Quest time! To make a choice, there has to be a majority vote of at least four. If there's a dice roll needed (normally d4 or d10), the first one to roll counts. That's it.-You are a Derpuhpus, the most majestic cephalopod of all. Well, not really, 'cause you derp about most of the time.Your Current Stats:22 HP7' LengthSix ArmsSerrated Beak (2d4 Damage)Two Hooked Tentacles (1d4 Damage)Pheromones (Appeasement)Colour VisionBioelectricity (Blindsense, Shock for 1d4 Damage)Watertight SkinCrab Stats:2' WideFour PincersTransparency (Nearly Invisible)Fourty-four Derpuhpi and now sixty crabs. Will you go to land? Or will you deal with the hagfish and scorpions in the stromatolite maze?
Destroy the hagfish I says.
To the stromatolites! Form an alliance with the scorpions!
1) Alliance scorpions, slay hagfish2) Acquire coconuts and bitches
Get a scorpion attracted/ganked and brought to me, kill that faggot and steal it's powers.
Why do we need to land in the first place? Why not just be the mighty kraken, the ruller of the sea?
Kill the hagfish
>>9135120Why do we need to stay in the ocean? Why not just be Might Kraken, slayer of hymens?
You call to ten of your siblings by way of your clacking beak. Each bears a crab atop their body, an invisible ally armed with a tiny harpoon. You motion to the stromatolites, and they follow you after seeing the crabs' scribbles.The maze is much larger than you thought. Along the bottom, between the rocky growths are the scorpions, brawling at intersections and dueling over dead hagfish that they stung to death. They ignore you completely. The jerks.
Send crab diplomats to the scorpions, if they refuse: Slay the hagfish and see if they reconsiderif they accept: slay hagfish and storm the beaches afterwards
>>9135174Shout at them with our electrically magnified voice.Politely ask what has gone on.
>>9135174Use electric shock to gain their attention, then attempt to alliance-ify the scorpions
>>9135226Your electric organs at this point lack fine communication skills. At best, you can convey basic emotions amongst your own species.
>>9135242Curses. We attack a nearby hagfish and wait for the scorpions to react.
>>9135242Okay, show them our kickass shield, and point at hagfish. That should say, "Hey, we'll kill hagfish, we're awesome, be our friends."
Being a burly bunch, the scorpions express themselves through grappling duels. You take stock of this obsession with brute strength and notice a hagfish swimming nearby. Three feet long, it bears a bulge running along either side, its barbels each two feet long.A strange aroma wafts forth from it upon the currents. How will you attack it? Your ten siblings and their crab-helms seem eager to please you.
>>9135343Perforate it with crab-harpoons. If they haven't noticed the crabs, this should awe the scorpions quite a bit.
>>9135343Hagfish are well known for their slime and may even be our betters at grappling. We should seek to perforate them. Only when their slime is broken may we use our electrical attack.
>>9135343Attack the hagfish from behind, chomp off its head with our beak
>>9135343Kick ass, take names, absorb powers.
>>9135356THIS. Even better if we convince them that they're MIND HARPOONS.
Holy shit guys, we're Kirby. The first thing we ever ate was a whale, and we kept getting larger and larger.Than we ate something with pheromones, got them. Etc.
Slap our hooked tentacles into the hagfish's side and then reel them in and take a bite.
>>9135363True, let's use the hooked tentacles and stabcrabs to deal with it. Getting some slime in the beak would be disgusting at best, and could potentially make us lose this fight.
oh shit new threadhow long have I not known about this
>>9135408so if we eat rocks, we'll get armor?
>>9135343Surround the hagfish and then joint-strike bioelectric shock.
>>913542219 minutes.
Your group swim nonchalantly over the idiot hagfish.Derp derp derpy doo...Then all eleven of your crab-helms drop down and begin laying into the guffawing hagfish with their harpoons. Oily blood fills the water as every Derpuhpus and crab present feasts upon the body. The bulges were full of tasty pheromone sacs.You and your crabs can now turn enemies away with a foul odour!The scorpions look up and stare in awe. The crabs - unseen - paddle their way back up onto your bodies. You swim closer to the scorpions, all of whom back away and lower their pincers in deference.
>>9135463Glare imperiously with our huge derpy eyes, and offer to help the scorpions exterminate the hagfish once and for all, in exchange for their fealty as warriors.
>>9135463Extend one regal tentacle of acceptance.
>>9135463If they will follow us, WE WILL INVADE THE SURFACE WORLD....If they can go up to the Surface World.STAGE WORLDWIDE HOSTILE TAKEOVER.
IMPORTANT NOTE:Besides eating stuff, doing particular actions will grant you traits. Such as going on land, which will happen after this maze bit.You have the scorpions' attention, but a long shadow looms overhead before disappearing. Other hagfish with pheromone sacs swim by, guffawing as they bump into one another.
>>9135484Durp. Right. Kill hagfish first.
>>9135511FUKKIN HAGFISH KILL THEY ASS.Wonder what that big thing was?Hmm. I'm sure it wasn't important.
The long shadow drifts here and there, but you can't seem to find the owner before it slips around a stromatolite.
>>9135498We can't just blitzkrieg the landworld, though. We have to surreptitiously take over a society, and move on. Otherwise, their advanced technology could totally overwhelm us. Think about vandalizing wikipedia. If you do small edits over time, there's a better chance of one of Green Day's songs being "List of sexually active popes" actually taking root. If you go apeshit over it, everyone will notice and just lock and revert the page.
>>9135511Coordinated bioelectric attacks are the key to victory! When outnumbered like this, killing without contact will keep them at a distance and dwindle their morale.
Destroy the hagfish. Whatever that thing is, we can better prepare for it by eating everything in sight and gaining it's powers.
The scorpions won't budge an inch, now that they've seen the shadow. Their compound eyes hidden behind shaking pincers, they hide in the dark. Since you can't get them back out, you'll have to find the owner of the shadow.
>>9135597Fine. This.
>>9135610Strategically array our brethren and send out invisible crab spies.When the shadow passes near, have the crabs signal, and then when it comes close enough, ZAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT.
>>9135598Remember, the shadow was long. Just like the hagfish. And all of the hagfish in the maze are alike in their abilities.
>>9135628Yeah, but the hagfish are retarded. We don't really need to worry about them, unless this thing is some kind of Ur-hagfish.OH GOD.
>>9135664No psionics, I'm afraid. Except for precognition, but that's a very special case.
>>9135656That IS scarier than it should be.
>>9135692That too is frightening.
The crabs are sent to the top of the maze to keep watch for the shadow's owner. You can detect the crabs with your electric sense. Your kin wait close to the crabs.A low rumble works it way through the maze, sending twenty stranger derpuhpi darting out of the maze and somewhere near your mangrove abode. That rumble carries a familiar sound."HEE-EE-EEY NYUKKUH, GAWD SUMMA DAT WHALE ON YA..."
KILL FRENZYAlso, I still say the surface is smalltime, we should be sinking ships as THE KRAKEN, not strolling around on a beach.
>>9135749Nothing had more advanced tools than certain molluscs nearby, and even then, their toolset consists of flint and wood.
>>9135727Sup, nigga? There's plenty of whale on shore, you should go there.(This thing can't go on land, can it? I'm counting on trapping it's dumb ass on the beach)
>>9135773It's purely aquatic. Also, it's language is really only intelligible to other hagfish.
>>9135793So, trapping it's a no-go?
I guess we just outnumber and shock the fuck out of it, then.
Round up the mystery derpuhpi, show them to our cave to protect them, and kill the hagfish!
Have the crabs jump onto the hagfish, using their mega claw attacks and spears. Have the young derp fish grapple the hagfish and use shock attack. We go for its face with our beak
Stab it with our makeshift spears and use them to conduct our bioelectricity into it's organs.
>>9135803You could try, but this thing...The shadow's owner appears close by, according to the frantic waving of two of the crabs. At this, your group springs into action.Holy shit, it's huge. And purple. Ten feet long and one thick, it's an Ur-Hagfish, its barbels three feet long. The bulge running along either side pulsate and shudder, sending a nasty odour into the water. Its rasping tongue flicks about its gaping maw. Oddly enough, its eyes are well-developed pinhole-types.HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S DERPUr-Hagfish26 HPTongue (1d4)Thrash About (3d4)Derpuhpus22 HPDerpserker Attack (Use Every Available Attack Simultaneously, Lose Following Turn)Crab10 HPHarpoon (1d4)How will you attack this thing?
4 Beak attacks, followed by a Derpzerk.
>>9135962Derpuhpus Attacks:Serrated Beak (2d4)Two Hooked Tentacles (1d4)Bioelectricity Shock (1d4)
>>9135962Everyone DERPSERKER AT ONCECrabs harpoon
>>9135962What are the stats on our attacks? We have at least a bite, tentacle whip, and shock. How many derpahpi are with us?
>>9135962Craps leap out and stab it with harpoons, we pump as much bioelectricity as we can into it.
>>9136007You've good 11 derpuhpi with you.
>>9135962eat it's face.
ALL DURPOPODS, DERPSERKER ATTACK, CRABS, JUST KEEP HARPOONING.With any luck we'll be able to take it out in one round.We have what? 2d4+1d4+1d4+1d4 per derpopod?From the beak, 2 hooks, and electricity?That's an average of what? Ten damage per derpopod? and aren't there like 10 of us? Just swarm the mofuckah.
>>9136014*gotI am le tired. But I'm having fun!
>>9135962Use 1/2 DERPS to ELECTROCUTE it, use other half to STAB IT IN THE EYES.CRABPOON IT TOO
>>9136035This. Better chance of killing it equals better chance of survival.
rolled 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1 = 24>>9136041
>>9136035DURP, meant to link >>9136068
The crabs take the initiative and leap onto the Ur-hagfish, harpoons slammed into its... slime?!The beast twirls through the water. "HAW HAW HAW, YEW NYUKKUHS, FO SHO REALLY?! NAW!"The crabs are forced to paddle away as the asshole thrashes about. Luckily, no one got hurt.The harpoons did nothing and the Ur-Hagfish still hasn't noticed you. A consensus on your derpuhpi method of attack?
crab stab, childerp do derpzerker, fatherderp go for the face
rolled 1, 1 = 2>>9135962Serrated beak
rolled 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2 = 68>>9136096Derpserker barrage! 2d4 beak 2 x 1d4 tentacles 1d4 shock, times 11.That's 55d4.
>>9136134And THAT only rolled half the dice
Only roll when I ask. I assume you've all decided on the massed derpserker then.Each derpuhpus can do a derpserker attack worth 4d4 damage total. Remember, both tentacles together count as one attack. 4 x 11 = 44. Oh wow.ROLL 44D4 NOW NOW NOW
rolled 1, 3, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 3, 1 = 61>>9136159
rolled 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3 = 65>>9136159
rolled 4, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4 = 58>>9136159derp
It looks like it's only rolling a max of 25 dice.
rolled 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1 = 50>>9136209+ this derp
rolled 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 = 58DERP!
rolled 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 63>>9136203Let's try something different then.FIRST HALF OF DICE22D4
>>9136203>>9136219Doesn't matter. Fagtron is dead in the water anyways.
>>9136221DERP 108 DERP
So I'm assuming the Ur-Hagfish is reduced to slurry and vapor.
rolled 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1 = 54roll 1
It can't possibly survive with only 26 health, you could roll 1's on every dice and still overkill it.
Oh to hell with it. Your entire group lets loose a concentrated voltage that sends cramps rocketing through the Ur-Hagfish. His loud cry of "OH SNIGGITY-SNAP" goes unheard as the eleven of you barrel through the foul smell and start your infighting.Tentacles and beaks lash in and out, ripping the slime away, then the skin, then the muscle. The other hagfish haul ass, terrified of their progenitor's slaughter. Immune to the turning pheromones, your kin cease your assault.The battle turned into a slaughter, the likes of which the uncivilized hagfish were not prepared for. The carcass drifts upon the current, heading straight for your mangrove abode.What next?
>>9136247RIP AND TEAR
rolled 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 = 63ROLLIN#2
I'm seriously laughing my ass off right now. This is my first time running a quest, as you can tell.
>>9136260PARTY TIME!
>>9136260Destroy it before it stanks up our house.
>>9136260EAT THE UR-HAGFISH'S BODYABSORB ITS SOUL ENERGYUPGRADEAlso, this seems like a strange variation of E.V.O.: The Search For Eden.Just DERPier.
I'm thinking our plan might have just went bust. If our intent was to befriend the scorpions, we have seriously fucked up. We vaporized the largest hagfish, wish is drifting towards our house, and scared off the other hagfish. Remember what the scorpions eat to survive. Yeah.
>>9136260Tell everyone to enjoy their meal, and join them.
>>9136260Collect our army of scorpions, bring them to our mangrove fortress.Collect the hagfish corpse so it doesn't spread disease within our fortress.Investigate the newcomers we scared out of the mazeSex bitchesCoconutsIn that order
Do this, but with Durpupi, crabs, and Scorpions.
>>9136260Drag the carcass to the feet of the scorpions. Hover above them and let them bask in our power. +1 species of serfs.
>>9136260Look to the scorpions and let them see what happens to those that oppose us. Shock the water around us and outstretch our tentacles and let them know they will be spared if they follow us to derpy glory.
Perhaps we could get a map too while we're at it? So we know how to build our defenses at the Fortress d' Mangrove
>>9136319simple, just tell them you will lead them to tastier prey.Since they have no food they must follow us or starve.they have no recourse, they know the derpapods army will annihilate them in a swarm of electrical potential.
>>9136326I'm going to assume coconuts is now a meme.
>>9136298LOL YESand Explosm's interactive comics.
>>9136377Nope. Not until we've forgotten where it originated.
>>9136377>I'm going to assume coconuts are delicious and taunting usFTFY
The scorpions come out of hiding and stare at the carcass arriving at the mangrove. They watch as your kin devour the thing; it seems the worst of the pheromones dissipated on the journey. Now the arthropods are looking up at you. You swim down to meet them.The burliest of them bows before you, pincers spread wide in supplication, sincere thanks for removing the smelly blight.They begin following you, thirty in all."Scorpion" (A Strange Variation, Really):18 HPColour VisionSix LegsFour Rough Claws (2d4, 1d4 per side)Venomous Sting (2d4)Watertight SkinAs you lead them out of the maze, you notice the stranger derpuhpi have joined your kin in their feast. All twenty of the strangers are female!Mating time, derp/no?(From here on out, we'll drop the derpserker attack. That was funny as shit, but still...)
>>9136486Derp, of course.
>>9136366I'll work on this. After this thread, I might be able to post a map to start off our next thread. Thank you for the idea!
Seriously, make sure you archive each leg of the quest. This shit it amazing.
it should bederp/herpderp
>>9136486Consume scorpionacquire poison sting.
>>9136532I love Lamarck's theory of evolution.
>>91365395 females for each Derpuhpus. We're, how many, 40?20 females, we'd mate, 40*5=200*(number of babies)[estimated]10=2000Feels good man.
>>9136574Sounds like it's time to raze that island.
>>9136568Theoretically in this ocean there should be a species which has a horrible manage of traits due to a diverse diet.Some kind of proto hydra omni creature.
>>9136096I read the Ur-Hagfish in this guy's voice.
>>9136606>Some kind of FINAL BOSS
>>9136613Derp. Meant to use this picture
>>9136574Then let's BREED THE FUCK OUT OF THEM....wait.
(Rearchive these on sup/tg/ as well as the full size 4chan archive. you can use tags etc there) sage for unrelated
>>9136645We look FUCKING MAJESTIC.
>>9136632I went with Uncle Ruckus, but two octaves lower.
>>9136606Do go on...
I second surveying the females.
>>9136701DUMBASS.Why'd you evolve as a human instead of bird?
Survey females, sex the non failderp ones, acquire coconuts
I'm terribly sorry, my computer just died on me for a moment.BOW CHIKKA DERP DERP ow my eye what the fuck mangEveryone got busy, and genetically speaking, everything is safe and sound.Choose two traits:Size, 9' (+4 HP)Pheromones, Dominate (Total loyalty, 'cause you smell so damn good)Crushing Beak (3d4 Damage)Wicked Hooks (2d4 Damage)Bioluminescence, LureCartilage Cage Skeleton (+4 HP)Ultraviolet VisionBioelectricity (Intraspecies Communication and Chain (+1d4 per Individual Nearby))Mating with females from a different derpuhpus population introduces new and unexpected mutations.Roll 1d4 for one of the following traits:1- Turreted Eyes (Chameleon-like, can Attack 2 Enemies at Once)2- Eyestalks (Peer over Objects)3- Transparency and Photosynthesis (camouflage against foliage)4- Cubical Body (oh what the hell)
>>9136606>some kind of proto hydraOh god its hideous
>>9136753Size and Pheromones.
>>9136632That's what I was aiming for. Stinkmeaner is fuckwin.
rolled 4 = 4>>9136753Please god 3 not 4.
rolled 3 = 3>>9136753
rolled 1 = 1>>9136771
rolled 4 = 4>>9136753
rolled 1 = 1Pheromones and bioelectric speakIf we can talk, we can unite a massive army even sooner
rolled 3 = 3>>9136753Size & Bioelectric
our next generation is a fucking cube squid?Goddamnit. failgeneration.
Oh god, your offspring are a bunch of squishy cubes. Derp. Well, they fit the name DERPuhpus now.At least there are *some* advantages to this hankypanky parade.
>>9136753its cool mang, i think the servers went down for awhile there
I do not think a cube body would even work...
>>9136795>>9136806Wait, wait guys.Wait.We can stack ourselves now. We are more efficient for storage.
>>9136825TOWER OF DERP
>>9136808unless its like this
Bioluminescence and bioelectricity
>>9136826And we can lock ourselves together with our tentacles for stability.Let us combine our offspring into a mighty wall, that we may impose our rein onto the trade routes of the surface.
>>9136836I d'awwd, let's keep them!
>>9136836Put it so the one if the corners is he top at least that makes for some movement.
You can now find Advice Derpuhpus over at meme generator.
There's a species of Jellyfish that bands together to form huge rafts, making it more feasible for something to bump into at least on of them.Do that.
Remember: if you want to get the coconuts, you'll need reach, whether it be through sheer size or stacking up.Now, try to come to a consensus on the two traits you want. Once we do that, I'll give the word to roll.
>>9136836That's actually a lot better for crab helmets. They have better fighting platforms from square, flat heads than previous types.EVOLUTION PREVAILS.
>>9136863wait, we can get xray vision?
>>9136870I think it would be against derplaw to not get size, the question is the other type of upgrade we want.
>>9136870Size and Pheromones.TRUST ME
>>9136870Actually, Pheromones and Size.I KNOOW we are getting Size.
Pheremones and size thirded.
>>9136887NEVER. Here are your stats, btw:Derpuhpus Stats:22 HP7' LongTwo Hooked Tentacles (1d4)Six ArmsSerrated Beak (2d4)Watertight SkinColour VisionPheromones (Appeasement, Turning)Bioelectricity (Blindsense and Shock 1d4)
>>9136864lets combine our freakish flattop children so the crabs have a massive floating platform with a flat top. They can throw their spears from it.A weapons platform.also, increase size acquire electricity chain.
Communcation and the Glow-light evolution.plz be glowing cube squids
>>9136912Inb4 flattop derpuhpi combine to create an aircraft carrier for crab planes to launch from.
Size and communicationsize for the size godcommunication for the communication throne
Size & BioelectricityWe are rapidly becoming a large army, we need to be able to communicate.
>>9136906Nine foot motherfucker with a crushing beak, I'm seconding being THE KRAKEN, wherever the fuck the other guy got to. In other news, I'm drunk and sunburned, woo!
>>9136913glowing box squid would be kind of neat actually
>>9136924All we need to do is communicate with the sea gulls.
MS Paint anon here.I gotta go to bed. Thanks for letting me crap up your thread with scribbles!
>>9136906Well, we need to MAKE SURE TO GET BIOELEC SPEAKING NEXT. FOSHO.Anyway, let's build up our resources a bit more, make sure there are NO more enemies that we might have to deal with. If there are, and we take the land just to lose the sea, then FAFDL:GDJLJSFL.
>>9136999That actually looks less like "sleepytime", and more like "HATERS GONNA HATE".
Okay, I'll throw you guys a big bone. You're getting a size of ten feet, domination pheromones AND intraspecies bioelectric communication. I freaked the fuck out when the site went down and thought I had disappointed you all. But you've been great to me. Anyway...-A few generations have passed, and now Father Derpuhpus VI rules (you, in other words). Dead things wash up on shore and yet the crabs still can't get them, due to dark shapes floating down from high above and scaring them off.Here are your stats:Derpuhpus (Population):26 HP10'Two Hooked Tentacles (1d4)Six ArmsSerrated Beak (2d4)Watertight SkinColour VisionPheromones (Appeasement, Turning, Domination)Bioelectricity (Blindsense, Shock 1d4, intraspecies communication)Crab (Population 80):10 HP2'Colour VisionFour ClawsSix LegsTransparencyHarpoon (1d4)Scorpion (Population 30):Colour VisionFour Rough Claws (2d4)Six LegsVenomous Sting (2d4)
>>9136999Thank you for drawing for us!
>>9137043We need to take the initiative and investigate those shadows. Pronto.
>>9137043are we all prepared to get our COCONUTS?are we forgetting any WATER AREAS?
>>9137070Agreed.Let our mighty cubicness investigate the shadowy shapes. And then let us begin our invasion of the dry world.
>>9137043Whoops, almost forgot:Derpuhpus population is at 40, due to... food management issues and opinions regarding calamari. The electrical communication only works between the derpuhpi and so doesn't extend to other species. You have developed a beak-clacking language for your crab/scorpion friends, however.
>>9137043Investigate what the dark shapes are, also, did we ever eat one of those fucking scorpions?
>>9136999Sleep well!You earned it. Thanks.
>>9136999Good night, fellow anon.
>>9137109I don't think so, seeing as we lack poison sting.probably better for race relations anyway.
I think the consensus is this:check for any last-minute underwater threats to extinguishmake way onto landACQUIRE COCONUT
>>9137169Eat one of the motherfuckers right away, secretively at least.
>>9137043you haven't dissapointed us. 4chan dissapointed us.I was shocked and saddened when we were cut-off mid-quest.
>>9137193Me too.
I suggest we build our fortress-state in such a manner as this.At the center we have our Derpcapital with the breeding tree, right next to it (the blue thing) is the mollusk shell statue from our first conquest. Then a circle of kelp forest with little crab huts. Surrounded by a ring of rocks for the scorpions.This way, invaders must first fight the scorpions, then penetrate the ninjacrab forest and then finally assault the main population of deadly derpuhpii
>>9137193You know whose responsible for this right?Spammers.
>>9137075You haven't forgotten any water areas. You'll always be able to return to the water. So long as you remain grounded, that is.-Your scorpion friends have built up the sandbar on the western side of your abode. Right now, the sandbar is six feet above the sea's surface and two hundred feet long, in the shape of a crescent. The mangrove is thirty feet tall and its canopy is sixty broad. The two little islands it sits between are about twenty feet across and three above the sea's surface.So far, no major threats have appeared. The massive, black shapes that drift a bit off the edge of the continental shelf creep you out, but they stay real far away. The coast is to the east, a few hundred feet away. To the north going around the coast is an isolated cove, very shallow and calm. One of the scorpions lumbered back from there and said there's a weird group of fish lurking there.How will you organize yourselves for this curious sight?
I'll try to draw a map when I can. Hopefully before tomorrow evening.
>>9137180Second.Delicious coconut.Also hopeful bio luminescence eventually.
>>9137294Ninjacrab scout squad to investigate these weird fish, determine their value to our evolution path.
>>9137294Disregard fish, acquire coconuts.
It seems the thread is slowing down, so I'll archive it and start another one when I can. Later, all.>>9137334I'll make a note of this.
>>9137294Send patrol, attain physical description of said fish, however vague the details may be.Mount expedition to examine black shapes. We can't have any unexplored potential threats around that may harm the derpapod kingdom.
>>9137357why did the scorpions build up the sandbar? defensive wall?
>>9137357I'll go to sleep as well. See you in 13-15 hours?
>>9137357NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWhen will derpuhpus quest return?
>>9137391To prevent the tide from eroding the mangrove islands. Also, large black shapes.Archiving now.
>>9137294Alright man, my new favorite phrase is "OH SNIGGITY-SNAP!"a crab riding on top of a square derphapus each, all the derphapusi, all the scorps travelling on the ground, breedin' females stay with the rest of the crabs. And us truly heads on out. To derp where no derphapus has ever derped before.
>>9137407Not to worry, tomorrow night or the one after.
>>9137481sleep well, and make a new thread tomorrow.