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    478 KB Commander Quest LXXIII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)21:32 No.14201461  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14176607/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest
    >dinner ran late,, sorry, food happens

    You make your way through the still flowing river of dead and wounded from the last battle to your command tent. Inside, Sansa is sitting, carefully collected and controlled, next to a very dour, frightened looking Rufus. "D-did I do something wrong?" the boy asks.

    Sansa sighs "I already told you, you would be in the way if you stayed in the tent once the wounded and dead start truly flowing in." though the look on her face is when she glances your way is pleading for a straight answer.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)21:35 No.14201496
    "Earlier Rufus, you said you didn't have special powers. That may not be entirely accurate. While you were in the medical tent, did you feel anything odd?"

    We might as well break the news to him at this point I think.
    >> Generic 03/10/11(Thu)21:38 No.14201540

    "Sansa, would you excuse us? I'm afraid your presence will only hinder the conversation I must have with Rufus."

    Be sure Sansa walks away with stonesense.

    "Rufus, you need to tell me what you were feeling and what was going through your mind in the surgery tent."
    >> Laurentius 03/10/11(Thu)21:40 No.14201562
    this, also should we send word to the Gov and the 2nd praetorian to inform them of this latest development?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)21:40 No.14201566
    Should probably comfort Sansa, she got a full-on blast of nega-emotions earlier and is already in an unstable state after every battle just because of how she is.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)21:42 No.14201595
    Don't see a need to remove her myself and don't send them the info just yet. We don't need to go running to them the second we find something out and I rather explain to the gov about his son in person.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)21:59 No.14201827
    "Sansa, love, I doubt that Rufus will want this conversation to be any larger than it must." you politely dismiss your aid, who gives you an understanding nod and a squeeze on the shoulder as she passes. Once she is well out of earshot you continue "Now, Rufus. What was going through your mind in the medicae tent, what were you feeling?"

    The boy stares at the ground "I was, disappointed at first, I suppose. Then the dead and wounded archers started coming in, I was, scared. Terrified actually, when I saw how brutalized some of the bodies were."

    "Nothing past those emotions?" you prompt the lad, hoping he will broach the topic for you.

    "I, I was, ashamed for having taken war so lightly. Then they had to take a mans leg, so I moved to where the corpses were. It was strange, being so near a fresh corpse..." the boy trails off for a while, his eyes going out of any particular focus "Their faces are still so vivid in my mind, I dont think I'll ever forget them, or that sensation."
    >> GoldPanda 03/10/11(Thu)21:59 No.14201833
    No need to keep it secret from Sansa. Laelith and Wulf already know, it seems.

    Give it to Rufus straight. And tell him that only people of strong willpower can have magic potential, so he shouldn't feel bad about it.

    Double-check with Neshai that she's cool with this school of necromancy.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:02 No.14201872
    Good that he learned that. Emphasize that war is brutal and that's the kind of thing that happens in war.

    Then, uh, tell him he has powers. Possibly dark powers that, if he trains them, will make many abhor him. Not everyone has to be trained, after all.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)22:03 No.14201887
    "That's one of the main things I was hoping to show you today and I'm glad you've grasped that lesson at least. The glory of war is always seen but not the costs our people have to pay to achieve it. In regards to our conversation earlier where you mentioned your lack of powers. You do have powers and you used them while you were in the medical tent Rufus."
    >> Generic 03/10/11(Thu)22:14 No.14202021

    nicely put. seconding
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)22:21 No.14202074
    You nod solemnly "Good, you learned your first lesson today then. That while the glory of war is always remembered and known, the horrors are often looked over. Though, I fear you have one more difficult truth to deal with yet today."

    Rufus looks up from the ground, his eyes both nervous and eager "What else do you hope to teach me?"

    You sigh "Well, I intend to go over the battle with you once you are more collected." the lad perks up, about to gush out thanks no doubt, but you hold up a hand to stay his voice "Also, I withheld something about your capabilities when I told you why you would be remaining to the rear of the battlefield."

    The boys face shifts to one of slightly wounded curiosity "Why was that? And what didnt you tell me?"

    "Rufus, you have the potential to become a necromancer, at the very least you will need to train to keep your powers under control." you bluntly inform the boy.

    For a long minute Rufus stares blankly ahead, shocked and confused "How do you know? Wh- what does that mean for me?" he finally asks.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)22:25 No.14202120
    "You've seen some of the abilities of the people in my maniple. Suffice to say, I've been on the look out for people with such talents and I have means of recognizing them. In regards to what it means for you - at the moment not much. We do not have much that can help with your talents at the moment and you have an ability that might shake things in the empire too much right now if they are used in certain ways. As well, until your father is aware of what you can do I'm hesitant to fully commit to training you in the event he goes against the trend of people with your powers being more prominent in our forces. Even if he does go against it, training you to at least control your abilities so you don't use them accidentally might be required."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:28 No.14202152
    It largely depends on you. You need not train the capability more than required to control it. If you do decide to continue on, however, it could mean many things.

    The thing your school is most known for is raising the dead and becoming liches. However, if you take that path I am afraid that you will either have no afterlife awaiting you, or one of nothing but torment. Still, I will not command you to avoid it. It is your decision. But know that I intend to wipe all undead from the world if possible. They are a threat and an abomination, trapping the souls of Imperial citizens in thralldom and pain.

    There are other paths as well, however. Paths I believe do not hold such horrors. Emotional manipulation, perhaps even healing the wounded or dying... albeit in a different way than a Life Elementalist.

    We will talk on this more before starting your tactical training tomorrow. I will let you consider it over the night. But know that you will be entering magical training soon, if only to learn to control your powers and not be a danger to those around you. Do not worry, all start out as a slight danger at first, even myself. That is why control must be learned even if you decide not to pursue your abilities."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:31 No.14202170
    Let's not look like such a complete pussy. Yes, his father has much sway, but we're still a military commander and this is a call we make in the field. We don't answer to his dad.
    >> GoldPanda 03/10/11(Thu)22:31 No.14202179
    Show him the detector stone. Also tell him that other magic users will be able to sense the potential in him.

    Let him know that we'll help him get the necessary training to keep his powers under control. He should probably also know that his powers are over emotional control, particularly negative emotions, not raising the dead.

    Lastly, tell him that, given that necromancy is fueled by death and pain, we will have ethical considerations to take into account when it comes to when and how he will train. These same ethical considerations also have to be taken into account if he wishes to seriously pursue his latent powers.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)22:32 No.14202188
    I suppose. I'm just not sure if we really can train him at this point unless we go the way of raising the undead. And that's something we definitely don't want to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:33 No.14202192
    Show him the crystal "I know, because of this. It was something I picked off of a bandit leader during my time at fort Skywatch. It will only glow in the hands of, and in the presence of, people with supernatural powers. Each color is a different type, and how strong the reaction is tells just how much of an affinity the person pointed has possesses for their field.

    Rufus, to be honest, I was really hoping I would never see this color in someone I liked. Because of your affinity, you may become a target for a group that's imbedded it'sself in several levels of our ruling structure, as well as Urlanth and the Dwarven kingdom to the south. If anyone, ANYONE, approaches you with speeches about unimaginable power or raising the dead, you come to me or the 2nd praetorian immediately."
    >> GoldPanda 03/10/11(Thu)22:37 No.14202227
    Hmm. Is Rufus's abilities limited to emotion control? Or did he just exhibit those first?

    Go over the battle with him, just to get his mind off of this for a while. Show him how your plan, though good, did not completely survive contact with the enemy.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/10/11(Thu)22:42 No.14202280
    I agree with telling Rufus about his power, and how we detected it in him. Also tell him that now that such power has been awakened in him, he will be targeted even more than usual, and he must exercise caution.

    Our first priority in regards to his powers should be teaching him mental discipline to better control his powers, and then conferring with Neshai later to see how she feels about the lesser schools of Necromancy.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)22:45 No.14202300
    You walk over to your small chest of arcana, and retrieve the detection crystal, and level it at the boy. the glow is stronger now, though the same color "In the hands of someone with arcane talent, this crystal will glow a predetermined color, at an intensity determined by their skill and potential power." you toss the boy the crystal, and when he points it to you, the tent is cast in a deep brown light. "As to what it means for you, at the very least enough training to control your latent talents. If you wish to continue your training... I will be honest with you. Because of your skill, a particularly belligerent cult that is deeply entrenched in the Degnarian, duchy, and Uurlanthi governments will be looking to recruit you, accepting them would lead to you dieing a traitors death, rejecting them could lead to something far worse. Additionally, your particular arcane talent is loathed by almost all of the gods, chiefly the goddess of death."

    Rufus returns the crystal to you, though it looks as if he is either unable or unwilling to rise from his stool at the moment "H-how do you know that? About the gods, the cult..."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:50 No.14202343
    "Any scholar could tell you the same. But I will be honest, as you deserve that much at least. I have spoken with them personally, and they almost universally despise the undead. Magic is not the only thing returning to the world, though many would have you believe so.

    It goes without saying, of course, that to speak to anyone other than myself of this would likely mark you as insane at this point. Do not do so. But as the vanguard of the coming age you should know it, especially considering the danger of your talent."
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)22:52 No.14202359
    "That cult and I have passed paths a number of times. My first campaign was against them and I've faced them even during my fight against the Uurlanth forces. As to the gods... Ever since my first campaign I've felt an odd presence now and then. I could feel the attention of something on me at times. The fact that my opponent in my first campaign was putting the symbol of one of the old gods on cities he destroyed led me to researching them and while it may sound crazy, I've come to the conclusion the gods are back. And one god in particular loathes those that meddle with the undead."
    >> Laurentius 03/10/11(Thu)22:57 No.14202400
    Oh shit... the boy knows something
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)22:58 No.14202413
    "The cult was the reason behind my first assignment as a commander. They had intended to use one of their pawns to start a rebellion among the lacerta. The dwarven exile Khaless was the pawn's identity. Laelith, my lovely fire bug? She was one of his wives. I made her realize he had ruined her life, and she gladly executed him herself after Khaless' trial. In his possessions, I found his training material for arcanists of all types, with the tomes on necromancy being heavily coded.

    As for the gods, well, it turns out, if you want to talk with them, all you have to do is find yourself a quiet spot, sit, clear your mind, and then look for them."
    >> Laurentius 03/10/11(Thu)22:59 No.14202424
    "I suppose I should ask you the same"
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:01 No.14202441
    I don't see how you get him knowing anything from that. It just looks like a scared question to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:02 No.14202447
    I'm not seeing it either.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:03 No.14202458
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/10/11(Thu)23:03 No.14202465
    These two I'm fine with, but we also need to emphasize the need for secrecy. Not just because it would make him look a madman, and because elementalism is to be considered a military secret, but also because it would paint him as an even bigger target.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:05 No.14202480
    The most important thing for you to realize right now is that it is not your fault that you have this, let's be frank, dark power. It was no action or choice of yours. What is your choice however, and what is within your power to control, is how you use this and what you do with it.

    I understand that this is a lot to take. But you are a man now, and a noble's son at that. This will not be the last burden you will have to bear. Great care should be taken in bearing it. Be thankful that you learned this now, in a controlled environment rather than suddenly and without understanding or aid.
    >> Laurentius 03/10/11(Thu)23:09 No.14202512
    he asked how we knew about the gods and the cult which I thought implied that he knew and was surprised that we did as well
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)23:12 No.14202544
    You sigh, sitting back down "My first campaign actually dealt exclusively with the cult. It turns out that their goals are somehow fixated on the gods, and necromancy."

    "But, how do you know what the gods think?" he presses, his normal curiosity starting to slide back into full swing.

    "If you were to try, you would be able to feel their presence, perhaps garner their attention." you reply calmly.

    Rufus thinks for a while longer before replying "So, if I wanted to I could..."

    You cut him off "Not openly, not yet at least though. Your powers are currently a state secret, and open worship of the gods would leave you marked as a madman still."

    Rufus nods understandingly "I, I need to think some." he eventually manages.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:16 No.14202571
    "Of course. I imagine this is a lot to take in. When you feel ready, come find me again so we can go over the battle and perhaps talk about this subject more if you like."

    I suppose it's time to start dealing with the after battle stuff and see if we wiped out the people trying to escape.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/10/11(Thu)23:16 No.14202576
    "Think, but remember to keep it to yourself. The only ones cleared for this knowledge are myself, my command staff, and the men of my maniple.
    "As to your powers in particular, I want you to attend the general elemental training with all of the other combat elementalists. Your first priority is to gain control over your power; do not let it control you."
    >> Laurentius 03/10/11(Thu)23:16 No.14202578
    "understandable, if you would like I'll leave you to think on this"
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:18 No.14202598
    "I'm sure you do. Take your time. But you will be trained at least enough to control your powers, that much is not negotiable. I can not have any unknown elements possibly disrupting my men. Control of the battlefield is the most critical of all tactical considerations, something you will begin learning tomorrow. Be ready, these lessons will stretch your thinking in new ways... and if you have exceptional ideas then it's possible I will incorporate those as well. War is ever-evolving.

    Get some rest, you will need it."

    We should teach him all the basics and educate him quite well, personally mentoring him. That will not only let him understand these new tactics but set us up as an authority figure for him, and that's something you never shake no matter how old you get. Just as planned.

    Hopefully we will be able to bring him up to the level we can then have him tactically spar (and maybe be able to win sometimes!) with Wulf, Cornelius, and even Gaius by the end of the campaign.
    >> 風林火山 03/10/11(Thu)23:24 No.14202654

    For now though, we should have him be mentored by Laelith and Jayne in meditation exercises.

    Learning how to control his emotions will probably be a significant part of his training and once he can do so, we won't have incidents like in our med tent and his powers won't flare out of control.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)23:26 No.14202673
    You rise from your seat as Rufus does "Understandably so. On the morrow you will begin both your tactical training, as well as training with my cadre of arcanists. Consider carefully, my young friend, for the world is far wider and crueler than you had imagined in your youth, and how you approach it is vital to how well you will succeed."

    The boy nods, salutes sloppily, and makes his way from the tent. Sansa enters before you can exit, giving you a good glimpse of the moonlit sky "So the boy..."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:27 No.14202680
    I'm sure Laelith would love to get her hands on a larval necromancer to study, considering her love of estoric knowledge and inherent desire to learn.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:29 No.14202702
    Give her a comforting hug. "Necromancer. He was bringing out the latent sorrow and negative emotions of all those around him in the tent. Including you, are you okay?"

    After making sure she's alright let's get the bill. I think we did okay, two to one kill ratio roughly IIRC? Maybe a bit better. Pretty good considering what we were up against.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:29 No.14202706
    "Indeed, he's talented in something we haven't come across yet. It's why everyone in the medical tent was acting so differently compared to normal. His protection just became more critical since people of his talent are going to be targeted by the cult."
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/10/11(Thu)23:31 No.14202725
    "Is an elementalist. A necromancer, but his powers appear to be in the manipulation of emotions, and not the raising of the dead. His first priority is to control his powers to prevent a flare-up like today."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:37 No.14202787
    Far better that we found him before the cult did. We may have just thrown a wrench in their plans, and at best might gain a capable ally against them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/10/11(Thu)23:40 No.14202810
    You wrap your aid up in a tight embrace "Necromancer" she instantly goes rigid at the word "though, his powers are not over the dead, emotional manipulation much like we experienced in the medicae tent; are you alright?"

    Sansa eases up as you explain, though she does not release you from the embrace "Yes" she replies in her small, scared voice "I... you know how badly that sort of thing affects, affected me..." she continues to try to bury herself deeper into your arms for a few minutes before finally letting out a little laugh "I suppose I should give you The Bill some time however, its in my pocket." You reach around, not releasing the girl, not that you would, or could, with how tightly she still has you. After a bit of jostling you retrieve the folded parchment, and read it over her shoulder.

    -196th Legionary
    Gaius Rex
    -454th Legionary
    Cornelius Hoursch
    -98th Warlords
    Uurist Titius
    -76th Deadeyes
    Aurelius Caspius
    -50th Dwarven Scouts
    Finian Gaurush
    -65th Dwarven Rangers
    Kyria Esfelda
    -House Garlian Uursan Cavalry
    Lady Jayne Garlian
    -House Morzitus Heavy Cavalry
    Balor morzitus
    -Blacktusk Raiders 50/50
    assorted gear
    -The Sunstorm (elves)
    Tyxia Nestad
    Splintmail, spears, kite shields, javelins
    -Celtron Guard (Dwarves)
    Denuk Tyshop
    Surecoats over mail, longswords, tower shields
    -Daimus Skywings
    Damian Corinth
    Chainmail, polearms, valkeries
    -Neftius Spearmen
    Trysha Morose
    leathers, spears, circleshields
    -Dentrus' Raiders (elfs)
    Boros Klars
    Leathers, combat axes, kite shields, javelins

    50 elven spearmen
    5 elven blademasters
    60 elven bowmen
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:41 No.14202823
    Did any of the enemy escape? Otherwise I think it's time for some interrogation and getting some real information on our opponent and his forces.
    >> 風林火山 03/10/11(Thu)23:46 No.14202864

    Did we overrun the enemy unit's last battle? Were they totally destroyed?

    Time to get interrogating.

    Where are we pitched at? If we're close to any city, we need to see if we can purchase some stool for interrogation purposes since they're all elves.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/10/11(Thu)23:48 No.14202888
    My compliments and gratitude to the medicae for keeping our losses so low.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:50 No.14202919
    Not bad. How is Lena and Wulf? And did we take any prisoners of rank, or that air elementalist?

    She wanted some of our food before the battle, yes? Let's go get something to eat. Pick her up and carry her there, the more immediate feeling of embarrassment should clear away the lingering sorrow.

    Afterward I want to speak to Collin regarding the enemy's fighting abilities. Where they were trained, how expert they are, anything that could give us an edge.

    Then head to Laelith. Several topics there. First being the enemy elementalists and what she thinks of them. Second being Rufus and his necromancy, she'll jump all over the chance to study his abilities. Third, ask her how the battle went for her, glad she's safe, hugs and kisses, ect. Fourth, she's an elf so maybe she can give us some advice on fighting them. Or not. Racial profiling and all.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:53 No.14202939
    Let's hone our interrogation skills.
    ==We'll need a large tub of water and a bucket.==

    Let's find out where these fuckers camp is.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:54 No.14202949
    I suppose we can do the food thing but I think we should interrogate prisoners first. If we have solid information on what their forces are, what they have left, if they have more elementalists, it'll give Collin and Laelith more info to work with when we ask them our questions.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:55 No.14202969
    Torture is not at all reliable, plus it will make our two favorite goddesses dislike us. Now, considerations of the gods come second to our considerations, but in this situation I think regular interrogation is preferable.
    >> Seneschal 03/10/11(Thu)23:56 No.14202978
    I expect this will end up with the commander becoming a god
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:57 No.14202979
    I was thinking we would interrogate prisoners after gathering all the information we could from Collin and Laelith. Better to go into that "battle" armed, after all. Don't you think?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:57 No.14202984
    We still need to find out where these guys are camped and FAST before we lose the advantage of surprise.
    >> Maximus 03/10/11(Thu)23:59 No.14203008
    If people got away, we've lost the element of surprise already.

    You could argue either way. If we interrogate first, we can talk to Collin and Laelith about specifics and it'd save us the trouble from finding them again if we get information from the captives that we need to ask them about after.

    I'll go with your idea just to save time in regards to getting a consensus though. And indeed, I have to agree that torture isn't the best means of interrogation right away.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)23:59 No.14203010
    Pfft. For now we are just aiming for agelessness and marrying the goddess of beauty and love.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:02 No.14203030
    Talk with Collin and Laelith about these elves, how well trained they are and if they will break and what will be required.

    I doubt that they will break however; these are elite soldiers, and likely have Special Forces training to resist torture.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:02 No.14203032
    Don't we have a mystic now, to make interrogation simple and easy?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:03 No.14203040
    He was not stable or well trained enough to bring with us on this campaign.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)00:05 No.14203059
    After you finish reading the bill, and manage to shift it into one of your pockets you ask "Did we manage to run down the remaining enemy troops, or did some escape?"

    Sansa shrugs "Jayne says that some escaped, but not overly many."

    "Good" you reply, your mischievous grin not visible to Sansa "now we can get to eating." at that you lift her up, and cary her, laughing and kicking to the dining tent, where you get enough food for the both of you, move to a table, set her down in your lap, and begin feeding the both of you. By the end of the meal Sansa had finally stopped struggling against your grasp and simply let you feed her.


    You start the next morning early, making your way to your prisoner pens. The elves interred there simply glare at you, none of them speaking, and few of them moving. You select one at random, as they are all clearly line soldiers, and take him aside to interrogate him.

    >roll for interrogation, and tell me what you want to ask.
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)00:08 No.14203085
    rolled 85 = 85


    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:09 No.14203089
    rolled 50 = 50

    Who the commander is. (Simple, we know, test for truth.)
    What was their objective here? (Same, mostly)
    What do they know about magic. (Should be interesting.)
    Do they have a man camp, and if so where is it?
    If not, how do they operate?
    Enemy numbers and composition.
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)00:12 No.14203127

    Fuck me. Botch?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:13 No.14203136
    Nah. I don't expect to get anything from them anyway. They are likely trained to resist torture and are almost universally hundreds of years old and career soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:13 No.14203139
    Roll perfectly with wooing the ladies
    Roll horribly with every other social situation
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:16 No.14203173
    The BBEG is a woman?
    +1 harem count
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:20 No.14203201
    Why do we always personally do our interrogations? Don't we have minions for this sort of thing? Have a dozen of our men systematically interrogate prisoners until enough of them have cracked to distill some useful information.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:22 No.14203217
    We'd still have to roll for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:24 No.14203248
    The BBEG is a lesbian and already romantically involved?


    ....+2 harem count
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:25 No.14203251
    Obviously we failed. But could we keep up our "Evil but Reasonable" persona in front of the prisoners, and just say that their Special Forces training just keeps them quiet, rather than any kind of major mistake on our part?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)00:30 No.14203291
    You take a seat across from the elf you took from the prisoners, one of the blademasters, judging by his garb "Lets start simply, who is your commander?"

    The elf glares at you in silence for a while before spitting out "Daniel Mentero"

    You chuckle "Truly? The mage king is back from the dead, and leading your armies once again? I suppose I should be fair and let you know that Centurias Gestoran has risen again as well, and leads Degnar from the fore once again. Honestly this time, if you would."

    The elf barks out a laugh "Sir Klethis leads, before you the morrows son has gone to its rest he will have me free, and your entire force dead or captive."

    "I'm certain..." you deadpan "would you happen to know how he would accomplish such an impossible feat?"

    Arrogance and defiance are plastered on the elfs face "I would tell you, but as a human, you lack the mental capacity to comprehend the tactical mind of an elf. Are you quite finished? I was hoping to drill yet today."

    "You dont seem like the sort to share where exactly it is you will be rescued to, so would you mind telling me how many arcanists are with your force? Or is another racial snub at your captor in order? And, let me remind you that it is well withing my powers to ensure that you never drill, speak, or walk again; considering your condition."

    The elf pauses for a moment, before his mask falls back into place "Oh, havent you heard? My kingdoms capitol is built on a magical crater, you can scarce throw a stone in TruthsHaven without striking some awakening arcanist." he exagerates.

    You try to interrogate several more captives, though nothing new is learned from them. Eventually, you head back to your tent to rest before returning to work, defeated and disheartened.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:30 No.14203292
    Moving on from the interrogation, let's speak with Collin and Laelith about the enemy force; Collin for his take on their martial training, and Laelith for how well their elementalists were developed.

    Then we need to get a full report from Lena, Bellatrix, and the men from Aurelius' company.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:31 No.14203301
    Okay, interrogation fail. So, onward to these things:

    >I want to speak to Collin regarding the enemy's fighting abilities. Where they were trained, how expert they are, anything that could give us an edge.

    >Then head to Laelith. Several topics there. First being the enemy elementalists and what she thinks of them. Second being Rufus and his necromancy, she'll jump all over the chance to study his abilities. Third, ask her how the battle went for her, glad she's safe, hugs and kisses, ect. Fourth, she's an elf so maybe she can give us some advice on fighting them. Or not. Racial profiling and all.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:35 No.14203331
    Third, ask her how the battle went for her, glad she's safe, hugs and kisses, ect.

    Finally, something Justinian is good at!
    >> Laurentius 03/11/11(Fri)00:38 No.14203340
    this but put check on wulf and lena first
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:40 No.14203357
    Dispatch the scouts to see where the enemy formation is. After talking with everyone else we should see what the gryphon riders thought of their first "modern" battle.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:42 No.14203373
    Before we start talking with people, we should get everyone training so we don't waste time.
    Elementalists for anti-elementalist operations.
    Valk riders to train with the repeaters, so they'll have an advantage against the enemy valk riders.
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)00:44 No.14203386
         File1299822249.png-(214 KB, 1072x880, Current Map.png)
    214 KB
    I can support this.

    Reposting the map. With the current situation, it's likely the enemy will move north or west again from the forest if he's going to attack any cities since those are the closest major ones. With our valks, we should be able to spot them going in another direction and act accordingly if so. At this point, it might be best if we send Blackbird with those cloaks/scouts to see what they can find out about the enemy although I forsee losses if we try while we wait for them to make a move. At the same time, we should send some men to see if there is an open tunnel leading to the eastern ruins. Until we have more information, I think it would be unwise to try to assault them in the forest so that doesn't leave us with many options except wait.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:48 No.14203418
    I agree we need scouts sent to check the ruins.
    Before we send in Blackbird, we should test the arcana cloaks to make sure their limitations.
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)00:49 No.14203431

    Much of the north has already been ravaged. I expect West since if he moves east, he runs the risk of a outrider force from Northmont.

    We need to speak with our guide to detail some of our scouts to map the ruins. We might find something useful.
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)00:49 No.14203433
    And I think we best tell our scouts to be on the lookout for traps. No clue how long this opponent has been here but I imagine he's set up traps to help defend his position.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)00:52 No.14203453
    Sighing, you take a swig from your flask "Interrogations" you spit to Fluffy and Scaly, who both make irritated clicking noises at the word. satisfied that someone can feel your frustration, you head out into your camp again.

    You find Collin watching Wulf and Rufus squaring off, every few minutes he steps in to strike one of the pair back into a proper stance. Though he only ever has to do so for Wulf when he turns to Lena, presumably to keep her from trying to leave the cot she is lying in. "Commander! How can I help'ye?" the baldemaster greets you amiably after saluting.

    "I was hoping you could give me your thoughts on how well trained our foes are." you reply after returning the salute.

    Wulf heads over to Lena, Rufus simply lays back in the mud, eyes gazing off into nothingness. "The blades or their spears?" Collin replies, leaning on his training baton.
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)00:54 No.14203467
    Might as well get his opinion on both units.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)00:54 No.14203472
    "Both, if you can tell me."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)00:57 No.14203486
    Everything. I want to know everything you can tell me about them from fighting them. How good they are individually and as a group, where they most likely trained, how long they have been at it, if they are professional, levies, or on loan from another nation, how skilled they are with their weapons in general, if they have any special abilities to take note of... everything you can think of.
    >> Laurentius 03/11/11(Fri)00:59 No.14203496
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)01:09 No.14203564
    "Everything, friend, I need to know everything you were able to learn about them." You reply, as the two of you head over to a few seats taken from one of the abandoned taverns.

    "I suppose I'll start with'the blademasters, easier fer me ta tell. Trained like Guild elves, used tha sevntyseven strikes, not the seven stances. I wouldnt rule out that afew of'em knew the Stances tho." Collin stops to take a breath, and pull out his own flask "Tha spears were professional, though by elf standards they were'nae all that impressive. A few hundred years'a trainin', some wars mixed in'wit that. About as good with formations as a buncha' green legionaries, though their gear aint suited ta'it. Individually their good, but their still formation fighters." he finishes, sipping from his flask again and sliding it back into his boot.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)01:13 No.14203598
    "Any weaknesses? Would it be to our advantage to force the enemy to stay in formations, or break them apart?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:13 No.14203601
    That it? Well, better than nothing. Thank him and head to Laelith. Hopefully there will be more to talk about there.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:16 No.14203621

    sevntyseven strikes, what's that?
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)01:16 No.14203626

    If only there was a way to find an order of battle.

    This actually means the spearmen will fight terribly in the forest since their formation is broken up by the trees.

    The next time we fight, there should be a prime spiking/quaking target. Once we disrupt their formation, their numbers in combat will drop, fast.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)01:26 No.14203718
    "I cant say I'm familiar with the seventy seven strikes." you interject, curious.

    Collin sighs "The Guild Elves came up with'em. All the perfect ways ta use'a blade. Every few'hundred years some pointy adds'a strike, sometimes two. Tho, ta be honest with'ye most of'its just regular horizontal an vertical cuts they named, only seventeen worth notin'. the Stances are stronger if'ye ask me, dont hem'ye into set ways'a using yer blade, less predictable. An ina fight predictability's death. As to where they learnt tha shit? Eastern blade colleges along Guild Land borders'd be my guess. The spears coulda learnt their shite almost anywhere tho."

    "Thank you, friend." you reply, saluting as you rise to head off in search of Laelith. You find her after only a small amount of searching, idly flipping through the pages of one of the tomes she brought with her for research purposes, she does not seem to notice you.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)01:29 No.14203754
    Ask Laelith how she's doing, if she had any problems with the fighting last night.
    Ask her about how well-trained the enemy elementalists were, and any countering techniques that can be taught to our elementalist cadre, as well as how to work together as a team.
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)01:30 No.14203763
    rolled 48 = 48


    Rollin' for silent move.

    Sneak up behind her, hug and give her a kiss.

    "Hows the research progressing, love?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:32 No.14203787
    Sneak up behind her, grope her, bite her ear, then ask how it's going.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:32 No.14203791
    Gotta keep the ladies on their toes...

    We almost haven't done anything to really tease them since the whole sash incident.
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)01:33 No.14203792
    I'm also curious on what she's researching at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:33 No.14203796
    Silent movement romance plan is a GO!
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)01:44 No.14203894
    You stalk up behind Laelith, and quickly reach around from behind her and rest your hands on her ample bust. "How goes the research, love?" you breathe into her ear.

    Laelith cranes her head back to kiss you "Slow as usual, I still have yet to find any additional counters to necromancy... and I see your finally coming out of your shell."

    You return the kiss, smirking "I'm still not likely to be putting on a show for the maniple anytime soon. Is it safe to assume that last evenings battle wasn't too much of a toll on you then?"

    The elf twists around and pulls you closer to her "No worse than my previous battles."

    "Excellent, though, before we get too carried away, and I am forcfed to drag you somewhere more private, I have to ask you what you though of our foes elementalists." you reply, grinning.

    Laelith huffs, blowing a stray strand of hair from her immaculate face "True to their race, more natural talent than most possess, though they dont have much more trained skill than our elementalists. Though, someone has to have been teaching them..." she trails off, a worried look on her face.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)01:47 No.14203912
    >Though, someone has to have been teaching them...
    "That could be problematic, though I would question the judgement of a general that would send such a valuable instructor deep into enemy territory instead of training even more cadres of elementalists.
    "Can you help our elementalists to work as a group, to counter the actions of enemy elementalists?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:47 No.14203918
    Are you thinking some old aquaintances are behind this one?
    >> Laurentius 03/11/11(Fri)01:48 No.14203920
    "you wouldn't happen to know anyone skilled enough to teach them do you?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:48 No.14203924
    Heh, didn't train them well enough to get it in their head grouping up just makes them a juicy target for everyone else.
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)01:48 No.14203926
    ... Oh bloody hell. Don't tell me Khalless' other wife is behind this.

    I suppose we should also mention on training our men to counter their elementalists better.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:49 No.14203935
    Oh dear, looks like we just lost a few hours of daylight! No matter, they will be well spent.

    "Do you think, guesswork I know, that that was their main force of elementalists or they will have many more? And who could train elementalists in Uurlanth? As for your research... I think I have an interesting subject for you to study. The noble boy is a necromancer, he manifested yesterday."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:54 No.14203977
    by the way, did we recover any arcana from the bodies of the elementalists?
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)01:54 No.14203985
    >I think I have an interesting subject for you to study. The noble boy is a necromancer, he manifested yesterday.
    Ah, right. We needed to let her know about Rufus. Tell her that, too.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)01:55 No.14203993

    Sneak up on a fire elementalist
    What could possibly go wrong
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)01:56 No.14204007
    You grimace "Old acquaintances, perhaps?"

    Laelith shakes her head "No, she hated Uurlanth. they have their own skilled elementalist at the very least however. And, I heard what happened with Rufus... what do you plan to do?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)01:58 No.14204022
    That's not a Trentz!

    Sneak up and grope fire waifu.
    Take day off for "personal time".
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)01:59 No.14204039
    "We should begin to give him basic training so he can control his emotions better and hopefully prevent his abilities from manifesting again. Beyond that, it'll have to wait until we return to the capital and find alternative means of using a necromancers talent to teach him more. It seems he has a talent for manipulating emotions so that would be worth looking into. I doubt the gods would be pleased if we started training him to manipulate the dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:00 No.14204045
    "I plan to train him just enough so that he knows how to keep what power he has in check. Anything after that will have to be a descision with a lot of thought behind it. I think he's as uneasy about the idea of using the dead to fight as I am. Also, I told him about the cult. He needed to be prepared in case they approached him."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:00 No.14204049
    "There's not a lot of options. Leaving him entirely untrained would be criminally negligent, which is a project for you- and Lena, if you think she would be of any help. I'll talk to a certain divine lady about what can be done with his gifts aside from... the usual."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:02 No.14204068
    "I think that he might be of use aiding in breaking enemy morale, and reducing our losses. Perhaps even destroying undead. Would you like to become the first scholar to begin publicly documenting this field in the new age? Laelith Desteerioth Trentz, foremost loremistress of Degnar."
    >> Maximus 03/11/11(Fri)02:02 No.14204070
    You know even if the cult does approach him, I don't think they're going to give him a choice. It'll likely be either join them willingly, kill him if he refuses or kidnap him and try to persuade him to join them however they can.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:02 No.14204073
    "At the very least, the boy needs to be taught enough so that he's not a danger to himself, or others. After that... It's really up him and his father. We will guide him as best as we can, but it's not as if there is Imperial law to regulate such matters."
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:04 No.14204098
    Seconding. First and foremost, Rufus needs to learn to keep his power from manifesting.
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)02:05 No.14204099

    It opens up some possibilities.

    I wonder if they'll spirit him away immediately. If it comes to this, we could plant him inside the organisation and use the info he obtains to destroy it.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:06 No.14204120
    I actually kind of doubt that he would be able to stand up to the kind of torture that the cult would inflict upon him, or their brainwashing techniques.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:09 No.14204150
    Meh, won't be an issue if we never let them get their hands on him. More immediately we should teach him the basics of control for obvious reasons. More immediately than that, we need to have him study tactics. Even more immediately than that, looks like some private time with our beautiful elf.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:10 No.14204159
    Left on the field at end of battle:
    70 elven spearmen (40 engaged, 30 fleeing)
    5 elven blademasters (5 engaged)
    154 elven archers (154 fleeing)

    50 elven spearmen
    5 elven blademasters
    60 elven bowmen

    I estimate that the spearmen were wiped out completely. The blademasters are definitely finished. About 90 elven archers escaped, and will probably get folded into one (under-strength) unit.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)02:12 No.14204182
    You slide out of the hug to sit next to Laelith, though she doesn't take her hands from you "We will need to train him enough to control his latent powers, but past that, its up to him, and I can only guide him."

    Laelith shakes her head "Like you guided Janos?"

    You chuckle, sliding your arm around the elfs waist "That turned out well enough for him" you defend yourself. "Would you be willing to help him with that matter, perhaps do some proper research on the lesser schools of Necromancy while your at it?"

    Laelith pecks you on the cheek "It might be interesting, more useful than studying more tomes that only pertain to the raising and commanding of the dead as well, I would hope."

    "I'm glad to hear that." you reply, pulling Laelith up as you begin to make for your tent "But, before we get too carried away, I have one more matter I need to discuss with you." Laelith continues giving you her attention "How easy would it be to train our elementalists to counter those of our foe?"

    The elf thinks for a moment "With a few days training, a week for the less apt elementalists on our active roster, they should be able to feel the work of other elementalists. After that its down to force of will, and skill." she chuckles at her rhyme as you pass through your tentflap.

    >so, what do you want to take care of now?
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)02:14 No.14204191

    Train elementalism if we can.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:15 No.14204203
    Talk with the gryphon riders to see what they thought of their first modern battle, then tactics time with Rufus.

    Also: Laelith is onto our dark and ambitious side! Well, whatever, she's clearly the most okay with it anyway.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:19 No.14204229
    These two, and test the cloak arcana, then have scouts with the guide sent out to check the ruins and if the cloaks are good, Blackbird to recon the forest.

    Check in with Wulf, see how he's doing from countering the enemy elementalist.

    Finally, get a full report of what happened in the last battle from Lena, Bellatrix, and the Deadeyes.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:19 No.14204232
    What has been mentioned:

    Send out Blackbird's men and the valks to scout, if they are not out there already. Have Blackbird test out the cloak arcana.

    Train elementalism.

    Go over the previous battle with Rufus and Wulf. (Wulf is our student as well, and Rufus will do better if he has competition.)
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:22 No.14204250
    Justinian is groping my breasts
    I see you are coming out of your shell
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:25 No.14204281
    I like the idea of having Wulf and Rufus both training, but at this point Wulf is quite far ahead. Plus we want to instill that -we- are the one doing the training and that we are the figure to be respected. For the future.

    Though I suppose we can do that having both of them here, as we are the final authority to both of them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)02:26 No.14204283
    A few hours later you make your way from your tent not exactly clean, but you dont smell either. The house Morlan Griffon riders are sitting around a small table dicing when you finally find them. "Gentleman, how did the last battle seem to you?" you ask, sitting at the table, but not taking any dice for yourself.

    "Interesting enough, more hectic than the what we are used to seeing. Would it be safe to assume that future battles will be more so?"
    >> 風林火山 03/11/11(Fri)02:30 No.14204310

    "Unfortunately yes. This was but a small detachment we faced. Their main force will likely include greater numbers of spellcasters and their airborne wing will also come into play."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:31 No.14204321
    Likely. Things go much more smoothly against Uurlanthi regulars, but this force is something of a mirror to my own. It is very likely that there will be a great deal of back and forth, as well as shifting tactics and surprises on both sides. But as you saw, the twofold shock -- first the initial assault then the crossbow bolts from concealment -- kept our losses to a minimum despite the skill of the foe. A less elite and modern force would have been butchered almost instantly, that I can attest to from experience. As it is, the magical losses they sustained should have been extremely painful, along with the 700 or so troops.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:32 No.14204326
    "Yes, I believe future battles will be more fluid than before. Also, bear in mind that commanders may be able to change the conditions of the battlefield, depending on the skill level of the elementalists they have available.
    "I believe that elementalists will be used in one of three roles: modifying the conditions of the battlefield to the greatest advantage of one side, direct action against the enemy, and the countering of same."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:33 No.14204343
    Sex in the medical tent? Oh my!
    Just as planned. Begin Phase 2.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:38 No.14204369
    Regarding scouting:

    I think Blackbird is pretty damn comfortable in forests, more than our scout dwarves. Have him take the hired guide, and some of his best men, to scout the forest. He is to try to find their main camp, and get us a count of enemy forces.

    Finian's scouts will set up a perimeter along the western half of the forest. The valks set up a perimeter along the eastern half. If anything that walks on two legs come out of the forest, we want to hear about it.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:43 No.14204394
    Are we still having the valk riders practice with the repeaters?

    I think they should as extra advantage.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)02:48 No.14204419
    Yeah, have them train with repeaters too. I'm assuming that the valks do not need to send out their full complement to scout, being high flyers and all.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:51 No.14204436
    The enemy also has valk flyers of their own.
    These skies are not safe.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)02:52 No.14204442
    You sigh "As that was a small force, yes, unfortunately. Had that been a less elite, modern force the combined shock of my unexpected strike, and the scouts I had hidden in the flank would have ended the fight rather quickly."

    The captain chuckles, rolling his dice again "So, instead of being sent to observe a new guard force prove its worth, we will see what you predict warfare will be in the future?"

    You nod "Battlefield preparation, more troops held in reserve or in waiting... but most importantly those with arcane talent."

    The captain pulls in another pile of coin "How do you figure those folk will be used then? That light show was damned impressive I must say. And such a cute little thing too."

    You shake your head chuckling "And her man could fry you where you stand if you made a move. As to arcanists, they will either be used to modify to conditions on the field to one sides favor, direct action against enemy troops, or as a counter to your foes arcanists."

    "I hope to see more of this in action. And I'm certain Dominu Morlan will be eager to hear of it." at that, the captain stands up from the table, collects his coin, and heads off towards the mess tent.


    Rufus enters the command tent again, almost timidly. You have marked up maps of the last battle prepared for your lecture. "Commander." the boy greets you, you can tell that he has made a decision, or something close to one, though he looks afraid to give it.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/11/11(Fri)02:55 No.14204452
    "You look like you've come to a decision. What is it, then?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)02:55 No.14204456
    Before we begin, what is it that you have decided? Know that I won't be putting you on the front line no matter what... but if you can aid in lowering enemy morale or combating the undead I would see about aiding your training as much as possible.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)03:09 No.14204536
    You tilt your head slightly, openly observing the young mans thoughtful state "Before we begin, it would seem that you have reached some sort of decision, would you be so good as to share it with me?"

    Rufus sighs "I think that your right, and I need to learn to control my powers but... could you help me better discern the different gods?"

    You return your head to a regular angle "What is it you want from them?" you ask bluntly.

    "Well, I tried to have some sort of communication with them, but it was all so vague. I know there are ten, but I dont even know if I could... feel that many. and if there _is_ an afterlife, I need to know if these, powers, will deny me one." the young man replies, taking a seat opposite you at the table you had prepared.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:13 No.14204558
    Well... if we're aiming to become the 7th I think we might as well start small. Give him "The talk" about how gods are powerful but they are still just beings like you and I. Let him think on that for a day, then tomorrow we help him commune with the gods when he is ready.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:17 No.14204577
    "Neshai, also known as the hag, would be the one to speak to about an afterlife denied. She and Eago were the first two to awaken. Where Eago is the road we all walk, Neshai is the end of that road. To her, a necromancer is a thief that steals souls from her hoard."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:17 No.14204578
    Actually, maybe we should do it now after all. When I said tomorrow, I said that because we already have a lot on our plate today (tactics for several hours, then elementalism, then waifu, then sleep) and it takes hours to meditate god-style. But I guess we could do the elemental training tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:18 No.14204581
    I would prefer to have him be either a follower of Rahnya or Nyetini. Though clearly his abilities will merit a call upon Neshai.
    >> GoldPanda 03/11/11(Fri)03:21 No.14204592
    Remind Rufus that, divine punishments notwithstanding, we will have to talk to his father about this as well, when we return to DragonsReach.

    Yeah, we should approach this very carefully. Definitely be there when he attempts to contact the gods. I think the Governor is going to plenty mad at us as it is.
    >> Laurentius 03/11/11(Fri)03:31 No.14204655
    yeah, see that being kind of awkward: "'hello governor! guess what happens when your son gets around dead bodies!"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/11/11(Fri)03:33 No.14204677
    You think for a moment before replying "As powerful as they may be, the gods are still faliable beings. Afterlife and the quality of it notwithstanding, we cannot allow ourselves to be dominated by them again, if history has taught us anything. So, what is _your_ choice, Rufus. And yes, I will help you commune with Neshai, the Hag, on the matter of your powers and how they will effect your afterlife, if you still wish."

    Rufus drags his hand back through his hair to the crown of his head, then back down over his face, fear and determination set in his eyes. The young man draws in a deep breath, "I want to learn." he tells you.

    You nod, quietly "I cannot defend your decisions for you with your father." you remind him.

    Rufus pauses again, more confidence seeping into his features now "I am a man grown, and I will not be left behind. I would be out of the villas main house soon enough as it is. Now, this, communing with the gods..."

    You shake your head "After your lesson boy." Rufus shrugs and leans forward, eager to hear your take on the battle.

    >damn I'm tired, gonna leave off here tonight
    >I'll be back sunday at 9pm server time
    >someone archive please
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions feel free to email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:33 No.14204678
    Maybe he could use this in a positive way? What if there's a subset of necromancy dealing with ghosts? Perhaps he could use it to send troubled spirits to the afterlife!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:39 No.14204714
    Step 1> Train Rufus
    Step 2> Rufus is a Ghostbuster
    Step 3> ????
    Step 4> Profit
    >> Anonymous 03/11/11(Fri)03:40 No.14204721
    Archived, don't forget to vote!

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