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  • File : 1295661741.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest LVII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)21:02 No.13610047  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13585569/
    >I just finished _THAT_ part in A Storm of Swords... its a good thing its to early for anyone to start dying off...

    By the time the sun is beginning to rise, your business in this town is nearly complete. The trio that challenged you are all rested enough that your reprimands for their stupid, or insubordinate actions will actually take, instead of merely kicking them when they were down, or goading them when angry. Outside the manor a nice pile of valuables is being formed, next to it a table with a few items on it that you cant quite make out from where you are standing.

    >so, what do you want to take care of first?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:04 No.13610079
    Loot time. I'll assume the stuff on the table is likely arcane in nature. We should figure out what it does, or assign Laelith to doing so.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:08 No.13610117
    Why does that linked thread not show up in the commander quest archive list?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)21:11 No.13610148
    Get a report of the loot, and of the progress on destroying the war-making potential of the town.

    Then we need to have that disciplinary hearing.
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)21:15 No.13610184

    We're also going to have to have a good long chat with our newest hire.

    We need to know everything about everything.

    Elsee, second >>13610148 though its more of a dressing down. A hearing is a formal procedure with major consequences like whipping.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)21:22 No.13610268
    Well, yes, I meant a dressing down, and I know the difference between the two.
    But our little youths probably don't, and that's another facet of Legion military regulations they will need to learn.

    Being part of our retinue rather than part of the rank-and-file gives them certain freedoms, but they're still subject to military law. Especially out here, in a war zone.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)21:22 No.13610271
    >it got every tag possible _except_ "commander quest", heh.

    You make your way over to the slowly growing pile of loot. Laelith and Finian are both waiting for you there, both have the sunken eyes of one who has spent entirely too much time going through a book. "What arcana did we find?" you ask, hoping to start with the good news.

    "A set of gloves, studded with shockstone." Laelith answers, holding up the gloves in question. "A sealing ring, it has matched 30 seals I know, and 10 that Finian knows perfectly, and a box the size of an arrow, I believe it is intended to fletch arrows for its user."

    "How goes the looting?" you ask, more or less happy with your take so far.

    "We will have completed our business here by midday at the latest." Finian answers, yawning.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)21:24 No.13610301
    Very good. We'll want more details on the capabilities of the arcana, but for now the two of them should rest, if we're going to be marching in the early afternoon.
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)21:29 No.13610363

    Pax, could we get a map situational update and unit strength updates?

    Do we have any outriders on patrol, closein or extended? What do they say about the movement of refugee traffic and if we have any in the vicinity, the reactions of the remaining towers.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:34 No.13610408
    Can't post for long so I just want to make an appeal. I know the plan at this point was to move further in-land and have their army chase us but I suggest we move to take more towers at this point. Firstly, luring their army further in-land will only work if we know they're chasing us. We'll need to be sure they know where we are so waiting around here a day might be beneficial for word of this city falling to reach them from the civilians. Secondly, we need to start demolishing the walls of this city so they can't use it, which means we might as well hit another tower or two while we're in the area. Finally, Pax mentioned that taking 6 towers was only adequate for our mission. When have we ever settled for adequate results? We must have good results at the minimum and we've been taking the towers pretty easily so far.

    Also in regards to Lena, I was thinking we might want to either put her off combat again for now until she's worked on her discipline with her powers or make her focus more on defensive magic. She's still cringing at using her powers to kill and at the rate she's going, I'm afraid she might break at some point.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)21:37 No.13610434
         File1295663833.png-(127 KB, 395x465, Camaignintel5d.png)
    127 KB
    >your at the red diamond right now
    -196th Legionary
    Gaius Rex
    -454th Legionary
    Cornelius Hoursch
    -98th Warlords
    Uurist Titius
    -99th Hunters
    Aurelius Caspius
    -50th Dwarven Scouts
    Finian Gaurush
    -65th Dwarven Rangers
    Kyria Esfelda

    -House Garlian Uursan Cavalry
    Lady Jayne Garlian
    -Impetus Marauders (Elf)
    Aeristus Beztia
    Chainmail, twin combat axes
    -Kemnios Swifriders 71/75(dwarves)
    Dagnar Mestius
    horse Throwing axes, splintmail, lances, battle axes, kite shields
    -Clarish Ghosts 93/100 (Elves)
    Vesteaus Helmenu
    leather, javelins, shortblades, composite bows
    -Cornwal Mercenaries
    Buckmoore Kystris
    Chainmail, spear and shield
    -Kharynchek Cavalry 47/50
    Vohzd Lennis Greanthi

    >the refugees were headed south, and yes, your scouting merc cav units are out and about, no reports in as of yet though, which means so far its all clear
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:38 No.13610439
    "Laelith, while we're here- have you managed to find anything else which might help us against necromancy?"

    After we get an answer, tell them to finish off anything essential and then get some rest before we move out.

    On another topic, have we had someone interrogate some prisoners and learn if there's anything new to know about enemy troop movements?
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)21:42 No.13610471

    Pax, how heavily are our troops weighted down with loot now? From this excursion, not on the campaign as a whole since we probably left much of our gathered loot at Lost Conflux.

    Else, I don't see why not. Though if we're not too heavily weighted down, we should consider hitting one of the towns and it's gold mine on the way back.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:47 No.13610529
    Quick question, I was under the impression that six towers was a good number so is that the case? I thought we were only just doing our duty by taking out three towers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)21:48 No.13610539
    >you left Lost Conflux a burning city, valuables are with you, if I recall correctly you had planned on dumping them off after taking this city, so its gonna be pretty tight on the wagons now.

    It looks like both of you have been reading quite a bit lately, mind sharing?" you prompt the sunken-eyed soldiers before you.

    "The research on Necromancy you requested." Finian answers in a worried monotone. "Is it true that you had a vision, that someone is raising an army of the dead?" he asks, doing a good job of hiding any fear he might be feeling behind an emotionless mask.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)21:48 No.13610542
    Pax, were we able to loot some horses and wagons to cart around our loot and extra supplies, so they won't weigh us down?

    We could conceivably go after more towers, but doing so risks riding into a counterattack force sent to reinforce the towers.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)21:51 No.13610577
    "That is one interpretation. The gods, unfortunately, are not as clear and concise as Imperial Legion scouts or commanders when providing information or orders."
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)21:52 No.13610590
    "That is only my interpretation of it my friend. While the dreams are maybe divine in nature, the fact i've been told of it at least gives way to the idea that we have friends, in Very High places, that decided to give us this little tidbit of information."
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:53 No.13610597
    "I would not say that. Primarily because it would either affect morale or I'd look the fool, depending upon if it turns out to be true or not, but I still wouldn't say it."
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)21:57 No.13610647

    Hmm, I was under the impression that Lost Conflux was still be held as an operational base. What did we do to the daughter and lordling?

    If thats the case, then we should immediately begin moving to the river in order to store our current holdings in caves. I would suggest moving across the river from the 3rd tower we hit, from the bottom.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)22:22 No.13610946
    rolled 17 = 17

    Test Roll Bump
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)22:23 No.13610953
    Well, if we're becoming that encumbered and we need to cross the river again, we might as well hit one of the towers on our way back to raiding Uurlanth towns.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)22:27 No.13611005
    "Between us, yes, that is one interpretation of the very vague sights I have been shown. To the troops, well of course not, I am neither hysterical, superstitious or a fool. Would you mind sharing what the two of you found with me?" you reply calmly, desperately hoping that some weakness has been found.

    "Necromancy is not a quickly learnt school." Finian begins "Nor is it precise, however, the more time that has been spent on the topic, the greater the power had, and the increase is drastic. The most inexperienced of necromancers can only raise fresh corpses, and these are completely devoid of will and intellect, and rely on a constant supply of arcane power to remain in their state of undeath. By the time the necromancer can raise something as decayed as a skeleton, the abominations draw their own power, though not enough to remain viable for more than a minute after their controller has been slain or released the creature from his command. Shortly thereafter the necromancer is able to allow the creatures to act without his direct mental command, they will stay upright, walk, and attack his foes without being prompted to do so. As the necromancer gains power, the number of undead he can command increase, as does the fallens ability to recall that which it knew in life, normally as dictated by its master, and how long it will continue at the last task its master gave it after he falls."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)22:28 No.13611015
    Finian pauses, to take a shakey breath "Once a necromancer crosses over to the realm of undeath himself, willingly casts aside his soul to become a lich, the undead he raises retain their full memories, and are capable of sustaining themselves indefinitely. The process through which they are raised however, replaces any emotions any sane being would consider positive, with a deep desire to kill all that which still draws breath and generates its own heat, as well as a sense of unnending servitude to the one that raised it. Should the lich fall, wither the greatest of the undead horde at his beck, or a necromancer sufficiently close to lichdom himself, depending on the situation, will take command of the horde left standing. Even worse, as the lich gains power, he will be able to add parts, and knowledge, to his undead servants. The tomes taken from Khalless were complete, knowledge enough to take an aspirant from his first steps in the blackest of arts, fully through to lichdom."

    "Did the tomes contain any methods for defeating the undead?" you ask, doing your best to hide the fear you are feeling.

    "Only the methods available to a necromancer or lich, and most focused on adding your rivals horde to your own. Along with a plethora of hexs and curses that could be used to gain power from, dominion over, or simply slay, any living that oppose you. Nothing on defense." Finian answers, downcast.

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)22:28 No.13611028
    "In my research, I fear I have not fared much better. Nothing short of massive damage to the corpses body can stop it, save the slaying of its master. Any form of arcane or elemental assault will prove incredibly effective against the undead, however, almost all attacks from mundane weaponry are ineffectual, save those from hammers, maces, clubs and anything else that causes similar sorts of damage. Consecrated Fire is far and away the best method for dealing with the undead, but none save the most powerful of devotees to Neshai can create it outside a temple to the Goddess of Entropy, and the flame does not spread." Your greatest elementalist informs you, trying to sound hopeful.

    >you asked them for a full report, so they gave one

    >you guys left me with the impression that you wanted to start some fires as you rode off, and let it sit...
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)22:37 No.13611097
    Yes, I was under the impression that we were going to leave Lost Conflux like Sherman left Atlanta; spewing a pall of smoke that could be seen from orbit.

    Anyway, this does not bode well for us; my guess is that the Cult is into necromancy, and they offered it to the King secretly to bolster his forces in his counter-counter-attack.
    Either that, or they've got some kind of massive ritual planned, tricked the King into preparing this hammer blow against the Imperial counter-offensive, and intend to use the massive amounts of slaughter to fuel some grand necromantic engine or spell.

    While it's not palatable, we may need to consider the creation of our own necromancer/lich to counter the enemy's.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)22:37 No.13611105
    >anything you guys want to ask those two, or move on to Wulf/Lena/Bellatrix?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)22:41 No.13611141
    rolled 75 = 75

    Show no fear, smile. "Good, glad i have two brilliant mind, and we are far Far ahead of being completely unknowing of this creatures now. Hah, lot of help those books did Khalless in the end."

    Maybe, we can take the time to look to the gods today. Neshai is one we're in a little good favor with right? and the boons of gods we've seen are very effective. We've already given the advisors a scare with the introduction of the gods returning, and the advantages they give simply cannot be ignored.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:41 No.13611145
    >none save the most powerful of devotees to Neshai can create it outside a temple to the Goddess of Entropy, and the flame does not spread.
    I take it that Laelith couldn't light one of her eternal torches with consecrated flame, and then use it all the time through elementalism while retaining the consecrated properties?

    >you guys left me with the impression that you wanted to start some fires as you rode off, and let it sit...
    I wanted to reduce the place to a broad smear of ash on the ground, personally.

    "Well, that's something. Keep looking; at some point in the next few days, get a couple of the company commanders- not the mercenaries- to discuss potential strategies against foes with the properties of the undead you're researching with you, given our current assets. My initial guess at the moment would be that holding our elementalists safe in strong defensive formations while sending kill teams after the necromancers would be the best we've got, but perhaps someone else will have something better. Do you have any questions or concerns you'd like to bring up before we're done here?"
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)22:42 No.13611156
    >Our own necromancers

    Never. We chose the bright, hard path. I'd say its about time we payed our respects to Neshai for some advice and a promise to spurn the evils of necromancy. She should be willing to help us out with some information on defeating magics opposed to her.
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)22:45 No.13611180
         File1295667916.jpg-(35 KB, 400x300, 2008-12-04_roadroller.jpg)
    35 KB

    Crushing rending weapons?

    We have auto-wagons.

    It's time for the age of the ROAD ROLLER.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)22:48 No.13611221
         File1295668124.jpg-(55 KB, 1392x553, RedeemerGlare.jpg)
    55 KB
    rolled 21 = 21


    I Want One
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)22:48 No.13611224
    It is a viable option and it should be considered.

    We must not allow emotion to cloud our considerations for military victory and national security.
    Of course I wish to avoid creating our own necromancer corps if it can be avoided. But to simply dismiss out of hand, or to never consider it, would be a dereliction of duty.

    That said, we may want to attempt to meditate and convene with Neshai on a possible joint effort if we have to fight necromancers.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)22:52 No.13611268
    I think we can move on to the three youths.

    Have Laelith and Finian get some rest, we've got hard marching ahead of us.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)22:54 No.13611287
    "Excellent work, both of you." you reply after spending a few moments silently collecting yourself. "Keep searching, but dont run yourselves ragged, for now it is enough that we know the nature of the beast and that it will not catch us unprepared." the pair of soldiers before you both salute, and head for their tents.

    You, however, head out to find Wulf, Lena, Bellatrix, any of the three will do right now. Eventually you find Wulf and Lena, the former reclined against a building, the latter against his side, tome rested on the slant of her bent knees, one hand holding a small piece of shockstone, the other slowly turning pages. "Hello commander." Wulf greets you, trying not to make eye contact. Lena closes her book, salutes, and turns to face you, swallowing hard.
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)22:55 No.13611295

    I guess i can agree with that, that it only be considered as our last resort.

    However we should seek an audience first to see what can be done.


    Traditionally, what is the pantheon's view on Necromancy?

    We know what Neshai's is and can probably guess the reaction of the light side but what of the darker side? I expect not all of them will agree, especially the god of martial ability. Respect for the glorious dead and all that.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:57 No.13611309
    Wasn't one of our units going to rank up into a new type shortly after that last battle?

    "Wulf. Lena. I trust that you have recovered?"

    First, make sure she's okay. Then with the stern talkings.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)23:02 No.13611365
    What tone should we take with them?

    I'm thinking sternness with Lena, but disappointment with Wulf.
    Lena and Bellatrix grew up with the nomads, so them not knowing how to address a Legion officer can be understood.
    But Wulf is Degnarian; he should know better, and we're disappointed more than angry.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)23:02 No.13611367
    rolled 62 = 62

    "You are the retainer of an officer of Dengar, You Will look me in the eye when you address me Wulf.

    I trust that you've recovered Lena."
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)23:04 No.13611388

    Sounds good. Lets just not be too harsh and if after this dressing down they show changes for the better, we never mention this incident again.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)23:05 No.13611398
    Actually, you have a point- Lena just saluted us, but Wulf didn't. How's THAT for at least trying at professionalism? We've cut him far too much slack.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)23:09 No.13611438
    >Eago doesnt really give a fuck about necromancy, it makes the journey more interesting, which is all that matters. The rest of the Sunlight pantheon hates it. Karythria and Garagush see how it could have its uses (though the latter would prefer you fight for yourself). Baashek never makes a stand on it (not worth the grief from the others) and Lamynus dislikes it as she cant really get anything from it.

    "I trust you have recovered well enough, Lena?" you start, ensuring both of the young soldiers are able to understand what you are about to tell them, and why.

    "Yes..." she replies, looking quite nervous.

    "Commander," Wulf begins "I spoke out of line before, I let my emotions get the better of me, I will not let it happen again." his voice controlled and contrite, sliding off his salute as he does so.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)23:14 No.13611485
    >even the evil gods mostly dislike necromancy or don't support it
    Well, that pretty much solidifies our position, I think.

    Just look at Wulf. "We will see." Now we start yelling at Lena, and see if his emotions get the better of him.

    "Lena, unless I am quite mistaken at the end of the last battle you came within a hair of killing me and dozens of my loyal troops. Would you care to justify your recklessness?"
    >> 風林火山 01/21/11(Fri)23:16 No.13611496

    Baashek, you spineless coward. Never change.

    Lamynus controls fire. We might be able to work something out but she hates our guts and i'm worried about what she'll want in return so I'm disinclined to do so.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)23:21 No.13611550
    rolled 27 = 27

    "Not Only That but you've gone behind my back with your plans with Lena's magics time and time again. I was uninformed of her enhancing paints until the very moment before battle, Then you go about and use even riskier symbols on her, Again, Without informing Me!

    And You Lena, and you have to make sure you keep control of the mists around you, because that last little attack of yours could've blown away half of our forces in combat! I'm not saying, that im not appreciative of the lengths you're going with your powers to help me and my nation, But you have to tie it back, A Lot. You're of no use to anyone, if you burn yourself out with that power, and it would be, terrible if you did."
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/21/11(Fri)23:22 No.13611569
    rolled 67 = 67

    either some people are working on their own chewing out speeches or waiting for others first.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/21/11(Fri)23:24 No.13611594
    Try combining these two.

    Wulf needs to know that it's not simply his speaking out of turn.

    Now, we appreciate our officers and retinue taking intitiative. That's why we give them so much freedom.
    But, combat is no place to be testing out untried techniques and spells, especially those with such destructive potential, and that haven't even been tested before.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)23:44 No.13611767
    "Would that that was all you were at fault for." you reply, solemnly, showing no emotion at all on your face "You were as much a party to Lena's _incredibly_ dangerous experimenting as she was. While I encourage all of my officers and command staff to take initiative, anything dangerous, or that involves combat... I not only have the right, not only expect, but DEMAND to be informed and asked permission before such a plan is to be put into action." Wulf nods slightly, eyes now fixed on your too-calm features. "Lena," you continue, turning to face the girl, who flinches back into the wall, looking almost cowed by you you, as you are nearly standing nearly on top of the pair "would you care to explain why you nearly killed myself, and nearly half of the maniple's fighting force, and tested out something completely new to you, and before that point untested, in a battle?" the girl moves to open her mouth, but you continue "And while I do not wish to at all belittle the effort you have put into helping the maniple, I would also like to know why you took my orders to prepare for a massive arcane assault as gathering the mists about you to a point where you nearly injured yourself?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)23:45 No.13611774
    "I... I thought that; when you gave me that order we were already fighting, and they were on walls, and there were so many of them... I thought you would need me to attack soon." she almost whispers "By the time I realized you may not need me for a while longer, I had passed the point where I could safely disperse the energies I had gathered. I tried to slowly keep increasing my power, so that when you called for me to strike it would be impressive, so that it would shorten the battle that much more. By the time we breached the wall I wasnt even drawing in power of my own will, the Arcane Designs on my arms were doing that without any prompt from me." The girl is shaking now, shame in her eyes "When you gave me the order to strike... I, there were people in those houses, innocents; soldiers, I can fi- I can kill soldiers, but innocents. After your elementalism knocked down or destroyed most of that part of the city, it was all I could do to not hit any of our- of your men." she explains quietly.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)23:53 No.13611880
    "Now, here is where communication is key. Had I known the limitations of this particular pattern you were trying, I would have simply kept you as you were. So please, from now on, share your personal plan of attack with me in the future. The same goes for you, Wulf. You scared the hell out of me that night with the thunderstorm. I thought you were going to lose it."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/21/11(Fri)23:54 No.13611881
    >anything? also, its incredibly slow in here tonight
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)23:54 No.13611891
    am making writings it takes time
    >> 風林火山 01/22/11(Sat)00:01 No.13611968
    Gonna bow out for the night.

    Got quite abit to do tomorrow.

    Just a thought for everyone else remaining. The markings look to act like some sort of conduit. See if they can be activated at will. Then look into dischargers for Lena so she can discharge her stored power safely.

    Also, do not forget to speak with our assassin. We need every last background detail on his guild, training, modus operandi, possible retribution and possible ways to counter them.

    We also need to get an audience with Neshai and get our loot across the river for storage.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:02 No.13611987
    >Writing up a proper dressing down takes time
    Sigh and pinch the bridge of our nose, while standing back.
    "All such considerations that the artillery crews and siege engineers must make.
    "I admit that the city's defenses fell far more easily than I expected, and your powers were not needed during the initial bombardment phase. However, you should have searched me out and warned me when your arcane power was reaching dangerous levels, or released it on your own initiative.
    "The reason I give so much freedom to my soldiers is because I value their initiative, and trust that they will do the intelligent thing, without my micromanagement.
    "I will allow this incident to pass, this time, due to your lack of combat experience with your powers. But I will expect that you show more restraint and less recklessness in the future."
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)00:07 No.13612032
    rolled 2 = 2

    I like this, but adding in a warning about her sister, that her actions continue to displease you, and that you will be having a chat with her. Press that Lena is not to say a Word, so that Bellatrix cannot simple plan up her own retorts and get her in more trouble.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:07 No.13612034
    "You are new to war as well as new to magic, Lena, so one might think that you deserve some slack. I cannot give it. The lives of myself, my men, and indeed our EMPIRE depend upon every soldier doing their duty faithfully, reliably, and well. I, personally, demand initiative from my officers- enough creativity and knowledge of what is truly important to make the right decision in the heat of combat.

    "I demand that you place the risks of your chosen course of action in the balance with the gains. If you chose to expend all your power uselessly blasting the sky, it would have been better than risking one chance in twenty of destroying a friendly unit- PARTICULARLY one whose destruction would have thrown our entire campaign objective into chaos.

    "I am removing you from combat operations effective immediately, pending truly desperate need or the personal word of all of Gaius, Cornelius, Finian, and Sansa that you have a solid understanding of military leadership principles. Additionally, I will require Laelith's word that you have achieved both more precise usage of your powers than you have shown thus far- which you will need if you insist on avoiding all collateral damage, as I will NOT show sympathy if you refuse the maniple supporting fire due to such concerns- and a thorough comprehension of their dangers if misused and how to handle situations like your recent difficulty in relative safety. Is that understood?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:12 No.13612090
    I like it, but I wonder if removing her from all combat operations might be premature.
    We've met the minimum of our objectives, and not suffered many casualties, but we still plan on staging more raids and attacks before we're able to replenish our numbers.

    Perhaps just attach Lena to the siege engine crews, and have her provide artillery support only? Perhaps bringing her in for close arcane fire-support in the last battle was a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:13 No.13612103
    Hmm, I'm going to have to agree with you on that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:15 No.13612130
    No, I want her off. We need to bring the hammer down here for her emotional development, emphasize that we cannot fuck around with stuff like this. No more slack. More than that, if there's really a horde of zombies coming our way I REALLY want her to have reinvented herself as a more professional combat mage by then, if she's going to continue down that path.

    Also, we don't really need her for raiding anyway. She helps, but she's not essential; that means like this is a perfect time to get her learning something else. If we leave her on combat ops she'll feel like she's still doing her part and not try as hard.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:20 No.13612177
    You have a point that she's not essential.

    My worry is if pulling Lena from active combat duty might just backfire, causing her to descend into an emotional rut of despair for her failure.

    Such a drastic action should require more support, I think.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)00:20 No.13612179
    "Ant that is why communication is so very important in the Legion, had I known the limitations of that particular... Arcane Design, I beleive you called it" you reply, still not allowing any emotion into your features "I would have differentiated between 'be ready' and 'make ready'. Like I told Wulf however, part of my reason for allowing my officers so much initiative is that I trust you to make intelligent decisions. When the level of power became dangerous, you should have come to, and informed me, or found a suitable target and bled off the excess energy in that manner." you step back, finally allowing emotion back into your features "As no damage was done, I will let this transgression go, in the future, clear anything dangerous with me, and use your intellect. However, as you are new to warfare, and as such you will be tutored, every day, by either Gaius, Cornelius, Finian, or Sansa on at least one portion of the subject. In addition to that, Laelith will be tutoring you on the arcane again, she may not know as much on your field as you, but she WILL be able to ensure that you do not select anything overly dangerous, or attempt anything foolish. If they do not believe you capable to function intelligently and safely on the battlefield before our next major engagement, you will be placed with the siege engines until all five of them agree that you are fit for front line duty again, is that understood?"

    "Yes... sir." Lena replies, her face caught somewhere between nervous and relieved.

    "Is there anything else you need us for, Commander?" Wulf asks politely.

    >well, anything else, or are you ready to move on to take care of something else?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)00:21 No.13612186
    rolled 36 = 36

    Hmmm, that's right.
    If we can get her training with her good Area of effect spells, while urging her to focus with accurate single shots as well, we can get her taking out captains and officers weakening moral quickly, the rabble breaking, and the trained soldiers falling apart without command
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:23 No.13612204
    No, that should be all with these two. We still need to find Bellatrix and give her a good dressing down.

    We need to make sure that the three of them are presentable in front of our superiors by the time we link up with the main counter-offensive.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:26 No.13612233
    >However, as you are new to warfare, and as such you will be tutored, every day, by either Gaius, Cornelius, Finian, or Sansa on at least one portion of the subject. In addition to that, Laelith will be tutoring you on the arcane again, she may not know as much on your field as you, but she WILL be able to ensure that you do not select anything overly dangerous, or attempt anything foolish
    Aw, I was hoping that she'd have to beg them into teaching her on her own, not just get assigned tutoring. That means we're implicitly ordering them to add teaching her to their duties, instead of forcing her into convincing them to spend some of their precious free time on making her better. Much less trying. You're too soft on her, Pax.

    And placing her with the siege engines leaves her feeling useful and thereby ruins the point. Sigh. We're not being hard on her at all.

    >"Is there anything else you need us for, Commander?"
    "No, that is all. A warning, however, Wulf. This is the second time that you attempted something reckless but powerful without informing me beforehand. If you do so a third time, it will not be forgiven nor overlooked."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:30 No.13612269
    "One last thing. Lena, according to research brought up by Laelith and Finian, we possess few options as suited to undead hunting as your arcane blasts. The time may come, soon, where we will need that. I hope not, personally, but, visions are hard things to ignore.

    As you were, then."

    Now, let's find Bellatrix and give her a proper dressing down.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)00:36 No.13612339
    >ah, but the others wanted to let her off with a stern talking-to. That was the compromise.

    "Aside from a warning to you, Wulf, yes. This is the second time you have been party to something incredibly dangerous, yet powerful. My patience on that matter with you is beginning to wear thin." The boy nods, saluting as you walk off to find Bellatrix, you can hear the pair behind you rising as well before you are out of earshot.

    By the time you find the Kharyncheck warrior, it is late morning. Bellatrix is going through some drill Collin taught her, you would guess "Commander." she greets you curtly, not so much as turning her back.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:40 No.13612369
    She's going to make this as difficult as possible, isn't she.

    "Bellatrix, I require your presence in my command tent. Now."

    No need to make the dressing down public.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:41 No.13612379
    Agreed. This is going to be brutal.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:41 No.13612389
    "Bellatrix. Did you know that three hundred years ago, Cassius Longinus ordered the execution of fifty-four soldiers who failed to salute him properly on the grounds that they were subverting legion discipline? An interesting point of history, I think."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)00:49 No.13612472
    "Bellatrix, I have need of you in my command tent." you order her, sternly. She follows you silently, save for her fingers rapping against the metal of her blades scabbard. When you finally reach the tent "Bellatrix, I'm not sure if you realize this, but I am among the most, permissive, of all the commanders in the Legion, even those whom I am considered peer to in that respect would have you flogged for your display after the last battle, others, well, they would have had much more, creative, perhaps even _final_ punishments for you."

    Bellatrix stands still, facing you down "And what, precisely, have I done wrong that would normally warrant such an, extreme, punishment?" she asks, her face showing that she believes that she is truly in the right.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)00:55 No.13612527
    "Your tone of voice and word choice to a commanding officer, and flagrant disregard of Legion regulations.
    "As a member of a commander's retinue, you are allowed certain exemptions, but disrespect towards an officer of the Legion is not one of them.
    "I also know that you have a latent ability to sense the mind of another; I suggest you use it now to understand just how precarious your position is becoming.
    "I may forgive you certain transgressions, Bellatrix, but the Legion demands neither forgives nor forgets."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:57 No.13612545
    "The Legion is a military unit with one purpose: To protect the people and interests of the Empire. This is achieved through loyalty, skill, and discipline. What have you done wrong? You have only one of the three, that only barely, and you make no pretense at attempting to acquire either of the other two. You are a walking canker upon the face of my maniple and I tolerate you only out of my consideration for your sister, who has a myriad of redeeming qualities even beyond her unique powers and skills."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:59 No.13612559
    "Bellatrix, while I like to think of my maniple as a family I also assume you know it is a military unit. I am the commander and the patriarch. I have no idea what appropriate conduct towards such people is among your people, but among mine such shows of sheer insubordination are met with flogging or imprisonment. The lives of everyone here rests upon not only my ability to plan but also my ability to lead and command with authority.

    Knowing what I do about you and your protectiveness of your sister I would like to let this go, but I simply can not allow such rampant disrespect in public. Until further notice you are not going to be participating in combat, and are on latrine duty. Do not worry about your sister, she ALSO is going to be well away from the battle after that little stunt. You see, *I* did not order any of that. I suggest you have a talk with her about preserving her own life, and do so soon.

    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:04 No.13612613
    I like the two of these. We need to put the fear of god into her, we can NOT have this continue. It erodes our authority.

    If we must we will have her lashed. I don't want to, but if she doesn't straighten up then, well, she brought it upon herself.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:07 No.13612638
    I honestly thing we need some sort of harsher punishment, but I guess having someone from our personal retinue digging and cleaning latrines will send a clear message that we don't tolerate this shit to everyone.

    Still, maybe also a work detail and a few days in an isolation cell?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:10 No.13612669
    After this I suggest we spend some time with Kyria. We have some important things to talk to her about:

    1. She doesn't yet know about the gods and our visions. We should tell her.

    2. We need to know how powerful her runecraft is and what it can do.

    2.1. Speaking of which, if there are anti-undead runes that would be awesome.

    3. We should just spend some time with her, she doesn't get much spotlight. And I say this as a devout follower of Laelith.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:11 No.13612673
    When she objects to latrine duty, we can counter by saying that in exchange for her most recent insubordination, we're setting her rank to that of a recruit, meaning that any of our veteran soldiers- which is all of them- will have the right to order her around, and that any further incidences of insubordination on her part- which at that point means talking back to anyone in a uniform that's not a mercenary- will result in a somewhat more physical punishment.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)01:15 No.13612704
    If Bellatrix asks why she warrants harsher punishment than Lena, we need to point out that Lena's mistakes were those of any specialist given a weapon that they do not yet have full mastery over, and that she at least TRIES to conform to military protocol.
    Bellatrix, does not. She didn't even salute us, which is grounds for disciplinary action (even in modern militaries).
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)01:16 No.13612712
    rolled 30 = 30

    I Agree, Kryia could use some Trentz Time, and her rune craft could turn the tides of battle, as well as shut some of the Mercs up for pay. Priceless items and some of the first rune crafted items of this age. Worth a Mint.

    Maybe go one beyond, ask her to be there with us as we commune with the gods above.
    Hold her hand throughout, we are there for her. We want her to be there, to be the first we try this with.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:16 No.13612715
    I suggest we also have Sansa talk with Bellatrix about how other maniple commanders behave towards their troops. If anyone will be able to convey the full weight of how lenient and cool we are as a commander, it should be Sansa.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:18 No.13612729
    >Maybe go one beyond, ask her to be there with us as we commune with the gods above.
    I... don't know about that. Laelith or Jayne would be much more appropriate people to do that with, all things considered.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:18 No.13612732

    I'm sold on both of these.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)01:22 No.13612761
    "What have you done wrong?" you ask back, voice tightly controlled "While I like to think of my maniple as a family, it is also a military unit. Such units are built on three things: skill, discipline, and loyalty. You, possess one of these three in the barest necesity to fullfill the role I graciously gave you in my retinue. I realize that the only reason you remain is for your sister, who, aside from her very unique, and useful skill-set, has a myriad of other excellent qualities that not only make up for most of her shortcomings, but until recently, your long list of what most commanders would consider flaws worthy of expulsion from the legion." Bellatrix takes a step back now, her mask shifting into one of fear "However, as I said, I like to think of this maniple as my extended family, and sheerly on the now waning strength of my respect for your love of your sister, I will restrain my punishment."

    "How so?" Bellatrix manages, her light skin growing paler by the moment.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)01:23 No.13612770
    "As I mentioned, this Maniple is my family, and I both its patriarch and commander; to successfully do my duty as such, I need both the trust, respect, and honesty in order to lead this unit with the authority that I must if I am to endure both victory and that as few members of my family necessary perish in fulfillment of our missions. Your blatant insubordination undermines that authority." you take a breath, and close the step Bellatrix took from you "You are to see the harshest punishment of the three of you I spoke with immediately after the battle. You see _I_ did not order Lena to act as she did, though her punishment will be less severe than yours." you take another breath, stepping back to a table and changing a few names on duty rosters. "Effective immediately, you will be replacing thee men who fell ill when we passed the Inland Swamps on Latrine duty when we are at camp, and riding to collect, empty, and scour the slop pales when we are on the march, you will accept this punishment and it will continue until I inform you otherwise, or I _promise_, that your next punishment will be far, far worse. Dismissed." you finish, slamming the quill back onto the table, white-faced and silent Belatrix salutes and walks from the tent. You almost feel bad for the girl, but she brought it on herself.

    >so, where to?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:27 No.13612811
    Kyria now, we need all possible arcane forces coming up with an undead solution. If she has some anti-undead rune to craft upon the heads of warhammers then we must know about it. And if not, well, she can keep an eye out.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)01:27 No.13612812
    >where to next
    Let's see how she's progressed with her Runeforging.

    And nicely done, Pax. I agree with >>13612715
    that maybe Sansa, as an experienced Legionnaire, can show Bellatrix just how forgiving Justinian is, compared to the rest of the Legion.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:30 No.13612830
    Hell yes. You do not pull that shit with the Motherfucking Trentz.

    Let's tell Sansa to give Bella some stories of other maniples and then go see Kyria.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)01:36 No.13612885
    >actually, I think I botched the second post, a few grammar fuck-ups and shit /sigh, dammit.

    Afte a few moments to cool yourself off, you set out to find Kyria, first you look to degrian, who has a series of stone chambers, with small holes at the top, clearly added by him after the fact, he however, says that the dwarf has been in her tent working on her own projects all morning. You enter unannounced, and as expected Kyria is reclined in her cot, smallcloths and open robe, a tome held before her, a pile of torn pages to one side, her other tomes neatly stacked, if light more than a few pages to her other side. There is no fire in the tent, but a small dish is burning at its center, warming the entire space "Good morning Justinian." she greets you, flipping a page back and forth several times, frowning, then tearing it from the binding.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:38 No.13612898
    "Hello, love. Most soldiers like to relax after a battle, you know. What are you working on?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:39 No.13612907

    "Is that a runic fire? You got it to work?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:40 No.13612920
    This, then segue into anti-undead runecraft questions. When she asks why we want such things we can then broach the sensitive subject of the visions by asking her how she feels about the gods and going from there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:42 No.13612935
    You know, it occurs to me that if she doesn't believe in the gods we have a pretty compelling argument in the form of her shoulder.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)01:51 No.13612998
    rolled 68 = 68

    Or thirded?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)01:53 No.13613012
    "Good morning to you, love." you reply, pulling her stool up next to her cot and sitting "Is that a runic fire?" you ask, already starting to sound happy for her.

    "Yep." she smiles back, face beaming with pride and satisfaction.

    "Might I inquire as to what you are doing to your tomes then?" you press, incredibly curious.

    She sighs "These are new, for tattooers and smiths who specialize in weapons and armor, not only is more attention given to modern aesthetic attractiveness. On top of that, it would seem more than a few runesmiths at the end of the first age were bitter that their power was leaving the world, and recorded false runes for some of the more popular etchings and tattoos they were being forced to do to keep up their living. I'm sure you've seen more than your fair share of soldiers with _that_ tattoo" she comments, referring to the all too common "Loyalty, Strength, Courage" motto many die-hard legionnaires had tattooed onto them somewhere in runic, and you nod. "the premeir author of many runic tomes mislabeled those three in particular" she explains, exasperated "there are thousands of Degnars finest walking around with announcements of their homosexuality etched into their skin, and not a soul save you, me, and maybe a few others even know it."

    You stifle a laugh, suddenly glad that your friends from the 371st hadnt talked you into getting that tattoo with them when you finished training. "Then I assume that your..."

    "Fixing my tomes." she replies chuckling to herself. "Aside from having some fun, what brings you here?" she asks, flipping to the last page of her tome, smirking, then dropping it onto her pile.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)01:57 No.13613039
    Check up on her progress with runes, see if that arcana hammer would be of use to her, and if she's stumbled across anything that could be weaponized now; such as a rune for the disruption of magic, such as necromancy.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)01:59 No.13613050
    rolled 23 = 23


    "Hmmm, I could've made a joke about having to get a tattoo removed, if you werent already intimately familiar with my body...

    So what've you managed to discover in the power of the runes so far? You're free to pick and choose from the armory of weapons and armor to practice with you know. The crap weapons we've managed to pick up would at least be redeemed with some power to them"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:00 No.13613056
    I lol'd heartily. Even in fantasy Rome, we've still got foreigners trolling us with "I'm a fag" tats.

    Discuss with her the implications of runes and other arcane arts working again, like we did with our other girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:03 No.13613074
    If that's runic fire... how possible would flaming weapons be? That would turn our men from almost useless against zombies into badass zombie-killin' machines. Not to mention that they would be useful to damage enemy morale and against enemy cavalry- animals hate fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:03 No.13613076
    Fun good, but priorities Justinian.

    Follow the conversation outline here >>13612920
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)02:08 No.13613121
    It might have to be Consecrated Fire, though, which can really only be created by initiates of Neshai.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:11 No.13613155
    Guys, that's not how to you talk to your lady.

    What brought us here? Why, we simply wanted to spend time with you, Kyria.
    >> Cassius 01/22/11(Sat)02:15 No.13613195
    Let's ask her what she can do now. Maybe her skill-set already includes some sorta anti-zombie thing
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:16 No.13613205
    They said that any elemental or arcane assault would prove highly effective; I'd assume that includes runecrafted flames.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)02:16 No.13613206
    You let your laughter run its course before replying "I would make some poor jest about needing a tattoo removed now, but I suppose it wouldnt be as funny, as you already know that I dont have any.." you trail off jollilly

    "Well, I might have missed a spot." Kyria quips, arching an eyebrow "We should probably check."

    Part of you jumps at it, but you have work to do "Ah, but we wouldn't have the time for a proper check before the maniple has to leave." you point out, grudgingly.

    "I suppose your right" Kyria sighs "but when we next make camp..." you nod assuringly, and that seems to sake the dwarf for now.

    "If you succeeded with the fire, what else do you think you can do?" you ask, steering the conversation back towards your purpose now.

    "With practice, nearly anything I know the runes for." she replies optimistically.

    "You have full access to the weapons we looted, as well as the arcane hammer we took from Lord Blentus." you inform the dwarf, who smiles appreciatively, now simply watching you talk. "do you think there are any runes for weapons designed to have specific effects?" you ask, carefully approaching the topic.

    "Yes, but some of the more elemental effects are temperamental, if the literary tomes I read are to be trusted, only the greatest runesmiths could attain constant effects." she replies, something setting in her eyes as she does so.

    "Then, a different effect, say, banishing undead, phasing through steel, absorbing the sound from the blade impacting on another blade..." you clarify.

    "Easier, but still no trifling matter." Kyria replies, before something clicks in her mind "why undead?" she asks, chuckling "afraid of some of these corpses we've been leaving behind getting back up?"
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)02:19 No.13613227
    rolled 4 = 4

    Srs Face: "Actually yes."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)02:20 No.13613234
    I think it might be time to break the news to her but maybe we should try to make her connect the dots herself.
    "Kyria, during these last two campaigns we have seen things we thought dead. Elementalism returning with full force to the world, your runeforging working as well as magic that Lena can command. When was the last time something like this was possible in our world?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:21 No.13613239
    The man rolled a 4. I have to agree.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:21 No.13613241
    "Unfortunately, that may someday be the case. Do you recall how your shoulder suddenly started working at full again, after I hugged you that time? I received a vision recently, from the same source of that healing."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)02:24 No.13613263
    These 2, please.
    >> Cassius 01/22/11(Sat)02:25 No.13613270
    "Yeeeah well, it wouldn't be the strangest thing to have happened to us so far"

    And getting a rune that would allow weapons to say, light zombies on fire, or flash freeze them...any effect to help destroy them would be great. Unless of course there's a "smite undead" rune, but I assume that's hard to find and whatnot.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)02:30 No.13613307
    You let the mirth drain from your face "Kyria, since you entered my command, certain things long thought dead, have been returning, my elementalism, Lenas magic, your runes are more than decorations again..."

    Kyrias face catches up with yours relatively quickly "So, that would mean necromancy, mysticism, all of the arcane arts... your just preparing for an unlikely eventuality, right?" she asks, suddenly nervous as the fullness of your implication sets in.

    You take a deep breath "Kyria, do you remember when I hugged you, and your shoulder simply... healed?" the dwarf nods ever so slightly, closing her robe and inching closer to the fire, and to you. "What do you think of the gods?" you ask.

    "I... I'm not sure anymore. All Iknow is that my kind never did trust them, even less after we were duped into our Betrayal by Their children. I still reap the reward of trusting them and their ilk, just as every other dwarf in the Empire, and every dwarf in the Duchy that lives beneath the wasteland mountains once known as Lush." she replies, as if reciting some lesson taught to her as a child.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)02:33 No.13613335
    "I know this may sound crazy, but the gods have returned. Since our campaign up north against Khalless, there were times I felt an odd presence its attention on us. Eventually, I started to get visions from them. I even received one before Lord Stant's sons sent those slaves at us. Saving those slaves is actually part of how I was able to heal your arm. And unfortunately, I've seen another vision relating to the undead this time."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)02:35 No.13613358
    Seconding this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:35 No.13613359
    "That's good, because often those with power are all too quick to abuse it. I'm sure you know that from your personal experiences as well as racial ones. I personally view them as I would any powerful being. Worthy of the respect they earn, and something to be cautious around. But... that does not mean they should be shunned, either. After all, trading favors with one of them is how I got your shoulder healed."

    Let's see how she takes that when it sinks in.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:41 No.13613403
    Heh, not every day you can truthfully tell a girl that you would bargain with the gods themselves on her behalf.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)02:41 No.13613410
    "Add to that, I've, spoken with some of them, i can, focus, and sense their presence, know of their opinions of me... One such, chat, had me actually There, chatting eye to eye with a divine. It is how i helped you, how i helped our swordmaster after his bout the stant's son and his bodyguard. It was more than our elementalists that showed him have such a speedy recovery, but, I dont want to tell him that just yet.

    I haven't told anyone yet, Save you."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:47 No.13613460
    We have, though. Don't lie to make her feel special. She's the last one of our wives to know.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)02:48 No.13613467
    "As mad as it may sound, I beleive that they are returning. An while your views are very much in the right, any being with such power is wont to abuse it, and should be watched. That does not mean, however, that they should be shunned, trading favors with such beings can be very beneficial, your shoulder, for example." you gently tell her.

    "You... you actually, spoke with them? For me?" she asks, breathily.

    "I, yes. I have found that if I focus, meditate on them as I do for my elementalism, I can feel their presence, their will. Once I was speaking with one of them, face to face, bartering, conversing." you trail off, for lack of something to add to that.

    "Why are you telling me?" Kyria asks, nervously.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)02:48 No.13613471
    We told the other girls the gods are back. I don't think we ever told them we've talked to them yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:51 No.13613482
    I am fairly sure we've told Laelith that we have talked with them.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)02:51 No.13613486
    "Because just as they took an interest in me, they may start taking an interest in others.
    "The gods are, if nothing else besides powerful, meddlesome in the affairs of mortals. I want you to be forewarned, so that it does not come as a surprise, so that you are not taken advantage of."
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)02:52 No.13613490
    "Because, You are one of the strongest willed, smartest people i know, and only you could handle this knowledge on your shoulder's as i can Kyria. I was going to, try Communeing with them tonight. Would you like to watch?"
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)02:54 No.13613501
    Lealith, doesnt count?
    She already knows the gods are back in full force.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:57 No.13613523
    "I thought you should know. And I trust you, of course. Obviously I wouldn't like you discussing this with anyone else, but between us... we are obviously close and I love you. So then, why wouldn't I tell you?

    Back to the runes, though. I've had a few messages sent to me by them that say we may well be facing large numbers of undead in the future. When that time comes, if it comes, I would like to be prepared. I might not fully trust the gods, but I would be foolish to ignore messages that they likely sent me because it would benefit both of us. Mutual interest is a strong reason to believe someone's warning."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)02:57 No.13613525
    I can support this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:58 No.13613533
    She counts. If we say "I haven't told anyone else." and then one day Laelith says in passing "Oh and Justinian said blah blah to me." then it will be clear we lied to her... for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:00 No.13613545
    I support this but telling her not to tell anyone else isn't required. We can tell her that our other ladies know too and she can talk with them about it but not anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:02 No.13613564
    Combine these.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)03:10 No.13613646
    >Tyr - Into the Storm just started on my playlist... somehow this is fitting

    "Because I trust you, and I love you." Kyria begins to say something, but you continue "And aside from being incredibly powerful, the gods can be meddlesome in the affairs of mortals, and as they have taken an interest in me, they may take an interest in you, the attention may not be begin, and I want you to be prepared for that eventuality." you inform the dwarf honestly.

    "How do you know?" she asks, slowly calming down.

    "Well, its your personality, your-"

    "Not _that_ Kyria cuts you off, chuckling "that they have taken interest in you?" settling down again.

    "Twice now, they have given me visions, or cummunicated with me, the first time on the eve of our first night attack on Lord Stants camp, I saw the god of war and aggression leading massive armies against the god of loyalty and protection, she too was leading tremendous armies, lead by all of her greatest champions. After that, I was warned of the slaves, and a test, though the whole vision is a loss to me, as the message about the slaves and test came from neither of the combatants I saw."

    "And the second time?" Kyria asks

    "I saw the bleak coast, and a great fleet crossing back this way. I beleive that the undead will rise soon, and in great numbers." you inform Kyria.

    "So you want me to find a way to stop them?" she asks, her body language representing the huge weight she just dove under.'

    "One of several possibilities. But before that, I want you with me when I go to commune with them tonight." you rest a hand on the dwarfs shoulder comfortingly.

    "Why me?" she asks, nervous and relieved at once.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/22/11(Sat)03:12 No.13613669
    Honestly I have no idea why having her along would be helpful at all.
    One you guys who suggested it, better come up with a good explanation.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:13 No.13613673
    Kiss her. "So that I know you're there, why else? Don't worry, it shouldn't look like much from the outside."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)03:15 No.13613697
    Yeah I don't see a reason either, unless we want to bring her with us. But I honestly rather not have the gods attention on more people within our maniple at this time.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)03:16 No.13613711
    Pretty much exactly that, so she feels at ease knowing we're safe, even were we're going to speak with the gods above.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:18 No.13613727
    I agree. It's Servant who wants her with us. I don't personally see any reason to do so, and I think we should keep the god-communion between us and the gods. Unless we seduce Nyetini, of course, in which case we'll have to reevaluate this whole situation. I still hold out hope.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:21 No.13613738
    Agreed. Let's keep the gods focused on us and not our ladies.

    Since we've already said we want her with us, let's just have her hold our hands and not bring her with us or anything. Just like... I don't know, a bonding experience? She looks after our body while our mind goes wandering?

    If we take any of them with us it should be Laelith since she's already noticed by multiple gods we have nothing to lose there. Though I still don't see any reason to do it with her either.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)03:22 No.13613746
    "So that you know that I will be safe when I do this, you seemed, frightened, when I told you this." you reply openly.

    Kyria smiles "Just, make sure you talk to me, or Laelith, or _any_ of us after your done, not much stays secret between the five of us, so as long as one of us knows I'll be at ease." she replies, slowly returning to her normal self.

    >so, anything else you want to do, or skip ahead to when you get to your god talking?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:24 No.13613758
    My impression was that she was only ever supposed to hang out in the real world. Taking her to see the gods would be a mistake, although at some point in the future we might want to have others join us in our interactions with the gods. If only because building a sort of Imperial priesthood of balance between the gods for the sake of the Empire would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:25 No.13613768

    Don't take with.

    Maybe just have her watch over us. I think it might be a good idea to have one of our girls keep an eye on us when we go god-talking, though. We seem to go pretty far out of it and I would like someone we trust there to watch out for assassins or what have you when we can't defend ourselves.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)03:29 No.13613800
    We could talk to that assassin now and get to know him better I suppose although I kind of want to talk to the gods. Also, have we decided on what to do next in terms of our course of action?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)03:33 No.13613844
    The next course i think was to head to the river and hide the loot.
    Then loop about and hit a tower or two before another town raid.
    Just passing time until the main force arrives, and we hand them the various tactical missives we've gathered. Sending Aquila out again might be dangerous, as it seems they've gotten about to trying to shoot down messengers. Ever catch the guy that tried it, we'll feed him to our other pets.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:34 No.13613849
    >Also, have we decided on what to do next in terms of our course of action?
    Well, once we've finished looting this place, if we still don't have word from our scouts that an enemy army is approaching, I believe our intention was to push southward. If we go down another tower or two, we should be able to send our loot across the river for storage without slowing down our campaign much. If we're exceptionally fortunate, we might even be able to get several more towers AND the next town before their army hits, but I don't expect that- we should probably begin attempting to choose the ground for engagement with a large enemy force coming north to dispose of us. Obviously, fighting them as far south as possible is desirable as that could prevent them from retaking the various crossings effectively.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)03:34 No.13613853
    The rest of the day passes uneventfully. You are unable to locate your newest recruit, though you have no doubt that your looking for him will lead to his sudden, startling appearance soon enough. Alone (for once) in your tent, you drop to a meditative stance, and let your mind drift to those powerful beings that think themselves divine. Before long you find yourself drifting on the familiar plane of nothing, surrounded by faint glows, five different colors are represented, each with a brighter and a darker shade, opposite its counterpart.

    >so, what is your first order of business then?
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)03:36 No.13613877
    We need to talk about the Necromancers with... Neshai was it? She sent us that vision and that is our main concern.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:37 No.13613883
    >Alone (for once) in your tent
    And this after we told Kyria that we'd have her sit by and watch. Argh, lying to the ladies is always a bad move.

    >so, what is your first order of business then?
    Well, first attempt to sense what they each think of us/if any of them particularly want to talk. We'll go from there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:38 No.13613893
    See what's up with Nyetini and Raynha. Hit on the former if we are sucked into a face-to-face encounter.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:41 No.13613933
    I'm really not in the mood to try our hand at flirting up a goddess right now, so I'll have to say this is just a business trip, myself.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)03:42 No.13613935
    Yeeaaaa, coulda sworn the idea was she cares for our body, watches us, reassured that nothing terrible is happening to us (and could also keep people from walking in and bothering) as our mind/spirit/idea travels to the Divine Waiting Room with no magazines in it
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:43 No.13613952
    Well yeah, we should save the actual flirting for when we get a face-to-face avatar audience with her like with Raynha.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)03:48 No.13614009
    >you offered, and she politely declined the invitation

    You begin as you normally do, going around the circle to get a feel for how each of the gods is feeling about you and your actions. Garagush is eager, impatient for the fighting to come. Karythria feels teased by your punishments, Lamynus is still very unhappy with you, Baashek, as usual is hiding his opinion. Neshai is grateful for the great many souls that have been sent her way through your actions. Jogra approves of your campaign and its motivation, while Rayhna dislikes the necessities of fighting on an enemy nations soil. Eago is intrigued by your journey thus far, but in no way impressed. Danarius is impassive towards you, while Nyetini remains happy with your antics and endeavors off of the battlefield.

    "I am surprised" announces a voice from behind you "that you did not linger in an attempt to ask me your questions... what purpose does such timidity serve in your goal, child?" the Hags voice asks, as you turn your perception to her place on this plane, and move forward to her dull, sickly green light.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:54 No.13614064
    "Do not be mistaken, it was not timidity but rather a lack of outstanding clarity so far. I appreciate the visions a great deal, but when the answers are no clearer than the questions one starts learning to seek his own answers.

    I am pleased that you wish to speak with me, though. Do tell, is there any way you know of to destroy the undead with surety and ease? I would see them all wiped from the world were it in my power, and I assume you would like that as well."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)03:55 No.13614066
    Hmm. A little confused on that. She's surprised we came to her so soon to ask our questions but asks what such timidity serves in our goal? Maybe I'm misunderstanding her sentence here but I'm not sure how to answer that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:57 No.13614097
    "I would but look in everyone before moving on to the night's main business. There is always purpose in knowing where one stands in the eyes of the powerful. But a rather lingering conversation with you is very much in my priorities for this evening; my apologies if you received any other impression."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:59 No.13614113

    "I had wanted to get my grounding before I asked the obvious. As I understand it, necromancy is to you, as theft is to any mortal. That vision, if I understand it correctly, means many have been stolen from you or are about to be. I assume it would satisfy both our agendas to point me in the right direction of a counteraction for these thieves."
    >> Cassius 01/22/11(Sat)04:00 No.13614117
    I'd like to make a snarky comment but I dunno what she might do to us
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)04:01 No.13614127
    Good G- ... You
    To ask the goddess of death if she knows how to kill the undead, seems silly.
    It would be easy to ask, If there was a way that we haven't figured out so far, listing the ways of arcane and elementalism, Consecrated fire being one of the best, as well as extreme violence from blunt weaponry.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:03 No.13614146
    We aren't asking her how to kill them, but rather very effective and easy to obtain ways to kill them. There is a difference. Of course she knows how, that's why we can ask her for specific ways that we would find useful.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)04:05 No.13614172
    >you did your customary run of the loop, i wnated to let you talk with a god, and accidentally put her before you were done with the loop, resulting in you passing her up. Gave me a decent way to kick off the conversation without just going "BAM!!! a god talks at you"

    "I was merely following my usual routine, as I'm sure you know my goal, then it would make sense for me to attempt to get a sense for the other deities current opinion on me before moving on to business."

    You feel a cold cackle along your spine "I suppose it would be. Now your concern, and mine." Neshai announces, her cackle hacking out then dying as she does so.

    "Yes, necromancy. From what I have learned that to you is like theft would be to a mortal, and a great many have been stolen from you. a wrong I am as eager to see undone as you."

    You hear a frustrated sight reverberating in your head "Visions, young one, are always of the future, to both the mortal seeing it, and the divine through which it is seen. There are some laws older and more immutable than those laid forth by We Ten when your world was crafted."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)04:13 No.13614240
    "And I imagine how far in the future is the variable factor. Unless these visions of the future can be changed by acting in the present, these souls will be stolen from you and a vast threat will appear in the land based on the texts on necromancy I've seen. If this vision is to be stopped or dealt with, I need and humbly ask for the knowledge you can offer to prepare for this coming storm as my attempts thus far have helped little in doing so."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:13 No.13614241
    "Straight to the point, then. What must I do in order to overcome the living dead?"
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)04:13 No.13614243
    "Calling it Theft seems very light, if i might say.
    We mortals, would see it as a desecration, a corruption of the peace of the afterlife. It is very wrong, just as you would see it. Where as a theft might get, at worst, a hand or limp removed by the sword or axe for their transgressions, both you and I would rather see the Necromancer's and his ilk added, Painfully, to your collection of dead.

    Do you think you could give me, an estimate of the stolen goods? Or better yet, and exact number? The more detail I gain, the more i can pass to my superiors and see that what's been stolen, is rightfully returned."
    >> Cassius 01/22/11(Sat)04:14 No.13614253
    Would it be possible to talk to even older gods?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:15 No.13614261
    "what might I do to end this transgression? will the attack be from the north? east? my knowledge is lacking and any wisdom you wish to share would not fall upon deaf ears."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:16 No.13614276
    "Then I assume the group bearing the markings of the bloody hammer and obsidian anvil have not yet reached their staging phase? Good. There is still time to prepare and gather corrective measures then."

    "I have a question not related to our current situation. Or maybe it is, and that's why all this is happening. To answer or not is your leisure, but are there outsider gods? Or does the ten of you having created this world preclude outside interference?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)04:33 No.13614412
    "So, there are gods from before your Ten existed then?" you ask attempting to discern supernatural history.

    "If any were to know it would be myself or Eago, as we were the first to awaken in the Hall now known as Sunlight, sadly, neither of us knows. All we know is that some things simply _cannot_ be done, or changed." she replies, almost defeatedly.

    You pause for a moment before asking "Then this, theft, for lack of a better word, has yet to occur?" you feel an icy affirmative shiver down your spine "I see, do you have any idea as to the amount of... goods, that will be stolen from you?"

    "No, whomever is planning this heinous crime is playing a long game indeed, were they not taking that which is mine I would commend them for it. As it is, they have found shards of the Original Severance, the arcane item you mortals crafted to blind Us Ten to your thoughts, actions, and your very existence, which, as I'm sure you know, was shattered at the end of your Rebellion. All I know is what I have pulled from the minds of those not guarded, and they know precious little. Of Liches there shall be four; Awakeners, summoners to your mind two; of the other arcane arts I know not how many, the minds are shielded." the god informs you, seething at the very prospect of liches existing.

    "I have as deep a desire as a mortal can to see all that would twist, steal, and corrupt the dead to rise and do their bidding, sent to you as painfully as possible... though I fear I will need to battle through the undead to reach them." you pause, realizing how powerful a boon you could be asking for. "I beleive that I already know the best ways to defeat them, but how best will I obtain these methods?"

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)04:33 No.13614418
    "Hmm." the goddess ponders for a moment before replying "To simply place the knowledge in your mind would rend it, I can tell you that your Earth, along with the forces of nature and fire are most effective of the arcane arts you know as Elementalism. You mate, Kyria, may find her search eased, though your other mate, Laelith and your companion, Finian, will find their research ineffectual, unless they wish to join the ranks of those we would see most painfully rendered unto me, or have another do so for them. Gentle Lena will find this a challenge most easy, yet most harrowing, leaving her alone, though she lie and walks with the one she treasures most. Would that your mortal frame could support my wrath, to burn and reclaim the bodies, to give the souls the kiss of oblivion or call them home. I can promise you that some artifacts yet exist that will greatly aid your mortal toil against the undead, and I will do my best to bring you to them."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)04:39 No.13614459
    "You have my deepest thanks then. The knowledge of four liches being at the root of this problem is... Disheartening to say the least. Do you believe this challenge will be too much for Lena to handle?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:39 No.13614460
    Damn. I guess the only god that likes Laelith is Nyetini at this point.

    We should inform both her and Finian that they should keep an eye out for info against the undead, but not make it a priority. That way we hedge against the chance that Neshai is just telling us something that will help her and not us.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)04:42 No.13614485
    I read it more along the lines of her just telling us that their research won't do much at this point rather than her disliking them. I assumed it was due to the nature of what we have on hand just not being useful for what we need, unless we do decide to delve into necromancy which I believe is a big no no.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:43 No.13614492
    >Gentle Lena will find this a challenge most easy, yet most harrowing, leaving her alone, though she lie and walks with the one she treasures most.
    Eh. I think that we'll manage without having Lena learn Secrets Beyond Knowing. I would rather her be happy and in love than turn into some sort of empty monster working for us. To be sure she should stay on the look out, but we should likely tell her "Hey, don't go too far." since she has already shown her willingness to do so.

    Let's keep Gentle Lena, well, Gentle and happily in love with Wulf.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:44 No.13614497
    "where are these four Liches? do they move against my forces now?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:46 No.13614510
    You have my thanks, then. In return for your aid I will uphold my bargain to eliminate all undead which would threaten my countrymen... which, in truth, is all of them in the end.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)04:47 No.13614520
    "I thank you for seeing that priceless treasures of the ages past would find their way to me, but, some might call it favoritism if you shower a single mortal with gifts.

    If you can see to it, that other Commanders of Dengar men find their way in possession of such arcana before they're caught unawares by your stolen souls, I can muse that they'll be as applicative as I have been. Your time has returned maiden of death, as have your brothers and sisters, and i'll see to it that respect is paid."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:48 No.13614534
    "This is bitter news, but you have my thanks for it, and your aid. I shall do my utmost to see that the dead stay so... and that the rest of the Empire sees things as I do in the years to come."
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)04:48 No.13614536
    Don't know if we should ask that. That might be a bit too much since we're asking her to show favour to a lot of people who won't show any respect or favour back to the gods. I figure the only reason we're getting help is due to our future plans to be the 7th Praetorian and our obvious disposition to help her.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:51 No.13614560
    Agreed. Also, you never know what the others will do with such things. I would prefer to have all the powerful Arcana under OUR command, so we know exactly how they are used.

    There's nothing wrong with seeking a bit of power from this. We're basically trading the favor of "I'll kill some motherfucking liches for you if you help me fight against my undead enemies with shiny magical artifacts." So let's make sure all these artifacts are ours.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:53 No.13614570
    Err, agreed with Maximus that is. Let's keep all our super-powerful items in-house, shall we? Worst case we can 'lend' them to other commanders for future favors like we did during the defensive campaign. Builds our power base and helps the Empire, win-win.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/22/11(Sat)04:55 No.13614583
    Just know we have to start catalogeing all this Arcane loot we're collecting because the empire is going to to use them! And Trentz is no all materialistic man, he is a man of the Empire.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:56 No.13614598
    On the other hand, if she showers one mortal with priceless gifts then that mortal is clearly a favored of the gods and a shoe-in to become seventh....
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:57 No.13614600
    Definitely a good idea. Pax, have you been keeping tabs on our shiny trinkets?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/22/11(Sat)04:57 No.13614602
    "You have my deepest thanks, for the aid you have so freely given. Though, I have one more question, will this, task, be to much for Lena to handle?" you ask, worried for the most sensitive person you know.

    "She will need steel from you, a shoulder from another, guidance from friends, but she will survive. Her trial will be unique, but not the only one of import. I would divulge more, but to do so would break your frame and shatter your mind." Neshai answers, her voice fading slowly, and you feel as if a great crushing weight has been removed from your head.

    "Once again you have my thanks, and again my pledge to protect my countrymen from this looming threat, though, ultimately that is all of them." you reply, reality already enveloping your senses again. Once more, your eyes open to a message etched into the ground "The order has been reversed, the blade is forged before the bludgeon used. All shall remain as it never was." the words read.

    >damn I'm tired, gonna call it for the night.
    >I'll be back sunday at 9:30 10:00ish server time.
    >someone archive please
    >if you have any setting/random CQ questions e-mail me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:58 No.13614608
    No they aren't. This is our loot, motherfucker. Like the knives.

    If we want to lend them to the Empire, cool. I imagine we will, eventually. But they are ours, first and foremost. The EMPIRE didn't bargain with the gods for them. WE did.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)04:59 No.13614614
    Gah! Damn these vague messages from the gods, heh. I have no clue how to really interpret this one so far... Looks like we're going to need to work on Lena some more as well.
    >> 風林火山 01/22/11(Sat)04:59 No.13614618

    "I understand that consecrated fire is one of the best ways of dealing with this threat. Are there any of your devotees capable of producing this boon whom I could request aid from?"

    Additionally, since we have the chance we should discuss the matter of Wulf.

    "Lastly a personal matter, I am curious of your interest in my protege, Wulf. May I inquire to your intentions with him?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:02 No.13614637
    Is it saying that we are going for the kill (blade) before negotiation or compromise (bludgeon)?

    Second part. Hmmm, maybe we are falsifying reality? Like, bringing into existence a world the gods agree with, even though the gods are not ACTUALLY the gods?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:04 No.13614656

    I'm sure not going to agree with giving away stuff like that for no reason. Justinian Trentz is an agreeable guy who wants to help the Empire, but he also understands that the best way to help it at this point is to rise through the ranks himself.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:06 No.13614669
    Yeah, the tradition of Roman commanders is pretty liberal with gain of personal power. It's essentially expected that as we climb in rank we also climb in wealth and resources; if we don't, then we're not really worthy of promotion. Everything we take on campaign that the Empire doesn't require is ours to keep.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:07 No.13614679
    We aren't, though. We are bringing into existence a world we agree with. If the gods like it too, so much the better. But first and foremost this world is ours, Degnar's, and that of mortals. We trade favors with gods because they are powerful and we can help each other. That doesn't mean we just do what they want.
    >> Maximus 01/22/11(Sat)05:14 No.13614738
    Thread be archived. See you all Sunday unless discussion continues tonight.

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