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  • File : 1264330281.jpg-(118 KB, 700x900, Aya Gray.jpg)
    118 KB 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: The Wind-Borne Warbler (Level 14) Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:51 No.7750755  
    Recreating this thread was suggested to me earlier.

    tl;dr: This level 14 Virtue of Valor bard wields a +18 attack bonus for Staggering Note, and when she hits with the at-will power in question, she inflicts 14 thunder damage, slides the target 1 square, pushes the target 2 squares, grants all of her allies an additional 3 thunder damage on each of their attacks that hit the target until the end of her next turn, and allows an ally to perform a melee basic attack against the target before, after, or during the forced movement. She can also use the Healing Spirit shaman feature once per encounter, and at her side is a spirit companion to make it possible.

    The Staggering Note at-will power from the recent Class Acts: The Bard article of Dragon Magazine #383 had inspired me to develop this theme build for the class. The mechanical theme would be the usage of Thunder keyword powers through a Wand of Thundering Anguish, and the vague flavor-grounded theme entails a primal bard/shaman who commands the whirling winds, gusting enemies to and fro (Staggering Note), gently breezing allies to tactically advantageous positions (Majestic Word, Moment of Escape), bolstering allies with ephemeral shields of attack-dampening gales (Virtue of Valor, Chord of Resilience), taking to the air (Zephyr Wings, Wind-Rider Action), and so on and so forth.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:52 No.7750765
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    This build, however, is undermined by three key weaknesses. The first is that this build focuses on thunder damage, and so it is of severely reduced effectiveness against monsters possessing of thunder resistance or variable resistance. The second is that the Wand of Thundering Anguish is is a level 14/19/24/29 item, and so it is only available to starting characters at level 13 and above. Below level 13, the magic wand in question cannot be part of the character's starting equipment package. The last of these deficiencies is that, for a damage-focused implement bard build, this is not that much more devastating than a bard who uses a Arcane Implement Proficiency (Staffs), Dual Implement Spellcaster, a Staff of Ruin, and a Siberys Shard of the Mage.

    That said, I believe this to be an enjoyable, non-generic, highly thematic build nonetheless. Commentary is provided below to highlight the choices made during its creation.

    Level: 14
    Race: Half-Elf, Player's Handbook, pages 42-43
    Dilettante: Claws of the Eagle, Primal Power, page 66
    Class: Bard, Player's Handbook 2, pages 66-68
    Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor, Player's Handbook 2, page 67
    Paragon Path: Lyrandar Wind-Rider, Eberron Player's guide, page 72

    Ability Scores:
    Level 1: Strength 8, Constitution 16+2, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13, Charisma 16+2
    Level 4: Strength 8, Constitution 17+2, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13, Charisma 17+2
    Level 8: Strength 8, Constitution 18+2, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13, Charisma 18+2
    Level 11: Strength 9, Constitution 19+2, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 19+2
    Level 14: Strength 9, Constitution 20+2, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 20+2
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:53 No.7750784
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    Level 1: Implement Expertise (Wands), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Level 2: Mark of Storm, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Level 4: Improved Majestic Word, Player's Handbook 2, page 186
    Level 6: Spirit Talker, Player's Handbook 2, page 196
    Level 8: Mending Spirit, Primal Power, page 148
    Level 10: Hide Armor Expertise, Primal Power, page 137
    Level 11: Armor Specialization (Hide), Player's Handbook, page 202
    Level 12: Paragon Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 191
    Level 14: Arcane Admixture (Vicious Mockery [Thunder]), Arcane Power, page 130

    At-Will Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Staggering Note, Dragon Magazine #383, Class Acts: The Bard
    Level 1: Vicious Mockery, Player's Handbook 2, page 68

    Encounter Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Shout of Triumph, Player's Handbook 2, page 68
    Level 3: Focused Sound, Arcane Power, page 7
    Level 7: Thunder's Calling, Arcane Power, page 7
    Level 11: Wind Burst, Eberron Player's Guide, page 72
    Level 13: N/A

    Daily Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Stirring Shout, Player's Handbook 2, page 69
    Level 5: Song of Discord, Player's Handbook 2, page 71
    Level 9: Wail of Anguish, Arcane Power, page 11

    Utility Powers:
    Level 2: Moment of Escape, Arcane Power, page 8
    Level 6: Chord of Resilience, Arcane Power, page 9
    Level 10: Mantle of Unity, Arcane Power, page 11
    Level 12: Zephyr Wings, Eberron Player's Guide, page 72
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:55 No.7750801
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    Main Hand: Wand of Thundering Anguish +3 (Level 14, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 52
    Off-Hand: Light Shield (Level 0, Free)
    Armor: Healer's Earthhide +3 (Level 15, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 8
    Neck: Resplendent Cloak +3 (Level 13, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    Arms: Heroic-Tier Bracers of Escape (Level 7, 2,600 gp), Dragon Magazine #365, page 58
    Feet: Heroic-Tier Boots of Quickness (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 126
    Hands: Heroic-Tier Resplendent Gloves (Level 5, 1,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    Head: Heroic-Tier Circlet of Indomitability (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 139
    Waist: Heroic-Tier Belt of Vim (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Wondrous: Flute of the Dancing Satyr (Level 6, 1,800 gp), Player's Handbook 2, page 210
    Ritual Scroll: Anthem of Unity (Level 8, 680 gp), Arcane Power, page 153
    Ritual Scroll: Brew Potion (Level 1, Free), Player's Handbook, page 301
    Ritual Scroll: Call of Friendship (Level 4, 215 gp), Arcane Power, page 154
    Ritual Scroll: Glib Limerick (Level 1, Free), Player's Handbook 2, page 215
    Loose Change: 505 gp

    Initiative: +7 (7 half level + 0 Dexterity modifier)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 squares
    Vision: Low-light
    Passive Insight: 26 (10 base + 7 half level + 2 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 20 (10 base + 7 half level + 2 Wisdom modifier + 1 Skill Versatility)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Bluff (+2 item), Diplomacy (+2 racial), Insight (+2 racial), Intimidate, Nature
    Languages: Common, Elven, choice of one other
    Action Point (Wind-Rider Action): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed (and can hover) until the end of your next turn.
    Special (Mark of Storm): You gain a +1 bonus to speed when flying.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:56 No.7750813
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    Hit Points:
    Hit Points: 99 (77 bard + 22 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 49
    Healing Surge Value: 24
    Healing Surges per Day: 13 (7 bard + 6 Constitution modifier)
    Special (Virtue of Valor): Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant a number of hit points equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier (total of 9) as a free action.
    Special (Improved Majestic Word): When you use Majestic Word, the target of the power gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6).
    Special (Healer's Earthhide +3): When you use a healing power, the target regains additional hit points equal to the armor's enhancement bonus (+3).
    Special (Mending Spirit): You ca use the shaman power Healing Spirit (Player's Handbook 2, page 120) once per encounter.

    AC: 31 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Constitution modifier + 3 earthhide + 1 Armor Specialization [Hide] + 1 light shield)
    Fortitude: 29 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Constitution modifier + 1 Paragon Defenses + 1 earthhide + 1 Belt of Vim)
    Reflex: 25 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 1 Intelligence modifier + 1 Paragon Defenses + 1 class + 1 Boots of Quickness + 1 light shield)
    Will: 29 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 1 Paragon Defenses + 1 class + 1 Circlet of Indomitability)
    Special (Resplendent Cloak +3): You and each ally within 10 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to Will against charm, fear, and illusion attacks.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:56 No.7750818
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    Group A Power: Staggering Note
    Group B Power: Vicious Mockery, Distracting Shout
    Group C Powers: Shout of Triumph, Focused Sound, Thunder's Calling
    Group D Powers: Stirring Shout, Wail of Anguish
    Group E Power: Wind Burst
    Group F Power: Song of Discord
    Attack Bonus (Group A/B/C): +18 (7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 1 Implement Expertise + 1 Storm Adept)
    Attack Bonus (Group D/E/F): +17 (7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 1 Implement Expertise)
    Damage (Group A, Staggering Note): 14 (6 Charisma modifier + 6 Constitution modifier [Storm Adept] + 2 Resplendent Gloves)
    Damage Bonus (Group B): +17 (3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 6 Constitution modifier [Storm Adept] + 2 Resplendent Gloves)
    Damage Bonus (Group C): +15 (3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 6 Constitution modifier [Storm Adept])
    Damage Bonus (Group D): +11 (3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Resplendent Gloves)
    Damage (Group E, Wind Burst): 3d6+9 (3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier)
    Extra Critical Damage: +3d6 thunder (Wand of Thundering Anguish +3)
    Special (Mark of Storm): Whenever you hit an enemy with a lightning or thunder power (Group A/B/C), you can slide that enemy 1 square.
    Special (Wand of Thundering Anguish +3): When you hit an enemy with a thunder power (Group A/B/C) using this wand, until the end of your next turn that enemy takes thunder damage equal to this wand's enhancement bonus (+3) whenever one of your allies hits it.

    Item Powers:
    Flute of the Dancing Satyr (Encounter): Move Action. You shift 2 squares, and each ally within 5 squares of your destination space can shift 1 square as a free action.
    Bracers of Escape (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. You can use this power when you are the target of a melee attack. You teleport 2 squares.
    Wand of Thundering Anguish (Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder): Standard Action. As the bard's Distracting Shout power (Player's Handbook 2, page 72).
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:57 No.7750823
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    >Level: 14
    As mentioned above, the Wand of Thundering Anguish is available to a starting character at level 13 and above. Before then, this build must resort to a far, far less optimal implement. Level 14 was chosen for this build, as opposed to level 13, as it is a well-rounded level wherein the half-level bonus of the character is increased and the two key ability scores of the build have their modifiers raised as well.

    >Race: Half-Elf, Player's Handbook, pages 42-43
    >Dilettante: Claws of the Eagle, Primal Power, page 66
    The half-elf is the only player race in the system that is graced with +2 Constitution and +2 Charisma for its ability score bonuses. Unfortunately, Dilettante is of very little use to this build; Claws of the Eagle was deemed to be the most practical power for the racial feature, and even then, situations wherein it shall be more effective than a Staggering Chord shall be quite rare. This build does work with the hobgoblin thanks to its +2 Constitution and +2 Charisma, and its immediate reaction saving throw racial encounter could prove fairly useful. However, the hobgoblin is a monster race, that is, a race unavailable to players by default and illegal in the RPGA.

    >Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor, Player's Handbook 2, page 67
    >Paragon Path: Lyrandar Wind-Rider, Eberron Player's guide, page 72
    The Lyrandar Wind-Rider offers a lovely bonus to attack rolls and damage (not just damage rolls, and so Staggering Chord falls under its purview) with lightning and thunder powers. As the paragon path calls for your Constitution modifier and this build focuses on thunder powers, it is clear that the Virtue of Valor is the Bardic Virtue appropriate for the character. The aforementioned class feature only affects allies within 5 squares of you, you should remain in the middle row, in distance of both the melee-focused members of the party and your ranged allies.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:58 No.7750840
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    >Ability Scores:
    >Level 1: Strength 8, Constitution 16+2, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13, Charisma 16+2
    Charisma is the lifeblood of this build's attack rolls, damage, and Will. Constitution determines its hit points, healing surges, Virtue of Valor temporary hit points, encounter power rider effects, damage with thunder powers, AC with Hide Armor Expertise, and Fortitude. Wisdom 13 is required for the Spirit Talker shaman multiclass feat at the heroic tier.

    >Level 1: Implement Expertise (Wands), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    As is the case for virtually every other build in existence, connecting with your attacks is paramount.

    >Level 2: Mark of Storm, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Sliding any enemy you hit with a thunder power 1 square improves your control potential, particularly with Staggering Chord, as the slide 1 allows for fine adjustments in conjunction with the push 2. This also happens to be a prerequisite for the Lyrandar Wind-Rider paragon path.

    >Level 4: Improved Majestic Word, Player's Handbook 2, page 186
    Attaching a considerable amount of temporary hit points onto each of your Majestic Words improves the survivability of you and your allies.

    >Level 6: Spirit Talker, Player's Handbook 2, page 196
    >Level 8: Mending Spirit, Primal Power, page 148
    All in all, these two feats provide you with training in Nature, one use of Spirit's Prey each encounter, one use of Healing Spirit each encounter, one use of Speak with Spirits (+2 bonus) each day, a spirit companion that can serve as a veritable roadblock. Overall, the benefits that you gain from this package are well worth the two feat slots, and the Hide Armor Expertise heroic feat requires you to be of a primal class anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:59 No.7750851
    Those shoes must be damn near impossible to walk in.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)05:59 No.7750854
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    >Level 10: Hide Armor Expertise, Primal Power, page 137
    >Level 11: Armor Specialization (Hide), Player's Handbook, page 202
    >Level 12: Paragon Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 191
    Holistically, this triumvirate of feats grants you +2 AC, +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will, +1 speed, +1 Acrobatics, +1 Athletics, +1 Endurance, +1 Stealth, and +1 Thievery. Resilience is a good thing to invest in as a middle-row character, and you can even share these massive defenses of yours with the party thanks to your Mantle of Unity level 10 encounter utility power. The bonus to speed aids you in establishing just the right position on the battlefield as well.

    >Level 14: Arcane Admixture (Vicious Mockery [Thunder]), Arcane Power, page 130
    >Level 1: Vicious Mockery, Player's Handbook 2, page 68
    In the event that you cannot slide and push an enemy in such a fashion that an ally can perform an effective melee basic attack against it, or when you are forced to target an enemy warded by thunder resistance, you can resort to a thunder-admixtured Vicious Mockery, dealing nigh-irresistible psychic and thunder damage and imposing a -2 penalty to attack rolls on the target until the end of your next turn. This penalty to attack rolls is a potent tool to use against solo monsters as well.

    >Level 1: Staggering Note, Dragon Magazine #383, Class Acts: The Bard
    The introductory section of this thread has already exalted the strengths of Staggering Note at this level.

    >Level 1: Shout of Triumph, Player's Handbook 2, page 68
    Pushing and sliding for your enemies, sliding for your allies, all in a close blast 3. Fair enough, though targeting Fortitude is a minor hindrance.

    >Level 3: Focused Sound, Arcane Power, page 7
    Landing this power improves the critical range of any attack against the target to 18-20, thereby rendering the target highly susceptible from a concerted offensive effort.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:01 No.7750866
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    >Level 7: Thunder's Calling, Arcane Power, page 7
    This is essentially an upgraded, alternate version of Staggering Chord that involves a damage roll, slides the target a great distance, and enables a ranged basic attack rather than a melee basic attack. Ranged 5 and targeting Fortitude slightly sabotage the effectiveness of this power, though with regards to the former, you happen to be a middle-row character anyway who can easily adjust for the short range.

    >Level 11: Wind Burst, Eberron Player's Guide, page 72
    'Tis ironic that the level 11 encounter power of the Lyrandar Wind-Rider paragon path is neither a lightning power nor a thunder power. You should reserve this for minion-sweeping or for corralling together an area burst 2 of enemies in preparation for an ally's area burst 1.

    >Level 1: Stirring Shout, Player's Handbook 2, page 69
    The encounter-long healing potential of this power outweighs the fact that it does not benefit from the Storm Adept path feature. Echoing Roar from page 7 of Arcane Power does bear the Thunder keyword, but it is also a highly situational power.

    >Level 5: Song of Discord, Player's Handbook 2, page 71
    There exist no implement thunder powers for the bard class at this level, and so you must fall back on this spell, which allows you to deftly puppeteer a single enemy for a round.

    >Level 9: Wail of Anguish, Arcane Power, page 11
    This area-damaging power can be activated as a minor action, and as such, it does not interfere with your usage of Staggering Chord.

    >Level 2: Moment of Escape, Arcane Power, page 8
    Sliding an ally 4 squares as a move action certainly has its uses, and it can even trigger the Agile Opportunist paragon feat.

    >Level 6: Chord of Resilience, Arcane Power, page 9
    This essentially amounts to a free, virtual Toughness feat for a single ally each encounter. You might as well save this for the first hit landed upon, say, the defender of the party during a battle.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:01 No.7750870
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    >Level 10: Mantle of Unity, Arcane Power, page 11
    You happen to be possessing of defender-level defenses; why not enable each ally in close burst 5 to avail of them as well, while gaining a more stable Reflex defense to boot?

    >Level 12: Zephyr Wings, Eberron Player's Guide, page 72
    This is a rather impractical power for you to ever use to its fullest extent in a combat encounter. The lack of hovering forces you to move during each of your turns, lest you fall, and having to sustain it using your minor actions denies you your Majestic Words and your Healing Spirit. As such, you may wish to reserve this for out-of-combat scenarios.

    >Main Hand: Wand of Thundering Anguish +3 (Level 14, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 52
    This item is what this build revolves around. Hitting any enemy with one of your thunder powers renders it more vulnerable to the attacks of your allies, and so those allies are strongly encouraged to engage in focus-fire tactics against most enemies that you hit. Your Staggering Chord at-will power happens to be perfect for repositioning your enemy into a square where it can be more aptly beaten down by your compatriots. I can thematically picture this to be a leaf-shaped fan of sorts, one that can amplify the force of the winds created by arcane magic.

    >Off-Hand: Light Shield (Level 0, Free)
    Your off-hand holds neither an implement nor a weapon, and so it should be put to good use by having it grant you a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex.

    >Armor: Healer's Earthhide +3 (Level 15, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 8
    Your Majestic Word and Healing Spirit powers heal for an additional 3 hit points. While a minor benefit, this adds up.

    >Neck: Resplendent Cloak +3 (Level 13, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    An untyped +2 bonus to Will against a host of Will-targeting effects for you and each ally within 10 squares can ward off deleterous conditions, such as dazed, stunned, and dominated, and forced movement.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:02 No.7750883
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    >Hands: Heroic-Tier Resplendent Gloves (Level 5, 1,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    This grants you 2 extra damage on all of your Will-targeting attacks, which, of course, includes Staggering Chord. Since this is your second item from the Resplendent Finery heroic item set, you also game a +2 item bonus to Bluff checks, evening out your bonuses for Bluff and Diplomacy.

    >Arms: Heroic-Tier Bracers of Escape (Level 7, 2,600 gp), Dragon Magazine #365, page 58
    This allows you to negate a melee attack made against you once per day, and you teleport 2 squares as part of it to boot.

    >Feet: Heroic-Tier Boots of Quickness (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 126
    >Head: Heroic-Tier Circlet of Indomitability (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 139
    >Waist: Heroic-Tier Belt of Vim (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    A +1 item bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will is well worth occupying these three item slots. I had considered a Fey-Blessed Circlet in place of the heroic-tier Circlet of Indomitability, but the additional point of Will for Mantle of Unity as well as the higher-than-average defenses of this build had metaphorically tilted the odds in favor of the latter item.

    >Wondrous: Flute of the Dancing Satyr (Level 6, 1,800 gp), Player's Handbook 2, page 210
    A wind instrument befitting of a wind-themed build. Keep this strapped around your neck and use your off-hand (recall that a light shield only prevents your ability to attack with an implement or a weapon in your off-hand) for a minor action shift for you and your allies once per encounter. This also serves as a focus for bard rituals.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:03 No.7750893
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    >Ritual Scroll: Anthem of Unity (Level 8, 680 gp), Arcane Power, page 153
    >Ritual Scroll: Brew Potion (Level 1, Free), Player's Handbook, page 301
    >Ritual Scroll: Call of Friendship (Level 4, 215 gp), Arcane Power, page 154
    >Ritual Scroll: Glib Limerick (Level 1, Free), Player's Handbook 2, page 215
    Lastly, these four rituals are intended for out-of-combat utility. Anthem of Unity and Call of Friendship, in particular, produce results that can be described as mind control.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:05 No.7750914
    She's a tengu, they have incredibly good balance.

    It's either that or she flies constantly and makes the single whatsit on her geta superfluous.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:05 No.7750915
    >Staggering Note, and when she hits with the at-will power in question, she inflicts 14 thunder damage, slides the target 1 square, pushes the target 2 squares, grants all of her allies an additional 3 thunder damage on each of their attacks that hit the target until the end of her next turn, and allows an ally to perform a melee basic attack against the target before, after, or during the forced movement.

    That seems crazy powerful. :/

    Also, why start at level 14 rather than 11?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:06 No.7750934
    Starts at level 14 because level 14 is when you get +1 to two ability scores, your half level bonuses get a kick up to 7, and the Wand in question is a level 14 wand. You COULD do this at level 13, but it's more "even" to do it at 14. You're also well into Paragon Tier without the lol that is level 16 abilities.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:08 No.7750962
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    They are highly impractical, though they do have firm roots in the mythology surrounding the tengu.


    Do read the first paragraph of the second post and the first paragraph of commentary.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:09 No.7750967
    The wings counter that.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:22 No.7751113

    My point is that if a game is going to start at Paragon, it's going to start at 11 more often than not, and not at 14.

    This basically ends up being like the level 30 builds: a nice theoretical exercise that you might get to play if the DM agrees to start the game at the level you want, but otherwise pretty useless for play.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:27 No.7751150
    This... can work under level 14. That build progression touhoufag laid down ain't for show. Sure you'll have to redo the items a bit, but you can just reacquire them through gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:28 No.7751160
    Level 14/16 starting games aren't that uncommon.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)06:37 No.7751224
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    The magic item parcels for level 11 include a level 15 item and a level 14 item. You can petition for a Wand of Thundering Anguish +3 to be the latter item, and given that its property benefits your allies more than you, your fellow players shall most likely be receptive to the prospect.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)07:04 No.7751473
    But it's no Staff of Ruin + Psychic Lock bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)07:53 No.7751823
    This is more flavorful than good.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:02 No.7751907
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:41 No.7752191
    I've always wondered why Staggering Note targets Will.

    Shouldn't it hit Reflex?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:42 No.7752212
    Enchanted mindwaves.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:45 No.7752245
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    Someone seems to enjoy this.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:47 No.7752257
    Thunder is sonic damage for some reason, so.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:50 No.7752282
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    My toehoes aren't supposed to have dongs
    >> Vampire Lass 01/24/10(Sun)08:52 No.7752293

    Thunder is a more fluffy name for sonic damage.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:53 No.7752299
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    Canonically, they have at least one each. How else could they shoot so many bullets if it weren't for magical dongs everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:58 No.7752361
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    Bard powers are moderately inconsistent when it comes to damage types and targeted non-AC defenses. There exist thunder powers that target Fortitude (Shout of Triumph, Thunder's Calling); thunder powers that target Reflex (Focused Sound); thunder powers that target Will (Distracting Shout); psychic powers that target Fortitude (Sprightly Rhythm, Craven Chorus); psychic powers that target Reflex (Mind Game, Bond of Malediction); and psychic powers that target Will (Vicious Mockery, Cutting Words, Misdirected Mark). That Staggering Chord is a Will-targeting power is a point in its favor, for Will has been empirically proven to be the lowest non-AC defense on average across all creatures from the Monster Manual 1 and the Monster Manual 2. As well, a power that targets Will is compatible with the infamous Resplendent Gloves.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)09:05 No.7752441
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    Stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)09:13 No.7752513
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)09:16 No.7752547
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    Loli haet dongs. Trolling is bad.
    >> Blackheart !!FYEhWpAirtN 01/24/10(Sun)09:17 No.7752560
    You could at least post quality futa...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)09:19 No.7752575
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    >> PointMan !!sjoCtjmIoEU 01/24/10(Sun)09:38 No.7752784
    Take your own advice, little shitlord. Seriously, why do you object to touhou so goddamned much?

    One of these days Moot is just going to revoke /tg/'s blueboard status.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:26 No.7753400
    I'd like to see how this works. Touhoufag, mind giving a level 14 build like this for comparison?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:28 No.7753413
    ...said the ntripshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)12:00 No.7754336
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    Well, a properly-optimized level 14 Virtue of Cunning bard can inflict a tremendous 1d8+1d6+22 damage (1d6 Vicious Mockery + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Weapon Focus + 1d8 Longsword of Summer + 3 Siberys Shard of the Mage + 2 Resplendent Gloves + 3 Dual Implement Spellcaster + 3 Staff of Ruin) and a -4 attack penalty with Vicious Mockery, but at the cost of below-average defences and defensive leading capability. I shall see what can be done.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:06 No.7755866
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    I had been sidetracked. Here is my submission for a Virtue of Cunning bard. It is nowhere as stalwart as the Virtue of Valor bard above, but it does bring to bear greater damage output, more potent encounter and daily attack powers, and a considerable amount of mobility and forced movement from the Virtue of Cunning class feature.

    Level: 14
    Race: Tiefling, Player's Handbook, pages 48-49
    Class: Bard, Player's Handbook 2, pages 66-68
    Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Cunning, Player's Handbook 2, page 67
    Paragon Path: Life Singer, Arcane Power, page 23

    Ability Scores:
    Level 1: Strength 8, Constitution 11, Dexterity 13, Intelligence 16+2, Wisdom 10, Charisma 16+2
    Level 4: Strength 8, Constitution 11, Dexterity 13, Intelligence 17+2, Wisdom 10, Charisma 17+2
    Level 8: Strength 8, Constitution 11, Dexterity 13, Intelligence 18+2, Wisdom 10, Charisma 18+2
    Level 11: Strength 9, Constitution 12, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 19+2, Wisdom 11, Charisma 19+2
    Level 14: Strength 9, Constitution 12, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 20+2, Wisdom 11, Charisma 20+2

    Level 1: Advantage of Cunning, Player's Handbook 2, page 184
    Level 2: Arcane Implement Proficiency (Heavy Blades), Arcane Power, page 124
    Level 4: Focused Expertise (Longsword), Dragon Magazine #375, page 24
    Level 6: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades), Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 8: Dual Implement Spellcaster, Arcane Power, page 125
    Level 10: Arcane Implement Proficiency (Staffs), Arcane Power, page 124
    Level 11: Psychic Lock, Player's Handbook, page 205
    Level 12: Improved Cunning, Player's Handbook 2, page 190
    Level 14: Melee Training (Charisma), Player's Handbook 2, page 187

    At-Will Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Cutting Words, Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 1
    Level 1: Vicious Mockery, Player's Handbook 2, page 69
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:07 No.7755889
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    Encounter Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Blunder, Player's Handbook 2, page 69
    Level 3: Dissonant Strain, Player's Handbook 2, page 70
    Level 7: Deflect Attention, Player's Handbook 2, page 71
    Level 11: Pacifying Voice, Arcane Power, page 23
    Level 13 (replaces Dissonant Strain): Foolhardy Fighting, Player's Handbook 2, page 73

    Daily Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Stirring Shout, Player's Handbook 2, page 69
    Level 5: Satire of Bravery, Player's Handbook 2, page 71
    Level 9: Wail of Anguish, Arcane Power, page 11

    Utility Powers:
    Level 2: Moment of Escape, Arcane Power, page 8
    Level 6: Chord of Resilience, Arcane Power, page 9
    Level 10: Illusory Erasure, Player's Handbook 2, page 72
    Level 12: Inspired Solutions, Arcane Power, page 23

    Main Hand: Longsword of Summer +3 (Level 15, Free), Dungeon Delve, page 119
    Main Shard: Siberys Shard of the Mage +3 (Level 13, Free), Eberron Player's Guide, page 112
    Off-Hand: Staff of Ruin +3 (Level 13, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 106
    Armor: Summoned Earthhide +3 (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 53
    Neck: Resplendent Cloak +2 (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    Hands: Heroic-Tier Resplendent Gloves (Level 5, 1,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 104
    Waist: Heroic-Tier Belt of Vim (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Loose Change: 200 gp
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:08 No.7755894
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:08 No.7755900
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    Initiative: +9 (7 half level + 2 Dexterity modifier)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 squares
    Vision: Low-light
    Passive Insight: 18 (10 base + 7 half level + 0 Wisdom modifier + 1 Skill Versatility)
    Passive Perception: 18 (10 base + 7 half level + 0 Wisdom modifier + 1 Skill Versatility)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Bluff (+2 racial, +2 item), Diplomacy, History, Religion
    Languages: Common, choice of one other
    Special (Find Another Way): Allies within 5 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to skill checks and ability checks.

    Hit Points:
    Hit Points: 89 (77 bard + 12 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 44
    Healing Surge Value: 22
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 bard + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Special (Peaceful Action): Whenever an ally within 5 squares of you spends an action point to take an extra action that is not an attack, that ally gains 1d8 + your Charisma modifier temporary hit points.

    AC: 29 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Intelligence modifier + 3 earthhide)
    Fortitude: 22 (10 base + 7 half level + 2 enhancement + 1 Constitution modifier + 1 earthhide + 1 Belt of Vim)
    Reflex: 26 (10 base + 7 half level + 2 enhancement + 6 Intelligence modifier + 1 class)
    Will: 26 (10 base + 7 half level + 2 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 1 class)
    Special (Resplendent Cloak +3): You and each ally within 10 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to Will against charm, fear, and illusion attacks.
    Special (Virtue of Cunning, Advantage of Cunning, Improved Cunning): Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within a number of squares of you equal to 5 + your Intelligence modifier (total of 11 squares), you can slide that ally 2 squares as a free action and then slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:09 No.7755909
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    Attack Bonus (Implement): +18 (7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Focused Expertise)
    Attack Bonus (Melee Basic): +21 (7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Focused Expertise + 3 proficiency)
    Damage Bonus (Implement): +22 plus 1d8 fire (3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Weapon Focus + 3 Siberys Shard of the Mage + 2 Resplendent Gloves + 3 Dual Implement Spellcaster + 3 Staff of Ruin + 1d8 Longsword of Summer)
    Damage (Melee Basic): 1d8+11 plus 1d8 fire (1d8 longsword + 3 enhancement + 6 Charisma modifier + 2 Weapon Focus + 1d8 Longsword of Summer)
    Extra Critical Damage: +3d8 (Longsword of Summer +3)
    Special (Psychic Lock): Any target you hit with a power that has the psychic keyword takes a -2 penalty to its next attack roll.

    Item Powers:
    Summoned Earthhide +3 (At-Will): Minor Action. You banish this armor to a secure extradimensional location. At any point in the future, unless you are wearing armor, you can use another minor action to recall the armor. The armor appears on you as though you had donned it normally.
    Longsword of Summer +3 (Daily): Free Action. Use this power to make you and this weapon glow with the bright light of the summer at high noon. This increases your defenses by +4 until the end of your next turn.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:12 No.7755952
    Character making AND loli dickgirls?

    This is just about the best thread ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:20 No.7756057
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    I could do without the dongs though. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:21 No.7756064
    You COULD, but why would you want to?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)15:32 No.7756892
    Very glass cannon. I like.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:16 No.7758482
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    Addendum: As you can see, the Longsword of Summer attaches 1d8 additional fire damage onto any successful hit, though this adheres to the rules for extra damage from page 221 of the Player's Handbook 2 that state that additional damage must be in addition to other damage. What of powers that do deal damage on a hit without a damage roll, however, such as Staggering Chord, Furious Smash, Knockdown Assault, and Chilling Cloud? Would a Longsword of Summer, the Hunter's Quarry from the Warrior of the Wild multiclass feat, or the Sneak Attack from the Sneak of Shadows multiclass feat generate a damage roll that would then trigger the addition of bonuses to damage rolls, such as a magic weapon or implement's enhancement bonus? That, all, is a matter of debate that I would prefer to shy away from in my builds, similar to certain usages of weapons-as-implements and the addition of damage types to a power.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:17 No.7758501
    >Wind-Borne Warbler

    I'm shocked that that isn't a monster or paragon path yet

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:40 No.7758899
    But there is already the Lyrandar Wind-Rider.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:51 No.7759886
    So you can wield a Longsword of Summer and get huge damage with Staggering Note?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:09 No.7760183
    See his post. It's a matter of debate.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:06 No.7760983
    It seems to me like Virtue of Cunning would fit the wind theme better.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:19 No.7762207
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    The Lyrandar Wind-Rider paragon path, however, is a Constitution-based one. The Virtue of Valor is the Charisma/Constitution-focused bard build, whereas the Virtue of Cunning concentrates on Charisma/Intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:43 No.7763428
    Which is sad, really. Wizards always seems to slap on Constitution for the wind builds.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)23:52 No.7764466
    See, I like this build better if only because Foolhardy Fighting and the Psychic powers are so much better than the Thunder ones.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)23:54 No.7764487
    Goddamnit guys.

    Not this shit again.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:48 No.7765914
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    It would certainly be a more practical build to play than this Wind-Borne Warbler, though such a bard starting at a lower level may wish to forgo Arcane Implement Proficiency (Heavy Blades) and the Longsword of Summer, instead resorting to the use of the Staff of Ruin with the Staff Fighting paragon feat.
    >> G. D. !!Y8HG2fUusNY 01/25/10(Mon)02:03 No.7766144
    Touhoufriend, a question, if I may...

    ...long-time reader, first-time replier, supporter and fan of all Gensokyo's greatest beings, but there's a small trend I've noticed over reading some of your later posts. This may be a bit of an odd question to explain to me (I've been a 3.5 player for well over four years now), but I have to ask, why is it that when you make certain non-martial characters, you favor "Virtue of Valor bards"? I've seen at least three of your character concepts (including this, the "Wind-Borne Warbler") take on statistics as Virtue of Valor bards, and I should ask... what's special about them over other... I suppose you call them "tiers" of bardic battlers, or other classes? Forgive me if my question is of ignorance or lack of education, but I'm honestly curious. Why does it seem you favor some classes, like this type of bard, over others?

    And to the person(s) posting the futanari Touhou characters... as much as I appreciate your dumping of the pictures, I'm sure we'd all be happier if you left that in /d/... seeing as how every other thread there is futanari-based in some respect, it would fit right in with both fans of the fetish and of the niche gaming community. I mean, is that not why that board exists?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:24 No.7766410
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    This is one of the two Virtue of Valor bard builds that I have created for this board out of my own initiative rather than as part of a request. I consider the core class features of the Virtue of Cunning (sliding) and the Virtue of Valor (temporary hit points) to be approximately equal in effectiveness. However, the Virtue of Cunning, the implement-focused build, receives greater feat support (Psychic Lock, Advantage of Cunning, Improved Cunning), greater item support (Wand of Psychic Ravaging, Staff of Ruin), more potent powers overall (Blunder, Foolhardy Fighting, Strike Up the Dance), and more effective skill trainings (Arcana, History, Religion). As far as generic bard builds go, I strongly prefer Virtue of Cunning bards.

    This particular build, however, called for a Virtue of Valor bard due to the Lyrandar Wind-Rider paragon path being Constitution-based. Likewise, a Virtue of Valor bard was the one melee arcane character hampered the least by feat tax in order to render the build in question viable.
    >> G. D. !!Y8HG2fUusNY 01/25/10(Mon)02:45 No.7766669
    Understandable... really. I had no trouble whatsoever trying to wrap my head around what you were telling me. That was really my only question. Thanks for the prompt reply.

    You keep doing what you're doing, pal. Some of the stuff you make... even if I don't understand the fundamentals (I've been trying, really; I found a few PDFs of some of the core books and have spent a little time reading over them), the things you can create just astonish me... it makes me wonder what you have planned for future builds.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:03 No.7766901
    Just use /rs/
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:27 No.7768769
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    Addendum: The Virtue of Valor bard also meshes with one of the most powerful paragon paths in the system, the Life Singer from page 23 of Arcane Power. Rerolling any of your missed attacks against Will is a monolithically mighty benefit for such a character. Granted, this is only applicable at level 16, though the path is strong enough until then.


    You have my gratitude for your support.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)08:16 No.7769656
    Thanks. I find this interesting myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)08:59 No.7769994
    Can't you pick up the sorcerer's Storm Walk? It's a Charisma power that deals thunder damage.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)10:11 No.7770654
    Can't. Wands aren't sorcerer implements.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)10:48 No.7770969
    And? You have Arcane Implement Proficiency (Wands).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:06 No.7771134
    There's a new board, /adv/, that would be the perfect place for powergaming advice. Since it's entirely new, it hasn't built up a troll base yet. I can only encourage you to leave and take your ill-received powergaming with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:11 No.7771197

    That wouldn't let you use sorcerer powers with wands because you wouldn't be able to take AIP (Wands) as a bard altogether.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:13 No.7771214
    Get to /adv/ you power gaming munchkin.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:13 No.7771220

    Ha ha no.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:16 No.7771243

    You are now imagining touhoufag writing out lengthy relationship optimization "builds".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:17 No.7771258
    Whats stats do we have irl?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:39 No.7771982
    I doubt he could, even if he wanted to.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)12:42 No.7772015
    You're now misreading "Advice" as "Relationshit advice".

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