grenades. You can prime a grenade and then throw it at another rook. You then have that rookie pick it up and throw it to the target or another rook. Repeat.

    Shit is so cash when your forward units run out of grenades and you have some corner / room clearing to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:36 No.12828189
    Why bother taking projectile weapons anyways? I've found that throwing accuracy is much, much higher than shooting accuracy anyways. I'd rather just throw grenades every round.

    Funny, I've never tried it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:37 No.12828196
    If I know the aliens have got enough autoshots on a door to kill the first person going in, I usually just have a Rookie prime like four alien grenades and walk in.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:38 No.12828200
         File1289983110.jpg-(42 KB, 400x396, 1289858761669.jpg)
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    Awhile back, me and 2 friends sat in my apartment, when one asked me if I had played X-Com. Having experienced this agony for many years, we started to laugh our asses off telling stories for the next 30 minutes while the 2nd friend watched.

    Finally, the 3rn friend said, "this game can't be as bad as you guys say."

    So we took him in and I started a new game while my experienced friend watched in eager anticipation. I make a base, show him the basics of the game, and we shoot down our first ship and prepare for battle.

    By this point we had been talking up X-Com for an hour. I expected my rookies to slaughter every alien in my path in expectation that we would look like retards to the 2nd friend. The Skyranger lands, the bay doors open, I select my first rookie at the front of the craft, hand shaking in anticipation, and I tell him to move to the bottom of the ramp.

    His first step off the shuttle and onto the ramp, an alien reaction shots and kills him.

    We both turn to the other friend and say "And that... is X-Com."
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:38 No.12828201
    Eh? Then they die right at the door, and all the people you have lined up to go in after them have to scatter.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)03:44 No.12828228
    Every game, summed up.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)04:00 No.12828338

    Agreed, I say that`s a right `an proper introduction.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)04:12 No.12828405
    I thought you got banned Zhaaku! >:
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)05:12 No.12828686
    >Rookie and Commander walking down the haul
    "Gee Commander, why do we keep hauling sectoid corpses back to the base? Haven't we studied them enough?"
    "Shuttup rookie"
    "Gosh, I wonder what the surprise is!"
    "...don't ask"
    >> hh-a !Q0vB6MnNZ. 11/17/10(Wed)05:15 No.12828700
    anyone seen TurnBasedAnon?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)05:24 No.12828737
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    Let me be entirely honest. I was one of the people who has been on the fence regarding my feelings about Fallout 3 over the years. After seeing what 2k calls XCOM, I no longer feel as bad about Fallout 3. For the river of shit I saw in that trailer dwarfs anything I can comprehend.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)05:41 No.12828794
    Fuck Year rocket tank. Almost always more useful than four more rookies. It's the ultimate multitool. It sometimes survives plasma fire, can open spaceship hulls, and levels buildings.

    Your brave multi-ton robot buddy is always the first one down the hatch. Pulling your sorry ass through the first couple of missions since 1993.


    At least fallout fans got New Vegas. Xcom gets 15 more years of winter.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)05:48 No.12828824
    >X-COM weaponry

    Hovertanks with laser cannons.
    Blasterbomb launchers.
    Autocannons full of incendiary rounds.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)05:50 No.12828829
    >pulling your ass through the first couple missions
    >first couple
    nothing. The fucking tank is THE most reliable member of your entire team from start to finish.

    All hail Waddle Dee, king of the survivors.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:04 No.12828885
    Looking at that image made me think of X-Com: the anime
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:06 No.12828894
    Grimdarkest fucking animé ever made.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:08 No.12828910
    Actually, I think my favorite X-COM trick is the double blaster bomb to an intact battleship. Blast a hole in the roof, then float your second blaster bomb straight down the hole and then maneuver it around a little.
    My favorite instance ever, I actually managed to shoot it down a hallway blind, blow up something critical, and then a chain of thirteen or fourteen explosions and a lot of screaming aliens followed.

    Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:09 No.12828922
    Play Multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:16 No.12828957
    Oh man, this reminds me of my greatest accomplishment.
    One mission, all but 2 of my greatest veterans were eliminated. This is not that mission.
    Next mission, battleship is shot down. Still waiting on that rookie shipment, but who cares? Go in anyway.
    An hour later, zero casualties. Aliens are scared shitless, the captain of the battleship goes insane at one point, fires shots randomly on a floor I haven't explored yet. Cue explosions everywhere.
    Eventually reach the top floor, first guy is killed by reaction shots, second guy charges in and stuns the rogue captain. Mission Accomplished.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:21 No.12828986
    Not a single of the starting cast make it past episode three.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:21 No.12828990
    BLaster rockets, blaster rockets everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:26 No.12829020
    Why all the hate for laser weapons? Back in the day I think I used laser rifles for like 80 percent of the game, and only used plasma very, very late.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)06:26 No.12829023

    So, it's like Gantz then?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:26 No.12829024
    Wrong, crysalid has no spikes. And crysalid should be SMILING!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:30 No.12829040
    I tend to use them throughout. The only people I give plasma to are guys with high Psi Strength. Once I have flying armor, I give one patsy with shit PsiStrength a laser rifle. When the aliens inevitably MC him, he fires his weapon completely ineffectually into the flying armored guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:31 No.12829044

    Didn't everybody? I mean, when you're rolling in plasma ammo, a plasma cannon is obviously better. But there's nothing wrong with the laser rifle.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)06:33 No.12829053
    Laser weapons are underpowered in the lategame, you basically CAN'T kill certain types of enemy with Lasers at all, and Heavy Lasers are crap.
    That's why most people switch to Heavy Plasma's as soon as they research them, most of the time skipping rifles and pistols. This is because aside from doing the most damage, they're also relatively light for a heavy weapon, meaning they can double as a rifle. You need to do a shitton of training with it though, but by the time you're vetting people for your psionics division, they've got an unholy shitton of action points, which works out quite well.

    That said, the extra elerium drain is a problem, but usually your swimming in more than enough H.Plas Ammo by that point to never actually HAVE to make ammo for the guns, and can save it for fueling the Avenger, and building the power armour.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:34 No.12829056
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:37 No.12829071
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    >mfw the new X-COM game will retcon everything, be set in the 1950's, and be a first person shooter.

    I guess 2K thought the market was oversaturated with turn-based tactical strategy games and opted for an FPS because there simply aren't enough of those these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:42 No.12829114
    Don't bother with it, simple enough.

    It will go the same way as the x-com space fighting one and that beat em up game.

    It will be looked at, bought by a few, then ignored because it's not x-com like we know it, and what everyone who likes the name of x-com wants is turn-based tactical stuff like the ones we all have good memories of.

    They are destined to fail with the x-com fps, since before they even started they had nearly the whole x-com fanbase against them.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:43 No.12829115
    The video game industry doesn't fucking know what it's doing any more. The only games anyone makes any more are either Call of Duty Modern Warfare, or Command & Conquer: EVERYTHING HAS LEGS.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:44 No.12829120
    I would totally buy an X-COM FPS.

    If it were true to the fucking canon of the X-COM game series.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:48 No.12829150

    My question is: "why?"

    No seriously, think about this. They don't NEED to liscence X-COM to make a game about an agency defending against aliens in the 1950's, they just don't. It barely resembles the source material already, nobody would get sued.

    The only reason to liscence the game is to ensure sales to a fanbase, but the fanbase of X-COM just isn't large enough these days to justify that, AND nobody who is an actual fan of X-COM will buy that shit, when in all honesty if they heard about a game with a similar theme that wasn't TRYING to be X-COM, they might be inclined to buy it: THEY ARE HURTING THEIR SALES.

    The *only* people who will buy it are kids who have never fucking heard of X-COM, they wont even know it's part of an existing franchise. SO WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT?

    Please, for the love of God, somebody explain this to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:49 No.12829158
    Oh, right, that's one thing too. They managed to discard the aliens we know and love to fight for a bunch of..Black oozes?

    That can't have been a good idea. It's almost as if they didn't know the name x-com was already taken.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:50 No.12829169
    The problem is that the game itself....looks pretty good.

    But it's not X-COM. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever in any way to do with X-COM. And supporting it under that name will just make any chance whatsoever of the series making any sort of comeback utterly hopeless.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:51 No.12829171
    Somebody that likes X-Com and wants to make more games based off it, but wants to be successful and knows FPS games sell better.

    Not saying they're the most brilliant person ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:53 No.12829185
    Psi is incredibly broken as soon as you get access to it.
    By training psi on every mission, you can reliably mind control Sectopods.
    ... Sectopods.
    Yeah, it's like that.

    My usual loadout is 8 laser rofls, 2 blaster launchers (8 bombs), 8 psi veterans with psi amps, and 2 plasma tanks for scouting.
    For Skyrangers, just divide everything above by 2. Carry HEs in place of psi amps and blaster bombs if those aren't researched.

    I got pretty badly fucked by a Muton base in March one time, since all I had were laser rifles and power armor. No Plasma, no Psi, the bastards actually blaster bombed the fucking rocket tank.
    I did -win-, basically by throwing a total of 20 High Explosives.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:53 No.12829186
    Not just the aliens. They threw away the ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE FRANCHISE. All of it. Even the fucking setting.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:56 No.12829204
    You now realize that they call magazines clips. The game you love is ruined forever.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:57 No.12829208
    I admit I haven't looked into it much, as it just seemed incredibly uninteresting and unoriginal(Oh joy, another alien shooting fps game, and the enemies are not even the aliens from the series it took its name from)

    But someone enlighten me on this one.

    Why would they buy the rights or whatever to x-com, or just the name, and then just toss it out?
    That's like buying a car so you can send it off a cliff.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:58 No.12829219
    >Laser weapons are underpowered in the lategame, you basically CAN'T kill certain types of enemy with Lasers at all
    Like? Ethereals are physically weak, mutons need 2 hits, sectopods are actually easier to take down with laser rifles than with heavy plasma. I went through the game on superhuman a fair couple of times, and i don't need anything more than my laser rifles, rocket launchers, HE packs, stun rods and stun launchers. Blasters and psionics make the game far too easy, and i don't remember a single moment from my recent games when i thought 'i wish i had a heavy plasma in my squad'
    >and Heavy Lasers are crap.
    the improved xcomutil ones are ok, basic ones are craptastic
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)06:58 No.12829220
    Movie studios tend to do that to cars
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:00 No.12829229
    REAL MEN play X-COM with flying suits and psiamps everywhere, dozens of blaster bomb lauchers, and a couple heavy plasma flying tanks.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:00 No.12829231
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:01 No.12829238
    Call me a heretic and put me in the iron maiden, but I actually am looking forward for the new "X-Com".
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:03 No.12829245

    >wants to be successful and knows FPS games sell better.

    Even from a financial perspective it's stupid, let's look at the facts:

    1) They've spent money on a liscence that they clearly haven't used beyond the title.

    2) They've hampered sales by ensuring that the original fanbase is annoyed and will not purchase the game out of spite.

    They've managed to hit themselves financially from both fucking ways: Throwing away money they already had *and* putting a significant dent in their potential profits.

    Yet they conclude they should make the game an FPS because that is a clever way to make money? The absurdity is mindblowing. These people make video games, a skill that I assume takes some level of intelligence. They have massive development teams working on these things these days, not one of them has pointed out how pants-on-head retarded this is?

    Jesus fucking christ 2K, if you're going to dump cash into a game liscence, at least keep yourselves from alienating the fanbase and make the game right.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:04 No.12829253

    I don't even give a damn about the X-COM franchise, and it still looks like a piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:11 No.12829284

    Note to mention that X-COM isn't exactly a big name the way Fallout and Baldur's Gate is, so it's not like the mindless masses this is aimed at knows the name well enough to buy it based on that.

    So yeah, the only people who know what X-COM is are very pissed and won't buy it. This will sell like shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:13 No.12829296
    then real men need to challenge themselves a bit more, cause that's easymode. Next thing you'll say that real men savescum.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:20 No.12829320
    It's not savescumming. It's prescience. All the bad savegames are just futures that will never come to pass. Like that one movie with that guy who sees the future and the whole thing is a giant mindfuck because you're never sure what's a prescient vision and what's the real thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:26 No.12829349

    Wow man, what an insightful way to justify being born without testicles.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:27 No.12829352
    I remember that movie. Thankfully I saw it in a prescient vision so I knew not to buy a ticket when I got to the theatre.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:35 No.12829401
    I don't need to justify. I play on the playstation. Savescumming is not an option for me. And Novosibirsk is ALWAYS the first Terror site.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:35 No.12829402
    call it what you want to call it, buying 10 new rookies takes less time than reloading the game 10 times to save them.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:42 No.12829455
    And you'll be having rookies forever if you keep losing them all.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)07:47 No.12829488
    If they're worth keeping they will survive anyway.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)07:59 No.12829552

    Hey! I liked that film!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:01 No.12829561
    What about the ones with 0 Psi Strength?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)08:07 No.12829585
    You know what needs to be dones at some point? Somebody needs to make a mod for, I don't know, Half Life 2 or something that's a PROPER XCOM FPS.

    Like the first level is you're just some nameless grunt for the US or French military, whatever, who happens to be the sole survivor of an alien attack because you panicked and ran the fuck away when the Ravagers turned up. Then XCOM hire you as a rookie and you're doing gradually more and more difficult missions for them, including one section where your objectives bar changes to things like "Captain Guerdian is an alien double! Kill him!" when the Aliens try to mind control you. Eventually ending with you in your Flying Armour on Mars.

    Also, you're team are the ones to first encounter Chyssalids. Once again, only you survive by being the sensible one who runs the fuck away when faced with something like that.

    Then you meet Marc Leconite. And everything changes.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:09 No.12829594
    >X-COM mod for Half Life 2

    Why hasn't this happened yet?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)08:11 No.12829609
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    Same reason nobodies ever done a remake of Looking Glasses: Terranova: Strikeforce Centauri I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:18 No.12829632
    So does anybody here STILL get chills when they hear the "Enemy Movement" sound?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:22 No.12829652
    How do the UFO series hold up to the X-Com games? I hve heard that UFO:Aftershock is good, but the rest not so much
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:23 No.12829653

    I got a late game terror site once, tooled up my people, pile them into the transport and land, the landing zone is hotly contested so i am forced to use the first turn killing the aliens there, unfortunately this bottles me up inside the transport.

    Alien Turn: two plasma blasts that patter off my troopers flying armor followed by a blaster bomb... Everybody dies! I mean, every fucking trooper in the transport is wiped out with one blaster bomb.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)08:25 No.12829666

    Yes. This will happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:26 No.12829674
    Red Faction.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:27 No.12829679
    Should have got your guys out through the transport's walls.

    Yeah, they can do that.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:42 No.12829740
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    I remember some time ago, here on /tg/ I was participating in a X-Com thread.

    I talked about how I built bases all around the globe, made lots of Avengers (2 per base), 20 soldiers per base, etc.
    I explained that in my own little imaginary world (hell who doesn't love imaginary world, this board is practically devoted to it) I would envision the world AFTER the X-COM plot, where I as a supreme commander of X-COM would manage to become much more than a security task force chief. That I would become something like Illusive Man, in charge of powerful organization which basically rules the world from the shadows. Much of the power came due to the mind-shattering amount of money that X-COM earned by hoarding the tech and selling many of its products (not only weapons, things like medi-kit would be very profitable too)
    I would explain that this was possible due to the freedom given by UN and their leniency and that they were too late to realize the monster they had made.

    Basically I pretty much outlined the things that are talked about in this thread.

    I was mocked by /tg/ though. They kept poking holes at my imaginary sequel while I tried somehow to defend it.
    It was fun though.

    I think I even saved the thread on my HD for some reason.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 11/17/10(Wed)08:44 No.12829747
    There's no alien. Just blowing the landscape up. Which is awesome because I'm too lazy to find keycard anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:45 No.12829751
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:46 No.12829757
    I loved how that whole feature was utterly pointless. It didn't add anything to the game at all. You could never do anything fun with it.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 11/17/10(Wed)08:49 No.12829768
    It add an alternate route to moving through the map. Instead of going the whole way around and finding keycard you just blowup the wall and walk through.
    But then it stop working whenever the game want.
    Strangest thing is a giant steel wall is blown up by one charge while a small metal grate is indestructable.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:50 No.12829773
    >added alternates
    Except it didn't because the game engine couldn't handle letting you deform the terrain too much, so they put arbitrary limitations on it which made it utterly pointless.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:51 No.12829776
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:51 No.12829779
    ... Yeah. Unfortunately, I agree. Still, if you utilise your god given's, you might have noticed someone started that line of thinking by talking about MODS.

    When you look at it though, RF had as much (if not more) reason as X-Com to blow the shit out of the landscape.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 11/17/10(Wed)08:51 No.12829781
    Right. It's still fun imo though.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:52 No.12829783

    On the otherhand, the Red Faction 1 railgun made the whole game, a gun that could shoot through walls and a x-ray gunsigt? Insanely overpowered and fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:53 No.12829788
    The irony is that Red Faction's deformable terrain was its BIGGEST SELLING POINT upon release, what everyone was fucking talking about, and it ends up being not only totally pointless, but utterly forgotten ten minutes into the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:54 No.12829791
    Even more so with the PS2 cheats.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:58 No.12829808
    To play devil's advocate, I did end up using the terrain smashing to block roads and create cover in RF:G, and there was one tall building that was the centrepiece of a mission - prevent a bunch of guys from escaping the area.
    It's a shame the AI was completely unable to cope with the game environment, though.

    >>ousized revolution
    Yes cappy. revolution is our size.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:01 No.12829819
    It did add a lot in multiplayer. Especially in capture the flag, where you could create tunnels to bypass the enemy defenses. And frankly while it was a bit limited in singleplayer, it was a lot better than practically any of fps game ever in that you could at least partially destroy and modify your environment.

    I want destructible environment in my games god dammit!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:01 No.12829822
    I still liked it though, randomly destroying walls for no reason. I must have spent several hours driving that mole-tank vehicle making new tunnels.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:02 No.12829825
    And the technology went absolutely nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:07 No.12829840

    God damn linear rail shooters!
    I want a game like Deus Ex with fully destructible environment, too bad it will never happen :(.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:07 No.12829841
    This isn't /k/. No one cares.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:10 No.12829851
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    Anyone remember the absolutly god-awful "interrogation" in Red Faction after you shot down Mr 105-Year-Old-In-Golden-Leather-Tights (oh god the horror!)?

    "Where is the antidote?"
    "No hope for you miners, blablabla"
    "We shoot him and then I shoot you and I herp and derp and durr my hurr because I am the main character with room temprature IQ"
    "If you don't have anything useful to say, shut UP!
    Wheeeeereeeee iiiiiissss theeee ANTIDOTEEEEEEEEE?"

    I gave my copy away, and added ample warning.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:13 No.12829865
    Arm entire team in the early game with Autocannons and Explosive Rounds.

    "Problem, Civilian?"
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:13 No.12829866
    God, Red Faction went on for fucking EVER.

    Fighting with Mister Slutty Old Guy FEELS like the final boss, but then you have to run halfway across Mars, get on a rocket ship, blow up a SPACE STATION, defeat an entire army of mercs with railguns, and then destroy a final boss AND disarm a fucking bomb.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:13 No.12829869
    That game had a plot? I only played it to shoot people through walls with a railgun.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:14 No.12829874
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    The sad truth.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 11/17/10(Wed)09:15 No.12829875
    What is the final boss? Jet Pack girl? I remember the ending but it's a long time since I last played it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:15 No.12829877
    I always give every one of my soldiers a Laser Pistol or Rifle as a backup weapon.

    Hmm.... X-Com + StarCraft = X-Craft?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:16 No.12829880
    I don't even remember, other than the fact it sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:17 No.12829884
    I guess the noticed that the average gamer was completely overwhelmed by Duke Nukem 3D and Quake.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:18 No.12829888
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:18 No.12829895

    The areas marked by smoke have been leveled for easier access, of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:23 No.12829908
    Yeah, I got it. That was actually kinda funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:25 No.12829916
    >Even from a financial perspective it's stupid, let's look at the facts:
    Pretty sure I made it a point to note I wasn't saying they were smart.

    >Yet they conclude they should make the game an FPS because that is a clever way to make money?
    Actually yeah, FPS games generally sell a lot easier than any other game type.
    Sorry but it's /your/ franchise's turn for the rape stick. I miss when my franchise was still an RTS.

    >Note to mention that X-COM isn't exactly a big name the way Fallout and Baldur's Gate is, so it's not like the mindless masses this is aimed at knows the name well enough to buy it based on that.
    Actually that's exactly why the title would get raped like this, they're trying to boost it's fanbase by CHANGING what it's been doing and hasn't been successful in being super popular. If Halo 3 had been an RTS(Instead of later doing an RTS spin off), there would have been some pissed off brogamers.

    So they instead market it to the masses instead of what it's been doing. As for the story, well that might also be attributed to marketing to the masses, they might have decided parts were bad/unfriendly/misc and edited them.

    Welcome to the Video Game Industry.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:25 No.12829917

    Well, in the first map, if you didn't do that, there were tons of chokepoints where lurking aliens could ambush and analrape/mindrape your people.

    In the second, it had corners.
    Fuck corners.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:32 No.12829938
    It's basically the case that the established x-com fanbase is too tiny for anyone to make money from targeting. Thus, games companies make abominations like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.12829950
    But why use the original name in the first place? Start a new franchise, X-Com fans wouldn't get pissed and it'd have just the same chances of becoming a hit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.12829952
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.12829954

    I will never die happy until this man is used as an artist for a turn based strategy game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.12829957
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    X-Com + Starcraft = Starcom.
    The toys will be cool, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:36 No.12829960
    Arne is pretty cool, yes

    His art is used in CC though
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:36 No.12829964
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    Are you referring to Star Control?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:37 No.12829965

    What's that from?

    That ruined hulk and those three mutilated corpses?

    >seen through X-Com goggles
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:38 No.12829969
    Because then someone who isn't a 25 y.o. nerd will google the name and discover that "OMG THIS SHIT IS ANCIENT DEEP REIMAGINIG CONCEPT FTW". You have to take into account that, as far as game developers are concerned, everything older than 10 years is pre-deluge history, and their target audience was still crapping in diapers and struggling with the letter E. And they are right most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:39 No.12829974

    >Dig up ancient artifacts
    >Rebrand them as FPS

    Indiana Jones meets horrible game designers.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:42 No.12829990
    This is indeed both sad and true.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:43 No.12829993
    And Salem? Gameplay tweaks, not porn mods.
    But Indy-
    NO porn mods!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:44 No.12829996

    >Release porn mod through forums posing as a 'hacker'
    >Gather media attention for your game
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:45 No.12829998

    >That ruined hulk and those three mutilated corpses?
    Even with magnets in their feet? What alien can withstand the power of magnets?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:46 No.12830001

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:48 No.12830008
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:48 No.12830010

    What the fuck are these adviceInuasha things?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:48 No.12830011
    You make a good point. They should have put primed grenades in their feet.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:49 No.12830012
    An X-COM FPS done right? What everyone expected from 2k in the first place? SWAT 4 with plasma guns and aliens.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:49 No.12830015

    Now you have zombies with primed grenades in their feet.

    Good job.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:50 No.12830019

    >with rape and rape.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:50 No.12830021
    Oh, I love those. Coming over from the other side of the map and turning half of my guys into zombiys before running out of time units. Real hoot. And in terror missions, it feels like ice-cream and kittens.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:52 No.12830031

    Wanna have some real fun?

    Try assaulting a Snakeman Terrorship.

    Close quarters aboard the ship along with those Chryssalid fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:54 No.12830042
    He's the ultimate operative. High bravery, doesn't use ammo, doesn't need armor, doesn't ask for a salary, has enough TUs to wipe the map in two turns.

    I don't get it either, but I'd like someone to mod him in somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:55 No.12830046
    Common anti-Chrysallid tactic.
    Give the bait rookie a couple of primed grenades, which he drops when zombified.
    Putting them in his boots just keeps his hands free for more grenades. They'll still go off because the zombie won't know to hold on to them.
    (Rookies have prehensile toes like a monkey, right?)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:55 No.12830048

    >He's the ultimate operative. High bravery, doesn't use ammo, doesn't need armor, doesn't ask for a salary, has enough TUs to wipe the map in two turns.

    >No point in playing the game. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:56 No.12830052

    I've actually had a zombie throw a detpack into the middle of my nonzombified units and another zombie taking potshots with a laser rifle.

    It sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:58 No.12830061
    Did that once. Emerged victorious about 12 soldiers and 200 grenades later.

    I had one japanese guy from the original team who had stupidly high reaction for some reason, and tended to kill everything that provoked. He helped a lot with his heavy plasma, but sadly died before the 'medic' could get to him.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:59 No.12830072
    A recurring alien boss that is somehow immune to everything you research, takes fifteen years and eight expansion packs for you to finally kill him.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:00 No.12830074
    Unless that was some mod or other, they were probably mind controlled. Zombies just melee attack.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:01 No.12830075
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    >I had one japanese guy from the original team who had stupidly high reaction for some reason

    He played video games, of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:01 No.12830077

    Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only person in the world to have played that game, and then every so often, someone on /tg/ mentions it.

    Feels good man.

    Anyone else prefer to use the standard suit even late into the game when the heavy suit was available?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:02 No.12830082
    I think I shall put the PS1 port on my PSP.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:03 No.12830086
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:04 No.12830091
    What is it?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:05 No.12830093
    sectopods are vulnerable to laser, I always brought a couple of rifles in the later game to take them out.

    First time I encountered sectopods in a terror mission I lost 90% of my squad before I even saw the bastards, all I knew was those big bleeps on the other side of the darkened park were killing all my dudes and the plasma rifles did nothing to them. NOTHING
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:06 No.12830094

    Doesn't fire kill them good too?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:06 No.12830097
    Cannon Fodder conscripts vs. X-Com Recruits. Who wins?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:08 No.12830102

    What are the recruits armed with?

    They aren't too bad if they got detpacks.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:08 No.12830106
    And you said lasers suck!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:08 No.12830107

    No, that's the other walker thingie, but they're animals so their fur is set on fire or something. Sectopods are basically ED209
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:09 No.12830108
    Standard rifles + sidearms I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:10 No.12830114

    Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri is a power armor shooter/simulation. Think the MechWarrior games, but fucking battlearmor.

    The plot is basically that humans colonized the Centauri star system, and that they formed their own governments - years later the Terran Hegemony shows up and pretty much wants to take over.

    It uses those awful greenscreen with actors cutscenes, but the plot is engaging enough that you actually get pulled in, and the gameplay is incredible.

    Jump jets rock.

    GOG.com needs to put it up on their site. Would totally buy it again.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:11 No.12830116
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    It's only accurate if it manages to hit everything but the alien.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:12 No.12830126
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:14 No.12830132
    You'll note the player character is still not dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:15 No.12830137
    Interesting. Is it complicated?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:16 No.12830147
    >player character
    Oh shit nigger
    what are you doing?
    >> <3 X-Com [email protected] 11/17/10(Wed)10:18 No.12830151
         File1290007084.jpg-(32 KB, 400x400, fake_smile.jpg)
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    >First time playing X-Com ever (long ago).
    >Get notified of first alien landing.
    >Dispatch team for first time.
    >Map is a farm.
    >Time is middle of the night.
    >On turn one, sectoid manages to head-shot one of my dudes before he leaves the bird.
    >Hear lots of movement and doors slamming.
    >See farmer; shit bricks.
    >Team rushes building, runs out of action points.
    >Team gets decimated with impunity by three sectoids.
    >Manage to find small saucer on other end of "cornfield of death".
    >Lose almost entire team attempting to enter saucer.
    >Down to last man, somehow manage to eliminate last alien and win objective.
    >Sole survivor's last name: Hamburg.
    >Something like my face.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:18 No.12830152
    I'm going to do an all rocket launchers run momentarily. MY X-COM WILL BE THE BEST X-COM TO EVER X-COM.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:19 No.12830159

    Go all autocannons instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:19 No.12830161
    "HOME 157: 14034 AWAY"
    Betting on Cannon Fodder. X-Com might have Marc Lecointe, but CF has Jools, Jops & Stoo.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:20 No.12830164
    And he best be using explosive rounds.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:20 No.12830166

    X-Com also sometimes has rookies who survive death after some days in the infirmary.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:21 No.12830172

    Some Incinds too to make it a bit easier against 'Lids.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:21 No.12830173

    Not really no. Your battlearmor regenerates to a certain degree, so if you find yourself in a bad situation you can usually pull out and let your armor repair itself.

    You can only carry a few weapons, the recon suit (which is good for sneaking up on enemies, since they have a harder time detecting you - though if you walk out in the open where they can just look at you, it won't matter if you don't show up on instruments) can only carry two. The standard battlearmor can carry four normal weapons on each arm. The heavy suit is the only one that can carry the really super heavy weapons like rocket launchers (if I remember correctly - it has been a long time).

    Pretty much, the most complicated part is the difficulty curve. Some of the enemies are deadly fucking accurate, and will rape you if you're not careful. You may have a super awesome battlearmor suit, but you're not invincible.

    The game is DOS based, so getting it to run on modern machines pretty much requires DOSbox. But, it has weather effects and reflective water years before anyone else did it.

    Damn it. Now I want to dig out my old disc and play.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:21 No.12830174
    >some days
    You mean three months and several dozen missions?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:22 No.12830179

    Seen people get out after one month, or even a few weeks.

    Death is nothing to some rookies.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:25 No.12830188
    I think the way it worked is if you die in the last turn you can still make it to the infirmary... or something like that
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:25 No.12830191

    Standard suit can carry TWO on each arm, for a total of four. I misspoke.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:26 No.12830195
    Death is a vacation for rookies, I had one game where I rehired the same rookie four more times when he died.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:26 No.12830196
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:28 No.12830205

    >xcom lol more Chryssalids


    Every man walking is a an undead zombie waiting to burst.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:30 No.12830219
    What is best in life?

    Fighting off base assault after base assault while trying to manufacture enough laser rifles to arm your men, having your brave soldiers run at cyberdisks with HE packs in their hands.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 11/17/10(Wed)10:32 No.12830225

    My favourite part was either scouting ahead with recon drones, or that when your squadmates take too much damage, emergency systems activate and the emergency jump jet's basically shoot them into LEO for recovery.


    Video pretty much explains how gameplay was. God, I wish they'd make some kind of fan-remake.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:34 No.12830238
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    >Rookie X has gone berserk.
    >Rookie Y is under alien control.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:37 No.12830263

    I'd totally play a fan remake. Hell, I'm probably going to play it again once I'm done dicking around here.

    But, for the anons who are curious, here's link to a download for Terra Nova. I'd say go buy it, but there's no real decent way to do that thanks to the fact that Looking Glass has been defunct for over ten years now.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:41 No.12830277
    Anyone for some multiplayer X-COM, faithful to the original?

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:46 No.12830293
         File1290008804.jpg-(1000 KB, 675x3644, X-Com.jpg)
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    This hasen't been posted yet? Fo shame /tg/, fo shame.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)10:48 No.12830305
    Zombie Quest artist?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:12 No.12830401
    Is there any trick to finding that last alien that hides out on the map? I'm on round 35 with no luck finding it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:14 No.12830413
    Check the map corners, esp. the South West one.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:25 No.12830466
    He was hiding in the loft of a barn. He fired out a window at my tank. My tank reaction fired back and made it so the barn disappeared.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:27 No.12830477
    >people bitching about X-COM aliens

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:29 No.12830492
    You're forgetting X-COM Rule One

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:30 No.12830497
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    Fuck my life. I come back to the Geoscape and remember they had a shit-ton of battleships roaming about NA. My Interceptor is down for repairs and I only have 3 active personnel when one lands in Toronto.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:31 No.12830501
    So is there any way to make it run on windows 7? Downloaded it of rapidshare but it just shows a black screen with music playing in the background
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:34 No.12830517
    You really need to keep a few tanks on standby.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:36 No.12830526
         File1290011767.png-(43 KB, 776x430, x-com_FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.png)
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    No idea about the artist, just some image I picked from many of the X-Com threads in past.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:36 No.12830530
    you dick, now i have to watch every xcom cast ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:38 No.12830535
    You're welcome.
    Don't forget this wonderful little piece of win.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:44 No.12830566
    Oh, I have a tank.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:45 No.12830573
    >a tank
    That is unacceptable.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:46 No.12830575
    Enjoy your auto-configured UFO Defense and TFTD
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:53 No.12830612
    Since it's being resold a lot of abandonware sites have pulled it, and besides that it probably wouldn't work on a newer computer. I so sad :[
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:55 No.12830620
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    It turned out the ship I was landing on was an intact Terror Ship. Luckily, it only has one entrance, and it's Floaters. I'm camped out in front of the entrance with my 3 Squaddies sporting Heavy Plasma and my Rocket Tank.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:57 No.12830627
    >Enjoy your auto-configured UFO Defense and TFTD
    oh snap son are you serious
    >> Gentleman 11/17/10(Wed)11:59 No.12830636
         File1290013181.jpg-(73 KB, 644x407, yoooo.jpg)
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    Anyone remember my stream, the Summer a year ago? Those were some good times. Dumping some pics that I still have of our game together.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:02 No.12830651
    >> Gentleman 11/17/10(Wed)12:02 No.12830653
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    >> Gentleman 11/17/10(Wed)12:03 No.12830658
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    Point blank Science.
    >> Gentleman 11/17/10(Wed)12:05 No.12830670
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    Our dudes, and jesus christ my own character became a psychic monster.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:06 No.12830677
    Fucking alpha psyker
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:06 No.12830678
    That would be one of the moments where I really wish you could run over enemies with the HWPs.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:06 No.12830680
    is good download? safe???
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:08 No.12830691
    You don't trust me? I'm insulted.

    No seriously, it's what I use.
    Get Sandboxie or something if you're paranoid or something
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:09 No.12830698
    or something or something or something

    wish I could stop repeating phrases
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:16 No.12830736
    oh shit nigger, thanks.

    In other news, fucking capatcha. Had to retype god knows how many times.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18 No.12830745
    Aye its legit. I find /tg/ links are generally trustworthy, given the content ofcourse.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:22 No.12830772
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    Oh hells yes.

    Went into this mission with 3 Squaddies and 1 Tank.

    Captured the Floater Leader after he panicked.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:28 No.12830821
    >That would be one of the moments where I really wish you could run over enemies with the HWPs.

    You can't can you? Someone mentioned crushing sectoids with the tank but I don't think that's possible.

    You can park them over unconscious chryssalids though, iirc

    >terra nova

    Isn't that an armored core game? The PC one is pretty neat, I was briefly addicted to it a few years ago, seems like a similar setup.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:31 No.12830834
    Anyone else find out you can shoot out roof/floor squares? My new tactic of choice for supply ships became
    1 open hole in roof
    2 toss grenade
    3 ?????????
    4 profit
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:32 No.12830844
    besides, what virus-spreader in their right mind infects a decades-old strategy computer game? youd get way more people with a movie or something
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:34 No.12830854
    dude, that's the standard approach to every ufo. HEpack the walls, and then HEpack whatever is inside.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:35 No.12830862
    Good idea. I always found it really annoying how you had to go through the doors to open them.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:37 No.12830874
    I actually take the ships intact. I need the fuel.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:37 No.12830875
    How big is the explosion?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:39 No.12830896
    What system was X-COM originally on?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:40 No.12830898
    In larger ships, its entirely possible to blow up a lot of its insides without harming the elerium rooms.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:41 No.12830904

    '93, so DOS/Win3.1
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:45 No.12830934
    Autocannons with HE ammo.

    All buildings must die.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:50 No.12830981
    i take 2 rooks with rocket launchers standard, 4 for terror missions, and everyone has a HE pack on him. Autocannons are babies.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:54 No.12830998
    See my problem is I thought only plasma could break ufo walls... I think I was wrong and HE packs stacked might be able to do it? Anyway, the point is 3D strategy, opening holes and sniping the captain of the ship from 2 floors below is pretty sweet. Or dropping the floor under him...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:56 No.12831003
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    And right after that Terror Ship, I go and find another ship I had previously downed. Managed to knock out and capture two Reapers.

    It's a good month.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)13:00 No.12831021
    Alright, /tg/, you've convinced me to get X-Com, which should I get and how fucked should I expect to be my first mission?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)13:11 No.12831082

    And expect to lose everything youve ever loved as the earth is engulfed in xeno scum.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)13:12 No.12831096
    Ah, X-com. I somehow had a member of my very first rookie team survive the entire game. Anita Blake took shit from no one. Crazy bitch must have been glitched, 'cause she could take hits from almost any weapon and shurug it off. I fucked up on the final mission and forgot to give her ANY ARMOR AT ALL. She was one of my 3 team members that got to the core. Her 2 comrades kept getting MCed even though everyone was pretty well trained. One of them took a plasma shot to the back of her head, and she got hit by an ethereal as well. I checked on her when my turn came up, and she was wounded as fuck with no chance of surviving the turn in the hopes that one of my other 2 dudes with med kits would come to their senses and heal her. She grabs the rocket launcher and procedes to nuke the core to finish the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)13:26 No.12831189
    Hey, this pic is totally inaccurate! the guy on the far left would probably only take a minor wound.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)15:12 No.12832162
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    Motherfucker. I was running a great game, and suddenly the US signs a secret pact with the aliens.

    Well, I'm going to try to pull through, even though I'm -2,000,000 right now. I wish I could just destroy the US with my military might at this point.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)15:22 No.12832243
    what do they use for xcom multiplayer? I want to do that!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)15:47 No.12832464
    IIRC it was some kind of mod, like xcomutils that let you play as the aliens but it was very hacky, having to save files and send them between players.

    There is an online multiplayer game using the xcom sprites, laser squad something...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)17:00 No.12833067
    I'd like to see an X-COMesque game with more RPG elements -- classes, skill trees(for units, bases, and the player), custom gear, etc.

    I'm not exactly sure how to do that without breaking the X-COM standby of utterly expendable units, though.

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