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  • File : 1291862299.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB CommanderQuest XXXV Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)21:38 No.13083135  
    >Last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13057328/
    >started up the cq playlist... "Rasputin" by turisas... how appropriate

    Part of you makes you wants to go talk to Lena and Belatrix to see whether or not they will stay. But the fact that it would be just barely after sunrise were it not the Black Week prevents you from doing so. Instead you make your way over too the mess tent. The chef is trying is staring intently at a glass of water while cooking food for the soon to wake first watchers, and as such doesnt particularly notice you when you take your food. You look about, and see Gaius and Uurist sitting at a table set up outside the dwarfs tent, quitly discussing... something. You decide to see what exactly their up to, and invite yourself to their table. "Commander!" the dwarf greets you amiably "How can we help'ye?"

    "Just looking for a place to sit while I eat. And perhaps some conversation to wash down the food." you add, stabbing your fork into a particularly tough sausage.

    "Ah." Gaius replies, biting into an apple. "Whats your take on the situation then?" the aged captain asks you. "Its clear Stant is up to something, but none of my predictions are very cheery..."

    Uurist scoffs "Thats because yer alwas so damned pessimistic is all." he acuses, waving a sausage at the man in question.

    "I'm simply a realist." Gaius replies "The enemy commander is looking to draw us into a trap. Why else would he be metering his losses so precisely?"

    "He aint." Uurist replies, tossing the sausage over his shoulder... you can swear you hear it bounce. And breakfast used to be so good too "We're just doin' better than we aught to be, numbers considered."
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:41 No.13083180
    Pax, what is the deal with replenishment forces? Are we expected to request some? And how many troops will we need to be able to take part in the advance? Will it tarnish our reputation if we request replenishment?
    >> 風林火山 12/08/10(Wed)21:44 No.13083224

    >What song is that?

    Ask for both of them to justify their thoughts.

    We value their opinions highly.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)21:55 No.13083372
    >request and they'll show up in two weeks
    >makes since because you wanted to talk to Lena (russian inspired heritage)

    "How do you come to your conclusion?" you ask amiably and to neither in particular. Uurist makes a face and point at himself, you shrug your shoulders and clarify "Both of you."

    "Well, we've been outnumbered and damn near outclassed every fight so far. After three battles we're on even footing. If I'da known that this was how it was gonna stack up this time I'da put bets on us loosin' just from looking at the numbers... 'Course gamblins one of the reasons the wench left me, so I mighta' tried ta resist the urge but..." Uuist trail off, chuckling at something.

    "An I argue that the enemy commanders far too clever to have not planned for us being that good." Gaius shoots back "Theres more to those morning raids we were catching before this week than an attempt to wear away at our morale and numbers. Lots of ways to do that that are a whole lot more effective than a handful of arrows for breakfast." the old soldier shakes his head "You got an opinion on this argument Commander, or are you just taking a show with your breakfast?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)22:04 No.13083499
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:04 No.13083502
    Our greatest force thus far has been elementalism, and our foe has shown a startling lack of any such abilities. I am afraid that he may be using the raids to cover deployment of some arcana to counter our abilities.

    We should send out the hunters to scout around and look for what they might have done.

    Also, I noticed several people last thread implying that Jayne would be our wife and the others concubines. Nonsense! They will ALL be our wives.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:04 No.13083521
    Yes, but I want to know if it will have a negative impact on how we are viewed if we request them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)22:07 No.13083549
    >no, it would not... as long as you dont make a habit out of it (dont ask to replace entire units, or for replenishment from Flumenos' garison more than once)
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/08/10(Wed)22:10 No.13083604

    how does the empire view polygamy Pax?

    and how many reinforcments would we recieve if we asked for them?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)22:12 No.13083630
    "you get concubines, why do you need multiple wives? That only makes records and laws difficult".
    enough to top off your Imperial forces
    >slow start today, eh?
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:15 No.13083661
    >Also, I noticed several people last thread implying that Jayne would be our wife and the others concubines. Nonsense! They will ALL be our wives.

    Well among the Israelites concubines typically commanded the same respect and status as wives. Whether or not its the same in the Empire, I'm not sure.

    Which raises an interesting question: Can humans interbreed with dwarves and elves?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:16 No.13083685
    Bah, as an esteemed commander I'm sure they'll bend it for us. None of our ladies should be forced into a lesser station, we love them all.

    And I would say... we might need to request replenishment of our units. We're starting to run low.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:17 No.13083700
    I second sending out scouts to check our perimeter and a bit beyond. I want to know if those morning attacks by Stant's specops elves was really to cover the creation of some kind of massive trap around our fort.
    Either that, or they've been doing it to get ranging data for when they bring up both of their elven archer companies.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:20 No.13083739
    We sent for a force to relieve us of our prisoners, unfortunately it'll take them a couple more weeks to get to us. Barring using those forces to replenish us it'd take more time to get reinforcements, also it may not look good on our record considering that our fellow maniple commanders haven't made such pleas despite being at half-strength.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:21 No.13083762
    Hey Pax could we get an answer on this question?:
    >Can humans interbreed with dwarves and elves?
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:25 No.13083812
    Oh way, nevermind, I missed the couple of posts above mine.

    But still, two weeks is a long time.

    Pax, how many units is Flumenos sending to handle the prisoner transfer?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)22:26 No.13083823
    rolled 59 = 59

    We SHOULD send out the reinforcements request, we will need them to counteract our losses sooner than later. Send out Aquilla, also, what is the status on our pets, and our abilities if you don't mind me asking Pax, I figure you just have it lying around somewhere.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:31 No.13083884
    This talk of reinforcements reminds me: How far has the Empire's efforts to build-up a counter-attack gone?

    Perhaps we should ask for a status update.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)22:32 No.13083903
    rolled 51 = 51

    seconding that as well
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)22:32 No.13083906
    >They can, but damn near every of the time it ends in miscarriage
    >they may have, you are expecting dispatches from the others in your Cohort today.

    "I agree that it may be a trap... but not premeditated." you reply evenly "As myself, Wulf and Laelith have been visibly thrashing enemy forces with our elementalism the enemy commander may be attempting to set up some sort of large arcana web, in hopes of disrupting what they must assume is a collection of incredibly powerful arcane items at work."

    Uurist shakes his head "And the attacks are jsut a distraction? Wouldnt they make us more eager to ride out and..."

    Gaius groans "I like that thought even less than what I was suggesting. If that were true they would have to somehow hide nearly a thousand armed and armored soldiers."

    Justinians skills:
    Command ++++
    Polearms ++++
    Shortspear ++++
    Mid Blades +++-
    Longsword ++++
    Light Armor ++++
    Heavy Armor ++++
    Uursan Riding +++
    Earth Elementalism ++-

    Warrior -5 to combat rolls
    Leads From the Front: current unit will not break

    1750 requisition left

    Earth Elementalism
    Fissures: ++
    Stone Spike: combat capable. largest possible 8' L, 2' C
    Rend Earth: combat capable. largest possible 12'L, 3' W, 4' D
    Quake: semi-combat capable. richter 4 over a largish circle
    Wall: combat capable. 3' high, 1' wide, 3'long


    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)22:33 No.13083910
    That's a good point. If we know when they're scheduling the counter-offensive, we'll have an idea of how long we're going to have to hold out here.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:33 No.13083921
    >They can, but damn near every of the time it ends in miscarriage

    Well that's depressing.


    We need to remedy that.
    >> 風林火山 12/08/10(Wed)22:35 No.13083942

    Something for sometime far far away from now.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/08/10(Wed)22:38 No.13083981

    nyetini saved laelith from lamynus, so i think she would be willing to go the extra mile and make sure our future baby makes it

    as for kyria, well we could always roll for it

    also, can we speak to the chef and see if we can help him along in his training?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)22:39 No.13084003
    rolled 71 = 71

    Life elementalism bro, already fixed, Jayne just has to approve.......then again, I think that the whole concubine idea for Justinian or multiple wives just doesn't appeal to the hopeless romantic side of him.......

    >Questions Actorge

    indeed captcha, indeed
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:41 No.13084034
    We do have life elementalists now. They could probably help quite a bit, if they monitored the mother throughout pregnancy.

    >Earth Elementalism
    We need to work on our range for this. We should be able to render even those elven archers almost entirely inaccurate with a sustained quake effect underneath their unit, if we can get the area, range, and duration enough to do so. That's eliminating one of the enemy's greatest advantages.

    Regardless, I can't help but think that we need to press the attack before the end of Black Week, while we still have such advantages as we've got. This time, gather up almost everyone we've got and go for the hammer blow against their main force. Putting Laelith with us on the front lines stealing/dousing the flame from their torches should make even their elite melee types all but useless. Beyond that we'll have to trust in the strength of our forces.

    I know that there's likely to be a trap in place- perhaps even more than one. But can we really afford to give him even more time than we already have? Our gambit with the supplies is a fleeting advantage; as soon as they start\ getting resupplied again all that we were able to gain through doing so will go away, and our raiding force can't keep their trains raided forever.

    Basically, I see only choices between bad options- but unless we smash them now, things will only get worse. Our only other viable option, I think, is to fort up in our fort and hope that we get reinforced... but that will cede the initiative and leave us vulnerable to whatever clever shit they can come up with. I don't like it.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:44 No.13084056
    >the hopeless romantic side of him

    I'd say the shameless lady killer side of him is bigger.

    In any case:
    "Hmm...I was wondering: What would your opinions be on us requesting some reinforcements at this point in time?"

    By the way guys, what kinds of units do you think we should ask for? For that matter, Pax, what units can Flumenos spare?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)22:44 No.13084060
    rolled 46 = 46

    Pax, where is Finnian> didn't he leave last night, he should be back by now if it was a quick scouting run.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)22:47 No.13084091
    I agree with your assessment. From Blackbird's report concerning his raiding progress, Stant seems willing to sink the money into making his supply caravans invulnerable to small or even medium raiding parties. If he's willing to throw that kind of money around, then he will be resupplied relatively quickly.

    If we can extend the range, duration, and possibly also the strength of our quakes, to the point where we can prevent Stant's elven archers from firing accurate volleys, that would eliminate his one greatest strength over us.
    Though that will only work if the archers stay in large company-level formations. If they break off into smaller groups spread out over a wider area, they could still saturate our positions with arrow volleys with a significant portion of their numbers still firing accurately.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:53 No.13084162
    I agree that it's hardly impossible to counter... but it only has to buy us one decisive victory. And only really elite troops can be relied upon to work outside of block formations prior to the modern era; there's just not enough easy command and control otherwise. They can't take orders effectively if you split them up.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)22:56 No.13084189
    >only really elite troops can be relied upon to work outside of block formations
    You make a good point. The problem is that we don't know how well-trained and disciplined Stant's elven archers are. We know that in a stand-up fight, they would be devastating because their range and accuracy rivals that of even our improved siege engines.

    Perhaps that's something that we should try to tease out of Janos; how elite are these elven archers in his father's forces, and how well disciplined.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)22:56 No.13084193
    >Since you failing means they get hit directly, enough to top off your forces.
    >He'll be back sometime this session

    "I dont like that particular school of thought myself, and I severely doubt its possibility. What do you two think of asking for reinforcements now?" you ask honestly, torn between waiting to maximize the reinforcements effect, worrying about your prestige, and hoping to be part of the assault force.

    "We wont be able to avoid an open battle with these clever bastards forever." Gaius replies "As our numbers are about even at this point I would suggest waiting until after we have dealt with Stants main force."

    "I agree with Gaius" Uurist replies "We can take him on an even footing right now, its just a matter of not being taken by surprise when the field presents itself."
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)22:57 No.13084203
    >I know that there's likely to be a trap in place- perhaps even more than one. But can we really afford to give him even more time than we already have? Our gambit with the supplies is a fleeting advantage; as soon as they start\ getting resupplied again all that we were able to gain through doing so will go away, and our raiding force can't keep their trains raided forever.

    Granted, but how are we gonna go about such an attack? They won't fall for the same trap we set last time and are likely to use what's left of their entrenched position to their advantage.

    I say we wait until Finian gets back so that we have a better idea of what we're dealing with so that we can plan another attack.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:00 No.13084241
    "Well then I suppose we'll have to have another staff meeting soon in order to plan another assault. I've allowed Finian and a small group of his men to do some scouting. When he get's back we should a better idea of the state of our enemy."
    >> Red Legion 12/08/10(Wed)23:02 No.13084264
    Didn't we send a small party to investigate the enemy camp after we attacked last thread?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)23:03 No.13084265
    rolled 59 = 59

    after we wrap up this conversation, I suggest we talk to Janos and see if we have let our corruption simmer enough to take effect with one last push. We need that information on the elves and whether or not Lord Stant is willing to actually commit more forces like our superiors are to reinforce his lower numbers. As well as the letter.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:03 No.13084270
    Yes, led by Finian.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:05 No.13084293
    Why the hell are we assaulting? There's no need right now.

    Also, I think we should go check on Sansa. She didn't look to be in the best mental state after Collin taking so many wounds defending her.

    Then we should tell Finian to ask Laelith to come pick up the books he wants her to translate... while we then sneak in and steal her robes.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:07 No.13084323
    Not right NOW. But as has been mentioned we can't avoid a pitched battle forever, afford to give Lord Stant more time to set up any traps he may be planning, and we need to capitalize on the advantage that the Feast of the Black Sun afford us.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:10 No.13084359
    That said, we HAVE mentioned we had matters to discuss with Laelith after the battle (translating Khalless' tomes, teaching Lena).

    We should probably do that later in the day.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)23:12 No.13084373
    rolled 48 = 48

    Festival of the Black Sun***

    Also, it will probably amount to something along the lines of actually marching out as a standing force to engage him in the dark of night, with torches, then getting Laelith to extinguish all of their forces torches or something, while Wulf just snipes both of the commanders. Also, it might be better to engage them out in the open, think of it, the two commanders wanting to rest control of their forces but one of them HAS to lead, and with both dead, the forces will most likely flee.....
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:12 No.13084379
    >how are we gonna go about such an attack?
    No more subtlety or tricks. Gather our forces and launch a direct assault, complete with our heaviest units and siege engines. Bring our advantages- elementalists, night paste- and play to them; attack with no torches at all and have Laelith put out theirs when we engage if possible. Use earth elementalism to breach the walls, if any- this isn't exactly a city wall, should be possible- and trust in the strength of our troops and ability to break the enemy morale.

    We'll take losses, but it's what I've got.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)23:13 No.13084395
    The sounds around you increase as the camp wakes up. "Then the two of you can come up with some ways to prevent that for the staff meeting I will be holding once Finian returns and I receive my dispatches." you reply while choking down the last of your breakfast. The two most seasoned soldiers in your maniple nod in acknowledgement.

    "Think we might even get Wulf in on it, he has an interesting take on things most of the time." Uurist adds lazily saluting as you rise, you return the salute and head off on your business.

    After feeding Fluffy and Scaly your scraps you drop your plate off at the kitchen tent, and head off to speak with Janos. Halfway there you nearly bump into someone. She looks up, her red hair covering her blind eyes "Commander, I'm sorry... I didnt notice you" Lena says in way of a greeting, her voice, if you are reading her correctly, is distracted.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:17 No.13084437
    Hello, Lena. How are you doing? I'm glad to see you are still around after your kin departed.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:17 No.13084447
    "No need to apologize- I didn't notice you either, I'm afraid. It's been a busy morning for me... and for you as well, by the looks of it. What are you up to?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)23:18 No.13084453
    "Quite alright, Lena. Are you distracted by something, perhaps?"

    Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that Stant may have been using his elven specops to reconnoiter our fort, and get ranging data so that he can bring up siege engines during the Festival, moving them into position under cover of darkness and beginning to shell our position while we would normally be unable to respond in kind.
    Our demonstration of NV paste and the destruction of his supplies may force him to step up his plans.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:18 No.13084455
    >Festival of the Black Sun***

    Man, I keep forgetting what what it's called.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:18 No.13084456
    Worried about traps?
    Reposition. Unless he has surrounded himself in fear since the last raid, at least he needs to redeploy
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)23:19 No.13084459
    rolled 35 = 35

    "Something on your mind Lena? Well, scratch that, of course there is. It have to do with the fact you have finally committed to something now besides just survival?"
    *queue big brother pat on head*
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/08/10(Wed)23:24 No.13084504
    Initiating tactical runtime boot....OK

    Greeting: Hello meatbags.


    Recitation: "Something must be weighing on your mind fairly heavily for you to not have noticed. Anything I can help with?"
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)23:25 No.13084513
    rolled 72 = 72

    A question for you fellow ques/tg/oers as well, have we decided to go the big brother/fatherly route with the two young maidens? I would prefer it.....it will be funny if they start getting possessive of us around our ladies of "interest."
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/08/10(Wed)23:27 No.13084542
    rolled 98 = 98

    also: I am relocating be right back, like 15 mins or so.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)23:28 No.13084543
    >Big Brother route with the sisters
    Yes, I think that's the general mood concerning the two. We've got our hands full with the other ladies, and Belatrix is currently a little too suspicious and confrontational to succumb to our charms right now.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)23:28 No.13084552
    "Quite alright Lena. Is something on your mind?" you reply, taking her by the shoulder and leading her to a less heavily trafficked area "There, now we wont have to worry about getting bowled over while we talk." you tell the petite girl.

    "Thank you." she replies, her face pointed at you, but as her bangs are now long enough to cover her eyes its hared to tell if she is in fact looking at you. "And, well... Bellatrix is still asleep. I was going to get some food from the serving tent and... that is the right one for people in your retinue, right? I dont want to offend anyone..."
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:29 No.13084553
    So far we've been planning to add Lena to the harem, starting with teaching her to read.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:29 No.13084562
    I'm actually inclined towards that idea.

    They're not that younger than Justinian, but it just seems wrong to pursue them romantically. Especially since they expected the worst from us.

    Besides, Wulf needs his own romantic interests.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/08/10(Wed)23:31 No.13084578

    Statement: This runtime personally finds the current trend of "everyone must be in our harem" amongst quest threads to be rather disturbing. Dragon Quest, though being equally excellent, also suffers from this malady, if not as blatantly.

    Suggestion: Keep a professional relationship with the sisters. Maybe attempt to introduce them to Wulf? He's about their age.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:31 No.13084579
    It is. So you have decided to stay, then? If so, I am glad and hope that you will come to find a home here among the growing family of my retinue. How fares your sister, is she well?
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:32 No.13084594
    >"And, well... Bellatrix is still asleep. I was going to get some food from the serving tent and... that is the right one for people in your retinue, right? I dont want to offend anyone..."

    Smile. "I take it you've made your decision regarding my offer?"
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:33 No.13084603
    I like this guy. That path only worked in MaidQuest.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:37 No.13084627
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    I feel more protective than attracted to the sisters. If anything bad happened to the women we are currently romancing, they are big girls and can take care of themselves. Not that we wouldn't help of course.

    If anything bad happened to Lena, on the other hand, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:45 No.13084715
    Well, harem additions or not we still need to teach them to read, develop their talents, and hopefully find a place for them that they belong. We can see how the relationship develops before adding them to the harem. If Lena or Belatrix start crushing on us then, well, I see no reason to be against it. On the other hand if they never develop an interest... well, we already have several delicious ladies.
    >> girder 12/08/10(Wed)23:46 No.13084722
    I agree with this sentiment.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/08/10(Wed)23:46 No.13084726
    Sudden inspiration: We should give our water elementalist chef some help with his studies. Perhaps give him some specific line of thought to think on during meditation. Something like "During a flood, still water will simply be overtaken by a raging river, whereas two furious rivers will destroy everything around the point where they meet."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/08/10(Wed)23:48 No.13084743
    You smile "So you've decided to stay then? and yes, it is... but stay away from the sausages."

    Lena tilts her head slightly "Yes, I decided to stay... and is it ok to ask for no sausages?" she asks quitly.

    "Well, no, that would hurt poor Khestris' feelings. He used to make such good sausages before he started his training." you reply.

    Lena is about to respond when a gray and white dog goes streaking past "Romulus HERE!!!" Wulf bellows, a small plate of the aforementioned sausages in his hands "You have to eat your breakfast! HERE!!" he continues nearing where you are standing with Lena, not nearly as fast as the quickly growing hound, especially with a plate of meat.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:51 No.13084771
    Let's whisk Lena out of the way. We don't need our blind Magess getting trampled over. And tell Wulf to pay more attention, this isn't a schoolyard. Men train with sharp objects around here, he could get one of his eyes put out.

    Damn kids.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/08/10(Wed)23:51 No.13084773

    Amused Recitation: "Remember, boy, from the chest, not the throat"
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/08/10(Wed)23:51 No.13084775

    id like to introduce you to my protege wulfe

    wulfe this is lena
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:52 No.13084791
    The dog isn't that stupid. He saw what they did to Remus.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/08/10(Wed)23:53 No.13084797
    Move Lena aside so she won't get bowled over.
    Introduce Wulf to Lena.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/08/10(Wed)23:55 No.13084821

    well played anon

    well played
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:56 No.13084836
         File1291870585.jpg-(65 KB, 600x600, 600px-1228603046507.jpg)
    65 KB
    What ho, Wulf. I think Romulus knows what is best for him! By the way, have you met Lena yet...?
    >> [TA] Weird !!FQiRe+QrB7S 12/08/10(Wed)23:56 No.13084842
    Tackle dog/wolfhound instead. And while we are having a furball in hand, Lena and Wulf can have a chat.

    Man, a meddler we are.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:58 No.13084851
         File1291870681.jpg-(55 KB, 550x444, 1269333203314.jpg)
    55 KB
    It was horrible, but I couldn't resist.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)00:00 No.13084873
    rolled 40 = 40

    You know what would be interesting, if we adopted the three.........that would be....most interesting. We could poke fun of Wulf if they immediately become attracted to him and what not, seems very similar to a cool dad that would advocate his son banging his to step-sisters in an ero-ge...... oh lawdz..... Also, wall in front of dog, would be funny, just sayin.
    >> [TA] Weird !!adWzzGpDLtH 12/09/10(Thu)00:02 No.13084903
    Chef, water, and the meditative (probably meaningless) words sound fine.
    What does a Felixian look like? How do they think, psychologically? The rhyme might work better than the empty meditation we practice.

    Regarding battle, both our captains seem to agree that we are at least winning in terms of engagements, if not numbers. From being overwhelmed to almost equal footing, wasn't it their words? Now we just have to keep stacking the decks to maintain the overall superiority of the engagements in order to topple the enemy.

    Also, after this, try to get contact/wake Belatrix. We need to talk to her.

    Where are the Nomads? They are gone, including the soldiers?
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)00:04 No.13084923
    My trip is... wandering all over the place.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:04 No.13084925

    sounds like a plan, but what will the ladies think?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:05 No.13084931
    Sweep Lena out of the way, protectively. We can't just hand Wulf a potential romantic interest, now can we? He's going to have to fight for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:05 No.13084937
    How about no. We'll have trueborn children from our (still growing) harem just fine, thanks.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)00:06 No.13084944

    Rebuttal: Not everyone can be Justinian Trentz, superpimp. An introduction shouldn't hurt.
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)00:07 No.13084951
    I'd say, why not?

    We're not giving it to him. We're baiting him with the girls. Then we play stern father to the boyfriend if he is interested. He'd have to fight for their hearts and hands himself if he aims for them though.

    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)00:08 No.13084965
    rolled 15 = 15

    I lol'd

    A single father, with three children, working for the government and making sure they are growing into respectable people? How do you think they will take it. We are FUCKING SEXY BABY!
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:10 No.13084980

    i meant our current harem, but that works too
    >> Red Legion 12/09/10(Thu)00:11 No.13084997
    One of these days wulf is going to grow up and its going to be sooner then we think.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)00:12 No.13085004
    "Remember Wulf, from the chest not the throat." you remind him. Your protege slows to a stop in front of you, his eyes widening almost imperceptibly for a second when he sees the young Kharynchek. "Wulf this is Lena, she is the newest addition to my retinue, and needs to be shown how to get a good meal at the mess tent. Lena, this is Wulf... my ward and protege." you introduce them.

    "So... lots of sausage?" the young man asks, proffering the plate. Lena swivels her head to face between you and Wulf several times, terror on her face, trying to stammer out the beginnings of "but" you would assume. You arch an eyebrow at your ward, who is still grinning like a fool, anyone who knows the boy would know that face means mischief, but Lena... "Okay Commander" he surrenders "I'll show her whats good." at that he motions for Lena to follow him.

    "Laelith and I will help you begin your training later tonight. Go on." you instruct the girl, who moves as quickly as she can to catch up with Wulf.

    "How can you see with your hair like that?" you hear him ask as they move away from you.

    "I wouldnt be able to see if I moved it." she replies.

    "We have a paste that can take care of that." Wulf offers.

    "that wouldnt help either, I'm afraid." she replies. Even at a the increasing distance you can see the realization dawn on your young ward, who immediately takes her arm to help lead her "No, you dont have to if you dont want to. There arent too many people right now, so I can walk well enough on my own." she admits.

    "How did you..." and at that the pair is out of earshot. You make your way over to Janos' cell and knock on the door.

    "Janos?" you ask, set on conversing with your captive noble.

    "Good morning Commander." he replies, not much emotion in his voice... strange. "How can I help you?"
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:17 No.13085058

    just checking up on ya sport

    whats goin' on?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/09/10(Thu)00:17 No.13085065
    >not much emotion in his voice... strange
    This should put us immediately on edge.
    Respond without letting our increased wariness come into our voice.
    "I was hoping to discuss certain matters with you."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:18 No.13085078
    "I expect to be quite busy in the coming days, and thought I should take the opportunity to drop by while I still have a bit of time to spare. How have you been?"
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)00:21 No.13085102

    DANGER. Caution is advised.

    Recitation: "Uh-oh. That's not a tone I like hearing. Did something happen since the last time I saw you."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)00:25 No.13085143
    "I expect that I will be increasingly busy in the next few days. I decided to take the downtime to ensure you have been treated well." you reply amiably as you enter.

    "Commander Trentz, you made me aware of your game when we last conversed. I would appreciate some straight answers from you before we continue with the usual pleasantries." the youngest Stant replies, sitting cross-legged and facing the door. The uncertainty and sadness finally burned away from his person, it would seem three days to himself allowed him to think and clear his head.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:28 No.13085160

    thank the gods, you finally caught me. it seems theres hope for you yet

    well, what do you want to know?
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)00:28 No.13085163
    "Indeed. What do you want to know then?"
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)00:31 No.13085184
    rolled 36 = 36

    Ah, so it did? Sit across from him, I am actually genuinely interested to see him when he isn't a nervous wreck/defeated man. Be ready for a quick and decisive debate.

    Also, I'd like to point out that the deities and arcane and elementalism powers were growing BEFORE we even got out of the academy. What if this whole thing where the Uurlanthian powers committing to an offensive is actually because they think they can hold it due to a newfound power. We need to start thinking larger now......... the start of the festival of black week was probably a catalyst and now that it has been revealed to MANY people across the continents, people who thought they had time may begin rushing their plans to rise to power or control of areas before people can become acclimated to the newfound powers that be.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)00:31 No.13085186
    Logic Error: Disregard previous post.


    Recitation: "I'd be glad to answer."
    >> I-C003-IN 12/09/10(Thu)00:31 No.13085191
    Well the game as you put it was a combination of intelligence gathering and honestly helping out two people in love.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/09/10(Thu)00:33 No.13085204
    "Very well, what do you wish to know? Bear in mind that I reserve the right to not answer or only answer with lies those questions which touch upon strategic plans or may compromise operational security."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:33 No.13085215
    Heh, I like this one.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)00:36 No.13085241
    "Very well." you reply, sitting down across from him "But is was not all-"

    before you can finish Stant cuts you off, not angry, but eager to get his answers. "As the letter wasnt false, and you read it, you are aware of my situation, correct?"

    "Yes. and i truly do feel sympathy for you." you reply honestly.

    "Do you know what would become of me if I were to take you up on your veiled offer?" Janos asks, clearly looking to find out just how much you know.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:38 No.13085261

    what will our lucky contestant recieve Pax?

    im expecting lands or something
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:39 No.13085263
    "I understand perhaps better than you yourself what accepting the offer could mean... for all of us. I see a bright future for you full of possibilities but not if you remain with a father who does not value you or a world that does not let you love who you choose."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:39 No.13085266
    I would assume you would be disinherited, and perhaps forced to live under an assumed identity and always be on the lookout for assassins. I am not a foolish nor simple man, Janos. That said, I am also not so cruel as to simply dump you in the middle of the Empire and wash my hands of the matter. I truly do wish to help both you and your love.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)00:39 No.13085267
    "If you just leave your kingdom and try to live in the Empire, you will likely have to live a life of secrecy with Kaitlyn in the lower levels of society. If you accept sanctuary from me, I can protect you from any trials my people might demand of you, as I have done with another member of my retinue, and you will join my retinue in future campaigns and received payment as appropriate your position. Kaitlyn would be allowed to join you of course."

    I'm assuming this is all true based on what we saw over Laelith. If I'm wrong Pax, and I assume Justinian would know the laws, please correct me. And hello all.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)00:40 No.13085272
    rolled 4 = 4

    We would secure a place for you and your lady in our maniple most likely. We would also use ALL of our power to gain you a position or at least citizenship in the Empire. Hell kid, what kind of skills do you possess, that is one thing that has been kind of nagging at the back of my head. Could you even MAKE a living in the Empire?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/09/10(Thu)00:40 No.13085278
    "I cannot guarantee anything beyond my personal assistance in your case before the Empire.
    "However, I will point out that I was able to have the sentence of one of my retinue commuted from execution for sedition against the Empire to employment within my service for 3 years.
    "And of course, the more you help me and the Empire on this front, the better your case will be."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:41 No.13085284
    Uh, no. There's no point in keeping him on in our maniple as far as I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:41 No.13085291
    >Pax, stop me if any of this is blatantly false

    "Of course I know what would happen to you. It's the exact same thing that happens to you regardless: -whatever I want-. As legion commander I have exceedingly broad authority in these matters, and as long as I achieve success on the field my orders are unlikely to be questioned."
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:42 No.13085304

    come on

    we can get wulfe and janos to act like brothers

    we steal the wives of our enemies and father their children as our own
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:43 No.13085313

    you are definitely rolling tonight
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)00:43 No.13085315
    Also guys, I don't think anyone mentioned it last thread but it seems one of the gods is playing a role on the side of Lord Stant. When we mentioned the slave plot before we got our boon, that goddess mentioned it was the sycophant's plot. That's the cowardly moon pantheon god I believe. Might be worth remembering for the future on Lord Stant's or his children's actions.

    Further, I wonder if we should actually consider devoting ourselves to Raynha's cause. Maybe we should research her some more but she's made it clear she'd like our help. She's actually come to us rather than just demand it and she has helped us out a little. Not saying we should instantly go devotion to her but look into it more.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)00:45 No.13085329

    Recitation: "As I understand it, commanders of foreign nations whom ask for asylum or defect are often treated quite fairly in the Empire. They are viewed as a positive source of information regarding their former country and are often given a token patch of land close to the heart. Several very prominent noble houses can trace their ancestry to a defector."

    Stating the obvious: of course, whether this is true or not depends on Pax's decision.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/09/10(Thu)00:47 No.13085348
    You make a good point about the trickster god. It also ties into Janos saying that everything his family does is a trap; sounds like the trickster at work.

    As for Raynha, I can accept researching her more, to see what we can get out of the deal. I am for a business-like quid pro quo relationship with her and the other gods and goddesses.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:48 No.13085356
    I like the idea of devoting to a god at some point but I think we'd do better to see if we could get a couple willing so maybe get a split devotion option before commit to anything.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)00:49 No.13085363
    Honestly, part of what's made me more interested in her is the fact the First Emperor and Mage King were on her side. If they believed in her, it might be worth our while to do so as well. Hence why I want to look into that part of history a little more.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)00:50 No.13085378
    rolled 17 = 17

    Maximus, that is the stance I was intending for Justinian to have. The mortal man who recognizes the deities, but he knows that everything he should accomplish should be done only through the work of his bare hands and his own mind. He, himself, recognizes her as a patron sure, but he doesn't worship her or actively try to impress/work for her, but if the opportunity to help her comes, and it will help us, we can think of it as us using our resources and we might be a good person deep down anyways.....
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:51 No.13085386
    speaking of the Mage King, we should see if one of our tomes mentions him a bit more, maybe that index of topics we have could point the way?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)00:54 No.13085408
    "I would stand for you in a court, and, provided I can provide compelling evidence that you are, in fact, an honest deserter, you would become a plebian in the Empire and be free to go about your life wi-"

    again Janos cuts you off "You dont need to mention my love, nor the nature of either set of weights on this scale. Do you know what would happen to me from my own people, my father and brothers?" he asks, still digging.

    "No, I do not." you reply, though you have a good idea.

    "I would be disenherited, and my name would be stricken from the family records. My father would have to repay the house he set up my betrothal with, loose prestige from his house, and most likely be taken before King Garius, and once he proves that he was in fact betrayed by his own son, be allowed to return to his holdings. As I would have turned my cloak not for that of another house, but to a crimson cloak, the King will dispatch Elven Bloodhunters, who will find me, and take my skin, heat, and manhood back to the King; they will not kill me before taking the last of the three. The trophies of blood will be hung along the Kingsroad. If by some chance I survive the best assassins the Uurlanthian kingdom has to offer, my father will dispatch his own as a matter of course. even under a new name, in the heart of DragonsReach, or at the northmost corner of the Empire I will not be safe initially." the noble pauses to take a breath "Now remove the veil from your offer. I would know the fullness of what you offer, past simple "happiness". What do you offer me, I need to weigh these sides of the coin accurately before I commit to my decision."

    >there are several positions you could effectively use Stant for, though combat uses are not recommended
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)00:57 No.13085447

    well, what would he get for defecting Pax?

    we're busy pulling a bunch of stuff outta our collective asses and we dont rightly know what to say to the lad
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:58 No.13085457
    We could try and use him as a double agent maybe? I'm not sure how practical that would be honestly.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:59 No.13085467
    Yes, this is information that Justinian the character would have, not us the players. We need to know what could be realistically offered to him by the Empire for defecting, and in what capacity he could serve.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)00:59 No.13085471
    "I offer you a position in my retinue and you will be given the same benefits of others in it. You will go with me on campaigns or work on other matters of interest to me in DragonsReach if you feel it is appropriate. I will ensure your protection to the best of my ability. Your kingdoms assassin's may be skilled but your father has tried to assassinate me and my captains once. It failed."

    Geh. Doesn't seem that appealing honestly. I assume that's all legit at least.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:00 No.13085479
    He probably isn't the first deserter. can you tell us about past deserters so we can have an idea what we can offer?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:00 No.13085483
    >you could use someone to mannage your barracks complex and other endeavors in DragonsReach while you are away.
    >You could use someone to drum up support for you across the Empire for various political reasons.
    >You could go the (insanely) risky troute and try to get him to act as an agent in Uurlanth for you.
    >If the scope of your ambitions REALLY grows you could use someone to contact nations on the Three Sister islands/the duchy/the Guilds
    >After his three years of service as proof of loyalty to the Empire he would gain citizenship most likely.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:01 No.13085484
    >that goddess mentioned it was the sycophant's plot
    I interpreted this to mean that it was a test to see if we were the sycophantic type, i.e. would we cast aside our responsibilities for deific favor. We avoided it by coming up with a way to achieve our own objectives AND the goddess'. But you may well be right.
    >> Strategist 12/09/10(Thu)01:01 No.13085491
    I was rereading one of the older threads and i noticed Bellatrix, Lena's sister was having nightmares, had been for years. Due to some wacky thought processes, my mind immediately drew a line to the mysticism glove(purple i think it was) that manipulated minds. We should take a look into that again, being able to read Stant's mind would be fucking awesome, and it might let us help Bellatrix with her nightmares, giving her reason to trust us. Just something I'm throwing out there before I leave.

    Also, since you have to be able to naturally see magic to use it, we should try wearing the white glove more to try and gain the ability to see the mists without the gloves aid, if that's even possible.

    For whoever suggested using Laelith to knock out the enemy formations torches, brilliant idea,do it right before the archers set off a barrage of arrows, and they will probably be going WTF!?!? as well as the infantry units we are fighting would have some serious issues. Ever tried to adapt your eyes to a suddenly dark room? It takes a while. Now try living that long while somebody is actively swinging their weapon at you. If nothing else, their morale goes straight to hell. And they would individually be much less capable, as they shouldn't be able to see much more than black blobs, until the torches come back up, and Laelith puts them out again.

    A question? Could a Life elementalist change a few of his facial features? Instant Disguise! Also, what the hell does he mean by "skin, heat, and manhood back to the king" i get skin and manhood, but heat?
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:02 No.13085496
    I've had a plan to deceive Lord Stant kicking around in my head for weeks:

    When and if we capture his two other sons we COULD try to play up the fact that they would be tried as war criminals for using slaves in battle.

    Cue Janos selflessly sacrificing himself to save his brothers. (Even better if we capture old man Stant himself and hold all of the cards so that it looks like Janos is saving all of their hides.)

    That's the gist of it, I'll leave the details to you guys if you think we can do it.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)01:02 No.13085499

    well, offer him a job as our...aide? sworn man?

    whatever, offer him the job and lets see how low we can roll
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:02 No.13085504
    What if we fake his death.
    no more obligation, he's still in the family, no assassins, he rides off into the sunset.
    Our plan looks like it might unravel, I propose this as our backup plan.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:04 No.13085511
    >my lack of proper checking of lengthy posts continues
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:04 No.13085517
    Raynha specifically said "the Sycophant's plot" though, with sycophant capitalized. It's clear she was talking about someone specifically and that trickster god is called the Sycophant. He's definitely involved in this war against us.

    I'm liking the idea of having him manage the barracks and other affairs back in DragonsReach so we can actually build up a political base. I don't think he should be used to get support for us yet simply because he's not from our Empire and people might ignore him.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)01:05 No.13085522
    rolled 24 = 24

    I'm gonna go ahead and put it out there for him....

    "Janos, you are a man. A man with his own will and ability to make decisions as you are demonstrating now. Besides the typical offers and standard procedure of the Empire dealing with defectors, I can say as myself that I will do my best to protect you if you choose to stay on with me. I have plenty of things I can get your help with and even perhaps find you a job in our maniple as a soldier or Empire official. I do NOT, however, believe that YOU as a person truly believe that your lady is NOT on the weighing list. If a man TRULY loves his woman, he would not say such a silly thing besides trying to pull the wool over perhaps his dealer's eyes. I don't think the happiness of you two is off the table when it comes to this decision Janos. In fact, I believe that is the deciding factor in it. You already know the bad side of defecting, you already have a grasp on what the good side is. The fact of the matter is, your mutual happiness with Kaitlyn is the only thing allowing you to consider this."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:06 No.13085530
    We can provide him with:
    -A job, working for us. A decent paycheck, respect, and resources.
    -We can also allow any of his own retinue that he wishes to join him in this, should he wish it and believe that he can trust them.
    -At least some security- detatch a few soldiers.
    -A written record and official report to our superiors that he died attempting escape, should he wish it, along with such mundane efforts as are necessary to support the ruse.
    -Citizenship in the Empire after a few years, given our good word on his behalf.

    That's all I've got.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:06 No.13085537
    I actually kind of like that. Instead of ransoming Janos back to his father, we send a reply back saying Janos admitted to the plan of using the slaves and we cannot ransom him back at that point. What goes on in court he won't hear and we just tell the council what we originally were and let him off.
    >> Strategist 12/09/10(Thu)01:07 No.13085541
    and what about the life elementalist disguise? If he switches names, and has a different face, its going to be a lot harder for an assassin to track him down. If you can somehow change scent, then I can't think of anything else than magic that would let them track him down.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)01:07 No.13085543

    Statement: "Firstly, you would need to be close to me, considering the severity of this situation. However, a non-combat role, considering what happened when the two of us met on the field. I would keep you on as a tactical advisor, considering you know far more about our enemy than we do. You would be guaranteed your own tent during campaign, food, and again, taking into consideration the implications of your defection, security. Furthermore, if you possessed the talent for it, I may be persuaded into teaching you elementalism.

    There is something else that came to mind: we could fake your death. Send the dagger your father sent, bloodied, along with an urn containing *ahem* 'your' remains, along with a note penned by yourself."
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:08 No.13085547
    I disagree just because he needs to know what kind of security he can have for Kaitlyn. Which is what he's asking of us in some ways. Can he actually live a life in the Empire with her and a decent life? Will he always have to worry about his or her life constantly or will he have our help? Things like that.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)01:09 No.13085557

    i like this

    but where are we gonna get the "remains"?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 12/09/10(Thu)01:10 No.13085564
    "You have very full knowledge of how your family, and other familys, Work. You know rough numbers of armys, interiors of castles from visits around your country, you know the common people, you know tactics deployed by your family and others, you know taxes, economy, Damn near everything I Do Not. Thus you see your value to me.

    Now, you've had a lot of time to think about this Janos, about what would happen to your family, your holdings, and you title. But you are not losing your Honor, because Honor comes from the heart, and that is just what I'm trying to keep your from losing. The empire would've had to have paid a thousand hands and placed a lot of spys in danger to learn the information that you know alone, so Protecting you, would be more then just an afterthought. Let them send their best, as it would only be all the more pleasing to My People when they fail."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:10 No.13085565
    ...a dead person? We have no lack of dead people.
    >> Pompieus the Butcher 12/09/10(Thu)01:11 No.13085583

    what if they have a way of knowing the gubbins aren't really janos'?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)01:12 No.13085588
    rolled 75 = 75

    If we don't go the faking of death route guys, and even if we do, I suggest keeping Janos close by. Otherwise, he will still just be assassinated. Later on, after they realize it is futile maybe we could let him go, or after we have taught him how to handle himself. Also, teaching him elementalism might be a good idea too like people suggested.
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)01:13 No.13085593
    Smart. I like the guy now. Previously I thought him only as the fourth kid and lovestruck fool. At least he knows exactly the repercussions of betraying your Emperor and family.

    As a general though, I highly doubt it that he has much to offer aside from the standard where, when, what, how many, how strong, etc. of the military areas that he had actually visited.

    Though I kind of seeing some diplomatic standards in his ability. He got those pitchs. Now after cooling his head for a few days, he manages to ask the right questions.

    The point is, do we have the right answers?

    Is love worth it? Is he worth it? Seems like eloping to Uurlanth or keeping a clandestine affair are more... Non-hazardous ways to reach happiness.

    I have no ideas on this section. I'm more of the paranoid pessimist, tossing theories and devil's advices.

    Oh, though if we place him on Nyetini's patronage, he might have a chance.
    Also, if we are keeping him in retinue, wowza, Elven Bloodhunters trying to get to our sanctuary? That sounds like a challenge. And a boisterous "Who do you think I am?" reply moment.

    Specifics escape me though.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)01:14 No.13085608

    Stating the obvious: we have a battlefield right outside our doorstep, and plenty of dead elfs to burninate.
    >> I-C003-IN 12/09/10(Thu)01:14 No.13085612
    I'm really starting to like your suggestion as it makes it look like hes still trying to be useful to the family.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:17 No.13085630
    Exactly. Hell, his brothers might think he's doing them all a favor since the second son knows our thoughts on their use of slaves. And if our hands are tied due to him apparently being put up for war crimes, he can't totally hold it against us.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:17 No.13085631
    Now that I think about it, we have two options at this point:

    1. Make it seem like we are holding Janos against his will, and DON'T intend to ransom him. (Maybe make it seem like we want insurance against Lord Stant and his house.) Of course, this is open to the chance of rescue teams sent to retrieve him and assassins sent to kill us.

    2. Fake Janos' death. This would probably lead Lord Stant to send a heck of a lot more assassins after us if not create a personal grudge between us and his house. On the other hand it wipes Janos' slate clean.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:19 No.13085659
    Planning for the future it might not be bad to have a noble trained person acting to manage our finances and such. Should we preform well and be granted(by our self even) lands and such it would be nice to have a person trained in the management aspect of such things.

    He sounds like he'd make a good steward.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:19 No.13085661
    I still think what I outlined in >>13085537 is feasible. Hell, we can get Janos himself to write a letter to his father and have it delivered going on about how pissed we were about their use of slaves, since we actually were pissed with him, and how he decided to take the blame and he's going to be put up for trial. It might even make Lord Stant or his brothers make a rash choice and attack our fort again to try to save their brother if he mentions something like he might be shipped back soon.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)01:20 No.13085676
    rolled 4 = 4

    No, we don't have option 1. That would make it bad for the Empire and we would look bad. Treatment of important POW's is something we as a soldier of an Empire we still have to take into consideration.

    It's more of:
    1) Ransom Janos back after war.
    2) Help Janos Defect with moderate help (basically leaving him there in the middle of empire though I doubt he will accept this)
    3) Help Janos Defect with everything we are willing to do in our power (some of us are leaning to this) and keeping him nearby for a long while.
    4) Help Janos Defect by faking his death because he tried to kill us with the dagger and send the remains back. (play it up in the letter as, "I assume you intended your son to use this to break out, not kill me. Unfortunately, he tried the latter, needless to say, I am sorry for your loss, and here is his remains.")
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:21 No.13085684
    You take a breath before replying "First, as a free man you cannot possibly NOT consider Kaitlyn in this. She is the reason you are able to consider this in the first place, the possibility of a future with the woman you love, having her at your side always, every day and every night, not only when you are able to get her past your father and to your side. As to business, I can offer you a job, managing my barracks complex, and the endeavors I will be starting once this campaign is over. You will be well payed, and at the end of three years in my employ, you will, in all likelihood, receive full citizenship in the Empire." Janos moves to say something, but now its your turn to press on "I have already dealt with your fathers assassins, and I am confident in my ability to protect you from further assassins as I did those near to me that night. To that end I will allow you to select a small detail to defend you, from your bodyguard if you believe them trustworthy and I can agree. If not I can arrange for your death or execution to be faked. The latte would do well to relieve your family of the charges they will face for sending slaves into combat against me, the punishment for which is no less merciful than the fate you will suffer should you be taken if you join me."

    "I know how heavily Kaitlyn weighs on this. I have fully considered her role in this game, your mentioning her only muddies my judgment, especially in this she is my greatest weakness... and strength. What manner of enterprise would you have me run, how well would I be paid... and what is your plan for falsifying my demise?" Janos asks, intrigued and annoyed.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:23 No.13085711
    I like it, but I doubt they'd make an assault when its ended pretty poorly for them in the past. Skulduggery maybe but not a full on assault.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:23 No.13085712
    I thought the ransoming of noble captives was something left up to the individual commander.

    The Empire is against slavery, but it DOES have indentured servants. Holding a noble 'captive' for an indefinite period of time may not be as detrimental to our reputation as you might think.

    As it is, let's ask Pax about the repercussions.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)01:25 No.13085724

    Statement: This runtime had actually meant for the note to be a suicide note and the blood to be 'Janos' blood. The note would be something along the lines of "Oh father, I have shamed you so many times, I cannot bear to see your face, nor can I bear to forever be without my one true love, so I have decided to leave this mortal coil." etc. etc.

    Although, the other use of this plan works as well.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:26 No.13085737
    "As it stands, I am but a simple commander with nothing but this maniple to my name. Eventually, I plan to become more and I imagine you have knowledge that would be valuable in accomplishing that, such as my assets that need to be invested rather than sit around as money. In regards to what you will be paid? At least similar to my other retinue members at this time. If you are successful and things go well, we can improve that as time goes on. In regards to avoiding potential problems with your family, what if you wrote back to your father or brothers that you took the blame for the use of slaves against us? I would be forced to take you back to DragonsReach for trial and could not ransom you back and at that point, your father would not be able to affect what happens to you. If he hears your punishment is death but only averted by my desire to spare you and serve me, do you think he'd still assassinate you?"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:27 No.13085746
    Do we know anyone that could fake an execution? Could we do it in sight of where the enemy is located? If we were to fake an execution insight and disfigure the corpse as dishonorable or somehow create a double (life magic?) it could look really well.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)01:29 No.13085771
    rolled 53 = 53

    Let's run the plans by him.
    First the dagger and us "killing" him plan with the letter sent to his father, the one where he takes the blame for the slaves and is put on trial for war crimes but is spared only by our intervention, and then one where he is put on trial and we "fake" his death to everyone but the interior war court so he can have a new identity.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 12/09/10(Thu)01:30 No.13085773
    I can get behind this plan. If it works, then we get Janos, and he doesn't have to worry about assassins (well, the King's Bloodhunters, anyway).
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:31 No.13085786
    That may be a bit TOO suspicious.

    Making it so that Lord Stant thinks Janos was sent to DragonsReach for trial and execution may be better.

    By then he'd be too far away and too well guarded for him to even effect his condition even IF he would make the risk of sending assassins to save/kill a son who may already be dead.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:32 No.13085790
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)01:32 No.13085792

    "What I can offer you? Thus far, I only offered you 'happiness' as you say it. But if those are the... Obstacles that might mar your happiness together, I suppose I can see how you might fear such a situation."

    "Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps it is better for you to just vanish into the Uurlanth itself. Eke out a living together. Keeping your head down. Never standing out. Or if you cannot stand such changes immediately, perhaps you might attempt the indiscreet way? Keeping a rather clandestine affair, say? Keep your love, and your way of life, best of both worlds, right? At least you won't have to live in fear of your own life. Right?"

    "Is that what you wanted for her, Janos Stant? A life of lie for your love? Of course, you can always set her aside, and be the obedient child still."

    ". . ."

    "Have I made your convictions waver yet? Or have I angered you? No?"

    "Now what I can offer you, Janos Stant, fourth son of Lord Stant, is your freedom. Your freedom to choose your consequence. Your freedom to choose your end."

    "I can offer you a place in the military. You have some potential there. Perhaps not as bright as your elder brothers, perhaps not as strong as well, but I had worked with worse of both and came out well. I can shape you, if you needed the shaping. A chance your father had since decided that you no longer have."

    "Barring your choice in it, you can always be an aide or a diplomat. You also have some gifts in that direction, if I am not mistaken. You would always be in the road, safer from assassins and away from battle. Or you could also stay with me, and in the protection of my retinue. That way I can ascertain both your safety and the direction of the missions you are told to partake for the Empire. I would give me blessings and my acknowledgement for your choice."

    "A chance, Janos. A chance to choose. I could only offer that. You decide."

    "Though, Elven Bloodhunters, eh? That sounds exciting." Mad grin.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:32 No.13085793
    Won't work. If he goes on to serve us at that point, he'd still be working for his people's enemies and unable to marry his arranged wife. Thus, he's still a traitor and gets assassins all up in his business.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:33 No.13085800
    >the king would still send the Bloodhunters after him however
    >you guys will need to be more persuasive than that right now, use some of your future plans or something
    >Life elementalism could potentially change the shape of a body for a short period of time if you go for the faked execution, but the/a corpse would revert to its original form rather quickly
    >> I-C003-IN 12/09/10(Thu)01:36 No.13085832
    Skip the sparing as that just sets off alarm bells of a hidden deal aka treason and we "fake" his death to everyone but the interior war court.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:37 No.13085844
    And I don't think faking his death would work either. Lord Stant cares for his children. If we kill him or he dies due to us, he will hold it against us and likely send assassins. If one of them ever spots Janos, he'll suffer the same threat as he described to us earlier.

    Future plans eh? Hmm. What to say then.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:37 No.13085846
    Ok so future plans, we use him as a manager or sorts for now but a diplomat later? We'd need him to believe in our ability to rise in position later on in life.
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)01:37 No.13085849
    Meh, faking death? NotmanlyenoughforJustinianTrentz!


    Just my thoughts. They ought to be able to live their lives with head held high. But that is just pride speaking. If they chose safety, who are we to tell them otherwise?

    "-elven bloodhunters."
    > Mutters about missing out on the action
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)01:38 No.13085852
    So...should we inform him about our communing with the gods and our plan to become the Seventh Praetorian? And the security that we can give him and Kaitlyn with that power and prestige? Maybe mention some of the "The Time They Are A Changin" and you'd best prepare stuff we've told Lena and Bellatrix?

    Because that's about all I can think of for our future plans. Becoming Emperor would just sound like treason talk at this point.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:40 No.13085878
    I guess inform him we're aiming to become important in the Empire. Hell, we've already kind of started to lay that groundwork down with what we did in the north. I believe the northern cities and nobles did have a good opinion of us despite those in DragonsReach not really caring about us. And Janos' help would definitely be useful in helping us continue that work.

    That depends on if their kingdom believes in the old gods or not... Confirmation on that Pax? Do they still believe or have they phased it out like our Empire?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:40 No.13085881
    one thing to consider, the faking death thing is pretty deceitful, cunning and a very long con sort of thing which seems to be favored by one of our deity friends.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:43 No.13085916
    >Uurlanth is a lot more fragmented than Degnar, so there are some pockets that still flat out believe, while others are just like the Empire in that the gods to them are the boogeyman/santa to us today
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:44 No.13085921
    And I guess by important, our goal to marry into a noble house and all that jazz? Hell, I don't even we as players have a full idea on what our future goals are other than be awesome/be Emperor/7th Praetorian.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)01:46 No.13085935

    Query: What if the blood on the dagger was actually his?

    Recitation: "If we fake your death, I need to know how the bloodhunters work. I need to plan for this eventuality. How many in a pack? Would they attempt to find you if I send a faked pike of someone else's ashes in an urn? Anything you can tell me on the subject."
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)01:46 No.13085936
    rolled 47 = 47

    >Becoming Emperor would just sound like treason talk at this point.
    I lol'd

    Show him some earth elementalism......"You know HOW we have been defeating your siblings on the field?" *queue spikes around tent/cage thing inside* "Times are changing Janos. I have the unique advantage to be aware of this before anyone that would LIKE to know of it that I know of. In the future, you, would do well if you could work as a steward or diplomat for me. I myself saw the results of your diplomatic expertise. I assume getting a hold of that pitch was no easy task at all so you probably have a silver tongue that matches either mine or exceeds it. I would like to consider myself convincing but it seems when you have time to think and clear your mind, you are very......thorough about making decisions or forming opinions. Something like that is valuable in a diplomats position. We will need such a person in the future, not the far future either. There will be regime changes, and it will be so, very soon."
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)01:48 No.13085951
    Geh. I don't recall seeing anything that might indicate he or his family are religious... Unless he is aware of the Sycophant. I want to ask him but that might just drive him away from us if he doesn't believe in the old gods and he sees we do. Kind of why I wanted to talk to Kaitlyn first.

    Maybe we should ask him if his father or siblings actions have changed in the last few months?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:57 No.13086032
    Offer elementalism
    Offer stewardship/diplomancer/future of advancement
    Offer plan for faking death using word of mouth + protection for when that plan falls though
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)01:59 No.13086056
    "That depends entirely on how Bloodhunters truly operate." you reply "And I have aspirations to a high office, to become a praetorian, to be precise. One with political skills such as yours could prove extremely useful to me. In the meantime you would simply work to strengthen my powerbase, mind my personal funds..."

    Janos sighs "The bloodhunters have an arcana in their hall under the Silver Castles dungeons a hair or drop of blood from the target is given to them. After a day their blades glow a fierce blood red in the presence of their target, though the glow is known to start leagues away, and grow stronger as they near. So, if I am to manage your money, would I be tasked with mere guarding, or would I have the freedom to invest it for gains?" he asks, though you suspect he is holding a question back. Shintjas blackened cunt he's hard to read now.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 12/09/10(Thu)02:02 No.13086091
    rolled 73 = 73

    >Shintjas blackened cunt he's hard to read now.
    >Shintjas blackened cunt
    Who is this Shintja........ or was that like the captcha or something.......

    Well, since he asked us to be straight forward, we should do the same. Ask what he is holding back as a question, and yes, we would allow him to invest. Pax, what was his opinion of our other plans?
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:03 No.13086101
    "If I wanted someone to merely guard it, I wouldn't need someone of noble birth and the skills you have. I'd hope you'd freely invest it. And Janos, you asked me to give you straight answers. I have been. I can tell there's something else you wish to ask so please be straight with me and ask all that is on your mind. If you don't, how can you fully weight both options you are presented with?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)02:04 No.13086109
    >old setting tidbit. Shintja was the mother dragon, real bitch at the end. The Emperors Palace is built from/around her bones
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)02:05 No.13086127

    Recitation: "Arcana. Troublesome. Are they in the habit of always checking for not-dead nobles when someone claims one has died? Or just when someone asks? Furthermore, do you believe your Father would be bothered to ask, as I assume asking for them would further have him spending money on you."

    Addendum:"As for the finances, yes. They would be available for investment."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:07 No.13086145
    I wonder if there is an arcana that has been known to defeat these assassins
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:08 No.13086151
    specifically their supernatural detection abilities.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:10 No.13086178
    We don't have anything that could but we do have a warning system in theory. I forgot what exactly it was and am too lazy to check but we have those items that can be used to detect arcane items.
    >> I-C003-IN 12/09/10(Thu)02:11 No.13086193
    If there was ever a man truly in need of stone sense it would be him.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:12 No.13086199
    I believe they have to be actively employed to detect arcana, I'm not sure how usefull they'd be in detecting an assassin's seeking thingy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:13 No.13086214
    We do have a mage now. I imagine that where an item is good, someone who can actually think about what they're doing and change things based upon it is likely even better. Once we've trained her, anyway.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:14 No.13086218
    Oh definitely but if we have an idea they're coming, we could at least use it at times to try to sense them. Not the best but it is something. Perhaps if we translate Khalless' notes on the arcane, we can find something to cancel out other arcane items.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)02:17 No.13086249
    "If I wanted someone to merely guard my money I would not need a noble to do so, yes you would be free to invest. Also, what are the chances that they would send out Bloodhunters if you were thought dead?" you reply after a pause.

    "They most likely would not waste the effort until I was suspected to be alive. So as long as no one in the Kingdom suspects that I yet live the Hunters will not be a problem. I would recommend informing my father that I took responsibility for the slave soldiers and was sent to DragonsReach to recieve justice for my crimes. Falsifying my execution would only anger Lord Stant, he would send assassins after you, and they would eventually betray the fact that I yet tlive and... you rally are good at this, arent you?" Janos cuts himself off.

    "Whatever do you mean by 'good at this' and I am beginning to think that you held a question back just recently. If I am to be totally honest I think it only fair that you do the same." is your answer, and though your speech is level and even, you truly are confused by Janos' last statement.

    "Manipulation, politicing... youve compelled me to all but admit to you my decision on this matter without ever once asking the question. And my question was, Which Praetorian do you intend to become? Last word I heard of him the Second was still quite healthy." Janos replies, his stomach growling.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:21 No.13086283
    Smile. No way are we giving that away just yet.

    "That would be telling."
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:22 No.13086296
    Screw it. I say we tell the guy. We can't just make up crap about the Praetorian aspect.

    "I assume you've learnt some history of my Empire at some point based on your familiarity with our Praetorians... Have you ever heard of the 7th Praetorian? If so, you should understand I still am being straight with you in giving you answers, despite how crazy it might sound."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:25 No.13086316
    "There... used to be one more position as Praetorian. That was before magic was lost. When the world lost magic, that seat became vacant.

    It's coming back. The gods as well. I've had a good taste of it myself. Even spoken with several of the old gods. The fire witch that completely ruined your otherwise successful plan? She's an elementalist. True, she has an arcana that aids her fire, but it won't work for anyone without the spark. I myself am an earth elementalist, of no small power, as your father's force can now attest to."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:32 No.13086378
    Any of them will do. It is only an... interim position.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:33 No.13086394
    That's taking it too far saying we're aiming to become Emperor. Let's leave that in our mind and not mention it to other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:36 No.13086403
    I suppose. We're going to need to inform our ladies eventually, though. Laelith seems like the one to start with, possibly Sansa after that. Kyria only joined the Legion as a last resort, so I'm not sure how loyal to the current emperor she would be. Jayne... that might be tricky.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)02:36 No.13086409

    Agreed. Commanding the title of Praetorian in and of it's self lends an unprecedented amount of power as it is. If becoming Emperor crosses our minds, it should only be if we are given orders counter to the good of the people, or given proof of extreme corruption.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)02:38 No.13086419
    "I have no intent to supplant anyone. Rather, I aim to bring back the seat lost with magic and the divines link to this world. As both are returning, I thought it would be prudent for me to claim that seat before another, less suited potential takes it from me." you reply, honestly.

    "How can you be..." Janos' question trails off as you surround him with earthen spikes.

    "And the fire that ruined your plan, magical. Laelith is quite skilled, is she not?" you continue enjoying the look of shock on Janos' face.

    "But, didnt the 7th commune with the gods?" you simply smile for your response. "Will I be released from my cell then?" Janos finally manages "How long do you think we should maintain the pretense that I am your prisoner? And I would assume you will want information on the Stants as well."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:38 No.13086423
    What? No, I'm pretty sure we are already aiming to be Emperor. That's why we're trying to wiggle into being the 7th.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:40 No.13086433
    Inform him of the elven archer attacks and ask him what he thinks his brothers might be planning with them. Tell him that we suspect it's not just harassment.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:40 No.13086436
    I like the emperor, he's bro tier. lets keep him.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:40 No.13086440
    Huh. He accepted that rather easily.

    "I'm surprised Janos... Even people I've fought with on multiple campaigns had their doubts when I talked to them about the gods and magic returning despite what they and I can do. How come you're willing to believe me so easily?"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:44 No.13086471
    totally agree.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:45 No.13086478
    I'm afraid you'll need to stay indoors for quite a time. Your family makes quite extensive use of aerial cavalry with spyglasses, and seeing you walking about camp will do our plans a great deal of arm. To make your stay more... ah... bearable I will have your love brought and leave instructions with the "guards" that they should treat you as an honored guest and bring whatever you request.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)02:46 No.13086479
    The Emperor would have to die and leave no heir before Justinian can even become a candidate among seven for the position.

    Planning to get there just smacks of anticipating that necessarily happening. I'd rather get the prestige of being the first Seventh Praetorian in millennia and serving the empire as best we can in that position than hoping that the guy who gave us our first official decoration as an officer.

    As it is, planning to be Emperor if counting our chickens way WAY too early.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 12/09/10(Thu)02:46 No.13086480
    "If i removed the guise of you being my prisoner, I'd have to put to death Every man and woman in the jails that would not hold the secret to their grave.
    That's quite a lot."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:46 No.13086486
    We're more bro, though. And we have a kickin' harem. Emperor Justinian Trentz. I like me the sound of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:49 No.13086506
    We can designate our goal to be emperor without having a set plan at this point, mostly because it's so far away right now. And eventually plans might change, a lot can happen between now and then.

    And really, people die all the time. Especially when ages are changing. There might come a time when we have to help them along, for the good of the empire.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:50 No.13086510
    Do remember the Emperor was one of the few people who realized we did good in the north. We have no reason to want him dead other than greed. I have to agree with >>13086479 in just being happy with the prestige of being the newly returned 7th Praetorian to the Empire.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)02:51 No.13086519
    He gave us a shinny new banner pole as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:54 No.13086560
    You do understand that if he didn't do things like that then he would very quickly have an armed rebellion on his hands, yes? We undertook an extensive and taxing campaign in his service to put down a rebellion in his empire. He had damn well better recognize that, even if we are a maniple commander. Because if he didn't then he would be seeding his own ruin. Not because it's us, but because every good politician knows to hand out medals and attaboys to people who do him favors.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)02:56 No.13086582

    Agreement: Thirding this sentiment. Being remembered as Praetorian Justinian Trentz, the mystic superpimp who saved fucking everyone will suffice.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:57 No.13086598
    Bah, fickle little girls. Five threads back everyone was in favor of becoming emperor. I guess we'll just have to wait for the wheel of ambition to turn back around again in five more threads.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)02:58 No.13086602
    "You took the news that the gods are back much more... smoothly, than I had expected. As to your housing, your family makes extensive use of aerial cavalry, spyglasses included. I shall, however have you brought a proper cot, Kaitlyn will be allowed to move into this cell with you, an insulated tent will be added to the interior to ward you from the cold, and I shall change the guards to my most tight-lipped men, and instruct them to treat you as an honored guest rather than prisoner." is your response.

    "Kaitlyn is my only family now, we simply havent selected our surname yet. I do wish your logic wasnt sound, this cell is getting tiresome, truth be told. Perhaps you will allow me a chance to inform your command staff of my cloaks new color? I could provide intelligence then as well." Janos offers, visibly dropping some of his defenses, to the point where you can see just how badly he wants to leave his little wooden cell.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)02:58 No.13086607
    While you have a point, until we actually learn more about this Emperor, I think it's a cynical view on him. You could be completely right in that he's just doing what he's doing to stay in power but there's a chance he's actually a good Emperor that rewards good service.

    Regardless, unless I see a reason why this Emperor should be gone, I don't see why we should hope for it to happen. Even if we did, I don't think we should tell anyone we aim to become Emperor at this point in time. Telling other people is my main problem at this point. I think we're going to have enough trouble becoming the 7th Praetorian in the first place and getting people to believe the gods are returning.
    >> Scippio The Lesser 12/09/10(Thu)02:59 No.13086617
    We can have ambitions to be an emperor in our heart but restrain them with our knowledge that the emperor is a true bro and we'd only fuck shit up if he went crazy on us.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)03:01 No.13086633

    Recitation: "I'll order you a change of clothes. Something less noticeable. And a hooded cloak. Then we can get down to the meat of the matter with my staff. Also, keep the beard. I think it's rather becoming of you."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)03:02 No.13086638
    I'll agree to not telling, it's such a long term plan that there is no point in doing so. We have many many steps to take before we can even put into place the cornerstones of becoming Caeser.

    How about we have Janos brought to the command tent under 'armed guard' and allow him to meet everyone. His lady too.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)03:02 No.13086639
    The taxes on the non-human citizens of the Empire are traditional reparations for past sins. The Emperor was only continuing previous policy upheld by previous emperors.

    As Seventh Praetorian we might be able to sway him to abolish those taxes on the basis of preventing future uprisings by helping to ensure the loyalty of the Empire's non-human citizens. It'd make him a pretty popular Emperor. (At the expense of revenue, of course, but I believe the effects of our plans to induce an industrial revolution and make the most of the return of magic and mysticism for the good of the Empire would likely offset that.)

    Also, we might mention it scoring him brownie points with some of the gods.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)03:02 No.13086647
    I just didn't say anything because it wasn't relevant to the situation. I honestly think it's a goal that's not likely at this point in time based on how the Empire is run and unless we decide to coup, it's not happening anytime soon. Furthermore, telling people we aim to become Emperor just sounds conceited and crazy.

    "I intend to have a staff meeting soon once one of my captains returns from his scouting mission. That would be the best time to have you inform the rest of the men of your choice and provide information. If anyone asks why you've decided to join us, just explain your desire to escape the Stants and start a new life."
    >> Scippio The Lesser 12/09/10(Thu)03:03 No.13086651
    I don't see why we couldn't let our staff know. I'm pretty sure we can trust them to keep things on the down low and they can help keep and eye on/ analyze any potential skills he may bring.

    We should give our protege a chance to practice gleaning a persons character through interaction here I think.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 12/09/10(Thu)03:06 No.13086670
    "So it's a Surname you seek? Well you see Janos, the thing is, I never had a father. (we were raised by the 2nd praetorian right?) But I had a man, that treated me as such.

    But I never had a brother."

    And we'll see if he catches on
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 12/09/10(Thu)03:10 No.13086711
         File1291882244.jpg-(14 KB, 196x247, mal.jpg)
    14 KB
    "I'll see to a hooded cloak and change of cloths for you. And I would suggest against shaving." you reply "I will reserve the rest of my questions for you for the meeting later tonight, be prepared to answer." you add as you stand up to leave. It doesnt take much to make the changes you promised, and to most it simply looks like another gift given to loosen up your captives lips further.

    Judging by the level of activity it is midday, and you have surprisingly little on your plate until you receive your dispatches. You head out into your camp to mingle with your troops.

    >Sessions over, and thats final.
    >(your reding this in my captainy voice)
    >That done, I'll be back friday at 9pm server time
    >someone archive please
    >if you have any setting/miscellaneous questions that you couldnt get answered in the thread/on topic just shoot me an email: [email protected]
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)03:11 No.13086719
    Uh, no.

    Justinian joined the military at his late teens and apprenticed with a famed commander until his enrollment at the academy.
    >> Scippio The Lesser 12/09/10(Thu)03:12 No.13086723
    Ok that would be pretty sweet. Making this guy our literal brother could offer him assurances for the future and provide some nice manly emotions moments.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)03:14 No.13086743
    Although I wouldn't be opposed to having him join our house.

    But then that my lead to some problems latter on if Lord Stant does send someone to kill us and they find out we have a new brother.
    >> girder 12/09/10(Thu)03:14 No.13086752
    See you then, Pax.
    >> Maximus 12/09/10(Thu)03:18 No.13086774
    Thread is archived. See you all Friday.
    >> tactical routine omicron 12/09/10(Thu)03:24 No.13086817
    Statement: Excellent game as usual, meatbags. Looking forward to the next one. This runtime is glad it suggested a faked death: the plan was refined to a point that the family Stant may attempt something stupid to get him back.
    >> [TA] Weird !!guD1KNNr2Nl 12/09/10(Thu)06:52 No.13087815
    Eh... A bit... Stale?
    I dunno. Janos seems to easily capitulated.
    Maybe it is just my paranoia, but that declaration of becoming the fabled 7th Praetorian? Did we just actually tell an enemy first, rather than any other close confidants?
    A crazy move all around in my opinion.

    But apparently Jus' natural charisma and diplomatic skills swayed him over, so whatever, right?
    . . . Or Janos is actually the diplo-brother of the Stants, and he is planning to stab Jus in the back and bring glory to his name. Kill the enemy commander, get rep, get the girl with said rep, victory all around.

    Don't mind me though, just unfounded paranoia.

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